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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14184 A demonstration of the trueth of that discipline which Christe hath prescribed in his worde for the gouernment of his Church, in all times and places, vntill the ende of the worlde Wherein are gathered into a plaine forme of reasoning, the proofes thereof; out of the scriptures, the euidence of it by the light of reason rightly ruled, and the testimonies that haue beene giuen therevnto, by the course of the churche certaine hundredths of yeares after the Apostles time; and the generall consent of the Churches rightly reformed in these latter times: according as they are alleaged and maintained, in those seuerall bookes that haue bin written concerning the same. Udall, John, 1560?-1592. 1588 (1588) STC 24499; ESTC S103026 63,031 134

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and ordering of euery particular Churche or generall Synode Therefore is our assertion true 10 That gouernement which the Apostles taught and planted is expressed in the word of God But the Apostles taught and planted pastours and teachers for instruction elders for ouersight and deacons to distribute and that vniformely in euery Churche as appeareth by their writinges and practises Therefore a certaine forme of gouernement is expressed in the worde 11 Euery lawfull office action in the building of the Churche is from heauen Matth. 21. 25. 26. Euery thing that is in the ordinarie building from heuen is reueled in the word Therfore euerye lawfull office and action is reuealed in the worde 12 If God continued in regarde of the substance the Church administration as wel as the things to be administred then is the forme of Discipline described in the word But the former is true as appeareth by the particulars for priests pastours for teaching Leuites or doctors of the law Teachers for rulers of the Synagogue Elders for Leuiticall lookers to the treasurie Deacons for the Saned●rim the Eldershipp therefore the forme of gouernment is prescribed in the word 13 Euery wise king that is careful for his subiects setteth downe Lawes for the gouernment of the same and will haue them tyed to no other But Christ is such a king vnto his church Therefore hath he prescribed Lawes vnto his Church which none therein can alter or disobey and consequently the certaine forme of gouernment of the Church is described in the worde 14 That which the ministers must teach the people to obserue is set downe in the worde of god for they may teach nothing but that which is there Matth. 28. 20 But they are to teache them to obserue and be obedient vnto the particular forme of the Churche gouernement Therfore the particular forme is set downe in the word 15 Euery gouernment consisteth in the gouernours matter wherabout they are to be imployed and maner of doing it But in the word are described all these particulars as it is shewed in the 9. reason Therfore the word prescribeth a prescript forme of gouernment 16 The Christian religion shall finde that out of this Scripture rules of all doctrine haue sprong and that from hence doeth spring and hyther doth returne whatsoeuer the Ecclesiasticall Discipline doth containe 17 We may not giue our selues the libertie to bring in anye thing that other men bring of their will we haue the Apostles for authours whiche themselues brought nothing of their owne will but the Discipline which they receiued of Christe they deliuered saythfully to the people 18 It is adulterous it is sacriledgious whatsoeuer is ordayned by humane furie that the diuine disposition should be violated Therefore if Timothie was written vnto that he might be directed by the worde in disposing of the Churches if the Lawes of God onely being the housholder must be followed in the Churche his House if the word of God teache vs in euerye good way whereof the gouernement of the Church is one if God must be glorified in the ruling of his Church which cannot be but by obedience to his word if nothing be lawfull but that which i● of fayth warranted by the word if God haue shewed himselfe as carefull for his Church vnder the Gospell as vnder the law if Christ was as faythfull to giue direction as Moses if in the worde be described sufficient ministers ministeries to buylde vp the Churche if that gouernement which the Apostles taught and practized be in the worde if euery lawfull office and action in an ordinarie building be from heauen and reuealed thence by the worde if God continued the same forme in respect of the substance in the time of the Gospel that was vnder the law if euery wise carefull king doe set downe lawes for the direction of his subiectes if the Apostles haue taught vs to obey that which Christ commanded if both the gouernours matter of gouernment maner of doing it be set downe in the worde if all that pertayneth to Ecclesiasticall Discipline spring from the scriptures if wee may bring nothing into the Discipline of the Church but that which the Apostles haue deliuered vs lastly if that be adulterous sacriligious that is not according to the worde th●n it must needes followe that God doth describe perfectly vnto vs out of his worde that forme of gouernment which is lawfull and the officers that are to execute the same from the which it is not lawful for any Christian Church to swarue And contrariwise that is a most vntrue assertion to saye that the officers and offices are not particularly expressed but left to the discretion of the Church The reasons that they alleadge against this are in effect none their obiections to these reasons not worthy to be mentioned CHAP. 2. EVery officer in the Church must be placed in some calling warraunted by the worde of God and some congregation must haue neede of such a one before he be called to any function Wherein are these propositions 1 No calling is lawfull in the Churche but that whiche is directly warraunted out of the word vnto him that executeth it The BB. and their adherentes thinke otherwise as their practize in ordeyning Archbysh L. Byshops Deanes Archdeacons Chauncellors officialls c. doth plainly declare 2 The name and office of an Archb. is contrary to the word of God 3 No man may be ordeined vnto any office in the Church vntill there be such a place void as he is fit for T. C. 1. booke page 61. They thinke otherwise as their making of so many ministers at once proueth and as is holden VVhitgist page 222. 1 The first is prooued thus If Iohn was constrayned to prooue his ministerie out of the Scriptures when the Priests accused him then is no calling lawfull that hath not his warrant in the word for if any be priuiledged the extraordinarye ministers whereof he was one are specially excepted But he prooued his ministery by the word as appeareth by his aunswere vnto them in the 23. verse Therfore no calling is lawfull in the Church that hath not his warrant in the word 2 The callings vnder the Gospell must haue as good warrant as they had vnder the law because the light of the Gospell is at the least as cleare as that of the law But there was neuer any lawfull calling vnder the lawe excepting those that were by miraculous manner confirmed from heauen whiche had not his directe warrant out of the worde Therefore no calling is lawfull in the Churche whiche is not directly warranted in the word 3 If Corath Dathan and Abiram though they were Leuites were punished for that they had no warrant for that which they presumed to take in hande then is euerye lawfull calling both in generall warranted out of the worde particularly layde vppon the parties from the Lorde But the
the Church can not without great offence suffer him that hath committed an open sinne though he repent or that is vehemently suspected of a notorious sinne continue in the execution of his office vntil the congregation be satisfied Lastly if the priest that was vncleane or suspected of leprosie might not offer sacrifices then is it plaine that both the separation of some men from the Lords supper and other from the execution of their publik function for a time is a thing warranted by the word of God The latter part which is that this kind of suspention hath a profitable vse in the church of God is thus prooued 1 That whiche keepeth the godly in more carefull obedience and keepeth in the hypocrites that they breake not out is very profitable for the Church of God But such is the vse of the separation from the Lordes supper and from executing publike function in the church Therefore it is profitable in the church of God 2 That which remooueth euen the appearance of offence from the Churche of God is very profitable for the same But such is the separation Therefore it is profitable for the Church of God 3 That which declareth vnto the world that the Church of God is carefull to practize that which it professeth is very profitable But such is this separation for it sheweth that they cannot away with vngodly life no not among thēselues Therefore it is profitable for the church of God 4 That which giueth occasion to the church to be exercised in the actions of religion with more sound comfort is profitable for the same ●ut such is this separation for euery one shall see thereby the vnworthy for whose sakes God might be angrie with them all Iosh. 7. 11. weeded from among them Therefore it is profitable for the Church of God 5 That whiche is a speciall meanes to procure the Lord in mercie to continue his word vnto his Church is profitable for the same such is this seperation for it is a notable meanes to keepe men in obedience to that which they professe Therfore it is profitable for the churh of God Therefore if separation of the knowne or suspected sinner from the Lords supper such a church officer from the execution of his publike function doe keepe men in obedience that be godly and restrayneth hypocrites from outrage if it remooue the very appearance of euil if it let the world see that the Churche laboureth to practize that which it doth professe if it make euerye member of the Churche to be exercized in the actions of religion with greater comfort lastly if it be a special mean to procure the Lord in mercie to continue his word then must it needs follow that it is of very profitable vse vnto the Church of God CHAP. 19. WHen neyther admonition nor suspention will serue to reclaym the offender but that it doth appeare that he abydeth in impenitencie and is incorrigible the Eldership after mature deliberation and commending of the party vnto the prayers of the Churche hee yet remaining obstinate is to proceed to excommunication which containeth these propositions in question betwixt vs and the BB. 1 It may not be done but vpon great and vvayghtie occasion 2 It may not be done by any one man but by the Eldership the vvhole Church consenting therevnto The former is holden by vs T. C. 1. book pag 183. Discipl Eccles. 130. and denied by them in their practize that send it out many times for not paying of sixe pence But our assertion is thus prooued and their godlesse practize disprooued 1 That which Christ hath ordayned for the last remedie against sinne and onely to be vsed when neyther admonition reprehension nor separation from the externall communion of the saynts for a time will serue that same is not to be vsed but vpon great extremitie But such is excommunication as appeareth Math. 18. 15. Therefore it may not be vsed but vppon most wayghtie occasion that is in the case onely of extremitie when no other meanes will serue the turne 2 That whiche cutteth a man of from the Church of God and giueth him ouer vnto Satan as one in a desperate case that same may not be vsed but in greatest extremitie But such is excommunication being vsed according as God hath left it vnto his Churche 1. Cor. 5. 5. Therefore it may not bee vsed but in greatest extremitie 3 That which a man will doe in the cutting off of his hand or his foote that same must the Church doe in excommunication for it is the cutting off of a member But a man will trie all other wayes and will neuer cut of his hande or his foote vntill he see it incurable and ready to infect the other parts of his bodie Therefore excommunication may not be vsed but in case of greatest extremitie 4 That which is contrary to naturall affection and worketh that whiche a louing heart doth tremble to thinke of that same may not be done but in greatest extremitie But such is the excommunication for it depriueth the party excommunicated of our loue and throweth him into the most wretched case that can befall vnto man in this life Therefore it may not be done but in cases of greatest extremity Therefore if excommunication be ordained of Christe as a remedie onely when all other helpes will not serue if it cut the partie from Gods Churche and giue him ouer vnto Satan if it must be proceeded vnto as a man doth to the cutting off of his hand or foote lastly if it be a worke contrary vnto the naturall affection of man effecteth that which a louing hart doth tremble to think vpon then must it needs follow that it is to be proceeded vnto only in the cases of greatest extremitie after that all other meanes haue bene vsed and do appeare not to preuaile The latter poynt which is that excommunication may not be done by one man but by the Eldership the whole Church consenting therevnto is holden by vs T. C. booke 1. page 183. Discipl Ecclesiast 130. c. and denyed by them VVhitgift page 662. and their continuall practise But our assertion is thus proued and their opinion and practize founde to be ●rroneous and vngodly 1 That which Christ commanded to be done by the Church may not be done by one man vnles you take my L. Grace for the Churche as VVhitgifte doth page 662. which needeth no confutation But Christe commanded that excommunication should be done by the church Matth. 18. 15. Therefore it may not be done by one man 2 That which Paule enioyned the Churche when they were met together to doe may not be done by one man But he commanded them to excommunicate the incestuous person whē they were met together 1. Cor. 5. 5. Therefore it may not be done by one man 3 That which hath need of greatest aduice and greatest authority may not be done by one man But