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A30059 The contrariety of popery to the blessed word of God wherein may be seen that the doctrine and practice of the Church of Rome are not consistent with the sacred oracles of the Old and New Testament ... / written by Digby Bull ... Bull, Digby. 1695 (1695) Wing B5410; ESTC R8749 67,944 72

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cause Jews Turks and Pagans to cry out against it when they see such inhumane Cruelty and merciless Murders committed by the Professors of it Such bloody Spectacles are of a very moving and frightful nature and very distastful and odious to all men that have any sense of humanity left in them and the ready way to make them abhor the Christian Religion when they see such as call themselves Christians to act like the worst of men And for this must they one day answer And a sad thing it is to see that such as call themselves Christians should now be the greatest Enemies of the Christian Church and put men to death in a merciless manner purely for Points of Conscience where the poor Sufferers have Truth and the Gospel of Christ on their side By what hath been said it is clear enough that the bloody Cruelty of the Romish Church is not at all agreeable to the Gospel of Christ but flat contrary to it By these particulars without going any farther we may see that Popery is not at all consistent with the sacred Scriptures and the Gospel of the blessed Jesus but quite another Religion directly contrary to it even in the Fundamentals of it For in the Christian Religion we are taught that Christ is the Head of the Church and are positively commanded to call no one Father and Master in such a high manner and to admit no Competitor with him But in Popery the Pope is the Head of the Church And tho' he pretends to be Christ's Vicar yet in truth and reality he is no such thing but acteth like a supreme Lord of the Church himself and will admit of the Christian Law and the Commands of the Gospel no farther than they suit with his humor and pleasure or interest and at his own will and pleasure doth over-rule them and herein doth take upon him a Power above our blessed Lord. And by these Papers it is plain that the Members of the Romish Church live in an open and notorious violation of the Christian Law and the Commands of the Gospel They call themselves Christians but in truth and reality they are not Christians but men of another Religion quite different from Christianity and may be called Papists in opposition and contradistinction to Christians For as we Christians do own Christ for our Head and profess our selves to be his Disciples and look upon his Laws and Commands as sacred and to be kept inviolable and do engage to take care to keep them So do they own the Pope for their supreme Head and are his Disciples and do set up his Laws and Commands that are ratified by his Authority as supreme and above the Laws and Commands of Christ and look upon themselves as obliged to keep them inviolable and take more care to keep them than the Laws of Christ The Romish Church notwithstanding its outward profession of Christianity yet in reality is not to be looked upon as any part of the true Christian Church but as a People of another new Religion And there is no doubt to me but that the Papists are the Gentiles spoken of Rev. 11.2 and that the time is now at hand that they shall tread the holy City the true Church of Christ under foot forty and two months And that the Popedom and Romish Church is the Beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless Pit that shall make War with the Witnesses of God and overcome them And that those names of Sodom Egypt and Babylon the Great do belong to Rome and the Romish Church And the Learned and Reverend Archbishop Usher Dr. More and Dr. Barrow do not say much less Archbishop Usher 's Predictions Dr. More 's Antidote against Idolatry Dr. Barrows 's Treatise of the Pope's Supremacy And we may see that Divine Providence hath afforded as great a Cloud of Witnesses against Popery in these latter ages of the World as it hath against the Pagan Idolatries in the Primitive times of Christianity And I suppose upon a fair examination it will appear that far more have died Martyrs here in Europe in testifying the Truth against Popery than have died Martyrs in the time of the Pagan Emperors in testifying the Truth in opposition to Pagan Idolatry And when these things are fairly considered I cannot see but that Christians heretofore might with as much safety to their Souls turn to Pagan Idolatry as Protestants may now turn to Popery The glorious Martyrs that have suffered in the Popish Persecutions are as high a Testimony against Popery as any that can be found I believe against Pagan Idolatry And for my part I do not see how Protestants that turn to Popery can be saved or how Papists that wilfully continue therein when they see and consider these things can be saved and escape eternal Destruction How far God may extend Mercy over and above the declarations of the Gospel in pitying the ignorance and infirmities of some is an Arcanum that we cannot look into and belongs not to us to open But as to the declarations of the Gospel there is certainly no hope of Salvation to be had in the Romish Church as it is now corrupted And if any one thinks that I strain the Cord too far and would have me to remember to keep within the bounds of Charity I return him this answer That I am in Charity with all the World as I hope and desire the Good and Well-being of all men both here and hereafter And that I think it far greater Charity to deal plainly and sincerely in a matter of such weight and moment than to use any deceitful and treacherous Flattery to the deluding of mens precious and immortal Souls and to give them any just cause to curse me hereafter when they are wrapt up in Eternal Wo and Misery I believe St. Paul and St. John were men full of true Christian Charity and yet they positively declare that those that commit such sins as they enumerate and reckon up are not like to be saved but to be eternally damned if they do not repent in time And seeing the Romish Church is so notoriously guilty of many of those very sins there is no cause that any good Body should be offended at me for asserting That there is no hope of Salvation to be had in that Church and for being willing to save both Protestants and Papists by endeavouring to keep the one Party from falling to such a corrupt and sinful Religion and to draw the other from it And our Church in effect declareth as much as I do For in Athanasius's Creed we have these Words Which Faith except every one do keep whole and undefiled without doubt he shall perish everlastingly And our Church having made this a part of her publick Liturgy hereby doth shew that this is her sense and that this was the sense and judgment of the Primitive times And seeing the Romish Church doth not keep the Catholick Faith whole and undefiled as it it clear enough by these Papers therefore our Church doth declare that the Papists and Members of the Popish Church are like-to perish everlastingly if they do not repent in time To conclude then seeing Popery is so notorious a violation of the blessed Word of God and there are such plain declarations in the sacred Scriptures against it seeing no less than Eternal Death is threatned to the things that are constantly practised therein and the Professors of it are accounted no better than Gentiles in the Revelation of St. John seeing God hath set a whole Cloud of Witnesses and Martyrs to give testimony against it by resisting unto Blood and by chusing rather to be burnt to death in the fire than to turn to it From hence we may well be assured of the sinfulness of this Religion and that it is at the hazard of our Lives and Souls if we turn to it There is no halting in this case for if we turn to it we go presumptuously upon Destruction Let us then be wise betimes and not trifle with Eternity and run wilfully into the Lake of everlasting fire Let us not by a little Terror of men be driven to it and so bring the Curse and Wrath of Almighty God upon our selves But seeing we are warned of its coming before hand let us do what we can to prepare our selves against it that we may not be born away with the violence of it when it cometh Let us reform and amend our sinful lives and be in a readiness to dye if God should call us to give farther testimony against it and let us then call upon him for his blessed Assistance and go cheerfully to the Stake rather than to turn to so sinful a Religion wherein we are like to perish to all Eternity And I desire that all well minded Papists would seriously consider what is said here and lay it to heart and not hearken to deluding Priests and Jesuits I hope and am fully persuaded that Mercy doth yet wait upon them and that if they will now return from Popery and become good Christians and live according to the Precepts and Commands of the Gospel they may preserve their Souls and that God will pass by their Provocations hitherto But if they do not now repent and return I doubt it will go very sore with the Papists of these Kingdoms For as I am confident and well assured that Popery is at hand and will prevail here for a time so am I also confident that after the 42 Months Rev. 11.2 are expired it will be driven out again and then I fear that the Wrath of God will fall very heavy both upon Papists and upon such Protestants as turn to Popery It is very probable that there may be some Bloodshed at its entrance but I expect that the great Slaughter and Destruction of men will be when it is driven out again You may peruse The Watch-man's-Voice and the Letter of a Protestant Clergy-man c. I have no more but my hearty Prayer That Almighty God of his great Mercy and Goodness would have mercy upon the whole Kingdom and turn us all from our own sinful ways into the path of Life and preserve us safe unto his eternal and blessed Kingdom for his dear Son Christ Jesus's sake Amen FINIS
he might have an opportunity of doing an act of mercy and kindness to him even at that time when he came to apprehend our Lord and to take him away to be crucified And he cured his ear again that no one might have any just cause to complain that any injury or wrong was done to him by Christ or his Disciples And when his Disciples would have called for fire to come down upon the Samaritans as Elias did because the Samaritans would not entertain them perceiving that they were Jews he rebuked them and told them that he was not come to destroy mens Lives but to save them Luk. 9.54 And when his disciples James and John saw this they said Lord wilt thou that we command fire to come down from Heaven and consume them even as Elias did But he turned and rebuked them and said ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of For the Son of man is not come to destroy mens lives but to save them And from hence it is plain that the Disciples of the blessed Jesus ought not to destroy mens lives but to do what they well can to save them Ananias indeed and Sapphira his Wife were stricken dead upon St. Peter's admonition of them Acts 5.1 But this seems to be done by the immediate power of God and St. Peter caused no violent hand to be laid upon them And this was for a very great Crime for lying to the Holy Ghost and to God And such sins against the Holy Ghost men are not now well capable of committing except God should now vouchsafe such evidence and demonstration of the Holy Spirit as was then which is not to be expected This place cannot be any encouragement at all now to Cruelty and Bloodshed Elymas for his wickedness was stricken blind upon St. Paul's words Acts 13.11 But this seems also to be done by the immediate power of God and it is probable that he had still time to repent and God might thus afflict him that he might be brought to repentance hereby if he would St. Paul ordered that the incostruous Person at Corinth should be delivered to Satan 1 Cor. 5.5 But this was for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit might be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus That by such chastisement he might be brought to repentance and so be saved He also delivered Hymeneus and Alexander to Satan 1 Tim. 1.20 But it was that they might learn not to blaspheme He ordered also that an heretick after the first and second admonition should be rejected Tit. 3.10 But gave Titus no command to put him to death And our blessed Saviour commanded his Apostles when he sent them forth to be harmless like Doves Matt. 10.16 Behold I send you forth as sheep in the midst of Wolves be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves Our blessed Lord and his Apostles practiced nothing like this bloody Cruelty and he commanded his Apostles the quite contrary and shews that he came into the World upon no such design but for a quite contrary end And the Gospel is full of Precepts commanding the highest charity and love and goodness that can be to all men even to our enemies Matt. 5.44 saith our Saviour But I say unto you Love your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despightfully use you and persecute you That ye may be the Children of your Father which is in heaven for he maketh his sun to rise on the Evil and on the Good and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust And to this purpose Luk. 6.27 This universal love and charity are we to exercise that we may be the Children of God and imitate his universal love and kindness and if we do not so we shall not approve our selves to be the true Children of God And saith St. Paul Rom. 12.14 Bless them which persecute you bless and curse not And ver 20 Therefore if thine Enemy hunger feed him if he thirst give him drink For in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head Be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with good And saith he Gal. 5.22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace long suffering gentleness goodness faith or faithfulness meekness temperance These are the works of the good Spirit of God and not Bloodshed and Cruelty And saith St. Peter 1 Pet. 1.22 See that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently And 1 Pet. 2.15 For so is the will of God that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men This and not the Sword and Rack and Fire is the way that he prescribes to silence the ignorance of the foolish And 1 Pet. 4.8 And above all things saith he have fervent charity among your selves for charity shall cover the multitude of sins This fervent and universal love and charity doth the Gospel require And so far ought we to be from malice and cruelty towards others that we should rather be ready to lay down our own Lives for them when it is likely to be beneficial to them as St. John shews 1 Job 3.16 Hereby perceive we the love of God saith he because he laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren And so far is the Gospel of Christ from tolerating and giving any encouragement to such bloody Cruelty and merciless Practices that it flatly declares that Murderers shall not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven but that they are like to perish eternally and to go to their Father the Devil that was a Murderer from the beginning as our Saviour saith Joh. 8.44 That such are not to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven St. Paul shews Gal. 5.19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest saith he which are these Adultery fornication Envyings murders drunkenness revelling and such like of the which I tell you before as I have also told you in time past that they which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God And saith St. John 1 Joh. 3.15 Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer and ye know that no murderer hath eternal Life abiding in him For Envy and Hatred and Murder especially are men to be shut out of the Kingdom of Heaven And saith St. John Rev. 21.8 But the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers shall have their part in the Lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death Such bloody Murders and merciless Cruelties as are committed by the Romish Church are thus severely threatned in the Gospel and it Cries out aloud against them as directly contrary to it We are to lead holy and innocent Lives and to take great care that we do not cause the Christian Religion to be evil spoken of among Unbelievers Rom. 2.24 1 Tim. 6.1 Tit. 2.5 But such wicked and hellish Practices are the ready way to
see is flat contrary to the express Word of God In these matters concerning Marriages it is clear that their Practice is not agreeable to the sacred Word of God XII Their Doctrine of Purgatory and their Masses and Prayers and Absolutions for the delivering of men from thence are not agreeable to the sacred Scriptures And first we may see that the places alledged to prove these will prove no such thing Our Saviour hath told us Matt. 12.32 That whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven him neither in this world or age neither in the world or age to come But this place doth not prove that any sins shall be forgiven in another world which are not forgiven in this This only shows that no pardon at all was to be granted to this sin And so it is explained in St. Mar. 3.29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness but is in danger of eternal Damnation This place in St. Matthew is clearly explained to us by the Spirit of God how we are to understand it and nothing like Purgatory we see can be drawn from it And we may see that such expressions as these in the Scriptures prove nothing at all to this purpose Our Saviour saith concerning the man that was born blind Joh. 9.3 Neither hath this man sinned nor his parents But this is no proof that other men do sin before they are born into the World Nor does this place prove that sins shall be forgiven in another world which are not forgiven in this And if some sins were to be forgiven in another World that would belong to God and men here upon earth have nothing to do to order the affairs of the World to come and are in ignorance as concerning the State and Condition of the greatest part of particular men tho' something may be known concerning a few And great arrogancy and vanity it is for men here to pretend to order the affairs of the World to come and another life Again saith our Saviour Matt. 5.25 26 Agree with thine Adversary quickly whilest thou art in the way with him lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge and the judge deliver thee to the officer and thou be cast into prison Verily I say unto thee thou shalt by no means come out thence till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing Here our blessed Saviour doth exhort and persuade men to repent and amend their lives and to make satisfaction for all the Injuries and Wrongs that they have done to others while it may be done here in this World and lets them know that if they do not take this wise course to make satisfaction now they shall hereafter be dealt with with great rigor and severity like one that suffers the extremity of the Law and is not released from prison till he hath paid the uttermost farthing that was due from him These words till thou hast paid do not prove that such an one shall be released but are rather to be understood of lying in hell for ever But here is nothing like Purgatory and no proof that men shall be delivered from thence by Absolutions and Prayers and Masses c But this place instead of proving of Purgatory is a strong argument to prove that there is no such place For here we see that our Saviour doth exhort men to take such a course in due time that they may not be cast into prison and if they will be wise betimes and take care he sheweth that men may escape this prison and not come into it at all And when men are cast into this prison he doth plainly affirm that they cannot be discharged from thence by Absolutions nor be begged and bought out thence by Prayers and Masses c. Again we read of the Holy Jerusalem Rev. 21.27 That there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth But this is no proof at all that men must be purged in Purgatory after death And the Word of God doth plainly teach us that we are to be purged and cleansed other ways We are cleansed and sanctified by Baptism by the Word and Spirit of God and by the blood of Christ and not by Purgatory after death 1 Cor. 6.11 But ye are washed saith St. Paul but ye are sanctified but ye are justified in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God And saith our Saviour Joh. 15.3 Now ye are clean thro' the Word which I have spoken unto you And Ephes 5.25 saith the Apostle Even as Christ also loved the Church and gave himself for it That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word That he might present it to himself a glorious Church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish And saith St. John 1 Joh. 1.7 But if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin Here we see how men are cleansed and purified and made fit to enter into the Holy Jerusalem And here we see that there is no need of Purgatory and that men are not cleansed and purified this way but that they are purified by the Ordinances of Christ by repentance and forsaking of their sins and evil ways by being baptized into the Christian Religion and living of holy and innocent lives according to the Doctrine and Commands thereof and by the precious blood of Christ and by the Holy Spirit of God These Texts of Scripture do plainly prove to us that there is no such place as Purgatory because there is no need of it and men are not cleansed and purified by it but are purified by other ways and means Nothing like Purgatory can be gathered from this place in the Revelation chap. 21. ver 27. Again saith St. Peter 1 Pet. 3.18 19 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh but quickned by the Spirit By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison And these Spirits the Papists would have to be in Purgatory and that Christ by his Spirit went to preach to them But this will prove nothing to their purpose For these are those sinful Wretches that were disobedient in the days of Noah and then it was that Christ preached to them by his Spirit in Noah and the righteous men in those days And thus saith St. Peter ver 19 By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison Which some time were disobedient when once the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah while the Ark was a preparing And while the long-suffering of God waited for their repentance in the days of Noah then it was that Christ preached to them by his