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A00587 Ancilla pietatis: or, The hand-maid to priuate deuotion presenting a manuell to furnish her with necessary principles of faith. Forcible motiues to a holy life. Vsefull formes of hymnes and prayers. ... By Daniel Featly, D. in Diuinity. Featley, Daniel, 1582-1645. 1626 (1626) STC 10725; ESTC S115083 203,491 770

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condemneth them to euerlasting torments in hell PARS II. SECT 12. DOMIN 12. Of Christ his Person Q. WHat are we to know and acknowledge concerning Christ the Mediator A. His Person State Office Q. What ought wee to belieue touching his Person A. That he is God and man in one person conceiued by the Holy-Ghost incarnate of the Virgin Marie SECT 13. DOMIN 13. Of Christ's estate of humiliation Q. In what state or states doth the Scripture describe him to vs A. In two states 1. Of humiliation 2. Of exaltation Q. What suffered he in the state of humiliation A. He bare all our infirmities became subiect to the Law and was obedient to death euen the death of the Crosse was buried and descended into hell SECT 14. DOMIN 14. Of Christ his estate of exaltation Q. What did Christ in the state of exaltation A. He laid downe all our infirmities arose from the dead ascended into heauen sitteth at the right hand of God and shall come in the clowdes with great glory to iudge the quicke and the dead SECT 15. DOMIN 15. Of Christ his Propheticall function Q. What office did the Sonne of God take vpon him for the saluation of man A. The Office of a Mediator betwixt God and man Q. How performeth hee this office A. By executing the functions of a Prophet Priest King Q. What appertaineth to Christ's Propheticall function A. To reueale the hidden wisedome of his Father Q. How hath he heretofore executed this function A. Before his Incarnation by the Priests and Prophets of the old Law In the dayes of his flesh he executed it in his owne person preaching the Gospell which is the couenant of grace and instituting Sacraments as seales theroof viz. Baptisme which is the seale of regeneration and our entrance into the Church The Lords Supper which is the seale of our spirituall growth and nourishment in the Church Q. How doth he yet execute this function A. By the Ministers of the Word whom he furnisheth with gifts answerable and assisteth them in the holy workes of their sacred calling with his spirit enlightening the vnderstanding and opening the hearts of all belieuers to make their Ministerie effectuall Q. What benefits reape wee by Christ's Propheticall function A. Vocation and the Effects thereof incorporation into Christ's mysticall body faith spirituall wisedome and vnderstanding with other sanctifying graces of the holy Ghost SECT 16. DOMIN 16. Of Christ his Priestly function Q. What appertaineth to Christ's Priestly function A. To cleanse vs from our sins and reconcile vs to God his Father Q. How did hee execute this function A. By fulfilling the Law and offering vp himselfe vpon the Altar of the Crosse for a propitiatory sacrifice for our sinnes Q. How doth he yet execute this office A. By appearing at the right hand of God to make intercession for vs. Q. What benefits reape wee by his Priest-hood A. Iustification with the fruits thereof frée accesse vnto God with confidence setled peace of conscience and vnspeakeable ioy in the holy-Ghost SECT 17. DOMIN 17. Of Christ his Kingly function Q. What appertaineth to Christ's Kingly function A. To rule and gouerne his Church Q. How hath hee executed this function A. By making laws for the whole companie of the faithfull and establishing a perpetuall gouernment in his Church Q. How doth he yet execute this royall function A. First by his spirit ruling in our hearts and subduing the flesh to the Spirit 2. By protecting vs against all our ghostly and bodily enemies 3. By inflicting iudgements vpon the enemies of his Church 4. By aduancing his Elect to a Kingdome in heauen Q. What benefits reape wee by his Kingdome A. Glorification with the parts thereof victory safetie eternall glory SECT 18. DOMIN 18. Of the Church and the parts thereof Q. For whom did Christ take our nature vpon him and discharge his threefold office A. For his Mysticall body the Catholike Church Q. What meane you by the Catholike Church A The whole company of the Elect called already or to be called by the Word Spirit out of the estate of corruption and seruitude of sinne into the glorious liberty of the Sonnes of God to bée co-heires with Christ in his Kingdome Q. Where is this company to be found A. It is partly triumphant in heauen with Christ their Head partly militant vnder the crosse dispersed ouer the face of the whole earth where Christian Religion is professed and belieued SECT 19. DOMIN 19. Of the notes of the true Church Q. Is the Catholike Church a visible company that we may know whither to repaire for the meanes of saluation or is it altogether inuisible A. It is visible in respect of the outward badge of profession and it may be discerned by two notes especially viz. the sincere preaching of the Word and right due administration of the Sacraments agrèeable to the holy Scriptures But it is inuisible in respect of the inward seale of Gods Election who alone knoweth who are his Q. How then may a man know that he belongeth to the number of the Elect and is a liuing member of Christ A. 1. By the testimonie of the spirit which witnesseth to our spirits that we are the Sonnes of God 2. By conformitie of our beliefe to the holy Scriptures in all points necessarie to saluation 3. By a particular assurance of our owne saluation grounded vpon the promises of God in Christ and applyed to vs by faith 4. By the diuerse remarkable effects of a iustifying faith and sanctifying grace which are especially these 1. True humility 2. Unfeigned repentance 3. Sonne-like feare 4. Uniuersall and absolute submission to Gods will 5. Comfortable patience in all afflictions 6. Proficiencie and perseuerance in godlinesse 7. Setled peace of conscience 8. Unspeakable ioy in the holy-Ghost PARS III. SECT 20. DOMIN 20. Of the two-fold worship of God and of faith THis may suffice concerning the knowledge of God and him whom he hath sent Iesus Christ to discharge the Office of a Prophet Priest and King for his Church Q. Now how ought we to worship and serue God A. Both immediately and mediately as before I said Q. How immediately A. Both inwardly and outwardly Q. How inwardly A. By faith and other diuine graces that issue of faith Q. What is faith A. An infused habit or spirituall grace whereby wee stédfastly belieue all things contained in holy Scriptures and particularly apprehend and apply vnto our selues the promises of God in Christ wholly relying vpon him for our saluation SECT 21. DOMN 21. Of humility and honouring God and how they are the fruits of faith Q. What diuine vertues are the speciall issues of faith A. Humility honour reuerence obedience patience loue feare repentance zeale hope and confidence Q. What is humility A. A diuine vertue or grace whereby wée wholly denie our selues and carrie our selues lowly before God and men Q. What is honour A. A diuine grace or vertue whereby we
in the middest of the Doctors in the Temple opposing and answering them Propound such Questions by me and returne such Answers by them as may cleerely expresse to our vnderstanding and imprint in our memories the necessary points of sauing Truth and foundations of Christian Doctrine and may serue for the instruction of the ignorant admonition of the learned and the building vp of vs all in our most holy faith So be it Amen PARS PRIMA THE SVMME of sauing Knowledge SECT Prim. DOMIN Prim. Of Catechisme the parts and proper ends thereof Q. WHAT is Catechisme A. The summe of Christian religion reuealed by God in holy Scriptures for mans perfect instruction in the mysteries of eternall saluation Q. What doth Christian Doctrine containe in it A. The true knowledge and worship of God in Christ. Q. Where finde you the summe of this Doctrine A. 1. In the Decalogue written by God the Father 2. In the Lords Prayer conceiued by God the Son 3. In the Créed set down by the Apostles inspired by the holy-Ghost Q. What containeth the Decalogue A. All duties to bée performed by vs to God and our neighbours Q. What containeth the Lords Prayer A. All benefits to be desired of God Q. What containeth the Creed A. All things the ●are to be belieued concerning God and his Church Q. What is the vse and proper end of Catechisme A. To instruct the ignorant and confirme the learned in the principles of Religion and prepare both to the profitable vse of the speciall meanes of their saluation which are Hearing the Word preached Receiuing the Sacraments Publique and priuate Prayer SECT 2. DOMIN 2. Of blessednesse and the meanes of obtaining it Q. What are the chiefest things to bee desired of all men A. Gods fauour blessings and grace in this present life and eternall blessednesse in the vision and fruition of him in the life to come Q. How may wee attaine hereunto A. By true Religion or godlinesse which hath the promise of this life and the life to come Q. What is godlinesse A. The true worship and seruice of the true God Q. Where is this true God's worship and seruice to bee learned and knowne and how A. Obscurely and imperfectly it may be learned in the booke of the creatures by the light of nature but cleerely and perfectly by the light of the Spirit in the Canonicall bookes of the old and new Testament SECT 3. DOMIN 3. Of Religion and the parts thereof Q. What do the Scriptures teach in general concerning the true God and his worship A. That we ought to know and acknowledge the true God his Nature Attributes Workes as farre forth as God hath made himself knowne to vs. 2. That we ought to know and acknowledge Iesus Christ the Mediator betwéene God and man his Person State Office 3 That wee ought to worship God in Christ and serue him both Immediately by religiously adoring him and performing all such holy rites vnto him as hée requireth in the first Table Mediately by readily obeying him and performing all such duties to our selues and our neighbours as hee requireth in the second Table SECT 4. DOMIN 4. Of the Nature of God Q. What do the Scriptures teach concerning the nature of God A. That he is One true eternall simple all-sufficient immutable infinite incomprehensible spirit hauing being of himselfe distinguished into thrée persons of the same nature dignitie and power The Father begetting The Sonne begotten The holy-Ghost procéeding from them both SECT 5. DOMIN 5. Of the principle attributes of God Q. What doe the Scriptures teach concerning the attributes of God A. That he is a liuing blessed and glorious God the great high and mighty Lord and possessor of heauen and earth and our most gracious and louing Father most holy wise iust faithfull and good SECT 6. DOMIN 6. Of the workes of God in generall Q. What do the Scriptures teach concerning the workes of God A. That he decreeth and executeth al things for his glory according to the counsell of his own will powerfully working all the good of nature and grace in all things and wisely disposing of al the euil both of sinne and punishment SECT 7. DOMIN 7. Of God's Decrees Q. What decrees of God are registred in holy Scriptures for our instruction and comfort A. Two Especially 1. His decrée of creation of all things 2. His decree of prouidence ouer all which is two-fold 1. Generall concerning the present state of all things in this world 2. Speciall concerning the eternall state of Angels and men in the world to come Q. What is this speciall decree properly called A. Predestination Q. What are the parts of it A. Two Election Reprobation or reiection Q. What is Election A. Gods eternall counsell and purpose of chusing certaine Angels and men and bringing them to euerlasting happinesse for the declaration of his infinite mercie Q. What is Reprobation A. Gods eternall counsell and purpose of reiecting others and reseruing them to euerlasting miserie and torments for the manifestation of his iustice SECT 8. DOMIN 8. Of the Creation Q. What learne you out of Scripture concerning the execution of Gods decree of Creation A. That in sixe dayes he made all things visible and inuisible of nothing by his word to the glory of his infinite power SECT 9. DOMIN 9. Of Gods generall Prouidence Q. What learne you concerning the execution of God his decree of generall Prouidence A. That he preserueth al things in their state and kinde and gouerneth them after an excellent manner to the glory of his manifold wisedome and goodnesse SECT 10. DOMIN 10. Of the Predestination of Angels Q. What is reuealed in Scripture concerning the execution of Gods decree of Predestination and first of Angels A. That hee suffered the reprobate Angels voluntarily without any temptation to fall into the vnpardonable sinne of Apostasie and that hee reserueth them in chaines of darknes ti● the iudgement of the great day But contrarilie that hee hath confirmed the Elect Angels in their holy and blessed estate SECT 11. DOMIN 11. Of the Predestination of men Q. What is reuealed in Scripture concerning the Predestination of men A. That hee gaue all men in Adam and Eue a Lawe and free will to kéepe it or breake it and after they abused their frée will and brake that Lawe and thereby brought a curse vpon them and all their posterit y that of his mercy grace he chose chooseth some out of the estate of misery and corruption maketh them his sonnes by adoption calleth them to the knowledge of the truth regenerateth them by his spirit iustifieth them by faith and in the end crowneth them with euerlasting glory Others he left and leaueth in the state of misery and corruption offereth them some outward meanes which make them vnexcusable for their refusall or abuse of them hardeneth them casting them into a reprobate sence and in the end after many iudgements and Plagues in this life
of thanksgiuing p. 547. A prayer after recouerie p. 551. The Close out of Scripture p. 559. The dying man's deuotion p. 560. The first admonition to the sicke being an admonition to patience p. ●63 The second admonition against despaire p. 594. A Psalme for the sicke lying at the point of death p. 594. A Prayer for the sicke To the Vnitie p. 600. To the Trinitie p. 604. To the Lord Iesus p. 608. THE PREPARATION TO RELIGIOVS exercises in generall PAR. I. Of Deuotion PRemeditation is the preparation to priuate prayer priuate to publicke priuate and publicke to the hearing the word priuate and publicke prayer together with the hearing of the word to the worthie participation of the holy Sacrament For the Sacrament receiues strength and vigour from the word preached the word preached from publicke prayer publicke prayer from priuate Deuotion and that from premeditation and consideration of the nature of deuotion and necessitie of preparation it selfe to all holy duties in the immediate worship of God Deuotion is the harts warmth or rather lifes bloud of religion It is a sacred bond knitting the soule vnto God It is a spirituall muskle mouing onely vpward and lifting vp the hearts eyes and hands continually vnto heauen And because it consisteth rather in the feruour of the affections then light of the thoughts of blaze or lustre in the words it is better felt then vnderstood and yet better vnderstood then can be expressed Especially priuate deuotion which is the Saint to whom I deuote this Treatise For priuate deuotion to shunne ostenta●ion and hypocrisie in heauenly things alwayes shuts her selfe vp in her closet desiring no eye to see her but her Fathers in secret Wounded she is like the spouse in the Canticles with the darts of diuine loue and continually bleedeth but inwardly in teares of compassion compunction and excessiue ioy There appeares no externall orifez in the flesh to be seene Shee resembles the strange plant in Plinie which buds inwardly and shooteth forth no bud blossome or leafe outwardly For if priuate deuotion cometh once to be knowne it ceaseth to be priuate The greatest commendation of it is like to that of the Garamantite a precious stone that hath no beautie nor lustre in the outside or in the surface but within the bodie of it appeares golden drops of diuine infusion What Cyprian speaketh of the w●rke of regeneration may be truly applyed to this vertue It is felt before it can be spoken of and it must be kindled in the heart by the Spirit before it can be felt It is the true Vest all fire that should be still kept burning in the heart but if it go out like that of the Vestals it must bee kindled from heauen To thee therefore ô most holy Spirit I addresse my prayer to kindle and keepe this fire in my soule by thy heauenly blasts Heate my heart with the feruour of true Deuotion and touch my tongue with a coale from thine altar that the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart may inflame all that reade these deuotions with a loue of deuotion it selfe and true Zeale Lev's censure may seeme too tart He that is not more religious in Lent then at other times hath no religion as all But I haue good warrant to suspect the sinceritie of their Deuotion altogether who are not more deuout in priuate then in publike For fire the closer it is kept the hotter it burneth and the exhalations which are violently detained in cranies vnder ground and can haue no vent are of force to moue the earth it selfe It cannot be otherwise but that the penitent or compassionate eye which droppeth in publike should runne and gush out with riuers of waters in priuate The afflicted soule which sometimes stealeth a groane and fetcheth a sigh in the Church offers vp often prayers with strong cries at home He that is affected and eleuated with spirituall ioy in publike is transported when he is alone and hath priuate communications with God S. Paul spake words of truth and sobernesse to the Corinthians Whether we he besides our selues it is to God or whether we be sober it is to you And Saint Ierome confirmeth it with an oath that after many dayes nay weekes spent by him in fasting and prayer in the end hee was rauished in spirit and seemed to haue priuate conuersation and familiaritie with quires of Angels My intent is not to detract any thing from publike deuotion but my desire is to adde to priuate Publike is more solemne but priuate ought to be more frequent Publike makes more noise but priuate for the most part hath a deeper channell Our Sauiour diuideth blessednesse equally betweene them both Blessed saith he is he that heareth the word and keepeth it it is publike deuotion that heareth the word preached but priuate that keepes it Publike gathereth Manna in greater aboundance but priuate is the golden Omer that preserueth it The Hart doth not so pant and bray for the riuers of waters as the soule of euery religious man longeth for the waters of life running plentifully out of the golden spoutes of the Temple the Ministers of the word but priuate deuotion it is that breedes this longing after the publike Ministerie Let vs take a patterne of Deuotion from our blessed Sauiour to whom all deuotions are due What commandeth hee by expresse precept When thou prayest enter into thy closet and what commendeth hee most by his owne practise It is true he calleth his house the house of prayer and as we reade that he was daily preaching so I doubt not but hee was daily praying in the Temple yet ye shall find him oftener on the Mount or in the Garden or in some priuate solitarie place praying alone then in the Temple yea and continuing longer in prayer spending sometimes whole nights in it This practise of our Sauiour hath bene a president to all those whose names in the Church of God are and haue bene as a sweete ointment for daily offering the sweetest incense of prayer to God Religious men neuer are wanting in publike assemblies but they exceed in priuate Deuotion Publike exercises of religion be their feasts but priuate their ordinarie Where find you Daniel but in his chamber at his Deuotion looking towards Ierusalem Where find you Dauid but in his couch watering it with his teares and communing with his owne heart in the night Where find you Cornelius but in his house in praying Where find you Saint Iohn on the Lords day but in the I le alone by himselfe in the spirit The powring out our speciall complaints to God our vowes to refraine such companie and such occasions of sinne the ripping vp of our whole life with a particular confession of our sins aggrauated by all circumstances and all those parts of repentance or the soules
of the Spirit of Life in Christ Iesus hath made mee free from the Law of sinne and of death Romans 8. 2. Yee haue not receiued the Spirit of bondage againe to feare but the Spirit of Adoption whereby wee cry Abba Father verse 15. They despight the Spirit of Grace Heb. 10. 29. The Spirit maketh Intercession for vs with sighs and grones that cannot be expressed Romans 9. 29. To one is giuen the Spirit of the Word of Wisedome to another the Word of Knowledge by the same Spirit 1 Corinthians 12. 8. All these worketh one and the same Spirit verse 11. The Father of Glory giue vnto vs the Spirit of Wisedome and reuelation in the Knowledge of him Ephes. 1. 17. The Spirit of Glory and of GOD resteth in vs. 1 Peter 4. 14. When the Spirit of Truth is come hee will leade you into all Truth Ioh. 16. 13. Now the Lord is that Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty 1 Corinthians 3. 17. He that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reape life euerlasting Gal. 6. 8. Walke in the Spirit and yee shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh Gal. 5. 16. The fruits of the Spirit are loue peace ioy c. verse 17. If yee be led by the Spirit yee are not vnder the Law verse 18. Whosoeuer speaketh against the holy Ghost it shall not bee forgiuen him neither in this world nor in the world to come Mat. 12. 32. Of how much sorer punishment shall hee bee thought worthy who hath troden vnder foot the Sonne of GOD and hath accounted the blood of the couenant wherewith hee was sanctified an vnholy thing and hath done despight to the Spirit of God Hebrewes 10. 29. A Prayer for Whit sunday INcomprehēsible Spirit the third Person in the blessed and glorious Trinity who after the Father had manifested himselfe to the world in the works of Creation and the Sonne in the works of Redemption finished in the flesh diddest manifest thy selfe on this day in a wonderfull manner by the sound of a rushing winde and the light of fiery tongues Manifest thy selfe most powerfully and gloriously in the vniuerfall Church by enlarging her bounds and making vp her breaches and hallowing her Assemblies and furnishing her Pastors and knitting the hearts of all her members in true loue the bond of perfection Perfect the work of sanctification in all thine Elect manifest thy selfe also graciously this day and declare thy gifts in the tongues of the Preachers and eares of the hearers and the hearts of all the Congregation Direct the mouthes of the Preachers that they may skilfully sowe the Seede and open the eares and mollify the hearts of the hearers that they may receiue it profitably and bring forth the fruits of the Spirit abundantly which are loue ioy peace long suffering gentlenesse goodnesse faith meeknesse temperance c. O Eternall and infinite holy Ghost the loue of the Father and the Sonne who diddest descend vpon our Sauiour in the likenesse of a Doue without gall purge out of my conscience all gall of malice and bitternesse and grant that with meeknesse I may receiue the ingraffed Word which is able to saue my soule O holyest Spirit eternall breath of the Father and the Son and former of the Word in the wombe who camest with a sound come down vpon me in the sound of thy Word Preached though not in the extraordinary gifts of Prophecy tongues and healing yet in the ordinary graces of faith hope and charity the Spirit of supplication and Prayer of wisedome and spirituall vnderstanding of power and ghostly comfort O heauenly Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Sonne who descendedst from heauen like a mighty rushing winde throw mee downe to the ground in humility and prostrate my heart and soule before thee Beate downe all strong holds of carnall imaginations and worldly thoughts resisting thy grace Chase away all cloudes of error out of my vnderstanding cleare my will of all foggs of noysome desires coole and refresh me in the heate of persecution fill the sailes of my affections and driue mee speedily into the faire hauen where I would bee O diuine fire burning continually in the hearts of the faithfull and consuming all our spirituall sacrifices who this day diddest descend and appeare in the likenesse of fiery tongues bee a fire in my heart and tongue that I may be feruent in my Meditations and Prayers and Zealous in the profession and defence of thy Truth Inlighten the darknesse of my vnderstanding inflame the coldnesse of my affections purge out the drosse of my corruptions direct me in all the affaires of this life assist mee in all the exercises of Deuotion strengthen me in al the assaults of temptation comfort me in all the miseries and afflictions seale all thy gracious promises of thy Gospell vnto mee and seale mee to the day of redemption So bee it Amen Into my minde descend ô Doue Purge gall cleane out of me With siluer wings raise me aboue My Sauiour Christ to see PART 1. SVPPART 4. The Christian FAST'S Deuotion Of FAST'S in generall There is a 3-old fast 1 Fast from sinne 2 Fast for sinne 3 Fast against sin THe fast from sinne ought to bee perpetuall The fast for sinne is extraordinarie vpon speciall occasions to auert some dreadfull iudgement or auoide som imminent danger The fasts against sinne ought to be more frequent and according to the customes of the ancient Church and the present practise of the Church of England They are Weekly on the Fridaies Monethly on the Holy-day Eeues Quarterly in the Ember weekes Yeerely in the Lent THe Doctrine of fasting hath met with errors and superstitions on both hands Some ascribing too much to it and placing the immediate and principall worship of God in it some ascribing too little and making it no matter of Religion at all Some superstitiously obseruing and others out of a contrary superstition scrupulously declining the obseruation of all Fasts appointed by the Church To steere the iudgement in a middle course betweene these rocks on both sides conceiue thus of the nature of Religious acts the seuerall kindes of Fasts and the vse thereof A Religious act or work may be taken 1 In a larger sence for any work commanded by Christian Religion in vvhich sence all the duties of the second Table may be called Religious acts or workes as well as the first 2 In a more restrained acception for such workes and acts in which Religion properly taken for the worship of God consists And these are of two sorts 1 Principall as Believing in God Praying the like 2 Accessarie seruing as helps or preparations to the princi pall as Watching Fasting and the like FAsting is not to be esteemed such an act of religion as wherein principally and immediatly we worship God for the Kingdome of God as the Apostle reacheth consisteth not in meates and
admire and aduance Gods super-excellent Maiesty and yéeld him all glory and praise Q. How doth faith beget these vertues A. As it apprehendeth Gods infinite perfections SECT 22. DOMIN 22. Of reuerence obedience and patience and how they are the fruits of faith Q. What is reuerence A. A diuine grace or vertue whereby wee stand continually in awe of the diuine Maiesty and neuer speake or thinke of God without a trembling astonishment Q. What is obedience A. A diuine grace whereby we apply our selues wholly to God and endeauour to fulfill all his Commandements Q. What is patience A. A diuine grace or vertue whereby we submit our selues vnder the mighty hand of God and without grudging or repining endure whatsoeuer he layeth vpon vs. Q. How doth faith beget these vertues A. As it fixeth the eye of the soule vpon the omnipotent power all-séeing wisedome and soueraigne Maiesty of God SECT 23. DOMIN 23. Of loue feare repentance gratitude and zeale and how they are the fruits of faith Q. What is diuine loue A. A spirituall grace whereby we preferre God before all things and set our hearts and whole delights on him Q. What is filiall feare A. A spirituall grace whereby we are carefull to shunne and auoid any thing that may offend our heauenly Father Q. What is repentance A. A spirituall grace whereby we are hartily sorry as oft as wee offend and earnestly desire to amend Q. What is gratitude to God A. A spirituall grace or vertue whereby both in word and déed wee endeuour to expresse our thankfulnesse to God lauding him for his benefits and contributing to the maintenance of his seruice Q. What is Zeale A. A diuine vertue whereby we are continually enflamed with a desire to promote Gods glory Q. How doth faith beget these vertues A. By fixing the eye of the soule and apprehending Gods infinite bounty and goodnesse SECT 24. DOMIN 24. Of hope confidence and magnanimity and how they are the fruits of faith Q. What is hope A. A diuine or theologicall verture whereby wee exspect the performance of all God's promises touching our saluation Q. What is confidence A. A diuine vertue whereby we continually depend vpon God and trust in him in all difficulties and dangers Q. What is magnanimity or spirituall courage A. A diuine vertue or spirituall grace whereby wee valiantly attempt and atchieue matters of greatest difficulty in Gods cause and for the maintenance and aduancing of Religion Q. How doth faith produce these diuine vertues A. As it apprehendeth Gods Truth and faithfulnesse in his promises and applyeth them to vs in particular SECT 25. DOMIN 25. Of the outward worship of God in generall Q. Thus much of the inward worship How ought wee to worship God outwardly A. By hearing the Word receiuing the Sacraments Prayer profession of our faith keeping his Sabboth and the religious vse of oathes and vowes SECT 26. DOMIN 26. Of Keeping the Sabboth Q. How worship we God in keeping the Sabboth A. By sequestring it from our accustomed businesse and dedicating it to the immediate worship of God and his peculiar seruice SECT 27. DOMIN 27. Of hearing the Word Q. How ought wee to worship God by hearing the Word A. By repairing frequently to the Church there reuerently attending to the Word read or preached seriously meditating vpon it and endeauouring to practise it in our liues and conuersations SECT 28. DOMIN 28. Of Prayer and the parts thereof Q. How ought wee to worship God by Prayer A. By calling vpon the Name of God through Christ out of a true sence and féeling of our wants and infirmities and a liuely faith in his promises feruently and constantly both publkely and priuately for such things as are agréeable to his holy will Q. What are the parts of Prayer A. First an humble confession of our sinnes Secondly a hearty thanks-giuing to God for his benefits Thirdly a feruent desire and asking such things as we néede SECT 29. DOMIN 29. Of receiuing the Sacrament and necessary preparation thereunto Q. How are we to worship God by receiuing the Sacraments A. By Preparation before wee receiue Reuerent intention in the receiuing Thanksgiuing after it Q. How ought wee to prepare our selues before wee come to the Communion A. By speciall Prayer Examination Q. What speciall Prayer is requisite A. A Prayer to God to assist vs in this holy exercise and make vs worthy receiuers and to conferre on vs those graces that are promised to all that communicate worthily And lastly to giue vs a sence and féeling of them in our selues Q. Wherein standeth our speciall examination A. In foure points principally First whether wée haue a true sence and remorse of conscience for our sinnes past and a vehement desire and constant purpose of amendment whence ariseth a hungring and thirsting for grace Secondly whether wée haue a competent measure of knowledge in the grounds of Christian religion in generall and in particular of the Sacraments Thirdly whether wee haue a particular affiance in Christ and grounded perswasion of our saluation by his death and passion Fourthly whether our hearts are frée from malice and hatred and whether wee beare true and sincere affection to all Christ's members SECT 30. DOMIN 30. Of Oathes Vowes and profession of our faith Q. How ought wee to worship God by Oathes Vowes and profession of our faith A. 1. By swearing by God In truth not falsly In Iudgement not rashly nor vpon any slight occasiō In iustice not maliciously to a wicked end 2. By making holy vowes vnto God and religiously performing them 3. By publikely testifying the truth of the holy Gospell and sealing it with our blood if it be required of vs. PARS IIII. SECT 31. DOMIN 31. Of the Christian duties we owe to our selues Q. BBy your answers I vnderstand what you meane by the immediate worship of God both inward and outward Now tell me wherein consisteth the mediate worship of God or rather seruice or obedience to him A. In such duties as by Gods command wee owe to our selues and our brethren Q. VVhat duties owe we to our selues A. 1. To prouide for the good of our Soules improuing our naturall faculties by Art and Industrie but especially by séeking after the gifts of God's Spirit and vsing all meanes to encrease them in vs. 2. To prouide for the good of our bodies by sobriety wholsome dyet comely rayment moderate exercise and physicke 3. To prouide for our good name by taking vertuous and honest courses and following after such things as are prayse-worthy and eschewing the contrary 4. To prouide for our estate by first Carefull getting secondly Frugall sauing thirdly wisely vsing the goods of this life and discréetly managing our priuate affaires SECT 32. DOMIN 32. Of the common duties wee owe to our Neighbours Q. VVhat duties by Gods commandement are wee to performe to others A. They are either General and common duties of al christians one toward another Or Speciall dueties proper