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A22507 A commentarie vpon the fourth booke of Moses, called Numbers Containing, the foundation of the church and common-wealth of the Israelites, while they walked and wandered in the vvildernesse. Laying before vs the vnchangeable loue of God promised and exhibited to this people ... Heerein also the reader shall finde more then fiue hundred theologicall questions, decided and determined by William Attersoll, minister of the word. Attersoll, William, d. 1640.; Attersoll, William, d. 1640. Pathway to Canaan.; Attersoll, William, d. 1640. Continuation of the exposition of the booke of Numbers. 1618 (1618) STC 893; ESTC S106852 2,762,938 1,336

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are cut off by death do renue the Leuitical priesthood and labour to raise it out of the graue which hath long ago bene buried with honor For this is common to them both to end their daies and leaue their Priesthood to others so that the Dart which the Apostle casteth against the Leuiticall Priesthood pierceth and perisheth the very heart of the Popish priesthood when he saith and proueth that there can bee no other Priests but Christ vnder the new Testament Heb. 7 23 24. because he continueth for euer considering that the multitude of Priests and succession of them one after another ariseth from the imperfection and insufficiency of the Priests which were continually by death taken away If then the vpstart Priests of the Sinagogue of Rome will bee Priests properly they cannot be Priests after the order of Melchizedek as they wretchedly and blasphemously claime themselues to bee who was both King and Priest Heb 7 5. neither cā they be successors of Christ forasmuch as hee hath none to succeede him For if the Iews might not continue to offer their sacrifices and oblations after the sacrifice of Christ was once offered because it was perfect and all-sufficient yea the consummation of all that went before it followeth that the Popish sacrifice being an addition vnto that which is perfect as a rotten and ragged patch to a new garment cannot stand but is to bee throwne downe and abolished like an abhominable idoll Verse 29. All the house of Israel wept for Aaron thirty daies when the Congregation saw that Aaron was dead The last point obserued in this chapter is the affection of the people after the death of Aaron one of the chiefe pillars and protectors of the Church and of true Religion among the Israelites They mourne for him not a day or a weeke but a whole month to declare what a sensible feeling they had of the incomparable losse of the Church We learne hereby that when the chiefe members stayes props Doctrin● When the cheefest p● of the C● be takē a● the rest a● bee gree● 1 Thess 4 ● and pillars of the church be taken away the rest of the parts are to be hūbled and touched to the quicke for the same True it is a measure in mourning and lamentation is to be vsed that wee bee not sorry as men without hope yet by this example wee see it is lawfull to mourne for the dead the greater losse the Church hath receyued the greater lamentation and greefe ought to bee expressed This is euident by the practise of Gods seruants in all ages of the Church proportioning their sorrow according to the greatnesse of their losse We see Ge. 50 1 10 11. when God called Iacob to himselfe out of this worlde a Father of the Church and a great light that shined not onely within the dores of his owne family but in the darknesse of Egypt hee was greatly and exceedingly lamented for the space of seuenty dayes so that the Canaanites said This is a great mourning vnto the Egyptians So when Moses the seruant of the Lord died like vnto whom there arose not a Prophet in Israel vnto whom GOD spake not by vision or dreame but face to face as a man talketh with his friend Deut. 34 8. the children of Israel mourned for him thirty dayes whom hee had guided with a fatherly care many yeeres So when Samuel another principall pillar of the house of God dyed 1 Sam 25 1. All Israel assembled and mourned for him and buried him in his own house at Ramah When God took away good King Iosiah like to whom there was no King before him that turned to the Lord with all his heart and with all his soule 2 King 2● and with al his might according to all the law of Moses who bowed neither to the right hand nor to the left who remembred his Creator in the dayes of his youth and honoured God with the first fruites of his life all Iudah and Ierusalem mourned for him 2 Chron. 35 23 24. yea Ieremy lamented Iosiah and al the singing men and singing women mourned for him in their lamentations and made the same for an ordinance to Israel behold they be written in the Lamentations But touching Iehoiakim the son of Iosia who degenerated from his father walked not in his wayes 〈◊〉 22 1● 19 it is said They shall not lament him saying Ah my Brother or ah my Sister neyther shall they mourne for him saying Ah Lord or ah his glory he shall be buried as an Asse is buryed euen drawne and cast forth without the gates of Ierusalem The like comparison wee see in the new Testament when as Stephen was stoned a faithfull witnesse of Christ a worthy member of the Church and a constant defender of the faith 〈◊〉 8 2. certaine men carried him to be buried and made great lamentation for him But when Ananias and Sapphira filled with Sathan keeping away part of the price of their possession tempting the Spirit and lying vnto God fell downe and gaue vp the ghost 〈◊〉 5 5 10. young men arose tooke them vp and buried them but no mention of any teares or lamentatiō much lesse of any great lamentation made for them God swept them away as dung from the earth for their hypocrisie but the Church lamented not the death of these wicked persons So then to omit many other examples that might bee alledged we see that howsoeuer men may be mourned for in a natural affection compassion by their friends and kinsfolks yet chiefly and principally we are to bewaile the losse of the church whē such are taken away as might do good seruice to God and his people Reason 1 This truth appeareth by good force of reason First the Ministers are as the Chariots horsemen of Israel in their Ministery that is the strength and defence of the Church and Commonwealth Therfore Elisha seeing Eliah taken vp by a whirlewinde into heauen cryed out Kings ● 12. My father my father the Chariot of Israel the horsemen thereof And as Elisha said of Eliah so did Ioash the King of Israel of Elisha For being sicke of his sicknesse whereof hee dyed the King came downe vnto him King 13 14. and wept vpon his face and said O my father my father the Chariot of Israel and the horsemen of the same Thus spake the King himselfe to the Prophet and these honorable Titles he gaue vnto him And no maruell For they fight and bend their forces against swearing blasphemy contempt of Gods word prophaning of his Sabbaths whoredome drunkennesse idlenesse couetousnesse and such like as lay vs open to the wrath of God These and such like sinnes are they that weaken the land and lay it naked to the inuasion of enemies 〈◊〉 32 25. as appeareth Exo. 32 25. Moses saw that by their idolatry the people were naked for Aaron had made them naked vnto shame among
without any necessity and that it is a needlesse worke but they are far deceiued as we shall see afterward Wherefore Christ our Sauiour commending the practise of Mary that sate at his feete and heard his word saith vnto her sister Luk. 10 41 42 Thou art carefull and troubled about many things but one thing is needfull and Mary hath chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her See how contrary these men are vnto Christ and their words to the words of Christ Can they then be good Christians that are led by a spirit contrary vnto Christ Hee telleth vs that the hearing of the word is necessary they say it by their practise seale to it that it is not necessary Can light and darknes be more contrary then these two He teacheth that this is one necessary thing they are not ashamed to affirme with tongues set on fire of hell that among all vnnecessary things this is most idle and vnprofitable This is a deepe iudgement of God vpon them for their contempt of his ordinance This bewraieth the corruption of their hearts that indeed they are of no religion For he that learneth not religion by the word neuer yet knew what true religion meaneth Such then as haue not a setled ministery and Minister to resort vnto Iames 1 6. are for the most part vnsetled in their opinions vnconstant in religion and vnstable in all their waies Sometimes they hold one thing sometimes another and sometimes nothing at all Math. 11 7. as a reed that is carried to and fro with the windes as a weathercocke that turneth often in a day and stagger hither thither like a drunken man And such as liue vnder a ministery planted according to the institution of Christ but haue not their eares setled to heare the fame forasmuch as they come once and misse twice slippe in out of the Church at their pleasure heare one Sermon and absent themselues from another their conscience is seared with an hot iron their sin is come vp to heauen Ignorant they are will learne nothing they are fickle in matters of faith and godlines knowing no point of religion as they ought to know neither being able to giue an account of the hope that is in them These starters that come and goe when they please haue not so much as the outward shew of a true Christian much lesse the truth of the heart that is within neyther can they looke for any blessing from him from whom all blessings do proceed as from the Father of lights To conclude then the power of Satan is great to hold man in sinne but the word is as the Scepter of God to breake it that wee may escape and to ouerthrow his kingdome The seuenty Disciples sent out by Christ into euerie City and place whither hee himselfe should come returned again with ioy saying Lord euen the diuels are subiect vnto vs through thy Name And the Lord said vnto them Luk. 10 17 18 I beheld Satan as lightening fall from heauen Luke 10. Behold how necessary the preaching of it is to all people to which we ought all to subscribe Secondly it serueth to reproue diuers abuses Vse 2 I will name three in particular First such as thinke spare not to say that the ministry is a vaine and superfluous thing and that the Ministers are men that may very well be spared as if they were a sixt finger vpon the hand or a sixt toe vpon the foot that is bringing a burden rather then a benefit and that their labours may be spared also inasmuch as they bring with them in their opinion needlesse charges and vnnecessary expences For as they account the Sabbath the losse of one day in a weeke the losse of one weeke in a moneth the losse of one year in seuen so they account the maintenance of the ministery the losse of their goods and substance and a departing with the tenth part of their labours to no purpose These haue learned another language then the tongue of Canaan they doe not the workes that beseeme christians and they cannot speake as beseemeth those that professe the feare of God if so be they do professe so much Is it a needlesse thing to haue the light of the Sunne in the Firmament without which all things are couered with darknesse and nothing can haue life and quickning But the Sunne is not more necessary to be in the world thē the light of the word in the church to giue life and light vnto them that sitte in darknesse Math. 4.16 Is a candle needlesse to be in the house in the night season to giue light to them that are in it The Church is the golden candlestick the word is the candle that shineth in our hearts to guide vs in all our waies Mat. 5 15. Luk. 8 16. Is it needlesse to haue labourers to reape downe our corne in time of haruest To haue meate brought vnto vs and prouided for vs when we are hungry or drinke when wee are thirsty The preaching of the Gospel is as light in the Firmament as a candle in the house as the eye in the body as the meate in the stomacke and as the labourer in time of haruest Matth. 9. The want of this blessing is to couer the earth with darkenes to put out the light of the eye to suffer good corne to perish for want of reaping and gathering into the barne as the state of Egypt was when it wanted corne and cryed out to Ioseph for bread or as Iudaea whē it wanted the light of the Sunne Miserable therefore and thrice miserable are those people that want this albeit they were stored with aboundance of all earthly commodities vnder heauen If they had all the riches of the world that euery nation borrowed of them and they of none what should they help them wanting this onely Could the other saue them or make them a blessed people No no in the middest of these blessings they must needs be accursed Is not that Land miserable that is compassed about with enemies yet is without armour Are they not as a naked people that lie open to become a prey to them that gape after their destruction Thus notwithstanding it is without the Ministers who are the Chariots and horsemen of Israel 2 Kin. 2 12. 2 Kings 2 12 and 13 14. Is it not a miserable thing to goe into warres and to haue no Captaines to leade the battell What hope can there be of victory Nay what can be looked for but present destruction The Ministers are the Leaders and Ouerseers of the Lords host to rule them and keepe them in order Heb. 13 7. Is it not miserable to see a flocke of sheepe without a Shepheard wandring vp and downe from the fold and ready to be deuoured of the wolues But such as are without a teaching Minister are scattered abroad as silly sheepe are without a
precepts and examples to teach vs the way wherein we are to walke Lastly we must haue the doctrine of the Scriptures plentifully dwelling in vs not in the mouth but seated in the heart that we may be able to stand in the truth to continue vnto the end to rise vp being fallen We are euery houre subiect to be tempted of the diuell his tentations are many and strong hee is an expert and experienced captaine he looketh where we are weakest he is a spie that commeth to search and see the nakednesse of our soules And therefore we must be able to draw out the spirituall sword put into our hands vpon euery occasion that we may put him to flight This is the way to resist him this is the way to ouercome him Iam. 4. We haue the example of our Lord Iesus Christ the head of his Church he said It is written he handled this sword at euery tentation Math. 4 4. to teach vs to furnish our selues plentifully with the doctrine thereof that so we may remember to apply the same to euery present purpose 17. And these were the sonnes of Leui by their names Gershon and Kohath and Merari 18. And these are the names of the sonnes of Gershon by their families Libni and Shimei 19. And the sonnes of Kohath by their families Amram and Izehar Hebron and Vzziel 20. And the sonnes of Merari by their families Mahli and Mushi these are the families of the Leuites according to the house of their fathers Hitherto we haue spoken of that numbring of the Leuites which is generall the particular followeth which is both propounded and concluded the former beginning heere continueth to the end of the 37 verse the latter is comprised in the 38 and 39 verses This particular reckoning vp of the Leuites is perfourmed by setting downe such sonnes or issue as were begotten immediately of Leui himselfe then such as descended of his sons and lastly such as proceeded of his sons sons The sonnes of Leui were three in number Gershon Kohath Merari Gen. 46 11. Exod. 6 16 These are described according to the number of their families so that of Gershon came two families the Libnites and the Shimeits Of Kohath came foure families the Amramites the Izeharites the Hebronites and the Vzzielites Of Merari were spread two families the Mahlites and the Mushites In this diuision is laid downe before vs a description of the genealogy or generation of the Tribe of Leui by their names and by their families wherein is set downe both what children Leui had and what were his childrens children insomuch that many did spring and spread themselues as branches out of that roote This we also finde set downe afterward chap. 26 Numb 26 ● and in other places of the word of God and yet it may seeme vnto some very vnprofitable and to minister little or no instruction at all to the Church of God Besides the Scripture speaking of Genealogies doth oftentimes cal them endles and fruiteles and brand them with this note to minister occasion of strife and contention rather then of godly edifying which is in loue 1 Tim. 1 4 and Tit. 1 4 and 3 9. But we must know that the Apostle condemneth not all Genealogies All Gene●gies not co●demned forasmuch as the Scriptures are full of them and the Iewes kept publike and priuate records of their tribes and families Numb 1 18. Nehem. 7 62. This was obserued vntill the desolation of the City and the Temple Paul was able to proue himselfe of the stocke of Israel Phil 3 5. of the tribe of Beniamin an Hebrew of the Hebrewes by lineall descent if any had doubted of it The first booke of the Chronicles is full of such genealogies so is Ezra and Nehemiah and few historicall books of the old Testament without them Hence it is that the Apostle ioyneth foolish Questions and Genealogies together where he condemneth not the mouing of euery question in handling the word or conferring of it for both Christ asked his Disciples many things Mat. 16. and there are many questions godly and profitable whereof we may enquire and reason which breed sound knowledge wholesome instruction and fruitfull edification to the hearers He is marked out as with a note of folly that rashly and headily beleeueth euery thing Prou. 14 15. And therefore the questions that are to be suppressed he calleth foolish questions that is idle superfluous vaine and vnnecessary seruing to no vse or profit The same title as a brand set vpon the head of them is to be stretched also to Genealogies foolish genealogies must be staied such as are of no moment such as serue to nourish vaine glory and serue not to the benefite of the faith of the Church But such as the Scripture setteth downe are very profitable sometimes to teach vs the accomplishment of Gods promises sometimes to giue light to other Scriptures sometimes to shew the continuance of the Church from age to age sometimes to discouer the enemies of true religion which often driue it into a corner of the world and sometimes to manifest the true Messiah that the scepter departed not from Iudah till his appearing But to omit this heere we are to consider and to compare the curse of Iacob with the blessings that wee see descend vpon this tribe Simeon and Leui instruments of cruelty in the destruction of the Sichemites haue an heauy curse laid vpon them by their father Gen. 49. Yet God raised out of the same these honourable families and turned the curse into a blessing as he promised to that tribe for their zeale in destroying the idolaters ●octrine 1. ●od chuseth ●eake and ● likely ●eanes ma● times We learne from hence that God many times chuseth his seruants as his instruments to bring worthy things to passe euen out of low and meane degrees He chuseth weake meanes and vnlikely in the eyes of the world and maketh them his instruments to worke his will This doth Hannah confesse she was contemned and reproched by her aduersarie which caused her in the anguish and bitternes of her soule to pray to the Lord but hauing experience of his mercy toward her she saith The Lord maketh rich Sam 2.6 7 ● and maketh poore he bringeth low and lifteth vp he raiseth vp the poore out of the dust lifteth vp the begger from the dunghill to set them among Princes and to make them inherite the throne of glory So hee dealt with Ioseph he brought him out of prison and lifted vp his head aboue the Princes of Egypt Gen. 41.40 Thus he speaketh to the Israelites Deut. 7.7 8. and putteth them in minde of their naturall condition The Lord did not set his loue vpon you nor chuse you because yee were moe in number then any people for ye were the fewest of all people but because the Lord loued you and because he would keepe the oath which hee had sworne vnto your fathers hath the
in heauen that not one of these little ones should perish Mat. 18 14. He commandeth that not one of these little ones should perish Mat. 18 10. He maketh vs to lye downe in greene pastures he leadeth vs beside the stil water he restoreth our soules and leadeth vs in the paths of righteousnesse for his names sake Psal 23 2 3. Iacob that fed the sheepe of his father in law testifieth touching his care that the drought consumed him in the day Gen. 31.40 and the frost pinched him in the night and sleepe departed from his eyes so that whatsoeuer was torne of beasts or stollen of theeues was required at his hands he bare the losse of it Much more then will the Lord care for the sheepe of his pasture his rod and his staffe shall comfort them and although they walke through the valley of the shadow of death they shall feare no euill Will a king regard onely the chiefe Cities and most populous places of his kingdome and suffer the rest to liue as they list without lawes good orders Or will the master of an house looke to some in his family and not to all If then God be our King if he be our Master he will looke to all his subiects and seruants whatsoeuer they be that they shall haue their meate in due season Secondly such is the grace and goodnesse of God that he would haue all his people Reason 2 come to knowledge Such as know not his will are none of his seruants If then he require the vnderstanding knowledge of his wayes not onely of rich men of great men of learned men and of the Ministers but of all the people of what calling and condition soeuer they be how meane and simple soeuer they be we must hereof conclude that he hath ordained that all of them should haue the meanes of knowledge and saluation offered vnto them and published among them To this purpose the Apostle saith He will that all men shall be saued and come vnto the acknowledgement of the truth 1 Tim. 2 4. And Peter in his second Epistle chap. 3. teacheth that The Lord is not slacke concerning his promise as some men count slacknesse but is long suffering to vs ward 2 Pet. 3 9. not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance This is that which the Prophet Ezekiel setteth downe chap. 18 11 23 32 and 33. Haue I any pleasure at all that the wicked should dye saith the Lord and not that he should returne from his waies and liue Thirdly the word of God was penned for all estates degrees and conditions of men It Reason 3 serueth as eye-salue to cleere the eyes of all persons and to make the simple wise Psal 19 7. and 119 99 100. It cleanseth the way of the yong man if he take heed thereunto with all diligence Psal 119 9. The booke of the Prouerbes of Salomon the sonne of Dauid King of Israel was written to giue subtilty to the simple and to the young man knowledge and discretion Prou. 1 4. The Apostle Iohn 1 Iohn 2 13. wrote to the Fathers because they had knowne him that is from the beginning he wrote vnto young men because they haue ouercome the wicked one he wrote to little children because they haue knowne the Father If then the word do serue for all sorts and sexes and ages whatsoeuer it followeth that all must be taught from the greatest to the least from the highest to the lowest Fourthly all persons whatsoeuer they be haue soules to saue simple persons small congregations Reason 4 little assemblies as well as others that are many in number We consist not only of bodies we must not onely prouide for this present life but we haue also soules to saue and must prepare for the life to come We shall all giue an account of the things that we haue done in this life whether they be good or euill forasmuch as the Lord will reward euery man according to his workes Rom. 2.6 The day of our particular death and the day of the generall iudgement are both of them dayes of reckoning and account and as the soule is most precious so the account to be giuen for it is very great and therefore from these premises we may necessarily deduct this conclusion that it is the will and pleasure of God that euery place and person should be carefully instructed Vse 1 It remaineth therfore that we come to the vses and as from a good tree gather such fruit as groweth from thence First we learne that it is Gods ordinance and appointment that euery congregation should haue a learned Minister to teach them the true religion and feare of God It is not ynough that there be a setled standing Ministery in one place or corner of the land or in euery great citie but he will haue his people in all places whether great or small to be cared and prouided for euery Church haue a sufficient Minister to instruct euery member of it Hence it is that the Euangelist declareth Acts 14.23 that the Apostles Paul and Barnabas ordained Elders by election in euery Church and then they commended them to the Lord in whom they beleeued And in the Epistle to Titus Paul saith vnto him Chap. 1. verse 5. For this cause left I thee in Creta that thou shouldest continue to redresse things that remaine and shouldest ordaine Elders in euery Citie as I appointed thee By euery Church and euery citie in those places we must vnderstand that wheresoeuer there is a body of people gathered together fit for a Congregation there ought a Minister to bee chosen appointed and set ouer the same For whersoeuer a Church is planted and a distinct congregation established there is an absolute necessity of a setled Ministery as we haue shewed before in the beginning of this Chapter so that it is altogether vnpossible that without it religion should prosper or continue The Lord had no sooner giuen his law concerning the erecting of the Tabernacle but Aaron his sons were annointed and the whole tribe sanctified to the office of the Ministery to attend on holy things to teach the people to offer sacrifices to performe such duties as were required of them He knoweth that euery man standeth in as great neede of food for the soule aa he doth of nourishment for the body and that as the body decayeth without sustenance so the soule famisheth and pineth away without the bread of life Wheresoeuer the Ministery of the word is wanting there wanteth one of Gods ordinances one of his speciall blessings Wee see by common and continuall experience when the corne is blasted and the haruest of the field is perished and the labour of the husbandman is destroyed what crying lamentation is made how much more ought we to be greeued to see the famine of the word brought vpon vs and thousands perish thorough want of this ordinance of God
possesseth where all things are saide to bee in peace Luk. 11 21. Secondly let vs neuer look Vse 2 for a perfect agreement or perfect vnity in this life Such are falne into a deepe sleep and dreame to finde heauen vpon earth We must embrace the truth before all be agreed or els we shall neuer embrace it forasmuch as there is much ignorance the matter or mother of error euen in the most godly Happy wil it be for vs whē there shal be an end of these daies of sin for then shall be an end also of all contention Thirdly let vs follow mens examples Vse 3 no further then they follow Christ 1 Cor. 11 1. There are defects and infirmities in the best We aime at perfection but wee cannot hit it Though we haue multitudes to go before vs we must know whom they follow before we follow and ioyne our selues vnto them Many men may fitly be cōpared to a flock of sheep who at the first make many offers before any will aduenture but if one begin to leap ouer the rest follow amain so is it with diuers men that pinch curtesy at the first and keep themselues entire in the most holy faith but if they see others giue their assent they follow after stick at nothing neither try the spirits whether they be of God or not Lastly it is our duty Vse 4 to cut off all occasions of debate and as it were to take away the fuell that kindleth and continueth the fire 1 Cor. 1.10 Paul beseecheth the Corinthians as brethren by the name of our Lord Iesus Christ that they all speake the same thing and that there be no diuisions among them but that they be perfectly ioyned together in the same minde and in the same iudgement Verse 2. And they saide Hath the Lord indeed spoken onely by Moses The true cause of this their murmuring and contention was pride and ambition selfe-loue ostentation vain-glory ●●●trine 〈…〉 ●reater ●e to the ●●●rch then ●ion Hereby we learne that there commeth no greater plague to the Church of God then by ambition desire of preheminence when men desire to ouer-rule others to haue the sole command of all things in the church and neuer to be commanded This was the sinne that caused our first parents to fall from God and by their fall to ruine all mankinde they would needs be as Gods knowing good and euill Gen. 3 5. The ambition and pride of Amaziah the priest of Beth-el would not suffer the Prophet Amos in the land of Israel but he commanded him to flie away into the land of Iuda and prophesie there Amos 7 10 12. We see this apparently afterward chap. 16. of this booke in Korah Dathan and Abiram This moued the high Priests the Scribes and Pharisies to persecute Christ and his Apostles to wit the loue which they had to their owne kingdome and hierarchy more then vnto the kingdome of God they feared that if all men were brought to beleeue in Christ they shold lose their place and authority Iohn 11 47. Math. 23 6 7. So was it among the Apostles they also stroue who should bee the greatest among them So the Apostle Iohn speaking of Diotrephes sheweth that hee loueth the preheminence 3 Iohn 9 10. Hee was a proud and ambitious man affecting rule and authoritie ouer others and thereby brought much mischiefe and trouble vpon the church of God pratling against the Pastors with malicious wordes and not content therewith neither doth he himselfe receiue the brethren forbiddeth them that would and casteth thē out of the church Neither is this euill dead with these for this is a great plague of the church to this day and very pernicious Nothing hath more ruined the church of God ouerthrown piety corrupted religion hindered the Gospel discouraged the Pastors and professors of it nothing hath more erected the kingdom of Anti-christ then these petty popes the true successors of Diotrephes such as desire to be vniuersall byshops and to reign alone to haue all the dealings in their owne hands and the whole flocke to stand at their becke and conclude what they list Reason 1 The mischiefe hereof appeareth by sundry reasons First it causeth a great rent and diuision in the church and disturbeth the peace of it Nu. 16 1. Korah and his company went apart as scismaticks caused a great contention to arise where was peace vnity before Reason 2 Secondly it setteth vp men putteth downe the Lord and his ordinances vrging compelling and commanding against the truth Act. 4 18 19. Annas the high priest and Caiaphas and Iohn and Alexander a proude generation of ambitious prelates commanded the Apostles not to preach and teach nor to speake at all in the name of Ieus whō Christ had charged and commanded to preach And whereas he would haue them teach whatsoeuer he had commanded them Math. 28 20. they will limit them and stint the Spirit of God how far he shall go and what he shall not do Thirdly Reason 3 it proceedeth from very euill rootes and bringeth forth very euil effects as an euil tree bringeth forth euill fruites The causes from whence it floweth are Satan pride contempt disdaine of others selfe-loue in our selues Zeged loci communes no loue of the truth no zeale of Gods glorie no desire of the good of the church like mother like daughter as the root is so is the branch The effects thereof are trouble disquietnesse feare flattery enuy and subtilty Let vs come to the Vses It reproueth the Vse 1 Byshops of Rome and the Romane Cleargy which beare themselues as Lords ouer the flocke of Christ hauing all things to stand at their becke therefore the Apostle Peter saith the Elders that feede the flocke must not bee as Lords ouer Gods heritage but examples to the flocke 1 Pet. 5 3. and Christ our Sauiour when the two sonnes of Zebedeus ambitiously desired to be aboue their fellowes and stroue among themselues which should bee greatest Christ Iesus therupon sheweth how and which way euery one should be great who ought to bee had in highest regard and reputation euen such and onely such as do the best and greatest seruice to the church Mark 10 42. Lu. 23 24. Whosoeuer wil be great among you shall be your Minister and whosoeuer of you will be the cheefest shall be seruant of all So then the honor and the labour should not be diuided but go together howbeit in the church of Rome they haue most honour that doe the least labour and contrarywise they are least respected who haue most labored and taken greatest paines among the people But howsoeuer this be a common receiued custom it shall bee altogether otherwise in the next life when the great sheepheard of the sheepe shal appeare then shall they be most honored of him that haue laboured most euerie one shall receiue not onely for his labour but according to his labor 1 Cor. 3
web so fine that it cannot be espied they speake peaceably to their neighbour with their mouthes but in heart they lie in waite Secondly beware of such enemies and beleeue Vse 2 them not take heed of them and flye from them Mar. 13 ver 21 22 23. They haue smoothe words but malice lodgeth and lurketh in their hearts Where the water runneth stillest there it is most deepe and dangerous Prou. 26 24 25. The examples are infinite of such as haue beene ouertaken by them They that haue good hearts are not easily brought to suspect another to be euill and while they iudge others to be like to themselues they are often taken in their nets Thirdly we must not be simple and sottish Vse 3 which haue to do with such deceitfull workmen that watch and ward for aduantage It is our duty to entreate God to preserue vs from them that we may not be drawn away by thē to do as they do Psal 28 3. Abel was too simple for so cunning an enemy as Caine so was Abner and Amasa for Ioab they paid deerely for it Lastly woe vnto all such they shall in the Vse 4 end be ouertaken in their owne waies shall fall into the pit which they haue digged for others They may hide their counsels from men but cannot from the all-seeing eyes of God We see this in Caine Ioab Absolon Iudas and others The Lord shall cut off all flattering lippes and the tongue that speaketh proud things Psalm 12 ● and 7 15 16. Prou. 26 2● Let such therefore consider betimes the fruite of their leasing and know that it will be bitternesse in the latter ende They flatter others and themselues but the Lord will not flatter them but shall finde them out in their sinnes They told them and saide Wee came vnto the Land c. Wee saw before that there were twelue chosen that went to search the Land yet among them all onely two deale faithfully and truely the rest were treacherous hollow-hear●ed hypocrites Doctrine The greatest pa●t are often times the worst The doctrine arising from this comparison of them is this that the greatest part are for the most part the worst the fewest the best Luke 17 11. Gen. ● 5 6 8. God looked vpon the earth and behold it was corrupt for all flesh had corrupted his way vpon the earth verse 12. Caines stocke multiplied whiles Adam remained childlesse Gen. 4 25. Many enter into the broad way few into the streight gate Mat. 7 1● 14. Whē the sinne of the Sodomites cryed to heauen for vengeance and all the people both young and old from euery quarter wrought villany onely Lot and his daughters were found in the City that ioyned not with them Gen. 19 4 16. In the daies of Michaiah Ieremy Eliah Elisha were hundreds of false Prophets though the children of Israel were as the sand of the sea Esay 1 9. yet but a remnant should be saued though many be called yet few are chosen Math. 20 16. The seed of the word falleth into sundry sorts of ground yet one onely is the good ground Ten leapers were clensed as they were going to shew themselues to the Priest but one only returned backe to giue God thanks Luke 17 17 18 and 13 23 ●4 For first God will haue his seruants prooued Reason 1 and tried in the falling away of multitudes on the right hand on the left whether they will cleaue vnto him and his truth or not It is small commendation to continue in the faith when others stand for so do many hypocrites but to hold out when others giue ouer their hold is the try●ll of a true Disciple Ioh. 6 66 67 1 Cor. 11 19. Secondly men are for the most part addicted to follow the multitude to run in great heapes one after another one giueth euill example vnto another Gen. 6. as we see in the men of the old world Thirdly sinne is very pleasant and delightfull to the flesh it is most consonant and agreeable to our corrupt nature but grace and piety are repugnant to the flesh and we striue against it what we can Gal. 5 17. Lastly we heard before the ordinance and decree of God which must in time take place that hee which calleth many hath elected out of that number but a few Mat. 19 Mark 10 31. 30. The net of the Gospel being cast into the sea gathereth together good and bad but the bad are afterward cast away as vnprofitable as reffuse and reprobate stuffe This serueth to conuince the Church of Vse 1 Rome and the defenders of the Romish religion that make vniuersality the multitude a marke and note of Gods church wheras the lesser number is rather the truer note For otherwise we might iustifie the old world against Noah his family the Sodomites against Lot and his house Paul complained that at his first answering no man assisted him but left him alone yet he had the truth on his side 2 Tim. 4 16. and the Apostle Iohn saith Wee know that we are of God and the whole world lyeth in wickednesse 1 Iohn 5 19. And if this were a sure note we might iustifie the religion of the Turkes Sarazens which spreadeth the wings of their superstition much farther thē all popery doth and occupieth a greater part of the world But such as professe the truth of God truely are the true Church whether they bee many or few whether they be in one part of the world or in many and such as do not professe the true faith are no true Church whether they bee neere or farther off whether in one place or dispersed farther abroad A multitude cannot make any religion to be true nor fewnesse to be false The reasons which they bring to make the multitude to be a marke of the Church Popish reasons to make the multitude a marke of the Church make nothing to the purpose but to mark out their owne weaknesse seruing rather for pomp and shew then for any weight and substance as Psal 2 8. I will giue thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the vtmost parts of the earth for thy possession and Psal 72 8. He shall haue dominion from sea to sea and from the Riuer vnto the ends of the earth so Luke 24 47 Christ foretelleth that the Gospel should be preached among all Nations beginning at Ierusalem I answer it were no hard matter to produce an hundred such testimonies and all nothing to the purpose or point in hand For the drift and scope of them is no other then to make a difference of the Church vnder the law and in the time of the Gospel at the first it was shut vp within a narrow compasse corner of the earth but afterward it was enlarged For whereas before the coming of the Messiah the bankes of the Church were the bounds of Iudea vnder the Gospel they should be no longer pent vp in so
round about them yea whithersoeuer they went out the hand of the Lord was sore against them So that the people of God are oftentimes driuen to the wall and constrained to yeeld vnto the violence of bloody and cruell enemies Neither can we maruaile at the Lords doing Reason 1 if we consider First that his owne people sinne against him and therefore God is euen compelled to correct and chasten them howbeit in mercy not in his fury for their instruction not for their destruction This the Prophet teacheth Lam. 1 3 4 5. Iosh 7 1 4. What father doth not correct when he seeth his children run astray though he loue them deerely So God chasteneth his deerest Saints and seruants because they should not be condemned with the world It is the sinne of the godly that causeth him to lay sundry troubles and his heauy hand vpon them ●h 1 6. ●niel 9 5. ●ut 28 41. causing him to correct seuerely euē those that he loueth most dearely as he did Dauid and diuers other of his people that we should repent thereof that God may ceasse smiting of vs. Reason 2 Secondly he maketh the aduersaries preuaile ouer his children that they may learn to rest in God alone to put their trust affiance in him and not to relie vpon vaine man who is lighter then vanity it selfe We are ready to rest vpon our selues vpon an arme of flesh rather then vpon the liuing God ●●●●e 30 6. as Dauid in his prosperity said I shall neuer be moued Some trust in Horses and some in Chariots which are deceitfull helps some in Princes whose breath is in their nostrils it is expedient therfore that God should leaue vs for a time in the hands of our enemies that we may learne our owne weaknesse and acknowledge his goodnesse Chron 33 ● 12. Thus he dealt with Manasseh when hee gaue himselfe to sorcery fell into idolatry shedde much innocent blood with all cruelty when he did euill in the sight of the Lord and caused Iudah to erre and to do worse then the heathen He was led away prisoner into Babilon being put in fetters and bound in chaines But when he was in tribulatiō he prayed to the Lord his God and humbled himselfe greatly before the God of his fathers He learned that in Babylon which he could neuer learne at Ierusalem profited more lying in prison thē he did sitting on his throne and he got more true godlinesse in his heart in the daies of his captiuity then euer he gained in the time of his prosperity Reason 3 Thirdly to harden the hearts of the enemies that they may run forward to their owne confusion For a little prosperity puffeth them vp thereby they sorget God they grow in malice and madnesse and tip their tongues with the venome of their hearts Sometimes they are lifted vp on high that God may giue them the greater downe-fall So he dealt with the men of Ai Iosh 8 6 after they had smitten many of the Israelites with the sword they rushed headlong out of the City to their owne ruine and destruction So he dealt with the wicked Beniamites triumphing in their victories glorying in their owne strength and saying one to another Surely they are smitten downe before vs as in the first battaile but the iudgment fell vpon their owne heads Iudg. 20 39. Vse 1 The vses remaine First we learne heereby not to measure the Church or the truth of religion by outward prosperity or peace which is a deceitfull measure and a false rule seeing God often humbleth his seruants vnder his their enemies True it is God sometimes giueth vnto his Church a flourishing estate in wealth and peace in glory and visible beauty to giue therby euen a taste of all kind of earthly blessings and that they might haue opportunity to serue him euery kinde of comfort and encouragement in well doing yet he oftentimes altereth the outward estate of the Church in this world and changeth the condition of his seruants from one extreme to another Let vs not therefore measure the fauor and loue of God towards our selues or others by the blessings or aduersities of this life Here the wicked many times flourish and flow in peace when the godly liue in great griefe and misery and on the other side the godly somtimes prosper haue rest and a time of breathing and refreshing granted vnto them whē the wicked are in great distresse This is it which the wiseman teacheth Eccl. 9 1 2. All things come alike to all and the same condition is to the iust and to the wicked so that no man knoweth either loue or hatred of all that is before them No man can esteeme by any outward estate whether he be loued or hated of God for neither do the righteous alwaies prosper neither are the wicked alwaies crossed and afflicted but the wicked flourish more commonly and more gloriously then the iust and the hand of God lieth heauier and sorer vpon the godly then vpon the vngodly both sorts are subiect to death both are laide in the graue Hierom. in Eccles chap. 9. without any shew or appearance of difference between the one the other The loue of God toward the beleeuers is not discerned by the eye but apprehended and imbraced by faith Secondly we must learne not to publish Vse 2 spread abroad the miseries and calamities of the Church that the enemies may not reioyce in the daies of her tribulation We ought not to blaze bruite abroad the priuate infirmities of priuate persons Leuit 19 16. Pro. 26 20 21.22 lest we kindle coales of hatred and contention take away the good name of our brother much more are we forbidden to divulge the miseries and afflictions of the Church to giue occasion to the enemy to reioyce and solace himselfe in the sorrowes of the Saints of God We know the rage of enemies nothing is more ioyfull to them then to heare of the distresses and desolations therof Therfore Dauid after the slaughter of Saul and Ionathan by the sword of the enemy prouoketh to this duty 2 Sam. 1 19 20. O noble Israel he is slaine vpon thine high places how are the mighty ouer throwne Tell it not in Gath nor pubish it in the streetes of Askelon lest the doughters of the Philistims reioyce lest the daughters of the vncircumcised triumph Where he forbiddeth to tell and declare to the prophane enemies the fall and ouerthrow of the King his sonnes and hoast of Israel lest the Philistims should insult vpon them and scoffe at them and consequently blaspheme the God whom they serued and worshipped The like charge the Prophet Micah giueth speaking of the afflictions that should befall Israel and Iudah Their plagues are greeuous for it is come into Iudah Iudah the enemy is come vnto the gate of my people vnto Ierusalem Declare it not at Gath neither weepe yee in the house of Hophrah roule
no gifte of perswading is read in any prophane author but the same is found in the Scripture as in a plentifull store-house yea with farre greater grace and excellency then any where else let vs acknowledge the maiesty of the word and reuerently esteeme of it aboue all other Writings Secondly seeing Poetry is a good gift to Vse 2 be reuerenced and receiued for the antiquitie and worthinesse it serueth to reprooue those that abuse this gift to the reproch of the Art it selfe and to the dishonor of the giuer And howsoeuer many among the Heathen excelled in this kinde and haue lighted a candle to others yet was this Art no where more disgraced and disgraded from the former glorie and ancient estimation thereof then amongst themselues For whereas Poetry at the first was vsed to expresse some memorable accident and record some great worke to posterity that it might bee better remembred and regarded they turned these vses into wrong ends changed the truth into horrible lies For ●e the works Homer Vir● O●d o●ers what are all the Poems of the Infidels vnbeleeuing Gentiles but a detestable mingling of histories with Fables of trueth with lies of deedes done with their owne dreames and inuentions And whereas of olde time there was no difference between a plaine story and an artificiall Poem but in the manner of penning and enditing the one being easie and euident the other curious and cunning more exquisite and laboured they haue set the one against the other and opposed them as contraries ● f●mil epi. ● lib. 1. Orator ●t de Art 〈◊〉 charging an historie to speake the truth all the trueth and nothing but the truth but discharging a Poeme of this burthen They require the foundation to be some deed done indeed and then build vpon it Fables and falshood so that the plaine song being a truth the descant shall be a lye Neither hath this Noble Science beene abused onely among the Gentiles but the remnants of it haue crept into the Schooles and defiled the pens of many Christians We must feek to restore its ancient honor and being a graue matrone wee must pull from her the Ornaments and deckings that do not become her Therefore let not yong men addicted to this Art abuse this gift but vse it to the praise of God and to the publishing of his works Let them in their Poems shew themselues Christians and manifest themselues to differ from the vnbeleeuing Gentiles that know not God Let all songs and Sonets of loue or rather Lusts all scurrilous iests and Satyricall Pamphlets be banished from vs which are not the fault● of Art but of the Artist not of Poetry but of the Poet not of the matter but of the man Let al inuocation of strange gods and heathenish inducing of many gods be odious to our eares speeches vsuall among many but not seasoned with salt as they ought to be Wee haue liberty enough to follow the verse without wandering into such licentiousnes wherunto the Apostle directeth vs Ephes 4 29. Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouths but that which is good to the vse of edifying that it may minister grace vnto the hearers Lastly seeing the Art of Poetry is lawfull Vse 3 and lawdable let vs praise God and sing to him in spirituall songs penned by the Prophets and endited by the Spirit of GOD for the instruction and direction of the Church not onely in the booke of Psalmes but in other places of the Scripture And surely it were a worthy and profitable labour tending to the aduancing of the glory of God seruing for the comfort of the Church if all the songs of prayer and praises which are found in the Law and the Prophets were turned and tuned for the ordinary vse of our assemblyes and ioyned to the booke of Psalmes as the song of Moses of Miriam of Deborah of Esay of Hezekiah of Habakkuk of the Canticles and Lamentations together with some others in other places to bee found that wee might haue plentifull matter and perfect direction to lift vp our hearts and voices vnto God vpon all occasions that shall be offered vnto vs. Hereunto commeth the exhortation of the Apostle Paul Col. 3 16. Let the word of God dwell in you plentifully in all wisedome teaching and admonishing your owne selues in Psalmes Hymns and spirituall songs singing with a grace in your harts to the Lord. This duty of singing Psalmes is not proper to the Church and the publicke assemblies of the Church but an exercise of our Religion to be vsed publikely priuately whether we would giue thankes for some deliuerance or craue forgiuenesse of sinnes or desire restoring of health or craue the graces of Gods Spirit which wee want True it is there are many abuses of this part of Gods seruice as also in the rest yea euen in singing the Psalms of Dauid 1 Cor. 14 15 26. as vsing of an vnknowne tongue without vnderstanding the spending of too much time shutting out thereby the preaching of the word and hindering other exercises of our Religion as we see it vsuall in the Church of Rome where the chanting of their Mattins and Masses hath iustled out the publishing of the Doctrine of the Gospel making the deed done to be meritorious auaileable for the forgiuenesse of sinnes singing many sinfull and superstitious things touching the intercession of Saints and such trumpery bringing in their broken Musicke that nothing can be vnderstoode any more thē if it were in a strange tongue an vnknown language whereas al things should be done to edifying in the Church of God Notwithstanding all these abuses we must maintaine the right and holy vse of singing in the Church and in our houses which is an exercise excellent in it selfe acceptable to God profitable to our selues and those that heare vs. The Apostle exhorteth the Ephesians Not to be drunke with wine wherein is excesse but to be filled with the Spirit spe●king vnto themselues in Psalmes and Hymnes and spirituall songs making melodie to the Lord in their hearts Ephe. 5 18 19. Likewise the Apostle Iames chap. 5 13. Is any among you afflicted Let him pray Is any merry let him sing Psalmes This was the practise of Paul and Silas while they were in prison They praied at midnight and sing Psalmes vnto God Acts 16 25. Let vs follow these examples of godly men and take vp this exercise better then we haue done beeing a notable gift of God which duty albeit commanded by precept and commended by example is greatly decayed in all places and among all estates of men in stead whereof prophane songs and beastly Ballads are come in places filling and defiling all shops houses and meetings iustling out the other to the decay of Religion to the disgrace of the Psalmes to the corrupting of youth to the contempt of the word and to the dishonour of God They that spake in Prouerbs say
sinners he maketh them eyther in their sleepe to dreame of it or in frenzy to raue vpon it or in sickenesse to confesse it or vnawares to disclose it or in anguish of the minde to voyde it and vomit it vp verifying the words of the Prophet Esay chap. 66 24. Their worme shall not dye but alwayes gnaw vpon them with continuall torment As also Marke 9 44. Thus is Gods iudgement vpon them that they should feare all things who will not feare him that made all things If a man had all the pleasures treasures that heart could desire or delight in yet can they giue him no true comfort and contentment when the conscience is guilty of horrible sinnes These terrors are those Furies which the Poets faine Cicer. pro. Ros Amori Orat. in Pisonem which neuer suffer offenders to be at rest as we haue seene in the examples of Cain Belteshazzer Saul Absolon Iudas and others The noyse of the Thunder-claps Psal 29 3 4 5 7. which is the voyce of God hath so danted the vildest Atheists that they haue couered their heads hidden them selues vnder their beddes and beene ready to creepe into euery hole Thus wee see how the vngodly are punished in this life how they are arraigned as Malefactors at the barre how they lye confounded in themselues and how the testimony of euery mans conscience proclaymeth and cryeth out Psalme 58 11. Verily there is fruite for the righteous doubtlesse there is a God that iudgeth in the earth So that they shall sooner pull their hearts out of their breasts then God out of their minds And albeit the conscience of carnal men that neuer truly repented of their sinnes seemeth to be at rest yet it is as a wilde and sauage beast which lyeth asleepe seemeth tame and gentle but beeing raysed and rouzed vp flyeth in a mans face and snarleth at him Iosephs bretheren were not much troubled for their vice and villany in selling their brother at the present time but long afterward when they were afflicted with extreme famine and distressed in Egypt they remember the iniquity which they had committed and the cruelty which they had shewed and not truely repented of Genesis chap. 42. verse 21. Let vs therfore striue by all meanes alwaies endeauor to keepe a good conscience toward God and man and take heede how wee breake out into open sinnes prouoking God vnto anger wounding our owne soules offending our brethren diminishing the graces of God lessening our assurance of his fauour and greeuing the Spirit of God by whom we are sealed vnto the day of our redemption Verse 4. Therefore Moab said vnto the Elders of Midian Now shall this multitude lick vp all round about vs as an Oxe licketh vp the grasse of the field c. Hitherto of the occasion of the proceedings of the Moabites now wee are come to the plottings and conspiracies of the enemies of the Church the Moabites ioyning and combining themselues with the Midianites men as wicked as themselues See heere how the aduersaries of Israel associate themselues to destroy the Church though differing in Nation in Religion in Tongues in gods and Idolles among themselues not because Israel had offended but beecause they thirst after blood 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 ●●rch ●●●ga 〈◊〉 them●●●●●yne ●her a● 〈…〉 Heereby wee learne this Doctrine that the enemies of the true Church howsoeuer they differ in iudgement and affection yet they are ready to ioyne and iumpe together against the children of God Notwithstanding the differences and diuisions amongst the enemies of God and his trueth they can ioyne hand in hand together to oppresse the Church This is noted in diuerse and sundry practises of the wicked in all ages of the Church The wicked Midianites Amalekites with those of the East not inhabiting in the land of Canaan but both Nations dwelling beyond the Riuer differing much in theyr courses and conuersations and seruing vaine gods and Idolles assaulted Israel came into their land to destroy it as is witnessed in the booke of Iudges chapt 6 3. So against Iehoshaphat a godly King that sought the Lord God of his father and walked in his Commandements Came the children of Moab and the children of Ammon and the inhabitants of Mount Seir to battell 2 Chron. 20.1 2 23. This likewise the Prophet Dauid teacheth declareth Psal 83 5 6 7 8. They haue consulted together in heart and haue made a league against thee the Tabernacles of Edom and the Ishmaelits Moab and the Agarims Gebal and Ammon c. Where hee noteth out the multitudes of the enemies which the Church had albeit at iarres among themselues and fighting sundry battels one against another yet notwithstanding consent conspire together to destroy Gods chosen This also is plentifully taught by many examples in the New Testament As Mat. 22 15 16. when the Pharisies had taken counsell against Christ how they might entangle him in his talke they sent vnto him their disciples with the Herodians So Herod and Pilate Luk. 23 12. agreeing like Cats and Dogges were made friends together and pleasure one another which had beene enemies one to the other to the end they might make a mocke of Christ Thus the hatred of godlinesse ioyneth the wicked together This is it which the Apostles confessed in theyr prayer Actes 4 25 26. 6 9 10 Why did the Gentiles rage and the people imagine vaine things The kings of the earth assembled and the rulers came together against the Lord and against his Christ for doubtlesse against thine holy sonne Iesus whom thou hast annointed both Herod and Pontius Pilat with the Gentiles and the people of Israel gathered themselues together Moreouer when the Apostle disputed against the idolatry of the Athenians Act. 17 18. then certaine Philosophers of the Epicures and of the Stoicks banded themselues together against him albeit they were two contrary sects that neuer agreed and consented one strict in opinion the other loose in conuersation one placed their happinesse in vertue the other in pleasure making a mock of all Religion We see this true by common continuall experience Looke vpon the enemies of the truth there is no loue or liking among them one of another they dare not trust or beleeue one another yet they strike hands ioyne together against the faithfull like to Sampsons Foxes Iudg. 15 4. who albeit they looke seueral wayes with their heads yet they ioyne tayle to tayle to burne vp the haruest vineyard of the Lord. The Reasons are euident For albeit they be Reason 1 separated one from another and often spoile each other yet they vnite thēselues in league together because they feare the faithfull and the decay of their owne kingdome They perswade themselues that the rising vppe and flourishing of the Church will be the pressing downe and frustrating of all their hope expectation This appeareth in the booke of Ester when Mordecai was honored of the king for his faithfull
seruice in detecting and disclosing the conspiracie intended against him Hamans wife and his wise-men sayde vnto him Ester chap. 6. verse 13. If Mordecai bee of the seede of the Iewes before whom thou hast begunne to fal thou shalt not preuaile against him but shall surely fall before him And heereunto also come the words of the Moabites Midianites to Balaam Numb 22. verses 5 6. Behold there is a people come out of Egypt which couer the face of the earth they are stronger then we So that they ioyned together because they feared the multitudes of Israel lest they should lose their Dominions and their ancient glory through their conquest Reason 2 Againe they hate the people of God and their Religion Although the Church bee weake and want humane strength so that the enemies neede not feare it yet still they plot and bring forth new deuices the children of Belial are alwayes packing and contriuing mischiefe against the Church For as true faith and loue of religion vniteth hearts together that wee may with one mouth glorify God the Father so contrarywise where hatred of the true Religion reigneth there can be no loue to the Professors thereof No maruell therefore if such ioyne in league against Gods people As wee see when the Rulers and Gouernours could not finde any fault in Daniel in regard of his faithfulnesse concerning the kingdome enuying his honour and promotion They picked a quarrell against him in matters of the pure worship of the true God So then whether we consider that the wicked feare theyr owne fall and hate the faithfull with a deadly hatred in both respects we may conclude this as a most certain trueth that notwithstanding the bandings and brawlings of the wicked and vngodly among themselues yet they can consent and consort themselues together to impugne and slander the Church of God and the doctrine of Christ Vse 1 The Vses now remaining to be handled are these First this teacheth that seeing sundry sects dissenting and varying greatly one from another do many times ioyne together in one vnity is not alwayes a note of the Church except it be conioyned with veritie For as dissention is sometimes in the church so agreement is oftentimes out of the Church among the enemies of Christ There was an vnity betweene the Moabites and the Midianites betweene the builders of Babel betweene the Priests of Baal between the Scribes and Pharisies betweene the Rulers and the people There is an vnity betweene theeues conspirators murtherers and malefactours there is an vnity betweene the Turkes against the Christians betweene Antichrist and his adherents betweene sathan and his members yea betweene the diuels themselues al vsing the same meanes all ayming at one end all conspiring consenting against the kingdome of Christ Howbeit the agreement of euill men is not truly to be tearmed an vnity but rather rightly to be called a conspiracie Wherefore they are greatly deceiued that make all agreement and vnity an essential and vnseparable note of the Church What a● notes an● ma●ke 〈◊〉 Church If we would know what are the proper markes and euident notes of the Church agreeing to euerie Church alwayes and onely they are the powerfull preaching of sound doctrine the right administration of the holy Sacraments the spirituall worshippe of the true God and holynesse of life and conuersation Where these are not found it cannot bee that there should be the true Church This the Euangelist Saint Luke testifieth in the second of the Acts verses 41 42 46 47 They that gladly receyued the word were baptized and the same day there were added to the Church about three thousand soules and they continued in the Apostles Doctrine and fellowshippe and breaking of bread and prayers So Christ calleth and accounteth those as his Brethren Mother and Sisters that heare his word and keepe it and those his Disciples that abide in his word and his Friends if they do whatsoeuer he commādeth them as Luke chap. 8. verse 21. and chap 11. verse 28. Iohn chap. 8. v●●se 31 and ch 15. ver 14. These are the notes that are peculiar and proper to the Church by these we shall finde the true Church and learne to ioyne our selues vnto it wh●n we haue found it and descry the false signes of the Romish Synagogue where neither the gospell is truely preached nor the Sacraments rightly administred nor the pure worship of God is spiritually instituted nor holynesse of life is sincerely practised As for vnity vniuersality antiquity succession of Byshoppes multitude of beleeuers the title of Catholicke the working of myracles the glory of victories obedience to the Pope and such like Pelde 〈◊〉 lib. 4 ca● Hosius 〈◊〉 hum cap. which the aduersaries of the grace of GOD make notes of the Church which is an assembly of Antichrist they are not proper onely nor alwayes nor vnto all Churches for this is indeede to be proper Purpyr 〈◊〉 cap de 〈◊〉 as all know that haue tasted the first rudiments of Logicke Besides these supposed signes are subiect vnto the outward senses are open and visible vnto the eyes not matters of fayth which are to bee beleeued They are as obscure darke and hard to bee knowne as to know which is the the Church they may bee claymed and challenged by euery hereticall congregation Wherefore as Hilary in one place teacheth The name of peace is beautifull Hilar c●● Auxent the opinion of vnity is f●ire Notwithstanding far better is a diue●s●ty in iudgement then an vnity in falshood The Apostle Paul commending concord and consent to the Church addeth that all our vnity must bee in Christ Ro. 15 5.6 The God of patience and consolation giue you that ye be like-minded one toward another according to Iesus Christ that yee with one minde and one mouth may praise God euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ Let vs therefore seeke for vnity in verity and honor it as the greatest comfort of our hearts otherwise a iust warre is farre better then an vniust and an vnhonest peace The true and Christian vnity is when the sheepe of Christ heare the voice of the sheepheard and follow him and that our Sheepheard is Iesus Christ by whom alone wee enter into the sheepefold Vse 2 Secondly seeing diuers men at great variance within themselues yet are content to ioyne together in wicked amity and vnity against the Church of Christ wee must confesse that the saluation and safe keeping of the Church is onely of God If men of all lewd deuices of different opinions men at mortall hatred and deadly warre amongst themselues cloase together and plot against the Church how shall they bee able to stand of themselues being few in number weake in strength destitute of friends and lying open to so many and mighty enemies For the Church albeit it be the house of God the mother of the faithfull the body of Christ and the pillar of the trueth yet it is
partly by dissembling hypocrites and partly by cunning Papists Hence it is that the Church is oppressed and groneth vnder the burden of sundry corrupt customes and iniurious prescriptions to the decay of religion and hinderance of the true worship of God If these mē had onely cut off the lap of our garments 1 Sam. 24.5 6 it were reason they should haue some remorse for it and it were wel with them if their harts would smite them for it But they haue serued vs as the Ammonites serued the messengers of Dauid whom he sent to comfort the King who shaued off halfe theyr beards and cut off their garments in the middle 2 Sam. 10 4. Of whom we may say as Paul said sometimes of the Iewes Thou that abhorrest Idols committest thou sacriledge Rom. 2 22. That is thou hatest the false gods and yet thou spoylest the true God which seemeth to bee much worse then the worshipping of Images and the giuing of our selues to the sinne of Idolatry Thus we offer to the Lord the lame and the sicke the torne and the blinde which if it were offered vnto thy Prince would hee accept it at thy hands be content with thee Mal. 1 8 9 13 14. yet we thinke him deeply indebted vnto vs. Thus do we spoyle the Lord of hosts in his Tithes and Offerings yet the Idolaters will not spoyle their gods as wee haue spoyled and doe spoyle the true God Mal. 3 8. Thus oftentimes it fareth better in this world with those which prophesie errors and speake flattering thinges which dawbe with vntempered Morter and preach of wine and of strong drinke thē with such as are found faithfull witnesses of the truth denouncing the iudgements of God and dealing faithfully with his people Whilst the true Prophets of God are hid in Caues and fed with bread and water to sustaine their feeble soules and faint liues foure hundred Prophets of the Groues are fed to the full and fare deliciously euery dat at Iezebels Table 1 Kings 18 13 19. Whiles M●chaiah is clapt vp in the Prison house 1 Kin. 2● and fed with the bread of affliction c. the false Prophets walked at liberty were richly prouided for tasted of the best and did eate the portion of the Kings meat Whilst Ieremy the true Prophet of the Lord is put in the court of the prison Ier. 37 1● 38 6. hath giuen him daily a morsell of bread out of the Bakers street and is cast into the Dungeon where was no water but myre where he stucke fast the false Prophets insult ouer him and liue in al pleasure abundance Whilst Daniel and his companions feed vpon Pulse and haue water giuen them to drinke Dan. 1 1● the Priests of Bel with their wiues children made merry with the meate allotted to the Idoll But howsoeuer this hath euer bene the lot and portion of the Prophets and Apostles and of other seruants of God and the recompence of their labours who spend their vitall spirits and waste their strength to speake to an vnthankful people let vs notwithstanding the disgraces and indignities offered vnto vs go forward in our callings looking for our wages and reward at the hands of GOD in whose seruice we are imployed and who hath promised That they which are wise shall shine as the brightnesse of the Firmament c. Dan. 12. Thus the Apostle exhorteth the Elders to feed the flocke of God which dependeth vpon them assuring themselues That when the chiefe Shepheard shall appeare they shall receiue an incorruptible crowne of glory 1 Pet. 5 3 4. Verse 39. So Balaam went with Balak He tooke Balaam and brought him vp into the high places of Baal that thence he might see the vtmost part of the people After the communication followeth a description of theyr actions they prepare for theyr coniuration they offer sacrifices and going into the Chappell of Baal they take a view of the vtmost part of the people of God God hath set himselfe against Balaam he had forbidden him to curse his people the sword was drawne out against him for his disobedience and he promised to submit himselfe vnto the good pleasure of God All this was knowne also to Balak that set him on worke and payeth him his wages yet see here how they proceed and goe forward in theyr wicked course and cannot be stopped hindered from it From hence we learne that howsoeuer the vngodly be checked reproued of God Doctri● The wic●● reproue● continu● sinne yet they continue in theyr vngodlinesse howsoeuer they bee crossed and contradicted they hold on their course in sinne which they haue begunne This appeareth in the example of Cain albeit he were admonished and reprooued of God for his wrath and malice against his brother 〈◊〉 6 8. ● yet he runneth forward and neuer ceaseth till he had killed him This is seene likewise euidently in the example of the olde world when the Lord saw that the wickednesse of man was great in the earth and all the imaginations of the thoughts of his heart were onely euill continually he stirred vp Noah a Preacher of righteousnes and gaue them an hundred and twenty yeeres to repent yet they sinned still corrupting their wayes and defiling the earth with their cruelty they did eate and drinke and gaue themselues vnto all excesse till the flood came and swept them all away Hereunto commeth the practise of Pharaoh Exod. 6 34. what could the Lord haue done vnto him that he did not He sent Moses and Aaron to speake vnto him he brought sundry plagues vpon him hee corrected him by diuers and sharpe afflictions yet he waxed obstinate and hardned his heart more and more to his owne destruction This is that which the Apostle Paul teacheth 2 Tim. 3 1 2 3. This know that in the last dayes shall come perillous times for men shall be louers of their owne selues couetous boasters proud cursed speakers disobedient to parents vnthankefull vnholy c. So that it appeareth to be an euident trueth that the wicked are so obstinate and hardned in their euill that by no meanes they can bee brought from it Pro. 27 22. And if thou shouldest bra● a foole in a mortar among wheate brayed with a pestle yet will not his foolishnes depart from him Reason 1 The Reasons to strengthen and confirme this truth to our consciences are to be considered First sin is as the Gangrene or Canker i● fretteth and cateth further and further the hand infecteth the arme and the foot the leg vnlesse the part that is infected bee cut off at the beginning as the Apostle teacheth 2 Tim. 2 16 17. Stay prophane and vaine bablings for they shall increase vnto more vngodlines their word shall fret as a canker of which sort are Hymeneus and Philetus So the Apostle Iames resembleth and compareth sin to child-bearing for the fruitfulnesse of it Iam. 1 15 When lust hath conceiued it
exquisite and excellent thing in them but the inward and spirituall worship is neglected among them the Name of God is dishonoured the Sabbath is prophaned the Scriptures are abused the doctrine of faith and repentance is buried many open sinnes are maintained amo●g thē If that bee the true rel●gion which giueth all glory to God the Popish religion cannot bee so wh●ch giueth all glory to themselues and robbeth God of the honour due to his Name by their doctrine of merits by their works of supererogation which indeed is more then supererogation If it be the true religion that magnifyeth the Scriptures resteth in the perfection of them submitteth all persons causes vnto them and acknowledgeth them the sole and supreme Iudge of all Questions and Controuersies of religion then that must bee a false religio which patcheth other writings and traditions vnto them which in matters of ●octrine flyeth from them which preferreth the authority of the Church before them and ●enveth to be wholly ordered by them If that ●e the true religion which aduanceth the sufferings of Christ and resteth in his perfect Oblation once performed vpon the Crosse Heb. 10 1● which acknowledgeth Christ to be the onely Sauiour and Redeemer of his people and ●eacheth to relye vpon him alone for our iustification then that must bee confessed to bee a counterfet religion which setteth vppe a mocke Christ and honoureth instead of him the cursed Idoll of the Masse whereby the remembrance of his death is shamefully e●uded and the people of God are miserably deluded Learne therefore that all zeale is not true zeale and to hate all euill albeit it haue the appearance of good and come masked vnder the vizard and habite of holinesse For counterfeit piety is double impiety Secondly let vs not bee carried away and Vse 2 seduced with euery vaine blast of false Doctrine but stand constant setled and vnmoueable as they that are builded not on the weak sand but vpon the firme Rocke that cannot b● remoued This the Apostle teacheth Heb. 1 9. Bee not carried about wi●h diuers and strange doctrines for it is a good thing that the heart bee stablished with grace and not with meates which haue not profited them that haue beene occupied in them This vse is vrged by the Apostle Paul 2. Tim. 3 5. This know that in the last daies shall come perillous seasons for men shall bee louers of their owne selues c hauing a shew of godlin●sse but haue denied the power therof turne ●way therfore from such We see how easily the grea●est part are carried away with shadowes without substance and shewes without inward tru●h They haue itching eares after new Te●chers and forsake the ancient Teachers that haue fed them with the milke of the word gained them to the fai●h of Christ Wherefore it standeth vs vpon to take hee● wee be not seduced and deceiued with ●a●e P●ophets and to make a tryall of their doctrine by the truth of the Scriptures according to the counsell of Christ our Sauiour Math. chapter 7 verses 15. 16. Lastly it is our dutie● to learne to discerne Vse 3 the spirits and to be able to iudge of the Doctrine whether it be of God or not Christ commandeth his Disciples to beware take heed of the leauen of the Pharisies and Saduces Math 1 and 2 ● that is of their doctrine but in another place he chargeth them to heare the Pharisies obey their doctrine sit●ing in Moses chaire because they were appointed for the time to be the Teachers of the Church Now then if they must heare and do what they say and yet auoide their mixtures corruptions of sound d●ctrine it is required necessarily of the people to discerne betweene the Law of GOD and the leauen of the Pharisies being charged to cleaue to the truth and to forsake error This is that vse which th● Apostle Iohn vrgeth 1 Iohn chap. 4. verse 1. De●rely beloued beleeue not euery spirit but try th● spirits whether they bee of GOD For many false Prophets are gone out into this world And in the second Epistle chap. 7 8. hee speaketh to the same purpose Many deceiuers are entred into this world which confesse not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh looke to your selues that wee lose not the things which we haue done but that we may receiue a full reward Hereunto likewise cometh the exhortation of Eliah to all the people that were seduced by false Prophets 1 Kings 18 21. How long halt yee betweene two opinions If the Lord be God follow him but if Baal bee hee then go after him And the Apostle Paul chargeth the Thessalonians to try all things and to hold fast that which is good 1 Thess 5 21. This condemneth the Church of Rome of sacriledge that take from the people the key of knowledge and nuzzle them in ignorance as the mother of deuotion accounting it sufficient that they beleeue as the Church beleeueth and credite in all things theyr Pastours and Teachers and forbid them all tryall of the doctrine deliuered vnto them But the Scriptures require of them the spirit of discerning 〈◊〉 12 2. ●il 1 10. ●ph 5.15 17. and all iudgement that they may allow those things that are best and that they may bee without offence vntill the day of Christ to take heed that they walke circumspectly and wisely that they may vnderstand what the will of the Lord is and beware that they be not seduced And it is no excuse to the people beeing misled and misguided to say Thus haue I bene taught and instructed For when the blinde leade the blinde they both fall into the pit of destruction Mat. 15 14. So that if they embrace not faith vnto saluation but withdraw themselues vnto perdition they that follow false Teachers are sure to perish as well as they that leade them the way or rather out of the way and if the Watchman see the sword drawne 〈◊〉 33 8. and iudgement comming and blow not the Trumpet albeit the blood of the people shall bee required at his hands yet they shall also be taken away in their sins Verse 5. The Lord put an answer in Balaams mouth Heere is set downe the Author of his Prophesies He sought a cursing but God put in his mouth a blessing so that the spirit of Prophesie is sometimes giuen to wicked men as appeareth in Saul sundry others Wherefore it is said God put his word in his mouth not in his heart He hath God plentifully in his mouth but his heart was farre from him so that he speaketh not farre otherwise then his Asse spake before because God compelled him against his will to vtter that which he put in his mouth ●●rine 〈◊〉 are 〈◊〉 ●●●e● to ●●ui● o●●e 〈◊〉 Heereby we learne that Gods truth is oftentimes enforced and drawne out of those that know it not nor beleeue it Prophane men of an euill spirit are constrained
Princes hold their Crownes and Scepters by the gift of God and therefore none but hee that gaue them can take them away from them They were accountable to him but to no mortall man whatsoeuer Ambros in his Apol. of Dauid chap. 10. and therefore Dauid saide To thee onely I haue sinned Psal 51 4. And this teacheth them a good lesson to remember that they must one day appeare before the iudgement seate of God and plead before his barre guilty or not guilty as now their subiects doe before them This then is the Regall tenour to hold immediatly from God to whom they must doe homage and fealty for their Crownes and Kingdomes It is not vnknowne what exorbitant courses the Bishop of Rome hath taken exalting himselfe from a Christian Pastour to bee an Antichristian Pope and from a Pope to a temporall Prince and from a temporall Prince to be a supreme Monarch ouer all and to haue omnipotent power as a vice-god on earth Such Almain-leapes in good time there is good hope will breake his backe nay his necke and free the Christian world from his yoke and bondage worse a thousand times then the slauery of the Israelites in Egypt when God shall open the eyes of all Christian Princes to see his vsurped ambition dominion which God grant for the glory of his Name and the saluation of the poore people that are held in more thē Turkish captiuity Lastly we must acknowledge that Magistrates Vse 3 are of great necessity forasmuch as the end of their Office is the good and benefit of the people ouer whom they are placed Lam. 4 20. They serue as a comfortable shadow to preserue vs from the scorching fires of raging persecuters like the gourd of Ionah which came ouer his head to deliuer him from the heare of the Sunne Ionah 4 6 8 which serueth to condemne the Anabaptists which cannot abide any gouernment or gouernors whereas we must learne to pray for them and to be subiect vnto them which are the Lords Shepheards ouer his flocke without whom nothing is to be seene but miserable disorder confusion of all things Iudg. 18. For a Commonwealth without a Gouernor is as a body without an head as a shippe without a Pilot as an army without a Leader or as an house without a Ruler The losse of a good and godly Prince is a great losse and greatly to be lamented 2 Chron. 35 verse 24. Zach. 12 verse 11. CHAP. XXVIII 1. AND the Lord spake vnto Moses saying 2. Command the Children of Israel and say vnto them My offering and my bread for my sacrifices c. 3. And thou shalt say vnto them This is the offering made by fire which ye shall offer vnto the Lord Two Lambes of the first yeare without spot day by day for a continuall burnt offering 4. The one Lambe shalt thou offer in the morning and the other Lambe shalt thou offer at euen 5. And a tenth part of an Ephah c. 6. It is a continuall burnt offering c. 7. And the drinke roffering c. 8. And the c. MOSES hauing set downe the numbering of the people proceedeth to handle the lawes vnder which they ought to be wherof some belong to Church-matters and some to the Common-wealth some sacred and some ciuill Such as are holy haue the first place and that worthily which order sheweth that the Common-wealth can neuer be well established vntill the Church be rightly ordered Doctrine The first and chiefe care is to be had of the Church and matters of religion The first and chiefe care is to be had of the Church and afterward of the ciuill state Commonwealth They begin at a wrong ende that begin with matters of policy as if a man should be very carefull to looke to the body but be carelesse of looking to the soule or should haue regard to the foote and vtterly neglect the head It was euermore the manner of the godly religious Kings of Iudah to beginne first with Church-matters and looking to religion and ordering the preaching of the Word and administration of the Sacraments as wee see in Dauid Iehoshaphat Hezekiah and Iosiah So did Zerubbabel immediately after their return from captiuity as wee see in the booke of Ezra Reason 1 And no maruaile for true religion is the soule and life of the Commonwealth without this it cannot prosper and florish but is as a dead carkasse without life it may carry a goodly shew and seeme to promise peace perpetuity but it is not well grounded and will deceiue in the end witnesse the Monarchies of the world which all receiued theyr decaying and declining in theyr times seasons of which before chap. 3. Secondly true religion is that onely which instructeth all sorts in true obedience teacheth them to performe theyr duties which is the meanes to establish a Commonwealth to order it aright when euery one knoweth his standing and no man encrocheth vpon the calling of another and the contrary bringeth confusion Thirdly euery one is charged to seeke the glory of God aboue his owne good and to set vp him before our selues For as he wil not giue his glory to any other so we ought to take heed we do not rob him of it But when we haue the first care to establish matters of religion then we shew that we are zealous of his glory First then they are deceiued that thinke it Vse 1 enough to make lawes for preseruation of publike peace and tranquility that euery man may keep and enioy his owne that wrongs and iniuries may be suppressed and banished The cheefest care ought to bee of Gods seruice and worship otherwise our Common-wealths shall differ little or nothing from the states and gouernments of the heathen Heere then is a lesson for all Law-giuers if they desire to haue Christian Commonwealths to begin with Christian religion and looke to the Church and there lay a good foundation He that would build an house to stand against stormes and tempests that will beate against it and seeke to beare it downe will be sure to begin with the foundation make sure work there so such as desire to haue a flourishing Commonwealth and all estates as a goodly building to grow vp and prosper in it must make religion the foundation and then it shal be sure to stand because that is as a rocke that shall neuer fayle nor fall Vse 2 Secondly hereby also we may try our selues whether we belong to God or not if in the first place we regard duties of piety and godlinesse and be more carefull to feare God thē to feare man then we are truely religious and may assure our selues we are true members of the church We must make him our feare who is able to cast body and soule into hell Matth 10 rather then man who can but kill the body if kill the body Iohn 19. Let euery one of vs therefore bee more
And Drusius obserueth that many such examples are found in the Priests which married wiues of other Tribes Now the cause that he had possession in another Tribe is because his inheritance fell in the Land of the Amorites on this side of Iordan not in the Land of Canaan on the other side Out of this diuision wee might obserue in that the children of Gad build Cities that the building of fortifications and strong holds is not vnlawfull prouided that we put not our trust confidence in them Obad. verse 3 4. And that the children of Machir tooke the Citties of the enemies we learne that the people of God are oftentimes victorious in battell But to passe ouer these obserue a notable point of theyr sincerity in cleauing to God and abolishing the monuments of Idolatry that they would not reteyne the former Idolatrous names of the two Citties Nebo and Baalmeon but changed them that they might no more bee had in remembrance nor the people whom God had chosen to be holy vnto himselfe Doctrine The reliques monumēts of Idolatry are to be abolished bee acquainted with them This teacheth that God will haue the remnants and monuments of Idolatry to be vtterly abolished and all occasions that might draw vnto it to be taken away not only Idolatry it selfe to be destroyed but the memoriall of it and the meanes that may bring it among his people againe Hence it is that the Apostle Iohn chargeth the Church not onely to beware of Idolatry but of the Idols themselues 1 Iohn 5 21 for hee shutteth vp the Epistle with this Little children keepe your selues from Idols If we suffer Idols to haue entrance into the Church wee shall not long bee free from Idolatry it selfe Therefore the Prophet declareth his hatred as well of the one as of the other when hee saith I will not make mention of their names with my lips Psalm 1● 4. Zach. 13 2. When God promiseth the ouerthrowing of Idolatry he promiseth withall the vtter destroying of the Idols themselues and that the remembrance of them shall bee cut off and perish out of the mindes and mouthes of men Esay 1 18 and 30 22. Hos 2 17. The reasons are plaine First because God Reason 1 would not haue his people snared by such occasions for they are as stumbling blocks layd before his people to cause them to fall and therefore the Lord saith Deut. 7 25. The grauen Images of their gods shall yee burne with fire thou shalt not desire the siluer or gold that is on them nor take it vnto thee lest thou bee snared therein Secondly it is sayde to be an abhomination Reason 2 to the Lord Deut. 7 25 for whatsoeuer is vnpure is abhominable vnto him and our nature is prone to this false worship is hardly kept from a corrupted religion This teacheth vs first of all what to thinke Vse 1 of the religion of the Church of Rome for as it is a false Church so it is vpholden by a false religion wherein not onely some reliques and remnants of Idolatry are to be found but most grosse open and palpable Idolatry is maintained like to that practised by the Gentiles themselues To manifest this to bee true in sundry particulars first obserue that they teach men to worship things that are without sense images of siluer and gold of wood and stone and yet they are vncertaine what worship to giue them Aquinas one of the chiefe schoolemen and a principall pillar of the Romane faith hath deliuered that the Image of Christ is to bee worshipped with the same worship that is due to Christ himselfe that Christ himselfe remaineth in the Image Bellarmine denyeth this and teacheth that they may not teach so neuerthelesse he holdeth a middle course that the image may be worshipped so farre as it doth represent Christ Againe they teach that we are to worship the Saints and yet it is certaine that some of them are false and feygned Saints such as are so farre from being holy men that they were neyther holy nor men as I haue shewed at large elsewhere because they neuer had life nor beeing Some they worship for Saints that are now by all probability in hell and of whom themselues make question whether they were saued or not Moreouer they say we are to pray to the Saints that the Saints heare our prayers and by that meanes they pray to the Image of the Saint but whether they heare vs by the swiftnesse of theyr hearing or by the reuelation of some Angel that standeth by vs and reporteth it to the Saint we shall know of them when they know thēselues but I beleeue they will take time and leysure to resolue vs. The like wee might say of theyr breaden god whom they worship also and looke for helpe from it and yet they are altogether vncertaine whether it bee the body of Christ or not because theyr consecration dependeth vpon the Priests intention so that we may truely say vnto them as Christ did to the woman of Samaria Ye worship ye know not what we know what we worship Iohn 4 22. Vse 2 Secondly this teacheth vs to abhorre and abandon all false worship whatsoeuer as that which can neuer minister any peace or comfort of conscience and labour to lay a good foundation that so we may bee established in the present truth For doubtlesse this is the cause why many fall away and embrace superstitiō because they were neuer wel grounded neyther tasted the sincere milke of the word of God that they might grow thereby 1 Peter 2 ver 2 3. And howsoeuer the Gospel haue bene purely preached and professed in this Land yet the greatest sort remaine as newters or as indifferent men neyther hotte nor colde and consequently fitte to be made a prey vnto the wolues I meane to the Priests and Iesuites that lye watching in corners for such proselytes and when they haue gayned them they make them sometimes two-fold more the children of hell then themselues Wee must therefore be carefull to haue the principles of true religion planted in vs that there is but one God and one Mediatour betweene God and man the man Iesus Christ and that there is but one meanes to attaine to saluation But the greatest part of our people know nothing at all as they ought to know And let the Minister in conscience of his duty to GOD and the Church preach in season and out of season 2 Tim. 4 2 yet scarse one among tenne is able to giue an account of their faith They are content to liue in their ignorance and despise knowledge are blindly led by blinde guides that cannot informe them in the wayes of the Lord and so both of them fall into the ditch Many shut their eyes because they will not see and refuse to heare the word which is a precious pearle of such price that rather then they would want it they should sell all that they haue to
4 In all wrongs and iniuries offered vnto vs wee must flie to God and seeke helpe of him fol. 732 5 Many are the falles of Gods children fol. 734. 6 We liue by Gods appointment c. fol. 737 7 God chastiseth his owne children c. fol. 739 8 We must vse all lawfull meanes to further Gods prouidence fol. 743 9 The Church destitute of helpe is often driuen to craue succour of the enemies thereof fol. 747 10 The consideration of our communion one with another must draw vs to duties of loue c. fol. 749 11 Among all mankinde is a certaine brotherhood and common kindred fol. 750 12 The miseries of the Church of God should moue others to pitty them c. fol. 753 13 Many are the afflictions laid vpon the Church by the enemies thereof fol. 756 14 The consideration of Gods loue to his children must moue vs to shew mercy toward them fol. 757 15 God loueth fauoureth his owne people fol. 759 16 Gods people must abstaine from wrongs fol. 761 17 The enemies of the Church are mercilesse fol. 763 18 Gods threatnings are alwaies accomplished fol. 766 19 The Church must bee left in good estate after our departure out of this life fol. 768 20 The Leuiticall Priesthood passed from one to another fol. 771 21 The cheefe of the Church being taken away the rest are to be greeued fol. 772 CHAP. xxi 1 ENemies are oftentimes suffered to preuaile ouer the Church fol. 776 2 Affliction is of excellent vse c. fol. 779 3 It is lawfull to vow to God c. fol. 780 4 God heareth and granteth the praiers of his children fol. 784 5 Though the Church lie long vnder the Crosse yet God leaueth it not for euer fol. 786 6 Our weaknesse is such that we are ready to fall againe in the same sinnes which we haue renounced fol. 792 7 Naturally wee soone waxe weary and wanton of Gods gifts and contemne his blessings fol. 794 8 All punishments and visitations are inflicted vppon vs by the hand of God fol. 796 9 God hath all creatures c. fol. 799 10 Wicked men are often driuen c. fol. 801 11 We must witnesse our true repentance c. fol. 804 12 It is our duty to pray one for another c. fol. 806 13 God is mercifull to greeuous sinners c. fol. 809 14 The brazen serpent was a figure c. fol. 812 15 The faithfull are forrainers c. fol. 822 16 All wars are ordered by God fol. 824 17 Thanksgiuing to God c. fol. 827 18 All superiors must giue good example c. fol. 830 19 The persecuters and enemies c. fol. 835 20 The people of God must abstaine c. fol. 838 21 The wicked hate the godly without cause fol. 841 22 God oftentimes punisheth one wicked man by the hand of another as wicked as he fol. 843 23 Gods children are oftentimes brought c. fol. 845 24 Poetry is ancient and commendable fol. 847 25 It is our duty to remember publish c. fol. 850 26 Great is the misery of warre fol. 852 27 Idolaters lie open to iudgement fol. 856 28 The enemies of the church c. fol. 858 29 Experience of Gods fauour c. fol. 861 38 Enemies of the church not to be feared fol. 863 CHAP. xxii 1 Euil men feare where no feare is fol. 874 2 Enemies of the Church differing among themselues ioyn against the Church fol. 879 3 Wicked men in troubles resort to Witches fol. 882 4 Wicked men rest vpon vaine things fol. 885 5 Gain gifts and rewards are dangerous fol. 886 6 God somtimes reuealeth his wil to euil men fol. 888 7 Promotions ofttimes draw from God fol. 893 8 Reprouing of sin by an ironical taunting c fol. 895 9 The rage of the wicked against the church fol. 897 10 God deliuereth those that are his c. fol. 902 11 God worketh aboue nature fol. 905 12 We haue no vse of the senses c. fol. 908 13 Euil men are oftentimes reprooued c. fol. 911 14 Idolaters and Infidels were wont c. 15 Wicked mē thogh reproued continue in sin fol. 916 CHAP. xxiii 1 Al religion pretendeth order and zeale fol. 921 2 Euil men are often constrained c. fol. 923 3 The church of God is an holy people c. fol. 925 4 The church abounds with many children fol. 927 5 The wicked haue oftentimes good mntions fol. 930 6 The reasonable soule of man is immortal fol. 933 7 The hope of the wicked is vaine fol. 937 8 Enemies leaue no meanes vnattempted c. fol. 930 9 The wicked in their euill successes c. fol. 942 10 All reuerence is due to the word c. fol. 946 11 The Lord is vnchangeable in al his waies fol. 952 12 To all the members of the Church c. fol. 954 13 It is a priuiledge of the Church c. fol. 658 14 It is a priuiledge belonging to the Church to haue the pure vse of the Word fol. 962 15 No attempts shal ouerthrow the Church fol. 964 16 The church shal haue victory c. fol. 967 17 It belongeth to the Ministers c. fol. 971 18 Many professe piety in the tongue c. fol. 974 19 The wicked are wise in their kinde fol. 978 Chap. xxiiii 1 The things of God are vnknowne till he reueale them to the sonnes of men fol. 984 2 Diuers things God reueald in old time c. fol. 986 3 The church is more excellent then c. fol. 988 4 The Church hath the vpper hand of enemies far stronger then they fol. 991 5 God wil be merciful to those that shew mercy fol. 993 6 Things vnlawfully attempted haue ill ends fol. 998 7 Worldly businesse should not withdraw vs from Christian duties fol. 1000 8 It is a greeuous sin to giue euill counsell fol. 1003 9 The Church sometimes hath rest glory fol. 1009 10 The church shal haue victory fol. 1012 11 Christ Iesus is the day-star arising c. fol. 1015 12 Wars are of great antiquity fol. 1017 13 God punisheth in the same kind and measure as men prouoke him fol. 1019 14 The iudgments of God fall sodainly fol. 1022 15 Such as are in greatest authority c. fol. 1025 16 Such as gape after euill gaine are oftentimes deceiued of their expectation fol. 1027 17 The deuices of euill men intended against the Church do come to nothing fol. 1030 CHAP. xxv 1 It is the practise of all false teachers c. fol. 1036 2 Tentations from pleasures are dangerous fol. 1040 3 The malice of the enemies of the Church is vnsatiable fol. 1044 4 Such as are impure in religion c. 5 It is dangerous to the Church to haue fellowship with the wicked fol. 10●9 6 Fornicatiō calleth down great plagues c. fol. 10●2 7 Superiors and men of high places he open to greeuous iudgements as well as others fol.
1050 8 It is the duty of Magistrates to do iustice fol. 1057 9 Euill men proceed from worse to worse fol. 1061 10 Actions vnlawfull are made lawfull fol. 1060 11 When sin is punished God is appeased fol. 1070 12 Sin depriueth vs of Gods protection fol. 1074 12 Gods wrath being prouoked is full of rage fol. 1077 14 The faithfull bring a blessing vpon their houses and posterities fol. 1980 15 It is lawfull sometimes to reproue desperate sinners by name fol. 1084 16 God beginneth to chasten his owne Church and children fol. 10●0 17 The people of God may take armes fol. 1093 18 The seducers and the seduced shall bee punished together fol. 1100 CHAP. xxvi 1 Irreligion prophanensse and impiety make places and persons infamous and reprochfull fol. 1104 2 It is a most wicked impious thing to oppose authority and to withstand gouernment fol. 1108 3 It is no disgrace for godly children to descend come of vngodly par nts fol. 1109 4 It is hard to shun and breake off society with wicked men c. fol. 1112 5 God prouideth for all his people fol. 1113 6 It is a sinne to decline from the pure worshippe of God set downe in the word fol. 1117 7 An whole multitude cannot cleere it selfe from Gods iudgements when he sendeth them fol. 1118 CHAP. xxvii 1 In all wrongs and iniuries wee must resort to the Magistrate fol. 1120 2 Wee may make our selues guilty of other mens sinnes fol. 1123 3 Sin is the cause of death all misery fol. 1125 4 Propriety of goods is Gods blessing fol. 1127 5 Many want outward signes that are partakers of the inward grace of the Sacraments fol. 1130 6 Many are punished temporally that are not cōdemned eternally Ibid. 7 God is the Creator and maker of the soule fol. 1132 8 Kings and Princes haue and hold their places callings immediately from God fol. 1134 CHAP. xxviii 1 The first and cheefest care is to bee had of the Church matters of religion fol. 1135 2 Of the morning euening sacrifice c. fol. 1136 3 Of the Iewish Sabbath and the vses to vs fol. 1140 4 Of the new Moones and the vses to vs. fol. 1143 5 Of the Passeouer and the vses to vs. fol. 1146 6 Of the feast of first fruites or Pentecost fol. 1149 CAP. xxix 1 Of the feast of Trumpets with the vses fol. 1150 2 Of the feast of fasting or afflicting the soule together with the vses thereof to our selues fol. 1152 3 Of the feast of Tabernacles the vses to vs. fol. 1155 Chap. xxx 1 Lawfull vowes are to be performed fol. 1159 2 Great is the iurisdiction of parents ouer their children fol. 1166 3 The husband is the wiues head fol. 1169 CHAP. xxxi Sundry Doctrines directing warres and warriers 1 Before men go to battell an hoast of men must be mustered and gathered together fol. 1173 2 An army leuied must be sent out Ibid. 3 An army must be sent out by publike and lawfull authority Ibid. 4 He against whom we wage warre must be known to be an enemy fol. 1174 5 Al sinne must be auoided carefully by such as are emploied in warre Ibid. 6 Wicked men though they be suffered long yet at length God taketh veng●ance of them fol. 1176 7 Princes Potentates and great men lye open to iudgements as well as others fol. 1177 8 Sins of omission and neglect of duties which men are bound to perform are displeasing to God fol. 1179 9 Euery mans death and destruction cometh from himselfe fol. 1181 10 Things in themselues vnseemly to bee vttered are modestly to be spoken of fol. 1184 11 The Lord as he wil destroy the wicked so he wil do it fearfully and seuerely fol. 1186 13 For benefits receiued we returne praise to God fol. 1188 14 It is our duty to returne thankesgiuing to God speedily fol. 1189 15 It is our duty in extraordinary blessings to returne extraordinary thankes ibid. Chapter xxxii 1. The loue of this world is dangerous fol. 1191 2 The Ministers of God must reproue sharply and earnestly zealously and powerfully fol. 1194 3 It is a greeuous sin to giue offence to others or to discourage our brethren from wel-doing fol. 1197 4 It is an vsuall thing with the Lord to punish the sins of parents with the sins of their children 1200 5 We must haue a fellow-feeling of the miseries afflictions of Gods people fol. 1203 6 The onely cause of iudgement is sin fol. 1205 7 It is the duty of all Gods children to put foorth their hands to helpe the Church fol. 1206 8 The relikes of idolatry to bee vtterly abolished and all occasions that might draw vnto it to be taken away fol. 1209 Chapter 33. 1 God preserueth his Church in the midst of dangers and deliuereth it out of slauery and bōdage fol. 1212 2 The 42. Mansions of the Israelites in the wildernesse fol. 1214 3 No familiarity is to be vsed with idolaters fol. 1219 4 Coldnes in Gods cause is a greeuous sin fol. 1222 CHAP. 34. 1 God setteth bounds to euery mans possession and limiteth what he shall haue fol. 1225 2 The estate of Gods people is such that some among them do alwayes stand in need fol. 1229 3 Faith apprehendeth and applyeth all Gods promises as present fol. 1232 CHAP. xxxv 1 The Ministers must be prouided for fol. 1237 2 All men by nature are proue to reuenge fol. 1240 3 Murther is an hainous sinne in the sight of God fol. 1244 4 To do lawfull things without a calling is vnlawfull fol. 1247 5 GOD will haue no innocent person put to death fol. 1252 6 Inferiors ought to reuerence their superiors fol. 1255 7 Lawes touching the inheritance of the Israelites fol. 1257 CHAP. xxxvi 1 The marriage of Cousen-germans is lawfull fol. 1267 A Commentary vpon the Fourth Booke of Moses called NVMBERS Generall Obseruations out of the whole Booke by way of Preface or Introduction BEfore wee come to the Exposition of this Booke of Moses and to the handling of the particular points contained therein it may not be thought vnprofitable or vnnecessary to prefixe somewhat by way of a Preface that our mindes may bee enlightned and our hearts prepared and our iudgements setled for the better conceyuing and receiuing of that which followeth Now as in the Booke of Genesis Moses hath deliuered the creation of the world together with the originall and first beginning of the church laying as it were an happy foundation as wel of the one as of the other and in Exodus hath handled the publishing and promulgation of the Law together With the miserable thraldome and bondage of the people of God in Egypt and in Leuiticus hath particularly expressed the sacrifices and oblations as Types of the sacrifice and oblation of Christ the promised Messiah together with the inauguration of Aaron and his sonnes and the consecration of the Tribe of Leui so in this Booke of Numbers
in his hart knowing that such outrage hapneth not without great iniquity of men and desiring rather to liue quietly and to maintaine peace and concord with all men as farre as it is possible and as much as lyeth in vs as if our hands were tied behind vs from committing any outrage or euill deeds Lastly because the liberty licentiousnesse of Souldiers is many times left free and is without bit and bridle to restraine them it belongeth to Captaines and Gouernors of the hoast to range the common Souldier in good order and military discipline that they breake not out to endamage or destroy those whome they ought aboue all to protect and defend Warre is iudged and esteemed of them to be the time wherin lawes are silent and al things held lawfull that their owne heart lusteth after Hence it commeth to passe that there is such thirsting after goods deflowring of virgines rauishing of wiues slaughter of parents robbing of houses burning of Churches and scorning of religion and all holy things yea making a mocke of Christ our Sauiour So then if seuere discipline be not vsed order taken that the people liuing in peace bee not abused all thinges will be held lawfull beside right and honesty iniuries will be accounted good dealing and all things taken to be common and to belong to him that first can seaze vpon them It is saide of the Centurion in the Gospell that his authority was such ouer them that belonged to his band that none durst oppose themselus against him or resist his charge that hee gaue vnto them saying I am a man also vnder the authority of another Math 8 9. and haue Souldiers vnder me and I say to one goe and he goeth and to another Come and he commeth and to my seruant Do this and he doth it This was a commendation both of the Captaine that so ordered and ruled them that he had them so obedient and seruiceable vnto him and likewise of the Souldiers that would submit themselues vnto his authority and suffer themselues to be gouerned according to the martiall lawes of a well trained garrison But of this point occasion will be offered to speak in this booke afterward chap. 21. ver 28. and chap. 24. verse 20. and chap. 25. ver 17. chap. 31 7. Verse 5 These are the names of the men that shall stand with you of the tribe of Ruben Elizur the sonne of Shedeur c. As this Booke of Moses beareth the title of Numbers so a great part of it is spent in numbering of the people to assure vs that God hath numbred those that are his he keepeth the tale of them none are hidden from him none escape his knowledge Doctrine 2. The Lord knoweth the number the names of all such as belōg to him or sight Wee learne from hence that the Lord knoweth perfectly who they are that are his both what their numbers and what their names are When Israel had corrupted their wayes and set vp idolatry so that Elias thought himselfe left alone what saide the Oracle of God that made answere vnto him 1 King 19 10 18. Rom. 11 3 4. I haue reserued vnto my selfe seauen thousand men which haue not bowed the knee to Baal Where we see the Lord saw not as man seeth hee knew those whom Elias could not know To this end the Prophet saith Psalme 147 5. Psal 147.5 He counteth the number of the stars and calleth them all by their names albeit to man it be incredible and vnpossible that hee should number and name the starres in the firmament yet this to him shall not bee hard much lesse vnpossible Thus sayeth the Lorde also by the Prophet Esay Esay 40 26. Lift vp your eyes on high and behold who hath created these thinges and bringeth out their armies by numbers and calleth them all by names by the greatnesse of his power and mighty strength nothing faileth Heereunto wee may referre that vsuall phrase of speech in the Scripture that the names of the elect are saide to be written in the booke of life which God hath made Exod. 32 32. Psal 69 28. Philip. 4 3. Reuel 20 12. which is a borrowed speech from such records as are kept in a Citie wherein the names of the Freemen and Cittizens in the same are written All these testimonies are so many consents of the Scripture to prooue and confirme this truth namely that the seruants of GOD are knowne to him and approoued of him not onely in generall but specially and particularly so that he is able both to number them and to name them The reasons are not hard to bee gathered Reason 1 First the knowledge of God is so exact and perfect that most secret things are knowne and the smallest are regarded of him What is a lesse matter or of lesse moment then a Sparrow that doeth fall to the ground Or the haires that fall from the head yet euen these are ordered by him and his diuine prouidence ouerswayeth them This Christ our Sauiour putteth in our minds in the tenth chapter of Saint Mathew and the 29 30. verses Are not two Sparrowes solde for a Farthing And one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father yea and the haires of your head are numbred If then thinges so small and slight and little regarded of men bee numbred of Almighty GOD much more are wee respected of him And if our verie haires bee numbred much more are our names Secondly Christ Iesus setteth foorth himselfe Reason 2 as the true Sheepheard of his Sheepe A Sheepheard knoweth his owne Sheepe whereof hee hath taken the charge and ouersight Christ is the Sheepheard the Church is the Flocke his word is the staffe whereby hee ruleth and the pastures wherewith he feedeth them and therefore hee knoweth them all by their names A good Sheepeheard oftentimes numbreth his Sheepe and misseth none of them but hee seeketh the lost one So is it with Christ hee is a farre better Sheepeheard and more faithfull then those that haue the guidance and gouernance of such as are but for the belly and the slaughter For he giueth his life for the Sheepe This hee teacheth at large in the tenth Chapter of Saint Iohn and the 2.3 and 11. verses I I am that good Sheepeheard that good Sheepeheard that giueth his life for his Sheepe to him the Porter openeth and the Sheep heare his voice and hee calleth his owne Sheepe by name and leadeth them out Seeing then Christ is a faithfull Sheepeheard hee cannot bee ignorant of our numbers or our names or our natures Thirdly all his people are euermore present Reason 3 with him wheresoeuer they bee yea albeit they bee absent from him yea albeit they haue no beeing Hee seeth them when they are from him hee knoweth them when they are not Nathaniel was seene of Christ Iohn 1 47. and knowne by name beeing farre from him while hee was vnder the Figge-tree
wise to saluation through the Faith which is in Christ Iesus This doth the Prophet Dauid teach Psal 119 9. Wherewith shall a yong man redresse his way By taking heede thereto according to thy Worde Such as are yong in yeares must learn to serue God in the flower of their age and to serue him with the first fruites of their life Howbeit though their knowledge cannot be great and at the full yet it is such as is fit for theyr yeares and it sufficeth that they bee young in knowledge as they be yong in yeares that their vnderstanding bee little as their stature is There is also a second kind of knowledge and that is for men of riper age God requireth more of them and looketh to receiue increase at their handes in greater abundance Hath he granted vs our life for nothing And hath he doubled and trebled the yeares of the former sort that we should stand at a stay No he would haue vs that haue beene planted in his Church to be growers forward in knowledge as we are in yeares But doth the case thus stand with vs Are our old men growne also old and ripe in Faith and Religion Are we more expert in the wayes of godlines now then we were twenty or fortie yeares agone Can our aged men that liue among vs stande forth and auouch this or speake it in the truth of their harts to the comfort of their souls and to the honor of God that they are bettered in iudgement and increased in obedience that albeit the outward man decay and perish 2 Cor. 4 16. yet they are renewed daily in the inwarde man Nay the greatest part are so sapped in ignorance that they are as blinde as the Mole as deafe as the Adder as senselesse as the stones and as rude ignorant as the brute beasts nay more dull of vnderstanding then they as the Prophet chargeth the people of Israel Esay 1 3. The Oxe knoweth his owner and the Asse his Masters crib but Israel hath no● knowne my people hath not vnderstood They should bee examples to others in godlinesse but many of them are Ring-leaders to all kind of wickednesse Many children go before them in knowledge and may instruct them in the princiciples of religion My Brethren these things ought not so to be The second rule is this that our knowledge ought to be according to the meanes that God hath afforded vnto vs and according vnto the plenty or scarsity of those meanes doth he require a growing and proceeding in vs. There is no Master but exacteth at the hands of his Scholler an increase in learning proportionable to the greatnesse of his labour The Husbandman that hath fowed much looketh for a plentifull haruest The Gardiner that hath long digged and delued about his trees and dunged them with great diligence hopeth to haue much fruit in the end So is it with God the best Master the true Husbandman when he hath taught vs often and sowed good seed in the ground of our hearts and watered the dry furrowes of our consciences with the water of life he looketh to reape much fruit and to finde great increase This the Apostle teacheth when he reproueth the Hebrewes for their dulnesse in hearing and slownesse in profiting Heb. 5 12 13 14. Whereas concerning the t●me ye ought to bee teachers yet haue ye neede againe that wee teach you what are the first principles of the words of God and are become such as haue neede of milke and not of strong meate for euery one that vseth milke is inexpert in the word of righteousnes for he is a babe but strong meate belongeth to them that are of age which through long custome haue their wits exercised to discerne both good and euil Where he teacheth them that after so long teaching they might become teachers of others and he saith it to their shame that after the hauing of plentifull means to further them in their knowledge they were verie nouices and yong schollers not able to beare strong meate Hath God set vp the preaching of his word among vs as a candle set on the candlesticke to giue light to all that are in the house Hath he caused it to be truly preached applyed vnto vs Haue wee the meanes also in plentifull measure affoorded vs to bring vs to godlinesse Let vs take heed to our selues looke to our wayes God will not bee mocked Where he hath sowne plentifully hee will reape plentifully and vpon whom hee hath bestowed much he looketh to receyue much againe This he setteth downe to strengthen the rule that now we deliuer Luke 12.48 Vnto whom much is giuen ●at 25.14.15 of him shall be much required and to whom men commit much the more of him will they aske If a man shold haue much teaching and go long to school yet should be alwayes in his horne-booke and stand at A B C. like a little childe and neuer goe forward we would account him a very dullard so is it with vs if we haue spent much time in his schoole where we haue had a liberall diet prepared for vs and bene feasted at his table richly furnished and yet stand at one stay we do not vse the meanes aright but deceiue the hope and expectation of God who hath in such manner and measure blessed vs from heauen The third rule touching our knowledge is that it must be answerable to the gifts that God hath giuen vnto vs. He hath not furnished all men with gifts alike he hath not bestowed an equall measure of his graces vpon all to one he hath giuen more to another hee hath giuen lesse according to his owne pleasure This is declared vnto vs in the Parable of the talents Math. 25 14 15. A certain Nobleman going into a farre countrey called his seruants and deliuered vnto them his goods Vnto one he gaue fiue talents ●uke 19 12 13 and to another two and to another one to euery man after his owne hability If then he haue giuen vnto vs fiue talents he looketh that we gain fiue other with them If he haue bestowed two vpon vs hee will require of vs the gaine of two others not the increase of fiue as of the former If we bee not wholly barren and vnfruitefull in good things he will accept and approue of vs. This is a notable comfort to all those that haue a little portion and few gifts giuen vnto them albeit we be neuet so simple yet if wee haue single and simple hearts it shall be said to vs It is well done good seruant and faithful thou hast bene faithfull in little I will make thee ruler ouer much enter into thy Masters ioy He that by imploying and diligent vse of his gifts had gayned only two talents had gotten litle in comparison of the former seruant that had increased fiue talents yet hee is commended by Christ our Sauiour for a good and faithful seruant In like manner
teach vs that this must be the end we oght all to aime at that it is our duty to the vtmost of our power to procure the peace of Sion the prosperity of Ierusalem all the dayes of our life For euen as the hilles and mountaines did compasse about Ierusalem to defend it from all dangers and inuasions of enemies so ought all the faithfull that are the friends of the Church seeke to defend it from all such as seeke the ruine and destruction thereof They haue a promise made vnto them that they shall prosper that preferre it Psal 122 6. Pray for the peace of Ierusalem let them prosper that loue thee Such was the zeale of Dauid for the house of God Psal 132 1 2 3 4 5. that it euen consumed and eate him as the people declare Psal 132. Lord remember Dauid with all his afflictions who sware vnto the Lord and vowed vnto the mighty God of Iacob saying I will not enter into the tabernacle of mine house nor come vpon my pallet or bed nor suffer mine eye to sleepe nor mine eye-liddes to slumber vntill I finde out a place for the Lord an habitation for the mighty God of Iacob c Loe how great his care and zeale was to builde the Temple and to further the worship of God he spared no cost but opened the treasures of his house to imploy them this way Thus it ought to be with vs it is the chiefe end why God doeth blesse vs with the blessings of this life that we should pay him his tribute and be content to depart from them when his glory worship do require it If we care not how bountifully we spend and lauish in vnprofitable nay in vngodly vses and pinch for a penny and an halfe-penny imployed to charitable and godly purposes we make it manifest to all men that the glory of God is not before our eies nor his worship any whit regarded of vs. And hence it is that God oftentimes curseth our store and substance and bloweth vpon it that it flyeth away as the winde that commeth not againe Let vs therefore be wise hearted to referre our goods our liues and all that wee haue to seeke the good of the Church that it may be safe and then shall we bee safe vnder the shadow of it On the other side the Lord denounceth a sore and seuere threatning against all such as doe wrong to the Church so that he will wound the head of his enemies and the hairy pate of him that walketh in his sinnes This appeareth by the prayer of the Church ●l 74.2 3. Psal 74. Thinke vpon thy Congregation which thou hast possessed of olde and on the rodde of thine inheritance which thou hast redeemed and on this mount Sion wherein thou hast dwelt lift vp thy strokes that thou mayest for euer destroy euery enemy that doth euill to the Sanctuary Such shall neuer prosper albeit they may flourish for a time that hate the Church which God loueth Secondly it is the duty of all persons to assemble together to heare his word all excuses and delayes set apart For wherefore was the Tabernacle placed in the mids but to bind all persons alike to come to the exercises of religion and to performe publike worship to God Ieroboams calues who made Israel to sinne were set one in the North part of the land the other in the South but the Tabernacle of God was setled in the middes among them that all men should haue accesse vnto it and that no man should colour his absence with any pretences Hence it is that the Prophet declaring that GOD had chosen Sion and loued to dwell in it saying This is my rest for euer ●al 132.13 ● 7. heere will I dwell for I haue delight therein doth adde We will enter into his Tabernacles and worship before his footstoole A notable encouragement to moue vs to resort repaire oftentimes to the place of Gods worship seeing he maketh it his habitation and resting place and the house where he will dwell and where we shall find him in time of need A strong perswasion to worke a desire and delight in vs to goe to the Lords courts ●al 68.15 16 ●mpared ●th 10. that we may behold the maiesty of the king of glory To this purpose speaketh Dauid in another Psalme The mountaine of God is like the mountaine of Bashan it is an high mountaine as mount Bashan Why leape ye ye hie mountaines as for this mountaine God delighteth to dwell in it yea the Lord will dwell in it for euer Where he teacheth that Gods Church in regard of mercifull promises heauenly graces and noble victories doth excel without comparison all worldly things and all earthly places All assemblies though neuer so glorious and glitering outwardly must giue place to it and are as nothing being matched with it inasmuch as the excellency beauty and continuance of the Church goeth beyond all other congregations of men Hereupon hee inferreth Thy Congregation dwelled therein for thou O God hast of thy goodnesse prepared for the poore If then we would dwell with God let vs repaire to his house if we would see him we shall see him there if we would heare him we shall heare him there if we would know him we shall know him there for his face is to be seene there his voyce is to be heard there his presēce is to be found there O let vs prefer one day in his courts before a thousand elsewhere Let vs rather desire to be dore-keepers in his house then dwellers in the pallaces of the wicked If they were called and accounted blessed that stood in the presence of Salomon how much more blessed and happy are they that stand in the presence of God and worship toward his holy Temple Let the same mind and affection therefore bee in vs which was in Dauid to say with him with a feeling heart One thing haue I desired of the Lord Psal 27.4 that I will require euen that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the dayes of my life to behold the beauty of the Lord and to visite his Temple Where shal we find in our dayes this longing and holy desire to speake with God in his word and worship where are the ancient wishes of the Saints Psal 42.1 and 84.2 thinking it long before they came and appeared in the presence of God where is now the panting of the soule and fainting of the heart and the reioycing of the flesh in the liuing God like vnto the earth that gapeth for the showers of raine to refresh it We are an vnthankfull people whom plenty and aboundance haue glutted and made to loathe the heauenly Manna giuen to vs. Thirdly let vs not stand in feare of any enemies as if they could beare and beate downe the Church before them and raze the foundations of it to the ground neither let vs as gracelesse children forsake our mother for
the couetous person that hath the greatest plenty is much more tormented with desire of more then he that is satisfied with a small portion or pittance of the things of this life It falleth out oftentimes that such as haue least charge lying vpon them are most ouer-charged with this as with a most heauy burden This is that vanity that Salomon pointeth out Eccle. 4.8 Ecclesiastes chapter 4. There is one alone and there is not a second yea he hath neither childe nor brother yet is there no end of all his labour neither is his eye satisfied with riches neither saith he For whom doe I labour and bereaue my soule of good It is not abundance or masses and mountaines of gold and siluer that can quench this vnsatiable thirst but thereby it is rather encreased For as more wood put to the fire augmenteth the flame and the heat so the desire of many by addition of wealth is multiplyed He is fitly compared to the man possessed with an vncleane spirit Chrysost in Matth. 8. hom 29. in Mat. 26. hom 82. who wore no cloathes but had his dwelling among the tombes and mountaines no man could binde him nor tame him but he brake the fetters and pulled the chaines asunder and cut himselfe with stones Mar. 5.3 Luke 8.27 He was exceeding fierce but couetous men are farre worse He that was possessed was deliuered by the word of Christ and the diuell was driuen away and left his hold but they that are seruants or slaues to their money will not hearken vnto Christ they haue so much of this earth in their eares or rather in their hearts that albeit they heare him daily preached vnto them and sounding as a shrill or loude trumpet yet they beleeue not they yeeld not they obey not The man possessed spared not such as came neere him but they spoile and rauin as wel afar off frō them as hard by them they spare none whom they catch in their snares not friends not kinsmen not brethren they teare them and rent them in pieces whomsoeuer they can compasse Hee went naked but these clothe themselues sumptuously except such as grudge themselues apparrell with the spoiles of others as if they had taken them prisoners in the day of battel and make them goe naked or in threed-bare coates that come in their way He smote himselfe not knowing what he did but these smite and kill others secretly they grinde the faces of the poore and pull off the skin from their backes He abode among the graues and tombes of the dead but these are very sepulchers themselues For what is a tombe but a stone couering the body of the dead What then are not their bodies much more wretched and miserable then those stones which couer their dead soules dead in sinne and as stinking carcasses casting out a loathsome sauour And to this purpose Christ speaketh to the Pharisees Matth. 23.27 Matth. 23.27 Ye are like to whited sepulchers full of extortion excesse full of hypocrisie and iniquity This sinne hath diuerse branches vnder it according to the diuers practises of it first The branches of coetousnesse when men seek only or principally for worldly goods neglecting or not regarding spirituall graces in comparison of them Wee are charged to lay vp our treasure in heauen Matth. 6.19 20 33. where the moth cannot corrupt it nor theeues steale it We are commanded to seeke first the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse But whatsoeuer God require of vs the greatest sort doe what they list for as Esau sold his birthright for a messe of pottage Heb. 12.16 Religion 〈◊〉 regarded So doe prophane men sell their soules for old shooes and saluation purchased by Christ at a most deare rate for a song This may seeme strange vnto some but there is nothing will appeare more true if we consider the course of the world and obserue the liues of men This is the sinne of our age wherein the least profit and pleasure is cared for aboue true religion Euery drunken feast is cause sufficient with vs to intermit the worship of god Euery prophane meeting of prophane men is valued and prized aboue the word of the eternall God Euery feast that after a heathenish manner is yeerely solemnized giueth occasion to multitudes to prophane and pollute the Sabboth that ought to be sanctified with publike and priuate duties agreeable vnto it and to set that banket at nought to which God inuiteth vs by his Ministers Our thoughts our meditations our desires our delights are so taken vp with earthly things that though there be much preaching there is little profiting though there be much teaching yet there is little hearing little obedience The second branch of couetousnesse is to put our trust and confidence in the things of this life which is the idolatry of the heart as we noted before If we set our hearts vpon our goods we make them our God and the earth our happinesse Hence it is that Christ maketh it so hard a matter for a rich man to enter into the kingdome of heauen as for a Camel to goe through the eye of a needle Matth. 19. Matth. 19. ●● because they trust in their riches Mar. 10.24 Mar. 10.24 Likewise the Apostle chargeth Timothy to charge them that are rich in this world that they be not high minded neither trust in vncertaine riches but in the liuing God who giueth vs richly all things to enioy 1 Tim. 6.17 The third branch is when we regard and respect onely our selues It is not enough that we doe no harme with them God requireth that we doe good Christ shall say at the last day I was an hungred and ye gaue me no meate naked and ye clothed me not sicke and in prison and ye visited me not goe into euerlasting fire prepared for the diuell and his Angels That euill seruant that did not diuide his substance among his fellow seruants perished through his couetousnesse and he that receiued one talent and digged in the earth to hide it had it taken from him and heareth this sentence denounced against him Thou wicked and slouthfull seruant and vnprofitable Matth. 25. ● God bestoweth not his blessings vpon vs to fat our selues with thē as Oxen in a stall or as swine in a stye without all consideration of the Church or Common-wealth or of the poor but he hath made vs stewards and disposers of them to the glory of God and the good of others Verse 31. All they that were numbred in the campe of Dan c We see in this place that this last standard beareth the name of Dan whereby we see that God raiseth vp as a chiefe instrument in this mighty host one of the lowest sort one that was obscure in the family of Iacob which serueth to magnifie the mercy of God to depresse the pride of man Iacob in his last will and testament foretelleth the estate of this
saued Hence it is that in his prayer to his Father he saith I haue glorified thee on the earth I haue finished the worke which thou gauest mee to doe Ioh. 17.4 Iohn 17. Why doe we then reward him so vnkindly or what euill hath hee done vnto vs that we should deale so with him As hee teacheth that we cannot serue God Mammon so we cannot serue God and our selues There is no parting of stakes with him He hateth party-coloured Christians he will haue the whole man the whole obedience or else he reiecteth all Saul performed part of his will but because he did not all that he required hee was cast off 1 Sam. 15. Would we haue him partly to loue vs and partly to hate vs partly to be pleased with vs and partly to be offended God doth not thus diuide his loue and hatred Whom hee loueth hee loueth freely wholly effectually He so loued vs that hee spared not his owne Sonne but gaue him for vs. The like loue ought we to returne vnto him againe Mar. 6. Herod hearing Iohn Baptistpreach the word reformed himselfe in many things Mar. 6. Act. 8.13 Simon Magus was baptized and professed the faith and continued among the people of God and wondered at the signes and miracles that were done But except our righteousnesse doe exceed the righteousnesse of these men we cannot enter into the kingdome of heauen All these are halfe Christians that serue God to halfes like the Iewes that spake halfe Hebrew Neh. 13.24 and halfe Ashdod and worship God in one part and the diuell in another like the Colony of the strange nations transplanted in Samaria 2 Kin. 17.41 that feared the Lord and serued their grauen images also who while they would needes doe both are expresly charged not to feare the Lord Verse 34.35 neither to doe after the statutes and ordinances and commandements which the Lord commanded the children of Iacob whom hee named Israel So is it with all such as yeeld an vnperfect and vnsound obedience they thinke they serue God and obey his commandements but they are greatly deceiued and they may iustly be charged not to serue him at all For who required this halfe or halting obedience at their hands Against all this maimed and mangled duty we will oppose the practise of Dauid a man after Gods heart in the 119. Psalme where he many times discouereth his zealous affection as verses 5.6 O that my wayes were directed to keepe thy statutes then shall I not be ashamed when I haue respect vnto all thy commandements Psal And verse 13. with my lippes haue I declared all the iudgements of thy mouth And verse 101. I haue refrained my feete from euery euill way that I may keepe thy word Where wee see his manner of seruing the Lord how farre different it is from ours he had respect vnto all his commandements not to some only he refrained his feet from euery euill way not frō some only Let vs follow his worthy holy example and doe that which is right in the sight of the Lord 1 King 15.5 and not turne aside from any thing that he commandeth vs all the dayes of our life so shall Gods name be glorified so shall he be well pleased with vs and so shall wee haue comfort and others instruction through our obedience Lastly they are also reprooued The fourth reproofe that thinke it enough to serue God outwardly to bee seene of men and worship him through hypocrisie like vnto them that looke to the garment but neglect the body so doe these looke to the body but neglect the soule For as we shewed before that he who maketh no conscience of one commandement but of purpose and custome breaketh the same is guilty of all because if like occasion were offered he would breake all the rest Iames chapter 2. verse 10. So such as looke only to the outside and to turne their face toward religion doe make it manifest that there is no religion in them at all It is strange to see how smoothly and deuoutly some will carry themselues who notwithstanding bewray the hollownesse of their hearts These are they that make cleane the outside of the cuppe and of the platter Matth. 23.25.27 that are like vnto whited sepulchers which indeed appeare beautifull outward but are within full of dead mens bones and of all vncleannesse Matthew chapter 23.25 27. Thus it fared with Iudas he serued God outwardly and the diuell possessed him inwardly If a man could deceiue the eternall God as well as blinde the eyes of a mortall man there might bee some colour for this colourable worship But God is not mocked He that framed the heart looketh into the heart and searcheth into the corners and secret chambers of the heart And albeit it be deceitfull aboue all things yet it cannot deceiue him There was neuer in any age place for hypocrisie but in regard of the loose and corrupt times into which we are cast if we were but politike and wordly-wise wee would bee any thing rather then hypocrites Nothing worse then hypocrisie which is to expose our selues to all infamy contempt and reproch Religion among the greatest sort is made a by-word and the religious make themselues a prey What wisedome then is in vs to lay open our selues to such indignities obloquies slanders and false accusations and in the meane season to want the inward peace of a good conscience and true comfort of a pure heart and that which is more then all to want the fauour of God and his louing countenance toward vs who hateth vs as his secret enemies for our hypocrisie Hypocrites therefore are iustly abhorred of God man They draw neere to God with their mouthes but their mindes are farre from him Matt. 15. Their worship is like to counterfect money which is gilded outwardly but within is nothing but brasse or such like base stuffe so that all is not gold that glistereth Or like the apples which grow at the dead Sea where sometimes Sodome and Gomorrha stood which are faire in colour beautifull in shew and maruellous in greatnesse but when you come to touch them or to handle them they turne to dust and cast out a filthy sauour more vnpleasant to the nostrils then they were pleasant before to the eyes Thus it is with hypocrites they appeare beautifull before men they loue to be well thought off by them and haue many times more glorious shewes then other that are more sound within because they study nothing else but how to get the applause and praise of the world Such a one was Iudas among the Apostles Such were Ananias and Sapphira among the disciples Let vs take heede we be not like them or if we will be like them let vs know that as we ioyne with them in their sinne we must also partake with them in their punishments who dyed not the common death of
and had praied with fasting they commended them to the Lord on whō they beleeued Acts 14 23. Likewise the Apostle left Titus in Crete that he should set in order the things that are wanting and ordaine Elders in euery City as hee had appointed him Titus 1 5. Thus we see what the practise of the holy Apostles was toward the Churches which they had planted so that in all kingdomes and Countries and Congregations conuerted to the true faith the ministery of the word must bee firmely established well seene vnto and regarded both to bring them to God and to settle them in God and to continue them with God that they may abide his for euermore Reason 1 Let vs search into the reasons heereof for the confirming of vs farther in this truth First a certaine and setled ministery is an euident signe and token that God hath a Church and people to be wonne and begotten by the precious and immortall seed of the word which is the seed of regeneration and by their ministry whom he sendeth and sanctifieth to teach them in the truth Where he will haue much labour to be bestowed and more planting watering to be vsed then in other places hee hath much people to be gained and gathered vnto him where he will haue little paines bestowed there he hath a small people and a little company to be saued Where he will haue no teaching he hath no Church to be collected and conuerted vnto the faith When Paul had preached the Gospell planted a church at Corinth and was ready to haue departed The Lord spake vnto him in the night by a visian Acts 18 9 10. Be not afraide but speake and hold not thy peace for I am with thee and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee for I haue much people in this City Hee must labour more plentifully and aboundantly among them because God had a greater people in that place On the other side where he would not haue them exercise their ministery it is a signe and token he hath no people there No labourers no corne no haruest men no haruest no shepheards no flocke Hence it is that when they had gone throughout Phrygia and the Region of Galatia they were forbidden of the holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia and after they were come to Mysia they assaied to go into Bithynia but the Spirit suffered them not Acts 16 6 7. Thus we see that a standing ministery is a signe of a Church and where the word is not there is no Church Reason 2 Secondly without the light of the word the people remaine in darknesse and cannot see they grope at noone dayes and know not what they doe as it was in Egypt when the plague of palpable darkenes was sent among them they saw not one another neyther arose any from his place Exod. 10 23. Thus it fareth with those that want the light of the candle or the shining of the Sunne of Gods word among them they lye vnder one of the most heauy plagues that can be but whē the word is sent vnto them they haue a great light to direct them in their waies according to the saying of the Prophet Esay 60 2 3. The darknesse shall couer the earth and grosse darknesse the people but the Lord shall arise vpon thee and his glory shall be seene vpon thee and the Gentiles shall come to thy light Kings to the brightnesse of thy rising Such then as haue not the ministery of the word are as a crew or company of infidels as an heard of brute beasts and cattel that are running on heapes to their destruction or like to those swine of the Gadarens into which the diuels entred at the permission of Christ so that they ranne violently downe a steepe place into the sea and perished in the waters Math. 8 32. Thirdly the necessity of a ministery is so Reason 3 cleere and euident that all the Gentiles had their Priests and Prophets that attended on their prophane and superstitious Altars and it was their first care to establish a religion such as it was among them This were easie to be shewed by the testimonies of antiquity out of all histories and records to haue beene obserued in all places at all times among all people After that Rome was builded and a sufficient people assembled in it immediately they established the worship of their gods indeed a false worship of false gods but therby they testified their great deuotion and theyr seruice and sacrifice done vnto them so that they erected a Colledge pontificall Plutar. in vita Numae ordained Bishops and instituted an High-Priest to haue authority ouer their Ceremonies and Lawes Virgil. Eglo 3. From hence commeth the saying in the Poet A Ioue principium that is Let vs make beginning with GOD. But to omit these wee see how Ieroboam that made Israel to sinne setting vp his two Calues appointed his Priests to attend at them Ahab and Iezabel had their idolatrous Chaplaines many Prophets of the groues 1 Kings 18 19. The colony brought from Babylon and placed in Samaria are saide to make a mixture of religion and to make vnto themselues of the lowest of them Priests of the high places which sacrificed for them in the houses of the high places 2. Kings 17. 2 King 17 32. Thus we see that among the very infidels No Priest no religion If it were thus among them who saw darkely and were without the true light of the Scripture much more ought wee to learne it that haue beene taught better things and haue the sure word of the Prophets to guide vs. Fourthly such is our frailety and weakenesse Reason 4 that notwithstanding wee liue vnder a setled ministery and haue giuen our names to the faith and haue yeelded some obedience to the truth yet we are ready to start back againe For as the body is prone to pine away without supply of daily food so are our soules ready to perish being destitute of the heauenly Manna of the word of God The wise man saith Where is no vision the people perish but hee that keepeth the Law happy is hee Prou. 29 18. The preaching of the word is the ordinary meanes of saluation and therefore without it the people perish The people of Zabulon and Naphtali were in the shaddow of death vntill Christ came among them and was reuealed vnto them Math. 4 15 16. The Prophet teacheth that the people are destroyed for lacke of knowledge Hos 4 6. When Moses was absent from the host of the Israelites onely forty daies they fell into idolatry worshipped the Calfe Exod. 32. So where the Minister and ministery of the word is wanting there for the most part no euill is wanting but swarmes of drunkards adulterers swearers theeues lyars and all kinde of impieties doe abound and ouerflow These are alasse too rife where the word is taught diligently and published in season and out
of season neuerthelesse where it is duely and conscionably preached without respect of persons it toucheth the harts of some represseth the corruptions of others is as a warning peece and watchword vnto all so that all persons and people whatsoeuer wheresoeuer must liue vnder the ordinary hearing and frequenting of the word of God Vse 1 The vses remaine to be handled which ought especially to be marked of vs. First there is offered vnto vs this truth arising from the doctrine it selfe that the preaching of the word by the Minister and the hearing of it by the people is no ceremony nor a matter of indifferency such as may eyther be done or left vndone at our owne discretion or disposition but it is such a part of the publike seruice of God as ought not to bee omitted or neglected without great sinne and breach of the fourth Commandement which serueth to establish the ministery of the word It is aboue the workes of mercy and compassion therfore the most profitable worke that can bee done to the sonnes of men It is a more excellent and much greater gift to doe good to the soule then to do good to the body inasmuch as the soule is more precious then the body Hence it is that the Apostles gaue ouer ministring to the poore attending to their necessities because they would giue themselues continually to prayer and to the ministery of the word Acts 6 4. Acts 6 4 and 2.42 And before this in the second chapter describing the Church after the ascension of Christ he saith the Disciples continued stedfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers Where hee placeth continuance in the Apostles doctrine and breaking of bread before fellowship and communion in temporall things It is one speciall marke of a man and woman truely fearing God to bee a diligent hearer of the word of God and a continuall resorter to the preaching of it and a carefull frequenter of the house of God We see this in Simeon he came often into the Temple and thereby hee found Christ when his parents brought him in their armes to do for him after the custome of the Law Luc. 2 27 37 41. The like we might say of Anna a Prophetesse which departed not from the Temple but serued God with fastings prayers night and day verse 37. Luc. 2 27 37 41. So Ioseph and Mary went to Ierusalem euery yeare at the feast of the Passeouer by custome and commandement This was the cause of the great godlines and wonderfull zeale that was in Dauid that he desired nothing more then to appeare before the face of God among his Saints This his affection he testifieth in many places Psal 27 4. Psal 27 4 42 1.2 One thing haue I desired of the Lord that will I seeke after that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the daies of my life to behold the beauty of the Lord and to enquire in his Temple There is alwayes good hope of such persons so long as they vse the meanes to bee recouered A sicke person may not bee despaired off so long as hee is content to vse the helpe and counsell of the Physition albeit hee be very dangerously sicke but when once he refuseth his direction then we may looke for nothing but death Thus the case standeth with all men so long as wee forsake not the word there is hope of saluation when once we refuse it there is feare of destruction both of soule and body Wherefore we are to iudge well and charitably of such as are religious frequenters of the holy exercises of faith such are neuer past hope there is some signe of life in them and we haue more comfort and greater assurance of such albeit vniust vncleane then of any ciuill man that refuseth the meanes Many in the world stumble at the offensiue liues of euill professors but certainly whatsoeuer men iudge there is more hope of the worst professor that heareth the word and attendeth vnto it More hope of euill professors then of ciuill men then of the best ciuil men that in prophanenesse of heart refuse it and that for two reasons First these men though they be euill yet vse good meanes which haue from time to time done good vppon others as bad as they therefore may in time to come by the mercy of God and blessing vpon the meanes do good also vnto them be effectuall in them If it do not preuaile at one time yet it may at another The reformation of a sinner is not wrought at a sudden but by little little like the water that pierceth the hard stone by customable and continuall dropping vpon it If thou seest two men most dangerously sicke of diuers diseases and all mortall except they be cured and one of them putting himselfe vnder the Physitians hand the other reiecting altogether both phisicke and the Physitian whether of these is more likely to be restored and to liue Is not he that taketh the receit and medicine that is ministred So is it in the sicknesses of the soule If we hearken to the word which is a spirituall medicine to heale euery malady we may be reclaimed The word is as a draw-net cast into the Sea which gathereth of euery kinde Mat. 13. Yea it is quicke and powerfull and sharper then any two-edged sword piercing euen to the diuiding asunder of soule and spirit and of the ioynts and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart Heb. 4 12. Secondly it is a signe that those which vse the meanes are not yet sold and setled to continue in sinne for there is no man whose hart is fully set in him to do euill and follow wickednesse that can patiently endure be content to be an ordinary frequenter of religion whensoeuer it is publikely taught and preached True it is they may sometimes come to the word for custome or company or feare or praise or because they haue nothing else to do and cannot tell how else to spend away the time but if they come ordinarily continually they are not become desperate The hammer of Gods word may break their harts and enter into their soules As for those that regard not to serue GOD and vse not the assemblies of his worship they are of all other most wicked and prophane and may iustly be said to be of the forlorne hope They are at the point of death they lye gasping for breath nay they are come to the brinke of hell Thus then we see that the preaching of God is of absolute necessity whether we bee conuerted or not conuerted whether we do beleeue or not yet beleeue nay it is in a manner the only necessary thing It is the opiniō of many wretched men that are not worthy to breathe in the common aire that it bringeth a great charge and heauy burden vppon the people
opinion of their exceeding great knowledge and wonderfull gifts which no man seeth or can see in them but themselues that are deceiued by selfe-loue suppose they need not frequent the hearing of the word as if it were for nouices or ignorant persons only that know nothing Hence it is that they flattering themselues in an ouerweening perswasion of that which it is to bee feared is not in them say What can they teach vs that we knew not before Can they make vs goe from the many wiser then we came vnto them Or can they deuise any new points of religion or set vp new Articles to bee beleeued that wee neuer heard off before I answer we go not about to broach any new doctrine neither doe wee coyne any new counterfeit faith Gal. 1 8. If we or an Angell from heauen teach any otherwise then the Fathers beleeued from the beginning we are accursed We teach Iesus Christ the same yesterday and to day and for euer Hebr. 13 8. The ende of the preaching of the word is not chiefely or principally to plant knowledge whereas these make it the onely end If a man had all knowledge and could speake with the tongues of men and Angels yet ought hee to come diligently into the house of God and to attend carefully to his word For albeit we haue knowledge for the time present yet wee may forget our knowledge so as that which we hold this day we may let slippe from vs to morrow And there is nothing which wee know but we may know it better and more fully and distinctly Besides the word serueth to kindle our zeale and to stirre vp our affections as it were to blow the coales by kindling the sparkes that the fire goe not out Lastly The third reproofe they are reproued that extoll to the skies the Kingdomes and Commonwealths of the heathen as the onely prosperous florishing and happy Nations which indeed excelled in outward glory and thereby dazeled the eyes of many yet indeed were no better then assemblies and companies of men destitute of religion and consequently of saluation Their peace and prosperity their wealth and dignity were all carnall and momentany rising out of the earth and sinking downe into the earth againe their praise also is of men It is the maintenance of true religion that maketh a people truely happy and the meanes of spreading abroad true religion is the ministery of the word there is no way to know it to practise it but by this Such as imbrace it are truely wise such as forsake it and reiect it haue no wisedome in them Ier. 8 9. No kingdome or State can flourish no Common-wealth can prosper no Prince no Potentate no people can bee wise or blessed in their gouernment but by honouring and obeying of Almighty God as he hath commanded Hence it is that Moses saith I haue taught you statutes and iudgements Deut 4 5 6. euen as the Lord my God hath commanded me c. Keepe them therefore and do them for this is your wisedome and your vnderstanding in the sight of the Nations which shall heare all these statutes and say Surely this great natiō is a wise vnderstanding people Likewise the Lord promiseth that this obedience to the precepts of God without adding or diminishing should make them blessed euery way in the fruite of their bodies of their fields of their cattell Deut. 28 3 4. and in euery thing that they put their hands vnto wh●ras if they did not keep the Law of the Lord their God his iudgments and statutes which he had commanded them he threatneth to bring all curses vpon them as famine and hunger nakednes and pouerty dissolution and captiuity vntill hee had cast them out of the Land which he had giuen vnto their fathers Deut. 28. All Cities Commonwealths are to be the hostes of the Church and dwelling places for the faithfull without giuing entertainment to the truth Gospell they are as Lanthornes without a light or as the Firmament without the Sunne There is no kingdome no towne no family no person that can attaine vnto happinsse and true blessednesse except they worship the Lord aright according to his word If we be with him he will be with vs he will honour those that honour him and despise those that despise him 1 Sam. 2 30. It is true religion that establisheth our seates and maketh them prosperous contrariwise impiety and superstition and false worship are the certaine ruine and destruction of the Nation that imbrace them But it will be obiected Obiection What say you of the kingdomes of the heathen Had they not large Dominions Were they not the Monarchies of the world did they not greatly prosper in this world I answer Answer it is true they wanted not outward peace honour dignity wealth pleasures dominions and largenesse of Empires howbeit the cause of their prosperity was not their idolatry and false worship this is to alledge a false cause in stead of a true forasmuch as their detestable abhominations and horrible prophanations of the seruice of God were the causes of their finall ouerthrow which neuer ceassed to call and cry for vengeance to God vntill he with his thunderbolts from heauen had striken them downe to the ground The true causes of the prosperity of Pagans and heathen are these The causes why heathen Common-wealths flourished Matth. 5 44 the first is the great mercy and goodnesse of God who doth good to the vnthankfull and vngodly hee letteth his raine to fall vpon the fields of the iust and vniust and causeth his Sun to shine vpon the godly and vngodly the Christian and the heathen And albeit he be prouoked euery day and therefore may iustly poure downe the full viols of his wrath indignation vpon the earth yet hee is a God of patience and long suffering waiting for the conuersion of men so that if they repent not both they are made without excuse and the iustice of God is cleered when hee iudgeth This is one cause why hee suffereth them to flourish Another is that he may giue thē the greater ouerthrow For the higher their heads and hornes are lifted vp the more is their fall when they go to ruine The greater their sin is the greater must their punishment be God hath made himselfe knowne among them and not left himselfe without witnesse Acts 14.17 in that he did good and gaue them raine from heauen fruitfull seasons filling their hearts with foode and gladnesse He gaue much vnto them and therefore required much of them againe Thirdly it was his pleasure to prouide for his Church that liued and soiourned among them that they might be as Innes to lodge them and as Cities of refuge to entertaine them whē they fled vnto them from the auenger of blood He gaue them peace that the Church also might enioy peace among them he made them to flourish that his people that liued with
iustifie or warrant that calling and the greatest Rabbines that are cloathed in Scarlet and haue written in defence of it doe shew themselues more then ridiculous in their Apologies wherein they doe nothing but vent their owne vanity and publish their owne shame to the view of all men The like might be said of the swarmes of Monkes and Fryers and those pestilent Orders that trouble heauen and earth Church and Common-wealth true religion and externall peace and policy in bodies politike Are these officers or offices ordained of God are they any plants of his setting in the Church haue they receiued any authority from his mouth Or is there any syllable in the Scripture to auouch these Orders or are they not rather the Popes deare sonnes and of his creation Iesus Christ neuer knew them they grew vp while his seruants slept that should haue looked better to their false fingers Matth. 13.25 He neuer instituted this kind of life he neuer commanded or counselled men to goe into the wildernesse or to coope vp themselues in a Monastery or to vow single life or to renounce their temporall possessions or to betake themselues to voluntary pouerty thereby to follow a new rule of life and to preferre the commandements of men before his Gospel and to place the state of perfection The perfection of Votaries wherein it standeth in the obseruation of certaine vain traditions which they haue vndertaken The vowes that they haue taken vpon them to obserue are these three the vow of pouerty the vow of obedience and the vow of chastity First touching pouerty or rather beggery as it pleaseth them to boast off which indeed they professe more then practise like to such as Salomon painteth out Prou. 13.7 There is that maketh himselfe poore hauing great riches Christ neuer ordained such a kinde of life neither taught any to enter into it for himselfe had bagges and mony to buy things necessary as appeareth Ioh. 12.6 and 13.29 Nay hee saith It is a more blessed thing to giue then to receiue Acts 20.35 The like we might say of the Apostles they neuer vowed such a life themselues nor approued of it in others For albeit they forsooke all that they might follow Christ and preach the Gospel yet they reserued and retained the propriety of them it is the vse of them and the pursuing after them that they gaue ouer When Christ on the Crosse said vnto Iohn Behold thy mother from that houre hee tooke her home to his house Ioh. 19. but how could he take her to his owne if he had nothing his owne And when Peter after the Passion of Christ said I goe to fishing Ioh. 21. it is not likely he hired a ship and vsed another mans nettes but rather had them of his owne which he had left and forsaken for a season Againe neither did Christ euer say to his Apostles or the Apostles to any others Vow ye pouerty but rather Giue ye almes Luke 11.41 remember the poore Gal. 2.10 distribute to the necessities of the Saints Rom. 12.13 He that soweth sparingly shall reape sparingly for God loueth a cheerefull giuer 2 Cor. 9.6 7. To doe good and to communicate forget not for with such sacrifices God is well pleased Heb. 13.16 These things they could not performe but of their owne substance except they should giue the Mammon of iniquitie taken away wrongfully from others Hence it is that the Scripture so often exhorteth to workes of mercy to fruites of loue and liberality toward the poore that we should lend vnto them looking for nothing againe Luke 6. Ephes 4. 2 Cor. 8. promising that if we giue it shall be giuen vnto vs. They therefore that vow pouerty cast away the blessing of God and such helpes as might serue them to shew their loue and liberality vnto their brethren Lastly beggery is threatned as a punishment and therefore not to be vndertaken as a state of perfection Dauid complaining of his slanderous and malicious enemies doth vnder the person of Iudas deuote them or proscribe them Let his children be fatherlesse and his wife a widow let his children be continually vagabonds and begge let them seeke their bread also out of their desolate places Psal 109.9.10 If then it be a state of perfection to be a begger it is also a state of perfection to haue his posterity cut off to haue the extortioner catch all that he hath to haue none to extend mercy vnto him to haue his name blotted out in the generation following and his memory razed out of the earth all which and many other like the Prophet ioyneth with begging of bread in that Psalme which being heaped vpon one man would keepe him from perfection And if with begging of bread were alwayes annexed this that none should shew fauour vnto them nor extend any mercy to their fatherlesse children it is like it would bring out of vse this beggerly occupation in a short time The same Prophet noteth it as a speciall blessing of God vpon his gouernment I neuer saw the righteous forsaken nor his seede begging bread Psal 37.25 It is the ordinance of God that there should be no begger in Israel Deut. 15. The wise man prayeth against that estate Prou. 30.8 that he might haue neither superfluous riches nor extreame pouerty Now then either the state of perfection is not so glorious a thing as they boast off or else the wise man prayeth against this perfection which these hypocrites doe embrace and voluntarily chuse vnto themselues Touching the vow of obedience Secondly touching obedience to be performed to the superiours of their orders they professe to follow his rules and iniunctions as the Franciscans must follow the rule of Saint Francis and so the rest bind themselues to obserue the precepts of their gouernours which sometimes are sottish senselesse and sometimes impious and blasphemous whereby they leaue the commandements of God to execute traditions The Apostle saith Ye are bought with a price be not seruants of men 1 Cor. 7.23 But such as vow Monkish obedience in things not prescribed in the word make themselues seruants and slaues of men Againe he reproueth them that said 1 Cor 1. I am Paules I am Apollos I am Cephas because they addicted themselues as bond seruants to men they then are much more to be condemned that are the slaues of Dominicke of Francis of Ignatius and the rest The Apostles themselues neuer made any such vow nor taught it to others they could not abide to haue any disciples consecrated vnto them to beare their names Christ our Sauiour sheweth that no man can serue two masters because one onely is our master For when they command contrary things we cannot cleaue vnto them both but such things may superstitious superiours and gouernours command nay haue commanded Besides it is folly to lay a burden of humane precepts vpon other mens shoulders when as we cannot perfectly obserue and fulfill the commandements of
the matter be well considered it will not be hard to vnderstand that with condition of yeelding themselues to the subiection of the Iewes and of conformity to the true religion of God they might be receiued For what was the cause that they were forbidden to enter into league with them but this that they dwelling among them might draw them to a false worship of God Deut. 20 18. Lest they teach you to do after all their abhominations which they haue done vnto their gods so should ye sinne against the Lord your God But when they offered to yeelde themselues to the Iewish both religion and subiection there was no feare of defiling thē or of withholding and withdrawing them from the seruice of God True it is if they did resist or withstand them as the greatest part of the Canaanites did who came out to meete them and prouoked them to battell and were so farre from submitting themselues to God his people that they stirred vp one another and ioyned their forces together to stand out vnto death it was not lawfull to spare eyther sexe or age eyther women or children eyther young or old If it had beene vtterly vnlawfull and against the expresse word of God to make any league with any of the Canaanites Ioshua and his Princes had done wickedly to haue kept their oath with them after they had vnderstood their fraud and falsehood considering that all oathes made directly against the word of God and his expresse commandement are vtterly vnlawfull and consequently to bee broken lest we adde sin vnto sin The Spies also sent out by Ioshua Iosh 2. had done euill which entred into a league with Rahab the harlot and bound themselues with an oath which oath notwithstanding was solemnely obserued Yea Salomon had done euill who in his best and flourishing state of his kingdome receiued the Amorites which voluntarily yeelded themselues vnto his obedience and that which is more to the obedience of the Lord who notwithstanding grew into one body of the Church of GOD with the people of Israel 1 Kin. 9 20. and ioyned themselues with them freely forwardly in the restoring of the Temple The like wee might say of Dauid whose example we touched before albeit the LORD had expressely reuealed in his word that there should bee a standing place where the Arke of the Couenant should rest and the Tabernacle with the seruice belonging vnto it should haue a certaine abiding and albeit there was no expresse word of God that forbad him to builde the Temple yet the LORD reprooueth his resolution albeit he commendeth his zeale and good affection because he had giuen no commandement concerning the person that should builde it 2 Samuel chapter 7 verse 7 or the time when it should be builded So then we learne by all these examples as well by such as did against the commandement as by those that did attempt and aduenture vpon things without a commandement that they are iustly reprooued that neuer regard the word of God in any of their waies neither aske counsell at his mouth that neuer consider what GOD alloweth and approoueth but rashly breake into the practise of things incident to their life and yet haue no other guide to leade them nor counseller to aduise them nor teacher to instruct them nor warrant to beare them out otherwise then their owne mind and meaning which in matters of God and parts of his worshippe are blinde and peruerse Aske these men what approbation they haue from God or what assurance to their owne consciences that they please him they are able to say nothing at all Let me tell these men that which I would haue them marke and oftentimes to thinke on it vpon their beds euen betweene the Lord and their owne soules as they will answer it before the great Iudge of all the world when they shall appeare before him that whatsoeuer you do though they be good things yet to you that are ignorant and know not what you do to you it is a sinne and in you it is no vertue It is a notable duty to heare the word of God it is one marke of Christs sheepe and one step into his kingdome but if ye come to this ordinance of God Ezek. 33 31. as the people commonly vse to come onely to do as your honest neighbours do and because the law requireth it haue no other knowledge of it your hearing is abhominable in you and no more pleasing in the sight of almighty God then if you should cut off a dogges necke to offer vnto him Esay 66 3. We are commanded to come often to the holy Supper of the Lord and to prepare our selues reuerently and religiously to that action It is a worthy instrument of God which he hath ordained for the confirmation of our faith many of vs come often vnto it all of vs at Easter but if we come vnto it onely because it is a common custome so to do and we are loath to be singular and know not that both God commandeth the practise of it and our owne infirmity cryeth out for the necessity of it his table is made a snare vnto vs and we sin against Christ so that we receiue no more benefit by eating the bread and drinking of the cup of the Lord then the Gentiles that were partakers of the table of diuels 1 Cor. 10 21. and did drinke the cup of diuels and did offer sacrifice vnto Diuels Woe then to all ignorant persons that take vpon them to performe duty and seruice vnto God and yet know not what duty seruice he requireth at their hands Oh that they would or could vnderstand that the best workes which they do performe euen such as God commandeth are no better then sinnes and abhominations in them that doe they know not what as blinde men that shoote at a marke Oh that they would or could pray vnto God to open their eyes to see their own wretchednesse and to consider that the most holy parts of Gods worship which they performe are a sacrifice of fooles that know not that they do euill Then would they learne the difference between things done in knowledge and such as are done in ignorance then would they praise GOD for the light of his truth reuealed vnto them and then would they confesse with all their hearts that they would not stand in the former state wherein they liued if an whole kingdome or all the pompe and glory of the world were giuen vnto them To conclude let them beare this away with them also that God will not be serued with good meanings or good intents which is all that the greatest part can say for themselues we are simple people we are not book-learned we meane well we hope we haue as good soules vnto God as the proudest of them all we do what we can we hope God will beare with the rest This is the religion of such as think
of highest descent that euer liued vpon the earth who was not onely of the linage and stocke of Dauid and heire vnto the Crowne Kingdome but the sonne of the eternall God yet he disdained not to serue but vouchsafed to minister in this office and hath giuen example to all posterity that none should account themselues vnworthy of it or it vnworthy of thē forasmuch as the Gospel began to be preached of him Heb. 2 3 who is the brightnesse of glory and the expresse image of his person and vpholdeth all things by the word of his power Heb. 1 3. Seeing then Princes and Peeres and noble men yea such as haue bene of the Kings blood haue imployed themselues to the Lords seruice seeing sundry of these among both Pagans and Papists haue exercised this function seeing some of the elect Angels were Preachers of the Gospel what a slander and reproch is it for vs that are dust and ashes and wormes of the earth and no better that are called Christians and would be accounted great professers who in so great want of labourers and haruest men to reape downe the corne do bestow our youth rather any way then this that is the best way It is incredible what great good such might do in the church O what a furtherance would it be to true religion and a notable meanes to gaine many soules to God! For how many be there that contemne the Ministery of the word and consequently the word it selfe because for the most part they are meane and poore men that are the Ministers and Preachers of it Euen as when the professers of the truth consist of the lowest sort it hindreth the faith of diuers to consider that none of the rich or of the Rulers beleeue in him but the people that are accursed Iohn 7 4● so is it in the Ministery also When such as are ignorant of true religion cast their eyes vpon the poore condition of the teachers of it and behold the worshipfull and noble shun it and shake it from their shoulders they are offended and grow into hatred and contempt of the Calling and regard not such as haue taken it vpon them Whereas if the men of great places would stoope downe vnto it if this may be accounted a stooping downe and as well preach Christ as beleeue in him it might be a forcible and effectuall meanes to further and foster true religion Is it not a comfort to all godly parents to see their children well bestowed Can we haue them better bestowed then to serue the Lord and to labour in his haruest and to be made Rulers or Stewards in his house Is there any thing we should reioyce more to see then our sons put in trust with the price of the blood of Christ and by preaching to win many soules and send them to heauen How do men seeke to shroud themselues vnder the cloth of noble men and are glad of places and offices vnder them like to Zebedees childrē that would sit at the right hand and at the left hand of Christ in his Kingdome But the Ministers are the seruants of the most High they serue the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords then which what seruice can be more holy or honourable The Prophet Haggai complaineth chap. 1 4 that the whole people from the highest to the lowest neglected the building of the Temple and followed their owne profits plesures Is it time for you O ye to dwel in your sieled houses and his house lye waste And therefore he threatneth in the words following to punish those greeuously that were so retchlesse and carelesse for the helping forward of this building Let Zerobabel and Iehoshua with the remnant of the people diligently consider this point and meditate seriously vpon these things And let all haue a tender regard to imploy and set apart some of theirs to worke in the Lords vineyard as painfull labourers True it is some goe about by pilling and polling to bring the Church to beggery and slauery but this ought not to discourage any from seruing in this calling nor to withdraw any of his children frō preaching of the word The earth is the Lords and the fulnesse thereof Psal 24 1. All the siluer and gold in the world is at his commandement Hag. 2 8. He will neuer leaue nor forsake those that be his He will pay good wages to all that are his seruants They shall be sure of their pay that reape his corne and beare the burden of the work and the heat of the day He hath the hearts of all Princes and Potentates in his owne hand He moued the mindes of pagan and heathen Kings to contribute things necessary for the repairing of the materiall Temple as appeareth in the bookes of Ezra and Nehemiah ●zra 3 7. ●eh 2 8. and therefore he will not suffer such to lack which labour in his spirituall Temple vnder godly and christian Princes Seeing then we ought to make a great account and haue a reuerent estimation of the Preachers of the word and esteeme the Calling giuen them an honorable office inasmuch as Christ the euerlasting Son of the Father the wisest the worthiest the noblest the notablest person beyond all comparison of all that euer were or shall be or are in heauen or earth hath taken vp the office of a Preacher Priest and Prophet to teach the people and to pray for them let vs also further this worke by all the meanes we can and let the Ministers comfort themselues in this their holy vocation hauing a multitude of such excellent predecessors as it were a cloud of witnesses going before them to be examples to encourage them and let vs not be discouraged by the taunts opprobious termes of the vngodly to dislike and forsake our function or to be ashamed of it or to thinke scorne to labour in it howsoeuer many scorne at it as too meane and base a thing for themselues For albeit the Ministery aboue all other callings is most subiect to the contempt and disgrace of prophane and godlesse men yet let vs be assured that as it is in it selfe in regard of the ordinance of God as also of the benefit of it vnto mankinde a worthy and excellent calling so they that enter into it shall be honoured of all those which are the children of God Let vs tread those disgraces contumelies vnder our feete and be so farre from being dismaied at them that rather we ought to account our selues happy for them Mat. 5 11 12. Seeing we are thereby made conformable not onely to the Prophets and Apostles of Christ but to our Sauiour himselfe and shall in the end be like vnto him in glory and eternall life Yea we are assured that in the middest of al disgracings and defacings of vs we are the sweet sauour of God not only in them that are saued but in them also that perish ● cor 2 15 16 And albeit we
according to the number of the persons there might be an equall diuision and distribution of their functions Now for the better vnderstanding of this numbring heere commanded and executed we must know that the reckoning vp of the Leuites is not done after one manner but is much differing not only from the other tribes but also from it selfe so that this Tribe is numbred diuers waies The first is from a moneth old and vpward as we haue learned out of the third chapter because then they were fit to be offered to the Lord. Numb 3 15. The second is at fiue and twenty yeare old at what time they began to be tried and proued whether they were fit or not this is set downe chap. 8 24. The third is at 30. years of age vntill 50 when they executed their office fully without any denying or gainsaying Thus we see the different account that is taken of this Tribe and the reasons thereof now let vs proceede to the order obserued in this chapter Heerein we are to obserue two parts The first containeth a commandement touching the numbring of the Leuites from 30. yeares old vnto 50. together with a description of the proper and distinct office of euery family Secondly the obedience of Moses in the execution of the commandement of the Lord. Touching the commandement of God we are to consider that the whole seruice of the Tabernacle is parted according to the wil and pleasure of almighty God the author of the Ministery among the three families springing out of Leui and spoken of in the former chapter namely the Kohathites the Gershonites and the Merarites Heere Moses doth a little inuert the former order and beginneth with the Kohathites because the Priests were chosen among them and he insisteth longer vpon them then vpon other both because many things are spoken of them which notwithstanding are not properly to be restrained to them alone but generally to be applied to the rest and likewise because they had a more worthy honourable office so that the chiefest charge was committed vnto them The commandement is generall in this diuision then particular in the verses following The generall sheweth who among them were to be numbred to wit all persons from thirty yeares old to fifty to do the seruice of the Tabernacle Thus much touching the order ●o obiect ●wered Before we come to the doctrines we are to answer two questions thereby as it were to vnloose the knots that might trouble those that are weake in knowledge and slender in iudgement ●estion As first of all it may be demanded why the Lord commanded the Leuites in this place to be numbred that were full 30. yeares old ●swer and not before I answer it was because he would haue those that serued him in the Sanctuary and did as it were represent his person to the people and were to teach them to be ripe in knowledge in iudgement in experience in moderation in learning and such like gifts of his holy Spirit Young men for the most part haue greene heads light braines rash wits shallow iudgements head-strong passions being altogether vnsetled and vngrounded Thus it was in Rehoboams Counsellers 1 Kings 12 8. where we see young Counsellers young counsell graue Counsellers graue counsell as the men are so is their counsell Such as were to follow the warres were numbred from 20. yeares old and vpward Moses the muster-maker tooke their names and enrolled them at the age of twenty but such as were the Lords warriers to fight his battels ●ings 2 12. and as it were the Chariots horsemen of Israel must not be fresh-water or white-liuerd souldiers they must not turne their backes to their enemies nor be afraid to looke them in the face nor shrinke backe at the push of the pike nor haue their sword rusty in their sheath but alwaies be prepared stand ready for the encounter But if such had beene admitted to this office as were yong in yeares their lightnesse in gesture and behauiour might haue cast a contempt vpon the holy things of God and caused the people to abhorre the word which they deliuer and the Sacraments which they administer whereof we haue an example 1 Sam. 2 in Elies sonnes The sinne of the young men was great and they caused the people to contemne the offerings of God To this end the Apostle aduiseth and admonisheth Timothy chap. 4 12. Let no man despise thy youth but be thou an ensample to the beleeuers in word in conuersation in charity in spirit in faith in purity But of this we shall haue occasion to speake more afterward Secondly a man may aske the question Question whether the Priests and Leuites ceassed the execution of their office at the age of fifty For seeing God commandeth in this place all to be numbred that were imployed in the worke of God and none were numbred that were vnder thirty and aboue fifty it may seeme to some that they did nothing afterward What then Were they as souldiers dismissed of their seruice and put to their yearly pension Or were they released from all labours as those sword-players Horat. epist lib. 1. epist 1. that had a rod deliuered vnto them in token of discharge I answer this was done for diuers causes Answer First such as execute this holy calling ought to be qualified with iudgement grauity sobriety integrity diligence yea with power courage strength and to haue agility and ability in mind and body that they may doe all things wisely exactly studiously constantly But all these agree to a man most fitly and fully betweene the age of 30. and 50. limited in this place Youthfull age may be adorned with strength courage and earnestnesse but it is not so well furnished with iudgement grauity skilfulnesse and staiednesse On the other side old men in their declining age albeit they be filled with knowledge and vnderstanding and seasoned with moderation of affections yet through weaknesse of nature debility and other infirmities that follow them grow dull and heauy Analys Iun. in 3. Numer slowe and cold and haue not that quicknesse and readinesse of dispatch which they had and others haue so that their body is not answerable to their mind nor the outward man to the inward Againe this was the ordinance of God that they should giue place to younger men that vnder them they might be trained vp to the seruice of the Sanctuary that he might neuer want any to attend in that calling Whereas in the multitude and encrease of that Tribe to so many thousands if they had all serued during the terme of their liues many of them could neuer haue beene imployed whose labor might be profitable in the church So then they were at that age to ceasse to make way and passage for the imployment of younger men Thirdly as religion is more precious then all earthly things so God heereby tooke order and prouided that the weaknesse
Secondly touching the Merarites which are another of the familes what he saith of them verse 31 of this present chapter compare it with the 36 and 37 verses of the former chapter Lastly touching the Gershonites the 25 ver of this fourth chapter with the 25 verse of the third chapter and we shall see hee telleth them againe and againe what burdens they are to beare and what seruice they are to performe He might haue referred vs to that which hee had before set downe but he doth againe particularly rehearse and repeat it God forbiddeth needlesse repetitions in praier and condemneth much babling that bringeth no benefit with it therefore he vseth it not himselfe neither do any of the Penmen of the holy Scriptures who wrote as they were inspired by the Spirit of God the Author of them They were chosen vessels of God and as it were his Secretaries so guided by him that they could not erre in writing no more then in speaking of it We learne from this practise of Moses in this place Doctrine It is lawful for the Ministers to repeat the points that formerly they haue taught that it is lawfull for the Ministers and Teachers of the Church to make repetitions of things formerly taught and to deliuer the same points and parts of religion againe and againe both for matter and forme not thereby to ease themselues or to maintaine sloth in thē but for the benefit of the Church Moses in the booke of Deuteronomy repeateth to the people many things done before and expressed in the former bookes and therefore it is fitly called a repetition of the Law and there he rehearseth the ten Commandements againe Deut. 5. So do the Euangelists declare how Christ our Sauiour often repeateth the same things and preacheth againe the same points he had deliuered before and therfore his practise may well be our warrant and his example our direction Thus doth the Apostle Peter shew what he did and what he will do 2 Pet. 1 12. Wherefore I will not bee negligent to put you alwaies in remembrance of these things though ye know them and be established in the present truth And afterward in the same Epistle he professeth that hee had written to them of those things whereof his beloued brother Paul had written in all his Epistles The Epistle of Iude is a repetition of those things handled by Peter in his second Epistle and is as it were an abridgement of it So the bookes of Chronicles do repeat many things before set downe in the bookes of the Kings albeit it be done with much accesse of matter profite to the reader as we shall see by diligent obseruation in the reading of them In like manner the Apostle Iohn wrote vnto them those things which they had beene taught before I haue not written vnto you because ye know not the truth but because yee know it and that no lye is of the truth 1 Iohn 2 21. This may plentifully appeare vnto vs in the comparing of the olde Testament with the new one strengtheneth and confirmeth another and sundry things are repeated in the new which are deliuered in the old We see the Gentiles in the Acts of the Apostles Acts 13 42. besought Paul and Barnabas that the same words might be preached vnto them the next Sabbath day which they had first offered vnto the Iewes All which examples as it were a cloud of witnesses do confirme the lawfulnesse of their practise that teach againe what they haue taught and deliuer the same points which before they haue deliuered and so bring forth out of their storehouse things both old and new for this custome could not be vsed without some accesse and addition of new matter according to the manner of God vsed in the holy Scriptures Reason 1 This is not done without cause and good reason For first men are commonly dull in hearing slacke in comming weake in remembring and slowe in practising They are as a tough oake that is not felled at one stroke as an hard stone that is not broken in peeces with one blow they are as marble that is not pierced with once dropping of water vpon it but requireth a constant and continuall falling vpon it according to the Commandement of God directed to his Prophet Ezek 21 2. Sonne of man set thy face toward Ierusalem and drop thy word toward the holy places and Prophesie against the Land of Israel For albeit we be often taught and plainely instructed heere a little there a little yet we cannot conceiue and carry away the things we heare The Apostle saith Heb. 5 11. We haue many things to say and hard to be vttered seeing ye are dull of hearing where he giueth this reason why he had need begin againe the first rudiments of Christian religion as it were to lay the foundation of the house againe before hee went forward with high mysteries euen in regard of their dulnes and slacknes in learning Reason 2 Secondly it is safe and sure for all hearers to haue often repetitions It hath his good vse and speciall benefit Many witnesses do make sure worke and confirme strongly and stedfastly the things taught Hence it is that the Apostle saith writing to the Philippians chap. 3 1. To write the same things to you to me indeed is not greeuous and for you it is safe That which is once spoken is through our infirmity and corruption as good as neuer spoken as one witnesse is no witnesse GOD would haue euery truth confirmed by two or three witnesses and forasmuch as the historie of the life and death of the doctrine and myracles of the resurrection and ascension of Christ is so maine a pillar of our religion in the knowledge whereof our saluation consisteth hee would haue it confirmed by foure authentike witnesses and Christ carried by them as on a fourefold Chariot in triumph like a mighty Conqueror that hath subdued all his and our enemies Thus doth God prouide most plentifull meanes to remoue our infidelity to take away our doubting and to remedy our infirmity Thirdly repetition worketh a deeper impression Reason 3 in vs and serueth to beate it into the conscience as well as into the vnderstanding It is necessary that we be stirred vp quickned to the practise of good things by the goad of repetitions This consideration made the Apostle say I thinke it meete 2 Pet. 1 13. as long as I am in this Tabernacle to stir you vp by putting you in remembrance Practise is an hard thing and rare We are not easily brought to performe such things as wee know If then once speaking take not hold on vs it may the second time beeing commended vnto vs againe Fourthly we ought not to forbeare from Reason 4 this course because our life is short wee know not how soone we may be called out of this world and giue an account of our Ministery how carefull wee haue beene to gaine
ignorantly like the blinde man that hitteth the white cannot be accepted of him or looke for any reward at his hands God will accept of none to be his seruants that know him not Will any man receiue into his seruice one that cannot see to dispatch his businesse and shall we thinke that God will admit blinde men that regard not to vnderstand his wayes and want their spirituall eyes to discerne betweene good and euill This we see by sundry examples as Psal 95.10 where the Lord rendreth this reason why the people erred in their hearts and greeued him forty yeeres in the wildernesse Psal 95.10 because they had not knowne his wayes It was the cause why the Sadduces denyed the resurrection Matt. 22.29 Ye do erre not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God This caused the Iewes to crucifie the Lord of life Act. 3.17 Now brethren I wote that through ignorance ye did it as did also your rulers for if they had knowne him they would not haue crucified the Lord of life This is it that maketh the proud iusticiaries of the world to rest in their owne righteousnesse Rom. 10.3 because they know not the righteousnesse of God This was the cause of the idolatry of the Gentiles Gal. 4.8 When ye knew not God ye did seruice vnto them which by nature are no Gods So what was the cause but ignorance that moued Paul to persecute the Saints he rendreth this as the reason 1 Tim. 1.13 I was before a blasphemer and a persecuter and iniurious but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in vnbeliefe And as it is the roote that brancheth out into many sinnes so it is as pitch that defileth whatsoeuer it toucheth turneth good affections into euill and maketh them to decline and degenerate into sinne Religion deuotion hope feare being ioyned and guided with the eye and light of knowledge please God whereas without this sight they highly displease him For religion ioyned with ignorance begetteth and bringeth forth idolatry deuotion accompanyed with ignorance is no better then superstition hope ioyned with ignorance worketh presumption feare ioyned with ignorance engendreth desperation If we haue not knowledge to support and season vs we erre out of the right way and are deceiued beyond all measure Loue blinded with ignorance becommeth sottish Zeale patience and such like corrupted with ignorance are turned into brutish and sauage passions This reprooueth three sorts of men First the practise of the Church of Rome ●re● that taketh away the key of knowledge from the people and seeketh to bring in palpable darknesse These false teachers cannot endure that the people should enioy the light of the Scriptures They reade them in an vnknown tongue perswading them they may be most deuout when they are most ignorant that it shall goe well with them though they haue no faith of their owne but an implicit faith to beleeue as the Church beleeueth albeit they know not what it beleeueth These are they that notably abuse the people to their perdition and bewitch them with spirituall socery as they that bring Gods iudgments vpon their heads ●●8 ● 13. and 〈◊〉 1. ● 10. ● 1. 8. for when a land is destitute of the knowledge of God al things are couered with darknesse and the persons are liable to his fearefull iudgements as is euident by sundry places of Scripture Dauid saith the blind and lame that mocked at him were hated of his soule so that such should not enter into his house 2. Sam. 5.8 Such as are spiritually blinde shall neuer enter into Gods kingdome they are all seers that shall come thither The want of naturall sight is nothing in comparison of the want of the eyes of the minde Our Sauiour pronounceth them blessed that are pure in heart ● 5.8 because they shall see God This sight of the minde is two fold partly in this life partly in the life to come one of them vnperfect the other perfect when we shall see him as he is This is eternall life to know God ● 3.2 it is eternall death not to know him and to be ignorant that God is our father that Christ is our redeemer and that the holy Ghost is our sanctifier ●●econd ●ofe The second reproofe is of those that are children in knowledge that liue in the light and yet can see nothing The Sunne shineth brightly in their faces yet they shut their eyes Many thinke they haue religion enough if they haue a good mind and meaning and leade a ciuil life among their neighbours who like not such busy fellowes that will be medling euermore with the Scriptures They are accounted honest men and are well liked of all they pay that they owe they are iust of their word they deceiue no man But this ciuil conuersation and honest behauiour shall profit them nothing nor be able to bring them into the fauour of God nor giue them any title to the kingdome of heauen so long as they are destitute of knowledge forasmuch as they haue God their aduersary who will contend with them and plead against them neither will he know them that regard not to know him Others despise it and contemne it like the foole or idiot that casteth away a pearle or precious stone not knowing the value or worth of it These come to the Church sometimes and heare the word of God both read preached and yet are not so much as acquainted with the histories of the Scripture the principles of religion which are as milke for yong children They know not what faith is they are not acquainted with the meanes of our iustification they know not the difference betweene the Law and the Gospel neither the vse of the one or the other they cannot discerne any thing betweene the religion of Christ and of Antichrist Lastly The third reproofe it serueth to stoppe the mouthes of all proude and malicious slaunderers of the Gospel that accuse the preaching and publishing thereof as the cause of the sinnes and enormities that abound among vs as also of the plagues and pnishments that God hath inflicted vpon the land These men vttering the froth and scumme of their soule mouthes and belching vp the venome of their poisoned hearts cry out It was neuer wel since this new religion sprung vp since there was so much teaching and preaching that we haue so much knowledge and learning that we are well the worse for it The cause of Gods iudgements is not the preaching of the Gospel but the contempt of the Gospel and because we haue the light but loue darkenesse more then the light God iustly giueth ouer such prophane beasts into a reprobate sense Our great ignorance is the cause of our sinnes and that we are children of darkenesse rather then of the day of the night not of the light Are not these ashamed to say that the light of the Sun causeth men to stumble and goe
sword it is the Schoole of Christ this is the rod as the Apostle calleth it it is the Temple of God this is as it were the whip to scourge out such as abuse it themselues it is the body of Christ this is as a medicine to cure the diseases of it it is the vine and sheepfold this serueth to keepe the foxes and wolues from it Secondly some obiect that it is not needfull Obiection 2 vnder a Christian Magistrate who is charged to punish such as liue dissolutely and disorderously inasmuch as he beareth not the sword in vaine Rom. 13. It belongeth vnto him to take away life or limbe according to the nature and quality of the offence What place then is there for excommunication and Ecclesiasticall iudgements I answer Answer Christ hath setled this as a perpetuall order in the Church Math. 18 17. If he shall neglect to heare them tell it vnto the Church but if hee neglect to heare the Church let him bee vnto thee as an heathen man and a Publican Where alluding to the custome of the Iewish Church hee sheweth also that the Christian Church cannot want this spirituall iurisdiction These thē are not contrary they stand well together neither doth the one hinder or ouerthrow the other Neither are we to thinke that Christ pointeth out the ciuill Magistrate when he saith Tell the Church as some suppose Erast thes but an Ecclesiasticall Senate Neither doth he meane when hee saieth Except hee heare the Church let him be to thee as an heathen or a Publican except hee heare the Magistrate that is of the same faith and religion with thee thou maist go to law with him as if he were an heathē or Publican and haue him before the Romane Magistrate that is prophane For Christ speaketh not onely to the Iewes that then liued but giueth a remedy to bee vsed at all times The promise that followeth whatsoeuer ye shall binde on earth c. belongeth not to one time or to one place or to one people nor to the ciuill Magistrate nor to ciuill wrongs but pertaineth to the conscience and had bin impertinently vnproperly added if Christ had spoken of seeking ciuill remedy against ciuill harmes and iniuries which will farther appeare by the reasons following First if by the word Church the ciuill Magistrate were to be vnderstood then the words concurring in the text touching binding and loosing and vsed elsewhere to the same effect touching opening and shutting remitting retaining of sinnes shewing the Churches power doe not signifie spirituall power but ciuill but they doe not so signifie neyther were euer so vnderstood of any vntill our times Secondly the authority heere spoken of was such as the Disciples present should somtimes in person exercise and execute for so Christ saith vnto them verse 18. Whatsoeuer ye shall binde on earth shall be bound in heauen whatsoeuer ye loose in earth shall be loosed in heauen But these exercised not ciuill power but spirituall iurisdiction therefore this authority heere spoken of was spirituall not ciuill Thirdly Christs words are in this place imperatiue Tell the Church Whosoeuer saith that these words are but permissiue onely suffering men so to do and not imperatiue enioyning the same he goeth against the letter of the text and propriety of the words But Christ commandeth no man to prosecute his brother ciuilly offending him before the ciuill Magistrate He commandeth to forgiue him and to be ready to take another iniury rather then in law to pursue him Math. 5 40. Therefore this action here in this sort enioyned and required at the offended brothers hands in that Christ saieth vnto him Tell the Church is not a ciuill action but must needs be a spirituall duty whereby the offenders soule abiding in sinne and so in danger to be lost is to bee recouered if it may be by this meanes Fourthly the ground and matter of this action whereupon the whole is inferred is not ciuill for then it should more fitly haue beene named 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an iniury but heere it is not so called but it hath the expresse name of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sinne Therefore the remedy also is spirituall and the meanes to bring it to passe Likewise he teacheth a little before of offences spirituall and of the cure of them then he sheweth our duty of seeking and recouering euen one brother going astray Math. 18 12 13 14. comparing this to the seeking and recouering of a lost Sheepe straying from the flocke in the wildernesse which also is a spirituall affaire and businesse These things being thus laide together with the words immediately following and both compared together there is no shew of reason why it should not concerne the same matter with the former there being still one coherence and knitting vp of the argument and that most fitly in this discourse Lastly Christ was no ciuill Lawyer neyther set any ciuill Courts and courses of law neyther was this his calling But this was his office to giue order for his Church and to establish the gouernment thereof Neither was there any speciall occasion to speake of ciuill going to law here was no question put to him concerning any such matter so that he should thus haue answered nothing to the purpose Wherefore by these particular considerations we may conclude that to take the word Church for a company of ciuill Magistrates vsing ciuill not spirituall authority for a bench of Iusticers or a Senate of Magistrates hath no approbation of any author In prophane writers it signifieth a whole ordinary assembly of people met together for ordering ciuill affaires guided therein by some Magistrate They then are very much deceiued that take the word in a ciuill sense vnderstand it of ciuill proceedings Againe when the Apostle speaking of the incestuous person 1 Cor. 5. willeth him to bee deliuered to Satan for the destruction of the flesh they expound it of an extraordinary punishment inflicted vpon him by the diuell whereby hee tormented his body Such a miraculous punishment was laide vpon Ananias and Sapphira by Peter and vpon Elymas by Paul But this is not the right interpretation true exposition of this place For albeit God oftentimes vse the diuell as his instrument both to chastise his children as we see in Iob and to punish the vngodly as we see in Saul so that the power of Satan is the power of God yet this is not intended by the Apostle Parae i● 1 C● 5. quest 1. as appeareth by the circumstances which may bee obserued in this chapter For first hee reprooueth the Corinthians that they had cherished a most wicked man among them and had not long before put him out as verse 2. Ye are puffed vp but he did not neither could he reproue them because they had not wrought a myracle because the gift which Peter and Paul had as the Apostles of Christ was not common to euery Christian nor
reiect Hereby then we see that a man is not to be excommunicated and put out of the Church for euery trifle or for euery sinne but for scandals and offences that are notorious A master will not discharge out of his house a seruant that hath serued him for euery trespas neither doth the Magistrate draw the sword for euery breach of the law So ought it to be with the officers of the Church Again excommunication must not be vsed at the first but as the last remedy A Chirurgeon accounteth lancing searing cutting a desperate cure When he commeth to his patient and findeth swelling and soares in the body he doth not by and by proceede to cutting off an arme or legge he vseth first purging and other gentle meanes to try whether he can do any good that way or not So should it be with vs according to the counsel and commandement of Christ he requireth priuate admonitions exhortations priuate reproofes and rebukes and then two or three with vs Mat. 18 1● that in the mouth of two or three witnesses euery word may be established There is required of vs patience and much lenity waiting whether he will by this meanes be amended Lastly we may gather from hence that whiles sinne is secret and vnknowne no man can bee excommunicated but then onely when it is made publike and manifest vnto all Now then it is made publike when the Church is acquainted with it The fourth point in excommunication The fourth part of the description is this that it stretcheth to him only that cannot otherwise be brought to repētance The cause then why the church is compelled to proceed so farre against some of her children is obstinacy impenitēcy For when there is in such offenders both open wickednes whereby the Church is offended notable stubbornenes wherby the church is contemned so that they can by no meanes of the word publikely of the admonitiō priuatly be reformed excommunication must follow of necessity that hereby if it be possible some good may be wrought in them Hereupon Christ himselfe saith If he neglect to heare the Church let him be vnto thee as an heathen or a Publican Mat. 18 17. Such therfore as haue offended and truly repent of their sins giuing euident testimonies of their vnfained conuersion ought to be spared not censured to be comforted not terrified to bee retained in the church not reiected cast out of the Church Secondly this sheweth that impenitency is a most greeuous sin and next to infidelity the greatest For as faith is the mother of repentance so is an vnbeleeuing heart the cause of impenitency Of all iudgements that God bringeth vpon the sonnes of men none is greater then the want of repentance to haue an heart that cannot repent To fall into whoredome drunkennes are greeuous sins and wound the conscience weaken our comfort and assurance howbeit to continue in them without feeling of them and turning from them is worse then the committing of the sins themselues This made the Apostle say Rom. 2 4● Despisest thou the riches of his goodnes and forbearing and long suffering not knowing that the goodnesse of God leadeth thee to repentance But after thine hardnesse and impenitent heart thou treasurest vp vnto thy selfe wrath against the day of wrath and reuelation of the righteous iudgment of God Among all the blessings of God giuen vnto vs wee must make great account of a soft and tender heart which the Prophet calleth an heart of flesh opposed and set against the stony heart Such are soone checked and controlled Lastly wee learne from hence to make a difference betweene sin and sin and betweene sinner and sinner All men fall into sin and if we say we haue no sin we deceiue our selues and make God a lyar Neuerthelesse some are penitent sinners they hate their sins and doe with might and maine striue against them They fight against them as against their enemies Others cherish sinne in themselues and are resolued to continue in them They make no conscience of them and cannot be brought to repent for them Such are not fit to be held members of Christ and Citizens of the kingdome of heauen therefore iustly deserue to be cast out of the church ●fth ●f the de●on The fift point containeth and includeth in it the substance of excommunication namely that it driueth impenitent offenders from the visible and outward communion of the Saints from whence also it hath his name Open sinners and scandalous liuers are not worthy to liue among the faithfull nor to come to publike prayers nor to be partakers of the Sacraments nor to be admitted to the assemblies of the Church forasmuch as they would prophane all they touch as Adam the tree of life and therefore was driuen out of the garden Hence it is that Christ would haue vs account them as heathen and Publicanes The Gentiles for religions sake were enemies to the church and therfore in religion the Iewes were to abstaine from their society fellowship whereas in common affaires of this life they were not so restrained ●t the ●icanes 〈◊〉 The Publicanes were such as had receiued an office from the Romanes to whom the Iewes were subiect to gathet tribute being as it were Collecters of subsidies taskes and tallages impoled vpon the Iewes who thought it vnfit and vniust that they beeing the Lords people should pay tribute and custome to the Gentiles as appeareth in the history of Hezekiah and of Ioachim in the bookes of the Kings and by the question propounded vnto Christ in the Gospel ●h 22 17. Is it lawfull to giue tribute vnto Cesar or not Wherfore they were accounted the enemies of the people and the betraiers of their owne Nation they coupled them with sinners and hated thē vnto the death albeit they professed the same religion and oftentimes met together in the place of Gods worship They abhorred these and could by no meanes brook abide these men who for the most part were extreme couetous and catch-polles ●e 19 8. exacting more then was due for them to receiue or the people to pay howbeit they hated them not as the enemies of their religion but as men of a wicked offensiue life The Apostle likewise decreeing and determining what should bee done with the incestuous person willeth the church to deliuer him to Satan 〈◊〉 5 5 7 13 to purge out the old leauē and to put away from among themselues that wicked person Heereby then we see that these obstinate offenders are to be separated frō those good things which the Lord commandeth communicateth in his church as the word sacraments praiers These are holy things for holy and sanctified persons but they are as filthy swine to whom holy things may not bee cast and as dogs to whom the childrens bread doth not belong Now one of the cheefest ends of the censures of the Church is
made light in the Lord that were sometimes darknesse and therefore they must walke as children of the light Secondly for the neglect of this duty the Reason 2 wrath of God falleth vpon the sonnes of men He is the God of order and requireth that all things in the Church be done in order Hence it is that the Apostle saith Col. 3 6. For such things sake the wrath of God commeth vpon the children of disobedience And we haue sundry examples of this in the people of Israel who were diuersly destroied because of their sins 1 Cor. 10 5. With many of them God was not well pleased for they were ouerthrowne in the Wildernesse If then notorious sins bring downe Gods wrath notorious sinners are not to bee winked at to the end that his wrath may bee turned away Reason 3 Thirdly we shewed before that they were as swine and dogges or as vncleane beasts and should not be admitted to the fellowship of Christs sheepe which are cleane lest they defile them and corrupt them through their contagion and tread downe with their feete the residue of their pastures The Apostle saith 1 Cor. 5 6. Doe ye not know that a little leauen leaueneth the whole lumpe Sinne therefore being infectious the sinner is not to bee tollerated in the assembly of the righteous The vses remaine to be handled First of Vse all it should minister great matter of much greefe and sorrow to euery society of Christian men and women when any of the Congregation grow to be thus prophane and defiled with the contagion of sinne Is it not a great greefe to haue any one member of the body cut off Or can any endure it without paine and anguish So should it be when any that is called a brother is put from the rest of the body of the Church and seuered from the externall communion of Saints This the Apostle teacheth 1 Corinth 5 2. Ye are puffed vp and haue not sorrowed This reprooueth those that regard not this censure whether it bee executed vpon themselues or others neyther are touched with the dishonour that is done to God when hainous and horrible sinnes do breake out of the bosome of the Church The Prophet testifieth Psal 119 136. that his eyes gushed out Riuers of teares because they kept not his law So the Lord speaketh to the man that was cloathed in linnen whom he appointed to preserue such as were his Ezek. 9 4. Goe through the middest of the City through the middest of Ierusalem and set a marke vpon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abhominations that bee done in the middest thereof If any man be present and behold the Chirurgian ready to cut off the arme or legge of another he is moued with a kinde of compassion and commiseration and is touched with greefe for it how much more ought wee to be greeued when a brother is cut off from the communion of the Church which is the mother of vs al The Prophet reioyced whē they said vnto him Let vs go into the house of the Lord so it ought to minister matter of mourning when any haue this greeuous punishment laid vpon them as to be turned out of the Church It ought therefore to be accounted neither matter of ioy nor matter of gain neither should we bee glad to heare that any are so proceeded against Secondly it is a cause of great mercy and Vse 2 of a wonderfull blessing from God whē such as transgresse are resisted and punished So long as sinne is suffered God is offended and his wrath is extended ouer those places and persons He hath a controuersie against those that sin against him Iosh 7 1● ● 8 1 2. The host of Israel could not prosper so long as Achan remained among them the enemies preuailed against them and they turned their backs vnto them but when he was taken away and the glory of God reuenged which he had defaced Israel prospered and had the vpper hand They could not stand before their enemies vntill they had put the accursed thing from among them And how much he hateth sin he declareth sometimes in his owne seruants for Ionah must be cast into the sea or else the Ship and the passengers in it shall euer be in ieopardy therfore he said vnto the Marriners Take me vp and cast me foorth into the sea so shall the sea bee calme vnto you 〈◊〉 12. ● for I know that for my sake this great tempest is vpon you If then he spare not his owne people how should he spare others that are his enemies We haue a notable example of this afterward in this booke when the people of Israel began to commit whoredome with the daughters of Moab bowed down vnto their Gods and so coupled themselues vnto Baal-peor God brought a fearefull iudgment vpon them 〈◊〉 8 9. and there died in that plague foure and twenty thousand But Phinehas the son of Eleazar rose vp from the middest of the Congregation and with his speare he smote the adulterer and the adulteresse so the plague ceased from the children of Israel the anger of God being turned away from them A contrary example is to be seene in Eli 1 Sam. 2. hee winked at the wickednes of his vngodly sons and it brought downe a greeuous iudgment vpon them and vpon himselfe and vpon the people Such churches therfore as are carefull to put from among them notorious offenders are blessed of God Sinne is the cause of all iudgement and the remouing thereof bringeth all blessings with it Thirdly euery Congregation is bound to Vse 3 purge their owne body from such excrements and filthinesse as annoy it We must haue herein true zeale godly courage in the cause of God and his truth We must not stand in feare of the faces of men though they be neuer so great and mighty The censures of the Church must not be like the spiders web which catcheth flyes and gnats wheras the bigger creatures break from it They must be administred indifferently without all respect of persons otherwise it laieth open a gap to destroy religion faith honesty iustice and equity maketh a way to wrong and all impiety This reproueth such as dare not deale with great mē rich men and mighty men they are afraid to touch them lest they purchase their displeasure 〈◊〉 in Phor. 〈◊〉 1. These are like to fowlers that pitch not the net to catch kites or Hawkes that do hurt but for such as do no hurt They suffer great men to do what they list and see thē not they let them alone either through negligence they will not or through feare they dare not controlle them according to the saying of the Poet 〈◊〉 satyr 2. Dat veniam coruis vexat censura columbas They that are censors or chastisers of the manners of others do pardon such as are most wicked and greatest malefactors but doe condemne them that
a notable Epistle to this purpose written to a certaine Bishop called Auxilius August epist 75. in the behalfe of one Classicianus who being a young man for the offence of the master of the house excommunicated all the rest of his family and would not deliuer the Sacraments to his children and houshold whom he perswadeth to lay aside anger and to reuerse his sentence lest the man perish that is a friend the diuell reioyce in it that is an enemy In this case in a manner doe they offend who refuse to baptize the children of thē that are excommunicated such as are borne in fornication because their parents are impenitent as though the sonne should beare the iniquity of the father or the wife of the husband or the seruant of the master or he that is not yet born the iniquity of thē that are borne What hath the infant offended that is borne in the Church that he should not be baptized of the Church The Prophet saith The son shall not beare the iniquity of the father nor the father Ezek. 18 20. the iniquity of the son but the soule that sinneth it shall die This also is the resolutiō of Beza in one of his Epistles Beza epist 10. prouing that the children of the excommunicate may be baptized We conclude therefore that they onely which haue offended and remaine obstinate in their offences are to be excommunicated forasmuch as Christ neuer said if he heare not the Church let him and all that belong any way vnto him be as heathens and Publicanes but let him be vnto thee that is him only This serueth to cōdemne the horrible and abhominable tyranny of the Bishops of Rome who haue not onely raged vpon the bodies of the Saints but also exercised dominion ouer their consciences These are they that send out their curses and smite the cheefest Monarches of the world as it were with thunder lightning They pronounce sentence of excommunication for trifles and they absolue from it for trifles They excommunicate one for another and they absolue one for another They cast out of the Church those that do not belong to their iurisdiction for what haue they to doe with Princes When Princes are supposed to haue offended they curse condemne whole states and Kings as they haue serued heeretofore the Kings of this Land and lately thc State of Venice They haue interdicted whole Realmes they haue forbidden diuine seruice to be said and the Sacraments to be administred Fiftly we must learne from what things excommunicate persons are excluded that we may the better know how to behaue our selues toward them Christ saith let such be as heathens Publicanes that is abstaine from such false brethren and communicate not with thē either in matters of religion or in common conuersation But how far we must forbeare their company and conuersing with them we shall speake afterward The word excommunication and to excommunicate note out a cutting off frō the communion which Christ noteth by the branches that bring foorth no fruite Iohn 15 6. If a man abide not in me hee is cast foorth as a branch and is withered and men gather them and cast them into the fire and they are burned The Euangelists also call it to put out of the Synagogues Iohn 16 2. that is out of the fellowship of the faithfull met together in one place Hence it is also that they were said to be accursed being out of the Church as they are blessed that abide in the Church hauing a communion together in matters of religion and fellowship one with another Now we must vnderstand that there is a two-fold communion from whence an excommunicate person may be said to be excluded Communion is two-fold inward and outward the one is inward and spirituall the other outward and corporall The inward communion is that which euery faithfull one hath by faith and loue first with God and then with the Saints of God and therfore in the Creed it is called the Communion of Saints For all the Saints are ioyned together with Christ their head by the band of the Spirit among themselues and with the whole body of the Church 1 Cor. 10 16. The bread which we breake in the Supper of the Lord is it not the communion of the body of Christ saith Paul And the Apostle Iohn in his first Epistle That which we haue seene heard declare we vnto you 1 Ioh●● that ye also may haue fellowship with vs and truely our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Iesus Christ From this fellowship can none be excluded but by sin The Prophet saith Esay 5 ● your sinnes haue separated betweene mee and you And Iohn teacheth that if we walke in the light as he is in the light 1 Iohn 1 ● we haue fellowship one with an other and the blood of Iesus Christ his Son cleanseth vs from all sin And Paul in his Epistle to the Romanes sheweth particularly that there is nothing vnder heauen can separate vs from Christ and from the loue of God neither death Rom. 8.3 ● nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature among al which he doth not reckon sin and therefore it is sin alone which can separate any man frō the grace of God and from communion with him The excommunication of the Church can bar and shut out no man from this communion For if any man be truly engrafted into Christ endued with faith in Christ and repentance from dead workes beeing a member of his body in deed and in truth excommunication shal hurt him nothing at all in regard of that spirituall communion forasmuch as the sentence so giuen is void and frustrate and the doore is shut vp locked fast with a false key Such an excommunication is a blessing not a cursing Againe albeit a man iustly deserueth to bee excommunicated through his sin to be separated from God yet excommunication is not the first or cheefe cause of it but his owne sin and the continuance in it seeing it doth not seuer him from God but declareth him to bee seuered through his impenitency as the Priests vnder the law putting out the leprous did not defile them with the leprosie but pronounced them to be defiled as the Iudge giuing sentence vpon a malefactor doth not therby make him a malefactor for hee was so before but pronounce him to be so and as a theefe that is found guilty is not thereby made a theefe But here a question ariseth how can it be Obiect that any hauing a true fellowship with Christ can be separated from it through sin Can he that is a member of Christ be made no member All men are eyther reprobate or elect The reprobate are not neyther were neyther euer shall be partakers of this communion how then should they be
in the tenth chapter verses 35 30 37 38. the Israelites promise that they would truely pay their due to the Leuites that they would bring their first fruites the first borne of their sons of their Cattell of their Bullockes of their Sheepe and the tithes of the Land vnto the Leuites and Priests that minister in the house of God but when Nehemiah was absent they were slacke in performance of their promise We may obserue besides who they are that haue the chiefe hand in this sinne not the men of least account or lowest degree but the cheefe sort had the cheefest hand in this trespasse For who are they that most robbe the Church and pill and polle the Ministery and make themselues fatte with the spoiles of the tithes but those that shold be greatest friends vnto it euen great persons who make themselues greater by making Church-liuings lesser This we see plainely in the place named before where Nehemiah saith chap. 13 10 11 12. I perceiued that the portions of the Leuites had not beene giuen them for the Leuites and the Singers that did the work were fled euery one vnto his field Then contended I with the Rulers and saide Why is the house of God forsaken and I gathered them together and set them in their place c. Such therefore albeit they be great mighty are to bee reproued It is the duty of the Magistrate to see so these things and to correct the abuses that creepe into the Land and by all good meanes to release the oppressions that lie heauy vpon the Ministers of the church If God take the matter into his hand he will take an account of them that spoile the church and make them feele the greeuousnes of their sinne It is better that Nehemiah should correct the sinnes of the people then Nebuchadnezzar If God scourge vs by cruell enemies woe be to vs they are without all mercy and compassion Thus then we learne how and what to account of this sin to wit the withholding of maintenance frō the Ministers that it is robbing and spoiling of God a defacing and deforming of his kingdome This maintenance is the homage and tribute that God doth require of vs for the setting vp and continuance of his kingdome among vs whereby it followeth that tithes are holy sacred things not to be deteined nor imployed to any other vse The Apostle therefore saith Gal. 6 verse 7. Be not deceiued God is not mocked for whatsoeuer a man soweth that shall he also reape Vse 5 Lastly from hence ariseth comfort to such as do good to the Sanctuary and to the vttermost of their power further the worshippe of God they may assure themselues that God will account it reward it as done vnto himselfe Whatsoeuer is giuen to the maintenance of Gods seruice and the furtherance of true religion and the propagation of the Gospel is giuen to God himselfe serueth to aduance the glory of his Name as appeareth by sundry examples in holy Scripture worthy both of commendation of admiration and of imitation One example The first example we haue in Obadiah who liued in the daies of greeuous persecution whē Iezabel made hauocke of the Church of God the Altars were cast downe and the Prophets slaine then did hee take an hundred of the Lords Prophets and hid them by fifties in a Caue and fed them with bread and water 1 Kin. 18. It is an easie matter in the daies of peace and quietnes to shew a loue to the Ministers of the word and to pretend our selues to bee friends and fauourers of the Gospel but let vs not flatter our selues for wee may heerein deceiue our selues This is no euident triall or certaine demonstration to proue our zeale to bee right forasmuch as we may do all this more for the applause of the world and to be well thought of among men then for loue we haue to the truth or to them that bring the truth glad tidings of good things But when all things are in an hurry and vprore when persecution is raised for the Gospels sake and Iezabel sendeth a messenger to Eliah 1 King 19 2. that his life shall bee taken away from him or when the Ministers are in disgrace and contempt of the world turned out of house and home when they are left succourlesse comfortlesse then to stand to them to releeue them to countenance thē and in a good cause to defend them is a notable signe of a liuely faith and of receiuing the truth in truth and sincerity God will not forget their effectuall faith and diligent loue and the patience of their hope in Iesus Christ he will haue them in continuall remembrance reward it as done vnto himselfe as God shewed himselfe in mercy to Obadiah and for his sake sent a gracious raine vpō his inheritance and filled their hearts with ioy and gladnesse For euen as Elisha said to Iehoram King of Israel when they had no water for the host nor for the cattell that followed them What haue I to do with thee Get thee to the Prophets of thy father and to the Prophets of thy mother as the Lord of hosts liueth before whom I stand Surely were it not that I regard the presence of Iehoshaphat the King of Iudah I would not looke toward thee nor see thee 2 Kings 3 13 14. Iehoshaphat was a good and godly King who feared the Lord and in all distresses called vpon them euermore to aske counsell of the Prophets of the Lord and God suffereth his word to bee declared to the wicked themselues many times howbeit it is because of the godly that are among them euen so doth God deale with Ahab he would haue suffered him to follow the false Prophets that he fed and to be seduced by them and to perish in that famine but that he regarded Obadiah and that small remnant for whose sake he shewed mercy vpon the Land He had shewed mercy to the Lords Prophets the Lord sheweth mercy vnto him againe and is mindfull of his goodnesse as if he had done it vnto himselfe Another example The second example 2 Chr. 24 ●6 we haue in Iehoiada hee was honoured aliue and dead so that they buried him in the City of Dauid among the Kings because hee had done good in Israel both toward God and toward his house He set his heart to honour God and was zealous for his glory hee reformed religion he destroyed idolatry hee freed them from tyranny he established true piety and did much good to the Church and Common-wealth and as he was carefull to honour God so God honoured him and remembred him for good according to the greatnesse of his owne kindnesse and according to his seruants goodnesse The like we might say of Nehemiah The third example Nehem. 13 26 when the secret enemies of the Church had defiled the Priesthood and the couenant of the Priesthood and of the Leuites and that
worke to take double wages They labour in one place and receiue recompence for their labour in two places If we should see a day-labourer worke diligently all the yere long with one man and at the yeeres end aske his hire at the hands of two men we would account it iniustice and deny to pay him These men that now we speake off who are like vnto Issachar compared to a strong asse couching downe betweene two burdens can labor but among one people Gen. 49.14 and yet they will haue maintenance of two Parishes If they obiect that they diuide their labours and take paines among them both I answer that helpeth not the matter forasmuch as while they are absent from them and come not among them they take as much of them as when they preach vnto them If the day-labourer of whom we spake before should worke halfe the yeere with them and require of them paiment for the whole yeere they wold not be so simple to grant it though they would be so shamelesse to demaund it These are they that make the calling of the Minister gainefull rather then painefull and sildome or neuer thinke of the account which they are to make for the soules committed vnto them and yet will be sure to haue the greatest maintenance that the Church or Churches can minister vnto them Vse 3 Lastly as this duty and doctrine serueth for the direction of the Ministers that as they looke to be maintained so all are not fit for this office because they must preach in season and out of season and not intangle themselues in matters and businesse of the world that they cannot intend to giue themselues to reading to exhortation and doctrine so it teacheth the people to haue a speciall care of their Ministers that they leaue them not destitute and distracted for want of necessaries They watch for our soules and therefore wee ought to prouide for their bodies We heard before that the Apostle willeth the Galathians Gal. 6.6 to communicate of their goods to their Pastours that labour among them Whereby it appeareth that in those daies so soone as the Gospel began to be planted the Ministers of the word began to be neglected in their daily ministration For as the word it selfe was contemned so were they also that preached it If the word it selfe be had in price and estimation the feete of them that bring glad tidings of peace will be beautifull vnto vs Rom. chapter 10. verse 15. And by this note wee may prooue our selues whether the word be precious vnto vs or not If we regard not the Ministers in what condition they liue among vs but leaue thē in a most poore necessitous estate it is euident that we make little reckoning of the word it selfe Where the Ministers are vilified and basely esteemed it is manifest that the horrible contempt of the word it selfe reigneth there And this is a notable policy of the diuell wherby he vndermineth vs and cunningly getteth ground of vs. For he defraudeth the Ministers of their maintenance that the Church may be spoiled of her Ministers He knoweth wel that if the Church should want the Ministers and haue them taken out of the way he might rage and rauen at his pleasure kill and murther freely as he listed Plutar. in the life of Demosthenes as if the wolues could get the dogges that kept the flocke into their hands they would destroy the sheepe without mercy The diuell is a cruell and sauage wolfe the Ministers are the keepers of the flocke and watch ouer it if they be any way remooued the diuell will suddenly prey vpon them and make hauocke of them Hence it is that the Lord saith in the book of Deuteronomy chap. 12.19 Take heed to thy selfe that thou forsake not the Leuite as long as thou liuest vpon the earth And in the 14. cha 27 verse he repeateth this exhortation againe The Leuite that is within thy gate thou shalt not forsake him for he hath no part nor inheritance with thee The Leuites were appointed of God to serue him and to teach his people that his Law might be knowne among them and therfore it was great reason they should haue wherewith to maintaine them A part of the inheritance belonged vnto them as they descended of the linage of Abraham howbeit God had put them from it to the end they should not be combred with earthly things neither troubled with tillage nor distracted with any other businesse but wholly giue themselues to the performance of their duties And the people also must doe their duties vnto them Great is the vnthankefulnes of this vnthankefull world The wretched Idolaters that worship they know not what spare no cost to maintaine their Priests wheras in the meane season such as serue God purely in their places are in no account and men are content not only to set light by them but vtterly to forsake them And what is the cause of this surely because they reprooue vs for our sinnes and suffer not euery man to doe what he listeth which made the Apostle say Gal. 4.16 Am I become your enemy because I tell you the trueth We all by nature desire liberty and cannot abide to be touched by Gods word we will not be reprooued Wee had rather maintaine such as would neuer speake word vnto vs then such preachers as exhort diligently and rebuke sinne powerfully and discharge their duties carefully How many are there that had rather nourish and keepe with great charge a great rabble of greasie Fryars and an whole Couent of idle Monkes to chaunt and houle all the day long then to finde one painefull preacher to speake vnto them as he ought to doe And how many are there if they might haue their owne choyce that had rather pay their tithes and giue their money to ignorant persons and idle bellies that can doe nothing or will doe nothing then to faithful Pastours that are according to Gods owne heart and might turne vs from darkenesse to light and from the power of Satan vnto eternal life Wherefore it is not without cause that the Lord would not haue the Ministers forsaken which publish true doctrine in his Name Neither doth this tend to the benefite of the Ministers either onely or principally but to the good of the people themselues For such as refuse to maintaine those that bring home vnto them the doctrine of saluation doe bereaue themselues of the food of their soules and the bread of life which is all one as if they should goe about to starue themselues for hunger When the Ministers teach this trueth of God that maintenance is due vnto them they are censured to preach for themselues and to seeke their owne profit and to pleade their owne causes howbeit this serueth for the common benefite of the whole people and the generall welfare of the whole Church of God that true religion might be maintained obedience toward God continued and the vnity
had ouercome his enemies now he might ouercome himselfe and his owne affections Cicero orati pro Marcel which was a greater and nobler victory then the former Thus he sheweth himselfe religious toward God as well as righteous toward men The like we see in the Law set downe by an expresse commandement Exod. 22.10 11. If a man deliuer vnto his neighbour an asse or an oxe or a sheepe or any beast to keepe and it die or be hurt Deut. 21.8 or driuen away no man seeing it then shall an oath of the Lord bee betweene them both that hee hath not put his hand vnto his neighbours goods and the owner of it shall accept thereof and he shall not make it good This precept directeth when and in what cases to take an oath to wit when the matter is doubtfull and cannot otherwise be decided forasmuch as the owner of the goods is charged to rest therein and to acknowledge himselfe well satisfied This we see farther in the Apostle Paul 2 Cor. 1.21 I call God for a record vpon my soule that to spare you I came not as yet to Corinth He did not breake out into this swearing of an ordinary custome but the glory of God and the saluation of that Church required it in which cases we are allowed and warranted to vse it and not otherwise Reason 1 The reasons will better confirme this vnto vs then bare testimonies taken out of the Scriptures which neuerthelesse out to be sufficient where no farther proofe is vsed First God will not hold him guiltlesse that abuseth his Name negligently or vnnecessarily He will surely punish them that sweare vainely This penalty or punishment is annexed to the commandement Exod. 20. The Lord will not hold him guiltlesse that taketh his Name in vaine It is an heynous sinne albeit it bee thought light before men and then the iudgement also shall be heauy that hangeth ouer their heads that transgresse this Law The free forgiuenesse of sinnes is the fountaine of all happines both present and to come Psal 32.1.2 for the man is blessed whose sinnes are forgiuen and whose iniquity is couered blessed is that man to whom God will impute no wickednesse and therfore we must needs be in continuall misery so long as our sinnes are retained This is a fearefull thunderbolt to afright vs from the prophaning of his Name he will honour those that honour him but such as despise him shall come to destruction Secondly the end of practising an oath is Reason 2 to decide strifes and to determine controuersies which disturbe peace and hinder Christian charity It cannot be but offences will come and many occasions of quarrels and contentions about matters of this life arise daily betweene man and man which could not conueniently be taken vp except we had the lawfull vse of an oath to confirme some necessary truth as when it serueth to manifest the glory of God or to cleere the good name of our brother or to obey the commandement of the Magistrate or to maintaine our owne credit This is set downe Heb. 6.16 Men verily sweare by the greater and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife I call that a necessary trueth when a doubtfull cause called into question cannot be decided without an oath as we see the practise Rom. 1.9 God is my witnesse whom I serue with my spirit in the Gospel of his Sonne that without ceassing I make mētion of you alwayes in my prayers It was necessary for the furtherance of the saluation of the Romanes that they should be perswaded of the Apostles affection toward them but the testimony of men failed to prooue this trueth and therfore he was driuen to take vp an oath and to appeale vnto God This is also at large deliuered by Salomon in that prayer which hee made at the dedication of the Temple 1 King 8.31 If any man trespasse against his neighbour and an oath be laid vpon him to cause him to sweare and the oath come before thine altar in this house then heare thou in heauen and doe and iudge thy seruants condemning the wicked to bring his way vpon his head and iustifying the righteous to giue him according to his righteousnesse Thus we see the constant and continuall vse of an oth among Gods people in matters of weight and importance in their most serious and substantiall affaires Thirdly the Name of God is most fearefull Reason 3 in praises glorious in holinesse great in might and doing wonders and therefore it ought not commonly to runne in our mouthes without necessary cause This is vrged by the wise man Eccles 5.2 Be not rash with thy mouth and let not thy heart be hasty to vtter any thing before God for God is in heauen and thou vpon earth therefore let thy words be few And the Lord saith Deut. 28.58 Iudg. ● If thou wilt not obserue to doe all the words of this Law that are written in this booke that thou mayest feare this glorious and fearefull Name The Lord thy God he will make thy plagues wonderfull and the plagues of thy seed c. If then the Name of God be great and glorious it is not commonly to be vsed of vs to be turned in our tongues and to be trodden vpon with our feet Vse 1 Now let vs consider what vses may be made of this vnto vs. It reprooueth sundry abuses corruptions both in opinion and practise in iudgement and in life As first of all the Anabaptists a proud and fantasticall crue of cursed and damnable hereticks that trouble heauen and earth ouerthrow Church and Common-wealth destroy Magistracy and Ministery disanull the word and Sacraments and make religion to be no better then a doctrine of liberty These teach that it is vnlawfull to sweare at all either in priuate vse or in place of iudgement This is to runne into another extremity and to faile as much in the defect as other doe in the excesse For albeit all swearing be not lawfull yet it followeth not that all swearing is vnlawfull But to abolish all manner of swearing and all vse of an oath because some abuse it and vse it vainly ●r in vita ●g is like vnto him who to take away drunkennesse abolished the vines and would not suffer any to grow in his common-wealth or as if a man would suffer no corne to grow because some will surfet with it There is no good thing but hath beene or may be abused The doctrine that is according to godlinesse is many wayes abused When Paul magnified the mercies of God in his sonne Christ so that where sinne abounded ● 5.20 grace abounded much more men of euill spirits arose that abused this to carnall liberty and turned the grace of God into wantonnesse and wrested the Scriptures to their owne perdition sect 1 The obiections of these heretikes are not many but somewhat they alleadge for themselues First they obiect the commandement
fully and freely attend and intend the learning of the Law and giue themselues to the contemplation and consideration of the workes and wayes of God and of godlinesse separated and sequestred themselues for a time wholly from the company and conuersation of men resigning vp themselues into the hands of God and seeking to cut off all occasions whatsoeuer that might quench their zeale and hinder their deuotion Secondly the publike sanctification of the whole Church whereof God is the authour Moses the teacher and the interpreter This is the summe of this Chapter Touching the former point handled in the 21. first verses which is concerning the vow of the Nazarites before we come to the matter it selfe it shall not be amisse for the farther declaration and demonstration thereof to remooue two doubts that stand in the way arising the one from the diuers acceptation of the word the other from the distinction of the seuerall kindes of this vow Touching the seuerall significations of the word The word Nazarite is diuersly taken lest we be deceiued by the ignorance thereof we must vnderstand that there are foure acceptations of it distinct the one from the other Some are called Nazarites some Nazarens others Nasarites which words because they are oftentimes by diuers confounded as if they were all one and the same it is needfull to haue them distinguished aright the one from the other The Nazarites of whom wee haue mention in this place haue their name of separation and are written by the letter Zain Iunij paral lib. 1. c. 8. Analys in Numer these by obseruation of certaine ceremonies of which we shall speake more particularly afterward dedicated themselues vnto God in a more holy manner then the common sort The second sort called Nazarens or Nazarites are distinguished from the former and written with the letter Tsadi and so to be called Natsarites or Natsarens so named of the word Netzer which is oftentimes vsed by the Prophets and signifieth properly a branch growing out of the roots of trees frō whence the Syriack word Notzera or Notzerath or Natzerath is deriued and thereof commeth the name of the City or Village of Nazareth in Galilee Danaeus comment in August de haeres because it was situate in a place planted with store of trees and flowers as Danaeus testifieth out of Bernard Now Christ our Sauiour being conceiued and brought vp in this place is in the New Testament called a Nazarene Matthew chap. 2. verse 23. and Iesus of Nazareth Ioh. 19.19 Act. 2.22 and 3. 6. Matth. 26.76.71 Mar. 1.24 and 10.47 and 14.67 and 16.6 Luk. 4.34 18.37 24.19 Act. 4.10 and 16.14 and 10-38 and 22.8 and 26.9 From hence also the disciples of Christ were first called Nazarites but afterward they were called Christians Acts 11.26 at Antioch which professed the faith of Christ and the doctrine of the Gospel The third kind of Nazarites differeth from both the former both in the originall of the word and in wanting warrant from the authority of the Scriptures For they are otherwise written thē the other were to wit with the letter S and are deriued from the Syriack word Nesar which signifieth to cut off or to abolish because they helde that the bookes of Moses and the Prophets howsoeuer they carried their names were fained and counterfeit things and withall maintained it to be vnlawfull to kill any liuing thing Epiphan lib. 1. haeres 18. or to eate of the flesh of any creature wherein the spirit of life had bin and consequently condemned the bloody sacrifices prescribed in the Law The fourth and last sort of those whom Eusebius remembreth among the Ebionites Euseb lib. 6. histor Ecclesi cap. 17. howbeit others reckon and range them among other heretiks did after a sort beleeue in Christ and acknowledged him to be the promised Messiah for as the former sort were Iewes so these would bee accounted Christians D. Field of the Church lib 5. cap. 7. howbeit they taught that the ceremonies of the law of Moses were necessary to saluation and thereby did couertly and cunningly ouerthrow the liberty of the Gospel againe they boasted of their false miracles and priuate reuelations as the Anabaptists doe in these last dayes Now as Christ our Sauiour was commonly called Iesus of Nazareth so to be called Nazarites after his name as Christians of Christ was at the first receiued as a name of praise and commendation howsoeuer the vnbeleeuing Iewes and Gentiles vsed or rather abused it as appeareth Acts 24.5 Where Tertullus the declayming Oratour accuseth Paul to be a ring leader of the sect of the Nazarens and therefore these heretikes gloryed and boasted in that name as in a name and note of honor as the fittest which they found as with a veile to hide and with a cloude to couer the poison and pestilence of their damnable sect who vnder the colour of the Christian religion did indeed decline and depart from the true doctrine of Christ Luk. 1.26 Thus much of the names of the Nazarites the first whereof is of such as are mentioned in the old Testament the second of such as are expressed in the new so named of Nazareth a City of Galilee the third of those that altogether abrogated and abolished the old Testament the fourth of such as taught that Christians were bound to obserue the ceremonies of Moses These two last haue no footesteps in the Scriptures but they are found in Ecclesiasticall histories Hauing thus opened the name let vs consider the seueral kinds of these Nazarites mentioned in the first place They are of two sorts Two kinds 〈◊〉 Nazarites first such as were Nazarites by commandement secondly such as were Nazarites by vow Now both these kinds were such among the Iewes as were separated from the rest of the people to a more strict and pure course of seruing God then others were of which the Prophet speaketh in the Lamentations chap. 4.7 Her Nazarites were more pure then snow they were whiter then milke they were more ruddy in bodie then rubies their polishing was of Saphir By commandement were such as God from the beginning did extraordinarily call to that solemne profession of a special holinesse These were perpetuall Nazarites whose separation from the common sort by a stricter kinde of life continued all the dayes of their life Of this sort we haue sundry examples some in the old Testament and some in the New In the Old we haue first the example of Sampson then of Samuel and afterward the Rechabites Concerning Sampson we reade that the Angel of God appeared to the wife of Manoah his mother Iudg. 13 3● and 16.17 and said to her Behold now thou art barren but thou shalt conceiue and beare a son and now drinke no wine nor strong drinke neither eate any vncleane thing for the childe shall be a Nazarite to God from the wombe vnto the day of his death and afterward
especially to tempt and seduce them These are great motes in Satans eies as marks set vp for him to shoot at because these do most of all seeke the subuersion of his kingdome and the withdrawing of others out of his snares wherein he holdeth them captiue and therefore he hateth them to the death We see he began with Christ and he euermore desireth to hit the fairest marke and to strike downe the highest tree It was a cunning policy of a crafty captaine to command his souldiers to strike at no part of the enemy but at the face and the king of Syria commanded his chiefe commanders to fight neither with small nor great saue only against the king of Israel ● 22.31 Such is the policy of Satan he desireth to winnow and wound the chiefest and choicest of al and he hath oftentimes preuailed as we see in the examples of Noah Lot Dauid Moses Aaron Salomon and many others yea he bendeth his forces and fury so much the more to ouerthrow and ouerturne these because he knoweth that in ouer-mastering them he commonly in their fall giueth the foile to diuers others It is noted that Satan stood at the right hand of Ioshua to resist him Zac. 3.1 So Paul was assaulted aboue his fellows because of his rare and excellent gifts this was the cause why he was so much maligned And Christ telleth his disciples that Satan desired to winnow them ●2 31 them I say aboue others as their calling was aboue others for they were the master-builders and laid the foundation of the Church vpon which others builded Let al those therfore whose place and calling and gifts make thē euident eminent aboue others take heed to themselues to their carriage and conuersation let them labour to cleaue more closely to God ●5 36 and so to let their light shine before men that they seeing their good works may glorifie their Father which is in heauen These are as chiefe Captaines of the hoste and the ensigne-bearers of the Church to shew the way to others and to go in and out before them in an vnreproueable and vnblameable course and though they draw not all vnto them by their example yet their forwardnesse and feruency their zeale earnestnes shall serue to instruct many others Vse 3 Thirdly seeing these Nazarites must keep themselues from wine and strong drinke as also from eating fresh or dryed grapes so long as the daies of their separation endured or learn hereby that it is our duty to fly from all euill euen all the occasions and allurements of sin whatsoeuer though they be neuer so pleasant to the eye or sweet to the taste inasmuch as we shall find them in the end to be more sharp then vineger more bitter then wormewood more deadly then poison Abner the Captaine of Saul and of his sonne accounted warre as a sport which yong fellowes did make howbeit he confessed the end would prooue bloody 2 Sam. 2.26 when he cryed out Knowest thou not that it will bee bitternesse in the latter end so howsoeuer the foole make a mocke of sinne and it seeme pleasant and profitable at the first yet the end wil be mourning and lamentation This did Zophar teach in the book of Iob Though wickednesse bee sweet in his mouth though hee hide it vnder his tongue yet his meate in his bowels is turned it is the gall of aspes within him c. Hence it is that the Apostle Iames saith Iam. 1.27 Pure religion and vndefiled before God euen the Father is this to visite the fatherlesse and widows in their affliction and to keepe himselfe vnspotted from the world If we doe this then we shall bee true Nazarites separated from the world and brought neere vnto God then we shall bestow our mindes and meditations vppon him and withdraw our cares and cogitations from the desire of earthly things When God called Abraham out of Vr of the Caldees Gen. 17.1 he required of him to walk before him and to be vpright Such a spirituall Nazarite was Noah God saw him iust in that prophane age when all the earth had corrupted their wayes Gen. 6. Such a Nazarite was Lot in sinfull Sodome 2 Pet. 2.7 when he vexed his righteous soule from day to day beholding the vncleane conuersation of those cursed Sodomites Thus was Noah out of the world while he was in the world thus was Lot out of Sodome even while he was in Sodome and thus should our conuersation be in heauen while we haue our being and dwelling vpon the earth Phil. 3. Such a Nazarite was Nathaniel in whose spirit there was no guile Ioh. 1. for as he is said to be an Israelite indeed so it may be said he was a Nazarite indeed And as these were holy vnto God so must we labour after purity and offer vp our bodies an holy and liuing sacrifice to God Rom. 12.1 Euery one that calleth vpon the Name of the Lord must depart from iniquity 2 Tim. 2.19 We must labour to be cleere from the workes of darknesse and from the sinnes of worldlings and wicked persons marking what the Apostle saith 2 Cor. 7 1. Cleanse you selues from all filthinesse of the flesh and of the spirit perfecting holinesse in the feare of God For as these Nazarites were not to taste of the iuyce of liquour of the grape so we should not intermeddle with any sinne but shunne and shake off the same much more then we would to be defiled with mire and dirt 2 Cor. 6.17 remember the counsell of the same Apostle What agreement what fellowship is there betweene light darkne● therefore come out from among them and separate your selues touch no vnclean thing then shall we be the sonnes and daughters of the Lord Almighty Vse 4 Fourthly consider from hence the false ground that the Papists build vpon to establish the Monkish and Fryarly Orders wherby they build an house vpon the sand which cannot continue For from this ceremony and vow of the Nazarites being a more strict kind of life in the abstinence from sundry pleasures that others lawfully tooke in the moderate vse of the good creatures of God and consequently a profession of greater holinesse by sequestring themselues from the company of men to giue themselues wholly to prayer and meditation Bellar. contro 5. cap. 5. lib 2. de Monachis the Popish doctors goe about to defend the Monks and Friars and that swarme and rabble of Locusts that came out of the bottomelesse pit and to set vp their vnorderly Orders to be a profession of life of greater holinesse and perfection aboue others which the common sort cannot attaine vnto Howbeit if we consider the matter aright compare them together we shall see there is no agreement nor likenesse betweene them This vow was grounded vpon the word of God and warranted from thence the Monkish life is deducted from the puddles of mans inuention These bound themselues
Cretes Arabians they spake in their owne tongues the wonderfull workes of God Acts 2 11 41. and 4 4. and 8 37. and 9 36. and 10 44. and 13 12 43 48. and 16 14 34. and 17 4 11 12 34. and 18 8. and 19 18. And how can the word but be effectuall if Reason 1 we consider the titles giuen vnto it It is the strong arme of God to pull vs vnto himselfe Esay 53 1. It is as an hammer to strike our stony hearts in peeces and as a deuouring fire to burne vp and consume to ashes our corruptions as straw and stubble Ier. 23 29. It is as the raine and snow that come downe frō heauen and returne not thither but water the earth and make it bud and bring foorth that it may giue seede to the sower and bread to the eater Esay 55 10 11. It is the key of the Kingdome of heauen Math. 16 19. It is a fan in the hand of God Mat. 3 12. It is as a draw-net cast into the sea and gathereth of euery kinde Math. 13 47. Lastly it is called the Gospel of the Kingdome Math. 9 35 because it teacheth the way that leadeth to euerlasting life Secondly the Ministers are labourers together with God when they preach he preacheth when they instruct he instructeth whē they comfort it is he that comforteth when they threaten it is he that threatneth they are no other but the mouth of God and the messengers of GOD sent out to speake his word 1 Cor. 3 9. They then as workers together with him beseech vs that we receiue not the grace of God in vaine 2 Cor. 6 1. For how can we doubt but that God will blesse his owne ordinance Thirdly when Christ Iesus ascended and led captiuity captiue he gaue gifts to the Ministery Eph. 4 8. It is he that putteth heauenly treasures in earthly vessels that the excellency of the power might be of God and not of any man 2 Cor. 4 7. Vse 1 This efficacy of the Ministery and of euery part of it serueth to many vses First it reproueth such as long to be gone out of the house of God such as thinke the time lost and ill spent that is spent in hearing the word such as so set their mindes and affections vppon worldly things that they cannot tarry abide in the church vntill the blessing be pronounced the assembly be dismissed wherby they depriue themselues indeed of the blessing of God of whom we may speake with the Prophet Psal 109 17. As he delighted not in blessing so it shall be farre from him It is the order and ordinance that God hath appointed in the Church that we should begin and ende the exercises of our religion together For as God is the God of good order so the Church which is the house of GOD is the place of good order and therefore all the children of the Church must submit themselues to the rules of order and decency Vse 2 Secondly it should be a forcible meanes to stir vs vp to diuers and sundry duties First it directeth vs to go to God and to craue of him to worke by his owne ordinance the saluation of his people We must pray vnto him that is the Lord of the haruest to blesse his word and to open the harts of those that heare it to attend vnto it and to imbrace it Secondly it serueth to worke in vs diligence and fidelity knowing that we must giue an account to the great shepheard of the sheepe We are heereby encouraged to preach the word in season out of season considering that God hath promised to be with vs to stand by vs to assist vs and defend vs. Thirdly we must labour to preach with zeale with boldnes and with power and with authority not carelesly or coldly or faintly remembring that wee speake in his Name that sent vs and put vs in his seruice alwaies studying to shew our selues workemen that need not bee ashamed rightly diuiding the word of truth 2 Tim. 2 15. Forasmuch as his blessing doth accompany the faithfull deliuerance thereof The word is euermore effectuall in it selfe 〈◊〉 12. and mighty in operation sharper thē any two edged sword piercing euen to the diuiding asunder of soule and spirit and of the ioynts and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart let vs not therefore by our negligence dull the edge of it or blunt the point of it nor be afraid to cut the sinewes of sinne with it but speake it as it ought to be spoken Thirdly from hence the people receiue diuers Vse 3 instructions First it worthily challengeth from them reuerence to esteeme them that preach the word as the Ministers of Christ to account their steps beautifull for their message and Ministery sake The feete of the Prophets of God that brought the people glad tidings of a temporall deliuerance from bodily captiuity were very beautifull Esay 52 7. How much more respected ought the Ministers of the Gospel to bee Nah. 1.15 that bring glad tydings of a better deliuerance euen from spirituall captiuity and slauery vnder spirituall enemies to our soules and to our saluation Rō 10 15. This bondage is greater more greeuous then to lye vnder the bondage of all tyrants persecuters Secondly we must yeelde attention to the word of exhortation and not despise Prophesie 1 Thess 5 20. This is the principall meanes ordained for our conuersion and for our confirmation and continuance in the truth For the preaching of the word is necessary not onely to bring vs to the knowledge of the Gospel when we were ignorant and to worke in vs the grace of faith when we did not beleeue but when we are once borne anew to make vs grow thereby to a full strength and stature and to establish vs in the knowne truth Rom. 1 11. Eph. 4 12 13. 1 Pet. 2 2 and 2 Pet. 1 12 13. And wee are taught that Prophesie serueth for them that beleeue and not onely for them that doe not beleeue 1 Cor. 14 22. Lastly we must be content to submit our selues to the word and to be willing to haue it applied vnto our consciences whether it be by exhortations or by reproofes or by threatnings or by comforts For what shall a salue do be it neuer so precious if it be not laide to the sore or what can the medicine auaile if it be not applied to the disease Let vs neuer looke to finde the efficacy of the word in our soules except we desire to feele the working and power of it beeing spread vpon our hearts Lastly we must yeeld obedience to that which we haue heard It is said of the Apostles when they were sent forth into all Nations Mar. 16 20. that they went foorth and preached euery where the Lord wrought with them if then we be dooers of the word not hearers onely then the Lord worketh with his Ministers nay
he worketh in the people This is a blessed worke happy are they that are so wrought vpon The obedient hearer is the onely hearer that heareth to saluation that receiueth with meeknesse the engrafted word that is able to saue his soule CHAP. VII 1. AND it came to passe on the day that Moses had fully set vp the Tabernacle and had annointed it and sanctified it and al the instruments thereof both the Altar and all the vessels therof and had annointed them and sanctified them 2. That the Princes of Israel heads of the house of their fathers who were the Princes of the Tribes and were ouer them that were numbred offered 3. And they brought their offering before the Lord sixe couered wagons and twelue Oxen a wagon for two of the Princes and for each one an Oxe and they brought them before the Tabernacle 4. And the Lord spake c. HItherto of the sanctification which is generall and common now Moses descendeth to particular lawes This chapter containeth two thinges first the offering of the Princes secondly the speech of God to Moses The offering of the Princes is set out by certaine circumstances of the time when they offered when Moses had fully set vp the Tabernacle and had annointed and sanctified it c. of the persons which offered the Princes of the Tribes the heads of the house of their fathers and of the place where they are offered it was before the Lord. Then their offering is described by the particulars that were offered which is performed ioyntly or seuerally Ioyntly they brought sixe couered wagons and twelue Oxen c. I will not stand particularly to speake of the sanctifying and anointing of the Tabernacle handled at large Exod. 40 9 10. Remember in generall that the Tabernacle was a type and figure of the Church Willets Hexapl. in Exod. 36. which is a company of men acknowledging and worshipping the true God whō Christ doth regenerate and sanctifie with his Spirit and purposeth afterward to glorifie thē in his kingdome 1 Iohn 2 27. Moreouer consider that these Princes heere described are called the heads of the house of their Fathers This word is diuersly taken in the Scriptures God is the head of Christ Rainol confer with Hart. ch 1 Christ is the head of man and man is the head of the woman 1 Cor. 11 3. The head of Syria is Damascus the head of Damascus is Retzin Esay 7 8. The heads of the Leuites are put for the cheefest and the Priest the head that is the cheefe Priest Neh. 1 16. 2 Chron. 31 10. The King the head of the Tribes of Israel 1 Sam. 15 17 The heads of housholders the Elders Exod. 16 13. The head of the people the foremost 1 King 21 9. The head of the Mountaines the highest Esay 2 2. The head of the spices the cheefest Exod. 20 23. Among Dauids Captaines the heads are the most excellent 2 Sā 23 8 13 18. The Princes mentioned in this place may after a sort be called heads in all these respects because they are the cheefest the foremost the highest and the most excellent And albeit Kings and Princes abstaine from this title to be called heads of the Church as pointing out the soueraignty of Christ and content themselues to be stiled supreme Gouernors as appeareth by the oath of supremacy vsed among vs yet we doubt not but they may be called by that name in a kinde degree of resemblance because they haue preheminence of place and gouernement ouer all people within their dominions 1 Sam. 15 ●● For if Samuel tell Saul that when he was little in his owne sight he was ordained to be made the head of the Tribes of Israel being annointed King it may be thought not vnlawfull being rightly vnderstood to giue Princes the name of heads of their people As for the Bishop of Rome that challengeth this title to be called head of the whole Church wee cannot acknowledge him for any such head but rather the taile being indeed no sound member of the Church but the head of the apostacy and falling away from the faith prophesied of by the Apostle 2 Thess ● ● Touching the annointing oyle wherewith the Tabernacle and the vessels thereof were annointed signifying that all the true members of the Church are endued with the graces of the Spirit from hence the superstitious Romanists would gather their consecrating and hallowing of Churches with oyle and other ceremonies and hold it vnlawfull to say their Masse in a Church not hallowed yea they will tell vs of much profite and many vses thereof as the increase of deuotion and the expelling of diuels But hereby they run into sundry errors abuses They deuise and set vp a sanctificatiō without warrant of Gods word Euery P●●●● with thē 〈◊〉 bap●●● 〈◊〉 Bishops 〈◊〉 may 〈◊〉 Churche 〈◊〉 also they ●●fer 〈◊〉 ●●●firma●●●●●fore bap●●● they prefer their owne tradition before the institution of God they commit idolatry in dedicating Churches to Saints they make these ceremonies a part of Gods worshippe they would bring in againe the types and shadowes of Moses law which doe not binde vs but are abolished they make humane traditions and obseruations not grounded vpon the Scripture to be the meanes to stir vp deuotiō Lastly they teach that by this vnholy hallowing diuels are driuē out of churches which are not cast out but by fasting praier Matth. 17 21. As for that dedication of Churches which standeth partly in prayer grounded vpon the word and partly in setting of them apart to holy vses to the preaching of the word to the administration of the Sacraments such like exercises of religion we do no more condemne then Dauids dedication of his house which he had newly built Psal 30. who notwithstanding vsed neither crossings nor tapers nor such toyes as are taken vp and tollerated in the Church of Rome Ver. 1. And it came to passe Moses hauing prouided all things necessary for the seruice of God mustered his army diuided them into troopes and squadrons before remembred and appointed them Leaders of all sorts here he sheweth that the twelue Princes the Captaines Commanders of the Tribes broght their offerings before the Lord to wit sixe couered wagons and twelue Oxen to draw them to transport in them as they marched the parts of the Tabernacle with al the vessels belonging thereunto ●●●ect But were not these things to be carried vpon the Priests shoulders What vse then was there or what need of these wagons or chariots The Sanctuary indeed or the most holy place ●●●wer for greater respect and reuerence was to be carried vpon the shoulders of the sonnes of Kohath to whō the charge was committed howbeit these wagons were appointed to carry and conuay in them the other parts of the Tabernacle and the vessels thereunto belonging and were deliuered to the Leuites for that seruice namely to the sonnes of Gershon and Merari Now
and enter into the way of saluation Acts 16 34. Abraham is noted to bee the Father of the faithfull and we see hee was not without a faithfull seruant not onely faithfull to his master but faithfull to God and therefore also to his master This is noted as the chiefe cause that religion so much prospered at Thessalonica when the Gospell was preached and published there the Noblemen did embrace it Acts 17. If the raine once fal vpon the mountaines it will quickly water the vallies that are beneath like the precious oyntment powred vpon the head of Aaron that ran downe to the skirts of his garments Ps 133 2. When the Gospel was preached at Berea and such as were of noble birth tooke hold of it and they that were honorable by calling embraced beleeued it then not a few but many in number followed after them with all readinesse Actes 17 11 12. I am not ignorant that diuers of our latest and lernedest Expositers vnderstand the words otherwise Bez● 〈…〉 Act● 〈…〉 ●i●●n 〈◊〉 Testa M●●● 〈…〉 and thinke they are called Noble not in regard of their birth or blood but of their beleefe as indeede true Piety is true Nobility and true Religion is the truest Honor. Howbeit I rather vnderstand the word in his proper and naturall signification for these causes First it is not needfull to flye to a figure when the proper signification of a word standeth and contayneth nothing vnder it either against the doctrine of faith or the instruction of life or the truth of the historie Secondly Luke vseth this word in this signification as also others for such as are noble by birth and not otherwise as Luk. 19 12. 1 Cor. 1 26. Thirdly the Euangelist hath relation to that which hee noted before in this chapter where he saith That not a few of the cheefe women beleeued verse 4. that were at Thessalonica howbeit they were more noble that were at Berea who searched the Scriptures dayly whether those things were so Lastly in these words a reason is rendred how it came to passe that the Gospell tooke such good effect and gained so many soules to God Ca●●●● 〈◊〉 in A●●● 17. euen because the Nobility and honorable personages gaue their names to Christ were not ashamed to professe it The multitude followed their example as commonlie they do imitate the actions of their Leaders The Poet could say 〈◊〉 Totus Componitur orbis Regis ad exemplum nec sic inflectere sensus Humanos edicta valent quàm vita regentis The people cast their eyes vpon their Rulers neither are they ordered so much by their lawes as they are by their liues O that they which are in authority would consider this that the eyes of all men are vpon them O that they wold seriously bethink with themselues what good they might do by embracing religion and by countenancing them that are truly religious or if this will not enter into them and that their honors do so dazle their eyes that they cannot see the truth hereof O that they would at the least learne what hurt they do what backwardnes they cause what coldnesse in Religion they procure and what floods of wickednesse they bring in Doubtlesse if they did at any time meditate on these things and weigh in indifferent ballances either the one or the other it were enough to turne nay to breake their hearts and to put greater loue and zeal into them of Gods glorie For if the Gouernours of a Family bee luke-warme it may be easily obserued that their children which follow them their seruants which attend vpon them and all the rest of the house which are guided by them are neither hot nor cold And if it fall out that the Heads of the house be prophane and irreligious there is nothing to bee perceyued in that whole family but notable fruites of infidelity swearing blaspheming breach of the Sabbath contempt of the word brawling contention and all kinde of wretchednesse and wickednes If Saul begin to persecute Dauid he shall get many diuellish Doegs to snarle at him 〈◊〉 22 9. 〈◊〉 26 1. 〈◊〉 19. and finde many hollow-harted Keilahites to betray him haue many pestilent Ziphites offer themselues to discouer where hee hideth himselfe in strong holds all as his seruants to helpe him forward in his wickednes If Caiaphas sit in iudgement to arraigne condemne Christ 〈◊〉 26 69. 〈◊〉 14 66. 〈◊〉 ●2 25. 〈◊〉 9 17. all his seruants and his maides will bee ready in the hall and at the doore to set vpon his disciples and to follow the humor of their master so that euen the damosel that kept the doore could not let Peter alone but must assault him How then can we but acknowledge that it is a very happy thing to inioy godlye Magistrates and Christian Gouernours how much encouragement Inferiours haue by thē and how sweet a liberty they finde cannot be expressed O that we could learne to prize value this blessing as we ought It is not a generall benefit to be found in all places the godly haue oftentimes much disturbance and suffer many taunts and checkes euen for their profession sake in prophane places liuing vnder prophane persons For albeit all Magistrates and men in authority though their office be not great are set vp for the punishment of euil dooers and for the praise of them that do well 1 Pet. 2 14. yet oftentimes they turne the edge of the sword the wrong way Rom. 13 3. and are a terror to good works but not to euill Lastly hauing receiued so great mer●y frō Vse 3 God and continued among vs to haue such as are cheefe ouer the people to be cheefe also in piety and to go before them in all good ●onuersation whether they be such as bee in the house or out of the house it is our duty to fal downe before the Lord and to acknowledge this blessing Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodnes and for his wonderfull workes to the children of men Psal 107 8. So did Hiram the King of Tyre reioyce greatly when he heard that Salomon was annointed King in the roome of his Father and said Blessed be the Lord this day which hath giuen vnto Dauid a wise sonne ouer this great people 1 Kin. 5 17 The like we see in the Queene of Sheba when she had seene his workes and heard his wisedome she said Blessed be the Lord thy God which delighted in thee to set thee on the throne of Israel 1 Kings 10 9 because the Lord loued Israel for euer therefore made he thee King to doe iudgement and iustice And doubtlesse if wee knew the want of such Princes as our brethren and sisters in former times did when they were shut vp in prisons and burned to ashes we would acknowledge the necessity of performing this duty It is recorded in 2 Chro. 17 7. that Iehoshaphat who is renowned
for his piety and aduancement of true religion sent out his Princes to teach in the Cities of Iudah not that they did take vpon them the duty of the Priests or vsurpe the office of the Prophets but because they did backe countenance authorize the Leuites they did embolden encorage the Prophets This made an easy way and passage for the receiuing and entertaining of true religion among the people with much more readinesse and cheerefulnesse then otherwise would haue bene For when they saw and considered that such noble and worthy persons were the aduancers and vpholders of the common Faith they were the more stirred vp to a zelous professing and a carefull embracing and a sincere obeying of the truth that was taught Seeing therefore such good Princes are such great pillars of the Commonwealth of the Church and of Religion the losse of them when they are taken away is one of the greatest losses threatneth the ruine and hauocke of all that is good When the good King Iosiah was taken away Lam. 4 20. being taken in the snare vnder whose shadow they liued in peace all Iudah and Ierusalem mourned for him and spake of him in their lamentations to this day and made them an ordinance in Israel 2 Chr. 35 24 Zach. 12 11. For as the enioying of them bringeth many blessings that wee may quietly resort together to the hearing of the word and peaceably sit vnder our Vines and Fig-trees and reason of the wayes of the Lord as it was in the daies of Salomon when no man may doe what seemeth good in his owne eies as in the want of them so the taking of them away is the cause of many euils of much wickednes whereof we may say as Christ doth in another case Math. 24 8. ● All these are the beginnings of sorrows True it is that the religion of God and the doctrine of the Gospel do not so stand in neede of the help of man as though they must fal whē they fal because they are set vpon such a sure foundation that no force or power of mā can shake them or destroy them and they tooke firme root and spred far and neere vnto all quarters before any Christian Magistrates embraced them nay while they remained vtter enemies vnto them and open persecuters of them neuerthelesse it pleaseth God to vse them as his chosen instruments and by them to bring many thousands to the knowledge of the trueth and consequently to the kingdom of heauen who otherwise through their ignorance wold not see it or through their carelesnesse would not regard it or through their vntowardnesse would not accept of it 10 And the Princes offered for dedicating of the Altar in the day that it was annointed euen the Princes offered their offering before the Altar 11 And the Lord said vnto Moses c. We heard before of the offering performed ioyntly by the Princes now let vs see the Offerings which they brought seuerally For besides the Chariots and the Oxen each of these great Commanders of the people and Heads of the Tribes offered vnto God for his seruice in the Tabernacle a Charger of fine siluer waighing 130. shekels a siluer Boll of 70. shekles and one Spoone of ten shekels of Golde full of Incense al which they performed at the same time when the Altar was dedicated to God by Aaron and before they marched from Sinai where the Law was giuen toward their conquest of the promised land The waight of all the 12. siluer Chargers and 12 siluer Bolles amounted vnto 2400 shekels of siluer the waight of Gold in the Incense spoones did amount to 120. shekels of Gold which maketh of shekels of siluer 1200. euery shekel of Gold valewing ten of siluer so that the whole sum which they offred at this time was about 420 pounds sterling These Princes offered before with men and women yet now they come againe thinke they can neuer do enough toward the furtherance of the Tabernacle the worship of God The doctrine Doctrine from hence is this that they which haue most outward blessings greatest ability must be most forward in Gods worship and seruice They that ha●e t●e greatest ability guts mu●t bee m●st ●orw●rd in Gods seruice In Ezra it appeareth they al gaue according to their ability chap. 2 9. The chiefe of the Fathers when they came to the house of the Lord offered freely for the house of God to set it vp in his place So in Nehemiah it appeareth how bountifull he and the Princes and the people were They gaue much siluer and gold to finish the worke of the Lord. The examples of Dauid and Salomon in this kind are very euident and apparent for that which one of them prepared to the work and the other employed and bestowed vpon the worke is exceeding great as appeareth in the holy history 1 Chron. 18 11. c. And so much the rather we should employ our blessings and gifts to the seruice of God Reason and so giue them after a sort to him that gaue them first vnto vs because it is a sign that our affection is set vpon the worship of God and an assurance to our owne hearts that we loue him and his house 1 Chro. 29 3 4. where Dauid sheweth he gaue 3000. talents of golde of the gold of Ophir and 7000. talents of refined siluer because he had set his affection to the house of his God On the other side where is no liberality we may conclude there is no worship of God Secondly euery one is bound to glorifie God with his riches knowing that they are but stewards and dispensers of them of which they must giue an account vnto God Luk. 16 2. To this end hath God bestowed them and to this end we haue receiued them and therefore to this end they should bee employed Thirdly this is a certain rule that To whom soeuer much is giuen of him shall much be required Luke 12 48. Hee that hath little committed vnto him hath the lesse account and shorter reckning to make but to whom men haue cōmitted much of him they will require more so is it with God if he haue left vs fiue talents he will aske fiue of vs againe and according as God hath put vs in trust with litle or much we must know that he looketh for this at our hands that we bee ready to employ little or much vpon his seruice euery one according to his ability This serueth to reproue the forgetfulnesse and vnthankfulnes of such as neuer consider Vse 1 the end wherefore God hath blessed them giuing themselues wholly to carnall liberty and security and so are more backeward in good things then if they had neuer receiued so many and so great blessings from God Hee hath a plentifull store-house and a treasurie of all treasures out of this he dealeth with vs and distributeth vnto vs plentifully The Apostle giueth the Church a watchword
holy groūd Exod. 3.5 Iosh 5.15 This we shold al consider whē we meet together in one place and carefully remember that the place in which we assemble is holy ground and therefore we should take heed we doe not abuse it Obiect But is that ground wherupon Temples or Churches stand more holy then other I answer Answ no it is not in it self there is no more holinesse in it then in other but in respect of the assembly therein gathered together and of the exercises of religion therein performed it is for that present more holy and better to be accounted and esteemed then all other places and peeces of ground whatsoeuer This made the Prophet say Psal 84.10 A day in thy Courts is better then a thousand I had rather bee a doore-keeper in the house of my God then to dwell in the tents of wickednesse We see how carefull all men are whensoeuer they goe abroad and come into any publike place and presence of men to adorne the outward man decently lest being seene in an vnseemely manner they be condemned and despised especially if they be to appeare before some great person as we see in Ioseph Gen. 41.14 When they brought him before the presence of Pharaoh he shaued himselfe and hee changed his raiment and so came vnto him How much more then should wee looke to our selues to the inward man to the heart that we come not carelesly contemptuously before him that searcheth the hearts and reines If any aske how we may prepare our selues and behaue our selues Obiect that we may be accounted fit to come before Gods presence I answere Answer we must practise three duties first wee must embrace true godlinesse and righteousnesse and cast out of our hearts as filthinesse out of our houses all impiety and vnrighteousnesse The gates of Gods house into which hee will enter are the gates of righteousnes and none shall enter into them but the righteous Psal 118.16 Open to me the gates of righteousnesse I will goe into them and I will praise the Lord this gate is the Lords into which the righteous shal enter When Iacob went to Bethel to build for God an altar and to worship him first he clensed his house of idols and commanded his houshold to be cleane Gen. 35.2 ● therby shadowing out the purity of their harts To this purpose doth Dauid testifie Psal 26.6 that he would wash his hands in innocency and then afterward he would compasse his altar So then so often as we intend to come to the house of God we must rid our hearts of wickednesse as it were our ground of weedes and so sanctifie them that they may be fit vessels to receiue heauenly graces They that doe otherwise shall neuer reape any benefit by the holy assemblies of the Saints let them resort thither neuer so often Secondly we must not onely shunne and shake off things vngodly and vnlawfull in themselues but euen such things that in time and place may be followed and are commanded to be done of vs to wit the care of earthly things and thoughts vpon the matters of this world These haue their time but their time is out of time when the time serueth to serue the Lord and we are to sanctifie a Sabboth vnto him These indeed haue their place but they haue no place in the place of Gods worship and therefore must be displaced out of our hearts before we come to the house of God A vessell full of myre and puddle cannot receiue any sweet and wholesome liquor though ye powre it vpon it all the day long and if our minds and hearts be forestalled with the cares of this life and the cogitations of earthly things they are no way capable of heauenly things they are full fraught and stuffed already and so leaue no roome or receit for better things These are ranke thornes that choke the word Lastly we must consider that we haue to deale with God and not with man and be ready to receiue without contradiction or resisting without mincing and mangling whatsoeuer is deliuered vnto vs by the Ministers of God and from the warrant of Scriptures This must be the end that we aime at when we come into the Church Ant●m Fa●●● comment 〈◊〉 Eccle. 4. to heare the word of life to learne the way of saluation and to embrace the doctrine of trueth and saluation It was the manner of the Priestes and Leuites to interprete the Law and the Prophets were wont to preach their Sermons to the people gathered together in great multitudes in the Temple Ierem. chap. 7. verse 2. where Ieremy is commanded to stand in the gate of the Lords house 〈◊〉 2 7. and proclaime there this word Let vs therefore prepare our hearts to obedience by setting before vs the presence of God present by his word present by his grace present by his Sacraments present by all his ordinances and by his blessing vpon his ordinances Thus doth the Prophet prophesie that the people call one to another and say Come ye and let vs goe vp to the Mountaine of the Lord ●●y 1 3. to the house of the God of Iacob and he will teach vs he doth not say the Ministers but the Lord himselfe will teach vs his waies and we will walke in his paths A notable meanes to worke much good in vs and the cheefest way to touch our hearts with feare and reuerence knowing that we haue to do with Gods word nay with God himselfe Thus did Cornelius consider Acts 10 33. when he saide to Peter We are all heere present before GOD to heare all things that are commanded thee of God Let vs examine our selues by these few rules and by them we shall know whether we come aright or not to the house of God with due reuerence and preparation Let not the Minister sowe among thornes but grub them out of the ground of your hearts that so yee may bring foorth fruites with patience Secondly obserue from the law of contraries Vse 2 that Satan is present in all places of Idolatry wickednesse impiety and prophanenes For as God is present where he is worshipped so is the Prince of this world that ●u●eth in all the children of disobedience present also where he is serued Thus speaketh Christ our Sauiour to the Church of Pergamus Reuel 2 13. I know thy workes where thou dwellest euen where Satans throne is So then where vngodlinesse is set vp and maintained there is Satan present nay there he is president there is Satans seat and there he keepeth ●esidence O that all wicked and vngodly persons were throghly perswaded of the truth of this point and that they would diligently weigh with themselues that Satan is oftentimes neere thē euen at their elbowes when they thinke him to be farre from them and th●mselues out of gunshot as we vse to speake and free from all danger For if he will intrude himselfe and winde in himselfe among
foundation The lampes vnder the law burned only in the night therefore the Papists haue no warrant to set them vp in the day time True it is Doway-Translators slubber ouer the matter in their annotations vpon Exodus and Samuel and tell vs that God would not haue darkenesse in his Tabernacle by day nor night but this is a weake and vngrounded assertion contrary to the Scripture as hath bin shewed and may also farther be shewed o●t of Exod. 27 21. The truth is that these noone-day Taper lights in honour of the liuing or of the dead Danae respons ad 7. Contro cap. 4. are a meere heathenish superstition as it appeareth out of the history of Herodian lib. 1. And from hence as also many other toyes did crept into the Church and therefore Hierome saith aduers vigilant Cereos clara luce non accendimus we do not light candles in the day time But we haue some reason to beare with them For to what end do they vse it in the day time but to make manifest their blindnesse ignorance Their religion is a darke and obscure religion compacted altogether of many blinde doctrines and therefore they would haue some light of their candles though they haue none of their doctrine The vse of a lanthorne and light is in a darke night There is no man in his right wits will carry a candle when the Sun shineth cleerely and brightly Durandus a great patrone of these superstitions can finde out nothing in the word written to iustifie defend these wax-candles therefore is constrained to establish them vpon the rotten decrees of Zosimus and Theodorus Enchirid. lib. 6. cap. 80 If any obiect that the Christians vsed lights lampes in their meetings I answer their meetings were in the night time for feare of their enemies For while the Church was in persecution they could not safely assemble in the day time and therefore they vsed those lights of necessity to remedy the darknesse of the night Acts 20 8. but when we haue free liberty choise of time place for the exercises of our religion that practise is not to be brought into imitation Vse 2 Againe it reproueth them that hold the Scriptures to be so darke and difficult that it is dangerous for the people to meddle with them lest they fall by them into errors heresies But we heare that the Scriptures are a lampe as a candle set vpon the table and as a Beacon kindled to shew light farre and neere What then Can the light be darknesse surely no more then the darknesse can bee light And if they be darke it followeth that either the holy Ghost could not expresse his minde and meaning more cleerely and euidently or else he would not To say hee could not is blasphemy and maketh him a weake and impotent God to say he would not were to make him an enuious God as if he did enuy the good of his Church But whatsoeuer was written afore time was written for our instruction Rom. 15 4. 2 Tim. 3 16. therfore God euery where commandeth that they should be read and heard of all high and low rich poore men and women old and young Deut. 6 9. 17 18. 31 11. Iosh 1 8. Esay 8 20. He wil haue all sorts of persons come to the knowledge of the truth that they may be saued 2 Pet. 3 9. 2 Tim. 2 25. But how shall they come to repentance and to the knowledge of the truth without the Scriptures Euery member of the Church must haue them dwell richly in them Col. 3 16. All are commanded to search them Ioh. 5 39. The men of Berea are commended for it Acts 17 11. so is the Eunuch who while he sate in his Chariot read them Acts 8 30. They also are reproued that were vnskilfull in them and slow of heart to beleeue them They are able to make vs wise vnto saluation Out of them as from an armory Math 22 29. Luke 24.25 Eph 6 16 17. Math. 4 4. 22 31 29. we must draw weapons against Satan and his instruments both defensiue and offensiue Christ and his Apostles vsed these weapons to beate downe all impiety and heresie whereas the ignorance of them is the cause of errour This armour artillery must all men procure and no man be denied to draw this sword that is a soldier of Iesus Christ From hence therefore is reproued the errour in opinion and weaknesse of iudgment resting in the common sort they perswade themselues that the knowledge of thē belongeth not to them but to the Ministers and to the learned because they take them to be so darke and themselues so simple that they are as a deepe well and they haue nothing to draw nay that it is dangerous for them to meddle with them as if they were a rocke at which they might suffer shipwracke But this is nothing so Let all such marke that they are as a light shining in the night of this present world to shew vs the right way and to leade vs a sure way forward to the end of our faith True it is we shall haue no need of it when once we come to our iournies end For as men whē they are come to their lodging resting place require no more the helpe of the lanthorne so shal it be with vs when the daies of our passage and pilgrimage are ended and we be come to the heauenly Ierusalem we shall no more want this ministeriall light the Lord shall be the light of that City Reuel 21 2● 1 Cor. 13.8 there shall bee no need of the Sun or Moone there to shine in it then Prophesie shall faile tongues shall ceasse and knowledge shall vanish away Furthermore we must know that the Scriptures are not hard and hidden in the fundamentall points but all things necessary to saluatiō are easie to them that will vnderstand Deu. 30 11 Rom. 10 ● ● They are like to the holy waters that issued out frō vnder the threshold of the house Eze. 47 1 which were first vp to the ankles v. 3. then vp to the loynes v. 4. which afterward became as a riuer that could not be passed ouer v. 5. In them is strong meat for men and milke for babes and children In them the Elephant may swim and the Lambe may wade No man must therfore be discouraged from searching the Scriptures which do giue vnderstanding euen to the simple Prou 1 4. Psal 119 3. and knowledge and discretion to the young man he may learne by them to reforme his waies and to know how to feare the Lord. But are not many things hard in them Doth not Peter say of Pauls Epistles that they are hard 2 Pet. 3 1● I answer he speaketh not of the hardnes of the Epistles as appeareth by the change of the gender but that in the Epistles are many mystical points and matters of faith rather then of reason
He did not glory to haue in his owne breast an oracle to answer all doubts nor challenge any power of freedome from errour as the man of sinne in the pride of his owne heart boasteth of himselfe The third part is the resolution and determination of God deciding the question and making some lawes extending to them and their posterity first if any were vncleane they had respit giuen them vnto the second moneth they haue not liberty vntil the next yeare but to the next moneth they are dispensed withal Secondly the man that is cleane and refuseth to come he shall be cut off that is excommunicated from the people Thirdly if a stranger desire to be partaker of the Passeouer he must embrace the true religion be circumcised Exod. 12.49 and then he may come Touching the question and the occasion thereof it appeareth that those good men which were shut out from this part of Gods seruice by reason they were defiled by touching a dead body were much greeued at heart and troubled in mind that they were barred and as it were banished from the Passeouer hauing as great a desire as others to come vnto it Hence it is that they make earnest moane and complaint to Moses for their separation and therefore desire to be eased and releeued by him The doctrine Doctrin● from hence is that it is a great cause of sorrow and griefe to Gods deare children Gods chi●dren are greeued 〈◊〉 they are 〈◊〉 from his ●●●uice when they are by any iust occasion or by the hand of God vpon them withheld and kept back from the parts and exercises of his worship We see this in Hezekiah in his sicknesse Esay 38.1 his chiefe lamentation and complaint was that he should not see the face of the Lord in his Temple Dauid often complaineth and lamenteth that he was driuen by his enemies from his worship He maketh the condition of the sparrow swallow better then his Psal 84.3 42.1 and 5. and 137 which might come neerer to the altar then he his soule panted and thirsted after God The Church wept by the riuers of Babylon when they remembred Sion and the songs they had sung in the Temple and in another place the Church being by captiui●y depriued of the Temple of their Synagogues of their sacrifices of their Sacraments and of the exercises of their religion maketh bitter complaint to God O Lord and 74.7 they haue cast thy Sanctuary into the fire they haue defiled thy dwelling place The incestuous Corinthian being by excommunication put from the fellowship of the Saints and the vse of the Ministery became comfortlesse and was almost swallowed vp with sorrow 2 Cor. 2.7 And can it be otherwise The godly find Reason 1 such sweetnesse such comfort such spirituall ioy in the presence of God where the exercises of his worship and religion are performed as nothing in this life is more pleasant and delightfull vnto them The Prophet cryeth out as if he were rauished with an holy contemplation of the excellency of this Psa● 8● 1 1● 10 an● 8. and 14 How amiable are thy Tabernacles O Lord of hostes my soule longeth yea euen fainteth for the Courts of the Lord c. The word is sweeter to them then the hony and the hony combe and more to be desired then much fine gold They feed vpon the bread in the Sacramēts as vpon the fatnes of his house drink of the cup as of the riuers of his pleasures they offer vp praiers as sweet incense and lift vp their hands as the euening sacrifice How then can it be but that the losse want of al these brought vpon thē should strike them to the heart and minister matter of much greefe and mourning vnto them Secondly the great loue and mercy of God toward his people doth appeare in the exercises of religion and the place of his worship to them that are not altogether blind and deafe and past all sense and feeling of good things then in all other things throughout the whole world besides Prou. 9.1.2 And indeed a man or woman that hath once tasted the comfort of his adoption and saluation in Christ taught in the word and confirmed in the Sacraments will think it one of his greatest losses to lose and leaue these exercises and the greatest plague to be depriued of them and by them of the pledges of his goodnesse and fauor Thirdly when these are gone they know and consider the greatest stayes and helpes of their standing in the grace of God are vtterly taken away from them therefore they haue cause to lament as Psal 74.9 We see not our signes there is no more any Prophet neither is there among vs any that knoweth how long When he taketh away his word he lifteth vp his standard and goeth away And can there be greater cause to mourne then when God departeth from his people Vse 1 This reprooueth such as can lament bitterly and mourne heauily for the least earthly losses and troubles but neuer trouble themselues for losse of spirituall things It was not so with the wife of Phinehas she had many causes of mourning met together by heauy tidings that were told vnto her her father in law had broken his necke her husband was killed the hoste of God discomfited and the Arke of God was taken howbeit among all these none went neerer none so neere vnto her as the taking of the Arke and therefore she doubleth this which she could not put out of her mind and did after a sort put out all the rest ●●m 4.22 The glory is departed from Israel for the Arke of God is taken But there are many in our daies that account it no losse at all to lose Sermon after Sermon Sacrament after Sacrament and one meeting in the house of God after another they can do this easily and neuer mourne for it Nay they are vexed and tormented as if they were vpon the rack that they are constrained to come so often to the word to the Sacraments and to the house of prayer See herein the great diffrence between the godly and vngodly It is the voyce of the faithfull When will the Sabboth come but the vnfaithfull say When will the Sabboth day be done Amos 8.5 It is the voyce of the faithfull Blessed are they that dwell in thy house Psal 84.4 but the vnfaithfull hold it a misery and bondage to be tyed so strictly and straitly to the publike exercises of religion It is the voyce of the faithfull 〈◊〉 42.2 and 7. 120.5 When shall I come and appeare before God but the vnfaithfull say When shall we depart out of Syon it is time we be gone It is the faithful mans voyce complayning Woe is me that I soiourne in Mesech that I dwell in the tents of Kedar but the vnfaithfull think thēselues vnhappy that they must soiourne in the Tabernacle of God and dwel in his house If
then they be the children of God that mourn because they cannot meete with the rest of their brethren in the Temple and at the Table of the Lord certainely they must be the children of the diuell that mourne and lament because they are at them and such as do willingly and wilfully contemptuously and presumptuously absent themselues from them It is noted of Christ our Sauiour that he earnestly desired or as it is in the Originall by doubling the word with a desire 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Luk. 22.15 I haue desired to eate this Passeouer with you before I suffer whereby he sheweth his feruent affection to ioyne with them in this duty So should it be with vs when one Sabboth is ended we should long for the next when one Communion is done we should be ready to enquire after another when one Sermon is ended we should prepare for another and account no day in the week so gracious so welcome so comfortable vnto vs as the Lords day then let vs cheere vp our spirits and refresh our soules with such prouision as God hath appointed for vs. Secondly it is a great iudgement of God Vse 2 vpon men howsoeuer they account of it and whatsoeuer they esteeme of it when they are giuen ouer to their owne waies and regard not at all the waies of God Nay it is an euident token of Gods heauy iudgement to be depriued of the Word and Sacraments of the exercises of religion and of the meetings of the godly as Psal 74 1. the church crieth out O God why hast thou cast vs off for euer Psal 74.1 Why doth thine anger smoke against the sheepe of thy pasture We all confesse that dearth and famine is a greeuous plague howbeit commonly we know no other then the famine of the body when the tongue cleaueth to the roofe of the mouth for thirst and when the children say to their mothers Where is corne wine but God threatneth a greater iudgement then the famishment of the body to wit Lament 2.12 the pining and consuming away of the soule Amos 8.11 through the famine of the word It is accounted a great reproch for a subiect to be denyed the presence and protection of his Prince and the freedom of his countrey but these banish themselues from the presence of God We shold be al voluntary Communicants but many are voluntary excommunicants they exclude thēselues from the Church and execute the censures of the Church vpon themselues The Church complaineth as we heard before that the Lord cast them off but these cast off themselues frō the Church from God from his ordinances It is an euident signe of most strange prophanenesse and deadnes of heart when men haue no delight no feeling no comfort no sweetnesse in the exercises of religion when they cannot feed heartily of the fatlings and drinke greedily of the wines that are prepared by God fo● his family the most delicat delightfull souls food that can be in the world to wit the hearing of the word and the receiuing of the Sacramēts of which more afterward Chap. 11. Gen. 25. ●4 Heb 12 1● Esau is a pattern of this prophanenesse who esteemed of these precious things more vilely then of a messe of meat of the good of his soule then of the filling of his belly of future happinesse then of a present and momentany pleasure Many such Esaus we haue in our dayes as wretched and prophane as he Lastly it ought to be the first and chiefest Vse 3 thing in all our wishes and desires we shold carefully expresse it in our loue and zeale to haue the pleasure and profit of Gods house in greatest account for our good for euer This made the Prophet say Psal 26.8 and 27.4 and 84.10 O Lord I haue loued the habitation of thy house and the place where thine honour dwelleth I haue desired this one thing aboue all other that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the dayes of my life one day in thy courts is better then a thousand elswhere O what will be their portion in this life and what will be their punishment in the life to come who haue banished these desires out of their hearts and renounced them in their practise accounting the time tedious and the day lost that is spent this way O that such could consider betimes the feareful end and fall that waiteth for them so long as they grow more and more weary of the heauenly Manna that would fall vpon their souls as a gracious raine vpon the tender herbe And as for vs that thorough the goodnesse of God liue vnder the Ministery of the word and haue the Sacraments rightly ministred vnto vs let vs know confesse that it is our duty to rēder al praise thāksgiuing vnto God to labour to walke worthy of our calling to expresse the power of them in our conuersations to pray vnto him earnestly for the continuance of them among vs and our posterities lest thorough our great vnthankefulnesse and the abuse of them they be taken from vs giuen vnto another people that will bring forth the fruits thereof Verse 8. And Moses said vnto them Stand still c. In these words we haue Moses his consultation with God for heere seemed to be a kind of cōtrary or Antinomy that is one law against another The vncleane might not come to the sacrifice and besides it was an heinous offence to omit this exercise of their faith and profession of their religion no lesse then excommunication As for the touching of a dead body or burying of the dead it is a duty of charity of humanity and of necessity should a work of such due respect and importance that might not be auoided debar them from the Passeouer These therefore seemed to be in a distresse on both sides and knew not which way to turne themselues in this maze they might not come and yet they might not well abstaine they must bury the dead and yet the buriall of the dead did exclude them What shall they do between these two rocks that threaten shipwracke if they do not bury the dead they shew want of charity if they doe they barre themselues from a duty of piety and could not partake of the Passeouer vntill the next yeere Moses confesseth himselfe in this case after a sort intangled knew not what to resolue therefore for his and their satisfaction he resolueth to referre the matter wholly to God forasmuch as he had no authoritie to institute for them a new Passeouer Doctrine This teacheth vs in all matters of doubt to aske counsell at the mouth of God In al● do●●● we must as●● counsell of God But how may this be for we cannot ascend vp to heauen to speake vnto him I answer he speaketh vnto vs at this day and that two wayes 2 King 1 1● and 19.1 2. and 22.11 Ma●th 2.4 Act. 15.2 2 Chron. 3
Tabernacle was reared vp c. The second part of the chap. followeth to wit the remouing from Sinai when once the Tabernacle was erected I will from hence obserue before wee passe farther Doctrine one point from the building and erecting of the Tabernacle a place for the congregation to meet together for the worship of God that christians also in the time of the gospel should haue churches and Temples builded and fit places appointed to meet together for Gods seruice Christians should haue some fit place for Gods seruice True it is in time of persecution when free liberty of publike meetings is restrained it sufficeth to meet in priuate houses if those houses may be called priuate which are separated for such a purpose yet euen they ought to be decent and fitted to so holy a work and sanctified to so holy an end God commanded Moses to set vp a Tabernacle for the assembling together of the congregation Exod. 25 Dauid prepared to builde an house to God would giue no sleepe to his eies nor slumber to his eielids vntil he had found out a place for the Lord an habitation for the mighty God of Iacob Ps 132 4 5. Salomon afterward built him an house which was called the house of prayer because chiefly it serued for that purpose Acts 7 47. Immediately after the captiuity when Salomons Temple was ruinated it was the principall care of the Iewes to build it again and though they were hindred a long time in the work Ioh. 2. yet being reproued for their negligence and stirred vp to diligence by the Prophets they finished the worke The Apostle speaking of the abuses among the Corinthians touching the Lords Supper sheweth that they came together into one place 2 Cor. 11 20. and therefore it is needfull to haue fit places by what name soeuer they be called wherin the church is to assemble Psal 74 8. Luk. 4 16. And so much the rather because the Lord hath Reason 1 promised his presence in them and to dwell in them by his grace Spirit Exod. 25.8 Let them make mee a Sanctuary that I may dwell among them for wheresoeuer two or three are gathered together in his name there will he bee in the middest of them Math. 18. Secondly prayers that are made ioyntly together by the whole congregation are alwaies more effectuall they send vp a stronger cry and therfore they are sooner heard The best melody is of more voices then one and moe stickes laide vpon the fire make the heate the greater We ought therefore to haue fit places for this purpose that we may as it were with one mind with one mouth glorify God Vse 1 Is this the end for which Churches are instituted and appointed Then it reprooueth such as inuert the right vses of them to wit that in them we should come together to hear the word read and preached vnto vs to make prayers and supplications to receiue the Sacraments to sing Psalmes to offer vp praise and thanksgiuing to almighty God of which the Romanists haue set vp false ends and established their owne deuices They will haue them erected for the externall sacrifice of the Masse for their Altars and Images such like trumpery for which they alledge the saying of the Apostle Heb. 13 10. but the Altar there spoken of is Christ himselfe on which euerie faithful man must offer The true ends of them we noted before for the reading of the Scriptures Actes 15 21. for the preaching of the word Luk. 4. for prayer and for the receiuing of the Sacramēts Acts 20 7. Again they teach that churches are of themselues more holye ground then other places and in regard of the holy nature thereof more auaileable to pray there thē any where els The place is to be accounted holy for the present while the exercises of religion continue but the congregation once dissolued there is no inherent holinesse remaining in it more then in any other place Churches therefore wee acknowledge to bee holy places nor in regard of the building and the beauty of them not in regard of the ground or seate of them Concil Gangr but of the end holy vse for which they serue and for the holy assemblies that there are made Here then is the difference between them vs they make churches to be holy in respect of the place we in respect of the people The people make the place holy not the place the people Wee are not therefore to pray to God with any opinion of holinesse in one place rather then in another Ioh 4 21. Euery place hath Gods presence and euery where wee may lift vp pure hands and therfore is alike sanctified for praier in it selfe considered Furthermore whereas su●● places should be dedicated and consecrated to the honor of God they wil haue thē also builded to the name and honour of the Saints and make them to be Patrons and protectors of them there they pray vnto them as to their mediators and intercessors But no diuine worship is to be giuen vnto them This is no better then flat idolatry to pray to those that cannot helpe vs. But to let these go let vs see how these religious places are otherwise prophaned Do we come to them as to Gods house Do we vse there that reuerence which is fit in his presence and dwelling place So did the people while Zachariah was burning incense the multitude were without in praier But we commonly come thither rather to talk trifle then to pray and hear In former times mens houses were their churches but now the churches are turned into their houses Chrysost 〈◊〉 36. in 1 〈◊〉 beeing ordinarily prophaned with babling laughing and sleeping and what not Many come hither for no other cause but to buy and bargaine and to meet with others for their earthly profits and worldly busines Where haue we commonly more brauling and brabling then at the church will not the least peny or occasion make vs iar and almost set vs together by the eares Wee should come hither to please God but when we are come we displease him and forget God and our selues and the word and the place and all There is an Article and it is a good one to enquire of Church-abuses whether there be any plaies and enterludes any feasts and bankets kept in our churches any suppers or churchales drinkings and tiplings musters prophane vsages in churches chappels or churchyards and whether the parishioners behaue themselues rudely and disorderly in time of diuine Seruice or Sermon as by walking talking ringing or any noise whereby the Minister or preacher is hindred and disturbed These abuses are committed and yet continue in many places Christ wold not suffer a vessell to be carried through the temple He went into the Temple and cast out all thē that bought and sold in the Temple Marke 1 and ouerthrew the tables of the mony-changers Math 21 and the
weaknesse in iudgment Thus also was Ieremy troubled ch 12 1 2. and no lesse the Prophet Habbakkuk ch 1 13. Wherefore lookest thou vpon thē that deale treacherously holdest thy tongue when the wicked deuoureth the man that is more righteous then he This which we esteeme to be a confusion is indeed no confusion and that is in order which we suppose to be out of order For God is a God of patience and long suffering who will take vengeance on his aduersaries and he reserueth wrath for his enemies Naum 1 2. and therefore is the Prophet much perplexed in spirit willed to waite by faith the issue that God will make for the vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end it shall speake and not lie 〈◊〉 37. though it tarry wait for it because it will surely come it will not tarry Hab. 2 3. Then the Caldeans thogh vsed of God as his rod to afflict his people shall be destroied Thus God hath set them in slippery places Ps 73 18. so as they passe away are ●ot they are sought but cannot bee found Ps 37 3● The transgressours shall be destroyed together the end of the wicked is to be cut off ver 38. Lastly from hence euery man must learne Vse 5 to do the duties of his own calling God ha●h set euery man in a certaine calling as it were in a certaine field to till wherein he is to labour We are apt indeed to break out into the callings of other men as if we we●e pinned vp in too narrow a roome This made Salomon to say I haue seene seruants on horses Eccl. 10 7. Prou. 2● 27. and 19 10. and Princes walking as seruants vpon the earth And as God hath set euery man in a calling so must euery man waite and attend vpon that calling whether it be in the Church or in the family or in the Commonwealth In the Church there is order to be obserued in reading in preaching in prayer in the Sacraments that such as be at them may say in their hearts Surely God is in this place and repo●t that God is in them of a truth To this purpose doth Paul deliuer sundry instructions 1 Cor. 14. If any man speake in an vnknowne tongue let it bee by two or at the most by three and that by course and let one interprete 1 Cor. 14 27. Let the Prophets speake two or three let the others iudge v. 29 If any thing be reuealed to another that sitteth by let the first hold his peace v. 30. All Churches of the Saints haue this order v. 33. Let your women keepe silence in the Churches for it is not permitted vnto thē to speak but they are commanded to be vnder obedience as also saith the Law if they will learne any thing let them aske their husbands at home for it is a shame for women to speake in the Church And if it be not permitted vnto them to preach neither is it permitted them to baptize which is an appendance vnto the Ministery Their duty is to be in subiection but to baptize is a part of power iurisdiction So also ought euery one to learne and practise the duties of his calling in the priuate family An house diuided against it selfe cannot stand Math. 12 verse 25. but quickly falleth Luke 11 ver 17. Happy is that house when such as are Gouernours know how to rule and such as are inferiours know how to obey But if one encroch vpon the place of another there followeth much confusion And in the Commonwealth euery soule must learne to bee subiect to the higher powers for there is no power but of God the powers that be are ordained of God whosoeuer therefore resisteth the power resisteth the ordinance of God and they that resist shall receiue vnto themselues damnation Rom. 13 1 2. Without this the whole order of nature will be peruerted A kingdome diuided against it selfe is brought to desolation When he sendeth Magistrates and Princes he meaneth to preserue mankinde by them he striketh a feare of them not only into men but also into beasts Dan. 2 38. Such then as rise against them and labour to set all in a broile 1 Pet. 2 14. and to bring al things to confusion are worse then the brute beasts that are without vnderstanding We cannot honour God except we honour the Magistrate And it is very apparent that they are possessed with the giddy and frantike spirit of vprore and sedition which will not be vnder the rule of such as God hath ordained We cannot honour God except we honour such as he hath set in his place He hath printed his owne image in them and in their persons we obey him And when superiours are no longer reuerenced all will be set in a tumult and turmoile and must needs goe to spoile and hauocke Now if we would speake of the practise of the Church of Rome The Church of Rome is wholy out of order there is no good order obserued among them but the whole ordinance of God is vtterly ouerturned the preaching of the word is little esteemed the word and praiers are in a strange tongue praiers also are made to Saints the vse of the Sacraments is horribly prophaned they permit baptisme vnto women and the Supper they haue quite abolished Christ and Antichrist are not more contrary then the Romish church to the true Churches of Iesus Christ They haue pulled vp the foundation of Christian religion and vtterly denied the faith The Scriptures they make vnsufficient and to containe a maimed and vnperfect doctrine They subiect them to the iudgement of the Bishop of Rome and to the authority of the Church They banish the people from them as if they were very dangerous vnto them They contemne Magistrates claime power to dispose of their kingdomes if they be supposed to be heretikes Ver. 29 30 c. And Moses said vnto Hobab the sonne of Roguel the Midianite Moses father in law We are iournying c. The next point is the conference betweene Moses and this Hobab Conference between Moses and Iethro For inasmuch as the passage thorough so many Mountaines and Deserts was exceeding both difficult and dangerous Moses leaueth nothing vnforethought which might serue for the aduantage of his enterprize and therefore instantly intreated his father in law to accompany them in their way toward Canaan Such as yeeld their helpe to further the Church shal neuer lose their labour promising to him such part and profit of the promised Land as GOD should bestow vpon them True it is Moses had liued long in those parts of Arabia thorough which he was now to trauaile yet the better to assure his passage and to saue so many thousand soules as he had brought out of Egypt which could not be so few as a million it was needfull for him to vse many guides and conducters and therefore he is so
iudgement he will execute vengeance on his enemies and will reward them that hate him If a king heare of another coming against him with an huge and mighty host and consider that he is not able to encounter with him hand to hand while he is yet afarre off he sendeth embassage desiring conditions of peace Luke 14 32. This wisedome ought to be in vs. Let no man thinke to preuaile get the vpper hand by standing out against him He that continueth an enemy vnto him is an enemy to himselfe nay to his owne soule It is sinne that maketh this separation betweene God and vs Esay 59 2. We rise vp against him we rebell against the Lord 2 Chron. 13 6 and then the Lord riseth vp against vs. We cannot prosper so long as wee prouoke him with an high hand Let vs therefore repent vs of our euill waies How we may haue peace with God and turne vnto him assuring our selues that then he will turne vnto vs. Let vs humble our selues vnder his mighty hand and he will lift vs vp Let vs confesse our sinnes vnto him and we shall finde mercy for he is iust and mercifull to forgiue vs our sins There is no peace to be obtained but vnder these three conditions repentance humility and confession these as a trumpet sound the retreate of his iudgements they are as peace-makers betweene God and vs and are as a strong threefold cord which is not easily broken whereby his hands are after a sort bound from pouring wrath and vengeance vpon vs. Let thine enemies be scattered and them that hate thee flie before thee Marke in these words the title that he giueth to those that were ready to hinder their approch vnto Canaan hee saith not Let our enemies and them that hate vs be scattered but let thine enemies and them that hate thee c. Neuerthelesse if he had so praied the praier had beene lawfull but his words are more powerfull and effectuall whereby we see that the Churches enemies he calleth Gods enemies and sheweth that they hated not onely the godly but God himselfe So then the doctrine Doctrin● is this that the enemies of the Church in generall The e●e●● of the ch●●● are the e●●mies of 〈◊〉 or of any his faithfull seruants in particular are indeed and in truth the enemies of God himselfe Howsoeuer they may in the blindnes of their harts perswade themselues that notwithstanding their hatred to Gods deare children they may be the good friends of God yet they do but deceiue themselues for they are accounted his vtter enemies and such as inwardly hate him as Exod. 15 verses 6 7. speaking of the drowning of Pharaoh and his host in the redde sea Moses singeth that the Lord ouerthrew them that rose vp against him he saith not they rose vp against Israel And Deborah speaking of the destruction of Sisera Iudg. 5 verse 31 saith So let all thine enemies O Lord perish Thus the Prophet alluding to the common prayer of Moses in this place beginneth the 68. Psalme in this manner Let God arise let his enemies bee scattered let them also that hate him flie before him The like we see Psalm 83 2 3. Deut 32 It is plaine therefore that the enemies of the godly are Gods enemies though if they were asked the question they would vtterly deny it thinke themselues vniustly charged with it For first God is entred into a league and couenant with them to haue the same friends and the same enemies as if he should say Reason as Iehoshaphat said to the Kings of Israel 1 King ● 2 King 3 I am as thou art my people as thy people and my horses as thy horses This appeareth in the Couenant which God made with Abraham Gen. 12 3. I will blesse them that blesse thee and curse them that curse thee and his he verifieth in all that imbrace the faith of Abraham Secondly wherefore are the vngodly persecuters enemies to Gods children or what hath the righteous done and why do they set themselues against them is it not for the Lords sake is it not for his truth and religion True it is they may haue and indeed haue other colours and pretences but religion is the cause of all the true feare of God as Psal 44 22 38 20. Rom. 8 36. as it is noted of Caine that he was of that euill one and slew his brother because his owne workes were euill his brothers good 1 Iohn 3 12. Woe therfore vnto them that set themselues against Gods people for they fight against Vse 1 God and he will fight against them for those that are his If they cannot preuaile against him for what is an arm of flesh to the Almighty then certainely not against the Church So long as God standeth the Church shall stand vpright the gates of hell cannot preuail against it Mat. 16. Zach. 2 Deut. ●● Psal 17 Hence it is that the Prophet saith He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eie We may therefore conclude as a principle not to be gainsaid the sure and certaine destruction of all the enemies of the Church in asmuch as he will thrust through the loynes of them that set themselues against his sanctuary They may for a time prosper preuaile but in the end they shall be confounded and come to ruine Let them in time consider in what case they stand They thinke they haue to deale only with men ouer whom they may insult at their pleasure through their might and greatnesse but they shall find they haue to doe with God who is able to vphold his seruants O that they could consider this Vse 2 Secondly we may truely inferre the woful estate of those that defend not the cause of God and his children that do not stand with them but stand still as newters and looke on as idle beholders and suffer them to be borne down and trampled vnder the feet of proud men as myre in the street such as shrinke backe from them for feare of danger that may befall thēselues For such as forsake the faithfull in their iust defence do in the height of their sin and in the pride of their hearts forsake the Lord himselfe and renounce him This made Dauid say 〈◊〉 50.51 Remēber Lord the reproch of thy seruants how I doe beare in my bosom the reproch of all the mighty people wherewith thine enemies haue reproched O Lord wherewith they haue reproched the footesteps of thine Annointed As he bare the reproches of his enemies which were Gods enemies in his bosome so he prayeth that God would recompence their sin into their bo●ome Therfore it is that Deborah saith Curse ye Meroz curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof 〈◊〉 23. because they came not out to the help of the Lord to the help of the Lord against the mighty They did not ioyne with the enemies of God yet they are cursed because they sate
still and did nothing and did not ioyne with his friends We see we cannot but see and behold with our eyes the children of God oftentimes hated maligned wronged threatned oppressed slandered reuiled persecuted if we opē not our mouths in good causes in Gods causes we forsake the Lord himselfe whose cause it is and bring vpon our selues his fearefull yet most iust curse Vse 3 Thirdly as the enemies of the Church are the enemies of God so we may conclude from hence that doubtles the friends of the church are the friends of God No man shall do any good to his distressed seruants which shall lose his reward The Euangelist sheweth that Christ our Sauiour accounteth it as done to himself 〈◊〉 2● 40. whatsoeuer we haue done to one of the least of his brethren Hee is fedde and harboured in his members he is clothed and couered in his members he is receiued and visited in his members And if we refuse to do good to the least of these he esteemeth it as an iniury and indignity done vnto himselfe This is a notable encouragement to moue vs to open our mouthes in the cause of the dumb to open our hands in the cause of the needy and to open our hearts in the cause of the afflicted and to vnloose our tongues to plead the cause of the innocent Such are the true friends of God Pro. 31.8 and 27.19 19.6 Euery man seeketh the fauour of great men and desireth their friendship how ought we then to labour to be the friends of God Abraham beleeued the promise made vnto him and hee is said to be the friend of God Christ saith Iam. 2.23 Ioh 15.14 ye are my friends if ye do whatsoeuer I command you This is the cause that made Deborah pronounce Iael the wife of Heber blessed aboue women dwelling in tents because she helped the Lord against the mighty with her mouth with her hand with her hart Iudg 5.24 she smote off the head of Sisera when she had pierced and stricken through his temples Thus it was with Obadiah thus it went with Ebedmelech they shewed mercy to the Prophets God sheweth mercy vnto them they did good to others but they receiued more good to themselues And this was the prayer of Paul for Onesiphorus who no doubt receiued much mercy from God in the day of account as he refreshed the Apostle in the day of his want 2 Timothy 1.16.18 Fourthly seeing God accounteth the churches Vse 4 enemies his enemies then must our account be answerable to the account of God we must account his enemies to be our enemies Gods enemies by good right ought to be the Churches enemies Such then as we see to be open enemies to god to fight as it were hand in hād against him to hate true religion to scorn the profession of it to deride the professors of it we must account thē as our enemies we must hold no league no friendship no familiarity with them so far as they declare themselues to be such by their obstinacy This made the Prophet say to Iehoshaphat after he had made affinity with wicked Ahab 2 Chron 19.2 who had sold himself as a slaue to sin Shouldest thou helpe the vngodly and loue them that hate the Lord therfore is wrath come vpon thee from before the Lord. So Dauid saith testifying his affection Psal 139.21 Do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee c. teaching thereby that seeing he accounteth our enemies to be his we ought to account his enemies to be ours This made the wise Salomon to say Pro. 29.27 An vniust man is an abomination to the iust c. But it may be obiected Obiect that Christ Iesus willeth vs to loue our enemies Matth. 5.44 and to blesse them that hate vs. It is true Answ wee must loue our enemies but we are neuer commanded to loue the enemies of God Shall we loue them that do not loue the Lord did we not see before how that good king is reproued not only because he did helpe the vngodly but because he did loue them that did hate the Lord So then we must distinguish and make a difference betweene such as are our enemies and such as are Gods betweene such as hate our persons and such as hate true religion and the holy profession of it But how shall we know who are Gods enemies and who are ours and to bestow our hatred vpon a right subiect I answer as a good tree is knowne by his good fruit so an euill tree is knowne by his euill fruit It is the euill fruit which they bring forth which must be cause of this hatred Take that away and let the tree be graffed and bring forth better fruit we will loue both the tree and the fruit Sinne therfore must be the ground and foundation of all true hatred Secondly our hatred if it be aright must proceed from the loue of God and the zeale of his glory because we cannot loue him but we must hate whatsoeuer is against him Thirdly our hatred must not proceed from any priuate reuenge for that were to do euill for euill The cause must no way concerne our selues but onely the LORD A man may be enemy to our person and yet a friend to God such we are commanded to loue and we are forbidden to hate Lastly we must see them to be obstinate and setled in sinne as dogs and swine that trample holy things vnder their feet and are ready to rent them in peeces that bring them vnto them Vse 5 Fiftly from hence ariseth comfort to Gods people to consider that such as hurt or persecute the members of Christ doe hurt and persecute Christ himselfe wound him through their sides though now he be glorified in the highest heauens When Paul saide who art thou Lord the Lord answered I am Iesus whom thou persecutest Act. 9.5 And the Apostle saith I reioyce in my sufferings for you and fill vp that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his bodies sake which is the Church Col. 1.24 So God the Father is said to be toucht with a feeling of the miseries of his people Esay 63.9 In all their afflictions he was afflicted the Angel of his presence saued them likewise the holy Ghost 1 Pet. 4.14 When you are reuiled the Spirit is euil spoken off on their part c. So then the holy and blessed Trinity haue as it were a fellow-feeling of our miseries and afflictions which serueth greatly for the comfort of all that are in trouble for the truths sake We suffer not alone for that were without comfort we haue God the Father to suffer with vs Christ Iesus our Sauiour to suffer with vs the holy Spirit blessed for euer to suffer with vs. Thus doth God comfort Abraham who hath the hearts of all in his owne hand that he will get him fauour in the eyes of many
second and the second with falling into a third Sin is like the infant that is in the mothers wombe where it groweth by little and little vnto the birth ●am 1.15 and neuer stayeth till it come to perfection This must Vse 1 teach vs that there is no dalying with sin it is not barren but very fruitfull Many think they may stretch their conscience a litle and make bold with God and his law for once but they deceiue themselues for they sow that seede which in short time will spring vp and grow a monster For as the sluggard saith yet a little more sleepe so the sinner saith yet a little more sin He is like the couetous man that saith euermore Bring bring and as he thinketh he neuer encreaseth his substance enough so the sinner supposeth he neuer encreaseth his sin enough This will bite as a serpent in the end though it delighteth in the beginning Againe it teacheth vs to acknowledge Gods great mercy toward his children in staying them back that they goe not forward being once entred into the practise of it When Paul would haue entred in among the furious people it might haue cost his life if the disciples had let him alone howbeit they suffered him not Act. 19.30 So if God should suffer vs to runne on it might cost vs our liues and cause vs to bee condemned with the world When we open a port and passage for sinne wee are as a man that is falling or rouling downe a very high mountaine how can he escape death except he be stayed by a very strong hand So is it with vs if once we make a breach into our conscience it is vnpossible to stop it if God himselfe do not set to his hand If he take the matter in hand and determine to shew mercy vpon the poore perishing soule that beginneth to suffer shipwracke though we had one foote in hel he can bring vs backe again And how should not that soule so deliuered and seeing the snare of death and hell broken and hauing experience of the power and mercy of God in raising him to life but in a sweet feeling of them cry out Blessed be the Lord who hath not giuen me as a prey vnto their teeth Psal 124.6 and againe My helpe is in the Name of the Lord who made heauen and earth ver 8. This mercy is the greater both because it is rare for not one among an hundred maketh vp the breach that sinne hath made and because it is wholly gracious and freely bestowed the sinner deseruing to be forsaken vtterly who hath fearefully forsaken God God hath fast hold vpon all that are his from their election Ier. 14.7 and therefore hee will neuer withdraw his hand from them nor suffer them to be drowned Lastly it must be our care to stop the beginnings of sinne Iosh 24.14.15 and then we shall be sure it will neuer come to perfection Againe these murmuring Egyptians seeing the mighty works and miracles of God in Egypt would needs become proselites they ioyne themselues to the people of God and seeme so forward that they forsake their idolatry their countrey and kinred their owne people and their fathers house neuerthelesse they starte backe as a deceitefull bow and they reuolt backe to their olde manners as dogs to their vomit and as swine to their former mire filthinesse ●●ctrine 〈◊〉 are in 〈◊〉 profession 〈◊〉 are not 〈◊〉 members 〈◊〉 church Wherby we learne that many are in the profession of the faith which are not indeed faithfull neither true members of the Church as wee see in Ismael Gen. 21 9. and Caine chap. 4 3. there are many temporizers that beleeue for a season Luk. 8 13. Others are offended and fall away Iohn 6 66. Such professe that they know GOD but they deny him in their workes and become abhominable and disobedient Tit. 1 ver 16. 1 Iohn 2 vers 19. And no maruaile for many loue the praise of the world more then the praise of God and neuer had found rooting and therefore though they go farre in the right way yet they returne backe and are neuer the neerer nay they are set farther off then euer they were The Church had alwaies such all are not the true seed of Abraham that are of Abraham neither the Israel of God that came of Israel Good fish and bad fish are taken in the net Math. 13 and good wheate and Vse 1 chaffe are mingled together This teacheth vs good vses First that it is not enough to saluation or sufficient to entitle vs to Gods kingdome to make an outward profession The diuell himselfe may this way go as farre as the best for Satan can transforme himselfe into an Angell of light 2 Cor. 11 14. a wolfe may put on a sheepes skinne Math. 7 15. Yea a Parot and an Ape can imitate and therefore trust not too much to the outwarde appearance and profession if thou goe no farther neither account it sufficient that thou art baptized and made partaker of the Word and Sacraments and of the praiers of the church this is no better then to trust in lying words which shall not profit nor prosper Ier. 7 4. Secondly we must ioyn to our profession sanctification and holinesse of life Ier. 7 5. Such as content themselues with outwarde shewes are like the tree that hath leaues without fruite are ranke hypocrites like weeds that grow among good herbes God hath chosen and redeemed vs that wee should bee holy Eph. 1 4. Luke 68 75. The condition of such is no better then of the heathen and infidels Math. 5 20. Nay it is not so good Lastly let vs heereby try and proue whether we be in the faith or not 2 Cor. 13 5. Many liue in the Church that neuer examine themselues whether they be of the Church nor consider that they may deceiue themselues many others forasmuch as an hypocrite and a reprobate may go farre in christian religion Many haue in them the first beginnings of christian religion as it were the foundation of a building and there they stand at a stay but wee must build forward vntill the spirituall building be perfected It is not enough to runne except we obtaine the prize He that doth perseuere to the end shall be saued and he that is faithfull to the death ●●●trine 〈◊〉 euil man ●pteth a●er shall receiue the crowne of life Moreouer see heere how the Israelites are led by the example of the Egyptians to murmure with them and therfore one euill person entiseth corrupteth and infecteth another as Eue did Adam and the serpent did Eue Prou. 13 20. Psal 106 35 36 39. For sin is as leauen 2 Tim. 2 17. 1 Cor. 5 6. and as a contagious disease Woe therefore to the world because of offences Vse 1 Mat. 18 6.8 and they are pronounced to be accursed that lay a stumbling block before the blinde to make them to fal Deut. 27.
hee would make good his owne promise and all the words of his mouth shold be found true notwithstanding the want of meanes and the abundance of mouths that were to be filled with flesh The people are sixe hundred thousand footmen c. Shall the flocks and the heards c Or shall al the fish of the sea be gathered together c Here is the distrust of Moses though some labour to discharge him of it and to free him from it Moses d● distrust as if hee had desired onely to know the meanes that God would vse according as the Virgin Mary desireth to bee farther informed of the Angel Luke 1 34 But this is disproued by the answere of God who setteth downe his own power not the meanes how hee would effect it Wherefore I think the learned Iunius in this place is deceiued Annot. i● 〈◊〉 locum et ●lys in Num. and we neede not to labor too curiously to cleere the faithful of the remnants of sinne other infirmities forasmuch as he and other the best of Gods seruants haue their failings in faith and obedience as we see in the examples of Abraham Lot Noah Isaac Iacob Dauid Peter Thomas Zacharie Doctrine Many are 〈◊〉 failings of 〈◊〉 Gods serui●● and which of them not 2 Chron. 15 17 16 12 Rom. 7 17 18 19. because wee know in part and we prophesie in part wee are yet in our iourney and walke in our way and runne in a race we are not yet attained to our iourneies end we haue not yet obtained the crowne Againe we proceede all from an vnclean fountaine Iob 14 4. There is a combat remaining in vs betweene the flesh and the Spirit Rom. 7 23. Gal. 5.17 and these are contrary the one to the other and can neuer be reconciled The Vses hereof are first to shew that we cannot keepe the Law but in many things we Vse 1 sinne all Rom. 3 22 23. and therfore are subiect to condemnation The Church of Rome teacheth that a man may keepe the Law but they are ignorant of the law and of the iustice of God of sinne and of themselues For may they compare with the faithful before named 2 Secondly we do all neede the benefit of Christs blood 1 Iohn 1 7 8. and are iustified by him Rom. 3 24. but if we could keepe the law or could be without sinne then Christ had dyed in vaine Gal. 2 21. 3 Thirdly they are deceiued which holde the Virgin Mary to haue bin conceiued without originall sinne contrary to the tenour of the Scriptures which layeth open sundry her infirmities contrary to her owne confession who acknowledgeth her selfe to haue needed a Sauiour Luke 1 47. For seeing shee was borne after the common course of the nature of man who shall exempt her from the corruption and staine of nature The conc●●ti n of the bl●ssed virg●● made equ●● to Christs And what need was there that Christ Iesus should be conceiued by the holy ghost if he might haue a pure conception free from originall sinne without it Wherefore they may as well say that the blessed Virgin was conceiued also by the holy Ghost as affirme that shee was conceiued without sinne and so communicate the property and prerogatiue of Christs birth to her For if she were conceiued without Originall sinne her conception was miraculous whereas the conception of Christ could bee no more 4 Lastly let vs not rashly censure others for sin Iam. 3 24. but admonish with meekenesse considering our selues Gal. 6 1 2. They are most sharpe and seuere iudges of others that forget their owne infirmities Moreouer marke here the ground of Moses his vnbeleefe it is drawne from the course of naturall reason 〈…〉 rea● 〈…〉 ene● 〈◊〉 ●ith and from the consideration of the want of ordinary means Obserue from hence that naturall reason and carnall Wisedome are oftentimes enemies vnto faith The yeelding too much to our owne thoughts the beholding of things with an eye of flesh doe often make euen the faithfull doubt of Gods promises We see this in Sarah Gen. 18 12. in Nicodemus Iohn 3 4. in Zachariah Lu. 1 20. Math. 16 23. 1 Cor. 1 23. Thus wee are prone euermore to trust vnto humane wisedome For the things of God are oftentimes foolishnesse vnto those that think themselues wiser then God 1 Cor. 2 14. Secondly the carnall reason that remaineth in the regenerate is not subiect to the Law of God neither indeede can be Rom. 8 7. for no man is wholly regenerate the best consist of two men for they are partly the olde man and partly the new man they are partly regenerate and in part they remaine vnregenerate The Vses Therefore we must not counsell with flesh and blood in the matters of God Vse 1 in the mysteries of faith Rom. 4 19 20. Gal. 1 16. Prou. 3 5. Let vs consult with the Scriptures and make the word of God our Counsellers and learne to submit all that is in vs to the wisedome of God The eye is not able to looke vpon the brightnesse of the Sun so the eye of our reason is dazled at the glorious things of the gospell of Christ which things the Angels desire to looke into 〈◊〉 1 12. This is the cause that maketh many shrinke backe when they see the greatest number to walke in the broad way that leadeth to destruction when they see the Church for the most part to consist of the poorer sort and religion to be chiefly embraced of them they are offended Whē they see wicked men to prosper for the most part they walke by reason and not by Faith by the light of the eye not by the light of the Scripture But wee are euen the best of vs fooles and blinde in the matters of God and we must know our selues to be fooles before we can learne the wisedome of God and submit our selues vnto it Maruell not therefore if few beleeue and obey Vse 2 Secondly the naturall man cannot please God Rom. 8 5 6 7 8. all his knowledge reason wisedome and vnderstanding cannot make him accepted Tit. 1 15. Hee is without faith which purifieth the heart and therefore all his workes are vnsauoury before him Wofull therefore is the condition of an vnbeleeuer whatsoeuer hee doth is sinne in euerie thought word and deede he sinneth waking and sleeping he sinneth euen in the actions of religion and euery worke encreaseth his reckoning and addeth to the account that hee is to make And as the faithfull man the longer hee liueth the more gracious and acceptable he is to God so the vnbeleeuer the longer hee liueth the more he addeth to the heape of his sinnes and the day of his reckoning will be so much the more fearfull and dreadful Gen. 15 16. For as the Ammorites were daily filling vp the measure of their sinnes and so hasting vnto iudgement so is it with the vnregenerate person The sooner he dieth and is
them yea euen in our enemies These are approued remedies to keepe vs from enuy Would God that all the Lords people were Prophets and that the Lord would put his Spirit vpon them See heere the godlinesse and humility of Moses he is so farre from enuying this gift of these two seruants of God that he reprooueth Ioshua and wisheth from his heart that all the Church of God had the same gift which he had from the least to the greatest As if he should say I am so farre from enuying them in hauing these graces though they came not with the others seeing God confirmeth euen their calling also as well as the rest that I could rather wish if it pleased God that all in the host could prophesie and were endued with mine and their graces If any obiect that this may seeme to giue way for vnwarrantable wishes friuolous desires and vaine praiers not grounded vpon any promise I answer it doth not for he onely testifieth his holy desire of the Churches good as when we pray that God would keep vs this day from al sinne It is against the word of God to hold that we can be without sinne but it is not against it to testifie our desire to be free from it for it is that which we ought al to aime at and to endeuour that wee may attaine vnto Neither doeth this praier giue scope to the wishes of the sottish multitude that pray for their friends when they are dead who neuer praied for them when they were aliue saying God haue mercy on their soules or God rest their soules whereby the Name of God is taken in vaine For they haue receiued their iudgment according to their works and are already either in rest or in torment frō which they cannot returne Doctrine The godly desire that ●thers of the● Church 〈◊〉 be equall to them or aboue them graces We learne from hence that the godly doe heartily desire the good and growth the profit and encrease of the whole Church It is the duty of all faithfull persons to desire that all true Christians may excell in graces euen to be equall or aboue themselues how eminent and excellent soeuer their gifts places be This appeareth in Iohn the Baptist Iohn 3 29 30. Now is my ioy full he must encrease but I must decrease The Apostle desireth that the Thessalonians who were grown greatly in grace might yet grow more and more 1 Thess 4 1. Rom. 1 11. This desire of the prosperity and flourishing estate of the Church made Paul to moue Barnabas to go againe and visite the brethren in euery City where they had preached and planted the Gospel of Christ Acts 15 36. Rom. 9 3. Gal. 6 16. Math. 11 25. Iohn 17 24. 2 Cor. 13 9. As thē Ioab sent out to number al the tribes of Israel said vnto the King 2 Sam. ●4 ● The Lord thy God adde vnto the people how many soeuer they be an hundred fold and that the eies of my Lord the King may see it so ought we in seeking the encrease of the true Israel of God much rather say The Lord adde vnto the church such as shal be saued how many soeuer they seeme already to be thousand thousands and that our eies may see the spirituall growth of them For as the glory of God ought to be most Reason 1 precious vnto vs so heereby he is most glorified whē many lights shine before men Mat. 5 16 Iohn 15 8. Secondly superiours in gifts are fathers and haue that title giuen vnto them as well as superiours by office and calling and therefore as fathers reioyce to see their children excelling themselues or others in gifts as Salomon did excced Dauid so ought it to bee in the spirituall growth of the Church such as are fathers in respect of gifts should reioyce and be glad when they behold their inferiors to come forward to a perfect man vnto the measure of the stature of the fulnes of Christ Eph. 4 13. Thirdly they heartily loue one another therefore they cannot but desire their greatest welfare and excelling in all graces to the greatest edification of other not enuying but reioycing in their encreasing more and more contrariwise sorrowing at their dwarfish estate euer learning yet still needing to bee taught the first principles of religion as not able to beare strong meat Heb. 5 12 13.14 From hence we haue a way left vs to examine Vse our selues and to iudge our selues whether we belong vnto God and be truely sanctified or not whether we be true parts of the true church or not euen by this desire of the good of the churches of God Hereby we may discerne and try what is in vs by this note we may proue our selues truely to seeke Gods glory with sincere harts to wit when we can reioyce in the excelling of other mens gifts aboue our owne whether they be in the same or other callings with vs wishing our selues inferiour to all others and euery one to excell vs in gifts to the edification of the Church Gods glory in the setting vp and establishing of the kingdom of Christ Let vs not account it a shame to see a sheep go before his Shepheard or the sonne to go beyond the father or the wife her husband or the seruant his master if the inferiours haue greater better gifts then their superiours blesse God for it and pray God yet more to multiply their graces There are many Pastours that are afraid lest their people by too often teaching and by going and growing forward by reading and conference should be able to teach them their duty or else controle their teaching of others This is as vnnaturall as if a father should be greeued to see his childe prosper to grow in stature We must desire the conuersion of those that bee out of the Church therefore much more the blessing of God to be vpon the Church in a more plentifull measure Acts 26 29 and 7 60. He that is desirous of the good of such as are not of the family will be more carefull of those that are of the family Euery part and member of the body desireth and procureth the good of the other parts so ought it to be in the mysticall body whereof Christ Iesus is the head who laide downe his life for the Church and shedde his precious blood for the ransome of it Acts 20 28. It will be a great comfort to vs to finde this affection and desire in our hearts to long after the common good of the Church Vse 2 Secondly it condemneth the Church of Rome that hinder the growth and encrease of it deteining the Scriptures from the people keeping them in blindnesse and ignorance whereas the Lord would haue his word communicated vnto all When a Prince hath published statutes for the gouernement of the Commonwealth they are open for all to read them so is it with God after he caused the word to
narrow a roome but the curtaines thereof should be spread abroad to the vtmost parts of the earth But all this is nothing to proue the multitude to be a note of the Church forasmuch as many beleeuers may bee in one Nation and few beleeuers in many Nations and therefore Christ said When the Sonne of man cometh shall hee finde faith vpon the earth Luke 18 8. Vse 2 Secondly this serueth to reproue the common corruption that reigneth in the world among the ignorant sort and blinde multitude who build their faith and religion not vpon the golden foundation of Christ Iesus 1 Cor. 3 11. being the head corner-stone neither vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Eph 2 v. 20. but vpon the common customes and blinde fashions of sinfull men For if they can say Oh our fore-fathers were of this faith An obiection of the ignorant multitude our ancestours and predecessours beleeued thus they were wise they did think and speake and practise this If I say they can alledge this for themselues they thinke themselues safe they seeke no farther they dreame all is wel and take themselues to be sufficiently discharged if they follow and practise the same that they do they pray God they may do no worse then they did Thus while the blinde leadeth the blinde both fall into the ditch Mat. 15 14. These are they that haue no sure ground to build vpon and can giue no reason of their faith neither make answer to those that aske a reason 1 Pet. 4. They go blindfold to worke and grope in darknesse as the Syrians being smitten with blindnesse walked to and fro they knew not whither so at length were led into Samaria into the middest of the strength of their enemies 2 Kings 6 19. Like beasts that follow the heard who supposing that they are going to some fresh pasture to be filled are many times driuen to the shambles and slaughterhouse to be killed This is all the religion that they know to doe as the most doe and to goe the way that most go It is a common but a very diuellish prouerbe Do as the most do and then the fewest will speake of it But if we do as the most do the best will speake euill of it condemne it nay the word condemneth it nay God himselfe condemneth it And if we do that the most do we must do euill as they do and if we walke with them for company we shall also perish with them for company as it was in the daies of Noah This is a sure rule It is better 〈◊〉 be saued alone then 〈◊〉 be destroye● with many It is better to go the right way alone then to wander out of the way for company It was better for Noah to be brought into the Arke with his family only then to perish in the waters with the prophane multitude It was better for Lot with his daughters to leaue Sodome then to tarry in it with the greatest company that were destroyed with fire and brimstone from heauen Take heed thou doe not damne thy soule to the pit of hell for company because such as sinne together shall be punished together Ps 37 38. If thou shouldst see a multitude of men leape into the fire or cast themselues into the sea or aduenture to goe into a den of Lyons thou wouldst not follow them because thou louest thy life tendrest the good of thy body The soule is much more precious then the body the losse greater then the losse of gold and siluer of pearles precious stones for one soule cost more to redeeme then al these are worth if they were heaped and hoarded together if then thou see many thousands before thee leape into the pit of hell where the fire is vnquenchable cast themselues into the gulfe of perdition where their estate is vnrecouerable wilt thou runne after them and follow thē for company to thine own destruction Thou wouldst not do the one because thou louest thy body be sure thou do not the other if thou louest thy soule Thirdly it is a vaine and foolish nay a wicked Vse 3 and damnable opinion which many hold with tooth and naile and obstinately defend that any man may be saued in his religiō whatsoeuer he professe and how soeuer he beleeue if he be earnest and feruent in it If the Pagan might be saued in his paganisme or the Turke in his Turcisme or the Idolater in his idolatry what needed Eliah to haue said If the Lord bee God follow him but if Baal then follow him 1 Kings 18 21. he might haue said as well it is all one whom ye follow the Lord or Baal if you be faithfull and feruent in your religion and the estate of these worshippers of Baal had beene very good For they were very earnest and zealous in their religion as appeareth by long prayer and loud crying to Baal from morning euen vntill noone ●●rse 26. O Baal heare vs and by the cutting and lancing of themselues with kniues and lancers till the blood gushed out vpon them ●●rse 28. neuerthelesse Eliah being zealous for the honour of God commanded thē to be slaine with the sword as false Prophets and seducers of the people It had beene a foolish thing for Ruth to leaue her country and kindred and her fathers house to goe among strangers and to change her religion if shee might haue returned with her sister vnto her owne people and to her false gods and vaine idols if shee might haue beene as well with them neither needed she to haue said Thy people shall be my people 〈◊〉 1 16. and thy God my God whither thou goest I will goe and where thou lodgest I will lodge c. The Apostles and holy Martyrs had beene vnwise to thrust themselues into dangers and to lay downe their liues for the testimony of the word and witnesse-bearing vnto the truth if they might be saued without this liuing in a false religion being feruent in it Nay if this monstrous and mad opinion were true Christ Iesus should haue come in the flesh and died in vaine which were blasphemous to thinke for what needed hee to haue suffered if euery man might bee saued in his owne religion without him Christ himselfe saith I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh vnto the Father but by me therefore he that seeketh any other way findeth not life and saluation Ioh. 14 6. And the Apostle saith There is no other way vnder heauen whereby we can be saued Acts 4 12. And Paul saith There is one faith not many faiths as there is one God not many gods Eph 4 5. The Idolatrous Ephesians were very zealous in worshipping of Diana 〈◊〉 19 28. when they cryed out Great is Diana of the Ephesians yet did the Apostle cry out against their idolatry What needed they to teach the Gentiles to turne from these vanities 〈◊〉 14 15. vnto the
liuing God which made heauen and earth it had beene enough to perswade them to zeale and sincerity But this most diuellish doctrine was not hatched and broached in those daies these newters cunning polititians of the world were not then heard of they are of a later brood sprung vp in these last and worst times It is the commandement of God that we should not follow the multitude Exod. 23 2. But if it were enough to be feruent in that which we follow we might follow the multitude as well as others and the greatest par● which commonly is the worst part Lastly it is our duty to striue to enter at the Vse 4 narrow gate The multitude cannot make that which is euill to be good neither that which is good to be euill and therefore we may not forsake the trueth because the multitude forsaketh it A great number cannot make vnrighteousnesse righteousnesse and therefore they cannot make a false doctrine and false faith to be good Hence it is that Ioshua after a generall receiuing of the couenant of God and embracing the true religion of the Prophets and Elders which did professe the same doth solemnely protest to follow this rule that although al they which were a great multitude should goe after another religion and serue other god yet saith he As for me and mine house we wil serue the Lord Iosh 24.15 Obiect But it may be obiected Is that alwaies false which the multitude holdeth or that euer true which the fewest beleeue I answere No Answer For when the trueth is generally embraced if any priuate conuenticle start vp afterward with different doctrine from that true Catholicke doctrine commonly receiue it is a marke of a false Church not of the true It is not a multitude simply that can marke out the Church but a multitude teaching professing and holding the truth But this is a false conclusion Popish and sophisticall conclusions A few must not forsake the multitude which professe the truth Therefore a multitude is a marke of the trueth Or thus It is good in good things to follow a multitude Therefore it is simply good to follow the multitude This is no better then a plaine fallacy to draw that to bee simply true and in euery respect which is true onely in some respect Besides by the strength of this reason why may we not conclude a few also to be a mark of the Church For in the time of Christ and his Apostles when the whole land of Israel boasted of the Law and of the Temple of the Priesthood and of the sacrifices the fewest number were the best the greatest number the worst Ier. 18.18 Esay 8.12 16 c. Reuel 13.6 7 8. The true Prophets were in a maner generally resisted they were reputed as monsters among the people which had made a conspiracy against God When Antichrist should reigne and make war with the Saints and should ouercome and power should bee giuen him ouer euery tribe tongue and nation then a few were the true Church of Christ which keepe the testimony of Iesus that are written in the booke of the Lambe slaine from the beginning of the world and all other multitudes were schismaticall hereticall which rose vp with different doctrine from the Apostles Thus we see that neither few or many are simply the Church not few because they are few neither many because they are many but if a few hold the faith of Christ those few are the true Church and not the many that are against them on the other side if many dispersed throughout the world beleeue aright those many are the true Church must be followed the rest which are few declining from them and departing from the truth are a false Church and we must decline depart from them and ioyne our selues to the former multitude And as it is in matters of faith so is it in matter of life and practise When we see many walke in euill wayes that leade to destruction follow them not ioyne not with them neither let vs addict our selues to them but by all means keepe our selues from them Let vs not do as the most do when they do euill but as the fewest do when they do good Let no man be emboldned or encouraged vnto euill when he seeth the multitude that run that way neither let any bee terrified or hindred from godlinesse and embracing true religion by the fewnesse of the professors thereof If we walke in the right way it shall leade vs to life Obseruations to be marked touching the following of the multitude albeit wee haue none to goe with vs. Some account it a sufficient excuse to say I do but as others do I shall doe no worse then others I shall escape as well as others An euill the more generally it is embraced the worse it is to be accounted and the more it ought to be resisted and preuented The moe that go to condemnation the greater is the horror of the condemned the moe the more miserable shal their condition bee It shall exempt no man from punishment though he pretend hee was moued and enticed by others The multitude stirring vp Saul to spare Agag and the fatter Cattle could not preserue him or priuiledge him from the wrath of God albeit hee alledged it as a buckler for his defence 1 Sam. 15 21. If all the world taking example one from another should follow an euill and wicked way the faithfull are bound to maintaine the right and truth both in life and in Doctrine Noah was a preacher of righteousnesse when all flesh was corrupted and Lot kept him vpright in Sodom and reprooued their vncleannesse So did Paul in Athens Actes 17 16. his spirit was stirred in him when he saw the City fully giuen to idolatry 30 And Caleb stilled the people before Moses and saide Let vs go vp at once and possesse it for we are well able to ouercome it The former euill report brought vp of the Land is illustrated by the contrary testimony of Caleb hee resisteth both them and their report and his faithfulnesse is set against the vnfaithfulnesse of the other tenne He sheweth that the land might be possessed and stirreth vp the people to the atchieuement of it he assureth them of victory and good successe if they builded vpon the vnmoueable rocke of Gods power Now albeit Caleb alone be named Yet Ioshua also is vnderstood as chap. 14 6. who ioyned not with them but because he was the seruant of Moses Why Ioshua holdeth his peace hee would not stirre vp the rage of the people against Moses and himselfe but hee held his peace vntill a fitter season were offered in respect of God of Moses of himselfe of the people of the cause A word spoken in season is as apples of Gold with pictures of Siluer saith Salomon Pro. 25.11 In this example Caleb speaketh to the praise of God in the middest of the congregation honoureth God before
others from wrath wee might haue some couer for our sinnes but all this can doe vs no good we lie open to Gods punishments This serueth to reproue many carnall and Vse 1 formall Christians that oftentimes encourage themselues in euill and strengthen themselues by the example of others and especially by the fall of such as they finde recorded in holie Scriptures They alledge for themselues that Noah fell into drunkennesse Dauid into adultery Lot into incest Peter denied his master Thomas one of the twelue doubted thorough infidelity and such like These examples are written not to the end we should follow them and doe the like Why the fals of the faithful are recorded in Scripture but that others should bee warned by their fals not to do the like and be stirred vp by repentance after their example Nay these are the rather to be reproued who seeme to builde vpon such examples because they finde that these men were plagued punished for the euilles which they committed The Scripture doth not set down their offence and then hide their punishment but ioyneth the one with the other as if this were written before our eyes Do not the like Seeing therefore others before vs haue beene visited with great iudgements for the same sins feare least the same befall to vs also that befell to them If we will follow multitudes to euill because such sinnes are in fashion and in common practise if we will do as the most doe let vs take heede there is no comfort in such companie neither shall it ease any one to goe to hell in a throng Let vs not regard the number or authority or learning of euill men but rather follow the truth in matter of faith and profession for otherwise we shall quickly be remoued from it Acts. 28 22. The truth was euerie where spoken against It hath beene the portion of the truth in all ages Esay 55 1. Who hath beleeued our report None of the Princes or Gouernors beleeued in Christ Iohn 7 48 49. but a few of the people whom they pronounced and accounted to be cursed Vse 2 Secondly from hence we ground a reproofe for children and seruants following their Parents and masters and thinking it a sufficient discharge to themselues because they doe as they see them do before them Wo vnto those that giue them euill example and lay a stumbling blocke before them Such parents are greatest enemies to their owne seruants Parents many times are the greatest enemies to their own children We must follow our heauenly Father before earthly fathers our Master in heauen before our masters on the earth Wee must follow them when they command vnder God not when they command aboue him or against him We must follow our teachers so long as they sit in the chaire of Moses and teach vs out of the Law and the Prophets Matth. 23 2 3. When the mother of Christ saide vnto him by way of taxing him for not following them he answered Luke 2 49. Wist ye not that I must bee about my Fathers businesse The Disciples of Christ replied vnto the Councell charging them to preach no more in the name of Christ Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken vnto you more then vnto God iudge you Act. 4 19. And Paul willeth the Corinthians to be followers of him as far forth as he was of Christ 1 Cor. 11 1. Wee must giue an account to God whose steps we follow and therefore wee ought to say Wee ought to obey God rather then men Actes chap. 5 ver 29. Vse 3 Thirdly wee may gather from hence a reproofe of sottish and ignorant Recusants standing and grounding onely vpon their Forefathers such as can giue no other reason of their religion but that they were borne and bred in it Psal 78 8. They should not bee like their Fathers a stubborne and rebellious generation a generation that set not their heart aright and whose spirit was not stedfast with God And indeede what doe these poore seduced soules say for themselues which the Turkes and Infidels may not obiect and alledge as well as they For haue not they sucked in their superstition and impiety together with their mothers milke and continued from father to sonne for manie hundred yeeres It is an horrible abhomination wherein they haue bene nuzled can it be a good argument therefore from their birth and nurture to conclude their continuance in that damnable religion If they thinke this to be a grosse comparison wrongly applyed vnto them because they hate that superstition and professe the Christian religion I would know of them whether they thinke vs to be right or not The most learned and best approoued amongst them deny vs to bee any church at all because we liue not vnder the gouernment of the byshop of Rome yet this is the Religion that we were borne and bred in wee haue had it from our Fathers we haue seene the practise of no other If then they will not allow vs to reason in that manner and to make the example of our Fathers a president to our selues how is it that they take liberty to builde their faith vpon others and to follow the footsteps of their forefathers But as our religion thogh we be ready to defend it to bee good because it is builded vpon the foundation of the Prophets Apostles yet it is not therefore good because we haue receiued it by tradition from men but because wee haue learned it from the word of God so if they haue no more to say for the truth of their religion and the iustification of their faith then that they were born and brought vp in it they build their faith and religion vpon the sand which cannot continue when the raine falleth and the winde bloweth vpon it Fourthly this should perswade euery one of vs how to carry our selues namely that we Vse 4 should not take any approbation or liking of the euill of other neither ought we to imitate any in sinne how holy soeuer they seeme to be neither giue consent to them by our practise forasmuch as Gods hand hath ouertaken them at one time or other If a man surfet on that meat which he hath seene another before him to surfet no man will pitty him or if he see another drinke a cup of poyson and therevpon to fall downe dead before him if he notwithstanding will aduenture to drinke of the same cup he must needs be without all excuse and perish iustly so is all euill as a cup of poyson he that taketh and toucheth it shall speed no better then we know thousands haue done before vs who haue bought their pleasures of sinne at too deare a rate If men cry out vnto vs as the children of the Prophets did There is death in the pot 2 Kings 4 40. what do we but bring death and damnation vpon our owne soules and as it were willingly lay hands vpon our selues if we
doctrines fundamentall otherwise 1 Cor. 3 11 12 13. Secondly touching diuorce and polygamy there is no allowance but a permission onely Math. 19 8. and that of vsurie was particular for those nations Deut. 23 20. Exod. 21 1. Obiect Fourthly it doeth greatly manifest commend and extoll true religion 1 Cor. 11 19. I answer no otherwise then as one contrary being set to another Answer doth make the same better to be seene and thus doth sinne serue to commend the grace and mercy of God as Rom. 5 20. Where sinne abounded grace did much more abound howbeit this commeth to passe accidentally not directly and properly Obiect Fiftly the conscience is not to bee forced therefore men should be left to themselues I answer Answer it is lawfull to force them to the means Luke 14 23. Compell them to come in that my house may be filled that by the blessing of God vpon the vse of the means they may afterward willingly yeeld 2 Chron. 34 33. Ezra 10 8. The sonne that answered his father that hee would not work in his vineyard afterward repented and went Matth. 21 29. And some haue bene forced in the beginning to come to the word who afterward could hardly bee forced and driuen from it There is an actiue violence and a passiue Many are haled to the means by violence and come to the church as a Beare to the stake but afterward the violent take the kingdom of God Math. 11 12. and lay hold on it by force Obiection Sixtly all manner of wicked men and wickednes are to be left vnpunished for the tares and the wheate in one field must bee let grow together vntill the haruest and then they shal be separated Mat. 13 30. the tares shal be burned Answ the wheate shall be preserued I answer the scope is onely to shew that both good and bad are by Gods decree to remaine til the end of the world to vphold the godly against that tentation as the application or reddition the second part of the comparison doeth shew in the exposition of it by Christ himselfe Mat. 13 36 37. The godly must not be offended at the multitude and growth of the wicked we must neuer look for perfection vpon the earth This parable doeth no way touch the authoritie of the Magistrate Beza de haeret à mag puniend nor the discipline of the church neither pleadeth pardon and impunity for malefactors but warneth vs that offences shall neuer be wanting in the church to the end of the world but it shall alwayes bee troubled with such abuses August de fide oper cap. 1. 2. There shal alwaies be a mixture so long as the world standeth and therefore we ought not to depart out of the church as schismatiks do for the blots and blemishes that appeare in it Thus much of this parable Seuenthly Obiection euery christian Magistrate is not of power to suppresse contrary religions without the ruine of his kingdome I answer Answ wee speake of such as God hath giuen power into their hands whensoeuer God requireth it at their hands he will enable them to perform it and then they ought to set vpon that as a speciall duty Where there is no power God accepteth the will for the deede 2 Cor. 8 12 so that if they endeuour to restrain such and cannot it is not their sinne Hitherto we haue spoken of false religions in generall Popery 〈◊〉 be tollera● in any state now among all other false religions popery is one of the worst and least of all to be tollerated in any State or in any sort as that which raceth the foundation of the christian faith and pulleth it vp by the rootes as plainly appeareth by these particulars First it maintaineth inherent righteousnesse of their owne and iustification by workes done by themselues in themselues and therby make iustification and sanctification all one contrary to the Apostles doctrine 1 Cor. 1 30. 2. Cor. 5 21. It reiecteth and derideth the imputation of Christs righteousnesse whereby we stand righteous in the sight of God thorough his righteousnes and merits imputed vnto vs. And hence it is that they make his righteousnes vnperfect and giue a power to themselues to make satisfaction for sin by temporall punishment and the sacrifice of the Masse Secondly they corrupt the worship of God in substance by professing and practising idolatry and worship of images making the church an harlot by forsaking her first husband and bringing in more then heathenish idolatry by adoring Saints angels crucifixes relickes their breaden god Rai●ol 〈◊〉 with 〈◊〉 8. by entertaining a mixture of Paganisme and Iudaisme Thirdly the church of Rome is the church of Anti christ therefore not of Christ for to the bysh of Rome do all the notes and properties whereby Antichrist is described in holy Scripture The byshop of Rome is Antichrist agree truly fully solely This wil not be hard to resolue if we consider the place where we are to seeke him and where wee shall finde him the time when the church was to looke for him and lastly the qualities wherby he is to be known The seat of Antichrist is mysticall Babylon mystical Babylon is no other thē Rome it self For the whore of Babylon is the great citie which in the Apostlestime had rule and dominion ouer the kings of the earth Reu. 17 18. and this City is situated vpon seuen hils Reu. 17 9. the seuen heads are seuen mountaines on which the woman sitteth which agreeth properly to Rome and euery historian nay euery Poet almost Prop● 〈◊〉 lib 3 〈◊〉 Georg lib 〈◊〉 Vano lib 5. l●g● Lat● Pluto Pr● Ren. cal it the city on seuen hils Secondly touching the time of the reuealing and manifestation of Antichrist it was foretold by the Apostle that he should come when the Emperors were remoued and taken out of the way and when once the Empire in the west should be dissolued then should Antichrist succeed in that seate that is in the gouernment of Rome 2 Thes 2 8. and this we see with our eies to haue long agoe come to passe that it needeth no farther inquiry The Apostle had spokē plainly of this to the Thessalonians by word of mouth therfore forbeareth to set it downe in writing lest he should bring on his owne head and on the church the needlesse hatred of the Romane monarchy his own writing remaining as a strong euidence against himself and others For when the Romans should reade or heare that he had prophesied of the dissolution of the Romane Empire they would soone raise persecution against him and the rest of the beleeuers as if they expected the ruine desired the downfall thereof And this truth in all likelyhood was wel marked and continued in the church from age to age because it is generally vnderstood of the Roman Empire and Emperor 〈◊〉 detesur Amoros Thes 2. in Thes 2. 〈◊〉 ad
albeit God had decreed that such should be punished yet he had not declared by any law the kinde of punishment and therefore they asked how hee should be punished as for example whether he should be hanged on a tree or burned with fire or stoned with stones or striken with the sword But this answer cannot satisfie mee for when death is appointed in the Law and the particular kinde not expressed Iosh 7 ● with 6 ● the Magistrate was left free to set downe the same as also when no punishment at all is mentioned Deut. 25 13.14 neither were the people boūd to aske counsell at the mouth of God vpon euery occasion of execution of iustice against euill doers where the manner of punishment is not limited It was the law of God that witches should not liue Exod. 22 18. Saul did wel and is commended by the Spirit of God that he cut them off that had familiar spirits out of the land rooted out the wizards yet he did not aske neither was he bound to aske counsell now or which way they should be put to death though God had not defined the particular Leuit. 20 27. This then is left to the discretion of the Magistrate when hee hath the generall to decree the particular punishment as he thinketh good In sundry places of the bookes of Moses wee finde sundry lawes set downe inflicting death vpon the offenders yet the manner of death is not named Genesis 9. verse 6. Exod. chap. 22 19 20. Leuit. chap. 20. verses 9 11 15 16 17 18. Deut. chap. 20. verse 25. and 24 17. All this were to no purpose if the Magistrate might not proceede against them ex officio without knowing the farther pleasure of God For it had bin all one as if no sentence of death had beene set downe inasmuch as they might as easily and with as little labour know the punishment in particular as when no punishment at all is expressed Neither did the Iewes take thēselues to be bound in that case to enquire of God Leuit. 20 10. Deut. 22 22. Iohn 8 5. Wherefore I rather thinke they consulted with God about the quality of the work then the maner of the punishment God had threatned that whosoeuer did Worke on the Sabbath should be put to death but hee had not followed his handy-worke nor laboured in his calling he had onely gathered a few stickes True it is he had done it impudently yet it was doubt full whether this fact were within the compasse of that law or not and therefore Moses would not call the life of this man in question without certaine direction from the mouth of God For life is precious and blood being spilt is as water poured vpon the earth that cannot be gathered vp againe So then they desired to know whether this fact were worthy of death not by what manner of death he should die And as the Iewes in other things are full of fables so in this they haue deuised of their owne braines that this man was Zelophehad ●ish fable out any ●nd of whom we reade afterward in this Booke chapt 27 3. where it is saide of him that he dyed not in the conspiracie of Korah but in his owne sinne thereby casting an aspersion vpon him and charging him with an imputation which the Scripture doeth not charge him withall of which wee shall speake more afterwards But who it was and what his name was and whether he were one of the Israelites or of the straungers that came with them out of Egypt or what his purpose was it is vncertaine but whosoeuer it were he is put to death for prophaning of the Sabbath Wee learne heereby Doctrine that the Sabbath day ought wholly to be spent in religious and holy exercises The Sabbath day must bee spent religiously It is the end why it was sanctified of God that wee should sanctifie it and spend it in holy vses from morning vnto euening Genesis chap. 2. verse 2 3. Where wee see hee blessed it and sanctified it in the Garded or at least in the time of mans innocency Exodus chap 16 20. Esay 56 verse 2. 58 13. Exod. chap. 20. verse 4. This was the practise vnder the Law continued also vnder the Gospell It was the custome of Christ to preach the gospell in the Synagogues on that day he did it not for once or twice but it was his ordinary and vsuall manner So the Disciples Acts 20 17. and 17 1 2. 1 Cor. 16 1. Reuelat 1 10. The doores of the Temple were kept shut the sixe dayes but opened from morning vntill the euening vpon the seuenth day Ezek 46 1 2. There are many reasons in the fourth commandement Reason 1 drawne from the equity and liberality of God in giuing vs sixe dayes from the example of Gods rest and from the consideration of the end why it was appointed to bee kept holy all these are of great force Exod 20 4 5. Secondly this serueth to preserue men from Reason 2 barbarisme and Atheisme and all irreligions prophanenesse We see notwithstanding this comfortable profitable ordinance of God how much impiety and loosenesse is in the world but if euery man were left vnto himselfe to serue God as himselfe list to his priuat deuotions without this generall obseruation it is to bee feared wee should shortly haue no knowledge no faith no church no religion no order that the greatest part would scarfe thinke of God from one weeke nay from one yeere to another or haue any acquaintance with his word and Sacraments or reade the Scriptures or pray vnto him nay they would scarse know whether there were any Scriptures or Sacraments or not Therefore the Lord saith The Sabbath is a signe betweene mee and you throughout your generations that yee may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctifie you Exod. 31 13 For when doe the greatest part reade or heare or conferre or meditate or pray but vpon the Sabbath Take away therefore that day you take away all these Thirdly Reason 3 Christ Iesus vouchsafed to honour this day aboue the rest of the daies of the weeke after his resurrection and that by his speciall appe●●ings in it as wel as by his rising again vpon it If we obserue and marke it wee shall see he shewed himselfe to his disciples and followers vpon that day especially First to Marie Magdalene early in the morning Iohn 20 1. and 14. Secondly to the other women as they were going to communicate to the Apostles the certainty of his resurrection which the Angels had declared vnto them before at the sepulcher Matth. 28 9. Thirdly to the two disciples going to Emmaus which also was the same day Luke 24 21 For they said it was the third day since these things were done Fourthly the same day at night he appeared to his Disciples Iohn 20 19. Fiftly he appeared for the confirmation of the faith of Thomas in the matter of his
by true and vnfained repentance 1 Cor. 5. Thirdly except we do renounce their company we cannot keepe the commandements Reason 3 of God and obey him The Prophet kept his mouth as with a bridle while the wicked was before him Ps 39.1 We must not cast pearles before swine lest they trample them vnder their feet and turne againe and rent vs Matth. 7.6 Therefore doth Dauid say Depart from mee Psal 119. ● yee euill doers for I will keepe the commandements of my God as if while he was in their company and they in his he could not doe it This sheweth the folly of such as taxe those Vse 1 with a note of purity singularity which vppon a good ground refuse to associate themselues with vngodly persons They taxe them of pride and terme them selfe-conceited brethrē reuiling them taunting them with one breath For they call them brethren no otherwise then in the spirit of scoffing selfe-conceited in the spirit of Shemei railing at them as he did at Dauid as if they did it for no other end but because they would bee thought better holier and wiser then other men or as if they said Stand apart for I am holier then thou Esay 65.5 Thus they accuse them to be vncharitable men and to disdaine their neighbours and to thinke no company to bee good enough for themselues All these are false accusations alledging false causes of their separation It is not because they are new fangled and so forsake their old friends and companions and cast off all good fellowship it is the commandement of God that doth require it and their owne both duty and safety that calleth for it Secondly it reprooueth such as can brooke Vse 2 and digest all manner of people and neuer refuse or finde fault with any It is no greefe to them to heare and see any thing 2 Pet. 1. ● they neuer vexe their soule for it as righteous Lot did and the reason is because they want his righteousnesse and therfore therfore they can brooke swallow and digest vnrighteousnesse They are not led by the same spirit that Lot was who greeued at the vncleane conuersation of the Sodomites neither is it with them as it was with Dauid who cryed out in the bitternesse of his soule Woe is mee that I remaine in Meshek Psal 120.5 that I dwell in the tents of Kedar If they bee in company with Ruffians swaggerers blasphemers and drunkards they can liue and conuerse with them as well or better then with others And yet euen these when they come among those that feare the Lord can discourse of points of Religion they can report what excellent Sermons they haue heard and giue a good testimony of many good preachers Thus do they gild and ouer-lay their tongues with fine gold whereas there is nothing else but corruption and rottennesse within Take these when they are at the best they are no better then hypocrites for certaine it is they must counterfet on the one side or on the other Prou. 26 7. But without crauing any pardon we may wel conclude of these that when they liue among the worst sort their behauiour is naturall but when they conuerse among the better sort it is meerely artificiall among the one they shew without any vizard what they are among the other they put on a vizard to appeare that which they are not Vse 3 Lastly it teacheth vs to beware of voluntary society and vnnecessary fellowship with wicked men least being partakers with their sinnes wee be also partakers of their punishment If the danger of the sinne cannot preuail with vs to cause vs to shun it let the consideration of the punishment teach vs to refraine from them 1 Cor. 5 5. and 2 Cor. 6 17. Come out from among them and be ye separate touch no vncleane thing and I will receiue you If any aske what society is necessary and what is vnnecessary I answer If it be in necessarie things it is either for this life or for the life to come As for example a man may conuerse with such in Faire or Market to buy and sell to trade and trafficke or in the priuate house if our particular calling and abode there doe require it or if a man goe to them to seeke their reformation by exhorting and admonishing of them or if a man haue publike society with them in the hearing of the word or in receiuing the Sacraments or in ioyning together in prayer this is also a necessary a lawfull and warrantable society and it doth not wrap a man in the guilt of those sinnes which are in them with whom we conuerse therfore such as are of the Separation haue litle reason and lesse conscience to separate themselues from the Church of God because of the wickednesse of some men which are therein For bee it granted that such are admitted to the publike exercises of our religion it will wrappe those onely in the guilt of their sinnes that haue power and authority to remooue them and not those that doe necessarily conuerse and communicate with them No man may forsake the Church because some wicked men are in it Notwithstanding heere we are to marke that albeit there be some necessary society which is lawfull yet vnder a colour heereof we may not plead for that which is voluntary and vnnecessary for thus their sinnes become our sinnes A blessed martyr sometimes made this prayer O Lord deliuer me from my other mens sinnes from my guilt of the sinnes of other men howsoeuer he did not commit them himselfe yet because being present he did not reproue them he acknowledged himselfe guilty of them So if we haue inward and priuate society with them and we freely go to their houses inuite them home to our houses and can be content to hear their oathes and blasphemies and not haue an hart and tongue to reproue them for the same wee are thereby made partakers of their sins whatsoeuer they be Thou hast power in thine own house to reprooue them there thou art both a Magistrate and a Minister Euery man is a King and a Byshop in his owne house a Magistrate to rule and a Minister to teach and to reprooue If thou doe not therefore discharge these duties it shall stand vpon thy score and reckoning thou shalt giue an account for it We haue sinnes in great number of our owne and therefore we need not draw the guilt of other mens sinnes vppon our owne head to answer for those also which wee did neuer commit in our owne persons The burthen is alreadie too great let vs not therefore by this adding to it make the burthen thereof altogether intollerable 27 So they gate vp from the tabernacle of Korah Dathan and Abiram on euery side and Dathan and Abiram came out and stood in the doore of their tents and their wiues and their sonnes and their little children 28 And Moses saide Heereby ye shall know
the body of man euery member hath his proper function so that if one should vsurpe to doe all or all to doe one onely there would follow the destruction of the body for the hand laboureth for the whole the eye seeth and the eare heareth for the good of the rest of the parts the mouth receiueth meate and deliuereth it to the stomacke the stomacke employeth it to all the rest so should it bee in the Church euery member must doe his owne duty and employ himselfe to the common profit and edification of the whole But to omit these obserue that the Leuites are saide to be giuen of God to Aaron and his sonnes to assist them and consequently for the good of the whole congregation From whence learne this doctrine that a good Minister is a speciall gift of God Doctrine A good Minister is a speciall blessing of God and a speciall token of his fauour which hee bestoweth vpon his Church The Lord is many wayes gracious vnto his Church and powreth out many blessings vpon it howbeit none more excellent or worthy then to giue this blessing which now wee speake off to send faithfull teachers Deuteronomy chapter 18. verse 18. I will raise them a Prophet Esay chapter 66. verse 19 31. Ieremy chapter 3. verse 14 15. Matthew chapter 23. verse 34. When God beganne to plant a setled state of Religion among his people hee commanded that the Tribe of Leui should be sanctified to bee the publike teachers of the Church to instruct them in the will of God shewing thereby that Religion would not be vpholden without some speciall meanes and instruments to direct the people therein The reasons are euident First they are his onely gift because hee is Reason 1 the Lord of the haruest as also he is Lord of the Sabbath wherein they exercise their gifts Who then shall reape downe the corne when the fields are white vnto the haruest Iohn chapter 4. verse 35. and gather it into the barne but such labourers as hee shall set on worke Matth. 9.37 Secondly he onely is able to furnish them Reason 2 with sufficiens gifts for the worke of the Ministery Therefore when the Lord Iesus ascended vp on high he gaue gifts vnto men in the day of his triumph when he rode in his chariot as a glorious conquerour and led all his enemies euen captiuity captiue as it were in chaines of yron Ephes 4.11 12. Hence it is that the functions and gifts for the Ministery are particularly named in the most gracious promises which God hath made of the best things to bestow on the Church vnder the kingdome of Christ Esay 59.20 21. Ioel 2.28 29. Reason 3 Thirdly the Ministery is the ordinary meanes which God hath left to bring vs to saluation for how shall wee beleeue without a Preacher Roman 10.14 For the Apostle sheweth that hearing is necessary to faith faith to prayer and prayer to saluation and therfore also it is necessary that there be preaching that so men may heare Vse 1 The vses follow First as good Pastors are tokens of Gods loue to his people which doe good in their places and labour to turne many to righteousnesse so on the contrary to haue euill and ignorant Pastors are tokens of Gods wrath and iudgement as Saul was giuen to the Israelites in iudgement to bee a plague vnto them These win soules to Satan and encrease his kingdome For an euill Minister is the diuels collector An euill Minister is the diuels collectour he gathereth soules for him but he scattereth them from God Or else I may call them the diuels shepheards whom he hath appointed to keepe his sheepe For as God saith I will giue you Pastors according to my heart which shall feed you with knowledge and vnderstanding so the diuell saith I will giue you idoll Pastors according to my heart that shall fill you full of ignorance and blindnesse These supply the places of true Pastors but they can doe nothing for the sheepe of Christ cannot feede in their pastures they are so bare and so barren that they cannot liue vpon them and therefore they that liue vnder them cannot thriue Happy it were for the sheepe if either such sheepeheards were remooued from the sheepe or the sheepe from such shepheards Such drones seeke nothing but their owne ease who neuer consider that the Ministery is a calling of great worke and labour These may be Ministers for the diuels tooth or after mens hearts but they cannot be after Gods owne heart They are blinde guides which run before the Lord send them he taketh no pleasure either in these silly sheepeheards or in those foolish people that are contented with them These are such merchants as gaine many soules to the diuels coffers by doing nothing Other merchants gaine by compassing sea and land Matth. 23.24 and trauelling farre and neere by labouring and taking great paines but these sit idle all the day long they labour not in the Lords vineyard and yet by their ease and idlenesse they enrich the diuels kingdomes and bring him in many thousand soules These are the diuels factours Idle Ministers are the diuels factors by them he getteth and groweth rich The diuels trafficke is all for soules he careth for no other merchandise now the idle and ignorant Minister is his factour who sendeth them in these Wares by heapes and by throngs hee shippeth them with great pleasure and putteth himselfe in the same bottome and then ship and all go to the diuell who sitteth ready in his counting house to receiue them all and to giue them such entertainement as he hath to giue Woe vnto such factours woe vnto such people woe vnto such deceiuers woe vnto them that are so deceiued Neuerthelesse it is strange to consider now the greatest part of the people are enamored of them though they bee the greatest most dangerous enemies that they haue because howsoeuer they may otherwise make much of them yet indeed they withhold all succour and sustenance from them and consequently starue them and kill them Secondly there is great punishment attending Vse 2 vpon the contempt of this excellent gift Deut. 18.19.10 11. 2 Chro. 36.15 16. 2 Thes 1.7 8 9. and 2.9 10 11 12. This meeteth with sundry abuses that sauour rankely of the reiecting of this great mercy and therefore let such take heede that God doe not also reiect them Woe then to the Anabaptists the Family of loue and such like Enthusiastes who refuse the Ministery vnder the pretence of reuelations whereas the Lord hath reuealed vnto vs the dignity of the Ministery and therfore the word hath reuealed that their reuelations are diuellish delusions whereby they are seduced to bring them to destruction Woe also vnto the common sort of besotted Christians who thinke their home deuotions enough and their owne reading sufficient to bring them to heauen not considering that in their reading they want a guide to interprete The
might gaine their soules to God not their goods to himselfe 2 Cor. 12 14 19. Phil 4 17. Lastly that he might not be any way inferiour to the false Apostles 2 Cor. 11 12. But let vs come to the vses Vse 1 First this serueth to reproue sundry persons First him that is the grand theefe that first robbed the Church by his dispensations alienations of the rights and reuenues thereof I meane the Bishop of Rome who hath robbed the Church in soule and body and is growne far with the spoiles thereof This he hath done by degrees he would not let out all the blood at once but opened the veines by little little that had he continued longer to beare sway he would haue left no blood nor liuely-hood in the body The first wrong was offered to the Churches by depriuing them of their tithes in fauour of his goodly creatures the cursed generation of his Monkes D. Field of Church lib cap. ult who obtained of the Pope and other Bishops that the lands which they held in their owne hands vsed for their owne benefit might bee freed from any payment of tithes So the councel of Lateran vnder Alexander the third ordained that religious men shall pay no tithes out of such their lands as they till themselues but if they put any out and take rent as other men they shall pay tithe as other men do Here was the flood-gates pulled vp and a way and passage made for al the mischiefe and misery that fell vpon the Church in succeeding times for heere is the seede sowne that beeing watered from the Vatican grew vp apace to the robbing of many flourishing Churches to the destruction of many christian soules and to the discouragement of many godly Pastours For this exemption of religious men I might say irreligious was indeed the cut-throat of all religion and the bringing in of the streames floods of irreligion which staied not here but preuailed greatly and gate farther footing to the great preiudice of the Church therefore this rabble of Church-robbers sought in the next place to exempt all their farmers and tenants that belonged vnto them from payment of tithes the which albeit it were disliked and resisted at the first in the Councell of Cabilon Cabienes ● ca● 19. yet at the length it passed and preuailed Nay after that they had swallowed vp the inheritance of the Church like wolues that tasted the sweetnesse of the blood of the lambes which they had hurried wearied they went forward to steale to kill and to destroy as the theefe doth Iohn 10 v. 10. till they had subiected those Ministers Churches vnto themselues to whom themselues at the first paied tithes as belonging to their iurisdiction Thus these idle drones and euill beasts were not cōtent to slippe their neckes out of the yoke and make themselues free from others vntill they had brought others to be in bondage and subiection vnto themselues Thus did one theefe make another and one Church-robber gaue free licence vnto another to rob spoile saying one to another Come with vs let vs lay wait for blood let vs lurke priuily for the innocent without cause let vs swallow thē vp aliue as the graue and whole as those that goe downe into the pit we shall finde all precious substance we shall fill our houses with spoile cast in thy lot among vs let vs all haue one purse Prou. 1 11 12 13 14. Thus did one theft and robbery make cleere way for another in all this time while the church was pilled and polled and as it were left naked of her garments the Pope that would bee called the Protectour of the Church was so farre from sitting still and looking on that hee was the ringleader in this sinne that vpon his head may iustly come all the blood of so many thousand soules as haue by this meanes bin lost vtterly Thus hath the wilde boare rooted vp the vineyard of the Lord and made it a prey to wolues and foxes that entred into the same and the rauenous cloisters of the insatiable Monkes are guilty of that horrible sacriledge which hath laid waste and desolate so many goodly Churches brought the Cleargy to that poore estate wherein to this day it remaineth and continueth in many places For it is not to be imagined that any of the people who gaue liberally to the Churches and richly endowed them with lands and liuings of their owne would euer haue entertained any thought much lesse entred into any practise of alienating tithes from the lawfull owners and appropriating them to themselues had they not seene the way laid plaine and open before them and that by those who by the originall institution of their order were to pay tithes yea and those same tithes consumed in most vile and shamefull manner Neither shall we finde that euer any inherited possessed this portion by an absolute title of inheritance as their feesimple and freehold til the suppression of the houses of these vermine which were become cages of vncleane birds and dens of theeues and robbers I cannot see therefore how at the first laymen could haue any better title to these tithes then their predecessours the Monkes had and therfore they yet beare the names of impropriations ●ropriati why so ●d as things that are so holden and possessed by an vnproper title In other purchases the Lawyers are wont to say if the case in this be not altered caueat emptor that is let the buyer take heed and looke to his right and title To conclude therefore I would gladly be resolued whether our Improprieta●ies hold the Church tithes by any better title then the Monkes did at the first by the Popes pillage and whether they were not giuen to the Church by a good law and taken from it by a bad Vse 2 Secondly seeing it is Gods pleasure that such as preach the Gospel should be maintained by the Gospel they are reproued that account it an idle and needlesse function care not if wee were chased out of house home when we haue spent our time our labour our strength and our substance for the fitting of our selues to this calling Such men are wholly carnall and sauour nothing of the Spirit The Apostle saith They that labour in the word and doctrine are worthy of double honour 1 Tim. 5 17. Meaning by honour the care and prouision that is to be taken for them And in the Epistle to the Hebrewes they are willed to be mindfull of them that haue the ouersight of them who haue deliuered to them the word of God Heb. 13 8. 1 Thess 5 12 13. To these mis-prizers and false iudges of good things I will adde another sort that hold tithes to be a kinde of almes and so would not haue the Ministers chalenge any thing as due for their Ministery and maintenance but to stand wholly to the peoples deuotion good will and thus they
the former And therefore themselues teach that infants baptized though they cannot be tryed yet goe immediatly into heauen and receiue the crowne of life But suppose this were a good conclusion yet he plaieth the notable Sophister in that he prooueth not that sinne is not worthy of death which he ought to haue done before hee conclude that some sinnes are in their owne nature veniall For many sinnes doe not bring death which notwithstanding are worthy of death they doe not bring death through Gods mercy but they are worthy of death through their owne merit Wherefore this place of the Apostle being well vnderstood directly ouerthroweth this distinction of sin from whence it goeth about to seeke shelter and defence Vse 3 Thirdly vnder these types and shadowes heere rehearsed touching the water of separation which was made with the ashes of a redde heiffer without spot wherein no blemish was which was brought out of the host to be killed and the Priest must sprinkle her blood seuen times before the Tabernacle of the Congregation c. I say vnder these shadowes the chiefe mysteries of our faith are handled For there was no way of saluation but by Christ from the beginning ● 14 6. and there shall bee no other new way vnto the end He was euermore the doore by which all enter into the kingdome of God ● 10 9. He is the same yesterday and to day and for euer Heb. chapter 13 verse 8. This the Apostle teacheth vs plainely by alluding to these words Hebr. chapter 9 verses 13 14. If the blood of Bulles and Goats and the ashes of an Heiffer sprinkling the vncleane sanctifie to the purifying of the flesh how much more shall the blood of Christ which through the eternall Spirit offered himselfe without spot to God purge your conscience from dead works to serue the liuing God Heere the Apostle hath reference vnto the redde heiffer mentioned in this place whose ashes gathered together were sprinkled in the waters of separation and serued to sanctifie touching the purifying of the flesh so that such as were shut from the Congregation being sprinkled therewith had free liberty to come to the Tabernacle The truth of all this was Christ Iesus he is this redde heiffer his blood is the true purging Psal 51 verses 2 7. 1 Pet. chap. 1 verse 2. And as the doore postes of the Israelites were sprinkled with the blood of the Lambe so must our hearts with the blood of Christ Now of this type obserue these principall points of religion First that Christ Iesus is true man found in the forme and shape of man That hee might humble himselfe and become obedient vnto death euen the death of the Crosse Phil. 2 verse 8. This is the cause that hee is pictured out vnto vs in the colour of the redde heiffer rather then in any other to put vs in minde of his death and the shedding of his precious blood Thus also he is described by the Prophet Who is this that commeth from Edom with died garments from Bozrah c. I that speake in righteousnesse to saue Wherefore art thou redde in thine apparell and thy garments like him that treadeth in the wine fatte Esay 63 verses 1.2 This is no small comfort vnto vs especially in all tentations thogh our sinnes haue a bloody face before his face though they be red as scarlet yet the blood of Christ hath washed them away These are they which came out of great tribulation and haue washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lambe Reuel chapter 7 verse 14. Hee hath a feeling of our sorrowes and is touched with our infirmities being made like vnto vs in all things sinne onely excepted Heb. 2 17 18. and 4 15. Secondly we learne from this consideration that the Heiffer must be without spotte and without blemish that Christ Iesus was a pure and perfect offering without any sinne Hebr. chapter 7 verse 26 he was holy harmelesse vndefiled separate from sinners and made higher then the heauens This is our comfort also and consolation for if he had bene sinnefull we should yet walke in our sinnes as an infant walloweth in his blood and the price of our redemption were yet vnpaid Hence it is that Moses doth so carefully set downe this in describing of all sacrifices burnt offerings meate offerings trespasse offerings peace offerings all oblations brought to God must be without spotte and without blemish thereby to teach the people vs to the end of the world that there was no sinne in him that tooke vpon him our sinne For hee was wounded for our transgressions and hee was bruised for our iniquities Esay 53 5. He suffered indeed for vs but the iust for the vniust 1 Pet. 3 18 and 2 22. Thirdly in that this Heiffer was such vpon whom neuer came yoke Verse 2. it appeareth that Christ being at his owne liberty bound to none offered himselfe freely for our deliuerance therefore when such as were sent to take him told him they sought Iesus of Nazareth hee answered If yee seeke mee let these goe their way Iohn 18 8. Hee gaue himselfe not by perswasion of others not by compulsion from others but willingly euen vnto the death Phil. chapter 2 verse 8. Iohn chap. 18 verses 4 5. Esay chap. 53 verse 12. His death was not by constraint for then it could not be meritorious If it had not beene voluntary they could not haue taken it away from him for they often lay in waite for him and sought to put him to death Iohn 10. verses 17 18. What he was able to doe if it had pleased him hee shewed in the Garden for so soone as hee had told them that hee was the man whom they sought for they went backward and fell to the ground Iohn 18 verse 6. He knew all things that should come vnto him yet he went forth vnto them that were come with Lanternes and Torches and weapons to take him verses 3 4. He had therefore power to lay downe his life or not to lay it downe but how then should the Scriptures bee fulfilled But they had no power of themselues to lay hands vpō him as he telleth Pilate chap 19 11. This also serueth for our comfort that Christ died not against his will but willingly and of his owne accord performing obedience vnto his Father Not that his enemies could ouercome him for he ouercame them cast thē backe to the earth with a word speaking And what words did he speake Were they terrible and dreadfull Were they words of thunder No he rored not as a lyon but spake mildely as a lamb I am he Now if the voice of CHRIST by gentle and amiable were notwithstanding so effectuall to throw them all downe headlong to the ground how powerfull shall the angry voice of Christ be to throw his enemies as with a sudden flash of lightning into the pit and paines of hell at the last
his eyes should not behold the euill that should bee brought vpon that place Contrariwise the want hereof is threatned as a curse to Ieroboam Ahab Kings of Israel that they and their posterity should be deuoured of dogs And Ier. 22 19. and 36 30. because Iehoiakim fell from God it was foretold vnto him by the Prophet that he should not bee buried honourably but hee should be buried as an Asse is buried euen drawne and cast foorth without the gates of Ierusalem ● antiq li. ● 8. But it may heere be obiected that the faithfull oftentimes want buriall some cōsumed to ashes some drowned in the waters some deuoured with wilde beasts some hanged on gibbets of whom the world was not worthy as the Prophet complaineth Psalm 79 2 3. I answer all temporall chastisements are common to the godly and vngodly as famine ● 28 26. plague pestilence sword nakednesse such like punishments which God shooteth as his arrowes against the sonnes of men The fauour of God bringing saluation standeth not in these outward things For as it cannot profite a wicked and wretched man to be solemnly enterred and costly buried dying out of the fauour of God as is noted in the parable of the rich glutton ●6 22 23. so it shall not hurt a righteous man to want a sumptuous solemnizing of his funerals Vse 1 From this principle we learne sundry instructions First we must make a difference betweene the body of man and beast For as man differeth from the beast in his life made after the image of God fashioned to looke vpward ●2 7 and created with a reasonable soule and sundry other prerogatiues so hee should in his death and buriall The bodies of beasts are drawne foorth being dead to lye in the open ayre and to be deuoured one of another and it skilleth not But it is vnseemely and vnlawfull against order and honesty that the dead bodies of men should be cast out vnburied into ditches and dunghils or such foule and filthy places and therefore Iehu speaking of Iezabel cast downe out of her window and hauing her blood sprinkled vpon the wall saide Visite now yonder cursed woman and bury her 2. Kings 9 34. Vse 2 Secondly obserue in this place that all superstition in burial is to be auoided ● antiq li ● 4. We reade heere of her buriall and Iosephus addeth it was done at the common charges with great solemnity but we reade of no masses obits crosses dirges singing ringing watching holy-water bell and banner trentals such like trumpery practised in these dayes in the Church of Rome Thē they praised the Name of God for the dead to stirre vp others to an imitation of their vertues now they pray to God for the dead to get mony withall Then they reioyced that they had ouercome the enemies of their saluatiō had receiued their crowns now they teach men to weepe for feare of the Popes painted fire of a supposed Purgatory Thus we see in that her buriall is nakedly set foorth without these superfluous and superstitious toyes it teacheth vs to condemne shrines tapers torches candles pilgrimages and such ceremonies as are hurtfull to the liuing vnprofitable to the dead chargeable to their friends and dishonourable vnto GOD. For it is great wickednesse and grosse superstition to hold any holinesse in the manner of buriall to make one garment holier thē another August confess lib. 9. cap. 11. as to be buried in a Monkes coole to make one place holier then another as to be buried in the Church-yard rather then out of it to be buried in the Church rather then in the Church-yard in the Chancell rather then in the Church and neere the high Altar rather then in any other place This is great vanity to place any religion in times in places in garments all which we see passed ouer in this History Thirdly it reproueth all keeping of dead mens bones vnburied and reseruing of reliques Vse 3 practised in the Church of Rome It is a great part of the religion of Rome to glory of their deuout touching and adoring of holy reliques and to make Merchandize thereof The Lord said in the beginning to Adam and all his posterity Dust thou art and to dust shalt thou returne Gen. 3 19. So that the bones and bodies of men departed are not to be kept out of their graues neither can they be preserued without corruption And when Stephen was stoned Acts 8 2. we reade that certaine men fearing God carried him among them to be buried which was a duty of charity and that they made great lamentation for him which was a fruite of their piety but we finde no mention of shrining vp of reliques or keeping any monuments or members of him Ambr. de Abra lib. 1. cap 7. Rhem trans in Mar 5. They alledge for their purpose the womans touching the hemme of Christs garment whereby she was healed I answer we doubt not but Christ liuing vpon the earth wrought myracles with his word and without his word present and absent by outward signes and without outward signes But now the gift of myracles is ceassed and therefore to looke for helpe by garments by napkins and shadowes is superstition and tempting of God Againe the force and vertue of healing her infirmity did not proceed from his garment but immediately from himselfe and therefore Christ saith Some body hath touched mee Luke 8 46. for I perceiue that vertue is gone out of me hee doth not say vertue is proceeded from my garments The Disciples confesse the people thrust and thronged him Likewise the souldiers cast lots for his Coate and parted his garments among them yet they receiued no benefit by him or them Wherefore it was her faith that healed her Moreouer they alledge the reseruing of Manna in the golden Pot Rhem. Testa vpon Heb 9. and keeping of Aarons rod in the Tabernacle Heb. 9. I answer these were reserued and laide vp by the expresse commandement of God let them bring forth like warrant for keeping their crosses garments images bones and such like scraps and we will receiue them Secondly as they were reserued by the commandement of God so by the word of God they were preserued in their full strength from corruption and putrifaction whereas their trumpery of Saints reliques rot and consume away as our Writers haue proued and their owne authors haue confessed Lastly from this reseruation they shall neuer be able to proue any adoration For these monuments the Pot of Manna and the rod of Aaron were neuer commanded to bee worshipt But the Romish reliques are shewed openly for men to fall downe to thē which is superstition and idolatry and therefore being thus abused they should be defaced as Hezekiah brake in peeces the brazen serpent though it were a speciall monument of Gods mercy 2 Kin. 18 4. and a liuely figure of Christ when it began to be worshipped and
without which we haue no saluation we must examine our harts by this note that is found in all the members of the body one toward another If any member be hurt or endangered the rest are ready to helpe euery one according to his office the foote runneth for it the eie looketh vpon it the hand stretcheth out it selfe for the good thereof If it be so with vs in the dangers and desolations of the Church we haue comfort in our owne hearts we carry a witnesse about vs that we are liuely mēbers of Christ But if we haue no feeling no compassion no pitty toward them that suffer for Christs sake we are dead and rotten members we want life and quickening in Christ wee cannot assure our selues that as yet we are engrafted into his body Therefore the Apostle saith Gal. 6 2. Beare you one anothers burden and so fulfill the Law of Christ Againe Who is weake I am not weake Who is offended and I burne not 2 Cor. 11 29. And in another place Be of like affection one to another reioyce with them that reioyce and weepe with them that weepe Rom. 12 15 16. Hereunto the Apostle accordeth in the Epistle to the Hebrewes chap. 13 3. Remember them that are in bonds as though ye were bound with them and them that are in affliction as if we were also afflicted in the body teaching vs heereby that their condition must be as our owne condition and their trouble as our owne trouble So the Prophet vttereth his affection Lam. 2 11 13 20 that although he should bee preserued from the iudgement executed yet beholding Sion lying waste he cryeth out Mine eies gush out water for the destruction of the daughter of my people thy breach is great like the sea And afterward he stirreth vp his zeale Behold O Lord and consider to whom thou hast done thus Wherefore whensoeuer God offereth vs the sight of any chastisement vpon our brethren at home or the neighbour-Churches abroad we ought not to be as those that are dull sencelesse and past feeling but to haue a simpathy of their sorrowes and draw out the bowels of compassion toward them Vse 2 Secondly woe and woe againe to them that are secure that laugh when the Church weepeth that liue in brauery and excesse whē the Church putteth on sackecloth and ashes that fill and feast and fat themselues with all delicates when the Church fasteth that awake not out of their sleepe when the iudgements of God are heere vnto them This the Prophet reproueth Esay 22 12 13 14. In that day did the Lord of hoasts call vnto weeping mourning and to baldnes girding with sackcloth behold ioy gladnes slaying oxen killing sheep eating flesh and drinking wine for to morrow wee shall die When we are once come to this carelesnesse and contempt of our brethrens condition the threatning denounced in these words following shall fall vpon vs Our iniquities shall not be purged from vs vntill we die A fearefull sentence of a greeuous iudgement to teach vs humility and to driue away all security Hereunto also cometh the saying of Amos chap. 6 1 2 3 4.5 6. Where we see he pronounceth the wofull estate and condition of those that liued without feare and regard of Gods iudgments neither remembred their brethren carried into captiuity and liuing in great aduersity We liue in the time of the distresses and wants of the Church This calleth vs to practise this duty of seeking the good of the Church and vsing all good meanes by supplication to God and by petition to men for the redresse thereof Especially let vs be mindfull in our prayers of the peace of Ierusalem Because of the house of the Lord our God 〈◊〉 ●2 6 9. 〈◊〉 ●8 This was the prayer of the Prophet Lord be fauourable to Sion for thy good pleasure build the wals of Ierusalem If then we would haue both the Common-wealth and our priuate wealth to florish we must tender the good and florishing estate of the Church we must be tender-hearted to procure the prosperous estate therof C●●rch ●ommon 〈…〉 For the Church and Common-wealth are as those twins which are said to weepe together and to laugh together they florish together they fade together they fall together So long as pure religion and preaching of the Gospel are maintained it cannot goe ill with the common-wealth they are as a brazen wal as a strong fortresse and bulwarke as a Castle of defence to keepe out all inuasion of enemies and crying in our streetes For the one addeth strength vnto the other whilest the Common-wealth fighteth against the visible enemies of the Church by counsell and authority August epist 1. poster the Church fighteth against the inuisible enemies of the Commonwealth by praier and supplication If then the Church be spoiled the publishing of the Gospel be hindred the Commonwealth cannot long goe free but the foundation thereof is dangerously shaken which hath no promise to be kept in good estate but as it is a Nurse to the Church and a Lanterne to hold the light of the word The like might be said of priuate families and of particular persons wee haue no assurance of the protection of God of the continuance of our estate in peace farther then wee promote his glory and giue entertainment to the Gospel We see in the second booke of the Chronicles ch 36 15. when the people of Israel came to this height of iniquity to mock the messengers misuse the seruants of God which he sent vnto them rising early Because he had compassion on his people and on his habitation then he brought vpon them the King of the Caldeans who slew their young men with the sword in the house of their Sanctuary spared neither yong men nor virgins ancient nor aged God gaue them all into his hand So Christ saith Mat. 23 37. O Ierusalem Ierusalem which killest the Prophets stonest thē that are sent vnto thee how often would I haue gathered thy children together as the Hen gathereth her Chickens vnder her wings but yee would not Now what followeth this contempt of the word and neglect of the Gospel Behold your habitation shall be left vnto you desolate To conclude therefore let vs promote true religion and then we shall prosper and be safe otherwise we haue no promise of blessing Lastly this doctrine of pittying the Churches Vse 3 troubles serueth most fitly to condemne the contrary practise of those miserable and mercilesse men that are without all humanity naturall affection that are borne of wolues nourished of tygers and haue sucked y● milke of most sauage beasts or rather the poyson of aspes and vipers whose very bowels of mercy are the breathings out of cruelty as the wise man speaketh Prou 12 10. who are so farre from pittying the miseries of others and helping them in their distresses that they adde to the heape of their afflictions oppresse
their enemies We do oftentimes feare enemies and inuasion by enimies but wee feare not that which bringeth in the enemies and openeth them a free passage to spoile and destroy without compassion to wit sinne So long as wee walke with our God and are reconciled vnto him we are vnder Gods protection and hee is a Buckler round about vs 〈◊〉 3 3. we are in league with the stones of the streete and the beasts of the field For if God he on our side who shall be against vs Rom. 8 31. If then the Ministery of the word be as a brazen wall and the Ministers thereof stand in the breach betweene the liuing the dead to turne away the wrath of GOD when his iudgements runne through the Land Nu. 16 47 48 Psal 106 23 there is great cause to bee humbled when God pulleth from the Church and Commonwealth so great posts and pillars that helpe to hold them vp Againe it is a signe of Gods wrath heauie Reason 2 displeasure and a fore-runner of a farther iudgement When God tooke away the good and godly King Iosiah a nursing father of the Church that reformed religion in his young and tender yeres sought vnto the Lord 2 Kings 21 19 hūmbled himselfe before him and wept when hee heard the threatnings denounced against the land he spared not Ierusalem and the inhabitants thereof long after If there be a good Pastor in the church if a good Prince in the land if a good Magistrate in town or city if a good Master in a family and God take him away ther is cause to lift vp our voice by mourning weeping and great lamentation this being a token of Gods displeasure a sign of taking his former mercies from vs so that the seeing and feeling of Gods wrath in bereauing vs of such as might do good along time publikely or priuately ought to be no smal greefe to vs. The prophet teacheth that when God hath any vengeance ready to be poured vpon a people hee taketh away the righteous from the plague as he did Lot out of Sodome saying The righteous perisheth Esay 57 1. and no man considereth it in heart and merciful men are taken away from the euill to come Therefore when God taketh excellent and principall members from the rest of the body it is as a threatning alwaies to those that are left behind and an euident testimonie to them that they are vnworthy of their company and presence as the Apostle declareth That the world was not woorthy of those faithfull men that shined as lights in the midst of a froward crooked generation Heb. 11 38. So then it is a right mourning and wel ordered greefe when we lament the taking away of good men endued with the graces of the Spirit which haue liued in the feare of God and done notable seruice in the Church or Commonwealth Let vs apply this point to our instruction Vse 1 edification First it serueth to condemne the Stoicall senslesnesse and blockishnesse of such as take it to be a part of manhood courage to be affected with nothing to be greeued at nothing It is lawfull to mourne for the dead so did Abraham the Father of the faithfull for Sara Genesis 23 2. nay so did Christ the head of the church in whom was no sinne 1 Peter ● 22. neyther guile found in his mouth mourne for Lazarus 1 Thess 4 13. These lamented the dead but not the state of the deade which they knew to bee most comfortable to all the faithfull as the Apostle teacheth Reu. 14.13 Blessed are they that dy in the Lord for they rest from their labors and their works follow them In regard wherof Reuel 14 13. Paul warneth the Thessalonians concerning them that are asleepe that they sorrow not euen as they which haue no hope 1 Thess 4 13. True it is we cannot so renounce or reforme our affections but that there wil be alwaies somewhat worthy of blame and fault in vs in our mirth and mourning in our loue and hatred in our hope and feare in our anger and such like passions and we finde it the hardest thing in the world to keep the mean between excesse and defect betweene too much too little yet it is absurd to dreame of such a kind of dulnesse and stupidity as ouer-turneth humane nature and cannot be found in flesh and blood yea standeth not with the condition of mankinde as he was created or as he became corrupted For so long as man remaineth in this life he cannot bee voide of affections and perturbations or bee senslesse like stockes or stones albeit wise men are to moderate their passions that Reason remaine mistresse of the soule as it were the gouernor of the house Wherefore wee must know that Christian Religion doth not abolish naturall affections or pull them vp by the roots but onely doeth moderate them and keepe them that they ouer flow not the bankes and doth bring them in subiection vnto the will of God So the Apostle as wee heard before did not forbid the Church to sorrow for the dead but putteth as it were a bridle into their hands only restraineth immoderate sorrow Againe he doth not absolutely condemne and reproue al anger and indignation conceiued in the heart but represseth the excesse abundance thereof Ephes 4 25. as a wise Physitian that seeketh to purge the ouer-flowing of choller And in another place hee doth not condemne weeping in aduersity or reioycing in prosperity but hee requireth that they which weepe 1 Cor. 7 30. bee as though they wept not and they that reioyce as though they reioyced not and they that vse this world as though they vsed it not Furthermore Christ our Sauiour doeth not forbid the louing of Father and Mother of wife and children of brethren and sisters as that which standeth with the law of God and man but onely ordereth it aright bringeth it into his compasse saying Hee that loueth father or mother more then mee Matth. 10 37. is not worthy of mee and he that loueth sonne or daughter more then me is not worthy of me Thus then we are taught to vse temperance and moderation in all the affaires of our life in speaking or holding our peace in ioy or in sorrow that wee giue not scope to our vnbrideled affections but alwaies order and dispose them as there is iust cause Vse 2 Secondly it condemneth such as are bereft of all sense and feeling of such greeuous iudgments of God Alas how can such assure thēselues to bee true members of Christs body For tell me Can a man lose a principall part of his body as his eye his hand his foot and not be greeued Or can a man be depriued of thē and make a sport of it as at a play or pastime Euen so such as in the suffering of the members of the Church do reioyce 1 Cor. 12 25.26
thy selfe in the dust Mich. 1 9 10. He enioyneth thē silence lest the same thereof spread it selfe to their enemies to encrease their reproch and to multiply their sorrow For what doth more vexe vs double our misery then to see men so farre from pittying vs that they triumph ouer vs and laugh at vs This condemneth many that liue among vs in these daies of dissention that tender not the peace of the Church which ought to bee as deare vnto vs as our owne liues but publish the shame reproch one of another as with the blast of a Trumpet albeit our enemies and the enemies of our religion liue among vs. Abraham tooke vp the controuersie betweene him and Lot saying Let there be no strife I pray thee betweene me and thee Gen. 13 7 8. neither betweene my heard-men thy heardmen because the Canaanites dwelled at that time in the Land If we did aright consider this point that our enemies are among vs that are as whips on our sides and thornes in our eyes that seek the subuersion of the Common-wealth not the conuersion of the Church there would not be so many bad bitter inuectiues written as it were with gall and wormewood setting on fire the hearts of one against another as if we were enemies not friends strangers not brethren infidels not beleeuers These contentions are a stumbling blocke vnto the weake an hardning and heartning of the aduersary and an vtter estranging of vs one from another Let vs therefore follow those things that belong to peace and vnite our forces together as one man that we may seeke the building vp of the Church among vs and double our strokes vpon the backe of the enemy Vse 3 Thirdly let vs vse patience vnder the crosse lying as vnder Gods hand and in the midst of all our afflictions say with the Prophet I was dumbe and opened not my mouth because thou didst it Psal 39 9. This we reade to haue bin worthily practised of Iob when the cup of affliction began to ouerflow chap. 2 10. Shall we receiue good at the hand of God and not receiue euill In all this did not Iob sinne with his lips This also we find expresly required Heb. 10 32 33 34 35 36. Where we see in the example of these afflicted Hebrewes that when our enemies insult ouer the Church we must not murmure tepine but be still and silent vnder the crosse and according to the counsell and commandement of Christ Luke 21 19 By patience possesse our soules and without this we shall neuer haue comfort and contentment in such afflictions as we are called to endure Vse 4 Lastly seeing God at sundry times and in diuers manners giueth those that are his into the hands of their enemies surely in the ende he will not spare the wicked he deferreth his punishments but he striketh at the last As he is longer in drawing his Bowe and making ready his Quiuer so his Arrowes when they come pierce the deeper and wound the sorer The higher his hand is lifted vp before it falleth the greater the blow is when it lighteth He hath a leaden foote and hasteth slowly but howsoeuer hee tarry till the appointed time yet surely he will come and will not stay but recompence the slownesse of his coming with the greeuousnesse of his punishing When hee will crush them with a Scepter of iron Psalm 2 3. and breake them in peeces like a potters vessell This Moses teacheth in his song concerning Gods benefits toward his people and their vnthankfulnesse toward him If I whet my glittering sword and my hand take hold on iudgement I will execute vengeance toward mine enemies and will reward them that hate me and I will make mine arrowes drunke with blood Deut. 32 41 42. Let them not therfore triumph ouer the Church people of God and let vs waite a while and see the end of all her enemies how God hath set them in a slippery place We see in this History that albeit these Canaanites were as the rod of God to chastise his seruants for their security yet God in the end threw them in the fire and gaue them as a prey to his people as appeareth afterward The like the Prophet Dauid declareth Psal 137 3 7 8 9 that howsoeuer the Edomites and Babylonians flouted at the Church in affliction and they that led thē captiues required of them in mockage songs and mirth saying Sing vs one of the songs of Sion yet they escaped not the iust hand of a reuenging God according to the prayer of his people Remember the childrē of Edom O Lord in the day of Ierusalem which said raze it raze it to the foundation thereof O daughter of Babel worthy to be destroied blessed shall hee bee that rewardeth thee as thou hast serued vs blessed shall he be that taketh and dasheth thy children against the stones And the Prophet Dauid being greeuoufly persecuted vnder Saul and hunted frō place to place as a Partridge in the Mountaines Psalm 141 ● assureth himselfe that flying to God in his afflictions and possessing his soule by patience he shall in the end behold God taking such vengeance on all his enemies rewarding them seuen fold into their bosome that he shall in pitty and compassion pray vnto God for them in their miseries True it is hee doth not alwaies recompence them presently so soone as they haue sinned because he is the God of patience waiting for their repentance bearing with the vessels of wrath and making them without excuse yet at the length hee will reproue them and set their sins in order before them Psal 50 21. Verse 2. So Israel vowed a vow Before the Israelites trusted in themselues now being ouerthrowne by the enemies they turne to God and learne obedience by the things which they suffered So then the present ouerrhrow giuen vnto them maketh them consider their owne weaknesse and driueth them to God in their distresse The doctrine frō hence is this that affliction is profitable to the Church ●ne ●on is ●ellent ●turne God it bringeth driueth vs vnto God The Church of God in generall and the seruants of God in particular which cannot profitably vse prosperity and beare themselues thankfully in the daies of peace do learne in aduersity to turne to God and are thereby brought vnto him Heereunto cometh the example of the Israelites Iudg. 3 8 9 10. When the wrath of God was kindled against Israel doing wickedly forgetting God and seruing their idols that turned to their ruine then they cried vnto the Lord and he stirred vp a Sauiour vnto them Hereunto also cōmeth the threatnings of Moses Deut. 4 27 28 29 30. 2 Chron. 15 3. To this purpose the prophet speaketh Psal 107 6 13 19 28. Whē they wandred in the Desert and found no City to dwell in when they were bound in misery and iron because they rebelled against the words of the Lord when they
was the ordinance of God to build one Temple and to chuse one place to which man shold resort to worship him yet this order is now abolished euery coast and countrey is Iewry euery towne and city is Ierusalem euery faithfull company and godly person is a Temple to worship God in 1 Cor. 6 1● 1 Cor. 6 1● 1 Tim. 2.8 Psal 127 4. We may call vpon God euery where and lift vp pure hands in all places no land is a strange land no ground is vnholy ground And touching their abstinence from flesh on certaine times for religion sake it is a doctrine of diuels 1 Tim. 4 1 3. Lastly it reprooueth such as propound to themselues false and wrong endes of vowes as conceit of merit and opinion of deseruing the fauour of God and euerlasting life For the ends which we respect must be good as to exercise and stirre vp the gifts of faith prayer obedience repentance and other graces of the Spirit and to testifie our thankefulnesse to God for blessings receiued at his hands The intent therefore and meaning is heere to bee considered and we must be well aduised not onely that our vowes be directed to God but for what purpose and how we vow to God not to binde God vnto vs but to binde vs the closer to God to render all honor vnto him Now if we would examine the vowes practised in the Church of Rome by these things before deliuered we shall easily perceiue the fondnesse and falshood nay the wickednes of them For here are condemned all vowes of pilgrimages and abstinence from flesh for religion noted before Bellar lib. ● de M●●●● cap. 36. their doctrine that children may enter into their orders and cloisters against the counsell and consent of their parents and that persons contracted either to other may vow continency without the liking and approbation of the other party which cannot stand with the doctrine of the Scripture or ancient councels Num. 30 ● Co● G●● cap. 16. For the word establisheth the authority of parents ouer their children which the former vowes abridgeth and cutteth short and teacheth that if a woman vow vnto the Lord and bind her selfe by a bond being in her fathers house in time of her youth if her father disalow her the same day that hee heareth all her vowes and bonds they shall not be of value Lastly by the former obseruations fall to the ground the ordinary vowes of single life voluntary pouerty and Fryarly obedience to vaine and superstitious men which they absurdly make and tye themselues necessarily to obserue For such vowes are directly and flatly against the former rules prescribed deliuered vnpossible intollerable beyond our owne strength calling a will worship Col. 2.16 according to the decrees and traditions of men and directly contrary to the commandement of God 1 Cor. 7.9 1 Tim. 4.1 2 Thess 3. ● Againe they are not in the power of him that voweth for no man can promise perpetuall chastity in single life out of the estate of wedlocke Continency is the speciall and proper gift of God who giueth it not vnto all but to whom he will and as long as he will This our Sauiour teacheth Matth. 19. All men cannot receiue this thing saue they to whom it is giuen he that is able to receiue this let him receiue it To this accordeth and agreeth the doctrine of the Apostle 1 Cor. 7. I would that all men were euen as my selfe am but euery man hath his proper gift of God one after this manner and another after that Furthermore they abolish Christian liberty in the lawfull vse of the good creatures and ordinances of God as riches and marriage food and apparell making that absolutely necessary which God hath freely left to our liking and liberty Lastly they are made most commonly to Saints and not to God and they are made for merits sake therby to deserue saluation and the substance of religion and worship of God is made to consist in them whereas the Apostle teacheth 〈◊〉 4 6. That bodily exercise profiteth little but godlinesse is profitable for all things Therefore these vowes practised and defended by the Church of Rome being vnlawfully rashly vnconscionably ●●ontra ●l is ●ref superstitiously meritoriously made and vnpossible to be performed cannot binde the conscience but are better broken then irreligiously kept ●si de beno 〈◊〉 ca. 10 in Leuit. according to the doctrine of the former Churches Thirdly seeing vowes be lawful which are promises made to God 〈◊〉 3. of some duty to bee performed to him to some good end the vow which all beleeuers haue made in Baptisme is to be kept of euery one wherein wee promised to beleeue in Christ to obey God to bring foorth the fruites of true repentance to renounce the workes of the diuell the allurements of this present euill world and the lusts of the flesh which lust against the spirit And albeit wee are bound to these duties by our calling redemption without any new vow yet we may lawfully renew our couenant with God and so binde our selues faster and faster As he that hath bound himself in a bond may yet giue greater and better assurance bind himselfe more then before So bee that is bound to haue faith in Christ and to yeeld obedience to all his commandements may yet further and faster bind himselfe to helpe his dulnesse coldnesse and want of zeale and to make himselfe more forward and seruent in duties of the first and second table according to the practise of Dauid I haue sworne and will performe it ●●19 106 that I will keepe thy righteous iudgements He was bound hereunto without and before his oath yet he kindled his zeale and reneweth his couenant with God by this oath to stirre vp the gift of God that was in him and to helpe his owne infirmity We haue all in baptisme vowed to consecrate our selues euen our soules and bodies to God by renouncing the diuell the world and the flesh if wee goe backe as cowardly Souldiers from this our vow shall wee not bee conuinced as false and vnfaithfull to God And how shall we conscionably keepe any other vowes that breake the first vow we made to God What a fault is it accounted among our selues to promise and then to breake But haue we kept this our generall and common vow Hierom. in Esa lib. 7. cap. 19 August in Psal 7● 131. Lumba sent lib. 4. dist 38. to fight vnder the banner and enfigne of Iesus Christ against the diuell and all his works Or rather haue we not walked and do we not still walke in the workes of darknes after the inuentions of our owne hearts And do not our open sins cry out and proclaime as much to the dishonour of God and our owne reproch So that all such as walke in the blindnes of their own minds haue besides all their other sinnes this great
visible signe and shape of those fiery serpents to be set vp in brasse vpon an high pole which the people might behold a farre off so as the Israelites looking thereupon should presently and immediately bee healed of that deadly sting Thirdly the obedience of Moses is set down which is greatly to be praised and commended For albeit it might seeme foolish to carnall wisedome and vnpossible to humane reason for a dead image to helpe the deadly byting of those liuing serpents yet he asketh not counsell with flesh and blood nor measureth the commandements of God by the deceitfull measure of mans vnderstanding but submitteth himselfe and all his thoughts to the word of God He did not reason against the commandement of God King 5.12 as Nahaman the Syrian did against the commandement of the Prophet Bidding him goe and wash seuen times in Iordan whereby his flesh should come againe and he should be cleansed of his leprosie But hee did simply as God commanded and as the people desired he set vp aloft the brazen serpent hauing the image and similitude of the true fiery serpents hee aduanceth it on high openly publikely speedily in the sight and view of all at the onely beholding whereof the Israelites bitten were cured restored to health that none of them dyed afterward of that poison and infection that did behold the image that was set vp But before we proceed to the Doctrines of this diuision sundry questions are to be demaunded and determined touching this act of Moses setting vp the signe and image of Obiection 1 these fiery serpents And first of all how doth this agree with the second commandement which forbiddeth the making of an image or representation of any thing in heauen aboue or in the earth beneath hath Moses so soone forgotten the law which God gaue in mount Horeb Or doth hee now fall into idolatry which himselfe so zealously reuenged and seuerely punished before in the Israelites setting vp the golden Calfe himselfe now erecting a brazen serpent I answer Answer this fact is no breach of the second Commandement which forbiddeth to make an Image of our owne head by our owne authority at our own will and pleasure and therfore the Law saith Exod. 20 4 5. Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen Image Againe the Law forbiddeth Images which are worshipped The example of Moses setting vp the serpent fauoreth not images set vp to any religious vse and haue diuine honour giuen vnto thē or else are made to be worshipped and adored But this Image of the brazen serpent was not made by the authority of mā but by the expresse commandement of God saying vnto Moses Make thee a fiery serpent that is a similitude of one of those serpents Neither was it made to be worshipped but onely to be looked vpon not to bend the knee vnto it but to fasten the eie vpon it not for it selfe but for another end euen to heale the people and by healing them to represent Christ crucified and hanging on the crosse whereof this Image was a signe and token Iohn 3.14 therefore when in processe of time it came to be abused to Idolatry 1 King 18.4 Hezekiah stamped it in peeces with contempt This also wee may say and answer to the Church of Rome maintaining the worshipping of Images defacing the glory of God Rhem. Test annot in Heb. 9. cap. and obiecting in defence of them the example of Moses making the Cherubims setting them ouer the Mercy-seate And the Iesuites reason that seeing they were set in the holy place they may much more bee set in our Churches seeing the Iewes were permitted them a people prone to Idolatry grosse in imagination much more are they allowed to Christians vnder the Gospell And lastly seeing the Angels were portrayed which are meere spirituall substances much more may the Images of Christ his blessed mother his holy Apostles and his beloued Saints The Iewes were children Cal. 4.12 and as an heyre in his nonage and were suffered to haue these rites and rudiments to be their booke to help their capacity and to instruct them in knowledge but now the Church being as a man growne to fuller strength and able to digest stronger meate doth not stand in need of such rude Teachers and Schoole-masters Besides these were set vp by the expresse commandement of God we are forbidden to make any images according to our owne fancy and by our owne appointment in his seruice But when God forbiddeth vs the making of Images he gaue not a Law to binde himselfe nor restrained himselfe from commanding ordaining such signes and similitudes such formes and figures as he thought fit for the furnishing finishing of the Tabernacle Againe a particular commandement giuen of God doth not giue a discharge of the generall Law nor set men at liberty or open a gap to do at their pleasure that which GOD expresly and directly forbiddeth to be done so that euery commandement must be vnderstood with this restraint and prouiso Gen. 22.2 Except God command the contrary Furthermore it is a foolish comparison and an euill conclusion to reason because these Cherubins were set in the soueraigne holiest place of all the tabernacle therefore much more the images of Christ of his mother and of Saints may be placed in churches For how fondly and childishly doe they dispute arguing from such as were set vp by the commandement of God to iustifie such images as God neuer commanded nay which are forbidden to be made to any vse of religion D. Bish against Refor Cathal Againe those Cherubins as themselues confesse though others of them deny it were set in the most holy place whereinto the high Priest only entred and that once a yere where they were neuer seene of the people and consequently there could be no danger of idolatry standing in a place farthest remoued from the peoples sight whereas the Romish images are not only set openly in Churches in the peoples view and prefence but are commanded to be worshipped men commonly kisse them and creepe vnto them in signe of honor Yea the writer to the Hebrews teacheth that the holyest place signifieth the highest heauens Now we cannot conclude that because the images of the Cherubins were set vp in the place that representeth and resembleth the heauenly condition of the life to come therefore they may be set vp in earth and in this present life Moreouer the comparison will not holde from Angels to other that seeing they being spirits were portrayed such as had bodies may be as Christ his mother the Saints For we may better draw a contrary conclusion that seeing the Lord commanding some images and similitudes to be set vp would haue none of such things which can possibly bee portrayed by the Art and cunning of mans hand therefore ought men much lesse to doe it by their sole and single authority Neither was there any
heerein a speciall worke of Gods prouidence preseruing his owne truth and reseruing it to all posterity Few are found in the world to affect or regard the pure and sincere word of God in comparison of the multitude that seeke after humane wisedome and labour to know the nature of ●irds of Beasts of Fishes of Trees and of earthly things which delight the outward senses and rauish the vnderstanding of naturall men yet see how those bookes of Salomon that handle meere matters of humane P●ilosophy which the wise men of the world hunt after are vtterly lost whereas the diuine bookes which he wrote by inspiration lesse regarded and more contemned are notwithstanding by the watchfull eye of God remaining and are reserued for the comfort of the Church for euer Lastly we reade of the Prophesie of Enoch Obiect 4 in the Epistle of Iude verse fourteenth who prophesied of the second comming of Christ in power and great glory with thousands of his Saints which Prophesie also seemeth to be among those bookes which are lost I answer Answer this could bee no Apochryphall Booke of holy Scripture for Moses was the first Penne-man or Scribe that wrote the holy Scripture whose fiue bookes are perfect and contained in them sufficient instruction for that CHVRCH whereas that Prophesie did not nor indeed could not Secondly it cannot appeare that this Prophesie was euer written Iude ver 14. It is said he prophesied foretolde the end of the world by the Spirit of God in that most corrupt age that hasted to destruction to the end that such as were ordained to eternall life might beleeue and the rest being hardened might bee made without excuse but it is no where said It was written It is said to bee a Prophesie but no word or mention is made of the writing of this Prophesie so that it seemeth the Apostle learned it by tradition from the father to the sonne as the Apostle Paul setteth downe the names of the sorcerers that withstood Moses and Aaron Neither let the Church of Rome lay the foundation of vnwritten traditions vppon this ground-worke seeing we deny not al vnwritten traditions conueied from hand to hand but only such as are made rules of Gods worship matters of faith and parts of religion necessary to saluation To conclude therefore seeing the prouidence of God the fidelity of the Church and diligence of the faithfull is so great that the whole body of the Canonicall Scripture hath beene kept entire and perfect without losse or lacke of any part or parcell of it of any booke or sentence we must detest the blasphemous shufflings shiftings of the Church of Rome that make the Scripture to be a maimed lame and vnperfect doctrine Censu Colon. dial 6. Concil Trident. sess 4. not containing all things necessary to faith and saluation whereas the Apostle teacheth that the whole Scripture inspired of God is able to make vs wise vnto saluation 2 Tim. 3 15 16 17 through the faith which is in Christ Iesus and is profitable to teach to conuince to correct to instruct in righteousnesse that the man of God may be absolute being made perfect vnto all good works Verses 10 11 12 13. And the Children of Israel departed thence and pitched in Oboth c. Here we haue painted and portraied out as in a Table certaine stations and iournies of the Israelites wherein wee may behold as in a glasse the prouidence of God protecting thē and the obedience of the people following him We see how they remoue from place to place in the wildernesse they are neuer long at one stay but either they went forward or backward as the sea continually ebbeth or floweth Now as the Land of Canaan was a figure of their rest in the kingdome of heauen so their wandring vp and downe in the wildernesse did figure and represent the condition of their life to bee vaine and transitory in this world Doctrine The faithfull are forreigners and strangers in this life We learne from hence the state of the faithfull what it is we are pilgrims and strangers in this life we are as guests lodging heere for a night but by and by we must depart and be dislodged we haue heere no continuing City This the faithfull haue in all ages confessed Iacob being brought into the presence of Pharaoh saith The whole time of my pilgrimage is an hundred and thirty yeares few and euill haue the daies of my life beene Gen. 47 9. But we may say the daies of our pilgrimage are threescore yeares and ten if haply we reach so farre to which not one amongst an hundred cometh few indeed and euill we may truely call them This Abraham pleadeth Gen. 23 4 Gen 15. ●3 wanting a place of buriall to interre his dead I am a stranger and a forreigner among you giue mee a possession of buriall with you Thus he confesseth it went with him in Canaan neither was his estate any better elsewhere This the Prophet Dauid acknowledgeth though a great King Psal 39 12. Heare my praier O Lord and hearken vnto my cry keepe not silence at my teares for I am a stranger with thee 1 Chr. 23 15 and a soiourner as all my fathers our daies are like a shadow vpon the earth and there is none abiding So then we see what our life and condition is wee are altogether vanity like grasse that soone withereth wee are as tenants at the will of the Lord our age is as nothing it passeth as a tale that is soone told it is as an hand-breath quickly measured surely euery man in his best estate is altogether lighter then vanity it selfe The reasons First all our daies are stinted Reason 1 and limitted as they are short and vaine so they are vncertaine and vnknowne The strongest natures and constitutions that seeme to be framed setled as a sure building to continue for many yeares yet are soone cut off are no more We see this confirmed by the daily experience of many examples as in Vzzah suddenly smitten 2 Sam. 6 7 in Iobs children quickly ouerwhelmed Iob 1 19 in Ananias and Sapphira presently destroyed Acts 5 5 10 in the rich man that had his soule in one night taken from him Luke 12 20 and in a continuall beholding the hand of God striking as pleaseth him If then vncertainty be an apparent argument of vanity we may conclude from hence our life to be vaine transitory inasmuch as God reuealeth not when or where or how we shall die and bee taken out of this life We know not when we shall die at euen or at midnight at the Cocke-crowing or in the dawning When we lie downe we know not whether we shall rise againe when we arise whether wee shall lie downe againe except we be laid in our graue and make our bed in the dust Moreouer we know not where we shall die at home or abroad When we go out of our houses wee know not
the vncircumcised Philistim that reuiled and railed vpon the host of the liuing God 1 Sam. 17 46 47 and 14 6. This day shall the Lord close thee in mine hands and I shall smite thee that all the world may know that Israel hath a God and that all this assembly may know that the Lord saueth not with sword nor with speare for the battell is the Lords and hee will giue you into our hands It is not hard with him to saue with many or with few he maketh the weake strong hee causeth one to chase a thousand and two to put ten thousand to flight when the mighty God selleth them and shutteth them vp An example we haue 2 Chron. 24 24. when Ioash King of Iudah sinned against God shedding innocent blood and forgetting the kindnesse shewed to him the Aramites came vp against him Ierusalem was besiedged the Princes were destroyed their goods were spoiled and though the army of Aram came with a small company of men yet the Lord deliuered a very great army into their hand because they had forsaken the Lord God of their fathers Giue God the glory of his owne works and let vs not sacrifice to our owne Nets This is the cause why God oftentimes doth not blesse and prosper our warres wee glory greatly in our multitudes of men whereby God is robbed of his glory and constrained to shew vs our owne folly and to chasten vs for our presumption Vse 2 Secondly it behoueth vs to consult with him before we enter into it ●mb 27 21. to pray for a blessing and to depend vpon him touching the successe If nothing ought to be enterprised rashly or taken in hand vnaduisedly then should warres be seriously thought vpon and warily begun and wisely vndertaken The wise man teacheth Prou. 20 18 24 6 that by counsell the thoughts of the heart must be established and by counsell warres are to be enterprised Thus when God promised victory to Ahab by one of his Prophets ouer a great multitude of the Syrians that he might learne to know him to be the Lord Ahab asked of the Lord who should order the battell 1 Kings 20 14 22 5. So we must do nothing before we aske counsell of God to know his will pleasure as Iehoshaphat taught Ahab crauing his helpe against Ramoth Gilead Aske counsell I pray thee of the Lord to day whether he will make our way prosperous When the children of Dan sent expert men to view the Land and search it out Iudg. 18 5 6 they asked counsell of God to guide their feete in the way of peace It is dangerous to be cold and carelesse in co●sulting with him coming to his ordinance for it Good King Ioshua the Pillar of the hand and nursing father of the Church was killed by Pharaoh Necho 2 Chron. 35 22 because he consulted not with the mouth of the Lord but went out to try his owne strength Let vs not in the day of battell think the season lost or the time il spent that is imployed this way now is the acceptable time and it is no wisedome to delay or deferre it This was the wickednesse of Sauls heart when the noyse of the Philistims army came to his eare the Priest had brought the Arke to aske aduice of God he saide Withdraw thine hand 1 Sam. 14 18 19 that is the time serueth not to stand stay counselling and consulting with God haue away these things and let vs draw neere to the enemy an euident testimony that God had forsaken him and taken his Spirit from him that he might runne from one euill into another and so worke out his owne confusion Contrariwise we see that while Ioshua encoūtred with Amalek a malicious and bloody enemy Moses continued in prayer and he preuailed more to the discomfiture and destruction of the Amalekites by the force of prayer then Ioshua by the dint of the sword Lastly let vs not feare the enemies of the Vse 3 Church but be strong and valiant and commit the cause vnto God Thus did Ioab when he entred the battell for the defence of Gods people and true religion 2 Sam. 10 12. Be● strong and let vs be valiant for our people and for the Cities of our God let the Lord do that which is good in his eyes Thus Dauid comforteth himselfe when he fled from his sonne Abso on an● was driuen out of his kingdome by treason treachery Psal 3 6 7 8. I will not be afraid of ten thousand of the people that should beset mee round about O Lord arise helpe me my God for thou hast smitten all mine enemies vpon the cheek bone thou hast broken the teeth of the wicked saluation belongeth vnto the Lord and thy blessing is vpon thy people Be not therefore dismayed discouraged when the enemies breathe out their threatnings against the Church band themselues together against Christ his religion and make their vnholy leagues for the vtter extirpation thereof the Lord that sitteth in heauen knoweth how to vexe them in his sure displeasure and to breake them in peeces like a Potters vessell and therefore blessed are all they that trust in him Verse 16. Assemble the people and I will giue them water So soone as they were remoued from the Riuer Arnon they came into a dry place where they wanted water but haue it immediately supplied of God Somewhat we see they had profited by the former iudgements which brake in as a fire among them consumed many For heere being in need and necessity they do not murmure against God as they had done before nor rage against Mo●es as in former times but they wait the Lords leysure vntil he releeue them render thanks vnto him for his mercy receiued This benefit then is heere amplified by the cause I will giue them water From hence this Doctrine ariseth Doctrine The Lord supplieth the wants of his Seruants that the Lord supplieth the wants of his and helpeth them alwaies in time of neede When we are hungry he feedeth vs when we are thirsty he giueth vs drinke when we are naked he cloatheth vs when we are destitute he succoureth vs when we are in want hee supplieth vs when we are in any necessity he helpeth vs yea hee worketh myracles and changeth the course of Nature rather then forsaketh vs. He sent Manna to Israel when they wanted bread he strooke the stony Rock when they wanted drinke he sent his Angell to Eliah with food to strengthen him He neuer forgetteth those that are his he maketh the raine to fall and the sunne to shine vpon the very wicked and vngodly This the Prophet Dauid handleth Psalm 147 9 145 15 16. The eyes of all waite vpon thee and thou giuest them their meate in due season thou openest thine hand and fillest all things liuing of thy good pleasure He giueth to Beasts their food and to the yong Rauens that cry This the Lord
as his Lord if they haue called the Master of the house Belzebub how much more them of his houshold Vse 1 Now let vs see what vses may be gathered from hence First we may assure our selues that it is a lamentable and wofull condition to liue and dwell among such mallitious mischieuous enemies They grin and grinde their teeth at vs like Dogs they gape at vs with their mouthes like the ramping and roaring Lyon they push at vs with their heads like the fat Bulles of Bashan they run at vs with their hornes like the Vnicorne they whet their tuskes at vs like the wilde Boare out of the wood they seeke to eate vs vp like the sauage beasts of the Field and Forrest Would we not take it to bee a fearefull condition to be carried into a great and terrible Wildernesse and to be compassed about with Dragons Tygers Beares and other deuouring beasts ready to eate vs in peeces while there is none to helpe But man vnto man is many times al these especially the vnfaithful man to the faithfull ●or what fellowship is there between the seed of the woman ● Cor 6 14. and the seed of the serpent Wh●t communion betweene light and darknesse and what concord betweene Christ and Belial This the Prophet acknowledged felt by experience in his owne person 〈◊〉 20 5 6 7. Wo is me that I remained in Meshech dwel in the tents of Kedar my soule hath too long dwelt with him that hateth peace I seeke peace and when I speak therof they are bent to warre For as the societie of the faithfull is good and comely like the precious oyntment vpon the head of Aaron and as the dew falling vpon the mountaines of Hermon and Sion because they take sweet counsell together and go vnto the house of God as companions so the accompanying conuersing with euill persons is irkesome and tedious vnto the godly as if they liued with Wolues and wilde beasts in the Wildernesse True it is the people of God hate and abhor the sinnes of the vngodly but yet loue their persons as the Physitian hateth the disease but loueth the person of his Patient But the vngodly hate not onely the infirmities of the faithfull but their persons euen to the death as the dung of the earth and the off-scouring of all things and therefore we must needes account it a wofull condition full of greefe anguish and vexation of Spirit to liue among them This life is as a continuall death Secondly seeing this is the entertainment that we must looke for and shall finde in the Vse 2 world to bee hated and harrowed by the vngodly it standeth vs vpon to liue in vnity and to loue one another as the children of the Father and the disciples of Christ When enemies dayly increase and ioyne their forces together in a common band an vnited league it standeth all those vpon that are of the communion of Saints that are come vnto Mount Sion to the City of the liuing God Heb. 12 ●● 23 and to the assembly and congregation of the first borne which are written in heauen to vnite combine themselues together as one man The aduersaries of the Church are many their power is mighty their malice is vnsatiable against the little flock of Christ it is time therfore for vs to ioyn our selues against the common aduersary Who can be ignorant how the popish crew associate themselues together seeking to subuert the state and to ouerthrow religion established among vs being resolued by murdrous Masse-Priests and set on fire of hel Wee haue also many hollow-hearted hypocrites damnable Atheists filthy Libertines sundry loose liuers that can abide none to make any sincere profession of godlinesse The poor sheepe and innocent Lambes of Christ amidst so many subtle Foxes and cruell Wolues had neede loue one another beeing hated of the world and seeke the good one of another being maligned of the wicked Heereunto Christ exhorteth in sundry places as Ioh. 13. A new commandement I giue vnto you that ye loue one another Iohn 13 3● 35 16 12 1● 13. 1 Iohn 3 1● as I haue loued you that ye also loue one another By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples if ye haue loue one to another And in the 16. Chapter hee mooueth the Disciples to loue one another seeing they are hated of the world as their Mayster was This therefore is the comfort of a true Christian that albeit he be hated of the vngodly yet there is a true communion among the beleeuers of all gifts and graces granted vnto them being ready to teach the ignorant to gather home them that go astray to binde vp the broken-hearted to comfort the weake to conuince the deceiued to admonish the vnruly to stirre vp them that are dull to encourage all in well-doing And touching the bodies of our brethren those that haue this worlds good must shew themselues willing to help the poore to feed the hungry to cloathe the naked to raise vp the distressed to visite the sicke and to do good to all but especially to them that are of the houshold of faith Gal. 6 10. Lastly seeing hatred lodgeth in the heart Vse 3 of a wicked man toward the faithfull it is our duty to pray to God to be deliuered from vnreasonable and euill men Seeing all haue not faith ●ess 3 2 3 and that liuing among them wee may be established and kept blamelesse and pure from euill and may shine as lights in the midst of a crooked naughty Nation ● 2 15. holding foorth the word of life This the Prophet Dauid declareth Psalm 35 12 13 15 16.17 Thus doth God weane vs from the loue and liking of this world that we should looke and long after his kingdom where is fulnes of ioy for euermore Verses 25 26. And Israel tooke all those Citties therefore Israel dwelled in all the Cities of the Amorites in Heshbon and in all the Villages thereof These Cities taken by the Israelites did sometimes belong to the Moabites as appeareth Iudg. 11. But Sihon had taken them from Veheb the former King of the Moabites So thē in these words we haue the preuenting of an Obiection 〈◊〉 Num. ● 21. as Lyra well obserueth vpon this place where it is saide that Israel dwelt in Heshbon in the Villages thereof which properly belonged to the Land of Moab as part and parcell thereof being now rent and torne in peeces as a body that had lost many limbes and members Some man therefore might aske the question how came the Israelites to possesse that Land seeing they were expresly restrained and forbidden of God to fight against the Moabites they were tolde that they should haue no part nor portion of their Land giuen vnto them Deut. 2 9. Thou shalt not vexe Moab neither prouoke them to battell for I will not giue thee of their Land for a
him and asketh him what the men were that came to him not that God was ignorant and needed to be taught or in structed what those persons were but to draw from him a voluntary confession of the matter which being truely opened and declared God forbiddeth him to go to the Moabites because they had a mischieuous purpose and to curse the Israelites because they were a blessed people Whē he perceiued to his great griefe that God had concluded and determined to continue his mercy and blessings vpon his people which no deuice of man could diminish no works of the diuell could abolish the morning being come he returned an answer to the messengers and sent them backe without their long-hoped desire excusing himselfe that he could not goe with them as himselfe desired and as they had deserued at his hands and hauing his minde wholly fixed on his reward he saith Ioseph 〈◊〉 lib. 4 cap 6. Returne backe to your Lord as for me I desired nothing more then to accompany you but the Lord hath stopped and restrained my purpose and will not suffer me to go with you or to helpe you Wherein obserue how this couetous hyreling false Prophet being willing to vndertake the worke because of the wages and to promise his best helpe that he might finger the hyre behaueth himselfe fraudently and vnfaithfully as hyrelings do mincing the matter and reuealing one part but concealing another part of the reuelation giuen him of God For whereas God had said Thou shalt not goe thou shalt not curse the people because they are a blessed people denying vnto him as well his purpose of going as his promise of cursing he declareth the former but dissembleth the latter he sheweth to the Princes and Gouernors that GOD restrained him from going but hideth this that the same GOD had forbidden him to curse the people together with the reason of it That they are blessed lest the messengers should be offended and his expected hyre denyed deteyned This is the summe and substance of this diuision But before we enter into the handling of the Doctrines offered heerein to our considerations to the end we may cleerely see into the meaning of the whole history it shall not be amisse for vs to answer certaine doubts and difficulties that arise as well from the purpose of Balak as from the person of Balaam Some of reuerent account in the Church Caluin 〈◊〉 in 4 ●ib 〈◊〉 interpret this history otherwise then can stand with the circumstances of the Text and the proportion of faith in other Scriptures For they suppose that Balak sought helpe of the true God reuerenced his Prophet and had the seed of religion remaining in his heart If this were so why doth he not himselfe fly to God by prayer And why doth he not stirre vp his people to prayer Why do they not all as one man ioyne in supplications and intercessions to be helped of God Why did he require Balaam to come with cursings and bannings against Israel if there were any sparke of true piety left in his heart Againe it is imagined that Balaam was a Prophet of God and endued with the spirit of Prophesie to whom GOD vsed oftentimes and ordinarily to appeare so do make him as it were a meane betweene the true Prophets and the false Prophets therby God making himselfe knowne among the Infidels and neuer leauing himselfe without witnesse Such were the Sybils thought to be liuing among the Gentiles and giuing testimony to the truth of God But we know no such meane betweene true and false Prophets ●●swer For whosoeuer is not a true Prophet is a false Prophet and whosoeuer is a false Prophet cannot be a true Prophet of God He that is of God is a true Prophet he that is of the diuell is a false Prophet Neither doth the deliuery and vtterance of some truth make a true Prophet for then the diuell should be a true Prophet who sometime speaketh the trueth albeit to a sinister end For he confessed the Messiah to be the Sonne of God ●arke 1 24. thereby to darken the Doctrine of Christ and to discredite the power of the Gospel raising a suspition that he hath some familiarity friendship with Christ by drawing men to doubt of the truth of our redemption inasmuch as the diuell is a lyar from the beginning 〈◊〉 8 44. the father of lying And touching the Sybils they carry not any certaine credit and authority being all or the most part forged foysted in 〈◊〉 13 2 to win credite to the word of God which needeth not the lyes of any to vphold the truth and authority thereof For they are brought in speaking more clearely and euidently more plainly and particularly of Christ and his kingdome then any of the Patriarkes or Prophets then Moses or any that liued after him Esay is worthily accounted to bee an Euangelicall Prophet prophesying distinctly and determinately of the passion sufferings of Christ yet it is as nothing in comparison of that the Sybils expresse 〈◊〉 S●billine 〈◊〉 ●●nter●●ffe I●●a ●sa●o Ex● 〈…〉 11. touching the name and nature of Christ touching his originall off-spring touching his death and resurrection touching Antichrist and other enemies of the Church Now shall we thinke that God would reueale more to them then to his owne Prophets and the sonnes of the Prophets to such as liued out of the Church more then to all that were brought vp in the Church and sucked the sincere milke of the Scriptures and had the most sureword of the Prophets 〈◊〉 1● to the which they did take heede as to a light that shineth in a darke place Besides we cannot hold this Balaam for any true Prophet but for a false Prophet 〈…〉 such as Simon the Sorcerer mentioned in the Acts Notwithstanding all the goodly glozes that he maketh to winne himselfe credite and estimation whereof wee shall speake more afterward Furthermore others thinke that Balaam meant his own false gods when he saith Tarry heere this night Obiect and I will giue you an answer as the Lord shall say vnto me And againe Returne into your Land for the Lord hath refused to giue me leaue to goe with you but that he was preuented of his purpose by the true God appearing vnto him But this coniecture is ouerthrowne by the expresse words in this place For the word is Iehouah Answer a name alwayes in Scripture giuen to the true God onely and neuer applyed to any false gods yea the true God was knowne by his name among the Gentiles and by it was discerned distinguished from the Idols of the Nations which indeed are no Gods Now that we may attaine to the true meaning of this Scripture and resolue of the right interpretation thereof I will set downe certaine rules and conclusions which concerne the matter in question which being fully determined and throughly descided the truth will euidently appeare
faith is vaine ye are yet in your sins 1 Cor. 15 13 14 17. So if there be no beleef in Christ nor truth in religion nor knowledge of God nor saluation of soules the foundation of al go●lines is shaken and the word of God is made of none effect Wherefore those Atheists and godlesse persons which hold in iudgment affirme in words auouch in disputation contrary to Scripture Nature Lawes and common reason that there is no God at all ought worthily according to their deserts to dye the death Murtherers and malefactors theeues and robbers for their owne offences haue the reward of death are carryed to the place of execution of how much sorer punishment suppose you shall they bee worthy that cōmit high treason against God murther the soules of men tread vnder foote the Son of God and count the blood of the Testament as an vnholy thing and do despite the Spirit of Grace Of which sort there are too many that finde greater fauour then such as better deserue it And first the vniuersality of Religion Reasons against Atheisme dispersed ouer all places entertayned of all persons embraced acknowledged at all times prooueth it to be no deuice of man Wee haue read and heard of diuers and sundry Nations and people that haue liued without Lawes without Magistrates without Mariages without Garments without Houses without ciuility and common honesty wandering nakedly vppe and downe in holes and caues of the earth but neuer of any Nation or people so barbarous and beastly from East to West or from North to South Cicer. de nat ●●or lib. 2. Os●r l. 3. de rebus gest Emma which were without God without Religion without worshippe without prayers or without sacrifices Albeit there bee indeede diuersities and differences in theyr Religion beeing destitute of the knowledge of the true God but there hath bene no Region without some Religion which prooueth it could bee at the first entertained and afterwards retayned by no compact or conspiracy amongst men Besides wee may reason from the spirituall Natures that reason and experience teach namely that there is a diuell and his angels set vpon mischiefe and going about seeking whom they may deuoure Arist Top lib. 6. cap. 3. Contraries compared together do receiue light and luster one from another as blacke layde to white and vertue matched with vice are better seene and manifested what they are All lawes diuine and humane all Nations both Iewes Gentiles Cicero de legib lib. 1. euen the twelue Tables of the Romanes decreed against witches and sorcerers which haue familiaritie with diuels and worke by euill spirits And we see by Witches and Coniurers that sathan is stronger and mightier then wee If then the deuill haue a spirituall nature and be our enemy hee would haue brought desolation and destruction vpon vs had there not beene a Soueraigne and superiour power aboue him to restraine his will and to keepe him short But this superiour power can be nothing else but God himselfe otherwise how is it that we are not all destroyed Why doe wee not perish and come to confusion if we stoode at the mercy of this our great aduersary Where as this is our comfort that his power is limited and that he can doe nothing farther then he is licensed and allowed All the hayres of our head are numbred Hee cannot hurt a Sparrow or a Fly without the will of God Hee could not touch the body of Iob before he was permitted Iob 2. verse 6. Hee could not enter into the Swine before he was suffered Matth. 8 verses 31 32. He cannot runne out at his owne liberty but is restrained and reserued in euerlasting chaines vnder darkenesse vnto the iudgement of the great day Iude 6. Thirdly men in all dangers by sea land in time of sickenesse and in extremity of their distresse by the very light and instinct of nature call vpon God which sheweth that we haue naturally a common notion that there is a God Wee see it not onely in the Children of God 1 Kings 22. verse 32 as Iehoshaphat when by his confederacy and friendship with Ahab he was in danger of sodaine death hee cryed vnto the Lord for helpe in the battaile but in the very Infidelles when a mightie Tempest threatned to ouerwhelme them in the Sea the Marriners being sore afraid they cryed euery man of them vnto his God Ionas 1. verse 5. These principles written in Nature ingrauen in the heart and sealed vp in the conscience of man remaine to giue light as a flash of lightning in the darke night and teach a difference betweene good and euill betweene right and wrong to those that neuer knew the law of God and to such as thorough prophanenesse regard not his wayes Ham and Canaan being both euill men and scoffers at godlynes Genesis 9. verses 22 25. and 23. verse 42 saw it was vncomely and vndecent for their father to ly with his shame vncouered being ouercome with wine Esau though a wilde and wicked man yet hee would not kill his brother Iacob till the dayes of mourning should come for the death of their father Absolon though hee wrought wickednesse in the sight of God and rebelled ●gainst Dauid his Father yet rebuked vnkindnesse and vnthankefulnesse in Hushai toward his friend 2 Sam. 16. verse 17. These generall notions as sparkles kindled in our hearts by the gift of Nature serue to set forth the difference betweene righteousnesse and vnrighteousnesse and to make men altogether without excuse Because when they knew God they glorified him not as God Rom. 1 20 21. Lastly not to vse in an vndoubtfull poynt vnnecessary proofes nor to prooue that the Sunne shineth at noone day Er●s● conci● which were to make a question of that which is without question euery man carrieth a witnes about him to wit his owne Conscience He that hath committed any sinne as blasphemy rebellion murther adultery fornication robbery and such like albeit he can so smother and conceale it that no man liuing know it or can accuse him of it yet oftentimes hee hath a greefe and griping in his Conscience and feeleth the very flashings of hell fire the which prooueth inuincibly that vse which now we vrge against all Atheists whatsoeuer that there is a God before whose iudgement seate hee must one day stand and answere for his fact and fault which hee hath so heynously committed Neyther let any say that this commeth thorough the guiltines of the Law shame of the world and feare of punishment for let them haue security giuen them from all Law a discharge from all reproach and freedome from all punishment yet a murtherer should neuer bee quyet his Conscience would euer beate and whip him trouble and torment him affright and follow him vp and down in all places and open his own mouth to betray and bewray himselfe For GOD hath many wayes to discouer most secret sins and most close dissembling
do the sparkes flye out are scattered abroad to the shame and confusion of their owne faces This is it which the Prophet noteth in the people of Israel whom God of his mercy had chosen to be his Church aboue other Nations When the wrath of God came euen vpon them and slew the strongest of them and smote downe the chosen men of Israel then they returned to him and sought him early then they remembred that God was their strength and the most high God their redeemer but they flattered him with their lips and dissembled with him with their tongue for their heart was not vpright with him neither were they faithfull in his couenat Psal 78 31 34 35 36. Where we see that howsoeuer hypocrisy were in their secret soules and deepe dissimulation in their secret parts yet a counterfet repentance is in their mouthes their owne harts had taught their tongues to lye against God Secondly they would be like the children Reason 2 of God in their afflictions whom they regard not to follow in their conuersations They hate them with a deadly hatred and cannot abide them in their life so long as themselues liue in peace and sleepe in security but when the hand of God is heauy vpon them thē they would follow their example and would giue a world that they were like vnto them That they might die the death of the righteous Numb 23 10. yet is their confession no true confession because it proceedeth not from a feeling of the filthinesse of sinne but ariseth from a feare of punishment and therefore it is without conuersion to God without hope of mercy without prayer for pardon without hatred of sinne and without purpose to amend The vses of this doctrine are these First Vse 1 this ouerthroweth the doctrine of the Church of Rome which teacheth that confession is a part of true repentance which is a turning of the heart and a right reformation of the life For they make three parts of repentance cont●ition of the heatt confession of the tongue satisfaction of the worke But these are not to be holden of vs as essentiall parts of a right repentance inasmuch as they may agree to the Reprobate and vnregenerate and are all of them found in Iudas that betrayed his Master Math. 27 34. For when he saw that Christ was condemned he sorrowed was striken with greefe for the treachery hee had committed againe he confessed his sinne before the high Priests in betraying innocent blood Lastly he made satisfaction and restitution of the mony which he had receiued Besides if wee marke their owne doctrine Catech. Rom. pag. 437. Tho. Aquin lib. 4. dist 2. quaest 1. art 1. who teach that contrition is an act of a mans free will proceeding from it not an act of the Holy-Ghost and that satisfaction may bee performed by another one satisfying for another as well as for himselfe Ioh. Chapeauil summ Catech. Rom. we may truely and soundly conclude from their false and vnsound doctrine that the reprobate may haue sorow of heart yea make confession and satisfaction and consequently their confession is no true member of repentance This therefore cannot be the true Religion which faileth and faultereth in the chiefe points and foundations thereof The like wee might say of the faith of the Romane Church which a reprobate may attaine For they define it to be a gift of God and a certaine light of the minde whereby a man giueth a sure and a certain assent to those things that are reuealed in the Word of God Rhe. Testam vpon 2 Cor. 13. And therefore our English Rhemists write that we may know and feele whether we haue faith but cannot know whether we be in the state of grace So Bellarmine in his first booke of Iustification auoucheth that whereas wee are taught in the Creed to beleeue the forgiuenesse of sinnes Bellar. de Iustif lib. 1. ca. 9. Sensus illius articuli non est credo aut confido mihi remissa esse peccata sed credo confi●cor in Ecclesia Catholica esse donum remission●s peccatorum c. Iam. 2.19 Heb. 6.5 Luke 8 13. The meaning of that Article is not I beleeue or trust that my sins are forgiuen but I beleeue and confesse that the gift of forgiuing sins is found in the Catholike Church which is receiued by Baptisme and other Sacraments All this is but an historicall and generall faith which the diuell himselfe hath who beleeueth and trembleth as the Apostle teacheth and therefore also the reprobates whose mindes are so far enlightened to know the truth This is to beleeue as the Church beleeueth albeit they know nothing how the Church beleeueth If then the reprobate may be made partakers of the faith and repentance of the Church of Rome Acts 20 20.21 which are the two chiefe parts of Religion it confuteth those Polititians wise in their owne eyes who neither shame nor feare to maintaine that the Romish Religion differeth not in substance from the doctrine of the reformed Churches and consequently that they may be vnited reconciled If they can make a fellowship betweene righteousnesse and vnrighteousnes a communion betweene light and darknesse concord betweene Christ and Belial then they may make an harmony and hotch-potch betweene these two so contrary the one to the other But they shall assoone bring the North and South pole together and cause heauen earth to ioyne in one as these two the one grounded vpon the infallible rock of the Scriptures onely the other builded vpon the traditions of their fathers Vse 2 Secondly we must learne that they are further from the Kingdome of heauen that deny their sinne that hide it that excuse and iustifie it the reprobate shall rise vp in iudgment and condemne this generation It is one steppe toward the Kingdome of Heauen to tremble at the iudgements of God to feare to commit sin to sorrow and weep for it when a man hath committed it to humble himself and acknowledge his particular sinnes before mens and to pray to God in his distresses yet the reprobate may goe thus farre in his profession and afterward fall away This we see in Ahab when Eliah had reproued him for his bloody oppression and Idolatry and had denounced the wrath of God to fall vpon him and his posterity 1 Kings 2● 29. He rent his cloathes put on sackcloath vpon him fasted and went softly in token of mourning Thus he humbled himselfe for some sinnes which hee had committed yet not for all his sinnes neither did he aske pardon for them So the Israelites murmuring against God desiring flesh for their lusts in the wildernesse had their prayers granted Numb 11 If then the vngodly may goe thus farre in Religion then they are heereby condemned that iustifie themselues in their iniquities and cannot bee brought to a free confession of them but hide them as Adam Gen. 3 2● or excuse
most High that made them that ministreth all things vnto them in whom they liue and breath and to whom they shall one day giue an account when all flesh shal appeare before h●m Would not he be iudged among men a most vngodly and vngracious child that should slander and curse reprooue and reproach his ●aren s with contumelious words And if he should deny his father that he knoweth him ●r onely doubt of it would not such an one be thought vnworthy to liue vpon the earth How much more are they to be abhorred and ●etested that blaspheme the name of GOD which is blessed and holy throughout all generations Which say vnto God Depart from vs for wee desire not the knowledge of thy wayes Who is the Almighty that we should serue him what profit shall wee haue if we should pray vnto him Iob. 21 2● 25. Vse 2 Secondly see hereby how forward zelous men are in their wil-worship and let vs take notice of our owne dulnes backwardnesse in the true worship of the eternall God in comparison of these poore blind Idolaters We see this euidently in the Israelites when they determined in the absence of Moses to set vp the golden Calfe Exo. 32 3 6. they pulled off their earings they bestowd their gold they spared no cost to the end they might haue a seruice of God after their owne fancy and when it was made they rose earely in the morning to worship it and expressed theyr delight in it by ●eaping and dancing before it We see it also in the old Idolaters they were so zealous and superstitious that they were content to part with things most deare and precious 〈◊〉 ●6 37 they offered their sons and daughters vnto diuels and shed innocent blood euen the blood of their sons and of their daughters whom they offered to the idols of Canaan This also appeareth by our ne● idolaters by their pilgrimages vowes garnishing g●lding and cloathing of images Let vs therfore be zealous in the true worship of God and learne of these blinde men to be ashamed of our coldnesse and carelesnesse of our backewardnesse vnwillingnes in the best things When the mother of Machah would make a molten image Iudg 1● 3● she dedicated eleuen hundred she●els vnto the Lord to make thereof a grauen image or idoll Whereby we see in this voluntary worship and wil-seruice being agreeable vnto the corrupt n●ture of man how forward and feruent how ready willing they were to follow and further their idolatry But how many be there that liue in the bosome of the Church and professe the true religion prospering vnder the shadow of it and tasting how bountifull the Lord is that to maintaine the trueth repine and greeue to giue one halfe peny Albeit they waste their yeares in vanity and think nothing too much to bestow on pride drunkennesse riotousnes whoredome and all excesse to the dishonoring of God to the impairing of their estates and to the destruction of their soules and bodies yet when they should bestow and contribute any thing for the maintaining of a lerned ministry to instruct them theyr families in the word which is able to saue their soules how do they pinch and repine at it as if they were like to be vndone Or if a collection or contribution be to be made for the poore to releeue them in their necessities one peny giuen this way doth more grieue them make them grudge at it then a pound co●sumed in badde● and baser vses What a shame is this for those whom the Lord hath blessed with abundance that they should spend all on their backes and bellies on hawkes or houndes or whores and nothing at all to the glory of God to the comfort of their soules and vnto the helpe of their brethren nothing on the Church of God and vpon their bretheren in Christ dearly bought with the blood of Christ as of a Lambe vnspotted and vndefiled To this purpose Salomon speaketh also Prouer. verse 23. Bu● the trueth but sell it not likewise wisedom instruction and vnderstanding This our Sauiour Christ teacheth also Mat. 13 44 45 46. Lastly seeing the heathen were woont to Vse 3 esteeme highly and prouide liberally for their prophets and soothsayers how much more ought the faithfull and painfull Ministers of God that labour in the word and doctrine to be maintained For seeing they plant in the Lords vineyard 1 Cor 9 7 13 14. why should they not eate the fruit and gather the profites thereof Seeing they go a warfare and fight the battels of God why should they not take their presse-mony receiue their pay Seeing they feed the flocke of God committed vnto them wherof the holy Ghost hath made them ouersee●s why should they not eat of the milke thereof Seing they bee nurses to nurse the sonnes and daughters of God with the two brests of the Olde and New Testament why should they not receyue their wages If they sowe spirituall things why should they not reape carnall things Seeing they minister about holy things why should they not eate of the things of the Temple And seeing they waite at the Altar why should they not bee partakers with the Altar If they bee the Lords Labourers why should they no● haue the reward and recompence of theyr worke For the Lord himselfe hath decreed and ordained that they which do preach the Gospell should likewise liue of the Gospell All the Heathen people thoroughout the world are bountifull and open their hands wide to their Priests and Prophets Iezabel so prouided for the Priests of Baal and the other Prophets of the Groues that she kept foure hundred at her owne Table 1 Kings 18 19. The Papists haue thought nothing too much nothing too deare to bee bestowed vpon theyr Priests and Iesuites and vpon theyr foolish superstition And as they do liberally maintaine so they do greatly honor and highly aduance them they account them as the Fathers and Pillars of the Church This should stirre vs vp hauing a founder religion and making a better profession to haue the Teachers thereof in singular loue for their works sake that is in their hands 1 Thess 5 12 13 and to account their feete beautifull Rom. 10 15. that bring glad tydings of good things who are as spirituall fathers of our soules and as Ioash said to Elisha the Chariots of Israel and the horsemen thereof For when Elisha fell sicke of his sicknesse whereof he dyed the King came downe vnto him to visite him and wept vpon his face saying O my father my father the Chariot of Israel the horsemen of the same 2 Kings 13 14. This serueth to condemne our contempt toward the Messengers and Ministers of God that rise early and late to speake vnto vs in the Name of the Lord who in stead of honour are disgraced in stead of countenance are contemned in stead of maintainance are euery way defrauded partly by prophane Atheists
haue hurt the Church if they had beene pronounced against them 〈◊〉 I answer the curses of the wicked cannot hurt or hinder the godly as Balaam in euery Prophesie acknowledgeth And Salomon teacheth That the curse which is causelesse shall not come Prou. 26 2. Wherefore then did not God suffer him to run his race to follow his owne imagination Why did God appeare vnto him and not suffer his curses to be denounced Surely because hereby the Name of God is more glorified the Sorcerer confounded and all the expectation of the enemies dashed in that the curses are not pronounced and their desires and endeuours disanulled Verse 1. Build me heere seuen Altars and prepare me seuen Bullocks and seuen Rams They begin theyr worke with great pompe shew of zeale and religion as the manner of the heathen was ●●●●g 3. 〈◊〉 pr●●ci●●● when they went about any enterprize He buildeth not one Altar alone but seuen he contenteth not himselfe with one Bullocke and one Ram but prepareth seuen so that on euery Altar hee offereth two burnt offerings to appease the Lord toward them He nameth the Name of the Lord and goeth apart from the society of men as it were to haue conference with the liuing God whereas his drift and purpose was nothing but to practise his sorcery Thus we see the Gentiles obserued the manner of sacrificing receiued by tradition from their Fathers yet not purely and vncorruptly both because they had not respect to the Messiah promised and supposed the outward work of sacrificing to be so precious and meritorious that for it theyr sinnes should be forgiuen and because they mingled and corrupted the worship of God with their owne inuentions 〈…〉 For the sacrifices instituted of God are defiled and depraued partly by the opinion of merit partly by the addition of new-fangled worship 〈…〉 or●● zeale Hereby we learne That all religion pretendeth order and zeale although it be remoued from truth Howsoeuer all false religion proceed from the spirit of disorder and confusion that is the diuell yet it maketh some shew of holinesse putteth on a shadow of the true religion This appeareth in the high places that Solomon built for his outlandish women Where they burnt Incense and offered oblations to strange gods 1 Kin. 11.7 8 and 18 26 28. It is noted touching the Priests of Baal that they prepared a Bullock and called vpon the name of Baal from morning to noone They cried aloud and cut themselues as their manner was with kniues and Launces vntill the blood gushed out vpon them Loc what zeale and forwardnesse here was The like appeareth in Zedekiah one of the former generation he made hornes of yron in resemblance imitation of the true Prophets who taught by such signes and said With these shalt thou push the Aramites vntill thou hast consumed them 2 Kings 22 11. The same is offered vnto vs in the Prophesies of Ieremy chap. 32 34 35 where describing the zeale of Idolaters hee saith They set their abhominations in the house of God to defile it they built the high places of Baal and caused their sonnes and daughters to passe through the fire to Molech So when Hananiah brake the yoke of Ieremy he said Thus saith the Lord Euen so will I breake the yoke of Nebuchadnezzer King of Babel from the necke of all Nations within the space of two yeares Ier. 28 10 11. The Reasons are to be considered First Reason 1 because Satan can turne and transforme himselfe into a resemblance of the glorious Angels that dwell in the heauenly light albeit he dwell in vtter darknesse yet he neuer appeareth in his owne likenesse he shadoweth his lyes with the Name of God and couereth his tentations with the vizard of holinesse This Reason the Apostle vseth 2 Cor. 11 13 14 15. If then Satan hide his hornes and dissemble the hollownes of his dealings so that his baytes and snares are not perceiued and the poyson of them is not seene no maruaile if his instruments that are led by his spirit follow theyr master in theyr hypocrisie For as the spirit is that leadeth them so are they that are led Secondly it satisfieth ignorant and foolish men from further searching and enquiring into Reason 2 the hidden mysteries of corrupt religion If it should bee propounded in the name of the diuell and the rottennes thereof appeare in his likenes euery one would defie it and spit at it and Satan well knoweth he should gaine nothing to his kingdome But when he taketh vp the Name of God pretendeth the zeale of God and sometimes alledgeth the Scriptures of God he carrieth many blindfold to perdition and leadeth away captiue simple soules laden with sinnes and led with diuers lustes for they neuer make further enquiry nor diue to the depth of Satans wylinesse This appeareth in the Idolatry of the ten Tribes erected by Ieroboam who saide to the people It is too much for you to goe vp to Ierusalem ●●hold O Israel thy gods which brought thee out of the Land of Egipt and this thing turned to sin for the people went because of the one euen to Dan. 1 Kings 12 28 30. Iudg. 17 13. The ignorant multitude ran headlong after this counterfeit worship coloured with shew of reason and followed those Idols that they might go wi●h ease to the diuell Vse 1 Let vs make vse of this doctrine and see what may be learned from hence for our edification First acknowledge from hence that ●ll zeale and appearance of zeale is not good Balak and Balaam hee●e pretend the worship of God and who would th●nke they intented my mischiefe Yet they were in the gall of bitternesse and in the bond of iniquity Therfore the Apostle saith of the Iewes I beare thē record Rom. 10 2 3 that they haue the zeale of God but not according to knowledge for they being ignorant of the righteousnesse of God and going about to stablish their owne righteousnesse haue not submitted themselues to the righteousnesse of God So the Church of Rome besotted with superstition and hauing drunke deepely of the cup of abhominations makes an outward shew of great zeale by their multitude of ceremonies partly borrowed from the Iewes and partly patched from the Gentiles by their Pilgrimages to Sai●ts by the counterfeit strictnes of their disordered orders by their solemne vowes of pouerty chastity and obedience by the pretended streightnesse of their whipping Iesuites and Ieluited disciples imitat●ng heerein the Priests of Baal and resembling the heretiques Aug. de haeresib which of whipping themselues are called Flagellantes But notwithstanding all these shewes of holinesse they are farre fr●m true zeale hauing a voluntary religion like vnto thosewhom the Apostle Paul reproueth Col. 2 21 ●2 23 In which place the Apostle doth liuely describe what the Romane Religion is and portrayeth it out as a Table before our eyes It hath goodly shewes which indeed seeme to haue some
pollices of euill men so that the gates of hell shall not preuaile against it This is it which Christ teacheth Mat. 3 8 9. He can draw the strong and flinty hearts of the aduersaries to bee his Church albeit all the Iewes were scattered destroyed God is not bound to continue his Church among thē and the priuiledges which in mercy he vouchsafed vnto them if hee remoue his standard and take away his Candlesticke and breake off the succession they boasted of he can call a people vnto himselfe whensoeuer he pleaseth As then we are not to feare the falling away of the Church so wee are not to presume of our selues because wee haue present testimonies of Gods fauour and visible markes of the Church amongst vs but labour to finde out our owne sinnes and turne vnto the Lord assuring our selues that euery Tree which bringeth not foorth good fruite is hewen downe and cast into the fire Lastly seeing prophane persons bee enforced Vse to speake the truth of God let vs know that it is our part who are enlightned with more knowledge and endued with better graces in a more willing and cheerefull sort then they do to testifie the praises of God for conscience sake with care and comfort not grudgingly nor vnwillingly nor enforced vnto it This the Prophet Malachi setteth downe ch 1 11. Where hee sheweth that the Gentiles knew the excellency of his Name and were not ignorant of his greatnesse and therefore if we be the true children of God our righteousnesse and obedience must exceed the righteousnesse and obedience of others For what a shame is it that strangers from the couenant should acknowledge him and those of his family and as it were his houshold seruants come behind them Let vs be like the Angels that be in heauen Mat. 6 10 who obey him readily willingly cheerefully perfectly If we obey him grudgingly and by constraint the reprobates yea the diuels do him as good seruice as we do They performe his secret will against their will Let vs accomplish his will reuealed in his word with the full desire of our hearts otherwise we shall neuer finde true comfort to our selues in that we do If wee would haue God to accept reward our seruice performed vnto him we must not doe it by constraint as Balaam did nor to halfes as Saul did 1 Sam. 15 21 22 23 nor to merit as the Pharisies did but in conscience of our duty as children to their fathers that we may receiue the inheritance of sonnes Verse 9 Loe the people dwell by themselues and shall not bee reckoned among the Nations Now we come to the Prophesie it selfe wherin he confesseth the blessed estate of the church so that nothing can make them miserable or separate them from the fauour of God This wee shall haue fitter occasion to shew afterward Heere let vs consider the reason whereon he groundeth the happines of the Church In the description of the Church he saith they are a people cleauing to God alone beleeuing in him and seuered from other Nations in religion and lawes ●●ctrine 〈◊〉 Church ●●elected 〈◊〉 any frō●e rest of ●he 〈◊〉 From hence we learne That the Church of God is an holy people called and gathered by the word to heare and obey God separated from the prophane of the world in life and conuersation This we see euidently when the posterity of Caine began to multiply and replenish the earth by many generations who were the malignant Church the true Church encreasing later began to diuide themselues from thē to restore the purity of Gods worship and to meet apart by themselues for the publike seruice of God which the Scripture meaneth when it saith 〈◊〉 4 25. Then men began to call vpon the Name of the Lord. The like we see afterward in Abraham whom the Lord called beyond the flood from seruing other Gods 〈◊〉 11 1 2. 〈◊〉 1● 2 3. 〈◊〉 23 7 8. to serue him purely apart from the superstitions of his forefathers This was figured in the vow of the Nazarites the intention whereof is expressed in the description of the ceremony of it To be separated to the Lord. Numb 6 2. Thus Moses describeth the common condition of al that people to be separated to the Lord as God himselfe giueth them to vnderstand I am the Lord your God which haue separated you from other people c. Leuit. 20 24 26. This is it which Christ our Sauiour saith to his Disciples That they are not of the world but he hath chosen them out of the world Iohn 15 19. Hereunto cometh the exhortation of Peter preaching repentance amendment of life to those that had crucified the Lord of glory With many other words he besought and exhorted thē saying Saue your selues from this froward generation Acts 2 ver 40 41. Hereunto cometh the practise of the Apostle Saint Paul Acts 19 9 when the aduersaries were conuinced and their hearts hardened they disobeying and speaking euill of the way of God before the multitude he departed from them and separated the Disciples and disputed dayly in the Schoole of one Tyrannus Reason 1 The Reasons hereof are these First there is an opposition betweene God the world The Gouernour thereof is Satan who is the Prince of this world 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 and hath set vp his throne in it it persecuted Christ and slew him Neyther do the children of God finde any better entertainment then Christ did as it hateth him so it hateth them Iohn 14 17 30. Againe The amity of this world is enmity with God the wisedome of this world is foolishnesse with God 2 Cor. 4 4. Iam. 4 4. And Christ testifieth That the works thereof are euill Iohn 7 7. Seeing then it is euill in respect of the gouernor which is Satan euil in respect of Christ whom it hated and persecuted euill in respect of the Spirit of truth whō it neyther seeth nor knoweth nor receiueth in respect of the Children of God whom it abhorreth euill in respect of the friendship thereof which is enmity euill in respect of the wisedome thereof which is folly and lastly euill in respect of the works thereof which are impiety howsoeuer the beauty of it be glorious and the shew gorgeous and glistering yet the Church is to come out of it is clean contrary vnto it For if the friendship of the world be the enmity of God then the friends of the world are the enemies of God And as there is an agreement betweene the diuell and the world so is there an vnion between God and his Church And as God and the world are opposed so are the Church and the world contrary one to another so that whilst wee are parts of this world wee cannot be members of his Church and when we are called out of the world we are gathered into the bosome of the Church Secondly God hath chosen the Church to Reason 2 himselfe before the foundation of
Abel in Saul toward Dauid in the Scribes and Pharisies toward Christ in Haman and his sonnes toward Israel in the chiefe Priests toward Paul Albeit they be ouermamastered their counsels detected their purposes defeated and themselues be disappointed that they may see how they fight not against men but against God yet their diligence is vnweariable and their rage vnspeakable This truth will further appeare vnto vs by Reason sundry reasons drawn from the person of God and from the conditions of the enemies of the Church God seeth the wickednesse of their hearts heareth the groanes afflictions of his elect yet he suffereth the vngodly to whet their tongues sharpen their swords against them to the end hee may gaine glory to his great Name in the confusion destruction of them Pharaoh contriued sundry plots fetching deuices to subuert the Church in Egypt some secret some open Exo. 1.17 9 16. Rom 9.17 He commanded the midwiues to stifle strangle the young infants comming out of their mothers wombe which are the spawn fry of Religion the hope of the succeeding Church When this diuellish deuice was discouered and disappointed because the midwiues feared God did not as the King charged them but preserued aliue the men children then he attempteth another way commanding by publique edict to drown and destroy their children afterward vexeth them by making bricks and carrying burdens Thus he proceedeth from one euill to another God setteth him vp as a marke and appointed him to shew his power in him and to declare his Name throughout all the world Thus GOD draweth good out of euil and manifesteth his owne glory in confounding the malice of mischieuous enemies Secondly the enemies of the Church run Reason 2 on in malicious courses to vndermine the good estate of the Church because they are led by the spirit of the diuell as his vassals and slaues to do his will Why did Cain burst with enuy against his brother hanging down his head drawing his weapon Because he was led by that euil one the prince god of the vngodly 2. Cor. 4 4 who blindeth their minds worketh in their hearts holdeth them in ful power possession The greatest deuouring beasts in the wildernesse alwayes keepe their courses recourses Psal 104 2● 12 23. either wearinesse constraineth them to cease or the light of the Sunne affrighteth them whereby the silly prey getteth some respite and refreshing But Satan the Prince of this world is neuer at rest he is euer greedy and neuer weary alwayes plotting practising catching destroying and deuouring The light of the day and darkenesse of the night are both alike to him Iob 1 7. Who compasseth the whole earth and walketh in it too and fro 1 Pet. 5.8 like a ramping and roaring Lyon seeking whom hee may surprize and subuert The end of one tentation is the beginning of another Hee will neuer make peace with vs vnlesse wee deliuer our soules vnto him in hostage Nahash the Ammonite is noted of extreme cruelty that would no otherwise make a couenant with the men of Iabesh Gilead but on this condition that he might thrust out all their right eyes and bring the shame vpon all Israel 1. Sam. 11. But Satan as he is more mighty so is he more malicious he will haue both eyes and hands he wil haue both head and heart hee will haue possession both of soule and body And therefore no maruaile if the sonnes of Belial bee stamped with his Image and resemble him in an vnweariable desire of mischiefe plotting and performing day and night one mischieuous attempt or other against the children of GOD. Vse 1 Let vs now carefully apply this doctrine to our vses First consider from hence the cause of the confusion of the enemies of the Gospel and of the godly They deuise crafty counsels and conspiracies against the faithful but withall they worke out their owne death and destruction and ouerthrow themselues in their malice mischiefe For of al such the Prophet saith Psal 7 15 16. He hath made a pit digged it for another and is fallen himselfe into the pit that he made his mischiefe shall returne vpon his owne head and his cruelty shall fall vpon his owne pate The hatred of the vngodly goeth before and the iudgements of God follow immediately after who hath prepared him deadly weapons will ordain his arrowes for them that persecute his seruants This the Prophet pronounceth against y● enemies of the Church Esai 8 9 10. Gather together on heapes ye shall be broken in pieces gird your selues and ye shall be broken in pieces take counsell together yet it shall be brought to nought pronounce a Decree yet it shall not stand for God is with vs Behold the horrible down-fall of Haman an Arch-enemy of the people of God 〈◊〉 7 9 10. raised vp from the highest degree of honor and dignity who thought it too little to lay hands on Mordecai alone but sought to destroy all the Iewes that were throughout the whole kingdome he fell into the lowest step of shame reproach was hanged on the tree that hee had prepared for Mordecai The aduancement of the wicked is but for a momēt their destruction commeth suddainly according to the saying of the Prophet Dauid Psa 37 35 36 58 6 7 8 in Iob 20.4 Thus we see that the malice of the wicked turneth to their own calamity and confusion so that when they haue raked ransacked all the corners of their heart to contriue meanes to ouer-throw the Church they shall find by woful experience that God hath many moe meanes and wayes to turne their owne deuices to their owne destruction Secondly see hereby Gods almighty power Vse 2 and abundant kindnesse in sauing and preseruing the Church among so many enemies as it were a little flocke of sheepe among so many wolues For we may behold a part of his chastisements vpon his Church by setting them in the world as in a wildernesse and that among the wicked as it were among so many beasts whereby their faith is tried their obedience manifested and their patience proued so wee see his maruailous mercy in their deliuerance from them as out of the denne of Lyons inasmuch as we know to our endlesse comfort that notwithstanding all the pollicies and practices of the diuelish and damned crew of most spiteful and desperate enemies yet God holdeth vp the heads of his people that they are not drowned like the Arke that floated on the waters Reu. 12 15. Howsoeuer the serpent cast out of his mouth water after the woman like a floud that he might cause her to bee carried away of the floud Let vs therfore confesse before the Lord his louing kindnesse and acknowledge surely that saluation is of the Lord and not of our selues of his mercy and not of our own merit This the Prophet professeth at large Psal 114 1
maketh all other blessings to be curses and iudgements vnto them that are destitute hereof therefore we must all call our selues to an account what account we make of it We should make it our meate and drinke a treasure for the obtaining whereof rather then want it we wold sell all that we haue but alas what thankefulnes hath it wrought in vs We are like vnto the Iewes they had this glorious light brought among them but they loued darkenes more then light because their works were euill If we be weary of this heauenly Manna let vs take heede lest the Lord grow weary of vs if we cast away his word he wil cast away vs and forsake vs for euer The Lord biddeth vs take heed to the sound of the Trumpet Ier. 6 17 let vs not answer presumptuously wee will not take heed let vs beware of securitie remember from whence we are fallen And let him that glorieth glory in this that hee vnderstandeth and knoweth the Lord and his word to his saluation Ier. 9 24. Vse 2 Secondly it followeth that wheresoeuer God hath established this his ordinance there certainly hee hath a Church and chosen people and some that belong to eternall life for whose sake it is sent among them For as the Spirit of God is the soule of the church quickning it and giuing it life so the word is this soules instrument or the seed wherby it worketh and the onely essentiall marke thereof so that where it is sincerely taught 〈◊〉 ●2 and constantly professed there certainly is a Church Where it is not there is no true Church albeit it haue neuer so goodly and glistering a shew but a very carrion carkas of a church without the life of the Spirit but as an house without light as the world without the Sun as a kingdome without the Law The Prophet Esay calleth it the standard of God saying I will lift vp mine hand to the Gentiles and set vp my standard to the people they shal bring thy sonnes in their armes and thy daughters shall be carried vpon their shoulders Esay 49. verse 22 Where the Lord Iesus is compared to a King and Captaine and therefore all that will haue comfort that they are members of the church must range themselues vnder it as soldiers vnder the banner of their Chieftaine otherwise they remaine as men In darknes in the shadow of death as stragling and runnagate soldiers out of the campe and as dissolute men vnder no law to gouerne them For they are the vilest and basest that liue without it very dogges and swine They of the Church are Gods chiidren and the word is the Childrens food belonging to them onely When the Canaanitish woman would haue beene partaker of Christs Ministery Mat. 15 26. he answered It is not meet to take the childrens bread and to cast it vnto whelpes But other are as vncleane and filthy beasts This which now hath bene spoken serueth to ouerthrow two sorts of people first those of the Church of Rome which make other markes and notes of the Church as antiquity vnity vniuersality succession subiection to the Pope and such like counterfet markes of their counterfet church and leaue this which is the most certaine and inseparable note This proueth vnto vs plainly that these which most of all boast of the name of the Church are indeede neyther the Catholike Church nor any sound part thereof because they want the immortall seede to beget them the milke and meate of the word to feede and norish them yea it is accounted an high point of heresie to haue read the Scriptures and none is permitted to looke into them without a license so heinous a sin it is to haue the word Secondly it censureth condemneth the Donatists Anabaptists Brownists and those of the separation which condemne our Churches to be no Churches our Sacraments to bee no Sacraments our Ministers to be no Ministers and in effect our religion to be no religiō because we do not with them in matters accidental fully agree albeit we do consent in matters fundamental we lay Christ alone for the foundation on which we build our saluation we lay hold vpon him by faith only we preach Christ crucified truly by their owne confession powerfully They hold themselues to haue receiued faith among vs by our Ministery before they made this rent and breach in the Church and that the end of such fayth if they had dyed in it had beene the saluation of theyr soules See the books of Greenwood Iohnson Let them therefore return and cause others to return ioyne with vs in hearing the word preached seeing where it is rightly established there must of necessity be a true Church And albeit some of them haue written many of thē haue spoken against our Church yet let them follow the example of that sonne Matth. 21 29. who answered his father stubbornly that he would not work in his vineyard but afterward repented earnestly and went his wayes Vse 3 Thirdly all such as are this way honoured and blessed must be carefull to vse the word as an honour and a blessing by imbracing it by entertaining it by magnifying this blessing of God in truth and not in opinion in heart and not in face in workes and not in words that we may walke worthy the Gospel and of the Lord that hath called vs and shew our selues carefull to bring foorth the fruites thereof saying with the Apostle Rom. 10 10. How beautifull are the feete of them that bring glad tidings of peace and bring glad tidings of good things Hitherto rendeth the exhortation of the Apostle 1. to the Thessalonians ch 2 11 12. Let vs be carefull to keepe this treasure among vs lest the kingdome of God bee taken from vs. Otherwise instead of being the water of life to saue vs it will be a sea to drowne vs instead of being the sauour of life to life it will turne to bee the sauour of death to death instead of being meate to feede vs it will bee our bane to destroy vs instead of good tydings to refresh comfort vs it will proue the saddest and heauiest newes that euer came to our eares and that day the blackest day that euer came ouer our heads Thus our Sauiour threatned Capernaum which hee had honoured with his presence blessed with his preaching aduanced by his dwelling in it and lifted vp with his miracles Mat. 11 26. Thou Capernaum which art lifted vppe vnto heauen shalt be throwne downe to hell c. Look vpon the seuen Churches of Asia we see what is become of them Behold what the contempt of the Gospel hath brought vpon the Iewes the like hath not falne vpon any people since the beginning what mischeefe miserie did not fall vpon them It cannot bee denied but God hath blessed vs as much as euer he lifted vp the head of Capernaum and hath magnified his mercies and loue vnto
5 verses 28.29 They haue well saide all that they haue spoken they were ready to heare all and do all that Moses should speake vnto them But if we fall to stint the Spirit and teach the Lord to speake prescribing the Minister what he shall say and restraining our hearing what we will heare wee shall neuer heare fruitefully we shall neuer practise conscionably what we haue heard Thus much concerning the protestation of Balaam Verse 27. Balak saide vnto Balaam Come I pray thee I will bring thee vnto another place if so be it will please that God c. Heere is offered to our considerations the profession of Balaam Hee pretendeth Religion and the helpe of God and professeth to do all things in the Name of the true God yet was voyd of all Religion and sincere dealing and doth all things by the working of the diuell abusing the glorious and fearefull Name of God to malicious mischieuous purposes Doctrin● Many pr●fesse God that seru● the diue●● Hereby we learne that many in the world professe piety and godlinesse in the tongue that haue none in the heart They professe GOD outwardly but serue the diuell inwardly This appeareth in the Iewes who albeit they would not heare the preaching of the Prophets rebuking them in the Name of the Lord yet had oftentimes in their mouthes The Temple of the Lord the Temple of the Lord this is the Temple of the Lord Ier. 7 4. Thus the Prophet Esay reproueth them in his time This people come neere vnto me with their mouth and honour me with their lips but haue remoued their heart farre from me and their feare toward mee was taught by the precept of men Esay chap. 29 13. So many that were professors and teachers of the truth as Christ testifieth yea workers of myracles and crying vnto him Lord Lord yet shal not be acknowledged of him as belonging to him The Samaritans called and accounted themselues the true worshippers Iohn 4 2 and pretended the tradition of their fathers and hated the Iewes as false worshippers yet themselues worshipped they knew not what All heretiques will boast they teach Gods truth all hypocrites will say they embrace the faith all carnall and loose professors will challenge sincerity all Papists will cry out they are the Church the successors of the Apostles and the true Catholiques yet are no true Church but in shew no true Catholiques but in name no true successors of the Apostles but in place In the dayes of Christ the Iewes gloried that they were the seede of Abraham Iohn 8 44 the sonnes of the Couenant the heyres of promise they pleaded they were the first borne of God yet he proueth to their faces that they were the very limbes of the diuell And the Church of Smyrna had such among thē as vaunted they were Iewes Reuel 2 9. that is the people of GOD but were in truth the Synagogue of Sathan All which examples conclude the certainty of the former doctrine and verifie the saying of Salomon Prou. 30. There is a generation that are pure in their owne eyes and yet are not washed from their filthinesse The truth heereof will farther and more Reason 1 fully appeare vnto vs if we enter into the consideration of the causes and reasons of it The first is pride selfe-loue which so ouercome their hearts and blinde their eyes that they cannot see their owne wickednesse and wretchednesse which are so hud-winked with palpable ignorance of God as that they cannot iudge of themselues and their owne misery as they should We see the coniunction of these in the King of Moab and his Chaplaine the false Prophet that albeit they pretend the holy Name of God yet through loue of themselues on the one side and ignorance of God on the other they cannot see that their whole proceeding is an vtter renouncing of God This reason the Prophet Dauid pointeth vnto when he saith The wicked hath made boast of his owne hearts desire and the couetous blesseth himselfe though hee contemneth the Lord for the wicked is so proud that he seeketh not for God hee is in prosperity God spareth him in mercy and hee imagineth presently that he is iust and holy pleasing God Psal 10 3 4. Reason 2 Secondly the heart of man is many times deceitfull He can speake with his tongue that which he meaneth not in his heart nor hath any sence or feeling of in his owne soule but beguileth with lying lips and a double toong Many are vnder their profession hypocrites and haue hypocriticall hollow hearts speaking that which they did not minde For the nature of an hypocrite is to appeare outwardly like a painted Toombe 〈◊〉 8. as if there were nothing in him but singlenesse and simplicity of heart and vntill his corruption breake out as filthy matter out of a sore which assuredly it will do at some time or other seeing there is nothing couered that shall not bee reuealed Luke 12 2. there is none more conformable then he in the outward exercises of the Word Prayer and the Sacraments They draw neere with their lips they listen with their eares they stretch foorth their hands thus they prepare and make ready their mouthes to pray their eares to heare their hands to receiue This appeareth in the proud Pharisie Luke chapter 18 verses 11 12. He came into the Temple to pray he thanked God for his blessings hee fasted twice in the weeke hee gaue tythe of all that he possessed yet he worshipped God in vaine and departed to his house without profit or comfort Now let vs handle the vses of this doctrine Vse 1 First wee learne heereby for our instruction that outward profession is not enough to assure vs of our saluation or to fit vs to Gods kingdome for the diuell might go as farre as the best of those that rest in the shew of godlinesse who can turne and transforme himselfe into an Angel of light 2 Corinth 11 verse 14. A wolfe may put on a sheepes skinne yea the Parrot and Ape can imitate and therefore trust not to thy faire shewes and externall appearance if thou proceed no further It is not sufficient for thee to be baptized to bee made partaker of the word of God of the Table of the Lord and such priuiledges of the Church this is to trust in lying words that shall not profite Ier. chap. 7 verse 4. The case and condition of many professors is no better then of the heathen Infidels as of the Turkes and Sarazins I meane of such as content themselues with the bare name or profession of Christianity and therein satisfie themselues nay it is a great deale worse as our Sauiour teacheth Math. chapter 11 verses 21 22 23. that Corazin Bethsaida and Capernaum shall be punished more seuerely then Tyre and Sidon then Sodome and Gomorrha What comfort in the things of this life can any man take to beare the name of land and another to
First on the bodye which is cast into a deepe sleepe when the senses are for the time bereaued of the present vse of thē Secondly on the minde the which that it might bee brought neerer to God is withdrawne from all dealing and fellowship with the body and enlightned to vnderstand diuine things as Acts 10. Peter s●w the heauen opened a vessell comming downe and a voyce came vnto him The causes why it pleased GOD to reueale his will after this manner are First that they should take nothing to themselues but account all receiued from GOD. Secondly that their bodies and soules being separate frō all other dealings might haue a deeper impression of the things reuealed and thereby vnderstand them and keepe them the better Thus much touching the trance of Balaam the beginning of the prophesie Now we come to the substance of the prophesie it selfe the summe whereof is first propounded then amplified and lastly concluded The proposition which is prooued is described by a question and by way of admiration expressing the happines of the Church How goodly are thy tents O Iacob and thy Tabernacles O Israel As if he should say O how blessed and happy a people art thou which now liuest vnder these Tents and dwellest in these habitations And note here that he doth not giue a touch to theyr happinesse and then passe away sodainly from it but he doubleth and repeateth it as if he meant to dwell long vpon it There is no part or parcell of Gods word in vaine If wee see not the vse of some things it is our weaknes we must confesse it not condemne the Scriptures The Spirit of God forbiddeth vaine babling Mat. 6 7 and reproueth idle repetitions and therefore neuer vseth the same himselfe Three causes 〈◊〉 vsing repe●●●ons The Reasons and occasions of repetitions are these three First for greater assurance for God speaking twice doth as it were produce a double witnes and signifieth that it did not slip from him vnawares but is that which he meaneth to stand vnto and to ratifie so that albeit heauen and earth passe away yet one iot or tittle of his word shall not passe away Secondly to testify the speedy accomplishment of that which hee hath spoken that it shall not be prolonged and delayed but bee swiftly performed shortly be executed And these two causes are both touched by Ioseph in expounding the two dreames of Pharaoh when he sayth The dreame was doubled vnto Pharaoh the second time because the thing is established by God and God hasteth to performe it Genes 41 32. The third reason of vsing repetitions is to quicken those that are dull and stir vp those that are heauy hearted that they should shake off all deadnes drowsinesse of spirit Once speaking passeth sodainly away wee cannot heare it or if we heare it wee cannot remember it or if we remember it we are backward in practising of it We haue need to be often put in minde of the same thing 〈◊〉 3 1. and for vs it is a safe thing 〈◊〉 ●8 23. This is the cause that the Prophets of God so often vse repetitions So did Balaam before in the former Chapter Numb 23 21. God seeth no iniquity in Iacob he seeth no transgression in Israel These three causes haue place in this repetition vsed in this place For theyr happines is certainly confirmed speedily to be accomplished and the enemies of the people of God are rouzed vp diligently to consider thereof and thinke with themselues surely this is of great importance seeing God offers it vnto me againe and againe This blessed estate and condition of the Church is set down first comparatiuely then simply whereby the former similitudes are expounded and interpreted The metaphors and similitudes are many in number but tending to one and the same purpose vnder the borrowed speeches of the tents of the sheepheards of stretching out of the vallies watering of the gardens planting of the Cedars he vnderstandeth the safety largenes encrease pleasantnesse multitude and strength of the Church that shall surmount the glory of the Gentiles and treade downe the kingdome of Agag that is of the Amalekites which at that time flourished in the world and promised vnto it selfe a perpetuity vpon the earth which prophesie was performed in the dayes of Saul and Samuel of Dauid Salomon 1 Sam. 15 3. This appeareth plainly in the second branch where the comparisons are explained in which hee sheweth the author of theyr happynes to bee God the giuer of euery good giuing and of euery perfect gift who albeit they were a small people and greatly oppressed yet hee brought them myraculously out of the Land of Egypt he shall bee theyr protection defence against theyr enemies giuing them the strength of the Vnicorne Numb 23 22. assisting them in all theyr dangers and subduing all theyr aduersaries vnder them This is the substance of the prophesie the conclusion remayneth consisting of two parts or members the first respecting the Israelites the second respecting others but vttered for the Israelites sake Touching the Israelites he inferreth vpon the premisses theyr peace safety and security tranquility and quyet dwelling without feare expressed by comparison of a Lyon who eateth his prey without fearfulnes of the passengers so the Iews ouercomming all theyr enemies shall haue rest gouerne theyr Church and Common-wealth in peace which came to passe so long as they did cleaue to God with full purpose of heart and worshippe him according to the precise rule of his word for then no enemies albeit neuer so many or so mighty were able to preuayle against them Thus did the Patriark Iacob expresse the preheminence of Iudah Gen. 49 9. As a Lyons whelpe shalt thou come vp from the spoyle my sonne he shall lye downe and couch as a Lyon and as a Lyonnesse who shall stir him vp The second member belonging vnto others is this that they which blesse thee shall bee blessed and such as curse thee shall be cursed A notable commendation of the Church encouragement to perswade others to be of the church As if hee should say So many as shal ioyne themselues of other people to thee and embrace the same holy Religion with thee for it shall in the fulnesse of time come to passe that God shall allure Iapheth to dwell in the tents of Shem. Gen. 9 27 shall be partakers of the same blessings with thee which GOD shall poure out vpon thee but all such as separate themselues from thee and shew themselues not brethren but strangers not friends but enemies not neighbours but aliens from thee shall lye vnder the fearfull curse and reuenge of God This is it which the Lord pronounced and promised long before to Abraham Gen. 12 2 3. This power did Balak before falsely ascribe to Balaam This is the drift of this diuision and the order that the Spirit of God obserueth therein Touching the instructions that
the sonnes of God for this cause the world knoweth you not because it knoweth not him God is become our Father the Sonne is our Redeemer the Holy-ghost is become our sanctifier the Angels are become our attendants the Scriptures are become our euidences the Sacraments are our seales the creatures are become our seruants our afflictions are our instructions This the Apostle teacheth the Church 1. Cor. 3 21 22 23. They are blessed that haue their sinnes pardoned and not imputed vnto them as the Prophet teacheth but God saith to euery beleeuer Thy sinnes are forgiuen thee They are blessed that heare his word and keepe it but the sheepe of Christ heare his voyce and follow him They are blessed that delight in the Law of the Lord and in his Law meditate day and might but the godly make it their counsellour to be aduised by it This vse that now we stand vpon is directly vrged by the Prophet Psal 84. where hauing made his complaint that hee could not haue accesse to the Church of God to make profession of his faith and to profite in Religion hee breaketh out into this passionate exclamation being touched with an inward feeling of the want of those holy assemblies Psal 84 4 5. O Lord of hoasts how amiable are thy tabernacles thereupon concludeth the point which wee haue stood vpon Blessed are they that dwell in thine house they will euer praise thee blessed is the man whose strength is in thee and in whose heart are thy wayes Howsoeuer the vngodly that sauour nothing but of the earth want spirituall eyes to behold the beauty of the Church and account it no part of their happinesse to liue within the compasse and bosome of it yet the children of God haue taken nothing so neere to heart as when they haue bene driuen from the place of his worship The Prophet is grieued that the sparrowes and swallowes had better accesse and freer recourse to the houses of men to build their nests to lay their young and to rest and repose themselues then he had to the Lords Tabernacle and therefore preferreth their condition before his owne We see how the Iewes wept and pittifully lamented by the riuers of Babylon and hung vp their instruments on the willowes saying Psal 137 1 2 3 How shall we sing the song of the Lord in a strange land If I forget thee O Ierusalem let my right hand forget to play If I doe not remember thee let my tongue cleaue to the roofe of my mouth yea if I preferre not Ierusalem to my chiefe ioy No doubt they might haue prayed to the Lord in Babylon and in banishment as well as in Iudea and at Ierusalem the Lord heareth in all places and willeth that men pray euery where lifting vp pure hands without wrath or doubting 1. Tim. 2.8 but they mourned because they could not visit the Temple of God in Ierusalem there to make publicke confession of their sinnes and of their faith toward God They therefore plainely testify that they haue no feeling either of the weakenesse of their faith or of the greatnesse of their offences that glory in their owne shame and say they beare as good a soule to God as they which resort so often to the Church and delight to heare the preaching of the word and that they can serue God as well at home as in the Church These are led by another spirit then Dauid was who if he were a man after Gods owne heart Psal 42 1 2 3. hauing such an earnest desire after the seruice and worship of God and saying As the Hart brayeth for the riuers of water so panteth my soule after thee O God my soule thirsteth for God euen for the liuing God when shall I come and appeare before the presence of God surely these must needs be guided by the spirit of the diuell who so openly scorne all Religion and are at defiance with God robbing God of his honour committing sacriledge in keeping their tongues from the publick praises of God entring themselues off from the mysticall body of Christ condemning and contemning the congregation of the faithfull giuing offence to others by euill example and despi●●ng the ordinance of God who hath appointed commanded the assembly of his people to meet together to acknowledge their sinnes to confesse their faith to pray for things necessary to praise him for his blessings receiued to heare the word expounded and to receiue the Sacraments deliuered so that such as flye from these doe fly from God himselfe they fly from their owne saluation they seeke a worship by themselues and they imagine an heauen by themselues But let them take heed their worship proue not a false worship and their heauen a false heauen and a true hell Secondly we must all labour to bee members Vse 2 of the Church rather then of any other place in the world We see how carefull men are not onely to be in great societies towns but to be of them to haue the freedome of priuiledged places and incorporations Act. 22 28. Yea to obtaine it purchase it with a great summe of money because it hringeth worldly commodity How much more should wee endeauour to be members of the Church whereby we are made free men and haue interest in the blessings of God yea wee become free denizens of the Kingdome of heauen How doe men esteeme their freedome to be of earthly cities If wee be part of the Church wee haue accesse to the truth Now if wee shall know the truth the truth shall make vs free Iohn 8 32 36. If we be belonging to the Church we haue our interest in Christ now if that Sonne shall make vs free then we shall be free indeed This made the Apostle say Phil. 3 20. Our conuersation is in heauen from whence we looke for a Sauiour If we become limbes of the Church of God wee haue the spirit that beares witnesse to our spirit that we are the sonnes of God now the Lord giueth his Spirit 2. Cor. 3 17 and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty Such as are free of cities and incorporations haue diuerse priuiledges that others want obtaine many benefites that others want obtaine many dignities that others desire and haue their names enrolled among the free-men but how much greater is the preheminence of all those that are brought into the glorious liberty of the sonnes of God being made parts of the Church which is the freest citty vnder the heauens This city of our God hath the priuiledges of the communion of Saints of the forgiuenesse of sinnes of the resurrection of the body to eternall life and all such as belong vnto it haue their names registred and enrolled in the booke of life What shall it profite thee to obtaine an earthly freedome in earthly cities and to be the seruant of sinne the bondslaue of the diuel and to want the freedome of the sonnes and daughters of almighty
therefore to be esteemed aboue al the glory riches pleasures and profits of this world This made the Prophet Dauid say Many say Lord who will shew vs any good But Lord lift thou vp the light of thy countenance vpon vs thou hast giuen me more ioy of heart then they haue had when their wheat and their wine did abound Psal 4 6 7. Hereunto accordeth the Apostle Phil. 3 20. So then they are conuinced condemned to be prophane beasts possessed with the euill spirit of Esau that will not keepe the Lords Sabbaths nor attend vpon his worship but make that day a time of toyle and trauaile about their worldly businesse and a day to be spent in dancing and dallying in surfetting and drunkennesse in gaming ydlenes thereby making that which is the Lords day by his institution to be to thē the diuels day by their prophanation The Gospel and al things of a better life are lightly regarded of all such as are giuē to their profits and pleasures and delight to pamper vp the flesh No Religion could enter into the rich glutton that was clad in purple and fared deliciously euery day Luk. 16 19. The rich man whose ground brought foorth fruites plentiously whose tongue promised to him perpetuity and whose heart bred in him security neuer thought what should become of his soule neuer dreamed of sodaine death neuer minded his owne saluation and therfore God saide vnto him O foole this night will they fetch away thy soule from thee then whose shall those things be which thou hast prouided Luk 12 16. The Apostle Peter maketh it a speciall marke of the prophane beasts in that time 2 Pet. 2 13. that they accounted it their chiefe pleasure to liue deliciously for a season And the Apostle Iude speaking of the like liuers saieth Iude 11. they were feast-hunters filling pampering themselues Of this sort are all drunkards gluttons epicures and belly-gods speake vnto them to embrace the truth to minde heauenly things to consider wherefore they were created and to remember the shortnesse of their life they cannot heare the belly hath no eares They are ready to answer with carnall minded men what will the Gospel aduantage me Why should I be a professor and become a by word of the world What good cometh to a man by hearing the word by reading the Scriptures or by being the childe of God It can get me neyther many in my purse nor cloaths to my backe nor food to my belly nor any other pleasure to my heart I had rather haue the company of good fellowes and a draught of wine or strong drink then to heare the best Sermon that can be preached And heere consider with mee prophane Esau once againe When Iacob demanded of him the sale of his birth-right the said Loe I am almost dead what is then this birthright to me Gen. 25 31. Thus the Atheists speake in the booke of Iob chap. 21 15. Who is the Almighty that we should serue him and what profit should wee haue if we should pray vnto him Such prophane Esaues there be many in the world monsters among the sons of men proud gyants that are at opē defiance with God that regard the cup and kan the pot and good fellowship before heauen and heauenly things that prize the most precious pearles of God most basely like Iudas the son of perditiō that valued Christ at thirty pence so these sell euerlasting life and giue heauen depart frō saluation some for their whore some for their drinke some for their money and other for other base and beastly pleasures all these shall one day know the price of their folly and confesse with their owne mouthes that they were worse then fooles and mad mē that euery one is ready to point at with the finger Euery one is ready to sit in iudgement vpon Esau to condemne the prophanenes of his hart because hee regarded more the satsfying of his present lust and moment any pleasure then to be the successor of his father in the Church of God yet of this number there bee infinite thousands in the world that prize the precious treasure of Gods heauenly graces the vse of the Sacraments the frame of Christian Religion the glorious ministery of the Word the hope of a better life and the endlesse ioy of Gods kingdom things more of value then the whole world beside as brutishly basely as euer Esau did his birthright are ready to sell them for euery filthy gaine drudgery pleasure They thinke of no other life then this present and know no other God but Mammon and therefore howsoeuer they haue oftentimes the praise of the world and the commendation to be ciuill honest men they are not onely enemies vnto their soules but to the crosse of Christ 〈◊〉 3 18. and are in the fearfull estate of condemnation Verse 14. Come I will counsell thee such things as this people shall do to thy people in the latter dayes Heere we haue set downe vnto vs the cheefe occasion of that great iudgement which fell vpon the people wherein foure twenty thousand perished as appeareth in the chapt following namely the diuellish counsell of Balaam which hee gaue vnto Balak to draw the people into fornication But it may seeme at the first sight that Balaam speaketh very vnproperly For whereas he sayth I will counsell thee such things as this people shall doe to thy people some may suppose he should rather haue sayde I will counsell thee such things as thou and thy people shall do to the people of Israel Notwithstanding if wee consider the words aright we shall see his meaning to bee so in effect So then if we marke what the people of God should do to them wee shall finde what they shall do to the people of God The Israelites as we see in the seuenteenth Verse Shall smite the coasts of Moab and destroy them subdue them and bring them vnder so was the drift of his counsell to lay a plot and prepare a snare whereby the Israelites shold be weakned and many thousands of them destroyed by the hand of God As if hee should say I know this people whom thou hatest shall waste and weaken thy posterity in time to come but hearken vnto mee and obey my counsell I will shew thee how thou shalt ruine them and compasse theyr destruction and so do vnto them that which they shall do vnto thy people Thus we see the wickednes of Balaams heart to bee exceeding great who when he was restrained from cursing opened his mouth to wicked counsell thereby the children of Israel fell into horrible sinnes and drew vpon themselues heauy punishments ●ctrine 〈◊〉 an horri● 〈◊〉 to giue 〈◊〉 counsell Hereby we learne That to giue euill counsell is a greeuous sinne It is not enough for vs to abstaine from doing euill but wee must beware of this great sinne that we do not counsell any to
voluptuousnes and sensuality which could not be subdued by warre or witchcraft according to the receiued opinion Difficili●● es● voluptatem vincere 〈◊〉 d●●erem It is harder to ouercome prosperity then aduersity and pleasure then sorrow Indeed we are compassed about with many tentations and the subtle serpent layeth baytes before vs of all sorts some on the right hand and other on the left hand yet none are more dangerous or deceitfull then such as come masking vnder the vizard of honour pleasure profit and preferment as we see in Dauid in Sampson in Salomon in Lot in Noah and in the Israelites in this place all which were caught with these hookes Wherfore Moses hauing already set downe what outward dangers they had ouerpassed threatning theyr ruine and working together to stop their passage into the Land of Canaan now he declareth an inward danger greater then the former arising from themselues and setled in theyr owne bowels euen theyr owne sinnes against the first second Table which had consumed them in the Wildernesse vnlesse God in mercy had bene appeased toward them at the intercession of Moses and the execution of Phinehas Such is our weaknesse in all our wayes and thus wee halt in our obedience so that our strength is to confesse our owne frailty and a step toward perfection is to acknowledge our owne imperfection Hauing therefore in the chapters going before considered the entrance into this history as also the history it selfe of Balak and Balaam let vs now heare the end and conclusion of all in this chapter wherein wee are to consider three things First the sinne of the Israelites committed against God Secondly the reconciliation and attonement whereby his wrath is pacified Thirdly the commandement and decree of God against the Midianites through whom the scandall and offence came Touching the first point deliuered in this diuision which is the sinne of the people the Spirit of God setteth downe both the circumstances and substance thereof For first it is described by the time when it was committed by the place where it was committed and by the meanes or maner how it was committed The time and place were while the Israelites rested and remained in the plaine of Moab ●t Shittim which is the two and forty mansion and the last place where they pitched their tents in the wildernes as appeareth in the three and thirty chapter of this book of Numbers ver 50 which serueth to increase the greatnesse of their sinne in that being now brought by the prouidence and mighty hand of GOD to the frontiers and confines of the land of promise they doe shamefully and shamelessely fall from him The manner and occasion of theyr sinne was in that the Moabites and Midianite brethren in euill combined together both to one purpose by Balaams counsell made theyr daughters common to entice and allure the Israelites beeing no doubt adorned with whorish attyre decked in all wanton and lasciuious manner fit to bring them to their lure and loue or rather lust and so to worke theyr ouerthrow as we see Salomon describing the harlot painteth her out in her colours and cunning that shee maybe well knowne better detested Prou. 3 4. and 6 24 25. and 7 10 11. and 9 13 14.15 Thus much of the circumstances of theyr sinne Touching the substance of theyr sinnes we are to obserue both theyr wicked facts and theyr obstinate contumacy and setled continuance in their sinne Their facts or actions are noted to be these three First bodily fornication and vncleannesse condemned in the seuenth Commandement defiling the hoast hindering true sanctification and estranging them from God who is a God of purity and holinesse and who commanded them to bee holy Secondly Idolatry which is spirituall fornication forbidden in the first Commandement which prohibiteth vs to haue to acknowledge and worship strange gods This is vtterly to renounce our faith to God the Husband of his Church to defile the marriage couenant Hosea 2 19. and to deny that true Religion into which we are entred Thirdly they coupled themselues to Baal-Peor that is to the Image of Baal which was adored and worshipped in Mount Peor Numb 23 32. where no doubt the Idoll had some Shrine or Chappell erected for his seruice ●●cel lib. 4. 〈◊〉 1● l●b 〈◊〉 vlt. in like manner as the Papists do call her the Lady of Lauretto which is worshipped in that place With this filthy and detestable Idoll they ioyned themselues and worshipped it with diuine worship and consequently renounced the worship of God being made one body with the Idolaters For when once his worship is mingled and corrupted the true God is turned into an Idoll such worship is Idolatry and abhomination in his sight for as the Prophet saith If God be God follow him if Baal bee God follow him 1 Kings 18 21. Now in setting downe these sinnes marke how the Israelites fell into them by steps and degrees If the Moabitish women had at the first tempted them to worship Baal and had said vnto thē Come let vs go serue strange gods no doubt they would haue detested and abhorred so great wickednesse But Satan is a more expert and cunning workman and his instruments are more subtle and wise in theyr generation Therefore first they call them to their feasts and banquets to eate of the meates and delicates that they had prepared and afterward they draw them to Idolatry which for the most part hath fornication a companion with it as we shall see hereafter further opened vnto vs. The next point is their obstinacy and continuance in the dregs of their sinnes ioyned with shamelesnesse and hardnesse of heart But because all stubbornnes and contuma●y presupposeth of necessity both reproofe and chastisement Moses setteth downe the obseruation of this course and order For first the chiefe heads of that people which fell to commit Idolatry and fornication were apprehended and executed before the going downe of the Sunne to pacifie the wrath of the Lord lest if that wickednesse had remained vnpunished the whole body of the people should be defiled Thus God declareth Acts 10 34 35. That with him is no respect of persons but as he that doth righteously is accepted of him so he that prouoketh him sinneth against his owne soule The higher the place of men is the greater is their sinne who hurt more by theyr example then by their offence Thus the chiefe in the offence are also the chiefe in the punishment After this hanging vp of the heads of this rebellion he chargeth the Iudges and Officers of the people that had kept themselues pure and vndefiled to kill al those with the sword that had sinned against the Lord which belonged to their charge and iurisdiction according to the ordinance of God and order that he had established Exod. 18 25 appointing them to bee Rulers ouer hundreds Rulers ouer fifties Rulers ouer tens Thus the wrath of God was appeased
the Apostle Iohn noteth in the Nicolaitanes Reuel 2 14 20 who maintained the doctrine of Balaam counselling Balak to lay a stumbling blocke before the children of Israel perswading to eate of the things sacrificed to Idols and alluring vnto fornication This he reprooueth in the false Prophetesse whom for her leud qualities he calleth Iezabel who deceiued the seruants of God to make them commit fornication and to eate meates that were sacrificed vnto idols Thus it fareth with the Nations that know not God they are ignorant of the duties which are due vnto men The Turkes that haue seated their Empire in the East and made a mixture of all Religions to the end they might draw some of all sorts vnto themselues doe professe and practise most abhominable vices euen by the doctrine of their Alcoran 〈◊〉 chap. 41. ● 3. where that false Prophet Mahomet alloweth a man to haue foure wiues and to keepe fifteene Concubines he forbiddeth any to be accused of adultery vnder foure witnesses and accounteth those most holy men which accōpany with beasts The Church of Rome defiling the worship of God by detestable idolatry as grosse as the Heathen committed and in some part exceeding all the idolatry of the Heathen in that they worship a breaden god maintaine filthinesse and vncleannesse sundry waies First in the tolleration of the Stewes flat against the Commandement of God Deut. 23 17. There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel neither shal ther be an whorekeeper among the sons of Israel This tolleration is a flat occasion to many young men and women that otherwise might abstaine from this kinde of wickednes And what monstrous impiety is this when father and sonne Brother and Brother Vncle and Nephew shall come to one and the same harlot one before or after the other Secondly they deny marriage as an vnholy thing to their holy Cleargy and thereby open a gappe to all kinde of pollutions contrary to the expresse word of God that a Byshop should be the husband of one wife and that marriage is left free and accounted honourable in all and the bed vndefiled 1 Tim. 3 2. Heb. 13 4. Thirdly not to stand further in ripping vppe these enormities in this place their Law alloweth the marriage of any persons beyond the fourth degree 〈…〉 whereby in some cases followeth incest Al these testimonies and examples being thus layde together doe teach vs that corruption of manners and lewdnesse of life doe alwayes accompany defects and defilings in the true Religion Let vs come to consider the causes to make it more plaine and euident vnto vs. First such Reason 1 is the iudgment and iustice of God punishing one sin with another giuing ouer such as make no conscience to know or acknowledge God into a reprobate sence and appointing them to be vessels of shame and dishonour This is the reason which the Apostle directly handleth Rom. 1 25 26. They turned the truth of God into a lie seruing the creature and forsaking the Creator which is blessed for euer Amen for this cause God gaue them vp vnto vile affections for euen their women did change the naturall vse into that which is against nature and likewise also the men left the naturall vse of the woman burned in their lust one toward another and man with man wrought filthinesse and receiued in themselues such recompence of their errour as was meete Where we see the Apostle charging the Gentiles with turning the glory of the incorruptible God to the similitude of the image of a corruptible man and so regarded not to serue him declareth that God gaue thē vp to their hearts lustes and deliuered them vp into a reprobate minde so that they committed vncleannesse they defiled their owne bodies betweene themselues did those things which are not conuenient So the same Apostle in another place teacheth That God shall send them strong delusions that they should beleeue lies that all they might bee damned which beleeued not the truth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnesse 2 Th. 2 11 12. This dealing is righteous in God being a punishment for sinne howsoeuer it be wicked in the committers Secondly the first Table containeth the great and chiefe Commandements and the second is like vnto it Math. 22 38. So then all prophanenes is as a bitter and poysoned root infecting farre and neere and as a Tree that ouershadoweth all good hearbs that they cannot grow vp or prosper Our Sauior Christ making the summe of the first Table to consist in louing God with all our heart with all our soule and with all our minde calleth this the first and the great Commandement as the fountaine and foundation of the other So the Apostle Iohn making the loue to God and to men necessarily to concurre and accompany one another saith If any man say I loue God and yet hate his brother he is a liar for how can he that loueth not his brother whom he hath seene loue God whom he hath not seene 1 Iohn chapter 4 verse 20. And hence it commeth to passe that where men haue not the feare of God and the knowledge of his Name they become abhominable in all their doings Thirdly the diuell ruleth worketh in such as make no care to know God but walke according to the course of this world in superstition in idolatry The Apostle sheweth this to be the cause why they had their conuersation in times past in the lusts of the flesh in the fulfilling of the will of the flesh and of the minde and were by nature the Children of wrath as well as others Because they were ruled by the Prince that ruleth in the aire the spirit that worketh in all the children of disobedience Ephes 2 2 3. Let vs now proceed to the Vses First we Vse 1 learne from hence that wee may iustly feare all iniurious vniust and vncleane dealing and looke for fraud and oppression where there is no true Religion established and professed When Abraham went down into Egypt with his wife and afterward soiourned in the land of Gerar among the Philistims where was no true knowledge of the true God hee thought thus with himselfe Surely the feare of God is not in this place they will slay me for my wiues sake and thereby was moued to deny the protection of his wife and to say shee was his Sister Gen. 12 12. 20 11. This is to be expected looked for from all such places and persons that haue in them no religion of Christ no godlines of life no feare of God we must prepare our selues to endure all hard wrongfull dealing at their hands Wee see this in the example of the Sodomites toward Lot Gen. 19 9. in the inhabitants of Gibeah toward the Leuite and his wife Iudg. 1● 22. For where the feare of God ruleth not there is no vertue no truth no mercy no honesty no sobriety no conscience They refraine not violence
the sinne might be knowne and the men also knowne that do commit it And to what end doth the Apostle Iohn tell vs 1 Iohn 5 ver 16. There is a sinne to death and of seeing our brother sinne vnto death If then it may be seene it may be knowne And hence it is that when the Church saw Iulian the Apostata who had bin enlightned with the truth and bin zealous in the profession of it to despite God openly to lift vp himselfe against his word and to make a mocke of all religion they would haue no more to do with him they accounted him as a diuell and they prayed with one consent against him that God would confound and destroy him They did not pray vnto God for his conuersion and to giue him a new heart but because he could not repent being past amendment they called vpon God to hasten his condemnation that he might shew thereby what account he maketh of his most holie truth Last of all we ought to haue a care to bee Vse 3 helpfull and profitable to the Church and to be zealous in the seruice of God that thereby to the comfort of our selues and our posterity we may carry a sweet remembrance a blessed report in the Church for euer The loue of Mary in annointing Christ with the precious oyle which she powred on his head is promised by Christ to bee remembred for euer in what place of the worlde soeuer the Gospel shold be published Verily I say vnto you whersoeuer this Gospel shal bee preached throughout all the world there shall also this that she hath done be spoken of for a memoriall of her Matth. 26 13. The praise of Iehoiada is recorded in Scripture he dyed an old man and full of dayes they buried him in the City of Dauid with the Kings because hee had done good in Israel and toward God his house 2 Chr. 14 16. This serueth to reprooue such as care not at all what men thinke or speak of them and regard not what name they haue good or bad what report is giuen of them honorable or dishonorable sweet or rotten so they may preuayle in their purposes Cicer. of f●ic l 1. and bring to effect their diuellish deuices An heathen man could say It is the part of a retchlesse and dissolute man to neglect what a man sayth of him Salomon teacheth vs that a good name is more to bee desired then great riches and a louing fauour more then siluer and gold Pro. 22 1 Eccles 7 3 This is not attained by flattery or falshood but by godlinesse and righteousnesse by humility and an vpright conscience Riches are fraile and transitory subiect to vanity and corruption but a good name and louing fauour remaine for euer So the Prophet describing the blessednes of the man that feareth the Lord and delighteth in his commandements sayth that he shal neuer be moued but the righteous shal bee had in perpetual remembrance Ps 112.6 A good name is better then a great name And albeit the godly be despised in the world yet God will aduance theyr estimation giue thē a sweet sauour among all good men True it is sinfull men are magnified of sinners for euen the sinners loue those that loue them Luke 6 32. to receyue the like of them againe yet they shall bee made abhominable vnto the Saints and their name shall bee cursed and as much loathed as the filthy fauour of his carkasse that lyeth rotting in the graue So then seeing shame shall be as an vnseparable companion of wickednesse and no man can separate those things which God hath ioyned together on the other side heere is comfort to the godly that GOD will vndertake the protection of their names so that no creature shall bee able to rob them of it but as he preserueth them to saluation so he will maintayne their credit and estimation Wee see this in many the deare seruants of God who albeit they haue had their names for a time diminished impayred yet they haue beene restored and recouered The name of Naboth was greatly blemished with the slanderous imputation of treason and blasphemy but that momentary shame is swallowed vp and recompensed with euerlasting honour throughout all generations 1 King 21.10 The like wee might say of Cranmer Ridley Latimer Hooper Bradford Philpot and many other the deare seruants of God that gaue their liues for the truth howsoeuer they were condemned for heretikes yet they are renowned for Saints and shall be so acknowledged to the end of the world 16 Againe the Lord spake vnto Moses saying 17 Vexe the Midianites and smite them 18 For they trouble you with their wiles wherewith they haue beguiled you as concerning Peor and as concerning their sister Cosbi the daughter of a Prince of Midian which was slaine in the day of the plague because of Peor We haue hitherto in this chapter handled the transgression of the Israelites and the reconciliation of God Now remayneth the decree and determination of God against the Midianites For after that God had chastened his owne people and iudgement hath begun to breake out against the house of God hee riseth vp in wrath and indignation as a iust Iudge against his enemies Heerein we are to marke two things First the commandement Secondly the reasons or causes of the commandement The commandement and charge directed vnto Moses in this Smite and slay the Midianites Thus doth wickednesse returne vpon the heads of the authors thereof These enemies being drawne into the league to take part with the Moabites had conspired against Israel soght to subdue them not by strength but by sensuality nor by force of warre but by lasciuiousnesse and wantonnesse of women Now the wheele is turned vpon themselues the stone is rolled vpon them that first stirred it and mischiefe falleth vpon the first contriuers Obiect But heere out of this commandement arise two questions fit to be mooued and worthy to be discussed First inasmuch as God euery where forbiddeth reuenging of our owne causes and quarrels why doth hee now permit and prouoke the people of Israel therunto as if they were not by nature prone enough to vengeance I answere Answ there is a double kinde of reuenge one priuate the other publicke Priuate reuenge is that which proceedeth from the priuate motion of our corrupt nature seeking to satisfie our owne malice with the hurt of others This is forbidden by our Sauiour Christ Mathew 5 44 commanding vs to loue our enemies and to ouercome euill with good Publique reuenge is that which is commanded and warranted by God being imposed vpon vs either mediatly by authority of the Magistrate or immediatly by the secret instinct of the Spirit This is allowed and lawfull as we saw before in Phinehas and others inasmuch as it proceedeth not from the corruption of nature but from the inspiration of God For God the iust reuenger of all wickednesse may vse the ministery of
men and Angels to execute his purposes so often as it pleaseth him Another question arising out of this Commandement Obiection is touching the persons against whom it is directed as the first was touching the persons to whom it was directed For why should the Midianites be named onely seeing the Moabites also were the professed enemies of the Israelites seeking their ruine and hyring Balaam to curse them I answer Answer the Moabites did not escape but were also punished as appeareth euidently Deut. 23 6. But the Midianites are first in the punishment because albeit they were farther off yet they had the cheefest hand and carried the greatest stroke in this wickednes who made their daughters common yea euen the cheefest among them by the counsell of Balaam as we saw by one example in this Chapter the like whereof we do not reade to haue bene in the Moabites Besides after that Balaam was departed we reade not that the Moabites attempted any thing against Israel but the Midianites gaue the Sorcerer farther entertainment and ceased not as may be presumed presupposed to plot and contriue their destruction Hitherto of the commandement the first part of this diuision the reasons enforcing the commandement follow to be considered which are two in number First because they cunningly gulled and craftily circumuented the people of God Secondly because they allured them both to idolatry and to fornication For this is the meaning of the words when Moses saith They haue beguiled you as concerning Peor and as concerning their sister Cozbi And hereunto Iohn pointeth in the Reuelation saying Balaam taught Balak to put a stumbling blocke before the children of Israel that they should eate of things sacrificed to Idols and commit fornication Reue. 2 14. Both these reasons may be gathered into one and thus concluded If the Midianites drew you into sinne and brought vpon you the plague of God then spare not to smite them But the Midianites drew you into sinne and brought vpon you the plague of God Therefore spare not you to smite them This is the force and strength of the reason to mooue the Israelites to make themselues strong and to be of good courage assuring themselues that God will giue them victory enable them to destroy them that did compasse their destruction Thus wee haue seene the interpretation of the text and the order of the words This is the naturall meaning intended by the Spirit of God But before we passe any further it shall not bee amisse a little to consider the notable abuse of this place and of other Scriptures auouched by some of the Church of Rome For one of late Alabast apparat in Reuel Ies Chr. not onely a common professor of our Religion but a publike Preacher of the same in our Church hath reuolted from vs through some worldly tentations runne into our enemies campe lifted vp his heele against vs and in bitter and biting manner rayled at vs. This man wanting no good will to write against vs and yet finding no strength in himselfe to deale against vs out of euident and plaine Scripture hath turned all into allegories and out of his inward and hidden senses wresteth and wringeth all things against the Protestants As for example when the Lord in this place is saide to haue spoken to Moses in this manner Vexe the Midianites and smite them because they troubled you with their wiles and beguiled you as concerning Peor Apparat in Reuel cap. 6. pag 96. the meaning according to his interpretation is this Christ said to the Vicar of Christ Suppresse the writings of heretikes and confute them because they trouble you with their guiles and make their false doctrines appeare beautifull to the shew and outward appearance the heretickes receiuing a counterfeit word in stead of the true Scripture which is condemned in the day of the Popes censure Behold here the heauy iudgment of God vpon this man since his apostacy and reuolting from the true Church to the Synagogue of Antichrist Are not here strange proofes and farre set interpretations to proue the Pope to be the Vicar of Christ that the writings of heretiques are to bee suppressed and that the heretiques themselues doe deceiue and delude the world vnder a colour of the word of God a pretence of the bare literall meaning Apparat. cap. 1 7. And yet this is the profound inward mysticall and right Scripture that he so often boasteth of But let the indifferent reader iudge whether this manner of interpretation bee not the highway to set vp all Atheisme to ouerthrow the authority and certainty of the Scripture to shake the foundation of true religion to leaue no grounds for Christians to stand vpon And this hath beene the ancient practice of such disciples as haue learned such diuinity in the schooles of Antichrist It is well known that Pighius compared the Scriptures to a nose of waxe and to a rule of Lead Pigh hi●● lib. cap. 3. Cens C●lon pag. 112. Cusan epist 2 7 The censure of Colen affirmeth the like in the same words And to the same purpose Cardinall Cusane teacheth that the Scriptures must be expounded diuersly and framed to the time practice of the Church so that at one time they are to bee vnderstood and interpreted one way and at another time another way These are some of those bolde blasphemies which many of the Popes Minions haue vttered to the world Now such as apply the Scriptures to their owne fancies turne them into allegories do not come farre behind the former If we suffer the Scriptures of God to be thus wrested and corrupted the Religion of Christ cannot long continue If a man pull down the foundation of an house whereon it standeth or shake the maine pillars whereon it leaneth the house it selfe cannot long hold out but must fall downe The Church of God is builded vpon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Eph. 2 20. so long as the doctrine contayned in them is maintayned and kept pure and vndefiled the Church shall stand vpright and remaine without danger of being shaken in peeces But when once it beginneth to be mingled with the chaffe of mans inuention or infected with the poyson of the diuels deuice by and by it tottereth decayeth vntill in the end no remedy being prouided it languish and die Now to apply this to our present purpose howsoeuer some glory of the hidden senses of Scripture which they haue found out and please themselues in their foolish conceits it is no better then to make merchandice of the word and to turne the truth of God into a lye 2. Cor. 2 17. For whereas out of this commandement of God charging Moses to slay the Midianites that troubled Israel with their guiles and drew them to fornication this construction is gathered that Moses is the Vicar of Christ that the Midianites signifie the writings of heretiques with such like trash the onely
diuels Fish in the sea that is all soules in Purgatory Moreouer as this course of interpretation turneth the Scripture into Allegories so it ouerturneth the rules of Interpretation Saint Augustine in his famous bookes of Christian Doctrine handleth at large the manner how to expound the Scripture and what wayes are to be taken to find out the true meaning therof De doct chri lib. 1. 2 3 Hieron in Esai cap. 19 Where he teacheth that seeing the loue of God and of our neighbour is the end of the whole Scripture that must be a false interpretation which doth not build vp in this loue that we must expound the darke places by the plaine the fewer by the greater number that the study of artes knowledge of the toongs is necessary that we must expound Scripture by Scripture that wee must distinguish betweene precepts precepts betweene those that are giuen to all and those that were particularly directed to certaine persons that we must diligently marke all circumstances what goeth before and what followeth after that we must pray vnto him that is the Author of the Scriptures who onely is able to reueale the meaning of his owne word These rules are diligently to be considered of al those that come to expound the Scriptures As for hidden and secret sences we know them not we acknowledge them not we beleeue them not but leaue them to those that seeke an hidden diuinity and a secret religion deuised in their owne braines which will not abide the tryall of the light And thus much touching the true vnderstanding of this diuision and of ouerthrowing the false interpretation thereof now let vs come to the Doctrines that arise out of the same Verse 16. Againe the Lord spake vnto Moses saying c. We heard before the heauy wrath of God that fell vpon the Israelites the heads of thē were hanged the rest of the people were plagued with a sore plague there died in one day foure and twenty thousand But did the Midianites escape the hand of God that were the enticers of them who offered theyr daughters that they should commit fornication with them No they did not escape God giueth Moses charge to draw the sword against them and to destroy them Heere then we are to obserue the order which God obserueth in punishing The Midianites sinned first but the Israelites are first punished The Israelites sinned after the Midianites but the Midianites are punished after them From this course of Gods iudgements Doctrine God doth first chasten his owne people wee learne this Doctrine that God first chasteneth his owne people Howsoeuer he will not suffer the vngodly to escape nor to goe away without punishment but executeth his iust iudgments against them yet he will begin with his owne Church lay the rod vpon them in the first place He could if it had pleased him haue punished these Midianites first as the principal authors of all this mischiefe but he beginneth in iustice with his Church which were drawne to idolatry and adultery by them Thus the Lord dealt with Moses and Aaron when the people murmured through want of water repented of their going out of Egypt and rebelling against God assembling themselues in tumultuous manner against the seruants of GOD that had led them in the wildernesse and carried them in safety as vpon Eagles wings These were the first and chiefe in the offence yet because Moses and Aaron beleeued not the Lord to sanctifie him in the presence of the children of Israel they were first punished and not suffered to bring the congregation into the land which hee had giuen them Num. 20 12. This wee see further confirmed vnto vs in the latter end of the booke of Iob he had indeed offended God and spoken vnaduisedly with his lippes but his three friends had offended much more grossely then he for the wrath of God was kindled against them because they had not spoken of him the thing that is right like his seruant Iob Iob 42 7. Neuerthelesse Iob is rebuked first albeit he were the party that had lesse offended First God findeth fault with Iob and secondly hee findeth fault with his companions The holy history teacheth vs that Iehoshaphat ioyned in affinity with Ahab and went into the battell with him True it is he sinned grieuously in helping the wicked and louing them that hated the Lord for the which he is reproued of the Prophet yet many good things were found in him and he was righteous in respect of Ahab 2. Chron. 19 1 notwithstanding the wrath of the Lord began first to fal vpon him and he had perished in the fight being compassed by his enemies vnlesse hee had cryed vnto the Lord to helpe him who moued them to depart from him 2 Chron. 18.31 This is it which the Prophet Ieremy declareth at large shewing the order of the Lords proceeding in punishing such as sinne against him first he will rayse vp the Caldeans to chastice his Church and then the Caldeans themselues shall not escape I will send and take to me all the families of the North and I will bring them against this Land against the inhabitants therof and this whole land shall bee desolate and an astonishment and these nations shall serue the King of Babel seuenty yeeres when the seuenty yeares are accomplished c. Ier. 25 9 11 12. This is it which the Prophet complaineth of in the Psalme These are the wicked yet prosper they alwayes and encrease in riches Certainely I haue cleansed my heart in vaine washed mine hands in innocency c. Psal 73 12 13. And if we consider eyther the state of the Church generally or the condition of the members of the Church particularly we may in all times and ages see the truth of this doctrine and conclude with the Apostle Peter The time is come that iudgment must begin with the house of God 1. Pet. 4 17. Reason 1 The reasons will further open vnto vs the certainty of this truth and serue to cleare the iustice of God in obseruing this order For first as hee that honoureth the Lord shall bee honoured so they that despise the Lord shall be despised 2. Sam. 2 30. But none more dishonour GOD then his seruants offending against him whose sinnes presse him downe as the sheaues do a cart They open the mouthes of the vngodly to speake euil of God and his trueth If then Gods owne people the lot of his inheritance doe despise him and cause his Name to be blasphemed if they neglect his honour and turne his mercies vnto security and his grace into wantonnesse and so with a proud heart and an high hand set themselues against it can he beare it and wil hee not be reuenged on such a nation as this 1. Sam. 12.14 Rom. 2 24. There can be no greater despite done vnto a man then when his owne children rise against him and offer all villany vnto him So
there can be no greater dishonour offered vnto the most High God then when the sonnes of his owne house the seruants of his owne family and the flocke of his owne pasture rebell and resist against him The sinne of the Iewes is greater then of the Gentiles which sinned of knowledge and not of ignorance and therefore should receiue the greater punishment and be beaten with moe stripes as our Sauiour teacheth Luke 12 47. We are not therefore to maruel if they come into iudgment that they may be despised as they haue despised him For seeing no sinnes are greater then the sinnes of his owne chosen they must first taste the scourge of his hand as they haue contemned him and his glory Reason 2 Secondly his owne people haue the first and greatest experience of his mercies They haue the chiefest and choisest priuiledges and prerogatiues of his graces aboue all the wicked True it is all mankinde tasteth abundantly of Gods liberall and bountifull hand to make them without excuse but to the sonnes and daughters of the Almighty All the pathes of the Lord are mercy and truth the secrets of the Lord are reuealed to them that feare him and his couenant to giue them vnderstanding Psal 25 10 14. Hee calleth not them his seruants For the seruant knoweth not what his master doth but he calleth them his friends for all things which he hath heard of his Father hath hee made knowne to them Iohn 15 15. This is that reason which the Prophet pointeth vnto when he saith Loe I begin to plague the citty where my Name is called vpon Ier. 25 29 As if he should say I haue set my Name there I haue giuen them my word I haue fed them as from mine owne table therefore they shal not escape This is it which the Apostle meaneth when he saith I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ c. Rom. 1 16. Whereby he declareth that God keepeth this order to offer grace first vnto his own people VVhen Christ sent out his disciples hee commanded them not to go into the way of the Gentiles neyther to enter into the citties of the Samaritanes But to goe rather to the lost sheepe of the house of Israel Math. 10.6 And when the Apostle saw the Iewes full of enuy and speake against those things which were preached vnto them he said behold It was necessary that the word of God should first haue bin spoken vnto you but seeing yee put it from you and iudge your selues vnworthy of euerlasting life loe we turne to the Gentiles Acts 13 46. Seeing then that this is the constant order that God obserueth to bestow his blessings first vpon his seruants it followeth that for the abuse of them they must first feele his punishments The greater loue they haue abused the greater punishment shall bee inflicted vpon them This is it which the Apostle remembreth Tribulation and anguish shal be vpon the soule of euery one that doth euil Rom. 2.9 Let vs now make vse of this doctrine which Vse 1 hath beene made plaine to our consciences First this serueth to ouerthrow the Church of Rome who dreame of a Church set in outward pompe and glory Bellar. de not eccl lib. 4 cap. 18. and make it a note of the Church to haue temporall felicity to haue earthly triumphs to haue victories and good successe in warre against their enemies as also the vnhappy end of the enemies of the Church For our doctrine teacheth vs that the Church is oftner without this flourishing estate in outward happinesse then it doth enioy it The Kingdome of Christ is not of this world The Lord declareth to Abraham that for a surety his seede should bee a stranger in a land that is not theirs foure hundred yeares and shall serue them and they shall intreat them euil Gen. 15.13 So he threatned by his Prophet Ieremy and performed it that they were carried into captiuity seuenty yeares verifying that which is spoken I haue forsaken mine house I haue left mine heritage I haue giuen the dearely beloued of my soule into the hands of her enemies Ierem. 12 7. Hence it is that Christ sayth oftentimes In the world yee shall haue trouble ye shall weepe lament and the world shall reioyce Ioh. 16 7.33 The Apostle teacheth That all which will liue godly in Christ Iesus shall suffer persecution 2. Tim. 3.12 It is a worthy sentence recorded by the Prophet Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints howsoeuer the world doe account of them Psal 116 15. It is made a note of the Turkish Religion to haue externall felicity to abound in earthly prosperity It is the heauenly felicity and euerlasting happines which belongeth to the true Church and is proper to it Therefore one of their owne writers though not so absurd in opinion and corrupt in iudgment as most of that side Espens in 2 Tim. 3. faith The crosse is a note of the Church Christ foretold vs of troubles but false Christs of peace and prosperity So then by the confession of this man they must be accounted false Prophets that make outward glory and renowne to bee the true markes of the true Church And if we should necessarily vrge this as any priuiledge of the Church we should long agoe haue condemned the Prophets the Apostles the Patriarks Martyrs yea the sonne of God himselfe Christ Iesus who wanted the fauour of the world suffered the reproch of the crosse and gaue vp their liues vnto the death that they might receiue a better resurrection If the Church of Rome condemne these wee are content they should condemne vs if they iustifie them they must condemne themselues and renounce this outward felicity as a false note of the Church Vse 2 Secondly we may from this vsuall order of Gods punishments conclude that the vngodly shall neuer escape albeit for a time they be free GOD hath most assuredly determined to inflict great and grieuous punishments vpon the wicked and vngodly that are his enemies howsoeuer he beare for a season with the vessels of wrath This the Prophet is sent to tell the King of Babel and that nation and sundry other people Thus sayth the Lord of hoasts yee shall certainely drinke for loe I begin to plague the citty where my Name is called vpon and should you goe free yee shall not goe quit for I will call for a sword vpon all the inhabitants of the earth Ier. 25 29. This wee see likewise in the Prophet Habakuk first the Lord raysed vp the Caldeans a bitter and furious nation whose horses were swifter then the Leopards and fiercer then the wolues to chastise his owne people and afterward the Caldeans themselues shall be spoyled Chapter 2. This serueth as a terror to all vngodly men to consider that howsoeuer GOD beginneth to chastise those of his owne houshold when hee doth purpose to bring a plague vppon a land and beginneth not at the
they haue gone into warre to fight with their enemies they haue called vpon his name and receyued great comfort This we see euidently in the practise of Ioshua who prayed vnto him in the day when hee gaue the Amorites before the children of Israel Ioshua chap. 10. verses 12 14. Sunne stay thou in Gibeon and thou Moone in the valley of Aialon and there was no day like that day before it nor after it that the Lord heard the voice of a man for the Lord fought for Israel When the Philistines were assembled against Israel the children of Israel sayde to Samuel Cease not to cry vnto the Lord our God for vs that hee may saue vs out of the hand of the Philistines 1 Samuel chapt 7. verses 8 9 10. Samuel cried vnto the Lord who heard him and thundered with a great thunder that day vppon the Philistines and scattered them so they were slaine before Israel And there is a notable example hereof recorded in the first of the Chronicles the fift chapter and the 20. verse touching the sonnes of Reuben of Gad and of halfe the Tribe of Manasseh They were holpen against the Hagarims who were deliuered into their hand and all that were with them for they cryed to God in the battell and hee heard him because they trusted in him If then God do in mercy heare the prayers of those that call vpon his most holy name going vnto the warre and preparing themselues vnto the battaile wee cannot doubt of the lawfulnesse of the worke it selfe seeing almighty God vseth not to heare those that goe about euill but sendeth his curse vppon them Fourthly the word of God setteth downe Reason 4 the duties of those that manage the matters of the field as of the King of the Captaine of the common souldier which it would neuer do if the callings were vnlawfull For as wee conclude marriage to be lawfull and an honorable ordinance of God because the Scripture setteth forth the duties of maried persons aswell of the husband toward the wife as the wife toward her husband so in as much as we finde the duties of such as go to war aswel of those that are commanders as of those that are vnder commandement described plentifully and fully in the booke of God wee cannot call the lawfulnes of their office in question Hence it is that the Lord teacheth Ioshua the duties of his calling Iosh 1 6 that he should be strong and of a good corage that he shold meditate in the booke of the Law and assure himselfe that he would be with him and not leaue him nor forsake him so that there shold not a man be able to withstand him all the daies of his life So when the soldiers came to Iohn Baptist to bee instructed how to leade their liues and to bee directed how to escape the wrath of God to come Luke 3.14 he said vnto them Do violence to no man neither accuse any falsely and be content with your wages The particular handling and setting downe of these duties inforceth the acknowledgement of the lawfulnes of the calling Reason 5 Lastly we shall see the lawfulnes of warres if wee consider the lawfull causes of a lawfull warre The first is the defence of true religion against the oppugners thereof as appeareth by the words of Ahijah to Ieroboam and all Israel 2 Chron. 13 6. The second is that such as are oppressed for religion may bee freed and deliuered as we see in the histories of the Iudges who raised wars to deliuer the opprested and distressed people out of the bloody hands of the cruell oppressors The third is for the necessary defence of the Commonwealth by repulsing iniuries offred Iudg. 11 13 ● Sam. 10 4. ● Chron. 14 9 1 Sam. 30 18. Genes 14.16 1 Chron. 18.1 by reuenging indignities and assaults and by recouering things lost as their wiues their sonnes their daughters their goods their possessions their cities their substance dominions The ouerthrow of the Commonwealth bringeth the ruine of the Churches peace For as the flourishing estate of the Commonwealth maintaineth and furthereth the Churches peace Ieremy 29 7. so when the Common-wealth is spoiled the libertie and freedome of the Church is diminished as appeareth in sundry places of the Lamentations ●amen 1 4 5. Vse 1 Let vs now make vse of this doctrine and apply it to our instruction First it is required of euery one to haue courage Wee must not grow feeble and faint-hearted we should not feare nor be discouraged but be bold as in the worke of the Lord assuring our selues that the Lord is our strength who teacheth our hands to fight and our fingers to battell Psalme 144 1. When Hezekiah saw that Zaneherib was come and that his purpose was to fight against Ierusalem he said to his Captaines souldiers Be strong and couragious feare not neither be afraid for the king of Ashur neither for all the multitude that is with him for there is moe with vs then is with him with him is an arme of flesh but with vs is the Lord our God for to helpe vs and to fight our battels 2 Chron. 32 7. This appeareth in the exhortation of Nehemiah when Sanballat and Tobiah conspired to come to fight against Ierusalem to hinder the building of the wall he said Be not afraid of them remember the great Lord and fearfull and fight for your brethren your sonnes and your daughters your wiues and your houses Neh. 4.14 The heathen Captaines that carried their men to battel were alwayes wont as we see in prophane histories to put courage into them not to feare to looke the enemy in the face but their onely or cheefest reason to mooue them was earthly glory that either they should liue in wealth or dye with honor It is not so with the people of God they haue greater Reasons to worke in them the gift of valour and hope of victory True religion therfore doth not weaken the hearts of men and make them Cowards It is no enemy to true fortitude and manhood The Reasons why true Religion giueth courage in battel For first it teacheth and informeth the conscience that the cause and quarrell in which the warriour fighteth is good iust and warrantable by the word of GOD which maketh him stand vpon a sure ground without which knowledge in the heart how vgly how foule how sauage how cruell a thing is the effusion and shedding of blood What an horrible and grisly a spectacle is it to see Villages and Townes burned Cities and Castles ruinated Churches and religious places ouerturned bodies dismembred with Ordnance the ayre infected with stench the ground embrued with blood the country wasted grasse and corne troden downe and spoyled and all places with feare and terror filled Is it not to be esteemed rather a practise of all inhumanity then an exercise of manhood Secondly as true religion establisheth the conscience touching the lawfulnes
or not or another diuerse from it or whether any wise Athenian could precisely tell when and by what workman euery peece and parcell was patched and supplied vntill the old was wholly gone or when and at what time it ceased to bee that ship and became a new ship The Romane Religion is almost become like this shippe it hath bin patched and peeced at seuerall times by cunning workmen there is little or nothing remaining of the old ship wherein Peter fished I meane of that Church wherein they say Peter sate as Bishop one error succeeding another and one heresie making way for another vntill little faith truth is found among them Notwithstanding all the secret conueyances made in that Church it is not hard in very many particular points to shew the beginning proceeding and establishing of the same touching pardons and indulgences touching the Popes supremacy vsurped the Images of the Trinity and the beginning of Idoll worshippe touching the merit of workes forbidding of marriage The Masse one of the greatest Idols began not all at once but came to this height by degrees It were endlesse to name all that might be alledged and to shew how and by whom these points were resisted and the truth euermore defended Secondly this serueth to condemne the Vse 2 foolish practise of popish pilgrims who vndertake long and laborious iournies to Ierusalem and the land of Iudea or to this that Idoll and make it a meritorious worke to visite eyther the Sepulcher of our Lord or the Image of our Lady For albeit this Land haue bin heeretofore famous because the Law came from Sion and the word of the Lord from Ierusalem E●●y 2 3 and because Christ himselfe liued and preached and wrought many miracles there and it be oftentimes called The holy Land yet the presence of Christ infused no holines into it more then into any other place And all the Papists in the world shall neuer be able to prooue that it is more meritorious to goe to Ierusalem in a pilgrims weed then to go to Antioch or Ephesus or Constantinople or any other City in the East or West or that it is more acceptable to God or auaileable to the soule to trauaile thither then for the English to go to London or the French to Paris The house where the King resideth all the while he is there is an honourable house and there the Court lyeth but when the king is once remoued out of the house it is afterward neuer a whit the more honourable for the kings beeing there before so is it in this case albeit Christ in his life time and the daies of his flesh did many great works and wonders in it yet being ascended and the Christian religion also remoued there remaineth no more holines in that place then in any other and therefore it is great vanity and idolatry for any people to practise such impiety These are like to the Pilgrims among the Turkes Sarazens The turkish Pilgrims that go yearely with great shew of deuotion to Meccha to visite the Sepulcher of Mahomet and account it a work very meritorious The Cittie 's Gilgal and Beth-el were sometimes famous and renowned Cities yet true religiō being once remoued the Prophet chargeth the people not to come at them and to haue nothing to doe with them Hos 4 15. Hence it is that Christ saith Iohn 4 23. The true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth If then we may worship God with great benefit to our selues and as great glory to him in our owne Country I see no cause why we should resort to Ierusalem or go on pilgrimage to Rome or any other place forasmuch as we may lift vp pure hands euery where and be heard 1 Tim. 2 8. But thus these crafty workmen keepe the peoples heads busie with outward deuotions and shewes of holinesse that they may not espy their fraud and deceit in greater matters Lastly this teacheth all men how they may Vse 3 make themselues to bee of good name and their houses and habitations truely famous to wit by holinesse and true religion by faith repentance which are the ornaments of all Christians Thus shall the noble man make himselfe and his house truely noble If they worshippe God aright they shall haue true worship with God and man for he will honour them that honour him 1 Sam. chap. 2 verse 30 and without true religion the most noble blood is stayned and taynted and neuer restored since the treason and rebellion of Adam against God For that which maketh a man reprochfull or any place reprochfull is sinne and wickednesse which make our names rotte Prou 10 7. See then the difference betweene the iudgement of God and man Men do commonly magnifie Cities by the stately buildings goodly Monuments that are found in them but this is no true or well grounded fame the true praise and commendation of any City is the piety of the Citizens A well ordered Towne or City embracing zealously true religion The True praise commendation of a City and maintaining the worship of God in integrity drawing out the sword of iustice against vice and countenancing the faithfull in their godly courses is indeede a right famous and flourishing City Ierusalem the City of God and the praise of the world Psal 122 3 4 5. and 87 3 and 48 11 12 13 was neuer so famous for her buildings and stately Towers and outward magnificence as it was for the word and worship of God Wee see then heereby who they are that are the honor and ornament of Cities of Townes and of houses to wit such as honour God and are truely zealous and religious and likewise who are the shame and reproch the blot and blemish the dishonour and disgrace of them to wit such as are wicked and prophane Do we see a City or Towne or priuate house full of drunkards of blasphemers of light and lasciuious persons these are they that poure contempt vpon them and bring shame infamy vnto them Euery one therefore should be carefull to looke to their charges committed vnto them the Magistrate to gouerne the people the Minister to looke to the flock Ouer which the holy Ghost hath made him Ouerseer euery father and mother to haue an eye to their children and euery master and gouernor to looke to their seruants as their seuerall charges that their houses may not be houses of wickednes of riotousnes of deceit of cursing and euill speaking but rather the houses of God All men are ready to condemne the Ministers that are absent from their flockes and to call for residency at their hands but let these look also vpon themselues and consider the duties of their own callings Doubtlesse all Gouernors haue a certaine kinde of residency required at their hands All gouernors of houses haue a kinde of residency required at their hands and their presence is meete to be among them
practised by Iosiah 2 Chron. 34 16. If they cleaue to this rule they must continue if they haue declined they must returne cause others to returne and reforme what hath bin amisse This the Pharisies acknowledged when they said to Christ By what authority dost thou these things c. Mar. 11 28 and Ioh. 1 19 they said to him Who art thou what sayst thou for thy selfe If it bee in the Gospel of Christ or in the bookes of the Prophets and Apostles we must willingly receiue it and be guided by it if not we must refuse it otherwise wee bring vpon our selues manifest destruction Vse 3 Lastly it behoueth all priuate persons that liue in a Church wherein true Religion and the pure worship of GOD is established to submit themselues to those things that are agreeable to the word howsoeuer they bee not agreable to their affections For as wee must giue obedience to the Scriptures Bernard whether they speake as we would haue them or whether they speake not as wee would haue them so in a reformed Church where a priuat man doth dwell if any thing be commanded by authority either agreeing or not agreeing to our affections yet if the same bee agreeable to the Word of God we must yeeld obedience vnto it If the Church command any thing declining from the Law of God hee must be peaceable in refusing and patient in suffering The weapons of a Christian remembring that the onely weapons of a Christian are supplication to God and to man Besides we must know thus much that whosoeuer refuseth to obey that which hath beene vniformely established and aduisedly and moderatly concluded by the whole what priuat persons soeuer refuse to obey had need to do it vpon a sure ground that the same which they refuse is against the Law of God lest it fall out with them as with those that Austine speaketh off who gloried that they suffered persecution but it was for their faults not for their vertues so they that withdraw obedience ought to do it with a good conscience and vpon a sure ground otherwise they can haue no comfort in suffering nor looke for reward after suffering There haue alwayes bin some things amisse in the Church and no Church is or euer was so perfect but somewhat may be found in it worthy reformation so that Christ may say to it as he did to the Churches of Asia Habeo aduersus te pauca I haue somewhat against thee The best Churches wil quickly decline as wee see it fell out to those which were founded by the happy hands of the Apostles themselues that were the chiefe workmen master-builders 63 These are they that were numbred by Moses and Eleazar the Priest c. 64 But among these there was not a man of them whom Moses and Aaron the Priest first numbred c. 65 For the Lord had said of them c. The conclusion of the whole chap. followeth in these words wherein the former numbring is illustrated by place where it was by the persons that did number were numbred al amplified by the contrary that among al these there was not so much as any one man left aliue that came in the former account but they were all of them dead perished in the wildernes except Caleb Ioshua Heere is a great blessing set down likewise a great iudgmēt a blessing in multiplying of them a iudgment in chastifing of them thereby to teach vs that God is faithfull and true both in his promises and also in his threatnings Gen. 15 5. For hee had promised to Abraham that he would multiply his seed exceedingly as the starres of heauen he made this hauock of them Numb 14 35. 1 Cor. 10 5 6. brought this desolation vpon them for their often murmurings mutinies wherefore by his promises let vs be stirred vp to faith obedience by his threatnings be feared terrified from sin Moreouer marke from this fearful example of a generall disobedience or rather conspiracy against God Doctrine A whole m●●titude canno● cleare themselues from iudgment that it is not a whole multitude that can shelter themselues from Gods iudgments when they come vpon them though they bee neuer so many or mighty Though thousands thousand thousands muster together ioyne hand in hand yet they are not able to deliuer thēselues The reasons follow The Lord is iust in all his wayes euen in the works of his iudgments Now iustice giueth Reason 1 equal to them that are equal If then all haue sinned as he is iust in punishing one so he will be iust in punishing all This we see in his casting down all the angels from the heauens that sinned 2 Pet. 2.4 Iude 6. in drowning the whole world in destroying Sodome Gomorrha infinite such like examples Secondly as he is iust righteous so he is strong powerful Many men do well deserue to be called iust yet oftentimes they want power as we see in Daniel toward Ioab when he committed murther complayning of himselfe that he was weake 1 Sam. 3 39. the sons of Zeruiah being martial men were too hard for him It is not so with God he is as powerfull as he is iust therefore he will certainly proceed against whole multitudes be they neuer so many or powerful so that none shal be able to escape vnpunished Thirdly the moe they are that offend the greater is the offence and the greater the dishonor done to God no maruail therefore if hee spare not to ouerthrow great companies in his wrath and sore displeasure For as in a ciuil state the greater the number of rebels is the greater is the offence against the Prince so it is in this case the greater multitude of offenders the greater the oence against Gods and consequently the greater iudgment will fall vpon them Vse 1 This serueth to reproue those that walk on boldly in their sins lift vp their heads without feare because they are many in number great in power thereupon thinke they shall be excused because they are not singular sin not alone Alas this will proue a slender comfort when God shal come to take an account of vs certainly no more then this that as wee sinned not alone so wee shall not be punished alone What benefit hath the theefe that is going to the place of execution to see a traine of many others beare him company Is his iudgment any whit the lesse or is his comfort any whit the more So when the Lord shall come against those that haue broken the couenant with him made a league with hel death what shall it help them or ease them to go to hell with company whereas the yelling and crying of one shal rather adde to the torment misery of another If you thinke God will the sooner respect vs because we are many we deny his iustice and deceiue
and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart much more must wee acknowledge the author and giuer thereof to bee the searcher of the heart so that there is not any creature that is not manifest in his sight but al things are naked and open vnto the eyes of him with whom wee haue to doe Hebrewes 4 12 13. Will any that is brought before a Iudge and standeth in his presence beginne to mocke and iest as with a childe But the Lord is the Iudge of the whole world and he will reward euery man according to his workes Genes 18 25 and 21 49. Deuteronom 10 17 Acts 17 31. Romanes 2 5 6 and 3 6. So then they are desperately euill that dally with their owne saluation halting on both sides swimming betweene two streames and losing their first loue whereby they glorified God and adorned the profession of the Gospel Lastly it is required of euery good and Vse 3 faithfull seruant of God to bee zealous and amend This serueth to giue a watch word and warning to the greatest number of our professors among vs such as are accounted the most peaceable of the kingdome honest men iust dealers and ciuill liuers who can say with the Pharisie in the Gospel they are no theeues nor adulterers nor drunkards nor extortioners they hurt no man they wrong no man they meane well to all they follow their businesse quietly they liue among their neighbours peaceably they are no medlers nor busie-bodyes in other mens matters these think themselues therefore to be in good case to be assured of Gods loue and fauour to need no particular repentance yet in the meane season they haue no zeale nor care of religion in them But some wil say Are not the former points that you haue named good things Do you shalt passe but no farther and heere shall thy proud waues be stayed Iob 38 11. Vse 1 This serueth to reproue the cursed secte of the Anabaptists who bring in a confusion of all things that set the heauens out of theyr course and remoue the earth out of his place and breake vp the barres of the sea and turne the order that God hath setled vpside down For they can abide no priuate mans possessions but would haue all things common Thus they thinke to make themselues like to the Apostles but indeed they thereby resemble rather some of the Philosophers If we should see a man come into his neighbours ground pull vp the hedges teare vp the enclosures rend vp the fences fill vp the ditches take away the pales through downe the wals and remoue the bounds wee would hold him an enemy to humane society and to the expresse ordinance of God For wherefore hath God seuered and diuided people from people with bro●d seas deepe riuers and high mountains but that they should not passe those bounds nor inuade the possessions of others And this was the cause why in this place he bounded so exactly the Land of promise and teacheth thē where it should begin and where it should end on the East-side and on the West on the North-side and on the South And in the booke of Ioshua the seuerall bounds limits of euery Tribe is seuerally and largely expressed and described Hence it is that Salomon saith Prou. 22 28. Remoue not the ancient land-marke which thy fathers haue set This is the law of God and man a law vnder the Law and the Gospel to continue for euer True it is the Romanists would conclude from hence Obiect that their errors which haue gotten foot for a few hundred yeares climbed vp into the chayre of Moses ought to preuayle and take place But this is no better then to draw the words frō the litterall meaning to an allegory Answer which by the doctrine of theyr owne schooles cannot be sound Tho Aquinas Againe howsoeuer in worldly possessions prescription of time may carry some credite and be of some force Iudg. 11 26 yet in the matters of God no time thogh the hayres be neuer so gray can prescribe against the ancient of daies Dan. 7 22. For if it be a prerogatiue royall in a temporall kingdome as the lawyers teach that nullum tempus occurrit regi that is no time shall barre the king nor preiudice him of his right then much more must we hold that no time shall barre the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords of his right but his law must take place for euer against all other lawes customes immunities priuiledges and prescriptions whatsoeuer Lastly the doctrine of the Gospel which we professe is more ancient then all the deuices and inuentions of men which hath beene receyued and beleeued from the infancy of the Church and from the beginning of the world and therefore the late and new start vp religion of popery must rise vp before the hoary head thereof as the young man is commanded to honour the face of the old man Moreouer Obiect whereas they alledge this and vrge it to procure credite and authority vnto the works and writings of men as if the sayings of the Fathers were to stand for a law it is of no greater weight then the former And albeit it were sufficient to say Let God be true and euery man a lyar Rom. 3 4 yet we answer Answer farther that the Fathers are for the most part against them and refuse to be witnesses for them as might easily appeare in the maine controuersies betweene them and vs. Againe as they dissent from them so sometimes they dissent from themselues Lastly all the Prophets Apostles as a cloud of witnesses stand on our side and we teach nothing but what wee haue receyued of them and they are our warrant To returne then vnto the former point wee see the Anabaptists are iustly reprooued who cannot abide any bounds or buttelles or land-marks neither that any should be master of his owne possessions but would haue all go to spoyle and hauocke And as God would haue iust weights and measures obserued betweene man and man that they might buy sell one with another so he wold haue bounds and markes also vnchanged that equity and vprightnesse in all our dealings might take place For this cause Moses saith Cursed is he that remoueth his neighbours landmarke and all the people shall say Amen Deut 27 17 and 19 14. Diony Halic antiq lib. 2. The very heathen by the light of nature saw that such markes ought to be inuiolable which of old time had beene set in inheritances and they all thought that God himselfe was wronged and iniuried in such false dealings And because it should be accounted an holy matter they made a god of it according to their common manner which they called Terminus and dedicated a feast to him which they called Terminalia True it is this was a diuellish inuention to set vp an Idoll for the maintainance of equity yet nature taught engraued this
it is saide of Kaine when he slew his brother that hee was of that euill one 1 Iohn 3 12. This serueth for reproofe both of errors in Vse 1 doctrine and of corruptions in life and first it conuinceth the Popish Doctrine which giueth way to mans corrupt nature more thē the word will beare For in the poynt of louing our enemies they come neere vnto the interpretation of the Pharisies because they teach that howsoeuer a man is alwayes bound not to hate his enemy yet to loue him hee is not alwayes bound No maruell if these men doe hold it lawfull to breake promise with an heretike such as they account vs to be but falsly This is an easie kinde of Religion and well pleasing to flesh and blood and it may not seeme strange though multitudes be ioyned vnto their Church for what carnall man is there almost that would not bee a Papist when he may bee held to be religious yet bee auenged vpon his enemy also Indeed they set downe two cases least they should bee thought to be too prophane and their Religion a mercilesse Religion wherein a man is bound to loue his enemy First in extreame necessity when hee is in present danger of his life then hee is to be helped and releeued as it was with him that fell among theeues and lay wounded and halfe dead as Luke 10. verse 30. Secondly in case of scandall when by not helping or succouring wee shall giue offence vnto others Out of these two cases they conclude that it is a counsell and degree of perfection to loue our enemies Matth. 5. ver 44. which some particular persons as Monkes Friars and such cloyster men take vpon them to obserue who haue forsooth obtained an extraordinary gift to deny themselues But if this be a counsell then the rest of Christs sayings in that chapter I say vnto you Whosoeuer is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the Iudgement Verse 22. And whosoeuer looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery as wee may reade In verse 28. and so likewise of the rest in verses 32.34 37 should be counsels also Howbeit the saying of our Sauiour Iesus Christ is a commanding Genesis chapt 1. verse 3. also Psalme 33. verse 9. Wherefore the Popish deuotion is a Religion wherein a man may goe to hell with ease maintaining a most diuellish and damnable Doctrine cleane contrary to the direction of our Sauiour Christ limiting and restrayning that which Christ hath extended generally vnto vs in the Gospel I say vnto you Loue your enemies and if yee loue them onely that loue you what singular thing do you Againe this reprooueth such as thinke it to bee a note of an high and generous Nature and of a noble and notable spirite to put vppe no wrong and to seeke reuenge euen for euery trifle and small matter to do as little wrong as they can but to resolue to put vp none These account it a great honor and glory for a man to pursue his enemy with hatred Wicked Lamech descending from the cursed race of Caine thought it an argument of vertue and valour and a point of much credit and reputation vnto him to be able to take reuenge yea euen seuenty times seuen times of any that shold offend and prouoke him any way whereas Christ telleth Peter a contrary Lesson that is that it should be a greater honor and dignity before God and all good men to forgiue till seuenty times seuen times and that in one day Luke 17 4. Matth. 18 22. It becommeth all Christians therefore rather to follow the precept of Christ then the practice of Lamech and to learne of Salomon Prou. 19 11 that the discretion of a man deferreth his anger and it is his glory to passe ouer a transgression and chapter 14 29 and 16 32 He that is slow to anger is better then the mighty and he that ruleth his spirit then hee that taketh a citty If then wee desire true honour and to bee accounted men in the world let vs imitate our heauenly Father who is so farre from being greedy of reuenge and hasty to anger and to take punishment that he maketh the Sunne to shine and the raine to fall vpon good and bad being slow to anger and of great kindnesse The more noble sort of creatures are not desirous of reuenge but only the basest and vilest noisome flees waspes hornets bees and such like Among men none more testy and subiect to anger then sicke persons in their greatest fits who breake out into sundry passions by reason of their weakenesse which they would neuer doe in their health when they haue the vse of reason Let vs account it to be a shame and reproch to be like the weakest things and rather imitate the nobler creatures which are slow to anger and moderate their passions with discretion Ioseph in the court of Pharaoh no doubt was an honourable man hee was next in the state to the king hee had what he would at his commandement and at his word were all the people ruled Gen. 42 40 yet consider that he placed not any part of his honour in taking reuenge of his brethren that had sold him as a slaue to an idolatrous nation and sought after his life but in forgiuing of them and rewarding them good for euill Genesis 50. For when they saw that their father was dead knowing what they had deserued and fearing the face of Ioseph they said Ioseph will peraduenture hate vs and will certainely quite vs all the euill which wee did vnto him Gen. 50 15 17 and they desired him to forgiue the trespasse done against him verse 17. Ioseph wept when they spake vnto him and said Feare not for am I in place of God but as for you yee thought euill against me but God meant it vnto good c now therefore feare not I will nourish you and your little ones and hee comforted them and spake kindly vnto them Dauid was an honorable man yet we know how he dealt with Shimei though he were king and wanted not others to kindle the coales of wrath and reuenge against him yea though the wretch had cast stones at him and cursed him with an horrible curse yet afterward hee pardoned and forgaue him and sealed his pardon with an oath 2 Samuel chapt 19 verse 23. The like example wee may see in Mephibosheth the sonne of Ionathan that did eate bread at DAVIDS owne table shewing him fauour for his fathers sake although he were maliciously mischeeuously slandered by Ziba his seruant and that of no lesse crime then high treason against the king as if he looked that the house of Israel should restore him to the kingdome of his father 2 Sam. 16 3. yet hee neuer sought any reuenge of him but was content to part from his owne right for ioy that the king was returned in peace to his owne house 2 Sam. 19 30.
how farre shall wee haue such cousins restrayned once onely remoued or twise or how many degrees And if any answere onely the first degree I would know why the first more then the second or the second more then the third seeing that the one is no more to be proued out of the Law of God then the other As for those that alledge the words of the Law Leuit. 18 6 None of you shall approch to any that is neere to him to vncouer their nakednesse if they be rightly weighed they giue no colour to such interpretation nor liberty of such extension but rather serue as a barre to seclude them out of the prohibition For if any other degrees then are after expressed should bee meant then all cousin●●n any degree though neuer so farre off euen an hundred times remoued should be included within the former prohibition which no wise man will affirme Neyther may wee imagine that the Lord would giue such a Law not to come neere any of the kinne and neuer expresse what kinne hee meaneth but leaue vs at randon euery man to coniecture and euery man to hold what he pleaseth So then it is euident that the wordes are not to be stretched so largely but are to bee gathered into a more narrow compasse and to a more strict senfe such as may bee inclusiue to all the degrees afterward in particular rehearsed and recited and exclusiue to al others Fiftly the Law of God setteth downe sundry threatnings of most horrible iudgments vpon the heades of such as breake the bounds of Nature and are pursued with the censure of abomination of wickednesse of villany of filthinesse committed Leuit. 20. and with the sentence of blood of death of cutting off of fire and of barrennesse not onely vpon the one party but vppon the other neyther onely vpon the man but vpon the beast neuerthelesse among all these the cousin germans are no more touched in the punishment then they were before in the prohibition Lastly as the threatning is noted so also is the execution of the threatning remembred For there is no incest committed against the holy Law of God mentioned in the Scripture but it alwayes carrieth a note of reproof and a brand of Gods iudgement with it but in the examples of the marriages of cousin germans which are many in Scripture not the least touch of any reprehension or correction Ruben went vp to his fathers bed and defiled his concubine Gen. 35 22 49.4 1 Chron. 5 1 and hee is punished with the losse of his birth-right Abshalon went in vnto his fathers concubines which he had left to keep the house 2 Sam. 16 21 and he is punished not long after with a violent death and liued not out halfe his dayes 2 Sam. 18 14. The incestuous Corinthian committed fornication with his fathers wife and hee is censured by the Apostle with excommunication and deliuering him o●●r to Satan 1 Cor. 5 1. Lot in his drunkennesse committed incest with his owne daughters and is plagued with the birth of obstinate enemies of Gods Church the first fathers of the Moabites Ammonites Gen. 19 33. Iudah defiled his daughter in law Tamar indeede in ignorance yet duly reproued by himselfe effectually repented so that he neuer lay with her Gen. 38 16. Amnon fell in loue with his sister Tamar and lay with her and immediately after his lust he is punished with lothsomnes in himselfe hatefulnes in Absolon toward him plagued with a sodaine and violent death in the end 2 Sam. 13 14 15. 28 29. Lastly Herod tooke his brothers wife and hee is reproued for it by Iohn Baptist Mat. 14.4 10. Iohn Baptist is taken away from him and the vnthankfull world who was as a shining candle in the darknes of the world which was no small plague And if wee may giue any credit vnto ecclesiasticall histories touching this Herod who was called Antipas hee that defiled his bodye with most filthy Incest and embrued his hands with h●rmelesse and innocent blood Centur magd ce●t 1. l 1 c●●● and abused his tongue to mock Christ our Sauiour with his cursed Courtiers felt not long after the vengeance of God For as he gaped after honour and sought ambitiously to be entituled with the name of a king he and his proud minion with him were in the second yeare of the Emperour Caligula condemned to perpetuall banishment and at Lyons in France they ended their daies in shame contempt reproch and misery A fit death for such a life Ioseph Antiq. lib. 18. cap. 9. Euseb lib. 2. cap. 4. In all these examples wee see that although the Magistrate leaue these sins of incest vnpunished yet good men doe not passe by them without reproofe euen in the greatest personages and God doth not let thē alone without a iudgement and the Scripture doth not record them without a due note and censure of the abhomination And may we then in reason thinke that God and good mē and the Scripture it selfe would be silent and haue let passe so many mariages of Cousen-germans without any one checke or chastisement if they had bene against the law of God godlinesse Nay rather we may wel think that seeing they go away so cleerely without any the least note of reproofe yea and some of them with no small approbation and commendation at the hands of GOD and good men they are not at al incestuous impious but most lawfull and allowable Vse 1 Now let vs come to the vses First this serues to reproue the Church of Rome which as it is corrupt in the cheefest parts of christian religion so is it in none more corrupt thē in the matter of mariage because they restraine that which God hath left free and they leaue that free which God hath restrained an euident profe among other things that the Roman Church is an Antichristian Church And first it is plaine that they maintaine the lawfulnesse of mariages within the degrees expresly forbidden For whereas by the law of God Leuit. 18 touching consanguinity they which are placed in the transuerse vnequall line cannot marry at all because they are to be holden as parents and children yet if they bee distinct foure degrees from the common stocke they may lawfully marry by the Popes lawes and canons which is filthy incestuous and abhominable And as they are loose when they should be strict so they are strict when they should be loose For wheras cousen germans are left free by the law of God as wee haue already shewed proued they do condemne the same for no other cause but to make way for popish dispensations Againe they teach that the Pope hath power to dispense with the degrees directly and expresly prohibited in Leuiticus and that many of them are onely iudiciall positiue constitutions not grounded vpon the law of nature but seruing peculiarly for that commonwealth of the Iewes Hence it is that that Antichrist
established by Arcadius and Honorius the Emperors God lib. 5 tit 4 de nuptiis that the marriage of cousin germans shall be allowed and the children borne of them shall bee holden legittimate and succeede their fathers in theyr inheritance And heereunto doe the ancient Councels also accord Epann Concil about the yeare of Christ foure hundred ninety seuen Concil Turon 2. in the yeare fiue hundred and sixty Now the first that did forbid the marriage of cousin germans was Theodosius the Elder as many testifie and that by the counsell and aduice of Ambrose Lib. 8. Epist 66. which hee calleth the Theodosian Law and in his time Austine testifieth it was in force This is wholly or at least for the most part taken out of Zepperus The next witnesse to be produced is Amand Polanus professour in the vniuersitie of Basil in Syntag. Theol lib. 10. cap. 53. who teacheth that the sonnes and daughters of brethren and sisters may lawfully marrie by the law of God whatsoeuer the Popes canon law say to the contrary as Iacob married Rahel his cousin german Of the same iudgement also is Chemnitius in his Examin Chem. exam part 1. For he sheweth that the prohibition of this degree is meerely humane established for no other cause but that the prohibitions of God might bee kept with greater reuerence and where such prohibitions are they ought to bee obserued which is not denied of vs howbeit that is not our case where no such prohibitions are I will annexe to these one forraine testimony more that is of Zanchius a man of eminent note who proouing that the incestuous marriages betweene the brother and sister De oper creat part 3 lib. 4. c. 2 whether they be borne of the same father and mother or of one of them onely are vtterly vnlawfull as also betweene the Nephew and the Aunt and the Neece and her vncle he hath these words The marriage betweene the sonnes and daughters of naturall brethren is lawfull as all the learned and godly agree without any controuersie for as much as we neuer read the same forbidden in holy Scripture in any place but rather allowed by many examples which were neuer condemned by any man And albeit he wish that in all such places as is a restraint heereof men should be subiect to the Magistrate according to the Doctrine of Christ yet hee spareth not farther to deliuer his opinion in this manner For my part I could wish for many causes and those of no smal moment and importance that marriages might simply bee made by warrant of the word of God that whatsoeuer God himselfe hath left free and made lawful the same might also be left vnto men as lawfull I speake freely that which I conceiue of this matter These are the forraine testimonies which I thought good to alledge at this present to which it were not hard to adde infinite others who because they speake the same things and run the same course that the former doe I will not trouble the reader and my selfe any farther in rehearsing of them I will conclude the whole with one more that is our owne countrey-man M. Perkins Mast Perkins a very iudicious godly learned Diuine as any that this age hath brought forth who in a Treatise prouing that a reprobate may in truth be made partaker of all that is contained in the Religion of the Church of Rome and that a right papist by his Religion cannot go beyond a reprobate sayth thus To go further by Gods word they which are distant 4. degrees in the transuers equall line are not forbidden to marry together as cousin germans thus the daughters of Zelophehad were married to their fathers brothers sonnes This example as I take it may be a warrant of the lawfulnes of this Marriage howsoeuer the church of Rome do ouerthwart the Lord in it Let me adde one thing more and then I will end Whereas wee are aduised by many in this question to haue due consideration of offences that may arise in making such matches I would wish also and desire all those that are contrary minded to haue good consideration of such offences as may bee giuen by two earnest disprouing the vnfitnesse and inconueniency of such matches and especially by leauing in doubt and suspence the lawfulnesse of them forasmuch as betweene parties of very good account both in calling and Religion there haue beene and are many matches in this Land of that kinde that betweene high and low rich poore noble and vnnoble which haue beene vndertaken and finished by the iudgement of the godly and learned so that it were not hard to produce sundry examples of Emperors Kings Princes Dukes Earles Barons Knights Gentlemen other of all sorts which now to bring in question for the offensiue conceits of some were more offensiue to the truth to the Church to the learned and to men of all conditions yea more dangerous to the state of those parties and preiudiciall to theyr yssue then any man of iudgement or godlinesse would approoue Thus much of this point of this chapter and of this whole booke The Lord almighty the author of all number of whose vnderstanding there is no number Psal 147 5 who hath ordered all things in measure number waight with whom our dayes are determined and the number of our months are set Iob 14 5 by whose onely mercy wee haue receyued strength to finish this booke of NVMBERS containing the iourneys of the Israelites through the desert from Mount Sinai vnto the plains of Moab by Iordan neere Iericho and admonishing vs of the state of the Church in this life lying vnder the crosse and at length receiuing deliuerance from the Ancient of daies grant vnto vs that being numbred among the children of GOD we may haue our lot among the Saints and be in the number of them that are sealed out of all the Tribes of the children of Israel Reuel 7 4. and so rest for euer in the heauenly Canaan among the soules of iust men perfected and the innumerable company of angels Heb. 12 22. Vnto him be praise and glorie in the Church Amen FINIS Gentle Reader let me intreate thee to amend these faults which otherwise may leade into errour PAg. 18. Col. 2. line 6. had made pag. 79. col 2. l. 37. the iudgement pag. 80 c. 1. l. 1. desired p. 137. c. 1. l. 60. rule and p. 140. c. 1. l. 56. censor p. 167. c. 2. l. 5. not to do p. 206. c. 2. l. 22. vnprobable p. 301. c. 1. l. 26. the Cushite p. 394. c. 2. l. 18. the Cushite p. 422. c. 1. l. 5. his iudgements p. 451. c. 1. l. 30. tender p. 473. c. 2. l. 36. profitable p. 536. c. 2. l. 28. the staffe p. 588. c. 1. l. 47 a double A Table of the principall Contents of this Booke the Figures note out the Page the Letters the Columne If no Letter be
most comfortable p. 563 b. Faithfull must vse meanes to further Gods prouidence 577. they must deale wisely p. 579. b. they are greeued for the sins of others 504 they shall be euilly intreated p. 596 b. Faithfull faile in many things 735 a. 736 how said to walke in all the Commandements 736 b. they may fall into the same sinnes againe 772 they are forrainers in this life 822 they are brought into the inheritance of the wicked 845 b. they are men of courage 864 b. they bring a blessing vpon their families p. 1080 b. Faith true of an applying nature p. 1232 b. False Teachers p. 1036. Familiarity with Idolaters to be auoided p. 1219. Famine of the word p. 780. Fast the kindes of it 1153 a. what it is ibid. it is to be ioyned with praier 1154 the popish fastes ibid. Fathers comforted that haue euill children 134 their duties See duties Fauour of God must be cheefely desired 432 b. 433 mans happinesse standeth therein p. 433 b. 434 a Feare wrought two waies p. 269 b. Fellowship with wicked p. 1049 b. 1050. Feast of the Sabbath 1140 of the New-Moones 1143 of the Passeouer 477 1146 of Pentecost 1148 of Trumpets 1150 of fasting 1152 of Tabernacles p. 1155 b. Fire one of Gods iudgements p. 525 a. First borne the Lords p. 145. 158 b. First fruites p. 630 631. Flesh eaten before the flood p. 150 b. Food of the soule p. 532 a. Forefathers stood vpon p. 586. Foreseene works p. 87 a. Forgiuenesse by man how farre p. 298. Forgiuenesse of sinnes 654 b. a notable benefit 955 what it is 311 a. 340 such as want it are most miserable p. 340 956. Forgiuenesse three fold p. 298 b. Forme of set praier 513 b. 424 b. against those that condemne it 512 their reasons answered p. 426 b. 512. Fornication not indifferent 380 it is knowne vnto God 381 motiues to auoid it 385 it bringeth iudgements 1052. b. auoid the occasions 1055. See adultery whoredome Freedome ciuill 181 and spirituall ibid. Free will confuted 90 a. what free will man hath p. 90 b. G. Gaine a tentation p. 886 b. Gaming and Gamsters p. 142 b. Genealogies p. 174 b. Gifts what may be lost what not p. 24. 25. Gifts of Moses whether diminished p. 535. b. Glebe of the Church p. 705. Glory of God 605. it is the triall of doctrines page p. 232. God is the Author of the Scriptures 1. hee performeth all his promises 41 b. how hee is present and how farre off 81. 958. 595. hee bestoweth his gifts freely 85. yet by meanes 546 a. how he requireth impossibilities p. 89. God disliketh mens deuises in his worship 141 b. he ordaineth the officers of his Church 146 b. he chuseth weake meanes p. 175. God will haue all places taught 197. and haue a learned Ministery p. 199 a. God hath not giuen to all alike p. 243. God punisheth sinne in his owne kinde 390 he will make knowne the innocency of his 396 b he bestoweth more vpon them then they desire 403 b 683 he knoweth all secrets 410 b. why hee holdeth his peace at our afflictions page 413 b p. 572 a. God hath two schoole-houses 443 b two dwelling places 520 hee vnderstandeth all mens wayes p. 558 God searcheth before he punisheth 562. he heareth not such as lye in their sins 568. hee mingleth his chastisements with mercy 573 b. he respecteth no persons 575. how he is saide to come to a people p. 596 a. God deliuereth from dangers vnknowne to his 902 he is vnchangeably true 952. he prouideth for his 1113. he is of much patience 606. not to be abused p. 778. God visiteth the sins of fathers vpon children 615 b. he punisheth for sinnes of impiety 640 b. he would haue all brought to repentance 678. he is not to be accused for not giuing it Ibid. he giueth life to the dead 683 b. iust in all chastisements p. 691. God chastiseth his owne children 739 he loueth his people 759 b. heareth their prayers 760 784 b he deliuereth them vnder the crosse 786 b. he is mercifull to greeuous sinners p. 809 b. God is mercifull to the mercifull 993 b. accounts our wrongs as his owne 996 a. he chastiseth his owne first p. 1050. Gods presence what it signifieth p. 283. Gods dwelling is among his people p. 519. Gods wrath moued is full of rage 1077. it is foreknowne three wayes p. 1078 b. God setteth bounds to all mens possessions p. 1225. God tolerateth things which he neuer alloweth p. 1247 Godly See Faithfull Good name 357. haue care of each others 398 401. especially of Gods name p. 400. Good is to be commended in whomsoeuer it abideth p. 1257. Gospel of Iames counterfet p. 348 b. Gospel contemned a greeuous sin 796. it needeth no new miracles p. 685 a. Greatest part See multitude Guilty none before triall p. 362. Guilty ought not to be spared p. 1252 b. H Hollowing of Churches p. 436 b. Harlots to be auoyded p. 384 b. Hatred none like to that for Religion p. 764. Head taken diuersly p. 436 a. Hearbes soure p. 1147 b. Hearers duty p. 474 Hearing 13 b. it is a Iewel for the eare 234 a. wherein it consisteth p. 13 b. Hearing the same things p. 238. Heart p. 145 b. Hebrewes how they entitle the Scriptures p. 8 a. Hiding of gifts p. 463. Hin what p. 626 1143 b. Honour God with the best 348. it draweth from God p. 863. Hope of euill professors more then of ciuil men 120 b. of wicked is vaine p. 937. House of God what p. 563 b. Housholders p. 573. Humility p. 77. a Hipocrisie 31 976 582. the markes of it Ibid. at last it is vncased 588 b. the heinousnesse of it 589 a. nothing worse then it p. 1126. Hipocrites 446 b. often in the church p. 11. I Iealousie what 347 a. whereof it consisteth Ibid Iewish lawes touching inheritance p. 1127 a. Iewes had knowledge of the Messiah p. 498 b. Idolaters honored their Prophets p. 914. Ignorance abounds 142 b. the danger of it 170. it is the root of disobedience 250. a great sin 526. it shal excuse none 931. the causes of it Ibid. Ignorant what they are p. 172 251 b. Ignorant Ministers p. 229. Image of God what p. 422. Images not to be worshipped p. 789 b. 790 792. Imposition of handes 434 a. 469 Ministers ordained by it ibid. Impropriations p. 702. Inheritance of the Israelites p. 1257 b. Infants without baptisme 486. they belong to the Couenant p. 1081 bi Inferiors must reuerence their superiors p. 541. Innocency p. 596 b. Innocent person not to be put to death p. 1252 a. Instruction to the Ministers p. 697 a. Instruments weake God chuseth p. 105. Intents excuse not p. 141 b. 170 b. Iobs children godly p. 1130 b. Iosephus tale of Moses wife disproued p. 500. Ioseph and Mary brothers children p. 1270 a. Irony p. 895. Ismael whether he repented p. 1171. Israelites 42 mansions in the wildernesse p.
sinne that is their offering strange fire with strange fire we shall speake afterward in the fift Chapter Heere we will obserue that this fact of theis may seeme in the eyes of many to be a small offence and not to deserue so heauy a censure and so grieuous a punishment For it may be said in defence or them either that they had a good intent and meaning though they missed in the manner or that this fire which they offered would serue to burne the incense as well as any other and what skilleth it by what fire it be done But all these are Doctrine 3 vaine pretences forasmuch as God had commanded the contrary a Gods wor●●ip we must ●ot be led ●our owne ●euices but ●y God di●ection We learne from hence that nothing in matter or forme concerning the worship of God or the administration of the Sacraments ought to be added or altered or detracted but all must be done as God hath determined and directed Our owne dreames and deuises must not sway vs in the matters of God but it is his will and word that must will and gouerne vs. The Lord himselfe challengeth and defendeth his authority in laying downe the maner and way of his own seruice not leauing it to the liberty of any creature men or Angels to intermeddle with it forasmuch as he will haue all things done as himselfe hath prescribed He is well pleased and contented that men shall make Lawes and statutes for humane matters concerning their temporall estates in this world as shall be fittest for the places where they rule and for the persons whom they rule as touching treasons murthers thefts oppressions slanders routs riots and such disorders but for the diuine worship how God shall be serued we must leaue it vnto him he onely can prescribe what must be done he onely will appoint what must be left vndone It is true the strange fire that Nadab and Abihu tooke was as well able to burne the incense as that which burned euermore vpon the altar and yet because God had not sanctified it for that purpose they were fearefully and dreadfully deuoured with fire from God When God instituted the Passeouer in remembrance of his mercifull deliuerance in passing ouer the houses of the Israelites when the first borne of the Egyptians were destroyed Exod. 12.3 the whole order is set downe both for the matter and manner of celebrating and solemnizing that ordinance hee instructeth what they shall take what ceremonies they shall vse what gesture they shall obserue and what he will haue them not to do Moses doth many times in the booke of the Law giue this direction Deuter. 4.2 Deut. 4.2 and 12.8.32 Ye shall not adde vnto the word which I command you neither shall you diminish ought from it that ye may keepe the commandements of the Lord your God which I command you and in the 12. Chapter ye shall not doe after after all the things that we doe heere this day euery man whatsoeuer is right in his owne eyes and afterward What thing soeuer I command you obserue and doe it thou shalt not adde thereto nor diminish from it On the contrary we see how Saul was punished with the losse of his kingdome because hee would offer sacrifice contrary to the expresse will of God made knowne vnto him 1 Sam. 15.23 The like might bee saide of Ieroboams two golden calues erected at Dan and Bethel without warrant and worshipped without warrant it was the ouerthrow of himselfe and his posterity 1 Kings 14.7 c. For this cause the Apostle speaking of the institution of the Lords Supper saith 1 Corin. 11. 1 Cor. 11.23 I receiued of the Lord that which also I deliuered vnto you that the Lord the same night in which he was betrayed tooke bread c. whereby it appeareth that it is no small matter it is no toy or trifle to worship GOD otherwise then he in his word appointeth vnto vs considering the saying of the wise man Adde not thou vnto his words Prou. 30.6 lest hee reprooue thee and thou be found a lyar This crosseth mans deuises which are Reason 1 bolde to steppe vp in Gods place and therefore let vs see the reasons First God will be acknowledged to be the only Law-giuer the king of his Church and the onely Prophet to instruct it in the will of God This is that which the Apostle Iames witnesseth Iam. 4.12 chap. 4. There is one Law-giuer who is able to saue and to destroy that can cast body and soule into hell fire Matth. 10. He is the master of the house that must set downe orders for the gouernement of his house None can make a Law in the kingdome but by authority of the king none can alter it being made but the king So is it in the Church none can appoint any word any Sacrament any worship but God himselfe none can reuerse any institution without him So that additions or detractions or alterations or any mixtures whatsoeuer are so many abuses of the Sacraments of the word and of the worship of God Reason 2 Secondly there is promise of blessing to them that serue him with a perfect heart and there is threatning of most heauy curses and iudgements to come vpon their soules that worship him after the commandements and precepts of men Our Sauiour chargeth his disciples to obserue all things whatsoeuer he commandeth them Matth. 28.20 and then he addeth Loe I am with you to the ende of the world Matth. 28.20 It appeareth in many places of the booke of Iudges the Israelites are deliuered ouer to their aduersaries for transgressing in this kind Iudg 2. Chron. 26.18 19. euen for worshipping him after other waies then he had appointed There is a fearefull denuntiation in the shutting vp of the Reuelation against all that shall dare either to adde or detract any thing in the holy things of God Reuel 22.18 19. I testifie vnto euery man that heareth the wordes of the Prophesie of this Booke If any man shall adde vnto these things God shall adde vnto him the plagues that are written in this Booke and if any man shall take away from the words of the Booke of this Prophesie God shall take away his part out of the Booke of life and out of the holy Citie and from the things which are written in this Booke Wherefore it is no small matter to follow the priuate willes of men in the worship of God and not to suffer our selues to be guided and directed by his word and commandement Obiection This may seeme to tye vp the desires of man too strictly and therefore his wisedome that he hath by nature Ministreth many obiections against this trueth to which wee are to giue answere as briefly as we can First the question may be asked whether Princes haue not power to make lawes in the Church haue they nothing to doe with the Church may they
intermeddle onely with the Common-wealth hath not God made them ouerseers of both states as also committed the charge vnto them of both Tables Answer I answere the care of Religion belongeth to all Princes and therefore the godly kings of Iudah made it their first labour to establish Gods worshippe But touching the worship of God wee must obserue that Church lawes and constitutions are of three sorts Materiall Ministeriall or circumstantiall Lawes that concerne the matter substance and parts of Gods worship are already established by God in the word nothing is left to Princes or Pastours of the Church nothing ought to be inuented of man nothing may be hammered in the forge of our braines which are too shallow to meddle in such deepe and profound matters as Christ teacheth Matth. 15.9 Matthew chapter 15. verse 9. In vaine they doe worship mee teaching for doctrines the commandements of men These Lawes we are to leaue to God only which touch the substance of his worship Ministeriall Lawes are such Canons as command the practise and execution of the former Lawes wherein the Prince is as it were the Minister commanding vnder God It belongeth to him to see both Ministers and people to doe their dutie 2 Chronicles chapter 30. verses 12.16 and to prouide that all his subiects reforme themselues in those things that pertaine to the worship of God and to punish idolaters Exodus chapter 22. Exod. 22.20 Leuit. 24 1● Deut. 13.5 Numb 15.35 verse 20 blasphemers Leuiticus chapter 24. verse 16. false Prophets Deuteronomie 13.5 and prophaners of holy things Numbers chapter 15. verse 35. These belong vnto him these he is to looke vnto Lastly other Lawes are circumstantiall such as are constitutions made in things meerely indifferent which vary according to times occasions places and Churches These Lawes also he hath authority to make and meddle withall prouided that the rules of the word be not transgressed but carefully obserued So then albeit the Prince ought not himselfe to execute the things of God as to preach the word or to administer Sacraments or to practise the discipline of the Church yet he is bound to see them done and that all things be done in order comelinesse in the Church Againe it may be obiected Obiect that the Scripture doth often mention that sacrifices were offered otherwise then God appointed yet accepted They ought to be brought to the doore of the Tabernacle and not offered elsewhere I answere Answer the question is not so much of the fact as of the right not what was done but what ought to be done This is the cause that the Lord complaineth both against their persons and their doings and brandeth them both with a marke of dishonour in this manner Iehoshaphat did that which was right in the sight of the LORD 1 King 22 4● but the high places were not taken away he walked in all the wayes of Asa his father he turned not aside from it neuerthelesse the people offered and burnt incense yet in the high places The like is remembred of Iehoash hee did that which was right in the sight of the Lord all his dayes wherein Iehoiada the Priest instructed him But the high places were not taken away the people still sacrificed and burnt Incense in the high places 2 Kings 12.2 3. When Manasseh was brought againe to Ierusalem into his kingdome he sought the Lord his God took away the strange gods and repaired the Altar of the Lord ●●r 33 17 neuerthelesse the people did sacrifice still in the high places yet vnto the Lord their God onely God required to be worshipped not only as he appointed but where he appointed and therefore the contrary practise is noted to be a transgression a breach of the Law of God Thirdly it may be saide that the Prophets Obiection 4 of God who could not bee ignorant of their duties did not sacrifice as God commanded and yet are blamelesse They did not bring their sacrifice to the Tabernacle nor vnto the place that God had chosen but offered in other places as Samuel in Mispah 1 Sam. 7 9. and elsewhere chap. 16 2. ●●●wer I answer he did it as one of the Prophets who were extraordinary persons and not tied to the ordinary rules in all their actions So we see Elijah offered in Mount Carmel 1 Kin. 18. But wee are not to follow extraordinary matters without a speciall calling forasmuch as we liue by lawes not by examples So then it was lawfull in the Prophets in regard of their personal vocation which without it had beene vtterly vnlawfull Lastly it may be obiected that Dauid is Obiection 4 commended because he intended to build an house to the Name of God He had receiued no commandement from God to builde the Temple it was his good meaning and good intent yet he is expresly commended of God 2 Chron. 6 7.8 where Salomon in praising God saith It was in the heart of Dauid my father to build an house for the Name of the Lord God of Israel but the Lord saide to Dauid my father forasmuch as it was in thy heart to builde an house for my Name thou diddest well in that it was in thy heart If then Dauid hauing no word or direction from God did well how is all will-worship euill ●●swer I answer in this God respecteth not the deed it selfe but the intent of the dooer so that when it is said Thou hast done well it is as much as if the Lord had saide I know thou hadst a good meaning in it as it appeareth by the reasons vsed in the second booke of Samuel where Dauid saith to Nathan the Prophet Sam. 7 2. See now I dwell in an house of Cedar but the Arke of GOD dwelleth within Curtaines where he compareth himselfe with God and his owne house of Cedar with Gods Arke within Curtaines This reason carrieth with it a great shew of comlinesse seemelinesse For some might thinke with themselues was it meete that himselfe should dwell in his seeled house the Lords house lye waste Notwithstanding in matters of God wee are not to reason according to our owne opinion and outward appearing but according vnto the word of God ●●mment Pet. ●artyr in 2 ●an c. 7. And heerein was Dauid deceiued that he went beyond the Commandement of God To build a Temple to God is not in it selfe euill GOD had promised that the Tabernacle and the Arke should haue a resting place Deut. 12 5 6. 1 Kings 8 but to seeke to preuent God was to bee reprooued As to set a King ouer them was not in it selfe vnlawfull Deuter. 17 15. but when they attempted it before the time and waited not Gods Commandement to goe before them they are reproued and punished for it 1 Sam. 12 16. Dauid in this place had receiued no direction touching this matter eyther of the time or of the place there was no Commandement eyther who should