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A95924 Theoremata theologica: = Theological treatises. Octo theses theologicæ: eight theses of divinity. 1. Animæ humanæ productio: Production of mans soul. 2. Puræ Dei prædestinatio: Divine predestination. 3. Verum ecclesiæ regimen: The tru [sic] church regiment. 4. Prædictiones de Messia: Predictions of Messias. 5. Duæ Christi genealogiæ: Christs two genealogies. 6. Apocalypsis patefacta: The revelation reveled. 7. Christi regnum in terra: Christs millenar reign. 8. Mundi hujus dissolutio: The worlds dissolution. / Complied or collected by Rob. Vilvain. Price at press in sheets 3 .s. Vilvain, Robert, 1575?-1663. 1654 (1654) Wing V397; Thomason E898_1; ESTC R3206 418,235 540

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two Prophecies 1. The sealed 1 Part. Book 2. The litle Book open In the Seal Prophecy is described the celical Imperial Session sutable to Israels incamping The twenty four Elders signify Bishops resembling the Rev. 4. 4. c. Priests and Levits in their twenty four courses The four Beasts are Israels Ensigns 1. Like a Lion 2. A Rev 6 per totum Bullock 3. With a Mans face 4. A flying Eagle They were ful of Eys to shew sagacity and ech had six wings implying agility The first Seals opener a Lion shewed a whit Hors and his Rider armed viz. Christ the Lion of Juda from the East who laid the foundation of conquest over the Dragon when Oracles ceased The next a Bullock presented a red Hors and his Rider denoting Trajan a Spaniard from the West whos reign was Bloody The third with a Mans face exhibited a black Hors and his Rider importing Septim Severus an African from the South who held Ballances in his hand indicating justice in the Empire The fourth an Eagle sh●wed a pale Hors with his Rider which points out Maximinus a Thracian from the North in whos time and som Successors the Sword Famin and Pestilence messengers of death raged every wher The fifth no Hors nor Rider enters with A. C. 268. Aurelian til Rev. 7 4 to 10 Dioclesian presenting the primitiv persecutions The sixth declares a strange shaking of Heaven and Earth signifying the change or conversion of Heathen Rome by Constantin But before the seventh care is had for the Church to seal a company of one hundred forty four thousand viz. of every Tribe twelv thousand In which type is an unusual reckoning yet such as best resembles the profession of tru Religion miraculously preserved in midst of the old and new Idolatry The twelv Apostles aptly answer Israels type the number twelv being the Ensign of Apostolic race which by multiplying sets forth their progeny Hereto is added by representation of innumerous Palmbearers a most ample state of every Nation People Tribe Toung which praised God The seventh seal contains seven Angels with seven Trumpets Rev. 〈◊〉 7. to 12. sounding alarm to the Empires ruin by sevenfold plagues the four first of less extent The first wasts the Empires terraetenures by terrible incursions of north Nations like hail mixd with blood and fire who destroied a third part of al green things the Empire swaying a third part of the known World which began at Theodosius death by Alaric Rhadagaso and others A C 395. A 410. A 455. A 476. A ●42 The next assails the very Empire expressed by the Sea when Al●●ic sacked Rome After which it daily declined til Gensericus took it and then began the ten Kingdoms The third casts down the Western Caesar omniously named Augustulus who being a baleful bitter Prince is resembled to a Star caled Wormwood The fourth bereavs the light and lustre of Roman Majesty with a third part of Sun Moon and Stars which shone bright before under Ostrogoth Kings when Romes Consulship with al Pomp of other Officers c●ased Then folow three Wo Trumpets the fifth being the first of Rev. 9 per totum Wo sends hostil bands of Arabians Sarrasens likened to Locusts who not only spoiled the soil from A. 830. to 980. 150. yeers or 5. annal Months but poisoned Mens Souls with Mahometism like the venom of Scropions having a King cald in Hebrew Abaddon in Greec Apollyon destroier The sixth or secund Wo Trumpet looseth four Angels before bound at the River Euphrates being the Turcs four Sultanies as they were long so divided til Ottoman united them into his Monarchy This is to be accomplished in a Prophetic Day Month and Yeer viz. 396. yeers from A. 1051. when Tangrolipix took Bagdet til Mahomet 2. surprised Constantinople slaying a third part of Men A. 1453. Their number of Horses is computed two hundred thousand Rev. 10 〈◊〉 to 11. thousand their Ordnance Powder and Munition explicated by smoke fire and brimstone then invented The seventh or third Wo Trumpet is suspended til the litle Books Prophecy which contains the Churches destiny and John bid to eat it which was sweet in mouth but bitter in belly who is commanded to prophecy again before many People Nations Toungs and Kings This comprehends the consummation of Gods mystery the event wherof is declared by a mighty Angels Oath at whos loud cry seven Thunders uttred their Voices which John is forbid to write and bid to seal up The measured Court displais the primitiv Churches state conformed Rev. 11. 2. to 13. to Gods Word contrary wherto is the Court not to be measured being not his operature but to be prophaned by renewed Idolatry or Antichristian Apostasy which shal reign forty two Annal months During this space two Witnesses clad in sackcloth testify Gods truth and exhort to repent 1260. dais or yeers equivalent to forty two months of prophanation Thes denounce Gods Judgments which begin at pouring out the Phials and debarring the Idolaters from hope of eternal life Their fate is after finishing their testimony to suffer semblably with Christ as the Roman sevenhead Beast shal inflict on them Thes must dy mysticaly lying unburied three dais and half but then shal be restored to pristin place or eminenter estate and dignity Upon a Commotion or change of Politic affairs the City Rome being but a tenth part of what it was shal be overthrown at fifth Phial and seven thousand Men of mark and name the Clergies or Companies of Men slain This is the end of the sixth Trumpet when Kings of the East the Jews shal erect a new Kingdom and the two hornd Beast the Papal Clergy with Antichrist the fals Prophet the Pope driven from Rome before the great battle The Vision of the open Book goes through the whol cours 2 Part. of Revelation to shew its connexion with Seals and Trumpets Rev. 12. per 〈◊〉 after which insu many great mysteries The Roman Empire worshiping the Dragon or Devil persecuts Gods Church represented by a Woman in travel of mystical Christ 300. yeers but when Constantin cast him from the Throne he and his Successors enjoied it which chance or change contemporizeth with the sixth Seal The Woman being delivered of a Son dwels in the Desart forty two months or a time times and half or one thousand two hundred sixty dais typifying the Churches middle condition as being freed from Pagan persecution yet stil tossed with a flood of errors and Heresies cast from the Dragons mouth A new tragedy of troubles pursues hir who lighted on two Rev. 13 per 〈◊〉 Beasts at entring the Desarts porch one tenhornd rising from the Sea viz. the secular Empire shared into ten Kingdoms another two hornd coming out of the Earth which is the Ecclesiastic State or Pope and his Clergy Both reign with neer alliance together under the seventh Head of the old Beast exercising the Dragons
were ordeined Bishops Presbyters and Deacons as is evident in the new Testament The next succession is cleer by testimony of Clement and other Apostilic Men beyond exception or evasion al which entring by the Dore are as tru Shepherds Stewards Fathers Rulers and Watchmen over the Flock being caled the Light of the World Salt of the Earth Fishers of Men Stars in his right hand Angels of the Churches c. who are charged to Preach the Word in season and out to feed Lambs to care for the Flock to fulfil their Ministry to exhort command and Rebuk with al Authority to whom Christ gav many peculiar privileges and promises of special assistance Hence 't is cleer as the Noonday that som not al and thos ordeined not voluntiers are sent successivly by Christs authority to doo the work of the Ministry which dreadful imploiment injoined with a bitter Wo if neglected the very Angels wil not undergo unles sent nor then without horror much less should sinful Men to whom a duple Wo is du desperatly dare to intrud being unsent uncaled unordeined and unfurnished which is proud presumption As then som are duly invested with Ministerial power and strictly injoined to use it for the Churches good so al others not impowered tho never so wel gifted are flatly forbid to usurp that sacred Office or confer what they never received on others which neither Melchisedec Moses Aaron Samuel nor any of the Prophets no nor Christ John Baptist the Apostles Evangelists or any tru Bishops and Presbyters ever durst to arrogat without divine mission or commission mediatly or immediatly derived from Christ This Ministerial Ordination hath continued abov sixteen Centuries by lawful succession even to wonder amidst al Persecutions Confusions and changes of Human affairs For Christ promiseth to be with his Church and Ministers to the Worlds end and Hel●gates shal not prevail against them This laying on of Hebr 6. 1 3. Hands in Ordination is reckoned among the fundamental Principles of Religion joyned with Faith Repentance Baptism Resurrection and last Judgment nor can Confirmation be duly doon to the Baptised and Catechised sav by such as are ordeined therto which to gainsay is as if Men should reject thos other grand Articles forecited Surely al divine Ministrations of Preaching Celebrating the Sacraments and other Ordinances necessary to the being so wel as wel being of a Church had ceased long since if God had assigned no peculiar Men to hold forth the great Salvation which leavs Men excuseless sith they are taught by such as hav special Characters or Letters of Credence from Christ if they wil not hear Moses and the Prophets or Men sent by him whom wil they beleev Ther be four sorts of Laborers in Gods harvest som sent by him soly as Moses most Prophets the twelv Apostles St. Paul som by Gods assignation but Mans Ordination as Aaron Josua Elisha Timothy som by Ordination of the Church yet of Christs institution as al Evangelical Ministers duly ordered som not sent by God or Man but run or rush in of themselfs as fals Prophets Deceivers Intruders Sectists and al Satans Disciples who boast of extraordinary Enthusiasm as Angels of light saying Thus saith the Lord When he never sent nor spak by them For no Beleever though indued with great Gifts and Graces as St. Ambros had before he becam Bishop ought to assum Ministerial power for then every Christian of both Sexes as ther be sundry She-Preachers which pretend to the Spirit in thes licentious times may claim the Keis to themselfs and dispens Holy things to others or rule Christs Houshold in his stead which repugns common Reason as if every domestic Servant or Scullion should chalenge the Stewards place or every Member arrogat the office of Eys Toung or Hands becaus they belong to the same Soul Body and Head Sith then no Natural Moral or Religious gifts or abilities can instate any to be a Magistrat Judg Ambassador or public Officer unles he be invested by the Fountain of Civil power So ther should be a right derivation of Spiritual Power from Christ Jesus as Head either immediatly as the Apostles had or mediatly as Bishops and Presbyters since who without fraud force or unjust Usurpation received it from the Apostles by Praier Benediction and imposition of Hands in Christs name Which pregnant truth morosely to deny is as if an Hog should answer al Arguments with grunting Yea to act against so strong a stream of authority befits only Ranters Seekers Shakers and Enthusiasts or Jews Turcs and Infidels but not sober Christians or Members of the Church which ever enjoyed a tru succession of ordeined Ministry wherby the Gospels light is continued to this day amidst al Pagan persecutions Heresical confusions and Schismatical Fractions bent to undermine it Al Nations by Natures lore owned som Deity and had peculiar Persons to execut Religious Rites nor did ever any sober Men reject Gods service for Ministers faults frailties or infirmities For a Divine must be distinguish'd from the Man sith Gods power works with human weaknes nor need we be more nice or nauseous Lastly ther is a necessity of ordeined Ministry sith none of free accord wil undergo so hard and hazardous a task in times of primitiv Persecutions to hold forth the doctrin of a crucified Saviour as al carnal Men deemed it unles they had the duty of divine caling laid on their Consciences Yet however in the Gospels Halcyon serenity many new Teachers out of avarice or popular ambition rush rashly upon it which the best Men durst not weild without weeping as St. Austin did when he was made Presbyter and trembling thos rigid storms of yore would hav quenched the now so forward flashes of thes Sparks when to be a Prelat or Presbyter was to expose themselfs to fire and fagot wild Beasts jaws and a thousand tortures So unles divine authority had imposed and special Grace assisted together with promises of eternal Glory doubtles the glorious Gospel of salvation had yet this time bin buried in oblivion fith none had heard or beleeved that report if none had dared to preach or publish it as Men sent and ordeined did Nor would any els be so fool hardy to hazard al worldly interests honor estate liberty life on such an uncouth unwelcom unsafe message unles they had bin conscious of a special duty laid on them by divine authority derived in that solen sacred Ordination of Ministry Whence St. Paul denounced a Wo to himself if he preached not the Gospel For every one that can handle the Hod Hammer or Trowel is not instantly an Architect Nor can every gifted Man supply the place of such a Workman as hath both Materials Tools Art and Approbation Ther is great ods betwen plausible cunning to draw Disciples and sincere conscience to make folowers of Christ betwen intruding popular Masters and tru ordeined Ministers betwixt clambring over the wal like Robbers or Plunderers and
entring at dore as tru Shepherds of the Flock or owners of the Family betwen conterfet Cranks and approved Ambassadors of Christ For the Gospel Ministry is a dreadful imployment to discharge it duly which requires peculiar Workmen fit for so high a Function nor is it less weighty now then of old When Ministers must contend with blunt rusticity bold barbarity Schismatical curiosity fantastical novity Heretical subtlety disguised Hypocrisy superstitious vanity Factions fury politic prophanenes and al sorts of spiritual wickednes Nothing old can pleas though never so tru nor new com amiss though never so fals a new Church way new fangled Ministry new ordered Sacraments new sensed Scriptures and what not Every one sings In nova fert animus With such proud silly scornful Sophisters who need Teachers yet dare to teach must Ministers incounter who cast off al Church Order and Government so 't is most requisit to keep such unruly Buls of Basan under Rashnes is no part of Fortitud nor confidence a character of courage nor Confusion any ingredient of Charity nor Faction a support of Faith nor disorderly walking fit fuel of holy flames Psal 122. 3. in Christians hearts For the Church is compared to a City at unity in it self and to an Army with Banners which holy allusions Cant 6. 3. argu that ther is to be exact government in al affairs but the enemies of reformed Ministry who affect subtleties more then solidities becom Ministers Rivals from whom they had thos pretended Gifts and like Balaams Beast presume to teach their Masters trampling their feeders under feet but such Sectists or Seducers make Ministers most necessary to oppose their fury repel their folly and reform novity which els like wild Bores would destroy the Lords Vineyard if thes faithful Watchmen did not prevent them Thus much in general of the whol Ministry now more neerly concerning Episcopacy which is assaulted at first entry Ob. If it be granted to be of divine Apostolic Institution at first yet it hath since declined into Antichristian Apostacy under Popish Primacy being linealy derived from it Ergo both Bishops and Ministers like links of one chain or branches of the same Tree are to be lopped off Sol. Indeed Bishops hav constantly and continualy ordeined Ministers ful 1600 yeers but Popes of Rome usurped Antichristian Supremacy in the West as they would over the whol world if they could catch it about 1050 yeers yet al sacred Ordinances used or abused by them must not be abandoned as Antichristian for then we may seek new Scriptures Creed and Sacraments with another Gospel and Messias so wel as Bishops and Ministers sith al thes hav been defiled by their depraved doctrins and superstitions Nor was the Church Catholic against which Hel-gates shal never prevail to blot out Christs name wholy ruined by Antichristian superstructures that the main fabric must be puld down and made Nehustan instead of repairing or restoring it to pristin purity For so Christ reduced divine worship to his own Hous when avarice had made it a Den of Theefs Nor did the Jews Priesthood ceas for the Priests enormities Nor the dialectic teaching part fal from Moses Chair though the Scribes and Pharisees fat therin teaching Mens traditions Nor doo the Sacraments or Evangelic Ordinances fail by any Papal alterations or additions Hence al Godly Reformers specialy in England were content to cast out al corrupt doctrins vain customs impure mixtures and superstitious vanities which Papal novity had built on the foundations of Christian Religion laid by the antient Architects al over the World reserving the Scripture Canon with al sound Doctrin holy Disciplin Sacramental seals and other duties of Praier fasting c. according to the cleer sens of Gods Word and practis of primitiv Churches yet were they not so silly or giddy to reject al which the Popish party received or retained but only refined gold from dross the pure from vile which they had from Christian Predecessors Martyrs and Confessors in that once famous Roman Church by du succession though since much degenerated No Christian in his right wits whos Conscience is guided by science and zele tempred with Charity wil or should reced from them farther then he finds them to deviat from the rule of Faith held forth by Apostolic Precepts and primitiv Precedents But in matters of extern prudential order every Church hath like liberty to use or refuse such Ceremonies as ech thinks fit In som points we may convers with them as simply Men in som imitat them as Secular or Ecclesiastic Rulers in many join with them so far forth as they hold the truths of Religion and Fundamentals of Faith But their misexpositions of Scripture with al Antichristian additionals we utterly detest disclaim and disavow For instances We celebrat the Lords supper with the same Lords Supper Elements but renounce that sens of Christs words on which they rais the new doctrin of Transubstantiation sith 't is contrary to Gods providence both in Natural and Spiritual things which change not the substance but only the relation or use from Natural to Mystical contrary to Scripture phrase in like expressions wher things related by religious Institutions are mutualy denomined without essential changes contrary to common Reason and four of fiv Senses testimony which are the proper Judges of sensible objects contrary to Christs way S●ght Smel Taft Touch. or end of strengthning a Receivers Faith which is not doon by what is harder to be beleeved then the whol Gospel mystery beside for nothing is less credible then that Christ sitting at Table gav his own very visible Body to be eaten by his Disciples and al Communicants after when as he stil sits as Man at his Fathers right hand in Heaven Thes with like fancies ful of absurdities and consequential Idolatry of Bread-worship and sacrilegious detaining the Cup from Laics contrary to Christs express Drink ye al of this words and primitiv Churches practis for many ages we flatly abjure or abandon yet receiv it with the same pious veneration of purest Antiquity but doo not determin the maner of that mysterious Union endevoring for the Graces which may make us worthy partakers when we receiv that dreadful yet most desirable seal of our Faith not by eating his flesh grosly with our mouths but by receiving him spiritualy into our Souls Yet by the same Faith we realy partake his merit death body and blood to eternal life before we receiv him by the said Sacrament yea though we should never hav oportunity so to doo which yet we may not neglect sith 't is the same object received by the same Instrument to the same end but in different degree and way yet the same Saviour of the World For Baptism we retain the words and form but discard the Baptism superfluous superstitious dresses Salt Oil Spittle Insufflation which deform that duty though not destroy it nor doo rebaptise thos baptised by them Semblably
we hold the Scriptures Scripture tru Canon as Oracles of God delivered by divine inspiration according to the tru testimony of the old Jewish and later Christian Church but cashire som Apocryphal Additions of the Romists and Remists from being Rules of Faith yet allow most of them as useful morals for instruction of life In privat Praiers and public Liturgies Papists use the Latin language Public Praies under pretext of uniformity with many vain Tautologies which we dislike but approv the holy custom of public Assemblies to worship God by Praiers and Praises in the Mother Toung as St. Paul commends and commands In som particulars we dissent both in judgment and practis Other Poin●● as in their profitable Purgatory popular Image-worship Orisons and Oblations for the dead Invocations of Saints and Angels Auricular Confession works of Supererogation Indulgences and al such bran brought in by avarice and ambition being but Human superstructures not warranted by the Word nor confirmed by general consent Precept or practis of al Churches Touching the Popes claim of universal Supremacy Infallibility Papal Primacy and Superiority over al Churches and Councils we flatly forbid the Banes as unjust Usurpations got by Princes favors or Popes fraud flattery power and policy yet grant a Priority of place as Peter had among the Apostles either in his Roman Dioces as Bishop or in Councils as Bishop of that antient imperial Metropolis as other Patriarchs Primats and Prelats hav precedence by antiquity of their several Sees For the sacred Function of Ministry we hold the antient form Ministry derived from the Apostles to Bishops and Presbyters to preach the Word celebrat Sacraments reconcile Penitents anathematise Delinquents use the Keis in Jurisdiction or Government excluding al others from thes duties as impudent Intruders who are no● ordeined by just Cōmission We renounce al imaginary power or Wil-worship annexed to the Office by Human superstition with al spurious spawns of Mens inventions Scriptureless Opinions and groundless Traditions dashing thos Babylonish Brats against the stones yet stil foster the Sons of Sion or Israel of God in al divine Institutions which were long led Captiv and laid in Antichrists Dungeon within the Wals or Suburbs of Babylon In a word we hold the tru Faith holy Mysteries Catholic Orders constant Ministry and commendable Customs continued in that Church nor doo deem it a matter of Conscience or Prudence to debar any thing divine though delivered by Mens impure hands For divine Ordinances are incorruptible nor can pollution of Mens Minds or maners defile them no more then putrefaction pollut the Sun when it shines on Carrion we may be corrupted but holy Ordinances like God are stil the same when restored to primitiv purity We must not cast away Gods provision though sent by Ravens nor abandon al Romish Tenets of saving Truth though Trent Council anathematised som Truths Popes were ever too wary to abject or abrogat tru Religions Essentials Scripture Sacraments Ministry Church Polity on which the overgrown structures of Pontifician pomp pride profit power and policy through Peoples credulity are raised or sustained Nor can ought conduce more to their content then that rash Reformers should reject al Rites of Religion retained by them They know how meager a Sceleton or meer shadow it wil shew both for Doctrin Disciplin Duties and maners if fanatic Reformers reject al Principles as Popish Or if som Mens rapacious avarice may prevail to bereav Ministers maintenance leaving them nothing to liv on but bare scraps of arbitrary grudging contributions Certes Church-reformation is to be carried with al accurat rigour in cleer points of saving Truths but with much eandor charity and circumspection toward Christians in other things wherin we differ or dissent 'T is a laudable Schism to separat gold from dross not retaining both in confusion nor rejecting both in passion wherby they shal not only reform abuses but invite Men to embrace or approv our wel tempered zele making them see their own defects or deformity For Reformation is best doon not by cutting off Religions head but by taking off the Visors which hide its beauty sith Men wil best see their errors not by tearing out their eyes but by fairly removing the films or beams of prejudice and pertinacy which obvele or hinder their sight By this shield of moderat charity proving al things and holding what is good we justly defend al Reformed Churches from the sin and scandal of Schism when we truly declare to separat no farther from them then we are perswaded they hav swerved from Christ and the Catholic Church We are bid to com out of Babylon but not to run out of our wits to act as Gods People with meeknes and charity not with firy fiercenes and cruelty like sons of Belial running from one Antichrist to another For Papists hav much of Antichrist in som kinds and so may many mo in others either by innovations confusions or chiefly uncharitablenes For if nothing savours more of Christ then Charity nothing hath less of Christ then the contrary which many Men mistaking for zele nourish a Cockatrice for a Dov and a Serpent for a Phaenix This freeth us from the brand of Schismatics such as the Novatians and Donatists were like our modern Sectists who so claimed to be a tru Church as to exclud al others from communion or accord Som cry out upon Papists cruelty which hath bin too barbarous yet they use more both against them and their Brethren longing for such a Kingdom of Christ as shal consist in War Blood and Massacres against al except thos of their own side or Sect. We may not imput the errors or enormities of every Popish Doctor to al that Profession nor take them at the worst sith ther is much difference betwen their public disputs and privat practises nor are their death-bed Tenets alwais conform to their Chairs or Pulpits Yea many are much more modest and moderat then hertofore wherin we ought to rejoice But for the People most are ignorant of thos Disputs wherin to er wilfully is dangerous which if they hold being so taught yet 't is under perswation or lov of Truth retaining the foundation of Christ crucified and expecting salvation by his sole merits of whom we should judg charitably that God in Mercy accepting their lov to truth which they know wil pardon particular errors which they know not to be such judg as you wil be judged We are loth or should be to differ from any Christians unles Conscience tels they are in evident error who like not Faction nor delight in separation nor hold any bloody Tenets against thos of advers Opinion but wish like charity from them that we may be al united to Christ and his Church Tru Reformation is but a return to Gods way by retaining such Principles as pertain to al Beleevers for we may use the Temples holy Vessels if restored from prophane hands of quaffing
Balthasaer being stil pure silver So our Ministry is Ez●a 7. 〈◊〉 non 〈◊〉 Ministe i●m holy and divine if refined from superstition as al other Ordinances are though derived through corrupt chanels of the Romish Church Hence our Reformers did not dig new Wels of Ministerial Ordination as Papists falsly aspers which Mr. Mason refuts but purified the puddle water according to Apostolic Institution not requiring more of any ordeined in the Church of Rome then to renounce their superstitious errors Which doon they were admitted to exercise the Ministry received both truly as to the substance and duly to succession without reordination For though that Sword had contracted Rev. 2. 12. rust yet was it the same with two edges which cam out of Jesus Christs mouth nor may it be broken or cast off becaus rusty but cleered clensed furbished from dulnes or bluntnes Ministers may stil continu Gods Laborers though Loiterers Mat. 26 40. as Christ owned his Disciples when they could not wake or watch one hour in his heavy horrid agony Our Antiministerial Antagonists hav less color to argu it Antichristian from Papal usurpation then ther is Reason Scripture and Experience beside common consent of al Reformed Churches to prov it Authentic For if envy teen and avarice did not blind their bloodshot eys they might cleerly see som mighty works wrought on Mens Souls by the Ministry without which thos cavilling calumniators had not bin so much Christian as they boast to be nor so able to contend with specious shews of Piety against the learned Ministry with whos Heifers they plough having nothing but what they received from them and are most ingrat wretches to their pristin Teachers We know that many Churches beside Reformed Gallican Popes Primacy began A 604. Venetian Grecian Russian Asian African deny the Popes universal Primacy of power being bought by proud Boniface 3. of proditorious Phocas the Parricid abov 1000 yeers ago who by Divine Right had no Jurisdiction farther then his own Dioces or Patriarchat limited by general Councils wher four other Patriarchs of Jerusalem Antioch Alexandria Constantinople had equal authority assigned in their several Precincts or Provinces as al know This Antichristian arrogation which gav first hint of revolt to Henry 8. our Bishops and Ministers stil abhorred so much as their Adversaries doo the Genevan Presbytery But it may be feared lest their preposterous zele or prepensed malice may prov the Popes best Engin if they can so far prevail to cashire al learned laborious duly ordeined Ministers which God forbid For then our Church wil becom a falow unfenced Feild fit for Papal subtlety which he wil Plough with an Ox and Ass co●yoked politic Jesuits with fanatic Donatists Seminary Priests with gifted Brethren Friers mendicant with Prophets predicant who condog or comply in consortship under divers disguises as is wel known So that no wise Men judg otherwise of this conjuncture but that Jacobs hand is in the py and Ahitophel assistant in counsil with Absolon whos sly plots and practises against tru Ministry good Lord confound Reformations may bend so far on one hand til they meet on the other forsaking that rectitud of the mean in which the truth and honor of Religion consists Antichrist which som fear in name and in others more then in the thing or themselfs is at both ends of extrems of Prophanes defect and confusion on one side and excess of superstition on the other Every Man may suspect Antichrist in his own bosom sith the Kingdom of Christ and Antichrist is specialy within us but 't is better for the Church to retain what is Christs though in common with Antichrist then passionatly to cast off al under color of detesting him sith Men may fal into sacrilege which is too frequent while they seem to abhor Idols 'T is the same evil Spirit which rents the Church by Schisms and that which casts into the fire of persecution and water of superstition But as the Spirit of Idolatry may be cast out for a fit so he may soon return with seven Devils wors then himself Papal darknes and Mat. 12. 4● Human eclipsings are no warrant to extinguish the light of tru Ministry set up by Christ Nor can Men pleasure Satan more then to put out the Churches Candles instead of snuffing them but som hate our Ministry not for lighting their Lamps at the Popes Taper but for out-shining their dimnes for 't is madnes to cut their Fathers throats becaus they were once sick or descended from diseased Parents if they are becom in sound perfect health Vulgar Spirits are uncouth Reformers who beat down or break in pieces with Axes and Hammers having no Chissels or finer tools to clens and polish as som pul down Crosses to set up Weather-coeks and batter Church windows becaus painted in time of Popery Mans usurpation cannot prejudice Gods dominion nor Human traditions or additions vacat divine Commands nor Antichrists superstitions cancel Christs Institutions nor the heady intrusion of som on Churches rights caus Christians to remov the antient Land-marks of tru Ministry du order and good Government fixed by Christ 'T is much more madnes to abolish the use of holy things then to lerat som abuses with it but right reforming is a staid sober restauration of antient venerable sorms which is never wel handled unless Men hav honest hearts good heads pure hands and cleer eys to discern direct and dispose it but when al meet they wil seriously sincerely and succesfully doo the work of Christ and his Church Christians hav no caus in Reason or Religion to reject our reformed Ministry for any succession from relation to or communion with the Roman Church or Clergy no more then the Objectors hav to pul out their eys becaus Papists see with theirs or destroy themselfs becaus issued from Popish Parents or Progenitors For we may so wel refuse al Leagues Treaties or common Commerce with them as al Rites of Christianity and even that as lawful Ministry or holy succession originaly derived from Christ and his Apostles So far of Ministry in general now of Episcopacy Ob. Som at first brunt oppose that our Ministry being conveied Epict●pacy by the hands of Bishops who are not of Christs planting and now supplanted by power the whol order as slips or branches of one stem or stock must needs fal or fail together with the trunck of the Tree Ergo both to be annulled Sol. Lo how thes Antiministerials cudgel Presbyters with the same staf which som of them put into Vulgar hands to beat their Reverend Fathers and banish Episcopat but what ever thos rigid Reformists secret or sinister intentions were surely they wanted the Serpents wisdom to sav the main Head whence life motion and direction descends to al parts wherby the lesser hurts or bruises might easily be recured For the envious and ambitious zele of such Antiprelatical Spirits aspiring to step up into their steads
Christians Faith beside the exercise of wholsom Disciplin committed to the Churches chief Pastors and Rulers 3. It givs persons rightly Ordeined a real power derived from Christ which Mat. 28 20. 1 Tim. 5. 22. 2 Tim. 2. 2. none hath of himself as St. Paul bid Timothy lay hands suddenly on none but commit the things he had heard of him to faithful Men who shal be able to teach others also viz. by perpetual succession and public Commission 4. It binds the party Ordeined more strictly to discharge his duty by study praier conference meditation to keep and improv thos gifts or Graces for Gods glory and the Churches good 5. It givs tru Ministers comfort courage and confidence as sacred unction did to the Prophets and Christs solen Commission to the Apostles to preach not as popular Scribes or precarious Pharisees but as St. John Evangelist authorised by Christ whos Ministry like John Baptists was not of Men though transmitted by Men but from Heaven wherby they can rebuk with authority and doo al duties of their Ministry With this confident conscience they can speak boldly in the Lords name not fearing Mens faces no nor the force or fury of Devils nor wil forsake their Flocks when Wolfs com as Hirelings and Self-Intruders doo but in times of public persecution chus rather to be exemples of cheerful suffering in expectance of Christs promised assistance and reward 5. It conservs order and decorum in the Church fortifying their function with du respect or regard so that neither Person nor Office is easily despised when divine Ordination is duly performed For it conciliats much lov aw and reverence from al tru Christians raising a just vencration to duties rightly celebrated by thos of whom Christ saith He that receiveth you Mat. 10. 40. receiveth me and who so despiseth you despiseth me and him that sent me This makes them esteemed as Prophets Apostles or Angels sent of God yea Christ resents their injuries as his own and the very dust of their feet becoms a dreadful Witnes against proud contemners who deeming them to be but of civil courtesy make no bones to degrade them that they may prefer a rabble of their own Parasitical Preachers before any of Christs sending or the Churches ordeining Such are fittest for their sinister end● who wil act in a levelled way by the same insolent irreverent spirit of popularity which is most prevalent with the Enimies of Ministerial power and Ordination The Devil is best pleased with such pragmatic Preachers who doo Satans work under our Saviours livery which is to extirpat tru Ministry and al conscience of Religion that so having by thes Nimrods hunted out the race of antient holy Order and Succession he may erect a Babel of Confusion 7. It givs great satisfaction to al tru Beleevers in point of duty discharged and comfort obtained by holy Ministration when they are assured of the Ministers mission and officiating in Christs name which none can pretend to without a ly sav thos rightly ordeined but other impudent intruders hav no plea from Scripture or Church custom to justify their acts or perswad sober Christians to regard them The old Greec Liturgies praied at Ordination of Bishops and Presbyters that God would bestow on them such Gifts as the holy Ministry might be unblamed and unblemished for the Peoples comfort St. Paul asks How shal they Preach unles they be sent Which Rom. 4. 10 implies that none can cheerfully or comfortably doo it without du divine mission No Churches or Christians were ever eminent for sound knowledg Orthodox truth or holy Life except wher tru Ministry by right Ordination was countenanced and continued for the more defectiv or neglectiv they are therin the more overgrown they are with ignorance error Schism novity and licentiousnes when Men make themselfs or others Ministers in new waies To sum up al right Ordination confers no intern inherent Summary Grace or sanctity for Judas was an Apostle and Demas a Disciple yet both dissemblers but only outward gifts fit for that function to discern or distinguish them from common Christians having al their efficacy or authority from the first Fountain in the same way of subordinat succession which Christ prescribed the Apostles performed and al Churches practised nor can any Upstarts or Pretenders to new Lights claim the power of Ministry without du Ordination in the old way to which no Mans ostentation of Gifts or admiration of Auditors can contribut ought to eithers comfort but much to the sin and shame of both as perverters of Christs Ordinance and perturbers of public Peace Yet every ordeined Man in a meer outward form is not a tru worthy Minister for ther may be Hypocrits as Magus was who hav no real abilities nor honest purposes but aim only at base advantages as Intruders also doo The Ordeiners too may be deceived in judgment of charity or corrupted by human frailty which folows al Flesh more or less to pervert this holy Institution sith nothing is free from abuse but they can hav no comfort in that sacred caling unles they discharge their duty with honest hearts to Gods glory and salvation of Mens souls for unworthy Ministers unduly Ordered are like Ships slightly builded which caus their own loss and al that sail in them so disorders in ordeining are a great detriment or disparagement to Religion as unskilful cowardly Officers are in Armies Such Laics as in brutish violence or popular insolence arrogat undu power or abrogat wher 't is du commit more hainous sin then Simon Magus who modestly offered Mony for a part of Ministerial power but to wrest the Keis of Gods hous from his ●●u Stewards to whom the chief Master committed them which Magus never essaied to doo is Cyclopic fury and Geti● barbarity much more to transmit them unto Bois Lacquies Me●hanics or base Buzzards who not conscious of any just Ministerial power can make no conscience to doo that duty being most unfit for it tho they presum to Preach and ordein whom they pleas both being fitter for Stocks and Prisons then to feed Flocks or frequent Pulpits Thus far Dr. Gauden but far more copiously and curiously in his learned lucubrations worthy of most piercing perusal wherof the quintessence only is here briefly presented For upshot It appeers that Episcopat was instituted by Conclusion Christ Analogicaly in his Apostles but apertly by them in such as they appointed to succed with precise rules of Ordination and jurisdiction over Presbyters and People committed to their charge which primitiv patern the Catholic Church through al ages in al places perpetualy prosecuted or practised til thes last worst times but single Presbytery and Lay-Elders specialy without any Bishop in chief is a lat devise set up for a shift in case of necessity as som of the Authors and Fautors acknowledg wishing they were so happy to hav Protestant Prelats as England injoyed about 100. yeers together
Throne saying it is doon so he that sat beholding new Jerusalem descend from Heaven said to John Lo I make al Rev. 21 5 6. things new it is doon I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and end Ergo new Jerusalem begins at the Phials last term It is doon when the whore was dispatched and so symbolizeth with that time which ins●eth the Beasts perdition For one of the Phial Angels shewd John the whores condemnation while the Rev. 17. Phials were pouring out and one at least behind which Angel shewed him the great City holy Jerusalem or Lambs Bride descending from God when it becam glorious the Phials being ended and Beast with Babylon destroied Ergo it began with the seventh trumpet 6 The numberless multitud of al Nations Kinreds People and Toungs bearing triumphant Palms who are Citizens of new Rev 7 9. 16. 17 Jerusalem that shal hunger or thirst no more for the Lamb shal lead them to living Fountains of water and God shal wipe al tears from their eys concur with the seventh trumpet or space of time from the Beasts destruction Thes are his several sorts of Synchronicisms which I hav put in so plain English as my smal skil in such sublime speculations can perform wherto heads this brief period or perclose After Christs thousand yeers reign and Satans condemnation 〈◊〉 to eternal fire folows the general Resurrection and final Judgment After new Jerusalem folows Paradise with the tree of Life in midst like Eden having a River on ech side Rev 20. 11 12 13. 14. Rev. 22. 12 of the street which is the worlds consummation and conclusion of this Revelation when God wil giv every Man as his work shal be Such a Key of Synchronicisms or Apocalyptic compass wil open al the hid mysteries of this Book with which no part of the old Testament no not Daniels Visions or Vaticinations can compare for certainty or singular structure to find out the right interpretation by concent or harmony of times and concurrence of things Lord open every Mans ●ys that he may discern thy wondrous works of wisdom Commentarii Compendium The Brief of his Commentary NExt ensues his cu●ious Comment which contains two Comment principal parts 1 Of the seven Seals and seven Trumpets 2 Of the litle Book both being vastly tedious and imperspicuous but som sporadical excerptions shal be presented more plausible and perceptible craving pardon for not abbreviating al particular parcels He begins with the Apocalyptic Theater wher John behold Part 1. al as on a Stage which is that imperial Heavenly Session of God and the Church exactly framed after the form of old Israels incamping in the Wildernes both which he compares Rev 4. Numb 1. 52. at large wel worth perusal but too prolix to capitulat He omits the Vision of seven Asian Churches in the three first chapters and parts the rest into two Prophecies 1. Of the Seals which comprehends the Empires destinies 2. Of the litle Book which concerns the Church or Christian Religion til in fine both be united in the Church and this Worlds Kingdoms Rev. 11. 15. becom the Lords Kingdoms and his Christs The scope of the sealed Book is to shew the distances of insuing times distinguished by characters of events in what order of changes and chances the Roman Empire running on Christ should vanquish the Gods of this World with whom he waged war Rev. 5. who must reign til he hath put al Enemies underfeet viz. al terren power and authority as St. Paul expounds The first 1 Cor. 15. 24. 25. six Seals distinguish divers different times of the Empire then florishing til Christ shal suppress the Heathen Gods or Idols in al thos dominions The first shews the origin of Christs victory when 1 Seal Rev. 4 7. the fals Gods fel and the worshipers being pierced with the Gospels arrows submitted to Christ the conqueror who hath not yet fully overcom but laid a fair foundation of Victory to be gradualy finished The discloser of this Seal is The first Beast like a Lion shewing one on a whit Rev 6. 1. 2. Hors with a Bow and Crown given him this is Christ or som Emperor haply Vespasian by whos conduct the war is waged and victory won as the folowing Seals are disposed or directed by Emperors The secund shews murders and intestin slaughters which 2 Seal the next Beast like a Bullock discloseth by One riding on a red Hors with a great Sword which was Trajan a mighty warrier born in Spain who made the third bloody primitiv persecution and the Jews raised fierce wars in Lybia beside many momutinies in most parts of the Empire The third shews a voice saying A measure of Wheat for a 3 Seal Rev. 6. 5. 6. penny and three of Barly for a penny see thou hurt not the Oil and Wine by which most Men deem dearth and famin to be meant yet he rather resembles it to the severe justice then executed The discloser is The third Beast with a Mans face by one on A black Hors with a pair of Ballances in his hand which is Septimius Severus an African in whos reign was no noted famin but famous justice wherof the Ballance is an Emblem The pricing of Victuals seems to sound thus take not Wheat or Barly from any til du price be paid and keep the like law in Oil and Wine that is defraud none nor steal or purloin for this Septimius and Alexander Severus both of one name shortly succeding were most strict justiciars denoted in this third Seal See Aurelius of the first and Lampridius of the last The fourth shews Killing with the Sword Hunger Pestilence 4. Seal Rev. 6. 7. 8. and Beasts of the Earth whos discloser is The fourth Beast in shape of an Eagle presenting one whos name was Death and Hel folowed who rode on a pale Hors having power over a fourth part of the Earth This is Maximinus a big barbarous Bubulc born in Thracia under whom the Sword raged every wher For in this Seals compas of thirty three yeers ten lawful Caesars wherof Maximin one were slain by the Souldiers besides thirty usurpers as Orosius tels wherof Galienus the last exceded al the rest far in savage ferity as Trebellius Pollio informs In the same age also the pestilence prevailed for fiften yeers over al the Empire as Zonaras testifies Lastly folowed famin in most ruful maner for al was wasted by thos wild Beasts and tillage abandoned so that a fourth part of the Earth or Empire perished The fift and sixt Seals hav● no Beast to usher them nor any 5 Seal sitting on Horses but must begin wher the chance of the Rev. 6. 9. 10. 11. foregoing Seal left viz. at Aurelians reign A. 268. when the fiften yeers pestilence ceased In which the Souls of them slain for Gods Word and Testimony which they held lay under the Altar crying aloud how
cleer'd wee see THESIS VII Christi regnum in terra Christs millenar reign THis is a very dubious dogmat or difficil debat raised Preamble in the Apostles dais which som Orthodox Fathers defended but others decried and detested the chief grounds wherof on both sides shal be sincerely delivered specialy from Rob Baily a Scot on the Negativ part and Joseph Mede a most learned Divine for the Affirmitiv Tros Tyriusque mihi nullo discrimino agetur Cerinthus a prime pestilent Heretic hatchd this Cockatrice Pedigree which Papias an Apostolic Man fostered and Justin Martyr much favored whos steps other primitiv Fathers specialy Lactantius mor or less folowed yet in after ages the Catholic Church and som Oecumenic Councils condemned it So it lay long buried in obscurity or oblivion til som late Anabaptists and Independents their Allies raked it out of grav Howbeit al Protestants rejected it since revicton til Alsted returning from Transylvania renewed som parts of this poison which Piscator a Man more heady and humorous then judicious swalowed but they disagree in divers points as Sectists use to doo Thes laid the foundation but Mr. Archer advanced the main fabric which Mr. Burroughs in his London Lectures on Hosea pressed as a most comfortable Article of Christian Religion to be instilled into the hearts of al tru Beleevers Sundry other Sectators published or proclamed it with Trumpets who like Presbyterians which wherever they find Elders named think it rings a peal for their motly Disciplin wrest the one thousand yeers mentioned by David Peter and John to Christs millenar reign in person on Earth before or at the general Judgment straining Scriptures to serv their turn Cerinthus to justify his invention fathered it on St. John as Fiction if Christ whispered it to his best beloved Disciple not to be divulged for an Apostolic Tradition nor is it probable that if John received it as a secret he would revele it to that vile Heretic whom he so hated that seing him com into a public Bath instantly left it bidding his Disciples com off lest the hous fal on them which befel accordingly on Cerinthus and his folowers with som others crushing them to death That John imparted it to him is a fond fiction but whether he delivers it in the Apocalyps a grand question The Chiliasts teach that Christ in his Human glory shal Positions com from Heaven into Palestin som say A. 1655. now at hand or 1695. at farthest wher the Jews from al parts shal resort to rebuild Jerusalem and folow him as the tru Messiah who is to reign with al his Martyrs and som select Saints raised from death one thousand yeers before the general Resurrection During which Millenium he shal go in person to subdu al stubborn Nations except a few lurking in corners Then shal the Church of convert Jews and Gentils liv peacably from any Enemy and free from sin without the Word Sacraments or other Ordinances in al Worldly delights eating drinking getting Children and enjoying al lawful pleasures til thos yeers expire at end wherof the Infidels remaining in numberless Troops shal besiege new Jerusalem but Christ with fire from Heaven shal destroy them al and immediatly descend to the last Judgment at general Resurrection of good and bad according to their works Master Burroughs in his Treatis Chap. 37. cald Moses choice speaks thus If the opinion be tru which I dare not deny of Christs coming to reign a thousand yeers on this Earth before the last Day ther are riches of glory prepared for the Saints here els cannot I expound many places of Scripture specialy Rev. 20. 5 6 7. The rest of the dead lived not again til the thousand yeers were finished which is the first Resurrection blessed and holy is he which hath part therin on such the secund death hath no power but they shal be Priests of God and of Christ to reign with him a thousand yeers this is usualy interpreted of rising from sin to Grace and reigning with Christ for ever in Heaven but cannot be the true meaning for this reign must be before the Judgment day sith Satan must Rev. 20. 7. be loosed at end of it O then the riches of glory which thos that suffer for Christ shal hav being to be raised and reign with Christ For 't is said I saw Thrones and they sat on them and Rev. 20. 4. Judgment was given to them and I saw the Souls of them that were beheaded for the witnes of Jesus and Word of God which had not worshiped the Beast nor his Image nor received his mark on their forheads or hands and they reigned with Christ a thousand yeers so the more any suffer for opposing Antichrist the more glory shal they have when Christ coms to reign on Earth for I am confident he shal reign personaly * Mar● tha● I wil not say in his flesh as others aver but spiritualy far more gloriously then he hath doon Thus he but more plainly in his Comment on Hosea yet he needs an Interpreter to shew how Christ can reign personaly if not in the flesh which is never separat from his person or how far more gloriously then yerst for he cam not first to reign Tho. Goodwin transcends the Talmudists that at Christs coming to reign the Lion shall feed with the Kid the Leopard and Lamb Serpent and Child shal so sympathize as not to hurt one another mans life shal be so long as an hundred yeers old shal seem a Babe with like fancies as fabulous Poets or Romanzers devise but L. 7. de divine praemio A model of the Millenium without divine warrant only they are taken from the smooth Pen-man Lactantius who being intoxicat with this conceipt thus descants The Son of God shal com to judg both quick and dead but when he hath abolished wickednes and restored the Saints to life he shal liv with men and rule them righteously a thousand yeers then those alife shal multiply infinit generations exceding Methuselahs age whos ofspring shal be holy and dear to God the rest to be raised shal rule over the living as Judges and al Gentils shal not be destroyed but som reserved to Gods victory that the just may triumphantly subdu them in perpetual servitud as the Israelits did the Gibeonits At that time the Prince of Devils Author of evil shal be bound in chains a thousand yeers when righteousnes shal reign that no hurt be perpetrated against Gods people the just shal be gathered from al the Earth and when judgment is ended the holy City shal be in midst of the Earth wher God shal abide with the reigning just then shal darknes be dispeld from the world and the Moon shal shine as the Sun never to be lessned but Sun seven fold brighter then now the Earth shal shew hir fecundity and bring forth fruit freely the Rocks and Mountains shal destil Hony Wine shall flow
prophaned or mispent in riotous revellings by wicked persons specialy sith 't is founded in honor Th●s three are 〈◊〉 of our Saviour and commemoration of his chief mercy 4. Whether an express warrant of Christs precept or his 4 〈◊〉 Apostles practise be necessarily required to ratify every Religious Rite of the Church Or whether late Reformists walk by that Rule of Scriptural authority in sanctifying arbitrary dai● of Thanksgiving and Hamiliation with many mo Ordinances Customs and Ceremonies which they use 5. What warrant is ther to annul the seventh day Sabbath 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or surrogat the Lords day in stead sav only that the Apostles somtimes meet on the first day to break Bread Yet the observation of this is no abolition of that specialy sith they stil frequented the Jews Synagogs on thos dais to convert them Or what for the Name sav that St. John saith He was in the Spirit at Patmos on the Lords day Yet is ther no irrefragable evidence that it was the first day O● what for Pedo B●p●s● exc●pt that the Apostles Baptised whol Families in which most probably not infallibly were som Infants The bare letter reacheth not so far to assert a precise precept or precedent for either but we rely on the Churches testimony tradition interpretation and authority for al three with many mo Why not then in this point of holy Fests instituted and i●tended soly to our Saviours honor and service wherin is no danger but much devotion and sanctity 6. Whether Quis requisivit who required it be rightly 6 Q●●●e applied to such cases specialy the three precited Or whether it may not be better retorted who requires thes irregular Fests and Fasts appointed by particular Churches or privat Congregations upon arbitrary wil-worship or ordinary occasions Hav not Church Governors so much power or authority as modern Innovators Consider that thos great Clercs had far cleerer judgments to discern truth then silly shalow Sciolists and know that in al matters or mysteries of Religion 't is safer to offend by way of piety humility and devotion then in proud self-lov contempt or despication To take a sober reckoning on the other side what warrant hav Ministers to examin Communicants before the Lords Supper and repel whom they l●st Christ at first institution whos patern they pretend to folow in al particles did not examin his Disciples nor bid them so to doo but admitted Judas to partake it at his own Luk. 22. 21. peril knowing him to be a Traitor and Reprobat St. Paul 1 Cor. 11. 28. exhorts every Man to examin himself and so eat of that Bread and drink of that Cup but neither he nor any of the rest practised examination of others so ther is no precept practise or precedent for this modern innovation Yes say they St. Peter bids al be ready alwaies to render a reason of the hope in 1 Pet. 3. 15 16. them with meeknes and fear Tru but speak sincerely is this given as a rule for Pastors to examin Communicants or rather for Al Christians to satisfy Infidels or others Read the next words having a good Conscience that wheras they speak evil of you as of il doers they may be ashamed that falsly accuse your good conversation in Christ Here is no cloke or color for examining Communicants therfore beware how ye wrest or wiredraw Scripture to serv turns Hos scrupulos solvas eris mihi magnus Apollo Cleer thes points and to me Great Phoebus thou shelt be This brief Essay or Epigram being a Theological Theory Corollary is purposly premised as a Prodrom or Patern of 670. such som larger som lesser to be published by Gods grace in two Folio Tomes so soon as they can be transcribed and impressed wherof the Enchiridion now com forth jointly with this work is as it were the Table or Catalog containing the Arguments of them al. Thus writers toil and travel in vain to pleas or profit variously disposed Readers led wholy by Opinion Affection or Prejudication most of which wil rather retribut sharp scofs and scurrilous censures then deserved thanks or commendations but 't is best Buoy-like to bear up amidst al boisterous billows of spite and scandal maugre Mens malice and al envious or venemous toungs To shut up al with two homespun verses His Epigramatibus facies non omnibus una Nec diversa subit quales soluere Gemelli Thes Essais hav not al one face to see Nor much unlike as Twins are wont to be Sitne superstitio Natalis Festa sacrare Christi inter varios lis odiosa fuit Ther 's hateful strife ' mongst som whether to keep holy Christs Birth-day Fest be superstitious folly Scaurus ait renuit Varus utri credere vultis Tam facile est lites conciliare graves Scaurus saith Varus gainsaith which wil ye Beleev So easy 't is great brawls t' agree In dextram potius pietate offendere praestat Quam laeva opprobriis spernere Festa sacra 'T is better right hand-wise by zele t' offend Then Holy dais left-like with scorn vilipend Discite quod verum est moniti nec temnite Christum Sed colite aeterno Festa dicata Deo Learn truth that 's taught and doo not Christ defy But Fests ordained t' eternal God apply Though my silly reason and shallow resolution specialy in Vale●●ct●●● Dotage be no way regardable or reliable on in the learned Common wealth yet to satisfy som special Friends who earnestly entreat it I will openly unmasque or declare my judgment in six controversal points but very briefly and bluntly 1. Touching Mans Souls production I hold Traduction against the universal Tenet of Infused by Creating and Created in Infusing 2. For Predestination to eternal Life or Death I beleev it to be with reference to Gods prescience of pure simple Intelligence not of his free Pleasure to shew his Power by any absolut irresistiv Decree 3. Concerning Church Government I defend Episcopacy for the best form of Ecclesiastic Polity as instituted by our Saviour analogicaly and by his Apostles actualy or apertly but continued in al Churches ever since til Mr. Calvin changed it in case of necessity 4. About Christs Millenar reign on Earth immedialy before in or at the last day of judgment and general Resurrection of al human flesh and for his eternal personal reign on a new Earth resigning his kingdom of Glory to his Father my Opinion amidst such a copious cru of learned Clercs who debate it diversly both wais must needs be amphibolous or ambiguous like a giddy Ostrich which having laid hir first eg at rovers on the sands regards not wher she lais the rest nor on what heap she sits abrood but doo rather declare then incline to the former and profes my self advers to the later Me trahit in dubios aliorum assertio sensus An reget in Mundo hoc Christus an Arce Poli Others opinions make me doubtful whether Christ shal
or thin For Mans Soul they say 't is created by pouring in and poured in by creating what 's that For the caus of Sens they make an ubiquity of Species or shews of objects which appeering to the Ey make sight to the Ear hearing to the Palat tast to the Nostril smelling and to the rest of the Body feeling For the caus of willing to doo any act they make the faculty or wil it self doo somtime one thing somtime another making the Power caus of the act as if on should assign Mens ability to doo any things the very ●aus of good or evil acts Yet oftimes they put their own ignorance to be caus of natural events or effects but disguised in other words as when they make Fortune a caus of contingents wherof they know no caus or when they ascribe effects to occult qualities not known to them nor as they s●rmise to any els or to Sympathy Antiphaty Antiperistasis specifical properties which neither signify the agent producing nor operation produced being only Clokes to cover ignorance Their Moral and Politic Philosophy hath the like or greater Politics absonances for if any doo injury or injustice contrary to Law they say God is prime Caus of the Action but not of the injustice or deviation this is vain Philosophy as to say that one makes a right and crooked line but another the incongruity or inconformity This distinction was devised to defend the doctrin of Free wil not subject to Gods wil. Why not to vindicat God from being Author of sin notwithstanding Quaere his absolut irrespectiv Decree to Reprobat men who must needs sin Aristotle defines Good and Evil by mens appetit which may seem tru sith every one is ruled by his own list or lore but in a Common-wealth the measure is fals wher not mens privat appetits but public Law of the State is sole Rule yet their doctrin soly practised wher every one doth what seems good in his own eys To make lawful mariage unchast or impure as they doo who deny it to the Clergy under color of continual chast continence to attend at the Altar and administer the holy Eucharist is vain Philosophy wherby they make mariage a moral vice and themselfs by abstaining spiritual like the Angels in Heaven From Aristotles Civil Polity they cal al Common-wealths sav the popular such as then Athens was Tyranny and al Kings Tyrans so they termed thirty Legislators set up by the Lacedemonians who subdued Athens thirty Tyrans and Democraty liberty yet Tyran truly taken signifies simply a Monarch but when that Government grew odious in all Greece it was branded with the Popular hatred of Tyranny and when Kings were expeld from Rome they did the like So when the same men are displeased with Democraty or Aristocraty they nickname the first Anarchy the last Oligarchy or Tyranny of a few Hence riseth another error of Aristotle that Laws not men should govern as if men wil be ruled by words or paper and not by men which hav power by the Sword to punish or put them to death giving life to the Laws this is a pestilent pernitious error wherby they seduce men so oft as they like not their Governors to rais war against them which the Clergy cherisheth Another error in Civil Philosophy which they never learned of Pagans is to extend the Law the Rule only of actions to mens very thoughts and Consciences by examination or inquisition of what they hold tho they conform in Words and Actions Herby they are forced to answer the truth of their thoughts or an untruth for fear of punishment Another error not drawn from Heathens is that a privat Man without the Cōmon-wealths authority may interpret the Law by his own Spirit but are not Scriptures wher they are a Law made a Law by the Cōmonwealths authority and consequently a part of the Civil Law So they which impropriat Preaching to one certain Order of Men wher the State leavs it free commit the like error for if the State forbids me not to Preach none els can If I be among Judians or Infidels shal I being not in Orders think it sin to Preach Christ Jesus or expound Scriptures In such cases of necessity say they wher is no Ministry it may be doon without mission as wherever a dispensation is du for necessity ther needs none when no Law forbids it Ergo to deny thes functions to whom the civil Soveraign denies them not is to take away lawful liberty The Schoolmens writings are mostly insignificant terms or trains of strange barbarous words otherwise used then in common Latin language which would pose Cicero Varro or any Grammarian of antient Rome For let any try whether he can translat them into any modern Toung which if he cannot how can that be intelligible in Latin which is not so in other languages Howbeit this insignificance of speech is no fals Philosophy but both a quality to hide the truth and make Men think they hav it being skild in School-notions and so desist from farther serch of it in others He saith elswher what kind of felicity God ordains for them that devoutly serv him one shal no sooner know then enjoy being Quaere jois now so incomprehensible as the School-mens words beatific Vision unintelligible but doth not that signify to enjoy the perpetual presence of the divine Trinity as Men delight in ech others company face to face Which if Christ must reign on a new finit Earth with his Saints for ever none ever shal doo For beatific Vision is to see the blessed Trinity face 4 Caus to face in his eternal mansion The last caus of spiritual Darknes is to mix uncertain Traditions and untru Histories like the golden legion of fals fictious miracles in Saints lifes of Ghosts Goblins and Apparitions alleged by Romish Doctors to varnish their Doctrins of Hel Purgatory Exo●cisms and such like Which tho som pious Fathers Pope Gregory 1. St. Bernard c. broched yet they were Men and might take it on trust from others as Beda also did but if any speak it of their own knowledg 't is no confirmation of such vanity but a detection of their fraud fallacy or frailty The suppression of tru Philosophy by Men that hav no authority nor sufficient study may be joind with the introduction of fals● for our late Navigators and al learned Men acknowledg Antipodes as it appeers daily more that yeers and dais are determined by the Earths motions yet such as only supposed it heretofore were punishd by Ecclesiastic power What reason had they Is it becaus 't is contrary to tru Religion That cannot be if the opinions be tru● let the truth be first disquired by competent Judges or refuted by such as pretend to know the contrary Is it becaus they disturb Government or Religion established Let the Teachers be silenced or punished by civil Rulers who can chastise disobedience in thos that teach
even tru Philosophy against Laws but Ecclesiastics who are subject to any State hav no proper right to govern but al what they assum to doo is meer usurpation tho they gild it with the gloss of Gods right Tully tels that one Cassius a Roman Judg if the Witnesses could not make cleer a crime would ask the accusers Cui bono what profit the Prisoner expected by the fact For no presumption so evidently declares the guilt of an Author as the gain which he shal get by the action So in the foresaid cases it must be inquired what gain glory or greatnes accrued to any by holding the same 1. That the Church militant on Earth is Gods Kingdom of glory or Land of Promiss not that of Grace which is but a Promiss of the Land thes benefits arise to the Clergy that the Priests Pastors or Prelats acquire as Gods public Ministers or Teachers of the People a right to govern the Church and consequently the Common-wealth both being the same Persons Hence the Pope prevailed with al Christian Princes subjects to beleev that to disobey him in spiritual causes was to oppose Christ himself whos Vicar he was as St. Peters successor which in effect is to usurp an universal Monarchy over al Christendom For tho the Christian Emperors at first constituted them suprem teachers in al their Dominions under them by the title of Pontifex Maximus or cheif Prelat yet when the Empire was divided and after dissolved he easily induced People being his Subjects already to adore him as Christs Viceroy in the Church as his Kingdom of Glory so it may be presumed that he having the best benefit by this universal Monarchy was author of that Theory Afterward when Princes Stats and Churches rejected the Popes universal power the civil Soveraigns should hav reserved their right before they let it go as England in effect did sav that the Clergy maintaining their function under them to be Gods right seemed to usurp if not a Supremacy yet an independence on civil power yet seemed only acknowledging a right in the King to suppress the exercise of their function at his pleasure Indeed wher the Presbytery prevailed tho they abandoned many Romish Doctrins yet this that Christs Kingdom is already com and began at his Resurrection is stil retained Yea they claim power to excommunicat Kings as ordinary Sheep of their Fold and be sole Moderators in al matters of Religion wher they rule as the Pope chalengeth it over al Christians For to excommunicat a Soveraign is to rep●l him from al places of public service and resist him by the Sword as they did in Scotland So to excommunicat any privat Person without the Soveraigns leav is to bereav his lawful liberty and usurp unlawful power over their Brethren To uphold this spiritual Soveraignty non minor est virtus 1 Infallibility quam quaerere parta tueri they use many Engins 1. To perswade that the Pope in his Pontifical Chair or public capacity cannot er so Presbyters would be beleeved in Pulpits 2. That Bishops hav not their right immediatly from God 2 Suo●ection of Bishops nor mediatly from Soveraigns but soly from the Pope that they may side with him upon al occasions wheras Presbyterians shuffle off Prelats to usurp their power 3. That al Clergy-Men Seculars and Regulars are exempt 3 Exemptions of the Clergy from power of Civil Laws who wil be protected by the State yet pay no part of public expens to prop their power nor are liable to penalties the Presbyterians wish it to themselfs 4. That their Priests must be stiled Sacerdotes Sacrificers 4 The Name Sacerdotes which was the Israelits title both of their civil Magistrat while God was King and public Ministers afterward which with mak●ng the Lords Supper a Sacrifice puts People in beleef that the Pope hath the same power over al Christians which Moses and Aaron had over Israel both Civil and Clerical the Presbyters are intitled Elders who were chief Assistants to the Apostles 5. That Marriage is a Sacrament which givs the Clergy 5 Mariage a Sacrament authority to judg the lawfulnes of it and consequently what Children are legitimat Presbyterians pretend no proper right in this kind sav only to hav the father at Baptism testify the child to be his own which is of no great use 6. That Priests may not marry which assures the Popes 6 Priests Celibat power over sundry Princes for if a King be a Priest as many Soveraigns are Prelats he cannot marry nor transfer his Regal right to Posterity without the Popes special dispensation Presbyters are no way guilty herin who marry twise thrise or four times 7. That auticular Confession is a Sacrament wherby they 7 Auricular Confession acquire better intelligence of Princes purposes and Peoples projects in the Civil State then thes possibly can of their sub●leties stratagems or machinations in the Ecclesiastic Polity here the Presbyterian parallel ceaseth 8. That to Canonize Saints and declare Martyrs pertains soly 8 Saints Canonization to the Pope which assures his power among simple sottish people who wil obstinatly oppose their Soveraigns either hostily or proditoriously even to death if the Pope Excommunicat or pronounce them Heretics and Enimies to the Church 9. That divers doctrins Transubstantiation Penance Absolution 9 Doctrins remitting and retaining sins greatly ratify this spiritual Monarchy among the vulgar 10. That the devise of Purgatory justification by external 10 Purgatory works and sale of Indulgences doo chiefly inrich the Clergy the subtraction wherof excited Luther to revolt from the Pope who conferred the Indulgences of al Germany on his Sister 11. That by Demonology Exorcisms and other bug Bear 11 Demonology Rites they keep or think they keep people the more under their girdle as doubtless men stand in more aw of them 12. That Aristotles Philosophy Metaphisics Physics Ethics 12 School po●nts Politics precited and School Divinity taught in every University erected or regulated by the Popes authority keep al thos errors from being detected and make men mistake Ignis fatuus of vain Philosophy for his very Light of the Gospel So that Roman Quaere Cui bono descries the Pope to be principal Author or Fautor of thos dark doctrins from which Good Lord deliver us Ther be three knots on Christian liberty 〈◊〉 Knots untied 1. That which the first Presbyters knit who assembling to agree what they should teach and binding themselfs to teach nothing against their assemblie Decrees deemed People obliged to folow their doctrins and forsook ther company then caled Excommunication if they refused 2. That which Presbyters of the chief City or Province got on Parochial Ministers caling themselfs Bishops or Prelats Is Qu●●e it not the same office or order which Saint Paul first conferred on Titus and Timothy to reside over al Presbyters in Crete and Ephesus compare them no Eg can be