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A47136 Divine immediate revelation and inspiration, continued in the true church second part. In two treatises: the first being an answer to Jo. W. Bajer Doctor and Professor of Divinity, so called, at Jena in Germany, published first in Latine, and now in English. The second being an answer to George Hicks, stiled Doctor of Divinity, his sermon preached at Oxford, 1681. and printed with the title of, The spirit of enthusiasm exorcised; where this pretended exorcist is detected. Together, with some testimonies of truth, collected out of diverse ancient writers and fathers, so called. By G.K.; Divine immediate revelation and inspiration, continued in the true church. Part 2. Keith, George, 1639?-1716. 1685 (1685) Wing K158; ESTC R218958 105,601 220

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Logia p. 170. l. 16. r. and yet I love p. 206. l. 2. r. Antoninus OF DIVINE Immediate Revelation AND INSPIRATION CHAP. I. MY Friend and Brother in the Truth and Country Man R. B. being much taken up with another affair when the dissertation of Io. W. Bajer against his Apology came to his hand did earnestly desire me to answer it as God should give me freedom and assistance so to do unto which I found great Liberty and clearness of Mind given me of God in defence of the truth of God and while as I was reading and weighing the things I had read in the said dissertation many things did occurr unto me one after another wherewith to answer And here I give the Reader to Understand that I delayed my answer for some small time until I should see if any other dissertations of the same Author should be made Publick and come out against us as the title of this his first dissertation gave us occasion enough to expect more shortly to follow For I thought it would be best to see his other dissertations that so either I or R. B. might answer them altogether then to spend the more time and Labour in answering now one and then another but as yet I have heard of no other dissertations of his Published against us As to the matter it self I propose this Method in answering so as to observe whatever is said by the Adversary whether well or ill that toucheth the main thing and hinge of the controversie passing by other things Superfluous or less Necessary and to every one of those to answer distinctly In the first place this Writer is to be Commended above many of our Adversaries for his greater Moderation of stile and Mind and because he writeth soberly and fairly of those things which he imputeth to us as false and Erroneous I shall in Charity impute these his mistakes not to flow from Hatred or Malice of Mind which is but too frequent in many others but from some defect of right reason and judgment and an Errour of humane weakness That in his first Paragraph and title of his dissertation he calleth us Enthusiasts I would know whether this Name or term Enthusiasts be in all respects rejected by him and these of his profession or what Crime or Vice or thing unworthy of a Christian Name is contained therein For having searched both Greek and Latine Dictionaries and Vocabularies I can find nothing to make me or any other true Christians justly ashamed of the same For Enthusiast if we consider aright the Etymology or English Signification of the word is one divinely Inspired or Breathed upon moved and acted Or one in whom God is in whom God speaketh whom God teacheth enlightneth instructeth leadeth moveth and acteth and what I pray is unworthy of a Christian Man in all these things yea what can befall to a Christian that is more worthy or desireable for I am greatly Mistaken if our Adversary will not allow all those things to belong to a true Christian in a sound and sober sense agreable to Scripture And although some Heathens abused this term in their false Inspirations received from unclean Spirits as they did also abuse the name of God this ought not to hinder but that it may be at last turned to a right use We know how the Papists did throw this same term upon Luther and other well minded Men for preaching up the necessity of the Spirits teachings and leadings in those days by way of derision and made it a crime I have also observed that the Socinians and such as they call all others in derision Enthusiasts who in any wise plead for the grace and Illumination of the holy Spirit its being necessary to the begetting in Men true Faith Hope and Charity And I have both read and oft heard the teachers of the Episcopal Church here in Britain brand the Presbyterians and Calvinists with the same Let any sober Man therefore be ashamed to impute that as a crime to another which is no crime if taken in a right sense in which only we take it and which may be as well imputed to him as unto us according to his own Concessions laid down by him in his dissertation as may be afterwards seen in its due place But because this term Enthusiast is not contained in the Scripture although I find it used by Clemens Alexandrinus and Origen in a right sense viz. for true divine inspiration we shall not contend for it nor affect to have it given to us yet we would not have it in derision cast upon us for affirming that all true and sound Christians are inspired and indued with the holy Spirit according to their several Measures and degrees Moreover that he saith in his first Paragraph the chief controversie betwixt us and our Adversaries lyeth in that of inward and immediate Revelations is very true for this most noble Principle of inward and Immediate Revelation being once received and acknowledged many other excellent Doctrines and Principles of Christian Religion are by necessary consequence deduced there from and all things belonging to the Christian Religion whither of Theory or Practise by the Light and vertue of the said Principle of inward and Immediate divine Revelation do shine and become clear and receive their native and lively beauty and lustre But the said Principle being denyed many other excellent Principles are denyed also and all things belonging to the Christian Religion and Church of God and Christ are obscured and clouded and as it were involved in most thick night darkness And hence it is that we confidently affirm that the one only true Foundation of the Christian Church is God and Christ by the Holy Spirit speaking and shining in the hearts of the Faithful and inspiring them and communicating unto them his inward and Immediate divine Revelations and by the same opening the Scriptures and Mysteries of the Christian Religion and sanctifying all the means both outward and inward as of Reading Hearing Meditation and Prayer and of our whole obedience unto God in all our services whether inward or outward Upon this Rock which flesh and blood hath not revealed but the Heavenly Father hath made Manifest in the hearts of the faithful the true Church is built And whatsoever Society or Congregation of People is not built upon the same is not the true Church of Christ but false and Anti-Christian because it is not built upon Christ as well inwardly revealing himself in their hearts as appearing in Heaven before the Father and interceeding for them What he addeth in the same Paragraph needeth much Correction Although saith he they have many and diverse errours yet it is manifest by experience if that one errour of Immediate Revelation be admitted it is to no purpose to dispute against their other errours for men being once perswaded that they have within them a divine and Immediate Light of Revelation they will most pertinaciously adhere to all
God in whom we live and move and have our being is most present in all his Creatures in Heaven and Earth and below the Earth and that he doth impart unto them all his Immediate concurrence and influence according to the exigence of every one of them In the Mineral and Metallin region he works immediatly with the minerals and mettals in the vetegable with the herbs flowers and trees and in the Animal he works immediatly with all the living Creatures to feed and nourish them Also he feedeth and nourisheth man not with Bread alone but with every word that cometh out of his Mouth And if this be true in respect of the natural and animal life how exceedingly true is it in respect of the Spiritual and supernatual which after a peculiar manner is called in Scripture the life I do not therefore understand how our adversary can reject this term Immediate from the inward divine Illumination or light of God that operates in the hearts of the faithful But parhaps he will say he doth not reject the term Immediate as the said Immediate concurse and influence of God is joyned with the means having an excellent consistency harmony and concord with them but that he denyeth such an immediate concourse of God as excludeth all means and the use and necessity of them in regard of the common and ordinary way of Gods working or at least doth not require them as necessary Now if this be the mind of our adversary he ought to have explained it in his dissertation and not to have rejected the term Immediate without all distinction and limitation But I answer moreover that we are so far from rejecting any true Means in order to the attaining the true and saving knowledge of God that we most gladly receive all means both inward and outward and both the book of the Scripture and the book of the Creatures as blessings and gifts of God We do also acknowledge that in respect of the more special Heads and Doctrines of the Christian Religion the Scripture is necessary both by necessity of precept and also of means and in what cases the Scriptures are not absolutely necessary yet they are very profitable unto all even unto the most spiritual and perfect And therefore the use of the Holy Scripture is not to be rejected or laid aside by none so long as this Mortal life endureth and this upon the matter R. B. hath sufficiently granted and that it may be the better known in what special Doctrines of the Christian Religion we hold the use of the Scripture to be necessary unto us we grant first that the whole History of the Creation and of all the ages from Adam unto Christ and of all the great works of God in building preserving nourishing and encreasing his Church in all those ages unto Christ and unto the end of the age of the Apostles is made known unto us by benefit of the Scripture of the Old and New Testament the inward divine Revelation and Illumination of the Holy Spirit working together with the Scripture and begetting in our minds and hearts the saving knowledge and faith of all these things Secondly all these most excellent Prophecies both and that especially concerning Christ his coming in the Flesh and his Spiritual Kingdom in the hearts of the faithful and also concerning many other things very necessary to be known and believed are made known unto us by the help of the Scripture the foresaid inward divine Revelation and Illumination of the Holy Spirit working with the Scripture and begetting in us the saving knowledge and belief of those things and here the holy Spirit is the principal cause and the Scripture a means and instrument Thirdly the knowledge of those most excellent examples of the vertues and vertuous and holy living of the Saints that greatly conduce by the working of the Holy Spirit to frame and fashion us after the same Manner and to ingraft and implant in us the same divine vertues and graces Fourthly the knowledge of many mysteries as of Christ his being both God and Man his being born in the Flesh of a Virgin his being crucified and becoming a Propitiatory sacrifice for our sins his Resurrection Ascension and Glorification and pouring out of his Spirit and the fulfilling of all these things many ages ago as they were foretold also the Mysterys of Election Vocation Justification and of the Regeneration of the Saints and of their spiritual ingrafting into Christ through the same and the Mystery of the Resurrection of the Body and its Glorification at the last day with many other secrets and hidden things of the Christian Religion Fifthly the knowledge of diverse Gospel precepts leading and carrying on the true travellers into a Gospel and Spiritual Life until he arrive at a perfect Man Sixthly the knowledge of diverse Gospel promises wherby we become partakers not only of the divine life and nature in this World but shall injoy most abundantly everlasting Happiness and felicity in the World to come I say the knowledge of all these things and of many more which to recite all one by one were too long is conveyed unto us by the Scriptures Testimony as we are exercised in reading and hearing and meditating on them the foresaid inward divine Revelation and Inspiration working as is said together with the Scriptures which can only beget in us the saving knowledge and belief of all these things It may now be asked what remaineth to be revealed by the Holy Spirit inwardly inspiring and Illuminating us the Scriptures not concurring so much as means and instruments at least immediatly and formally in the very act of knowledge as touching the things revealed I answer The experimental and sensible knowledge of God that is no ways obvious to the outward senses but to the inward and spiritual whereby God himself in Christ and Christ himself in his Life Light Vertue and Spirit is most inwardly felt seen and heard and a most sweet tast of him is received above all that the natural man can conceive of him and this is that most inward Magisterie or teaching of the inward Master of which Augustin makes mention lib. 14. de Trinit cap. 15. And it is that also of which the Apostle Paul said Eye hath not seen nor Ear heard nor hath it entred into Mans heart to conceive the things which God hath prepared for them who love him but God saith he hath revealed them to us by his Spirit This is that hidden Manna and white-stone which no Man knoweth save he who hath it And for the more full and clear understanding of this thing let the Reader take notice that there is a twofold knowledge of things whether natural and visible or of spiritual divine and invisible There is one knowledge of things which is not received by the things themselves but by the signs of them and such a knowledge is abstractive remote and mediate and therefore is very obscure another knowledge
because they have departed and Apostatised from that Holy Spirit given of old unto their Fathers And therefore was it not also a great glory and honour to the ancient Christian Church to have in it the gift of prophecy or speaking by Immediate Inspiration and would it not be now a great glory and honour to the Church if that gift of prophecy which did anciently flourish in the Church for some Ages after the Apostles days should flourish and spring forth again was not this gift with many others lost by the apostacy of the professors of the Christian Religion and therefore when the apostacy goeth out and people doth return to the sincere worship and obedience of God shall not this excellent gift be restored together with many others Had not the ancient Christian Church after the Apostles days all the Books of Scripture of the Old and New Testament as well as we The Jews also had the Scriptures of the Old Testament which contained all the heads of Christian Doctrine in respect of the substance of Religion a people therefore having the Scripture but wanting the Spirit Immediately teaching leading and inspiring them which both the Jewish Church had and also the Christians after the Apostles days shall be more happy then both these because they want the said Holy Spirit Immediately inspiring teaching and leading them This is a wonderful paradox but most false for the Christians are not more happy than the Jews because out of the Scripture barely they could know the will of God for the Jews had the Scripture also containing all the heads of the Doctrine of their Religion clearly enough But for this cause true Christians are more happy than those Jews that whereas the Jews for all their having the Scripture did need to take long Journeys to consult the Priests to solicite wait for the respouses of the High Priests all true Christians because they partake more largely of the Holy Spirit they need not make these Journeys or travels to consult either Priests or High Priest because they have a most excellent Priest yea an High Priest more high then the Heavens or the Angels that dwell in them to wit Jesus Christ dwelling in their hearts who by his Spirit teacheth them all things and doth clearly and without all doubtfulness answer them i● all things needful to be known by them and who doth also clearly and infallibly expound the Scripture unto them And therefore true Christians have no need to run to these Jewish Priests and High Priests nor unto these Doctors so called and preachers at this day who do not so much as profess to have any thing of the Divine Inspiration and inward Revelation with which the Prophets and holy men of God were of old endued and do not pretend to have any infallible sense or understanding of the holy Scripture or to have received any infallible Judgment of its meaning And so true Christians may spare both their labour and their mony and not spend it nor give it away to such Doctors and Preachers but leaving them all behind as unprofitable let them go unto Jesus Christ the Lord the eternal Priest who liveth for ever by whom they shall be well and sufficiently taught and instructed and that freely without either labour or mony And lastly as to these notable testimonies of the ancients and reformers in Luther's times cited by R. B. in his Apology because the Adversary endeavoureth to elude or evade the form of them after the same manner as he doth the testimonies of the holy Scripture therefore he is the same way refused in both and the answers given in the one will serve in the other the which if I have effectually given I leave unto the ●qual and impartial Reader for to Judge THE Pretended EXORCIST DETECTED In a Brief REPLY TO A SERMON PREACHED BEFORE The University of Oxford by George Hicks stiled Doctor of Divinity in the Month called Iuly 11. 1680. the which Sermon is called The Spirit of Enthusiasm Exorcised CHAP. I. UPon my reading of this Authors Printed Sermon which is called the Spirit of Enthusiasm exorcised I find the said Author very unskilful and unacquainted with the true notion of Enthusiasm as it is owned and received among the People called in derision Quakers with all possible moderation And though he hath been pleased to cite my Book of Immediate ●evelation and R. B. his Apology and Theses yet I can hardly believe he hath been at any pains to read and consider throughly what is said by us on that Subject for had he but read and well considered what we have said or writ in that matter he would have ●●●●e fairly and genuinely stated the controversy betwixt us and our opposers as to this particular In my answer to Io. Bajer the Lutheran Doctor in Iena so much is already said as less needs be added for a reply to what this Author hath brought against us As for the word or term Enthusiasm as I have already said in my answer to the Lutheran Doctor we do not plead for it or affect such a name or title for it being no Scripture phrase or expression we can and do very well declare our Faith in the thing we intend without it Yet we cannot altogether reject the term when thrust or cast upon us by opposers on purpose many times to render us odious because the Etimology of the word Enthusiasm according to the best and most approved Greek Lexicons signifieth Divine Inspiration And whereas it hath been used by heathenish writers to signifie the inspirations or inward suggestions of Daemons and evil Spirits yet this hath rather been an abuse and improper signification of the word then a true and genuine acceptation of it and notwithstanding of this abuse of the word among heathenish writers and Poets yet divers of the Fathers use● it in a good sense and as applicable to good and sincere Christians Yea this Author himself with respect to the Prophets and Apostles and others their successors for 3 or 4 hundreds of years owneth the term Enthusiasm and that in the Apostles times and downwards to the 4 or 5 Century there were some real and sincere Christians who had Enthusiasms and were enthusiastically acted and moved by the Spirit of God for thus he saith Pag. 12. Edit 3. of this sort of Enthusiastical confidence with which the Spirit filled the minds of men is that place to be understood Math. 21. vers 21. and Pag. 14. he saith prophecy may be taken as it is often in the Old and New Testament for praising of God by inspired Hymns and Psalms for inspired persons did usually spend their Enthusiasm in composing of Hymns and Spiritual Songs And Pag. 16. he saith the groanings wherewith some inspired persons prayed in the Apostles days according to Rom. 8. were the effect of those supernatural raptures and Enthusiasms with which the Spirit filled the souls of those inspired Orators so we see how this Author
or evil Spirit and undertake to Exorcise it before the face of the University of Oxford where Common Prayer is so frequently read and that without any distinction But possibly he may say he is not against divine inspiration as it is a common saving gift of the Spirit necessary to all the Church and every member of it but as it is some peculiar and extraordinary thing as the gift of tongues power of working Miracles signs and wonders the Spirit of prophecy c. To this I answer 1. He ought then in the first place to have told so much what sort or kind of Enthusiasm or divine inspiration for both these words are of one signification he was for and what sort he was against and not have promiscuously condemned Inspiration or Enthusiasm altogether in the Lump 2. The people called in derision Quakers do not plead for those extraordinary Enthusiasms or Inspirations which the Apostles and some others had in the primitive times as the gift of tongues the power of working Miracles c. and as the Spirit of Prophecy is restructed to signifie a peculiar gift of forfeiting future events we do not plead for its absolute necessity in the Church far less do we Judge it necessary to every true Christian And this I did sufficiently declare in my Book of Immediate Revelaion cited by the Author the which Book if he had taken a little pains to read and consider might have saved him the labour of saying so much against the Quakers without any just ground or provocation It is like that we and our Books are esteemed so meanly of by such as this Author as that they think it not worth their time or labour to read our Books But in case it be so that we are so mean in their eyes yet they ought not to judge or condemn us until they have good knowledge or information of what we hold which they are not likely to have without taking some time and pains to read or hear what we say for to condemn any principle we hold before they do well know it is as unjust as to condemn a man before he be heard CHAP. II. BUt there are other two or three things which I suppose this Author or some other may answer in the Case The first is that the Inspirations which the Church of England doth hold pray for and expect are subordinate to Scripture and do acknowledge the Scripture as superiour and more noble and that they are to be tryed by the Scripture as the greater and more principal rule and not the Scripture by them whereas some of the Quakers have writ and particularly R. B. in his Theses that this Spirit of Immediate Revelation is not to be tryed by the Scriptures and reason but that both of them are to be tryed by it for so doth the Author cite R. B. his Theses as so affirming pag. 38. To this I answer the Author doth manifestly wrong R. B. in his Citation for R. B. no where saith in his Theses or Apology that the Spirit or its Inspiration is not to be tryed by the Scripture or Reason simply Only he saith that those inward divine Revelations are not to be examined and tryed by the Scriptures as the more noble and certain rule Yea in the 3 Thesis R. B. doth plainly acknowledge that the Scriptures are and may be esteemed a secondary rule subordinate to the Spirit from whom they derive the excellency and certainty they have it is not therefore affirmed by R. B. as this Author upon his own mistake as seemeth doth alledge nor yet by any Quaker so called that I know of that the Scripture or right reason in no respect are a rule and may not be profitably and safely used as a rule whereby to try inward Divine Revelations as the Scripture or right reason is used or applyed for a rule by the help of the Spirit and in subordination unto the Spirit But the state of the question lyeth here whither the external testimony of the Scripture used and applyed as a rule without the Spirit as too many do be a more noble and greater rule and more certain or giving to the mind of man more assurance of truth than the inward Immediate Testimony of the Spirit of God in the soul or mind which as a ray of the Sun shineth with its own Light and hath a self evidencing power and vertue in it as every other true light hath This is one branch of the state of the question Another branch is this whither when both the Spirits inward testimony and the Scriptures outward testimony do acknowledge co-operate and concur to produce or work a persuasion or essent to some Gospel doctrine or principle of Christian Religion in the soul or heart of a true Believer I say whither in this case the inward testimony or witness of the Spirit is not the greater the stronger and more clear and certain as to us and the more effectual and as having the greatest stroak and share in the begetting or producing the said assent to truth or persuasion of it in the mind of man Now the pople called in derision Quakers are not ashamed but bold in the Lord to say that the Inward Testimony Operation and Revelation or Inspiration of the Spirit of God is the greater and hath the greatest stroak and efficiency in this work and that the holy Spirit is not the subordinate instrument or rule of the Scripture but the Scripture is the subordinate rule and instrument of the Spirit And this I prove first from the express words of the Apostle Iohn 1 Iohn 5.9 10. If we receive the witness of men the witness of God is greater for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son he that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself Now it is clear that Iohn by the witness of men doth mean the Scripture as being the witness of the holy Prophets and Apostles who were men and by the witness of God the inward witness of the Spirit which he who believeth hath in himself not as if the Scripture were not also the witness of God and a divine witness far above all bare humane Testimony but yet the Scripture being compared with the inward Immediate witness of Gods Spirit in the soul may be without any derogation called the witness of men to wit of the Prophets and Apostles who were holy men for what other men Iohn doth mean I do not understand but faithful and holy men who did bear a true record to Divine Truth as they had it inwardly revealed unto them And to this same effect the Apostle Paul declared that his Gospel came unto the Thessalonians not in words or speech or discourse only but in power and in the Holy Ghost and in much Assurance where he annexeth the much assurance to the Power and at the Holy Ghost and not simply nor principally to the words and elsewhere he said The
Book called Foxes and Fire-brands pag. 15. c. printed 1680. What ground of Proof can such a bare citation be without naming the Author or giving a sufficient Evidence of his Fidelity How many Lyes are to be found in printed Books If bearly to name the Title of a Book without regarding or giving sufficient Evidence of the Authors Fidelity be proof enough against a Doctrine or Person who shall or can escape Innocent It were easie to show how the Jesuits are as great enemies to Immediate Revelation and Inspiration as necessary to every true Christian for the foundation of their Faith as any people in the World or as this Author as doth clearly enough appear out of Bellarmin a great Jesuit who disputeth against this way of resolving or building our Faith and pleadeth for the Tradition of the Church in opposition to all inward Inspiration and calleth them mad men who lean to any Spirit within them which he saith is often fallacious and ever uncertain Nor were it a hard thing to prove that the Doctrine of Inspiration hath been preached and believed both in England and elsewhere before either the Name or Order of Jesuits was in the World And as to his Insinuation concerning R. Barclay unless he can prove that he remained a Papist when he did publish among many others that Doctrine he saith nothing to the matter It can easily be showed that divers Bishops and Teachers in the Protestant Church have had their Education at Popish Schools yea Luther himself was a Popish Monk and bred at a Popish University and some of the present Bishops and Teachers in Britain have had a Popish Education which yet will not argue they are still Papists How many are quite of other Perswasions than what they had by Education And as for R. B. what Education he had among Papists was but when a Child or Boy where he learned only some Latin and Grammar and what he received of their Leaven even in his young and tender years while yet but a youth he renounced and the Lord opened his Eyes to see and acknowledge the Truth whereof I can give better Testimony having well known him from that very time than this Author can against him And I ask the Author Was it any prejudice or derogation to the Christian Religion that Paul a zealous Preacher of it was bred among the Pharisees if not the Authors Argument being of the same sort evanisheth As for Labbade as he was no Quaker so called so whatever formerly he was to be sure he was then no Jesuit but hated and persecuted by them In pag. 40. he falls on with a fresh assault to accuse the Doctrine of the Quakers so called concerning a Spiritual Ministry and Spiritual Worship for being blasphemous but if this be blasphemy to own a spiritual Ministry and Worship at this rate he may accuse the Apostles yea Christ himself as blasphemous which is most absurd and blasphemous so to affirm who were for a Spiritual Ministry Iohn 4. and Spiritual Worship but it seemeth by this that the Author himself is only for a carnal or literal Ministry and Worship And he saith they viz. the people called in derision Quakers pretend that the Holy Ghost now cometh down upon their Assemblies as it did in the Apostles time and moves them to Preach and Pray by Inspiration without any regard to Condition or Sex But here he doth not fairly nor truly represent our Doctrine for we distinguish betwixt the ordinary and miraculous Inspirations with both which the Apostles were indued and we say Although the miraculous and extraordinary be ceased yet the ordinary remain as being necessary to all right effectual Preaching and Praying Again it is false that he alledgeth we say the Spirit inspireth us to Preach or Pray without any regard to Condition for a regard there is had unto the Condition of persons so that the Spirit inspireth none to Preach or Pray but such as are first brought into some measure of a sanctified State and Condition As to other things he mentions here and especially that about calling for Signs and Miracles I have already answered him above and here I would have him to consider how Christ called them an evil and adulterous Generation that sought after Signs And what if we could show Signs and perform all the other Conditions he requireth of us that he may believe us to be truly inspired would he then in good earnest believe us to be divinely inspired hath he not called the very principle a blasphemous Doctrine And whereas he saith pag. 38. he denyeth not but that God is free to send Prophets when he pleases and that he may do so when the exigence of the Church doth require it Is not this a manifest contradiction to his calling the Doctrine of Inspiration and Immediate Revelation blasphemous Or is God free to send when he pleaseth any blasphemous Doctrine or Principle into the World as this Author termeth Immediate Revelatiation and Inspiration And suppose that God did send Prophets or men immediately inspired which this Author supposeth he may Can God send any thing that would overthrow the Authority of the Scriptures and annul the Ministerial Orders would not this be inconsistent with his Divine infinite Wisdom But thus we see what inconsistences this Author falleth into while he is carried with such a preposterous zeal against this so excellent a principle In pag. 40. he scoffingly taunts the people called Quakers with their Groanings in their Meetings saying that they groan sufficiently we grant for sometimes in their Meetings they do nothing else But if their Groaning or vocal Devotion be from the Spirit how comes it to pass that the Spirit never moves them as it did in the Apostles days to Pray and Prophesie in unknown Tongues To this I answer Many have both Groaned and Prayed by the Spirit who never spoke with unknown Tongues as I think the Author will confess for the Prophets prayed by the Spirit before Christ came in the flesh and yet all had not the Gift of Tongues But by this it plainly seemeth he disowneth all Groaning and Praying by the Spirit as applicable to him or any of his Brethren this I say again is far contrary to the Liturgy of the Church of England And how knoweth he that sometimes in their Meetings the people called in scorn Quakers do nothing else I must tell him they do more in every Meeting although to groan from the Spirit is of more value than all that the Author or any else can do without the Spirit viz. they meditate they wait they watch they sing and make a melody in their hearts unto the Lord. But here he seemeth to scoff at our silent Meetings where we wait to hear what God will speak unto us though perhaps no man at that time doth speak which is well enough consistent with our Principle of Divine Inspiration for if God inspire his people now as formerly they are well
imployed and exercised who attend to his inspirings and find advantage in so doing much more than by all the much pratling of men who presume to Preach or Teach without the Spirit In pag. 37. he saith The Popes Infallibility must be resolved into this Enthusiastical Principle of immediate Inspiration I answer not but a most into a false pretence thereunto which yet argueth nothing against the true Principle itself And though some of the Popish Schoolmen resolve it into a pretence of Immediate Revelation yet many more do otherwise and particularly the University of Paris as I have showed at more length in my Book called Quakerism no Popery They resolve it only into a blind insensible assistance of the Spirit which they call subjective or effective illumination but not objective the which Popish distinction many Protestants and as it seemeth this Author apply to their Faith with this difference that these Protestants make the assistance of the Spirit fallible but the Papists make it as in the Pope and his Council infallible Pag. 29. he saith The Churches Hieroms Augustines Chrysostoms like us were not inspired but studied Divines I answer why might not Hierom Augustine and Chrysostome and such as they be both to wit parly inspired and partly studied as he termeth it seeing there is no inconsistency as he supposeth betwixt the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the frequent and diligent use of all right and lawful means such as reading the Scriptures Meditation and Prayer with other Religious Exercises which this Author calleth studying But studying without all Divine Inspiration makes but poor Divines or rather dead and dry Vines And here I give the Reader to understand that in the very beginning of his Sermon this Author for all his prejudice at Enthusiasts distinguisheth betwixt them and Impostors saying Impostors on one hand and Enthusiasts on the other c. What then are the Enthusiasts no Impostors One thing I like well in the Author as to what he saith and do therein cordially-agree with him pag. 39. The first Apostolical Ages of Wonder were utterly ignorant of killing impulse and zeal which I could not but observe to the utter detestation of Christians Assassines c. I could here cite divers Testimonies of the Ancients for the verity of Divine Inspiration as still remaining among and in the true Christians but to avoid prolixity I shall only cite two Testimonies one of Augustine another of Origene Augustine saith Tract Epist. Ioh. 3. There is an inward Master who teacheth Christ teacheth his Inspiration teacheth where his Inspiration and Anointing is not the words outwardly make but an empty sound Origines contra Celsum lib. 7. circa med 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 viz. Mat. 11. Verbum autem Dei divina quadam gratia non athea existente anima sed cum quodam Enthusiasmo demonstrat cognosci Deum The word of God citing Mat. 11. No man knoweth the Father but the Son and he to whom the Son reveals him demonstrateth that God is known by a certain divine Grace the Soul not being Atheistical but indued with a certain Enthusiasm Where note that he setteth in opposition Atheism and Enthusiasm or the Atheist and Enthusiast as if whosoever is not Enthusiast or indued with a Divine Enthusiasm were a downright Atheist which is very agreeable to a Title of a Friends Book called Enthusiasm above Atheism writ some years ago by G. W. There is one passage more in this Authors Sermon which I cannot well let pass pag. 32 33. Suppose saith he thou knowest the Gospel like the Apostles by Inspiration what then another Minister who knows it by reading and study is as capable to edifie the Church as thee And besides if thou art like a vain Corinthian ambitious of Inspiration know that it will add nothing to the Reputation of thy parts for an inspired man is but the Vessel to the Treasure the very Instrument and Machine of the Holy Ghost who can ordain strength out of the mouths of Babes and Sucklings and make a Child or an Ideot preach as well as thee To the first I answer according to this Authors assertion the bare Minister of the Letter is as good a Preacher and as useful in the Church as Paul or any of the Apostles which is so gross as nothing needs to be said unto the spiritually minded for its Refutation Did then the Scribes preach with the same Authority that Christ did is it not said expressly that Christ preached as one having Authority and not as the Scribes and what was the Reason of this so great a difference was not a main Reason of it that the Scribes preached barely from the Letter without Divine Inspiration but Christ preached by Divine Inspiration wherewith he was exceeding richly endued above all other men And if it should please God to send Preachers who should preach with Divine Inspiration should they not better open and expound the Scriptures and the Mysteries of the Christian Religion being inspired divinely so to do than those who presume to expound them meerly by the strength of their natural parts and human Learning Or why is it that great Schollars so accounted give so contrary Expositions to the same places of Scripture so frequently but that they want the Inspiration of the Spirit that gave them forth For as Hierome saith Epist. Paulin. 103. The Law is Spiritual and needeth Revelation that it may be understood To the second I answer 't is not Pride nor Vanity to desire the saving Inspirations of the Holy Spirit for Christ hath encouraged us to ask the Holy Spirit which is the same to our Souls as bread is unto the Body or the most nourishing Food And whereas he saith that Inspiration will add nothing to the Reputation of a mans parts who hath it I answer yea the Divine Inspiration that we plead for which is of a moral and saving Nature doth add exceedingly to a mans parts whether acquired or natural and consequently to their true and just Reputation for Grace which is a Divine Principle inspired and infused into the Soul doth sanctifie both the Soul of man and all its faculties and parts and healeth all the Souls Diseases and Disorders and consequently doth greatly improve assist and enlarge the mans parts and rational faculties who is so inspired as abundant Experience can be given both of latter and former Ages And tho' Inspiration of the Spirit of God may make Children and Ideots such as some of the Apostles were to preach or speak well yet it leaveth them not still to be Children and Ideots but by degrees doth largely replenish them both with spiritual and sometimes with a great natural understanding And doth not the Author think that Paul had a greater and nobler enlargedness of his rational faculties and the use of them in Preaching Disputing and Writing on the account of his being divinely inspired and although the inspired Man is but the Vessel to the Treasure yet
divine and a little after Nature is the Mistress the Soul is the Scholar whatever the one hath learned or the other taught is delivered from God who is the Master or Teacher of the Mistress and again after surely saith he the soul was before the letter and the word was before the book note and the sense was before the stile and man himself was before Philosopher or Poet must we therefore believe that before letter-knowledge men lived dumb or without testimonies of this sort And the same Tertullian in his Apology against the Gentiles treating of this inward testimony of the souls of all men concerning the oneness truth goodness greatness and justice of God cryeth out with an exclamation O testimony of the soul naturally Christian. cap. 17. Apol. XIV The same Tertullian in his Book of the Soul cap. 7. saith Because we acknowledge spiritual gifts we are counted worthy to receive the gift of Prophesie after Iohn XV. Eusebius a greek Father and writer of the Ecclesiastick History for the first three hundred years after Christ came into the flesh in his history writeth of Iustin Martyr that in his Dialogue with Tryphon the Jew he affirmeth that the gifts of Prophesie continued in his Church unto his time The words of Iustin Martyr in the said Dialogue are these and again in another Prophesie and it shall come to pass that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh and on my servants and handmaids and they shall exercise the office of a Prophet Among us also saith he are to be seen both women and men who have these gifts from the Spirit of God And the same Eusebius lib. 5. cap. 7. citeth Ireneus writing to the same purpose that the gift of Prophesying and Expounding Divine Mysteries yea and speaking with Tongues and revealing the secrets of men continued among the Christians to his time this Ireneus lived towards the end of the second Century about the year 180. XVI Iustin Martyr a Greek Father and greatly approved among all Christians in his first Apology for the Christians unto the Senate of Rome writeth thus that Christ was in part known unto Socrates for saith he the reason and the word was and is in all men even the same which foretold by the Prophets things that were to come to pass And in the same Apology he speaketh expresly of the Innate Word or Reason which Iames declared Iam. 1.21 greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 calling it both Divine Reason and Innate which was in the Philosophers Poets and Historiographers saying thus expresly every one of them when by the impulse of that measure of Divine Reason the seeds of which they had in them did contemplate that which was of the same kind they spoke some things excellently Again what things are said by all which are well and excellently said they are ours who are Christians for we reverence adore and love the word which proceeded from God which is without beginning and is unexpressible And in his second Apology to the Emperour he writeth thus We have learned that Christ is the first born of God and we have declared that he is the Reason or Word of whom all mankind is partaker and who liveth with or according to the Word are Christians although esteemed Atheists as among the Grecians Socrates and Heraclitus and many others But they who were before and followed not that divine reason the guide were evil men and enemies of Christ and killers of them who lived according thereunto Note that whereas Iustine Martyr called Socrates and others who lived in conformity to the Divine Word in them Christians it is to be understood in part even as he said before that Christ was in part known to Socrates viz. as that Divine word and Reason and according to that general Revelation which it gave although we find not that Socrates had the knowledge of Christ as he was to come in the flesh and suffer death for the sins of the world nor had he any knowledge of many other particular mysteries of the Christian Religion and therefore cannot equally and in all respects be accounted a Christian with these who have a true knowledge of and belief in Christ in respect both of his inward and outward coming and whose conversation and life answer their profession XVII Athanasius the Great so called a man reputed of great authority especially for his opposition to the Arian Heresie in what he writes of the life of Anthony whom he greatly commendeth for his piety and wisdom Among other instances of his great wisdom giveth this for one that whereas some learned men or Philosophers came unto him thinking to make sport with him being ignorant of Letters Anthony asked them which was first whether the mind or letters and whither did the mind come from letters as the cause or letters from the mind they answered that the mind was first and the Cause or Inventer of Letters Anthony replyed therefore he who hath a sound mind needeth not Letters at which saying both they and others present were astonished and went away admiring so great wisdom in an Ideot or unlearned man XVIII The forecited Iustin Martyr in his Dialogue with Triphon the Jew declareth that a certain old man commending to him the Scriptures to read them said unto him these words But first of all pray God that the gate of the Light may be opened unto thee for the Scriptures cannot be known nor understood by all but only to whom it is given by the grace and gift of God and his Christ. XIX Theodorus Abucara in Opusculis Bibliotheca Patrum a Greek Writer denyeth that the Scriptures are ogia Dei i. e. the Speeches of God or the Word of God which is but one only yet that they may be called so tropologically or figuratively Augustine lib. 15. de Trinitate cap. 11. saith the word that soundeth outwardly is a sign or signification of the word that shineth within or inwardly unto which the name of the word doth rather or more agree for that which is expressed with the fleshly mouth is the voice of the word and it is called the word because of that of which it is assumed that it might outwardly appear And whereas we are blamed and greatly accused by some because we say the Scripture viz. the letter of it is not the incorruptible living and abiding word that remaineth for ever but Christ is that living incorruptible word and seed mentioned by Peter for that evil men may not only wrest but corrupt some places and passages of Scripture and accordingly have so done not only with the translations but even with the Hebrew and Greek although we believe God by his gracicous providence hath preserved the Scriptures testimony intire and without corruption as to the main so as to be a sufficient testimony of all necessary truth let us hear what the aforesaid Iustine Martyr saith in the case In his Dialogue with Triphon the Jew he expresly
writeth clearly to the fame purpose homilia 13. in Genesin The word of God saith he is present and this now is its operation to remove the earth from every one of our souls and to open the living Fountain for it is within thee and cometh not from without even as the Kingdom of God is within thee And that woman which losed the piece of Silver did not find it without but in her own House after she had lighted her Candle and cleansed her House from the filthiness which the sloth and dulness of a long time had gathered and there she found the piece of Silver And thou therefore if thou shalt light thy Candle if thou receive or take unto thee the illumination of the Holy Spirit and in his light see light thou shalt find the piece of Silver in thee for within thee is placed the Image of the Heavenly King The Fountain of Knowledge was placed in thee but it could not run or stream out because the Philistines had filled the place of it with earth and made in thee the Image of the earthly XXVIII Again Origin lib. 1. contra Celsum saith The simple or perfect words of Sacred Scripture have made the sincere Readers of it to be Enthusiastically moved gr 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 who nourish that light with the Oyl which the five Virgins are said to have in their Lamps as in the Parable Note how Origin here again useth the word Enthusian as properly applied to every sincere Reader of the Scripture And near the beginning of the said 6th Book he saith The Divine Word teacheth us that it doth not suffice what is spoken although it be ever so true in it self or worthy of credit to overcome the soul unless a Divine Vertue or Power be given to the Speaker and that the grace of God blossom forth in the words spoken the soul not being without a Divine Assistance in them who speak effectually for the Prophet saith in the 67th Psalm v. 11. God shall give the word to them who Preach it with great Power XXIX Hierom otherwise called Ierom who lived about 400 years after Christ saith as Lucas Osiander in his Ecclesiastical History doth cite him cent 4. lib. 4. cap. 19. The knowledge of God is in all men by nature nor is any man born who is without Christ and who hath not in him the seeds of Wisdom and Righteousness and the other Vertues whence many without the faith and evangel of Christ meaning as outwardly preached do many things wisely or holily And that he mentioneth nature it is clear he understood it not in Pelagius sense but of Paul who said the Gentiles did by nature the things contained in the Law so as nature is not the cause but subject of this knowledge An observable passage that happened at the Counsel of Nice XXX A certain Philosopher that trusted much to his Logick did dispute with diverse Bishops against the Christian Religion without the Synod where was a great concourse of people but the Bishops could not at all prevail to convince him at last cometh an old man altogether ignorant of his sort of learning and biddeth him hear the truth in the name of Jesus Christ and reciteth the sum of the Christian Faith before him saying thus Dost thou not believe these things O Philosopher he answered I do believe and confessed himself to be overcome by that old man also he exhorted these of his Profession to embrace the Christian Faith Being asked why he could not be convinced by the Bishops he replied so long as they contended against me with words I opposed words to words but a vertue went forth out of this old mans mouth which I could not resist Osiander hist. eccles cent 4. lib. 1. cap. 5. XXXI Augustine who lived about the middle of the 5th Century in his Book of Confessions cap. 10. And being upon this admonished to return unto my self I entred into my inwards thou leading me and I was able to do it for thou becamest my helper I entred in to my self and with the eye of my soul such as it was I saw over the eye of my soul over my mind the unchangeable light of the Lord. And again a little after he that knows the Truth knows that Light and who knoweth that knoweth eternity love knoweth it O eternal Truth and true Love and dear Eternity thou art my God to thee do I sigh night and day when I first knew thee thou didst lift me up that I might see there was something which I might see and that that was not I who did see and thou didst beat back the infirmity of my sight powerfully shining in me and I trembled both with love and horrour c. Again Augustin in his 10th Book of Confessions cap. 6. not with a doubtful but with a certain Conscience do I love thee O Lord thou hast strucken my heart with thy word and I have loved thee And after What now do I love when as I love thee Not the beauty of my body not the order of times not the brightness of the light which is so friendly to these eyes not the pleasant melodies of all kinds of Songs nor the fragant smells of Flowers and Ointments and Spices not Manna and Hony nor any members acceptable to fleshly embracements I love not these things when as I love my God and I love a certain light and a certain voice and yet a certain fragrancy and a certain meat and a certain embracement when as I love my God who is both the Light and the Voice and the Sweet Smell and the meat and embracement of my Inner Man where that Light shineth unto my soul which no place can receive that Voice soundeth which time doth not take away that fragrancy smelleth which the wind scatters not and that Meat tasteth which eating devours not and that Embracement cleaveth unto me which satiety breaketh not off Again cap. 7. What is this therefore which I love when as I love my God who is he that is above the head of my soul. By this very soul will I ascend unto him I will soar beyond that faculty of mine by which I am united unto my body and by which I fill the whole frame of it with life I cannot by that faculty find my God Again Augustin lib. 10. cap. 40. of his Confessions Sometimes O Lord thou lettest me go in into a delight very unusual a sweetness I know not of what kind which if it were perfected in me I know not what it shall be but it shall not be in this life but by certain cumbersom weights am I tumbled down again and am swallowed up by old wont and held by it much do I lament and I am much held c. Again Augustine lib. 7. cap. 17. of his Confessions And thus by degrees I passed from bodies to the sensitive soul and from that to the imagination and again from that to the reasoning faculty unto which
to obtain their Revelations Or did God use no means when he did communicate unto them those Revelations and Inspirations Did he not always use their Souls and Minds at least as means and instruments when he did inspire them as he did use their Tongues and Lips to speak forth and their Hands to bring forth in writing their Prophecies Vissons and Revelations For that the Souls and Minds of the Prophets and their Intellectual Faculties or Powers were not altogether passive and suppose they had been passive altogether yet they might be accounted passive means but were partly active is clearly enough manifest from the diversity of style and phrase of speaking and writing that doth occur both in the Prophets and Apostles For Isaias doth after another manner of style express his Visions and Revelations than Amos And among the Apostles Paul and Matthew and Iohn do differ in their style and manner of expression The which diversity of style and manner of speech did proceed from the different qualifications and endowments of their minds for as the spirit of God findeth any man furnished or endued with gifts whether natural or acquired so he worketh upon him accordingly sanctifying those gifts and making use of them as means in his work and service Again that the Souls and Minds of the Prophets might be rendred apt and fit to be used by God as his instruments and means both to receive and convey the Revelations of his Will how many and how great preparations and purifications did they require all which might be called means Yea with what watchings fastings prayers and wrestlings against all inward impurities and evil and unclean suggestions and temptations of the Devil did they labour both day and night How soberly how holily how chastly how purely how obediently behoved they to walk and have their conversation in all Gods commandments both in respect of the inward and outward Man that they might be approved Ministers and Prophets of God And therefore never any Prophet of God who was true and faithful whom God inspired immediately but used divers sorts of means And did not some of the Prophets under the Law make use of Minstrels as means to fit or dispose them to prophecy in that legal and shadowy dispensation And David at sundry times when he considered the Heavens and the Stars and other excellent works of God did fall into most excellent and noble Visions and Prophesies as may be seen Psal. 8.104 107 c. And therefore the right and lawful use of means whether of Scripture in reading or hearing preaching or praying meditating or waiting singing or thanksgiving or any other appointed of God doth not in the least hinder that the illumination and revelation of God in the hearts and souls of his people be immediate and properly so to be accounted For the Sun shineth as immediately while the Husbandman doth labour in his Field using many sorts of means as when he doth nothing and oft-times the Divine Sun of Righteousness which is in Christ doth as immediately shine in the hearts of the faithful and inspire and inlighten them when they are exercised according to the Will and moving of God in the use of means as reading hearing meditating and the like as when they are not so employed but only silently waiting upon God which also may be called a mean CHAP. V. WHat doth now remain of Controversie or Debate betwixt our Adversary and us in the matter of inward and Immediate Revelation and Inspiration Perhaps he will say in this That we affirm that God doth in many things inlighten and inspire us without making use of the Scripture Means But he pleadeth that none of the Faithful is inlightened or inspired in any particular without the concurrence of Scripture To this I answer First the Controversie of Immediate Revelation is more large and general than to be restricted to that without Scripture For it is one question whether Divine Revelation be received without all means and another question whether without the means of Scripture But secondly If it were granted which yet I do not grant that no man hath any inward illumination or Inspiration or Revelation in our days without the conveyance and concurrence of Scripture used either in reading and hearing or meditation all this should not hinder the said Illumination or Inspiration to be immediate because the Scripture in that case is a continued mean or medium most closely and nearly conjoyned with that Illumination as doth sufficiently appear from what is above said Moreover it may be affirmed that as to those who from their Infancy and Childhood or from their first Conversion have been instructed and exercised in reading and hearing the Scriptures and meditating upon them that they have been a remote means at least and continue so to be in respect of their knowledge of Divine Things to wit by disposing and fitting or preparing their Minds and Hearts through the secret operation of the Holy Spirit unto true Piety Purity and Holiness and to the begetting those Divine Vertues in them whereby at length the Soul and Mind may be raised up to behold Divine Things and God and Christ himself far beyond and above the reach and measure of words which as is already said are not the Divine Things themselves but the signs and shadows as it were of them and so to see God in Christ without these veils and coverings of words We do therefore greatly esteem and value the use of the holy Scripture when it is joyned with the inward operation and illumination of God but if the use of the Scripture be separate from the said inward illumination and operation as it happeneth most frequently among the most of these called Christians it doth nothing profit but is only a killing Letter And seeing the Adversary doth acknowledge that the Gentiles know many things of God and some things that are Divine by General Revelation and these inward notices of Truth planted in them by God without Scripture whereby that which may be known of God is manifest in them therefore many things are also revealed unto Christians of God and Divine Things by General Revelation For the said General Revelation is as large or indeed more large and full in true Christians who have the Scriptures as in those Gentiles which have them not because the General Revelation commune to us with the Gentiles by virtue of Special Revelation and the doctrine of the Scriptures is much improved and perfected in true Christians yet retaining its Nature of General Revelation Even as Natural Reason and other Natural Gifts of the Soul are much improved and perfected by the operation of the Holy Spirit and yet retain their Nature as such And if we except these Doctrines and Heads of General Religion common to us with the Gentiles which are revealed both to them and us without Scripture of all which notwithstanding the Scripture doth abundantly testifie all other Doctrines and Heads of the Christian
Religion which is a special Religion more perfect and excellent than the General and perfiting the said General Religion in true Christians are made known unto us by the Scripture means the Holy Spirit inwardly inlightning and inspiring us that we may understand the Doctrines declared in the Scripture and may savingly apply them with true and sincere Faith to the salvation of our souls And what more any can require of us to establish the due use of the Scripture or of any other means I do not understand And as concerning the aforesaid experimental and sensible knowledge of God that is only manifest or obvious to the inward and supreme sences and powers of the Soul as they are opened and awakened in us by the work of Regeneration and Renewing of the Holy Ghost although the Scripture words do not immediately concur in the formal act of such a Divine and Intuitive Knowledge as the words of a mans name do not make me see the man yet the Scriptures do witness abundantly concerning such an experimental and spiritually sensible knowledge of God which is perceived in a most inward union and communion of the Soul with God and in a certain Intellectual or spiritual contact or touch of which not only Plato and Plotin and others among those called Philosophers but the Apostles among the Christians have largely made mention And after the Apostles Athanasius Gregory Nazianzen Clemens Alexandrinus Origen and many others among the Grecians and Augustine and Ierome with many others many Ages ago among the Latines and in latter Ages Bernard Thauler and Thomas a Kempis and the Author of the German Theology unto whose Book Luther did write a Preface and did much commend it All these and generally these called Mysticks and Writers upon Mystick Divinity so called do Preach and hold forth a certain Knowledge of God which is received without all words by a certain inward gust taste and touch and inward feeling of God and Divine Things in the souls and hearts of those who have attained unto that due state and degree of purity and holiness requisite in order to such a knowledge and enjoyment And hence it is that they distinguish Theology or the knowledge of God into discursive on the one hand and mystick or intuitive and contemplative on the other and they say the former is had or received by words and verbal discourses syllogisms propositions premisses and conclusions gathered and collected from Scripture which yet without the Spirits inward illumination and operation is not effectual to the salvation of those who have it but that this latter is obtained by a naked and simple perception and intuition of God and Divine Things as the mind is purified and cleansed and denuded as it were from all images and similitudes or signs of words or outward things whatsoever That we may therefore put a conclusion to the forming the state of the controversie aright which is the most principal thing if the question be made concerning doctrinal and discursive Theology or knowledge which require words propositions definitions reasons arguments and conclusions we shall readily grant that the Scriptures are a General Principle of the same but Secundary the Holy Spirit inwardly inlightning and inspiring mens souls and hearts being still the Primary and Principal and that by means of the Scriptures in reading and hearing and meditating upon them and as they are preached and opened and used by men spiritually gifted and fitted of God we attain to the knowledge of the said discursive and doctrinal Theology and most especially the Scriptures are of service unto us when we turn or convert the words of them that do most nearly respect Holiness of Life and Manners such as the precepts and examples of Christian Vertues into good works and deeds and into a good and Christian Life But in the experimental and mystick or intuitive and contemplative Theology not the Scripture words but the things themselves signified by the words to wit God Christ the Holy Spirit the Life Light and Power of God the Love Peace and Joy of God and the Kingdom of God which Christ did testifie to be within us reveal and demonstrate themselves to the souls and hearts of the faithful by themselves nakedly in their own proper and native light glory and evidence without words even as the outward things and riches of this visible world and the beauty glory and vertue of them reveal and discover themselves unto our outward senses without words and far beyond the force or reach of words And if outward things without words are continually presented to our outward senses it followeth that inward things to wit the things of the Divine and Heavenly Kingdom which is in us are presented to our inward and spiritual senses without words seeing these inward and spiritual things are as near to our souls yea much nearer ' as those outward things are to our bodies And thus the state of the Controversie being rightly framed and brought to a period I shall have little difficulty to answer the following Paragraphs or Sections of the Adversary seeing in all things almost he goeth without or beyond the state of the Controversie and so contendeth not so much against us or R. B. as his own shadow or thoughts CHAP. VI. WHat the Adversary saith in his Ninth and Tenth Paragraphs are of the same tendency with the things he had formerly mentioned belonging to the state of the Controversie In his Eleventh Paragraph he saith the Controversie is not of any sort of Revelation but that of Immediate And in his Twelfth he affirmeth that Revelation considered in it self doth prescind or abstract from that which is Immediate and Mediate And he assenteth unto R. B. his five Propositions pag. 9. of his Apology and that Divine Revelations remain to be the formal object of the Saints Faith but he denyeth them to be Immediate To whom I answer that he granteth with us That he inward illuminations and operations of the Holy Spirit are altogether necessary to beget true and saving Faith in men and that these inward illuminations are objective or by way of Object Par. 32. and Par. 34. So that the act of Faith is occupied or exercised and doth finally stay in God himself revealing as the Object And what he subjoyneth That God revealing as the formal Object in whom the Vnderstanding stayeth or resteth and the Divine Revelation consisting of the external signs are not to be opposed Because when God the revealer by outward words Preached or Writ moveth the Vnderstanding to acknowledge them to be as a Divine Revelation it cannot be denyed that the Vnderstanding doth so rest in God revealing as the formal Object So that it doth also regard these signs depending on God by which that Revelation doth consist meaning the words All this is granted both by me and R. B. yea that is it for which R. B. pleadeth viz. that God inwardly illuminating and moving the Understanding to the assent of the