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A17011 An apologicall epistle directed to the right honorable lords, and others of her Maiesties priuie counsell. Seruing aswell for a præface to a booke, entituled, A resolution of religion: as also, containing the authors most lawfull defence to all estates, for publishing the same. The argument of that worke is set downe in the page following. Broughton, Richard. 1601 (1601) STC 3893; ESTC S114315 71,209 122

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of will where our good workes are necessitate where the predestination of God taketh away all election and indifferencie By which and such like positions as Protestants teach it followeth that no Article of Religion can be certaine no Religion can be nothing is to be accounted sinne nothing reckoned for vertue For who can certainely beleeue that which most certainely is vncertaine or false or who can either praise or discommend that which is doone whether the doer wil or no How can such actions be rewarded or punished How can that soule be immortall and performe religion which should want free and reasonable operations the arguments and pledges of immortality But I defend a religion so measured as before that by no possibilitie any Decree can be vntrue a Religion that so concordeth the eternall praescience and predestination of God with the temporall cooperation of man that it both leaueth the first infallible and yet prooueth the temporall action appetite delight or consent to any things to be voluntary free and in the power of man to be effected or omitted praised or discommended rewarded or punished as the nature thereof deserueth Not that Religion which hath raised such dissentions that it hath taken all vnitie and communion of Saints away diuided the millitant and triumphant Church and dishonored both depriuing Angells and glorified soules of that honor their excellencie and dignitie with God requireth men in earth the militant church of that helpe and assistance it needeth and alwayes had from them as inferiour causes from superiour all pitty and compassion of those that liue and be in state of merite from the patient Church of the faithfull departed and spoyled them of that reliefe they euer receiued of those that liue and made such hauoke and confusion euen among the liuing that no man regardeth other euery one almost of a different and diuided minde from the rest in these things and neuer at concord with himselfe but vppon euery new conceipt differing from his former assertion in continuall combate and controuersie with his owne will and vnderstanding and so no communion and participation one with an other no care of offence and iniuries no minde of satisfaction for wrongs and iniustices no cōbination of comembers no penance no restraint from sinne where the passion of Christ hath bin so long vaunted and triumphed of that except in most sacrilegious and blasphemous swearing by the instruments of our redemption no memorie at all thereof is left no signe or token to put vs in minde no image or representation no commemoratiue sacrifice or signification of so many paines miseries and mysteries as our Sauiour indured and wrought for our redemption where no order or hierarchicall subordination no consecration or distinction of callings and vocations is except the letters patents of a temporall Prince can giue that to others which is not cannot be in the giuer But that Religion which as it is vnited and one in it selfe in earth consisteth of a most perfect hierarchicall regiment of Pope Patriarkes Archbishops Bishops Priests Deacons Subdeacons Acolathists Exorcists Lectors and other Vnder-officers euery one in his roome and dignitie and the meanest of all by calling and consecration of greater honour than any ministeriall preferment among Protestants being no reall thing but an ens rationis an Idoll of the minde as the making of Pursuvants Apparators and such Officers appoynted by others where our POPE which is so odious in England is so ample in iurisdiction in all the worlde that no temporall Prince christian or infidell no ruler or professor of regiment in ecclesiasticall and spirituall causes at this time or any heeretofore either is or was ' by many degrees possessed of so large a regimēt· And our priuate Priests namely the most reuerend and learned Fathers of the Societie of IESVS so contemptible in our country are honoured of the greatest Princes of the world by their preachings paines haue added so many kingdomes both to the spirituall regiment of Christ and temporall gouernement of Catholike kings Our Catholike kings be most mightie and they which regarde vs most the most rich puissant and greatest Princes of the worlde Our religion religeth and bindeth together as the name importeth not onely kingdomes and menne in earth but God and his Catholike seruants the triumphant militant and patient Church no duety is omitted no compassion or pitty wanting where the mysterie of our redeeming is so esteemed and remembred that no festiuitie no office or parte of diuine seruice is celebrated in the yeere but representeth vnto vs one benefite or other no ceremony is vsed in the holy sacrifice of Masse no action of the Priest no ornament or attire hee weareth no benediction hee giueth no signe of the Crosse hee maketh but hath his religious signification and preacheth vnto vs his introite to the Altare his actions there his returne from thence the very vestments wherewith he is adorned the putting of them on the wearing of them in that celebration his putting them off his Amice Albe Girdle Manciple Stoale Vestiment and all hee vseth speak nothing but Christ crucified the maner of his oblation the cloth wherewith he was blindfolded the white garment putte on by Herode the cordes and whippe wherewith hee was bound and scourged the purple vestment wherwith he was deluded and that mysticall and most holy sacrifice his bloody and cruental oblation vppon the Crosse no action gesture prayer or the least ceremony either in word or deede silence or otherwise but bringeth a religious lesson and meaning and tendeth to instruction no benefite that Christ bestowed vppon man from the first instant of his conception left vnremembred but one time or other celebrated Not that Religion which denieth al things and properties of Religion as their opinions all negatiue doe witnes that hath taken away and conuerted from common and spirituall religious vses to priuate and temporall pleasures and preferments all monuments and foundations of deuotion and places of religious exercise leauing and vsing nothing necessary to mans saluation But that Religion whose opinions against these men are all affirmatiue professing deuotion and one acte of pietie or other that hath founded Churches Schooles Colledges Monasteries and places where Christian learning euer was or is exercised at this day that obserueth all things and wanteth or omitteth nothing belonging or that can be required to true Religion I defend that most holy and religious worship which I will prooue by aboue an hundred arguments and all kinde of inuincible reasons diuine and humane naturall and supernaturall to be the onely true and lawfull reuerence which we owe to God by which we were labij vnius spake one language and one Religion vntill that confused Babel was begunne in Germany from whence so many different tongs and confusions in Religion haue proceeded SECT VI. What mooued the Authour to dedicate his Worke to the Councell WHerefore right Honorable although the endes and offices
of a religious spirituall common wealth be distinct and diuerse from those of a temporall and ciuil gouernment wherein you are supreame Lieutenants vnder our gratious Princesse and in that respect matters handled in the one doe not so properly appertaine to the iudgement and redres of those which rule in the other but are to bee decided and reformed by the gouernours of that profession to which they are belonging yet as the glory of the first cannot commonly bee maintained without the fauour of the second so this cannot rightly bee ruled without direction from the former for where there is no greater or more forcible motiue to keepe in order but feare of temporall correction for no temporall magistrate can punish eternally or after death which is onely a bridle against publike and notorious offences which may be denounced and proued by witnes as euery ciuill magistrate must proceed secundum allegata probata as matters are and can be alledged and proued and that which cannot so be determined can neither be punished or condemned but in secret men may practise all impietie without controlement if no Religion and dread of a diuine maiestie by his infinit wisedome knowing by his immutable iustice punishing secret sinnes were to keepe in awe Therefore as this cause I haue in hand is the most honorable of all that can be entreated so I am bolde to offer this introductory Epistle and defence thereof to your honours the most honourable and noble consistory of our nation and as it is most necessary to be considered in regard of duty to God and man which it teacheth so I tender it to you the supreame Deputies of our gratious Soueraigne whose chiefe care and solicitude must be in taking order for such causes because you are Christian magistrates and take vpon you the defence of the lawe of Christ which I here maintaine because you are sworne Councellers to assist our Princesse whose chiefe stile and title is granted to hir father King Henry the eight by Pope Leo the tenth defendor of the faith for defending the Catholike Romane Religion against Luther that Archprotestant which I here defend and to preuent all suspitious censures and conceipts of such as will imagine I goe about to present a worke vnlawfull by those lawes whereof you pretend defence in that respect you are the highest wisest and most honourable patrons of the lawes of our Country I humbly pray pardon vnder your protection to publish this worke because it is confirmed and demonstrated not only by al auncient lawes of England al lawes Papall imperial princely nationall of forren countries and former times but the present forcible lawes of England established by our Qu● Eliz. to which I wil proue onely that Religion I defend to be conformable others repugnant therby condemned Wherfore most Hh patrons for I must challenge this title at your hands be my protectors the piety of my cause and complaint enclines to mercy our vniust persecution vnder your predecessors requireth amends and I hope at least shal receiue toleration by you hereafter the lawe of nature the lawes of all nations of all Princes of England it selfe in that state it is The lawe of God calleth vpon you and bringeth euidēce of this obligation to which you are bound when you were new borne and ruled by others you vowed it in Baptisme now you are rulers of others both them which so iustly demaund it as those which should and many would so willingly yeeld it your promise to God to his Church to your Country is to bee performed many or most of you being of age and discretion in the time of Queene Marie haue practised and professed it so many of your noble company as are admitted to the honorable order of the Garter haue sworne it you are all sworne councellors to our Queene which by title of inheritance and at here coronation by the oath and fidelitie of a Christian Prince hath obliged her selfe to maintaine it of that which is her office your place professeth performance your vow to God obedience and voluntary submission to his church fidelity to Prince promise and duty to Country compassion to vniustly oppressed calleth vpon you to see it done I demaund but iustice by those lawes which my Prince her nobles and other subiects your predecessors and you haue enacted For your wisedome you were chosen to gouerne your mercy exalted you where you may and ought to exercise most compassion iustice and equitie haue aduaunced you to that high seate of equal iudgement as you are wise as you are mercifull and must be iust take pitty vppon iust complaints And by the same titles I humblie craue you condemne me not before I haue shewed worthy cause of reproofe Neuer any Catholike subiect of England hitherto hath so much abused your Honors dishonoured the cause of his religion for which wee daily vndertake so many troubles and disgraces or disgraced and discredited himselfe to make so bolde a challenge except hee were able to performe it and my confident assurance is I shall not be the first vnhappy and vnaduised man to doe it Pardon noble Patrons peremptorily without al exception I vndertake to proue directly not only by al other arguments but by the Parliament laws proceedings of Qu. Elizab. that the Religion those men profes as confirmed by thē is false euen by them that we defend to be true euen by those groundes and decrees I will prooue thereby That Christ is really present in the blessed sacrament of the Aultare that Saints and Angels are to be reuerenced and praied vnto that there is a Purgatory that prayer almes and other good deeds are auaileable for the faithful soules departed which had not perfected penance and satisfaction in this life that onely faith iustifieth not that good workes are meritorious before God that there is an externall Priesthoode and sacrifice in the church of Christ that wee are not iustified by an imputatiue iustice but grace and iustice are inherent and internal things that the Sacraments of Christ giue grace that there be seauen Sacraments in number Baptisme Confirmation Eucharist Penance Extreame vnction Orders and Matrimonie and all other matters of moment in controuersie betweene them and vs. Which when I haue performed no obiection can be made against the allowance of my petition And because I was sometimes demaunded of your predecessours in that place beeing conuented before them for professing this Religion I still defend what reason should mooue me then very yong in yeares borne of parents conformable to the time in and vnder the Protestant regiment of Queene Elizabeth brought vp in that Vniuersitie and other places which were alwayes least fauouring of that beliefe all which things were either knowne before or acknowledged by me to that assembly to be of a different and contrary opinion when if I would haue beene of the same profession I might haue beene regarded as others of my
An Apologicall Epistle Directed to the right honorable Lords and others of her Maiesties priuie Counsell Seruing aswell for a Praeface to a Booke entituled A Resolution of Religion as also containing the Authors most lawfull Defence to all estates for publishing the same The Argument of that Worke is set downe in the page following Printed at Antwerp with licence the fiue and twenty day of March 1601. Stilo novo The Argument of the booke intituled A Resolution of Religion promised and defended in this Epistle THe Resolution of Religion being deuided into two parts entreateth in the first of the absolute Necessitie of a Diuine worship against all Atheists Epicures Doubters or Deniers thereof proouing aswell the most infallible certainty and preeminences of this supernaturall Reuerence as the manifold grosse absurdities of that vnnaturall and prophane People Secondly it demonstrateth against Iewes Pagans Mahumetanes and all externall Enemies of Christ that onely the Religion which he taught is true and all others blasphemous and ouerwhelmed with manifest and intollerable errours In the second part it sheweth by aboue an hundred vnanswerable Arguments against all Heretikes and internall Aduersaries that among so many professions of Christ onely Catholike Romane Religion is true and deliuered by him and all others especially the Protestancie of England not onely by all those Reasons but by their owne grounds and proceedings false and damnable IHS MAR To the right honourable Lordes and others of her Maiesties priuie Counsell RIght Honorable and renowmed Regents If the first created Ruler in earth had not broken the Rule of his Creator and supreame Ruler in Heauen vnrulinesse had not entred Superiours had not found so many disorders to reforme Inferiors had wanted so greeuous causes of complaint For when by that infinite and inerrable power of God all creatures were framed in perfection man as he was made according to his similitude and to be his Viceroy ouer this inferior world so he was constituted far more perfect than the rest replenished with all kinds both of spirituall and corporall fauors and had an especiall Charter of priuiledged habilitie had hee not wilfully lost it to be enfranchized from all defects of soule or body defended from the first by the armour of originall Iustice and exempted from the second by refuge and sanctuary to the tree of life In that happy condition and estate no infirmitie had beene bewailed no errour in the vnderstanding no froward affection in the will no King Senate Councell or Ruler had beene entroubled with rules of Reformation no subiect had complained no man had beene iniured For where no offence either against God or man no disobedience of the inferiour appetite to Reason or of Reason against her Ruler had raigned nothing could be amisse to be complained of by the one or corrected by the other SECT I. The frailetie and pronenesse of man to sinne after the fall of Adam BVt after our protoparent made forfeiture of that tenure broke conditions with God our Writte of Priuiledge was reuoked and Citty of refuge taken away and humane nature left to it selfe naked and disabled among so many enemies and allurements of iniquitie came to that impotent and poore degree wherein we are insomuch that Philosophers and such as were onely conuersant in naturall affaires prouing by pittifull experience the still continuing and vncured scarres of that combat ignorance errour concupiscence sinne sickenes death and other afflictions which they found in themselues and vnacquainted what they had lost in their first ancestor deplored the state of man so much that they affirmed Nature onely in the production of him behaued her selfe like a stepmother and not as a naturall mother such were the complaints of Cicero Homer Empedocles Heraclitus Plinius and others and it was the primordiall stumbling blocke to the blockish and beastly Epicures as Lactantius witnesseth to deny the prouidence of God and all religion of man vnto him And although this complaint was vniust and proceeded of ignorance yet the wound which was then inflicted hath so festered in the whole posteritie of Adam that vntill this corruptible hath put on incorruption and this mortall immortalitie and death whose companions they are is swallowed vppe in victorie in the triumph of our glorious resurrection there is no hope of cure And touching sinne and iniquitie which as it was the most deadly and deepest sore so most to be bewailed the transgression of the first law-breaker was so venomous a seede to bring foorth wickednesse and disobedience in the race of man that neuer any law-maker magistrate or superior spirituall or temporall either by example in themselues as a president to subiects or any law ordinance reward or preferment for vertue penalty and punishment for vice or any other engine or instrument could roote it out no Bohemas among the Bohemians no Tuball among the Spaniardes no Belus among the Assyrians no Ceres or Rhadamanthus no Draco or Solon among the Athenians Mercurius among the Egyptians no Minos Lycurgus Charandes Phoroneus Romulus Pithagoras or Apollo among the Cretensians Lacedemonians Tyrians Grecians Romans Italians Arcadians no Mulmutius Dunwallo Alfrede Edward or any other politicke or vertuous king ruler or law-maker in England or any other Nation could weede it vp neither any spirituall law promulged and deliuered either by Adam the first which knew best the difference of the estates of innocencie and sinne hauing prooued both and preached it first to the primitiue world or Noe to those that were drowned in the deluge or Abraham Lot Iob Moses to the Cananites Sodomites posteritie of Esau or others And Christ Iesus the sonne of God wisedome of his Father and God himselfe the most prudent law-maker perfect exemplar and president without all sinne and exception although he became our Priest sacrifice and redeemer and offered so rigorous a ransome that the least drop of his immaculate and vnvaluable blood or the meanest of his so many infinitely meritorious operations had beene both able and woorthy to haue washed away and cleansed not onely the malice and venome of sinne but the whole poyson and infection of all other infirmities and defects yet it pleased that diuine wisedome to leaue them as a perpetual penitential memoriall of our former demerite to continue in this state of pilgrimage and as they were contracted in our first fall from innocencie in Paradise so perfectly to be remooued in our last resurrection to endlesse glory and happines so that all times and places more or lesse haue beene infected with infirmities all sexes and ages men women and children except some one or few excepted by a speciall writing of diuine exemption little or much originally and actually haue beene defiled The law deliuered to Angells was transgressed in heauen If we follow the common opinion that Angelles were created in that imperiall Pallace the Law giuen in the state of innocencie was broken in Paradise the vnwritten Lawe vnder the
that if any man desireth to see and behold any company of knaues vsurers dissolute persons and deceitfull men let him enter into any citty of Professors of the Gospel and he shall finde enow of such among Pagans Iewes and Turkes and other infidelles men can scarcely be found so disobedient or stubborne among whom all honestie and whatsoeuer doth sauour of virtue is dead and no reckoning is made of any sinne Iacobus Andreas vttereth his opinion of them in this manner among them no amendment or emendation is thought vpon they liue an Epicurean and altogether beastly life in place of fasting a custome of eating and excessiue rioting in banquetting and bawdery hath succeeded in place of almes oppression and extortion ouer the poore for prayer blasphemy against the holy name of God insteed of humilitie pride elation and most filthie exceeding superfluitie Io. Riuius saith that the wickednes of thē hath encreased to the astonishment of all men No man seeketh after God no man blusheth at the violating of his commandements euery mans life is polluted with great sinnes and wickednesse I dare affirme saieth hee that in this corrupt and wretched age of ours all manner of vices haue so encreased that hardly greater wickednesse can be for what sin or wickednesse at this day is wanting which if it raigned this age might be saide to be more vngodly for that respect and although to iudge rightly hereof in euery age there hath beene riotousnesse sumptuous feastings costly dinners and suppers surfetting drunkennesse whoredome adultery oppression iniury neglecting of well dooing and other such wickednesse which euery man in his time hath found fault withall as Seneca saith and no age that hath beene voyde of sinne yet loosenesse of life neglect of order and discipline outrageous wickednesse hath in this our age so encreased and gotten strength that it appeareth euen Atheisme and Epicurisme hath inuaded the life of man and as it were beareth dominion among Christians lawes take no force lust ruleth altogether for what thinke you they beleeue the soule is immortall who liue in maner as beastes or bee they perswaded there be either rewards for the godly in heauen or punishment in hell appoynted for sinners who in euery thing dread not to violate the commandements of God run altogether headlong into sin euen as thogh they did either thinke that God were but a vaine and fained thing or beleeue that when the body dieth the soule likewise perisheth and commeth vnto nothing such be the testimonies of Nennon Simonius Schinmideline others of the chiefest originall Protestants of their fellow professors I will cite more hereafter when I will prooue those which giue this euidence of the rest to be worst of all themselues SECT III. How all these errours and abuses proceede by dis-vnion from the Catholicke Church WHerefore that which so many priuate and publike writings affirme abroad and at home which euery man seeth and feeleth to be true and those principall Protestants recorded of their Disciples in the prime and flourishing time the very zenith and highest of their exaltation when the reformers of others should haue giuen some example and shew of reformation in themselues I trust it will not be offensiue for me a Catholike subiect of England after so many yeeres of experienced encrease of their impieties and in their withering and decaying age euery thing with them growing worse and worse to affirme to be true Then most Noble as ordinary effects proceede from ordinary causes so extraordinary and straunge things such as this kinde of iniquitie so wicked so vniuersall and erroneous is must haue some vnwonted cause more than is vsuall in christian men I will not be so seuere a Sentencer against them as their confederate Iohn Riuius is to say that they be Atheists Epicures and deniers of the soules immortalitie and thereby thinking there is no religion in the worlde no life after death no reward of vertue or penalty for vice haue giuen themselues ouer to all kinde of sinne Neither wil I enter to so bloody a iudgement in this place reseruing it to bee discussed heereafter against these men as their owne generall and common approoued doctrine especially in England that true faith and good workes are inseparable condemneth such men for infidells and misbeleeuers But to reserue these and such arguments as may be inforced by that which is spoken to their proper place and prosecute my present intent it is manifest by the Babilonical diuision which is in the vnderstanding of this people that they haue forsaken the true faith religion and rule thereof which can be but one and by the grosse impieties which haue taken so quiet possession of their liues that they are so far from al interest either of reforming errors of the mind or abuses of life in others by which in the beginning they claymed title to a new religion that they haue beene the onely cause of so many infidelities Atheismes Epicurismes Iudaismes Mahumetismes and other intollerable sinnes offences which are daily by their owne confession before practized among them for when and where the infallible rule and censure of supernaturall difficulties is denied and euery man left to his owne priuate deduction and deceiptfull iudgement farre vnable to descipher supernaturall mysteries what hope can be had of truth what probabilitie of agreement who wil be encoraged to seeke for veritie where it is impossible to be found If it were in naturall arts and sciences which be connaturall and proportionable to humane capacitie if there were so many opinions diuers and contrary as are among them in religion so that before hee could follow any hee must learne to confute all the rest what man would willingly professe that art as true though it were neuer so gainefull if it were obtained about learning whereof there is such dissention that three hundred to one hee should be deceiued By that reason in Arts Alchimie of making gold is ordinarily refused hauing brought so many to errour and beggery by the vncertaintie thereof although in it selfe it is woonderfull commodious For matters of antiquitie the diuersity of opinions about the originall of the Brittans in this land hath caused many to thinke there neuer was any Brute at all It is as manifest both by al Histories and Monuments that Saint Peter liued long and died at Rome as that William of Normandy surnamed the Conquerour came into England and subdued it or as any such antiquity can be and yet bicause as Protestants say there is difference betweene Saint Hierome Orosius and Fasciculus temporum about the time of his comming thither although they agree with the rest that hee liued and died there some Protestants are not afraide to affirme he was neuer at Rome For a like cause the whole Protestant Cleargie of England in their authorized Conuocation deny the Bookes of Machabees Iudith and Tobias to be canonicall scriptures So it chanceth in Sciences
where controuersie and multiplicity of opinions is Then how much more true is it in things so eleuated aboue naturall vnderstanding as the mysteries of religion be What a palpable prouocation and allurement of delightfull atheisme epicurisme and infidelitie is it to carnall mindes to see so many diuisions and no agreement For can any one particular voluptuous man or other in iudgement thinke himselfe wiser than so many great companies and congregations as hee is most sure are all deceiued And if hee shoulde aduenture to beleeue and be religious as others doe there is oddes three hundred to one he shall be brought into errour because he seeth so many religions erected defended against whatsoeuer he shall chuse to followe the pleasures he should forsake are certaine sensible and forcible to mooue affection that which hee should beleeue is most vncertaine ineuident and without motiue to be followed as it is proposed in these mens proceedings Or if that man bee of reading and iudgement to consider former times he shal finde foure hundred more religions contrary to any that is now professed in the Schoole of Protestants so that it will more than double the former danger and the same man shall vnderstand that the Catholike Church for whose election calling preseruing from errour and consummation the whole mysterie of Christ was wrought hath condemned and vtterly extirped all those foure hundred and by the same infallible authority and censure in diuers generall Councelles where the whole christian worlde was assembled reprooued and anathematized those that raigne in Protestants So that if a man in case of religion will deny the voyce of that spouse of Christ that piller of trueth and societie assisted by the promise of Christ from falling into error it is euident that a thousand to one he shall shal be seduced damned Who then wil wonder if many infidels atheists are entred among these men when at the worst their atheisme and that only in the end can bring but to damnatiō in the meane time brings al pleasures and delights and their professing of religion in such vncertaine maner first most certainly depriueth of those plesures 1000. to one brings to the same damnation Or who wil maruel if those that be not come to this perfection of policie nullifidianitie as I trust ther be but few one being too much in a christian nation be far more careles negligent vnduetifull in liuing well then such as doe liue in the vnitie of the whole Catholike worlde wherein there neuer was or is any disagreement or contradiction in matters of belieuing For if as I shewed before a man might would or should in reason doubt to giue assent to any religion where there was so manifest and apparant daunger of a false election if it be true in a speculatiue consent of faith onelie exacting an agreement of the vnderstanding howe much more doubt and difficultie will bee made for men of reason to aduenture so great paines and labours as holy Scriptures prescribe to be vsed for obtaining heauen when by reason it is euident before they begin that a thousand to one al their labors will be lost and their indeuours rewarded with euer-during damnation in hell Will any man now muse if the song of Epicures is so often tuned and so much impietie put in practise If it were in the execution of daily and ordinary affaires no man woulde labour much for that which so many affirme he could not get but contrariwise euery one in reason should and would contend for principall preferrement and commodity which all men graunt he might obtaine hee that by consent of all hath vndeniable title to a kingdome or meaner dignitie will refuse no aduenture to winne it he whome all or most deny to haue such interest either will not at all or faintly take it in hand hauing little or no hope to bring his attempt to passe euen so in these spirituall affaires For although the Crowne and inheritaunce of heauen proposed to Christians is incomparably more excellent than such terrene preferments yet being a spirituall and supernaturall reward and not so proportionate to the manner of humane knowledge and affection in this life depending of sence and imagination as temporall aduauncements and pleasures are and being so vncertain vnprobable or rather vnpossible to be obtained as these men make it it can be no matter of admiration that so much wickednesse doth rule and so few aduenture so certaine and painefull a worke for so vncertaine and doubtfull recompence Thus it alwayes chaunced in temporall things so it euer did and will come to passe in questions of religion whether it be true or false The Idolatrous state of the Gentiles when they were most diuided for their diuersities and placalities of gods rites and sacrifices were farre more wicked then when fewer pretended title to be worshipped The Mahumetans though euer lewd and impious yet after the Persian schisme and diuisions among them they daily fell to be more wicked than before and the Iewish people sometimes the true seruants of God and religious so long as they remained in vnitie among themselues after they were diuided into Sectes became more carelesse of seruing God as is manifest not onely in the schisme betweene the houses of Roboam and Ieroboam recorded in holy Scriptures but most euident in their last desolation For at the comming of Christ the time of the Messias being expleated they were diuided into many Sects and Religions who should be hee and what they shoulde beleeue So that besides Christians the true worshippers there were at that time in that nation Samaritanes Pharises Sadduces Essenes Baptists Herodians Galileans Ezechians Atongists Theudists Egiptists Barrownosbonists Vespasianians and other sects whereby that nation so vertuous and religious when it was vnited in true worship was come to that carelesnesse of religion and liuing well that they were drowned and ouerwhelmed in such monstrous and erroneous iniquities that their owne Historian Iosephus affirmeth their sinnes to haue beene so great that if the Romanes had not come to take such extraordinary reuengement vpon them he did thinke Authiatu terrae deuorandam fuisse ciuitatem That their Cittie Hierusalem would either haue beene swallowed vppe of the earth or drowned with some deluge and inundation or be consumed with fire and lightnings as the Sodomites were In like manner it alwaies happened in all times places and persons polluted with hereticall Sects and diuisions as all Antiquities and Historians witnesse SECT IIII. The scope and intent of the Authour to teach a most vndoubted certaintie and vnitie in religion WHerefore right Honourable as it is so euident that it can not be denied but such troupes of errours and impieties haue embatteled themselues in the camp of Protestants and by ample reasons may bee had in iust suspition that many doubters or rather deniers at least in affection of all Worship as euer in like times
haue beene are entred in So seeing contraries are and must be cured by contraries and certaintie and true vnitie in religion is the onely remedy of such intollerable and prophane abuses as haue proceeded from want thereof I haue written a cōpleate confutation of all enemies to true reuerence of what condition soeuer Atheists Epicures and such as be deniers of all worship or externall infidells and aduersaries of Christ Pagans Iews Mahumetanes or internall ennemies as the heretikes of all ages eyther past present or to be heereafter which I haue named A Resolution of Religion because therein not onely all doubtes and difficulties eyther pretended by any of those misbeleeuers or by any means to be imagined or conceiued are loosed and resolued but euery article and question of that most holy and approoued Religion which I defend is solued from all errours and resolued to the most assured and infallible word and reuelation of God which by no possibilitie can either be deceiued in himselfe or be cause of errour vnto others Whereby euery point and proposition of religious duety will be prooued to be so certaine that no infidell or false beleeuer can make it doubtfull So certaine as Saint Chrysostome writeth as any naturall demonstration is or to folow saint Augustines phrase so vndoubted that a man in iudgement should sooner doubt whether himselfe doth liue than call any article of that faith into question So that as nothing can be more holy credible and woorthy to be beleeued then that doctrine which I am to teach so nothing can be more irreligious obstinacie and wilfulnesse than to deny and not embrace it and as great madnes to follow any other false profession being as resolutely proued that they are all most vaine false erroneous and resolued to the lying spirite of the Diuell and wicked deceiuers and seducers SECT V. The certaintie excellency and dignity of Catholike Religion AND lest any Reader should maruaile that in a time of so great question and vncertainty of true Religion I should so peremptorily vndertake to so great personages and with so much securitie to shew any Religion so vndoubted and certaine as I haue assumed I do not meane thereby any of those erroneous professions either affirming or denying reuerence Not the blasphemous impietie of Diagoras Lucretius Epicures and Epicurians impugning all Religion to whose sacriligious liues and sentences God and all creatures are so repugnant to which all reasons dissent to whom no Argument or authoritie of any Country Citty Towne Villadge or particular man not mad with passions or frantickly distracted by pleasures in so many thousands of yeares as the world hath beene and in so many kingdomes and countries thereof yet agreed Neither any of those Infidelities of Iewes Mahumetanes Brachmans and Pagans so often by that Religion I will defend both miraculously and otherwise confuted and condemned by their owne confessions and withall maintaining either pluralities or corporeitie mutation change and dishonourable imperfections in God to whom Religion is belonging haue in all reason spoyled him of all worship and reuerence for none can be due to such a God or Gods as they imagine besides so many irreligious errours against the light of nature it selfe which are vnpossible to be taught of God and yet be rewarded in the chiefest Rules of these Religions Neither any of so many hundreds of expleaded or nowe raigning heresies or any that shall arise hereafter not the Religion of Martine Luther so often professed and both priuately and publickly recanted altered changed doubted and redoubted by himselfe as his owne workes and all protestants doe witnesse neither of licentious Caluine and a few artificers of Geneua or of Knekes that gally slaue of Scotland or of Edward Seymer duke of Somerset or King Edward the sixt a child of nine yeares old without any assent or assembly either of parliament or other as Fox himselfe is witnes the wil and testament of K. Henry the eight being violated and his Bishops and Clergy committed to prison or depriued Neither of the Protestants of this time which without disputation or aduise of any learned or parliamentall diuine all such then depriued by the consent of some vnlearned Noble men Knights of Shires and Burgesses of the townes of England was enacted and decreed Nor any other builded vpon the deceitfull deduction of any priuate man or framed vppon any such feeble and false foundation for so I should committe my selfe and bring my Readers to the same pittifull danger whereof I complained in those professors But I defend that Religion and Worship which all most learned and vertuous men of the whole christian worlde as well priuately by themselues as twenty times gathered together in generall Councells haue euer concluded out of holy Scriptures which many thousandes of nationall and prouinciall Sinodes euerie one of far more authoritie than any Protestant assembly all vniuersities colleges schooles and places of learning the Lawes of all christian Princes spirituall and temporall haue decreed For although wee ordinarily defend the infallible definition of POPES in controuersiall questions of Religion when Councells and such Remedies cannot be called and vsed as in temporall yea spirituall causes the Queenes Maiestie by her new taken prerogatiue proceedeth without Parliament yet all doubts and difficulties betweene Protestants and vs we defend as defined in general Councels out of holy Scriptures and yet the definition of any Pope in such cases by al moral iudgement is vnpossible to be false for neuer any did or doth or will define any sentence but that that was or shal be the cōmon opinion of al schools vniuersities with the assent of the best learned of the world such examination as the difficulty to be adindged requires I defend that Religion which only is ratified by all authoritie all Scriptures Traditions Prophets Apostles Euangelists Sybils Rabbins before Christ all holy learned Fathers Historians Antiquaries and Monum al Sinodes Councels Laws Parliaments Canons and Decrees of Popes Emperors Kings and Rulers all Martires Confessors holy witnesses by al friends enemies euen Mahumetans Iewes Pagans Infidels al former Heretikes Schismatikes these Protestants themselues when they were most probable to speake the truth and al testimonies that can be deuised not only in this world but of God of Angelles and glorified soules whose euidence cannot be vntrue of Diuels and damned soules in hell condemned for their contempt or negligence therof of soules in Purgatory whatsoeuer can be cited for witnes in such cases as wil be most euident in my particular arguments not onlie of the Titles heere recited but many others I defend that Religion which hath confuted al forreine aduersaries Atheists Epicures Iewes Pagans Mahumetans Magicians Philosophers which hath conquered left without memory aboue foure hundred Sects of internall and domesticall heretikes subdued all nations and brought to subiection all that haue opposed themselues against it
not any Religion builded vppon the deceitfull and vaine coniecture or blowne abroade to be beleeued with the whirling spirite of priuate men Quot capita tot religiones so many heades so many religions as Luther saide vnlearned deniers of Scriptures and their sense at their pleasure liers deceitfull false translators corrupters and forgers of holy euidence deuisers of new Doctrines for temporall pleasures and respects to be exempted from obligation and vowe of obedience chastity pouertie to be obeyed liue in lasciuiousnesse and pompe of wealth without any other argument at all as those innouators did But a Religion founded vpon the most certaine and infallible worde and reuelation of God expounded by those vndeceiuable Rules before remembred and that holy and euer-during society and Church of Christ for which he gaue himselfe and ordained Religion where so much virtue is practised such obedience chastitie pouertie and contempt of all impediments of heauen is vowed and professed which societie if it might erre no preseruance of true Religion is to be hoped for where none shoulde truely beleeue all should be in errour I defend that religion which in all times and places hath beene witnessed and approued with such Arguments as are disabled to be vntrue by infallible and vndeceiuable signes by thousandes of supernaturall miracles and wonders which by no meanes could be counterfaite or falsely reported So many naturally vncurable blinde restored to sight deafe to hearing lame to going sicke to health dead to life by most famous and notorious knowne Catholikes or Papists as it pleaseth Protestants which all Philosophers agree no naturall cause or arte of Diuells themselues could bring to passe neither God graunt vnto man for confirming falshoode Not that Religion which as it was taught of the Diuell father of lies as the Authours themselues shall witnesse and certainely by all arguments of reprobation condemned them their fellows and followers to hell But that which by all testimonies and vndeceitfull arguments brought the professors thereof to heauen and the most earnest and zealous therein as religious Heremites Monkes Freers Nunnes Priests Bishops Popes as all Calenders Histories and approued Recordes giue euidence to the greatest happines Not that Religion which made those that before were good chaste obedient and contem ners of the world to be wicked and giuen to al impietie as their owne writings witnesse but that Religion which those it reclaymed from false worships made them so holy and such Saints that all creatures haue done homage and duety vnto them the sea and waters against nature supported them the wilde sauage and deuouring beasts adored them the rauening foules in desarts nourished them the windes tempests ayre fire earth all elements simple compounded sensible and vnsensible things the Diuelles themselues those triumphing and tyrannicall enemies against humane nature commaunded and ouer-ruled by authoritie with trembling obeyed them Not a Religion tossed and tennised vp and downe with so many boundes and reboundes choppes and changes vniuersally both in head members containing so many falsities by their owne proceedings so many contradictions in essentiall things as there bee essentiall questions Neither doe what it could hauing the temporall sword and all iurisdiction in it selfe hath hitherto condemned vs such as I will proue the Religion of English Protestants and others to be but a Religion which in this space of almost 1600. yeeres neuer chaunged one poynt of Doctrine neuer admitted errour in faith or the least contradiction therein eyther in Decree of Pope or confirmed Councell but clearely condemned and confuted all misbeleeuers Not a Religion that contrarie to the name nature and office of true Religion separateth man from his God and Creator by so many sinnes and iniquities and yet hath no grace no Sacrament for men of reason and actuall offences no meanes or preseruatiue to preuent them no helpe or remedy to redeeme them but suffereth man to lie loaden vnder so mighty a masse of impieties and to be drowned in hell for that instrument of their iustifying faith can be no benefit to them which as before by their owne grounds haue no faith at all and as I will demonstrate heereafter haue not one property or condition of true beleeuing or matter tending to mans saluation But that Religion which as it teacheth and counselleth the way of perfection vnto all by renouncing Honours and wealth the Temptations and snares of the Diuell as the Apostle calleth them by professing Chastitie more perfect and better then the matrimoniall state as the same saint Paul witnesseth and by abnegation of a mans owne will and forsaking terrene and temporall dignities which might hinder his heauenly iourney such as our Sauiour his Apostles the Primitiue Church all reason and experience teacheth to be the path of perfection and readiest way to Heauen when and where nothing is left to hinder it That Religion which taking compassion of the frailetie of man to sin in euery state hath a stay to keepe from falling and a remedy for those that haue offended For the state of all vntil they came to such discretion and iudgement as may be cause of sinne the Sacrament of Baptisme both taking originall offence away and arming the soule against new and actual infection To confirme the former grace of that tender age and enable vs against so many temptations and persecutions as Christians haue the Sacrament of Confirmation To feede and foster all estates in the whole course and circuite of this life the foode of diuine Eucharist and Sacrament of the most holy body and blood of Christ and seeing all are subiect vnto sinne the Sacrament of Penaunce for the cure and comfort of all offenders And because the agonies and temptations at the time of death be vrgent most against vs the Sacrament of Annointing or extreame vnction to remooue the relickes of sinne and giue strength in that extremitie And for the particular helpes and assistance of particular states particular Sacraments the Sacrament of Orders to dignifie the calling of Clergy men and make them worthie and fit instruments to performe so many holy supernaturall functions as are belonging to that preeminence And lastly for the consolation and defence of married people such as encomber themselues with the cares of the world and practical life the Sacrament of Matrimony giuing grace and strength against the difficulties and cares of that condition No state no sexe no age no time no place order or degree among men is left vnprouided of spirituall comforte and protection Not a Religion whose grounds and principles ouerthrowe all christian and true Religion where God is made author of all sinnes and thereby worthy no Religion where the decision of spirituall doubtes appertaine to temporall and vnlearned Princes men women or children where such sentences although neuer so much disagreeing euen to them selues and apparantly false must be obeyed for the infallible woord of God where man hath not libertie and freedome
the greatnes of their glory in heauen and whereof some for the sanctitie of those Princes are hereditary to their posteritie not by any desert of Protestants as the miraculous curing of that naturally vncurable disease thereby called the Kings or Queenes euill obtained by the holines of Saint Edward euery man must say that eyther God immutable and vndeceiuable hath giuen testimony to falshoode which is vnpossible or else that their Religion was true which is most certaine And if it shoulde not bee tedious to your Honors I would craue to enlarge this Argument by the vnhappy successe of those Princes which in any sort haue opposed themselues to that holy See of Rome where the Vicar of Christ and his viceregent in religious causes liueth and as we haue seene before all those kings of England that haue beene the greatest fauourers of that faith and most obedient to that See to be most happy and glorious so contrariwise wee shall perceiue all Kings that haue shewed repugnancie to him for that religion no christian King of England before this time denied to haue had the most vnfortunate and dishonorable life and end and that Apostolike gouernour to haue alwayes beene conquerour That holy See from the first Bishop thereof Saint Peter to Clement the eight that now raigneth hath had two hundred thirty and sixe Popes and hath beene assaulted by al forraine and domesticall enemies the gates of Hell haue beene set open against it and yet neuer any preuailed and because Christ hath spoken and promised it they shall neuer preuaile In the Primitiue age of Christianitie it was assaulted by the Pagan Emperours such as were Conquerours of the world and commanded all things and yet they could neither conquer nor commaunde it although they had put the greatest part of the first Popes to death but it subdued them in the end and their endes were miserable and the prophecie of Sybilla that the Fishers Hooke should subdue the Romane Empire and conquer the world was fulfild in the successors of S. Peter Rome was sacked spoiled by Halaricus Huns Gothes Vysegothes but that holy and indefectible See preuailed and vanquished Attila that surnamed scourge of God and vnconquerable captaine was miraculously caused to retire at the voyce of Saint Leo then Pope Rome was besieged by Limprandus but the very countenance of Pope Zachary enforced him to desist as Pantaleon himselfe confesseth The Saracens twice subdued Theophilus Emperour of the East and made Nicephorus his predecessour tributorie vnto them conquered Candy persecuted Affrike a great parte of Europe and Asia destroyed Italie burned the suburbes of Rome and yet Pope Gregory the fourth without force repelled them In the time of Luther the Duke of Burbon besieged Rome but beeing excommunicate the satterday before his desperate attempt hee was miserably slaine at the assault and died censured as Foxe reporteth and since such time many Protestants affirme Papistrie entred in that inuincible See hath beene oppugned and resisted with all the might and endeuours of the Kings Princes and supreame Regents of Germania Bauaria Persia Caesarea Saxonia Frisia Bulgaria Dalmatia Slauonia Morauia Normandia Dania Vandalia Polonia Prussia Hollandia Zelandia Hungaria Pomerania Noruegia Liflandia Lithuania Maiorica Granata Graecia Armenia the east and weast Indies Iapponia and so many vaste Nations in those partes of the world yet that little See of Rome and the faith thereof hath subdued them all and the poore Moonkes Freers and religious Priests sent from thence and that authority haue miraculously ouerthrown them That See was assaulted by Iulian the Apostata Emperour but how miserable was his end Valens and other Arrian and hereticall Emperours persecuted it but they were confounded The Graecians Armenians and Iacobines denied their obedience vnto it but were both in disputation condemned and after made vassalles to the infidell Turkish Empire In the primitiue Church before Constantine almost a hundred Pagan Emperours either truly elected or reputed persecuted it and al of them except ten or eleuen died miserably when the persecuted Popes put to death by them came not to the third part of that number Aboue foure hundred Archheretikes and their associates with all craft and subtiltie before Luther and the Protestant rebellion rebelled against it but they are so blotted out of memory that no mention is made of them but by Catholike writers impious politike and ambitious christian Kings and Emperors althogh not in matters of doctrine and faith yet in cases of iurisdiction haue wrastled with it but they all were maugre all their might and power put to foyle Frecardus king of Scotland warred against it but he had beene deposed of his nobilitie if Colmanus their Bishop had not forbidcen them wishing they should expect the vengeance of God vpon him for his disobedience which soone after came to passe for hee died morbo pediculari eaten with lice and his grandfather before him for the like disobedience was apprehended and imprisoned by his nobles and desperately killed himselfe Such was the end of Sanctius king of Portugall for his contempt to Pope Innocentius the fourth Bolislaus King of Polonia striued with Pope Gregory the seauenth but his body was cutte in peeces by his owne souldiers and cast to the dogges and no successour of his for the space of two hundred yeares could euer obtaine to be called a King except Vladislaus his next successor which could neuer procure his coronation Like was the successe of King Philip of France with Pope Vrbanus the second such was the end of the Emperours with their empire for disobedience to that See it was translated frō the French to Otho the third and the case of the Emperour Henry the fourth Fredericke the second with Pope Gregory the seuenth Honorius the third and Gregorie the ninth was not vnlike the first being lamentably depriued of his imperial dignitie and the second both spoyled thereof and pitifully strangled to death by Manifredus the bastard and left the Empire voyde by the space of eight and twenty yeeres Such was the recompence of Otho the fourth or fift and Lodowicke the fourth for their contention with Pope Innocentius the third and Clement the sixt how long the East Empire fauouring the Graecian Schisme against the Church of Rome hath beene drowned in the Turkish regiment euery one knoweth as howe their Emperour was miserably put to death and their emperiall citty Constantinople sacked and taken in the very festiuitie of Pentecost and the holy ghost concerning whose procession they are in error Iohn Alibrettus king of Nauarre contended with Pope Iulius the second and the twoo Henries of Burbon with Sixtus the fourth but the kingdome of the first was taken away and giuen to Ferdinando of Arragon and the two others were also deposed and depriued Thus I might write of other Kings and inferiour Princes that haue encountred with that See And concerning Protestants to omitte
the workers of such impieties Let vs speake a little of marriadge it was enacted by parliament of K. Henry the eight that all contracts of marriage whatsoeuer were voyde by a second marriage consummate hereupon ensued not only such shame and dishonour to that law against the light of nature and ciuill contracts but to vse the words of King Edward the sixt his Protestants in open parliament such incontinences intollerable to Christian eares men and women breaking their promises and faith made by the one to the other taking new husbands and wiues at their pleasure euen as it pleased them that it was reuoked by King Edward the sixt yet by the first parliament of our Queene it is reuiued and now in force from which opinion and the doctrine of remarrying for the incontinency of the first husband or wife what deuorcements dissentions remarryings breaches of wedlocks false accusations translations and lamentable decayes of ancient and honourable houses by adulteries and most wicked suppositions of vnlawfully begotten children haue ensued And because I haue spoken of marriage I with the indifferent Reader to consider whether the marriages of Priests and ministers consist with a common wealth or no let him but looke into this one article and he shall perceiue that euen by the nature of the thing it selfe so many wants miseries distresses and hungers as haue beene since in this kingdome and other flouds of daungers to a ciuill regiment haue flowed from that fountaine The ancient number of parishes in England euery one hauing at the least one Priest or Minister haue beene accompted forty thousand though Camden and later Writers muster a meaner reckning besides Bishoprikes Deaneries Archdeaneries Prebendaries pety Canonries and almost as many Chappels more many of them hauing their particular ministers and diuerse richer Protestant parsons their subcurates and among all these it is a dishonour at this day for a man to be vnmarried Then to make some coniecture in this case because a certainety can not be surueyed lette vs compare this new married broode so giuen to generation to the first inhabitants of countries which of a farre fewer number in processe of time haue growen to so great and populous Nations and because the encrease of the people of Israel in Aegypt is most exactly aboue all others remembred and registred in holy Scriptures which these men receiue I will take an example from them and yet to the Protestant aduantage for the Israelites in Aegypt were persecuted and their children put to death when contrariwise the generation of Ministers in England hath flourished and beene defended The number of the Israelites men women and children entring into Aegypt were onely 70. as is written in Genesis or 75. as it is expounded of saint Stephen if the first suruey of English parishes and ministers is admitted although we alow many of them to haue liued and vnmarried yet numbring their wiues which by chastitie in catholike times also were vnmarried it is probable that for euery maried Israelite there were more than two thousand married ministers for the grand-children of Iacob were not married at that time and if wee admit the least suruey of thirteene thousand fifteene thousand or sixteene thousand parishes yet for euery married Israelite there was a thousand married ministers Within the space of foure hundred yeeres the number of Israelites from the age of one and twenty yeeres vpward besides many more thousands of women children and young people and the whole tribe of Leui one of the twelue which was not nūbred in this account the number of such men amounted vnto six hundred thousands three thousands fiue hundred and fiftie Now let my Protestant Arithmetitians make a calculation of the Ministers ofspring if wee take my least account if their religion should last foure hundred yeeres which is but so long as the true Church of Israelites liued almost pilgrims or captiues yet a true Religion must be such that it carry no destruction to commonwealths though it last for euer as the worship of Christ was instituted to doe then by my meanest reckoning the number of men encreased in that time wil be 603550000 six hundred thousands of thousands three thousand thousands fiue hundred thousands and fiftie thousands which is a greater number to bee added in our nation then many Englands are able to maintaine though we neither reckon woman nor childe What then will the apparell and other expences of this generation be to a little country yet I haue not coūted how many since Protestant Religion haue multiplied in this order which before liued in monasteries and religious houses in chaste and single life by common iudgement little or not inferiour to the former multitude which as it doubleth the number of people encreased so it doubleth the miseries and perplexities of this kingdome Such chargeable bloody and continued warres as England in this time hath had in Fraunce Flaunders and other places both at sea and land are neither easie nor secure to be maintained And to ordaine or permitte multiplication of men to such endes to vtter them by slaughter is wholy Turkish and more like to Canaballs than to Christians And yet if they had not beene to preuent so many marriages and kill so many thousands of men how could this nation haue prouided for so many or how wil it deale hereafter when the present inhabitants haue tasted so many wants Lette vs make an other triall what domage the taking away or neglect of fasting and abstinence in this religion hath broght to our common wealth In Catholicke times besides so many dayes of abstinence whereby many thousands of fishers were maintained and much cattell and flesh preserued there were obserued aboue an hundred fasting dayes with onely one meale in the day if wee account the seuerall dayes of Lent Fridayes Ember dayes Vigils and euens of Saints that were fasted the number of the eaters then were fewer by much as is reckoned by ministers marriages the diet was not so delitious as Protestancie teacheth then let vs giue all aduantage to Protestants in this commission of enquirie and suppose contrary to all iudgements that there be but twelue thousand parishes in England let vs allowe that there be onely in euery parish one with another but an hundred persons menne and women which were wont to fast though this number is much too little let vs further imagine that the expences of euery ones supper would onelie be the value of one penny which is no deare ordinarie yet by this fauourable reckoning euery person in these hundred dayes spareth one hundred pence which is tenne shillings and the hūdred persons of euery parish one hundred times ten shillings which is fiftie pounds which together amounteth yeerely to sixe hundred thousands of poundes besides the consumption of so much victualles originall of so many wants and yet it hath beene credibly reported that of late yeeres vppon generall musters in England
pittifull complaints of the poore forsaken What dilatory plees non-suites vnnecessary essoines wagers of lawe false pleadings vnlawfull arrests wicked impannelling suborning and corrupting Iurors delayed false and corrupt iudgements and executions vnconscionable Writtes of errour against right such remooueings of sutes appeales and I know not how many shifts to defraude auoyde and with-holde true titles haue beene and are practised and vncontrolled by these Protestant doctrines which catholike Religion condemneth binding the wicked practisers of such iniustices to an equall amends and restitution to the parties grieued These and such abuses the lawe of Nature the lawe of Nations Canon Imperiall Prouinciall in all christian Nations doe condemne not onely in countries and kingdoms professing Christ they are disabled but exploded in al heathenish regiments of Iewes Turks Tartares Persians Indians and all antient law makers among the Romans Graecians Lacedemonians and others onely practised and not disallowed in Protestant regiments That portion of wealth which the religious Cleargy of England enioyed in Catholike times if Foxe may be beleeued amounted to the third part of the substance of our nation and was then employed concerning them to the necessaries of their poore chaste and single life the remnant was bestowed some for maintainance and defence of our Kings and country the Catholike Cleargy was then able and often did furnish maine armies to that end more then all the ministers of England and Abbey gentlemen are able or will performe the rest was in Religious vses the poore were relieued so many statutes against them and to burden the country were not knowne strangers were lodged pilgrimes entertained the sicke and maimed prouided for orphanes kept widdowes defended Was not this so offensiue parte of religious goods in Protestants iudgement better bestowed then in hunting hawking cardings courtings and such like almes to which the Protestant possessours haue disposed it Let vs speake of friends at home and abroade Catholike Religion kept and left England in friendship and amitie with the Popedome Empire Spaine and all countries in the world protestancy hath either set vs at open variance or suspitious peace withall Quarrels among countries and kings are euer grounded from behauiour of Princes publike magistrates and persons of regard in those states Protestants of England euer since their entraunce haue supplied those places priuate persecuted and reiected men such as Catholikes of England haue beene and are there esteemed cannot bee the origin of such contentions What should I speake of honours or other publike profits wherwith England was adorned by our Religion and whereof Protestancy hath dispoyled it Was it not an honourable quiet and secure preeminence to be at league with so many and mighty christian Princes Were not all communions with them and their countries as ordinary to England and al estates thereof as to themselues had not our kings their legarde and continuing ambassadors in those dominions whereby peace was preserued quarrels preuented perrils auoyded the country in security warres but seldome and neuer of such continuance What historie doth make relation of so chargeable and prolonged wars of this kingdome with other nations as our late and present Spanish Flemish and Irish be What Nobleman ot Gentleman of accompt did not then and would not now desire both for his owne and countries honour and reputation to know other nations to bee present in the Courts of forraine potent Princes to learne language to see diuersities of people and manners to know their order of Regiment to winne experience What learning nurtriture and knowledge haue our gentry and nobility lost by that seperation What a blemish it is euen in some of highest order and in the greatest affaires of common wealth England findeth and forrainers are not ignorant and the great aduantage and highly esteemed preeminence of him or them in that place which hath enioyed it will witnesse Would not a souldier for his skill and honour in armes affect to know the order and discipline of their warres especially against Infidels and misbeleeuing Princes What scholler for his instruction in learning might not couet those vniuersities wherein for an Englishman to haue beene student or consecrated Priest now so odious was euer had for high honour and reputation Would not the marchants of England esteeme it both a priuate helpe to themselues and a publike profit to our nation to haue free trade and trafficke in their dominions Should not all England Nobles gentlemen meaner people and all estates of men Catholikes Protestants and whatsoeuer be desirous that we might alwayes bee free both from forraine and domesticall warres or if by any necessitie not in time preuented we shuld by probabilitie bee infested with the one coulde or would he wish to be afflicted with both Peace is to be desired strife to be auoyded friendes esteemed many and potent enimies to be feared If any man of indifferent sentence entereth into iudgement to consider the time of Protestancie which is past the present estate wherein England is and what wee are like to taste heereafter by such proceedings I doubt not but he will be of my opinion that it were better to be in such condition as it was in the two and twentieth yeere of King Henry the eight when this reformation or soone after beganne then euer it was by Protestancie since nowe is or by probability will grow to be in time to come For auoyding offence I will voluntarily omitte particulars of comparisons as also the conformitie of our catholike Religion to the true and equall interpretation of our present lawes both in the same regarde as that it demaundeth a larger treatie then this place alloweth These may now suffice for excuse not onely to your most Honorable Company but to all inferior and subdepending Magistrates principally such as persecute vs vnder the false pretence of our repugnancie to a lawfull and ciuill regiment for whose cause I haue both beene longer in this question and must be enforced heereafter to vse more speech of our obediēce to the English laws of this time than I otherwise had intended SECT IX The Authors defence to all honourable Ladies and Gentlewomen AND as I must not bee vngratefully vnduetifull to so many Catholicke Ladies and noble Gentlewomen of England our nurses and foundresses in former times so I desire pardon of that present sexe and condition not to be offended with my writing for I defend the faith and religion of all honorable holy and vertuous English Queenes Princesses Ladies and Gentlewomen I may not permit the Foundresses of so many Churches Chappelles Aultares Monasteries Nunneries Colledges and Religious places to bee reprooued for that pietie I cannot in conscience suffer such a triumphant and victorious company of that calling so famous for miracles and renowned for sanctitie as our greatest ennemies Fox Pantaleon and others acknowledge in them an euident argument of true Religion to be condemned nor the immortall fame of the soules of such to
bee defiled by false accusers whose bodies many yeeres after their death to witnesse the innocencie of their Religion and life remained vncorrupted nor those whome so many testimonies from heauen and earth haue confirmed to be most happy Saints to be reiected as impious I am out of doubt no Protestant Lady of England will or dareth to compare her selfe with the meanest of many which for the loue and honour of our Religion forsooke all temporall pleasures and princelie honours and preferring the poore chaste and obedient religious life before all dignities became sacred and consecrated Nunnes such as Foxe is enforced to consecrated were Queene Edelburge wife and Queene to King Edwine and daughter of King Anna. Saint Etheldrede wife to King Elfride and married before and yet a perpetuall Virgine as Saint Bede Fox and others do witnesse Sexburga daughter of King Anna and wife to King Ercombert Kineburga wife to King Alfride daughter to King Penda sister to king Ofricus Elfloda daughter to King Oswy and wife to King Peda and Alfritha wife to King Edgar Hylda daughter to the nephew of King Edwine Erchengoda and Ermenilda daughters of King Ercombert Werburga daughter to King Vlferus Kinreda Kinswida his sisters Elfrida daughter to King Oswy Mildreda Milburga and Milginda daughters of King Mirwaldus Saint Editha daughter to King Edgar and others most holie religious and miraculous Princesses the glorie of our English Ladies Or if the glorie and happinesse of Catholicke Princes will not mooue yet let the fearefull examples of the principall Protestant Ladies of England chiefe Agents in this quarrell greeuously afflicted of God and made dishonourable to the worlde putte vs in minde what wee ought to doe which though Stowe and Grafton haue too bluntly sette downe my selfe for some reuerent respects will heere omit Thinke it you Protestant Dames of England no disparagement in honor to be followers of those renowned Princesses which in all Antiquities are recorded to be the glory of your kinde and the supreame womanly honour of our Kingdome That RELIGION the greatest honour which hath giuen to them such eternitie of honour in Heauen can not make you dishonourable in Earth It is the nature of your sexe to immitate and in some things you will sometimes immitate too much If you that liue in Courte didde but knowe the guise of attires which those holy Queenes and Ladies vsed before they were Religious you would follow it in the highest degree although therein you should consent with the Dames of Italy France Spaine and Rome it selfe or any other place or person to which you professe your selues most distasted And in such things though neuer vsed of Queene Sexburga Etheldreda Edelburga or any of those or other Saintes your daily and new deuises are euidence against you that you esteeme it not dishonourable to learne of the Ladies of those Nations These agreements are not so worthie praise and yet therein you will not be at variaunce Then seeing the Religion of those Countries whose Ladies you allowe in matters so little deseruing immitation is that which maketh so honorable with God and man and not for a short courting but an euer-continuing time feare not to bee French Spanish Italian and Roman in that wherein the tipe and diademe of true honour consisteth or if you haue chosen to bee wedded onelie to terrene and debased honour yet you may not thinke so basely of that Religion I defend to disallowe it For all your earthly honours titles names and ensignes of dignitie were eyther first founded or after allowed and confirmed to your auncestors and in them to you by the Popes Emperours Kings and Regents in Catholike reuerence England Protestant wanteth many degrees of chiefest place which England Catholicke enioyed England Protestant hath diminished and added none to those which were before And those Countries I named and whose Religion I commend vnto you haue many of that condition which neuer any England hadde Catholicke Religion neuer denied any thing vnto you which was truely honourable it gaue you your dignities honourable places and priuiledges it gaue you credite with our Princes and for their and your honour ordayned you estates it defendeth your marriages to be honorable and a sacrament by that Religion your matrimonie was not in the pleasure of your Lordes repudiations and deuorcements at their willes were not knowen remarrying to a second wife the former liuing was euer most vnlawfull Concubines could not possesse the maintenaunce of your honours their bastardes might not enioy the inheritaunce of your legittimate for feare of offence I will be silent in most honourable fauours which your Catholike ancestors had and you might haue by that Religion and Protestancie cannot giue and referre that cause to your more serious examination and fauourable construction which for my promise of writing nothing offensiue to our English state I must willingly in this and other places leaue naked and vnfurnished of many and greatest arguments of defence SECT X. The Authors defence to all inferiour subiects IF I shoulde entreate what benefites and preferrements so many diuerse orders and conditions of inferiour subiects enioyed by enioying our Religion and what they lost by losse thereof as I should make my cause too popular and pleasing vnto them so I feare I might be offensiue to some to whome I haue promised to giue no occasion of offence Therefore I will onely put them in minde that as all their auncestors and predecessors were of the same RELIGION with vs so an innumerable company of their kinsfolks were religious men and women and in them the care of their parents ended and they became Fathers and mothers to their parents and families others were attendant instructed and maintained by pensions corrodies farmes annuities leases and tenements of our religious houses the poore were releeued in our Hospitalles and by our almes others liuing vppon our landes without fines or enhaunced rents euery temporall man and woman enioying more for them and theirs by howe much so many hundred thousandes of religious persons claimed and needed lesse by their poore and single life No wife to prouide for ioynture no daughter to endowe and giue in marriage no elder sonne to enrich with new inheritance and spared purchases no yonger sonne to be aduaunced by emprooued rents toyles or turnings out of Farmes no tenaunt chaunged no fines no forfeitures taken no woodes destroyed no priuiledge or freedome withdrawne many new and greater graunted by Kings and Noble men to religious persons their tenaunts and tenures not so many iarres and quarrelles in lawe contentions and debates of the poore subiects comprimitted by ghostly confessors religious persons and kings themselues SECT X. His defence to the Ministerie of England LAstly to come to the Protestant Ministery of England whose anger and displeasure as I esteeme it least so I name them last I appeale to all those estates I haue recounted for iudgement whether in accusing them of ignoraunce or
Professors are in the contrary case their Religion is pleasant and by professing it they liue in honours and delights which haue enticed not onely many Catholickes to followe Protestancie but Protestants to be Mahumetanes or of no Religion That by ignoraunce wee shoulde be seduced such sentence cannot proceede but from ignoraunce or malice Wee haue all authorities times and places for our defence our enemies haue none at all we were borne in the same Countrey of England bred vp in the same Vniuersities English where and whence those Protestants be wee haue trauailed all Countries studied in all christian Vniuersities we haue learned Diuinitie of the most famous Professors of the worlde we haue disputed in all Schooles and enioyed the best meanes of studie wee want wiues riches honours pleasures and all impediments of true diuinitie and studie thereof Our aduersaries are snared and entangled with all these and other lettes to hinder them That rather they than we would be more carefull to examine any authoritie or argument belonging to these questions no man can imagine it concerneth vs most and the reasons be euident before If Religion can be tried in this worlde wee haue sought and found all meanes they haue not farre sought for any and found none at all their daylie doubts changes and vncertaintie prooue it If they would stand to any triall wee knowe the order of all and will accept of any one with equall conditions If they will appeale to Scriptures as their highest Conuocation doth or to any other authoritie so many Catholike Diuines of England And the poore Author hereof because I haue taken this Woorke in hand and must iustifie my writing and not feed my Readers with vaine reportes and heare-sayes as Protestants doe haue read and studied them all and more than Protestants vse If they contend to credite the Hebrew Text in the olde Testament and the Greeke in the new as the common opinion of their Writers is I haue studied them in those languages and the auntient Glosses and Scholies Latine and Greeke for their Exposition If they will stand to the report of the most auncient Historians Eusebius Ruffinus Socrates Sozomenus Palladius Sainct Hierome Sainct Bede and others what was the practise of the Primitiue Church and beleeued in the vnspotted time of Christianitie I haue perused them If they will bee iudged by the decrees of the first POPES that were Saints and bee in Heauen as they confesse and ruled the Church in those times as their Archebishoppe of Canterbury dooth acknowledge I haue often with diligence considdered the Decrees both of all that were before the Councell of Nice and after If they will bee arbitrated by the present Schooles and scholasticall reasons I haue beene a poore Auditor both of scholasticall and controuersiall Questions where all doubtes and difficulties that witte or learning can deuise and inuent are handled and most exquisitely debated If they admit the first foure generall Councells of Nice Constantinople Ephesus and Calcedon which the highest iudiciall authoritie of England hath expresly approoued by name or anie of the rest to which the same and her Maiesties consent also giueth approbation I haue seene and read them all from the first of Nice to the last of Trent as all approoued particular and prouinciall Councells which be extant or ordinarily vsed If they thinke there euer was true Religion among Christians and that it was exercised in the first sixe hundred yeeres after Christ and that those auncient Fathers which were the most famous in those dayes and ruled the Churche as Bishoppes and Doctours thereof were acquainted with it or Professours of it I haue carefully read ouer all the workes and writings which bee to be had of Dyonisius the Areopagite Scholler to Saint Paul Saint Ignatius Saint Polycarpus Saint Clement Martialis liuing in the Apostles time Saint Iustine Origen Saint Basill Saint Athanasius Saint Gregory Nazianzene Saint Gregory Nissen Saint Gregorie the Great Saint Irenaeus Saint Cyprian Fulgentius Pamphilus the Martire Palladius Theodoretus Ruffinus Socrates Sozomenus Euagrius Cassianus Lactantius Firmianus Vincentius Lyrenensis the most famous and learned Fathers of those vncorrupted ages all the workes of all these I haue read and examined and conferred them with Saint Augustine Saint Hierome Saint Ambrose Saint Leo Papias the scholler of Saint Iohn the Euangelist Theophilact Tertullian Eusebius Cesariensis Prudentius and others most excellent Diuines liuing when all Protestants agree true faith was vniuersally preached and beleeued And yet I take God and the whole Courte of Heauen to witnesse before whome I must render an accompt of this protestation my beleefe and all my actions my constant writing in defence of this Faith my selfe voluntarily in disgrace and persecution professing it will be my warrant of sinceritie That the same Faith and Religion which I defend is taught and confirmed by those holy Hebrew and Greeke Scriptures those Historians Popes Decrees Scholies and Expositions Councels Schooles and Fathers and the profession of Protestants and all other Sectes by the same condemned I haue examined and with diligent aduise read ouer many Bookes and Writings of the best learned Protestantes the Woorke to which this Epistle is a Preamble will be my witnesse and not any that euer came to my hands containeth any argument or reason in my iudgement woorthy or able to withdrawe a reasonable and indifferent minde not blinded with pleasure or seduced by affection from embracing that Catholike Faith which I defend or that can establish or prooue any other Religion to be true That I should not bee able to iudge what maketh for vs what against vs I hope no man will challenge mee of so great ignorance That I would willingly erre and persist in errour if my religion were errour to followe a profession so austere and rigorous to sensuall appetite and desire if it be compared to Protestant doctrine and obstinately heape disgrace and affliction vpon my selfe to professe it when by reforming my opinion or conscience to the contrary I might both auoide the penitentiall life of Catholike profession and the perilles and penalties which the Parliaments of Protestants haue imposed vppon vs and enioy the liberties and delights which Protestancie yeeldeth and the preferrements wherewith their Schollers are rewarded I am out of doubt no Reader can be so partiall and vnequall iudge against mee or any one of so many English Catholicke Students which are in the same case and defend the same cause SECT XII The Conclusion how dishonourable and vnreasonable it is to persist in Protestancie howe honourable to graunt a Reformation WHerefore noble Patrones seeing so many worldes of witnesses giue euidence against the profession of Protestants and euery age time place person and thing of woorthy and credible authoritie yeeld testimony to my defence I will recomfort my selfe that by your gratious and iust protection no man will be so wilfull to impugne that which God and all reasonable creatures and
will tell and many remember to their little glorie What the latter in the Tower was no man is ignorant howe much it did disgrace them No lawe of God of Nature of any Nation doth or can iudge conuict and condemne the vilest Subiect in the meanest matter if hee bee absent but where by contempt hee refuseth triall The Question whereof wee contend is the greatest the meanes wee haue made for audience bee all that can be deui● those that haue sought it are not to be contemned the iudgements that haue beene pronounced for vs bee innumerable and of highest authoritie if euer any was giuen against vs you see howe vnequall and vniust it was and yet I offer to prooue that no Lawe or Parliament of England hath or can condemne vs euen by her Maiesties proceedings Then my Lordes and Patrones as you are wise you knowe what to doe as you are gracious with our Queene in whose handes the redresse of this matter lieth as you are maisters of your selues potent and beloued with the Nobles and powerable with all her people you are able to performe what is to bee doone as you are mercifull you must take compassion as iustice belongeth to your place you can not make deniall The matter it selfe all circumstaunces of persons places and time bidde mee bee secure you will heare my petition The matter is the cause of God and his highest reuerence your Honourable persons may not be vnmercifull the persons of our greatest persecutours bee impious the persons of vs your poore suppliants are your most duetifull religious and vniustly afflicted Countreymen of your flesh and blood for place of that nation whereof you bee chiefe members and wee little limmes to deny influence vnto vs is to bereaue your selues of life being of the same body If I will pleade by time as Daniell did wee haue suffered a long persecution as hee disputed with God concerning his promise of Redemption of the captiues of Israel Septuagesimus iam annus est it is or almost is the seauentieth yeere of our desolation since King Henry the eight beganne to impose this heauie burden vppon vs. The time biddeth mee goe forward for the yeere of Iubile centesimus annus is begunne when all exiles were to returne olde priuiledges to bee enioyed all fauours and graces to bee graunted This is the time when all christian Countries in the world but we and such as depend of vs are at peace among themselues Your Honours knowe better than I can enforme what a generall amitie and friendshippe Clement the eight POPE that nowe is hath concluded among them wherein are comprehended the POPE himselfe the Emperour Electors all Kings Princes Dukes Common-weales States Rulers and Regiments of the Popedome Empire Bohemia Spaine Fraunce Germany Polland Sweede Scotland Denmarke Venice Lorraine Thuscane Genoa Luca Parma Playsance Austria Mantua Vrbine Salamoneta Monaco Fynall Massa Plombin Sola Carolino Pallatine Brandenburge Wittenbergh Hessen Hamsbach East Freesland Cantons of Switzerland and many others Noble Patrones your office is to seeke for peace and maintaine it the estate of our Princes and all hir people is to wish it that fauour I intreate is the way to perfect peace to peace with heauen to peace with earth with all others with our selues All things desire peace and seeke for rest and your wisedomes are not will not cannot be against it And to knowe the way of peace there is a ground in Artes vppon which all knowledge is grounded Quae conueniunt vnitertio conueniunt inter se c. Those thinges that agree in a third thing agree among themselues and such as disagree in a third disagree among themselues For if things agree they must needes agree in something if they agree not in that wherein they shoulde agree of necessity they must be at variance and at greater difference by howe much their difference is greater in that wherein they shoulde consent this is euident in all communities and agreements That which maketh peace and vnitie with God and man is true Religion that bindeth them together That which vniteth Christians is the one certaine rule and promulgation of that faith that which concordeth man with himselfe and the inferiour appetites to reason is the grace which that Religion giueth and by howe much wee differ most in these things by so much our disagreement with God with men with our selues is greater The Kingdomes and Countries Kings and Rulers of Spaine Fraunce Italie Polonia Sueuia Transiluania Bohemia Austria Bauaria Sauoy Lorraine Brittanie Burgundy and other Countries agree in these things and they are at perfect vnitie and peace and vntill they did agree therein they were not And all other Countries and Kingdomes agree more or lesse as they agree herein there is no Religion wherein England can agree with any because the Religion thereof is different from all neither can any twoo Protestant Nations haue this peace together because no twoo of them bee of one Religion If wee will agree in this poynt with Catholicke Nations wee shall agree with God because true Religion is our vnion with him wee shall agree with Angelles for the same is approoued with them wee shall agree with all glorious soules in Heauen for this is necessarie to the communion and communication of Saints wee shall be at concorde with the happy patient Christians in Purgatorie wee shall haue peace with our selues with all Catholicke Christians in the worlde that be that euer were before vs or shall be after Wee shall agree with all with whome atonement must and ought to bee made and disagree with none but with Diuelles damned spirites and such as doe will and can agree with none and with whom no good man in conscience can agree in such things And our agreement shall be perfect indssoluble generall and for euer because the e●fect and vnion of Religion is not for one famili● countrie cittie time and place as the combinations and carnall vnions of kinred country and such temporall coniunctions are but foreuer and all and so is the greatest that can be If it bee in your powers to procure this attonement if you performe it you shall effect the most honourable and renowned thing our age hath seene and they which so much desire it and iustly deserue it will not can not bee vngratefull in their liues and words and in their writings will make you honourable to all posterities If you can performe it and neglect it although you be no formall persecutours yet because you suffer others to doe it and leaue it in their power when you may amend it you wil be in the degree of dishonor both with God and man as those enemies which I remembred before and except you recall your mindes like to taste of the same vengeance they haue done it is the cause of God which is powerable to punish that is iust and will take reuengement What is best to be done your Honors knowe and no man can be ignorant
Fab. hi● Ma● West S. Ludger in vita ● suitbe●t The conformitie of Catholike religion to all true and lawfull ciuil policie and regiment and the repugnancie of Protestancy vnto the same Catal. reg Britan. Angl. Foxe tom 1. monum stowe histor Grafton histor Doctrine and proceedings of Protestants against common-wealth Georg. Wiccl de retect Luth. Luth. ep ad fratr inferior German Luther l. de potest secul l. cont edict 2. Caesa l. de bell contr Turc Luth. l. captiu Babyl Claud. de sanct l. de Saccad englise fol. 58.55 Cocl in vit Luth. Petr. Frat. orat cont sectar Staphil apolog Foxe tom 2. mon. Test t● ord Burgund in remonstrat supr edict reg Gal. part 2. Petr. Fr. orat cont sect Defens reg relig Erasm Albert Conrad Wimp l. contr Swingl Cocl in Art Luth Melancth com ad Coloss Foxe tom 2. monum in Tyndall haer arti 3. artic 2 artic 18.19 Foxe sup Tynd. obed art 18. Goodm l. cont monstr reg mulier Stowe hist Graft hist Fox to 2. mo Graft vlt. H. 8. Stowe hist Anno 1. Edw. 6. Graft stowe Ann. 1. Mar. Respons adm parliam Adm. parl 13. Eliz. Caluin Instit Andr. Wyll synops papism c. Lawes Conuoc Protest Lond. 1562. parl 5. 13. Elizab. Protestant English doctrine against a common wealth statut in parl 32. H 8. c. 38. Parl. Ed. 6. tit Maryag Parl. 1. Elizab. Marriages of Priests and Ministers how much against a common-wealth Graft hist an 15. H. 5. Cambd. in Britan. Gen. 46. acts 7. Gen. 46 47. Numer cap. 1. Protestants doctrine and practise of Neglect of Abstinence and Fasting in England how preiudiciall to a common wealth Supr § 2. Resolut Relig. part 2. Arg. 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82. The Conformitie and Honor of catholike Religion to England or any well ordered Commonwealth Stat. 25. Ed. 3. c. 2 5. Ric. 2. c. 5 stat 1. Hen. 4. c. 10. Catal. Reg. Brit. Angl. Fox to mon. Stowe hist Pontifical Rom. ●n ord sacerd Part. 2. Resol ●rgum 5.6 ●tat in parliam ●7 Elizab. c. 2. ●esol part 2. ●rgum 5.8 ●ed l. 2.3 histor Angl. Fox tom ● monum Parliam 27. Elizab. sup § 6. supr Septeme l. de m● rib Rel. Turc Fran. Aluar. hist Ethiop Belfor Cosmograph l. 6. liturg Ethiop● to 4. Bibliothec. patr Osor histor Eman. l. 3. Theuet l. 11. Foxe tom 1. mon. Stowe his● Graft histor Resolut Relig. part 1. c. 14. D. Edward in vit S. Tho. Cant. Stowe histor in Henr. 2. Graft hist sup Stowe in K. Iohn Caxton in eod Hall hist in H. 5. Fox tom 1. 2. Monum Foxe to 2. monn in Henr. 8. Caxt. histor Hall in H. 5. Stowe Graft in Henr. 8. Stow hist in H. 8. Resol Relig. part ● Argum. 5 6 7. Bed hist Angl. l. 2 3 4 5. Math. Westm Henr. Hunt Caxt. hist Fox tom 1. mon. Pantal. Chron. Bed hist Angl. l. 3.4.5 Guil. Malmes l gest Fox tom 1. mon. Stowe histor Fox tom 1. mon. fol. 178. Bed l. 3 4 5. hist Angl. Guil. Malm. l. gest Stowe Graft in hist Henr. 8. Argum. 87.88 2. I art Resol Part. 2. Resolut Argum. 72 73 74 75 79.83 84 85. Fox tom 2. mon. in H. 8. Edw. 6. Qu. Mary parl 24 H. 8. c. 12. parl 25. c. 14.20 parl 26. c. 1.3.14 parl 27. c. 15. parl 31 e. 9.14 parl 32. c. 15.26 parl 35 c. 5. parl 1 Ed. 6 c. 1.2 parl 2.3 Edw. 6. c. 1.21 parl 3.4 Edw. 6. c. 10. parl 5.6 Ed. 6. c. 1.3.13 parl 1. Eliz. c. 1. parl 5 c. 1.28 parl 13. c. 1. Conuoc Lond. 1562. artic 1 2 3 4 5 c. Foxe tom 2. in Cranmer Bed l. 1 2 3 4 5. hist Angl Admer in vita sancti Ans Guil. Malmesb. 〈◊〉 gest pont Angl. Math. West hist Fox tom 1. mon. Part. 2. Resol Re●ig Argum. 5.6 Foxe tom 1. mo●um Armar Syn. Lond. pro● 1562. articul● parliam 5. Eliza. 13. Eliza. Will. Synops Pap. Concil Flor. in vn Arm. Concil Trid. c. de script Syn. Lond. Prot. 1562. art 6. Trithem l. script Zuit Sen. Bibl· sanct Pantal. Chronol Stowe hist an 1. Eliza. parliam 1. Eliza. ca. 1. Graft hist an 1. Elizab. Casp Vlenb. l. 22 caus Rain Calu. Sleid. com Conuoc Lond. 1562. arti 6. parl 5. Eliz. 13. Eli. Fulke Charke Hanmer Andr. Will. Synop. Pap. Rain contr Bell. Whitak contr Campian Contr. Adm●nit parliam Parlam 1. Eli. c. 1 Luther tom 2. Germ. Ientac fol. 9. Praefat. l. de abrog miss Luther in colloq mensal fol. 10. praefat sup Luther tom 1. Germ. ●entac fol. 4 colloq mensal fol. 158. 273. Luther in Praefat in tom 1. Germ. Ientacul Sueton. in vita Iul. Caesar Luther in colloq mental fol. 241. to 5. germ fo 141 Eccles c. 10. c. 1 L. 3. Esdr c. 3. Stowe in Comp. hist in aetat Reg. Angl. Graft hist Tom. Concil Stat. parl Reg. Angl. Resol Relig part 2. per mult arg Bernard Lut● Catalog haeret Salu. conduct fact protest in Concil Trident. Fox tom 2. mo● in Cranm. Lati● Dan. c. 9.2 Esa 1 Ierem. 25.29 Stowe histor in He. 8. parl H. 8. Leuit. c. 25.27 Numer 36. Ios 6. Articul Coud pacis 1598. proaem articul artic 1 2 3. ait 31.32