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A64226 A brief enquiry whether they who assert, and they who deny, the divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, may have communion together at the Lords table By Joseph Taylor. Taylor, Joseph, 17th/18th cent. 1698 (1698) Wing T536; ESTC R220650 24,202 72

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of the same Essence with his Father That the Mahometan Religion is preferable to the Christian and Mahomet was a greater Prophet than Christ Secondly That if Jesus Christ is not true God of the same Essence with his Father He was an Impostor and deceiver The Jews did justly in sentencing of him to Death for Blasphemy They do well in maintaining the sentence of their Sanhedrim in rejecting of the Preaching of the Apostles and Ministers of Christ That Christian Religion is Idolatry and Superstition and the Messiah is not yet come First If Jesus Christ is not true God c. the Mahometan Religion is preferable to the Christian and Mahomet was a greater Prophet than Jesus Christ And the Reason is this because the Christian Religion brings in Idolatry and the Mahometan abolishes it For if Jesus Christ be a Creature only as he must be if he be not of the Essence of God then that Religion that teacheth Divine Adoration ought to be given to him as is plain this doth brings in Idolatry and they who deny his Deity cannot but believe we are Idolaters Whereas the Mahometan Religion denies a Trinity denies Christ to be God teaches he ought not to be worshipped Now if these things are true the Mahometan Religion is the best for that Exalts God in the Throne and puts Jesus Christ in his due place viz. in the rank of Creatures only whereas the Christian Religion doth the direct contrary as will be proved in the following Discourse Objection It is objected His Religion is full of Fictions and Idle Fables Answer But we ask Since they have made the Christian Religion and his of so near a-kin how do they know which is the True from the False If Mahomet hath rid the World of Christian Idolatry for so is the worship of Jesus Christ if he is not God we ask by what Spirit he did this great Work by the Spirit of God or by the Spirit of the devil if it be by the Spirit of God then how is he an Imposter And how can it be supposed so great a thing should be done by the Spirit of the Devil It is a Rule Christ gives in his Gospel to know Teachers by their Fruits Matt. 7.16 and if Christ be not God how can we then but have a great Opinion of Mahomet and own him for a great Prophet of God For he hath taught men not to confound the Sovereign Being with a Creature and hath delivered many Nations for many Ages from this Idolatry and what is greater and more Holy than such a Design What can bespeak a Man more inspired of God than to undertake and be so successful in such a Work to disperse the darkness of this profound Superstition from so great a part of the Universe Surely if this were true as they must acknowledge he was a very great Prophet and all that he taught ought to be owned as Divine Yea hence it will appear that he is a greater Prophet than all the Prophets under the Law yea that he is preferable to Jesus Christ The Prophets under the Law they spoke only to the People of Israel But Mahomet hath spoken to the most Considerable part of the Universe they succeeded one another because they could not live long enough to instruct the People in different Ages he needed no Companion nor any Successor to banish Idolatry the Antient Prophets work'd many Miracles to ruine Idolatry But Mahomet hath ruined it without a Miracle yea if that Principle is true that Jesus Christ was no more than a Man Mahomet is preferable to Christ himself which will appear if you consider either his Doctrine or the Success of his Ministry If you consider the latter Jesus Christ hath spread his Doctrine in the Universe but it hath had no other effect than to pull down one piece of superstition and to set up another in its place to pull down Pagan Idolatry and to set up Christian Idolatry for the same Gospel as forbade them to worship Pagan Idols taught them to worship Jesus Christ But Mahomet hath established his Religion upon firm Foundations and hath taken far wiser Methods that Idolatry should not return after it was once destroyed And if we consider his Doctrine if Christ is not God we shall find that Jesus Christ hath a vast disadvantage to Mahomet the Doctrine of Mahomet hath a natural Character which is opposed to Idolatry and it is not so of Jesus Christ if you consider his Language spoken by himself or his Apostles We shall compare the Language of Christ and of Mahomet together and it will plainly appear upon this Supposition that Mahomet was much wiser and better than Jesus Christ Christ tells us by himself and servants That he was before John Baptist that he was before Abraham before the making of the World that he is Alpha and Omega the Beginning and the Ending the First and the Last That he was in the beginning with God that he was God in the beginning That all things were made by him and without him nothing was made that was made That he in the beginning laid the foundations of the Earth and the Heavens are the work of his Hands And that none might doubt of the sense in which these Expressions are used he and his Disciples which were inspired by his Spirit did apply to him such Scriptures of the Prophets which are only applicable to the most High God 1 Kings 8.39 The Prophet saith God only knows the hearts of the Sons of Men. Jesus Christ attributes this glorious Title to himself that he might beget to himself the Fear and Adoration of Men. Rev. 2.23 And all the Churches shall know that I am he which searches the reins and hearts and I will give unto every one of you according to your works It is said in the Law Deut. 6. According to the Exposition of Christ Mat. 4.10 Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve Heb. 1.6 And the Author of the Epistle to the Hebrews tells us That when God brought his Son into the World he said Let all the Angels of God worship him c. Now compare the Language of Mahomet with this and it will readily appear if Christ is not God Mahomet had greater Truth Wisdom and Charity to the Souls of Men and had greater Care of and Zeal for the Glory of God than Jesus Christ who when he speaks either by himself or his Disciples makes himself One with the most High God both speaking of himself as hath been instanced such things as can agree to none but the Supream Being and applying such Scriptures as can agree to none else Mahomet doth not thus he declares almost in every Page of his Alcoran That there is no other but the Eternal Father which is God he saith of himself he is a Prophet a Man inspired by God but he would not pass for God he acknowledges Jesus Christ was
sent from God But he would not have him have the Name of God nor of the Son of God his Words are not so obscure nor equivocal He saith plainly That they are Unbelievers and Infidels who say that the Son of Mary is God he saith the Christians are Infidels making Three Gods when there is but One and he would that Men should call upon the Creator of Heaven and Earth which made the Light and the Darkness Now I say if Christ was not God Mahomet spoke more truly and plainly than Christ He had more Wisdom and took more Care not to intangle the Souls of Men he was more zealous of the Glory of God and would not Attribute to himself the Names and Nature of GOD as Christ did These are such Consequences as our hearts abhor as full of Blasphemy but they are such as we must be constrained to receive for Truth if Jesus Christ is not of the same Essence with his Father 2. If Christ is not true God of the same Essence with his Father then he was an Imposter his Disciples Deceivers the Jewish Sanhedrim did justly in sentencing him to Death for Blasphemy the Jews do well in maintaining that Sentence in rejecting the Preaching of the Apostles and Ministers of Christ That Christian Religion is a Cheat it is Superstition and Idolatry and the Messiah is not yet come And certainly if this be proved true all will allow with me that this Principle is of such a consequence that they who assert and they who deny it ought not to have Communion together In order to the Proof of what is asserted I take it for granted That none will deny the Jewish Sanhedrim being a Council of Gods own appointing to judge in Capital Matters relating to their own Tranquility either in Church or State to the Preservation of their Religion and Laws But that they had a right to judge to condemn and to put to Death for Blasphemy The only thing therefore to prove is That if Jesus Christ was not God then he was a Blasphemer and they had reason to condemn him for Blasphemy which appears in what followeth It is Blasphemy for a meer Creature to call himself by those Names that are proper only to the Divine Being with the Names to ascribe to himself the Nature of God And those Perfections which distinguish him from all Creatures to assert that he is equal with God that he ought to have Divine Homage and Adoration given him And Lastly to ascribe those Scriptures of the Old Testament to himself which are spoken of none but the most High God I think none will vindicate such a Person from being a Blasphemer and his Disciples who attribute these things to him to be Idolaters It remains then only to prove That he did these things which is evident from the Writings of his Disciples before the proof of which I will only remark that what his Disciples asserted of him must be look't upon as asserted by himself because that they spoke as they were Inspired by his Spirit it was one and the same-Spirit that dwelt in both First That the Name of God is given him is beyond all Contradiction John 20.28 The great God Tit. 2.13 Where the Learned note that the Greek Article put before the Great God and which agrees to Saviour also is in the original a certain Mark that these two Terms are understood of the same Person and that it is Jesus Christ who is called the Saviour and great God both together The True God Rom. 9.5 1 John 5.20 Yea God above all Blessed for ever The Mighty Most Mighty Psal 45.3 Heb. 1.8 Yea Almighty is ascribed to him Rev. 1.8 Secondly That the Incommunicable Names of God viz. Such as can belong to none but the Supream Being are ascribed to him is evident Jehovah is a Name only belonging to the most High God Psal 83.18 Pray read these Scriptures Thou whose name alone is Jehovah and this is attributed to Christ if you compare Isa 6.1 with John 12.41 and Psal 102.25 with Heb. 1.10 Where note that Lord in these Texts is Jehovah in the Original I am that I am is an incommunicable Name of God Exod. 3.14 this Jesus Christ attributes to himself John S. 58. He saith not before Abraham was I was but before Abraham was I am Which would not be sence if he did not signifie he was the I am before Abraham and the significancy of that Name viz. Eternity and Immutability he claims to Himself Rev. 1.8 From whence it is evident he is of the same Essence c. Or he was a Blasphemer because no meer Creature can without Blasphemy ascribe these Names of the most High God to himself 2. With the Name the Nature of God and the most distinguishing Characters thereof he claimes to himself It is the highest Blasphemy for a meer Creature to claim Eternity For nothing can be Eternal but God There can be but One Being that never was made But Jesus Christ claims this incommunicable Perfection of the God-head to himself and that in such Terms as the Father expresses his own Eternity Isa 43.6 Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel I am the first and the last and besides me there is no God and thus saith Jesus Christ Rev. 1.8 Chap. 2.8 ver 18. I am the Alpha and Omega the beginning and the ending which is and which was and which is to come the Almighty Omnisciency is an incommunicable Property of the Divine Being 1 Kings 8.39 For thou even thou only knowest the Hearts of all the Children of Men And the same Jesus Christ saith of himself I am he which searcheth the Reins and Hearts Rev. 2.23 John 21.17 And his Disciples ascribe this to him Thou knowest all things which must be Blasphemy if he was not God Omnipresence belongs only to God And yet this Christ claims to himself Math 18.20 and Chap. 28.19 And asserts he was in Heaven whilst he was on Earth John 3.13 which cannot be said of any Creature without manifest Impiety Omnipotency is an Attribute belonging only to the Supream Being and this is spoken of Christ John 5.19 21. Phil. 3.21 Immortality is so ascribed to Christ as it is proper only to the Eternal God 1 Tim. 6.16 who only hath immortality dwelling in that light which no man can approach unto This can be only said of the Supream Being Jesus Christ is of the same Essence therefore or He is a Blasphemer for it is He of whom this is spoken as plainly appears by the preceding Verse Immutability is an Attribute belonging only to God it can only be said of God Jam. 1.17 In him is no variableness neither shadow of turning And was he not God of the same essence with the Father what Blasphemy would it be to say Heb. 13.8 Chap. Jesus Christ the same yesterday to day and for ever And Thou Lord in the beginning hast laid the
to the Person of Christ without that he cannot be the Immanuel the Mediator between God and Man he could not make Satisfaction to Divine Justice nor answer the Demands of the Law nor Work out Salvation for us It is evident therefore that as he who denieth the Nature of God denieth God So he that denieth the Natures of Christ denieth his Person yea it is better as the Reverend Mr. Charnock on the Attributes page 496. Charnock saith to deny there is a God than to deny his Perfections as Plutarch had rather it should be said there never was such a Man as Plutarch than it should be said he was a vile Man or a base Fellow So it is worse to deny what is Essential to Christ than to deny there ever was such an one it it better to say there never was any Christ any Messiah than to deny he was God for as it will be seen in the sequel this is but to make him an Impostor and a Deceiver The Socinians assert That Christ was that Man whom God anointed certainly therefore they would account such who should deny he was a Man anointed by God to Deny Christ and yet they might at the same time answer We disagree not about the Person of Christ for we both believe its He that was born of the Virgin Mary c. From whence it is plain there is nothing in the Objection but they who deny the Natures of Christ deny his Person and hereby the true Object of the Christian Faith is removed viz. Immanuel or God-Man in one Person This Object we are to believe in for Eternal Life and Salvation but he that denies He is God-Man removes that Object and he which asserts He is of another Nature brings in another Object in his Room For Faith depends not upon an empty Name but hath respect to the Nature of the Person believed in There can be no Act without an Object the Object of our Faith is not the bare Name but the Nature of the Person believed in No Man can be said to believe in God that knows nothing of his Nature Psal 9.10 They that know thy Name will put their trust in thee viz. The Nature of God signified by his Name In like manner No Man can be said to believe in Christ that denies his Nature From whence it is evident That they who deny and they who assert this Principle do not believe in the same Person The Christ of God is Immanuel God-man The Eutychians the Arians the Socinians Christ is not God-Man Therefore the Christ they worship is not the Christ of God And can they walk together that disagree about the Object of their Faith Can any have Communion with them who deny the true Christ and bring another in his Room Hereupon Thirdly It is a Principle of that Importance That a Man cannot be said to be a true Believer in Jesus Christ that denieth it For if there can be no Act of Faith without the true Object of Faith and this is Jesus Christ the Son of God or the Immanuel God with us then they who believe the contrary wanting the Object of Faith viz. The true Christ they have no Faith in him and so are yet Unbelievers and therefore should remember that Text John 3.18 He that believeth on him is not condemned But he that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed on the Name of the only begotten Son of God By the Name of God in Scripture his essential Perfections are signified Exod. 34.5 6. and if we thus understand the Name of Christ in the Text they are yet unbelievers that believe not his Divine Nature and the Perfections thereof or which is all one that Record which God hath given of him which is 1 John 5.10 that as he hath given Eternal Life so that Eternal life is in his Son or as mentioned v. 20. That he is True God and Eternal Life And a like Argument they have against us and therefore it is very plain there can be no Communion together for we must not have Communion with Unbelievers 2 Cor. 6.14 Fourthly Hereupon likewise it is a Principle of such a Nature as they who deny it deny the Lord that hought them as the False Teachers 2 Pet. 2.1 By denying the Lord here it cannot be supposed the Apostle means a direct denying of Jesus Christ to be the Messiah Because First They should be teachers among them which they could not be if they openly denyed Christ Secondly They should do it privily and this would be an open denyal Thirdly They did it by those damnable Heresies which they privily brought in they should bring in such Heresies that should deny the Lord that bought them and what Heresie can there be that more plainly denieth the Lord than that which denieth what he is He that denieth I am of the nature of Man certainly denieth me who am a Man and so he that denies Christ is of the Nature of God certainly denieth that Lord who is God If the Person of Christ consists of the Divine and Humane Nature then he which denieth the Natures denieth the Person for if that Name belongs to a Person of such Natures then take away the Natures and you leave only an empty Name a Name of nothing it is in vain therefore to say that both own Jesus Christ They who deny the Natures of Christ deny his Person and they who deny his Person deny the Lord that bought them and therefore are Incommunicable Sixthly This Principle is that Rock upon which Christ hath built his Church Peter makes his Confession of Christ Matth. 16.15 19 17 18. Thou art Christ the Son of the living God And our Lord saith upon this Rock will I build my Church Whosoever therefore denieth this Principle cannot be founded on that Rock which the Church of Christ is built upon and consequently can be no Member of it Objection It is objected That both Parties believe that Proposition That Christ is the Son of the living God Answer I Answer It is impossible For if we don't understand the same thing by it we have not the same Faith whilst one asserts by the Son of God is meant his Divine Nature and the other that by it is meant Humane Nature only Both cannot believe the Truth contained in this Proposition and each Party must suppose the other to deny that Rock upon which Christ hath built his Church and therefore cannot be Members thereof Seventhly It is a Principle of such Consequence that the Christian Religion stands or falls with it As there is but one God so there can be but one true Religion Now There are three Religions in the World each of which plead to be the true Religion viz. The Mahometan the Jewish and the Christian I shall therefore following Monsieur Abbadie in his French Treatise of the Divinitie of our Lord Jesus Christ shew First That if Jesus Christ is not true God
Truth and the Life and no Man comes unto the Father but by him Would not such an one be justly esteemed among Christians as an Impious and Blasphemous Person In like manner for Jesus Christ to attribute to Himself the Names the Nature the Works and Worship of the most High God and at the same time was not so he could not be esteemed amongst the Jews then nor can with any just Reason be esteemed by any since to be otherwise than a notorious Blasphemer and from hence it would follow his Disciples were deceivers that the Jewish Sanhedrim did well in sentencing Christ to Death that the Jews do well in maintaining that Sentence and in rejecting the Preaching of his Disciples that Christian Religion is Superstition and Idolatry and the Messiah is not yet come For what is Idolatry but to give the essential Glory of God to a Creature only if Herod was guilty of Idolatry for permitting the People to say it is the Voice of God and not of a Man if though those that offered one Grain of Incense to an Idol were guilty of this Crime and they who swore by the Head of the Emperour were not Innocent though at the same Time they did not imagine the Emperour to be God what a piece of Idolatry and Superstition must that Systeme be that gives the incommunicable Glory of God to a Man only and requires Divine Adoration to be rendered to him yea if Christ is not God of the same Essence of his Father it represents him as an Actour on a Stage that takes the Name the Apparel and Acts the Part of a Prince when at the same time he is one of the meanest Subjects for it represents Christ as God God over all blessed for ever the Almighty All-seeing Eternal Immutable The True God and Eternal Life as he that laid the Foundations of the Earth c. When in Deed and in Truth he was but a meer Creature and in reality had none of these Excellencies in him there is a necessity therefore to give up the Truth of the Christian Religion and turn either Mahometans or Jews if this Principle is not true That Jesus Christ is true God of the same Essence with the Father From whence it is evident that this is a Principle of such a Nature that the Christian Religion stands or falls with it and therefore they who assert and they who deny it cannot have Christian Communion together 8. They which assert and they which deny this Principle ought not to have Communion together at the Lords Table because one or the other must be ignorant of what it represents and signifies they would have different Ideas represented by the same Elements To the one it would represent Jesus Christ giving himself for us an Offering and a Sacrifice to God of a sweet smelling Savour the Humane Nature offered up and by Reason of its Union with the Divine making Satisfaction to Divine Justice answering the demands of the Law and obtaining Salvation for us Whilst it represents to the Secinians nothing else but a meer Man Suffering as an Example of Patience and Submission to the Will of God It sets forth to the one the Infinite and amazing Love of God in giving his Son his only begotten Son that lay in his Bosom and was his delight from Eternity to become a Sacrifice for Sinners to bear their Griefs Isa 53.4 5. and carry their Sorrows to be wounded for their Transgressions and bruised for their Iniquities to give him up to Death even that shameful painful and accursed Death of the Cross And it sets forth the amazing Love of Jesus Christ 2 Cor. 8.9 or as the Apostle speaks the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was Rich for their sakes he became Poor that through his Poverty they might be made Rich. Phil. 2.6 That he that was in the form of God and thought it no robbery to be equal with him made himself of no Reputation c. But it represents no such thing to the other no more Love than to make a glorious Man and set him to be an Example of Holiness Patience and Humility both in his Life and Death and ought they to have Communion together at the Lords Table that are not agreed what the Ordinance represents and signifies can they be said to discern the Lords Body that discern it not to be a Sacrifice offered up to God for our Sins Heb. 13.10 This is an Altar of which they have no right to Eat 9. They ought not to have Communion together because they must esteem each other either Vnbelievers or Hereticks and neither are communicable I have already shewn that if Christ be God c. then those that never believed it cannot be said to be Believers in Christ inasmuch as they cannot be said to Believe that Thing who deny what is Essential to it and they denying what is essential to the Person of Christ cannot be said to believe in that Person and as for those that have believed it and departed from this Faith they cannot but be looked upon to be Hereticks for there is nothing Heresie if this be not Heresie which Roots up the very Foundations and denies the Lord that bought them which overthrows the Christian Faith and turns it out of the World Objection An Heretick is one that is condemned of himself and unless they are condemned in their own Consciences Tit. 2.10 11. that what they hold is Heresie they are not Hereticks Answer 1. Then it will follow that it can never be known who is a Heretick inasmuch as we cannot know the Consciences of Men and then the Apostle might have kept that Rule to himself Ver. 10. A Man that is an Heretick after the first and second Admonition reject for it were absurd for him to give an Injunction as a Rule of Discipline in the Church that was impossible to followed 2. Therefore a Man is condemned of himself that renounceth the great Truths he hath owned he that once professed Jesus Christ to be the Messiah the Son and sent of God was devoted to him by Baptism and acknowledged the Doctrines revealed by him and since hath apostatized there-from is condemned of himself his own Actions shew him to be self-condemned for there is no better rule than to judge of the Tree by its Fruit and Actions speak more than Words The Foundation Principles of Christianity carry very great Evidence with them they recommend themselves to every Mans Conscience in the sight of God we have the greatest Reason therefore to judge those self-condemned condemned in their own Consciences who have departed from the Faith Ver. 11. Knowing he that is such is subverted and sinneth being condemned of himself it follows hence they are not communicable because an Heretick after the first and second Admonition reject 10. They who maintain a Separation because of Principles of far lesser Moment must acknowledge that they who assert and they
A Brief Enquiry Whether they who ASSERT And they who DENY THE Divinity OF OUR LORD Iesus Christ May have Communion together at the Lords Table By JOSEPH TAYLOR Therefore thus saith the Lord if thou return then will I bring thee again and thou shalt stand before me And if thou take forth the precious from the vile thou shalt be as my Mouth let them return unto thee but return not thou to them Jer. 15.19 London Printed in the Year 1698. To the Churches of our Lord Jesus Christ Beloved Brethren HOW displeasing is it to him who walketh in the midst of the golden Candlesticks Rev. 2.1 to see his Churches either corrupted or divided to find his Body either defiled or torn Christ is the Head and we are the Members of his Body and as the Purity of the Head calls for the greatest Purity in the Body so the Oneness of the Body requires the strictest Vnion among the Members 1 Cor. 10.17 For we being many are one Bread and one Body for we are all Partakers of that one Bread Such cannot be Members of the Body who do not hold the Head Col. 2.19 From which all the Body by Joynts and Bands having Nourishment ministred and knit together increaseth with the increase of God And such cease to be Members who make a Schism in the Body it behoveth the Churches of Christ therefore to take great heed to avoid both these Evils The desire of Vnity with all that call upon the Name of the Lord in Truth put me on the serious Consideration among other Things whether Persons who believe or disbelieve the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ ought to have Communion together as Members of the same Body and here you have the result of my Thoughts with the Reasons wherefore I believe they ought not I have no personal Prejudice against any it is only the Glory of God the Honour of Jesus Christ and the Purity of the Churches that hath engaged me in this Work and I cannot conceive how any who believeth Jesus Christ to be God of the same Essence with his Father can account the denial of his Deity a small Thing Is it a small Thing to take Christ from his Throne his Crown from his Head and his Royal Sceptre out of his Hand To deny him that Nature without which you believe he could not be a Saviour nor the Object of Faith and Trust which gave all the value to his Sufferings that made the Offering up of his Humane Nature Eph. 5.2 An Offering and a Sacrifice to God of a sweet smelling Savour Whereby his Justice was satisfied and his Law answered if he thought it no robbery to be equal with God what robbery will he account it in such who make him no more than a Man And is it a sign of Love to Christ to hold the most intimate Communion with such who having stript Him of His Royal Ornaments put a Crown of Thorns on his Head a gorgeous Robe on his Body a Reed in his Hand and then Salute him with Hail King of the Jews For what is it less to give him all the Titles and Characters of God and yet deny Him his Nature It is no Argument to say they do it ignorantly for so did the Jews when they crucified Christ 1 Cor. 2.8 For if they had known they would not have Crucified the Lord of Glory And therefore though we are to Pity and Pray for them yet we are not to embrance and receive them into our Communion On the other Hand there is nothing more desirable in the Churches of Christ than Peace and Vnity it is a Blessing to be prayed for and laboured after Night and Day Psalm 133.1 How good and how pleasant is it for Brethren to dwell together in Unity For sweetness v. 2. It is like the precious Oyntment upon the Head that ran down upon the Beard even Aarons Beard that went down to the Skirts of his Garments For Profit v 3. It is as the Dew of Hermon and as the Dew that descended on the Mountains of Zion and there the Lord commands his Blessing even Life for evermore There he will be graciously present there he will dwell and there he will dispense the choisest of his Favours But this Unity that is so good and so pleasant is among Brethren among such who believe in exalt and glorifie the same God the Father the same Lord Jesus Christ and the same Holy Spirit Peace and Truth must be joyned together For that is not the Peace of God which is purchased with the loss of Truth we are obliged to take as much Care that we have Vnion only with the faithful As to preserve among them the Unity of the Spirit in the bond of Peace Eph. 4.3 I hope I can truly say I write only for Truth and shall be so far from being displeased at the disproof of my Arguments as thankfully to acknowledge my mistake and be one of the first as shall give them I now write against the right Hand of Fellowship But in the mean Time for the Reasons herein mentioned I must intreat they who believe their Saviour is God by Nature to be concerned for his Glory to be consistent with their own Principles and not have Communion with such that profess the contrary and use all due means to recover such who are seduced by the sleight of Men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive Eph. 4.4 5 6. Let the Exhortation of our Lord be diligently hearkned to Have Salt in your selves and Peace one with another Mark 9.50 And of the Apostle Endeavouring to keep the Unity of the Spirit in the bond of Peace for you are one Body and have one Spirit and are called in one Hope of your Calling you have one Lord one Faith one Baptism one God and Father of all who is above all and through all and in you all Eph. 4.3 4 5 6. The great design of Satan is to divide you which he endeavours to effect by sowing Seeds of Discord about lesser Matters and stirring up such who cause Divisions and Offences contrary to the Doctrine of Christ Rom. 16.17 who are to be mark't there is nothing can weaken our Hands more than Discord nor strengthen them more than Vnity hereby is the Father gloryfied the Son honoured the Gospel spread and the Churches Edified There are many Things about which the dear Children of God do differ in their Judgments and will do whilst they are on this side the Grave for we know but in part they have not the same degrees of Light and therefore are not of the same mind in all Things but their differences are only about such Things which they may believe or disbelieve and yet hold the Head they agree in the great and necessary Doctrines of Salvation in the Foundation Principles of the Christian Religion and Things of lesser moment I humbly conceive should make no difference among the Churches of Christ