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A08610 The monument of matrones conteining seuen seuerall lamps of virginitie, or distinct treatises; whereof the first fiue concerne praier and meditation: the other two last, precepts and examples, as the woorthie works partlie of men, partlie of women; compiled for the necessarie vse of both sexes out of the sacred Scriptures, and other approoued authors, by Thomas Bentley of Graies Inne student.; Monument of matrones. Part 1-4. Bentley, Thomas, student of Gray's Inn.; Abergavenny, Frances Nevill, Lady, d. 1576.; Marguerite, Queen, consort of Henry II, King of Navarre, 1492-1549. Miroir de l'âme pécheresse. English & French.; Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1512-1548. Lamentacion of a sinner.; Tyrwhit, Elizabeth, Morning and evening prayers.; Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1512-1548. Prayers or meditacions. 1582 (1582) STC 1892; ESTC S101562 669,543 1,114

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iniquitie shall be suppressed and thy chosen children be fullie endued with that perfect glorie in the which now our Lord Iesus Christ reigneth to whome with thee O father and the holie Ghost be all honour praise and glorie now and euer Amen In time of inuasion by the Turke and Infidels that make warre in anie part of Christendome praie and that earnestlie as followeth OMnipotent and eternall God father of our Lord Iesus Christ maker preseruer and mainteiner both of heauen and earth together with thy coeternall sonne and the holie Ghost we haue sinned O Lord with our fathers we haue done amisse and dealt wickedlie and therfore we confesse that by thy righteous iudgements we are iustlie punished and haue trulie deserued that barbarous nations and cruell Turks making inuasion into Christendome should spoile vs of our goods ouerthrowe Schooles Churches Common-weales make pitifull hauocke of the promiscuous mixt or confused multitude of sillie weake people as they were sheepe prepared to the shambles and carrie miserable men from the sweet bosoms of their deere freends into far and barbarous nations to a slauerie more greeuous than death O God it is thou which hast repelled vs yea thou makest vs a shame to the nations for our sinnes and goest not foorth to war with our armies Thou makest vs to turne our backs vpon our enimies so that they which hate vs spoile our goods Thou lettest vs to bee eaten like sheepe and hast scattered vs among the heathen Thou sellest thy people for naught and takest no monie for them Therefore he the heathen come into thine inheritance thy holie Temple haue they defiled they haue destroied our townes and houses and brought them into an heape of stones The dead bodies of thy seruants haue they giuen to be meate to the fowles of the aire and the flesh of thy Saincts vnto the beasts of the land Their bloud haue they shed like water on euerie side and there was no man to burie them We are become an open shame to our enimies a verie scorne and derision vnto them that are round about vs. O Lord in these mischieuous warres and in the middest of fatall or mortall punishments which threaten an horrible mutation of worldlie empires we flie vnto thee saieng Helpe vs O God of our saluation for the glorie of thy name O deliuer vs and be mercifull vnto our sinnes O Lord deale not with vs according to our sinnes neither reward vs after our iniquities but haue mercie vpon vs and that soone for we are come to great miserie Looke vpon our aduersitie and miserie and forgiue vs all our sinnes Consider our enimies how manie they be and they beare a tyrannicall hate against vs. Thou which aforetime didst remit the offences of thy people diddest couer all their sinnes and didst turne awaie thine heauie indignation from them turne vs we humblie beseech thee O God our Sauiour and remooue awaie thy displeasure from vs also that in true repentance wee may please thee for thy sonne Christs sake Wilt thou be displeased at vs for euer Or wilt thou stretch thy wrath from one generation to another Oh let the sorowfull sighing of the prisoners come before thee according to the greatnesse of thy power preserue thou those that are appointed to die Powre out thine indignation rather vpon the heathen that haue not knowne thee and vpon the kingdoms that haue not called vpon thy name that all nations may knowe that thou takest vengeance of the bloud of thy seruants that is shed Consider the mortall threatenings of our enimies that they exercise not their crueltie vpon vs and saie triumphantlie Where is now their God Keepe from our necks the greeuous yoke of the Turkish bondage and represse the furiousnesse of all tyrants which labour to spoile and make hauocke of thy Church to abolish true doctrine praiers and pure religion that they may bring in paganisme and build vp idolatrie errours and blasphemous ceremonies Defend our Churches our politike gouernance our Schooles and Uniuersities our cities and dwelling places Suffer not good studies learning religion and lawes being ouerthrowne these our townes to be reduced into stables for sauage Mahomets Turkish tyrants or other bloudie tyrants which hate thee and vs extremelie Arme the right arme of our gratious Queene and hir Nobles as also all other Christian Emperours Kings and Potentates that they may fight for our lawes liues and libertie Teach their hands to warre and their fingers to fight Increase in them an inuincible courage of mind that inflamed through the zeale of thy religion they may valiantlie withstand the Turks which are the mortall enimies of thy deere Sonne and of his Church Guide thou the hands of such as doo fight in the cause of thy religion and grant them happie successe ouer all their enimies For a king is not preserued by his great armie and a giant shall not be saued by the multitude of his host nor warlike strength but the victorie proceedeth from the heauens At thy rebuke O God the chariot and horses fall downe Thou shalt take awaie the courage of princes and art terrible vnto the kings of the earth O be thou our helpe in trouble for vaine is the helpe of man Through thee O mightie Iehoua we shall doo great acts and thou wilt tread our enimies vnder thy feet that they come to naught through our Lord Iesus Christ Amen A thanks-giuing vnto God for the Christians victorie had against the Turks O Mercifull Father O Lord God of hosts the onelie protector and defender of thine heritage against whome no might no power nor counsell can preuaile who of thy great mercie without our merit or deseruing hast at all times protected defended vs from the cruell hand of our enimies and mightilie deliuered vs euen out of the mouth of the roring Lion we yeeld vnto thee O father for these thy great goodnesses and mercies most humble hartie thanks and especiallie O father we praise thy holie name that at this present thou hast saued and deliuered thy people from the great assaults and dangers of that same professed mightie enimie of Christian Religion the Turke and also hast giuen vnto the people which fought thy battels battelled vnder thy banner and trusted onlie in thy helpe so great and notable a victorie for the which O Lord God we doo laud and magnifie thy holie name for euer through Christ our Captaine Redeemer and Sauiour beseeching thee for thy mercifull goodnesse that thou wouldest sheeld vs vnder thy mightie protection for euer that we hauing the fruition of godlie peace through thy mercie may the rest of these few daies which we haue to liue lead a peaceable and a quiet life in all pietie and honestie through Christ our Lord to whome with thee and the holie Ghost be all honour glorie and praise for euer and euer Amen O God whose nature and propertie is euer to haue mercie and to forgiue receiue our humble petitions And though
the elder married woman to liue louinglie faithfullie and quietlie with hir husband the woman with child to escape the pit of so great perils and to be thankfull for hir mightie deliuerance after childbirth the midwife and women assistants dutifullie and diligentlie to aid comfort and cherish the trauelling woman the mother carefullie to bring vp hir children the daughter naturallie to cherish and obeie hir mother the mother in lawe to liue charitablie and louinglie with the daughter in lawe againe the daughter in lawe to be haue hir selfe christianlie and curteouslie to the mother in lawe the dame or mistresse to intreate hir handmaids well the handmaids to shew all dutifull and faithfull seruice to their mistresse the widowe to comfort hir selfe in all sorrowes the old woman to number hir daies that she may applie hir hart vnto wisedome both yoong and old one and other to consider their creation condition vocation and saluation the better to liue to learne to learne to liue and to liue to die To conclude a Lampe I saie for all estates and degrees of women generallie to carrie euer in their hands and hart by the burning light and flaming fire of the reading whereof their faith knowledge zeale deuotion perseuerance in praier almes deeds fasting with the loue of God and their brethren the desire of vertue and all maner of godlinesse shall be thoroughlie kindled and increased in them so oft as they war cold heauie drowsie slouthfull dull negligent and remisse by too much bodilie ease worldlie prosperitie vaine pleasures pomps and delights of this wretched life and they at all times made readie like wise and prudent virgins to meet the bridegroome whensoeuer he commeth to be receiued of him and to enter with him ioifullie into the celestiall wedding chamber of his eternall happinesse there to glorifie and praise him for euer and euer Secondlie a Mirrour for all sorts of wicked women as in a cleere glasse with Athalia Iezabell Herodias and such like perfectlie to see their shamelesse pride crueltie idolatrie and contempt of religion with Putiphers wife to behold their incontinencie and infidelitie towards their husbands with Appam their shamelesse impudencie with Cozbi their manifest whoordomè and adulterie with the witch of Fndor their abhominable sorceries with Queene Dasthy their disobeence to their souereigne with Bethshemah and Iudith their rebellious stubbornesse to their louing parents in lawe with Hagar their contempt of their mistresse with Miviant their murmuring against their onelie brother with Heua their subtiltie and couetousnes to beguile their husbands with Zipporah Michol Iobs wife old Anna Tobit c. their vnsemelie vpbraidings and bitter taunting or chiding of their godlie husbands c. least that for their great impietie and vngodlinesse with Queene Maacha they be deposed from their seate of maiestie or with Baara and Q. Dasthy they be diuorced from their husbands or with Athalia they be slaine without the temple or with Cozbi be thrust through with a sword or with Iezabel in all their brauerie they be throwne headlong downe into the street out of their owne windowe and be eaten and deuoured of dogs and so want the honour of christian buriall or with Saphyra be striken with sudden death at the Apostles feete or with the Leuites wife be shamefullie abused to death and after chopt in peeces or with Samsons wife be burnt to ashes in the house where they dwell to conclude least with the whoore of Babel they be cast quicke into the bottomlesse pit of perdition or with the flue foolish virgins they be shut cleane out of heauen and go aliue downe into hell there to be damned for euer if in time they call not for grace to beware and repent them of their former wickednesse Againe a Mirrour contrariwise for all godlie and vertuous women plainlie to behold the faith religion modestie sobrietie sinceritie of life and conuersation of Sara Ruth Q. Candaces Bernice Susanna Elizabeth the blessed virgine Marie c. The holinesse deuotion feare of God iustice vprightnesse c. of Hanna Q. Hester c. The rare wisedome excellent knowledge great learning politike gouernement courage magnanimitie with the memorable vertues of Deborah Abigael Bethsheba Huldah Iacl the woman of Tekoah Philips foure daughters the Ladie commended by saint Iohn c. The famous cities and statelie territories and towers built by Sherah that noble Gentlewoman to hir perpetuall renowme The bountifull hospitalitie great liberalitie and often almes deeds of the Shunamitesse that vertuous Gentlewoman of Dorcas Lydia Ioanna Iudith c. The constant and faithfull loue towards their husbands of Sara Michol Susanna c. The motherlie and carefull affection towards their children of Sara Hannah Bethsheba the blessed virgine Marie the widowe of Sarepta Samsons mother c. The dutifull obedience towards their parents of Q. Hester Iepthas daughter Orpha Ruth Sara c. The good intreatie and christian behauiour towards their handmaids of Sara Lea Iudith c. The fidelitie and obedient seruice towards their mistresse of Hagar Abia Rhode c. The great kindnesse and curtesie towards their freends kindred and aliance of Bethsheba Elizabeth Q. Hester Iehosheba Rizpah c. The womanlie pitie tender harted compassion and affection toward the distressed and persecuted members of Christ of Puah Shiphrah Rachel Pharaos daughter Rizpah O Hester Iehosheba Pilaces wife Marie Magdalen Martha c. The sore labour and paines taking to get their owne liuing of Anna Tobit Lydia Naomy Ruth Dorcas c. Finallie the admirable humilitie and inuincible patience and constancie in all aduersities and persecution euen to the death and martyrdome of Iepthas daughter Susanna the mother of the seuen brethren and women of the Machabites and manie other that looking in this glasse of the holie liues of their foremothers they may christianlie conforme and adorne themselues after their good examples and become for their rare vertues verie beautifull spouses in the fight of their spirituall bridegroome Iesus Christ to whom as the kings daughters they may appeere all glorious within and of whom with the lambes wife they may be marked in the forehead with the testimonie of his name Iesus to the end that being clothed with the sunne of righteousnesse and crowned with the twelue stars of God and his word and treading the moone of this worldlie affections vnder their feet they may euermore be deliuered by him their valiant Michael and his angels from the power of the red dragon which so greedilie gapeth to deuoure them and possesse their soules in patience in the restfull place of the presence of God long since prepared for the elect where they shall be nourished and preserued for time times and together with all holie virgins matrones martyrs and elect people of God ioifullie triumph and be glad for the gift of their euerlasting happinesse Thirdlie a Diall of deuotion to direct you by the glorious globe and shine of the bright sunne of righteousnesse which inlighteneth all
setting foorth of thy most glorious inuisible and eternall Maiestie in this my fraile earthlie and visible maiestie may cleerelie shine and appeare in me to the benefit of thy Church farre and neere And that I remembring whose minister I am may first aboue all things in a perfect zeale of thy house and loue of thy people euer seeke thy honour and glorie and studie continuallie to preserue thy people committed to my charge in wealth peace and godlinesse Deere Father so blesse mee so loue mee so in the spirit of counsell prudence knowledge and fortitude sanctifie strengthen and direct me that in a perfect faith feare and loue as in thy sight I may walke vprightlie without offence giuing in the obedience of thy holie word and fulfilling of thy blessed commandements all the daies of my life and may be a true follower of that King which is the Souereigne ouer the holie hill of Zion whose seate and kingdome endureth for euer Giue mee grace both thankfullie to acknowledge thy manifold great benefits bestowed vpon mee and also faithfullie and diligentlie to discharge my dutie towards thee and thy people in executing thy iudgements indifferentlie without parcialitie to the aduancement of thy kingdome the establishment of my throne and the vniuersall comfort and commoditie of all thy people Make me good Lord of an entire affection and perfect hart towards thee and of an humble and gentle spirit towards all vnder my gouernement after the example of Christ our eternall King who to fulfill thy will O GOD did vouchsafe to take flesh of the virgin Marie and became man for man that man might become a God vnto men and who also did verie much abase and humble himselfe as a seruant euen vnto the death of the Crosse to redeeme both Prince and people out of thrall and bondage of sinne Sathan death and hell Let my naturall affection and disposition I saie O Lord continue to my foes terrible to my subiects amiable to mine offenders mercifull to the vertuous bountifull to all men indifferent and parciall to none that being guided by thee to gouerne thy people iustlie in all godlie peace and quietnesse I may be able with a good conscience to witnesse of mine integritie before thee and all the world as thy faithfull seruants Moses Samuel and Nehemias somtimes did of theirs and boldlie and trulie with them saie Behold here I am beare record of me before the Lord before his annointed Whose oxe or whose asse haue I forceablie taken awaie Or whom haue I done anie wrong to Or whom haue I iniured or hurt Or of whose hand haue I receiued anie bribes to blind mine eies therewith and I will restore it you that my people seeing and well perceiuing my motherlie affection faithfull gouernement carefull diligence and diligent watchfulnesse ouer them by all meanes to doo them all the good I possiblie may or can in thee may woorthilie witnesse rightlie answere and iustlie confesse and saie of me to thy glorie and my perpetuall praise as the Israelites heretofore said of Samuel That I haue not grieued them nor troubled my land by oppression or iniurie that I haue not hurt them nor taken ought of anie mans hand nor by anie meanes either by my selfe or others willinglie abused my power or dealt vniustlie with my people Oh kindle more and more in my hart I beseech thee most holie Father a pure zele aboue all things to promote thy glorie and a vigilant care not onelie to serue thee my selfe sincerelie but also to haue thee diligentlie serued of my familie people And to this end vouchsafe I praie thee both to adorne me with all thy heauenlie gifts and also to blesse my whole familie court and houshold with thy graces and vertues that all these both high and lowe one and other which are placed therein vnder me may for their vertuous life true faith and right religion towards thee their God and for their loiall harts and conscionable obedience towards me their Prince and Mistres and for their entire affection and charitie one towards another as brethren and lastlie for their hartie loue and naturall good-will they beare to their Commonwelth and countrie be an example and patterne of true godlinesse and puritie both in religion and life for all the whole Realme and countrie yea the whole world besides to followe as their head fountaine and light Moreouer O blessed God as hitherto by thy mightie protection thou hast preserued me and in thy great mercie maugre the heads of all mine enimies miraculouslie hast deliuered me and established me in this my kingdome thus long in admirable peace and blessed quietnesse all glorie and praise be rendered vnto thy glorious name therfore so I beseech thy gratious goodnesse O Lord in like mercie to blesse preserue maintaine keepe and defend me and my Realme still from all both forreine and domesticall conspiracies treasons deceits and violences of enimies and from all other dangers and perils imminent and to come both bodilie and ghostlie publike and priuate that I may still gouerne blessedlie ouer a blessed people and my Realme and people by thy defence and protection continue in the truth of thy Gospell and happie enioieng of perfect peace and quietnesse both outward and inward Thou O Lord of hosts hast ordeined me the Gouernour ouer thy people and made my people to be thy people and thou Lord art become our God yea and our great and mightie God besides whom wee haue none other God I knowe also my God that thou triest the hart and hast pleasure in righteousnesse behold therefore I offer vow and dedicate my selfe willinglie and entirelie in the vprightnesse of my hart to serue and worship thee onelie for euer with ioie and therfore am I thine handmaid bold to praie this praier vnto thee beseeching thee for euer to keepe me and to helpe me in this my good purpose of holie seruing and worshipping of thee For that which I haue hitherto done is nothing at all to speake of O direct thou continuallie the thoughts of my mind and prepare my hart euermore vnto thee Giue vnto me thine handmaid a perfect hart to keepe thy commandements thy testimonies and thy statutes and cause me to vse my power lawfullie to the reforming both of thy house and estates according to the prescript rule of thy written word reuealed will that so it may please thee O Lord God to confirme for euer thy mercifull promises made vnto me in my father DAVID and to blesse the throne or house of thy seruant with thy blessing that it may continue and be established before thee for euer And that this may the better come to passe to the glorie of thy name the benefit of thy Church and wealth of my Realme as I hartilie wish and desire remoue far from thy Church far from me O excellent father all those which fall from thee by infidelitie and are through obstinate wilfulnesse traiterous rebels to thy sacred
harts and clense our filthie soules from sinne Daugh. And by thy spirit and gifts of grace make vs a holie life for to beginne The praier Mother O Lord GOD most mercifull father who as vpon this daie placing thy seruant our most deer Souereigne and most gratious Queene Elizabeth in the Empire of this kingdome diddest deliuer thy people of England from danger of war and oppression both of bodies by tyrannie of conscience by superstition restoring peace and true religion with libertie both of bodies and minds and hast continued the same thy blessings without all desert on our part now by the space of these foure and twentie yeeres We who are in memorie of these thy great benefits assembled here togither most humblie beseech thy fatherlie goodnesse to grant vs grace that we may in word deed and hart shew our selues thankfull and obedient vnto thee for the same and that Elizabeth our vertuous Queene through thy grace may in all honour goodnesse and godlinesse long and manie yeeres liue and reigne ouer vs and we obeie and enioie hir Maiestie with the continuance of thy great blessings which thou hitherto hast by hir thy blessed minister powred vpon vs hir people This we beseech thee to grant vnto vs for thy deere Son Iesus Christs sake our Lord and Sauiour Daughter Amen Or else saie thus WE yeeld vnto thee most mightie and mercifull father immortall thanks for that it hath pleased thee of thy meere mercie and fatherlie bountie after the stormes of so manie troublesome times to conduct vs as vpon this daie out of banishment and exile into the comfortable port of tranquillitie by the hand of thy most gratious seruant and our deere Souereigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth When we were as sheepe wandering astraie in the wildernesse thou ordeinedst hir Maiestie to bee our shepheard to gather vs againe into thy sheepefold When we had beene long tossed hither thither with the outrage and cruell furie of tyrannicall persecution like a poore weather-beaten barke that hath beene continuallie tormoiled and tossed on the perilous surges of the outragious and swelling seas finding no sure rode nor harborough wherein to rest but continuallie in danger either to sinke into the sands or to be ouerwhelmed with waues or violentlie to be dashed in peeces against the maine rocks Euen then I saie when we despaired vtterlie of safegard standing stil in feare of the hazard of euerlasting confusion thou cōmittedst the helme to be guided by hir Graces wisedome who at last conducted vs into the hauen of this long desired peace and tranquillitie Therefore whereas thou hast placed hir in the regal throne to be our Dauid our Iosias our Samuel yea to be our shepheard and ring-leader in the waie of true holinesse and sincere religion Inspire hir mind with the manifold blessings of thy grace that she may walke all the daies of hir life in the path of thy commandements and happilie discharge hir dutie in that stewardship and dispensation which thou hast committed to hir Maiesties hands Inflame hir mind more and more with the loue of thy holie Gospell that all hir deeds thoughts and practises may tend to the propagation and planting of thy word and Christian religion in these hir Maiesties dominions Incline the motions of hir vertuous disposition aboue all things to seeke thine honour and glorie to sowe the seeds of the Catholike faith abundantlie in all places to cut off the brood of superstition and idolatrie to constitute true preachers of thy word and stablish euerie where thine holie Gospell and true religion Preserue hir most mercifull Father as hitherto thou hast most miraculouslie done from the diuelish deuises and practises of hir enimies that she may haue a long and happie reigne among vs to the aduancement of thy glorie and ioie and comfort of all vs hir subiects Let hir naturall disposition continue to hir foes terrible to hir subiects amiable to hir offenders mercifull to the vertuous bountifull indifferent to all men and in all respects parciall in no point neither in causes ecclesiasticall nor yet in matters concerning politike gouernement Assist hir most mercifull Father with the might of thy heauenlie spirit to quaile the pride of the triple-headed Romish Cerberus to banish his beggerlie ceremonies to abridge the terme of his reigne and finallie to cut off and preuent the seeds that continuallie striue to spring vp from abhominable superstition and idolatrie Grant hir grace most mercifull Father to run the remnant of hir race in the right path of thy commandements declining neither to the right hand nor to the left but so vsing all times thy heauenlie word as the rule and compasse to direct hir course Preserue hir Grace most mercifull Father in continuall health of bodie and quietnesse of mind that she may be alwaies able to rule the bridle of hir high charge and to execute right and iustice to all sorts and degrees to the aduancement of thy glorie and the vniuersall commoditie of hir Maiesties subiects And finallie grant O most mercifull Father that when it shall please thee to end the terme of hir daies in this world thou wilt make hir partaker of the celestiall ioies which are prepared for them that feare and loue thee since the foundation of the world Grant this most mercifull Father for thy deere Sonne our Lord Iesus Christs sake to whom with thee and the holie Ghost three persons one God be all glorie honour and praise world without end Amen Another thanks-giuing and praier vnto God for the preseruation of the Queenes Maiestie and the Realme ALmightie God and most mercifull Father which in thy great mercies hast both giuen vnto vs a peaceable Prince and gratious Queene and also haft hitherto verie often and miraculouslie saued hir from sundrie great perils and imminent dangers and by hir mercifull vnbloudie and gratious gouernement hast preserued vs and the whole Realme from manifold mischiefs and dreadfull plagues wherewith nations round about vs haue beene and yet be most greeuouslie afflicted haue mercie vpon them O Lord and grant vs grace we beseech thee for these thy great benefits that wee may be hartilie thankfull and obedient vnto thee to flie from all things that may offend thee and prouoke thy wrath and indignation against vs and to order our liues in all things that may please thee that thy seruant our Souereigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth and we thy people committed to hir charge may by thy protection be continuallie preserued from all treacherous deceits and violences of enimies and from all other dangers and perils both bodilie and ghostlie and by thy goodnesse may be maintained in all peace and godlinesse Grant this O mercifull Father for thy deere sonnes sake our Sauiour Iesus Christ to whom with thee and the holie Ghost be all honour and glorie for euer and euer Amen Another meditation to be vsed especiallie vpon the 17. daie of Nouember wherein the godlie English giueth thanks to God for the
victorie ouer all hir enimies a long prosperous and honourable life vpon earth a blessed end and life euerlasting Moreouer O Lord grant vnto hir Maiesties most honourable Counsellers and euerie other member of this thy Church of England that they we in our seuerall callings may trulie and godlie serue thee Plant in our harts true feare and honor of thy name obedience to our Prince and loue to our neighbours Increase in vs true faith and religion Replenish our minds with all goodnes and of thy great mercie keepe vs in the same till the end of our liues Giue vnto vs a godlie zeale in praier true humilitie in prosperitie perfect patience in aduersitie and continuall ioie in the holie Ghost And lastlie I commend vnto thy fatherlie protection all that thou hast giuen me as husband children and seruants Aid me O Lord that I may gouerne nourish and bring them vp in thy feare and seruice And forasmuch as in this world I must alwaies be at warre and strife not with one sort of enimies but with an infinite number not onelie with flesh and bloud but with the diuell which is the prince of darkenesse and with wicked men executors of his most damnable will grant me therefore thy grace that being armed with thy defence I may stand in this battell with an inuincible constancie against all corruption which I am compassed with on euerie side vntill such time as I hauing ended the combate which during this life I must susteine in the end I may atteine to thy heauenlie rest which is prepared for me and all thine elect through Christ our Lord and onlie sauiour Amen Another praier for mortification and holinesse O Lord our God most gratious and most mercifull I doo acknowledge before thee that I am vnwoorthie to appeare before thy high Maiestie to offer vp vnto thee a sacrifice of praier being full of sinne and corruption naturallie glad of euill and vnprofitable to good yea beeing so miserable that I see not my miserie I feele it not I bewaile it not as I ought to doo but multiplie mine iniquities prouoking thy iust iudgement against me My zeale is cold my loue feeble my exercises of religion faint and few and I take no waie but that which leadeth from euill to worsse and finallie would leade me from sinne to the reward of sinne All this is true deere Father yet my hart is not moued with feare all this true yet I doo not sorowe for it but walke with ioie where I must if I continue reape affliction Therefore be mercifull vnto me and blesse me be mercifull vnto me and in Christ Iesus wash awaie all mine iniquities be mercifull vnto me and create in me a new hart and prepare it to praier and to thy holie seruice For thou alone O Lord art my hope and the mightie God of my saluation Thou hast giuen me a desire to serue thee O teach me that I may doo it and the good worke which thou hast begun make it perfect in me that I may no more loue goodnesse and yet followe vanitie but that my good desires in thee may be increased and all of them accomplished so shall I praise thee and magnifie thee for euer For there is no honour but thy honour no glorie but thy glorie O Lord. It is in vaine to trust in princes but trulie to trust in the Lord bringeth plentifull saluation From age to age it hath appeared that thou O Lord God art mercifull and that in thy courts there is nothing but truth and holinesse This world is full of vanitie full of pride full of rebellion and the flesh also The world hath manie baits to destruction and the flesh doth delight in them they are sworne togither to betraie vs to Sathan yea we betraie our selues Therfore deere Father by the crosse of Christ mortifie in vs the deeds of the flesh and crucifie both vs to the world and the world to vs that our soules may liue In our generall calling make vs obedient to serue thee in holinesse and righteousnesse all the daies of our life in our particular callings also make vs faithfull that we may neither put awaie a good conscience nor make shipwracke of faith I beleeue O Lord helpe mine vnbeleefe In the daie of peace and prosperitie make vs sober in the daie of trouble and aduersitie make vs to looke vp and cheerfullie to wait and trust in thee for our deliuerance that our enimies mouthes may be stopped by our godlie conuersation and their harts pricked with zeale to turne vnto thee Neither doo I praie O Lord for my selfe alone but for the whole bodie vnto the which I am ingraffed by Christ Iesus that is for thy Church O God for thine inheritance that thou wouldest increase it from one end of the world to another that all nations may worship before thy footstoole Especiallie O Lord I praie for them that professe thy Gospell as for this our nation that thou wouldest be mercifull vnto it turning our harts to thee for our gratious Souereigne the Queene and for all hir Counsell that thou wouldest powre thy graces vpon them to the discharge of their dutie and our peace for all the holie teachers of thy Church that thou wouldest blesse them and their labours for the peace and full beautie of this Church for the peace and wealth of the Commonwealth We praie thee also for to blesse the meanes to bring this to passe also we praie thee for our parents for all others to whom we owe especiall loue or seruice but principallie we beseech thee to shew thy compassion vpon all that are in persecution for thy Gospell O Lord increase and renew their strength giue them victorie and turne their aduersaries harts if they apperteine to thine holie election otherwise O Lord bring vpon them the cōfusion that they would bring vpon others and into the pit that they haue digged let them fall and neuer rise vp againe O Lord heare vs in these suits pardon our dull spirits in praier and giue vs these and all other graces needfull for vs and thy Church to thy glorie for our Lord Iesus Christs sake in whose name as he hath taught vs so we praie saieng Our Father c. After that you may ad anie morning or euening praier Another verie deuout praier for grace and mercie O Lord God almightie three in persons yet but one GOD who both art in all and wast before all and wilt be in all things a blessed God for euermore Now and alwaies into thine hands I doo commend both my soule my bodie my sight hearing tasting smelling and feeling with all my cogitations affections actions outward and inward things my sense and vnderstanding my memorie my faith and beleefe and perseuerance that thou maiest keepe them daie and night euerie houre and moment O sacred Trinitie heare my petition and saue mee from all euill from offending and from sinning anie maner of waie from all snares and pursuits
precepts and examples meet for meditation instruction and imitation to all posteritie And now in most dutifull maner commending and appropriating so diuine exercises of the church vnto your Maiestie the most naturall mother and noble nursse thereof the cause of a virgine to a Virgine the works of Queenes to a Queene your owne praiers to your selfe to whom indeed the particular interest and due praise and honour thereof iustlie belongeth I here prostrate on my knees in most humble maner meekelie beseech your excellent Maiestie gratiouslie of your woonted clemencie to pardon and forgiue this my too rash and bold enterprise attempted both with bashfulnesse feare and trembling and fauourablie as in like cases you are accustomed to accept these your liege subiect his great labors and painfull trauels in good part which he not to instruct your Highnesse of whose notable learning I am not able to speake but onelie for a monument of the hartie loue he beareth both to the church his deere mother and to your Maiestie his dread Souereigne hath in a godlie zeale and conscience bestowed to the good and profit of his countrie That by your Graces good liking and princelie approbation they may be both patronized against the wicked and practised of the godlie And so manie by that means with due reuerence and great honour to so honourable works may receiue these lamps as from your bountifull hand to inlighten them by your good industrie in all vertue and to prepare them by your holie example like wise virgins to perseuerance in all good works of the spirit And that therein manie may often looke and labour mightilie for your Highnesse as they are bound in feruent praier and manie mo thanks I saie be giuen of manie faithfull harts on your Maiesties behalfe for the benefit of such and so manie needfull and readie helps ministred and afoorded by your painfull hand and princelie affabilitie to your euerlasting comfort and renowme the praise of God and glorie of his deerest sonne Iesus Christ your sweet spouse Whom now for a conclusion as I began I most entirelie beseech that as of his owne good will he first loued his church my deere mother and gaue himselfe freelie for hir to sanctifie and clense hir in the most holie fountaine of water through the word to make hir vnto himselfe a beautifull virgine and glorious spouse without spot or wrinkle that she should be holie pure perfect and without blame before him so he will vouchsafe in like mercie still both to cherish defend and maintaine the same in his continuall grace religion and holinesse that she may yet bring foorth more fruit in hir age and members to his glorie and also as your spirituall spouse to set your Maiestie a most woorthie and mightie gouernor of the same euer as a seale vpon his hart to tie you fast as a signet or bracelet vpon his arme to beare you still in his owne bosome to set his eie ouer you continuallie for your health wealth and prosperitie to bend his desires alwaies towards you to doo you good that so your Highnesse may be kept in his continuall grace peace and fauour long to reigne ouer vs and also defended and preserued euermore from all bodilie and ghostlie perils and enimies to your euerlasting comfort and the reioice of all christian harts Finallie the Lord blesse your Maiestie euen out of Sion with all his heauenlie gifts and spirituall graces that hauing the principall heroicall spirit of your holie father good king Dauid doubled yea trebled in your noble and princelie hart you may as in numbers of yeeres beyond manie ages so in singular pietie and godlines far surmount excell your most noble progenitors that the remembrance of you our good Iosias may to all posterities be like the composition of the most pretious perfume of the Apothecarie and as sweet as honie in all mouthes and as harmonicall musicke at a banket of wine that in you our zealous Hezechias I saie we may still remaine in happie peace and haue an hiding place from the wind and a refuge from storms and tempests and riuers of waters to quench our thirst and temperate shadowes to shrowd vs from parching heate in a drie land so shall the harts of manie thousand virgins in England and else-where be ioifull and thankfull to God and your Maiestie so shall the daughters of Ierusalem sing ioifullie the sweet songs of Sion in their owne land with great triumph to their celestial King reigning on high ouer all yea so shal all your faithfull and louing subiects I saie in all humble obedience and dutifull seruice both towards God your Maiestie and their countrie resound by all possible meanes to all posterities your most excellent and woorthie praises vntill the comming of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ to whom with the Father and the holie Ghost be all empire honor dominion and praise now and for euer Amen Your Maiesties humble faithfull and obedient subiect THOMAS BENTLEY Lampas Virginitatis ECce tibi lucet Princeps clarissima lampas In tenebris gressus dirigat illa tuos Siquaeris librum cur lampada virginis istum Inscribam causas dico fuisse duas Vna est quòd talem praefert ecclesia lucem Expectans sponsum virgo pudica suum Altera quòd manibus virgo reginea librum Sumit cuiverae lampadis instar erit Dum Domino litat sacris indicit honorem Nuncupat Christo vota secunda suo Anna sibi lucem sibi Debora praetulit istam Inque suis Princeps ELIZABETHA malis Sic didicit lenire suas sic fallere curas Praesentémque sui poscere regis opem Quem non plena sacris placant altaria donis Non oblatorum corpora caesaboum Ille Deus Deus ille humili libamine vocum Irae deponit iusta flagella suae Illecebras carnis vincunt mundique furores Et sathanae faciunt fulmen inane preces Afflictis illae praestant solatia rebus Illis caelestes effodiuntur opes Hoc oleo plenam Domino qui lampada praebet Ille sacrificio nobiliore litat To the Christian Reader grace and truth in Christ HAuing my selfe taken no small comfort good Christian Reader by the reading and pervsing of diuers verie godlie learned and duiine treatises of meditations and praier made by sundrie right famous Queenes noble Ladies vertuous Virgins and godlie Gentlewomen of al ages who to shew themselues woorthie paternes of all pietie godlinesse and religion to their sex and for the common benefit of their countrie haue not ceased and that with all carefull industrie and earnest indeuour most painfullie and diligentlie in great feruencie of the spirit and zeale of the truth euen from their tender maidenlie yeeres to spend their time their wits their substance and also their bodies in the studies of noble and approoued sciences and in compiling and translating of sundrie most christian and godlie bookes a tast whereof you haue here in the second Lampe as
within booke or without and repent from the bottome of my hart the often omission of it in times past so I wish you good readers which christianlie haue consecrated and vowed to giue your selues to this holie exercise as the Lord I saie in mercie shall giue you grace leisure time and occasion and not suffer you to be tired with anie worldlie necessitie in the name and feare of God to obserue this or that order method forme or direction which he in his word dooth allow of or you knowe best will keepe you in the continuall faith feare and fauour of God For trust me if you will but a little together with me call these ten memorable things to your christian remembrance in this so holie an exercise First the commandements of almightie God himselfe whom in consideration of our owne great miserie and necessitie and common lacke of the christian congregation hath willed vs to call vpon him saieng Praie alwaies with all maner of praiers and supplications in the spirit and watch therevnto with all perseuerance Secondlie his most sweet and comfortable promises made gratiouslie both to heare and grant our godlie and lawfull requests saieng Aske and ye shall haue seeke and ye shall find knocke and it shall be opened vnto you for euerie one that calleth vpon the name of the Lord and departeth from iniquitie shall be saued c. Thirdlie our great and manifold sinnes whereof we are guiltie which will not suffer vs to sit still without care but briueth vs of necessitie to beg his most gratious pardon Fourthlie our feeble flesh and weake nature vnable in euerie respect to doo anie good thing which requireth continuall praier to aid and strength it Fiftlie the wilie subtiltie of our spirituall enimie sathan who priuilie lurketh in the inward parts waiting euen in our best actions to trip and ouerthrowe vs against whom we must by feruent praier vehementlie striue Sixtlie our owne greeuous assalts and cruell temptations which neuer giue vs truce rest nor quietnesse but hasten vs verie much vnto God for helpe Seuenthlie the zeale of the glorie of God and aduancement of his kingdome which ought wholie to drawe and moone vs continuallie to exercise our selues in the seruice of GOD. Eightlie the dailie dangers and continuall calamities that hourelie hang ouer our heads which giue vs all cause enough yea euen the most holie and that with sighs and grones continuallie to flie vnto God our heauenlie father and call vpon him by feruent praiers Ninthlie the infinite benefits and great blessings of God so bountifullie and plentifullie euerie waie powred continuallie vpon vs which giue vs both ample matter and iust occasion hourelie by thankesgiuing euen from the bottome of our harts to praise and magnifie him for the same Tenthlie and lastlie the great excellencie woorthinesse necessitie vertue fruit and profit of true and christian praier consisting partlie in the dignitie of God the commander and partlie in the effect of obteining of whatsoeuer we aske according to his will These things I saie good reader well considered I suppose you will saie here is nothing superfluous but all little enough to so needfull and profitable an exercise of our faith praier I meane as wherein the peace of conscience yea our whole saluation consisteth and whereby God himselfe is said to be present with vs not onelie by his prouidence to watch ouer vs but also by his power to susteine and succour vs and by his goodnesse and mercie to receiue vs into his fatherlie grace and fauour Yea I doubt not but you will willinglie confesse with me I saie that all sorts of deuout women haue great cause and that continuallie to take these lamps into their hands thereby either with vanished Hagar to acknowledge Gods graces towards them or with desolate Naomi to praie that God would blesse their children to be staies and staues of their age to their comfort or with heuie Hanna to powre out their harts before the Lord in teares for a sonne and for his mercie and fauour towards them or with wise Abigael by praier to preuent the mischeefes that hang as well ouer their heads as their families yea or with hir often on their knees to praie for the good prosperitie and preseruation of their gratious gouernour Queene ELIZABETH or with the church and faithfull soule of all christians to long for the kisses of the peace of Christ their spirituall spouse and neuer to cease daie nor night to seeke him whom their soule loueth till by praier and meditation they haue found him or with the wofull daughter of Sion to lament and mourne pitiouslie for their sinnes till their miseries be mitigated and they comforted or with sorrowfull Sara Tobit in fasting and teares to be deliuered from dailie reproches and slanderous roongs or wich vertuous Iudith in sack cloth and ashes to obteine strength and courage mightilie to destroie and ouercome proud Olophernes with all the huge host of his bloudie ruffians or with noble Queene Hester to proclaime a fast and call their virgins families and people together to praie daie and night to the hazarding of their owne liues also if need so require for their owne further preseruation and their peoples and subiects safetie and deliuerance out of the hands of cruell Haman and all his seditious conspirators or with chast and innocent Susanna to appeale to God the high iudge of iudges to be acquitted from a violeut death by false accusation and more vniust condeinuation or with the afflicted church in exile to acknowledge their sinnes and call for mercie to be deliuered from distresse or with the woman of Canaan to flie vnto Christ in all necessities to be releeued both bodilie and ghostlie or with our most gratious Souereigne Ladie Queene ELIZABETH to muse diuinelie of the inward loue of the soule towards Christ their spouse their Lord and father mother and brother or with the vertuous Ladie Queene KATHERINE to vewaile the ignorance of their blind life led in superstition and with hir also in all their troubles to stir vp their godlie minds patientlie to suffer all afflictions for the loue of euerlasting felicitie or with the right godlie Ladie Iane Dudley to endure the crosse to death most patientlie or with good Ladie Tirwit to exercise them selues morning and euening in fruitfull and godlie praiers psalmes hymnes and meditations or with the honourable Ladie Aburgauennie by the like to tread the path to paradise for the health of their soule or with holie Agnus and Eulalia the martyrs to triumph in the victorie of Christs death or with Anne Askew the marryr to praie hartilie for their enimies or with maister Bradfords mother to be petitioners vnto God for the constancie in faith to death of their children or with mistresse Dorcas Alarten carefullie to instruct their whole familie in the principall points of christian religion or with other graue and godlie matrones vnknowne to exhort others to mortification and holinesse of life
them to take Christ his welbeloued sonne for their Sauior this is the gift of God of all Christians to be required and desired For except this great benefit of Christ crucified be felt and fixed surelie in mans hart there can be no good worke done acceptable before God For in Christ is all fulnesse of the Godhead and in him are hid all the treasures of wisdome and knowledge Euen he is the water of life whereof whosoeuer shall drinke he shall neuer more thirst but it shall be in him a well of water springing vp into euerlasting life S. Paule saith There is no damnation to them that are in Christ which walke not after the flesh but after the spirit Moreouer he saith If when we were enimies we were reconciled to God by the death of his son much more seeing we are reconciled we shall be preserued by his death It is no little or small benefit we haue receiued by Christ if we consider what he hath done for vs as I haue perfectlie declared heretofore Wherefore I praie the Lord that this great benefit of Christ crucified may be stedfastlie fixed printed in all Christians harts that they may be true louers of God and worke as children for loue and not as seruants compelled with threatenings or prouoked with hire The sincere and pure louers of God doo embrace Christ with such feruencie of spirit that they reioice in hope be bold in danger suffer in aduersitie continue in praier blesse their persecutors Further they be not wise in their owne opinion neither high minded in their prosperitie neither abashed in their aduersitie but humble and gentle alwaies to all men For they knowe by their faith they are members all of one bodie and that they haue possessed all one God one faith one baptisme one ioie and one saluation If these pure and sincere louers of God were thicke sowne there should not be so much contention and strife growing on the fields of our religion as there is Well I shall praie to the Lord to take all contention and strife awaie and that the sowers of sedition may haue mind to cease their labour or to sowe it among the stones and to haue grace to sowe gratious vertues where they may both take roote and bring foorth fruit with sending also a godlie vnitie and concord amongst all Christians that we may serue the Lord in true holinesse of life The seuenth Chapter A Christian bewailing of the miserable ignorance and blindnesse of men THe example of good liuing is required of all Christians but speciallie in the Ecclesiasticall pastors and shepheards For they be called in scripture Workemen with God Disbursers of Gods secrets The light of the world The salt of the earth at whose hands all other should take comfort in working knowledge of Gods will and sight to become children of light and taste of seasonable wisdome They haue or should haue the holie spirit abundantlie to pronounce and set foorth the word of God in veritie and truth If ignorance and blindnesse reigne amongst vs they should with the truth of Gods word instruct and set vs in the truth and direct vs in the waie of the Lord. But thanks be giuen vnto the Lord that hath now sent vs such a godlie and learned King in these latter daies to reigne ouer vs that with the vertue force of Gods word hath taken awaie the vailes and mists of errours and brought vs to the knowledge of the truth by the light of Gods word which was so long hid and kept vnder that the people were nigh famished and hungred for lacke of spirituall food Such was the charitie of the spirituall curats and shepheards But our Moses and most godlie wise Gouernour and King hath deliuered vs out of the captiuitie and bondage of Pharao I meane by this Moses King Henrie the eight my most souereigne fauourable Lord and husband one if Moses had figured anie mo than Christ through the excellent grace of God meete to be an other expressed veritie of Moses conquest ouer Pharao And I meane by this Pharao the bishop of Rome who hath beene and is a greater persecutor of all true Christians than euer was Pharao of the children of Israel For he is a persecutor of the Gospell and grace a setter foorth of all superstition and counterfeit holinesse bringing manie soules to hell with his alchimie and counterfeit monie deceiuing the poore soules vnder the pretence of holinesse but so much the greater shall be his damnation bicause he deceiueth and robbeth vnder Christs mantell The Lord keepe and defend all men from his iuglings and sleits but speciallie the poore simple and vnlearned soules And this lesson I would all men had of him that when they begin to mislike his dooing then onlie begin they to like God and certeinlie not before As for the spirituall pastors and shepherds I thinke they will cleaue and sticke to the word of God euen to the death to vanquish all Gods enimies if neede shall require all respects of honour dignitie riches welth and their priuate commodities laid apart following also the examples of Christ and his chosen Apostles in preaching and teaching sincere and holesome doctrine and such things as make for peace with godly lessons wherewith they may edifie others that euerie man may walke after his vocation in holinesse of life in vnitie and concord which vnitie is to be desired of all true Christians It is much to be lamented the schismes varieties contentions and disputations that haue beene and are in the world about Christian religion no agreement nor concord of the same among the learned men Trulie the diuell hath beene the sower of the seede of sedition and shall be the mainteiner of it euen till Gods will be fulfilled There is no war so cruell and euill as this For the war with sword killeth but the bodies and this slaieth manie soules For the poore vnlearned persons remaine confused and almost euerie one beleeueth and worketh after his owne waie and yet there is but one truth of Gods word by the which we shall be saued Happie be they that receiue it and most vnhappie are they which neglect and persecute the same For it shall be more easie for Sodom and Gomor at the daie of iudgement than for them And not without iust cause if we consider the beneuolence goodnesse and mercie of God who hath declared his charitie towards vs greater and more inestimable than euer he did to the Hebrues For they liued vnder shadowes and figures and were bound to the lawe And Christ we being his greatest enimies hath deliuered vs from the bondage of the lawe and hath fulfilled all that was figured in their lawe and also in their prophesies sheading his owne pretious bloud to make vs the children of his father and his brethren and hath made vs free setting vs in a godlie libertie I meane not licence to sinne as manie be glad to interpret the same when as
are giuen vs in the Supper doo represent vnto vs C They represent vnto vs that the bodie and bloud of Iesus Christ haue such vertue towards our soules as the bread and wine haue towards our bodies M Understand you that the bodie of Iesus Christ may be inclosed in the bread and his bloud in the wine C No. M Where then must we seeke Iesus Christ to enioie him C In heauen in the glorie of his father M What is the meanes to come vnto heauen there as Iesus Christ is C It is faith M It behooueth vs then to haue true faith before we can well vse this holie Sacrament C It is so M And how may we haue this faith C We haue it by the holie spirit that dwelleth in our harts and assureth vs of Gods promises which are made vnto vs in the Gospell Unto God the Father of whom and by whom and in whome are all things And vnto Iesus Christ our Lord and Redeemer of the world And vnto the holie Ghost be honour and glorie for euer So be it The true summe of all Christian Religion Mother MY child art thou a Christian Child Yea by the grace of God whereas of nature I was a child of wrath as well as others M Art thou certaine that thou art a Christian C Yea through faith and the holie spirit who giueth witnesse vnto my spirit that I am the child and heire of God M What is it to saie a Christian C It is the same which by faith in Iesus Christ hath receiued the holie spirit as a child of God dooing his dutie in time and place M What is the dutie of a Christian C It is for to knowe God for to serue him in spirit and truth according to the doctrine of Iesus Christ M In how manie points consisteth the true Christian adoration and the true seruice of God C It is faith which is the onelie foundation of Christians M The faith commeth it of vs C No for it is the gift of God M Where lieth this faith C In the hart for with the hart we beleeue to righteousnesse with the mouth we confesse to saluation M Be we then bound to render a reason of our faith and hope C Yea to all men that demand it of vs so that it be done with wisedome gentlenes reuerence and gratious words M And he that confesseth not Iesus Christ in time and place doth he not renounce him C Yea for he that is not with him is against him he that gathereth not with him scattereth abroade M Giue me then a reason of thy faith and first what confession makest thou of the Christian faith C The same that the Church holdeth being founded vpon the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles which is brieflie comprehended in our Creede M Canst thou make confession in the common language C Yea I thanke God M Saie it with an high voice and pronounce it well C I beleeue in God the Father almightie c. M Beleeuest thou that thou art saued by this faith of the Church C Yea well if I haue it in my selfe as the first word sheweth I beleeue in God For the iust shall liue by his owne faith M What is it to beleeue in God C It is a full assurance and hope to trust and commit all to him according to his promises in Iesus Christ M Can we haue this faith in perfection whiles we be in this world C No. For we haue neede with the Apostles to require augmentation of faith The Lord increase it in vs and make vs perseuere in it vnto the end Of Inuocation Mother WHat is the second part of Christian adoration and seruice of God Child It is inuocation whereby we haue all our refuge vnto our father through faith in the name of Iesus Christ M Why puttest thou inuocation after faith C Because it is one of the greatest and principall fruite of the same For whosoeuer calleth vpon the name of the Lord in faith shall be saued M Haue we commandement to call vpon God onlie and not vpon others C Yea euen as we are commanded neither to beleeue nor worship anie other but him alone M Should we not praie to the father in the name of other but of Iesus Christ C No. For the father hath giuen vs none other aduocate but him who onlie is verie God and verie man and we haue no promise to be heard in the name of anie other but in his name onlie M Yea but we knowe not what we ought to praie as apperteineth C Iesus Christ teacheth vs by his holie spirit according to the forme that he hath giuen vs. M Rehearse it in the common language to the end that we all may vnderstand it and be edified C Our father which art in heauen c. M Wherefore will he that we call him father C To declare the loue that he beareth towards vs in Iesus Christ to the end that in full assurance and boldnesse we may come to him onlie and not to be afraid of him no more than a child is of his father M What doth this word our shew C The vnitie and charitable brotherhood which ought to be heere well practised among vs according as the communion of Saints requireth M Seeing that God is euerie where and filleth heauen and earth ought not we to seeke and worship him in all his creatures C No. For he is a spirit and incomprehensible wherfore he willeth that in Iesus Christ we seeke and worship him in spirit and truth lifting vp our hearts aboue all corruptible things M What conteine the sixe petitions comprehended in this praier C The three first all y t which makes for the aduancement of the honor and glorie of God which we ought to desire with our whole hart and before all things M And the three last what doo they conteine C Our entertainement and saluation which is also the glorie of God M Why addeth he to the end For thine is the kingdome the power and the glorie for euer C To shew that the dignitie efficacie of our praiers consisteth not in vs but altogether in that good father by Iesus Christ working in vs by the holie spirit M Then is it to saie that we all will liue and die in his obedience subiection and glorie C Yea acknowledging him to be the author of all goodnesse and vnto whome onelie apperteineth the true maiestie roiall with all power and glorie for euer M What is the conclusion of this praier C It is that all our desires requests and actions of grace be addressed vnto God alone through Iesus Christ confirming vs throughlie in substance vnto that which it conteineth as vnto the perfect rule of all true godlinesse M Why is this word added to the end Amen or So be it C To assure vs that our praier made thus in truth and according to his will is trulie heard Of Obedience Mother WHat is the third point of Christian adoration and
to call vpon him in my greatest extremities and he as you your selues see hauing heard me hath exalted me into this most large roome Wherefore I hauing experience that the Lord worketh for me and that he is so neere at hand vnto me God forbid that I should feare the power or the threats of anie man For the Lord himselfe is the chiefe leader of those that helpe me so that I can not doubt at all but that I shall see with mine eies those enimies which remaine iustlie punished of him Oh how far better is it to trust in the Lord than in men How far better is it to trust in the Lord than in anie men how excellent soeuer they be Behold manie nations compas me about but I calling vpon y e Lord shal most vndoubtedlie destroy them They compasse me in I saie they beset me round about but calling vpon the Lord I shall most vndoubtedlie destroie them Mine enimies in great multitudes compasse me like swarmes of Bees but I shall forthwith stiffle them as though they were cast into the fire and calling vpon the Lord I shall most vndoubtedlie destroie them For in deede before the most cruell enimie did so sore thrust at me that I seemed euen now readie to fall but as I was falling the Lord supported me Therefore I accompt him mine onlie strength I acknowledge him to be my Sauiour and praise him in my song Heereof come those voices of those that sing and reioice together with me out of their tabernacles now doubtlesse the Lord hath aduanced the power of his most strong right hand The Lord hath now exalted that his right hand now the Lord hath shewed foorth the power of his most strong right hand Behold me then that am yet aliue and about to set foorth the works of God For though he hath striken me verie sore yet hath he spared me life I praie thee therefore let that gate now at the length be open vnto me which onlie the louers of righteousnesse must go vnto that I being entred thither may praise the Lord. For it is consecrate vnto the Lord therefore is it open to the iust alone Heere will I praise thee O Lord because thou giuing eare hast deliuered me For the stone which the verie chiefe builders haue so stubbornelie as yet reiected as nothing fit is not onlie now counted in the building but euen as a principall it vpholdeth the whole weight of the verie building Uerelie it is a worke of God indeede which maketh all the beholders thereof to be amazed Go to then seeing the Lord hath commanded this most ioifull daie to shine vnto vs let vs passe it wholie in mirth becomming Saincts and saie I beseech thee O Lord preserue the Queene that is giuen vs from heauen I praie thee I saie I praie thee O Lord giue the Queene ELIZABETH all prosperitie Let hir haue prosperitie and blisse that commeth to gouerne vs in the name and commandement of God We wish prosperitie to you also that are the neerer inhabitants of the house of the Lord. Iehoua is the onlie God who shineth vnto vs binde the Lambe with cords that is brought to the hornes of the altar Thou art my God I will praise thee thou art my God I will sing thy praises most lowd Confesse that the Lord is exceeding good for his bountious goodnesse is euerlasting * Glorie be therefore vnto thee ô blessed Trinitie the Father Sonne and holie Ghost as alwaies it hath bin continuallie is and euer shall be worlds without ending So be it The praier O Almightie GOD most gratious Lord and heauenlie Father behold I thine handmaid prostrate here before the throne of thy diuine Maiestie meeklie confesse thee to bee my mercifull God my highest King and euerlasting Sauiour and humblie I acknowledge thee the Souereigne Lord aboue all lords the highest King of all kings and the onelie omnipotent Creator wise preseruer and woonderfull ruler of all thy creatures in heauen and earth high and lowe visible and inuisible and my selfe also to be the worke of thine hands the sheepe of thy pasture a subiect and seruant to thy most high and sacred Maiestie and a child depending alone and wholie vpon thy diuine and fatherlie prouidence for all things And bicause I knowe vnthankfulnesse doth greatlie displease thee For it is the root of all spirituall euill and the onelie thing that dammeth vp the fountaine of thy godlie mercie for euer I will giue thanks vnto thee O Lord least I be vnthankfull to thee my God my deliuerer and Sauiour And I yeeld thee now most humble and hartie thanks for that it hath pleased thee of thy singular mercie to giue mee this especiall honour first to suffer for thy glorious truth much extreme miserie feare care imprisōment perill of bodie trouble of mind hazard of life and danger of death by sicknesse fire conspiracie and sword and afterward blessedlie protecting and preseruing me from so manifold dangers and miraculouslie deliuering me out of the hands of all mine enimies to call me to this excellent state roiall dignitie of a Prince and as this daie to cloath me with the garments of honour to set the Crowne of gladnesse and diademe of dignitie vpon mine head to put the scepter of righteousnesse the globe of glorie and the sword of thy power into mine hands and to annoint and consecrate me thine handmaid QVEENE of this Realme that I might bee the principall member and chiefe instrument in the same to aduance thy glorie and further thy Gospell for the which I suffered Yea to be thy peoples Ioseph their Moses their Iosua their Dauid their Iosias their Samuel and their Salomon finallie to be their Deborah their Iael their Hester their Iudith and their Elizabeth that is their rest staie and staffe of Maiestie their shepheard and ring-leader in the waie of vertue holinesse zeale and sincere religion Which maruellous worke of thine oh gratious GOD for thy name sake giue me grace not onlie this daie but all the daies and time of my life to remember and solemnize with woorthie thanks-giuing that with the Queene of Saba I may continuallie blesse thee and saie Blessed be thou O Lord my GOD which thus hast loued me and thy people to set me in thy throne as QVEENE and to establish them for euer by making me their Gouernour ouer them in thy steed to execute thy iudgement and iustice Neither can I now forget but thankfullie also call to my remembrance all thy other great mercies O mercifull God shewed towards me since my comming vnto the Crowne namelie how often in thy mightie and maruellous mercie thou hast deliuered vnto mee my Counsell the wicked attempts malignant deuises and mischeeuous practises wrought and conceiued of all my common craftie and cruell enimies Sathan and his ministers who to exalt themselues and to rob mee both of thy people kingdome peace and religion euen of verie malice and deadlie hatred haue by all diuellish meanes
raged blasphemed and conspired against thee O GOD and thy truth like hypocrites against mee and my Crowne like traitours and against their Common-wealth and countrie like spoilers and that for no offence of mine to themward LORD thou knowest but onelie of cruell spite they beare mee bicause in truth I professe thy Christian religion and seeke by establishing the same through good and godlie lawes to serue thee zealouslie sincerelie and purelie according to the rule and veritie of thine eternall word Which thy great benefits when I well consider togither with mine vnwoorthinesse thereof I am euen forced with my father DAVID to giue humble thanks and to blesse thee before all the congregation and saie Blessed be thou O LORD GOD of Israel our Father for euer and euer Thine O LORD is greatnesse and power and glorie and victorie and praise For all that is in heauen and in earth is thine Thine is the kingdome O LORD and thou excellest as head ouer all Both riches and honour come of thee and thou reignest ouer all and in thine hand is power and strength in thine hand I saie O mightie GOD it is to make great and to giue strength vnto all now therefore I thanke thee and praise thy glorious name for euer But who am I O Lord GOD and what is my people that thou hast brought mee to this honour and thus redeemed and deliuered both mee and thy people out of thrall vnto thy selfe and art beecome our GOD Dooth this apperteine to man O LORD Or commeth not this rather of thy free mercie more than of anie our woorthinesse And what can ELIZABETH saie more vnto thee For thou Lord God knowest thy seruant euen for thy words sake according to thine owne hart hast thou made my fountaine become a floud and my light to shine as the sunne and done all these great things to make them knowne vnto thy seruant Now therefore for this thy gratious fauour after so long restraint so great dangers ouerpassed such blusterous storms ouerblowne so many iniuries digested wrongs susteined by thy mightie protection O mercifull God to my no small comfort thy peoples commoditie in exalting erecting and bringing me out of thrall to libertie out of darknesse into light out of danger to peace and quietnesse from dread to dignitie from miserie to maiestie from mourning to ruling breeflie of a prisoner to make me a Prince and to place me in the roiall throne there to sit as Queene now full 24. yeeres in the admirable rest blessed quietnesse and long peace which I now enioie For this thy diuine wisdome O heauenlie father in vnfolding reuealing frustrating the proud platformes peeuish practises of Achitophels all mine enimes For this thy meere mercie O deere Christ in spacing me and my people so long frō the bloudie hands of spoilers oppressors traitors vsurpers For this thy heauenlie prouidence O holie Ghost in preuenting their diuelish purposes and so gratiously protecting preseruing and defending me as wel before I was Queene as since from so extreme miseries and manifold dangers as also frō the hands and violences of al mine enimies visible inuisible domesticall foraine Finallie for these for all other thy great graces singular blessings and mestimable benefits principall vertues spirituall corporall O glorious Trinitie which through the mercie merits of my sweet Sauior Iesus Christ thou hertofore frō my birth hast presentlie dooest or hereafter vnto my death shalt bountifullie bestowe vpon me and my people I most hartilie laud entirelie magnifie and incessantlie extoll thy most high holie and renowmed name and sacred Princelie Maiestie And as I meeklie euen of dutie from the bottome of my hart render vnto thee my GOD and my King all condigne honour woorthie praise and possible thanks togither with the vnfeined resignation of all empire kingdome power rule dominion maiestie and glorie both in heauen and in earth as to thee onlie and most iustlie belongeth so now I most humblie and hartilie beseech thy diuine Maiestie O excellent Father and most mercifull GOD to haue mercie vpon me thine humble handmaid and sinfull seruant And be not prouoked good Lord with my sinnes nor with the sinnes of my parents people to giue vs ouer to the lust of our enimies Make vs not a reproch vnto the foolish nor let our aduersaries in our ouerthrowe triumph against vs saieng Where is now their God But of thy rich mercie and woonted compassion in Christ Iesu forgiue me my sinnes both old and new both secret and open both past present and to come yea from both mine owne and others faults O God I beseech thee deliuer me and cast all mine offences into the bottomlesse depth out of thy remembrance and sight for euer making the crosse and passion the death and resurrection of thy most deere and onlie sonne my sweete Sauiour and onlie Redeemer Iesus Christ the righteous and immaculate Lambe most effectuall in mee to all vertue godlinesse of life and pietie as best becommeth thy daughter thy virgin thine annointed and elect vessell of honour That to all other thy good graces bountifull benefits alredie shewed towards me the which of thine accustomed goodnesse I beseech thee to confirme finish and worke out in mee as thou hast gratiouslie begun and continue towards mee to the end according to thy good pleasure with such further increase thereof from time to time as best shall serue to the setting foorth of thy glorie the benefit of thy Church to all posteritie mine eternall peace in Christ Iesus the Prince of peace Grant I saie O Lord this also may be added namelie that as it hath pleased thee in thy secret wisdome to quicken me that was Tanquam ouis euen as a seelie sheepe or lambe led to be slaine to raise me vp out of the dust and mire of persecution to lift me vp out of the pit and dungeon and to set me the chiefe of the Princes of this land and to make mee meete to inherīt the seate of glorie yea to build me the chiefe and head piller of this thy Church of England France and Ireland wherevpon the whole bodie of thy Saints therein doo staie themselues in thy blessed peace and vnitie As I saie it is thy good will not my deserts to exalt the horne of thine annointed to appoint me a fraile woman thy Lieutenant here on earth and to giue power vnto thy QVEENE to iudge the ends of thy dominions and execute thine office here amongst thy people for a space in the regall seate of iustice and mercie so vouchsafe thou O gratious God and louing Father in like mercie to powre downe continuallie vpon me all those thy speciall good gifts princelie vertues and heauenlie graces fit for this my so high calling that being plentiouslie indued therewith the bright shining beames thereof as from a glittering Star in the firmament or the glorious Sunne in his orient arising to the
with speciall fauour as a father his children yet thinke that I haue not exempted you from my power and authoritie and that though you be Princes and Magistrates yet knowe that you are mortall euen as other men yea remember that you shall once die and shall stand at my iudgement-seate euen as euerie most vile and poore man to render and giue an accompt of your stewardship and of all things done in the flesh CAP. II. BEware therefore that yee abuse not this authoritie giuen vnto you by me vnder certaine lawes and conditions See that you directlie followe the waies that I haue appointed you to walke in and take heed that you be not drawne awaie to the right hand or to the left with the error of the wicked to forsake my lawes and ordinances and to fall from me your God who haue exalted you For be you sure that I haue placed you in this seate vpon this condition and giuen it vnto you in plaine charge and commandement that you should decree iust lawes and execute iudgement by right and equitie without fauour parcialitie or regard to anie partie that you should deuise all manner of godlinesse and shew your selues openlie to be freends to vertue and foes to vice and to weigh nothing but equitie and iustice in your balance That as the verie lawe of Nature doth require you should releeue them that are spoiled by violence defend the fatherlesse mainteine the poore against the iniuries of the rich deliuer the miserable from the hands of the wicked and see diligentlie that the wringing worldlings and cruell extortioners exercise not their tyrannie and oppressions continuallie ouer the godlie and feeble of my people Moreouer that you should make diligent inquisition for bloudshead and murther to reuenge it carefullie search out wickednesse and abhomination to condemne it to execute the traytor murtherer and theefe to pull the praie out of the teeth of the spoiler to breake downe the power of the wicked mightie ones to destroie the workers of iniquitie and vtterlie to roote out sinne and vngodlinesse from the earth euen all such as conspire against the soules of the righteous abusing iustice by colour of lawe gather themselues together to sit condemne the innocent bloud and trouble my heritage Finallie it is I that in the disordered state of the world which seemed to be vtterlie void of iustice haue set thee O Daughter of my people now at the last to restore the same to that ancient and most right godlie order of iustice religion and faith that thou shouldest be a defence and fortresse among my people and followe me thy God with great cheerefulnesse and haue thy delight fullie fixed in my lawes and statutes daie and night that being well exercised therein as it behooueth thou maist be able to knowe sift and trie the waies of all men and iudge betwixt right and wrong CAP. III. HArken therefore vnto me O Daughter and take heed that thou haue nothing to do with the stoole of wickednesse and that the throne of iniquitie tyrannicall domination which forgeth wrong for a lawe and adioineth authoritie to most wicked decrees haue no fellowship nor be agreeable with thee And bicause the wicked doo wander on euerie side when the woorst men are exalted into the highest place of honour and offices in the Common-weale therfore I aduise and counsell thee betimes to expell and thrust out of thy Court and house all the vnwoorthie and vngodlie men flatterers parasites iesters atheists and reuengers of bloud and place the woorthie and godlie in their roomes that they may sit among the Princes of my people and be assistant vnto thee O make much of them that feare the Lord let all thy delight be vpon my Saints which are on earth be carefull alwaie to preserue the vertuous and exalt the best most woorthie persons Call such to be thy states of dignitie Senatours Counsellers Iudges and Magistrates vnder thee as are graue wise learned godlie zealous of my truth gelous of thy renowme Aduance such men I saie to honour and office vnder thee as be of a good conscience sound religion and vpright life such as will be painfull watchmen and diligent stewards and both can and will make iust decrees and execute good lawes euen such as will care for nothing more than to knowe what is their dutie and that therefore are most willing to doo their dutie hating vnfeinedlie all maner of vice and louing intirelie all maner of vertue Come foorth I saie O deere Daughter come foorth thou most beautifull of all women and fairer than the children of men thou Ô QVEENE Uirgin I saie of incomparable eloquence and grace of speech come foorth thus and shew thy beautie so full of maiestie and grace that in this thy gouernement and pastorship there may want neither integritie and vprightnesse in taking of counsell neither wisdome in performing of thine interprises but doo all things prudentlie and prosperouslie caried vpon the triumphant Chariot euen the word of God as a wise and vertuous Gouernour directing it and let truth mercie iustice and equitie drawe it round about thy dominion Thus shalt thou declare thy selfe a bountifull Daughter of this Prince and woorthie Gouernour if vsing thy power neither weakelie nor idlelie thou gouerne my people by moderate equitie and punish mine enimies and thine by seueritie of iudgement as shee before whom also sitting vpon thy throne of Maiestie the two pillers mercie and truth are seene to stand and support thee CAP. IIII. AND I Ô QVEENE will surelie performe my couenant begun with thy father DAVID that chosen man vnto thee also his Daughter whom I will indue also with eternitie and make thy kingdome perpetuall in heauen and I as is his will will continuallie defend thee with a certaine speciall power together with the people and land which I haue chosen and giuen vnto thee My hand I saie shall establish thee and mine arme strengthen thee so that no enimie shall ouercome thee by subtiltie nor anie wicked man oppresse thee by force Yea and though thou shalt not want manie those most mightie enimies both domesticall and forreine which shall resist thee O sacred QVEENE and thy godlie proceedings yet I assure thee all their enterprises shall be in vaine and frustrate and thou for all those miseries most greeuous and battell wherewith thou maist seeme to be vexed shalt suffer no detriment but contrariwise by this same meanes as it is plaine by experience thou louing righteousnes hating whatsoeuer is against it and being armed with sharpe arrowes and the sword of the word shalt not onlie therwith wound the hearts of thine enimies cast them downe to the ground and tread them vnder thy feete but also bring maruellous things to passe in my name by this thy mightie power For I the Lord IEHOVA which am the reuenger of roiall dignitie and the defender of DAVID my seruants posteritie will destroie all that would
that they may speake the mysteries of Christ and manifest them as they ought to doo so shall their dooings bee profitable vnto the godlie Assist them also with thine especiall grace that they disgrace not their doctrine by impuritie of life but let their conuersation answer vnto the doctrine which they teach and preach and especiallie for the pastor of this parish and shepheard of my soule heere present from whose mouth I learne thy blessed will I hartilie praie that thou wilt keepe him in religion sincere and pure from enorme offences in outward conuersation Endue him with a long and healthfull life if it be thy good pleasure that manie a good daie and yeare he may continue in preaching the gladsome voice of thy gratious Gospell among vs without contention and strife And O sonne of God which art the Lord of all the flocke worke thou effectuallie by thy preachers speake thou within vs to our harts the blessed will of thine eternall father and confirme thy doctrine in our minds by thine holie spirit Grant that we may trulie knowe and discerne the same from the howling of woolues and from the inchanted songs of seducing hirelings And grant that we may knowe thee euen as thou knowest thine heauenlie father and to walke religiouslie and righteouslie in thy sight shewing our selues to be of that holie seede which praiseth thy name for euermore Come holie spirit open mine hart and eares that I may conceiue the profit of thy whoalesome doctrine and the sweet comforts reuealed in thy holie word by the preaching of the Gospell O Lord I acknowledge with teares my sluggishnesse and carelesnes in seeking thy truth and bewaile the wretched coldnesse and hardnesse of my hart beseeching thee to endue me with an vnfeigned longing and an ardent desire of holie Sermons Grant that in this life I may worship the feet of the preachers of peace and reuerence the true dispensers of thy mysteries thy faithfull ministers with double honor and none otherwise to obeie their godlie sermons than I would if a voice should sound from the heauens Let me not for the blemishes and imperfections of some particular men vnreuerentlie conceiue of thy whole ministerie Worke also within me that despising thy word deliuered vnto vs I neuer seeke after strange reuelations or violent rauishings both besides and contrarie to thy word but bearing alwaies in mind the order which thou hast appointed may constantlie embrace thy word manifested in thy Church Finallie impart such grace vpon vs that we may imitate and followe the good works of holie men casting off the old man by putting on the new which is created after God in righteousnesse and true holinesse Amen A praier that God would both feede and defend his Church to be vsed before the Communion O Heauenlie heardman and nursse of all things liuing which of thy meere goodnesse satisfiest all creatures that haue life suffer not thy Church to pine awaie and be famished for lacke of the food of thy blessed word but feed vs continuallie with thy goodnesse Suffer not thou O Lord which giuest sustenance to all flesh thy faithfull seruants to be depriued of perfect doctrine and most pure and sound Sacraments which are indeede the food of eternall life but feed vs continuallie with Angels food that is with thy holie word and with Christ Iesus whereby our harts may bee made righteous strong to him-ward Let vs not like the children of Israel loath this heauenlie manna which thou so mercifullie and aboundantlie powrest downe vpon vs neither let vs lust againe after the flesh-pots of Aegypt least thy wrath being kindled against vs also thou cause it not onelie to cease and to fall no more from heauen vpon vs but also thou smite vs with most greeuous plagues as thou diddest the Israelites But rather as new-borne babes remembring how it is written that man shall not liue by bread onlie but by euerie word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God let vs hartilie desire the sincere milke of thy word let our soules delight in fatnesse let vs come earelie and late to the waters to buie and eate to satisfie our hunger and thirst let vs harken diligentlie vnto thee and eate that which is good and labour continuallie without wearinesse for the meate that perisheth not O Lord let vs neuer see the daie wherein thou shalt be prouoked to send a famine in our land againe a famine I saie not of bread nor a thirst of water but of the hearing of thy word O God Far bee that famine from vs good Lord. Neither let vs anie more deserue to be cast out of our owne cities townes and houses and to wander in strange lands from Sea to Sea from the North to the South from East to West running to and fro like hunger-starued wretches to seeke the food of thy word as we sometimes haue done O Lord and yet not find it least by that meanes we doo not onelie perish in bodie but also in soule for lacke of thy word which is the verie food thereof But let thy word O God be still neere vs euen in our mouthes and in our harts the word of truth I saie which now is preached taught and receiued and feed thou vs whensoeuer the famine either of bodie or spirit vexeth vs. O our father giue vs this daie our daily bread that we may walke in the strength thereof daie and night vntill we come to the holie hill of Horeb. Behold Lord according to thy commandement we doo open our mouths wide fill thou it full of thy heauenlie dainties as thou hast promised Lord euermore giue vs the bread of life and of heauen that we may stedfastlie beleeue in thee For behold O Lord we come vnto thee as though we were famished let vs not therfore go awaie vnfed We are an hungred let vs not be sent awaie fasting Our minds alas hunger and thirst greatlie after toies and gauds of this world and we haue nothing to set afore it because wee are poore and beggerlie wretches But thou O Lord art rich in all good things and the most plentifull giuer of the dainties of heauenlie satietie O therefore we beseech thee giue vs somewhat to eate giue meate I saie vnto the wearie wandering souls yet not such as they lust after but such as is conuenient for them that being refreshed of thee which art the liuing and heauenlie bread wherewith when we are once well fed and that our strength is come to vs againe we may ascend vnto more high things and neuer heereafter hunger or thirst anie more after vanities Amen Another praier to be vsed at the Sermon before a Communion THou vsest O most mightie God to preserue those thy children whom thou hast louinglie adopted with no lesse care and diligence than if they were sheepe and the same alwaies fed led of thee being their most louing shepherd toward their owne health and perfect commoditie who so long as they haue thee
supplication is not onlie for those aboue mentioned but also for such as either although they resist not thy truth and pure religion openlie and obstinatelie professe our religion yet mingled with manie superstitions and abuses worshipping and calling vpon Saints departed out of this life or be addicted to outward ceremonies and rudiments of this world burdening their consciences with mans obseruations and traditions of their fathers or trusting to their owne righteousnesse or rather to the works and deedes of the flesh refuse and make little accompt of thy righteousnesse which is the true iustification and go about to establish their owne righteousnesse But Christ is the end of the lawe for righteousnesse to as manie as beleeue and another foundation can no man laie than that is laid in thy sonne the Messias which is the waie the truth the life and the end of the lawe For by his perfect obedience and fulfilling of the lawe by his innocent and bitter death hee hath restored vnto vs saluation and perfect righteousnesse that euerie one which beleeueth on him might not perish but haue euerlasting life O God the sight of the blind bring them home againe which through ignorance either are intangled in doubtfull labyrinths and grosse errours or countenance polluted religion that lightened by thy spirit they may returne into the right waie And such as with impudent faces and stiffe neckes doo obstinatelie with an affected ignorance withstand thine holie spirit whose senses the god of this world hath blinded that the light of thy glorious Gospell shine not ouer them represse and bridle their malice that by slaughter and persecutions they neither trouble nor destroie thy Church Amen After the Sermon reade some of these sentences of Scripture exhorting to the diligent obseruing and following of Gods word beard Deuteronomie 28 verse 1. IF thou shalt obeie diligentlie the voice of the Lord thy God walke in his ordinances and obserue keepe and doo all his commandements which I command thee this daie then all these blessings shall come on thee and ouertake thee Blessed shalt thou be in the citie and blessed in the field c. But and if thou wilt not obeie the voice of the Lord thy God to keepe and doo all his commandements and his ordinances which I command thee this daie then all these curses shall come vpon thee and ouertake thee Curssed shalt thou be in the citie and curssed in the field c. as in the whole Chapter Ecclesiasticus 35. WHO so keepeth the lawe bringeth offrings inough he that holdeth fast the commandements offereth an offering of saluation Matthew 7. WHO soeuer heareth of me saieth Christ these words and doth the same I will liken him to a wise man which hath builded his house on a rocke c. But whosoeuer heareth these my words and doth them not shall be likened vnto a foolish man which hath builded his house vpon the sands c. Luke 11. BLessed are they that heare the word of God and keepe it Luke 12. THE seruant that knoweth his maisters will and doth it not shall be beaten with manie stripes Romans 2. THE hearers of the lawe are not righteous before God but the dooers of the lawe shall be iustified Iames. 1. WHerefore be yee dooers of the word and not hearers onelie deceiuing your owne selues For if anie heare the word and doo it not he is like vnto a man that beholdeth his naturall face in a glasse For when he hath considered himselfe he goeth awaie and forgetteth immediatlie what manner of one he was But who so looketh in the perfect lawe of libertie and continueth therein he not beeing a forgetfull hearer but a dooer of the worke shall bee blessed in his deed Iohn 15. NOw are yee cleane through the word which I haue spoken vnto you Abide in me and I in you c. I am the vine yee are the branches he that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth foorth much fruit For without me can ye doo nothing If yee abide in me and my word abide in you aske what yee will and it shall be done vnto you Reuelation 2. FOR he that ouercommeth and keepeth my words vnto the end to him will I giue power ouer nations Reuelation 3. REmember therefore how thou hast heard and receiued and hold fast and repent Hold that I saie which thou hast that no man take thy crowne and watch Then giue thanks and praie vnto God after the Sermon and saie IMmortall praise and thanks be giuen vnto thee O almightie God and most mercifull father who hast giuen vs so pretious a gift of thy holie word and vouchsafed vs to heare so glad tidings of thy sacred Gospell by the hand of this thy minister who presentlie by thy mercy hath vttered it vnto vs. And seeing thou hast delt so gratiouslie with vs in the free publishing of thy Gospell amongst vs this foure and twentie yeeres that it seemeth thou hast euen lifted vs vp to heauen with the cities wherein our Sauiour taught most in his being vpon the earth and hast now in a manner throwne them downe to hell and left in them a terrible and a fearfull example of thy iudgements against those that walke not woorthie the graces offered vnto them Grant vs so to profit by this their chastisement and correction that as of thy grace thou hast reuealed thy will vnto vs which otherwise we could neuer haue knowne so now strengthen vs O Lord that we neuer refuse thy Gospell in vnbeleefe nor seeke in the persons of the preachers of it anie causes and pretences of our infidelitie but hauing thy word alwaies in our harts and thy praises in our tongues we may walke woorthie thy so great graces bestowed vpon vs and haue our conuersation in heauen that after wee may be taken vp thither vnto thee alwaies to glorifie thee with thy Sonne and the holie Ghost Amen A thankes-giuing for the knowledge of God in his word WE giue thee thankes O Father Lord of heauen and earth because thou hast hid the mysterie of thy word which is the Gospell of our saluation by thy Sonne from the wise and men of vnderstanding in this world and hast reuealed the same to babes of base degree certeinlie such was thy good pleasure Thou hast giuen vs all things in thy Sonne whom none knoweth but thou Father neither dooth anie knowe thee except thy Sonne and he to whom thy Sonne shall reueale thee We worship thee we praise thee we glorifie thee we giue thee thanks for the hid wisedome which thou didst determine before the world for our glorie which was neuer knowne to the princes of this world nor at anie time to the sonnes of men as it is now reuealed by the spirit to whom the communion of the mysterie which was hid from all ages but is now opened to thy Saints to whom thou wouldst haue made knowne what be the riches of this glorious mysterie It is thine owne working
Iesus Christ our Lord and onelie Sauiour to whom with thee and the holie Ghost be giuen all honour glorie praise and thankes-giuing not onelie of me miserable sinner and vnwoorthie wretch but also of all men Angels and creatures both in heauen and in earth from this time foorth for euermore Amen Luke 15 verses 6 7. Reioice with me saith Christ For I haue found my sheepe which was lost yea I saie vnto you there is ioie in heauen in the presence of the Angels of God ouer one sinner that repenteth more than ouer ninetie and nine iust persons which neede no repentance A praier to be vsed for the conuersion of anie notorious sinner that doth open penance in the Church PItifull God omnipotent Lord and mercifull Father who for that good will thou bearest vnto vs in Iesus Christ thy deere sonne wilt not the death and destruction of a sinner but rather that he by the inspiration and moouing of thy holie spirit conuert and liue who also doost witnesse the vertue and strength of thy word to be such that it causeth the mountaines to shake the rocks tremble and the flouds to drie vp behold we thy children and people here prostrate before thee most humblie beseech thee for Iesus Christs sake pitifullie to looke vpon all sinners and especiallie vpon this our sister here present who once was baptised in thy name and hath professed hir selfe subiect to this religion and vnto the discipline of thy Church though Satan alas now for a while hath so blinded hir that wilfullie shee hath contemned both the one and the other But O Lord as thou alone knowest so maist thou alone change and mollifie the harts of the impenitent sinners thou I saie which by the voice of the prophet Nathan awakedst Dauid from his deadlie securitie and who without anie prophet didst beate downe the pride of Manasses in the prison after that he had filled Ierusalem with all kind of impietie thou which turnedst the hart of Peter at the onelie looke of thy deere sonne our Lord Iesus Christ after that fearfullie with horrible imprecations hee had thrise denied and openlie forsworne thee thou which openedst the eies of the blind excommunicate man and causedst him to beleeue thy saiengs which forgauest the woman taken in adulterie sentst hir awaie vncondemned of thee hir accusers thou I saie O Lord whose mercies without measure endure for euer To thee doo we praie for this our sister heere presentlie punished and dooing open penance for hir offences earnestlie desiring thee O father of mercies first so to pierce and moue hir heart with the feare of thy seuere iudgements which sufferest no child of thine to go vncorrected in this world to the end they may escape vnpunished in the world to come and so to open hir eies that she may begin to see and vnderstand how fearefull and terrible a thing it is to fall into thy hands and to prouoke thy wrath and indignation against hir Let it please thy Maiestie by the vertue of thy holie spirit so to mollifie hir hard hart I saie that she may now at length feele how greeuouslie she hath offended both against thee and the Church and giue hir thy grace to acknowledge accuse and damne as well before vs whome she hath offended as before thy presence this hir contempt and sinne so notorious and damnable least that by hir obstinacie and wilfull rebellion thy Church and congregation being further prouoked be compelled with greefe of harts to cut hir quite off from thy mysticall bodie whome we O Lord vnfeinedlie desire to receiue within the Church as a liuelie member of thy deere sonne our Lord Iesus Christ Heare vs mercifull father call backe againe this our deere sister from eternall destruction where-into Sathan would leade hir that we all who before thy presence euen for hir rebellion and transgressions doo mourne may receiue hir againe with gladnes and ioie and so render praise and honour vnto thee before this thy holie congregation We grant our selues O Lord vnworthie whome thou shouldest heare because we cease not to offend thee by our continuall transgressing of thy holie precepts Looke not vpon vs mercifull father in this our corrupt nature but looke downe to thy deere sonne whome thou of thy meere mercie hast appointed our head high Bishop aduocate mediator and onlie propitiator In him and in the merits of his death we humblie beseech thee mercifullie to behold vs and suffer not the most innocent bloud of thy deere sonne shead for vs and this our penitent sister to be prophaned by the tyrannie and sleight of Sathan but by the vertue of the same let our sister be brought to vnfeined repentance and conuersion that so she may escape that fearfull indignation into the which she appeareth to haue fallen Grant I saie O Lord vnto this our sister the repentance of the hart and sincere confession of the mouth to the praise of thy name to the comfort of thy Church and to the confusion of Sathan And vnto vs grant O Lord that albeit we cannot liue altogether cleane from sinne and void of offences yet that we fall not into the like horrible crimes of impietie and contempt to the dishonour of thy holie name to the slander and offence of our brethren and sisters and infamie of thy holie Religion and Gospell which we professe Let thy godlie power O Lord so perpetuallie assist and strengthen our weakenesse and conduct vs in all the course of our whole life that neither the craft of Sathan nor the tyrannie of sinne drawe vs vtterlie from the obedience required in true Christians but that contrarilie beeing subiect to the voice of thy Church and to the ministers of the same vnder thee by holinesse and innocencie of life we may declare to the wicked generation what difference there is betweene the children of light and the children of darkenesse that all men seeing our good works may praise thee in the daie of visitation This we aske of thee O heauenlie Father in the boldnesse of our head and mediator Iesus Christ praieng furthermore as he hath taught vs Our Father c. Another praier to be said of the beholders of anie offender in the Church or else-where ALmightie God and most mercifull father whose iudgements are vnsearchable and whose waies are past finding out teach vs to iudge wiselie of this our sister and all other afflicted with thy hand not condemning them but rather profiting by them that their example may leade vs to repentance and bringing foorth such fruits as thou requirest of all those that are planted in thy Church least by continuing fruitlesse we prouoke thee at the last to the cutting of vs downe And because thou hast giuen vs a sauiour able to heale all our infirmities deliuer vs by him O Lord from all the bonds of Sathan that being set at libertie by him we may fore-see the straight doore and enter into it leauing the wide gate that leadeth