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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03858 A declaration of the lordes and states of the realme of Hungarie contayning the reasons which mooued them in forcible manner to oppose themselues against the violence and oppression vsed and practised vpon the inhabitants of the foresaid countrey by the emperours subiects. Translated out of French. 1605 (1605) STC 13971; ESTC S118660 7,240 22

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credit as by two requests by which the forenamed high prince Mathias Archduke of Austria his most deere brother besought him to take part with them who termed themselues the better and sounder part of the estate and order of the Realme of Hungary of the which vnusuall and vncoth kind of speech he much marueiled as also for their complaints of troubling their exercises of Religion wasting their Churches and reuenewes in expences and chasing away of their Ministers and preachers of the which they had heeretofore complained to his Highnesse both by writing and worde of mouth as also by ample declarations and also besought him to be a mediatour vnto his Maiestie for the restitution of such thinges as had beene violently taken from them that so they might heereafter liue freely in the profession of their religion who notwithstanding sollicited by his Highnes to declare more especially and to specifie at large the subiect of their writing and the authours of the same could neuer be brought to say any thing nor to giue any further declaration either of the profession of their religion or of what Churches what reuenewes had beene taken away from them of the which they onely complained in generall termes not discending to any particulars and that continuing in their male-contentednes it was impossible to alter this their opinion such discord I say being of no small power to slacken and weaken the effects of al treatises in the Parliament besides that it is a great scandall and an ill example to other States of the realme could not but much aggreeue his Highnesse his sacred Maiestie who all astonisht cannot call to minde what iniuries or what fasheries they pretend to haue receiued in matters of religion nor what Churches what reuenewes especially hereditary or ancient could be taken from them His foresaid Maiesty is likewise in doubt and can hardly bee resolued seeing their tumultuous pretences which make him thinke nay halfe perswade him that by the meanes of their religion they haue practised some intelligence with the free cities of the realme which be the proper demaines of his imperiall Maiesty as well knowen King of Hungary Now euen as his sacred imperiall and royall Maiesty in imitation of so many holy Romane Emperours and Kings of Hungary his ancestours and predecessours vnfaignedly embraceth with ardent zeale the Catholike Romane religion so in like manner he purposeth and desireth aboue all thinges when hee hath purified and clensed it of all false opinions and new-found doctrines to make it to the glory and praise of the Almighty God encrease and flourish in all his realmes and prouinces but especially in this realme of Hungary to maintaine and defend it with all his power as by the bond of his owne vocation hee findes himselfe obliged Heereupon his facred imperiall Maiesty of his owne proper motion and of his royall and absolute power doth confirme all those ordinances statutes and decrees which heeretofore haue beene addressed for the aduancement of the aforesaid Catholike and Romane faith aswell by King Stephen the Apostle of the Hungarian nation as by other deuout kings of Hungary his predecessours all which constitutions he fully ratifies by this present Article as if they had beene word by word heere specified And to the end that heereafter in generall Assemblies Diets where are handled matters of great importance and consequence concerning realmes no man shall dare presume vpon any incident coloured pretext to insert any point or affaires of religion which might slacken the foresaid publike affaires his sacred Maiesty wils and commands that vpon most rigorous paines such a one escape not vnpunished but that immediately men proceede against him and all such semblable brablers louers and embracers of nouelties and that without any remission or pardon they bee seuerely chastised and punished following the decrees enacted against such by our predecessours the Kings of Hungary so that others by their correction may learne and take example But leaue we these thinges as others which to endure longer is impossible iudging by the former that there remaines no speedier meanes to ridde vs of this insupportable yoke than the taking of armes which we will imploy vpon such as practising against our religion and libertie endeuour to roote out the Hungarian nation Now to the end men shoulde not take vs for Apostates from the Christian faith or beleeue that we of set purpose bandied or emploied our forces against any that professed Christianity we thought it good to giue your thrise illustrious respect woorthy Generous Magnificent and noble Lordships our good and ancient neighbours a tast of our intention and of the cause of our commotions to the end you might vnderstand that neither pride nor ambition nor hatred conceiued against any Christian prince moued vs to the taking of armes but an holy desire of protecting and defending our selues against the oppressors of our freedome and our true and Orthodoxall religion As touching the aid we haue from the Turke and the Tartar we reserue them for no other end but to let the king of Poland and Moldauia see that wee want not wherewithall to serue our selues in time of need it being in our power to send them backe againe when it shall please vs. Now although wee know that of all antiquity the Duchie of Silisie doth appertain as an inheritance of the realme of Hungary yet were we willing to entertaine their good neighbourhood liuing in good peace and amitie which heeretofore we haue kept inuiolably Wherefore we thought conuenient to inform you rightly of our deed likewise to eertifie you that we perswade our selues you haue no sinister opinion of vs for employing our powers in so good and so iust a cause which certainly is yours also both being in very deed as it were embarkt in the selfe same vessell nay wee further are of this beleefe that you calling to minde our auncient league of amitie will rather commend then dispraise our iust and resolute enterprise Concerning which point wee humbly pray you to let vs freely vnderstand of your aduise deferring vntill some more conuenient time to make you an ample discouerie of our deliberation which neither was nor is to warre vpon the kingdome of Bohemia nor Silesia nor the Marques of Morauia vnlesse they giue vs too much occasion howbeit wee know very well they haue heeretofore beene vnder the crowne of the realme of Hungary But as heeretofore wee haue often tolde you our desire is to employ all our forces against those destroiers firers murtherers and massacrers of our brethren with which instruments the house of Ametria hath so long to our great mischiefe reard vp his crest Wee thought it therefore necessary and conuenient most famous magnificent and noble Lords to certifie you of these things in few words to whom for a conclusion we wish all goodnesse and happinesse Dated at our royall Citie of Cassouie the 24. of Aprill 1605. The seruants and friends of your most Famous Reuerend Generous and Noble Lordships Nicholas Signoy Stephen Egidi Michael Bengalithi Iohn Beteoffy the Generals and Chiefetaines of that most excellent Prince and Lord Stephen by the grace of God King of Hungary Transyluania Transalpina and Earle of Sicilia
griefe we endured all these crosses we referre to the iudgement of those who stripped of all affections be plaine louers of publique honesty and zealous of the law of God Yet haue we endured all these thinges with such and so great patience as al our neighbour Realmes held vs in admiration and for all this neuer enterprised any thing till we perceiued how they of the Clergie against all right and reason and the ordinances of the Realme not content with their owne limits wrigold themselues vnto estates and offices to the great disparagement of the laity and snatching the authority of Iustice withdrew to themselues all honors and dignities wherewith not satisfied they further pried how to depriue vs of our liberty and which is worse haue aduentured to tempt our Religion employing for that purpose diuers persons to quash and quench in vs our Orthodoxall and true confession of faith Now the Ecclesiasticall liuings which anciently were by his Maiesties Father and Grand-father as also by the Generals of their armies and principall Chiefetaynes of warre bestowed for the reliefe of our publique necessities and the maintaining and managing of a continuall warre and thereupon became impledgde and morgagde to our predecessours are nowe become the pray and the bootie of Church-men Who by vnlawfull meanes vsurpe and snatch them from the true owners and with their proceedings in Ecclesiasticall courts being both Iudges and parties doe infinitely molest both the Nobility and the common people also blind-fowlding and enueloping them with the punishment of excommunication the onelie meanes of absolution from the which is to resort fraught with fatte and honourable presents which in the end bringeth them to a most miserable pouertie Moreouer in this last Diet they of the realm hauing presented certain articles to * Sai serenite meaning the Archduke his Highnesse who was there present with all the power and puissance of his Maiesty as representing his person and his Highnesse accepting of them they of the Church notwithstanding in a manifest disdaine both of his Highnesse and the rest of the Princes adding paring changing and blotting out many points contained in that bil of request did maime and corrupt it altogether Furthermore the Wallons set on by some of the Bishops and suffring themselues to be caried away with their owne passions hauing in a manner neuer heard of before tormented the Ministers of the word of God in the end massacred them most bloudily and passing further fleshing themselues vpon their dead and now interred carcasses vnburied and burnt them starke-naked And amongst many moe they spared not the dead bodies of the noble and illustrious Lord George Earle of Bathor his wife and his parents and it is incredible how inhumanely they vsed the dead body of that honorable Counte Stephen Bathor The armes of the Earle George Bathor found within his tombe are at this instant in the possession of the aboue named George Basta and borne by him In the ende setting forward to pull downe the temple of Cassouia to banish and chase out all the Ministers and professours of true religion to seaze violently vpon all the goods of the said towne and all this against the aduise of Iohn Iacob Barbian Earle of Belioyense Gouernour of high Hungary as also of Francis Torgat Chancellour and Bishop of Niter When we saw these stratagems we in the name of all the Realme mette together at the generall assembly holden at Possonia and there wrought all our endeuours by praiers and supplications vnto his Highnesse that hee would hinder that resolution and ward of that blow humbly beseeching his Serenitie that for the conseruation of peace these affaires of Religion might be passed ouer and deferd vntill some other time but for all that we did our vtmost deuoir yet could we obtaine nothing at all and thereupon at the very same instance we made our complaints with protestations in the presence of his foresaide * Serenité Highnesse and the Estates of the Realme But in steed of a good and curteous answeare which we promised our selues his Maiestie quite contrary of his owne proper disposition neuer acquainting the Estates withall and in meere misprision of their authority a thing neuer heeretofore practised by any King of Hungary dared boldly of his absolute power to insert a most pernicious and horrible Article among the rest which menaced and threatned no lesse vnto vs than the vtter losse and confusion of our substance our possessions our liues yea and our very soules with the quite abolishing and rooting out of all the Hungarian nation And by this time for an earnest pennie and a sure testimony of his good will he had already by his most rigorous briefes proceeded in the banishing of the Archbishop of Coloarense that by this means hee might with the greater facility make himselfe master of the Temple the Parish and the Vniuersity of Lutchenien Now to delay and allay the current of so many mischiefes setting before our eies all such things as had passed as also those flames which more began to worke our vtter ruine and confusion by authority of our common assembly called for this purpose in the towne of Galred in the presence of the foresaid Earle of Belioyense and of them of the chamber of Sepuse and he himselfe of whom we spak assisting we solemnely swore to persist constantly in that protestation which we had so authentically made in the Diet of Possonia and that we would maintaine and defend our selues by those decrees of Andrew the second called King of Ierusalem which he enacted in the yeare 12.22 Art 31. and they be of this substance Now if either we or any one of our successours in any time whatsoeuer go against this our pleasure we licence our subiects and giue them all power to contradict and resist vs so as afterward they may neuer be branded with any note of treason or infamy for the same And in the first Epistle the ninth Tit. of that Tripartite worke of the lawes of Hungary he saith expresly Let this be the fourth and absolute liberty if any of the Kings or Princes happen to derogate from the freedome of the Noble men c. As it followeth in the decrees of the foresaid most excellent Prince Andrew the second entituled King of Ierusalem and for the more strict obseruation thereof euery true King of Hungary before his coronation is bound and accustomed to sweare the obseruance of the same conditions to wit To permit and consent that men rise vp in armes against him without any note of treason in such cases as when he goeth in any thing about to restraine from them their libertie But in the Articles of the Diet held at Possonia 1604. about the end there is one last of all which hath beene vnlawfully and forcibly added and couched in and it goeth thus Lastly his sacred Imperiall and royall Maiestie hauing vnderstood not without great displeasure as well by reports woorthy of