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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A59878 A sermon preached at White-Hall, before the Queen, on the 17th of June, 1691 being the fast-day / by William Sherlock ... Sherlock, William, 1641?-1707. 1691 (1691) Wing S3349; ESTC R15763 14,452 35

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will finally remove his Gospel from us and that gives great reason to hope that he will check the Pride and Ambition and put a stop to the Successes of a Prince who glories in the Extirpation of his Protestant Subjects and at once enslaves both the Bodies and the Souls of Men who challenges as absolute a Dominion over the Faith as over the Estates of his Vassals to fill his Exchequer and Purgatory together This I am sure we ought heartily to beg of God in our most solemn Prayers and Fasts and those who scruple this if they understand themselves must never say the Lord's Prayer more wherein our Saviour has taught us to pray Thy Kingdom come which those who wish success to Persecuting and Antichristian Powers do not and cannot pray II. I observe farther That as God's Covenant with Abraham and his Posterity was sure and stedfast that no provocations could ever tempt him utterly to destroy them so he never inflicted any publick Judgments and Calamities on them but when he was greatly provoked by their Sins This was God's express Covenant with them 26 Levit. That if they walked in his statutes and kept his commandments then he would bestow all Temporal Blessings on them Rain in its season and the encrease of their Land in Corn and Wine and Oyl Peace at home and Victory abroad and his special Presence and Favour I will set my tabernacle amongst you and my soul shall not abhor you and I will walk among you and will be your God and you shall be my people But if they would not hearken unto him and would not do all his Commandments then he threatens all sorts of Evils should befal them sickness of Body to flie before their Enemies the unfruitfulness and barrenness of their Land that they shall be a prey to wild Beasts that the Sword shall devour them and they shall be enslaved to their Enemies and buy their own Bread of them that they should suffer Famine to such extremity as to eat their owns Sons and Daughters that he would lay wast their Cities and make their Country desolate and carry them away captive into foreign Countries as you may see at large in that Chapter This was his Covenant with them and this he punctually observed whenever they did obey him they were a happy and prosperous People their Enemies crouched before them they injoyed Plenty and Peace enlarged their Borders and made their Neighbours Subjects and Tributaries to them and tho' God did not always punish them according to their deserts yet he never did inflict any publick or national Judgments on them but when they were grown very corrupt and wicked in their manners as it were easie to shew from the History of those Times and all the remarkable Judgments God inflicted on them Now I must confess when we apply this to the Christian Church the case is very different for God has not so expresly covenanted with the Christian Church for external Peace and Prosperity as he did with the Jews they were the carnal Seed and Posterity of Abraham Heirs of an earthly Canaan and external Prosperity but the spiritual Seed of Abraham are Heirs of spiritual and eternal Blessings which were typified by the carnal Promises made to the Jewish Church the Christian Church was founded in the Sufferings of our Lord the Christian Faith was at first propagated by the courage patience and sufferings of the Apostles and the Primitive Martyrs and Confessors The Terms our Saviour proposes to us are If any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me He that loveth his life shall lose it but he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it And therefore the most sincere Believers and most exemplary Christians may suffer very severely in this World and their support and comfort is that they shall be proportionably rewarded in the next this was the great Objection the Jews made against Christians being the Sons and peculiar People of God that they were hated and persecuted for the Faith of Christ and God suffered them to be so whereas he had promised all Temporal Prosperity to the observance of his Laws and Statutes and if believing in Christ had been the Will and Commandment of God he would certainly have made good all the Promises of their Law to the Disciples of Jesus An Objection which very much troubled many believing Jews themselves who did not thoroughly understand the difference between the Jewish and Christian Dispensation between the Law of Moses and the Gospel of Christ and therefore is particularly answered by St. Paul 8 Rom. and in the 7 Heb. But this shews that their Faith and Worship of Christ is not always rewarded with external Prosperity and we must not expect it should be and consequently that very severe Sufferings and Persecutions may befal Christians not always for the correction and punishment of their Sins but for the trial of their Faith and Patience to make them conformed to their Suffering Head to prepare them for richer and brighter Crowns to convince and convert their Persecutors and to propagate the Christian Faith in the World Though it is observed by some of the Ancient Fathers and particularly by St. Cyprian That God never sent a general Persecution upon the Christian Church but when their Sins the general declension of Piety and Discipline their Worldly Mindedness the formality and coldness of their Devotions called for a Scourge Thus it was with the Church while it sojourned as I may so speak in the world as in a strange land had no place of its own no earthly Power and Authority to support it but lived under Pagan Powers was intermixt with them and oppressed by them when they pleased but the case of a Christian Nation where the Power and Authority is Christian seems very different and to come nearer the state of the Jewish Church for God does not use to inflict Publick Judgments and Calamities upon Nations but for the Punishment of some Publick and National Sins And therefore a Christian Nation which professes the True Faith and Worship of Christ preserves the Reverence of Religion corrects and suppresses Vice may expect to be blessed with all external Prosperity for righteousness exalteth a nation it does so in its natural tendency and effects and it does so by the Blessing of God and therefore when God brings any Publick Judgments upon a Nation professing the true Faith of Christ we have reason to take notice of God's Anger and Displeasure to inquire what is amiss among us what that accursed thing is which hath provoked God to Jealousie and made him take the Rod into his hand We have then reason to humble our selves before God to deprecate his Anger and Displeasure to turn from all the evil of our ways that he may return and be merciful to us But there is one thing worth observing which may be matter of Hope and Comfort to us at
Covenant with Abraham will I remember and I will remember the land Thus in the time of the Judges when God for their sins delivered them into the hands of their Enemies when they cried to God he raised up Saviours for them Nay many times when their repentance was not very sincere nor lasting yet in great goodness and compassion he spared them When he slew them then they sought him and returned and inquired early after God and they remembred that God was their Rock and the high God their Redeemer nevertheless they did flatter him with their mouth and they lied unto him with their tongue for their heart was not right with him neither were they stedfast in his Covenant but he being full of compassion forgave their iniquities and destroyed them not yea many a time turned he his anger away and did not stir up all his wrath for he remembred that they were but flesh a wind that passeth away and cometh not again 78 Psalm 34 c. So that how angry soever God be we have a certain way of appeasing his anger Nothing but sin can provoke a merciful God and a compassionate Father to punish He has a great tenderness for all his Creatures He doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men and therefore he is more easily appeased than he is provoked Judgment is his strange work but he delights in Acts of Mercy and seems pleased with an honourable occasion to shew mercy without exposing his Laws and Government to contempt And therefore Repentance and Reformation will always appease him nay sometimes we see that the very shews and appearance of a publick and solemn Repentance though it be not so sincere and hearty as it ought to be makes him stay his hand and expect our return And this is a great encouragement and a powerful obligation on us to return to God when he strikes to humble our selves under his mighty hand for there is no other way to remove his Judgments and this will do it It is a vain thing to trust in Armies and Navies in the Courage and Conduct of Princes and Generals when our Sins fight against us when God refuses to go forth with our Armies for no King is saved by the multitude of an host a horse is a vain thing for safety neither shall he deliver any by his great strength but the eyes of the Lord are upon them that fear him upon them that hope in his mercies 33 Psal. 16 17 18. Nay the justice and righteousness of our Cause will not always secure us of Success for those who have a very just Cause may deserve to be punished and then God may justly punish them and deliver them into the hands of their Enemies God does not always determine what is Right and Wrong by the events of War for he is the Sovereign Judge of the World and may punish a wicked Nation by unjust Oppressors as he often did the Israelites The Profession of the true Religion will not always secure us when our Sins cry for Vengeance When the Jews cried The temple of the Lord the temple of the Lord the Prophet told them They trusted in lying words for will ye steal and murder and commit adultery and swear falsly and burn incense to Baal and come and stand before me in this house which is called by my name and say We are delivered to do all these abominations 7 Jer. 4 10. To glory in the profession of the true Faith or in a vigorous opposition to the Errors and Corruptions of Religion when we are Atheists or Infidels in our Lives may make God punish us but is no reason on our part why he should save us but true and sincere Repentance will save us We profess the sincere Faith of Christ we fight in a just Cause if it be lawful to defend our selves against the powerful Oppressor of the Protestant that is the true Christian Faith and the Liberties of Europe and we have no reason to fear any thing but our sins Let us but reform our Lives and put away the evil of our doings and our Arms will be as Prosperous as our Cause is Just God will then gird our Princes and soldiers with strength to the battel will teach their hands to war and their fingers to fight 5thly Faith and Prayer are more powerful than Arms as it must necessarily be if God only gives Victory and Success This we learn from the whole History of the Jews the Apostle to the Hebrews gives us a particular account of the Power of Faith 11 Heb. 32 33 34. Of Gideon and Barach and Sampson and Jeptha and David who through faith subdued kingdoms wrought righteousness obtained promises stopped the mouths of lions quenched the violence of fire escaped the edge of the sword out of weakness were made strong waxed valiant in fight turned to flight the armies of the aliens Moses his Prayer was more powerful than Joshua's Arms for when Moses held up his hands Israel prevailed when he let down his hands Amalek prevailed 17 Exod. 11. Hezekiah's Prayer overthrew the Assyrian Army when Rabshekah came against Jerusalem and reproached them with their Trust in God We must not indeed expect such miraculous Victories as God gave to Israel but this makes no difference for the Power of Faith and Prayer is the same still and all Victory is God's still who gives Success as well by invisible Means and seeming Accidents as by the most visible interposal of a miraculous Power For God gave Israel miraculous Deliverances not because he could not save them without a Miracle but because he would make it visible to all the world That he was their Saviour But still God hears our Prayers and answers them he is still the Saviour and Deliverer of all those who trust in him and hope in his Mercy and therefore the only sure way to conquer our Enemies is to prevail with God by our fervent and importunate Prayers for a Blessing upon our Arms to pray in Faith in Hope with an entire dependance on God and a perfect Resignation to his Will Thus Gideon and Barak and David and the Worthies of old subdued Kingdoms waxed valiant in fight and turned to flight the Armies of Aliens and there is no other way that I know of still If God be still the only Giver of Victory Faith and Prayer is still the only way to obtain Victory from God and therefore if we are cold and remiss in our Prayers if we do not pray at at all or expect nothing from our Prayers let us not charge any ill success to ill conduct or cowardize but to our Infidelity and Irreligion and indeed this is the only melancholly Consideration in our present Circumstances if the Courage and Conduct of a Prince if the Bravery and Resolution of Soldiers if a Numerous Army and Navy if an Arm of Flesh could give Victory we have reason to hope well but if God go not forth with our