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A13158 A briefe examination, of a certaine peremptorie menacing and disleal petition presented, as is pretended, to the Kings most excellent Maiestie, by certaine laye papistes, calling themselues, the lay Catholikes of England, and now lately printed, and diuulged by a busie compagnion, called Iohn Lecey Sutcliffe, Matthew, 1550?-1629. 1606 (1606) STC 23452; ESTC S117870 127,037 159

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is as they say that their cause is poore and more porely defended And therefore great simplicity haue they shewed in prating of things aboue their capacity and for this cause they stand condemned by all true Christians which wold haue liked much better their sober silence then their violent and foolish libells Thirdly their Children whom these petitioners that deuide themselues from gods church do deuide from the Christian world as being no part of it shall in time to come haue iust cause to curse such parents as bring them vp in ignorance of true religion and open idolatry And if they haue grace will wish their babbling parents had neuer medled in this desperate cause Fourthly so far are they from making any iust defence against their aduersaries that they giue both them and others iust cause to insult and tryumph seeing that the wittes of lay papists and their teachers beeing sommed and pressed togegether no drop of reasō or piety hath proceeded from them to season their vnsauory religion Finally they confesse that they obserue no decorum and yet professe that they will not examine curiously that which by their aduersaries hath beene thundred out against them nor dispute in moode and figure with them And yet they pretend to be desirous to giue his maiesty all possible contentment and an accompt of their beleefe and religion and a ful and ample security and satisfaction But if they obserue no decorum it is not like they will content his Maiesty and hardly will they giue satisraction to so learned and wise a prince without curious examination of matters obiected They must also dispute if not in moode and figure yet in some better forme then now they do if they will either proue vnto vs their disfigured and euil qualified religion or els iustifie vnto his Maiesty the reasōs of their rude request that is not only subscribed as approued by subscriptions of a thousand hands as that was of the Millenary ministers of which these lay papists talke idelly but also with the terror of many thousands of the popish faction as it were obtruded to his Maiestie So we may see that these petitioners are able to bring neither truth nor reason for the iustification of their cause keeping silence when they should haue spoken and speaking nothing to purpose when they resolued to breake silence But if we please to examine the true cause both of their former silence and this present petition we shall find that their silence proceeded partly from their great occasions beeing busied in diuers practises against the state as these horrible treasons lately discouered do declare and partly from the lewdnesse of their cause that by farre better orators then these laymen cannot be defended Contrarywise the occasion of their petition is not any wrong offered by vs but rather a wrong intended by them and that both to his maiesty and to the state while bragging of the numbers forces and correspondēce with strangers they endeuor to strike a terror into his maiesty and buzzing these foolish tales into the ears of the multitude desire to trouble the peace of the state But the state of things being well known neither shall his maiesty haue cause to feare their threats nor the people reason to beleeue their foolish tales For as they feede themselues like as all fugitiues and malcontents do with a fond conceit of their owne strength without grounds of reason so they feed their readers with words and shewes without any sound demonstration of any point of their erroneous religion God grant that the simple seduced papist may as well apprehend it as we shall prooue it and then will they hereafter be more wary how they venture their state and soules vpon the masse-priests warrant who vpon the hazard and losse of others doe reape no small aduantage now and seek to bring all into aduenture hereafter Chap. 18. Of the quality number and forces of English papists and of their assurance and resolution which they praetend in their religion IT were much to bee wished that thepapists of England did either well know them selues and theire owne qualities numbres and forces or else had learned for what religion they contend For then neither would they stand so much vpon theire merits qualities numbers and forces nor yet once offer to talke of the assurance of their religion for which they haue no ground and this euerie other man doth acknowledge seeing theire merites if we respect fauor to be slender their good qualityes to be fewe theire forces to be nothing in regard of his maiesties numbers of true subiects and considering that thē doctrine of popery may not be examined by lay papists and wholy resteth on the Popes pleasure Theire pleading is moste simple as the two chapters following doe declare Chapter 3. The estate and quality of your Maiesties Catholike Subiects FOR the cleare vnderstanding of which two pointes maye it please your Grace to consider first what is the state and condition of your faithfulll and Catholicke subiects for 1 They vvould terrifie his Maiesty vvith shevv of numbers reproch him as vngratefull not regarding their deserts number quality and desert next what 2 Their religion is declared to be a hochpot of heresies impieties and nouelties Their grounds are vncertain traditions and the popes decretaline fancies Religion it is they professe and vpon what grounds lastly what they are of your Maiesties subiects of their Rank that for former of future seruices and submission in all ciuill and temporall causes against all both domesticall and forraigne enemies haue and will go farther or venter more willingly their liues liuings for the honour and defence of your person greatnesse and posterity then they and their friends both haue and vvill doe In deliuery of which points we hope your Maiesty will expect no farther art or eloquence then may be required of men plunged and perplexed with the 3 The Pope belike hath giuen his clients a purgation that are thus troubled vvith fluxes and refluxes But for vexations they haue no reason to complaine here in England considering their vvealth and case at home and the cruelty of their consorts abroad and their deserts at home and abroad flux and reflux of perpetuall vexations which is truth that craueth 4 If you cry for iustice vvhat needeth mercy vve find your pleadings so absurd and destitute of truth that neither your crocodiles teares can excuse you nor iustice acquite you iustice and teares that crye for mercy It is euident Dread soueraigne that the subiects of your Maiesties Realmes of England and Ireland consist of Catholikes Protestants 5 They put themselues before his Maiesties loyall subiects and rayle at the state as bearing vvith sectaries They do also leaue the Scots out of the number of the kings subiects Iudge then vvhether it be possible to find more proud beggars or insolent malcontents or rayling hypocrites Puritanes and other sectaries the Catholikes and Catholikely
Masses in their honour and to go on pilgrimage and to offer to them and confirme the same with false and counterfet tales of Saint George Christina Catherin Margaret Dorothey and such like legendes confirming false doctrines with false tales 10. Their doctrine of 7. Sacraments is most false For no where can they shew where Christ instituted eyther the form or matter of all these sacraments or promised grace and iustification to all these sacraments 11. Falsely and dishonorably they teache that brute beasts eating the sacrament eat also Christs body 12. Christ sayd take and eat they say to their priests in effect lift and offer and to the people gape and gaze 13. They teach their folowers to make grauen images and to worship them yet god in his law expresly forbad the worshipp of them 14. God commaunded his people to sweare by his name they teach their disciples to sweare by Saints and other creatures 15. Falsely they teache subiects to rebell against theyr Princes excommunicate by the Pope and that the Pope hath power to assoile them from their allegeance a doctrine false and seditious 16. They teach that concupiscence in the regeneras is no sin and that the virgin Mary was not conceiued in sinne Which holy scriptures condemne as crroneous 17. The state of perfection they place in the vowes of monkes and friers as if their rules conteined more perfection then the gospell 18. Their iustification they place partly in charity partly in their own works and hope thereby to merit heauen but the law pronounceth them accursed that abide not in all the words of the law to do them 19. Charity they say is the forme of faith and nothing els but the grace of God But this vtterly destroyeth grace 20. They doubte not but that they are able to satisfy for all sins committed after baptisme but true christians beleeue that by Christs stripes they are healed Finally all those doctrines which the papists teach contrary to the faith of the church of England are false and erroneous as is demonstrated in diuers ample treatises published againste them Chapter 7. That Popery is an heathenish and idolatrous religion IF we had no other exception against popery yet this one is sufficient to exclude it out of all Christian Churches and common wealths that it is a religion blotted with most grosse and heathenish idolatry A matter displeasing to god offensiue to true Christians and most repugnant to the christian faith God in his law Exod. 20. denounceth grieuous punishments against this sinn Tertullian in lib. de idololatria calleth it a principall crime and the whole cause of gods iudgement Idololatria saith he principale crimen geueris humani summus seculi reatus tota causaiudicij If then the Masse priestes and their followers bee guilty of this sinne how will they be able to answere either before god or man But of this crime we doubte not but plainelie to conuince them For first in the canon of the Masse both the prieste and people are taughte to bow themselues and to giue diuine worship to the sacrament Alan de sacrifie Eucharist c. 41. and Bristow in his 26. motiue and other papists do call the sacramēt their Lord and god but to giue gods honoure to any thing but god is plaine idolatry Either therfore must they proue that the sacramēt is god by hypostaticall vniō as Allen cōfesseth very impiously falselie or it will be an easy matter to proue them idolaters 2 Secondly the papists confesse that Latria or the honour properly due to god is due also to the crosse and crucifix and images of the trinity This is the doctrine of Thomas Aquuinas and all his folowers But it leaueth these idolaters without excuse For how can they defend their doctrine vnlesse they wil deny these crosses crucifixes and images to be creatures 3 Thirdly they make vowes to saints angels and in their publike liturgies call vpon thē They do also swear by thē publiquely confesse their sins vnto them ioyning them in ranck with god almightie But to communicate these honors to creatures is nothing else but to make them gods and themselues idolaters Bellarmine lib. 1. de cultu sanctorum c. 9. blusheth not to make them gods by participation But herein he doth participate with the idolatrous gentiles 4 Fourthly they make an idol of the Pope giuing vnto him the honoures and titles that are properly due vnto Christ and making him the head spouse and foundation of the catholike Church In the chapter satis dist 96. He is expressely called God and that he is rightly so called Augustine Steuchus in his defence of the pretended donation of Constantine doth acknowledge Jn the glosse in c. cum inter extr Ioan. 22 de verbor signif He is impiously called Lord and god Baldus in l. vlt. c sent rescind and. Felin in c. ego N. de iure iurando do giue him the name of a god on the earth Finally his followers fall down before him and worshippe him as god Nowe what is idolatry else but to aduance a creature aboue his rank and to giue him diuine titles and honors 5. Fiftly it is idolatry to make grauen images and to worship them For that is apparant by the wordes of the second commandement that is specially directed againste idolatry But the papists make grauen images and worship them Nay they worship them no otherwise then the gentiles did theire idoles Both gentiles and papists praye before them both offer incense vnto them both doe thinke to honoure the memory of the deade in erecting images to them why then shold not this be reputed idolatry as wel in the papists as in the gentiles verily if we do rightly esteem of matters we shal find that papists do more slauishly serue their idols thē the He then did their idoles going in pilgrimage to them kissing them crouching vnto thē and setting vp lights before them 6. They make the images of god the father god the holy ghost of the trinity giue thē diuine honor But to worship false images as these are the papists themselues confesse to be idolatrous Jt is manifest idolatry also to giue gods honor or latria to creatures 7. Euery day of the week the papists make new gods of the altar oftē they make new crucifixes The Pope also canonizeth at his pleasure new saints But god by his prophet psal 81 forbiddeth the hauing of new strāge gods as idolatrous they deny percase that they esteem thē as Gods But what can vain pretēces auaile whē we see they communicat gods honuor to these creatures 8. The holy scriptures Amos 5. and act 7. condomn thē for idolaters that worshipped and serued the hoast of heauen But papists worship angels saints the court hoast of heuē serue them religiously Nay they are so farre from acknowledging their errour herein that they contend that dulia or seruice is due vnto them 9 The gentiles are condemned
toleration of popery is conformable to reason But little doth he seem to vnderstād what is reason that requireth things so cōtrary to truth law reasō For first what reasō can he pretēd to desire the practise of a religiō rebellious seditious fals erroneous foolish absurd new strāge idolatrous blasphemous and full of diuers other moste grosse abuses either therfore the papists must clear their religiō from these crimes or else confesse they haue small reason to demand a toleration for it We haue iustified our charge in diuers treatises both in latin and English and yet they answere nothing particulerly Secondly litle shew of reason haue they to desire his maiesty to admitte a religion which depriueth him of halfe his authority halfe his subiects halfe his reuenewes and maketh him subiect to the pope Thirdly they doe without all reason demand the free exercise of a religion that bringeth mens consciences into thraldome their persons into danger and their landes and goods into the hands of tyrantes Fourthly the pope and massepriestes make merchandise of mens soules and make little conscience to buy and sell churches altars dignityes heauen grace and all spirituall thinges They spoyle the poore the widdowe and fatherlesse and for maynteinaunce of their owne estates make hauocke of Christian mens estates Haue they then reason to sue for such a bargayning and spoyling religion 5. They shew thēselues deuoid of reasō that admit masse priests into theire houses that like owles fly the light and sight of the magistrate that intertaine intelligence with forreign enemies that deuoure theire substance that like impure lechours abuse the wiues daughters and maides of such as giue them intertainement and pretending to make them Catholike doe indeed make them Cuckoldlike Sixtly we finde by proofe that Masse-preests and Jebusites haue combined thēselues with foreign enemies haue sought the destruction of the ire souereigne princes the thraldome of their natiue country to strangers Jf any man doubted of this before the horrible treason and rebellion of Percy Catesby their followers and their wicked deseignements may resolue him And therfore if reason may rule them none of the kings true subiects can seek the aduancement of this treache rous religion Finally papists haue no reason to aske that of vs in England which themselues deny to vs and our brethren in Spaine and Italie There they will not cease their butcherly proceedings nor put downe their houses of Inquisition Neither will they be induced to suspend their penall lawes made against true Christians What face and forehead then haue papists to aske that in England of vs which they will not yeeld to vs and our brethren in other countries is it not reason that they should doo to others as they would haue others to do to themselues and doth not the law quod quisque ff quod quisque iuris contain great reason determining that euery man should be iudged according to the law which himselfe vseth But if papists wil needs vrge things vnreasonable then must they vnderstand that true Christians haue reason to reiect their treacherous false erroneous new absurd ido latrous and blasphemous religion And next that his Maiesty hath iust cause to abhor the practise of that religion that as hath bin foreshewed maketh him the Popes vassall and taketh away halfe his authority halfe his subiects halfe his reuenues and bringeth the rest into question Now his Maiesty is in no daunger by the grace of God if he can suppresse the growing faction of Antichrist Sixtus Quintus in his declaratory Bull anno D. 1588. against our late gratious Queen confesseth that hee had no meanes to proceede against her as he had in countries professing popery to deale with other princes But let Massepriests gather their bands of seditious persons together and then both prince and state shal incur great hazard Thirdly the preachers of the Catholike faith haue good occasion to oppose themselues against these wolues that seeke to enter vpon Christs flock They seek to alter both religion and state and will not rest before they haue depriued al true pastors both of their liuings and life will not then true pnstors awake and vigorously resist them Fourthly Wise politikes may not admit a religion that will cause dinision and trouble the peace of the state Neither may they tolerate such as depend on strangers and concurre with forain enimies 5. The disciples of Christ may haue no felowshipp eyther with the priests of Baal or the caniball Massepriests that say they eat Christs flesh with their mouths and teeth swallow his blud into their bellies or with the disciples of Antichrist that seeke to suppresse the true catholike faith 6. No true louer of his country can endure rinegued Iebusites and Massepriests that are combined with forreign enemies and seeke to bring their countrimen vnder the commaund of straungers and to murder all that are studious of the peace and honor of their nation as Walleyes and others Iesuites actions of late haue plainly declared 7. Charitable Christians may not tolerate either a race of sturdy begging friars or a packe of lazy Monkes or a swarme of caniball Massepriestes which say they eat vp Christs body really and corporally but indeed and really deuour the poor the widow and the fatherlesse 8. Men of honest minds and disposition are enemies to all lecherous and fodomiticall Friars Monks and Massepriests neither will they salute them heare them or conuerse with them least they be partakers of their sinns and consequently of theyr plagues 9. Christians maintain their Christian liberty and haue reason to detest the doctrine of Antichrist that enthralleth both theyr persons and consciences Further as it pilleth theyr goods so it destroyeth vtterly the soules of them and theyrs Finally seeing they cut our brethrens throates abroade no Christian man hath reason to suffer them to harbour here purposing to cut our throats at home Faux Percie and Catesbie haue left a race of cutthrotes and gunpowder fellowes behind them shold then reasonable men so far forget reason as to harken to a petition so vnreasonable Chap. 15. That popish religion may not be tolerated if we respect the groundes of christian religion and policy confessed by the papists themselues THat diuers religions are not to be suffered in a christian common wealth we haue before demonstrated by the confession of papists themselues It resteth therefore now that we proue by generall pofitions holden and confessed by the papists that popish religion may not bee tolerated by princes and states eyther professing true religion or els holding the true rules of policie 1. First it is confessed by our aduersaries themselues that no idolatrous religion is to be tolerated in any state But it is clearly demonstrated heretofore Chap. 7. that popish religion in diuers pointes is idolatrous 2. Neither will they yeeld to permit any sects or heresies but it is apperant that monks friars and Massepriests are diuided into sects and manifestly
that we haue not so many books of Scriptures 6 We discanonise no book of canonicall scriptures but papists place apocriphall scriptures among the canonicall books discanonised and reiected because they be expresse Testimonies against their new and negatiue Religion If they stand vpon the sence and true interpretation we stand on that point more confidently then they they hauing no further warrant then their 7 The papists properly stand vpon the priuat iudgment of the pope vve folovv no mans priuat spirit priuate spirit and we relying on the assistance of the holy Ghost therein promised to his 8 But not to the Pope or his adhaerents Church for the instruction of all truth which is Columna firmamentum veritatis the piller and foundation of truth If they fly to the Fathers for one place euill vnderstood and somtime falsified somtime mutilated somtime wholy corrupted we produce a thousand not by patches nor mammocks as they do but whole pages whole chapters whole books the vniforme consent of all the ancient fathers and Catholike Church If they presse vs with their passed Parliaments and Princes for one of theirs we haue an hundred and for a Childe King and a 1 Better a vvoman Queen then a vvoman Pope Woman Queene wee haue for vs so many so Wise so learned so religious so Victorious Princes as our Histories without thē would be very barren our Names obscure our clergy miserable our Bishops beggarly our Parliaments confused our Lawes intricated our Vniuersities without Colledges our Colledges without Schollers our Schollers without maintenance Reason then the life of the law requireth to our vnderstanding more ample and 2 These suppose the Popes decretalls more authenticall then scriptures authenticall euidence before wee bee cendemned by lawe as superstitious or irreligious The faith we professe is that 3 It is no more like it then false doctrine to faith fayth religion which Saint Paul to the Romanes so highly commendeth The 6 reason Rom. chap. 1. which therefore is called Catholike and Romane because (a) The church of Rome euer was and is the Mother Church all the Churches in the world either did in their beginnings or doe for the present agree vniformely with the sea of Rome in vnion and communion of faith doctrine and fellowship hauing recourse thereto as to the 4 The old church of Rome vvas the Mother Church But vvhat is this to nevv Rome Mother Church From the Pastors and Prelates of this Church to witte from (b) S. Gregory the Pope S. Auhustine the Monke S. 5 That vvill hardly be proued further vvhat maketh this for such as subuert the state peruert Christians conuert none Gregory the Pope and S. Augustin the Monke we receiued the benefit of our conuersion and regeneration from them we receiued the 6 This selfe same vntruth vve haue refuted at large in our ansvver to Parsons his treatise concerning 3. supposed conuersions of England selfe same Doctrine Discipline Seruice Sacraments Feasts and laudable Ceremonies which are by vs held practised professed and defended with the 7 Note hovv they say they defend holidays greasings holivvater and such ceremonies vvith their bloud effusion of our bloudes at this very day and this we finde 8 You corrupt histories as much as you can and yet they shevv hovv much you are degenerated from true Christians verified by the Histories of (c) S. Bead Cambden Stowe Hollenshed and Sauell S. Bead Cambden Hollenshed Stovve and that Tripartite History set out by Master Sauell From this Curch of Rome we receiued our Bible our Gospell our Creed our Canons The 7 reason which are the same through the whole Christian worlde among Catholikes both for the translation sence and interpretation This Church is by your Maiesty and by the learned sorte of the Protestants 10 Not this later Rome that is figured by the vvhore of Babylon but the ancient Church of Rome that vvas praysed by S. Paul The 8. reason acknowledged to be the Mother Church we hope then we are excuseable 9 So the Gospell of Papists dependeth on the pope that reuerence and loue our dearest Mother from whose breast our forefathers and we haue receiued the sweet milk of our soules There was ueuer yet since the Incarnation of christ anie heresie that crept into the Church of God The 9. reason but we find the names of the 1 Name the authors of the Angelicks Nudipedals Col●yridians Messelians authors of such heresies we find by the Church of Rome Councells called to condemne them and Doctors imploied to confute them there is not the least Ceremonie or circumstance that hath been added for the greater 2 For meere scorn foolery Further you haue deuised nevv doctrines and nevv vvorships of god not only nevv ceremonies Maiesty and solemnity in Gods deuine seruice but the yeare is knowne when and the Pope by whome it was ordained If matters then of so small moment passe not without recording reason would that the lawes that must condemne our Mother church of Idolatrie and superstitions should tell vs the authors that first corrupted her integritie but if the first inuentors and institutors of the Masse of Purgatory of prayer to Saints and the like supposed errors cannot be produced doubtlesse we must attribute them as we doe indeed to Christ and his Apostles and as deriued from such infallible authoritie we are bound in all equitie to follow them But if by the fruits your Maiestie will giue iudgement of the tree The 10. reasō the fruits of our 3 Or rather seditiō vvars massacres empoysōments stevvs ribaldry heresy Religion at Loue Vnitie Concord Pietie acts of Charitie and Deuotion as Fasting Praier Almes building of Monasteries erecting of vniuersities founding of Hospitals cōuerting of Natiōs calling of Councels confuting of Heresies obedience to our Princes though they be Pagans and Infidells and that for conscience sake (a) Calu. lib. 4. Inst cap. 4. lib. 4. cap. 10.6.5 Whereas both practisers and professors of the Religion which we are so pressed to embrace do far differ from vs in those points 4 These fellovvs teache their tongues to speak vntruth teaching vnder colour of the libertie of the Gospell (b) Knox in his exhortation to Englād printed at Geneua 1559. contempt of power and authoritie (c) Luther in his book de potestate seculari in his comment vppon the 1. of S. Peter cap. 2 neglect of lawes (d) Goodmā in his book of obedience all which teache contempt of authority neglect of lawes in the places cited and obedience The examples are to late and lamentable in your Maiesties Realme of Scotland and in the persons of your gratious Mother and Grand-Mother Father and Grandfather to passe with silence the tragedies by such like plaied in sundry other 5 Can these mē iustly blame our brethren that
coūsel accusing them of iniustice hard dealing which some confesse in part to bee true for if they had been iustlye dealt with all then had they been exequuted for their trecherous practises and felonies for which diuers of them stood by lawe condemned and not sent awaye to rayle vpon such as shewed mercie and fauoure to them And this is the corps the deuāt derrier al the cōtēts of this lame petitiō apologetical framed as is sayd by lay Papists or rather in theire names by certein masse-Priests For answer wherof although no further answere needeth then that which alreadye hath beene made to their good masters vrging the same things in diuers of theire libels discourses and petitions wee purpose by Gods grace to hold this course First it shall be declared that toleration of false religions is repugnant to rules of religion and holy scripture and next that it is contrary to al Christian policie and reason Thirdly that the Papistes themselues in places where they commaund deny all toleration of other Religions then that which they professe themselues Furthermore leaste the Papists mighte excepte that these allegations doe nothing concerne theire cause it shall be further proued that poperie is a false idolatrous hereticall new and blasphemous religion and not onelie enemie to kings and princes but also greeuous to all Christians Finally least any of these petitioners shoulde swell with pride and thinke that with his greate eloquence he were able either to iustify the cause of popish Religion or to make good his reasons for toleration therof we haue thought good not onelie to glosse the text but also to examine the prologues reasons epilogues defenses accusations and whole pleadings of our aduersaries throughout their whole apologeticall petitiō Tu leno haeresis Arrianae saith Lucifer in his apology for Athanasius cunctos fieri cupis consacrilegos tuos So wee may say of these petitioners that while like bawdes they set forth the whore of Babylon her whorish religion they seek to make vs partakers with them of theire sacriledge and impietye Jt may bee they will complaine that this is no frendly dealing But as Sainte Ambrose epist 27 saide of one non ille tuus hostis sed tu illius so wee may say of papistes we are not their enemies but they are ours Noli accusare saith Hierome to Ruffinus apolog 2. ego cessabo defendere So say I to these petitioners forbeare to charge vs and we shall willingly forbeare to make our defenses Againe let them cease to tell vs of their Resolution in their profession and loyalty towards his maiesty and we shall haue lesse cause to detect either their grosse ignorance and foule impieties abhominations and abuses of their religion or their vndermining treasons and rebellions In the meane while let them attend and haue patience while wee briefly discouer vnto them the mysteries of their wicked religion which so obstinately they will needs professe and the holownesse and defects of their loyaltye which so boldelie they pretend Chapter 2. That the toleration of any false heretical or idolatrous religion is repugnante to reasons of religion and holy scriptures THE Church and city of God beeing built vpon the foundations of the Apostles and Prophets and their doctrine it is matter sufficient for Christians that are members of Gods church and citisens of the citie of god to refuse and reiect any Religion if the same be not founded vpon holy scriptures nor taught by the Apostles and Prophets inspired by gods spirit But if the same proue not onely diuers and strange but also contrary to apostolical and propheticall doctrine and conteine not only false and hereticall opinions but also positions and fancies tending to idolatrie and plaine impietie then oughte all Christians to abhor and flie from such a wicked religion and by no meanes to tolerate those that either teach it or professe it or fauor it The law of god Deuteronom 13. is very direct and peremptory against false teachers and seducers that endeauour to drawe men to idolatry or any false religion whatsoeuer That prophet saith Moyses or that dreamer of dreames shall bee slaine because he hath spoken to turne you away from the Lord your god In this case hee doth not permit either the brother to fauour his brother or the father his sonne or daughter or the husband his wife or one friend another And Deuteron 29. there shall not bee amongst you saith hee man nor woman nor familye nor tribe which shall turne his hart this day from the lorde our god to goe and serue the gods of these nations So it appeareth that both the idolatrous seducers and such as adhere vnto them and are seduced by them are to bee expelled out of the land if we meane to insist in the waies of gods commandements and to auoide his heauie wrath and iudgements Elias 1. Kings 18. condemneth such as stood indifferent betwixt two religions How long saith he doo you halt betwixt two if god be god followe him if Baalbe god folow him Now what els do they that are content to winke at the idolatrous masse and worshipp of angells Saints and dumb images but ioyne god and Baal together The Prophet Dauid Psal 16. sheweth what detestation all the children of god ought to haue not onely of idolatrie but also of all idolaters and false worshippers Their offerings of blood saith he wil I not offer neither make mention of their names with my lips Zephanie 1. the Lord threatneth to punish such as together with gods worship tolerate an other religion I will stretche out mine hand saith he vpon them that worship and sweare by the lord and sweare by Malcham Our Sauiour Christ Matth. 18 cōmandeth such to be reputed and holden as Heathen men and Publicanes that stubbernlye refuse to heare the church and shall wee harbor them and repute them good christians that shall professe a religion vnhearde of in the apostolike and auncient Church likewise Matthew 7. He exhorteth his disciples to beware of false prophets that come vnto them in sheps cloathing and Matth 16 to take heede and beware of the leuen of the pharises Sadduces Do they not then plainelie neglect the exhortations and commaundementes of our Lorde and sauiour Christe that without punishmente suffer such as bring in the leuen of Poperye or tolerate the exercise of any false religion Sainte Paule Galat 5 doth wish them cut of which did disquiet the church and Apocalyps 2. the bishop of Ephesus is commended For that he could not beare with them that were euil and because he hated the works of the Nicolaitans Cōtrariwise the Bishops of Pergamus Thyatyra are reprehēded the first for suffering them which taught the doctrine of Balaam the second for suffering the woman Iesabel to peaehe and to deceine gods seruantes Do we then think that god will hold them guiltlesse that suffer his church to be disquieted with false teachers and winke at the Priests of Baal
lib. 2. c. 92. testifieth that he disabled heretiks tomake any testaments Eusebius de vita Constantini lib. 3. c. 62. 63. declareth that he prohibited the exercise of all hereticall religions and held heretikes and sectaries to be no better then traitors to himselfe and enemies to truth The Emperors Gratian Valentinian and Theodosius l. 1. Cod de sum trinit fid Cath. commaund all their people to embrace one religion the somme whereof they do set downe in forme of a law and in the law omnēs C. de haereticis they commaund all heresies to keep silence omnes vetitae legibus diuinis imperialibus constitutionibus haereses say they perpetuò quiescant Arcadius and Honorius as appeareth by the law Cuncti C. de haeret Manich. tooke away all churches from heretiks least they shold teach or doo the exercises of their false religion in them Theodosius the yonger and Valentinian his consort made diuers lawes against heretikes as we may read in Codice Theodosiano The like course was held by Martianus and Iustinian as is euidentlye declared by their lawes yet extante in the Code and nouells Finally if at any time Christian Emperors grew cold eyther in setting forth the true faith or in punishing or suppressing errors then we find that the auncient fathers fayled not both to admonish them of their duty and to reprehend them for their slacknesse Chapter 4. That to admitte the exercise of false religions formerlie forbidden is contrary both to christian policie and reason THE gentils by the light of reason perceiued that religion was not lightly to be changed and god dooth therein taxe his people by his prophet that they were more easily induced to change the euerliuing god then the Heathen nations were to chāge their gods They cōsidered that ther was but one truth cōstantly beleeued that their religion was true This was the reason why the Romanes did so violētly persecute the primitiue christians and refused the superstitious rites of Bacchanalia which priuilie began to creepe in among the people But Christians proceede vpon better groundes of policie in prohibiting the exercise of all false religions For firste they consider that the wrath of god is reueiled from heauen against such as with-holde the truth in vnrighteousnes But who doe herein offend more greeuously then they which either grant liberty to false teachers or winke at the exercises of a wicked and false Religion doe not they manifestly giue way to errors and stop the course of truth Secondly they know well that god despiseth those which despise him as we reade 1. Samuel 2. and that hee casteth such out of his fauour as are neither hote nor colde Jf then such as regard not to see god rightly serued rest despised and luke-warme professors are reiected how will it goe with such as are colde in setting forth true Religion and care not what false doctrines are stirring abroade in the world Thirdly they vnderstand the greeuous threatnings of the law against all idolatrous false worship of god I am a iealous god saith the Lord and will visit the sinne of the Fathers vpon the Children to the third and fourth generation of those that hate me Fourthly as there is but one god so they know that there is but one true religion Christian policie therefore may teach them to admit no religion but that which is founded vpon the writings of the Apostles and Prophets and which they are resolued is most true Fiftly diuersities of religions breed distractions of mens minds and diuers seditious stirres and tumultes as the leagues of France and practises of the popes agentes in France Flanders England Scotland Germany and other countries doe declare of late the Papists seeking to replant their superstition in Englād went about to set the land on a flame and to drown true religion in blood But wise politicks are by all means to roote out these seedes of Ciuil dissension Sixtly all changes in matters of state are dangerous But admitte a false and erroneous religion where nothing but the true faith hath been professed then no doubt but the chāge will be great Finally nothing is more absurd then to change lawes with out cause and to admitte a religion condemned by lawes and to restore such as are condemned by the state For that is rather a subuersion then an alteration both of lawes and state If then we respected nothing but the danger of state in the mutation of religion yet woulde all pollitick and wise men bee well aduised howe they admitted a newe and false religion contrary to that which hath formerly beene receiued by the state Chap. 5. That toleration of diners religions is contrary to the doctrine and practise of Papists BVT where the Pope and his adherents may fit as iudges little reasoning may serue to perswade thē to dislike of toleration of diuers religions For not onelie their doctrine but also their long continued practise condemneth it in the Chapter ad abolendam de haereticis They adiudge them Hereticks that dissent frō the Romish church in the doctrine of the sacramentes and such both by ecclesiasticall and by ciuill lawes they persecute to the death Nay oftētimes without forme colour of law they massacre them empoysō thē by all means seek to root out the race memory of them out of the earth Their goods they confiscat their liuings they take away their bodyes they burne and although malice doth oftentymes end with death yet such as are of a cōtrary religion all those that fauour them they persecute both aliue and deade killing those whom they can ouercome and cursing whome they cannot kill In France they massacred many thousāds without forme of law and gladly wold they haue massacred vs in England if theire treasons had not beene discouered Bellarmine lib. de laicis C. 18. determineth that it is not lawful for any magistrate or prince to grant libertie of conscience or toleration of religion to his subiectes He saith further that hee oughte to defend one onely religion with all his force Non licet vlli magistratū vel principi saith he consciētiae libertatem seu pacē religionis subditis suis concedere sed vnam tantum religionē sum ma vi defendere tenetur Posseuin his consort lib. 1 select biblioth 2.6 doth not onely deliuer the fame doctrine but also sheweth reasons why two religions may not in one state be tolerated Firste hee saith it is a diuelish inuention 2. that it is contrary to gods ordinance 3 that it repugneth against the law of nature 4. it is contrary to the substance and property of the christian faith 5. that it taketh away the truth and certainty of christian religion 6. that it taketh away the certaintie of gods deuire worship and of the Church 7 that it taketh away christian discipline 8. that it cutteth asunder the vnit ye of the church 9. that it is contrary to the worde of god 10.
out of theyr primers and short Catechismes and very slenderly doo theyr diuines touche the sore of idolatry Many exceptions I confesse they make and excuse themselues as well as they canne of this hainous crime But their excuses are vnsufficient and for the most part common to the Heathen idolaters with them They say first they put no trust in images But such as offered incense to statues were reputed idolaters albeit they trusted not in them Beside that they speak most vntruly For neuer did the gentiles trust so much in the images of Iupiter Apollo Aesculapius Iuno Diana and other Heathen Gods as the Papists do in the images of our lady of Loreto of Monserrat of Sichem of Saint Iames of Compostella of the Crucifix of Burgos in Spain and Mantua in Italie but did they not trust in images the hethen could answer so also Bellarmine lib. de imaginibus teacheth his disciples that images are not worshipped with latria per se propriè that is for themselues and properlie But what saith he that the gentiles could not aswell alledge for themselues as the papists Finally they aunswer that they do not worship images as Gods But the same pretence was also brought in time past by the Heathen idolaters as we may read in Lactantius lib. 2. instit diuin c. 2. and in the commentaries vpon the Psalms set out vnder the name of S. Augustine in Psal 113. Should then Christians admit a religion that is corrupted with so grosse idolatry nay rather we are by all meanes to represse the exercise of it least Gods wrath fall vpon vs beeing carelesse of his dishonour and negligent in performing his true seruice Chapter 8. That Popery is are ligion composed of old and new heresies THat which our sauiour Christ sayd of the Scribes and Phariseyes Matth. 23. with far better reason may be sayd of the Pope and his complices For while they are still quarreling with Christians which will not yeeld to their Pharisaicall traditions they erre themselues in more weighty points of Christian doctrin and receiue diuers olld and new heresies for sound doctrine and seeming to straine a gnat swallow downe camels 1. With the Pharisies they glory in the law and seek to be iustified by the works thereof although the Apostle Rom. 2. and Galat. 2. do teach contrary 2. The Pharisies made voide the law of God by theyr owne traditions as our Sauiour chargeth them Marc. 7. and doo not the Pope and his complices likewise making and worshipping grauen images dispensing with othes killing innocēt christians without forme of iustice maintaining publike stewes diuers 〈◊〉 excesses 3. Epiphanius haeres 16. ante Christum reputeth the Pharisies heretikes for that they were separated from others and receiued a voluntarye and superfluous religion How then can monkes and friars being herin culpable cleare themselues from heresy 4. The Scribes are enrolled among heretikes by Epiphanius haeres 15. ante Christum for their supersophisticall exposition of the law and their often washings and affectate holinesse But the Popes factours and Friars doo farre passe them in all these things 5. The Hemerobaptists by Epiphanius haeres 15. ante Christum are reputed heretikes for their often washings Why then not the papists that dayly and somtimes hourly wash themselues with holy water 6. The Dositheans spared not their bodies But for this and for affecting prayse for their virginity they were reputed heretiks by Epiphanius shoulde not then the Iebusites and others that whip themselues and affect virginity be kalendred in the same order 7. With the Capernaits the Massepriests expoūd Christs words of eating his flesh and drinking his blood carnally are they not then both to be ranged among heretikes 8. With Simon Magus the Pope and his folowers thinke it no sin to buy and sell the graces of the holy ghost and other spirituall things the folowers both of Simon Magus and of the pope worship images and vse common women 9. Jrenaeus lib 1. aduers haeres c. 23 rangeth the Basilidians among hereticks for that they vsed images inchauntmentes and diuers exorcizations and yet they coulde not coniure breade and wine out of the sacrament as the papists suppose they do by theyr enchantments the Papistes do also exorcize water salt and spirits as they say 10 Carpocrates for the worship of images is reputed an hereticke by Irenaeus lib. 1. aduers haeres c. 24. and Marcellina for burning incense to images and adoring them as Saint Augustine testifieth de haeres c. 7. the papists therfore dong the same things cannot escape the like censure 11. The Carpocratians and Basilidians were accompted hereticks for concealing and hiding the Misteries of their religion leaste holie things shoulde be cast to dogges as is testified by Irenaeus lib. 1. aduers haeres c. 23 and Epiphanius haeres 24. and. 27. they are then simple that repute the papists catholiques dooing the same things and vsing the same reasons with these heriticks 12 The Marcosians did baptise in a strange language as Epiphanius testifieth haeres 34. Irenaeus lib. 1. aduers haeres c. 18. sheweth that they greased such as they baptised and that they vsed to giue their followers dying extreame vnction Epiphanius saith that Marcus broughte in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or transubstantiation in the Eucharist and that his followers accompted themselues perfect how then can we accompte the papists catholiks that haue borrowed from Marcus and his folowers so many branches of theire heresies 13. The Nazarites stand condemned as hereticks for mingling Iewish Ceremonyes with Christian religion as we read in in Augustine de haeres c. 9. and Epiphanius haeres 29. Jt is an easy matter therfore to iudge in what termes the papists stand that consecrate paschall lambes and in theire sacrifice vse so many Iewish obseruances 14. The Heracleonites gaue their folowers extreme vnction as we may reade in Augustine de haeres 16. and Epiphanius hae res 36. it appereth also that in this ceremony they vsed a strāge language and for proofe brought the words of Sainte Iames the 5. where he speaketh of annoyting the sick who then seeth not that popish extreame vnction doth sauor of this he resy 15. From the followers gf Helzai and the Hereticks called Osseni the papists haue learned to sweare by bread and Salt and to worship spittle and ragges and to pray in a strange language for this was not done by catholikes but by these hereticks as wee way reade in Epiphanius haeres 19. ante Christum 16. VVith the Marcionists the Papists separate mariages for religion and teach that Christ fetched soules out of hell For that was doctrine firste taught by the Marcionistes as Epiphanius signifieth haeres 42. 17 Both papists Messalians beleeue that baptism cutteth away only former sinnes and in their prayers hope to be hearde for their much babbling 18 The Angelicks were condemned for worshipping Angels and praying to them as we reade in the commentaries of Theodoret in Coloss 3. and
apparell The councell of Laodicea condemneth the worshippe of angels Neyther is there any abuse in Popery that is of any antiquity but lightly the same is taxed in some ancient councel The popish worship of angells images crosses and such like halfe communions straunge and vnknown tongues and other abuses of popish religion likewise are either not knowne or generally condemned by the fathers 5. The auncient Christian religion came from Hierusalem but the popish worshippe of images and saints the doctrine of the carnall eating of Christs body transubstantiation halfe communions indulgences the popish doctrin of purgatory and the popes monarchy came neuer from thence 6 Finally we find when and where the principail points of popish doctrin which the church of England refuseth were established by the synagogue of Rome the worship of images was first receiued and established in the idolatrous second councell of Nice vnder Irene Gregory the 7. first tooke on him the vse of both swords and began with sorce to depose Emperors and to translate kingdomes from one to another Innocent the third first brought in transubstantiation and auricular confession in the councell of Lateran The conuenticle of Constance first decreed that accidents in the Eucharist subsist without a subiect and that all Christians beside the priest were to content themselues with one kind in the sacrament Eugenius the fourth in the conuenticle of Florence as is said setled the doctrin of purgatory and the popes supremacy then also was deliuered the doctrin of the 7. sacraments and established first by authority The rest of those popish doctrines concerning the sacrifice of the Masse indulgences and such like deuises which we refuse were lately confirmed in the conuenticle of Trent From thence the papists deriue the authority of the missalls breuiaries and other rituall books If any thing be taught by them more then this contrary to the sound forme of faith deliuered by the Apostles the same hath bin receiued either from olde hereticks or els from later Popes of Rome That religion therfore which papists teach ouer and aboue the christian faith is newly deuised and not to be deriued from the Apostles or prophets or ancient fathers of the church Chap. 10. That Popish religion is impious and blasphemous THE people of God vnder the law were so zealous of Gods glory that they vsed to rend their cloths if they did heare any man vtter any thing soūding like blasphemy Nay for the word that signifieth blaspheming the Hebrewes vse the worde of blessing which sheweth that all our actions shoulde tend to the prayse of god and none to his dishonor Is it not then straunge that Christians which shoulde excell all others in zeale and loue towards God should either professe or suffer popish religion that is so full of impieties and blasphemies against god This they thinke to wipe away with one impudent denial But this name of blasphemy is too deep grauen in the forehead of the whore of Babylon to be defaced with any deniall For first the Pope challengeth to himselfe the name and honour of God as is euident by the chap. satis dist 96. and c. inter corporalia de translat pral and the Canonists giue vnto him that name and honour as is to be seene in the glosse in c. cum inter extr Ioan. 22. de verb. signif and in the commentaries of Felin in c. ego N. de iureiur ando and Baldus in l. vlt. Cod. sententiae rescindendae Stapletō in his epist to Gregory the 13. before his doctrinale principles doth call the pope supremum numen in terris that is the soueraigne god of the earth 2. Secondly blasphemously the papists translate the honour of Christ to the Pope they call him the head foundation and spouse of the Church as appeareth by the disputes of Bellarmine lib. 2 de pontif Rom. c. 31. and by the glosses of the Canonists Abb as Panormitanus saith that Christ the Pope haue but one consistory This honour also the Pope is content to take to him as by the Chap. quoniam de imunitate in 6. and diuers other decretales it appeareth In the booke of Ceremonies hee applieth to himselfe these words which Christ vttereth of himselfe all power is giuen to me in heauen and earth 3. Thirdly they giue the name and titles of God to creatures Biel lect 48. super can missae saith the prieste is the creatour of his owne creator the same blasphemy is also found in Innocentius de mysterijs missae and in Stella Clericorum and was vttered by Bonner to certaine Priestes in the beginning of Queen Maries dayes 4. Fourthly they confesse theyr sinnes to angells and saints as well as to God as is euidently proued by their common confession in tfieir missalls Horatius Tursellinus in his Epistle to Peter Aldobrandini before his history of our Lady of Loreto saieth that god dooth at our Ladies pleasure gouerne the earth and bestow at her becke heauenly gifts vpon men Commonly they giue the office of mediation to our Lady to saintes and angells 5. They teach that the Massepriests are constituted priests after the order of Melchisedech Nay they make the priestes mediators for christs body as it appeareth by these wordes of the masse supra quae propit to ac secreno vuliu respicere digneris c. 6. They are not ashamed to affirme that a dogge or hogge or mouse eating a consecrated hoast doth eate christes true bodie as we may see in Thomas Aquinas 3. p. q. 83. art 6. and in 4. sent dist 13 and in Biel in 4. sent dist 12. in Alexander Hales and diuers other schoolemen 7. Nicholas the 2. in the chap. Ego Berengarius dist 2. de consecrat maketh Berengarius to confesse that Christs glorified body is torue with teethe and sensibly handled by the Priest 8. Clemens the 6. in the chap. vnigenitus extr de paenit et remiss doth make Christe like to the sinfull people of the Iewes in whome as we reade Isay c 1. from the heade to the foote there was nothing sound 9. Faber in his booke against the anatomy of the masse compareth christe to drūken Silenus annon sayth he mirificus Silenus suit christus in another place he calleth him an enchanter 10. Bellarmine lib. 1. de cult sanct c. 13. alledging a place out of Iustine Martyr but most fasly placeth angels before the holy ghost and woulde haue them worshipped together with the holy trinity 11. Julius the third called for his Peacock in despight of god and nothing is more common among papists then blasphemies imprecations as is confessed by themselues in the Romish catechisme 12. In the Romish breuiary the blessed virgin is called dulcis amica dei that is the sweet friend of god the happy gate of heuē They giue vnto her also power ouer her sonne and say iure matris impera redemptori that is by thy motherly power commād the Redeemer of the world 13. Bellarmine lib. 1. de
cultu sanctorum c. 23. aloweth these speches of friars speaking to a woodē crucifix thou hast redeemed vs thou hast recōciled vs to thy father he confesseth also in his 1. booke de iudulgentijs that saints may be called redeemers Thomas Waldensis in his prologue ad Martinum quintum applieth these wordes of the Apostle Lord saue vs wee perish to the pope 14. Bonauenture or rather some falsary vnder his name applieth those diuine prayses which the prophet in the Psalmes giueth to god to the virgin Mary 15. Of the scriptures most commonly they speak most blasphemously sometime calling them a nose of waxe sometime a deade letter sometime a killing letter sometime comparing them to Aesops fables Kellison in his suruey p. 158. saith the deuill doth wrap himselfe from top to toe in scriptures as if the word of god were the habit of the diuell He that list to see diuers other blasphemous doctrines sayinges of the pope and his complices let him reade the two bookes de antichristo et eius ecclesia latelie set out by Master Powel a young man learned zealous and paineful that hath at large handled this argument in the meane while we may see that such as professe christian religion and true piety haue noe reason to like that religion in which Christ is notoriously blasphemed and so many impieties conteined Chap. 11. That toleration of popery is contrary to reasons of state FVrthermore with small labor it may be shewed that popery is a religion full of contradictions absurdities and fooleries and so contrary to holy scriptures and the catholike faith of christians as darknesse to lighte falsehood to truth and black to white But this short answere will not admitte any such large discourse beside that all these poyntes are at large prooued in the suruey of popery published in answere to Kellisons inuectiue Suruey Now therefore it shall bee sufficient to shew that as popery is contrary to the rules of Christian religion so it si no lesse repugnant to reasons of state and derogatory both to the Authority of Kinges and to the libertie of Christians That popish religion is contrary to reasons of state and politicke gouerne ment it apeareth firste for that the same is idolatrous wicked false and contrary to gods true seruice nowe what state can long continue that either receiueth such a wicked religion or else is carelesse for the establishment of gods seruice Them that honoure me saith the Lord. 1. Samuel 2. I will honor and they that despise me shall bee despised The Apostle also Rom. 1. sheweth that the wrath of god is reueiled frō heauen against all vngodlines and vnrighteousnesse of men which withold the truth in vnrighteousnesse Secondly it is alwaies dangerous to change lawes and to reuerse matters heretofore orderly passed But if popish religion were tolerated then shoulde all those lawes cease that concerne the articles of religion the book of common prayer the forme of administration of sacramentes the kinges royall authority in ecclesiasticall causes the ministers of gods worde and sacramentes and the postessions of the church Finally many things now well ordered would then bee called in question if then lawes be the bands that conteine the common welth in order who seeth not that a greate dislolution of state woulde followe if Popish religion were tolerated Thirdly the pope claimeth power to dispose of kingdomes and to depose kings and all his true disciples doe maintain his Claime Js it then possible that any state should ether liue vnder such a tyranny or tolerate such professed enemies of state Fourthly the same man pretendeth right to giue lawes to the state especially in ecclesiasticall causes and to dispose of the liuings of the church But I thinke noe state will giue this power to straungers and enemies that hath liberty to refuse it Fiftly we reade that pope Paule the third in his bulle of excommunication against King Henry the eighte King of Englānd commanded his subiects to take armes againste him gaue away his true subiects as slaues to those that coulde take them dissolued all bondes wherein any stood bound to him or his subiects as is euidently aparent in the words of his bulle recorded in Sanders de schismate the collector of his Bulles and this authority all pops claime and al papists must defend But it is strange that any state should endure such indignities offered to princes and theire subiects Sixtly no man can serue the pope and his prince and countrye especially beeing in opposition with the pope howe then can the state admit such as depend vpon the pope and are ready to exequute his commandementes and take them selues bound to do it vpon paiue of damnation Nay Percie and other papists of late without his commaundement as they say were in a fayre way to ouerthrow the state 7. To restore banished men to acquite condemned persons to let prisoners loose that are in custody by order of law is the moste extreme condition that lost common wealths may be drawn vnto as Tully saith lib. 5. in Verrem perditae ciuitates saith he desperatis omnibus rebus hos solent exitus exitiales habere vt damnati in integrum restituantur vinctisoluantur exules redusātur But toleration of popery doth bring all these incommodities with it shold we then basely subiect our selues to enemies and traitoures take that course which no state euer yeelded vnto vnlessethe same were brought to extreme and desperate termes 8. No state can admitte such as depend vpon forreine enemyes and intertaine intelligence with them For that were to imbrace within our bosomes the enemies of state But that is the case of the archpreest of the Iebusites Massepreests gunpouder traytors and all their adherents 9. No state can be well gouerned by two gouernors and two diuers lawes For as there is but one principall gouernemente In a state so ought there to be but one authority and one law but if papists bee tolerated then the pope must aswell be obeyed as the king and the popes laws be ioyned with the kings lawes furthermore the common wealthe will prooue a monster not onelie with two heades but also with two soules and two diuers kindes of proceedings 10. The bonds of state are lawes the bonds that tye subiects to their princes are othes of allegeance and loyall affection towardes them But papists being dispensed with all by the pope respect neither lawes of state nor othes of allegeance nor loue due to princes Howe then can any state tolerate such fellowes as respect nether bonds of state nor duty nor obligation toward their lawfull princes 11. Lawes punish such as contriue the murther of priuate persons and much more such as are ready vpon euery occasion to stirre sedition should then then the state tolerate such as vpon the Popes commandement and warrant nay vpon the word of a seditious Massepriest shall thinke it lawfull meritorious to murther empoyson any that shal be opposite
it euident out of the written word that they are the true Sheepheards and Pastors sent from God to haue charge of soules they make profer without delay to folow them and with all conformity to obey them and heare their voices which when they shall proue the controuersie is charitably composed and though they faile of their proofs yet they remaine as they do with their wealth their 8 These tvvo vvords are euil placed together But if talking of massepriests he had ioyned their whores pleasures he had spoken properly wiues their pleasures and pallaces the poore Catholikes desiring onely a secret and silent permission of such 9 Of vvolues rather for vvho made them pastors or is so simple as to commit Christs sheep to them Pastors as shall shew to them the whole world sufficient 10 Can they proue the Popes authority and the function of priestes offering and deuouring Christs body and bloud vvith their mouth they shall then vvorke vvonders euidence and approbation for the charge of soules they vndertake The 1 They laugh at this pild prologue that vvould threape kindnesse vpon them Puritans herewith cannot be offended if they peaceably The Puritans and precisely seek after contentment and not contention because they shall find diuers of their maximes zealously or rather odiously conceiued by them against Catholikes ouerthrown 2 Soon may Iohn Lazy euacuate hu brain but the principles of popish practises he shall neither euacuate nor ansvver euacuated by most euident demonstration and instances in matters of fact practise and experience especially in that point of conditionall subiects which is so much vrged by the Ministerie The 3 They shall soon trusse your schoolboy masse priests flourishing and learned Academiks of Oxford and Camoridge may perceiue hereby that Catholikes know their Priests 4 And to requite their kindnesse the massepriests knovv their follovvers and their vvines daughters intus ad cutem intus in cute Academikes of Oxford Cambridge take them neither for ignorant in diuinity nor 5 Their pitifull ignorance both in diuinity and humanity is too too apparēt dunces in humanity neither for Catalines towards their Senate nor for Absolons towards their Dauid that dare aduenture life liuing for their vertues and loyalties And I imagine that if your Ministers were put to the like plunges they would hardly find the like pledges wherefore I could wish that your Ministers would endeuor rather to excell and surpasse them in their Godly qualities then in their pamphlets and pulpits to vrge the State to suppresse them with seuere exilements and edicts which are nothing but argumentes of their feare and 6 VVhetstones for lying they deserue Their faces also are as hard as vvhetstones whetstones of the others fortitude The godly and zelous 7 They are sory they attend not on the masse-priests to Tiburn as they vvere vvont Artizans and Prentises of London and other places The Artisans and Prentises may learne hereby to moderate themselues a little in their outragious alarms of Stop the Traitor when they see an innocent Priest passe the streets for by reading hereof they may be rightly and truely informed and instructed how far the poore Innocent men are from treasons and all treasonable purposes The Catholikes at home must needs hereby be comforted and animated in well doing and faithfull seruing The Catholikes of England obeying their 8 Viz. The Pope for to papists the king is not soueraign Soueraign in pace gaudio if they may be permitted and if not that yet in suffering with alacrity what shall be imposed vpon them for their religion when by his Apologie they shal be disburdned of those former clogs imputations of disloialty and treason The Catholikes not only here in Flanders but in the whole Christian world besides must needs be hereby much edified and excited to the sincere practise The Catholikes abroade and profession of zeale and piety towards 9 That is tovvards their god on the earth God of fidelity and obedience towards their 10 VVere the leaguers of France and ebells that rose against king Henry the 8. and his children obedient to princes Princes and of a reuerent respect and regard towards their Priests and Pastors when they find in this present Apology so rare and remarkeable an example of English Catholikes constancy in the one and conformity in the other and such confidence for the third that sithence the Apostles time the dayes of the primitiue Church of England neuer the like President either in the time of peace or persecution hath been heard or read of that the sheep should engage themselues for their shepheards and make voluntary profer to be bound body for 1 They are not so mad I trovv body life for life for their fidelity except that famous 2 He died for Christ and not for the cause of Antichrist as the Popes martyrs do Protomartir of England S. Albane who was to them herein a patrone and president the end of whose blessed conuersation our English Catholikes beholding do imitate his faith and fortitude and do succeed him in a reuerentiall loue and deuotion towards their Pastors Which heroicall mind and resolution of our said English Catholikes must needs be as famous to posterity a it is repugnant to all worldly wisedome and policie and must also needes be accompanied with asmuch honour and merit in the sight of God and all good men as it cannot but be incombred with dangers and difficulties in the sight of flesh and bloud and of all those quorum Deus venter est whose 3 This is properly said of the Popes cardinalls their adherents God is only their belly profite and pleasure in this world Of this Apologie two copies were sent ouer the one to France and the other to Flanders all one in sence and substance but it seemeth that the copie sent to Flanders was taken verbatim out of the first fountaine and originall And that the other which came to Paris was not altogether so 4 Quod dissonat verum non est saith Hierome ample and compleate Therefore I haue thoughte good to aduertise you that I haue followed and set foorth that copie which I found or at least presumed to be most consonant to the good minds and affections of them whom it most concerned And thus willing you to make your profit spirituall of these my endeuors and of the sequent Apologie desiring God that it may serue to mollifie the hearts of our heauy 5 No vvay so heauy as the spanish inquisitors aduersaries and fortifie and corroborate the Saints and seruants of God in well doing and patiently suffering and carrying the Crosse of christ and crown of thorns which prick to the quick on euery side I wish you the two most pretious iewels that can happen to a christian sovle Gratiam 6
Contraryvvise you proue nought against vs and yet force vs to embrace your vvicked opinions Doctrine we receiue heresie These are points first to be decided and determined amongst Deuines and learned men of both parts and therefore that Magistrates should proceede against vs as men conuicted of those crimes before our cause be heard and determined by them that are by God 7 They vvill onely haue the pope to be iudge appointed to handle those high and important points of diuinity we hope your Maiesties clemency and piety will not permit But iudgement 8 Neuer vvith you in any lavvfull generall councell being past on our side already in so many generall Councells abroad and 9 Proue your popes mitre and massing sacrifice by conuocations and Parliaments if you can conuocations and Parliaments at home commending and approuing the faith we professe what reason can giue life to that lawe that doth reuerse a sentence so authentically giuen without the full form of iustice and processe therein required Chapter 4. The reasons vvhy vve are so resolute in our Religion Reasons of Religion THE first reason that we giue of our faith and Religion Sacred Soueraigne and why we ought not to suffer therefore as delinquents is that neither 1 The Turks and any other heretikes are able to say so much as these do albeit they proue nothing obstinate pride nor presumptuous pertinacy The 1. reason nor dislike of order or Discipline nor contempt of authority nor curiosity affectation of nouelty or discontentment in our priuate humors maketh vs so constant and resolute in the profession thereof but our consciences meerly so informed and inforced in maner by the 2 Proue this grace and exhibit this holy vvord and then you say somthing instinct of Gods grace and reuelation of his holy word and will but our vnderstanding captiuated in obsequium fidei by most euident (a) In no Religion but the Catholike only do all these Testimonîes concur Testimony of holy Write of Vnity Vniuersality Succession Antiquity and 3 Fevv lay papistes vnderstand scripturs in strange tongues and in vulgar tongues they may not read them Hovv then come they to knovv that scriptures make for them do they beleeue the pope and his emissaries that giueth them black for vvhite authority of Scriptures 4 VVith vhose vvorks you are but little acquainted Fathers Saints Doctors Councells Parliaments Virgins and Martyrs which all concur onely and jointly in the 5 VVhat is that to those that professe the popes particular doctrine Catholike Religion and in no other profession whatsoeuer which considerations accompanied with the feare of Gods judgements the danger of 6 You feare purgatory fire Hell fire you feare not that runn vvith your holy father headlong into hell and vvith rebells into treason Hell fire and the desire of eternall Saluation command vs by the rules of reason in the practise and profession of that Religion to obey the law of God 7 VVhy then doo you prefer the popes lavves before the letter of gods lavves before the lawe of Man It is an instance and maxime that suffereth no exception that neuer any generall or vniuersall 8 VVhat is that to vs innouation The 2 reason or alteration in matters of Faith or Religion from bad to better hath been heard of either in the whole world or in any particular nation be it either from Iudaisme Gentilisme Paganism Atheisme or Idolatry but that the commission and vocation of the messengers haue been authorised Domino cooperante sermonem confirmante sequentibus signis Mar. 16. our Lord working with all and confirming the word with signes that followed which sithence our new messengers and reformers as yet haue not duly nor clearely shewed pretending as they do to purge Christendome of superstition and idolatry how can they in reason craue at our hands credit or conformity to the new lawes made on that behalfe God is ipsa vita lux veritas God that is the life light The 3. reason and truth it selfe cannot giue commission credit and authority to death darknes and falshood but it is most euident and cannot be doubted of or denied that the first Apostles and Conuertors of this our nations of England Scotland Ireland France and Germany were sent from the Church of Rome deliuered vs the same Romane faith we 10 That is the question We proue the contrary by particular instances and euident demonstrations now professe 9 All vvas not of your religion The Greek church at this day renounceth your erros the same Masse and the same Sacraments and preached the selfe same Doctrine Domino cooperante sermonem confirmante sequentibus signis our Lord working with all and confirming the worde with signes that followed Reason then concludeth thus that either God in this case hath giuen testimony to falshood or else the doctrin confirmed by the testimony of God is true and auowable and not to be forsaken for feare of any humane lawes till we haue like testimony from Heauen to the contrary and when our aduersaries shall duely reproue ours herein and make their own 1 VVe haue proued it clearly But the caniball masse priests stick alvvaies in this brake mission as manifest by the word of God then if we do not conforme our selues to the new lawes imposed vpon vs worthily we are to endure these late inflicted penalties for matter of recusancy To conuince vs then that either we haue not the true Scriptures The 4. reason or interpret them not as wee ought or that we dishonor God in honouring his Saints or erre in the number or nature of our Sacraments as that our doctrine is false and defectiue and to condemne vs and punish vs therefore as Heretikes and Idolaters requireth 2 As if ordinary pastors vver not to reproue errors according to the doctrine of the prophets and Apostles vvithout extraordinary authority in all reason an absolute commission from God the which when it shall be produced willingly we will obey If they alledge Scriptures the Scriptures are common to vs both The 5. reason yet more likely in reason to be ours then theirs because that if the Church of Rome had not conserued them and communicated the same vnto vs our aduersaries had been at this day 3 If Rome had sunke many yeers since yet had the scriptures been preserued Scripturelesse the very originall Bible the selfe same numer● which S. Gregory sent in with our Apostle S. Augustine being as yet 4 Where further vvhat maketh that for you reserued by Gods especiall prouidence as a Testimony (a) We receiued the Scriptures from the Church of Rome that what Scriptures we haue we had 5 As if vve had in England no Bibles but Gregories Bible or as if Gregory vver the author of the Bible them from Rome and haue nothing of our reformers but
vāts seing lay mē are little skilled in tōgs stānd prohibited to reade them in vulgar tongs with out licēce furthermore these felowes art not so far trauelled as to know what is cōteined in scriptures fathers coūcels aūcient writers concerning matters in cōtrouersy if they resolue thēselues by relatiō of the massepreests friars thēar they most simple ideots to beleeue matters vpon heresay and to found themselues vpon the reports of such lying compagnions Lastly they seeme to haue theire braynes distempred that are made to beleeue that the popish sacrifice of the masse for quick and deade their carnall eating of Christs flesh with the mouths of men nay with the mouth of bruit beasts their transubstantiation halfe communions and idolatrous worship of the sacrament the popes vniuersall and plenary power conteined in decretales their 7. sacraments and doctrine of iustification by orders mariage and extreame vnction theyr worship of saints reliques and images and all the rest of their abhominable doctrine may be proued by authority of scriptures fathers saints doctors councels Parliamentes and that the same is confirmed dy vnitie vniuersality succession and. antiquity beside the testimony of virgins and Martyrs This we may affirme of the Apostles creed and the Catholike fayth taught and published in auncient Councels but by no meanes of the fayth of the moderne sinagogue of Rome Nay in our abridgemente or suruey of Poperie we haue plainely demonstrated that the same is contrary to scriptures fathers councels auncient writers and is deuoyde of the testimonies of martyres virgins and decrees of Parliaments and all other authenticall proofes Secondly they alledge that neuer any vniversall innouation in matters of religion hath been made but that the commission and vocation of the messengers hath beene authorised by signes and wonders But this allegation as it concearneth vs nothing so it vtterly ouerthroweth the petitioners cause For we haue made no vniuersal innonatiō Nay we do not alter or abrogate-any one article of the Christian faith but as in Spaine true teachers in former tymes caused Arianisme to cease and true religion to bee receiued and as the Christians in the land of Palestine some 400. yeares sence for a time caused the impieties of Mahomet to be suppressed Christian religion to be taught and practised so do we onely abolish the corruptions false doctrines heresies and impieties of popery and reteine euery article of the Auncient christian fayth But the massepreests friars and monkes adhering to the Pope haue made an vniuersall alteration in the worship of God bringing in the idolatrous worship of saints of images of the sacrament and receiuing many old condemned heresies and new deuised schoole doctrines and decretaline deuises and yet neither shew signes nor wonders vnlesse a man list to beleeue the wondrous lyes of their legends and breuiaries Thirdly they take it as a matter most euident and that cānot be denied that the first apostles and conuerters of Englād Scotland Ireland France and Germany were sent from the Church of Rome and deliuered vs the same fayth which the Papists now professe But they take boldly and affirme impudently that which no man either giueth them or yeeldeth to bee true Parsons hath spent much idle talke in this argument and proueth nothing Coleton is as mute as if hee were turned into a Codfish and replieth nothing to that which is answered to the petition of Masseprecstes the last session of parliament and their discourse touching this poynt As for these petitioners they shewe themselues ignorant of learning that beleeue that the doctrine of Romish traditions of the Popes authority of the masse of the 7. sacramentes of Purgatory and indulgences and such like matters was known to the anciēt Bishops of Rome but suppose old Rome had sent true preachers abroade to conuert nations to the Christian fayth what is that to new Rome that sendeth out false apostles to corrupt the true fayth and assassins Cut-throates to murder such as fauour the truth this false doctrine and cut throate practise certes was neuer confirmed with true signes and wonders Fourthlie they require vs to shew a Commission from God if we meane to conuince the papists that they haue not true scriptures or interpret them not right or that they are idolaters or hereticks a deuise likely to proceed from such idle heades For neither did those fathers that conuinced the Marcionists Arrians Manichees Angelicks and other hereticks either of corrupting or misconstruing the scriptures or any other poynt of false doctrine shew a commission immediatly from god neither doe the masse preests that dispute nowe against Turks Arrians and Anabaptists shewe forth any such commission All Christians and not onelie publike teachers haue commission sufficient to descry to take heed of false Prophets that come vnto them in sheeps clothing but inwardly are rauening wolues What needeth then this extraordinary authority Fiftly they tellvs that we had our scriptures from Rome and had been scripturelesse if we had not receiued them from thence He sayth also that the same bible which Angustine brought into England is yet reserued by gods especiall prouidence But firste it is not materiall from whence Christians receiue holy scriptures The Romaines receiued them from the Iewes and yet I trow Parsons and Coletou as they are turned Romanists will not turne Iewes Secondly that the Britous receiued the scriptures from the Romanes it is not likely they being as the common report goeth conuerted by Ioseph of Arimathaea Neither doe these petitioners shew where the Bible is to be foud that was brought in by Austen the Monk nor doe they make proofe that this which they shew is the the same Bible which Austen brought in Jf it bee the old vulgar translation it is not likely that Gregory sent it For he doth not alwayes follow that translation Heere also they tell vs that we haue reiected and discanonized diuers bookes of scripture because they be expresse testimonyes againste our religion which it pleaseth them to cal new and negatiue But neither doe we reiect any booke of canonicall scripture nor can any argument be drawne from the bookes apocryphall added in the vulgarlatin translation to the old testamēt that doeth hurt vs. Furthermore if we do onely deny the heresies of the papists then doe we not frame any new religion vnto ourselues and if the papists affirme matters not known to fathers then is theire religion new positiue if not wicked in the superlatiue For the sence of scripture they tell vs that we haue onely the warrant of our priuate spirit and they the assistance of gods holy spirit promised to his Church But absurdly they talke of the interpretation of scriptures following therein the priuate sence of a sencelesse pope and neither the interpretation consonant to the meaning of gods holy spirit speaking in scriptures nor to the iudgement of fathers vpon whome they bragge most fondly Lastly they tell vs againe of parliaments and