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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02872 The image of both Churches after the most wonderfull and heauenly Reuelation of sainct Iohn the Euangelist, contayning a very fruitfull exposition or paraphrase vpon the same. Wherin it is conferred vvith the other scriptures, and most auctorised histories. Compyled by Iohn Bale an exyle also in thys lyfe, for the faithfull testimony of Iesu. Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1570 (1570) STC 1301; ESTC S100582 327,616 903

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should speake 3. And should cause that as many as vvould not vvorship the Image of the beast should be killed 4. And he made all both small great rich and poore free and bond 5. To receiue a mark in their right hands 6. Or in their foreheads 7. And that no man might bye and sell. 8. Saue he that had the mark 9. Or the name of the beast 10. Either the number of his name The Paraphrase 1 For power they haue to geue spirite to the Image of the beast It is surely geuen them of the deuil whā they haue once fashioned out the beasts right image or made of an emperor a tiraunt or set in the place of godly gouernour a cruell murtherer vp of gods people by flattering prayses to encourage them to al mischiefe and by wicked counsell to prick thē forwarde to make cruell actes of murther for vpholdinge their beastly generation The spirit that they do minister vnto Princes euermore is not the correction of sin the amendement of lyfe redresse of the common wealth prouision for the poore nor the séeking of Gods glorye But by flatteringe praises to vpholde thē in their euils much after this sorte of speakinge Your maiesties or graces are called most vertuous moste valiant most worthy most wise most mighty best learned among al christen potētates Thei are al but a●es in cōparisō to your worthinesses If it be your maiests plesure to do this or that within youre owne dominiō who shall be so bolde to withstande you No though Gods holy lawes be an hundred times against it Sopport the olde religion of holy church against the heriticks ye cannot choose but prosper in all your affaires Let it be treason against your owne persons according to the actes of the Emperour Sigismundus and of King Hēry the fift if they do but once speake against hir corrupt customes Make cruel constitutions a pace proclaim them abroad to shew your selues the popes liuely Images 2 Our office it is to cause the beastes Image to speake Let therfore your voyces be heard Be no domb idoles but speak with bold stomaks In his spirit make vtterance without gods word of his old romish rules Send forth your proclamaciō to be published eueri where cōcernīg his masses his confessions his ceremonies and his whorish chastitie Let al things be blowen forth vnder your titles names auctoryties to be obserued vnder pain of death If other relmes report that ye abuse the duty of emperours or kinges which is the office of god estéeme not their sayings but stand wel in your owne cōceits Interpret the scriptures at your owne lust pleasures as your law master of Rome hath done afore your time 3 Cause so many to be killed as wil not worship the Image of the beast or obey such wicked lawes against the veritie of god as hath bin made by those Emperours that were the pops eldest sonnes by the kings of Frāce which were his yonger sons or by other princes els which were the defenders of his church let none escap your hāds that inueieth against our kīgdōe but make hauok of thē on euery side as of heriticks traytours to proue the holy ghost true here in his foreiudgemēts For that is your office not appointed of god but of sathan And in our cōmission frō him also we haue it to be no slake mouers of you therevnto So hath Christ tould afore in this reuelation vnto S. Iohn the Euangelist This is the Ghoostelye councsell that we the horned beasts haue in commission to geue vnto you from the mouth of the Dragon Whē such an Image or Idoluse prince is thus vp set or constituted by authoryty his oth once mad that he shall al waies defend thē he may in no wise speake but out of that spirit that their cōiurers confessours I should saye haue put into him He mai make no lauws but at their spiritual appointment like as the Emperour Carolus doth now in these daies Much after this sort became the emperour Nero this beastes image immediatly after Christes ascention by the subtil flaights of that spiritual sorcerer Simon Magus at Rome to withstand the Christen preachers Peter Paule as largely witnesseth Egisippus in his thirde booke de Hierosolimorū excidio the ii chap. This Simon Magus by flateringe praises crepte firste into his fauer promising him health long life increace of power enlargemēt of his empyre with cōtinuall victory ouer his enemies in case he would folow his counsel vpon this became he not only his chiefe counseller but also the high bishop of his soule conseruatour of his body the preseruacion of his whole health and life to him committed only All thinges after that was done by his counsell to stop the Apostles preaching he taken for the emperours most familiar friend and a man most profitable to the cōmon wealth of the Romans they soone after supprssed and put vnto moste cruel death 4 And he made all saith saint Iohn both greate and small rich poore free and bonde to receaue a marke in their right handes or in their foreheds When this new raised Image of the beast or sworne power to Antichrist is once raised vp or admitted by their authoritye be he Kinge or Keyser Prince or other Potentate he must stronglye defende that sinagoge of the diuell with whole maiestie crowne and scepture By their only counsel must he thē make lawes for they must geue him spirit and send his commaundementes abrode that their holy decrées be obserued Cōmisioners and visitours must out vnder the auctorytie as wel to the clergy as laite Thē must al be sworn to it and so obey it both high lowe both gentleman yeoman both owner and farmar both citizen townsman both marchant and plowman both maister seruant both natiue dweller and denison Yea both priestes in their colleges monks in their abbayes chanons in their couents fryers in their cloysters must after their sort do the same This rule hath bin alwaies for the commoditie of that kingdome where as the powers haue bin thus by thē peruerted Much were it to shew the manifolde examples in that behalfe Charles the v. now Emperour to make this good and to shew him selfe to be the sayd beastes Image caused such actes to be publyshed throughout his whole dominion against the christen doctrine wherin al they ar declared heritiks scismatiques excōmunicats which taketh not the pope for S. Peters only vicare head of the christen church none excepted neither king nor coruester as there are now diuers of the contrary opinion The articles of the Louanians vnder his priueledge the actes of the Parisians vnder the French kings auctoryty proclaymed in this presēt yeare of our lord a M. D. xlv wil make al this matter good 5 And what is this els both in their clergy and cōmons but to receyue a marke in theyr ryght hādes or foreheads for in admitting those
wande of sixt cubits long and a spanne which was geuen vnto Ezechiell nor very far different frō the measuring lyne in Zacharie And what is this els but that the administratiō of Gods heauenly verytie is secretly of hym committed vnto them which hath afore receiued it and in faith digested it that they should therewith rightly measure disterne iudge all things None other is it to prophesi again in this sixt age but thus is to mete the Tēple the aulter the worshippers therin and to proue them in length bredth heigth and depth THE TEXT ANd than was geuen me a reede a Lyke vnto a rod. 3. And it was sayde vnto me 4. Arise and mete the Temple of God 5. And the Aulter 6. And them that vvorship therein 7. And the Quire vvhich is vvithin the Temple cast out 8. And mete it not 9. For it is geuen vnto the Gentiles 10. And the holy citie shall they tread vnder foote xlii monthes The Paraphrase 1 And there was geuen me sayeth sainct Iohn a Réede Both receiued I the wisdome of God and also a mouth to vtter it So that my tongue became the pen of a redy writer For so much as I abhorred iniquitie the Lorde anointed me inwardlye with th● oyle of gladnesse gaue me stomack to vtter his word 2 The réede which god deliuered me was lyke vnto a rod. For his worde is the rod of right order and the scepture of his kingdome With this rod sprede he out the heauens and layde foorth the firste foundation of the earth This rod of his power hath the Lord now graciously sent vs out of Sion by mē hauing his special grace as by Iohn to haue dominion héere in the midst of his enimies 3 For vnto Iohn it was sayd for this age Arise from vaine studi from cares of the body from consideration of earthly causes 4 And mete the holy Temple of God whiche is his congregation or Church Proue all beléeues whether they be right or no. Examine their works whether they spring of Gods cōmaundements or of mens tradicions And in so dooing try by the scriptures the corne from the chaffe Marke out the people of God from the synagoge of sathan and delay not to nourish them with the swéete fruits of the spirit 5 Measure the Aulter also which is Iesus Christ vpon whom the full sacrifice of redemption was offered For many false Christes are abrode in the worlde to seduce the people The Pope bosteth hymself for Gods owne vicar Machomet calleth himself the great Prophet of the Lord. And both they to subdue the Gospell hath set vp new lawes The Pope his detestable decrées and Mahomet his abhominable Alchoran Both they haue wrought such wounders and suche signes in supersticion as might deduce into erroure if God were not merciful the very elect persons The monkes saith that Christe is in the desert the pristes saith he is in the box but admonish my people that in no case they beléeue it The Chanons saith he is here the Fryers saieth he is there but counsell my flock that they goe not forth For God dwelleth in nothinge that is made with hand In the faithfull harte is Christe onely founde There remaineth he That is his dwellinge place 6 Therfore now last of al measure them also that worshippe in the Temple Consider them onely to be his people which séeke hym in spirit and in verytie and that worship not in outward shadowes nor in the elements of this world nor yet with obseruation of dayes and times They are not his sonnes that for the leuen of Pharises which is the doctrine of Hipocrits forsaketh the bread of children which is his liuing word They are not his Lambes but vile gotes that rather attendeth to the voice of straungers than to the true shepheard Christ. 7 And therfore the quier which is within the Temple caste oute The prelates priestes and religions which are not of the common sort seclude from Christ from his Church and from the company of true worshippers Throw foorth the bond woman and hir sonne the Rome church with the hir children and Mahomet with his rable For the bonde shall not inherit with the frée 8 Measure not out that chaunsell of charmers that college of Balams brethren those marked Madianits and cursed Ismaelits Alow thē not by the scriptures cōmende not their counterfaict rightuousnes Admit them not for the members of CHRIST but iudge them to be the synagog of sathan And speare them out of the kingdome of God with the key of Dauid For they are those swine that treade pearles vnder their féete those cruell dogs that turne agayne to deuoure men Medle not with that quier haue not to doe with that wicked generation 9 For it is geuen vnto the Gentiles Wholy are those Antichristes addict to the superstitious rytes of the Heathen in their sacrifices their ceremonies their obseruations their holy dayes their vigils fastings prayings knéelings and all other vsages contrarye to the admonishment of Christe That they should in no wise enter into the waies of the Gentiles Wherfore God hath detested them with his own mouth and cleane geuen them ouer vnto their owne fylthy lusts Mow reigne they al in their owne wisdom thinking euermore their owne fleshly fantasies best wholly they are become gentiles 10 And the holy citie of whom glorious thinges are spoken they shall tread vnder foote the space of xlij moneths Not the earthly Hierusalem is this citie builded of men and made holy by the outward obseruacions and ceremonies of the Iewes as many expositours hath fantasied For of that like as Christ prophecied is not left one stoane standing vpon an other But this citie is the sure bulding of God groūded vpon the strong foundation of the Apostles and prophets euen vpon the hard rocke stone Iesus Christ. This is the pleasant possession the wholsome houshold the sure hold and the delectable viniarde of the Lorde of hostes This is the liuing generation of them which feareth loueth and seketh their Lord God in faith spirite and verytie and not in outward shadowes These are the children of promis the true ofspring of Abrahā the chosen house of Israell and the kingdome of the holy ghost Pure cleane and holy hath Christe made this citie by none other thinge but the onely shedding of his precious bloud 11 This citie tread they vnder foote that kéepeth downe the truth of the gospel that persecuteth sleath gods peple for it the defeateth his worde for their owne traditions that bringeth in the Iewish ceremonies the Gentiles supersticions pagans customes hethē vsages yoking men with imp●rtable burthēs of false worshippings for their owne filthy 〈◊〉 aduauntage Notwtstandinge thus must they do still by the sufferance of God tyll the lxij monthes be finished whiche is not els but the time the times the half time or the thousand two hundred lx daies in that God shal shorten the time for his