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A26579 Covnterpoyson considerations touching the poynts in difference between the godly ministers and people of the Church of England, and the seduced brethren of the separation : argvments that the best assemblies of the present church of England are true visible churches : that the preachers in the best assemblies of Engl. are true ministers of Christ : Mr. Bernards book intituled The Separatists Schisme : Mr Crashawes questions propounded in his sermon preached at the crosse / examined and answered by Henry Ainsworth. Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622? 1642 (1642) Wing A809; ESTC R19104 173,009 159

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comfort one another in the faith and feare of God whose power and presence they haue with them in all estates and places 44 So to conclude a true church is a sacred communiallty consociate and knit togither into a mistical body whose head is Christ whose members christians of any nation or condition whose soul is the word and whose spirit is the spirit of the liuing God who gathereth togither dry desolate bones layeth synewes on them makes flesh to grow and couereth them with skin and putteth breath in them that they may liue and stand vpon their feet an exceeding great army Vnto him for all his blessings be praise in his churches throughout all generations Amen Amen ARGVMENTS Disprouing the present estate and constitution of the CHVRCH of ENGLAND EVery true Church is the body of Christ and hath him for the head thereof For ●t is wr●tten God hath appoynted him ouer all ●h●ngs the head of the church which is his body Eph 1 22 23 and agayn to the church of Corinth it is sayd y● are the b●dy of Christ 1 Cor 12 27. But the church of England is not the body of Christ neyther hath him for the h●ad thereof Because it wa● first constituted as now it standeth of the members of Antichrist namely the idolatrous Pap●sts which openly professed Antichristian sme in Q. Maries dayes ha●ing Abadden the Pope for their head and spilled much christian blood that they might mainteyn their Romish abominations Who all except some few that of themselues refused were at the beginning of Q. Elisabeths reign rece●ued into the body of the church and so haue continued they and their seed euer since Yet did they not then enter in by repentance and faith in Christ which two things are the beginning and foundation of the kingdome of God but by the commandement of the Magistrate were compelled vnto the Church sacraments ministery c. which then were by law establ●shed and euer since continewed Now the Magistrates law cannot work faith in any seing faith is the gift of God and by his word onely is wrought in mans hart So that the Magistrate though he ou●th to abolish idolatr●e and set vp Gods true worship to suppresse all errours and cause the truth to be taught yet cannot he constreyn men to ioyne vnto the church but they must doe it willi●gly and gladly the Lord perswading them herevnto And these of whome we speak not being perswaded by the Lord and his word but ●s the worldly multitude alway is be●ng ready to receiue any religion the prince wo●ld establish rather then they would suffer persecution wherein that their popish estate the body of Antichrist yet then compelled and vn●ted vnto this church Agayn not onely those that were popishly 〈◊〉 and superstitious but such also as were profane and irrelig●ous atheists blasphemers whoremongers theeues drunkards witches and all other vngodly persons of which then were and still are too too many in the land these al though by reason of their wicked and miserable estate ●hey w●rlimmes of Satan and as the scripture calleth such children of the Diuill were yet receiued into the Church likeweise they and ●heir seed so continew as the state of that Church plainely sheweth For e●en to this day profane people mockers and contemners of religion tha● blasphem God and his holy name even in the streets as they walk such as cal themselues the donned crew Familists Athe●sts and all other sorts of miscreants and wicked liuers are members of the Church of En●land vnited with the body and partakers of the sacraments and other holy act●ons of the same Now these children of wrath this sinnfull generation cannot possibly be members of the body of Christ nor haue him for their head seing they are not partakers of his life and spirit nor called to his faith neither admitteth he any such vnto him vntil they repent he hath no cōcord with Belial therefore not with the children of Belial the members of his glorious body must not be the dead st●nking and abominable members of Satan Light and darknes heauen and hel will as soon be vnited togither Neyther will it be yenough to say that some are affected to reli●ion are of better life and conuersation c. and that for their sakes the residew are sanct●fied and may be ioyned vnto and reputed Christs body and Church for they that professe more sincerity yet are not come to a true ●rofe●sion of the Gospell or reno●ncing of Idolatrie but after the●r false and popish manner worship God with the rest remayning one body one Church with them Now we are taught of God that the religious are so farr from sanctifying the wicked as contrariweise the wicked doe pollute them whatsoeuer the vnclean person toucheth sayth the Lord shal be vnclean and the person which toucheth him shal be vncleane ● wherefore come out from among them and separate your selues and touch no vncl●ane thing and I will receiue you and I will be a Father vnto you and ye shal be my sonns and daughters sayth the Lord almighty So then the religious and well affected people must separate from the rest if they would be acknowledged of God for his and not think by their holynes to sanctify the profane Agayn it is as easy to make peace agreement between Christ the Diuil as between Christ and such open obstinate synners the children of the Diuill yea it ouerturneth at once the first promise of saluation made by God and so the uery ground of Christian religion For when God first promised redemption to mankind it was by Christ the seed of the woman that should crush the serpents head who in due time appeared for this purpose that he might loose the works of the Diuill destroy and abolish him And as then the Lord put enmity between Christ and the serpent so did he also between him and the serpents seed that is w●cked men which being children of the Diuill would take the Diu●ls part to hate and kill Christ and root out his ch●ldren and reli●ion acc●rding to wh●ch decree and word of his Father o●r Lord Iesus set himselfe not onely aga●nst the Serpent but against s●ch wicked men also as would not be turned from their impietie therefore he sayth by his pro●hets D●e not I hate them that hate thee ô Lor● c I hate th●m with an vnfeighned hatred as they were myn● vtter enemies I hate the assembly of e●il doers and company not with the wicked Betim●s wil I destroy all the wicked of th● land that I may cut off all the workers of iniquity from the city of the Lord Three shepheards I cut of in one moneth and my sowl loathed loathed them and their sowl abhorred me with many such like speeches throughout the scriptures whereby Christ shewed how farr he was and would be from being head vnto
are there thowsands and ten thowsands dwelling among them that neyther so professe nor are members of their churches But if it were granted that the publicke writings articles canons c. are to be esteemed the faith profession of all Engl. yet we deny them to make profession of the true faith for their Seruice book homilies book of Ordination with the impious canons confirming all the Romish idolatries Antichristian clergie and ceremonies that are among them excommunicating ipso facto all that speake against them this is no true Christian profession whatsoeuer other truthes are mixed with them For as the Papists holding many good grounds of religion in generall yet by other additions and contradictions do ouerthrow the truth so is it in England as before in this treatise and in many others hath been proued and after shall further appear Whereas these Ministers confidently deny that their church accounteth any one for her childe or member that doth not professe the faith of Christ in some measure it is nothing but a vayn flourish For was there euer such grossnes in the deepest gulfe of Popery as to deney Christ utterly and not to professe him in some measure Nay it could not be the throne of Antichrist vnlesse he did professe Christ. It is wel known none are baptised among the Papists but they professe the very same faith that is now professed at the baptisme in Engl. namely that which they call th' Apostles Creed So then what haue these godly ministers sayd more then the simplest papist in the world could haue sayd for his church Now in that they make this a colour as if the profane and wicked were not accounted children of the church they shew themselues to be the snare of a fowler in al their wayes yet set they a snare so slight that euery man may breake it For who knowes not that there be multitudes of profane and wicked persons in the land Who knowes not that the whole land generally is baptised Yea the baptisiing of the seed of the most wicked is not onely practised but befended in print by their late Archbishop D. Whitg who pleaded what if it be the child of a dronkard or of an harl●t what if the Parents be papists what if they be heretiks c. shall not their children be baptised Yes he will haue it to be a common passage for all uile persons Good and euil sayth he clean and vnclean holy and profane must needs passe by it And at baptisme their seruice book teacheth the priest to say of euery one we receiue this child into the congregation of Christs flock Being thus receiued not one of a thowsand wicked persons are euer excommunicated but are fostered in the church vntill their death and then the priest is taught agayn to say that it hath pleased God to take vnto himselfe the sowle of their dear brother there departed and so he committeth his body to the ground in sure and certayn hope of resurrection to eternal life This being the generall state of the land as all men know what dissemblers are these Ministers to intimate as if their church acknowledged not the open wicked for her children and members Mr Gifford when tyme was yeilded farr otherweise I confesse sayth he that our church if ye vnderstand the whole assembly is ful of al wicked vices There are a number among vs which are of your brood speaking to a ●apist wh●se euill life is seen wel yenough there ar● a very great number of meer worldlings which doe not greatly esteem any religion although they seem now because of lawes to allow and fauour our side c. Now hauing sayd somewhat for themselues such as it is they cauil at our description of a church when we say that it is a company of faithfull people that truely worship Christ and rea●●ly obey him This say these Ministers is vtterly vntrue if it be understood of the visible church This is strange What would they haue vs describe the Church to be a company of infidels or a company of faithfull and of infidels togither when Paul teacheth that there is no communion between such 2 Cor 6.14.15 or should we say a people that falsely worship Christ Indeed if so we held we might wel returne to their Church of England for there is false worship more then yenough The Apostle writing to the visible church of Ephesus calleth them Saincts and th● faithfull in Christ Iesus Wil they say that this also was utterly untrue Their own Articles of religion in England say thus the visible church of Christ is a congregation of faithfull people c. and is this also vtt●rly vntrue But let vs hear their reason why this should be vntruth For say they if euery one that the church may account a visible member be truely faithfull how is our Sauiour to be vnderstood when he compareth the chur●h or ministery thereof to a draw net gathering aswel that which must be cast away as good fish c. Me thinks these godly ministers f should be ashamed so to depraue not onely our meaning but our very words that when we say of faithfull people that truely worship they wil turne and trans● lace them to truely faithfull and then gather as afterwards they doe as if men may not account any to be members of the church by their outward profession vnl●sse they know them to haue true faith which the Lord onely is able to dis●●rne Could any reasonable man thus construe our words or gather from them vnlesse he purposely would depraue especially knowing as these men know wel our constant witnesse otherweise who esteeme of all men by their outward profession and walking and haue long since published in our Confussion that many hypocrites will lurke in the church whiles it is on earth But thus it pleased these men to abuse vs before the simple reader Their third reason for their church is that they hold teach and maynteyn every part and article of Gods holy truth which is fundamentall The proof of this they would haue to be seen in their Confessions Catechisnes and Articles of religion published and approued of in their church This reason is like if not the very same with the former which s●ake also of professing the true faith as was to be seen in their Conf●s●●●n Apologie Articles What meane these ministers to cloy their reader so oftē with one dish of meat a little diuertly dressed It is doubtlesse for want of better store Yet this wh●ch they bring is very vnsauoury for it is not seasoned with the salt of Gods couenant First for that poynt of f●ndamentall truth which they so long haue stood vpon and co●ld neu●r be gotten distinctly to shew what truth is fundamental and what not we haue now these ministers resolute judgement of it thus The onely fundamental truth in religion is this That Iesus Christ the Son of
beleeue to be saued by him alone and by this colour men continue in transgression and idolatrie stil. which is as if a theef dronkard whormaister blasphemer or other vicious liuer being blamed by the lawes of God which condemne these sinnes should say These are petty faults I confesse but they are not fundamental for the onely fundamentall truth and ground of all Gods law is Loue and that is the fulfilling of the law Rom. 13.8 9.10 Gal. 5.14 1 Tim. 1.5 Now this foundatio● I hold for I professe to loue God aboue al and my neighbour as my s●lfe on which ground as Christ sayth the law and prophets doe depend and this I doe howsoeuer I cannot keep my tongue from swearing lying and ●i●auldrie nor my hands from picking and stealing nor my body chast c. yet my hart is good I loue God and my neighbour and hope to he saued as well as the precis●st puritan of them all And now what will these ministers say to the●r profane parishioners if thus they pleaded for doe not themselues thus plead for the trans●reossins of the first table and violating of the testament of Christ in their own false ministery idolatrous rites ceremonies and forged worship But as euery true Christian hart knoweth that such profane ruffians howsoeuer they say they loue god yet in deed they hate him and howsoeuer the s●mme and end of all the Law is Loue onely yet that loue implyeth obedience to every particular precept and he which breaketh the least commandement and teacheth men so shal be called the least in the kingdome of heauen as Christ sayth so know they likeweise or should know that such superstitious idolaters false and Antichristian Prelates and priests howsoeuer they boast of true fayth yet by theyr works they deney it and although Fayth in Christ be the foundation of Christian religion yet in im●lieth necessarily obedience vnto the ordinances of his Testament euen whatsoeuer is commanded them therein and as the curse is denounced against all the transgressors of Moses law in any part thereof so they shall not escape vengeance that wilfully despise the law of Christ or any part of his testament confirmed with his precious blood And if thus we vnderstand not and interpret those scriptures which sum vp al christianity in Christ we must needs confesse that many false churches euen Rome it selfe is a true church seeing they doe professe such generall grounds of Christ as by playn evidence of scripture seem sufficient vnto saluation as appeareth by Council Trident. Se●s 3. compared with Rom. 10.9 Act. 8.37 38. 1 Ioh. 4.2 Mark 16.16 also Rhemes testam annot on 1 Tim. 2.5 wher they professe Christ by nature to be truely both God and man to be that on eternall priest and redeemer which by his sacrifice and death vpon the crosse hath reconciled us to God and payed his blood as a full and sufficient ransome for all our sinns c. How beit that these ministers stumble no more at that we professe let them know we hold euery generall head and ground of doctrine more necessary to be known then ech particular branch of the same an error ouerthrowing a whole ground of religion to be much more wicked then that which ouerturneth but a part thereof Also that many of Gods church are ignorant of sundry particular doctrines of the Gospell yea all of vs in some for none is perfect yet that in some generall grounds ignorance is damnable and further that the wilfull and obstinate refusall or contempt of the least evident truth of the Gospel is deadly and damnable of it own nature Neyther see we how we should beleeue otherweise vnlesse with the Papists we think some sinns veniall some mortall As for Mr Barrowes words from Ioh. 16.13 which also these ministers mistaking doe mislike it is evident by his own writings to the contrary otherwhere that he meant not so erroniously as they collect But that promise made to the Apostles he applieth vnto all the members of Christ by proportion though not in like measure Which that it may be done we learne of the Apostles themselues in other like cases 2 Cor. 4.13 from Psalm 116. Heb. 13.5.6 from Ios. 1 Psal. 118. c. Their last reason is from the approbation of all the known churches in the world which acknowledge this church of Engl. for their sister and give vnto them the right hand of fellowship This poynt is handled before in this treatise pag. 9. c. 48 51. c. vnto which places I refer the reader Many scriptures and reasons these ministers allege from the primitiue churches examples that reioyced for and saluted one another of and of the comfort that a church may haue in the communion and approbation of other churches All which we grant and d●e obserue how fast ●hey can cite scriptures for things that we deny not But they say nothing for the controuersie between them and vs. which consisteth of these 3. poynts 1 whither a people may not separate from euill and professe and walke in the truth vnlesse or vntill other churches allow them 2. whether it be a necessary and vndenyable argument that whomsoeuer other churches approue they are true churches and so must be esteemed of all men 3 and whither the reformed churches at this day doe approue of the church of England in all or any of the differences for which we s●parate from them The first of these is proved by all Gods commandements which require euery man particularly to refrayn all evill and doe that which is good Exod. 20. The second is disproued by themselues in their writings against the Papists who pressed them with such reasons Let councels sayth Mr Whitaker be esteemed as they deserue let their decrees be examined by Gods word and if they agree let them be receiued for that agreement if not let them be reiected for the contrary To this agreeth their own Bishops Articles ano 1562. Art 21. and also their Apoligie before alleged in this trea●ise and finally Mr Bernards own counsel though perhaps he knew no more then Caiaphas what he sayd saying See into the glasse of the word by thine own sight without other mens spectacles c. For the latter poynt we know the reformed churches as their constitution and writings shew are for vs and against them of which see before pag 10 c. and it shall hereafter be further confirmed if these ministers will deny it Hitherto of the reasons alleged by the godly ministers wherein how they haue proued and setled their first position let the godly wise judge Next follow their answers to the obiections made by vs. And these they make two First that their church of Engl. was not gathered by such meanes as God in his word hath ordeyned and sanctified for the gathering of his Church Secondly that they communicate together in a false
not slanders but matters known to all that are acquainted with the course and state of your Church Answer ALl this being true it sheweth the badnes of some men not any badnes in the faith we professe An infidel might haue obiected vnto Israel as you doe here The Lord hath testified against you by giuing ouer ouer very many of your people to Carnall life Sed●mitrie Peorisme Bautisme many other idolatries with strange Gods The Papists may and doe obiect the like things to your selues at this day much more iustly then you do to vs. For when any such haue appeared among vs we presently cast them out if they repented not whereas with you such are stil reteyned in the bosome of your Church yea such hereticks and vicious persons as we haue excommunicate you doe entertayn as is knowen to all that ar acquainted with your estate Wherefore the Lord hath testified for vs not against vs whiles by the light of his word such hypocrites haue been discouered and avoyded but you are condemned by your own doctrine whiles such miscreants and flagitioius persons are kept in your communion The 6. Consideration 6. THE churches and godly learned persons that euer heard of your separation did not approue of it which was the quarrel that Fr Iohnson had with Mr Iunius and he sharply replyeth on him Nay Mr Barrow plainely rayseth at Caluin and the Geneua church and euen at al churches in Christendom in his Discouerie and counsels not with other reformed churches about their separation but Answers as Mr Iohnson doth the word is neer vs we need not go ouer the seas to seek it as if the Spirit of the Prophets were not subiect to the Prophets and himselfe as the Pope had infallible rule of in●erpretation of the scriptures in his brest Answer THE strength of this reason is quelled before in the answer to the third of your first Considerations thither I refer the reader Further I answer here that you teach such doctrine as standeth not with Christian freedom or truth whiles you would forbid vs the profession and practise of the Gospel til we haue consulted with and be approued of other persons and Churches For though I grant ther is a good use of aduising with other Churches if conueniently we can eyther when cases are difficult or when in any respect it doe concerne them yet that in all matters of religiō Christiās should be boūd thus to walke when the finne to them is euident which to other Churches not wel acquainted with their estate is not so perspicuous this were to abridge Christian liberty and to bring our consciences in bondage vnto men that though God forbid vs al communion with idolatrie yet we may not separate vnlesse they approue it It is contrary to the word of God which teacheth vs that Gods commandement is not hid from his people neyther is far off not alost in heauen nor beyond the sea but in our mouthes ●●rts to doe it But you to deceiue your reader allege this as if it were Mr. B●rrows or Mr Iohnsons reason and not the doctrine of Moses and of the Apostl● The col●●r that you bring for your selfe is that saying of the Apostle the spirites of the proph●ts are s●biect to the proph●ts 1 Cor. 14.32 which scripture considered by the words and circumstances of it will in no we●se proue your purpose F●r first it may be q●estioned whether the meanin● be that the spirits of the prophets are subiect to other prophets or to th●mselves For the Prophets among the gentiles such as the Corinthians naturally were were s●bject unto caried and ruled by their spirits and not their spirits subject to them so that they could not choose but s●e●ke as S●bylla w●tne●seth of her selfe neither could they lin or cease speaking when they would themselues yea and in holy scripture we see how Balaam prophesied good to Israel and ble●sed when he would haue cursed th●m Saul also and his messengers prophesied as it were by constreynt being ouermastered by the spirit soo as he could not co●teyn himselfe bu● stripping off his clothes prophe●●e● all that day and all that night when he had no pur●ose thus to doe Now therfor where as the Apostle here had ordeyned that if any thing were re●eled to another that fare by the first prophet should hold his peace because almight prophesie one by one if any should allege that they could not hould their peace but must speak so long as their spirit moued thē he telleth them that the spirits of th● prophets are su●i●ct to the prophets so intimating that they may if they will giue others le●ue to speak shewing also a reason hereof because God is not the author q of confusion but of peace And if thus wee understand the Apostle his words make nothing for that you say Vnto this also may be added that he speaketh this affirmat●uely they are subject and not by way of ordinance let them be subject as els where he vseth and as other things in this place are spoken as Let the prophets speak Let the first hold his peace Let women be silent But be it granted which I will not deny that he meaneth their spirits wer subject to other Prophets because when they had spoken others were to iudge yet those o●her were the Prophets of ●he same church and there present not in other churches For Paul meant not that the spirits of the Prophets in Corinth were subiect to the prophets in Rome or Iudoea and so must send to them for approbation but appoynteth like order in this as was in all other the Churches of the Saincts And if they were bound as you would haue us to send and submit to other churches and others likeweise to them then no Church hath no power in i● selfe to apr●●e of her prophets or Ministers or of their doctrine without the good lik●ng of others Which how farr it is from the Apostles mind I leaue it for the d●screet reader to judge neither thinke I but your owne brethren will dista●t y●●r so collecting from this place Howsoe●er they doe it is verie like if you had liued in Ahabs dayes and should haue heard 400 prophets at once prophesying good vnto the King and Micaiah onely prophesying evill you would with Zidkijah haue smittē him on the cheek as now you do vs in reproch told him that his spirit must be subiect to the prophets especially they being so many and he but alone But if it were further granted vnto you that we must be subiect to the prophets of other churches yet I suppose you wil not deny but al prophets and churches must trie and iudge euery thing by the word of God according to which if any man speak not his iudgment is not to be regarded And we haue offred and doe still offer our doctrine and practise to the triall
the church is builded contrary to the ●layn and manifest doctrine of the scriptures Leu. 20.24 1 Kin 8 53. Act. 2.40 and 19.8 ● Iohn 17.16 2 Cor. 6.14 ●7 18. The form and order of their v●iting is als● strange for these profane people euen all persons in a fam●ly an● all families in a parish are vnited into one parish church as it is called not voluntarily ●as ought to be in the true ch●rch but by constreynt not by any due profe●sion of repentance from ●ead work● and faith in God but by the priests readin● a Confession absolution and such like popish st●ff as is to be seen in their seruice book not vnder the guidance of Chr●sts officers but of a Parson Vicar Curate or other like creature of the Bishops who in many places can but read English vnto them And this with the other Par●shes of the Dioce●●e so gathered also are vnited into one See or D●oces●●● church vnder a Lord Bishop and his Co●rtiers and all the Dioces into two Pro●inciall churches the Prouinciall into one nationall church called the Church of England ouer all which there is a most reuerend Father and spirituall Lord Archbushop Primate and Metropolitan vnder whome al Bishops and Priests of the land are subiect and all people and parishes in the land bound to obey the dead canons and decrees which he the Ach Lord with his brethren of the gouerning clergie agree of in their repre●atiue church in the Conuocation howse if once the Ciuill Magistrate giue life vnto them This forme and order of a church is not to be found in Chr●sts Testament but receiued it is from the church of Rome by heritage or succession as the Papists boast of to the dishonour of Protestants when they say A religion c. that distinguished the multitude into p●rishes ●roportiōed ●he tithes ann●xed th● Glebeland fon̄ded the Bishopricks ●mitted the Dioceses c So as the mother is the daughter is false in her c●stitutiō though in the doctrin which she profeseth she is far better purer thē that whoremother of Rome The discussing of thes things as Mr Bern. refereth to other places books so also do I seing in thi● place ●e hath brought nothing of weight to proue his cōstitutiō For the script●re that he alegeth the 3. things that he colecteth from thē do make against his pur●ose The word is not by Christs m●nistery ri●htly reached applyed to the people but vnsufferabley abused to the maintenance or the confusion and idolatries that are among them the sacraments are highly profa●ed and prostituted to the most vngodly and thir seed and popishly administred and the externall profession which the people make is by constreynt and therefore nought worth besides it is corrupt and idolatrous being a mixed profession partly of the truth of God partly of their own inuentions as appeareth by their Communion book Canons and the like Our second error should be that we hold their Constitution a real idol and so them idolaters To confute this Mr Ber. sayth that he h●th perused in any scriptures and can see none that take an idol or idolaters in any such s●nse aga●n that Marlorat mentioneth 47. idols and not one of them in ●he s●nse Whether this article be of Mr Bernards own forgin● or where he hath had it I cannot tell his reader must take all of his cred● for he lets not down his author As for his confutation hereof it is very slender that beca●se he seeth it not or Ma●lorat nameth it not therefore it is no idol For it is no sure position that Mr Bernard seeth all that ●he scriptures teach and both he and Marlorat may as soon number the hayres of their heads a● all the idols that are in the world Wel therefore yet may ●t be a real idol for o●ght that this man hath sayd to saue it And if it be a false constit●tion as before is pro●ed set vp in stead of a true what is it better then a very idol In the end he t●rneth and renteth vs for making o●r own constitution as he sayth an idol or goddesse and feighneth that we may say Great is the Goddesse Constitution great is Diana of the B●●●nists B●t seing this is but a re●roch of a scorner and the reproch reacheth vnto Christ himselfe who hath appoynted the frame order and constitution of h●s own ch●rch which we haue laboured for I leaue him for this calumniation vnto his rebuke who will teach him one day no more to blaspheme And whether may we think tendeth the inuectiue of this vayn man who thus skoffeth at the Constitution of Christs church but to bring in a mere ataxie or conf●sion worse then was at Babels tower-building for take away the orderly framing and constituting of a church and there will be but a Tohu as the scripture speaketh a rude indigest heap or confute Chaos more beseeming the wild beasts of the wood then any humane much les●e diuine pol●ty That such as are not of a particular constituted church to weet such a one as ours is are no subiects of Christs kingdome Neyther is this position set downe in our words to my knowledge neyther doth Mr B●rnard take away but confirme rather the thing that we hold for he granteth that they offend God which may and doe not ordinarily hauing 〈◊〉 canes offred liue in a church rightly constituted and we grant that many of Christs subiects for want of meanes doe not liue in a true constituted church If therefore he were not a caviller he would not haue reckned this among our errors That all nor in our way are without and we apply against them in Engl. 1 Cor. 5 12 Eph. 2 12. The first part of this position you must impu●e to Mr Bernards charity who w●ll needs frame our assertions for vs because he thinkes we cannot speake for our selues we might leaue it vnto him to frame an answer also But if he would let vs tel what we hold it is that all not in the way ●f Ch●ist are without and if this be an error let him make the most of it The applying of those scriptures against them he must be content to bear til he or his brethren can proue thēselues a true church for though there b● great differences of peoples professing religion some with more truth ●ome with lesse yet all not w●thin Christs church are without as th● A●ostle speaketh Mr Bernards exception that those places are meant of s●ch as neuer professed Christ at all is childish why doth he not except a●a●n●t the holy Ghost himselfe who ap●lieth against the false Christ●ans of the R●mish Church words and s●eaches meant first of heathen Babylon that profe●●ed not God or Christ at all His boasting of the word sacraments effects and deliuerances are before in this traatise taken away And Mr Bernards proofs are but a begging of the question which he blameth in other● as
scriptures they allege haue been before examined and the ministers of Engl. being put into the other ballance are found all too leight But if it were true that they had the mean● yet their argument is false if they conclude of the effect Israel had farr better meanes then England I am sure for the Prophets and Apostles and Christ himselfe preached among them Yet loe he complayneth that he had laboured in vayne for Ierusalem killed the Prophets and stoned those that were sent vnto them and the Lord by his Apostles stretched forth his hand to a disobedient and gainsaying people And shall we thinke that the Pr●ests of Engl. haue such power and grace tied to their lips that because they haue ●reached therefore the whole nation is a true church Or dot● there such vertue proceed from these ministers as can make the multitu●e of swaggering professors atheists blasphemers and all sorts of profane which swarme in the land to be turned Christians worthy to be washed and fed with the body and blood of Christ. and yet continue atheists and profane as before what wondrous effect shall we next hear of but that their preaching hath conuerted the Diuils also But let us hear what testimony M. Gifford hath left beh●nde him of the gra● learned pr●achers of the church of Engl among whom himselfe was one and of the people in their parishes The Diull sayth he is content those preachers should ride vpon his back because he is sure they will not spurg all him they be very gentle riders Doe ye not thinke that if they should set forth Gods word as they ought and spread the light that all wicked of which their parish is full would storme and fret against them the Diuill himselfe would fi●k about if they should spur him but a little But they can tell a smooth tale in the pulpit garnished with some merry story for to make the people merry or els some old rotten allegory or some far fetched matter out of some great writers that their people may be at their wits end and admit them A man would thinke to see the people come out of the church blowing that they were fed as ful as tikes when they goe home with emty bellies This I dare warrant if it be not so let me loose both mine eares that g●e through the parishes of these gra●e and learned Diuines and except such as run to fetch their victuals otherwhere ye shall not finde fi●e among fiue skore which are able to vnderstand the necessary grounds and principles of religion and yet the People will say they be excellent deep men But I loue not those welles which are so deep that a man can draw no water out of them Loe here the means which the parishes of England doe enioy and worthy effects that follow If Mr Barrow or any of vs should I haue written this it would haue been counted s●●ffing r●yling blasphemy but now that Mr Gifford so worthy a patron of the church hath thus recorded I hope the witnes wil be thought irrefragable And now let these godly ministers examine Mat 28. Eph. 4 and see if there they can finde these meanes which they enioy iustified But they proceed and tel vs in their second reason that their whole church maketh profession of the true faith For the Confessiō of their church tegither togither with the Apologie thereof and those articles of religion agreed vpon in the Conuocation howse anno 1562 doe proue this euidently But herein they would deceiue the simple euidently for first profession of the true sayth when men in practise doe deny it maketh them not a true church but they are as the Apostle sayth abominable Then for profession it selfe if it be by constreynt for fear of punishment by m●n that otherweise are profan● lewd and dissolute and enemies to the gospell this is no true profession such as will make men a true church for they ought to receiue and professe the truth willingly and gladly Psal 110.3 Act. 2 41. Now we know that with them men were and are forced to the profession they make and if it were at their own choise many thowsands would professe otherwise Their own acts and Monuments besides manifest experience doe witnes this For Mr Fox reporteth that when K. Edward had established this church and religion many people in Cornwal Deuenshire and other places not onely misliked it but openly rebelled for their old idolatrie The Preists though some allowed yet others dissembled and many carelessly con●emned all and still excercised their old mon●ed Popery The Iustices c were not onely slack in furthering of religion but hindred so much as lay in them the Kings proceedings c. So that ciuill force not Christian zelo made men Protestants in that Kings dayes wherefore at his death hauing gotten Q. Mary they so● vp agayn their Romish superstition and persecuted the other vnto the death Til Q. Elisah came and inforced them the second tyme to put away the●r Latin Masse and images and receiue that English seruice and ceremonies wh●ch since haue preuayled to this day Wh●ch how willingly the people ye●lded vnto Mr Nichols testimony to omit all others before alleged sheweth And How wel this religion is liked of now after so many yeres let the multitude of church papists in England shew together with the whole row● of rebels in Ireland all which are of the communion of the church of Engl hauing the same Bishops Priests service ● the English and Irish that dwel in the country being ioyned togither in one body and brotherhood Then adde to these papists the profane time-seruers such as M. Gifford deseribeth thus I know there be many which care not for the Pope but yet beleeue much of his doctrine they be those which we call Atheists of no religion but look whatsoeuer any prince doth set forth that they will profess and add vnto them those other firarmes in the church of England that Mr Chaderton complayneth of eronius and hereticall sectaries witches charmers sorcerers murtherers theeues adulterers liars c and all these togither being compelled by law into one church and brotherhood can any man doubt now of that which these ministers say that their whole church maketh profession of the true faith The Confession Apologie and Conuocation-howse articles are strange proofs of the peoples profession If a few men in their Studies or Consistories write books or articles of religion and send them a broad must all people that see or hear them wil they nil they needs be counted professors of that religion yea such also as neuer heard of them in their liues nor cānot tel what they meāe Surly these ministers ar eyther very ignorant or carelesse what they say when they call this an euident proof The churches in France and Belgia haue published Confessions and Articles also better then those in England yet
God who took our nature of the Virgin Mary is our onely and alsufficient Sauiour For proof of this they first allege that th●y receiue this truth are the people of God and in the state of saluation they that receiue it not cannot possibly be saued Mat. 16.18 Mark 16.16 1 I●h 4.2 Col 2.7 But first none of these scriptures doe say that this one article which these ministers haue set downe in this forme of words is the onely fundamentall truth in religion Neyther doth any other scripture that I know of so speake for though Christ onely is the foundation of the Christian church and though as they secondly allege no other point of religion is necessary otherwise then as it tendeth necessarily to teach or confirme this one truth yet foloweth it not but other points also are fundamental truthes the denyall of which will abolish from Christ. Secondly they haue altered added to and omitted some of the words of these scriptures for their own aduantage For fearing that we would as indeed we mean to doe presse them with the profession of the Anabaptists Papists and other heretiks they thinke to preuent vs. And first against the Anabaptists which deny that Christ took our flesh these men haue added who took our nature of the Virgin Mary Then against the papists which hold merit of works they adioyne these words our onely and alsufficient Sauiour And this because the church of England mainteyneth the truth in these points against those fore sayd heretiks On the other hand to help themselues in their corrupt Antichristian walking and false constitution they omit and mention not th' Apostles words Col. 2. wher he sayth As ye haue receiued Christ Iesus the Lord so walke in him rooted and built in him and stablished in the faith as ye haue been taught c The discreet reader may soon espy their purpose in this cunning cariage For let the position be set downe in the scripture termes and we shall see how weake their plea will be The onely fundamentall truth in religion is this That Iesus is the Christ the sonne of the liuing God comen in the flesh in whom we must beleeue and h walke being rooted and build in him and stablished in the faith as we are taught in the new testament If now these ministers will insist vpon the three first scriptures onely and generall terms that are in them it is apparant that the Papists Anabaptists and many other miscreants doe hold and professe them absolutely absolutely But if they joyne with them Colos. 2. and compare the walking rooting building and stablishing in the faith taught by th' Apostles with the Popish church or with their own it wil be found that neyther of them hold the fo●ndation Christ aright Themselues w●ll grant it of the Pap●sts and other heretiks and for their own church it is before in this treatise proued So then to come agayn vnto their reason that they hold ●e●ch and mainteyn euery part of Gods holy truth which is fundam●ntall whereby they woul● concl●de themselues to be a true chr●ch the ar●ument is deneyed F●r first if ●t were granted that th●y h●ld ●aught and mai●teyn●d every part of fund●●ental truth which yet with them is but one article onely as we haue heard it w●ll not follow necessaryly that therefore they are a true ch●rch or that they truely professe the Christ an faith There wan● two things 1 obedience to the truth professed witho●t which men shal be damned whatsoeuer they professe 2 and a right profession of the true faith onely without err●urs adioyned that ouerthrow the same faith and obedience thereto For if a people profe●sing that onely fundamentall truth which these ministers speake of should withall professe Mahomet the prophet of the Turks or H. N. the God of the Familists or any other like abomination were this misceline profession of Christ and Belial togither a true and sound profe●sion I trow not So then these ministers must alter their plea thus that they hold teach mainteyn and obey every part of the fundamentall truth and nothing els with it that ouerthrowes the same If now they say this they doe I haue before in this treatise disproued it and here agayn will briefly disproue it thus They professe to beleeu the Communion of Saincts and that the visible church is a congregation of faithfull people Yet contrariweise they hold teach and mainteyne that their own church is a true church of Christ though it consists as wel of vnholy as holy infidels as beleeuers and innumerable wicked persons openly seen and known That this they hold mainteyn is pro●ed by their continual clamors and reprochful writings against vs that call vpon them for a separation of light from darknesse It is proued by Dr W●itgifts plea before mentioned that the children of Papists heretiks and other wicked persons are and ought to be baptised amōg the● It is further proued by the visible estate of their church knowne vnto all among them and test●fied by her dearest freinds fauourers M● Gifford speaking to his brethren ●f the Communion of Saincts in Engl. sayth Yee would euen powr out your stin●ing and r●t●en p●yson like blaspemous and venemous beasts ye would speake after this manner you that are so full of the spirit you that are Saincts and su●h like What are you Di●ils are ye of the flesh No do●ut ye are vntill God convert ye But we may se how diui●ishly men ar become wicked when a man cannot make any appearance to be godly and holy but it is reproched as though it were a shamefull thing to be lead by the spirit c. These and the like records with the continuance continuance in this confused estate plainely proue an ouerthrow of that article of the true church which is the body of Christ and the body being disanulled Christ the head cannot soundly be reteyned Agayn they professe in Engl. that the pu●e word of God is to be preached the sacraments duely administred c. also that in our doings that will of God is to be followed which we haue expresly decleared vnto vs in the word of God Yet withall they professe and practise in that church to read the Apocrypha ●criptures in which are found vntruthes and errors when many parts of the authentik scripture are neuer read among them they haue also written homilies in sted of preaching a written Le●tourg●e Letany collects c. in sted of praying which Leitoargie with all the popish contents therein must be approued and vsed by all the Priests and people and God serued by it euery day They haue also an antichristian clergie ca●led and ordeyned according to their pontifical or book of ordination which ●n their beleef hath not any thing that of it selfe is s●perstitious and vngodly c. Finally all the Romish reliques yet in England to be seen in the
of the archangel Michael Boniface the 8. shewed like honour to the 4 Euangelists and many other memorable gests are recorded of the Fathers of the See of Rome whereof there is not a word in the Testament of Christ that he or his disciples did euer the like For they appoynted not priests apparall long gownes tippers 4. horned capps as did Pope Zacharie nor a white linen surplice at seruice time as did Pope Syluester 1. They hallowed no Temples or Churches as did P. Hyginus nor Churchyards as did P. Calistus 1 Neyther ordeyned ringing of bells to call the people to diuine seruice as did P. Sabinian They appointed no Rood-loft to part the Chancel from the church as did P. B●niface 2 nor hallowed Font to Christen in or Godfathers and Godmothers at baptisme as did P Pius 1. and Hyginus They commanded not the people to goe procession as did Pope Agapetus 1. nor appoynted any Bishoping or Confirmation of children as did P Clement 1. with a great number more of like pranks vsed in the Romish seruice which Christs Apostles knew not as their writings shew But the church of Engl. as next heir of Romes constitutions reteyneth these reliques obserueth these rites and a many moe for which the Papists doe insult and say that from their treasure house the religion now established hath learned the forme of christening Marrying Churching of women Visiting the sick Burying and sundry other lik● as the books translated out of theirs doe declare And now what sayth Gods law for all such things vnto his people I am sayth he the Lord your God After the doing of the land of Aegypt wherein ye dwel shall ye not doe and after the doing of the land of Canaan whether I will bring you shall ye not doe neyther walke in their ordinances My iudgments shall ye doe and my ordinances shall ye keep to walke in them I am the Lord your God Thus he forbad them not onely the worship of false Gods but euen the imitation of idolatrous worship rites and ordinances in his seruice wherfore he charged them againe that they should not so much as inquire or ask how the nations serued their Gods that they might doe so to the Lord their God But whatsoever he commanded them they should make heed to doe it putting nothing thereto nor taking ought therfrom Yet the Bishops and Priests of Engl. haue almost all things in their Lei●ourgie according to the doings of that spiritual Aegypt the Romish church wherein they dwelt and haue imitated her worships‘ orders ceremonies c. reteyned her ministery prelacy courts and canons th● Latine being turned into English and some grosse superfluities left ou● And in defense of this worship haue these godly ministers written Mr Bernard published their work wherein if the reader see not a so●nd proof of the things that Mr Barrow whose errors they pretend to confute reproued he must impute it to the badnes of their cause which wil scars admit of any colour from the booke of God For besides the abuse of holy scriptures alleged to iustify these popish stratagems how sound diuine or rather how fond and corrupt is the reasoning of these men from Gods example and authority vnto their own practise and power that because the Lord God gaue formes of blessing prayer and psalmes to his people as the scriptures which they cite doe shew therefore their Lords the Prelates may giue them also prescript words for blessing prayer and Psalmes c. as is to be seen in their seruice book Can we thinke that Ieroboam had so slender a reason for his goldē calues Why doe not these men also plead that God gaue a law by Moses therefore ther may a law be giuen likewise by the Bishops or th' Apostles wrote a new Testament therefore the Conuocation house may also write a Testament or Gospel bring it into the church If the Prophets practise will bear them ovt in the one I see no cause why it may not vphold them in the other Wel seing neyther Mr Gifford heretofore nor these ministers now can bring better defense for the work of their own hands wherewith they worship or rather prouoke the Lords I leaue them to consider of those lawes that euery where cry ovt against and shew the punishment of idolatrie Neyther is it needfull to keep the Reader with longer answer seing Mr Barrow in the fornamed books and Mr Greenwood in a peculiar treatise against these stinted prayers and se● worship haue proued the vnlawfulnes of them by many reasons which neyther these ministers nor any other haue yet taken away And when they write agayn let them not bring proofs for things that we deney not as that Daunds Psalmes may be sung in the church and that in our prayers we may vse or apply the words that other holy men before vsed in their prayers vpon like occasions both these we grant and practise but let them proue if they be able and their right hand can help them that their own writetnn prayers psalmes c. may be read and sung in churches church●● as Gods true worship and then also they may command the clowdes to rayn no more and may cause to cease the bottels of heauen Like to their former plea and maintenance of their seruice booke is also their answer for Catechismes as for Homilies it seemes they leaue the the defense of them to the simple priests that read them but Catechismes are vsed euen by the learned preachers therefore somewhat they say for them as that the principles of religion were taught in the churches of old Rō 2.20 6 17.2 Tim 1 13 Heb. 5.12.13 14 and 6 1.2 But these ministers are eyther simple or very deceitfull so to turne away from the question For we neuer deneyed that the grounds and heads of Christian religion should be taught to the people far be it from vs but this we say the Prophets and Apostles are not found to prescribe set words for the minister to teach or the people to answer being examined And that therefore these Bishops and Priests are very presumptuous that wil take vpon them to doe that which Christs Apostles neuer did in the churches Agayn that if those men of God had to done yet seing the writings of Prophets and Apostles are canonicall scriptures and so are no mens writings now it will by no meanes follow that if they wrote catechismes to be vsed in the Church therefore men may writ some for like vse now Yea rather why are they not content with that which is already written in the scriptures but run to erroneous catechismes of humane writers such as is that authorized catechisme in the book of common prayer commanded to be vsed in the church of England Hauing heard what these godly ministers say for their people and seruice book I exspected somewhat also for defense of their own minister and the ecclesiasticall gouernment of
life which serue to heal the nations with if he offer to touch the Egyptian vlcers that appeare in your worship church-government ministerie ceremonies c. he is presently thrust out of dores and if he dare but affirme these or any of these to be disceases and botches in your body sinns against God or repugnant to his word he is excommunicated ipso facto by the decrees of the whole representatiue church of England And are you willing now to be healed Nay if any among you not medling with the publike estate of your church but feeling or fearing his own particular sowl sicknes doe resort to a physician whose receipts are not after the common sort for aduise about his health or of friendship and acquaintance to see him he is subiect to the censure and thunderbolt of your church Witnesse the late practise in Norwich where certayn citizens were excommunicated for resorting vnto and praying with Mr Robinson a man worthily reverenced of all the city for the graces of God in him as your selfe also I suppose will acknowledge and to whome the cure and charge of their sowles was ere while committed Would any vnmercifull man haue dealt so with his bondslaue in a case of bodily sicknes But hereby all may see what small hope there is of Curing the Kanker of your church THe second question is Are they themselues healed then where were they healed where were they called where were they regenerate and begotten to Christ was it not in the womb of this our church and by means of the immortall seed of Gods word that is dayly sown in our church a holy church a church of God where in ordinarily men are called and brought to God The winde bloweth where it will and we heare the sound thereof but know not whence it cometh and whether it goeth so is every one that is b●rne of the spirit To your demaund then I answer we wer● c●ll●● being in B●●ylon your Church I meane which restreyneth the 〈◊〉 by vnri●hteousnes there was our regeneration begun Where we fa● in darknes and in the shadow of death the light of God appeared and 〈◊〉 vs l●fe If you yet inquire how this was I refer you to 〈…〉 brou●ht light out of darknes and daylie bringeth forth the 〈…〉 treas●re and his wayes are past finding out for as I kn●w 〈◊〉 t●e way of the winde nor how the bones doe grow in the womb of her that is with childe so know I not the work of God that worketh all If you dema●nd of the means it was doubtlesse the word and spirit of the Lord without which there is no calling no regeneration Now where you ask how then we can deny that to be a true church wher●in 〈◊〉 men are called and brough to God I answer first you take vp more th●n we lay down when you say ●rdinarily for the ordinary and common fruit of the word among you is through your own corrupt handling and hearing of it euell and not good the many walke the broad way and Gods calling is like to that which the Prophet sayth one of a city and two of a tribe in res●ect of the worldly multitudes Secondly all the Saincts are not begotten vnto Christ in the wombe of a true particular church for when the Apostle preached among Pagans conuerted many I would know in the womb of what church they were begotten they were first conuerted vnto Christ before euer they were in any other church then that Ierusalem which is aboue the mother of all the elect Let vs come to later times your selues when you began to be a church of protestants in what particular womb were your people begotten I suppose if in any it was in the womb of your mother church of Rome where they had both receiued Baptisme the seal of regeneration and been catechised in Christian religion and then look how your selues can deny that to be a true church or be free of vnthankfulnes towards her that bare you But you prosecute your cause against vs and would driue vs eyther to say there is indeed a true ministery of the word among you but it is not powrfull to any but our selues or els that we were not called in your church but since we left you To the first I answer there is no necessity that we must grant a true ministery for first we hold that the true word may be put in Balaamites mouthes and a false ministery may through Gods wondrous grace beget faith in his elect if you say otherweise you will shake the foundation of your English church layd by Aust●● the monk Pope Gregories Apostle and damn all your late fathers vnder the Roman Clergie Secondly we ●ie not the grace of God in the true church to the ministers lips knowing that men by other meanes are often conuerted to the Lord. And if your ministers in England hold that men cannot be begotten to Christ among them but by their preaching you may take vp your Letanie which causlesse you vse for vs and say from this horible and bellish pride good Lord deliuer them As they cannot restreyn the winde from blowing so much lesse the spirit of God from breathing out of other places then ministers mouthes To the second also I answer that it is one thing to be called in your church as you speake and another thing to be called by your church or ministery as I thinke you mean It is written Reu. 18.4 Goe out of her my people you see here Gods people were in Babylon and are called ovt of the same not by Babel it selfe or any minister of it buy by a voyce from heauen So we might be called in your church though not by the same And thus we haue not bard our selues from pleading against you as you would bear men in hand neyther yet shew you of whom or wher you had that which you say we all stoutly answer and stifly stand to it namely that we leau your church meerly only out of conscience c. We haue a better ground if you would receiue it euen the Law of the Lord that so commandeth both vs and our consciences Conscience is the blinde Papists common plea but we know that mans conscience is as much defiled as any other part or power of his sowl or body and therefore it may be no rule of our actions but the law of God onely which is pure perfect and vndefiled Yet you wil needs proceed and say then we had conscience before we left you I answer yea or els we would not haue left you Thinke you that your predecessors had no conscience when they left the Popish church Then where say you of us and minde whether the Papists will not say as much of you where came they to that conscience and care of their saluation but in our church You are answered before we had it in your church as Gods
had appoynted to be King after him Was not Aja a godly King and good reformer of the church yet was he wroth with Hanani the Seer and put him into prison onely for speaking vnto him the word of the Lord. What weight is there then in thi● your cavil that our affliction are by Christian magistrates therefore out cause is evill Good princes may be ouer caried eyther by their own affections or by the suggestions and prouocations of other men And if you will not yet see your folly mind this for your selues that you which 〈◊〉 called Puritans are molested imprisoned persecuted and note not by hethen and Antichristian tyranns but by your own Christian magistrates and Bishops professing and maynteyning the gospel of Christ. Ergo eyther your cause or your argument is naught Your last poynt is partly false and partly friuolous for Mr. Harrison returned not vnto your church of England but died at Middleburgh in this faith that we professe Mr. Smith Crud and some others which never were officers much lesse pillars in our Church did indeed forsake their first faith and died soone after with what comfort themselues now know But what if many more had forsaken vs yet the truth of the gospell which we professe shall stand Christian religion was at a low ebb when so many went back that Iesus sayd to the twelue will you also gee away Yet Christianitie still flourisheth and shall so long as the moone endureth And we with comfort doe behold that though many bad ones haue gone away yet God bringeth better in their place dayly The 3. Consideration 3. NOte your dissentions between 1 Brown and Harrison 2 Brown 〈◊〉 Barron 3 Barro● and Francis Iohnson 4 Francis and George Iohnson 5 ●r Iohnson and Mr. Slade that great scholler 6 Chaph●n and others a●out Anahaptisme nay none of your great Rab●ines but haue grosly disagr●●d disagreed among themselues It pi●ieth vs to see your poor congregation how lamentably it hath been rent with mutuall dissentions bitings and deuouring of ech●ethers wh●ch doubtlesse is no 〈◊〉 ●f the spirit of God These are not lies but matters known and they are matters horrible and strange Answer IF you were an Atheist or Pagan as you professe to be a Christian you mought in this ma●●r repr●ch the church of God ●uer since the world began saying Note the dissentions ●etween Kain and Abel Cham and Noah Esaw and Iaacob Ioseph and the Patriarches Moses and the Isralites Moses and the Leuites Moses and his ●wn sister and brother Gedeen and the men of Ephraim of Succ●th and of Pennel Ab●melech and his brethren I●phteh and his brethren Beniamin and the other tri●es of Israel Saul and Dauid Dauid and Absalom the ten tribes and the two from Ieroboams times and after the Pharisees Sadducees in the Iewish Church the Apostles of Christ the diss●ntions in Corenth and the other Apostolike Chur●hes These are not lies but matters knowne and r●corded in the scriptures and they are matters horrible and s●rangem So then if your proposed C●nsideration be of weight to turne vs from our present faith because of the dissentions that haue been among vs the like consideration ●nought turne vs also which God forbid from all faith and religion make vs as very Athe●sts as a many of your church already are And indeed wher unto leadeth this manner reasoning which you vse b●t vnto Atheism● For if an Infidel ●hould mind religion mought he not be kept back by consid●r●ng the dissentions in fa●th between Painims Iewes Mahometists and Chr●stians and a Iew or Turke be kept from Christianitie because of the dis●entions between Protestants Papists Arians Anabaptists and other sects many Yea are not the Papists at this day hindred from true religeon by noting as you doe the dissentions between Luther Zwinglius Calv●n c But it seemeth all these were farr from your cons●deration or if you minded them yet were they but motes in your ey they be our dissentions ours onely that trouble you It pittieth you to see our poor congregation how lamentably it hath been rent c. but you are hard-harted and take no pity belike on your own Church which you so highly commend vnto us though dissentions for discipline that I speake not of other matters haue been so great that you ha●e not onelie preached printed on against an other now many a year and that in verie bitter and hostile manner but also persecu●ede imprisoned fought the blood on of an other Wel howsoeuer we haue indeed just cause to lament that by our dissentions you and others haue taken occasion to blaspheme the truth of God yet herin haue we comfort that such things must be amongst us as the Holy Ghost saith that they which are approuued may be known And you if by no meanes you will learne the estate of a Church here on earth where it is in continuall warr with the Serpent and his seed but stil you think these things horrible and strange take heed you stumble not at the stone Christ to your distruction haue your abiding in that house which the strongman armed keepeth and the things that he possesseth are in peace Luk 11.21 The 4. Consideration 4. YOur chiefest teachers cannot as yet determine what the discipline i● that they would haue as what the difference is between a Pastor a Doctour whether Apostates ought to be admitted to office in the church c. Answer 1 THere is no such dissention among vs touching these matters as you would here insinuate though if there wer yet our imperfection and difference in iudgment sheweth that we are weak men but no whit pre●ud●ceth the truth we professe 2 The heathen Philosophers in the Ni●oean Synod obiected the like against Christians that they agreed not in opinion among themselus S●zomen lib. 1 cap. 18. 3. Your selfe heathen-like may obiect against Paul and Barnaba● twoo of the chiefest teachers of Christian religion one of the two things wherewith you here doe reproach vs because they not onely could not determine whether Iohn Mark who had before departed frō them should accompanie them in the work of the Gospel but were so stirred that they departed asunder one from the other Act. 4. You might much better blame your owne Church and chiefest teachers that cannot as yet determine what the discipline is that they would haue witnesse your long continued controuersies in print wherein what adoe you make about discipline all the world knoweth If your selues would walke better in the truth peace and concord of the gospel you might wi●h more equitie find fault with us pul therefore the beam first out of your own eye The 5 Consideration 5 THE Lord hath also testified against you by giuing over very many people 1 to Atheisme 2 carnall life 3 Papisme 4 Anabaptisme 5 Ari●nijme 6 Familisme which are
world at this day and see if any nation of all that came from all the ● sonns of N●ah be of your religion all that came of Cham are of ours all that came of Iaphet are of ours and all that came of Sem but onely your selues Your selfe say vnto vs in these like words Look ouer all Christendome and you shall not finde a Church that condemneth ours or any that is not of our religion c. the churches of the Low countries are of o●r confession the Ch of France the church of Geneua the church of Scotland the Cantons of Switzerland the stats and Princes of Germany they are all of our confession Whither then will you goe but vnto your corners and conventicles c. The like things are obiected to vs also by other of your ministers as before in this trea●ise may be seen pag. 9. The Babylonians are by you feigned to ha●e sayd vnto Israel Doth not our religion prosper and flourish and is not yours condemned by the consent of all the world Your ministerse say for England against vs God hath witnessed his loue and approbation to our church by many vectories and deliuerances long continuance of the Gospell prayers heard c. And the Churches and godly learned persons that euer heard of your separation did not approue of it See also Mr Bernards book pag. 33. You sayd the babylonians to Israel for holding your religion are iustly ouerthrown and conqu●red by u● ' Mr Penry Barrow and Greenwood say your ministers to vs were hanged Mr Iohnsons and the rest banished by Christian magistrats professing and mainteyning the Gospel of Christ. Alas poor men sayd the Babylonians for one learned Rabbine that your haue haue not we twentie are not the Caldeans the famoust learned men in the world Of vs your ministers say setting aside one or two at most there is neuer a minister amongst th●m th●t vnderstandeth the summe of religion and grounds of the Catechisme and further they vnderstand not any tongue saue only English wher thē is their knowledg againe an other vp braydeth vs by the preaching disputing and printing of many excellent works and volumes published of all sorts by the ministers of England which none of vs is any thing haue euer yet atteyned The Babylonians k sayd to Israel During the time that you haue had your Kings and Priests shew one nation by you conuerted or one that came and ioyned with you of all that time Hardly say your ministers to vs can you shew any one person conuerted by your ministery from papistry athisme or other opē wickednes as by Gods blessing multitudes haue been by ours Thus we see how you and your ministers imitate Bab●l as if they had been set to scool by Nebuchadnezar to get the learning and tongue of the Chaldeans wherein how they haue profited let the reader iudge as also whither we may not apply against you your own words that you please your selues in such like carnall arguments and fleshly conceyts a● papist in their popery and other p●●fane men in their carnallity did heretofore and doe at this day Of these things as I haue laboured to giue you notice so I desire God to giue you repentance and to heal all your deadly wounds least that come vpon you which is foretold by the Prophet I will render vnto Babel and to all the inhabitants of the Chaldeans all their euill that they haue done in Sion in your sight saith the Lord. My people goe out of the midds of her and deliuer ye every man his sowl from the feirce wrath of the Lord. Ier. 51.45 Goe out of her my people that ye be not partakers in her sinns and that ye receiue not of her plagues Reu. 18.4 FINIS a Kellisons Suruey 2. book 1. chapt· b Mr Giffords dialogue bteweē a pap a pro● f 19. b c Calui●● opusc Response ad ve●s quend Mediator d K●llisons Sur. 1 book 2. chap. e See after in this treatise pag. 49 f pag. 13. a pag. 135. b Mr Crashawes ser. pag. 27. c ibid. p. 28 d Caluin Respons ad versiple e Gregory Martin Campion· Kellisō c f D. Whi●g defen of ans to admon in the gen tab S. g Mr Ios. Nichols h plea of the innocēt pag 33.34 a Ezek. 23.45 b Rev 17 16. See after in this book p 122. anno 1562 e In the 123 pag of his book a Deut 3● 31 a Sermon on Rom. 12.6 pag 65 66. b Playn deccla of eccles desc pag 72. c Di●l of the stryfe of your Church page 99 a 1 adm●●o the Par. in the preface b in the sam admonitiō c 1 admon pag. 16. d ibid. 14. e Mal. 1 8 f Psa 16.4 g Reu 17 ● h verse 4. i 2 Cor. 3.17 k 1. admon page 15. l Demonst. in the pref m T●ble of Artic by diuin Reader in Cam. n ibedem o 1. admon page 2. Exo. 14.5.9 a Gen 1 2 b Reu 17. ● c one th● same word is by figure of speech 〈◊〉 for hearing r●porting Rom 10. a 2 admon to the Parl f. 16. a Psa. 20.7 b Bellarmin de notu eccl Psa. 62.9 a 1 Admon ●o the Parl. a Deccōs by interpr●tation ar ministers 1 〈◊〉 3.5 b Defēnc of eclesiastical disci p. 102. c 1 admo to the Parlia d defence of godly minis against bridges p. 12 3. e Sermon on Rom. 12 p 34. a Leu. 19 17. a 1 admo 2.3.4 a form manner of consecrating Bishops priests and Deacons b ibidem a 2 Kin. 1● 33.41 b ver 34. c Gal. 5 19 20. d Num 16.7 a Ioh. 3.8 Reu. 7.1 b If●· 60 2● a Epistle before the De monst b Psa. 19.12 a Symma●●● in Epist. pr● sacr patrū b Caeciliu Ar●eb lib 8 c Gen 6. 1 Pe 3.19.20 2 Pet 2.5 a Psal. 73.7 b Iob 21.16 c Cyril cōtra Iul. lib. 7 s. d Fast 5 aepe Iouē vids quum iam sua mittere vellet fulins 〈…〉 susti●●isse 〈…〉 e Psa 66.18 19 116.1 2.1 Iob 5 1● a Pro 25 14 b 1 admon to Parl pag 33 c ibid. p 4. d Supplication to the Parl. p 67. e Luk 12.51 52 Mat. 12.6 Ren 11.19 * Psa 18.14 † Gen 4.16 6.2 ” Gen 9.25 26. cha 11. * Gen 19 ‡ Gen. 12. † Ex 4 c ” Isa 48.20 † Hos. ● 15 * Act 2 40 41. 2 Cor 6 14.17 † Reu. 18 4 * Num 11.1 ‡ Num. 16 32 33. ” Num 21.6 † Nū 25.9 * Num. 14.45 ‡ Ex 32 27 ” Nū 20.12 † Ex 12 37 * Num. 26 64 65 ‡ 2 Tim. 4 10. ” Mat. 27.24 * Reu. 1.9 ‡ Mar 3 17 ” Act 4.11 † Luk ●3 33 * Gen. 37. ‡ 1 Kin. 11 30.31 37.40 ” 2 Chro. 14 23 c. † 2 Chro 16 7.10 * Ioh. 6.66.67 (a) Gen. 4. b Gen.