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A47263 Eisoptrontoy Christianismoy, or, A discourse touching the excellency and usefulness of the Christian religion both in its principles and practices : chiefly design'd by the author for the benefit of his parishioners / by Stephen Kaye ... Kaye, Stephen. 1686 (1686) Wing K31; ESTC R34489 133,959 296

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Doctors that thereby it became so impracticable and obscure that 't was neither obey'd nor understood But because Mankind should not be left for ever destitute of a sutable and sufficient Remedy to repair those miserable Defects which we had contracted by our Sin and Disobedience nor of reasonable Assistances to buoy us up and support us under the Temptations and Pressures of a calamitous World and at last by the saving Methods of his Grace to bring us to the Enjoyment of his Kingdom and Glory God was pleas'd for several Reasons best known to himself in this last Period of the World when all other Means and Methods prov'd ineffectual to extol and magnifie his Mercy in sending his own Son and by a clearer and more perfect Revelation of his Will to mankind 2 Tim. 1.10 which he determin'd from all Eternity has now brought Life and Immortality to light through the Gospel Which 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or the Gospel is a Term appropriated to signifie the glad Tidings of our Salvation purchased by the Blood of Christ This was the Subject of the Angels Song to the Shepherds Luke 2.10 the Desire and Happiness of all Nations God manifested in the Flesh to concilate the difference and make up the Breach between offending Man and an offended God to rescue us from the Power of our sins by his Grace and from the punishment of 'em by his bloud and that by the Belief Practice of this most excellent holy and innocent Religion all his sincere Proselites might become holy here and happy eternally And this is that Religion which by God's assistance I design to make the Subject of my ensuing Discourse But that we may proceed with some competent Assurance in a Business of so great importance I shall premise something by way of Introduction concerning the Truth and Excellency of the Christian Religion The Truth and Excellency of the Christian Religion fully represented And tho' 't would be needless to multiply Arguments for the Confirmation of a Truth which has been so generally own'd yet these following Topicks may prove of considerable Advantage to illustrate and recommend this admirable Doctrine to the serious and impartial Considerer And 1 God the Father has testified the truth of it from Heaven by an audible Voice By Gods own Testimony Mat. 3.17 This is my beloved s●n in whom I am well pleased And has confirm'd it by the miraculous and Visible descent of the Holy Ghost a double sensible Evidence three times repeated which were the strongest and most convictive Demonstration our humane Nature is capable of 2 All the Prophesies of the old Testament concerning Christ the Saviour of the World By fulfilling of all the Prophesies concerning him as to all the Punctualities of his Life Death Resurrection and Ascention and every Circumstance of Time and Place when where and how he should be manifested had their completion in him So that there was not the least Title or Iota fail'd concerning him from the first instant of his Conception to the last period of his Glorification 3 The Truth of this excellent Doctrine which he deliver'd By Miracles was confirm'd by real inexceptionable Miracles such as neither the Devil nor any of his Agents either Sorcerer or Magician were able to counterfeit And this evidence by Miracles was necessary for the conviction of the Jews who had receiv'd their Law by Signs and wonders from Heaven Nor could it be imagin'd they would lay aside their own or admit of any other Institution how specious and excellent soever unless it were confirm'd and recommended by as powerful Arguments and Demonstrations as the former Now the Miracles which were done by our blessed Saviour and his Apostles could be no less than the Product of an omnipotent Arm either as to the things themselves or the manner of producing 'em being such as were never done by any finite Creature either before or since To instance in some Particulars As in raising the dead Body of Lazarus John 11. the restoring him to life and to the exercise of all his Faculties after he had laid four days in the Grave The curing the blind the lame and the sick and diseas'd not only without and above but even contrary to means The feeding of so many thousands of men and Women Matt. 14.19 21. with a few Loaves and some small Fishes even to satiety besides the Surplusage of several Baskets full John 2. The turning of Water into Wine and that far more excellent than could be produc'd by the most generous Grape Acts 5. The suddain Death of Ananias and Saphira at the Apostle's Word for lying to the Spirit of God Acts 9. The miraculous Conversion of St. Paul who in a few days far beyond any Metamorphosis we read of in the Poets was chang'd from a malicious virulent and fierce Persecutor of Christians and Christianity to be a zealous Professor of this excellent Religion and at last testified the Truth of it after he had suffered many years persecution for it by dying it's Martyr And all these and many other Miracles which would be endless to repeat for the whole Lives of our Saviour and his Apostles were a continual Series of Miraculous Atchievements were not done clancularly in a blind corner of the World but openly and visibly every where about Judaea in the Temple Synagogues and all public Places Insomuch that his profest Enemies were convinc'd of the Truth and Reality of it tho' Prejudice and Passion had prevail'd so with them that they were unwilling to comply with it Besides there was something of Piety and and Charity in all the Miracles which our Saviour and his Apostles did For they were of special Use and Advantage either for the curing of Mens Bodies and the Conversion of their Souls or the promoting of God's Glory in the Establishment of the Christian Religion All which Omnipotent Productions are not only a most certain and undeniable Evidence of the Truth of our Saviour's Doctrine For the Divine Providence would not suffer so many Miracles for the confirmation of a Superstitious and erroneous Opinion but of the Power of his Divinity and that he is the true Messiah the Son of God and Saviour of the World which was promis'd by God predicted by the Prophets and is already come to accomplish the great Work and Business of our Redemption 4 There was never any Religion but this neither Mahometism Paganism c. By the Means and manner of its establishment in the world that could ever be propagated by any other Means than either force or Violence or by indulging its Votaries in a sensual and brutish Liberty which might influence their Appetites and Affections into a sinful and slavish compliance with it But our Heavenly Law-giver has recommended the Christian Religion to our Belief and Practice by other Motives and Credentials and has settled it in most of the known Parts of the World
Justice which has a peculiar Reference to the Estates of other men is either 1 Commutative or 2 Distributive Justice Both which do necessarily imply a constant Will Desire and Endeavour to give to every One Superiors Equals Inferiors what by a just Right and Title becomes their due whether they be Friends or Enemies virtuous or vitious all Persons whatsoever are comprehended in it and have a right to it We begin 1 With Commutative Justice 1. Commutative which is wholly conversant in the ordinary Transaction of Business between Man and Man This obligeth all Men mutually to consult their own Neighbours Advantage in their Commerce and Conversation with them That fundamental Law of Nature which our blessed Lord has adapted into the Christian Religion of dealing with others bona fide as we desire to be dealt with our selves must be kept inviolable in our whole Intercourse with one another Every Mans Conscience should be a private Chancery and Court of Equity in his own Bosom And unless we make this Golden Rule the Standard to regulate our Affairs by all other acts of Piety c. are no better than painted Hypocrisie Mic. 6.11 and most abominable in the sight of God and all good Men. Those Gentlemen have been no great Friends to the Christian Religion who so eagerly dispute against Morality as they pretend for the advancement of free Grace As if both sides of this Contradiction could be true that a Man might be godly and dishonest at the same time and be a pure Disciple of the first whilst he 's an open Enemy to and transgressor of the Commandments of the second Table so that no man in their sense can be Evangelically righteous unless he be Morally unrighteous But if they would examine the whole Christian Doctrine impartially they may be satisfied if they please that an honest upright Carriage speaking Truth to our Neighbour the keeping of a Man's Word performing Oaths and Promises the acting sincerely and conscientiously in all our Dealings with other Men is a considerable part of that Religion which our blessed Saviour came to preach and propagate in the World But I would studiously avoid all Controversie and shall only desire them and all Christians to consider that this excellent Religion which we profess does oblige us to be candid and ingenuous to measure all our Words by our Meaning so that we neither pretend what 's false nor conceal what 's true but make Truth and Equity Justice and Honesty the Common Basis and Standard of all humane Transactions For to lye and swear and dissemble for the promoting of Mens Interests in this World are Stratagems which the Devil has always made use of to allure and entrap all inconsiderate and worldly-minded Men. And indeed 't is highly incongruous and most inconsistent with the Genius and Spirit of Christianity to dissemble and deny the Truth and every sincere Christian will abhor and abandon those Methods of maintaining his secular Interests by Lyes and Falshood Again this Justice does oblige us to perform all our Promises and Contracts which are neither unlawful nor impossible to be kept tho' to our greatest prejudice and unless these be faithfully observ'd as the Government we live under may be endanger'd So no Man can be safe either in his Person or Possessions Nor should we wilfully transgress any of those Laws of Justice and Sincerity nor make use of any Man's Necessity Ignorance Passion c. to enrich our Selves or advance our Estates in this World Thus I have given you a short Specimen of this positive part of Commutative Justice wherein we should be as tender of other Mens Interests as our own But our Obligations herein will more evidently appear if we consider the Negative part of this Duty which forbids all Entrenchment on other men's Rights in taking away their Cattle Money Houses Lands c. either by Fraud or Violence And this Injustice is either 1 of the Heart which is extended to all those several Objects mention'd before which we should not Covet nor desire and a Sin expresly contradictory to and forbidden in the tenth Commandment 2 There 's the Injustice of the Mouth As in using deceitful Words and false Pretences to cheat and over-reach one another in buying and selling or in perswading an Heir by false and flattering Speeches to quit his Interest in all or any part of his Estate or when a Widow is wrought on by Fraud or Force to transfer the Title of that Inheritance which of right belong'd to the Children of the first to those of her second Husband Or lastly when Schismatical and Seditious Persons by their smooth and deceitful Language do not only allure and perswade others to substract their Obedience from their lawful Superiors but do decoy them by degrees to joyn with 'em in all their vile and unwarrantable Practices of Faction and Rebellion 3 There 's the Injustice of the Hand which consists in taking away the Estates of other Men or any part of them by Fraud or Injustice or in detaining the just Wages of Labourers or Servants or in not restoring the Pledge upon the payment of the Money for which that was the Lender's Security or in defrauding the Prince of his Honour and Tribute or in corrupting the Justice of the Nation for Bribes or lastly when a man appropriates those things to himself which have been dedicated by his pious Ancestors to the service of God and the maintainance of his Ministers As in the detention of Tyths and Offerings or in the selling of Ecclesiastical Livings c. All which several kinds of Injustice are expresly contradictory to and forbidden by the Law of Nature the Law of Nations and the positive Laws of God both in the Old and New Testaments And whosoever offends in all or any of these Instances without Repentance and Restitution in most Cases and a thorow Reformation of Life seldom escape Punishment even in this World De male quaesitis vix gaudet tertius hares and do with their ill gotten Estates entail a Curse on their miserable Posterity of which we have seen many lamentable Instances in our Days But if they should hold whilst they live what they have basely got by their Deceit and Rapine God's Justice and Vengeance will certainly meet with them in the other World Know ye not saith the Apostle that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God 1 Cor. 6.9 Be not deceived neither Fornicators nor Adulterers who violate the Chastity of their Neighbours Wives and Daughters the greatest injustice that can be committed nor Thieves nor Covetous nor Extortioners shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven For the wrath of God is reveal'd from Heaven against all unrighteousness of men Rom. 1.18 Thus all those several kinds of Injustice which I have given you an account of are censur'd and condemn'd by the just Laws of God and the infallible Decree of Heaven from whence there can be no appeal
〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 OR A DISCOURSE Touching the EXCELLENCY and VSEFVLNESS OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION Both in its PRINCIPLES and PRACTICES Chiefly design'd by the AVTHOR for the Benefit of his PARISHIONERS By STEPHEN KAYE M. A. and Rector of Manton in Lincoln-shire John 3.16 God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting Life YORK Printed by Jo. White for Robert Clarke at the Angel and Bible in low Owse-gate M.DC.LXXXVI Imprimatur Ro. Altham R mo P. D mo Johan Archiep. Ebor. à sacris Domesticis To the Right Worshipful Sir JOHN KAYE Of Woodsome Baronet one of His Majestie 's Deputy Lieutenants for the West Riding of the County of York Honoured SIR 'T Is not the apprehension of any Worth or Excellency in this Discourse except what its Subject Matter imports that could tempt me to the Publication of it Nor am I so vain as to think that any thing of mine should find such Acceptance in a learned and critical Age but that the Dread of its severe Censures would rather deter me from appearing in public then the Opinion of my own Performances could encourage me thereunto save that I hope by committing my well intended tho' slender Labours to Your worthy Patronage I shall be secured at least however otherwise treated from open Reprehension or Calumny by sheltring my self under the tutelar Vmbrage of Your great Name A Name indeed deservedly great if Your exemplary Piety and Virtue Your Loyalty to our Gracious Soveraign and Integrity to the present Government if Your strict and impartial Administration of Justice Your charitable Temper in composing Differences to the singular Benefit and Satisfaction of the neighbouring Country if Your excellent Pattern of Houshold Government in all the Relations and Circumstances of it and Your particular Respect and Deference to all the truly loyal and Orthodox Sons of the Church of England but the Clergy especially If all these I say and Your other innumerable Acts of Charity and Beneficence may add any thing to Your Character no Person of Your Rank has more improv'd the Patrimony of Honour deriv'd from Your truly Religious and Loyal Ancestors nor advanc'd a Family to an higher Pitch in the general Esteem of All. But I would not offend Your Modesty with more particucular Enumerations and Eulogies of Your Merits And indeed the Transactions of Your whole Life are so obvious to a considerable Part of the Nation that 't would be very incongruous to inlarge this Dedication with needless Panegyricks To whom then could I dedicate this Discourse with that equal Respect of Choice and Duty as to Your Self who besides Your Integrity and Success in those public Administrations have not only been a Friend and Patron but even a Parent to the Author Beneficioorum memoria senescere non debet Sen. Lib. de Beneficiis both whilst Your domestic Chaplain and always since So that the sincerest Gratitude and Service in my private Devotions are too small a Tribute for those many and undeserved Favours Your Bounty has bestow'd on me and mine And therefore as my Book in Duty desires Your Patronage so for many considerable Reasons I have ventur'd it abroad in the World under Your Protection But 't is not expedient nor do You expect that I should acquaint the World with the Particulars that I owe You Besides those verbal Acknowledgements as they are often censur'd so they are but unsuitable Returns for real great Favours 'T is Love and Duty that 's payable from Your Votary and I have no other Way at present to discharge my Obligations Primitias Cordis Oris than by a humble Dedication of my Labours to the Memory of Your Name and Family which I desire to do with all possible Respect and Observance And may it prove as 't is sincerely design'd a lasting Monument to Posterity of Your courteous Beneficence and my real Gratitude I hope Sir You 'l find in the candid Perusal Quod scriptum habetur sempet vacat ad legendum cum vacat legenti Ne onerosum sit praesens quod com voles sumitur cum voles ponitur Aug. Ep. 1. that this Discourse does carry in it the Stamp and Impress of Truth and Holiness And as I could not have chosen a Subject more Excellent and Beneficial in it self so neither I am well assur'd more acceptable to You which will minister the hope at least that the Dignity and Usefulness thereof may atone for the want of Elegancy in the Composure Such as it is good Sir be pleas'd to accept it as the humble Messenger of my Duty and Respect that by the Favour of Your Patronage my Endeavours herein may be more kindly interpreted Nor need I fear a Reprimand for the Boldness of this Attempt since Your Goodness will pardon and your Candor bear with more Indiscretions than I would willingly be guilty of God Almighty bless You in Your ready and loyal Intentions to serve Your King and Country in the faithful Management of that honourable Trust reposed in You by both and may You persevere in your pious and zealous Resolutions to serve the King of Kings sincerely and affectionately in the Communion of this best of Churches And that You may be every way happy in Your incomparably prudent and pious Lady those hopeful Cions Your Children and Grand-children and all Your Worthy Relations whereby You and They may prove Ornaments to Your Country Instruments of God's Glory here and Possessors of it hereafter shall be the daily Prayer of Worthy SIR Your most humble most obliged and most faithful Servant S. K. To my worthy Friend Mr. GEORGE JOLLAND Of Glamford-Briggs in the County of Lincoln and to all and every of 'em who are or have been my PARISHIONERS SIR THere are many cogent Reasons which induce me to prefix your Name to this Epistle For besides those personal Obligations which I am not able to recount and the Relation you bear to the Parish wherein I was several Years Incumbent and wherein your good Example and Authority have had no small Influence for the Advancement of the Interest of the establish'd Religion and Government I say besides all these I could instance in many Particulars of your singular respect Kindness to all honest orthodox Clergy-men your Charity to the Poor but especially poor Scholars and your Hospitality to all not to mention your pious Beneficence in repairing and beautifying God's House at so great a Charge But I would neither offend you nor my Reader with that unpleasing and phantastical Method of Flattery and Ostentation Yet Sir I shall never be awanting in my Wishes and hearty Prayers for you that you may persevere in your Endeavours to preserve and propagate that Order and Uniformity in God's Worship which you have hitherto prosecuted with so much Zeal Success and Integrity So that by your Proficiency in Grace and Virtue you may not only erect a Monument
to your self but transmit a Blessing with a plentiful Estate to your hopeful Posterity AND now my most kind and respective Parishioners for whom this small practical Discourse is chiefly intended you are not insensible of the Occasion of my Removal from you and the Inconveniencies which I then suffer'd by it which I am now unwilling to repeat save that I do unfeignedly pardon the unhappy Instrument of it And tho' I hope my Pastoral Care and Affection for you in my Absence did not fall much short of my Obligations yet because I could not personally discharge my Duty I then resolv'd to compose this Treatise chiefly for your Use and do now present it to your candid Acceptance Wherein I 've endeavour'd to remind you of those Truths which I have formerly taught and wherein I hope you are now establish'd Whereunto I have added some Forms of Prayer for the Benefit of private Persons and Families which I heartily beg not only for my Satisfaction but your own that you would sincerely fervently and constantly make use of Morning and Evening both with your Families and in your Closets Yet so that when Opportunitie's present you do not neglect the more solemn and public Service of the Church for the wilful Omission of this important and necessary Duty of Religion as 't is highly dishonourable to God a Scandal to our holy Profession and of very dangerous and damnable Consequence to all but to Masters of Families especially who have the chief and immediate Charge of and Inspection over the rest so if it be sincerely and devoutly perform'd this will intitle you to and qualifie you not only for the Comforts and Blessings of this but a future and better Life Nor have I the least cause to doubt but that my well meant Endeavours herein will meet with a ready and kind Acceptance from you especially And may your hearty Compliance with the Truth and Duties herein recommended bring you by degrees to the perfect Knowledge and Practice of true Wisdom and Holiness and make you abound still more and more in all the Virtues and Graces of the inner-man to the Praise and Glory of our infinite Creator and Redeemer This Discourse I hope will prove so agreeable to the primitive Institution of the Christian Religion that the Excellency and Vsefulness thereof as the Title imports are in a great Measure represented both in its Principles and Practices A Religion which shews the Dignity of Christ's Person the Sufficiency of his Merits and the faithful Administration of his Offices by vertue whereof he is made unto us Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption A Religion which above all things teacheth us to be godly and honest pure and peaceable and to abound in all the Fruits of Piety Justice Charity Sobriety Loyalty c. and in all and every one of these without partiality without hypocrisie And herein I have endeavour'd to be serious and practical rather then make use of any vain glorious Digressions of Wit and Eloquence and have not fail'd to beg the Assistances of God's Grace and holy Spirit to direct me in the Composure Besides the private Satisfaction I have experienc'd already and the Benefit which I hope you 'l reap by it will not only compensate all the hard Measures I can meet with but sufficiently countervail all my Pains and Fatigues herein Nor am I concern'd for any more in this World then to discharge the Duties of my Calling with a good Conscience and leave behind me a good Example I have not much troubled my Reader with the Quotation of those Authors I have made use of And the Faults which have escap'd the Press are neither very many nor material yet there are some which I desire he will either candidly censure or correct And now let us all indeavour as we are oblig'd by the many powerful Motives of Duty and Interest to adorn this most excellent Religion of the holy and eternal Jesus by our unshaken Faith in its Principles and hearty Compliance with all its just and reasonable Commands and Constitutions whatsoever So that we may reap in this World Satisfaction and Peace of Mind and in the World to come Life everlasting And if this Discourse now that 't is made public may any way conduce to the magnifying of God's Glory and the Interest of his Church which is the Argument of it I shall return him most hearty and unfeigned Thanks for the Success and my Friends for the Encouragement in the Publication Now to God's merciful Guidance Protection and Blessing I commit you And as the Assistance of your Prayers to enable me the better to discharge my Duty in the Ministerial Office is not the least Part of my Happiness for the Duties of Minister and People are reciprocal so I doubt not but 't will be Comfort and Satisfaction to you to have this Assurance from me that I am in all Sincerity Your truly affectionate Pastor and faithful Servant in Christ S. K. York January 23. 1685 6. THE EXCELLENCY and USEFULNESS Of the Christian Religion c. The INTRODVCTION THe Knowledge of the Christian Religion is justly prefer'd to the knowledge of any other Religion or Institution in the World Not only in respect of the external Evidence which we have of the Truth of it and the Divine Authority of its Doctrine but likewise as to those internal Excellencies which no other Religion can pretend to For all the Principles and Precepts and Duties of the Gospel are not only most excellent and ravishing in themselves but highly advantagious and beneficial to us And so calculated to our Nature on Purpose as to make us wiser and better holy and vertuous here and Eternally Glorious hereafter 'T is too obvious That the whole Race of Mankind by the Fall and defection of our first Parents in violating the first Covenant have not only obscur'd the Light of Reason and Divine Knowledge whereby they might perfectly have understood their Duties both to God and Man but have so deprav'd their Wills and impair'd their strength that such an impotency has seiz'd our Faculties both as to the Knowledge of God's Will and the Power of performing it That we 've now the greatest want imaginable as of a clearer Light to discover our Duties to us with greater certainty whereby we might know what is the good and acceptable will of God So of more powerful Encouragements and Assistances that by the gracious Influences of God's holy Spirit we might be enabl'd to conduct our Lives in a sincere and stedfast Conformity to the Divine Will and Wisdom And to this End God Almighty was pleas'd to institute the Law of Moses as a more perfect Rule and Transcript of our Obedience than that of Nature as now deprav'd and writ it himself in Tables of Stone that it might last the longer Yet this Law in process of Time was so falsified and corrupted by the erroneous and incongruous Interpretations and false Glosses of the Jewish
by other Means and Methods For a few days before his Ascension into Heaven he gave Commissions to Matt. 28.19 20. and invested his Apostles and Disciples with Power and inspir'd them with Abilities to Preach this Doctrine of Salvation to and propagate it in the World And this was not the least Miracle in it that a few Persons of the lowest Extract slender Education and arm'd with no external Power the most of 'em being poor Mechanicks as Tent-makers Carpenters Fishermen and such like should be able to withstand all the Authority Wit Learning Policy and Eloquence of the greatest Monarchs Politicians and Philosophers on Earth and all the Devils and damned Spirits in Hell which were combin'd against them and in despight of Malice it self to establish a Religion which did so much check and control the Ambitions Interests Pleasures and Appetites of the greatest Princes and their Adherents and was so directly Opposite to the then Temper and Inclinations of Mankind that they must offer Violence to their dearest Lusts and deny themselves the sensual Enjoyment of their most ravishing and transporting Pleasures ere they could become Proselites to it And yet notwithstanding all these Obstacles the Apostles and Disciples of our Lord had wonderful Success in Establishing the Gospel triumphing over and trampling upon the greatest Oppositions and did defend it and its Excellent Author with the highest Manifestations of Zeal and Integrity tho' continual Reproaches and Contumelies Racks and Prisons Flames and Martyrdoms did await 'em in every place where they came For we 've a certain account from Ecclesiastical History that eleven of the twelve Apostles and many Thousands of the Primitive Christians suffer'd violent Deaths by the hands of those who persecuted them meerly for their Religion And what rational Motive could carry 'em through such an hazardous Imployment that Christians alone should seem so fond of sufferings that they forgot Humanity it self indured Torments and abode the Flames not only with Patience and Magnanimity but with joy For tho' this Christian Courage was lookt on by the most to be either the folly or Phrensie of a distemper'd Brain yet doubtless it could be no less than the absolute conviction of their Minds and Consciences of the Truth and certainty of the Doctrine which they deliver'd with a comfortable Prospect of those inconceivable Rewards which should await 'em in another World Thus Christianity has been always hitherto and shall be ever propagated by Arguments rather than Arms by submission and sufferings rather than force and Violence And has far beyond all humane conceit been attended with such wonderful Succcess and Prevalency without any kind of Power or Earthly Authority to back it and not so much as one Sword except that of St. Peter Matth. 27.52 53. for which our blessed Saviour severely reprov'd him has been drawn in the defence of it Insomuch that 't was impossible that any thing but Truth it self which has an Omnipotent and over-ruling force in it could by such weak and improbable Means and Methods have so soon subdu'd mankind to the Faith and obtain'd a Victory over the hearts of Men in so great a part of the World And thanks be to God our Religion has not only captivated a few of the Meaner sort but the greatest of all Ranks and degrees even Kings and Emperors have submitted to Christ's Scepter and many of 'em have become nursing Fathers of his Church The greatest Philosophers Orators Rhetoricians c. such were Justin Martyr Athenagoras Tertullian Origen Clemens Alexandrinus and many others who neither wanted Wit Learning Eloquence nor Authority to defend and maintain their Heathenish Principles and Opinions yet became Proselites to the Christian Faith and zealous Preachers and Defenders of it with their very Lives and Fortunes And to our great comfort and satisfaction our Religion rides on prosperously still to conquer Nations far remote and there have been few Ages since our Saviours Exhibition in the Flesh wherein the Boundaries of his Church have not been enlarg'd with new Productions 5 The Truth and Excellency of the Christian Religion is evicted and confirm'd By the Miraculous Effusions of God's holy Spirit upon the Apostles c. by the Miraculous Effusions and gracious Influences of God's Holy and Blessed Spirit according to Christ's promise concerning it Not only on the Day of Pentecost but in many thousand instances besides to the wonder and astonishment of all Beholders And tho' the most of the Apostles and Disciples of our Lord were men of very obscure Fortunes mean Capacities as I hinted before and altogether unskil'd in humane Learning yet they were furnish'd in a moment with such an extraordinary measure of inspir'd Wisdom and Knowledge Acts 2.2 c. Acts 10.44 that the greatest Doctors among the the Jews and Philosophers among the Gentiles stood in a Maze at them were baffl'd and overcome by the Dint of their Arguments and afterwards became zealous Champions for the Defence and active Instruments in the Propagation of the Gospel All which Gifts were bestow'd by the Spirit of God for their perfect Guidance and Instruction for their Support and Comfort in the great Temptations and Pressures which they underwent and to inable 'em to convince the obstinate and unbelieving Jews and Gentiles of their Legal and Heathenish Superstitions and to convert them from their Sins and Errors to the Belief and Practice of this Excellent Religigion of the holy and Eternal Jesus 6 Upon the first publishing and promulgation of the Gospel By silencing the Heathen Oracles at our Saviours coming into the World all the Heathen Oracles were silenc'd cleombrotus Demetrius c. as Plutarch relates tho' they had been formerly very zealous Champions for them yet at Christ's coming in the Flesh they neither could nor durst speak one Word in the defence of them Ablata est Pythii Vox haud revocabilis ulli Temporibus longis Eternim jam cessit Apollo Clavibus occlusus silet ergo ritè peractis Discedens Patriae redeas ad lumina sacris Porphyr Vt citatur Lib. 5. Cap. 8. Eus de Preparat Evangelicâ Vltima Cumaei venit jam Carminis aetas Magnus ab integro seclorum nascitur Ordo Virg. Eccl. Sybils Oracles then drew their last breath and in them all others On which the same Poet sweetly Jam redit Virgo redeunt Saturnia Regna Jam nova Progenies Coelo demittitur alto And the Devil himself who was the Father and Founder of all those illusive Dreams and false Prophesies received a deadly Blow so that not only Christ himself has obtain'd an absolute Victory over him But all sincere Christians of which more fully afterwards thro' the assistance of his Grace are more then Conquerors over him and all his Agents 7 The Christian Religion in the New Omnia quae Scriptae sunt ad unum Christum referuntur nec saepit vet●● scripturae nisi Christus in ea intelligatur Aug. in Ps 51. Id. in
Ioan. Tract ● is the same for substance with that of the Ancient Jews under the Old Dispensation The Patriarchs and Prophets had the same Faith Religion and Worship common with us Christians Nor did they expect then or do they inherit eternal Happiness now upon any other Terms then by a sincere and stedfast Belief of the purchas'd Redemption by their promis'd Messiah 8 And lastly By many other Arguments summ'd up in this Paragraph To these Topics many others might be added if it were necessary to testifie the Divinity and Excellency of our Saviours Doctrine As the Purity of his Life the Sublimity of his Religion the Perfection of its Laws the Force of its Arguments the Testimony of his holy Spirit in Mens Consciences the Operation of his Grace the Fruits and Comforts of the Christian Devotion c. And in a word the whole Contexture and Design of it can be no other then to glorifie God and to make us Holy and Vertuous here that we may be eternally Glorious hereafter Seing then we have the most convincing Attestations that can be given to confirm us in the Belief of the Christian Religion in General and since there 's nothing in the whole Constitution as will more fully appear in the Sequel of this Discourse but what 's most worthy of God and consentaneous to the rectified Reason and Interest of Mankind We must hence necessarily infer that it derives it's Original from Heaven and can be no less than the Contrivance and Product of an infinite and eternal Wisdom and Goodness Thus much concerning the Truth and Excellency of the Christian Religion in General PAss we on now to Particulars Wherein I shall endeavour to give you the clearest Account I can of God's infinite and Inconceivable Love to Mankind and what admirable Means and Methods the Divine Wisdom Col. 1.20 and Goodness was pleas'd to make use of to reconcile the World unto himself And in treating of this great Mistery of Man's Redemption We shall consider 1st The Partition of the Boo●● The several Names and Appellations which are promiscuously ascrib'd to our blessed Saviour in Holy Scripture the explication whereof will give great Light to and make the Doctrine of the Gospel much more intelligible 2dly We shall Discourse distinctly of his Divine and Humane Natures and their Hypostatical Vnion in the Person of Christ And proceed to assign some special Reasons why the Mediator of the New Covenant must be God Why he must be Man and why God and Man in the same Person to constitute him a fit Mediator between both 3dly We shall enquire Particularly into the Nature of Christ's Offices and the Manner of their Administration All which will clearly illustrate the great End and Design of our Blessed Saviour's Incarnation and what great things he has done and suffer'd for us that we should live comfortably here and be happy for ever To Treat of all which we now proceed distinctly and in Order CHAP. I. Of the Names and Titles ascrib'd to our Blessed Saviour in Holy Scripture OF those sundry Names and Appellations ascrib'd to the Eternal Son of God and Saviour of the World in Holy Scripture some have respect to his Person others to his Offices And are variously distinguisht into Proper and Figurative Denominations agreeable thereto As to his Divine Nature in the greatest propriety of Speech He is call'd God ●●iles relating to Christ's God-head Isa 9.6 The true God 1 John 5.20 The great God Micah 5.4 5. The Son of God Mark 15.39 and Luke 8.28 And the only begotten Son of God John 3.16 And in the same respect he is said to be tho' Figuratively the Word of God John 1.1 2 3. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Image of the invisible God Col. 1.15 or the Character of his Person As to his Humane Nature To his Manhood he is properly term'd the Son of Man Luke 9.56 A Man of Sorrows Isa 53.3 The Son of Abraham the Son of David c. Luke 3.23 24 c. And upon the some account tho' Figuratively he is said to be the Seed of the Woman Acts 13.23 The Seed of Abraham the seed of Isaac the Seed of Jacob c. Gen. 17.19 Mat. 1. the righteous Branch and he shall be called the Lord our Righteousness Jer. 25.5 6. As to his two Natures Hypostatically united in the same Person of the Son of God And to both as united in the same Person of Christ he is call'd Emmanuel Mat. 1.23 The Lord of all things Col. 1.16 17 18 19. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords Rev. 19.16 Again in Relation to his Offices in general Titles relating to his Offices in general he is called Jesus Mat 1.21 which is an Hebrew word and alwayes written in the Syriack Translation of the New Testament signifying to Save and therefore 's a Name most agreeable to his Mediatorship He is also called Christ John 6.69 Which is a Greek word signifying to Anoint From which two Names it may be reasonably conjectur'd that he is the anointed Saviour of the whole Race of Mankind of the Hebrews and Greeks both of the Jew and Gentile To which may be added the Titles of the Messiah the Saviour Acts 5.31 Salvation it self in the Abstract Luke 1.69 and Luke 19.9 The Mediator of the New Covenant Heb. 12.24 The Redeemer of the World Tit. 2.14 The hope and expectation of the Gentiles Mat. 12.21 The Desire and Delight of all Nations Isa 2.2 And properly speaking he is all and every one of these And in the same respect tho in a Figurative Sense He 's intituled the Bridegroom Mat. 9.15 The Head over all things to his Church Eph. 1.22 23. The Foundation of a Building 1 Cor. 10.4 A Lion Rev. 5.5 Bread from Heaven John 6.48.50 The Sun of Righteousness Mal. 4.2 Light it self Joh. 1.4 8 9. The Morning Star Num. 24.17 A Vine John 15.1 The Tree of Life Rev. 22.2 But more Particularly And to his several Offices in particular and with special reference to his Offices As 1st To his Priestly Office To his Priestly Office He is call'd our High Priest Heb. 3.1 The Priest Heb. 7.3 11. Oblation or Sacrifice Heb. 9.26 The Lamb of God Job 1.29 36. The Paschal Lamb Exod. 13.13 Comp. Rev. 13.8 The Passover it self 1 Cor. 5.7 2dly As to his Prophetical Office To his Prophetical Offices he is said to be our Pastor and great Shepherd John 10.14 16. Rabbi M●ster Mark 10.17 John 1.28 Apostle Heb. 3.1 Min●ster of the Circumcision Rom. 15.8 c. 3dly As to his Kingly Office To his Kingly Office he bears the Titles of King Luke 23.2 3. Prince Acts 5.31 King of Peace Heb. 7.2 Captain of our Salvation Heb. 2.10 The Ruler of all things Micah 5 2. Phil. 2.10 11. and Judge of all men Acts 10.42 Titles deriv'd from his Types And sometimes his Titles are deriv'd from the Types as the
we wilfully despise or dishonour that high and holy Name whereby we are call'd God's Honour in Christ our anointed Saviour is a Prerogative He 's exceeding jealous of and therefore whosoever shall arrogate that Glory to themselves or substract that Obedience which is due to the Eternal Son of God shall certainly feel the Power of his God-head We 've a great many sad Instances upon Record of God's Justice and Vengeance on purpose to deter us from the like Offences How conspicuous are the tragical Memoirs of the fallen Angels of Herod Pontius Pilate Judas and many others who would have set themselves in God's stead What shall I tell you of the whole Jewish Nation that derided betray'd condemn'd and Crucified the Lord of Life Not one of all these could flie from Justice but suffer'd the severest Punishments in proportion to their Crimes for their wretched Prophaneness Cruelty and Irreligion What might I add of the later Hereticks as Arrius Nestorius Eutyches Servetus c. whose Lives and Deaths are and shall be for ever infamous to all Posterity Seing therefore that God will be worshipped in Spirit and in Truth and that he will by no means endure that his Glory should be given to another And seing we have such a Cloud of Witnesses before us who have suffered by the Contempt and Neglect of his Worship it stands us in hand to be very prudent and circumspect in our Demeanor and Deportment towards him lest we wilfully blaspheme his Name derogate from his Glory abuse and trample upon his Word and Sacraments despise his Servants neglect our Duties transgress his just and reasonable Commands or continue in any one unlawful Act of Sin or Disobedience unrepented of unreform'd 'T is our Saviour's own Rule and confirm'd by every day's Experience Ioh. 2. Ep. ● He that loveth God will keep his Commandments And what heinous Ingratitude as well as Disobedience must we Christians be guilty of if we make not our Lives the Transcript of his Divine and Excellent Doctrine and with the highest Expressions of Love Joy and Thankfulness recognize his inconceivable Goodness and Mercy to the Children of Men. But if on the contrary we should render him evil for good and hatred for good-will this Abuse and Contempt of his Grace and Clemency shall not be able to escape the just Resentments of his Wrath and Vengeance And judge what a miserable Condition those poor Wretches will be in who not only trample under foot the Son of God but have so disregarded the Sanctions of his Laws and the Charitable Tenders of his Grace and Goodness that Salvation it self cannot save them Thus much concerning our Saviour's God-head I have been the longer about it because the Devil has been more sedulous in his Endeavours to corrupt and undermine this than any other Article of our Christian Faith Which every Man will readily grant that has the least Acquaintance with Ecclesiastical History and Decrees of Councils Wherefore no Person of any Candor or Christianity can think my Time or Pains mis-imploy'd and mis-spent in explaining and confirming this Article of our Faith wherein the Excellency and Dignitie of the Person of the Son of God and our own present and eternal Welfares are so Emimently concern'd CHAP. III. Of our Saviour's Manhood THis is another Fundamental Article of our holy and excellent Religion The Humane Nature of Christ constder'd that the Eternal Son of God became true and real Man for our sakes That he assum'd the Humane Nature into the reality of his Person tho' in a manner most incomprehensible And yet he was fully invested with it and precisely at the time appointed of the Father and predicted by the Prophets was really conceiv'd in the Womb and born of the Virgin Mary He was made that he might be a perfect Man not begotten of the Seed and Substance of the Woman as all other Men are differing from Vs only in the Miraculous Conception by the Power of the Holy Ghost And 't was necessary that it should be so that he might be free from all sin Himself especially since He came to suffer for Ours For indeed all other Men being conceiv'd by natural Generation must needs be tainted with the Guilt and Stain of Adam's first Sin which has been thus transmitted to and propagated by his miserable Posterity But tho' Christ the Eternal Son of God was conceiv'd by the Holy Ghost yet he was made of the Flesh of the Virgin Gen. 3.15 Gen. 22.18 Mat. 1.1 otherwise he could not have been what he really was The seed of the Woman the seed of Abraham the seed of David Besides this was absolutely necessary to qualifie him for nor could he've been otherwise capable of that Mediatorship whereby he was to procure and establish a Peace between God and Man Thus he took our Nature and therefore no Starry Substance as the Marcionites cerdonians and Manichaean Hereticks vainly dream'd nor yet a Spiritual or Elementary Body as Valentinus and others conjectur'd And tho' those several Heresies were censur'd and exploded by the Decrees of Councils in the four first Centuries yet there 's still a Spawn of those Errours amongst us And therefore for the Conviction of those that have espous'd them and to confirm others in the stedfast Belief of this important and saving Truth I shall make it fully evident That our Lord Jesus Christ did not only assume our Flesh but our whole Nature That is 1st Arguments for it A true Humane Body and a rational Humane Soul 2dly He suscepted in that real Body and reasonable Soul all the Properties and Infirmities of both First he took our whole Nature Christ assum'd a real humane body viz. I A real Humane body figur'd and circumscrib'd as ours which had all the Parts and Members of a true Body compounded of Flesh and Blood was visible and tangible did eat drink sleep encrease in strength and stature sensible of pain and want and was at last subject to a conspicuous Death for the conviction of the obstinate and unbelieving World The Holy Scripture has confirm'd and fortified this Truth with variety of Arguments for Christ is said to be of the Seed of Abraham the Seed of Isaac Rom. 1.3 Rom. 9.5 the Seed of Jacob and particularly of the Seed of David For Christ saith the Apostle expresly descended from David and the Fathers according to the Flesh And again when the sulness of time was come Gal. 4.4 God sent forth his Son made of a woman c. and in the likeness of sinful flesh Rom. 8.3 Eph 4.16 that he might condemn Sin in the flesh by which means he became the Head of his Body the Church For asmuch then as we are partakers of Flesh and Bloud He also likewise himself took part of the same Heb. 2.9 that he might tast Death which he could not otherwise have done for every Man and therefore he took not on him the Nature of
or External to perswade us to be or do otherwise And indeed 't is the greatest Honor we can do him Phil. 2.5 6 7 8 9. to endeavour to have the same mind in us which was in Christ Jesus and by all means possible to transcribe his Pattern who was the great Exemplar of Meekness and lowliness of heart Thus if we walk as we are oblig'd in his Steps 1 Pet. 2.21 and patiently bear as he did with Meekness and Humility those Injuries and Affronts which are usually the Portion and Pattimony of the best Christians in this School of Affliction If we account and esteem Honors Riches Pleasures Wit Beauty Strength and all the other enticing Allurements of this World as they are indeed in themselves Loss and Dung Phil. ● 8 Emptiness and Vanity compar'd with the Exellencies of Christ Jesus our Lord 〈◊〉 and do humbly acknowledge that God i● Christ is the Proprietor and Dispenser 〈◊〉 'em If we be careful to manage the● Subsidia prudently and discreetly to God Glory and the mutual Comfort and Benefit of our selves and others if we chearfully submit to God's unerring Will and Wisdom in disposing of us and our Concernments and patiently bear every cross Accident which may happen to us and Ours upon these Conditions I say we shall in some proportion resemble our blessed Saviour's innocent Life in Grace and Goodness here a temper of mind and Spiritmost acceptable to him and we need not doubt but upon these hearty Compliances he will accept of us and reward us when he comes again in his glorious Majesty hereafter 3 We must yield our unfeigned Assent to and sted factly Believe this great Mystery of our Saviour's Manhood that he was conceiv'd without Sin in the Womb and born of a pure and immaculate Virgin by the Operation and Influence of the Holy Spirit that he voluntarily assum'd our Nature and has by the Merits of his Active and Passive Obedience fully satisfied God's Infinite Justice for all our sins which as I hinted before could not be aton'd for by any other Means then by Suffering the severest Resentments of God's just Wrath and Vengeance in that Nature which had sinned against him But because the Guilt and Punishment of our Sins were a Burden too insupportable for Flesh and Blood therefore we must also believe that our frail Humanity was supported by his Omnipotent Divinity of which more fully in the next Chapter Let us therefore seriously apply this Point by the exercise of a true and lively Faith That as Christ was conceiv'd by the Operation of the Holy Spirit in the Womb of a Virgin and became Man for Us So we may conceive him Spiritually by a true and saving Faith and bring forth the Fruits of Evangelical Obedience in a holy vertuous and innocent Conversation 4. We should be always mindful to offer up upon the Altars of our Souls that reasonable Sacrifice and Service of Praise and Thanksgiving for the Incarnation of our Lord. Could ever Tidings be more welcome or any Report so grateful to mortal Ears as this was All the Inhabitants of Heaven were ravisht with joy breaking forth into Hymns of Praise and Congratulation for the Redemption of Mankind and how should we Christians most especially who inherit all the blessed Priviledges of the Gospel bear a part in that Heavenly Chorus praising the Lord incessantly for his Goodness and declaring the Wonders which he hath done for the Children of Men. Psal 107.8 15 c. To shut up this Point I 've been the more express in the handling of it not only because 't is the great Foundation on which our Christian Religion is built but because our restless Adversary the Devil and his wicked Agents and Emissaries have in all Ages us'd their utmost endeavours to corrupt and undermine it And tho' this Doctrine be an impregnable Fortress and Bulwark under which we may securely defend our selves and against which all the Powers of Hell shall never be able to prevail yet we are not ignorant of Satan's devices nor of his malicious Stratagems and mischievous Designs against us and our Religion And how active and successful he has been hitherto in his Temptations and Allurements is most notoriously evident For this great implacable Adversary has endeavour'd by all means possible to extinguish the Knowledge of Christ the Messiah of the World both before and since his coming in the Flesh And 1 Before his coming into the World How restless the Devil has been hitherto in his Endeavors to undermine destroy this Doctrine he us'd all imaginable Means to extirpate the whole Jewish Nation whence 't was prophesied the Messiah should descend He studied to ridicule and enervate all the Prophesies and Promises of Holy Scripture concerning him He made it his business to possess the World with gross Conceits and Apprehensions of Christ's Kingdom at his Coming And his Suggestions were so prevasent and successful that 't was generally expected that the Messiah should appear in great State and Grandeur that he would bestow Crowns and Scepters and the greatest Immunities and Priviledges upon his Subjects Which conceit doubtless our Saviour appearing in so mean and despicable a Condition was not the least cause of the Jewish Infidelity and did in a great measure obstruct their embracing of the Gospel It seems the very Apostles of Christ were tainted with this Prejudice by their being so inquisitive about the Restitution of the Kingdom again to Israel They expected doubtless to be Grandees in it as may be gather'd from that request of the Mother of the two Sons of Zeledee for whom she was so importunate with our Saviour Marth 20.21 that one of them might sit on his right hand and the other on his left in his temporal Kingdom for so the Words must be understood Thus far had Satan's Stratagems prevail'd to prejudice Mankind against the Messiah of the World Before his coming 2 When he was come from the Cradle to the Cross his whole Life was an entire Series of Sorrows and Persecutions How did the Devil inflame the Scribes and Pharisees with a fiery and impetuous zeal and eagerness not only to defend and maintain all the Laws and Constitutions Rites and Ceremonies which they receiv'd from Moses with their own erroneous Comments and heterodox Opinions concerning 'em But to oppose and stifle with all imaginable Vigour and Policy our excellent Religion as it were in the very Embryo ere it had got any considerable footing in the World And tho' this was beyond the reach of their Power and Malice God having decree'd to establish it by his own Omnipotent Arm yet he persecuted its excellent and innocent Author to Death by the severest Methods of Cruelty and Injustice And tho' the Devil receiv'd then a deadly blow yet he has not been wanting to his power ever since to persecute and ensnare his Members and he is restless still in his endeavours to prevail with
all the Earth discovering such Truths and instituting such Laws and Precepts as were never known before For 1 Christ our Prophet has presented us in the Doctrine of the Gospel with a clearer and more distinct Notion and Character of God himself The Nature Attributes c. of God more clearly revealed then ever was known before as to his Nature Persons Vnity Attributes Properties c. and also concerning all his Works of Creation Providence Redemption Sanctification c. All which seriously consider'd describe him to be a God of infinite and immense Power Wisdom Truth Justice Mercy Goodness c. of which more fully hereafter and in a Word a Being which consists of all possible Holiness and Perfection 2 He has made a full discovery of those fundamental Truths which concern his Divine The fundamental Truths of the Gospel fully discover'd and Humane Natures as united in the Person of our blessed Redeemer Intimating hereby what he has done and suffer'd for us and the consequent Benefits which result from his meritorious Death and Intercession to all such as apply 'em as the Sanctification of their Persons the Pardon of their Sins and the hopeful Assurance of a blessed Resurrection to eternal Life for Christ's sake 3 Christ as Prophet has enacted such Laws for the Government of the Actions Rules for the religious conduct of our Lives adapted to our Capacities Words Thoughts Affections Inclinations Appetites and Passions both of the outward and inward Man as are highly rational and ingenuous plain and easie to be understood and practic'd and so universally Good and Beneficial in all Respects that as the like was never known before so 't is beyond the Capacity of Men and Angels to conceive any thing better or so perfective of the Nature Reason and Interest of Mankind For 't is plain in in all the Particulars that our blessed Lord has prescrib'd no other Conditions for the Attainment of eternal Happiness then what are most consentaneous both to our Rational Nature and present Interest in this World And would certainly have been best for us to 've done if they had not been commanded whereby He has evidently declar'd that he is so far pleas'd with our Services and Duties to him as they are advantagious and beneficial to our selves that we may take one Blessing in the Way to another Grace Peace and Contentment here in the Way to Glory hereafter 4 All the Duties of Christianity are of the same Stamp and Character with its Principles and Precepts The Duties tafie to be perform'd and every way so correspondent to the Rules of universal Rectitude that there 's no Person that 's truly regenerate can assign any Difficulty in Praying unto God or in Praising of him in Hearing Reading and Meditating on his Word in receiving the holy Sacraments in holy Conferences pious Ejaculations c. Yea even those more austere Duties of Religion as Repentance Mortification Self-denial Self-resignation taking up the Cross Patience in Afflictions c. which tho' they be most afflictive to Flesh and Bloud yet are so far from being troublesom and uneasie to the rational Powers of the Soul that doubtless if there be any Elixir or substantial Pleasure in this World it must result and flow from a serious devout and conscientious Performance of the Duties of Religion And therefore the Church of England upon well grounded Experience declares That the Service of God is the most absolute and perfect Freedom And this will more evidently appear if We consider 5 Those Motives and Arguments which the Christian Religion propounds And enforc't by powerful Motives Incouragements to incourage us in the doing of our Duties Which are neither few nor inconsiderable For if we be faithful herein we have an Assurance of the Pardon of all our sins past the Promise of the most plentiful Supplies of God's preventing restraining exciting assisting and sanctifying Grace to enable us to avoid all Sin resist all Temptations and to inspire us with such a holy Frame and Temper of Mind and Spirit as may dispose us to serve God sincerely and affectionately in all the Instances of Duty thro' the whole Course of our Lives To which considerable Advantages and Priviledges he has added ex abundanti the Promises of the Blessings of this Life Mat. 6.33 as Health Wealth a good Reputation Peace Prosperity c. But lest all these should not prove Motive sufficient to enforce the Practice of those most pleasant and profitable Duties of our Religion he has further assured us that upon the faithful discharge of those necessary and important Duties we shall liv● for ever with him in whose Presence is fulness of joy Psal 16.11 and at whose right hand are pleasures for evermore Now if all these powerful Incentives to Duty do not charm and allure us to be holy and vertuous devout and serious in our Religious Addresses it will be requisite to consider on the other hand Rom. 1.18 that the Wrath of God is reveal'd from Heaven against all Vngodliness c. And as the impious and prophane who contemn or neglect the Service of God and the Duties of Religion seldom escape punishment even in this Life so there 's a dismal Time approaching Psal 9.17 when the Wicked shall be turned into Hell and all the People shall forget God If then such Arguments as these do not perswade us to be holy and religious I know not what will If these Menaces do not force us to flie from the Wrath to come and sue for our Reconciliation I know not what can And 't is most just and reasonable that those who despise or neglect the Riches of God's Grace and Mercy propounded and promis'd in the One should feel eternally the Tragical Effects of his Justice and Vengeance denounc'd and threatn'd in the Other Thus the whole Tenor of that Religion which Christ our great Prophet has so clearly reveal'd to us and propagated in so considerable a part of the World is a lively Transcript and Pattern of God's eternal Wisdom and Goodness Wherein the Divine Pleasure in what concerns our happiress and dependance upon him in this and a future State is so plain and obvious to be known possible and easie to be perform'd and recommended to us by such powerful Motives and Encouragements that if we be not wanting to our selves in the faithful Performance of those incomparably pleasant Duties which the Gospel prescribes 't is impossible we should fail of the Blessings and Rewards of it And to convince us that neither the Terms of our Reconciliation are difficult The Duties of Religion are inforet and recommended nor the Duties of our Religion impossible to be perform'd Our blessed Saviour this great Prophet has left us his own and we 've the Examples of many thousands of his Saints and Servants on Record as Patterns to walk by who have confirm'd the Truth of this Excellent Doctrine and seal'd it
of his abundant fulness grace for grace He that is truly prudent in the government of himself will use his utmost endeavour to abstain from all Sins of all sorts and study in every undertaking to make choice of the best Ends and most effectual Way and Means of obtaining them He will be careful not only to improve every Opportunity for the bettering of himself but studiously avoid every Occasion and Temptation of sinning which may interrupt his Progress and Proficiency in Grace and Virtue Now by this discreet Procedure in the prudent Conduct of our Selves we shall in some degree resemble the infinitely wise God who acts and contrives all things according to the Dictates of Wisdom and Prudence and are hereby distinguisht from all sublunary Beings who have no other Light nor Laws to direct 'em but those of natural Instinct Thus in general as Creatures endued with Religion and Reason we are oblig'd that we may proceed to the Acquest of Virtue and perform all the Duties of Christianity cheerfully and vigorously without any considerable Let or Distraction to subject all the Appetites Affections Passions and Inclinations both of the Soul and Body to the Empire of Reason and by the prudent deliberate and conscientious guidance thereof we shall be able to correct and subdue the Extravagancies of corrupt Nature and grow more manly in the Government of our Selves as sober Judgement and God's infallible Word shall direct us Thus when we have reduc'd the superior Faculties of the Soul to this Order and Harmony so that our Understandings dictate aright and our Wills are conformable to those Laws and Rules which are prescrib'd by an unbyass'd and unprejudic'd Understanding when our Affections and Appetites are subject to our Reason and have a direct Tendency to these Objects in the Enjoyment whereof true real and substantial Satisfaction can only be expected then it is that we govern our selves prudently and all is calm and quiet within us Then we act regularly as it becomes Men and Christians who are in the pursuit of generous Ends by rational Means and Methods and make it their chief Business and Delight to live holily and vermously here that they may be glorious and happy for ever And thus much of Christian Prudence which is of general and necessary use for the government of the whole Man in the Ways of Religion We descend to the particular Virtues which spring and flow from it The Souls and Bodies of Men are the constituent Parts of themselves which by the Laws of Nature and Christianity we are most especially oblig'd to love and take care for And this must be done 1 by repelling all Injuries and Inconveniencies which may tend to the Ruine or Prejudice of either And this imports an Abstinence from and a hearty Abhorrence of all Sin 2 By consulting and inforcing all the prudent and rational Means and Methods which may conduce to our comfortable subsistence in this World and will dispose and qualifie us for the Imployment and Happiness of that State which we hope for in a better Now these virtuous and vitious Dispositions are either such as respect the Happiness and Misery of the whole Man as Sobriety and Moderation Or they have a more peculiar respect some to the Souls others to the Bodies of Men distinctly We shall treat of all these severally and in Order And we begin First The Vertue of Sobriety of necessary Us for the Government both of coul and Body With Sobriety or Moderation These twin-Virtues which we shall handle together are of special use and importance for the Government of all the Faculties Affections Desires and Appetites of the whole Man that we may be able to confine them to those due Bounds and Measures which Christian Prudence has assign'd them And if we be truly sober and moderate we shall not be studious to indulge and please those Appetites and Passions which are always ready to comply with every Sin and Temptation to the great disquiet and prejudice of our rational Powers For if we study to please and gratifie our Palates with delicate Meats and Drinks the Touch with Softness and Effeminacy the Eye with fair and gaudy Shows the Ear with harmonious and pleasant Sounds the Smell with fragrant costly Perfumes c. Such Allurements as these do so influence and bewitch the sensual Appetites and Passions that the Reason and Judgement will be forc'd not only to quit their Dominion and Authority but they become subservient to all the base Ends and Designs which these imperious and domineering Usurpers shall desire 'em to comply with And what can be expected in this Discomposure but a fruitless variety of Expectations and Disappointments If then we set a greater value on these Things then they are capable of 't is impossible that we should be satisfied with 'em whenever we enjoy them For 't is most notoriously evident That no man has that gust and pleasure in the Acquest of worldly Delights which he propounded to himself and so eagerly expected whilst he was in pursuit after them Besides 't is considerable that all the things of this World are flitting and transitory and in a few Years perhaps in a few Minutes we shall be stript naked of every thing we possess except the good or bad Qualities and Dispositions of our Souls Now if it should happen when we come to die that our Souls should be hankering after the Pleasures of Sense we should carry our Affections into another World and leave their Objects behind us And judge ye in what a miserable state and Condition those poor Creatures will be in who depart this Life with such Appetites and Affections as these Therefore upon these Considerations how should we proportion our Desires and Inclinations to the value of those things are delighted and pleas'd with And the Enjoyments of this World should only affect us so far as they become subservient to the things of God and the rational and intellectual Pleasures of the Soul and till our Affections be thus cultivated by Grace and Virtue we can have no true Relish of Spiritual and Heavenly Delights For if we devote our selves to the Pleasures of Sense they cannot satisfie the Desires of the Soul but do only comply with and indulge the boundless and extravagant Appetites of the Body Hence then it must needs follow by the Rule of Contraries that the state and condition of wicked and intemperate Men in this World who being inslav'd by their Lusts and Appetites are like a Vessel in the midst of a rugged and tempestuous Sea which is in danger to be shipwrackt by every Wind and Wave by every Lust and Temptation A thousand cross Accidents both within and without do continually perplex and torment 'em which Flesh and Bloud are not able to encounter nor endure and to add to their Misery they are alwayes attended with a succession of new and unexpected Mischiefs This is the worst part of Hell and far
more perplexing than whole Legions of infernal Fiends without them Since then these bruitish Passions have such a mischievous Influence to turn Angels into Devils how can any Man hope to be happy so long as he suffers such Furies to rule and reign over him There 's no way therefore to be at Peace with God and Man and our own Consciences but by subduing our sensual Appetites and Passions and reducing 'em by Sobriety and Moderation under the Empire and Soveraignty of rectified Reason and Religion Otherwise if 't were possible that we should be in Heaven with such uneasie and troublesome Companions we should find nothing there to please us but be rather desirous to return into the lower World to react these sensual Pleasures which are most correspondant to our bruitish Tempers and Inclinations Thus Sobriety and Moderation are the Harbingers which by the Assistance of God's Grace do dispose and qualifie a Christian for all other Virtues and there must be a concurrence of 'em all to make as truly wise and truly good We shall now descend to Particulars Partieular Vertues relating more peculiarly to the Soul As And treat distinctly 1 Of the Vertues which do more immediatly respect the Soul And 2 Of those which are most peculiar to the Body Those of the former Rank are 1st 1 Heavenly-mindedness Heavenly-mindedness The Soul of Man has a direct and natural Tendency to the Place from whence it derives its Original And tho' our Bodies be polluted with sin and the Faculties of our Souls chain'd and fetter'd by the sensual Appetites and Passions here below yet they 'l now and then endeavour to disintangle themselves from those Confinements especially when prompted thereunto by the Motions of God's holy Spirit and the Assistances of Religion Our own Experience will inform us That the Things of this World which are usually esteem'd and valued by worldly minded men are not easily got difficult to keep and do often procure so much Malice Envy and Danger to those that possess them that the Worldling's life can be no other than a continued Series of Trouble and Discomposure But those who have no other Aims than the necessary Supplies of Nature and are not affected with the fruitless Vanity of being rich or honourable in this World but place their whole Desires and Delights in the exercise of Piety and Virtue and in Contemplation of the Riches of Gods Grace in Christ and that suture Happiness which we aspire to Those heavenly minded Christians I say who have arriv'd at this divine Frame and Temper of Mind do trample upon all the little Projects and Fooleries of this World enjoy a Heaven upon Earth and live little less than the Life of glorified Angels and Saints whilst by a Mind content with little they imitate their want of nothing Now this Heavenly Disposition is most sutable and correspondent to the Genius and Spirit of Christianity and the Doctrine and Example of our blessed Saviour Who commands us to pray not for Delicacies and Superfluities to pamper and please our wanton Curiosity and if they are not to be prai'd for they are not worth the having but for daily Bread and such Accomodations of Life as may keep our Bodies in Health that they may be fit for Action and more serviceable to the Soul When we 've rais'd our Faculties to this Pitch of Purity and Holiness 't will be no difficult Task to part with our Fathers Mothers Wives Children the dearest Friends and Relatives Houses Lands and whatever else may be esteemed valuable in this World if they should come in Competition with Christ and the interest of our precious and immortal Souls In a word this heavenly Frame and Temper of mind and Spirit will teach us to bear with Aequanimity all the cross Accidents which may happen to our Persons and Possessions For there 's nothing can fall amiss to that Person that is divinely dispos'd And if it should so happen that our Enemies break open the Cages of our Bodies which is the worst they can do they will make the more safe and expedite Passage for our Souls into those peaceable Regions of Bliss and Immortality Thus as the Soul is in but not of the Body so Heavenly minded Men may be in but not of the World But with passionate Groans and Cries yet always submitting to the Will and Wisdom of God they desire to be dissolv'd and to be with Christ Phil. 1.23 which is far better 2dly Humility The next Virtue which is of necessary use for the conduct of our Souls in the ways of Religion is Humility I have toucht that Branch of it already which relates immediatly to God I shall consider it here as it has more peculiar reference to our Selves Now this Virtue consists in having a lowly and modest Opinion of our Persons Acquisitions Merits and Endowments both of Body and Mind and being content that all others should have so to resolving all what we are and what we have into the Grace and Mercy of God in Christ This Humility will teach us to dwell at home and converse more familiarly with our Selves And indeed if we seriously reflect upon and consider all the Deficiencies Follies and Indiscretions in our best Performances the Ignorance and Errours of our Judgements the Perversness of our Wills the Defects of our Manners the Ommissions of our Duties both to God and Man which we are incessantly guilty of we shall have sufficient Grounds to correct and subdue the proud and insolent Conceits our haughty and ambitious Spirits and submit to the meanest Offices and Imployments Rom. 12.10 in Honour preferring one another To enforce the Practice of this excellent Vertue We have the concurrent Examples of our blessed Saviour and his Apostles which are written every where in the New Testament in such lively and legible Characters that I need not instance in Particulars We have the holy Angels also for our Patterns who tho they be advanc'd to the highest Pinacle of Honour and Happiness Heb. 1.14 yet are ministring Spirits to the Sons of Men for their Weal and Preservation To which may be added the admirable Examples of the Church of Christ in all Ages and what her Members have done and suffer'd for God's Glory in the Defence of and for the Establishment of the Christian Religion Now if we apply these things seriously to our Selves we shall appear like so many Lamps in the Sight of the Sun and those little remains of Wisdom and the fond Conceits which we are so apt to admire in our selves and undervalue in others would expire and vanish A modest Humility and Self denial would take Possession of our Minds and Spirits and the Effects of it would appear in our whole Entercourse with and deportment towards one another Again 't is reasonable to consider that whatever we are and whatever we have our Beings and Well-beings are the immediate Product and Pensions of God's Bounty
of our Religion and Government These Arts of Leger-demain are expresly forbidden in Scripture and are particularly censur'd in Iezebel as a Badge of her Whorish Impudence 2 King 9.30 The Idolater is compar'd by the Prophet to an Adultereres who Paints her face to tempt and ensnare her Lovers See the Prophet Isaiah more fully to this purpose chap. 3. from the 16 to the end The ancient Fathers declaim passionately against it as most offensive and dishonourable to God and a scandal to the Modesty of Christians Tertullian boldly affirms Tertul. de cultu Mulich That Women by their artificial Dressings as Painting Patching Persuming c. do allure and invite Men to Lust and open a Door to those Temptations which should rather be shut out And since saith he God did not create them in those Forms which they so unwarrantably assume it would be enquir'd whether they be willing to appear in this Disguise that God should not know them for his at the day of Judgement Again this is not only a defileing of God's Temples and a correcting of his handy-work for which he has threatn'd to destroy them In Ep. ad Furcam de vid. Servand In Epist ad Possid but the foremention'd Arts saith St. Hierom are certain Signs of an unchast mind and incentives to Lust St. Aug. is yet more express upon the point where he tells us That the wearing of Gold and precious Stones or the putting on of Costly Apparel are not forbidden to Persons of the best Rank and Quality of the female Sex But for Women to paint and patch to colour or discolour their Faces or to make 'em either more or less white or red then the God of Nature has form'd them is a fallacious kind of Adultery from which it may be reasonably infer'd that they will not be backward when a fit Opportunity presents to make Shipwrack of their Virginity or betray their own Husbands To avoid the Scandal then and dangerous Consequences of those Sins which are inseparable from pompous and immodest Apparel look back to the forecited Passage of the Prophet Isaiah Isa 3.16 17 18 c. and there you 'l see God's dreadful Resentment of it in plain and legible Characters Besides what Reason has any Man or Woman to be proud of or glory in that which is the Badge and Cognizance of their Sin and Slavery But on the Contrary how should we rather study to beautifie our Souls with the precious and lovely Ornaments of Grace and Virtue which can only stand us in stead when all the pompous and phantastical Gaieties of this World do expire and vanish These are the rich Wedding Garments which through the imputative Righteousness of Christ will render our Persons and Performances acceptable to God Rom. 13.14 1 Pet. 3.3 4 5. and so become the chifest Ornaments to us and our Religion We proceed 4thly To those Virtues of Moderation requir'd in our Sleep and Recreations And because the Excess in both is expensive of that precious Talent of Time which should be dearer to us than all things in the World besides therefore we shall treat of them under the same Head of Discourse Now there 's no Man who subscribes to the Truth of the Christian Religion but he will readily acknowledge The Prudent Management of our Time 1 Tim. 6.19 that the great Business we have to do in this World is to lay up for our selves a good Foundation against the Time to come that both our Souls and Bodies may be happy for ever This is the great Task which lies upon our Hands and if it be not diligently and discreetly manag'd we are eternally undone But alas we have but a short Time for the accomplishment of this great Work our hands are very slow in the doing of it and the infinite Justice of God will take a strict and severe account of our Administrations Therefore it must highly import us to be industrious and vigilant in the conscientious Management of all the Duties of our Christian Calling that we may be able to appear before his just and impartial Tribunal with Joy and not with Grief But the Time of our present Life is so uncertain that there 's no one part of it that we can call our own but the present which is yet scarce in our power to dispose of For the Time past cannot be recal'd and how God will be pleased to shorten the remaining part of our Days we are not able to prognosticate Princes and Monarchies have their Periods and Revolutions as well as private Persons and Families What 's become of the Assyrian Persian Graecian and Roman Monarchies Where are those famous Conquerors Cyrus Alexander the great c. and where are their triumphant Wreaths and their other Enfigns of Honour devouring Time has swallow'd 'em all up And our Being here is so transient and uncertain that for any thing we know the next Morning may waft us hence and determine our final Doom and that Eternity which we 've now in our hands may slip through our Fingers before to morrow morning Who then dares be so bold and imprudent as to adventure his eternal Salvation on such a fortuitous Contingency And why should any man neglect that Work one Minute which all will acknowledge is necessary to be done But besides 't is highly considerable that we are now contesting with our potent subtile and mortal Enemies of all sorts and we are fighting for an immarcessible Crown of Glory which cannot be obtain'd without great Diligence Prudence and Watchfulness as well as Courage It behoves us therefore if we desire and hope for the comfortable Success of our Endeavours in this pious Adventure to be temperate in all things 1 Cor. 9.25 and to spend as little of our precious Time as possible either in immoderate Sleep or unnecessary Recreations And 1st We are under many pressing Obligations to be very moderate in our Sleep Temperance in Sleep nor should we desire any more than may fit us for our civil Callings and dispose us for the Business of Religion We must not comply with our Appetites and Passions but consult our Reason and Conscience as to the Measures of our Repose And tho' some Tempers may require more Sleep than others yet in passing our Judgements we must always have an eye to the great Concernments of Eternity This will be the best Expedient to keep both our Souls and Bodies awake and whilst careless and inconsiderate Men are lull'd fast asleep upon the Bed of carnal Security those that are truly watchful having their Lamps burning and Lights shining will be in a fit Posture to meet the Bridegroom with joy at his coming Matth. 25.1 2 c. either by his private Messenger Death or in a general Judgement And as we are thus oblig'd to be moderate in our Sleep So 2dly And in our Recreations In our Recreations There 's no question but seasonable Refreshments are allow'd
All the Delights of this World are as the Summers Rain or Morning Dew which are presently dried up But the Favour and Mercy of God in Christ are as the Sun Beams which shine out more and more to the perfect day to which there succeeds no Darkness Tho' our Accommodations be mean and course in these Tents of Kedar yet the enjoyment of the Favour and Mercy of God that infinite and Supreme Good will supply all these Defects when we come to be satisfied with the fulness of his house Psa 16.11 and drink abundantly of the riches of his pleasures Since then our infinitely wise and gracious God has assign'd us our Portion in this Life 't is but just and reasonable we should be content with it And tho' it be the bitter Cup of Affliction which he has put into our hands yet in Conformity to Christ and his followers we must cheerfully drink of it Which if we do 't will turn to good Account at the last If we moderate our Desires and be content with such things as we have our Souls will not only live at ease and be free from all distracting Cares and Despondency but God will bestow a greater Measure of his Blessings upon us if he see it convenient And if it should fall out otherwise we have still cause to submit to his wise and gracious Determinations Abraham being content with and desirous that Ishmael only the Son of his Concubine should live and God blessed him with an Isaac who was many Degrees better and more worthy Solomon desir'd Wisdom only and being satisfied with it God was pleas'd to add Riches and Honours as the farther reward his Contentment and Moderation Having therefore Food and Raiment let us be therewith content 1 Tim. 6.8 Many thousands better than we are forc't to truckle under a narrow Fortune The Heir of eternal Majesty and Lord of all things was content with barley Bread and a few small Fishes nor had he a Bed of his own whereon he could lay his head Shewing us hereby that Nature is satisfied with a little 2 Cor. 8.9 and therefore he became Poor for our sakes that we through his Poverty might be made Rich whose Grace and Mercy are a full Compensation for all our other wants We have no cause therefore to distract our Thoughts with an anxious Care and Despondency but should rather be content with that Dividend which God's Providence has assign'd us For he that spared not his own Son Rom. 8.32 but delivered him up for us all how should he not with him also freely give us all things Hitherto of those divine and admirable Duties of Piety towards God and of those of Christian Morality which do most immediatly concern our selves and have the greatest Influence on Mens Practices in the great Business of Religion We proceed now 3dly and Lastly to treat of those several Duties which concern our Dealings and Entercourse with other Men. And these must be consider'd either 1 in general as they belong to the whole Community of Christians Or 2 and more particularly as they relate to our Persons and Offices in all the Civil and Religious Transactions of Humane Life And 1st Those which concern all the Members of the Christian Brotherhood in general are universal Love and Benificence to all and every one of them without respect of Persons of what Country Calling Sect or Party soever they be And herein we should endeavour to imitate the divine Benignity who causeth the Sun to shine and the Rain to descend Mat. 5.54 upon the Persons and Possessions both of the just and unjust And this is most consonant to the admirable Doctrine and Example of our blessed Saviour who made it a necessary Duty and Principle of Life for Christians to Love one another Joh. 15 1● 1 Cor. 14.1 Col. 3.14 To be earnest in the pursuit of Charity and above all things to put on Charity which is the Bond of perfectness which Duty is recommended to us by this noble Enforcement For he that dwelleth in Love dwelleth in God 1 Joh. 3.16 and God in him This is the new Commandment and that Vniversal Law Joh. 13.34 which all believing Christians are willing to be govern'd by even that which our Saviour has ratified and confirm'd by the admirable Sanction of his own Authority and Example So that there can be no dispute now under the Gospel Oeconomy concerning the just Bounds and Measures of our Love and Charity to others For the whole Tenor of the Christian Law doth oblige us to love as Brethren 1 Pet. 4.8 to have fervent Charity among our Selves and to be kindly affection'd one towards another Rom. 12.10 And our eternal Lawgiver has made this one Duty the Criterion and Cognizance of the Sincerity of our Faith and Obedience for by this saith he shall all men know that ye are my Disciples Joh. 15.35 if ye have love one to another But to illustrate this Point more fully wherever the Christian Religion is sincerely believ'd and complied with it begets in its Proselytes such a gracious Temper of Mind and Spirit as will make its Votaries humble courteous affable candid ingenuous tender and compassionate and as sensible of and zealous for other Mens Good as their own This will dispose them for all Offices of Humanity and good Neighbour-hood and so cultivate and sweeten their Tempers that they 'l find themselves hereby oblig'd to perform all the mutual Offices of Charity and Duty to others which their present State and Condition of Life require and call for Again the Gospel Dispensation obligeth us to be obedient and submissive to our Superiors courteous and civil to our Equals and to treat our Inferiors and all we converse with with a pleasant Look civil Language and an obliging Deportment We are oblig'd also to be kind and grateful to our Benefactors to pity and pray for our Persecutors and tho' we should suffer as Christians yet even herein we must exercise Forbearance and long suffering Patience abstracting from all Malice and Revenge being most kind and gentle and easie to be entreated forgiving Injuries enduring Affronts and being forward and easie to be reconcil'd And we should be so charitable in all doubtful Cases as to take hold on the right Handle interpreting all the Words and Actions even of our most inveterate and malicious Enemies favourably and candidly rather excusing or extenuating than proclaiming their Errours and Miscarriages unless it be in some important Cases wherein the Interest of Religion or the Reputation of our selves or others may be eminently concern'd This is that heaping of Coals upon their heads Rom. 12 2● which the Apostle speaks of and if this sovereign Medicine will not melt their rugged Tempers and Dispositions into a friendly and amicable Compliance with us they have just cause to be afraid that God's infinite Justice reserves 'em to be Fuel for those inextinguishable Flames
Prince of Peace came into these lower Regions to make up the Breach between God and Man he brake down the Partition Wall proclaim'd an universal Peace by his Doctrine and confirm'd it by the Example of his own Life and the peaceable and quiet Deportment and Demeanour of his Followers Hereby fulfilling that Prophesie of breaking Swords into Plough-shares c. And the whole Contexture and Design of our Christian Religion as is most evident from all the Particulars of it can be no other then to reconcile God and Man Jew and Gentile and to reduce the whole World into one Community Now to enforce the Practice of these Duties not only of public but private Peace 't will be of singular use and importance to consider the Force and Energy of these following Arguments For 1 We are Members of that mystical Body whereof Christ Jesus is the Head Eph. 3.15 Heb. 12.14 1 Thes 5.13 Eph. 4.3 Who commands us to be at peace with all men to practice Peace among our selves and to use out utmost endeavours to preserve the Vnity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace which if we be careful to do 2 Cor. 13.11 the God of Love and Peace will be with us 2 We are all Descendents from the same common Parents Adam and Eve ● and therefore it would be most unnatural to hate Eph. 4.6 rail against and quarrel iwth our own Flesh We have all the same God to our Father and since we are Brethren how should we love and be at Peace one with another Especially since nothing can be more pleasant in this World Ps 133.1 then for Brethren to live together in Vnity 3 We have all one blessed Lord our Redeemer who purchas'd us all at one and the same Price that we might be at Peace with God and amongst our Selves He has given us all one Gospel and one Faith which is perfected in us by one and the same Spirit Since then we are united in our Minds in believing the same Doctrine it would be highly incongruous to be divided in our Affections this would be to pull down with one hand what we are endeavouring to set up with the other 4 We are all Temples of the same holy Spirit the Sanctifier by whose powerful Operation and Influence if we stifle not his Gifts and Graces by our Sins he will unite us to Christ our Head and in the mutual Bonds of Love Peace and Vnity to one another 5 We have all one Calling to Piety and Holiness of Life and we have the same Hope of our Calling in Christ Jesus we all aspire to and hope for the same Happiness and upon the same Conditions why should we therefore differ on Earth since we do all expect to be united in the same Society in Heaven where there shall be an absolute End of all Feuds and Contentions 6 We are all of us united in one Body by Baptism and herein admitted to all the Priviledges thereof as Members of the same Christian Brotherhood If we separate therefore from the Body we unchurch our selves make void the Terms and cancel the Bonds of our Peace and Reconciliation 7 and Lastly we do all partake of the same Elements in the Sacrament of Christ's Holy Supper We mystically eat the same Body and drink the same Bloud of Christ And certainly this Pledge and Assurance of his eternal Love to us should be the most powerful Motive to perswade us to love one another By these and many other Arguments Examples Precepts and Counsels we are not only oblig'd to preserve and maintain Peace in our Christian Community but to avoid as we would do the most Pestilential Disease all Factious Schismatical and turbulent Behaviour in all Societies both Sacred and Civil whereof we are Members The Mischiefs of Factions and Seditions are innumerable nor can we preserve Peace and Unity but by mutual Forbearance and Condescention and indeed 't is impossible that there should be any such thing as Unanimity amongst fiery fierce and contentious Spirits Now for the better Establishment of this Peace which I 've recommended to you by such cogent and convincing Arguments which our greatest Adversaries by all their Malice and Sophistry shall never be able to elude It concerns all Persons in every Capacity both public and private to use their utmost endeavours to promote and maintain it And therefore 1 Those that move in the highest Sphere of Government Superiors have cause to consider how much they are oblig'd to study the Peace and Quiet of the whole Community And this cannot be accomplisht by any other Means then by the Punishment of those Offences which are inconsistent with the public Weal and Tranquility of the Government and by the Encouragement of those Persons who are tractable and submissive That both Superiors and Inferiors may lead peaceable Lives 1 Tim. 2.2 in all Godliness and Honesty 2 Those that move in a lower Orb Inferiors and live as we of this Nation do under the happy Influences of a peaceable Government both in Church and State should use their utmost Endeavours to propagate and preserve it And to this End all the Subjects of this Kingdom are oblig'd to behave themselves towards their lawful Governors with all Modesty Respect Deference and Submission both to their Persons and Offices paying them that Tribute which is due to them and submitting their Persons and Fortunes to be dispos'd of by their just and reasonable Commands The Contraries to these are usually attended either with Confusion or Tyranny and which of them soever prevails the Consequences must be mischievous Thus The whole Community of Christs a●s are concern'd in it all Persons of all Ranks and Conditions who are Christians indeed will study to be unanimous and compliant one with another for Peace and Righteousness sake they 'l be careful to do their own Business study the mutual Satisfaction and Delight of all they converse with and endeavour to practice all those Virtues which are most conducive to the Peace and Interest of Mankind for we must acknowledge that we are all concern'd in the Blessings and Comforts of public Peace and in the Miseries of War and Discord And therefore if we crumble and divide our selves into Sects and Parties we shall be less able to repel the force of our Adversaries defend our own Interests or assist one another Nor can it be expected if our Humours and Interests clash that we should enjoy Peace and the comfortable Fruits of it under the same Government But then since we must of Necessity converse with and live amongst those that are Enemies unto Peace our blessed Saviour exhorts us to endeavour to quel and overcome the unruly spirits of Men by bearing Reproaches suffering Injuries practicing Meekness Patience and Condescension curbing and restraining our extravagant and unruly Passions which being indulg'd will undoubtedly prove the Springs and Incentives of Confusion and Disorder And indeed if Christians did but
Preservation of the King 's most excellent Majesty James the Second c. and all the Royal Family bless the whole Clergy but him especially whom thou hast appointed to watch over us in this Parish together with all the Nobility Gentry and Commonalty of this Realm that they may all become active Instruments for the Advancement of thy Glory the Safety and Preservation of the King's Person Honour and Interest and for the Comfort and Benefit of all his truly loyal peaceable obedient Subjects Visit we pray thee with thy Grace and Blessing all our Relations Friends and Benefactors forgive the Injuries committed against thee and us by all our Enemies Comfort and Support all distressed Persons with the stedfast Belief of sure Confidence in and a patient Submission to thy divine Will and Wisdom in all Straits and Sufferings whatsoever And now O Lord we return thee most humble and hearty Thanks for all those temporal and spiritual Blessings which make the time of our short abode in this Life more easie and comfortable to us But let our Souls for ever love adore admire and praise thee for thine infinite Goodness Bounty in sending thine own Son from the highest Region of Bliss to take our Nature upon him Who submitting to all the Indignities of a sorrowful Life and the Injuries and Tortures of a painful and accursed Death has not only deliver'd us from the dreadful and damning Effects of our Sin and Disobedience but puts us thereby into an undoubted Capacity of being sayed appointing the Use of such Means and affording us those most powerful Assistances whereby we may live comfortably here and be happy for ever We praise thee more particularly for the Safety and Refreshment of the Night past and since thy Providence has bless'd us with the Light of another Day keep our Souls and Bodies we beseech thee pure and undefiled and enable us to imploy it and the whole residue of our Lives to thy Glory and the real and mutual Benefit of of our selves and others So that after the few Dayes and Nights we have to pass in this World we may be happily translated from the short and troublesome Enjoyments thereof to the ravishing and immutable Pleasures of a future and better Life Grant these our most humble Suplications and what thou seest further needful and convenient for us we sincerely beg at thy hands for the Merits of Jesus Christ the righteous in whose holy Name and Words we pray unto thee Our Father c. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ c. An Evening Prayer for Families O Lord the Almighty Creator of the World and the merciful Redeemer of Mankind who seest our down lyings and uprisings and to whom the Darkness and Light are both alike Thou art a God of Infinite Purity and Holiness nor can any thing be added to thy admirable Perfections and essential Glory by us or any of thy Creatures for thou reprovest thy Angels of Folly and the Heavens are impure before thee much more might the sense of our wretched Estate and Condition make us justly asham'd and afraid to offer unto thee any Sacrifice yet in great Mercy to our Souls thou hearest Prayer and thy Power and Goodness are every where manifest in the visible Administrations of thy Providence We beseech thee therefore to accept of this Evening Oblation of our Souls and Bodies which we desire with all Humility to present a holy living and acceptable Sacrifice unto thee thro' Jesus Christ We do confess O Lord and in great bitterness of Spirit lament and bewail our detestable Impiety Unworthiness and hardness of Heart in that we have wilfully trampled upon thy Sovereign Power and Authority by violating and transgressing thy just and reasonable Commands rejecting all the bountiful Tenders of thy Grace and Mercy and obstinately despising the Riches of thy Forbearance and long suffering Patience which should lead us to Repentance But thou hast graciously spar'd us hitherto when we deserved Punishment and in the midst of Judgement thinkest upon Mercy Wherefore O Lord thy Mercy is our Sanctuary and unto thee do we flie for Succour Let the sense of our Vileness possess us with an holy Indignation against our Selves and give us Grace to look back upon the Offences of our former Lives with that horrour and regret hatred and detestation that neither our vile Lusts the illusions of Satan nor the alluring Enticements of this vain and transitory World may prevail with us to neglect the great Concernments of Eternity And for the perfecting of our present and future Happiness we beseech thee O heavenly Father to be gracious and merciful unto us in the forgivenness of all our Sins Pardon the vanity and impurity of our Thoughts the sinfulness of our prophane idle and impertinent Words and the Impurity injustice and Impiety of all our Actions Purge our whole Nature from the Stain and Pollution of the Old-man not only from grosser presumptuous Sins but even from our private Slips and more secret Corruptions Sanctifie us throughly by thy holy Spirit and we shall be clean wash us in thy Sons Bloud and we shall be whiter than Snow Bless all our Endeavours of Reformation and let the redundant Satisfaction of our meritorious Advocate and Intercessor prevail for our Release and Rescue for thy Grace and Acceptance Fix our thoughts our hopes and desires on Heaven and heavenly Things Make us watchful over our Ways and enrich our Understandings and our Wills with the love of Goodness and Knowledge of thy Truth Mortifie and subdue all our lustful Appetites and Passions by the Operation and Prevalence of thy Grace that we may submit our Selves entirely to the gracious and safe Conduct of rectified Reason and Religion And to this end we beseech thee strengthen our Faith confirm our Hope and give us a daily increase of Charity that we may serve thee sincerely fervently and constantly in Righteousness and true Holiness all the days of our Life Enable us to increase still more more and persevere in all the Instances of Piety Virtue that by adding Strength to Strength and one degree of Grace unto another we may have acomfortable Well-being in this Life and in the World to come Life everlasting We implore thy Mercies also for the Peace and Happiness of all Mankind Bless thy Church universal but more especially that part of it to which we stand so nearly related in these divided Kingdoms of great Brittain and Ireland Remember not O Lord our crying Sins nor the Iniquities of our Forefathers whereby these Nations have been involv'd in Bloud and Ruine and do still cry aloud against us for Vengeance But out of the Bowels of thy tenderest Mercy and for the sake of our Compassionate Redeemer let thy heavy Wrath and Judgements be turned away from us Bless our gracious Soveraign and all the Royal Family endue him with the Spirit of Wisdom and sound Judgement in thy Fear and make him successful in