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A19602 The estate of the Church with the discourse of times, from the apostles vntill this present: also of the liues of all the emperours, popes of Rome, and Turkes: as also of the Kings of Fraunce, England, Scotland, Spaine, Portugall, Denmarke, &c. With all the memorable accidents of their times. Translated out of French into English by Simon Patrike, Gentleman.; L'estat de l'eglise. English. Hainault, Jean de.; Crespin, Jean, d. 1572.; Patrick, Simon, d. 1613. 1602 (1602) STC 6036; ESTC S109073 532,147 761

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vailable 8. q. 3. c. Salus in omnibus Galen the Phisitian flourished at this time Valentine the hereticke a Platonician denied the resurrection of the flesh Hee affirmed that Christ tooke no humane flesh off the Virgines wombe but that hee passed through it as through a conduit Cerdon the Stoike said at Rome that the holy Ghost descended not vpon the Apostles but vpon himselfe Note here the saying of Tertullian namely that the Philosophers are Patriarkes of heretickes Martian the Stoike a follower of Menander made two contrary principles This Pope seeing hee named himselfe so was a learned man and made a booke intituled De Trinitate vnitate Dei. Pius first of that name 11. Pope of Rome an Italian of Aquilia ruled at Rome a 11. yeares Some say hee ordeined that Easter should be celebrated vpon the Sunday by the perswasion of Hermes who said it had bene reuealed vnto him by an Angell in likenes of a shepheard And this ordinance was after confirmed by many Pope That hee decreed punishments for Ecclesiasticall persons which administred the Sacraments of the body and bloud of Christ negligently That is to say that he that by imprudency negligently let fal vpō the earth any of the blood of Christ so speakes he should do penance 40. dayes If it fell vpon the Aultar 3. dayes If vpon the Chalice cloth 4. dayes If on any other cloth 9. dayes And that the said bloud so falne should be licked scraped or washed and after all burnt and kept for the Sacristeres By litle and litle then the Romane seate beganne to forge ordinances Also that Virgins or Nunnes should not take vpon them the vaile before the age of 25. yeares Item that if any Ecclesiasticall person did sweare or blaspheme he should be deposed and euery Laie person excommunicated Anicetus 12. Pope a Sirian ruled 10. or a 11. yeares wise and of good life Some attribute vnto him that hee ordained the Crowne for Priests He was martyred vnder Marcus Aurelius In his time Egesippus an Hebrew came to Rome dwelt there vntill Eleutherius Iustinus a Christian Phylosopher writ a booke in defence of Faith and Religion to the Emperour Antonius Pius who also was much enclined to maintaine it He writ against Martian Policarpus Bishop of Smyrna in Ionia which is in Asia the lesse aboue Ephesus came to great age Ireneus saith that he was ordeined Bishop by the Apostles and it is likely that he began his ministery the 2. or 3. of Traian S. Ierome in his Catalogue saith he was placed there by S. Iohn the Euangelist who dyed the yeare 68. after the passion of Iesus Christ as most say Ireneus reciteth of him that one day as Marcian encountred him and said vnto him Take knowledge with vs. Policarp answered him I know thee for the first sonne of Satan And Ireneus saith further There are some haue heard him say that Iohn the Disciple of Iesus went into Bathes to wash himselfe and seeing Cerinthus the hereticke there he went out and washing himselfe saying Let vs flie from hence least this house fall vpon vs where Cerinthus enemy of the truth washeth Note how the Disciples of the Apostles had this rule not to communicate with them which falsifie the truth of the Gospell Whilest Policarpus was at Rome he withdrew many from their heresies Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Verus the brother of Antonius Pius obtained the Empire 18. yeares Lucius Verus his sonne in lawe gaue himselfe to dice and to haunt the Stewes Therfore was he sent into Siria by Marcus Aurelius and at last as some say poisoned After some he dyed of an Apoplexe So Marcus Aurelius Antoninus raigned alone The fourth persecution after Nero was stirred against the Christians by Marcus Aurelius And as Eusebius saith many euils happened in Italie great pestilence warre earthquakes Invndations of waters and a multitude of Grashoppers In the meane while by the persecutions as it were continuall the Christians affaires encreased from day to day by the doctrine of the Apostles Disciples Wherof yet many then did liue that the Christian Religion tooke strong roote being thus bedeawed with the bloud of Martyrs We must not here forget the sentence of Iustine spoken in a colloquie with Trypheus Hee saith thus Men may each day perceiue that we which beleeue in Christ cannot be astonished nor turned backe Let them cut off our heads Let them crucifie vs Let them expose vs to beasts to fires or other torments and so much more as men torment vs so much more do the number of Christians encrease Euen as when a Vine is cut it is but to make it more fertile So the Vine which God hath planted and the Sauiour Iesus that is his people cannot but multiply by torments c. Melito Bishop of Sardis writ to the Emperour for the Faith and Christian Religion Apollinaris Bishop of Hierapolis was at this time Theophilus Bishoppe of Antioche writ against Martian Denis Bishop of Corinthe Iustus Bishoppe of Vienne a Martyre for the Faith Attalus Blandina Photin Bishop of Lions a Martyr also for the Faith Persecution in Asia The end of the life of Policarpus was at this time Marcus Antonius Verus and the chiefe Gouernours of the Empire caused such a persecution that it came euen to the Christians which dwelt in the Towne of Smyrna whereof Policarpus was Bishoppe and had beene a long time and was there burnt hauing serued the Church of God about three score and tenne yeares which was the seuenth of this Emperour Some say hee was of the age of foure score and sixe yeares The Prayer of Policarpus before his death is in the Eccleciast History Booke 4. His bones taken out of the fire were laide in a Sepulchre Pionius Martyre Soter an Italian 13. Pope helde the seate about tenne yeares He endured many aduersities and in the ende was Martyred He ordained that none should celebrate without two men present That Nunnes should carry Vailes on their heads That they might not touch sacred Ornaments as Chalices Corporalles and that they should not Incense in the Temple nor about Aultars In his second Decretall he calleth himselfe Pope Hee instituted that each Priest doing his Office should haue with him an other Priest If there chaunced some suddaine necessitie to happen Hee saide that an oath made imprudenly which redounded to an euill ende ought not to be kept For it were better saith he to periure himselfe then for keeping his oath to fall into a greater crime At this time Peregrine a Philosopher did publickely at Pise cast himselfe into the fire vpon vaine-glorie At this time beganne the Cataphryges heretikes by Montanus with Priscilla and Maximilla They vsed in their Sacrifices a Childes blood which they mingled with Flowre or with Breade If the Childe whose blood was drawne out dyed they held him for a Martyr If
Countrey but rather to yeeld themselues vnto the yoake of the Inquisition In the moneth of Ianuary the subiects of Iohn Frederick were absolued by the Imperiall authoritie of their oath fidelitie due to their Lord and were cōstrained to promise their obedience vnto Iohn William brother of the said Frederick This done the siege of Gothe continued About the ende of the moneth troubles began to arise in the lowe Countrey Valencienne was besieged beaten taken and rudely handled by the Sieur de Moircarmes because of Religion The Ministers of the word of God and certaine of the chiefe of the Towne were imprisoned and after put to death The 25. of Feebruary Henry de Bredenrode a Lord of great authoritie in the lowe Countries and very affectionate vnto Religion seeing the peoples heartie desires to haue publike exercise thereof presented a request vnto the Gouernesse in the name of him and his Associates that she might quickly puruey for the affaires as they presented themselues She made such answere as they might perceiue well that things tooke a way vnto troubles and confusions Indeed after certaine goings and commings from words they fell vnto Armes In so much that in the moneth of March there hapned encounters and combats betwixt them of the one and the other party The Towne of Antwerpe sawe it selfe in a maruellous diuision and vpon the point of her ruine but by the prudence of the Prince of Orange who yet was not departed the affaires it remained peaceable for certaine monethes In the meane while the king of Spaine aduertised of those chaunges gaue commission to the Duke of Al●a an olde and subtill Captaine to tame the Flemmings and chastice their heads and principall rulers that therby he might bridle the lowe Countries appointing for him a strong Army of Spaniards which about this time departed by sea and so came into Italy obtaining there a further strength of people which attended them with a good minde to gather booties in the lowe Contries The last day of March Phillip Lantgraue of Hesse a Christian Prince sage valiant and endowed with all the goodly parts required in a great Lord hauing in his life time executed many valiant and memorable exployts and especially for Religion died at Cassel of the age about 63. yeares leauing foure sonnes William Lewis Phillip and George and foure daughters Agnes first married to Maurice Elector and Duke of Saxonie after in her second marriage to Iohn Frederick Anne married to Wolfgang Count Palatin de Rhene Barbara to George Count de Montheliard and Christine to Adolpe Duke of Holsac Two daies after Ernest Duke of Brunswick a Prince fearing God wise couragious and constant and who bore himselfe well in the Protestants warre dyed in his Castle of Hertaberge The fourth of Aprill they of Gothe beeing besieged by the Elector of Saxonie laid hold of the proscripts banished men and the 13. of the said moneth yeelded the towne the Citadell Iohn Frederick was deliuered prisoner vnto the Emperours deputies which hapned the same day and 20. yeares after that his father Elector of the Empire was taken prisoner in battaile nigh Mulberge by the Emperour Charles the fift The Citadell of Gothe was destroyed Grombach and certaine of his complices executed to death and the Elect or Augustus being deliuered from great trouble caused to coine Dollers of siluer with this inscription on the one side Tandem bona causa triumphat At the beginning of May the Duke of Alua arriuing from Barcelone at Genes to goe into Flaunders began to giue order for the passage of his Army About the same time Emanuel Philebert Duke of Sauoy the Bernois to yeeld him certaine lands by them conquered vpon the dead Duke Charles his father after certaine conferences betwixt them they yeelded him three Bailiwickes namely Gez Ternier and Chablais which enuiron Geneua with certaine conditions whereof the chiefe was that the said Bailiwicke should remain in the state they then were in namely with profession and publike exercise of the only Religion reformed certaine moneths after the Duke was put in reall possession of the said Bailiwickes About the beginning of Iuly the Duke of Alua departed Italy with a good armie of foote men Spaniards Piemontois Being entred Sauoy he made a countenance to stay before Geneua but fearing to receiue some shame he entred into le Franche Comte where he ioyned himselfe with certain new troupes conducted by the Court de Lodron and straight marched right vnto Bruxelles in Brabant At his arriual he published the Edict of the Inquisition established the bloodie Councell cut off-infinit heads confiscated the goods of all sorts of people about the end of the moneth of August And in September he sent prisoners into the Castle of Gaunt the Countes of Aigremont and of Horne and to found his bloudie executiōs that request presented by the principall of the Country to the Duchesse of Parma was declared to be but a coniuration against the Kings maiestie The Prince of Orange the Count Ludouic le Countes de Berge de Hochstrate de Culembourge le fieur de Brede●●●● many other Lordes Gentlemen guests and marchants which had signed or assisted the preachings or carried armes were adiourned to appeare in person before the Duke of Alua within sixe weeks and their goods noted The moneth of September following they were improied in taking prisoners the best they could lay handes on And then began confusion on all sides in the lowe Country About the end of October he begunne the Citadell of Antwerpe In the said time the second ciuil warre for matters of Religion lighted in France and a battaile was giuen betwixt Paris and S. Denis the tenth day of Nouember wherein the Constable was wounded to death and deceased soone after Many Lords Gentlemen and valiant souldiers remained in the field The armie of the Religion drew into Lorraine to gather the succours which the Duke Cassimere led A great deluges of waters was at Verone the two last dayes of October where there were 200 persons drowned and infinite goods wasted and destroyed Likewise certaine other places of Italie were in like maner so destroyed About the end of the yeare the Duke Cassimere with his Armie of 7500. horses and 3000. footemen ioyned himselfe vnto the troupes of the Prince of Conde at Pontamonsson in Lorraine and there was some conference about a peace which succeeded not In the month of Ianuary the Duke Cassimere made many remonstrances in writing to the King and his Councell for the pacifications of troubles in the kingdome of France This seruing for nothing his army set forward whilest the warre waxed hotte in diuers prouinces On the other side Iohn Guillaume Duke of Saxonie brought 4000. Reisters to the succors of the Catholicke Romanes in France The 18. day of the said moneth Phillip king of Spaine caused the Prince Charles his only sonne to be kept in a Chamber as
Persians and receiued a mortall wound and casting a full handfull of bloud into the ayre hee vttered this blasphemie against Iesus Christ Thou hast ouercome ô Gallelean In the end thou art vanquisher and as hee had lost much bloud being in a burning Feuer hee called for water about midnight and dranke it colde and expired the yeare of his age 31. hauing gouerned the Empire the space of a yeare and seuen moneths Of the publike ioy they of Antioche made for his death see the Tripartite historie lib. 6. chap. 48. Iouinian or Iuuian borne in Hungarie was created Emperour with great ioy of the Armie the next morning after the death of Iulian. He was a Prince naturally liberall and who vnder Iulian had shewed well that he loued better to loose all dignities then to obey one wicked commaundement and against Christian religion Beeing importuned by the souldiers to accept the election he said hee was a Christian and that hee would not bee the Emperour of Ethnicks and Idollatrous people Hee accepted not the Empire vntill all with a common voyce had protested they would bee Christians Eutropius Lib. 10. Socrat. Lib. 3. Chap. 22. One called Lucius an Arrian whom George Bishop of Alexandria had promoted accusing Athanasius when he returned from exile Iouinian would not heare him but knowing Athanasius commaunded silence to Lucius Sozomen li. 6. cap. 5. He customably said to flatterers that they rather worshipped purple then God The Church had rest vnder him and he restored whatsoeuer Iulian had taken away There was a Councell held at Antioche vnder him to establish the faith of the Councell of Nice Sozom. lib. 6. chap. 4. He made peace with the Persians to his great dishonour and to their great aduantage yeelding them fiue Prouinces beyond Tigris also he promised to giue no succours vnto the King Arsaces allied with the Romanes He died soone after of an euill of the stomacke as he was in his chamber wherein for cold he caused to be made a great fire of coles all the night He liued 23. yeares and raigned seuen moneths The originall of Monkes and Monasteries The Monastike life began first in Aegypt Antonius and Macarus were the first and most renowned Authors of this maner of life which incontinent was disperced into Palestine Armenia and Paphlagonia Sozomen li. 3. chap. 14. It is greatly to be maruelled at how this world which in it had so many excellent Doctors did straight admit this manner of life which was neuer instituted of God and not onely allowed it but euen themselues instituted it and so made a new seruice of God by their owne traditions It seemeth at the beginning there were two kindes of Monkes some in sollititude and others in Cities and companies Sozom. li. 3. ch 16. Basilius at large writeth the Oeconomie and lawes of this Monkish life namely that a Monke before all things ought to possesse nothing to be peaceable that hee ought to haue an honest habit a moderate voice words well disposed to take his refection peaceably and with silence and that his glorie ought to be patience in tribulation humilitie and simplicitie of heart watchings teares in prayers sobrietie in his speech and eating Ambrose in his 82. Epistle of his booke saith that Monasteries were shops of vertue abstinence fasting patience and labour Out of which they drew Bishops that were accustomed and trained in these vertues Hierome ad Ruffinum Monachum saith that the Monasteries of the Aegyptians receiued none without dooing some labour or worke And this was their rule and as it were their Simbole Hee that trauelleth not ought not to eate The same in his Epistle ad Eutychium speaketh of three sort of Monkes in Egypt The first were called Cenobites Sansos in that countrey language as we might say liuing in common The second Anacharites because they dwelt alone in the Desarts far from mē The third they called Remoboth these dwelt two with two or three with three at the most and liued at their discretion and of that which they laboured for they nourished themselues in common but often had they debates amongst them Before the time of Hierome it is not like there were any Monasteries in Europe but that Ambrose in whose time began persecutions of virgins makes often mention of companies of sacred virgins otherwise there is no Latine Author of this time in whose writings the name of Monke is found Certaine it is that Sozomen lib. 3. chap. 14. affirmeth them of Thrace the Illirians and they of Europe had yet no Monastike assemblies Valentinian borne also in Hungarie was made Emperour by the souldiers in the principall Towne of Bithinia Anno. 366. Hee and Valens were the sonnes of Gratian borne in Hungarie of a meane place and in fauour of him Valentinian was chosen to the Empire which hee refused but after accepted and made his brother Valens pertaker with him who had the Countrey of the East and made his sonne Gratian Augustus In their time Procopius who vsurped the Empire was by them discomfited After Valentinian chased away the Gothes and other barbarous people of Thrace The Saxons were brought to their dutie and obedience accustomed Germanie beeing tossed with continuall troubles was set at rest and quietnesse by the happie successe of Theodosius Valens then being chosen a consort of the Empire was at first of like pietie and will with his brother as hee hadde also shewed vnder Iulian but after hee was infected with the Arrian heresie at the perswasion of his wife and of Eudoxius Bishop of Constantinople an Arrian of whom he was baptised During the life of Valentinian the westerne Church was peaceable and agreeing to the decrees of the Councell of Nice But Valens did what he could to aduāce the Arrianisme against such as were called Homousiastes that is to say the true Catholiques and stirred great horrible persecutions and aboue all in Antioche and Laodicea his brother Valentinian reprehended him and admonished him by Letters to desist as Zonoras writeth but hereby was he stirred so much the more and determined to chase away Basilius Bishop of Cesaria because at his commaundement he would not communicate with Eudoxius but the Lord sent a disease to his onely sonne who knowing it be Gods vengeance turned him from his euill will and certaine dayes he was an auditor of Basiles Sermons Athanasius after he had procured the good of the Church 46. yeares and sustained many persecutions in great constancie and patience died about this time After his death persecution in Egipt and Alexandria was mooued by Valens Hist Trip. lib. 8. chap. 7. Damasus a Spaniard some write him to bee of Rome the sonne of one called Antonius succeeded Liberius his election was turbulent and bloudie because of a competitor hee had called Vrsin a Deacon of the Romane Church Hereby may you see a first fruite of the riches of the Church and of the pretended donation
name borne of the Countrey of Marses in the Citie of Talleric a Phisitians sonne gouerned the Romane Church the space of seuen yeares At the request of this Pope the Emperour Phocas commaunded that the old Temple of Pantheon wherin were all the Goddes and Goddesses of the Painims should be consecrated and dedicated to the honor of the virgin Mary and of al Saints And then was insttiuted the Feast of All-Saints in the Moneth of May which after was brought to the first of Nouember See how those Fathers rather chaunged then chased away superstitions Leontius Bishop of Naples in the I le of Cyprus made a booke of the life of S. Iohn the Almes giuer Bishop of Alexandria Abb. Tris. After the death of Boniface the fourth the seate was vacant 7. moneths and 25. dayes for the great discentions which were at Rome The yeare of Christ 612. Phocas was miserably slaine by the souldiers of his guard Abb. Vrsperg Others say that Heraclius and Priscus slew him cutting off his hands feete Others adde that his priuie member was cut off Finally after his head was cut off his body was burnt See the ende of this wicked Tyrant who caused so many good people to die All his brethren and parents had like ende and his race was vtterly extinct The Romane seate is worthie to haue had such a monster to authorise his primatie aboue all Churches Heraclius the sonne of Heraclien succeeded Phocas When his Father a Captaine in Affrica marched from Affricke into Egipt and Asia with a great Army the Persians being out of feare of him assailed Affricke and brought it into their subiection Corfrees King of the Persians would neuer receiue any conditions of peace vnlesse they renounced Christian Religion The Bishop Didier of Vienna was stoned at the commaund of Theodorus King of Soissons Deus of dedit or Dorothea a Romane Pope ruled three or foure yeares His Father was a Subdeacon after some He ordeined that no Christian should take in mariage his Gossip Item that the sonne of a Gossip or Suertie should not take in marriage the daughter that his Father had held at the Font And ordeined this so straitly that if the Father or Mother carried their childe to Baptisme that they should be seperated notwithstanding that the wise might receiue her dowry and that after a yeare she might marry again in any other place There happened a great Earthquake at this time in the moneth of August and after a great mortalitie The Councell of Auxerre in this time wherein it was decreed that it was a thing vnlawfull that the Estrenes should be giuen the first day of the yeare calling them diuellish ceremonies because of the obseruation of the day In the 12. Chapter there was forbidden to giue vnto dead bodies the Eucharist or the Paxe to kisse In the 21. Chapter it is not lawfull for a Priest to lye with his wife nor for Subdeacon nor Deacon In the 24. and 25. Chapter it is not lawfull for Abbots nor Monkes to goe to marriages nor to haue commothers nor to present children to Baptisme In the 31. Chap. it was forbidden to take his cousin Germaine or the issue of cousin Germaine in marriage In this time were Loup Arch-bishop of Sens Amand and Bauon in Flaunders And Priscian after Abb. Trit and Eloy Bishop of Noyon after the Sea of Histories Cosroes King of the Persians was vanquished by Heraclius And Anastatius a Persian Monke was martyred for the faith with 70. others He was hanged three houres by one hand and after be headed Abb. Vrsp Boniface Pope 5. of that name borne at Naples gouerned the Church fiue yeares This was hee who first ordeined that offenders which saued themselues in Churches should haue Immunities and priuiledges and that from thence they should not be deliuered by force but that such as committed Sacriledge in all places should be excommunicated The waine and decaie of the Romane Empire The Romane Empire began to fall For whilest Christians were at warres one with an other the Sarrasins occupied Egipt and Affrike and do yet holde them And in the space of an 120. yeares all Asia was lost from the Christians Also the best part of Europe was occupied because of the couetousnesse discention and carelesnesse of the Emperours and Popes which mused and studied vpon lesse matters namely to forge naughtie inuentions and ordinances vpon ordinances Cyrus Bishop of Alexandria seeing the Sarrasins came into Egipt and that there was no succours on the part of the Emperour Heraclius a carelesse man yeelded himselfe tributarie to the said Sarrasins at a certaine annuall summe vpon which condition they returned back He was after accused before the Emperour as he who transported the riches of Egipt to straungers Wherefore he was deposed and Manuell of Armenia ordeined in his place who would not pay the said tribute whervpon the Sarrasins came againe into Egipt and occupied it Which the Emperour vnderstanding repented himselfe and sent Cyrus in Embassage towards the Sarrasins to cause them to goe out of Egipt and they should haue their said annuall tribute But one of them answered in these words Canst thou Cyrus saide he plucke downe this piller He answered no. As impossible said he it is that we should leaue Egipt By like pride many Countries haue bene lost Many common-wealths by tributes haue bene maintained in peace Faith promised euen to enemies must be kept The encrease of the kingdome of France From the yeare of saluation 514. hitherto the kingdome of France was diuided into certaine kingdomes because the kings of France had many heires One kingdome was called Austrasia comprehended Lorraine and Brabant and that which is betweene Rhene and Mense from Culloine to the Countrie of Alsasia The other called Neutria which comprehends the Regions which are betwixt Mense and Loire and Paris was the chiefe Towne thereof The third was called the kingdome of the Soisons In this diuision of Gaul the kingdome of Arles tooke also his beginning which had vnder it Sauoy the Countrey of the Switzes Zepingen Haspurge and Dauphine but at this time those particular kingdomes returned into a Monarchie Car. Dagobert the 11. King of France possessed first Austrasia after he ioyned vnto it the kingdome of Burgoine and finally was made Lord almost of all France and the name of France was then vniuersall for all those kingdomes When Dagobert dwelt in Austrasia his Pallace was in Alsatze And he builded a Castle at Rufach called Eisenburge he also builded many Monasteries of S. Benet wherevnto he gaue great reuenewes and chiefly to that of Wittenburge within 8. leagues of Strasbourge on the side of Rhene An other at Surbourge two leagues from Wittenburge Item an other at Haselach hard by Strasburge in the West mountain He also brought the church of Strasburge to a Bishoppricke and enriched it with great reuenewes Heereby note that France was then
Bishop of Tusoule was created Pope This Pope although he was accounted a very learned man yet because he had not such knowledge of things that hee had to gouerne as was requisite and also because he was of inconstant and mutable maners as Platina saith hee brought much more domage vnto the Popedome then honour or profit For he did many things wherein he shewed himselfe astonished and light There was one onely point wherein he was worthy praise that is that willingly hee helped many young people which had desire to profit in good Letters in giuing them siluer and Ecclesiastical Benifices and aboue all such as were pressed with pouertie The Venetians then did greatly molest them of the Marquesdome of Ancone because they made traffique of Marchandise into Dalmatia without paying any portage to the Venetian the Pope defended them not as he ought they beeing the Churches subiects for hee was readie inough in words but when it came to lay hand to worke he had neither courage nor hardinesse They of Ancone seeing themselues destitute of the Popes succours taking courage made a sallie vpon the Venetians which had besieged their Towne and droue them away after hauing greatly indomaged them In all things this Pope accustomed not to vse any other Councell but of Iohn de Gauiette by the will and direction of whom all things were gouerned for that by his meanes hee was chosen Pope He sent Embassadors as well towards Michael Paleologne as to Westerne Kings exhorting them in his name that they would make Peace one with another and take Armes against the Sarrasins and other enemies of Christian religion which thing if Paleologne would not do and if he kept not the vnion that he had accorded vnto Iohn would giue his Empire vnto Charles king of Sicilie This Pope promised himselfe long life yea he foretold it by the Starres and affirmed before euerie one that he should liue long But as he affirmed such a folly in the presence of his people a new Vault Valerius calls it a playing Hall Stella a rich and precious Chamber which he had builded in his Pallace at Viterbe fell suddenly the fourth day following the yeare 1277. And the seuenth day after the said ruine being found miserably slaine betwixt the stone and the wood was enterred in the great Church the 8. moneth of his Popedome He knew by experience how great was the vanitie of his Diuination The Sea was vacant by the space of sixe monethes by the meanes of debate amongst the Cardinalls Hee writ certaine Problems following therein Aristotle the Canons and rules of Phisicke The treasure of the poore and certaine Epistles The doctrine of the Waldois After that Waldo and his company were driuen from Lyons one company drew towards Lombardie where they multiplied greatly In so much that their doctrine began to be dispearced through Italie and came euen to Sicilie As the Patents of Frederic the second giuen against them when he raigned witnesseth By the recitall of such as writ against them and likewise by one Reinerius who liued and and writ a litle after this time it may be gathered that this was their doctrine That we must beleeue the scriptures onely in that which concerneth saluation and that no other thing ought to bee receiued but that which God commaundeth vs. That there is but one onely Mediator and therefore we must not inuocate Saints That there is no purgatorie but that all men iustified by Christ goe to eternall life and such as do not beleeue goe to eternall death And that there is neither third nor fourth place They receiue and allowe two Sacraments Baptisme and Communion They said that all Masses and chiefly such as were inuented for the dead were abhominable and damned and therefore ought to be abolished All humane traditions ought to be reiected without holding them for necessarie to saluation That singing and recitall of the officiall and fastings tyed to certaine dayes superfluous feasts the difference of meates as well of degrees and orders of Priests Monkes and Nuns as blessings and consecrations of creatures vowes pilgrimages and all the confusion and great heap of ceremonies before inuēted ought to be abolshed They denied the Popes supremacie aboue all the power he had vsurped vpon pollicies And they admitted no degrees but Bishops Priests and Deacons That the Romane seate is very Babilon and that the Pope is the fountaine of all euils at this day That the marriage of Priests is good and necessarie in the Church That such as heare the word of God and haue a right knowledge thereof are the true Church to which Iesus Christ hath giuen the keyes to cause Sheepe to enter and driue away Wolues See briefly the doctrine of the Waldois which the enemies haue impugned and for which by their owne witnesse they were persecuted in this time Mathias Illiricus in the Catalogue which he gathered of the witnesses of the truth saith that he hath by him the consultations of certaine Aduocates of Auignon Also of three Archbishops of Narbone of Arles and of Aix and likewise of the Bishop of Alban to roote out the Waldois written past 300. yeares by which it appeareth that then and before there were a great number of the faithfull heere and there dispearced throughout all France It may also be collected by the consultations of the said Archbishops that as the number was very great the persecution was very cruell For in the end of them there is thus found written Who is so new in France that is ignorant of the condemnation of these Heretikes Waldois made of long time so iustly A thing so famous so publike as hath cost so great expences sweats and trauells for the Catholique and hath bene sealed with so many condemnations and deathes of those wicked Infidells can it be called into doubt It appeareth then what a butcherie in this time was made of the faithfull and what crueltie the supporters of the Romane Antechrist exercise against the good Nicholas 3. borne at Rome of the house of Vrsins called before Iohn de Gauette the election being deferred vntill the sixt moneth not wthout great debate and contentions amongst the Cardinalls occupied the papall seate Charles king of Sicilie as Senator of Rome had the charge of the Conclaue who insisted much that some of the French Nation might be chosen After then that Nicholas had taken possession of the Popedome meaning to diminish the credit and power of Charles tooke from him the Vicariatship of Tuscane and filled all Italie with vprores and tumults of warre and to the end he might prouide well for his businesses he perswaded Peter King of Arragon these be old Popish trickes to redemaund the Kingdome of Sicilie shewing him that by right of heritage it belonged vnto him because of Constance his wife Which counsell pleased Peter well But what fruite wrought the counsell of this S. Peter Peter hauing gotten into his power a puissant Armie
I say not Father Take to thy selfe now the treasures the Tapistries and the Prouince of Mustapha and gouerne it at thy pleasure Is it possible I should fall into thy spirit infamous man without all humanitie against all right to put to death so valiant a person as neuer was nor shal be the like in the house of Ottomās Ha ha I will take good order that thou shalt not impudenly vaunt glory that thou hast done the like to me And straight drew his dagger and strooke it so farre into his owne bodie that he fell downe dead vpon the earth Which so soone as his Father knew he made a maruellous mourning and yet left not to seize vpon all his goods which caused a tumult in the Campe of Mustapha but it was nothing in regard of that they did after they knew of his death In such sort that Solyman to the great danger of his life was constrained to chase away Rostan and to dispoile him of all his honours and dignities This death came wel for the Christians whose great enemy Mustapha was who tooke great delight in sheading their blood It brought also such great displeasure vnto the Turkes that therevpon followed amongst them this prouerbe Gietti Soltan Mustaphat That is all we thought on is ended in Musthapha For they thought that he would haue enlarged their Empire which they looked for at no other hand The French tooke Verceil in the Countrey of Turin but seeing they could not keepe it they spoyled pilled it and retyred Edward King of England being in his mortall bed in the moneth of May Northumberland caused one of his sonnes to espowse Iane Suffolke the Kings cousin This King of the age of 16. yeares dyed the 6. of Iuly to the great damage of Christian Religion So soone as Mary was peacibly Queene of Englande at her arriuall at London she caused to be tooke out of prison the Duke of Norfolke and the Bishop of Winchester a pernicious man and made him Chauncellor The Emperours Hoast after it had raced Terouane marched into Artois and there in the moneth of Iuly forced Hesden which the king of France had a litle before taken There was slaine Horace Fernese the husband of the kings bastard daughter and a great number of Gentlemen prisoners A battaile in Saxonie vppon the Riuer of Visurge betwixt the Duke Maurice and the Marquesse Albert wherein Albert was vanquished and Maurice victorious strooken with a bullet whereof he dyed two dayes after A deare victorie bought with death Michael Seruet de Ville-neuisue a Spaniard a pernicious hereticke hauing of long time written execrable things against the Trinitie proudly maintained them at Geneua after long detention the participation of the Councell of the Churches and faithfull Common-wealths of Suecia finally in the ende of October was condemned by the Lordes of the said Towne to be burned aliue The hardnesse of his heart was such that being vpon the wood hee would neuer confesse Iesus Christ the eternall sonne of God but only the sonne of Dauid and the sonne of the eternall God In England by the decree of all the Bishops of the kingdome then assembled the Edicts and statutes of the deceased King Edward concerning Religion were defaced and made voide and the Popish doctrine approued and allowed Albert agreed with Augustus the brother of Maurice by meanes of the King of Denmarke and of the Elector of Brandebourge Iane Suffolke Queene of England as is said by King Edwards testament and the three sonnes of the Duke of Northumberland were declared culpaple and condemned of Treason Iohn Alasco a Polonian Gentleman with a great number of the French and Flemish Churches flying from England did wander and stray a certaine space of time into Denmarke and Saxonie seeking a place to dwel in But they were euery where refused not only of a place of habitation but also they were commaunded to get them out yea in winter time not suffering them to remaine in their hauens The cause of this inhumanitie and inhospitalitie was their difference for the doctrine of the Supper of the Lorde whereof we haue before touched Finally a place was allowed them in East Friseland in the Towne Emden where a Church was open for them and granted by the Countesse of the said Emden a true Christian Princes Ferdinand being at Vienna reiected the supplication of the Estates of his Countrey which demaunded to permit the administration of the Supper of Iesus Christ whole vnder both kindes Iohn Fredericke Duke of Saxonie after his deliuerance from captiuitie agreed with the Duke Augustus and he acquited to him and his heire Males the Electorship the Country of Misne and the Townes where the Mines be yet he held vnto himselfe the name and Armes of the Elector The 20. of February Sibille of Cleues wife of the said Iohn Frederic dyed at Vinaine Eleuen dayes after the said Frederic also deceased happily in his Country amongst his children and other friends and the same day that he dyed was borne vnto the Elector Augustus a sonne named Alexander Thomas Wiat an Englishman conspired and rose vp against the Queene of England because of the straunge marriage she enterprised with Phillip the Emperours sonne On an other part of the kingdome Henry of Suffolke gathered people against her The one and the other were declared enemies of the Commonwealth taken and at diuers times beheaded The 12. of February Iane Suffolke King Edwards cousin germaine instituted heire of the kingdome by his testament was with her husband beheaded After them was made a great butchery of heads at London and Westminster where the Queene then was Elizabeth also her sister was imprisoned vpon her suspition Sienna was besieged by the Pope and the Duke of Florence Peter Stosze which defended it made a sallie vpon them and ouercame a great number of their people Charles Duke of Sauoy spoyled of the greatest best part of his Countrey dyed leauing Emanuell Philebert his sonne heire King Henry about the end of Iune tooke Bouuines Dinan Marienbourge Bius and wasted all the Country besieged Renty vpon the Marches of Artois but the Emperour comming and skirmishing together the king departed in the moneth of August remouing his siege from thence The Kings Armie in Tuscane which Strosze conducted was surprised by the Imperialists and for the most part ouerthrowne Phillip the Emperours sonne arruied the 19. of Iuly in England the 24. following the marriage was made betweene him and the Queene at Winchester The Marquis Albert chased from his Country withdrew into Lorraine and after to the king of France The Emperour caused a Fort to be builded nigh the place where Hesden was Cardinall Poole in a full assembly of all the Estates of the kingdome of England commenced the 12. of Nouember was restored into his dignities goods and honours of which he was depriued by King Henry the eight
and the Prince vnto the court after stared them prisoners and handled the prince very rigorously On the other side their forces assembled on all sides to ouerrun the realme The king of Spain should enter into Bearne to ruinate destroy the queen of Nauarre and to solemnise the entry of the Estates the prince should haue bene publikely beheaded afterward straigt vpon the conclusion of the Estates the Armies marched to sacke and spoyle such as were suspected and the people were suffered and countenanced to runne vpon all such as were religious to dispatch them with out other Inquisition And to the end to leaue none aliue the King should cause all the Princes Lords and Knights of the order to sweare and seale all the articles of Sorbone sending to the fire without longer proces all such as denied it The Chancelor did the like with such as were of the order d'la longe robe about the court The Parliaments Prelates had charge to do the like with such as belonged to Iustice and to the Cleargie Likewise Ladies honorable womē were not forgotten This being done the Inquisition of Spain entred into France to begin new tragidies But as all things were vpon the point to be executed God cut the strings thereof striking the king Francis with an Apostume in his eare wherewith after he had languished certain dayes he was finally stifled and dyed the fift day of December 1560. hauing only raigned 17. moneths This death ouerthrew the disseines and purposes of the Duke of Guise and constrained the aduersaries of the reformed Church to yeeld some reliefe vnto the faithfull who had that yeare giuen them in mockery the Huguenots because of their night assemblies to muse deuise new subtilties and persecutions whereof we will God willing speake briefly in the years following but yet the Churches in that yeare prospered in all Prouinces with infinite witnesses of God his fauour towards his and of his iudgements vpon his enemies of all estates Some of the Religion were publikely executed in diuers places but for one which died there came a thousand to the doctrine of the Gospell In so much that it was incredible the great number of persons which this yeare and that following forsooke the Romane Religion to come vnto the Christian This yeare Scotland was troubled with a ciuill war by the practises of some which would needs commaund all ouer vnder the colour of maintaining the Romane Religion but they frustrated of their hope and the reformed religion began then to set foote in that kingdome by the fauour and assistance of Elizabeth Queene of England The Queene widowe of Iames the fift died in the moneth of Iune Martin Bucer and Paul Phagius whose bodies had bene buried and burned foure yeares before in England by the sollicitations of Cardinal Poole were established in their first honor and their memorie publikely celebrated the 30. of Iuly The 10. day of Aprill before died that very learned and modest person Phillip Melancton an excellent ornament of all Almaine after whose decease many wicked spirits troubled the Almain Churches which during his life they durst not haue enterprised Ioachim Camerarius a man very learned and his great friend hath described his life The moneth of Ianuary before tooke also from this world Iohn Alasco a Gentleman of Polonia one very affectionate to the aduancement of the kingdome of Chist whose memory is precious in all Churches About the end of the same yeare Emanuel Philebert Duke of Sauoy warred vpon them of the vale of Angrogne and their neighbours professing the doctrine of the Gospell which after assaying all meanes of peace to conserue it offering their Prince all that good subiects should do defended themselues though fewe in number so couragiously and were assisted of God that after many combats they were left in peace which at this present they enioy the fauour of Margarite of France Duchesse of Sauoy amongst other humane meanes seruing them greatly both then and afterwards In the same Countrey of Piemont were seene many prodigious wonders the like in France Austrich Pologne Almain At the begginning and vntill the end of this yeare 1561. the French Churches encreased openly shewed themselues Katherine de Medices Queene mother hauing all affaires in her hand was counselled by the Princes of the house of Bourbon by the Admirall and other great Lords of the Religion by meanes whereof the greatest of the Romane Religion entred into league with them and so made priuie preparation for great troubles and vexations after hapning In the moneth of Ianuary the Princes and great Lords being assembled at S. Germaine in Laye an Edict was made the seuenteenth of the said moneth which on the one side gaue some release and libertie vnto them of the Religion and on an other side curbed and brideled them After the Councell assigned on the ninth day of September following was a conference and disputation at Poissy betwixt the Doctors of the Romane and reformed Churches In that same moneth the Electors and Princes of Almaine being assembled at Neubourge in Turinge to take Councell for maintaining the confession of Ausbourge by them presented vnto the Emperour Charles the 5. Anno 1530. gaue audience about the beginning of February the Popes Embassadors which commaunded them to send their Embassadors vnto the Councel assigned at Trent to effect which they offred for the Pope their M. such safe conduct as was possible to desire The 7. of February the Electors and Princes made answer that they found it strange that the Pope being the cause of all the cōfusions then in the Church should go about to assemble a Councel to assigne it vnto them whom he had nothing to doo to command that they did not neither euer would acknowledge any soueraigntie to belong vnto the Romane seate yea they were assured that it appertained not vnto the Pope to conuocate or call a Councell And after they had shewed the orders and filthinesse of the Romane Church and that it were good to regard and looke vnto the meanes to procure a generall and free Councel they sent away their Embassadors and after they writ vnto the Emperour Ferdinand that they all with a commō aduise agreed vnto the confessiō of Ausbourge afterward they published in an Imprinted writing their causes of reculation against the Councell of Trent These Embassadors went into diuers other places to the same effect but they receiued no good answere o any King Prince or great Lord making profession of the Gospell but especially the Queene of England would not giue leaue to the Abbot Martinengue who was sent by the Pope vnto her to passe the sea to come into England The 5. day of March the Pope caused to bee strangled in the night time in the S. Angelo the Cardinall Charles Caraffe he beheaded also in an other prison the Counte of Palliane and certaine other Cardinalls the next day shewing all their bodies
tarry himselfe or to leaue some Gentlemen of good worth with a competent number of souldiers in the Country of Virginia there to begin an English Colonie After they had sailed a certain number of leagues on the sea by force and violence of fowle weather they were seperated one from the other so that S.R.G. being singled from his fleete all alone arriued in the Iland of Hispaniola in the West Indies about the midst of Iune following In the moneth of May the Prince of Parma recouered the Towne of Bruges which next to Gaunt is the chiefest Citie in all Flaunders all matters forepassed forgotten vpon condition they would restore the Catholicke Romane religion and become true leigemen to the king of Spaine They of Gaunt likewise all their Townes about them being taken by the Spaniards and all their passage for prouisiō stopped vp as also constrained through famine entered into counsell either of deliuering their towne or else of some reconciliatiō and the Prince of Parma offered them the same cōditions which they of Bruges had all which the Senators addicted to the Romane religion and the Citizens thought good to imbrace And Imbysa who being Consull sixe yeares before was the cause that their pacification was broken and the expelling of the Popes Agents necessitie thus constraining yeelded therevnto The Pope daily vrged by his Embassador the Emperour Rodolphe that his Calender might be receiued vsed throughout all Germanie But although the Emperour commaunded it to be kept and obserued in the kingdome of Bohemia Austria and other his hereditary possessions yet the Princes of Saxonie and others constantly refused so to do following the counsell of Augusta But the Bishoppes for the most part and amongst those Ernestus of Coloine Elector and the Bishop of Monasterie began to allow of it in their Diocesses The Senate of Augusta said that in allowing of this Calender they intended nothing against the quiet of Religion but for policie sake that they might exercise their vsuall marchandise with the subiects of those neighbour Princes and Bishops which had receiued it and that all manner of confusion in iudgements markets and other publike places in the Citie risen by the difference of the Calenders might be auoyded the which decree was obtained Which when it was published at Augusta the Ministers of the Gospel wrote to the Senators that they would obey the decree in all politicall affaires but in their Churches and celebration of their Feasts exercises of their religion they would by no meanes obey the Pope Therefore the 24. day of May they denounced to their auditorie the Feast of the Ascentiō of Christ the next day the 28. of May to be celebrated which the Bishops had finished one moneth before The Senate taking this in ill part caused the Superintendent to be carryed out of the Citie but the Citizens knowing thereof ran first vnarmed then with weapons and at the gate of the Citie tooke their Pastor out of the Cart but the tumult increasing the Ministers of the Gospell at the intreatie of the Senate disswaded the Citizens from sedition and appeased them When some should be chosen out of the Senate Patricians Marchants and the Commons which should determine this controuersie To these the D. of Wittenberge and the Senate of Vlme ioyned their Embassadors who the 4. day of Iune which according to the Gregorian Calender was the 14. doo so arbitrate the matter that al faults remitted they after that throghout the whole Citie should follow the new Calender which should be kept in policies and both the Churches of Religion Notwithstanding the peace and quietnesse of it should remain constant and firme And that it should be lawfull for the Ministers of the Gospell to protest vnto their Auditors that they had chaunged nothing nor would chaunge any thing in that doctrine which they had hitherto preached vnto them nor that they did obey the Pope but the Imperiall maiestie and politicall magistrates in obseruing keeping the new Calender with the rest in the Citie D. Chytraeus About the middle of Iune Syr I. Perrot Knight was sent ouer to be Lord Deputie in Ireland This Deputie by the aduise of the Councell of Ireland thought it best to bring the whole land into shyre grounds whereby the lawes of England might haue a thorough course and passage And what S. H. Sidney had done in fewe Countries that be performed in the whole realme and to euery new County he appointed assigned seuerall Sheriffes Hollen Vpon the K. of Frances deuise when he was K. of Poland Manet vltima caelo the Leaguers made this Distiche Qui dedit ante duas vnam abstulit altera nutat Tertia tonsoris nùnc facienda manu Ericus Duke of Brunswicke the sonne of Ericus who spent the better part of his life in Belgia Italie Spaine and gaue himselfe more to the Romish religion then the true doctrine of the Gospell imbraced of his Nobles and subiects in the fiftie sixe yeare of his age departed this life at Papia in Italie vpon whom this was written Papa tibi Papiaque fuit non patria cura Hinc procul a patria te tegit vrbs Papia Whom Iulius founder of the Vniuersitie of Iulia succeeded in the kingdome D. Chytraeus Iohannes Basilides the great Duke of Mochouia or Emperour of Russia who for 25 whole yeares had afflicted scourged Linouia with warre this yeare ended his tyrannie with his life Who after the manner of Russia is reported to haue bene verie godlie Beeing readie to die hee called his sonne Faedor so they call Theodore and the chiefe of his Nobilitie to him in whose presence with a godly exhortation he committed the whole Empire and ioyned to him foure of his wisest Counsellors who should haue care of him and the Empire whom hee perswaded that being warned by him they would abstaine from making warre and make peace with their neighbour Kings and Princes He commaunded also that for ten yeares space they should remit his subiects sore wasted and brought to pouertie by his waries all his tributes taxes and Subsidies that in this space they might recouer themselues and to all his Captaines he gaue free leaue either to stay or depart after this done he was shauen and betooke himselfe to a Monasticall life and so dyed Idem The same time that Amurathes ioyned the North part of Tauricus Cherronesus to the Turkish Prouinces all the Christian Churches at Constantinople of which I vnderstand there are about 30 in Monasteries and otherwise remaining had almost bene conuerted into denne● and holes of the religion of Mahomet by the earnest motion of the high Bishop of the Turkish Priests whom they call Mufti And when the Grecians Armenians and other Christian nations most humbly pleaded and alledged the priuiledges granted by Mahomet the second and other succeding Emperours to the Christians for a free exercise of their religion the answere was that they were tollerated
vnto whō Origenes his sonne being but of the age of eighteene yeares said O good father take heed that for vs you chaunge not your purpose This Origen after his fathers goods were confiscated for the Faith he nourished his mother and 6. brethren by being a Schoole maister Zephyrim a Romane the 14. Bishop of Rome ruled seuenteene yeares as Eusebius saith In the first Tome of Councells we finde two of his Decretall Epistles one vnto the Bishops of Cicilie the other to them of Egipt which represent vnto vs no other forme of gouernment then that we see described almost in all the Epistles attributed vnto the Bishoppes of Rome In the first hee makes mention of iudgements which ought to be constituted by 12. Iudges in causes of Patriarkes and Primates Not to admit indifferently all such as accuse Priests He sought to establish the Supremacie and that men should appeale vnto the Apostolicke seate of Rome And therefore he called himselfe Arch-bishop In the second hee establisheth certaine ceremonies in Priests orders to elect such as were wise and approued and in the presence of all Damasus attributed vnto him the decree to vse in the Eucharist Cuppes of Glasse or Tinne and not of wood Also to receiue the Eucharist once at the least in the yeare from the age of 12. and aboue It shall afterward be shewed what estimation men ought to make of those things and of the Epistles called Decretalls which are attributed vnto the Romane Bishops He excommunicated Natalius the Confessor for ioyning with Heretickes ouer whom he suffered himselfe to be made Bishop Zephyrim would not receiue him to his repentance vnlesse openly he shewed good tokens thereof Bassianus Antoninus surnamed Caracalla the 22. Emperour of Rome raigned sixe or seuen yeares after some Incestuous and cruell he tooke his mother in lawe to wife called Iulia and slew his brother Geta and his Vncle. Of his Cousin called Saeuis or Seua or Semyamira or Seulasyra he engendered Heliagabalus who was after Emperour He was slaine of the age of 43. yeares by the Ambush of Macrinus his successor as he discended from his horse and drew aside to make water Papinianus a Lawier was slaine by the Emperour because he allowed not the murder commited against his brother Geta. Macrin Optius the 23. Emperour borne at Marusia raigned a yeare and two monethes a man lasciuious shamelesse in words impudent sacralegious and bloudie hee was slaine with Diadumenus his sonne of the age of 50. yeares and more Heliogabalus called Varius Heliogabalus the 24. Emperour raigned foure yeares He was rather a Monster then a Prince as giuen to al vncleannesse filthinesse a contemner of all Religion except he reuerenced the Sunne whose high Priest hee had bene and therefore called himselfe Heliogabalus Hee died of a death worthy his life slaine by a military tumult with his mother and their bodies were drawne through the streets and after cast into Tiber. He raigned two yeares eight moneths and adopted Alexander Seuerus He builded a Citie called Oresta where he commaunded to sacrifice humane Hostes and reasonable creatures Calixtus or after Eusebius Calistus a Romaine the 15. Bishop of Rome ruled sixe or seuen yeares The Epistles attributed vnto him shewe the forme of his gouernment One vnto Benit the Bishop and the other vnto the Bishops of Gaul There is attributed vnto him an Edict common to all Bishops that no accusation should be receiued against Clarkes and commaunded that each one should take heed they made no conspiration against Bishops It is credible in the time wherein persecutions were continually kindled that such an Edict should be commaunded the faithfull which scant durst shewe themselues Item that none might communicate with such as were excommunicated And that marriages of Cousin-germaine should not bee admitted and if they were made to breake them In one of his Epistles there is an euill exposition that the wife of a Bishop is interpreted a Church or a Parish of which it is not lawfull during his life to dispose any thing without his will nor to enioy the company that is to say ordination of an other The first decretall instituteth the Fast of the foure times and seasons of the yeare Damasus saith that he ordeined a Fast of three times because of Corne Wine and Oyle And further That Calixtus made three times orders in December and ordeined sixteene Priests foure Deacons and eight Bishops in diuers places and finally that hee suffered Martirdome vnder Alexander the Emperour It is vncertaine whether it was this Calixt that made the ordinance for the single life of Priests For concerning this the two Decretalls attributed vnto him make no mention thereof neither is it found in the first volume of Councells Againe in the Councell of Nice there is nothing alleadged of the said ordinance yea and that more is there was made there a statute to the contrary at the exhortation of Pathuntius as shall be said after Alexander Seuerus the sonne of Mamea the 25. Emperour was excellent and vertuous he raigned 13. or 14. yeares a friend of the Christians his mother had beene instructed by Origen he was slaine with his mother of the age of 19. yeares by treason by Theeues which in the time of Heliogabalus hauing bene in honour had bene cast out from their dignities and offices He caused to be published this lawe to be inuiolably kept Doo to an other no other thing then thou wouldest should be done vnto thy selfe Porphirius of Cicile a Philosopher left the Faith and was an Apostate in despite of the Christians of whom he said hee had bene iniuried Vlpianus a Lawier in this time Vrban a Romane Bishop of Rome ruled eight or nine yeares Damasus saith he was of an holy life So that he drew certaine Gentlemen as Tiburcius and Valerian S. Cecile her husband to the Christian faith Some attribute vnto him a Decretall Epistle to all Bishops speaking of a common life such as was in the time of the Apostles but he speakes not as it was Some attributes vnto him Edicts to assure the Gods of the Church as they call them And he speakes a litle of the vowe of such as promise to possesse nothing of their owne He Instituted the confirmation after Baptisme by imposition of the Bishops hands to obtaine the holy Ghost and that they are made full Christians c. There is none but he may see herein not onely a Sacriledge but also an execrable blaspemie forged in the shop of this slauish Decretists Damasus attributeth vnto him the ordinance that the Communion Cuppes should be no more of Glasse but either of Siluer or at the least of Pewter Wherevpon Boniface Bishop of Magunce said In old time goldē Priests vsed wodden Chalices but now wodden Priests vse Golden Chalices That Confirmation ought to be with Creame That the foure times Fast ought to be obserued That Churches should haue lands
deliberation of the Churches affaires ought to take oathes and after he reciteth others He suffered Martyrdome after he had gouerned the Romane Church almost ten moneths as Eusebius witnesseth Lib. 7. cap. 32. Damasus and Platina say one yeare and a moneth Volareran 8. yeares Many things are recited of the conquests of Probus the Emperour which the Romane Historiographers describe Carus succeeded him the yeare of Christ 284. and associated his two sonnes in the Empire Numerian and Carinus He beganne new warre against the Persians which Probus had left imperfect He sent Carinus to the Gaules to maintaine them and led with him Numerian He recouered in that warre Mesopotamia and hauing wasted all the Region of the Parthians he got all the kingdome of the Persians See Vopiscus Carus strooken with lightning dyed suddenly Numerian was of great modestie giuen to study especially of Poesie His Father in lawe hauing laid ambushes slewe him as hee was in his Coach His brother Carinus a man giuen to all wickednes defiled himselfe with the bloud of the faithfull hauing the Empire alone These three then raigned not long For all their times endured not three whole yeares as Eutropius Victor and Latus recite The gouernment of those aforesaid Emperours brought some release to the Christians and so things happened fauourable vnto them Insomuch that some of them were aduanced to Offices and gouernment vntill the raigne of Dioclesian and shall be seene in his place Caius Bishop of Rome was of Dalmatia of the family of Dioclesian the Emperour after Damasus Eusebius saith he was ordained Bishop the same yeare that Eutichian was who with much adoo remained but ten moneths Bishop There is attributed vnto him a decretall Epistle wherein he speaketh but meanly of Christ the Mediator and of Iustification Hee after saith that to ascend vnto the dignitie of a Bishop men must goe by degrees and by Ecclesiasticall orders as first hee must be Portier then Lector c. Damasus witnesseth that he liued during the time of Dioclesian the Emperours persecutions from which he hid himselfe and dwelt vnder vaultes yet finally hee was drawne to death the 12. yeare of the said Dioclesian after he had gouerned the Church 15. yeares after Eusebius or eleuen and foure moneths after Damasus The Lord as hath beene said gaue some release to his Church vntill the kingdome of Dioclesian as Euseb Lib. 8. Cap. 1. Dioclesian Emperour borne at Dalmatia the second yeare of his kingdome associated to the Empire Maximiam Herculean in which yeare he brought vnder the Empire the Gaules which had bene occupied by the Rustikes which were called Bagaricles from thence he went into Affrike and vanquished the Gentians These two seeing the affaires of the Empire might be better decided by many named two Cesars to gouerne vnder thē namely Galerian and Constantinus who was Father vnto Constantine the great Euery of them were imployed in conquering that which was lost aboue all to recouer Egipt which Achillas had gotten And this was the yeare of Christ 298. The East also which Narsus had gotten They brought vnder the yoake fiue Prouinces beyond the floud Tigris which reuolted from the Romanes since Traians time Also Britaine which is now England ten yeares after her reuolt and after hauing chased away Garesius or Cranssius who had made himselfe King Euseb and Pomp. Laetus After that things were thus ordered in the place to acknowledge this good of the Lorde Dioclesian caused himselfe to bee worshipped as GOD. Laetus in his Abridgement of Romaine Histories saith Whereas the first Emperours contented themselues to be called Consuls and to be saluted of the people by that name this man was the first that wold be adored naming himselfe brother of the Sunne and of the Moone Before Emperours gaue to kisse their hands to Nobles and their knees to the common people But Dioclesian made an Edict that all men without difference of whatsoeuer race should kisse his feete vpon which also he placed certaine markes of adoration and had his shooes garnished with gold and pretious stones which also Caligula had done as is said The Popes and Antichrists of Rome haue bent Imitators hereof and haue well held this ordinance of Dioclesian to conserue their dignitie The tenth persecution raised against the Christians endured tenne yeares in the West Countries This was the greatest and cruellest persecution of all For in lesse then thirtie dayes through diuers Prouinces were martyred about 18. or 20. thousand persons as well men as women Marcelline borne at Rome succeeded Caius in the gouernment of the Romane Church his Father was called Proiectus During this persecution hee was very greeuously pressed by the Tormentors vnder Dioclesian and Maximian Emperours wherein being taken with feare of torments and punishments he offered a graine of Incence in the honour of Idols but afterward he acknowledged his fault in a full Synode assembled at Sinnesse did penance and after came euen to reprooue Dioclesian and voluntarily presented himselfe to death Hee was martyred with Claudius Cyrinus and Antonius after he had gouerned the Romane Church nine yeares after Damisen eight after Marianus and foure after Vrsperge This was the yeare of Christ 303. There are attributed vnto Marcelline as to others two decretall Epistles The first written to a Bishop called Salomon And the other vnto the Westerne Bishops Dioclesian was of opinion that there was no meane more meere to pacifie the world and to bring the Romane Empire into the face and brightnesse of his auncient maiestie thē to abolish all new religions His determination then was to begin to take away from the middest of the people the dissimilitude of the Christian Religion and many Sophisters and Philosophers drew him on herevnto As for the faithfull Euseb in his 8. Booke Chap. 1. saith that the too great peace and libertie of the Church made them degenerate and brought debates and questions about words so that at last they came to flames and there could not be found a more singular meane to extinguish and bring it to nothing then this persecution Dioclesian might haue bene numbred amongst the Princes worthy of praise if he had not contaminated and obscured the vertues he had with the Christians bloud he shead His companion in the Empire was Maximian Herculeus a man meete to exercise all cruelties The chiefe seate of the Easterne Emperours was then at Nichomedia in Bithinia wherein the Imperiall Pallace was consumed by fire This being imputed to the Christians he sent commaundements all ouer to persecute them yea to burne the bookes of holy scripture to take from the place of Magistracy with ignominy all them that were Christians Dioclesian persecuted the East and Maximian the West Crueltie was sharpe in Syria and it began at the Bishops See Euseb lib 8 cap. 6. This fury spread into Mesopotamia Cilicia Pontus Phrigia Armenia Egipt yea euen to the Iles of Lesbos as
the Metropolitans dignitie That the Cathares heretikes called Nouatians if they would repent themselues come again to the Church confesse the faith according to the beliefe of the church should be receiued into the order thereof And if their Bishop come with ours let thē sit with our Priests And let the name of a Bishop remaine only to thē which haue alwaies held the catholike faith to no others That in one Citie there be but one Bishop That if any of them which indiscreetly haue bene ordained Bishops being accused of crime do confesse it or be by others conuicted let them be deposed and likewise such as haue erred in the faith and by errour haue bin promoted if after they be knowne That such as in time of persecution haue receiued the faith and with a good hart repent themselues do 5. yeares make their penance with the Catechumenes that is to say such as learn the faith to cōmunicate with thē in praiers only after which terme they may be receiued to y e Sacraments of y e Church That such as for the Faith haue renounced the Campe and after returne thither againe doo there penance 13. yeare and after to be receiued to the Sacraments if a true repentance might be seene in them And notwithstanding that it should be in the faculty power of the Bishop to abridge the terme if he see their penance to be fruitfull and hartie That if that foresaid penitents come to peril of death before their penance be ended that then the Sacraments should be administred vnto them yet if they escaped they should be bound to ende their penance That the Catechumenes which had likewise erred should be three yeares seperated from others and do their penance apart and after be receiued with them That no Bishop nor Clarke presume to clime vp from a little Church to a greater That the Clarke which shall leaue his Church without lawfull cause going vagarant and running heere and there be not receiued to other Churches to the Communion That no Bishop ordaine any who is not of his owne Dioces without leaue of his Diocesan That none take any vsury nor gaine or aduantage vpon Wine or Corne as customably men do giuing new for old or taking the sixt part of the gaine or the tenth halfe and if hee doo it let him be driuen away as one that taketh vnlawfull gaine That Deacons be not preferred before Priests nor sit in their ranke nor in their presence do distribute the Sacraments but only minister vnto them and assist whē they do distribute but when there are no Priests there in that case they may depart them That the Diaconesses because they are not consecrated be accounted amongst Laie-people There were many Canons made and discerned in that Councell and formes of confessions of Faith touching the diuine essence really distinguished truly and eternally into three persons the Father the sonne and the holy Ghost which are one onely God alone eternall infinite and all perfect in himselfe Which persons are coessentiall and coeternall without confusion of properties and relation and without any inequalitie c. But heere it should be too long to recite the said confessions which many good Bishops presented in this Councel And for the most part they are found in the bookes they haue left vnto their posteritie The Fathers then vnited in the true doctrine touching the person of the sonne of God concluded this Article as is aboue said The Emperour Constantine also gaue out a decree and ordinance thereof And euen as Porphirius an enemie to Christian religion in times past receiued the salarie and reward of confusion for his impietie So Arrius and his complices true Porphirians were to all an horrour and abhomination He added further and denounced the paine of death to all such as hid the writings of Arrius without discrying them and burning them in the fire As for the other occasion and cause for which this Sinode was assembled namely touching the celebration of Easter the Emperour being grieued that the inequalitie of the obseruation thereof troubled so many Churches proposed to the Fathers that the decision thereof was made that all men should celebrate it on one same day It seemed vnto him vnfit that so sacred a feast as that should be celebrated after the immitation of the Iewish nation the enemies of Iesus Christ So hauing made these remōstrāces vnto the Councell he asked of Acesius Bishop what he thought thereof but Acesius durst not say cōtrary to him This question then was decided after they had ordained of things Ecclesiasticall and it was agreed therevpon that the celebration of Easter should be obserued on one same day throughout all the world The difference also which was betwixt Miletius Bishop of Licia a Towne in Thebaide and Peter Bishop of Alexandria was agreed Epipha saith Lib. 2. Tom. 2. Heres 68. that the aforesaide Peter helde that they which in time of persecution were fallen into renouncement returning to the Church and confessing their fault if they demaunded pardon that they ought not to be suspended from the communion Miletius maintained that we may not receiue them vntil the persecutiō cease least others by too great facilitie of pardoning offenders should be offended or elfe thereby might be prouoked or induced to fall into like infirmitie Socrates saith that for many other causes Meletius had bin deposed by Peter of Alexandria and that for this ignominy he alwaies after bare euill will vnto Peter and his successors Achilles and Alexander which Theodorus also reciteth Lib. 1. Chap. 8. This is briefly that which may be said in this history of the Councell of Nice which although it was as a thunder-bolt to confound that wicked Arrian heresie yet was it not so destroyed but after it lifted vp the head againe And that more is it was neuer more pernitious to all the Church thē after the death of Constantine when especially it had gotten for the defence some of the Emperours which lifted vp her head notwithstanding that which Athanasius in his Epistle to Epictetus Bishop of Corinth saith is true The faith which the Fathers haue expounded by the holy scripture in that Sinode is sufficient to confound all impietie c. Eusebius in his chap. 27. lib. 3. reciteth that the machinations ambushes laid by the sectaries of Arrius and Eusebius against Athanasius gaue occasion to the Emperor to conuocate in his time many Councells and assemblies of Sinodes There was a Priest who got fauour of Constantia widow of the Tyrant Licinius and the sister of Constantine whom this Priest made beleeue that great wrong was done vnto Arrius at the Councell of Nice and that his faith was not repugnant from that of the said Councell A litle after the said Constantia taken with a mortall disease sent for her brother Constantine and gaue witnesse of the innocencie of Arrius whereby this Priest hauing gotten accesse to the Emperour by
but really Iulian was instituted in his youth in pietie vnder Eusebius Bishop of Nicomedia as Laetus saith but after he had tasted the Schooles of Philosophie and Rhethoricke vnder Libanius the Sophister and Maximus the Philosopher whom Valentinien the Emperour after caused to be executed for exercising Magicall Artes all that godlinesse which he had learned was chaunged into Ethnike superstition yea Eutropius saith that Iulian in his youth was a Reader in the Church of Nicomedia Moreouer he was a man learned in humane Letters and exercised in deeds of warre ambitious and cruell which he shewed hauing bin cause of the death of his brother Gallus Ierome in the Epistle to Nepotian saith that Iulian denied Iesus Christ in France Beeing then altogether revolted from Religion hee was surnamed the Apostate Hee first forbad Christians to keepe no schooles of humane Letters nor bookes of Philosophie or Poesie For he had often this word in his mouth These Galleleans so called he Christians will make warre vpon vs with our owne writings if they be once armed He liked better to proceed against Christians by long torments and insupportable griefes then by great effusion of bloud For he knew well inough that the former persecutions were the cause of the multiplication and glory of Christians Socrat. lib. 3. chap. 13. Theodoret. lib. 3. chap. 8. The chief persecution that he could deuise was to doo the same in the Temples of Painims that the Christians did in their Churches at their ordinary assemblies in Churches Lectors prayers releeuing of poore hospitalls and such like things which he opposed in the name of Painim Gods Valentinian entring one day into the Temple of Fortune with Iulian being angry at the casting of certain holy water vpon him saying that it rather defiled then clensed him strooke him that cast it But Iulian would haue constrained him to sacrifice vnto the Idolls but he chose rather to forsake all then to commit such a villanie Iulian then banished him the Court alleadging this for a shewe that he had negligently gouerned his souldiers For Iulian the most that he could dissembled that the crueltie he exercised was for the Christian Religion He tooke from Christian Churches all their goods Immunities honours and the prouision of reuenewes which Constantine had assigned thē He destroyed their churches tooke away their treasures and vessels and caused the Temples of the Painims to be repaired he suffred not them to dwell in townes but banished them vnto the extreame and outward parts of the Empire and gaue licence to vse vnto them all contumelies and shames Wherfore in Ascolon and Gaza townes in Palestine great outrages were done vnto them For Christians there were beaten euen to death They of Gaza stoned many of the faithfull opened women and filled their bellies with barley then made them be eaten with swine Theoret li. 3. cha 7. The sacred virgins were exposed naked and after they had shewed vnto them all kinds of reproaches they were cut in peeces and then cast to beasts In some places the Christians were laid aliue sacrificed vpon the Aultars of the Painims It is recited by Nicephorus li. 10. chap. 13. And when the Christians by their embassadors would haue shewed these iniuries vnto Iulian to take order therefore they had no audience allowed And if at any time he made a countenance that he would chastise them that did such outrages by countenance again he rather incited then repressed them Sozom lib. 5. chap. 15. Yea he fell into such impietie and malice to vexe the Christians that the fountaines in Antioche by his commaundements were dedicated vnto Idols in sacrifices and oblations thinking thereby to pollute the Christians and to make them to bee partakers of such abhominations whensoeuer they vsed these fountaine waters yea the flesh that came to the Butchers stall bread fruites and other such like things which were necessary for life hee made them bee sacrificed to Idolls by the Priests The Christians with great sorrowe were constrained to see a detestable and abhominable prophanation yea and to vse these fountaines and viands thus infected and polluted beeing instructed by the doctrine of S. Paul to take with a good conscience whatsoeuer came to the Butchery and that which is necessarie to the common life These were two excellent Captaines Inuentius and Maximianus who at a certaine banquet deploring this prophanation of the goods of God applyed the complaint of the captiue children in Babilon to the time of Iulian. Lord thou hast deliuered vs vnto a wicked King and wee are made slaues vpon the earth c. Which thing beeing reuealed vnto the Emperour he made them come before him They there declared their iust complaint more at large then before seeing they had the meane giuen them to speake vnto him The Emperour condemned them to grieuous torments not as Christians but as iniurious and offering opprobry and shame to his Maiestie for he greatly enuied that word and honor of Martyr And this enuy made him assay all means to torment them before hee would come to execute them by iudgement Iulian burnt with desire to goe against the Persians who had cruelly afflicted the East and affected the name of Partrike But before he enterprised that Act which was his last he promised his Gods that at his returne from this expedition he would yet commit more greeuous things against the Christians then before Ruffin Lib. 1. Chap. 36. Doret Lib. 3. Chap. 21. Of this euill will he shewed sufficient witnesse for in the middest and as it were in the heate of this Persian warre hee tooke leisure to vomit out seuen bookes against Iesus Christ although before he contented himself to write against Christians as Eutropius saith And indeed being in this expedition he prepared a Skaffolde in the Towne of Ierusalem at his returne to place there the Bishops Monkes and the faithfull of these places and to expose them vnto beasts Basile and other good Doctors did all their duties to goe hither and thither to comfort exhort Christians both publikely and particularly nor did meddle nor pollute thēselues with the abhominatiōs of the Gentiles but to detest them yea the gifts and honours which the Emperour proposed to such as renounced Christianitie Here we must not forget the Prophetike answere which a Schoolemaister in Antioche made to Libanius a Sophister when Iulian went against the Persians Libanius demaunded of him mocking Christ What thinkest thou doth the Carpenters sonne at this time The Schoolemaister answered O Sophister the Creator of al things whom thou calledst the Carpenters son makes a coffin to enclose Iulian. Soone after newes came that Iulia was slaine But behold what was the end of this cursed Apostate Iulian After he had passed the Sea Bosphore he wintered in Antioche As soone as the Spring came passing by Hierapolis hee went into Mesopotamia and after he had passed the floud hee fought against the
same ceremonies which were at the burial of bodies were also in this age obserued in the translation and eleuation of holy bodies The Priests of Apollo heretofore made that Apostate Emperor Iulian as he sacrificed in Antioche nie the fountaine Daphne beleeue that the sepulchre of Babyla Martyr nigh vnto the said place was the cause that Apollo gaue no answere Iulian then cōmaunded the Christians which he called Gallileans to take away the said sepulchre then all the Church came thither young and olde virgins and mothers and with great ioy drew out and conducted the Coffer of the bones of Babila singing as high as they could Ruff. lib. 1. chap. 35. And Toch lib. 3. cap. 18. Ambrose in his 85. Epistle to his sister sheweth how this manner of taking vp and translating of the Martyrs bodies was obserued in the west Churches The Reliques saith he of a Saint beeing found either aduisedly or by chance first they are shewed the people and declared it is by some of what Martyr those reliques are after hauing laid them in order they are carried into some Temple and there vigils watches are made all night then the next day a Sermon is made of the life of that Martir See what Ambrose saith who also witnesseth if we must giue faith vnto him that miracles were done there Behold how a new deuotion transporteth not onely the common people but also the Pastors and Bishops The doings of many Painims of this time As for the Gentiles of this time and their superstitions we will heere touch one word as we passe by Certaine it is that Idolatry drew after it all kinde of wickednesse From the Gods they haue drawne out all that infection of Iupiter adulterers rauishments and stuprations of children of Venus the art of whoordome of Rhea all filthinesse of Mars murders and so of the other bodies It is then no maruell if their manner of dooings bee so straunge In Phenicia women were prostituted before Idolls Athanasius reciteth it the women before marriage being deliuered of proofe to their husbands Sozo li. 1. chap. 8. They also accustomed to chastice adultry with an other whoordome and publike constupration Socrat. lib. 5. chap. 18. The Indians had many wiues Hierom. lib. 1. contra Iouinianum The schooles of Magitians had certaine prayers for the dead whervnto they attributed so great efficacy that the powers of the ayre by them appeased let soules flye so into Heauen Arnobius Lib. 2. From hence hath Antichrist drawne the hunting of his indulgences to set vp his seate and inrich it Some Grecians on the dayes they call Pandemi that is to say Populary carried viands and wine to the Sepulchres of their dead They burnt the meate and presented the wine calling the dead by their names Rise vp cried they and eate and drinke and be merry Epipha in Ancorato And what other thing is this then the offertorie of the Masse for the quicke and the dead Many Nations had no marriage nor lawfull coniunction but rather brutall and common And what is that single life which Antichrist would bring in but a burning fire breaking into all abhominable whoordomes In those dayes men superstitiously obserued the dayes of the Moone and enterprised nothing the first day thereof Ambrose Lib. 10. Epist 83. When there was a question to know who should raigne after Valens Ianulicus and Libanius Sophisters and true supporters of Sathan writ in dust the 24. letters of the Greeke Alphabet and laid vpon euery one of them a graine of wheate and barley After they caused a Cocke to come and after the recitall of certaine charmes they let him goe to know by the Letters whereon he tooke the graines the name of the successor The Cocke tooke the graines vpon the Letters 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Emperour Valens after hee knew this made many to be slaine whose names began with these Letters Zonaras reciteth it They vsed violence against Christians with calumniations and slaunders The first defence of their superstition was that it had bene of long time and that their Elders had alwaies maintained it Arnol. lib. 8. against the Gentiles and so did Simmachus argue against Prudentius The second that it had alwaies bene profitable to the Romane Common-wealth and that thereby the Empire of the world had bene conquered and therefore it worshipped all the Gods which were adored in the world yea the vnknowne Gods Arnob. Lib. 8. And so argueth Maximinus in Eusebi Lib. 9. Chap. 7. The third was of the discommodities that came by leauing the Religion of the Idolls Maximinus the tyrant in his Edicts impureth all publike calamities to the chaunging of sacrifices Euseb Lib. 9. Chap. 7. 1. And contrary they calumniated the Christian Religion that it was new and that their predecessors were ignorant thereof Sozom. Lib. 1. Chap. 18. 2. That the Authors thereof were seditious and desperate persons Arnob. lib. 1. 3. That the Christians were but heapes of poore Idiots and women that vsed to slie the light and onely loued night assemblies 4. That by secret and hidde markes they loued before they knew one an other and that to couer their whoordomes they commonly called one an other brothers and sisters 5. That they are without Aultars without Temples and without Sepulchres In the said booke 8. The Papists at this day which shame not to change the truth with the same slaunders what other thing doo they else but either borrow or renew the olde Ethnikes arguments The Ethnickes also say of the Christian doctrine that which our mockers and Epicures say at this day that it is contrary to all reason For to say that God seeth and makes enquirie not onty of out affaires but also of our most secret cogitations and that he is present euery where this is not onely impertinent and euill becomming God but also it is to grieue and trouble him and to say he is curious and without rest The same Author That to say God loueth not them who willingly come vnto him but his Elect onely This say they is to doo iniurie to God and to accuse him of iniustice That Christians agree not in their doctrine This same did the Philosophers obiect in the Councell of Nice against the Fathers That the scripture is full of contradiction and therefore vncertaine Porphirius and Iulian the Apostate vsed this slaunder Socrat. 3. chap. 23. That all sorts of calamities came vpon them and that God punished them because they beleeued that man is God and after he was crucified to say hee liueth and raigneth Arnob. Lib. 1. Many Princes and Magistrates of this time opposed themselues against these Ethnike impieties And after Constantine the great and his sonne Iouinian caused to shut the Idoll Temples which Iulian had set open and forbad sacrifices Socrat. lib. 3. chap. 24. Valentinian in Europe tooke away the seruice of Idolls Theodoret. lib. 5. cap. 20. He forbad that none should
thing worthy of remembrance the great constancie of a woman called Denise and the exhortation she made to her sonne called Maioricus Remember said she my sonne that we were baptised in the name of the Trinitie wherefore let vs not loose the garments of our saluation Also an other called Victoria who neither by the solicitation of her husband nor the teares of her children could be perswaded c. Naucler Epiphanius Bishop of Pauie a very graue man brought into peace and concord the people of Liguria and brought from Burgonie many Captiues as well by his Siluer as his holie life whereby he entreated the redemption of 6000. Captiues Paul Diaconus and Naucler after him Seuerin an Abbot in Noric was now of great renowne Odoacer King of the Gothes as he passed by Noric into Italie went vnto him for his blessing Odoacer occupied Italie and was made King thereof and the Gothes raigned there by the space of 70. yeares The West Empire takes here an end after Augustulus had deposed himselfe the yeare of Christ 472. Sidonius Bishop of Auuerne a famous Poet in this time Clouis the fift King of France and the first Christian King raigned 30 yeares That is fifteene a Painim and fifteene a Christian Hee reuenged himselfe of them which cast out his Father Childerike out of his kingdome Going to Soisons hee tooke it by force and draue away Siagre the sonne of Giles the Romaine who occupied the kingdome against Childeric as hath bene said And at his returne tooke Melum and chased away the Romanes He amplified the kingdome of France hauing subiected to it all the Cities and Townes which the Romanes held betwixt the Riuers Rhene and Seine also all such as were betwixt Seine and Loire The histories of France say that in a certaine battel against the Almaines being at a strait he remembred the admonitions which Clotilde his wife had often giuen him to imbrace the Christian faith and religion In such sort that being pressed he lifted vp his eies to heauen and said Lord God deliuer me from this perill wherein I am thus enuironed with mine enemies and I will beleeue in thy name I all my people It came to passe not only that he was deliuered from perill but also that he had victorie vpon his enemies wherefore he was baptized by Remy Bishop of Rhemes his two sisters and more then 3000. of the noblest of his people besides women and children The inuention and fable of the holy Ampoule as they call it wherwith the kings of France are annointed is reported of this time Clouis for recompence gaue to the Church of Rhemes many great gifts lands signories and rents S. Remy afterward had great authoritie and was principall Councellour of king Clouis Some say he builded the Church of Laon and that hauing erected it a Bishops place gaue vnto it the land of Laon. Patricius the brother of S. Remy Earle of Soissons was after Bishop of Soissons and also gaue to the said Church the Earledome which the Bishop there holds at this day For you must vnderstand that S. Remy and his brother were children of the Duke of Laon and of Soissons of a noble and auncient race The Annales of France make mention that Alaric King of Visigots then occupied a great part of Gaul namely all the country along the Riuer of Loire from Orleans euen to mount Pirenes which do seperate France and Spaine Item the countries of Berry Auuerne Limosin Quercy Perignex Angolmois Agenois Languedoc Prouence and other nigh places against which Clouis willing to make warre as he passed nie Tours he sent to make his offerings to S. Martin to haue his succours against the said Visegoths and that after the victory he himselfe came to Tours and offered great gifts to the Temple of S. Martin If this be so for a first Christian king he was partly instructed in the Christian faith and felt yet his Paganisme because in the place of his old Gods he reclaimed called now vpon Saints The fault may be imputed to the Bishops Pastors which then were more superstitious then religious and more foolishly deuout then well and diuinely instructed in the word of God As S. Brice Patrice Fourcy Medard Gildard Vaast Remy Severin Germanie Loupe Nicaisius Aguien and other Saints of like branne were canonized after their deaths Vnder Zenon there happened such a fire in Constantinople that the greatest part of the Towne was brought into ashes and more then sixe score thousand volumes were lost and consumed Clouis had in marriage Clotilde the daughter of Chilperic King of Burgonie who was slaine by his owne brother called Gondobaldus and his wife mother of the said Clotilde was drowned Felix the third of that name borne at Rome gouerned the Church of Rome 8. or 9. yeares his Father was a Priest called Felix The consecrations of Temples and their dedications yearly are attributed vnto him Germain Bishop of Capua in this time Vaast Bishop of Arras Vedastus in Latin Fulgence Bishop of Rupe in Affrike Auitus Bishop Vienne Solemus Bishop of Chartres preached Christ and Fourcy that came new from Ireland The Councell of Orleans the third at this time after Iohn le Maire In the first Melanius was President In the saide Councell which was vnder Clouis it was agreed that the goods of the Cleargie should be imployed for the mainteining of Priests for the reliefe of the poore for the deliuerance of prisoners and for the repairing of Churches In the Councell of Tarrascon in Spaine Church-men were enioyned not to buye good cheape with intent to sell the same thing dearer for then they should be deposed Meane cares occupied the assemblies of Bishoppes Anastatius the Emperour called Dicorus for the chaunge of colours which appeared in his eye-browes succeeded Zeno and raigned 27. yeares he commaunded straightly to worship a quaternitie that is to say foure persons in the Diuinitie which pernitious heresie was by him maintained Gelatius of Affricke gouerned the Romaine Church fiue yeares his Father was a Bishop named Valericus Naucler The distinction of Autentike and Apocrypha bookes of the scripture are attributed vnto him Hee declared many bookes Apocryphaes as the booke called the Assumption of the Virgine Mary Item the Canons of the Apostles such like In the 1 volume of the Councels The Manicheans againe are condemned and exiled and their bookes burnt He shewed how Anastatius the Emperor might be excommunicated Hee is numbred amongst them which chiefly ordained the Canon Te igitur clementissime c. Some attribute to him the ordinance of Bigamies that is of such as haue bin twise married that they should not be promoted to orders vnles it were by ordinance of the Apostolike sea That orders should be made foure times a yeare and on the Saterday only He made Hymnes Collects Responds Graduels Prefaces of the Masse and brought all into order He
it was ordained in the 2. Chapter that in Churches the Apostles Creed should be recited euery Sunday with an high voyce that the people might be better disposed to the Cōmunion after they had made a confession of their faith The Visegothes conuerted to the Catholique faith left the Arrian heresie by the means of their king Recaredus or Richandus and Leander Bishop of Siuile The confession of their faith was sent to the said Councell of Toledo The Councell of Mascon first and second wherein the oblations and offerings of bread and wine are commaunded for remission of sinnes This ordinance is wholly against the word of God and the merite of Iesus Christ by whom alone comes remission of sinnes And this is the beginning of the establishment of merites Great abundance of waters were in Italie and principally at Rome wherewith many were drowned and of the corruption of the dead bodies came a great pestilence Pelagius died of the plague at Rome Pretextatus Bishop of Rouan was called from exile Fredegonde was slaine in the Church on Easter day at the sollicitation of whom this Bishop was exiled Gregorie Pope first of that name a Romane ruled at Rome 14. yeares or after some 13. yeares tenne moneths and sixe dayes This man was called one of the foure Doctors of the Church with S. Augustine S. Hierome and S. Ambrose His Father was a Senator of Rome and of the estate of Seneshall or Captaine The said Gregorie was a Monke after a Deacon and finally the Romane Bishop In this time the Emperors cōfirmed the election of Popes and Churches There arose in this time a great contention for the premacie of the Church For Iohn Bishop of Constantinople was in a full Sinode of the Grecians published and declared the vniuersall Patriarke and the Emperour Maurice commaunded the said Gregorie to obey that Patriarke of Constantinople But Gregorie could not endure that any Bishoppe should be vniuersall ouer all others whervpon it came that he called himselfe Seruant of the Seruants of God See Gregorie in the 32. Epistle to Maurice and 38. to Iohn Patriarke See Iohn Caluin in the Institution of Christian Religion Note here Reader that after the persecutions before Siluester and the heresies before Gregorie now the Church lifteth it self vp by ambition of preheminence which engendred such a combat betwixt the East Church and the West that since that time that schisme is not yet ended The Emperour Maurice was sharply reprehended by Gregorie for that he constrained Ecclesiastical persons to go to the warres the which Gregorie resisted greatly Gregorie sent into England after Naucler or Ireland certaine great persons to preach the Faith and amongst others one called Augustine and Melitus and other Monkes Instituted in the rule of S. Benet to plant that order there and their labour prooued so well that from thence came great troupes of Monkes into France and Almaine Of the number of these Irish Monkes was Colomban and his Disciple Gallus who after preached in diuers places of Almaine and finally hee retyred into a sollitarie place which at this day is called S. Gaul in Suisse Great libertie and immunitie was graunted vnto Blacke Monkes by the Pope Gregorie at the Councell of Lateran by the consent of the assembly In this time raigned Seuerus Bishop of Marseil who caused the Images of Saints and of Christ to be broken seeing the people worshipped them Gregorie reprehended him for breaking them but praised him that hee forbad the worshipping of them See the Register or the booke of his Epistle the 10. part Epistle 4. And Pollidorus Virgil. lib. 6. chap. 13. The building of the Masse The greatest part of the ceremonies thereof came from this Gregorie For he brought the office of the Church as they call it into a forme So that at this day it is called the Gregorian Office He brought all the Masse into certaine lawes and almost such as it is at this day And therefore many say he was the Authour thereof And although he constrained none to follow the Romane forme as hee testifieth to Augustine Bishop of Canterbury yet all Churches followed the manner to celebrate their Masses after the Romane Church the English men by the said Augustine the Spaniards France and after Almaine by Boniface Bishop of Magunce who was of great renowne He made the Antiphones and Introite of the Masse of some verse of the Psalmes Item the Kyrieleison should be sung nine times the Alleluia in the end of the Offertorie of the Communion At the beginnig of the Canonicall houres Deus in adiutorium and in the end of euery Psalme Gloria patri filio c. Item that the Pater Noster should be sung with an hie voyce ouer the consecrate hoste He added to the Canon of the Masse Diesque nostros in tua pace disponas c. And made the Supper with his people in the language of his Country which was Latin common and intelligible to all as he witnesseth in the preface vpon Ezechiel In the Register of his Epistles in the 8. part and 7. Epistle he saith the Canon that is to say the prayer which the Priest saith in secret ouer the Eucharist was made by one called Scolasticus This word Masse was inuented in his time although as aboue the Supper of our Lord be called Messe of the writers who called it with a common name of their time as is said But you must heere note that so oft and wheresoeuer the Church was assembled the Bishops preached to the people and principally at Masse And this custome endured yet in Gregories time but after it was omitted by ignorant Bishops a multitude of ceremonies were brought in in the place of preaching Henry Bullinger He instituted it Rome the great Letanies on S. Markes day against the pestilence which was then with the Procession of order The first conteined all the Cleargie The 2. the Abbots and Monkes The 3. the Nunnes The 4. the Children The 5. Laie-men The 6. Widowes The 7. married women And caused there to be carried the Image of the virgin Marie The people died neezing whereof comes yet at this day that when one neezeth they say God blesse you He instituted a great part of the stations at Rome chiefly such as are made to S. Peter He ordeined for the great multitude of people which resorted to Rome to the said stations and patrons certaine Priests to keepe the Sepulchres of the Apostles and called Chamberlaines which afterward were deputed to keep the Popes Chamber And Leo the tenth made a Colledge of them Briefly this Pope Gregorie vpon deuotion which was not according to knowledge brought into the church a great masse of superstition which by little and little suffocated and choked the true Religion which remained In his time in a certaine Sinode of twentie foure Bishops assembled at Rome the foure generall Councells were approued to be
nothing and he should be in suretie but hee would not returne Wherefore he caused a Councell to be held wherein the Pope was condemned and deposed for his euill life And there was substituted in his place Leo a Romane 8 of that name but soone after the Emperours departure the seditious and inconstant Romanes droue away Leo and recalled the aforesaid Iohn receiuing him in great pompe Leo got him to the Emperour who fearing to molest the Church with a greater schisme permitted the said Iohn to hold his seate But finally beeing surprised in adulterie hee was slaine by the womans husband Robert Barns Chron. Sigeb Nauclerus and Iohn Maire Conferre good Reader these Popes with the first and see the difference The yeare of Christ 958. there hapned at Venice a memorable thing The Duke of Venice Peter of Candie was besieged in his Ducall Pallace and the Venetians angrie against him set fire on the Pallace in so much that not onely the Pallace burnt but also the Church of S. Marke nigh vnto it and more then three hundreth houses about it And as the Duke thus pressed retired into a secret place of the Pallace which was not yet touched with fire the people altogether enraged hauing found him holding yet his onely sonne a young Infant betwixt his armes and requiring vpon both his knees and in great pittie the mercie of the people they were not content most cruelly to murther him with his innocent sonne and wife but after their deathes the bodies of the father and sonne were carried vnto the butcherie and hewen in peeces and after cast vnto dogges Iohn le Maire and Sup. Chron. The cause of this massacre was because he had constrained his first wife to make her selfe a Nunne to the ende hee might with colour espouse the sister of Hugo Marquis of Hetruria of whom he had alreadie had one sonne Wherefore hauing married her the Allies and kinsfolkes of his said wife stirred the people vnto sedition and so they perished vnhappily Supp Chron. About this time flourished Windichinne a Monke of Corney in Saxonie Smaragdus Abbot of S. Michael of the order of S. Benet wrote the booke called Diadema monachorum a right Monkish booke Item vpon the rule of S. Benet and vpon the Psalter another two vpon the Euangelists and Epistles Item one of diuers Sermons Trit Abb. Spauher Benet Pope fift of that name a Romane ruled after Nauclerus 6. monethes and 5. dayes or 2. moneths and 5. dayes after Supp Chron. hee was chosen by the Romanes against the Emperours will after Iohn was slaine in adulterie The Emperour vnderstanding these newes returned to Rome besieged the Towne and so afflicted it that they were cōstrained to present Benet vnto him at his pleasure The Emperour restored Leo to the seate and Benet was depriued not onely of the papall dignitie but disgraced also of his Sacerdotall and after banished and sent into Almaine where hee died in the Towne of Mamburge others say he was put in prison and there strangled Leo then eight of that name a Romane was restored into the Popedome and raigned a yeare and foure moneths This Pope minding to shunne the fury of the Romanes which proceeded to the Popes election by corruptions menaces and subtill deuices ordained in a full Sinode that none should be made Pope without the consent of the Emperour vnto whom aboue belonged the right of election from Charlemaine and others Naucler and 63. dist cap. in Sinodo He restored also to Otho all the donations made to the Romane Church And this was it which they say Constantine Iustinian Pippin Charlemaigne Lewis le Debonaire and Arit part had giuen to the Church All this he reuoked and accorded to Otho the first of that name and to his successors to the end to keepe Italie from oppressors R. Barns The Abbey of S. Quintin in Vermandois was in this time founded Chron. Sigeb Richard Duke of Normandie founded and restored many Churches and Abbeys amongst others the Abbey of Fesanan of S. Ouan at Roan and the Abbey of S. Michael nigh the Sea An Aduertisement Note heere Christian by the passed and subsequent Histories how in this time Christian Religion was so annihilated that it was altogether set to gather dead bones to build Churches and Monasteries to reare vp and transport dead bodyes to honour reliques to dreame miracles to make themselues Monkes and Nunnes to dedicate and consecrate Churches to compose Hymnes and praises of Saints to sing and pray for the dead and such like ceremonies About this time also began the fourth pestilence of the Church that is to say the Schoole Diuinitie mingled with Aristotles Philosophie which after engendred Transubstantiation and other new doctrines by the Questionaries as thou shalt vnderstand by this discourse Iohn Pope 14. of that name an Italian a Bishops sonne called Iohn gouerned Rome sixe yeares eleuen monethes and tenne dayes Supp Chron. Hee beeing apprehended by Peter Prouost of Rome was put in prison in the Castle of S. Angelo where he remained a 11. monethes but when they heard say the Emperour Otho came against them with a strong hand they tooke him out and established him Some say he was sent into exile banished into Campania frō whence he came again after 2. monethes For the Emperor tooke vngeance on thē that persecuted him causing many of them to die by diuers kindes of death such as were found culpable of the fact and banished some into Saxe As for Peter Prouost he was deliuered to the Pope to doo with him at his pleasure Who gaue him into the tormenrers hands so hee was vnapparelled and his beard being cut off he was set vpon an Asse his face towards the taile and his hands bound vnder the taile of the said Asse and so was ledde through the Towne and beaten with Roddes After this he was againe brought to prison and finally sent into exile in Almaine Naucler Iohn Pope in recompence of the benefite receiued of Otho called and declared Otho the second sonne of Otho the first Augustus Palin In the time of this Pope Theodorike or Deodorike Bishop of Mets caused infinit holy bodies to be transported from Italy into France with a peece of S. Stephens Chaine and a part of S. Lawrence Grate which the Pope Iohn gaue him Chron. Sigeb These bee the Iewels of this darke time The King of Denmarke and all his Countrey were conuerted to the faith by Popon Clarke Chron. Sigeb Benet Pope sixt of that name a Romane ruled a yeare and sixe moneths He was put in the prison S. Angelo wherein he was strangled by one called Cinthius or Cincius Others say he dyed of hunger for which iniurie he neuer did Iustice nor vengeance Naucler Roger Bishop of Liege founded the Abbey of S. Iohn the Euangelist in the I le of Flaunders Chron. Sigeb The heroicall acts of this Emperour Otho the first do sufficiently shewe him to bee one
France He commanded to assemble an vniuersal Councel of all the church in the Citie of Cleremont in Anuegue and made an Oration of great efficacie For straight there crossed themselues to the combat at least three hundreth thousand men all readie to goe vnto Ierusalem of the number of which there were many valiant Princes who to make mony solde their owne landes and signeories as Hughe the great the King of Fraunce his brother Robert brother of the Duke of Normandie Robert or Rambert Count of Flaunders Raimond Count of S. Giles Stephen Count of Blois Brunamon or Bayamond Prince of Pouille and Godphrey de Bullon who was the chiefe with his two brethren Eustace and Baudwin Also Ansele of Ribemont and many others He excommunicated the King of Galatia because he had put a Bishop in prison and exacted this oath of such as he would promote to orders So God helpe me and these holy Euangelists of God Hee made also certaine their statutes namely Clarkes should euery day say the houres of the Virgine Mary a verie Idolatrous thing and vnto her to dedicate the Saterday with a Masse He ordeined that no person should come into Popish orders vnles he were a virgin that is to say vnmarried whoremonger or buggerer as their acts shewed As for Priests they must needs be without wiues althogh they passed not for whordomes He forbad that Bishops should be ordeined without titles that faith shuld be kept vnto such as Popes had excommunicated He held himselfe close for the space of two yeares in the house of one Peter Leon for the feare he had of one Iohn Paien a Romane Citizen where also he died the yeare of the Lord 1099. and his body was buried secretly beyond Tiber for feare of enemies The same yeare died also Guibert which was called Clement the 3. after he had seene three Popes dead in his time Theodorus Bibliander writeth in this sort of that Hildebrand aforesaid and this Vrbane speaking to the Princes of al estates Hildebrand saith he in inciting the Emperour of Greece against the Turks sowed the seed of the war of Gog and Magog against which crieth the bloud of the Church shead with a miserable ruine and losse by the sword of his tongue O how much blood hath beene shead at the sollicitation of Vrbane the second to the end that vnder the colour of making warre to amplifie the Christian religion and recouer the sepulchre of the Lord he might be put againe in the Romane seate after hauing oppressed such as were of the faction of Guibert Fredericke Barbarossa did so the yeare of the Lord 1188. Frederic 1228. The King of France Lewis 9. who was a Saint after his death did as much the yeare 1288. Sigismond did it twise Anno. 1409. Vladislaus King of Hungarie Anno. 1420. who dyed nigh Varne And at this day what shall we iudge of such as bring the Turke into Christendome to auenge their particular iniuries This Pope Vrbane by excommunications constrained Philip King of France to take againe Berthe his first wife which he caused to be detained prisoner in the Castle of Monstrell vpon the sea and to leaue his second Bertrande who was wife of the Count de Angiou Nice in Bithinie is taken and after the Towne of Ierusalem by the Christians whereof Godfrey of Bulloine was constituted King Naucler Antioche was taken by Boemondus a Norman sonne of Robert Duke of Pouille Supp Chron. The reward that those noble Combatants and fighters for Christendome got was the carrying away of Relickes The Speare which pearced the side of Iesus Christ was found in the said Towne in the Church of Saint Andrewe Supp Chron. Robert Count of Flaunders brought away the Arme of Saint George which he sent into the Abbey of Anchin Sigeb Godfrey was the first King of Ierusalem Baudwin his brother is called the second Naucler Paschall second of that name borne of Italie called before Rainer a Monke and lately created Cardinall of the title of S. Clement by Hildebrand his maister succeeded Vrbane the second in the Papacie When this proud Squire knew hee was chosen he would not mount into the Papall seate vntill first the people had cryed thrice Saint Peter hath chosen Rainer After this beeing apparrelled in a Scarlet Roabe and a Theatre or Crowne vppon his head mounted vpon a white steed hee was ledde to the place of Laterane where the Papall Scepter was giuen him and he was girt with a Baudrier or large Girdle at which hung seuen kayes and as many seales as Ensignes or tokens of the Papall power so much did this great Antichrist and aduersary of God magnifie himselfe by which things signified that according to the graces of the holy Ghost which they distinguished into seuen he had the power to open and shut Churches By this meanes this harlot mounted on horsbacke being come vnto a perfect age in such sort encreased that she got vpō the Beast with ten hornes which she had gouerned vntil our time in great pride arrogancie as had bin foretold Apo. 13.17 This soueraigne Vicar of Sathan on earth imployed all his time in warres and seditions whilest Godfrey de Bulloine and other Christian Princes fought against the Sarrasins in Siria And to the end he might not be esteemed lesse thē Hildebrand he sought all the meanes that might serue to the greatnes of his Romane seate Hee furiously deposed from their dignities all the Bishops and Abbots which had bene ordeined by the Emperour He sent into exile one Albert Theodoricke and Maginulphe who aspired vnto the Papacie He assembled at Rome a Councell of the Bishops of Italie and France Anno. 1101. because of an opinion of a Bishop of Fluence touching Antichrist alreadie borne as Sabellicus rehearseth For seeing so many mischiefes committed in the Church he said Antichrist was alreadie manifested but he was repressed by many iniuries done vnto him He againe prohibited Ministers to marry as all his Prelate predecessors had done and called that marriage the heresie of the Nicholaits He pronounced that they were great heresies to make no account of yeelding obedience to the Roman church and to despise censures and also to receiue Inuesture of Benefices at the hand of a prophane man He renewed the statute of paying tenths to Priests that said Masse and would needes it should be a sinne against the holy Ghost to sell tenths In this Sinode he renewed the excommunication of Gregorie the seuenth and of Vrbane the second against the Emperour Henry the fourth and published it againe And which is more the rage of this cruell tyrant was so inflamed against him that he stirred the sonne of the said Emperour called Henry the fift to take armes against his Father an horrible thing to speak There was neuer inhumanitie nor cruell act if this were not The Sonne yea that onely Sonne not angred or stirred vp by any publike or particular iniurie despised not onely his Parent
the taile the which they gaue her for a bridle in her hand and in a mockerie sent her out at one of their gates The Emperour taking iust indignation against this iniury besieged them seuen yeares before they could enter but at the last constraining them to yeeld hee ruinated and sacked the Towne with great effusion of bloud He receiued some to mercie but it was vpon this cōditiō that if they would saue their liues they shuld draw out with their teeth a Figge from behind of the she Asse Many chose rather to die then to suffer that ignominy Others desiring to liue did whatsoeuer was commanded them Frō hence comes a iust mockerie amongst the Italians to shewe the thumbe betwixt two fingers and say Ecco la fico beholde the Figge Crantes reciteth this Story in his 6. booke of Saxonia Frederic sent Embassadors vnto the King of France to take away that schisme from Rome they agreed to meete in a certaine place very conuenient for France and Almaine and that was at Dijon Thither came Henry king of England the king of Scotland the king of Bohemia Alexander would not bee there saying he was not ordained by his authoritie The King of France was not there in fauour of Alexander Frederic not well content that he and so many Princes had thus lost their paines commaunded Victor to drawe into Italie but Victor died in the way at Luques and in his place Guido Bishop of Cremone was chosen who afterward was called Paschall the third vnto whom the Emperour Frederic the Duke of Bauiere the Count Palatin in Rhene the Lantgraue of Turinge the Bishops of Magdeburg of Breme of Treuers of Colongne and of Banberge promised him obedience R. Barns Amaricus the brother of Baudwin was the sixt King of Ierusalem Sigeb Alexander in the meane while held a Councell at Tours But at Rome the Vicegerent of the Pope Alexander the Bishop of Prenestine died and in his place was substituted Iohn Cardinall of the Church of S. Peter He by siluer and other meanes drewe to Alexander the most part of the Romane Citizens and did so much as they created new Consuls such as fauoured the said Alexander They recalled Alexander out of France and he was well receiued at Rome the Bishop of Pauie was put out for that he held on the Emperours side Frederic the third time went into Italie against certaine that rebelled and came to Rome to knowe the cause of those Popes Alexander would not appeare but drewe backe as before The Townes of Italie rebelled against the Emperor at the perswasion of Alexander and they conspired together The Millainois reedified their Towne in fauour of this Alexander and called it Alexandria Frederic the fourth time returned into Italie with a great Armie against the rebells but Henry Leon Duke of Saxonie corrupted by siluer as is thought left the Emperour and returned into Saxonie with his company The Emperour required him not to faile him in that great need but he lost time therefore was hee constrained to withdrawe from Italie and returne into Almaine in a seruants apparell and that with great difficultie Behold how by Popes the world hath euer beene troubled The yeare of Christ 1173. Saladin slew his Lord the Calyphe and raigned in his place Chron. Euseb The yeare of Christ 1175. Frederic the fift time returned into Italie but at the perswasion of his Confessor he conuerted his Armes against the Turkes and passing through Hungarie came vnto Constantinople occupied many Townes and places of the Turkes as Philomenia and Iconium after he came into Armenia the lesse finally euen to Ierusalem Whilest Frederic was thus busied with the Turke the Pope Alexander with his confederates ceased not to thinke how they might destroy him To the end then that hee should not returne victorious the Pope sent to the Souldan the Image of the Emperour which he caused to be drawne very liuely by an excellent Painter with Letters by which he gaue aduertisement vnto the Souldan to sley or destroy the said Emperour by treason if euer hee pretended to liue in peace The Souldan hauing receiued the said Popes Letters with the Emperours figure sought by all meanes to come to his purpose but occasion fell not out so soone But finally as the Emperour returned from the conquest of Ierasalem being in Armenia one day as it was very hotte hee withdrew into a wood with a fewe of his people and with his Chaplaine and not thinking of any daunger there made his people goe aside and hee and his Chaplaine lighted off their horses vnapparelled themselues and so refreshed them in a running streame of water There was hee surprised by the ambushes which the Souldane had laid and were carried through the wood vnto the Souldan His people knowing nothing of his taking sought him all the next morning The brute came vnto the Campe the Emperor was drowned and by the space of an whole moneth they sought him in the floud where he washed The Emperour being brought before the Souldane feigned himselfe to be the Emperors Chaplaine but the Souldan knowing him by the Image the Pope sent him maintained that he was the Emperour of the Christians and indeed commanded that straight some should bring him the said Image and that the Popes Letters should be read The Emperour astonished at this treason confessed the truth and demaunded fauour Certaine time after the Souldan sent him away vnder certain couenants agreed betwixt them The Emperour returning assigned a day at Noremberg and assembling his Court declared the Pope Alexander his treason shewing his Letters and the Image Briefly euery one promised him helpe to pay his ransome and to doo iustice of the said Alexander In this time of darknesse and horrible tempests after the Grashoppers and vermine of begging Friers which deuoured the title graine of the world here gaue the Lord again a light as it were the breake of day The beginning of the Waldois Peter Waldo a Citizen of Lions beganne by litle and litle in this time to cleare the thicke darknesse therof and this was as a first and litle beginning of the Instauration of the Christian doctrine and religion The Historie is this In the Towne of Lions as many of the chief of the Towne in Sommer time to recreate themselues and talke together one amongst them suddenly fell downe dead in the presence of others amongst which was this Waldo a rich man who more then all other men was mooued and surprised with feare and an apprehension of the humane frailtie and began to think the spirit of God drawing him more nearly to repencance and to meditate true pietie more then euer hee had done before He began then to giue much more almes to open his house to all and to speake of penance and true pietie to such as for any cause came vnto him This feare was of God the fruite and the ende sheweth it in this person But the feare that
Ierusalem raigned sixe yeares Chron. Euseb Berthold Duke Zeringen sonne of Conrade the Emperour founded two Freburgs that is to say free Bourgages or Francborgs the one in Brisgoy and the other in little Bourgogne commonly called Vchland against Sauoye And 12. yeares after he founded the Towne of Berne which he surnamed because of a Beare which he encountred in the place where the said Towne was builded For that word in their tongue signifieth Beare Naucl. The scituation thereof is almost an Iland which the Riuer of Arre maketh Phillip dieu done 2. of that name 41. king of France sonne of Lewis le ienne constituted the Escheuins of Paris and enuironed with walles a great part of the towne and walled the wood of Vincennes nigh Paris Naucler At this time was a great multitude of Iewes in France of which there went a report that euerie yeare they stole a Christian childe and ledde him vnto a place vnder the earth and after they had tormented him crucified him and that day they call great or good Friday King Phillip hearing this caused the Iewes to be taken and tormented in diuers sorts Hee burned 80. in one fire and after the yeare 1186. he draue them all out of his kingdome except such as were conuerted to the Faith After the King being scarce of mony through warres demanded of the Iewes a great summe thereof and hauing it graunted he was content they should again come into his kingdome As also his successour Lewis opened them all the kingdome of France Lucius Pope third of that name of Luke ruled at Rome foure yeares two moneths and 18. dayes He was before called Hinebaldus or Vbaldus Cardinall of Ostia This Pope would needs banish the Consuls Patricij at Rome wherefore he was cast out of Rome and withdrew himselfe to Verona Such as tooke his part some had their eyes put out others were set vpon Asses their faces towards the hinder part and were ignominiously handled After some In this time was the fourth expedition made beyond the Sea and there were crossed vnto it the King of France Philip Augustus and Henry King of England And there was a tenth laide vpon all Benefices and reuenews of Church goods to help the charges of the warre And this Subsidie was called Saladins tenth Iohn le Maire Vrbane Pope third of that name borne at Millane of the people of Cribelles ruled a yeare and sixe moneths or as it were eleuen Suppl Chron. Before he was called Imbert Suppl Chron. Sigeb Baudwin King of Ierusalem left the kingdome Guyon of Lusignan his sisters husband and the saide Guyon was the last King of Ierusalem Saladin by auarice ambition and discord of Christians occupied Ierusalem which the Christians had held from Godfrey de Bouillion 88. yeares He tooke also Aca Beritus Biblon and all the rest euen to Ascalon inclusiuely Naucler Gregorie Pope 8. of that name borne in Beneuent ruled at Rome 57. dayes Hee sent messages vnto the Christian Princes and their people to goe against the enemies of the Faith promising Indulgences and pardons vnto all but he dyed vpon that enterprise as he went vnto Pise to sollicite that they of that Towne with the Geneuois together might send into Asia for the defence of Religion Cor. Abb. Lynonia or Lyfland a Northerne Land was conuerted to the Faith Clement Pope third of that name the sonne of a Romane Citizen ruled at Rome 3. yeares and 6. moneths and made a Decretall against such Priests as celebrated Masse in wodden vessels and with common bread The Emperour Frederic Philip King of France Richard King of England and the Pope Clement agreed together to send mony vnto the Christians they sent also many ships and after went themselues in person with many Princes and Prelates of Ierusalem but they could not accord therefore soone after they returned Supp Chron. The yeare of Christ 1190. Frederic being at Nice a Citie of Bithinia it being also very hotte he descended into a floud to wash but the force of the water carried him away so that he was drowned in the presence of his people the 37. yeare of his Empire leauing fiue children which hee had of his wife Beatrix daughter of Regnand Count of Besanson The King of England was taken by a Duke of Austriche called Leopold as he returned passing through Almaigne and was deliuered vnto the Emperour Henry the sixt For his raunsome were solde the treasures of the Church the Chalices of Gold and Siluer c. and so returned into England During this time the King of France but a litle before also returned into France and occupied certaine Townes appertaining vnto the King of England The treasures of England solde for the Kings raunsome came 200000 markes of siluer Celestine 3. of that name a Romane before called Iacinthus very aged his Father was called Bubonis was chosen Pope by the Cardinalls vpon Easter day The next morning he Crowned Henry Emperour 6. of that name sonne of Fredericke and at the exhortation of this Pope he made an expedition to goe vnto Ierusalem William king of Sicile dying without heires it was thought that therefore the kingdome should devolue vnto the Romane seate but the greatest of the kingdome elected Tancredus the bastard sonne of the said William The Pope stirred heereat drew Constance the daughter of Roger and sister of William king of Sicilie out of an Abbey of Nunnes in the Towne of Palerme and dispensed with her marriage Wherefore Henry sonne of the Emperour Fredericke espoused her and so came vnto the kingdome of Sicilie and occupied it And Tancredus was slaine in battaile so Henry abode in place The said Constance of the age of 55. yeares conceaued and brought forth a sonne called Fredericke the second who after was Emperour Supp Chron. The order of the Friars of the Hospitall of the Almaines beganne at this time Also the order of the Trinitie The yeare 1191. the Towne of Aca was taken by the Christians Naucler saith here that Saladine seeing the force of the Christians determined to haue yeelded them the towne of Ierusalem but the discord happening betwixt the King of Fraunce and the King of England was cause of verie great troubles In matter of diuorce Celestine permitted the Catholike partie to remarry if the other partie fell into heresie But contrary the Pope Innocent forbad it Poll. Ver de diuor cap. 5. Arthois was erected into an Earledome the yeare 1195. and the first Count or Earle therof was Lewis sonne of king Philip. The kingdome of Cyprus came into the hands of the Christians and remained there 275. yeares The Archbishop of Magunce with a multitude of Almains the King of Hungarie the Queene went into Palestine against the Sarasins Sigeb They tooke Berinthus and Ioppe Naucl. Innocent Pope third of that name borne in Campania his father was Trasimondus of Anagnia a man of base estate Suppl Chron. ruled at
be alwaies ready to suffer to present themselues vnto all perils and dangers for the defence of Christian Religion euen to shead their bloud C. Masseus O craft and childish mockerie He cited the Emperor personally to appeare And because he appeared not he excommunicated him and depriued him of his Empire although he sent thither his Embassadors Immunities of Monkes He gaue great Immunities and priuiledges to Monkes not onely to Mendicants but to all others and made likewise the rule of the sisters of S. Claire After this Councell he sent to the Electors to proceed to a new election Frederic on his side writ Letters to the King of France by which he shewed the wrong that the Pope did him See Naucler The Electors at the Popes commandement elected Henry Lantgraue of Turinge who hauing laid siege before Vlme was strooken with an Arrowe and soone after died of a Flux of the belley Naucler O deiection of Christian Princes that will suffer themselues to be so fondly carried away by a foolish feare of excommunication This Pope hauing not onely absolued from the oath of fidelitie the Emperors subiects but also excommunicated all Lords and Princes which fauoured and obeyed him so mooued and angred the Emperour that he depriued 40. Bishops of their dignities sacked the houses which appertained vnto the Popes parents and caused to be put to death vpon a Gibbet many notable persons which had consented to the Popes conspiration Note how many troubles and mischiefes comes in the world by Popes After the death of Henry Guilliam Count of Holland was chosen but soone after was slaine of the Frisons In the said Councell of Lyon was the Croisado published whereof S. Lewis was made chiefe But yet the holy Land was not recouered For things went alwaies from euill to worse S. Lewis in that voyage beyond the Sea was prisoner Frederic gaue to Manfroy his bastard sonne the Kingdome of Sicilie but the Pope Vrbaine tooke it from him by reason he was contrary vnto him and gaue it to the brother of S. Lewis Charles Count of Aniou In this time raigned Odo Chauncelor of Paris Hugo Cardinalis Iacopin Vincent the Historiographer Alexander de Hales an English man Alexander de Villa dei a Frier who made the doctrine The yeare of Christ 1250. Frederic founded a Towne in Italie and called it Victoria It was after taken by the Popes souldiers and by his Legate and raced vnto the foundations Then Frederic returned into Pouille where soone after he died of sicknesse of the age of 57. yeares Some say he was traiterously slaine by his sonne Manfroy Conrade King of Germanie was crowned in his father Frederic his time vnderstanding then of his death he went into Italie and from thence into Pouille where hee became sicke His bastard brother Manfroy to raigne peaceably gaue the Phisitian a summe of siluer to poyson his medicines whereof he died but first he made his Testament and instituted Corradin his sonne heire of his kingdomes and countries and was honourably buried The Pope assembled souldiers to goe against Manfroy and thinking shortly to obtaine his kingdome died at Naples sooner then he thought and was buried in the Church of Saint Laurence Naucler S. Lewis returned from beyond the Sea The Colledge of Sarbone was now instituted and founded at Paris by Robert brother of S. Lewis Alexander Pope 4. of that name of Campaigne ruled at Rome 7. yeares The Pope canonized S. Claire The Hermittes of the order of Saint Augustine were by this Pope drawne from their Hermitages in woods vnto good Townes commaunding them to preach and heare Confessions and gaue vnto the said order priuiledges exemptions and indulgences He excommunicated Manfroy the bastard and after made warre vpon him but the Pope was ouercome and his Legate imprisoned at Naples The Archbishop of Rauenna was created Legate Apostolike hee preached the Croisado against Ecclinus promising eternall life to such as would goe to warre against the Popes enemies So did Gregorie the 9. against Frederic the 2. The yeare of Christ 1256. William Count of Holland fell into a poole and his horse not being able to get vp was slaine by the Frisons After the death of Henry Lantgraue of Hesse and of William Count of Holland the Electors disagreed Some elected Alphonsus King of Castile Others Richard Count of Cornwall the King of England his brother and that by the Popes Instigation Naucler There was a schisme in the Empire 23. yeares after Naucler or 28. after others and all by the occasion of Popes and this schisme endured from the yeare 1245. vntill the yeare 1273. which was the first yeare of the Empire of Rodolphe The first League of the Switzes The alliance of Leagues and Cantons in the Countrey of Switze beganne now They droue out of their Country many Noble men which were tirants and committed vniust actions vpon them So did they defend the poore the Orphanes and widowes whereby they became renowmed through all the world saith Fasci temp In this time S. Lewis king of France as soone as he was returned made many goodly Lawes and ordinances to hold his people in iustice Bayliffes Prouosts and Sargeants in theyr duties that they might not be raueners or eaters of the people vnder the paine to be put from their offices He droue from his Court Morrisdauncers and Ieasters forbidding Officers to take gaine or to take Benefices for theyr children Hee ordained that the blasphemers should haue the hotte Iron set in their browes He went into Affrike tooke Carthage and besieged Tunes The plague fell in his Campe where he died of a Fluxe of the belley hauing raigned 44. yeares His body was carried to bee buried at S. Denis See Emil Lib. 7. An opposition against the Sects of Mendicants or begging Friars Guilliam de S. Amour Doctor of Paris Chanon of Benuais flourished in this time In his Sermons as himselfe witnesseth he especially enuied against the hipocrisie of Prelates saying that that vice was of all most dangerous wherewith all the Church was infected He opposed himselfe against Monkes and aboue all against Mendicants accusing them that they troubled Churches and brought out the witnesses of the scriptures which make mention of Antichrist and his supporters And applying them to the time present proued by 39. signes that begging Friars were false Prophets He expounded that place of the Gospell If thou wilt be perfect goe and sell all that thou possessest c. Vpon which place the Mendicants founded their order And he gaue to know in full disputation that the place was not meant of actuall pollicie as Sophisters speake but of habituall pouertie that is to say that Iesus Christ demaundeth of vs not that we should forsake and cast off that which we haue but that we be readie when the confession of the name of God and the glory of Iesus Christ requireth it to abandon and forsake not onely that which we possesse
from the Sonne as the Father They agreed also to Purgatorie and the Romane Pope to be the primate of the Catholicke Church which they had neuer done before now but euer were of contrarie opinions But as soone as they were come to their Countrey againe at the perswasion of Marcus Bishop of Ephesus they againe denied the two last Articles Plat. Vola and Naucler It is straunge that the Grecians which haue beene so slowe to acknowledge and confesse so true a doctrine of the holy Ghost are now so quick and light to accord so friuolous and false a thing that is to receiue and beleeue against all holy scripture that there is a Purgatorie and Romane Pope to be Primate of the Catholicke and Vniuersall Church wherevnto the first generall Councell had openly resisted in the time of Constantine the great In the said Councell of Florence the Armenians and Indians were also brought into the vnion of the Romane Church and promised to keepe and maintaine the Sacrament of Confirmation Naucler This Pope Eugenius confirmed Annates vpon all Benefices Hee Canonized S. Nicholas Tolentin of the order of the Hermits of S. Augustine Bessarion Cardinall flourished and his house at Rome was open to euery man of knowledge like a Colledge Vadian Sigismond of the age of 70 yeares died and was buried in Hungarie in the citie called Albe His wife Barbara was without all religion and without God insatiable in all paliardize and whoredome Shee mocked her damzels because they fasted and prayed saying they must liue iocondly and merily and take all their pleasures during this life for after death the soule perisheth with the bodie The Councell of Basill continued still and proceeded against Eugenius the fourth who after many times cyting and not appearing was publikely deposed by the authoritie of the Councell the tenth of Iuly Eugenius mooued herewith incited the Dolphin of France who after was called king Lewis the 11. to lead a great Armie in to the Countrey of Ferrara and Alsarce and to come to Basill Wherefore the said Councell brake vp and herevpon came many mischiefes See Naucler Albert the fift of that name Duke of Austrich and second king of the Romanes of that name sonne of Albert the fourth Duke of Austrich was scant 10. yeares olde when his father died of poyson fighting against Iosse Marquesse of Morauia but being yer vnder Tutors which were his vncles there was great strife betwixt them for his tutelage Therefore Vienna and all the Countrey of Austrich endured great calamities till Albert came to age and was dispatched of his tutelage and planted a peace in Austrich which was before full of theeues and of Intestine warres After the yeare 1422. he espowsed Elizabeth the doughter of Sigismond and had with her in marriage the noble Townes of Maruia But after the death of Sigismond he was chosen king of Hungaria by the consent of all the principall of the Countrey and Crowned the yeare of grace 1438. After this he was also made king of Bohemia and that came because there was a great alliance betwixt the Kings of Boheme and the Dukes of Austrich whereby they had ordained betwixt them that whensoeuer one of the houses remained without heire-male of the other they should create a king He was also chosen king of the Romanes by the common accord of all the Princes Electors The yeare 1459. the 17. day of Nouember in the Councell of Basill after the deposition of Eupenius the Cardinalls elected Amedeus of Ayme Duke of Sauoy and called him Felix the fift so came into the Church the 23. schisme and diuision which endured the space of sixteene yeares Some followed Eugenius others Felix some said they were newters and so obeyed neither one nor the other The Kings of France England Spaine Scotland obeyed the Pope Eugenius For although he was deposed yet held he good during his life This Councell of Basill assembled with great authoritie was notwithstanding dissipated and broken by one onely Pope That of Constance deposed three and ordained the fourth This could not bring about to depose one Fasci Temp. In the Councell of Basill it was forbidden that secular Princes Councellors and Communalties vpon paine of excommunication should not bee so hardie to greete and submit the Churchmen with tallies and common collection Fasci temp Augustine of Rome was condemned an heretike in the said Councell and there was confirmed the Conception of the Virgin Marie to bee kept as a solemne Feast But to the contrarie see Epiphanius in his 3 Booke and 12. Tome 68. and 69. heresie See also S. Bernard in the Epist 154. to the Canons of Lions The said Councell then confirmed that the Virgin Marie was conceiued without originall sinne it also confirmed her visitation In this time was a Councell held of the French Church at Bourges in Berry and there was published the pragmatike sanction which is all the marrow and substance of the Canons of the Councell of Basill to bee expresly obserued for euer Iohn le Maire The Duke Aime of Sauoy after the death of his wife Margarite of Bourgongne had left his Ducall estate and withdrew himselfe into an hermitage pleasant and delightfull called Ripaille vpon the Lake of Lansanne which he had caused to bee sumptuously builded and so left the gouernment of his signiories to his eldest sonne Lewis father of Duke Phillebert of Sauoy Beeing then in his said place of Ripaille the said Duke Anne with tenne knights all hermits wearing great beardes and simple cloathing and writhen staues full of knottes in great renowne of sanctetie of life was by the said Councell elected to be Pope as is said the 17. of Nouember the yeare 1439. and the 17. day of December the election was denounced vnto him and he went vnto Basill and was there solemnly crowned in the presence of two of his eldest sonnes Before this ceremonie his Beard was taken from him and in a small time he learned the Romane office He created some Cardinalls of great estimation and vertue Iohn le Maire The Emperour being called to goe into Hungarie sound himselfe greatly tormented in the moneth of August with an intollerable heate which hee thought to haue taken away by colde viands which brought to him a fluxe of the belley euen to bloud whereof he died the yeare 1439. nigh Strigoma after hee had beene Emperour almost two yeares Hee left two daughters and his wife with childe who soone after brought forth Ladislaus Frederic Duke of Austrich after Albert was Emperour of Rome He loued peace and rest restrained and brideled easily them of Austrich which stirred strifes and commotions So extinguished he the warre alreadie commenced by Matthias king of Hungarie by agreement with him Likewise this Frederic making warre against the Flemmings to haue his sonne Maximilian whom they detained prisoner appeased and contented them by the punishment of some and so taking and receiuing his
the like Luther denieth it and saith that the bodie of Iesus Christ is within the bread wine and that it entreth into the mouth The Saxons follow Luther and Swisses Zuinglius Of long time hath Sathan with his darke cloudes obscured the doctrine of the Supper and now by contentions and debates hee also seeketh to take away from men the true taste thereof The sedition of peasants remained not only in Almaine but spred it selfe also in Lorraine nigh to Sauernes Duke Anthonie accompanied with his brother Claude de Guise and of some of the French troupe which were at the Iourney at Pauie fought with them and slew a great number keeping not his promised faith vnto them The Sorbonist Doctors of Paris whilest their king was in draue out of France Iames Faber d'estaples partly vpon enuie and partly vpon suspition of Religion The King aduertised hereof made the cause to be staied vntill his returne Frederic Duke of Saxonie dyed and Iohn his brother was his successor Carolostadius writ against Luther vnto whom hee answered at large The Pope Clement whilest the King was a prisoner writ Letters vnto the Parliament of Paris greeuously to persecute the Lutherans Touching the seditions of the peasants multiplied in diuers places See the Historie of Sleidan Luther taketh a Nunne to wife whereby he receiueth many reproaches at his aduersaries hands In Ianuary a peace was made at Madril in Spaine betwixt the King and the Emperour vpon condition aboue all to bandie himselfe against the Turke and the heresie of Luther The King after he had seene his two children as hostages returned into France The Emperour espowsed in Spaine Isabel the daughter of Emanuel and sister to Iohn king of Portugall The Turke departed from Belgrade and hauing passed from Danubie and Sauo hee drew strait into Hungarie and bad battaile vnto king Lewis who died in the fight and his wife Mary the Emperours sister saued her selfe with swift running Iohn Sepuse Vaiuoda de Transiluania after being allyed with the Turke against Ferdinand was appointed king of Hungaria as his vassall and Tenant Whilest they debated their rights by dint of the sword there fell out a very damageable warre both for them and their neighbours Francis king of Fraunce returned from Spaine allyed himselfe with the Pope the Venetians to defend Italie by sea and land against the Emperour and to recouer the kingdome of Naples and published a writing whereby he shewed his reasons And the Emperour caused to be published an other to the contrary Swisse infected with Anabaptists At Saint Gaull one of that Sect before his Father and Mother and others his Parents cut off his brothers head saying hee had beene so commaunded of God by reuelation Ioachim Vadian a learned man Consull of the said Towne with other Iustices incontinently caused the head of the said paracide Anabaptist to be cut off They of Berne made knowne to their next Bishops their disputations touching the reformation of Religion and publish Articles Bourbon willing to passe for the Emperour into the kingdome of Naples tooke his way towards Rome which he got by assault Bourbon was there strooken with a Bullet as he scaled the wall and there left his life The Towne was pilled the sixt day of May. Clement was besieged a long time with his Cardinalls in the Castle of Saint Angelo And finally the seuenth moneth after hee was deliuered by his raunsome of 40000. ducats after some The birth of Phillip the Emperours sonne was this yeare 1527. The King of France hauing made a league with the King of England sent into Italie the Lord de Landrece to succor the Pope he tooke Alexandria and after Pauie The seuenth of Ianuary they of Berne held disputation wherein Zuinglius Oecolampartius Bucer Capito Blanrer had by the holy scriptures surmounted and vanquished such as were of the aduerse partie Finally they confirmed by the authoritie of the Magistrate through all theyr lands the said Articles abolished the Masse and threw downe Images and Aultars The Kings of England in France demaunded of the Emperour many things by their Heraulds The King of Fraunce his children offering siluer for them He of England first three hundred thousand skutes for the borrowing of fiue hundred thousand of interest because the accords made betwixt them in the yeare 1522. had by him bene violated and broken Finally three yeares pension which by paction betwixt them the Emperour was bound to pay him that is to say 133000. skutes by yeare If hee refused their Heraulds were to denounce warre At Strasbourge by the Popes aduise euery man assembled in his Tribe The Masse was laide downe vntill the Papists should shew by the holy scripture that it is a seruice agreeable vnto God It may then lie downe long enough For contrary it is wholy opposite vnto the Supper of Iesus Christ Sedition at Basil betwixt the Burgesses and certaine of the Senators for the cause of Religion The Burgesses hauing taken Armes cast downe the Images in Temples which was the cause that the Senate agreed to what they demaunded yea and that twelue Senators which fauoured Papistrie should be deiected out of the Senate And that from thenceforth when any question fell out to ordain any thing concerning the common wealth that a Councell of 200. should be called therevnto to haue their aduise therin The Masse then was abolished through all their Seignorie and Images publikely burned as the Instruments of Idolatry Vpon a Wednesday which the Papist call Ashwednesday the Idolls were burnt at Basil Lantrec being dead and Andrew Danre of Genoua reuolted the French King began to hearken vnto peace Margarite the Emperours Aunt and Loyse the Kings mother assembled at Cambray and dealt for a peace in the moneth of August in this sort The Emperour left to the King Bourgongne if he engendred any male childe of his sister The King gaue for the deliuerance of his children to the Emperour twentie hundred thousand Skutes the debt of England being comprehended therein The Article againe is added to extirpate the Lutherans The Emperor returning from Genes and arriuing at Ausbourge denounced vnto the Protestants that they should let their preaching cease and goe to Masse with him They refused both he one and the other shewing there was no reason to constraine them to do it vnlesse the cause were debated The 24. of February after he had sworne namely that he should all his life defend the honour dignitie of the Romane seate he is with great pompe magnificence crowned Emperour at Boulogne Ellenor the Emperours sister and the Kings spowse came from Spaine into France with the Kings two children Frauncis and Henry after they had bene foure yeares in hostage in their Fathers place The Pope Clement and the Emperor besieged the Florentines because they set out of their Towne such as were of the house of Medices In the ende Ferrand de Gonzague brought them to composition and
enclose them abandoned their Forts left their siege and retired away shamefully Selym Emperour of the Turkes dyed about the 15. of December after hee had ended the warre against the Walaques wherin he lost an infinit number of men and tooke peace with the Venetians His sonne and successor Amurath at his comming in caused fiue of his bretheren to be put to death and two wiues of Selym the one of which who was great with childe seeing the death of her children threw her selfe to the ground out of an high windowe Hauing thus prouided for his estate hee prepared to make warre vpon the Polonians some of which called Kosaques had succoured the Vayuoda of Watachia The 12. of Ianuary 1575. they of the Religion found meanes to get Arguesmortes a strong Towne and of great importance in Languedoc especially for Salt that comes from thence and greatly furnisheth the Prouinces The same day the Marshall d' Danuile made a league with them of the Religion and a publike and large declaration containing the causes of his doings The Duke de Montpensier tooke Fontenay in Poictou and Lusignen yeelded vpon composition This notwithstanding the Churches of that Prouince and other nigh vnto it in some sort maintained themselues euen in the middest of Armes The Duke d' Vzes sometimes affectioned vnto Religion tooke Armes against it but hee prospered not much therein The Churches of Languedoc and Dauphine redressed themselues after the King was retyred from Auignon but their vnion with the Politikes or Malcontents destroyed them within by the wicked liues of many of those Politikes badly aduised King Henry the third was sacred at Reimes the fifteenth day of February and espowsed soone after Louyse the daughter of Nicholas Count de Vandemont in Lorraine So that then and after there was nothing in the Court of France but pastimes such as there is lesse euil to conceale then profit to describe In the mean while warre continued in Languedoc well for the aduantage of them of the Religiō being assisted of the Marshall de Danuille their confederate vnto which part many enclined and ioyned themselues daily In the moneth of April a negotiation and parley was made at Paris betwixt the Kings Councell and the Deputies of Churches the Politikes without any conclusion But contrary the warre waxed hot in Dauphine Languedoc with losse on both sides but they of the religion were the stronger And since we are vpon that point we will set downe in this present Article that which was done in France during this yeare 1575. worthy of note in few words About the end of April the Duke d'Vzes besieged Bais a litle Towne vpon Rhosne and got the Towne but they of the Religion which held the two Castles constrained him to forsake it after he had lost many of his people To reuenge himselfe he burnt a part of the Towne and continued after such sackings and destructions that he became very odious In the month of May sell a tumult at Marseillis and in certaine other places of Prouince against gatherers Farmers of the kings demeasnes which were chased away And therevpon arose a band of Politike malcontents which they called les Raises shauen because they caused their beards to be shauen or some part of them to be knowne by that signe and in Prouence they of the Religion held certaine places as Riez Lourmarin Siena and others some of which soone after were taken out of their hands The 17. day of Iune le Sieur de Monbrun a Daulphenois Gentleman a wife and valiant Captaine of warre ouerthrew le Sieur de Gordes Gouernour of Daulphine who saued himselfe by flight within Gap and left 22. companies of Swisses in the field which were broken and nine hundred cut in peeces straight with Frenlich their Colonell and sixteen Captaines with 18. Ensignes carried away by Monbrun and his people which had a great bootie of Armes especially and lost on their part but sixe men Le Sieur de Gordes after that gathered great Forces and againe meeting in the field he ouerthrew Monbrun who meaning to leape a ditch to obtaine a meet passage for his retrait his horse fell and he vnder him whereby his thigh was broken and so remained prisoner hauing only lost twentie two men and thirtie eight were taken prisoners This happened the ninth of Iuly and soone after by decree of a Parliament at Grenople Monbrun had his head cut off On the other side the Duke of Vzes destroyed and burnt all the flat Countrey of Languedoc with the losse of infinite Corne. Le sieur de Lodignieres ordained Chieftain of the troupes of Dauphine in the place of Monbrun gaue order for the affaires at the beginning of August and tooke many places Vpon these actions and the sixteenth day of September Francis Duke d' Alencon and brother vnto the King conueyed himselfe secretly in the night from the Court then at Paris wherevpon came brutes and discourses maruellous straunge and diuers Two dayes after his retraite hee published by writing the causes thereof declaring that hee meant to procure a good peace and reformation in France Hee writ vnto the Princes and Lordes of the Religion to the Churches to the Marshall Danuile and to the Politikes vnto the same end Insomuch that each one assured himselfe soone to see goodly things and there remained but verie fewe which feared any hid euill as discourses after published doo shewe In the meane time the Prince of Conde tooke order Almaine to leuie an Army to enter into Fraunce and by Armes to obtaine some rest for them of the Religion and for the whole estate hee dealt fully with Duke Cassimere of all things requisite for such a good The King the Queene mother and their Councell were greatly troubled as if all had beene lost by the retrait of the Duke d' Alenson writing to all places calling as they say tag and rag they made leuies and brought troupes into the field and yet without any exployt of warre They made flie a report of souldiers from Almaine and Sueuia yet none entred France during that fourth warre to do seruice vnto the King who in the meane while demaunded siluer of his Townes and for the rest hee bore himselfe as if there had beene no appearance of warre His mother in the meane time got her towards the Duke d' Alenson as some said to make peace betwixt the two brethren and for the quiet of the kingdome In the meane while the King forbad all the nobilitie to come nigh the Duke of Alenson hee sent also certaine troupes to hinder not onely that but the comming of certaine Almaines which le Sieurs de Thore and de Cleruant ledde which were ouerthrowne by the Duke of Guise and Cleruant was taken prisoner with certaine others the tenth of October Soone after was there a truce made betwixt the Queene mother and the Duke of Alenson for sixe moneths wherewith each one was miscontented but the
theyr Princes 5 To withstand these sentences and that they do not bind the conscience 6 That they must looke into the actions of the Prince or his conscience 7 That by the Christian religion no order may bee appointed to the Salique lawe that the king be constrained to be a Catholicke 8 That an herelike by diuine grace is a Christian 9 That it is not lawfull to resist a Prince that is an heretike 10 That a Catholicke king may permit and suffer two religions in his kingdome 11 Not to punish heretikes nor to compell any to be Catholickes 12 To pray for those that are excommunicated as well the liuing as the dead and that publikely in Churches and to performe this the Cleargie to be bound vpon paine of departing the Realme 13. That Confessions may be reuealed for iustice sake This yeare Arnald Whitfeeld Chauncelor of the Realme in Denmarke came Embassator into England and Christian Barnice his assistant they had audience at the Court then at Tiballs Turnbaut is deliuered vp to Graue Maurice And this yeare Belgia was in reasonable guietnesse The States of the vnited Prouinces entered a mutuall league with the Queene of England and the King of France defensiue and offensiue against Phillip the King of Spaine their common enemie The king of France with often excursions and assailes had troubled and vexed the confines of Artesia and Hamonia The Cardinall Albertus being at Bruxells and thinking of repairing his Army found great difficulties for want of money for king Phillip refused to pay the Italian Merchants and those of other Nations their money who tooke monstrous vsurie of him so that he complained that by this meanes his kingly patrimonie his annuall reuenewes and extraordinary subsidies were consumed Yet that he might keepe his word and shewe himselfe to be of a good conscience he turned the controuersie into religion and appointed two of his and his sonnes Confessors to disswade these Merchants from taking this vnreasonable vsurie and to tell them what daunger their soules were in if they did not remit it in the meane season certaine of the creditors became bankerupt the rest by their example were afterward afraid to lend the King any money D. Chytraeus The Emperour Rodolphus promised Sigismond Duke of Transiluania new supplies of souldiers and money and with great solemnitie receiued him into the fellowship of the golden Fleece Maximilian againe was made Generall by the Emperour The Pope by his Embassador Iohannes Franciscus Aldobrandinus promised to send ten thousand Italians into Hungary at his owne costs and charges and made the D. of Mantua their Generall The higher Saxonie sent a thousand horsemen and the lower Saxonie as many Francouia Bauania Suenia and the other Countries Bohemia and Austria sent in their aide likewise These all marched towards Pappa the which after eight day siege they tooke from thence to Raba which yeeded without any assault but hearing that Mahomet Bassa was comming towards them and finding themselues too weake to bold out that place against them they went backe ouer Danubie into Scythia towards Gomorrha The Turkes eight dayes after besieged the Castle of Totes whilest the Christians Armie lay Idle which went downe to Watsia and there hearing that the Turkes came towards them they went to Strigonia Alphonsus Duke of Ferrara whom the yeare before gone the Emperour Rodolphus determined to make Generall of the Turkish expedition departed this life whose Dukedome Caesar Est bastard being in his life time appointed his heire and cessor presently possessed The Pope was much discontented with this and forthwith strooke Caesar with the thunderbold of excommunication and made warre vpon him Christian the 4. king of Denmarke was married to Anne the daughter of Ioachimus Fredericus Marquesse of Brandebourghe by the Archbishop of Magdebourghe This yeare dyed in the higher Germanie Iohannes Postius an excellent Poet and the chiefe Phisitian to the Count Palatine Graue Maurice made a bridge vpon Rhene Berke was besieged of him and yeelded within twelue dayes which hee fortified Syr Robert Cecill principall Secretary Maister Harbert Maister of the Requests Sir George Carewe Lieftenant for the Ordinance and others prepared for their Embassage into France and set sayle from Douer the ninteenth of February Syr Robert Cecill returned the fift of May out of France In the beginning of this yeare many Princes died Iohannes Georgius Marquesse of Bradenbourghe of 37. yeares died leauing behind him sixe sonnes and foure daughters The same moneth of Ianuary died Richard Count Palatine of Rhene at Sinouerne where he kept his Court. Him followed Theodorus the great Duke of Muschouia In the lower Saxonie died Henry Duke of Brunswicke and Luzemburge the sonne of Ernestus and Clare the wife of Bogislaus Duke of Pomerian The last of Ianuary Anne Queene of Poland the daughter of Charles Arch-duke of Austria departed this life This moneth the Pope Clement the 8. made warre vpon Caesar Est Duke of Ferrara for the Dukedome but the matter was taken vp and the Duke yeelded vp Ferrara vnto him but all the other Cities and Townes he enioyed and by the Emperour Rodolphus was created Duke of Mulina The Pope annexed this to the Popedome Sigismond Prince of Transiluania who hitherto had held out with an inuincible courage against the Turkes in the beginning of this yeare chaunged the course of his life and surrendred the Prouince of Transiluania to the Emperour Rodolphe and his heires least it should fall into the hands of the Turkes A peace was concluded betweene the Kings of France and Spaine in the lowe Countries at Veruini in the beginning of May Pledges sent into France from the Spaniard were Philippus de Croy Franciscus de Mendoza the Admiral of the kingdome of Arragon Charles Prince and Countie Aremberge Ludouicus de Velasco the Popes Embassadors that made the peace were Alexāder Cardinal de Medicis and Generall of the order of the Franciscanes Bonauentura a Sicilian The King of Spaines deputies were Iohannes Richardotus President of the Councell Iohannes Baptista and Ludouicus Verreiken the K. his Secretary in the lowe Countries Amongst the conditions of peace this was the chiefe That former iniuries and vnkindnesses forgotten these Articles of peace that were set downe in the yeare 1559 at Camerac betweene Henry the second king of France and Phillip the 2. king of Spaine might be kept The whole pacification was comprehended in 35. Articles and printed at Paris and Poloine Calice Capella Ardea and other Cities of Picardie were restored to Henry the 4. K. of France by the Spaniard The Queene of England perswaded the Hollanders to peace who notwithstanding preferred warre before a trecherous peace with the Spaniards Therefore Albertus Arch-duke going into Spaine to be married Franciscus Mendoza Admirall of Arragon chiefe Generall of the Spanish Forces hauing brought his Army to Rhene prepareth it against the Hollanders and the vnited Prouinces They of Aquisgrane two yeares before condemned by the sentence of Caesar