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A16049 The Nevv Testament of Iesus Christ, translated faithfully into English, out of the authentical Latin, according to the best corrected copies of the same, diligently conferred vvith the Greeke and other editions in diuers languages; vvith arguments of bookes and chapters, annotations, and other necessarie helpes, for the better vnderstanding of the text, and specially for the discouerie of the corruptions of diuers late translations, and for cleering the controversies in religion, of these daies: in the English College of Rhemes; Bible. N.T. English. Douai. Martin, Gregory, d. 1582. 1582 (1582) STC 2884; ESTC S102491 1,123,479 852

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them that did eate vvas fiue thousand men beside vvomen and children ✝ verse 22 And forth vvith IESVS commaunded his Disciples to goe vp into the boate and to goe before him ouer the vvater til he dimissed the multitudes ✝ verse 23 And hauing dimissed the multitude he * ascended into a mountaine alone to praye And vvhen it vvas euening he vvas there alone ✝ verse 24 But the boate in the middes of the sea vvas tossed vvith vvaues for the vvinde vvas contratie ✝ verse 25 And in the fourth vvatch of the night he came vnto them vvalking vpon the sea ✝ verse 26 And seeing him vpon the ″ sea vvalking they vvere troubled saying That it is a ghost and for feare they cried out ✝ verse 27 And immediatly IESVS spake vnto them saying Haue confidence it is I feare ye not ✝ verse 28 And Peter making ansvver said Lord if it be thou bid me come to thee vpon the vvaters ✝ verse 29 And he said Come And Peter descending out of the boate ″ vvalked vpon the vvater to come to IESVS ✝ verse 30 But seeing the vvinde rough he vvas afraid and vvhen he began to be drovvned he cried out saying Lord saue me ✝ verse 31 And incontinent IESVS stretching forth his hand tooke hold of him and said vnto him O thou of litle faith vvhy didst thou doubt ✝ verse 32 And vvhen they vvere gone vp into the boate the vvinde ceased ✝ verse 33 And they that vvere in the boate came and adored him saying In deede thou art the sonne of God ⊢ ✝ verse 34 And hauing passed the vvater they came into the countrie of Genesar ✝ verse 35 And vvhen the men of that place vnderstoode of him they sent into al that countrie and brought vnto him al that vvere il at ease ✝ verse 36 and they besought him that they might touche but the hemme of his garment and vvhosoeuer did touche vvere made hole ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XIIII 3. Because of Herodias It is to ordinary in Princes to put them to death that freely tel them such faultes women whom they fansie specially inciting them to such mischeefe 12. Buried it An example of duty toward the dead bodies of the faithful Wherein see the difference of Catholike Christian men and of al infidels be they Pagans Apostataes or Heretikes For whereas the Christians had layd the body of this blessed Prophete and Martyr ● in Samaria with the Relikes of Elias and Abdias by vertue wherof wōderful miracle were wrought in that place in Iulian the Apostataes time when men might doe al mischeefe freely against Christian religion the Pagans opened the tombe of S. Iohn Baptist burnt his bones scattered the ashes about the fields but certaine religious Monkes coming thither a pilgrimage at the same time aduentured their life and saued as much of the holy Relikes as they could and brought them to their Abbot Philip a man of God who esteeming them to great a treasure for him and his to keepe for their priuate deuotion sent them to Athanasius the B. of Alexandria and he with al reuerence layd them in such a place as it were by the Spirit of Prophecie where afterward by occasion of them was built a goodly chappel Theod. li. 3 c. 6. Ruff. li. 2 c. 28. 27. Marke here that the Heretikes of our time doe as those Pagans to the bodies and Relikes of al blessed Saints that they can destroy and Catholikes contrariwise haue the religious deuotion of those old Christians as appeareth by the honour done now to his head at Amiens in France 13. Retired Christ much esteemed Iohn and withdrewe him self aside to giue example of moderate mourning for the departed and to shew the horrour of that execrable murder as in the Primitiue Churche many good men seing the miserable state of the world in the time of persecution and the sinnes that abounded withal tooke an occasion to forsake those tumults and to giue them selues to contemplation and for that purpose retired into the deserts of Aegypt and els where to doe penance for their owne sinnes and the sinnes of the world Wherevpon partly rose that infinite number of Monkes and Eremites of whom the fathers and Ecclesiastical histories make mention Hiero. to 2 in vit Pauli Eremita Sozo li. 1 c. 12. 13. 19. The Disciples to the multitudes A figure of the ministerie of the Apostles who as they here had the distribution and ordering of these miraculous loaues so had they also to bestow and dispense al the foode of our soules in ministering of the vvord and Sacraments neither may lay men chalenge the same 26. Walking When not only Christ but by his power Peter also walketh vpon the vvaters it is euident that he can dispose of his owne body aboue nature and contrary to the natural conditions thereof as to goe through a doore Io. 20. to be in the compasse of a litle bread Epiphan in Anchorato 29. Walked Peter saith S. Bernard walking vpon the waters as Christ did declared him self the only Vicar of Christ which should be ruler not ouer one people but ouer al. For many waters are many peoples Bernard li. 2 de consid c. 8. See the place how he deduceth from Peter the like authoritie and iurisdiction to his successor the Bishop of Rome CHAP. XV. The Pharisees of Hierusalem comming so farre to carpe him he chargeth vvith a tradition contrarie to Gods commaundement 10 And to the people he yeldeth the reason of that vvhich they reproued 15 and againe to his Disciples shevving the ground of the Pharisaical vvashing to vvitte that meates othervvise defile the soule to be false 21 then he goeth aside to hide him self among the Gentils vvhere in a vvoman he findeth such faith that he is faine lest the Gentils should before the time extort the vvhole bread as she had a crumme to returne to the levves 34 vvhere al contrarie to those Pharises the common people seeke vvonderfully vnto him and he after he hath cured their diseased feedeth 4000 of them vvith seuen loaues verse 1 THEN came to him from Hierusalem Scribes and Pharisees saying ✝ verse 2 Why do thy Disciples transgresse the tradition of the Auncientes For they wash not their hāds when they eate bread ✝ verse 3 But he ansvvering said to them Why do you also transgresse the cōmaundement of God for your tradition For God said ✝ verse 4 Honour father and mother and Heth it shal curse father or mother dying let him dye ✝ verse 5 But you say Whosoeuer shal say to father or mother The gift vvhatsoeuer procedeth from me shal profite the ✝ verse 6 and shal not honour his father or his mother and you haue made frustrate the cōmaundement of God for your ovvne tradition ✝ verse 7 Hypocrites vvel hath Esay Prophecied of you saying ✝ verse 8 This people honoureth me vvith their ″ lippes but their hart is farre from me
And it is a case that Heretikes can not lightly bragge of no one sect commonly during so long vvithout intermission that they can haue many progenitors of the said sect Vvhich is a demonstration that their faith is not true and that it is impossible our Catholike faith to be false supposing the Christian religion to be true 12. Depositum A great comfort to al Christians that euery of their good deedes and sufferings for Christ and al the vvorldly losses susteined for defense or confession of their faith he extant vvith God and kept as depositum to be repaied or receiued againe in heauen Vvhich if the vvorldings beleeued or considered they vvould not so much maruel to see Catholike men so vvillingly to lose land libertie credit life and al for Christes sake and the Churches faith 13. A forme The Apostles did set dovvne a platforme of faith doctrine phrase of Catholike speach and preaching that not so much by vvriting as here vve see as by vvord of mouth to vvhich he referreth Timothee ouer and aboue his Epistles vnto him And hovv precisely Christian Doctors ought to keepe the forme of vvordes aunciently appropriated to the mysteries and matters of our religion S. Augustine expresseth in these vvordes li. 10 de ciuit c. 23. Philosophers speake vvith freedom of vvordes c. but vve must speake according to a certaine rule lest licentious libertie of vvordes breede an impious opiniō of the things also that are signified by the same Trinitie person essence Consubstantial Transsubstantiation Masse Sacrament and such like be verba sana as the Apostle speaketh sound vvordes giuen to expresse certaine high truthes in religion partly by the Apostles and first founders of our religion vnder Christ and partly very aptly inuented by holy Councels and fathers to expresse as neere as could be the high inestable or vnspeakable veritie of some points and to stoppe the Heretikes audacitie and inuention of nevv vvordes and prophane speaches in such things vvhich the Apostle vvarneth Timothee to auoid 1 ep c. 6 10. and 2 ep 2 16. See the Annotations there 18. Our Lord. To haue this praier of an Apostle or any Priest or poore Cath. man so relieued giueth the greatest hope at the day of our death or general iudgemēt that can be and it is worth al the landes honours and riches of the vvorld CHAP. II. He exhorteth him to labour diligently in his office considering the revvard in Christ and his denial of them that deny him 14 Not to contend but to shunne heretikes neither to be moued to see some subuerted considering that the elect continue Catholikes and that in the Church be of al sortes 24 Yet vvithal svveetenes to reclaime the deceiued verse 1 THOV therfore my sonne be strong in the grace vvhich is in Christ IESVS ✝ verse 2 the things vvhich thou hast heard of me by many witnesses these cōmend to faithful men vvhich shal be fit to teach others also ✝ verse 3 Labour thou as a good souldiar of Christ IESVS ✝ verse 4 ″ No man being a souldiar to God intāgleth him self vvith secular businesses that he may please him to vvhom he hath approued him self ✝ verse 5 For he also that striueth for the maisterie is not crovvned vnlesse he striue lavvfully ✝ verse 6 The husbandman that laboureth must first take of the fruites ✝ verse 7 Vnderstand vvhat I say for our Lord vvil giue thee in al things vnderstanding ✝ verse 8 Be mindeful that our Lord IESVS Christ is risen againe from the dead of the seede of Dauid according to my Gospel ✝ verse 9 vvherein I labour euen vnto bandes as a malefactour but the vvord of God is not tied ✝ verse 10 Therfore I sustaine al things for the elect that they also may obtaine the saluation vvhich is in Christ IESVS vvith heauenly glorie ✝ verse 11 A faithful saying For if vve be dead vvith him vve shal liue also together ✝ verse 12 If vve shal sustaine vve shal also reigne together * If vve shal deny he also vvil denie vs. ✝ verse 13 * If vve beleeue not he continueth faithful he can not denie him self ✝ verse 14 These things admonish testifying before our Lord. Contend not in vvordes for it is profitable for nothing but for the subuersion of them that heare ✝ verse 15 Carefully prouide to present thy self approued to God a vvorkeman not to be confounded ″ rightly handling the vvord of truth ✝ verse 16 But profane and vaine speaches auoid for they doe much grovv to impietie ✝ verse 17 ″ their speache spreadeth as a canker of vvhom is Hymenaeus and Philêtus ✝ verse 18 vvho haue erred from the truth saying that the resurrection is done already and haue subuerted the faith of some ✝ verse 19 But the sure foundation of God standeth hauing this seale Our Lord knovveth vvho be his and let euery one depart from iniquitie that nameth the name of our Lord. ✝ verse 20 But ″ in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of siluer but also of vvood and of earth and certaine in deede vnto honour but certaine vnto contumelie ✝ verse 21 If any man therfore shal ″ cleanse him self from these he shal be a vessel vnto honour sanctified profitable to our Lord prepared to euery good vvorke ✝ verse 22 But youthful desires flee and pursue iustice faith charitie peace vvith them that inuocate our Lord from a pure hart ✝ verse 23 And * foolish and vnlearned questiōs auoid knovving that they ingender braules ✝ verse 24 But the seruant of our Lord must not vvrangle but be milde tovvard al men apt to teache patient ✝ verse 25 vvith modestie admonishing them that resist the truth lest sometime God giue them repentance to knovv the truth ✝ verse 26 and they recouer them selues from the snares of the deuil of vvhom they are held captiue at his vvil ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 4 No man being a souldiar First of al the Apostle 1 Cor. 7. maketh mariage the needful cares solicitude and distractions therevpon euer depending special impediments of al such as should employ them selues vvholy to Gods seruice as Bishops Priests are bound to do He that is vvith a vvife saith he is careful for the vvorld hovv to please his vvife and is distracted or deuided 2 Cor. 7. Secondly the practise of Physicke merchandise or any other profane facultie and trade of life to gather riches and much more to be giuen to hunting hauking gameuing shevves enterludes or the like pastimes is here forbidden Thirdly the seruices of Princes and manifold base offices done to them for to obtaine dignities and promotions are disagreable to Priestly functions not so to be their chaplens for his purpose to preach vnto them to heare their confessions to minister the Sacraments vnto them to say Diuine seruice before them and such other spiritual dueties for al such seruices done
prone to their old lavv and voluntarily after the knovvledge and profession of the Christian faith by Baptisme commit this sinne of incredulitie and apostasie they can neuer haue that aboundant remission applied vnto them by Baptisme vvhich can neuer be ministred to them againe And that general full pardon he calleth here oblation and aftervvard in the 26 verse hostiam pro peccato an host for sinne 26. If vve sinne vvillingly As the Caluinists abuse other like places against the holy sacrifice of the Masse so they abuse this as the Nouatians did before them to proue that an Heretike Apostata or any that vvilfully forsaketh the truth can neuer be forgiuen Vvhich as is before declared in the 6 chapter is most vvicked blasphemie the meaning hereof being as is there said onely to terrifie the Hebrues that falling from Christ they can nor so easily haue the host of Christes death applied vnto them because they can not be baptized any more but must passe by sacramental penance and satisfaction and other hard remedies vvhich Christ hath prescribed after Baptisme in the Churches discipline Therfore S. Cyril saith li. 5 in Io. cap. 17. Penan●e is not excluded by these vvordes of Paul but the renevving by the lauer of regeneration He doth not here take avvay the second or third remission of sinnes for he is not such an enemy to our saluation but the host vvhich is Christ he denieth that it is to be offered againe vpon the Crosse So saith this holy Doctor And by this place the like you see hovv perilous a thing it is for Heretikes ignorant persons to read the Scriptures Vvhich by folovving their ovvne fantasie * they peruert to their damnation 29. The bloud of the Testament Vvhosoeuer maketh no more account of the bloud of Christes sacrifice either as shed vpon the Crosse or as in the holy Chalice of the altar for our Sauiour calleth that also * the bloud of the nevv Testament then he doth of the bloud of calues and goates or of other common drinkes is vvorthy death and God vvil in the next life if it be not punished here reuenge it vvith greuous punishment 31. It is horrible Let al Christian people do satisfaction and penance for their sinnes in this life for the iudgemēts of God in the next life done by God him self of vvhat sort soeuer vvhether temporall as in Purgatorie or eternal as in Hell be exceding greuous 34. You had compassion To be merciful to the afflicted for religion to be partakers of their miseries is a very meritorious vvorke and giueth great confidence before God in the day of repaiment or remuneration for the same 34. With ioy If all Christian men vvould consider this they vvould not thinke it so great a matter to lose their land or goods for defense of the Catholike faith 38. Liueth of faith Faithful men afflicted in this life haue their comfort in their assured faith and hope of Christes comming to deliuer them once from all these miseries so by that faith and comfort they liue vvhereas othervvise this miserable life vvere a death CHAP. XI He exhorteth them by the definition of faith to sticke vnto God though they see not yet his revvard shevving that all the Saincts aforetime did the like being all constant in faith though not one of them receiued the promis that is the inheritance in heauen but they and vve novv after the comming of Christ receiue it together verse 1 AND ″ faith is the substance of things to be hoped for the argument of things ″ not appearing ✝ verse 2 For in this the old men obtained testimonie ✝ verse 3 * By faith vve vnderstand that the vvorldes vvere framed by the vvord of God that of inuisible things visible things might be made ✝ verse 4 * By faith Abel offered a greater hoste to God thē Cain * by vvhich he obtained testimonie that he vvas i●st God giuing testimonie to his giftes by it he being dead yet speaketh ✝ verse 5 * By faith Henoch vvas translated that he should not see death and he vvas not found because God translated him for before his translation he had testimonie that he had pleased God ✝ verse 6 But vvithout faith it is impossible to please God For ″ he that commeth to God must beleeue that he is and is a revvarder to them that seeke him ✝ verse 7 * By faith Noë hauing receiued an ansvver concerning those things vvhich as yet vvere not seen seating framed the arke for the sauing of his house by the vvhich he condemned the vvorld and vvas instituted heire of the iustice vvhich is by faith ✝ verse 8 * By faith he that is called Abraham obeied to goe forth into the place vvhich he vvas to receiue for inheritāce and he vvent forth not knovving vvhither he vvent ✝ verse 9 By faith he abode in the land of promise as in a strāge lād dvvelling in cottages vvith Isaac Iacob the coheires of the same promise ✝ verse 10 For he expected the citie that hath foundations vvhose artificer and maker is God ✝ verse 11 * By faith Sara also her self being barren receiued vertue in conceauing of seede yea past the time of age because she beleeued that he vvas faithful which had promised ✝ verse 12 For the vvhich cause euen of one and him quite dead there rose as the starres of heauen in multitude as the sand that is by the sea shore innumerable ✝ verse 13 According to faith died al these not hauing receiued the promises but beholding them a farre of and saluting them and cōfessing that they are pilgrimes strangers vpon the earth ✝ verse 14 for they that say these things doe signifie that they seeke a countrie ✝ verse 15 And in deede if they had been mindeful of the same from vvhence they came forth they had time verely to returne ✝ verse 16 but novv they desire a better that is to say a heauenly Therfore God is not confounded to be called their God for he hath prepared them a citie ✝ verse 17 * By faith Abraham offered Isaac vvhen he vvas tempted and his onlie-begotten did he offer vvho had receiued the promises ✝ verse 18 to vvhom it vvas said That in Isaac shal seede be called to thee ✝ verse 19 accounting that God is able to raise vp euen from the dead wherevpō he receiued him also for a parable ✝ verse 20 * By faith also of things to come Isaac blessed Iacob and Esau ✝ verse 21 * BY faith Iacob dying blessed euery one of the sonnes of Ioseph * and ″ adored the toppe of his roddo ✝ verse 22 * By faith Ioseph dying made mention of the going forth of the children of Israël and gaue commaundement concerning his bones ✝ verse 23 * By faith Moyses being borne vvas
vvinges and thou vvouldest not ✝ verse 38 Behold your house shal be lest desert to you ✝ verse 39 For I say to you you shal not see me from hence forth til you say Blessed is he that commeth in the name of our Lord. ● ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXIII 2. Chaire of Moyses God preserueth the truth of Christian religion in the Apostolike See of Rome which is in the new law answerable to the chaire of Moyses notwithstāding the Bishops of the same were neuer so wicked of life yea though some traitour as il as Iudas were Bishop thereof it should not be preiudicial to the Church and innocent Christians for whom our Lord prou●ding said Doe that which they say but doe not as they doe August Epist 165. 3. Whatsoeuer they shal say Why saith S. Augustin dōest thou call the Apostolike Chaire the chaire of pestilence If for the men why Did our Lord Iesus Christ for the Pharisees any vvrong to thee Chaire vvherein they sate Did he not commend that chaire of Moyses and preseruing the honour of the chaire reproue them For he saith They sitte vpon the Chaire of Moyses that vvhich they say doe ye These things if you did vvel consider you vvould not for the men vvhom you defame blaspheme the See Apostolike vvhervvith you doe not communicate And againe he saith Neither for the Pharisees to vvhom yu compare vs not of vvisdom but of malice did our Lord commaund the Chaire of Moyses to be forsaken in vvhich chaire verely he figured his ovvne for he vvarneth the people to doe that vvhich they say and not to doe that vvhich they doe and that the holinesse of the Chaire be in no case forsaken nor the vnity of the flocke deuided for the naughty Pastours 6. Loue the first places He condemneth not dew places of Superiority geuen or taken of men according to their degrees but ambitious seeking for the same and their prowde hart and vvicked intention which he saw within them and therfore might boldly reprehend them 8. One is your maister In the Catholike Church there is one Maister Christ our Lord and vnder him one Vicar with whom al Catholike Doctors and teachers are one because they teach al one thing but in Arch-heretikes it is not so where euery one of them is a diuerse maister and teacheth contrarie to the other and wil be called Rabbi and Maister euery one of their owne Disciples Arius a Rabbi among the Arians Luther among the Lutherans and among the Caluinists Caluin 10. Maisters Wiclefe and the like Heretikes of this time doe herevpon condemne degrees of Schole and titles of Doctors and Maisters where they might as wel reproue S. Paul for calling him self Doctor and Maister of the Gentiles and for saying that there should be alwayes Doctors in the Church and whereas they bring the other words folowing against Religious men who are called fathers as wel might they by this place take away the name of carnal fathers and blame S. Paule for calling him self the only spiritual father of the Corinthians but in deede nothing is here forbidden but the contentious diuision and partiality of such as make them selues Ringleaders of Schismes and Sectes as Donatus Arius Luther Caluin 11. Scribes and Pharisees In al these reprehensions it is much to be noted that our Sauiour for the honour of Priesthod neuer reprehendeth Priests by that name Cypr. ep 65. whereas our Heretikes vse this name of purpose in reproche and despite 14. Praying long prayers They are not reprehended here for the things them selues which for the most part are good as long prayer making Proselytes garnishing the Prophetes sepulchres c. but for their wicked purpose and intention as before is said of fasting prayers almes Mat. 6. 15. Double more They that teach that it is ynough to haue only faith doe make such Christians as the Iewes did Proselytes children of Hel far more then before August lib. de fide oper cap. 26. 19. Sanctifieth Note that donaries and gifts bestowed vpon Churches and altars be sanctified by dedication to God and by touching the altar and other holy things as now specially the vessels of the sacrifice and Sacrament of Christes body and bloud by touching the same and the altar it self wherevpon it is consecrated whereof Theophylacte writeth thus vpon this place In the old lavv Christ permitteth not the gift to be greater then the altar but vvith vs the altar is sanctified by the gift for the hostes by the diuine grace are turned into our Lords body and therfore is the altar also sanctified by them 21. By him that dwelleth therein By this we see that swearing by creatures as by the Gospel by Saincts is al referred to the honour of God whose Gospel it is whose Saincts they are 28. Appeare to men Christ might boldly reprehend them so often and so vehemently for hypocrisie because he knew their harts and intentions but we that can not see within men may not presume to call mens external good doings hypocrisie but iudge of men as we see and know 29. Garnish Christ blameth not the Iewes for adorning the sepulchres of the Prophetes but entwyteth them of their malice toward him and of that which by his diuine knowledge he foresaw that they would accomplish the wickednes of their fathers in sheding his bloud as their fathers did the bloud of the Prophetes Hilar. CHAP. XXIIII To his Disciples by occasion of Hierusalem and the Temples destruction he foretelleth * vvhat things shal be before the consummation of the vvorld as specially 14 the Churches ful preaching vnto al nations 15 then vvhat shal be in the very consummation to vvit Antichrist vvith his passing great persecution and seduction but for a short times 29 then incontinent the Day of iudgement to our great comfort in those miseries vnder Antichrist 35 As for the moment to vs it perteineth not to knovv it 37 but rather euery man to vvatch that vve be not vnprouided vvhen he commeth to ech one particularly by death verse 1 AND IESVS being gone out of the temple vvent And his disciples came to shevv him the buildings of the tēple ✝ verse 2 And he ansvvering said to thē Do you see al these things Amen I say to you there shal ● not be left here a stone vpon a stone that shal not be destroied ✝ verse 3 And vvhen he vvas sitting vpon Mount-oliuet the disciples came to him secretly saying Tel vs vvhen shal these things be and vvhat shal be ● the signe of thy comming and of the consummation of the vvorld ✝ verse 4 And IESVS ansvvering said to them Bevvare that no man ● seduce you ✝ verse 5 for many shal come in my name saying ● I am Christ and they shal seduce many ✝ verse 6 For you shal heare of vvarres bruites of vvarres See that ye be not troubled for these
more infirme and ignorant sort of Christian men be called sensual or carnal also vvho being occupied in secular affaires and giuen to sensual ioy and vvorldlines haue no such sense nor feeling of these great gifts of God as the perfecter sort of the faithful haue Vvho trying these high pointes of religion not by reason and sense but by grace faith and Spirit be therfore called spiritual The spiritual then is he that iudgeth and discerneth the truth of such things as the carnal can not attaine vnto that doth by the spirit of the Church vvhereof he is partaker in the vnitie of the same not onely see the errours of the carnal but condemneth them and iudgeth euery povver resisting Gods spirit and vvord the carnal Ievv Heathen or Heretike hauing no meanes nor right to iudge of the said spiritual man For vvhen the spiritual is said to be iudged of none the meaning is not that he should not be subiect or obedient to his Pastors and spiritual Povvers and to the vvhole Church specially for the trial or examination of al his life doctrine and faith but that a Catholike man and namely a teacher of Catholike doctrine in the Church should not be any vvhit subiect to the iudgement of the Heathen or the Heretike nor care vvhat of ignorance or infidelitie they say against him for such carnal men haue no iudgement in such things nor can attaine to the Churches vvisedom in any ceremonie mysterie or matter vvhich they condemne Therfore S. Irenaeus excellently declaring that the Church and query spiritual childe thereof iudgeth and condemneth al false Prophets and Heretikes of vvhat sort so euer at length he concludeth vvith these notable vvordes The spiritual shal iudge also all that make schismes vvhich be cruel not hauing the loue of God and respecting their ovvne priuate more then the vnitie of the Church mangle deuide and as much as in them lieth kill for smal causes the great and glorious body of Christ speaking peace and seeking battaile He shal iudge also them that be out of the truth that is to say out of the Church vvhich Church shal be vnder no mans iudgement for to the Church are al things knovven in vvhich is perfect faith of the Father and of al the dispensation of Christ and firme knovvledge of the Holy Ghost that teacheth all truth CHA. III. If they vvil not be carnal stil they must boast in God only not in their preachers which are but his ministers 10 and neede to looke vvel hovv they preach 12 because not al preaching though it be Catholike is meritorious but rather it buildeth matter to be purged by fire vvhen it is vaine and vnfruitful as also any other like vvorkes of other Catholikes marie if it be heretical destroying the temple of God then it vvorketh damnation 18 The remedie is to humble them selues and referre al to God verse 1 AND I brethren could not speake to you as to spiritual but as to carnal As it vvere to litle ones in Christ ✝ verse 2 I gaue you milke to drinke not meate for you could not as yet but neither can you novv verely for yet you are carnal ✝ verse 3 For vvhereas there is among you emulation and contention are you not carnal and vvalke according to man ✝ verse 4 For vvhen one saith I certes am Paules an other I Apollos are you not ●men ' Vvhat is Apollo then and vvhat is Paul ✝ verse 5 The ministers of him vvhom you haue beleeued to euery one as our Lord hath giuen ✝ verse 6 I planted Apollo vvatered but God gaue the increase ✝ verse 7 Therfore neither he that planteth is any thing nor he that vvatereth but he that giueth the increase God ✝ verse 8 And he that planteth and he that vvatereth are one And ● euery one shal receiue his owne reward according to his ovvne labour ✝ verse 9 For vve are Gods coadiutors you are Gods husbandrie you are Gods building ✝ verse 10 According to the grace that is giuen me as a vvise vvorkemaster haue I laid the foundation and an other buildeth therevpon but let euery one looke hovv he buildeth thereon ✝ verse 11 For other foundation no man can lay beside that vvhich is laid vvhich is Christ IESVS ✝ verse 12 And if any man build ● vpon this foundation gold siluer pretious stones vvood hay stubble ✝ verse 13 the vvorke of euery one ● shal be manifest for ● the day of our Lord vvil declare because it shal be reuealed in fire and the vvorke of euery one of vvhat kinde it is the fire shal trie ✝ verse 14 If any mans vvorke abide vvhich he built therevpon he shal receiue revvard ✝ verse 15 If any mans vvorke burne he shal suffer detriment but him self shal be saued yet so ● as by fire ✝ verse 16 Knovv you not that you are the temple of God and the Spirit of God dvvelleth in you ✝ verse 17 But if any violate the temple of God God vvil destroy him For the temple of God is holy vvhich you are ✝ verse 18 Let no man seduce him self if any man seeme to be vvise among you in this world let him become a foole that he may be vvise ✝ verse 19 For the vvisedom of this vvorld is folishnes vvith God For it is vvritten I vvil compasse the vvise in their subteltie ✝ verse 20 And againe Our Lord knovveth the cogitations of the vvise that they be ●aine ✝ verse 21 Let no man therfore glorie in men For al things are yours ✝ verse 22 vvhether it be Paul or Apollo or Cephas or the vvorld or life or death or things present or things to come for al are yours ✝ verse 23 and you are Christs and Christ is Gods ANNOTATIONS CHAP. III. 8. Euery man shal receiue according A most plaine text for proofe that men by their labours and by the diuersities thereof shal be diuersly revvarded in heauen and therfore that by their vvorkes proceding of grace they do deserue or merite heauen and the more or lesse ioy in the same for though the holy Scripture cōmonly vse not this vvord merite yet in places innumerable of the old and nevv Testament the very true sense of merite is conteined and so often as the vvord merces and the like be vsed they be euer vnderstood as correlatiues or correspondent vnto it for if the ioy of heauen be ●erribution repaiment hire vvages for vvorkes as in infinite places of holy Scripture then the vvorkes can be none other but the valure deseit price vvorth and merite of the same And in deede this vvord revvard vvhich in our English tonge may signifie a volutary or bountiful gift doth not so vvel expresse the nature of the * Latin vvord or the Greeke vvhich are rather the very stipend that the hired vvorkeman or iournieman couenanteth to haue of him vvhose vvorke he doth and is a thing equally
the man of sinne be reuealed the sonne of perdition ✝ verse 4 vvhich is an aduersarie is ″ extolled aboue al that is called God or that is worshipped so that he sitteth ″ in the temple of God shevving him self as though he were God ✝ verse 5 Remember you not that vvhen I vvas yet vvith you I told you these things ✝ verse 6 And now ″ vvhat letteth you knovv that he may be reuealed in his time ✝ verse 7 For novv the mysterie of iniquitie vvorketh only that he vvhich novv holdeth doe hold vntil he be taken out of the vvay ✝ verse 8 And then that vvicked one shal be reuealed * vvhom our Lord IESVS shal kil vvith the spirit of his mouth shal destroy vvith the manifestation of his aduent him ✝ verse 9 vvhose comming is according to the operatiō of Satan ″ in al povver and lying signes and vvonders ✝ verse 10 and in al seducing of iniquitie to them that perish for that they haue not receiued the charitie of the truth that they might be saued ✝ verse 11 Therfore God vvil send them the operation of errour to beleeue lying ✝ verse 12 that al may be iudged vvhich haue not beleeued the truth but haue consented to iniquitie ✝ verse 13 But vve ought to giue thākes to God alvvaies for you brethrē beloued of God that he hath chosen you first-fruites vnto saluation in sanctification of spirit and faith of the truth ✝ verse 14 into the vvhich also he hath called you by our Gospel vnto the purchasing of the glorie of our Lord IESVS Christ ✝ verse 15 Therfore brethren stand and hold the ″ traditiōs vvhich you haue learned vvhether it be by vvord or by our epistle ✝ verse 16 And our Lord IESVS Christ him self and God our father vvhich hath loued vs and hath giuen eternal consolation and good hope in grace ✝ verse 17 exhort your hartes and confirme you in euery good vvorke and vvorde ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. ● A● though the day The curiositie of man fed by Satans deceites hath sought to knovv and to giue out to the vvorld such things as God vvil not impart to him nor be necessarie or profitable for him to knovv so farre that both in the Apostles daies and often aftervvard some haue feined reuelations some falsely gathered out of the Scriptures some presumed to calculate and coniecte by the starres and giuen furth to the vvorld a certaine time of Christes coming to iudgement Al vvhich seducers be here noted in the person of some that vvere about to deceiue the Thessalonians therein And S. Augustine in his 80 Epistle ad Hesychium proueth that no man can be assured by the Scriptures of the day yere or age that the end of the vvorld or the second Aduent shal be ● Vnles there come a reuolt first Though vve can not be assured of the moment houre or any certaine time of our Lordes cōming yet he vvarranteth vs that it vvil not be before certaine things be fulfilled vvhich must come to passe by the course of Gods prouidence and permission before vvhich are diuers vvhereof in other places of Scriptures vve be forevvarned Here he vvarneth vs of tvvo specially of a reuolt defection or an apostasie and of the comming or reuelation of Antichrist Vvhich tvvo pertaine in effect both to one either depending of the other and shal fall as it may be thought neere together and therfore S Augustine maketh them but one thing This apostasie or reuolt by the iudgement in maner of al auncient vvriters is the general forsaking fall of the Romane empire So Tertullian li. de resur carnis S. Hierom q 11 ad Algasiam S. Chrysostom ho. 4. and S. Ambrose vpon this place S. Augustine De Ciuit. Dei li. 20 c. 19. Al vvhich fathers and the rest * Caluin presump●kously condemneth of errour and follie herein for that their exposition agreeth not vvith his and his fellovves blasphemous fiction that the Pope should be Antichrist To establish vvhich false impietie they interprete this reuolt or apostasie to be a general reuolt of the visible Church from God vvhose house or building they say vvas sodenly destroied and lay many yeres ruined and ruled onely by Satan and Antichrist So faith the foresaid Arch-heretike here though for the aduantage of his defence and as the matter els vvhere requireth he seemeth as al their fashion is to speake in other places quite contrarie but vvith such colour and collusion of vvordes that neither other men nor him self can tell vvhat he vvould haue or say And his fathers Vvicleffe and Luther his fellovves and folovvers Illyricus Beza and the rest are for the time of the Churches falling from Christ so various among them selues and so contrarie to him that it is horrible to see their confusion and a pitieful case that any reasonable man vvil folovv such companions to euident perdition But concerning ●his errour and falshod of the Churches defection or reuolt it is refuted suffi●iently by S. Augustine against the Donatistes in many places Vvhere he proueth that the Church shal not faile to the vvorldes end no not in the time of Antichrist affirming them to deny Christ and to robbe him of his glorie inheritance bought vvith his bloud vvhich teach that the Church may faile or perish Li. de vnit Ec. c. 12. 13. De Ciuit. li. 20. c. 8. In Psal 85 ad illud Tu so●u Deus magnus ps 70 Conc. 2. Psal 60. De vtil cred c. 8. S. Hierom refuteth the same vvicked Heresie in the Luciferians prouing against them that they make God subiect to the Diuel and a poore miserable Christ that imagine the Church his body may either perish or be driuen to any corner of the vvorld both of them ansvver to the Heretikes arguments grounded on Scriptures falsely vnderstood vvhich vvere to long here to rehearse It is ynough for the Christian reader to knovv that it is an old deceite and excuse of al Heretikes and Schismatikes for defence of their forsaking Gods Church that the Church is perished or remaineth hidden or in them selues onely and in those places vvhere they and their folovvers dvvel to knovv also that this is reproued by the holy Doctors of the primitiue Church and that it is against Christes honour povver prouidence and promis If the Aduersaries had said that this reuolt vvhich the Apostle foretelleth shal come before the vvorldes end is meant of great numbers of Heretikes Apostataes reuolting from the Church they had said truth of them selues and such others vvhom S. Iohn calleth Antichristes And it is very like be it spoken vnder the correction of Gods Church and al learned Catholikes that this great defection or reuolt shal not be onely from the Romane empire but specially from the Romane Church and vvithal from most points of Christian religion not that the Catholike Christians either in the time of
plant Therfore if the rest be Antichrist let Beza boldly say that S. Peter vvas so also and that diuers of the aūcient Catholike fathers did serue and vvorke though vnvvares tovvardes the setting vp of the great Antichrist for so doth that blasphemous penne boldly vvrite in his Annotations vpon this place and an English printed booke of late comming forth out of the same schoole hath these vvordes As for Leo and Gregorie Bishops of Rome although they vvere not come to the ful pride of Antichrist yet the mysterie of iniquitie hauing vvrought in that Seate neere fiue or sixe hundred yeres before them and then greatly increased they vvere deceiued vvith the long continuance of errour Thus vvriteth a malapert scholer of that impudent schole placing the mysterie of Antichrist as vvorking in the See of Rome euen in S. Peters time and making these tvvo holy fathers great vvorkers and furtherers of the same vvhereas an other English Rabbine doubted not at Paules crosse to speake of the self same fathers as great Doctors and Patrones of their nevv Gospel thus O Gregorie ô Leo if vve be deceiued you haue deceiued vs. Vvhereof vve giue the good Christian Reader vvarning more diligently to bevvare of such damnable bookes and Maisters carying many vnaduised people to perdition 4. Extolled The great Antichrist vvhich must come neere the vvorldes end shal abolish the publike exercise of al other religions true and false and pull dovvne both the B. Sacrament of the altar vvherein cōsisteth specially the vvorship of the true God and also al Idols of the Gentils and sacrifices of the Ievves generally al kinde of religious vvorship sauing that vvhich must be done to him self alone vvhich vvas partly prefigured in such kings as published that no God nor man but them selues should be praied vnto for certaine daies as * Darîus and such like Hovv can the Protestants then for shame and vvithout euident cōtradiction auouch the Pope to be Antichrist vvho as vve say honoureth Christ the true God vvithal his povver or as they say honoureth Idols and chalengeth no diuine honour to him self much lesse to him self onely as Antichrist shal do He hūbly praieth to God lovvly knee●eth dovvne in euery Church at diuers altars erected to God in the memories of his Saincts and praieth to them He saieth or heareth Masse daily vvith al deuotion he confesseth his sinnes to a Priest as other poore men do he adoreth the holy Eucharist vvhich Christ affirmed to be his ovvne body the Heretikes call it an Idol no maruel if they make the Pope his Vicar Antichrist vvhen they make Christ him self an Idol These religious dueties doth the Pope vvhereas Antichrist shal vvorship none nor pray to any at the least openly 4. In the temple Most auncient vvriters expound this of the Temple in Hierusalem vvhich they thinke Antichrist shal build vp againe as being of the Ievves stocke and to be acknovvledged of that obstinate people according to our Sauiours prophecie Io. 5 for their expected and promised Messias Iren. li. 5 in fine Hyppolyt de consum mundi Cyril Hieros Cacech 15. Author op imp ho. 49. in Mat. See S. Hierom in 11 Dan. Grego li. 31. Moral c. 11. Not that he shal suffer them to vvorship God by their old maner of sacrifices al vvhich he vvil either abolish or conuert to the onely adoration of him self though at the first to apply him self to the Ievves he may perhaps be circumcised and keepe some part of the law for it is here said that he shal sitte in the Temple as God that is he shal be adored there by sacrifice and diuine honour the name and vvorship of the true God wholy defaced And this they thinke to be the abominatiō of desolation foretold by Daniel mentioned by our Sauiour prefigured and resembled by Antiochus and others that defaced the worship of the true God by prophanation of that Temple specially by abrogating the daily sacrifice which was a figure of the only sacrifice and continual oblation of Christes holy body and bloud in the Church as the abolishing of that vvas a figure of the abolishing of this vvhich shal be done principally most vniuersally by Antichrist him self as novv in part by his forerunners through out al Nations and Churches of the vvorld though then also Masse may be had in secret as it is novv in nations vvhere the secular force of some Princes prohibiteth it to be said openly For although he may haue his principal seate and honour in the Temple and citie of Hierusalem yet he shal rule ouer the vvhole vvorld and specially prohibite that principal vvorship instituted by Christ in his Sacraments as being the proper Aduersarie of Christes person name lavv and Church the prophanation and desolation of vvhich Church by taking avvay the sacrifice of the altar is the proper abomination of desolation and the vvorke of Antichrist onely S. Augustine therfore li. 20 de ciuit c. 19. and S. Hierom q. 11 ad Algasiam do thinke that this sitting of Antichrist in the temple doth signifie his sitting in the Church of Christ rather then in Salomons temple Not as though he should be a cheefe member of the Church of Christ or a special part of his body mystical and be Antichrist and yet vvithal continuing vvithin the Church of Christ as the Heretikes feine to make the Pope Antichrist vvhereby they plainely confesse and agnise that the Pope is a member of the Church c. in ipso sinu Ecclesiae and in the very bosome of the Church say they for that is ridiculous that al Heretikes vvhom S. Iohn calleth Antichristes as his precursors should go out of the Church and the great Antichrist him self should be of the Church in the Church cōtinevv in the same and yet to them that make the vvhole Church to reuolt from God this is no absurditie But the truth is that this Antichristian reuolt here spoken of is from the Catholike Church and Antichrist if he euer vvere of or in the Church shal be an Apostata and a renegate out of the Church and shal vsurpe vpon it by tyrannie and by chalenging vvorship religion gouernement thereof so that him self shal be adored in al the Churches of the vvorld vvhich he list to leaue standing for his honour And this is to sitte in the temple o● against the Temple of God as some interprete If any Pope did euer this or shal do then let the Aduersaries call him Antichrist And let the good Reader obserue that there be tvvo special causes vvhy this great man of sinne is called Antichrist The one is for impugning Christes kingdom in earth that is to say his spiritual regiment vvhich he constituted and appointed in his Church and the forme of gouernement ordained therein applying al to him self by singular tyrannie and vsurpation in vvhich kinde S. Athanasius ep at Solit. vit
to the order of Aaron but according to the order of Melchisedec See ep 120. c. 19. ep 57. ad q. 1. in fine Thus you see vvhen the holy fathers handle the Scriptures they finde Masse and Sacrifice in many places vvhere the ignorant heretikes or the simple might thinke they speake onely of a common thankes giuing 16. God is promerited This latin vvord promeretur cannot be expressed effectually in any one English vvord It signifieth Gods fauour to be procured by the foresaid vvorkes of almes and charitie as by the deserts and merites of the doers Which doctrine and vvord of merites the Aduersaries like so il that they flee both here and els vvhere from the vvord translating here for promeretur Deus God is pleased more neere to the Greeke as they pretend Which in deede maketh no more for them then the latin vvhich is agreable to most auncient copies as vve see by Primasius S. Augustines scholer For if God be pleased vvith good vvorkes and shew fauour for them then are they meritorious and then only faith is not the cause of Gods fauour to men 17. Obey your Prelates There is nothing more inculcated in the holy Scriptures then obedience of the lay people to the Priests and Prelates of Gods Church in matters of soule conscience and religion Vvhereof the Apostle giueth this reason because they haue the charge of mens soules and must ansvver for them vvhich is an infinite preeminence and superiority ioyned vvith burden and requireth maruelous submission and most obedient subiection of al that be vnder them and their gouernement From this obedience there is no exception nor exemption of kings nor Princes be they neuer so great If they haue soules and be Christian men they must be subiect to some Bishop Priest or other Prelate And vvhatsoeuer he be though Emperour of all the vvorld if he take vpon him to prescribe and giue lawes of religion to the Bishops and Priests vvhom he ought to obey and be subiect vnto in religion he shal he damned vndoubtedly except he repent because he doth against the expresse vvord of God and law of nature And by this you may see the difference of an heretical and a disordered time from other Catholike Christian daies For heresie and the like damnable reuoltes from the Church of God is no more but a rebellion and disobedience to the Priests of Gods Church vvhen men refuse to be vnder their discipline to heare their doctrine and interpretation of Scriptures to obey their lawes and counsels This disobedience and rebellion from the Spiritual Gouernour vnder pretence of obedience to the Temporal is the bane of our daies and specially of our Countrie vvhere these new Sectes are properly mainteined by this false principle That the Prince in matters of soule and religion may commaund the Prelate vvhich is directly and euidently against this Scripture and all other that commaund the sheepe of Christes fold to obey their spiritual Officers THE ARGVMENT OF THE EPISTLE OF S. IAMES THIS Epistle as the rest folovving is directed specially as S. Augustine saith against the errour of only faith vvhich some held at that time also by misconstruing S. Paules vvordes Yea not only that but many other errours vvhich then also vvere annexed vnto it as they are novv doth this Apostle here touche expresly He saith therfore that not only faith but also good vvorkes are necessarie that not only faith but also good vvorkes do iustifie that they are actes of Religion or seruice and vvorship of God that to keepe al the commaundements of God and so to abstaine from al mortal sinne is not impossible but necessarie that God is not author of sinne no not so much as of tentation to sinne that vve must stay our selues from sinning vvith feare of our death of the Iudgement of hel and stirre our selues to doing of good vvith our revvard that vve shall haue for it in heauen These pointes of the Catholike faith he commendeth earnestly vnto vs inueighing vehemently against them that teach the cōtrarie errors Hovvbeit he doth vvithal admonish not to neglect such but to seeke their conuersion shevving them hovv meritorious a thing that is Thus then he exhorteth generally to all good vvorkes dehorteth from al sinne but yet also namely to certaine from certaine as from acception of persons from detraction and rash iudging from concupiscēce and loue of this vvorld from svvearing and to praier to almes to humilitie confession and penance but most copiously to patience in persecution Novv vvho this Iames vvas It is not be vvhose feast the Church keepeth the 25 of Iulie vvhich vvas S. Iohns brother and vvhose martyrdom vve haue Act. 12. but he vvhom the Church vvorshippeth the first of Maie vvho is called Frater Domini our lordes brother and brother to Iude and vvhich vvas the first Bishop of Hierusalem of vvhom vve reade Act. 15 21. and also Gal. 2. of vvhose vvonderful austeritie and puritie of life the Ecclesiasticall stories do report Euseb li. 2. c. ●2 Hiero. in Catalogo Therfore as the old High-priest had povver and charge ouer the Ievves not only in Hierusalem and Iurie but also dispersed in other Countries as vve vnderstand Act. 9. v. 1 2. so S. Iames likevvise being Bishop of Hierusalem and hauing care not only of those Ievves vvith vvhom he vvas resident there in Iurie but of al the rest also vvriteth this Epistle To the tvvelue tribes that are in dispersion and in them to al Christians vniuersally dispersed through the vvorld THE CATHOLIKE EPISTLE OF IAMES THE APOSTLE Catholike Epistle The vvord Catholike though in the title of this Epistle the rest folovving called The Catholike Epistles it be not vvholy in the same sense as it is in the Creede yet the Protestants so feare and abhorre the vvord altogether that in some of their Bibles they leaue it cleane out although it be in the Greeke and in some they had rather translate ridiculously thus The general Epistle c. vvhereas these are famously knovven and * specified in antiquitie by the name of Catholike Epistles for that they are vvritten to the vvhole Church not to any peculiar people or person as S. Paules are CHAP. I. Vve haue to reioyce in persecution but if vve be patient and vvithal absteine from al mortal sinne 9 considering hovv vve shal be exalted and crovvned for it vvhen the persecutor vvho enricheth him self vvith our spoiles shal fade avvay 13 But if any be tempted to fall or to any other euil let him not say God it the author of it vvho is the author of al good onely 19 Such points of the Ca●●-faith vve must be content to learne vvithout contradiction and anger and to doe accordingly 26 Because othervvise vve may talke of Religion but in deede it is no Religion verse 1 IAMES the seruant of God and of our Lord IESVS Christ to the tvvelue tribes
4. The protestāts fleshly estimation of mariage 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sacramentum Col. 3 20 Exo. 20 12 Deu. 5 16. Col. 3 22 Tit. 2 9. 1 Pet. 2 8. c God leaueth no good worke vnrewarded b 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Deu. 10 17. The Epistle vpon the 21 Sunday after Pentecost c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Eph. 2 2 ⸬ If mā could not be truely iust or haue iustice in him self hovv could he be clothed vvith iustice Es 59 17. 1. Thes 5 8 ⸬ S. Augustine noteth in sundrie places vpō this same text that faith without charitie serueth not to saluation li. 50. ho. 7. Eph. 3. Phil. 1. v. 12. 23. 26. Phil. 2. v. 23. 24. 17. The Epistle vpon the 22 Sunday after Pentecost ` more necessarie Eph. 4 1 b 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 A manifest proofe and euidence c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ` doe heare Bishops and Priests alwais distinct functions * See Annot Tit. 1. v. 5. Ro. 12 10. The Epistle vpon Palme Sunday And vpon Holy Roode day Mai. 3. 1 Cor. 10 24. The Epistle vpon Holy Roode day Septemb. 14. And in a Votiue Masse of the Holy Crosse Heb. 2 9 Es 45 14. Ro. 14 11. ⸬ Such as haue by their preaching gained any to Christ shal ioy and glorie therein excedingly at the day of our Lord. ⸬ Pastors ought to be so zelous of the saluation of their flocke that vvith S. Paul they should offer them selues to death for the same ⸬ Many forsake their teachers vvhen they see them in bandes and prison for their faith because most mē preferre the vvorld before Christs glorie Caluins blasphemie agaīst Christs owne merites The Protestants vvill haue no reuerence done at the name of IESVS Hovv Catholikes honour the name of IESVS and other things pertaining to him Vaine securitie of saluatiō S. Augustine ansvvereth the obiectiō against free vvil Martyrdom c By allusiō of vvords he calleth the carnal Christiā Iews that yet boasted in the circūcision of the flesh concisiō him self the rest that circūcided their hart and senses spiritually the true circumcision S. Chrys Theophylact. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2. Cor. 11 22. Act. 23 6. The Epistle for a Confessor that is not a Bishop ⸬ If S. Paul ceased not to labour still as though he vvere not sure to come to the marke vvithout continual endeuour vvhat securitie may vve poore sinners haue of Heretikes persuasions promises of securitie and saluation by onely faith c ad brauium ` vvil reueale a The Epistle vpon the 23 Sunday after Pentecost And for S. Clemēt Nouemb. 23. ⸬ It is a goodly thing vvhen the Pastor may so say to his flocke Neither is it any derogatiō to Christ that the people should imitate their Apostles life doctrine other holy men S. Augustine S. Benedict S. Dominike S. Francis Ro. 16 17. The obiection against inherent iustice ansvvered Magdeburg cent 1. li 2 c. 4. pag. 222. Double perfection here and in the life to come The heretikes folish defense of their dissensions and diuisions among them selues The difference betvvene the disagreing of auncient fathers or other Catholikes the Heretikes dissensions among them selues The spiteful vvritings of Heretikes one Secte against an other A notable place of S. Augustine ` Euodia ⸬ This Clement vvas aftervvard the 4 Pope of Rome from S. Peter as S. Hierom vvriteth according to the cōmon supputation b The Epistle vpon the 3 Sunday in Aduent c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c This reflorishing is the reuiuing of their old liberalitie vvhich for a time had been slacke dead S. Chrys ⸬ He counteth it not mere almes or a free gift that the people bestoweth on their Pastors or preachers but a certaine mutual traffike as it vvere and enterchange the one giuing spiritual the other rēdering tēporal things for the same c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The revvard of preachers Suspitious translation S. Chrys Theodore Occum Theophyl S. Paul had no vvife Almes giuen religiously ⸬ He sheweth that the Churche and Christes Gospel should daily grovv and be spred at length through the whole world which can not stand vvith the heretikes opinion of the decay thereof so quickly after Christes time nor ●gree by any meanes to their obscure Conuenticles See S. Augustine ep 80. in fine b The Epistle vpon the 24 Sunday after Pentecost c So S. Ambr. the Gr. Doctors or thus vvorthily pleasing God c. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c Many things requisite and diuers things acceptable to God beside faith ⸬ We are not onely by acceptation or imputation partakers of Christes benefites but are by his grace made worthie thereof and deserue our saluation condignely Hebr. 1 3 Io. 1 3. There is no want in Christes passions vvhich he suffred in him self as head but there is vvant in those passions of Christ vvhich he daily suffereth in his body the Church and the members thereof Ro. 8 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 s●r 19. de pas●● How Christs merites are applied to vs vvithout any iniurie to his death The vvorkes of one may satisfie for an other 2. Cor. 1 ● Ro. 9 3. Phil. 2. 2 Tim. 4. Iob ● The ground of Indulgēces or pardons ⸬ Heretikes do most commonly deceiue the people with eloquēce namely such as haue it by the gift of nature as the Heretikes of al ages had lightly al seditious perso●s vvhich dravv the vulgar sort to sedition by the allurement of their tongue Nothing saith S. Hierom. ep 2. ad Nepotian is so easie as vvith volubilitie of tongue to deceiue the vnlearned multitude which whatsoeuer it vnderstandeth not doth the more admire and wonder at the same The Apostle here calleth it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 persuasible speache ` in it Eph. 2 1. ` by decrees c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 b That is wilful or selfwilled in voluntarie religiō for that is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whereof commeth the word folowing 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Superstitiō v. 23. See Annot. v. 2● c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That is taking subministration of spiritual life and nourishment by grace from Christ the head c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Philosophie and other humane sciences hovv profitable or hurtful to the Church of God The Protestants abuse Philosophie against the B. Sacrament Schoole learning Aug. ep 59. ad Paulinum in solut 7. quast Scriptures abused by the Protestants against Christian fasting holydaies S. Paules place cōcerning religion of Angels explicated and that the Protestants vvickedly abuse it against the due honour inuocation of Angels 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 4 1. Heretical translation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Scripture abused against the Churches fastes * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The hypocr●●●cal abstinēce of old Heretikes maketh nothīg against true and sincere fasting but cōmendeth it 1 Cor. 9 27. 2 Cor. 11 27. The Epistle vpon Easter ●ue Eph. 5 3. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Eph. 4 22.
all sortes so to vse them or absteine from them as is most conuenient for euery ones saluation with this general admonition that none can vnderstand the meaning of God in the Scriptures except Christ open their sense and make them partakers of his holy Spirit in the vnitie of his mystical bodie and for the rest she committeth it to the Pastor of euery prouince and people according to the difference of time place and persons how and in vvhat sort the reading of the Scriptures is more or lesse to be procured or permitted Vvherein the varietie of circūstances causeth them to deale diuersly as we see by S. Chrysostoms people of Constantinople vvho vvere so delicate dull vvorldly and so much giuen to dice cardes specially stage-plaies or theaters as S. Gregorie Nazianzene witnesseth that the Scriptures all holy lections of diuine things were lothsome vnto them whereby their holy Bishop was forced in many of his sermons to crie out against their extreme negligence and contempt of Gods vvord declaring that not onely Eremites and Religious as they alleaged for their excuse but secular men of all sortes might reade the Scriptures and often haue more neede thereof in respect of them selues then the other that liue in more puritie and contemplation further insinuating that though diuers thinges be high and hard therein yet many godly histories liues examples precepts of life and doctrine be plaine and finally that when the Gentiles vvere so cunning and diligent to impugne their faith it were not good for Christians to be to simple or negligent in the defense thereof as in truth it is more requisite for a Catholike man in these daies vvhen our Aduersaries be industrious to empeache our beleefe to be skilful in Scriptures then at other times vvhen the Church had no such enemies To this sense said S Chrysostom diuers thinges not as a teacher in schole making exact and general rules to be obserued in all places times but as a pulpit man agreably to that audiēce his peoples default nor making it therfore as some peruersely gather of his wordes a thing absolutely needful for euery poore artificer to reade of studie Scriptures nor any vvhit fauouring the presumptuous curious and contentious iangling and searching of Gods secretes reproued by the foresaid fathers much lesse approuing the excessiue pride and madnes of these daies vvhen euery man and vvoman is become not only a reader but a teacher controuler and iudge of Doctors Church Scriptures and all such as either contemne or easily passe ouer all the moral partes good examples and precepts of life by vvhich as vvell the simple as learned might be much edified only in a maner occupie them selues in dogmatical mystical high and hidden secretes of Gods counsels as of Predestination reprobation election prescience forsaking of the Ievves vocation of the gentiles other incomprehensible mysteries Languishing about questions of onely saith fiduce nevv phrases and figures euer learning but neuer comming to knovvledge reading and tossing in pride of vvitte conceit of their ovvne cunning and vpon presumption of I can tell vvhat spirit such bookes specially and Epistles as S. Peter foretold that the vnlearned and instable vvould depraue to their ovvne damnation They delight in none more then in the Epistle to the Romans the Cantica canticorum the Apocalypse which haue in them as many mysteries as wordes they find no difficultie in the sacred booke clasped vvith seuē seales they aske for no expositor vvith the holy Eunuch they feele no such depth of Gods science in the scriptures as S. Augustine did vvhen he cried our Mira profunditas eloquiorum tuorum mira profunditas Deus meus mira profunditas horror est intendere in eam horror honoris tremor amoris that is O vvonderful profoundnes of thy vvordes vvonderful profoundnes my God vvonderful profoundnes it maketh a man quake to looke on it to quake for reuerence and to tremble for the loue thereof they regard not that vvhich the same Doctor affirmeth that the depth and profunditie of vvisedom not only in the vvordes of holy Scripture but also in the matter sense is so vvonderful that liue a man neuer so long be he of neuer so high a vvitte neuer so studious neuer so seruēt to attaine the knovvledge thereof yet vvhen he endeth he shall confesse he doth but begin they feele not vvith S. Hierom that the text hath a hard shel to be broken before vve come to the kirnel they vvill not stay them selues in only reading the sacred Scriptures thirtene yeres together vvith S. Basil S. Gergorie Nazianzene before they expound them nor take the care as they did neuer othervvise to interpret them then by the vniforme consent of their forefathers and tradition Apostolike If our nevv Ministers had had this congitation and care that these and all other vvise men haue and euer had our countrie had neuer fallen to this miserable state in religion that vnder pretence colour and coūtenance of Gods vvord neither should vertue and good life haue bene so pitifully corrupted in time of such reading toiling tumbling and translating the booke of our life and saluation vvhereof the more pretious the right and reuerent vse is the more pernicious is the abuse and prophanation of the same vvhich euery man of experience by these fevv yeres proofe and by comparing the former daies and maners to these of ours may easily trie Looke vvhether your men be more vertuous your vvomen more chast your childrē more obedient your seruants more trustie your maides more modest your frendes more faithful your laitie more iust in dealing your Cleargy more deuout in praying vvhether there be more religion feare of God faith and conscience in all states novv then of old vvhen there vvas not so much reading chatting and iangling of Gods vvord but much more sincere dealing doing and keeping the same Looke vvhether through this disorder vvomen teach not their husbands children their parents yong fooles their old and vvise fathers the scholers their maisters the sheepe their pastor and the People the Priest Looke vvhether the most chast and sacred sentences of Gods holy vvord be not turned of many into mirth mockerie amorous ballets detestable letters of loue and leudnes their delicate rimes tunes and translations much encreasing the same This fall of good life prophaning the diuine mysteries euery body seeth but the great corruption decay of faith hereby none see but vvise men who onely knovv that vvere the Scriptures neuer so truely translated yet Heretikes and ill men that follovv their ovvne spirit and knovv nothing but their priuàte fantasie and not the sense of the holy Church and Doctors must needes abuse them to their damnation and that the curious simple and * sensual men vvhich haue no tast of the things that be of the Spirit of God may
not * Manichaeus Choose vvhether thou vvilt If thou wilt say Beleeue the Catholike loe they vvarne me that I giue no credite vnto you and therefore beleeuing them I must needes not beleeue thee If thou say Beleeue not the Catholikes it is not the right vvay by the Gospel to driue me to the faith of Manichaeus because I beleeued the Gospel it self by the preaching of Catholikes Againe li. de vtilit credend cap. 14. I see the concerning Christ him self I haue beleeued none but the confirmed and assured opinion of peoples and nations and that these peoples haue on euey side possessed the mysteries of the CATHOLIKE CHVRCH Vvhy should I not therfore most diligently require specially among them what Christ commaunded by vvhose authoritie I vvas moued to beleeue that Christ did commaund some profitable thing Vvilt thou ō Heretike tel me better vvhat he said vvhom I vvould not thinke to haue been at al or to be if I must beleeue because thou saiest it Vvhat grosse madnes is this to say Beleeue the Catholikes the Christ is to be beleeued and learne of vs vvhat he said Againe cont Faustum li. II. cap. 1. Thou seest then in this matter what force the authoritie of the CATHOLIKE CHVRCH hath vvhich euen from the most grounded and founded seates of the Apostles is established vntil this day by the line of Bishops succeding one an other by the consent of so many peoples Vvhereas thou saiest This is Scripture or this is such an Apostles that is not because this soundeth for me and the other against me Thou then art the rule of truth vvhatsoeuer is against thee is not true 3 No heretikes haue right to the Scriptures but are vsurpers the Catholike Church being the true ovvner and faithful keeper of them Heretikes abuse them corrupt them and vtterly seeke to abolish them though they pretend the contrarie Tertullianli De praescriptionibus bringeth in the CATHOLIKE CHVRCH speaking thus to all Heretikes Vvho are you vvhen and from vvhence came you vvhat doe you in my possession that are none of mine by vvhat right Marcion doest thou cut dovvne my wood vvho gaue the licence ô Valentine to turne the course of my fountaines by vvhat authoritie Apelles doest thou remoue my boundes and you the rest vvhy do yovv sovv and seede for these companions at your pleasure It is my possession I possesse it of old I haue assured origins thereof euen from those authors vvhose the thing vvas I am the heire of the Apostles As they prouided by their Testament as they comitted it to my credite as they adiured me so doe I hold it You surely they disherited alvvaies and haue cost you of as forainers as enemies Againe in the same booke Encountering vvith such by Scriptures auaileth nothing but to ouerturne a mans stomake or his braine This heresie receiueth not certaine Scriptures and if it do receiue some yet by adding and taking avvay it peruerteth the same to serue their purpose and if it receiue any it doth not receiue them vvholy and if after a sort it receiue them vvholy neuertheles by diuising diuers expositions it turneth them cleane an other vvay c. 4 Yet do they vaunt them selues of Scriptures excedingly but they are neuer the more to be trusted for that S. Hierom aduersus Luciferianos in fine Let them not flatter them selues if they seeme in their ovvne conceite to affirme that vvhich they say out of the chapters of Scripture vvhereas the Diuel also spake some thinges out of the Scriptures and the Scriptures consist not in the reading but in the vnderstanding Vincentius Lirinensis li. cont prophanas haeres●●● Nouationes Here perhaps some man may aske vvhether heretikes also vse not the testimonies of diuine Scripture Yet in deede do they and that vehemently For thou shalt see them flie through euery one of the sacred bookes of the Lavv through Moyses the bookes of the kings the Psalmes the Apostles the Gospels the Prophets For vvhether among their ovvne fellowes or strangers vvhether priuatly or publikely vvhether in talke or in their bookes vvhether in bankets or in the streates they I say alleage nothing of their ovvne which they endeuour not to shadow vvith the wordes of Scripture also Read the vvorkes of Paulus Samosatenus of Priscillian of Eunomian of Iouinian of the other plagues pestilences thou shalt finde an infinite heape of examples no page in a manner omitted or voide which is not painted and coloured with the sentences of the new or old testament But they are so much the more to be taken heede of to be feared the more secretly they lurke vnder the shadowes of Gods diuine law For they knovv their stinkes vvould not easily please any man almost if they were breathed out nakedly simply them selues alone therfore they sprinkle them as it vvere vvith certaine pretious spices of the heauenly vvord to the end that he vvhich would easely despise the errour of man may not easely contemne the oracles of God So that they doe like vnto them vvhich vvhen they vvil prepare certaine bitter potion● for children do first anoint the brimmes of the cup vvith honie that the vnwarie age vvhen it shal first feele the svvetnes may not feare the bitternes 5 The cause vvhy the Scriptures being perfit yet vve vse other Ecclesiastical vvritings and tradition Vincentius Lirinensis in his golden booke before cited aduersus prophanas haeres●● Nouationes Here some man perhaps may aske for asmuch as the Canon of the Scriptures is perfit and in all pointes very sufficient in it self vvhat neede is there to ioyne therevnto the authoritie of the Ecclesiastical vnderstanding for this cause surely for that all take not the holy Scripture in one and the same sense because of the deepenes thereof but the speaches thereof some interpret one vvay some an other vvay so that there may almost as many senses be picked out of it as there be men for Nouatian doth expound it one vvay and Sabellius an other vvay othervvise Donatus othervvise Arîus Eunomius Macedonius othervvise Photinus Apollinaris Priscillianus othervvise Iouinian Pelagius Celestius lastly othervvise Nestorius And therfore very necessarie it is because of so great vvindinges and turninges of diuers errours that the line of Prophetical and Apostolical interpretation be directed according to the rule of the Ecclesiastical and Catholike sense or vnderstanding S. Basil li. de Spiritu sancto cap. 27. Of such articles of religion as are kept and preached in the Church some vvere taught by the vvritten vvord other some vve haue receiued by the tradition of the Apostles deliuered vnto vs as it vvere from hand to hand in mysterie secretly both vvhich be of one force to Christian religion and this no man vvil deny that hath any litle skill of the Ecclesiastical rites or customes for if vve goe about to reiect the customes not conteined in Scripture as being of smal force vve shal vnvvittingly and
And he spake the vvord openly And Peter taking him began to rebuke him ✝ verse 33 Who turning and seeing his Disciples threatened Peter saying Goe behind me Satan because thou sauourest not the things that are of God but that are of men ✝ verse 34 And calling the multitude together vvith his Disciples he said to them If any man vvil folovv me let him deny him self and take vp his crosse and folovv me ✝ verse 35 For he that vvil saue his life shal lose it and he that shal lose his life ″ for me and the Gospel shal saue it ✝ verse 36 For vvhat shal it profit a man if he ″ gaine the vvhole vvorld and suffer damage of his soule ✝ verse 37 Or vvhat permutation shal a man giue for his soule ✝ verse 38 For he that shal be ashamed of me and of my vvordes in this aduouterous and sinful generation the Sonne of man also vvil be ashamed of him vvhen he shal come in the glorie of his father vvith the holy Angels ANNOTATIONS CHAP. VIII 6. Gaue to his disciples He serueth the people not immediatly him self but by the Apostles ministerie to teach vs that we must receiue Christes Sacraments and doctrine not at our owne hand but of his Priests and our Pastours 7. Blessed them So is it in some ancient Greeke copies agreable to our Latin and in S. Luke expresly in the common Greeke text that he blessed the fiue loaues and the two fishes which must be alwaies marked against the Heretikes which denie this blessing to pertaine to the creatures but ●eine it alwaies to be referred to God for thanks giuing For if it were so he would haue said grace but once for that whole refection but he did seuerally blesse both the bread first and afterward the fishes also multiplying them by his said blessing as * he did mankind and other creatures in the beginning by blessing them and so working effectually some change or alteration in the very creatures them selues 35. For me and the Gospel By the Gospel is signified not only the foure Euangelistes but al Scriptures and whatsoeuer Christ said that is not in Scripture for he saith in this very place He that shal be ashamed of my wordes the Sonne of man wil be ashamed of him c. Neither his owne wordes only but whatsoeuer the Apostles taught in word or writing for our Sauiour saith He that despiseth you despiseth me For defence of any of al these and of euery Article of the Catholike faith we ought to die and this is to lose our life for Christ and his Gospel 36. Gaine the whole world Let such note this that for feare or flattery of the world cōdescend to obey the vniust lawes of men touching religion against their owne consciences and be content for the rest of a few daies of this life and for sauing their temporal goods to lose their soule and the ioyes of heauen CHAP. IX The more to confirme them he giueth them in his Transfiguration a sight of his glorie wherevnto Suffering doth bring 9 and then againe doth inculcate his Passion 14 A Diuel also he casteth out which his Disciples vpon whom therfore the peruerse Scribes triumphed in his absence could not for lacke of fasting and praying 30 Being yet in Galilee he reuealeth more about his Passion 33 And because in the way to Capharnaum they contended for the Primacie he teacheth them that humility is the way to Primacie before God 38 bidding them also not to prohibit such as be not against them nor to giue scandal to any one of the faithful and on the other side the faithful to auoid them by whom they may be scandalized and fall be they neuer so neere vnto them verse 1 AND he said to them Amen I say to you that there be some of them that stand here vvhich shal not tast of death vntil they see the kingdom of God comming in povver ✝ verse 2 And after six daies IESVS ●aketh Peter and Iames and Iohn and bringeth them alone into a high mountaine apart and vvas transfigured before them ✝ verse 3 And his garments vvere made glistering and vvhite excedingly as snovv the like vvhereof a fuller cannot make vvhite vpon the earth ✝ verse 4 And there appeared to them Elias vvith Moyses and they vvere talking vvith IESVS ✝ verse 5 And Peter ansvvering said to IESVS Rabbi it is good for vs to be here and let vs make three tabernacles one for thee and one for Moyses and one for Elias ✝ verse 6 For he knevv not vvhat he said for they vvere frighted vvith feare ✝ verse 7 and there vvas a cloude ouershadovving them and a voice came out of the cloude saying This is my Sonne most deere heare ye him ✝ verse 8 And immediatly looking about they savv no man any more but IESVS only vvith them ✝ verse 9 And as they descēded from the mountaine he commaunded them that they should not tel any man vvhat things they had seen but vvhen the Sonne of man shal be risen againe from the dead ✝ verse 10 And they kept in the vvord vvith them selues questioning together vvhat that should be when he shal be risen from the dead ✝ verse 11 And they asked him saying What say the Pharisees then and the Scribes that * Elias must come first ✝ verse 12 Who ansvvering said to them Elias vvhen he commeth first shal restore al things and hovv ' it is vvritten of the Sonne of man that he shal suffer many things and be contemned ✝ verse 13 But I say to you that ″ Elias also is come and they haue done to him vvhatsoeuer they vvould as it is vvritten of him ✝ verse 14 And * cōming to his Disciples he savv a great multitude about them and the Scribes questioning vvith them ✝ verse 15 And forth vvith al the people seeing IESVS vvas astonied and much afraid and running to him saluted him ✝ verse 16 And he asked them What do you question of among you ✝ verse 17 And one of the multitude ansvvering said Maister I haue brought my sonne to thee hauing a dumme spirit ✝ verse 18 who vvheresoeuer he taketh him dasheth him and he fometh and gnasheth vvith the teeth and vvithereth and I spake to thy Disciples to cast him out and they could not ✝ verse 19 Who ansvvering them said O incredulous generation hovv long shal I be vvith you hovv long shal I suffer you bring him vnto me ✝ verse 20 And they brought him And vvhen he had seen him immediatly the spirit troubled him and being throvven vpon the ground he tumbled foming ✝ verse 21 And he asked his father Hovv long time is it since this hath chaunced vnto him But he said From his infancie ✝ verse 22 and often times hath he cast him into fire and into vvaters to destroy him but if thou canst any thing helpe vs hauing compassion
of the bridegrome This my ioy therfore is filled ✝ verse 30 He must increase and I diminishe ✝ verse 31 ″ He that cōmeth from aboue is aboue al. He that is of the earth of the earth he is and of the earth he speaketh He that commeth from heauen is aboue al. ✝ verse 32 And vvhat he hath seen and heard that he testifieth and his testimonie no man receiueth ✝ verse 33 He that hath receiued his testimonie hath signed that God is true ✝ verse 34 For he vvhom God hath sent speaketh the vvordes of God for God doth not giue the spirit by measure ✝ verse 35 The Father loueth the Sonne he hath giuen al things in his hand ✝ verse 36 He that beleeueth in the Sonne hath life euerlasting but he that is incredulous to the Sonne shal not see life but the vvrath of God remaineth vpon him ANNOTATIONS CHAP. III. 5. Born● againe of water As no man can enter into this world not haue his life an I being in the same except he be borne of his carnal parents no more can a mā enter into the life state of grace which is in Christ or attaine to life euerlasting vnles he be borne and baptized of water and the Holy Ghost whereby we see first this Sacrament to be called our regeneration or second birth in respect of our natural and carnal which was before Secondly that this Sacrament consisteth of an external element of water and internal vertue of the Holy Spirit wherein it excelleth Iohns Baptisme which had the external element but nor the spiritual grace thirdly that no man can enter into the kingdom of God not into the fellowship of Holy Church without it Whereby the * Pelagians and Caluinists be condemned that promisse life euerlasting to yong children that die without Baptisme and al other that thinke onely faith to serue or the external element of water superfluous or not necessarie our Sauiours wordes being plaine and general Though in this cafe God which hath not bound his grace in respect of his owne freedom to any Sacrament may and doth accept them as baptized which either are martyred before they could be baptized or els depart this life with vow and desire to haue that Sacrament but by some remedilesse necessirie could not obtaine it Lastly it is proued that this Sacrament giueth grace ex opere operato that is of the worke itself which al Protestants denie because it so breedeth our spiritual life in God as our carnal birth giueth the life of the world 18. It iudged already He that beleeueth in Christ with faith which worketh by charitie as the Apostle speaketh shal not be condemned at the later day nor at the houre of his death but the infidel be he Iew Pagan or Heretike is already if he die in his incredulitie by his owne profession and sentence condemned and shal not come to iudgement either particular or general to be discussed according to his workes of mercie done or omitted In which sense S. Paul faith that the obstinate Heretike is condemned by his owne iudgement preuenting in him self of his owne free wil the sentence both of Christ and of the Church 31. He that commeth from aboue As though he should say No maruel that men resort to Christ so fast and make lesse account of me for his baptisme and his preaching and his person are al from heauen immediatly He bringeth al from the very bosome mouth and substance of God his Father Whatsoeuer is in me is but a litle drop of his grace His spirit and graces are aboue al measures or mens gifts euen according to his Manhod and al power temporal and spiritual the kingdom and the Priesthod and al soueraintie in heauen and earth are bestowed vpon him as he is man also CHAP. IIII. Leauing Ievvrie because of the Pharisees in the vvay to Galilee he talketh vvith a Samaritane vvoman telling her that he vvil giue vvater of euerlasting life 16 shevving him self to knovv mens secretes 19 preferring the Ievves religion before the Samaritanes but ours the Christian Catholike religion before them both 25 and vttering vnto her that he is Christ 28 vvhich by her testimonie and his preaching very many Samaritanes do beleeue he in the meane time fore telling his Disciples of the haruest he vvil send them in to 45 The Galilaans also receiue him vvhere againe he vvorketh his second miracle verse 1 WHEN IESVS therfore vnderstoode that the Pharisees heard that IESVS maketh mo Disciples and baptizeth thē Iohn ✝ verse 2 hovvbeit IESVS did not baptize but his Disciples ✝ verse 3 he left Ievvrie and vvent againe into Galilee ✝ verse 4 and he had of necessitie to passe through Samaria ✝ verse 5 He commeth therfore into a citie of Samaria vvhich is called Sichar * beside the maner that Iacob gaue to Ioseph his sonne ✝ verse 6 And there vvas there the fountaine of Iacob IESVS therfore vvearied of his iourney sa●e so vpon the fountaine It vvas about the sixt houre ✝ verse 7 There commeth a vvoman of Samaria to dravv vvater IESVS saith to her Giue me to drinke ✝ verse 8 For his Disciples vvere gone into the citie to bie meates ✝ verse 9 Therfore that Samaritane vvoman saith to him Hovv doest thou being a Ievve aske of me to drinke vvhich am a Samaritane vvomā For the Ievves do not communicate vvith the Samaritanes ✝ verse 10 IESVS ansvvered and said to her If thou didst knovv the gift of God and vvho he is that saith vnto thee Giue me to drinke thou perhaps vvouldest haue asked of him and he vvould haue giuen thee liuing vvater ✝ verse 11 The vvoman saith to him Sir neither hast thou vvherein to dravv and the vvel is deepe vvhence hast thou the liuing vvater ✝ verse 12 art thou greater then our father Iacob vvho gaue vs the vvel and him self dranke of it and his children and his cattel ✝ verse 13 IESVS ansvvered and said to her Euery one that drinketh of this vvater shal thirst againe but he that shal drinke of the vvater that I vvil giue him shal not thirst for euer ✝ verse 14 but the vvater that I vvil giue him shal become in him a fountaine of vvater springing vp vnto life euerlasting ✝ verse 15 The vvoman saith to him Lord giue me this vvater that I may not thirst nor come hither to dravv ✝ verse 16 IESVS saith to her Goe call thy husband and come hither ✝ verse 17 The vvoman ansvvered and said I haue no husband IESVS saith to her Thou hast said vvel that I haue no husband ✝ verse 18 For thou hast had fiue husbands and he vvhom thou novv hast is not thy husband this thou hast said truely ✝ verse 19 The vvoman saith to him Lord I perceiue that thou art a Prophet ✝ verse 20 ″ Our father 's adored in this mountaine and you say * that at Hierusalem is
the resurrection ✝ verse 19 And apprehēding him they led him to Areopagus saying May vve knovv vvhat this new doctrine is that thou speakest of ✝ verse 20 for thou bringest in certaine nevv things to our eares Vve vvil knovv therfore vvhat these things may meane ✝ verse 21 And al the Athenians and the strangers seiourning there emploied them selues to nothing els but either to speake or to heare some nevves ✝ verse 22 But Paul standing in the middes of Areopagus said Ye men of Athens in al things I perceiue you as it vvere superstitious ✝ verse 23 For passing by and seeing your Idols I found an altar also vvherevpon vvas vvritten To the vnknovven God That therfore vvhich you vvorshippe not knovving it the same do I preach to you ✝ verse 24 The God that made the vvorld and al things that are in it he being Lord of heauen earth dvvelleth not in * temples made vvith hand ✝ verse 25 neither is he serued vvith mens hands needing any thing vvhereas him self giueth life vnto al and breathing and al things ✝ verse 26 and he made of one al mākinde to inhabite vpon the vvhole face of the earth assigning set times and the limits of their habitation ✝ verse 27 for to seeke God if happily they may feele or finde him although he be not farre from euery one of vs. ✝ verse 28 For in him vve liue and moue and be as certaine also of your ovvne poëtes said For of his kinde also vve are ✝ verse 29 Being therfore of Gods kinde vve may not suppose the Diuinitie to be like vnto gold or siluer or stone the grauing of art and deuise of man ✝ verse 30 And the times truely of this ignorance vvhereas God dispised novv he denounceth vnto men that al euery vvhere doe penance ✝ verse 31 for that he hath appointed a day wherein he vvil iudge the world in equitie by a man vvhom he hath appointed giuing al men faith raysing him vp from the dead ✝ verse 32 And vvhen they had heard the resurrection of the dead certaine in deede mocked but certaine said Vve vvil heare thee againe concerning this point ✝ verse 33 So Paul vvent forth out of the middes of them ✝ verse 34 But certaine men ioyning vnto him did beleeue among vvhom vvas also Dionysius Areopagîta and a vvoman named Dámaris and others vvith them ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XVII 11. Searching the Scriptures The Heretikes vse this place to proue that the heaters must trie and iudge by the Scriptures vvhether their teachers and preachers doctrine be true and so reiect that that they find not in the Scriptures as though here the sheepe vvere made iudges of their Pastors the people of the Priests and men and vvomen of al sortes euen of S. Paules doctrine it self which vvere the most folish disorder in the vvorld And they did not therfore read the Scriptures of the old Testament for none of the nevv vvere yet extant commonly to dispute vvith the Apostle or to trie and iudge of his doctrine or vvhether they should beleeue him or no for they vvere bound to beleeue him and obey his vvord vvhether he alleaged Scripture or no and vvhether they could reade or vnderstand the Scriptures or no but it vvas a great comfort and confirmation for the Ievves that had the Scriptures to finde euen as S. Paul said that Christ vvas God crucified risen and ascended to heauen vvhich by his preaching and expounding they vnderstood and neuer before though they read them and heard them read euery Sabboth As it is a great comfort to a Catholike man to heare the Scriptures declared alleaged most euidently for the Churches truth against Heretikes in Sennons or othervvise And it doth the Catholikes good much confirmeth them to vew diligently the places alleaged by the Catholike preachers Yet they must not be iudges for al that ouer their ovvne Pastors vvhom Christ commaundeth them to heare and obey and by vvhom they heare the true sense of Scriptures 22. Superstitious S. Paul calleth not them superstitious for adoring the true and only God vvith much deuotion or many ceremonies or in comely prescribed order or for doing due reuerence to holy Sacraments to Saincts and their memories Images or Monuments or for keeping the prescribed lavves daies and fastes of the Church or for fulfilling vowes made to God or for blessing vvith the signe of the Crosse or for capping and kneeling at the name of IESVS or for religiously vsing creatures sanctified in the same name or any other Christian obseruation for vvhich our nevv Maisters cōdemne the Catholike people of Superstition them selues vvholy voide of that vice by al vvise mens iudgement because they haue in maner taken avvay al religion and are become Epicureians and Atheists vvho are neuer troubled vvith superstition because it is a vice consisting in excesse of vvorship or religion vvhereof they are void but the Apostle calleth them superstitious for vvorshipping the Idols and goddes of the Heathen and for the feare that they had lest they should leaue out any God that vvas vnknovven to them for thus their Altar vvas inscribed Dijs Asia Europa Lybia Deo ignoto peregrino that is To the gods of Asia Europe and Lybia to the vnknovven and strange God This superstition saith S. Augustine is vvholy taken avvay from the Church by Christs incarnation and by the Apostles preaching and by Martyrs holy life and death Neither doth the Catholike Church allovv this or any other kinde of superstitious obseruation Only vve must take heede that vve beleeue not her Aduersaries definition of superstition for they vvould imply therein al true religion 29. This Diuinitie to be like Nothing can be made by mans hand of vvhat forme or sort so euer that is like to Gods essence or to the forme or shape of his Godhead or Diuinitie therfore hovvsoeuer the Heathens did paint or graue their Idols they vvere nothing like to God And this also is impertinently alleaged by Heretikes against the Churches images Vvhich are not made either to be adored vvith godly honour or to be any resemblance of the Diuinitie or any of the three persons in Godhead but only of Christ as he vvas in forme of man vvho in that respect may be truely expressed as other men by their purtraites and of the Holy Ghost not as he is in him self but as he appeared in firy tongues or in the similitude of a doo●e or such like And so to paint or graue any of the three persons as they appeared visibly and corporally is no more inconuenient or vnlavvful then it vvas vndecent for them to appeare in such formes And therfore to paint or portraite the Father also being the first person as he hath shevved him self in vision to any of the Prophetes of the old or nevv Testament namely to Daniel as an old man or the three Angels
verse 27 For the hart of this people is vva●en grosse and vvith their eares haue they heauily heard and their eies they haue shut left perhaps they may see vvith their eies and heare vvith their eares and vnderstand vvith their hart and be conuerted and I heale them ✝ verse 28 Be it knovven therfore to you that this Saluation of God is sent to the Gentiles and they vvil heare ✝ verse 29 And vvhen he had said these things the Ievves vvent out from him hauing much questioning among them selues ✝ verse 30 And he taried ful tvvo yeres in his hired lodging and he receiued al that came into him ✝ verse 31 preaching the kingdom of God and ●eaching the things that concerne our Lord IESVS CHRIST vvith al confidence vvithout prohibition ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXVIII ● Shaking of the beast The promes of Christ Marc. 16 that venemous serpents should not hurt them that beleeue in him is fulfilled not in al beleuers but in such as had the gift of miracles as S. Paul had Vvhom here a viper by nature so venemous that the people thought he should haue died out of hand did no vvhit annoy he extinguishing by the povver of Christ al the poison of the beast Yea and as the Christian people there til this day beleeue by S. Paules praiers the Iland vvas deliuered for euer from al such venemous serpents in so much that children there play vvith scorpions euer since that time and Pilgrimes daily carie vvith them peeces of stones out of the place vvhere S. Paul abode by vvhich they affirme that they heale them vvhich in other countries adioyning are bitten of scorpions the medicine therfore being called S. Paules grace The Heretikes that knovv not the povver of God nor the miraculous vertues giuen to his Saincts maruel and blaspheme vvhen they beare such things as be proper to certaine countries attributed sometimes to Gods miracles done by his Saincts ● as though that vvere not possible or vvere not as much to Gods honour and more then things proceding only of natural causes Such profane men vvould not haue attributed the holsom●es of the vvaters of Iericho to Eliseus his vertue and miracles amending them by casting salt into them if the Scripture had not expresly testified the same It is the part of al faithful men to referre such things to God vvhen any iust occasion is giuen therevnto rather then to nature though the incredulous doe alvvaies contrarie for feare of superstition dishonouring God As though this escape of drovvning might better and more to Gods glorie be referted to chaunce and the mariners industrie then to S. Paules praiers and extraordinarie vvorking ●0 Chaine I vvould vvish novv saith S. Chrystome to be for a time in the place vvhere these chaines remaine and to see the ●etters vvhich Diuels feare and Angels reuerence homil 5 ad populum Antiochenum See also S. Gregorie lib. ● episto ●0 of the miracles done by S. Paules chaines and that he sendeth to the Emperesse Constantia some dust thereof 〈◊〉 of for a great Relike and holy gift 22. Concerning this sect The Heretikes of al sortes comfort them selues much vvhen they finde here or els vvhere the Christian faith called of the Ievves or incredulous persons a Sect or an Heresie sometimes in contempt of Christes person the Maister of the same the Secte of the Nazarens as though the Church of God might as vvel erre in naming their doctrine Heresie as the Ievves and Pagans might and did misse in condemning Christian religion for an Heresie or as though the Protestants doctrine vvere as vvel proued and tried to be no Heresie by the Proph●ts and other Scriptures miracles and consent of al Nations and ages as Christes blessed doctrine is Vvhereas in deed the Protestants doctrine is euidently conuinced to be heretical by the same arguments that Christes religion is proued to be the only true doctrine of saluation and not an heresie And vvhosoeuer can deduce the Christian faith from Adam to this day through out al the Fathers Patriarches Prophetes Priests Apostles and Bishops by descent and succession of al lavves and states of true vvorshippers and beleeuers vvhich is the only or special vvay to proue that the Christian faith is no heresie he shal by the same meanes al at once proue the Protestants doctrine to be an heresie and a false secte That the Ievves therfore and il men in al places contradicted the Christian religion calling it an Heresie or a Sect as though it had a beginning of some certaine Sect-Maister other them God him self they vvere deceiued and the Church of God neuerthelesse calling the Protestants doctrine Heresie in the vvorst part that can be and in the vvorst sort that euer vvas doth right and most iustly The end of the Actes of the Apostles Vvherevnto we ioyne for the readers behalfe tvvo Tables of the tvvo cheefe Apostles and a note of the rest as an abridgement of the said booke and a supply of some things not there mentioned THE SVMME OF THE ACTES OF THE APOSTLES CONTEINING SPECIALLY THE GESTES OF THE TVVO PRINCIPAL Apostles SS Peter and Paul in such order of time and yeres of the Emperours and from Christs Natiuitia and Ascension as they vvere done so ●●r as by holy Scriptures or Ecclesiastical vvriters may be gathered Wherein though is be not possible to set dovvne the procise and vndoubted time or yere of euery thing because neither S. Luke nor others do note particularly and orderly the moments of euery action of the said Apostles no● vve folovv the most probable and plaine 〈◊〉 that vve finde in holy Scripture and auncient vvriters Whereby the studious reader may easily discouer the folly of the Protestants that can finde no time when * Peter might possibly come to Rome be Bishop and die there diuers things in S. Paules actes being no lesse hard to reconcile to the course of S. Lukes narration then any thing touching the historie of S. Peter namely his * three yeres preaching in Arabia al vvhich must needes be true vvhether vve bit the very iust time or no and hovv so euer authors differ about the same A TABLE OF S. PETER Tiberij Nat. Dn̄i Ascen   18 34 1 PETER causeth the Disciples to procede to the election of an other Apostle in Iudas roome Act. 1.       Receiuing vvith the rest the gifts of the Holy Ghost on Vvhit-sunday he made the first Sermon and conuerted 3000. Act. 2.       He cureth one borne lame preacheth Christ and penance to the Ievves so that 5000 beleeued Act. 3 4.       He is imprisoned released againe threatened and commaunded to preache no more but he vvith Iohn ansvvereth that they must obey God more then man Act. 4.       He striketh to death vvith a vvord Ananias and Saphira for sacrilege Act. 5.       He is sent
is taken Act. 21 and from the Tribune Lysias deliuered to Felix the Gouernour Act. 23 and by him left to Festus Act. 24. he appealeth to Caesar Act. 25 and so is SENT TO ROME Act. 27 vvhere he arriueth Act. 28. Neronis Natiuit Ascen   2 58 25 At Rome he remaineth in free prison tvvo yere Act. 28. and then is deliuered 2 Tim. 4.       After his deliuerie he preached in sundrie countries of the vvest namely in Spaine Hiero. in Cataloge Epiph. Hares 27. Him self vvriteth that he purposed so to doe Ro. 15.       In his Epistle to the Philippians c. ● he minded to vis●e the Churches of Asia vvhich also he did Genebrard in Chron.       He vvriteth last of al his second Epistle to Timothee a litle before his death 2 Tim. 4. being novv the second time apprehended and in bandes at Rome Theodoret. 14 70 37 He vvas beheaded at Rome the same day that Peter vvas crucified S. Ambros ser 〈◊〉 68. S Maximus OF THE OTHER APOSTLES THE Actes of the rest of the tvvelue Apostles be not much vvritten of in this booke but as * other Eccles●●stical writers do te●tifie they preached specially in these nations as folovveth Andrevv in A●haia Iohn in Asia Philip in Pbrygia Iames in Ievvrie Bartholomevv in Scythia Thomas in India Matthevv in Aethiopia Simon in Persia Thadd●us in Mesopotamia the other Iames in Spaine Matthias in Palestine So distributing them selues through out the vvorld to gather one Catholike Church of al Nations according as Christ gaue them commission Mat. 28 19 and as it vvas prophecied of them before Psal 18. Their sound is gone forth into euery countrie and their wordes into the endes of the whole world But before they departed one from an other the time vvhereof is not certainely knovven * al Tvvelue assembling together ful of the Holy Ghost eche laying dovvne his sentence agreed vpon tvvelue principal articles of the Christian faith and appointed them for a rule to al beleeuers Vvhich is therfore called and is THE APOSTLES CREDE Not vvritten in paper as the Scripture but from the Apostles deliuered by tradition Ruff. Hiero. locis citatis Vvhich as of old Hiero. cont Lucifer so at this day al solemnely professe in their Baptisme either by them selues or by others and al that be of age and capacitie are bound to know and beleeue euery article of the ●ame Vvhich are these that folovv THE APOSTLES CREDE or SYMBOLVM APOSTOLORVM 1 I Beleeue in God the Father almightie creator of heauen and earth 2 And in IESVS CHRIST his only Sonne our Lord. 3 Vvho vvas conceiued by the Holy Ghost borne of the Virgin MARIE 4 Suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried Descended into Hel. 5 The third day be rose againe from death 6 Ascended into heauen Sitteth at the right hād of God the Father almightie 7 From thence he shal come to iudge the quicke and the dead 8 I beleeue in the Holy Ghost 9 The holy Catholike Church the communion of saincts 10 Forgiuenesse of sinnes 11 Resurrection of the flesh 12 Life euerlasting Amen ❧ THE ARGVMENT OF THE EPISTLES IN GENERAL AFTER the Gospels vvhich is a storie of Christ himselfe and after the Actes of the Apostles Vvhich is a storie of Christes Church novv folovv the Epistles of the Apostles vvhich they vvrote of such matters as they had then occasion to vvrite of For being the founders and the Doctors of the Church they did in their time as the Doctors that succeeded them did after them vvho from the beginning vnto this day haue vvritten Epistles Bookes against heresies euer as they arose and of al other Ecclesiastical matters as they had occasion ministred vnto them Of vvhich their doing the Apostles first gaue here the ensample as also S. Luke in the Actes of the Apostles led the vvay to al the writers of the Ecclesiastical Historie after him For al though there be no comparison betvvene them for authoritie for asmuch as these are Cannonical Scripture and so are not any vvritings of their successors yet the occasions and matters as I haue said are like Most of these Epistles are S. Paules Epistles the rest are called * Catholicae Epistolae the Epistles Catholike For S. Paul vvriteth not any Epistle to al hovvbeit euery one of them is for al the Church but some to particular Churches of the Gentils as to the Romanes to the Corinthians to the Galatians to the Ephesians to the Philippians to the Colossians to the Thessalonians some to particular persons as to Timothee to Tite vvho vvere Bishops among the Gentiles to vvit of Ephesus and of Crete and to Philémon and then one to the Hebrevves vvho vvere the Ievves of Hierusalem and Iurie But the Epistles of the other Apostles that is of S. Iames S. Peter S. Iohn and S. Iude are not so intituled to any one Church or person except S. Iohns tvvo later short Epistles vvhich yet might not be separated from his first because they vvere al of one Author and therefore they are termed Catholike that is vniuersal For so vvriteth S. Iames To the tvvelue tribes that are in dispersion greeting and S. Peter in his first Epistle thus To the elect strāgers of the dispersion of Pontus Galatia Cappadocia Asia Bithynia in his second thus To them that haue obteined equal faith vvith vs. likevvise S. Iude To them that are in God the father beloued and in Iesus Christ preserued and called S. Iohns first is vvithout title Novv for the occasions of their vvriting vvhereby vve shal perceiue the matters or arguments that they handle it must be remembred as the Storie of that time in the Actes of the Apostles doth at large declare that the Church then beginning vvas planted by the Apostles not onely in the Ievves but also in the Gentiles yea and specially in the Gentiles Vvhich thing offended the Ievves many waies For they could not abide to see so much as their owne Countrie to receiue him for CHRIST vvhom they had reiected and crucified much lesse to see them preach him to the Gentiles also that offended euen those Ievves also that beleeued him to be Christ Hovvbeit such of them as vvere Catholikes and therefore not obstinat vvere satisfied vvhen they vnderstood by the Apostles that it vvas Gods pleasure as Act. 11. vve reade But others of the became heretikes preached to the Christian Gentiles that it vvas necessary for them to receiue also the Ievves religion Of such vve reade Act. 15. Vnles you be circumcised you can not be saued And as these did so preach against the truth so did the vnchristened Ievves not onely them selues persecute but also stirre vp the Idolatrous Gentiles euery vvhere to persecute the Christians by such obstinacie prouoking God to reprobate theire Nation vvhich yet they thought vnpossible to be done because they vvere the seede of Abraham and
vvere circumcised and had receiued the Lavv by Moyses for such carnal respects they trusted in themselues as though God and Christ vvere vnseparably bound vnto them attributing also so much to their ovvne workes vvhich they thought they did of them selues being holpē with the knovvledge of their lavv that they vvould not acknovvledge the death of Christ to be necessarie for their saluation but looked for such a Christ as should be like other princes of this vvorld and make them great men temporally Herevpon did S. Paul vvrite his Epistles to shevv both the vocation of the Gentiles and the reprobation of the Ievves Moreouer to admonish both the Christian Gentiles not to receiue Circumcision and other ceremonies of Moyses lavv in no vvise and the Ievves also not to put their trust in the same but rather to vnderstand that novv Christ being come they must cease Againe to shevv the necessitie of Christs comming and of his death that vvithout it neither the Gentiles could be saued no nor the Ievves by no vvorkes that they could doe of them selues although they vvere also holpen by the Lavv telling them what vvas good vvhat vvas bad for so much as al vvere sinners and therfore also impotent or infirme and the Lavv could not take avvay sinne and infirmitie and giue strength to fulfil that vvhich it gaue knovvledge of but this vvas God onely able to doe and for Christs sake onely vvould he doe it Therfore it is necessarie for al to beleeue in Christ and to be made his members being incorporat into his Body vvhich is his Catholike Church For so although they neuer yet did good vvorke but al il they shal haue remission of their sinnes and nevv strength vvithal to make them able to fulfil the cōmaūdemēts of Gods lavv yea their vvorkes after this shal be so gracious in Gods sight that for them he vvil giue them lift euerlasting This is the necessitie this is also the fruite of Christian Religion And therfore be exhorteth al both Gentils and Ievves as to receiue it humbly so also to perseuêre in it constantly vnto the end against al seduction of heresie and against al terror of persecution and to vvalke al their time in good vvorkes as novv God hath made them able to doe The same doctrine doth the Catholike Church teach vnto this day most exactly to vvit that no vvorkes of the vnbeleeuing or vnbaptized vvhether they be Ievves or Gentiles can saue them no nor of any Heretike or Schismatike although he be baptized because he is not a member of Christ yea more then that no vvorke of any that is not a liuely member of Christ although othervvise he be baptized and continue vvithin his Church yet because he is not in grace but in mortal sinne no vvorke that he doth is meritorious or able to saue him This very same is S. Paules doctrine he denieth to the vvorkes of such as haue not the Spirit of Christ al vertue to iustifie or to saue neither requireth he a man to haue had knovvledge of the Lavv or to haue kept it afortime as though othervvise he might not be saued by Christ but yet vvhen he is Christened he requireth of necessitie that he keepe Gods commaundements by auoiding of al sinne and doing good vvorkes and to such a mans good vvorkes he attributeth as much vertue as any Catholike of this time Neuerthelesse there vvere certaine at that time as also al the Heretikes of this our time vvhom S. Peter termeth vnlearned and vnstable vvho reading S. Paules Epistles did misconster his meaning as though he required not good vvorkes no more after Baptisme then before Baptisme but held that onely Faith did iustifie and saue a man Therevpon the other Apostles vvrote their Epistles as S. Augustine noteth in these vvordes Therfore because this opinion Ad salutem obtinendam sufficere Solam sidem that onely faith is sufficient to obteine saluation was then risen the other Apostolical Epistles of Peter Iohn Iames Iude do against it specially direct theire intention to auouch vehemently fidem sine operibus nihil prodesse that saith vvithout vvorkes profiteth nothing As also Paul him selfe did not define it to be quamlibet fidem qua in Deum creditur whatsoeuer maner of faith vvherevvith vve beleeue in God but that holesome expresse Euangelical faith vvhose vvorkes procede from loue and the faith quoth he that vvorketh by loue vvherevpon that faith vvhich some thinke to be sufficient to saluation he so affirmeth to profite nothing that he saith If I should haue al faith so that I could remoue mountaines and haue not charitie I am nothing He therfore that vvill not erre in this point nor in any other reading either S. Paules Epistles or the rest of the holy Scriptures must sticke fast to the doctrine of the Catholike Church vvhich Church S. Paul termeth the piller and ground of the truth assuring him self that if any thing there found to him as contrarie herevnto he faileth of the right sense and bearing alvvaies in his minde the admonition of S. Peter saying As also our most deere brother Paul according to the vvisedom giuen to him hath vvritten to you as also in al his Epistles speaking in them of these things in the vvhich are certaine things hard to vnderstand vvhich the vnlearned and vnstable depraue as also the rest of the Scriptures to theire ovvne perdition You therfore brethren foreknovving take heede lest ye be led amis by the error of the vnvvise and fall avvay from your ovvne stedfastnes THE TIME VVHEN THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANES VVAS VVRITTEN and the Argument thereof THE historie of S. Paul vntil be came to Rome S. Luke in the Actes of the Apostles vvrote exactly and though vvithout any mention of his Epistles yet certaine it is that some of them he vvrote before he came there to vvit the ●vvo vnto the Corinthians and this to the Romanes * as it seemeth before them al the Epistle to the Galatians Vvherein yet because he maketh mention of the fouretenth yere after his conuersion it appeareth that he preached so long vvithout any vvriting And this order may thus briefely be gathered First he preached to the Galatians Act. 16 and passing through Phrygia and the countrey of Galatia Vvhereof he maketh mention himselfe also Gal. 1 Vve euangelized to you and Gal. 4 I euangelized to you heretofore After vvhich the false Apostles came and persuaded them to receiue Circumcision Vvherevpon he saith Gal. 1 I maruel that thus so soone you are trāsferred from him that called you to the grace of Christ vnto an other Gospel and vvisheth therfore Gal. 4. saying And I vvould I vvere vvith you novv And accordingly he came vnto them aftervvard as vve reade Act. 18 Vvalking in order through the countrie of Galatia and phrygia confirming al the Disciples At vvhich time also it seemeth that he tooke order vvith them about those contributions
and specially because of the fruite here and the end aftervvard both of the one and of the other verse 1 WHAT shal vve say then Shal vve continue in sinne that grace may abound ✝ verse 2 God forbid For vve that are dead to sinne hovv shal vve yet liue therein ✝ verse 3 Are you ignorant that al vve vvhich are baptized in Christ IESVS in his death vve are baptized ✝ verse 4 For vve are buried together vvith him by Baptisme into death that as Christ is risen from the dead by the glorie of the father so vve also may vvalke in nevvnesse of life ✝ verse 5 For if vve be become complanted to the similitude of his death vve shal be also of his resurrection ✝ verse 6 Knovving this that our old man is crucified vvith him that the body of sinne may be destroied to the end that vve may serue sinne no longer ✝ verse 7 For he that is dead is iustified from sinne ✝ verse 8 And if vve be dead vvith Christ vve beleeue that vve shal liue also together vvith Christ ✝ verse 9 knovving that Christ rising againe from the dead novv dieth no more death shal no more haue dominion ouer him ✝ verse 10 For that he died ″ to sinne he died once but that he liueth he liueth to God ✝ verse 11 So thinke you also that you are dead to sinne but aliue to God in Christ IESVS our Lord. ⊢ ✝ verse 12 Let not ″ sinne therfore reigne in your mortal body that you obey the concupiscences thereof ✝ verse 13 But neither doe ye exhibite your members instruments of iniquitie vnto sinne but exhibite your selues to God as of dead men aliue and your members instruments of iustice to God ✝ verse 14 For sinne shal not haue dominion ouer you for you are not vnder the Lavv but vnder grace ✝ verse 15 Vvhat then shal vve sinne because vve are not vnder the Lavv but vnder grace God forbid ✝ verse 16 * Knovv you not that to vvhom you exhibite your selues seruants to obey you are the seruants of him vvhom you obey vvhether it be of sinne to death or of obedience to iustice ✝ verse 17 But thankes be to God that you vvere the seruants of sinne but haue obeied from the hart vnto that ″ forme of doctrine into the vvhich you haue been deliuered ✝ verse 18 And being made free from sinne you vvere made seruants to iustice ✝ verse 19 I speake an humane thing because of the infirmitie of your flesh for as you haue exhibited your members to serue vncleannesse and iniquitie vnto iniquitie so now exhibite your mēbers to serue iustice vnto sanctification ✝ verse 20 For when you vvere seruants of sinne you were free to iustice ✝ verse 21 What fruite therfore had you then in those things for vvhich novv you are ashamed for the end of them is death ✝ verse 22 But novv being made free from sinne and become seruants to God you haue your fruite vnto sanctification but the end life euerlasting ✝ verse 23 For the stipends of sinne death but ″ the grace of God life euerlasting in Christ IESVS our Lord. ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. VI. 3. We that are baptized That vvhich before he chalenged from the Lavv of Moyses to faith is novv attributed to baptisme vvhich is the first Sacrament of our faith and the entrance to Christian religion Whereby it is plaine that he meaneth not onely faith to iustifie but the Sacraments also and al Christian religion vvhich he calleth the Lavv of spirit grace and faith 6. Old man body of sinne Our corrupt state subiect to sinne and concupiscence comming to vs from Adam is called the Old man as our person reformed in by Christ is named the Nevv man And the lumpe and masse of sinnes vvhich then ruled is called the corps or body of sinne 10. To sinne he died Christ died to sinne vvhen by his death he destroied sinne Vve die to sinne in that vve be discharged of the povver thereof vvhich before vvas as it vvere the life of our persons and commaunded al the partes and faculties of our soule and body as contrarievvise vve liue to God vvhen his grace ruleth and vvorketh in vs as the soule doth rule our mortal bodies 12. Sinne reigne Concupiscence is here named sinne because it is the effect occasion and matter of sinne and is as it vvere a disease or infirmitie in vs inclining vs to il remaining also after Baptisme according to the substance or matter thereof but it is not properly a sinne nor forbidden by commaundement til it reigne in vs and vve obey and folovv the desires thereof August ●i de nup● concupise c. 23. Cont. 2 epist Pelag. li. 1 c. 13. Conc. Trident. Sess 5. decret de pec orig 17. Forme of doctrine At the first conuersion of euery nation to the Catholike faith there is a forme rule of beleefe set dovvne vnto vvhich vvhen the people is once put by their Apostles they must neuer by any persuasion of men alter the same nor take of man or Angel any nevv doctrine or Analogie of faith as the Protestants call it 23. The grace of God life euerlasting The sequele of speache required that as he said death or damnation is the stipend of sinne so life euerlasting is the stipend of iustice and so it is and in the same sense he spake in the last chapter that as sinne reigneth to death so grace reigneth by iustice to life euerlasting but here he changed the sentence somevvhat calling life euerlasting grace rather then revvard because the merites by vvhich vve attaine vnto life be al of Gods gift and grace August Ep. 105 ad Sixtum CHAP. VII Our former husband sinne vvith his lavv is dead in Baptisme and novv vve are maried to an other husband to Christ to bring forth children to God that is good vvorkes 7 And hovv the Lavv being good vvas yet to vs the lavv of sinne and death because concupiscence reigned in vs. 17 But novv by Baptisme grace reigneth in vs though also concupiscence doth remaine and tempt vs still verse 1 ARE you ignorant brethren for I speake to them that knovv the Lavv that the Lavv hath dominion ouer a man as long time as he liueth ✝ verse 2 for * the vvoman that is vnder a husband her husband liuing is bound to the lavv but if her husband be dead she is loosed from the lavv of her husband ✝ verse 3 Therfore her husband liuing she shal be called an aduouteresse if she be vvith an other man but if her husband be dead she is deliuered from the lavv of her husband so that she is not an aduouteresse if she be vvith an other man ✝ verse 4 Therfore my brethren you also are made dead to the Lavv by the body of Christ that you may be an other mans vvho is risen againe from the dead
glorie any vvhit comparable yet they vvere meritorious or vvorthy of heauen so be ours And therfore to expresse the said cōparison here he saith They art not condigne to the glorie He saith not of the glorie as the Heretikes falsly trāslate though the Scripture speaketh so also vvhen it signifieth only a cōparison as Prou. in the greeke Omne pretiosum non est illa dignū S. Augustine i●●i dignum S. Hierom non valet huic comparari that is No pretious thing is vvorthie of vvisedom or to be compared vvith it See the like Eccle. 26 20. Tob. 9 2. But vvhen the Apostle vvil expresse that they are condigne vvorthy or meritorious of the glorie he saith plainely That our tribulation vvhich presently is moment●nie and light vvorketh aboue measure excedingly an eternal vveight of gloris in vs. The valevv of Christes actions riseth not of the leingth or greatnes of them in them selues though so also they passed al mens doings but of the vvorthines o● the person And so the value of ours also riseth of the grace of our adoption vvhich maketh those actiōs that of their natures be not meritorious nor ansvverable to the ioyes of heauen in them selues to be vvorthy of heauen And they might as vvel proue that the vvorkes of sinne do not demerite damnation for sintre in deede for the quantity and nature of the vorke is not ansvverable in pleasure to the paine of Hel but because it hath a departing or au auersion from God be it neuer so short it deserueth damnation because it alvvaies procedeth from the enemy of God as good vvorkes that be meritorious procede from the childe of God 24. By hope saued That vvhich in other places he attributeth to faith is here attributed to hope for vvhensoeuer there be many causes of one thing the holy vvriters as matter is ministred and occasion giuen by the doctrine then handled sometimes referre it to one of the causes sometime to an other not by naming one alone to exclude the other as our Aduersaries captiously and ignorantly do argue but at diuers times and in sundrie places to expresse that vvhich in euery discourse could not nor needed not to be vttered In some discourse faith is to be recommended in others charitie in an other hope sometimes almes mercies els vvhere other vertues One vvhile Euery one that beleeueth is borne of God 1 Io. ● 1. An other vvhile Euery one that loueth is borne of God 1 Io. 4 7. Sometimes faith purifieth mans hart Act. 15 9. And an other time Charitie remitteth sinnes 1 Pet. 4 ● Of faith it is said The iust liueth by faith Ro. 1 17. Of charitie We knovv that vve are transferred from death to life because vve loue c. 1 Io. 3 14. 27. The Spirit desireth Arîus and Macedonius old Heretikes had their places to contend vpon against the Churches sense as our nevv Maisters novv haue They abused this text to proue the Holy Ghost not to be God because he needed not to pray or aske but he might commaund if he vvere God Therfore S. Augustine expoundeth it thus The Spirit prayeth that is causeth and teacheth vs to pray and vvhat to pray or aske August de anima eius orig li. 4 c. 9. ep 121. c. 15. 30. Whom he hath predestinated Gods eternal foresight loue purpose predestination and election of his deere children and in time their calling iustifying glorifying by Christ as al other actes and intentions of his diuine vvil and prouidence tovvardes their saluation ought to be reuerenced of al men vvith dreadful humilitie and not to be sought out or disputed on vvith presumptuous boldnes and audacitie for it is the gulfe that many proud persons both in this age and alvvaies haue by Gods iust iudgement perished in founding thereon most horrible blasphemies against Gods mercie nature and goodnes and diuers damnable errours against mans free vvil and against al good life and religion This high conclusion is here set dovvne for vs that vve may learne to knovv of vvhom vve ought to depend in al our life by vvhom vve expect our saluatiō by vvhose prouidence al our graces giftes and vyorkes do stand by vvhat an euerlasting gratious determination our redemption vvhich is in Christ IESVS vvas designed to giue God incessable thankes for our vocation and preferment to the state vve be in before the Ievves vvho deserued no better then they before the light of his mercie shining vpon vs accepted vs and reiected them But this said eminent truth of Gods eternal predestination standeth as vve are bound to beleeue vnder paine of damnation vvhether vve vnderstand hovv or no so S. Augustiue in al his diuine vvorkes vvritten of the same De gratia lib arb De corrept gratia Ad articulos falsò impositos defendeth declareth proueth and conuinceth that it doth stand I say vvith mans free vvil and the true libertie of his actions and forceth no man to be either il or good to sinne or vertue to saluation or damnatiō nor taketh avvay the meanes or nature of merites and cooperation vvith God to our ovvne and other mens saluation 38. I am sure This speache is cōmon in S. Paul according to the latin translation vvhen he had no other assured knovvledge but by hope as Ro. 15 14 2 Tim. 1 5. Heb. 6 9 Vvhere the Greeke vvord signifieth only a probable persuasion And therfore except he meane of him self by special reuelation or of the predestinate in general in vvhich tvvo cases it may stand for the certitude of saith or infallible knovvledge othervvise that euery particular man should be assured infallibly that him self should be iustified and not that onely but sure also neuer to sinne or to haue the gift of perseuêrance and certaine knovvledge of his predestination that is a most damnable false illusion and presumption condemned by the Fathers of the holy Councel of Trent Sess ● c. 9. 12. 13. With a protestation of his sorow for it lest they should thinke him to reioyce in their perdition he insinuateth the Iewes to be reprobate although they come of Abrahams flesh 6 saying to be the sonnes of God goeth not by that but by Gods grace 19 considering that al vvere one damned masse 24 by which grace the Gentils to be made his people and so the prophess to haue foretold of them both 30 And the cause hereof to be that the Gentils submit them selues to the faith of Christ vvhich the Iewes vvil not verse 1 I SPEAKE the verity in Christ I lie not my conscience bearing me vvitnes in the holy Ghost ✝ verse 2 that I haue great sadnesse continual sorovv in my hart ✝ verse 3 For I vvished my self to be an ″ anáthema from Christ for my brethren vvho are my kinsmen according to the flesh ✝ verse 4 vvho are Israëlites vvhose is the adoption of sonnes and the glorie and the
9 to many other good actions 17 and specially to louing of their enemies verse 1 I BESECH you therfore brethren by the mercie of God * that you exhibite your bodies ″ a liuing host holy pleasing God your reasonable seruice ✝ verse 2 And be not conformed to this vvorld but be reformed in the newnes of your minde * that you may proue vvhat the good and acceptable and perfect vvil of God is ✝ verse 3 for I say by the grace that is giuen me to al that are among you not to be more vvise then behoueth to be vvise but to be vvise vnto sobrietie * to euery one as God hath deuided the measure of faith ✝ verse 4 For as in one body vve haue many members but al the members haue not one action ✝ verse 5 so vve being many are one body in Christ eche one an others members ⊢ ✝ verse 6 And hauing giftes according to the grace that is giuen vs differēt either prophecie ″ according to the rule of faith ✝ verse 7 or ministerie in ministring or he that teacheth in doctrine ✝ verse 8 he that exhorteth in exhorting he that giueth in simplicitie he that ruleth in carefulnes he that shevveth mercie in cheerefulnes ✝ verse 9 Loue vvithout simulation Hating euil cleauing to good ✝ verse 10 Louing the charitie of the brotherhod one toward an other Vvith honour preuenting one an other ✝ verse 11 In carefulnes not slouthful In spirit feruent Seruing our Lord. ✝ verse 12 Reioycing in hope Patient in tribulation Instant in praier ✝ verse 13 Communicating to the necessities ' of the sainctes Pursuing hospitalitie ✝ verse 14 Blesse them that persecute you blesse and curse not ✝ verse 15 To reioyce vvith them that reioyce to vveepe vvith them that vveepe ✝ verse 16 Being of one minde one tovvard an other Not minding high things but cōsenting to the humble ⊢ Be not vvise in your ovvne conceite ✝ verse 17 To no man rendring euil for euil Prouiding good things not only before God but also before al men ✝ verse 18 If it may be as much as is in you hauing peace vvith al men ✝ verse 19 Not reuenging your selues my deerest but giue place vnto vvrath for it is vvritten Reuenge to me I vvil revvard saith our Lord. ✝ verse 20 but if thine enemie hunger giue him meate if he thirst giue him drinke for doing this thou shalt heape coales of fire vpon his head ✝ verse 21 Be not ouercome of euil but ouercome in good the euil ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XII 1. A liuing host Lest men should thinke by the former discourse of Gods eternal predestination that no reward were to be had of good life and workes the Apostle now earnestly recommendeth to them holinesse of life 1. A liuing host Man maketh his body a sacrifice to God by giuing it to suffer for him by chastising it vvith fasting vvatching and such like and by occupying it in workes of charitie and vertue to Gods honour whereby appeareth how acceptable these workes are to God and grateful in his sight being compared to a sacrifice which is an high seruice done to him 6. According to the rule of faith By this and many places of holy write we may gather that the Apostles by the holy Ghost before they were sundered into diuers Nations set downe among them selues a certaine Rule and forme of faith and doctrine conteining not onely the Articles of the Crede but al other principles groundes and the whole platforme of al the Christian religion Which Rule was before any of the bookes of the new Testment were written before the faith was preached among the Gentiles by vvhich not onely euery other inseriout teachers doctrine was tried but al the Apostles and Euangelistes preaching vvriting interpreting which is here called prophecying were of gods Church appointed and admitted or disproued and reiected This forme by mouth and not by Scripture euery Apostle deliuered to the countrie by them conuerted For keeping of this forme the Apostle before praised the Romanes and afterward earnestly warneth them by no man 〈◊〉 speache to be drawen from the same This he commendeth to Timothee calling it his 〈◊〉 For not holding this fast and sure he blameth the Galatians further also denouncing to him self or an Angel that should write teach or expound against that which they first receiued 〈…〉 and commanding alwaies to bevvare of them that taught otherwise For feare of missing this line of truth him self notwithstanding he had the Holy Ghost yet lest he might haue preached in vaine and lost his labour he went to conferre with Peter and the rest for tho fast keeping of this Rule of truth the Apostles held Councels and their successors by their example For the holding of this Rule and by the measure thereof were al the holy Scriptures written for and by the same al the glorious doctors haue made their sermons commendries and interpretations Gods vvork al vvritings and interpretatiōs no otherwise admitted nor deemed to be of God but as they be agreable to this Rule And this is the sure Analogies 〈◊〉 measure of faith set downe and commended to vs euery where for the Apostles tradition and not the phantastical rule or square that euery Sectmaister pretendeth to gather out of the Scriptures falsely vnderstood and wrested to his purpose by which they iudge of doctor Scripture Church and al. Arîus had by that meanes a rule of his owne Luther had his false weightes and Caluin his owne also According to which seueral measure of euery Sect they haue their expositions of Gods word and in England as in other infected Countries they kept of lare an apish imitation of this prophecying which S. Paul here and in other places speaketh of and which was an exercise in the primitiue Church measured not by euery mans peculiar spirit but by the former Rule of faith first set downe by the Apostles And therfore al this new phantastical Prophecying al other preaching in Caluins schoole is iustly by this note of the Apostle condemned for that it is not according to but quite against the Rule of faith CHAP. XIII To yeld obedience and al other duties vnto Potestats 8 to loue their neighbour vvhich is the fulfilling of the Lavv 11 and specially to consider that novv being the time of grace vve must doe nothing that may not beseeme day light verse 1 LET ″ euery soul be subiect to higher powers for there is ″ no povver but of God And those that are of God are ordeined ✝ verse 2 Therfore he that resisteth the povver resisteth the ordinance of God And ″ they that resist purchase to them selues damnatiō ✝ verse 3 for princes are no feare to the good worke but to the euil But wilt thou not feare the povver Doe good and thou shalt haue praise of the same ✝ verse 4
Christian religion should be perfectly established he would haue no restrainte made but that euery one should be borne vvithal in his ovvne sense yet so that they should not condemne one an other nor make necessitie of saluation in the obseruation of the Iudaical rites of meates daies c. 17. Not meate and drinke The substance of religion or the kingdom of God standeth not in meate or drinke and therfore the better might they vse indifferencie and toleration in that point for a time for peace sake and to auoid scandal but if the precept of Moyses Lavv had bound still as before then not for the meates sake but for the disobedience it had been damnable to haue eaten the vncleane meates 22. Haue it vvith thy self Thou that art perfect and bleeuest or knovvest certainely that thou art free from the Lavv concerning meates and festiuities yet to the trouble and hinderance of the feeble that can not yet be brought so far be discrete vtter not thy self out of season 23. He that discerneth If the vveake haue a conscience and should be driuen to eate the things vvhich in his ovvne hart he thinketh he should not doe he committeth deadly sinne because he doth against his conscience or against his ovvne pretensed knovvledge ●● Al this is not of faith The proper sense of this speach is that euery thing that a man doeth against his knovvledge or conscience is a sinne for so by the circumstance of the letter faith must here be taken though S. Augustine sometimes applieth it also to proue that al the actions of infidels meaning those vvorkes vvhich directly procede of their lacke of faith be sinnes But in any vvise take heede of the Heretikes commentarie vvho hereby vvould proue that the infidel sinneth in honouring his parents fighting for his countrie tilling his ground and in al other vvorkes And no maruel that they so hold of infidels vvho maintaine * that Christian men also offend deadly in euery good deede CHAP. XV. He procedeth to make peace betvvene the Christian Gentils and Ievves 8 vvith this resolution that the Ievves vocation is of promis in deede but the Gentils also of mercie and foretold by the Scriptures 14 Then dravving to his ende he excuseth him self to the Romanes for vvriting thus vnto them 21 hoping novv at length to see them after that he hath been at Hierusalem ●9 vvherevnto also he requesteth their praiers verse 1 AND vve that are the strōger must susteine the infirmities of the vveake not please our selues ✝ verse 2 Let euery one of you please his neighbour vnto good to edification ✝ verse 3 For Christ did not please him self but as it is vvritten The reproches of them that reproched thee fel vpon me ✝ verse 4 For vvhat things soeuer haue been vvritten to our learning they are vvritten that by the patience and consolation of the Scriptures vve may haue hope ✝ verse 5 And the God of patience and of comfort giue you to be of one minde one tovvard an other according to IESVS Christ ✝ verse 6 that of one minde vvith one mouth you may glorifie God and the Father of our Lord IESVS Christ ✝ verse 7 For the vvhich cause receiue one an other as Christ also hath receiued you vnto the honour of God ✝ verse 8 For I say Christ IESVS to haue been minister of the circumcision for the veritie of God to confirme the promisses of the fathers ✝ verse 9 But the Gentils to honour God for his mercie as it is vvritten Therfore vvil I confesse to thee in the Gentils ô Lord and vvil sing to thy name ✝ verse 10 And againe he saith Reioyce ye Gētils vvith his people ✝ verse 11 And againe Praise al ye Gentils our Lord and magnifie him al ye peoples ✝ verse 12 And againe Esaie saith There shal be the roote of Iesse and he that shal rise vp to rule the Gentils in him the Gentils shal hope ✝ verse 13 And the God of hope replenish you vvith al ioy and peace in beleeuing that you may abound in hope and in the vertue of the holy Ghost ⊢ ✝ verse 14 And I my self also my brethren am assured of you that you also are ful of loue replenished vvith al knowledge so that you are able to admonish one an other ✝ verse 15 But I haue vvritten to you brethren more boldly in part as it were putting you in remembrance for the grace vvhich is giuen me of God ✝ verse 16 to be the minister of Christ IESVS in the Gētils sanctifying the Gospel of God that the oblation of the Gentils may be made acceptable and sanctified in the holy Ghost ✝ verse 17 I haue therfore glorie in Christ IESVS tovvard God ✝ verse 18 For I dare not speake any of those things vvhich Christ vvorketh not by me for the obedience of the Gentils by vvord and deedes ✝ verse 19 in the vertue of signes and vvōders in the vertue of the holy Ghost so that from Hierusalem round about vnto Illy●icum I haue replenished the Gospel of Christ ✝ verse 20 And I haue so preached this Gospel not vvhere Christ vvas named lest I should build vpon an other mans foundation ✝ verse 21 but as it is vvritten They to vvhom it hath not been preached of him shall see and they that haue not heard shal vnderstand ✝ verse 22 For the vvhich cause also I vvas hindred very much from comming vnto you ✝ verse 23 But novv hauing no longer place in these 〈◊〉 and hauing a desire to come vnto you these many yeares novv passed ✝ verse 24 vvhen I shal begin to take my iourney into a paine I hope that as I passe I shal see you and be brought thither of you if first in part I shal haue enioyed you ✝ verse 25 Novv therfore I vvil goe vnto Hierusalem to minster to the saincts ✝ verse 26 For Macedonia and Achaia haue liked vvel to make some contribution vpon the poore saincts that are in Hierusalem ✝ verse 27 For it hath pleased them and they are their detters For if the Gentiles be made partakers of their spiritual things they ought also in carnal things to minister vnto them ✝ verse 28 This therfore vvhen I shal haue accōplished and signed them this fruite I vvil goe by you into Spaine ✝ verse 29 And I knovv that comming to you I shal come in aboundance of the blessing of Christ ✝ verse 30 I beseeche you therfore brethren by our Lord IESVS Christ and by the charitie of the holy Ghost that you helpe me in your praiers for me to God ✝ verse 31 that I may be deliuered from the infidels that are in Ievvrie and the oblation of my seruice may become acceptable in Hierusalem to the saincts ✝ verse 32 that I may come to you in ioy by the vvil of God that I may be refreshed vvith you ✝ verse 33
that perish is folishnes but to them that are saued that is to vs it is the povver of God ✝ verse 19 For it is vvritten I vvil destroy the vvisedom of the vvise and the prudence of the prudent I vvil reiecte ✝ verse 20 Vvhere is the vvise vvhere is the Scribe vvhere is the disputer of this vvorld Hath not God made the vvisedom of this vvorld folish ✝ verse 21 For because in the vvisedom of God the vvorld did not by vvisedom knovv God it pleased God by the folishnes of the preaching to saue them that beleeue ✝ verse 22 For both the Ievves aske signes and the Greekes seeke vvisedom ✝ verse 23 but vve preach Christ crucified to the Ievves certes a scandal and to the Gentiles folishnes ✝ verse 24 but to the called Ievves Greekes Christ the povver of God and the vvisedom of God ✝ verse 25 For that vvhich is the folish of God is vviser then men and that vvhich is the infirme of God is stronger then men ✝ verse 26 For see your vocation brethren that not many vvise according to the flesh not many mightie not many noble ✝ verse 27 but the folish things of the vvorld hath God chosen that he may confound the vvise and the vveake things of the vvorld hath God chosen that he may confound the strong ✝ verse 28 and the base things of the vvorld and the contemptible hath God chosen and those things vvhich are not that he might destroy those things vvhich are ✝ verse 29 that no flesh may glorie in his sight ✝ verse 30 And of him you are in Christ IESVS ● vvho is made vnto vs vvisedom from God iustice sanctificatiō and redemption ✝ verse 31 that as it is vvritten He that doth glorie may glorie in our Lord. ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 5. In al knovvledge Obserue that the Apostles neuer vvrote their letters but to such as vvere conuerted to Christes faith before for men can not lightly learne the Christian religion by reading Scriptures but by hearing and by the presence of their teachers which may instruct them at large and particularly of euery Article as clerely breefely by letters they could not doe Neither doth novv any man learne his faith first but by hearing of his parents and Maisters for if vve should vvhen vve come to yeres of discretion ●e set to picke our faith out of the Scriptures there vvould be a madde vvorke and many faithes among vs. 30. Who is made He meaneth not as our Aduersaries captiously take it that vve haue no iustice sapience nor sanctity of our ovvne other then Christes imputed to vs but the sense is that he is made the author giuer and meritorious cause of al these vertues in vs for so the Apostle interpreteth him self plainely in the 6 Chapter folovving vvhen he vvriteth thus You be vvashed you be iustified you be sanctified in the name of our Lord IESVS CHRIST and in the Spirit of our God CHAP. II. That his ovvne preaching among them vvas in humble maner in the sight of man 3 Hovvbeit it is most profound vvisedom as they should and vvould perceiue if they vvere not carnal vvhich is taught in the Church of Christ verse 1 AND I brethren vvhen I came to you I came not in loftinesse of speache or of vvisedom preaching to you the testimonie of Christ ✝ verse 2 For I iudged not my self to knovv any thing among you but IESVS Christ and him crucified ✝ verse 3 And * I vvas vvith you in infirmitie and feare and much trembling ✝ verse 4 and my speache and my preaching vvas not in the persuasible vvordes of humane vvisedom but in shevving of spirit and povver ✝ verse 5 that your faith might not be in the vvisedom of men but in the povver of God But vve speake vvisedom among the perfect ✝ verse 6 but the vvisedom not of this vvorld neither of the princes of this vvorld that come to naught ✝ verse 7 but vve speake the vvisedom of God in a mysterie which is hid vvhich God did predestinate before the worlds vnto our glorie ✝ verse 8 which none of the princes of this vvo●ld did knovv for if they had knovven they vvould neuer haue crucified the Lord of glorie ✝ verse 9 But as it is vvritten That vvhich eie hath not seen nor eare hath heard neither hath it ascended into the hart of mā vvhat things God hath prepared for them that loue him ✝ verse 10 but to vs God hath reuealed by his Spirit For the Spirit searcheth al things yea the profoundities of God ✝ verse 11 For vvhat man knovveth the things of a man but ● the spi●it of a man that is in him so the things also that are of God no man knovveth but the spirit of God ✝ verse 12 And vve haue receiued not the spirit of this vvorld but the spirit that is of God ● that vve may knovv the things that of God are giuen to vs. ✝ verse 13 vvhich also vve speake not in learned vvordes of humane vvisedom but in the doctrine of the Spirit comparing spiritual things to the spiritual ✝ verse 14 But ● the sensual man perceiueth not those things that are of the spirit of God for it is folishnes to him and he can not vnderstand because he is spiritually examined ✝ verse 15 But the spiritual man iudgeth al things and him self is iudged of no man ✝ verse 16 For * vvho hath knovven the sense of our Lord that may instructe him But vve haue the sense of Christ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 11. But the spirit of man One man can not knovv an others cogitations naturally but God giueth to Prophets and other euen in this vvorld oftentimes by extraordinary grace to knovv mens secretes As he did to S. Peter to knovv the fraude of Ananias and Sapphira and to Eliseus his seruants bribery in his absence and vvhat vvas done in the king of Syria his chamber and as he giueth to al Angels and Saincts so far as is conuenient to our necessities and their heauenly glorie to vnderstand not onely our vocal praiers but our invvard repentance and desires 12. That vve may knovv The Protestants that chalenge a particular spirit reuealing to eche one his ovvne predestination iustification and saluation vvould dravv this text to that purpose Vvhich importeth nothing els as is plaine by the Apostles discourse but that the holy Ghost hath giuen to the Apostles by them to other Christian men to knovv Gods ineffable gifts bestovved vpon the beleeuers in this time of grace that is Christes Incarnation Passion presence in the Sacrament the incomprehensible ioyes of heauen vvhich Pagans Ievves and Heretikes deride 14. The sensual man The sensual man is he specially that measureth these heauenly mysteries by natural reason humane prudence external sense and vvorldly affection as the Ievv Pagane and Heretike doe and sometime both here and els vvhere the
″ much more the ministerie of iustice aboundeth in glorie ⊢ ✝ verse 10 For neither vvas it glorified vvhich in this part vvas glorious by reasō of the excelling glorie ✝ verse 11 For if that which is made void is by glorie much more that vvhich abideth is in glorie ✝ verse 12 Hauing therfore such hope vve vse much confidence ✝ verse 13 and not * as Moyses put a vele vpon his face that the children of Israël might not behold his face vvhich is made voide ✝ verse 14 but their senses vvere dulled For vntil this present day ″ the self same vele in the lecture of the old testament remaineth vnreuealed because in Christ it is made voide ✝ verse 15 but vntil this present day vvhen Moyses is read a vele is put vpō their hart ✝ verse 16 But vvhen he shal be conuerted to our Lord the vele shal be taken avvay ✝ verse 17 And * our Lord is a Spirit And vvhere the Spirit of our Lord is there is ″ libertie ✝ verse 18 But vve al beholding the glorie of our Lord vvith face reuealed are transformed into the same image from glorie vnto glorie as of our Lordes Spirit ANNOTATIONS CHAP. III. 1. The Epistle of Christ S. Paul and other holy vvriters of Scriptures did set dovvne many thinges in vvriting by penne inke and paper al vvhich be of the Holy Ghost but the special and proper booke of Christes truth and Gospel is not the external vvriting in those dead creatures but in the hartes of the faithful being the proper subiecte of these truthes and graces preached in the nevv Testament and the habitacle of the Holy Ghost In the vvhich booke of faithful mens hartes S. Paul vvrote diuers thinges not vttered in any Epistle as sundrie of the Apostles vvrote the Christian religion in the hartes of their hearers onely and in other material bookes not at all Vvhereof S. Irenaeus li. 3. ● 4. saith What and if the Apostles also had left no Scriptures ought vve not to folovv the order of the tradition vvhich they deliuered vnto them to vvhom they committed the Churches● to the vvhich ordinance many nations of those barbarous people that haue beleeued in Christ do consent vvithout letter or inke hauing saluation vvritten in their hartes and keeping diligently the tradition of the elders And S. Hierom 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hiero● c. 9. ad Pa● In the Greede of our faith and hope vvhich being deliuered by tradition from the Apostles is not vvritten in paper and inke but in the tables camal of the hart And this is the Churches booke also vvhereby and vvherein she keepeth faithfully al truth vvritten in the hartes of those to vvhom the Apostles did preach vvith the like diligence as she keepeth and preserueth the other booke vvhich is of holy Scriptures from al corruption of Heretikes and other iniuries 5. Of our selues This maketh first against the Heretikes called Pelagians that hold our meritorious actions or cogitations to be of free vvil onely and not of Gods special grace Secondly against the Protestantes vvho on the contrarie side referre al to God and take avvay mans freedom and proper motion in his thoughtes and doings the Apostle confessing our good cogitations to be our ovvne but not as comming of our selues but of God 6. The letter killeth As the letter of the old Lavv not truely vnderstood nor referred the Christ commaunding and not giuing grace and spirit to fulfil that vvhich vvas commaunded did by occasiō kill the carnal Iew so the letter of the nevv Testamēt not truely taken nor expounded by the Spirit of Christ vvhich is onely in his Church killeth the Heretike vvho also being carnal and void of spirit gaineth nothing by the external precepts or good lessons of the Scriptures but rather taketh hurt by the same See S. Augustine to 〈◊〉 Ser. 70 1000 de tempore li. de Sp. lit c. 5. 6. seq 9. Much more The preeminence of the new Testament and of the priesthod or Ministerie thereof before the old is that the nevv by al her Sacraments and Priests as ministers immediate of grace and remission of sinnes doth so ex opere operato giue the spirit of life and charitie into the hartes of the faithful as the old did giue the letter or external act of the Lavv. 14. The self same vele As the Ievves reading the old Testament by reason of their blindnes vvhich God for the punishment of their incredulitie suffereth to remaine as a couer vpon their eies and hartes can not see Christ in the Scriptures vvhich they daily heare read in their Synagogs but shal vvhen they beleeue in him and haue the couer remoued perceiue al to be most plainely done and spoken of him in their law Scriptures euen so Heretikes hauing as S. Augustine noteth a farre greater couer of blindnes and incredulitie ouer their hartes in respect of the Catholike Church vvhich they impugne then the Iewes haue concerning Christ can not see though they read or heare the Scriptures read neuer so much the maruelous euidence of the Catholike Church and truth in al pointes but vvhen they shal returne againe to the obedience of the same Church they shal finde the Scriptures most cleere for her and her doctrine and shal vvonder at their former blindnes 17. Libertie The Spirit and grace of God in the nevv Testament dischargeth vs of the bondage of the Lavv and sinne but is not a vvarrant to vs of fleshly licence as S. Peter vvriteth nor dischargeth Christians of their obedience to order lavv and power of Magistrates spiritual or temporal as some Heretikes of these daies do seditiously teach CHAP. IIII. That according as so glorious a ministerie requireth he liueth and preacheth sincerely 〈◊〉 the vvhich glorie his Aduersaries can not count vaine considering his persecutions because persecution is to Gods glorie and to our humilitie and hope and meritorious of increase of grace in this life and of most glorious bodies and soules aftervvard verse 1 THERFORE hauing this ministration according as vve haue obteined mercie vve faile not ✝ verse 2 but vve renounce the secrete things of dishonestie not walking in crastines nor ″ adulterating the vvord of God but in manifestation of the truth commending our selues to euery conscience of men before God ✝ verse 3 And if our Gospel be also hidde in them that perish it is hidde ✝ verse 4 in vvhom the God of this vvorld hath blinded the mindes of the infidels that the illumination of the Gospel of the glorie of Christ vvho is the image of God might not shine to them ✝ verse 5 For vve preache nor our selues but IESVS Christ our Lord and vs your seruants by IESVS ✝ verse 6 because God that commaunded light to shine of darkenes he hath shined in our hartes to the illumination of the knovvledge of the glorie of God in the face of Christ IESVS ✝ verse 7
his vocation and doctrine to their trial and approbation and to ioyne in office teaching and societie or communion vvith them For there is no extraordinarie or miraculous vocation that can seuer or separate the person so called in doctrine or fellovvship of Christian life and religion from the ordinarie knowen societie of Gods people and Priestes Therfore vvhosoeuer he be vpon vvhat pretence so euer that vvil not haue his calling and doctrine tried by the ordinarie Gouerners of Gods Church or disdaineth to go vp to the principal place of our religion to conferre vvith Peter and other pillers of the Church it is euident that he is a false teacher a Schismatike and an Heretike By vvhich rule you may trie al your nevv teachers of Luthers or Caluins schoole vvho neuer did nor euer durst put their preaching to such conference or trial of holy Councel or Bishops as they ought to do and vvould do if it vvere of God as S. Paules vvas 2. In vaine Though S. Paul doubted not of the truth of the Gospel vvhich he preached knovving it to be of the holy Ghost yet because other men could not nor vvould not acknovvledge so much til it vvere allovved by such as vvere vvithout al exception knovven to be Apostles to haue the spirit of truth to discerne vvhether the vocation spirit Gospel of Paul vvere of God he knevv he should othervvise vvithout conferēce vvith them haue lost his labour both for the time past and to come He had not had saith S. Hierom securitie of preaching the Gospel if it had not been approued by Peters sentence and the rest that vvere vvith him Hiero. ep 29. c. 2. See Tertul. li. 4 Cont. Marc. nu 3. Therfore by reuelation he vvent to conferre with the Apostles at Hierusalem that by them hauing his Apostleship and Gospel liked and approued he might preach vvith more fruite Vvherein vve see this holy Apostle did not as the seditious proud Heretikes do novv a daies vvhich refusing al mans attestation or approbation vvil be tried by Scriptures onely As also vve may learne that it is not such absurditie as the Aduersaries vvould make it to haue the Scriptures approued by the Churches testimonie Seing the Gospel vvhich S. Paul preached being of as much certaintie and of the same Holy Ghost that the Scriptures be vvas to be put in conference and examination of the Apostles vvithout al derogation to the truth dignitie or certaintie of the same And the cauilling of Heretikes that we make subiect Gods Oracles to mans censure and the Scriptures to haue no more force then the Church is content to graunt vnto them is vaine and false I or to beare vvitnes or to giue euidence or attestation that the preaching or vvriting of such is true and of the Holy Ghost is not to make it true no more then the Goldsmith or touch-stone that trie and discerne vvhich is true gold make it good gold but they giue euidence to man that so it is And therfore that disputation also vvhether the Scripture or the Church be of greater authoritie is superfluous either giuing testimonie to the other and both assured by the Holy Ghost from al error the Church yet being before the Scriptures the spouse of Christ and proper dwelling temple or subiect of God and his graces for the vvhich Church the Scriptures vvere and not the Church for the Scriptures In vvhich Church there is iudicial authoritie by office and iurisdiction to determine of doubtful questions touching the sense of the Scriptures and other controuersies in religion to punish disobedient persons Of which iudicial power the Scriptures be not capable as neither the truthes determinations of the same can be so euident to men ' nor so agreable and fit for euery particular resolution as diuersitie of times and persons requireth Certaine is the truth and great is the authoritie of both but in such diuers kindes as they can not be vvell compared together The controuersie is much like as if a man touching the ruling a case in lavv or giuing sentence in a matter of question should aske vvhether the iudge or the euidēce of the parties be of more authoritie or credit vvhich vvere as friuolous a dispute as it were a disordered part for any man to say he vvould be tried by no other iudge but by his owne vvritings or euidences Vvith such tristers and seditious persons haue vve to do now a daies in diuinitie as vvere intolerable in any prophane science or facultie in the vvorld 6. Added nothing The Gospel and preaching of S. Paul vvas wholy of God therfore though it vvere put to the Churches probation as gold is to the touch stone yet being found in al pointes pure nothing could be altered or amended therein by the Apostles Euen so the Scriptures vvhich are in deede vvholy of the Holy Ghosts enditing being put to the Churches trial are found proued and testified vnto the vvorld to be such and not made true altered or amended by the same Vvithout vvhich attestation of the Church the holy Scriptures in them selues vvere alvvaies true before but not so knowen to be to al Christians nor they so bound to take them And that is the meaning of the famous sentence of S. Augustine Cont. ep fund c. 5. vvhich troubleth the Heretikes so much I vvould not beleeue the Gospel saith he vnles the authoritie of the Church moued me 7. To Peter of the circumcision Vve may not thinke as the Heretikes deceitfuly teach that the charge of the Apostles vvas so distincted that none could preach or exercise iurisdiction but in those seueral places or towardes those peoples or prouinces onely vvherevnto by Gods appointment or their ovvne lot or election they vvere specially designed For euery Apostle might by Christes commission Mat. 28. Goe and teach al nations vse al spiritual functiō through the vvhole vvorld yet for the more particualr regard care of prouinces for peace order sake some were appointed to one countrie some to an other as of the other Apostles we see in the Ecclesiastical histories and for S. Peter S. Paul it is plaine by this place other that to them as to the tvvo cheefe and most renovvmed Apostles the Church of al Nations vvas giuen as deuided into two partes that is Ievves and Gentiles the first and principal being S. Peters lot that herein also he might resemble our Sauiour vvho vvas sent namely * to the lost sheepe of Israel and vvas properly * the Minister of the Circumcision the second being S. Paules vvhom Christ chose specially to preach to the Gentiles Not so for al that that either he vvas limited to the Gentils onely vvhō the Actes of the Apostles report in euery place first to haue entered into the Synagogs preached Christ to the Ievves as he vvrote also to the Hebrues euer had special regard honour to thē
and diuers other in holy vvrite proue that he merited for him self according to al learned mens iudgement As Apoc 5. The lambe that vvas slaine is vvorthie to receiue povver and Diuinitie And Heb. 2. We see IESVS for the passion of death crowned vvith glorie and honour See S. Augustine vpō these vvordes of the Psalme 109. propterea exaltabit caput 10. Name of IESVS By the like vvickednes they charge the faithful people for capping or kneeling vvhen they heare the name of IESVS as though they vvorshipped not our Lord God therein but the syllables or letters or other material elemēts vvhereof the vvord vvritten or spoken consisteth and al this by sophistications to dravv the people from due honour and deuotion tovvard CHRIST IESVS vvhich is Satans drift by putting scruples into poore simple mens mindes about his Sacraments his Saincts his Crosse his name his image such like to abolish al true religiō out of the vvorld and to make them plaine Atheists But the Church knovveth Satans cogitations and therfore by the Scriptures and reason vvarranteth and teacheth al her children to do reuerence vvhen so euer IESVS is named because Catholikes do not honour these things nor count them holy for their matter colour sound and syllables but for the respect and relation they haue to ou● Sauiour bringing vs to the remembrance and apprehension of Christ by sight hearing or vse of the same signes els vvhy make vve not reuerence at the name of Iesus the sonne of ●irach as vvel as of IESVS CHRIST And it is a pitieful case to see these prophane subtelties of Heretikes to take place in religion vvhich vvere ridiculous in al other trade of life Vvhen vve heare our Prince or Soueraine named vve may vvithout these scruples doe obeisance but tovvardes Christ it must be superstitious 12. With feare and trembling Against the vaine presumption of Heretikes that make men secure of their predestination and saluation he vvilleth the Philippians to vvorke their saluation vvith feare and trembling according to that other Scripture Blessed is the man that alvvaies i● fearful Prouerb 28 v. 14. 13. Worketh in you Of this thus saith S. Augustine Not because the Apostle saith it is God that vvorketh in you both to vvil and vvorke must vve thinke he taketh avvay our free vvill For if it vvere so then vvould he not a litle before haue vvilled them to vvorke their ovvne saluation vvith feare and trembling For vvhen they be commaunded to vvorke their free vvil is called vpon but vvith trembling and feare is added l●st by attributing their vvel vvorking to them selues they might be proud of their good deedes as though they vvere of them selues August de gratia lib. arbit c. 9. 17. The sacrifice The obedience of faith and matryrdom be so acceptable actes to God vvhen they be voluntarily referred to his honour that by a metaphore they be called sacrifice and pleasant hostes to God CHAP. III. He vvarn●th them of the False-apostles * shevving that him self had much more to bragge of in Iudaisme then they but that he maketh price of nothing but only of Christ and of Christian iustice and of suffering vvith him 12 vvherein yet he acknovvledgeth his imperfection 17 exhorting them to beare Christes Crosse vvith him and not to imitate those bellygods verse 1 FROM hence forth my brethren reioyce in our Lord. To vvrite the same things vnto you to me surely it is not tedious and to you it is necessarie ✝ verse 2 See the dogges see the euil vvorkers see the concisiō ✝ verse 3 For vve are the circumcision vvhich in spirit serue God and vve glorie in Christ IESVS and not hauing confidence in the flesh ✝ verse 4 albeit I also haue confidence in the flesh ✝ If any other man seeme to haue confidence in the flesh I more ✝ verse 5 circumcised the eight day of the stocke of Israël of the tribe of Beniamin * an Hebrevv of Hebrevves * according to the Lavv a Pharisee ✝ verse 6 according to emulation persecuting the Church of God according to the iustice that is in the Lavv conuersing vvithout blame ✝ verse 7 But the things that vvere gaines to me those haue I esteemed for Christ detriments ✝ verse 8 Yea but I esteeme al things to be detriment for the passing knovvledge of IESVS Christ my Lord for vvhom I haue made al things as detriment and do esteeme them as dung that I may gaine Christ ✝ verse 9 and may be found in him not hauing ″ my iustice vvhich is of the Lavv but that vvhich is of the faith of Christ vvhich is of God iustice in faith ✝ verse 10 to knovv him and the vertue of his resurrection and the societie of his passions configured to his death ✝ verse 11 if by any meanes I may come to the resurrection vvhich is from the dead ✝ verse 12 ″ Not that novv I haue receiued or novv am perfect but I pursue if I may comprehend vvherein I am also comprehended of Christ IESVS ⊢ ✝ verse 13 Brethren I do not account that I haue comprehended Yet one thing forgetting the things that are behinde but stretching forth my self to those that are before ✝ verse 14 I pursue to the marke to the price of the supernal vocation of God in Christ IESVS ✝ verse 15 Let vs therfore as many as are perfect be thus minded and if you be any ″ othervvise minded this also God hath reuealed ' to you ✝ verse 16 Neuerthelesse vvherevnto we are come that vve be of the same minde let vs continue in the same rule ✝ verse 17 Be folovvers of me brethren obserue them that vvalke so as you haue our forme ✝ verse 18 For * many vvalke vvhom often I told you of and novv vveeping also I tel you the enemies of the crosse of Christ ✝ verse 19 vvhose end is destruction vvhose God is the belly and their glorie in their confusion vvhich minde vvorldly things ✝ verse 20 But our conuersation is in heauen vvhence also vve expect the Sauiour our Lord IESVS Christ ✝ verse 21 vvho vvil reforme the body of our humilitie configured to the body of his glorie according to the operation vvhereby also he is able to subdue al things to him self ANNOTATIONS CHAP. III. 9. My iustice Diuers Lutherans in their translations do shamfully mangle this sentence by transposing the vvordes and false poluting of the partes hereof to make it haue this sense that the Apostle vvould haue no iustice of his ovvne but onely that iustice vvhich is in Christ Vvhich is a false and heretical sense of the vvordes and not meant by S. Paul vvho calleth that a mans ovvne Iustice vvhich he chalengeth by the vvorkes of the Lavv or nature vvithout the grace of Christ and that Gods iustice as S. Augustine expoundeth this place not vvhich is in God or by vvhich God is
the dead that he may be in al things holding the primacie ✝ verse 19 because in him it hath vvel pleased al fulnes to inhabite ✝ verse 20 and by him to reconcile al things vnto him self pacifying by the bloud of his crosse vvhether the things in earth or the things that are in heauen ✝ verse 21 And you vvhereas you vvere sometime alienated and enemies in sense in euil vvorkes ✝ verse 22 yet novv he hath reconciled in the body of his flesh by death to present you holy immaculate and blameles before him ✝ verse 23 if yet ye cōtinue in the faith grounded and stable and vnmoueable from the hope of the Gospel vvhich you haue heard vvhich is preached among al creatures that are vnder heauen vvhereof I Paul am made a minister ✝ verse 24 Vvho novv reioyce in suffering for you and ● do accomplish those things that vvant of the passions of Christ in my flesh for his body vvhich is the CHVRCH ✝ verse 25 vvhereof I am made a minister according to the dispensation of Gods vvhich is giuen me tovvard you that I may fulfil the vvord of God ✝ verse 26 the mysterie that hath been hidden from vvorldes and generations but novv is manifested to his sainctes ✝ verse 27 to vvhō God vvould make knowen the riches of the glorie of this sacrament in the Gentiles vvhich is Christ in you the hope of glorie ✝ verse 28 vvhom vve preache admonishing euery man and teaching euery man in al vvisedom that vve may present euery man perfect in Christ IESVS ✝ verse 29 Vvherein also I labour striuing according to his operation vvhich he vvorketh in me in povver ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 24. D●●●●●plish that ●●●●teth As Christ the head and his body make one person mystical and one full Christ the Church being therfore his plenitude ful●es or complement Ephes 1 so the passions of his head and the afflictions of the body and members make one complete masse of passions Vvith such difference for al that betvvene the one sort and the other as the preeminence of the head and special●y such a head aboue the body requireth and giueth And not only these passions vvhich he suffered in him self vvhich vvere fully ended in his death and vverein them selues fully sufficient for the redemption of the vvorld remission of al sinnes but al those vvhich his body and members suffer are his also and of him they receiue the condition qualitie and force to be meritorious and satisfactorie For though there be no insufficiencie in the actions or passions of Christ the head yet his vvisedom vvil and iustice requireth and ordaineth * that his body and members should be f●llovves of his passions as they looke to be fellovves of his glorie that so suffering vvith him and by his example they may appl●e to them selues and others the general medicine of Christes merites and satisfactions as it is effectually and applied to vs by Sacraments sacrifice and other vvaies also 〈…〉 sor being no more iniurious to Christe● death then the other notvvithstanding the vaine clamours of the Protestants that vvould vnder pretence of Christes Passion take avvay the valure of al good deedes Herevpon it is plaine novv that this accomplishment of the vvants of Christes Passions vvhich the Apostle and other Saincts make vp in their flesh is not mean● but of the penal and satisfactorie vvorkes of Christ in his members euery good man adding continually and specially Martyrs somevvhat to accomplish the full measure thereof and these be the plenitude of his passions and satisfactions as the Church is the plenitude of his person therfore these also through the communion of Saincts and the societie that is not onely betvvene the head and the body but also betvvene one members and an other are not only satisfactorie and many vvaies profitable for the sufferers them selues but also for other their fellovv-members in Christ for though one member can not merite for an other properly yet may one beare the burden and discharge the debt of an other both by the lavv of God and nature and it vvas ridiculous Heresie of Vvicleffe to deny the same Yea as vve see here the passions of Saincts are alvvaies suffered for the common good of the vvhole body and sometimes vvithal by the sufferers special intention they are applicable to special persons one or many as here the Apostle ioyeth in his passions for the Collossians in an other place his afflictions be for the saluation of the Corinthians sometimes he vvisheth to be Anathe●●a that is according to Origens exposition i● li. 〈◊〉 ho. 10. 24. a sacrifice for the Ievves and he often speaketh of his death as of a libation host or offering as the fathers do of al Martyrs passions Al vvhich dedicated and sanctified in Christes bloud and sacrifice make the plenitude of his Passion and haue a forcible crie intercession and satisfaction for the Church and the particular necessities thereof In vvhich as some do abound in good vvorkes and satisfactions as S. Paul vvho reckeneth vp his afflictions and glorieth in them 2 Cor. 11 and Iob vvho auoucheth that his penalties farre surmounted his sinnes and our Ladie much more vvho neuer sinned and yet suffered so great dolours so others some do vvant and are to be holpen by the aboundance of their fellovv-members Vvhich entercourse of spiritual offices and the recompense of the vvants of one part by the store of the other is the ground of the old libels of Indulgence vvhereof is treated before our of S. Cyprian See the Annotations 2 Cor. 2. v. 10 and of al indulgences or pardons vvhich the Church daily dispenseth vvith great iustice and mercie by their hands in vvhom Christ hath put the vvord of our reconcilement to vvhom he hath committed the keies to keepe and vse his sheep● to seede his mysteries and al his goods to dispense his povver to binde and loose his commission to remine and reteine and the stevvardship of his familie to giue euery one their meate and sust●nance in due season CHAP. II. He is careful for them though he vvere neuer vvith them that they rest in the vvonderful vvisedom vvhich is in Christian religion and be not caried avvay either vvith Philosophie to 〈◊〉 Christ and to sacrifice to Angel●● or vvith Iudaisme to receive any 〈…〉 of Moyses lavv verse 1 FOR I vvil haue you knovv brethren vvhat maner of care I haue for you and for them that are at Laodicia and vvhosoeuer haue not seen my face in the flesh ✝ verse 2 that their hartes may be comforted instructed in charitie vnto al the riches of the fulnes of vnderstāding vnto the knovvledge of the mysterie of God the Father of Christ IESVS ✝ verse 3 in vvhom be al the treasures of vvisedom and knovvledge hidde ✝ verse 4 But this I say that no man deceiue you in loftines of vvordes ✝ verse 5 For although I
be absent in body yet in spirit I am vvith you reioycing seeing your order the constancie of that your faith which is in Christ ✝ verse 6 Therfore as you haue receiued IESVS Christ our Lord vvalke in him ✝ verse 7 rooted and built in him and confirmed in the faith as also you haue learned abounding in him ' in thankesgiuing ✝ verse 8 Bevvare lest any man deceiue you ● by philosophie and vaine fallacie according to the tradition of men according to the elements of the vvorld and not according to Christ ✝ verse 9 For in him dvvelleth al the fulnesse of the Godhead corporally ✝ verse 10 and you are in him replenished vvho is the head in al Principalitie and Povver ✝ verse 11 in vvhom al you are circumcised vvith circumcision not made by hand in spoiling of the body of the flesh in the circumcision of Christ ✝ verse 12 buried vvith him in Baptisme in vvhō also you are risen againe by the faith of the operation of God vvho raised him vp from the dead ✝ verse 13 And you * vvhen you vvere dead in the offenses and the prepuce of your flesh did he quicken together vvith him pardoning you al offenses ✝ verse 14 vvyping out the hand vvriting of decree ' that vvas against vs vvhich vvas contrarie to vs and the same he hath taken out of the vvay fastening it to the crosse ✝ verse 15 and spoiling the Principalities and Potestats hath ledde them confidently in open shevv triumphing them in him self ✝ verse 16 Let no man therfore iudge you ″ in meate or in drinke or in part of a festiual day or of the Nevv-moone or of Sabboths ✝ verse 17 vvhich are a shadovv of things to come but the body Christs ✝ verse 18 Let no man seduce you vvilling in the humilitie and ● religion of Angels vvalking in the things vvhich he hath not seen in vaine puffed vp by the sense of his flesh ✝ verse 19 and ● not holding the head vvhereof the vvhole body by ioyntes and bandes being serued compacted grovveth to the increase of God ✝ verse 20 If then you be dead vvith Christ from the elements of this vvorld ● vvhy do you yet decree as liuing in the vvorld ✝ verse 21 Touch not tast not 〈◊〉 not ✝ verse 22 which things are al vnto destruction by the very vse according to the precepts and doctrines of men ✝ verse 23 vvhich are in deede ● hauing a shevv of vvisedom in superstition and humilitie and not to spare the body not in any honour to the filling of the flesh ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 8. By Philosophie Philosophie and al humane science so long as they be subiect and obedient to Christ as they be in the Schooles of Christian Catholike men be not forbidden but are greatly commended and be very profitable in the Church of God Othervvise vvhere secular learning is made the rule of religion and commaundeth ●aith there it is pernicious and the cause of al heresi● and infidelitie for the vvhich S. Hierom and before him Tertullan call Philosophers the Patriarkes of Heretikes and declare that al the old heresies rose onely by to much admiring of prophane Philosophie Hier● ad C●esiph cont 〈◊〉 c. 1. Tertul. de praser cont Hermeg. cont Marcio li. 5. And so do these nevv sectes no doubt in many things for other arguments haue they none against the presence of Christ in the B. Sacrament but such as they borovv of Aristotle and his like concerning quantitie accidents place position dimensions senses sight tast and other straites of reason to vvhich they bring Christes mysteries Al Philosophical arguments therfore against any article of our faith be here condemned as deceitful and are called also here the tradition of men and the elements of the vvorld The better to resist vvhich fallacies and traditions of Heathen men the School learning is necessarie vvhich keepeth Philosophie in avve and order of faith and vseth the same to vvithstand the Philosophical and sophistical deceites of the Heretikes and Heathen So the great Philosophers S. Denys S. Augustine Clemens Alexandrinus Iustine Lactantius and the rest vsed the same to the great honour of God and benefite of the Church So came S. Cyprian S. Ambrose S. Hierom and the Greeke fathers furnished vvith al secular learning vnto the studie of Diuinitie vvherof see S. Hierom ep 84 ad Magnum Oraetorem 16. In meate The Protestants vvilfully or ignorantly applie al these kindes of forbearing meates to the Christian fastes but it is by the circunstance of the text plaine at S Augustine also teacheth that the Iudaical obseruation and distinction of certaine cleane and vncleane meates is forbidden to the Colossians vvho vvere in danger to be seduced by certaine Ievves vnder pretence of holines to keepe the Lavv touching meates and festiuities and other like vvhich the Apostle shevveth vvere onely shadovves of things to come vvhich things are come and therfore the said shadovves to cease Vvhere he nameth the Sabboths and feastes of the nevv moone that no man neede to doubt but that he speaketh onely of the Ievvish daies and kindes of fastes and feastes and not of Christian holidaies or fasting daies at all 18. Religion of Angels By the like false application of this text as of the other before the Heretikes abuse it against the inuncation or honour of Angels vsed in the Catholike Church vvhere the Apostle noteth the vvicked doctrine of Simon Magus and others See S. Chrys ho. 7 in hun● locum and Epiph. har 21. vvho taught Angels to be our mediators and not Christ non tenens caput not holding the head as the Apostle here speaketh prescribed sacrifices to be offered vnto them meaning indifferently as vvel the il Angels as the good Vvhich doctrine the said Heretike had of Plato vvho taught that spirites vvhich he calleth damones vvere to be honoured as mediators next to God Against vvhich S. Augustine disputeth li. 8. 9. 10 de ciuit as the condemneth also the same vndue vvorship li. 10 Confess cap. 42. S. Hierom q. 10 ad Algasiam expoundeth this also of il spirites or diuels vvhom he proueth out of S. Steuens sermon Act. 7 that the Ievves did vvorship auouching that they serue them still so many of them and so often as they obserue the Lavv. Of vvhich idolatrie also to Angels Theodorete speaketh vpon this place declaring that the Ievves defended their superstition tovvardes Angels by that that the Lavv vvas giuen by them deceitfully at once inducing the Colossiās both to keepe the lavv to honouring of the Angels as the giuers of the same Vvhereby diuers of the faithful vvere so seduced that they forsooke Christ and his Church and seruice and committed idolatrie to the said Angels Against vvhich abominations the Councel of Laodicia Cap. 35 tooke order accursing all that forsooke our Sauiour and committed idolatrie to Angels and contemning
as the Anabaptistes argue falsely against Gentlemen and the Caluinistes applie it peruersely against the vacant life of the Clergie specially of Monkes and other Religious men But it is a natural admonitiō onely giuen to such as had not vvherevvith to liue of their ovvne or any right or good cause vvhy to chalenge their finding of others and to such as vnder the colour of Christian libertie did passe their time idly curiously vnprofitably and scandalously refusing to do such vvorkes as vvere agreable to their former calling and bringing vp Such as these vvere not tolerable specially there and then vvhen the Apostle and others that might lavvfully haue liued of the altar and their preaching yet to disburden their hearers and for the better aduancement of the Gospel vvrought for their liuing * protesting neuertheles continually that they might haue done othervvise as vvel as S. Peter and the rest did vvho vvrought not but vvere found othervvise iustly and lavvfully as al sortes of the Clergie preaching or seruing the Church and the alter be and ought to be by the lavv of God and nature Vvhose spiritual labours far passe al bodily trauailes where the dueties and functions of that vocation be done accordingly as S. Augustine affirmeth of his ovvne extraordinarie paines incident to the Ecclesiastical affaires and regiment in steede of vvhich if the vse of the Church and his infirmitie vvould haue permitted it he vvisheth he might haue laboured vvith his handes some houres of the day as some of the Clergie did euer voluntarily occupie them selues in teaching vvriting grauing painting planting sovving embrodering or such like seemely and innocent labours See S. Hierom ep 114 seu praef in Iob. and in vit Hilario And Monkes for the most part in the primitiue Church fevv of them being Priests and many taken from seruile vvorkes and handicraftes yea often times professed of bondmen made free by their maisters to enter into religiō vvere appointed by their Superiors to vvorke certaine houres of the day to supply the lackes of their Monasteries as yet the Religious do vvomen specially in many places vvhich standeth vvell vvith their profession And S. Augustine vvriteth a vvhole booke de opera Monachorum to 3. against the errour of certaine disordered Monkes that abused these vvordes Nolite esse soliciti he not careful c. and Respicite v●latilia cali behold the foules of the aire c. to proue that they should not labour at al but pray only and commit their finding to God not only so excusing their idlenes but preferring them selues in holines aboue other their fellowes that did worke and erroneously expounding the said Scriptures for their defence as they did other Scriptures to proue they should not be shauen after the maner of Monkes Vvhich letting their heads to grow he much blameth also in them See li. 2. Retract c. 21. ● op Monach. c. 31. and S. Hieromes ep 48. c. 3. of Nonnes cutting their heare Vvhere by the vvay you see that the Religious vvere shauen euen in S. Augustines time vvho reprocheth them for their heare calling them Crinitos Hearelings as the Heretikes novv contrarievvise deride them by the vvord Rasos Shauelings So that there is a great difference betvvene the auncient Fathers and the nevv Protestant And as for hand labours as S. Augustine in the booke alleaged would not haue Religious folke to refuse them vvhere necessitie bodily strength and the order of the Church or Monasterie permit or require them so he expresly vvriteth that al can not nor are not bound to vvorke and that vvho so euer preacheth or ministreth the Sacraments to the people or serueth the altar as al Religious men commonly now do may chalenge their liuing of them vvhom they serue and are not bound to vvorke * no nor such neither as haue been brought vp before in state of Gentlemen and haue giuen avvay their lands or goods and made them selues poore for Christes sake Vvhich is to be noted because the Heretikes affirme the said Scripture and S. Augustine to condemne al such for idle persons 14. Obey not Our Pastors must be obied and not onely secular Princes and such as vvill not be obedient to their spiritual gouernours the Apostle as S. Augustine saith giueth order and commaundement that they be corrected by correption or admonition By degradation excommunication and other lavvful kindes of punishments Cont. Donatist post collat c. 4. 20. Read also this holy fathers answer to such as said Let our Prelates commaund vs onely vvhat vve ought to do and pray for vs that vve may do it but let them not correct vs. Vvhere he proueth that Prelates must not onely commaund and pray but punish also if that be not done vvhich is commaunded Li. de correp grat c. 3. 14. Note him Disobedient person to be excommunicated and the excommunicated to be separated from the companie of other Christians and the faithful not to keepe any companie or haue conuersation vvith excommunicated person neither to be partaker vvith them in the fault for vvhich they are excommunicated nor in any other act of religion or office of life except cases or mere necessitie and other prescribed and permitted by the law al this is here insinuated and that al the Churches censures be grounded in Scriptures and the examples of the Apostles THE ARGVMENT OF THE FIRST EPISTLE OF S. PAVL TO TIMOTHEE AFTER the Epistles to the Churches novv folovv his Epistles to particular person as to Timothee to Titus vvho vvere Bishops and to Philémon Of Timothee vve reade Act. 16. hovv S. Paul in his visitation tooke him in his traine at Lystra circumciding him before because of the Ievves he vvas then a Disciple that is to say a Christian man Aftervvard the Apostle gaue him holy Orders and consecrated him Bishop as he testifieth in both these Epistles vnto him 1. Tim. 4. v. 14. and 2. Tim. 1. v. 6. He vvriteth therfore vnto him as to a Bishop and him self expresseth the scope of his first Epistle saying These things I vvrite to thee that thou maiest knovv hovv thou oughtest to conuerse in the House of God vvhich is the Church And so he instructeth him and in him al Bishops hovv to gouerne both himself others and touching himself to be an example a spectacle to al sortes in al vertue as touching others to prohibit al such as goe about to preach othervvise then the Catholike Church hath receiued and to inculcate to the people the Catholike faith to preach vnto yong and old men and vvomen to seruants to the riche to euery sort conueniently Vvith vvhat circumspection to giue orders to vvhat persons for vvhom to pray vvhom to admit to the vovv of vvidovvhod c. This Epistle vvas vvritten as it seemeth after his first emprisonmēt in Rome vvhen he vvas dismissed and set at libertie and therevpon it is that he might say here I hope
to come to thee quickly to vvit vnto Ephesus vvhere he had desired him to remaine although in his voiage to Hierusalem before his being at Rome he said at Milétum to the Clergie of Ephesus vpō probable feare And now behold I knovv that you shal no more see my ●ace Vvhere it vvas vvritten it is vncertaine though it be commonly said at Laodicia Vvhich seemeth not because it is like he vvas neuer there as may be gathered by the Epistle to the Colossians vvritten at Rome in his last trouble vvhen he vvas put to death THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO TIMOTHEE CHAP. I. He recommendeth vnto him to inhibite certaine Ievves vvho iangled of the Lavv as though it vvere contrarie to his preaching 11 Against vvhom he auoucheth his ministerie though he acknovvledge his vnvvorthines verse 1 PAVL an Apostle of IESVS Christ according to the commaundement of God our sauiour and of Christ IESVS our hope ✝ verse 2 to Timothee his beloued sonne in the faith Grace mercie and peace from God the father and from Christ IESVS our Lord. ✝ verse 3 As I desired thee to remaine at Ephesus vvhen I vvent into Macedonia that thou shouldest denounce to certaine ″ not to teache othervvise ✝ verse 4 nor to attend ″ to fables and genealogies hauing no ende vvhich minister ″ questions rather then the edifying of God vvhich is in faith ✝ verse 5 But ″ the ende of the precept is charitie from a pure hart and a good conscience and a faith not feined ✝ verse 6 From the vvhich things certaine straying are turned into vaine talke ✝ verse 7 ″ desirous to be doctors of the Lavv not vnderstanding neither vvhat things they speake nor of vvhat they affirme ✝ verse 8 But vve know that * the Lavv is good if a man vse it lavvfully ✝ verse 9 knovving this that ″ the Lavv is not made to the iust man but to the vniust and disobedient to the impious and sinners to the vvicked and contaminate to killers of fathers and killers of mothers to murderers ✝ verse 10 to fornicatours to lyers vvith mākinde to man-stealers to liers to periured persons and vvhat other thing soeuer is contrarie to sound doctrine ✝ verse 11 vvhich is according to the Gospel of the glorie of the blessed God vvhich is committed to me ✝ verse 12 I giue him thankes vvhich hath strengthened me Christ IESVS our Lord because he hath esteemed me faithful putting me in the ministerie ✝ verse 13 vvho before vvas blasphemous and a persecutor contumelious but I obteined the mercie of God because I did it being ignorant in incredulitie ✝ verse 14 And the grace of our Lord ouer-abounded vvith faith and loue vvhich is in Christ IESVS ✝ verse 15 A faithful saying vvorthie of al acceptatiō that Christ IESVS came into this vvorld * to saue sinners of vvhom I am the cheefe ✝ verse 16 But therfore haue I obtained mercie that in me first of al Christ IESVS might shevv al patience to the information of them that shal beleeue on him vnto life euerlasting ✝ verse 17 And to the king of the vvorldes immortal inuisible onely God honour glorie for euer and euer Amen ✝ verse 18 This precept I commend to thee ô Timothee according to the prophecies going before on thee that thou warre in them a good vvarfare ✝ verse 19 hauing faith and a good conscience vvhich certaine repelling haue made shipvvracke about the faith ✝ verse 20 Of vvhom is Hymenaeus Alexander vvhom I haue ″ deliuered to Satan that they may learne not to blaspheme ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 3. Not to teach othervvise The proper marke of Heretikes false preachers is to teach othervvise or contrarie to that vvhich they found taught and beleeued generally in the vnitie of the Catholike Church before their time al doctrine that is odde singular new differing from that vvhich vvas f●rst planted by the Apostles and descēded downe from them to al nations and ages folowing vvithout contradiction being assuredly erroneous The Greeke vvord vvhich the Apostle here vseth expresseth this point so effectually that in one compound terme he giueth vs to vvit that an Heretike is nothing els but an after-teacher or teacher-otherwise vvhich euen it self alone is the easiest rule euen for the simple to discerne a false Prophet or preacher by specially vvhen an heresie first beginneth Luther found al Nations Christian at rest and peace in one vniforme faith and al preachers of one voice and doctrine touching the B. Sacrament and other Articles so that vvhat so euer he taught against that vvhich he found preached and beleeued must needes be an other doctrine a later doctrine an after-teaching or teaching othervvise and therfore consequently must needes be false And by this admonitiō of S. Paul al Bishops are vvarned to take heede of such and specially to prouide that no such odde teachers arise in their dioceses 4. To fables He speaketh specially of the Iewes after-doctrines and humane constitutions repugnant to the lawes of God vvhereof Christ giueth warning Mt. 23 and in other places vvhich are conteined in their Cabala and Talmud generally of al heretical doctrines vvhich in deede how so euer the simple people be beguiled by thē are nothing but fabulous inuentions as vve may see in the Valentinians Manichees and o●hers of old by the brethren of loue Puritans Anabaptistes and Caluinistes of our time For which cause Theodorete entitleth his booke against Heretikes Hereticarum fabularum Of Heretical fables 4. Questions Let our louing brethren consider vvhether these contentious and curious questionings and disputes in religion vvhich these vnhappie heresies haue in gendered haue brought forth any increase of good life any deuotion or edification of faith and religion in our daies and then shal they easily iudge of the truth of these new opinions and the end that wil folovv of these innouations In truth al the world now seeth they edifie to Atheisme and no othervvise 5. The end Charitie Here againe it appeareth that Charitie is the cheese of al vertues and the end consummation and perfection of al the law and precepts and yet the Aduersaries are so fond as to preferre faith before it yea to exclude it from our iustification Such obstinacie there is in them that haue once in pride stubbernes forsaken the euident truth Charitie doubtles which is here commended is iustice it self and the very formal cause of our iustification as the vvorkes proceding thereof be the vvorkes of iustice Charitas incheata saith S. Augustine inchoata iustitia Charitas prouecta prouecta iustitia Charitas magna magna iustitia Charitas perfecta perfecta iustitia est Charitie novv beginning is iustice beginning Charitie grovven or increased is iustice grovven or increased great Charitis is great iustice perfect Charitie is perfect iustice Li. de nat grat c. 70. 7. Desirous to be Doctors It is the
the dead in the name of our Lord. for the vvhich S. Hierom also as is noted before saith that the ordering of Priests is by imposition of handes and imprecation of voice 14. Of Priesthod The practise of the Church giueth vs the sense of this place vvhich the auncient Councel of Carthage doth thus set dovvne When a Priest taketh orders the Bishop blessing him and holding his hand vpon his head let al the Priests present lay also their hands on his head by the Bishops hands c. Vvho seeth not novv that holy Orders giuing grace by an external ceremonie and vvorke is a Sacrament So al the old Church counteth it And S. Augustine cont ep Parmen li. 2 c. 13. plainely saith that no man doubteth but it is a Sacrament and lest any man thinke that he vseth not the vvord Sacrament proprely and precisely he ioyneth it is nature and name vvith Baptisme Againe vvho seeth not by this vse of imposition of hands in giuing Orders and other Sacraments that Christ the Apostles and the Church may borovv of the Ievvish rites certaine conuenient ceremonies and Sacramental actions seing this same as * the Heretikes can not deny vvas receiued of the maner of Ordering Aaron and the Priests of the old lavv or other heads of the people See Exod. 39. Num. 27 23. 16. Saue both thy self Though Christ be our onely Sauiour yet the Scriptures forbeare not to speake freely and vulgarly and in a true sense that man also may saue him self and others But the Protestants notvvithstanding folovv such a captious kind of Diuinitie that if a man speake any such thing of our Lady or any Sainct in heauen or other meane of procuring saluation they make it a derogation to Christes honour Vvith such hypocrites haue vve novv a daies to do CHAP. V. Hovv to behaue himself tovvardes yong and old 3 to bestovv the Churches oblations vpon the needy vvidovves 9 and not to admitte the said Churches vvidovves vnder threescore yeres old 17 In distribution to respect vvel the Priests that are painful 19 and hovv in his Consistorie to heare accusations against Priests 22 to be straite in examining before he giue Orders to be chast and to remitte somevvhat of his drinking vvater verse 1 A Seniour rebuke not but beseeche as a father yong men as brethren ✝ verse 2 old vvomen as mothers yong vvomen as sisters in al chastitie ✝ verse 3 Honour vvidovves vvhich are ″ vvidovves in deede ✝ verse 4 But if any vvidovv haue children or nephevves let her learne first to rule her ovvne house and to render mutual dutie to her parents for this is acceptable before God ✝ verse 5 But she that is a vvidovv in deede and desolate let her hope in God and continue in obsecrations praiers night and day ✝ verse 6 For she that is in deliciousenes liuing is dead ✝ verse 7 And this commaund that they be blamlesse ✝ verse 8 But if any man haue not care of his ovvne and especially of his domesticals ″ he hath denied the faith and is vvorse then an infidel ✝ verse 9 ″ Let a vvidovv be chosen of no lesse thē three score yeres vvhich hath been the ″ vvife of one husband ✝ verse 10 hauing testimonie in good vvorkes if she haue brought vp her children if she haue receiued to harbour if she haue vvashed the Saincts feete if she haue ministred to them that suffer tribulation if she haue folovved euery good vvorke ⊢ ✝ verse 11 But the yonger vvidovves auoid For vvhen they shal be ″ vvanton in Christ ″ they vvil marie ✝ verse 12 ″ hauing damnation because they haue made void ″ their first faith ✝ verse 13 and vvithal idle also they learne to goe about from house to house not only idle but also ful of vvordes and curious speaking things vvhich they ought not ✝ verse 14 ″ I vvil therfore the yonger to marie to bring forth children to be housevviues to giue no occasion to the aduersarie for to speake euil ✝ verse 15 For novv certaine are turned backe ″ after Satan ✝ verse 16 If any faithful man haue vvidovves let him minister to them and let not the Church be burdened that there may be sufficient for them that are vvidovves in deede ✝ verse 17 The priestes that rule vvel let them be esteemed vvorthie of double honour especially they that labour ″ in the vvord and doctrine ✝ verse 18 For the Scripture saith Thou shalt not moosel the mouth to the oxe that treadeth out the corne and The vvorke man is vvorthie of his h●re ✝ verse 19 Against a priest receiue not accusation but vnder tvvo or three vvitnesses ✝ verse 20 Them that sinne reproue before al that the rest also may haue feare ✝ verse 21 I testifie before God and Christ IESVS and the elect Angels that thou keepe these things vvithout preiudice doing nothing by declining to the one part ✝ verse 22 Impose hādes on no man lightly neither do thou communicate vvith other mens sinnes Keepe thy self chast ✝ verse 23 Drinke not yet ″ vvater but vse a litle vvine for thy stomake and thy often infirmities ✝ verse 24 Certaine mens sinnes be manifest going before to iudgement and certaine men they folovv ✝ verse 25 In like maner also good deedes be manifest they that are othervvise can not be hidde ANNOTATIONS CHAP. V. 3. Widovves in deede S. Ambrose calleth them vvidovves and desolate in deede that might marie but to make them selues better and more vvorthy of God refuse mariage vvhich they knovv to be but once blessed imitating * holy Anne vvho in fasting and praiers serued God night and day neuer knovving but one husband Such professed vvidovves then are to be honoured and succoured Neither doth he speake onely of the Churches vvidovves of vvhom specially aftervvard but of al that by profession kept their vvidovvhod exhorting them to passe their time in praier and fasting v. 5. Vvhich vvas an honorable and holy state much vvritten of and commended in the primitiue Church namely by S. Ambrose and by S. Augustine vvho vvrote bookes intitled thereof and make it next to virginitie Ambr. de viduis August de bono viduitatis 8. He hath denied Not that by this or by any other deadly sinne except incredulitie or doubtfulnes in beleefe they lose their faith but that their factes be not ansvverable to their faith and to Christian religion vvhich prescribeth al such duties 9. Let a vvidovv be chosen Novv he speaketh more particularly and specially of such vvidovves as vvere nourished and found by the oblations of the faithful the almes of the Church and did vvithal some necessarie seruices about vvomen that vvere to be professed or baptized for their instruction and addressing to that and other Sacraments and also about the sicke and impotent and vvithal sometimes they had charge of the Church goods or the disposition
Let vs auoid those Nouelties of vvordes according to the Apostles prescript and keepe the old termes Penance Fasting Priest Church Bishop Masse Mattins Euensong the B. Sacrament Altar Oblation Host Sacrifice Alleluia Amen Lent Palme-Sunday Chrisimas the very vvordes vvil bring vs to the faith of our first Apostles and condemne these nevv apostates nevv faith and phrases 20. Falsely called knovvledge It is the propertie of al Heretikes to arrogate to them selues great knovvledge and to condemne the simplicitie of their fathers the holy Doctors and the Church but the Apostle calleth their pretended skill a knovvledge falsely so called being in truth high and deepe blindnes Such saith S. Irenaeus li. 5 c. 17. as forsake the preaching of the Church argue the holy Priests of vnskilfulnes not considering hovv far more vvorth a religious idiote is them a blasphemous and impudent sophister such as al Heretikes be And againe Vincentius Lirinensis speaking in the person of Heretikes saith Come ô ye folish and miserable men that are commonly called Catholikes and learne the true faith vvhich hath been hid many ages heretofore but is reuealed and shevved of late c. See his vvhole booke concerning these matters THE ARGVMENT OF THE SECOND EPISTLE OF S. PAVL TO TIMOTHEE THE cheefe scope of this second to Timothee is to open vnto him that his martyrdom is at hand Vvhich yet he doth not plainely before the end preparing first his minde vvith much circumstance because he knevv it vvould grieue him sore and also might be a tentation vnto him Therfore he talketh of the cause of his trouble of the revvard that the one is honorable and the other most glorious and exhorteth him to be constant in the faith to be ready alvvaies to suffer for it to fulfil his ministerie to the end as him self novv had done his Vvhereby it is certaine that it vvas vvritten at Rome in his last apprehension and emprisonment there as he signifieth by these vvordes Cap. 1 Onesiphorus vvas not ashamed of my chaine but when he was come to Rome carefully sought me c. And of his martyrdom thus For I am novv ready to be offered and the time of my resolution or death is at hand cap. 4. THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL TO TIMOTHEE CHAP. I. Vvith his praises he couertly exhorteth him not to be dismaied for his trouble 6 hauing grace giuen in Orders to helpe him 8 and knovving for vvhat cause he is persecuted and namely vvith the example of Onesiphorus verse 1 PAVL an Apostle of IESVS Christ by the vvil of God according to the promisse of the life which is in Christ IESVS ✝ verse 2 to Timothee my deerest sonne grace mercie peace from God the father and Christ IESVS our Lord. ✝ verse 3 I giue thankes to God vvhom I serue from my progenitours in a pure conscience that vvithout intermission I haue a memorie of thee in my praiers night and day ✝ verse 4 desiring to see thee mindeful of thy teares that I may be filled vvith ioy ✝ verse 5 calling to minde that faith vvhich is in thee not feined vvhich also dvvelt first ″ in thy grandmother Loïs and thy mother Eunîce and I am sure that in thee also ✝ verse 6 For the vvhich cause I admonish thee that thou resuscitate the grace of God vvhich is in thee by the imposition of my handes ✝ verse 7 For God hath not giuen vs the spirit of feare but of povver and loue and sobrietie ✝ verse 8 Be not therfore ashamed of the testimonie of our Lord nor of me his prisoner but trauail vvith the Gospel according to the povver of God ✝ verse 9 vvho hath deliuered and called vs by his holy calling * not according to our vvorkes but according to his purpose and grace vvhich vvas giuen to vs in Christ IESVS * before the secular times ✝ verse 10 But it is manifested novv by the illumination of our Sauiour IESVS Christ vvho hath destroied death illuminated life and incorruption by the Gospel ✝ verse 11 vvherein * I am appointed a preacher and Apostle and Maister of the Gentiles ✝ verse 12 For the vvhich cause also I suffer these things but I am not cōfounded For I know whom I haue beleeued I am sure that he is able to keepe my ″ depositum vnto that day ✝ verse 13 Haue thou ″ a forme of sound vvordes vvhich thou hast heard of me in faith in the loue in Christ IESVS ✝ verse 14 Keepe the good depositum by the holy Ghost vvhich dvvelleth in vs. ✝ verse 15 Thou knovvest this that al vvhich are in Asia be auerted from me of vvhom is Phigelus and Hermogenes ✝ verse 16 Our Lord giue mercie to * the house of Onesiphorus because he hath often refreshed me and hath not been ashamed of my chaine ✝ verse 17 but vvhen he vvas come to Rome he sought me carefully and found me ✝ verse 18 ″ Our Lord graunt him to finde mercie of our Lord in that day And how many things he ministred to me at Ephesus thou knovvest better ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 5. In thy grandmother Though God shevv mercie to many that be of incredulous heretical or il parents yet it is a goodly benediction of God to haue good education and to haue good faithful progenitors and Catholike parents And it is a great sinne to forsake the faith of our fathers that be Catholikes or contrarie to our education in the Church to folovv strange doctrines abandoning not onely our next natural parents faith but the aūcient faith and beleefe of al our progenitors for many hundred yeres together And if to folovv the faith of mother and grandmother onely the Christian religion being then but nevvly planted vvas so commendable euen in a Bishop hovv much more is it novv laudable to cleaue fast to the faith of so many our progenitors and ages that continued in the same Christian religion vvhich they first receiued Our Protestants in their great vvisedom laugh at good simple men vvhen they talke of their fathers faith But S. Hierom I am a Christian saith he and borne of Christian parents and carie the signe of the crosse in my forehead And againe ep 65. c. 3. Vntil this day the Christian vvorld hath been vvithout this doctrine that faith vvil I hold fast being an old man vvherein I vvas borne a child And the holy Scriptures set vs often to schole to our fathers Aske thy fathers and they vvil shevv thee thy auncetours and they vvil tel thee And againe Our fathers haue shevved vnto vs. And cōmonly the true God is called the God of the faithful and of their forefathers Dan. 2. 3. And false Gods and nevv doctrines or opinions be named Nevv and fresh such as their fathers vvorshipped not Deut. 32. Finally S. Paul both here and often els alleageth for his defense and commendation that he vvas of faithful progenitors
other but not al that suffer persecution be holy as al malefactors The Church and Catholike Princes persecute heretikes and be persecuted of them againe as S. Augustine often declareth See ep 48. 13. Prosper Though heresies and the authors of them be after a while discouered by litle and litle forsaken generally of the honest discrete and men careful of their owne saluation yet their authors and other great sinners proceede from one errour and heresie to an other and finally to plaine Atheisme and al Diuelish disorder 16. Al Scripture Besides the Apostles teaching and tradition the reading of holy Scriptures is a great defense and helpe of the faithful aud specially of a Bishop not onely to auoid and condemne al heresies but to the guiding of a man in al iustice good life and vvorkes Vvhich commendation is not here giuen to the bookes of the new Testament onely vvhereof he here speaketh not as being yet for a great part not vvritten but to the Scripture of the old Testament also yea and to euery booke of it For there is not one of them nor any part of them but it is profitable to the end aforesaid if it be read and vnderstood according to the same Spirit vvherewith it vvas vvritten The Heretikes vpon this commendation of holy Scriptures pretend very simply in good sooth that therfore nothing is necessarie to iustice and saluation but Scriptures As though euery thing that is profitable or necessarie to any effect excluded al other helpe and vvere onely ynough to attaine the same By vvhich reason a man might as vvel proue that the old Testament vvere ynough and so exclude the new or any one peece of al the old and thereby exclude the rest For he affirmeth euery Scripture to haue the foresaid vtilities and they might see in the very next line before that he requireth his constant perseuêrance in the doctrine vvhich he had taught him ouer and aboue that he had learned out of the Scriptures of the old Testament vvhich he had read from his infancie but could not thereby learne al the mysteries of Christian religion therein Neither doth the Apostle affirme here that he had his knowledge of Scriptures by reading onely vvithout helpe of maisters and teachers as the Aduersaries herevpon to committe the holy Scriptures to euery mans presumption do gather but affirmeth onely that Timothee knevv the Scriptures and therfore had studied them by hearing good readers and teachers as S. Paul him self did of Gamaliel and the like and as al christian students doe that be trained vp from their youth in Catholike vniuersities in the studie of Diuinitie CHAP. IIII. He requireth him to be earnest vvhile he may because the time vvil come vvhen they vvil not abide Catholike preaching 5 and to fulfil his course as him self novv hath done 9 and to come vnto him vvith speede because the rest of his traine are dispersed and he dravveth novv to heauen verse 1 I Testifie before God and IESVS Christ vvho shal iudge the liuing and the dead and by his aduent and his kingdom ✝ verse 2 Preach the vvord vrge in season out of season reproue beseeche rebuke in al patience and doctrine ✝ verse 3 For ″ there shal be a time vvhen they vvil not beare ●ound doctrine but according to their ovvne desires they vvil heape to them selues maisters hauing itching eares ✝ verse 4 and from the truth certes they vvil auert their hearing and to fables they vvil be conuerted ✝ verse 5 But be thou vigilant labour in al things doe the vvorke of an Euangelist fulfil thy ministerie Be sober ✝ verse 6 For I am euen novv to be sacrificed the time of my resolutiō is at hand ✝ verse 7 I haue fought a good fight I haue consummate my course I haue kept the faith ✝ verse 8 Concerning the rest there is laid vp for me ″ a crovvne of iustice vvhich our Lord vvil render to me in that day a iust iudge and not only to me but to them also that loue his comming ⊢ ✝ verse 9 Make hast to come to me quickly ✝ verse 10 For Demas hath left me louing this vvorld and is gone to Thessalonica Crescens into Galatia Titus into Dalmatia ✝ verse 11 * Luke only is vvith me Take Marke and bring him vvith thee for he is profitable to me for the ministerie ✝ verse 12 But Tychicus I haue sent to Ephesus ✝ verse 13 The cloke that I left at Troas vvith Carpus cōming bring vvith thee and the bookes especially the parchement ✝ verse 14 Alexander the Coppersmith hath shevved me much euil our Lord vvil revvard him according to his vvorkes ✝ verse 15 vvhom doe thou also auoid for he hath greatly resisted our vvordes ✝ verse 16 In my first ansvver no man vvas with me but al did forsake me be it not imputed to them ✝ verse 17 But our Lord stoode to me and strengthened me that by me the preaching may be accomplished and al Gentiles may heare and I was deliuered from the mouth of the lion ✝ verse 18 Our Lord ● hath deliuered ' me from al euil vvorke and vvil saue me vnto his heauenly kingdom to vvhom be glorie for euer euer Amen ✝ verse 19 Salute Prisca and Aquila and * the house of Onesiphorus ✝ verse 20 Erastus remained at Corinth And Trophimus I left sicke at Milêtum ✝ verse 21 Make hast to come before vvinter Eubûlus and Pudens and Linus and Claudia and al the brethren salute thee ✝ verse 22 Our Lord IESVS Christ be vvith thy spirit Grace be vvith you Amen ANNOTATIONS CHAP. IIII. 3. There shal be a time If euer this time come as needes it must that the Apostle foresavv and foretold novv it is vndoubtedly for the properties fall so iust in euery point vpon our nevv Maisters and their Disciples that they may seeme to be pourtered out rather then prophecied of Neuer vvere there such delicate Doctors that could so pleasantly clavv and so svveetly rubbe the itching eares of their hearers as these vvhich haue a doctrine framed for euery mans phamsie lust liking and desire the people not so fast crying Speake placentia things that please but the Maisters as fast vvarranting them to doe placentia 8. Acrovvne of iustice This place conuinceth for the Catholikes that al good vvorkes done by Gods grace after the first iustification be truely and properly meritorious and fully vvorthy of euerlasting life and that therevpon heauen is the due and iust stipend crovvne or recompense vvhich God by his iustice ovveth to the persons so vvorking by his grace for he rendreth or repaieth heauen as a iust iudge and not onely as a merciful giues and the crovvne vvhich he paieth is not onely of mercie or fauour or grace but also of iustice It is his merciful fauour and grace that vve vvorke vvel merite heauen it is his iustice for those merites to giue vs
place it is euident that all hostes and sacrifices be not taken avvay by Christ as the Heretikes folishly conceiue but that the old hostes of brute beastes be abrogated to giue place to that vvhich is the proper host of the nevv lavv that is Christes ovvne body 1● Often offering the same hostes As S. Paul is forced often to inculcate that one principle of the efficac●e and sufficiencie of Christes death because of the Hebrues to much attributing to their legal sacrifices and for that they did not 〈◊〉 them to Christes onely oblation so vve through the intolerable ignorance and importunity of the Heretikes of this time abusing the vvordes of the Apostle spoken in the devve defence and declaration of the valure and efficacie of Christes Passion aboue the sacrifices of the Lavv are forced to repeat often that the Apostles reason of many Priests and often repetition of the self same sacrifices concerneth the sacrifices of the Lavv onely vnto vvhich he opposeth Christes sacrifice and Priesthod and speaketh no vvord of or against the Sacrifice of the nevv Testament vvhich is the sacrifice of Christes ovvne Priesthod Lavv and institution yea the same sacrifice done daily vnblouddily that once vvas done blouddily made by the same Priest Christ Iesus though by his ministers hands and not many hostes as those of the old lavv vvere but the very self same in number euen Christes ovvne body that vvas crucified And that you may see that this is the iudgement of all antiquity and their exposition of these and the like vvordes of this Epistle and that they seeing the very same arguments that the Protestants novv make so much a doe vvithall among the simple and vnlearned yet vvel perceiued that they made nothing against the daily oblation or sacrifice of the altar and therfore ansvvered them before the Protestants vvere extant 1200 yeres vve vvil set dovvne some of their vvordes vvhose authoritie and exposition of the Scriptures must preuaile in all that haue vvisedom or the feare of God aboue the false and vaine gloses of Caluin and his folovvers Thus then first saith S. Ambrose Quid 〈◊〉 c. What vve then do not vve offer euery day vve offer surely but this sacrifice is an exampler of that for vve offer alvvaies the self same and not novv one lambe to morovv an other but alvvaies the self same thing therfore it is one sacrifice othervvise by this reason because it is offered in many places there should be many Christes not so but it is one Christ in euery place here vvhole and there vvhole one body But 〈◊〉 vvhich vve doe is done for a commemoratie● of that vvhich vvas done for vve offer not an other sacrifice as the high Priest of the old lavv but alvvaies the self same c. Prima●ius S. Augustines scholer doth also preoccupate these Protestants obiections thus What shal vve say then I do not our Priests daily offer sacrifice they offer surely because vve sinne daily and daily haue neede to be cleansed and because he can not die he hath giuen vs the sacrament of his body and bloud that as his Passion vvas the redemption and absolution of the vvorld so also this oblation may be redemption and cleansing to all that offer it in truth and veritie So saith this holy father to vvitte that as the sacrifice of the Crosse vvas a general redemption so this of the altar is to all that vse it a particular redemption or application of Christes redemption to them In vvhich sense also V. Bede calleth the holy Masse redemption●● corporis anima 〈◊〉 the euerlasting redemption of body and soul li. 4 c. 22. histor Againe the same Primasius The diuinity of the Word of God vvhich is euery vvhere maketh that there are not many sacrifices but one although it be offered of many and that as it is one body vvhich he tooke of the Virgins vvombe not many bodies euen so also one sacrifice not diuers as those of the Ievves vvere S. Chrysostom also and after him Theophylacte and Oecumenius and of the Latines Haimo Paschasius Remigius and others obiect to them selues thus Do not vve also offer euery day vve offer surely but this sacrifice is an exampler of that for vve offer alvvaies the self same and not novv one lambe to morrovv an other but the self same therfore this is one sacrifice Othervvise because it is offered in many places there should be many Christes And a litle after Not an other sacrifice as the high Priest of the old Lavv but the self same vve do alvvaies offer rather vvorking a remembrance or commemoration of the sacrifice See the Annotation Luke 22 19. vpon these vvordes A commemoration Thus did al the auncient fathers Greeke and Latin treate of these matters and so they said Masse and offered daily and many of them made such formes of celebrating the diuine sacrifice as the Greekes and Latines do vse in their Liturgies and Masses and yet they lavv these places of the Apostle and made commentaries vpon them and vnderstood them I trovv as vvel as the Protestants He that for his further confirmation or comfort list see vvhat the aūcient Councels and Doctors beleeued taught and practised in this thing let him read the first holy Councel of Nice cap. 14 in fine Conc. ex Grace the Councel of Ephesus Anathematis 11. the Chalcedon Councel act 3. pag. 112. Conc. Aneyran c. 1. 4. 5. Neocaesar can 13. Laodic can 19. Carthag 2 cap. ● Carthag 3 cap. 24. Carthag 4 cap. 33. c. 41. S. Denys cap. 3 Eccl. hier S. Andrevve in historia Passiones S. Ignatius ep ad Smyrnonses S. Martialis ep ad Burdegalenses S. Iustine Dialog cum Triphone S. Irencus li. 4 cap. 32. 34. Tertullian de cultu forminarum de corona milis Origen homil 〈◊〉 in Leuit. S. Cyprian ep ad Cecilium nu 2. de Cana Domini nu 14. Eusebius demonst Euang. li. 1 cap. 10. and the rest vvhich vve haue cited by occasion before might cite but for rediousnes a truth most knovven and agreed vpon in the Christian religion 18. Novv there is not Christes death can not be applied vnto vs in that full and ample sort as it is in baptisme but once Christ appointing that large remission and application to be made but once in euery man as Christ died but once for it is not meant that all sinne shal cease after Christes sacrifice vpon the Crosse nor that there should be no oblation for sinnes committed after Baptisme or that a man could not sinne at al after Baptisme or that if he sinned aftervvard he could haue no remedie or remission by Gods ordinance in the Church vvhich diuers falsehods sundrie Heretikes gather of this and such like places but onely the Apostle telleth the Hebrues as he did before chap. 6 and as he doth straight aftervvard that if they fall novv vvherevnto they seemed very
tvvo vvordes more then is in the Greeke which though it might be the sense of the place and S. Augustine so expoundeth it yet they should not make his exposition the text of holy Scripture specially vvhereas he only of al the auncient fathers as Beza confesseth so expoundeth it 33. Wrought iustice Men are not iust by beleefe onely as the Protestants affirme but by vvorking iustice And vve may note that in all this long commendation of faith in the fathers and holy persons their good vvorkes are also specially recounted as Rahabs harbouring the spies Abrahams offering his sonne vvhich their vvorkes S. Iames doth inculcate No●s making the Arke Gen. 6. Abels better oblation then Cains Gen. 4. Hebr. 11. v. 4. and so forth therfore S. Clement Alexandrinus saith that the said persons and others vvere lust by saith and obedience by faith and hospitality by faith and patience by faith and humility The Apostles purpose then is nothing els but to proue to the Hebrues vvho made so great account of their Patriarches and forefathers and their famous actes that all these glorious personages and their vvorkes vvere commendable and acceptable onely through the faith they had of Christ vvithout vvhich faith none of all their liues and vvorkes should haue profited them any vvhit the Gentiles doing many noble actes as Heretikes may also doe vvhich are of no estimatiō before God because they lacke faith And that is the scope of S. Paules Epistle to the Romanes and of al other passages vvhere he commendeth faith further prouing specially in this Epistle to the Hebrues that all their sacrifices vvere nothing els but figures and attestations of the Christian faith in Christ and his death Al vvhich high resolution conclusion against the Ievves and Gentiles that the Christian faith is the true faith religion the Heretikes of our time ignorantly and brutishly abuse against Christian vvorkes sacrifice and Sacraments vvhich the Apostle meant specially to commend and establish by his high commendation of the faith in Christ 40. Without vs should not The fathers before Christ could not be accomplished that is not admitted to the heauenly ioyes vision and fruition of God till the Apostles and other of the nevv lavv vvere associate to them and the vvay to euerlasting glorie opened by our Lordes death and Ascension Neither shal either they or vve be fully perfected in glorie both of body and soul till the general resurrection Gods prouidence being so that vve should not one be consummated vvithout an other all being of one faith and redeemed by one Lord Christ CHAP. XII By the foresaid examples he exhorteth them to patience 2 and by example of Christ him self crucified 5 and because this discipline it an argument that they be Gods children 9 vvith vvh●se rodde they should be much more content then vvish that of their carnal fathers and because it bringeth iustification 12 Exhorting them therfore to plucke vp their hartes and to take faster footing 18 considering that all bring novv so svveete and not terrible as in the old Testament their damnation if they refuse to heare vvil be so much the greater verse 1 AND therfore vve also hauing so great a cloud of vvitnesses put vpon vs * laying avvay al vveight and sinne that compasseth vs by patience let vs runne to the fight proposed vnto vs ✝ verse 2 looking on the author of faith and the consummator IESVS vvho ioy being proposed vnto him sustained the crosse contemning confusion and sitteth on the right hand of the seate of God ✝ verse 3 For thinke diligently vpon him vvhich sustained of sinners such contradiction against him self that you be not vvearied fainting in your mindes ✝ verse 4 For you haue not yet resisted vnto bloud repugning against sinne ✝ verse 5 and you haue forgotten the consolatiō vvhich speaketh to you as it vvere to children saying My sonne neglect not the discipline of our Lord neither ●e thou vvearied vvhiles thou art rebuked of him ✝ verse 6 For vvhom our Lord loueth he chasteneth and ● he scourgeth euery childe that he receiueth ✝ verse 7 Perseuêre ye in discipline As vnto children doth God offer him self to you for vvhat sonne is there vvhom the father doth not correct ✝ verse 8 But if you be vvithout discipline vvhereof al be made partakers then are you bastards not children ✝ verse 9 Moreouer the fathers in deede of our flesh vve had for instructors and vve did reuerence them shal vve not much more obey the Father of spirites liue ✝ verse 10 And they in deede for a time of fevv daies according to their vvil instructed vs but he to that vvhich is profitable in receiuing of his sanctification ✝ verse 11 And al discipline for the present certes seemeth not to be of ioy but of sorovv but aftervvard it vvil render to them that are exercised by it most peaceable fruite of iustice ✝ verse 12 For the vvhich cause stretch vp the slacked handes and the loose knees ✝ verse 13 and make straight steppes to your feete that no man halting erre but rather be healed ✝ verse 14 * Folovv peace vvith al men and holinesse vvithout vvhich no man shal see God ✝ verse 15 looking diligently lest any man be vvanting to the grace of God lest any roote of bitternes springing vp do hinder and by it many be polluted ✝ verse 16 Lest there be any fornicator or prophane person as Esau * vvho for one dish of meate sold his first-birth-rightes ✝ verse 17 For knovv ye that aftervvard also desiring to inherite the benediction he vvas reprobated * for ● he found not place of repētance although vvith teares he had sought it ✝ verse 18 For you are not come to * a palpable mount and an accessible'fire and vvhirlevvinde and darkenes and storme ✝ verse 19 and the soūd of trompet voice of vvordes vvhich they that heard excused them selues that the vvord might not be spokē to them ✝ verse 20 for they did not heare that which was said And if a beast shal touche the mount it shal be stoned ✝ verse 21 And so terrible vvas it vvhich vvas seen Moyses said I am frighted and tremble ✝ verse 22 But you are come to mount Sion and the citie of the liuing God heauenly Hierusalem and the assemblie of many thousand Angels ✝ verse 23 the Church of the first-borne vvhich are vvritten in the heauens and the iudge of all God and the spirites of the iust made perfect ✝ verse 24 and the mediator of the nevv Testament IESVS and the sprinkling of bloud speaking better then * Abel ✝ verse 25 See that you refuse him not speaking for if they escaped not refusing him that spake vpon the earth much more vve that turne avvay from him speaking to vs from heauen ✝ verse 26 Vvhose voice moued the earth then but novv he promiseth
that are in dispersion greeting ✝ verse 2 Esteeme it my brethren al ioy vvhen you shal fall into diuers tentatiōs ✝ verse 3 knovving that * the probatiō of your faith vvorketh patience ✝ verse 4 And let patience haue a perfect vvorke that you may be perfect entire failing in nothing ✝ verse 5 But if any of you lacke vvisedom let him aske of God who giueth to al men aboundantly and vp braideth not and it shal be giuen him ✝ verse 6 But * let him ● aske in faith nothing doubting for he that doubteth is like to a vvaue of the sea vvhich is moued caried about by the vvinde ✝ verse 7 therfore let not that man thinke that he shal receiue any thing of our Lord. ✝ verse 8 A man double of minde is inconsant in al his vvaies ✝ verse 9 But let the humble brother glorie in his exaltation ✝ verse 10 and the riche in his humilitie because * as the floure of grasse shal he passe ✝ verse 11 for the sunne rose vvith heate parched the grasse and the floure of it fel avvay and the beautie of the shape thereof perished so the riche man also shal vvither in his vvaies ✝ verse 12 Blessed is the man suffereth tentation for vvhen he hath been proued he shal receiue the crovvne of life vvhich God hath promised to them that loue him ⊢ ✝ verse 13 ″ Let no man vvhen he is tempted say that he is tempted no man ✝ verse 14 But euery one is tempted of his ovvne cōcupiscence abstracted and allured ✝ verse 15 Aftervvard ″ concupiscence vvhen it hath cōceiued bringeth forth sinne but ″ sinne vvhen it is consummate ingendreth death ✝ verse 16 Do not erre therfore my deerest brethren ✝ verse 17 Euery best gift and euery perfect gift is from aboue descending from the Father of lightes vvith vvhom is no transmutation nor shadovving of alteration ✝ verse 18 Voluntarily hath he begotten vs by the vvord of truth that vve may be some beginning of his creature ⊢ ✝ verse 19 You knovv my deerest brethren And * let euery man be svvift to heare but slovv to speake and slovv to anger ✝ verse 20 For the anger of man vvorketh not the iustice of God ✝ verse 21 For the vvhich thing casting avvay al vncleannesse and aboundance of malice in meekenesse receiue the engraffed vvord vvhich is able to saue your soules ⊢ ✝ verse 22 But * be doers of the vvord and not hearers only deceauing your selues ✝ verse 23 For if a man be a hearer of the vvord and not a doer he shal be compared to a man beholding the countenance of his natiuitie in a glasse ✝ verse 24 For he considered him self and vvent his vvay and by and by forgat vvhat an one he vvas ✝ verse 25 But he that hath looked in ″ the lavv of perfect libertie and hath remained in it not made a forgetful hearer but a doer of the vvorke this man shal be blessed in his deede ✝ verse 26 And if any man thinke him self to be religious not bridling his tong but seducing his hart this mans religion is vaine ✝ verse 27 ″ Religion cleane and vnspotted vvith God and the Father is this to visite pupilles and vvidovves in their tribulation to keepe him self vnspotted from this vvorld ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 6. Aske in faith nothing doubting The Protestants vvould proue by this that no man ought to pray vvithout assurance that he shal obtaine that vvhich he asketh Where the Apostle meaneth nothing els but that the asker of lavvful things may not either mistrust Gods povver and hability or be in diffidence and despaire of his mercie but that our doubt be onely in our ovvne vnworthinesse or vndue asking 13. Let no man say that he is tempted of God Vve see by this that vvhen the Scriptures as in the Pater noster and other places seeme to say that God doth sometimes tempt vs or leade vs into tentation they meane not that God is any vvaies the author causer or mouer of any man to sinne but onely by permission and because by his gratious povver he keepeth not the offender from tentations Therfore the blasphemie of Heretike making God the author of sinne is intolerable See S. August ser 9. de diuers c. 9. 13. God is not a tempter of euils The Protestants as much as they may to diminish the force of the Apostles conclusion against such as attribute their euil tentations to God for other tentations God doth send to trie mens patience and proue their faith take and translate the vvord passuely in this sense that God is not tempted by our euils Vvhere more consonantly to the letter and circumstance of the vvordes before after as agreably to the Greeke it should be taken actiuely as it is in the Latin that God is no tempter to euil for being taken passiuely there is no coherence of sense to the other vvordes of the Apostle 15. Concupiscence vvhen it hath conceiued Concupiscence vve see here of it self is not sinne as Heretikes falsely teach but vvhen by any consent of the minde vve do obey or yeld to it then is sinne ingendred and formed in vs. 15. Sinne consummate ingendreth death Here vve see that not al sinne nor al consent vnto concupiscence is mortal or damnable but vvhen it is consummate that is vvhen the consent of mans minde fully and perfectly yeldeth to the committing or liking of the acte or motion vvherevnto concupiscence moueth or inciteth vs. 25. The lavv of perfect libertie The lavv of the Gospel and grace of Christ is called the lavv of libertie in respect of the yoke and burden of the old carnal ceremonies and because Christ hath by his bloud of the nevv Testament deliuered all that obey him from the seruitude of sinne and the Diuel But not as the Libertines and other Heretikes of this time vvould haue it that in the nevv Testament euery man may follovv his ovvne liking and conscience may choose vvhether he vvil be vnder the lavves and obedience of Spiritual or Temporal Rulers or no. 27. Religion cleane True religion standeth not onely in talking of the Scriptures or onely faith or Christes iustice but in puritie of life and good vvorkes specially of charitie and mercie done by the grace of Christ This is the Apostolical doctrine and far from the Heretical vanitie of this time CHAP. II. Against acception of person 10 From al and euery sinne vve must absteine hauing in al our vvordes and deedes the Iudgement before our eies vvherein vvorkes of mercie shal be required of vs 14 and onely faith shal not auaile vs. 18 And that the Catholike by his vvorkes shevveth that he hath faith vvhereas the Heretikes hath no more faith than the Diuel talke he of faith neuer so much and of iustification thereby onely by the
he is our onely aduocate because he is our onely redeemer and herevpon he alone immediatly by and through him self and vvithout the aide or assistance of any other man or Angel in his ovvne name right and merites confidently dealeth in our causes before God our iudge so procureth our pardon vvhich is the highest degree of aduocation that can be Al vvhich notvvithstanding yet the Angels and Saincts and our fellovves aliue may and do pray for vs and in that they deale vvith God by intercession to procure mercie for vs may iustly be called our aduocates not so as Christ is vvho demaundeth al things immediatly by his ovvne merites but as secondary intercessors vvho neuer aske nor obtaine any thing for vs but per Christum Dominum nostrum by and through Christ our common Lord Aduocate and Redeemer of mankinde And behold hovv S. Augustine tract 1 in ep Io. vpon these very vvordes preuented the Heretikes cauillations Sed dicit aliquis c. But some man vvil say Do not the Saincts them pray for vs do not Bishops then or Prelates and Pastors pray for the people Yet● saith he Marke the Scriptures and you shal finde that the Apostles praied for the people and againe desired the people to pray for them and so the head praieth for al and the members one for an other And likevvise lest the Heretikes should say there is a difference betvvixt the liuing and the dead in this case thus the same holy father vvriteth vpon the 85 Psalme in fine Our Lord Iesus Christ doth yet make intercession for vs al the Martyrs that be vvith him pray for vs neither vvil their intercession cease til vve cease our gronings In this sense therfore vvhosoeuer praieth for vs either aliue or dead is our aduocate as S Augustine ep 59 to Paulinus circa med calleth Bishops the peoples aduocates vvhen they giue them their benediction or blessing So doth the holy Church call our B. Lady our aduocate by the very vvordes of S. Irenaeus that you may see such speaches be no nevv inuentions of the later ages but Apostolical The obedient Virgin MARIE saith he is made the aduocate of the disobedient virgin Eue. And to confound the Protestāts plainely in that they thinke or pretend that the aduocation or patronage of Saincts should be iniurious to Christ remēber that * our Sauiour acknovvledgeth Angels to be deputed for the protection vvhich is nothing els but aduocation of infants before the face of God besides the plaine examples in the old Testament Gen. 48. v. 16. Tob. 5. v. 27. c. 12. v. 12. Dan. 10. And this not onely the Catholike Church but the very English Protestants them selues in their seruice booke and in the Collect of Michelmas day professe and pray for the same protection or aduocation of Angels and defend the same against their yonger brethren the Puritanes 2. For the vvhole vvorlds S. Augustine gathereth hereof against the Donatistes and al other Heretikes that vvould driue the Church into corners or some certaine countries from the vniuersalitie of al Nations vvhereof it vvas named by the Apostles Catholike that the true religion and Church and consequently the effect of Christs propitiation death and aduocation pertaineth not to one age nation or people but to the vvhole vvorld S. Augustine vpon this place to 9. tract 1 in ep Io. 4. He that saith he knovveth To knovv God here signifieth as it doth often in the Scriptures to loue that is as in the last chapter to be in societie vvith him and to haue familiar and experimental knovvledge of his graces If any vaunt them selues thus to knovv God and yet keepe not his commaundements he is a lier as al Caluinistes and Lutherans that professe them selues to be in the fauour of God by onely faith affirming that they neither keepe● not possibly can keepe his commaundements 18. Many antichrists The holy Apostle S Iohn saith S. Cyprian did not put a difference betvvixt one heresie or schisme and an other not meant any sort that specially separated them selues but generally called al vvithout exception antichristes that vvere aduersaries to the Church or vvere gone out from the same And a litle after It is euident that al be here called antichristes that haue seuered them selues from the charitie and vnitie of the Catholike Church So vvriteth he ep 76. nu 1 ad Magnum Vvhereby vve may learne that al Heretikes or rather Arch-heretikes be properly the precursors of that one and special Antichrist vvhich is to come at the last end of the vvorld vvhich is called here immediatly before 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that peculiar and singular Antichrist 19. They vvent cut from vs. An euident note and marke vvhereby to conuince al Heretikes and false teachers to vvit that being once of the common Catholike Christian fellovvship they forsooke it and vvent out from the same Simon Magus Nicolas the Deacon Hymenaeus Alexander Philétus Arîus Macedonius Pelagius Nestorius Eutyches Luther Caluin and the like vvere of the common societie of al vs that be Christian Catholikes they vvent out from vs vvhom they savv to liue in vnitie of faith and religion together and made them selues nevv conuenticles therfore they vvere as the Apostle here shevveth antichristes and vve and al that abide in the auncient fellovvship of Christian religion that vvent not out of their fellovvship in vvhich vve neuer vvere nor out of any other societie of knovven Christians can not be Schismatikes or Heretikes but must needes be true Christian Catholike men Let our aduersaries tel vs out of vvhat Church vve euer departed vvhen and vvhere and vnder vvhat persons it vvas that vve reuolted as vve can tel them the yere the places the Ringleaders of their reuolt 19. They vvere not of vs. He meaneth not that Heretikes vvere not or could not be in or of the Church before they vvent out or fel into their heresie or schisme but partly that many of them vvhich aftervvard fall out though they vvere before vvith the rest and partakers of al the Sacraments vvith other their fellovves yet in deede vvere of naughtie life and conscience vvhen they vvere vvithin and so being rather as if humors and superfluous excrements then true and liuely partes of the body after a sort may be said not to haue been of the body at al. So S. Augustine expoundeth these vvordes in his commentarie vpon this place tract 3. but els vvhere more agreably as it seemeth that the Apostle meaneth that such as vvil not tarie in the Church but finally forsake it to the end in the prescience of God and in respect of the small benefite they shal haue by their temporal smal abode there be not of or in the Church though according to this present state they are truely members thereof Li. de corrept gr c. 9 de dono perseu●● c. 8. 19. That they may be manifest God permitteth
the same 158 marg They and not lay men are the dispensers of Christs mysteries 40. nu 19. 42 marg pag. 109. nu 6. pag. 321. nu 40. pag. 463. nu 34. pag. 4●0 He that despiseth them despiseth Christ 167 ma. The honour of Priesthod 67. 89 marg 360. 578 m. Preeminence before other 571. nu 4 pag. 616. 566. nu 20. pag. 484 marg Hospitalitie and almes tovvard them 163. marg 533 marg See Almes Hospitalitie The Protestants make it an odious and reprochful name 67. nu 13. pag. 130. They auoid the word in their English translations of the nevv Testament 333. Their perpetual continencie requisite 138. 570. nu 2. pag. 579. 580. 589. nu 4. 596. 437 marg 569 marg Mariage of Priests vnlavvful 21. 570. at large 575. contrarie to the auncient Canons 571. to the Councel of Nice 570. None euer lawfully maried after holy orders 21. 570. Paphnutius and the Nicene Councel concerning this matter 21. 570. Maried men being made Priests must no more companie vvith their vviues and that according to the example of the Apostles 21. 290 marg 444. nu 5. according to the custom of the primitiue Church 570. 571. The Church may annexe perpetual chastitie to holy orders 580. nu 4. in the marg The forbidding of such persons to marie is no condemnation of Mariage 575. Iouinians old heresie could neuer induce any one Priest to marie 582. Vigilantius and his follovvers much like to the Protestants in this point 570. See Vovv Priests crovvnes 665. Priests garments 701. Priests some properly so called some vnproperly 740. Al Christians are no more Priests then they are also kings that is vnproperly 657 marg 700. 709. Their spiritual hostes 658. CHRISTS Priesthod and the excellencie thereof 609. 610. 615. 616. 617. 618. 131. A Priest as he is man not as he is God 610. The Caluinists either Arrians or ignorant in auouching the contrarie ibid. His Priesthod eternal and hovv 131. 617. 618. 619. nu 3. in marg He concurreth stil in al priestly actions and is the principal vvorker 619 marg He is not the only Priest of the nevv Testament 609. 618. Many Priests of the nevv Testamēt properly and peculiarly so called and their Priesthod external not only spiritual 609. 616. 617. 618. 619. Princes hovv and wherein to be obeied 64. 121. 197 marg 415. 416. 658. 659. They may not vsurpe Ecclesiastical functions 64. 403. 609. nu 1. pag. 639. They haue no more right of supremacie in spiritual causes then Heathen Princes 659. Christ and his Apostles charged vvith disobedience to Princes 658 nu 13. Peter Iohn disobeied the Magistrats cōmaunding them not to preach in the name of IESVS 299 marg So must Catholike preachers ib. In things lavvful not to obey them is a mortal sinne 415. Heretical tumultes disobedience against their Princes 28. 488. Heresies agaīst rule superioritie 416. 659. nu 16. and 18. The obedience of Catholikes in al tēporal causes 416. The deadly sinnes of Princes superiors exempt not the subiectes from their obediēce as the Vvi●●fistes teach 659. Princes thē selues must obey be subiect in matters of saith religiō 639. Al are vnder Peter his successors 279. 280. 364 m. Their election creatiō far inferiour to Gods institution of the spiritual Magistrate 658. The temporal Magistrate is called an humane creature and why 658. nu 13. Praying for kings and Princes namely in the Masse 566. marg 567. Procession on Palme-Sunday 61. Prosperitie no signe of the true religion 13. marg Protestants See Heretikes Purgatorie 12. marg pag. 34. 94. nu 29. pag. 121. nu 24. pag. 187. 430. 431. 645. nu 13. pag. 661. None not perfectly cleansed can enter into heauen 743. marg Purgatorie fire passeth al the paines of this life 431. The same is released by the praiers of the liuing 317. A third place 162. 708 marg The Scripture abused against Purgatorie ansvvered 726. See Praier Sacrifice for the dead R REconciliation to the Cathol Church 14. nu 24. p. 471. nu 5. 〈◊〉 ●chisme Religion Men of no religion ●uters Atheistes 33. Most happie that suffer any losse for religion 114. m. 116. They that forsake their religiō to saue their landes are like Esau 635. marg See Persecution Religious life 561. Their profession is according to Christs counsel and the Apostles example 55. 151. 191 marg 296. nu 44. to the Saincts of the primitiue Church 410 marg 296. Vigilātius heresie against such as forsooke al for Christ 420 marg Diuers Religions of Dominicans Franciscans c. are not diuers Sectes 323. Their diuers rules and imitation of diuers holy men is the imitation of Christ him self 531 marg 547. Their liuing in common Apostolical 296. Their rising in the night to pray 79. nu 41. Their blessing 55. The contemplatiue life preferred before the actiue by our Sauiour him self in the persons of Marie and Martha 169. Both alvvaies in the Chruch ibid. See Monkes and Monastical life Eremities Relikes The touching of Relikes their vertue miracles 23 m. 24. 100. 133. 309. 312. 326. 350. 372. 577. 622. The touching of Christs person or whatsoeuer belonged to him 93 m. The hemme of Christs garment 23 m. 24. 40 marg 100. His sepulchre 85. 622. Mount Thabor and al the holy land 49. 577 his holy Crosse See Crosse S. Peters shadow 261. nu 12 302. 304. his chaines 326. S. Paules napkins or the napkins that had touched his body 350. His chaines 61. nu 12. 372. His blessing and vertue in the ile Malta 372. His prison and other memories there 370 marg The Relikes of S. Iohn Baptist Elias Abdias 40. S. Steuens Relikes 309. 312. S. Augustine of Relikes 309. 312. S. Chrysostom 261. 350. S. Hierom. 85. 133. 622. S. Gregorie 372. nu 20. The greater vertue of Relikes the more is the honour of Christ 261. 350. 246 marg Saincts Relikes of greater force after their death 350. Eliseus body 4. Reg. 13. Miraculous reseruatiō of Relikes from putiefaction 622. Relikes reserued in the old Testament 622. Vigilātius heresie against Relikes condemned of old and refuted by S. Hierom. 133. 350. nu 12. The deuotion of the old Christians tovvard Relikes 40. 372. 622. 274 marg The deuotion tovvard Christs body vvhen it vvas dead 131. 132. The Pagans abused holy Relikes as the Protestants do novv 40. Translation of Relikes 133. 631 marg 307. Reprobation at large 405. 406. Sinne is alvvaies the cause thereof ib. 127 mar It taketh not away free vvil 406. 707. Hovv God raised Pharao 406. 407. Hovv he is said to indurat ib. to giue vp into a reprobat sense 383 marg 385. nu 26. pag. 308 marg See God Free vvil Predestination Restitution of goods il gotten 195. Revvard Differēces of rewards in heauē 37. 193 marg See heauen Respect of revvard 16. nu 4. pag. 55. nu 27 pag. 631 marg 181 marg 706 marg Revvard what it signifieth 430.
to heauen 651. No sinne but in this life it may be remitted the contrarie is the heresie of the Caluinists 686. See Penance They are worse in this point then the Nouatians 613. Vvhat is in S. Iohns Epistle a sinne to death 687. Three degrees of sinnes signified by the three dead that Christ raised to life 100. Sinne the cause of sicknes and other plagues 132. Spirit To adore and serue God in spirit 228. Boasting of the spirit 684. Not to credit euery spirit and hovv to trie them 552. The Church onely hath to discerne spirites 684. The testimonie of the Spirit in vs. 402. Superioritie and difference of degrees not forbidden 57 marg 165 marg Superstition not allowed in the Catholike Church 344. 539 marg The Protestants falsely call deuotion superstition 344. Supremacie of temporal Princes in matters Ecclesiastical See Princes T Tithes due to God and his Priests 615. Giuen by the inferior to the superior ibid. Paied in the Law of nature Moyses ib. How due to the Priests of Christes Church 616. Tongues Praiers in an vnknovven tōgue See Praiers The 14 chap. of the first to the Corinthians explicated concerning tongues 460. The Protestants vaine boasting of tongues 457 marg The three principal tongues in the title of the Crosse of Christ 271 marg The holy Scriptures most conueniently preserued in them ibid. Traditions not written 559. at large 413. 414. 476. 612. 653. 279 marg 353. 451. 454. 43. 106. 464 marg 695. 591 marg Apostolical traditions 413. 414. 451. 476. 559. 560. 612. 464 marg Particular traditiōs of the Apostles the Lent 12. 145 marg the administration of the B. Sacrament 451. 454. a commemoration inuocation of Saincts in the Masse ibid. praier for the dead ibid. and 560. mingling water with wine ibid. Baptizing of infantes 559. the Apostles Creede 560. See other particular traditions pag. 454. 559. Pater noster in the Masse 567. keeping of Sunday Easter Vvhit-sontide c. 43. 467 mar How to know Apostolical traditions 560. 559. Ignatius booke of the Apostles traditions ib. The fathers estimation of traditions 559. The Protestants hatred of the very name and suppressing the same in the text of holy Scripture 559. 560 marg They are called Depositum 414. 581 mar descending from the Apostles by Bishop and Bishop vnto the end 584. The Protestāts can shew no such Depositum 584. Heretikes conuicted by traditiō 5. 559. Iewish and heretical traditions 43. 106. Translation of the Bible into Greeke called Septuaginta 633. cited of the Euangelistes and authentical in the Greeke Church ibid. The authentical Latin translation 633. Beza preferreth it before al the rest See the preface Translatours of holy Scripture must be exacte and sincere 221. See the preface V VIrginitie better then Mariage more meritorious and grateful to God fitter for his seruice 4. 55. 440. 725 m. 356. The contrarie was Iouinians old condēned heresie 582. Virginitie coūseled not commaunded 55. 440. 438 marg See Mariage Professed virgins may not marie See Vovv The state of virgins passeth the rest 725 m. Visions recorded in the Scriptures 315. 318. 319. 368. 492. Visions haue no credite with Heretikes specially with the Protestants 319 marg 492. Some haue been rapt to see the state of the next life 491 marg Extreme vnction See Extreme Vovv an acte of soueraine worship 169. Neuer true religion without vowes and votaries ib. The Protestants haue abandoned al vowes and votaries ib. Vow of monastical and religious life 169. 304. Vow of Virginitie or chastitie lawful possible c. 55. 580. 581. 582. Yong vvomen may vovv Religion 581. Our B. Ladie vowed virginitie 138. The daughters of Philip the Deacon were vowed virgins 356. The Apostles vowed pouertie and professed the religious state of perfection pag. 55. nu 21. 27. Breache of vowes damnable 304. 439. 440. It is to breake their first faith 580. It is to goe after Satan 581. It is the highest kinde of Sacrilege 304. It is worse then aduoutrie 582. Vvhat virgins widovves the Apostle allovveth to marie 440. 581. Iouinian for persuading Nunnes to marie is called of S. Augustine a monster of S. Hierom he and his folovvers Christian Epicures 582. The Protestants call Iouinians heresie Gods word 582. Vvhat vovves are unlavvful and not to be kept 361. Vsurie not to be vsed among Christians 255. Spiritual vsurie in the better sense 74. nu 27. W VVidovvhod 579 at large This state more blessed then the state of matrimonie 439 m. Their cōtinual praier continencie 578 m. The example of holy Anne 141. 142. S. Ambrose and S. Augustine wrote whole bookes in cōmēdation of the state of widowhod 579. The Churches widowes called Diaconissae and their office 579. They must haue had but one husband ibid. The Caluinists most absurd expositiō of these wordes The husband of one wife 580. The Apostle forbiddeth not al yong widowes to vow 581. See Continencie The vvord of God is not only that vvhich is written in the Scriptures 548. See Gospel Tradition Vvorkes meritorious of life euerlasting 17. 177. 387. 430. 593. 594. 613. 703 mar No workes of them selues vvithout faith and the grace of God are meritorious 378. 594. Such are the workes that S. Paul excludeth from iustification 378. 387. 390. 411. 385. 499 marg Vve presume not vpon our owne workes or merites as of our selues but as of Gods grace 516 marg 594. The Protestants make no difference betwene Christian mens workes done in grace and the workes of Ievves Pagans 411. They are iniurious to Gods grace vvhich maketh vorkes meritorious 594. The Scriptures which they falsely alleage answered 189. 402. Vve are iustified by vvorkes also and not by faith only 16. 643. 645 and 646 at large 153 marg 678 marg 510 m. 538. m. See faith Good workes before faith though not meritorious yet are preparatiues to the first iustification 320. 389 m. That euery man shal be rewarded according to his vvorkes is a cōmon phrase in Scripture 47. 386 marg 387. 430. 656 marg 744 marg not according to faith only or lacke of faith 741. nu 12. Al good workes rewarded in heauen 630 marg 413. nu 1. pag. 587. 524 marg 543 marg 191 marg Heauen is due for them according to Gods iustice 593. 594. 613. 553 mar They giue great confidence before God 630. 627 marg Vvorkes may be done in respect of reward 16. nu 4. pag. 631. marg pa. 444. The three workes of iustice 14. 15. 16. Vvorkes of mercie how acceptable to God 663. 317. m. 341 marg See Almes Vvorkes of perfection or supererogation 444. 485. 168 m. See C. Euangelical Counsels Vvorkes satisfactorie 143 m. See faith Iustification Merite Revvard Heauen prepared for them only that deserue it by good workes 58. nu 23. pag. 73 marg Vvithout good vvorkes a man shal be demned 143 marg 153 marg 739 marg The booke of euery mans workes opened in the day of iudgement 741.
Vvorldly frendes 93. 94. 176 marg Z ZEale against heretikes See Heretikes in Gods cause 706. nu 16. pag. 741. nu 9. Zeale in religion counted of worldly men madnes 93. See Neuters Zeale and seruor to heare and folovv Christ 106. Zeale of sauing soules 150. 182. and 183 marg 529 marg 544 m. 651 marg Zeale against sinne 433 mar The madde zeale of heretikes 342 m. THE EXPLICATION OF CERTAINE VVORDES IN THIS TRANSLATION NOT FAMILIAR to the vulgar reader vvhich might not conueniently be vttered otherwise A Abstracted Dravven avvay pag. 642. Acquisition Getting purchasing pag 514. Aduent The comming pag 69. Adulterating Corrupting See pag. 475. 478. Agnition knovvledge or acknovvledging p. 600. Allegorie a Mystical speache more thou the bare letter pag. 505. See the Annot. p. 508. Amen expounded pag. 244. Anathema expounded p. 405. Archisynagogue expounded pag. 99. Assist pag. 135 signifieth the Angels standing and attēding alvvaies readie to doe their ministerie Assumption p. 165 Christs departure out of this vvorld by his death and Ascension Azym●s Vnleauened bread p. 75. C Calumniate By this vvord is signified violent oppression by vvord or deede pag. 143. Catechizeth and Catechized p. 510. He catechizeth that teacheth the principles of the Christian faith and they that heare and learne are catechized and are therfore called often in the Annotations Catechumens Character a marke or stampe pag. 7●3 Commesssations Immoderate bankets and belly cheere vvith vvanton riotousnes p. 509. Condigne comparable p. 400. Contristate This vvord signifieth to make heauie and sad pag 519. Cooperate signifieth vvorking vvith others p. 401. likevvise Cooperation Cooperateurs Corbana expounded pag. 80. D Depositum p. 582. See the Annot. pag. 584. It may signifie also Gods graces giuen vs to keepe pa. 587. v. 14. Also v. 12 ibid. See the Annot. Didrael me expounded pag. 49. D●minical day Sunday See Annot p. 701. 702. Donaries giftes offered to God for his Temple c. 199. E Euacuated from Christ that is Made voide and hauing no part vvith him p. 508. The 〈◊〉 of the crosse euacuated that is made voide cleane taken avvay ibidem Euangelize signifieth such preaching of good tidinges as cōcerneth the Gospel See the preface Eunuches gelded men Euro-aquilo A north-eastvvinde p. 368. Exinanited abased excedingly p. 528. G Gratis an vsual vvord to signifie for nothing freely for Godamercie vvithout desert H Holocauste a kinde of sacrifice vvhere al vvas burnt in the honour of God p. 625. Hostes sacrifices p. 445. I Inuocated called vpon praied vnto p. 316. Hereof vve say Inuocation of Saincts and to inuocate Issue good euent pag. 445. Iustice taken in the nevv Testament not as it is cōtrarie to vvrong or iniurie but for that qualitie vvhere of a man is iust and iustified p. 391. N Noophyte expounded p. 569. P Paraclete expounded pag. 260. Parasceue the Ievves Sabboth-eue Good friday p. 130. v. 43. See the Preface Pasche Easter and the Paschal Iambe p. 201. Pentecost vvhitsuntide the space of fifte daies Prefinition A determination before p. 517. Prepuce expounded pag. 387. Prescience foreknovvledge p. 294. Preuaricatour transgressor and preuarication trāsgression p. 386. 387. Loaues of Proposition so called because they vvere proposed and for vpon the table in the Temple before God pag. 31. R Repropitiate the sinnes pag. 605. that is make a roconcillation for them Resolution the separation of the body and the soule the departing out of this life p. 592. Resuscitate the grace that is Raise quicken renew and reviue the grace vvhich othervvise languisheth and decaieth pag. 586. S Sabbatismt A time of resting and ceasing from labours pag. 607. Sacrament for mysterie p. 513. Sancta Sanctorum The holies of holies that is the inmost and holiest place of the Ievves Temple as it vvere the Chauncel pag. 621. Superedified Builded vpon Christ the principal stone pag. 657. T Tetrarch Gouernour or Prince of the 4 part of a countrie p. 33. Thrones an higher order of Angles p. 537. V Victims Sacrifices p. 308. The faultes correcte thus Pag. 8. 1 Cor. 7. 2 Cor. 7. 38 Tetrach Tetrarch 42 fifth vveeke first vveeke 78 If the Sacrament In the Sacrament 148 Matth. 9 Matth. 19. 188 Scandale Scandals 204 Ignat. ep 5. ep 7. Ibid. in 3 copies the Greeke set amis     Reade 213 li. 39 de consens li. 3. 215 Eighteth yere Eighth 238 Transubstantion Transubstantiation 409 Cathee 17. Catech. 18. 440 Continencie Incontinencie 446 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 449 Is it not novv It is not novv 552 Beguile v Beguile vs. 576 Eusebius li. 5. c. 2. Theodorete LAVS DEO Translation of the Scriptures into the vulgar tōgues not absolutely necessarie or profitable but according to the time The Churches vvisedom and moderatiō concering vulgar translation * Mat. 24 45 1 Cor. 4 1. The Scriptures in the vulgar languages of diuers nations Bib. Sāct li. 4. Hiero ep 134. Bib. Sāct lib. 4. Aūcient Catholike translations of the Bible into the Italian Frenche English tongue Li. 1 hist Angl. c. 1. An aunciēt prouincial cōstitution in England concerning English translations See Linvvod li. 5 tit de Magistris The like Catholike and vulgar translations in many coūtries since Luthers time The Churches order determinatiō concerning the reading of Catholike translatiōs of the Bible in vulgar tōgues Ind. lib. prohibit regula 4. The holy Scriptures neuer read of al persons indifferently at their pleasure Vvhere and in vvhose handes the Scriptures vvere in the primitiue Church Hovv the 〈◊〉 of those daies did read them vvith what humilitie and religion and enformation of life and maners The fathers sharply reprehend as an abuse that al indifferenly should reade expound and talke of the Scriptures Hiero. ep 103● 6. In orat de moderatio in disputa seruanda The Scriptures must be deliuered in measure and discretion according to eche mans neede and capacitie De ●●gone Christ c. 33. De bono perseuer c. 16. 1 Cor. 3. Io. 16. Ia orat de modera in disp serua in fine Hiero. in prooem cō mentar in Ezachi The Ievves lavv for not reading certaine bookes of holy Scripture vntil a time Eph. 4. Ro. 10 17. The popular obiections of vvithholding the Scriptures from the people ansvvered Gen. 3. Vvhy the Church permitteth not euery one at their pleasure to reade the Scripture 1 Tim. 6 20. Ro. 12 3. The holy Scriptures to carnal men Heretikes are as pearles to svvine Mat. 7 6. Li. de prescriptionibus Orig. in 2 ad Ro. * Luca 24. S. Chrysostoms exhortations to the reading of holy Scriptures and vvhen the people is so to be exhorted In vita Athanasij * Ho. 2 in Mat. ho. 3 de Lazaro et ho. 3 in 2 ad Thess alibi sapè S. Chrysostom maketh nothing for the popular and licentious reading of Scriptures vsed among the Protestants novv a daies Euery simple artificer among them readeth much more the deepest hardest question̄s of holy
The Gospel on the Imber Saturday in Sept. ⸬ The figtree vvith only leaues no fruite is the Iewes synagogue euery other people or persō which hath faith and faire wordes and no good workes Mt. 13 31. Mr. 4 30. ⸬ See Annota Matth. 13 31. Mt. 13 33. Mt. 7 13 ⸬ Christians in their liues must seeke the strait way but in religion the ancient common way ⸬ The Gentils comming into Gods fauour later are preferred before the Iewes which were first c Non capit 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mt. 23 37. ⸬ The Iewes lost their preeminence by their owne free will not by Gods causing who ceased not to call and crie vpon them and they would not heare Whereby free will is plainly proued Some punished for example Nu. 16. 2 Mach. 3 Act. 5. Diseases not natural Penance Schisme Cont. lit Petil. li. 2 c. 55. The Gospel vpō the 16 Sūday after Pentecost ⸬ Reward for charitable deedes and that they may be done for reward against our Aduersaries The Gospel vpō the 2 Sunday after Pentecost ⸬ Worldlines wealth and voluptuousnes are the things that specially hinder men from God The Gospel for a Martyr that is a Bishop And for S. Basil Iun. 14. Mt. 10 37. ⸬ No creature so deere vnto vs vvhich vve must not hate or forsake if it hinder vs and in that respect that it hindereth vs from Christ or his Church our Saluation ⸬ He that is a right Christian man must make his account that if he be put to it as he often may be in times of persecution he must renoūce al that euer he hath rather then forsake the Catholike faith Mt. 5 13. Mar. 9 50. Free-vvil ep 50 pa●lo post princip ep 204. li. 1 cont ep Gaudent 6. 25. Heretikes may by penal lawes be cōpelled to the Catholike faith The Gospel vpō the 3 Sunday after Pentecost ⸬ This man is our Sauiour Christ whose care trauaile in serching reducing sinners to repentāce al spiritual men specially should folow Mat. 18 12. ⸬ This vvoman is the catholike Church vvho also cōtinually seeketh her lost children The Gospel vpō Saturday in the 2 weeke of Lent The prodigal sonne is a pa●ble both of the Gentils conuersion also of euery dissolute sinner penitētly returning to God ⸬ Gods wonderful and tender mercie toward penitent sinners Ioy in heauen for euery penitent The Angels and Saincts knovv our hartes Mt. 22 14. The B. Sacramēt and Sacrifice of the Altar The Gospel vpō the 8 Sūday after Pentecost c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ⸬ Māmon saith S. Hierom q. 6. ad Algas in the Syriake tongue signifieth riches Mammon of iniquitie because they are often il gotten or il bestowed or occasion of euil or at the least worldly false not the true heauēly riches Mat. 6 24. Mat. 11 12. Mat. 5 18. Mat. 5 31. 19 9. Mar. 10 11. 1. Cor. 7 11. The Gospel vpō Thursday in the 2 weeke of Lēt ⸬ Lazarus in Abrahams bosome and rest but both in hel and not in the kingdom of heauen before Christ Hiero. ep 3. Epitaph Nepot ⸬ To be in continual pleasures ease wealth peace and prosperlty in this world is perilous a signe of paines in the next S. Hiero. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a horrible distance ⸬ Abrahā had knowledge of things in earth which were not in his time as that they had Moyses and the Prophets bookes which he neuer saw August de cura pro mor. c. 14. Good vvorkes Tob. 12 9. Mat. 25. Almes meritorious The Saincts do pray for vs. Mariage after diuorce vnlavvfull Vnmerciful riche men Abrahams bosome Limbus patrū Zach. 9 11. Esa 42 7. * Aug. in Ps 85. Ep. 99. Christ descēded into Hel and deliuered the fathers Purgatorie Aug. ep 99. Saincts do heare our praiers and haue care of vs. Gen. 32. Calu. li. 3 Caluins blasphemie Iustit c. 22 sect 24. Mt. 18 7 ⸬ Not of mere necessitie for then it were no fault but praesupposing the great wickednes of men it is impossible but there shal be scandals therfore it foloweth Vvō to him by whom they come Mar. 9 42. Mt. 18 21. Mat. 17 20. THE fourth part of this Gospel The cōming of Christ into Iewrie towardes his Passion The Gospel vpō the 13 Sūday after Pentecost Leu. 14 2. ⸬ And yet we see here it vvas not only faith but also his thankfulnes returnīg to giue glorie to God ⸬ Vvhile they aske and looke for a temporal kingdō in pompe and glorie loe their king Messias was now amōg thē whose spiritual kingdō is vvithin al the faithful that haue dominiō ouer sinne Mt. 24 23. Mar. 13 21. ⸬ No man must rūne out of the Church after Schismatikes to heare them preach Christ in corners Christs doctrine being open in al the world See annot Mt. 14 23. * Gen. 7 5 Gen. 19 24. Gen. 19 26. How we are vnprofitable profitable seruants Mt. 25 〈◊〉 Io. 15 14. Confession to the Priest ⸬ Vve should pray alwaies by faith hope and charitie and by working the thinges that be acceptable to God though special times of vocal praiers in the Canonical houres be assigned for the sturring of vs vp to God through external signes of deuotion The Gospel vpō the 10 Sunday after Pentecost ⸬ To take pride of fasting tithing or any good worke is naught though the workes thē selues be very good ⸬ So doe the priests and people at the holy Altar knocke their breasts say with the hūble Publicane Deus propitius August ps 31 conc 3. Mt. 19 13. Mr. 10 13. ⸬ In matters of faith religion we must be as humble obedient to the Catholike Church as yong childrē to their parents Mt. 19 16. Mr. 10 17. Exo. 20 13. ⸬ Not faith only but also keeping the cōmaundements purchase life euerlasting See annot Mat. 19 16. ⸬ This is not a commaundmēt or precept but counsel vvhich the religious do folow See Annot Mat. 19. ⸬ The Apostles among other things left their wiues also as S. Hierom noteth out of this place li. 1 adu Iouin ⸬ Life euerlastīg the reward for leauing or losing willingly our goods for Christs sake Mt. 20 17. Mr. 10 32. The Gospel vpō the Sunday of Quiquagesme The Church erreth not in faith Hier con● Lucif c. 6. Aug. de vnit Ec. c. 15 de verb. Do. Ser. 〈◊〉 The Gospel vpō the Dedication of a Church Zachaeus Mt 18 12. The Gospel for a confessor that is not a Bishop and namely for S. Lewis the king of France August 25. Mt. 25 14. ⸬ Marke here against the aduersaries that the rewards of these two good seruants be diuers vnaequal according to the diuersitie or inequality of their gaines that is their merites and yet one receiueth the peny Mt. 20 9. as wel as the other that is heauen or life
beleefe of Christian Religion c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ⸬ Some Heretikes fouly corrupt this place thus Who must be conteined in heauen of purpose as they protest to hold Christ in heauē from the B. Sacramēt Beza As though his presēce there drew him out of heauen Neither cā they pretend the Greeke which is word for word as in the vulgar latin and as we translate Deu. 18 15. Gen. 22 18. 26 4 Saincts doe miracles and the like but by the power of God ⸬ Here againe we see the proceding and increase of the Church visibly The name of IESVS See Annot. Philip. 2 10. Psa 117 22. The Apostles constancie learning and wisdom after the cōming of the Holy Ghost being but idiotes that is simple vnlettered men and timorous before ⸬ Their cōstancie and courage after their confirmation being so weake before And if any Magistrate cōmaund against God that is to say forbid Catholike Christiā men to preach or serue God this same must be their answer though they be whipped and killed for their labour See c. 5. v. 29. Ps 2 1. ⸬ Christes death as needeful for mans redemption was of Gods determination but as of the malice of the Iewes it was not his act otherwise then by permission Act. 2 44. ⸬ Note the ardent charitie and cōtempt of worldly things in the first Christians who did not onely giue great almes but sold al their lands to bestow on the Apostles and the rest that were in necessitie according to Christes coūsel Mt. 16 21. Note also the great honour credit giuen to the Apostles in that the Christian men put al the goods possessions they had to their disposition Reuerence to holy persons 4. reg 4 ●● Luc. ● 47. Kissing their feete Lu. 7 38. ⸬ Herevpon rose great reuerence awe and feare of the vulgar Christians toward the holy Apostles for an example to al Christian people how to behaue thē selues toward their Bishops and Priests The Epistle vpō Imber wenesday in whitson-weeke And within the octaue in a votiue of SS Peter and Paul Peters shadow An Angel leadeth them out of prison Act. 4 18. Theudas ⸬ Time and the euident successe of Christes Church and religion proue it to be of God no violence of the Iewes no persecution of the Heathen Princes no endeuour of domestical Aduersaries heretikes Schismatikes or il liuers p●uailīg against it as on the other side many attempts haue been made by Arius Macedonius Nestorius Luther the like who thought them selues some body but after they had plai●d their partes a while their memory is buried or liueth only in maledictiō infamie their scholers come to naught Therfore let no Cath. man be scandalized that this heresie holdeth vp for a time For the Arians some others ●lorished much lōger thē these and were better supported by Princes and learning yet had an end ` it Aug. ser 9 in append de diuersis tom 10. Sacrilege Excōmunicatiō ioyned vvith corporal painer 1 Cor. 5. Vow of Chastitie the breache thereof Greg. li. ● ep 13. Peters shadow intercession The election of the 7 first Deacons c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ⸬ Now also the Priests and they of greater knowledge estimation began to beleeue b The Epistle vpon S. Steuens day in Christmas ⸬ Such is the face of al constant cheereful Martyrs to their persecutors and iudges Murmuring emulation The 7 Deacons 1 Tim. 3. 4. Act. 6 ● The office of Deacons Li. Eccl. Hier. c. 1 part 2. Gen. 12 1. Gen. 15 13. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gen 17. Gen. 21. Gen. 25. Gen. 29. 30. 35. Gen. 37. Gen. 41. Gen. 42. Gen. 45. Gen. 46. Gen. 49. ⸬ Translation of Saincts bodies agreable to nature Scripture And the desire to be buried in one place more then an other which the holy Patriarches also had Gen. 49 29. 50 24. Hebr. 11 22. hath sometime great causes Aug. de Cur. pr●mort c. 1. vlt. Gen. 50. Gen. 23. Ios 24. Exo 1 7. Exo. 2 2. Exo. 2 11 Exo. 2 13. Exo. 3 2. ⸬ Christ is our Redeemer and yet Moyses is here called redeemer so Christ is our Mediator and Aduocate and yet we may haue Saincts our inferior mediators and aduocates also See Annot. 1 〈◊〉 2 1. Exo. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 37 Exo. 16. Deu. 18. Exo. 19 3. 19. Exo. 32 1. ⸬ For a iust punishment of their former offenses God gaue them vp to worke what wickednes they would them selues as it is said of the Gentils Rom. 1. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Amos. 5 25. Exo. 25. 40. c This is Iosuè so called in Greeke in type of our Sauiour Ios 3 14. Ps 131 5 1. Par. 17 Act. 17 25. Esa 66 1. c The comfort of al Martyrs Act. 22 20. ⸬ Eusebius Emissenus saith whē he praieth for his persecutors he promiseth to his worshippers his manifest intercessiō suffrages ● ●o S. Steph. S. Augustine Si Stephaniu si● nō orasset Ecclesi●● Paulū nō habere● Serm 1 de Stephano The holy land Holy places God is not conteined in place yet he vvil be vvorshipped in one place more thē in an other Relikes The 3. part THE propagation of the Church from Hierusalem into al Iewrie and to Samaria c curauerunt 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Act. 22. 4. ⸬ This persecution wrought much good being an occasion that the dispersed preached Christ in diuers Coūtries where they came The Epistle vpō Thursday in whitsunweeke The Epistle vpō Tuesday in whitsūweeke And in a votiue of the Holy Ghost ⸬ Sape sibi so●●●e Petrus facit esse Ioannem Ecclesiae quia virgo placet Arator apud Bedam in Act. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 See Apocal 9 21. b The Epistle vpon Thursday in Easter weeke ⸬ Note that this Aethiopian came to Hierusalem to adore that is on Pilgrimage where by we may learne that it is an acceptable acte of religion to go from home to places of greater deuotiō sanctificatiō ⸬ The Scriptures are so writtē that they can not be vnderstood without an interpreter as easy as our Protestants make them See S. Hierom Ep. ad Paulinū de omnibus diuin●● historia● libris set in the beginning of latin bibles Es 53 7. ` vvhat S. Steuens relikes That Peter was sent is no reason against his Primacie The Sacrament of Confirmation ministred by Bishops onely ●p 73. 〈◊〉 3 ad lubaianum Ec. Hier. c. 2 4. Chrisme in Cōfirmation * Ec. Hier. c. 4. * Beza in Act. c. 6. v. 6. Old heresies against confirmation and Chrisme * ke●●nit in exam conc Trid. de Con●ir The effectes of Baptisme and Confirmation differ Haeretical shiftes and euasiōs against manifest Scriptures and against this Sacrament of Confirmation Tractat. 6 in ●p 10. * See Con● Trid. Sess ● can 1 de Confirmat * Cone Trid. sess ● can 14 de Bapt. Bishoping Simonie Pena●ce Simon Magus
Auoiding of scādal in things not vnlavvful Act. 21 39. Act. 8 3 Act. 9 2 ⸬ The Sacramc of Baptisme doth it self vvash avvay sinnes as here is plaine therfore doth not only signifie as the Heretikes affirme that out sinnes be forgiuen before or othervvise by faith only remitted Vvhereby the Churches doctrine is proued to be fully agreable to the Scriptures that the Sacraments giue grace ex opere operato that is by the force vertue of the vvorke and vvord done said in the Sacrament c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ⸬ Not only the Principals but al that consent to the death or vexation of Christian men for the Catholike saith do highly offend vvhich the Apostle confesseth here that Gods mercie may be more notoriously glorified in him hereby Act. 7 38. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ⸬ He said not this through perturbation of minde or of a passion but by way of prophecie that this figuratiue high priesthod then trimmed l●ke a vvhited vvall was to be destroied vvhereas now the true priesthod of Christ was cōt Beda in hun● Io. Exo. 22 28. ⸬ Such prudent euasions from danger are lawful vvhich S. Chrysostōe calleth specially in this Apostle the wisdom of the serpēt as otherwise in his teaching and preaching patiēco he vsed the simplicitie of dooue Phil. 3 5. Mt. 22 23. ⸬ Though God who could not lie had promised Paul that he should goe to Rome yet the Apostle omitted not humane meanes to defend him self from his enemies and otherwise neither said he as the Heretikes called Predestinates Let them do what they wil they cā not hurt me for I am pr●destinate to go● to Rome See his doings and sayings to saue him self in the chap. folowing c See the courtesie equiti● of Heathen Officers tovvard their prisoners to saue them from al iniurie and villanie The honour of Priesthod Cypr. ep 65. 69. 〈◊〉 2. See Annot. Io. c. 11 51. The Sadducees as it seemeth denied praier for the dead Mac. li. 2. c. 12 43. Vnlawful othe● vovves must no● to kept Mat. 14. 9. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ⸬ Because Tertullꝰ the Iewes orator called Christian religion the sect or as it is there vers ● in the Greeke the heresie of the Nazarens S. Paul ansvvereth and shevveth that it is no heresie And as for the word Sect. in this place it is in the Greeke According to the vvay vvhich they call heresie as also Act. 9 2. 24 22. And therfore the vvord sect here is so taken See Annot. c. ●● ●2 c the God of my fathers Ro. 15 28 Act. 21 26. Act. 23 6. ⸬ The Apostolike teaching was not of only or special faith but of iustice chastitie iudgement that is to say of the terrour of Hel and other Gods iudgements in the next life ansvverable to our deedes in this vvorld by vvhich the hearers vvere first terrified and so induced to penance Hovv say Heretikes then that such things make men hypocrit●s c crimes as ● 27. ⸬ If S. Paul both to saue him self from vvhipping and from death sought by the Ievves doubted not to crie for succour of the Romane lawes and to appeale to Caesar the Prince of the Romans not yet Christened hovv much more may vve call for aide of Christian Princes and their lavves for the punishment of Heretikes and for the Churches defense against them S. Augustine ep 50. ⸬ This vvhom he termeth by contempt one IESVS hath novv made al the Romane Emperours and Princes of the world to know him and hath giuen the seate of the Caesars to his poore seruants Peter his successors c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 b inquā c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Act. 8 3. c detuli sententi●● Act. 9 3. Act. 9 20. ⸬ Penāce often inculcated and vvorkes agreable to the same Act. 21 30. Myra ' ⸬ It may signifie the Ievves fast of the seuenth moneth Septēber after vvhich the nauigation vvas perilous vvinter approching c names of vvindés c Graec. Clauda c a place of quicke sandes c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ⸬ Paul saith S. Hierom had so many soules in the ship giuen him that is so many men saued for his sake and after he is vvith Christ shal he shut his mouth and not be able once to speake for them that haue beleeued in his Gospel Hiero. adu vigil Vvhereby he proueth that if ●od do much for the merits of Saincts in this life much more at their intercession pr●●r in heauen Gods prouidēce to the See of ROME Gods predestination and appointment taketh not away mans free vvil and endeuours 1 Cor. 9 2● Philip. ● 18. ⸬ This iland novv Malta is the seate of the knightes of the Rhodes the inhabitāts vvherof haue a special deuotion to S. Paul to whō both the cheefe Church being the Bishops Seate is dedicated and the vvhole Iland as they count it consecrated Where the people shevv yet to strāgers his prison and other memories of his miracles Melita c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Esa 6 9. Mat. 13 14. Mr. 4 12. Lu. 8 10 ⸬ Here also as Ma● 1● it is plaine that they would not see northeare that their excecatiō is to be attributed to thē selues not to God See annota Io. 12 40. Io. 12 40 Ro. 11 8 Malta hath S. Paules blessing and grace vntil this day The. Fazellus de rebus Siculis decad ● li. 〈◊〉 1. Gods miraculous vertue in certaine countries and creatures by his Saincts 4 Reg. 2 19 S. Pauls chaines h●onoured The name of Sect is vvel giuen to al Heresies though the Christian religion at the first vvas falsely so called See the annot Rom. 16 15. Gal. 1. Tiberij 18 Nat. 〈◊〉 34 Asce● 1 Tiberij 19 Nat. 〈◊〉 35 Asce● 2 Tiberij 20 Nat. 〈◊〉 36 Asce● 3 Tiberij 29 Nat. 〈◊〉 39 Asce● 6 Claudij 2 Nat. 〈◊〉 44 Asce● 11 Claudij 9 Nat. 〈◊〉 52 Asce● 18 Neronis 〈◊〉 Nat. 〈◊〉 70 Asce● 37 Tiberij 18 Natiuit 34 Ascen 1 Tiberij 19 Natiuit 35 Ascen 2 Tiberij 22 Natiuit 38 Ascen 5 Claudij 9 Natiuit 52 Ascen 18 Neronis 2 Natiuit 58 Ascen 25 Neronis 14 Natiuit 70 Ascen 37 Genebr out of diuers authors Ruffi in expos Symb. Apost Ambr. ●er 38. Hiero. ep 61 c. 9. aduers erro Io. Hieros Euseb li 2. Eccl. hist c. 22. The doctrine of the Cath. Church concerning good vvorkes S. Paules doctrine concerning faith and good vvorkes 2. Pet. 3. Aug. de fide oper ca. 14. Et praef psal 31. Gal. 5. 1. Cor. 1● 1. Tim. 3. 2. Pet. 3. Gal. 2. The argument of the Epistle to the Romanes * Epih. Haer. 42 Marcionis Aug. in Expos incho Ep. ad Rom. a 2. Cor. 5. b Ephes 2. The vvorkes of the Lavv. Rom. 1. Rom. 16. Rom. 6. Rom. 16. The church readeth S. Pauls epistles at Martins frō Sunday
thereof b The Epistle vpō the 6 Sūday after Pentecost ⸬ Remission of sinne nevv life sanctification and iustificatiō are giuen by baptisme because it resembleth in vs and applieth to vs Christes death and resurrectiō and engraffeth vs into him Io. 8 34. 2. Pet. 2 19. ⸬ Here againe is signified that our discharge frō the bōdage of sinne is by the Christian faith by obedience to the vvhole doctrīe of Christs religion in that the Apostle attributeth this their deliuerance frō sinne to their humble receiuing of the Catholike faith The Epistle vpō the 7 Sunday after Pentecost ⸬ He signifieth that as vvhen they vvere subiect to sinne by cōtinual oftē vvorking vvickednes they increased their iniquitie that so also novv being iustified they may should by external vvorkes of Iustice increase their iustice and sanctification Not only faith The old man the nevv Dying to sinne Liuing to God Hovv concupiscēce is called sinne The doctrine of our first Apostles Life euerlasting a stipend and yet grace 1. Cor. 7 39. ⸬ Nothing but death dissolueth the band betvvixt man vvife though for fornication one may depart from an others companie therfore to mary againe is aduoutrie during the life of the partie separated ⸬ Being novv baptised and dead to sinne engraffed in Christs mystical body you are discharged of the Lavv of Moyses and are free in Christ c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ⸬ By Baptisme vve haue not Christes iustice imputed to vs but an invvard nevvnesse of spirit giuen vs and resident in vs. Exo. 20 17. Deu. 5 ●1 ⸬ Sinne or con●upiscēce which vvas a sleepe before vvas wakened by prohibition the Lavv not being the cause thereof not giuing occasion therevnto but occasion being taken by our corrupt nature to resist that which was commaunded 1 Tim. 1 8. The Epistle in a Votiue Masse for sinnes c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Actual concupiscence forbidden not habitual Soden inuolu●ta●ie motions are no sinne Concupiscence taketh not avvay free vvil c. 5 17. Sinne is voluntarie and otherwise it is no sinne ep ad As●l●cum ●00 Concupiscence defileth not a iust mans actiō● as the Luther●s say ⸬ This conuinceth against the Churches aduersaries that the lavv that is Gods cōmaundemēts may be kept that the keeping thereof is iustice that in christian men that is fulfilled by Christs grace vvhich by the force of the Lavv could neuer be fulfilled ` enmitie The Epistle vpō the 8 Sunday after Pentecost ⸬ He meaneth not that the Childrē of God be violently cōpelled against their vvilles but that they be svveetly dravvē moued or induced to do good Aug. Enchirid. c. 64. De verb. Do. ser 43 c. 7. et de verb. Apost ser 13 c. 11. 12. 2 Tim. 1 7 Gal. 4 5. The Epistle vpō the 4 Sunday after Pentecost and for many Martyrs condignae ad gloriam The Epistle for S. Ignatius Febr. 1. Ps 43 22. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The testimonie of the Spirit Novvithstandīg Christs satisfaction and Passion yet ours also is required Al suffering in this life is nothing in comparison of the heauenly glorie and yet it is meritorious vvorthy of the same * ad gloriā 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Heretical trāslation 1. Cor. 4. 1● Vvhence the merite of vvorkes riseth As sometime faith only is named so els vvhere only hope and only charitie as the cause of our saluation Scripture abused against the Godhead of the Holy Ghost The doctrine of predestination hovv to be reuerenced and vvhat it teacheth vs. Gods predestition taketh not avvay free wil. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Confide Hiero. q. 9 ad Algas No man ordinarily is sure of his saluation but only in hope c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gen. 21 ●2 Gen. 18 10. S. Hierom. q. to ad Hedibiam Gen. 25 21. Al the epistle surely to the Romanes needeth 〈◊〉 and is 〈◊〉 wrapped with 〈…〉 that to vnderstād it we neede the helpe of the Holy Ghost who by the Apostle did dictat these same things but especiaally this place How●eit nothīg pleaseth vs but that which is Ecclesiastical that is the sense of the Church Gen. 25 23. Mal. 1 2. Exo. 33 19. Exo. 9 16. ⸬ That God is not the cause of any mans reprobation or damnation othervvise then for punishment of his sinnes he shevveth by that he expec●teth al mens amendement vvith great patience and consequently that they haue also freo vvil ` apted fitted Os 2 23. Os 1 10 Es 10 22. Es 1 9. c Here vve see that they are the cause of their ovvne damnation by infidelity Es 8 14. 28 16. Anáthema In vvhat sense S. Paul vvisheth to be anáthema 〈◊〉 ●2 12. Gods promis not made to carnal Israel Isaac preferred before Ismael Iacob before Esau By the example of Iacob and Esau is shewed Gods mere mercie in the elect and iustice in the reprobate That God is not vniust or an accepter of persons is declared by familiar examples S. Augustines example is of tvvo debters the one forgiuē all and the other put to pay all by the same creditor li. de predest gra cap. 4. Predestination and reprobatiō take not avvay free vvil neither must any man be retchlesse desperate ● Pet. ● 10. Our election or cōuersion is not of our selues but of Gods grace and mercie Exo. 9 16. In vvhat sense God raised vp Pharao c. Heretical bookes concerning predestination The example of the pot and the potter 2 Tim. 2 21. ⸬ The Lavv vvas not giuē to make a mā iust or perfect by it self but to brīg vs to Christ to be iustified by him ⸬ The iustice of the Law of Moyses went no further of it self but to saue a man from the temporal death and punishmēt prescribed to the trāsgressors of the same Leu. 18 5. Deu. 30 12. The Epistle vpō S. Andrevves day Nouemb. 30. Es 28. 16 Ioel. 2 22. ⸬ To beleeue in him to inuocate him is to serue him with al loue and sincere affectiō Al that so doe shal doubtlesse be saued shal neuer be confounded Es 52 7. ⸬ We see then that it is in a mans free wil to beleeue or not to beleeve to obey or disobey the Gospel or truth preached Es 53 1. Ps 18. 5. Deu. 32 21. Es 65 1. Es 63 2. Gods iustice the Ievves ovvne iustice Iustice of faith Open cōfession protestation of our faith is sometime necessarie Euseb li. 6 c. 31 histor Eccles The place alleaged against inuocatiō of Sainctes ansvvered Preachers not lavvfully called not sent Confes des Egli de France The first iustification of mere grace Free vvil 3. reg 19. 20. c The Heretikes adde here also Image to the text as Act 19 ●5 Es 6 9. Ps 68 23 ⸬ The Ievves are not relected vvholy incurably for euer but for a part and for a time suffered to fall Which God did turne to the
Cornelius epistle to Fabius concerning Nouatus Likewise S. Cyprian in many places namely ep 55. nu 1. where see the notes vpon the same S. Hiero. ep 2. c. 6. Of Subdeacon there is mention in S. Augustine ep 74 and ep 20 de epistolis 22 in edit Paris S. Epiph. har● 59. S. Cyprian ep 24. S. Ignatius ep 9 ad Antioch●nos and in the 43 canon of the Apostles Conc. Tolet. 2. can 1 3. Conc. Laodicen can 21. Epist Epiph. apud Hiero. 60. c. 1. 1● In the house of God Al the vvorld being Gods yet the Church onely is his house the Rector or Ruler vvhereof at this day saith S. Ambrose vpon this place is damasus where let our louing brethren note vvel how cleere a case it vvas then that the Pope of Rome vvas not the Gouernour onely of one particular See but of Christes vvhole house vvhich is the Vniuersal Church vvhose Rector this day is Gregorie the thirtenth 15. The piller of truth This place pincheth al Heretikes vvonderfully and so it euer did and therfore they oppose them selues directly against the very letter and confessed sense of the same that is cleane contrarie to the Apostle some saying the Church to be lost or hidden some to be fallen avvay from Christ these many ages some to be driuen to a corner onely of the vvorld some that it is become a stewes and the seate of Antichrist lastly the Protestants most plainely and directly that it may and doth erre and hath shamefully erred for many hundred yeres together And they say herein like them selues and for the credit of their ovvne doctrine vvhich can not be true in very deede except the Church erre euen the Church of Christ vvhich is here called the house of the liuing God But the Church vvhich is the house of God whose Rector saith S. Ambrose in his time was Damasus and novv Gregorie the thirtenth and in the Apostles time S. Peter is the piller of truth the establishement of al veritie therfore it can not erre It hath the Spirit of God to lead it into al truth till the vvorldes end therfore it can not erre It is builded vpon a rocke hel gates shal not preuaile against it therfore it can not erre Christ is in it til the end of the vvorld he hath placed in it Apostles Doctors Pastors and Rulers to the consummation and ful perfection of the whole body that in the meane time we be not caried about vvith euery blast of doctrine therfore it can not erre He hath praied for it that it be sanctified in veritie that the faith of the cheefe Gouernour therof faile not it is his house his spouse his body his lotte kingdom and inheritance giuen him in this vvorld he loueth it as his ovvne flesh and it can not be diuorced or separated from him therfore it can not erre the nevv Testament Scriptures Sacraments and sacrifice can not be changed being the euerlasting dourie of the Church continued and neuer rightly occupied in any other Church but in this our Catholike Church therfore it can not erre And therfore al those pointes of doctrine faith and vvorship vvhich the Arians Manichees Protestants Anabaptistes other old or new Heretikes vntruely thinke to be errors in the Church be no errors in deede but them selues most shamfully are deceiued and so shal be still til they enter againe into this house of God vvhich is the piller and ground of al truth that is to say not onely it self free from al error in faith and religion but the piller and stay to leane vnto in al doubtes of doctrine and to stand vpon against al heresies and errors that il times yeld without vvhich there can be no certaintie nor securitie And therfore the holy Apostles and Councels of Nice and Constantinople made it an article of our Creeds to beleeue the CATHOLIKE and APOSTOLIKE CHVRCH Vvhich is not onely to acknowledge that there is such a Church as heretikes falsely say but that that which is called the Catholike Church knovven so to be and cōmunicateth vvith the See Apostolike is the Church and that vve must beleeue heare and obey the same as the touch stone piller and firmament of truth For al this is comprised in that principle I beleeue the Catholike Church And therfore the Coūcel of Nice said I beleeue in the Church that is I beleeue and trust the same in al things Neither can the Heretikes escape by fleing from the knovven visible Church to the hid congregation or companie of the Predestinate For that is but a false phantastical apprehension of Vvicleffe and his folowers The companie of the Predestinate maketh not any one Societie among them selues many of them being yet vnborne and many yet Infidels and heretikes and therfore be not of the one house of God vvhich is here called the piller of truth And those of the Predestinate that be already of the Church make not a seueral companie from the knovven Catholike Church but are baptized houseled taught they liue and die in the common Catholike visible Church or els they can neither receiue Sacraments nor saluation S. Paul instructeth not Timothee hovv to teach preach correct and conuerse in the inuisible societie of the Predestinate but in the visible house of God So that it must needes be the visible Church which can not erre If any make further question how it can be that any companie or societie of men as the Church is can be void of error in faith seing al men may erre he must knovv that it is not by nature but by priuilege of Christes presence of the Holy Ghosts assistance of our Lordes promis and praier See S. Augustine vpon these vvordes of the 118 Psalme Cone 13. Ne auferas de ore meo verbum veritatis vsqucquaque Vvhere he hath goodly speaches of this matter For the same purpose also these vvordes of Lactantius are very notable It is the Catholike Church onely that keepeth the true vvorship of God this is the fountaine of truth this the house of faith this the Temple of God vvhither if any man enter not or from vvhich if any man go out he is an aliene and stranger from the hope of euerlasting life and saluation No man must by obstinate contention flatter him self for it standeth vpon life and saluation c. S. Cyprian saith The Church neuer departeth fr●m that vvhich she once hath knovven Ep. 55 ad Cornel. nu 3. S. Ireneus saith That the Apostles haue laid vp in the Church as in a rich treasurie al truth And that she keepeth wish most sincere diligence the Apostles faith and preaching li. 3 c. 4. 40. li. 1. c. 3. It vvere an infinite thing to recite al that the fathers say of this matter al counting it a most pernicious absurditie to affirme that the Church of Christ may erre in religion CHAP. IIII.
He prophecieth that certaine should depart from the Catholike faith vvilling Timothee therfore to inculcate to the people those articles of the said faith 7 Item to exercise him self in spiritual exercise 12 to gette authoritie by example of good life 13 to studie to teach to increase in the grace giuen him by holy orders verse 1 AND the Spirit manifestly saith that in the last times certain ● shal depart from the faith attending to spirites of errour and doctrines of diuels ✝ verse 2 speaking lies in hypocrisie and hauing their conscience seared ✝ verse 3 ● forbidding to marie to abstaine from meates vvhich God created to receaue vvith thankes-giuing for the faithful and them that haue knovven the truth ✝ verse 4 For euery creature of God is good and nothing to be reiected that is receiued ● vvith thankes-giuing ✝ verse 5 For it is ● sanctified by the vvord of God and praier ✝ verse 6 These things proposing to the brethren thou shalt be a good minister of Christ IESVS nourished in the vvordes of the faith and the good doctrine vvhich thou hast attained vnto ✝ verse 7 But folish and old vviues fables auoid and exercise thy self to pietie ✝ verse 8 For corporal exercise is profitable to litle but pietie is profitable to al things hauing promisse of the life that novv is and of that to come ✝ verse 9 A faithful saying and vvorthie of al acceptation ✝ verse 10 For to this purpose vve labour and are reuiled because vve hope in the liuing God vvhich is the Sauiour of al men especially of the faithful ✝ verse 11 Commaund these things and teach ✝ verse 12 Let no man contemne thy youth but be an example of the faithful in vvord in conuersation in charitie in faith in chastitie ✝ verse 13 Til I come attend vnto reading exhortation doctrine ✝ verse 14 Neglect not ″ the grace that is in thee vvhich is giuen thee by prophecie vvith imposition of the handes ″ of priesthod ✝ verse 15 These things doe thou meditate be in these things that thy profiting may be manifest to al. ✝ verse 16 Attend to thy self and to doctrine be earnest in them For this doing thou shalt ″ saue both thy self and them that heare thee ANNOTATIONS CHAP. IIII. 1. Shal depart It is the proper description of Heretikes to forsake their former faith and to be Apostataes as the Greeke vvord importeth to giue care to particular spirites of error deception rather then to the Spirit of Christ in his Church to folovv in hypocrisie and shevv of vertue the pernicious doctrine of Diuels vvho are the suggesters and prompters of al Sectes and are lying spirites in the mouthes of al Heretikes and false preachers men that haue put their conscience to silence and made it senses to the holy hurches admonition the Apostle noting * once before also in this same Epistle that Heretikes haue no conscience vvhich is the cause both of their fall and of their obduration in heresie ● Forbidding to marrie He speaketh saith S. Chrysostom of the Manichees Encratites and Marcionistes h● 12 in 1 Tim. S. Ambrose vpon this place addeth to these the Patritians also S. Irenaeus li. 1 c. 30. S. Epiphanius har 45. 26. 61. 30. S. Hierom 1 cont louin c. 1. ep 50 c. 1 3. S. Augustine har 25. 40. and generally al antiquitie affirme the same both of them and also of the Heretikes called Apostolici Ebionitae and the like Their heresie about mariage vvas that to marrie or to vse the act of matrimonie is of Satan as S. Irenaeus vvitnesseth li. 1 c. 22 and that the distinction of male and femal and the creation of man and vvoman for generation came of an il God They taught their hearers saith S. Augustine that if they did vse vvomen they should in any vvise prouide that they might not conceiue or beare children Clemens Alexandrinus li. 3. Strom in principie vvriteth that such admit no mariage nor procreation of children lest they should bring into the vvorld creatures to suffer miserie and mortalitie And this is the damnable opinion concerning mariage noted here by the Apostle For the second point consisting in the prohibition of meates or vse of certaine creatures made to be eaten the said Heretikes or diuers of them for they vvere not al of one sect touching these points taught that men might not eate certaine sortes of meates specially of beastes and liuing creatures for that they vvere not made say they of the good God but of the euil And vvine they called the gall of the Prince of darkenes and not to be drunke at al and the Vine vvhereof it came to be of the Diuels creation And diuers other creatures they cōdemned as things by nature and creation polluted and abominable August har Manich. 46. har 25 Tatian toto libro de m●r Manich. to 1. Lo these vvere the Heretikes and their heresies vvhich S. Paul here prophecieth of that forbid mariage and meates as you haue heard for vvhich they and their folovvers vvere condemned in diuers Councels Is it not novv an intolerable impudencie of the Protestants vvho for a smal similitude of vvordes in the eares of the simple apply this text to the fastes of the Church and the chastitie of Priests and Religious As though either by appointing or vsing some daies of abstinence from certaine meates the Church or any Catholike man condemned the said meates vnles the Rechabites Hierom. 35. or the Nazarites Num. 6. or the Niniuites Ion. 3. or Moyses Exod. 34. or Elias 3 Reg. 19. or holy Anna the vvidow Luc. 2 or Iohn Baptist Mat. 3 9. or Christ him self M● 4. commending vsing and folovving a prescript number of fasting daies or God him self that in the very beginning in Paradise prescribed abstinence from the fruite of one certaine tree and after appointed so many fastes in the Lavv vnles he therfore condēned his ovvne creatures the rest those creatures from vvhich they abstained No there be many good and lavvful causes to forbid some or to abstaine frō some meates as for obedience as in Paradise for significatiō as the Ievves for that they haue been offered to Idols as in the Epistle to the Corinthians for chastening the bodie and penance for health also and onely those causes are vnlavvful for vvhich the Manichees and other Heretikes abstained Concerning mariage likewise they may as vvel charge God or the Church for forbidding the father to marrie the daughter or the brother the sister or other prohibited persons in the Lavv as vvel might they charge Christ and the Apostle for prohibiting the man to marrie during his vviues life and appointing vvidowes that serue the Church to liue vnmaried and not admitting a maried woman as vvel as vvidovv nor her that hath had moe husbands as vvel as her that hath beē maried but once as they