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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A46775 A net for the fishers of men and the same which Christ gave to His Apostles Wherein the points controverted betwixt Catholiques and sectaries, are briefly vindicated, by way of dilemma. By two gentlemen late converts. J. C., late convert.; J. M'C, late convert. aut 1686 (1686) Wing J5B; ESTC R221649 17,198 131

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St. John 17.11 Christ prayed that his Disciples should be one and againe 1. Cor. 1.10 I beseech you that you all speak one and the same thing and that there be no Schisms among you but that you be perfect in one sence and in one Judgment if she be why do you deny the necessity of unity 9. Christ when he prayed his prayer took efect or not if not then he in vain prayed that his Disciples should be one if it did then Christ● people is one UNIVERSALITY Demonstrated to be a mark of the True Church 10. TO be Universal or Coexistant with time and place is a mark of the true Church or not 〈◊〉 if not why doth the Scriptures say in St. Ma● 28.20 go ye teaching all Natons c. and behould I am with you even to the Consumation of the World and again Eph. 4.12 13 He gave some Apostles c. to the Consumation of the Sts. if it be why do you reject so evedent a mark of the true Church 11. The Church of God is Universal or Coexistant with all time or not if not why do you deny that of St. John 14.15.16 the Paracleet shall abide with you for ever and again that of St. Lu. 1.33 he Christ shall raign in the house of Jacob for ever and of his Kingdom there shall be no end if it be why do you deny Universality 12. Christs Church is Universal or Coexistant with all place or not if not how can that of the prophet be true their sound went over all the Earth o● how can all Nations be taught if it be why do you deny Universality 13. The Church of Christ is Universal and Catholick or not if not why do you deny the Apostles Creed if it be why do you renounce Universality SANCTITY Demonstrated to be a mark of the true Church 14. THe Church of Christ is eminent for Sanctity of discipline and doctrine or not if not why do you deny the Apostles Creed which says I beleive in the Holy Catholick Church and again that of the Ephe. 5.17 Christ gave himself for his Church cleansing her by the laver of water in the Word that he might present her to himself a Glorious Church not having spot nor wrinkle but that she might be Holy and unspoted if she be why do you deny Sanctity in the Church 15. The Church of Christ is Sanctifyed or not if not why do you contradict St. Pauls words saying 1. Cor. 6.10 these things ye were but ye are washed but ye are Sanctifyed but ye are Justifyed in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God if she be why do you deny Sanctity in the Church 16. The Church of Christ is manifested to be Holy by the Grace of Miracle or not if not why did Christ say in St. Jo. 14.10 he that Beleiveth in me the works that I do he shall do and greater if it be why do you Sacriligiously rob the Church of Sanctity seeing Christ granted her the Grace of Miracle which we prove thus 17. Christ granted true beleivers the grace of casting out Devils and by the imposition of hands to cure the suck or not if not why do you belye the Scriptures Mark 16.17 Those that beleive in me these Signes shall follow them in my Name they shall cast out Devils they shall lay hands on the Sick and they shall be whole If he did you cannot deny the grace of Miracles in the Church 18. Your Church hath the above mentioned Marks or not if not than she is fals if she hath answer to the following Queries 19. Your Church hath been apparent and visible since Christ or not if not then she is false if she has prove your lawful and uninterrupted Succession of Pastors from the time of the Apostles till Mart. Luther and Jo. Calvin 20. Your Church did appear before Luther and Calvin or not if not then she is false if she did in what Kingdom or Nation was your Doctrine preached or by whom 21. Martin Luther and Jo. Calvin was the first founders of your Church or not if not produce any that ever professed the same Articles with you before them if they were then your Church is false 22. Luther and Calvin seperated themselves from the world or not if not who joyned with them or to whom did they adhere if they did then they departed from the visible Christian Religion 23. Your Church hath Unity or not if not then she is not the Church of Christ if she hath why is there so many Schisms and Sects among you 24. All your Reformers did agree in matters of Faith or not if not then your pretended Reformation had no Unity if they did why did they so much differ in most essential Points as we prove thus 25. Luther an● Calvin were true Ref●●●ers or not if not the●● you follow false Ref●●●ers if they were why 〈◊〉 they differ in the most ●●●ntial Point of the hol●●●●crament and agai●● 〈◊〉 the Government 〈◊〉 the Church 26. All your Reformations doth agree of not if not then they are false and void of the essential Point of Unity if they do produce any two that agree in all points 27. Your Church is universal or not if not the ●●●he is not the Catho●●●e Church if she be ●●hew one of your Prea●●ers in Japonia nay or i●●he Kingdom of Spa●●● 28. Your Church hath converted Nations or not if not how can she be universal if she hath shew one Nation that she hath ever converted 29. Your Church hath been universal with all time or not if not then she cannot be the true Churh if she hath with what time hath she been coexistant before Luther and Calvin 30. Your Church hath been Universal in place or not if not then she is not the true Church if she hath in what place or nation did she appear before Luther and Calvin 31. Your Church hath Sanctity or not if not then she is not the holy Catholique Church if she hath shew one of your Sect that ever was Canoniz'd 32. Luther Calvin and the rest of your Reformers confirmed their Doctrine with Miracle or not if not then they were not true Apostles if they did shew one of their Meracles 33. The signs which Christ said in Scripture followed your pretended Reformers or not if not then they were not true Beleivers if they did shew one Man they dispossesed or one sick that they restored to health 34. Your Reformers were famous for their virtuous Lives or not if not then they had not Sanctity if they were why did they break their Vows made to God and teach men so to do 35. The Catholique Roman Church and no other stands firm and infalliable as a Rock against all the tempests of Apostacy Heresy and Schism which we prove thus 36. The Romans had once the true Church or not if not then you deny the words of Scripture Rom. 1.8 First I thank my Lord through
Jesus Christ that your Faith is spoken of throughout the whole World and again ver 7. To all that be in Rome beloved of God called to be Saints grace to you and Peace c if they had they retain the same Faith still infalliably or not if they do then we agree if not then they must have their fall either by Apostacy Heresy or Schism to the contrary 37. The Ancient Apostolick Catholique Roman Church fell by Apostacy or not if not then she is free from Apostacy if she did what prudent Man will say that she ever renounced the sweet Name of Jesu which she ever hath in so great Veneration 38. The Antient Catholique Roman Church fell by Heresy or not if not then she is free from all Heresy if she did by what general Council was she ever condemned which of the Fathers ever wrote against her or by what Authority was she otherwise reproved 39. The Antient Catholique Roman Church fell by Schism and by deviding her self from some other Church or not if not then she is not guilty of Schism if she did whose company did she leave from what body did she go forth where was the true Church she forsook 40. The true holy Apostolique Catholique Church is Falible and can er or not if not why do you falsly condemn her if she be how can that of Scripture be true 1. Tim. 3.15 the House of God which is the Church of the living God is the pillar and firmament of truth 41. The Church of God is Infalible in all her proposals and definitions of Faith or not if not why should a Man be esteemed a heathen and a publican for not hering afals and eronious Church Mat. 11.18 if she be why do you deny Infalibiltiy 42. Christ being the head of the Church and the holy Gost the soul of the Church guiding and directing the Church in all truth she can er or not if not then she is not falible if she can then Jesus Christ and the holy Ghost is her directors into errors Jo. 16.13 43. Christ is a true Prophet or not if not then you are Blasfemers if he be how then can the Gates of Hell prevail against the Church seeing that he prophecy'd in St. Mat. 16.18 the gates of Hell shall not prevaile against her 44. The holy Ghost suggesteth all truth to the Church or not if not why do you deny that of St. Jo. 14.16 he shall teach you all things and suggest unto you all things whatsoever I shall say unto you if he doth then he 'll suggest no errors c. 45. Christ is a wise Man or a fooll if a wise why did he build his house upon the sand and make it subject to the Infernal Tempests if a fool then you are Blasfemers 46. A Congregation of people in dispiseing Christ is guilty of Apostacy or not if not then you deny the true definition of Apostacy if they be how can you clear your selves of Apostacy in dispiseing his Church seeing it is said in Scripture Luke 10.16 he that heareth you heareth me and he that dispiseth you dispiseth me and he that dispiseth me dispiseth him that sent me 47. Your Church is guilty of Heresy or not if she be c. if not how doth the definition of Heresy agree with you in adhereing to so many private and singular Opinions and errors of Faith contrary to the general approved Doctrine of the Catholique Church 48. Your Church is guilty of Schism or not if she be c. if not how then doth the definition of Schism agree with you in dividing your selves from the body of Faithful Christians and in breaking comunion with the Antient Apostolique Catholique Roman Church 49. That Church to which the above mentioned marks doth agree to wit Apostacy Heresy and Schism is a false Church or not if not then you do not esteem Apostacy Heresy and Schism to be marks of a false Church if they be then your Church is false erronious and no Church seeing they so aptly agree with you 50. All that which the Antient Holy Catholique Roman Church holds as articles of Faith is Pious Good and Lawful which we prove thus out of Holy Writ and by common Sence and reason The Pope 's SUPREMACY Vindicated by the most solid Texts of Scripture 51. The Foundation of the Church of God next after Christ was builded on St. Peter or not if not why doth the Scriptures say St. Mat. 16.18 Thou art Peter and upon this Rock will I build my Church if it was why do you deny Peter's Supremacy 52. Christ bid prefer Peter before the other Apostles or not if not why did he say to Peter only Joh. 21.16 17 18. Feed my Lambs feed my Lambs feed my Sheep if he did why do you deny Peter's Supremacy 53. The Apostles were of like Authority or not if not why do you deny Peter's Supremacy if they were why have you Primates Arch-Bishops Bishops and no equal Authority as they had 54. To whom the cheif charge of feeding Christ 's Sheep was given was cheif of the Apostles or not if not why was the cheif charge given to him if he was why do you deny Peter's Supremacy to whom the cheif charge was committed Oral and Apostolical TRADITION Vindicated by the most solid Texts of Scripture 55. ORal and Apostolical Traditions without writen Books was the means of planting and conserving the Christian Religion or not if not how did the Apostles propagate the Faith of Christ without written Books if it was why do you deny Oral and Apostolical Tradition 56. The number of the Canonical Books is mentioned in Scripture or not if not how do you know the Canonical Books but by Oral Tradition if they be in what Book Chapter or Verse doth it appear 57. The Christians of the Primitive Age on pain of Damnation held nothing for Faith but what they received from Christ and his Apostles for such or not if not why do you condemn that of Scripture Gal. 1.8 Although we or an Angel from heauen preach to you besides that which we have preached to you be he Anathema And again 2. Thes 15. Therefore Brethren stand ye fast and hold ye the traditions which ye have learned whether by word or byour Epistle if they did why do you deny Tradition 58. Apostolical Tradition is the Rule by which we may infalliably be assured both what Doctrine Christ and his Apostles taught and what Books they wrote or not if not how otherwise can we be assured if it be Why do you deny Apostolical Tradition The Blessed EUCHARIST Vindicated to be the most Precious Body and Blood of our Saviour by the most sollid Texts of Scripture 59. THat natural Body and Blood which Christ offered for the remission of Sins on the Cross was the same that Christ gave to his Apostles at his last Supper or not if not why do you deny that Scripture of St. Luke 22.19 This is my Body which