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A26880 Catholick communion defended against both extreams, and unnecessary division confuted in five parts ... / by Richard Baxter ... Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1684 (1684) Wing B1206; Wing B1237; Wing B1401; ESTC R22896 218,328 250

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and Devote himself to Him Therefore to force the unwilling to be Baptized is a Sacrilegious Prophanation of Baptism 4. To be Baptized is to be solemnly invested in a visible State of Regeneration Pardon Adoption and Right to Christ and Life Eternal by a Ministerial Delivery of such Right as in the Name of Christ. But no unwilling Person hath any Right to these unvaluable Gifts Therefore no unwilling Person should be forced to receive the said Investiture 5. Christ's Tryal and Description of the Willing is Whether they resolve to accept of his Grace forsaking all worldly interest that stands against it Luke 14.26 27 to the end Therefore to Baptize all that are forced to it by the Sword and had rather be Baptized and say they Believe than lose all they have and lie in Gaol is to Preach another Gospel in part 6. Persons Baptized in infancy have no right to Communion in the Lord's Supper till they profess their personal Faith and Consent to the Baptismal Covenant And the Unbaptized are not to be forced to Communicate The Lords Supper redelivering all the same great unvaluable Gifts to the Receivers which were delivered in Baptism the Unwill●ng are no more capable of one than the other And to force them to say they are Willing and to receive that which they have no right to is Sacrilegious prophaning Holy things 7. The ancient Churches for many hundred years were so far from forcing any to Baptism or Church-Communion or thinking that they should be forced that they admitted none that did not earnestly desire it And if the Baptized by Impenitency or Apostacy or ●long withdrawing from Communion did shew themselves again uncapable by unwillingness they Declaratively cast them out 8. And that the Excommunicate as such should be laid up in Prison and undone to force them again to be Willing to be Christians or to Communicate hath the same Reasons against it as against doing it at the first and to take them for Willing and Capable of Absolution and Salvation who had rather say they Repent and Consent than lye in Gaol is to pervert Christ's Gospel and Sacraments and confound the Church And the ancient Churches would have abhorred the motion of such a thing 9. But it is just and meet that Princes make a difference between Christian and Infidel Subjects and between those that live Willingly in Communion of the Church and those that refuse it And that a Christian Kingdom should give those Powers and Immunities to willing Christians which they give not to Infidels and the justly Excommunicate especially in matters relating to Government Legislative and Judiciary and especially about Re●igion and the Church And if any to obtain such Immunities or Powers do Hypocritically profess Christianity and consent themselves only are guilty of the Prophanation no wrong means was used and the Church is no searcher of the Heart 10. But Christianity being necessary to our Salvation and it being the Christian Magistrates Duty to do his best for the Salvation of all his Subjects and Knowledge being the means of Consent and Teaching and Learning the means of Knowledge it is the Duty of such Magistrates to provide suffic●ent Teachers for Number and Qual●ty for all the Subjects and to compel men to Hear Con●er and Learn as Catechumens The ancient Churches had their previous Instructions for such who were yet dismissed before the Communion Exercises proper to the faithful § 3. II. To the second case I Answer 1. There is nothing in this World that Man can do without all inconveniencies or which may not be turned to some occasion of Evil. On one side 1. It is most desirable that all Kingdoms were wholly Christians and the Princes be Defenders and Promoters of Religion and the Church and Kingdom be materially the same and the Civil Government used Holily according to God's Laws to holy ends 2. And it is desirable accordingly that the Kingdom being all Christian be divided into fit parts for Christian Conversation and Communion such as our Parishes are and that all be of the Church who are of the Parish and the Civil State sanctified and the Ecclesiastick grow up as Body and Soul into one And that all in the Parish be of one mind and of one Church and that there be no just cause given for any to separate from the rest nor any do it without cause 3. And it is desirable that all these Parish-Churches in a Kingdom living under one civil Government do by the means of Senior Pastors and Synods hold such Correspondence as is necessary to their common Concord and Strength These things being Desirable it is no wonder if good Governours Endeavour them and that ignorant men Plead for all such Concomitants Subordinates and Consequents as do suppose them When as in Fact the case being quite otherwise to administer matters on a false supposition of the matter of Fact as if that were which is not is but like the Men of Gothams striving and fighting which way they should drive their Sheep and where they should pasture them when they had none 1. No Kingdom is so wholly Christian as not to have many alas how many uncapable of Church-Communion 2. Yet it is a matter of order to be endeavoured that the Country be divided into Parishes and that they have an Ecclesiastick as well as a Civil Relation That is That each of these Parishes have a stated Teacher or many for the Catechumens who are uncapable of Communion And that the same Men be the Pastors of all in that Parish who consent and have the Temples and Tythes by the Magistrates Countenance and Consent And this great advantage of Publick Countenance and Maintenance will no doubt prevail with the main Body of Christians in that Parish if the men be desirable or tollerable to chuse them rather than others to avoid discountenance and the maintaining of others As all in the Hospital will be for the established Physician who dare trust him with their Lives But if this should be carried further to bind all persons to an absolute acceptance of such Parish Priests to be their only Pastors under the Bishops who are put upon them the mischiefs would be intollerable For 1. Then all must accept of Papists Priests only in France Spain Italy Bavaria Austria c and of bare Readers in Mu●covy 2. Or else all Subjects are made Judges of the qualification of their Kings whether they are Orthoodox enough to chuse them Pastors while they are not allowed to judge what Pastor to trust 3. And then every ignorant malignant or prophane Man who by inheritance or purchase hath got Advowsons or Presentations hath got an advantage greatly to hinder the Salvation of all the Parish And if Money may buy Souls for so much probability of Damnation no wonder if the god of this World imploy many rich Merchants to purchase Advowsons For how ordinarily God worketh according to the suitableness of means Scripture and full Experience
Worshipping him amounts to besides the Union of the Creature with the Creator in whom he liveth c. And no unregenerate ungodly Christian is united to him savingly 5. They are united among themselves 6. This is by a Covenant 7. And by a Covenant Divine as to command approbation and object It is God that they Covenant to own and obey The common Profession of the Mahometans is There is one God and Mahomet is his Prophet It is Divine in tantum as commanded For God Commandeth all men to Own him to believe that God is and that he is the Rewarder of them that diligently seek him And God so far approveth it St. Iames saith Thou dost well to him that believeth there is a God much more that is professedly devoted to him Let us by this examine the Jewish Church Iews now may be 1. A Body 2. Of Men 3. Separated from the rest of the World even in Religion and Church pretensions 4. United to God as Creatures as Men as the corporal seed of Abraham and as professing Belief Love and Obedience to God as their God 5. Strictly united among themselves 6. By a Covenant 7. Which God once commanded and still approveth so far as they own God Let us consider whether this description take not in those in every Nation that fear God and work Righteousness that never heard of Christ being thus combined And whether the Kingdom of God be not larger than his Church Joyn the Head and Tail of this mans book together and by the Head the description for ought I see Iews Mahometans if not almost all Heathens are the Church But at the End I think none on Earth is the Church At least none that separate from a pair of Organs or an ignorant Curate Nor can any man know who Page 2. § 2. He explaineth his Word Body as opposed to a confused Multitude A. But a Community of Equals that have no Governours may have order and ●e no confused Multitude And he himself after pleads over much for a necessity of Rulers P. 3. § 3. And in many places his Confusion and grand errour is repeated that the Christian Church is but one p. 7. We know no Church but what all Christians are members of by Baptsme which is the Vniversal Church p. 8. There is but one Church of which all Christians are members as there is but one Covenant p. 19. If there be but one Church and one Communion of which all true Christians are members c. p. 23. I am no otherwise a member of any particular Church than I am of the Vniversal p. 40. It 's a schismatical Notion of membership that divides the Christian Church into distinct memberships and therefore into the distinct Bodyes And p. 19. and often he saith those Churches which are not members of each other are separate Churches and Schismaticks A. I had hoped that no man but Mr. Cheny had talkt at this rate I. It 's agreed on that there is but one Universal Church The contrary is a Contradiction 2. It is agreed that there is no lawful particular Church which is not a part of the Universal 3. That whoever hath just Union and Communion with a true particular Church hath Union and Communion with the Universal 4. That all men in their Worship of God should accordingly perform it and do all that they do as Men in that Relation to the Universal Church None of this is controverted II. But I had hoped never to have heard any but Seekers say that there are not many lawful particular Churches distinct from the whole and from one another though not disjunct in the Common Essentials For the proof of the contrary 1. I begin with that which I expect should be most powerful The mans own after-Confessions to which he is oft brought Pag. 8. Distance of Place and the necessities and conveniences of Worship and Discipline has divided the Church into several parts and members and Particular Churches c. So pag. 14. pag. 19. All Christian Churches ought to be members of one More fully p. 20 21. This is ad hominem Yea and Nay is his Resolution 2. But I 'le bring other Arguments that prevail more with me The Sacred Scriptures oft tell us of many Churches therefore there are many Act. 9.31 The Churches had rest and 15.4 Confirming the Churches 16.5 So were the Churches established in the Faith Rom. 16.4 All the Churches of the Gentiles So ver 16. 1 Cor. 7.17 So ordain I in all Churches 11.16 Neither the Churches of God have such Custom 14.33 As in all the Churches of the Saints 34. Let your Women keep silence in the Churches So 16.1.19 2 Cor. 8.1 The Grace of God bestowed on the Churches of Macedonia 18. Whose Praise is in the Gospel through all the Churches So 19.23 24. and 11.8.28 The care of all the Churches 12.13 Inferior to the other Churches Gal. 1.2 22. 1 Thes. 2.14 2 Thes. 1.4 Rev. 1.4 To the seven Churches ver 11.20 Angels and Candlesticks of the seven Churches And 2.7 11 17 29. and 3.6 13 22 23. and 22.16 His Concordance might have shew'd him all these in order Phil. 4.15 No Church communicated with me concerning giving and receiving but ye only The dispute now must be whether the Apostles or this Resolver be to be believed They say there are many Churches parts of One he saith There is but one and it 's Schismatical to divide it into distinct memberships or Bodyes c. It 's no Schisme here to say I am for Paul and the Holy Scripture Let who will believe the contradictor 3. My next Argument is this Where there are many Political Societies consisting of Christian Pastors and People professedly associated for the ordinary Exercise of those Relations as such in holy Communion in Christian Doctrine Worship Order and Conversation for Edification in true Faith Hope Love and Obedience and the Glorifying of God therein There are many distinct true Churches parts of the Church Universal But on Earth there are many such Societyes c. Ergo c. Either the controversie is De re or de nomine for we called Separatists use to separate these 1. If de re Let the existence of the thing defined be tryed by Scripture Reason and common Experience 2. If de nomine Forma quae dat esse dat Nomen Here is the true specifick form which is found in many single Churches ergo the Name of such single or individual Churches is due to them 4. Again ad hominem from the consequences 1. If there be not many single Churches in the Universal then there are not many Patriarchal National Provincial Metropolitical Diocesan or Parochial Churches For non entium non datur numerus Many nothings is a contradiction Multae sunt ergo sunt Abest tertij adjecti ad est secundi valet argumentum But if there be not many then 1. All the Parish Churches in England being but one and not many
the same place their neighbourhood maketh them capable of Personal presential Communion as men that may know and admonish each other and meet by turns and in presence manage their concerns which differenceth single Churches of the lowest order from associated Churches of men that have Communion only by others at distance XV. As Logicians say of other Relations the matter must be capable of the end or it is not capable of the name and form so is it here e. g. It is no Ship that is made of meer Sponge or Paper or that is no bigger than a Spoon it is no Spoon that is as big as a Ship One House is not a Village nor one Village a City nor a City a meer House So twenty or an hundred or a thousand Parishes associate cannot be a single Church of the first or lowest Order being not capable of mutual Knowledge Converse or personal present Communion Nor are two or three Lay-men capable to be such a Church for want of due matter But supposing them capable thô a full and rich Church have advantage for Honour and Strength yet a small and poor one is ejusdem ordinis as truely a Church and so is their Pastor as Hierom saith of Rome and Eugubium so Alexandria and Majuma c. Gregory Neocaesar was equally Bishop of nineteen at first as after of all save nineteen in the City XVI If the Apostles have Successours in their care and Superiority over many Churches it will prove that there should yet be men of eminent worth to take care of many Churches and to instruct and admonish the younger Ministers But it will neither prove 1. That they succeed the Apostles in the extraordinary parts of their Office 2. Nor that they have any forcing power by the Sword 3. Nor that one Church hath power over others by Divine right for the Apostles fixed not their power to any particular Churches but were general Visitors or Overseers of many Yet if the same Man who is fixed in a particular Church have also the visiting admonishing oversight of many as far as was an Ordinary part of the Apostles Office and be called an Archbishop I know no Reason to be against him XVII There be essential and Integral Acts of the Sacred Ministry instituted by Christ These none may take the Power of from any Ministers nor alter the species or integrity of the Office by setting up any such Superious as shall deprive them of that which Christ hath instituted or arrogating the like uncalled But as in worship so in Order and Church Government there are undetermined accidents As to choose the time and place of Synods to preside and moderate and such like And these the Churches by agreement or the Magistrate may assign to some above the rest And if the Magistrate affix Baronies Honours Revenues or his own due Civil forcing Power and make the same Men Magistrates and Ministers whether we think it prudent and well done or not we must honour and obey them XVIII Some call these humane Accidental Orders forms of Church Government and affirm as Bishop Reignolds did and Dr. Stillingfleet in his Irenicon and many excellent men by him cited that no form of Church Government is of Divine Command Which is true of all this second sort of Government which is but Accidental and humane but not at all of the first sort which is Divine and Essential to Christ himself first and to Pastors as such by his appointment so that the essential Government of the Universal Church by Christ and of each particular Church by Pastors specified by him if not of Supervisors of many as succeeding Apostles and Evangelists in their Ordinary work are of unalterable Divine right But the humane forms are alterable Such I account 1. The Presidency and Moderatorship and accidental Government of one Bishop in a single Church over the other Presbyters Deacons c. 2. The accidental Government of a Diocesan as an Archbishop over these lowest Bishops and Churches 3. And the Superiority of Metropolitans and Patriarchs over them so it be but in such Accidentals and within the same Empire not imposing a forreign Jurisdiction These tota specie differ from the Divine Offices XIX All these single Church being parts of the Universal are less noble than the whole and are to do all that they do as members in Union with the Whole and to do all as Acts of Communion with them XX. The General precepts of doing all to Edification Concord Peace Order c. oblige all the Churches to hold such correspondencies as are needful to these Ends And Synods are one special means which should be used as far and oft as the Ends require And if National Metropolitans and Patriarchs order such Synods I am not one that will disobey them But if on these pretences any would make Synods more necessary than they are and use them as Governours by Legislation and Judgement over the Particular Bishops by the use of the Church Keyes and will affixe to them or Metropolitans besides an Agreeing Power and the said Government in Accidentals a proper Church Government by making and unmaking Ministers or Christians excommunicating and absolving as Rulers by the said Keyes it may be a duty to disown such usurpations As the King would disown an Assembly of Princes any where met that would claim a Proper Government of him and his Kingdom Thô it were much to be wisht that all Christian Princes would hold such Assemblies for the Concord and Peace of Christendom XXI The Essentials of Faith Hope and Loving Prac●●ce essentiate the Church objectively And these are all summarily contained in the Baptismal Covenant explained in the Creed Lords Prayer and Decalouge and all with much more even Integrals and needful Accidentals in the Sacred Scriptures which taking in the Law of Nature are Gods Universal Law XXII There is no Church on Earth so sound and Orthodox as to want no Integral part of Christian Religion Proved There is no man on Earth much less any multitude so sound as to want no Integral part But all Churches consist only of Men And therefore if all the Men be so far defective all the Churches are so It is not their Objective Religion Generally and implicitely received that I mean but their Subjective Religion and their explicite reception of the Objective The Scripture is our perfect Objective Religion in it self and as an Object proposed and in general and implicitely we all receive it But as a man may say I believe all that 's in the Scripture and yet be ignorant of the very Essentials in it so a man may explicitely know and believe all the Essentials and more and yet be ignorant of many Integrals All things in Scripture proposed to our Faith Hope and Practice are the Integrals of our Religion But no Christian understandeth all these proposals or words of Scripture Therefore no Christian explicitely believeth them all or practiceth all To hold the contrary
Reedeeming Restauration and other such in Scripture intimate that Christ did restore Man to the state he fell from adding more mercy to it And therefore that his Soul was immortal and he in via and not in patria And I believe not what he adds of man's being not obliged to deny Sensuality were it not for Heaven 1. He thinks Adam was made but for Earth And yet God bound him Not to eat of that Fruit which his eye appetite and fancy led him to desire Doth he not here directly condemn God's Law and justifie Adam's Sin 2. Were there no Heaven for us man were bound to rule his Appetite and Sense by Reason And the bonum publicum and his own would oblige him by Reason to restrain Sensuality as to Women Wine Meat desire of our Neighbours Estate Anger that would kill others in revenge 3. And I think God doth not bind us now to take the forbearance of such comforts as further us in Holiness Thankfulness and other Duties to be any necessary way to Heaven § 36. Page 122 123. To prove his sort of Catholick Unity he is not content with Episcopatus Unus est but he asserteth That all the Bishops of the Church are but one Bishop invested with the same Power c. Ans. 1. Episcopacy may be said to be One as it is One in specie and for one remote End and Object as Justiceship in England may be called One But that all Bishops should be but one Bishop is strange Tho by impropriety of speech almost any thing may be said No doubt but the Name Bishop signifieth in common speech the Subject related Either he meaneth that the Subjects are one or the Relation While he abhorreth the distinguishing of the equivocal Unity we must take him to speak in sinsu famosiore usitato 1. They that have divers numerical constitutive parts of men matter and form are divers Bishops as Subjects of the Relation But so have e. g. the Bishop of Canterbury and York and London They have divers Souls and Bodies They that may depose and curse each other are not the same Bishop But so did Chrysostome and his Adversaries and hundreds more If they are One subjectively the Virtues and Vices of ones are anothers and the Creditor may take one man to Prison for anothers Debt 2. They cannot be One numerically in the Relation of Bishop For the Relation is Accidens quod sequitur subjectum The same numerical Accident cannot possibly be in two distinct Subjects For it perisheth if it cease to be in its Subject One man's Colour Virtue Learning c. cannot numerically be the Accident of another So that all Bishops being one Bishop is just like the rest of this man's Doctrine I believe one may be good and another bad one saved and another damned What can the man mean by it if he could speak his mind Sure nothing but that their Office is of the same species and they bound to use it in their several places as from one Christ under one Law of his with the greatest Love and Concord they can and for the common good of one Universal Church Can he mean more without gross Error And who denieth any of this as to the Episcopacy of Christ's institution § 37. They are bound to govern where it can be had by mutual advice and consent Ans. So far as the end requireth The common good So say the Independents And is that the Unity so much talkt of § 38. ' No Bishops are absolutely independent but are obliged to preserve the Unity of the Episcopacy Those Churches must be independent which have an independent Power and Government as all must have that have independent Governours or Bishops and independent Churches can never make one Body and one Catholick Communion because they are not Members of each other Ans. 1. No Two Churches on Earth of the same species Diocesan or Parochial c. are members of each other but all of the Universal or National of which they are parts no more than your fingers or eyes are members of each other 2. Reader pardon me that in the beginning I commended him as being for Diocesan Independency in Power These words make me again uncertain what he 's for Plain English would distinguish dependance of Subjects on Rulers in a Polity and dependance of Equals by Concord in a Community These are plain words He after saith that Diocesans have no proper Governors Ecclesiastick over them or to that sence But here he saith they are not independent in Power and Government Yet the man saith so little in any determinate sence that I know not whether by dependance in Government he mean a political dependance on superior Governors or a political Union of many persons to make one superior governing power like a Senate or a meer voluntary concord of many Governors that are Equals like that of many School-Masters or Princes whose Concord maketh them not One Polity but One Community The former sence some words of his do favour but elsewhere he so much denieth them that I hope it is but the last that he meaneth 3. But if this be his sence What independent whom he so much damneth doth not acknowledg a dependance in Community on all true Christians and in Polity on Christ Doth not every Christian confess that all true Churches and Christians depend on the Whole as Parts and on each other as Fellow-Members obliged to live on the same Christ in the same Love and Communion in Essentials and in as many Integrals of Religion as they can reach to I never met with the Christian that denied this Therefore what to make of this man's words I know not § 38. P. 126. he saith He who causelesly breaketh this Unity can be no Catholick Bishop Ans. Is it come to that Alas how few Catholick Bishops then do we hear of in the World Tho no good man breaks it in the Essentials who breaks it not in Degrees or Integrals They were guilty of Schism that said I am of Paul and I of Apollo and I of Cephas Peter brake it in some degree Gal. 2. And much more those Phil. 1. that preacht Christ in strife to add to Paul's affliction How shall we know then what all his talk for Communion signifieth as to practice With what Bishops in the World must we hold Communion And how shall we know them If any prove that any English Bishop causelesly breaketh this Union in any degree must we separate from him I know no evasion for him here unless he will yet distinguish of Unum● Martinius saith Unus is 1. Indivisus 2. Sic indivisus ut etiam indivisibi●●s 3. Sic indivisas ut divisibilis 4. Sic indivisus ut divisus se● distinctus ab aliis 5. Unicus solus 6. Unus cum aliquo seu idem aut numero aut gen●re aut specie aut analogia item Essentia Persona Voluntate aut actu But this is Gibberish I suppose to the Doctor
judgment entangleth a man in sin whether he follow it or not And there is no possibility of avoiding the sin but by using God's helps till his judgment be set right For Conscience is not the Maker of the Law but the Discerner of it And the Law-maker changeth not his Law because men change their thoughts of it But while men are under a self-made necessity of sinning the lesser sin and the greater may be distinguished e. g. If you mis-judg it unlawful to keep a Saints day holy to eat Flesh on Fridays to use a Cross as a sign of Christianity it is a greater sin to do these than to omit them But if you judg it unlawful to pray or hear God's Word or worship him or to feed your self or children your error is the aggravation and no extenuation of the sin And if you think it a duty to keep a Fast once a week to wear a course garment or to do any indifferent thing it 's a greater sin to omit them than to do them But if you take it to be a duty to lie slander steal be drunk murder persecute it aggravateth the sin that both mind and practice are defiled with it 4. I perswade no one to own the Ministry of an uncapable Person viz. one utterly Insufficient Heretical or Malignant who doth more harm than good The Conformists own this Rule while they silence so many and tell men that those that have not Ordination by Diocesans are not to be communicated with or owned as Ministers Both sides then confess that uncapable persons are not to be owned 5. I perswade none to be indifferent in the matters which concern their souls as whom they hear or chuse to be their Pastor nor in what manner they worship God nor to prefer any person or mode which all things considered is worse before better nor to deny themselves the great help of a learned skilful godly faithful Pastor to teach them publickly and counsel them privately when they may have such meerly because it is forbidden them by men and the Patron hath chosen them another who hath no such qualifications 6. I am perswading none that are under the government of their Parents or Masters to disobey them in the choice of the Pastor whom they shall ordinarily attend as long as they perswade them to a safer choice than the Patron hath made for them 7. I perswade none by Profession or Subscription to justifie as true or good the least untruth or evil in the Doctrine or Worship or Discipline of any Church or in any extemporate performance of the Minister 8. I perswade no Minister to conform to the Act of Uniformity and all the Canons 9. I perswade none to make light of any Church-corruptions nor to forbear endeavouring by lawful means in their place and calling to reform them much less to swear or promise it were that any where required or to renounce any Oath as not obliging them to any thing which God had made their duty 10. I perswade none to the sinful fear of man or to abate Christian fortitude constancy and patience in a good Cause nor to be over-tender of the Flesh or make too great a matter of their suffering Alas what are Worms that in the way to the Grave they should be feared more than God Poverty and Prisons may be as safe and near a way to Heaven as Wealth and Liberty None of all these are the things that I am for § 8. II. That you may know the Reasons of my own practice I shall next tell you what it is that my judgment is for which leads me to it And 1. I think all persons are visible Christians who are Baptized and profess their continued consent to the Baptismal Covenant and are not proved to have renounced or forsaken it by Word or Deed. 2. I think that the Pastor is by Office made the Church-Judge whether the persons Profession be understanding serious and credible or not and whether he be proved to forsake it And if the man dissemble or the Pastor judge falsly it 's their Sin and not mine if I contribute not to it by omitting any Monitory duty of my own nor is it lawful for me to usurp the Pastors judging power Nor am I bound to know my self the Case and Lives of all in the Church that I joyn with much less where I occasionally or seldom come 3. I think that a tollerable man though unduly chosen yet after received and consented to by the Parish Communicants is a true Pastor supposing his own Consent And that he and they are a true Church 4. I hold that Christ commanded his Apostles to endeavour to Disciple to him all Nations and Baptize and Teach them Mat. 28.19 20. And that we should pray and endeavour that the Kingdoms of the World may become the Kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ. And that all Christian Kings are bound to do their best to make all their Subjects the Subjects of Christ more than the Jewish Kings were bound to promote the Iews Religion And that Christian Kingdoms are much more honourable and desirable than Christian Churches in an Heathen Kingdom And that the Civil State and Interest should be sanctified and made religious and more than a Shell or Body to the Religious State as the Kernel or the Soul And so they should be as far coherent and commensurable as can be procured Yet not so as to corrupt the religious state on that pretence by crookening it to any carnal interest The Body formeth not the Soul nor is it to be cut meet to the Cloathes nor the Foot fitted to the Shooe I intreat those that be not sensible of the great importance of National Christianity to read a little Book called The whole Duty of Nations written by a Conforming Minister who is much more Honourable by his Extraordinary Worth than his Great Estate and Birth which will bear down dissent by a stream of Evidence 5. In order to the promoting of this National Concord in Religion I have still resolved to conform to all the National Laws and Orders about Religion which corrupt it not nor command any sinful thing 6. Tho I renounce all Forreign Jurisdiction Monarchical or Aristocratical and usurpation of an Universal Government over all the Christian World which hath no civil or religious Universal Lawgiver or Judg but Christ neither Monarch nor Senate being capable of it yet I much more value the concord of the Universal Church than of one Nation And do more abhor doing any thing which is a sinful separation or discord from the Church Universal And I take the unchurching of the Univer●al Church to be a denying or deposing Christ. 7. All Christians must be known to be Christ's Disciples by loving one another as themselves And love judgeth no evil till constrained 8. Therefore I will separate from no Christian or Church without necessity no further than they separate from Christ. 9. I do not