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A34097 A generall table of Europe, representing the present and future state thereof viz. the present governments, languages, religions, foundations, and revolutions both of governments and religions, the future mutations, revolutions, government, and religion of christendom and of the world &c. / from the prophecies of the three late German prophets, Kotterus, Christina, and Drabricius, &c., all collected out of the originals, for the common use and information of the English. Comenius, Johann Amos, 1592-1670. 1670 (1670) Wing C5507A; ESTC R24277 200,382 315

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A Generall Table OF EUROPE REPRESENTING The Present and Future State thereof VIZ. The PRESENT GOVERNMENTS LANGUAGES RELIGIONS FOUNDATIONS and REVOLUTIONS both of Governments and Religions The FUTURE MUTATIONS REVOLUTIONS GOVERNMENT and RELIGION of CHRISTENDOM and of the WORLD c. From the Prophecies of the three late German Prophets KOTTERUS CHRISTINA and DRABRICIUS c. ALL Collected out of the Originals for the common Use and Information of the ENGLISH Printed for Benjamin Billingsley at the Printing Press in Broadstreet 1670. GENTLE READER THis little Piece of History has stuck in the Birth well nigh a whole year and at last is forced to come forth an imperfect Embryo through the unhappy Midwifry of the Press Yet for thy encouragement thou oughtest to know That there is none such ever yet extant in the English Tongue For for the first Part there is 1. Not a more modern and later History of Christendom in English Nor 2. a better in so small a Volumn viz. None that gives a better account of the last fore-going and this present Age which two chiefly concern us to know that is of the last considerable Affairs of the World and present state of things We say there is none extant of the like nature so short and comprehensive And for the Second Part It is the most wonderful strangest History ever yet known in the World in the English yea or any other Language And indeed not to be parallel'd by all History and Antiquity Whether those Prophetical Revelations be from GOD Man or the Devil yet they exceed all comparison If they be from GOD they are the strangest and most miraculous ever since the Apostles days If they be Delusions and Imaginations of Man they are the strangest ever suffer'd or invented by Man If lastly Devices Fascinations and Bewitchings of the Devil transforming himself into an Angel of Light c. they are the strangest still and the least Footsteps of his Cloven Foot to be discerned that ever was in any of his Juggles Onely we have been unhappily hindred by the Press from giving you a short view and taste of the Prophecies themselves as was really intended And these two things may perhaps help to make it go down with the Reader as it is notwithstanding all its faults For 't is confess'd there are many Defects procur'd through manyfold Occasions not fit here to be mentioned And if Worthy Reader thou knewest all Circumstances thou wouldst certainly be so candid as to pardon all Faults Which I doubt not but thou wilt at least for the good will and Endeavours of the Author Farewel ERRATA Courteous Reader These three or four places thou must needs be desired to amend before thou readest the Book All other faults we are forc'd to let pass c. Page 15. line 15. for of Inorganick c. read To which add The greater knowledge of and insight into the Inorganick Motion and Fermentation of Nature and Cultivation thereof And blot out those words as it were Mechanick Page 72. line 20. blot out those words or Nevers and interpose these the Prince of Conde whom the King of France c. Page 113. line 5. Note There was such News at that time that the Vizier himself was slain in a violent On-set c. This Book should have come forth then Page 159. line ult for Holiness read unholiness A General Table OF EUROPE In its Present and Future Appearance The First Part Comparative Of the Advantages of Europe in comparison of other Parts of the Universe The ARGUMENT Europe compar'd with other Parts and former Times for Arms Arts Commerce and Religion The preheminence of Empire and Arms. The preheminence of Arts and Sciences The Chinois high esteem thereof Of Riccius and Adams Jesuites there The Emperours great Grace and Favour to Adams His Edict and Charter in favour of the Christian Religion engrav'd on a stone at the entrance of their Church and Title given to it by him The Jesuites Inscription thereon The preheminence as to former times in many rare Arts and Inventions The preheminence of Riches and Commerce Shipping and Navigation The preheminence of Religion or Priviledge of Christendom Christendom the Glory of Europe All its Advantages founded on Christianity and Disadvantages on Pagan-and-Anti-christianism Shameful Dissentions of Christians and Christian Princes and States Lamentable Disorders Persecutions and Inquisitions for Religion and Conscience in Europe Liberty of the same commended Revolutions of the World Present flourishing of Europe EUROPE is at this day the most flourising part of the Universe for Empire Religion and Learning Arts and Arms and all the high distinctions of Humane kind And as she now exceeds all other Parts so the present all former Ages and Generations It is not our purpose at present in this General Table to make Comparisons and set her off by the others sad countenance but onely in first drawing some plain and rude Lineaments to expose to general view her present Portraiture and Appearance with some prospect of her future Europe then might be compar'd either with other parts or former Times of the World and every way we should find her to excel For though for largeness of extent she yeilds both to Africa and to Asia yet she surpasses them in politeness and they all seem rude and barbarous in comparison and has got those advantages and felicities above them that all their Riches cannot equal And if for vastness of single Empire and Treasure and dependencies thereon she cannot come in competition with the times of the Roman Greatness yet take her divided and all her parts together and she far exceeds them And by how much her Empire since has been disposed into divers hands by so much have her several parts been more puissant and flourishing The whole Glory of Europe then was contracted into a very narrow compass and one little corner onely and as I may say Toe of Italy For what was England France Spain and Germany c. to w●●●●●●y are now surely infinitly more inglorious and despicable She could not then look down upon her Feet and inferior parts and not be like the Peacock ashamed in the height of all her pride For if we should compare her for Arts or for Arms for the Virtues of War and of Peace and therein all things else her Courts her Camps her Schools her Cities and her Fields we should find no degrees of comparison nor room in this Table We will only touch upon things loosly here as besides our present intent Asia perhaps has shewn Europe that prodigious Art of Powder and Cannon But Europe in revenge has requited her with another as great and by the Chard and Compass taught her and the World besides the use of that Invention For with her Ordinance and Men of War she has secur'd all the Coasts both of Persia and the Indies and those moreover of Ethiopia and of Peru. She has quell'd the Sophies and the Mogulls and seiz'd on their
Cottons of Bezoart nor of Indigo of Gumlac nor of Purslanes of Salt-Peter nor Salt-Amoniak And to set aside Drugs and Medicaments Tobaco and Castors and abundance of Mullet one of the most excellent Fish of the Ocean which alone makes the Riches of five or six good Cities In a word all the Riches of the Earth and all the delights of the Sea So that though every Land do not bear all things yet they need want none and may so change Commodities as if they had changed Countries one to the other And yet though Diamonds Pearls and Spices are onely fetch'd from the Indies yet some return is made for them in Coral and Amber which Europe exchanges for the Jewels of Asia The Japons all their Passion is for Coral as much as ours for Diamonds and Pearls Insomuch that a Grain of the bigness of an ordinary Egg is there worth 2000 Crowns And in the North of Asia and Cathy much is vended where all the people wear Bracelets thereof about their Necks Arms and Legs and make it their principal Ornament And use the greatest Grains thereof for their richest Purses which they wear by their sides And for Yellow Amber a great quantity is consumed in China for when a person of quality will make a splendid Treatment at the end of the Feast they bring three or four Censours wherein they sprinkle Aber sometimes to the value of a thousand Crowns being the more they burn the more it is for his glory that Treats and is much used in Fumes upon all other occasions the smell thereof being agreeable to them and the flame having something which other flames have not Hence Amber is one of the best Merchandises that Europe can send into Asia and the Holland Company reserve it particularly to themselves to sell it dear at Batavia to the Chineses If Europe then at present carries it so high both for Arts and Arms for Riches and Commerce the main Props of States and Kingdoms and all things else comprehended in them And if she now enjoyes all these advantages before all other parts more than ever heretofore She has yet that which carries her still higher and whereof to glory further as the highest prerogative of humane kind That She is no longer Europe but Christendom I say Christendom and that she has imbrac'd the true Religion and rejected Idolatry and the false Worship of the Pagans And though a new Romish and Papal Superstition and Idolatry overspread one half and more of her Dominions and with grief it is to be confessed that it is every where also yet but a lamentable Christianity and an Heathen a Pagan Unchristian and very Antichristian Christendom or Christian-Heathendom rather where Heathenish Warrs and Fightings Heathenish Rites and Customs and Heathenish Superstitions where Heathenish Sects and contendings about needless Ceremonies and Opinions Heathenish Zeal and Fury against pure Religion and undefiled like that of the Heathen against Socrates for owning the true God and Heathenish Vices and Crimes reign and rage throughout yet the true God is outwardly worshipped and owned The Doctrine or rather Mystery of a Crucified Christ but alone truly deified and adorable Man above all the Hero's and Gods and Saints and Divine-like Persons of the Pagans or Prophets of the Jews and Mahometans The Man Jesus true God and Man O the Mystery of Godliness God manifest in the flesh c. hid in times past to the Gentiles c. but now revealed to the Nations of Europe more than ever and more than to all other parts of the World I say the Mystery of a Crucified Christ but true deified Person the Man Jesus the Saviour of the World is openly professed by all and seriously believed in by thousands O adorable Jesu who would not read thy Story and study thy Acts and Heroick Deeds and Virtues and imitate thy life and believe and obey in thy Kingdom an infinity of Souls are gain'd to him an infinity of Victories got over the Devil and an infinite of Trophies erected upon the ruines of Idolatry But indeed the grievous and shameful Schisms and Vices the lamentable Dissentions and Divisions of Christians and Christian Princes so prodigally throwing away so many thousand mens Christians Lives nay and Souls in unchristian-unchristian-Christian Quarrels is the reproachful blur to all her Puissance and Splendor and which will never cease nor the Christian Religion ever flourish and prosper in the World as it ought and Kings be her Nursing Fathers and Queens her Nursing Mothers till they be more sunk and baptized into the thing than the name Christianity and answer throughly their Magnificent and Specious Titles of Mass Catholick most Christian c. Majesties And when once the Turks Fingers all four shall grow together Then alack and not before we may hope to see our Masters agree and co-unite Still Christian Wars they will pursue and boast Unjust Successes gain'd whilst Candy's lost Which may now e'ne just take up Rhodes Complaint against them all All gaining vainly from each others loss Whilst still the Crescent drives away the Cross The Cross which they ought to take for their Device or Motto which is believ'd to have been given from Heaven to Christendoms first Emperor in this overcome But 't is hop'd that the two generous Nations of England and Holland which are able to do much when they are entirely united will keep their Union firm for some nobler Enterprise worthy of themselves and the high Reputation they have gain'd in the World But that which more than all Eclipses and stirs her present Splendor and robs her of her Crown and Glory of Religion and hinders the progress and flourishing thereof in the Earth are the cruel and bloody Inquisitions and Persecutions for Religion and Conscience of her several Sects and parties within her self which are more merciless to one another than they would or ought to be to Pagans Turks and Infidels or Turks Pagans and Infidels would be or are to them and give less liberty of Religion amongst themselves then they may find there amongst Barbarians Which plainly shews that there lacks only common Candor and Ingenuity and but tolerable civility of men much more of Christians not to talk of prudence to introduce a reasonable Liberty of Conscience and but that aequanimity and largeness of heart for Religion as is for other matters amongst different perswasions and that only due liberty and freedom thereof that is the common right of mankind even if it were but that they would give to one another which they would have and may and do receive among Idolaters Heathens and Mahometans for the Christians have their Churches and Temples in Turky and even China it self though they have none permitted here neither I say there lacks onely this reasonable liberty and largeness of Christian Religion to make Christendom and the World happy So then Europe is at this day the most noble and fairest part of the Grand Continent for Religion Learning
and the Church in this Stile Peter the Apostle of Jesus Christ to you the most Illustrious King Pepin and to all Bishops Abbots c. I the Apostle Peter whose Adopted Sons you are admonish you that you perfectly come and defend this City c. And doubt you not but trust assuredly that I my self as if I stood before you do thus exhort you c. and that I Peter the Apostle of God will at the last day yeeld you mutual kindness and prepare you Tabernacles in the Heavens Upon this quarel of the Popes Pepin and his Son Charls destroy the Kingdom of the Lombards in Italy and give large Territories to the Church And these things made way and gave occasion and opportunity for Charles upon his great conquests to set up the German Empire of the West Franks The Pope in requital confirms Pepin in the Ringdom of France gives his Son Charls afterwards the Title of most christian King and crowns him Emperor of the Romans at Rome An. 800. From which he would pretend to be above Emperors and Kings and to be his right to Crown confirm and depose them if not dispose of their Kingdoms But Charls at length reassumes the ancient and original Imperial Dignity and Power to Govern the Church call Councils and order Papal Elections and confirm and invest them c. against all begun usurpations and incroachments of the Pope and aws Italy And keeps the Pope still Subject which Authority of the Empire was prety well upheld during the Caroline Race The Pope in the mean while under pretext of the Christian Religion and converting Infidels and the Nations increases in Wealth Power and Authority over the World Thundering out these Decrees of Holy Church Out of the Church no Salvation The Pope's the Successor of St. Peter the visible Head of the Church the Vicar of Christ on Earth His right as aforesaid to create confirm excommunicate and depose Kings and dispose Kingdoms for the cause of Religion c. That they are Hereticks that dissent from the Roman Church the only true Catholick Church or are Enemies to it c. Hereby the Consciences of the Nations Princes and People converted to an outward christianity are aw'd and fill'd with Reverence and Zeal for the Church to convert or root out Infidel Nations c. and to do any Benefices or Services for the Church As the most acceptable Service to Christ whom they began to acknowledge and Worship as their God and Saviour Hence almost all the Nations subject themselves to the Pope as Head of the Church yea and in Temporals also in a great measure nay some to hold their Kingdoms of him c. As if they could not any better way recompence Christs Vicar for the benefit of their Eternal Salvation then to submit themselvs all theirs to his dispose And this Opinion was brought about to prevail in the World that they might redeem their sins by good deeds and charitable works and services for the Church against it's enemies c. Hence Riches and Revenues of the Clergy and Hosts and swarms of clergy men Hence Churches Temples Abbies Monastries without number c. for the Redemtion of Souls Hence Expeditions Holy Wars Leagues and undertakings for the Church Hence Pardons Indulgences and devices for mony c. 'T would be endless to mention particulars c. The Pope having thus erected his Throne in the Consciences of men strongly seated there through Ignorance and blind Zeal and Devotion begins to play Rex in the World Besides there being perpetual emulation of Princes specially in Germany and Italy for Empire and Dominion c. The Pope interests himself in one part and the other for fear of excommunication or force becomes subject to him The Pope therefore now practises all wayes he can against the superiority of the Emperor and from being any wayes subject to his Authority or control and to undermine all Supremacy in Temporals presuming that all power is given to him both in Heaven and Earth in the Church and State c. 'Till in the end they come not only to let the Emperors have nothing to do in their Election Confirmation and Investiture but also to have all in a manner themselves to do in the Creation and Coronation of the Emperors Not long after the Caroline power and race declining and that partly through the Popes practises Italy is usurp'd by several Tyrants against the Emperor and almost wholly broken from it wherein the Popes have a finger and make their own advantage upon these distractions of the Empire For An. 884. Adrian the 3 d. denyes the Emperors Authority necessary to the creating Popes and about the year 900. the Empire is wholly and perfectly translated from the French or Caroline race to the Germans by Pope Agapetus's plotting And about the year 1000. as some write Gregory the fifth appoints Electors for choosing the Emperors whereby they afterwards became weakned and the Empire broken into factions and parties and the Pope thereby to have the better opportunity to work his own ends and to raise his greatness out of others ruines striving now to be uppermost not only in Church but State too and to be above even the Emperors themselves For after this time open and down right Tyranny over the Emperors begins to manifest it self First Pope John takes away all choise of Popes from the people to the Clergy only upon this plausible ground That the People are to be taught not followed Next Clement the 2 d. about 1047. set up by the Emperor against other Anti-Popes by the Authority of a Synod caused the Romans to renounce by oath the right they claimed in choosing Popes Then about 1050. Leo the 9 th invested by the Emperor is perswaded by Hildebrand to put off his pontificalibus or papal Robes in his journey from Germany to Rome to wave the Emperor and have a new election from the Roman Clergy and then made Hildebrand Cardinal who manag'd all at his pleasure After this Nicholas the 2 d. about 1060. takes away the election from the Roman Clergy bringing it about to a Colledge of Cardinals also then instituted that is of Spiritual Temporal or Lincy-woollcy Princes like himself the Supreme Emperor as it were for the greater grandure and more magnificent authority of his Almighty Holiness who was now almost got to the top of Empire Supremacy and Omnipotency For it was decreed in Council the Pope only to be chose by Cardinals whose Wounderful Worships or Eminencies might lift him up one step higher even as it were into Heaven to be God on Earth For so some thought fitting afterwards to stile forsooth his divine Majesty c. And then they order that no lay Person should confer Ecclesiaslick Investiture For what should the Church concern them But yet they themselves would invest and Crown Lay Princes For though the State had nothing to do with the Church yet the Church had to do
power they quite and clean forget the salvation of Souls sanctity of Life and the Commandements of God Propagation of Religion and charity towards men And to raise Arms to make War against christians to invent new devises for the getting of mony to profane sacred things for their own ends by fine tricks fair and specious shews and pretences to get into the affections of Princes and oblige them to them by several arts and wayes to keep the people in ignorance and obedience though with the reigning of all manner of vice to get all the chief Preferments Benefices and Revenues of the Church into their disposal and the whole Army and interest of the Clergy at their service and devotion in these corrupt wayes and for such like unworthy ends to possess the Consciences of men with an opinion of their infallibility and undoubted power not only in Heaven and Earth but also over Pur gatory and Hell viz. to bind and loose to save or damn and that for mony and filthy lucres sake And lastly to make the whole Gospel and Christian Religion a pretext only to get and increase Church Power Dominion and Riches yea and with the Goods and Treasures of the Church to enrich their kindred and base children and raise their families c. I say these and such like things and practises become their only study and work and the great business of that is of him that would be accounted the chief Shepherd and Bishop of Christian Souls c. We will instance only in some of the most notorious particulars and matters of fact as they occur in time by the usurping and incroaching Popes following from this Hildebrand founder of the Popedom as hath been shewn about the year 1073. Next about the year 1090. his successor Urban the 2 d. excommunicates the Emperor likewise and deposes the Antipope by him chosen and thereby sets all christiendom in a combustion for these two Popes Therefore in stead of Urban called Turban or disturber And then likewise by his Religionists and Clergy stirs up and inflames all christendom with a zeal for that bloody Holy War for recovery of the Holy Land from the Saracens Which War consisted of twelve expeditions and of many hundred thousands at a time for the space of above 200 years together to the ruine of so many millions of Lives with the Arms first of the Cross and afterwards of a Globe too upon their Habits signifying that Christ crucified And to be sure the Pope as his Vicar ought to be Lord of the whole World To allay the quarrels of Christian Princes at home this Cross is often preached up with wounderous Zeal So that the main Religion of the World the Rulers and People generally in those days lay mostly in outward Christianity against Infidels Turks and Pagans and inlarging of this Visible Church as out of which no Salvation c. But i' th mean while this exhausive War of Christendom every way made for the Papal Interest The Popes having thereby greater opportunities to work their own ends out of poor Christians misguided Zeal and by weakning and diverting the Princes to strengthen and settle themselves for during all this time most cruel and perpetual wars continued at home between the Popes and Emperors for Imperial and Papal power and priviledges the Pope still usurping and domineering every day more and more About 1100. Paschal the 2 d excommunicates the said Emperor Henry the 4 th also sets his only son Henry the 5 th against him to persecute him to death who by the Bishops is perswaded to perjury also against his own Father whom the Pope caus'd after he was dead to lye likewise unburied five years together He denyed the right of investiture of Bishops to the Emperor and other Imperial priviledges And then excommunicated the son now as devoutly as he had done the Father And entertained and upheld Anselme Arch-Bishop of Canterbury in rebellion against his Soveraign This Paschal also first of all leaves off closing his letters with the year of the Emperor and substitutes the year of his Popedom An. 1120. Calixtus the 2 d. made Gregory set up Antipope by the said Henry the 5 th to ride through Rome upon a Camels back with his face towards the Tail and the tail in his hand for a bridle To shew no doubt that he held up the Tail Caesar and not by the Head St. Peter c. and then thrust him shaven into a Monastery About 1150. the Papal Canons Decretals are first hatched which afterwards in process of time were brought into use and set up and prevailed in the World and the Church in opposition to the Civil and Imperial Law and chiefly to advance the Pontificiall Omnipotency as themselves phrase it And this Canon Law or Divinity not the Law of God became in time almost the only divinity and study of the Prelats and great Church men who studied little else then to gain and increase Church Power and Treasure to get all into their clutches and to keep all people in slavery and subjection to their Authority and Religion And for others there began to creep in a Scholastick Divinity and Philosiphy out of the Fathers and Aristotle together not the Scripture And this Philosiphic-divinity brought all confusion of Opinions and learned Ignorance and Error into the world And for the more piously inclined and devout a practical Divinity of Monkish Legends or pious Tales and at best but devout stories of the Sanctimonious lives of Saints c. all which still made for the Pope About 1160. Alexander the 3 d. opposses the Emperor Frederick the first and excommunicates him thundering out curses and raising War against him every where and by the French Kings favour settles himself in the Popedom The Emperor notwithstanding takes Rome and drives the Pope to Venice for protection and sends his Son with an Army after him whom they beat and took Prisoner neer Venice The good Father therefore to preserve his Son is forced to submit and to prostrate himself before the Pope openly in the great Church at Venice to kiss his feet Where setting his foot on the Emperors neck he impiously and imperiously was not asham'd to say Thou shalt tread upon the Lyon and the Adder and the Dragon shalt thou trample under foot And when the Emperor took the boldness to reply and say I do it not to you but to Peter The proud Beast goes on To Peter and to me too And from this time forth and for evermore forsooth it must be an high favour to kiss his Toes as much as other Princes hands And all this is Your most humble Servant of the Servant of God his Title once come too Beggers of all men proudest are When once they got into the chair This Pope likewise upheld Thomas a Becket against his King here in England and made the King submit to the lash for St. Thomas's death for his Holiness Sainted the Traitor and upon
Authority committed to them of God out of the hands of the Antichristian usurper c. To call a General Council in order to a Universal Peace and Unanimity in Christendom and to agree for God and Religion for the publick good both of Church and State For that God will put it into their hearts to fulfil his Will and agree or make one Mind and Will and no longer give their Kingdoms to the Beast But that the Words of God shall be fulfilled To destroy Babylon and all her Abominations and Idols c. and to rule the World peacefully under the Banner of Christ and universally reform it out of all its horrible confusions and disorders according to the Will that is the Word of God c. And all Ecclesiasticks Angels of the Churches Pastors Bishops and Priests to perform the Ministry of their high Calling and the Service of God and the Church to restore the Primitive Reformation and do their first Works and repent and no longer neglect the Catholick Church of God through the whole World for worldly Dominion Honours Riches and Interests Nor to hinder Universal Reformation by wrangling and contesting for Opinions Ceremonies Revenues Prerogatives and Priviledges and such like vanities but rather to promote Catholick Charity and Indulgence and practise Christian Humility Self-Denyal and all the excellent virtues of the best Religion in the World which they are Chieftains of and to Sacrifice all their dearest concerns for the Salvation of Men And not mind their own things but the things of Jesus Christ c. And all Christians to endeavour and begin Reformation generally in their several places For that now is the time of Gods reforming the World more then ever That towards the end thereof it may be as from the beginning viz. one God and one Worship of God in Spirit and in Truth without Idols and false Godds and false Worships That all may inhabit peaceably the Earth without Wars Fightings Hatreds Contentions Envyings Strifes and without Sects and Parties lest his Wrath break forth upon them to the utmost and there be no Remedy for the Present Generation All which things to be sure are no other then was the drist of all the Prophets and extraordinary Messengers of God to Men of old when that all ordinary Persons Kings Princes Priests or People were become so corrupt and exorbitant that there were none that did his duty rightly but all desperately transgressed the Law of their God and provoked his Wrath without measure For what else was their Burthens but sad Lamentations for the Peoples sins and wickedness Exhortations to Repentance and amendment And denunciations of Grace upon Repentance and of Wrath upon Impenitence c. And what else are these likewise as to their main Scope and Intent The Sum and Substance of them in General now follows The Sum of all these Prophesies in the General is the same with all the Antient Prophets and indeed an Explication of them concerning the State of the Church in the last dayes And that our present Age is the last time of the World wherein shall be fully and finally accomplished all Scripture Prophesies I. Babylon the Great the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth typified by the old to fall and its Builders to be dispersed Gen. 11. Jerem. 50. and 55. Revel 18. II. The Stone cut out of the Mountain without Hands to destroy the great Image of Iron and Clay and increase into a great Mountain filling the whole Earth Dan. 2. III. The very Relicks of all Nimrodian Tyranies and Oppressions to be abolished quite and the Kingdoms given to the Saints of the most high Dan. 7. IV. Both the Beasts in the Revelations The greater with seven Heads blaspheming God and making War against the Saints and the lesser with two Horns counterfeiting a Lamb yet speaking like a Dragon now to be slain Rev. 13. V. The great Harvest and Vintage of the whole Earth at hand Rev. 14. VI. All the Vials of Gods Wrath a pouring forth upon the Earth Rev. 16. VII Till the great Beast that carries the Whore with seven Heads and ten Horns be destroyed and the Whore her self forsaken by her ten Horns viz. Kings her once defenders and lovers be burnt with fire Rev. 17. VIII The Lamb to be Victor over all Enemies Satan bound in the bottomless Pit for a thousand years The Church to be quiet Rev. 20. IX And then the Marriage of the Lamb to be solemnized under the whole Heavens Rev. 19. X. And the Church to appear in its Splendour and Glory such as the Prophets have heretofore described of old Isa 60. Rev. 21. And indeed these Books of the three Prophets are a very Revelation of the Revelation of St. John to end and decide all further contentious Comments thereabouts They being a new Comment upon that old Revelation not Humane but Divine explaining what is that Babylonish Beast making War with the Saints and the great Whore the Mother of Harlots c. riding upon the Beast and who are those Kings commanded from God to execute the Judgement upon Both. And that those destroyers of Babylon are now Born now Chosen and Called And that this whole affair is now in doing And now shortly to be Sealed and concluded by a full and compleat effect in the sight of Heaven and Earth And that we are now under the sixth Seal sixth Trumpet sixth Vial. That is That upon our times happens the great Earthquake shaking the whole frame of Heaven both of Church and State c. and the day of his great Wrath come And the day of the sixth Trumpet when the Angels bound at the great River Euphrates shall be loosed and come and kill the third part of men with Fire and Smoak and Brimstome although the rest that escape repent not And the sixth Vial poured forth upon the great River Euphrates to prepare a way for the Kings of the East to root out Babylon the unclean Spirits of Frogs mustering up heaps of Armies against them in vain to the Battel of the great Day of the Lord God Omnipotent Which Day shall come as a Thief on a sudden and unlook'd for That so the seventh Seal being opened Silence may be in the Heaven of the Church And that the seventh Trumpet sounding the Mystery of God foretold by his Servants the Prophets may be finished Namely That all the Kingdoms of the World may become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christs c. And that the seventh Vial being poured forth there may be Voices and Thunders and Lightnings and Earthquakes such as have not been since men have been upon the Earth whereby the Cities of the Nations may fall and great Babylon it self c. More expresly and particularly I. That the World is become as corrupt now as it was in the dayes of Noah before the Flood and in Egypt Babylon and Jerusalem when she rebelled against God especially the Christian Nations By name Germany
to visit their House and Church Would visit all the corners of their Colledge with him and divert himself with him alone in his sorry Chamber laying aside all State and Ceremony fit for so great a Monarch and observ'd towards him by all others sometimes sitting upon his Straw-Bed made like a Monks sometimes upon an old Stool to contemplate the Rarities of Europe yea was pleased also sometimes to taste of the domestick fruits of their Garden with great satisfaction and pleasure admired at their Altars and Pictures their Splendour and Curiousness at the Fairness and Elegancy of their Printed Books the Letter and the Cuts But that which is more than all Complements he commanded by his Royal Edict to be engrav'd on an huge Marble-Stone erected before the Doors of their Church which was also built through his favour and finished Anno 1650. his Royal Approbation of the Christian Religion partly in the Tartarian and partly in the China Character and Language which Charter to this very day is exposed to be seen in the Jesuites Gallery at Rome as it was printed in China and is moreover drawn by an excellent hand in China and Tartarian Characters also white upon a black Fund or Bottom in the said Gallery likewise The tenour whereof that you may see the high esteem of this learned Jesuite for his Art and Skill and great Science is as follows A Chinese-Tartarian-Edict WHEREIN The Approbation of the Christian Religion engrav'd on a Marble Monument which was erected before the Doors of the Temple of our Saviour for a perpetual Memorial of the Thing at Pekin the Royal City of China by Command of the China-Tartarean Emperour XuNCHI in the year of Christ 1650. ACCORDING TO THE COMMAND OF HEAVEN The CHARTER Cut in China and Tartarian Characters THe Heavenly Science Astronomy which our Ancestours always made highest account of deserves that We also should follow their steps and extol it above the Skies especially seeing the same was heretofore under divers Emperours wholly declined and decayed and again restored and chiefly in the time of the Empire of Juen Emperour Tartarean who govern'd the Chinois above 400 years since was rendred more exact by Co ru kim and finally at length did too much err in the last times of the fore-going Emperour Mim There has been found one Johannes Adamus Schall coming from the utmost West into China who was expert not onely in the Art of Calculation but also in the Theory of the Planets and whatsoever pertains unto Astronomy He being brought before the Emperour our Predecessor by his Command undertook the care of the Acadamy of Mathematicks and Restoration of Astronomy But because many understood not the fruit that flows from this Science it could not then be concluded that the Subjects should use that Science of his But now when I came to the Empire and my first care was for the Order of Times for the Good of the Realm in the Autumn of the very first year of my Reign seeking an experiment of that Art which John Adams had restor'd I commanded to be observ'd most diligently the Eclipse of the Sun calculated by him sometime before And it being found that aswel the Moments of Time as the Ecliptick Points with all other Circumstances did exactly answer his Calculation And again in the Spring of the following Year when an Eclipse of the Moon offered it self commanding the same to be observed with the same diligence I also found that not to erre an hairs breadth neither wherefore I presently apprehended that this Man was presented to us from Heaven at such a time as this wherein I undertook the Government of so great an Empire and thereupon committed the whole presidence of the Mathematick Tribunal to him only But because John Adams from his Childhood is chast and has led a single life nor will meddle with any affairs not agreeing with his Religiousway of life I thought necessary by absolute command to oblige him to undertake this charge and to add the dignity of the second Order according to the Title of Master of the Heavenly Areana's In which office being now imployed some years he adds daily more and more study and diligence And because he has a Temple near the Gate of the City call'd Xun che Muen where according to the Rites of his Law he offers Sacrifice to God I also contributed some supply toward the building and adorning it And when I entred that Temple I perceived the Images and Utensils to have the appearance of extraneous and forreign things also And concerning the Books of the Law which I found placed on a Table when I had ask'd what was contained in them the said John Adams answered That they contain'd an explication of the Divine Law And truly I seeing I had formerly apply'd my mind to the Doctrine Yao Xun Cheu and Cum Cu I perceived something out of their Books In the Books Foe and I au although I read some things yet nothing sticks in my memory But seeing I could not hitherto by reason of the grand Affairs of the Kingdom look into the Books of this Divine Law but only by the by I cannot give an exact judgment out of them concerning that Law But yet when I consider John Adams who having liv'd for many years among the Chinois and with us both observes and practises this Law I judge it to be exceeding Good For John Adams does so reverence his God that he has dedicated this Temple to him conforming himself to this Law with so great modesty and integrity of his Person for so many years alwayes after the same manner and method and not a jot varying therefrom This truly is an express sign that 't is a Law of the highest perfection wherein John Adams himself is seen to excel with such most approved vertue seeing what that Law teaches namely to serve God obey Kings and Magistrates to do evil to no man to seek the Publick and our Neighbour's good he exactly fulfills with his fidelity And would to God Magistrates and all my Subjects would imitate this his Industry and Diligence in serving God and keeping the Divine Law and would but come any thing near it in obeying their Emperour without doubt it would go far better by many degrees and more prosperously with me and the whole Kingdom As for me I mightily approve of and commend this his mind and this Law And therefore in perpetual memory of this thing I prefix before his Church this Title I um hiven hia Kim That is An excellent place to penetrate Heaven Given at Pekin in the seventh year of Our Empire Whereby may be seen the Emperour's high esteem of this man and consequently of the preheminence of the Europaeans Science and Art For the Church it self it was built upon the account of the restoring the China Calendar as appears further from the Inscription of the Church it self by the Jesuites The Inscription of the Church at Pekin of the Society
Melinda Mosambica Quiloa The Protestant some places of the same Africa upon the Western and Southern Coast as in the Kingdom of Congo Guiny and Cape Verd. The Roman Religion possesses in America Mexico and Peru the Isles of Porto Rico St. Domingo and Cuba also Brasil and Canada and some of the Antilles Islands The Protestant in like manner in the same America New England New Swede New Denmark New Holland and Virginia and now of late the Island of Jamaca and the two thirds of the Antilles Islands and heretofore the Northern part of Brasil c. By all which you may see how little reason of Geography the Religion Roman has to appropriate the Name Catholick The Jesuites as has been seen by the first part have also promoted their Religion even into China but 't is not yet become National or powerful It rests only to draw hence their Proportions thus The Proportions of Europe Asia Africa and America ought to be considered as 1 3 4 and 7. So that taking only the Inhabited part of the World the Christians possess about a sixth the Mahometans a fifth or something more and the Heathens two thirds or hardly quite so much So that dividing all the known Regions of the Earth into thirty equal parts The Christians part shall be as five the Mahometans as six and the Heathens as ninteeen which is very near two thirds of thirty As for the Christians that are found in Asia Africa and America their petty number is as it were swallowed up in this fearful multitude of Mahometans and Idolators and is elsewhere counterballanced by that of the Mahometans in Europe And if to the Lands discovered one joyn that great Southern Continent which comes near to the very Aequator and coasts as it were continually from East to West the two other Continents of Asia and Africa so that it seems to be as large as Europe Asia and Africa put together then the Heathen will surpass the Mahometans and the Christians in an excessive proportion for they will then have near as much more for 't is to be believed that that part of the World has no other for its Inhabitants than Idolaters seeing that they found no other at the point of good Hope and towards the streight of Magellan which are the most neighbouring Lands to this vast Continent of the South whose shores onely are known unto us These are the three grand Branches of the Christian Religion in Europe out of which arise onely three other that are become distinct and National viz. the Lutheran the Calvinist and the Episcoparian all of them Protestant and Reformed All of them deny the Popes Supremacy and Transubstantiation c. The Calvinists deny both Transubstantiation of the Papists Consubstantiation of the Lutherans and Episcopacy and the Discipline of the others And these again the Presbytery of the Calvinists Consubstantiation of the Lutherans and Transubstantiation Supremacy c. of the Papists only retaining Episcopacy which they contend to be Primitive and some Popish Ceremonies which they contend to be indifferent and lawful all of them at great variance and with much zeal and animosity each against the other There are indeed many other Sects and Parties and Opinions shooted out of these but none to be accounted General National or Powerful though such as have rais'd great Disputes and Contentions and overwarm Fewds and Zealousness and some to Separation from all the former And they are either such as are or may be common to all other such as are chiefly those about Doctrine as Arminianism and Antiarminianism Socinianism or Antisocinianism c. according as Reason and Faith directs each The Socinians are chiefly in Poland The Arminians are spread every where Or else such as separate from all others chiefly about Discipline as the Brownists Independants c. chiefly in England and New England the Anabaptists in Germany and England also c. and other places the Quakers the latest of all in England c. The Latitudinarians who submit to any Discipline and contend only for the Substantials of Religion Seekers or Spiritualists who submit to no Religion as whose Religion is to be not so much against as above all Religions or Forms of Religion All which are comprehensive of most others and are all generally Libertinarians more or less that is for liberty of Religion Amongst such a company of Religions in the World what other means possible can there be for Unity Peace and Love amongst Christians or mankind but Liberty rather than Uniformity For how is it possible there should be Uniformity long where there 's onely necessity not consent and harmony There are but few places where liberty of Religion is tolerated and those with difference Among the Turks in Poland Germany and Holland generally all more or less In France the Protestants only In New England all but errors judg'd fundamental The Jesuites in China and in Italy and Avignon the Jews But the World will then onely be happy when it shall once become Universal that is as large as the very Universe it self and mens minds like to Truth it self noble and free and not narrow but large spirited and diffusive like the infinite Creators who would have all men to be saved and that by perswasion and not force because impossible But we pass by this less pleasing particular As also the Commerce Commodities Riches and Forces of Europe of which it is enough to say in general that she commands by Sea all the Riches of the World and of which enough before till we come to more particulars which are best referred to each several Countrey REVOLUTIONS The late grand Revolutions of Europe have been either of States and Kingdoms whether for Dominion or Religion or of Religions themselves or of both mixtly We shall onely look so far back as to take a view or prospect of the present face of things and the Foundations of the present Governments and Religions before mentioned The Foundation of the present Germane Empire in the House of Austria which grand Revolution has made it as it were Haereditary and put a period to Liberty of Elections I. ABout the year 1250. the Empire being greatly distracted through the Popes means and practices who for above an hundred years had notoriously usurped authority over the Emperors and made a common practice of excommunicating them in a manner successively for so many years one after the other the Empire I say being distracted into many Factions each Faction chose a King of the Romans or Emperor insomuch that there were now at one time three Elected together and a fourth a year or two after bought it and presently left it again and then for several years without any The Empire fluctuating thus for about twenty years and after so long an Interregnum the Princes of Germany met at Quidlinburg and made a League of Defence together about the year 1270. Thereupon Pope Gregory the tenth sends order to them to chuse an
the greatest Dominions And this would have been a fair step to be the Head of Kingdoms as the Pope was of the Church And just such beginnings had the Pope himself over all other Bishops Secondly by Arms. For there remained two kingdoms in Spain Portugal and Navarre both which they seize on First that of Navarre and Naples c. Whence perpetuall Wars ever since with France in Catalonia c. For this Kingdom which still retains the Title and by Arms continually requires the possession And then of Portugal by Philip the 2 d about sixty years after viz. about the 1560. Thirdly by Shipping and Sea-Forces or Power at Sea specially afterwards with their Invincible Armado in 88 wherein were above thirty thousand Souldiers to joyn with as many out of the Netherlands And again afterwards with as great Preparation against the Hollanders but to as little purpose too in the year 1640 aiming at Superiority and Dominion of the Northern Seas and consequently of all the World But the Hollanders and English were grown by that time of the World too big to do any good on them 2. To Ferdinand the Catholick succeeds Philip Archduke of Austria c. before-mentioned Son to Maximilian the Emperor about 1504. 3. After whom comes Charles the 5 th An. 1516. king of Spain Archduke of Austria Duke of Milan Burgundy Brabant Earl of Catalonia Flanders Holland c. and Emperor of the Germans under whom the Monarchy of Spain grew towards its greatest height He added the Realms of Mexico and Peru the Dukedom of Milan and several Estates in the Netherlands Marched into Africa possesses Tunis and other parts thereby disposing Kingdoms there at his pleasure But was at last soon outed of the Empire as a foresaid leaving Spain and the Netherlands and other Spanish Territories too 4. His Son Philip the 2d An. 1558. under whom this Kingdom recieved its utmost increase by Portugal and the East Indies therewith and also its greatest decrease by the Netherlands For upon the death of Sebastian King of Portugal slain in Africa without Issue appeared six chief Competitors for the Crown Of all whom the Duke of Braganza had most right but the King of Spain notwithstanding all the help from France and England got it And so was the first of the West-Goths since the Moors that obtain'd the Universal Monarchy of all Spain and both the East and West-Indies besides the Belgick Provinces and other dominions in Europe in so much that they could brag that the Sun rose and set in their ground So that now the whole bulk of his swelling titles was compleated viz. King of Spain Castile Leon Arragon Navar Hierusalem Naples Sicily Sardinia Majorck and Minorck and of the Isles and Continent of the Indies and of the Main Ocean King Arch-Duke of Austria Duke of Burgundy Lorraine Brabant Lucenburg Gelderland and Milan Earl of Hapsburg Flanders Artois Henault Holland Zealand c. Marquess of the Sacred Empire Lord of Friezland Meckleburgh Ulricht c. Great Lord of Asia and of Africa 5. Which mighty Monarchy labouring with its own weight soon began to fall into peeces 1 through exhausting of its people and want of men by naval expeditions into both Indies by many and long Wars by ejecting the Moors and Jews before afterwards c. by the Spanish Inquisition and grievous Taxes and oppressions of the Countrymen and labourers 2 By wasting of its Riches and Wealth by Wars and imprudence 3 By loss of kingdoms and Provinces as well as great defeats of its Armies and Armado's As namely the loss of the Netherlands the Defeat in 88 the long Wars with the French who alwayes oppos'd this rising Monarchy on all sides which brought lastly the revolt of Portugal and Catalonia and so the loss of half their entire united Monarchy besides the new conquests in Flanders the last year by the French all which have made pretty wide gaps in those numerous swelling titles 6. But this great Kingdom was chiefly impair'd by the Revolt of the Netherlands and Portugal For this Philip in indeavouring to bring Tyrannick Government both Civil and Religious specially the last by the bloudy Inquisition and to reduce them back a gain by force to the Church of Rome from that Reformation of Religion which was now every where begun whereof he was a violent Enemy was by a great part of the Provinces confederate together rejected from being their Prince An. 1581. for seeing the Spaniards would bring in absolute domination both over Soul and Body they became desperate to the death declare him for a Tyrant and perpetual Enemy and by eighty years Wars brought the Spaniard to an open confession or conviction of his bad Politicks for Force of Religion and taught them and the World too if they will be taught this Rule That a free Nation must be governed freely For the Pride and Tyranny specially in Religion and the unmerciful Inquisition fill'd all Christian People with Hate and Terror of the Spaniards specially these most concern'd For by no more powerful argument did the Prince of Orange inflame the Netherlanders Spirits than saying That These burn men alive for Religion which set them all on fire So ill does Force upon either mens Civil or Religious Liberties conduce to establish Princes where Subjects are once sensible of them And that Religion had a chief hand in these Revolutions you must know that the main design then driven on by the Catholick Princes and Party was the defence and propagation of that Religion the Protector whereof the King of Spain vaunted to be and the extirpation of Hereticks and so to make the King of Spain Universal and absolute and truly and indeed Catholick at least by some c. In such sort that about 1560 Charles the 9 th king of France with the Queen-Mother Katherine of Medices a busie and Imperious Queen and Isabel this king of Spains Wife and the Duke of Alva make a league to joyne the Power and Policies of both Nations to root out the new increasing Hereticks The Hugonots out of France and the Protestants out of the Low-Countries and Germany and immediately ensued the Holy League in France wherein this King was a mighty stickler also and then those wars here So that he not only confederated with the Leaguists against the Hugonots but also about the year 1580 when the other would not do endeavours also upon the same account to hinder the Reformation growing in his own Dominions by bringing in the Inquisition and arbitrary Government amongst them whereby he was wholly driven out of those Provinces confederating together for their Liberty and Priviledges And indeed except mens Civil Liberties be first invaded their Religious can hardly be To recover which Countries they exhausted all their strength in vain for eighty years till they were at last forc'd to a shameful submission in the Treary of Munster 1648. therein renouncing for ever all Right c. and treat with them and
flourishing Monarchy laps'd into a short liv'd Commonwealth A State A Protector and a Miraculous return to where they began an unheard of Restitution of the Banished and wonderful preserved Prince without War or Bloud-shed We have seen the mightiest Emperor deposed and strangled by his own Vassals in the same year 1648. and his Successor much a-doe to escape the Rout in 1656. that made sixteen Bashaws one Vizier forcing the Emperess and the High Priest almost equal with the Emperor himself to the Seraglio c. And the Brother of a King to depose his Prince under pretence of Loyalty and the publick good keep him in durance Rule in his stead and make the Father and High Priest of the Church give his Queen to him for wife and all the Princes of Christendom even their late Master of Spain too himself by their Embassies and for their own Interests to approve in a manner all and to Complement the new Prince Regent from all parts We have seen also above twenty years civil Wars Broyls Commotions and Factions in Poland and the poor old King made weary of his Scepter by his own restless and unconstant Subjects We have seen him and a Queen besides to lay down their Crowns of their own accord for a more quiet and happy life We have seen a Universal Calme as it were and Peace for a while but a sudden Eruption of fierce Wars again both by Sea and Land and again a present deep Silence and stand as it were of a sudden and the World gazing on one another what they are about to do c. Lastly we have seen Grand Eclipses Conjunctions Comets and new Stars Innumerable Prodigies and Signs in the Heavens in the Earth in the Waters a raging Plague marching from Country to Country together with raging Wars and the most dreadful Fire that ever was designed or contrived of one of the greatest and most flourishing Cities in Christendom And behold greater things yet to come ch following c. An additional Observation concerning the late Popes designes There has already been hinted his new Negotiation with the Kings of the Earth to establish the Papal Sea's Infalibility He had a great zeal besides in rapairing the Church of St. Peter Paul and to erect there a new Apostolick Chair And would have imposed this Inscription thereon although hindred by the wiser Cardinals In the year of the Apostolick Authority restored the first He spent likewise all the time of his Priestdom in adorning Rome with new Palaces and Basilicon's especially in raising a Palace designed for the future choice of Popes called the Conclave into a stupendons Grandure To Erect which that there might not want room he commanded many Streets of the City with Temples and Monasteries to be demolished and sent for all sorts of Artificers out of Italy as if like Nebuchadnezer he meant to say This is Babilon the Great which I have built for an house of my Kingdom and for the Glory of my Majesty c. And now we should pass to the Foundations and Revolutions of the present Religion of Christendom but that they would swell this Table of the general heads of things only into a volumn already too larg And for that they may be also somewhat apprehended from this general View of the Revolutions of States and Kingdoms Behold the desolutions of the Earth For want of the King of Peace to rule The Pretensions and Interest of Europe The pretensions of Europe are either of one part to another as of England to France Spain to Portugal c. of which 't will be needless to speak a word or else to other parts of the World as to Asia Africa or America Of which a word or two These pretences are founded on wrong and false titles as Right of discovery or of Christianity and Religion and the Popes donation and disposal of the whole Infidel world accordingly thereupon For towards the year 1500. Pope Alexander the 6th as if he was Master of the whole Earth distributed by his Bull all the new World between Ferdinand the 5th King of Spain and John King of Portugal Here was a wonderful donation indeed of the World from East to West parted between two Princes And to make them agree it was accorded that the Portuguess should equally share from the fortunate Islands or Canaries by one streight line from North to South for the first Meridian an hundred and eighty degrees that is one half of the World Eastward and the Spaniard as many Westward And that both one and the other should have right to take possession of all the Earth they could seize on and all upon this title forsooth That they should convert the Infidels and Barbarous Nations to the Christian Faith which they did indeed more like Infidels and Barbarians then Christians So mankind preys one upon another like ravenous Beasts and Birds of prey Neither can the Protestans perhaps much reproach the Papists upon this account and both will alwayes agree in this point that glory and gain are not to be neglected what ever becoms of Christianity or humanity it self But when the Portuguese through ignorance and impudence judged that they had wrong done them as yet ignorant that the World was round or might be sail'd round by great importunity they extorted that the first Meridian should be removed from the Canary Islands to the Azores three hundred miles more Westward Hence the first Meridian ever since has place not in the Canaries but the Azores Islands the cause of which mutation is not the declination of the Margent and variation of the Needle or Compass but this division between the Portuguess and Spaniard Now by this change it happened that the Portugals afterwards obtained Brasil in the West Indies which fell within the Meridian of the Azores but the Spaniards reaped a far greater advantage because they from that time chalenge right to the greatest part of the East Indies viz. the Philippy Islands which they have to this day to the Molucco's and others c. then out of dispute the Portugals And this made the Spaniard alwayes retire and adhere to the Azores for the first Meridian As for the Interests of Europe in these sad dis-unions revolutions and confusions of Christendom The Interests of the whole and of every part seems mainly to be to agree in Religion and known Articles of Faith and not devour one another as Infidels and Pagans for Opinions or Ceremonies and exclude not only one another their Church but their Nation and the World too for Hereticks or if not agreement at least Freedom and liberty of Religion which is no unpracticable Romance we see also for Christian Princes to unite not so much against the Turk as with one another and not destroy and ruine one anothers Kingdoms and so many Subjects lives in unnatural unchristian Wars and quarrels and lastly each Nation to accord and conspire together into mutual correspondence and free intercourse in all their
are in the place of God on Earth both Governors of States and Churches too humbly to plead this Cause before them Now if they be of Man or the Devil none ought to fear them but contemn them And therefore none should be offended that they are thus brought to light and into English For we intend them here only as a most wonderful History of the present Age not to be passed over without taking notice of For be they true be they false they will be found exceeding useful to the Age and to Posterity The Sum and Substance of the chiefest Prophesies of Kotterus Christina and Drabricius three late German Prophets OR A Summary View of some most Solemn Divine Visions and Revelations Had in these our Dayes By Kotterus a Selesian from the year 1616 to 1624. By Christina a Bohemian Virgin in the years 1627 1628 1629. By Drabricius a Moravian from the year 1638 to 1668. For the use of this Age. Wherein I. Lamentable Complaints are made of the extream Corruption of the Christian People II. And the terrible Plagues of God denounced against the Impenitent III. And how God will raze out the Babylon of false Christians Jews Turks Pagans and all Nations under Heaven and set up a new truly Catholick Church to shine forth most gloriously with the Light of the Gifts of God and what its future State is now to be even to the end of the World ALL Prophesies before they have their effects are Riddles and Ambiguities to men But when the time comes and that happens which was prophesied then the Prophesie has a clear exposition Irenaeus Book 4. ch 43. Certainly it must needs be confessed That these things are once to be or have already been or God to be accused of a lie For there is so great felicity promised to Christians in the Divine Oracles and such perfect knowledge of God and obedience and such universal Peace as neither is nor ever has been in the World c. Castellio to our King Edward the Fourth I confess that I also was in that Opinion that there were no Revelations of Divine Authority since Christ and his Apostles and so also I taught But after that I read these things more accurately I use to say That greater wisdom shines forth in them then that men can be their Authors much less those from whom they proceed And that they seem to be things of a better Nature and so constantly continned such for many years then that they can be attributed to the Devil Testimony of a great Divine Prophets are seldom or never believed Another Divine Witness Jeremiah the Prophet and all the Prophets of old Jerem. Chap. 36. And the Word of the Lord came unto Jeremiah saying Write in a Book all the Words against Judah and Israel and against all Nations If perchance they will hear and return Therefore Jeremiah call'd Baruch to write from his Mouth all the Words of the Lord. And commanded him to go into the Temple and to read them before the People Who did so Which thing being known the Princes assembled in the House of the King and sent to Baruch to come unto them with that Volumn and said unto him Sit and read these things in our Ears And he read who when they had heard were astonished saying every one to his next Neighbour We ought to tell all these words to the King But they said unto Baruch Go and hide thy self thou and Jeremiah And they went in unto the King Who when he had read three or four Leaves he cut it with his Pen-knife and cast it into the fire Neither were they afraid neither the King nor his Servants but commanded to apprehend them But the Lord hid them And the Word of the Lord came unto Jeremiah saying Take another Volumn and write in it all the former words and thou shalt say unto the King Thou hast burnt the Book Therefore I will punish and bring all the evil I have pronounced And Baruch wrote from his Mouth all the former words And there were added besides uuto them many like words The Lord said unto me Write these things and hasten to divulge many hundred Copies through all parts of the World For this is my Will that all Nations of the Earth read those things which I have spoke unto thee Drab Rev. 55. Now for these Prophesies we shall first give you the scope and sum of them beforehand in general and then come to the Revelations and Visions themselves in particular The utmost scope of all these Revelations is according to the manner of the Ancient Prophets 1. To shew unto Christians the manifold sins and aberrations wherewith they have provoked and do provoke God and sad Lamentations thereupon 2. To discover the Causes of the present Plagues and Judgments wherewith God breaks in pieces the World and the Causes why Gods Wrath waxes hot so against Christendom and to excite and forewarn men to attend seriously to the terrible threatnings of Wrath and comfortable promises of Grace 3. To shew the way of escaping the Wrath and preventing the last destruction and of obtaining the Grace 1. By general and universal Humiliation Repentance Reformation and Amendment 2. By universal mutual Love Charity and peaceableness one with another of all Parties Sects and Religions That all Names of distinction be laid aside and factious contendings about Opinions cease and that one common Faith and Love prevail among Christians of all sorts to preserve the Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace And that all wicked unchristian-unchristian-Christian Wars and Fightings and such cruel devourings of one another not becoming that Name whether for Religion or worldly Interests be laid aside And 3. by offering and communicating the same common Mercy and Benefit that is the Light and Blessing of the Gospel and thereby Universal Peace Truth Righteousness and Salvation to the Nations of the Earth For that now God would have all the World reformed and blessed with all true Felicities and Universal Salvation both Temporal and Eternal In a word the Kingdom of God come and the State of the Divine and Holy Life tryumph and be exalted over the Animal Sensual Beastial and Devilish 4. And lastly That otherwise Christendom shall feel the Power of Gods Anger and of his wonderful Judgments and the Vials of his Wrath be poured out c. For that Christians ought first to reform and begin this Universal Restitution Else that God will find others but destroy them by one another or by letting in the Barbarous Nations the Turks and Tartars c. in upon them That the time of destroying and overturning is at hand This and such like is their general scope And more particularly to stir up Princes Priests and People all to their particular Duties Kings to execute the call of their high Function To do the Will and Work of God on Earth i. e. To reform both Church and State and to take unto them their Scepters and
Harbours and utterly destroyed the vast Empires of Mexico and the Ynca's Those grand Heroes of the first and second Monarchy and of the two last also so nois'd of in History never drove their Conquests so far as we And all the Exploits of a Cyrus in Asia of a Cambysus in Africa of a Darius and his Sons in Europe and not long since of a Tamberlane in all three no not of an Alexander and of a Caesar themselves come not near the bold courses and Enterprizes of our Western People who are seiz'd on all the Coasts of the Ocean and make all the Puissances of the two Continents to tremble And they may be parallel'd with a Charlemaign with a Great Henry of France with a Gustavus of Swede and a Prince of Orange c. The Graecian built his Glory and erected Triumphs of Victory and Trophies of Honour upon the delicacy of the Persian and nakedness of the Indian and the Roman for the most part upon the division or rudeness of the Nations and weakness of the poor barbarous and undisciplin'd people 'T was easier then to over-run a Kingdom than now to take a Town The Asians generally are sunk into laziness effeminacy and cowardize 'T is not many years since that under the Conduct of a Degesfield in Dalmatia ten Christians have beat an hundred Turks The Cavalry the Infantry the Fortifications the Engines the Instruments and Weapons of War offensive and defensive the Stratagems and Plots the Military Discipline and Skill the War-Ships or Men of War and Fire-Ships is beyond all former times or other parts of the World Candia and Venice alone at this day is a notorious instance of the particulars The Ships and Sea-Fights of England and Holland are not to be match'd by all Antiquity or other Parts of the World France is able to raise 200000 men and scarce miss them in her Cities or her Fields which the whole Ottoman Empire cannot do without laying it self waste And it goes in like manner with England Germany and many other Countreys And for Power Force by Sea all the other three parts of the World together cannot match three only Europaean Nations As for the Arts and Sciences Inventions and Improvements she still carries it higher from all the rest and they now have their Reign and Empire only in her Dominions and that more glorious than ever Asia from whence they first came must now call her Mistriss And haughty China her self submits now to be her Disciple Greece and Old Rome too where they were once confin'd must now abate their Pride and yeild to her the preheminence For though there was a time when the Greeks and Romans counted all besides Barbarians and rude yet they could not do so now should they appear with all their Bays and Laurels And though China has presum'd her self hitherto the Eye of the World yet she has of late been so dazled with the splendor of her Rays that she is not ashamed to confess her self blind in comparison The learned Jesuites made them first see the disparity for they were struck with such wonder and amazement at their appearance as if they had never seen the Sun before nor Learning ever arose in their Hemisphere and could not sufficiently admire at their Science We will produce here to this end their Story out of Kircher's China Illustrata which is but of yesterday and make it appear what Veneration they had for the Europaean Arts and Mysteries Riccius the first Propagator of the Christian Religion and Adams the last Instaurator and Finisher of the New China Calendar not without the general applause and congratulation of the whole Empire were had in such high esteem amongst them and received such Honours and Favours that hardly any History can parallel Riccius a learned Mathematician did so allure the mind of the Vice-Roy of Canton where he first landed with Curiosities of Art and Science that as neither He nor all China ever saw the like so he received them like Angels descended from Heaven rather than Inhabitants and Strangers of the Earth and all the Learned amongst them strove for his acquaintance and sent to him from all parts desirous to behold the wonderful things which he had brought with him and to be acquainted with his Arts And though nothing but what is common and obvious amongst us here yet they seem'd a kind of Miracles to them Amongst other Things was admired a Clock curiously contriv'd which shew'd various distinctions of hours with the course of Sun and Moon A Glass Trigon which some supposed an inestimable Gem others a piece of the Heavenly Sphears Geographick Maps they wondring to see Worlds and vast Empires and Kingdoms beyond their Walls Imagining that China was set in the midst of the Earth like a large Gem in a Ring and all the rest but as Gold to the Diamond and a little troubled to find their spacious Empire beyond which they thought there was none confin'd to such a remote corner of the East and Europe divided into so many glorious Monarchies and Kingdoms so far distant in the remote Recesses of the West and the whole Earth so surrounded by the main Ocean and severed into so many Continents Lands and Islands and as it were New Worlds In so much that Riccius seeing them a little displeased was fain to describe the World in a larger form into two Hemisphears so as China should stand in the midst And therein afterwards illustrated all Countries and Parts in the China Character and Language with which they were infinitely taken and flock'd in multitudes to see so that the House where it was could not contain them And therefore at the Vice-Roys charge it was cut and printed and Draughts thereof sent through all the Empire which made all the Learned and Curious admire him as another Atlas dropt down from the Stars and most famous Astrologer of the whole World And with these and the like Rarities and Curiosities of Art he became admirable throughout all the Empire Adams transcended him and by reason of his incomparable skill in the Mathematicks and their own Language became yet more famous And at last highly courted and carressed by the new Tartarian Emperor himself who made him one of his most intimate Familiars and Counsellors and Mandarine of the first Order and assigned him the highest place in the Astronomical Tribunal for emendation of the Calendar commanding all Astronomers throughout his Empire to observe his Orders He wondred at his infallible Prediction of Eclipses at his expertness in casting Ordinance and Counsel in State-Affairs He honoured him as his Father with highest love and affection thinking something more than humane in him And when few were admitted to his presence besides his Queens and Eunuchs yet he had leave wher-ever he found the King at home or abroad to approach unto him which was scarce granted to any else called Him in their language Venerable Father and four times in one year came
Civility and Policy for the Arts and the Arms and all that is Gallant and Polite or Handsome and deserves to be stil'd The Temple of Religion the Court of Policy and Government the Academy of Civility and good Manners the Mistress of Arts and of Arms of Shipping and Navigation and indeed the Paradice of all humane Felicities in comparison For so it is that all things have their Revolutions and Periods both in regard of Times and of Places from one place to another in one Age and then in another and that the people which now live between the Euxine Streights and the Atlantick Ocean eclipse all the Sparkling and Pomp of Ancient Persia her self In a word is not France at this day incomparably more flourishing than antient Gaule Great Britane has it not quite another countenance than when it bore the name of Albion Or had Caesar then found them in this Estate could he easily have made them Roman Provinces The Tartarians and Americans the Canibals and Man-eating Barbarians shall perhaps in some Ages after be civiliz'd like us Have not the good Letters and good Manners and all the high Marks of Distinction that difference Man-kind passed insensibly from Chaldee into Egypt from Egypt into Greece from Greece into Italy and from thence into the rest of Europe Greece is become a sad and darksome Cell Where nought reigns now but Ignorance and Hell Whence th'hideous Turk hath frighted all that 's fine Greece now 's but th' shadow of old Greece's Prime Muses no more go seek those pleasant Mountains Where Language that 's Divine was taught those Fountains Are now seal'd up sweet Hippocrene clean dry And Pene ' quite forsook of Company That charming Vale where th' Laurel us'd to grow Is now frequented by the croaking Crow The universe hath often chang'd its face Rome then receiv'd when Athens did you chase Your Altars now reach these remoter Climes Under thick darkness bid in elder Times Grudge no more then your Aganippe's sourse You may one day reign i' th Grand Atlantick Course The Banks of Tigre are no longer inhabited but by Tigres The Plains of Palestine are ill cultivated Grand Caire how vast soever it may be resents nothing of the glory of Memphis and has chang'd its fortune with its Name Peloponnesse and Achaia have no more the great Captains nor the famous Philosophers and are to be numbred with the Lands which the Volga and the Tanais water with their Streams the only portion of our Europe that hath nothing of Gallantry nor Polite All her other Regions which way soever one turn are absolute Mistresses of Arms Commerce Arts and Sciences and give Laws to all the Earth But we have been too long upon Comparisons which we should not have so much as once begun had not our Author first entred us and led the way And therefore passing by further we come to a plain-general-Table of Europe consider'd absolutely in her self And therein also wholly passing by her Natural Description of her Situation Extent Climate of her Parts Lakes Rivers Mountains Mines c. of her Quality natural Riches Commodities precious Things and Products of Nature which never vary but appear almost the same in every Map We shall only take notice of her in her Politick Capacity and things subject to change and under certain chief Heads of the most material things occurring draw very plain and distinct Tables both General and Particular of the present Face of Things For the use only and general Information both plain and brief as in Tables or Draughts of ordinary and the less knowing sort of People Table General The Second Part. Description Political of EUROPE CHAP. I. The ARGUMENT General brief Tables of the present Governments Languages Religions Revolutions c. of Europe The Governments Civil and Ecclesiastick in general Table Methodick of each Estate Sovereign A List of Sovereign Princes in their prime or declining Age. Numbering of the Languages of Europe Mother Tongues Dialects and Off-springs Universal Language Partition of the World according to the different Religions Parallel of Countries and Provinces Papist and Protestant The one spread as far by the English and Hollanders as the other by the Spaniards and Portugals Navigations Table of the Revolutions of this last Age. Wars and Treaties of Peace Pretensions and Interests of Europe in General EUrope as hath been enough seen being the most accomplished and considerable though the least part of the Earth and at this day more then ever heretofore deserves chiefly and in the first place to be taken notice of by us as she appears at present To which end we shall first draw a general Table of the whole and then particular Tables of each part In both delineating only bare and naked Draughts as it were of the present Governments Languages Religions Riches Forces and Commerce Revolutions Pretentions and Interest c. of Europe with other memorable observable Things and Occurrences as they fall in our way first in General and then in Particular in the distinct description of each Region and Country thereof GOVERNMENTS We begin therefore this second Part General with the General Governments of Europe intending onely General Heads of Things in this General Table Government is considered either as Civil or Ecclesiastick The Civil Government of Europe in general is either purely Monarchick of a single Sovereign or Aristocratick of the Nobles and Senators or after a sort Democratick and Popular of the People commonly call'd Common Wealth for there 's scarce any that is purely so except you will reckon some few among the Petty Cantons of the Suisses which make but a little member of that great Body or mixt of these But more particularly whether one or the other The Principal Crowns and States Sovereign of EUROPE for they are not all worthy of the high Title of Monarchies may be reduc'd to Empires Kingdoms Principalities Dutchies and Republicks or Common-Wealths together with the Papality and State of the Pope as a Temporal Prince in Italy and the County of Venaissy which makes a Sovereignty apart After which rate Europe has two Empires seven Kingdoms seven Electorships and of late years an eight seven grand Dutchies seven Republicks or Common-Wealths three grand Principalities which are now all tributary to the grand Segnior and a Papality The two Empires are the Empire of Germany half Monarchy half Common-Wealth the Emperor not being absolute but onely in the Lands whereof he is Lord and owner And the Empire of the Turks who are subject to one onely Monarch Some add the Empire of Russia for a third The seven Kingdoms are the Kingdom of France Spain Portugal England Denmark Sweedland and Poland The first the most perfect and descends only to the Heirs Male ever since the Salique Law The five next admit the Females and all are haereditary save the last which is Elective But though all these Estates be purely Monarchick yet the three latter besides Poland are not absolute
Lutherans and the Calvinists which we put both together as Protestants united against the Romanists and now also labouring hard on both sides to unite among themselves though the latter only took the Title of Reformed As we blame the pride and haughtiness of the Chineses who before that the Tartars had humbled them believed that all the rest of the Universe beyond their Mountains and Walls that encompass them was wholly desolate or barbarous In like manner ought we not to suffer an infinity of Ignorants who because perhaps in Colen they see but an hundred Protestants or so presently imagine the same of all Germany and of the whole World and reckon their Church Catholick when 't is but a moity of the least part of the Earth and not esteeming things but by their outward splendor and glittering pass unjustly from the unequal esteem and false count of their number to the unequal esteem or false count of their Virtue and Cause Besides the advantage of Number is no great advantage The Mahometans on this account carry it from the Christians and the very Heathens from both So that neither the one or the other have any great reason to glory The only glorying is to have God on their side But let us come to the Countries which each possess Europe as was said is almost all Christendom Yet Idolaters and Heathen are still found in the cold Region of the Laplanders and although they are distinguished into Danes Swedes and Moscovites yet they hardly obey either the Duke Moscovy or the King of Suede or of Denmark Mahometanism is more spread but not beyond the Turks Territories It is follow'd at Constantinople in Romania and in the places of Dalmatia and Hungary where he is Master It has its course also in the Taurick Chersonese and the lesser Tartary But all these Countries together make not above one tenth part of Europe Lastly Judaism onely lurks in little corners and holes of Christendom and dares hardly shew its face but with some kind of disgrace and infamy Witness their yellow Hats in Italy and Avignon for a mark of dishonour Yet the Jews have their Synagogues and their principal ones are at Amsterdam Avignon Rome Venice and divers other places of Holland and Italy They are found moreover at Franck-fort Hamburgh and other Cities of Germany and some at London also through connivance though the Laws be against them But they are least troubled in Poland and Bohemia and there as well for their Number as for their Priviledges through the force of Silver Weapons they make something a greater noise than elsewhere Greece is yet fuller they have free Trade at Constantinople and Grand Caire They manage principal Affairs they have places of Profit and Revenues and generally they are powerful through all the Ottomans Empire For Christians according to the three Branches of Christianism mentioned viz. the Christians of the East the Christians Roman and the Christians Protestant they take up all the rest The Christians of the East or the Eastern Church advantagiously divide with the Mahometans and the Jews all Greece and all the Neighbouring Isles of the Archipelago And in Mount Athos alone for which cause they have since given it the name of Monte Sancto or the Holy Mountain one may see twenty four Monasteries of Caloyers or certain Monks of the Order of St. Basil of which Order generally the Greek Church are to the number of six thousand And under this Branch comprehending all the several Sects that use different Liturgies the Eastern Church is extended yet further into Russia who are all thereof and out of Europe into Ethiopia and Egypt in Africa into Georgia Armenia Assyria and Persia in Asia and if one would even to India it self and to the Kingdom of Tenduc on the North of Cathay where Mark Polo found some Christians of St. Thomas the Apostle Each of these Sects has their Patriarchs and these Patriarchs like as the Bishops also are all Monks of one of the two Orders of St. Basil or St. Anthony his follower For the other Religions the Roman Religion is absolute Mistress in Spain Portugal and Italy The Religion Protestant in the Islands of Great Britane in Swedeland and Denmark The Roman Religion bears the sway intirely in the Spanish Provinces of the Low Countries the Protestants in the United Provinces The Roman Religion reigns solely in the petty Cantons of Switzerland the Protestant in the great Cantons The Roman Religion has the upper hand intirely in the Countries of the three Electors Ecclesiastick of Mayence Trevers and Colen The Protestant in the Countries of three of the Electors Saecular the Palatinate of the Rhine Saxony and Brandenburgh The Roman Religion has not any mixture apparent in the Haeredetary Countries of the Emperor Austria Bohemia Moravia Tirol Carinthia Stiria and Carniola nor in the Electors the Duke of Bavaria The Protestant has little or none at all in Suavia Silesia both the Prussi's Pomerania Hisse the Archbishoprick of Breme and in the Dukedoms of Holstein Lunenburgh Meckleburgh But in the other Provinces of Germany as in the Dutchies of Cleveland Juliers Alsatia Westphalia and Franconia the two Religions are almost equally divided except that the Protestant hath all the Authority in its hand in the grand Imperial Cities hereof and the Hans Towns which make up the number of an hundred and fifty whereof there are but very few to be excepted The most famous are Nurenburgh Franck-fort Wormes Stratsburg Ausburg Ulms Ratisbone Spire Strelsond Wismar Rostoch Stetin Osnaburg Brunswick Breme Hamburgh Lubeck Dantzick Elbing Conigsberg where the Magistrate is Protestant There is but only France and Poland where the number of the Romans surpass the number of the others and where nevertheless these have the free and publick exercise of their Religion and each live together in peace though the Romanists daily incroach upon the Protestants and increase and the others decrease and lose their Priviledges and Power for want of some Heroick Princes to maintain them To conclude The Roman Religion has been carried to the ends of the World into the East and into the West Indies by the Spaniards and Portuguese The Protestant has been carried to the same places by the English and the Dutch and the French also are setled in the Isle of Madagascar in Canada in Africa and in America and take their course also through Asia insomuch that all are there generally call'd Franks But these are almost universally French Catholicks But to take things apart The Roman Religion is spread in some Maritine places of Asia and has it 's principal Seat at Goa a Puissant City on the Western Coast of the Peninsula on this side Ganges The Protestant upon the shores of the same Asia and has its principal Seat at Batavia a City upon the Southern Coast of Grand Java which the Commerce of the Hollanders has rendred famous The Roman Religion fills some places of the Eastern Coast of Africa as
with the State in order to the good of the Church necessarily And therefore the Church must now comprehend the State And as it was above it so now must rule it for it's own good as the less worthy for the more worthy And therefore the chief Churchman must be both Supreme Bishop and Emperor or high Priest and King That is the Vicar of Christ must be like his Master and of the same Authority in the World to whom all power was given both in Heaven and in Earth thus the Mystery of Iniquity wrought with all deceitfulness c. Accordingly the next year or two after Alexander the 2 d is elected by the Cardinals only without the Emperor who complains of this as against his right Hildebrand stoutly maintains it That the Emperor had no right in the Election of Popes Alexander inclining to yeeld to the Emperor is soundly box'd by Hildebrand then imprisoned and at length poysoned to make way for this mighty man of mettal this Universal Monarch Pope Hildebrand by name who the first usurps the Power and Right of Supreme and Universal Monarch as Boniface had before of Supreme and Universal Bishop at least layes the foundation thereof and endeavours it Thus Hildebrand and Boniface notoriously founded the Popedom or Kingdom of the Beast For first An. 1073. he sets up himself without any election either of Emperor or Clergy but the thing being disputed and the Emperor striving to vindicate his right He refers himself to the Emperor and Princes The Emperor Henry 4 th thereupon confirms him but the Imperial Majesty was thereby debased and impair'd For 2. afterwards he sets himself might and main against him And 3. excommunicates and so deposes him and sets up Competirors among the Princes and Electors sending a Crown to Rodolph or Ralph with a verse upon it to this sense The Crown which Petra gave to Peter Peter on Ralph bestows in Meeter Petra from whence Petrus or Peter signifying The Rock that is Christ and makes him rebel against his Master And likewise sets up a second after him when he was foyl'd and involves Germany and Italy in horrible confusions and fractions and Pope-like pronounces Absolution thus We do absolve from their Oath of Allegiance all that are sworn to excommunicate Princes So arrogating the power of deposing and making Emperors to himself and confirming his usurpations by a pack'd Council held at Rome At last 4 ly the Emperor through these means and practises deserted by all is fain to submit and to get off his excommunication and be absolv'd forced to come suppliant together with his Emperess and young son the Prince before Hildebrand barefooted and bare legged in the cold of Winter all ragged and torn and with a pitious Countenance and in a lamentable posture to knock at his Palace Gate and with tears beg admission there to wait three days fasting till his Highness now as well as his Holiness with his Minion Madam Mathilda or as they called her St. Peters Daughter that left her own Husband to live with this Holy Father and other Grandees and Roman Courtiers despisingly looking out of his window i' th' mean while could be at leasure But at last on the 4 th day having it seems done penance enough being admitted by her mediation he imposes on him most intolerable conditions and unworthy of the vilest Slave and by Oaths Curses and horrible imprecations obliges him never to receed from obedience to the Pope These things so transacted not only the like are practised by his Successors to the Emperors following as the story will shew But not long after also they likewise decreed it by their Canons and Ecclesiastick Pontificial Laws viz. The Roman high-Priest to be over all not only in Spirituals but also in Temporals All Kingdoms and Empires to depend on him and to order and administer all as judged convenient for the Church c. That is to be Supreme Head both of Church and Sate And in one word Supreme Universal Monarch of the World So that now the Pope begins to take upon him as High Emperor or King that is above all Kings and Emperors as well as High-Priest and to play Rex indeed At least laid the foundation or groundwork and first beginnings of all that tremendous and terrible Pontificial Power and Omnipotency namely in Church and State too afterwards over all the World The Pope then is now become both Universal High-Priest and King For so their Canons Canonists would now about this time have him to be viz. Supreme nay Only Monarch of the World and Universal over all For so Baronius a cheif Author contends at this time That none on Earth ought to be called Monarch but the Pope We shall have him God too by and by And the same Baronius sticks not at that but proclaims him not only greater then Emperors and all Kings but also calls him Lord God And the Canon saith no less both for his Kingship and Godship too But we must for brevity pass by these things c. After these usurpations of Hildebrands the succeeding Popes follow his practises towards the succeeding Emperors and never leave excommunicating and deposing them till either by force or fraud they brought them in a manner under their Girdle and that at last they durst no more come into Italy nor medle with the affairs thereof but by their stirring up or backing of parties and factions were finally outed of all their Provinces and Estates there and not only so but in the end lost almost all their power and authority in Germany too as after we shall see The Princes and Nations also after grievous Wars Quarrels and Troubles caused partly by his and his Clergy's and Zealous Religionists means being by degrees brought under and subdued one after another did by their consent also at length approve those their Decrees and Canons and own him as Head at least of the Church to excommunicate c. consequently to depose from Government of the Christian-Flock as Infidels and Enemies of the Church And so subjected their Kingdoms both People and Clergy very much in temporals also which they did either for fear of the Clergy and superstitious people who had a carnal and furious zeal for the Pope as Christs Vicar the Church as out of which no Salvation and that Religion as most suited to the natural man and the peoples humours and lusts and very apprehensions of God Religion and the way of Salvation c. or else through their own blind Devotion and Religious Superstition or at best pious Veneration of the Christian Religion Church and chief Pastor and Priest thereof at their first turning Christians which was for the most part but to an outward christianity neither c. and in those times of gross darkness and ignorance of the inward Mystery thereof c. All which things by the sequel of the story will more plainly appear And now being thus raised to an earthly
that is called God was the first Pope in Heaven and the Father of these his Sons on Earth About 1605. He excommunicated the Venetians for maintaining stoutly their Rights of state and withstanding his incroachings whereupon War insued Baronias exhorting the Pope thus Arise and Eate the Venetians as if it had been as easie as to eate his dinner But he found them a tough Morsel which he could not get down and so was held to hard meat But a Cardinal of France made up the business as well as he could but could not without enough dishonour to his Popeship He by briefs or writings sent to the Loyal Catholicks of England forbad the Oath of Allegiance to King James from his own Subjects He laid a great Tax also on the Clergy in Italy to uphold the good old Catholick cause in the Wars of Germany about 1618. and a new Order of Knighthood was erected at Vienna the Imperial Court for all Heroick Catholicks under the Patronage of the blessed Virgin St. Michael and St. Francis to root out the Hereticks But all would not do For they increased and multiplyed The Powder plot in England was also in the beginning of his Popedom set on foot by the Jesuits and their complices in England An. 1605. An. 1621. Gregory the 5 th elected by way of adoration instigates the French King against the Protestants Canonizes Ignatius the founder of a company of Incendiaries that is Jesuits for so they have proved ever since Baptized with not the Holy Ghost but with Fire answerable both to his Name and Motto and their Natures Quarrels with the Venetians for entertaining Greeks now they had no wars with Infidels the Turks To whom the Venetians wisely replyed That they held all Infidels that opposed their Commonwealth An. 1623. Twenty four of the Cardinals grew sick upon the quarrelsome and ambitions choise of Urban the 8 th whereof ten lost their lives with divers of others Father Paul a venerable Religious Monk who stood up high for his Venetians against the Jesuits who pragmatically stood up for their Pope for which they were deservedly banished by the State not till now smarts and is wounded for his crime of Loyalty to them and petty treason as it were against the Jesuits c. this Pope made War against the Duke of Parma and Florence for the Dukedom of Castro c. And no doubt he had an underhand or little finger at least in the bloudy Massacre of Ireland 1641. by the Catholicks Afterwards Innocent the 10 th pronounces void and goes about by his Legate to null the Peace of Germany made at Munster 1648 between the Protestant and the Papal princes where the Protestants both Calvinists as well as Lutherans were esserted into full and free liberty of their Religion as hurtful and dangerous to the Church forsooth But Germany no longer now fears their loud Bulls roarings and bellowings as formerly and do but laugh at such the vanity of his Omnipotent Impotency After 1654. Alexander the 7 th determines new Articles of Faith against the Jansenist's and condemnes them for Hereticks The Church of France begin to vindicate their Liberty against such new decrees and power of the Pope It grows to a great faction between them and the Jesuits The Pope and his Instruments make the King look upon them as a dangerous Sect and as it were a new kind of Calvinistical Papists that would both joyn against the true French Catholicks and endanger France both Church and State as much as formerly those Hugonots But they increased notwithstanding and several Bishops Clergy men and others adhered to them against the Novel Usurpations and determinations of the Pope who would feign have been accounted infallible in his Court and pack'd Consistory at Rome without a general Council And fowl work had like to have ensued but that the King and Pope together have lately within this year or two devised an expedient latitude for the dissenting Bishops and Leaders least the rent should be made greater willing to make use of any Salvo for such a Sore c. An. 1662. The Popes Guards by his Brothers design against the interest of France assaults the French Embassador which was connived at by the Pope and his Brother who set it on foot countenanced and due Justice evaded The King demands satisfaction prepars a great Army to enter Italy whereof some had in a manner begun to enter which made the Pope tremble and the French sing hartily Rome is ours already c. yea the grand Ball at Court since become a common Tune or Air too in England began thus Great King will you profane Your Rapier in vain Your young brave Conquering Blades ' Gainst Chaplains only with Beads c. But his Holiness wisely submits and drives on a Treaty for Satisfaction and Accommodation and thereby condescended to set up at Rome a Piller of Remembrance as it were for the Injury and Affront offered Upon which submission the King of France recieves his Embassadour through all his Kingdom with extraordinary Magnificence and ever since has been very kind to his Holy Father and lately out of complement granted the present Pope leave to take down this too lasting a Monument of their reproach but all no doubt for further ends to himself which he is driving on in the world c. And while the King was thus good to the Church The Pope takes that opportunity to see if he could get to be owned as infallible in France and supreme Judge and determiner of Controversies and differences of Opinions in Religion finding by woful experience they should never have that property of a Vice-God Omnipotency in the World before they had thisof Infallibility This was towards and in the year 1666. by Alexander the late Pope But that year has not proved so kind and lucky to their projects as they looked for Nor could they fool France into such a premunire This Pope has had little to do yet but patch up the Jansenian Breaches to avoid further mischief as but now hinted To mediate between France and Spain as much as he could and to invite Princes against a less worse Enemy to Christendom than himself the Turk who never did it half so much harm nor ever will Yet the Noble Venetians deserve Succour and the Pope destruction Yet so it is that the Kings Princes Clergy and People of the Earth have so drunk of and been intoxicated with the Cup of Romes Fornications that notwithstanding all the evill they have suffered by her Domineering and Tyrannizing over them their Kingdoms Subjects and People both Soul and Body as by the foregoing story may in part appear yet they love to commit folly and abomination with her still and her fine and goodly Religion so carnal so pleasing and sutable to flesh and bloud But in the end sure God will put it into their hearts when he shall once have opened their Eyes to see what miseries and mischiefs she has brought
most excellent and useful things of Nature Art and Religion That so true Religion Learning Arts Sciences Commerce and Traffick and all things else for the Common weale of mankind may flourish and be advanced in the World that Mercy and Truth may meet together Righteousness and Peace may kiss each other on the Earth which they have so long for saken But first There are a sort of Popelings yet behind Must ride the Devil off on 's legs and break his wind CHAP. II. Of the future State and Revolution of Europe both of Church and State OUT OF The last Visions and Revelations of Drabicius the Seer concerning wonderful things shortly to come As the ruine of the House of Austria of the Pope of Spain c. by the Turks Tartars King of France c. conversion of the Turks Jews and Heathens Reformation of the World and Church by the Secular Powers The Renovation and Restitution of all things at hand New Heavens and new Earth viz. Church and State c. The Preface VVE should now finish this Table but that we think it meet to add a second Chapter of the Prophetick History of Europe not from the uncertain conjectures of Astrologians and Politicians but Revelations truly accounted Divine If it more immediately concern all to know the present State of Christendom and of this last age above all before that are past and gone and almost forgotten yet that is principally in order to what is to come And so much more it concerns us to consider what shall be hereafter then the things that have been and are And indeed this all mens minds generally are most inquisttive after yet few will have faith to believe And hence the knowledge of things to come is one part of History as well as of those that are past Wherefore I shall think it no unacceptable service to my Country men and not unbefitting this place to represent to view a summary draught also of those wonderful Visions and Revelations of Dabricius by the Godly and Learned esteemed Divine at least that few yet dare say are meer phanatick delusions or diabolical that so this Historical Table or Representation of things last past and next to come may be for more profit and advantage and of greater use to the English Reader 'T is certain all the world expects some great Catastrophe and Revolutions at hand and great have lately past in all Nations preparatory thereunto All Astrologers gaze for it All Politicians presage it all Theologers divine it And generally All People Jews Turks Christians Papists and Protestants seem to bespeak as much As if some dark intelligence were hovering up and down to abode and whisper some such matter presently to betide the world The Jews stand gazing for the Kingdom of their Messias the Turks of their Mahomet The Christians of their Christ and the Papists of their Antichrist The Planetary Conjunction and new Stars the dreadful Comets and terrifying Prodigies The remarkable predictions and prophetick Spirits yea the very false prophets too in several Countries The wonderfull providences and strange revolutions and alterations of this last Age specially those of late as the great Eclipses not many years agoe The new Star in 1572. in 1604. and lately in 1660. The fiery Trigon begun 1603. and ended with that great Conjunction of the two superior Planets Saturn and Jupiter in that fiery Trigon in 1663. never before this eight hundred years viz. at the beginning of the German Empire by Charls the Great and hoped to be the last being the seventh only of the world having never happened but six times before since the Creation And this being also the third Conjunction of those superior Planets which is every twenty years in the seventh fiery Trigon and falling in the year 1663. Rome Rome remember sixty three and three was said of that year by the Astrologers and the great congregation of all the seven Planets in the fiery signe of Sagittary also preceeding it which whether ever happened before since the beginning of the world is not known makes some not only take a Sign but a beginning of some great Mutation in Religion and Government In Religion namely the conversion of Jews Turks and all the Nations of the Gentiles In State the subversion of all Tyrannicall Rule and Domination and all manner of oppression and violence in the Earth The too late Prodigious Comets succeeding about a year after as well as those in 1652. and 1618. Saturn being in the House of Infirmity for six month before concerning which there is extent a strange Prophecy found by Capistranus above two hundred years agoe and printed above an hundred agoe at Venice and afterwards upon the Comet in 1618. appearing at Pargue in Germany in 1620. and said by the said Capistran to be one of the Sybill's twenty years before Christ concerning the ruine of the Pope and Emperor and return of the Apostolick times There is also some thing particular mentioned in Capistrans explication concerning France and others Aix la Chapelle which is forgot The Prophecy said to be of the Sybills was only in figures of a Woman with a Triple Crown embraced by a Crowned King or Emperor With a Wheel with twelve spokes denoting the Cardinals like the twelve Apostles with the Arms of France Low-Countries c. with other particulars forgotten From one Angel appeared a blazing Star darting upon the Woman and Emperor c. Capistran by a prophetick Spirit wrote an explication of every particular in short Motto's writ underneath each which he buried in a wall not daring to make it known in those times Being an enlightened Monk and was found an hundered years after and Printed as was said at Venice The Motto under the Comet is only remembered viz. Saturn in the house of Infirmity which some Astronomers say could be meant of no former Comet but this last only having examined it by their Rules Since this we have seen the sudden irruption of the French into Flanders c. and the peace soon made again at Aix la Chapel and yet indeed as good as no peace but rather a truce It were well this prophecy were better looked into to see whether any thing solid to be observed therein or any thing that may answer and concern the present affairs or the late Comet yea or no. In fine the most lamentable Wars Plagues Fires and sad calamities and heavy and grievous judgments of Gods wrath abroad in the Earth especially the astonishing Blazing Fire of London soon after in 1666. The powerful approach and threatning of the Turks and their dreadful design upon Christendom the universal unsettlement shakings of Kingdoms and Nations the high Animosities and Jealousies of Princes and States the cry of Subjects and general failing of mens hearts for fear and expectation of others and the total deluge of prophauness atheisme impenitency and unbelief with their desperate effects namely all injustice oppression wars and persecutions and universal
6. If in respect of their fitness hereunto Cotterus altogether an Idiot ignorant not only of writing but of all things except his Trade or-Craft and a little knowledge of Religion that are or are done in the World Christina could both read and write and had learnt the Catechistical Principles of Religion but by her age uncapable of high things Drabricius not ignorant of the Divine Scriptures as became a Minister but scarce acquainted with the Latin Tongue and wholly ignorant of Philosophy History and all Sublimer things For an Argument That this is not a work of human wit but of an higher Virtue namely of the divine influx 7. If we consider the manner of Revelation They were made to Cotterus by Angels only To Christina by Angels and the Lord himself To Drabricius only by the Lord. And indeed to Cotterus sometimes by Extasies yet for the most part by corporal Apparition of Angels to the outward senses in constant health of Body To Christina by perpetual Exstasies yet her flesh for the most part prepared thereunto and as it were mortified by antecedent pains Then also by Dreams and sometimes with her corporeal Eyes and Ears To Drabricius by Dreams and by and by by a lively Voice sounding in his Ears The two first could remember to a word before they were committed to writing what they had seen and heard if asked a thousand times not changing a very tittle But Drabricius distrusting perpetually his own memory was not able to write the things revealed without the Lord repeating and as it were dictating unto him Which we conjecture to be from hence that their impressions came by extasies their minds being wholly abstracted from sense But his senses were left in their former state like to ours c. For he had only first a Dream and then a Voice when he was awak'd out of his dream God speaks after divers manners Heb. 1. 1. 8 If we regard the form of speech the stile is every where prophetick and Divine yet in Cotterus more sublime and high in Christina more low in Drabricius more familiar 9. If we attend the Types and Figures used in Prophecy there are many in Cotterus fewer in Christina scarce any in Drabricius or else presently explained c. Cotterus declaring the morning as it were break of day rising out of the deep of night Christina clear day light Drabricius's points out the Sun now rising 10. As to their willingness to divulge these Revelations and so to obey God in them Cotterus resisted three whole years Drabricius concealed his first Revelation five years and being reiterated again and again he as often suppressed them a long time till at length the Lyon roaring they began to be afraid and were compelled to prophecy the Lord commanding 11. If we respect the Opinion of men All of them were contemned and derided by some wholly condemned by others as frantick or Impostors yet this could not stop the work 12. If we observe to whom they were sent They were all sent primarily to their own Nation Secondarily also unto others Cotterus unto the Germans Christina to the Polonians Drabricius to the Hungarians and from hence to all the Nations of the Earth which they are all commanded to call unto and declare the last Will of God unto all 13. If for what they were sent the two formost were simply Prophets foretelling things to come But the last a Prophet preaching what ought to be done exhorting to duty and urging with promises and threatnings 14. They were all commanded to conceal their Prophesies for a time or to communicate them only to the Godly that were afflicted for their consolation yet at last not to hold their peace but to speak to Kings Princes and all People universally For Cotterus was sent to the Elector Palatine King of Bohemia and was heard in the presence of the Grandees as also to the Elector of Brandenburg more then once but to the Elector of Saxony did his errand by others several times Christina could not but write Letters to the Duke of Fridland and carry them her self as also Drabricius to the Princes of Transilvania Therefore none of these things were done in a corner 15. All of them were commanded to speak and do things unusual absurd to reason perilous to their lives declaring a thing incredible to the States-men the subversion of the house of Austria and to most of Divines offensive and scandalous the destruction of the Pope before the last day yet they were commanded constantly to speak and write these things Cotterus also to go to Glogovia where he knew he should suffer bonds and prison Christina to write terrible things against the Imperial General Wallestein and carry them herself to his house Drabricius to call the Nations together against the House of Austria and Popedom c. 16. They were all severally examined by Divines Physicians Politicians and States-men and intire Universities Consistories Synods Yet they all perplexed the reasoning of all the most High Learned and Wise c. 17. The last Revelation to Cotterus which was of the tirrible execution of God's Judgement against the Babylonish Whore to Christina which was against Wallestein which had its effect were made by Visions in their sleep the last made to Drabricius when he was first commanded to put to a close had its beginning in sleep but the rest awake and his Eyes open being roused up by the clamors of the Jesuits undoubtedly to represent that although all may seem to be but a dream even to the Godly yet it shall conclude in a real work and effect that the world by seeing may see 18. The two first Prophecies ended in silence after they had been commanded once to seal them suffering no more Visions nor did see the deliverance But Drabricius after he was commanded to conclude and dye yet was again commanded to resume both Life and a double Spirit to prophesie received a promise not to see death till he had seen the Glory of God spread upon the Nations of the Earth And for further confirmation it might be shewn from Church history that the spirit of Prophecy hath alwayes been in the Church and that in several ages God hath raised Prophets and sent Visions and Revelations unto men But that it would be to large for the design of this present Table We will only name the more known and recorded as Hermes the Shepherd The Monk of Uguetine Fryer Robert Capistran Lichtenbergts Carion Theophrastus St. Hildegardis Elizabeth Mechthilda Briget Katharin Senensis c. Particularly in the time of St. Bernard about 1150. the Religious Virgin Hildegardis approved of by the same Father about the same time Elizabeth a German Virgin Abbess of Schonaugh familiar with Hildegard Fryer Robert a Frenchman about the year 1290. about the year 1370. St. Briget in Swedland And 1380. St. Katharin of Senna And 1508. Joseph Grunpeck Priest All of them for the main tending to the same thing
of the Covenant Espouse unto thee O God! the People in faith that all may acknowledge thee Jehovah to whom thou mayst say My People and they to thee My God Let Men thy Image now cease to respect Stones Wooden Golden and Silver gods and to exhibit honour unto those which are no Gods but Vanity Let the Society or Tribe of Priests cease to commit Preys and Robberies in thy Name and with their wickedness to rejoyce Kings and Princes with their lyes adulterating all things Appointing to themselves Kings but not by thee and setting up Princes whom thou doest not acknowledge but with their Gold and their Silver making themselves Idols to their destruction Root out therefore O God! but even now at length Idols with the Worshippers of Idols and Errors with the Sowers of Errors As thou didst in the time of Elias Ezekias Josias Let it become manifest to the World how great difference there is between Light and Darkness that Victory may give place to the Truth and all men may learn to walk in the Light and being made the Sons of the Light may be brought back again to thee the Fountain of Light Gather together the sheep going astray stragling up and down O Prince of Shepherds by men chosen to this work from the East and the West from the North and the South giving faith in to their hearts unto thy words and by a strong and inflexible obedience and dutifulness to execute the purpose of thy Eternal Counsel to bring Vengeance upon Spiritual Babylon and upon the Whore sitting upon the Beast that she may no longer by committing Fornication with her Abominations seduce the Nations on the face of the whole Earth Grant O God! that successfully and happily once may go on forward that wish'd-for Recollection or gathering up together again of thy Rational Creatures out of the Streets and Villages and from among the Lanes and out of the High-ways that they may be introduced into thy House Here indeed into the House of the Church thy Sheepfold but there into the House of Eternity thy Glory where are many Habitations and Joys never to be ended Sitting down with Abraham Isaac and Jacob at thy Table O Jesus Christ my only Saviour and of all that believe in thee Whither also my sel● now hastening apace I bid my last farewel to thee O World to thee my earthly Country to thee my Body the Habitation of this Soul Farewel all beloved Friends in God! known and unknown to me Ye who have not known me in this mortality shall see me in that day wherein our Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the living God by his illustrious coming shall gather us call'd forth out of the Dust of the Earth and from all parts every where to himself To whom be Honour and Glory and Empire and Benediction for ever and ever Amen! After these things had been thus acted Paul Laurine a new Pastor of the Exiles and a new Adversary of Drabricius a young man and of a firm strong complexion and always otherwise lusty was seized with an unexpected Disease as hath been before noted the Physicians call'd it an Hectick but in vain was all their Physick and departed this Life about the end of September Veterine hitherto preserv'd perhaps to behold the works of God to which he stiffly and pertinaciously denies Faith and Credit and to acknowledge his Error God have Mercy on him even as also on us all whosoever do erre with whatsoever Errors Amen! So Comenius We 'll conclude onely with a wise and sober Remarque out of the Mystery of Jesuitism concerning the Prophecies of St. Hildegard which very well agrees and may very well be applied to these Thus far says he the Prophecy it self Of which and the like what to think and what credit is to be given thereto others have given their opinion viz. That 't is not impossible Prophecies and Predictions of this kind may amount to no more than the Dreams of melancholy superstitious and distempered Persons Such as of which it may be said Augurium vanum vani docuere Parentes Cui credens dignus decipiatur erit Our vain Fore-fathers taught's vain Auguries Let them be cheated that believe such Lies But to deny all credit to Prophecies is to be guilty of an incredulity greater than that of the incredulous Thomas Nor are we to think what God saith by the Prophet Joel to be spoken in vain That in the last days the old men should dream Dreams and see Visions and the Sons and Daughters prophesie Many Examples might be alledged of Prophecies of this kind which the Events have confirm'd to be true and therefore they may challenge Belief when they are in their Effects fulfilled Mystery of Jesuitism concerning St. Hildegard 's Prophecies approved of in the Councel of Trier and also by Pope Eugenius the Third Remarkable also is that of the Angel to Kotter concerning the time of accomplishment What things are said unto thee concerning things future are not said after an human manner But after a manner which thou shalt never attain by human Reason and Wit Jehovah hath these times in his power Kotter Chap. 17. Great and Marvellous are Thy Works O Lord God Omnipotent Just and True are Thy Ways Thou King of Saints Who shall not Fear Thee O Lord and Magnifie Thy Name Because Thou alone art Holy Because all Nations shall come and worship before Thee For Thy Judgements are made manifest FINIS An APPENDIX of the planting of the Christian Religion in China c. THE marvellous and unheard of Alterations and Troubles The terrible and bloody Wars and most wonderful Revolutions even of all Asia and Africa in this present Age likewise but especially of the mighty antient and most flourishing Empire of China have been no less astonishing and stupendous then the Europaean and those shameful and cursed ones of Unchristian if not Pagan Christendom But would require another and larger Table to represent also a general view thereof And therefore we shall only add an Appendix according to promise of some things remarkable touching the Introduction of the Christian Relion into China by the Fathers of the Society and the Queens the young Princes her Son the Mandarins and Colaos and chief Ministers of State c. Conversion from Idolatry to Faith in Jesus and Worship and Confession of the Son of God so nois'd of in the World of late years And probably they would have prov'd better Christians and Disciples under better Masters and Teachers then such Apostles as have now the glory thereof About the Year 1580 as soon as the Jesuites had by fair shews of Religion and Learning found general success and acceptance in Europe and well rooted themselves here With great Zeal they compass Sea and Land as far as even the East Indies and China it self to gain Proselytes After the example of the more devout Religious and Zealous Monks and Fryar before them Riccius at first mentioned and Rogerius
were the two first Fathers who were order'd to learn the China Charecter and Language and sent thither Who at last entred into the City Canto but fain to return twice disappointed of their design till in the end they make a new attempt furnished with all curiosities together with a solemn Embassy in form to the Vice-Roy of Canto and so were received with all possible demonstration of respect as before hath been related of Riccius c. In process of time many were Converted and Baptized among whom were some Mandarines and Calao 〈…〉 chief Governors and Officers of the Kingdom But the Priests and Priestlings stir up Persecution against them make them odious and abominable and Teachers of new Godds imprison torment and banish them But at length through the favour of great persons they obtain'd freedom and peace and the Christian Religion the more spread But by the way Had the same measure been meted to the Jesuites there by Heathens as they mete to fellow Christians here or as we say had they serv'd them in the same sauce they might have had indeed a few Martyrs and Confessors perhaps but never Evangelists and Preachers or Apostles of the Chinois unless at Stake only We shall not go about here to give the History of the manner of their proceeding in conversion of those Infidels and Idolaters but only present you with their Compendium or Catechism of the Divine Law in the China Tongue as we promised at the beginning together with the Letters of their Queen and chief Minister of State to the Pope and their Answers c. A Compendium of the Divine Law 1. Perhaps some one may ask what God is 'T is answered God is no other thing then the Creator of all things as also the great Governor and Lord of all things who made the Heavens who made the Earth who made Spirits who made Men. 2. The Heavens Earth Men and all things before were nothing and afterwards were Therefore before the Heavens Earth Men and all things there was some Lord necessarily before to create them 3. Because all things cannot be made of themselves all have that from out of which they are made or a Maker of them as Towers Palaces and Houses cannot be made of themselves but must necessarily be the work of some Artificer 4. Therefore the Heavens Earth Men and Creatures how can they be created of themselves There is therefore an Author of these things whom we name God If men do name an Age Puencu and make others like themselves and a first Grand-father Parent 5. Then these also were after the Heavens and the Earth were All had a Father and a Mother from whom they were procreated And of these to make a Creator of Heaven and Earth of Men and of Things is a great Error 6. Some will say The Heavens Earth Men and Things seeing they depend on God in their Creation I am bold to ask This God of whom does he depend in his Creation 7. 'T is answer'd God is the first Root and Principle of Things If he had dependence in his Creation for that very thing he would not be God 8. For things either have a beginning and end as Herbs Trees Fowls and creeping things or they have a beginning and no end as Heaven Earth Angels Devils and the Intellective souls of Men God only is without beginning and end and can give a beginning and end to all things 9. If there was not God there would not be other created things As for Example Of one Tree the Flowers Fruits Boughs Leaves and Body are all generated out of the Root If there be not the Root for that very thing the rest will not be But 10. Coming to the Root of the Tree by no means is there another Root out of which to be sprung or proceed God seeing he is the Root and Foundation of all things out of what other thing can himself proceed 11. God when he first created all things in the beginning he divided the Heavens from the Earth created all species or kinds of things Afterwards he created Male and Female the Male was call'd Adam 12. The Woman was call'd Eve For these two had not Father and Mother and are the first Parents of all People All else as Fo Ki not excepting those whom they make Immortal All have 13. A Father and a Mother of whom they are born and they could not avoid it but that sooner or later they should be corrupted and die God seeing he is the true Lord of Heaven Earth Men and Things c. together withal created all things 14. That they should be for mens use Consequently it altogether behoves us Men to love and worship God By not loving and worshipping great sin is thereupon committed For example A couple of Parents produce a Son 15. They nourish cloath educate him If the Son know not to honour Father and Mother certainly he is called disobedient and most grievously sins How much more 16. Seeing God is the chief Parent of Men does it not behove us to love and reverence him since it is now declar'd what God the Lord of all things is It is easie to explain the the things of this Age or World that is of Mankind 17. This same Man hath naturally two parts Soul and Body His Body although it be corrupted and die his Soul cannot he extinguished even to eternity For in this Age or time of the World Souls have three differences 18. The lowest Order is call'd the Vegetative Soul namely the Soul of Herbs and Trees This Soul helps Herbs and Trees to live and grow Herbs and Boughs or Wood cut down wither and perish 19. Their Soul follows and is extinguished The middle Order is called the Sensitive Soul to wit the Soul of Fowls creeping things and Beasts 20. This Soul gives faculty or Power to Fowls creeping things and Beasts of living and growing and makes withal that they hear and see through their ears and eyes and tast and smell through their Pallates and Nostrils through the rest of their Members that they feel pain and pleasure but yet they cannot discourse and reason and when they die even their Soul also is extinguished 21. The highest Order is call'd the Intellective Soul to wit the Soul of Man This withal contains the faculty of the two Souls the Vegetative and the Sensitive Therefore it can give a faculty to men of living and growing together also of feeling and sense 22. Moreover it gives him a faculty of discerning all reason to discern all things by His body although it die yet his Soul is perpetually conserv'd nor is extinguished Therefore the Men of this Age only fear dead men and do not fear dead Animals That arises from the natural discourse or reason of man that he can animadvert and think after the death of men Moreover the Soul of man not dead 23. Remains and therefore can fear But the Soul of creeping things and Beasts is
Eternal Word After to the Sacraments by him appointed for the remedy of Sin and so of all the other Articles of Faith from first to last and when they are well tinctured with these they then innitiate them to a more perfect course of the Christian Life And this is the manner how they propound the Christian Mysteries to the Gentiles and Idolaters beginning first with the principal Articles of the One and True God and the reward of the just and unjust c. as in this Catechism Besides this they published innumerable excellent Spiritual Books and Books of Practical Divinity and Moral Philosophy to which the Chineses are much devoted and endeavour'd to add to all rare specimens of an innocent spiritual and divine Life if we may believe their own Testimony which I confess Protestants in this end of the World have little reason to do For the Ignatians of Europe for the generality of them are more excellent at Fire Works then any thing else here and the works of the Devil then to work the Works of God But it 's like they were better there being likewise at the beginning of their Order more Spiritual and Religious then ever since the World hath found them especially England And yet we have a taste of their true Spirit in their obstructions of the Hollanders Embassy there Their first great Disciple was Paul the great Colao or Governor of the Chineses and propagator of Christianity among them Riccius put forth many admirable Books in the China Language viz. several Mathematical Books of Euclid Clavius c. Universal Geography and History of the World with Globes Maps c. Natural Philosophy the Art of Dialling Books of Astrolabes and Astronomick Instruments of Musick Musical Instruments and Organs Moral Philosophy about Friendship moderating the Passions and to live according to the dictates of right Reason and the rule of a good and happy life For the Chinois were much given to moral Philosophy and the study of virtue and happiness And Ten Paradoxes Moral and Spiritual a Book famous through all China and in great esteem and admiration among them and illustrated with Comments and high Encomiums by the most excellent of all their learn'd Leo and Paul young Convert Colao's But that which wrought unexpressible compunction of heart in them for their ill past life as they say not only among the common people but the greatest and most learned of their Monarchy viz. the Mandarins and Colao's and Eunuchs of the Kings Pallace was the Catechism of Bellarmine translated by the said Riccius The fame of which Book spread so that they were fain to print it a new several times whereby the Christian Light and Knowledge shone into every corner of the Land With several other Books for the use of others that should come thither out of Europe The next famous was Trigautius Procurator of the China expedition who return'd from China 1612. and return'd thither again with all manner of Rarities and wrote several Books for the use chiefly of the Europeans Next Father Rho Professor of Mathematicks in the Jesuites Colledge at Milan who in a short time spoke and wrote their Language like any Native and wrote several Books for the use of young Converts and with Father Schall mentioned in the first part laboured in Mathematicks for the benefit of the Chinois Who both by common and joynt study put forth above an hundred Books and especially in emendation of their Calender he was founder of a Church in the Kingdom of Sciamsi Vagnonius followed who found in the Province of Chianceu only after his return thither again from Banishment 8000 Christians and of those the chief Learned and Mandarines and afterwards died in Chianceu Anno 1640. and wrote many Books Divers others also wrote innumerable Books for the European● help so that there were Books written by them in the China Language by the Year 1636. to the number of 340. The Mandarines and Colao's also wrote Comments on their Books c. Also when their Converts began to be too numerous for the present Fathers they began an Institution of Chatechists from amongst them to initiate persons into the Christian Mysteries These Catechists were persons much and long vers'd in the Mysteries of Religion and the Christian Law and of a very divine Life better then themselves 't is like by far and such as were inflamed with servour of the Apostolick Spirit and Zeal for the Conversion of others and they were not easily admitted unto this Office but after long experience first had of them c. Their work was to go up and down the streets and on all occasions by word and example to bring the rude and ignorant to the knowledge of the True God And as they have opportunity to sprinkle Infants and Children with Holy Water to communicate Spiritual Books to those that lack'd to resolve Doubts and Questions c. And at a certain time of the day when the Gentiles flock to their Churches out of curiosity to wait there and to explain the first Principles and Elements of the Christian Faith which were wrote or engraven in fair and large Tables and Characters hung up and down upon the Walls and by their splendid Altars to any that were desirous or curious and to shew the vanity of the false Godds And moreover to invite them home for farther instruction And by these means they got many Proselytes daily They are obliged also every day to give an account to the Fathers that are Superiors in those places what they have done that day The number of Christians in Pekin was about fourscore thousand about 1655. And though this be short of the Apostolick way of Preaching the Gospel to the Gentiles yet they seem herein to out-do the Protestants and in industry labours and zeal and more abundant then they to propagate the Faith Look here you Zealous Protestants look with shame From hated Jesuites learn to spread Christs Name And Heathens form their Idols to reclaim Things proving thus prosperous they likewise had procured the Royal Patent for Power and Liberty to divulge the Gospel through all the Empire by the favour of the Grandees of the Court and Kingdom But the irruption of the Tartars about 1647. interrupted all Which hapned by reason of the Civil Wars of the Chinois among themselves which invited the Tartars to take the opportunity to break into China through the Portal of their great Wall once more as they had done formerly before in the Year 1256. which they held for above 200 years during nine Kings reigns but were at last beat and kept out again by the Chinois till this last sudden and violent return But now they over-ran it like a flood and subjected all China to their Empire the King of China was reduced to such streights that finding no way to escape from his own rebelling Subjects and so great a Monarch forsaken of all rather desirous to die then live to see worse ended his
upon all Kingdoms and Nations and the whole World too at least occasionally or even but to see their own interests and concerns to hate the Whore and burn her with fire Daemonis Ira premens odijs ac fraudibus orbem Implet nec damnis hominum exsaturata quiescit The Devil fill'd with Rage the World doth fill With Wars and Cheats to rule it at his will And for more mischief is more greedy still The Devil Of Evil Will never have his fill This is the Kingdom of the Beast and the Synagogue of Satan or a General draught of the hellish Hierarchy of Rome or Popedom of King and Priest Lucifer on Earth The pretended grouuds and foundations of their Popedom Spiritual have been already hinted before Those for their Temporal are much of the same nature viz. That the Pope is Christ s that is God's Vicar or Vice-Gerent and so not only Vice-Roy as it were but Vice-God on Earth which title they dare own That He 's Visible Head of the Church and so of the State too in order to the Church For that the Church is above the State The Head of the Church above the Head of the State The State for the Church not the Church for the State and therefore dominion to be founded in Grace c. And so no Enemies of the Church Infidels or Hereticks to be capable thereof but to be destroyed and rooted out c. which are all they shall judge so Likewise many Rights Priviledges and Favours granted by Constantine the Great Charls the Great and other Emperors and Kings As also usurped and long permitted or connived at Customs Examples Presidents c. But in one word an outward Carnal Religion in the Letter without the Spirit The form of Godliness without the Power Christians both Pastors Preachers and People first not having the Spirit nor the wisedom from above namely the wisedom of God and the Power of God but the wisedom of man or that which is worse the wisedom from beneath earthly sensual and devillish Hence Ceremonies without substance external and carnal Ordinances Commandements and Inventions of men in the Worship and Service of God Love of the World and things of the World Pride Ambition Covetousness and Voluptuousness and Preaching and professing Religion for such ends and taking all up from tradition authority and forefathers c. Whence contentions and divisions about needless Opinions and Ceremonies for Dignity Superiority and Supremacy for Riches and Honours c. ●nd then a pompous gaudy and merry Religion to please the people and gratifie the outward man to maintain and uphold the greatness power pomp and pleasures of the Clergy through the secret and mysterious working of Iniquity in men of corrupt minds and erring concerning the Faith and the Truth which was after godliness c. with some frightful devices to scare and awe their guilty fearful and slavish Consciences and other petty ones again to pacifie and allay them mistaking the whole Mystery of Godliness and inverting it into a Mystery of Iniquity one degree of Error and Corruption bringing in another I say all this is the foundation and Superstructure of this Kingdom of darkness and of Hell For the natural man perceiveth not the things of God and of the Kingdom of God As for the Popes Temporal Principality and Soveraigne Estate in Rome and Italy and Avignon called the Estate or Land of the Church and St. Peters Patrimony The foundation thereof as a peculiar and distinct Soveraignty apart besides the forementioned grounds of the donation of Christ to St. Peter and his Successors as his Sea c. it depends over and above on the forged and counterfeit donation of Constantine on the real donation of Pepin and Charls the Great c. on the Countess Mathilda's last Will and Testament All which gave liberally to St. Peter and lastly on Usurpation Arms and Violence And notwithstanding it 's convenient situation for the command of all Italy and the perpetual fractions there formerly yet they could never so wisely manage their Pope-craft as yet to possess themselves like the ancient Romans of the whole which remains divided among many Princes and Soveraign Estates As the Estate of ancient Lombardy under which is contained the Dukedom of Milan subject to Spain the Dukedom of Mantua Modena Montferrat and the Principality of Piemont which belongs to Savoy The great Dukedom of Tuscany or Florence The Lands or Estate of the Church or the Popes Patrimony The Kingdom of Naples with Sicily Sardinia under Spain And lastly The Commonwealth of Venice Genoa and Lucca An. 1595. The Pope chalenged the Dukedom of Ferrara for want of lawful Issue in the right of the Church and partly by force partly by composition united it for ever to the Sea of Rome An. 1626. The great Dukedom of Urbin foremerly made fudatory to the Church and held thereof in homage for want of Heirs of right fell to the Pope c. About 1647. The Pope seized on the Dukedom of Castro from the Duke of Parma upon the account of feudatory Quit-rent due to the Popes whence arose War But the Controtroversie was composed by the authority of the King of France in their late treaty 1664. when agreed that Castro should be restored to Parma and the Duke to pay the mony due c. And then agreed likewise that the K. of France should restore Avignon to the Pope w ch he had seiz'd on not long before upon the quarrel about his Embassador at Rome w ch was acordingly done And thus we have in general represented the foundations and Revolutions of the Papal Hierarchy or Kingdom of the Pope both Temporal and Spiritual its rise growth increase height and decrease not being able well to comprehend so long and mysterious an History and so confused with all others in less room and willing only to touch upon chief particulars of their usurpations incroachings and domineerings down to our times that so you might have a Map or Table and plain veiw as it were at once of this Ecclesiastical and Priestly Kingdom All which 't was necessary to fetch so high the better to understand the coherence of the story and present State thereof with the Affairs and Revolutions both of the Governments and Religions of all Christendom which it has so wretchedly involved it self with The sum of all in short is this The Popedom was a digging working and preparing as it were underground about 400. years most eminently from Victor about the year 192. and others especially afterwards from under Constantine the Great about the year 300. to Boniface the 3 d. About the year 600. As Covetous Proud Corrupt Opinionated and in one word Apostate Luciferian Bishops Pastors and Priests that had fell from their first standing and foundation of the Apostles that is the primitive purity and simplicity of the Gospel to devised Fables Ceremonies Inventions Constitutions and Prudentials c. The Popedom Spiritual or Universal