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A11927 The three partes of commentaries containing the whole and perfect discourse of the ciuill warres of Fraunce, vnder the raignes of Henry the Second, Frances the Second, and of Charles the Ninth : with an addition of the cruell murther of the Admirall Chastilion, and diuers other nobles, committed the 24 daye of August, anno 1572 / translated out of Latine into English by Thomas Timme minister.; Commentariorum de statu religionis et reipublicae in regno Galliae. English. 1574 Serres, Jean de, 1540?-1598.; Hotman, François, 1524-1590. De furoribus gallicis.; Tymme, Thomas, d. 1620.; Ramus, Petrus, 1515-1572. 1574 (1574) STC 22241.5; ESTC S4897 661,140 976

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whom it pleaseth God to giue the same that the faithfull might haue nothing in them selues to boast of whē as rather they are two folde more bound to God than others in that they are preferred before others Also we beleue that faith is giuen to the electe not that they should once onely walke in the right way but rather to cōtinue in the same al the dayes of their lyfe bicause as the beginning is of God so is also the ende 22 We beleue that we which are by nature the seruants of sinne by the same faith are regenerate into a new life For by faith we receiue grace to lyue a holy and godly lyfe whē we imbrace that ●…uangelicall promise that the Lorde will giue vnto vs the holy Ghost Therfore faith is so far from taking away the desire to leade a godly life that it doth rather inflame the same in vs from whence good workes necessarily do follow But although God doth regenerate vs to the ende he might fully saue vs notwithstanding we affirme that the good workes which we do by the assistance of Gods holy spirite are not so regarded of God that we shuld be iustified by them or deserue to be counted the sonnes of God bicause we shoulde alwayes doubte and feare if so be that we had not that satisfactiō by which Christ Jesus hath deliuered vs from all harme 23 We beleue that all the figures of the law are taken away by the comming of Christ although we know that the truth and substaunce of them remaine in him in whō they were fulfilled Howbeit we must vse and exercise the Law and the Prophets both for the framing of our life and also that we may be the more confirmed in the promises of the Gospell 24 We beleue that seing Jesus Christ is giuen to vs to be our onely aduocate who also commaundeth that we should boldly come to the Father in his name and seing it is not lawfull for vs to pray in any other order and forme than in that which God him selfe hath appointed in his word what soeuer men haue deuised concerning the intercessiō of dead Saintes it is nothing else but the deceite and crafte of Sathan to drawe men from the right and true forme of prayer We doe also reiect all those meanes whatsoeuer that men haue inuented to delyuer them selues from the wrath of God for so muche as they doe derogate so much from the death and sacrifyce of Jesus Christ as men gyue and attribute vnto them To cōclude we thinke that Purgatory is a fable brought forth of y same shop frō whēce also came Monastical vows pilgrimages prohibitiō of Matrimonie the vse of meates the ceremoniall obseruation of certaine dayes Auricular confession Iuduigences and suche like abhominations by which some thinke that they merit grace and saluation All which things we do reiecte not onely for the false opinion conceyued of meriting adioyned vnto them but also bicause they be the inuentions of men and a yoake layde vpon consciences by the authoritie of men 25 We beléeue bicause we can not obtaine Christ but by the Gospell that the holy and inuiolable discipline established by his authoritie in the Churche ought to be obserued and that therefore Pastours ought to be in the Church to whom appertaineth the office of preaching the worde and the ministration of the Sacramentes whom men ought to honor and reuerently heare if they beyng lawfully called discharge their dutie not that God of necessitie néedeth such inferior helpes but rather bycause it thus seemeth good vnto him to rule vs as it were with a bridle And therfore we do detest all those fanaticall persons which so muche as in them lyeth séeke to abolishe the holy ministerye that is to say the preaching of the worde and the administration of Sacraments 26 We beléeue therefore that it is lawfull for no man to withdrawe himselfe from the Congregation and to trust in himselfe but is rather the duetie of all men to defende and kéepe the Unitie of the Churche submitting them selues to the common Institution and yoake of Christe wheresoeuer God hath appointed the true and Ecclesiasticall discipline althoughe the Edictes of Magistrates be against the same from the which order whosoeuer separate them selues they resist the ordinance of God. 27 We beléeue that with great diligence and discretion the true Church must be discerned by the name whereof many are too much abused Therfore we affirme out of the worde of God that the Churche is a company or congregation of the faithfull which do agrée in following the word of God and in imbracing true Religion in the which also they dayly profite and go forward grounding and confirming one another in the feare of God who although they receiue neuer so great profite yet must they daylie of necessitie seeke for remission of sinnes And yet for all this will not denie but that manye hipocrites and reprobates are mixed with the faithfull but yet their wickednesse can not take awaye the name the Church 28 Therfore in beléeuing of this thing we also openly affirme that where the worde of God is not receiued nor no profession of that obedience shewed that belongeth thervnto nor no vse of the Sacraments there to speake properly we can Iudge no Church to be We therfore condemne the Papisticall Church bicause the pure truth of God is banished out of the same in the which the Sacramentes of faith are corrupted falsified or else quite abolished in the which all superstition Idolatry is to be founde And therfore we thinke that all they which do ioyne themselues to such actions and do communicate with them doe separate them selues from the body of christ Nothwithstanding bicause in the Papacy remaineth some Imitacion of the true church and specially the substance of Baptisme the efficacie wherof dependeth not vpon him that ministreth the same we graunt that they which are baptized in the same Popishe Church haue no néede to be baptized againe howbeit bycause of the corruptions with the which Baptime is there mixed no man can offer his childe to be of them baptized but he must pollute him selfe 29 We do beléeue that the true Churche oughte to be gouerned with that discipline which our Lorde Iesus Christ appointed and to haue in the same Pastors Ministers and Deacons that the pure doctrine of the Gospell may be preached vice bridled and poore afflicted persons so far as nede shall require comforted 30 We do beléeue that all true Pastors wheresoeuer they be placed haue power and authoritie all a like vnder that onely head and chiefe vniuersall Bishop Iesus Christ And therfore that it is lawfull for no Church to chalenge vnto it selfe imperie or rule ouer another 31 We do beleue that it is vnlawfull for anye man of his owne authoritie to presume to take vpon him the gouernment of the Church but ought rather to
had of them that he sente his embassage vnto them and that he woulde call them to this Councell as though he were ignorant what Religion the States of the Empire followed who of late that they might reforme their Churches according to the true doctrine of the Gospell were constrayned to plucke their neck out of the Popes yoake that is to say to separate thēselues from their fellowshippe which went about to oppresse and destroy the true doctrine of the Gospell We woulde therefore say they to the Legates that ye should knowe for a suretie that the most noble Princes of Germany will by no meanes obey the Pope nor acknowledge that he hath any power either by Gods lawe or by the lawe of man to call a Councell specially being such a one as maketh dissention strife in the Church and most cruelly warreth against the truth Furthermore they affirmed that they were misreported of slaundered as though they retained no certaine faith but that there were now among them So many heads so many opiniōs So many Gospels so many teachers wheras they retained the plaine and manifest confessiō made at Ausburgh and offered to the Emperour Charles the. v. in the yéere of our Lord god M. D. XXX in the which not only all the principall grounds of faith are distinctly contained but also y celestial truth manye wayes therby set forth and published Also they said that the generall complaints of all mē did sufficiently declare with what errors the Church of Rome was filled and with what filthy superstitions the Gospell was there suppressed in so much that the same is rather like to the traditions vaine inuencions of heathen men than Christian Religion Wherfore say they bicause we haue of late separated and deuided our selues from the Churche of Rome not by anye rashnesse or vaine curiositie or being led by any leude affections but by the only commaundement of God which willeth all mē to flee Idolatry we protest that we wil so abyde most constātly and not be subiect any maner of waye to the Pope For we acknowledge no maner of iurisdiction besides the iurisdiction of the most renoumed Emperour Ferdinandus And as touching the two Legates the Princes saide that were it not for the Popes ambassage on which they came they being worshipfully borne in Venice they would shewe vnto them so great courtesie fauour and friendship as might be both for that they loued the countrey of Venice and also bycause the Legates themselues by the dignitie of their birth were worthy as they thought to be well entertained And thus the Popes Legates with lost labour retourned from Germanie againe Then beganne Religion and the great number of the faythfull to increase more throughout euerye prouince of the kingdome of Fraunce but the deuill enuying that notable increase there were then many perturbations and troubles raised vp in many places In Prouince whiche was sometimes called Narbon there was great a doe and much trouble And the Gospell beyng much preached in the region of Langres almost in euery citie with great assemblies of people to heare y same at the laste ensued great affliction by the Earle Villarius Daulphenie also which is called the Regiō of Sauoy embracing y same doctrin felt the like persecutiōs And by the meanes of one Mottaegondrinus who was Lieutenant to the Duke of Guise there was grieuous persecution at Valentia in so much that a Minister of Gods word and certaine honest citizens with him were beheaded Moreouer garrisons of souldiers were placed throughout euerye citie to the great anoyance and detriment of the faithfull who notwithstanding wonderfully increased both in number in zeale daily The Prince of Conde beyng sente for of the King came to hym to the Courte which was at Fontisbellaquaeums with a fewe onely attending vpon him The daye following he was called before the priuie Councell and beyng come he openly demaunded of the Chauncelor if he had any thing to saye against him who answered that he had nothing to obiect againste him the like answere also made all the reste And then he sat hym downe in his accustomed place Then the King declared before all the assemblye that the Prince of Conde had giuen vnto him due proofes and testimonyes of his innocencie for as we declared before by the practises of the Guises he was accused of treason the which he saids he dyd in no wise doubte of And therfore he gaue commandement to the Senate of Paris to giue leaue to the Prince of Conde to haue larger testimonyes of his innocencie And to the ende the Iudgement of the priuie Councell mighte be knowne to all men commaundement was giuen that the same shoulde be registred in the Register of the Senate and sent also to the Ambassadors of other Nations Therefore for bycause of these things the Prince of Conde went to Paris In the meane time there arose new cont●…tions betwéen the Quéene and the King of Nauarre he complaining to the Queene that he was not well delt withall for that he was ill requited for that great good will and courtesie which he shewed towardes the Quéene in yéel●…ing vnto hir the gouernment of the Realme the Duke of Guise being in office and authoritie aduaunced before him who had not onely the keyes of the Tower to kéepe but also by the Quéenes will did what him liste Saying also that the matter was very ingratefully handled that he which had béen alwayes his enimie euen in the dayes of King Henrye and Frances shoulde as yet be aduaunced before him Also that if he were contented for the Quéenes sake to dissemble all things and not to bewray his griefe it was the more vnméete that he for his facilitie and tractablenesse shoulde be abused by hir In fine he saide that either he or else the Duke of Guise must néedes forsake the Court adding also that he coulde by no meanes abide with the king except the Guise departed To this the Quéene made answere that she did meane to gratifie the king of Nauarre so much as she might and so much also as equitie shoulde require but seing as then she sawe no iust cause she saide that she woulde in no wise expulse the Duke of Guise from the King bicause those offices that were committed vnto him of necessitie required his presence aboute the king She sayde also that she well perceyued that these complaints of the king of N●…uar were continual and that one thing being graunted she must dayly graunt more and more and that there shoulde neuer be any measure or end of these complaintes ▪ Notwithstanding for his sake and to yelde vnto his complaintes she said that she would giue cōmaundement that the keyes of the tower mighte be deliuered vnto him although they pertayned to the Duke of Guise bycause he was Lord great Master as maye appéere also by the example of the Constable who heretofore bare the same office To this the King of
those according to their desertes which haue abused his au●…thoritie But and if these conditions were not perfourmed and that the Guises and their fellowes went on still to shew violence against the Kyng the Quéene and the kynges Counsell to deceaue and beguile men vnder the kynges name and to be iniurious to the kyngs subiectes the Prince of Conde testifieth that hée wyll not beare it and will bring to passe that hée shall not bée found giltie of all those calamities mischiefes and miseries which will happen for these commotions and troubles but rather they themselues which are the authors and only cause thereof This his Protestation being published abrode all mens mindes séemed to be troubled and diuersly occupied the faythfull being more bolde and couragious to defend themselues who at the first sturre of the Guises were not a little terrefied The Prince of Conde sent letters to all the reformed Churches the twenty day of April sending diuers messengers with the Copy of those letters throughout all prouinces of the Realme to this effect Forsomuch as the necessity of the time is such that we must openly resist the violence and tiranny of the Guises aduersaries of the Christian Religion who hauing captiued the King and Quene ▪ do so abuse their name that they tread vnderfote true Religion with the liberty of the Realme and doe what they list them selues see that ye prepare your selues against these troubles and beware that you leaue nothing vndone that may further you in your businesse And because we must nowe of necessitye begin warres be diligent to prouide Armor Mony all kind of Artillery so sone as may be and whatsoeuer you do certefy me of the same by these messengers that I haue sent vnto you But aboue all things see that ye behaue your selues so peaceably as ye may and forget not diligently to call vpon God the vpholder and defender of his truthe and of all iust causes That former declaration wherof we haue spoken before was sca●…sely come to Paris when as two Edicts were solemnely proclaimed there in the Kings name to thys effect●… The King séeing what great troubles garboyles were in the Realme is very sory and much agréeued who h●…th left no remedies vnsoughte for for the maintenance of peace and tranquillity by the aduise of the Quéene the King of Nauar and the Princes as may appeare of late by the Edict made in the moneth of Ianuary by which to order all matters peaceably he shewed him selfe very fauorable contrary to the manner and c●…ome of his A●…cetors the Kings towards Religion that by this meanes in bearing with the frowardnes of men be ●…ght maintaine publique peace concorde y●…t notwith●…anding for all this they can not be content and quiet as appeareth by diuers tumultes by them all ready raised manye of them which hath not bene heard of before being so bold that they dare make open warre and take diuers of the Kings Cities The which although it be very greuous vnto him that men should so lewdly and impudently behaue them selues abasing him in this hys tender age to the great hurt of the Realme yet notwithstanding he will continue still toward them hys accustomed clemency and goodnesse And therfore to confirme that his will and meaning he willeth and commaundeth by this publique Edict that al men vse the rites and administration of their religion fréely according to the prescript of the Edicte of Ianuary But because at Paris the Metropolitane Citye of the Realme there haue ben oftentimes great perils of moste gréeuous seditions he willeth in consideration of the present time that there be no exercise of the reformed Religion so called in that City nor in the Suburbes borders and limmites neare adioyning to the same vntill it shall séeme good otherwise to the King. There was also publiquely set forth about the same time very solemly the Kings Rescript whych they call Letters patents in manner and forme folowing All men sée the great perturbations and troubles of the Realme and also howe the mindes of all estates and degrée are so vexed and disquieted that there cannot chuse but insue great hurt except God of his mercy and goodnesse turn away the same Notwithstanding it is wonderfull that men which are the authors of these troubles dissensions shuld so couler ouer the causes of their wickednes that they cā deceiue therby the simple sort of people But wheras they cōplaine of the violating and breaking of y Edict which was made for Religion the is most false as may apeare by the manifest declaratiō of the Kings will which he plainly of late shewed by hys Edict And this also is a most impudent slāder wheras they say that the King and the Queene his mother hys bretheren and sister are captiues in the handes of certaine of his chief officers and seruants and do boast that they lift vp the sworde to the intent they may set them at their lawfull libertie But the King and the Quéene do openly testifie and would haue it generally knowen for a suertie that hée his mother his brethren and hys sister neuer came thankes be to God into that state of captiuitie but cōtrarywyse do retaine kéepe libertie autority kingly dignitie and power and shal no doubt by the goodnesse of God enioye the same with the help and diligence of good and faithfull subiects And bicause those seditiouse persons doe greatly abuse the facilitie gentle nature of the Prince of Conde their kinsman whom they haue chosen to be the Captaine of their conspiracie he testifieth that he will doe all that he can to restoare him to his former libertie and to pacefie the troubled state so much as he may There was also at this time mustering of men in Pa ris specially of Noble men which are cōmonly appointed to be horsemen and commaundement was sent thorough euery prouince to all men to be in a readinesse against the moneth of May nexte comming Paris also was in euery corner replenished with armour with sol diours and Enseignes The Prince of Conde being entered into Orleans very many of the faythfull which bordered thereaboutes tooke cities for the Prince of Conde professing notwithstanding that they mayntayned the Kings authoritie as they of Towers of Blais of Angew and many others as hereafter shal be declared Notwithstanding the Edict of January was rightly obserued by the seuere cōmaundements of the Prince of Conde which were oftentymes repeated by his seruaunts But all things growing dayly néerer warre then peace the greatest part of the inhabitants of Towers and Blayz sodenly rose and went into the popish churches and brake downe and quite defaced the Images and pictures which they there found notwithstanding there was no murther committed When newes hereof was brought to Orleans the Prince of Conde greatly misliked of their doing gaue commaundement that enquirie should be made of the doers hereof and that they shold be punished
dealt withall and felt that peace was more greuous then warres and many of them thorough the cruell gouernment of that president were scatered abrode In the Countie of Vena●…s beinge parte of the Popes Dominion a very frutful soile and a cōmodious countrey the Protestants by the Popes commaundement were erceding cruelly entreated and the goodes of all them forfaited that did professe the reformed Religion neither could the kings Edict case thē by anie meanes notwithstanding both the Kinge and the Quéene were ●…iuers tymes sued to by suppl●…ations Wherefore the greatest part of the Protestantes of Uenais being spoiled of their goodes went to Dolphiney and Orenge where the vse of the reformed Religion was fréelye allowed both by warrant of the Kinges Edict and also through sufferance and fauour of the Prince of Or●…nge The vse of the reformed religion was banished out of Paris by especial commaundement of the Edict Not withstandinge the Protestantes of Paris that were retourned home began to deuise and consult among them selues ▪ for the renewing and gathering togyther again of the congregation Wherefore straglinge abrode in sendry companies they enioyed the preaching of Gods word but alwayes there resorted but a small nomber togyther in one company least they should be accused and condemned as breakers and violaters of the kings decrées And yet although the Parliment of Paris was very sore offended and moued against the faithfull and the Guises spies and promouters also were very busie and left nothing that might be done vntried not withstanding through the pollicie and wisdome of the Marshall Momorency who was President there a certaine kind of peace and quietnes was kept which was as it were sauced and entermingles nowe and than with bitter and greuous vexations In Picardie the Prince of Condies Prouince the pro testantes through the faithfull and diligent trauaile of the President liued almost in euery pointe according to the order prescribed in the Edict Heuerthelesse very few congregations were in that countrey both bicause the people of themselues were much giuen to popishe ceremonies and also they were stirred vp againste the protestantes that were there by dyuers of the Noble men Moreouer in Britannie chiefly by the meanes of the Andelot who held a great part of that countrey by hys wyfe which was Heire of the countye of Lauall and in Normaudy there were some Churches that liued quietly and yet many tymes were in great feare Amongst the Gascoignes for at Burdeux the thief City was a famous church the Santones the men of Poictures and other countries of the prouince of Guian wher were very many congregations the protestantes were diuersly molested and wronged by the Liuetenantes Monsieur Monluc Mousieur de Beri Monsieur de Lude and Monsieur de la Taride And yet the Quéene of Nauar hauing the chief rule almost ouer al those countries being a very godly christian woman did what possible she could do that al things ther might be don in peaceable quietnes and according to the order appointed in the Edict She had also in the Dominion of Bearne it is a Countrye on this side the Mountaines Pyranaeis and part of the kingdome of Nauar where she rained in soueraign and princely aucthority graunted frée libertie of the reformed Religiō but as then she gouerned her subiectes according to the prescripte order of the French Edict There was to be séene the churches lyue in perfecte peace vnder a good and Godly Princesse In the Countrey of Mets which had bin long before kept by the Kinges Garrison the Church did enioy the benefit of the Edict and many of the Captaines of the Garrison and the Souldiers themselues did frequent the Sermons They had also at that tyme their Leuftenant Monsienr Auancie enclyninge to and fauouringe their procedinges very much The Churches that were in those Cities of Predmont which were holden by the French king and those in the Marquesdome of Salus defended themselues by the warrant of the Edict Thus al the Churches dispersed through the whole kingdome of Franec were in diuers states and condicions and the greatest part of them enioyed the benefite of the peace taken but euill fauoredly and all through default of the common Courtes and of those that were appointed comissioners for the execution of the Edicte and others the Lieftenantes of the prouinces The papists had raised and bruted a rumor abrod that the king beinge in his nonage and enforced by necessitie of the time had made that Edict but for a certaine space but when he attained vnto more ripe and discreet yeares he would vtterly roote out and pluck vp the séedes of that new Religion and bring home againe his Subiectes to an vniformitie of one Religion And this forsooth was the will and pleasure of the King his Mother the Quéene and almost of al other the Péers and Nobles of the Realme and that they of the new religion should eyther consent vnto this order ▪ or els be vtterly destroied by the King or at least be spoiled of thei●… Godes and banished out of all partes of the Kingdome So that by the voice of the papistes the faithfull had graunted vnto thē but as it were the loane of the Edict for a very short space and at their pleasure and that to with many great troubles and iniuries In so much that a man might perceiue very much to be taken from the former Edict made in January and the peace graunted by the benefit therof greatly diminished Notwithstāding the rage and troubles of that moste cruell and vnnaturall war being pacified the churches were miraculusly preserued in the tyme of truce and by dispersing of some congregations others wore wonderfully augmented It was easely perceyued how the Guises were enflamed against the protestantes and highly effended that the vse of their religiō was after a certain fort graunted vnto them in France and that by warrant of the kings Edict but yet there were many thinges which stayed them that they burst not out into open war for the present and vrgent state of thinges that had moued the Quéene to make peace would not suffer anye newe broiles or troubles to be raised againe They perceyued also that they could not frame her mind to their pitch although she were of her selfe froward inough against the protestantes and very fauorable to them and their partes For the Queene greatly feared new tumultes and did therfore faine to be very careful both to maintaine the Edict and also to sée it put in execution for the protestants sake whom she flattered very subtilly and against her stomacke especiallye the Prince of Conde whom of all other she chiefly by all meanes and waies possible desired to win and draw vnto her To these lettes also was added the extreme difficultie and almost impossibilitie of takinge any new matter or exploite in hand so hastely as it wer in the neck of so great wars
part was conducted by Monsieur Boisuerd a very good Captaine The Andelot taried at a village called Saintmalin there to take his dinner In the meane time a Monsieur Boysuerd chiefe Captaine of that army was conducting his souldiers to the riuer of Loyre there met him a younge man wonderfully dismayd and abashed and when he perceyued that Monsieur Boysuerd and the rest of his souldiers were protestantes he told Boisuerd that Monsieur Martyques was come with a great army of men the greatnesse whereof he said had made him sore afraide Monsieur Boysuerd regarded not this newes vntill he sawe certaine troupes of horsmen and then he sought with all spéede to defend himselfe and sought to make out of hand bulwarkes and trenches betwéene him and the enemy beside the riuer this was a good remedy but he could not haue his purpose the enemy marched so fast ●ne ▪ Then Monsieur Boysuerd with all spéede sent woord to the Andelot of the comminge of Martiques but before Boisuerd could set his men in their array Martiques rushed vpon him with a great troupe of horsemen dispersed his souldiers and made greate slaughter of them in the chase For that they had not sufficient store of horsmen Monsieur Boisuerd also himself was slaine many of the chiefe Captaines also were taken and many slaine Notwithstanding Monsieur Martiques marched forward with his army toward Saulmur with fiue hundred horsemen and ten ensignes of footemen The Andelot for all this supposed to haue the victory becausé his enemies were fewer in nomber as he thought but when he vnderstood that Boisuerd was slain and a great sort of hys souldiers also and that Monsieur Martiques had a strong army deuided into diuers parts when also he perceyued that hys armye had gotten the vantage of ground of him he shonned them and chose●… more conuenient ground suffering Martigues to pas by hym toward Saulmur many of the souldyours of the Andelot not knowing what the meaning hereof should be yéelding vnto him Then the Andelot gathering togi ther his men pursued with all spéede Monsieur Martigues the which when he perceiued he rode the faster tooke Saulmur which was then kept by the Garrisons of the papistes leauing behind them the spoile which they had taken from the Souldiers of the Andelot Now the bridges being stopte vp and cut awaye the Andelot was driuen to séeke other wayes to passe ouer the riuer of L●…ire he sought therfore to go ouer at some shallow forde or other but he could not by reason of the wynter floudes which had caused the riuer to bee déepe in those places where otherwise there is little or no wa ter at all Notwithstanding at the last he found a place so shallow and fléete that his horsemen footemen Ordinance waggons and his whole army passed ouer the riuer without perill being moste wonderfull and the lyke seldome heard of before After this their safe passage they gaue thankes vnto God sang altogither the 73. Psalm beginning thus IN IVKY IS GOD KNOWNE HIS NAME IS GREAT IN ISRAEL And thus as they went foreward on their iorney they sawe certayne troupes of horsemen on that syde of the ryuer against whom whē the Andelot had sent certayne troupes of horsemen he put them to flight and slew some of them After this they passing quietly on their iorney came at the last into the countrey of Poictou tooke a certayne Towne called Tuars by surrender then ioyned them selues with the Admiral which came to méete them After this coniunction of both armies they tooke a noble Citie called Partenay the Citizens willingly yéeldinge 〈◊〉 ▪ sauing certayne popis●… priestes who séeking to re●…st were slayne Then they iointly and togither besteged a noble Citie called Engolesme but when they had assaulted the same certaine dayes and were out of hope to winne it they tooke at the last a certayne yong man whiche was sent at the ea●…est intr●…aty of the townesmen to Monpensier to cr●…ue ayde at his hands by which yong man they learned in what great necessitie the town was in Thereupon the Admirall gaue a new assault to the other side of the Town by battery made such breaches in the same that the Townsmen being voyd of al hope to defend themselues came straightway to compositiō with the Admirall for the surrender of the Towne So that this Citie came into the power of the Prince of Conde And strayt●… after this that Noble Citie Niort came into his handes In so muche that it maye séeme wonderful that so many Noble Cities in so short while hauing so néere vnto them great ayde of the Catholikes to defend them shoulde be taken These things happened in the moneth of September Toward the ende of this Moneth a great Army being gathered togither at Orleans the Kings Edictes were théenderedout in one of the which Edictes the vse and administration of the reformed religiō was quight taken away and forbidden It contayned this summe Knowe all men that the Kinges our Aun●…etours of happy memory to the end they might shew themselues to be Christians and true defenders of the church haue vsed all lawfull ways and meanes to preserue the same Church and to take awaye the diuisions of Religion sprong vp by secrete sermons and by seattering abroad of r●…probate bookes And after the vnfortunate disceasse of ou●… Father King Henry there were certayne Noble men stirre●… vp by the Ministers of this newe opinion which withdrew themselues and moued controuer●… and that vpon no zeale of religion but moued by ambition to haue the gouernement of this Realme vnder King Frances our brother albeit that he himselfe was of sufficient yeres by the lawes of this Realme and was able enough to gouern both for that he had authoritie and wisdome enough and also was ruled counsayled by the vertuouse and wise counsayle of the Quéen his mother ▪ of other singular Noble men which were still about him after the death of his Father king Henry who directed him in the steppes of oure Father as playnly appeared all the time of his raigne Who had no doubt brought the kingdome into that former State and condition in the which he founde it if the Lord had lent him longer life notwithstanding the state of the Kingdome was then troubled by certaine noble men who when they durst not openly bewray their myndes concerning the getting of the kingdome vnto them ▪ by the industery of their Ministers of this ●…ewe learning they caused the tumult of Amb●…yse vnder the collour of offering vp a supplication with a confession of faith to our brother the King who although he knewe them to be the authors of that mischiefe yet notwithstandyng with greate clemencie following the example of oure heauenlye Father he pardoned all his subiectes by an Edicte which had straied from faith and truth would come into the righte waye agayne thinking hereby to preuaile more than by the Rigor of punishments And
it that they were deliuered before their time And out of the Courte of the goale called the Archbyshops pryson the bloude was séene in the broade day light to the great a●…orring and feare of many that behelde it runne warme ▪ and smoking into the nexte streats of the town and so down into the Ryuer of Sene. There was in that same Archbyshops pryson an aged man called Francis Collut a Marchaunt of cappes and two yong men his sonnes whome he had euer caused diligently to ●…e taught and instructed in Religion Whē he saw the butchers come toward him with their Axes he began to exhort his children not to refuse the death offred by G●…d For sayd he it is the perpetual destenie of religiō that often such sacr●…ices do betide in Christiā Churches Christians in al ages haue euer ●…in for euer to the worlds end so shal be as shepe amōg wolues doues among Hawks sacrifices among priests Thē the old father embraced h●… two yong sonnes lying flat on the ground with thē crying aloud vpō the mercy of God was with m●…ny wounds ●…oth he his sonnes slaughtered by those butchers long tyme afterward their thrée bodies hard knit togither yelded a piteous spectacle to many that behelde them In the meane time Mandelot in iest and scorne as it séemed caused to be proclaimed by the cryer that no man should committe any ●…laughter in the town that if any would detecte the doers of any such slaughter he would giue him a hūdreth crowns in reward for his information And frō that time they ceassed not to kil to rob to spoyle The next day after which was the first of September the greatest part of the deade bodies were thrown into the riuer of Sene and the rest of thē Mandelot to féede glut his eyes heart with bloud caused to be caried by boat to the other side of the water there to be thrown down vpō the grene grasse near vnto the Abbey called Esne There the people of Lions specially the Italians of whome by reason of the Marte there is great store in the towne satisfied their eyes a while did such spites as they could to those heapes of carcases so exercised their crueltie not vpon the lyuing onely but also vpon the deade And there hapned one thing which for the abhominable crueltie is not to be omitted There came to that spectacle certaine Apothecaries amōg those bodies they perceiued some very fat ones by by they went to the butchers told them that they did vse to make certē special medicines of mās greace that they might make and profit therof Which as sone as the butchers vnderstoode they ran to the heapes chose out the fattest and launced them with their kniues and pulled out the fat and solde it for money to the Apothecaries While these thinges were doing at Lions the King being enformed that diuers of the religion had left their wiues children and were fled out of the other townes and lurked some in the woods and some among their friendes such as toke pitie on them he practised with ●…aire wordes to allure a●…d cal them home againe He sent to euery part messāgers letters affirming that he was highly displesed with those slaughters horrible butcheries that he would that suche crueltie shuld be seuerely punished if the Admiral with a few of his confederates had entred into any secrete practise it was no reason that so many innocents should beare the punishment due to a fewe Many swetely beguiled wyth these wordes of the King and with the letters of the gouernours retired home againe to their dwellings and houses specially they of Rhoan Diepe and Tholouse There were scant two dayes passed when they were againe commaunded to pryson where they were all shutte vp Then were murderers a newe appoynted of the most base and rascall of the people to torment them with all kinde of torture and then to slay them And throughout the whole realme of France for thirtie dayes togither there was no ende of killing slaying and robbing so that at this day there are about a hundreth thousande little babes widowes and children that were wel borne that nowe fatherlesse and motherlesse liue wandering and in beggerie About this time the King caused to be proclaymed that such as had any office or place of charge vnlesse they would spedily return to the Catholike apostolike and Romish Church should giue ouer those their temporall roomes There was no towne nor any so small a village or hamlet wherein all the professors of the Religion were compelled either to goe to Masse or presently to take the sworde into their bosomes and in many places it happened that such as being amazed with the sodainenesse of the matter had abiured their Religion yet notwithstanding were afterwarde slayne And while these things were still in doing yet the King in the meane while sent abroade his letters and messages into all partes and caused to be proclaimed with trumpet that his pleasure was that the Edictes of pacification shuld be obserued and although they coulde not haue fréedome to vse and exercise their Religion in open places yet they should haue libertie permitted them to retaine and professe it within their owne houses and that no man should 〈◊〉 with or disturbe the goodes and possessions of those of the Religion And the same Kyng which but fewe dayes before hadde by letters directed to all the gouernours of his Prouinces signified that his cousin the Admirall was slaine by the Duke of Guise to his great sorrow and that himselfe was in great daunger the same Kyng I say nowe caused it wyth sounde of trumpet to be proclaimed that the traiterous and wicked Admirall was slayne by his will and commaundement He that in fewe dayes before had by new authoritie confirmed the libertie of Religion permitted by his Edicts of pacification the same Kyng did now not onely take from the professors thereof their offices and honours but also prescribed them in precise forme of wordes a forme of abiuring and detesting their Religion Which things least any man should doubt of we shal hereafter set downe the very true copies of the said Letters Edicts Abiurations THE KINGS LETTERS to the Gouernours of Burgundie vvhereby he chargeth those of the house of Guise for the murther committed vpon the Admiralles person and for the sedition vvhich hapned at Paris and commaundeth that the Edicte of Pacification shoulde be kept and reteyned COVSIN YOV HAVE PERCEYued what I wrote vnto you yesterdaye concerning my Cousin the Admiralles wounding and howe readie I was to doe my endeuour to search out the truth of the deed and to punishe it wherin nothing was lefte vndone or forgotten But it happened since that they of the house of Guise and other Lordes and Gentlemen their adherentes whereof there bee no small number in this Citie when they certaynly knewe that the
THE Three Partes of Commentaries Containing the whole and perfect discourse of the Ciuill warres of Fraunce vnder the raignes of Henry the second Frances the second and of Charles the ninth With an Addition of the cruell Murther of the Admirall CHASTILION and diuers other Nobles committed the 24. daye of August Anno. 1572. Translated out of Latine into English BY THOMAS TIMME MINISTER Seene and allowed DEVTERON 32. Remember the dayes of olde consider the yeres of so many Generations aske thy father and he will shew thee thine elders and they will tell thee IMPRINTED AT LONdon by Frances Coldocke ANNO. 1574. R Regard not worldly wealth I In Christ repose thy trust C Consider well thy finall end H How thou art but dust A Aske mercy for thy sinne R Reioyce in vertues lore D Detract no time for to atchieue B Beatitudes in store A Aboue where Christ doth raigne K King of imperiall power E Eche Angell his triumphant praise R Resounding euery hower T. T. To the right worshipful Sir Richard Baker Knight Thomas Tymme wisheth desired health and prosperitie with full perfection of Christian vnderstanding and godlynesse IN all Ages and times there haue bene some godly and well disposed Fathers that imployed theyr tyme and trauayle in describyng the State of Christes Churche and of the common wealth of the Lordes Israell As for example In the tyme of the law before Christ Moses Samuel Esras Nehemiah and others After the law since Christ S. Luk Theodoret Sozomenus Epiphanius Nicepho rus Iohn Sleidan and in our time Maister Iohn Foxe oure Countrey man whose godly labour hath deserued great cōmendation As these fathers and godly learned men in their times by occasion haue labored and trauailed to benefite the Church of Christ which through ignorance hath bene much endamaged euen so that notable graue godly learned Father Petrus Ramus the Authour of these Commentaries of the state of the Common wealth and Religion of Fraunce whereof this booke is but the first part hath taken no lesse paines to the same ende and shall profitte in deede no lesse than the trauaile and paine of others taken that way For in his Commentaries beside the godly lessons both concerning doctrine and manners and otherwise are conteined manye notable examples of Gods great mercyes in defending and preseruing the Christian professors of his name in Fraunce in extreme perils and also diuers experimentes of his seuere iudgements in ouerthrowing the cruel tyrants and in punishing the persecuters In consideration wherof I thought is good to translate the same into our English toung both for that I thought it should generally profit our countreymen and not those alone which vnderstand the Latin toung as your worship doth and also for that I thoughte it a meete occasion wherby I might testifie my good will and meaning towardes your worship for the freendly inclination and willingnesse to benefit me that I haue heretofore found in you Desiring you to accept the dedicatiō hereof though not for the worthinesse of the thing giuen yet as a sure testimonie of such a well willing mynd as by this which he here presenteth declareth what he would do if he had any thing of more price to giue and also to suffer my trauaile to passe forth vnder your fauourable protection and garde to the common profitte of our countreymen and the glory of God who send you long life increase of worship and the perfect felicitie of the life to come Your worships Thomas Tymme The Authors Preface to the Reader WHat a great businesse and much adoe there was of late yeares for Religion that in the Kingdome of Fraunce there is no man but he knoweth ▪ yea all men sée the same to be such that it ought with diligence to be Cronicled for euer and to be sent to the borderers of the vtmost part of the earth for all posterities But he which hath taken this labour in hand of good will desireth earnestly that it may generally take effect and turne to the profit of all men For so farre as I know there is nothing extant to be read but certaine writings which were put forth and set abrode as the matter required and certaine Commentaries in the French to●…gue and if there be any thing it is so obscurely written that the same of all men can not be vnderstoode And truly there are certaine reasons which stayed mamy men of great wisedome and experience in these matters from that publique writing For who not knowing as yet what would come to passe dare take vppon him to set foorth openly a whole Tragedie or Comedie without manifest daunger to loose his labour or at the least to séeme to lose it Furthermore who séeth not that it is a thing at this time full of perill and procuring enuie and displeasure And beside all this such laboure at this time séemeth almost vnprofitable For those matters are as yet freshe in memorie and more sensibly felt of a great manie than were to be wished and are noysed abroade by others in forreine Nations To conclude this thing séemeth almost hurt full For when as these controuersies haue ben stirred vp tho rough diuers opinions of religiō which controuersies burst forth into so great perturbations and troubles the rehersall now of these thinges shall not only séeme pernicieus but also vntimely and out of order The which also séeme to bée other causes which haue discouraged learned men who no doubt did diligently note and marke the reasons and falling out of those matters which wonderfully hapned in these our dayes from labouring to set forth this history For either the hast is vnprofitable or else the vntimely comming forth ridiculous of this so spéedie vnseasonable labor Therfore least any man should thinke that it is our purpose to write and sette foorthe a iust and true Historie of the state of the Churche of Fraunce wée giue to vnderstand that it is neyther our purpose nor yet agréeing to the time Howbeit hereafter more copions and plentifull woorkes of better learned menne so soone as the troubles and lettes of these times bée taken awaye will come abroade and will also committe to those that shall come after a perfecte and full memoriall and Chronicle of matters Let this now bée our beginning and entrance and a certaine declaration of a greater worke that we may shewe some part of that large and ample argument and that we may reduce into these Commentaries a certaine Uiew of the seuerall times of our Churches both that we may stirre vp such of greater learning and experience as may happily hereafter take this matter in hand more fully to handle the same and also that in the meane time wee may giue some fast of the greatest matters to Christian men desirous to know the truth of this thing and to men of forreine nations bewayling our estate and condition And in these thrée first Bookes of our Commentaries we set forth vnto the reader the first
we think also that the manifest true knowlege of these thinges is loked for of many mē of forein nations that the first beginnings of those things in these our Commentaries shal not be read of them without some frute Neither do we dout but that many when they haue gotten peace and tranquilitie after troubles will behold our miseries not as thoughe thei themselues were quite out of danger of the like but being moued with the féeling of our afflictions will truly bewaile our estate For whose sake also we haue writtē these things in Latin that they by some means at the least may be generally vnderstoode of all those which séeke the glorye of God and the preseruation of his Church ▪ Wherfore we trust if we be accused of rashnes as though we had vnaduisedly set forth these things which should haue bin deferred till more conuenient and better occasions wée haue to answere for our selues and to make vs cleare from that faulte For if in a matter commendable and deseruing praise simple and small diligence ought not to be blamed this may be a iuste defence for vs against learned and indifferent mē namely to wil is sufficiēt in matters of weight It shal be no reproch or shame to vs at all that there be controllers of a learned perfect story But this is the summe of our whole desire that the very truth of those things which were done in Fraunce for religion might be knowne to all men as what is the goodnesse of the cause of the Faithfull and true churches and what is the iniquitie and iniustice of their aduersaries Let al mē know for a suretie that the Churches of France are not guiltie of sedition and rebellion but are so called by the enimies of the truth and pure doctrine for defending the libertie of the Gospell Let all men know that many thousandes of faithfull Christians being spoyled of their goodes haue like banished mē forsaken their houses and countrey let them knowe that by warre and by other meanes they haue become true martyrs and by the fraude and deceyte of the Antichristian Guyses are dayly martyred who violating and breaking the moste strayte lawe and faith of promises haue abused the kings name and authoritie to exercise their tirannie and wickednesse To be shorte let al men know that Fraunce is falne into these ciuil wars through the wickednesse of aliens not through the fault of the faithfull Moreouer gentle Reader whiche desirest to be satisfyed in the truth we testifie and affirme thus muche for our selues that we haue written all things truly simply and vprightly without anye manner of parcialitie not gathering any thing by rumours or reportes but by certaine and vndoubted arguments in so much that we are not afrayde to appeale to those that are yet alyue as too eye witnesses yea and to the very time it selfe Farewell ▪ Edward Grant Schoolemaister of VVestminster to the Booke WHo lists to lern the blustring broyles frāticke fumes of France The troublous times in three kings raignes that dolefully did chaūce May here suruey a perfect platt of pageants plaide in vewe That will enforce eche Christian harte most ruthfully to rue To see and heare the true discourse of superstitious tymes That shattered pure Religion with spytefull cankred crimes VVhere errour blind and ignorance true Christians did suppresse And armed all her lungish loutes the godly to distresse To rage and fume against the Church that lurking lay in feare VVith spitefull hate and infamies of those that did it teare Christes faithfull spouse not suffered through furious foes to shine Through rancour lodgd in Princes heads that did from truth decline Gods chosen sheep and vassals true raisd vp to doe his will In puritie him for to serue proud papistes sought to spill Their throates to cut their heades to poll their corpes in fier to caste That to Gods pure Religion came flocking wondrous faste Some choackt with gibbets gabbet at some murdred spitefully Some stabbed in with goting blades and daggers wilfully And all for hating Romish rytes and Belials bragging broode For cleauing to the Chrrstian church that sore astonyed stoode Among the superstitious troupes of Antichristian foes Starke blinded with the Popes delights behedgd with wailsul woes Starte vp some chosen chieftaines stoute of Christes disperpled band That did defie such beggeries in Fraunce that famous lande ▪ VVhich few at first did more allure vnto their sacred sawes To serue the Lord in Hymnes and songes according to his lawes And secretly to pray and preache to set foorth his dew prayse In corners and in hidden holes for feare his trueth to rayse Vntill the rage of hellish hagges the common blinded crew Dyd spye and spite their godly wayes and many of them slew Accused them as Lutherans before the Pee●…es and Kings Of Luther that reuin'd the same with fond inuented things Hereof came sectes and taking partes the people censt with rage By might mayntaynd did spoyle the iust the godly ▪ and the sage Edictes were made to staye such broyles and Parliaments were held To let the faithfull be at rest but yet the enemie sweld And daily raged more and more till faithfull did encrease And this reform'd Religion some noble minds did please VVhom God raisde vp to ayde his flocke his chosen sheep to garde Against th ▪ assault of waspishe wolues when their loud cryes he hard For whose defence rose ciuill warres and many a bloudy day The Popish crewe by force did seeke Christes pacient sheepe too slay To roote out this Religion that planted lurking lay And feared not the skalding threates of th' antichristian route But paciently abyde the crosse of Christ with courage stout Though Antichrist the Popes proud grace did rage and fume his fill And all his cankred Cardinals did ioy their bloud to spill They dread not all the Guisian gardes that fierce and mighty be And perfecutors of the trueth that pyne and poute to fee Such valiaunt Captaynes of Christes bande that doe the truth defend And with the gaging of their bloud their frendly ayd doe lend A princely part here Conde playd a prince replet with grace And all his house trew Souldiours stoode the trueth still to embrace Burgeus suffred losse of lyfe and feared not the fier For Gospels sake and truthes defence a lew of his desire Suruey his lyfe and trayning vp his constant faythfull harte His zeale and stout confession he playd a martyrs parte Chatillon shrinke not here a whit a chieftane of the troupe Of Gods dispersed faithfull flocke that made their foes to stoupe Three tymes for this rife ciuill warr the papistes shewd their spight The true and trustie protestants stood stoutly in the right Their cause they manfully mayntaynd Christ Iesus was their shield Sometimes thei foyld their fretting foes that gainst them rose in field Some Nobles slayn and valiant Knights cast downe before their time And all in fence of Christ his cause accused thus
it began in maner as followeth Weye and consider with your selfe your estate and you shall finde that all things haue happened ouertwha●…tly vnto you euer since you haue gone about to vexe the Lutheranes When you set forth the Edict made at Cast ellobrian then began warres But when you inhibited and forbad the executiō of that Edict and were an enimie to the Pope in sending a power into Germanie for the libertie thereof bicause of the afflicted religion your busines had very prosperous successe But what hath hapned vnto you euer since you entred into friendship with the Pope taking the sword of him by which truce being broken warres might begin a fresh God vndoubtedly shall turne thy felicities into those calamities which are now ready to fall vpon thée and thy dignitie To what end went the armie of the Duke of Guise into Italy when he had serued Gods enimie for hire went he not to this ende that when he returned home againe he might vtterly destroy the Churches of the valleys of Pedemonte and might so offer and dedicate his victories vnto God Surely the ende and successe sheweth that God doth bring the deuises and counsels of men to naught when they turne to their own destruction as appeareth by the slaughter which happened on S. Laurence daye of late at what time he derided and frustrated the proude threatninges of the Constable which boasted that if he returned home againe a victor or conquerour he woulde roote out and vtterly destroy Geneua Thus after the repeating of many examples in the which the iudgements of God did appeare against the aduersaries of his truth whose memory also was yet fresh in the heads of al men this letter at the length cōcludeth that afflictiōs cannot abolish destroy the Church of God séeing that as Tertullian sayth The bloud of Martyrs is the seede of the Church and that it is the office of a King to take vpon him the care of religion the which all men might sée by diuers ways to be contaminated and neglected that this might lawfully be done by calling a Councell In the meane time that their cause as yet being vnknowne not certaine they may be peaceably not cruelly intreated which protest that they follow Gods truth and that so holy a name cannot in such wise be cōtemned but some inquisition must be made also that iudgement ought to be had not from the deuises of men but from the worde of God the only and most certaine rule of truth Therfore say they if we be not conuinced by Gods word it is neither fire nor sworde nor any maner of punishment that can terrifie vs These shall be the triumph and victorie of our faith that by being ouercome we shall be ouercommers at the last by this Chariote we shall come at the length to the hauen of euerlasting lyfe But that Edict which was made at Cast ellobrian of the which we haue made mention before was very straite and cruell against Religion in the which among many things these were the speciall sentences First that all former Edictes concerning the putting of heretiques to death should be confirmed That no man shoulde be admitted to anye publike office before he had made his cōfession agréeable to the Catholike and Romishe faith That in euery Parliament and in the thirde moneth also there shoulde be assemblies made which are commonly called Mercuriales and that first of all matters concerning Religion shoulde be handled and that there shoulde be speciall regarde and eye had to the assembly of the Parliament least some corruption or heresie might secretly créepe in There was also another Apologie set forth for all men to vse so written that the auncient forme and state of the Church being represented and compared to that which is at this day the auncient fathers themselues also by their own wordes and writings might defend and maintaine the verye selfe and same cause which they nowe defended and in such wise that they which sayde that they reuerenced and embraced antiquitie might heare antiquitie defending and supporting the cause of the reformed Church so called These things truly are plentifully set forth in this wryting but the summe is this That it was against right that the faithfull shoulde be accused for well doing but more iniurious that they should be condemned their cause not being heard Notwithstanding that the Church of Christ before this time long since had felt the same iniuries therfore no maruaile if they whose cause was like were made equall to them in trouble Howbeit that Sathan and his Ministers shoulde so little preuaile that for all their force the Church shoulde arriue through the midst of their temptations to the safe and quiet hauen and the thicke and dark Clowdes being blowne ouer the light of innocencie should appeare and the enimies of the same be founde lyers After this those slaunders and reproches which were obiected against them being particularly examined and considered by them were also fully aunswered altogither out of the writings of the Fathers that their Apologie or defence myght plainly appeare to be true and sounde Furthermore many letters were written to the brethren which were in prison yea and Churches of farre Countries bewayling their estate did comfort them with their letters so that hereby they were wondefrully confirmed And among other Churches or congregations the congregation of Geneua shewed the dutie of the faithfull brethren insomuch that they did not let by all meanes possible to doe them good While those things were prouided for of the faithful the aduersaries on the contrarie part sought by all meanes possible to worke the death of the faithfull which were in prison so soone as they coulde and in this matter Munerius the ciuill Magistrate was not a little diligent and the people for their part gréedily gaped and continually looked for the same Now there came forth a commaundement from the King that all other matters set apart for a time the senate shoulde wholy applye themselues to vnderstande the cause of the faithfull and to iudge of them according to the euidence that shoulde be brought against them by Munerius the eiuill Praetor Notwithstanding the Kings commaundement herein the whole Senate or assembly of the Court refusing and reiecting this Munerius both for that he withstoode the auncient custome of the Court and also bicause as is before sayde he was accused of falshoode concluded that by the relation and report of anye one man which shoulde come forth and giue euidence the iudgement and sentence of those Iudges that were put in trust shoulde be ordered The whole Senate therefore although they were not a little troubled with the great number of prisoners yet notwithstanding what by the expresse commaundements of the King to them and what with the olde and 〈◊〉 spyte they vare to Religion so greatly preuayled within fewe dayes that their causes in déede came to iudgement Of the which they which constantly helde the
the Church a Lutherane a Lutherane when the people hearde this they fell streight way vpon him and pursued him into the temple whither at the length he fled as to a sanctuarie and place of refuge A certaine Noble man by chaunce passing through the Church with his brother with him who was a Priest and hearing that the people were about to kill a man ranne in all the haste vnto them and sought by gentle wordes to turne the mindes of the people from their wicked purpose that therby he might deliuer the man out of their handes But a certaine Masse priest crieth out saying that he was the man whome they sought for being one that durst take vpon him to defend a Lutherane at the hearing whereof the people run vpon the Noble man vsing violence and at the first beating him with their fists The Noble mans brother which was with him began to intreate for him but the people were more vehement and madde by his intreatie insomuch that they bring them both violently out of the temple least it shoulde be defiled with bloude or prophaned One of these two namely the Noble man being stronger and better able to shift for himselfe than the other escaped their handes and fled into the Curates or Parishe Priestes house harde by The other which was as we saide before a Priest was not so soone out of the Church but he was thrust through with a dagger of the which he being nowe lyke to die calleth vpon Saints and desireth to be confessed of his sinnes whereby it might haue appeared of what religion he was and at the length being wounded with other strokes he was quite dispatched of lyse And yet this stayed not their rage and madnesse for when he was starke deade they did all to bemangle and cut his deade carcas yea and some of them thrusting their handes into the gréene woundes did afterwardes bragge that they had dipped their handes in the bloude This man being thus dispatched they beset the house of the Parishe Priest rounde about least the other brother shoulde escape awaye being fledde thither as is sayde before for succour and defence saying that they woulde offer the like violence to the Magistrate yea and to the King himselfe if so be he woulde helpe a Lutherane But at the length the night comming they forsooke their siege and so the noble man escaped Not long before this tyme there happened another thing which also I thought good here to insert There was a certayne Sorboniste or Popishe Doctor whome men called the Soule of Picardie This fellowe was a famous blower forth and moouer of sedition being oftentimes verye vehement to inflame the people against the Lutheranes perswading them that it was a verye good and acceptable worke before God to shedde the bloude of the Lutheranes and that they shoulde no lesse deserue at his handes thereby than did the children of Israel in slaying the Idolatr●…us Cananaeans adding moreouer that in so doing the handes of the godly Catholikes should be consecrated and hallowed Therefore as this man on a time was preaching to the people a certaine deuout man which canie to heate his sermon vpon some occasion or cōceite that he had in his mind laughed vnto his fellow that late next vnto him The which an old womā there present saw who cri●…d that there was a Lutherane in the Church which did deride laugh the preacher to scorne When the multitude that were there assembled hearde this they sodenly start vp reasoning no further of the matter they drew the man out of the temple putting forth his eyes and pashing forth his braynes most cruelly flew him These were the fruits of these seditious sermons preached by the Sorbonistes and Papisticall Doctors The faithfull being thus miserably handled were accused to the King and to all the people of sedition and were accounted and taken for seditious persons About this time also Andelotius the brother of the Admirall Castillion or Sha●…ilion was taken for religion and put in holde by this occasion At what time intreatie was made for peace betwéene the Kinges of Fraunce and Spayne Granuellus Bishoppe of Atrebate●…sis or Artois made complaynt to the Cardinal of Loraine for these were the Ambassadours betwene both Kings that Fraunce was greatly infected with Lutheranes in so much that the Noble men of the Realme also were polluted therewith among whom he said that Andelotius had sent a booke to his brother the Admirall in the which booke he did grieuously condemne the Masse the which talke and communication was caried by the same Cardinall of Lora●…e to Henrie King of Fraunce and Fraunces Duke of Guise going with an armie to Thionuilla sayde vnto the King that he did not looke to haue prosperous successe of his armie if Andelotius were Generall of the footemen which charge in déede was before committed vnto him When the King hearde this being desirous to retayne the friendship of the Constable he commaundeth the Admiral Castilliō brother to Andelotius and Marescallus Momorencius to perswade Andelotius that he shoulde giue vnto him a reuerent aunswere concerning the Masse The King as hée was instructed by the Cardinall of Loraine demandeth of Andelotius what he thought of the Masse To the which question he answereth fréely saying Wheras the Masse is called a sacrifice for the quick the dead which only belongeth to the sacrifice of Christ being once offred for all and neuer to be offered againe I think that it is a detestable Idol fained by the brain inuentiō of men The King hearing this aunswere tooke it in very euill part and being angrye forbad him his presence and commaunded that he shoulde be put in warde and another to be made Generall of the footemen in his steade But after the returne home againe of the Constable Andelotius was restored to his former office and reconciled into the sauour of the King againe At the length the peace before spoken of was concluded betwéene the two Kings the chiefe and speciall point of the which peace was that the two Kings should procure forthwith a generall Councell to be holden to the rooting vppe and destroying of heresies It was reported among the cōmon sort of people that the Kings made a peace to this end that they might ioyne in force togither to warre against the Lutheranes who mightilye increased dailye in both their Realmes They were greatly confirmed in these opinions by the Cardinall of Loraine and also by Granuellus Bishop of Atrebatensis ▪ commōly called Artois who within a while after was made a Cardinall by the Pope Notwithstanding the number of the Lutheranes newly increased from day to daye the blame and fault of the which increase was layde vpon the Iudges and specially vpon the Senate of Paris as though they had bene to fauourable in their dealing For the which cause it was apointed that there should be a newe assembly made to consider of the Edict of Castellobrian of the
persecution These men when they were come began to preach the worde of God and to appoint an order of discipline There was also among the rest a certaine man called Ianus Contachus not long before a Sorbonist or Papist who came thither after Villegagno This man being ambitions desired greatly to be made a Bishop Therefore he thought this a verye good way to obtaine his purpose namely vpon the daye appointed for the ministration of the Lordes supper to mooue certaine questions as whether Copes and Surplesies and such Priest like garments were necessary to be vsed in that ministration also whether vnleauened breade and the mixing of water with win●… shoulde not in the same be vsed The which he did in déede Howbeit for all this contention mooued by him the Supper of the Lord was then purely celebrated But the controuersies increasing daily more and more among them it was tolde vnto Villegagno that there was a fame and report in Fraunce that many Lutheranes were come into America by his meanes and guidance At the hearing whereof Durandus Villegagno being made asearde quite altered and chaunged his former minde and purpose concerning the bringing in and establishing of the Gospell in those regions And when as on a time Richerius ministred Baptisme and sayd that all those things which were by the Papistes ioyned to Baptisme after the institution of the Apostles were depraued and corrupted additions Villegagno made open proclamation saying that Richerius lyed and streight way affirmed that he had rather followe the ancient rites and customes of the Church made a thousande yeares ago than the new opinions of Caluin and other newfangled persons adding also to this that 〈◊〉 woulde neuer more haue to doe with them At the last after long controuersie it was concluded among them that the articles which were in question shoulde be sent to the Churches of Fraunce and Germanie to iudge of them whose iudgement and opinion they agréed to followe For this cause Charterius was sent into Fraunce But when Villegagno vnderstoode by rumors that great persecution continued still in Fraunce he plainly vttereth his minde and declareth that he would stand to none of all their iudgements and opinions but woulde imbrace the doctrine of the Romishe Church and forbiddeth Richeri●…s to preach or ●…o gather togither the congregation to praye any more Thys was the cause why Richerius and Pontanus returned into Fraunce notwithstāding the lets and impediments which Villegagno obiected vnto them who in déede went about to bring to passe that so soone as they came into Fraunce they both might be deliuered into the handes of the magistrate Many in like maner of the faithfull which abode in America were very euil intreated for religion some for this cause being drowned left a signe and remembrance to the vtmost partes of the world of their sufferance for the Gospel And this truly was the issue and ende of the rashe and vndiscrete zeale of Villegagno But now let vs here bring in that which we left behind vnspoken concerning the death of king Henrie After that he was buried his funerals celebrated according to custome the new king Frances set in his roome the Guises hauing gotten authoritie and fauour with the King by the meanes of the Quéene of Scottes his wife left nothing vndone to aduaunce them to dignitie séeking all they could to remoue others to whom the gouernement of things appertained but specially in this time of the Kings nonage and at their pleasure placing whome it pleased them to the great detriment losse reproch of those Princes that were the Kings neare kinsemen being of the same familie and lyne that he himselfe was of But this their authoritie power hapned vnto thē chiefly to the destruction of the Church Therfore that persecutiō which séemed to end by the wonderfull chaūce of king Henrie begā now to be more vehement thā before And the chiefest persecutors were the Guises both for the olde cankred spite they bare to religion and also for the vnbridled and ambitious desire they had to beare rule and to get authoritie the which they saw by no other meanes coulde stande For the Cardinall of Loraine who also ioyned with the Guises was greatlye dismayed and made afearde by newe rumours which were daily brought from forreine Nations namelye that a conspiracie was made against them by manye men whiche coulde not bea●… their tirannie And therefore the Guises thought it best to proclaime open warre against the Christians Then was there newe Edicts deuised and set forth more cruell than the other that were before with newe punishmentes added to the same In these it was forbidden so make any secret or priuie assemblies vpon payne of death and also promised to the bewrayets of such as should make the assemblies the one halfe of the confiscation or forfeyture of their goodes beside manye other great rewardes There was also commaundement giuen to the ouerséers and searchers out of such to receyue diligently the accusations brought vnto them to take those that were accused daily to search houses and to certifie the Senate of the Citie what they had done in the premisses Furthermore there was authoritie giuen to the Praetor to hang and drawe at his pleasure that he might giu●… sentence of death against such as were before him accused for heresie the benefite of appeale denyed and taken away from such as were condemned The U●…cars and Curates also of euery Parishe were commaunded not to be slacke in excommunicating those whome they knewe to be Lutheranes Besides this there was impunitie and pardon giuen to the accusers if so be it fell out that their accusation were founde false About this time Sathan who séeket●… all that he may the destruction of Christes Church to the ende nothing might be left vndone that might by any meanes hurt the same taketh newe wayes in hand as ye shall heare by this which followeth So it was that two false brethren fled from th●… Church of Paris One of them was a Goldsmyth by his occupation whome the Lorde had sometime vsed as he doth oftentimes other hypocrites as a meane in bringing many men to the knowledge of him the other was a certaine Painters seruant The first of these two which was the Goldsmith being for his wickednesse and euill life excommunicate from the Church came to Democharis the Inquisitor and tolde him that he knewe many things concerning the Lutheranes and that he for sooke their companie for this cause that he might so much as lay in him worke their destruction And so whatsoeuer he knewe might be hurtful to the faithfull the same he declared to the Inquisitor giuing vnto him the names of such as were chief of the church and burdening them with grieuous crimes To be short he left nothing vntold that might serue any maner of way to be hurtfull vnto them To this fellowe the Inquisitor gaue diligent eare and encouraged him with great commendations to
which the King should passe to Ambaxia commaunding also to take so manye as they founde armed or by any maner of meanes suspected This done the Kings power and authoritie was committed to Frances Duke of Guise to supplie the Kings roome for confirmation whereof he receyued the Kings letters patentes Notwithstanding all this the Guises as yet were vncertaine of the reported conspiracie as from whence after what maner by what waye they woulde come and who the conspirators were vntill the Cardinall of Loraine was plainly certified thereof by a certaine lawyer of Paris to whome were giuen for his rewarde in reuealing this matter ten thousande French Crownes out of the Kings treasurie But nowe what maner of conspiracie or practise this was ye shall heare There were verie manye which disdained and repined at the authoritie committed vnto the Guises but specially the Noblemen which tooke it in euill part that the libertie of Fraunce shoulde be defaced by the tirannie of straungers Againe many of those which were of the reformed Churches being wearied with sharpe and grieuous afflictions and laying the burthen and blame of all these cruelties vpon the Guiles as the chiefe and principall enimies of religion thought if they might be repressed and put downe they shoulde finde the King more mercifull and readie to heare their petitions and they should defend their cause before the Magistrates if they were there vnto lawfully called Yea the matter came so farre that they thought they had iuste causes to put downe the Guises the which shoulde turne to the profite both of the King and countrie And this counsell and practise was enterprised at Nameta which is a towne in the lower Britayne by certaine which came thither vnder the colour of méeting togither at a mariage The chiefe perswaders and procurers of which matter were Godfridus Barreus Renaudius and Garreus being Noble men Whose determination and purpose was to compell the Guises to giue an account bowe they had discharged their offices and to remoue them from that dignitie which they sayde they had vsurped and to place the Princes which were the Kinges neare kinsemen in the same To bring the which thing to passe they determined if néede shoulde require to take the sworde in hande And thus they concluded their purpose the summe whereof was That nothing shoulde be done against the King against the Kings kinsemen and against the state of the Realme and that their dignitie and the libertie of the countrie shoulde bee defended so much as might bee from the violence of straungers And to bring this thing to passe Renaudius was chosen Captaine to whome they ioyned sixe other whose counsell he might vse in any matter and thirtie men also very skilfull in feates of armes to attende vpon him in seruice of warre The time and place also of méeting was appointed And so euery man diligentlye went about the thing concluded they prouided money and artillerie and appointed souldiers Notwithstanding the manifolde rumors of their doings and the exquisite diligence of the Guises or rather the prouidence of God which had a greater worke to finishe bewrayed their counsels deuises At that time the Earle of Sansserrensis was lieutenant of Turon who hearing that the Lord Castelnouan and certaine valiant captaines with him abode there certaine dayes came to them séeing the Lord Castelnouan whom he knew very earnestly inquired of the matter but at the last they fell togither by the eares Howbeit they escaped and fled to the castle called Nozeus to the which they had before determined to come there by the industrie of Renaudius were gathered togither the number of fiue hundred horsmen But the Earle of Sansserreus went without delay to Ambaxia told there al the whole matter Whervpō captaine Nemorosius was sent to Nozeus with prepared souldiers to take a view also to knowe their intent and meaning Whither when he was come he desired to talke with thē The which being graunted he demaūded what cause they had so to deale asking also if they by their disloyall disobedience woulde bring infamie reproch to all their countrymen who were wel knowne to be euer faithfull and true to their Kings To this they answere by Barō Castelnouan that they ment nothing against the Kings maiestie but were armed to defend the King the state of the Realme intended to shew his Maiestie the fraude and deceyte of the Guises which they practise to destroy the King and the kingdome and that they were therfore gathered togither with a great companie of Nobles to resist the tyrannie of the Guises their manifest violence oppression both of lawes and auncient institutions Affirming also that they woulde retaine the name of faithfull subiectes in the middest of these troubles whatsoeuer they were thought off To this Nemorosius replyed saying that it became not Subiectes to come vnto their Prince with weapons and armour They on the contrarie part sayde that they did not beare armour against their Prince but against the Guises his vndoubted enimies who will suffer none of his subiectes to haue recourse vnto the king And therfore they sayde they were armed that they might haue accesse vnto the Kings maiestie to whome they knewe and woulde giue due honor and reuerence This cōmunication passing betwene them Nemorosius at the last fel to intreating beseching them promising that if they would vpon trust yéelde themselues into his hands and go vnto the king without armor they should sustain no harm Who at y length being perswaded yéelded thēselues into his handes counting it a great good turne if so be they might haue frée accesse vnto the King without the vse of weapons and armour Notwithstanding so soone as they were come to Ambaxia they were cast into prison handled euen as they had bene traytors to the kings Maiestie The day folowing the band of footmen not knowing what had happened went through the woods to Ambaxia being euery one of them inclosed and taken by an hoste of horsemen were the same daye put to death some being hanged and some drowned in the riuer The thirde day the bande of horsemen among whome came Renaudius hauing trauailed all the night by the conducting and skill of Champdeus a Noble man came by the breake of the daye to the Castell gates of Ambaxia But béeynge betrayed they fled away were scattered here there And this was the ende of this enterprise thus it was stayed They whō Nemorosius had persuaded to yéelde which were takē were diuersly put to death some had their heades chopt off some were hanged out of the Castell windowes and some cast into the riuer And among others that were taken Castelnouanus was one of whome we spake before being a man of great fame both for his birth and also for his bringing vp This man hearing himselfe to be pronounced giltie of treason against the Kings maiestie cried out that he was giltie in no respect of that crime
neyther that he coulde so be proued by any meanes This one thing he cōfessed to be true that he went about to resist the tyrannie of the Guises with a great number of the Nobilitie of Fraunce if this were to offende the Kings maiestie sayde he they must be called Kings before I and they can iustly be condemned of treason And séeing they might not haue libertie to appeale to mortall Iudges he sayde that he appealed to the celestiall Iudge for so vniust iudgement giuen vpon him the which ere it be long will take vengeance on innocent bloude so vniustly shed The like also many others affirming and committing their innocencie to God caused manye to lament their state with teares And among the rest one whose name was Villemongius bathing his handes in the bloude of his fellowes which were newlye slayne lifted vp his handes imbrued with bloude to heauen crying Lord this is the bloud of thy seruants thou shalt take vengeance Nowe therefore these horrible slaughters a man woulde thinke had bene sufficient to make Renaudius forsake his former purpose but he notwithstanding continued in the same Wherefore he went about to gather togither againe his men which were dispersed as you haue heard euē now the which while he assayed he met with a horseman of hys enimies side who shot of at Renaudius his dag but missing him was at the last by Renaudius slayne But Renaudius by a souldiour standing by being the seruaunt of the horseman that was slaine was also wounded to death with the shot of a Dagge whome notwithstanding before he died Renaudius also manfully slue But streight after by the grieuousnesse of the wounde he dyed Whose deade carcas being brought to Ambaxia was hanged vp with this title RENAVDIVS captaine of Rebels and Author of Sedition After this it was deuided or quartered into foure partes and set vp in diuers places and his heade set vpon a forke A wonderfull and straunge thing it was that so many men should come togither from all parts of the Realme and yet be séene of none But this was not the ende of this tumult The Guises against whome this conspiracie was made made great search and inquiry for those that were suspected to be guiltie of this conspiracie Moreouer the King of Nauarre and the Prince of Conde in this contention tooke part against the Guises as hereafter shall be declared The Constable at the commaundement of the King went to the Senate of Paris and there opened the whole matter concerning the tumulte of Ambaxia commending the great diligence of the Guises in pacifying of the same But bicause he sayde that this conspiracie was made against those that were in chiefe authoritie about the King the Guises tooke the same in very euil part who would haue had all men perswaded that it was made for the destruction of the King and the whole Realme that all good order being taken away euery man might rule and gouerne as him lysted At this time Oliuarius the Kinges high Chauncelour who had condemned those that were taken in the tumult of Ambaxia was grieuously taken with sickenesse and being very extréemely handled therewith sayde that he had iustly deserued the same for that those whome he had condemned had great iniurie done vnto them Moreouer hée made exclamation against the cardinal of Loraine who hearing of his extreme sicknesse came to sée him saying Thou O Cardinall art he that bringeth destruction to vs all And so fetching déepe sighes grieuous grones be ended his life Nowe there came forth a newe Edict very cruell against those which followed the newe Religion as they termed it Notwithstanding the late conspiracie being founde to come through the cruell punishmentes layde vpon men whereat they boldly repined brought to passe that the Guises being afrayde thought it best to temper and mittigate those punishments Therefore there were sent abrode letters of pardon in the which the King declared that he would not in the first yere of his reigne begin with the miserable slaughter of his subiects although they had deserued the same but wold rather folow the example of our heauenly father to retain his seruāts by his lenitie mercie than by seueritie and punishments Therfore he sayd he sorgaue all offences concerning religion and gaue generall pardon notwithstanding vpon that condition that they which enioyed the benefite therof should liue catholikely as others did Moreouer the same that came by the conspiracie troubled also the Cardinall of Loraine being a man by nature verye fearefull and wauering insomuch that now after a sort he shewed himselfe very gentle toward the fauourers of the Gospell yea and hearde willingly many of the Ministers of Gods worde which were not afearde to talke with him concerning the chiefe pointes of the Religion nowe in controuersie affirming also that he himselfe did agrée with them in many points But the Quéene to the ende she might vnderstande the true causes of the tumult of Ambaxian and might sée also what remedies might be had for those troubles which were nowe readie to come vpon the kingdome sent for one called Planchaeus bicause he was sayde to be a man that had by long vse great experience who being come and brought into hir priuie chamber she declared that she had sent for him to this ende that she might vnderstande by him what were the causes of the troubles nowe at hande and also what remedies might be prouided for the same Of which she sayde no man coulde better satisfie hir than he Who when he coulde by no excuse shift off or denie this request at the last affirmed that for his obedience sake he woulde take this thing vpon him and so farre as he coulde satisfie hir request First therefore he began thus saying there are two sortes of them who hauing their names altered were no more called Lutheranes but Huguenotes I saye of these there are two factions the one of religious persons the other of Ciuile or politike persons Of the whiche two factions the first for their afflicted Religion the other for that the gouernement of the Realme was put into the handes of the Guises the Princes the Kings neare kinsemen beyng defrauded of the same were greatlye displeased These were the verye causes of these troubles to remedie the which there is no waye but to satisfie both their wylles The first namely the religious persons may easilye be perswaded if so be godly and learned men were gathered togither and disputation made of those articles nowe in controuersie But the others which were of the Temporaltie can not be so easilye pacified bicause they thinke that they haue iust occasion to put themselues in armour and to resist This therefore is the onely remedie if the Princes the Kings neare kinsemen be kept and set in their owne proper degrée and dignitye and the Guises by some faire and gentle meanes remooued from gouerning the Kingdome For the Nobilitie will not suffer the Princes
which are the Kings neare kinsemen to bée in lesse estimation than Straungers And althoughe the Princes throughe their humanitie and great modestie woulde suffer them selues to bée so abased yet notwithstanding the Nobles woulde not beare it nor abyde the gouernement of Straungers And to confirme this which he had spoken he brought in manye examples that the Guises being Straungers were neyther in the number of Princes nor at anye time so accounted and that therefore it was not lawfull for the Guises to arrogate vnto themselues the titles and authoritie of Princes which onely appertained to the Kings bloude as the auncient custome of the kingdome woulde declare This sayth he to pacifie those of the temporaltie whose doings were the more to bée feared for that the greater part of the Nobilitie was of that side sauing such as were woonne and procured awaye by the Guiles for the Kings money Thus Planchaeus largely and fréely vttered his mynde But all the whyle that he had this talke with the Quéene the Cardinall of Loraine was hydde behinde the Tapistrie clothes that h●…ng before the wall of the Closet Who when Planchaeus had leaue of the Quéene to depart came forth and talking with the Quéene appointed that Planchaeus shoulde be called agayne and commaunded to procéede in his former declaration and to shewe who they were that were the authors and Captaynes of she late conspiracie the which except he woulde promise to doe that he might be caried to prison Therefore Planchaeus being called againe began to vtter his minde as fréely as he had done before shewing the parentage and stocke of the Guises and also howe they were Straungers and nothing appertaining to Fraunce adding moreouer that it was very euill done to commit the gouernement of the Realme to Straungers and speciallye to such as did contende ambitiouslye for the Kingdome and thought it shoulde appertayne to them The Quéene being offended with his boldnesse and speciallye séeing he affirmed that he knewe nothing of the conspiracie commaunded that he should be caried to prison All which Planchaeus spake was euen as it were the voyces of the people speaking by the mouth of one man. After this Michael Hospitall the Kings Chauncelour after the death of Oliuarius of whom we spake before a man verye well learned and wyse was sent to the Senate of Paris to consult with them about many matters that belonged to the gouernement of the Realme and among the rest concerning the prouiding such remedies as might take away the tumults alredie begon And thus afflictions waxed more easie than they wers before and remedies were prouided for so generall a mischiefe But the fame and report of the increasing of the multitude of the faithfull daylye was in euery place of the Realme and bicause great troubles séemed to be at hande all men had regarde vnto them more than to the report of the increase of the faithful the most part endeuouring themselues to staye and pacifie these troubles And at this time this was the state of France the Guises sent the same prouision of warre with the which they withstoode the religion in Fraunce into Scotland ouer the sea to the intent they might there deface and put downe the religion newly begon For the Nobles of Scotland with a great multitude of the people beside had cast off the Popes yoke from of their neckes had plucked downe their Images their altars and abolished the ceremonies of the Papisticall seruice causing the Quéene to get hir into a little towne by hirselfe for that she was sore offended at that which they had done Therefore lacking helpe the Guises brought to passe to haue an hoste of men sent out of France to the number of foure thousande Of this bande of men Brossaeus was Generall with whome was ioyned the Bishop of Ambianensis to the ende the one might fight with the sword and the other with Papisticall power Therfore they toke their iourney with these cōmandements namely that they should seuerely punish the Rebels and the chiefe authors of sedition and that they shoulde restore the wonted and vsuall obedience of the Pope Wherfore so sone as they were come into Scotland they made proclamation that euery one should go to Masse detest and forsake the new religion The Bishop wrote vnto the King that he woulde bring all the people within fewe dayes to the catholike faith Brossaeus wrote that he woulde destroy all within sixe moneths which woulde not come to the auncient Religion But it came otherwise to passe For after the death of Marie Quéene of England the Guises made claime and title to the Crowne of Englande for their Néece the Quéene of Scottes as though she had bene the lawfull heire Whereat the moste gracious Quéene Elizabeth hauing great disdaine sent worde to the King of Fraunce of this great iniurie done to hir Grace by the Guises and biddeth battaile Nowe the Scottés to the ende they might abide the forren power of the Frenchmen féeling also that they stoode in néede of helpe and ayde from some other place went to the Quéene of England beséeching hir that although they were hir olde enimies yet that she woulde vouchsafe to ayde them in so iust a cause of Religion saying that they had rather to abide any extremitie than the tyrannie of the Pope To whom the Quéenes maiestie willingly and gladly promised and graunted helpe The Scottes therefore being encouraged by this ayde did so withstande the French power that they made great slaughter of the French men and draue them to such a strayte that except the matter had bene taken vp by peace it shoulde séeme that they had bene all vtterly destroyed Peace therfore was concluded and the reformed Religion there established And so that tumult was turned to the peace and quietnesse of the Church notwithstanding the subtill practises and cruell threatnings of the aduersaries There were also at that time grieuous afflictions layde vpon the Church in another place For in the townes of Sixtus and Guardia in the countrie of Calabria there were manye yea to the number of a thousande which by the Popes commaundement were put to death for Religions sake and many horrible cruelties also committed by the meanes of one Marchion Buciane In the Kingdome of Fraunce also in diuers places as at Paris and Rhoane many of the faythfull were murthered vpon the solemne feast daye of the Bishops deambulation For the faithfull began more and more to assemble themselues togither and exhibited vnto the King a little booke containing the confession of their faith requiring to haue libertie graunted vnto them to declare their cause Wherfore it shall not be disagréeing from our purpose to put downe here the same their confession to the ende we may therby sée what a notable consent and agréement there was in the doctrine of faith among the Churches of Fraunce notwithstanding the ●…oysterous tempestes of the first afflictions A Confession of the Fayth made
be chosē to the same by lawfull election if so be the same may be had We adde this if bicause sometime as in oure time also when the Church hath bene troubled and persecuted many haue béen constrayned without ordinarie callyng by the motion of Gods holye spirite to take vpon them to repaire the ruinousnesse of the decayed Church notwithstanding howsoeuer the matter be we doe beléeue that this rule ought to be followed that all pastors and ministers maye haue sufficient testimonie of their calling 32 We doe beléeue it to be necessarie that they which are chosen to be the chiefe ouerséers of some one Churche doe diligently waye and consider among them selues by what waye or meanes the whole body of the same Churche may be best gouerned Notwithstanding so that they swerue in no poynt from that which our Lorde Iesus Christ hath appointed And this letteth not but that certaine places maye haue their peculiar and speciall institutions to them appertaining as it shall séeme best 33 And we doe exclude all humane inuentions and lawes whiche vnder the pretence of the worshippe of God doe bynde the consciences of men and we doe onely admit and alow those which tend to the maintaining of concord the keping of euerye one in due obedience in the which thing we thinke it méete to follow that which our Lord sauiour Christ appointed concerning excommunication the which with the circumstances also we allow thinke necessarye 34 We doe beléeue that there are Sacramentes ioyned to the woorde for further confirmations sake as pledges and seales of the grace of God by which our infyrme and weake faith may be stayed and holpen For we confesse these externall signes to be such that God by them worketh with the power of his holy spirit that nothing there might be set before vs in vaine Notwithstāding we doe thinke that al the substance veritie of them resteth in Christ Iesu frō whō if they be separated they are nothing but vayne shadowes 35 We doe confesse that there belong onely two Sacramentes to the whole Church of the which the first is Baptisme giuen vnto vs to testifie our adoption bycause thereby we are grafted into the body of Christ as beyng washed with his bloud and are also renewed to holynesse of life by his spirite This also we affirme that although we are but once baptized yet notwithstanding the fruite of Baptisme doth appertaine to the race of our whole life to the ende that this promise mighte be sealed in vs by a sure and certaine seale namely that Christ will be alway our sanctification righteousnesse and redemption Furthermore althoughe Baptisme be a Sacramente of fayth and repentaunce yet notwithstanding seyng God doth recken and accounte the children wyth the parentes to be of his Church we affirme that infantes borne of holy and godly parents ought by the authoritie of Christ to be baptized 36 We affirme that the holy Supper of the Lord which is the other Sacrament is a testimony vnto vs of our vnion with our Lorde Iesus Christ bicause he did not thinke it sufficient for vs onely to dye and to be raysed agayne the third day for our sinnes but also féedeth vs still ▪ and nourisheth vs with his fleshe and bloude that being made one with him we maye be partakers of life with him For although he be now in heauen and shall abide there vntill he come to iudge the worlde yet notwithstanding we beleue that he doth by the secrete and incomprehensible power of his spirite nouryshe and quicken vs wyth the substance of hys fleshe and bloude apprehended by faithe And we saye that this is done spiritually not that we go about to put fantasie and imagination in steade of efficacie and veritie but bicause this misterie of our vnion and knot made betwene Christ and vs is sodaine and far paste our reache that by no meanes we are able to comprehende it To be shorte séeing it is a thing so diuine and heauenly it can not be by any meanes apprehended but by faith onely 37 We beléeue as it is saide before that the Lord as well in the Supper as in Baptisme doth giue vnto vs in verye déede that is to saye truely and effectually whatsoeuer is therin figured Sacramentally and therfore we ioyne with signes the true possession and fruition of that thing which is so offered vnto vs Therfore we affirme that they which bring a pure fayth as a vessell with them to the holy table of the Lorde doe verily receiue that which the signes doe there testifie for the body and bloude of Iesus Christ is no lesse meate and drinke to the soule than bread and wine is the sustenance of the body 38 In like maner we saye that the element of water although it be corruptible doth truely testifie vnto vs the inward washing of our soule in the bloude of Iesus Christ by the efficacie of the holy Ghost And therefore we reiecte all those fanaticall persons which reiect these outward signes when as our Sauiour Christ him selfe spake these wordes saying This is my Body and This Cup is my Bloud 39 We beléeue that it is Gods will that the world shoulde be ruled and gouerned by lawes and politique gouernement that there may be some meanes by which the immoderate desires of the worlde may be bridled and restrained and that therefore he hath appointed kingdomes common weales and other kindes of dignities whither they come by inheritance or otherwise and not onely that but whatsoeuer pertaineth to right and equitie the author whereof he himselfe woulde be counted Therefore also he hath put the swerde into the hands of Magistrates to punishe offences not onely against the seconde table but also against the first Wherefore we must for his sake which is the author of this order not onely suffer that they may rule whome he hath set ouer vs but also honour and reuerence them as his Ministers appointed by him to take that lawfull and holy office vpon them Therefore we affirme that lawes and statutes ought to be obeyed tribute and taxes payed and all other burthens discharged and voluntary subiection yelded to magistrates yea although they be infidels so that God be not dishonored Therefore we detest all those that denie rule and gouernment and refuse to obey desiring a confusion and to haue all things common and going about to ouerthrow all lawe and good order This therefore was the plaine and simple confession of the faythfull Christians of the reformed Churches of Fraunce and a plaine explication of that Doctrine for the which they were so greatly persecuted by the Popishe Bishops Thus endeth this first Book ¶ The seconde Booke of Commentaries of the state of Religion in the kingdome of Fraunce IT was prouided and appointed as we haue shewed before by the kings Edict that there should be a Parliament by which the great perturbations which at that time all men sawe
Emperour woulde haue the actes of the Councell handled before him to be openlye publyshed abroade But concerning the paines and punishments which were hitherto appointed this he sayde was his opinion ▪ and iudgement That doctrine for the which all this trouble ariseth is of diuers men diuersly receyued Some so soone as they hearde of the same perfecte and approued doctrine and had in no poynt imbraced receyued the same thought it sufficient to knowe this one thing namely that no man ought to heare Masse and that it was lawfull to eate fleshe in Lent that men were not bounde to Auricular confession and that it was lawfull to speake euill of Priestes These men vndiscretely went about to defend that doctrine by force of armes but to be short these men vnder the pretence of Religion were mere seditious and are by no meanes to be excused For if these kinde of men were Christians or by any maner of meanes true receyuers of the Gospell they ought to remember that the Apostle commaunded to praye for Kings and to render all obedience vnto them yea though they were cruell and wicked also they ought to call to minde that neuer in the Church specially in the time of the twelue great persecutions in the which an infinite number of Christians were put to death there was any one man founde which went about to defend his cause by force of armes but rather ouercame the crueltie of their Emperours with their pacience Another sort of men there are also which imbrace this doctrine and retain the same with such zeale loue and obedience towardes God and the King that they woulde in nothing offende them By the life and death of these men it is manifest that they haue a desire to attayne saluation and to finde the way that leadeth to the same and when they haue founde that way they neither feare losse of lyfe and goods nor any maner of punishment but to the vtmost of their power prosecute that way Wherfore they are not to be counted among the number of those wicked professors before spoken off nor to be numbred in the companie of seditious persons As yet we see it playne inough that those punishmentes which haue bene deuised haue done no good but on the contrarie part their patience which they manifestly shewed in the middest of the fierie flames hath stirred vp many to haue a liking and to fauour their cause Herevpon it came to passe that they which neuer hearde of the same doctrine for the which they suffer were desirous to vnderstande what doctrine it was and at the length hauing intelligence of the same they did receiue it with no lesse affection zeale than others had done being ready by the ensample of others to suffer death for it Therfore set before your eyes and consider the examples of the thrée hundred and eightene Bishoppes in the first Councell of Nice of the. 150. in the Councell of Constantinople of the 200. in the Councell of Ephesus and of the 630. in the Councell of Chalcedon who neuer vsed any other armour than the worde of God against the Arrians Macedonians Nestorians and other heretikes conuicted of blasphemie against the holy Trinitie Constantinus Valentinian Theodosius Martian being Christian and godly Emperours did vse no greater punishment against the authors of sects than banishment And as touching assemblies and multitudes gathered togither they were always forbidden for the daūger that séemed therof to arise the king also hath sufficiently prouided for this thing by his Edicts And thus this Bishop made an end of his oratiō adding this one thing by the Kings leaue that it was mete in punishing to haue a prudent consideration of the place of the time of the wils of men of the cōpani●… called togither After this man Carolus Marillacus Bishop of Vienna in Dolpheny vttered his opinion in maner and forme folowing Although that matter which is propounded vnto vs to deliberate vpon is very hard long bicause it is left at large and is general therfore the more vneasie to be concluded séeing we must come frō that which is generall to particularities in discussing wherof the diuersitie of Iudges will bring as it is likely great varietie of opiniōs yet notwithstanding we must hold this as a sure certaine rule in the discussing of all matters namely that after long consultation debating of things some certaintie at the length must be concluded that there cannot be a more pestilent mischiefe mortal plague in the gouernment of common weales than to wander among the diuersitie of opinions to appoint and retaine no certaine thing And if this rule so greatly commended of wise men so prudently obserued of Kings of common weales of Princes which euer at any time florished ought to stirre vs vp to follow the same way and rule truly the necessitie the extremitie in the which we are hath brought vs into such a strayt that we cannot do otherwise though we would ▪ And as all men of sound iudgement wil confesse y matter cannot abide in that state in the which it is now any lōger But lest I be tedious vnto you ▪ I will come to the matter The tumults which of late haue hapned the feare of newe things the complaintes and displeasure of many men and the feare also and dreade that is among men ought to stirre vs vp to séeke and prouide for remedies in time which may defende vs from these great troubles which else wil make a great alteration of y state And that I may briefly conclude this matter I thinke that there are two things as it were two pillers by which the state of the kingdome may be fortified and borne vp namely the integritie of Religion and the good will of the people The which if they were stable and firme we néede not doubt the safetie of things but if they be once cast downe as it is to be scared there must néedes followe great ruine and destruction of that hie and notable building These two things therfore must be stablished and confirmed to prelient that ruine which is like to come and to this ende as both common profite and necessitie requireth all our Councels reasons deuises and deliberations ought to tende séeing herevpon both the due obedience to the King and the conseruation of the people dependeth The which things are so ioyned togither that the one of them by anye meanes cannot stande without the other As concerning necessitie we must measure and wey the same by hauing a respect and consideration of the King and of his principall members or ministers which vnder him gouerne the people and of others also who ought to obey First of all therfore it is the Kings duty to wey cōsider whervnto he is called wherfore the Lord hath giuen vnto him the rule of so great a people In so doing he shal find that the Lord hath chosen
him to be a King to this ende that he might kéepe the people vnder the knowledge feare and obedience of God that he might gouerne them by good and wholesome lawes and also to saue and defende them from the enimie and in all thinges to shewe himselfe so studious and carefull for the common wealth that he may be honoured and be beloued as a father of the people For this is the onely difference betwéene a King a Tyrant The King reigneth and ruleth with the good will loue and consent of the people but the tyrant ruleth by violence and force In a King therefore a man may behold the ordinance of God the author and preseruer of Common welthes and humaine societie In the tyrant the force and violence of the Diuel who goeth about to peruert that ende to the which God hath ordeyned Kings and Potentates Herevpon it commeth that as the King is loued of all men and hated of none but of wicked men and Rebels so the tyrant is feared of all men without exception and therefore hated of all according to the olde Prouerbe Quem metuunt oderunt him whome men feare they hate Therefore if the King will be loued and obey the commaundement of God and retaine the obedience and loue of his subiectes he must of necessitie stablishe Religion he must heare the complaintes of the people and must prouide for them remedies as a father prouideth for his children séeing that he is set in the kingdome to that ende neyther can he doe otherwise except he will make himselfe vnworthy of the grace of God by which he confesseth that he doth reigne as both examples of holy Scripture and domesticall examples also do plentifully declare The first bond therfore which confirmeth knitteth and retaineth the obedience of kings is Religion the which is nothing else than to know God as it becommeth vs that is to say according to his prescript wil. And now séeing we ought to acknowledge him to be the creator author preseruer of all things it must néedes folow that al our actions ought to tende to the setting forth of his glory Whervpon it cometh to passe that Religion which is that most assured bonde of humane actions and of the true obedience of subiects towards their Kings ought to be reformed preserued maintained But bicause that bonde is dissolued and broken in these our dayes both by the malice wickednesse of some and also by the doting madnesse and folly of other some and by the corruption of our time it is no doubt an euident demonstration and token of the wrath of God which threateneth vnto vs great destruction not farre hence vnlesse it be prouided for out of hande For besides the varietie of doctrines who euer sawe the ancient discipline of the Church so miserably abused contemned and deiected errors so dispersed and rooted euery where offences and stumbling blockes so common the life of Priests so corrupt and so much to be reprehended and also so many and great tumultes among the people The way to remedie this great euill and mischiefe is a generall Councell the only ancient vsuall meane but as it plainely appeareth that is not to be hoped for and that for two causes The one is It is not in our power to bring to passe that the Pope the Emperour the Kings and the Germanes shoulde by by agree of the time the place and maner of holding of a Councell in which things there are oftentimes great cōtrouersies The other cause is this Such is the disease and mischief it so grieueth euery part of the kingdome that there is small hope of any remedie Like as if a man troubled with a cōtinuall feuer or with some other grieuous disease which requireth letting of bloude or some other present remedie cannot tarie to haue the Phisitions help which dwelleth farre of bicause of the great vncertainty of his cōming Therfore we must bring to passe to call a coūcel of our Nation as it was before concluded the which also the King hath alredy openly promised And this parliament must of necessitie be called both for the necessitie which so vrgeth the miserable Church being brought to so great extremities also for the kings estimation and credit who by his owne letters hath openly giuen forth declared y same but specially bicause there hath nothing happened since that time which might let or hinder the same but on the contrarie part there grow new things occasions daily which do vrge and driue vs to séeke to call a Parliament vnlesse we could be contented to lose all that we haue The Emperour Charles the v●…lately deceased whē he came to Bononia and had conferred with Pope Clement concerning matters of the Church he willed his Chauncelor to talke with that Pope concerning the calling of a Coūcell both to reforme the maners of Church men and also to establish the doctrine which was in controuersie The Pope vehemently withstode this thing affirming that there was no néede to call a Councell neither for doctrine séeing that al new opinions are refuted condemned of the ancient Councels neither yet for Ecclesiasticall discipline which was so wel appointed that it was sufficient only to obserue kepe the decrées written concerning the same But the Emperour being not satisfied with this answere replied againe that it coulde not be but that the great assembly of the generall Councell shoulde bring great profit doe much good both to cut off that euill which daily increased more and more and also to repaire and confirme those things which were very well already receyued and allowed to hinder cut off that which might abolishe them by discontinuance and want of vse And in this minde concerning the procuring of a Councel he continued so lōg as he liued In the which matter he founde no greater aduersaries than those who shoulde haue set him forwarde in so commendable an enterprise Our auncetours were woont euery fiue yeares to call generall Councels as it is to be séene in the decrees But as touching priuate Councels or Councels assembled out of our owne Nation we shall find in the histories of the Kings of Fraunce that they were called in euerye Kings tyme beginning at the raigne of Clodouaeus vntill the tyme of Charles the great and so forth vntill we come to Charles the feue uth his dayes The which Parliamentes or assemblies were sometimes gathered togither from euery part of the whole kingdome sometimes from one halfe of the Realme sometimes but out of certaine Prouinces onely By which Parliaments it was sildome séene but that there ensued great fruite and profite to the reformation both of doctrine and maners Let vs not staye therefore any longer at the matter but followe the examples and wayes of our elders and let vs not be afrayde to be accused to be bringers in of newe customes séeing that we haue so many examples to followe but
whiche they knowe that thereby it may be knowne how necessary it is to haue either a generall counsell or a Nationall counsell For it is verye profitable to call and assemble all the states together that all men may perceiue and sée how wel the Realme is gouerned And thus he made an ende When they had thus vttered their sentences and minds the King and Quéene gaue thankes to the whole assembly whose Counsell they saide they were readye to followe graunting vnto them that whereupon they had concluded namely That all the states of the Realme should be assembled togither and that if there coulde not be a generall councell there shoulde be with all speede a Nationall Councell Therefore they determined and concluded that the states of the Realme should be at Meldis the tenth day of the moneth of December nexte comming excepte it shoulde please the kings maiestie to appointe some other place And that the States belonging to euerye prouince should make in their prouince an assembly and consultation particular before that time to the ende that those things which should be debated of in the general assemblies might be vnderstoode Also that bycause it was in a maner agréed of a generall Coūcell betwéene the Pope the Emperour and the Christian princes the Bishops should come the tenth day of Ianuary next comming to the king that they might agrée conclude of the sending to the generall Councel or else of the hauing of a particular and Nationall Councell And that in the meane time the Bishops should get them to their Diocesses both to prepare them selues and also diligently to note and marke those things which lacke reformation In like maner that the Ciuill and substituted Magistrates shoulde kéepe the people in peace and obedience sparing and omitting neuerthelesse paynes and punishmentes due to offenders excepte it be to suche as put themselues in armes and moue sedition and yet notwithstanding the King to reserue vnto him selfe his power and authoritie to punishe those which are counted the authors of seditions and tumultes This was the conclusion of that consultation the which shall appéere wonderfull if we consider the state of the former times For that libertie which as yet is but little but before lesse being restored frō fiery flames and from death it selfe so preuailed before the King that it increased more and more But for all that the aduersaryes ceassed not their wicked Councels and practises what faire and paynted wordes so euer they vsed who by and by againe burst forth shewed them selues by these occasions There was a certaine seruant belonging to the King of Nauar whose name was Sagua who being come to a place called Fontisbellaquaeum and méeting with a certain souldier called Banna talked with him earnestly persuaded with him that he would not serue vnder the Guises for sayth he there are wayes deuised to punishe and handle them as they haue deserued and at the laste made rehersal of certaine things more particularly Banna the souldier hearing this went and tolde the whole circumstance to Marshall Brissacus who exhorted him to goe to the Duke of Guise To him therfore he went and tolde him all the whole matter in order Then the Guise desired him to faine friendship and familiaritie toward this Sagua and to fawne vpon him often times to repeate their former communication also to shewe him to one of his householde seruants The which this Banna did And Sagua was apprehended by the Guise There were also taken in the hands of Sagua certaine letters of Monsier Vidam of Carnutum to the Prince of Conde in the which he declared That if the Prince would take any thing in hande worthy of kinglike seruice he was ready to serue him and for his sake to spende both goods and life Upon the onely occasion of these letters the king gaue commaundement that Monsier Vidā of Carnutū shuld be takē The which was with all diligence broughte to passe by the Guises In the meane time there came from Lions frō the Abbat Sauignius letters concerning the bewrayed frustrated practises of Malignius who was said to go about to take Lions Sauignius for his rewarde receiued the Archbishopricke of Orleans By the meanes of these newe tumultes the king came from Fontisbellaquaeum to the Citie Sangerman But the cause and mischiefe of all these things was layde vpon the Prince of Conde who was openlye accused to séeke the alteration of the state of the common weale and also to be the author of the tumulte of Ambaxian Then was Cursolensis sente to the King of Nauarre to commaunde him to come vnto the King and to bring his brother the Prince of Conde with him In the meane time Monsier Vidame althoughe he was very sicke yet was he very straitly imprisoned in so much that his owne wife might not come to visite him And being straitly syfted by those whiche were appointed to examine him concerning the meaning of his letters he still made this answere namely That he did write expresly of those things which appertained to the obedience of the king and of whatsoeuer else that shoulde be done by the kings commaundement Also he saide that he was a néere kinsman and friend of the Duke of Guises yet for all that if there were any priuate controuersie betwéene him and tho King of Nauar and the Prince of Conde he woulde rather take part with them thā with him in so much that for them two namely for the King of Nauar and for the Prince of Conde he would spend both life and goods On the other part the familliar friends of the Prince of Conde with whome he was thoughte to haue conference and consultation were dayly caste in prison and the suspicions of the Huguenotes dayly increased more more for by this newe and straunge name were the faithfull of the reformed Church then called Then was there a newe Edict made That no Prince or any other man whatsoeuer shoulde contribute money armor horses and such like to the setting forth of Souldiers and that he which shoulde be founde to doe this should be counted a Traitor to the King. There was yet a seconde messenger sent to the King of Nauar that he and his brother should come with all spéede This Messenger was Cardinall Burbonius their brother Publique supplicatiōs for the peace of the kingdome were euery where forbidden And wheras the assembly of States was determined before to be holden at Meldis it was now translated and remoued to Aurelias Marshall Termensis being sente with two hundred armed men to kepe the citie At the feast of Saint Michaels order Monsier Vidam being one of the foresaide order put vp a certaine supplication by the Cardinall of Loraine as by the Chauncelor of that order desiring that according to the auncient custome he mighte be iudged of all those that were of that honorable order of Saint Michael and that for those causes onely for
Monsieur Vidame of Carnutum who was kept at Paris in holde for those causes whereof we haue spoken before Whose death many of the Nobles tooke very heinously Then were certaine thinges appointed and determined concerning the gouernment of the kingdome the imperie and rule was deuided betwéene the Quéene and the King of Nauarre and that in such order that the chiefest authoritie to gouerne the Realme was giuen to the Quéene against all law and auncient custome of France Wherfore by reason of this sodaine chaunge the assemblye of States were interrupted and brake vp for a certaine space But they were assembled togither againe in the same place the. xiii daye of December Charles the King the Quéene and the Princes according to the maner accompanying them Then the Chancelour at the commaundement of the King declared that there was no lesse willingnesse in the King than there was in his brother before him to haue an assemblie of States and that the rather bicause the King himselfe was newlye come vnto the Kingdome And he procéeded speaking very seriously and plentifully of the cause ende and vse of calling an assemblie of States and why the same being omitted for the space of eight and twentie yeres shoulde nowe againe be brought in vse And when he had shewed the King and the Subiectes also their duties he came to speake of those causes more particularly which brought to passe that there should be an assembly of States that is to say of the Seditions which he wished might be taken quite away for that they were like to bring so great troubles to the whole Realme And to finde out spéedye and profitable Remedies for the same he sayde the causes of so great euill must first of all bée noted and knowne We must sayth he in euery respect and condicion disalowe and vtterlye condemne sedition the which is nothing else but a separation and a pulling awaye of the subiectes from the Kingdome and Common wealth And it springeth of diuers causes First of feare of some imminent euill which may come by iniurie and oppression and also of the expectation of great things to put awaye penurie and scarcenesse But the speciall cause is Religion And this is very straunge and most wonderfull bicause God the only true author and preseruer of Religion as he is an enimy to dissention so is he the defēder and preseruer of peace Christian Religion néedeth not the defence of Armes neither doth the beginning or conseruation therof stand vpon force of armes Neither is their aunswere to be allowed which say That they take not armes and force in hande to offend any man but to defende themselues For by no meanes is it lawfull for the subiect to ryse against the Prince yea it is no lesse vnlawfull for him so to doe than for the children to resist their parents whether they be good and courteous or sharpe and cruell Thus did the godly Christians in tyme past set forth and maintaine Christian Religion namely by long sufferance and pacience also by deuout prayer for wicked Emperors which ouercame their crueltie The very Ethnikes truly praysed highly cōmended those which had suffered iniuries and reproches for their countrie But we which are Christians ought not to allowe the opinions of the Gréekes and Romaynes concerning the killyng of tyrantes If men were such as they ought to be there should neuer come any strife or contention for Religion But it is manifest that there is no greater force than the first conceyued opinion of Religion whether y same be good or euill There is no peace to be hoped for betwéene men of contrarie Religion There is nothing that doth more violently assaile the hearts of men and that doth more inuade them there is no affection that is of greater power and more violent either to bring friendship or to bring hatred than Religion The Jewes hated all other Nations as prophane And all other Nations hated the Jewes But wherefore for Religion What and howe great hatred was there in time past between the fathers and the Arrians But I omit such ancient examples and I will come nearer euen to our selues England and France embracing al one Religion shall be more surely linked and knit in frendship and loue one towardes another thā they which disagréeing in Religion are of one Countrie kinred and name Diuersitie of Religion dissolueth all the bondes of loue it setteth the father against the children and the children against the father brother against brother the man against the wife and the wife against hir husbande according to this place of Scripture I came not to sende peace ▪ but a sworde Herevpon it commeth to passe that in all Realmes there are oftentimes grieuous seditions For if it come to passe that there be variāce disagréement betwéene those that are by nature so fast linked togither by the meanes of Religion what maye we thinke of others Not the diuersitie of tongues but the diuersitie of Religion maketh diuision of Kingdomes and of Common weales Herevpon commeth that olde Prouerbe Vna Fides vna Lex vnus Rex that is to say One fayth one Lawe and one king Among these diuisions and discordes howe can it be that violence and force of armes shoulde not be vsed For warre followeth alwayes discorde and dissention according to these verses Discordia that Ladie of stryfe and of wo hath with hir Bellona hir handmaide also VVho alwayes doth carie a most bloudy scurdge the vndoubted reuenge of strife and of grudge Therefore the principall and chiefe cause of this disease and mischiefe is the discrepance and varietie of Religion To cure the which mischiefe there is not a more present remedie than to haue a Councell as it was lately concluded at Fontubellaquaeum and we haue nowe great hope to obtaine the same at the hands of the Pope In the meane time let vs shewe our due obedience vnto the yong king Let vs not for Gods sake receyue newe opinions according to our owne fantasie Let vs in time with wisedome consider of the matter and let vs diligently seeke to vnderstande the same It is no trifle that we haue in hande but it is the saluation of our soules that is in question If it maye be lawfull for euery man at his owne discretion to receyue what Religion him lysteth take héede that there bée not so many Religions as there be men Thou sayest that thy Religion is better than mine and I defende that which I embrace whether is it more meete that I followe thy opinion or thou mine Who shall ende our controuersies but the holy Councell In the meane time let vs not alter any thing rashlye least by seditions we bring warre into our Kingdome and so there followe a confusion The King and the Queene will leaue nothing vndone that may procure a Councell and if this remedie maye not be had they will séeke other remedies And nowe our Prelates and
foreséen that the office of an Ecclesiasticall person might not be committed to an vnlearned vnapte and ignoraunt person affirming it to be vnlawfull for them to dwell from their flockes in other places at their owne pleasure and so giuing them selues to worldly businesse wholy to neglecte their offices but sayth he it is the Kings duetie to cal them to their office againe And in the ende he made earnest peticion that there might be wayes taken in time to stop the seditions at hande and also that it wold please the king to haue regard consideration to his nobles as his auncetours had done before him When he had thus spoken he put vp a Supplication in the which peticion was made in the name of the nobilitie that temples might be graunted for the vse and seruice of the reformed Religion After this man one Quintinus Heduus who was chosen to be the speaker for the Clergie when he had commended the king and Quéene to their face saying that the kings of Fraunce were specially chosen euē as if they had béen borne and appointed to be defenders of the Churche of Rome and that therefore they had that moste auncient name from all ages as to be called Most Christian Princes he sayde that this assembly of States or court of Parliament was verye well called The causes of the which assemblye saith he is that the complayntes of the people mighte be hearde and holpen and that meanes and remedyes might be prepared for the scarsitie of the kings treasure and substāce But this saith he is the greatest cause of all whiche I speake with great sorrowe and griefe and yet notwithstanding muste néedes speake the same namely that the corruptions and notable faultes of Ecclesiasticall persons myghte bée refourmed and amended For sayth he the matter is nowe come to thys passe that they thē selues which shuld declare this Ecclesiasticall holynesse by their life are more afrayde of the kings Edictes than they are of Gods word and of the Gospell of christ Notwithstanding we muste therefore thinke saith he that the reformatiō of the Church is sought for which hath not erred neither can erre but a correction only of those most greuous faults in those men which were the chiefe gouerners of the Church which correction must procéede from the king but so notwithstanding the king must vse correctiē that he follow the steppes of those kings that haue gone before him who alwayes fauored the Church Adding to this also that those kings his auncetours woulde neuer haue suffered the wicked practises of these newe fellowes which falsely and wickedly of late time take vnto them selues the profession of the Gospell that they mighte therby both refuse all ecclesiastical order and also abolishe if they might al Ciuill power and authoritie For saith he the king ought to this ende specially to exercise his authoritie and draw his swerde to punishe and vtterly to roote out all heretikes giltie of criminall punishments Therefore he desired that Churches might not be graunted to those horrible men for so he termed them and that they also might be counted punished as heretikes which durst offer the supplications of Heretikes to the king This truely saith he hath bene the olde subtill practise of Sathan to bring this libertie to heretikes that they might the more securely and without feare of punishment destroy the Gospell the which subtill practises he hath nowe also in hande and therefore the more diligent héede saith he ought to be taken In like maner also he desired the king that according to the doyngs of his Auucetours and also according to the example of Charles the great whose name he bare he wold constraine all his subiectes to liue according to the Canons rules of the fathers For detestable sayth he is the boldnesse of these new heretikes which scoffing at the authoritie of the fathers and reiecting the doctrines and Canons of the Churche saye that they will haue nothing but the true Gospell onely as thoughe the promise of Christ were vaine and to no effect who promised that he would neuer forsake his Churche and as thoughe that they were wiser than so many Fathers which left so many godly Canons behynde them in writing also as though they alone vnderstoode the word of god Horrible boldnesse reebllion is that sayth he which casteth of the yoake of the Church and what else will they do at the last but murmur and grudge also against the power and authoritie of the Ciuill Magistrate Moreouer he said that the notes badges of the Church were not obscure which these new men wanted as the euerlasting and continuall successiō from the Apostles time and the Canons and rules which the Fathers left behinde them which badges the Church of Rome hath Therefore saith he that they may neuer hereafter abuse the name of the Churche we must plainely pronounce and affirme That the Church of Rome is the Catholique or vniuersall Church But if these newe men take vnto them the name of the Church we will not denie it them but we saye that they are not of the True Catholique Church but of the Malignant Church Also he made petition that they which had fled the Realme for Religions sake might be banished men for euer that they might loose all maner of priuilege and that they mighte be handled euen as if they were forraine enimyes Furthermore he saide that aboue all things that drowning floud which had flowed out of the diches of Geneua was most pernicious and therfore he exhorted the king that he would to the vtmost of his power roote out all such as came from that place and not to holde the yong childe excused if so be he came from thence seyng that God would call him to an accounte for the doing of his duetie And perswaded Queene Katherine also the kings mother by the example of that Katherine of whome Eusebius maketh mention to ouerthrow and roote out these newe Heretikes Therefore he sayde that this was the onely cause of the great mischief at hande that there were so many heretikes in euery place to the destruction of the Realme and all estates Moreouer he desired of the King that Ecclesiasticall persons might be defended and maintayned accordyng to the commaundement of God bycause they are The Lordes Christes or annointed as their badges that is to say their shauē crownes doe declare Also he complayned that the authoritie to chose Prelates was taken from the Clergy and giuen to Kings saying that it was done against Gods word against the holye Canons and againste the approued examples of the Elders and that euer since that tyme namely from the yeare of oure Lorde god M. D. XUII. when the same was first vsurped all things haue had euyll successe For saith he in that very yeare in the which that lawfull right was abrogated from Ecclesiasticall persons began that damnable heresie of Luther whiche afterwarde soke suche rooting
in euerye place and herevpon followed an infinit number of mischiefes He intreated therfore that the same authoritie might be restored againe to Ecclesiasticall persons and that the king woulde take away no more the reuenewes of Churchmen for that they were consecrated and halowed and coulde not be taken away withoute some manner of sacrilege séeyng that men of the Churche ought carefully to be fed and maintained This thing if the king would doe after the ensample of Charles the great he should get a most glorious name and at the length be called Charles the greatest And last of all he made petition that al the Clergy might neither pay tribute nor tax for that was the prorogatiue of the Church which oughte not to be taken from it For saith he it is the chiefest part of the Kings duetie to defende the Christian faith and doctrine and to maintayne Ecclesiasticall persons The whiche if he did he sayde that he promised vnto hym in the name of the Clergye all prosperitie in thys worlde and in the worlde to come euerlastyng lyfe Thus much concerning his oration which we haue trulye reported according to the written coppie of the same Many maruelled what he ment so vndiscretely to inueye against the protestantes of the reformed Church seing that he him selfe sometime had approued the same and for that cause was constrained to depart from Pictauium Moreouer bycause he wished them to be taken and punished as newe Heretikes which shoulde offer supplications to the King all men at those words loking vpon the Admiral as though he had openly noted him the Admiral made complaint hereof to the king and Quéene Therfore Quintinus was called to come before the king to gyue an accounte of that which he had spoken Who excusing him selfe by the instructions gyuen to hym of the Clergye promised that he would openly in the assembly or courte aske the Admirall forgiuenesse the whiche also he performed But after thys ballets and scoffing Libelles were set vp agaynst him in manye places in so muche that he was openlye derided Wherevpon at the length partlye by the impaciencie of these contumelyes and reproches and partlye by the griefe of hys owne mynde for his euill déede he fell into a sickenesse and gaue vp his life After this there beganne to aryse certayne quarels complaintes and controuersies againste the Guyses For the Burgeses of the Parliament that were chosen for Burgundy and Dolphiny of the which Prouinces the two brethren the Guyses were gouernours and chiefe went aboute to bring to passe that the Guyses mighte be counted as honorable as anye of the Princes the Kings neere kinsmen were to the whyche notwythstandyng the greateste parte of the Burgeses of other Prouinces woulde in no wyse consent At the whiche the Guises beyng offended called those that hindered their estimation sedicious persons They on the other side misliking to be so called complayned therof to the Queene who onely gaue them this aunswere saying that the Guises did so call them adding this condition that if the Burgeses did enterprise any thing against the kings Maiestie and not otherwise and thus by and by they were sent away Then were there certaine dayes spent in bringing the assembly of the Parliament together againe and in debating of diuers matters At the length by earnest sute of manie the Parliamente was proroged vntill another time namely vntill the first day of May nexte following And so with thankes giuen to the king and Quéene the Parliament brake vp Then commaundement was giuen to all the prelates of the French Church That they shuld prepare themselues for the Counsell Also that all Magistrates shoulde set them at libertie both in body and also in goods which were kepte in prison for Religions sake And that no manner of punishement or iniurie shoulde be offered for Religion or factious names Then when the rumour and fame of Religion increased dayly more and more the Constable attended with all diligence vpon the king of Nauarre in so much that he was seldome from him In the meane time the Bishop of Rome hearing of the kings pleasure concerning the calling of a Nationall councell and fearing least the same woulde be hurtful vnto him vrged by and by that there mighte be a generall Counsell holden at Trent summoning the same incontinent and declaring it by publique writing Against the which one Paulus Vergerius sometime a Bishop a notable papist but at the length for taking the Popes doctrine became a member of Christs Church This Paulus I saye wrote letters in the Italian toung to the Bishops of Italy In the which he declared that the Pope had giuen forth a Bull for the calling of a generall Councell the which Bull when he had séene he had great sorrow and griefe of minde and that for waighty causes Namely for that the Pope went about to disperse and scatter and to ouerthrow destroy the Churches of Christ and to bring the same againe to the former state of desolation Adding herevnto that the Pope was greatly offended with the light of reformatiō which God had caused to shine in earth the space of these fortie yeeres to men that were blinded and ouerwhelmed in thicke darknesse of errors As though sayth he you Bishops were iudges shoulde be vmpires in the Counsel to determine and ende matters So soone as ye be come to Trent ye shall heare some profoūd disputation or other by Monkes but ye shall heare no man that dare truely reply against them Then shall be song very solēne songs of ceremonies ye shall be brought into the Temple of S. Vigill ye shall haue faire and sumptuous clothes of Tapisery hong before you ye shall haue Miters put on your heades ye shall sit vpon maruelous faire chaires which the Cardinal of Trent brought from Millaine And being there thus placed ye shall heare solemnly read out of a Pulpit the decrées which the Pope an vnlearned and foolishe man with the helpe of some one monke or other hath deuised But as for you ye must doe nothing but howe downe your mytered heads to the Pope and say to whatsoeuer you heare Placet very well and so to approue the same as thoughe at the first sight you dyd vnderstand and consider of the matter very well Then will the Pope euery where publishe abrode That the Bishops of the Catholike Church haue iudged the Lutherans to be Heretikes Whereas you neuer so determined or iudged of thē but he alone which sitteth in Peters Chaire And yet notwithstanding ye shall be the cause of all these eu●…ls Also shal that be called a general coūsell in the which neither we our selues whose cause is in hande are hearde neither yet the Bishops that are present do any thing of thē selues but stande onely for sifers in agram And the Pope will sende the Canons which were made at Rome to Trent that they may be counted the decrées of the generall Councel And to the
more to suche a matter To whom the Bishop sayd that he prayed God that his worde might profite and take place euery where The day folowing the Constable and the Duke of Guise went together to a sermon of a certaine Monke and from that tyme their mynd●… began to be altenated and drawne away After which tyme the Constable was angrie with the Admirall his nephew openly bicause he did freely and publikely professe the Gospel And the wife of the Constable greatly pricked him forward to this euill who was greatly offended that the familie and stocke of the Chastillion shoulde bee aduaunced hir brother the Earle Villarius being not in that estimation that she woulde haue had him Therfore she moued prouoked him wyth these prickes saying that the Admirall wente aboute to depriue him of that benefite which the Quéene had bestowed vpon him that he did instātly persuade the Quéene to promote set forth the true religiō for the king of Nauars sake that the Cōstable ought not to suffer y authoritie of the church of Rome to be diminished he being not onely the chiefe officer o●… the king but also such a one as had his original ofspring of the firste Christian of the kingdome of Fraunce as the poelie of his armes did verie well testifie whiche was this Protegat Deus primum Christianum that is God defende the firste christian Also the Marshall Santandrae a suttle craftie and malicious man blew in his care that by the suttle procurement of the Admirall he was put vp by the assemblie of States to be a bryber and an extorcioner By thys meanes he thoughte to staye him for he feared that the Constable would not easily be brought to their wicked religion except it were by these persuasions Therfore he proceeded saying that he whiche came of so noble a stock and hadde doone suche woorthie and notable seruice in the kyngdome of Fraunce gouernyng the kingdome fortie yeares oughte not to suffer newe religions to be brought in to the hurte of the catholike churche The lyke persuasions also vsed the Earle Villarius hys wyues brother bearing no lesse spite and malice agaynste the Admirall than his sister did and that bycause hee vnderstoode that the Admirall did disproue before those of the kings priuie counsell that whiche he had done in Narbon against Religion Therfore they withdrewe the Constable all that they coulde The whiche thyng Marshall Momorentiu●… fearing and foreséeing a daungerous tempest lyke to aryse by the meanes of these dissentions hée shewed to his father the Constable so muche as he could what he thought néedfull to be doone And least he shoulde be drawne awaye from the greatest parte of his strength leaste he shoulde chaunge awaye certaine frendship for that which was vncertain and leaste he should ioyne hymself with newe reconciled fréendes he repeated vnto him their olde enmities and fallings out Adding moreouer that hée shoulde peruerte and ouerthrowe the greatest foundations of his stocke and kinred when he should alienate and withdraw himselfe from the Prince of Conde from the Chastillions from the Earle of Rupefocaldensis and from the rest which professe the reformed Religion beside this he should loose thereby the good will and fauor of the king of Nauarre and peraduenture the Quéenes fauoure too It is better sayeth hee to suffer the Chastillions and the Guiles to contende togyther than for you to take parte and yet neuerthelesse you shall kéepe youre faythe Affirming also that yf the Guyses were ouercome as it is moste lykely bycause they haue procured the hatred of all the assemblies agaynste themselues then shoulde his prudence experience and goodnesse bring to passe that he shoulde be a moderatour and a iudge of the reformation of the Churche the errours of the whiche Churche he ought not to defend bycause he was the chiefe officer vnder the King and the successour also of the firste Christian that was in Fraunce Also he sayde that he ought not to count it an iniurie that mention was made of hym by those that were of the Assemblie at Paris seing that he had doone nothing but by the authoritie of Kings and of the hyghest powers and séeing also that he hadde receyued so little of kyng Henrye that there was no manne but hée woulde iudge hym woorthie of greater rewardes bothe in consideration of the office whyche hée had so long and also for the money whiche hee bestowed in the Kings seruice Moreouer hée sayde that it appeared by the Bookes of accompte that the gyftes whyche the kyng gaue hym were not so muche by the seuenth parte as those giftes were whiche were bestowed vpon the Marshal Santandrae so farre they were from being compared with the Guises gifts and with the giftes of the Duchesse of Valentien To these persuasions onely of Momorentius the Constable made answer saying That Religion coulde not be altered without the mutation of the state ciuil regiment that he was a faithfull seruant of the king and of his brethren also that he feared not to be found guiltie that notwithstanding he woulde not suffer the actes and deedes of the Kyngs deceassed to be reproued and disalowed That hée desyred that hys nephews the Chastillions might be so good Christians in verie déede as they séemed to bée in woordes also that hée dyd willingly forgiue those that had offended him whatsoeuer they had doone After this verie shortly the Chastillions Odetus the Cardinal the Admiral the Andelot came oftentimes vnto him protesting that they bare no hatred in their heartes agaynst the Guises but went only about to frustrate their practizes and deuyses whiche as it euidently appeared tended both to their destruction and of the realme also Whome the Constable saye they oughte to resiste aboue all others But they persuaded in vayne for his mynd was drawne awaye and was linked in the freendship of the Guyses by diuers that allured him therto Thus dissentiōs grew dayly more and more by the meanes of Religion and openly burste foorthe insomuche that both partes sought to iniurie and to reproche one another the fauourers of the Popes doctrine calling the professours of the Gospell Huguenotes and the Protestantes callyng them agayne Papistes Herevpon came a rumour abroade of Seditions the Popes chaplains in their Sermons mouing and pricking the people forward to the same Wherfore the king sent his letters to the Magistrates of euerye Prouince the summe and effect wherof was That no man shoulde call another contumeliously by the name of Huguenot or Papist that no man shuld abuse that ho nest libertie which euery mā ought to enioy either in his own house or whē he is in his freds house that no mā shuld enter ei ther with gret or smal nūber vpō other mēs houses vnder protēce of the former edicts which prohibited forbad vnlauful assemblyes That they which were kept in bondes for Religions sake should be by and by deliuered and set at libe●…e before the first Edicte made
that vnder the pain of death confiscation of all their goods which offended herein Also that the knowledge and examination of heresie should be left to Ecclesiasticall persons and that whosoeuer was found guiltie therof should be committed to the secular power and susteine no other punishement than exile All these thinges to continue vntill the determination of a generall or Nationall counsell Pardon and full forgiuenesse of all crimes for religions sake being graunted to those that hadde offended vpon condition that they woulde euer afterwarde liue peaceably and catholikely Besides there was in this Edicte seuere punishments appoynted for false accusers And last of all strayte commaundement that no man shoulde weare armour It was also agréed and concluded in this assemblie that the Prelacie or Clergie shoulde be forthe with gathered togither and also the ministers of the reformed Religion being waranted from the king to come withoute harme in peace to that assemblie The Cardinall of Lorrain bragged that he would confute them by the authoritie of the auncient fathers and so made many men to hope to sée wonders Therefore the Quéene seeking to hasten this triumphe and fearing least the States of the realme woulde once againe make request to haue Temples gaue forthe commaundement that the Clergie of the Churche of Fraunce shoulde be at the towne of Possiac neere to Sangerman the tenth day of August following Fraunce béeyng in the middest of these troubles there was warr●… also aboute that tyme occasioned by the meanes of Religion betweene the Duke of Sabaudi●… and the Inhabitauntes of the Ualleys of Pedemount of the whiche to make relation béeing occasioned for one and the selfe same cause and in the nexte region it shall not be greately beside our purpose Pedamount néere vnto the mountayne Vesulus is called the valey of Lucern of a little towne called Lucerna néere adioyning to the same To this there is also an other adioyning called Angronia so called of the Riuer Angrone néere to the which the valeys of Perossa and Samnartine doe lye Those valleys haue dwelling in them fiftene thousande inhabitants Of which number the greatest part professe the Gospell also there were some in those places long agoe which abhorring the Pope and his doctrin had some knowledge and taste of true religion But after that the lyght of the truth in our tyme brast forthe and more cléerely appeared than it had done before it began also more cléerely to shine in those valeys Therfore when they were better instructed in the doctrine of the Gospell then did they more vehemently professe the truthe and that specially in two little townes aboue the rest where the same was openly professed These men of the valleys had many noble men appoynted to rule and gouerne them but among the reste they acknowledge the duke of Sabaudia their chiefe Prince and gouernour Therfore these inhabitauntes being hated for religions sake of the noble men that dwelt about them were diuers and sundrie wayes by them vexed And their chiefe Prince the duke of Sabaudia was sore agréeued that Religion began to flourish among them in somuch that he oftentimes cōmanded them to forsake the religion and to warne their ministers to receyue the Masse and the auncient religion otherwise he threatned them cruelly to punish them as rebels They being carefull by reason of these new commaundements sende at lengthe their Ambassadour to the Prince with a supplication and confession of their faith protesting that they beléeue all things conteyned in the old and newe Testament the articles of the Christian fayth called Symbolum Apostolorum the Nicene Créede and the Creede of Athanasius also the foure firste Councelles and the doctrine of the auncient Fathers so farre forth as they with the word of god Humbly beseching him to giue them leaue to liue according to the rule of Gods word and not to constraine them to doe any thing against their conscience affirming that they were readie not onelye to giue an account of their Religion but also to acknowledge and confesse their error if they might be brought vnto it by the word of god Adding herevnto that this doctrine had continued a long time among them as they coulde well approue by great testimonyes receiued from their ancetors Desiring him also to inquire how they behaued them selues towards their gouerners and in what order they liued protesting that their only desire was to render vnto him all obedience as vnto their chiefe Lord and Prince and that if they should be founde otherwise to be sharpely and seuerely punished This was the effecte of their ambassage to the Duke but it did nothing at all preuaile For the Duke gaue strait commaundement that no man should come or resort to those sermons which the Ministers of the inhabitantes of the valleys made if any did resorte vnto them their first punishment was the losse or forfeiture of 100. Crownes and the seconde punishment was to be a Gally slaue He commaunded also all the Nobles and Magistrates that had authoritie to punishe seuerely to execute the same againste the offenders Therfore the Noble men began to waxe fierce against the inhabitantes of the valleys in so much that when they had taken certaine of them they burnte them among whome were two preachers of Gods worde All men vsed violence against the mē of the valleys euen as if they had béen mortall enimyes great damage and hurte was done to them and those which dwelt about them making an armie made hauocke of them and spoyled them The men of the valleys were contented with all this iniurie and by the exhortations of their Ministers and preachers bare these things paciently for a time But at the length being ouerladen and wearied with these troubles they purposed to defend themselues in so much that they flew many of them which came to pray and spoile them Wherevpon the Duke gaue forth a commaundement that they shuld leaue off to spoile them anye more and sent vnto them Ranconensis and Trini●…aeus two of his gentlemen to intreate them friendly Notwithstanding they retourned home agayne as they came bycause they woulde haue bounde them to sende away their Ministers and Preaches The Duke beyng angrye wyth this intended to make open warre against them Wherevpon he sente agaynst them Trinitaeus with fiue thousands soulders the greatest parte whereof were gunners and some horsemen commaundyng hym that excepte the men of the valleys woulde doe as they were commaunded he shoulde deale with them as with mortall enimyes to spoile their goods and to put them to fire and sworde First of all therefore Trinitaeus assaulted Agronia with a thousand and a halfe of gunners certayne of the Townsmen to the number of thirtie being slenderly armed wyth flyngs and Crosbowes straighte waye went against them and withstandyng the firste fronte of the Armie were straite way rescued with two hundered oute of the valleys adioyning vnto them and so by and by they put their enimyes to flight
commaundement they embraced one another and promysed to put away all grudge and malyce and to be euer afterwarde true and faithfull friendes This reconciliation gaue the Constable occasion more fréely to ioyne him selfe and to kepe company with the Guises and to begyn afreshe to suppresse Religion the which he had alwayes obstinately resisted We sayde before that the assembly of States or Courte of Parliament was delayed and put off vntill the moneth of May. Therefore they resorted agayne in the moneth of August to Pontosia a towne in Picardie and by and by there arose dissention betwéene the Princes and the Cardinalls aboute the order of sitting the Princes denying to sitte belowe the Cardinalls Wherevpon the Cardinals Turnon Lorayne and Guyse went away verye angry But when the Earles and Nobles were gathered together the Chauncelor proposed the matter according to custome shewing the cause of their comming together and willing euerye man fréely to vtter that which he had to say Therefore the Legates or Speakers for the thrée estates made their seuerall orations in the which they spake much concerning the duetie of the King and of the subiectes and of those matters which are commonly handeled in Ciuill conuocations the whiche we meane not to repeate for bicause they appertaine not to our purpose Notwithstanding this is not to be pretermitted that the Legate for the comminaltie complained very muche of the corruptions of Ecclesiasticall persons bycause they ought to teach the people and to exhorte them both by their doctrine and also by their example to a pure and honest lyfe but foule and filthy ignorance was among them and their corrupte and vnchaste ly●…e was a greate offence to all men Moreouer he said that they were hyrelings and carefull for nothing lesse than for ●…oyng their dueties but were whollye gyuen to filthy pleasure and this thing sayth he ariseth hereof for that they bée more plentifully fedde and fatted than their offices wyll beare what hath béene the cause sayth he in tymes paste of all the corruptions in the Churche but the too much ease and lyuing of Ecclesiasticall persons Also he made petition in the name of the thirde state whiche we call the comminaltie that the King woulde refourme these greate faultes and woulde so temper and order the lyuings and reuenewes of Ecclesiasticall persons that they mighte not lyue too licenciously at their ease Moreouer he declared that it was the office of a King to take vpon hym the defence of Religion and bycause so manye troubles daylye did aryse for this cause throughout the whole Realme he sayde it was a presente remedie to pacifie them to call forthwith a Nationall Counsell and to gyue to all men leaue to come vnder safe conducte and that it woulde please the King also with the Princes hys Kinsmen to bée present at the same and to call for learned and godly men to come to that parley and also to remoue all those that might be suspected Furthermore that they whiche thinke that they can not wyth a safe conscience come to the Ceremonyes of the Churche of Rome myghte haue libertie freely and quietly to come together into some temple or other publique place where they maye be taughte the worde of God in theyr vulgar tongue and maye haue the rytes of their Religion Ministred And bycause many things maye be sayde to be done amisse in those assemblyes he wished that the King woulde commaunde certaine of his officers to be presente in those assemblyes to see what shoulde be done Also he sayd that they oughte not to be counted for heretikes whiche were condemned their cause not hearde but should be tried and iudged by the word of God. Finallye he made humble supplications that it woulde please the King to graunte suche reasonable requestes the which also the Nobilitie with one consent required but the Ecclesiasticall order or Clergie soughte diligentlye by all meanes possible to defend their cause But to the ende it maye more plainely appeare what greate alterations haue happened within a shorte tyme it shall not be amisse to repeate certayne things whiche were done in that assemblye concernyng matters Ciuill and yet those things onely which also seeme to be more neere to Religion the state wherof to shewe we meane Therefore these remedyes were deuised to discharge the Kyng of that debte and paymentes of money wyth the whiche wee sayde before the Kyng at that tyme was greatlye burthened Firste that they whiche had had the occupying of the Kyngs Treasure shoulde come to accounte In the meane tyme that so manye as were of the Kings Priuye Counsell shoulde bee forbydden to come into that assemblye vntyll they hadde playnelye made theyr accountes also that all shoulde make an accounte the Queene onely excepted of all excéedyng giftes rewardes and doles That so manye as in their owne persons did not discharge their Ecclesiasticall offices should loose all their reuenewes sauyng some parte which shoulde bee lefte them for the deuine seruice and for aimes deedes That all the reuenewes of Benefices in controuersie should be brought to the kings Treasurie That so many Benefices as had their pastors resident if they were worthe fiue hundred pounde in money shoulde paye vnto the King the fourth parte if they were worthe a thousande pounde the thirde parte if they were worth three thousande pounde that then they shoulde paye vnto the King the one halfe Also that they which had in yearely reuenewes comming vnto them twelue thousande poundes shoulde haue onely remaining to them of the same three thousande and the reste to be payde to the King. That from the Cartusian Fryers the Minimi the Mathurines and the Moniakes should be taken all their reuenews that surmounted and came to more than would finde them ordinarie meate drinke and clothe bycause by the order of their rytes and vowe they ought to haue no more Also they saide they had yet a better and more compendious way and that was this if all the landes of Ecclesiasticall persons belonging to their benefices and spirituall promotions sauyng onely a house for the Bishop Canon Maister of the Colledge or person to dwell in were solde And of some parte of the money for the same the Kings debtes should be payde and the rest to be distributed to Ecclesiasticall persons that had more neede of the same Also to the ende the king with the rest might perceyue howe profitable a way this would be they declared that the reuenews of those ecclesiasticall landes woulde be worth fortie thousand pounde and their proper liuing and remainder neuerthelesse twelue hundred thousand poundes And they sayde that these lands would the sooner be solde because they were frée from tribute were all most lords within themselues Adding moreouer that Ecclesiasticall persons should sustaine no harme hereby for they should neuerthelesse haue inough to liue vpon and the king of the ouerplus of those yearely reuenewes should both pay his debtes and also haue euery yeare a great
summe besides towardes the maintayning of garrisons of souldiers the fortifying of Cities and other such lyke vses to the great profit and commoditie of the people They made Supplication in like maner that the Edict of Iuly of the which we made mention before and in the which the faithfull were forbydden to assemble themselues together might be taken awaye that also there might be vsed peaceable and quyet meanes in matters of Religion and yet notwithstanding that no Heretikes Libertines Anabaptistes Atheistes and suche lyke seditious persons might be borne withal And that there might be called out of hand a Nationall Councell to reforme the errors of Ecclesiasticall persons Furthermore they requested that the King with his kinsmen the Princes woulde be at the counsell that all men might haue frée libertie vnder the kings warrant to come to that conuocation that they might haue Churches for the administration of their doctrine and Sacramentes graunted vnto them which affirme that they cannot with safe conscience come to the Ceremonies of the Romishe Churche that they mighte openly and plainely professe and maintayne their Religion and put awaye all occasions of slaunder and reproche Last of all they required that all iurisdiction mighte be taken away from Ecclesiasticall persons and restored to the King to whome the same truely appertayned that Ecclesiasticall persons myghte haue no place in the Ciuill assemblyes of Parliamentes and also that Ciuill or temporall persons mighte not haue benefices or spirituall promotions These things were spoken by the orators and speaker for the States according to their commission Moreouer at the length motion was made vnto them ●…o helpe to confirme the couenant made betwéene the Quéene and the king of Nauarre concerning the gouernement of the kingdome To the which they answered that it seemed vnto them verye vnmeete and strange that a woman should rule the Realme of Fraunce which was plaine againste the lawe therof called the lawe Salic After long contention by the earnest persuasion of the king of Nauarre who sought to haue the Queenes fauour and sayd that he did willingly giue place vnto hir the speakers answered that if the king of Nauarre woulde departe from his right and that the king and Quéene could so agrée they would not be against it nor hinder it But it was sayde that those speakers dyd not well in that they swarued from their Commissions and therefore that theyr assente to be voyde and of none effecte neither was the facillitie and myldnesse of the King of Nauarre well lyked of Nowe the Pope feared as we sayde before that Nationall Councell which the king had promysed least it woulde be greatly hurtfull vnto him therfore so muche as he could he made haste to haue a generall Councell And for thys cause he sente the Cardinall of Ferrer to the king Thys Romishe Cardinall called hym selfe the Protector of the Churches of Fraunce for the which names sake manye presents and giftes were giuen to him in Fraunce At the nexte comming together of the States it was concluded that the Pope should neuer afterward haue authoritie to giue anye benefice or spirituall promotion in Fraunce Therefore the Cardinall when he was come woulde haue vsed his accustomed power and authoritie but beyng let by the newe decree of the States or Parliament he rayled vp great controuersies Then the Chauncelor 〈◊〉 affirmed that it was a thing not to be suffered that so newe a decrée of Parliament shoulde be infringed and broken Notwithstanding the matter came to that pas●…e by the daylye complayntes of the Cardinall that the king gaue straighte commaundement to the Chaūcelor to seale his letters The Chauncelor sayde that it was against lawe and equitie so to doe howbeit he sealed his letters with the kings seale and subscribed these wordes with his owne hande without my consente and will. Then these letters according to custome were sent to the Senate of Paris that they also myght confirme them But when the Senate had read these wordes of the Chauncelor they made this answere They cannot neither oughte they to be receyued Which wordes they alwayes vse when they meane to note any vnlawful or vniust matter Therfore Cardinall Ferrar was without hope of his letters and was very sore agréeued to sée the Popes authoritie so sore diminished and shaken in Fraunce besyde this ballets and rymes were made ●…f hym and hauing his Crosier goyng before hym as the manner is he was deryded of boyes and chyldren that followed him also pretie Libels were set forthe agaynst hym and the image of Pope Alexander his grandfather finely paynted with a liuely description of his wickednesse oute of the wordes of the Poet Pontanus was helde forthe in euerye mannes hande againste him The Cardinall taking this in very euill parte departed out of Fraūce loking for better occasions to haue his purpose the which in deede he gat afterward But shortlye after thys the Popes authoritie was cut off more and more in Fraunce and all the people almoste euerye where sayde that nowe the authoritie of men must not be wayed but the substantialnesse of reason and truth that the great errors whych long ago were growne were nowe spredde abroade that the Couetousnesse and Luxurie of the Churche men was insatiable that they were more outragious and cruell agaynste those whiche followed the contrarye opinion in Religion All estates and degrées had these and the like communications oftentunes in their mouthes yea and they which as yet were on the Popes side came not so often to their owne Churches as they had wonte but came often to the sermons of the refourmed Churche kepte companye with the faythfull and had often conference with them concerning Religion and sayde that for this cause there ought to aryse no trouble nor breache of friendship or brotherly loue They which more obstinately leaned still to their olde opinions kepte thēselues so cloose within their dores that they scarce durst to come in anye companye Many were dayly alured to the companye of the faythfull in so muche that the alteration of Religion séemed nowe withoute all doubte to be at hande The greatest parte of the Nobilitie also embraced the doctryne of the Gospell And the Queene séemed to prefer Religion verye muche and openly to fauour those of the refourmed Religion whether to please the king of Nauarre or to serue the tyme I knowe not and wrote verie earnestly to Pope Pius the fourth desiring him that he would prouide remedies to stay those troubles And when the time of the parley appointed was rome she wrote very large letters to him the fourth of August to this effect as followeth If sayth she the state of the Kingdome of Fraunce maye be expressely described to the holye Father for so she was wonte to call hym in what and howe manye straites and perills the same was by reason of the diuers opinions of Religion he would prouide with al spéede for it and would helpe to staye these
séene and the eating of breade in déede euen as if a man shoulde not receyue that wholsom medicine giuen vnto him for his health but should cause it verie sumptuously to be caryed vp and down the chamber They saye also that Paule sayd not Carie this bread about the stretes but VVhosoeuer eateth of this bread and drinketh of this wine Furthermore they say that Christe is in heauen and that therfore there is onely required a spirituall worship Wherevpon they say that great ini●…rie is done to him by those corporal and externall worships seing he exalted 〈◊〉 from earth to heauen to the end he might be worshipped and adored with true and spirituall honor And last of all they say that this rite of carying the Lords bodie vp and down was brought in and by little litle established not by any authoritie of Scripture but by the deuotion of some singular man Also that neither Clement nor Gregorie bishops of Rome whiche appointed the same to be a solemne feas●…e haue not spoken one worde of that deambulation and that therefore our sacrifi●…ing Priests do erre and offende against their will and institution seing that no other day hath such fréedome and libertie to commit all kinde of wickednesse as that hath the whiche truly is not the waye to knowledge and worshippe Christ seeing that he requireth of his disciples purenesse and newnesse of lyfe and in his holy worde vtterly detesteth all sinfull libertie The which things séeme hurtfull not onely to those whiche haue separated themselues from our felowship but also to those which will not leaue the same They doe perceyue that herevpon many things are done amis●…e as the polluti●…n of the Sacrament against the word of God and the approued customes of the Church Also that by the occasion of this day many men are a●…used and led to commit wicked and hor●…ible things and that the same day is a ver●…e pr●…uocation of most 〈◊〉 sedition as we hitherto to our great griefe haue felt Therefore except this thing be foreseene and a reme●… proui●…d for the same at the length experience will shewe that it is better to séeke a more deuoute way to worship God withall than to refeyne kepe this ryte to the hurt and offence of many The Masse also is an other greate cause of offence All men crie out that the Masse is a great offence slumbling block to the Church the same being sold of ignorant dissolute and most vngodly Priests and yet no man seeketh to reforme and amende the same This thing truly hath of late diminished the deuotion of the people very muche yea and many of our felowship do proceed further also ●…o doubt of the Masse both touching the substance and also touching the forme In the subs●…āce they doe note that the Churchemen af●…irme that the priestes do offer Christe and do more esteeme of their owne sacrifice than they d●…e of the sacrifice of Christe And that certaine of the Doctours doe saye that the same sacrifiice whiche the Priests offer is onely a monument and signe of the true sacrifice whiche Christe offered for vs once for all but the ignorāt people are taught by ignorant priests that he ought to be counted for an heretik which thinketh otherwise The which truly seeing it seemeth to be most absurd it giueth great occasion to the aduersarie to speak euil But in the forme of the Masse they note foure principall things First that all things are done in the same in a strange an vnknowne tong the which in déed is vnprofitable and dangerous séeing no fruite commeth thereof vnto the people but are onely fed with certaine outward shewes Wheras on the contrarie part say they it is necessarie that the confession of the faith shoulde be plainly and euidently vnderstode of all men and séeing the Latine tongue muste needes be vsed let the same yet be expounded into the mother tong that it may of all men be vnderstode And seing the prayers which are there made appertaine to the common profit of all the hearers who vnderstanding not what is spoken shall aunswere Amen Furthermore they saye that the consciences of the Clergie doe accuse them and tel them that they doe amisse séeing no part of the vse of their Masse is declared without the which notwithstanding the administration of the Sacramente seemeth to be but vaine Thirdly séeing those things which are spoken in the Masse doe belong to the whole congregation and not to the Pries●…es alone and specially those things whiche concerne the Communion and yet neuerthelesse one Priest only communica 〈◊〉 the people s●…anding by and looking on it séemeth ius●…ly to be ver●…e farre out o●… order and not agréeing to the truthe Wherfore they thi●…ke it 〈◊〉 that it shoulde be reduced and brought to the ancient maner of the church agréeing to the first institution ▪ Fourthly they mis●…yke the order of the diuine seruice In the which is to be co●…idered what great profi●… the singing of Psalmes and the ma●…ing of Prayers in the vulgar tong hath brought in tyme paste And truly our aduersaries of late days vsing these meanes haue allured and drawne many vnto them Wherefore let the holy Father consider if it shall not be best to giue libertie to haue the Psalmes soong and Pray●…rs also made in the vulgar toung that they maye be 〈◊〉 of all the people These are the principall poyntes whiche they sa●…e are needfull to be amended ●…en they which haue separated themselues from our felowship which they 〈◊〉 to haue taken in good part seeing they go●… not about to violate the Apostoli●…ie authoritie of the holy father and 〈◊〉 per●…ct in these two things namely that nothing be altered ●…n d●…ctrine And also that if the Minis●…ers of the Churche dō offende in any thing the Ministe●…e therefore shoulde n●…t be taken away but the authoritie thereof alwayes to remain preserued and safe These two things being firmely holden they thinke it no absurditie if diligente inqui●…ition be made of other matters which haue neede of re●…ormation Therefore she dothe humbly beséeche the holye Father that he woulde prouide for these thinges for that greater inconueniences no dout woulde folowe if so be that there were not remedie prouided in tyme As for other thinges the Quéene promiseth that she hir selfe with the counsell of good men and with hir diligence and i●…deuour will looke vnto so muche as she maye both for the peace and quietnesse of the Church and also for the dignitie of the Popes holynesse These thinges haue ben by vs faithfully gathered out of the Copie of hir owne letters ¶ The thirde Booke of Commentaries concerning the state of Religion and or the common vvealth of Fraunce IN the meane season the Prela●…es and Clergée came from all partes of the realme to a towne called 〈◊〉 néere to Sangeiman at the ●…ay appointed in the moneth of August to reason and fréely to
dispute on both parts of the principall poyntes of Religion nowe in controuersie ●…bertie was graunted vnto all 〈◊〉 of the reformed Church freely to come to heare 〈◊〉 sam●… and that vnder safe conduct by the kings 〈◊〉 Certain men were chosen to be of that Councel ▪ 〈◊〉 of the r●…rmed Churches ▪ being 〈◊〉 conducted at the king●… cōman●…ment by his gard from Paris to the towne called Sangeiman ▪ Among whome the principall were these namely Peter 〈◊〉 ●…rofessor of diuinitie in the Tygur●… Churche and The ●…tore 〈◊〉 ●…ho were chiefe in this disputation 〈◊〉 of Gods word ●…t Geneua wh●… were procured to 〈◊〉 thither by the kyng of Nauarre and by the reformed Churches ▪ There were also ●…icolaus Gela●…us Augustinus Marlora●…us Iohannes 〈◊〉 ▪ Franci●…cus Morellus and Iohannes ▪ Malo wyth whom●… also came 〈◊〉 a lesr●… man whiche a little before abjuring and forsaking the Popes religion imbraced the doctrine of the Gospell They therfore to begin the matter offer to the king a supplication in the which they desire that this disputation might be begon forthwith by his authoritie and that these might be the conditions to be obserued in the same Firste that those prelates which were of the contrarie opinion might not be set as chiefe Iudges in this disputation but that the king with his Counsellours shoulde by his authoritie moderate and rule the whole matter Secondly that all controuersies should be referred and ended by the word of God only Thirdly that what soeuer should be determined and concluded in that disputation shuld be registred in the kinges publike commentaries by his notaries To the whiche the kyng made answer that he woulde consult of this matter with his councel that if it might be al the matter might by some meanes with the consent of the Prelates quietly be ended But the Prelates complayned and sayd that this libertie of disputing oughte not to be graunted vnto them which were long agoe condemned Whervpon they deferred the matter for certayn dayes béeing busied in the mean time to ●…ynde out the scruples and doubtes of these questions namely concerning the dignitie of Cathedrall Churches Concerning Regulars and their exemptions Concerning Cures and their ordinarie presentation Concerning the excéeding number of inferiour Priestes Concerning the reformation of Monasteries Concerning pluralities of Benefices and such like seeking to helpe the disordered Churche in due time with these inquisitions But this one thyng they specially pretended that they should haue great iniurie if authoritie to iudge were taken from them But nowe it shall not be disagréeing from our purpose to make mention of certayne communication had betwéen the Cardinall of Lorayne and Theodore Beza before the solemne di●…putation began Certayne communication betweene the Cardinall of Lorrain and Theodore Beza Minister of Geneua BEza came into the bedchamber of the king of Nauarre being so commaunded by him to the intente he might salute the Quéene And at that tyme there was also the Cardinall of Lorrain Then the Quéen began to talke with Beza concerning his bookes Upon which occasion the Cardinall then sayd to Beza as foloweth Card. Lorrain I haue séene a booke the author wherof you are sayd to bée in the whiche are contayned these wordes Chryst is to be sought in the Supper after the same manner that he was before he toke vpon him our flesh I haue heard also that you haue written another moste absurde saying which is that Christe must be sought for in the Supper as in the myre and dirte At the whiche saying the standers by greatly maruelling Beza answered Beza If the bookes were here I could the better tel whither they were myne or no but concerning the first saying it may séeme very absurde as you repeate it but the place being diligently wayed it shall be founde to be moste true As for the seconde it is blasphemous and wicked neyther shall it bée founde written in myne or in anye of oure bookes Card. Lorrain No doubte I maruell that any man dare affirme that we haue no more than the auncient Fathers had i●… the tyme of the lawe and how could they speake of the flesh of Chryste which as yet was not Beza Do ye thinke that there was alwayes a Churche from the first creation of the worlde Do ye thinke that the Church which was from the beginning of the world was called a Churche by him whiche was a Mediator betweene God ●… men And do ye thinke that Iesus Christe was that Mediat●…ure Card Lor. It is my opinion Beza Therefore the communion of the faithfull wyth Christ oughte not to be restrained to that tyme when he ioyned his diuinitie in verie déede to our nature ▪ for y which was not as yet by the order of nature was notwithstanding alwayes by the force and efficacie of faithe Is it not sayd that Abraham sawe the day of Christ and reioyced And Paule sayth That the fathers did eate the same spirituall meate and did all drink of the same spiritual drink whereof we haue droonke namely Christe Card. Lor. It is verie true For he is the Lambe that was stain from the beginning of the worlde After this when Beza had brought in manye places concerning the difference betwene the olde and newe Testament there began a newe disputation concerning the presence of the bodie and bloud of Christ in the Supper Card. Lor. We do disagree in the explication of these words This is my bodie Beza We disagrée in very déed for which we ar very sory Car Lo. I teach the children of my dioces whē they are demaūded what the bread in the Supper is to answer that it is the bodie of Christ do ye disalowe this Beza No truly for they are the very wordes of Chris●…e But I demaund how the bread is called the body of Chris●… For all that is is not after one fashion or manner But the Cardinall vrged these wordes The rocke was Christe whiche wordes Beza had cited before agaynst the which he set these wordes of S. Iohn The worde became fl●…she To the which Beza answered Beza There is great difference betwéen that substantial communion and the Sacramentall communion And this question sayth he doth cons●…st of foure principall 〈◊〉 The first is of ●…gnes the second of the thing signified the third of the coniunction of signes the thing signified the fourth is of the participation of signes and of the thing by them signi●…ied Concerning the first we differ in this that you apoint in the Supper only accid●…nts for signes but we for signes put the substāce of brea●… and wine as the nature of Sacraments doth require and the Scripture vniuersallye teache Heere the Cardinall interrupting Beza in his talke sayde Card. Lor. I thinke truly that I am able to proue desend Transubstantiation but I thinke that the same was not greatly néedefull to be founde oute by the diuines neyther doe I thinke that there oughte to be in the
churches any diuisions for this matter Then Beza proceeding with his former purpose sayd Beza Concerning the seconde we doe not saye that the m●…rites of the death and passion of Christ are onely signified by the outward signes of bread and wine but also that the verie bodie of Christe which was cru●…ified for vs his bloud which was shed for vs is by them represented Also that Iesus Christ very God and perfect man is offered vnto vs by visible signes that our myndes being lifted vp by faith to heauen wher Christ now is may spiritually behold him receiue enioy all his graces to euerlasting life and that so certainly and truely as we sée and receyue and eate and drinke the corporall and visible signes To this the Cardinall of Loraine agreed affirming that he was glad to heare those wordes for so muche as he perceiued that the doctrine of the Faithfull was otherwise than he thought it to bée Beza Concerning the thirde there is greate difference betwéene common water and that with the which we are washed in baptisme betwéene the bread and wine whiche we dayly vse and that whiche is vsed in the Supper For the water of Baptisme the breade and wyne of the Supper are Sacramentes that is to saye visible sygnes and Testimonies of the bodie and bloud of the Lorde But we denie saith he that there is any such mutatiō in the substāce of the Elements but we affirme that the change is in this that they are applyed to an other vse than that which is naturall bycause they seruing of themselues by their owne nature for the nutriment of the body being Sacraments they signifie that thing whiche doth feede our seules Furthermore we doe not assigne the cause of this mutation to the words or to the mynd and purpose of him that pronoūceth them but to the vertue and power of God whose will is reuealed in his word Therfore bycause the thing signified is offred vnto vs and so truly giuen vnto vs as the signe it selfe we muste also acknowledge by the same reason the coniunction of signes with the thing signifyed And by this meanes the body and bloude of Iesus Chryste in that they are truely giuen vnto vs are in the administration of the Supper and not with vnder or in the breade or in any other place than in heauen where as he is ●…an he is contained vntill he shall come to iudge both the quicke and dead The Cardinal also agréed to the same and affirmed that he did not allow Transubstantiation but thought rather that Chryste shoulde be sought in heauen Notwithstanding as one in dout he added other sayings of certayne Germanes to the end he might therby séeme not to haue greatly trauelled in this matter excusing himselfe to be let from the same by other businesse Then sayde Beza I graunte that we and certaine Germanes doe disagrée in this thyrde Article but in this notwithstanding we agree that we altogyther ioyntly with one consent denie your Transubstantiation Card. Lor. Doe ye confesse that we are truely and substancially partakers of the body and bloud of Chryst Beza This is the fourthe principall poynt whiche before I noted and resteth to be declared In sūme therefore we do affirme that the visible signes whiche are naturally eaten and dronken are touched with the handes that the matter of the Sacrament that is to say the body bloud of Chryst Iesus is offered truely and without deceyte to all men that the same is receyued by faythe and not by naturall reason but yet that the same is so truely giuen vnto vs by faythe as if we were naturally ioyned with Chryst. Then the Cardinall affirmed that Beza hadde satisfyed him in this poynte and very friendly and louingly desired B●…za that he might haue conference with him Notwithstanding it was reported that the Cardinall had confuted B●…za by these firste small tryalles and assayes And so they fully persuaded themselues to haue the victorie But when they which were the chosen mē of the Churches to dispute lawe that new delayes were founde out day by day they vrged that their petitions whereof we spake before might be graunted vnto them and they desired also to vnderstande the Kings mynde in writing At the length they receyued this answere of the Queene that the Prelates shoulde not be their Iudges but that there shoulde be graunted vnto them certayne of the Kings Secretaries that the matter should be ruled wholy by the word of God and that the King with the Princes his kinsmen woulde be at the disputation And herewith she admonished them to behaue themselues modestly and to seeke onely the glorie of GOD whiche she thought she sayde they greatly desired But to graunt them any thing in writing she thought it not expedient séeing their wordes might serue well inough When the chosen men of the Churches hadde receyued this answere and were departed there came strayght way vnto the Queene certaine Papistes beseeching hir that she woulde not heare these men of the newe religion and if she were mynded to heare them that she would at the least beware and sée that the yong king came not to their disputations bycause it was daungerous least hée in his yong and tender yeares shoulde be taken and snared therewith For say they it is not meete that they shoulde be hearde which not long agoe were conuicted of heresie To whome the Quéene onely answered that she woulde doe nothing without due Counsell and aduise and that they shoulde well vnderstande that the matter shoulde not be handled after the wil and pleasure of those men of the new doctrine as they termed them The next daye after which was the ninth day of September was the time appoynted to begin the disputation Therefore the King and the Quéene his mother the Duke Aurelian the Kings brother Margare●… his Sister the King and Queene of Nauarre the Prince of Conde with the reste of the Princes the Kings kinsmē and the Priuie Counsel and a greate number also of Noble men and Gentlemen were assembled together in a verye large hall which men commonlye call the H●…ll of the holye Virgins of Posiac Hyther came also the Popes chiefe Prelates the Cardinals the Archebyshoppes and Bishoppes to the number of fiftie beside a great many substitutes and deputies in the places of those that were absent a great many diuines and men of learning counted standing about them In the highest place sat the King and harde beside him according to custome the Princes his kinsmen the Bishops sitting all a long on both sides the hall vpon gréeces one aboue another Then were brought in the chosen men for disputation of the reformed Churches which were twelue Ministers and twentie others which were sent also of the same Churches whom the Kings Gard at the commaundement of the king had brought from Sangerman thyther least there should be some tumult raised against them When euery man
you to the end of the world He is with vs and he is not with vs for he hath not forsaken those in respecte of his diuinitie whome he hath forsaken and from whom he is departed in respecte of his humanitie Moreouer he sayth VVhen his fleshe was in earthe it was not truely in heauen but nowe bicause it is in heauen it is not no doubte in earth Againe he sayth The onely sonne of God which was also man is contayned in one place according to the nature of his fleshe And is not contained in any place according to the nature of his Diuinitie Nowe in the meane time while these things were thus a working the Prelates came together and certaine of the P●…pisticall doctours of the Canon lawe beyng made acquainted wyth the matter did deliberate and consults together what answere they were beste to gyue to the refourmed Churches Here it is reported that the Cardinall of Lorayne sayde I would to God that eyther he were dumbe or else wee deafe and coulde not heare The matter beyng diuersely reasoned and considered of on bothe sides at the laste it was concluded that answere shoulde be made to t●…o speciall pointes of the oration the firste poynt concerning the Churche and the seconde poynt concernyng the Lordes Supper They did also deliberate whether it were not good to haue a confession made which shoulde be offered to the protestants but if their chosen men which were appointed to dispute for them had denied to imbrate the same that then they should haue the sentence of condemnation proncūced against them as heretikes so the disputation sh●…ld ende But this their deuise was not fully concluded vpō for that many of them woulde not agrée vnto the same And when the ministers of the reformed Churches heard of this deuise they complained to the king Queene that the matter was not indifferently handled beseching them that the fruit and profite of the conference might not be hindred by these plat formes and subtill deuises Therfore the conference began againe the sixtene day of September the king Quéene the king of Nauar and the Princes the kings kinsmē being presēt And here the Cardinall of Loraine first of all spake very largely in the behalfe of the Prelates concerning the obedience of his fellowes towards the king the which they acknowledged to owe vnto him by the commaundement of God confessed that they wold gladly giue the same vnto him Notwithstanding that the king ought to haue great care to defend the Church not as heade but as a member of the same and that in those things which appertaine to doctrine he ought to be subiecte to the Church and to the ministers thereof as the expresse testimonies of scripture and the examples of the ancient fathers doe declare Therefore saith he we doe make this the grounde of all our reasons that all obedience ought to be giuen to the king But comming more neere to his matter he declareth that the assembly whose cause he had in hand did consist of Archbishops of Bishops ordinarily made of Priests of Canons of a great nūber of others Whose leg●…te saith he I am this is the sum of my imbassage Wher as many to my great griefe were fallen from the Church not long a go professing the contrary Religion neither submitting thēselues to their owne constitutiōs being within these few dayes called thither by the kings cōmaundemēt had declared some good will to profite if they would come againe into their cuntrey and into the ancient house of the Fathers they shall be receiued and haue nothing that is past cast in their téeth if so be that they wil shew themselues penitent and will become obedient children to the Churche Therefore I will frame my selfe according to their infirmities being glad that they professe with vs the articles of our faith and I hartely wishe that as in words so in iudgement we maye agrée together Therefore I will answere them in the spirite of loue and modestie But I will handle onely two articles bicause it will be to tedious to intreate of euery one of them particularly And the two articles whereof I will speake are concerning the Churche and concerning the Lordes Supper Wherfore concerning the firste it is not true I hat the Church doth consist only of the Elect bicause in the Lords barne the chaffe is mingled with the wheate and yet notwithstanding the Church cannot erre But if some part of the Church shoulde erre the whole body ought to be preferred before one corrupte member if any euill should créepe in then we muste haue recourse to antiquitie and muste haue respecte to the chiefe and principall Churches among which the Church of Rome hath had alwayes the principall place If any thing were founde to be amisse in some perticular place of the Church we must set against the Ignoraunce of a small number of men the decrées of the auncient and of the generall Counsels But if this thing maye not suffice we muste diligently séeke for the iudgements of the approued fathers of the Catholique Churche notwithstanding we must specially giue place to the testimonies of Scripture being expounded by the true voyce and interpretation of the Church least heretikes shoulde bragge and saye that they alone haue the worde of god For the Catholique Churche must giue authoritie to the word of god The which order bicause the Arrians kept not they fell into great mischiefes into which destruction they also are like to fal which seyng not the beame in their owne eyes are very busie to plucke out the moate in other mens eyes As touching the seconde pointe which concerneth the Sacrament of the Lordes Supper I must néedes confesse that I and the whole Clergie are greatly gréeued to sée that the blessed Sacrament of the Euchariste which the Lorde left vnto vs to be a bonde and pledge of peace and vnitie should by curiositie of searching out of déepe matters be after a sort an occasion not onely of infinite controuersies but also of forsaking the truth which maye scarcely be kepte among these controuersies For in the Eucharste we ought to consider foure things The firste is the vnion and concorde which ought to be among the faithfull according to that which the Apostle saith that VVe are one body and partakers of one cup. The second is the vnion with Christ Iesus as it is sayd He which eateth my fleshe and drinketh my bloude abideth in me and I in him The thirde is remission of sinnes which is purchased by the effusion of Christe his bloude The fourth is the hope of euerlasting life according to that which is writtē He which eateth this btead shall liue for euer But the contrary doth happen in this disputation namely distractions and diuisions in the Church the separation from God the losse of remission of sinnes of the hope of euerlasting life Diuers and sundrye are the
controuersies of oure aduersaries concerning this matter of the which there are eight in number It is better to abide in the approued opinion and iudgemente of the Catholike Church which is that the very body of God of our Lord Iesus Christ his very bloude also is present and receiued in this Sacrament according as it is sayd This is my bodie The which wordes excepte they be in déede of as great force as they sounde and séeme to be why are they so diligently repeated in like wordes of all the Euangelistes and of the Apostle Paule also Why did not the other three Euangelistes the Apostle Paule which wrote after Mathew writ after that maner that our Sacramentaries would write specially seyng in a matter of lesse waight they doe one of them expounde another and that which one of them setteth forth obscurely another plainely declareth This is the mynde of the Testator which by no maner of meanes ought to be disalowed or violated This is also the iudgement and doctrine of all the ancient writers that not onely the breade is giuen by the Priest but also the very body of Christ really Therefore I imbrace this stable hole some opinion and I doe abhorre with all my hearte the curious opinions and sayings of these newe men which seme so to represent Christe as if they shoulde bring him forthe in a Tragedie or Comedie As thoughe it were not better to retaine and kepe the simple wordes of our Lorde and sa●…iour than the false imaginations of men seyng that this is most firme and certaine that we are not onely ioyned to Christe by faithe but also by the force and efficacie of the Euchariste beyng rightlye worthily and really receyued yea and to speake more playnelye Substantially Naturally and Corporally And here he alledged many things out of the ancient fathers and plainely reprehended Beza bicause he vsed the words of Austen in his epistle to Dardanus in this matter of the Sacramentes seyng in that epistle he intreated nothing at all of the Sacramentes also bicause he had condemned the opinion of certaine Germaines concerning Consubstantiation contrarye to his owne opinion And then he concluded his oration with these wordes I come yelde sayth he to your opinion of the Sacramente excepte ye thinke that Iesus Christe as touching his fleshe is in this world from the time of his ascention and that more nowe than he was before he toke vpon him our fleshe excepte ye thinke that Christ hath some other bodye than that whiche is visible excepte ye thinke that he is otherwise in the Sacrament than in the preaching of the worde if ye thinke it to be all one to put on Christ in Baptisme and to eate his body and bloude and to be shorte if ye think●… that he is so in heauen that he is not in earth also and that he is no otherwise in the Supper than he is in the Myer we which are taughte that the Supper is not in heauen but celebrated in earth and which are not so curious that we woulde by ingenius and wise speculations bryng and separate Christe from the Supper ▪ to answere you fullye affirme that we are so far from your opinion as the heauen is hyer from the lowest parte of the earth Let them therefore sée and consider which iudge and examine oure Religion not by Philosophie but by Diuinitie which of vs two doe attribute more to the power of God and to Iesus christ And so praying to God to roote out these daungerous and deadly opinions and not to suffer these controuersies to be in his Churche he exhorted the king and the Quéene that they woulde take vpon them the patrocinie and defence of thys matter and protested in the name of the Prelates of the French Churche that he would liue and die in the defence of this doctrine which he had set forth After this all the Prelates which were present rose vp and came néere vnto the king and in their name the Cardinal of Turnon protested that this was the confessiō of their faith which they woulde seale with their owne bloude being the vndoubted truth of the holy mother the Church The which the king oughte to imbrace and followe according to the manner and example of his elders But if they whiche had separated themselues from the Churche of Rome would subscribe to that confession then they shoulde be receyued and be heard more fully in other articles in the which they sayde they woulde be satisfyed otherwyse they oughte not to be hearde at all And it is the Kinges parte to banishe them oute of his Realme the which he must earnestly desired him to doe Then Beza vehementlye desired of the King by and by leaue to make answere oute of hande to the oration of the Cardinall of Loraine For the ministers feared that they shoulde haue no more leaue to come together againe fame reporting euery where that the prelates had determined from that day forward to deale with them no more but by excommunications Notwithstanding thoughe the Ministers that day could obtaine no leaue to answere yet obtained they another day the which neuerthelesse by reason of diuers rumors was deferred vntill the day following Bicause of these detractions of times the ministers fearing that the disputation shoulde be ended they determined to offer vnto the King a supplication praying him that for so much as at his commaundement they were come thether from so far countreys quietly to confer with the Prelates for the rooting out of errors which so manye yeares had oppressed the Church they mighte haue leaue to confer together and to declare their cause that he him selfe woulde take vpon him the defence of Religion whiche they sayde was the meane and way to raygne and rule himself and to preserue his kingdome in peace and tranquillitie When they had offered this Supplication oftentymes to the King at the last they obtayned leaue to haue the conference continued not in publique but in priuate place Therefore at the length the assembly was renewed agayne which a long time was broken off a small number of men the King and Quéene the king of Nauarre the Prelates and twelue chosen Ministers and a few others being only present Then the Cardinall of Loraine began to shew that this assembly was gathered togyther that the Ministers might be heard what answere they would make to those things which he had lately expounded Beza therfore in the name of his fellowes began thus saying When we haue called vpon the name of God that he woulde aide and assist vs in a matter of so great waight and would bring to passe that this assemblie might be gathered together to the glory of his name to your dignitie and specially to the peace and tranquillitie of the king and Quéene of the whole Christian common wealth and kingdome we will briefelye answere to that which was lately propounded by the Lorde Cardinall of Loraine concerning
the two principall poyntes of our confe●…ion namely concerning the Church and the Supper of the Lorde But if we mighte haue had leaue to answere at the first out of hand when those things that were spoken were yet freshe in memory we mighte haue bene able more aptly and distinctly to haue made answere But notwithstanding we will speake as God shall make vs able that it may be vnderstande in what things we agrée and in what also we doe disagree of the which I woulde to God there mighte be made a perfecte vnitie and concorde Therefore concerning the first principall poynt which is of the Church we will declare thrée things First what the Church is Secondly what are the markes of the Churche and thirdlye what is the authoritie of the same There is no doubte but that this name Church was d●…riued of the Gréeke worde which signifieth to call from one place to another But in the Scripture there are found two kindes of callings The one conioyned with the efficacie of the holy Ghost of which there is mention made in the Epistle of S. Paule to the Romaines in these words Those whome God hathe iustified he hathe called The other although it be allone with the first as touching the externall matter yet notwithstāding it is of no efficacie as touching saluation not that God is to be blamed therefore but thorough mens default which will not heare the word of god Of this thing the Lorde speaketh when he saythe Manye are called but fewe are chosen Herevpon it commeth that the name of the Churche which is a congregation of men gathered together by the voyce of God which calleth them is taken two maner of wayes For if it be taken generally for all those which doe externally professe that they doe answere to Gods calling then there is no doubt but so many reprobates and ●…ipocrites are comprehended And thus truly haue we alwayes both writtē and taught with one consent seyng that matter is very common in the Scriptures But if this worde or name Churche be taken more properlye and strictlye as oftentimes it is then we saye that it onely comprehendeth those that are predestinate and chosen of god And to the ende men maye perceiue that wee haue not deuised nor inuented this phrase of speache and much lesse this doctrine when it is sayde That the Church is the bodye of the Lorde bones of his bones and fleshe of his fleshe how can the reprobates be comprehended in this number seing they are the members of the Deuill For these two things cannot agrée together To be a member of Christ and a member of the Deuill also the which S. Augustine well vnderstoode This same distinction of the Churche that Author also vsed writing vpon the sixtie foure Psalme when he sayth The Churche fignified by Hieru●…alem began at Abel and Babilon at Caine. And yet notwithstāding in this first booke of Baptisme against the Donatistes the sixtene chapter taking the name of Churche more generally he saythe He which begat Abel Enoch Noah Abraham the Prophets begat also Cayne Ismael Dathan and such others In fine therfore let vs take that which the same Saint Augustine hath written in the forenamed booke where it is sayde that there are two sortes of men as touching the Churche For sayth he some are the members of Christe and of the true Churche and so of Gods house that they are euen the house of god But other some are in the house of God but are not the house of god For they are as the chaffe with the wheate But hereof there séemeth to aryse a question whether the Churche be inuisible the which séemeth of necessitie to be concluded for so muche as God onely knoweth his electe seing also we confesse that we beléeue the holy Church And that which is beléeued is not séene But hereby maye come great inconuenience if we haue not a more depe consideration of this matter For if the matter be so into what assemblie can we come Where shall then be the waye of our saluation except the Churche be knowne that we may cleaue vnto Christe Iesus seyng that he doth declare his vertue and sauing health in one Churche Therefore wée saye that althoughe the Churche in consideration of those things whereof we spake euen nowe can not be séene of men yet notwithstanding we haue certain notes to know to what Churche we oughte to ioyne oure selues namely the pure worde of God and the sincere administration of Sacramentes The which notes are so plaine and many●…est that wheresoeuer they shall be wée oughte to be oute of all doubte that there is the Churche of God in so muche that by the rule of Charitie we oughte to account all those for the faythfull Children of God which professe the pure Religion excepte God shall reuea●…e their hipocrisie And of this matter Saint Paule hathe giuen vnto vs a playne example when he calleth the Corinthians and Galathians Saints attributing also vnto them the name of the Church althoughe there were greate errors among them both in corruptions of doctrine and also of manners The which also he hath shewed in another place when he sayth If anye man build on this foundation Golde Siluer Precious stones Tymber Hay or Stubble c. Thus therefore we speake of the Churche not transformyng the same into fantasticall imaginations neyther yet as it séemeth vnto vs doe wée giue occasion to a●…ye man to counte vs in the number of suche as are fantasticall as the Catharistes the Donatistes and those furious Anabaptistes also that were in our time with whome diuers of our brethren oftentimes haue contended Nowe therefore I come to those notes and badges of the Churche the which we must diligently beholde seing out of the same there is no saluation neither anye manner of thing which Sathan our auncient ennme hath not gone about at all times to counterfaite and falsifie I sayde that there were two certaine and vndoubted markes namely the preaching of the word and the sincere administration of Sacramentes There are some also which adde Ecclesiasticall discipline and the fruite of the preaching of Gods worde But bicause our iniquities will not suffer these two notes to appeare therefore let vs contentour selues with those two first That the word of God is a true badge and marke of the Church it may hereby appeare that the word is compared vnto seede Therefore Paule sayth that he had begotten the Corinthians in the Lorde that is to saye by the preaching of the worde And therefore in manye places it is called meate and foode according to the saying of the Lorde My sheepe heare my voyce but they knowe not the voyce of a straunger Also the sacraments are a true note of the Church bicause the Lord would instruct vs not onely by the eares but also by the eyes and other corporall senses in so much that he would haue
maner of kissing one another in going bareheaded in signe of authoritie which is cōtrary to the common custome of many people All these things therfore ought to be considered before a custome be established as apostolicall least the Apostolicall authoritie and custome be abused to the disturbing of the churches as it came to passe after the Apostles tyme for the feast of Easter and in the Apostles time for the authoritie of the Church of Hierusalem as appeareth by Luke How then shall we thinke that the Apostles founde oute so many ceremonies in which afterwards was placed remission of sinnes when as plainely they haue testified the contrarie Augustine complained of these things long ago and there is no doubte but that if he had bene in these our dayes he shoulde haue had greater occasione to complaine To be short therfore we wishe that the Scripture which is very plaine in these matters maie Iudge betwene traditions that are good and euil betwéen holy and prophane betwene profitable and hurtful and betwene such as are necessary and those that are super flucus The which being graunted this question may easily be resolued namely VVhether the Church be aboue the scripture The which questiō semeth so absurde vnto me as if a mā shuld demaund whether the father were inferior to the sonne or whether the wife were aboue the husband or mā aboue God. And truly the true Church neuer complaineth and murmureth against God in this matter but alwaies modestly submitteth it self vnto him Neither maketh it any matter that the Church was before the Scriptures For that word which was afterwardes written is more ancient thā the Church seing of the same the Church was conceiued begotten brought forth hath also of the same his denominatiō And to disproue this the saying of S. Austine is brought against vs when he saith I would not beleue the scripture were it not that the authoritie of the church did force me thervnto But we must consider that S. Austine speaketh here in the person of Manichaeus For whē two mē do contend about the truth of some instrument to whom in the end shal they go but to the Scriuener or Notary that hath the first draught or coūterpane of the same Notwithstanding it doth not here vpō folow that the authoritie of the instrument doth depend vpō the person of the Notary the which should be no lesse firme and strong althoughe the Notarie being aliue woulde refuse to giue testimonie of the same The same answere muste be made to those whiche thinke the authoritie of the Canonicall bookes of scripture to depende vpon the determination of the Church But I will content my selfe to adde vnto that wherof I haue spoken before one only argument confirmed by the authoritie of certaine approued Fathers The argument is this Christe him selfe did so muche estéeme of the doctrine of the Prophet that he sought to confirme hys doctrine by their testimonies After the same maner the Apostle Paule went about to confirme the Thessalonians in his doctrine Peter also the Apostle commendeth vnto vs and alloweth this order of teaching Therefore it is not méete that they which call them selues Christ his vicars and the successors of Paule Peter shuld refuse the same condition Furthermore thus sayth Saint Hierō The error either of the fathers or of the elders ought not to be followed but the authoritie of Scriptures And Chrisostome sayth He which will knowe which is the ●…ue Church of Christ Howe shall he knowe the same in so great confusion of likenesse but by the Scriptures Also in the same place he sayth Let them whiche are in Iudea flee into the mountaines that is to say They which are in Christianisme let thē busie themselues in the Scriptures But why would he haue all Christians at that time be occupied in the scriptures Bycause so soone as heresie hadde entered into the Churches there coulde not be had a true probation of Christianisme neither can they which would knowe the truth of faith finde any other refuge than the holy scripture Whosoeuer therefore woulde know the true Church of Christ how shuld he know the same but by the Scriptures In like maner the Lorde knowing that there should come so great confusion in the latter dayes commaundeth Christians which will haue the assurance of true faith to haue no other refuge than the holy Scripture otherwise if that they seeke for other meanes they shall be offended and perishe not vnderstanding what is the true Church and so shal fall headlong into the abhomination of desolation which is placed in the holye place of the Churche Also Basill sayth If whatsoeuer be not of faith be sinne as sayth the Apostle and faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God then whatsoeuer is beside that worde giuen by diuine inspiration is sinne Also in the sermon of the confession of Faith he saith If God be faithfull in all his woordes and if all his commaundementes be firme and certaine for euer framed in truth and righteousnesse it is a forsaking of the faithe and a poynt of arrogancie to retect any part of those things which are written or to bring in any thing not written Thus far O Quéene we haue answered copiouslye according to our knowledge to the first principall point of the Oration made by the Prelates concerning the authoritie of the Churche being readie paciently and quietly to heare whatsoeuer shall be shewed contrary to that which we haue spoken There remaineth yet to be spoken of the Article of our Lords Supper the which if it seeme good vnto your Maiestie I will nowe pretermit both for that I haue heide you and the whole companie ouer long and also bicause we desire to haue this conference hereafter framed in better order Notwithstāding if it shal séeme good vnto your Maiestie that wee procéede anye farther we are readie to vtter those things which the Lorde shall put in oure heartes alwayes submitting our selues vnto those things which shall be obiected vnto vs oute of the Scriptures moste humblye praying and beseeching your Maiestie O Queene to be fully persuaded in this one thing that nexte vnto the glorye of oure God wée wishe and desire nothing more vehemently than the dignitie of your Maiestie and the peace tranquillitie of the Realme After that Beza had thus ended his oration then the Cardinall beckning to Claudius Espensius a Sorbonist willed him to make his oration Thē Espensius beginning to shew that not long agoe he had wished to haue this mutuall conference and that he alwayes vtterly abhorred those cruell punishmentes which were vniustlye vsed againste those which imbraced the Religiō he sayd that those things which were alreadie spoken of the Church and of the markes and succession of the same were in his iudgemente verye true adding herevnto that if this way had been taken in hande at the first all controuersies had been by this
Germanie concerning the Lords Supper the whiche he sayde was sent by them to him out of Germanie But herein he played the craftie Foxe to the ende that if they had openly denyed this thing he mighte haue set them and the Ministers of Germanie togither by the eares but if they had imbraced the same that then hee mighte tryumphe ouer them as if they had gotten the victory Beza to auoid this Dilemma and subtill traine answered That he and his fellowes came thyther to defende the confession of their owne Churches whiche they were onelye by them inioyned to doe So that he desired that the order of the disputation might be framed vpon the forme of their confession to the end that they might gather thereby bothe the greater fruit and also come into a more perfect concord For the order of nature doth require that firste of all those things which are more easie shoulde be handled and we must first of all dispute of doctrine bycause the Sacramentes doe depende of Doctrine Notwithstanding the Cardinall did with no lesse vehemencie still vrge the matter Therefore the chosen men of the Churches fearing least by this meanes occasion mighte be taken to breake off the conference and that the blame thereof shoulde be layde vpon them they desired to haue leaue to vewe and consider that writing whereto the Prelates wente aboute to make them to subscribe and so they woulde deliberate together what they were best to doe Then was broughte for the a fourme of the article concerning the Lords Supper written as the Cardinall said oute of the Augustane confession thus VVe doe Confesse that the very body and bloud of Christ Iesus is truely really and Sacramentally in the Supper of the Lorde and is so giuen and receiued of those that doe communicate There were also broughte forthe manye opinions of the Saxone Ministers concerning this matter written in the yeare of oure Lorde 1559. And thus was the assembly dismist vntill another day In the meane time newes was broughte that the writing exhibited by the Cardinall of Loraine was by the industrie of one Frances Balduine sente with letters whiche signifyed that he woulde come verie shortly and bring certaine ministers with him out of Germanie which shoulde dispute and contend with Beza and with the rest of the challengers of the reformed Churches Balduine therfore came to Poossiac in the time of the conference leauing notwithstandyng behynde him those ministers of Germanie making the more haste to the intent he mighte offer vp a certayne Latine booke intituled The office of a godly man among the controuersies of Religion perswading himselfe by this meanes that he shoulde please all men specially the Byshoppes And this Booke he highlye commended and bragged of as a certaine singular meane and waye to worke peace and vnitie the author of the which booke the miserable ambitious man partlye affyrming and partlye denying hymselfe to be by vayne dissimulation the name of Cassander beyng suppressed and quite taken awaye whiche had patched the same together would that all men should haue counted hym to bée the authour thereof perswading hymselfe hereby to wyn greate fame But his expectation for all this was deceyued for he was called of neyther part into the conference for that all men feared his inconstancie and lighte rashenesse whiche he had all his lyfe time shewed by manyfest proofe and shewe of his subtill and false minde But his hatred for this matter was wholly kindled against the Ministers of the reformed Churches whom he thought to be the cause that he was not called to the conference Afterwardes he inueyed againste Caluine and Beza who by theyr answere agayne declared by euident argumentes that he was giltie of a lye of falsehoode and of impietie That is to saye Balduine not long agoe ●…ayned to loue the Gospell and declared the same also by setting forthe of bookes and was conuersaunt in the refourmed Churches whereby among good men he had gotten a good reporte notwithstanding chaunging oftentymes his Religion one while he séemed to imbrace the doctrine of the Gospell going to those places in the whiche the same was publiquely preached another whyle he wente to the Papistes seeming to lyke of their seruice whereby at the last all men iustly Iudged hym to bée of a wycked and vnconstant mind Therefore after he hadde experience and proofe of diuers Religions shyfting oftentymes from one to another the subtill fellowe thought that he had at the last founde oute a certayne vndoubted fourme of Religion and reported abroade that he knewe a sure meane or waye to appease all controuersies for Religion And beyng broughte vnto the King of Nauarre by the practise of the Cardinall of Lorayne hée made hym to haue a wonderfull opinion of him And whilest the King of Nauarre was greatly disturbed with the fayre promyses of the Pope of the whiche wée wyll speake anon thys fellowe dayly called vpon him who also bringing forthe argumentes oute of certayne auncient notes and abbreuiations whiche he sayde hee hadde founde by chaunce he put the Kyng of Nauarre in suche hope to get the Kingdome of Nauarre that his loue and zeale towardes the Gospell waxing colde by little and lyttle at the laste he vtterlye renounced and forsoke the Gospell to the greate detrimente and hurte of the reformed Churches and of the whole Realme of Fraunce in furtheryng whereof before tyme he had notwithstandyng béene very diligent Balduine for brynging these things to passe receiued for his reward a great summe of money and had also committed vnto him the charge to bryng vp the kyng of Nauarres bastard for which he receiued a stipend But nowe againe they come to the Conference so that when they were all assembled togyther and leaue giuen to the Ministers to speake Beza pronounced this Oration before the Quéene We declared of late before your Maiestie noble Quéene according to our skil our opinion concerning the Article propounded vnto vs of the Church and of the markes and authoritie of the same in opening of the which things we haue so followed the word of God that we trust no man hath had iust occasion to complaine of vs But for so muche as those things which haue bene opened by vs ought either to be approued or else to be reprehended by the worde of God it was euen nowe demaunded of vs by what authoritie wée would preach the worde of God and minister the holy Sacramentes in the which demaunde to make our cause to be hated there was lefte nothing vndone We knowe not to what end these things haue bene propoūded For first of all we came not hyther eyther to preach the word or to minister the Sacraments So that it séemeth superfluous to demaund of vs by what authoritie we would doe this thing If answere be made vnto vs that this was therfore demaūded that we might giue account of those thinges whiche we haue done afore time it was to be cōsidered that this
in the same opinion in the whiche they concluded with the Ministers of the reformed Churches that they had made a compacte and agréemente with the Ministers and therefore they were not suffered to conferre or dispute any more after that Therfore the ministers hauing occasion offered sente this explication of that article vnto the chosen men that disputed for the Prelates VVe affirme that no distance of places can let the communicating which wee haue with the body and bloud of Christ bycause the Supper of the Lorde is a heauenly thing And althoughe we receiue in earthe with oure mouthe the breade and wine beyng true signes of his body and bloud yet notwithstanding by faithe and by the operation of the holye Ghost our myndes of which this is oure speciall meate being lyfted vp to heauen doe receine there his bodye and bloude And in this respecte wee saye that the bodye doth truely ioyne it selfe to the breade and the bloude to the wyne and yet notwithstanding no otherwyse than after a Sacramentall manner that is to saye neyther locally nor naturally but bycause they effectually signifie and declare that God doth giue them faithfully and without all doubt to the communicants who do truly and certainely receiue them by faith This therefore is the plaine opinion and iudgement of the reformed Churches concerning the presence of the bodie and bloud of Christ Iesus in the sacrament of the Supper But there were nowe come certaine ministers oute of Germanie by the meanes of Ba●…duinus as we sayde before But they bewraying the councell and purpose of the Cardinall of Loraine by whose practise these things were spedely brought to passe returned home again with losse of their labour and their expectation being deceiued The purpose and practise of the Cardinall was to bring these ministers and the other into one disputation and contention and so contending and striuing together he might cause the conference to cease and make them to be a laughing stocke to all men The Prelates doubting of the fayth and trust of their men which they had chosen to dispute for them as we said before woulde haue no conference after this with the ministers wherevpon the conference brake vp the ▪ xxv day of Nouember And this was the ende of the Conference of Possiac manye being gathered together for the same the space of thrée monethes ●…fter the whiche there ensued not onely no profyte but also great trouble and motions of warres Thus the conference being ended withoute fruite there was no waye founde for peace and concorde but rather the mindes of both parts beyng exasperated there insued great quarels and discentiens So that great discorde rose dayly betwéene the Papists and the Protestants more and more some complayning and finding fault with the Prelates for their disordered departing from the conference the which in deede sufficiently declared the weakenesse of their cause and other some misliking of the authoritie of the Generall Councell shortly alter to come and of the Churche of Rome Neither were these dissenti●…ns onely among the common people but also among the Peeres Nobles of the realme mens mindes being distracted and drawne into manifest factions whiche foreshewed not onely bare contentions of wordes but also greate and mortall warres at hande For the compactes and manifest practises of the Guises of the Constable and of the Marshall of Santandra were well ynough sene Yet notwithstanding their purpose and indeuour was very muche let and hindered at that time by the authoritie of the King of Nauarre whome they thought good to assay by all meanes possible to the entent they myghte drawe him from taking part with the Protestantes In the which matter the Cardinal of Ferrer of whom we spake before being the Popes Legate in Fraunce take verye muche paines promising vnto the king of Nauarre in the Popes name the full possession of the kingdome of Nauarre affyrming that the Pope should easily obtaine this thing of king Phillip for that he already promised to doe the same for the Catholique Churches sake Moreouer the Cardinall of Towers the Bishop of Ansseren and Escarsius also certaine of his houshoulde confirmed him in this matter and vsed dayly persuasions being wicked men and set on for money by the Cardinall of Loraine Among whom also was that Frances Balduine of whome mention was made before as diligent and busie as the best to bring the matter about whereby he thought he shoulde reape no small gaine This man forging a new Gospell caused the king of Nauarre to hate both the doctrine and also the men of the reformed Churches So that now he began to hang betwene diuers opinions to forsake the loue of Religion openlye to shew himselfe an enimie to the reformed Churches to bée more co●…uersant and familiar with the Guises to giue him selfe to lightnesse filthy pleasure also to go to the Masse and to the Popishe Churches When the Duke of Guise had deliberated and consulted of the matter with the Constable and the Marshall of Santandre and willing them to gathered vnto them forthwith so great power as they could he departed from them leauing them in Fraunce and came to Imuilla in the moneth of Nouember and after he had taryed there certayne dayes he wente to the Cittie Tabernas whiche bordere●…h vpon Germanie to prouide for his businesse and to consult with many of the Princes of Germanie about this matter Notwithstanding the number of the faythfull dayly more and more encreased and was wonderfully confyrmed a great part of the Nobles comming to the reformed Churches Therefore there were assemblies and congregations in great number almost in all the noble Cities of the Realme in the whiche the worde of God was openly preached and the Sacramentes ministred notwithstanding the Edict of Iuly of whiche we spake before Wherevpon notwithstanding there arose oftentymes greate disc●…ntions and of those seditions ensued great perils For they whiche were grieued and offended at these assemblies of the faythfull made exclamation that Edictes were broken and did so prepare themselues to trouble the faythfull that there séemed to be present occasions of great mischief whiche brake foorthe in many places but specially at Paris For the faithful being gathered togither the. 26. day of December to heare the word of God in Paris in the suburbes of Sanmarcellus a place specially appointed vnto them by the King for the same purpose the Priestes of the Temple of Sanmedardus hard by in the time of the Sermon caused such a noyse to be made with ringing of bels that the voyce of the Preacher coulde by no meanes be vnderstoode Whervpon two of the Congregation men vnarmed and without weapon came to these Popishe Priestes and beséeched them that they woulde not make suche a dynne with ringing their Belles that so greate a companie of menne shoulde be lette from hearing the woorde of God. The Priestes hauing with them diuers other men began to abuse them and
as the King had founde in the beginning of his raigne diuers and sundrie troubles hee vvente aboute by due aduise and Counsell of the Queene his mother of the Princes his neere kinsmen and of his Lordes and Nobles to prouide remedies for them setting forth to this ende and purpose diuers Edictes and among the rest one the last of Iuly In the vvhich all doctrines vvere plainely forbidden sauing the auncient and accustomed rytes and ceremonies of the Churche of Rome the force notvvithstanding and effecte of the vvhich Edicte vvas not onely let and stayed but thereof also folovved diuers perturbations and troubles through the obstinacie and headinesse of the people complayning and finding fault vvith the seueritie and rigor of the same Edict Therefore he hauing regarde to the peace and tranquillitie of his Subiectes by the Counsell aduise and consent of the Queene the King of Nauarre and by the consente of the Princes and Nobles of this Realme and by the aduise of other vvise and graue mē of the Parliament hath and doth appoint charge and commaunde That the men of the reformed Religion so called doe forthvvith restore vnto all Ecclesiasticall persons their Churches houses or fieldes and their reuenevves or Tenthes vvhich they haue occupied and that they doe suffer them peaceably and quietly to inioy them that neither directly nor indirectly openly nor priuily they hinder vexe or moleste them Yet notvvithstanding it shall not bee lavvfull for those persons of the reformed Religion eyther vvithin or vvithout the Cities to builde them Temples or other conuenient places for the gathering of assemblies together and for preaching of Sermons Also he vvilleth and commaundeth that no Crosses Crucifixes and Images be ouerthrovven oranye other offence in these things hereafter commited vpon payne of death vvithout any hope of pardon Furthermore it shall not bee lavvfull for them to haue anye Sermons or the administration of Sacramentes vvithin the Cities by any manner of meanes openly or secretely in the day time or in the nighte Notvvithstāding for the peace and tranquillities sake of his subiectes vvhich he specially seeketh he hath vvilled and commaunded and by these presents doth vvill and commaunde that vntill the determination of a generall Councell no maner of punishment vnder the pretence of the former Edictes be executed vpon those vvhich shall preach or minister according to the reformed Religion or vvhich shall come to or frequent those Sermons or administrations of the said reformed Religion so that they be vvithout the cities Earnestly charging and forbidding all Magistrates others his Maiesties officers to doe any hurt or harme to the men of that Religion for these causes as for going to Sermons or suche other like exercises yea hee vvilleth and commaundeth the sayd Magistrates and all others that beare any manner of publique office to protecte and defende them and to saue them from all iniurie and harme if they neede armour in their defence to put on armour but in anye vvise notvvithstanding to take and punishe according to the Edicts most seuerely such as are seditious vvhat Religiō so euer they say they follovve Also hevvilleth commaundeth all men of both sortes of Religion of vvhat state or condition soeuer they be of that they do not assemble themselues together in armour And that no man b●…stirred or prouoked for his Religion or bee miscalled vvith contumelious or factious names but that all men liue peaceably and quietly together Moreouer he vvilleth and commaundeth the Ministers of the reformed Religion so called that they receiue no man into their fellovvship or congregation before their lyfe and manners beevvell examined to the intente that if anye man be founde giltie of anye crime he may be deliuered into the hands of the Magistrate But if any of his officers vvill goe to their assemblyes to heare and consider of the doctrine vvhich is there preached his Maiestie vvill that they be honourably receiued vvith due consideration had of the dignities and offices they beare Also he vvilleth and straightly chargeth that they make no nevve ciuill Magistrates among them and that they haue no Synodes Courtes or Consistories excepte some one of the officers be present therat But if any thing should be needefull to be appointed by them concerning the vse of their Religion then he vvilleth them to bring their matter before his officers that by his authoritie all things maye be confyrmed Also he vvilleth that there be no choise of men or entering into league of either part for the putting avvay of mutuall iniuries That there be no contributions of money but if contribution be made for almes sake let the cause firste be shevved to the Magistrate and then let it be done Furthermore he vvilleth and commaundeth that those men of the reformed Religion doe obserue the politique lavves and specially those things vvhich concerne festiuall dayes that no trouble for this cause doe arise in like manner that they obserue in the bondes of Matrimonie those things vvhich concerne consanguinitie Also that the Ministers of that Religion come vnto the Magistrates to svveare before them to obserue and keepe this Edict and also to preache and teache the people onelye the vvorde of God vvith all purenesse and sinceritie doing nothing against the Nicene Councell and against the bookes of the olde and nevve Testament Moreouer he vvilleth that they vse no reproches nor seeke to constraine any man by force to heare or to beleue their doctrine this he giueth in charge to the Ministers Also he vvilleth and commaundeth that no man of vvhat Religion or condition soeuer he bee of doe bolster hide or conceale anye that is a seditious person vpon payne of forfayting for suche as beryche to the poore a thousande Crovvnes and vpon the paine for suche as be poore and not able to paye of vvhipping and then banishment Finally he vvilleth chargeth and straightly commaundeth that no man make sell or cause to be solde anye Bookes or vvritings that tend to the defaming or sclander of any person vpon paine of Cudgeling for the firste time and for the seconde time death And that Magistrates doe their duetie vvithin their precincte othervvise to be remoued from their offices Also if any seditions happen that then they enquire out the authours of the same and punishe them being found most seuerely the matter being manifestly proued to pronounce against them the sentence of death vpon paine of the Kings displeasure This Edict he commaunded to be proclaimed and obediently obserued and kept throughout his whole Realme without exception or exempting of anye person whatsoeuer Yet notwithstanding the Senate of Paris after the first seconde and third commaundement of the king scarcely published the same where as in all other Courtes and parts of the Realme it had béen very solemnly proclaimed according to the kings commaundement in that behalfe But the obstinate contempt of the Senators which were set on
by manye of the nobles was not altogether hidden but euidently ynonghe appeared to all men that woulde sée the same FINIS The translator to the Reader THus gentle Reader endeth the firste part of these Cōmentaries faithfully collected and gathered by that singular learned man Petrus Ramus of Fraunce who himselfe bycause he was a zealous professor of the Gospell and an enimie to Antichrist was slaine in this last horrible butcherly murther in the yeare of our Lorde God. 1572. The speciall cause that moued the sayde Petrus Ramus to spende his trauaile in penning these Commentaries in the Latine toung was as you maye perceyue by hys preface in the beginning of this Booke that all Christian Realmes might be certifyed of the true originall and cause of all the warres troubles and sheding of Innocente bloude that haue beene from the yeare of our Lorde God. 1557. vntill this present daye To the ende therefore that his desire might be the better satisfyed when I had considered the worthinesse of his trauaile and what great fruite woulde spring of the same to al that will vouchsafe to spende sometime in reading of this worke for that all men vnderstande not the Latine toung I thought good to translate the same into Englishe that none of our Countreymen might be stayed from the taste of such fruite as will growe thereof And as I haue spente sometime in translating this firste parte so I meane God willing to goe forwarde with the other two partes the seconde beeing nowe in hande and shall bee printed if God permitte against the nexte Terme In the meane tyme I beseech thee right Christian Reader contente thy selfe with this accept my labor and requite my good will with diligent reading of the same Before the which I shall desire thee to correct with thy pen suche faults as I haue here caused to be noted In so doing no one sentence I trust shal seeme obscure vnto thee Faultes escaped in Printing Line 2. Page 9 For it reade he Li. 19. pa. 12. for might defende reade might séeme to defend Line 18. pag. 17. reade acknowledging of the truth Line 16. pag. 40 for other wile reade otherwise Line 22. pag. 43. reade as though it had bene Line 5. pag. 73. read we will not deny Line 8. pag. 73. reade name of the Church Line 4. pag. 76. for is sodaine reade is so highe Line 31. pag. 112. for there reade Then. Line 3. pag. 124. reade must not therefore Line 25. pag. 125. in these words and if that leaue out if Line 23. pag. 164. bring in these words might be solde from them Line 32. pag. 194. for Prophetes reade properties Line 5. pag. 167. for although reade as though Line 1. pag. 239. for only thee reade only thrée Line 18. pag. 235. for they shall reade shall they Line 20. pag. 235. for doth reade doth not NOte here good Reader that these faultes escaped in Printing are not so escaped in al the Bookes of this impression but in some Least therefore they to whome those should happen might be troubled in the reading with obscure sense I thought good to make a generall note of all THE INDEX A. Affliction of the Churche after the death of King Henrie 47. Affliction rysing of false reportes 50 Affliction somewhat ceaseth 61. Agronia assaulted 161. Ambaxian Tumult 2. Andelot put in pryson 23. Andelot answereth 23. Andelot escapeth pryson 110. Andelot in fauour againe 24. Annas Burgeus defendeth the gospell in the Parliament house 26. Annas Burgeus caryed to pryson by Mongomerie 27. Annas Burgeus examined 32. Annas Burgeus condemned 33. 39. Annas Burgeus disgraded 35. Annas Burgeus confession 36. Annas Burgeus taketh his iudgement thankfully 39. Annas Burgeus Oration 4. Annas Burgeus burned 43. Annas Burgeus bringing vp 44. Angell speaker for the Comminaltie 121 Apologie for the faythfull Captiues 9. Arrogant threatnings of the Constable 11. Augusta a cittie in Germanie 131. Authoritie of God●… worde 199. Authoritie of the Church 227. B. Baptisme 75. Beza his prayer 189. Bishoppe of Nauntes author of the Tumult 17. Bishoppes of Rome sowers of discorde 82. Bookes of sclaunder 100. Brosaeus Generall of the Armie that went into Scotlande 61. C. Cardinall of Loraine an enemie to Burgeus 39. Cardinall Poole 95. Cardinall of Loraine seeketh to get fame by keeping Lybelles of reproch 104. Cardinall Ferrer sent from Rome to hinder the Nationall Councell 166. Calabria persecuted 63. Christ our righteousnesse 68. Christ God and Man. 68. Christ hath two natures 69. Christ dyed for sinne 69. Christ our Aduocate 71. Church what it is 72. 217. Churches denyed to them of the reformed Religion 124. Commendation of the protestantes 25 Communion with Christ and the Fathers vnder the law 18●… Comparison betwene the doctrine of the Gospel and papistrie 37. Cōfession of the french church 63 Confession of Annas Burgaeꝰ 36. Confession of the church of Flanders offered to king Philip. 166. Confirmation 204. Constable proudly threatneth 11. Constable drawne away from the Prince of Conde 140. Constable misseliketh of the profession oft he Admirall ibidem Controuersie betwene Charles the fifth and Pope Clement 91. Contention betwene the Queene and the king of Nauarre 136. Consubstantiation 203 Couetousnesse the beast of Babylon 93. Couetousnesse of Priestes 122. D. Democharis the inquisitour sitteth vpon Burgaeus 32. Democharis a slanderous inquisitour 50. Denises to abolishe the Gospell 1. Discipline of the Church 73. Disputation at Posiat 179. Doctrine of the lawe 71. Duke Arscotus a Brabantine 8. Duke of Guise an enimie to the Andelot 23. E. Earle Villarius an enemie to the Admirall 141. Ecclesiasticall Disciplne 72 Edict of Castellobrian 24. and. 12. Edict of Iuly 150. Election diuine 67. Election of Ministers 74. Example of two false brethren very notable ▪ 48. Excommunication 74. F. Factious names 118. Faith and good vvorkes 167 Faith cōmeth by the holy Ghost 70. Faith attaineth righteousnesse 70. Faithfull sclaundered 7. Figures of the Lawe 71. Forewarnings of desolation 92. Fruites of Popishe Sermons 22. G. Geneua a Sanctuarie for the Godly 4. Generall Councell not looked for 90. Generall Councell a vayne remedie 187. Georgius Gluchus Ambassadour out of Denmarke 139. God omnipotent 65. Gospell hath diuers professors 85. Good workes 71. Guises rule the Realme 50. Guises persecutors of the Gospel 51. Guises no Princes 60. Guises make claime to the crowne of England 62. H. Huguenotes a name giuen to the faithfull 59. I. Iacobes slaughter at Paris 1. Iacobus Sillius speaker for the Nobilitie 122. Ianus Contachus moueth controuersies 45. Ignorance of Priestes 122. Iniuries done to the faithfull 17. Innocencie of the Prince of Conde 147. Inquisitors of Fraunce called Flies 50. Intercession of Saintes 71. K. King Hentie the second set against the Protestantes 26. King Henrie threatneth Burgaeus 27. King Henrie slayne 34. Kinges duetie 100. King of Nauarre and the Prince of Conde sent for to the King. 107. King Fraunces dyeth 112. King of Nauar yeldeth his authoritie to the Queene
read it is Page 51. line 20. for do read to The fourth Booke of Commentaries concerning the state of the common wealth and Religion of Fraunce in the raigne of Kyng Charles IX THe Edict of Ia nuary whereof mention is made in the end of the third Booke goinge before being at the last after the delayes of the Senate of Paris published proclaymed at Paris and in the whole Kingdome made a ioyful and prosperous end of all troubles the Gospell had peaceable passage throughout all the dominions all most of Fraunce and the faythfull according to the tenure and prescript of the Edict gladly leauing the Churches and places which were within the cities flocked together in great assemblies without the Cities insomuch that all men greatly delighted to looke vppon them But Sathan enuying that peace and tranquillitie caused after a while not only priuate perturbations and troubles betwéene man and man but also open and Ciuill warres by the deuises and practises of the aduersaries to the great hurt of the Realme The which things as briefely euen so truely will we declare in this historie In penning whereof we know into what sundry hap and hazard of iudgements we are in what a large scope wée haue to set forth diuers matters and also what hatred and perill we bring vnto our selues But the truth shal defend it selfe and shall also take away all sclaunder reproche Many gréeued and repined at the increase and good successe of the reformed Churches greatly misliking of the Edict of January for that it tended much for their peace and quietnes which fauored the Religion Of these repyning enemies there were two sortes The first sort were such as had their liuing by the Benefices reuenewes and spirituall promotions of Priestes and of these many were gentlemen and men of high calling who perceiuing that the greatest part of their substance came vnto them by the sayd Benefices thought that they should sustaine great hinderance and losse if so be they of the reformed Religion should obtaine and enioye the benefite of the Edict The second sort were such noble men as being inriched not onely with those great and huge sommes of money which came to them by the yerely reuenewes of those Benefices the fatte wherof they reserued to them and theirs but also with the innumerable giftes of King Henry the second and Fraunces the second feared least they being called to giue vp their accompts according to the custome of the Realme should be found giltie of extorcion Among these latter sort the chiefe were the Guises the fatall destruction of the kingdome of Fraunce who also as yet were to make their accoūt for great sommes of money taken out of the Kings Treasury for common affaires and other waightie matters in the time of King Fraunces the second and also of their euill demeynor wherof they were playnely accused vnder the raigne of Kyng Henry the second Also the great losse of that high auctho ritie which almost they alone had during the minority of King Fraunces the second and with the same losse the feare foreséeing the great euilles to come pinched them euen to the hart and gréeued them to the very gall To these also was ioyned the Martiall of S. Andrew a man full of all subtiltie guile and mischief who being out of measure riche with the great giftes which he receyued of Kyng Henry for his euill and cruell seruice was pricked in conscience for spoyling by sinister meanes diuers noble men of his familiar acquayntāce By the practise and endeuour of this Martiall the Constable Momorentius as we sayd in our other Booke a little before a mortall enemie to the Guises hauing diuers times experience of their hatred was brought to the familiaritie and friendship of the Guises And to the intent they might winne the Constable wholely vnto them by a new benefite they graunted franckly vnto him the dominion of Dammartine for the which afore time there had bene great contencion betwéene them Therefore the daily adhortations of the Martiall of S. Andrew and the Duches of Valence beside the domesticall and daily perswasions of his wife and of the Earle of Uillars greatly vrged and pressed the Constable as that the ancient and catholique doctrine was abolyshed that the common wealth was disturbed that they of the reformed Religion did plainly threaten to bring such as had bene officers of the kings afore time to giue vp their accoūts that those mē sought only by lit tle and little to place them selues in authoritye and to abase those that serued and had borne office vnder the kings in time past and to haue the spoil of their goods that the Queene Mother was led away with their perswasions and that shée being an effeminate weake woman would incline to that parte which was moste strong also that it was manifest that shée did fauoure those of the reformed Religion for the king of Nauar hys sake who séeketh all that he can to haue the Religion altered being thervnto prouoked by the Prince of Conde to spight those which are suspected to be the authors that he was cast into prison And therfore that they if they might bring al things to passe after their owne desire as to haue their enemies subdued and the state of the kingdome and of Religion altered would bring the Constable him selfe to their owne bent and wil wold in like manner call him to account These perswasions being oftentimes inculcated and beaten into the Constables eares being rather an enemy to Religion drewe him quite away at the last to the contrary part and so by little and little for saking the king of Nauar and the Prince of Conde he openly shewed his displeasure and choller against the Chastilions Therfore now began to be manifest familiarity and frendship betwéene the Constable and the Guises in so much that they bāketted one another and had oftentimes secreate conference betwéene them selues Wherfore at y last they conspired together namely that the Duke of Guise as a Prince of aliance to the king and Lord great master of Fraunce the Constable as chéefe officer vnder the king and the Martiall of S. Andrew as head Martiall should bend their whole endeuors in this that no parte of the ancient and Catholique Religion might be altered And because notwithstanding the constitutions and Edictes of the former kings a new Religion was brought in they would indeuor them selues with all their force and might that those hereticall doctrines might be quite abolished and destroyed And also that they would not suffer newe Decrées to be made concerning the state of the realme and the willes of the former Kings to be disproued that they would openly declare them selues to be enemies to all those which would go about this thing And finally that in this cause they wold do what they could euen to the spending of their goods and liues To performe the which they swore solemnely one to
Conde séeing that this motion for diuers circumstances is subiecte to diuers mennes Iudgements and because the knowledge hereof appertaineth to all men would to put away all occasions of slaunders shewe to all men manifest reasons whych haue constrained him to ioyne with a great number of his fréends and retainers to serue the King Quéene and to procure the peace and tranquillity of the whole Realme All men know that after the diuers perturbations and troubles for Religions sake when as greater also wer lyke to ensue to stay appease them at the last in the moneth of Ianuary laste past there was made an Edicte by the Kings commaundement to quiet and pacifie bothe partes wyth the aduice and consent also of the most Noble of the high Court of Parliament The Proclamation of thys Edicte whych at the first was much hindered caused suspicions to arise that these things were done not wythout a confederacie which te●…ded to a farther matter The which suspitions wer increased the more by the méetings of the constable and the Magistrates of Paris by the cōmoning of the senators also by the often assemblies of the chéefe Marchantes notwithstanding all the whych the Prince of Conde or any of the reformed Churches neuer did or spake any thing which might interrupt or breake the publike peace any manner of meanes Yea euen in the midst of those vexations and troubles they loked quietly and modestly for the Proclamation of the same Edicte in the Senate of Paris Thys proclamation being at the lengthe made at Paris and being extorted by the Supplications of the King and Quéene rather than by commaundements the Prince of Conde after his gréeuous sicknes when he had saluted the King and Quéene gotte hym home to hys house to recreate him selfe Amidst these troubles there came newes concerning the cruell and horrible slaughter at Vassi done in the presence of the Duke of Guise and by hym many of the Kings Subiects both men and women being slain which according to their manner by the benefite of the Kings Edict came together to heare the worde of God. This horrible Acte being reported at Paris greatly moued the mindes of all men of bothe partes insomuch that much mischéefe was like to followe And among other Rumors it was reported that the Duke of Guise was comming with a great armye of men to the intent he might vtterly destroy the churches of the reformed Religion Whervpon the mē of those Churches came out of diuers places to the Court and required of the King and Quéene punishment of so greate and notable wickednesse committed Thys was the cause why the Prince of Conde going homeward stayed at Paris went from thence to Monceaulx at the commaundement of the King Quéene to whom he said he feared the commotions troubles like to ensue to stay the which he sayd he thought this the only remedy namely that the Duke of Guise which was said to be cōming to Paris with a great army of men might not be suffered to enter therein the which aduise séemed to please the Quéene and the king of Na●…rre very well And according to this aduise the Quéene wrote her letters to the Duke of Guise intreating him that he would come to the king and to her to Monceaulx The which thing being twise required by the Quéene was also twise denied of the Guise the first tyme hée made excuse that hée was busied in entertayning his friendes which were come to sée him and the second time by silence making no aunswer at all ▪ But hée came to Paris with a great nomber of armed men hauing also with him the Constable the Martiall of S. Andrew and diuers others of his counsell And hée was receyued into the citie by the citizens with great pompe the Marchantmaister being their Captayne and the people crying as hée entered into S. Anthonies gate euen as if hée had bene king God preserue the Duke of Guise he séeming in no point to dislike of the same The Prince of Conde returning from Monceaulx that hée might goe to his house according to his former purpose and being certefied of the cōming of the Duke of Guise and of his company to Paris hée altered his purpose and determined to abyde at Paris according to his dutie to defende the kings subiectes being persuaded that his presence would staye the mindes of the citizens of Paris which began to waxe somewhat haughty by the comming of the Guises And truely all men knowe that so long as the Prince remained at Paris there burst forth no great Sedition Notwithstanding there were many great reasons why the Prince and many of the Nobles which were with him should be disdayned For the Guises so soone as they were come to Paris calling vnto them such out of the Senat as they thoght méet had a counsel which they called the Kings counsell as though a councell consisting of the chief officers of the king were very lawfull The which truly séemed very straunge to the Prince of Conde and to those noble men that were with him Is it lawfull to haue any other kings counsell than that which is néere to the king and Quéene and the Prince of Conde the kings néere kinsman to whome a care of the king and Quéene appertayned and being also in the same town in the which the counsell was held not to know thereof This euidently declared a manifest conspiracy which would bring no small hurt to the king and Quéene For if in that counsell of the Guises those things were handled which appertayned to the preseruation of the kings authoritie and the common wealth what cause was there why thei should shoon the presence of the king and Quéene and of the kings co●…sell Moreouer it is well enough knowne what displea sure the Guise tooke with the Quéene when he departed from the court complayning misliking that he was thoght to be made acquainted with Nemours his dealing who was accused to go about to carry away the king The Constable also of late very contemptuously vsed the Quéene in woordes méeting with the kings retinew and being told that the king was present hée passed by so vnreuerently as if hée had met with some straūgers his proud and lofty wordes whiche he also oftentimes vttered at Paris did plainly declare that ther were some new things a working Also the Martial of S. Andrew ▪ did not only refuse to goe to attend vpon his charge cōmitted vnto him by the kings commaundment but also before all the kings counsel he so contented with the Quéene in brawling woordes that it might euidently appeare that hée leaned to some other greater trust In consideration therfore of these men which seperating themselues from the Kings counsell called a coūsell of their owne authoritie and put men in armour the Prince of Conde could not but looke for some lamen table ende Beside all this when the Quéene had openly declared that hir will was that
both of them should depart from Paris the Prince of Conde vnderstandinge of the Quéenes commaundement by the Cardinal of Burbon his brother went strayt way from Paris But the Duke of Guises mind was so far frō departing thence that gathering more souldiours vnto him he did more strongly fortefie the same than he did before and came vnto the King and Quéene contrary to their expresse commaundement with an army of men and caryed thē whether they would or no from Fontaynbleau to another place The which manifest force and misliked captiuitie of the King and Quéen may manifestly appere both by the open complayntes of the Quéene and also by the Kinges teares And because the Duke of Guise the Constable and the Martiall of S. Andrew so boast of their dignitie and offices as though it were lawfull for them to make an armie when it shall séeme good vnto them for the behoofe of the King and the Realme and also because they doo deryde and manifestly abuse the authoritie of the King of Nauar the kings high Legate all men may sée how they doe abuse themselues and the offices committed to their charge These things should first of all haue bene done by the aduise and consent of the Quéene who alwayes openly resisted their dooings Let them therefore if they haue any greater authoritie than she in this kingdome shewe the same So seriouse and waighty a matter also should haue ben handeled in the Kings lawfull counsell or else let them say that thei are in authoritie aboue the kings themselues which alwaies consult with their counsell concerning warres before they take them in hande But if they replye and say that the Quéene now is contented with their dooings admit it be so yet let them remember that this is not the first time that they haue begon warres their purpose intent doth plainly appeare by that horrible slaughter don by them at Vassy which displeased both the King and Quéene and all those that heard of the same except themselues as an acte cōmitted agaynst the manifest lawes of the king and contrary to all humanitie Let them not therefore colour ouer their doings with the Quéenes will whom they haue captiued and rule as them list And to take away al bolstering coulering of the mater who know eth not that before the Duke of Guise came to Paris and had troubled the minds of men with that horrible murther at Vassi there was great peace and tranquillitie throughout the whole Realme But if any thing haue happened otherwise tha●… it should haue done it is come to passe by their Counsels and assemblies specially through the default of the Senate of Paris which obserued not the authoritie of the kings Edict as they should haue done and by their example made the mindes of men the more out of quiet As for example the commotion of Prouance which was raysed by the preuarication collusion of many of that Assembly and was at the kings commaundement pacif●…ed agayne by M. Curlsol with the help and ayde of the reformed Churches which haue alwayes shewed what obedience they will shewe forth towards the king and his lawes To be short all men may behold and sée what will be the ende of all their Counselles which they take in hand euen the great shame and reproch of the king and the destruction of the Realme They kéepe the kyng captiue and abuse his name at their owne pleasure and to the end they maye at the length quite ouerthrow the kyng they stoutly threaten men with the Kinges name if they refuse to do any thing as they would haue them Moreouer they séeke all that they can to make the Prince of Conde to be enuied and not estéeming the auethoritie of the kynges Edictes they do euen what they list And to the end they may set vp their stocke and kinred with the ruine of the kyngdome they conuert the aucthoritie and the whole substance therof to their owne vse troubling molesting the kyngs lawfull and faythfull defenders do raigne and rule alone and do moderate the lawes statutes and decrees of the Realme as they list themselues What is he then that séeth not what their mind and purpose is in causing these garboyles troubles And as touching Religion no man can chuse but sée that they bend themselues to worke both the decay ther of and also of publique and common libertie They do very vndiscretely alleage for thēselues that the Prince of Conde hath certaine other particuler causes of complaynts For the Prince of Conde doth protest that hée is driuen to take these thinges in hand for the only desire he hath to defend the Kyng and the kyngdome and to mayntayne the Kyngs lawes according to his office and doth greatly mislike that the benefite of exercising the reformed Religion should be taken from the kyngs subiectes against the playne commaundements of his wil and that from the kyngs subiects should be taken not only the libertie of their consciences but also the peace and tranquillitie of their bodies Let the Duke of Guise call to minde the horrible slaughter at Uassi which as yet is fresh in memory Let him remember the great crueltie shewed of late to the men of Sens. And let the Constable remember what hath happened at Paris and what is like dayly to happen by his behauiour Whose wicked déedes doon against the willes of the kyng and Quéene he hopeth to sée one day seuerely punished If men neglect the doing of their dutie God no doubt in his iust iudgement will punish the same These therefore are the occasions offered to the Prince to go forward with those enterprises that hée hath taken in hand These men thinke to rule and gouerne the kingdome as they themselues list And therfore it commeth to passe that they cannot abide the gouernement of the Quéene and the libertie and integritie of the kyngs counsel They thinke that the time serueth for them very wel not only to couer all their wicked actes of the which they are neuer able to giue a rea son and an accompt but amiddest this troublesome sturre to inriche themselues By which their boldnes and presumption there cannot chuse but be most gréeuous mischiefes following the troublesome alteration of al thinges the hurt of all estates specially of the Nobillitie diuisions also sempiternall hatred They coullor all their doinges with Religion as though they would not suffer the auncient and Catholike Religion as they terme it to come into contempt and for this cause they cause vs to haue many enemies But why doe they take awaye the bene●…te of the kinges Edict which doth permit vs to vse and exercise that Religion which we beleue to be good and true They them selues liue according to their conscience by the bene●…te of the kyngs lawes And what reason is it then that they should not suffer vs to do the like by the benefite of the kynges Edict There is not one of vs that
mole●…eth or troubleth them in their Religion or that doth hinder their Clergie by any maner of meanes And if there were any of vs that would so do or that would behaue our selues otherwise than we ought there are lawes and punishments to punish vs But truely vnder the coullor and pretence of Religion they séeke another thing We denie not but that they hate the truth of the Gospell as they haue of late declared by fyer and sword but this is the speciall thing they séeke for to trap and snare those that before tyme miraculously haue escaped their handes to be reuenged of others whome they haue alwayes hated and to enrich themselues by the spole of others The whic●… to bring to passe they care for no Religion And such as go about to resist their practises by which they séeke both the p●…rill of our kyng and the destruction of his subiecte●… by Ciuill warre they call open enemies to the kyng THese and many other things which time will reueale being way●…d and considered the Prince of Conde testified before the kyng and Quéen these things also following and wished all kyngs Princes Nobles and all others of the Realme of Fraunce and all Christi an Nations ▪ truely to vnderstand these thinges First of all therfore he testifieth that he is not moued by desire of his owne profite but only with loue of the glory of God and of the profite of the whole common wealth to séeke the which he thought him selfe specially bound vnder the Quéenes auethoritie So that for conscience sake to do his dutie and for the loue hée beareth to his Countrey he sayth he is constrayned compelled to séeke all lawfull meanes to set the Quéen and the kinges Sonnes at libertie and to mayntaine and defend the kyngs Edictes and the Edict of Ianuary which was made for the ordering of Religion And he prayeth and beseecheth all the kynges true lawfull subiects waying and considering the matter as is before sayd that they would ayd and assist him in so good and godly a cause And because the king in the beginning of his raigne found him selfe oppressed with a great burthen of debt and hauing but little any maner of waye to discharge the same many of his faithfull subiects gaue vnto him a great summe of money both to discharge the same also to recouer his patrimony but there is no doubt but that they which are the auethors of this Ciuill warre will now laye holde and catch vnto them that sum of money which was giuen to the kyng for those causes and will spend and bestowe the same to o●…her vses Whereby both the people shall receiue great hurt and losse and also the hope which the Quéene and the kyng of Nauar had for the paiment and discharge of all the kynges debtes that the people might be brought into the same state in the which they were in the time of kyng Lodowi●… the xij that hope I saye by the wasting and consuming of that money should be 〈◊〉 and quight taken awaye For these causes the Prince of Conde affirmeth that they which shall get vn to them that money shal be bound to restore the same againe and at the length shall giue an accompt for the bestowing therof But he testifieth that he and all those that fight vnder his banner shall mayntayne furnish themselues with their owne proper costes and charges And God sayth he will heare from heauen the ●…rie of his poore oppressed people against those which begin warres and refuse all reasonable order which séeke trouble and constrayne vs to defend our selues wyth force of Armes And because all men do vnderstand and knowe that the kyng and Quéene being beset on euery side wyth souldiours and captiued and ruled and that the greater part of the Counsell are so quayled wyth feare that they dare not resist the au●…thors of this warre The Prince of Conde would haue all men certefied that hée myndeth and will shew towards the kyng and Quéene all obedience in the which he will giue place to none and that he will not suffer him selfe to be so deceiued mocked vnder the pretence of rescriptes of commaundements and of Letters vnder the kinges name and seale but will warre against them vntill the Kyng and Quéene do recouer their former libertie and authoritie and may declare their willes by their owne méere gouernement Concerninge the kyng of Nauar his brother the Prince of Conde beside the naturall bond of brotherly loue the particuler cause of obedience which he ought and will giue vnto him he testifieth that he doth consider of him according to his worthines and will giue vnto him next vnto the King and Quéene al ob●…dience And h●… trusteth that he wil giue an accompt of his dealing whensoeuer it shal be required at his handes To be short the Prince of Conde and a great multitude of Earles Lordes and Nobles and other estates to declare that they speake simply and in good earnest and that they séeke for nothing more than the glory of God and the excellency and dignitie of their kyng Do earnestly pray and beséech the Queene Mother with all reuerence that setting the feare of men aside whych gard her after a straunge fashion with force of Armes as if she were a captiue that she would according to hir iudgement and mind fréely declare whether part were to be blanted and that she would goe vnto that Citie whererevnto she had most mind that from thence shée might cōmaund both parts by the meanest seruant she hath to put of their Armour so they would shew that dew obedience which shoulde become loyall subiectes to shew vnto their soueraigne Lord and would also mo destly answere to their doings according to the lawe The Prince promiseth that he will obey her law●…ull commaundements vppon the condition that others would shew themselues ready to do their duties But if they refuse he testifieth that he with fiftie thousand men more which are of the same mynd will spend their liues And if it please not the Quéene to go to another place to do these thinges then let her first of all seeke that they by whom she is garded and captiued may goe to another place pu●…tting of their Armour namely the Duke of Guise and his bretherne the Constable and the Marshiall of S. Andrew And although he being a Prince and the kynges néere kinsmen were their superior yet notwithstanding to the intēt it might apéere that he is in no poynt the cause of trouble and vnquietn●…s he promiseth that he and his whole armie will depart euery man home to his owne house vppon those conditions before spoken of Also hee sayth that hee hath a speciall care for this that the Kynges Counsellers may haue their accustomed libertie and that the kyngs lawes and the Edict of January may be obserued and kept vntill the kyng comming vnto his Maioritie may iudge of the matter him selfe and may punish
the true Religion with holines of life least in the middest of these troubles of warres the care of true godlinesse be quight extinguished The best weapons that may be had to fight against our enemies is holines of life and godly prayers If these be wanting our words shall runne through our owne sides And because saye they we sée before our eyes such horrible calamities we following the approued custome of the Church haue appoynted by a common decrée of all men that in all congregations their should be fasting and sollemne prayers for certaine dayes which we admonish you to vse modestly deuoutly and godly and also that God should be prayed vnto publiquely and priuatly to send a happie successe of all these troubles to the glory of his name and to the peace and tranquillitie of his Church They wrote letters also in the name of the whole Synode to Frederike County Pallentine at Rheine whom the refourmed Churches of France had found alwayes in time of cruell persecution a fréend and ready to helpe at néede This was the coppie of their letters We are not ignorant that the basenes of our condition is such that we should not trouble you with our letters but notwithstanding both the experience which we haue had of your singuler clemency and humanitie and also the waight and sharpenes of our miseries and calamities do constrayne vs in these our extremities to flée vnto you for ayd séeing that of long time you haue professed the trueth and haue had a singuler care to pro mote the glory of God and to mayntaine and defende those which professe the trueth of the Gospeel in what place soeuer they are First of all therfore we pray vnto God omnipotent and to the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ which will haue Kings and Princes to bée Nourses of his Church that he will vouchsafe to confirme and strengthen your highnes in true fortitude constancy by his holy spirit which fortitude you haue hitherto aboundantly shewed with great commendation in setting forth and promooting the woord of God in your Churches And we giue you most harty thankes for those benefites which we receyued of you within these few yeares oftentimes intreating our kynges on the behalfe of our bretherne which were afflicted for the doctrine of Christ. And now we being gathered together of late out of all partes of the Realme for a common Counsell or Synode gladly call to mind the benefits which you haue shewed vppon vs and so much the more willingly also because at this time the truce being broken by which we began to enioye the benefite of the Kinges Edict we stand in great néede of your clemency We foresée the great tempest and calamities of our Churches like to ensue the state of your Churches of Germany in that Ciuill warre comming into our mind the which troubles and calamities being ended by God so happely who hath promised without all doubt to helpe his seruants there is no cause why we should feare Notwith standing we cannot chuse but be very carefull for our flockes commited to our charge But to make the matter more playne because we know that ye vnderstand already our care by certaine Noble men we will not be tedious vnto you Thus much we ad concerning our Churches namely That there is such a conspiracy made against our Churches that except God in his mercy do prouide for the same there is like to ensue no lesse calamitie and confusion than there hath happened long agoe to the Orientall Greeke and Affrican Churches For to conclude the matter in few wordes when the Duke of Guise and they which haue conspired with him perceyued that by the Edict of Ianuary men had leaue fréely and openly to preach the Gospell and that they were restrayned of crueltie which till that time they had declared by all maner of punishments many of the Kinges officers Noble men imbracing the doctrine of the Gospell they made a conspiracie with the enemies of the true Religion to kill in euery Citie the professors of the Gospel Of which their conspiracy we haue had manifest arguments First by the horrible slaughter committed at Uassi it may appeare and then by the cruell and bloudy murther of the men of Sens the Bishoppricke wherof pertayned to the Cardinall of Guise so great slaughter of them being made that for the space of fower dayes there was such killing and steying of men women children without any respect of person that the only remembraunce therof cannot but cause teares to bée shed Yea the dead bodies of such as were slayne came swimming down the Riuer of Seine to Paris requiring as it were their buriall and complayning of this tiranie or rather calling for vengeanee of God and man And now although we know it rather to be our dutie to pray for our enemies and for those which do persecute vs than to accuse them yet notwithstanding we trust that you will interprete to the best these complaints of our iust grief of our manifold calamities And for so much as those our aduersaries to leaue no thing vndone that might be to our destruction haue required your Realme of Germany to ayd and assist them we earnestly pray and beséech you for the loue which you beare to the Church of Christ that you will bend all your might to withstand and put away this euill least Germany imbracing the same truth of the Gospell which we do be euill spoken of for séeking to hurt and anoye vs And we intreat your honour by the tender mercy of God that you will vouchsafe to be a meane for vs to the King and Quéene that there may be some consideration had of our Churches and that you would helpe to mayntayne and defend so iust a cause the time requiring the same Concerning the Letters which the Prince of Conde sent to the refourmed Churches of Fraunce we haue spoken before in the which he willed them when they sawe warres to begin to prepare themselues to the warre with a good courage Whereuppon in many places they obeyed his commaundements some prospering very well in their affayres othersome not hauing so good successe They fortefyed with men and munitiō so much as they could the Cities And after the inhabitants of Towers of Blais and of Angewe had so done also the men of Poicters did the like and then the Normans which fortefied diners Cities tooke their chiefe Citie called Roane But at Burdeux and almost through but Gascoyne except in certaine meane townes the faith full were molested by Monsiere Monluce the Lieutenant who delt very cruelly with the faithfull euery where but specially at Bourdeux By the meanes of this Monsire Monluce there was a great slaughter committed vppon the faithfull at Tholoz and the rest of the multitude which were many in number and had escaped this gréeuous murther brake out of the Citie being a necessary place of refuge both for them and also for
his power and authoritye with these exceptions They then saide And now they go about to make that an euerlasting and irreuocable lawe which they thrée themselues haue deuised and decréed Truly we may with better reason and truth conclude that they go about to make the king a captiue and bon●…man vnto them not only in this his minoriti but in his maiority also Who séeth not their sondry and contrary deuises Who séeth not that they go aboute not only to haue the king in their handes and to rule him at theyr pleasure but the whole Realme also when as in a mat ter of so great waight and perillouse they dare take vpon them to determine decre what they thēselues list Dyd euer those Triumuiri of Rome namely Augustus Antonius and Lepidus which by their conspiracie peruerted the lawes and the common wealth of Rome any thing more bould and presumptiouse If they had ben moued by the loue of peace as they say and not by the outragiouse heate of sedition if they had ben moued by zeale of Religion and not by the force of ambition they would not haue begon those their counsailes with force and murder they would haue come reuerentlie and modestly they would haue declared the causes whi they could not allow of the Edict of January And they would haue intreated the kinge and quéene to consulte with their Coūsail for the remedeing of those troubles to the glory of God the dignity of the king and the conseruation of the Realme And so they should haue declared that they were moued by zeale of their consciences But while they go about these things they sufficiently declare that they take Religion but for a colloure to the end that they may draw away the Kinges subiectes to take their part that by their help by the help of straūgers they may bring al things to their rule Can the Princes the kings kinsmen suffer this that straūgers shal make lawes Edictes to rule the king the whole Realme 4 They require to haue the church of Rome which they call Catholike and Apostolicall to be alone through out the whole Realme and that the vse and administration of the reformed religion should be forbidden Let this be the Edict of the Duke of Guise a straunger of the Constable Momorentius and of the Marshall of saint Andrew the kinges seruauntes Let their willes mindes and decrese be set against the authority of the kinges Edict which the king the quéene the king of Nauar the Princes the kinges kinsmen the kinges Counsel and forty chosen men out of euery court of the realm haue made Let them oppose and set this their Edicte both against the decrées of the nobility and the cominaltye by their supplicatiō which they offered to the king first at Orleans then at saint German concerning the orderinge of Religiō after this maner thē they must nedes acknowledge and confesse that their Edict will be the cause of ciuil warres and in tyme the destruction of the realme But blinde Ambition carieth them out of the way to bind the king and the Realme to them as they saye by these merits For this I affirme that the Duke of Guise and his brethren can not deny but that while they go about to molest trouble those that are of the reformed Religion what zeale soeuer they pretende they brynge the Realme into greate perill Let them remember what happened of late almost in the same counsel to thē in Scotland There both sortes of men that is to say both papistes and Protestants liued peaceably obediently vnder the gouernement of the Quéene vntill it was commaunded by the aucthority of the Guises that no other religion should be there receyued then that which is of Rome Then a certen smal nomber of men for this cause being raised and appointed to battaile by the wisdome of the quene and by the help of the Nobility were easely put down again The which thing ought to haue made the Guises sease from their former purpose for feare of greater trroubles whiche would ensue by the meanes of those Edictes But they on the contrary part more obstinately went forwarde with their purpose to hinder the reformed religion writing sharp letters vnto the Quéen because shée shewed hirself so fauourable and perswaded with hir that it was necessary that the principal authours and many of the Noble men should be put to death Therefore to bring that to passe in déed which they vttered in woordes they sent an army of mē into Scotland with M. Brosseus the Bishop of Atniens At whose comming most seuere Edictes were made cōcerning the obseruation of popish rytes and comming to Masse The Bishop said that he would soone cal those that were gone astray as hée sayd to the obedience of the Church of Rome and monsieur Brosseus said that hée would quickly within few dayes by force of armes put all the rebels to flight And as cruelty hath always couetousnesse ioyned with it they beheld considered the landes and possessions of the noble men and wrot to the Guises that they could both make the people tributary to pay vnto the Frenche king two hundred thousande Crownes and also assigne to a thousand Noble men of France which should continually maintayne warre in Scotland houses and land The Guises hearinge of the which were glad but the Quéene Osellus a noble mā of Scotland said vnto M. Brosseus that the Scotts could not be so easely cōquered who if they were cōstrayned would craue helpe of straungees which imbracinge the same Religion would not desire to haue better occasion to banish the Popes Religion out of Scotland whereby the Kings Royall estate should come in peril But they refusing these admonitions of the Quéene Osellus said that the Quéene with hir facilitie and sufferance would marre all and they called Osellus foole and dastard Ther fore these wise men so wrought that the greatest parte of the nobility gathered vnto them an army of men and within few dayes eyther slewe or put to flight the Papistes and sacrifising priests which if this had not ben might haue liued peaceably And thus thei which before would binde Beares and which triumphed before the victory ▪ did not only dishonour the Duke of Guise but also lost the aucthoritie of the Church of Rome By this example the Guises ought to acknowledge their fault and to leaue of their enterprise also to haue no more in their mouthes these wordes One of those two Religions must be banished the realme and some muste needes giue place to other some These proud words become not subiectes and seruaunts but a king of full and perfect age And whereas they would haue no religion but the Romish religion established within the realme which they go about to defende by force of armes they bring the realme into great perill and daunger And truly it were a great deale better to kéepe both partes in peace and concord and
he attempted no maner of force because of the letters that came in the meane time The sixe and twenty day following the Guises the Constable and the Marshall of Saint Andrew departed from their Campes And by by word was brought to the Prince of Conde that those thrée accordinge to the forme of the peticion were departed from their armie home to their houses When the Prince of Conde vnderstoode this he came to the King of Nauar to Baugence with a fewe only attending vppon him Wherevppon he was brought through the middest of the host in al the hast to a village called Talsiac wher the Quéene aboade and betwene Baugence that Uillage Talsiac were placed certain Garrisons of soldiers When he came to the Quéene he was of her very louingelye entertained and had many faire promises made him and by request easely obtayned leaue of her that certain of his fellowes might come vnto that place both to the end they might salute her and also that they might conferre and talke togither concerninge concord and peace In the meane tyme woord was brought to the frendes and fellowes of the Prince of Conde that the Guises the Constale and the Marshall of Saint Andrew abode still at Chastellodune which was not far distant from Talsia where the Quéene and the Prince of Conde abode and certaine letters also of the Dukeeof Guise to the Cardinall of Loraine his Brother were taken by the way and brought to them Of which letters this is the summe word for word as they were written I send vnto you this messenger in all hast possible to certefie you that all thinges were yesterday finished And know you this also for certaine that many are blinded and deceiued very much Our Mother and her brother sweare that they will not forsake vs and that they will followe no other Counsell than the Counsayle of such whom you know To be short the reformed Religion if we behaue our selues wisely as we mean to do will haue a fall Ye and our Admirall shall haue euill successe All our power remayneth still whole but theires is broken and dispersed our Cities are rendred vp againe without any maner of mencion of preaching or of the administration of Sacraments This messenger which I send vn to you is trustie There came also to the hands of the Prince of Conde by the meanes of one of the kyng of Nauars houshold seruaunts a note in writing of the Duke of Guises left with the Kyng of Nauar for a remembraunce to this effect Let there be no obligation made for Religion See that the pledge be kept in any wise Concerning the rendering vp of the Cities let there be no delay Order the matter wisely Suffer them in no wise to come any neerer to Orleans Let vs be diligently certefied and admonished of all things These forewarnings greatly troubled the Prince of Conde and his adherents they sawe that he was fallen into the handes of his enemies so that there was great daunger on euery side Notwithstanding his friendes thinking it not good to delay the matter and to suffer the Prince to be in perill when they had giuen the Captaines charge to be vigilant and to haue their souldiers in a redines came to the Queene The principall wherof were these the Admirall the Andelot Monsuer Porcia Monsuer Rochfocald Monsuer Rohan Monsuer Genluis Monsuer Grammontius Monsuer Soubizius and Monsuer Piennius These saluted the Quéene and were very louingly entertayned of her She gaue vnto them thankes for their great diligence and paines for her and the kynges prifite at that time insomuch that she sayd they had pre serued her life and the kyngs the which their merits deseruing honour pryce the sayd she wold neuer or get Then they declared to the Quéene with what fidelitie they had serued the Kyng with their body goods vnder the Prince of Conde they shewed vnto her the equitie of their cause which at that time was in controuersie and their earnest care also which they had for the preseruation of the kynges dignitie and the peace profite of the whole Realme Whereuppon they most hartely prayed and beséeched the Quéene that they might not preferre the immaginations of a few men before those things which appertayned to the glory of God and the safetie of the Realme For God saye they will defend euery good cause and seuerely punish all kind of wickednes which are committed against the Kyngs Edicts abusing the Kinges name therunto For himselfe also the Prince of Conde protested that it séemed very straūge vnto him that some shuld be had in such estimation and no regard at all to be had of him which was not only néere of kin to the king whereas the other were straungers and but seruants to the kyng but also had offered all maner of indifferent conditions and submission Wherefore he sayd it was now high time to prouide some remidies to resist and repell those calamities at hand The Quéene being before instructed concerning euery thing what answere she should make began not to answere to those things which were spoken by the Prince of Conde but to declare That the number power and authority of those was very great which followed and imbraced the Church of Roome and they haue the sword in their hands sayth she and are fully determined to defend that Religion which all former kings haue receiued and imbraced so that they meane this shal be the principall condition among the rest for concord and peace That there be no other Religion obserued followed throughout the whole Realme than the Catholique Religion of Roome But the Prince of Conde in the name of the rest replied that they did not plead their owne priuate cause but whatsoeuer had ben done by them vntill that day was done first for the defence of the kynges libertie and authoritie and secondly for a common wealth and herevppon they put themselues in armour at the first by the Quéenes commaundement for the which cause they did not care if they spent their goods liues so that the kyngs Edict might be obserued and kept wherby euery man might haue leaue to vse the reformed Religiō and the libertie of their conscience without the benefite wherof they thought them selues to be but dead Insomuch that if they in whom so great a number of faithfull did repose their trust for the handling of these matters should so much ouershoote themselues and forget their dutie that they should agrée to those thinges which were so repugnant to the glory of God and the common profite of all men it could not be auoyded but that they should be counted of all men forsakers contemners of the glory of God of the kings dignitie and safetie of the cōmon peace tranquillity of the realme The which rather then it should come to passe shoulde cause them to forsake the realm before they would agrée to those so vniust
the sentence of the Iudge behold sayth he I and my fellowes ouer and aboue the former declarations of our innocencie do publish these things in maner and forme following First of all whereas I am excluded out of that nomber that are counted rebelles the singuler loue care that I haue for the Kinges maiestie and dignitie wyll not suffer me not to accounte my selfe a partaker and sustainer of that wound and hurie which is done vnto those men whom I know neuer to haue had any other respecte and consideration then the preseruation of the Kinges maiestie and of the whole Realme And I affirme that I thinke my selfe so little gratefied hereby that I thinke they haue done vnto me great iniury in that they haue gon about to except and seperate me frō so honest godly a cōpany of the kinges louinge faith full subiectes Therfore I being perswaded before God men that their Innocencie is such that no one iot of disobedience or rebellion can be iustly imputed to them or mée intend to ioyne my selfe and to be in the same condition with them whose cause and mind is all one who are also of the same religion of the same lyfe that I am of and are also no lesse careful than I to mainetain and aduaunce the true woorship of God in this realme And as I can not nor ought to be disliked of thē at whose cōmaūdements I haue iustly put my selfe in armour euē so I ought not neither wil I seperate my self frō them who at my entreatie haue armed thēselues with me are of the same will mind that I am of Furthermore I haue sufficient experience of those wonted subtilties in my aduersaries in so much that I may easely vnderstād what they go about by making exception of me As also may euidently appeare by those letters rescripts sent to the Liuetenaunt of the prouinces in the which letters I my selfe amonge others am comprehended But to the end it maye appeare that they rather ought to be counted Rebelles which obiecte rebellion vnto vs that is to saie that they are Rebelles in d●…de which were the first that put them selues in Armoure to breake the authoritie of the Kinges Edictes and not we which to hinder their mischeuous attempts armed our selues we wil briefly repeat those things which ar more at large setforth in our former declaratiōs Al mē know the Edit of Ianuary brought such peace trāquilli ty to the whole realme that the state of the kyngdome being before tossed and tormoyled with tempestious waues of diuers troubles séemed to haue attayned at the length to the most quiet hauen of peace and tranquillitie when as the Duke of Guise commiting a most horrible slaughter at Vassi openly declared that he intēded nothing but open warre against the Kings dignitie against the peace tranquillitie of the whole Realme The which thing as méete it was I could not take in good part for that I know my self to be bound by the bond of consanguinitie to mayntayne the Kyngs Crowne dignitie which the Guises of late went about to deface For this séemed vnto me to be very lewde that a sub iect durst be so bold so openlyto cōtemne the law of his Prince that such a law as was made cōfirmed by al the states of the Realme in sollempne Courte of Parliament And although I of my owne aucthoritie had thē iust occasiō offered me to withstād so bold an enterprise against the king his lawes yet notwithstanding I did moderate stay my selfe vntil such time as I had expresse commaundement to take the matter in hand And here I beséech the Quéene to call to her remembrance how that when she was at Saint Germans she was certified of the whole purpose counsayle and intent of the Guises as that shée should bée put beside her authoritie and that her most faythfull and trustie seruants that were about her should bée put from her to the end that when they had gotten the gouernement of the Realme they might rule and order all thinges at their owne pleasure Of the which matter when she vnderstoode and of the League also which the Spanish ▪ Ambassadours intruded she was wonderfully troubled and gréeued insomuch that for this cause she intreated me that I wold with all spéede gather together so great a power as I could to hinder the same The which request I faithfully accomplished hauinge both a consideration to the Quéenes commaundement and also of my dutie towardes the Kyng and the Realme This was the beginning of all those things which I haue prosecuted euer since that time setting my self against those whom the Quéene iudged to be our enemies And here also let her call to minde those whom at that time shee coulde name one by one But when the Guises by their conspiracies both at Paris and els where had openly bewrayed to all men that thing which before was setretly in their mindes the Quéene againe both by her letters and also by messengers confirmed that her former charge and commaundement giuen vnto mée which was that I shuld withstand the violence of the Guises and his adherents And here I pray and most humbly beséech her that so farre forth as the faith and word of a Quéene ought to stand firme she would set before her eyes euen those things which she wrote vnto me with her owne hand the which I am now constrayned to publish abrode for all men to behold that in her letters also my innocencie maye bee séene For I must néedes assure my selfe of this that shée cannot chuse but be mindfull of those thinges which she wrote vnto me from Fontainbleau ▪ in the Moneth of March commending the Kyng and her selfe also vnto mée in these woordes I commend vnto you ▪ the Mother and her children and of that also which shée wrote vnto me with her owne hand by Monsuer Bocauan at what time the power of the Guises was at Paris that I would not vnarme my selfe before my aduersaries had done the like affirming also that euery man might sée to what end their conspiracie tended Let hir also remember how oftentimes she hath séemed and hath signified also the same by letters to accept and like very well of my doinges which she sayd she would put the Kyng in mind of that when he came to lawfull age he might reward me according to my well deseruing To this purpose it serueth which shée spake to the Admirall a few dayes before he should depart from the Court namely that she knew him to bée so faithfull and obedient to the Kyng and to her that hée would indeuoure himselfe all that he could to deliuer them from the oppression of the Guises Insomuch that of late she wrote vnto him by Monsuer Rembouill that she thought him to be so faythfull a seruant to the King and so carefull for the Kynges crowne and dignitie that she would vse his aduise and counsayle
in no perell hereafter by any maner of meanes eyther for wearing armour or for Religion commaundinge that all sentences pronounced againste him for these causes to be voyde and of none effect and that his goodes substance which hath bin brought into our treasury be giuen restored to him again and commanding also the watch ward about his house to cease whatsoeuer hath bin ordeyned and decréed in our Parlements for this matter notwithstanding Also that it shal not be nedefull for the said T. R. our suppliant to haue any other argument or proofe to declare our will and pleasure herin but these our letters only Notwith standing prouided that he be no author of seditions of rapines or of spoyling of Churches nor that he secretly conuey to our enemis either money or armour and also vpon this condition that he liue euer hereafter Catholicly and come not to the seruice or rytes of the new Religion that he neuer hereafter beare armour against vs nor do ayde and assiste those that are our enemyes any maner of way But as by these meanes snares were layed to trap entangle the simple and héedelesse sort as shortly after appeared in many when they were come home so there was no staye of excommunications thoondered out at Paris at Tbolouze and at Bordeaulx and in other places where the papistes ruled against such as were counted Huguenotes strayt charge being geuen to al mē to detect such persones the payne appointed threatened to suche as should conceale any such so suspected and a rewarde promised to him that would detect any such person the Kings Attorney being commaunded to inquire and ●…nd out such causes and to bring them with all spéede before the Senate Then after the publishing of those letters of warrant from the King whereof we spake before the Senate or Parliament of Paris decréed that all those men which came from Burges Poytiers Meaulx Roane Lions and from other Cities which were kepte by the Prince of Conde to Paris should be taken and that they should be punished according to the prescript of the Kings Edicte which commaundeth al men of the new Religion to goe out of Paris notwithstandinge that they had gotten the Kinges letters of warrant and had made a Catholique confession as they terme it of their fayth Roane being wonne as we declared before the army of the Guise came to Paris about the beginning of Nouember the rumour increasing more and more concerning the ayde of the Germanes and of the Englishe men which should come to the Priuce of Conde very shortly Therefore Roan being fortified agayne the breaches of the walles being builded vp and a Garrison left in the towne the Duke of Guise retourned backe agayn with his armie to Paris In the meane tyme came the armies out of Germanie to Orleans sent by the protestant Princes vnder the conduct and charge of the Marshall of Hessen They were thirtéen enseignes of horsemen contayning in iust number 2600 and eleuen enseignes of footemen contayning thrée thousand souldiours Then the Prince of Conde when hée had gathered togyther an armye mynded to remoue from Orleans and to goe to Paris But before his departure from thence hée published a writing in the which he cleareth himselfe from being the author of the first motions and of the ciuill warre deryuing and laying the same vpon the Guises his fellowes and protesteth that dutie moueth him too enter into warre to deliuer the Kinge and the whole Realme from those iniuries and violence This which followeth is the summe of his letter I haue hitherto sufficiently sayeth he by many writings published and sent abroad euidently declared that the Guises the Constable and the Marshiall of S. Andrew are the authours and the first and true causes of those troubles which we sée at this tyme to be so hote outra giouse in the Realme because they tooke disdayne that they should be remoued from the gouernement whiche they vsurped in the dayes of King Fraunces the seconde and were offended at the decrée of the States of the Realme in which thei are commaunded to make an accompt of the excéeding number of giftes which they had receyued in the former Kings dayes and of the ordering and bestowing of the Kings money greatly refusinge not onely to be deliuered from this account but also vsing their former subtilties to enriche and set vp them selues by the ruine and decay of others After that I shewed the diuers Counselles and secret deliberations had they couering their conspiracies with the cloake of Religion and how they began to arme them selues by their owne prinate authoritie contrary to the expresse commaundements of the Quéene and the Decrée of the States breaking the common peace how they contemning the Quéenes authoritie the decree of the States by which they were commaunded to goe home to their owne houses came with an army ofmen and tooke the King and Quéene into their handes perforce with so much grief to the King that hée declared the same with teares openly I haue also declared and will euer euidently declare that I haue for iust and necessary causes and by the expresse commaundements of the Quéen her selfe as may appeare by letters sealed with her owne hand armed my selfe and haue ben nominated and elected by her to take vpon me the defence of this cause as can testifie Monsure Jarnac Monsure Soubize and mōsieur Pordillan to whō shée expresly declared that it was her will that the Kings faithfull subiectes should obeye mée and that they should at my commaundement withstand the counselles and practises of the Kinges aduersaries to restrayne their licenciouse willes And as for me if I should not take the sword in hand the King and Quéenes Maiesties and the Realme cannot choose but be ruled by the wills of the aduersaries whom experience hath shewed of late to be the tyraunts of Fraunce And now although I haue the testimonie of a good conscience towardes God and the Quéen who hath power and authoritie to gouerne the Realme and although I haue already declared all my actions and the trueth of my cause by diuers writings yet neuerthelesse because my aduersaries according to their wonted wicked custome do send abroad into forreyne nations many false reportes and sclaunders in writing impudently burthening mée with false lyes making mée the authour and cause of all these troubles I which desire to haue a good name and report among all Christian Princes Nobles and among the Kinges faythfull subiectes which desire to kéepe my honor and dignity thought good after many other to publishe this writing also To the ende all men may vnderstand how carefully euen vntill this present daye I haue laboured sought by al meanes possible to mitigat and pacefie those troubles raysed by their wickednesse not onely because I know what great destruction will come thereby but also because I haue a singular care and desire both to stablish the
Kings authoritie and dignitie the safetie and preseruation of the Kings faithfull subiectes the liberty of their consciences and also the peace and tranquillitie of this Realme in the which I was borne And I am fully perswaded that the only demonstration of the which I haue done and will doe shall proue those my aduersaries lyers and sclaunderers shall bring to passe that neuer hereafter any indifferent man shall giue credit to the like First of all euery man may behold and see how I alone in the beginning of this our Kings raigne procured peace and tranquillitie and sought to put away al occasions of seditions and troubles for the which cause I had much ill will and displeasure in the dayes of King Fraunces II. but I haue forgiuen that iniury Since that time hitherto those enemies of God the King and publike peace were offended with the decrées of the States and with the forme of Gouernement which they then perceyued to be contrary to their ambition when as they had determined to peruerte all things to enlarge their power and tyranny to the which end and purpose they conspired with straungers the which conspiracye is more perniciouse and detestable than was the cōspiracie of the Triumuiri of Rome as now appeareth by the lamentable effects thereof but I on the contrary part to quench that burning fyrebrand of troubles haue left nothing vndone that I could doo Neyther dyd I regarde the goodnesse of my cause nor the wickednesse of my aduersaries cause when as they armed them selues of their owne priuate authoritie to ouerthrow the Edicte made by the consent and aduise of the States neyther did I so estéeme of my place and dignitie that I woulde put my selfe in armour without the expresse commandement of the Quéen yet in the beginning I of my own accorde offered to vnarme my selfe agayne so that my enemies would doe the same and that the Edicte so solemly made by the Decrée of the States might be thoroughly kept as may appeare by my writinge concerning this matter The which conditions seemed to all men very indifferent and reasonable sauinge to them selues Furthermore to the ende we might the better and more safely enter into peace and concord I sought diligently that many Christian Princes might be admo nished of this matter and I entreated them by letters and by Ambassadours that they would be meanes to pacefie the same and to take away all occasions of greater dissentions But my aduersaries euen at the same time when al things might haue ben brought to some quietnesse wēt about to take away all hope of concord and sought for the nonce to exasperat and prouoke our mindes to displeasure by new cruelties shewed vpon our bretheren making more carefull prouision to warre against mée and myne than doth the forreyn enemie when hée inuadeth the boundes and limites of the Realme Beside this they suffered not the Ambassadours of the Princes of Germany which were now cōming forwarde in their iourney to doe their office about the pacification but sought to procure the Italian the Spaniard the Switzer to ayde them in their warre and because a certaine Noble man of Fraunce called Gonor did disallowe the comming of forreyne power into the Realme they abused him with iniuriouse wordes openly among the Kinges counsaill Whereby it may appeare to all indifferent men of sound iudgement what I and my aduersaries haue sought for and whether I could in this time of the Kings minoritie deuise more profitable meanes and wayes to auoid these gréeuouse troubles and also whether they can doe more than they haue done to increase the same For they haue gone about to bring in newe harde and violent lawes playne contrary to the Kings Edicte made by the consent of the whole Realme and agréeing with the Spanish Inquisition which is the ruyne and ouerthrow of peace and tranquillitie that thereby they might not onely bring in an infinite heape of troubles but also the confusion of all things The which also I my selfe by publishing a writing contrarye to the same shewed how much it was disagréeing from al reason and indifferency But what soeuer I could shew vnto the Quéene they had her in such bondage and captiuitie by force and subtiltie that they made her an instrument and meane to doe what soeuer they woulde themselues Notwithstanding shée perceyuinge what great inconuenience would come by warre thought she might do much good if she could bring the matter to parley Therefore the Quéene my brother the Kinge of Nauar and I met togither in the midway betwene Paris and Orleans Then I made declaration vnto them of two things which I sayd were the causes of troubles the which causes being taken away the effectes that is to say great troubles shall with them be remoued also To take away the causes I sayd the first was That the Guise the Constable and the Marshal of Santandre who had broken the peace by arming of them selues by their owne priuate authoritie and had forceably dealt with the Kyng and Quéene and also had broken the kyngs Edict of January might go home to their owne houses and might be forbidden to be of the Kynges Counsell during this time of his minoritie And I my selfe though I were of the Kyngs bloud and of much higher degrée than they promised to do the like The second was I sayd that the Edict of January might be fully obserued and that according to the tenor therof the vse of Religion might bee frée for all men throughout the whole Realme To these two ▪ neither the Quéene nor my brother would agrée Affirminge that it was not lawfull for those being the Kynges seruants to depart from the young King being in such extremitie as he was the request they said was neither indifferent nor profitable for the Realme Moreouer they sayd there could not be two Religions together in one Realme and therfore the Edict of January could not bee suffered because they of the Church of Rome were so many in number so sharpe set to mayntaine their Religion ▪ that if they should not haue their willes greated troubles would dayly arise ▪ To this I replied againe saying that it was neyther indifferent nor profitable for the Realme for them to abide with the Kyng which had both abused the Kyngs age and dignitie and also had brought him the whole Realme into great perill and vnhonestly broken the Kyngs Edict And concerning the Edict of January I sayd what could be more vnseemely than for a few priuate men so little to regard the Kynges dignitie that they durst breake the Kynges Edict to obserue kéepe the which they themselues were sworne by the benefite of which Edict not only Paris but also the whole kingdome enioyed peace Also I said it was a very euell example for the people to be armed to breake the kings Edictes and was the ready way to make them euer after more disobedient also that the
Religious were not so contrary that the Christian name should not euery where be retayned As for that Religion which I and my fellowes imbrace it is the true and reformed Religion which is also receiued and imbraced of great Nations and pourged from Romish Idolatries and superstitions And to make the matter more plaine what say you to the late example of the Emperour Charles the fifth who after he had assayed to establish in Germany that Religion which he him selfe approued and coulde not bring it to passe thought it to be the best waye although he had gotten the victory by force of Armes to let euery man vse what Religion he would for quietnes sake What shoulde I néede to repeate many other examples when as experience teacheth vs that this is a necessary remedy to kéepe the people of this Realme in peace To let them haue the vse of what Religion they like best But for all that I could saye or do in that Parley the Quéene durst not go from that which was prescribed vnto her to speake So that the Armies were prepared on both partes againe Then we entered into parley againe by which they went about very subtilly to betray me First I yeelded vnto my brother the King of Nauar the Towne of Baugence the which he ment to vse for him and his family during the time of intreaty for peare which I had good hope to obtaine by the meanes of the Quéenes letters Then I did put my selfe into my enemies hands minding therby to winne peace The Guises and his fellowes fayned a departure away but they were not far of but had incamped themselues within the compasse of thrée miles minding to oppresse me as appeared afterwardes by their Letters which came to my handes At y length I and certaine of my fellowes came in parley and conference with the Quéene At the first we were denied to haue the liberty of our consciences We straight way affirmed that the libertie of our consciēce was to vs the most precious thing of all and the chiefest thing that we desired and added this also that if the departure of a few would be an occasion of peace and of the libertie of Religion we our selues woulde willingly go into crile euen to the vtmost partes of the world The Queene tooke our offer and liked of the cōdition and when she had made a long protestation of hir good will toward vs she perswaded vs to prepare our selues to take our iourney and she would send vnto me whether soeuer I wold appoynt ten thousand Crowns promising there withall that my exile shoulde not bee long But when I was certified of the platforme and snare which the Guises had made for me at the intreatie of my fellowes I made hast backe againe to my Armie Then thē Quéene before my departure required of vs an aunswere the which we referred to the common counsell and aduise of my fellowes affirming notwithstanding for our selues that we were ready not only to go into exile but also to suffer any maner of extremitie willingly for a common wealth But afterward I had taken deliberation and consulted with my fellowes they aunswered That except I would forsake God the Kyng and my Countrey I could not nor ought to go to any other place declaring vnto me that the auncient and approued Lawes and constitutions of the Realme were that when the king by reason of his younge and tender yeres cannot take vppon him the Gouernement of the Realme the Princes that were the Kinges néere kinsmen with the coūsell and aduise of the States should prouide a forme of Gouernement The which during the time of the kings ninoritie ought to abide firme and immutable At the first begining of this kings raigne the States whose authoritie hath brideled alway their ambition which would abuse the tender age and facility of kings decréed with the consent of the Princes the Kings kinsmen That the gouernement of the King and the realm should be committed to the Quéene and that shée shold discharge and pay that debt which the Kings aūcetours had left the Crowne in and should also mayntayne the peace and tranquillitie of the Realme of Fraunce Diuers other things and they decréed more particularly concerning such as had taken any othe●… to serue forreyn power whethe●… they should be of the Kinges Counsell or no and whether twoo bretheren at once excepte the Princes the Kings kinsmen should be of the same coun sell concerning also an account to be made by suche as had the trust of treasure committed vnto them in the former Kings dayes and diuers other things they decréed as is to be séene in my former declarations in writing published But amongst all other it was decréed by the Quéene that matters concerning Religion should be established for peace and vnities sake First of all therefore the matter was handeled by Disputation at Possit but in vayne Then the Queene caused an assembly to be made of the Princes the Kings kinsmen of the Kings Counsellers and of certaine choosen out of all Parliamentes of the Realme that they might make an Edict concerning this matter Then there was an Edict made in the Kings Counsel to the which they were all sworne and they also which at this day haue broken the same and which was published and confirmed according to custome throughout all Courtes in the realm by the benefite whereof the Realme in euery place séemed to be at peace Notwithstanding this thrée priuate men offended with the Kinges Counsell and inflamed with their owne desires because they knewe that they were bound to obey their Decrées aud to giue vp their accountes conspired togyther how they might remoue the Quéene from her authoritie gathered an army of men togyther without the cōmaundement of that Quéen contrary to the authoritie and decrées of the States denyed to go home to their owne Prouinces at the commaundement of the Quéen and to vnarme themselues came armed to the Kinge and so tooke him stirred vp warre and put the king to great expences not only entered into the kings Counsel from which they were secluded by the Decrées of the States but also did put in and put out such as it pleased thē and finally they brake the kings Edict solemly made and confirmed by the aduise and determination of the States from the time that they armed them selues they haue not suffered the same to be kept without the which notwithstanding it it not possible that the publique peace should stande By which their wicked actes and presumption they haue broken the authoritie of Magistrates and Lawes haue playnly declared themselues to be enemies to God to the king to the Realme and to cōmon peace For these causes my friends sayd vnto me considering my state and calling in the Realme that it was not meete that I shold gyue place vnto them which by violence had gone about already to confound all thinges Neyther that I should forsake the
abolishing the Edict 10. Petition made by the Prince of Conde●… 98. Peace concluded 110. Peace requested by the protestantes 232. Poictiers besieged 242. Pey battered 244. P●…ince of Conde intised from the defence of the Gospell 33. Prince of Conde escapeth the Papistes snares 40. Prince of Conde complayneth of iniuries 54. Prince of Orange commeth to Anwerpe 87. Prince of Conde marcheth to Loraine 105. Prince of Conde flyeth to Noyere pag. 121. 164 Prince of Conde in great peril 131. Prince of Conde seketh to encounter with Mompensier 190 Prince of Orange seeketh to ioyne with the Prince of Conde 195. Preaching forbidden 48. Practise ●…o stcale away the prince of Nauar 167 Proclamations for the obseruation of the Edict 68 Pultrot deareth the Admirall 14 Protestantes commaunded too returne to Monachisme 52 Q Queen of France encourageth the fouldiours 224 R Reconciliation betwene the Guises and the Chastillion 47 Restraint of Synode●… 51 Rochell 〈◊〉 to be besieged 130 S Sanser besieged 202 Sermons 〈◊〉 preached 217 Slaughter of the Parisians at Saint Dionyse 102 Slaughter of the faythfull at Tow ers 53 Slaughter of the ●…thful 41 Slaughter of 10. thoūsande protestants in the space of 3. monthes in the tyme of peace 〈◊〉 Spye sent to vewe Noyers taken pag. 122 State of the common wealth after peace was taken 1 State of the Church of Orleans 1 State of the Church of Lions 2 State of the Church in Dolpheny 3 State of the Churche in Burgondy and Prouance 3 State of the Church of Venais 7 State of the Church of Orange 8 State of the Church of Paris 8 State of the church of P●…eardy 8 State of the Church of Brittayne Normandy 8 State of the Churches of Gascoyne and Guian 9 State of the protestantes in the second warre 100 State of the Churches in the lowe Countrey after the comming of the Duke of Alba. 102 Supplication of the Nobles of the low Conntrey 82 Succour of the Pope 224 Strosius men slayne 224 Suburbes of Rochereul thrise assalted 253 Subtill practises of the papistes against the Gospell 25 T Troubles at Lions 116 Troubles at Paris 117 Tyranny of the Duke of Alba. 196 V Valencia beseeged 89 Valencia surrenuered 91 Violence done to the Protestantes pag. 60 W VVatch and warde at Hauens and Bridges 114 FINIS The vii Booke of Commentaries concerning the state of Religion and of the common wealth of Fraunce vnder the Raigne of Charles the ninth ALTHOVGH that France was now as it wer very desirous to be at rest after so gret broils of that greuous and lamētable warre yet heauy occasions of newe troubles séemed to bée offerd euerie day and the hartes of the Papistes were espied by manifest tokens and talke to wax more spightfull New hauen a town lying on the sea cost of Normandy being receyued againe of the English men part of the Kings army was quight discharged and part of it was chosen to lye in garrison in those Cities which were holden of the Protestantes in the time of warre and for this purpose also were taken some of the Prince of Condies bandes especially those who in the tyme of seruice had forsaken the Prince and gon to the Duke of Guise The state of all the Churches being scatered throughout all the prouinces of the Kingedome was such as here followeth Monsieur Sipier a noble man had again by the kings commaundement the gouernmente of the Church at Orleans and the Citie it selfe was fortified with a very greuous and troublesome garrison Notwithstanding the Church florished there both in great nomber of the faithful and also good plenty of learned men there was a schoole ordeyned for the vse of the reformed Church and beawtyfied with most excellent Doctoures Teachers but amongst the wrongs and verations that they of the Garrisons did dayly woorke the Protestantes of Orleans were greatly encouraged by reason they of Chastillō dwelt so neare them the Cardinal Odet Chast illo also very frankly and liberally helping with money the néedes and wantes both of their Church and schole The Marshall de Vielleuille came to Lions and the Protestants at his commaundement forthwith laying a side their armour whilest as he said he went about to put the Edict in execution he fenseth the Citie with a strong Garrison and by force of the Kings letters staieth the building of the Church which the faithfull had begun being thrust out of the Papistes churches which before in the time of warre they had vsed And yet they of Lions were not in worst case for the Protestantes there did both quietly lyue amongst themselues and also enioyed fréely and without restrainte the vse of the reformed religion certaine places being by the Kinges maiesties graunt for that purpose appointed All which time Petrus Uiretu●… a Godly and eloquent man togyther with his most excellent fellowlabourers did very profitablye trauaile in that congregation which was greatly frequented and furnished with men of all sorts and degrées so that to the Godly it yelded a ioyful and pleasant spectacle but to the Papistes a heauie and lamentable sight The gouernment of the Countrey of Dolpheny fel into the handes of Monsieur Mo●…gron and Gordes and garrisons of souldiers were placed in the chiefe townes therof as in Ualence Grenoble Roman Uienne Montillon notwithstanding they did not long beare the wrongfull dealing of the Souldiers especially in that part of the Countrey which was ruled by Monsuer Gordes for they procured vnto themselues his fauour by gyftes and so by that meanes were delyuered from the Garrisons But the congregations in Burgundy were euel entreated by Monsieur Tauennes and the Counsaile of Diion But chiefely towardes the Countrey of Prouance they were very cruelly handled for there the Papistes were so impudently imboldned as it were fleshed through the impunitie and libertie of the spoyles they had committed in the tyme of warre that the Protestantes being vtterly discouraged with the often tydinges of the iniuries and murthers that were there committed durste not once to repaire home to their owne houses although they did not openly practise their Religion But yet at the length by the Kinges commaundement they were suffered to returne home and diuers punishmentes executed vppon such as had bene woorkers of mischiefe there as in place conuenient we wil more at large declare The Constable had procured the gouernment of the Prouince of Languedoc ouer which hee was chiefe ruler to be committed ouer to his Sonne Monsieur Anuille with exceding straight and sharp commission For the men of that Countey had manfully and couragiouslye behaued themselues all the time of the former war. Monsuer Anuille therefore imparting the matter to the counsel of Tholouze and hauing their aduise how to behaue himselfe in the exploit of all his affaires went to the other parts of this Prouince with more stomacke and courage and to those Cities which in the tyme of warre were holden by
long before to talke of the murthering of the Gu●…se and yet it appeareth by his owne sayinge that I neuer spake vnto him or had any knowledge of him before the time that he brought Monsieur Subize his letters vnto me VVhere vppon I may truly conclude that it is neyther true nor like to be true that I should be the author of that thinge which he long before had conceiued and purposed in his mind Moreouer where as Merae was very nere of kinne to M. Rainold whom the Duke had caused to be slaine it was likely that he was enflamed and stirred vp againste the Guise by some priuate quarell and speciall hatred And as I haue declared beefore euen so of a truth the case standes vvhereby me thinke it is euident and plain that they who perswade themselues that I was the author and procurer of this murther besides that they vse very fonde and childishe reasons to proue the same do not know my nature for if so be I had charged him to doo any more then that I haue before declared I would not feare to confesse it with like franknes and boldnes And truly I would gladly aske this question of them whether they im●…gin that there was any other cause why I should cause my other answer to be published then that I desired the matter might be vnderstanded of all men And it there were any thing else why should I dissemble why should I cloake it why should I not confesse it who euer was a more deadly and open enemie vnto mee than the Duke of Guise for what other cause did he besiege Orleans but that he might vtterly destroy and cast awaye mee my wyfe and children and whatsoeuer else I held as deare and precious vnto mee yea there are men of great credite that can and will testifie that he vsed often to bragge and make his vaunts that whensoeuer the Citie were taken he would spare none neyther man woman yong nor old Neyther needeth any man to doubt that amongest all them that were in the battayle at Dreux it was he I sought for and chiefely he with whom I wished to meete And certaine it is that if I myselfe could haue discharged anie shot at him I would ful glad ly haue done it yea truely if I had ben Captain ouer ten thousand gunners I would haue charged them that they should euery one haue leueled and shot at him alone To be short I would haue left no deuise that might stande with the law of armes vntried so that I might by any meanes deliuer my selfe from an enemie so spightfull and deadly against mee and myne all good men And last of all I protest before God and his Aungelles that I commaunded nothing else but that which I haue declared in these my writings If there be any man that desiteth to knowe more let him repaire too mee and I will make him aunswer Whilest these things happened in Fraunce the Popish Prelates sat still at Trent labouring very diligently to prouide and establish the estate of Poperie with a long rable of Decrées the exact rehearsall whereof being at large already set out in a booke for that purpose shall not be néedfull to be brought in here in these oure Commentaries especially for that our onely purpose intent is briefly to shew the estate and condicion of the faithfull in Fraunce and how thei were troubled vexed in the time of Truce and how afterward they were enforced to breake out into open warre The Councell of Trent therefore did very carefully trauell in maintayning and defending the Popes authoritie and dignitie in the kingdome of Fraunce and this matter as a thing of greatest waight and importance was thorowly and most earnestly laboured of all sides And the great and large reuenew that came out of Fraunce whiche thing did chiefely enflame the zeale of those reuerend Fathers and the great daunger and present hazard they were in to loose them if the reformed Religion had preuayled did make them busily to besturre them and to take the matter in hand There was present at the Councell the Cardinall of Lorraine hauing great knowledge and experiēce in the affaires of Fraunce and a subtill and sleighty old coygner of new fetches and besides that the matter for hys owne cause stood him vppon he was also incensed with an outragious hatred and malice against the men of the reformed religion and chiefly against the trueth it self which he both knew and renounced At his request and setting on they began to consult how they might vtterly deface and roote vpp the reformed Religion out of Fraunce the readiest and fittest waye for that matter that they could deuise was that there should be a league made betwixt the King of Spayne and the King of Frāce and that the King of Spayne because it was a thing of great difficultie and could not without much a doe bée brought to passe should helpe the French Kinge at all tymes with such ayde as should be néedfull and that all wayes and meanes should be sought to abolish and disannull the Edict wherin was graunted the libertie and vse of the reformed Religion This league which was made for the rooting out of true religion the holy fathers of the Councell of Trent dyd call the Sacred and holye League The Cardinall of Lorayne doth promise all possible diligence and trauaill in this matter and that hée will perswade the King to finish the league and as for the Quéene being of herselfe prone enclining to their parte and the consents of the Nobles he accounted him selfe sure of them As the Cardinall a most bitter enemie to the reformed Religion did what possible he could for the accomplishement of these matters in the Councell at Trent the enemies of the Gospell were not idell at home in Fraunce in defacing and putting downe the Edicte and the Quéene was not onely euery day more wayward disliking of the reformed religion but was also very furiously incensed against it and dyd by all meanes shée could denise goe about to engraffe and so we hatred and malice in the tender mind of the yong King against religion that then he might proclayme perpetuall and euerlasting warre against al the reformed Churches in Fraunce The Constable Momorencie was also very forward in this matter and was very maliciously bent againste the truth bicause he purchased so great infamy and dishonour in the former warres So that the Edict had in France enemies both many in nomber and greate in power and authoritie About this time the Kinge being of the age of xiiii yeres was declared to be of ful lawfull age by the decrées and iudgemente as the maner was of all the high Courtes of parliament and within few dayes after was according to the custome solemly crowned and all such estates as had to do with the administration of the Realme as vicegerents and protectours and such other were displaced very profitablie fitly both
as farre foorth and as longe as it shall seeme good and expedient For wee knowe what authoritie and power we haue receyued from aboue of God which we do meane to vse with all moderation and integritie to the profite and commoditie of our subiectes of which as we haue next to the glorye of God chiefest care and regarde so doe wee wishe that it may be aduaunced and furthered by that our Edict And ther fore whereas we vnderstand that there are certain things comprised therein very generally which beeing eyther wrong vnderstood or not rightly executed haue gyuen occasions of great troubles are like hereafter to breed greater inconueniences and broyles if they be not spedely prouided for which we are fully purposed to doe VVherefore for these considerations our pleasure is to the intent we may aunswere and satisfie the iust complayntes of all our subiectes to giue a full and playne declaration of our mynd as concerning certayne clauses of the Edict which be now in controuersie and diuersly taken And because that all things may be done in better order for the profit and common vtilitie of our subiects for which we are most carefull we haue consulted with the wisest and greatest of our Counsell by whose aduise we haue here set foorth a more full and expres●…e declara tion of our pleasure concerning the Edicte the which we will and commaund to bee established and ratified not that we meane to take any thing from the Edict but too enterpret it according to our will and meaning to whom it appertayneth so to doe least that such clauses as bee doubtfull breed contention and strife To the first Article which is That al noble men that were of chief authority might liue quietly without trouble or molestation in their mantions dwelling places to enioy togither with their families subiectes free bertie of conscience the peaceable vse of the religion which they terme reformed this exception is to be added in the way of interpretaion It shall not be lawfull to be done or practised in any places that were either bought or takē frō the Ecclesiasticall liuings or in any which wer holdē of the church to which we forbid the vse of the re formed Religion both publiquely and priuately For there were dyuers of the church liuings that were sold at the Kinges cōmaundement were by that meanes holden possessed of the Protestantes who vsed the benefite of the Edicte for the administration of Religion in those places to the great griefe of the Papistes There were also diuers that had great and fat benifices brought to the knowledge and profession of the reformed religion but chiefely one of great reputation the Cardinal Chastillon a man endewed with many goodly church liuings and was Archebishop of Aeges and many other of the noblest houses in France Who if they once had gotten by the Edicte libertie of Religion it was very likely that it should haue ben spred and sowen abrode far and wide in diuers places For many places where those benefises lay had preuiledges of great authority and very large and ample dominion rule so the Papistes by this interpretation were well eased to the greate hinderance discomodity of the faithful To the first article of the Edict wherin was Be it fre and lawful for al cities in which that religiō was vsed the vii day of march besides other Cities that are perticularly to be set out appointed in euery Prouince stil to haue and enioy the vse thereof There was added a newe interpretation That those Cities were vnderstood meant which were kept and holden in warlike maner and in which the reformed religion had bin publiquely and openly practised at the day beefore assigned So by that meanes there were certaine Cytyes barred and shutte out from the vse of their religion To the sixt article wherein was mēcioned That the citie the whole prouince of Paris should be free and cleare from the vse of that religion There was added a more straight restraint and prohibition That it was not lawfull for any that dwelte within the Citie or precinct of the Prouince of Paris to goe to any Cities licensed by the king of the prouinces neere adioyning to exercise that Religion vnlesse they dyd dwell in them neyther shall it bee lawfull for any such persons to haue any māsion place or dwelling within the limites of the Citie or prouince of Paris This restraint was manifestly knowen to be annexed for no other purpose but only in despight and hatred of certain Senatours and Aldermen of Paris worthie Patrones of the truth and other worthy and famous men that thereby they might bee constrained to leaue Paris and remoue to other places And where as in the fourth article mention is made That all men might liue quietly in euery place without any trouble or daunger for the freedome and vse of their Religion and conscience it was restrayned with a very straight exception That none neyther man nor woman were accompted in that number which eyther in or after the tyme of warre had forsaken eyther Abbayes Nunries or other religiouse houses and these were streightly commaunded eyther to returne agayne to the places of Religion they came from and if they were maried to forsake their wiues or else forthwith to depart the Realme So that by this meanes many families but with greater discommoditie and wrong of a more number were eased and helped to the whiche both yong men and maydes that were in tymes paste thrust and shut vp into Abbayes were now retourned being endewed with a more pure and syncere knoweledge of the trueth and sued by the lawe for their patrimonie and partes left by their parents But by this exception all libertie and licence to sue and pleade for their owne was taken from them and they either com pelled to reenter the Cloysters they had forsaken or else enforced to depart out of the Realme And by this meanes there were many occasions gyuen of diuers great and gréeuous iniuries as for example That horrible accursed murther committed by M. d' Anuille as we haue before declared vppon A. Motton a minister of the woord of God which detestable facte was cloaked and defended vnder pretence of this Inter pretation Furthermore the vse of the religion which was termed by a common name The administration of religion was maruetlously abated and diminished by a new deuised interpretation That it should not be lawfull for any man to be a minister of that religion but for such as were borne there that is bred within any of the Prouinces of the kingdome of Fraunce So that by this fetch diuers of the Churches were bereft and spoyled of their good Pastors and Doctours as namely the Congregation at Lions of that learned and eloquent man Petrus Viretus who dyd very effectually and faithfully trauel in aduauncing and spreading abroad the Gospel in that most famous and populous Citie and mart Towne of
to defende themselues vnlesse very spéedy remedie be had For and vppon these considerations I haue thought it my dutie to certifie the King and Quéene thereof as becommeth a good subiect and trustie seruaunt to doe which desireth by all meanes and wayes possible too auoyde and turne away so great and present daunger and perill Neyther sayeth he is there any cause why I should feare that I shal be accompted and taken of their Maiesties as one that is to importune and vnreasonable not regarding eyther tyme or person albeit I haue diuers tymes troubled them already with these matters especially séeing it standeth me vpoon my honor and honestie and the present and vrgent necessitie of thinges doth so earnestly require me to do it that vnlesse I will become both guilty and worthi punishment for so great and common calamities I can not passe so waighty a businesse in silence Wherefore I most humbly beséech your Maiesties that you will not take it in euill parte that I am come by letters to entreat for them that are without all law and Iustice most shamefully spoyled slayne contrary to your highnesse pleasures declared in your Edict And for that they could not by any other meanes obtayne remedie and redresse of their wrongs they are come vnto me for succour thinking that in respect of my néere kynred to your Maiestie the place whereunto I am called in this realme I might obtayn for them that ease and reliefe of their griefes which otherwise they could not get Neyther could I my selfe for these causes and for the obedience I owe to youre Grace refuse to declare and shew vnto your Maiestie with all humble modestie reuerence these so great miseries and calamities For all your highnesse Subiectes haue felt what great profit and vtility hath come to the whole Realme through your Maiesties Edict of peace the which notwithstanding is so defaced and altered from his first forme that no man hath any care once to acknowledge much lesse to obserue and execute it And although your Grace haue diuers tymes plainly declared and exprest that it was your will and pleasure that it should be obserued and kept inuiolably of al men yet notwithstandinge certayne disordered persons that séeke to abolish and deface the reformed religion haue so preuayled that certayne interpretations of the Edict are set forth in your Maiesties name whose prefaces are very notable and good but if a man but of meane iudgement doe marke the ende of them he shall perceyue that they bee nothinge else but deuises and meanes inuented onely to weaken and take away the libertie of the Edicte and now of late at Rossillon when as no man was with your Maiestie that would mayntayne the cause and right of the protestants there was a Declaration set out by which the Edict is so rent and defaced that it is not credible that it should longe continew for thus it hath The Edict sayth Be it lawfull for all noble men hauing chief authoritie their families and those of their iurisdictiō that wil of their own accord to vse and exercise the reformed religion freely and without molestation But the interpretation sayeth That al suche places are exempted from this libertie as were eyther solde or taken by the kings commaundement from the church liuing neyther should such that had any Church reuenewes enioye that benefite Further the Edict sayeth That libertie of religion was not only graunted to the noble men and their families but also to as many of their subiectes as would willingly resort vnto it But the Declaration of Rossillon sayeth further Neyther shall the Noble men suffer or permit any which is not their subiect to come or resort to any sermons or assemblies And that who so doth to the contrary shall for the firste tyme bee fyned at 500. Crownes and for the second tyme loose and forfeite all their howses and Castels wherein any suche sermons or assemblies shal be had or kept Which rigour and seueritie as it is manifest can neuer be obserued and kept séeing that many of the Noble men do not know all their subiectes and few of the subiects one another whereby it may chaunce that one may come to a Noble mans howse and yet be neyther one of his subiectes nor knowne of him who thinkes takes him for his owne subiect and yet notwithstanding should by these meanes be enforced to pay a great fyne and lose also his house wherein the assemblie was gathered togyther The like dannger also should he incurre if one of his neighbours did but come to sée howe he did Which thing would not onely hinder and trouble but also bring to miserable thraldome and slauerie the mutuall and friendly societie of men the chiefe and surest bond of true friendship and the stay and rocke of all common wealthes and Monarchies The Edict saith That there shall be a Citie choosen out and appointed for the administration of the reformed Religion in euery Prouince or presidentship and other places of Iudgement from which it was lawfull to appeale to the high Courtes of Parliament but this last point was neuer yet put in execution neither coulde it be graunted to the protestants although they both earnestly sued for it and the promise it selfe was confirmed by the expresse commaundement of the Kings letters and certaine Cities named to be chosen as fittest and most profitable for that purpose Also where according to the order of the Edict there ought to haue bene a place appoynted for the vse of the reformed Religion within the suburbes of those Cities that were named it was appointed in other inconuenient places xx or xxv leagues of Whervpon followed diuers slaughters and seditions in many places Notwithstanding thys Article of the Edict was altogether broken and violated wherof I doe not thinke your Maiestie causer neyther any of them who without preiudice to eyther part do wishe that the Edict might be truely and incorruptly obserued but rather I iudge your presidentes and other officers to be procurers of it who of a preposterus and disordered zeale and loue they beare to the popishe Religion could not bridle their owne outragious lust but suffered themselues to be carried headlong by their affections to the breach of the Edict and spoyle of them that professe the reformed Religion The Edict saith That liberite and free vse of the reformed Religion is graunted and permitted to all Cities wherein it was exercised the ▪ vii of March 1562. besides those Cities that were to be chosen and appointed in euery Prouince and this shoulde be done in one or two seuerall places of those Cities accordyng as the King thought good to appoint But the interpretation doth permit none to enioy this but those Cities only which were holden by force in the time of warre and so many are defrauded of that liberty in which the vse of the reformed Religion was kepte at the tyme appoynted namely the. vii day of March 1562
Spanishe King their neighbour if so be that the reformed religion dyd take place there Wherefore the Quéene burst not openly disalowe those executions done vpon the Papistes but woulde rather when the Protestantes came to complaine to hir praise them and make as thoughe she liked very well of them and all to shewe what desire she had that lawe and Iustice shoulde be administred to euery man equally without partialitie At the earnest importunate sute of the Protestantes one place was chosen oute of all that Prouince for the assemblyes to haue the vse and administration of the reformed Religion ▪ but it was inconuenient by reason of the vneuenesse and crookednesse of the way to Merindoll Notwithstanding by the great prouidence of God it came to passe that the same place which a little before had receyued the trueth of the Gospell in the darke and dusky dayes of papistrye and had suffered much calamity for that cause should by the Kings Edict be made a receptacle and mansion place for the Gospell and the faythfull and thereby made very famouse and noble Therefore the faythfull came out of all places of Prouance to Merin dol hauing frée libertie to heare the word of God. After this the King came to A●…inion that fr●…m thence he might goe into Languedock And as he traueiled he was very princely receyued of euery Citye wherethorough he passed and had very large and stately gyftes gyuen vnto him of the which to make relation pertayneth not to our purpose When the King was come to Nemaux there came thyther a great multitude of protestants making great mone and lamentation in so much that the crying and pitiefull voyce of the people came to the house wher the King lodged who might heare them crying and calling for Iustice of their soueraigne Lorde and requiring of the Christian King the libertie of the reformed Religion This noyse of wéeping and crying was so great and so shrill in the Kings eares that the mynd of the yonge King at the hearing of the same was somwhat abashed and straightway demaunded what the matter was the standers by dissembled and excused the matter but hée with angry moode aunswered and sayde I sée that my people are euill entreated and turning to the Qué●…ne sayd How chaunce this people are not satisfied I will Lady sayeth he that this my people haue Iustice Notwithstandinge they by and by put in his head that they were seditiouse people which were wont after that fashion to do all things with tumult And then this multitude being dryuen away with violence by the Kinges Garde the Elders gouernours of their Church were called for and being come they were sharply reproued that thei had suffered the vnruly multitude to come thither in such tumultuouse order and were commaunded to deliuer their grief in wryting to the Maister of Requestes and to come to Montpellier to receyue an answere according to the same The like complayntes also were made by the men of Montpellier when the king came thyther but they with the men of Nismes were sent to Blitters and after this the churches of Blitters those thereaboutes making the lyke complayntes destring reformation had the lyke successe they being pu●… of from day to day and from one place to another The Constable being sore offended that so many cōplaintes should be made against his sonne d' Anuile And beside the infinite verations of d' Anuille which he brought vpon them the Senat of Tholoze left nothing vndone to make the cause of the reformed churches odiouse before the Kinge These were the mendes made for so great iniuries and this was the profit that ensued the Kings iourney THE new yeare brought with it a certeine rumour of the Kings progresse into Baione which was kept secret vntill this present tyme Therefore consultation being had of the matter with the chiefest of the Senate of Tholoze the king passing through Guian comming to euery citie came at the last to Baione in the moneth of Iuly Thither to her brother the king came Elizabeth wife to King Phillip of Spayne and was very pompously receyued of the whole Courte But the cause why Phillip her husband came not thyther with her notwithstanding that the same place bordered vpon his kingdome was as it is reported that the league concerning the destroying of the reformed religion might the more secretly be confirmed Others attribute the cause of his absence to ambition ▪ for that he would not séeme in any thing to séeke to the King of Fraunce Notwithstanding by the comming of Elizabeth that holy league as they termed it was ratif●…ed and established by which was ment as is aforesaide to banish and abandon the reformed religion And to the ende the Realme of Fraunce might be an vtter enemy to the professours of that religion the king of Spayn promised vnto the king of Frāce so great power and ayde as he could the lyke promyse also made the king of France to the king of Spayne both of thē promisinge one to the other to embrace obserue the doctrine of Rome with the rites cerimonies therof and to do all that they could to remoue take away all lettes and impediments to the same and so to take the next occasions offered to bring this matter to passe After the confirmation of this league to the ruin of the Church there followed lamentable effectes But notwithstanding the secret conclusion of this matter the prince of Conde and all the Noble men of the reforme●… Religion vnderstoode the same whose deathes hereby were sought Thus when the king had viewed all the Region of Guian he returned back agayne into that part of Frāce called by the Frenchmen Franc●…ys towarde the lat●…er ende of this yeare IN this yeare and in the next following there was truce taken betwene the Churches and the faithfull had some reste and breathing tyme notwithstandinge not without sustayning diuers iniuries Yea there wer snaring baytes layed and priuy platformes practised agaynst the Admirall and the Andelot which were espied manifestly reuealed and brought before the king but in vayne The kings longe looked for occasions to put their league in execution It shall not be from our purpose if we note certayne thinges concerning the affaires of the lowe Countrey called Belgio ▪ aboute this time for matters concerning religion both for that the cause is all one and also bycause the same Countrey bordereth vpon Fraunce notwithstanding obseruing the order of time we will inserte those thinges whiche specially appertaine to oure history Therefore ye shall vnderstande that this noble and plentifnll countrey was exercised and muche troubled aboute this time with diuers and sondrye contentious conflictes for religions sake Wherby we haue diuers examples set forth vnto vs of the wonderfull prouid●…ce of God in ordering and framing of his Churche quite contrary to humaine reason that is to say whereby we may plainly perceiue that the Church is not the
betwéene the fieldes and euery Citie In the beginninge they came togither vnarmed but when they vnderstood that their méeting waxed daungerouse and that the In quisitours began to playe their part they caried wyth them at the first swordes but afterwardes more strong and better weapons to defend themselues as they passed from their houses into the fieldes At Antwerpe the Magistrates of the citie gaue leaue to the protestants to arme themselues so long as they were out of the citie in the fields but in no wyse to beare the same within the citie to the which the protestants willingly graū ted This was the beginning of publike sermons in the Churches of the lowe country to the which there came many thousandes of men the Inquisitours in the meane tyme seeking the pray and making great complayntes to the Duches of Parme. And after that the Gospell had ben quietly preached for the space of certain weekes beholde there ensued a great tempest and wracke among the Images and Idolles of the Papistes And first of all they wer thrown downe and beaten to péeces in the vtmoste partes of Flandres after that in diuers places of Flaundres the people making such a spoyle among them as if the Magistrates had commaunded the same The Magistrats were so amazed and abashed hereat that although they followed the Catholike religion yet notwithstanding they set to their handes furthered the pulling down defacing and breaking the Images At Gend●… a fayre Towne by the sufferance of the fearfull Pretor all the Images and other ornaments vsed in popishe seruice were defaced and spoyled in euery Church The like was done at Lire in Brabant At Antwerpe the Magistrat kept himself out of sight while the people ran vp and downe from churche to church spoyled the Images that were therin If any man condemne this rashe zeale of the people voyd of reason let him there withall weigh the singular Iudgement of God against those Idols with the which the world being blinded had so many wayes dishonoured his Maiestie The Duchesse of Parme being carefull not knowing what to doe in these extremities fearing least ther would ensue greater troubles thought good to pacifie content the people with fayre promises and to make those Noble men that professed the reformed religion meanes to represse those troubles Therfore when she had sent for them to Brussels she desired them to endeuour themselues to staye the tumul●…e of the people to reiecte all false conceyued opinions to bee perswaded that the King would vse all meanes and ways for their peace and tranquillitie promising vnto them leaue to haue their Sermons in such places as they had them be fore and that shée would geue commaundement to the Magistrates and Gouernours of euery citie to appoint places for the Protestantes to the which they might quietly resort to the hearing administration of their Religion ▪ that the profession of religion should be hurtfull to no man so that he brake not the common peace as in spoyling of Temples and such like To this the Noble men dyd condescend and agree wherevpon the Conditions were solemply confirmed betwéene both partes with an othe and ingrossed and sealed with the Kings seale Commaundement was gyuen to all Gouernours and Magistrates solemly to proclayme this agréement and to do all thinges according to the tenure thereof There was made also an Edict by which all men were forbidden to do any iniury eyther by word or déed for Religion vppon payne of seuere punishment Upon this commaundement the gouernours of euery circuite or shyer appoynted oute places for the exercising of the reformed religion suffered churches to be buylded for the same purpose willed both partes to stay themselues vnder their protection This was about the Moneth of August The Religion and the professours therof séemed now to be in good cace reporte euerywhere being made that the King was fully purposed to giue licence to the inhabitants of the low Countrey to vse the reformed Religion But the myndes of the Catholiques were not yet quieted wherevpon they sought daily new occasions of tumulte being full of enuy for the breakinge downe of their Images Wherefore there arose now again new troubles And at Andwerpe specially there were great contentions and as though the enemy had bin at hand the gates were shutte vp and continuall watche and ward thereat Thither therefore at the commaundement of the Duchesse of Parme came William Nassau Prince of Orange to gouerne the Citie in the Kinges name being at such great contention And calling vnto him by two and two the Churches of the Protestantes which consisted of Wallonnes and Fleminges he did deliberate with them concerning the best remedies to bring peace and tranquility to both partes as wel to the catholikes as to the Protestantes ▪ After which deliberation they concluded vpon certaine articles and confirmed them which afterward were published proclaimed in maner and forme following It shall not be lawfull for those of the reformed Religion to disturbe by any manner of meanes the administration of the Catholique Religion of Roome or to take away such places as are appointed for the vse therof but shal content themselues with those places which are allotted to them to the which places they shall resorte vppon the dayes appointed as vppon the Sonday and other holy dayes or if there be no holy dayes vppon the Wednesday I sh●…l not be lawfull for them to haue any other Ministers than such as be borne within the Dominion and circuit of the lowe Countrey and shal be sworne to obey both the ciuill and temporall gouernement so long as they shall there remaine It shall not be lawfull for those of the forenamed Religion when they go to their Sermones to cary any other weapons or armour than swoords but to obey lawes to walke as it shall become good and faithfull subiectes It shalnot be lawfull for Preachers of eyther part in their Sermons to vse any seditiouse or iniuriouse woords which shall appertaine to the refuting of erroures or the corruption of manners These thinges we will and commaund to be obserued vntil such time as we vnderstād the kings pleasure farther And if so be it shal please the King to appoint otherwyse than it shall be lawfull for those of the reformed Religion to forsake the Realme wyth their lyues and goods After the proclamation hereof it séemed to bringe peace to diuers other Cityes and to abolish quight the remembraunce of other troubles but yet for all this the men of the reformed religion were not frée and at such perfect peace as they iudged themselues to be For the papistes which inclined to the Cardinall Granuellan and the inquisitours side toke occasion by the foresaide casting downe of Images to worke their mischeuouse intent Therefore taking a courage amidest that great and sodame feare maze the greatest part of the kings officers went about to bring in question the throwing downe of
possessed by the Protestantes and so was Rochell In al partes of the realm tho●…e was some number or other of Protestantes but they were banished out of the Cities whiche made the army of the Prince of Conde to be the greater The misdemeanour and cruelty of the inhabitantes of Lions made the protestants in other places that wer more mighty in power to aryse Therfore diuers murthers were committed in diuers places and because the Catholiques had burned the churches of the protestants they in lyke manner burned their Churches to requite their crueltie In so much that in all those cities which the protestantes possessed there was not almost a church to be found which thei had not burned spoyled and beaten down to the ground the people crying that all the remnaunts of superstition must bee so taken away that afterward there may be no remembrance or signe thereof to be found While this businesse and garboyle was abroade in diuers places at Paris the papists were very extréeme and cruell agaynst such as they could but suspecte to bée fauourers of the reformed religion All men therefore were set vpon warre and tumult In the meane tyme the prince of Conde wayted for his souldiours at Sandionyse and waxed dayly more strong with new ayde The Constable being verily persuaded that he should oppresse ouercome the prince of Conde marched with all the power he was able to make from Paris takinge with him great gonnes bragging boastinge that the prince of Conde had none such to put him in perill withall but his bragges and boastes had euill successe For after that the Parisians had discharged their great shot and that the battayle began to waxe whote they being not able to abyde the charge of the Prince of Conde and his souldiours though they were the smaller number began at the first to retire and afterwards when their araye was brokē to quayle and to flée séeking to recouer the gates of the Citie so fast as they could In this battayle the Constable was sore wounded with a shot his horse also and falling to the grounde was wounded agayne and then was spéedely caryed away by certayn horsmen to Paris after the which within certayn dayes after he dyed This man had liued fiue kinges raignes being of great authoritie in Fraunce many yeres ye●… he was the second person in the realme he was also a faythfull and trusty seruaunt to the King being wyse circumspect to auoyde the daunger of his enemies vntill such time as he ioyned himselfe vnto them for the hatred of Religion Concerning the calamitie of the churches of Belgio we spake before After therefore that the people were in good hope by reason of the authoritie and promises of the Noble men that were of the Confederacy they receyued notwithstanding at length the aunswere of the Noble men which séemed to bee of greatest power in these matters That it séemed good vnto them to commit the whole matter to Maximilian the Emperour and the Princes of the Empyre whereby they should be sure to enioye the libertie of the confession of Ausburg But Valence being left destitute of ayde and therefore cruelly spoyled and the whole countrey being desolat that their purpose was frustrate For the protestantes fledd out from all places of the borders of Belgio by heapes also the Ministers chiefe Gouerners of the church of Antwerp yea and the Prince of Orange himselfe leauing his sonne at Louayne fled out of the countrey and that in good tyme as the pitiefull deathes of Counte Egmond and Horne afterwarde declared of the which we will speake anon A great parte of the Protestantes of the low Countrey fled into Englande and part into Germany and into Cleueland the Quene of Enland the princes of Germany but specially the Countye Palatyne graunting vnto them Cities to dwell in God thus prouided for his people who is always a continuall preseruer and vphoulder of his Church the whiche when horrible destruction cōmeth he buildeth vp with out the helpe of man. The Duke of Alba therefore came into Belgio otherwyse called the Lowe Countrey where he placed in diuers Cities garrisons of Spayniardes and then proclaimed the Kings Edicte concerninge the establishing of the Inquisition by whiche hée willed and commaunded the reformed religion to be altered and ordered Then also he ordeyned a new senate consisting of twelue men comonly called the Bloudy Counsaile which should sit vppon all matters concerning lyfe and death He displaced also dyuers Magistrates and set others in their roome After this he tooke a great number and cast them into prison hauing no regard or consideration of them what Religion soeuer they professed to such as were fled the countrey he appointed a day for their return and before the day was fully expired he adiudged their goodes to be confiscate Howbeit in the beginning he dissembled this cruelty and made the people beléeue that whatsoeuer had bin done before tyme for religion should be pardoned by the Kings Edict And thus were County Egmond Horne Noble men brought caught in the snare And when sharp lawes wer made concerning the inquisition the inquisitoures were not idle but played their part and cast a great number into pryson Infantes whych had bin baptised before in the reformed Churches were constrained to be rebaptised Women whose husbandes were fled for religion were constrained to be maried agayn to new husbandes and at the commaundement of the Duke de Alba many of them were forced to mary with his soulders Now the Spanish souldier began to pray and spoile in euery City Also when the dissembled clemency of Duke de Alba shewed at the first had drawen a great many home to their houses againe the Bloudy Senate was set a worke some were beheaded some hanged and some had their tungues first of all cutte out of their heades and then a bodkin thrust through their lippes these lamentable sightes were dayly to be sene but specially at Brusselles and at Antwerp Diuers Noblemen also were partakers of these punishmentes as the Battemburges which were Bretheren of a noble house and were cruelly put to death but these had more cōpany for heapes were brought at once to the place of execution And at the same time County Egmond and County Horne noble men and such as afore time had borne great offices and done to their King and Countrey good seruice wer also with this bitter reward of cruel tyranny requited and after they were beheaded their heades were set vp on forkes County Horne all the tyme of his imprisonment and euen in death shewed a singuler zeale of religion It was reported that the Duke of Alba bare towardes both of these an olde grudge but specially towardes the County Egmond for that which he had done in the affaires of France not for religions sake which neyther of them at any tyme had professed These thinges were done in the yeare of our Lord 1568 the which we haue
which were not entered into the cities More ouer when the Inhabitants of the Churche of Lions made request vnto the Kinge that they might haue liberty to exercise the reformed Religiō answere was geuen them that the Kinge would not haue the administrati●… of that Religion in the city but woulde shortly app●…int thē a place without the citye But not only the liberty of the Religion was taken from them but also leaue to go home to theire owne houses Yea bloudy murther Rapines were cōmitted throughout the city of Liōs the people she winge theire outragiouse madnes euen vpon the very houses of the faithfull At Paris by the comminge of the Kinges letters the Garrisons of warders and wachemē were increased in diuers places throughout the city vpon the bridges watchmē were set to warde the people also had leaue to arme them selues whereby it manifestly appered that the deathe of protestants with in the city was conspired In the meane tyme the popishe Prelates in theire Sermones on the other parte encouraged theire mē to warre but specially the Iesuites of which there were greate nōbers in euery principall city of the Realme these were pestiferouse Locustes procedinge out of the bottomles pyt and sent abroade to be troublesome vnto men in his laste age These I saye in theire Sermones tohght that there ought to be no faith kepte with here●…iques nor any agrement made that it was a godly and meritoriouse dede to laye violent hādes vpō suche vngodly men and that al Christian people ought to arme them selues against them Beside this they brought also examples of suche as were killed by the Leuites at the cōmaundement of Moses of those which had woorshipped the golden Cal●…e of Iehu which by dissimulation shut vp the Preistes of Baale and shewe them Thus the people beinge styrred vp and pricked forward boath with the vngodly persuasions of suche preachers and also with the wordes of mighty men were dayly more more inflamed to ●…uror madnes Moreouer it was geuē for the that it was the Kings will and pleasure that the Huguenotes shoulde be vtterly destroyed and that it woulde please him very well if the Catholikes would do what they coulde too hinder the execution of the Edicte and also that all his subiectes might be brought to one vniformity of Religion Whereby the people were prouoked a freshe sought nothinge more than to arme thē selues again●… the faithful who were now as naked mē by the meanes of the Edicte Thus the people were brought to tumult and not only by the meanes aforesayd ▪ but also by societies and cōfraternities made in diuers places which they called the Confraternities of the holy Ghost ▪ By these Fraternities which confirmed and moderated by consistories did they prouide money and souldiers for the warre Therfore whē a great number of men were gathered togither at Diuinion for this confraternitie the common sort of people began to cast forth sedicious words threatening the faithfull that they should haue only thrée monethes vse of their goods to liue by after that haruest and grape gathering was done affirming that the Kyng himselfe if he would should not alter there purpose and if he once sought to hinder it they would make a Moonke their king Therfore the raynes of impudent boldnes being losed all things began to war out of order throughout the whole Realme The faithfull wanted both armour and Cities all passage both by hill and dale by water and by land were restrained the Catholiques were very strong in each condition with all thinges in a readines for the warre so that the faithful being thus h●…mmed in on euery side might continually loke for nothing but sodaine death and destruction And in déede al meanes waies were sought to bring this thing to passe and as the Cardinall sought diligent ly to bring this to effect so wanted he no necessary seruants and wayters to fulfill his commaundements throughout all partes of the Realme Also to the end his purpose might haue the better successe he thought good to followe the counsaile of the Duke of Alba with whom he consulted oftentimes by messengers which was That the principall heades of those that professed the said Religion should bee taken and then the rest would bee tamed well inough Wherfore hée sought diligently by al waies possible to take the prince of Conde the Admirall the Andelot and Cardinall Odet his brother Rochfoucalt and diuers other noble men of the reformed Religion In the meane time notwithstanding very louing and fréendly letters were sent to the prince of Conde in the Kyng and Quéenes names But so great libertie wherof we spake before being giuen to the furious and outragious people was not Idell It would abhor any Christian mind to heare the declaration of so many horrible murthers which happened in so short a time I meane not to repeate al if I would I cannot Straite after the proclamation of the Edict the people of Ambian a faire citie in Picardie ▪ assembled themselues togither and conspiring the death of the faithfull slew of them to the number of a hundered and forty ▪ At Altisiodor otherwise called Auxer a citie of Borgondy which was rendered vp by the faithfull there were fiftie slayne and their dead bodies cast openly into cannells of the streates ▪ At Rhane at Orleans at Bery at Sanleonard and at diuers other cities horrible murthers were committed vppon the faithful as they went to their churches to diuine seruice Also Monsure Cipiere the sonne of County de Tande Lieuetenant of Prouance a young man about the age of twentie yeres was also cruelly slaine at Forū-Iuly a citie of Prouance It was reported that commaundemēt came from the court that this Monsure Cipiere should be slaine The manner of this slaughter was this Monsure Cipiere was retorned from Nice whether he went to sée how the Duke of Sauoy his kinsman did of whom he was very honorably entertayned but whē he came nere to the towne of Forum-Iuly he perceiued that some laye in a bushe in the wood hard by for him wheruppon he fled with all spéede into the citie with his whole traine which were in number thirtie and fiue Then they which lay in waite being three hundered armed men hauing Baron de Arsi their captaine en tered also into the citie and crying Toxcin or Alleyum a great number of people were gathered togither by by to the number of a thousand and two hundred who beset the house in the which Cipiere was round about But the Consulls and Magistrates of the citie being carefull for Monsure Cipiere made intreatie to the peo ple and at the length brought to passe that Baron de Ar si promised that he would depart with the whole multitude if so be Cipiere would yéeld vnto them his men armour The which being graunted he departed but the people were scarse gone out of sight when Baron de
howe greatly the same was gréeued for that you could not prouide remedies for all things as you wold yet neuerthelesse when I had read ouer and diligently perused those aunswers that were brought vnto me in your name to the letters which I gaue to Theligny to deliuer to your grace and also whē I had heard those things which your Grace willed him to declare vnto me by word of mouth I could not neyther can I choose but giue most harty thankes vnto god that your Maiestie perseuereth in that good mynde and no lesse thankes to your highnesse also for the same And thus I replye agayne to certaine principall points of your aunsweres with all reuerence modestie and submission And first of all I replye to the aunswere of the fyrste and second principall poynt of my letters whiche are these There are many of the reformed religion whiche haue not taken my parte nor alowed of my Counsayles but contrarywyse there are some of them because they knew that the sword was not taken in hand for religions sake whiche haue obeyed you and your Officers in all places I pray and beséeche your Maiesty to remember and call to mynd that when you had intelligence of my true meaning and of the very purpose and intent of suche as followed me your maiestie by due aduice and deliberation declared by an Edict made in the yeare M. D. lxii That whatsoeuer I and they whiche followed me had done we had done the same to shew our obedience and to maintayn your dignitie acknowledging me for your deare and faithfull kinsman subiect and seruaunt and all myne for your faithfull and lawefull subiectes and seruaunts In this therefore there is manifest repugnancie and contrarietie because if I and myne haue borne armour for ani other cause than for the obedience sake which we owe vnto your Maiestie and for the preseruation of the same then no doubt we should worthly be found gilty both of rebellion and treason But as we can by no meanes be perswaded that your maiestie would be so manifestly contrary to your selfe so also I affirme that it may easely appeare that these aunswers were forged and deuised by the Cardinall of Lorayne his fellows to discharge that poyson which a long time hath lyen in their stomakes and also to make your maiesties faithfull and louing subiectes to be suspected of treason and rebellion Of the which crimes séeing wee are in no point to be conuinced by the goodnesse of God we are ready rather to dye than to suffer the same falsly to be imputed to vs by the Cardinall and his fellowes but we wil proue that the matter is far otherwise than they haue falsely and sclaunderously reported the same vnto you In the meane time I beséeche your Maiestie to consider with what shewe of trueth can these things be spoken when as I and others of my brethren were of late admonished of the counsaile had at Baione with the King of Spayne to the vtter destroying and banishing of all those which professe the reformed religion within the Realme if the wayes and meanes by which I and the Admiral vnder the couller of comming to talke with you at the Castel of Vincen should haue fallen into the handes of our aduersaries of the new musterings of men at Paris of the letters of Duke de Alba to you in which you were put in mynde of the holy league Truly it is not likely that we would haue taried the comming of the SwitZers armies or the Spaniardes if we had ment any harme Can it be denied but that we haue sought all meanes wayes possible that might be for peace Can it be obiected vnto vs that at any time from the first beginning of these troubles we haue required any other thinge of your Maiestie than the libertie of our consciences and the conseruation of our liues goods and dignities Sauing that among other thinges when I was at Saindionyse I required of your Maiestie that you would haue some consideration to ease not onely the Nobilitie but also the communaltie of those intollerable burthens laied vpon them ▪ And your aunswere being knowne to this our petition wée haue not since that time spoken one worde of the same When we had about vs great power that if we would haue abused the same we had not bene able to bee resisted did we then enlarge our petitions When you offered vnto vs your faith did not we imbrace the same making no further request Was there any other mat ter propounded in the tractatiō of peace than the libertie of our consciences Did wee not put our liues oure goodes and dignities into your handes vppon truste of your promise Were not we content with the obseruation of the Edict only Doth the Edicte of pacification comprehend any other thing then that which appertaineth to the conscience If therefore you haue not tried our mindes in receyuinge the conditions of the peace propounded and in shewing our selues so tractable if the sclaunders concerning the violating of your dignitie be not sufficiently refuted as in déede they be in the iudgement of all indifferent men yet notwithstanding you haue certain and euident arguments of our prōptnesse and obedience when as so redily we vnarmed our selues at your commaundments and carefully dismist our Armies Notwithstanding the which sure and vndoubted signe of obediēce we could receiue no other benefite then that which was contrary to your promises in so much that your Edictes may séeme to be snares trappes onely to entangle vs withall that is to saye that by the false colour and pretence of peace we might receiue that iniurie which by open warre we could neuer sustayne Concerninge the fourth principall pointe which is That your Maiesty hathe willed and commaunded nothinge more than the obseruation of the Edicte after the troubles of warres were appeased without anye māner of impediment and haue allwayes cōmaunded your officers to defende your subiectes all alike withoute respecte of any Religion and quietly to gouern thē without offeringe of them any iniury I marueile truly that the Cardinall of Loraine and his fellows which haue framed these answeres remēber not that many letters were taken in the tyme of these troubles by which you commanded your Lieutenants your parliamēts and other of your officers that they shoulde do cleane contrary to those thinges which were contayned in the Edicte Let them remember what was aunswered to the writinge sealed in your name by your Secretaries to the States of Languedoc let them remember what aunswere was made to the parliament of Tholoz against the fower bloudy decréese by the same commaunded to be put in execution for you saide in your letters that this thinge pleased you well and woulde alwais be acceptable vnto you that you greately desired that they woulde deale euer after in that manner hauinge altogether regarde and respecte to the rescriptes and commaundements by you allready or hereafter to be graunted for Religions sake and in
and the reste of his fellowes haue shewed the boldnes of those homicides increaseth insomuch that thei dare giue attēpts against the princes of the Kings bloud which are no lesse ornaments vnto him than are the braunches to the trée of the which notwithstanding they séeke to dispoyle the king It is not zeale of Religion that moueth them God prosper you O Quéene you knowe well enough that when you were sick of late the Cardinal of Borbō my brother escaped not altogither the snares which thei laid for him and yetnotwithstāding he is a Catholike It is therfore the bloud and house of Borbon that doth so gréeue them as they haue euidently declared by persecuting my brother the Prince of Conde his children whose defence my Sonne and I will neuer neglect Neyther do I forget the practise of Monsieur Lossae against my Sonne the which was done by the tirannicall counsaile of the Cardinal of Lorain and his fellowes I know O Quene it wil come to passe that many which shal heare my letters will say that they are written by the forme coppy of those which are dayly brought vnto you from dyuers places that they come not from me But I pray you to consider that we which professe the reformed religion vse not only one argument but also almoste one forme of words and also that it cannot be but that true and sincere fidelitie muste come from so noble a house as the house of Borbon is There are thrée reasōs which haue broughte me hether The firste is the obedience which I owe vnto god séeyng that I sée the Cardinal of Loraine goyng aboute with the reste of his fellowes to destroye those which serue the Lorde and embrace the true religion The seconde is the obedience of my king that I may best owe my lyfe and goods for the obseruation of the Edict of pacifiation made by the kings will and consent and least this Fraunce our Countrey the mother and Nource of so many good men shoulde be vtterly destroyed with hir childrē The third is consanguinitie the which as I haue saide ▪ calleth vs to helpe our brother the Prince of Conde all that we can whom we sée manifestly to be afflicted and assaulted by thē which are in y authoritie with you the King which they little deserue who blinde your eyes least you shoulde sée their euill dealing and stop your eares least ye shoulde heare our complaintes But I wold to God O Quene that your eyes and eares beyng at the laste opened ye may both sée and heare what good will and loue euerye one of vs beareth to your Maiesties But nowe as concerning those letters whiche you sente vnto me I perceyue by them very well howe greatly you are incensed against me Wherefore by this Messenger I haue sent vnto you my mind more at large whom I haue cō maunded to signifie vnto you in my name howe necessarie it is for you if you meane to keepe your authority to seperate them from you which séeke to diminish the same and to destroy those also which loue you Iudge of vs rightly and put a d●…fference betwéene the good and the euill and perswade your selfe this one thing of me that I haue a singular care and desire to preserue peace the whiche is so firme in me that the Cardinall of Lorayne and his fellowes can neuer take the same from me For the establishing of the which peace if I myght anye thing preuaile I woulde thinke my selfe moste happie Hir letters to the Cardinall of Borbon were more vehement to whom after discourse made of hir letters sente to the King and Queene and of the occasion of hir Iourney she wrote in manner and forme following How long sayeth shée wil you be suffragane to the Cardinall of Lorrayne shall hée make you ashamed of your brother sisters and kinsfolkes and harden your harte agaynst them Truly if you wil not be moued for their sakes which are so néere of your bloud but wil bée an ennemie to the reformed Religion yet remember what destruction he went about to bring vpon you the Quene being sicke After the which for a while you wer ware and tooke héede least you should fall into the lyke perill but quickly you forgot the same ageyn you were so blinded with the perswasions of the Cardinall because you are seperated from vs by religion shall therfore the bonde of consanguinitie and nature be broken Take héede take héed what you doe They séeke for the death of your naturall brother whose defence if you séeke not I and my Sonne will doe it our selues But if you cannot defende him by force of armes shew your good will otherwise For these haue allured vs God the King and Consanguinitie The Quéene of Nauar came to Cogn●… with hir Armies whether the Prince of Conde went from Rochell to meete hir with a greate number of Noble men A great number of men came dayly out of the hither part of Guian to the Prince of Conde But it was maruaile that the Papistes did not stop their passage seyng that they had great Armies of men in a readinesse and had alreadie stopt vp all passage by water In the meane time the Duke of Aniou was at Orleans gathering his dispersed Armie together but there arising a contention betwéene the chiefe captaines he was much hindred and the Prince of Conde therby had the better occasion to procéede in his affaires At the rumor of the comming of the Queene of Nauars Armies the Citie of San Iand Angely a wel fenced copio●…s Citie in the territorie of Xantonge the strong Castell of Blay and diuers other Cities yelded themselues to the Prince of Conde as F●…ntenay and Sainmexant in the territorie of Poictou When the Prince of Conde wente from Noyers th●… Andelot was in Britaine And beyng certified of his departure he gathered together a greate number of souldiers oute of Brittanie Normandy Touraine and oute of the countreys thereaboutes the Noble men of the reformed religion taking greate paines therein So that within a few dayes they gathered togither to the number of one thousand and a halfe of horsemen and more than two thousand and a halfe of footemen And to come to ioyne himselfe wyth the Prince of Conde he mynded to passe ouer the ryuer of Loyre Now the purpose of the Andelot was to take a certain towne called Saulmur néere vnto the ryuer of Loyre that he the Protestants the euer after might haue the more easie passage ouer the riuer This thing Duke Mopensier one of the Princes the kings néere kinsman and one of the house of Borbon feared and therefore hauing the chiefe gouernment in those partes he gaue commaundement to Martiques Lieuftenaunt of Brittanie a man very expert in the warres to win Saulmur The Andelot little mistrusting that the enemye was so nigh deuided his army into thrée partes that they might be the better vittailed by the villages townes One
by another Edict he lefte those vnder the power of Ecclesiasticall lawes which would not come into the right way which Ecclesiasticall power is no bloudy power so that men breake not the common peace Notwithstanding for all this the Kings expectation was frystrated by the secrete conspiracies ▪ of those Noble men which went about to moue warre vnder the collour of Religion and to trouble the Realme And when he vnderstoode the whole matter throughly he was constrained to come to Orleans with an Armie of men to prenent and prouide for things in time for the which cause he called all the States of the Realme together In the whiche place he dyed and I beyng of younger yeares and therefore lesse able to take vpon me the gouernmēt of so great a kingdome was by the prouidence of God appoynted to succéede him And the conuenient and ne●…essarie helpe which God left vnto v●… namely the coūsaile of the Quéene my mother in the gouernmente of our Realme was greatly let and hynde●…d through the contempt of this our young and tender yeares by those Noble men which nexte to oure owne brenthren are most néere of bloud vnto vs and yet notwithstanding thus they haue disagréed and contended with oure mother And to make themselues the more stronge they ha●… taken vpon them the defence of that newe opinion by whose fauour and trauaile the same is wonderfully spred abroad increased To prouids a remedie for the which matter so soone as we were anointed we commaunded our Princes our priuie Counsaile and al the Counsellers of the Senate of Paris to come to Sangermane and by their counsaile and aduise we made an Edicte in the which we cleane forbad the vse and administration of the reformed religiō or any other contrarie to that which was receyued in the Catholike church by our Elders after the receiuing of the Christiā faith But because the fautors and maintainers of that newe opinion sawe that their ambitious counsailes and purpose were greatly let and hyndered by this Edict they would not suffer the same to be obserued and kept but in all places styrred vp such as embraced that new opinion by whom the making of that our Edict mighte be frustrated And vnder the collour of those troubles which by their meanes were raised dayly throughoute the whole Realme they pretended that the Edict could be obserued by no manner of meanes and they were the authors that an assemblye of exquisite and learned men was made out of all Parliaments which myghte declare their Iudgementes concerning the ordering of religion and that by them an Edict might be made an●… by this meanes they beyng moste mightie and of greatest authoritie and hauing made whome they lysted to be of our counsaile they obteyned their purpose namely That there should be libertie graunted for the exercising of two religions the whiche was confirmed by the Edict of Ianuary the which Edict the Quéene our Mother suffered against ●…ir will which was euer godly to take place as dyd also our Cosyn the Cardinall of Borban the Cardinall of Turn●…n the Duke Mo●…orencie the Constanble the Marshall of Santandrae and also the chiefest of our officers which oure Father and brother left vnto v●… w●…o at that time toulde the Quéene that it would be the lesse 〈◊〉 to suffer the same religion seing the vse ther of should not be within the cities and bicause there was good hope it would come to passe that when we should come to our full and perfect age we shoulde amend and reforme the same by our auth●…ritie and power royall Therefore the Quéene our mother went forwarde with singular faith and constancie to retaine and kepe vs our brethren and Sister in the catholike and Apostolike doctrine of Rome which oure auncetours embraced receyued for a thousand yéeres ago and more and in those dayes florished and brought notable things to passe in consideration whereof we and all our subiectes are greatly bounde to our mother the Quéene And although those men of the newe religion should be sufficiently satisfied and contented wyth that Edict of Ianuarye if they had not another purpose and meaning than the libertie of their consciences yet notwithstanding they being not content with that our sufferance shortly after the Proclamation of that Edict openly declared their peruerse myndes of their owne priuate authoritie bearing armour against vs takyng our cities and holdes bringing forraine straungers into this our Realme and lyke mortall and sworne enemyes ioyning battaile with vs at Dreux in the which it pleased God to giue vnto vs the victory hauing compassion on his people our subiectes To the ende also we might wynne our rebellious subiects with clemencie and might 〈◊〉 them to our obedience hoping that it would come to passe that God at the length when we shoulde come to more full and ripe age woulde restore obedience and concorde to hys Churche we graunted vnto them another Edict in the whiche we graunted them some libertie to vse their religion And although from that time forwarde we had manye ●…ecrées according to their owne fantasie concerning publique peace to the ende we might put them out of all feare and suspicion yet notwithstanding they did very lycensiously breake them howbeit we made our Edicte for theyr peace and tranquilities sake the which althoughe we might haue reuoked as beyng onely made but for a certaine time yet notwithstanding we saithfully haue obserued and kept the same and haue giuen them no occasion to beare Armour against vs. The which notwithstanding they haue done of late and haue come vnto vs with force of armes pretending afterward that they came in that maner to offer vnto vs a supplication for the preseruation of their religion Notwithstanding they haue openly bid vs batta●…l in so much that they haue besieged our principal City Paris and haue done all that they can to win the same Yet for al this we séeking to spare the bloud of our nobility and the liues also of the rest of our miserable subiectes and indeuouring to win them by clemency haue graun ted vnto them they crauing at our handes peace the same Edicte they certainely promisinge that they wil faithfully obserue kepe the same and wil neuer hereafter trouble our Realme Who neuerthelesse brake that same their promise and refused to surrender vnto vs Rochell Montalbon and dyuers other Cities in Languedoc kept still bandes of Souldiers in sundry partes of the Realme brought in straungers and killed many of our catholique faithfull subiectes all because as they said certaine of their side were slain for the examination punishment wherof we gaue cōmaundement But séeing wée sée them so oftemtymes to abuse our clemency and goodnesse and can doubt no more of theyr wicked counsaile and purpose which is to appoint an other soueraign and to destroy him whom God hath appointed and by this meanes to draw●… from vs our subiectes for these and diuers other greate and wayghty●…
causes with the aduise iudgement cōsent of our mother Brethren of our Princes and of our priyue counsaile vve haue do inhibite forbid by an Edict irreuocable euerlasting al men of what state conditiō or degre so euer they be of throghout our whole realme to vse any o ther religiō thā the catholique relig ō of Rome which our aūcetours haue imbraced which we following their ex ample do as yet hold kepe Also we straightli cōmaūd and charge that all the ministers of that religion do depart and auoide out of this our Realme with in fiuetene dayes after the proclaiming of this Edict These thinges we commaunde vppon paine of death and confiscation of the offenders goodes Notwithstanding we wil not that the men of the reformed religion so called be vexed and sifted in their consciences for their religion so that they frequent vse no other religion than that which is Catholique and of Rome Hopinge that it will come to passe at the last both by the instinct of Goddes holy spiril and also by the diligence of the prelates of the church that all our subiectes shall imbrace and receiue one religion And we do fréely pardon and forgiue euery one which with in twentye dayes after the publication of these our letters shal put of his armour and liue peaceably as it becommeth faithful subiectes whatsoeuer he or they haue committed heretofore against vs and our familye all the which if they will obey we take vnder our protection do forbid our officers to do vnto them any harme Also we will that all dissentions betwéene whomsoeuer they be whether they be common or pryuate beburied in silence and that no iniury be done to a ny eyther in woord or déed Whatsoeuer he be that doth contrary here vnto he shal be punished as a rebell But when twenty dayes are expired we wil shewe against the obstinate all manner of seuerity and rigor by lawe and will shewe vnto them no manner of fauour Wée wil and commaund that this Edict be published and pro claimed euery where and thē straightly obserued and that we bee certified from day to day of all thinges concerning the same Wherevnto ye that be our offycers looke diligently There was also another Edict made forbidding all those that professed the reformed religion to haue any manner of office committed vnto them whether they had liued peaceably at home all the time of the Ciuill warres or whether they had born armour to take part with the Prince of Conde These Edictes were first of all by the Senate of Paris then by all other Courtes of the realme very ioyfully receiued and no lesse carefully published and proclaimed the same day al solemne rites being diligently ob serued as though the kingdom after so long and so many vexations and troubles of warre had nowe 〈◊〉 peace There came also from the Pope letters patentes by which the King had libertie graunted vnto him to take out and to sell of the Ecclesiasticall lyuinges and goods so much as should be worth vnto him yerely fyue hundred thousand Crownes to mayntayne warre agaynst the heretiques that they might eyther bee vtterly destroied or else be brought to the obedience of the church of Rome But first in the beginning of his letters hee spake largely concerning the great boldnesse of heretiques and of their wicked coun●…ayles which they had haue with the Germanes and Englishmen The Prince of Conde about this tyme put Monsieur Aciere in trust to gather an army of men togyther too whom there came a great nōber of Protestants which were by the papistes molested and thrust out of theyr houses or which could not be in sufficiēt safety in their houses out of Lang●…edoc Dolpheny and a mā might sée great heapes of men women childrē and old folks leauing their houses and fléeinge to those Cities that were in the territorie of Ui●…aretze and Seuenas whiche are also in Languedoc were kept by the Protestants Notwithstanding Monsieur Aciere gathered out from among these no small number of warlyke souldi●…urs which he mynded to conducte to the Prince of Conde to Rochel He had also of the men of Dolpheny seuen hundred and fyue Enseignes of footemen and two Giddons of horsemen The Captaynes ouer these ▪ were Monsieur Monbrune Monsieur Ancon Monsieur 〈◊〉 Monsieur Viri●…y Monsieur Blacon Monsieur Mirabell Monsieur C●…elard and Monsieur Orose all whiche were 〈◊〉 come of noble stocke Out of Languedoc he had fyue h●…ndred and thrée Enseignes of footemen and 〈◊〉 Giddeons of horsemen And among those were nūbered the men of Uiuaretz which were also of Languedoc of which there were xiii Enseignes of footmen vnder the charge of Monsieur Pierregord and one Giddon of horsemen vnder the conduct of Monsieur Toras The Captaynes ouer the reste were Monsieur Beaudisne brother to Monsieur Aciere Monsieur Ambri Mōsieur L●…mosson Monsieur Burlargues and Monsieur Espondillan And Acieres bande contayned twoo hundred well appointed horsemen Monsieur Mouents had gathe red out of the Prouancialles ten Enseignes of footemen and Monsieur Uallouore a Giddon contayning a hundred horsemen The place appointed for all these bādes to méet was at Ales a town of Languedoc in the territorie of Seuenats and the time of their comming togyther was the xxv day of September But the men of Dolpheny could not come into Languedocke but they muste néedes passe ouer the ryuer called the Rosne the whiche was very hard to doo both for that the same was very swift and déepe and also because the ennemie had stopt the passages by the bridges But for all this Monsieur Meuents by his singular industrie and trauaill within ●…ower and twēty howres builded and raysed vp a strōg Bulwarke ouer against Uiuarets and so the Armies were caryed ouer by shipp out of Dolpheny to the other side of the Ryuer After this all the Armies met togyther at Ales and with great spéed when they had passed the territorie of Seuenats and Rhodez Monsieur Aciere the xxiiii day of October passed ouer the ryuer Dordōne at Solliac with his whole Army and so came into Guiā Monsieur Monluc the Lieuetenant daring not aduenture vpon him to resist The rumour being spred abroad of the comminge of Monsieur Acier Duke Monpensier whiche a little before was in the territorie of Poictou minded to stop his passage with fower thousand horsemen and with forty Enseignes of well appoynted Souldioures footemen Therefore taking long iorneys he came with speede to a Citie called Perigueux néere vnto the which Monsieur Acier had brought his army to a little Towne called Sainctastier where Monpensier set vppon the heade and tayle of Monsieur Acieres army with twoo seuerall bandes but by and by Acier gaue him the repulse who fearing least the enemie would goe to inuade the other bandes which were distributed among the villages he by and by gaue warning to Monsieur Mouentes and to Monsieur Pierregorde to
beloued and estéemed of the Admirall or to haue attained any speciall honour in the saide late warres those he liberally benefited and rewarded To the Admirall himselfe he commaunded one daye to be giuen a hundred thousand pounds of his owne treasure in recompence of his former losses When his brother the Cardinall Chastilliō endowed with many great and welthy benefices was departed his life the king gaue him the fruites of one whole yéere Also the king wrote to Philibert Duke of Sauoy that he should do him a moste acceptable pleasure if he did not onely deale more gently with those that in the former warres had ayded those of the Religion but also would vse clemencie and mildnesse toward all other that professed the same Religion within his dominions And for that there was old enmitie betwene the Guisians the Admirall whereby it was to be doubted that perillous cōtentions would arise in the Realme of France the king willed it to be signified to them both in his name that they should for his sake and the common weales giue ouer those displeasures and he prescribed them a certaine fourme of reconciliation and agréement the same whereof the foundations had bin layed almoste sixe yéeres before in the towne of Molins wher the king calling to him the greatest estates of his realme after consultation and deliberation had vpon the matter pronounced the admirall not guiltie of the death of the Duke of Guise wherewith he was charged by the yong Duke of Guise and his kinsmen and so the king by the aduise of his Counsell had ended that controuersie Furthermore the Cardinal of Loraine who as we haue said was the very forger of all the former warres to take away al ielousie of new practises was departed to Rome and tooke with him his familiar friend the late created Cardinall Peluey one reputed a moste subtill and craftie persone vnder pretence of going to the election of a newe Pope in place of the old Pope then lately deceassed But there was none greater and more assured token of publike peace and quietnesse than this that the king purposed to giue his sister Margaret in mariage to the Prince Henry the sonne of the Quéene of Nauarre which Prince had in the last warre defended the cause of the Religion and bin soueraigne of their armie Which mariage the king declared that it shuld be the moste streight bond of ciuill concorde and the most assured testimonie of his good will to those of the Religion Yea and also bicause it was alleaged that the said Prince Henry was restrained in conscience so as he might not marrie the Lady Margaret being of a contrarie Religion a Catholike and giuen to the rites of the Romishe Church the king for answere said that he would discharge hir of the Popes lawes and notwithstanding the crying out of all his courtiers to the contrary he permitted him that without all ceremonies in the porch of the great church of Paris the mariage should be celebrate in such a forme as the ministers of the reformed Churche mislyked not Which thing being by reporte and letters spread throughe the world it ●…n not be expressed how much it made the harts of those of the religion assured and out of care and how it cast out all feare and ielosies out of their minds what a confidence it brought them of the Kings good will toward them Finally how muche it reioyced foreine Princes and states that fauored the same Religion But the Admirals minde was muche more stablished by a letter which about the same time Theligny brought him with the Kings own hand and sealed wherein was conteined that whatsoeuer the Admiral should do for the matter of the intended warre of the lowe countrey the Kyng would allowe and ratifie the same as done by his owne commaūdemēt About that time Lodouic of Nassaw with the Quene of Nauarre a Lady most zelously affected to the Religion came to the Frenche court The league was made betwene King Charles and the Prince of Aurenge and the articles thereof put in writing The mariage was appointed to be holden in the towne of Paris For which cause the Quene of Nauarre during those few dayes repaired thether to prouide things for the solemnitie of the wedding For the same cause the King sente to the Admirall one Cauaignes a man of an excellent sharp witte whome for the Admirals sake the King had aduanced to great honor requiring the Admirall to go before to Paris as well for the saide preparation as also for the matter of the war of the lowe countrey promising that he himselfe woulde within few dayes followe after him assuring him that there was nowe no cause for him to feare the threatnings and mad outrages of the Parisians For in as much as the same towne is aboue all other giuen to superstitions and is with seditious preachings of Monkes and Friers dayly enflamed to crueltie it is harde to expresse howe bitterly they hated the Admirall and the professors of that Religion Whereto was added a griefe of their minde conceiued certaine dayes before by reason of a certaine stone crosse gilted and builte after the manner of a spire stéeple commonly called Gastignes crosse whiche the Admirall with great earnest fute obteyned of the King to be ouerthrowne for he alleaged that being erected in the midst of the rage of the ciuill warre as it were in trumphe to the reproche of one of the Religion it was a monument of ciuill dissention and so a matter offensiue to peace and concorde The King well knowing the deadly hate of the Parisians to the Admirall wrote his letters to Marcell the prouost of the Marchaunts which is the highest dignitie in Paris with sharp thretnings if ther shuld be raised any stir or trouble by reason of the Admirals comming To the same effect also the Duke of Aniow the Kings brother and the Quéene mother wrote to the same Marcell and the rest of the Magistrates of Paris so that nowe there séemed vtterly no occasion lefte for the Admirall to feare or distrust And within few dayes after the King sent Briquemault a man of great vertue and estimation to the Admirall with the same instructions saying that the matter of the low cuntrey could not wel be delt in without his presence The Admirall persuaded by thus many meanes and filled with good hope and courage determined to go to Paris where so soone as he was ariued and had ben honorably and louingly entertained of the King and his brethren and the Quéene mother and consultation entred among them about the preparation for the lowe countrey he declared to the King at large howe the Duke of Alua was in leuying of great power and preparing an armie and that if the King should dissemble his purpose it woulde come to passe that many thereby would shewe themselues slower and slacker to the enterprises and that nowe were offered great meanes to do good whiche if he let slippe he
should not easily recouer the like againe hereafter And therefore it was best to take the aduantage of this opportunitie A fewe dayes before Lodouic of Nassaw went secretely into the frontiers of the lowe countrey and toke with him as partners of his iourney and priuie to his councell thrée Frenchmē of great credite with the Admirall namely Saucourt la Noue and Genlis to whome the King hadde giuen in charge to sée if they coulde by any meanes attempt and possesse any townes bordering vpon his Realme They gathering diuers other Gentlemen into their companie wente spéedily into the lowe countrey the Admirall not knowing of it Who as soone as he vnderstoode of their going thither wrote vnto them that he much maruelled what they ment saying that he well knewe there coulde be no power gotten readie before fortie days end and that they should be well aduised to do nothing rashly nor to ouerthrowe with hast their deuises that séemed not ripe to be executed The Countie of Nassaw inflamed with the sight and desire of his countrey and fearing the mutablenesse of the King did first at the sodaine set vpon Valentiennes but being repulsed by the Spanishe Souldiers that were in garrison in the Castell he hastily departed to Montz and toke the town being a place very strong by nature and well furnished with all things necessarie for the warre Which thing being by report and Messangers spread abroade into the lowe countrey and caried into Fraunce and Germanie bothe encouraged all them of the Religion with great hope and also séemed to haue now plainly and openly deciphered and disclosed the mynd of the French king Moreouer Genlis returning to Paris when he had made report to the King of all the matter as it had procéeded easily obtayned of him that by his assente he might leuie certaine bandes of footemen and horssemen of Fraunce and carie them to succoure Montz But by the way when he was entred into the bounds of the low countrie hauing with him to the number of 4000. footemen and about 400. horssemen they were beset by the Duke of Alua and the most parte of them distressed whiche thing was well knowne to haue bene wrought by the meanes of the Guisians whiche by dayly messages and letters aduertised the Duke of Alua of their purpose and preparation Which falsehood of theirs many moste affectionate to the Romish Religion were highly offended with bicause a great nūber were addicted to the same Romish Religion in that cōpanie With this losse and with the rescue of the towne of Valentiennes the King semed to be much troubled for he feared least his counsels being disclosed to the Spanish King would at length bréede some cause of querell and warre Howbeit when he began to remember that a great part of his secretes was alreadie reuealed to the Duke of Alua he oftentimes resolued to vtter his minde plainly and to make open warre But he was withdrawne from that purpose by certaine men whiche the Admirall had long before conceiued that they woulde so doe Howbeit he gaue the Admirall libertie to sende what soeuer he thought meete to further the Prince of Aurenge his enterprise and as great supply either of footemen or of horssemen as he could to the armie which the Prince of Aurenge had leuied in Germanie When the Admiral for that cause had made request that he might leuie thirtie troupes of horssemen and as many ensignes of footemen he easily obtayned it For the entertainement of these footmen it behoued to haue money wherfore at the request of the Admirall the King called for his Tresurer and cōmaunded him to deliuer to the Admirall so muche money as the Admirall should thinke méete and charged him that he should not in any wise after the vsuall maner of the accompts of finances write the causes of the receipt but onely set it downe in this forme This summe of money was payde to the Admirall suche a daye by the Kings commaundement for certaine causes which the King hath cōmaunded not to be written and to this warrant the King subscribed with his owne hand Also the King wrote to Monducet his Embassadoure in the lowe countrey to trauell as earnestly as he could for their deliuerance that were taken at the ouerthrow of Genlis whiche commaundement it is sayde that Monducet did most faithfully and diligently execute Not long before this Ioane Quéene of Nauarre aboue mentioned died in the Court at Paris of a sodaine sicknesse béeing about the age of fortie and thrée yeres where as the suspition was great that she dyed of poyson and hir body being for that cause opened by the Phisitions there were no tokens of poyson espied But shortely after by the detection of one A. P. it hath ben founde that she was poysoned with a venomed smell of a payre of perfumed gloues dressed by one Renat the Kings Apothicarie an Italian that hath a shop at Paris vpon S. Michaels bridge neare vnto the Pallace which could not be espied by the Phisitions whiche did not open the heade nor loked into the brayne It is well knowne that the same man aboute certaine yeres past for the same intent gaue to Lewes Prince of Conde a poisoned Pomander which the Prince left with one le Grosse his Surgion le Grosse delighted with the same was by little and little poysoned therwith and so swelled that he hardly escaped with his life By hir death the Kingdome came to the Prince Henrie hir sonne to whome as is abouesaide the Kings sister was promised and contracted Thinges being as it séemed throughout al France in most peacible estate and the concord of all degrées well stablished the day was appointed for the mariage of the King of Nauar which day all they that fancied the Religion estéemed so much the more ioyfull to them bicause they sawe the King wonderfully bent thereunto and all good men iudged the same a most assured ple●…ge and establishment of ciuill concorde wheras on the contrarie part the Guisians and other enimies of common quietnesse greatly abhorred the same mariage When the day came the mariage was with royall pompe solemnized before the great Churche of Paris and a certaine forme of wordes so framed as disagréed with the Religion of neither side was by the Kings commaundement pronounced by the Cardinall of Bu●…bon the King of Nauars vncle and so the matrimonie celebrate with great ioye of the King and all good men the bryde was with great traine and pompe led into the Church to heare Masse and in the meane time the brydgrome who mislyked these ceremonies togither with Henrie Prince of Conde sonne of Lewes and the Admirall and other noble mē of the same Religion walked without the Churche dore wayting for the Brides returne While these thinges were in doing at Paris Strozzi who as we haue sayde had the charge of the Kings power at the Sea houering vpon the coast of Rochel did now and then send of his Captains and
Souldiers into the towne vnder colour of buying things necessarie sometime he came thither also himself The like was done at y same time in an other part of France by the horsmen of Gonzague Duke of Niuers neare to the town of la Charite whiche hath a bridge ouer the Ryuer of Loyre and remained till that time in the power of those of the Religion by reason of the great number of them there inhabiting This troupe was of those horssemen whiche the King hath accustomed to kéepe in ordinarie wages in euery countrey whereof the moste parte were Italians countrimen to their Captaine Lewes Gonzague to whome the Quéene mother had giuen the daughter and heire of the Duke of Niuers in mariage They requested of the townesmen that they might make their musters within the towne saying that they had receiued warrant from the King so to do and shewed the Kings letters therfore At Lions the gouernour of the towne commaunded a viewe to be taken of all those that professed the Religion and their names to be written in a boke and brought vnto him which boke shortely after according to the successe was called the bloudie boke After the mariage ended at Paris whiche was the time that the Admirall had appointed to returne to his owne house he moued the King concerning his departure But so great was the preparation of playes so greate was the magnificence of banquets and shewes and the King so earnestly bent to those matters that he had no leysure not only for waightie affaires but also not so much as to take his naturall sleepe For in the French Court Dauncings Maskings stageplayes wherein the King excéedingly delighteth are cōmonly vsed in the night time and so the time that is fittest for counsell and matters of gouernance is by reason of nightly riottous sitting vp of necessitie consumed in sléepe So great also is the familiaritie men and the women of the Quéene mothers trayne and so greate libertie of sporting entertainement and talking togyther as to foreine nations may séeme incredible and be thought of al honest persons a matter not very conuenient for preseruation of noble yong Ladies chastitie Moreouer if there come any Pandor or bawde out of Italie or any Scholmaster of shamefull and filthy lust he winneth in shorte time maruellous fauour and credite And such a multitude is there begon to be of Italians commonly throughout all Fraunce specially in the Court since the Administration of the Realme was cōmitted to the Quéene mother that many do commonly call it Fraunce-Italian and some terme it a Colonie and some a common sinke of Italie These madnesses of the Court were the cause that the Admiral could not haue accesse to the Kings speach nor entrance to deale in waightie matters But when they that were sente from the reformed Churches to complaine of iniuries commōly done to those of the Religion vnderstoode of the Admirals purpose to depart they did with all spéede deliuer to him their bookes and petitions and besought him not to depart from the Court till he had dealt in the cause of the Churches and delyuered their petitions to the King and his Counsell For this cause the Admirall resolued to deferre his going for a while till he might treat with the Kings Counsell concerning those requests for the King had promised him that he would shortly entend those matters be present with the Counsel himselfe Besides this delay there was an other matter that stayed him There was owing to the Rutters of Germanie which had serued on the part of the Religion in the last warre great summes of money for their wages in whiche matter the Admirall trauelled with incredible earnestnesse and care Concerning all these affaires the Admirall as he determined before hauing accesse and opportunitie for that purpose moued the Kings pri●…ie Counsell the 22. of August which was the fifte daye after the King of Nauarres mariage and spente much time in that treatie About noone when he was in returning home from the Counsell with a greate companie of noblemen and Gentlemen beholde a Harquebuzier out of a window of a house néere adioyning shot the Admiral with two bullets of leade through both the armes When the Admirall felte himselfe wounded nothing at all amazed but with the same countenance that he was accustomed he sayde throughe yonder windowe it was done goe sée who are in the house What manner of trecherie is this Then he sente a certaine gentleman of his company to the King to declare it vnto him The King at that time was playing at tennise with the duke of Guise Assone as he heard of the Admirals hurt he was maruellously moued as it séemed and threw away his racket that he played with on the grounde and taking with him his brother in lawe the King of Nauarre he retired into his Castle The Gentlemen that were with the Admirall brake into the house frō whence he receiued his hurt there they found only one woman the kéeper of the house and shortely after also a boy his lackey that had done the déede and therewithall they founde the harquebuze lying vpon the table in that Chamber from whence the noyse was heard him that shot they founde not for he in great hast was runne away out at the back gate and getting on horssebacke whiche he hadde wayting for him readie sadled at the dore he rode a great pace to S. Anthonies gate where he had a fresh horsse tarying for him if néed were and an other at Marcels gate Then by the Kings commaundement a great number rode out in post into all parts to pursue him but for that he was slipped into bywayes and receyued into a certaine Castle they could not ouertake him At the sute of the King of Nauar and the Prince of Conde other the King by and by gaue commission for enquirie to be made of the matter and cōmitted the examining thereof to thrée chosen persons of the Parliament of Paris Thuan Morsant and Viol a Counseller Firste it was founde that the same house belonged to a Priest a Canon of S. Germaine whose name is Villemure whiche had bene the Duke of Guises scholemaster in his youth and still continued a retayner towarde him Then the womā which we sayd was found in the house being taken brought before them confessed that a fewe dayes before there came to hir one Challey somtime a master d'hostel of the Duke of Guises house and nowe of the Kings Courte and commaunded hir to make muche of the man that had done this deede and to lodge him in the same bed Chamber where Villemure was wonte to lye for that he was his friende and very familiar acquaintance and that Villemure would be very glad of it The name of him that shot was very diligently kept secret Some saye it was Manreuet which in the thirde ciuill war tratorously slew his Captaine monsieur de Mouy a moste valiante and noble Gentleman and straightway
amōg them nowe speaketh thrée wordes without moste filthy blaspheming and horrible execration of god Who can longer beare the vile vnchastities the bawdes and Ruffians of the Court Finally very nature it selfe doth nowe as it were expostulate with God for his so long sufferance and for bearing and the very earth can no longer beare these monsters Nowe as touching the Admirals supposed conspiracie who can thinke it likely that he shoulde enterprise any suche thing within the walles of Paris For in the Court there is continually watching and warding a garrison of the Kings and at the entrie of his Castle the guards of Gascoines Scottes and Switzers are continually attending and the King himselfe both alwayes before and specially at that time by reason of his sisters mariage had a great trayn of Princes great Lords noblemen and Gentlemen about him Moreouer it was well knowne that in Paris within thrée houres space might be assembled and put in armour threescore thousand chosen armed men specially against the Admirall whome no man is ignorant that the Parisians most deadly hated beside that the noble yong men that came thither with the King of N●…uar and the Prince of Conde by reson of the mariage and brought with them their wiues their sisters and their kinswomen thought at that time vpon nothing but vpon triumph and exercises of pastime and gay furniture of apparel and ornaments Finally at whither of these two times can it be likely that the Admirall attempted this conspiracie was it before he was hurt why at that time he founde the King his most louing or at least his most liberall and bountifull good Lord neither could he hope euer to haue a more fauorable soueraigne in France Was it then after he was hurte as though forsoth he lying sore of two so great woundes aged maimed of both his arms the one whereof the Phisitiōs cōsulted whether it were to be cut off accompanied with thrée hundreth yong men would set vpon thréescore thousande armed men or in so small a time coulde lay the plot for so great and so long and so haynous a facte for he lyued scarce fortie houres after his hurt in which time he was enioyned by the Phisitions to forbeare talke Againe if he had bene detected of any suche crime was he not committed to Cossin and to his kéeping and so enuironed all the wayes beset about him and so in the Kings power that if it had pleased the King he might at all times in a momēt be caried to pryson why was not orderly enquirie an●… iudiciall procéeding vsed according to the custome and lawes and generall right of nations and witnesses produced according to the forme of lawe but be it that the Admirall and a fewe other of his confederates and followers had conspired why yet procéeded the outragious crueltie vpon the reste that were innocent why vpon ancient matrones why vpon noble Ladies yong Gentlewomen and virgins that came thither for the honor of the wedding why were so manye women greate with childe against the lawes of all nations and of nature before their deliuery thrown into the Ryuer why were so many aged persons many that lay sicke in their beds many gownemen many Counsellers Aduocates Proctors Phisitions many singularly learned professors and teachers of good artes and among the rest Petrus Ramus that reno●…ed man throughout the worlde many yong students executed without hearing without pleading their cause without sentence of condemnation moreouer if the Admirall had ●…aine the thrée brethren who doubteth but that all cou●…eys al Cities all Parliaments finally all sortes and degrées of men would haue spéedily taken armour and easily haue destroyed all of the Religion hauing them enclosed within their towns and hauing iust cause to render to all foreine nations f●…r their common slaughters and killing of them As to that whiche toucheth the King of 〈◊〉 what cā be imagined more absurd and vnlikely had not the Admirall him foure yeares in his power ▪ Did not he professe the same Religion that the Admirall did which of those 〈◊〉 the Religion which of them I say as Cassius was wont to reason should haue gained or receyued profit by the killing of the King of Nauarre did not the Catholikes hate him and the Admirall coulde not hope to haue any man more friendly to him nor by any other mās meanes to haue reuēge of his iniurie Lastly in their houses that were slaine what armour what weapons were found by which cōiectures iudges vse to be lead to trace out a facte These matters wyse men throughout the towne of Paris commonly muttered But now to retourne to our purpose At such tyme as the Kings pr●…hibition abouesayd was proclaimed at Paris not only in other townes as at Orleance Angiers Viaron Troys and Auxerre the like butcheries and slaughters were vsed but also in the towne of Paris it selfe in the verye gaoles that are ordeyned for the kéeping of prisoners if anye had escaped the crueltie of the day before they were now tumultuously slayne by the raging and outraging multitude in which number were thrée Gentlemen of greate reputation captaine Monins a man very famous in marciall prowesse Lomen the Kings secretarie a man of greate estimation for his long seruice in the Courte and Chappes a lawyer neare fourscore yeare olde a man of greate renowne in the Courte of Paris And bycause we haue made mention of Angiers we thinke it good not to omitte the case of Masson de Riuers This mā was a pastor of the church and estéemed a singular man both in vertuousnesse of life and in excellence of wit and learning and was the first that had layd the foundacion of the Churche at Paris As sone as the slaughter was begon at Paris Monsorel a most cruell enimie of the Religion was tente to Angiers in post to preuente al other that might carie tidings of the murdering As sone as he came into the towne he caused himself to be brought to Massons house There he met Massons wife in the entrie and gētly saluted hir and after the maner of Fraunce specially of the Court he kissed hir and asked hi●… where hir husband was she answered that he was walking in the garden and by and by she brought Monsorell to hir husbande who gently embraced Masson and sayde vnto him Canst thou tell why I am come hither it is to kyll thée by the Kings cōmaundement at this very instant time for so hath the King commaunded as thou mayste perceiue by these letters and therewith he shewed him his dagge ready charged Masson answered that he was not guiltie of any crime howbeit this one thing only he besought him to giue him space to call to the mercie of God and to commende his spirit into Gods hande Which prayer as soone as he had ended in fewe wordes he méekely receiued the death offered by the other and was shot through with a pellet and dyed Now to returne to Paris ▪ the Admirals
all Seigniours Gentlemen and other his subiects vnderstand the cause of the murder of the Admirall and his adherentes and complices which lately happened in this Citie of Paris the xxiiij day of this present moneth of August least the sayd deede shuld be otherwise disguised and reported than it was in deede his Maiestie therfore declareth that which was done was by his expresse commaundement and for no cause of Religion nor breaking his edictes of pacification which he alwayes intended and stil mindeth and intendeth to obserue and keepe yea it was rather done too withstand and preuent a most detestable and curssed conspiracie begon by the sayd Admirall the chiefe captaine thereof and his sayd adherents and complices against the kings person his estate the Queene his mother and the Princes his brethren the King of Nauarre and other Lordes about him VVhereof his Maiestie by this declaration and ordinaunce giueth to vnderstand to all Gentlemen and others of the Religion which they pretend reformed that he mindeth and purposeth that they shall liue vnder his protection with their wiues and children in their houses in as much safegarde as they did before folowing the benefite of the former Edictes of Pacification most expressely commaunding and ordaining that all Gouernours and Lieutenants generall in euerie of his countreyes and Prouinces and other Iustices and Officers to whom it appertaineth do not attempt nor suffer too bee attempted any thing in what sort so euer vpon the persons and goodes of them of the Religion their wiues children and families on paine of death against the faultie and culpable in this behalfe And neuerthelesse too withstande the troubles slaunders suspicions and desiances that may come by sermons and assemblies aswell in the houses of the sayde Gentlemen as in other places as it is suffred by the sayde Edictes of Pacification it is expressely forbidden and inhibited by his Maiestie to all Gentlemen and others of the sayd Religion to haue no assemblies for any cause at all vntill his Maiestie hath prouided and appointed otherwise for the tranquillitie of his Realme vpon paine of disobedience and confiscation of bodie and goods It is also expressely forbidden vnder the paine aforesayd that for the foresayd occasions none shall take or retaine any prisoners or take raunsome of them and that incontinently they certifie the gouernours of euerie pr●…uince and the Lieutenante generall of the name and qualitie of euerie such prisoner whome his Maiestie hath appoynted shall bee released and set at libertie except they bee of the chiefe of the late conspiracie or such as haue made some practise or deuise for them or had intelligence thereof and they shall aduertise his Maiestie of such to knowe his further pleasure It is also ordayned that from hencefo●…th none shall take or arrest any p●…isoner for that cause without his Maiesties commaundement or his Officers nor that none be suffred to roame abroade in the fieldes to take vp dogs Catell Beefes Kine or other beastes goods fruites graine nor any thing else nor too hurt the labourers by word or deede but too let them alone about their worke and calling in peace and safetie At Paris the. xxviij of August 1572. Signed Charles and vnderneath Fizes THE KINGS LETTERS TO THE OFFICERS of Burges of the same argument that the former declaration was OVr trustie and welbeloued wee considering that vnder the colour of the death of the Admiral and his adherents and complices certaine Gentlemen and others our subiectes professing the Religion called Refourmed might rise and assemble together to the preiudice and hinderance of the tranquillitie which we haue alwayes desired should be in our Realme the doyng of the sayd murder being counterfeited and giuen out otherwise than it was VVe haue therefore made a declaration and ordinance which we send you willing you to publishe the same incontinently by sounde of Trumpet and setting the same vp in such places of your Iurisdiction where cryes and Proclamations are vsually made to the end that euery one might knowe it And although we haue alwayes bene diligent obseruers of our Edicts of Pacification yet seing the troubles and seditions which might arise amongst our subiects by the occasion of the sayd murder as well of the Admirall as of his companions we commaunde you and ordeyne that you particularly forbid the principals of the Religion pretended refourmed within your Iurisdiction that they haue no sermons nor assemblies either in their houses or in any other places to take away all doubt and suspition which might bee conceyued agaynst them And likewise that you aduertise such as dwell in the Cities of your Iurisdiction what you iudge meet to be done too the intent they myght in this poynt follow our mind and kepe them quiet in their houses as they may doo by the benefite of our Edict of Pacification and there they shall bee vnder our protection and safegarde but if they will not so retyre themselues after you haue giuen them warning then shall you set on them with all strength and force aswell by the prouostes of the Marishals and their Archers as others which you can-gather toogether by Bell ringing or otherwise so that you hewe them all too pe●…ces as enimies ●…o our Crowne Besides what commaundements so euer wee haue sent by worde of mouth eyther to you or others in our Realme whē we were in feare vpon iuste occasion knowing the conspiracie that the Admirall had begon of some mischaunce that might fall vnto vs we haue and do reuoke willing you and others that no such thing be executed for such is our pleasure Giuen at Paris the. xxx of August 1572. Thus signed Charles and vnderneath De Neuf-ville Published in iudgement REMEMBRAVNCES AND INSTRVCTIONS sent by the King to the Counte of Charny his general Lieutenant in Burgundie of the same argument THe King considering the commotion lately happened in Paris wherin the L. Admirall Chastilion with other Gentlemen of his side were slaine bicause they had mischeuously conspired to set vpon the Kings maiesties person the Queene his mother the Princes his brethren the King of Nauarre and other Princes and Lordes neare about them and vpon his estate and least they of the Religion called refourmed not knowing the true causes of the sayde rebellion shuld arise and put them selues in armes as they haue done in the troubles that be passed and deuise new practises fetches against the weale of his Maiestie and tranquillitie of his Realme if he should not cause the truth of the matter to bee knowne to all Gentlemen and others his subiects of the same religion how it passed and what his pleasure and mind is in their behalfes And thinking that for remedie hereof it is verie needefull for the Gouernours of the Prouinces in his Realme to go rounde about their gouernementes for this occasion he willeth that the Counte of Charnie greate Esquire of Fraunce and his Maiesties Lieutenant generall for the gouernement of Burgundie shall go diligently
commaundement for those of the newe opini●…n or those which made practises and deuises for them or those which might haue had intelligence of the sayd conspiracie His Maiestie declareth that he meaneth not of things done and past during the troubles which were before the Edict of Pacification in August 1570. and that there shall be no inquisition thereof and none shall bee troubled in goods or person therfore but for that respect they shal inioy the benefit of the Edict of Pacification but that the sayd wordes extend only to those which be found to be giltie or accessarie to the last conspiracie done against his Maiestie and estate and that other which are imprisoned shall be set at libertie And as touching them which will make profession of their faith and returne to the Catholike Religion his Maiestie desireth that his gouernours and officers shall excyte and conforte them as much as they can too that effect and execution of that good will and that their friendes and kinsfolkes should also bee exhorted too doe the like for their parte And if any should hurt them in goods or body his Maiestie willeth readie and speedie execution too bee done on them And too the intent that they maye followe the fourme which hath bene kept in professing the faith which they doe make that returne to the Apostolike and Romishe Church there is sent herewith a memorie thereof From Paris the. xxij day of September 1572. Signed Charles And beneath Pinart THE FOVRME OF ABIVRATION OF HE resie and confession of faith which they which haue swarued from the faith and pretende to be receyued into the church ought to make THIS IS THE ABIVRATION VVHICH they caused al of the Religiō to make in Fraunce to saue their liues Printed at Paris by Nicolas Roffet dwelling in the new streat of our Ladie at the signe of the Mower with the Kings Priuilege FIrst they whiche haue swarued from the fayth and desire too returne intoo the compasse of our holye mother Church ought too present themselues to their Curates or vicars to bee instructed of that which they ought to doe that done they shal bee sent vnto the reuerend Byshop of the dioces or his Chauncellour or officiall too make the sayd Abiuration and confession in maner and former following IN. borne at c. in the dioces of c. and dwelling c. acknowledging by the grace of God the true faith Catholike and Apostolike from the which I haue through my fault gone astray and separated my self since c. and desirous to returne to the flocke of Christes true shepefold which is the Catholike Apostolike and Romish Church confesse to haue abiured and cursed all the errours and heresie of the Lutherians Caluinistes and Hugonotes and all other heresie whatsoeuer wherwith I haue heretofore bene diffamed or touched and I agree to the fayth of our holy mother the Church and desire you in the name of God of his sonne Iesus Christ and of the glorious Virgin his mother Marie and of all the Sainctes of Paradise that it would please you to receyue me into the flocke and shepefold of Gods people which liue vnder the obedience of the Pope ordayned our Sauiour Iesus Christs vicar in the sayd Church submitting my self paciently to abyde and willingly to do the penance which it shal please you to enioyne me for the absolution of my faults committed whilest I was in the foresayd sectes wherof I aske and require pardon of God and of his sayd Church and of you that be appoynted my pastor by God the Creator absolution with such penance as you shal iudge to be holsome for the satisfaction of my sinnes offences And to the intent you should knowe that I haue and do make this abiuration frō my heart I confesse moreouer before God you that I beleeue that which is contayned in the Simbole or Creede of the Apostles and Athanasius and other confessions of saith made approued by the whole councels of the Catholike Apostolike and Romish church that is I beleeue in one only God the father almightie Creator of Heauen and Earth and of all things visible and inuisible and in one L. our Lord Iesus Christ the only sonne ongendred by God the father before the constitucion of the world God of God Light of Light true God of true God engendred not created Consubstantiall with the Father by whom all things were made who for vs mē and for our saluation descended from heauen c. as in the belief of morning prayer I beleeue likewise acknowledge and confesse al that which is contayned in the bookes as well in the olde as of the newe testament approued by the sayd holye and Apostolike church of Rome according to the sense and interpretation of the holy Doctours receyued by the same reiecting al other interpretation as false and erroneous I acknowledge the seuen Sacramentes of the sayde Catholike Apostolike and Romish church that they were instituted by our L. Iesus Christ and that they be necessarie for the saluation of mankind although that al of them are not of necessitie to be conserred too all that is to saye I confesse that the sayde seuen Sacramentes are these Baptisme Confirmation Eucharist ▪ which is the Sacrament of the altar Pen●…nce extreme vnction Order and Mariage and that the sayde Sacraments confer grace and that of them Baptisme Confirmation Order can not be reiterated without sacrilege That the sayde Sacraments haue the effect which the sayde church teacheth and that the forme and vsage wherwith they be ministred too christians is holye and necessarie I acknowledge also that the holye Masse is a sacrifice and oblation of the verye bodie and bloud of our sauiour Iesus Christ vnder the forme of bread and wyne mingled with water whiche substances of bread and wyne vnder the sayde formes are in the Masse by the wordes whiche serue for consecration sayd and pronounced by the Priest transubstanciated and transformed intoo the substance of the sayde bodye and bloud of Iesus christ Notwithstanding that the qualities and accidentes remayne in the sayde formes after the sayde consecration and that the Masse is holesome and profitable as well for the quicke as the deade I acknowledge and confesse the concomitāce that is to say that in receiuing the body of Iesus Christ vnder the forme of bread alone I likewise receiue the blood of Iesus Christ. I confesse that Prayer and interc●…ssion of Sainctes for the quicke and the dead is holie good and he●…thfull for Christians and is not contrarye for any respect to the glorie of god That prayers made in the Churche for the faythfull which are dead do profit them for the remission of their sinnes and lessening of their paines incurred for the same That there is a Purgatorie where the soules abyding are succoured by the prayers of the faythfull I confesse that we muste honor and call vpon the sainctes which raigne with Iesus Christ and that they make intercession for
vs to God and that their Reliques ●…re to be worshipped That the commaundemēts and traditions of the Catholike Apostolike and Romishe Churche as well they which pertaine to the forme and ceremonies of diuine ●…ruice and to assist the same which I thinke bee too drawe Christian people to pi●…ie and turning to their God as fasting absteyning from meates obseruation of holy dayes and ecclesiasticall pollicie according to the tradition of the Apostles and holye Fathers continued since the primitiue Church till this time and afterwards brought into the Church by the ordinances of councels receyued in the same of long and auncient time or of late be good and holy to the whiche I wil and ought too obey as prescribed and appointed by the holye ghost the author and directer of that which serueth for the keping of christian religion and of the catholike Apostolike and Romaine church I beleeue also and accepte all the articles of originall sinne and of Iustification I affirme assuredly that we ought too haue and kepe the images of Iesus Christ of his holye mother and all other saincts and do honor and reuerēce vnto thē I confesse the power of indulgence and pardōs to be left in the church by Iesus Christ the vse of thē to be very heathful as also I cōfesse the church of Rome to be the mother and chief of al churches and cōducted by the holy Ghost and that other pretended particular inspirations against the same come of the suggestion of the Deuill the Prince of di●…ention which woulde separate the vnion of the mysticall body of the sauiour of the worlde Finally I promise straightly too kepe all that was ordained at the last general councel of Trēt and promise to God and you neuer more to depart from the Catholike Apostolike and Romaine Church and if I do which God forbid I submit my selfe to the penalties of the canons of the sayd Church made ordeyned appointed against them which fall backe intoo Apostasie The which Abiuration and Confession I haue subscribed THE KINGS LETTERS TO M. DE GVISE and other Lieutenantes and Gouernors of his Prouinces by the which he wholly abolisheth and subuerteth al the Edictes of Pacification and willeth that onely the Romish Religion should take place in his Realme THe King knowing that the declaration which he made vpon the occasions which lately cha●…ced in the Citie of Paris the remembrances and instructions of his will which he sent rou●…d about to all Gouernours of his Prouinces and Lieutenants generall therin and particular letters to the Seneshals and his Courts of Parliament and other officers and Ministers of Iustice cā not hitherto staye the course of murders and robberies done in the most part of the cities of this Realme to his Maiesties great displeasure hath aduised for a more singular remedie to send all the sayd Gouernours into euery of their charges and gouernements assoring him selfe that according to the qualitie and power which they haue of his Maiestie they can well followe and obserue his intent the which more fully to declare his Maiestie hath caused his letters patentes to be dispatched which shall be deliuered them Besides the contentes wherof M. de Guise the gouernour and Lieutenāt generall for his Maiestie in Champaigne and Brye shall call before him the gentlemen of the newe Religion abyding within his gouernement and shal tell them that the Kings will and intent is to preserue them their wyues children and families and to maintaine them in possession of their goods so that on their parte they liue quietly and render to his maiestie obedience and fidelitie as they ought in which doing the King also will defende them that they shall not be molested or troubled by way of Iustice or otherwise in their persons and goods by reason of things done during the troubles before the Edict of Pacificatiō of August 1570. And afterwardes he shal louingly admonish thē to cōtinue no longer in the errour of the new opinions and to returne to the Catholike Religion reconciling themselues to the Catholike Romish Church vnder the doctrine and obedience wherof Kings his predecessors and their subiects haue alwayes holily lyued and this Realme hath bene carefully conducted and mainteyned Shewing too them the mischiefes and calamities which haue happened in this Realme since th●…se newe opinions haue entred intoo mens spirites Howe manye murders haue bene caused by such which haue fallen from the right waye holden by their Auncestors First they made them separate themselues f●…om the churche then from their nex●…e of kinred and also to be estranged from the seruice of their king as a man may see since his raigne And although the authors and heades of that side would haue couered their doings vnder the title of Religion and cōscience yet their deedes and workes haue shewen wel inough that the name of religion was but a visarde to couer their driftes and disobedience and vnder that pretence too assemble and subborne people and too make and compel them to sweare in the cause vnder the title of disobedience and by suche wayes to turne them from the naturall affection whiche they owe to the King and consequently from his obedience being notorious that what commaundement so euer the King could make to them of the newe Religion they haue not since his raigne obeyed him otherwise than pleased their heads And contrariwise when their sayd heads commaunded them to arise and take to their weapons too set vpon Cities to burne churches too sacke and pill to trouble the Realme and fill it with bloud and fire they which went so astray to followe them forget all trust and duetie of good subiects to execute and obey their commaundements VVhich things if the gentlemen wil wel consider they shall easely iudge how vnhappie and miserable their condition shall bee if they continue longer therein For they may well thinke of them selues that the King being taught by experience of so greate a daunger from the which it hath pleased God too preserue him and his estate and hauing proued the mischiefes and calamities which this Realme hath suffered by the enterprises of the heads of this cause their adherentes and complices that he wil neuer willingly bee serued with any gentlemen of his subiects that be of any other religion than the Catholike in the which also the King following his predecessors wil liue and die He willeth also to take away al mistrust amōgst his subiects and to quench the rising of discordes and seditions that all they of whom he is serued in honorable places and specially the gentlemē which desire to be accōpted his good and lawfull subiects and would obtaine his fauour and be employed in charges of his seruice according to their degrees and qualities to make profession hereafter too liue in the same Religion that he doth hauing tryed that discords and ciuil warres will not cease in a state where there be many Religions and that it is not possible for
10. Symoniakes Pope Paulus the thirde Contarenus Sadoletus Cardinall Poole Math. 27. The thirde remedie Olde accustomed remedies The fourth remedie The seconde principall point The state of the kingdome which consisteth of these three namely of the n●…bilitie clergy and communa●…tie Tributes The commēdation of the generall assēbly of the States Slaunderous bookes A lesson for Kinges and Queenes Lodouicus xii pater patriae The ende of this oration The sentēce of the Admirall The sentence of the Duke of Guise The sentence of the Cardinall of Lorain The Cardinall of Loraine hopeth to get honor fame by keeping libels that were scattered abroade The reformation wished for by the Cardinall of Leraine A Nationall counsell is as much to say as a counsell gathered onely cute of the French nation which I gasle we maye call a conuocatiō of the clergy whereas a generall counsell consisteth of diuers nations A tumulte against the Prince of Conde Letters sent to the Prince of Conde taken Monsier Vidā apprehended The king of Nauar and the prince of Cōde are sent for to the king A new Edicte against the reformed Religion The king cōmeth to Aurelias The prince of Conde taken at Aurelias The death of king Frances the seconde 1 2 3 4 A wonderfull alteration after the death of King Frances the seconde The priuy displeasure of the Queene against the Prince of Nauarre The King of Nauar yeldeth authoritie to the Queene to gouerne the Realme The peace of the Church after long affliction The death of Monsieur Vidame A conuocation of States or of a Parliament in king Charles the. ix days The oration made by the Chauncelour Sedition what it is and wher of it commeth The force of Religion in the 〈◊〉 of men Bellona is the Goddesse of vvarre Factious names The accusatiō of forreine Princes The oratiō of the cōmenaltie made by Angell The ignorāce of prelates Couetousnes The oration for the nobilitye The oratiō of the Clergy The faultes of persons Ecclesiasticall Churches Euse booke 51. 〈◊〉 the lyfe o●… Constantin Shauē crowns the badges of Christes an●… The death of Quintinus orator for the Clergy The parliamēt breaketh vp Trent in Italy The letters of Paulus virglus to the Bishops of Italy Augusta is ●… citie in Germanie called Ausburgh The Pope iuuiteth the Princes of Germanie to the generall Councell The answere of the Princes of Germany to the Popes Legates Persecutious in Prouince The Prince of Conde sent for to the Court. The contentiō and ●…lling out be●…weene the Queene the king of Nauar●…e Deliberation●… of the particular assemblie of states at Paris Reconciliation betweene the Queen and the king of Nauar The Constable is drawn away frō the p●…nce of 〈◊〉 and from others o●… the reformed Churche The kings Letters The oration of Petrus Robertus the man of law for the Prince The conclusion of the Senate of Paris The decree of the senate con cerning the innocencie of the Prince The complaint of the Cardinal of Lorrayn 1. 2. 3. An Edict called of the Moneth of Iuly The summe of the Edict Warres betwene the duke of Sabaudia and the inhabitants of the valeys The Edict a-against the inhabitants of the valleys Ranconensis Trinitaeus The slaughter of Truchetus The agrement an●…●…uce betweene the Duke of Sabaudia the inhabitants of the valleys Persecution in Spaine He might rather be called Granvillan or greate villane The confessiō of the Church of Flanders offered to the King. 〈◊〉 New●…rs The reconciliation of the Prince of Cōde the Duke of Guise Certaine Ciuil actes worthy to be noted Cardinal Ferrer sent from Rome to hinder the Nationall Counsell in Fraunce The effect of the Queenes letters sent to Pope Pius the fourth Multitude Qualitie Concorde The increase and force of the faithful Doctrine Diuersitie of rites The remedy The fyrste poynte of offence Worshipping of images Sacraments Baptisme Catechismes The holie communion The custome of the auncient Church The second poynt that is misl●…ked The sun●…ie r●…ceiuing of the Sacrament Tymes to re●…eiue the cōmunion The thirde point that is misselyked Spirituall worship The Masse 〈◊〉 of greate offence In the substāce of the Masse In the forme of the Masse A straunge language Singing of Psalmes The begining of the ●…putation at 〈◊〉 Concerning our co●…muniion with Christ and of the fathers vnder the lawe Iohn 8. 1. Cor. 10. 1. Corin. 10. Iohn 1. 1. Sacramentall signes 2. The th●…ng sign●…fied 3. The co●…nction of signes and the ●…ing signifi●…d 4. The participation of the signes of the the thing signified The ministers desire to haue the disputatiō and obtaine it The first session o●…●…is disputation The proposition of king Charles the ix The proposition of the Chauncelor Generall Coūsell a vaine remedie Ariminum o therwise called Remino an old citie in Flaminia in Italy The exception of Frances Cardinall of Turnon The oratiō of Beza in the name of the protestantes Beza his prayer ▪ Beza directeth his speache to the king ▪ Howe greate a benefite it is for subiects to be hard sene of their Prince Troubles fo ▪ Religion In what thinges the Papists and Protestants do agree and in what they do disagree In the manner of obtaining Saluation In the matter of faythe and good works Rom. 5. The authoritie Gods word of the Fathers He speaketh to the Prelates 1. Timo. 4. Act. 20. Aust. ad Fortunatus The opinion of the reformed Churches cōcerning the Sacrament Coinonian 1. Cor. 10. Transubstantiation Consubstantiation August ad Dardanum Confirmation Ecclesiasticall discipline Obedience to Magistrates The Queene answereth the Cardinall of Turnon The seconde session The oration of the Cardinal of Loraine Note here the subiection of Papistes The opiniō of the Cardinall of Loraine concerning the Sacrament 1 2 3 4 The protestation of the Prelates The thirde Session in another order What is the Church Rom. 8. 1. Cor. 12. August contra Crescō cap 21. Lib. 7. cap. 51. Question Answere True notes of the Church 1. Cor. 3. 1. Cor. 3. Ephe. 2. Succession in the Church Successors of the Apostles Obiection 1. Cor. 14. Vocation in the Churche ordinarie and extraordinary 1 2 3 Act. 1. Act. 6. 1. Timo. 3. Titus 1. Exod. 28. Esay 6. 9. Dom. 1. 17. Amos. 7. 14. Esay 28. Iere. 7. Ezechiel 22. Soph. 3. 1. Samuel 7. 1. King. 18. Authoritie of the Church Hebt 11. 1. Cor. 14. Ephe. 4. Galathians 5. Ephe. 5. 1. Cor. 13. Whether the Church may erre 1. Cor. 13. 1. hon 1. General counselles Bernar. in lib. de consider in sermone 33 in Cantica in sermo de conuersione Pauli Cayphas prophecied ●…hon 18. Esay 56. Ieremie 6. Ieremie 14. Esay Ezechiel 7. Actes 20. 2. Thes. 4. Aust. lib. 2. de bap cōtra Donat cap. 31. Aust. lib. 2. ca. 4. ad Arrianū 1. Cor. ●… 2. Peter 1. Ihon. 5. Ihon. 20. 2. Timo. 3. Act. 15 16. 18 Things indifferent Actes 15. The worde of God more ancient than
confession of the true doctrine were condemned by great consent of the people to dye and were burnt with fire and suffering most excellent Martyrdome by death they woonderfullye triumphed of the crueltie of their enimies The which thinges bicause they be specially touched in another Booke it shall not be néedefull here to speake any more of them Many deliuered thēselues from death by diuers meanes and wayes that were not lawfull But they to whome this charge and trust was commited boldly doing their office and being nothing slow to exercise crueltie certaine of their friendes which 〈◊〉 in holde propounded causes of refusall against the Iudges desiring that there might be other Iudges set in their places This thing for a time stayed the rage of the persecution Notwithstanding the king being certified hereof sendeth letters by which he declaring those refusals to be nothing commaundeth that all other things set apart they giue their diligence only to intende vpon this thing and that the Nobles which were in authoritie should choose out according as they thought good Counsellours to supplie the places of those that were absent and that in the Praetor Munerius ●…oume bicause for the causes before alleaged he was remooued other should serue to be short that final iudgement might be giuen of those matters howbeit that he might haue warning before any matter were ended These letters did againe displease and anger the mindes of those iudges which tooke it heynously that they were refused So that choller was then set on fire against many for this cause séemed as though it would rage and burne in the new yeare following For the aduersaries went about of late to establish bring in the like inquisition that was in Spain which they thought was the only way vtterly to ouerthrow the gospel letters at the last being obtained frō the Pope by which thrée Cardinals were appointed chief inquisitors they wēt about all that they could to set forward this deuise The king for his part consented Notwithstanding the senate of Paris hauing better consideration of the matter greatlye withstode this new practise alleaged these causes to the king of their withstanding and prohibition saying If this thing should be brought to passe looke how much the power of the ecclesiasticall Iudges and Inquisitors should be enlarged so much should the supreme authoritie of the king be diminished Secondly that it was a matter of great weight for the naturall subiects of the king to be made destitute and after a sort depriued of their King and to be brought to the power of forreine Iudges and to be made subiect to an Offy ●ciall or Inquisitor Thirdlye that it shoulde be a defrauding of the kingdome but specially of the subiectes to be spoyled of the helpe safegarde of the king and to be themselues and all their goodes iudged disposed after the supreme iudgement of an ecclesiasticall Iudge Fourthly that it would come to passe that when they had gotten infinite power and the greatest part of the kings authoritie that is to say when they had gotten power to iudge of life death as thē listed without further appeale to any higher Court they might easily abuse their offices For say they the libertie to appeale is the onely sanctuarie and defence of innocencie Fiftly and last of all they say that the King to whō the appeale should be made is the reuenger and the defender of violated and wronged innocencie and that iniurie shoulde be done if this thing went forward not only to the people but also to Princes to Dukes to Nobles yea and to the Kings nere kinsemen who also shoulde be bounde with this bonde By this prohibition and resistāce the matter was delayed for a time at the length when the Kings Court was at Paris the verye same aduersaries of the truth brought to passe that those letters were confirmed of the King as he went to the Senate or Parliament for this cause Thus when they had gotten the lawe into their owne handes and had written new Edictes appointing mortall punishments for the faithfull whome they called Sacramentaries Sectaries and such lyke euery man looking now for grieuous persecutions it pleased God for a time to disappoint those cruell practises and threatenings by troubling the kingdome with warre and other businesse Neither is it to be buried in silence by what meanes God shewed his vengeaunce vpon many of those persecutors which were the chiefe Capitaynes in S. Iames slaughter That Munerius the Praetor which was the first that delt with the causes of the faithfull and had many wayes cruelly intreated them being afterwarde at the length condemned of falshoode in the cause of the Countesse of Senigana suffered by the decrée of the Senate punishment openly in diuers places and being thus ledde from place to place to be made an open spectacle for all men to behold to his great infamie and reproch was also banished his countrie This man while be was kept in prison sayde that he knew that the punishments which he suffered were a iust reward and recompence to him for his euill intreating of the Lutheranes and that he woulde neuer after séeke to do them any harme In like maner one of the Counsellers which were appoynted to vnderstande and iudge of the causes of the faithfull not long after died by sodaine death Another of them likewise being sodenly striken with a most grieuous sickenesse and being also at the poynt of death sayde I see plainly that I haue grieuously sinned against the Lutheranes which so godly pray vnto the Lorde In lyke maner two other whiche were very cruell against the faithfull in the slaughter that was made on S. Iames daye sodenly dyed in the sight of all men Moreouer two other when they retourned from the murther of the afflicted faithfull fell at contention within themselues and at the last were slaine one of another Thus the Lorde shewed many examples of his iust vengeance vpon his aduersaries Then the Church obtayned peace for a time and some occasion to rest and breath for a whyle ▪ by reason of those tempestes They which were before as it were discouraged through that former great slaughter receyued nowe heart and courage againe many others which were eyther confirmed by the constancy of those blessed Martyrs which suffered or els were lately brought to the knowledge of God ioyned themselues to the Church they also which to flye persecution went aside from out of the citie were not altogither vnfruitful Among these there was one which came to a towne called Crucillum in Britayne neare vnto the sea coaste the which towne was at that time greatly giuen to superstition but it was brought to passe by his meanes within short time after that many of the townesmen were called to the acknowledging of truth insomuch that there was a congregation there At the which good successe Satan was greatly grieued Therfore when the fame of this thing was