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A17183 Fiftie godlie and learned sermons diuided into fiue decades, conteyning the chiefe and principall pointes of Christian religion, written in three seuerall tomes or sections, by Henrie Bullinger minister of the churche of Tigure in Swicerlande. Whereunto is adioyned a triple or three-folde table verie fruitefull and necessarie. Translated out of Latine into English by H.I. student in diuinitie.; Sermonum decades quinque. English Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; H. I., student in divinity. 1577 (1577) STC 4056; ESTC S106874 1,440,704 1,172

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of God. Wherefore this promise appertaineth as well to vs as to the Iewes bycause the prolonging of this present life is a testimonie of Gods especiall fauour He promiseth assuredly to them that do religiously honour their parents in what lande soeuer they dwel al kind of blessings felicitie and store of temporal things with a swéete prolonging of this present lyfe For Paule interpreting this in the fifte Chapter of his Eipstle to the Ephesians sayth That it may goe wel with thee and that thou mayst liue long vpon the earth Meaning any lande whatsoeuer and promising a Temporall blessing of the Lorde We therefore gather herevpon that the contrarie is threatened and set as a penaltie vpon the heades of those that disobediētly despise their parents By examples and other places of the scripture this shall be made more manifest Cham is cursed of his father Noe for behauing him self vnreuerently towarde him euen in his drunkennesse Ioseph is exalted to the chiefest dignitie in Egypt bycause from his childhoode he honoured God and reuerenced his father Iaacob Solomon in the. 17. Chapter of his Prouerbs sayth Whosoeuer rewardeth euil for good euill shal not depart frō his house Againe He that despitefully taunteth his father and despiseth the olde age of his mother shall bee confounded and left in reproch The sonne that leaueth to keepe the discipline of his father shall thinke of talke of wickednesse Who so curseth his father or mother his light shall be put out and the balles of his eyes shall see nought but darknesse For they are monsters and no men that are vnnaturall toward their parents and especially they which do not only neglect and despise thē but also beate and vncurteously handle them Such fellowes doth the Lord commaund to be slayne as people vnworthy to sée the light bycause they forget and will not acknowledge that by the meanes of their parentes they came into the world He that curseth father or mother sayth the Lorde let him dye the death And againe Hee that striketh his father or mother let him dye the death There is none of you whiche knoweth not the law called Lex Pompeia against such as kill their parents It is not amisse here to heare what the Gentile writers say touching this matter Homer sayth He did not nourish as he should his aged parents deare Therfore the Gods did frō his youth cut off the iolliest yeare And the auncient Poet Orpheus sayeth God sits aboue and sees the sonnes that do them selues apply To do their fathers hests and those that shamelesly deny Them to obey and as he doth blesse th' one with sundry gifts So for to vexe th' other he doth deuise a thousand drifts For though despised parents die yet do their ghostes remaine And are of force vpon the earth to put their sonnes to paine Moreouer the tragicall Poet Euripides hath To him that while he liues doth loue his parents to obey Whether he liue or else do dye God is a friend alwaye And Menander the Comicall Poet sayth The wretch is worse then mad that with his parents falles at oddes For wise men greatly reuerence them and honour them as Goddes Virgil also among other horrible vices which are punished in hel with eternall and vnspeakable paines doth say Here they that did their brethrē hate while life on earth did last Or beate their parents c. And immediately after He did his countrie sell for golde and made a tyrant King For bribes he made marde his coūtrie lawes and euery thing And Horace in his Odes sayth It is a sweete and seemely thing in countries cause to dye And Silius Italicus hath Doubt not of this forget it not but keepe it in thy mynd It is a detestable thing to shew thee selfe vnkind Vnto thy natiue countrie soyle for no such sinne remaines In hell to be tormented there with vtter endlesse paines As that so doth experience teache These testimonies haue I cited to this end purpose that by these dearly beloued ye may gather the hainousnesse of this offence which the verie Gentiles them selues do so grieuosly cry out against and vtterly condemn Caine slue his brother Abel but therby he gat his rewarde to be marked with a perpetuall blot of ignominie and reproche Semei did intollerably rayle vpon Dauid his ordinarie Magistrate and therefore was he punished according to his desarts Absalom rebelled vnnaturally against his father Dauid but being wrapped by the haire to a tree and hanging betwixt heauen and earth he is horribly thrust throughe with a Iauelin The Lorde called them that slue the Prophetes by the name of Adders broode and sonnes of the deuill As for them that haue reprochfully dealte with olde men or troubled widowes they haue not gone vnpunished For the Lorde in the lawe sayth Thou shalt not afflict the widowes nor fatherlesse children But if ye do go on to afflict them they shal vndoubtedly crie to me and I will heare them and my wrath shall waxe hote and I will slay you with the sword your wiues shal be widowes and your childrē fatherlesse Thus much hitherto Saint Paule alledging this lawe in his Epistle to the Ephesians dothe very aptly apply it to our learning and comfort For he sayth Children obey your parents for this is right honour thy father and mother which is the first commaundement in promise that thou mayste prosper and liue long on earth Fathers prouoke not your childrē to wrath but bring them vp in instruction and information of the Lord. In these wordes he telleth the parentes their duetie as well as the children Thrée thinges he doth require at the hande of the parentes that is to bring vp their children to instruct them and to correct them For it is the parents office to nourish to feede and bring them vp till they be grown to age that being once dispatched frō hanging on their parents any longer they may get their liuings with their owne labour and trauell It is the parentes office to teache and instruct their children That teaching or instructing consisteth in three things in religion in manners and skil of an occupation Nowe touching religion it hath certaine principles rudiments I say and Catechismes to teach by Secondarily it hath the Scriptures setting out the word of God with a full exposition of all things belonging to God it hath also mysteries holie signes and Sacraments to teache and to learne by If the housholder be conuersant amonge a people whiche honoureth the true religion and hath receiued the lawfull worship of God with true faythfull and godly Ministers and teachers of Christ his Church let him giue charge and sée that his children goe to the holy congregation there to be instructed in religiō by the publike preacher Yet neuerthelesse let the father at home examine his children and know what they haue learned by hearing the sermon Let both the father and mother also at home priuatly doe their indeuour to
let no man be compelled to any religiō For he commandeth to binde the stranger within the gates of Gods people that is the stranger that dwelleth in their iurisdiction to the holy obseruing of the sabboth day Now this ease or rest is not commanded in respect of it self for Idlenesse always hath ben found fault withal but it is ordeined for the aforesayd especiall causes Gods pleasure is that there shoulde be a place and time reserued for religion which time place are not opē to them that are busie about bodily and out warde workes He is not conuersant in the congregation he heareth not the word of God he prayeth not with the churche neyther is he partaker of the Sacraments which at his maisters commaundement taketh a iourney or in the market selleth his wares or in the barne doth threshe or winnowe his corne or in the field doth hedge or ditch or doth stand at home beating the anuile or else sitteth still sowinge shooes or hosen Faith therefore and religion bid thee to giue rest to thy seruauntes and familie yea they commaund thée to egge and compell them if they be slow to the holy and profitable worke of the Lorde Moreouer the Lordes mynd is that they which labour shuld also refresh and recreate them selues For things that lacke a resting time can neuer long indure Wherfore the bountiful Lord whose mynde is to preserue his creatures doth teache a way to kéepe them and doth diligently prouide that his creatures be not too much afflicted by the hard handling or couetousnes of their owners Moses in Deuterenomie addeth the pitifull affection of mercye sayinge Remember that once thou thee selfe wast a seruaunt in the land of Egypt Charitie therfore and ciuil humanitie do craue a measure to be kept so that we doe not with endlesse labours ouerlade wearie our houshold seruants Moreouer it is manifest that the goodman of the house by planting godlinesse in his familie doth not a little aduaunce and set forward his priuate profit and owne commoditie For wicked seruants are for the most part pickers deceitful wheras on the other side the godly are faithfull whome in his absence he may trust to gouerne his house In the reckoning vp of the houshold also is mention made of beastes and cattell which is done not so muche bicause their owner is a man ought therefore to vse them remissely moderately as for bicause beasies can not be laboured without the working hand of men to guide them So then men are drawn from the solemnising of the sabboth day by helping their cattel wherfore to the intent that they shoulde not be drawne aside we are here precisely commaunded to allow our cattell that resting time Last of all that Lord doth adde his own exāple wherby he teacheth vs to kepe holy the sabboth day Bicause saith he in sixe dayes the Lorde made heauen and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seuenth day Therefore the Lord blessed the seuenth day and hallowed it The Lorde our God wrought sixe dayes in creating heauē and earth the sea al that in them is the seuenth day he rested ordeined that to be an appointed time for vs to rest in On the seuenth day we must thinke of the workes that God did in the sixe days the children of God must cal to remēbrance what howe great benefites they haue receiued that whole wéeke for whiche they must thanke God for which they must praise God by which they must learn god We must then dedicate to him our whole body soul we must cōsecrate to him all our words our déeds As that day the Lorde did rest from creating but he ceasied not stil to preserue so we vpō that day must rest frō handie bodily works but we must not ceasse from that works of well doing worshipping of god Furthermore that heauēly rest was no preiudice at al to the things created neither shal that holy day or sabboth spēt in gods seruice be any let or hinderāce to our affaires or busines For the Lord blessed the sabboth day therfore shal he blesse thée thy house al thy affairs businesse if he shall sée thée to haue a care to sanctifie his sabboth that is to do those works which he hath cōmaūded to be don on the sabboth day They therfore do erre frō the truth as far as heauen is wide whosoeuer do despise the religion holy rest of the sabboth day calling it an idle case doe labour on the sabboth day as they doe on working dayes vnder the pretence of care for their familie and necessities sake For all these thinges muste we apply to our selues and our churches It is most sure that to Christians the spirituall sabboth is giuen in charge especially and aboue all things Neyther is it to be doubted but that the good Lordes will is that euen in our Churches at this day as well as of the Iewes of olde there shoulde be kept and appointed order in al things but especially in the exercising of outward religion We knowe that the sabboth is ceremoniall so farre foorth as it is ioyned to sacrifices and other Iewish ceremonies and so farre forth as it is tyed to a certaine time but in respect that on the sabboth day religion and true godlinesse are exercised and published that a iust and séemely order is kept in the Church and that the loue of our neighbour is thereby preserued therein I say it is perpetuall and not ceremoniall Euen at this daye verily we must ease and beare with our familie and euen at this day we must instruct our familie in the true religion and feare of god Christ our Lord did no where scatter abroad the holy congregations but did as much as he could gather them together Nowe as there ought to be an appointed place so likewise muste there be a prescribed time for the outward exercise of religion and so consequently an holye rest They of the primitiue Churche therefore did chaunge the Sabboth day least peraduenture they should haue séemed to haue imitated the Iewes and still to haue reteined their order and ceremonies and made their assemblies and holy restings to be on the first day of Sabbothes whiche Iohn calleth Sunday or the Lords day bycause of the Lords glorious resurrection vpon that day And although we doe not in any parte of the Apostles writings find any mention made that this sunday was commaunded vs to be kept holy yet for bycause in this fourth precept of the first table we are commaunded to haue a care of religion and the exercising of outward godlynesse it would be against al godlinesse and Christian charitie if we shoulde denie to sanctifie the Sunday especially since the outward worship of god can not consist without an appointed time and space of holy rest I suppose also that we ought to thinke the same of those fewe
feastes and holy dayes which we kéepe holy to Christe our Lord in memorie of his Natiuitie or Incarnation of his Circumcision of his Passion of the Resurrection and Ascension of Iesus Christe our Lorde into heauen and of his sending of the holy Ghost vpon his Disciples For Christian libertie is not a licentious power and dissoluing of godly Ecclesiasticall ordinances which aduaunce and set forward the glory of God and loue of our neighbor But for bicause the Lorde will haue holy dayes to be solemnized and kept to him self alone I do not therefore like of the festiuall dayes that are helde in honour of any creatures This glory and worship is due to God alone Paul sayth I wold not that any man should iudge you in part of an holie day or of the Sabbothes which are a shadow of things to come And againe Ye obserue dayes and monethes and yeares and times I feare least I haue laboured in you in vaine And therefore we at this day that are in the Churche of Christe haue nothing to doe with the Iewish obseruation we haue onely to wish indeuour to haue the Christian obseruation and exercise of Christian religion to be fréely kept obserued And yet as the hallowing of the Iewish sabboth so also the sanctifying or exercise of our Sunday must be spent occupyed about foure things which ought to be founde in the holy congregation of Christians if their Sunday be truely sanctified and kept holy as it should be Firste let all the godly Saintes assemble them selues together in the congregation Let there in that congregation so assembled be preached the worde of God let the Gospell there be read that the hearers maye learne thereby what they haue to thinke of God what the dutie and office is of them that worship God and how they ought to sanctifie the name of the lord Then let there in that congregation be made prayers and supplications for all the necessities of all people Let the Lord be praised for his goodnesse and thanked for his vnestimable benefits whiche he dayly bestoweth Then if time occasion and custome of the Church do so require let the sacramentes of the Church be religiously ministred For nothing is more required in this fourth commaundement than that we should holily obserue and deuoutly exercise the Sacramentes and holy lawfull profitable and necessarie rites and ceremonies of the Church Last of all let entyre humanitie and liberalitie haue a place in the Saints assembly let all learne to giue almes priuately and relieue the poore dayly and to do it frankly and openly so often as opporunitie of time and causes of néede shall so require And these are the dueties wherein the Lordes sabboth is kept holy euen in the churche of Christians and so much the rather if to these be added an earnest good wil to do no euil al the day long This discipline now must be brought in and established by euery householder in all our seuerall houses with as great diligence as it was with the Iewes Touching which thing I haue nothing to say here since I haue before so plainely handled this point as that ye perceiue that it agréeth euen to the Churche of vs that are Christians This one thing I adde more that it is the dutie of a Christian magistrate or at leastwise of a good housholder to compell to amendment the brekers and contemners of Gods sabboth and worship The péeres of Israell and all the people of God did stone to death as the Lord commaunded them the man that disobediently did gather stickes on the sabboth day Why then should it not be lawful for a Christian Magistrate to punishe by bodily imprisonment by losse of goods or by death the despisers of religion of the true and lawfull worship done to God and of the sabboth day verily though the foolishe and vndiscrete Magistrate in this corrupted age doe slackly looke to his office and duetie yet notwithstanding let euery householder do his indeuour to kéepe his seuerall familie from that vngodly naughtinesse let him punish them of his housholde by suche meanes as he lawfully may For if any one householder dwell among Idolaters which neyther haue nor yet desire to haue or frequente the Christian or lawful congregations thē may he in his own seuerall house gather a peculiar assemblie to prayse the Lorde as it is manifest that Lot did among the Sodomites Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the land of Chana●n and in Egipt But it is a haynous sinne and a detestable schisme if the congregation be assembled either in cities or villages for thée then to séeke out bywayes to hide thy self not to come there but to contemn the church of God and assēblie of saints as the Anabaptistes haue takē a vse to do Here therfore I haue to reckon vp the abuses of the sabboth day or that sinnes cōmitted against this commaundement They transgresse this cōmaundement that cease not from euil works but abuse the sabboths rest to the prouoking of fleshly pleasures For they kéep the sabboth to God but work to the deuil in dicing in drinking in dauncing féeding their humors with the vanities of this world wherby we are not only drawn from the cōpanie of the holy congregation but do also defile our bodyes which we ought rather to sanctifie and kéepe holy They sinne against this precept which eyther exercise any handie occupation on the sabboth day or else lye wrapt in bed and fast a sléepe till the day be almost spēt not once thinking to make one of Gods congregation They offend in this precept that awe their seruants to worke and by appointing them to other businesse do drawe them from the worship of God preferring other stinking thinges before the honour due to god And they aboue all other offende herein which do not only not kéepe holy the sabboth day them selues but doe also with their vngodly scoffes and euil examples cause other to despise and set light by religion when they do disdaine and mocke at the holy rites ceremonies at the ministerie ministers sacred Churches and godly exercises And herein too do both the goodmen and goodwiues offend if they be slacke in their owne houses to call vpon and to sée their families kéepe holy the sabboth day Who so euer do contemne the holynesse of the sabboth day they giue a flat and euident testimonie of their vngodlinesse and light regarde of Gods mightie power Furthermore the kéeping or despising of the sabboth doth always carry with it either ample rewards or terrible threates For the proofe whereof I will recite vnto you dearely beloued the wordes of Ieremie in his 17. cha Thus hath the Lord saide vnto me sayth he Goe and stand vnder the gate of the sonnes of the people through which the kings of Iuda goe in and out and vnder all the gates of Ierusalem and say vnto them Take heede for your liues that ye
doubt whether any more greate and mightie did reigne in the world publisheth a decrée that hée should be torne in péeces his house made a iakes whosoeuer spake reprochfullie against the true God which made both heauen and earth The place is extant in the third Chapiter of Daniels prophecie Darius Medus the sonne of Assuerus king Cyrus his vncle saith I haue decreed that all men in the whole dominion of my kingdome doe feare the God ofDaniel as is to be séene in the sixte of Daniel Cyrus king of Persia looseth the Iewes from bondage and giueth them in charge to repaire the temple and restore their holie rites againe Darius Persa the sonne of Hystaspes saith I haue decreed for euerie man which chaūgeth any thing of my determination touching the reparation of the temple and the restoring of the worship of god that a beame be takē out of his house set vp and he hanged theron and his house to be made a iakes The verie same Darius again who was also called Artaxerxes saith Whosoeuer will not doe the lawe of thy God Esdras and the law of the king let iudgemēt straight way passe vpon him either to death or to vtter rooting out or to confiscation of his goods or imprisonment All this we find in the booke of Esdras The men which are persuaded that the care and ordering of religion doth belong to bishopps alone do make an obiection and say that these examples which I haue alledged do nothing apperteine to vs which are Christians because they are examples of the Iewish people To whom mine aunsweare is The men of this opinion ought to proue that the Lord Iesus his Apostles did translate the care of religion from the magistrate vnto bishops alone which they shal neuer be able to doe But wée on the other side will briefly shew that these auncient princes of Gods people Iosue Dauid and the rest were Christians verilie in deede and that therefore the examples which are deriued from them applied to Christian princes both are and ought to bée of force and effect among vs at this day I wil in the end adde also the prophecie of the Prophet Esai wherby it may appere that euen now also kings haue in the Church at this day the same office that those ancient kings had in that Congregation which they call the Iewish Church There is no doubt but that they ought to be accōpted true Christians which being annoynted with the spirite of Christ do belieue in Christ and are in the Sacramentes made partakers of Christ For Christ if ye interprete the verie word is as much to say as annointed Christians therefore according to the Etymologie of their name are annoynted That annointing according to the Apostles interpretation is the spirite of God or the gift of the holie ghoste But S. Peter testifieth that the spirit of Christ was in the kinges Prophets And Paul affirmeth flatly that wee haue the verie same spirite of faith that they of old had And doth moreouer communicate our Sacraments with them where hee saith that they were baptised vnder the cloud and that they all dranke of the spirituall rocke that followed them which rock was Christe Since then the case is so the examples truly which are deriued frō the words and woorkes of those auncient kinges for the confirmation of faith and charitie both are and ought to be of force with vs And yet I know that euerie thing doth not consequently folow vppon the gathering of examples But here wée haue for the making good of our argument an euident prophecie of Esai who foretelleth that kinges princes after the times of Christ and the reuealing of the Gospell should haue a diligent care of the Church should by that meanes become the féeders and nourices of the faithfull Now it is euident what it is to feede to nourish for it is al one as if he shold haue said that they s●ould be the fathers mothers of the Church But hée could not haue said that rightly if the care of religion did not belong to Princes but to Bishops alone The words of Esaie are these Behold I wil stretch out my hand vnto the Gentiles and set vp my token to the people they shal bring thee thy sonnes in their lappes and thy daughters on their shoulders And kinges shal be thy nourcing fathers Queenes thy nurcing mothers they shal fal before thee with their faces flatte vppon the earth and licke vp the duste of thy feete c. Shal not wée say that all this is fullie performed in some Christian princes Among whom the first was the holie Emperour Cōstantine who by calling a generall counsell did determine to establish true sincere doctrine in the Church of Christe with a settled purpose vtterly to roote out all false and hereticall phantasies and opinions And when the bishopps did not go rightly to worke by the true rule and touchstone of the Gospel and of charitie hée blamed them vpbrayding them with tyrannicall crueltie and declaring therwithal what peace the Lord had graūted by his meanes to the Churches Adding moreouer that it were a detestable thing if the bishopps forgetting to thancke God for his gift of peace should goe on amonge themselues to baite one an other with mutuall reproches taunting libells thereby giuing occasion of delight and laughter to wicked idolatrers when as of dutie they ought rather to handle and treat of matters of religion For sayth hée the bookes of the Euangelistes Apostles and Oracles of the auncient Prophetes are they which must instruct vs to the vnderstanding of Gods holie lawe Let vs expell therefore this quarelling strife and thincke vppon the questions proposed to resolue them by the woordes of Scripture inspired from aboue After him againe the holie Emperours Gratian Valentinian Theodosius make a decrée and giue out the edicte in these verie woords Wée wil and cōmaund all people that are subiecte to our gratious Empire to be of that religion which the verie religion taught conueighed from Peter till now doth declare that the holie Apostle Peter did teach to the Romanes And so forward By this derely beloued ye perceiue how kings and Princes amonge the people of the new Testament haue béen the foster fathers and nourices of the Church being persuaded that the care of religion did first of all and especially belong to themselues The second obiection that they make is the leprosie of Osias king of Iuda which hée gatt by challenging to himselfe the office of the Priest while hée presumed to burne incense on the incense altar They obiect the Lords commaundement who badd Iosue stand before Eleazar the Prieste and gaue the king in charge to receiue the booke of the law at the Leuites hāds But our disputation tendeth not to that confounding of the offices and duties of the magistrate and ministers of the Church as that wée would
haue the king to preach to baptize and to minister the Lords supper or the priest on the other side to sit in the iudgment seate and giue iudgement against a murderer or by pronouncing sentēce to take vppe matters in strife The Church of Christ hath and reteyneth seuerall and distinguished offices and God is the God of order and not of cōfusion Hereunto tendeth our discourse by demonstration to proue to all men that the magistrate of duetie ought to haue care of religion either in ruine to restore it or in soundnesse to preserue it and still to see that it procéede according to the rule of the woord of the lord For to that end was the law of God giuen into the kinges hands by the priestes that hee should not be ignoraunt of Gods will touching matters Ecclesiasticall and politicall by which lawe hée had to gouerne the whole estate of all his realme Iosue the Capitaine of Gods people is set before Eleazar in deede but yet hee hath authoritie to commaunde the priestes and being a politique gouernour is ioyned as it were in one bodie with the ecclesiasticall ministers The politique magistrate is commaunded to giue eare to the ecclesiastical ruler and the ecclesiastical minister must obey the politique gouernour in all thinges which the law commaūdeth So then the magistrate is not made subiect by God to the priestes as to Lords but as to the ministers of the Lord the subiection duetie which they owe is to the lord himself and to his law to which the priestes themselues also ought to be obedient as well as the Princes If the lipps of the priest erre from the truth and speake not the word of God there is no cause why any of the common sort much lesse the Prince should either hearken vnto or in one title reuerence the priest The lippes of the priest sayth Malachie keepe knowledge they seeke the Lawe at his mouth because he is the messinger of the lord of hoastes To refuse to hear such priestes is to repell God himself Such priestes as these the godly princes of Israell did alwayes ayde and assist false priestes they did disgrade those which neglected their offices they rebuked sharpelie and made decrees for the executing and right administring of euerie office Of Salomon wee read that hée put Abiathar beside the priesthoode of the Lord that hee might fulfil the word of the Lord which he spake of Heli in Silo and made Zadok priest in Abiathars stéede In the second booke of Chronicles it is said And Salomon set the sorts of priestes to their offices as Dauid his father had ordered them and the Leuites in their watches for to praise minister before the priestes day by day as their course did require In the same booke againe Ioiada the priest doth in déede annointe Ioas king but neuerthelesse the king doth cal the priest giue him a cōmaundement to gather money to repaire the temple Moreouer that religious and excellent Prince Ezechias called the priestes and Leuites and said vnto them Bee ye sanctified and sanctifie ye the house of the Lord our God and suffer no vncleannesse to remaine in the sanctuarie My sonnes be not slacke now because the Lord hath chosen you to minister vnto him selfe Hée did also appoint singars in the house of the Lord and those that should play on musicall instruments in the Lords temple Furthermore king Ezechias ordeyned sondrie companies of priestes and Leuites according to their sondrie offices euerie one according to his owne ministerie What may be sayd of that too that euen hee did diuide to the priestes their portions and stipends throughout the priesthoode The same king gaue charge to all the people to ●éepe holie that feast of Passeouer writing to them all such letters as priestes are wont to write to put them in mind of religion and hartie repentaunce And after all this there is added And the king wrought that which was good right and iust before the Lord his God. When Princes therefore doe order religion according to the woord of God they do the thing that pleaseth the lord This and the like is spoken againe by the godly Prince Iosias Who therefore will hereafter say that the care of religion belongeth vnto bishops alone The Christian Emperours following the example of the auncient kings as of their fathers did with greate care prouide for the state of true religion in the Church of Christe Arcadius Honorius did determine that so often as matters of religion were called in question the bishopps should be sommoned to assemble a counsell And before them againe the Emperours Gratian Valentinian and Theodosius established a lawe wherin they declared to the world what faith and religion they would haue all men to receiue and reteine to witte the faith and doctrine of S. Peter In which edicte also they proclaimed all them to be heretiques which thought or taught y contrarie allowing them alone to be called catholiques which did perseuere in S. Peters faith By this we gather that the proper office of y priests is to determine of religion by proofes out of the woord of God that the princes dutie is to a●de the priestes in aduauncement and defence of true religiō But if it happen at any time that the priests be slack in doing their duetie then is it the princes office by compulsion to inforce the priestes to liue orderlie according to their profession and to determine in religion according to the woord of god The Emperour Iustinian in Nouellis Cōstitut 3. writing to Epiphanius Archbishop of Constantinople saith Wee haue most reuerend Patriarch assigned to your holinesse the disposition of all things that are honest seemelie and agreeable to the rule of the holie scriptures touching the apointing ordering of sacred bishops reuerēd clearkes And in the 7. Constitution hée saith Wee giue charge and commaūdemēt that no bishop haue licēce to sell or make away any immoueables whether it be in houses or landes belonging to the Churches Againe in the 57. Constitution hée forbiddeth to celebrate the holie mysteries in priuate houses Hée addeth the penaltie and saith For the houses wherein it is done shal be confiscate and sold for money which shal be brought into the Emperours Exchequer In the 67 Constitution hée chargeth all bishops not to be absent from their Churches but if they be absent he willeth that they should receiue no commoditie or stipend of the prouinciall stuards but that their reuenue should be imployed on y Churches necessities In the 123. constitution the lieuetenauntes of euerie prouince are commaunded to assemble a counsell for the vse and defence of ecclesiasticall lawes if the bishops bee slacke to looke thereunto And immediatlie after hee saith Wee do vtterly forbid all bishoppes prelates and clea●kes of what degree soeuer to play at tables to keepe companie with diceplayers to bee lookers on vpon gamesters or to runne to gaze vppon May games or
pageants I do not alledge all this as Canonical Scriptures but as proofes to declare that Princes in the primatiue church had power officiall authoritie and a vsuall custome graunted by God as Esai did prophecie and deriued from the examples of auncient kinges to commaund bishops and to determine of Religion in the Church of Christ As for them which obiect the churches priuilege let them knowe that it is not permitted to any prince nor any mortal man to graunt priuileges contrarie to the expresse cōmaundemēts and verie truth of gods word S. Paul affirmed that he had power giuen him to edifie but not to destroy I am the briefer because I wil not stād to proue that they are vnworthie of indifferent priuileges which are not such as priestes and Christ his ministers should be but are souldiers rather and wicked knaues full of all kind of mischiefe Amonge other thinges in the Canon Lawe Distinct 40 wée finde this written See to your selues bretherne how ye sitte vppon the seate for the seat maketh not the priest but the priest the seate the place sanctifieth not the man but the man the place Euerie priest is not a holie man but euery holie man is a priest Hée that sitteth wel vpon the seate receiueth the honour of the seate but he that sitteth ill vppon the seate doth iniurie vnto the seate Therfore an euil priest getteth blame by his priest hoode and not any dignitie And thus much thus farre touching this matter Since now that I haue declared vnto you déerely beloued that the care of religion doth belong to the magistrate too and not to the bishopps alone that the magistrate may make lawes also in cases of religion it is requisite that I inquire what kinde of lawes those are that the magistrates may make in matters of religion There is no cause whie the king or magistrate should suppose that power is giuen to him to make newe lawes touching God the worship of God or his holie mysteries or to appoint a new kind of true iustice and goodnesse For as euery magistrate is ordeyned of God and is Gods minister so must hée be ruled by God and be obedient to Gods holie word and commaundement hauing euermore an eye vnto that and depending stil vppon that alone The scripture which is y word of God doth abundauntly enough set downe al that which is proper to true religion yea the Lord doth flatly forbidde to adde too or take any thing from his holy word The magistrate therefore maketh no newe lawes touching God and the honour to be giuen to God but doth religiously receiue and kéepe doth put in vre and publish those auncient lawes in that kingdome which God hath allotted him vnto For hereunto apperteineth the giuing of the booke of Gods law vnto the kinges of Israell that they might learn therby the way to do the things which they of duetie ought to sée done To Iosue the Lord doth say See that thou doest obserue doe according to all the law that Moses my seruaunt commaunded thee Thou shalt not tourne from it either to the righte hand or to the left Neither shall the booke of this lawe depart out of thy mouth but occupie thy minde therein day and night that thou maist obserue and doe according to all that is written therein For then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt do wiselie Deuout and holie Princes therefore did doe their faithfull diligent indeuour to cause the word of God to be preached to the people to reteine and preserue among the people the lawes ceremonies and statutes of god yea they did their best to spread it to al men as farre as they could and as place and time required to applie it holilie to the states persons on the other side they were not slack to banish driue away false doctrine prophane worshipings of God blasphemies of his name but settled themselues vtterlie to ouerthrow and roote it out for euer In this sort I say godly magistrates did make and ordeine deuoute lawes for the maintenaunce of religion In this sort they bore a godlie and deuout care for matters of religion The cities which the Leuites had to possesse were of old their scholes of Israel Now Iosue did appoint those cities for studies sake and the cause of godlines King Ezechias was no lesse carefull for the sure paiment and reuenue of the ministers stipēds than hee was for the restoring and renuing of euerie office For honour and aduauncemēt maketh learning to flourish when néede and necessitie is driuen to séeke out sondrie shiftes beggarie setteth religion to sale much more the inuented lyes of mens owne mouthes Iosaphat sendeth Senatours and other officers with the priestes and teachers through al his kingdome For his desire was by all meanes possible to haue Gods word preached with authoritie and a certaine maiestie and being preached to haue it defended and put in vre to the bringing forth of good workes King Iosias doth together with idolatrie and prophane worshippinges of God destroy the false priestes that were to be found setting vppe in their stéeds the true teachers of Gods word and restoring againe sincere religion euen as also king Ioas hauing rebuked the Leuites did repaire the decayed buildings of the holie temple I am not able to runne through all the Scriptures and rehearce al the examples in them expressed let the Godly Prince or magistrate learne by these fewe what and how hée ought to determine touching lawes for religion On the other side Ahia the Silonite saith to Ieroboam Thus saith the Lord Thou shalt reigne according to all that thy soule desireth and shalt be king ouer Israel And if thou hearken vnto all that I commaunde thee and wilt walke in my wayes and doe that is right in my sight that thou keepe my statutes and my commaundements as Dauid my seruaunt did then will I be with thee build thee a sure house But the wretch despised those large promises and reiecting Gods word his temple at Ierusalem and his lawfull worship refusing also the Leuites hée made him priestes of the dregges and rascall sort of people hée built himself new temples which hée decked nay rather disgraced with images and idolls ordeyning and offering sacrifices not taught in Gods woord by that meanes inuenting a certain new kind of worshipping god and a new maner of religion And although his desire was to séeme to be willing to worshippe God yet is he by God condemned for a wicked man Hearken I pray the sentence of the Lord which hee denounceth against him Thou hast done euil saith Ahia as the Lord had taught him aboue all that were before thee For thou hast gone and made the other Gods and moultē images to prouoke mee and hast cast mee behinde thy backe Therefore I will bring euill vppon the house of Ieroboam and wil roote out from Ieroboam euen him that pisseth against the wall
tribes Such are at this day those arrogant and seditious rebells as trouble common weales and kingdomes as of old Absalom was in Israell and Seba the sonne of Bochri of whom mention is made in the second booke of Samuell Hereunto appertoyne the warres that are taken in hand for the defence of true religiō against idolatrers and enimies of the true and Catholique faith They erre that are of opinion that no warres may bee made in defence of religion The Lord in déede blamed Peter for strikinge with the sword because he was an Apostle but therby notwithstanding hée badde not the magistrate to be negligent in looking to religion neither forbad he him to defend and mainteyne the purenesse of faith For if it bée lawfull for the magistrate to defend with the sword the thinges of accompt of which sorte are libertie wealth chastitie and his subiects bodies whie should he not defend and reuenge the thinges of greater accompt and those which are of greatest weight But there is nothing of more and greater weight than sincere true religion is There is moreouer a manifest and flat commaundement of God touching this matter to be séene in Deuteronomium For the Lord commaundeth that euerie citie within the iurisdiction of euerie magistrate which departeth frō God and the worshippe of God should be set on with warriours and vtterlie raced if it reuolted not frō idolatrie betimes The place is extant in the 13. of Deut. But if the magistrate be cōmaunded to punish Apostataes by warre then is it lawful for him by warr to defend the Church in daunger to be drawne by anye barbarous Prince from true religion vnto false idolatrie Iosue would by warre haue suppressed the Rubenits with their confederates for building an altar against Gods commaundemente Iudas Machabeus fought for the people of God against the people souldiers of king Autiochus who purposed to tread downe the Iewish religion which at that time was the true worship of God and perforce to make all men receiue and professe his heathenish superstition Likewise also Paul cōmended greatly those Iewish capitaynes or Iudges which by faith withstoode and turnd away forreine enimies inuasions And Paule himselfe did warre in Cyprus against Elymas the false prophet and stroake him with blindnes he addeth the reason why hée stroak him blinde which he fetcheth frō the kéeping of religion and saith Ceassest thou not to peruert the right wayes of the Lord c. Act. 13. For the same Paul againe 40. mē do lye in waite supposinge if hee were once made away that a good parte of the preachinge of the Gospell would then come to an ende and that thereby the Iewishe religion which notwithstāding was vtterly false should haue béene set vp and mainteyned for truth But Paul was not negligēt to remedie this case neither turned hée the other chéeke to haue that stricken too but earnestlie and humblie requireth deliuerie and defence which hee requested not of a Christian magistrate when as yet there was none but of a Romane Centurion neither did hée once gainsay him when hee sawe that hée choase out 400. footemen and 70. horsemen whom hée placed in order of battell ray to conduct him safely from Hierusal●m to Antipatridis and by that meanes was Paule the vessell of election preserued by an armed band of Italian souldiers Of the Armenians whom Mariminus the Emperour did tyrannously oppresse Eusebius in the 9. booke and S. cap of his ecclesiasticall historie saith The people of Armenia hauing beene long time both profitable and frends to the people of Rome being at length compelled by Maximinus Caesar to chaung the vse of Christian religion whereunto the whoale nation was most holilie bent into the worship of idolls and to honour diuels in steede of God of friēds became enimies and of fellowes aduersaries and preparing by force of armes to defende them selues against his wicked edictes doe of their owne accord make warre vppon him and put him often to much trouble and busynes Thus saith hee It is lawful therefore for the magistrate to defend 〈◊〉 people and su●iect●s a●●inst idola●●ra and by 〈…〉 and 〈…〉 to this there is an other cause why the magistrate may take warre in hand For either some barbarous enimie inuadeth the people cōmitted to thy charge tearing and spoyling them most cruellie like a wolfe in a flocke of shéepe when as notwithstāding thou diddest not first prouoake him thereunto by iniurie but also after his causelesse beginning thou hast offered equal conditions of peace to be made In such a case as this the magistrate is cōmaunded to stand forth like a Lyon and to defende his subiectes against the open wronge of mercilesse ●utthroates So did Moses when hée fought against Arad Sehon and Og kinges of the Amorites So did Iosaphat when hée foughte against the Ammonites and inhabitauntes of mount S●ir So did Dauid when he withstoode the warre made on him by the Syrians Or else the magistrate doth ayde his confederates for the magistrate may make league with the nations about him so that thereby nothinge be done against the word of God when by tyrauntes they be wrongfully oppressed For so did Iosue deliuer the Cabaonites frō the siege of their enimies and Saule the men of Iabes Galaad fighting for them against Nahas a Prince full of tyrannie In such cases as these magistrats and Princes do lawfully make warre and their souldiers and subiects doe rightlie obey them yea they doe with greate glorie die a happie death that die in so iuste a quarell as for the defence of religiō of the lawes of God of his countrie wife and children They therefore that enter into warrfare to susteine the troublesome toile of batteile must not set their minds vppon gaine or pleasure wherin they looke when perill is paste to lye ●●ill and wallowe but iustice publique peace defence of trueth and innocencie must be the mark for them all to shoote at to the intent when the wicked are vāquished the victorie obteined and the enimies put to flight slaine out of hand or brought to better order that then religion may flourish iudgement iustice may be exercised the Church vpheld the ceremonies rites ordinances and discipline thereof mainteyned studie and learning cherished the poore prouided for widowes and children defended and cared for the all sortes may liue in quiet peace that old men in reuerence maydens in chastitie and matrones in honestie may serue God prayse God and worship God without feare or daunger This was the marke whereto our fathers Abraham Moses Iosue Dauid and other valiaunt men of famous memorie did directe the eyes of their bodies and mindes vppon this onelie their heartes were settled so often as they warred and wente to batteile against vngodly tyrauntes in defence of the Church and cōmon weale To whom and to all other valiaunte and godlie souldiers eternal praise is duelie giuē of all the Church and faithful saintes But to fearefull and cowardly
good will towarde the faithful to be a type of Christ and partely also to gather all the partakers thereof into the fellowship of one bodie and to put them in minde to be thankfull and innocent This Sacrament was first ordeined by God him self and not by man For Moses deliuered to the children of Israel whatsoeuer he receiued at the Lordes hande as is to bee séene at large in the 12 Chapter of Exodus And he instituted that ceremonie euē at that verie time when he brought y Israelites from out of Aegypt Now since this ceremonie came firste from God it followeth consequently that all the passeouers which followed euen vntil that passeouer whiche the Lorde did holde with his disciples a little before his death were holie and diuine actions To fleshe and worldly wisedome many pointes I may saye all the partes of this sacrament do séeme to be méerely absurde and altogether néedelesse but faith whiche looketh vp to God the author of this sacrament hath a great respect vnto reuerenceth greately all the mysteries conteined therein For euen as God is the chiefe and moste absolute wisedome so are all his ordinances moste absolute and passing profitable Here now is noted the time when this Sacrament was first deliuered to the church of Israel to wite in the foure hundreth and thirtéeth yeare counting from the promise made to Abraham or from the time that hée departed frō his countrie firste which was the 2447 yeare from the beginning of the worlde 791 yeares after the generall floud The time is also appointed when the passeouer shoulde be holden to wite euery yere in the moneth Nisan which taketh parte of our March and parte of April Moreouer the verie day is named that is the fourtéenth of the moneth beginning their accompt at the spring times Equinoctiall For on the tenth daye they chose the Lambe that should bee eaten and on the fourtéenth day they killed it There is also set downe the houre of the daye when it should bée slaughtered that was about euen tyde to wite betwixt thrée and fiue of the clocke in the after noone according to the course of our dialles and as the Iewes were wont to reckon the houres of the daye it was to bee killed betwixt nine and eleuen a clocke And in that killing of the Lambe at euen tyde did this meaning lye hidde that Christ should be slaine in the latter dayes of the worlde yea the verie houre and moment wherein Christe should dye was therein foretolde For he gaue vp the ghoste about the ninth houre Whereupon Sainct Peter saith that the Prophets did search at what moment or minute of time the spirite of Christ which was in them did signifie that Christ should come and suffer Furthermore there was a certein appointed place assigned to this Sacrament In Aegypt verily they did eate it by companies here and there in seuerall houses But when they were once come into the land of promise it was not lawful to hold passeouer in any place but at the Tabernacle of appointment and after that at the temple in Hierusalem Being diuided therefore into seuerall houses at Hierusalem they did eate it by companies as is to be séene in the 22. Chapter of S. Lukes gospel And that was a type that Christe which was to be offered but once vppon the mount of Caluerie should bee effectuall for euer to cleanse the sinnes of all his people There was also appointed who they should be that shoulde holde the passeouer to wite the whole circumcised congregation of Israel béeinge assembled by houses and families in so greate companies as were sufficient to eate a Lambe For as Christe is the Sauiour of vs all so all sinners for wée all are sinners are the cause whie Christ our Lord was offered vppon the altar of the Crosse Moreouer there is great diligence vsed in describing the manner of killing eating the Lambe First they chose to them selues this Lambe frō among other Lambes and Kiddes the fifte daye after they cut the throate therof and saued the bloud in a platter which with a bushe of Hysope made like a holie water sticke they sprinckled vpon the two sides and vpper postes of the doore The Lambe it self they did eate publiquely not boyled with water but rosted with fire and that whole also I meane bothe head and féete and purtenaunce too and with it they did eate letuce or sower hearbes and vnleauened bread And while they were at it they stoode about it with their loynes girded with shooes on their féete and staues in their handes They did eate it in haste they neither brake nor cast a bone of it vnto the dogges but burnt the bones with fire From euening vntil morning no man did set one foot out of dores All these ceremonies had their endes whereunto they tended conteined greate mysteries and bare a verie euident signification of thinges past things present and thinges to come They did also ioyne the whole congregation or Iewish churche into one bodie and profession of one religion and did also warne all those that did eate of the Lamb to be thankfull to God and zelous in religion as I will by partes touch and teach you as briefely as I can For first of all the Lordes wil was to kéepe in memorie and as it were for euer to prolong the remembrance of that great benefite which hee did once for his people of Israel in preseruing merueilously his chosen flock when he slewe in one night all the first borne of the Aegyptians and the next day after led his elect from out of Aegypt where they had a long time susteined greate miserie in bondage This benefite he woulde not haue onely to bee preached by woorde of mouth for it is certeinly sure that in that feast were made moste effectuall Sermons touching Gods benefites grace shewed to their fathers but woulde haue them also layde before their eyes by an holie action and ceremonie as it were by a looking glasse liuely picture euen as though their déede were newely in dooing againe before their faces For the visible action did after a sorte make a Sermon to their eyes and other senses Wherfore Moses when he did interprete y ceremonie and holie action did saye When your children shall saye vnto you what meaneth this worship of yours ye shall saye vnto them this sacrifice is the passinge ouer of the Lorde who passed ouer the houses of the children of Israel in Aegypt whē he slewe the Aegyptians and deliuered our houses But this ceremonie was the signification of a thinge alreadie past and therefore it should haue little auailed that age of man which followed to celebrate a benefite which did nothing at all belong vnto them vnlesse the Lorde had applyed it to euery age and season God therefore woulde haue this to be as a testimonie to the posteritie of his fauour goodnesse and perpetual assistance to put them
excommunication the secular power hath nowe by the space of 30. yeares and more beene called on and persecution hath beene euery where raysed vpp against guiltlesse Christians not for committing heynous crimes and defending naughtinesse but for inueighing against mischiefes and mischiefous men and for requiring the reformation of the Church and yet euen at this day most cruell edicts are out and crueltie is exercised euery day more more against them that confesse the name of Christ yea such is their impudencie brasen-faced boldnesse they dissemble not that the counsell if any must be celebrated shall be called for the rooting out of heresies yea they doe openly professe that the counsell once held at Trent was to this end assembled Nowe since these things more clearely than the sunne are perceiued to be most true thou shalt most holy kinge doe wisely and religiously if without looking for the determination of a generall counsell thou shalt proceed to reforme the Churches in thy kingdome according to the rule of the bookes of both testaments which we do rightly beleeue being written by the inspiration of the holy Ghost to be the very word of God. But nowe that it is lawfull for euery Christian Church much more for euery notable Christian kingdome without the aduise of the Church of Rome and the members therof in matters of religion depraued by them wholie to make are formation according to the rule of Gods most holy word it is therby manifest because Christians are the congregation the Church or subiects of their king Christ to whome they owe by all meanes most absolute and perfect obedience Now the Lord gaue his Church a charge of reformation he commended vnto it the sound doctrine of the Gospell together with the lawfull vse of his holy Sacraments he also condemned all false doctrine that I meane that is contrarie to the Gospell he damned the abuse and prophanation of the Sacraments and deliuered to vs the true worship of God proscribed the false therefore Christians obeying the Lawes commaundements of their Prince do vtterly remoue or take away all superstition and do restore establish and preserue the true religion according to the manner that Christ their Prince appointed them He verilie is a foole or a mad man which sayeth that the Church of Christ hath none authoritie to correcte such errours vicces and abuses as do daily creepe into it And yet the Romish tyrannie hath so bewitched the eyes of many men that they thincke that they cannot lawfully doe any thinge but what it pleaseth Rome to giue them leaue to doe The Ecclesiasticall histories make mention of prouinciall Synods held in sondrie prouinces wherein there were handled matters of faith and the reformation of the Churches and yet no mention once made of the bishop of Rome What may be thought of that moreouer that in certeine Synodes not heretical but orthodoxasticall and Catholique thou mayest finde some that were excommunicated for appealing from their owne Churches vnto the Church of Rome Sainct Cyprian writing to Cornelius the bishop of Rome doth say Since that it is ordeined by vs all that it is iust and right that euery mans cause should be heard there where the crime is committed that to euery seueral pastour is appointed a portion of the flocke which euery one must gouerne make accompt of his doings before the Lord it is expedient verilie that those ouer whome we haue the charge should not gad to and fro by that meanes with their subtile and deceiptfull petulancie to make the concord of bishops to be at iarre but to pleade their causes there where they maye haue their accusers present and witnesses of their crime committed But letting passe the testimonies of men we do now come to the testimonies in the booke of god The most holy king Iosias most godly Prince may alone in this case teach you what to do and how to do with the warrant authoritie of God himselfe He by the diligent reading of the holy booke of God and by the contemplation of things present and the manner of worshipping God that then was vsed did vnderstand that his auncestours did greatly very farre erre from the plaine and simple truth for which cause he calleth together the princes and other estates of his kingdome together with all the priestes to hold and celebrate a counsell with them In that counsell he standeth not long disputing whether the examples of the elders ought rather to be followed or Gods commuandement simplie receiued whether he ought rather to beleeue the Church or the Scripture and whether all the iudgement of religion ought to be referred to the high priest For laying abroade the booke of the Lawe he submitteth both himselfe and all his vnto the Sacred Scripture Out of the booke of the Lawe both he him selfe doth learne biddeth all his to learne what thinge it is that pleaseth God namely that which was commuanded and learned in the reading of the Lawe of god And presently hee gaue charge that all men should doe and execute that not hauing any regard to the auncient custome or to the Church that was at that time he made all subiecte to the word of god Which deede of his is so commended that next after Dauid hee is preferred before all the kinges of Iuda and Israel Nowe your royall Maiestie cannot followe any better or safer counsell than this cōsidering that it proceedeth from God and that it is most fit for the cause which is euen nowe in hand The disputation is of the Reformation of Religion and the true fayth of Christ You know that that doth spring from heauen namely that it is taught by the word of God and powred into our hartes by the holy Ghost For Paul sayth Faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ Therefore as true fayth is not grounded vppon the word of man so is it not taught or planted by the same For in an other place the same Apostle sayth My preaching was not in the enticing words of mans wisedome but in the shewing of the spirite and of power that your faith might not be in the wisedome of man but in the power of God. Not without good cause therefore doe we refuse the traditions of men and turne onely to the doctrine of the word of the Lord without which it is assuredly certeine that there is no doctrine nor any foundation of true fayth Neither are they worthie to be heard who thincke that the Canonicall Scriptures are not plaine enough full enoughe or sufficient enough to minister a perfect platforme of reformation They blaspheme the spirite of God imputing vnto it obscurenesse imperfection which faultes no prophane writer can well abide to heare off Sainct Paule in defence of the trueth sayth All Scripture giuen by inspiration of God is profitable to doctrine to reproue to correction to instruction which is in righteousnesse that
Father and the Sonne and name them the Trinitie teach that the man whiche God the Word tooke vppon him is to be accompted perfecte man not in body onely but in soule also euen as the auncient doctours of the Church did also thinck But forbeecause the question about Ousia and Hypostasis did trouble the Churches that there were sundrie contentions disputations concerning the differēce betwixt them they seeme to me to haue determined very wisely that those names should not at the first presently bee vsed in questions of GOD vnlesse it were that when a man wente about to beate downe the opinion of Sabellius hee were compelled to vse them least by lacke of words he should seeme to call one the same by three names when hee should vnderstand euery one peculiarly in that threefold distinction Socrates in the 7. Chap. and thirde booke of his historie addeth But they did not bring into the Church a certeine newe religion deuised of themselues but that whiche frō the beginning euen till then the Ecclesiasticall tradition taught and prudent Christians did euidently set foorth And so foorth Therefore awaye with the Popes champions to the place whereof they are worthie which when wee teach y all pointes of true godlinesse and saluation are fully conteyned and taught in the Canonicall Scriptures by the way of obiection do demaund in what place of the Scripture we find the names of Trinitie Person Essence and Substance and finally where we find that Christe hath a reasonable soule For although those very words consisting in those syllables are not to bée found in the Canonicall bookes which were by the Prophets and Apostles written in an other and not in the latine tongue yet the thinges the matter or substaunce which those woords doe signifie are most manifestly conteined and taught in those books whiche thinges likewise all and euery nation may in their language expresse for their commoditie and necessitie speake and pronounce them Away also with all Sophisters which thinke it a great point of learning to make the reuerend mysterie of the sacred Trinitie darcke and intricate with their straunge their curious and pernicious questions It is sufficient for the godly simplie according to the Scriptures and the Apostles créed to beléeue and confesse that there is one diuine nature or Essence wherin are the father the Sonne and the holy Ghoste Neither is it greatly materiall whether ye call them substances or subsistences or persons so that ye do plainly expresse the distinctiō betwixt them and eche ones seueral properties confessing so the Vnitie that yet ye confound not the Trinitie nor spoile the persons of their properties And héere now it will do verie wel out of the Scriptures to cite such euident testimonies as maye euidently proue the mysterie of the Trinitie with the distinction and seuerall properties of the thrée persons The Lord in the Gospel after S. Matthew saith All power is giuen to mee in heauen and in earth goe ye therfore teach all nations baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Sonne of the holy Ghost teaching them to obserue all thinges whatsoeuer I haue commaunded you Tertullian alledging those wordes against Praxea sayth He did last of all commaund his disciples to baptise into the Father and the Sonne and the holy Ghost We are baptised not into one nor once but thrice at euery name into euery seuerall person Thus much Tertullian Nowe as euery seuerall person is seuerally expressed so the diuinitie of them all is therein singularely taught to be one and common to them all because hee biddeth to baptise not onely into the name of the Father but also of the Sonne and of the holy Ghoste The Apostle and elected vessell Paule doeth flatly denie that any man either ought to be or euer was baptised into the name of any man whiche is nothing else but méere man Were ye sayeth hée baptised in the name of Paule So then the Father is God the Sonne is God and the holy Ghost is GOD into whose name wée are baptised The same Lord in the Gospell after S. Iohn sayeth When the comforter commeth whome I will sende vnto you from the father that is the spirite of trueth he will lead you into all trueth He shal not speake of himselfe but whatsoeuer he shall heare that shall he speake He shall glorifie me for hee shall receiue of mine and shall shewe vnto you All things that the father hath are mine therefore said I vnto you that hee shall take of mine and shewe vnto you In these wordes of the Lords thou hearest mention made of the person of the father from whome the spirite is sente of the person of the Sonne whiche sendeth him and of the person of the holy Spirit which commeth vnto vs Thou hearest also of the mutual and equall communion of the Diuinitie and all good thinges betwixte the thrée persons For the holy Ghost speaketh not of himselfe but that which he heareth He shall sayeth the Sonne take of mine And againe All things that the father hath are mine And therfore what things the Sonne hath those are the fathers the diuinitie glorie and Maiestie of them all is coequall With these most euident speaches doe these two manifest testimonies of Iohn Baptist agrée First he sayth He whom God hath sent doth speake the words of god For God giueth not the spirite by measure vnto him The Father loueth the Sonne and hath giuen all thinges into his hand He that beleeueth on the Sonne hath euerlasting life c. Loe héere againe in the one Godhead thou hearest the three persons distinguished by their properties For the Father loueth sendeth the Sonne and giueth all things into his hand The Sonne is sent and receiueth all thinges but the holy Ghost is giuen of the Father and receiued of the sonne according to fullnesse Then againe the same Baptist crieth the second time and sayeth I sawe the spirite descending from heauen like vnto a Doue and it abode vppon him And I knewe him not but hee that sent mee to baptise with water the same said vnto mee vppon whom soeuer thou shalt see the Spirite descending and tarying still vppon him the same is hee whiche baptiseth with the holy Ghoste And I sawe and bare record that this is the Sonne of GOD. Héere againe are shewed vnto vs as clearely as the day-light the thrée persons distinguished not confounded For he that sendeth Iohn is the Father The holy Ghost is neither the Father nor the Sonne but appeareth vpon the head of Christ in the likenes of a doue And the Sonne is the sonne not the Father and that too the sonne of the Father vpon whose head the holy Ghost did abide And now to this place doth belonge the testimonie of the Father vttered from heauen vppon his Sonne Christ For he sayeth This is my beloued Sonne in whome I am wel
people being God his flocke was called a Synagogue For this woord Synagogue signifieth as much as Ecclesia the Congregation But because of the stubbornesse of the Iewes and the vnappeasable hatred whiche they bare towards Christian religion this word Synagogue is not estéemed but is almost quite growen out of vse But we will not dispute by due and right order of the Churches either of the Iewes or the Turkes or of other strange Churches of the Gentiles whereof we know there are many sortes and kinds Wée will speake of the Christian Church and congregation of the faithfull which the Germans do call Die kirch alluding peraduenture to the Gréeke word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 For they call 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 any thing belonging to the Lord to witt a house or a people as the Germans doe call Die kirchen both the people of God themselues and also the place wherin they assemble together to worship god But first of all wée will describe a little plainelier what the Church or congregation is The Church is the whole companie and multitude of the faithful partly being nowe in heauen and partly remayning yet here vpō earth where it doth agrée plainely in vnitie of faith or true doctrine and in the lawefull partaking of the Sacraments neither is it diuided but ioyned and vnited together as it were in one house and fellowship This Church was vsuallie called Catholique that is to say vniuersall For shée bringeth forth her branches in all places of the wyde world in all times of all ages and generally doth comprehend all the faithfull of the whole world For the Church of God is not tyed to any one region nation or kinred to condition age sexe or kinde all the faithfull generally and each one specially where euer they or hée be are citizens and members of this Church Sainct Paule the Apostle sayeth There is neither Iewe nor Greeke neither bondman nor free neither man or woman for ye bee all one in Christ Iesu The Church is distinguished into the Triumphant and the Militant The Triumphant is that great companie of holy spirits in heauen triumphing for the victorie gotten against the world sinne and the diuel still enioying the sight of God wherein consisteth all fulnesse of all kinde of ioye and pleasure Wherevppon they set forth Gods glorie and praise his goodnesse for euer This Church doth S. Iohn the Apostle set forth verie notablie in his Reuelations saying After this I sawe and behold a great companie which no man was able to nūber of all nations peoples tongues standing before the Throne and in the sighte of the Lambe clothed in white garments and Palmes in their handes and they cryed out with a lowde voice saying Saluation belongeth to him that sitteth vppon the throne of our God to the Lambe And a little after that he sayeth And one of the Elders aunsweared said vnto me These which are clothed in white garments who are they or frō whence come they And I said vnto him Thou knowest lord And hee said vnto mee These are they that haue come out of great affliction and haue spread abrode their garments haue made them white in the bloud of the Lambe therefore are they before the Throne of God and serue day night in his holy temple And hee that sitteth on the Throne shall dwell ouer them They shall neyneither hunger nor thirst henceforth any more neither shall the Sunne shine on them or any heate beecause the Lambe who sitteth in the middest of the Throne shal gouerne them bring them to the springes of the water of life And the Lord shall wype away all teares from their eyes Brethren ye haue heard a notable description of the triumphant Church in heauen and that too triumphinge truely thoroughe the bloud of Iesus Christ by whom they conquered and doe nowe reigne For Christ is that Lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world By whome all which be sanctified are sanctified and shal be sanctified and doe liue from the first creation of the world vnto the end of all times Sainct Paule in a certeine place giuing vnto vs also a notable description of this Church telleth that wée whiche as yet are busied in the Militant Church shall sometime bée translated to the same and be made fellowes with the Angels of GOD receiued amonge the orders of the Patriarches and placed in the companie of the blessed spirites with the most highe God himselfe and the Mediatour oure Lord Iesus Christe For hée preaching the greatnesse of Gods grace brought vnto vs by the Gospell exhorting vs to receiue the same with a true faith Ye came not sayeth he vnto mount Sina to a fire to a whirlewinde a stormie tempest and darckenes but vnto mount Sion to the citie of the liuing God to heauenly Hierusalem to the innumerable companie of Angels and to the Church or Congregation of the first begotten whiche are written in heauen and to God the Iudge of all and to the spirites of the perfecte iust and to the mediatour of the newe testament Iesus Christe speaking better things than the bloud of Abel spake And therefore all the Sainctes in heauen do belonge vnto our companie or rather we belonge vnto their fellowship For we are companions and fellowe heyres with the Sainctes from Adam vnto the end of all worlds and Gods householde Which conteyneth the greatest comfort of all mans life and moueth most of all to the studie of vertue For what more worthie thing is there thā to be of Gods househould Or what may be thought more swéete to vs than to thincke our selues fellowes with the Patriarches Prophets Apostles Martyrs of all Angels blessed spirits This benefite I say Christ hath bestowed on vs To him therfore be praise glorie and thankes for euer and euer Amen The Militant Church is a congregation of men vppon earth professing the name and religion of Christ continually fightinge in the world against the diuel sinne flesh and the world in the campe and tentes and vnder the banner of oure Lord Christe This Church is to be cōsidered two wayes For either it is to bee taken strictly comprehending them onely which bée not onely called but are in very déede the Church the faithfull and electe of God liuely mēbers knit vnto Christ not with bandes and other outward markes and signes but in spirite and faith often times by these meanes without the other Of which matter wee will speake hereafter This inward and inuisible Church of GOD may be wel named the electe spouse of Christ onely knowen vnto God who alone knoweth who are his When wée bee first taught to knowe this Church we confesse her with the Apostles créede saying I beleeue the holie Catholique Church the communion of Sainctes And in these fewe woords wee conclude that there is a Church also what is the Church and what
manner one it is For first wee confesse that there hath béene and is a Church of God and that it shall continue for euer Then professing what it is wée add this The communion of Sainctes That is to say Wée beléeue the Church to bee nothing else but the companie of all those Sainctes that are haue béene and shal be as wel in this present age as in the age to come who enioye all good thinges in common granted vnto them by god Also wee declare what manner one it is in calling it holy I say the spouse of Christ cleansed and blessed For S. Paule calleth them holy whiche are cleansed with the spirit and bloud of oure God of whiche a great part haue receiued crownes of glorie the residue labour heere vppon earth hoping to receiue them in heauen And truely in consideration of the Church the chiefest matter is that thoroughe the Grace of God wee be made the members of Christes body and partakers of all heauenly gifts with the Angels For wée confesse none to be more holy than our owne selues Or else it may be taken more largly and then it doeth comprehende not onely them that are the very faithfull and holy in déede but also them who althoughe they beléeue not truely or vnfeignedly neither be cleane or holy in the conuersation of their life yet do they acknowledge and professe true religion with the true beléeuers and the holy men of God yea they speake well and allowe of vertues and reproue euill neither doe seauer themselues from the vnitie of this Militant Church In whiche consideration not so much as the wicked and hypocrits such as wée read to haue béene in the Church in the time of Christe and the Apostles as Iudas Ananias and Saphira Simon Magus also Demas Hymenęus Alexander and many other are excluded and put from the church which Church maye well be called the outward and visible Church But this Church whereof wee speake is to bée accompted off either by reason of some part thereof or else of the whole For it is to be considered generally particularly And the particular Church is that whiche is comprised in a certeine number is knowen by some sure and certeine place For it is named of the place being called after the names of cities as the Churches of Zuericke and Bernes c. The Gréekes called those particular Churches 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whiche wee commonly call Parishes And we call that a parish which hath dwelling houses and streates ioyned together in neighbourhoode But in cities and townes vnto certeine portions are vsually ascribed both Churches and parish priestes to serue them and the whole circuite is called a parishe In the Dutche tongue Ein Barchi oder pfarkirch oder ein kirchhory And in the old time the parish priest was a prouider For hee prouided and gaue necessaries to straungers and chiefly salt and wood Some called him the maker of the feast other cal him a preparer of Virgins Therefore because the pastours of Churches were preparers of Virgins for the redéemer and head of the Church whiche is Christe bringing vnto him a chast and vndefiled virgin to be short because they themselues prouided things most necessarie for the people of God and also prepared heauenly meates and banquets the pastours of the Lords flocke are very well called parish priestes or the curates of soules The Lord speaking in the Gospel of the particular Church said If hee that offendeth the Church will not regard when hee is warned complaine vnto the Church But it is not possible that the vniuersall Church through the whole world should assemble come together that the rebellious and obstinate should be brought before it wherfore iudgment is referred to be giuen on that stubborne by the particular Churches To conclude the vniuersal Church consisteth of al the particular Churches through out the whole world and of all the visible partes and members thereof This is the same which we drue forth euen nowe when wée spake more at large thereof But the catholique Church of God doeth abide with vs as wée began to tell a litle before cōtinually from age to age from the beginning and is at this time dispersed thorough out the whole world both visiblye and inuisiblye and the Lords people and God his house shall continue vppon earth vnto the worlds end For there was neuer yet any world neither shal be any age wherein God hath not or will not sanctifie some vnto himselfe wherin he will dwell and that they shall be his flocke and holy house For the testimonies of auncient Prophets doe record that the Church is perpetual For thus wee finde it written in the 132. Psalme The Lord hath chosen Sion hee hath chosen her for an habitation for him selfe This is my resting place for euer and euer heere will I dwell because I haue chosen her And againe I haue sworne vnto Dauid in my holinesse his seede shall remaine for euer and his seate shall continue before mee as the Sunne But who knoweth not that all this is to be vnderstode of Christ the sonne of Dauid and of his seate and spirituall Sion which is the Church He also signifying the continuaunce of the Church sayeth in the Gospell I will remaine with you continually vnto the ende of the world And againe I will aske of my father and hee shall giue you an other cōforter the spirite of truth that he may abide with you for euer To this belongeth also that saying in the Gospel And the gates of hell shal not preuaile against the Church Whiche saying truely is a great comfort to the faithfull in so many and so great persecutions intended to the vtter destruction and ouerthrowe of the Church As Christ had alwayes his Church héere vppon earth hath now and for euer shall haue So likewise the diuel as longe as the world shall continue shall neuer want his people in whom hee maye reigne This Church of the diuel toke her first beginning of Cain and shall continue to the last wicked person comprehending also all those euill peoples that haue beene in the meane time and shal be betwixte the beginning and the ending But they liuing héere on earth haue societie and common with them that are tormented in hell For as all that bee Godly béeing vnder one head Christ do make one body so all the wicked vnder one head sathan are one incorporate body This maye right worthily be called that wicked Church Sodome and Gomor Babylon the cōgregation of Chora Dathan Abyron a synagogue a schole and a stewes of the diuell the kingdome of antichriste or any other of like sort In this Church are reckoned vpp all such as are wicked and and infidels separating themselues from the societie of oure holy mother the Church or forsaking the communion thereof and specially such as are mockers of God and his holy woord blasphemers
the benefite of Christes sanctification not that by her selfe while she is in the flesh she is without spot but for that those spots in déede otherwise cleauing vnto her through the innocencie of Christ to those that imbrace Christe by faith are not imputed sinally for that the selfe same church in the world to come shall be without spot or wrinckle For hauing put off the fleshe cast off all miseries it shal at length be brought to passe that she shall want nothing Besides this it is saide that the church is without spot because of the continuall studie of the church wherby she laboureth and traueileth by all meanes that as farre as it is possible she may haue as fewe spottes as maye be And by that meanes and chiefly by the benefite of imputation the church erreth not but is moste pure and without sinne Moreouer as touching doctrine and faith the church of Christ doth not erre For it heareth the voice of the shepeherd only but the voice of straungers she knoweth not for she followeth her onely shepheard Christ saying I am the light of the world he that followeth me shal not walk in darknesse but shall haue the light of life Paule also to Timothie saith These thinges hitherto haue I writtē vnto thee that thou maist know how thou oughtest to behaue thy selfe in the house of God whiche is the Church of the liuing God the piller and grounde of trueth But the Churche is the piller and ground of truth for that being stablished vppon the foundation of the Prophetes and Apostles Christe him selfe which is the euerlasting truth of God the only strength of the church receiueth this by fellowship which it hath with him that she also mighte be the piller and foundation of the truth For the truth of God is in the church and the same throgh the ministerie of the church is spread abroade and being assaulted and warred againste by the enimies abiding sure is not ouercome so farfoorth as being made one body with Christe she doth perseuere in the fellowship of Christe without whome she can do nothing Againe the same church doth erre in doctrine and faith as oftēn as she turning from Christ and his word goeth after men and the counsels and decrées of the flesh For she forsaketh that thing that hath hitherto stayd that she erred not which is the word of God and Christ I thinke no man will denie that the greate congregation of the people of Israell in the desert was an excellent Churche of God with the whiche the Lord made a couenaunt and bounde him selfe vnto it by Sacraments and ordinances And yet howe shamefully she erred whilest neglecting Gods word Aaron the high priest of religiō not cōstantly earnestly resisting she both made a molten calfe worshipped it as a God no man is ignorant Where also surely it shal be necessary more diligētly to looke into and mark the whole number of the church For many in the church erring it foloweth not that none at all is frée from error For as in the churche of Israell the Lord reserued a rēnant to him selfe I meane Moses Iosua vndoubtedly many moe as wel in the cōgregatiō as else-where without whiche did neuer worship the calfe so there is no doubt althoughe there doe manye erre in the Church but that the Lord through his mercie doeth preserue to himselfe a certeine number who both vnderstād a-right and by whose faithfull diligence errours are destroyed and the wandering flocke of the Lord brought backe againe into the holy fould The Church therfore is said to erre when a parte of it hauing loste Gods word doeth erre and the same erreth not wholie and altogether forasmuch as certeine remnauntes through the grace of God are reserued by whome the trueth maye flourishe againe and may againe be spred abroad in euery place S. Paule called the Churches of the Corinthians and Galathians The holie churches of God yet these erred greatly in doctrine in faith and in manners And yet who doubteth that there were many amonge them who were most sincere followers of the pure doctrine preached by Sainct Paule That holy Church therefore erred so farre forth as it cōtinued not stedfastly in true doctrine and it erred not so farre foorth as it departed not from the truth deliuered by the Apostles From hence it plainly appeareth to the whole world that those are most vaine lyars which commend vnto vs Churches not builded vppon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles but vppon the decrées of men which they shame not to commend vnto vs for most true Churches and such as cannot erre Dauid cryeth out Onely God is true and euery man a lyar Ieremie also cryeth They haue reiected the woord of the Lord and what wisedome is in them Therfore those Churches doe erre neither bee they the true Churches of god The true Church groundeth vppon Christ Iesus and is gouerned by his woorde onelye Vnto this treatise of the woord of God which is the onely rule whereby all thinges are done in the Church the disputation of the power of the church of God in earth of the studies thereof which also are directed according to the word of God is verie like But before I wil bring forth my iudgement that is to say the iudgement deliuered by the Scriptures I will briefly rehearse the summe of those things whiche the Papistes haue lefte in writing concerning this matter and doe vndoubtedly mainteine for sounde doctrine Iohn Gerson not much amisse vnlesse he haue an ill interpreter hath defined Ecclesiasticall authoritie to be a power supernaturally and spiritually giuen of the Lord to his disciples and to their lawefull successours vnto the ende of the world for the edification of the Church Militant according to the lawes of the Gospell for the obteyning of eternall felicitie But Peter de Aliaco the Cardinal sayth that this authoritie is sixe-fould to witt of consecration of administring the sacraments of appointing ministers of the Church of preaching of iudiciall correction and receyuing thinges necessarie vnto this life They call that the power of consecration whereby a priest being rightly ordered maye consecrate the body bloud of Christ on the altar This power they say was giuē to the disciples of the Lord by these words Doe this in the remēbraunce of mee But vnto the priestes in these dayes they thinke it to be giuen of the bishop giuing with the bread the chalice and saying Receiue ye power to offer vp to consecrate Christes bodie both for the quicke and the dead This moreouer they call the power of orders and a marke or character that cānot be wyped out The power of administring the sacraments chiefly of the sacrament of Penance they call the power of the keyes The keyes they make of two sortes The keyes of knowledge that is to say the authoritie of knowledge in the cause of a sinner makinge
most filthie life and wicked manners of the priestes of the Romishe Church I will at this time saye nothing For alreadie it appeareth I doubt not to them that are not wilfully blinde that that sea of Rome hath not the outward markes of the true Church of God ioyned with the pure word of God and sound preaching of the Gospell It wanteth I say a heauenly ministerie and lawefull ministers of the Church and also the wholsome vse of the Lords Supper and therefore it is not the true Churche of God from whiche no man may depart without béeing guiltie of scisme By this meanes some man wil say Christ shal haue no Church left him in the earth For they that be the gouernours of the Church if they erre and corrupt and forsake the word of God what hope I pray you remayneth of the Church Or where the markes of the Churche appeare not where I pray you is the Church I aunswere that almightie God in such calamities of the Church in the which the gouernours fall away from the word true worship of God and doe imbrace and bring in newe lawes and newe ordinances into the Churche the true outward markes of the Church being for a time either darckened or worne out of vse doth yet notwithstanding reserue vnto himselfe a Churche in the earth whiche Church also he furnisheth and repaireth with true teachers whome he sendeth into the same albeit they be not acknowledged for true ministers and teachers of Gods Church by those who will séeme to be the true and the ordinarie gouernours of the Church but are rather cōdemned as seditious disturbers of the Churche and execrable heretiques By examples taken out of the Scriptures the matter will be made more manifest In the time of Achas king of Iuda Vrias the high priest wincking at it and the princes of the land and priestes not resisting the king shutt vpp the temple of the Lord and toke awaye the holy altar whiche thing the Scripture expressely witnesseth and therefore both the ministerie of the word and the lawefull or ordinarie ministration of the Sacraments ceassed but yet notwithstāding there was a holy Churche in the kingdome of Iuda in the which as I may saye extraordinarilie no man doubteth the prophete Esaie with certeine other did preach Vnder Manasses the nephue of king Achas true doctrine and administration of the sacraments was banished except onely circumcision and that falling awaye continued vntill the Churche was refourmed by that most Godly king Iosias and yet in the meane season prophets were sent God had his Church in Iuda albeit the most part of the people with their gouernours did both followe and defende the wickednesse and defection of Manasses In the kingdome of Israel king Ieroboam thrust out of their offices the teachers and preachers of the lawe of the Lord and of the sounde trueth and in stéede of them gaue vnto the people prophane and vnlearned priestes and rulers And moreouer built newe temples yea those were cathedrall churches and sett vpp newe idols or calues a newe religion new altars and newe feastes and by this meanes abrogated the true religion of GOD to that end that there might no outward marks at all of the Church of God appeare in Israel and yet there is no doubt but God had a notable Church in Israel for the preseruation and repairing whereof from time to time God sent his Prophets albeit they were not acknowledged to be the true Prophets of God at the hands of the false church and of the false prophets Vnder Ieroboam the second of that name Amos the Prophete a shéepeheard or neateherd of Tecoa taught and preached the true word of God but he heard at the hāds of Amasias the high priest of the kingdome Get thee quicklie hence and goe into the land of Iuda and prophecie or preach there But prophecie no more at Bethel for it is the kings chappel and it is the kings court Furthermore when Achab passed all the kings before him in wickednesse and added moreouer to the vngodlines and falling away of Ieroboam y abhominable religion of Baal and had filled all the kingdome of Israel with superstitions idolatries enchauntments and sacrileges yea and moreouer persecuted the pure word of God in his prophets most cruely there was yet founde in Israel a most famous church of god Helias that great and most excellent prophet of God because of that horrible falling awaye from God and loathsomnesse of that most miserable people in whom there appeared no one token of the true Church of God flying into the wildernesse hid himselfe in cornērs and béeing asked of the Lord what hee did there he aunsweared I haue beene verie iealous for the Lord God of hostes for that the childrē of Israel haue forsaken thy couenaunt cast downe thine altars and slaine thy Prophets with the sword and I onely am lefte they seeke my life to take it away But streight wayes hee is sent backe into the land of Israel from whence he was fled and heard moreouer these words I haue left vnto my selfe seuen thousand mē in Israel who haue neither bowed their knees to Baal neither kissed him Behold this mightie prophet thought that only he himselfe had béene left of all the number of the faithful in Israel but he heard the God had reserued seuen thousand holy mē who had not bowed their knées that is to say had neuer serued Baal so much as with outward reuerēce But who knoweth not that the prophete vnderstood by the number of seuen an excéeding great number of the true seruants of God who vndoubtedly were circūcised not into the couenaunt of Baal but into the couenaunt of the eternall God The same men lacked not faith and therefore they were not without doctrine though the same were not so common neither séemed vnto the Baalits to be either ordinary or catholique But vndoubtedly they wanted the vse of the sacrifices for seeing they were not lawfully offered they would not be partakers of those that were vnlawful but in the meane season they were not destitute of the things which were signified by the outward signes or sacraments being partakers throughe faith of all the gifts of God. After the selfe same sort since the bishop of Rome after the maner of king Ieroboam hauing forsaken the sound preaching of the Gospell and hauing corrupted the first and simple institution of the Lords supper depraued and wrested to his owne profite other commaundements of God and placed himselfe in the throne or temple of God or in the church of God bragging that he is a God in earth surely the church of God oppressed with grieuous tyrānie could very hardly hetherto bee discerned by outward marks For in stéed of the sincere preaching of the Gospell a certeine kinde of doctrine mixed corrupted with mens decrées was set forth and in stéed of the Lords supper Popish masse was
was there any other cause why y the people being kept in bondage by the space of lxx yeres in the captiuitie of Babylō offered no sacrifices yet most certaine it is notwithstanding y both the prophets of God the holy true worshippers of God separated themselues both frō the worship and sacrifices which were vsed being contrarie to the word of god Surely we read in all the sermons of the prophets that both those sacrifices and also that Churche are condemned For whiche cause they thēselues also were condemned of the highe priest and other priestes of Baal as most abhominable heretiques and scismatiques euen as now a dayes also we are thrust through with the dartes of your curses for that we will not communicate with the Popishe church and her holy seruice and doe reiecte their holy seruice itselfe To this may be added that the sacrifices of the lawe beeing nowe fulfilled and abrogated by the lord the Apostles with manifest defection departed not only from the high priests and church of Hierusalem but moreouer gathered vnto Christe a newe church by the preaching of the Gospel and badge of the sacraments whiche church in the Actes of the Apostles we haue described according to whose patterne all churches ought of righte to bee refourmed euen as many as would be called Apostolique churches What haue wee therefore offended now adayes refourming churches after the likenesse of the Apostolique church whiche churches were of old prophaned by that sea of Rome and the members therof We read that the church of God before the comming of Christin the flesh was oftentimes defiled with filthie pollutions of corrupt men and that the same was purged againe and renued after the likenesse of the old church according to the word of god And why should not we take the same course in our age in the very same cause There remaine moreouer prophecies of our sauiour Christe and of the holye Apostles and Prophets liuely painting out this greuous oppression of the church of Christ vnder the furie of Antichristes tyrannie in this oure last age there remaine most weighty commaundements commaunding to flie from Antichriste from idolatrie false prophets For the Lord sayeth in S. Matthewes Gospel There shal arise false Christes false Prophets and shal shew great signes and wonders so that if it were possible they should deceiue the verie electe Beehold I haue told you before Wherefore if they shal say vnto you Behold he is in the desart Go not forth Behold he is in the secret places beleeue it not And againe Beware of false Prophets which come to you in sheepes clothing but inwardly they are rauening wolues Also Can the blind lead the blind shal they not both fall into the ditch S. Peter also sayeth very grauely Saue your selues from this froward generation And also in his second and third chapiters of his second epistle he entreates very largly of this matter And also S. Paule agréeing in all thinges with the holy Gospel and with S. Peter and painting forth Antichrist and those last times of Antichrist corrupt men not lightes but firebrandes of the church commaundeth the sainctes to departe from them and togather themselues together vnto Christe and his sincere trueth If any man aske for the places he shal find them 2. Thes 2. 1. Tim. 4. 2. Tim. 3. and 4. The same Apostle in another place euen the Apostle Iohn doth also say Flie from idolatrie And in the 6. cap. of the 2. epist. to the Cor. by expresse words and most manifest opposition he sheweth That there can be no agreement betweene Christe Belial light and darckenesse and betweene idols and the temple of God. And therefore he addeth by and by after Wherfore come out from among them and separate your selues sayeth the Lord and touche none vncleane thinge and I will receiue you To this apperteyneth that whiche the blessed Apostle Iohn in his reuelation shewed him by the lord Christ séeing the workes of Babylon heareth also therew t a voice cōming frō heauen cōmanding after this manner Go out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sinns that ye receiue not of her plagues The same Apostle very often threateneth euerlasting destructiō to those y worship the beast but life glory to those that forsake and flée from the beast so as they cleaue only to the only sauiour of the world Iesus Christ Therefore that departure of oures from the sea or church of Rome is not onely lawfull but also necessarie as that which is commaunded vs of the Lord himselfe and by his holy Apostles vnto whome vnlesse we● obey wee cannot be saued Otherwise we are not ignoraunt that fallings away are altogether abhominable and to be blamed amongst the which notwithstanding except we distinguishe it will not plainly appeare what wee either allowe or disproue either else what wee followe or flée from There is a defection of apostacie in the which thorough hatred of faith or religion Atheistes or godlesse men of méere vngodlines contempt of God with their wicked ringleaders Lucian and Iulian the Apostata fall away from the scunde and catholique faith and finally from the fellowshipp of the faithfull and moreouer do blaspheme rayle vpon the Christian veritie and either laugh to scorne or persecute the very Church of god There is also an heretical defection that is to saye wherein with Valentine Marcion Arrius Manicheus Artemones other such monsters certeine proude arrogant malapert wicked persons either refusing the verie Scripture or wresting the same despise and treade it vnder their féete or else do denie ouerthrowe and resist certeine articles of faith and the sound and auncient opinions of the churche of God and affirme the contrarie and so frame to themselues heretical churches and depart from the true auncient and catholique church There is moreouer a scismaticall defection such as was the Donatists who separated themselues from the true church of God vnder the pretēce of obteyning a more absolute kind of holinesse Wherof I haue spokē verie largly but a little before And the aboue remembred two kinds of defection are altogether abhominable wicked euen as also the third kind can by no meanes be defended But none of all these kinds can be imputed vnto vs nowe a dayes departing from the churche of Rome For y departure is voyd of all crime whiche is made not from the true but from the false church not from the people of God but from the persecuters of gods people not from the articles of faith and sounde opinions of the churche but from errours which obscure the articles of faith and from the wicked traditions and corruptions of men whiche moreouer is made not throughe any lightnesse but of necessitie not for inuocation but for true religions sake that leauinge the fellowshipp of darckenesse we maye bée gathered together againe with Christ the true light
in the ministerie it selfe and what god He verily for his excéeding goodnesse and mercy toward vs coueteth to poure him self wholy into vs which I thinke good to repeate often that it may be the déeper rooted in oure hearts and that we also may bethink our selues what we owe vnto God that we may bothe be strengthened and blessed in him and may perfectly vnderstand his will to vswarde and finally our duetie whereby we be bound vnto him As he therefore furthereth our saluation verie diligently in all thinges so least there shoulde be any thing wanting to true doctrine he him selfe commeth foorth to instruct men But such is our weaknesse and corruptiō through sinn we can not abide the méeting of his eternall wonderful maiestie Which is apparant by muche communication of God had with our fathers but especially at his meting with the whole Churche of Israel in mount Sina For when he came downe on the mount not without glorie and heauenly maiestie and vttered with his owne mouth a briefe summe of his whole religion and of all the lawes which summe we call the decalogue or tenne commaundements the people being astonnyed with his diuine maiestie said vnto Moses Talk thou with vs and we will heare but let not God talke with vs least we dye And God receiuing this offer sayde I haue heard the voice of the wordes of this people which they haue spoken vnto thee they haue well sayde all that they haue spoken Oh that there were such a heart in them that they would feare me c. In so much that this maner of teaching by men whiche men them selues haue chosen for them selues God will haue to be perpetuall and neuer to be broken so as when he sent his sonne into the world he cloathed him with flesh that he might after that manner speake vnto vs by him God in déede might by the secrete illumination of his spirite without mans ministerie as his power is tyed to no creature regenerate the whole world and gouerne the church it selfe but as he despiseth not his creatures nor destroyeth the worke of his owne handes and doth all thinges in order euen so from the firste beginning he foorthwith spake to the worlde by patriarches then by Prophetes afterwarde by Apostles neyther at this day ceaseth he to giue vnto the worlde doctours and pastours So that it becōmeth vs not to tempt God that is not to looke for a secrete inspiration with the heretiques Enthusiastae but to acknowledge a iust order and that God him selfe speaketh vnto vs by men of whome he woulde haue vs to learne religion The Eunuch of Candace Quéene of Aethiopia did reade the holy Scriptures and the Lord could haue taught him by secrete inspiration the mysterie of faith but he giueth him Philip to be a teacher and an interpreter Likewise Paule the doctour of the Gentiles taken vppe into the thirde heauen and instructed by Christ him selfe not by men of all the principles of our religion is neuerthelesse referred ouer vnto a man called Ananias The Angel of God is sent to Cornelius capteine of the Italian band being at Caesarea which might haue instructed him in all pointes of true religion but he willeth him to call for Peter the Apostle He sayth the Angel will tell thee what thou must do For this cause ministers are called Sauiours they are sayde to conuert men their worde is called not the word of man but the worde of God he whiche despiseth them séemeth to despise God him selfe It is also sayd that they them selues doe binde and loose and reteine and forgiue sinnes For Abdias the Prophete sayth that Sauiours shal ascend into the mount Sion whiche many interprete of the Apostles Paule pleading before king Agrippa and rehearsing the wordes of God whic●● came vnto him in a vision sayth ● send thee vnto the Gentiles to open their eyes that they may bee turned from darkenesse to light c. And Gabriel the Archangel sayd before that speaking of Iohn Hee shall go before the Lorde with the spirite and power of Elias to turne the hearts of the fathers to the children and the disobedient to the wisdome of the iust men Moreouer the Apostle to the Thessal We thanke God sayth he bycause when ye had receiued of vs the worde of the preaching of God ye receiued it not as the word of men but as it is in deede the word of God which worketh also in you that beleeue Againe He therefore that despiseth these things despiseth not man but God who hath euen giuen you his holy spirite For the Lorde sayth in the Gospell He that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth mee And againe What so euer ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heauen and what so euer ye shall binde on earth shall be bound in heauen And againe Whose sinnes so euer ye remit they are remitted vnto thē and whose sinnes so euer you doe reteine they are reteined But some wresting these places of the holy scripture against the natural sense do giue the ministers an equall power in a manner with Christ and that which only perteineth vnto him they communicate also vnto them But they say that by such meanes the ministerie must be set out lest it wax vile and of no estimation among prophane men Othersome againe so speake of the inwarde drawing of the spirite that they séeme as it were to make superfluous or to take cleane away the outward ministerie and to attribute nothing at all vnto it Therefore the ministerie must be limited with his boundes leaste it be drawne hither and thither with the affections and lustes of men and either too much or too little be attributed vnto it Let the ministerie in déed be beautified and kept in authoritie but let it be done without the dishonouring of god Neyther in déede becommeth it vs vnder the pretence of the ministerie to attribute that to mans labour which is only Gods office on whome all men ought to depend and vnto whome as the onely welspring and giuer of all goodnesse they ought to haue respect Therfore the faithfull ministers of the Lorde Iesus ought only to haue regard herevnto that they may kéepe the glorie and authoritie of Christ vnblemished and his priesthoode sound vnto him selfe in euerie point For the Lorde Iesus him selfe sitting at the righte hande of the father in the true taber●acle which God pight and not man remaineth a priest yea the onely high priest of his church for euer executing as yet all the dueties of a priest in the Church For he as the onely teacher and maister in the Churche teacheth his disciples that is the Churche or congregation of the faithful induing them with the holy ghoste regenerating and drawing them sanctifying and making them frée from their sinnes Which thing the scripture in euerie place plainely teacheth This glory this power he
of the church of Christe as the Popish pastors do falsely boast to ordeine new lawes and to broach new opinions For the doctrine whiche was deliuered to the apostls of Christ is simply to be receiued of the church and simply and purely to be deliuered of the pastours to the church whiche is the congregation of such as beléeue the word of Christe And who knoweth not that it is sayde by the Prophete All men are lyars God only is true And the church is the piller and ground of truth bycause as it stayeth vpon the truth of the Scriptures euen so it publisheth none other doctrine than is deliuered in the scriptures neither receiueth it being published And who is he that will challenge to him selfe the glorie due vnto God onely God is the onely lawegiuer to all mankinde especially in those thinges which perteine to religion and a blessed life For Esaie sayth The Lorde is our iudge the Lord is our lawegiuer the Lorde is our king and he him selfe shal be our Sauiour And S. Iames also saythe There is one lawgiuer which is able to saue and to destroy God challengeth this thing as proper to him selfe to rule those that are his with the lawes of his word ouer whome he only hath authoritie of life and death Moreouer those lawes can not be godly whiche presume to prescribe and teache fayth and the seruice of God after their owne fancie The doctrine concerning fayth and the worship of God vnlesse it be heauenly is nothing lesse than that which it is sayd to be God only teacheth vs what is true fayth and what worship he delighteth in And therefore in Matthewe the sonne of God pronounceth out of Esaie In vayne doe they worship me teaching for doctrines the commaundementes of men Ioyne herevnto also that from the newe constitutions of men there springeth alwayes vp a wonderfull neglecting yea and contempt of the word of God and of heauenly lawes For through our owne traditions as the Lorde also sayth in the Gospell we goe astraye and despise the commaundements of God. Nowe since it is manifest from whence the Pastour or doctour must fetche his doctrine to wit from no other place than out of the Scripture of the old and new Testament which is the infallible and vndoubted word of God and that therefore this doctrine is certeine and immutable There remaineth nowe also something to be spoken of the manner of teaching which the teacher or pastor of the Churche ought to followe And here I will onely briefly touche the shorte summe or effect of matters Afore all other thinges therefore it is required of Pastours that continually they account that to be spoken vnto them whiche the Apostle commanded to be often tolde to Archippus Take heede to the ministerie that thou haste receiued in the Lord that thou fulfill it And moreouer 〈◊〉 they neuer turne away their eies from that liuely picture of a good and euill shepehearde whiche Ezechiel that famous Prophete setteth out after this manner Thus sayth the Lorde God woe be vnto the shepeheardes of Israel that feede them selues shoulde not the shepeheards feede the flocks ye eate the fat ye cloath you with the wooll ye kill them that are fed but ye feed not the shepe the weak haue ye not strengthened the sicke haue ye not healed neither haue ye bound vp the broken nor brought againe that whiche was driuen away neyther haue ye sought that whiche was lost but with crueltie and with rigour haue ye ruled them And againe I will feede my sheepe sayth the Lord God I will seeke that whiche was lost and bring againe that whiche was driuen away and will binde vp that which was broken and will strengthen the weake but I will destroy the fat and the strong and I will feede them with iudgement Hereby we gather that it is the duetie of a good Pastour or shepeheard to féde and not to deuour the flocke to minister not to exercise dominion to séeke the safetie of his shéepe not his priuate gaine and also to séeke out againe the lost shéepe that is to say to bring again such as can not abide the truth and wander in the darkenesse of errous home to the church and vnto the light of the trueth and to restore and bring back againe the shéep that is driuen or chased away to wit such as are separated from the felowship of the Saintes or godly for some priuate affections sake to heale or binde vp such as are broken For he meaneth the wounds of sinnes whiche Ieremie also commaundeth to heale and to be short to strengthen the weake and féeble shéep and not altogether to treade them vnder foote and to bridle such shéepe as be strong that is to say men flourishing in vertues least they be proude and puffed vp with the giftes of God and so fall away But let him thinke that these thinges can not be perfourmed but through sounde and continuall teaching deriued oute of GOD his worde The manner of teaching extendeth it selfe to publique and priuate doctrines By publique doctrine the Pastour eyther catechiseth that is to say instructeth them that be younglings in religion or other whiche are grounded therein To the younglings or ignoraunt sorte he openeth the principles of true religion For Catechesis or the fourme of Catechising comprehendeth the groundes or principles of fayth and Christian doctrine to wit the chiefe pointes of the couenaunt the tenne commaundements the Articles of fayth or Apostles Créede the Lordes prayer and a briefe exposition of the Sacramentes The auncient churches had Catechisers appoynted properly to this charge And the Lorde commendeth vnto vs bothe in the olde Testament and in the newe with great earnestnesse the charge of the youth commaunding vs to instruct them both betimes and also diligently in true religion Moreouer he setteth out great rewardes and grieuous punishments in that behalfe Assuredly no profite or fruite is to bee looked for in the Churche of those hearers that are not perfectly instructed in the principles of religion by Catechising for they knowe not of what thing the Pastor in the Churche speaketh when they heare the couenaunt the commaundement the lawe grace fayth prayer and the sacraments to be named Therefore if in any thing then in this ought greatest diligence to be vsed The doctrine whiche apperteyneth to the perfecter sorte is specially occupyed in the exposition of holy Scripture It may appeare out of the writings of the old bishops that it was the custome in that happie and most holie primitiue churche to expounde vnto the Churches not certeine parcels of the Canonicall bookes neyther some chosen places out of them but the whole bookes as well of the newe Testament as the olde And in so doing there came no small fruite vnto the Churches As at this day also we sée by experience that Churches can not be better instructed nor more vehemently stirred vppe
are gathered and knitt together into the vnitie of the bodie of Christe are separated from all other religions fellowships assemblies more too we are bound by them as by an othe to the true worship of one God and vnto one sincere religion to the which wée openly professe that we agrée and giue our consent with all them that are partakers of the sacraments Where this chiefly is to be marked that the gathering or knitting together into the vnitie of the body of Christe hath a double respecte for either wée are ioyned with Christe that hée is in vs and wée liue in him or else wée are coupled with all the members of Christe to witt with Christes faithfull seruauntes I meane with the Catholique Church it selfe Furthermore we are knit together with Christ in spirite and faith But we are ioyned to the Church or to the members of Christ by the vnitie of faith and of the spirite and by the bonde of charitie All which verily are the inward giftes of the spirite whiche fréely are bestowed on vs by the Lord onely not by any creatures not by any elementes Sacraments therefore do visiblie graffe vs into the fellowship of Christ his saincts who were inuisibly graffed by his grace before we were partakers of the Sacramentes but by receyuing of the sacramentes we doe nowe open and make manifest of whose body wée would bée and are members the Lord with his signes or markes by his minister also visiblie marking vs for his owne household and for his owne people Whiche thing by the Scriptures wée will more fully open and make manifest They who in time past by the force of the couenaunt by the grace mercie and promise of God were the people of God were by Circūcision visibly gathered together into one Churche knit together into one bodie For the Apostle S. Paule sayeth vnto the Ephesians Wherefore remember that ye beeing in time passed Gentiles in the fleshe called vncircumcisiō of them which are called circumcision in the fleshe made with handes that at that time I say ye were without Christe and were aliantes from the cōmon wealth of Israel and straungers from the couenaunt of promise c. Whereby it is also easilye vnderstood how the Iewes by circumcision were distinguished from other religions and fellowships and that circumcision in another place for this cause is put for them that are circumcised and why the name of vncircumcised was reprochfull For those that were vncircumcised were counted for vngodly and vncleane persons that had no fellowshippe nor parte or inheritaunce with God and his Sainctes Of baptisme whiche was ordeined in the stéede of circumcision some thing is spoken in my former Sermons And also the apostle setteth it out most plainely As the bodie sayeth hée is one and hath many members and all the members of the bodie whiche is one thoughe they bee many yet are but one bodie euen so is Christ For by one spirite are wee all baptised into one bodie whether wee be Iewes or Gentiles whether wee be bond or free and haue been all made to drinke into one spirite Wee are therefore knitt together by the Sacramente of baptisme into the vnitie of the bodie of Christe so that to haue broken this bond and to yeld our selues into another fellowshipp of religion and brotherhoode may worthilie be called sacrilege and treason Herevnto the Apostle séemed to haue respect when he asked the Corinthians Are ye not baptised into the name of Christe declaring thereby that they whiche are baptised into the name of Christ haue openly sworne and bound their faith before the church of Christe so that nowe they neither can nor ought to reioyce in any other name than in the name of Christ into whose household they are receiued by baptisme So I say wée are separated by baptisme from all other religions and are onelye consecrated to Christian religion Hée hath the like place in all pointes touching the supper of the Lord 1. Corinth cap. 10. For when the Apostle would declare to the Corinthians that it is a thinge farre from all godlines vnséemely yea and sacrilegious that Christians should eate in the idols temples thinges offered to idols and be partakers of the Gentiles sacrifices reasoning from the manner and nature of the Sacrament of the Lords supper he sayeth Flie from idolatrie I speake as vnto them that haue vnderstanding iudge ye what I saye The cupp of blessing whiche wee blesse is it not the communion of the bloud of Christ The bread whiche we breake is it not the communion of the bodie of Christe For wee that are many are one bread and one bodie because we all are partakers of one bread Behold Israel whiche is after the flesh are not they whiche eate of the sacrifices partakers of the altar What say I then that the idol is any thinge or that that whiche is sacrificed vnto idols is any thing Nay but rather this I say that those thinges whiche the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to diuels not to god And I would not that yee should haue fellowship with the diuels Ye cannot drincke the cupp of the Lord and the cupp of the diuels Ye cannot bee partakers of the Lords table and of the table of diuels c. For all this is Paules saying whiche since it serueth notably to oure purpose and is verie plaine I will but briefly runne ouer it First he layeth downe the state and scope of the matter whervnto he immediatly directeth his whole discourse Flie saith he idolatrie And he meaneth by the word Idolatrie whatsoeuer perteyneth to idolatrie especially the eating of meate offered to idols But if you know not what Idolothytū is which word he there vseth vnderstand that it is a Gréeke word whiche Paule vseth in this case and it signifieth a thinge sacrificed to an idol or a thing publiquely in sacrifice consecrated to an idol And it was the manner of the Corinthians to sacrifice at the altars of their Gods in idol-houses that is to say in their idol temples and to call Christians vnto those their sacrifices and they when they came sate and eate of that whiche was offered vnto idols eating without difference with the idolaters thincking they might haue done that without any fault at all béecause by the bright shining of the Gospel it appeared that neither the idol neither that God whome the idol represented and therefore also the thinges themselues that were offered to idols were nothing else but vaine names and thinges of no price or estimation But Paul disputing against these from the 8. Cap. vnto the 11. teacheth that it is farre wide from Christianitie to be partakers of the Gentiles sacrifices and saith I wil speake vnto you as vnto them that haue discretiō that after I haue shadowed out vnto you which way to walke you by the sharpenes of your witt maye vnderstand what is true what is false and to be
he might leaue off from béeing a clerke for that no man could well be bothe a monke and a clerke since the one is an impediment to the other Then liued they not of the common reuenues of the Church but of the trauel of their owne hands as the lay people do S. Hierome disputing of the originall of monkes in the life of Paulus hath thus written Among many it hath oftentimes been called into question who first beganne chiefly to dwell in the wildernes of the monkes Some fetching the matter somewhat farre off beginne to reckon from Helias the holy prophet and S. Iohn of whome Helias seemeth to vs to haue beene more than a monke and that S. Iohn began to prophecie before he was borne But others in which opinion the moste part of all people doe commonly agree affirme that saint Anthonie was the firste beginner of that order which in part is true For he was not onely the first but also the motioner of all others therevnto Amathas Macarius saint Anthonies scholars whereof the first buried his maisters bodie do nowe affirme that one Paulus Thebius was the first beginner of that way whiche thing we also confirme not only in name but also in opinion And anon hee addeth that Paulus forsaking the citie being thereto inforced for feare of torments vnder the persecuters Cecius and Valerianus departed into the wildernesse where he found a ●aue and lay hid therein vntil hee was founde out by S. Anthonie The Emperours Decius Valerianus gouerned the Empyre about the yeare of our Lord 260. but it is saide that S. Anthonie dyed when he was an hundred fiue yeres olde in the yeare of our Lord 360. S. Augustine in the 80. epistle to Hesychius who reporteth of his own time howe that he liued in the yeare of our Lorde foure hundreth and twentie but Eutropius and Beda reporte howe that he died in the yeare of our Lord foure hundreth and thirtie in the thirtie and one chapter of the maners of the catholique church reciting the manners and institutions of the monkes in his time reporteth suche thinges as are verie farre from the orders institutions of our Monkes now a dayes In the time of Iustinian the Emperour who made certeine lawes of Monkes and Monasteries there liued one Benet whom many of the Monkes nowe a dayes do call father whose life I will recite vnto you out of Trittenheymius who died aboue fiftie yeares since to the intent you may vnderstande what power and dignitie they obteyned in processe of time who at the beginning were contemned of none authoritie Benet Abbat of Cassina sayeth he first founder beginner and gouernour of the monkes in the West wroate in eloquent style and with graue iudgement the rule for monkes in one booke whiche beginneth Giue care O my sonneto my precepts c. and it conteineth thrée score and thirtéene Chapters He died in the yeare of our Lord 542. But Marianus Scotus supposeth that hée died in the yeare of our Lord 601. in the last yeare of the Emperour Maurice He writeth also of twentie orders of Monkes that were vnder Benets rule Of S. Benets order there haue béene eighttéene Popes in the Sea of Rome Cardinals aboue two hūdred Archebishops in diuerse Churches to the number of one thousand sixe hundred Bishops almost foure thousand Famous Abbats who excelled in life doctrine and writings fiftéene thousand seuen hundred Of suche as are Canonized fiftéene thousand sixe hundred And that I may not recite many other orders of monkes it is knowne that the mendicant Monkes and Friers beeing the faithful diligent valiaunt Romane champions of the Pope and the spirituall Monarchie were confirmed by Honorius about the yeare of our Lorde one thousand two hundred twentie and two Hereby I would declare nothing else but onely that all men shoulde vnderstande that Monkerie was deuised by mannes inuention not deliuered vnto the Churche of Christe by the Apostles and that at the firste it sémed to be tollerable but afterward became altogether intollerable Howe profitable it is to the common wealth experience it selfe teacheth And who so euer knoweth not that it is quite repugnant to true religion knoweth nothing They feigne that it is meritorius before God and the state of perfection But who séeth not how repugnant it is to Christes merite and to the sincere doctrine of the Gospell What godlinesse or necessitie is it that moueth vs after that we haue wholy betaken our selues to one God in baptisme to betake our selues also and to make our vowes to Sainctes and to binde our selues by religiō of an othe to the obseruing of their rules True religion forbiddeth vs to vowe our selues to Saintes or by any meanes to depende in way of religion vppon them True religion forbiddeth vs to choose vs any other Fathers or Maisters True religion forbiddeth vs to deuise new māners of worshippings or new religions or to receiue them that are deuised by others The example of Ieroboam and his fellows maketh vs affeard True religion forbiddèth vs to sweare by the names of other GODS Religion referreth vs to one GOD by faith and obedience Superstition breaketh this bande and admitteth creatures S. Paul to the Corinthians saith Euerie one of you sayeth I am Paules I am Apollos I am Cephaes and I am Christes Is Christ diuided was Paule crucified for you Or were you baptised in the name of Paule Beholde Christ is our redéemer and our maister The faith of Christe hath made vs one bodie By baptisme we are baptised into one body that we might be called Christians not Petrines or Paulines S. Paule would not suffer that Christians shoulde take their name of the Apostles how much lesse would he abide that at this day some shoulde bee called Benedictines some Franciscanes some Dominicanes We are the Lordes inheritance and possession it is not lawfull for vs to binde our selues to the seruice of men But who so binde themselues they teare in sunder the vnitie of Christes body they prophane the crosse and baptisme of Christ The Apostle sayeth playnly Is Christe diuided was Paule crucified for you or wer you baptised in the name of Paul And therefore although they be commonly called Spirituall persons yet are they nothing lesse than spirituall For the Apostle sayth When one of you sayeth I am Paules and I Apolloes are ye not carnall To what end is it after the receiuing of the gospel of Christe Iesus and the doctrine of the Apostles whiche conteyne and deliuer vnto vs all godlinesse to inuent newe rules For truely when they had once founde out certeine peculiar lawes and meanes of liuing they separated themselues from the common sorte of Christians in all outward maner of liuing in their behauiour and in all their apparell to the intent that by that meanes they might make euident to all men that they woulde liue a-part as it were from that common laye and imperfect Church to liue more holily perfectly and
truth a●peareth Gods 〈…〉 〈◊〉 sufferi●● appear●●● to the worl● Gods 〈…〉 God● 〈…〉 〈◊〉 14. 〈◊〉 17. 〈…〉 Rom. 1. The workes of God are twoe wayes cōsidered 1. Psal. 104. Esai 40. Iere. 10. 2 〈◊〉 78. 〈…〉 God is learned by the sayinges and sentences of the prophets and Apostles Iere. 9. God is one in Essence or Beeing Deut. Esai ●● * 〈…〉 is 〈…〉 Esai ●● 〈◊〉 45. 〈…〉 〈◊〉 4. 〈…〉 〈…〉 Noetus is as much to say as a man of vnderstāding which terme was the proper name of a man Anoetus ▪ signifieth a ●ool● or 〈◊〉 without vnderstanding The grosse errour of the Patr●● passians Iohn 16. Mat. 27. Iohn 14. Iohn 10. He speaketh plurally A disp●tation 〈◊〉 God sproo● vpp Actes 〈…〉 〈…〉 Al things that are to be beleeued of God are fully cōteined in the canonicall Scriptures Testimonies out of the Gospel to proue the Trinitie Math. 28. Tertulliā contra Praxeam 1. Cor. 1. Iohn 14. and. 16. Iohn 3. Math. 3. and. 17. Iohn 10. Luke 1. The Apostles testimonies concerninge ●he Trinitie Actes 2. Actes 10. Rom 1. Gala. 4. Tit. 3. Identitas 1. Iohn 2. The mysterie of the Trinitie is shadowed by ●imili●●des Tertulliā contra Praxeam I woulde wishe the skilfull in the latine tongue to reade this similitude in the latine copy for though it be here trāslated ad verbū yet our Englishe tonge will not beare it soliuely as the latine doth * or Vnitie The certe●ntie of the doctrine touching the Trinitie The sūme of thinges to be beeleued concerninge the Trinitie The mys●●rie of ●he Trinitie was ve●ie well knowne to the Pa●riarchs Prophets Gene. 1. As who shoulde say Gods created respecting the Trinitie of the Godhead Gene. 18. Gene. 1● Psal. 33. Psal. 110. Esai 42. Matth. 12. Esai 61. Luke 4. The mysterie of the Trinitie must not be ioyned with curious dispucations Exod. 19. The conclusion Psal. 54. Heb. 1● * The history of the creation cōteyned in fewe wordes * The Skye and Starres * The Earthe * The Sea. * Man. Dauid celebrateth the creati● of the worlde Psal. 9. God gouerneth al thinges Iohn 5. Heb. 1. Actes 17. Actes 14. Of Gods prouidēce Psal. 45. Psal. 139. Prou. 21. Matth. 10. Daniel 2. Psal. 89. Psal. 104. Psal. 104. Psal. 147. Psal .. 135 Against Gentili●me The Saincts do not neglecte good meanes Gene. 16. Psal. 31. ● Sam. 19. Actes 23. Actes 27. Meteores impressiōs or appearaunces which somtimes for their rarenesse and strágnes make men to maruell Matth. 5. Esai 1. Deut. 18. Gods goodwill 〈◊〉 learned by his pro●●dence Of Gods ●redestina●●on or fore-appoyntmēt Rom. 11. Eccle. 3. Ephe 1. Iohn 5. Iohn 6. Iohn 3. Who is elected predestinate to life A so are tentation in this case Rom. 9. ● Tim. 1. Psal. 103. Isai 51. Rom. 8. Matth. 1● Marke 16. 1. T●m 4. Gene. 22. Ioel. 2. Isai .. 53. Rom. 5. Matth. 9. Luke 19. Iohn 10. Of the drawing of those that are predessinate to lif● Iohn 6. 1. Tim. 4. Actes 9. Rom. 10. Matth. 25. Matth. ●3 ● Cor. 6. ● Tim. 2. 〈◊〉 2. 1. Cor. 3. Faith hath her increasinges Marke 4. Luke 11. Marke 9. Matth. 7. Luke 11. Gene. 3. To adore and worshippe what it is Gene 33. 1. Sam. 23. ● Reg. 3. To adore 〈◊〉 worship ●en Psal. ●● ● Pet. ● Rom. 13. Exod. ●0 〈◊〉 44. In his second bok● and 18. chapter Chap. 19. Spirituall adoration or worshipping Adoratio● or worshipping 〈◊〉 is of two sortes Psalm 9 Matth. 14. 〈◊〉 9. In the history of th● Kinges Truly to adore or worshipp● God what it is Isai 29. Matth. 15. That God onely and alone is to be worshipped Matth. 4. 3. Reg. 1● ▪ Matth. 6. Deut. 6. Heb. 1. Apoc. 4 Apoc. 19. Apoc. 22. Actes 10. I● his booke in●●●uled 〈◊〉 religi●●● cap. 55 Whie the Romanes neuer receiued the God of the Iewes to be worshipped Deut. 10. Rewardes and punishments for them that doe doe not worshippe God. Apoc. 21. To inuocate or cal vpō what it is Deut. 32. Gene. 48 ▪ Isai ● 2. Sam. 1● Dan. 9. Actes 9 ● Tim. 2. Inuocatiō 〈◊〉 calling ●pon God what it is That God is to be called vpō 3. Reg. ● Pro. 18. Psal. 50. Psal. 17. Ioel. 2. Iere. 29. Psal. 81. Psal. 22. That God onely and alone is to be called vpon Matth. 18. Deut. 32. Psal. 45. Psal. 18. Gene. 30. 4. Reg. 5. ●sai 42. Actes 14. Exod. 30. Psal. 115. Psal. 141. Heb. 13. Osee 14. 1. Reg. 8. ●sai 63. Psal. 27. Rom. 10. Rom. 8. Matth. 6. Of the intercessour with God Iohn 16. Iohn 14. Christe alone is the intercessor and aduocate with the Father A mediatour of redemption and intercession 1. Tim. 2. Rom. 5. Heb. 7. Rom. 8. Iohn 10. Iohn 14. Matth. ●● Heb. 7. 1. Pet. ● 1. Iohn ● What māner of intercession Christes i● An answeare to certeine argumē●s or reasons of the aduersaries Rom. 3. Prayer of Angels Heb. 1. The Churche calling vpon sainctes To serue what it is 3. Reg. 16. The seruice of God. The seruice of God is ●●●-fould 〈◊〉 of two sortes The 〈◊〉 ser●ice of God. 〈◊〉 10. Mich. 6. Rom. 12. 1. thess. 1. Iames. 1. The testimonie of 〈◊〉 Romane martyr cōcerning the true seruice of God. Gods Temple or Church Gods Priest Gods Sacrifices The outward ser●ice of God. Luke 11. That onely God is to be serued Deut. 13. Matth. 4. How Saints are to be wor●●●pped Of true rel●gion What true religion is To leaue or forsake the true God and to serue straunge Gods. 〈◊〉 ● Not to worshippe God alone but to worshippe other Gods also together with the true God. The properties of God are i● no case t● be attributed vnto straunge Gods. Isai 41. 4● c. Gods gifts ●re not to be attribu●ed to ●traunge Gods. O●ee 2. To serue God but not lawfully Deuter. 12 Leuit. 10. 2 Reg. 6. Iudg. 17. 3. Re. 12. 13 1. Reg. 15. I sai 66. I sai 29. Matth. 15. 2. Reg. 7. Matth. 5. The sonne i● begottē of the Father vnspeakeablie from euerlasting 〈◊〉 5. Iohn ● Iohn 1. * Or age as other translate it A confession concerning Iesus Christ the sonne of God our Lorde That the sonne is consubstātiall with the Father * Identitate et essentia That the sonne of god is tru●●nd verie God Matth. 18. Iohn 1. Matth. 16. Iohn 6. Christe is ●he natu●all sonne of God. Iohn 19. Leui. 14. 23 Iohn 8. Iohn 10. Iohn 14. Iohn 6. Iohn 17. Rom. 9. 1. Iohn 5. Actes 17. 〈◊〉 23. Isaie 49. Isaie 45. Philip. 2. Iohn 5. Isaie 42. Iohn 17. Mich. 4. Iohn 10. 14. 8. Ezech. 34. Mark. 2. Iohn 2. 1. Tim. 1. Isai 11. Iere. 17. Of the incarnation or true humanitie of Christe Gene. 3. Gene. 22. Gala. 3. Heb. 2. Heb. 2. 2. Reg. 7. Luke 1. Matth. 1. Luke 3. Matth. 1. Iohn 2. Esai 7. Luke 1. Matth. 1. Gal. 4. Iohn 1. 1. Iohn 4. Philip. 2. The Lord after he was risen
the vse or effect of the lawe of God and of the fulfilling abrogating of the same Of the likenesse and difference of bothe the Testamentes and people the old and the new 400 9 Of Christian libertie and of offences Of good workes and the reward thereof 440 10 Of sinne and of the kyndes thereof to wit of originall and actuall sinne and of sinne against the Holie Ghoste And lastly of the most sure and iust punishment of sinnes 477 The summe or contentes of the tenne Sermons of the fourth Decade 1 Of the Gospell of the grace of GOD who hath giuen his Sonne vnto the world and in him all thinges necessarie to saluation that wee beleeuing in him might obteine eternall life 525 2 Of repentaunce and the causes thereof of confession and remission of sinnes of satisfaction and indulgences of the olde and newe man of the power or strength of mē the other things perteyning to repentāce 561 3 Of God of the true knowledge of God and of the diuers ways how to know him That God is one in substance three in persons 604 4 That God is the creatour of all things and gouerneth all thinges by his prouidence where mention is also made of the good wil of God to vsward and of Predestination 635 5 Of adoreing or worshipping Of inuocating or calling vpon And of seruing the onely liuing true and euerlasting god Also of true and false religion 648 6 That the sonne of God is vnspeakably begotten of the father that he is consubstantiall with the father and therefore true god That the selfe same sonne is true man consubstantiall with vs and therefore true God and man abiding in two vnconfounded natures and in one vndiuided person 677 7 Of Christ King Priest of his onely euerlasting kingdome and priesthoode and of the name of a Christian 698 8 Of the holie Ghoste the thirde person in Trinitie to be worshipped and of his diuine power 714 9 Of good and euil spirites that is of the holie Angels of God and of diuels or euill spirites of their operations 731 10 Of the reasonable soule of man and of his most certeine saluation after the death of his body 759 The third last Tome and first the summe or cōtents of the ten Sermons of the fift and last Decade 1 Of the holy Catholique Churche what it is how far it extendeth by what marks it is knowne from whence it springeth howe it is mainteyned and preserued whether it may erre Also of the power studies of the Church 812 2 That there is one Catholique Church that without the Churche there is no light or saluation Against Schismatiques Wherefore we depart from the vp-start Churche of Rome That the Church of God is the house vineyard and kingdome of God and the body sheepefolde and spouse of Christe a mother and a virgine 841 3 Of the ministerie and ministers of Gods worde wherefore and for what ende they are instituted of god That the orders giuen by Christe vnto the Churche in times past were equall Whence and howe the prerogatiue of ministers sprang and of the supremacie of the byshop of Rome 870 4 Of calling vnto the ministerie of the word of god What manner of men and after what fashion ministers of the worde must be ordeined in the church Of the keyes of the Churche What the office of them is that be ordeyned Of the manner of teaching the Churche and of the holie life of the Pastours 891 5 Of the fourme and maner how to pray to God that is Of the calling on the name of the Lorde where also the Lordes prayer is expounded and also singing thankesgiuing and the force of prayer is intreated 914 6 Of signes the manner of signes of Sacramentall signes what a sacrament is of whome for what causes and how many Sacraments were instituted of Christ for the christian church Of what thinges they doe consist howe they are consecrated how the sign and the thing signified in the Sacramentes are eyther ioyned together or distinguished and of the kinde of speaches vsed in the Sacramentes 955 7 That we must reason reuerently of Sacramentes that they doe not giue grace neyther haue grace included in them Again what the vertue and lawful end and vse of Sacraments is That they profite not without fayth that they are not superfluous to the faythfull and that they do not depend vpō the worthinesse or vnworthinesse of the minister 995 8 Of holie Baptisme what it is by whome when it was instituted and that there is but one baptisme of water Of the baptisme of fire Of the rite or ceremonie of baptisme howe of whome and to whome it muste be ministred Of Baptisme by Midwiues and of infants dying without baptisme Of the baptisme of infantes againste Anabaptisine or Rebaptising and of the power or efficacie of baptisme 1032 9 Of the Lords holie Supper what it is by whom when and for whome it was instituted after what sort when and howe oft it is to be celebrated of the ends thereof Of the true meaning of the wordes of the supper This is my body O● the presence of Christ in the supper Of the true eating of Christes body Of the worthy vnworthy eaters thereof how● euerie mā ought to prepare him self vnto the lords supper 1063 10 Of certeine institutions of the church of god Of scholes Of Ecclesiasticall goods of the vse abuse of the same O● Churches holie instrument● of Christians Of the admonition and correction of the ministers of the Church and of the whole Churche Of matrimonie Of widowes Of virgines Of Monkes What the church of Christe determineth concerning the sicke and of funeralls and burials 1112 The second table conteyning such places and testimonies of Scripture both of the old Testament and the Newe as are vsed of the Authour euery where throughout this his whole worke The first number is referred to the Chapter the second to the Page ¶ Out of Genesis 1IN the beginning God created heauen earth c. Pag. 632. 1 Let there be light and there was light c. 977 1 Let vs make man in our Image after our owne likenes c. 490. 633 2 Of the institution of mariage It is not good for man to bee alone c. 222. 2 Thou shalt not eate of the fruite of the trée of knowledge c. 483. 484. 488 3 Ye shall not die the death for God doth know that the same day that ye eate thereof your eyes shal be opened c. 751 3 The Serpent was subtiler than all the beastes of the field c. 749 3 The woman whom thou gauest to be with mée gaue mée of the trée c. 479 3 For dust thou art and into dust thalt thou be turned againe c. 764 3 The séed of the womā shall crush the serpents head c. 687 4 The voice of thy brothers bloud cryeth out of the earth c.
and the abhominable and murtherers c. 655 22 And after I had heard and séene I fell downe to worship c. 653 22 Sée thou do it not for I am thy fellow seruaunt c. 743. 842. 890 The third and last table conteyning a short summe of such words or names and matters as are mentioned in this booke A. AAron a type or figure of Christ 332 Aaron his rod. 332 Abraham how he is iustified 3. 387. 554 Abia beléeuinge the ward of the Lord ouercommeth 5000000. men of the●ribe of Israel 253 Abigei what they are 279 Abrogation of the Lawe 409 Abrogation of the Iudiciall lawes 427 Abortion what it is 443 Abuse of Christian libertie 449 Alsolom 523 Abuse of the Church goods 1128 Achaz 254 Accusatiōs false and wrongfull 320 Accusations that be iust 322 Actuall sinne and the cause thereof 505 Adam and ●ethusalem 649 Adoration 651 Adamonition before punishmēt 202 Adulterie spoken against 231 Adulterie and fornication 863 Adulcerie pardoned by Christ 234 Adulterie what things are in it forbidden 234 Arian heretiques condemned 775 Affinitie that the word of God hath with sacraments 291. 892 Afflictions 292 293. 298 299. 307. 310. 311. 312. 313 316. Altar 348 Altar or table of the Lord. 1070 Allthinges of God by God and in God. 494 Amasias 254 Ammon the king rebelling against the word of God after two yeares infortunate reigne was murthered of his owne household servaunts 255 Ambition worketh by priuate gifts 278 Anabaptistes and Nouations the me 〈◊〉 of Sathan 569 Angel and Angels 732. 733. 734. 735. c. vsque 745. Anthropomo●phites 118. 613 Antiochus Epiphanes 511 Anthemius 892 Annoynting or annoyling 1136 Apostles of Christ 11 Apostles how they bynde and loose 902 Apostles what they be 877 Apostles b●ptise infants 1055 Apostles authoritie very great 12 Apostles Créede 55 Apostles receiue wages 1121 Application of scripture necessarie 903 Appeale 392 Appearing of spirits 392 Article of the Christian faith 55 2 Article 59 3 Article 60 4 Article 63 5 Article 67 6 Article 69 7 Article 74 8 Article 78 9 Article 78 10 Article 81 11 Ar●icle 84 12 Article 90 Aristocracie 169 Arcke 345. 346. 996. Assemblie 1064 Assemblies that be holy 915. 916 Ascension of Christ 69 Asturia 235 Asa 253 Ascend into heauen 1088 Auncient lawes 387 Authoritie of the Apostles very great 12 Authoritie of fathers 393 Auengment taken by the magistrate 196 Augustines opinion of the righte hand of the father 73 Augustines diuision of signes 955 Augustines sentence touching merites of Saintes 494 Auricular confession 577. 578 581 Authoritie of pastours 912 Authour of Sacraments God himselfe 962 Auncient exposition of the words of the Supper This is my bodie 1086 B. Backbiting pernicions 323 Bargaining buying selling 287 Baptisme 989. 1005. 1013. 1027. 1031. 1033. 1050. 1055. 1060. 1061. 1062. Baptising with water vnconsecrated 1039. 1040. Baptiser 1042 Baptised 824. 1055. 1060 Ba●lards 395 Ba●des and Curtisans haue benefices at Rome 900 Belongeth to vs to knowe what was written to thē in old time 15 Beléeue in the sonne of God. 59 Beléefe of oures the second Article thereof 58 Beléefe in the church forbidden 78 Bed in wedlocke ought to be vndefiled 226 Ben●fits of God are to be acknowledged 952 Beginning of sinne against the holy Ghost 517 Beginning of the ministerie from whome and the worthines thereof 875 Behauiour of the godly in their calamities 300 Bearing witnesse 319 Birth of Christ 63 Bishops 878. 905. Blaspemie 516. 517 Blessing and thankesgiuing 977 Bloud and strangled forbidden by the apostles 421 Body of Christ 689 Body glorious 87. 88 Body naturall body spirituall 89 Bodies of the wicked rise againe 89 Bonauentures opinion of grace 1003 Bondage 395. 441. 442 Both kindes in the supper giuen receiued 1066 Bow downe to images what it is 122 Bread among the Hebrues what it signifyeth 947 Bread and wine remaine in their substance after consecration 984 Bread and wine are so called after consecration 985 Breaking of bread 1063 Buriall of Christ 65 Buying and selling c. 394 C. Catalogue of the bookes of the diuine Scripture 12 Cause of Christes incarnation 60 Calling to the ministerie 891. 893 Cathechising 907. Calamities 291. 293 Candlesticke golden 347 Carnall and fleshly people 404 Cure of the bodie 448 Cauills of those that attribute iustification to workes 458 Cause of sinne and euill 483 Catholique church what it is 79. 813 Carnall bondage and seruile 991 Carthage counsell for examining of bishops 895 Celebration of the supper c. 1072 Ceremonies 229. 328 329. 330. 364. 413. 415. 424. 1033. 1034. Confession of true religion 366 Charitie 92. 98 Christe as yet executeth all the dueties of a priest in the church 872 Christ what hee receyn●th to himselfe from his ministerie and apostles 872 Christ is the naturall sonne of God 883 Christ re●eyneth both natures vnconfounded together 691 Christ in one person remayneth vndiuided 694 Christ is king of all 698 Christ is a Monarch 698 Christ is cotent to debate with Pilate of his kingdome 700 Christ called the onely sonne 59 Christ how he reigneth on earth in his kingdome 700 Christ Iesus the highe prest 704 Christ is annointed but with inuisible oile 705 Christ doth the office of a priest that is teacheth maketh intercession blesseth sacrificeth and sancrifieth 705 Christe his priesthood 706 Christians are kinges and priesis 709 Christ compared with Adam 49 Christ died not in vaine 50 Christ by interpretation annoynted 60 Christ is our Lord. 60 Christs conception and the maner thereof 62 Christes conception pure 63 Christ suffered vnder Pontius Pilate 64 Christ a Judge 74 Christ conueyeth himselfe awaye when the people would haue made him a king 218 Christians haue nothing to doe with the yron like Philosophie of the Stoikes 301 Christ cōmandeth vs to beare his crosse 309 Christ and Paule examples to vs. 314 Christ is the rock not Christ signifieth the rocke 991 Christ the first begotten 331 Christ and his Apostles institute scholes 1115 Christ hath taken all burthens frō our shoulders 437 Christ fulfilled the lawe and is the perfectnes of the faithful 407 Christ alone is our life and saluation 543 Christ doeth fully worke our saluation 544 Christ is receiued by faith and not by workes 548 Christ how he preached the Gospel 548. 661. 862. Church Churches and Cōgregation c. 667. 812. 813. 815. 816. 820. 821. 827. 831. 832. 833. 852. 860. 861. 863. 864. 866. 867. 868. 1118 1127 Circumcision 355. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. Citie and temple of Hierusalem destroyed 413 Clearkes what they were sometime 883 Cōmunicating of properties 696 Counsell of the priestes forsaken by king Ioas what followed 254 Conscience at quiet peace before God is the worke of the holy ghost 723. Constancie of the Apostles 723 Consecrating of pastours begun with fasting and prayer 897 Concupiscence 108. 949 Consubstantiall and coessentiall 59 Communion of sainctes 80 Confession and acknowledging of sinnes 81
Confession of true religion 366 Conscience 100 1 Commaundement 112. 113 2 Commaundement 116 3 Commaundement 126 4 Commaundement 136 5 Commaundement 144 6 Commaundement 163 7 Commaundement 222 8 Commaundement 259 9 Commaundement 318 10 Commaundement 318 Commaundementes of the Lorde their order 136 Coniurers and witches 116 Countrie natiue 145. 151 Correction 161 Cockering of children 262 Consecrating of magistrates 177 Constantine the great 181 Common in goods in the Apostles time c. 161 Common weale deuised 216 Communion 1063 Common cost or treasure 221 Continencie 237. 238. 239. 240 Consolations generall against afflictions and troubles 306 Coue●ing 324 Couet what it is not that we must not 325 Congregation or assembly 335 Constancie of certeine holie mē absteining from things vnclean 383 Couenant or new people all things therein are more euident than in the olde couenaunt or testament 436 Corruption of oure owne nature what and how great 499 Controuersie betweene Augustine Pelagius touching the Grace of God. 53● Conuersion to God 562 Confession 570. 571. 572. 573. 574 600. Consecration of breade and wine 168 Counsels of what sorte they haue bene in these latter ages 600 Consultation 574 Continual successiō of bishops 828 Coniunction with Christe and the Church 1021 Consecration or blessing chaungeth not the nature of things 796 Coūsel of Nice touching baptisme 1005 Counsel of Later in what yere 986 Comforte for afflicted consciences 1110 Corruption of scholes 1116 Creation of the world 5. 637 Créede of the Apostles ●5 56 Creatures cleane and vnclean 382 Curious questioning of God forbidden 605 Cyprian expoundeth the ninth Article 78 Cyprian his errour touching Babtisme 1031 D. Dagon 117 Daungerous to speake against Iupiter 170 Damage 270. 275. 396. Dauids adulterie 233 Dauid his opinion of Iustification 555 Dauid cōplaineth of his forced absence from the holy assemblies 916 Descent lineall of Messias 6 Death of the crosse reprochful 64 Death of Christ fruitfull 64 Descension of Christ into hell 65 Democracie 170 Deuises of newe fangled worships are cursed of God. 185 Deliuerance by Gods goodnes 293 Denial of Gods truth in persecution is no way to kéep our goos 312 Decree of the synode holden at Ierusalem 421 Deliuerer of vs who he is 441 Definition of sinne 408 Death of madd men is vnfruitful therefore to be construed to the best 512 Definition of the Gospel 526 Departure from the Romishe churche 849. 851. 858 Deacons what is their office 87● Deprauation is the blotting out of the Image of God in vs. 500 Demonstration of the figuratiue woordes This is my body c in the Lords supper 1087 Destinie 480 Discretion and clemencie of the iudge 199 Dicing and carding 474 Discommodities that the saints do suffer are recompenced with greater commodities 311 Disinheriting 393 Diuorcement 394. 1133 Diuision of goods 394 Difference of the olde and newe testament and people 435 Differences of sinne 480 Difference betwéene Paena and Culpa peccati 58● Disagréeing places of faythe and workes reconciled 463 Dionysius of the names of God. 615 Dignitie prerogatiue of bishop● increased 882 Diuel and diuels 479. 744. 745. 746. 747. Difference to be made of the Lord● body 1107 Discipline of the Nazarites 380 Discipline in scholes 1116 Discipline and correction of ministers 1129 Doctrine of Christe the chiefe contents thereof 3● Doctours opinion of iustification by fayth 466 Doctrine Catholique of originall sinne 49● Doctours and fathers of the church confesse with one assent original● sinne 67 Doctrine of frée iustification without workes why it is to be kept incorrupted in the Churche of Christe 557 Doctrine of veritie is néedefull to repentaunce 563 Doctrine of Chrysostome touching consestion 576 Doctrine touching the Trinitie is most certeine 631 Doctrine of the auncient Church of Rome 830 Doctours or teachers 878 Donation of Constantine 888 Doctrine when it is to be teached 904 Doctrine priuat and publique 907 Doctrine for the life sake not to be receiued 9. 12. 17 Doubting in two sortes 34 Drunkennesse 440 Drunken or made dronke in the scriptures is sometime taken for made merrie 285 Dutie of parentes to their children 158 Dutie of children 162 Dutie of a good pastour 906 E. Ease and rest vpon the Sabbaoth what it signifieth 138 Eating of bloud and strangled forbidden 385 Ecclesiasticall priuileges 183 Ecclesiasticall power in what pointes it consisteth 837 Ecclesiasticall matters of diuers sorts to be disposed by the church 839 Ecclesiasticall goods 1118 Election of magistrates 175 Elders whereof they haue their name 878 Emperours lawe for the kéeping of the sabbaoth 143 End of the ministerie wherfore instituted 875 End of prayer what 819 End of the institution of sacramēts 983 Endes of the Lords supper 1083 Ephod 333 Ephesus the twelue men thereof not rebaptised 1059 Equin●ctiall 363 Equalirie betwéene byshops and elders 880 Errour grosse of the Patris-passians 624 Errour in the Apostolique church ▪ 1001 Essence of God one hath a distinction of persons 624 Essence of substance 626 Ethnicks sentences of God are in some place maymed 104 Euil in two significations 494 Euangelistes what they are 878 Euill spirites 744. 878 Euil life of the minister scandalous and offensiue 912 Examples of true faith 36 Examples of warre of captaines out of the Scriptures 215 Examples of gods deliuerance 309 Examples of afflictions in the patriarches 313 Examples of afflictions of the old Church 314 Examples of God iustly punishing 521 Examination of bishops to be elected 895 Exercises of a bishop or pastour 911. Exercises of repentance outwardly 595 Exhomologesis what it is 575 Exhortation to liue 99 Expositions of the Scriptures c. 27. 28. Exposition auncient of the wordes of the Lords Supper 1086 Ezekias commended of GOD and prospered for breaking Images downe 254 F. Father what he first taught 5 Faith. 4. 6. 8. 30. 31. 33. 35. 37. 38. 40. 41. 42. 43. 48. 52. 53. 54. 203. 204. c. Face of God. 91 Fasting 242. 243 244. 245 351. False doctrine concerning riches rich men condemned 263 Fathers and we are all one church of one and the same Testament 429 Fathers and we haue all one faith 429. One spirite 430. One hope heritage 431. One manner of innocation 434 Falling awaye from religion of diuers sortes 859 False Christians 712 False counsellers vnworthie of the name 254 Fall of Angels from heauen 745 Feast of the 7. moneth or Tabernacle 353 Feast of trompets 353 Feast of clensing 353 Feast of attonement is the time of preaching the grace of God. 376 Feare of god 564. 565 Feare in Gods cause is to be excluded 890 Flaterie 323 Flaterers 890 Finall impenitencie 519 Fighting in defence of thy countrie 149 Flesh and bloud shall not be in heauen 89 Flesh taken in the scripture for the old man. 588 Flesh profiteth nothing 1101 Forme of the Lords Supper 1068 Formes and wayes of knowing God. 607 Forgiuenes of sinnes 82 Fornication 234 Frendship to be preserued 102 Fré●dome that we haue by Christ
1067. 1068. 1073. 1078. 1079. Symbole 961. Synodes 1130 Synagogue 263. 339. 813 Synaxis 1019. 1063 T Tabernacle 334. 339. 341. 862 Table of the Lord. 1063 Tables of Gods lawes 111. 112 Tale carriers 322 Testament 49. 463. 1064 Testimonies 106. 364. 443. 669. 764. Teaching 909. 910 Temples of Christians 1126 Thanksgiuing 951. 652 653. 1063. Theft and deceipte 106. 270. 395 Th●uma and Thnupha 378 Theodosiu Emperour 181 Time holie 417. 349. 1129 Torments nothing dismaye the Apostles 723 Tongue 319. 1071 Toward what part of the world we must pray 1127. Traditions 5. 18. 447 Treasures heauenly all giuen vs of God in Christ 77 Tryall of oureselues by afflictions 294 Trinitie 612. 627. 628. ce True worship and adoration 652 True religion 672 True vnderstanding of the Lordes wordes This is my body 1085 True eating of Christes body 1097 True end of scholes 1117 Tyrannie 169 V. Valentinian Emperour 181 Verbum what it is 1 Vengeance taken of bloudy Rome 319 Vertues of the pastour 911 Vestal virgines 368 Vessells belonging to the Lordes Supper 1070 Vice is to be rebuked sharply and seasonably 894 Vigilius 74 Virgines and Virginitie 1134 Vowes and vowed sacrifices 379 380. 135. 421. 1137 Voluntarie sinne c. 497. 511 Vncleanethings 386 Vnitie ought to be kept 849 Vnderstanding 589 Vncircumcised soule 1048 Vrim Thummim 334 Vsurie and Vsurers 274. 275. 276 W. Warre Warres and Warriours 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. c. 399. Wages of hirelings 396 Water and the Word 971 Wayes of eating the Lordes Supper 110● Weight and measure 397 Wedlocke 222. 223 c. 227. 1133 1134 Wealth by inheritaunce 266 Who elected to life 643 Who an Heretique who a Schismatique 850 Who to be baptised 1050 Why God created mā so frayle 487 Whoredome and adulterie 393 Who do not rightly preach Christe 544 Why all men are not saued 546 Widowes and Widowhoode 1134 Wisedome of god 619. 96● Without the church no light or saluation 843 Wicked are not partakers of the things signified in the Sacraments 98● Witnesse Witnesse-bearing 39● Wife the arme of her husband 224 Witches and Sothsayers 397 Worde Wordes and the Worde of god c. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. c. vsque 22. 24. 25. 26. c. vsque 29. 525. 528. 823. 940. 971. 975 978. 1102. Workes 53. 54. 98. 406. 453. 454. 456. 457. 620 Worship Worshipping and Worshippers 6. 652. 658. 744 Women-deacons and their office 875 Wormes take vengeaunce of Gods enimies 890 Worthy and vnworthy eating and drinking of the Lords supper 1106 Writings of the old Testament giuen to Christians 15 Wrath of God vppon kingdomes for vsurie 276 Y. Yeare of Iubilie 354 Z. Zuinglius 502. 1015. 1020. 1204 FINIS The first Decade of Sermons written by Henrie Bullinger Of the worde of God the cause of it and howe and by whome it was reuealed to the worlde ¶ The first Sermon ALl the decrees of Christian fayth with euery waye howe to liue rightly well and holyly and finally all true and heauenly wisdome haue alwayes bene fetched out of the testimonies or determinate iudgements of the word of God neyther can they by those which are wise men in déede or by the faithfull and those whiche are called by God to the ministerie of the Churches be drawn taught or last of all soundly confirmed from else where then out of the word of god Therefore whosoeuer is ignorant what the worde of God and the meaning of the word of God is he séemeth to be as one blinde deafe and without witte in the Temple of the Lorde in the schole of Christ and lastly in the very reading of the sacred Scriptures But whereas some are nothing zealous but very hardly drawen to the hearing of Sermons in the Church that springeth out of no other fountaine than this which is bycause they doe neyther rightly vnderstande nor diligently inoughe weigh the vertue and true force of the word of god That nothing therefore may cause the zealous desirers of the trueth and the worde of God to staye on this point but rather that that estimation of Gods word which is due vnto it may be layde vp in all mens hartes I will by Gods helpe lay foorthe vnto you dearly beloued those things which a godly man ought to thinke and holde as concerning the worde of god And praye ye earnestly and continually to our bountifull God that it may please him to giue to me his holy effectuall power to speake and to you the opening of your eares and mynds so that in all that I shall say the Lorde his name may be praysed and your soules be profited abundantly First I haue to declare what the worde of God is Verbum in the scriptures and according to the very propertie of the Hebrue tongue is diuersly taken For it signifieth what thing soeuer a man will euen as among the Germanes the worde Ding is moste largely vsed In S. Luke the Angel of God saythe to the blessed Virgin with God shall no worde be vnpossible whiche is all one as if he had sayde all things are possible to God or to God is nothing vnpossible Verbum also signifieth a word vttered by the mouth of a man Sometime it is vsed for a charge somtime for a whole sentence or speach or prophesie wherof in the Scriptures there are many examples But when Verbum is ioyned with any thing els as in this place we cal it Verbum Dei thē is it not vsed in the same signification For Verbum Dei the worde of God doth signifie the vertue and power of God it is also put for the Sonne of God which i● the seconde person in the most reuerend trinitie For the saying of the holy Euāangelist is euident to al mē The word was made flesh But in this treatise of ours the word of God doth properly signify the speach of God the reuealing of gods wil first of al vttered in a liuely expressed voyce by the mouth of Christ the Prophets and Apostles and after that againe registred in writings whiche are rightly called holy and diuine Scriptures The word doth shew the minde of him out of whom it commeth therefore the worde of God doth make declaration of god But God of him selfe naturally speaketh trueth he is iust good pure immortal eternall therefore it followeth that the word of God also which commeth out of the mouth of God is true iust without deceipt and guile without errour or euill affection holy pure good immortall euerlasting For in the Gospel sayth the Lord Thy word is truth And the Apostle Paule saith The word of God is not tied Againe the Scripture euery where cryeth The word of the Lorde indureth for euer And Solomon saythe Euery word of God is purely cleansed Adde thou nothing to his wordes leaste peraduenture he reproue thee and thou be founde a lyar Dauid also sayth The sayings of the Lorde are pure
sayinges euen as it were siluer cleansed in the fire and seuen times fined from the earth This you shal more fully perceiue dearely beloued if I speake somewhat more largely of the cause or beginning and certaintie of the worde of god The worde of God is trueth but God is the onely welspring of trueth therefore God is the beginning and cause of the worde of God. And here in déede God since he hath not members like to mortall men wanteth also a bodily mouth yet neuerthelesse bycause the mouthe is the instrument of the voice to God is a mouth atributed For he spake to men in the voice of a man that is in a voice easily vnderstood of men and facioned according to the speach vsually spokē among men This is euidentlye to bée séene in the things wherein he dealte with the holy fathers with whome as with oure parents Adam and Eua Noe and the rest of the fathers he is read to haue talked many and often tymes In the mount Sina the Lord him selfe preached to the great congregatiō of Israel rehearsing so plainly that they might vnderstand those tenne Commaundementes wherein is contained euerye poynt of godlinesse For in the. 5. of Deut. thus we reade These words meaning the. 10. Commaūdements spake the Lorde with a loude voyce from out of the middes of the fire to the whole congregation And in the 4. Chapiter A voice of wordes you hearde but no similitude did you see beside the voice God verily vsed oftentimes the meanes of Angels by whose ministerie he talked with mortall men And it is very well knowne to all men that the sonne of God the father being incarnate walked about on the earth and being very God and man taught the people of Israell almost for the space of 3. yeares But in times past and before that the Sonne of God was borne in the worlde God by litle and litle made him selfe acquainted with the hartes of the holy Fathers after that with the minds of the holy Prophets and last of all by their preaching and writinges he taught the whole worlde So also Christe our Lorde sent the holy ghost which is of the father the sonne into the Apostles by whose mouths words writings he was knowen to all the world And al these seruants of god as it were the elect vessels of God hauing with sincere harts receiued the reuelation of God from God him selfe first of all in a liuely expressed voyce deliuered to the worlde the Oracles and worde of God whiche they before had learned and afterward when the world drewe more to an ende some of them did put them in writing for a memoriall to the posteritie And it is good to know how by whom all this was done For by this narration the true cause certaintie and dignitie of the word of God doth plainly appeare There are not extant to be séene the writings of any man from the beginning of the worlde vntill the time of Moses whiche are come to oure knowledge although it be likely that that same ancient and first world was not altogether without all writings For by S. Iude the Apostle and brother of S. Iames is cited the written prophesie of our holy father Enoch which is read to haue ben the seuenth from our father Adam Furthermore the writing or historie of Iob séemeth to haue bene set foorth a great while before But howe soeuer it is all the Saintes in the Churche of God giue to Moses the faithfull seruant of God the first place amōg the holy writers From the beginning therefore of the worlde God by his spirit and the ministerie of Angels spake to the holy fathers and they by word of mouth taught their children and childers children and all their posteritie that whiche they had learned at the mouth of God when they verily had hearde it not to the intent to kéepe it close to themselues but also to make their posteritie partakers of the same For God oftentimes witnesseth that He will be the God of the fathers and of their seed for euermore This is most plainly to be séene in the historie of Adam Noe and Abraham the first and great grandfathers In the. 19. of Genesis verily we reade that the angell of God yea and that more is that euē the Lorde him selfe did say to Abraham And shall I hide from Abraham what I minde to doe since of Abraham shall come a great and mightie people and al the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him And this I knowe that he will commaunde his children and his posteritie after him to keepe the way of the Lorde and to do iustice iudgement and the rest Abraham therfore a faithfull and zealous worshipper of God did not euen as also those olde fathers of the firste world did not waxe negligent at all herein but did diligently teache men the wil iudgemēts of God whervpō of Moses yea of God him selfe he is called a prophet That deuout liuely tradition of the fathers from hande to hand was had in vse continually euen from the beginning of the world vntil the time of Moses Moreouer God of his goodnesse did prouide the no age at any time should be without most excellent lightes to be witnesses of the vndoubted faith and fathers of great authoritie For the worlde before the deluge had in it 9. most excellent most holy and wise men Adam Seth Enos Kenam Malaleel Iared Enoch Methusalem and Lamech The chief of these Adam and Methusalem doe beginne and make an end of all the. 1656 yeares of the world before the deluge For Adam liued 930. yeres He dieth therefore the. 726. yeare before the floud And Methusalem liued 969. yeres He dieth in the very same yere that the floud did ouerflowe and he liued together with Adam 243. yeres so that of Adam he might be aboundantly inoughe instructed as concerning the beginning of things as concerning God the fall and restoring againe of mankinde and all things else belonging to religion euen as he was taught of God him selfe These two fathers with the rest aboue named were able sufficiently inoughe to instruct the whole age in the true saluation and right wayes of the Lorde After the deluge God gaue to the world againe excellent men and very great lightes The names of them are Noe Sem Arphaxad Sale Heber Palec Reu Saruch Nachor Tha●e Abraham Isaac and Iacob Here haue we 13. most excellent Patriarches among whom the first two Noe and Sem are the chiefe nexte to whome Abraham Isaac and Iacob were more notable then the rest Noe liued 950. yeares in all He was 600 yeares olde when the floud drowned the worlde He therefore sawe and hearde all the holy fathers of the firste world before the deluge thrée only excepted Adam Seth and Enos And also he liued manye yeares together with the other whiche had both séene and heard them so that he could be
that séede and branch of life should come Moreouer the holy fathers taught that God by a certaine league hath ioyned him selfe to mankind and that he hath most streightly bounde him selfe to the faythful and the faythfull likewise to him selfe againe Wherevpon they did teache to be faythfull to God ward to honour God to hate false Gods to call vpon the onely God and to worship him deuoutly Furthermore they taught that the worship of God did consist in things spirituall as fayth hope charitie obedience vpright dealing holinesse innocencie patience trueth iudgement and godlinesse And therfore did they reprehend naughtinesse and sinne falshoode lacke of beliefe desperation disobedience vnpatientnesse lying hypocrisie hatred dispitefull tauntes violence wrong vnrightuous dealing vncleannesse riottousnesse surfetting whoredome vnrighteousnesse and vngodlynesse They taught that God was a rewarder of good but a punisher and reuenger of euill They taught that the soules of men were immortall and that the bodyes shoulde rise againe in the daye of iudgement therefore they exhorted vs all so to liue in this temporall life that we doe not lese the life eternall This is the sum of the worde of God reuealed to the fathers and by them deliuered to their posteritie This is the traditiō of the holy fathers which cōprehendeth al religion Finally this is the true auncient vndoubted authenticall catholike faith of the fathers Besides this the holy fathers taught their children childers children the accompt of the yeares from the beginning of the world also the true historicall course as well profitable as necessarie of things from the creation of the worlde euen vnto their owne times leaste peraduenture their children shoulde be ignoraunt of the beginning and succession of worldlye things and also of the iudgementes of God and examples of them whiche liued as well godly as vngodly I coulde declare vnto you all this euidently and in verye good order out of the first booke of Moses called Genesis if it were not that thereby the sermen shoulde be drawne out somewhat longer then the vse is But I suppose that there are few or rather none at al here present whiche doe not perceiue that I haue rehearsed this that I haue said touching the tradition of the auncient fathers as it were worde for worde out of the booke of Genesis so that nowe I maye very well go forwarde in the narration which I haue begonne So then what so euer hitherto was of the fathers deliuered to the world by worde of mouth as it were from hand to hande that was first of all put into writing by the holy man Moses together with those thinges whiche were done in al the time of Moses life by the space of 120. yeares And that his estimation might be the greater throughout all the worlde among all men and in all ages and that none shoulde but knowe that the writings of Moses were the very worde of God it selfe Moses was furnished and as it were consecrated by God with signes and wonders to be meruelled at in déede whiche the almightie by the hande that is by the ministerie of Moses did bring to passe and verily he wrought them not in any corner of the worlde or place vnknowne but in Egypt the moste flourishing and renoumed kingdome of that age Those miracles were greater and farre more by many then that they can be here rehearsed in fewe wordes neyther is it néedful to repeate them bicause you dearely beloued are not vnskilfull or ignorant of them at al. After that also God by other meanes procured authoritie to Moses For many and often times God had communication with Moses and amongst the rest of his talke sayde he Beholde I will come to thee in a thicke cloude that the people may heare me talking with thee may beleue thee for euermore Neyther was the Lord therewith content but commaunded Meles to call together all the people sixe hundreth thousand men I say with their wiues and children They are called out to the mount Sina where God appeareth in a wonderfull and terrible fashion and he him selfe preaching to the congregation doth rehearse vnto them the ten Commaundements But the people being terrified with the maiestie of God doth pray and beséech that God him self would no more afterward preach to the congregatiō with his owne mouth saying that it were inoughe if he would vse Moses as an interpreter to them and by him speake to the Church The most high God did like the offer and after that he spake to the people by Moses what soeuer he would haue done And for bycause that the people was a stifnecked people by keping company with Idolaters in Egypt was not a little corrupted Moses nowe began to set downe in writing those things whiche the holy fathers by tradition had taught the things also which the Lorde had reuealed vnto him The cause why he wrote them was least peraduenture by obliuion continuance of time and obstinancie of a people so slowe to beleeue they might either perish or else be corrupted The Lord also set Moses an example to folow For what so euer God had spoken to the Church in Mount Sina that same did he streight way after write with his owne finger in two tables of stone as he had with his finger frō the beginning of the world writtē the same in the harts of the fathers Afterward also in plain words he commaunded Moses to write what soeuer the Lord had reueled Moses obeyed the Lordes commaundement and writ them The holy Gheste whiche was wholye in the mynde of Moses directed his hand as he writ There was no abilitie wanting in Moses that was necessarie for a most absolute writer He was aboundantly instructed by his auncestours For he was borne of the holiest progenie of those fathers whome God had appointed to be witnesses of his will commaundements and iudgements suppose Amram Kahad Iacob Sem Methusalem and Adam He was able therefore to write a true and certain Hystorie from the beginning of the worlde euen vntill his owne time Wherevnto he added those thinges which were done among the people of God in his owne life time whereof he was a very true witnesse as one that sawe and heard them Yea and that more is whatsoeuer he did set forth in his bookes that did he read to his people and amongst so many thousandes was there not one found which gainsayed that whiche he rehearsed so that the whole consent and witnesse-bearing of the great congregation did bring no small authoritie to the writings of Moses Moses therefore contained in the fiue bookes called the fiue books of Moses an hystorie from the beginning of the world euē vnto his own death by the space of 2488. yeres In which he declared most largely the Reuelation of the worde of God made vnto men whatsoeuer the word of God dothe containe and teach In which as we haue the manyfolde Oracles of God him self
I may surely fasten in euery ones mynde and that all may vnderstand what fayth is I repeate it here againe and therwithall conclude this Sermon Fayth is a gifte of God powred into man from Heaue wherby he is taught with an vndouted persuasiō wholie to leane to God and his word in which word God in Christ doth freely promise life and euery good thing and wherin al truth necessary to be beleued is plainly declared Let vs all pray to God our father through his only begottē Sonne our Lord Iesus Christe that hee will vouchsafe from Heauen to bestowe true fayth vppon vs all that wee by it knowinge him a righte may at the laste obtayne life euerlasting Amen That there is one onely true Fayth and what the vertue thereof is ¶ The fifth Sermon BEinge cutte of with the shortnesse of tyme and deteyned by the excellencie of the matter I could not in my last sermon make an end of al that I had determined to speake touching Fayth now therefore by the grace of the holy spirite I will adde the rest of the argument which seemeth yet to be behind Pray to the Lorde that that which by mans voyce is brought to your eares may by the finger of God be written in your hartes True Fayth is ignorant of all diuision for there is sayth the Apostle one Lorde one Fayth one Baptisme one God and Father of all For there remayneth from the beginning of the worlde euen vnto the ende therof one and the same fayth in all the electe of god God is one and the same for euer the onely Well of all goodnesse that can neuer be drawne drie The trueth of God from the beginning of the worlde is one and the same set forth to men in the word of god Therfore the obiect and foundatiō of faith that is God and the worde of God remaine for euer one and the selfe same In one and the selfe same fayth with vs haue al the elect euer since the first creation of the worlde beléeued that vnto vs through Christ all good things are fréely giuen and that all truth necessary to be beleued is declared in the word of the Lord wherfore the faithful of the olde world haue alwayes set led their faith on God and his worde so that now without all doubte there cānot be any more thē one true faith I know very well that in the world there are soweb many and sundrye faythes that is to say religions For there is the Indian fayth the Iewish fayth the fayth of the Mahometists the fayth of the Georgians yet not withstāding ther is but one true Christian fayth the abridgement whereof is conteyued in the articles of our beleefe and is taught at the full in the sacred Scriptures of both the Testaments I know also that there are sundry beliefes of men resting vpon sundry things and beleuing that which is contrary to true faith but yet neuerthelesse there remaineth but one true beliefe in God and his worde which is an vndoubted persuasion and confidence of things most true and assuredly certaine This confidence doth grow with increase in the mindes of the faithfull contrarily decreaseth againe and vtterly faileth And for that cause the Apostles besought the lord saying Lord increase our faith And Paul the Apostle doth in his writings euery where wish to the faithful the increase of the spirite and faith Dauid also before him prayed saying O God create a cleane harte within me and take not thy holy spirite from me For he had séene how that from Saule whom he succéeded in the kingdom the good spirite of God was departed and that in stéede therof the wicked spirit had entred into his minde which tormented him very pitifully Here vnto belongeth that saying in the gospel To euery one that hath shall be giuen and from him that hath not shal be taken away that which he hath not or that he maketh no accompt of and shal be giuen to him that hath Neither was it in vain that the Lord said to Peter I haue prayed for thee Peter that thy fayth faile not For Paul speketh of some in his time that made shipwracke of their owne ●aith and ouerthrew the faith of other And to what ende I praye you doe we dayly heare the worde of God and make our humble petitions to the Lord but bycause we looke for increase of godlinesse and request his ayde to keepe vs that we fall not from true fayth verily Paul to the Thessalonians sayth We pray earnestly daye and night to see you personally and to supply that which is wanting in your fayth And a little before he sayde For this cause I sent Timotheus that I might be certi●●ed of your fayth least by any meanes the tempter had tempted you and so our labour had ben of no effect The same Apostle also in his epistle to the Ephesians sayth Christe gaue some Apostles some Prophetes some Pastours and teachers to the restoring of the Saintes vnto the building of the body of Christ vntill we all meete together in the vnitie of fayth and the acknowledging of the sonne of God vnto a perfect man vnto the measure of age of the fulnesse of Christ so that now we be no longer children Therfore so long as we liue we learne that our fayth may be perfect and if so be at any time it shall be weakned by temptations that then it may be repayred and againe confirmed And in this diuersitie I meane in this increase and weaknesse of fayth there is no partition or diuision for the selfe same roote and substance of fayth doth alwayes remayne althoughe it be at sometime more and at somtime lesse In like manner fayth is not therefore changed nor cut in sunder ▪ bicause one is called generall fayth and another particular fayth For generall faith is no other then that whiche beleeueth that al the words of God are true and that God hath a good will to mankind Particular fayth beléeueth nothing contrarie to this onely that whiche is cōmon to al the faythful applieth particularly to him selfe beleeuing that God is not well minded towarde others alone but euen vnto him also So then it bringeth the whole into parts and that which is generall into particularities For whereas by generall fayth he beléeueth that all the wordes of God are true in the same sorte by particular fayth he doth beléeue that the soule is immortall that our bodyes rise againe that the faythfull shall be saued the vnbeléeuers destroyed and whatsoeuer else is of this sort taught to be beléeued in the word of god Moreouer the disputation touching faith that is poured into vs and fayth that we our selues get touching formall fayth and fayth without fashion I beléeue to be beaten out of them whiche of them selues do bring these newe disputations into the Churche True faith is obtained by no strength or merite of man but is powred into him of
writings alledge out of the prophets The same Paul also saith The life which now I liue in fleshe I liue by faith in the son of god who loued me and gaue him self for me Faith ioyneth vs to the eternal chief goodnesse so maketh vs to inioy the chief goodnes that god may dwell in vs we in god For the Lorde Iesus him self in the Gospel saith He which eateth my flesh drinketh my bloud dwelleth in me I in him As the louing father sēt me so also I liue by the father he that eteth me shal liue by me But to eate drink the Lord is to be léeue in the Lord the he hath giuē him self to death for vs Whervpon Iohn the Apostle saith We haue seene do witnesse that the father hath sent the son the sauiour of the world Whosoeuer shal confesse that Iesus is the sonne of God God dwelleth in him and he in God. Wherfore also Paul saide I liue now not I but Christ liueth in me Moreouer faythe dothe iustifie But for bycause the treatise thereof can not be fitlye and fullye made an ende of this houre I meane to deferre it till the next Sermon that shall be At this present dearely beloued ye must remember that there is but one true fayth that is the Christian fayth For although there be said to be many fayths that is religions yet notwithstanding there is onely but one true and vndoubted fayth And that dothe increase and againe decrease in some men As for those in whom it is rightly and godly obserued in them it sheweth foorthe sundry vertues For it bringeth with it true wisedome finally it quickneth and maketh vs blessed and happy in déede To God the father the authour of all goodnesse and of our felicitie be all prayse and glory throughe Iesus Christ our Lorde for euer and euer Amen That the faithfull are iustified by fayth with out the lawe and workes ¶ The sixte Sermon BEing readye here dearely beloued to speake vnto you of fayth whiche without workes dothe iustifie them that beléeue I call vpon the Father whiche is in heauen through his onely begotten sonne Iesus Christe our Lorde beséeching him to open my mouth and lippes to the setting foorthe of his prayse and to illuminate your hearts that ye acknowledging the great benefite of God may become thankfull for it and holy in déede And first of all I will speake certaine things chiefly necessarie to this argument or treatise touching this terme of iustification The terme of iustifying very vsuall and common among the Hebrues and of a large signification is not at this day so wel vnderstoode of all men as it ought to be To iustifie is as muche to say as to quite from iudgement and from the denounced and vttered sentence of condemnation It signifieth to remit offences to cleanse to sanctifie ▪ and to giue vtterance of life euerlasting For it is a lawe terme belonging to courts where iudgement is exercised Imagine therefore that man is set before the iudgement seate of God and that there he is pleaded guiltie to wit that he is accused and conuinced of hainous offences and therefore sued to punishment or to the sentence of condēnation Imagine also that the sonne of God maketh intercession and commeth in as a meane desiring that vpon him may be layde the whole fault and punishment due vnto vs men that he by his death may cleanse them and take them away setting vs frée from death and giuing vs life euerlasting Imagine too that God the most highe and iust iudge receiueth the offer and trāslatet● 〈◊〉 punishment together with the fault from vs vnto the necke of his sonne making therwithall a statute that whosoeuer beléeueth that the son of God suffered for the sinnes of the world brake the power of death and deliuered vs from damnation shoulde be cleansed from his sinnes and made heire of life euerlasting Who therefore can be so dull of vnderstanding but maye perceiu● that mankinde is iustified by fayth But that there may be no cause of doubt or darkenesse left in the mynde of any man that which I haue already spokē generally by the parable and similitude fetched from oure common lawe I will here particularly bring into certaine partes confirming and manifestly prouing euery one of them seuerally out of the holy Scriptures so that euen to the stoutest wittes the power of fayth and worke of iustification may be most euident And first I will shew vnto you that this terme of iustification is taken in this present treatise for the absolution and remission of sinnes for sanctification and adoption into the number of the sonnes of god In the .xiij. of the Actes the Apostle Paule sayth Be it knowne vnto you men and brethren that through this Lord Iesus Christ is preached vnto you the forgiunesse of sinnes and by him all that beleeue are iustified frō al things from which they could not be iustified by the law of Moses Sée in Christe is preached vnto vs the forgiuenesse of sinnes and he that beleueth that Christ preched forgiueth sinnes is also iustified It followeth therefore that iustification is the remission of sinnes In the fifth Chapter to the Romanes saythe the same Apostle Being iustified by the bloud of Christ we shall be saued from wrath through him But the bloud of Christ washeth away sinnes Iustification therefore is the washing away or forgiunesse of sinnes And againe in the same Chapter saythe he more plainly Iudgement entred by one offence vnto condemnation but the gifte of many sinnes vnto iustification He maketh iustification the contrarie to condemnation therfore iustification is the absolution and deliuerie from condemnation What say ye to this moreouer that he dothe plainely call iustification a gifte that is the forgiuenes of sinnes Herevnto also belong those words of his Euen as by the sinne of one condemnation came on all men so by the righteousnesse of one good came vpon all men to the iustification of life Here again is the iustification of life made the contrarie of condemnation vnto death set as a peine vpon our heads bycause of the transgression iustification of life therefore is an absolution from sinnes a deliuerie from death a quickning or translating from death to life For in the fourth to the Romanes the same Apostle expoundeth iustification by sanctification and sanctification by the remission of sinnes For intreating of fayth whereby we are iustified or whiche God imputeth to vs for righteousnesse without workes he sayth Euen as Dauid also dothe expounde the blessednesse of that man to whome the Lord imputeth righteousnesse without workes saying Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiuē and whose sinnes are couered What coulde be more plainely spoken then this For he doth euidently expounde iustification by sanctification and sanctification by the remission of sinnes Furthermore what else is sanctification but the adoption whereby we are receiued into the grace and number of the
the godly lawfull othes are wisely called by the name of Iusiurandū For by 〈…〉 ●hich signifieth the law we are admonished that that kinde of othe is l●wf●ll and righteous Now this taking of Gods name to witnesse hath ioyned to it a calling on and a vowing our selues to Gods curse and vengeance For this is the maner of an oth and order of swearing I will say or do ●t truly in déed and without deceit so God may helpe me Therefore we put our selues in daunger of Gods wrath and vengeaunce vnlesse we do truly and in déede both speake and do the thing that we promised to doe or speake A very déepe and solemne promise making is this then the whiche verily there is not a greater to be foūd in the world Here also must be considered the circumstances and ceremonies in swearing For our auncesters of olde were wont to lift their hande vp vnto heauen and to sweare by the name of the lord The Lord our God dwelleth in heauen We therfore do manifestly declare that as in the iudges eyes we lifte our hand to heauen euen so in our mindes we do ascend sweare in the presence sight of God yea we giue our hand and plight our faith to God there in taking an oth by the name of god This ceremonie vsed Abrahā the singular friend of God father of the faithfull when he was wont to sweare I néed not therfore to procéed any further for to declare whether we ought to sweare by the name of god alone or els by the names of saints or els by laying the hand vpon the holy Gospel For it is manifest that the faithful must sweare by the only eternal most high god Touching which thing we haue most euident precepts commaunding vs to sweare by the name of the Lord againe forbidding vs to sweare by the names of strange Gods. Of the first sort are these Thou shalt feare the Lorde thy God thou shalte serue him and sweare by his name Deut. 6. 10. Chapter Also the Lord him self in Esaie sayth To me shall euery knee bende and by me shall euery tongue sweare And again in the. 65. chapter the same Prophet sayth He that wil blesse him self shal blesse in the lord and he that wil sweare shal sweare by the true very God. Of the latter sort too are these testimonies of the holy Scriptures Exod. 23. All that I haue sayde keepe ye and doe ye not once so muche as thinke of the names of strange Gods neither let them be heard out of your mouth And Iosue in the. 23. chapter sayth When ye shal come in among these nations see that ye sweare not by the name of their Gods and looke that ye neyther worship nor yet bow downe vnto them In the. 5. of Ieremie the Lord sayth Thy sonnes haue forsaken mee and sworne by other Gods which are no Gods in deede I haue filled them and they haue gone a whoreing c. Moreouer the Prophet Sophonie bringeth in the Lorde speaking and saying I will cut off those that worship and sweare by the Lorde and sweare by Malchom that is by their king and defender And no maruell thoughe he doe threaten destruction to them that sweare by the names of creatures For an othe is the chiefe and especiall honour done to God which therefore can not be diuided to other For we sweare by the highest whome we beléeue to be the chiefest goodnesse the giuer of all good things and the punishing reuenger of euery euil déed But and if we sweare by the names of other Gods then verily shall we make them equall to God him selfe and attribute to them the honour due to him And for this cause the blessed martyr of Christ Polycarpus chose rather the flames of fire than to sweare by the power and estate of Caesar The storie is to be séene in the fourth booke and fiftene chapter of Eusebius Fourthly we haue to consider how we ought to sweare and what the conditions of a iust a lawfull and an honest othe are Ieremie therefore sayth Thou shalt sweare The Lord liueth in trueth in iudgement ●nd righteousnesse And the nations shal blesse them selues in him and in him shall they glory There are therfore foure conditions of a iust and a lawfull othe The first is Thou shalte sweare The Lord liueth Here now againe is repeated that which hath so many times bene beaten into oure heads that we ought to sweare by the name of the liuing god The pattern of our auncestours oth was this The Lorde liueth as it is euident by the writings of the Prophetes Let vs not sweare therfore by any other but by god The second cōdition is Thou shalt sweare in truth So then it is required that not onely the tong but also the mynde should sweare leaste haply we say The tong in déede did sweare but the minde sware not at all Let vs be true and faythful therfore without deceit or guile let vs not lye nor goe about with subtiltie to shifte off the othe that once we haue made We Germanes expresse this well when we say On alle gfard Or else On gfard That is I will not vse any double dealing but will simply and in good fayth performe that I promise There is an excellent patterne of a false and a deceitfull othe in Auli Gellij lib. noct Att. 7. cap. 18. The third condition is Thou shalt sweare in or with iudgement that is aduisedly with great discretion not rashly nor lightly but with consideration of euery thing and circumstaunce in greate necessitie and cases of publique commoditie The fourth condition is thou shalte sweare in iustice or righteousnesse leaste peraduenture our othe be against right and equitie that is leaste we sinne against righteousnesse or iustice whiche attributeth that whiche is theirs both to God and man so that our othe doe not directly tende against the loue of God and our neighbour Here dearely beloued ye haue heard me expresse in few words which God him self hath also taught vs how we must sweare of what sort and fashion our lawfull and allowable othes ought to be and vnder what conditions they are conteined But nowe if we shall sweare against these conditions appointed vs by God then shall our othes and swearings be altogether vnlawfull and furthermore if we shall go about to performe those vnlawful and vnalowable othes then shall we therwithall purchase and inincurre the heauie wrath of the reuenging Lord. Nowe in these dayes it is vsually of custome demaunded whether we ought to kéepe or performe wicked or vngodly vniust or euill vowes or othes as if for example thy othe or vowe should directly tende againste God against true religion against the worde of God or the healthe of thy neighbour I will here alledge and rehearse the vsuall and accustomed aunswere which notwithstanding is very true and grounded vpon examples of holy S●riptures as that that squareth not
God and the hallowing of his holy name but yet it bendeth somewhat to the outward honour although neuerthelesse it frameth to the inward religion For the Sabboth doth belong both to the inward and outward seruice of god Let vs sée therefore what we haue to thinke that the Sabboth is how farre foorth the vse therof extendeth and after what sort we haue to worship our God in obseruing the sabboth Sabboth doth signifie rest and ceassing from seruile worke And this here I thinke worthy to be noted that the Lord saith not simply Sanctifie the Sabboth but Remember that thou kéepe holy the Sabboth daye meaning thereby that the Sabboth was of olde ordeined and giuen first of all to the auncient fathers and thē againe renued by the Lorde and beaten into the memorie of the people of Israell But the summe of the whole Commaundement is Kéepe holy the Sabboth day This summe dothe the Lorde by and by more largely amplifie by reckoning vp the the very dayes and particular rehearsing of the whole houshold to whome the kéeping of the Sabboth is giuen in charge The Sabboth it selfe hath sundry significations For first of all the scripture maketh mention of a certaine spirituall and continuall Sabboth In this Sabboth we rest from seruile worke in absteining from sinne and doing our best not to haue our owne will found in our selues or to worke our owne workes but in ceassing frō these to suffer God to work in vs and wholy to submit our bodyes to the gouernment of his good spirit After this Sabboth foloweth that eternall Sabboth and euerlasting rest of which Esaie in his 58. and. 66. Chapters speaketh very much and Paul also in the fourth to the Hebrues But God is truely worshipped when we ceassing from euill and obeying Gods holy spirit do exercise our selues in the studie of good works At this time I haue no leasure neyther do I thinke that it is greatly profitable for me to reason as largely or as exquisitely as I coulde of the allegoricall Sabboth or spirituall rest Let vs rather my brethren in these our mortall bodies do our indeuour with an vnwearied good wil of holinesse to sanctifie the Sabboth that pleaseth the Lord so well Secondarily the Sabboth is the outwarde institution of our religion For it pleased the Lorde in this commandement to teache vs an outward religion and kinde of worship wherein he would haue vs all to be exercised Nowe for bycause the worshipping of God cā not be without a time Therefore hath the Lord appointed a certaine time wherein we shoulde absteine from outwarde or bodilye works but so yet that we should haue leasure to attēd vpō our spiritual businesse For for that cause is the outward rest commaunded that the spirituall worke should not be hindered by the bodily businesse Moreouer that spirituall labour among our fathers was chiefly spent about foure things to wit about publique reading and expounding of the scriptures and so consequently about the hearing of the same about publique prayers and common petitions about sacrifices or the administration of the sacraments and lastly about the gathering of euery mans beneuolence In these consisted the outward religion of the Sabboth For the people kept holie day and met together in holy assemblies where the Prophetes read to thē the word of the Lord expounding it and instructing the hearers in the true religion Then did the faythfull iointly make their common prayers and supplications for all things necessarie for their behoofe They praysed the name of the Lord and gaue him thankes for all his good benefites bestowed vpon them Furthermore they did offer sacrifices as the Lorde commaunded them celebrating the mysteries and sacraments of Christe their redéemer and keping their faith exercised and in vre they were ioyned in one with these sacraments and also warned of their duetie which is to offer them selues a liuely sacrifice to the Lord their god Lastly they did in the congregation liberally bestow the giftes of their good will to the vse of the Church They gathered euerie mans beneuolence therewith to supply the Churches necessitie to mainteine the ministers and to relieue the poore and néedie These were the holy workes of God which while they hauing their hartes instructed in fayth and loue did fulfill they did therein rightly sanctifie the Sabboth and the name of the Lord that is they did on the sabboth those kinde works which do both sanctifie the name of God become his worshippers and also are the workes in déede that are holy and pleasing in the sight of god If any man require a substanciall and euident example of the Sabboth or holy daye thus holily celebrated he shall finde it in the eight Chapter of the booke of Nehemias For there the Priestes do reade and expounde the worde of God they praise the name of the lord they pray with the people they offer sacrifice they shew their liberalitie and doe in all points behaue them selues holily and deuoutly as they should Now least any peraduenture might make this obiection and say Ease brée deth vice Or else I must labour with my handes to get my liuing least I dy with hunger and my familie perishe he aunswereth The Lorde alloweth thée time sufficient for thy labour for thée to worke in to get a liuing for thy selfe and thy houshold For sixe dayes thou maist worke but the seuenth day doth the Lord chalenge and require to be cōsecrated to him and his holy rest Euery wéeke hath seuen dayes But of those seuen the Lord requireth but one for him self Who then can rightly complain I beséech you or say that he hath iniurie done vnto him More time is allowed to work in thē to kéep holy the Sabboth And he that requireth to haue this sabboth kept is God the maker the father Lord of al mākind Furthermore the Lord doth precisely cōmand and giue a charge to plant and bring in this holy rest this discipline and outward worship into the whole familie of euery seuerall house Whereby we gather what the dutie of a good housholder is to wit to haue a care to sée all his familie kéepe holy the sabboth day that is to doe on the sabboth day those good workes which I haue before rehearsed And for bycause the Lord doth know that mans naturall disposition is where it hath the maistrie there for the most parte to rule and reigne ouer haufily and too too Prince like therfore least peraduenture the fathers or maisters shuld deale too hardly or rigorously with their housholds or hinder them in obseruing of the sabboth he doth in expresse words exquisite steps of enumeration commaund them to allowe their familie and euery one in their familie a resting time to accomplish his holy seruice He doth not exempt or except so much as the straunger He will not suffer nor allow among them the exāple of such dulheads as say Let faith and religion be free to all
punishment of sinne and wickednesse which the Lord hath appointed to be executed as hée himselfe sayth I will giue them children to bee their kings and infants shall rule them because their tōgue and hart hath bene against the Lord. Likewyse the Lord stirred vp the cruell kinges of Assyria and Babylon against his Citie and owne peculiar people whose liuing was not agréeable to their profession But now how and after what sort subiects ought to be affected toward such hard cruel and tyrannical Princes wée learne partly by the example of Dauid and partly by the doctrine of Ieremie and the Apostles Dauid was not ignorant what kind of man Saul was a wicked mercilesse fellowe yet notwithstanding he fledd to escape his hands and when he had occasion giuen him once or twice to kill him he slue him not but spared the tyraunt and reuerenced him as though hee had béene his father Ieremias prayed for Ioachim Zedechias wicked kinges both and obeyed them vntill they came to matters flatly contrary to Gods religion For where I spake touching the honour due to parents there did I by the scriptures proue that wée ought not to obey the wicked commaundements of godlesse magistrates Because it is not permitted to magistrates to ordeine or appoint any thing contrary to Gods lawe or the lawe of Nature Now the Actes of the Apostles teach vs in what sort the Apostles did behaue themselues in dealing with tyrannical magistrates Let them therfore that are vexed with tyrantes and oppressed with wicked magistrates take this aduice to follow in that perplexitie First let them call to remembraunce and consider what and how great their sinnes of idolatrie and vncleannesse are which haue alreadie deserued the reuenging anger of their iealous God and then let them thinck that God wil not withdraw his scourge vnlesse hée sée that they redresse their corrupt maners and euill religion So then first they must goe about and bring to passe a full reformation of matters in religion perfect amendment of maners amisse Then must they pray continually that God will vouchsafe to pul and draw his oppressed people out of the myre of mischiefe wherein they sticke fast For that counsell did the Lord himselfe in the 18. after Luke giue to those that are oppressed promising therewithall assured ayde and present delyuerie But what how the oppressed must pray there are examples extant in the 9. of Daniel and in the 18. Chapiter of the Actes of the Apostles Let them also whose minds are vexed call to remembrance the sayings of Peter and Paule the chiefe of the Apostles The Lord saith Peter knoweth how to deliuer his from temptation as he deliuered Lot. Paul saith God is faithfull wil not suffer his to be tempted aboue their strength yea hee will turne their temptatiōs vnto the best Let them cal to mind the captiuitie of Israel wherin Gods people were deteined at Babylon by the space of 70. yeares and therewithal let them thincke vppon the goodly comfort of the captiues which Esaie hath expressed from his 40. chapiter vnto his 49. Let vs persuade our selues that God is good merciful and omnipotent so that hée can when he will at ease deliuer vs Hee hath many wayes and meanes to set vs at libertie Let vs haue a regard onely that our impenitent filthie and wicked life do not pronoke the Lord to augment and prolong the tyrauntes crueltie The Lord is able vppon the sodeyne to chaung the harts of Princes for the hearts of kings are in the hands of the Lord as the riuers of water to tourne them which way hee will and to make them which haue béene hitherto most cruellie set against vs to bee our friends and fauourable to vs and them which haue heretofore most blouddilie persecuted the true religion to imbrace the same most ardently and with a burning zeale to promote it so farre as they may Wée haue euident examples hereof in the bookes of the kings of Esdras and Nehemias and in the volume of Daniels Prophecie Nabuchodonosor whose purpose was to toast with fire and vtterly to destroy the martyres of God for true religion was immediately after compelled to praise God because hée sawe the martyres preserued and hée himself doth by Edictes giuen out publickly proclaime and set forth the onely true God and his true religion Darius the sonne of Assuerus suffereth Daniel to be cast into the Lyons denne but straightway hée draweth him cut againe and shutteth vp Daniels enimies in the same d●nne to be torne in péeces by the famished beastes Cyrus the puissaunt king of Persia aduaunceth true religion Darius sonne of Hystaspes whose surname was Artaxerxes did by all meanes possible ayde and set forward the godly intent of Gods people in building vp againe their citie temple Let vs not doubt therfore of Gods ayde helping hand For God sometime doth vtterly destroy and sometime he chasteneth vntoward tyraunts with some horrible and sodeine disease as it is euident that it happened to Antiochus Herod the great to his nephue Herod Agrippa to Maxentius also and other enimies of God and tyraunts ouer men Sometime hée stirreth vp noble capitaines and valiaunt men to displace tyraunts set Gods people at libertie as wee sée many examples thereof in the bookes of Iudges kings But least any man doe fall to abuse those examples let him consider their calling by god Which calling if hée haue not or else do preuent hée is so farre frō doing good in killing the tyraunt that it is to be feared least hée doe make the euill double so much as it was before Thus much hetherto Now I returne to that which by my digression remayneth yet vnspoken of Here I haue to speake somewhat touching the election of magistrates and first to whom the choice and ordering of the magistrate doth belong Secondarilie whom and what kind of men it is best to choose to be magistrates and lastly the maner and order of consecrating those which once are chosen Touching the election of magistrats to whom that office shold béelong no one certaine rule can be prescribed For in som places that whole communaltie doth choose their péeres In other places the Péeres do choose the magistrates And in other places Princes come to it by succession and birth In discussing which of these orders shold be the best it were but follie to make much adoe For to euery kingdome euerie citie is worthilie left their countrie facion vnlesse it be altogether too too corrupt not to be borne withall But where Princes come to it by birth there earnest prayer must bée made to the Lord that hee wil graunt them to be good Now for the good election of magistrates the Lord himselfe declareth whom and what kind of men hée will haue to be chosē in these verie words Looke ouer all the people consider them diligently and choose from amonge them men of courage such
be magistrate whose care is day and night to haue an eye that the flock of the Lord be not scattered indaungered nor vtterly destroyed And thus haue I hetherto told you what kinde of men they ought to bée to whom the charge is to be committed ouer the Lords people Last of all touching the maner of consecrating magistrates sondrie citties and countries haue sondrie customes Let euery countrie fréelie reteine their owne vsual order I for my part thinke best of that maner of consecrating wherein sumptuous pompe is little or none but what reason and decencie séeme to allow The best and most profitable way is in cōsecrating them that are once chosen to vse a certaine moderate ceremonie and that too in the face of al the people that euerie one may know who they bee that are the fathers of the people to whom they owe honour whom they ought to obey and for whose health and welfare they ought to pray The people of God had a certaine prescribed ceremonie which wée read that they vsed in consecrating their kings and magistrates and it is certeine that it was profitablie and for good causes first inuented and then commaunded by God himselfe The rest that is yet behind to bee spoken touching the magistrate I meane to deferre vntill tomorrow And now to end with thanckisgeuing let vs praise the lord c. ¶ Of the office of the Magistrate whether the care of religion apperteine to him or no and whether hee may make lawes and ordinaunces in cases of Religion ¶ The seuenth Sermon THE first and greatest thing that chieflie ought to be in a magistrate is easilie perceiued by the declaration of his office and duetie In my yesterdayes sermon I shewed you what the magistrate is how many kindes of magistrates there are of whom the magistrate had his beginning for what causes hée was ordeined the maner and order how to choose péeres and what kinde of men should be called to be magistrates To this let vs now adde what the office and duetie ●● a magistrate properlie is The whole office of a magistrate séemeth to consist in these 3. points To Order to Iudge and to Punish Of euerie one wherof I meane to speake seuerallie in order as they lye The ordinaunce of the magistrate is a decrée made by him for mainteyning of religion honestie iustice publique peace and it consisteth on ij points in ordering rightly matters of religion and making good lawes for the preseruation of honestie iustice common peace But before I come to the determining and ordering of religion I will brieflie and in few words handle their question which demaunde whether the care of religion do apperteine to the magistrate as part of his office or no For I see many that are of opinion that the care and ordering of religion doth belong to Bishops alone and that kings princes senatours ought not to medle therewith But the catholique veritie teacheth that the care of religion doth especiallie belong to the magistrate and that it is not in his power onely but his office duetie also to dispose and aduaunce religion For among them of old their kinges were priestes I meane maisters and ouerséers of religion Melchisedech that holie wise Prince of the Chananitish people who bare the type or figure of Christe our Lord is wenderfullie commended in the holie Scriptures Now hée was both king and priest together Moreouer in the booke of Numbers to Iosue newlie ordeined and lately consecrated are the lawes belonging to religion giuen vp deliuered The kings of Iuda also and the electe people of God haue for the wel ordering of religion as I will by examples anon declare vnto you obteyned verie great praise and againe as many as were slacke in looking to religion are noted with the mark of perpetuall reproch Who is ignoraunt the the magistrates especiall care ought to bée to kéepe the common weale in safegard prosperitie which vndoubtedlie he cannot do vnlesse he prouide to haue the word of God preached to his people and cause them to be taught the true worship of God by that meanes making himself as it were the minister of true religion In Leuiticus and Deuteronomie the Lord doth largelie set downe the good prepared for men that are religious and zealous in déede reckoneth vppe on the other side the euil appointed for the contemners of true religion But the good magistrate is commaunded to reteine and kéepe prosperitie among his people and to repel al kinde of aduersitie Let vs heare also what the wise man Salomon saith in his Prouerbes Godlines and trueth preserue the king and in godlines his seate is holden vp When the iust are multiplied the people reioyce and when the wicked ruleth the people lamenteth The king by iudgemēt stablisheth his dominiō but a tyrant ouerthroweth it When the wicked increase iniquitie is multiplied the iust shall see their decay Where the word of God is not preached the people decay but happie is hee that keepeth the lawe Whereby we gather that they which would not haue the care of religion to apperteine to princes doe séeke and bring in the confusion of al things the dissolution of princes and their people lastlie the neglecting oppression of the poore Furthermore the Lord commaundeth the magistrate to make triall of doctrines and to kill those that do stubbornelie teach against the scriptures draw the people from the true god The place is to be séene in the 13 of Deut. God also forbad the magistrate to plant groaues or erect images as is to be séene in the 17. of Deut. And by those particularities he did insinuate things general forbiding to ordeine to nourish set forth superstitiō or idolatrie wherfore he commaunded to aduaūce true religion so consequently it foloweth that the care of religion belongeth to the magistrate What may be thought of that moreouer that the most excellent princes and friends of God amōg Gods people did challeng to themselues the care of religiō as belonging to themselues in so much that they exercised toke the charge therof euē as if they had béene ministers of the holie things Iosue in the mount Hebal caused an altar to be builded and fulfilled all the worship of God as it was commaunded of God by the mouth of Moses Dauid in bringing in and bestowing the arke of God in his place in ord●●●ng the worship of God was so diligent that it is wonder to tel So likewise was Salomon Dauids sonne Neither doe I thinke that any man knoweth not how much Abia Iosaphat Ezechias and Iosias laboured in the reformation of religion which in their times was corrupted and vtterlie defaced The verie heathen kings and princes are praised because when they knew the trueth they gaue out edicts for the confirmation of true religion against blasphemous mouthes Nabuchodonosor the Chaldean the most mightie Monarch of all the world than who I
and him that is in prisōn and forsaken in Israel and will take away the remnaunte of the house of Ieroboam as one carieth away dunge till all be gone And al these thinges were fulfilled according to the saying of the Lord as the Scripture witnesseth in these words Whē Baasa was king he smote all the house of Ieroboam and left nothing that breathed of that that was Ieroboams But the very same king being nothing the better or wiser by an others mishap miserable example of his predecessour sticketh not to continue to teach the people to publish and defend the straung and forreine religion contrarie to the woord of God which Ieroboam had begunne But what followed thereuppon Forsothe the Lord by the preaching of Hanani the Prophete doth say vnto him Forasmuch as I exalted the out of the dust and made thee prince ouer my people Israell and thou hast walked in the way of Ieroboam and hast made my people Israell to sinne to anger mee with their sinnes behold I will roote out the posteritie of Baasa and the posteritie of his house and will make thy house like the house of Ieroboam Which was perfourmed as the scripture saith by Sim●● capitaine of the hoaste of Israel For he destroyed king Hela the sonne of Baasa when he was drunken and all his posteritie Amri succeeded in the kingdome who was the father of Achab that mischesous cutthroate whom the Syrians siue in fighting a battaile A●ter him reigned his sonnes Ochosias and Ioram But when they left the religion taught in the woord of God to follow the new tradition of king Ieroboam and had thereunto added the worshipping of the shamefull idole Baal they were vtterly at last destroyed by the meanes of Iehu a very iust although a rigorous prince The ofspring of Amri reigned about the space of 40. yeares not without the sheading of much innocent bloud but it was at last destroyed when that measure of iniquitie was fulfilled was vtterly plucked vp at the rootes by the iust iudgment of Almightie god Let al Princes and magistrates therfore learne by these wonderfull and terrible examples to take héede to themselues how they deuise any new religiō or alter the lawful auncient maner of worshipping which God himselfe hath ordeined alreadie Our faithfull Lord is our good God who hath fullie simplie and absolutely set downe in his word his true religion lawfull kind of worshippe which hee hath taught all m●n to kéepe alone for euermore Let all men therefore cleaue fast vnto it and let them die in defence thereof that meane to liue eternallie They are punished from aboue whosoeuer doe adde too or take away any thing from the religion and kind of worshippe first ordeined and appointed of god Marcke this ye great men and Princes of authoritie For the kéeping or not héeping of true religion is the roote from whence aboundant fruite of felicitie or else vtter vnhappinesse doth spring and bud out Hee therefore that hath eares to heare let him heare Let no man suffer himselfe to bee seduced and caried away with any coloured intent how goo●ly to the eye secuer it bee which is in deede a meere vanitie and detestable iniquitie To God obedience is much more acceptable than sacrifices are Neither doe the decrees of the highest néede any whit at al our fond additions Here followeth now the second part of the magistrates ordinaunce which consisteth in making good lawes for the preseruation of honestie iustice and publique peace Which is likewise accomplished in good and vpright lawes But some there are who think it meere tyrannie to lay lawes on frée mens backs as it were a yoake vppon necks not vsed to labour supposing that euerie one ought rather to be left to his owne wil and discretion The Apostle in dede did say The lawe is not giuen for the iust but for the vniust But the cause whie the lawe is not giuen to the iust is because hée is iust For the iust worketh iustice and doth of his owne accord the thing which the lawe exacteth of euerie mortall man Wherefore the lawe is not troublesome to the iuste man because it is agréeable to the mind and thoughts of vpright liuers who doe imbrace it with all their hearts But the vniust desireth nothing more than to liue as hée iusteth hée is not conformable in any point to the lawe and therefore must hée by the lawe be kept vnder and brideled from marring himselfe and hurting other So then since to good men the lawes are no troublesome burden but an acceptable pleasure which are also necessarie for the vniuste as ordeined for the brideling of lawlesse and vnrulie people it followeth consequently that they are good and profitable for all men and not to bee reiected of any man What may bee said of that moreouer that God himselfe who did foresée the disposition of vs men what wee would bee and hath still fauoured the true libertie which hée desired alwayes to haue preserued amonge his people as one that euer meant them good and neuer did ordeine the thing that should tourne to their hinderaunce or discommoditie that God himselfe I say was their lawegiuer and hath not suffered any age at any time to liue as people without all lawe Yea too those common weales haue beene happie alwayes that haue admitted lawes and submitted themselues to be gouerned by lawes When as contrarilie those kingdomes haue of all other beene most miserable and torne in peeces by ciuil dissentions forreigne enimies which hauing banished vpright lawes did striue to mainteine their owne kind of fréedome their vncomptrolled dealing and licentious libertie that is their beastly luste and vnciuil rudenesse Good lawes therefore are for the health and preseruation of the people and necessarie for the peace and safegard of common weales and kingdomes Wherefore it is a wonder to see the follie of ●ome Christians since the verie Heathens haue giuen so honest report of lawes and lawegiuers They tooke their lawegiuers for Gods confessing therby that good lawes are the gift of god But the gift of God cannot be superfluous and vnprofitable Plutarch called lawes the life of cities Demosthenes did expressely confesse that lawes are the giftes of god Cicero named lawes the bondes of the citie because without lawes it is loosed dispersed the foundation of libertie and the wellspring of iustice and perfect honestie For lawes vndoubtedly are the strongest sinewes of the cōmon weale life of the magistrates so that neither the magistrates can without the lawes conueniently liue and rule the weale publique nor the lawes without the magistrates shew forth their strength and liuely force The magistrate therefore is the liuing lawe and the lawe is the dumbe magistrate By executing and applying the lawe the lawe is made to liue and speake Which those Princes do not consider that are wont to say Wir sind das racht wée are the right wée are the lawe For they suppose
iudgement of God doth plague the men whom his fatherly warning could neuer moue but amonge them many times too the guiltlesse féele the whip In warre for the most part souldiers misuse themselues and thereby incurre Gods heauie displeasure there is no euil in all the world that warre vpholdeth not By warre both scarcitie of euerie thinge and dearth doe arise For highe wayes are stopped corne vppon the grounde is troden downe and marrde whoale villages burnte prouision goeth to wracke handicrafts are vnoccupied merchandice doe ceasse and all doe perish both rich and poore The valiaunt stronge men are flame in the batteile the cowardly sorte runne away for their lyues to hide their heads reseruinge themselues to be tormēted with more exquisite and terrible kindes of cruell punishmentes For wicked knaues are promoted to dignitie and beare the sway which abuse mankinde like sauage beastes Hands are wroūge on euery side widowes and children crie out and lament the wealth that hath beene carefullie gathered to helpe in want to come is spoyled and stolne away cities are raced virgins and vnmariageable maydēs are shamefully deflowred all honestie is vtterlie violated old men are handled vnreuerētly lawes are not exercised religion and learning are nothing set by godlesse knaues and cut threats haue the dominion and therefore in the scriptures warre is called the scourge of god For with warre he plagueth incurable idolatrers and those which stubbornely contemne his word for that was the cause why the citie of Ie●usalem with the whole nation of the Iewes was vtterly destroyed Because they knew not the day of their visitation as the Lord in the Gospel saith but wente on to kill the Lords Apostles bringing on vppon their owne neckes the shedding of all the bloud from the righteous Abell vnto Zacharias For murder idolatrie incest and detestable riot wée read that the Chananites were raced out and cutte off The Moabites as Esai witnesseth were quite ouerthrowen for crueltie inhumanitie and cōtempt of the poore The men of Niniuie did by warre vniustly vexe other nations making hauocke of all to fil their gréedie desire and therefore saith the Prophete Nahum other men measured to them with the same measure that they had measured to other before Micheas in his sixt chapiter affirmeth flatly that God sendeth warre vpon vniuste men for their couetousnes false deceipt In Ieremie arrogancie and pride in Esaie riot and dronkēnesse are said to be the causes of warre but the euill and miserie that warre bringeth with it sticketh so faste to common weales and kingdoms wher it once hath hold that it cannot be remoued taken away or shaken off at our wil and pleasure by any worldly wisedome by any league makinges with any wealth by any fortifications by any power or manhoode as it is to be seene in the Prophet Abdias Our sincere tourning to God alone is the onely waye to remedie it as Ieremie testifieth in his fifte Chapiter Nowe this turning to the Lord consisteth in frée acknowledginge and francke confession of our sinnes in true fayth for remission of sinnes through the grace of God and merite of Christ Iesus Secōdarilie it consisteth in hatred and renoūcing of al vnrighteousnesse in loue of iustice innocēcie charitie al other vertues and laste of all in earneste prayers and continuall supplications Againe thou mayste see perhappes that some by warre haue no smal commoditie profite and vnestimable riches with verie little losse or no dammage at all Such was the warre which the Israelites had with the Chanaanites vnder their Capitaine Iosue But I would not that gaping after gayne should drawe any man from right and equitie And many times the magistrates suppose that their quarell is good and that of right they oughte to make warre on others and punish offenders when as notwithstandinge the righteous God by that occasion draweth them on into perill that their sinnes may bée punished by the men in whom they did purpose to haue punished some gréeuous crime Wée haue euidente examples hereof in the Scriptures The eleuen tribes of Israel in a good quarel made warre on the Beniamites purposing to reuenge the detestable crime that a few wicked knaues had horriblie committed wherein the whoale tribe bare them oute and vphelde them beinge parteners thereby of their heynous offence But twice the Israelites were put to the woorse and the wicked Beniamites had the vpper hand in the battaile In the time of Heli the Israelites minded to driue the tyrannous rule of the idolatrous Philistines out of their countrie but they are slaine the Arcke of God is taken and caried into the cities of their idolatrous enimies Likewise that excellente Prince Iosias is ouerthrowne and slaine by the Chaldeis because the Lord had purposed to punish bring euil vppon the whoale people of Israell which hée would not haue so holie a Prince his seruaunt to see with his eyes to his sorrow and griefe Wherby wée haue to gather that the trueth of religion is not to be estéemed by the victorie or ouerthrowe of any people so that that religion should bee true and right whose fauourers haue the vpper hand and that againe be false and vntrue whose professours and mainteyners are put to the worse For wée must distinguish betwixt religion and the men or personnes that keepe that religion which do for other causes suffer the Lords visitation But all this admonisheth vs that the magistrate hath néede of the great feare of God before his eyes both in making and repelling warres leaste while hée goeth aboute to auoyde the smoulthering coasepitte hée happ to fall into the scalding lyme kill or least while hée supposeth to ease his shoulders of one euill hée doth by the way whereby hée soughte ease heape vppe either more or farre greater euills Princes therefore must precisely looke into and throughly examine the causes of warres before they beginne or take them in hand The causes are many and of many sortes but the chiefe are these that followe For either the magistrate is compelled to sende ayde and rayse the siege of his enimie which doth enuironne the garrisons that hée hath appointed for the defence of some of his cities because it were an offence and parte of parricide to forsake and giue ouer against oathe and honestie his cities and garrisons that are in extremitie Or else the magistrate of duetie is compelled to make warre vppon men which are incurable whom the verie iudgemente of the Lord condemneth and biddeth to kill without pittie or mercie Such were the warres as Moses had with the Madianites and Iosue with the Amalechites Of that sorte are the warres wherein such men are oppressed as of inuincible malice will both perish themselues and drawe other to destruction as well as themselues with those also which reiecting all iustice and equitie doe stubbornly go on to persist in their naughtinesse Such were the Beniamites which were destroyed by sword and fire of the other eleuen
souldiers to wicked couetous and blaspheming warrious to riottous knaues and vnconstant traytours by whose cowardise gluttonie lust and vnnaturall treason excellent kingdomes doe come to nought and flourishing common weales are quite ouerthrowen is reproch and infamie worthilie due for God himself hath cursed such knaues for euermore Therfore it is not lawful to make any warre vnlesse it be against open enimies and wicked men that are incurable The warres are vniust that men doe make vppon their owne fellowes against innocente persons or people in whom there is hope of amendmente Those warres also are vniust that are not begunne by lawfull meanes for matters of weighte All thinges must first be assayed before it com to be tryed out by batteile Other mens territories must not bée desired the libertie of other people or thine owne subiectes must not be repressed thou must not followe any affection which may withdrawe or seduce thy minde of which sort are desire of rule couetousnesse gréedinesse of giftes enuie other affections like vnto these Warre is to common weales a remedie in déede but perillous and daungerous euen as launcinge or cuttinge is to the me●●ers The hand is poysoned and the arme in danger to be enuenomed too whereby the whoale man perhapps may be cast awaye but yet thou cuttest not off thy hande vntill when thou hast tried all other medicines thou doest plainly perceiue that no other means can remedie the soare but cutting off alone Likewise when al helpes faile then at the last let warre béeginne so yet neuerthelesse that the Prince doe remember to béeginne with warre before all helpe and hope of recouerie be vtterly paste For the word of God is so farre off from finding fault with warre begun vppon a iust quarell that it doth both make lawes of warre and sheweth a number of exāples of vpright warrs of wise and worthie warriours The lawes of warre are recited in the 20. Chapiter of Deuteronomie both profitable and necessarie and there withalso euident that they néede no words of mine to expound them Moreouer in euerie place of the scripture these lawes of warre are still bidden to bée kept First of al the chiefe and vppermost place must be giuen to religion in euerie campe and garrison For the Lord himselfe hath appointed priestes and ministers of true religion to attend and serue in warres Secondarilie let vprighte lawes bée of force in campes abroade as wel as in cities at hoame let souldiers liue honestly instly and rightly as order and discipline are wonte to require when as they are in the citie at home For that sayinge commeth not of God but of the diuell which is commonly spred abroade Let lawes in warre bee huisht and still Thirdly let him that is chosen to be guide and general of the warre be godly 〈◊〉 holy valiaunt wise and fortunate as among them of old were Iosue Dauid Iudas Machabeus Constantine Theodosius and many moe To al this there must be added a chosen band of tried men For choice of souldiers must bée made vnlesse perhappes the armie do consist in a troope of dastards and vnskilful men of periurd and blaspheming knaues of cut-throates and rakehells of dronkards and gluttons and a beastly droaue of filthy swine Victorie consisteth not in the multitude of men but in the grace of God and a chosen band The prouerbe is common which saith Where a multitude is there is confusion Great and innumerable armies are a lette to them selues verye greatly as wée doe learne by daily experience and as examples of euerie age doe testifie to vs Moreouer loyterers in campes are alwayes reproued Let the Christian souldiour therefore bee idle at no time let him euer be busie and still doinge some thinge let him bée couragious faithfull to his countrie readie to take paines obediente to his Capitaynes fitte to take time when occasion is offered and euermore occupied in warlike discipline no effeminate misksoppe but of manlye stomache not cruell and mercilesse but seuere and pitifull as time requireth What hée may preserue that let him not destroy But aboue all things let him not forget or thinke scorne both in perill and out of perill euermore to make his prayers and supplications to God his sauiour In Gods name let him begin all thinges without God let him attempte nothing In aduersitie and when he hath the ouerthrowe let not his courage quaile nor his heart and hope for sake him in prosperitie let him not be puffed vppe with pride and arrogancie but let him giue the thankes to God and vse the conqueste like a mercifull victour let him whoalie depend vpon Gods helpinge hande and desire nothing rather than the defence of the cōmon weale lawes religion iustice and guiltlesse people Many I knowe wil marueile to see mée require at the handes of a souldier the thinges that seeme to be enoughe as the common sayinge is to be looked for of a righte good and godly mā as though in deede that none could be souldiers but irreligious and naughtie men Souldiers I confesse are for the most parte such kinde of fellowes but what fruite I pray you reape wée at this day of so ceuill séede The Turkes ouerrunne and spoile vs wée are to all th heathen a iesting stocke to laugh at kingdomes decaye and are made subiecte to diuellish Mahometisme and euerie day we are wrapped in more miseries than other But what kinde of souldiers they of old were which wente to the warre from out of the Church or congregation of the Christians wée may easilte gather euen by that one historie worthie the remembraunce which Tertullian to Scapula setteth downe thus Marcus Aurelius also in his warres with the Germanes by the prayers which Christian souldiers made vnto God obteyned showers of raine in that great drought At what time haue not droughts beene turned awaye by oure prayers and fastinges Then the people crying out for ioy to the God of Gods and the Emperour himselfe vnder the name of Iupiter confessed the wonderful working of our God. Thus much Tertullian But Eusebius in his Ecclesiasticall historie hath more largelie and fullie set downe the same historie and saith Histories report that Marcus Aurelius brother to Antoninus Caesar making warre vppon the Germanes and Sarmatians when his armie was in daunger to be loste with drought being at his wittes ende because he knew not what way to seeke for remedie in that distresse did at the last light vpon a certaine legiō wherin Christian souldiers were whose prayers God heard when they as the maner of our men is had vppon their knees cried out vnto him so that on a soudeine when no man looked for it with the powringe downe of sufficient showers the thirste of the armie that then was in daunger for which the Christians had made supplications was presently quēched but their enimies that hoouered there to haue bene their destruction were stricken and scattered with thunder and fyre in lightening from
heauen Which deede is reported by heathen Historiographers but that it was obtained at the prayers of our men they do not reporte for with them the other myracles which are done by our menne haue no place of credite But amonge our men Tertullian maketh mention hereof and amonge the Greekes Apollinaris whoalso affirmeth that for the miracle of that notable deede that legions name was chaunged by the Emperour and called the legion of thunder Tertullian addeth that the letters of Marcus the Emperour are yet to be had wherin the full and manifest trueth of this matter is plainly declared Hetherto Eusebius Wherby wée gather that Christian souldiers of old were not onely giuen to prayer but to iustice also and holines of lyuing For who knoweth not that Iames the Apostle said The earnest prayer of a righteous man auayleth much Elias was a man vnder infirmities euen as wee are and hee prayed in his prayer the heauens gaue rayne the earth brought forth her fruite It is moste euidente therefore that souldiers of old were verie godly and religious men Dure souldiers at these dayes because they are farre from religion yea because they are enimies to true religion doe in stéede of victorie suffer ouerthrowes abroad and losse and destruction of their citties at hoame And worthilie doe common weales suffer such plagues for trustinge somuch in such wicked souldiers For to trust in them is all one as if they should put confidence in the verie diuells whom these souldiers doe for the most parte excéede in all kinde of filthines vncleannesse crueltie and villanie But now the word of God doth set before our eyes an innumerable sorte of examples almost of holie and vpright warres and of excellent kinges and capitaynes Abraham oure father settinge forwarde with a verie small armie pursueth the fower most puissant kings or robbers of the world hée ouerthroweth and putteth them to flight and hauing recouered his people and restoared to them their substance againe he giueth the thanks to God as to the author of that vnlikely victorie Moses and Iosue destroyed about 39. kings they punished seuerelie the vnspeakeable wickednesse of al those nations and planted the people committed to their charge in the land which god had promised to giue them The Iudges of the people of Israell had notable warres against the Heathens and infidels wherby they brake the tyrannie of those wicked men vnlawfullie vsurped amonge Gods people restoaring them againe to their libertie and religion The Prophete Samuel is here to be numbred amōg the notable Capitaynes of Gods people Ionathas Saules sonne was a worthie Capitaine and a singular example of a godlie man Than Dauid none was more excellent or worthie to be praised In warre hée vāquished the Philistines the Idumits the Syrians and a good part of the Easte beside by warre hée reuenged iniuries by warre hée mainteyned his libertie and kept Gods people from a number of mischiefes and yet notwithstanding he that warred thus is said to be a man according to Gods heartes desire and the father of our Lord Iesus Christ touching his flesh or his humanitie In Dauids posteritie thou maiest finde manie excellent warriours and valiaunt Capitaynes Abia Asa Iosaphat Amasia Ofia Ezechias and other moe Amonge these Iudas Machabeus hath not the last nor leaste place of all who fought verie stoutely for the lawe religion and people of God and died at the last in the middest of the batteile in defence of religion and his countrie quarrell I will not adde to these the examples of Constātine Gratian Theodosius and other more that were excellent in feates of warre Of these and other writeth S. Augustine in the ende of his fi●t booke De ciuitate Dei and Orosius verie largelie in the 7. booke of his historie vnto the ende of the 28. Cap. This is sufficient for godly magistrates Hetherto haue I discoursed of warre to be made by the magistrate and the vse of the sword in the magistrates hand touching which I gaue some notes by the way in that sermon wherein I expounded the fifte commaundement This being thus ended I haue now to proue that Christiā men may beare the office of a magistrate which treatise I meane therfore to take in hand because our madde headed Anabaptistes and some other builders of A deuised common weale by gainsayinge that which hetherto we haue alledged do goe about to proue that a Christian may not beare the office of a magistrate their reason is because Christians as they say may not striue in lawe nor kil any man nor recouer by warre thinges violently taken away nor reuenge any iniurie that is done vnto them And although these causes of theirs be aunsweared euerie one in his fitte and seuerall place yet will I briefely gather héere together a few substantiall argumentes by which a politique and Christian man may vnderstand contrarie to the madnesse and dreames of the Anabaptistes if hée bée called to beare rule and authoritie that then he both may and of dutie ought to serue the Lord his God in taking vpon him and executing the office of a magistrate For whereas they faine that the doctrine of the Gospell doth vtterly cutte off all kinde of defence and whatsoeuer else belongeth to the defence of Christian mens goods and bodies that is nothing so and they are deceiued as farre as heauen is wide for the truth doth teach vs cleane contrarie For whatsoeuer thinges are ordeined by God for a meanes of mens safe gard and good estate they are so farre from misbecōming and being vnsemely for a Christian man if hée vse them and applie himselfe vnto them that if hée refuse and neglect them he cannot rightly be called a true Christian For the first and greatest care of euerie Christiā is by all meanes that he may to set forward and mainteine that health and safegard of all sortes of men But the magistrate is not ordeined by any man but by god himself for the health and wealth of all mankinde as it is expressely witnessed by the Prophets and Apostles but by Paule especially in the 13. to the Rom who then cannot therby perceiue that a Christian may praiseworthilie execute a magistrates office Furthermore no man will denie I knowe that a Christian mans faith is not in wordes onely but in deedes also to giue a proofe of iustice and mercie by all meanes to care for publique peace and tranquillitie to doe iudgemente with iustice to defend the fatherlesse widowes and children and to deliuer poore oppressed people Neither doth hée contemne flée from nor reiect occasion places and meanes by which hée may put those good woorkes in vre And therfore a Christian refuseth not the place or office of a magistrate For the magistrates office is to doe iudgement with iustice and to prouide for publique peace Moreouer it is vndoubtedly true as before we haue declared that Moses Samuel Iosue and Dauid are not excluded from the name of
consist in hearing and following the word of God and that contrarily calamities and miseries doe rise by the cōtempt and neglecting of the same For Ieroboam the first king of the seperated Israelites letting passe the word of God did ordeyne new rites to worship the Lord by and erected new temples but by so doing hee ouerthrew himselfe his house and all his kingdome After him doth Baasa succeede both in the kingdome idolatrous religion which was the cause why he his were vtterly destroyed Then followeth Amri the father of Achab who for augmenting idolatrous impietie is horriblie slaine with all his family so that not one of his escaped the reuenging sword of Gods anger ielousie And for because Iehu was faithfull valliant in killing those tyraunts in dispatching Baals priestes rooting out of idolatrous superstition the Lord doth promise say vnto him Because thou hast zealously done that which thou hast done according to all that is right in my sight therefore shall thy children vnto the fourth generation sit on the seat of Israel And wee read verily that his sonnes and nephues were notable Princes which succeded in the kingdome euen Ioachas Ioas Ieroboam the second of that name and Zacharias The other kinges as Sellum Manahe Pekaiah Peka and Osee had their kingdome altogether like to the kingdome of the sonne of Ios●as to wit in a seditious troublesome a most miserable taking For they despised the mouth of the lord Therfore were they vtterly cutt off and for the most part either slaine or carried away captiue by their enimies the Assyrians From the diuision of tbe people into two seuerall kingdomes after the death of Solomon there were in number 19 kinges of Israell and 18. of Iuda The kings of Israell altogether reigned about 272. yeares and they of Iuda about 393. Now by the space of so many yeares in the most renowmed peculiar people of God which was as it were a glasse set before the eyes of all nations to view and behold themselues in there might the truest causes of felicitie calamities of all kings kingdoms in the whoale world be so liuely represented and perfectly paynted that there should bee no neede to fetch from else where a more plaine and euident demonstration of the same And yet for al that wee are not without other forreigne examples wherby to proue it For the Pharaoes of Aegypt were the destruction both to themselues and also to their kingdome by their stubborne rebellion against Gods word Againe Darius Priscus and the great Nabuchodonosor enioyed no small felicitie because they despised not the counsells of Daniel Balthazar king of Babylon a despightfull contemner of God and his word is in one night destroyed with all his power Babylon the most auncient and famous citie of the world is taken set on fyre sacked and ouerthrowne and the kingdom translated to the Medes and Persians Neither were the kinges of Persia vnfortunate at all I meane Cyrus and Darius otherwise called Artaxerxes because they fauoured the word of God and did promoate his people and true religion But on the other side wee read that Antiochus syrnamed Epiphanes was most vnfortunate who as it were making warre with God himselfe did most wickedly burne and make away the bookes of holy Scripture Furthermore wee haue as great stoare of examples also euen out of those Histories which followed immediately the time of Christ his ascension For so many Romane Emperours kinges and Princes as persecuted the preaching of the Gospell and Church of our Lord Iesus Christ aduaunced idolatrie and superstitious blasphemie so many I say did die a foule and shamefull death Of this are Eusebius and Orosius renowmed Historiographers assured witnesses Againe S. Augustine lib. 5. de Ciuit. Dei affirmeth that incredible victories verie great glorie and most absolute felicitie hath beene giuen by God vnto those kinges which haue in faith sincerely embraced Christe their Lord and vtterly subuerted idolatrie and superstitious blasphemie It is euident therefore that felicitie commeth by good will and obedience to the word of God that all kings and kingdoms shal be vnhappie which forsake the word of God and turne themselues to mens inuentions And this I haue I trust declared hetherto so plainly that the hearers may seeme not onely to vnderstand but also to see before their eyes and as it were to feele with their hands the pith and materiall substaunce of this whole treatise But wherunto doth all this tend That your Royall maiestie forsooth may vndoubttingly know be assuredly persuaded that true felicitie is gotten and reteyned by faithfull studie in the word of God to witt if you submit your selfe altogether and your whoale kingdome to Christe the chiefe and highest Prince if throughout your whoale realme you dispose and order religion and all matters of iustice according to the rule of Gods holy word if you decline not one haires breadth from that rule but studie to aduaunce the kingdome of Christ and goe on as hetherto you haue happily begon to subuert tread vnder foote the vsurped power of that tyrannicall Antichrist Not that your maiestie needeth any whit at all mine admonitions or instructions For you haue vndoubtedly that heauenly teach●r in your minde I meane the holie Ghoste which inspireth you with the verie true doctrine of sincere and pure religion Your Maiestie hath the sacred Bible the holiest booke of all bookes wherein as in a perfect rule the whoale matter of p●etie our true saluation is absolutely conteyned and plainly set downe Your Maiestie hath noble men and many Counsellours belonging to your kingdome faithfull valliaunt and skilfull heads both in the lawe of God and men who for their wisedome loue that they beare to the sincere tru●th are greatly commended amonge forreigne nations And for that cause all the faithfull doe thinke and call your maiestie most happie But that happie king Ezechias although hee did especially vse the helpe of those excellent men Es●● and Micheas did not yet despise faithfull admonishers euen amonge the 〈◊〉 sort of Leuites neither thought they that in admonishing the king the● l●st and 〈…〉 labour in vaine I therefore hauing good affiaunce in your 〈◊〉 good a●d godl●disposition do verily hope that this short discourse of mine touching the true causes of the felicitie and calamities of kinges and kingdoms shall haue a pro●iting place with you Euen I which 12. yeares since did dedicate vnto your father of famous memorie Henrie viij a booke touching the authoritie of the holie Scripture and the institution and function of Bishopps against the Pontificall chuffes of the Romishe superstition and tyrannie and now by experience know that that labour of mine brought forth no small fruite within the realme of England am now so bold againe as to dedicate these my Sermons vnto your Royall maiestie In these Sermons I handle not the least and lowest points or places of Christian religion the
lawe sinne grace the Gospell and repentaunce Neither doe I as I thinke handle them irreligiously For I vse to conferre one Scripture with an other than which there is no way better and safer to follow in the handling of matters touching our religion And forbecause you are the true defender of the Christian fayth it cannot bee but well vndoubtedly to haue Christian Sermons come abroad vnder the defence of your Maiesties name My minde was according to mine abilitie and the measure of fayth which is in mee to further the cause of true religion which now beginneth to budd in England to the great reioysing of all good people I haue therefore written these Sermons at large and handled the matter so that of one many more may bee gotten Wherein the Pastors discretion shall easily discerne what is most auayleable and profitable for euery seuerall Church And the Pastors duetie verily is rightly to moawe the word of truth and aptly to giue the fodder of life vnto the Lords flocke They will not thinke much I hope because in these Sermons I doe vse the same matter the same arguments and the very same words that other before mee both auncient and late writers whom I haue iudged to followe the Scriptures haue vsed yer nowe or which I my selfe haue else wher alledged in other bookes of mine heretofore published For as this doctrine at all times in all pointes agreeable to it selfe is safest to be followed so hath it alwayes beene worthily praised of all good and godly people If the Lord graunt me life leysure strength I will shortly add the other eight Sermons of the fourth Decade which as yet are behinde And all that I say heere I speake it still without all preiudice to the iudgement of the right and true Church Our Lord Iesus the king of kinges and Lord of Lords lead you with his spirite and defend you to the glorie of his name and safetie of all your Realme At Tigure in the moneth of March the yeare of our Lord. 1550. Your Maiesties duetifullie bounden and daily Oratour Henrie Bullinger minister of the Church at Tigure in Swicerland THE THIRD DECADE of Sermons written by Henrie Bullinger Of the fourth precept of the second Table which is in order the 8. of the 10. Commaundementes Thou shalt not steale Of the owning and possessing of proper goods and of the right and lawfull getting of the same against sundrie kinds of theft ¶ The first Sermon FOR the susteyning and nourishing of oure liues families wee men haue néede of earthly riches Nexte therefore after the comaundements touching the preseruation of mans life and the holy kéeping of wedlocks knot in this fourth commaundement a lawe is giuen for the true getting possessing vsing and bestowing of wealth and worldly substance to the ende that wée should not get them by theft or euill meanes that we should not possesse them vniustly nor vse or spend them vnlawfully Iustice requireth to vse riches wel and to giue to euery man that which is his now since the lawes of God bee the lawes of Iustice they do verie necessarilie by way of comaundement say Thou shalt not steale These words againe in number are fewe but in sense of ample signification For in this precept theft it self is vtterly forbidden all shifting subtilties are flatly prohibited deceipt and guile is banished al cousening fetches are cleane cutt off couetousnes idlenes prodigalitie or lauishe spending and all vniuste dealing is herein debarred Moreouer charge is here giuen for mainteining of iustice and that especially in contractes and bargaynes Wonderfull turmoyles verily are raysed vpp and begonne amonge men of this world about the getting possessing and spēding of temporall riches it was expedient therefore that God in his lawe which he ordeyneth for the health cōmeditie and peace of vs men should appoint a state and prescribe an order for earthly goods as in this lawe hee hath most excellently done And that yee maye the better vnderstand it I wil at this present by the help of Gods holy spirite discourse vppon the proper owning and vpright gettinge of worldly riches in which treatise the whoale consideration of theft in all his kinds shal be plainly declared For the proper owning and possessing of goods is not by this precept prohibited but wée are forbidden to gett them vniustly to possesse them vnlawfully and to spend them wickedly yea by this commaundement the proper owning of peculiar substance is lawfully ordeined firmely established The Lord forbiddeth theft therefore hee ordeineth confirmeth the proper owning of worldly riches For what canst thou steale if all things be common to all men For thou hast stollen thine owne and not another mans if thou takest from an other that which hée hath But God forbiddeth thefte and therefore by the making of this lawe hée confirmeth the proper possession of peculiar goods But because there is no small number of that furious secte of Anabaptistes which denie this proprietie of seuerall possessions I will by some euident testimonies of Scripture declare that it is both allowed and ratified of old Of Abraham who in the Scripture is called the father of faith Eliezer his seruaunt saith God hath blessed my maister merueylously that hee is become great hath giuen him sheepe and Oxen siluer and gold men seruaunts and mayde seruaunts camels and asses and to his sonne hath he giuen all that he hath Loe then Abraham was wealthie did possesse by the right of proprietie al those things which God had giuen him and he left them all by the title of inheritaunce as peculiar and proper goods vnto his sonne Isaac Isaac therefore and Iacob possessed their owne and proper goods Moreouer God by the hand of Moses brought the Israelites his people into the land of promise the groūds whereof he did by lot diuide vnto the tribes of Iosue his seruaunt appointing to euery one a particular portion to possesse and did by lawes prouide that those inheritaunces should not be mingled and confounded together In Solomon and the Prophets there are very many preceptes and sentences tending to this purpose But I knowe verie well that these troublesome wranglers do make this obiection and say That Christian men are not bound to these proofes that are fetched out of the old Testament And although I could confute that obiection and proue that those places of the old Testament doe in this case binde vs to marke and followe them yet wil I rather for shortnesse sake alledge some proofes out of the Scriptures of the newe testamēt to stop their mouthes withall Our Lord Iesus Christ doth greatly commend in his disciples the woorkes of mercie which doe consiste in feedinge the hungrie in giuing drincke to the thirstie in cloathing the naked in visiting prisoners and those that be sick and in harbouring strangers and banished men Hée therefore graunteth to his disciples a proprietie and possession of peculiar goodes wherewith they may frankly
firste begotten or auncient of euery housholde did circumcise before the lawe which office was turned to the priestes when once the lawe was giuen It is a singular example and no more to be found like vnto it that Zippora the wife of Moses did circumcise her sonne Exod. 4. Chap. Nowe also the time of circumcision is set downe to wite the eighth day when the newe borne childe beganne to be of a little more strength And we gather out of the fifte Chapter of the booke of Iosue that they did circumcise them not with kniues of yron but of stone for in that Chapter the Lorde doth in expresse wordes commaund to circumcise the sonnes of Israel with kniues of stone But it is manifest by the rites of the sacraments that God doth alter nothinge in the ceremonies of the sacraments and therefore we coniecture and gather that Abraham vsed none other but kniues of stone especially since we read that Zippora Moses his wife did circumcise her sonne with a stone The rest of the Iewishe trifles which they sowe abrode touching the ceremonies of cicumcision I do of purpose here let passe For they are vtterly vnworthie to be heard and haue no mysteries conteined in them But the knife of stone is of force in the exposition of the mysterie of circūcision For circumcision had a mysterie and a moste certeine meaning hidden within it For firste circumcision did signifie that the whole nature of man is vncleane and corrupt and therfore that all men haue neede of cutting and regeneration And for that cause that cuttinge was made in the member wherewith man is begotten For we are all begotten and borne the sonnes of wrath in originall sinne Neither doth any man deliuer vs from that damnation but he alone that is without sinne to wite the blessed séede Iesus Christ our Lord who was conceiued by the holy Ghost and borne of the virgin Marie who with the shedding of his bloud which was prefigured in the bloud shed in circumcision doth cleanse vs from sinne and make vs heires of life euerlasting And now this circumcision maketh sorely against them that denye original sinne and putteth them to their shiftes that attribute iustification and saluation to our owne strength and vertue For if we were cleane if we by our owne power could get saluation what néeded our fathers to bee cutt in that sorte The things that are cutt off are either vnpure or else superfluous But God made nothing vnpure or superfluous Nowe hee made the flesh of the foreskinne If the fleshe of the foreskinne had béene euill God had not made man with the fleshe of the foreskinne The skinne therefore is not euill of it selfe nor yet superfluous but the cuttinge of the foreskinne doth rather serue to teache vs to vnderstande that by our birth and nature wée are corrupt and that wée cannot be cleansed of that corruption but by the knife of stone And for that cause verily was circumcision giuen in that member and in none other I will anon adde another cause out of Lactantius why it was giuen in the priuities and in none other parte of all the bodye Moreouer circumcision did signifie testifie that God almightie of his méere grace and goodnesse is ioyned with an indissoluble bond of couenant vnto vs men whome his will is first to sanctifie then to iustifie and lastly to inriche with all heauenly treasures through Christe our Lorde and reconciler For that was the meaninge of the stoanie knife Because Christ the blessed séede is the rocke of stone out of which doe flowe moste pure and cleansing waters and he by his spirite doth cutt from vs whatsoeuer thinges doe hinder the mutuall league and amitie betwixt God and vs he also doth giue and increase in vs both hope and charitie in faith so that wee may be knitt and ioyned to God in life euerlasting which is the blessed and happie life in déede Nowe here it is expedient to heare the testimonies of the lawe and the Apostles In the 30. of Deuteron Moses saith The Lord thy God shall circumcise thy harte and the harte of thy seede that thou maist loue the Lorde thy God. Now the outward visible cutting was a signe of this inwarde circumcision And Paule also speakinge of Abraham saith And he receiued the signe of circumcision as the seale of the righteousnesse of faith which he had being yet vncircūcised that he should be the father of all them that beleeue though they were not circūcised that righteousnesse might bee imputed to them also c. Lo here Abrahams circumcision was a signe y God by his grace had iustified Abraham which iustificatiō he receiued by faith before his circumcision which is an argument that they which beléeue though they be not circumcised are neuerthelesse iustified with faithfull Abraham and againe that the Iewes which are circumcised are iustified of God by faith And for that cause was circumcision giuen in the verie bodie of man that he might beare in his bodie the league of God and be thereby admonished that hee is iustified by grace through faith Whereby wee gather also that the grace of God and the iustification of the godly is not tyed to the signe For if it had then had not Abraham béene iustified before his circumcision but euen in his circumcision Furthermore if it had béene so then the Lord whose wil is to haue mankind saued would not haue giuen commaundement to haue them circumcised vpon the eighth day For many children died before the eighth daye and neuer came to circumcision and yet they were not damned To which wee may adde that Sara Rebecca Rahel Iochabeth and Marie Moses sister with innumerable mo matrones and holie virgines could not be circumcised and yet they were saued by the grace of God through faith in the Messiah that was to come The grace of God therefore was not tyed to the sacrament of circumcision but yet it was not despised and neglected of the holy sainctes of the olde church but vsed to the end for which it was ordeined that is to be a testimonie and a seale of frée iustification in Christ who circumciseth vs spiritually without handes by the working of the holie Ghoste Furthermore God by the outwarde and visible signe did gather into one church them which were circumcised in which number those which he had chosen before hee did ioyne to him selfe with the bonde of his spirite For sainct Paule for the verie same cause did call the people of one religiō the circumcision as is euident by the 15. Chapter to the Romanes and the third to the Philippians Therefore by circumcision God did separate his people from the vnbeléeuing nations Whereupon it came that to be called vncircumcised was as great reproache among them as to be called dogge is nowe adayes among vs For an vncircumcised person was reputed for an vncleane prophane man and for such an one as had no parte
in God nor his couenaunts Finally circumcision did put the circumcised in mind of their duetie al their life long to wite that euery man should thinke that he had taken vpon him to professe God to beare in his bodie the Sacramēt of the Lorde For that is the cause why the Israelites were named or had their names giuen them in their circumcision For it is euident in Luke that Iohn Baptist and Iesus our sauiour had their names giuen them at their circumcision euen as also the first circumcised at his circumcision was called Abraham whose name before was said to be Abram It did admonish the circumcised of his duetie for so much as he had giuen his name vnto the Lord his confederate to bee inrolled in the register of God amōg the names of them that giue them selues vnto the Lord wherefore he ought by couenaunt duetie to frame his life not after his owne lust and pleasure but according to the will of God to whome he did betake him selfe For the condition of the couenaunt was that the circumcised shoulde not defile them selues with idolatrie and straunge religions that they should not pollute with vncleane lyuing the bodies and mindes that were hallowed to the Lord but that they perseuearing in true faith should ensue godlynesse shewe the workes of repentance and be obedient to God in all things For thus saith Moses in the tenth of Deuterono Circumcise the foreskinne of your hearts and harden not your neckes any longer To which words the Prophet Ieremie alludeth in his fourth Chapter saying Bee ye circumcised to the Lord and cut away the foreskinne of your hearte And the Martyr S. Stephan rebuking the vnbeléeuing Iewes sayeth Ye stiffe-necked and of vncircumcised hearte and eares ye alwayes resist the holie ghost Verie rightly therefore doth the holy Apostle Paule in his Epistle to the Romanes declare that there are two sortes of circumcision the one of the letter in the fleshe the outwarde circumcision that is made with handes the other in the heart of the Spirite the inwarde circumcision which is made by the meanes of the holy Ghost The circumcision of the heart God doth like well of in those y be his but that in the fleash he doeth vtterly mislike of if as the fleashe is the heart be not circumcised The liking and misliking of these two circumcisions is in that which went before so plainly alreadie declared that I néede not to stick any longer vpon it And here I think it not amisse before I make an ende of circumcision to reherse vnto you déerely beloued the woordes of the auncient writer Lactantius lib. Instit 4. Chap. 17. where he speaketh of circumcision in this manner The meaning of circumcision was that we should make bare our breastes to wite that wee should liue with a simple and plaine dealing heart because that parte of the bodie which is circumcised is partely like to a heart and is the fore parte of the priuitie and the cause why God commaunded to make it bare was that by that signe he might admonishe vs not to haue a couered heart that is that we should not couer within the secretes of our conscience any crime whereof wee ought to be ashamed And this is the circumcision of the heart whereof the Prophets speake which God hath translated from the mortall fleshe to the immortall soule For the Lorde being whole set and fully minded according to his eternall goodnesse to haue a care for our life and safegard did set repentance before our eyes for vs to followe as a waye to bring vs thereunto so that if wee make bare our heartes that is if by confession of our sinnes we satisfie the Lord we should obteine pardone whiche is denied to the proude and those that conceale their faultes by God who beholdeth not the face as man doeth but searcheth the secrets of the brest Thus much hitherto hath that auncient writer of the churche Lactantiꝰ Firmianus declared vnto vs touching the mysterie of circumcision Nowe all this whiche hitherto I haue saide touching the meaning and mysterie of circumcisiō was set forth as in a picture to be séene of all mens eyes so often as circumcision was solemnized in the church There was the league as it were renued which God did make with men There was the grace of God his sanctification and our corruption declared therein did Christ the rocke of stone appeare who with his spirite doth cutt wash away all spottes of the Churche Moreouer the worshippers of God did learne by that signe and so by all the holie ceremonie that they beeing in one ecclesiasticall bodie ought to do their indeuour by purenesse of liuing to winne the fauour of God their confederate Because by the visible circumcision there was after a sorte an open confession made of the true religion of frée consent to the true religion and of a bynding by promise vnto the same He therefore that did despise or vnaduisedly neglect that holie ceremonie was sharply punished as may be gathered by the 17. of Genesis and the fourth Chapter of Exodus And so muche hetherto touching circumcision There followeth nowe the seconde Sacrament of the auncient churche I meane the Paschal Lamb. It is an Hebrewe word not signifying a passion as it should séeme if it were deriued according to the Gréeke etymologie but it signifieth a skipping a leaping or a passing ouer For the Hebrewe *** signifieth to leape or passe ouer The cause of this worde Moses him selfe sheweth in the lawe where he saith The Lord shall go ouer to strike the Aegyptians when he shall see the bloud vppon the vpper poste and the two side postes of the doore *** the Lord wil passe ouer that doore and will not suffer the destroyer to come within your houses This sacrament is knowen also and called by other names For it is called a signe a remembraunce a solemnitie an holie assemblie the feast of the Lorde a worship an obseruation an oblation and a Sacrifice But whereas that ceremonie is called a passing ouer that is not done without a trope For the passing ouer was the verie benefite wherein the Angel of the Lorde did passe ouer the Iewes leaue their houses vntouched and saue their liues but for because the Paschall Lambe was a memoriall a renuing of that benefite therefore it tooke the name of the benefite Euen as I admonished you before that it is vsuall in Sacramentes for the signes to bee called by the names of the thinges that they signifie béecause of the likenesse and mutual proportion that is betwixt them Let vs sée nowe what the passeouer was and what kinde of ceremonie did belong vnto it The Passeouer was an holy action ordeined by God in the killing and eating of a Lambe partely to the ende that the Churche might kéepe in memorie the benefite which God did for them in the land of Aegypt to be a testimonie of Gods
euery one that which is due tribute to whome tribute belongeth custome to whome custome is due feare to whom feare and honour to whome honour doeth appertaine Owe nothing to any mā but this that ye loue one another Moreouer they also do abuse Christian libertie who when they haue not receiued the spirite of libertie and of the sonnes of God when they are not as yet deliuered from Satan nor iustified by Christ do notwithstanding promise libertie to all men and think that for the opinion which they haue conceiued of their libertie they maye do whatsoeuer it pleaseth them by that meanes gainsaying good lawes and seuere discipline with exclamations outcries that libertie by lawes is intrapped betrayed and trode vnder foote Against such and especially against the teachers of that vaine and pernicious libertie Sainct Peter taketh stomach and saith These are welles without water clowdes that are carried with a tempest to whome the myste of darknesse is reserued for euer For when they haue spoken the great swelling wordes of vanitie they entice through lustes in the voluptuousnesse of the fleash suche as were cleane escaped from them which are wrapped in errour while they promise them libertie wher as they them selues are the bondseruaunts of corruption for of whome a man is ouercome vnto the same is he brought in bondage And so foorth as followeth Nowe when men doe after that manner abuse libertie that licentious lust is not worthie to be called by y name of libertie Last of all they doe abuse Christian libertie whosoeuer do abuse thinges indifferent and haue no regarde of their weake brethren but do offende them vnaduisedly Wee must therefore in this case alwayes haue in minde this notable saying of Sainct Paule All things are lawful for mee but all thinges are not expedient all things are lawfull for mee but all things do not edifie Touching this matter there is more to bee séene in the fourteenth Chapter of S. Paules Epistle written to the Romanes And here by occasion yea rather being compelled by necessitie I will speake a little and so much as shall be requisite for the godly disposed to knowe touching offences Scandalū which worde the Latines borrowe of the Gréekes doth signifi● a fallinge a tripping a stumbling blocke an offence a let or hinderance such as are stones in a streate that sticke vpp higher then the rest or ginnes that are of purpose subtily sett or hidde to snare the féete of them that passe ouer them For they which doe either light on or stumble at them doe fall or else are turned out the streight path Now this kinde of snare or stumbling bl●ck is by a metaphore transferred to the estate of religion and manners of mē For he giueth an offence whosoeuer doth with ouerthwart foolishe or vnseasonable wordes or deedes either do or saye to another man any thinge whereby he taketh an occasiō to sinne Therefore Scandalum is an occasion giuen to sinne and doe wickedly and the verie impulsion or driuing to a fall or to wickednesse Other there are that do define Scandalum to be an offence ioyned with a contempt For an offence doth vsually drawe a contempt with it or as we may say also an offence doth rise vpon contempt To conclude therefore it is put for an iniurie offered by one man to another Nowe wee offende other men either by our woordes or else by our deedes The offence that is giuen by wordes is partely in euil foolish and vnseasonable doctrine and partely in our daily talke or communication The greatest offence is that which doth arise of wicked doctrine directly contrarie to the true doctrine of the holie Gospell The nexte to this is that offence which doeth arise of foolishe vnseasonable doctrine which though it be deriued out of the worde of God is notwithstandinge either vnaptly vttered or vnwisely applyed For the preacher may sinne either by too much sufferinge or lenitie or else by too much sharpnesse and ouerthwart wai wardnesse so that the hearers beeing offended do wholie drawe back from all the hearing of the Gospell And yet for all this the light of the Gospel must not bee hidden nor the trueth sliely winked at because men wil be offended but preachers must with all their diligence take heede that the woorde of God bee wisely set foorth and aptly dispensed What soeuer thinges are against the lawes of God those must moste constantly be accused and without feare moste diligently confuted howsoeuer the worlde and worldlinges do storme against the same Nowe they do by their daily talke cause their brethren to stumble whosoeuer let their toungues runne loose to talke they care not what and at their pleasure without aduise to babble they care not howe of which sorte are filthie spéech and ribaulorie but especially such blasphemous wordes as are vnreuerently vttered against God the holie Scriptures and articles of our faith For euil wordes corrupt good manners I do not here exclude the letters or writinges of men which doe vnaduisedly offend their brethren Lastly stumbling blockes of offence are laide before many men either by promises or else by threatenings so often I meane as by alluring inticements of many faire promises or else by terrible threates and torments they are turned from the right path of trueth into bywayes and errours For so did Pharao laye a stone of offence before king Zedechias by causing him to make a league with him by that meanes to truste more in the power of Aegypt than in the mightie hand of God. Tyrauntes doe often times giue weake Christians causes of offence while they by torments driue them to deny the name of their maister Christ Now the déedes whereby men are offended bee of two sortes that is to saye they be either lawfull and at our frée choice or else vnlawfull and vtterly forbidden vs But euen lawfull déedes are by abuse made vnlawfull For it is lawfull for the faithfull to eate what they luste For to the cleane all thinges are cleane But thy eatinge is made vnlawfull if thou doest eate with the offence of thy weake brother For he doeth not vnderstande that it is lawfull to eate indifferently euery kinde of thinge and thou knowest verie wel that if thou eatest hee will bee offended and yet notwithstanding thou doest eate and despise him assure thy selfe in so dooing thou giuest cause of offence and sinnest not a little against thy weake brother To this wee adde all vnseasonable vsing of frée things and indifferent But here ye must note that the doctours of the Churche doe diligently distinguish and make a difference betwixt weake brethren and stubborne persons The weakelinges are such as be vtterly ignorant in some points of religion and yet notwithstanding are tractable enough and feare the Lorde not erring of purpose with malicious ouerthwartnesse but touched with a certeine weakenesse of faith and religion suffering themselues neuerthelesse willingly to bee instructed Of such the Apostle saith
to minde that notable sentence of the Lord Iesus in the Gospell saying Woe be to thee Chorazin woe be to thee Bethsaida for if the wonders had beene done in the citie of Tyre and Sidon that haue beene done in you they would haue repented long ere this in sackcloth and ashes But I say vnto you it shal be easier for Tyre Sidon and Sodoma in the day of iudgement than for you The parable of the vnfruitefull figgetrée is knowen to all men whereof mention is made in the Gospell whiche withered vpp by the Iudgement of God to be an example to teache and terrifie all impenitent sinners What shall fall may wee thincke vppon the men of these dayes that do so boldly despise repentaunce now so many yeares so plainly preached vnto them and beaten into their heads Some there are a Gods name that will outwardly for a shewes sake only séeme to be desirous of the Euangelical truth other are vtter enimies contemners and persecuters of the Gospell an infinite rable thou shalt finde of Lucianists Epicures Nullifideans and Atheistes nowe since all these do equally in a manner swéetely deride or rather scoffingly mocke at this hartie repentance we cannot doe otherwise but still expect looke when the terrible iudgmēt of Gods mightie arme should fall vppon such vnrepentaunt sinners Let them y wish well to themselues spéedily turne to the lord and consider with themselues cōtinually and earnestly howe great the damage is to kéepe the transitorie ioyes of this present life so to loose the eternal ioyes of the kingdome of heauē Let euery one make hast to do that which hée perceiueth to be done the better by so much by how much the sooner it is taken in hand And yet I would not that any man should despaire in his sinnes if so be y he doth not stubbornely despise the remedie of repentaunce nor because of the facilitie and gentlenesse of his heauenly father doth not maliciously by the way of contempt deferre repentaunce euen til the very end And if any man be hindered by the flesh the world and the diuel so that it be late or ere he applie his minde to repentaunce neither would I haue him to fall to desperation But nowe because I haue somewhat more longe drawen out this discourse of repentance than I had thought to haue done that I may heere at last make an end of my sermon I wil in steed of a conclusion recite vnto you those golden words of the holy martyre s. Cyprian bishop of Carthage where he writeth against Demetrian to this effecte following Beleeue and liue ye that nowe for a time doe persecute vs reioyce with vs for euer When ye are once out of this life then is there no place for repentaunce nor any effect of satisfaction In this world the life is either wonne or lost In this world eternall saluation is prouided for by the vnfeigned worshipping of God and the fruites of true faith Let not any man either by his sinnes or yeares be held backe from comminge to lay hold vppon Saluation So long yet as a man is in this world no late repentaunce doth come out of season The entrie is open vnto Gods indulgence and to them that seeke and vnderstād the truth the path to pardon is passing plaine Thou euē at the verie end and last gaspe of this temporall life aske pardon for thy sinnes at the handes of him which is the true and onely GOD call to him for the confession faith of his knowledge to him that cōfesseth pardon is granted and to him that beleeueth saluation is giuen he euen presently vppon his departure doeth passe to immortalitie This grace doth Christ communicate this gift hee doeth attribute vnto his owne mercie by making death subiect vnto the triumph of the crosse by redeeming him that beleeueth with the price of his bloud by recōciling man to God the father by quickening the mortal by the heauenly regeneration Let vs all if it be possible followe him Let vs all professe his signe and sacrament He openeth to vs the way of life Hee bringeth vs to paradise againe He leadeth vs to the kingdome of heauen With him we shall alwayes liue and being by him made the sonnes of God wee shal with him alwayes reioyce being restored by the sheding of his bloud We shal be Christians glorified together with Christe blessed in God reioycing with perpetuall pleasure alwayes in the sight of God and euermore giuing thanckes to god For he cannot choose but be merrie alwayes and thanckefull who beeing once in daunger and feare of death is nowe made secure in immortalitie ¶ The end of the seconde Sermon TO THE MOST RENOVMED Prince Edward the sixt King of England and Fraunce Lord of Ireland Prince of Wales and Cornewall defender of the Christian faith Grace and peace from God the father through our Lord Iesus Christ THE promise that not long agoe I made to your most Royall Maiestie I doe nowe perfourme offering here the other eight Sermons of the 4. Decade which I dedicate vnto your Royall Maiestie that of mee you may haue two Decades of Sermons full and wholie finished In March I sent 12. Sermons vnto you which were fauourablie accepted of your Royall Maiestie as I vnderstand by the letters of that Godly and worthy learned man maister I. Hooper the most vigilant bishop of Glocester my brother reuerend fellow father in Iesus Christ Who also by the commendation of your Royall M. goodwill to me ward hath hartened mee on so that now with farre more confidence and libertie than before I send vnto your Maiestie this other part of my worke entreating of most weightie and holy matters In this my dedication I respect nothing else but that which I declared in my former Epistle to witt that I according to the gift that the Lord hath indued me withall may helpe forward and aduaunce the state of Christian religion nowe againe happily springing vp in the famous realme of England by your Royall Maiesties good beginnings and counsels of your worthy Nobles All they of euery nation that is in Christendome whiche doe truely beleeue in Christ Iesus doe hartily reioyce on your Maie●ties behalfe and the behalfe of your most flourishing kingdome for this renouation of true Religion and do earnestly pray to Christ the Lord that he will happily bring to a good end the thinge that you in the feare of him haue happily begonne Your Royall Maiestie verily hath aduentured vppon a woorke both very great and full of troubles but he will neuer faile your Godly endeuoures that sayd Behold I am with you for euer vnto the end of the world And now also euen as it hath beene alwayes from the first beginning of the Church there are many letts and great impediments that are obiect against most holy and wholesome intentes doing what they can to hinder and trouble the reformation of religion and amonge other
that wheresoeuer an image is there is no religion For if religion consist in diuine thinges and that nothinge is diuine vnlesse it be amonge heauenly thinges than doe images lacke religion Because in that which is made of earth there can bee no heauenly thing Whiche matter euen by the very name it selfe may appeare bee manifest to a wise man For whatsoeuer is counterfecte that must néeds be false neither can that which hath a representation or glose of truth at any time take vnto it the name of truth If then not euery representation or coūterfect be not a thing in earnest but as it were a toy a sport religion is not in images but there is lesse religion where they bée That whiche is true therefore is to be preferred before all things that are false Earthly thinges must bee troden vnder foote that we maye get or obteine heauenly thinges These words not vnaduisedly haue wee cited hetherto out of Lactantius We returne nowe to our purpose But because the outward gesture or habite of the bodie is commonly framed according to the inward qualitie of the minde and the outwarde habite of his body which adoreth submitteth yealdeth and maketh subiect him that worshippeth to him whiche is worshipped therefore adoration is translated likewise to the inner man so that to adore is to reuerence and respecte God to bequeath oure selues wholie vnto him and to cleaue inseparably vnto him vppon him only and alone to hange in all thinges and to haue recourse vnto him in all our necessities whatsoeuer Furthermore the outward adoration doth immediatly when it is néedfull and abilitie graunted followe a minde rightly indued with true faith and holy feare of god For adoration is two-fould or of two sortes one of the minde or spirite which is inward sound sincere and true another of the bodie whiche is outward vnsounde counterfecte and false whiche maye procéede from him in whome there is no sparckle of religion True adoration is the fruite of true faith and holy feare of God namely a lowly or suppliant yéelding and humble consecrating whereby we bequeath oure selues yeald and submitt oure selues vnto our God whome as wee vnderstand to be our best and most merciful father so to be our most highe and Almightie God vppon him therefore alone we do wholie depend and to him onely wee haue respecte whiche also forthwith so soone as occasion is ministred vnto vs wée expresse and testifie by outward adoration All this wée shall the better vnderstand by these testimonies of Scripture following Dauid sayth O come let vs singe vnto the Lord let vs hartily reioyce in God our saluation Let vs come before his presence with thanckesgiuing and shewe our selues ioyfull in him with Psalmes For the Lord is a great GOD and a great king aboue all Gods because in his hand are the corners of the earthe and the highte of the hilles are his For the sea is his and he made it and his hands fastened the drie land O come let vs adore or worship and fall downe and kneele before the Lord that hath made vs Beecause hee is the Lord our GOD and we are the people of his pasture and the sheepe of his handes Thou perceiuest therfore that we must adore or worship God and that wee must cleaue vnto him and singe praises to his name because hee is the most mightie GOD creatour of all thinges yea our creatour our father and our shéepeheard Likewise in the Gospell according to Matthewe adoration doeth followe faith and doeth as it were growe out of it and by it is nourished For after that the disciples béeing taughte by myracle beléeued that Iesus was Christ they came sayeth Matthewe and adored or worshipped him saying Thou art truely the sonne of God. Againe thou readest in Iohn that the Lord asked the blinde man that was excommunicate or caft out of the Synagogue whome he restored to his sight saying Doest thou beleeue in the sonne of God And that the blinde man aunswered Who is hee Lord that I might beleeue in him And that Iesus aunsweared and sayde Thou hast both seene him and hee it is that talketh with thee Moreouer vppon this by and by followeth in the historie But hee said I beleeue Lord and he worshipped him Hetherto nowe belongeth that whiche the Lord sayed to the Samaritane in the Gospell The true worshippers shall worship the father in spirite and in trueth For the Lord doth allowe spirituall and inward adoration or worshipping not that outward counterfecte or hypocriticall worshipping but that whiche procéedeth from a minde regenerated by fayth through the holy Ghost and that tendeth sincerely towardes one god For wee read in the historie of the old testament that those princes worshipped in trueth whiche consecrated and made holy themselues vnto one God with their whole heart and on him onely depended againe that they worshipped not the Lord with their whole heart which beeing destitute and voide of sincere faith depended also vppon creatures Nowe a reason of this adoration or worshipping the Lord adioyneth in the Gospel Worshipp sayeth he ought in all poincts to agree with him that is worshipped But God that is worshipped is spirite and trueth and is delighted with spirituall worshipp and vnfeigned fayth in spirite and trueth therefore hée must bée worshipped Wherefore the Sainctes haue a speciall care and regard that the inward worship of the minde be sound and that first of all they worshippe in heart and truely with a sincere faith and a reuerence of Gods Maiestie and whiles they are inwardly so occupied they doe no lesse outwardly falling on their faces with humilitie and doe worship in Gods presence For the outward worship is a companion of the inward and followeth it Hypocrites also worshippe God in body suppliantly and lowly enoughe but because their mindes goe a woll-gathering and neither with faith nor reuerence cleaue vnto the Lord they heare this spoken of the Lord by the Prophete This people honoureth mee with their lippes but their heart is farre from mee but in vaine doe they worship me teaching doctrines precepts of mē And this verily is the counterfecte and false worshipping And that worshipping also is false nay it is most wicked and abhominable wherwith the creatures are worshipped either with GOD or for God or without god And to saye sooth they doe not worship God at all whiche neither feare God neither beléeue in God nor yet depend or hange onely vppon God. All men truely confesse that God must bee worshipped but euery one doeth not surely acknowledge and cōfesse that God onely and alone is to bee worshipped It remayneth therefore to be declared that God only and alone is to be worshipped of men Adoration or worshipping is ioyned with true faith and perfecte or sincere reuerence of Gods maiestie whiche séeing they are due to GOD alone it followeth that god alone is to be worshipped and therefore is
word Colere is in Latine of large signification For we say Colere amicitiam to mainteine frendship Colere literarū studia to loue learning Colere arua to till or husband our lands and Colere senes to reuerence olde men We in this place vse Colere for Seruire that is in all pointes like a seruant to be dutifull and to shewe him selfe obedient to reuerence or haue in veneration and to ●e worshippe The Hebricians vse their worde Abad which the Latine interpretour translateth Seruiuit coluit or sacrificauit that is he serued worshipped or sacrificed In the booke of Kings thou dost reade And Achab serued Baal worshipped him The Greciās cal this seruice either 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The one is taken for the other though in déede Seruire to serue be more than Colere to worshippe For thou canst abide without any adoe to worship some man but to serue the same thou canst not so well away withall We say therefore that the seruice of God is a seruice whereby men submit them selues reuerently vnto God and obey him and according to his will worship him They therefore serue God which serue him earnestly behaue them selues duetifully in obeying him seruing him inwardly and outwardly as he hath appointed For the seruice of God is two-fold or of two sortes The true and the false Thē true is called true religion true fayth and godlinesse The false is called superstition idolatrie and vngodlinesse For that is the true seruice of God which springeth from the true feare of God from a sincere fayth whiche submitteth it selfe to God alone and applyeth it selfe in all things to the will of god The false seruice consisteth in the contrarie Touching the whiche we will say more when we come to speake of superstition The true seruice of God is diuided againe for perspicuitie or plainenesse sake into the inward seruice of God and the outward The inwarde seruice is knowne to God alone who is the searcher of heartes For it is occupyed in the feare of God and perfect obedience in fayth hope and charitie from whence doe spring the worshipping of God the calling vpon him thankesgiuing patience perseueraunce chastitie innocencie weldoing and the rest of the fruites of the spirite For with these giftes of God and spirituall thinges God who is a spirite is truly serued Without these no seruice is allowed of God howe so euer in the sight of men it séeme gay glorious and pure This seruice of god hath testimonies both diuine and humane but firste of all of the Lawe the Prophetes and the Apostles For in the lawe Moses sayth And nowe Israel what doth the Lorde thy God require of thee but that thou shouldest feare the Lorde thy God and walke in all his wayes that thou shouldest loue him and that thou shouldest serue the Lord thy God with all thy hart and with all thy soul that thou shouldest keepe the commaundements of the Lord and his ordinaunces whiche I cōmand thee this day for thy welth Micheas the Prophet bringeth in one asking questions concerning the true seruice of God in what thinges the same consisteth and he maketh answere I will shewe thee O man what is good and what the lord doth require of thee surely to do iustly or iudgement to loue mercy and to hūble thy selfe to walke with thy God. S. Paule the Apostle sayth I besech you brethren by the mercies of god that ye giue vp youre bodies a liuing sacrifice holy acceptable vnto God whiche is your reasonable seruing of god And fashion not your selues like vnto this world but be ye chaunged by the renuing of youre minde that ye may proue what is the wil of god and what is good and acceptable and perfect The same Apostle comprehending in few words the true seruice of God to be a turning from Idols vnto God and the fayth of Iesus Christ sayth They of Macedonia and other nations or quarters shewe of you how you are turned to God from Idols that ye might serue the liuing and true god and loke for his sonne from heauen whom he raysed from the dead euen Iesus who deliuereth vs from the wrath to come Moreouer S. Iames the Apostle saith Pure religion and vndefiled before God the father is this to visite the fatherlesse or orphanes and widowes in their aduersitie and to kepe him selfe vnspotted of the worlde These diuine and euident testimonies of holy scripture declare plentifully enough dearely beloued which is the true inward seruice of god Humane testimonies neuertheles nothing disagréeing from diuine verie many and euery where found in Ecclesiasticall writers Lactantius lib. Institut 6. cap. 9. sayth Therefore the knowledge of God and his seruice is all in all In this consisteth all the hope and saluation of man this is the first step or degrée of wisedome that we shoulde knowe who is oure true father that we should reuerence him alone with due godlinesse that wee should obey him and most deuoutly serue him and to obteyne his fauour let all labour care and industrie be bestowed Of this kinde the same authour citeth other testimonies also largely in the tenth chapter of the same booke and in the firste chapter of his booke De vero Dei cultu he giueth vs manifest But in stead of many we like well the citing of that one testimonie touching the true seruice of God fréely vttered by the mouth of a Romane martyr before iudge Asclepiades at y Romane Consistorie For after he had both couragiously and religiously tolde what God was in person and what in substance he addeth Thou knowest God nowe vnderstand as well The fourme and man-ner how he serued is What kynd of Church it is where he doth dwell What gifts to giue he thought it not amisse What vowes he askes whome he beside all this Will haue his priestes and in his Church like-wise What he commaundes to bring for sacrifice Vnto him selfe euen in the minde of man A Church he hath vouchsafed vp to reare A liuely feeling breathing Church which can Not sundered be faire beautifull and cleare And neuer like destructions dint to feare With loftie top and painted pleasantlie With coloures fresh of great diuersitie At th' holy porch a priest is standing there And keepes the doores before the Church which beene Fayth is her name a virgine chast and cleare Her haire tyed vp with fillets like a Queene For sacrifices simple pure and cleene And which she knowes are pleasing bids this priest Offer to God and to his deare sonne Christ A shamefast looke a meeke and harmelesse hart The rest of Peace a body pure and chaste The feare of GOD which sinners doth conuart The rule like-wise of knowledge truly plaste A sober fast from all excessiue waste Of Gluttonie an hope which doth not faint A liberall hand which giues without restraint From these oblations a vapour doth
to be loued and followed and according to desert and order that is to bee exhibited vnto them whiche agreeth and is fit for them For it is written Thou shalt worship the Lorde thy God and him onely shalt thou serue These be Saint Augustines words And thus farre haue we intreated of one only liuing true and euerlasting God to be serued Moreouer whosoeuer cleaue vnto God with a sincere fayth and worship call vpon and serue one GOD lawfully they are rightly named religious their studie and action is true religion Some will haue Religion to be deriued a Relinquendo bicause therby we leaue or forsake false gods all errours and earthly desires and séeke after the true God after truth and heauenly things Massurius Sabinus sayth That is religious which for some holinesse sake wee put by and seuerally set aside The worde Religion hath his name a Relinquendo as Ceremoniae a Carendo But M. Cicero supposeth that Religio is so called a Relegendo of selecting or putting apart bicause they that be religious do carefully choose all thing● which seeme to belong to the seruice of the Gods. But he is confuted in many wordes of Lactantius Firmianus an ancient writer of the church Lib. Instit 4. cap. 28. where among other things he sayth On this condition we are borne that being borne wee might doe to God iust and due seruice that wee should knowe him alone and that him wee shoulde followe With this bond of godlinesse we are streightly bound and tied vnto God whervppon religion it selfe tooke her name And anon after Wee sayde that the name of religion was deriued from the bonde of godlinesse bycause GOD hath tyed and bounde man vnto him selfe in godlinesse for that is needefull that wee serue him as a Lorde and obey him as a father Other Ecclesiasticall writers also following him as Hierome and Augustine deriued Religion a Religando of tying or binding For Hierome in his Commentarie vpon the ninth chapter of Amos sayth This bundle tyed vp with the religion of the lord which is one Religion therfore tooke her name a Religando of tying together and binding into the lords bundle And Augustine in his booke De quantitate animae chapter 36. sayth True religion is whereby the soule tyeth her selfe through reconciliatiō to one God from whome through sinne she had as it were brokē away The same Augustine in his booke De vera religione and last chapter sayth Let religion tye vs vnto one God almightie whereof it is beleeued to bee named religion We say therefore y true religion is none other thing thā a friendship a knitting a vnitie or league with the true liuing and euerlasting God vnto whome we being lincked by a true faith doe worship call vppon and serue him alone vpon whome we do wholy depend liuing in all thinges according to his will or according to the prescript rule lawe of his word Therefore most rightly is the whole matter of saluatiō and faith comprised in this one word Religion which elsewhere is called in scripture a league and couenaunt and elsewhere againe marriage or wedlocke For as they which be confederate are vnited and made one by a league so God and man are knit together by religion And as by marriage the husbande and the wife are made one body so by religion we are knit into a spirituall body with God as with our husbande and with the very sonne of God as with our bridegrome and our heade Hetherto therfore doth belong what so euer things are vttered in the scriptures touching the kéeping of the league or couenaunt and the faith of marriage Truce-breakers are they disloyall and infamous through their adulterie who so euer being not knit to one God by fayth worship him alone call vpon him through Christe and serue him also as he him selfe hath sayde in his worde he woulde be serued The very same are also called superstitious For superstition is false religion which doth not serue God but somewhat else for God or not God alone or not rightly or lawfully This worde superstition stretcheth it selfe euen to olde wiues tales and doting errors For in Dutche we call superstition Aberglouben mis glouben vnd mis brijth But Lactantius reasoning most exactly of this worde in his fourth booke of Institutions and 28. chapter writeth in this sort Religion is the seruice of the true God superstition of the false They are said to be superstitious not that wish their children to out-liue them for that we doe al wish but eyther they that reuerence the memorie remayning of the deade or else they that whiles their parents were aliue worshipped their images within their houses like housholde Gods. For those whiche did take vnto them selues newe rites to the intent they might in stead of Gods honour the deade whome they thought were taken from among men and receiued into heauen those I say they called superstitious but those that worshipped and serued publique and ancient Gods they named religious Wherevpon sayth Virgil. Vaine superstition ignorante Of th' olde and auncient Gods. But seeing wee doe finde that our auncients haue beene in semblable manner consecrated Gods after their death they therfore which serue many and false Gods are superstitious but we are religious which pray and make our supplications to one God being the true God c. Superstition consisteth chiefly in these pointes Eyther when the Lord is not serued but other Gods in his steade the onely one true and liuing God being left and forsaken Or else when the Lorde is serued but not alone but other together with him or else when he is serued but not with his lawfull seruice In the first kynde of superstition did the Gentiles in a manner offende who knewe not the true God in so muche that they in stead of the true God worshipped false feigned or straunge Gods. And that the Israelites also Gods people were sicke of the same madnesse the holy prophet Ieremie is a witnesse who expostulating and reasoning the matter with the people sayeth Heare ye the word of the Lord O house of Iacob and all the families of the house of Israel Thus sayeth the Lord What iniquitie haue your fathers founde in mee that they are gon farre from me haue walked after vanitie and are beecome vaine For they sayed not Where is the Lord that brought vs vpp out of the land of Aegypt that led vs thorough the wildernesse thorough a desort wast land throughe a drie land and by the shadowe of death by a land that no man passed thorough and where no man dwelt And I brought you into a plentifull countrie to eate the fruite therof and the cōmodities of the same but when ye entred ye defiled my land made mine heritage an abhomination The priestes said not Where is the Lord they that should minister the law knewe mee not the pastours also offended against mee and the prophets prophecied in Baal
déed he is serued alone howbeit not after a lawefull manner Vnlawefull seruice procéedeth from the will and imagination of mē and it is contrarie to the word and ordinaunce of god For God is then lawfully serued when he is serued according to his owne wil and word In the law thus hath the Lord commaunded Beware that thou seeke not after the gods of the Gentiles saying How did these nations serue their Gods that I may do so likewise Thou shalt not do so vnto the Lord thy God c. Therfore whatsoeuer I commaund you take heede you do it Thou shalt put nothing thereto nor take ought there-from Nadab and Abihu offer straunge fire vnto the Lord therefore are they burned vpp in the presence of the Lord with fire from heauen Oza also perished because hee handled the Arcke of GOD otherwise than the Lord had commaunded in his lawe Micha in the booke of Iudges instituted vnto the true God whose name is IEHOVAH an image an altar a chappell and a seruice But it is reproued in the sacred Scripture béecause it was not onely not fetched out of the holy Scripture but was in all respectes quite contrarie and vtterly against the Lawe of god Ieroboam also ordeined passing sumptuous seruice he instituted cathedrall churches and sett vpp golden images all to the God of Israel but for that they were not agréeable to the woord of the Lord they are all one with another vtterly condemned for execrable and accursed sacrileges Yea what wée maye thincke in generall of all the seruices whiche are neither instituted of GOD nor agréeing with the woord of GOD but feigned vppon a good intent and meaning of our owne y onely testimonie of the most excellent prophet Samuel doth declare to vs which he pronounced against Saule and his sacrifices in these woords Hath the Lord as great pleasure in burnte offeringes and sacrifices as when the voice of the Lord is obeyed Behold to obey is better than sacrifice to hearken is better than the fatte of rammes For rebellion is as the sinne of witchcraft and transgression is wickednesse and idolatrie Herevnto maketh that whiche we read in Isaie He that killeth a bullock is as if he slue a man He that sacrificeth a sheepe as if hee cutt off a dogges necke He that offereth an oblation as if hee offered swines bloud He that remembreth incense as if hee blessed an idole All these thinges haue they chosē in their owne wayes and their soule is delighted in their owne abhominations Vaine therfore and abhominable are those seruices which are not reduced and framed to the pure word of god For the same Prophete sayeth In vaine doe they serue mee teachinge doctrines of men The liuing true and euerlasting God who will and ought onely and alone to bee worshipped to bee called vppon and to be serued giue vnto all men true religion and deliuer them from all vaine superstition thoroughe Iesus Christoure lord Amen A. F. ¶ That the sonne of God is vnspeakeably begotten of the father that hee is consubstantiall with the father and therefore true god That the selfe same sonne is true man consubstantiall with vs and therefore true God and man abideing in two vnconfounded natures in one vndiuided person ¶ The sixt Sermon THe thinges themselues and their order do require that after I haue spoken generally of God of his Vnitie and of his Trinitie I further entreat particularly of the persons of the reuerend Trinitie first of al of our lord Iesus Christ true God man then of the holy Ghost wherew t if our minds be indued all thinges whatsoeuer we speake and heare shal tend to the glorie of Gods name and to the saluation of our soules Let vs therefore pray c. That euerlasting father the originall and authour of all thinges begott the sonne by an euerlasting and vnspeable begetting For the whole scripture with one agréement doeth call God a father yea truely an eternall or euerlasting father But none is a father of his owne selfe but a father of his sonne and for beecause he is the euerlasting father hee must therefore necessarily haue an euerlasting sonne equall vnto himselfe in all respectes coeternall and consubstantiall with him Sainct Paule vndoubtedly for the confirmation of this catholique veritie alledgeth out of the old testament two testimonies Vnto which sayeth hee of his Angels said GOD at any time Thou art my sonne this daye haue I begotten thee And againe I will be his father and hee shal be my sonne all which wordes he applyeth vnto Christe Iesus the sonne of god Of whome also Micheas beareth witnesse saying And thou Beth-lehem Ephrata art little to bee amonge the thousandes of Iudah yet out of thee shall hee come forth vnto mee that shal be the ruler in Israel whose goeinges foorth or spreadings abroad haue beene from the beginning and from euerlasting Wherevppon the sonne of God himselfe in the Gospell after Iohn sayeth Verilie I say vnto you before Abraham was I am And Iohn sayeth In the beginning was the word the word was with God and God was the word But he doeth vnderstand by The word not the word which is spoken and so vanisheth not the counsell of God but the person of the sonne For by and by hee addeth And the woord beecame or was made slesh And wée doe knowe that the sonne of God not the determination or purpose of God as heretiques doe vainely imagine was incarnate But he which in time was incarnate was with the father from euerlasting and before all beginnings and therefore also true God with the true god For The word sayeth hee was with God God was the word beecause in the beginning namely from euerlasting he was with god These simple and plaine testimonies deliuered vnto vs out of the scriptures therefore most true concerning the euerlasting begetting of the sonne by the father are sufficient I thinke for them that are not curious For the scripture doeth not héere fulfil the vaine desires of curious men neither yet reasoneth of these poinctes subtilely but rather deliuereth and setteth downe but a fewe thinges in which it is our parts to beléeue But that which the scripture either doeth not sett downe or else in fewe woords shadoweth out either wee are ignoraunt of to oure health or else stickinge to that that is sett downe wée séeke not further for more The holy father Cyrill expounding that saying of the Euangelist Iohn In the beginning was the word sayeth Let vs not séeking thinges infinite and which cannot be conteyned within boundes busie our braines about a consideration that cannot bée expressed and neuer can haue an end For neither will wee graunt a beginning of beginning neither yet wil we yéeld that the sonne was begotten of the father in time but wee will confesse that he is with the father from euerlasting For if hee was
holy Ghost had y comforter present in their mindes went reioycing from the presence of the counsel bicause they were counted worthy to suffer reproch for the name of Christe So we read in the Ecclesiasticall historie that the martyrs of Christ being full of the holy Ghost euen in extreme torments and moste bitter deaths were most patient and sange prayses and gaue thanks vnto GOD. Furthermore we haue heard that the holy Ghoste is called of the Lorde the spirite of trueth For in an other place also hee beautifieth him with that name for he saith When the cōforter shall come whome I will send vnto you from the father euen the spirite of trueth which proceedeth from the father hee shall beare witnesse of me And he is called the spirite of trueth bycause there is an other hypocriticall spirite an erronious and lying spirite in the mouth of all false Prophetes This our spirite worketh in his worshippers sinceritie gentlenesse of mynde and integritie Those he teacheth all trueth For our Lorde elsewhere in the gospel sayth That comforter whiche is the holy Ghoste whome the father will send in my name he shall teache you all things and bring all thinges to your remembraunce what so euer I haue sayde vnto you Therefore the spirite of trueth hath taught the Apostles all trueth that is to be beléeued and all godlinesse and they haue deliuered the same fully to the Church For the holie Ghost driueth away all errours destroyeth all heresies confoundeth all Idolatrie and vngodlinesse and poureth true faith into our heartes and establisheth true religiō in the Church The Actes of the Apostles affoorde vs verie many of examples By this spirite of God the Apostles foretolde things to come shadowing out amōg other things Antichrist and the corruption of this oure last age and admonishing the Church least the elect shoulde be intangled in errours and blasphemous wickednesses Now he is called the spirit of promise for that he was promised of god by the Prophetes through Christ to the Fathers to the apostles and to al that beleue the apostles doctrine and was at length also through the same Christe fully giuen and perfourmed This worde putteth the godly in mynde that they shoulde not ascribe the hauing of this so great and healthfull a gift to their merites but to the méere grace of god And the holie Ghoste is graunted yea giuen vnto vs by the promise of god Wherevpon it followeth that all the giftes of God are fréely giuen which thing the Apostle Paule principally proueth and earnestly beateth into our heades in his epistles specially to the Romanes and the Galathians In Luke the Lord sayth If I with the finger of God cast out diuels no doubt the kingdome of God is come vpon you Saint Matthewe rehearsing the same wordes sayth If I by the spirite of God cast out diuels thē is the kingdome of God come vpon you Therefore the holie Ghost is called the finger of god to wit the might and power of god Men of occupations worke with their fingers God worketh his workes by his diuine power I meane by his spirite whose power is so greate that euen his little finger giue me leaue so to speake surpasseth all the power and strength in the worlde That appeared in those Sorcerers of Egypt Didymus rehearseth a parable touching the vnitie of the diuine substaunce and admonisheth diligently and conueniently that we should not for corporall things forge and feigne vnto our selues a corporall meaning of spirituall things For he sayth But beware lest thou being cast downe vnto base things doest imagine in thy mynd diuersities of corporall actions and begin to forge to thy selfe magnitudes and inequalities and other members of the body greater and lesser saying that the finger from the hand and the hand from him whose hand it is doth differ by many inequalities bycause the scripture doth now speak of bodylesse thinges purposing to shewe the vnitie onely and not the measure of substance also For as the hand is not diuided from the body by the whiche it worketh and bringeth all things to an end and is in him whose hand it is so also the finger is not separated frō the hand whose finger it is Therefore away with inequalities and mesurings when thou thinkest of God and vnderstande the vnitie of the finger of the hande and of the whole substaunce by which finger the lawe was written in tables of stone Thus farre he Now the holie Ghost is read as wel in the writings of the Prophets as also of the apostles to be shadowed out by water and a liuely or continuall running founteine I will poure out sayth the Lord by Esaie waters vppon the thirstie and riuers vpon the dry ground And anon by interpretation he addeth I will poure my spirite vpon thy seede and my blessing vpon thy stocke And in the Gospell the Lord sayth If any mā thirst let him come vnto mee and drinke Hee that beleeueth in me as sayth the scripture out of his bellye shall flowe riuers of water of life To which in way of exposition the holie Euangeliste addeth But this he spake of the spirite whiche they that beleeue in him should receiue Surely water maketh barren groundes fruitfull cleanseth things defiled giueth drinke to them that be thirstie and cooleth them that are in a heate so the grace of the holy spirit maketh barren myndes fruitfull to bring foorth fruite to the liuing god By the selfe same grace our harts are cleansed from all vncleannesse the same quencheth the thirst of the soule and comforteth it when it is afflicted and fulfilleth all the desires thereof Fire is simple and pure and some bodies it consumeth and othersome it purgeth making them more fine and cleane It warmeth also and hath many profitable and necessarie operations in man Therefore the holy Ghoste is rightly shadowed out vnto vs by fire For he is pure and simple he consumeth the vngodly cleanseth the faythfull from the filthinesse of sinnes and maketh them to burne with the loue of God and their neighbour setting them on fire doubt lesse with the fire of his loue When he was giuen to the Apostles in the day of Pentecoste there was heard a sound as it had bene with the force of a mightie winde comming by which thing was signified that the doctrine of godlinesse shoulde be spread throughout the whole worlde by the power of GOD and wonderfull successe maugre the might of the whole world setting shoulder against the same all in vaine For the wind no man staying it bloweth through the whole world pearceth all places and no mā can keepe it out it hath also wonderfull effectes in bodies to chaunge thē And the holie Ghost pearceth al thinges softneth mens hearts and of froward stubborne and rebellious he maketh most lowly modest and obedient men Fierie toungs appeare vpon the heades of the Apostles and disciples indued
Chrysostome Against these thinges they oppose the appering of Samuel fetched 〈◊〉 the holie Scriptures 〈…〉 goe about to proue that 〈…〉 againe after death and instru●t men touching thinges which they shall demaund We answere in few woods that that disguised masker which séemed to be Samuel was called Samuel by a trope or figure but in very déede he was not Samuel For of a certeintie it was a spirite a iugling and delusion of sathan For sorcerie is streightly forbidden in the law of the Lorde therefore blessed spirites obey not forbidden ways and vnlawfull practises which when they were as yet ioyned with their fleshy bodies by all meanes abhorred and resisted them in their assaultes as for damned spirites they exercise them selues therein But who would beléeue their oracles Samuel say they foretolde what happened the morrowe after And what of that That was no hard matter for the diuell since that the true and liuing Samuel foretolde many things a litle while before but this craftie foxe might foreknowe the iudgement of GOD whiche was to come euen by things present and by the 〈◊〉 and quaking of the hoastes 〈◊〉 in his booke De Anima saith God forbid we should beleue that the soule of any Saint much lesse the soule of a Prophete can be fetcht vp by the diuell since wee haue learned that sathan is transfourmed into an Angel of light much more into a man of light yea that hee will pretend that he is God and will shewe wonderfull signes to ouerthrowe if it 〈…〉 euen the elect c. S. Augustine is of the same iudgeme●●●oncerning that appearing 〈…〉 Simplicianum 2. quaest 3. And 〈…〉 quaest c. 〈◊〉 testimonies it is aboundantle 〈…〉 trust that soules of 〈…〉 from bodies doe not wander or appeare after death in these regions For they remaine vntill iudgement in the places appointed for them by the determination and prouiden●e of god Wherefore they are neither sent by God neyther can they enter in vnto men to instructe and warne them eyther of things present or of things to come Wherevpon it foloweth that appearings of soules that reuelations and oracles are méere delusions of Sathan ordeyned contrarie to the sinceritie and purenesse of true religion And bicause they which do what they can to proue vnto vs that there is purgatorie vse the defence and safegard of these vanities it is vndoubtedly true that they proue a falshood by deceite and an vncerteine thing by a thing of muche more vncerteintie Furthermore it remaineth vndoubtedly true that purgatorie wherein soules hauing put off their bodies shuld be purged vnto life euerlasting can not be shewed out of the Scriptures And bycause we haue remoued and put by the lets whiche were cast in the way to hinder the most spéedie iournie we returne to oure purpose wherein we intended to declare that the soules of the faithfull separated by death from the body doe immediately after the death of the body passe the right and ready way into heauen so most certeinly and vpon the souden be saued Likewise we vnderstand that the soules of the vnfaithful are thrust downe the right and ready way into hell and that by and by after the death of the body they perishe with most certeine and souden damnation For the Lorde expresly sayth in the Gospell Hee that beleeueth in the sonne of God is not condemned or iudged but he that beleueth not is condemned or iudged already bicause hee hath not beleeued in the name of the onely begotten sonne of God. Againe He that beleeueth in the sonne of God hath eternall life but he that beleeueth not the sonne shal not see life but the wrath of god abideth in him And yet againe This is the will of him that sent mee that euery one which seeth the sonne and beleeueth on him hath euerlasting life and I will raise him vp at the last day Nowe the last day of man is the point of death in it Christe saueth vs by his power leaste our soule shoulde eyther perishe or féele any torments but that it might liue and inioy euerlasting blessednesse Moreouer the last days is that last daye of iudgement wherein Christ shal raise againe and iudge al flesh glorifying the bodies of his faithful people vnto life euerlasting Againe the Lord sayth in the Gospell Verily verily I say vnto you he that heareth my worde and beleueth on him that sent me hath euerlasting life and shal not come into iudgmēt or damnation but is escaped from death vnto life These only wordes of our Lorde are able enough without any gainesaying to set foorth declare proue and confirme sufficiently our opinion concerning the moste certeine and souden saluation of soules For first of all lest any man shuld doubt of the most assured trueth touching the matter whiche he was setting foorth immediately vpon the beginning most holily he sweareth that is to say he confirmeth the trueth by giuing witnesse therevnto with an othe Afterwardes he annexeth the whole maner of our saluation which consisteth in hearing the word of god and in true faith which receiueth the truth of Gods worde For it is not enough to haue hearde the word of the gospel vnlesse we ●lea●e vnto y same by true faith But nowe marke with what assurance Christ promiseth life and saluation to them that beléeue in him Hee hath life euerlasting saithe he he said He hath not He shal haue Therefore he lefte no space either to doubting or to space of time Yea yet more plainely by interpretation expounding when and how the faithful haue or obteine life he saith He shall not come into iudgement or damnation but is escaped from death vnto life They come into iudgemēt which haue their cause to be examined and discussed before the iudg They come also into iudgemēt which by the sentence of the iudge are punished for their euil cause But the faithful haue no cause to be tryed and disenssed before the iudge For their sinnes are fully forgiuen them It is God which iustifieth and forgiueth Who is he that condemneth Therefore they are not subiecte to any punishments for Christ bare the punishmēt of the crosse the his faithful people might be deliuered saued harmeles from all torments But rather least anye man should thincke there were a stay or space of time betwéene the death of the bodie the life of the world to come hee sayeth But is escaped from death vnto life Loe he sayth Hee is escaped not Hee shal escape that by the Verbe of the Pretertence he might signifie the certeintie of the time past and might shewe that the soules of them that beléeue are by and by after the death of the bodie caught vpp into life euerlasting And I know well enough that the aduersaries héere haue no so●nd argument to sett against so manifest and inuincible a truth In déede with their wrangling words and their Sophist●ie they maye wrestle with the trueth but to
persecutours of Christ and his Church Such in these dayes are the heathen Turkes Iewes heretiques scismatikes and generally all such as are professed enimies to Christian religion And to these also wée may add hypocrites For it is no smal offence that the Lord him selfe in euery part of the Gospell doth so earnestly persecute and blame Amonge other thinges hee sayeth The Lord of that seruaunt shall come in the daye wherein he loketh not for him and in an houre that he shall not knowe off and shall diuide him and shall giue him his portion with hypocrites where shal be weeping and gnashing of teeth Out of all doubt he signified the greatnesse of the offence by the sharpenesse of the punishment This Church doeth followe the motions of the diuel and the deuises or imaginations of her owne heart and is busied and exercised in all kinde of blasphemie and wickednesse wherein shée excelleth her selfe and at last sincketh downe to hell that shee be not in any place separated from that head whervnto she hath so diligently or rather obstinately ioyned her selfe I knowe right-well that ye will obiecte against mée for that I haue reckoned the hypocrites to bee in the outward communion and fellowship of the Militant Church and nowe againe to accompte them of the companie of the diuels Church Moreouer you will saye That it is impossible that the same hypocrites maye take part of both Churches differing betwixte themselues for that the Lord sayeth Either make the tree good and the fruite good or else the tree nought and the fruite nought And Sainct Paule also sayeth that there is no fellowship betwixt Christ and Belial twixt lighte and darckenesse twixt trueth and lying and that hypocrisie is lying and darckenesse Héere therefore I perceiue a fitt place to shewe by what meanes and howe farre I may accompt hypocrites to be of the congregation of the Churche First wee make a distinction or difference of hypocrites For there are certeine hypocrites that put their confidence in their humane iustice and equitie doeing all their woorkes openlye that they maye bee séene of men firmely trusting and stiffely standing to mens traditions To these it is a custome and propertie not onely to flie from the Church whiche teacheth the righteousnesse of Christ but also to curse detest and to persecute it with all crueltie Such kinde of people were the Iewes and Iewishe Phariseis with whome oure Lord Iesus Christe had much contention and with whom euen at this day the Church contendeth and maketh warres These be the plaine and visible members of the diuels Church and they are not to be counted of the outward Church yea they are not once worthie to be named in the Church of Christ Againe there are some kinde of hypocrites that are dissemblers whiche neither giue any confidence to their owne righteousnes and iustice neither yet doe greatly regarde the traditions of men These kindes of people neither hate the Church nor flye from it nor persecute it but outwardly they agrée with it professing the same faith and participating the selfe same Sacramentes but inwardly and in minde they neither beléeue vnfeignedly sincerely neither doe they liue holilie Of this sorte some of them for a season will cleaue to the fellowship and company of the Church and hauing any occasion giuen they wil fall from it as heretikes and scismatikes are wont to doe and such as of fréendes are become enimies Other there be againe that neuer fall from the Churche but kéepe them selues in the fellowship of the Church all their life time outwardly pretending and feigning Religion but inwardly giuing them selues vp to their owne errors faults and wickednes vnto whome without doubt the outwarde behauiour and fellowship profiteth nothing at all For we ought to liue for euer and to participate all heauēly gifts with them that desire them to ioyne in fellowshippe with the Church of God not onely by outwarde and visible societie but by inwarde communion and felowship wherein consisteth life and saluation Of which matter we will speake in conuenient place Such Hypocrites or dissemblers hanging on the ecclesiasticall bodie are called members of the body and are said to be of the church Which matter that it may the better be vnderstoode of you all we wil set it foorth by certeine parables We say that the wicked or hypocrites be in like sorte in the Church as chaffe is in the corne which indéed is of an other nature and is no corne Like as therfore oft times their hang members vnto mens bodyes either drye or rotten or féeble which members although they haue no societie nor take parte with the liuely members in the vitall spirite yet by coupling together and certeine stringes they cleane fast vnto the liuely members by meanes whereof they are also called by men members and partes of the body whoe lest they should in●ect the other they cut them off oft times they let them alone lest by cutting them off the whole bodie shuld be in danger of life Euen so in like sort we saye that hypocrites are in the church of Christe though they be not vnited to the Church either by the bond of the spirit or offaith and loue neither are they to be taken for liuely members yet are they suffered lest some worse mischiefe happen to the whole bodie of the church and oft-times they are cut off wherby the better health may come to the ecclesiasticall body But let vs heare what the Euangelicall and Apostolicall testimonie saith The Lord saith plainly in the Gospel that in the lords field cockell groweth vpp béeing soawen by a wicked man whiche he forbiddeth to be plucked vpp least that therewith the corne be plucked vp also Beholde cockel soawen by an euil man I say by the Diuell him selfe which is no corne yet doeth it increase and is in the Lords fielde Againe the lord saith in the Gospel The kingdome of heauen is like vnto a nett which beeing cast into the sea draweth al maner of things vp with it and when it is filled it is brought to the shoare and there men sitting reserue that which is good in a vessell and that which is euil they cast away Againe beholde how ye may sée bothe good and bad to be drawen in the selfe same nett and therefore in the selfesame kingdome bothe good and euil to be reckoned Also in an other parable there entereth one in among the guestes which hath not on his wedding garment who is suffered for a season but yet at last is cast out of doores by the Lord of the feast In an other place it is said that he hath a fanne in his hand and clenseth the flower and burneth the chaffe with vnquencheable fire S. Paule in his Epistle to the Corinthes putteth a difference betwixt the professed and open enimies of Christes Church and the impure sorte of men who as yet are not quite repugnaunte and aduersaries to
vpp our minds into heauen let vs giue thanckes to the Lord our God who through his beloued sonne hath purified vs and gathered vs together to bee a chosen people to himselfe and to be heires of all his heauenly treasures To him therefore be all praise and glorie world without end Amen ¶ That there is one Catholique Church that without the Churche there is no light or saluation Against scismatiques Wherfore wee depart from the vpstart Church of Rome That the Church of God is the house vineyard and kingdome of God and the bodie sheepe-foulde and spouse of Christ a mother and a virgin ¶ The seconde Sermon I Sée you are assembled brethren with attentiue mindes to the exposition of those thinges whiche rest to bee spoken of the Catholique Churche of God which we affirme to be one and vnseparable according to the holy oracles of the sacred scripture Solomon in his Canticles sayeth One is my doue and my beloued Wherevnto doubtlesse the doctour of the Gentiles had respect when he said There is one body and one spirite euen as ye are called in one hope of your vocation There is one Lord one faith one baptisme one God and father of all which is aboue all through all and in you all To these heauenly testimonies agrée the testimonies of men For Cyprian the bishop martyre in his booke De simplicitate Clericorum sayeth The Church is one which is spred further and further abroade by fertile increase euen as there are many beames of the Sunne and but one light and many boughes of a tree yet but one oake grounded vppon a stedfast roote and whereas many brookes issue out of one spring though the number seeme to bee increased by the aboundance of stoare yet is it but one at the head Plucke a beame of the Sunne from the globe that one once separated is voide of light Breake a boughe from the tree it can bring foorth no fruite Cutt a brooke from the spring being cutt off it drieth vpp Euen so the Church lightened with Gods light spreadeth abroad the beames of her light through all the worlde yet is it but one light whiche is spread euerie where neyther is the vnitie of the body separated shee extendeth her braunches with plentious increse through out all the earth she sendeth out her plentifull riuers all abroade Yet is there but one heade and one spring and one mother plentifull with fertile succession And so foorth Moreouer where we reade that diuers names are giuen to the church we must not imagine that there are many churches in the worlde neyther is that bodye to bee separated whiche can beare or suffer no kynde of diuision Writers call the Church Catholique which vndoubtedly signifieth vniuersall bycause it is but one neither can there be any moe For albeit this be distinguished into the Churche triumphant and Militant into the Churche of the olde fathers and the congregation of people of later time yet doe all these members remaine perpetually knit together in one bodie vnder one heade Christe And euen as the seuerall conditions of bonde and frée men separateth not a kingdome or common wealth into partes so neyther dothe the quiet rest or felicitie of the blessed spirites triumphing in heauen and the labours and sorrowes wherwith we warring as yet in this world vnder Christes ensignes are exercised make two Churches The holie Angel sayth to Sainte Iohn in the Apocalypse I am thy fellowe seruant and of thy brethren the Prophetes He therefore acknowledgeth both the Prophetes and Apostles to be the sonnes and seruauntes of one god Whereof we reade in the Gospell that one onely vineyarde not two or diuers was let out to husband men though they were diuerse For euen so there is but one church of the olde Fathers whiche were before the comming of Christe and ours or the newe people since ▪ Christes comming taken out of the Gentiles But what they differ from vs or we from them hath béene sayde in the eight Sermon of our thirde Decade Againe there are mingled with the holie Churche euill men and hypocrites but the Churche is not separated for euill men For euen as traytours mingled with citizens and not yet discouered make not two cōmon wealthes so although euill men cleaue to good yet are they both gathered into one Churche And when hypocrites depart from the vnitie of the Churche the Churche is not rent in péeces but becommeth purer For excellently sayth Sainte Augustine That euill men or hypocrites are that in the Churche that chaffe is amongest wheate cockle in standing corne traytours in a ci ▪ tie and runnagates amongest souldiers But it is playne that wheate is the cleaner standing corne the lustier citizens safer and souldiers the strōger when runnagates traytours cockle and chaffe are separated from them Yea and except sometimes rotten members of the Churche be cutte off from the Ecclesiasticall bodie the Churche can not be in safetie And particular or seuerall Churches are as townes or cities in a kingdome The multitude of cities diuideth not the kingdome Of particular Churches dispersed throughout all the worlde as a bodie of many members is gathered and compacted together the Catholique and vniuersall Churche whiche is the fellowshippe of all the Saintes Therefore most certeine it is that there is but one onely church of God not many whereof the onely Monarche is Iesus Christe to whome be glorie The vnitie and vnited societie of this Churche of God is so greate that out of her fellowshippe is there no people found acceptable vnto GOD any true saluation or safetie any light or truth For without the pale of Gods Churche are no wholesome pastures founde all are infected with poyson No religion pleaseth GOD out of the Churche of GOD. If of olde time any man had sacrificed to GOD him selfe without the tabernacle or temple in the highe places he was accounted to haue sacrificed to diuelles and estéemed to haue shead innocent bloude Rightly therefore the blessed martyr and Byshoppe of Carthage Cyprian hath left in writing Who so euer separated from the Churche is ioyned to an adulterous Churche the same man is separated from the promises of the Churche neyther perteineth hee to Christes merites whiche hath left the Churche of Christe Hee is a straunger hee is vncleane hee is an enimie Hee can not now haue GOD his father who hath not the Churche his mother If hee might scape that was out of the arke of Noah hee may also escape that is abroade out of the Churche Hee must needes be a most wicked man who so euer hee be that leaueth his owne countrie and the fellowship of verie good men and falleth away to the enimies Lactantius therefore moste truely sayd It is only the Catholique churche whiche reteyneth true religion Here is the founteine of trueth this is the housholde of fayth this is the temple of GOD into whiche if one enter not
and yet gathereth not that sense that it may probably seeme he whome hee readeth ment in that place he is not perniciously deceiued neyther lyeth he at all The same anon after Hee is notwithstanding to bee corrected and must haue it shewed him howe muche more profitable it were for him not to leaue the highway lest by accustomable straying hee be forced eyther to goe crosse or croked Thus farre he Therefore where an Ecclesiasticall interpreter doth erre grossely it is lawfull to a better learned brotherly to admonishe him but to make a Scisme it is not lawfull The authours of Scisme lightly are somewhat proude and arrogant and swell with enuie and therefore are voyde of al charitie and modestie they allowe nothing but what they them selues bring foorth neither will they haue any thing common with others they are alwayes musing some high matter nothing that is cōmon or simple Vnto these men very well agréeth that saying of the Apostle Paul Knowledge puffeth vp but loue edifieth Therfore godly teachers in the church and also godly hearers for doctrine which is not altogether foolish though it be somewhat grosse yet being godly and tending to edification they neither leaue or forsake the fellowship of the churche neither striue they or contend but rather vse charitie in all things And if the ministers liues be attached with grieuous vices and yet in the meane season they be faithful in teaching admonishing exhorting rebuking and comforting if they lawfully distribute the lawful sacraments no man hath iust occasion to forsake the church The Lorde expresly saith in the gospel The Scribes the Phariseis sit in Moses seate Al therefore what so euer they bid you obserue that obserue and do but after their workes do not for they say and do not Behold the Lorde saith they say and do not therefore the teachers liues were not agreable to their doctrine yet for that they stoode in Moses seat that is to say bicause they taught the word of God lawfully and sincerely he biddeth to receiue their sincere doctrine but their life not being agréeable to their doctrine that he biddeth to refuse and therefore to make a scisme for the preachers euill liues sake the Lorde doth forbid Surely he commaundes to ●●ée from false Propetes But not an euil life but false doctrine maketh a false prophet A great con●lict about this matter had the holy father S. Augustine with the Donati●tes who contended that the ministerie was of smaller power through the imperfection of the ministers Which case is to be considered in an other sort But now what cause haue they to leaue and forsake our churches for the vnlikelinesse or varietie of ceremonies In the baptisme of childrē say they you obserue not one order and so also in the celebration of the supper Some take the breade of the Lorde in their handes sitting some do come and take it at the handes of the minister who also put it in the mouthes of the receiuers Some celebrate the Communion often some sildome and that but vpon set dayes And you vse not one forme of prayer Neither haue all your assemblies one manner neyther méete they at one time But howe shall we beléeue that the spirite of vnitie and peace is in you in whome is founde so great diuersitie For iust causes therefore we doe not communicate with you But of these customes we shall speake more fitly in their proper place But it is maruell that men not altogether rude and ignoraunt of Ecclesiasticall matters bring no other argumentes for defence of their wicked scisme Are the poore wretches ignoraunt how great diuersitie there hath bene alwayes in ceremonies vnitie notwithstanding alwayes remayning vndiuided in the catholique Church Socrates the famous writer of the ecclesiasticall historie in the fift booke of his histories the 22. chapter setteth out at large the diuersitie of ceremonies in the church of god Amongst other things he sayth No religion saith he keepeth all one kynde of ceremonies albeit it agree in doctrine about them For they which agree in faith differ in ceremonies And againe It shall be both laboursome and troublesome yea and impossible to describe al the ceremonies of all the churches in each citie regiō The blessed martyr Irenaeus writing to Victor bishop of Rome reherseth a great diuersity of the churches in their fastings and kéeping the feast of Easter and then addeth And yet not withstanding all these euen when they varied in their obseruations were both peaceable among themselues and with vs and yet are neyther doth the disagreement about fasting breake the agreement of faith And againe Blessed Polycarpus saith hee whē he came to Rome vnder Anicete hauing some small controuersie about certeine other matters were by and by reconciled But of this kinde of matter they cōtended not awhit For neither could Anicetus persuade Polycarpus that he should not obserue those thinges which with Iohn the disciple of our Lord the rest of the Apostles with whom he had ben conuersant he had always obserued Neither did Polycarpus persuade Anicetus not to keepe that custome which by the traditiō of those elders to whom he succeeded he said he was to kepe And these maters thus standing they had felowship one with an other Thus far he Moreouer the auncient church vsed great libertie in obseruatiō of ceremonies yet so always as it brake not the bond of vnitie Yea S. Austine prescribing vnto Ianuarius what in this diuersitie of ceremonies he shuld either do or followe biddeth not him to make ascisme but iudging moderately wisely No rule saith he in these things is better thā a graue wise christian who wil do in such sort as he shal se euery church do vnto which by chaūce he cōmeth For that whiche neither contrarie to faith nor good maners is cōmaūded is to be counted indifferent according to their society amongst whom we liue to be obserued Againe least vnder pretence of this rule counsel any might force vpon euery mā what ceremonies they wold he addeth The church of God placed amidst muche chaffe cockle suffereth many thinges yet whatsoeuer is either cōtrarie to faith or good life she alloweth not neither holds she her peace neither doth she it Last of al whereas these men thinke that there is no true church where as yet faultie manners are to be séen in men conuersant in the churche by whose conuersation they feare to be polluted vnles either they come not at the churche or else quickly forsake it they fall into the madnes of the heretikes called Catharoi who deceiued with the false imagination of exact holinesse vsing sharpe crueltie fled from those churches in which the fruits of the doctrine of the gospel plainly appeared not Against these we set both the prophetical apostolicall to wit the most holy churches For Esaie Ieremie rebuking the maners of their time do greatly inueigh against corruption
sauiour tooke vppon him the ministerie and was made the Apostle and minister of the churche of the Iewes What and if those first ministers were such as no age in any doctrine of religion in holinesse and excellencie had their fellowes muche lesse their betters At this day in so muche as they are the last times wherein scoffers and Epicures haue their full range the ministerie of Gods word is of no value But if you runne ouer and weigh all the ages euen vnto the beginning of the world you shall finde that the wisest iustest and best men in the whole world had nothing in more reuerence than the word of God the prophets and the holy apostles of God. But before we procéede any further in other thinges belonging to this matter we wil make answere to some which euē vnder the pretence of the holy scriptures endeuour to peruert the ministerie of the word For they alledge this text of Ieremie No man shall teach his neighbour for al shall know me As we denie not that Ieremie hath so written so we say by that kinde of speache and figuratiue saying that he ment nothing else thā that the knowledge of God and heauenly things should be very common in the whole world Which Ioel also foretolde woulde come to passe and which Peter alledgeth in the Actes 2. chapter In the meane while those two Prophets as also all other verie often doe make mention of the teachers of the Churche whome the Lorde shoulde sende vnto his people which they woulde not haue done if they had vnderstoode that all preachers shoulde be cleane taken away Whereas other obiect that al haue the office of teaching committed alike vnto them to wit parents to teach their children and euery one to admonish his neighbour therefore that there is no neede of the ministerie of the worde of God in the church it is sophisticall For all of vs can and ought priuately to teache and admonishe our children and our neighbours but therfore the publique ministerie of the word of God is not superfluous For the same God whiche commaunded parents and vs all that they shoulde instruct their children in godlinesse and that euery one of vs also shoulde teache and admonish our neighbours hath giuen publique ministers vnto the Churche It is their office to teache openly or publiquely in the Churche neyther is this permitted to whome so euer will but onely to them that be lawfully ordeyned least happily if other teache they should not goe forward in the righte pathe For then it were lawefull for euery one being inspired with the spirit of God at what time and place so euer both soberly to gainesay and to affirme the trueth Therefore the publique ministerie of the worde remaineth neuerthelesse and that perpetually in the Church Thus much haue we spoken in generall of the ministerie and the ministers of the worde of god Nowe that which remaineth of this matter we will discusse by their kyndes and partes and first we will shewe what orders or what offices the Lord hath instituted from the beginning or whō he hath put in authoritie in the holie ministerie of the churche then what manner men and after what sorte it is méete for vs to ordeine ministers Last of all what maner of office it is that they haue that are ordeined in the church And that we be not troublesome vnto you beginning a long discourse from the Patriarches we will beginne at our Lord Christ him selfe of whom Paul the Apostle speaking Hee that descended sayth he is euen the same whiche ascended vp farre aboue all heauens to fulfill all things And he gaue some Apostls and some Prophets and some Euangelists and some Pastours and Doctours to the gathering together of the Saintes into the work of ministration into the edifying of the body of Christ And so foorth as is read in the 4. chapter to the Ephesians Therfore our Lord ordeined Apostles Prophetes Euangelistes Pastours and Doctours by whose labour he ment to builde preserue and gouerne the Church Let vs nowe sée what the scripture teacheth vs of them Apostle is a newe name giuen of the Lorde him selfe to those twelue whiche he chose peculiarly and ordeined teachers and maisters to all nations For thus we reade in the 6. of Luke The Lord called his disciples and of them he chose twelue whome also hee called Apostles For Apostle signifieth one that is sent a messinger embassadour or oratour For in the Gospell after Sainte Iohn we read The Apostle or messinger is not greater than he that sent him And truely there is verie often mention made of sending in the Prophets in the olde Testament from whence it séemeth the Lord borrowed that name We reade of no certeine boundes appoynted to the Apostles For the Lorde saith in the Gospell Goe ye into the whole worlde and preache the Gospell to all creatures These are the maister builders of the firste Churche of God from whome among auncient writers they tooke the name of Apostolique Churches those I meane which the Apostles first founded as was the Church at Antioch Ephesus Corinthe and many other mentioned in the Acts of the apostles The name of a Minister and Prophete is excéeding large Whereof is spoken in an other place Prophetes in this place are they which excell in singular reuelation and by whome the Lorde foretelleth thinges that shall come to the Churche suche a one as we reade Agabus was which both foretold to S. Paule the famine whiche was to come and his bonds Wise and godly men indued with a singular gifte of interpreting the scripture in times past were called Prophetes as it maye appeare by the wordes of the Apostle 1. Cor. 14. chapter An Euangelist is a preacher of the Gospell of Iesus Christe sente with Apostolique authoritie Such we reade were Philip and Timothie c. Pastours watche ouer the Lordes flocke hauing care of the Lordes people féeding the Churche with the worde of trueth and kéeping the woolues from the shéepefouldes The chiefe of these is that good shepehearde Christe which sayth vnto Peter Feede my sheepe Whereby he also ioyneth him selfe to shepeheards Doctours or Teachers haue their names of teaching Neyther do I sée what they differ from shepheards but that they did onely teache and in the meane while were not burthened with the care that belongeth to the Pastour of whiche sort in a manner are the interpreters of scriptures and gouernours of Christian schooles There are also found other names of the ouerséers of the Churche in the scriptures The Apostle Paule saith vnto the shepeheards gathered together in the counsel at Miletum Take heede therefore vnto your selues and to all the flocke ouer the whiche the holy ghost hath made you ouerseers to feede the Church of God. But byshops are called Superintendents séers kéepers watchmē rulers The people of Athens called them whome they sēt to
their tributarie cities subiecte vnto them diligently to sée and marke what they did in euerie citie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to say spyes and watchmen The Apostles called byshops watchmen and kéepers of the Lords flocke and the stewardes of Christe or disposers of the secretes of God in the Churche And Presbyter an Elder hath his name of age and auncient yeares In times past the care of the common wealth was committed vnto the elders as to those that were exercised with manifolde experience long vse of things For gouernours of cities are bothe called Seniors and Senatours And as common weales haue their Senatours so hath the church her elders as it appeareth in the Actes 14. 15. 20. 21. chap. It séemeth that the ordeining of elders came into the church out of the synagogue For thus we reade in the booke of Numbers Gather vnto me saith he three score and ten men of the elders of Israel whome thou knowest to bee the elders of the people and officers ouer them and I wil take of the spirit which is vpon thee and put vppon them and they shall beare the burthen of the people with thee least thou bee constrained to beare it alone Wherefore the elders in the churche of Christe are eyther byshoppes or otherwise prudent and learned men added to byshops that they maye the more easily beare the burthen layd vpon them and that the churche of God may the better and more conueniently be gouerned For Paule sayth The elders that rule well let them be counted woorthy of double honour most specially they which labour in the worde and doctrine There were therefore certeine other in the Ecclesiasticall function who albeit they did not teach by and by as did the byshops yet were they present with them that taught in all all businesses Perhaps they are called of the same Apostle elsewhere Gouernours that is is to say whiche are set in authoritie concerning discipline and other affaires of the churche And bycause we are come thus farre in this present treatise we will also declare other names of offices in the churche There is muche speache in the scriptures of Deacons and amonge Ecclesiasticall writers of Priestes In the primitiue Churche the care of the poore was committed to Deacons as it is plainely gathered out of the sixt chapter of the Actes of the Apostles There are also lawes to be séene which are prescribed vnto them by the Apostle in the firste to Timothie the thirde chapter The office of Deacons was separated frō the function of Pastours and therefore we do not reckon them in the order of Pastours The auncient fathers referred them to the ministerie but not to the Priesthoode We reade also that women not wedded but widowes ministred in the primitiue churche And among other Phebe of the churche of Cenc●ea highly praysed of the Apostle is verie famous But he forbiddeth women to teach in the church and to take vpon them publique offices How therfore or in what thing did women minister in the churche vndoubtedly they ministred vnto the poore in duties apperteyning to women They ministred vnto the sicke and with Martha Christs hostesse they did with great care and diligence chearish the members of Christe For what other offices could they haue Moreouer the name of Priest séemeth to be brought into the churche out of the synagogue For otherwise ye shall not finde in the newe Testament the ministers of the worde of GOD and of churches to be called priestes but after that sorte that all Christians are called priestes by the Apostle Peter But it appeareth that the ministers of the new Testament for a certeine likenesse whiche they haue with the ministers of the olde Testament of ecclesiasticall writers are called Priestes For as they did their seruice in the tabernacle so these also after their manner and their fashion minister to the churche of god For otherwise the Latine word is deriued of holy things and signifieth a minister of holy things a man I say dedicated and consecrated vnto God to do holy things And holy things are not only sacrifices but what things so euer come vnder the name of religion from whiche we dee not exclude the lawes them selues and holy doctrine In the old testament we read that Dauids sonnes were called priestes not that they were ministers of holy things for it was not lawfull for thē whiche came of the tribe of Iuda to serue in the tabernacle but onely to the Leuites but bicause they liuing vnder the gouernement and discipline of priestes did learne good sciences and holy diuinitie Here it séemeth it must not be dissembled that those names which we haue intreated of are in the Scriptures one vsed for an other For Peter the Apostle of Christ our Lord calleth him selfe an Elder And in the Actes of the Apostles he calleth the Apostleship a Byshopricke For Saint Paule also calling the Elders together at Miletum and talking with them he calleth them Byshops And in his Epistle vnto Titus he commaundeth to ordeine Elders towne by towne whome immediately after he calleth Byshoppes And that they also are called both Doctors and Pastours there is none so grosse headed to denie Now by all these things we think it is manifest to all men what orders the Lord him selfe ordeined from the beginning and whome he hath consecrated to the holie ministerie of the Church to gouerne his owne church He layd the foundation of the churche at the beginning by Apostles Euangelistes and Prophetes he enlarged and mainteyned the same by Pastours and Doctours To these Elders and Deacons were helpers The Deacons in séeing to the poore and the Elders in doctrine in discipline and in gouerning and susteyning other weightier affaires of the Churche Neuerthelesse it appeareth that the order of the Apostles Euangelistes and Prophets was ordeined at the beginning by the Lorde vnto his Churche for a time according to the matter persons and places For many ages since and immediatly after the foundation of Christes kingdome in earth the Apostles Euangelistes and Prophets ceased and there came in their place Byshops Pastours Doctours and Elders which order hath continued most stedfastly in the Church that nowe we can not doubt that the order of the Churche is perfect and the gouernement absolute if at this day also there remaine in the Church of God byshops or pastours doctours also or Elders Yet we deny not that after the death of the Apostles there were oftentimes Apostles raysed vp of GOD whiche might preache the Gospell to barbarous and vngodly nations We confesse also that God euen at this day is able to rayse vp Apostles Euangelistes and Prophetes whose labour he may vse to worke the saluation of mankinde For we acknowledge that holy and faithfull men whiche first preach the truth of the Gospell to any vnbeléeuing people may be called Apostles and Euangelistes
driuē out go their way by these verie signes it is proued that that is true which is said that Christ is Lord of all things So the wonders which Moses Aaron wrought in Aegypt Exod. 4. are called in the Scripture signes For they were witnesses both of Gods lawefull sending tokens of his mightie power to be executed against Aegypt but neither had these any ceremonie nether gathered together into any societie Now also we read that some signes are paradigmaticall that is vsed in déede of men but not without Gods commaundement that these also may be said to be signes from god Those be altogether frée from myracles and in déede not onely fetched from natural things but also from things méere common and vsual as were the bands pitcher and chaines of the holy prophet Ieremie whereby beeing willed of God so to doe hee layed before them those thinges in a certaine euident fourme and figure I meane in a visible signe to be séene with mens eyes which by his preaching he prophecied should fall vppon them The like wée maye sée in Ezech. the 17. and 24. cap. These signes paradigmaticall or for exāple are in some things like to those exercises of Rhetorique called Chriae Actiuę yea rather they are certeine mixt Chriae so termed for that they consist partly in woords and partly in déeds Aphthonius defineth an Actiue Chrię To be that which declareth plainely sheweth a thinge by action deed or gesture As when Pythagoras was demaunded how long mans life lasted He for a while stood still that they might looke vppon him but anon hée shrunke away and withdrew himselfe out of their sight after that manner action signifying the mans life is but short momentanie But in the scripture for the most part are sett downe Chrię cōsisting of word déed as whē Christ toke a little child and set him in the middest of his disciples and spake these words Verilie I saye vnto you except ye shall turne and beecome as little children ye shall not enter into the kingdome of heauen But these actions or signes haue not the institution and commaundement of God charging vs to renue this very action by solemne celebrating the same Neuertheles sacramentall signes haue some affinitie with these namely baptisme and the Lords supper For they are giuen vnto vs from aboue are taken from naturall thinges without any myracle yea they are instituted vnder the fourme of naturall and sensible things and in such things as are verie common water bread and wine This they haue common with other signes giuen of God in that they renue thinges past and shadowe out thinges to come and by a signe do represent thinges signified They differ peculiarlie from other signes in that they haue ceremonies ioyned with the commaundement of God which ceremonies hee hath commaunded his church to solemnize And this also is peculiar to them that being seals of gods promises they couple vs visiblye to God and to all the sainctes they are dedicated to the most holy mysteries of God in Christ Of these I wil intreate more largly and diligently hereafter The sacramentall signes of Christ and of Christ his church namely whiche Christ our Lord hath deliuered to his church and which his church hath receiued of him and do lawfully vse the same are called of Latine writers by the name of Sacraments But the word is not found in the whole Scripture sauing that it is read to be vsed of Interpretours howbeit the word Signe is oft in the scriptures and that which helpeth for our purpose is most signicantly set down in Gen. 17. Rom. 4. In the meane while we do not reiecte the Latine word Sacramentū a sacrament as lightly regarding it neither yet reiecting it do we forge or deuise a new I likewel enough of the word Sacramēt so it be vsed lawfully S. August in his 5. epist. to Marcellinꝰ saith It were too long to dispute of the diuersitie of signes which whē they perteine to holy things are termed sacraments From whēce doubtles sprange that cōmon definition or descriptiō A Sacrament is a signe of an holy thing which as it cannot be reiected so there is none but séeth that in it the nature of the thing is not fully cōprehended or expressed neither is it separated frō those thinges whiche also are holy signes There is another definition therfore brought forth and vsed which is in déed more perfect than the other A sacrament is a visible signe of an inuible grace But because this also doeth not in all poinctes expresse the nature of the thing this definition following séemeth vnto many more allowable which is after this manner Sacraments are ceremonies wherwith god exerciseth his people first to stirr vp increase and mainteine their faith then to the end to testifie before men his religion This is a true and right definition But what if you define a sacrament somewhat more fully and largely in this manner Sacramentes are holy actions consisting of wordes or promises of the Gospell or of prescripte rites or Ceremonies giuen for this ende to the Churche of God from heauen to bee wittnesses and seales of the preaching of the Gospel to exercise trie faith and by earthly and visible thinges to represent sett before our eyes the deepe mysteries of God to bee short to gather to gether a visible Church or congregation and to admonishe them of their duetie This definition truely is farre fett large and many fold a definition I say gathered of many parts but we meane to goe to it simplie plainly to lay forth the whole matter before your eyes to be séen then wil we make manifest euery part therof and confirme the same with testimonies of scripture Now that I may fully intreat of the names the are giuen to this thing I finde that Latine writers call Sacrament an oath or a religious bond because it was not done as I thinke thoroughly and to the proofe without certeine ceremonies M. Varro in his second booke De lingua Latina declaring what it is to contend with an oth sayth The plaintife the defendant eche of them in some thinges gaged down at the place appointed for that purpose fiue hūdred peeces of siluer and also in other thinges a sett number of ounces so that he which recouered in iudgement should haue his gage againe but hee whiche was cast should forfaite it to the treasurie Since therefore by intermeddling of holy thinges through partaking of the sacraments we are boūd to God and to all the saincts as it were by obligation and that God himselfe also by the testimonie of the sacraments hath as it were by an oathe bound himselfe to vs it appeareth that the name of sacrament is very aptly properly applied to our signes We read also in Latine writers of an oath that souldiers vsed to take For it was not lawefull for thē to fight vnlesse
bloud of Christ The reason hereof is this As bread nourisheth and strengtheneth man and giueth him abilitie to labour so the bodie of Christ eaten by faith féedeth and satisfieth the soule of man and furnisheth the whole man to all dueties of Godlines As wine is drincke to the thirstie and maketh merrie the heartes of men so the bloud of our Lord Iesus droncken by faith doeth quenche the thirst of the burning conscience and filleth the heartes of the faithful with vnspeakeable ioy But in the action of the supper the bread of the Lord is broken the wine is powred out For the body of oure Sauiour was broken that is by all meanes afflicted and his bloud gushed and flowed plentifully out of his gaping woundes And wée oure selues truely do breake with our owne handes the bread of the lord For we oure selues are in fault that hée was torne tormented Our sinnes woūded him we our selues crucified him that is to say hée was crucified for vs that by his death hée might deliuer vs from death Furthermore we take the bread into our hands we likewise take the cupp into our hands because he sayd Take ye eate ye take ye and diuide it amonge you neither doe we lay them aside or hide them neither do we giue them forthwith to others but when we haue receiued them we eate and drinke them swallowing them down into oure bodies then afterward wée do communicate and offer them to other For they whiche lawefully celebrate the Lords Supper doe not onely beléeue that Christ suffered or that he suffered for other and not for them but they beléeue that Christe suffered for themselues they beléeue that Christe doeth and as it were hath alreadie communicated all his giftes most liberally vnto them Therefore as the sustenance of bread and wine passing into the bowels is chaunged into the substaunce of mans bodie euen so Christe béeing eaten of the godly by faith is vnited vnto thē by his spirite so that they are one with Christe and he one with them And as meate plentifully prepared deintily dressed and onely séene vppon the table doeth not asswage hūger so if thou heare Christ reuerently preached vnto thée and doest not beléeue that Christ with all his good gifts is thine neither the word thoughe reuerently preached nor yet the board though abundantly stoared doe profite thée any thing And it maketh much to the reconciling renuing and mainteyning of friendship that wée are all partakers of one bread that wee offer bread to our brethren and that wee drinke of the cupp which we receiue at our brethrens hand For vpon no other cause the auncient fathers seeme to call the Supper Synaxis A commmunion But of that we wil speake somewhat else-where And thus muche haue I brought for example sake touching the Analogie of the signe and thing signified and would saye more but that I trust to them that bee diligent this is sufficient For I haue ministered occasion to thinke vpon and to finde out more and greater thinges By this short treatise touching the Analogie I thincke it is plaine that sacramentes stirre vpp and helpe the faith of the Godly For whiles oure mind comprehendeth and considereth the benefites of God Christe his blessing oure redemption and other his good giftes while it enioyeth them with great pleasure of the spirite whiles in them it is glad reioyceth Sacraments are nowe also outwardly giuen whiche doe visibly represent those thinges to oure eyes and as it were make them to enter into all our senses whiche the minde inwardlye comprehendeth considereth and meditateth vpon For because the whole action which consisteth of the words the rite or ceremonie is counted with the signe oure eyes sée the signes and all thinges which are done in the whole action of the signes all which do as it were speake Our eares heare the words and institutions of Christ Yea our very touching and tasting they also doe féele and perceiue how swéete and good the Lord is so that now the whole man as it were both body and soule caught vp into heauen doth féele and perceiue that his faith is stirred vp and holpen and to be short that the fruite of faith in Christe is passing swéete comfortable All these things haue place in them that beléeue In them that beléeue not the signes remaine as they are without life therefore these things are brought to passe by the vertue or power of faith and of the spirite working in the lawfull vse of the sacraments without faith the holy Ghost they are not felt or perceiued There is not vnlike efficacie or force also in the preaching of the word of god For when this word by parables by exāples by descriptiō is set forth to the hearers if the spirite and faith shine in their mind by these they séeme not only to heare things expoūded but to sée them with their eyes In consideration whereof I thinke Paul said O foolish Galathians who hath bewitched you that ye shuld not beleeue the truth to whom Iesus Christ was described before your eyes among you crucified for it is certeine y Christe was no where either described or crucified among the Galathiās he speaketh therefore of his plainnesse of preaching the word wherby things in déede are shewed but yet with such force and efficacie as if they were in a maner layed before their eyes There is the same reason also in sacraments which for that cause were called of them of old visible words Of these thinges in this manner intreateth Zuinglius in his booke Ad principes Germaniae contra Eggium saying Doeth not a faithful man desire when hee feeleth his faith like to fall to bee vpholden and restoared to his place and where in the whole world shall he hope to finde that more conueniently thā in the verie actions of the Sacraments so much as belongeth to all sensible thinges For let it bee that all creatures allure prouoke vs to the contemplation or beholding of Gods maiestie yet all that their allurement or prouoking is dum but in the Sacramentes there is a liuelye prouoking speaking allurement For the Lord speaketh and the elements also speake and they speake persuade that to our senses which the word spirit speaketh to our minde Howebeit hitherto all these visible things are nothing vnlesse the sanctification of the spirit go before These things he handleth more at large first in his annotations vppon the 27. cap. of Ieremie and afterward In Expositione Fidei ad regem Christianum Furthermore we read that Sainct Augustine disputinge againste the Maniches Lib. 19. contra Faustum cap. 11. said Men cannot bee gathered together into any name of Religion either true or false vnlesse they be knitt together in some fellowship of visible signes or Sacraments c. Wée acknowledging this opinion of S. Augustine fetchte from the Scriptures doe teach touching the Sacraments that we by them
short which waye you must incline And then hee scattereth certeine groundes of argumentes which they afterward discussing might by their diligence polishe and make perfecte They sayeth he that are partakers of the supper of the Lord in which the bread of the Lord is broken and the cup of the Lord is dronken are of the same communion fellowship or body with the lord For 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whiche word Paul vseth héere and which interpreters haue translated Communion or partaking though fellowship is better than partaking as in the Dutch translation Gmeind is better than Gmeind chaffe is not taken actiuely as I may so say for the distributing giuing or reaching out Christes bodie by the minister but passiuely for the fellowship and societie for the bodie I say of the Churche as when the churche is called a communion that is an assemblie a gathering together and societie of saincts or godly Christians Furthermore the Churche is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or a communion of the bodie and bloud of Christe beecause it is redéemed by the bodie and bloud of Christ being partaker of Christ liueth by him For he liueth in the godly Christians communicating vnto them all his good gifts of life And that the partakers of the supper of that Lord are the bodie or communion of Christ he declareth by a reason which followeth saying Because we that are many are one bread and one bodie Wherevnto by by hee addeth another more euident reason for interpretations sake saying For we are all partakers of one bread In that we are partakers of one bread sayth he we doe openly testifie that we are partakers of the same bodie with Christe and all his Sainctes In which wordes hée hath a notable respecte to the Analogie For as by vniting together of many graines as Cyprian saith is made one breade or one loafe as of many clusters of grapes one wine is pressed out so out of many members groweth vpp and is made the bodie of the Church which is the bodie of Christ Nowe in the woordes of Paule these thinges offer themselues vnto vs to be marked First for that nowe hée calleth that a multitude or manye by a woorde expressing his minde better whiche before he named a communion A communion therfore is nothing else but a multitude or congregation For he said The bread is the partaking of the bodie of Christe but now he saith We being many are one bread one body We being many sayeth he that is all wée which are a multitude and a congregation or Churche redéemed by the bodie of Christ which was giuen and by his bloud whiche was shedd for vs Afterwards hée saith We being many are one bodie hee doeth not say are made one bodie For wee are not first graffed into the bodie of Christe as wée haue often repeated alreadie by partaking of the sacramentes but wée whiche were before ingraffed by grace inuisiblye are nowe also visibly consecrated Againe by the like reason of Sacraments or by an example of the scripture taken from the Sacramentes of the people of the old Testament hee sheweth that the partakers of the sacramentes are one bodie both with him to whome they offer and with them with whome they offer or with whome they eate of thinges offered to idols Behold saith hee the Israelites whiche offer sacrifices after the flesh Are not they that eate the sacrifices 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to say communicants fellowes or partakers of the thinges of the temple or of the altar For vnder the word of the things of the temple or of the altar 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is his word he comprehendeth whatsoeuer doth belong to the worshipp and religion of the God of the Iewes so that the sense or meaning may be this Are not all they one bodie one communion one people both with the God of Israel and with his people which eate of the sacrifices offered to the God of Israel by the Israelitish people As if hee had said There is none that is ignoraunt of it or that can denie it since it is confessed and manifest amonge all men By these thinges hée leaueth to the Corinthians of their owne accord thus much to be gathered Therefore they that are partakers of the sacramentes of the Gentiles are one bodie and one fellowship with the Gods of the Gentiles and the Gentiles which do sacrifice Nowe by the figure Occupatio which is when in aunswearing we preuent an obiectiō that may bee made hée placeth these woordes betwéene What saye I then That the idol is any thinge Or that that whiche is offered in sacrifice to idols is any thing Wherevnto by and by he addeth But this I saye that the thinges whiche the Gentiles offer in sacrifice they offer to diuels and not to God. Herevpon he might lawfully haue inferred Therefore if you continue to bée partakers of thinges offered to idols ye shall verilie be one bodie and one fellowshippe both with the diuell him selfe and all his members But béecause this might haue béene taken of many to haue béene bitterly spoken hée addeth another sayinge some-what more milde and gentle and sayeth And I would not that yee should bee 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is communicants or partakers haue fellowship with diuels After which woords by comparing the contrarie partes hée bringeth in the summe of the whole matter to whiche he directed all his reasons and sayeth Yee cannot drincke the cupp of the Lord and the cupp of diuels ye cannot bee partakers of the Lords table and of the table of diuels And so forth The Sacramentes therefore doe separate vs from all other worshippinges and religions and doe binde and consecrate yea and also as it were make vs of the same body with one true GOD and sincere Christian Religion béecause wée béeing partakers of them doe openly professe that wée be the members of Iesus Christe whiche no man that is well in his wittes will take and make them the members of fornication and of idols That which Zuinglius that learned man hath In expositione fidei Christianę ad regem Christianum is not impertinent to this purpose Sacramentes sayeth hée are in steede of an oathe For Sacramentum with the Latines is vsed also for an oathe For they that vse one and the selfe-same Sacramentes are one peculiar nation an holy sworne cōgregation they are knitt together into one body and into one people whome whoso betrayeth shall perishe Therefore the people of Christe since by eating his bodye sacramentally they are knit into one bodie Now he that is faithlesse and yet dare be so bould as to make himselfe one of this societie or fellowship betrayeth the body of Christe as well in the head as in the members c. Thus farre he By this it is easie to vnderstand that sacramentes put vs in minde of oure duetie especially if wée marke in the writings of the Apostle how considering the maner of sacraments
yet able to confesse beléeuers bycause he reputeth them of his grace for beléeuers Neyther is this any wonder or strange thing since god yea to them that are of perfect age imputeth faith for righteousnesse For in all points righteousnesse acceptation or sanctification is frée and imputatiue that the glory of his grace might be praysed Furthermore his will is that little ones should not be despised muche lesse to be cast out among the number of the Saintes Yea he doth affirme that Angels are giuen vnto them to bée their kéepers who though they be ministers of Gods maiestie yet the selfe same are giuen and graunted to litle children to be their guard so that hereby we may iudge what great store the Lord setteth by infants and learne not to wype them out of the skoare of Gods people to whome the inheritaunce of life is due We attribute nothing here to the byrthe which is after the fleshe but all thinges to the grace and promise of god Nowe it is euident by all these testimonies that as well the infantes of the faythfull are to bee baptised as also those that are of perfect age confessing the faythe Nowe on the contrarie parte the Anabaptistes doe contend that none is to be baptised but he alone whiche bothe is able to be taught and to beléeue yea and to make confession of his fayth also And for confirmation of this thing they bring these sayinges of our Sauiour Out of Saint Matthewe Goe yee therefore and teache all nations baptising them in the name of the Father c. Out of Marke Go● yee into the whole worlde and preache the Gospell to all creatures he which shall beleue and bee baptised shall bee saued c. Beholde say they teaching goeth before baptisme Therefore they that are notable to be taught ought not to be baptised Furthermore to beléeue goeth before and to baptise followeth after Infantes do not beléeue therefore they are not to be baptised Vpon all these they heape vp out of the Actes of the Apostles examples whiche proue that the faithfull that is to say they that confesse the fayth were baptised of the Apostles They reckon vppe also the newly instructed Christians of the olde time to whom say they there had bene no place giuen if they had baptised infantes I aunswere If the order of the wordes make anything in this matter we also haue in a readinesse to serue oure turne For in Marke thus we reade Iohn baptised in the desert preaching the baptisme of repentaunce in whiche place we sée that to baptise goeth before to preache followeth after Yea I will shewe also that that place which they alledge out of Matthewe for them selues maketh also for vs For Matthewes wordes be these All power is giuen vnto me both in heauen and in earth sayth the Lord Goe therfore 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to say discipulate that I may so speak that is make ye me disciples or gather together al nations yea he teacheth them also the way means how to gather disciples vnto him out of all nations or al nations by baptising teaching them By baptising and preaching ●e shall gather me together a church And he setteth out both of them seuerally one after an other swéetely and shortly saying baptising them in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holie Ghoste Teaching them to obserue all thinges which I haue commaunded you Now therefore baptisme goeth before teaching But we doe not thereby gather that those nations which neuer heard any thing before of God and the Sonne of God and the holy Ghoste are to be baptised neyther would the Apostles haue borne that but we alledge these thinges to declare vpon howe fickle a foundation the Anabaptists do build And we simply say that it is not true whiche these men imagine that the Lord cōmanded his apostles to baptise them onely whom they taught Neyther dothe he here poynt out who are to be baptised in the whole worlde but he speaketh of them that are of perfect age and of laying the firste foundations of fayth and of the Churche among the Gentiles being rude as yet and ignoraunt altogether in religion They that are of perfect age are able to beare preaching or teaching Infantes are not so They that are of perfect age are able to beleeue and confesse Infantes are not so Therefore he speaketh nothing here of infantes Yet therefore they are not debarred from baptisme It is a general law He which doth not labor let him not eate but who is so cruell and vnnaturall to thinke that therefore infantes are to be famished to death The Lorde when true religion beganne to be spread abroad sent his Apostles into all nations vnto them which bothe were ignoraunt of God and strangers from the Testamentes of God Truely it beh●●ued them not firste to baptise and afterwarde to teache but first to teach and then to baptise If at this day we shuld go to 〈◊〉 or turne the Turkes to the sayth of Christe first truely we should ●eache thē afterward baptise the seruantes of Christ and those that would yelde themselues into his subiectiō So the Lord him self in times past also first renued his couenant with Abraham him selfe and instituted Circumcisiō for a seale of the Couenant and after that Abraham was circumcised But he him selfe when he vnderstoode that infantes also were partakers in the couenant and that circumcision was the seale of the couenaunt he afterward did not only circumcise Ismael being thirtéene yeares of age and all that were borne in his owne house but infantes also among whom we reckon Isaach also Euen so the faythfull whiche were turned by the preaching of the Gospel from gentilisme and confessing were baptised when they vnderstoode that their infantes were counted amonge the people of God and that baptisme was the badg of Gods people they caused also their infantes to be baptised As therefore it is written of Abraham He circumcised al the menchildren in his house so we oftentimes reade in the Actes and writings of the Apostles that after the maister of the house is turned the whole familie is baptised But as concerning the newly instructed Christians they came in the old time from the Gentiles dailye vnto the Church whome these did instruct in the principles of faythe being ignoraunt therein and afterwarde baptised them But the auncient fathers them selues neuerthelesse baptised also the infants of the faythful which anon we will declare Neither doe they lawfully gather when they conclude in this sort Hee which shall beleeue and be baptised shall be shwed Infantes doe not beléeue therfore they are not to be baptised For againe it is certeine that it is spoken of them that be of perfecte age as in Matth. And bycause he requireth fayth and confession of fayth of those that are of perfect age it doth not followe therevpon that he requireth the same of infantes For he accounteth these as his
The same also is mentioned in Luke In the Gospel of Iohn the third chapter baptisme is called Purifying In the Actes of the Apostles Peter saith to the people which demaunded what they should do Repent ye and let euery one of you be baptised in the name of Iesus Christe for the remission of sinnes Ananias also sayth to Paule Arise and be baptised wash awaye thy sinnes in calling on the name of the Lord. And now Paule himselfe saith Christ loued the church gaue himselfe for it to sanctifie it when he had cleansed it in the founteine of water in the word Wherefore the promise yea the trueth of sanctification and ●rée remission of sinnes is written and ingrauen in oure bodies when we are baptised For God by his spirite thorough the bloud of his sonne hath newly regenerated and purged againe oure souls and euen now doth regenerate and purge them And baptisme is sufficient and effectual for the whole life of man yea and reacheth and is referred to all the sinnes of all them that are baptised For the promise of God is true The seale of the promise is true not deceiueable The power of Christ is euer effectuall throughly to cleanse and wash away all the sinnes of them that be his Howe often therefore soeuer wee haue sinned in our life time let vs call into oure remembrance the mysterie of holy baptisme wherewith for the whole course of our life we are washed that we might know not doubt that our sinnes are forgiuen vs of the same God and oure Lord yea and by the bloud of Christe into whome by baptisme once we are graffed that he might alwayes woorke saluation in vs euen til we be receiued out of myserie into glorie Neither is there any doubt that Abraham in his whole life had continually in his minde the mysterie of circumcision and rested in God and the séede promised vnto him Yet I thinke that that ought diligently to be marked which S. Augustine pithily plainly hath oftē cited That our sinnes are forgiuen or purged in baptisme not that they are no more in vs for as long as we liue concupiscence beareth swaye alwayes breedeth and bringeth forth in vs somewhat like it selfe but that they shuld not be imputed vnto vs neither that wee may not ●inne but that it should not bee hurtfull for vs to haue or had sinned that our sinnes may be remitted when they are committed not suffered to be continued De Fide operib cap. 20. And also many more of this kind Gratian reciteth Distinct 4. de Consecrat Beside that by baptisme wee are gathered together into the fellowship of the people of god Wherevppon of some it is called the first signe or entrie into Christianitie by the whiche an entraunce into the churche lieth open vnto vs Not that before wee did not belong to the church For whosoeuer is of Christ partaker of the promises of God and of his eternall couenaunt belongeth vnto the Churche Baptisme therefore is a visible signe and testimonie of our ingraffing into the bodie of Christ And it is rightly called a planting incorporating or ingraffing into the bodie of Christe For I said in the generall discourse of Sacramentes that wee first by baptisme were ioyned with Christe and afterward with all the members of Christ our brethren For Paul saith All ye that are baptised haue put on Christ But to put on Christ is to bée made one with him as as it were to be ioyned and incorporated in him that he may liue in vs and we in him For hée onely by his spirite regenerateth and renueth vs and most liberally inricheth vs with all manner good giftes which the same Apostle in another place expresseth in these words God saued vs by the founteine of the regeneration renuing of the holy Ghost whiche he shedd on vs richly through Iesus Christ our sauiour Yea and therefore Christ our Lord is baptised in oure baptisme to declare that he is our brother and we ioynte-heires with him Verie well therefore said S. August That baptisme is thus farre forceable that wee beeing baptised are incorporated into Christ and counted his members The same Aug. calleth Baptisme the sacrament of Christian felowship For we are gathered againe visibly by baptisme into the vnitie of one bodie with all the faithfull as many as haue beene are and shal be For Paule also saith By one spirite wee are all baptised into one bodie And it followeth hereby that baptisme serueth for our confession and is rightly called the token of Christian religion For it is a badge or cognizaunce wherby we witnesse and professe that wée consent and are lincked into Christian religion Wée cōfesse that we by nature are sinners and vncleane but sanctified by the grace of God through Christ For if we were cleane by nature what néeded we then any cleansing But now since wee are cleansed who doubteth of the truth of God Therefore when we receiue baptisme wee truely and fréely confesse both our sinne wherein we were borne and also frée forgiuenesse of sinnes Lastly the remembrance and consideration of the mysterie of baptisme putteth vs in minde of the dueties of Christianitie and Godlines that is to say al our life long to weigh diligently with our selues of whose bodie we be made members to denie our selues and this world to mortifie our fleshe with that cōcupiscences of the same and to be buried with Christ into his death that we may rise againe in newnesse of life and liue innocently to loue our brethren as our mēbers with whom by baptisme we are knit together into one bodie to remaine in the bond of concord in the vnitie of the church not to followe straunge religions béeing mindeful that we are baptised into Christ to whome alone we are consecrated and farre separated and diuided from all other Gods worships or religions and to be short from all heresies Let vs thincke also that wée must constantly and valiantly fighte against Sathan and the whole kingdome of Sathan As often therefore as wée remember wée are baptised with Christes baptisme so often are these thinges put into our mindes and wée admonished of our duetie But the Apostle handleth this matter more at large in the sixt Chapter of his epistle to the Romanes where hee expresly maketh mētion that we by baptisme are made the graftes of Christ that is to say that we might growe out of him as braunches out of the vine and féele in our mindes and bodies both the death and resurrection of Christe For since we are indued with the spirit of Christ which worketh in vs our body verily dieth daily but oure spirite liueth and reioyceth in Christe To whom be glorie for euer and euer Amen ¶ Of the Lords holie Supper what it is by whome when and for whome it was instituted after what sort when and howe oft it is to be celebrated and
as were religious no not many yeres after For Ezechias the king celebrated the passeouer so likewise did Iosias celebrate the same but not after any other rite or maner than was deliuered from Moses The fathers circūcised their infantes but not after any other maner nor any other rite than was first instituted In times past who so had not sacrificed in the same place according to the same maner which God commaunded by Moses was by the law accused of murther Nadab Abihu are smitten with lightning from heauen for bringing strange fire into the Tabernacle Oza is smitten with souden death for that the Arke of the Lorde of hoastes was not handled in suche sort as was by the law commanded And therefore the maner of celebrating the lords supper as it was by the Lord instituted deliuered to the Church by the Apostles is to be obserued with great religiō vnlesse we wil beléeue that the institutions maners of celebrating our sacraments are more vnperfect than theirs of olde time that God the father doth now a days lesse regard the prophanation or the religious obseruation of his sonnes institutions than these of Moses and the forefathers in olde time But Paule the vessell of election knowing Christes institution to be moste perfect that the same ought to bee kept still in the Churche simplie and without any addition sayth to the Corin. I receiued that of the Lorde which I haue also deliuered vnto you For he thought it an heinous offence to deliuer any other thing to the church than that which he had receiued of the lord Let vs therfore with great religion holde that fast whiche is deliuered vnto vs by the Lord and the Apostles But the Apostle deliuered none other thing to the Corinthians yea many yeares after the Lords ascension into heauen than that which was faithfully set downe vnto vs in writing by the holy Apostles Euaungelistes S. Matthew Marke Luke Certeinly it is well knowen how that certeine hundred yeres after the death of the Apostles this simple maner of celebrating the lords supper was held in the church For the pastour or minister of the church after that he had preached the Gospel giuen publique thanks vnto God in open prayer then came he forth into the mids of the holy assemblie Before the face of the people stoode a table furnished with bread wine behinde the which the minister standing blessed the people saying The Lord be with you The people answered And with thy spirit Thē replied the minister Lift vp your harts admonishing the congregation that the holy mysteries shal be celebrated therefore that they must lift vp their mindes from visible thinges vnto inuisible The people answered We lift thē vp vnto the lord Afterwards exhorting the whole companie to giue thankes he cried aloude Let vs giue thanks vnto the Lord our God. The Congregation aunswered It is meete and right so to do Then procéeded the minister saying It is verie meete and right our bounden duetie and behoful for vs turning himselfe then to the Lord that we giue thanks alwayes and in all places vnto thee Lord holy father almighty and euerlasting god through Christ our lord who the day before that he suffred his passion toke bread gaue thanks brake it gaue it to his discipls with the residue as followeth in the gospel These things being repeated out of the gospell the minister procéeded further saying Let vs pray being admonished by holsome precepts instructed by diuine institution we are imboldened to say Our father which art in heauen c. After the rehearsal of the lords prayer the people receiued the holy mysteries and did communicate together after they had giuē thāks and praised God they were dimissed And of this forme there remaine certeine footsteps in the writings of the auncient fathers to be séen to wit in S. Cyprian S. Augustine others But consequently in later times the prayers blessings the ceremonies grewe to be verie great Moreouer Christes institution was chaunged turned into a strange vse in fine the Masse was patcht together in whiche appeareth but small antiquitie But touching these maters I haue in treted very largely in another place you your selues are verie well séen in this point we which defend hold that the institution of our Lord Christe which is deliuered vnto vs by the Apostles is most pure perfect do nothing regard neither what any man nor at what time any bishop hath added this or that to the holy rite or else hath taken away or changed but rather what he who is before aboue all did first him selfe and cōmanded to be done If the authoritie of him that did institute if learning holines if antiquitie may be of force then the victory is ours who haue Christ on our side with the best chosen cōpanie of the apostles for frō these we haue what we celebrate the which we hold that al godly men ought to celebrate But why the Lord instituted this mysterie vnder the forme of bread wine it is euident For bread comforteth wine maketh glad the harte of man which I also touched wher I intreated of the proportiō agréement of the sacramēts Moreouer our fathers in the figure of Manna did eate bread which rained down frō heauen Also in their sacrifices gratulatorie of thanksgiuing in their drinke offerings they vsed bread and wine But there hath sproung a great contentiō cōcerning the substāce of the lords supper some holding opinion that it ought to be celebrated with vnleuened bread others with such as is leuened But among our fore-fathers of olde there was about these no such cōtentiō for the church vsed both indifferētly as thē pleased It may séeme y at the first supper the lord vsed vnleuened bread at the table acording to the auncient maner of celebrating the Passetouer Whervpon many churches vsed vnleuened bread who notwithstanding cōdemned not them of heresie which vsed leauened bread The Pope his adherents cōceiuing no smal displesure here at hath déepely accursed the gréek church for so trifling a matter But the Artotyrites were vpon some iust cause condemned by the ancient fathers of whō Epiphanius maketh mentiō betwéene the Pepuzianes the Priscillianes setting bread and chéese vpon the table in their celebrating contrary to Christes institutiō It is furthermore disputed vpon whether vnmingled wine or delayed with water is by the faithfull to be vsed at the supper Cyprian the martyr holdeth opinion that in this mystery the wine ought not to be vnmingled but delayed with water so to be offered that is to say drunken by the faithfull For thus he hath written Because Christ hath borne vs al who also bare our sinnes we may perceiue that in the water the people is to bee vnderstoode in the wine the bloud of Christ to be vnderstoode For when water is
ex●●sition of the scripture 〈◊〉 not be c●●trary to the arti●●● of our beliefe The expositiō must not be repugnant to the loue of God and our neighbour 〈◊〉 expoun●●●g the ●●●●ptures ●e must ●●rk that ●●at goeth ●●fore and ●●lloweth ●●●er and 〈◊〉 the circumstā●es The exposition of g●ds word ●●st be ma●● by 〈◊〉 layin●●●ge●her of ●iuers places 2. Pet. 1. The scri●tures m●● be expo●●ded wi●● zealous ● hertaf●● earnest prayer The de●nitions 〈◊〉 faith The description of true fayth The begi●ning and cause of faith Faith is planted by the worde of God. We muste ●raye for ●rue fayth That faith is an vndoubted persuasion of the minde Faith beleueth not euerithing what soeuer Examples ●f vndoub●ed saith ●herunto ●aith lea●eth and what the ●biect or ●oundation of faith 〈◊〉 Two chief ●●in●s of ●aith True fai●● seeketh a●● good thi●ges in 〈◊〉 through Christ ●rue faith ●eleeueth 〈◊〉 holy ●●riptures Fayth is ●ue alone 〈…〉 religions but no more the● one true fayth Faith do●● encrease and decrease Generall and particular faith Faith insp●red and Faith gotten 〈…〉 mall 〈…〉 The power and ef●ecte of faith Faith is the true knowledge that maketh men wise How man may attaine to ●he chiefe goodnesse Faith maketh happy Faith quickneth Faith ioyneth to god Faith i●stifieth Iustification What it is ●o iustifie ●hri●t hath 〈◊〉 on ●im self 〈…〉 sinnes The 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of since ●re take● away by Chri●● The death ●f Christ a ●●ll satis●●ction for ●ur sinnes Howe punishment is laide on vs. God hath ●ppointed ●●at he ●hat belee●eth shuld ●aue eternall life and be iustified Men are ●ustified ●y faith ●lone Christ cōpared with Adam Gods Testament We are not iustified by the workes o● the Law● but by Faith Christ died not in vaine All men are sinner● God iu●●●fieth as 〈◊〉 the Gentiles as 〈◊〉 Iewes by faith By what meanes ●ur father ●braham was iusti●●ed Neither is ●aith nor the promis of none effect ●ustification of free gift Faith sheweth foorth and expresseth it selfe by good workes Faith onely iustifieth Of good workes Faith the ●oore of al good ●o●kes Faith the victorie 〈◊〉 al Christians The Apo●tles 〈◊〉 The partition of the Apostles Creede God is one in su●stance an● three in persons I beleeue in God God is called a father God is called Almighty ●od is the m●ker of heauen ●nd earth The secōd article of our belief To belieue in the Sonn● of God. Who the Sonne of God is Consubstantial ●oessētiall The onely Sonne Iesus Christe Christe is our Lord. The 3. Article of our b●lie● The causes of the Lord his incarnatiō Immanuel A mediatour T●e manner of 〈◊〉 his ●●nceptiō The causes why Christ hi● conceptiō is pure Of the birth of Christ The fourth Article of our belief ●●●ist did 〈◊〉 Christ sufered vn●er P●nti●s Pilate Our Lord was buried He descended into Hell. The fift article of ou● belief The glorious resurrection of Christe What a resurrection ●s Out of from the dead He was ●rucified dead tokē downe and laid ●● his gran● vpon 〈◊〉 Friday where his body ●ay ▪ Saturday that is E●●er eue● and one Sunday which is Easter day in the morning he rose againe frō death to life The sixte article of our belief The glorious ascension of Christ The for● of Christ his ascension into heauen He ascen●ed into ●eauen He sitteth at the right hand of God the father Almighty The definition of gods right hand take here for the places name To sit is to be at rest and enioy felicitie Gods right hand the name of his power and in this signification to sit is to reign Saint Hierom of the ●ight hād of the fa●her Saint Augustine of the right hand of 〈◊〉 father ●●int Fulgentius His humanitie i● l●cal that is ●●●teined i● space of ●lace but ●●s Godhead incōprehēsible as that that is euery where 〈…〉 not 〈◊〉 in any place Saint vigilius The seuenth Article Christ a Iudge To Iudg● what it 〈◊〉 The pic●ure of ●he laste ●●dgemēt The quick and dead are iudged The reward and punishment is moste certaine the eighth article of our faith The father in Christ hath fully giuen vs all heauenly treasures The ninth ●rticle of ●ur belief ●ee must ●ot in our ●onfession ●y I be●●eue in ●he church Cyprian Augustine Paschasius ●●int Gre●orie ●homas ●quine Pope Leo. The Catholike Church The true Churche Wee beleeue the Church to be holy How the Church 〈◊〉 holy The co●munion of 〈◊〉 The tenth ●rticle of our belief The acknowledging and confessing of our sinnes O●r sins ar● forgi●ē of god 〈◊〉 for ●ur owne merits but for Christ his sake All sinnes are forgeuen God alone and not man forgeueth sinns Howe sins are forgeuen We make not satisfaction for punishmēt The ele●enth arti●le of our ●aith The resurrection of the flesh Whether the same bodies that do ●ut●ifie rise again Testimoni●s of the true resurrection In what sort our bodies shal rise again Of what facion our bodies shal be in the resurrection A glorious body What a glorious ●●dy is Glorious bodies rest free from vilenesse The natural and spi●●tuall body Fleshe and ●●oud ●hal not be 〈◊〉 heauen S●●su ani●●li Animalis The bodies of th● wicked shall also rise aga●n The t●elfth article of our belief Lyfe eue●lasting The face of God. Loue and c●antie Loue frō whence it is Double charitie The le● of God ▪ By the loue of God all euilles are ouercome The loue ●f God fa●oneth vs 〈◊〉 the will 〈◊〉 plea●●re of ●od The manner how to loue God. G●d alone to be loued Who is our neighbour The 〈…〉 ●ny one ●hat is a ●●an as wel 〈◊〉 we An order ●nd mea●●re in 〈◊〉 Howe our neighbour must be loued The loue of our neighbour must bee sincere We must loue our neighbour as our self We must loue ou● neighbo●● as Chris●● hath loue vs. Howe we ought to stand our n●ighbour in steede The pith of Charity Loue the fulfilling of the la● Workes of mercie An exhortation to Loue What law is The diuision of ●awes The la● of natu●● Consciēc● Nature Two especial points of the law of nature The Gen●●l●s knew God. Friendship societ●● of men t● be prese●ued The Lawe of nature answerable to the written Lawe 1 Of God. The Ethnickes sent●nces are in some pl●ces ma●●●ed 2 The Gentiles against idoles 3 The name ●f God ●ighly es●eemed 4 The Gen●●les kee●ers of re●●gion 5 The hono●ring of parentes 6 Murder adulterie 8 Theft 9 Lies False witnesses A hill in Rome Cata●a a Towne in Sicilie 10 Concupiscence Nature without grace of none effect ●awes of ●en ●awes of ●licie Ecclesias●●cal La●● Superstitious law●● Mens ●●●ditions What the Lawe of God is The mo●all lawe The Ceremoniall Lawe The Iudiciall Lawe The Law was euen before Moses time The Patriarches before Moses had the Ceremoniall and iudiciall Lawes The Mo●al Lawe endure● still The ma●estie and ●ignitie of ●he moral ●awe 〈…〉 the ●●st holy 〈◊〉 in 〈…〉 of 〈◊〉 Two Tables
terpretatiō of the wordes of the supper To argue from the sacramēts of the old testament to ours of the newe We may vse sacramentall speaches Sacramentall speaches are to be expounded ☞ A briefe rehersall of such poinctes as he intreated vppon in his former sermon We must● vse reuerence in disputing of sacramentes The arke of the co●●nant To attribute too ●uch to sa●●aments It is a greate sin not to attribute so much vnto the sacraments as the scripture doth attribute Num. 4. It is taughte that sacramentes giue grace Augustin● taught not that s●cramentes giue grace Of the likenes difference of the sacramentes of the old and newe Testament Augustine teac●eth that the Sacramēts of the Iewes and ours are al one Grace ●hat it is Sacramēts do not cōferre or giue grace Ieremie 7 Esai 1. Galath 3. The error in the Apostolique churche Actes 15. That grace is giuen freely and receiued by faith Luke 7. Iohn 4. Rom. 5. Their santasy which faine a generall and speciall taith is here confuted Whether the grace of God be conteined ●n the Sacramentes These are soung in the Easter holie daies at their cōs●cration of baptisme Bonauentura sayth that grace is not conteined in the Sacra●ents The seate of the grace of God. 3. Reg. 8. Actes 7. Actes 17. Iohn 4. The canon of the Nicene counsell touching baptisme The A●ostles b●ptised in water not consecrated Actes 8. To include grace in the sacraments causeth idolatrie The god●y are first iustified receiued into fauor before the● be made partakers of the sacraments Actes 2. 1. Iohn ● 1. Iohn 4. Rom. 10. 1. Iohn 5. Actes 10. Actes 2. 1 Cor. 11. Rom. 12. To euacuate the sacramēts and conuince God of a lye Sacramēts are holy and not prophane thinges Sacramēts are witnesses of the trueth The gospell is a witnesse Sacramēts do visibly confirme the good wil of god to vs ward Rom. 4. Sacramēts are seales and where vnto seales do serue Nehe. 9. Hag 2. ●ere 22. Matth. 27. The place of Paule Rom. 4. is expounded and he receiued a signe of the circumcision c. The matter is made ●laine by 1 Parable Sacramēts haue a more effectual force than any sealed chancers How bap●isme sealeth Mark. 16. Marke 10 Matth. 18. Infantes which beleue not ●re baptised Howe the lords supper is a seale of the righteous●es of fayth Ioh. 6. Zuinglius of the Sacramentes which certifie and beare witnesse The holy ghost doth properly s●ale The sacraments seal nothing to the vnbeleeuers Sacramēts represente● thinges Sacramēts doe stirre vppe and healpe faith Of the analogie in baptisme To giue and take names in baptisme Of the analogie in the supper Synaxis a communion How the Sacramēts do stirre vp faith The efficacie or force in the preaching of Gods worde Zuinglius of the Sacraments vpholding fayth A coniunction with Christ and with the Church By sacraments we are visibly gathered together into one religion and distinguished from others Ephe. 2. Phil. 3. Rom. 15. 1. Cor. 12. The place of Paul. 1. Cor 18. The bread which we breake c is expounded They are the members of the diuell that are partakers of vnlawful Sacraments Zuinglius of binding Sacramēts c. Sacramēts ●ut the faithful in minde of their duetie Deut. 10. Iere. 4. Rom. 6. 1. Cor. 11. That the sacraments profite nothing without faith Iohn 12. Hebr. 4. 1. Cor. 11. Rom. 1. Hebr. 11. Matt 22. 1. Cor. 10. Heb. 11. Augustine doth teache that sacrament●● receiued without faith are vnprofitable to the receiuers Sacramēts depende not on our worthines or vnworthinesse Rom. 3. Of baptisme of infantes Rom. 8. That Sacramēts or not superfluous or voide to them that haue faith Gen. 17. Exod. 4. Matt. 3. Sacraments are indifferent Many are sanctified without visible sacraments Cyptians error touching the Sacrament of baptisme Iohn 6. Baptisme What baptisme is Who instituted baptisme Iohn 1. Matth. 22. When baptisme was instituted Of What thinges baptisme consisteth One onely baptisme The baptisme of Iohn of Christ and of the Apostles is one and the selfe same Actes 19. Of the baptisme of Christe which is also the baptisme of fire Actes 1. Actes 1. Actes 8. Actes 10. Ephes 4. 1. Cor. 1. Of the rit● ceremonies of baptisme ●hon 3. What it is to baptise in the name of the Lorde 1. Cor. 14. Luke ● Ceremonies added in times past to baptisme Whether we ought to baptise with water not consecrated Why the 〈◊〉 commaunded ●o baptise ●ith w●●er ● Pet. 3. ● Cor. 10. Whether once or thrice the infant ought to be dipped in the water Of the place of baptisme The time of Baptisme Gen. 17. What the baptiser worketh Iohn 1. Whether midwiues may baptise 1. Tim. 2. Sep●ora circumciseth Exod. 4. 25 2. Sam. 12 of saluatiō of infant●●●eparting without ●aptisme Mark. 10. Matt. 18. Gen 17. 1. Cor. 7. Gen. 17. Iohn 3. The Pelagians deny the baptisme of infants and why Lib. 3. Depec● me● remiss Cap. The exposition of the place The soul● of the vncircumcised shal be cut off The exposition of the place Except a man be borne of water c. Iohn 3 De peccatorum meritis remissione lib. 1. ca. 20. Iohn 6. Who ar to be baptised Who be the people of God. Actes 8. Gen. 17. Rom. 5. Infantes confessing or beleuing By what argumēt t●e Anabaptistes ●each that infan●es ought not to be baptised Matt. 28. Infantes vnderstād not the mysterie of baptisme That the baptisme of infantes is of God and that the Apostles baptised infants Actes 10 1. Cor. 1. Rom. 8. Iohn 4. Col. 2. Iosua 5. The baptisme of in fants hath lasted frō the time of the Apostles The historie of Anabaptisme Imperiall lawe against the Anabaptistes Ios 5. The places alledged to proue Anabaptisme are confuted The twelue men of Ephesus not rebaptised Actes ● Actes 19. Of the ●orce of Baptisme we are baptised into the remission of sinnes Mark. 1. Luke 3. Iohn 2. Actes 2. Actes 22. Ephes 5. Baptisme is effectual for mans whole life By baptisme we are gathered together to be the people of God. Gal. 3. Tit. 3. Luke 3. 1. Cor. 12. Baptisme serueth for our cōfession Sundrie names of lordes supper The Lords table Communion Breaking of breade A memoriall of the Lords passion A thankes giuing A Sacrament Synaxis An assemblie A Testament What the Lords supper is The supper of the Lord is an holie action Who is the author of the supper When the supper was instituted Wherof i● consisteth the words of the supper After what māner the supper was celebrated and instituted Wether it be lawfull to ad aniething to the rite c. Leuit. 1● Leuit. 10. 2. Sam. 9. Num. 4. 1. Cor. 11. How in old time it hath been celebrated in the Church The four●e of the Lordes supper changed Why it was insti●●ted in th● fourme 〈◊〉 bread an wine Whether the bread ought to be leauened or vn leauened Whether water is to be mingled with the
are neither euill men nor hypocrites but the verie worste and the most cruell enimies of Christ his trueth openlye blaspheming the Gospel and persecuting those that beléeue in Christ And therefore they neither haue the outward nor yet the inward markes of the Church The Spirite of the Lord resteth vppon those that tremble at the woord of God these men fret and fume if any man vnfeignedly reuerence the woord of God. True faith attributeth onelye vnto Christe all the meanes whereby it commeth vnto euerlasting life these men doe persecute the faithfull beecause they attribute vnto Christe Iesus alone all the meanes whereby they atteine vnto euerlastinge life and will not parte stakes in the meanes of saluation with Popish fancies In steede of charitie they exercise crueltie against their brethren and against their neighbours What shall a man saye of them who abuse the publique goodes of the Churche and spende them according to their owne priuate lustes For that whiche of old time the faithfull haue of charitie giuen to the vse of the church and for the sustentation of the poore that doe these men waste liuing most lecherouflie and filthilie Whiche thing the electe Apostles of the Lord Peter and Thaddeus did fore-tell the Church of GOD of concerning them And as touchinge the outwarde markes of the Churche what shall I saye These men saye that the Canonicall Scripture hath her authoritie in the Churche of Rome and that the same woorde is reade bothe in their Churches and in their Scholes and that the Sacramentes haue their force and are effectuall amoungest them But I can shewe the contrarie First of all they will make subiecte the interpretation of the holy and sacred scriptures vnto their Sea and the righte of iudgement in all cases they giue vnto their idol the Pope of Rome For that canon euery man knoweth Whatsoeuer hee decreeth what soeuer hee establisheth is of all men to bee obserued for euer inuiolably And againe The whole Churche thoroughout the vniuersall worlde knoweth that the holye Churche of Rome hath authoritie to giue iudgement of all thinges neither is it lawefull for anye to giue iudgement of her iudgements Therfore shee also iudgeth the Scriptures and expoundeth them and turneth and windeth them whiche waye shee listeth I will not nowe remember howe by manifest woordes the Standard-bearers of that Sen doe write that the canonicall Scripture taketh her authoritie of the Churche abusinge this sentence of the auncient father Sainct Augustine I would not haue beleeued the Gospell if the authoritie of the holy Churche had not moued mee c. This will I affirme whiche cannot but bee manifest vnto all men that the Romishe Church or the rulers of the same Churche doe take awaye the naturall sense and true meaning of the holy Scriptures and haue sett downe a straunge sense in stéede of it whiche sense to the ende it maye the better bee liked of men they call the sense of the holye mother the Churche whiche sense also they vrge with so great wickednesse as if you oppose against if the natiue sense you shall receiue for your labour the reprochefull name of an heretique In fewe wordes except you bring out the whole Scripture wrested after their minde and gaine that is to saye tempered with their diuellishe decrées as with poyson it will bee saide that you haue not broughte out the holye Scriptures but that that you haue taught heresie By examples the matter wil be made the plainer The Scripture teacheth that Iesus Christe is the onely head of the Church but vnlesse you also ioyne the Pope to be the head of the Church militant in earth you wil be called an heretique The Scripture teacheth that Iesus Christe is the onely intercessour or mediatour Priest and onely sacrifice propitiatorie of the faithfull but vnlesse you ioyne herevnto that Christ is in déed the mediatour of Redemption but that the sainctes together with Christe are the mediatours of intercession and that the priests do daily offer an vnbloudie sacrifice so as the Sainctes maye bee acknowledged to be intercessours together with Christ in heauen and that the priestes in earth do daily offer in their masse a sacrifice for the quicke and for the dead you will else be called an heretique The Scripture teacheth that Iesus Christe is the righteousnesse of the faithfull which righteousnesse we receiue by faith but vnlesse you will part stakes betwéene this righteousnesse of Christ and woorkes or mens merits you wil be called an heretique The Scripture teacheth that Christe ascended into heauen and hath established a Vicegerent power to witt the holy Ghost and that also he wil not come againe into the world bodily but onely at the daye of Iudgement but vnlesse you do acknowledge the same Christ to be also corporally present in the bread of the Sacrament and doest also worship him there thou wilt else be called an heretique Christe our Lord said at his last supper reaching the cup to his disciples Drincke you all of this but and if thou wilt contend that both the kindes of the sacrament ought to be giuen to al the faithfull thou wilt be called an heretique God said in his lawe Thou shalt not make an Image thou shalt not worship it thou shalt not serue it But vnlesse thou vnderstād by an Image the Idols of the Gentiles as of Saturne or Mercurie but not of the true God or any sainct thou wilt be called an heretique Many m●●e thinges of this sort I could bring forth if I spake to them that were ignorant What authoritie therfore or what place shall we say the word of God had in that sea Who séeth not that these filthie beastes doe tread vnderfoote as a captiue the most holy word of God that they establishe and reestablishe lawes of God according to their owne giantlike bouldnesse It is therefore as cleare as any thing may be cleare that the Romish Church is destitute of the holy word of god I haue shewed plainely in the first Sermon of this Decade that it is not enough to boast out the woords of the holy Scripture vnlesse therewithall the naturall sense be reteined vncorrupted The Church of Rome hath corrupted the sense and meaning of that holy Scriptures and thrust vppon the simple people opinions contrarie to that scriptures and therfore the Church of Rome is not that true Church of Christ The sacramēt of baptisme ministred by Popish priestes albeit we doe not reiterate for that they baptised in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy Ghoste as in the first Sermon of this Decade I haue shewed yet the breaking of bread or distribution of the Lords supper they so defiled and also corrupted the same with doctrines contrarie to the sound faith and turned the same into such a filthy merchaundize as no man that is of a sound iudgement can with a safe conscience and without corruption of his religion communicate with them Of the