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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06740 A censure about the rule of beleefe practised by the Protestants VVritten in Latine by the most Reuerend Father Valerian Magni of Milan of the order of the Minors, of the seraphical S. Francis, named Capucins. And translated into English by R. Q. Gentleman Magni, Valeriano, 1587-1661.; R. Q. 1634 (1634) STC 17185; ESTC S103102 26,921 40

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holy ghost Proofe I Prooue my consequence by a comparison antithesis which may be made betwene a Biblist a generall councell which I suppose to be celebrated in the manner before rehersed by me When a controuersie is moued amoung Catholiques about any weightie matter concerning faith that they perilously begin to diuide themselues into sects forth-with a generall councell is caled of all bishops archbishops patriarches of the whole church princes also doe send thether the most learned diuines that be in all their dominions Princes kings Emperors doe either come in person or send their Embassadors all these be gathered together in the name of Christ Moreouer ech Bishop in his diocess the Pope throughout the Christian world-doe giue order that publique prayres supplications together with fasts be made to the end that the holy ghost thus consulted would assist the fathers thus assembled in a generall councell that they may certainlie infallibly decide the truth The fathers also of the councell doe labour all they cann by prayres fasts holy conuersation to obtein the same assistance of the holy ghost And so did the fathers of the holy Synod of Trente as appeareth in their decree made to be read in the second section of that councell And all that great preparation wherein the whole Christian world was then busied tendes to no other end then that the Catholique faith might be keept pure spotles sure that no error might creepe in about the exposition of any sacred text of scripture in these examinations of doctrines the said councel of Trente did not spend an howre a day so end but they prolonged the same manie monthes this by most ordinated sessions disputations conferences continuall inuocation of the holy ghost by which meanes the fathers of the councell did at length obtaine their wisshed desire happilie concluding ech one sett his hand subscribed to the decrees made in matter of faith pronouncing an anatheme against all those who were so bould to gaine say their decrees established by them confirmed by the authoritie of the Bishop of Roome Now then hauing well considered the manner in which generall councels doe proceede in deciding controuersies of faith let vs compare a Biblist poring vpon his Bible to a generall councell of the church to discerne the difference This Biblist is one single man but the fathers of the councell be manie in number This Biblist is a sheepe that is not a Bishop the fathers of the councell Bishops Pastors This Biblist prayeth all alone al that be at the councell yea the whole Christian world pray for it This Biblist prayeth priuatlie for the fathers of the councell the whole Christian world make publique prayers fasts supplications This Biblist may be some idiott clowne oysterwife or coster mongers maid they of the councell are the most learned diuines that be in al the Christian world This Biblist turneth ouer his bible conferreth some one or two texts of scripture together with other text of scripture These fathers of the councell after a long exercise in studie of the holie scriptures after a number of publique and priuate disputatiōs about religion wher in they haue beene busied after manie sessions held concerning matters of faith after many deuout prayres made to obteyne the grace of the holie ghost may seeme to haue vsed al diligence possible to obteine the true sence meaning of the holy ghost in the scripture Lastly this biblist doth only decide out of the bible what he ought to beleeue but the fathers of the councell as iudges pronounce an anatheme against all those who beleeue otherwise then they haue decreed And this comparison is only made betweene one Biblist one generall councell but what might be deemed if we should oppose one Biblist to wit a cobler or country fellow to omitt ministers to all the generall councells that haue beene celebrated in the church of Christ or to those only which haue beene held from the yeare 456. after the councell of Calcedon which was the forth oecumenicall councell this in behalf of those Biblists that receiued the first 4. councells when I say we shal haue compared one sillie Biblist to all these councells who dareth to condemne them all of errors auouche withall that the holie ghost hath giuen him more light then to al those multitudes of holy fathers that he more truly conceiueth the mind of the holy ghost in the Bible then all those generall councells did may we not say to speake most modestlie that this Biblist is impudent arrogant proud that he doth toe much presume on the assistance of the holy ghost Nor doth it weaken the conscquence that not one alone but an innumerable manie of Biblist doe reiect all generall councells as contrary to the sacred scripture for no Biblist foundeth his faith on any mans auouchment They indeed heare what they teach but beleeue not till they haue consulted the holie ghost out of the scripture whether that doctrine agree with the same or not And ther fore ech Biblist conforme to his rule of faith doth not iudg of doctrine for the authotitie number of his companions but of the presumption he hath that the holie ghost doth infallibly assist him for this reason is moued to condemne all generall councells held since the yeare of our Lord 456. euen to this day yea the purer sort of Biblists improoue reiect cōdemne all councels celebrated in the Catholique church since the Apostles age ech of them is not asshamed euery moment to iudg condemne the whole Christian world in all ages of errors in matter of doctrine apperteining to faith because it squareth not to their fantasie can a greater presumption then this be imagined To conclude then wee may perceiue out of these consequences that the sole fundation wher vpon the Biblists ground the certaintie of their faith to be certaine motions which they say the holy ghost maketh in their mindes which causeth them infallibly to beleeue that they be taught by the holy ghost out of the scripture But what a manner of motion or annointment this is which the Biblists presume ro proceede of the holie ghost we may in some sort haue coniectured out of the foregoing consequences Seing then that ech Biblist hath taken vpon him such a heauie burthen weightie charge as to be bound vpon paine of eternall damnation to decide all controuersies apperteining to the integritie of faith They haue only two helpes for the discharging of their duties to witt the Bible praire whence they faine to fetch the holy ghost who sitting in ech Biblists mind as on à bench doth iudg of all doctrines Bibles whose sentence the Biblists doe most certainely infallibly feele in their soules so cleerely pronounced that they had rather beleeue that the holy ghost forsooke al councells fathers all doctors
Biblists is the sole rule of the iudg of controuersies about faith religion The eight consequence NO Biblists can beleeue the articles of faith except he doe first by praire consult the holy ghost out of the bible Therfore euery protestant is obliged vnder the paine of eternall death to consult the holy ghost by prair out of the bible concerning all those things which appertaine to the in integritie of faith Proofe BEcause Biblists will haue no other rule of beleefe then this To consult the holie hhost out of the bible in regard they hould that all men generall councells may err wherfore seing that true faith is absolutlie necessarie to obteine eternall life shunn eternall death it euidently followeth that all Biblists according to their owne rule are oblidged vnder the paine of eternall death to consult the holy ghost out of the scripture touching all things which appertein to the integritie of their faith els they can not be saued The Ninth consequence EVery Biblists according to his rule of faith is obliged vnder the paine of eternall damnation to councell the holy ghost out of the bible touching all those articles which apperteine to the integritie of faith Therfore ech Biblist is bound vnder the paine of eternall damnation haueing first praied councelled the holy ghost out of his Bible to decide all controuersies of religion which be in dispute as touching the notes of the true church ecclesisticall iurisdiction The primacie of the Roman Bishop traditions the number of sacraments The possibilitie of Keeping the law iustification innumerable others which were ouer long to reherse Proofe FOr all these as is euident doe apperteine to the integritie of faith Neither doth it helpe the Biblists cause to say That they be taught the same by their ministers or reede them in their Cathechismies or learne them out of the doctrine of their churches or haue them sett doune in the institutions of Caluin or in the treatises of Luther his compannions For Luther Caluin doctors ministers churches may disagree from the sacred scriptures err in faith therfore are not certainlie to be beleeued but only so farr forth to be credited as their doctrine agreeth with the scriptures And therfore ech Biblist is bound to councell the holy ghost out of the scriptures to know whether or no such doctrine as they heere to be preached taught or read in Cathechismies or is deliuered them by their churches be agreeable to the writtē word of God or disagreable the-reto so decide the same by their priuate spirit ere they beleeue els it is impossible for à biblist to haue any true faith The tenth consequence ALl Biblists be bound vnder the paine of eternall damnation hauing first praied to consult the holy ghost out of their bible about the number version edition of the sacred bookes of both testaments Also about all controuersies which concerne the integritie of faith Therfore all in generall men weomen doctors idiots of what condition soeuer they bee if they be come to the adg of discretion haue sufficient sense reason are bound conforme to this Biblists doctrine vnder the paine of eternall damnation To consult the holy ghost out of their bible touching the number versions editions integritie of the sacred bookes of either testament as also touching all controuersies which apperteine to the integritie of faith all which how impossible it is to performe ech iudicious biblist may perceiue by consequenc what an absurd rule they haue chosen for to prooue true faith by Proofe BEcause both men woemen of what condition soeuer if they be come to the yeares of discretion are bound vnder the paine of eternal damnation to haue true faith which true faith for to haue their is no other rule as Biblists say then by a preuial praire to consult the holy ghost out of the Bible Neither doth it helpe the Biblists to say that euery Christian may conceiue true faith by hearing of a minister preach or in reeding of their catechisme for these may err as biblists say therfore the holy ghost is to be consulted out of the scripture to the end they may vndoubtedlie know whether that the doctrine of their ministers cathecismies churches doe agree to the written word of God or disagree from the same The eleuenth consequence ALl Biblists of What sex and condition soeuer if they be ariued to the vse of discretion or haue their witts are bound vnder the paine of eternall damnation to councell the holy ghost out of the bible touching the nūber integritie version edition of the sacred bookes of both testamēts as also concerning all controuersies which apperteine to the integritie of faith Therfore all Christians of what sex and condition soeuer they be if come to the vse of discretion are sound in their witts are bound conforme to this biblists rule vnder the paine of eternall damnation to decide no less a list of controuersies apperteining to religion then the whole church of Christ hath decided in so many generall councels these 1500. yeares from the Apostes tyme till this age of ours Proofe FOr it hath hethertoe beene disputed vpon controuersies of religion more then these 1500. yeares decided in generall councell which articles were catholike which hereticall what doctrine apperteined to faith what not All which the Biblists auouching that the church can err generall councels can err doe manifestly call into doubt therfore all ech of them are oblidged to peruse the said doctrine conferr it with their bibles that they may by the consultation of the holy ghost in the scriptures seuer truth from falsitie to embrace that and reiect this as their priuate spirit suggesteth vnto them And out of these consequences ech Biblist may perceaue what à burhen he laieth on his back to what impossibilities he windeth himself in leauing the authoritie of the church reliing on his owne priuat spirit in expounding of the scriptures though the scripture contrariewise doth tell vs in the epistle of S. Peeter that no scripture is to be declared by priuate interpretation THE FOVRTH CHAPTER Other consequences be deduced vvhere by it may euidently appeare vvhat meanes helpes ech Biblist may haue to ease him of this burthen dischardge his dueties I Will heere omitt to consider what witt iudgment learning laisure other humane helpes ech Biblist may haue to dischardge this taske taken vpon him of what sex age or condition soeuer he may be without which helpes it is not possible to consult the holy ghost out of the bible nor decide all those controuersies which apperteine to the integritie of faith which haue beene disputed vpon these 1500. yeares decided by the church Let ech of them iudg a part by himself what witt iudgment laisure learning c. he may haue to fulfill this taske and dischardge his dutie in the meane tyme I will suppose