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A30739 An enquiry whether the Lord Jesus Christ made the world, and be Jehovah, and gave the moral law? and whether the fourth command be repealed or altered? by Tho. Bampfield. Bampfield, Thomas, 1623?-1693. 1692 (1692) Wing B629; ESTC R10575 118,081 148

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which then comprehended both East and West they should ●rbear to Labour or do any Work upon the Dominical ●y Eusebius in The Life of Constantine fol. 59 60 He sends ● Edict to all Governours of Provinces that they should forth●ith observe the Dominical day that they should honour Ho● days consecrated to the Memory of Martyrs and so settles ●oly-days and the First day by the same Edict Calvis Chro. Fol. 513. ●hich Edict was made about An. Christi 321. ●d Constantine died about An. Dom. 348 saith ●crates in the Margin so that this keeping the weekly Seventh-day Sabbath by all the Christian Churches except the Romans and Alexandrians must be some years after Constantines Death Which Testimony of so substantial a Witness besides the former and after Testimonies I do somewhat relye upon as an humane Authority and Tradition against that Affirmation of neither Trace nor Footstep for any other than the First day and this without the dissent of any single person as they remember dissenting in 1600 years whereas if this and divers Facts before and after remembred be true which by an Historical Faith no man can well doubt then all the Christians in the World between three and four hundred years after Christ except the Romans and Alexandrians in their Assemblies as every week came about celebrated the Mysteries upon the Sabbath day whilst the Romans and Alexandrians celebrated the First day which they called the Dominical day which I take to be a very great Evidence that the change of Times and Laws prophesied Dan. 7. 25 was brought about by Rome Cent. 7. Caranza's Councils fol. 311 312 339 340 the sixth General Council held at Constantinople the Emperor Constantin● Pogonatus President and Legates sent from Pope Agatho were present in the year of our Lord 673 Can. 52 the Fathers o● that Council enacted That no new Consecration should be all the Lent unless upon the Sabbath and Dominical The Sabbath is yet named by a General Council before the Dominical day and that in the seventh Century for we command that those days be kept Festivals and not to mourn o● fast upon them so that 673 years after Christ the Sabbath b● a General Council is established a Festival even in Lent And Fol. 340 Can. 55 the Fathers being informed that i● Rome they fasted in Lent upon the Sabbath against th● Tradition and Custom of the Church here ● Tradition affirmed by a General Council for o● Tradition for the Seventh-day Sabbath Ann. Dom. 673. serving the Sabbath as a Festival and that in L●● it seemed good to the holy Synod that in ●● Church of Rome the Canon should forthwith o● tain or be put in execution if any Clerk be found in t● holy Dominical or Sabbath fasting besides one and one onl● let him be deposed but if he be a Laick let him be exco●municated So severe was this Eastern General Council ● continue the Sabbath a Festival and that against Rome it self 'T is true the First day of the week in some few places where Popery much prevailed at that time might be observed under the name of the Dominical day as a Festival and from the Contention which had been and then was between the Eastern and Western Churches about observing the Passover yearly and the weekly Festival upon the Dominical day it came to pass as I think that so many Popes Abbots Bishops Canons c. assumed the name of Dominicus As before whilst the Disputes between the Popes and the ancient Churches lasted about what day to keep the Passover upon divers of the Popes and Antipopes assumed the name of Paschalis And when this Controversie about the Sabbath was by the Popes somewhat quieted in these Western parts which was about the Thirteenth Century whereof more afterward then arises Dominicus the Hermit and then St. Dominic about 1243 i. e. about 447 years since and erects the Order of Dominicans which is continued amongst the Romanists to this day Cardinal Baronius's Annals An. Christi 603 sect 2 tom 8. Moguntiae sect 17. This year at Rome St. Gregory the Pope corrected that Error which some preached by Jewish Superstition or the Grecian Custom That it was a Duty to worship upon the Sabbath in like wise as upon the Dominical days and he calls such Preachers The Preachers of Antichrist By which it is evident that some then held themselves and others obliged to keep holy the Sabbath and preached it up and probably in Rome though the Pope calls it an Error This was in the seventh Century So as notwithstanding all the great contrary Affirmations and Boastings there are in the ancient Histories many Evidences of Tradition for the Seventh-day Sabbath Cent. 9. Baronius Ann. Chr. 828 sect 25 26 27 mentions a Story of a Maid possessed with a Daemon who being examined by a Romish Priest said He was an Officer and Disciple of Satan sent with Eleven more to destroy the Kingdom of the Franks because inter alia they did not keep the Dominical days as that Daemon calls them and other Holy-days So it seems it did not then obtain in France To which the Case of Abbot Eustachius in Scotland has some resemblance Cent. 10. Augustine on the 6th Chapter of John Tract 26. saith That in some places they communicate upon the Saturday and Sunday only which is quoted in Galvin's fol. English Institutions fol. 701 Quaere when and where that was Binius Cent. 13 Tomi tertii part altera fol. 1448. We have the initiating or first bringing in the Dominical day by a Council into Scotland which is there said to be An. Dom. 1203 that is in the 13th Century which is a famous Instance and as to that Kingdom will strike off Twelve hundred years of the pretended Sixteen hundred years Tradition It was in Scotland which Kingdom had divers early Plantations of the Gospel in some parts of it but generally received the Christian Religion about the year 435. Heylin's Geog. fol. 332. but if my Authorities be good had no observation of the First day until the year 1201 or 1202 or 1203. which Binius says was 1203 near Eight hundred years after Christianity was planted and professed in that Church and Kingdom and but about 490 years since Binius's Councils Tomi tertii Pars altera fol. 1448. A Council was celebrated in Scotland about the initiating or first bringing in then surely it was not there before of the Dominical i. e. of the First day which some now call the Lord's day or Sunday which he calls the Dominical which Council he says was held An. Dom. 1203 in the time of Pope Innocent III. See Roger Heveden whom Binius quotes An. 1202 and Matt. Paru's old Impression f. 192 193 and Lucius's Ecclesiastical History which he gathered out of the oldest and best Writers printed at Basil 1624. Lucius Cent. 13 fol. 264 Lucius says of the Dominical day In a certain Council in Scotland it was enacted That it should be
vowed to God that hereafter they would neither buy nor sell any thing upon the Dominical days unless perhaps Food and Drink to such as passed by They vowed also That of all things which they sold of the value of Five Shillings de singulis quinque salidatis rerum they would give a Farthing or a fourth part to buy a Lamp or Candle for the Church and for the burial of the Poor And for the collecting of this the aforesaid Abbot ordained to be made an hollow piece of Wood in all Parish Churches under the Custody of two or three faithful men where the People should cast in the fore-mentioned Brass The aforesaid Abbot also ordained that an eleemosynarie or Alms-dish or Platter should be daily had to the Table of the Rich in which they should send part of their Meats to the use of those who were Indigent who had not prepared for themselves Which in part was a very charitable Appointment And the same Abbot prohibited That none should buy or sell any thing or litigate in Churches or in the Church-Porch or Church-yard● Then the Enemy of Mankind envying these and other Admonitions of this Holy Man put into the Heart of the King and Princes of Darkness so it seems the King and Nobility of England did not keep Sunday at that time that they commanded That all who should keep or observe the aforesaid Traditions and chiefly all who had cast down the Market for things vendible upon the Dominical days should be brought to the King's Court or to the King's Examination to make satisfaction or purge themselves about observing the the Dominical day But our Lord Jesus Christ whom we ought to obey rather than men who illustrated or made famous and as exceedingly renowned dedicated unto himself this day which we call Dominical or Lord's day by his Birth and by his Resurrection by his Coming and by the sending the Holy Spirit upon his Disciples he raised up Miracles of his Virtue and thus manifested it upon some Transgressors of the Dominical day Upon a certain Sabbath after the ninth hour a certain Carpenter in Beverlac making a Wooden Pin against the wholsome Admonitions of his Wife being struck with a Palsie fell to the Ground And a certain Woman knitting after the ninth hour of the Sabbath i. e. after Three of the Clock upon Saturday whilst she was very anxious to knit out part of her Work falling to the Earth struck with a Palsie she became dumb And at Nasfortun a Village of Master Roger Arundle a certain man made for himself Bread baked under the Ashes upon the Sabbath day after the ninth hour and eat of it and reserved to himself part until the Morning which when he brake upon the Dominical day Blood came out of it And he that saw it hath given Testimony and his Testimony is true And at Wakefield upon a certain Sabbath when a Miller after the ninth hour endeavoured to grind his Corn suddenly in the place of Meal there issued out so great a stream of Blood that the Vessel put under was almost filled with Blood and the Mill wheel stood immoveable against the vehement impulse of the Water and those who saw marvelled saying Forgive Lord forgive thy People And in Lincolinsiria whether he mean Lincolnshire or what place else I cannot tell a certain Woman had prepared Dough or 〈◊〉 or Pudding pye which carrying to the Oven after the 〈◊〉 ●ur of the Sabbath she put it into a very hot Oven and 〈◊〉 she had drawn it out she found it not baked and she put it again into the Oven made very hot and on the morning and on Monday when she thought to have found the Bread baked she found the Dough or Pudding-pye unbaked Also in the same Province when a certain Woman had prepared her Dough willing to carry it to the Oven her Husband said to her It is the Sabbath and the ninth hour is now past let it alone until Monday and the Woman obeying her Husband did as he commanded and wrapt the Dough in Linnen and in the morning when she went to look to her Dough lest it should exceed the Vessel because of the Leaven put into it she found by the Divine Will Bread made thereof and well baked without material Fire This is a Change of the Right Hand of the Most High and although the Almighty Lord by these and other Miracles of his Power did invite the People to the observation of the Dominical day yet the People fearing more Kingly and Humane Power than Divine and fearing those more who kill the Body and can do no more than Him who after he hath killed the Body can send the Soul to Hell and fearing more to lose Earthly things than Heavenly and Transitories than Eternals Oh sad as a Dog to the Vomit returned to keep Markets of things saleable upon the Dominical days Haec ille This referrs to England so Scotland did not receive the Change till 1203 and the King and Princes of England would not then agree to change the Sabbath or keep Sunday by this Authority This was I think in the time of King John against whom the Popish Clergy had a great Pique as not favouring their Prelacy and Monks by one of whom he was poysoned So we have here an Authority and for Matter of Fact undedeniable for ought I know or can find of a Council held in Scotland for initiating that is for the first bringing in there the observation of the Dominical day i. e. the first day of the week or Sunday and the King Princes and People of England were then against observing Sunday That Kingdom of Scotland was Christian very early and generally received the Christian Religion about Ann. Dom. 435 as before and has this Honour that they were one of the last in this part of the World which admitted the First day and that was not till 〈◊〉 thousand Two hundred years after Christ And to Binius 〈◊〉 Hoveden and Matthew Paris and to the Records of that Kingdom of Scotland where so great a Transaction cannot probably be lost further Enquirers are referred Which Matter of Fact strikes off One thousand Two hundred years out of the Kingdoms of England and Scotland from the Sixteen hundred years universal Concurrence so confidently affirmed as before And take out 1201 out of 1690 and there remains 489. Which is a Prescription much too modern and weak to alter and lay aside a lesser matter than the ancient establish'd Law of God I may safely leave any Reader to make his own Inferences in so plain a case only there being here and afterward mention made of Judgments inflicted on such as violated the Dominical day this I may say of that though I doubt many supposed Judgments are mistaken wrested and misconstrued and the Instances before given may be better applied to Breakers of the Seventh day Sabbath than of Sunday they being Instances of Facts done about the ninth hour upon