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A40453 The dolefull fall of Andrew Sall, a Jesuit of the fourth vow, from the Roman Catholick apostolick faith lamented by his constant frind, with an open rebuking of his imbracing the confession, contained in the XXXIX Articles of the Church of England. French, Nicholas, 1604-1678. 1674 (1674) Wing F2178; ESTC R6915 151,148 496

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that the Doctrine of the life to come and of the last Resurrection are meer fables c. Thus farre hee And all this hee setteth downe resolutly as you see without citing any one Author or Authority in the Text or Margent but only noting these words The Athisme of Popes All which is an impudent lying Accusation and Callumny Calvin in his first Book of Institutions writeth resolutly that in the first Calvin lib. 1. Iustit cap. 11. five hundred years after Christ there were neuer any Images in Christian Churches This is a false Callumnie And Mr. Walsengham in his Search into Matters of Religion found it to be soe in Coccius a Catholick Author who cited the words of 21. wittnesses and some of those Fathers that liu'd in som of those five ages and Mr. Walsengham found all those Citations to be true Lastly Calvin in his fourth book of Institutions and 19. Chapter hath these words against the Catholicks for esteeming as hee saith more Chrisme or holy Oyle in Baptisme then water Praeterita aqua saith hee nullo numero habita unum Oleum in Babtismo magni faciunt That is They letting pass and esteeming nothing at all the water in Baptisme doe only magnify theire Oyle or Chrisme Is not this a strange and bould accusation about Baptisme whereas the Protestants themselves doe know wee hold water essentiall and necessary to Baptisme not soe Oyle and that wee hold the Baptisme of Protestants for good and essentiall though they use noe Oyle yea the Councell of Concil Tred Sess 7. caw 2. 4. Trent hath soe expressly determined the Matter that none shall be rebaptized that are baptized by Protestants How then coms this impudent man to tell the world that wee esteeme more the Oyle then Water in Baptisme Even this manifest Callumnie with others of the same kind takes away all creditt and esteem from Calvin and even for this reason Sall you should not rely upon such an open lyer in the bussiness of your Salvation Of Calvins Life and Conversation AS concerning Calvins incontinent and ill life Hierom Bolseck a Doctor of Physick who lived at the same tyme with Calvin in Geneva and was then of the same Religion published the same and confuted Beza that canonized Calvins Sanctity and Vertues but who would believe a Sodomite Beza praising Calvin another Sodomit Bolsick beginns the life of Calvin with this Protestation I am here for the love of truth to refute Theodore Beza his false and shameless lyes in the praise of Calvin protesting before God and all the holy Court of heaven before all the world and the holy Ghost it selfe that neither anger nor envy nor evill will hath made mee speake or write any one thing against truth and my Conscience You are to observe that Bolseck being scandaliz'd with Calvins life became Catholick Then hee relates how Caluin was borne at Noyon in Picardy anno 1509. and was a Priest and branded for Sodomy with a burning Iron upon the shoulder and therefore retyred from his Country and how this punishment was testiyed by the Citty of Noyon under the hand of a publique sworne Notary to Monsieur Berteliet Secretary to the Councell of Geneva which testimony faith Bolseck is yet extant and I and others have seen it hee then tells us of Calvins incontinency with a gentle woeman of Mongis who stealing from her husband at Lausanna made aboad at Geneva with Calvin hee alsoe speaks of his adulterous attempting at Geneva of the Lady Ioland of Bredrode wife to a sickly noble man called Iames Burgoigne Lord of Fallaise in soe much as shee perswaded her husband to leave Geneva and goe to Lausanna where shee revealed the whole matter Then hee discribes his delicate Diet how his wine was choyce and carryed with him in a silver pott when hee dyn'd a broad that alsoe speciall bread was made for Calvin only and the same made of fyne flower wett in Rose-water mingled in Sugar Sinamon Annaiseeds besides a singular kinde of bisquit and this hee affirmeth as a matter knowne to all Geneva This delicasy of Diet was not prescribed to preserve his health but prepared to foment his lust and lewd Conversation with a Gentlemans wife of Lausanna and others This Calvin impious Calvin after hee had broaken and defaced the Images of Christ and Saints in Geneva caus'd his owne picture to bee set up in severall places and used alsoe to give little pictures and Images of himselfe to Gentle-woemen and Gentlemen to carry about theire necks And when one told him that some thought much of this hee answered Qui non potest hoc ferre rumpatur invidia That is Hee that cannot abide it let him burst with envy O prophane Hipocrit that preferd his owne picture to the Image of Christ Hee attempted the working of a miracle to prove his extraordinary Vocation and Mission to augment his owne creditt and to cheate the world with a fained Miracle you shall see how hee came of It happen'd thus Hee agree'd with a poore man called Bruleus a Tayler to faigne himselfe dead promising him great rewards if hee acted his part handsomly in this Trage-comedy and would bee secret none knew of the plot but Bruleus and his wife who upon the day and hower appointed satt in her house lamenting her husbands death Calvin passing by with agreat number of his frinds as it were by chance and hearing the Lamentation of the poore woeman seemed to pitty her sad Condition and moved forsooth with Charity and Compassion fell downe upon his knees with the rest of his Company praying in a loud voyce and beg'd of God that for the manifestation of his Glory and for the Confirmation of his servant Calvins Doctrin and Mission hee would vouchsafe to revive the dead Carcass which hee took by the hand and bid him rise in the name of the Lord. The wife seeing her husband did not move or rise as hee had promised drew neer and preceiving hee who had beene well but halfe an houre before was now dead lamented in good earnest the loss of her husband reviled Calvin as a murtherer cheate Hypocrit heretick c. And related to the whole Company what had past between them Calvin seeing Bruleus had acted his part more naturally then hee wished retired with hast and confusion to his Lodging This is one of the miracles of Heretick Prophets such as an Arian Heretick did worke when hee made a man blinde that saw well before this made Tertulian say Isti Apostoli de mortuis Tertul. de prescrip suscitabant ipsi Heretici de vivis Mortuos faciunt That is The Apostles rayse the dead to life and the Hereticks make those dye that were living Conradus Schlusselburge a man of Principall estimation in the Protestant Church and noe less learned and as great an Enemy to the Pope as Calvin himselfe giveth this publick Testimony of Calvins fearfull end Deus manu Schlusselburge in Theolog Calvin printed
of a Priest which to requite one curtesy for another made the King connive at his keeping a Woeman and at some of his Opinions though som what contrary to the statute of the six Articles In King Henry the eight's days Cranmer professed to be Catholick and writt a book for the Real Presence In King Edward the sixt days hee professed Protestancy and writt another book against the Real Presence Bishop Bonner produced both those books against him in Iudgment Hee conspired with the Protector Summerset to overthrow K. H. will and testament and afterwards conspired with Dudlay of Northumberland to ruine the Protector hee joyned with Dudlay and the Duke of Suffolk against Queen Mary for the Lady Iane Gray and immediatly after with Arondell Shrewsbury Pembrook Paget ane others against the same Duke finally when hee was condemned in Queen Mary's tyme for treason and Heresie and his Treason being pardoned hopeing the same favour might be extended to his Heresie hee recanted and abjur'd the same but seeing the temporall Lawes reserved noe mercy for relapsed Hereticks who are presumed not to be truly penitent or converted hee was soe exasperated therby that at his death moved more by Passion then Conscience hee renounced the Roman Catholick Religion to which hee had soe lately conformed These were the Godly men who framed the XXXIX Articles of the Religion of the English Church the Liturgie and the book of Sacraments Rites and Ceremonies of the Protestant Church and though it may seem incredible that an Athist a Iew a Contemporiser or meer Pollitian a Presbiterian a riged Lutheran a halfe Lutheran and an Anty Lutheran or Sacramentarian should all make one Religion yet when men doe but dissemble and deliver opinions to please others and profitt themselves and have noe Religion at all they may without difficulty concurr in some generall poynts of Christianity framing negative Articles such as many of the XXXIX Articles are Impugning the particular truthes of Orthodox faith This was the case of the Church of England and men disagreeing in opinions made up one religion such as it was The Fabrick of those Articles being rays'd as was said let any Christian be Iudge whether it be more safe and more rationall to rely in matter of faith upon the Tradition of the whole Catholick Church and ancient Liturgy's and Rites and upon the Testimony of all the holy Fathers and Counsells since the Apostles tymes then to take the bare Word of Cranmer a man of slippery life and Religion Let any Christian man I say bee Iudge whether this man together with Ochinus a Iew Buzer an Athist or at the best a Iew Peter Martir of the Religion the Parlament would have him to be of Hooper and Latimer and Rogers stubborn discontented Presbiterians Bale and Coverdale Lutherans two lew'd and runagate Fryers whether hee that cares for his owne soule should rather believe these wicked impious men in points of Faith and marters of Salvation then all the ancient Fathers and the holy Councells Let us now see after Dudlay and his faction of Protestant Religion and the Citty of London had crowned Iane Gray what became of them and how long they were in the roofe and prosperity Queen Marys courage and resolution and her owne good right Protestancy being not as yet soe deeply rooted at once with those loyall Catholicks that waited on hervertue and fortune quashed Dudlays Rebellion and designe those lewd Apostate Monks and Priests that coyned the XXXIX Articles then vanished away like smoke and brought Dudlay to his distruction hee was put to death for treason and Rebellion Upon the scaffold hee declared that hee had never been a Protestant in his Iudgment and only made use of its principels and Profession for temporall ends as to raise his family and make his Sonne marryed to Lady Gray King c. Hee advertised the people of the new Religions in consistency with peace and quiet that its Clergie were but ungodly men and trumpets of sedition The substance of his speech is set downe by Doctor Heylin a Protestant in Doct. Heil Eccls Restau Queen Mary pag. 19 these-words Hee admonished the Spectators to stand to the Religion of theire Ancesters rejecting that of latter date which had occationed all the misery of the foregoing 30 years and that for prevention for the future if they desired to present theire soules unspotted in the sight of God and were truly affected to theire country they should expell those tempests of sedition the preachers of the reformed Religion that for himselfe what soever had otherwise been pretended hee professed noe other Religion then that of his fathers for testimony wherof hee apealed to his good frind and Ghostly Father the Lord Bishop of Worcester and finally that being blinded with ambition hee had been contented to make wrake of his conscience by temporising for which hee professed himselfe seriously repentant and soe aeknowledged the Iustice of his death A Declaration saith Doctor Heyling very vnseasonable whether true or false as that which rendered him less pittied by the one side and more scorned by the other This is a more politick then pious obseruation of Doctor Heylin would hee not haue men confess theire faults and profess theire faith when they are dying and would hee haue them preferr the vanity of the pitty or scorne of the World when they are to bid the whole World adieu before the Satisfaction and Salvation of the Soule Sall hath there been soe much as one man of your first Doctors and Reformers and of all those that contriu'd the XXXIX Articles hath there been I say soe much as one just man before God walking in all the Commaundements and Iustifications of our Lord without blame one vertuous soule that mortify'd his body and loved Chastity one Priest or Monk amongst them all that was bonus odor Christi Noe but all of them lew'd dissolute infamous Priests and Religious men that broak theire holy vowes Rebells against God and against his annoynted on earth Kings and. Magistrats rayfing tumults and seditions in all the countrys they liu'd in such kinde of men they have been though Iohn Fox a ridiculous man canonized many of them for great Saints of which wee shall treat more at large in the ensuing Chapter They haue beene Cores that have rent the Coat and garment of Christ and made a great Scisme in Gods Church like Ballaaems they have cheated Gods People for gaining Wordly Comodityes and Pleasures like Gains they have murthered millions of innocent Abells with Hereticall Doctrine and pestiferous manners and Conversation You are not ignorant Sall of what Saint Paul writes to Timothy And 2. ad Tim. cap. 3. thus know thou that in the last days shall aproatch perilous tymes And men shall be lovers of themselves covetuous hauty proud blasphemous wicked without affection Incontinent unmercifull traitours stubern puffed up and lovers of voluptuousness more then of God Lay your hand upon your hart
Faith only is sufficient without all Satisfaction and all other works of Pennance Wee have expressly That every man shall be saved according Apoc. cap. 20. to his works You have noe where That men shall be judg'd only according to theire Faith Wee have expressly That it is a holy Cogitation to Prayer for the Dead 2 Mach. cap. 12. Sacrifice for the D●ad 2 Mach. cap. 12. Voluntary Corporall affliction Daniell cap. 10. Almes Tobias cap. 12. Prayer of Saints for those on Earth 2 Mach. cap. 14. pray for the Dead You have noe where It is Superstition or unlawfull to doe the same Wee have an express example Of an holy man that offered Sacrifice for the Dead You have noe example of any good man that ever reprehended it Wee have expressly That the Affliction which Daniell us'd upon his Body was acceptable in the sight of God You have noe where That such voluntary Corporall afflictions are in vaine Wee have expressly That an Angell did present Tobias his good works and Almes-deeds before God You have noe where that Angells cannot or doe not the same Wee read expressly That Ieremias the Prophet after hee was dead pray'd for the People of Israell You have noe where the contrary to this in express Scripture I leave many places more that I might relate but these are enough to prove that express Scriptures are for us and not for you nor can you shew that wee are driven to deny any one book of the byble or to gloss upon plaine places of Scriptures as you are forced to doe I pray you Sall consider well these things for they touch narrowly your new Religion Further-more I dare give you this Challenge that whereas there have been soe many hundred Heresies for the space of one thousand sixhundred and seventy odd years in the Christian Church condemned and Anathematized by her and her Bishops if it can bee shew'd that the Roman Catholicks doe agree or participate in any one point truly and sincerly that was Iudged for an Heresy in old tyme and that the Roman Catholicks doe hold it in that sence and meaning wherin it was condemned that then wee will yield that our Religion is false and our Church noe true Church But on the other side wee Catholicks offer to shew clearly that you Protestants doe hold divers old and evident Heresyes that were condemned openly for Heresyes by the ancient Catholick Church and in the self-same sence and meaning wherin they were condemned as is evident in the Heresyes of Aerius against Fasting days commaunded by the Church and Prayer for the dead as alsoe of the Heretick Vigilantius that denyed Saints to Old heresys held by Protestants be prayd unto and theire Reliques to be honoured of the Heretick Iovinian that compared Matrimony with Virginity and other like for which wee aleage Epiph. Haeres 75. Hier. cont Vigilantium cont Iovin Aug. lib. de Haeresibus Heres 50. defence pag. 15. Doct. Fulke against Bristowes Motius pag. 54. the cleare testimonys of Saint Epiphanius Saint Hierome and Saint Augustin and the matter is soe cleare that Doctor Fulk his words are brought in against Doctor Bristo's motives saying that Epiphanius and Augustin were deceived in recording those for Heresyes which are not And that Ierome rather rayleth then reasoneth and that Vigilantius was a good man and his opinion sound Sall you see Mr. Fulk a grave Doctor in your Church drawne to that extremity in this point that hee is forced to Iudge Epiphanius and Augustin two grave and ancient Doctors and Saints alsoe to have beene deceived and Saint Ierom to have rather railed then reasoned and infine to say that Vigilantius a pestiferious condemned Heretick was a good man and his opinion sound Good Doctor Fulk you sore to high when you dare judge Doctors pillars of Gods Church to haue been deceiued can not wee say to you Fulk Quis te constituit iudicem Upon those eminent Doctors Sall this ought to trouble you in your new Religion that one of the graue Rabbins of your Church hath showd himselfs soe foolish and impious as to preferre Vigillantius a Notorious Heretick's Opinion to the Iudgment of three soe renowned Fathers in a matter concerning faith Speake my Frind●●● speak truth and shame the Devill is not this an intollerable presumption in your Fulk an obscure man not knowne out of the Iland of Brittain Sall I pray put these things together 1. That hee that houldeth any one Heresie can not be saued soe teacheth Scripture A man that is an Heretick after Ad Titum Cap. 3. the first and second Admonition auoyd knowing that hee that is such an one is subverted and sinneth being condemned by his owne Iudgment 2. It is confessed by both parts that only a true Roman Catholick can be saued as was declar'd aboue in pag. 40. 41. 42. and 43. as Doctor King Bishop of London proves out of your owne learned men and writers and cleare it is that hee that holdeth any Heresie cannot be a true Roman Catholick for that the Names and Natures of the things are repugnant and consequently if any Protestant of the English Church doth hold any one confessed Heresie hee cannot bee saued Now the cited Doctors have evidently showne and prou'd The now Church of England holdeth many Heresyes wherfore it cannot be the true Church and consequently those dying in that Church and Religion can not be sau'd Doctor Fulk saying those learned Fathers Epiphanius Augustin and Hierome were deceived and that Vigilantius the Hereticks Opinion was sound is a weak ground to rely upon in the present Doctrin and points of Faith and none but a madd man or in a fury of blinde zeal will give him creditt against those most holy and learned Fathers This is a high and dangerous point Sall you had need look well unto it The third Advertisment A dissention in Fundamentall points and Articles being between Protestants they must hold on another for Hereticks Ergò Sall if he mindes his Salvation will part from that Church IN the true Church the beleevers in all Countrys and places agree in all Articles of Faith as it is in the Roman Catholick Church and as it was in the Tyme of the Apostles as this Text signify's And the multitud of the beleevers Actor Cap. 4. Irinaeus c. 1. l. 1. had one hart and one Soule Saint Irinaeus excellently teacheth this Quam accepit Praedication●m fidem Ecclesia diligenter custodit quasi unam domum inhabitans similiter credit quasi unam animam habens unum co● consonanter haec praedicat docet tradit quasi unum possidens cor That is The Church keeps diligently the Faith and preaching shee received as if the whole Church were dwelling in one House shee likewise beleeveth as if all the beleevers had but one Soule and one hart and shee preacheth and teacheth and delivereth all points of Faith as if all the beleevers had
wheat in his Barnflower out of which Sall like light chaff of pride thou hast flowen away wanting the weight of fortitude in thy faith Look well about you straying lost man and consider what you have done you have fled away from the Camp of Israel to the tents of Philistim you have stayned as much as in you lay the fame and renowne of the Order of the Society of Jesus you are the first of that Order of our Country that ever fell you have defamed your Nation you have poluted the ●and of Saints qua hactenus carebal Monstris But such sliders back and Apostata's as you and latly som others will make our holy I land an Africa you have in this your Apostacy dispised the power of Allmighty God you have belyed his truth you have againe Crucify'd J●sus the Angells you have made angry the Saints you have dishonoured and men you have offended and scandalized Dic crgo mihi jam Sall hominum miserri me si non feceris scelera multa in domo Dei But whither glorying and boasting in that which is your shame your Apostacy soe runs the rumor of you whither will you turne your face where will you hide your selfe from the wrath of God where can you finde an azile of safty who will defend you who will take your part in the day of Extremity you are become for which my hart is much grived lud●brium fabula in g●ntibus Doe not say my words are bitter it is your great sinn against heaven makes mee bitter and to quarrell with you for my custome hath beene all my life pacem habere cum hominibus cum vitiis bellum I follow S. Augustins Rule Diligere homines interficere errores naturam amar● culpam odio habere quia ea faedatur natura quam homines amamus Soe that my Anger against you at present is piety and shall pray to be soe understood in this whole tract or confutation of your flight from the Catholick side for how can I be longer a frind to him that is becom a declared Enemy to God and his Angells by a publick Abjuration of holy faith In the first place the manner of of abjuring your Religion under the Tytle of a Recantion c. is vile and infamous could not you have performed this ungodly bussiness in that Arch-Bishops Chamber a work of darkness should have been Smoothered in silence and darkness noe but you must have used a solemnity in facie Ecclesiae Protestantic● ro have many wittnesses of your Ignominys would any man become bankroote a great infamy to a Marchant Publish his minde to the world If an incontinent woeman should put out in the Market-place a Declaration that shee was to make sale of her body soule and honour would not all of that sex cry upon her a shame upon the strumpet cauté si non casté This much to the Tytle of what Sall hath done now to what was done the Uggly Abjuration wherof much is to be said and spoken 1. What drew Sall out of Gods House 2. What guid led him the way 3. Having forsaken the Catholick Religion what Religion is hee become of 4. Who are the Doctors hee hath parted with and who they hee hath now embraced 5. What Company hath hee forsaken and who are they hee sticks unto 6. A discussion upon some principall parts of the Recantation 7. Certaine advertisments to said Sall. 8. The Authors harty Exhortation unto him for his speedy returning to his Mother the Roman Catholick Apostolick Church Those poynts I will handle as briefly as the Importance Of the matter will require and shall indevour by Gods blessing to give the pious and indifferent Reader all rationall satisfaction II. CHAPTFR TO the first query What drew Sall Ad primum out of Gods House Hee answers for himselfe that hee determined this change on a serious examen and ponderation hee had made upon the XXXIX Articles of the Confession of the Church of England for the safty hee found in them for salvation heare himselfe speak in his Recantation After ernest prayer saith hee to God for the assistance of his Devine light in soe weighty a matter I pen'd downe for better consideration the reasons I did heare read and conceive against the Romish tenets controverted I did alsoe carfully peruse and seriously reflect upon the XXXIX Articles Canons and Lithurgie of the Church of England to be safer for my salvation then that of the Roman Church You see gentle Reader this man pretended feare of his salvation if hee remained in the Catholick Communion and past to that of the Protestant Religion for the Devine Doctrine and satisfaction hee found as hee says in the XXXIX Articles of the English Confession Truly Sall I took you for a better Devine then to have changed soe rashly and unlearnedly the party you professed formerly to be of for any light truth or sanctity could be found in said XXXIX Articles I meane those of them different from the Catholck Religion One of these Articles vigesimus secundus Cui titulus est de Purgatorio runns thus Romana Doctrina de Purgatorio Indulgentiis Veneratione Adora●ione taem Imaginum quam Reliquiarum ut de invocatione Sanctorum est absurda inaniter inventa nec ulla Scripturae authoritate nititur sed potius Dei verb● repugnat That is to say The Roman Doctrine of Purgatory Indulgences Veneration and Adoration as well of Images as of Reliques as alsoe of the Invocation of Saints is absurd and vainly invented nor is it grounded upon any Authority of Scripture but is rather repugnant to the Word of God Sall this is a false prophane hereticall Article of thy new Chosen faith Wheras the Worship of Images and Relicks wee Catholicks doe Worship but not adore Images and Reliques The Doctrin of Purgatory Indulgences and the Invocation of Saints is warranted by Scripture and Apostolicall Tradition and hath beene from age to age from the very tyme of the Apostles maintained taught and defended by ancient Fathers and Doctors Nominatim the foure most famous of the Church Gregory Ambros Augustin and Jerom as alsoe by the generall Councells and the continual practice and use of the holy Church and those who opposed themselves to those tenets and to the Doctrin derived touching them have beene condemned in all tymes as Hereticks Ergo this Article you Imbrace for a Theoreme and principle of faith for soe it is in the English Church is an heresy and you an heretick and soe I must esteem you to be If it were my purpose to sift and examine one by one such of these XXXIX Articles as ars different from the Catholick Doctrine I should not be in great trouble to prove them to be what indeed they are false and hereticall but that is done to my hand by a pious learned person bred in the Protestant Religion and for a long tyme a zealous defender of said XXXIX Articles
faith To vanquish a coward that makes noe resistance is but a smale Glory and Victory for a Champion the tentation that mastered you was like to such a Champion Illa tentatio vicit te non quia non potuit ipsa vinci repelli sed quia tu qui victus es nullarum virium fuisti That tentation mastered you not because the tentation was strong and could not be vanquished but because you that was vanquished was of noe force or resolution Tertulian speaks much to the same purpose in those tearms Hereses de quorundam infirmitatibus habent quod valeant non valentes si bene valentes fidem incurrant That is to say Hereses take theire force from the weakeness of some but would have noe force if they encountred men strong in faith You have beene indeed cast downe because you would not stand and fight for I dare affirme there are hundreds of simple honest lay-men Catholicks borne in Ireland would have rather suffered torments and death it selfe then abjure theire faith as you have don for that they would have made good use of the Grace God hath given them as you have not done but like a languishing man hast yielded to that black temptation over which they would have tryumphed It was exellently said of the formentioned Tertulians Nemo saepiens est nisi fidelis nemo major nisi Christianus nemo Christianus nisi qui usque ad finem perseveraverit Behold this Sage Father holds noe man wise but a man strong in his faiih noe man great or noble but a Christian noe man a Christian but hee that continues stout and faithfull to God in Combatts and temtations and more especialy when the storme of persecution rises upon this tryall you fainted and forsooke your Master and your Religion and now of what Religion I beseech you are you I am say you a Protestant a true Child of the Church of England but of what Sect or kind of Protestants are you is a new Queere for under this Notion of Protestant pass Lutherans Calvinist Moderat and Rigid Swinglians Anabaptists Phanaticts or the last Sect which calls themselves Quakers Shall I speak my mind to you having gone out of the Roman Catholick Church and quit the faith therin professed all along from the Apostles tymes till this day you are of noe Religion for all the rest is but Paganisme Judaysme and Heresy This assertion is evident out of the great Doctor of Nations in his Epistle to the Ephesians where hee says plainely Vnus Dominus una Fidos unum Baptisma Ad Ephes cap. 4. One Lord one Faith one Baptisme Ergo there are not two faithes to be sau'd in but one only and that the Roman Catholick Faith that noe man can be sau'd without this sole only faith Saint Paul teacheth clearely in his Epistle to the Hebrewes as thus Sine fide autem imposibele est placere Deo the words following give evidently the reason Credere enim eportet accedentem ad Deum Epist ad Hebr. cap. 11. quia est inquirentibus se remunerator sit But without faith it is imposible to please God for hee that cometh to God must believe that hee is and is a rewarder to them that seek him That the Roman Catholick Faith is that only true faith wherin men are to be saued is evidently confirmed for that it is taught and defended only in the Roman Catholick Church which hath the true signes and propertys of a true Church for that shee is one only and can not be many that shee is visible and visibly dispersed over the whole world and therfore Catholick and Universall that shee is infallible and can not be deceived nor deceive depending in her Doctrin upon the infallible Revelation of God being assisted with Christ's promise of the perpetuall presence of the Holy Ghost with her and consequently can neuer faile or fall into error that shee containeth not only the good or the elect in this life but alsoe divers wicked members as the barne doth both wheat and chaff that likewise shee hath continued perpetually visible from Christ to our days by manifest Successions of Popes and Bishops knowne to the world and shall soe to the end that there is noe hope of salvation out of this Church and without this Faith though aman live otherwise neuer soe well or give neuer soe much Almes or give even his blood or suffer neuer soe much for Christ his name Wee know there are some that say and hold that Catholicks and Protestants can be sau'd each in his owne Religion But that is a desperate Opinion and the refuge of a very Carless Conscience if not voyd of all faith Noe Catholick is of this mind they are only Protestants that say soe for wee Catholicks hold with the Fathers of the Church that salvation is only as before was said to be found in the Catholick Church among others Sainct Irenaeus and Tertulian neare the Apostles tyme and after them Epiphanius Theodoret and Saint Augustin doe specially treat of this matter The reason is evident in as much as Catholicks and Protestants doe disagree in substantiall Articles and Theorems of Christian faith theire disagreements being knowne to be in above a hundred points great and small partly about the God-head of Christ his Church head members and Authority therof in his descent to hell remission of sinns all which are Articles of the common Creed partly about the Sacraments both of theire nature number force and efficacy about the Real Presence the effect of Baptisme externall Sacrifices Purgatory and the Invocation of Saints praying for the dead faith and workes manner of Justification and the like All which are knowne to be very substantiall points It is therfore very absurd and plainly tending to a secret kinde of Athisme to uphold the Catholick and Protestant Religion doe not differ in substantiall points and the differrence being supposed as it must be it is an Heresy to hould the Catholicks and Protestants may be sau'd each in his owne Religion and Profession but Catholicks can be sau'd in theirs which can not be said of the Protestant and his for being out of the Arke Debet perire as Saint Jerom says regnante deluvio Consider therfor Sall having departed out of the Catholick Church what Eternity you may wait for an Eternity of Flames darkness and inconsolable lamentation Vbi ignis Sulphur spiritus procellarum pars calicis eorum this shall be your inheritance I must confess learned men unless careless are not soe easily intrapped by Hereticks for all this I see with all your Mastership of Philosophy and Divinity in Spaigne you haue bine deluded and circumvented by the Protestant Arch-Bishop of Cashel who likly is not an unlearned man hee hath not been carless in working your eternall ruine and undoeing and it is usually the principall care of Hereticks to pervert true believers as Tertulian doth excellently teach Studium est saith hee Heriticis
Tert. d● praeser cap. 42. sua variare nostra subvertere de verbi autem administratione quid dicam cum hodie sit negotium illis non Ethnices convertendi sed nostros evertendi hanc magis gloriam captant si stantibus ruinam non si jacentibus Elevationem operentur quoniam ipsum opus eorum non de suo proprio edeficio venit sed de veritatis destructione nostra suffodiunt ut sua edificent This Arch-Bishop hath throwen you that stood before in true faith and the way of Salvation hee hath done just according to what Tertulian tells you Quod non sit negotium Hereticis Ethnicos convertends That it is not the bussiness of Hereticks to convert Ethnicks which is most true and for the better satisfying you therin inquire I beseech you of said Arch-Bishop if any of the English Protestants Divines since the Subscribing and Establishment of the XXXIX Articles in that Kingdome did ever pass into Japonia or to any other Province or part of the Indies to give and spread the light of the Ghospell of which they boast soe much themselves to be the true and only expounders and Preachers to convert Heathens and Idolaters you shall not I think finde one But of the French Nation two of the Geneva Minions and Ministers navigated into the French quarters possessed by them in the Indies but lived soe incontinently and lewdly and soe disagreed among themselves in theire principles that one of them was forced to write to Beza of theire fruitless progress in those parts who answered him it was not Gods pleasure the word of God should be Evangelized by them to those blinded Idolaters and soe pray'd them to returne from their Mission and leave that worke to the Iesuits whome hee calleth Locusts Beza's owne words are Neque vere nobis hic Beza dediversiis Ministrorum gradibus printed Londini CI● 10 XCIIII cap. 19. pag. 309. curiose inquirendum puto num ad omnes gentes pervenerint Apostoli nec etiam magnopere nobis de legatione ad remotissimas aliquas gentes laborandum quam nobis domi in propinquo sit satis superque quod nos Posteros exerceat has igitur potius tam longinquas peregrinationes Lucustis illis c. Iesus Nomen ementientibus relinquamus c. Neither are wee I think to inquire very ceriously whether the Apostles came to all Nations nor are wee to take great care of any Mission to every remote Nations seeing wee have at home and neare at hand that may exercise us and those that may come after us therfore let us leave those forraigne preregrinations to those Locustes that falsely beare the Name of Iesus c. Sall you may see how much Beza differed from the Apostolick zeale and Spiritt in his uncharitable and profane disclayme in all care of converting Heathen Nations to the Faith of Christ leaving that professedly to the Iesuits This Resolution in him Dr. Saravia a learned Calvinist condemn's for unchristian in these words Responsionem hujusmodi a Domino Beza non expectabam nec a quoquam Theologo cui Ena●gelii Predicatio cordi sit ut esse debet c adserere judico impium ab omni Christiana Charitate alienum That is I did not expect an answer of this nature from Mr. Beza nor from any Devine that takes to hart the preaching of the Ghospell as hee should have c. And I Iudge it Impious and farre from Christian Charity to be of that Opinion Saravia means Beza's Opinion But of Catholick Devines and Missioners rightly ordered and sent by the Church of Rome very many have gone into America and other Provinces and Countrys to denounce the word of God and many of them have made great Conversions for example did not Saint Francis Xaverius the most glorious starr of the Society of Iesus convert soe many thousand thousands of soules in I●ponia and wherever hee came and therfore justly deserved the glorious Tytle and Name of Apostle of the Indies are you not confounded in your soule when I name Saint Xaverious the true Spirituall Father in Christ by the Ghospell of soe many thousand thousands of Pagans not such a Father in Christ as the Protestant Arch-Bishop of Cashell whome to your eternall infamy you call your Father in Christ by the Ghospell While you desert the Catholick Religion hee professed as alsoe the order of which both hee and you somtymes have been members this Saint did not hold for safe Articles of Salvation your XXXIX Ariicles hee did not reject the Doctrin of Purgatory and Indulgences and the Worship of Images and Relicks prayers to Saints and for the dead and the like as you have shamefully to your eternall perdition done hee would have dy'd for maintaining these Articles of Faith will you in the meane tyme dare say Xav●rius is not a Saint and Citizen of the triumphant Ierusalem if you deny hee is a Saint his Vertue and Miracles gives you the Lye and if you venerate him for a Saint as I think in your hart you doe you must grant hee dyed in a true sauing Faith without which hee could not be a Saint what Faith the Roman Catholick Apostolick and therfore in the Roman Catholick Church hee is a Canonized Saint Now granting him to be a Saint Sall consider well if you have don wisely in forsaking the faith Xaverius a great Servant of God professed Now Sall if you will be pleased to take a little paines in running over Doctor King Bishop of Londons Legacy or motius in Changing the Protestant Religion and becoming Catholick you will confess your selfe to have committed a great and unexcusable folly in your Choice and Change in Religion the rather that said Doctor King makes evident that your chiefest Doctors Luther and Calvin were Patrons of Arianisme which hee proves thus Is it not Vidi Enchirid precum Ann● 1541. confessed that Luther was soe adverss to the blessed Trinity that hee would not brook this vers to stand in the Latanys holy Trinity one God have mercy upon us affirming the word Trinity to be a human Invention and to sound coldly and hence it is that Luther in these ensuing words disgorgeth forth his poyson against the most sacred Trinity Anima mea odit OMOUSION optime exigerunt Ariani ne vocem illam prophanam novam regulis fidei statui liceret That is My soule even bated the word Homousion or consubstantialis and the Arians justly urged that this prophane and new word should not be inserted within the rules or principles of our Faith Now to Calvin wee doe finde said Doctor King Calvin to tread the stepps of Luther in disalowing that former prayer Holy Trinity one God have mercy upon us For thus Calvin writeth Precatio sanctae Trinitas unus Deus miserere nostri mihi non In Epist 2. ad Polonus de Trinitate pag. 700. placet ac omnino Barbariem sapit That is that prayer holy Trinity
one God have mercy upòn us pleaseth mee not for it wholy taste●h of Barbarisme Said Doctor King further teacheth in these motives that foule dèceipts and sleights and falcifications are practised by Protestant writers that your XXXIX Articles of Protestancy are Heresyes that true Miracles have beene wrought for proof of the Catholick Religion but neuer any for Protestancy that there is unity in Catholick Religion and disagreements in Protestancy that the Doctrin of Catholick Religion tends directly to Vertue of Protestancy to vice and liberty When you shall attentively read this learned mans motius why and wherfore hee quitted the Protestant Religion and became Catholick you must hold your selfe for a madd man for having forsaken the Catholick Religion to become Protestant The last motive the 12. which is most to be considered of all in order to safty is that Salvation may be had in the Catholick Religion even by the Confessions of Protestant Devines and Writers and likely some of them have signed the XXXIX Articles whence hee Derives an undeniable Consequence that the Catholick Religion is the safest hee discourseth to this purpose both the sides and the learnedest of both the sides Confess and agree salvation can be obtained in the Roman Catholick Faith that same faith which hath beene professed and maintaned by Popes Catholick Bishops and Catholick Congregations directed and governed by them in Spiritualibus in Confirmation of which the Catholick Saints in our Littanys are acknowledg'd for Saints by the Protestants but all the Catholick side hould that Protestants cannot be saued in theire Religion the Religion of the XXXIX Articles Ergo saith Doctor King it is Wisdome and the safest way to Imbrace the Catholick Religion acknowledged by both sides for the safest to Salvation I will conclude this discourse in giving you Doctor Kings owne words upon this subject with which hee coucludes his book of motives excellent perswading words But heere doe present unto us saith Doctor King two Porismata or resultancyes out of the premisses of this passage The first that all true reason perswadeth The 12 Motive pag. 165. 166. 167. me to implant and ingraft my selfe in that Church which I finde to be ackowledged for the true Church promising salvation t● her members even by her adversarys For if I dye Catholick my life being agreeable thereto both Catholicks and Protestants warrants my S●lvation but dying in the Faith of Protestancy the Protestants alone and this in honour of theire owne Religion assure mee of it for there is neuer a learned Catholick wryter in the world an observation much to be weighed who granteth that a Protestant dying with a positive setled and coutumacious neglect of the Catholick Church and Faith can be saved This then being ●hus shall I in soe great a bussiness leave a certainty for an uncertainty God forbid Wee Protestants expeot to be believed in other our positions and Doctrins why not then in this Since then the Protestants doe teach that Catholicks soe dying are in state of Salvation I am resolued my Brethrens wrytings shall have that powerfull Influence over mee as what themselves doe heerin teach I will through Gods Grace put in Execution And soe my will shall become in this point a ready and seruiceable handmayd to theire Iudgments The second The wrong which wee Protestants commit in afflicting the Catholicks and in unnaturally be●rampling upon theire dejected estates only for matters of Religion Alas by our owne Doctrin they are neither Babylonians nor Aegyptians both they and wee being as wee teach Israelits why then should Israel thus persecute Israell Are wee not become the gaze of Christendome thus to fight without an Enemy thus for Kindred to wound its owne Kindred yea often the Father the Sonne soe turning our owne Swordes into our owne Childrens breasts wee still inciting his Majesty to greater severity a Prince of his owne Disposition of the most benigne mercifull and commiserating nature that the world at this day enjoys and all this for the Catholicks living in that Faith and Religion in which our selves teach they may be saved thus doe wee make the confessed hope of theire Salvation● to be the sole cause of theire pressures and callamityes Good God! who would think that Christians the chiefest Articles of whose Faith are either reputed but as indifferencyes or which is more believed for true Doctrin by theire oppressours whose Church is acknowledged to be the d D. Morton ubi supra Church of God houlding the foundation of the Ghospell the e M. Hooker ubi supra family of Iesus Christ it being noe severall f M. Bunni ubi supra Church from theirs nor theirs from it houlding g D. Field ubi supra a saving Profession of the truth in Christ in which many h D. Covell with theother doctors ubi supra dying are by their adversaries registred for most glorious Saints Should neuer the less bee persecuted by either Christians of their owne Country yea their owne flesh for theire only persevering in the a foresaid Church with Confisca●ion of goods restraint of body some●ymes with sheeding of most inno●ent blood and suffering a cruell death Obstupecite e coeli super hoc portae ●jus desolamini vehementer Heere now I will stay my penne making this last motive as a fitting Catastrophe for all Since that Closure i Hierem cap. 2. and end is warrantable enough which evicteth from the ingenious Confessions of the most learned Protestants that I may be saved in that Religion wherein I am resolued to dye I think Sall you can not meet with a stronger argument then Doctor Kings unanswerable discourse for bringing you backagaine to your Mother the Catholick Church V. CHAPTER TO the fourth Quere Who are Ad quartum the Doctors Sall parted from and who those new ones hee imbraced It is easily answered hee hath quitt the four great Doctors of Gods Church holy Saints Gregory Ambrosse Augustin and Ierome and all the ancient Fathers and Catholick Doctors how famous these foure Doctors were for great Sanctity Learning and Authority is sufficiently knowne over all the world They have beene the Lights Pillars Champions and Ornaments of the Church profound in humility flaming with Charity Conspicuous in their Conversation sublime in their Comtemplation zealous in converting Souls and defending the House of God they have beene such as Saint Paule desires Gods Servants to bee Abnegantes impietatem secularia desideria Ad Titum cap. 2. sobrié justé pié viventet in hoc seculo expectantes beatam spem adventum Gloriae magni Dei salvatoris nostri Jesu Christs Cum quo jam triumphant in Caelo That is denying Impiety and wordly desires living soberly justly and Godly in this world expecting the blessed hope of the great God and our saviour Iesus Christ with whome they now tryumph in heaven What more glorious then Gregory and what more humble then hee set on the
1594. lib. 2. fol. 72. sua potenti adeo hunt Haereticum percussit ut desperata salute demonibus invocatis jurans execrans blasphemans miserrimè animam malignam exhalarit obiit autem Calvinus morbo pediculari vermibus circa pudenda in apostemate seu ulcere faetentissimo crescentibus ita ut nullus assistentium faetorem amplius ferre posset That is God in the rod of his fury visiting Calvin did horribly punish him before the houre of his death for hee so stroke this Heretick so hee term●d him in regard of his Doctrin concerning the Sacrament and of God being the Author of sin with his mighty Hand that being in dispaire and calling upon the Devill hee gave up his wicked soule swearing cursing and blaspheming hee dyed of the disease of lyce and worms a kinde of death wher with God often stryketh the wicked as Antiochus Herod c. increasing in a most loathsom ulcer a bout his privy parts soe as none present could endure the stench the same Author saith Scio lego Bezam aliter de vita moribus obitu Calvini scribere cum vero Beza eadem Haeresi eodem fermè peccato nobilitatus sit ut historia de Candida ejus meretricula testatur nemo ipsi in hac parte fidem habere potest I know and read Beza to write otherwise of Calvins life manners and death but Beza being infected with the same Heresie hee means the denyall of the real presence in the Sacrament and being accused of the same sin as the History of Candida his little whore makes good noe man can give credit to Beza writing Calvins life A sodomite as wee have said a bove will not condemne a nother sodomite Finally I give you heer Iohannes Haerennius words a protestant writer who being himselfe an ernest Caelvanist and at Geneva when Calvin dyed testifyeth Calvins filthy dispairing death himselfe having bin present and an eye wittness therof Whose words are as followeth Calvinus in disperatione finiens Ioannes Herenius in libello de vita Calvini vitam obyt turpissimo fetidissimo morbo quem Deus rebellibus maledictis comminatus est prius excruciatus consumptus quod ego verissime attestari audeo qui funestum tragicum illius exitum his meis oculis presens aspexi That is Calvin ending his life in disperation dyed of a most filthy and loathsum disease which God doth use to inflict on Rebells and acurssed sinners being before tormented and consumed away which I can truly attest having been present and seen with myne eyes his tragicall and curssed end Tell mee Sall after this horrible end of Calvin a pillar of the English Church and your highest esteemed Doctor whose institutions are your golden Rules what Angells have hurried him out of this world to the tribunall of the Sonne of God and to what Eternity have they carryed him of Glory or Confusion Certainly such a despairing end of his life can be noe other then the beginning of an Eternity of Flames and Torments XII CHAPTER Of Beza's Doctrin and Conversation THe aforesaid Hierom Bolseck writt alsoe the life of this filthy Beza and what ennormious villanies hee committed First hee rann away with a Taylors wife in Callendors-street in Paris and shee then stole away her husbands goods hee sould a way a Priory hee had to one for redy monyes and hee had farmed it to another for 5. years for mony before hand after his running away these two fell to a publick sute which lyes upon record in the Court of Paris Hee was accused for getting his mayd Claudia with Child in Geneva and then faining himselfe and his mayd to be sick of the plague hee procured they should be lodged in two Chambers of Petrus Virettus in another Garden to conceal the sin hee had Claudia bled and strongly purged soe as shee was delivered of a dead Child which they buried in the Garden the Barber that blooded Claudia confessed all this to Doctor Bolseck upon oath What doth Beza to cover the foule matter hee composes a Hymne of certaine spirituall songs of the great paines hee suffered by vehemence of the plague and printed them at Geneva Sall is not this a holy man fitt to reforme the Church of God and to Sanctify the World O abhominable Imposter that covered black sinns with spirituall Hymnes Bolseck in publishing Beza's life anno 1582. doth object against him many great and haynous Imputations setting downe in particular with speciall naming of tymes places and persons and cleare circumstances Beza printed seditious Books for stirring up and fomenting civill warrs in France wherof one was intitled the French Fury another the truth another the watch another the waking Bell hee writt a most pestellent Book intitled De Iure Magistra tuum in subditos A thing soe perfidious as Mr. Suttlife saith The Doctrine Suttl in his ans to a Libel suplicatory pa. 75. and pa. 92. Banc. in his Serray of holy pretended discipline printed 1593. Cap. 3. pag 45. and in his book of dangerous positions pa. 21. therof doth wholy tend unto trouble and rebellion doth arme the subjects against the Prince and overthroweth in effect all the Authority of Christian Kings and Magistrates Likewise Bancroft Protestant Arch-Bishop of Canterbury delivers the same opinion of that dangerous Hereticall Book Who will be pleased to consider the principels and Aphorismes of Zwing●ius Calvin and Beza the tribunes of the furious People Boute-feux and Ring-leaders of Rebellion it shall appeare clearly ex effectis that Geneva is the School of Rebellion and the Semenary of all the civill warrs in France and if you will call to minde both theire beginnings theire proceedings and theire continuance till this tyme in the Kingdome of France In all these three things are specially to be observed 1. Theire many Conspiracyes 2. Theire many and great Batles against the King and his Officers 3. And the horrible outrages and attempts both incomparable for crueltie and incredible for disloyalty To say noe more of these things let it serve turne to informe you of the open and actuall Rebellion of these new Saints who sought by the sword in theire hands to compell the King to pacification Remember first that furious and memorable Battle upon the plaine of Dreux the Batle of Saint Dennis the Battle of Ianac the Battle of Coutras the Battle of Moncontour and the besieging of Roan where the King of Navare lost his life At Saint Dennis the Constable was slaine and at tarnat the Prince of Conde and at Coutras the noble Duke Ioyeuse ended his days The fields of France were stayned with noble French blood and a curssed Beza was the greatest instigator of all men living in those Battles and seditions against his King Charles the ninth who was bound to defend the Catholick Religion prescrib'd in France and professed for aboue 1300. years against all Heresiarks and impious men that would chase out that Religion and bring
to see or discerne though all the world knew him to be Summersets competitor This crafty man though hee had bin allways a Roman Catholick in his Iudgment yet as many polititians use to doe hee dissembled his belief and soothed the Protectors inclination to the Protestant Reformation and made account those new men for Propagation and Preseruation of theire new Ghospell and Do●trin would fix upon himselfe for theire chief Patrone and Director and take with him whome hee would appoint for Soueraigne of the Land and to this purpose hee much humored their madness and zeal while they were intoxicating the people with the liberty and pleasure of the new Religion Dudlay being all in all with the Protector and having gotten the power of the Militia into his owne hand hee began to settle a new Religion in England upon the score of a refined Reformation and to unsettle the goverment and ancient faith and in doeing all this hee gave the world to understand the Protector did all and therby made him soe odious that none could indure to heare his name or to live under his goverment This wicked Earle compassed what hee went about to his owne desire his impious drift was to make his Sonne King who was marryed to my Lady Iane Gray of the Blood-Royall and a Protestant Infine hee contrived the Protectors distruction and had him put to death the young King to be poysoned the Princes Mary afterwards Queen to be excluded and the Lady Iane Gray to be Crowned Queen of England For preparing the way to all those sadd things this cruell impious man by force of the Army which was in his hands against his owne Conscience in the first Parlament and yeare of King Edwards Raigne obtained in favour of Protestancy and these new men an act of indemnity for the new Preachers and Hereticks from pennaltyes inacted by the ancient Lawes of the Land against marryed Priests and Hereticks and a repeal of the English Statutes that had tyme out of memory confirmed the imperiall Edicts and Lawes against Heresies But in the second year and Parlament of Edward VI. it was carryed though by few votes and after along debate of aboue foure months that the Zwinglian or Sacramentarian Reformation should be the Religion of England O tempora ô mores ô exicrabilem Parlamenti Anglicani impietatem ô scelus Cleri Apostatantis Who the Contrivers of the XXXIX Articles and first Reformers of Protestant Religion TRue Faith and all Sanctity being chased out of England by the sinns of the Clergie and the wicked laymen in the Parlament the Charge of framing Articles of this new Religion as alsoe of composing the Liturgie and a Book of Rites Ceremonies and Administration of Sacraments was committed to Thomas Cranmer Arch-Bishop of Canterbury and to som other Protestant Devines who were all married Fryers and Priests lately come out of Germany with their sweet harts videlicet Hooper and Roger Monks Coverdale an Augustin Fryer Bale a Carmelit all these Englishmen Peter Martir a Chanon Regulare Martin Bucer a Dominican and Bernardus Ochinus a Capucin these three strangers came over with three galloping Nuns invited by the Protector and Cranmer out of Germany and apointed to preach and teach in both Universityes and at London who were to agree with the rest in the new modern forme of Religion which was a matter of great difficulty because the tenets which they untill then had professed were irreconsilable For that Hooper and Rogers were fierce Swinglians that is Puritans or Presbiterians and joyned in faction against Cranmer Ridly and other Prelaticks Hugh Latimer of great regard with the common people hee opposed himselfe to Cranmer and others for their opposing his pretention to the Bishoprick of Worsester Coverdale and Bale were both Lutherans and yet differed because the one was a riged the other a milde or halfe Lutheran Bucer had alsoe professed a kind of Lutheranisme in Germany but in England was what the Protector would have him to be and therfore would not for the space of a whole yeare declare his opinion in Cambrid though pressed to it by his schollers concerning the Real Presence untill hee had heard how the Parlament had decided the Controversy at London and then hee changed his opinion and became wholy a pure Zwinglian The same tergiversation was used by Peter Martir at Oxford and soe ridiculously that coming sooner in the first Epistle of Corinthians which hee undertook to expound to the Words HOC EST CORPVS MEVM then it had bin determined in Parlament what they should signify the poor Monk with admiration and laughter of the University was forced to divert his Auditors with impertinent comments upon the precedent Words Accipite manducate fregit dixit c. Which needed noe explanation At length when the news was com that both houses had ordered these Words HOC EST CORPVS MEVM should be understood figuratiuely and not literally Peter Martir sayd hee wonderd that any man could be of another opinion though hee knew not the day before what would be his owne opinion As for Bucer hee was a concealed Iew joyned in Contriving the XXXIX Articles only to make good days with his Nun and dyed a Iew being asked confidently his opinion of the Sacrament by Dudley Duke of Northumberland in the presence of the Lord Paget then a Protestant who testifyed the same publickly afterwards hee answered that the Real Presence could not be deny'd if men believed that Christ was God and spoke the Words THIS IS MY BODY But whether all was to be believed which the Evangelistes writt of Christ was a matter of more Disputation Peter Martir who came to England to Cherish in pleasures his wanton Nun whose death hee lamented efeminatly was noe Protestant in Iudgment as is cleare by what is said and yet hee joynd in the XXXIX Articles Bernardus Ochinus who loved Woemen soe well as by an express written Book hee affirmeth Polligamy or the lawfullness of having two Wives together dying professed himselfe to be a Iew and soe whilest hee lived in England was but a counterfeit Protestant to make bon-chear with his Nun and for this cause agree'd to the XXXIX Articles Cranmer was a meer contemporiser and of noe Religion at all Henry the eight raised him from Chapline to Sr. Thomas Bullen Ann Bullens Father to be Arch-Bishop of Canterbury to the end hee might divorse him from Queen Catharin and marry him to said Ann Bullin which hee did Afterwards by the Kings Order hee declared to the Parlament that to his knowledg Ann Bullen was never lawfull wife to his Maiesty by which hee let the World know Elizabeth her daughter had noe right title to the Crowne of England After this hee marryed the King to Ann of Cleves and when the King was weary of her Cranmer declared this marriage alsoe null and married and unmarried him soe often that hee seemed rather to exercise the office of a pymp then the function
but one mouth Can this be said of the English Church Noe but all is truly verifyed of the Roman Catholick Church Saint Cyprian doth likewise confirme this Unity of beleefe in the Church Exordium Ecclesiae S. Cypr. de Vnitate Ecclesiae ab unitate profisiscitur primatus Petro datur ut una Christi Ecclaesia Cathedra una Monstretur That is The beginning of the Church proceedeth from Unity and concord primacy is given Peter that the Church of Christ may be proved to be one and the Chaire one Let Saint Pauls Words give undenyable weight and creditt to what is said One To the Ephesians cap. 4. Body saith th' Apostle and one Spiritt as you are called in hope of your Vocation One Lord one Faith one Baptisme One God and Father of all which is over all and by all and in all us The Devines of England would faine perswade us there is noe contention or difference in Fundamentall Points or Articles of Faith between Protestants as for example between Lutherans and Calvinists soe teacheth Docter Charke saying in his reply to the defence of the Censure that in Principall points of Faith the Lutherans and Calvinists agree and are bretheren And Doctor Whitaker signify's the same saying wee reverence Luther as a Father and the Lutherans and Zwinglians our very deare Bretheren in Christ See above page 83. This hee would not say if hee held they disagree'd in Principall points of beleefe But the matter is otherwise as will appeare to those will examine the great contentions between Lutherans and Zwinglians Luther holds the Zwinglians for Hereticks being Sacramentarians the same Iudgement hee gives of Calvinists saying of them Hereticos serio Censemus alienos ab Ecclesia Dei c. That is Wee doe seriously censure them for Luther contra Artic. Lovan Thes 27. Hereticks and aliens from the Church of God As alsoe hee affirmeth that theire first Author Zwinglius Latro mortuus est That hee dyed a theefe and in his Iudgment was damn'd Which Iudgment hee saith Christ doth commaund us to pronounce upon such as deny him in this life as Zwinglians did in denying the Real-Presence of whome hee says further that hee held him not in the number of Christians Quia totum Christum amiserat for that therby hee had lost Christ all together And furthermore hee said that hee held said Zwinglius his books and Doctrin for nothing else but for venenum tartarei daemonis That is The poyson of the Deuill of hell and that hee would never have more conversation either with him or with those of his sect how doth Chark tell us that Lutherans and Zwinglians are bretheren in Christ agreeing in fundamentall points of Doctrine seeing Luther holds all Zwinglians and Calvinists Hereticks for denying the Real-Presens and damned Soules and theire Doctrin for poyson of the Deuill Surely the Protestants of England if they hold Luther for a holy man and true Doctor and reverence him for a Father haue great cause to tremble and feare seeing hee holds them all for Hereticks in a fundamentall Article of Faith that of the Real-presence whose Faith in this point is that of Zwinglius censured as was now said for an Heresy There are other p●incipall points of Religion in which Lutherans differ from Calvinists Franciscus Stancarus a Stanca Lib. contra Calvin N. 4. famous Protestant Preacher in Polonia hath particularly written against Calvin Cave Christiane Lector c. That is Beware Christian Reader of the Books of Calvin especially in the Articles about the Blessed Trinity Incarnation of Christ and his Mediation about the Sacrament of Baptisme and Predestination Continent enim Doctrinam impiam blasphemias Arianas That is For that they containe impious Doctrine and Arian Blasphemyes Another famous Protestant writer of the Lutheran party called Conradus Conradus de Theol. Calrin Lib. 1. Art 18 Schlusselburgius writeth thus Albeit saith hee in the beginning the Controversy of the Sacramentaryes was only about one Article yet by theire naughty Disputations the Calvinistes are passed now soe farre as they have brought into doubt noe small number of cheefe Articles of Christian Faith for now is the Contention between us and them of the Omnipotency of God of the Vnion personall of two Natures in Christ de Comunicatione Idiomatum of the Comunication of Names in the Blessed Trinity of the glorious Body of Christ of his Assention into heaven of the differrence of Sacraments of the old and new Testament of the force and efficacy of Baptisme of the prerogative of Infants borne of Infidels of the supper of our Lord of Predestination c. Noe man will deny these to be great Controversyes and Articles of Religion in all which the Lutherans and Calvinists disagree and how then will Charke prove them to agree in fundamentall points of Religion as Bretheren in Christ The said Conradus hath written three whole Books principally to prove this point that Lutherans and Sacramentaryes but especially Calvinistes are Irreconsilable in the very chief Controversyes of Religion And in his second Book and thirteenth Article hee hath these Words Nos negamus inter nos Calvinistas in Doctrinae fundamento esse consensum That is Wee deny that there is betwixt us and Calvinistes any consent or agreement in fundamentall points of Doctrine And hee further in the very Title of his Book affirmeth his cheefe purpose to be to demonstrate to the eye as in a Table that the Calvinistes De nullo ferè Christianae sidei Articulo Rectè sentiunt have noe right Faith allmost in any one Article of Christian Religion Likewise one Samuell Huberinus writt Samuel Hube rinus in Antith a Book whose Title was Antithesis Lutheranae Calvinisticae Doctrinae in praecipuis fidei Articulis That is The Contradiction or contrariety between Lutheran and Calvinian Doctrin in the principall Articles of Faith Yet was this Huberinus a zealous Protestant I will conclud with the Iudgment of Doctor Aegidius Hunnius publick Reader of Divinity in the Lutheran University of Wittembergh of Calvins writing upon the Scriptures his Book was printed in the same place Anno Domini 1594. In the beginning of his Book hee hath this Assertion that hee will shew most clearly and evidently Quod Ioannes Calvinus Illustrissima Scripturae sacrae loca Testimonia de gloriosa Trinitate Deitate Christi Spiritus Sancti in primis autem vaticinia Prophetarum de adventu Messiae nativitate ejus Passione Resurrectione Ascensione in caelos sessione ad dexteram Dei detestandum in modum corrumpere non exhorruit That is That Iohn Calvin in his commentarys upon the bible was not afrayd to corrupt most detestably the most clearest places and testimonys of holy Scripture concerning the Glorious Trinity the God-head of Christ and of the Holy Ghost and Principally the forretellings of Prophets of the coming of the Messias his nativity passion Resurection Ascention into heaven and his sitting at the right
hand of God All which Articles saith this Doctor doth Calvin willfully corrupt in his expositions in the favour of Iewes Arians and other such enemyes of Christ which hee proveth by alleadging above forty or fifty places citing Calvins owne words and commentaryes therupon soe clearly and perspicuously against sence and expositions of all holy Fathers that if his commentaryes therin were to bee admitted those foure named points or Articles of Christian Religion can not be defended against the force and adversaryes of Christes name And is not this a brotherly agreement between Lutherans and Calvinistes in Principall points and misteryes of Religion but the Lutherans have the best of it for wheras Luther and his followers to this day condemne the Calvinists as Hereticks especially for not beleeving the Body of Christ to bee realy and substantially present in the Sacrament of the Altar the Protestants of England who are Calvinists and deny the Real-presence hold Luther for a holy man and theire Father and hold all the Lutherans theire very deare bretheren in Christ as Doctor Whitaker above cited doth averre To leave Germany and to speak of the Professors of Protestanisme in England Scotland doe not many of them entertaine quarrells and falings-out among themselves about Principall Articles of Religion doe not the greatest part by much of the Protestants in England hold the King is supreme head of the Church all of one opinion with the Bishops maintaine this as an Article of Religion in that Protestant Church but the Protestants of Geneva and all depending upon theire Doctrin in France and elswhere doe not hold this Kingly supremacy for an Article of Faith and are not Catholicks punished by Law and somtymes put to death for denying this supremasy which would be a meer murthering of them and the greatest cruelty in the World if those that put them to death did not hold that supremecy to be an Article of Faith Now if you will be pleas'd to demaund what those Protestants in England and Scotland caled Presbiterians or Puritans say to this Article they flattly deny this supremacy to be an Article of Faith though none of them did ever suffer death for denying the same nay they are esteemed not with standing theire opinion in this to be of the Protestants communion A gaine all Protestants that follow the Bishops hold the dignity and superiority of Arch-Bishops and Bishops to be agrecable to Gods word and as the Devines speak de Iure Devino and what say the Presbiterians to this By theire Champion Martin Mar-Prelate and his mutenous moke-bates that band under his cullors cry all of them in the Name of the Lord as Thomas Rogers doth attest That the calling of Bishops is In his Sermon printed by Iohn windet 1590. pa. 13. unlawfull that they be Ministers of Antichrist worss then Fryers and Monks Deuills Bishops and Deuills In-carnate Sall you must grant mee these dissentions between Protestants and Protestants in England and Scotland about the Kings supremacy and the Order and Dignity of Bishops are not Triueall but Fundamentall and they have been now many years contending in theire Writings and Conferrences and still are about these points and others that are the very sinews and Soule of theire Religion in endless quarrells and Contensions If that were my Business I could sett downe many and great differrences quarells and contensions between these two kinde of Protestants In this place I think it pertinent to say somthing particularly of the Protestants called Presbiterians who were neuer by any act of Parlament that wee could heare of proscribed from the Communion of the Protestants that stick to the Religion of the King and the Bishops Impiety Fury and Rebellion gave beginning to this Sect and Religion in Scotland as hath been aboue said in Page 164. and 165. They had two Reformations the first was begun by Iohn Knox an Apostata Priest and though his Reformation was ungodly and unreasonable the second was farre more unreasonable and ungodly A Presbiterian that was converted to the Catholick Faith describes the Presbiterian Piety in this kinde There was among us a pretext of Piety but wee had not the substance of it wee had indeed much preaching praying fasting and such like exercises but our long preachings were nothing but continuall prayses of the Covenant the solemne League which they cry'd up to the heavens butt wee omitted as our Saviour observed of the Pharisies the weighty Matters of the Law as Iudgment Mercy and Faith Our Ministers told us wee were the happiest People of the World for they said wee only of all Nations had the honour to be Covenanters with God and that wee had the truth of the Ghospell in greater purity then Geneva it selfe that wee had soe cleare a light that the like had not shined to any Nation since the tymes of the Apostles yea one who was esteemed a principall Apostle among us did not stick to say in the pulpitt amidst the many Miserys Confusions and Troubles which then lay upon this Church and Nation That the Angells and Saints of heaven if they could leave the sight of God would be glad to come downe and see the admirable beauty of the Presbiterian Church of Scottland Soe farre this new Catholick And was not this ridiculous preacher with the beauty of his Scottish Kirck a great Hipocrite and Pharisie It was much observed that shortly after solemne fastes of Presbiterians the country and state was allways sure of some unhappy claps the puritan fast was still fatal and ordinarily a preparation to some violence or evill worke that was intended this made many understand what Queene Mary Stuart meant by that famous saying That shee was as much affraid of a fast of the Ministers as of an Army of Souldiers for experience taught her that those fasts were prognostick signes of ensuing tempests theire long prayers alsoe did not prove them to be Saints more then the like did sanctify the Pharasyes they bragged much of the spiritt but shew'd noe fruites therof these bee the fruites of the spiritt which Saint Paul recounts to the Galatians The fruite of Ad Galat. cap. 5. the spiritt saith hee is love joy peace long suffering Gentelnesse goodness Faith meekness c. This second Presbiterian ●eformation beganne with a prodigious abolishment of all holy things Mala arbor Malos fructus faci● 1. They condemned and cast downe Episcopacy this they doe whersoever they have power quite contrary to the Law of God for Episcopacy is de Iure Divino This order and degree they abhor'd as Tyrannicall and Anti-Christian yet Saint Paul writing to Timothey saith If a man desireth a Bishops Office hee desireth 1. Tim. cap. 3. a good thing The Apostle likewise affirmeth that Bishops are to Order Priests and Iudge them wherfore hee saith in his Epistle to Titus That hee left Ad Titum Cap. 1. him in Cret to Order Priestes by Cittys By this it is plaine and evident that
which are flatt Heresies and for all these Impietyes and abominations there are not that I heare of any Lawes made in Parlament for punishing these Presbiterians Noe but all the lightning thunder and tempest of the Bishops and that kind of Protestants and of the Presbiterians likwise doth fall upon the poor Catholicks our Religion is made treason to owne the Pope head of the Church in Spiritualibus as realy hee is is punish'd with death to worship Images superstition to invocate the Angels and Saints Idolatry wee suffer disgrace in Court and Country wee suffer the loss of livings wee suffer Imprisonments and death it selfe the Extirpation of our Faith is desired sought and put in Execution and men receive pleasure which is inhumane and cruell in our Miserye and Distruction and all these Afflictions fale upon us soly for the hatred men have to Religion What comfort can wee finde in these Extremityes That only and that is enough which our Saviour hath promised to his Servants Beati qui persecutionem patiuntur Math. Cap. 4. propter Iustitiam quoniam ipsorum est Regnum Caelorum That is Blessed are they that suffer Persecution for Justice for theirs is the Kingdome of heaven Sall wee heare you have preached in July 1674. before the Lord Lieutenant and State in Christ-Church in Dublin a long premeditated Sermon for Justifying your departure from the Romish Communion and you then told your Auditors that you had found in the Romish Church three Abominations to wit Idolatry Impiety and Tyranny and those you called Abominationem desolationes stantem in loco Sancto And that therfore according to our Saviours Admonition you departed from that Congregation But I tell you you have forged a pernitious Calumnie and Imposture in charging the Church of Rome the Mother of all Churches with Idolatry Impiety and Tyranny And I further say my Opinion that an Idol which is found in all your Congregations the pride of the privat Spiritt that Spiritt Doctor Whitaker see Pagina 17. discribed made you charge the Church of Rome with Idolatry Sir your zeal in your new Religion is soe furious that you have render'd your selfe at present incapable of Councell and all advice but in tyme you may become colder Non est abrevitae manus Domini And think better of what you have done however for the true love I have for you and especially for your Soule which is the maine and principal part ought to bee taken care for I hartily pray you what kinde of thing is Parlament Religion a ssippery and changable Religion which is thus declared For Satisfying King Henry the eight The Parlament changed some Articles of Faith as soone as hee dy'd they changed that Faith into Zwinglianisme to comply with the Protector Summerset young King Edward the sixt his Vncle within two or three years after they changed Zwinglianisme into Calvinisme and at the sute of Calvin reformed the Liturgy accordingly After the young Kings death they return'd with good Queen Mary to the old Faith and by new acts abolished those acts they had lately made before against Catholick Religion with Queen Elizabeth they restored againe the new Religion with some Alterations when King Iames succeeded they changed the translations of Scripture and other things In King Charles the firsts tyme Prelatick Protestancy was puld downe by Presbitery and this by IndePendency and the last puld downe quite Kingly Authority and took of the good Kings head from his Body Prelatick Protestancy being restored by King Charles the second the forms of Ordination where upon depends the validity of the Protestant Ministry Church and Sacraments being not thought sufficient were amended and are now changed into more Catholick Forms adding to the Forms the words Priest and Bishop which hath quite discredited theire Character of Priesthood and Episcopacy for those two Words being held by them as Essentiall in these two Forms the former orders given without these Words must have been invalid and in like manner all things in theire Ministry that depends upon Ordination are uncertaine and doubtfull for if the Church of England hath acknowledged to have erred in a thing of soe great importance as the Forms of Ordination what reason can it have in not erring in all the rest In a word Protestants in the Kingdome of England in one age have made more changes of Religions then Mahometans in the ten ages they have continued What I have sayd being duly examined tell mee Sall is not Protestant Religion slippery and changable and consider well what shall become of you in the sad exchange you have made The fourth Advertisment Learned Protestants of the Church of England doe confess that English and Irish Pagans venerable Beda called them Slaves of Idols were converted to Christian Faith by men sent from the Popes of Rome holy men that wrought Miracles in those Conversions IF any shall demaund to what end doe I make Mention of these Protestant Authors what doe I inferr from theire Testimoneys I make this Illation that said Authors did attest the Conversion of those Pagans to have beene made by those sent from Rome to a true and sauing Faith and for this Verity there are two convincing reasons The first that the Veracity of God was herein concerned which neuer confirm'd by Miracles a false Faith The second that the Goodness of God would not have Pagans brought from Idolatry to Heresy or to such a Religion wherein they would bee as certainly damn'd as in Idolatry to Iudge this of the goodness of God were a horrible Blasphemy for it were noe less then to cale him a cheate Sall examin now seriously what Faith that was the Saints Fugatius Damianus sent from Pope Eleutherious taught to the Pagans of England when King Lucius the first Christian King his Queen and thousands more were converted what the Faith which Saint Augustin the Benedictin Monk sent from S. Gregory Pope denounced to the Saxon Pagans In what Faith did S. Parrick sent from Pope Celestinus instruct the Idolaters of Ireland doubtless you will confess it was the same Faith then professed in Rome and by all the People that obey'd the Pope now all these professed as Articles of Faith the Real-Presence in the Eucharist the Invocation of Angells and Saints the seven Sacraments the Sacrifice of the Mass worship of Images and the like And aforesaid Saints Fugatious Damianus c. delivered them for such to the Pagans of both the Nations they likewise wrought Miracles for proving the truth of the Religion they taught and the Pagans seeing those Miracles beleeved they were sent from God They were indeed sent to those Idalaters as Moyses Elias and others Prophets to the People of Israel and as the Apostles to the Gentils doeing wonders In Nomine Virtute Dei. I observe in this place that the Religion the S S. Fugatious Damianus Patrick and Augustin preached to the Pagans of these countryes was not the Faith now Professed by Sall and
fellow in one of the Oxford Colledges it is one of the rarest and most learned Books ever saw light of that kinde the argument of the worke is by way of Paralel to compare the Religion of a Calvinist and that of a Turke This man Reading the sleights Shufflings Lyes Falsifications and corruptions of Mr. Iewell pretended Bishop of Salsbury one of the falsest men that ever set pen to Paper forsook the Protestant Religion saying it could not bee a sauing and true Religion that used Falsifications and sleights for a support of keeping it up hee went in the yeare of Iubily to Rome and submitted himselfe with his writings and works to the Iudges of th'Inquisition who received with all joy soe pretious a man Father Persons the Iesuit accompanied him came afterward to France there lived a holy life and there dyed a happy Death 4 ' th Author THe Legacy of Doctor King Bishop of London or his Motives for his change of Religion written by himselfe and delivered over to a Frind in his lifetyme A most rationall moving piece printed Anno 1622. 5 ' th Author THree Conversions of England penn'd by the very vertuous Father Persons one of the best works ever was set out in English All in this Book is strong here you will finde Iewell and Fox two pillars of the English Church tottering and cast downe and bruesed like a Dagon Both are evidently convinced to have beene the most infamous Lyers ' Shuflers and Falsificators that ever lived of the English Nation or I think of any other 6 ' th Author A Search made into Matters of Religion by Francis Walsingam Deakon of the Protestant Church before his change to Catholick Religion a Book full of prudent Observations printed Permissu Superiorum Anno 1609. 7 ' th Author REdargutio Scismatis Anglicani ' Authore Alexandro White a Confutation of the XXXIX Articles of the Confession of England See above pag. 13. 14. 15. Printed at Lovain Anno 1661. 8 ' th Author PRotestancy without principles or Sectaryes unhappy fall from infallibility to Fancy layd forth in foure Discourses by E. W. printed at Antwerp by Michael Cnobbaert 1668. This Author shewes playnly to the Eye Protestant Religion sinking downe for want of Principles as a House layd upon a very weak Foundation t is one of the most learned pieces of this kind and convincing that I ever handled There is another Book of the same Author intiteled The Infalibility of the Roman Catholick Church and her Miracles defended against Doctor Stillingfleets Cavills c. printed at Antwerp 1674. An excellent worke the Preface therof is a Pearl Sall I pray you read with Attention these two Books if you are able you have some kind of Obligation to answer the last having denyed Infallibility to the Roman Catholick Church I think you will finde this E. W. hath read as much as you have done if not som-what more and that hee is a subtile School-man I have reason to know what mettle is in the man and partly what in you 9 ' th Author A Book that lately came out stiled a Treatice of Religion and Goverment the Argument which is learnedly handled whether Protestancy bee less dangerous to the soule or more advantagious to the state then the Roman Catholick Religion The conclusion that Piety and Policy are mistaken in Promoting Protestancy and Persecuting Popery by penall and Sanguinary statutes This man gives a perfect Anatomy of the English Church shewes clearly to the eye the Falsifications Iuglings Corruptions Shuflings absurd lyes and artifices of Protestant writers and Doctors Hee expounds briefly and soundly the XXXIX Articles of your English Creed and Confession and declares them to bee Pernitious Finally hee doth as it were demonstrat the Church of England to be without Sacraments Priest and Sacrifice and consequently noe Church and where there is noe Church there is noe true Religion This Book is not Easily had but I am ready to furnish you with one you will finde I assure you the discourse learned and worth your reading Sixt Advertisment 3. Weighty Points offered to be considered by Sall. MOre then twenty years agoe I lighted upon a Book written by a learned Protestant in the days of the Usurper caled the Christian Moderator wherin hee shew'd a great kindness and tenderness of hart toward us Catholicks then much afflicted hee spake much good of us and said wee were a People of a tender Conscience shy in taking oathes but Religious Observers of them once taken hee maintained our Religion was not inconsistent with Obedience to the Prince and Magistrate and that the farr greater part of us were commendable in our manners and Conversation and honest in our dealings hee wyp't away an envious Callumny objected to us to wit that wee held as a constant Doctrin in our Schooles and Practises in our Proceedings Fidem non esse servandam Hereticis which hee shew'd to bee most false out of Catholick Authors especially out of Paulus Layman a Iesuit Hee likewise indeavoured to persuade by good Arguments that Persecution of Religion was not lawfull nor could be warranted by the Law of God Law of Nature nor the ancient Lawes of the Land Among many good things this Author said I took speciall Notice of three remarkable Points which I will express the best I can in my owne words having not his Book at hand Primum Punctum HEe said it was observed that Roman Catholicks who turnd Protestants commonly became worse liuers then before great libertins dissolute in theire manners and careless of Salvation especially Priests and Religious men who breaking theire Vowes took Wives and wenshes and ever after lived in Sensuality and Sinn without all shame and feare of God giving Scandall to all kinde of men and that many of them came to an Obduration of hart and dy'd in Dispaire I will give you here a true and lamentable Narration of two fearfull Examples in this kind of two Apostata's Priests that marryed and had Children whome I knew very well One of them having studyed in the University of Salama●●a was made Priest in Spaine had a rich Benefice in those parts I liu'd in but was borne in the Province of Sall hee was sufficiently learned and audatious in the highest degree and had sometymes preacht before the State in Dubblin as latly Sall hath done In his Conversation hee was a meer Publican and most vaine lying vapering insolent debaust and Drunkenest Companion that was knowne in those parts As soon as the Rebellion began in England hee bid a Deiu to his Loyalty went to England and stuck to those then in Rebellion thinking therby to make a great Fortune came over with Crumwell and was a meer scourge and plague to the Catholick Clergy bringing Souldiers and wicked men to the Houses of all the Priests hee knew Infine hee dyed of the plague in a Ditch deserted of all of both Religions crying as they say for a Priest but found none The
the Congregation of the now English Church ergò the Protestant Authors attesting the verity of the Religion taught by Fugatious and the rest and confirm'd by Miracles give Testimony against theire owne Religion I meane the Protestant My last illation from those Protestant Authors and against theire owne Religion and for mine is that Sall hath cause to feare his owne Damnation for having deserted the true Faith those holy men sent from Rome denounced to the Infidels Imbraceing a new Religion opposit to the ancient and orthodox The names of the Protestant Authors Devines and Historians testifying the Conversion of England and Ireland from Idolatry by the aforesaid Saints sent from Rome 1. Abbots pretended Arch-Bishop of Canterbury that writt against Bellarmin 2. Bale pretended Bishop of Ossory in Ireland reckened among theire learned men hee writ Centurys of the writers of Britaine and said of himselfe hee had read the Historys and Chronicles allmost of all Antiquitye 3. Bilson pretended Bishop of Winchester esteemed a learned writer 4. Caius Doctor of Phisick soe well seen in Antiquity as an Oxonian Orator tearmed him the Antiquary 5. Camden well knowne for his Discription of Britany an excellent Antiquary 6. Couper pretended Bishop of Lincolne and after of Winchester well knowne for his Dixionary and his Chronicle 7. Dangerous positioner some say it was D. Banckrofte pretended Arch-Bishop of Canterbury others say it was Doctor Sutclife 8. Fox most famous amongst Protestants for his acts and monuments of theire Martyrs 9. Fulk Doctor of Divinity and a great writer against Catholicks 10. Godwin a devine Sonne to Godwin pretended Bishop of Bath 11. Holinshed notorious for his great Chronicle and mosT earnest against Catholicks 12. Humphery Doctor of Divinity and the Queens Reader therof in Oxford 13. Iewell soe famous and known to Protestants as I need say nothing of him 14. Reynolds Doctor of Divinity famous with Protestants 15. Stow well knowne for his Chronicle and other his writings of Antiquity 16. Sutelife Doctor of Divinity and Dean of Exetor and a great writer against Catholicks 17. Surueyer soe I call the unnamed Author of the Suruey of the pretended holy Discipline 18. Whitaker Doctor and Professor of Divinity and a great writer against Catholicks very famous in the English Church tearmed by some a worthy learned man by others a Godly learned man These and thus esteemed are the Protestant writers that give Testimony of the Conversions of England by Saint Augustin and other Saints It is therfore agreed upon by Catholick and Protestant writers that King Luctus sent to Pope Eleutherius two holy men Elvanus of Avalonia and Medwinus together with these came commissionated from said Pope two other holy men Fugatius and Damianus who baptized the King and Queen and those of theire Family and many more that imbraced the Christian Faith Authors Catholick and Protestant stile these Legats of Pope Eleutherius Prelatos Episcopos for without such Authority and Character they could not erect Bishopricks consecrate Churches dispence Orders and the like this conversion was made and the King and Queen baptized anno Domini 183. to which Conversion agreeth Fox Jewell Godwin Abbots Fulk Whitaker Sutelife Reynolds Couper Stow Holinshed Camden Bale and others Bale one that would write nothing to the Credit of Rome if not convinced Bale Cent. 1. cap. 19. by evident Verity doth attribute this Conversion to Pope Eleutherius and with him joyned in this the Magdeburgenses Of the Conversion of the Irish Idolaters by Saint Patrick Saint Prosper that lived at the same tyme giveth a clear Testimony and after him venerable Bede Marianus Scotus and others who affirme alsoe that Saint Patrick dyed in the yeare of Christ 491. being 122. years Paladius was indeed sent to that work before Saint Patrick but though hee Religiously behaved himselfe in that divine Function the Glory of Converting the whole Nation from Paganisme was reserved for Saint Patrick who is therfore Iure merito stiled Apostle of Ireland Let us now heare Bale I pretermit other Protestant Authors that testify the conversion of the Irish Idolaters confirming the coming of Saint Patrick from the Sea of Rome and how hee gave the light of Faith to the Irish Pagans the testimony taken from an Enemy such as Bale against Catholicks is of the greater weight and force against himself Bale then who usually cal'd the Pope Anti-Christ and the beast and named the Primitive Church of England in the tyme of its greatest purity a Carnall Synagogue as great an enemy to the Pope as hee was speaks of Saint Patrick coming from the Pope thus Patrick saith hee surnamed Bale descrip Britan. Cent. 1. fo 250. Magonius who studied Divinity at Rome sent by Pope Celestinus did preach the Ghospell to the Irish-men with incredible feruour of Spiritt for forty years together and did convert them to the sincere Faith of Christ hee was most excellent in Learning and Holiness and among other Miracles hee did continue in Prayers and Fasting for forty days and forty nights founded many Churches healed many Sick delivered many possessed of Deuills and raysed to life sixty that were Dead Thus far Bale Behold here how Iohn Bale confesseth Saint Patrick was sent by Pope Celistinus and soe sent hee converted the Irishmen to the sincere Faith of Christ what more can any man say or more honourably of the Pope clearly allowing of Authority and power in him to send Doctors and missioners for converting nations to the true Faith In speaking of Saint Patrick hee mentions truly the vertues and duty of Apostles and preachers sent from Rome to enlighten nations as to fast and pray to found Churches heale the sick and worke Miracles Let Bale himselfe tell us if the blouddy Reformers of the Kirk of Scotland or himselfe Peter Martyr Buaer and the rest at the tyme of the Innovation they made in England did any of those holy works done by Saint Patrick and such Missioners as were lawfully sent from the holy Sea into the vineyard of our Lord I dare challenge in this place all the multitudes of those new men repayring as themselves say the house of God to give one Saint Patrick or Saint Augustin that fasted and prayed healed the sick and wrought Miracles I defye Bale to doe this with all his studyed tomes of centuries or Fox esteemed by the Protestants a most holy grave and pious man and plainly a devine man with his great and numerous volume of Acts and Monuments of theire Ridiculous Martyrs soe Credited in England as they have beene set in divers of theire Churches to be read by all or delicat Calvin the great Patriarck of Geneva with his soe adored books of Institutions or wanton Beza Reforming forsooth the Church of France with legions and troopes in set Battailes and beseeging the Kings goodly Cytties Garded by two fierce Giants in steele the Prince of Conué and the Admirall Coligny As Bale hath testifyed Saint Patricks Miracles soe