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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15866 A guide unto Sion. Or certaine positions, concerning a true visible church Wherein the nature of a true church is so plainely described, as all men may easily decerne the same from false assemblies. Written by a learned and judicious divine. Learned and Judicious Divine.; Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622?, attributed name. aut 1638 (1638) STC 26125; ESTC S102219 15,484 34

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A GUIDE UNTO SION OR Certaine Positions concerning a true visible Church Wherein The nature of a true Church is so plainely described as all men may easily decerne the same from false assemblies Written by a learned and judicious divine Jer. 50. 5. They shall aske the way to Sion with their faces thitherward saying come and let us joyne our selves to the Lord in a perpetuall Covenant that cannot be forgotten Printed at Amstelredam in the yeare 1638. A GUIDE UNTO SION OR Certaine Positions concerning a true visible Church THis our English word Church through custome of speech is commonly used for the Temple or place where people come together for the worship of God but they that are any thing exercised in religion know that it also signifieth the People which gather together for divine service and this is the first and proper meaning of the word Church as it is used to expresse the original Scripture termes Kahal Ecclesia 2. This name Church we Englishmen which came of the Saxons have received from the Saxon German and Dutch names Cyric Kirch Kerck whereby those nations now do usually cal their Temples or meeting-places but the people which come togither in them they cal the Gemeine and the Gemeinte that is to say the Comunialtie and we in our first English Bibles caled it the Congreation 3 As all religion is learned out of holy scriptures so the name and doctrine of the church is from thence to be deduced and there the Church is called in Hebrew Kahal or Kehillah which signifieth a Convocation or Assemblie of people Ghnedah that is to say a Congregation in Greek it is named Ecclesia that is in like maner a Convocation or people called forth to an assembly and sometime Synagogue that is a Congregation which word is also vsed for the place wherein the people assembled 4. The Hebrue word Kahal is diversly used sometimes more generally for a great or universal multitude as of nations and of peoples sometimes more particularly for an assembly of one nation as of the Israelites sometimes for a part of them as the Elders and Governours of some of the tribes of Israel a part or some of all the tribes even men women and children and indifferently for any assembly and this not onely of Gods people but of heathens also and infidels 5. Likewise the Greek word Ecclesia is of as large extent and signification used sometime for the Church generally sometime for a particular church or congregation in a citie sometimes more particularly in a house or familie sometimes in the Greek version of the old testament for an assemblie of Governours or company of Prophets or congreation of the people and finally for any assembly lawful or unlawful of good men or of evil 6. These words thus general are in more special sort both by the scriptures by use of speach among all religious people restreyned and appelied to such Assemblies and Congregations as are called and gathered for divine exercises and so our English name of Church is attributed peculiarly to spiritual or religious assemblies called ecclesiastical and not to any other assemblies civil or political 7. Of religious or ecclesiastical assemblies generally considered there any many sorts in the world all disallowed of God save one sort onely which he acknowledgeth to be his hath separated to him self from all the rest 8. The many false sorts may be reduced unto fowr 1. The assemblies of Pagans or heathen people which professe some God Gods or Goddesses whom they do worship ignorantly having changed the truth of God into a lie and so serving creatures not in deed the creator which is blessed for ever Amen 2 The assemblies of Iewes who professe the true God after a sort and allow the writings of Moses and the Prophets but abhorre Christ Iesus our Saviour and reject the new Testament 3 The assemblies of Mahometists as Persians Turks Moores c. Which professe also after their manner that one true God of whom Moses and the Prophets wrote and acknowledge Christ to be a Prophet sent of God yea and the breath or Spirit of God yet beleeve they not that he is God or the sonne of God or Saviour of the world but follow the lies and fabels of their false Prophet Mahomet 4. Finally the church or assemblies of false Christians which professe God and his sonne Christ into whose name they are baptised but by their works doe deny him and by their errours heresies doe overthrow the truth of religion 9. The first three sorts Pagans Jewes and Mahometists because of their so open and manifest denyall of Christ and salvation by him are generally of Christians reputed as no Churches the latter are reputed no true but false Churches and so also do they esteem of true Christians and one of another Hereupon is continual controversie between true and false Christians which is the true Church and how it may be knowen 10. To help the weak and doubtfull in this case I will so truly and plainly as by the grace of God J can describe the true Church which in holy Scriptures is called the Congreation and Church of God consisting of godly holy people named Saints opposed to the wicked or malignant churches the Synagogues of Satan 11. The true Church is a People called of God by the Gospel from the world unto the Communion or followship of his Son Iesus Christ in whom they are coupled and built togither to be the habitation of God by the spirit 12. The Church is said to be a people nation or generation because it consisteth of many persons or of a multitude little or great for though a particular Christian is called of the church yet no one man is a church or congregation 13. It is a people called because every concourse or assemblie is not a true Church none of themselves can come unto this estate unlesse they be called or drawen thereunto and they are sayd to be called of God because he onely calleth and draweth men unto Christ with a holy calling and addeth them to his Church no humane power or authority is able to doe it 14. The Gospel noted to be the meanes of our calling he maketh knowen unto his people outwardly by his word spoken and written and inwardly by his holy spirit and thus the Church are all the taught of God 15. The estate out of which the Church is called is sayd to be out of or from the world whereby is meant first Satan the Prince of this world from whose power they are turned unto God Secondly the wicwicked people of the world called the Children of the Devil from whose communion and followship in their religion and all
suffered therein 5. To prevent the infection of others 6. That by the zeale e and holynes of the church they without may be gained to the Gospell 7. To glorifie Gods great name which is much impeached by the unholy walking of those which professe his truth 8. That others may feare for if this course be omitted it may be a meanes to embolden many to doe the like 52. The repentance of the partie must be proportionable to the offence viz. If the offence be publique publique If private private Humbled submissive sorrowfull unfained giving glorie to the Lord. Lev. 19 17 18. Pro. 10. 12. Rom. 12. 19 and 13 10 and 14. 1. 53. There must great care bee had of admonitions that they be not captious or curious finding fault where none is neither yet in bitternes or reproach For that were to destroy and not to save our brother But they must be carefully done with prayer going before they must bee seasoned with truth gravitie love and peace Mat. 18 15. and 26 8. Gal. 6 1 2. 2 Tim 2 24. Mark 9 50. Ephes 4 29 Iam. 5 15 19 20. 54. More over the Scripture shewes us that discreet faithfull and men able to speake unto edification exhortation and comfort though not yet in office of ministery may open apply the Scriptures in the church for 1. In the Iewish Church men out of office had liberty either in the Temple or Synagogue publiquely to use their gifts 2. In the time of the Apostles and primitiue churches men so preached and the Lord himselfe approved it and that without any exception or prohibition to the contrarie 3. Christ commanded this thing and so did his Apostles afterward 4. The prohibiting of woemen not extraordinarie inspired to speak in the Church clearely imports a liberty therein giuen unto men their husbands and others 5. Otherwise it would follow either that the people should be untaught Or that now after the generall apostasy of Anti-christ there might be lawfull Pastors and ministers had before there were a church to chuse them or a flock for thē to watch over or that unlawfull ministeries might be reteynd executed for bringing men to the knowledge obedience of the Gospell all which are against the word of God Lastly much good comes by this meanes as 1. the glory of God in the manifestation of his manifould graces 2. That the gifts in men be not quenched 3. For the fitting and trying of men for the ministery 4. For the preserving pure of the Doctrine of the Church which is more in danger if some one or two alone only be heard and speake 5. For debating and satisfying of doubts if any arise 6. For the edifying of the Church and conversion of others 55. As Christ our Heavenlie Prophet hath set forth unto us in the New Testament the manner and forme of the gathering and Constitution of the visible Church So hee requires everie faithfull Christian to make himselfe a member of some particular Congregation and there to present their bodies and soules and to bring the gifts which God hath given them Our reasons are these 1. Otherwise they are not to be admitted unto the Holy Sacraments the seales of Gods Covenant For these ought not to be administred unto any except they be added unto some visible Church unto which the publick ordinances and ministery doth appertaine 2. Because of the presence of God Christ If we will come to God we must come to that place where his presence is in a speciall manner and where he is to be found of all such as seeke him with their whole heart 3. How else have we respect to all the Commaundements 4. That the Saints may mutually edifie each other and this followes upon their joyning together in the fellowship of the Gospell 5. To consider or observe our Brethren as wee ought watch over them and seeke to reduce them unto a streight walking when they goe astray 6. Because of Gods Covenant and promise For those which are in the Church are directly as it were joyned to his blessings and graces the which are powred forth there abundantly 56. Such as joyne themselves unto true visible Churches ought first to goe unto the Elders that by them their cause may be propounded to the whole Congreg afterward they are to come into the publick assemblie and there make confession of their faith openly and promise to walke in the obedience of Christ and thus beeing found worthy by the consent of the whole Church they are joyfully to be received into the holy communion of Saints 57. As every established Church hath power and liberty to chuse their owne spirituall and Ecclesiasticall Officers So be it observed that these Officers are tyed unto that only Congregation of which they are members and by which they were elected into office and ought not to beare any Ecclesiasticall Office in another neither can they administer the holy things of God as Officers and by vertue of a ministeriall calling any where but in their owne Congregation No. More then a Major or Bayliefe can execute civill justice out of the limitts and bounds of their owne priviledged Corporation 58. It is sure that Christ Jesus hath not subjected any Church or congregation of his to any other superior Ecclesiasticall jurisdiction then unto that which is within it selfe so that if a whole Church or congregation shall erre in any matter of faith or religion noe other Church or Church-officers have by any warrant from the word of God power to censure punish or controile the same but are only to advise them and so to leave their soules to the immediate judgement of Christ. 58. It is the dutie of every Christian congregation to be carefull that no infant be admitted unto Baptisme a whose parenn one at least are not members of some perticular Church For. 1. If they doe by this meanes Gods name is taken in vaine 2. The holy Sacrament prophaned d 3. The Church of God de filed d. 4. The minister a covenant breaker 5. There is no precept nor example in the Scripture for it 6. Such a practice hindereth many parents from embraceing the way and order of the Gospel and causeth them to live and die libertines 7. It induceth ignorant people to conceive such an absolute necessity of Baptisme as that men cannot be saved without it 58. All Christians are bound to practice Gods ordinances for his visible Church under the Gospell although the Magistrate allow not thereof yea forbid them upon pean of death For as the opprobation of men and Angels makes not the wayes of God and workes of religion never a whitt the more lawfull but onely the more free from bodily danger so neither can their disallowance make unlawfull such duties of religion as the word of God approveth not can they give