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A06507 A faithful admonition of a certeyne true pastor and prophete sent vnto the Germanes at such a time as certain great princes went about to bryng alienes into Germany, [and] to restore the papacy; the kingdom of Antichrist. [Et]c Now tra[n]slated into English for a like admonicion vnto all true Englyshe harts; wherby they may learn and know how to consider [and] receiue the procedinges of the English magistrates and bishops. With a preface of M. Philip Melancthon. ...; Warnung an seine lieben Deutschen. English Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.; Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560.; Eusebius Pamphilus.; Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564, attributed name. 1554 (1554) STC 16981; ESTC S107599 41,783 111

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or of other mēs infyrmities vtterli haue denied and reiected the true doctrine and religion and yelde to Idolatry supersticion as our yea rather Christes aduersaries would haue vs now to do Why do not y e higher powers the Ioly prelates and the faut spiers labour to redresse and refourme suche offences as they se in any of thē that haue professed the sincere Religiō Or why at the least did they not labor to restore the true discipline of y e gospel that therby such offēce giuers might haue ben redressed brought to an open Christē penaūce for the welth of theyr own soules a good exāple vnto mani other ▪ Why did thei not this I say ●hy Mary because some of them feared least they them selues might paraduenture be the fyrst vpon whom the true discipline ought to be exercised Let them fyrste examyne theyr owne consciences and then tell me whether I haue saide any thyng ▪ ●ut the truthe or no No no the true discipline if it myght haue bene frely restored wolde not haue suffred suche offenses to haue raigned neyther in high nor in lowe neither in the spiritual nor yet in the lay sorte as the aduersaries haue found faute with and pretended for the onely causes which haue kept them from the same profession The godly preachers haue testified sufficiently in their open exhortations that such disorder dissolutenes of lyfe slaūderous exāples mispēding of y ● time with vngodli vnprofitable pastymes as haue bene vsed of the gentlemen disars and the lady carde-plaiers as wel in the Court as in the countrey wer not agreable to the professiō of Christes gospel What could thei do more but openly rebuke such enormities seing thei wold neuer suffer theim to exercice the true ordre of discipline vpon any transgressors If this discipline which hath long bene earnestly called for mighte haue bene optained a nombre of vnpreachyng prelates of idle belly byshops should not haue bene suffred to loiter as thei did and to spēd the patrimony of the Church vnprofitably But nowe we may se that thei plaied the dissēbling lurkers gapyng workyng and practisyng for a Day wherin thei myght shew them selues as thei wer and as thei now appeare wher as the ryght order of discipline wold haue brought them to the true profession of sincere Religion and also to the practise therof in theyr vocation And so would it haue done also my Lordes and gētlemen scrap●alls which vsed the Gospel for a cloke of theyr couetuousnes In summa we lacked nothing but discipline to haue refourmed al the enormities w t whatsoeuer they haue bene that our aduersaries haue found fau● with in the profession of our true Religion But let them lay al the faults infirmities and offenses which they haue marked espied in y e professors of the gospel vpon one heape they al together if ther wer a thousād mo of them are farre inferior and incomparabli lesse then the manifold errours impietie and Idolatry of the Masse of the latine seruice of the inuocation of saintes of the filthy and abhominable pretensed chastitie that is of y e Sodomitical single life of priestes and of such other hipocrisie and supersticion ▪ as our aduersaries go about with fire and fagot with tooth naile to maintaine to set vp for the seruice of god For notwithstanding that among the membres of the true church and among the professors of the true religion ther raigne mani and diuers infyrmities and enormities which they espie daily in them selues yet the true godly sort do conceiue true and harty repentaunce for theyr weakenes and thei remain nor continue not therin as the spiritual professors of single life do in theyr hordome and filthy abhomination And what soeuer infyrmities thei haue otherwise Yet this horrible vyce haue they not thankes be to God to maintaine Idolatry wyttingli to persecute y e truth nor to murther the godly professours of the gospel These detestable vices murther blasphemy and Idolatry whiche are the most true and infallible tokens of the papistes and aduersaries of Christ are not to be found amōg them For these workes are the speciall workes of the deuyl whiche he practiseth and worketh in his membres wherby he declareth and speweth out his poysō malice and hatred agaynst God as it is written Ye are of the deuil whiche is a lyar and a murtherer These are synnes whiche all men oughte specially to ●lee and dayly to pray earnestly vnto God that he wil preserue them that thei fal not into any of these abhominations And he that loketh vpon the life of the professors of the Gospel and also of the papistes And by reasō of the infirmities which he seith in both theyr liues standeth in dout to which of thē he may ioyne himselfe he ought to remembre and to consider this that he ought in no wyse to take parte wyth them which are Idolators maintayners of blasphemies persecutors and murtherers of the true membres of Christ. And though they should venter their liues therupon and goo the same way that Abell went Yet haue they this notable comfort that God heareth their praiers and wil be merciful vnto them For all other synnes shal be forgeuē but the manifest blaspheming of God by idolatry that is to saye he that either mainteineth or helpeth to maintaine idolatry or false religion is a persecutor and a murtherer of the true professors or a fautor of such murtherers shall neuer be forgeuen And God knoweth manye of the contrary part which do refrain from persecuting of the true doctrine for non other cause but to thintent to auoide these .ii. pointes blaspheming of God and murther for Gods honor for theyr own saluations sake And it is manyfest inough y t dyuers of thē thākes be to god haue sought neither pleasure nor mony nor dignitie nor yet any other thyng that the world estemeth but rather haue suffered much sorow misery opprobrye Now if such should spend theyr lyues as Abel did and suffer death thervpō such a death should be more acceptable vnto them then al the lyfe pleasure of Cain then all the pompe and riches of the Cardinals and bishops For al mē are detters vnto death not withstanding But this must euerye one of vs alwaies consider howe we may stand after this lyfe before the iudgement of God and of his whole churche at the latter day euerlastinglye And as we haue before our eyes the ensamples of Abel Ieremy Iohn the Baptist Christ him selfe Paule other of the Apostles how thei al wer murthered of tyrannes euē so let thē be sufficient wytnesses vnto vs that after thys lyfe another euerlastyng iudgement shal be holden and kepte And therfore let al men take it for an high honor and for a singular grace to put theyr liues in ieopardy for the confession of the true faith religion of God as Christ saith Fear not thē which can do nothing but slea the
minister no maner of ayde nor assistaūce wherby Idolatry or false religion myghte ● strengthened or maintained accor●●g as it is writen Thou shalt not ma●e thi self parta●er of other mēs sines Item ii Cori. vi Ye shall not helpe the vnfaithful or the vnbeleuers vnderstand to confyrme or stablyshe Idolatry For howe can Christ and be●ial agree to gether And what a comlye thyng is it for the temple of God to be stuffed with Idols Now are ye the temple of the liuing God as God saith I wil dwell in them and walke in them and I wil be theyr God and thei shalbe my people Wherefore depart and seperate your selues a waye from them saith the Lorde Secondarely euery one that dothe not vtterli cōtemne and despise God is this much also boūd vnto him y t he mynde and desire to haue his fayth beleife in God knowne vnto other For thereunto is mankinde specially created that we should know praise God and also witnes and testifie vnto other of hī And our sauiour Christ himselfe saith he that denieth me before men him wil I denie agayne before my heauenly father And this cōfession must be made according to euery mans callyng state and degree Such as be preachers and ministers must cōfesse him by preaching of true doctrine Suche as be rulers and gouernours must confesse him by abolishing and subuertynge of Idolatry and supersticion and by maintaining of true doctrine and religion And all that can helpe by any maner of meanes either with body or goodes to y e maintenaunce of the same oughte to endeuour thē selues earnestly therunto according to the saieng of S. Iohn i. Iohn iii. Hereby do we knowe the true loue that like as Christ bestowed his lyfe for vs euen so shoulde we bestowe our liues for the bretherne Let euerye one consider and ponder these and suche lyke aduertisementes by them selues and hauyng alwayes an eye and respect vnto the same let them than reade and marke this treatise folowyng with diligence And specially for asmuch as al men are not of one mynde but some take esteme the true honour of God the true inuocatiō religion and doctrine for the most special and most necessary thyng to be sought and some not And agayne some are more feruent constant in the same than some other Least thorow the euyl persuasions of y e worst sort mani other which know not the matter nor the daunger therof might be seduced and led amysse this admonition and aduertisemente therfor shalbe very necessari and profitable For let the enemies of God of our coūtrey pretend what thei wil that thei meane not to be of councel nor to subuert our olde auncient lawes whā thei haue once their purpose we shal se that that was their speciall drifte For al their fayre wordes and flatteryng perswasions are nothyng els but traps to deceiue y e simple sort w t till they haue wrought their feate Some of them pretēd and say tha● thei minde nothing lesse than to establish the Supremacy of Antichrist the B. of Rome but if it were wel sought it would appeare that moost of theyr practises and fetches come frō Rome And that a great part of these proceadinges haue not bene wroughte nor practised without his aduise What if vertuous and godlye princes whiche haue set them selues against his kingdom haue bene betraied and destroied by the subtile practises of such impes of his as haue borne swynge by their dissimulation about such vertuous princes O howe many subtilties hath Sathā to assaulte Christes kingdome with I warrāt you it hath cost the b. of Rome mani a nightes watch yea many a pound before these practises were brought to this passe which are nowe abrewyng Yet hath god left some holes open wherby such as haue any vnderstandyng maye spye theyr driftes For why do they holde godly vertuous learned most worthy councelours in prison but onely because thei feare least thei wold hinder and withstande some of theyr enterprises and procedings Let al those therfore that beare true heartes towardes theyr countrey suffre them selues to be admonished in time For if the Spanyardes do once enter into our country and maye be suffred to nestle theim selues there they wil not only at length crepe into the chiefe Dukedomes Erledomes and lordships and deale the same among them selues but also wil establishe the Idol of Rome and the whole cursed Papaci again which al our countrey shal repent and rewe for euer And yet that is the chiefe thyng that the spiritual prelates in geuyng theyr ayde and councel therunto doo seke They care not what becom of this whole noble nacion nor what villany bee use● therin as the Spaneyardes are most vyle and beastly people geuen to vice and brutishnes so that they maye vphold and mayntaine theyr kingdome of Idolatry and supersticion and may raigne again The Lord of heauen disapoynt and subuert theyr enterprises ▪ For whatsoeuer thei can alledge or pretend to charge those with whiche haue imbraced and setfurth the true religion as many as haue any indifferent knowledge and vnderstandyng if they wyll not speake against theyr own conscience must nedes acknowledge and confesse that diuers hyghe pointes and necessary articles of christen religion haue bene sincerely and purely taught and declared by them And diuers notable errours haue by them bene disclosed which before wer taught and preached openlye in Pulpets wherby the people were pitefully seduced And now such as haue truly and faithfully laboured and traueled to setfurth the truth to abandon such Idolatry and supersticion as the people hath bene extremelye blynded with to plant true necessary and holesome doctrine to roote out al falshod hipocrisie thei are rewarded for their labour with imprisonment depriuation of theyr liuynges and goodes with such like rewards Other causes may wel be pretended of the persecutors and common cutthrotes as we may heare but these are the very causes in dede How long God which is iust in al his workes will suffre vse them as his scourges as Dauid saith the wicked manne is a scourge of the Lord that let thē loke vnto For wher thei pretend that much disorder dissension negligence securitie and offence did raigne amōg the professors of the true religion without redresse or reformation c. It cannot be denied nor they them selues wil not deny but y t al this is true in dede And more ouer that they are laden with diuers infyrmities and sinnes as wel priuate and secret as open and manifest also and that there haue bene many weedes among them as euermore haue bene in the true church of God which haue alwayes waxen and sprong vp amonge good corne As with Dauid ▪ Nathan other true mēbers of gods church in those dayes sprang vp Absalon Achitophel and other vnprofitable wedes But what than Sholde the people of God by reason of suche offences or bycause of theyr owne
body as for the soule thei cānot slea c. And for asmuch as it mai wel appear that this is the scope end of al practises of the Lords Bishops by theyr procedings to bring in the bishop of Rome again to establish his idolatry errors wherbi they mai raigne and abuse the people agayne as they haue done in times past and to bring our countrey to a perpetuall destruction it is most certaine that al honest and true hartes may laufullye refuse to obey them and ought in any wise refuse to helpe or to ayde them And where as they wyl obiect saye that subiectes ought to obey al cōmaūdementes procedynges of theyr magistrates although it may be briefely answered vnto thē that the Bishops Prelates which are the chiefe workers of this miserye are not the Magistrates whom the inferiour people are boūd to obey yet let thys answer stay al mens consciences that the regiment of the cōmon welthe is suche an ordinance of God wherin the magistrate hath his apointed boundes as wel as the subiect And for asmuch as God is the hyghest Lorde if the worldly magistrate attempteth any thing against him the inferiour sorte may laufully refuse to obeye him alledging for thē selues that thei cānot nor may not disobey God to obey to serue thē As for an exāple Abdias did very wel in keping the prophetes priuely in dennes secret places cōtrary to the cōmaūdemēt of his king which cōmaūded thē all to be slayne And in like maner the Armeniās dyd wel nothing but rightfully in detēding theyre church theyr countrey against their Emperour Maximiane Victorinus was a great prince which in y e tyme of Gallienus had y e Emperors autority in y e gouernmēt at Coley did gouerne ther very laudabli yet was he laufulli slain of his owne secretarie which foūd him abusing his wife Marius also a noble prince did pardō a yong souldier set a crowne vpō his head because he s●ew his captain which captain notwithstanding was Marius high frende because he did it in his own defēse Such factes in Christen mē ar right lauful do please God wel Yea they are speciall testimonies of y e iudgemēt of God against vnlawfull violence and intolerable pride and presumpcion of Tyrannes And what is it els but tyrannye to go about to set vp manifest idolatry to separate godly mē from their lawful wiues to bring in straūgers whiche shal subuert the state of the cōmō welth and such like For it is easy to perceiue that if the Spaniardes and theyr traine maye once beare rule in the Cities Dukedomes Lordshyps of our countrey whiche God of hys mercy forbid that euer they shuld do wher as hetherto thorow gods mercifull prouidence the auncient lawes and good ordinaunces of our cōmon welth haue bene preserued they wyll go about to abolish to subuert thē ▪ and at length brede much inconuenience and misery in our natiō Against the which inconueniences all godlye parentes housholders with theyr wiues childrē and families ought with most harty sighinges cal and cry vnto god that for the furtherance of his knowledge and for the glorye of hys owne name he wyl preserue his true religion amōg them and that he will not suffer these churches and naciōs ▪ wherin his truth hath bene confessed and preached to decay nor to be subuerted And that such praiers may be made the more earnestly with out let or hindraūce we al ought to amēd our liues in the feare of God in true faith and in al other vertues remembryng the sayeng of the Lorde in the prophet Turne vnto me and I wyll turne vnto you Doutles the matter is waighty and end how it will ther is lyke to be a wonderfull alteracion in y e cōmon welth and also in religiō that is most sure And I wōder much that wise mē which know and se wel inough what wil be the end of suche procedynges wyll notwythstanding seme to be workers and furtherers of suche matters as they do not allowe in theyr consciences But surely it is no mans deuise nor working but it is the diuils in hel which rage and raue because they wold gladly woorke an vniuersal destruction and miserye in al Christēdome Wherfor it wer best for such as be in authority and of any power not to be hasty in folowing satisfieng y e lustes of princes and the practises of wicked bishops and Prelates Antichristes impes For seyng the malice and spite of the Diuel and of the idolatrous sort is so feruēt and great it wil minister occasiō to a wōderful alteracion which paraduēture they them selues shall repent But I besech al godly hartes that they wyll earnestly pray vnto God that he wil graciously preserue the cōmonwelth and auncient lawes of our countrey and specially hys owne churche that hys true worde and religion may cōtinually sound therin Last of al let al Christen harts bear this wel in rememberaunce that euery one in his degree and to the vtterof his power is bound to apply hys vttermost indeuour towards the preseruation of Christes true religion likewise towards the defence of their coūtrey and the auncient priuilegies of theyr naciō That is the special end of our lyfe in this world and no better thing can we do in thys lyfe And forasmuche as the state of oure tym● nowe is muche like vnto the state of the Machabes and euē the like practises and subtelties now pretended attempted as were than euerye one mai take good and profitable instructiōs out of the same bokes and story Our Lorde Iesus our onelye true shepherd head captain defend hys Church against assaults which y e diuell Antichrist and his impes nowe deuise practise ther against Amen A faithfull aduertismēt of a certain true Pastor to his deare countrymen the Germanes Trāslated into Englyshe for a lyke aduertisement to the Englyshe nation MOst earnest supplication and intercession hath bene made to the high Potentates both of the Spirituall and of the laye sort that they woulde not bende them selues so earnestlye against the true Religion and doctrine of Christ ▪ but would shewe them selues more equal and moderate suffre the Gospel freely to be preached And agayne that thei would not consent to bryng straunge princes into our coūtrey to bear any Rule or to haue any gouerment therin The which thing both I and many other godly heartes haue most hartely praied and sighed vnto god for But forasmuch as nether our most faithfull praiers vnto God neither yet the earnest intercession made vnto them could any thyng preuayle with them it is easye inoughe to perceiue what it betokeneth nameli euē●hys that beyng peruerse obstinate blinded geuen ouer of God as such as haue euer thirsted for innocēt blod and bent them selues to maintain the blasphemyng of Gods name and all abhominations God thinketh them
and I with my brethren and felowes in Gods name vnto heauen As for mine own person I am wel assured that no mā can hurt me no more thā I desyre to hurt anye other And they shall not worke so muche displeasure agaynst me one way but I shall worke more against them another way Thei shal not haue so hard heades in their naughty procedinges but I shal haue as hard an head in my lawful and godly enterprises although not onli Emperour Charles but also the Turkish Emperour shuld take part with thē They shall neuer feare me nor make me to shrinke but I wyl make them feare and shrinke So farre haue they ouersene them selues already that I and such thinges as I haue enterprised and attempted shal prosper whā they with theyr procedinges shal decay and be confounded For my lyfe shal be theyr hang mā and my death shal be theyr diuel That and none other let them trust vnto for they shall be sure therof for al theyr laughing triumphing that thei make now And if the Papistes shuld begin any war we should not nede greatlye to feare them for they cānot procede in theyr enterprises in the name of God nor can not with good consciences pray● vnto God for any successe They can not pray frō theyr harts so muche as thus O God helpe vs in our procedings For theyr owne cōsciences do accuse thē selues y t theyr procedinges are naught vngodly And for y e christen religion y t hath bene preached by vs set forth bi authoriti of our princes which they now go about to suppresse diuers of theyr own best Clerkes as for the blinde asses we do not regard haue cōfessed said y t none of our doctrine is against any Article of the faith nor against the scripture but only against certen ordināces of their own church certē decres of y e pope Therfor it is easi to perceiue w t what cōscience they can attēpt any thing against our doctrine And as for brynging Aliens into our naciō to haue y e gouernmēt among vs to subuert y e aunciēt priuilegies of their own natural coūtrey I dare say theyr own cōsciēce telleth thē that it is against nature Now if thei shuld begin ani battayl it must nedes be for one of these two causes whych being both yll in theyr own iudgement how can they pray vnto god for any good successe And therfore we may wel speake this benediction ouer theym As ye seeke Gods honor as good as your quarel and procedings are euen such successe victory God send you Amen And agayne God can stirre vp a Iudas Machabeus to be the captain of his flock which shal beate thē down and teach thē to be authors of wars whan they mai haue peace And whā soeuer they shall lye in the fielde for mainteining of these procedinges of theyrs I and my brethren shal crye cal vnto God must earnestlye wyth true and faithfull praier that he wyll geue them a fearful faint cowardly desparate hart that here one and ther one thei may be pricked in their own cōsciences that they shal be forced to say Alas Alas why am I here for the maintenaunce of an yl quarel which is both against God and his word also against our own countrey And when they se a true faithful and natural hart of Machabees host cōming against thē that they may take theyr feet rūne away frō him as fast an chaffe flieth frō the winde Thinke 〈◊〉 not that God cā the same science stil that he speaketh of in a certain place wher he saith I wyl gyue the a faynt a weake hart that when thou shalt● go out to warre against thy enemies one way thou shalt seke .vii. waies to rūne backe againe frō them the verye noyse of a leafe shall make thee afraid Verely thus did he vnto the obstinate hard harted Egipcians in the red sea which wer as stout and as secure as the autors of these procedings be namely the papish bishops Prelates theyr adherentes and had as good a quarel also as they haue any And yet whan theyr hou● once came that theyr own cōscience did pri● thē they cried out said Alas alas ▪ let vs run away geue ouer our quarel is nought god is against vs. He y t knoeth not what it is to go to war wyth an yll conscience let hym take part wyth the Papistes whan they shall attempt any war for the maintenāc● of the procedings aboue rehersed so shal he well learne what it is And the prayer that I al Christen naturall harts with me shal pray against thē shal be no secret thing but a common praier nameli the .vii. Psalme of Dauid which he praied whā he defended him selfe against Absolon and at one slaughter which was also the first al Israel was beaten a thousand men slaine w t Absolon of a veri smal armi And yet Absolō his army had ordinaūce puluer and harnes inough Now if the matter shuld come to a battel as it is veri like which god ye● forfend if it be his wil I wil not that such as shuld stand in defense of gods true religion of theyr natural countrey against the authors of the procedings aboue mēcioned against the murtherers bludthirsty Papistes which haue ben y e chief workers of al these mischiefes shuld be taken for rebels nor I wyl not graunt that such defēce of the cōmon sort shulde be taken for an vnlauful disobedience but rather for a necessari and a lauful act And that can I proue by the Law and the Lawyers cannot deny it For in such case whan such murtherers and bloudhoundes wil attempt and murther for such vnlauful causes as these without dout it can in no wyse be ryghtly named any vprour for any mā to set and defend himself against thē And every ryght Christian knoweth ●el inoughe what to do in such case how to yeld vnto god y t that is dew to God ▪ And also to Cesar what is ●ewe to Cesar But not to yelde to tirannous bloudsuppers that that is not due vnto them Wherfor to make the matter more plain that the bloud suppers may not ●ost nor bragge as though they should warre against rebels and so might pretende bothe before God the worlde that they had an honest and a lauful cause to warre ▪ I wil teach and declare that there is a great differēce betwene vnlawful vprours or rebellion and necessarye defence for lawfull considerations For in case thei should set and defende thē selues against the bloudsuppers and practisers of such vnlauful procedīgs I woulde not that theyr conscience● shoulde be burthened pricked with the daunger and perel of vprour or rebellion as thoughe theyr defence in such case were sedicious or rebellious For it wer a great preiudice to sore so
to name them in such case Ther is a nother and a better name for them which y e Lawyers know wel inough We must not suffre euery thing to be called vprour and rebelliō which y e bloudy bochers Antichristes sworne champions the practisers of all mischeife do so falsely name For that is one of theyr practises also vnder the pretence and colour of vprour and rebellion to stoppe and to bind al mens mouthes and handes that no man●e should reproue theyr doinges by spekyng nor yet with theyr handes defend them selues against their wicked procedynges And thei in the mea●e season to haue both theyr mouthes hands at libertie to work almis●hief And so to fear and trappe al other vnder pretēce and colour of vprour and rebellion and to comfort them selues and pretend to the world theyr procedinges to be lawful But thei shal not so blear mens eyes We shal so define and declare the matter that that subtiltie shal not serue them It is not alwaies vproure nor rebellion to do agaynst euery lawe for th● euery transgression against any lawe shoulde be rebellion But that man maye be called a rebel or a mayntainer of vprour which wil suffre no maiestrate to rule nor no law to take place but wil ryse against the maiestrate to depriue him to the intent to be ruler Maiestrate himself and to make what lawes him lusteth as the head Capitain of the Anabaptistes did at Monster in Westphalia Such one may wel be called a maītainer of vprour and a rebel For Aliud est inuasor aliud defensor For a rebel and a defendor are two things So that it can be no vprour nor rebellion for a man to defend himself against the wiked practises and vnlauful proceadyngs of bloudsuppers Papistes But thei them selues that wil begyn warres to maītain by force theyr wicked procedings against God and against their natural coūtrei thei may well be called rebels and traytors to God and theyr countrei Yea ther are no greater traitors nor rebels thā the Papistes the bloudthyrsty bishops and prelates and suche as take part w t them For they lyke very abhominable murtherers and traytors of very mischife and spite do work both against God and also against nature And that may easely be proued For fyrst concerning the doctrine and religion which they would sub●●●t they them selues know wel inough that it is the very true religion of God For at the great coūcel of the Empyre that was holden at Augspurge Cardinal Nicolas y e bishop of Augspurge sayd that he could wel be content that the same religion that was at Wittēberg shold be receiued generally sauying that he could not abyde that it should begyn and spring in such a corner of no reputation as Wittemberge is How lyke ye this gere Are not these Ioly wordes to come out of a byshops mouth And in like maner Cardinal Campegius the Popes Legate did cōfesse at the same councell that he coulde consent that that religion should be suffered in Germany but that it would be a great ensample for other nations to requyre the same also and for y t cause it were in no wyse to be graūted And a nother great bishop of theyrs sayde these wordes cōcernyng theyr disputers learned men Our learned men do defend vs pretely for they confesse them selues that our fayth whiche we haue folowed these many yeres hath no ground vpon the scripture but only vpon the Decrees and determinations of the coūsels Al this to be true diuers noble men y t heard it can testifie And besydes one Wynchestre a bishop in England otherwyse a very obstinate peruers and crafty Papist hath writtē a boke against y e supremacye of y e Pope wherin also he writeth against pardōs and vowes although he be a maintainer of the fylthy abhominable single lyfe of priesses himselfe And in certayn sermons that he hath made before the king of Englād hath inueighed against Monkes and Friers and confessed also that ther ar diuers abuses in the Masse worthi to be reformed And yet he himselfe is a great massemonger and would fayne maītain asmuch of it as he could And th● like haue other bishops of Englād also done which are notwithstanding no enemies to y e pope For althoughe they woulde haue him to be theyr supreme heade yet haue thei proued in theyr boltes that he cannot chalenge any supremacy by the scriptures and worde of God So that the verye papistes them selues knowe that our religion and doctrine is no false doctrin but grounded vpon the scripturs and the word of God And yet of very malice and spite thei would condemne rote out our religiō by very force and violence contrary to al right reasō And wher it was requyred in the general Parliament or councel that no ●et should passe against our doctrin religion before it were heard in ope● disputacion what the learned men of our syde could say for the defence and maintenaunce therof that coulde not nor myght not be graunted that christes saiyng myght be verified he that doth euil hateth y e lighte and refuseth the light that his doyngs should not be reproued and disclosed But he that doth the truth cōmeth to y e light that his works may be openly knowne because thei are done in God Ther is neuer an Article of our doctrine religion but we are able redye to proue it by the manifest worde of God Thus muche concernyng our religion And as concerning the other poynt y t they wold so fayn bring to passe that straūgers and Alianes should haue the gouernement of our nation if thei wold speak according to their owne hearts consciences I would desire none other iudges but euē thē selues Wherfore it is they that are the authours of vprour and verye traitours rebelles whych wyll attempte warres for the maintenaūce of their tiranny and wicked practises And to shewe my selfe a true Pastor and prophet and to bear a true hart vnto my natiue countrey ▪ I wyl giue my deare countrey mē a faifhful warning and instructiō how to behaue them selues that they rūne not into any peryl daūger of soule in obeing the procedings of the bloudy Papistes against God and theyr natural coūtrey The daunger wherof doutles is very great And this wil I do to the intent that no man hereafter may excuse him selfe and say Non putassē I wold neuer haue thought that the daunger had bene so greate Now he that wyl folow my councel let him take it and he that wil not let him leaue it but no man shal say but that he was warned And my true and faithful aduertisment is this that if the Emperour or any other prince shoulde go about to maintain the procedinges aboue specified by force of armes and shoulde commaund al men to prepare thē selues and to be in a redines to aid him ▪ that
be wyncked at as they in no wise be yet to cōdemne y e pure and sincere doctrine word of God to exalt set thē selues aboue god as they go about to do no right Christē hart ought to suffer it muche lesse to minister any maner of aid or assistāce by hys obediēce or otherwise therunto Yea eueri true Christian ought rather to spend his bloud life goodes al together in the cōfession defēce of the true honor religion of God thā for the keping of them to indaunger both bodi soule with eternal destruction thorow folowing obeing their doctrine The infinite abhominaciōs errours wherof which they defend maintaine as right true and lauful neuer intending to refourme or alter one iote thereof I am not able to reherse ▪ All the daunger whereof shalt thou procure vpon thy necke whoso euer thou art that shalt obey or helpe to assist the procedynges of the Emperour and such princes and bishops as are confederate with him to maintaine and bring in the B. of Rome And to reherse some of their intolerable errours how wilt thou whosoeuer thou art beare in thy conscience the false shameful deceite of the B. of Romes pardōs wherwith so mani thousand soules haue bene so miserably seduced and deceiued and shamefully begyled of theyr mony so lyke to be againe if they may obtain theyr purpose And although they them selues do knowe that it is nothyng but very knauerye that they haue wroughte wyth theyr pardons yet shewe they no repentaunce nor token of reformacion therof They haue taughte the people to put theyr trust and affiaunce in pardons euen at y e veri hour of deathe which is so hainous an terrible a thyng that if they were otherwyse as innocent holy as S Iohn y e Baptist yet were thei most worthy to be damned in the veri pit of hel for this one point onely and had wel deserued that neither the earth shoulde bear them nor the Sunne shine vpon them much lesse that any man should helpe to assist and strengthen them or venter his bloud for them For consider a litle the wiked knauery and abhomination of theyr pardons Who so euer did put his whole trust and affians in theyr pardōs and so died in the same hope and trust the same did vtterly renoūce forsake and forget Christ and could haue no hope nor trust at al in him For whosoeuer setteth his truste in anye other thyng whatsoeuer it be sauing in Christ only the same can haue no truste at al in Christ. Nowe do we and al mē know this that the papistes whō thou must helpe to strengthen by thy obediēce haue taught most earnestly that men should build theyr saluation vpō pardons ●l●e woulde not men haue estemed them so much nor bought them so fast as thei dyd And like very messengers of Sathan yea lyke very incarnat deuils they made no word no● mentiō in the mean tyme ▪ of any faith or hope in Christ. For he that knoweth that his faith and hope of saluatiō ought to rest in Christe the same cannot suffre nor abide no faith nor hope to rest in any oher thīg besides christ Now if thei were not more then mad vtterly robbed of theyr wittes they would be ashamed once to desire such shameles doings to be maintained or difended But we may perceiue that it is ●o true that a certain bishop sayd vnto master Philip. Melancthon at y e 〈◊〉 holdē at Augspurg ▪ whose wordes were these Alas Master Philip what wold ye refourme in vs pristes for we were yet neuer good As who should say it wer an heard thing now to make theim good And it was one of theyr owne pillers that spake these wordes whiche had experience of th● rest by him selfe Well to let pardons passe and to come to purgatory that hath piked many a pursse howe wylt thou whatsoeuer thou art that shalte obey or assist the Emperour and hys confederates in these procedinges y t are before mēcioned be able to beare in thy cōscience all the falsehead that they haue vsed wyth thys purgatory ▪ wherof thou must be partaker How traiterousli haue thei bleared bewitched al the world and brought al the world in maner into a foles paradise And with such lies theft haue gottē al their goodes possessiōs in maner By the meanes wherof they haue vtterly excluded and banished the only true cōfort and trust in Christ haue taught the people in steade of Christ ▪ to gape vpon theyr owne woorkes to trust to be saued by the same And who so euer so doth y e same must needes exclude Christ and vtterly forget him And so if God had not wonderfully hetherto preserued his all must● haue died in a false belefe as y e Iewes and Turkes so haue perished in the pit of hel thorow the default of suche teachers Oh what soule murtherers are they No hart of mā shalbe able to cōprend as long as the world endureth what murther they haue cōmitted against the soules of men w t their fained Purgatorye Much lesse shall they be able to comprehend what iniury and blasphemye they haue done therby against the true faith confydence that is dewe vnto Christe And yet ther is no repentaunce nor amendement in thē but they rather labor studi how thei mai be defēded mainteined in these naughty procedinges And yet more who so euer shall obey either Emperour King or prince in this case shall also make hym selfe gilty and partaker of al y e abhominacion blasphemy that is conteined in the wicked detestable Masse and of the infinite idolatry blasphemi that is therin cōmitted against y e true vse of the holy sacrament of Christes body and bloud As first of the fained sacrifice pretēding to offer vp daily vnto God his own dere sōn as though thei wer better holier then the sonne of God And so they are not contēt y e holy sacrament to be an ordinaūce of God which mē shuld receiue in faith but they make a sacrifice an oblaciō of it wher with they wil reconsile thē selues and other vnto God and wyl make also a salue of it for euery sore Yea for euery saint ther is a peculiar Masse for euery disease aduēture what so euer it be a peculiar Masse in al their bokes doctrine a mā shall not finde one word of faith but all is full of the Masse the Masse what a sacrifice what an holy thing y t masse is wher as ther is no ceremoni wher in faith is so much required and exercised as in the true institucion celebraciō of the Sacramēt being rightli administred forasmuch as Christ him selfe did institute it for a remēbraunce memorial of himselfe that al men in the celebration therof shuld preach of him remēber him and beleue in him But in stede of
himself in any aduersitie No man knewe before what y ● true office of a Maiestrat was Nor no man knewe what the state of holy Matrimony was No mā knew what was the office of parentes towardes theyr children of Masters and mistresses towardes theyr seruaūtes ▪ and maydes nor yet of Children seruauntes and maydes towardes theyr parentes masters and dames No mā knew before what the deuyl or what the worlde was What lyfe or death was No mā knew rightlie what was Synne or what was Vertue nor yet what forgeuenes of synnes was no● wher to be sought ▪ No mā knew what God was No mā knew what it was to be a byshop or what it was to be a pastor and to haue charge of soul. No man knew also rightly what y e church was nor what authoritie it hadde No nor no man knewe ▪ what it was to be a christian Shall I saye altogether in fewe wordes No mā knew any thing at all that euery true Christian ought to haue known For the pope and papistical asses had blinded al the world and oppressed al men with ignoraūce I may wel cal them asses ▪ for they are very grosse and vnlearned asseheades in al matters of Christian religion in ●ede For they knowe or at the least thei wyl know nothyng elce but that the saluation of Men and women dependeth vpon mōkes and fryers and such lyke and vpon their workes and merites and not vpon Christ at al. Wher as the doctrine which we haue ●aught hath brought to passe that diuers men wemen and children thankes be vnto God knowe the principles of Christian religion and how al men ought to beleue howe to praye how to take the crosse how to lyue how to die The true vnderstāding of these many other articles hath bene opened throughe the diligence of our preachers The true vse also of the lordes table and of the Font wherin all people are consecrated vnto God thorow Baptisme hath by our preachers teachers bene brought to light so y t al men thankes be to God may se in theyr ordre the very ryght fourme of a Christian church Al this shalte thou help through thy obediēce to subuert and to cōdemne whosoeuer thou are that shalt obey them in theyr proceadyngs And furthermore also thy ayd and obedience shal serue and helpe to burne and destroy the olde and newe Testament in our in other tounge the holy Psalter and other bokes of godly praiers in our mother tounge and al other good bookes and most godly and necessary workes ▪ whiche our preachers teachers haue written as the papistes them selues cannot deni And thy obedience shal also serue an● helpe to this that no man from hence furth shal know the X. Commaundementes the Articles of the Christian faith The Lordes praier For so was it before the doctrine that we professe was preached And thy obed●ēce shal serue likewise that no mā shal hereafter learn any good instructiōs of baptisme of the Lords supper of fayth of the Gospel of the true christian libertie nor of anye other godly article Item thy obedience shal serue and helpe that no man maye put his trust and affiaunce rightly vpō Christ. And yet more than this it shall also serue helpe that men shal put that trust and confidence that is due vnto Christ only in the works and merites of monkes friers and priestes and that they shal bye theyr merites and cowles at y e hour of their death Thou shalt hel● ther with also y t in the place of holye Matrimony thy natiō shalbe filled w t the hordom and fornicatiō and other filthy and vnnatural sinnes of pristes and votaries And yet further by helping with thy ayde and obedience to maintain theyr abhominable marchādise which they make with theyr idolatrous masse sacrifice thou shalt make thy selfe partaker of al the couetousnes robbry and theft wherwith they haue gotten al theyr possessions And what shal I say more Thou shalt help therwith vtterly to subuerte Christes word and whole kingdome and to restore and maintain the deuyls kyngdome For that thyng do the mischeuous captiues the Papistes and the authors of these proceadings mind to do Thei are Antichristes ministers therfore thei can mind nor do nothīg but that which is contrary to Christ Specialli in the cheif article of our saluation which is this that our hearte comfort and affians of saluatiō shuld rest onely vpon Christ and not in ani worckes of our owne that is to saye that we should beleue to be saued and to be deliuered from our sīnes and to be made righteous only through true faith as it is written in the ● to the 〈◊〉 maines with the heart do we beleue vnto righteousnes This article I say wil they in no wyse suffre And we cā in no wyse forbeare it For take thys article away and than take away the churche For without this Article no errour can be resisted For asmuch as w tout this article Christ wyll not nor cannot be with vs. For this is the article that must declare and open christ vnto vs. For this articles sake hath y e worlde ofte bene plaged through the sinne floud through greate tempestes thorow warres and diuers other kindes of plages For this articles sake was Abel murthered and many other martyres And yet it remaineth shal remayn let the aduersaries do practise what thei wyl this Article shal remaine whan they shall go to wrake perishe in the pit of hel Now let al men wel consider wyth them selues and loke wel about them selues If theyr ayde obedience shall helpe and serue to restore al the abhominations of the papistrye they shall make them selues partakers of al th● bloud that hath bene shed thorow the papistes frō the death of Abel tyl this day or that hereafter shal be shedd by theim And moreouer if theyr obedience and ayde shal serue to the roting out and subuersion of Christes Gospel and of his whole kingdom and to the settyng vp and maintainyng of y e deuils kingdome let them take hed● what wil be the ende therof at length ▪ and with what consciences they wyll stād before god at his iudgement seat And besides al this to make an end whosoeuer shal ayde and obey theim his ayde and obedience shall serue to bring in Aalianes which shall ouerrunne his natural country most shamefully defyle and abuse honest wyues widdowes and virgyns euen before the faces of theyr husbandes parentes and frindes Thei shal also rob and spoyle men of theyr goodes landes and heritage and deuide and bestow them at theyr pleasure No tong is able to rehearse the hundred part● of the miserye that shall happen if the papistes the maiestrates that ar le● by thē may bring theyr proceadyngs to passe both the nobilitie y e yemanry and the whole cōminaltie shall be destroied for euer theyr lawful heyres posteritie disinherited Alianes shal possesse the