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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05983 The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England.; Book of common prayer Church of England. 1603 (1603) STC 16326; ESTC S101416 290,715 467

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and all the andes of the world haue seene the saluation of our God Shewe your selues ioyfull vnto the Lord all yelandes sing reioice and giue thankes Praise the Lord vpon the Harpe sing to the Harpe With a psalme of thankesgiuing With trumpets also and Shawmes O shew your selues ioyfull before the Lord the King Let the sea make a noise and all that therein is the round World and they that dwell therein Let the floods clap their hands and let the hilles be ioyfull together before the Lorde for hee is come to iudge the carth With righteousnesse shall be iudge the world and the people with cquitie Glory be to the Father and to the Sonne c As it was in the beginning is now c Then a Lesson of the newe Testament And after that Nunc dimittis in English as followeth LOrd now lettest thou thy seruant depart in peace according to thy word Nunc dimittis Luke 2. Formine eyes haue seene thy saluation which thou hast prepared before the face of all people Lo be a light to lighten the Gentiles and to be the glory of thy people Israel Glory be the father and to the Some c As it was in the beginning is now c Or else this Psalme GOd be mercifull vnto bs and blesse vs and shew vs the light of his countenance and be mercifull vnto vs. D 〈◊〉 That thy way may bee knowen vpon earth thy sauing health among all nations Let the people prayse thee O God yea let all the people praise thee O let the nations reioice and be glad for thou shalt iudge the folke righteously and gouerne the nations vpon earth Let the people prayse thee O God let all the people praise thee Then shall the earth bring foorth her increase and God euen our owne God shall giue vs his blessing God shall blesse vs and all the endes of the worlde shall fearee him Glory be to the father and to the Sonne and to the holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and euer shal be world without ende Amen Then shall follow the Creede with other prayers as is before appointed at Morning prayer after Benedictus and with three Collects First of the day The second for peace The third for aide against all perils as hereafter followeth which two last Collects shal be dayly sayd at Euening prayer without alteration The second Collect at Euening prayer O God from whome all holy desires all good counsailes and all iust workes doe proceede giue vnto thy seruants that both our hearts may world cannot giue that both our hearts may bee set to obey thy commandements and also that by thee we being defended from the feare of our enemies may passe our time in rest and quitenessc through the merits of Iesus Christ our Sauiour Amen The third Collect for ayde against all perils LIghten our darkenesse we beseech thee O Lord and by thy great mercie defend vs from all perils and dangers of this night for the loue of thy onely sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christ Amen In then feasts of Christmas the Epiphanie Saint Matthie Easter the Ascension Pentecost Saint Iohn Baptist Saint lames Saint Bartholomew Saint Matthew Saint Simon Iude Saint Andrew and Trinity Sunday shal be sung or said immediately after Benedictus this confession of our Christian faith Quicunque vult WHosoeuer will be saued before all things it is necessary that he hold the Catholike faith Quicunque vult Which faith except euery one do keepe holy and bndefiled without doubt hee shall perish euerlastingly And the Catholike faith is this that we worship one God in trinitie and trinitie in vnitie Neither confounding the persons nor diuiding the substance For there is one person of the Father another of the Sonne and another of the holy Ghost But the godhead of the Father of the Sonne of the holy Ghost is all one the glory equall the maiestie coeternall Such as the Father is such is the Sonne and such is the holy Ghost The Father vncreate the Sonne vncreate and the holy Ghost vncreate The Father incomprehensible the Sonne incomprehensible and the holy Ghost incomprehensible The Father eternall the Sonne eternall and the holy Ghost eternall And yet they are not three eternals but one eternall As also there be not three incomprehensibles nor three vncreated but one vucreated and one incomprehensible So like wise the Father is almighty the Sonne almighty and the holy Ghost almighty And yet they are not three almighties but one almighty So the Father is God the Sonne is God and the holy Ghost is God And yet they are not three Gods but one God So like wise the Father is Lord the Sonne Lord and the holy Ghost Lord. And yet not three Lords but one Lord. For like as we be compelled by the Christian verity to acknowledge euery person by himselfe to be God and Lord. So are wee forbidden by the Catholique Religion to say there be three Gods or three Lords The Father is made of none neither created nor begotten The Sonne is of the Father alone not made nor created but begotten The holy Ghost is of the Father and of the sonne neither made nor created nor begotten but proceeding So three is one Father not three fathers one Sonne not three sonnes one holy Ghost not three holy ghost And in this Trinitie none is afore or after other none is greater or lesse then another But the whole three persons bee coeternall together and cocquall So that in all things as is aforesaid the Vnitie in Trinitic and the Trintie in Vnitie is to be worshipped Hee therefore that will bee saued must thus thinke of the Trinitie Furthermore it is necessary to everlasting saluation that he also beleeue rigthtly in the incarnation of our Lord Iesus Christ For the right faith is that wee beleeue and confesse that our Lord Iesus Christ the Sonne of God is God and man God of the substance of the father begotten before the worlds and man of the substance of his mother borne in the world Perfect God and perfect man of a reasonable soule and humane flesh subsisting Equall to the Father as touching his godhead and inferior to the Father touching his manhood Who although he be God and man yet he is not two but one Christ One not by conversion of the Godhead into flesh but by taking of the manhood into God One altogether not by confusion of substance but by vnitie of person For as the reasonable soule and flesh is one man so God and man is one Christ Who suffered for our saluation descended into hell rose againe the third day from the dead He ascended into heauen he sitteth on the right hand of the Father God Almighty from whence he shalll come to iudge the quicke and the dead At whose comming all men shall rise againe with their bodies and shall giue accompt for their owne workes And they that haue done good shall goe into life
that bee put in authoritie vnder him that they may truely and indifferently minister iustice to the punishment of wickednesse and vice and to the maintenance of Gods true religion and vertue Giue grace O heauenly Father to all Bishops Pastours and Curates that they may both by their life and doctrine set foorth thy true and liuely word rightly and duely administer thy holy Sacraments and to all thy people giue heauenly grace and specially to this Congregation here present that with meeke heart and due reuerence they may heare and receiue thy holy word truely seruing thee in holinesse and righteousnesse all the dayes of their life And wee most humbly beseech thee of thy goodnesse O Lord to comfort and succour all them which in this transitorie life bee in trouble sorrow neede sicknesse or any other aduersitie Graunt this O Father for Iesus Christs sake our onely mediatour and aduocate Amen ¶ Then shall follow this exhortation at certaine times when the Curate shall see the people negligent to come to the holy Communion WE bee come together at this time dearely beloued brethren to feede at the Lords Supper vnto the which in Gods behalfe I bid you all that be here present and beseech you for the Lord Iesus Christs sake that yee will not refuse to come thereto being so louingly called and biden of God himselfe Yee know how grieuous and vnkinde a thing it is when a man hath prepared a rich feast decked his table with al kind of prouision so that there lacketh nothing but the ghests to sit downe and yet they which bee called without any cause most vnthankefully refuse to come Which of you in such a case would not bee mooved who would not thinke a great iniurie and wrong done vnto him wherefore most dearly beloued in Christ take yee good heede lest yee withdrawing your selues from this holy Supper prouoke Gods indignation against you It is an easie matter for a man to say I will not communicate because I am otherwise letted with worldly businesse But such excuses bee not so easily accepted and allowed before God If any man say I am a grieuous sinner and therefore am afraide to come wherefore then doe you not repent and amēnd when God calleth you bee not you ashamed to say you will not come when you should returne to God will you excuse your selfe and say that you bee not readie Consider earnestly with your selues how little such fained excuses shall auaile before GOD. They that refused the feast in the Gospel because they had bought a Farme or would trie their yokes of Oxen or because they were married were not so excused but counted vnworthie of the heauenly feast I for my part am heere present and according to mine office I bid you in the name of God I call you in Christs behalfe I exhort you as you loue your owne saluation that yee will be partakers of this holy Communion And as the sonne of God did vouchsafe to yeelde vp his soule by death vpon the crosse for your health Euen so it is your d●etie to receiue the Communion together in the remembrance of his death as he himselfe communded Nowe if you will in no wise thus doe consider with your selves how great iniurie you doe vnto God and how sore punishment hangeth over your heads for the same And where as you offend God so sore in refusing this holy banquet I admonish exhort and beseech you that vnto this vnkindnesse ye will not adde any more which thing ye shall doe if yee stand by as gazers and lookers on them that doe communicate and be not partakers of the same your selues For what thing can this be accounted else then a further contempt and vnkindnesse vnto God Truely it is a great vnthankfulnesse to say naye when yee be called but the fault is much greater when men stand by and yet will neither eate nor drinke this holy Communion with other I pray you what can this be else but euen to haue the mysteries of Christ in derision It is said vnto all Take ye and eate Take and drinke yee all of this Doe this in remembrance of me With what face then or with what countenance shal ye heare these words what will this bee else but a neglecting a despising and mocking of the Testament of Christ wherefore rather then yee should so doe depart you hence and giue place to them that be godly disposed But when you depart I beseech youn ponder with your selues from whom ye depart yee depart from the Lords table ye depart from your brethren and from the banquet of most heauenly foode These things if ye earnestly consider yee shall by Gods grace returne to a better minde for the obteining whereof we shall make our humble petitions while we shall receiue the holy Communion And sometime shal be said this also at the discretion of the Curate DEarly beloued for as much as our duetie is to render to Almightie God our heavenly Father most heartie thankes for that hee hath giuen his Sonne our Saniour Iesus Christ not onely to dye for vs but alsd to be our spirituall foode and sustenance as it is declared vnto vs as well by Gods word as by the holy Sacraments of his blessed bodȳand and blood the which being so comfortable a thing to them which receiue it worthily and so dangerous to them that wil presume to receiue it vnworthily my duetie is to exhort you to consider the dignitie of the holy mysterie and the great perill of the vnworthie receiuing thereof and so to search and examine your owne consciences as you should come holy and cleane to a most godly and heauenly feast so that in no wise you come but in the mariage garment required of God in holy Scripture and so come and be receiued as worthie partakers of such a heauenly Table The way and means thereto is First to examine your liues and conuersation by the rule of Gods commandements and wherein so euer ye shall perceiue your selues to haue offended either by will word or deed there bewayle your owne sinful liues and confesse your selues to Almightie God with full purpose of amendment of life And if yee shall perceiue your offences to be such as bee not onely against God but also against your neighbors then ye shall reconcile your selues vnto them ready to make restitution and satisfaction according to the vttermost of your powers for all iniuries and wrongs done by you to any other and likewise being readie to forgiue other that haue offended you as you would haue forgiuensse of your offences at Gods hand For otherwise the receiuing of the holy Communion doth nothing else but increase your damnation And because it is requisite that no man should come to the holy Communion but with a full trust in Gods mercie and with a quiet conscience therefore if there bee any of you which by the meanes aforsaid cannot quiet his owne conscience but requireth further comfort or
thy dearely beloued Sonne Iesus Christ my only Sauiour and redeemer and I most humbly beseech thee for his sake to be mercifull vnto mee and to cast all my sinnes out of thy sight and remembrance through the merits of his bloody death and passion Powre vpon me O Lord thy holy spirit of wisedome and grace gouerne and leade me by thy holy word that it may be a lanterne vnto my feete and a light vnto my steps Shew thy mercie vpon me and so lighten the naturall blindnes and darkenesse of my heart through thy grace that I may dayly bee renewed by the same spirit and grace By the which O Lord purge the grossenes of my hearing vnderstanding that I may profitably reade heare and vnder stand thy word and heauenly will beleeue and practise the same in my life and conuersation and euermore hold fast that blessed hope of euerlasting life Mortifie and kill all vite in mee that my life may expresse my faith in thee mercifully heare the humble suite of thy seruant and grant me thy peace all my dayes Graciously pardon mine infirmities and defend mee in all dangers of body goods and name but most chiefly my soule against all assaults temptations accusations subtill baites and sleights of that old enemie of mankind Satan that roaring Lion euer seeking whom he may deuoure And here O Lord I prostrate with most humble mind craue of thy diuing Maiestie to bee mercifull vnto the vniuersall Church of thy Sonne Christ and specially according to my bounden duety beseech thee for this sake to blesse saue and defend the principall memeber thereof thy seruant our most deare and Souercigne Lord King Iames encrease in his royal heart true faith godly ●eale and loue of the same And grant him victorie ouer all his enemies a long prosperous and honourable life vpon earth a blessed ende and life euerlasting Moreouer O Lorde graunt vnto his Maiesties most honourable Counsellours and euery other member of this thy Church of England that thy and we in our seuerall callings may truely and godly serue thee Plant in our hearts true feare and honour of thy Name obedience to our Prince and loue to our neighbours Increase in vs true faith and religion Replenish our mindes with all goodnesse and of thy great mercie keepe vs in the same till the end of our lines Giue vnto vs a godly zeale in prayer true humilitie in prosperitie perfect patience in aduersitie and continuallioy in the holy Ghost And lastly I commend vnto thy fatherly protection all that thou hast giuen me as wife children and seruants Aide me O Lord that I may gouerne norish bring them vp in thy feare and seruice And forsmuch as in this world I must alwayes be at warre and strife not with one sort of enemies but with an infinitie number not onely with flesh and blood but with the deuill which is the prince of darknesse and with wicked men executors of his most damnable will Grant me therefore thy grace that being armed with thy defence I may stand in this battel with an inuincible constaucie against all corruption which I am compassed with on euery sde vntil such time as I hauing ended the combate which during this life I must sustaine in the ende I may attaine to thy heauenly rest which is prepared for mee and all thine elect through Christ our Lord and only Sauiour AMEN ⸪ ¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie Anno 1603. ¶ Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis
godlinesse Grant this O mercifull Father for thy deare sonnes sake Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Immediatly after the Collects the Priest shal reade the Epistle beginning thus The Epistle written in the Chapter of And the Epistle ended he shall say the Gospel beginning thus The Gospel written in the Chapter of And the Epistle and Gospel being ended shal be said the Creede I Beleeue in one God the Father Almightie maker of heauen and earth and of al things visible and inuisible and in one Lord Iesus Christ the only begotten sonne of God begotten of his Father before al worlds God of God light of light very God of very God begottē not made being of one substance with the father by whom al things were made who for vs men for our saluation came downe from heauen was incarnate by the holy Ghost of the virgin Marie and was made man and was crucified also for vs vnder Pontius Pilate Hee suffered and was buried and the third day hee rose againe according to the Scriptures and ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hand of the Father And hee shal come againe with glorie to iudge both the quicke and the dead Whose kingdome shall haue no ende And I beleeue in the holy Ghost the Lord and giuer of life who proceedeth from the father and the soone who with the father and the soone together is worshipped and glorified who spake by the Prophets And I beleeue one Catholique and Apostolique Church I acknowledge one baptisme for the remission of sinnes And I looke for the refurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come Amen After the Creede if there be no Sermon shall follow one of the Homilies alreadie set foorth or hereafter to bee set foorth by common authoritie After such Sermon Homilie or exhortation the Curate shall declare vnto the people whether there be any holy dayes or fasting dayes the week folowing and earnestly exhort them to remember the poore saying one or moe of these sentences following as he thinketh most conuenient by his discretion Let your light shine before men that they may see your good workes and glorifie your Father which is in heauen Matth. 5. Lay not vp for your selues treasure vpon the earth where the rust and moth doeth corrupt and where theeues breake through and steale but lay vp for your selues treasures in heauen where neither rust nor moth doeth corrupt where theeues doe not breake through and steale Matth. 6. Whatsoever ye would that men should doe vnto you euen so doe vnto them for this is the Law and the Prophets Matth. 7. Not euery one that saith vnto me Lord Lord shal enter into the kingdome of heauen but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heauen Matth. 7. Zache stood forth and said vnto the Lord Behold Lord the halfe of my goods I giue to the poore and if I haue done any wrong to any man I restore foure folde Luke 19. Who goeth a warefare at any time of his owne cost who planteth a vineyard and eateth not of the fruit thereof Or who feedeth a flock and eateth not of the milke of the slocke 1. Cor. 9. If we haue sowen vnto you spirituall things is it a great matter if we shall reape your worldly things 1. Cor 9. Doe yee not knowe that they which minister about holy things liue of the sacrifice and they which wait of the altar are partakers with the altar euen so hath the Lord al 's ordeined that they which preach the Gospel should liue of the Gospel 1. Cor 9. He that soweth little shall reape little and he that soweth plenteously shal reape plenteously Let euery man doe according as he is disposed in his heart not grudging or of necessitie for God loueth a cheerefull giuer 2. Cor. 9. Let him that is taught in the word minister vnto him that teacheth in all good things Be not deceiued God is not mocked For whatsoeuer a man soweth that shall he rcape Gal. 6. While we haue time let vs doe good vnto all men and specially vnto them which are of the houshold of faith Gal. 6. Godlinesse is great riches if a man be content with that he hath for we brought nothing into the world neither may we cary any thing out 1. Tim. 6. Charge them which are rich in this world that they bee ready to giue and glad to distribute laying vp in store for themselues a good foundation against the time to come that they may attaine eternall life 1. Tim. 6. God is not vnrighteous that hee will forget your workes and labour that proceedeth of loue which loue ye haue shewed for his names sake which haue ministred vnto the saints and yet doe minister Heb. 6. To doe good and to distribute forget not for with such sacrifices God is pleased Heb. 13. Who so hath this worlds good and seeth his brother haue neede and shuttreth vp his compassion from him how dwelleth the loue of God in him 1. Ioh. 3. Giue almes of thy goods and turne neuer thy face from any poore man and then the face of the Lord shall not be turned away from thee Tob. 4. Bee merciful after thy power If thou hast much giue plenteously If thou hast little doe thy diligence gladly to giue of that little for so gatherest thou thy selfe a good reward in the day of necessitie Tob. 4. He that hath pitie vpon the poore lendeth vnto the Lord and looke what he layeth out it shall payd him againe Prou. 19. Blessed be the man that prouideth for the sicke and needie the lord shall deliuer him in the time of trouble Psal 41 Then shall the Churchwardens or some other by them appointed gather the deuotion of the people and put the same into the poore mans boxe and vpon the offring dayes appointed euery man and woman shall pay to the Curate the due accustomed offrings After which done the Priest shal say ¶ Let vs pray for the whole state of Christs Church militant here in earth Almightie and everliving God Isthere be no Almes giuen vnto the poore then shall the words of accepting our Almes be left out vnsaid which by the holy Apostle hast taught vs to make prayers and supplications and to giue thankes for all men wee humbly beseech thee mostmercifully to accept our Almes and to receiue these our prayers which we offer vnto thy diuine maiestle beseeching thee to inspire continually the vniuersall Church with the spirit of trueth vnitic and concord and graunt that al they that doe confesse thy holy name may agree in the truth of thy holy word and liue in vnitie and godly loue We beseech thee also to saue and defend all Christian kings princes and gouernours and spccially thy seruant Iames our king that vnder him we may bee godly and quietly gouerned and graunt vnto his whole counsaile and to all