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A17084 The gratulation of the mooste famous clerke M. Martin Bucer a man of no lesse learninge and lyterature, then godlye studie and example of lyuing, vnto the churche of Englande for the restitucion of Christes religion. And hys answere vnto the two raylinge epistles of Steue[n], Bisshoppe of Winchester, concerninge the vnmaried state of preestes and cloysterars, wherein is euidently declared, that it is against the lawes of God, and of his churche to require of all suche as be and must be admitted to preesthood, to refrain from holye matrimonie. Translated out of Latin in to Englishe.; Gratulatio ad Ecclesiam Anglicanam. English Bucer, Martin, 1491-1551.; Hoby, Thomas, Sir, 1530-1566. 1549 (1549) STC 3963; ESTC S106007 62,277 167

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The Gratulation of the mooste famous Clerke M. Martin Bucer a man of no lesse learninge and lyterature then Godlye studie and example of lyuing vnto the churche of Englande for the restitucion of Christes religion And Hys answere vnto the two raylinge epistles of Steuē Bisshoppe of Winchester concerninge the vnmaried state of preestes and cloysterars wherin is euidently declared that it is against the lawes of God and of his churche to require of all suche as be and must be admitted to preesthood to refrain from holye matrimonie Translated out of Latin in to Englishe Hebru xiij Wedlocke is to be had in price amonge al men is a chamber vndefyled As for hoore keapers adulterers God wyll iudge them To his right worshypfull Brother Syr Philyppe Hobye knight M. of y e Kinges maiesties ordinaunce Thomas Hobye wishethe grace and peace throught our lorde Iesus Christe EMonge the sundrye and manifolde benifittes whiche from my tender childhod I haue foūde in yow and receaued at your handes most especiall good brother thys is not the leaste that ye haue now af late dayes of the good zeale ye beare to Gods worde which at all tymes hath byn moste feruent in you caused me to be sent not only in to such a regiō where as florissheth Gods worde all good letters bothe holye and prophane all honestie puritie of lyfe men in all artes and sciences moste cunning and experte But also to such a man who is of no lesse wisdom knouledge godlines then of fame reporte renoune by all godly mens iudgementes one of the perfectest and greatest Clerkes nowe lyuinge namelye M. Martyne Bu●●● in whose daylye conuersation and companye and by whose wisdome learninge and documētes I shoulde receaue and learne that shoulde belonge not onlie to myne owne fu●●herance profyt but also to the consolation and comfort of you all my frendes whō hytherto I haue founde moste beneficyall towardes me Sythe therfore it hath thus chaunced by your most godly procurement prouision that I should for a season here remaine with this profounde and famous Clerke ye myght not vnworthelye in dede with iuste cause impute vnto me either the vyce of igname or els obliuion and forgetfulnes of your moste large and ample benefittes if I should let slippe suche a mete apt and necessarye epistle of his and especiallie beinge writtē and indited to the whole churche or congregation of Englande bothe learned vnlearned in the which he expresseth not only the assured and vnfained loue that he beareth at all tymes hathe borne towardes this realme and rulars and ministers of the same but also very euidentlye declareth and with moste manifeste testimonies of scripture setteth furthe at large suche thinges as maye be to the profitt and furtherance of many and wherin he hath confuted not al for it were in maner an infinite worke to stande aboute all but as many sophisticall wranglinge schoolishe reasons as are of any probabilitie or likehoode whiche my lorde of Uvynchester farre vnsemely for a sober Bisshoppe hath expressed set forthe in his two moste cōtumelious railing epistles agaīst him winkīg at ouerhippīg his wel most innumerable opprobrious wordes checkes tauntes rebukes quarellinges scoffinges reuilīges scoldinges railinges wherwith they are filled as full as they may be heaped to gether In the which are so fewe argumētes or reasons of any probabilitie that had not the vrgēt and instant requeste of his frendes certain of oure coūtray men bien he wold neuer once haue put penn to the paper nor yet haue made anye a do about them but wolde haue left them to the iudgemēt arbitrimēt of the reader notwithstanding now of late dayes it chaunced that he gate a litle vacant tyme to do the same seing he promised it to certaine from his manifolde impedimentes necessarie ecclesiastical busines wher with we knowe such men are no smale dele let to reconcile him selfe which the Bisshoppe scornfullye after his olde wōte casteth in his tethe to his brother before he ●●ay his offringe vpon the altare The whiche thoughe it be brefe and cōpencious not set forth to the largeste yet is it verye dilucidious pithie full of argumentes concluded not onlye vpon y e holy gostes vnfained decrees apoītmentes and ordinaunces but also the olde and holye doctores of the church and for the brefnes of tyme sufficient inough The which when he had finisshed I furthe with toke in hande acording to my childishe talent to translate into our vulgare and cōmune speache and haue sent it vnto yow to then●ent some well disposed and better learned which purchaunce wyll not bestowe so moch tym as the translation therof requireth maye yet at the least wyse peruse it acording as he thinketh beste so that at lengthe it may be worthy to come abroade for the profit and instruction of the ignoraunt whiche haue not receaued the knowledge of the Latin tonge because it is written to them as wel as to the other Wherin I will desyre yow to accept my good wyll as thought it colde extende farther and do moch better which yf ye do it shalbe a great incourage and vrgent cause vnto me to employ and bestowe the reste of my studie dilygence and laboure herafter in other affayres which I truste shalbe no lesse acceptable vnto yowe then great furtherance to myne onne profyt vtilitie The spirite of treuthe be with yow who guide yow in all your pathes acording to his will and lead yow into all go●tlye knowlege Amen At Argentyne Kalendis Februarij To the holye churche of God the churche of England ministers of the same oure lorde Iesus Christe geue increace of this grace and spirite WE geue thankes and that not without cause to God and the father our lord Iesus Christe throughe this his sonne and our sauiour moste worthye louinge brethren for that maruelous cōsolation which of his infinite bountie he bringeth at this present time vnto vs because that emonge you he repaireth renueth y e foundatio●s of his kingdome so excellentlye so perfecctly so luckylye For it chaūced now of late dayes that youre sermons or Homelies came vnto oure hādes wher with ye godlye effectiouslye exhorte youre people to the reading of holye scripture and therin expounde to thesame the faithe wherby we holde our christianitie iustificatiō wherevpon al oure healthe consisteth and other most holye principles of our religion with a most godly zeale For these foundations truely layde what may then longe after wante in youre churches to the ful perfection of Christ hys doctryne and discipline ▪ For when suche as wil be of Christe shal reade the holye scriptures as you most godly instruct and suade prefarre them so much before all the decrees of mans wisdome as God is greater hygher then man Oure especial and moste boūteful heauēly mayster Iesus Christe wil so largely powre hys
vnmaryed after theyr leful age to mary yf it were not for the cause to learne Gods lawe to be gilty of the cryme of bloud sheddinge and of the diminisshyng of the glorye and honour of God emong the people of Israel and therfor vnworthy to be suffered emōg Gods people They made so moche of the offyce of begettynge children emonge the people of Israel The wise men emong the Grecyans agreynge with thes were in opinyon that they which were vnmaryed vnto fyue and thyrthye yeres shold not only be punisshed by the purse but also put to shame that expressidly to thentent no man shold do them y t honoure which is accustomed to be done of y e yonger vnto the elders By thes cawses therfor it is verye lyke that there arose contentions emonge the Corinthians about this matter as they were besydes full of cōtention And for that cawse the wholl churche though mete to demaunde by epistle of the Apostle whether chastitie what chasttite shold be comelye for Christian relygion In dede the Apostle in this place maketh farr greater a do and tarieth lenger in praysing chastitie then matrimony for what shold y e prayse therof nede emōge them whiche were now so feruent in y e studie of chastitie But for somoch as y e Apostle in thes his answeres passed not matrimonye without commendation it semeth he did it rather for this cawse leaste the cōmendation of chastitie which yet came to passe sholde be taken in a backewarde sense of their posteritie then y t the Corinthians had nede at that tyme to be taught y t matrimonie is lefull and holye which were so hardlye persuaded that fornication is vnlefull and against the holynes profession of Christians Make yow iudgement both of the coniecture also of the reasons of y e coniectures of them both yet for all ye see how moche oure coniectures are more probable then Uvinchesters we sticke not vnto them in this cause but vnto thos clere and manifestlye pronunced oracles of God which I haue here to fore recited and wherupon I haue concluded oure demonstrations Thos yf Uvinchester can let him disconfecte bring forth the perfect foundations of his opinion not such not trifling sophistrie and querelinge scholishe reasons But he in both his epistles against me braggethe hī self moste in thos places wherin cōsisteth not the state of the state of the controuersyes betwext vs lettinge stippe like a valiaunt mā thos argumentes wherupō oure doctrine speciallye consysteth and the contrarye therof cleane ouerthrowen How he hath also done in the interpretation of that place in the first epistle to y e Corinthiās the xiiij chap. which we obiected against Latomus other oure aduersaries which go about to addict the faithe of Gods people to the Pope of Rome and his obnoxious coūsailes let other geue iudgement for bicause this saing of the Apostle may be vnderstande by y e other prophetes only though it be no necessitie oure interpretation agre moch more both to Paules wordes to the sentēce also which S. Ambrose in lyke maner taught that by this place it is graunted to all in y e churche to examine suche thinges as were harde of the prophetes to reason therin as S. Ambrose turned this worde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Yet doth Uvīchester so scolde and raile against vs bicause we are wont to vnderstande y t of all that here in y e churche as though he had founde y t we wold ouerthrowe some principalle article of oure faithe In y e meane season he maketh not word of the state it selfe of oure controuersy And though we graunt the authoritye of this place to oure aduersaries yet with how many euident and vndoubted testimonies of scrypture haue weshewed that whyche we contende together in this controuersye to say that it behoueth euerie Christian mā to knowe to iudg him self by y e spirite of God what so euer be offerid him in y e steade of Gods worde or precept of whom so euer it be offerid so that euerye man shold be truelye instructed of God vnfainidly beleue not man but God and recken it cursed if an Angell come from heauē and teache y t cōtrary And in euerie point after the same fassion he inuaded vs also about the sacrament of thankes geuing the worshippinge of the same But of thes and other quarellinges of this man I shall in mete place commune at the full and will shewe what open iniurie he doth me in casting in my teethe both y e strife he had with such as are of oure opiniō about this matter also the recantatiō and retractation of the doctrine they at the fyrst defended Though I haue declared vnto the godlie the wholle drift as it is all to gether cōcerning thes maters in my e●arrations retractatiōs vpon the Euangelystes Now sithe I haue gone somthinge farther then the maner of a preface requireth I will ende to confute this mans quarellinges and sophistries will cōmit and leaue all thes thinges to youre and all godlye mens iudgemens And I desyre God the father of oure lord Iesus Christe that he wil vowchsafe to iud●e with his spirite and to illumine with the lyght of his gosspell this mans and all other mens mindes whiche are not so moch aduersaries to vs as to the kingdom of his son that they maye in tyme turninge from the hope they put in thē selues imbrace his son before his anger waxinge hott against them they perish owt of the waye The same sauiour oure good shepherde kepe and preserue cumulate with all his heauenly benediction your most redoubted famous kinge both in godlynes and mightie prowes The most noble victorius Protectour of all his realmes The most godlye and prudēt Archebisshop of Canterburye primate of the churches of Engeland And all the kinges moste honourable counsaill And the ministers of both y e administrations Ecclesyastical and politicall with all the people of Christe wherbye whē youre churches are ous cleane reedified ther may afterwarde some of them be sent to repaire y e churches in manie other natiōs as in times paste when in manie places of fraunce and Germanie Christes religion stode well moste in decaye with y e knowlege of holie scripture of good artes your churches gaue the right reuerende father Beda Alcuinus Claudius Iohan Scotus mē of notable religiō doctrin and befor their tyme Bonifacius manie other verie studious as thos times by the secrete dispensation of God permitted repairers of christes churches That this moste large benefit of God shall through yow passe through manie regions of Europa y e feruent loue and vnfeaseable studie of youre Kynge in this age puissance of royaltie which he beareth towarde Christes pure religion good letters bringeth vnto vs no smale hoope then that singuler and durable beneuolence of God towardes youre realme wherbye he hath vowched safe to geue yow eft