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A67899 Six sermons preached by ... Seth, Lord Bishop of Sarum.; Sermons. Selections Ward, Seth, 1617-1689. 1679 (1679) Wing W831; ESTC R5947 121,746 478

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out how could he have been restored not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of our God It may be this was done that we might say no more The Lord liveth which delivered us from the Treason of pretended Catholicks but The Lord liveth which hath delivered us from the Tyranny and blood rage of the wild Fanatical Enthusiasts Surely all these things have been permitted that the Stone which the Builders refused might be made tried and precious and that his Patience his Piety his Constancy in Religion his Christian Magnanimity being manifest to all the World by the impatient desire of all Nations he might become the head of the Corner Surely these things were suffered that the Faith and Patience and Loyalty of the Church of England might be made bright and glorious by the Flames of Persecution and that in the day when God shall have given our most Gracious Sovereign the hearts or necks of all his Enemies it may not repent him of the Kindness he hath shewn to Religion and Government in lifting out of the dust the despised Head of that only Church for ought I know which makes Obedience without base restrictions and limitations an Article of its Religion Lastly these things it may be have been permitted that by the Triumph of this day and by the vengeance lately executed in the sight of this Sun the Atheistical world might be convinced that the Powers that be are ordained of God and that though the wicked do evil an hundred times and God prolong their days yet Vengeance is his and he will repay it and They that resist shall receive to themselves Damnation FINIS Against the Antiscripturists A SERMON Preached at WHITE-HALL February 20. 1669 70. BY SETH Lord Bishop of Sarum Printed by His Majesties Special Command LONDON Printed by A. C. for Iames Collins at the Kings Arms within Ludgate near St. Pauls 1672. Against the Antiscripturists 2 Tim. iii. 16. All Scripture is given by Inspiration of God IN the verse preceding it is said concerning the Scriptures of the old Testament that they are able to make a man wise unto salvation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by the faith which is in Iesus Christ And it follows immediately All Scripture c. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Faith is often by a Metonymy taken for the Gospel which is the Object of the Faith of Christians We read often of the Preaching and Hearing of Faith of the Analogy of Faith the common Faith which was once delivered to the Saints in the preaching of Christ and the Writings of his Evangelists and Apostles and so I conceive it is to be taken in this place So that the meaning of the whole is this The Old Testament understood and expounded according to the Analogy of the New is able to make a man wise And the Pen-men of the Canonical Books of the Old Testament wherein Timothy had been instructed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and of the Books of the New Testament which except those of St. Iohn were extant before the writing of this Epistle were inspired and directed by the Spirit of God The words of the Text are an entire Proposition asserting the Divine Authority of the Canon of Scripture and my endeavour shall be at this time to prove the truth of that Proposition Wherein that I may proceed with all plainness and clearness I shall premise two words by way of Petition Precaution 1. By way of Petition I suppose and take for granted 1. The great principle of the power of God and his providence in governing the world 2. That our Body of Canonical Books of the Old Testament is the same with that which was in Use in the time of Christ and his Apostles And our body of the New Testament the same which was anciently received in the Church So that what shall be proved of those is applicable to the Original Scripture used in our time 3. That those Books of New Testament whose Authors were not anciently questioned were written by those Authors whose name they bear And that those few others which were sometimes questioned by some particular Churches and afterward Universally received contain in them no one point of Faith or Manners dissentient from the Contents of those Books which were never questioned 2. By way of Precaution and Admonition I must intreat you to take notice that I shall not now meddle with the Controversies concerning Apocrypha Translations Keri and Chetib Hebrew points various Lections dubious Authors or parts of Scripture But my endeavour at this time shall be to Assert the Divine Authority of the body and substance of the Original Books of the Canon of the Old and New Testament And this not in the way of common place but in a particular Examination or Refutation of the most dangerous Opinions of the Antiscripturists which are these I. Of those who pretend to believe the truth of the New Testament and yet they deny the Divine Authority of the Old II. Of those who pretend to believe the truth but deny the Divine Authority of the New Testament III. Of such as pret●nd to believe matters of Fact to have been truly related in the New Testament but do not believe the truth of the Doctrinal parts relating to Faith and Manners IV. Such as deny the truth of the Relation of matters of Fact in the New Testament and in consequence reject the whole Body of Scripture Of these as briefly and plainly as I can I. The first Opinion is of those who pretending to believe the Truth of the New Testament deny the Divine Authority of the Old Testament The Severians and the Manich●es Basilides and Carp●●rates of old The Catabaptists of later times some Anab●pti●ts is Antinomians and other Fanatical Sectaries amongst our ●elves In opposition to these I shall shew that supposing the truth of the New Testament the Divine Authority of the Old Testament is to be acknowledged Because the Divine Authority of the Old Testament is asserted by Christ and his Evangelists and Apostles in the New 1. Next to the Redemption of the world the great business which Christ had to do upon Earth was to Convince men that he was the Messias and so to assert his Legislative Authority And the great Argument which he used for the conviction of the world was this All the Marks and the entire Character of the Messiah and of his Actions and Passions were prefigured and foretold by the Law and the Prophets and the Psalms i. e. in the Volume of the Old Testament And all things foretold or prefigured concerning the Messiah were accomplished by himself So that though the great Works of Christ and the purity and excellency of his Doctrine and of his Life were of themselves sufficient to justifie the Introduction of his Law into the World yet he was pleased to resolve as it were his own Authority into the Divine Authority of the Old Testament and to make use of those othe●
SIX SERMONS PREACHED By the Right Reverend Father in God SETH Lord Bishop of SARVM LONDON Printed by Andrew Clark for Iames Collins at the Kings Arms in Ludgate-street 1672. THE Contents I. AGainst Resistance of Lawful Powers on Rom. 13. 2. And they that resist shall receive to themselves Damnation Preached at Whitehal Novemb. 5. 1661. II. Against the Antiscripturists on 2 Tim. 3. 16. All Scripture is given by Inspiration of God Preached at Whitehal Feb. 20. 1669 70. III. Concerning the Sinfulness Danger and Remedies of Infidelity on Heb. 3. 12. Take heed Brethren lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God Exhort one another daily Preached at Whitehal Feb. 16. 1667 68. IV. A Sermon Preached before the the Peers in the Abby-Church at Westminster Octob. 10. 1666. on Eccles. xi 9. But know that for all these things God will bring thee to Iudgment Rejoyce O young man c. V. A Sermon concerning the Strangeness Frequency and desperate Consequence of Impenitency Preached at Whitehal April 1. 1666. soon after the great Plague on Revelat. 9. 20. And the rest of the men which were not killed by the Plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands VI. A Sermon against Ingratitude Preached at Whitehal Feb. 26 1664 65. sometime before the great Plague on Deut. 32. 6. Do you thus requite the Lord O foolish people and unwise Against RESISTANCE OF Lawful Powers A SERMON Preached before the KING at White-Hall Novemb. v. 1661. LONDON Printed by A. C. for Iohn Martyn and are to be sold by Iames Collins at the Kings Arms in Ludgate-street Against Resistance of Lawful POWERS ROM xiii 2. And they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation AMongst all the stratagems of the Devil tending to the undermining of Religion and the subversion of the souls of men though there cannot be any more unreasonable yet there was never any more unhappily successful than the creating and fomenting an Opinion in the World That Religion is an enemy to Government and the bringing Sincerity and Zeal in Religion into jealousie and disgrace with the Civil Powers It was by this jealousie blown into the heads of the High Priests and the Sanhedrim amongst the Jews and of Herod and Pontius Pilate that Christ himself the Captain of our Salvation the Author and Finisher of our Faith was accused condemned and executed on a Tree By this the Apostles were haled before the Governours of Provinces forced from one City to flee unto another for this they endured bonds and imprisonment and sundry kinds of death It was through this fancy that the Christians for three hundred years together endured the rage of Heathen Emperours being destitute afflicted and tormented Our Lord Christ was traduced as an enemy to Caesar a man refractary to the Roman Laws and a Nonconformist to the Religion and Laws of his Country The Apostles were charged as disturbers of the publick peace with turning the world upside down The Primitive Christians were accounted enemies to the Commonwealth adverse and malevolent to the Empire and the Christian Religion it self was bruited and surmised to have something in it offensive and dangerous to the Civil Government as appears not only by the Edicts of Heathen Emperours but also by the Apologies of Clemens Alexandrinus Iustin Martyr Tertullian Athenagoras c. Neither was it thus only of old before the Roman Empire was become Christian but even since the time of Constantine down to our Fathers days nay to our own we shall find the Devil still managing the same pretence carrying on the same Antichristian mystery of iniquity which began to work in the time of our Lord Christ and his Apostles Those that profess to know the Arcana Imperii and publickly proclaim themselves to the World to be qualified for Molders of Commonwealths and Dictatours to Princes are the Writers of Politicks Machiavel abroad and others nearer home some of these pretending discoveries of things unknown to all our Fathers if they be strictly analysed will be found to resolve their whole mystery into this one pretence That Religion in the height and exaltation of it is prejudicial to Policy and that to be a thorow-paced a sincere and zealous Christian is to be dangerous to the State As the remedy for which evil they have thought fit and necessary to enervate the Principles of all Religion so far as to remove the Doctrine of Good and Evil the Immortality of the Soul the Rewards and Punishments of the World to come that so Religion may appear wholly to derive from Policy How destructive these Doctrines are not only to the souls of men in reference to the World to come but to the interests of this life the regular and secure acquisition and enjoyment whereof are entirely derived from the great and everlasting Ordinance of Government I am not now called to speak But surely it cannot be unnecessary to endeavour to state this Question to search into the grounds of this pretence to examine thorowly from whence all this clamour these fears and jealousies whence all this mighty scandal hath arisen The Gospel of our Saviour is not like the Alcoran which hates the light and abhors a strict examination of the Principles whereon it stands When the Jews contended with our Saviour and opposed his Doctrine he desired to bring the matter in question to a rational decision Iohn x. The Question there was Whether he were the Son of God And he propounds them this fair 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Verse 37. If I do the works of my Father believe me if I do not believe me not And I verily as a Minister of Christ though the meanest of ten thousand am bold in the power and through the evidence of the truth of the Gospel to say Let the Adversaries of Religion search and look let them employ their Wit their Industry their Logick if any thing can be found in the Principles of Christianity prejudicial to the power of just and lawful Magistrates Nay moreover if it be possible for Men or Angels to state the Rights of Civil Government upon clearer and firmer Principles to secure them by more powerful Obligations to urge them upon men by more efficacious Motives of Rewards and Punishments than those are which the very Foundations of Christianity do expresly propound then let the Gospel and the Ministers of it endure all that contempt and obloquy which these men desire to cast upon them And for the Foundations of our Religion there are those that tell us that Christianity is founded upon Cephas which is indeed by interpretation a Stone but the Apostle tells us Ephes. ii 20. that we are built upon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Iesus Christ himself being the chief corner-stone wherefore by these the present Question is to be decided If any men at any time taking upon them the sacred name of Christians have swerved from the Rule of their
subtilty as well as by force The Opposition of Elymas the Sorcerer to Saint Paul is expressed by this word Act. xii 8. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the opposition of Iannes and Iambres to Moses 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2 Tim. iv 15. 3. And lastly it signifies opposition by Words as well as by Deeds So 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to gainsay and to resist are the same Luke xxi 15. and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is to contradict Acts vi 10. The words then do clearly and plainly comprehend all manner of resistance or opposition This hitherto concerns the Proposition taken materially if we reflect upon the form of it there will be two things to be considered First That the Proposition is indefinite and equipollent to an Universal They that resist that is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 every soul as in the first Verse that resists without any exception of persons Secondly That the Act of Resistance is set down likewise absolutely without any restraint in respect of any pretences or causes whatsoever So that the sence of the words resolved and expounded by the Scriptures is this Every Soul which upon any pretence whatsoever in any manner whatsoever shall resist the lawful Authority that is over him shall receive to himself damnation that is he puts himself thereby into a state of damnation This I conceive to be the meaning of the Holy Ghost in the words of my Text. I must acknowledge that two things have been questioned in this Proposition by the men of this unhappy viperous and adulterous Generation I. The first is Whether 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ought to be interpreted so severely as to signifie eternal damnation II. Whether that which is said concerning all persons and pretences can be made good upon the Principles of Christianity I. As to the former of these I shall only say that the Argument brought against this interpretation doth in truth exceedingly confirm it The Allegation is that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is used in Scripture for Temporal Judgment The place produced is 1 Cor. xi 29. He that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 damnation to himself where the Apostle seemeth to explain 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by the following words Verse 30. For this cause many are weak and sickly and many sleep viz. by Temporal Judgments And indeed this is true but these things likewise ought to be observed 1. That the same penalty is denounced in the Gospel to those who resist Authority and to those that are guilty of the body of Christ 1 Cor. xi 27. and trample upon the blood of the everlasting Covenant 2. That neither Ananias and Sapphira nor yet the Corinthians were by their Temporal Judgments exempted from Eternal 3. And lastly That seeing the great difference betwixt the Legal and Evangelical dispensation did consist in this that the express Promises and Threatnings under the Law were Temporal and under the Gospel Eternal if God shall under the Gospel besides Eternal punishments due to every sin add moreover to some particular sins the threatnings of temporal Judgments let these men consider what advantage they have gotten and what can more be devised to contribute to the aggravations of such a sin I shall say no more to the first Question nor to that part of the Text which concerns the damnation of Resisters precisely considered but shall apply my self to the resolution of the second II. It is impossible in half an hour to speak concerning all those pretences for resistance of Magistrates which being raised by Satan and made use of by the children of disobedience are falsly charged upon Religion I shall single out some of the chief of them and examine them by the Law and the Testimony by the Old and New Testament adding to them as occasion requires the judgment and practise of the Primitive Christians and afterwards make a brief Application Those which have given the greatest scandal as having troubled the Christian World and almost turned it upside down are reducible to the two Heads of Religion and Civil Affairs First Those which refer to Religion are such scandalous Tenets as these I. That Erroneous suppose Heretical or Idolatrous Powers may be resisted especially if they endeavour to force men to their own Religion II. That Christian Magistrates have no power in matters of Religion viz. None 1. In religious Causes 2. Over religious Persons By Orders By personal Gifts Secondly Those which refer to matters Civil are reducible to such as these I. Harsh Administration II. Pretences of Competition of Power and the like Now I shall not be afraid or backward to acknowledge that if any one of these Tenets be agreeable to the Principles of Christianity or to the practise of the Primitive and purest Christians who are to be presumed to have known the mind of Christ and his Apostles then we are to admit that there is reason in what is alledged to create a Jealousie upon Religion For 1. If Erroneous Heretical or Idolatrous Magistrates may be resisted because they are so or because they join oppression of godly men unto their errour in Relistion how can any Kingdom stand These are matters wherein every man makes himself a Judge and it is not material whether he judge righteous or unrighteous judgment the matter once stated in Thesi that in such cases men may resist the Hypothesis is easily made and men let loose to act according to their proper apprehensions or the pretences of those who have power with them What shall be done when at the same time a Prince shall be judged by one part of his Subjects Heretical and prophane for departing from Superstition and vindicating his power from unjust Usurpations over it while another part shall judge him to be Superstitious and will never believe him to abhor Idols so long as he will not commit Sacrilege What shall be done while some conclude him to be irreligious because he will not worship Images others Idolatrous because he kneels at the Communion and both esteem him an Oppressour because he restrains their Zeal and hinders them from that excess of Riot which they pant after to the devouring of one another Supposing this Tenet to be true it is indeed evident no Government can be But now what colour can there be to charge this Tenet upon Christianity Doth the Old or New Testament give any occasion to this Doctrine Is it countenanced 1. by Moses or 2. by the Prophets or 3. by our Saviour or 4. by the Apostles 5 That Cloud of Witnesses the Noble Army of Martyrs did they give Testimony to this Assertion or to the contrary I may not insist a word to each of these 1. Moses was so far from the Doctrine of Resistance that notwithstanding the hardness of Pharaoh's heart the cruelty of the bondage the weakness of the Egyptians by Plagues the numbers of Israel six hundred thousand and three thousand five hundred and fifty
fighting men above twenty years old besides the Tribe of Levi yet he would not lead them into the promised Land without Pharaoh's positive and express consent to their departure 2. As for the Prophets in the third Chapter of Daniel we find three of Gods Children put to the trial the fiery trial of this Doctrine by Nebuchadnezzar an Idolater and a Tyrant acting highly under both those Capacities together They were cast into the fiery Furnace because they would not worship the Golden Image which he had set up And in the sixth we find Daniel thrown into the Lions Den only for praying to the God of Israel Let us consider their Behaviour did they resist or mutiny or labour to alienate or discontent or by denouncing threats or terrours to discourage Subjects from Obedience How had they been instructed by their Prophets Ieremy 2 Chron. xxxvi 13. had taught them that Zedekiah had turned from the Lord God of Israel in rebelling against Nebuchadnezzar who had made him swear by God and that they ought to seek the peace of the City whither they were carried Captives and to pray unto the Lord for it Jer. xxix 7. And therefore the three Children in the third of Daniel only refer themselves to God for deliverance and Daniel in the midst of the Lions Den prays heartily for Darius O King live for ever Dan. vi 21. 3. In the next place let us consider the case of Christ and his Apostles and see whether any such Tenet may be collected from their Doctrine or Practice their Speeches or their Actions As for what concerns our Lord Christ I have had the Honour formerly in this place more at large to vindicate him from such aspersions He paid Tribute at the expence of a Miracle Mat. xvii 27. He submitted himself to all the Powers that were over him to the Sanhedrim and their Delegates to Herod to Pontius Pilate he submitted himself to death by an unjust sentence even to the bitter and accursed death upon the Cross Philip. ii 8. This was his Practise as for his Doctrine He taught men to render to Caesar the things that were Caesars Mat. xxii 21. He acknowledged Pilate's power to be from above John xix 11. He rebuked Peter for smiting with the Sword and told him that those that take the Sword shall perish by the Sword Mat. xxvi 52. He taught his Disciples to pray for them which should persecute them Mat. v. 44. And the utmost permission which he gave them was when they were persecuted in one City to flee unto another Matth x. 23. 4. As for the Apostles They taught men to obey them that have the rule over them Hebr. xiii 17. To submit themselves to every Ordinance of man 1 Pet. ii 13. To do all things without murmuring or disputing Philip. ii 14. To pray for Kings and all that are in Authority 1 Tim. ii 2. Saint Peter hath told us that such as despise Dominion and speak evil of Dignities are in an especial manner reserved to Iudgment 1 Pet. ii 9 10. and Saint Paul in my Text that they shall receive damnation This Doctrine they Sealed with their blood Saint Peter according to Ecclesiastical Tradition was crucified and Saint Paul beheaded Iames the Son of Zobedeus slain with the Sword c. Now as for the Powers to which all these Instructions and Behaviours did refer they were for Idolatry and Tyranny and Persecution Humani generis portenta If it be objected That all these submitted because they were not able to resist the Answer upon Christian Principles might be That He which restrained the Flames and stopped the mouths of Lions could have given his Servants power to resist that Christ could have prayed his Father who would have given him more than twelve Legions of Angels for his relief that the Apostles who wrought mighty signs and wonders could have rescued themselves had it not rather pleased the great Ordainer of Powers by their submission to ratifie and establish the Doctrine of Obedience 5. But the belief and practise of the Primitive Christians will satisfie this Objection even to common Sense and Reason The Instances in this kind are infinite where Christians abounding in numbers being in Arms and abundantly able to make resistance have chosen with the expence of their lives to yield obedience to Idolaters persecuting them for their Religion I shall name but two Examples Tertullian tells the Emperour that his Cities Islands Castles Councils Armies Regiments and Companies the Palace the Senate the Courts of Judicature were filled with Christians and yet they submitted to persecution And we read that the Thebean Legion consisted of six thousand six hundred sixty and six persons every man Christian when they submitted to the Decimation of Maximinian for Religion I shall say no more to the first Pretence II. Now the second is like unto it alike prejudical to Government alike false and scandalous to Religion An House or Kingdom divided cannot stand and God is not the Author of Confusion but of Peace and that especially in Religion If none have this power to order matters of Religion there must be Confusion if any other beside the Supreme Magistrate there will be Division The inevitable Inconveniences of the exemption of religious Things and religious Persons from the power of the Magistrate are abundantly set forth by such as would improve them to the disadvantage of Religion And indeed to go about to deny or to diminish the dismal Consequences of such Pretences were to endeavour to put out the eyes of all the men of Reason and Experience in the world My present Duty is to enquire what relation these Pretences have to the Principles of Christianity and that First As to religious Causes Secondly As to Ecclesiastical Persons Thirdly As to holy or gifted Brethren as they style themselves Now in order to a resolution in these Enquiries I shall as a Lemma humbly propose one Observation It is this That whereas there are two things whereon all Political administration doth depend 1. Concerning the Rights and Bounds and regulation of Sovereign Powers 2. Concerning the Duties and Obedience of Subjects we find both Christ and the Apostles frequently labouring to settle in the Consciences of men that part which concerns Obedience but no where restraining or limiting or particularly regulating the Office of Sovereign Powers but leaving them to those general Rules which concern the Account and Duty of all men in their several stations and to the terms whereupon the Providence of God was wont to settle the Princes and Governours of the World Let the rights of Caesar be what they will in reference to Tribute or other matters Christ will not determine them This he will those things which belong to Caesar according to Jus Gentium must be rendered to him He doth not examine Pilate's power in case of Blasphemy or Treason but acknowledges it and submits He falls not upon sifting or examining the
power of the Sanhedrim either their original power or the power left them by the Romans They sit in Moses Chair c. Whatsoever therefore they bid you do do it Matth. xxiii 2 3. And so likewise the Apostles they seem to be unconcerned as it were in the governing part of Civil Policy No word is found in all their Writings enquiring into the Rights of the Roman Emperours who were sovereign or limiting the Exercise of their Power Only thus much they take for certain such as they were they were ordained of God And they spend all their labour in founding deeply and firmly establishing that other part which concerns Obedience From this Observation it will follow That whatever Things or Persons were not before the times of Christ and his Apostles exempt from the power of the Magistrate are not by the Foundations and Principles of Christianity exempted Non eripit mortalia qui regna dat coelestia And it will only remain for us to enquire what was the manner of the Nations of the World and of God's peculiar people in reference to these Particulars before and at the times of Christ and his Apostles To which if we shall add the practice of the best and most ancient Christian Emperors I know not what more can be desired to clear the present Argument I suppose it needless to put in a Caution that while we speak of the Magistrate's power to order matters of Religion we do not entitle him to the Priest's Office the Spiritual Function or the Execution of it in preaching the word administring the Sacraments exercising the power of Ordination or of the Keys c. Blessed be the Lord God of our Fathers who hath put it into our Sovereign's heart to be tender of the rights of the Church as of the Apple of his Eye This is a Calumny insisted on generally by almost all our Adversaries but it is too rude and gross to be spoken to in this place Rather let us see whether the Sovereigns among all people Heathen Jews Christians have not claimed and exercised power in all Causes over all Persons as well Ecclesiastical as Civil 1. For Causes The New Testament sometimes divides the Gentiles into Greeks and Barbarians sometimes into wise and unwise according to which division the Romans are I suppose reckoned under the Greeks from whence they were mostly extracted and with whom they contended in Civility Briefly 1. the Greeks 2. the Romans 3. the Barbarous Nations did always exercise such a power 1. Aristotle the greatest among the Greeks tells us that the first and principal thing in a Common Wealth is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And accordingly if we consult the Fragments which are left us of the Laws of the most antient Grecian Common-Wealths we shall find nothing so frequent as the Ordinances concerning their Religion 2. Amongst the Romans Cicero the wisest saith that Religion is the Foundation of Humane Society as in truth it is To say nothing of the Ordinances of Numa the Ius Pontificium c. the Titles of the Twelve Tables are many of them concerning Religion 3. As for the Barbarous Nations I shall not multiply Testimonies nor go beyond the line of Scripture In the third of Daniel we find an Edict of the King of Babylon enjoyning all People Languages and Tongues to commit Idolatry Vers. 4. 5. And by and by another Edict that no man should speak amiss of the God of Shadrach Mesech and Abednego Vers. 29. In the sixth we find Darius the Persian by the advice of his Council signing a Decree against petitioning for thirty days any God besides himself Verse 9. and shortly another that all men should tremble and fear before the God of Daniel Verse 26. In the third of Ionah the King of Nineveh and his Nobles proclaim a publick Fast. In the first of Ezra Cyrus puts forth an Edict to build the Temple at Hierusalem In the fourth Artaxerxes reverseth it In the sixth Darius re-inforceth it I suppose it is now evident that Greeks and Barbarians did exercise this power To think to elevate the force of these Instances because all these were Strangers from God and aliens from the Common-Wealth of Israel is to mistake the purpose for which they are alledged However it was not thus among the Kings of the Nations only but among the holiest and wisest of the Governours and Kings of Israel and Iuda who for abolishing false Worship and ordaining the true are often highly commended by the Holy Ghost in the Scriptures The time would fail me to speak distinctly and particularly of the Ordinances concerning Religion which were made by Moses Ioshua David Solomon Asa Iehoshaphat Hezekiah Manasses also and Iosiah concerning whom the Scripture gives these Characters Moses was the man of God Joshua the servant of the Lord. David a man after Gods own heart There was none like unto Solomon Asa his heart was perfect with the Lord. The Lord was with Jehoshaphat Hezekiah did that which was right in the sight of the Lord. Manasseth was heard of God Josiah did that which was right and his Goodness was recorded Now the Acts of every one of these concerning the Worship of God and matters of Religion are recorded and applauded in the Scriptures For these all ordered and regulated Services and Sacraments and Covenants with God they erected Altars and Tabernacles and Temples and dedicated them unto the Lord they destroyed Idolatry reformed abuses in Gods Worship settled both the standing Worship of God and occasional Thanks-givings and Humiliations to omit other matters The whole Aaronical Ministery which consisted in ceremonies and Sacrifices Typical and Carnal Ordinances was not ordered by the hand of Aaron but of Moses who was King in Iesurun The Tabernacle and Temple-service which beside the Mosaical Institutions consisted of Spiritual abiding Ordinances was instituted by David who being the sweet Singer of Israel and acquainted more then ever any man for ought appears with the ways and helps of lifting up the Heart to spiritual intercourse with God to that end appointed the use of Musick in the Church and without fear of stinting the Spirit he prescribed Set-forms of Praise and Prayers for the use of the Temple and ordered the service for every day A Psalm consisting partly of the one hundred and fifth ninety sixth and one hundred and eighteenth he first delivered to Asaph and his Brethren at the reduction of the Ark from the house of Obed-Edom 1 Chron. xvi 7. And divers other Psalms were composed by him for the Service of the Church And what he had ordained Solomon put in practice In the fifth Chapter of the second Book of Chronicles we find the pattern of the Service of this Time and Place the Sons of Asaph Heman and Iedu●hun arrayed in white Linen with musical Instruments praising the Lord saying For he is good c. viz. reciting the one hundred and
who yet have been offended at the dogmatical parts of the Gospel and concerning the Faith have made shipwrack In Opposition to these I shall endeavour to demonstrate that Supposing Matters of Fact to be truly related in the New Testament it is unreasonable to suspect the truth of any of the Doctrines delivered by Christ or his Apostles Amongst the various fancies concerning Religion wherewith the whole world hath been always embroiled Two things there are wherein all the Sons of Adam have agreed namely 1. That that is to be believed which hath received the testimony of God And 2. That this Testimony is to be gathered from instances of supernatural Wisdom and Power In the study of natural and Philosophical Theology the Speculativi amongst the Greeks and Romans and other Nations sought after wisdom Reason and Demonstration But to reduce the People to the forms of religious Rites and Sacrifices prescribed them they were made to believe the Epiphanies of the Gods and the manifestations of their Wisdom and Power by Oracles and Works supernatural To these even Mahomet pretended though his great Argument was from the Sword and of the Jews I need not speak For a Foundation of Religion and in our inquisition after that short of this Testimony we ought not to stay further we cannot go And herein is the utmost of humane wisdom to consider well those Evidences upon which we adventure the interest of our eternity To this evidence therefore we appeal in asserting the Doctrine of our Lord Christ and his Apostles Namely to the instances of Supernatural Knowledge and Supernatural Power whereby their Doctrine was attested I shall not here wave the force but I shall decline the repetition of what I have formerly spoken concerning the attestations given to it by Visible Signs Audible Voices Apparitions of Angels Fulfilling the Prophecies Evidences of Christs Resurrestion Mission of the Holy Ghost In Ioh. 7. 15. the Jews wondred at Christ that he knew any thing How knoweth this man Letters seeing he never learned them but if we mark the Scriptures we shall find that he knew all things and that nothing was withdrawn from the reach of his understanding He knew the sickness and death of Lazarus though absent and at a distance He saw Nathaniel under the Fig-tree and convinced him that he was the Son of God and the King of Israel Come see a man said the Woman of Samaria which told me all things that ever I did is not this the Christ He was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The secret murmurs at his hard sayings the inward desires to ask him Questions the Reasonings and dialogisms of the hearts of his Disciples the secret Councils of the Sc●ibes and Pharisees their evil surmisings their treacherous intentions to intrap him their mental Blasphemy were all naked and manifest before him He knew what was in man and needed not that any one should tell him He knew the various Kinds of Devils and how they were to be ejected This Kind cometh not out but by Prayer and Fasting He knew the Fishes of the Sea and where they were and what was in them He knew not only things past and present but to come He foresaw all things that were to come upon him who it was that should betray him he foretold his Disciples all the circumstances of his Passion how he was to be Betrayed Condemned delivered to the Gentiles mocked scourged spit on kill'd and Crucified at Ierusalem Behold saith he I tell you before Let this saying sink into your hearts He forewarned Peter of his denyal and the Disciples of their flight He foretold things to come after his death the time and manner of the destruction of Ierusalem The success of his Gospel the Effect unlikely of his Crucifixion that it should draw all men after him that it should be preached and believed in the whole world spreading it self like Leaven and like a grain of Mustard-seed that Satans Kingdom should be destroyed suddenly like lightning notwithstanding the false Christs and false Prophets which should arise These and many more were instances of the supernatural knowledge of Christ And for his power the time would fail me to insist upon the many and various instances mentioned in the Gospels I shall omit the exercise of his dominion over the Sun Moon and Stars Plants and Animals Earth and Water the Wind and the Sea and briefly mind you of those which concerned the bodies of men how he 1. Fed their hunger 2. Healed their distemp●rs 3. Raised their dead and 4. Cast out Devils He fed 4000 at one time and 5000 at another with 5 or 7 Loaves and a few little Fishes He healed the blind lame deaf dumb maimed feaverish hydropical paralytick leprous and lunatick persons He cured not green wounds only but ancient inveterate Maladies of 12 of 38 years continuance one that was born blind He used no Plasters nor Po●ions no Telesmans or other Charms but performed all these things by a touch of his Hand or of his Garment He healed absent persons as well as present he spoke the word only and they were healed He raised to life the Daughter of Iairus the Widows Son at Naim his Friend Lazarus and many bodies of the Saints Many of which healed and raised persons lived till about Trajan's time as Quadratus a Disciple of the Apostles affirmed in his Apology to Hadrian the Emperour Like a strong man armed he cast our Devils whatever kind they were of he quickly disloged them that foaming and tearing Devil which withstood the power of his Disciples and threw down and ●ore the possessed person even as he was yet coming to Christ himself he presently rebuked and healed the child and delivered him to his Father Neither their long possession nor their numbers could secure them he cast seven at once out of Mary Magdalen and an whole Legion out of a certain man of the Countrey of the Gadarens who had been possessed by them a long time Moreover for attestation to the truth of his Gospel he delegated all this power to others to the 12 Apostles to the 70 Disciples He bequeathed it to Believers at his death and they also received and exercised this supernatural power I have given a few instances of the Supernatural Wisdom and Power of Christ solitarily considered The History of the Gospel affords us many Examples wherein they were gloriously combined By his Knowledge he foretold his Resurrection he performed it by his Power By his Divine Understanding he foresaw his Ascension and by the Power of his Divinity he ascended He ascended and by his power he fulfilled the Predictions and Promises which he had made He sent down the Holy Spirit and