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A01130 The Pope confuted The holy and apostolique Church confuting the Pope. The first action. Translated out of Latine into English, by Iames Bell.; Papa confutatus. English Foxe, John, 1516-1587.; Bell, James, fl. 1551-1596. 1580 (1580) STC 11241; ESTC S116021 179,895 252

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nothing to recompte the same fayth to bee the onelie and infallible shoote anker of saluation by what lawe then will he adiudge them as outcastes worthie to be banished from the Catholike and Apostolike Church which professe the self same fayth of Christ that the Apostles and other Catholike Churches did profe●●e But the Pope I suppose will denie That to beleeue in Christ and to worship him in heauen as our onely heade sufficeth to true fayth and saluation vnlesse we doe withall professe the Pope of Rome to be chiefe heade of the Church here on earth and our selues generally all to be members of the same Church If it be so that the fayth of Christ be not suff●cient ynough for the faythfull vnto saluation except the pompe of the Pope bee propt vp togither with the Maiestie of God what can bee more agreeable with reason then to make vs here three Tabernacles one to Christ an other to the Pope and the thirde and good will to the Cardinals To conclude This also ministreth no small cause of maruelling why the Pope doth not require vs likewise to correct the fourme and wordes of our Baptisme for as much as the fayth which we haue vowed to Christ in our Baptisme auayleth nothing to enfranchise vs nor to make vs free denezens of the Catholike Church except to this necessitie of fayth be tyed withall an other tagge of humble obedience to the Pope of Rome That wee correct I say the wordes of our Baptisme That whosoeuer bee baptized in the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost be baptized also in the name of our most holy Lorde the Pope But if this bee true the cer●entie whereof cannot be denied That wee were neuer admitted into the participation of holy Churche in the Popes name and that the want thereof is no maner of Estoppell to barre vs any way from being vnited vnto Christ as members of his bodie howe dare that lying mou●h be so monstruously impudent as to condemne the seruaunts of Christ for Heretiques to exclaime agaynst vs as Apostataes and runnagates from the Church to accuse kinges and Quee●es to bee supporters of Heretikes Nay rather by what reason or Scripture will he defen●e himselfe so that all the worlde may not plainly perceyue him to bee the verie selfe same whome Saint Paule in his Epistle to the Thessalonians doth by most euident demonstration forewarne them shoulde come who sitting in the Temple of God shoulde keepe a sturre not as a minister of Christe but most arrogantly vaunt himselfe to be as a God Which woordes sithence doe so in all pointes accorde with the life and manners of the Pope as that they can not seeme to signifie any other Let the Pope bee throughly well aduised first howe hee may bee able to cleare himselfe before God before he accuse others before men But an other time shal serue more fit for this treaty hereafter more at large God willing THE POPE CONFVTED THE HOLY AND APOSTOLICAL CHVRCHE CONFVTING THE ERROVRS OF THE POPES DOCTRINE THE SECOND ACTION IT appeareth manifes●ly ynough I suppose by the former discourse that wee haue not departed from out the Church of Christ in that we haue sequestre● our selues from the Romish Sinagogue In this present action therefore nowe it may seeme conuenient that we render the reason that moued vs to renoūce that Romish route and set downe as briefly as we may the verie pointes withall wherein we swarue from them Wherein neuerthelesse shal not bee altogither amisse to aduertise the gentle Readers hereof chiefly That we entred into this controuersie agaynst the aduersaries not of anie set purpose to rayse contention and debate in the Church nor of any desire to quarell and contende nor yet of any euill affection that wee beare to the persons themselues agaynst whome wee maintaine argument n● yet for that we woulde not much more willingly bee coupled with them in one lincke of Christian vnitie and concord if the vnitie which they offered vnto vs were such as we might by any meanes yeeld vnto without preiudice of the fayth and glorie of Christ without staine of conscience without manifest treachery and Apostasie or without vnauoydable daunger of the safetie of our soule But the matter being now growne to this poynt that we can by no possible meanes be at vnitie with Christ if we partake with them what remaineth then at the length wherin they may eyther iustify agaynst vs or alledge for further defence in their owne behalfe If they accuse vs of Apostasie or falling from them let them then first by plaine demonstration make manifest the verie nature of right Apostasie Surely if those that haue seuered themselues from the Primitiue and true Catholilike Church and be reuolted from the first founders of Christian faith from the auncient Fathers from the Apostles from the infallible principles of the Euangelical doctrine to an other doctrine to mens traditions to forreine forged nouelties of Religion to worshipping of Idols to a strange Gospel altogether vnknowne to the Apostles to patter praiers in vnknowne and barbarous speeches may rightly be called plaine runnagates no men in the worlde deserue to be called Apostataes in my iudgement more properly and truly than this generation of Papists broode But here againe will some one of them replie that they stande vpon a good grounde of possession not able to be gainesayde which they holde of the holy and Catholike Church neuer discontinued since the verie age and time of the Apostles themselues from the which they say that wee being but fewe in number hedgecreepers as it were in corners through treacherous backsliding haue as it were abandoning our natiue Country shrowding our selues in the hil Auentine withdrawē our selues like rebels To stoppe those slaunders againe let this answere suffice First as concerning the number whether we b●e many or fewe it maketh little to purpose In the Church of Christ sayeth Augustine consideration must bee had of the grauitie of the matter and not of the number of voyces and it happeneth oftentimes that the greater number preuayleth agaynst the better by number of polles rather than by trial of trueth yea Christ himselfe viewing the number of his flocke pronounceth it to be very smal so also when hee confesseth that many bee called yet hee addeth foorthwith that the elect be not many but fewe in number in so much that he seemeth to doubt whether the same sonne of man shall finde fayth in the earth when hee shal come Yet for al this if a true computation may be yeelded of men of nations and people by the poll it self of al such as with al their hartes do detest the fraudes and contagion of the Romishe false religion there wil not so small a number appeare in their eyes as happly either they coniecture themselues or at lest ought to make so slender accompt of But as concerning the Churche it self let
or ende of this your int●llerable 〈◊〉 and tyranny shall we looke for at your handes at the last ●haue you so shamefully shaken off all shamefastnes● all feeling and insight of humanitie and common reason that knowing both heauen and earth conspired against your destruction through your monstruous and manifold treacheries horrible and vnmeasurable murthers beholding daily with your eyes so many so manifest argumentes and playne demonstrations as it were fore warnings of your vtter ouerthrowe and can none of all the same mollifie your mynde any thing at all Can they nothing at all restraine you from ●●trage what doeth not this so palpable lightsomenesse of Christes Gospell this so glorious maiestie of the trueth glistering as the Sun-shine in midday manacing I know not what horrible confusion of your kingdome the pompe of your tottering Throne already rent asunder and for the most parte darkened and lef● succourles doeth not the blood of so many Martyres the testim●nies of so many Doctours the 〈◊〉 of the people The secrete determinations and foreiu●gementes yea not onely secrete dete●minations but the open speaches and francke voyces of all the godly wherewith they doe generally all denounce detest and condemne you for the very Antichrist doeth not the apparant gestures and frowning countenances of all sortes of men doth not the sting of your owne conscience at the least nor any regard of shame doeth not the friendly alliaunce of so many Cities vnited in one with vnseparable hands of mutuall league apparaunt euen to your face the dayly protest●●tions of all people the Launces and Swoordes of princes sharpened with deadly hate and ●et an edge agaynst you and euen nowe bending theyr mayne force to your destruction the prepared power of people and Nations the inwarde heart burninges of the greatest dominions of the worlde yea theyr very nayles scar●ely restrayneable from your present ●aking in peeres doth nothing of al these no one of all these I saye mooue you any io● atal But admit that all the aforesaide threatnings wherof I haue spoken before as depending vpō the only pollicie and force of men may little preuaile with you who darest proudly presume of your selfe I know not what Lucifer-like title aboue man what then wyll not the iudgemen● of the mightie Lorde of Hostes at the least will not the fearefull wrath of that terrible Iudge being enflamed against you wyll not the most horrible downefal and vnspeakeable desolatiō frō aboue hanging ouer your head● the most manifest Oracles of pr●pheticall Scriptures cause you to be appalled● What whē you reade the down fall of the beast mentioned in the Apocalips when as be holding the Prophet call Tables you heare with your eares see with your eies that hellish lake of euerlasting destruction boyling out vnquenchable flames of fire and Brimstoone may none of all these force you to trem●le quake for feare and can you thinke that no one of the foresayd scriptures do belong to you● but al this notwithstanding doth this Tragicall Prelate r●ffle on in rage free in fury maske in madnesse nor wil this Apocalipticall beast by any meanes be managed And be it also that our most merciful father do as yet hold back his long lingering reuenge shal wee Christian Princes and nations therfore whom this Babylonicall Strumpet hath so long bewitched with her poisoned doldrenche of abhominable fornica●ion beholding with our eyes so many Christian Countries so ●●●iercifully and monstrously rent a sunder wittingly and w●llingly suffer our selues to bee led thus continually by the lips mooseled with such mockeries If the aun●ient nobilitie of the Romanes could think it a matter much inconuenient to tollerat the hautines of Luci●s Tarquinius a king yea their natural Liege lawful Lord King raunging somwhat more insolently then was seemely what shoul● mooue vs kings and princes authorised in our est●tes by God him selfe too thinke that either wee may without due remorse of conscience any longer winke at or without manifest preiudice of the ●●iuersall Churche behold or beare with this pompous pontificall arrogancie farre exceeding all kingly yea chrise more monstrous then Tarquines pride I say not in a kyng but in a beggerly Prelate vnmeasurably vaunting himselfe not only beyonde the pryde of Tarquine but also aboue al humane power nay rather aboue all whatsoeuer is called God For what greater arrogancie of any mortal man since the first creation of mākind hath euer bin heard of or what more greeuous iniurie euer offered to the church of god or Fistula more cōtagious might be imagined thē that in this equal euē esta●e of bishoplike fūctiō one only Bishop so to raise his crest as y e challēging to himself vniuersall Dictatorship he shoulde so ouercrow his fellow seru●nts as that all other Bishops and Councels shuld sweare humble submission vnto him vnto whose authoritie all humane creature shoulde assubiect it selfe at whose hecke Princes must yeeld their Scepters and Segniories yea Emperours also must of fine force stowys to the grounde and geue their neckes to bee troden vpon Which malaper● saucinesse being of it self no lesse absurde then execrably haynous is so altogeather voyd of all feeling of common sense so also in all respects contrary to the nature and office of Bishoplike Pastorship as that nothing may sounde into mens eares more detestable or permitted of vs more perillous In this case nowe let any reasonable person iudge what the due consideration of our princely authoritie may exact of vs what the present daunger of this our time may require of vs and what the common calamitie of the distressed Church may commaunde vs to doe heerein Surely if one onely Roman Cōsul for the dutiful loue he bare to the discharge of his dutie to the cōmon weale thought it a matter intollerable to beare with the mischiu●us treacheries and treasons of Lucius Catiline a wicked Citizen practizing the subu●rsion of his owne naturall countrey to wit one only Citie and for this cause could with his Coūsels preuent his attemptes with his only authoritie suppresse his insolencie and with maine force vtterly ouerthrow his outrage in what one action may we wh●̄ the maiestie of the Lorde of Hosts hath ordeined guids of his people and gardians of his religion discharge our vocation more princely or profite the Christian common weale more substancially then in this so great a calamitie I say not of one onely Citie but in this so vniuersal an ouerthrow of the whole world and general massacre of al Christian religiō that with all expedition we not only seclude if not at the bestout of al partaking of Christian societie yet that wee abandon an● vtterly ●●nishe from all our territories and domini●u● this Babilonicall Hydre so monstruously raging with fyre sword so broyling and imbruyng all places with fa●gottes ●nd goare so tumbling in the bloody butchery of the godly not onely exacting humbl● submission of Kynge● and Keysers but manacing also and threatening yea
times seuen He was accounted the only fountaine of all iurisdictions from whose fulnesse behooued all Bishops to drawe their authoritie without all question What needeth any long processe Assoone as the Church began to chaunge his head and the Pope ganne too take vppon hym the place of Christe foorthwith came to passe that togeather with this newe heade vpstart suche a femshapen visour of religion as scarse any one iotte of the auncient discipline remained vnpolluted For the Scriptures beeyng now commaunded too silence nothing coulde be heard nothing coulde bee deliuered too feede the humours of suche as woulde haue beene learned but Canons Lawes Decrees and Decretalles of the Pope vppon these were the nymblest and finest wittes employed By these were all causes Politike● Ciuill and Ecclesiasticall both publique and priuate determined in churches in Iudgementes in Consistories common pleadings Councels Godlines which tofore was enstalled in the spirituall enstruction of the minde and in the true conuersation of Christe was nowe posted ouer too other gewgawes which should hold mens senses captiue and not edifie theyr consciences whereby neglecting the thyngs which only auayled to the obteining of saluation the vnlettered multitude was carried away into I know not what newfangled mysteries too Oyle too Waxe Salte Water to the Moone shining in the water to Cowles to Belles to Chali●es Temples and Aultars cōsecrated with the Popes blessing to Iubiles Immunities to Graces to Expecta●iōs to Preuentiōs yeerely Pentions● Palles Indulge●ces Bulles Pardons and to surceasse heere too reckon vpp the infinite rabble of the remayning ragges wherewith they had peruerted all things cleane contrary to Chri●tes institution Sacraments gelded newe chopt in place one parte of the Sacrament craftily conueied from the vse of the Layitie praiers pattered and mumbled in an vnknown language priuate Masses in steede of the holy Communion iumbled vp in all corners of Churches where the Priest not imparting any portion to the people but vttering it too the gaze to bee tooted vpon and worshipped first lifteth it aboue his Crowne then swalowes it downe alone not in remembraunce of the Lordes death and passion but whole Christe fleshe blood and bone to the saluation of body and soule For this Article was the very sinowes bones and marrow of most absolute religion couple here with satisfactions Purgatorie pickpurse the vnblooddy sacrifice of the Masse assurednesse of saluation not depending vpon Christe only and faith in him but to bee purchased with righteousnesse of workes redeeminges of merites and pardons for siluer and coyne For reformation therefore of these so many and so horrible outrages seeing they seemed nowe in no case tollerable it seemed good to the Almightie Maiestie too yeelde his mercifull countenance at the length For albeit Antichriste must of necessitie haue his time to play his Pageant in yet coulde not the mercy of the father deny y e gracious cōsolatiō to his church vnto y ● which it had obliged it selfe with an euerlasting couenant but that it must releeue her necessities beyng surprised now with suche miserable and almost vnrecouerable calamities And to the ende he might bring the same too passe most commodiously without any vproare hee stirred not vp Princes to armes neyther prouoked he to blooddy battell but as I sayde before sent downe from aboue this inestimable Iewell of Printing intoo the earth which shoulde first disclose the liuely welspringes of purest doctrine and publishe abroade too the worlde the auncient authours of learned antiquitie and withall shoulde deliuer at large to the open viewe of all men the bookes of holy Scriptures and the purest and grauest Fathers of the Primitiue Churche and those also in suche great abundaunce and at so reasonable prices as that no man coulde be of so poore abilitie not to bee able too buye for a fewe pence whatsoeuer booke him listed and to peruse them for his instruction By this meanes Maugre the Pope and his Cardinalles began Christe by little and little too bee made familiar to the worlde the Prophetes and Euangelis●es sounded into mens eares euery where Paule Peter and other Doctours Expositours of soundest and purest Diuinitie were conuersaunt dayly in the eyes and handes of the people which beeyng aduisedly read ouer and growne at length to some acquaintaunce is almost incredible to beleeue howe woonderfull a light of doctrine howe vnsatiable a greedinesse to learne and to reade what a sodaine enterchange of maners what a beautifull countenance of all thinges ensued and floorished euen vppon the sodaine Heere loe that infinite number of Painters whereof I made mention before out of the dreame of Iohn Hus. Heere lo● those painted Images in the temple of God spoken of before ingrauen nowe in the mindes and harts of Christians being not of any new inuention notw tstanding neither forged vpon any newe Anvyle as you are wont to slaunder vs but euen the selfe same which were by you yea by your owne selues scraped and blotted out were nowe restored againe to theyr former integritie against the which from hencefoorth all the whole broode of Papistes shall neuer bee able too preuaile againe Moreouer after these Painters before rehearsed sprange vp many others the number whereof encreaseth dayly which yeelde most commendable trauayle with as good successe partly too restore the auncietie sinceritie and puritie of good literature partly too reedifie the derayed crazes and ruines of the aunciente Churche of Christe On this wise new sound sciences cowpled with pure religion merue●lously floorishing in dayly encreasinges in very fit time and place stept foorth Martine Luther into the worlde and yet not hee onely and alone but a great number of worthie personages together with him excellent men both in faith and learning all which associated in one and vndertakiug so rightfull and necessary a patronage of the distressed Gospell where as they taught nothing else therein either to themselues or to others● but the only glory of Christe iustif●yng theyr doctrine by the vndoubted and most pure fountaines of gods woorde There was no cause nowe why you shoulde so furiously rage against your own brethren the Christians yea and that without all deserte and like to troublesome Dauus in Terence turning and turmoyling all thinges vpside downe rayse vp suche monstrous tempestes and scorching whirlewindes of hot persecutions Nay rather it behooued you to haue yeelded most hartie thankes too the Lorde beeyng the husband of his most deare spouse the Churche and haue inforced all your aide helpe power and pollicie withall to the enlarging of his glory according to pietie and as the duetie of your function did exact and bind you vnto But what helhounde nowe what Beelzebub prince of darkenesse hath so bewitched you with madde frensie that you shoulde so monstruously with so horrible ou●rage rushe vpon the godly seruantes of Christe contrary to the expresse woorde of your God yea without all regard of charitie or shame and in steede of a christian
abroade your dayly murthers aswel olde as newe wherwith your vnquencheable tyranny of sauadge bloodthirstines seemeth as yet altogither insatiable These outragies so many and so manifest hee that seeth not with his eyes him wil I not account so much blinde of sight as voide of vnderstanding he that doth not detest them him may I wel iudge to bee not onely not acquainted with any partaking of ciuil humanitie but an vtter alyen and straunger to al vertue godlynes and pieti● Your trayterous treacheries are more notoriously manifest to al people and tongues then may any longer be coloured more execrable then can bee borne withal Your counterfayte hornes these many hundred yeeres nowe couer●d with cloudes w●erw●th you haue hidden a rauening blo●dsucker vnder the visor of a meek● lambe be appara●● nowe yea beleue me pope they not only more apparā●ly glis●er in mens eyes then the sunne shine in midday but a●so are become very bables mockeries in euery mans month in so much that no man is ●o poore blinde but doth easily discerne● no man so blockishe but dooth hartely la●gh them to sko●ne There was a tyme peraduenture heeretofore whenas these foggy misles of blundered ignoraunce did dazel the eyes of men when as that most happy facultie of imprinting reading of purer sciences most fatall to your sacred Sea was not yet published abroade in the world wherein some place and time might haue beene reserued to cloake your palpable darkenesse But nowe sithens the gladsome dawning of mo●te resplendisaunt veritie discouereth it selfe wherewith you may see mens vnderstanding illumined and eyes enlightned through Gods wonderful bountie and mercy sithens remaineth no foxe-hole nowe in these Regions wherein you may shroude the daseled drowsinesse of your eluishe errors what other hope may you conceiue of those rotten ragges of moste barbarous grossenes●e and lothsome pilfe of filthie superstition but that yee geue place vnto fortune and abide some better chaunce And being conuinced with the truth it self if ye can not be reclaimed to chaunge your mindes yet for very shame chaunge your chaire at the least and runne away into some desart and from thence conueigh your selues into some vnknowne nations who haue not hytherto tasted nor beene deluded with those Romishe gewgawes stagelike statelines masking myzemases you can now no longer deceiue bs as men that haue been more then enough ouerridden and galled with those your misdemeanours Perhaps poore Christian carkasses may bee pinched with the crampes of your tyranny Certes their heartes bee nowe so altogeather estraunged from that common Iuggeler Rome and from that false fornicator Sea as that no hope remaineth now for euer recouering them againe And to the ende yee doe no longer vainely stroke your selues yee Romane Bishoppes with false opinion of assured securitie vnderstande yee for certaintie that the worlde is turned quite contrary wherein yee may see the heauenly trompe of the glorious Gospell preuailing against you your craftie packing your false forged doctrine your hypocrital holynesse your rauenous raging your suttle masking can no longer nowe creepe in corners The very vnlecred multitude of Chris●ians doth beginne nowe too open theyr eyes too beholde the lightsome brightnesse of the trueth Gods people is otherwyse instructed nowe then heeretofore when all the speaches of those Popishe Prelates were holden for Gospell and when the chiefe foundation of religion was grounded not vpon Gods worde but vpon the Popes authoritie But nowe who can bee so witlesse a wayward so senselesse a dottard that canno● easily perceiue your errour in religion your rebelling in conuersation and your pride of life who also beholdeth it doth not from the very bottome of his heart detest abhorre you And heerein surely the matter is come to a good issue That suche a durtie religion is fathered vpon so drowsie a dotterell for suche is the religion as nothing can be more superstitious nothing more estraunged from Christe Suche is your life as nothing can bee more pernicious too the tranquillitie and peace of Christians Wherfore sith you can in no wise be ignorāt of the deadly hatred of all godly personages set one fire against you procured by your own mischieuous and infamous villanies and which you haue long sithens deserued What other Counsell will ye that I geue you but as I said before to make a necessarie choyse of one of these two eyther to be of the minde to flee the Countrey wherein yee remaine now or to chaunge the religion which you haue wickedly defiled But being fully perswaded that you will accept neither of them and perceiuing you too bee of that sorte whome neither shame of the worlde can driue too your duetie nor feare of God can restraine within the bounds of modestie nor any maner of curtesie can reclaime from crueltie wander on in your purposed race as much and as long as you will for mee I wyll geue you ●●ee scope to raunge in that Maze of Turkishe impietie wherein yee ruffle and too lulle your selues asleepe in those brainsicke broyles wherein yee triumphe neyther am I any thing at al disquieted with your barking bulls and bloodthirstie curses which you haue vomi●ed out so seditiously against Christian Churches without any great daunger thanked be God Nor am I ought terrified with your accusations as falsly forged as fraught ful of poyson neyther moued with these your filthie slanders and vnspeakeable raylings wherewith you haue currishely gnawne many Godly Princes and of late also backbitten and slaundered the moste Soueraigne Ladie and Princely Paragon of England the Queenes Maiesties person chiefly then also her noble kingdome and renowmed nation WIth infamous slaunders layde vnto our charge by you to speake no more now as of my ●elf but in the person of her highnesse for so take it nowe as though not I but the Queenes Maiestie called you too accounte for your shamelesse impudencie against her if wee had receiued of any other besides this Romane Antichriste we woulde thinke it not amisse to frame some more speciall speaches in defence of our innocencie But as now what coulde haue beene more excellently applyed to the right commendation of our renowme what coulde haue been more effectually added to the increase of our euerlasting honour then to bee thus accursed of you being the moste cursed enimie of Christ aboue all other with whō no man can possibly be in league vnlesse he be a sworne enimie vntoo you neither can any man be otherwise acceptable vnto him except hee bee at deadly foade with you So that for this cause chiefly aboue all other wee doe yeelde moste heartie and humble thankes too the high and euerlasting Maiestie in that it hath pleased hym ●o vouchsafe vs this so great and vnspeakeable honor For why shoulde wee not Iudge our selfe too bee highly honored in this behalfe more then in any thing else togither with other godly and holy ones of my Lorde God for this that t●is Sebah doe●h
why may it not be as lawfull for vs to call our selues back into the true way of sa●uatiō after so many our wādrings maskings renoūcing al by pathes of errors Now therfore be●hink your selues wel● whether it stād w t more reason for vs that we should retourne into the right way or raunge at randon still with you Wee do assure our selues that it is not lawefull for vs to doe any other thing nor treade any other path then wee doe now by any meanes for as much as the authoritie of the scripture the truth of Christes Gospell doth binde vs hereto with a necessitie vnauoidable We were once of the same minde that you bee I confesse it stragglers I meane together in the selfe same couples of errours What thē If bicause we wandred in errours being yong men shall we not therefore bee refourmed beeing growen to more iudgemēt But so was Moses conuersant once in the familie of Pharao Abrahā in Chaldea Loth amongst the Sodomites The children of Israel in Egipt Daniel the Prophets in Babylon Christ amongst the Iewes Paul with the Pharisees Peter amongest fishermen Augustine a Manychean All maner of departures therefore neither the departures of all persones ne yet from all societie of companies ought to bee accompted blameworthy Although wee forsake to be ioyned in the felloweship of some that are named Christians now yet are we not therefore fallen from the visible church But for as much as in the visible church be two sortes of men the one part of thē which occupie the functiō of teachers preachers the other of them which with the vnlettered multitude be hearers and learners We therefore do reproue certen assertions opiniōs in some false teachers from whom we sequester our selues of very necessitie yet in such wise as we depart not at al frō the visible church in the which we haue our being and resiancie as well as they yea we be many times conuersant as Christians euen with our very aduersaries within one citie many ●imes also vnder one roofe And although we dissent frō the errors of certen particular persons yet doe we not otherwise but wis● will the best that may be to the persons them selues and recompt our selues rather forsaken of them then them forsaken of vs and are enforced to depar● from them rather by violēce plaine thrusting out then of any our volūtary willingnesse so that to set down the matter in plaine termes it may be saide more properly that we do disagree and dissent from them rather then depart from them In which disagreement notwithstanding we do not so altogether re●de in pieces all the articles of their popes and deuines nor so altogether condemne them as though nothing were sound amongst th●m neither do we contend with al that church so as though there remained no shape of a visible church in all that citie of Rome for they haue baptisme there wherein they make a profession of the name of the Father the Sonne the holy Ghost They haue also the law of God the Gospel yea they reteine the wo●shipping of Christ professe the same articles of the Crede that we doe They retaine also after a certen sort the sacraments though they abuse them after a filthy maner All which do carry some prety shewe of Christianitie amongst men not much vnlike as the olde Iewes in times past whilest Christ liued were in possession of the holy citie wherin the most holy name of God was magnified in the which they obserued the worship of God together with the lawes ordinances after a certen outward resemblance wherein also those that sate in Moyses chaire taught many things peradue●ture not altogether amisse Whenas neuerthe●esse vnder this cōterfaite visor of religion lurked most abhominable hypocrisie treacherous treason against God him selfe Of whome spake God him selfe by the mouth of his Prophet You be not my people Semblably if ei●her the Romishe church or any other church whatsoeuer do obserue orderly and teache sincerely truely therein doe we not de●● to partake with them But bicause the churche of Rome treading the track of the olde Synagogue hath yelded to be lead awaye blyndefolded into strange vnknowen by-pathes of doctrine into most horrible contagion of errors detestable absurdities idolatrous worshippings blasphemies impieties sectes and heresies from the platfourme of most true and infallible doctrine from the pure and sincere worshipping of God and the vndouted squarier of Christian religion from the principles of their owne profession from the practise meaning of the Apos●les from the examples and steppes of their pred●cessour● and haue chalenged vnto it selfe c●ief only and most absolute soueraintie ouer all other churches of Chris●e fully fraught with crueltie bloodsheadings pillages he●ein if we do farre awaye seuer our selues from their societie who can be so senslesse or endewed with no conscience at all who seeing so many and so iust causes of departure wil not thinke that wee haue rather departed away too late then without good occasion namely sithence we are not whirled theretoo of any gyddy lightnesse as it w●re with a puffe of winde but enforced of very conscience not of any desire of nouelty but of meere necessitie not so much of any our voluntary affection as warranted to departe from amongst them by special commaundement of Gods owne mouth But some one wil make a question heere demaunde what kind of filthines what cōtagiouse errors do remain in the popes doctrine Surely if the matter of it self were such as that it were altogither in couert and not openly manifest in the eyes of al men I wold think that I ought to bestow some large discourse for the better demonstration therof Yet somwhat to relieue the ignoraunce ●f the vnlettered let vs if we may apply somewhat in that behal● For I do see very many that being bewitched with a certain blind admiratiō of the popes popeholy religiō are caried away captiue into his erroures for none other cause but for that they wil not looke into the truth when they may see it Therefore remouing away those disguisings visours let vs prye somewhat narrowely into the things them selues and let vs throughly beholde this whole Romish Troiane horse not what it emporteth outwardly but what it crowdeth couertly and shrowdeth in the very closets thereof I am not ignorant that the name of the churche is a very plausible name that the names of Christe Peter and Paule be honorable that the remembraunce of ancient antiquitie is wonderfully well liked of that the authoritie of the fathers is much esteemed that the vni●ie Apostolique and catholique consent is of great valoure and that the keyes of the churche be of no small authoritie in deede if they bee true keyes but if they be not true nothing is more forcible to deceiue Therefore may not the Romish churche thinke it enough to vouche bare and fruitlesse titles it
in substaunce but in the respect of the sacrament vse likenesse aud denomination the holy body of Christ. Therefore that which wee receaue in our mouth is natural bread but in respect of the eating this nature is not regarded of vs but raysing our hartes much more high euen intoo heauen yea vntoo the heauens of heauens as Chrysostome reporteth it doth meditate vpon farre more excellent matter And heereof came it that the auncient wryters did so vsually extol the magnyficence of this sacramente with such excellency in olde tyme. Wherein they w●re many tymes rapted intoo such a wonderful vehemency of hyperbolicall speeches as though the bread and wine were in very deede matter of nought and that nothing els should seeme to be made accompt of in the celebration of the supper but the body and blood of the Lord onely As in very deede these dead elementes be no better worth in respect of the body which they do represent But what hereof then Shall the elementes of bread and wyne bee therefore no parte of the sacrament bicause the consideration of the Lordes body doth possesse the principall partes and holdeth the whole soule attentiue and faste fixed vpon it Or shall Christe bee therefore sayde too haue transposed the substance of bread and wine intoo his naturall body really bicause hee hath chaunged the same intoo the sacrament of his body Or by what argument will our aduersaries make this their assertion iustifiable For if God and nature do bring to passe no one thing in the whole frame of creation without great cause It remaineth that we may bee made acquainted too what ende for what cause to what vse or to what purpose Christe should make this Metamorphosis That thrusting away bread from out it owne substance he should deliuer ouer his true naturall fleshe in deede but inuisible to be deuoured carnally with the carnall mouth of the body vnder inuisible formes But here againe startes vp our Lombard a gods name and will render vs a tryple cause of this great mysterie to wit why the Lord would so liberally bestowe his natural flesh and blood to be deuoured not after a fleshly maner but vnder an other kinde naturally and in deede but inuisibly First bicause faith should obteine a more excellent rewarde where mans reason is not able by proofe to attaine according to the testimonie of Gregory whom hee vou●heth Secondly bicause the minde should not abhorre that which the eye might beholde for that otherwise the stomake of them that should eate would loathe ●he straunge deuouring of rawe fleshe Thirdly bicause nothing should be seene here tha● might bee offensiue to the vnbeleeuers or that might mynister occasion to the infidell to scorne and deride it You haue heard now the prety poppet reasons patch● vp in the chief shoppe of Lombards diuinitie It remaineth hencefoorth that wee searche the very depth of them And first where as hee reasoneth of the merite of faith I will not deny but that in matters of fayth mans reason is not of any such capacitie too attayne thereto For the excellencie of fayth is conuersant in those things properly which the fleshly eyes can not see or which haue beene knowen by the scriptures to haue beene already past either which are promised shall come in after time Moreouer I am not offended with that no lesse auncient then true proposition of Gregorie where treating of the Lordes entering vnto the disciples the gates beeing shut hee doth deny that faith ought to haue any merite where mans reason cā make proofe by experience For we doe confesse and beleeue this to be most true that which the scriptures haue deliuered touching the gates being shut and of the Lordes entrie in But wher did the scriptures at any tyme make neuer so litle a motion of the casting away of bread of the essentiall presence of Christe vnder empty formes or of transubstantiated elementes Blessed be they sayeth Christe which haue not seene yet haue beleeued This is true I confesse but it followeth not therefore that all thinges which are not seene with the eyes ought to be beleeued Neither doe we not therefore relinquishe the reach of mans reason bicause wee doe not yelde to all maner trifling imaginarie cōceiptes Whatsoeuer is commaunded by the prescript word of God the same we do firmely and faithfully beleeue and thereunto with most forewarde and ready faith do submitte all maner force of mans reason But who euer gaue any such commaundement to beleeue that which you haue forged touching that most senselesse absurditie of transubstantiation or by what authorised woorde of scripture at the length will you make iustifiable by writing or by meaning that we ought to adore though our eyes see not that your conterfaict person of the sonne of God shapen out of bread and set out to be adored and eaten of vs Fayth therefore wanteth not her merite in thinges that ought truly to be beleeued which by expresse and vndouted au●thoritie of the word be to be iustified But to beleeue ●he things which are no● grounded vpon the w●●d which are no where nor were euer instituted by God but drowsily deuised by fonde foolish vanitie of mans idle imagination is no matter of faith at all but amazed ●rensy rather nor hath any merite at al but is extr●eme wickednesse So also is that other absurditie no lesse ridi●ulous which he doth inferre touching the infidels least oc●asion be giuē saith he to the infidels to laugh it 〈◊〉 scorne Why should the infidels deride it I beseeche you Lombard● you do aunswere bicause it would breede great offence to the vnbeleeuers who without all question would loath scorne the Christian religion if 〈◊〉 should ●e● the blood of a slaine man in the sacrament Go to then doth this seme to be the cause why y e Lord should deliuer his body blood not after a fleshly maner but vnder an other forme lest if the Pagans should se● it they should cōceiue matter to laugh it too scorne for this seemeth your allegati●n w t y●● seeme also to haue ●on●ed ●onningly out of August very well● And what shal we say then to the Apostles them selues were they Pagans vnbeleeuing also why did he not giue the cup of his blood to his Apostles in his proper nature kinde where was no dāger at all to procure any mockage or if hee were willing to hyde his blood vnder a sacramentall forme aunswere I praye you what cause was there why the Lorde should vouchsafe the deliuerie thereof by formes rather then by materiall bread Besides this as concerning the Paganes if Christe did feare the scornings of Paganes so much I desyre Lombard to tell mee thus much againe If some one Pagane shoulde happen too come nowe into your temples and beholde your massinges maskings what greater occasion can be ministred too mooue them to laughter and skorning then when hee should see
made one bodie with Christ which is quite contrarie to that mysticall prophecie of the Psalmy●t whereby wee are taught that Christ his most hol● fleshe is dignified with ●uch an especiall est●te and condition that it should alwayes continue free from all maner of corruption not to inferre here any mention meane whiles of that which cannot bee gainesayde of them that are dayly conuersant with their sacred ●akes I meane euen those cakes also that be so curiousl● kept in Pixe for a season after they haue blessed them which holy cakes vsu●lly wax mo●ldie and rotten and shi●er to dust being scarce toucht with their fingers Wherein either the body of our most blessed Sau●our mu●t suffer this v●speakeable iniurie or else it mu●● needs bee confessed that this their framsh●pen chaungeling Transub●tantiation must be matter ridiculous matter of nought or surely no matter at all Beholde here if it may please y●ur holy fath●●hood somewhat vttered concerning many partes of your doctrine Wherein you see nothing sounde almost no●hing cleare yea nothing that is not of all par●es de●iled wi●h monstrous errour● And yet after all these so horrible and vns●eakeable blasphemies doe you require to be accounted for a father and a principall so●●raine of the Churc● Whereof no man that knoweth you may wi●h sa●e conscience acknowledge you for so much as a reasonable member And is your shamelesse impudencie crawled so aloft to the toppe gallant yea aboue al whoor●sh shamelesnesse moreouer doth your insolent arrogancie so farre exceede all impudencie that ye shame no●hing at all● with more then Turkish crueltie to hale harmel●sse a●d in●ocent sheepe of the Lords flocke as euerie of them is most sounde and of a most vnde●iled fayth to the stake and to condemne th●m for Heretikes and with them also no lesse infamously accuse kings and Queenes as accessaries harborers recettours and supporters of Here●●es Whereas your selfe meane whiles swa●ming on al par●s with so many so monstrous and more than her●ticall ●rrours do so ex●crably exceede all the whole crew of Heretiques and do so alone like an Ar●hringleader surp●sse al other Her●tikes that to speake at a w●●d● ●his your Papisme can s●eme scarc● ought else then a plai●e canker and ga●ing gulfe deuouring a●d swal●owing vp all true and Christian religion B●t I surc●as● now and make here an ●nde of cont●nding with you alb●it this is not a ●ō●●ntion but a de●●nce rather not entred into of any vnaduised temeritie but vndertaken vpon great and vrg●nt caus●●nd n●c●ssit●e Wherein if wee shall seem● to haue desen●ed our cause so●what more eage●ly thā may se●me agreeable with the l●nitie of ou● na●ures or to haue repr●u●d you somew●at more bitterly then you would willingly heare of pleaseth it your holinesse to accept these speeches as not vttered by vs but to be the verie wordes of truth it selfe Neither do wee sillie faythfull members of the vniuersall Catholike Church complayne agaynst you but the Scriptures of God do mainteine our quarel herein and in our behalfe doe bende their whole force agaynst you the verie voyce of the Lord the verie breath of Christes owne mouth togither with the whole armie both of Christs Church and of heauen and with these also all the holy companie of heauen do not only vrge this disputation against you but also doe ioyne in league preparing all togethers greater forces agaynst your triple royaltie For the selfe same will either vtterly roote you ere it bee long from out that maiestical Sea which you do against al equitie and right vsurpe most iniuriously or else you must of fine force throw into vtter exile the selfe same Scriptures and banish withal Christ himselfe and his Apostles from out all and euerie Church I doe knowe that the Church is molested many times with many great and grieuous assaults and conflictes of encounterings and many times infected with diuerse noysome diseases and stench of contagious corruptions to the clensing and curing whereof I thinke it needefull to applie milde and gentle maner of speeches and conference as becomm●th modest and mild dispositions So earnestly alwayes hath our affection loathed that cap●ious snatching and quareling amongest the learned But yet this your pes●iferous poyson of impietie holy father of Rome linked with such sauage phalarisme wherwith you haue not only de●iled the very welsprings purest source of all Christian religion but also vtterly spoyled and defaced it is such that it cannot bee cured nowe with any milde potion of medici●able restoratiue You haue forced the afflicted estate of tormented Christians to such a lamentable extremitie with your horrible crampes and execrable crueltie that you are not now any more to be confuted with arguments as an heretique but as Antichrist himselfe the most butcherly bloodsucker of Christians to be abhorred and accursed with the general detestation of all the godly insomuch that whatsoeuer person be not from the bottom of his heart your professed enemie can in no wise bee in league with the glorie of Iesus Christ. For as much therefore as the matter is come to this passe and that your tottering state standeth in worse case nowe than any man can expresse what better prouision may you make for your selfe or what more wholesome counsel may I giue vnto you then that ye reclaime your selfe speedily and returne againe betimes Whither shal I returne wil you say Returne Romane ruffler from whence you are fallen Returne to humilitie to the which you bee called Returne againe vnto the charge wherevnto you are appoynted If the Lorde haue called you into his Uineyarde hee hath called you to toyle and labour not to scrape riches togither to ministerie and submission not to maistrie and soueraintie Bestowe cost and dresse the Lordes vineyarde therefore doe not spoyle and moyle the Uineyarde For it is no Uineyarde of yours which though were your owne yet ought you not roote and turne it vp with such boarishe sauagenesse For it is the Lordes Uineyarde and not yours Who if haue waged you amongest other his woorkemen returne therefore to your worke and holde you contented with your place and vaunte not your Peacockes taile more than becommeth your plumes and be satisfied with your penie whether you come in the first houre or the last houre of the day one kinde of payment is due to euerie woorkeman alike There is no prerogatiue amongest woorkemen The Lordes benignity is extended to al alike Therfore if you be wise let your Romain Sea content you bicause you are placed in Rome and permit others that be ouerseers ouer others to gouerne their owne prouinces And would God the Lorde woulde once vouchsafe imprint such an heart in you as might earnestly seriously ponder these things and that you might returne from whence you are fallen The time was when this your Citie of Rome was famous and noble replenished with most woorthy woorshippers of Christ adorned with excellent wittes and most commendable conuersation of life
once be silent and calme if you alone woulde vouchsafe too bee quiet Albeeit why doo I exhorte you heerevntoo that am sure shal little or nothing preuaile with you for may any man conceaue by ymagination of minde that you wil become in any respect other then you haue yet hithertoo alwaies bene one whome either feare of God may breake or charitie bend back again or whome reason or any wholesome counsel may euer allure too amendement And woulde God wee coulde obteine so much at your handes by our earnest requestes louing aduertisementes or by any other way else whatsoeuer But bicause I do see your minds so throughly bent against the speeches and voices of all men I surcease hee●e to deale any further with you O holy father and leauing you nowe in the plaine field I will turne the rest of my communication too others euen too all those whosoeuer the churche of Christe dooth possesse for industrious and faithful embracers of true pyety But aboue al others chiefly I doo appeale vntoo you O yee renoumed prin●es and noble potentates peeres of the world vppon whome Gods diuine liberality hath powred foorth this prerogatiue of supplying his place in al manner of affaires ciuil politique and ecclesiasticall for I am throughly persuaded that it apperteineth vnto you to foresee that Christian common weales suffer no dammage nor detriment and to prouyde that nothing may bee committed by violence and fraude that may obscure the glory of Christ that may ouerthrowe the peace of the people or preiudice their sauety Wherefore I hūbly beseech you for the loue you beare to the state wherin the Lord hath aduaunced you to beare chiefe souereignty heere on earth bee yee careful againe and againe that the fraudulent practises of the enemies preuaile not more then your power and authority You can by no meanes forget the treacherous troubles wherewith this Calidon boare hath moiled your nations with what an vnmerciful slaughter with what a monstruous butchery hee hath deuoured the seely flocke of the Lorde these many yeeres now with howe incredible calamity hee hath oppressed your sobiectes and howe horribly iniuriouse hee hath behaued himself against your own persons states seignories For amongst the whole order of your puissant estate what one Prince hath beene of long tyme nowe so mighty in power in whose kingdomes the Popes practises coulde not preuaile further then your renowme authority in the which hee hath not deuoured more of your owne subiectes with faggot and tortures then any of you durst preserue from his tyranny In the which hee hath not enioyed more friendly hartes more faithful subiects then you your selues haue but why doo I speake heere of your subiects whenas I do see none more humble and obedient vassalles vnto him then your selues For when you punish them whome he commaundes you to punishe when you committe to fire flame at his commaundemēt and lust whome hee condemneth too the stake when you do more eagerly and more straightly exequute the lawes of his inquisition more then your owne lawes when yee bid battel to your owne subiects without any cause without any their fault or misdemeanor by the only iustigation and procurement of the Pope seeking the sackes and blood of your friēds for your deadly enemies sake herein what seeme you els then bondslaues too him whose souereignes and Lords behoued you to be Which albeit may seeme it selfe matter most detestable and most vnwoorthy your excellent renowme yet I wil not much impute the same too any your cowardyse as to your tymorousnes rather ne yet so much to your tymorousnes as too the general ignoraunce of those barbarous tymes For I do knowe by what crampes and pernicious practizes they crept into the hartes of princes at the first Namely vnder the beautiful countenaunce of the Churche with a false vysor of religion by crooked conueyances wrything and wresting the testimonies of holy scripture hither and thither with which bugbeares blazing Gorgones head as it were they had so vndermyned al the most mighty potentates of the worlde that they might easily induce them to beleeue that all thinges were well and godly atchieued whatsoeuer were vndertaken by the commaundementes of those holy fathers which coulde not erre by any meanes possible And euen heerehence loe stepte foorth vppon the stage the first prolocutor of al this whole tragedy But this present age no we requireth other maners Neither coulde the olde prouerbe bee more truely verified at any tyme so much as nowe to witte Truth is the daughter of time For what so cloudy ignorance can possibly ouerwhelme the senses of any sensible man so much as that in this so manifest a sunneshyne of Euangelical glory hee can not easily conceaue by ymagination that this ecclesiasticall monarchie of the seruauntes of Christ was neuer erected by Christ the founder thereof ne yet euer at any time permitted of him but many tymes forbidden most grieuously rebuked euery where Yea it wold be matter of no greate difficulty too deli●er by manifest demonstration from out their owne recordes and registers the very first tyme and chiefe original Author vnder whome this pompouse pryde of pontifical Lordelynesse began too growe into some credite Namely sithence wee reade i● History written by Platina theyr owne Countryman and domesticall witnesse on this wyse Boniface the thirde sayeth hee a Romaine borne did obteyne of Phocas the Emperor yet not without great contention that the Sea of the Apostle Peter which is the head of al Churches should be so called and reputed of al men which soueraignty the Church of Constantinople did trauaile to procure vnto it self Whose challenge many Princes fauoured meanwhiles and affirmed that the chiefe Sea ought to be resiaunt in that place where the chiefe state of the Empyre was at that tyme. By the which it may easily appeare vntoo you what you ought too do For if the chiefe foundations of this Sea be grounded vppon no lawe nor ordinaunce of God as is declared before but propt vp by mans appointment onely what shall let I pray you why that stately chaire which receaued no prerogatyue of superioritie from God but onely from you at the first shoulde not stoupe nowe againe and lay downe these Peacocks plumes by your general assent and commaundement If beeing carried on the blinde side long agoe your selues were the firste donors of this primacy altogither against the wil of christ what more notable exployt may you bring too passe at this present then to reuoke backe that gifte as AEsopes litle byrdes did sometymes plume away their owne feathers from the chattering crowe which was either extorted from you against equitie and right by treachery mischief or procured by fraud and villanie For why beeing nowe better aduised and endued with more heauenly vnderstanding may ye not more rightfully supplant that which without cause ye did of old tyme plant vnlawfully albeit why do I say that you may