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A54053 A sober guess concerning several dark prophesies in the Revelation, especially the XI. chapter extracted out of several authors expositors on the Apocalyps / by T.P. Minister of the Gospel. T. P. 1662 (1662) Wing P119; ESTC R22458 86,572 208

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possessing and overthrowing the City to which this Text here seems to allude Luke 21.24 by being trodden by the Gentiles is meant the imitation of Pagan Worship introduced by the Apostacy of Christendome Dr. More so the Church typified by Jerusalem should be possessed and prophaned by Romish Gentiles and their Idolatries the meaning is as Mr. Mede well observes the Antithristian Apostacy which he calls Redivivus Ethuicismus Heathenisme revived shall prevail over the Christian Church and shall bring in a new kind of Idolatry into the places where the true religion was professed or the imitation of Pagan Worship This came to pass after Constuntine and immediately after the death of Theodosius the ●●oths Huns and Alans with other barbarous Nations invade the Roman Empire ruined and destroyed the same on all sides whereby the Church in this sense as the holy City began to be trod under foot and the Antichrist had an occasion given to break forth and shew himself And this treading under foot shall continue 42. months parallel with the time of the Witnesses prophecying in Sackcloth which follows Vers 3. And I will give 〈◊〉 to my 〈◊〉 Witnesses and they 〈◊〉 Prophecy two 〈◊〉 ●●●dred and sixty days 〈◊〉 in sackcloth Here we 〈◊〉 the Concomitant ●●ent attending upon this defiled and deplored estate of the Church the Lords 〈◊〉 Wi●ness●s prophecying all the while in Sackcloth 〈◊〉 continually bewayling and lamenting the 〈◊〉 For we must know that the Apostacy and degeneracy of the Church was never conceived so ill but there were some pure Apostolical Christians ●●it The Apostacy though generall ●ver all tough●● kindreds and Nations yet it was not so universal in all individual persons but them were a remnant according to the election of grace Rev. 11.4 as in the ●●alitish Apostacy the Lord reserved 7000 that had not bowed their knees to Baal so in this antichristian defection the Lamb 〈◊〉 Mount Sion had twelve times twelve thousand that adhered to the Doctrine of the twelve Apostles Rev. 14.1 4 5 And as the Lord had his Saints during all the reign of Antichrist so he raised up his magistrates and his ministers who in 〈◊〉 several successive ages in several phares testified against the Tyranny spiritual whoredomes and Idolatrous worships and deceiving frauds of Antichrist It is true as the generality of the people so the generality of the Magistrates ●uinees and Priests in those times did worship the Beast even all that dwell upon the worth whose names wore not written 〈◊〉 the Lambs Book of Life But in this general defection both of people and of 〈◊〉 guides a ●●●trachers the Lamb had a rem●●●t with him who were called Rev. 17.4 and the 〈◊〉 and faithful even an afflicted poor rem●ent of Pastors as well as of people reserved in the midst of Balysia who during the reign of Antichrist solidwed the Lamb did not defile their garments but preached and prayed and li●●d and died in their constant and cons●●●●● us opposition of the man of Sinle appears not onely from this verse but also from chap. 12. vers 6. that the Church during the whole time of the 〈◊〉 of Antichrist should be in a sad la●●entable and wilderness condition yet margre all the fury of the ten-headed and two horned Beast the Church as preserved safe all that time in the Wilderness she is fed and nourished Forty two moneths See Jus Divinum Ministerii Anglic. p. 35. This woman is not onely kept alive in the Wilderness all the time of Antichrists reign but she is 〈◊〉 and nourished there by Gospel Administrations She is fed by the two Witnesses for the prophecying of the Witnesses is contemporary with the womans flight into the Wildernese even as Elias was nourished in the Wilderness Doctos More makes the two Witnesses to be the two Testaments as well as Magistracy and Ministry Doctor More his Mystery of godliness Book 5. chap. 17. page 207. and kept safe 〈◊〉 the fury and rage of Joz●●●● And as God by good Obadiah preserved a hundred Prophets of the Lord alive all the time of Ahaba bitter opposition against them Even so the Lord had his good Obadiahs some faithful Magistrates to encourage support preserve and nourish the faithful Ministers of Christ though in a wilderness condition all the time of Antichrists prevalency And as the two-horned Beast and ten-horned Beast the Ecclesiastical and Secular power conspired and united together in the general Apostacy which else could not have crept in so against these are opposed as united together the two mourning Witnesses the one sustaining the person of the faithful Magistrate the other of the faithful Minister Now the Text faith I will give power to my two Witnesses These two Witnesses prophecying were not two Individual persons Enoch and Elias as Bellarmin and other Papists affirm But a succession of holy men not in private but in publike station stirred up all that time to testifie the truth of Christ against Antichrist By the two Witnesses in general This noted by their Prophecying in Sackcloth are meant saith Mr. Mede all the Interpreters and Assertors of Divine truth who should by their daily complaints bewail the foul and lamentable pollution of Christs Church And in particular it is conceived by the two Witnesses to be meant say learned Expositors the faithful Teachers and Governours of the Church Clavis Apoc. both Ecclesiastical and Political More especially say the London Ministers in their Jus Divinum Ministerii Anglicani the true Ministers of Jesus Christ who are called Witnesses of Christ Acts 1.8 and whose proper office it is to bear witness to truth and holiness against all Heresies Blasphemies Idolatries and ungodliness of Antichrist To these Witnesses power is given To such I will give power that they may edifie and propagate the Church and preserve the same against all Heresies and hostile attempts Clavis Apocal. i. e. Authority and Commission yea the power of Christ is bestowed upon them by which they are enabled not onely to pray and to mourn but to prophesie not so much by prediction of things future as by preaching the everlasting Gospel It was a mighty power from on high that a few condemned persecuted Ministers should have gifts to be able and power to be couragious to preach against the Son of perdition when all the world wondered after the beast To my two Witnesses Two because very few in comparison of the Ministers of Antichrist who were innumerable and because two Witnesses were sufficient to confirm any truth but cheifly they are called two like their types in allusion to Moses and Aeron in the Wilderness on Elijah and Elisha when the Israelitea● or shipped the Calves and Beal ●● ●orobabel and Joshua in Babylon and 〈◊〉 the return of the Istatitie from raptivity And they shall Prophecy These sackcloth Propheciars were not onely Saints who mounfully bewailed the abominations of those times that the Holy City should be
Nets and Gins and are joyntly executed in a most dreadful manner being both cast alive into a Lake of fire burning with Brimstone Their whole Army put to the Sword and the Fowls invited and filled with their flesh and enriched with their prey This is to be understood of Chricts final victory not onely spiritually but corporally over the beast and false Prophet now vexed and enraged at the iudgement of the Whore and this by some remarkable and dreadful demonstration of his providence In the 20. Cap. is set down the judgement of the Dragon that old Serpent the Devil and Satan that had incited and used as his instruments the whore beast and false Prophet and their followers to oppose and persecute the Lamb and his Saints and the 21. and 22. Chap. containe the Churches happy estate upon her enemies destruction and the glory of the new Jerusalem These things we may see and learn by observing intentively the scope of the boon of the Revelation of Saint John that is the common term and period whereunto all the particular prophesies and passages in the Revelation do joyntly run and wherein they do ultimately determine Now having done with the scope or Intone of the Book I am next according to the method I propounded in the beginning to speak of the Synchronismes Which we must pouder and weigh advisedly in order to the understanding of the Prophecies contained in this book concerning which I will premise four things 1. A Synchronisme of Prophecies is a concurring or meeting together of things foretold in those Prophesies at the same time or which may be said to be contemporaneous or coaetaneous of the same time and age that fall out or come to pass in the same intervals or spaces of time or if I may so phrase it that time together 2. The order of the seals and in them of the Trumpets is certain and indubitable the same certainly which the number assigned to them both doth indigitate or poynt to as it were with the Finger viz. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. The Seals are opened one after another in order in opening of the seventh Seal whereof the Trumpets are sounded one after another successively 3. Therefore the rest of the Prophesies compared first with themselves and then with the Seales by Synchronismes the order of the whole Revelation will be made manifest 4. These Synchronismes are not built upon the Hypothesis or argument drawn from any interpretation not do they lean or stay upon the praejudgement of the event of things but upoon the innate Characters of the visions themselves and are Apodictically or demonstratively true to any that have but a competency of wit and patience to peruse them as these Synchronismes The treading underfoot of the outward court the Witnesses prophecying in sackeloth the Woman in the wilderness the ten horned and two horned Beast the sealed servants of the Lamb the whore of Babylon the succession of the first six Trumpets the chief matters of the Apocalyps being comprehended within these Synchronismes All these are circumscribed within the space of 1200. and 60. days i.e. years 5. The dililent and heedful comparing together of visions that are contemporary will notably and especially help to the more certain defining and determining of the beginning and period of future times foretold in this book and so to the true understanding of the Revelation It being one of the greatest difficulties of the Revelation punctually and certainly to find out the beginnings and periods of the times therein intended Now in laying them down I will follow my former method and without prejudice to any mans judgement I may persue that method which to me seemes most clear and genuine most plain and easie to be understood how-ever the disposing of the Method will not alter the matter The contemporaneousness of these Prophecies or of the visions in these Prophesies stands thus 1. The first six seals appertain to the first Period viz. that time when Rome was heathen the sixt whereof signifies the mighty change of things to the advantage of the Church the Empire becoming Christian The Visions that are synchronal to the time of the six seals Rev. 12. are the fight of Michael and the seven-headed dragon about the childs birth wherewith the woman travailed the measuring the Temple and Altar and them that Worship therein which are Symmetral or commensurable to the Angels measure Rev. 11. Mr. Mede interprets the fight of the seven-headed Dragon and Michael the conflict of the Church of Christ with the Pagan cruelty till Constantine and Theodosius his time which therefore as it is synchronal so it hath great Cognation with the visions of the six seals For the Archer on the white Horse aimes at that effect all the time of that bloody Battel which he hits and reacheth in the completion of the sixth Seal The inward Court of the Temple that is measured signifies the pure Christian Church before it was adulterated by a kind of Christian Paganisme which condition also of the Church hath a plain cognation with other things synchronal as their resolute opposing the Dragon and their being so serious in their Religion that they preferred it before their own lives so that the measure of the Temple and the Altar and the battel of the seven-headed Dragon and Michael are contemporaneous to the six first Seales and one to another 2. The six first Trumpets sounding under the seventh Seal appertain to the second Period when the Empire was turned Christian and Paganized again under Christianity So they appertain to the Churches apostacy and the cruel persecution of the Members of Christ in this Apostacy Now I will shew you these things that are synchronal to the six first Trumpets 1. The unmeasured outward Court of the Temple or holy City given to the Gentiles to be troden under foot Rev. 11.2 42. months 2. The Lords two Witnesses at last to be overcome and killed by the beast after they have finished their testimony prophecying in Sackcloth 1200 and 60. days chap. 11.3 3. The Woman that brought forth the man child and fled from the Dragon into the Wilderness chap. 12.6 and was nourished there 1200 and 60 days or for a time times and half a time 4. The seven-headed and ten-horned beast after the deadly wound of his last head was healed blasphemeth God and his Tabernacle c. 13.5 6 7 and them that dwell in Heaven warreth with and overcomes the Saints 42 months 5. The two horned beast or false Prophet who restoreth the first beast Rev. 13.11 to the end of the chapter and exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him whose deadly wound was healed c. whose number is 666. 6. The Lambs Virgin Company 144000 redeemed from the earth who alone could learn and sing the new song standing with him on Mount Zion the Fear and worship of God is commanded Rev. 14. the ruine of Babel and them
body of this Prophecy now in order to this ponder and weigh advisedly two things First The Scope or Intent of the Book Secondly The Synchronisms or the contemporaneousness of the Prophesies therein how the Visions therein run parallel one with another and what an acurate harmony and sweet consent there is among them in respect of time First Eye and observe intentively the scope of the Book that is the common time and Period whereunto all the particular Prophecies and passages in the Revolation do joyntly run and wherein they do ultimately determine For this is the Pole-st●● and compass we must steer by the chief mark or white which must be aymed and levelled at in interpreting this whole book and all the mysterious visions therein contained Like an accurate Archer therefore keep the eye of thy judgement fixed stedfastly on the Scope that so far as possible thou shoot not wide not short nor over Now the Scope or intent of the Revelation 1. Parts of the book is more generally to make known to the Apostle John and by John to the Churches the present things that then were when the Revelation was given and the future things that should be afterwards from Johns time to the end of the World as the title of the Book intimates Rev. 2. More particularly Jesus Christ intends in this Book to declare the future condition of the Christian Religion and Churches of the Gentiles especially the European Churches the remaines of the Roman Empire and the Tyrannical dominion of Antichrist those singular subject matters of this book extending themselves in Europe peculiarly or as another learned writer expresseth it to the same purpose Christ intends in this book to describe the state of the Church in the New ●●●ament The Arocal vp is a Prophefie of the destruction of the Roman Empire not only as Heathenish but as Christian when as it were it was paganised again and persecuting the Church Mr. Thomas Goodwin in his Sermon before the Parliament 1645. and also the things that shall come to pass in the Roman Empire or the fourth Monarchy under which the Church of God doth subsist and that in divers remarkable Periods of events Now this description comprehends three Periods or three sorts of times The first Period containes the time of the Dragon the time in which the seven Crowns stood upon the seven heads of the Dragon Rev. 12.3 when the Dragon himself under the heathenish Emperors was publiquely adored and worshiped but the Christians banished persecuted and put to cruel death till at last Constantine the great came to the Imperial Seat whereby the raign of the Dragon came to an end for he throws down all both Idol-worship and Princes that upheld it So the Dragon was cast out of the Church Heaven the whole Empire turning Christian though as one well said the Devil did not th●● turn Christian for he stirred up th●●●●rian Christian world to persecute the Orthodox Christians as much as Heathen Rome had done yet notwithstanding the Church prevailed was built up and triumphed until after the death of the good Emperor Theodesins at which time the Devil left his shape of a Dragon and resigned his Host his residence and seat with his great authority unto the beast with ten horns that rose out of the Sea Cap 13.1 2. The second period comprehends the time of Antichrists raign Period 2. or the time in which the Pope of Rome as the Antichrist and enstalled Leiutenant of the Dragon Blasphemeth God and his name and persecutes his Saints for the space of 1200 and 60 days Rev. 13. Which God hath permitted as a scourge to Arrian Rome when the Dragon was overcome and cast out of the Church Heaven he did cast out of his mouth Water as a flood after the Woman Rev. 12.15 i.e. he stirred up the Septentrional Nations to invade the Roman Empire So Brightman Deed. Piscator I unius intending thereby to root out and destroy the Church but the earth swallowed up the flood in regard these Nations embruned the Christian faith Some by the flood understand Heresies especially Arrianism overflowing the Christian world and so interprers the earth to be the multitude of Christians mer in general Councels who defending the true faith overthrew and drank up these heresies as dry ground drinketh up water remaining in the Roman Empire and erected several Kingdomes in it Seeing then the Dragon saw that he could not maintain the Heathenism wherein be was openly worshipped and served he resigneth to the Beast which riseth up out of the Sea Rev. 13.7 and is ridden and governed by the great whore of Babylon Rev. 133. c. that is to the Antichrist who in the time of these wars doth creep out in the Roman Empire his power and his seat and great authority Cap. 13. vers 2. And so makes him his Vicar and Lieutenant by giving over to him his Seat and Residence the City of Rome and the whole Roman Empire whence it came to pass that about the time the Bishops of Rome began to seek to have the primacy and preeminence both in Church and State as Innocentius the first did in the year say some 402. others 406. The Dragon doth resign to his Lieutenant 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Dragons delegate or Inostirute R●● his whole host for in this sence the seventy Interpreters do use this word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as Exod. 14.14 and 15.4 as Mat. 24.29.30 The Host of the Dragon are his Angels or Devils So Mede and the Idols in which the Dragon and the Devils are worshipped and served by the heathen These Idols the Anti-Christian Popedome hath received and worshipped under the name of Saints the Dragon and his Vicegerent as hereof the Text speak's Cap. 13.3 4. The whole earth did wonder at the beast and they worshipped the Dragon that gave power unto the Beast and they worshipped the beast The Dragon doth give also to him great authority and makes him a head over great countries whereof David did prophecy Psa 110.6 The time of his Lieutenantship shall continue forty two Months i.e. one thousand two hundred and sixty years Vpon this follows the third Period which bringeth Statum Ecclesiae tranquillum Period 3. as the pure so the peaceable and quiet estate of the Church upon earth Seeing at the found of the Trumpet of the seventh Angel the seventh plague or the third we do come upon the Roman Empire and at the same time the seventh Viol of Gods wrath is poured out ● wherewith the enemies of the Church are wholly cut off and destroyed yea even the Devil himself shut up in the bottomless pit Rev. 20.1 2 3. therefore there can nothing but a true and constant peace ensue whence it is that the Church of God rejoyceth with great joy with a great voyce saying as Rev. 11.25 The Kingdomes of this World are become the Kingdomes of our Lord and of
his person parallel and maintain This is the Image of the Beast which he causeth men to make and this he effecteth two ways He perswad 's them by signes and wonders that with him they consent to make an Image of the Beast wounded in his sixth head which at length being made at his bidding that wound received in v. 13 14. 2 Thes ● the state of the Dragon is healed and the Dragon Deast seems to be revived Mede 1. By deceiving them with lying wonders and counterfeit miracles 2. By frighting men and terrifying them with formidable Edicts Anathemaes Thunderbolts of Excommunication debarring men even of civil commerce while excommunicated Now it follows vers 15. Vers 4. He had power to give life to the image of the beast that the image of the beast should speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed By which image of the beast is meant not onely as was shewed before that Religion which the first beast viz. the Roman heathenish Empire had and the second beast viz. Ecclesiastical Rome sought to revive vers 14. But also a lively portraiture or representation of that power and authority and soveraignty which the Roman heathenish Empire had Now it is said in this 15. verse Datum est ei dare spiritum c. He had power to give life to the image of the beast i.e. It is given to the false Propher viz. the Pope and his Clergy to give life to the Popish secular power to speak i. e. with power and authority to speak to command and forbid in all Kingdoms as well to command by his Edicts those things that were needful for the defending of his honour and dignity as also to forbid any other Religion but the Religion of the Beast and to punish and that with death all those that would not obey and worship the Beast And indeed all that power that the Image of the Beast viz. the Popish Secular power hath to rage against the Saints is given him by the false Prophet Beast viz. the Pope and his Clergy Hence the Pope and the Papacy affirm that even Kings and Emperors have from them whatever they have So that the German Cesar was not Roman Emperor till he was confirmed by the Pope And an Emperor saith Aretius is but an image of him chosen indeed by the seven Electors of Germany but confirmed by the Pope for if the Pope confirm not the new elect he is no Emperor And the matter is so carried in the exercise of this power against the Saints that whom the Pope and his Clergy do condemn for Herefie as they call it they forthwith deliver them over to the Secular power to be killed as ye may often read in the Book of Martyrs In these three last verses Ver. 16.17 18. I will endeavour to explain some things by shewing what is probable to be the sence and meaning of these four things in these three verses 1. The mark of the Beast 2. The name of the Beast 3. The number of his Name 4. The number of the Beast 666. And that no man might buy resell save he that had the Mark or the Name or the Number of his Name Now these are three distinct badges Bright man Pareus Forbes or characteristical notes of the Beasts Vassals or worshippers I like well Forb's his expression of himself in this point All that follow Antichrist have his Name but in diverse manner 1. Some have the character thereof i e. the name imprinted and are his proper goods as having his burning iron and mark a familiar phrase from the manner of men these are Priests and Jesuites Popish Peers and Prelates 2. Some have his Name yet so as they have not his Mark who have not learned the deepness of Satan nor are Antichrists sworn bondmen these are the common sort of Papists 3. Yet some have but the Number of hie Name i.e. they are so far from being his sworn and marked slaves as they are no otherwise his then so far as they are counted to be so and numbered among his So the Annotators upon the Bible The number of his name i. e. such as are esteemed so to be and numbered among such And a late learned Writer hath further improved this sence His words are these They that have the number of his name are a company of men taking part with Antichrist in a more remore kinde of subjection such as do hold and bring in such doctrines opinions and practices in worship as men shall reckon and account them Papists in heart and affection Such Numerantur Papistae they aim at Popery And though their professions deny it yet their actions and corruptions in Doctrine and Worship shall speak it in all mens consciences especially of all Orthodox and reformed Protestants who cannot but so judge that it is the Pope they fear and worship Further he saith They shall profess the Protestant Religion but in their practices and underhand dealings and polic●es depress it and advance the Popish Religion and party like those Tit. 1.16 They profess they know God but in their works deny him being abominable disobedient c. These are justly to be accounted Papists and have received the number of his name which imports a secret cleaving to Antichrist and to be of his company as truly as they that receive his name for though in profession they go not so far as to take that name or openly to own the Church of Rome yet really they do that which shall cause all men so to reckon them That of the Apostle 2 Tim 3. is a prophesie of this generation of men ominus constituit duos Duces Mosem Aaron totedem Pharo magos orponi illis voluit Calv. on Tim cap. 3. For besides plain Popery which is prophesied of 1 Tim. 4. to arise in the latter days you have in 2 Tim. 3.1 another prophesie of a sort of men that shall arise in the last days Popery is prophesied of to be in the latter days who have a form of godliness and shall be despisers of those that are good Yea he compares them to Jannes and Jambres the cheif of the Egyptian Sorcerers who by their lying miracles did resist Moses yea and Aaron too which is to be understood though not named in the Text as Calvin notes to which two the witnesses are resembled Rev. 11. These saith my learned Author This was written above 20 years ago are the last Champious of the Beast before his fall ergo said to be in the last times who shall proceed so far as to slay the Witnesses in that Kingdom which is the tenth part of the City then this their folly or madness shall appear to all men which being discovered shall be their ruin for they shall priceed no further Amen Now touching the number of the beasts name Vers 18. 666. how hath it puzled and tortured all writers to satisfie themselves about
with it in a learned Writer since I thought good here to put it down and leave it to the judgement of the Reader to choose which Interpreration he likes best pointing no doubt at the Christian Emperor who did-not differ from the Heaven Emperor as a distinct form of Government for they were both Souldiers and chosen by the Souldiers but in the quality of his person the one hating and persecuting the other loving and protecting Christian Religion And when he comes he must continue a short space For the Empire when it came into the hands of the Christians stood but a short time in its strength a matter of seventy or eighty years from about the middle of the reign of Constantine the great for till then he was exercised with mighty Wars against the Heathen Emperors unto the end of the ra●●n of Theod●sius the great from about Anno. 316 or 320. to 395 or 397. It follows in the next verse the beast that was and is not even he is the eighth and is of the seventh viz. The Papel state was in respect of the bulk of the Empire whereof he is a horne And is not i. e. it hath not any present existence in the Apostles times as the seventh head for the time of that is not yet come Even he is the eighth and is of the seventh that is he is the eighth if you make the Christian Emperor one but he is indeed the seventh for there is but seven heads and he is but the seventh distinct form of Government Kings Tribunes Decemvirs Dict●ors Cons●ls Emperors and the seventh Popes Now here lies the Argument It is 〈◊〉 to wards the end of the 1200 end 60. years since the Pope became the head of the Roman Kingdom Ergo the Earthquake that must ruine him and his Kingdom draws near To make this appear we are to know as some have observed there were divers degrees of the fall of that vast body of the Roman Empire one after the death of Julian the Apostate about Anno. 365. For then the barbarous Nations invaded and made huge Havock in the Provinees of the Empire A second was about Anno. 410. when Rome it self was sacke by Alaricus the Goth and the Empire dismembred A third about Anno. 455. when ten Kings were risen up instead of the Empire to which let me interpose one notable one out of a learned writer about Anno. 395. at the death of Theod●si●s the great the barbarous nations had made many attempts before but were from time to time especially by his valour repelled 2 Thes 2.7 The time of Antichrists revealing is when he who letteth is taken out of the way now this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or he that did let the 〈◊〉 pearing of Antichrist is interpreted by Anrient and la●● Writers 〈◊〉 be the Roman Empire not then wholly demolished but divided and weekened it was divided after Theadosius into Eastern and Western 〈…〉 in the East and Arcadius in the Wost now the Western Empire was the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which was taken away by the death of Arcad. us But upon his death they brake in like an huge inundation bore down the Empire before them shivered it in a hondred peices so as it near recovered any more This great mine of the Roman Empire was six years adoing for so great a body as the Empire could not by created means be ruined in a short time And it is very remarkable both because it made so great a change in the Kingdoms of Europe and Affrick planting them almost universally with new nations and names and in special because that storm brought our forefathers into this Land setling here a new Nation and language It is thirdly also observable because in it the sixth Head of the Roman Monarchy the Emperor went off and the seventh the Pope came on onely the question is about which of these times and degrees was the Empires destruction Not so high as Julians death for the Empire stood in good strength after that for thirty years at least nor so low as 455. when it was quite broken and not long after lost its very name but somewhere between viz. either about 406. or 410 years after Christ when Rome it self the head of the Empire was taken Now if the beasts reign began about or between 406 and 410 then the ruining earthquake must needs approach considering how many years are gone of the 1260 years Object The sixth Head of the Empire continued long after the death of Theodosius the Great Answ 1. Not in strength but was still more and more broken unco its dissolution 2. Rome became the the Seat of the Beast by the means of translating the sear of the Empire from Rome to Constantinopl● from whence ensued the parting the Empire into two parts by which division it being weakened and alter also sundred in affection as well as in place was the easier to be entred upon and obtained by the Pope especially after the death of Arcadius Bishop Vsher sum of Christian Religion p. 443. It is not absurd to imagine that the sixt head and the seventh might be in some degree together For first it is but a comparison not like that natural head of which there can be but one atonce more makes a monster and truly this Reast is a monster Besides the Impesial and Papal Head did not so thwart or cross one another at first as afterwards they did so as it might be with them as Logicians say of contrary qualities they may consist together in the same subiect gradibus remissis non intensis they might both of them have their power and not intrench one upon another Popes at first medled in a manner only with the matters of the Church as being desirous to settle their Ecclesiastical authority and the Emperors on the other side almost wholly busied themselves about the Civil State to govern and defend the Empire And yet further which may lessen the absurdity before that you shall have in the Roman Government sometimes as it were two heads at once as Consuls who were for a year and a Dictatator chosen it may be for three months or for six moneths upon some extraordinary exigencies and necessities of State who was for the time supreme as namely in matters of war as the Consuls were supreme for other Civil affairs The Earthquake whereby Antichrists Kingdom is to be ruined approacheth Indice or Evidence 2. appeareth by this second Indice or Evidence Because t is almost 1200 and 60 years since the ten Kings began and the Beast began with them as may appear Rev. 17.12 The ten horns which thou sawest are ten Kings which have received no Kingdom as yet but received power as Kings one hour with the Beast The ten Kings are the many Kingdoms that sprung up out of the ruins of the Empire as the Kigdoms of France Spain c. These are called horns aptly because Antichrist doth with them as the beast doth