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A35959 Truths victory over error, or, An abridgement of the chief controversies in religion which since the apostles days to this time, have been, and are in agitation, between those of the Orthodox faith, and all adversaries whatsoever, a list of whose names are set down after the epistle to the reader : wherein, by going through all the chapters of The confession of faith, one by one, and propounding out of them, by way of question, all the controverted assertions, and answering by yes, or no, there is a clear confirmation of the truth, and an evident confutation of what tenets and opinions, are maintain'd by the adversaries : a treatise, most useful for all persons, who desire to be instructed in the true Protestant religion, who would shun in these last days, and perillous times, the infection of errors and heresies, and all dangerous tenets and opinions, contrary to the word of God. Dickson, David, 1583?-1663.; Sinclair, George, d. 1696. 1684 (1684) Wing D1412; ESTC R3405 145,943 378

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which the kingdom of Satan is erected and by which it is upheld are Ignorance and Errour And the two great Pillars which support the Kingdom of Christ are Knowledge and Truth Therefore our blessed Saviour resolving to subvert the kingdom of Satan among the Gentiles tells the Apostle in his first Commission that he was about to send him to open their eyes namely their understanding by the Preaching and Knowledge of the Gospel and to turn them from darkness to light from natural blindness and worldly ignorance unto the right and true knowledge of GOD. This is the first step of our Manumission from that spiritual thraldom The Understanding is the Guide and Pilot of the whole man It is that faculty which sits at the helme of the Soul But as the most skilful Pilot may mistake his course in the dark so may the Understanding when it wants the light of Knowledge This is an accomplishment so desirable that the Devil knew not a more alluring bate to tempt our first Parents in Paradise Ye shall be as Gods sayes he knowing good and evil When the Lord had refer'd it to Solomons option what to choose he choose Wisdom and Knowledge When once the Devil understood that by the Preaching of the Gospel his kingdom was ruined he invents two new stratagems to overthrow Religion even in the infancy and beginning of it to wit Persecution and Heresie Open persecution began in Nero a very imp and graff of the Devil When this Hirricano and many others of that kind were past and when the Churches of Christ were once at rest he sends in a Deluge of Arianism which in a short time so prodigiously spread and over-ran the Christian World that it seemed to carry all before it an assault that did not strike at the uppermost boughs of Religion but at the Root and Beeing of Christianity But this second proved more sad than the first for where Persecution kills one thousand Heresie kills ten thousand The one is the Wild-Boar of the Forrest the other is the little Fox that eateth up the Grapes of the Lords Vineyard The one kills the bodies of Men and Women the other poisoneth the Souls of Christians In times of greater Light as these and former times have been reputed to be Satan comes not abroad usually to deceive with his gross forgeries and cloven foot for every one almost would discern his haltings but with more mystical yet strongdelusions and invincible chains of darkness wherewith he binds his captives the faster to the judgement of the great day And therefore the Watch word given in the bright and shining times of the Apostles was to try the Spirits and believe not every Spirit and take heed of Spirits who indeed were only fleshly and corrupt men yet called Spirits because they pretended to have much of the Spirit and their doctrine seemed only to advance the Spirit the fitest and fairest cobwebs to deceive and inveigle the world in these discerning times that possibly could be spun out of the poysonful bowels of corrupt and fleshly men for Heresie is a work of the flesh The times are now come wherein by the refined mystical divinity of the old Moncks all the ordinances of Christ in the New Testament are allegorized and spiritualized out of the world They reject the outward word because of an inward teaching They reject the outward Baptism because of the inward Baptism They reject the Lords Supper because of the spiritual bread from heaven the Lord Jesus They abolish the outward Sabbath because of a spiritual and inward Sabbath of rest in the bosome of Christ. This is very consistent with the observing the outward Sabbath But they wickedly sever and separat what GOD hath joyned together But as to what relates to the present Treatise I am not ignorant that many eminent and learned Divines far beyond whatever I could profess have beatten this path and travelled round the world of Polemick Divinity But their writings being so Voluminous and large that he who desires to have a full sight at one look of the chief controversies can no more have it than a man from the Peak of Teneriff can get a clear sight of the whole Globe of the Earth Which things though they be principally worth the knowing nevertheless for so much as their number and variety are an impediment to themselves and the multiplicity of matter makes the mind abruptly flit from one thing to another Therefore I have imitated Geographers who after they have surveyed the whole Globe of the Earth draw Universal descriptions thereof and comprehend the the whole image of that great Terra-queous Body within a narrow circumference of a Card or Mapp In so doing I may perhaps contribute some what towards the satisfaction of some who neither can nor are able to trace the wearisome foot steps of those eminent Divines who have written fully This Treatise being Historical none can expect but I must have consulted others and gleaned off their writtings what things were needful I cannot here as in writing Philosophy or any such like Science set up new Theorems or Axioms which have not been heard of before This were to make a new Religion a new System and Body of Divinity such as some giddy-headed Hereticks are thinking upon I must confine my self to the good old way and follow the heatten path-road wherein men of sound principles have walked before me This Book is not designed for men of knowledge and learning who are more conversant in such matters than I am but for the unlearned and new-beginners who need to be instructed with the sound principles of the true Protestant Religion I hope none will think I have done amiss in mentioning so many Religions which had been better unnamed some may think than named This might have some weight if there were no more Religions in the world at this time but one only to wit the true Protestant Religion But seeing I cannot name so many here as there are this day owned and professed in the Christian Church I cannot be to blame This Book will be useful for understanding the Confession and knowing the design of it For how many read it and commend it that never knew the nature of it Though there be a multiplicity of questions and many in number yet all of them to my best remembrance are taken word by word out of the Confession The answers are by Yes or No. To which are subjoyned immediately the proofs of the Confession These words which are often repeated Well then do not the Papists err are nothing els but sure Conclusions drawn from two manifest propositions The design of this Treatise is good The method is plain and easy The order of the Questions follow the order of the purposes in the Confession The probations are such as are made use of in the Confession and by the Orthodox Divines against the Adversaries They are either the very words of the Scripture in Terminis or
in the world is Catholick and Universal Acts 15. 23. Acts 24. 14. Gal. 5. 14. 10 Because the initial Visible seal admittance and enrowlment are things Catholick and Oecumenical For he that takes up his freedom in a whole Corporation or Kingdom is free of the whole and in every part thereof and hath right to all the general priviledges and immunities thereof There is a Patent for Baptism Go and baptize all Nations And by vertue of the Priviledges thereof they that are baptized in any one Church are accounted visible subjects of Christs Kingdom in all places of the Christian world Matth. 28. 19. 11 Because all Churches are one Body Rom. 12. 5. 12 Because Peter writting to the strangers scattered abroad throughout Pontus Galatia Cappadocia Asia and Bithynia calleth them all one Flock 1 Peter 5. 2. 13 Because all the Churches of the World are one sheepfold Iohn 10. 16. 14 Because the Visible Church is one great house 2 Tim. 2. 20. Quest. III. DOTH the Visible Church consist of all those thorowout the world that profess the Christian Religion together with their Children Yes 1 Cor. 1. 2. Psalm 2. 8. 1 Cor. 7. 14. Well then do not the Donatists Anabaptists and Puritans of old so truely named err who affirm the visible Church to consist of those only that are pious and holy Yes Do not likewise the Independents err who think none ought to be members of the Visible Church save those who in the judgement of men very spiritual and discerning are esteemed true believers and saints who have given sufficient proof of their knowledge in the fundamentals of Religion who have reported in order and given a good account of the experimental work of their conversion and effectual calling who have shewed their conversation in the world to have been without the omission of any known duty or commission of any known fault and that for a considerable length of time Yes Do not lastly the Quakers err who think the only visible Church of GOD on earth to be themselves and all others not of their profession and practise to be unregenerate and wanting the Spirit Yes By what reasons are they confuted 1 Because the visible Church is compared to a Garner in which there is not only Wheat but Chaff mixed with it To a Field in which Tares and Darnel are mixed among the good Corn. To a Net in which both good Fishes and bad are taken Matth. 13. chapter To a great House wherein are not only vessels of Gold and Silver but of Wood and of Earth 2 Tim. 2. 20. 2 Because Christ will answer some at the last day who will say to him Lord have not we Prophesied in thy name and in thy name casten out Devils and have we not eaten and drunken at thy table I know you not This evidently shews that many have been members of the Visible Church whom Christ will not own at the last day Matth. 7. 22 23. 3 From the Parable of the ten Virgins five whereof were foolish five wise Matth. 25. 1. 4 From the Parable of the Banquet where one was found at the Table without a Wedding Garment Matth. 22. 11. 5 Because many are of the Visible Church who are not of the invisible Church 1 Iohn 2. 19. 6 Because the Apostle calls the Church of Corinth the Church of Christ notwithstanding of their gross enormities 1 Cor. 1. 11. 1 Cor. 3. 3. 1 Cor. 5. 1. 1 Cor. 6. 7. 7 Because Moses did acknowledge even those then to be members of the Visible Church to whom yet he knew the Lord had not given ears to hear nor eyes to see nor a heart to understand the great and wonderful miracles which he wrought in their sight Deut. 29. 10 11 12 13. compared with the verses 2 3 4. 8 Because Iohn the Baptist did admit many thousands into the communion of the Visible Church without making a narrow search of their true grace and conversion Matth. 3. 9 Because the Apostles did instantly and without the delay of one day baptise all those that professed the Christian Religion Acts 2. 38 41. Acts 8. 12. Iohn 3. 26. 10 Because the preaching of the Gospel is appointed by God as an ordinary mean no less for the Conversion of men and women than for the advancement of those in grace that are converted Prov. 9 3 4. 2 Cor. 5. 18 19. 20 2 Tim. 2. 24 25 11 Because we are forbidden by the Apostle to judge the spiritual state and condition of our neighbour Rom. 14. 4. 12 Because Christ did acknowledge Iudas the Theif and Traitor as a member of his Visible Church whom yet he foresaw to be the son of perdition Matth. 26. 23. 13 Because Christ had a visible church on earth many hundered of years before ever there were such cattle as Quakers in the World Unless they will alledge that the primitive Christians and all the Saints since the Apostles dayes have been their Predecessors and claime kin to them as the Samaritans did to Iacob who were truely descended of the heathen who were brought thither out of Assyria as the Quakers are descended from the Enthusiasts in Germany about 160 years since as Nicolas Strokins Iohn Matthias and Iohn of Leyden notorious Hereticks blasphemers and bloody Murderers But how quite different the Quakers are to the primitive christians and holy men of God then and since will evidently appear hence that they did not contemn these two great ordinances of the Gospel instituted by Christ to wit Baptism and the Lords Supper They had Bishops and Deacons to govern and instruct them who were ordained to their functions by prayer and imposition of hands whom they did not revile with the ugly names of dumb dogs and hirelings These primitive christians had not in their assemblies Women-preachers as the Quakers have which is down right contrary to Pauls injunctions 1 Cor. 14. 35. Neither were silent meetings ever heard of among the primitive christians Nor did they ever out of contempt call churches places appointed for the publick worship of God Steeple-houses but resorted to them for performing their devotions and service to God as did our blessed Saviour and his Apostles Iohn 18. 20. Luke 4. 16. Acts 3. 1. Acts 13. 5. Do not likewise the Papists and Lutherians err who will have none members of the visible Church that are unbaptized Yes Do not lastly the Anabaptists err who will have no infants members of the visible church Yes By what reasons are they confuted 1 Because that God commanded infants and little ones should stand before him should enter into covenant with him Deut. 29. 10 11. 2 Because infants are called the people of God no less than men and women come to age Deut. 29. 11 12 13. 3 Because the promise of Grace belongs to children as well as to the parents Acts 2. 39. 4 If children be not members of the visible church they must be members of the visible kingdom of the devil for
he look to the good and conversion of a whole Congregation 6 Because any one single congregation with one Pastor only hath not the power of Ordination an instance whereof cannot be given either from Precept or Practise in all the New Testament Nay the Ordination of Ministers in the New Testament was alwayes performed by a Colledge of Pastors associate together Acts 6. 6. Acts 13. 1 2 3. 1 Tim. 4. 14. 7 Because from this doctrine of the Independents these and the like absurdities will follow First that the Prophets must be censured and judged by way of authority not by other Prophets but by the multitude and vulgar of the Congregation which is contrary to 1 Cor 14. 32. 2 That all the Councils in the times of the Apostles which were convocated upon necessary occasions for matters which concerned many churches alike were but during the time and extraordinary and so not obliging succeeding churches though the occasions and causes why these Councils were convocated then are and will be to the end of the world 3 That private Believers must be the Bishops of their own Bishops Watch-men of their own Watch-men No communion or fellowship among Ecclesiastick Ministers That single and particular churches though they have defiled and pudled themselves with the most black and ugly Heresies with the most abominable faults and vices yet are not lyable to any Ecclesiastick Censure but must be refered to the immediate judgement of Christ at the last Day 4 That a Colledge of Pastors and Presbyters conveened together from several congregations shall have no more power of the keyes of the kingdom of Heaven than any one particular man that is able to look to the good of his brother 5 That a Pastor out of his own Congregation hath no power to administer the Sacraments or to preach the Word or exerce any Ministerial Act. From which Absurdities it follows evidently that this kind of Church Government labours under a manifest defect of the Means of Propagating the Gospel 6 That Christ hath as many visible bodies as there are particular congregations That Men and Women are to be accounted Members only of a particular congregation and not of the Church-Catholick And that those who are excomunicated are only casten out of a particular congregation not out of the Church Universal Quest. II. MAY not the Ministers of the Church of themselves by vertue of their office meet in Assemblies with other fit Persons upon delegation from their Churches when Magistrates are open enemies to the Christian Religion Yes Acts 15. 2 4 22 23 25. Well then do not the Erastians err who maintain that the Ministers of the Gospel have no right or power in themselves or by vertue of their office to meet in a Synod or Council Yes By what reasons are they confuted 1 Because the Church of GOD in the primitive times had power in themselves to convocate their own Assemblies for Worship and Government not only without but against the consent of the civil Magistrate as is evident from the Acts of the Apostles and Church Histories 2 Though the power and right of meeting in church Assemblies be visible in the constitution and exercise yet it is intrinseck and within the church as well as the power of Preaching Quest. III. MAY Magistrates lawfully call a Synod of Ministers and other fit persons to consult and advise with about matters of Religion Yes Isa. 49. 23. 1 Tim. 2. 1 2. Matth. 2. 4 5. Prov. 11. 14. Well then do not the Papists err who maintain that the civil Magistrate hath no right or power to convocate Synods or Councils but that it belongs to the Bishop to convocate Diocesian Synods To the Metropolitan to convocate Provincial Synods To the Primate and Patriarch to convocate National Synods To the Pope onely to convocate and call Oecumenick and general Synods Yes By what reasons are they confuted 1 Because under the Old Testament Councils and Synods were appointed and called by godly Kings 1 Kings 8. 1. 2 Kings 23. 1. 2 chron 29. 4. 2 Because it is the duty of the civil Magistrate being born within the church to take care that Peace and Unity be preserved and keeped in the Church that the Truth and Word of GOD be intirely and soundly Preached and obeyed that blasphemies and heresies be kept under and supprest that all corruptions in Worship and Discipline be reformed that all GODS Ordinances be lawfully established administred and preserved And if it should happen that both Church and State Iudicaturies should make an universal defection from the purity of doctrine and worship received and acknowledged it is the duty of a godly King by vertue of his Regal Power and Authority to set about a work of Reformation and to call and command all ranks of People to return to the true Worship and Service of GOD Isa. 45. 23. Psalm 122. 7 8 9. Ezra 7 23 25 26 27 28. Levit. 24. 16. Deut. 13. 5 6 12. 1 chron 13. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. 2 Kings 23. from the first verse to the 26. 3 From the example of Constantine that did convocate the first Nicene council From Theodosius the elder that did call the first council of Constantinople From Theodosius the younger that did call the first council at Ephesus From Martianus that did call the Chalcedon council Quest. IV. MAY all Synods or Councils since the Apostles dayes err Yes And have not many actually erred Yes Well then doth not the Popish Church err who maintain that councils confirmed and solemnised by the Popes authority cannot err neither in explaining Doctrines of Faith nor in delivering Precepts and Rules of Manners common to the whole Church Yes By what reasons are they confuted 1 Because all the Priests Levites and Prophets of the Iewish church who had the same Promises which the Christian church hath now under the New Testament 1 Cor. 10. 3 4. 2 Sam. 7. 16. Isaiah 49. 15 16. together with the High Priest have sometimes erred as is clear from the following Scriptures Isaiah 56. 10 11. Ierem. 6. 13. Ierem. 14. 14. Hos. 9. 7 8 9. Mic. 3. 9. The Lords Prophets that were immediately guided and inspired by him must be excepted 2 Because councils under the Old Testament lawfully called have often-times erred 2 Sam. 6. 6. 3. Ier. 26. 7 8 9. 1 Kings 22. 6. And under the New Testament Iohn 9. 35. Iohn 11. 47 48 52. Matth. 26 57 59 65 66. Acts 4. 5 6 17 18. 3 Because the Pope cannot shew a proof of infallibility Rom. 3. 4. 4 Because it is foretold in the New Testament that many Pastors and Teachers shall become false Prophets and turn Seducers and that Antichrist shall sit in the Temple of GOD shewing himself that he is God Mat. 24. 11 24. Acts 20. 29 30. 2 Peter 2. 1. 2 Thes. 2. 4. 5 It is most evident that many councils approven and authorized by the Pope have most foully erred and that