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A19326 Doctrinall and morall observations concerning religion vvherein the author declareth the reasons of his late vn-enforced departure from the Church of Rome, and of his incorporation to the present Church of England : teaching, maintaining and defending the true Christian Catholike and apostolike faith, professed by the ancient primitiue church, most conspicuous in the outward vertues and constant sufferings of many holy bishops and other good Christians, glorious in the crowne of martyrdome / by Iohn Copley ... Copley, John, 1577-1662. 1612 (1612) STC 5742; ESTC S299 195,885 256

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DOCTRINALL AND MORALL OBSERVATIONS CONCERNING RELIGION WHEREIN THE AVTHOR DECLARETH THE Reasons of his late vn-enforced departure from the Church of ROME and of his incorporation to the present Church of ENGLAND teaching maintaining and defending the true Christian Catholike and Apostolike Faith professed by the ancient Primitiue Church most conspicuous in the outward vertues and constant sufferings of many holy Bishops and other good Christians glorious in the crowne of Martyrdome By IOHN COPLEY Seminarie Priest LVKE 22.23 When thou art conuerted strengthen thy brethren IAMES 5.20 He which maketh a sinner to be conuerted from the error of his way shall saue his soule from death and couereth a multitude of sinnes LONDON Imprinted by W. S. for Richard Moore and are to be sold at his Shop in Fleet-street in Saint Dunstans Church-yard 1612. TO ALL SEMINARIE PRIESTS MONKES FRIERS IESVITES AND ALL LAY-PROFESSORS of the present Romane falsely pretended Catholike faith grace and true conuersion in Christ IESVS VVHereas now some monthes are ouer-passed since my conformitie to the Church of England wherof I haue hitherto beene silent withdrawing myselfe to further the contemplation of those inducements which lead mee hereunto my zeale of truth and knowledge of your great spiritual miseries who liue wrapped in a cloud of ignorance depriued of the most comfortable beames of true Christian faith working by the heate of charitie in mens soules enforceth me to dedicate these my doctrinall and morall obseruations vnto your selues as standing in most need of them My intention in dedicating them to you is no other then true compassion of your soules dangerous estate not seeing nor knowing your owne erroneous doctrines taught in the present Romane Church of which I dare say many of you are sincere zealous professors with onely regard to your soules health and the kingdome of heauen esteeming that aboue all things to bee the cheifest to bee sought for in this world is in truth it is and therefore your case the more worthie of Christian commiseration and true Apostolicall endeauours for your deliuerie out of your so perillous and lamentable a condition which according to the small portion of that talent that Almightie God hath vouchsafed to bestow vpon mee I haue endeuoured to shew vnto you by this Treatise desiring you curteously and charitably to accept in good part with no lesse humility and care of your owne soules good then I do present it vnto you with a sincere desire thereof in the most tender bowels of Christ Iesus Vouchsafe to reade it with deliberate iudgement examine well the spirit wherewith it is written weigh the substance and contents rather then the manner or circumstances of my writing the stile is but plaine and familiar you shall find no affectation of eloquence in it because my labours and paines taken herein haue been rather for the profit of your soules then for the recreation of your wits I know well that neither the planting of Saint Paul nor the watring of Apollo can redound to your profit vnlesse God giue encrease and prosper the successe and therefore leauing the encrease to God and desiring you most attentiuely to reade these my obseruations deliberately to ponder them and effectually to follow them I most kindly take my leaue of you with Saint Pauls charitable words Pax Dei quae exuperat omnem sensum custodiat corda vestra intelligentias vestras in Christo Iesu Philip. 4.7 The peace of God which passeth all vnderstanding keepe your hearts and intelligences in Christ Iesus Resting this 13. day of Iune Anno Domini 1612. A most zealous friend and louer of your soules IOHN COPLEY ¶ Aduertisements to the Reader ALbeit to my singular comfort Christian Reader I might in the Sunne-shine of mine owne happinesse haue enioyed to my selfe the great benefite of Gods fauour shewed mee in my conuersion from Romish nouelties to the ancient Catholike Faith taught in this Kingdome yet for that I had diuers reasons inuiting mee to the participation thereof vnto other mens knowledge that what was priuate to my selfe might be also a publique good vnto others I haue thought it expedient with the promulgation of it for thy better information concerning my selfe to propound vnto thee some particular Aduertisements whereby thou mayest the better know mee and my meaning who am otherwise perhappes vnknowne vnto thee and accordingly with moderation of iudgement void of impatient humour or partialitie censure my proceedings in the matters handled in this Treatise 2 First therefore I would haue thee take notice that some few more zealous and earnest than charitable or wise followers of the Church of Rome sticke not to obiect vnto mee That they cannot be perswaded that I am truly in iudgement vnderstanding a sincere Professor of the faith of England otherwise than for some priuate respect eyther of liberty or other contentment or preferment whereby you may well inferre that they haue no great opinion of any ignorance in me of their Doctrine nor of actual miscarriage in maners that should make me forsake their communion since they thinke I haue too much knowledge to be in heart of any other and yet can charge mee of no misdemeanour for mine owne part I must needes tell you that herein they are either very ignorant in their vnderstandings or malitiously affected in their willes ignorant of the true knowledge of Gods fauour in conuerting sinners and malitious to the Church of England whereunto I haue incorporated my selfe and therefore to disgrace it they are willing without either true vnderstanding or vertue to cast any sinister imputation they can vpon my person which I doubt not but by Gods assistance and the endeuors of patience and diligence I shall turne to their owne shame and to the further manifestation of the wicked doctrines and impieties of their Romish Church without any indignitie or disgrace to the Church to which I am now incorporated 3 Secondly I would further haue thee know that some few Priests of their Church hauing growne debauched in their liues and conuersations and after their forsaking communion with the Church of Rome for a cloake of liberty to their lewd inclinations haue proued most treacherous to those vnto whom before they professed friendship remaining in their owne consciences perswaded they did not well in discouering Priests and causing them to be apprehended and ransacking the houses of Recusants more for their own profits than for any desire of seruice to the state or zeale to the Church of England giuing ouer all exercise both of vertue or learning fit for Cleargy men Hereupon diuers of the Romaine Church haue made their aduantage for the iustification of their owne Religion and reproofe of theyr aduersaries faith insomuch that I heard a Iesuit of good reputation say that a great noble man of this realme being in conference with others of his rancke should say that he much wondred why such men as were vertuous in their cariages so long as they were
obedient in outward profession than religious men to their Superiours and who more rebellious or treacherous to their Princes Garnet Oldcorne and others of their vngodly societie can witnesse this It carried a goodly shew and face of vertue for a certaine Iesuit to confine Sir Euerard Digbie within the compasse of two chambers carrying the resemblance of Hell and Heauen by the outward furniture and pictures where-with they were adorned for his spirituall exercise and the better settling of his life in vertue by holy contemplations Herein appeared the garment of a sheepe but the corruption of vnrighteousnesse and Pharisaicall iniustice appeared in that the aforesaid holie Father who liued openly in his house like a Gallant following his play and other recreations and free conuersation with others in the house whilest the Knight was shut vp in his prison to pray and meditate of his life past and the world to come and also in that not only this good Father not long after with this Knight his Ghostly child were found to haue harboured in their hearts that festering corruption of the powder treason the memorie whereof will be odious and hatefull to all posteritie Herein appeared the rauenous Wolfe so clad in a sheepes garment When Parsons the Iesuit sent mony from Rome to Master William Alablaster in shew of loue and charitie Parsons notorious hipocrisie to diuers inuiting him to come thither as though he would there haue done him some great fauor no man would haue thought but this good father had had a heart of true burning charitie in tendring the good of the honest Gentleman who was banished out of England for professing the Romane Faith Herein appeared the garment of a sheepe but afterward when the said Gentleman not suspecting any guile vnder the cloake of a religious profession arriued at Rome and by the meanes of this holy Father was committed to the Inquisition where hee was kept some moneth prisoner vpon pretence of a booke which hee had published with approbation of those that were to allow of it in the Low Countries and humble submission thereof in his Preface to the Churches censure in all points taught therein like a sincere child of that Church as then he was and like a true Israelite without fraude or guile herein appeared the rauenous Wolfe in a Sheepes skinne VVhat a woluish disposition may it bee thought this man bore to his Maiestie and the State who were of a contrarie religion to him since hee appeared so cruell to one that professed the Romane saith that suffered banishment for the same that for zeale to that Church left the way hee was in to preferment at home and found little charitie or kindnesse abroade VVhen the same good father further would professe great desire of the Secular Priests good proceedings here in England when hee would compassionate other mens want of charitie in disgracing the good Fathers of his order with some personall imputations saying it was an vncharitable part for any so to discouer any mans imperfections herein appeared the garment of a sheep But when publikely he read a letter from England amongst the Schollers at Rome disclosing the horrible sinne of one William a Priest that had many yeares liued too familiarly with a Tailors wife whereof the Tailor hauing notice caried a dagge vnder his cloake vp down London streets to shoot him to death for so sacrilegious and adulterous an act and this as he said was an earnest Appealant at which time four of the Appealants were in Rome to prosecute the Priests cause against the Iesuits M. Blackwel of which charitable report I being then a Student of that Colledge was my selfe an ear-witnesse yet could I neuer since vpon diligent enquiry vnderstand any such storie to bee true of any Priest in England and therefore herein appeared the rauenous VVolfe When Doctor Richard Smith went to Rome some few years since to compose some good order for the gouernment of the secular Clergie and freedome from the Iesuites domineiring soueraignetie ouer them that by absolute disclaiming entercourse of consultations with them the State might not haue a iust cause to inuolue them in the true imputation of any participation with the Iesuites practises this religious and Christianly resolued Robert Parsons said he desired nothing more then peace and would not bee quiet till it was made with him herein appeared the garment of a sheep but when at the same time otherwise to disgrace him and to enclose him within the gates of the holy Inquisition there hee and another Priest deuoted vnto him presented the booke which the said Doctor writ against master Thomas Bell into the Inquisition there to be examined taxing it to containe dangerous propositions against the Popes authoritie in Temporalibus notwithstanding the whole booke is written in defence of the Romane Catholike saith herein appeared the disposition of this rauenous wolfe but the booke cleared it selfe and the Author got commendations for it 4 Many the like testimonies of the Romane hypocrisie could I produce which must not be maruailed at in the members The hypocrisie of Popes described since it appeareth more manifessly in the chiefe head the Pope himselfe who is described by Saint Iohn Apocal. 15.11 To haue two hornes like vnto the Lambe but to speake like the Dragon Where Lyranus saith They are like to the Lambe that is Christ whose two hornes are the two Testaments Lyra. in Apoc. 13 Primas ibid. And Primasius Hee will endonour to make the two Testaments agreeing with the Lambe after the manner of the Lambe to agree with himselfe yet is he said to speake as the Dragon because he will deceiue those whom he shall seduce by the hypocrisie of fained truth For he should not bee like vnto the Lambe if openly hee should speake as the Dragon Now hee faineth the Lambe that he may inuade the Lambe that is the bodie of Christ. So likewise he whosoeuer he be that is Author of the ordinarie Closse applieth the same note of hypocrisie to the whole multitude of Antichrists consorts when he saith They shall faine themselues to haue innocencie Gloss ordin ibidem and a pure life and true doctrine and the miracles which Christ had and gaue vnto his Whereby it is apparent that not onely the Bishop of Rome but also his precursors and consorts shall be notorious in this note and marke of hypocrisie and dissimulation This may seeme probably apparent if we remember the letter that was sent by Garnet some few monethes before his trouble to master Blackwell signifying from father Aquauiua the Generall of the Iesuites that his Holinesse gaue order that all Catholikes heere in England should behaue themselues quietly and dutifully towards his Maiestie without giuing offence or raising any tumults about matters of religion which some thought to haue beene by reason of the commotion that happened in Wales about that time whereof perhaps the Pope might haue some inckling yet
light to deceiue my soule withall and so I confessed them as ordinarie temptations against faith till at length with a more powerfull light it pleased the true Sonne of iustice and God of glorie to enlighten my vnderstanding in such sort that all the clouds of error and endarkened affections were dispersed like mist before the Sunne what before I held to be hereticall I approued to be most Catholike what before was falsehood was now truth what before was darknesse was now light I found my selfe suddainely in my meditations vpon the grounds of true faith and beleefe like S. Paul enuironed not with a corporall but with a spirituall and most comfortable light from heauen placing my vnderstanding in the paradise of truth and all her delights struck downe to the ground in the humble acknowledgement of mine vnworthinesse and terrified with a voice from heauen not sounding in the eares of my bodie by their corporall Organs but sweetly making a most delightfull harmonie in my soule mollifying the obdurate crust of my heart and forcing me to say Act. 9. vers 6. Domine quid me vis facere O Lord what wilt thou haue me to doe with perfect true conformitie of all my thoughts actions and endeauors answerable to his will Hence was I moued with great power working euen with comfort to my soule to call to mind innumerable passages of Scriptures and auncient Fathers in former times obserued and other reasonable congruencies moouing me most effectually to conuert my selfe to the onely Apostolike Primitiue and Catholike faith truly professed in the Church of England as it were destined hereunto by a presage in my youth when being borne beyond the seas I was by Gods directing prouidence inspiring my parents mindes by my nurse and her husband who were purposely sent for out of England sent into this Realme when I was but few daies old to be nursed here which was a great furtherance and meanes that now in the ninth yeare of my Priesthood I am in this Realme nursed and growne to such a spirituall strength as to embrace the right faith of a true Christian which heretofore I wanted And although lately since my conuersion one said vnto me that it had been better if I had been drowned at sea in the great storme which happened in my passage into this Realme so young which I escaped with exceeding great danger being forthwith entertained into the Castle by the Captaine thereof for my fathers sake than at riper yeares thus to liue an Apostata and to be a scandale vnto the Church of God Yet I trust that I shall make it apparant that it was much better I escaped Gods prouidence in the first escape of my bodie foreshewing a more dangerous second escape from the shipwracke of my soule whereby his glorie in my happinesse may be manifested to the good of many that they may truly say Exod. 1. vers 19. Digitus Dei est hic the finger of God is here 7. The working of the Trinitie in my conuersion the first cause of this treatise Hereby you may see courteous Reader whether I haue not iust cause to make knowne to the world this my conuersion and the true occasions and motiues thereof that all that beare of it may say as I haue cause to say in mine owne soule The finger of God is here For first you may obserue that whilest I wandered out of the right way of true Catholike doctrine Gods goodnesse following the Church of Rome the finger of Gods mercie and goodnesse directed and pointed me which way to take into the right path of heauen most fauorably bestowing vpon me beartie contrition for my former errors both in faith and manners more than euer before Secondly the finger of his wisdome Gods wisdome euen when I was most addicted to the studies of the Roman doctrine occasion being giuen me of conference with some Protestants requiring satisfaction of me in some capitall points of controuersie which I promised either to proue by the Scriptures ancient Fathers and naturall reason or else to embrace the Protestants faith as Catholike therewithall intending to impugne the doctrine of the Religion here professed in England directed my vnderstanding so to examine the controuersies weighing all Cardinall Bellarmines reasons for both sides that doing it with sinceritie I fell into such doctrinall and morall obseruations vpon the grounds of the Romane faith that I most cleerely discouered the darke clouds of error and ignorance wherewith my iudgement and reason were ouercast I found the weakenesse of their grounds the fallacies of their reasons and the insufficiencie of iudgement shewed in most of their controuersies I found many places of Scripture impertinently alledged diuers citations of auncient Fathers fondly wrested against their true vnderstanding many naturall reasons alledged most repugnant to reason Lastly the finger of his Almightie power Gods power as efficaciously as the Load stone draweth yron vnto it drew all the affections of my heart to a firme resolution no longer to sleepe or slumber in my errors but to breake off all the bands of erronious and superstitious doctrine and nouelties wherewith the present Church of Rome holdeth soules in slauerie to Sathan and to embrace the truth of the Ancient Catholike and Apostolike doctrine which I found to bee most purely taught in the Church of England according to the primitiue sinceritie Hence it is most cleerely apparant how much the glorie of God appeareth in my conuersion and the three diuine attributes of goodnesse wisedome and power of the blessed Trinitie Qui tribus digitis appendit molem terrae Esay 40. vers 12 who weighteth the earth with three fingers in the contemplation of which great benefit I may well crie out with holy Saint Paul Rom. 12. vers 33 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdome and knowledge of God how vnsearchable are his iudgements and his waies past finding out for who hath knowne the mind of the Lord or who hath bin his counsellor Or who hath first giuen to him and it shall be recompenced vnto him againe for of him and through him and to him are all things to whom be glorie for euer For to God himselfe must I needes attribute this fauour hauing iust cause for the same with the kingly Prophet to say Psal 34. vers 2. I will alwaies praise the Lord his praise shall be alwaies in my mouth who chiefly hath wrought in my soule the vnderstanding the will and the accomplishment hereof which I can doe no lesse in gratitude than make knowne that his name may be glorified therein Satisfaction the second cause Secondly if my blinded zeale of your soules good did so much transport me in my ignorance and errors as to imploy my best endeuours yea and to venter my life for your good and for the reducing of any in this Realme to the pretended Catholike faith which then I professed without feare of incurring
for that all times places persons words and actions fall out vnto the good of such a one through Gods all-seeing and directing prouidence 3 This sweete prouidence of God towards me in particular I cannot let passe in silence and burie in obliuion The demonstrations of Gods prouidence towards me least concealing his glorie appearing therein and blemishing my soule with a foule spot of ingratitude in feare of his iust punishments I might deseruedly say Vae mihi quia tacui woe is me because I haue held my peace Esay 6. vers 5. When I consider how God in my childhood drew me out of the countrey where I first breathed ayre making me a young trauellei by Sea protecting me from a dangerous storme and affording me after my escape courteous friendly entertainment in a Castle of this land how in danger of like perill by Sea I returned backe againe by my mothers direction when I was about nine yeares of age How neare to Namures I escaped danger of drowning falling into a hole of water where I stucke fast in the mudde by the head had not Gods protection afforded me a hand to be plucked out with how I escaped many dangerous sicknesses and a most perilous fall out of a Waggon where my head escaped the wheele from crushing it in peeces at my going first to Saint Omers with Master Nicholas Smith the Iesuite to be a student there at the first erecting of that Seminarie of which house I was one of the first sixe that were receiued into it and that had their first mission into Spaine from it how being to sent thence by Gods prouidence with M. Baldwine the Iesuite after a sore storme by night neere vnto the Isle of Wight we were cast into the mouth of the Queenes ships the next day by contrarie winds driuing vs backe vnto the downes neare Douer where we were all taken prisoners by Master King Captaine of one of her Maiesties ships and brought into this Realme being first detained and courteously entertained at my Lord Admirals house at Derford then at the then Lord of Canterburies who committed vs either to Bishops or other graue Prelates where we might haue bad better education for the truth of Christian Religion then we had amongst the Iesuits if we had had the grace to haue made benefit thereof had not the poison of false doctrine first so feised vpon all the powers of our soule that at that time for want of experience knowledge we could not relish the most delicious Manna of Gods word nor giue eare to the happie tidings of the true Gospel of Christ so like deafe Adders our eares were stopped 4 And further how by Gods prouidence about six yeares after intending learning and further experience Other particulars of Gods prouidence towards me I went to Rome in which iourney I was imprisoned first at Pheckam in France where I was most wrongfully committed with another Gentleman and our purses prettie well emptied and was secondly also taken againe at New stade in the Palsegraues Countrey where I was detained for a time with the rest of our companie by reason of Master Thomas Coniers a Iesuite with an Irish brother of the same order who vpon suspition and iealousie of being busie dealers in English affaires engendred by the prettie discouerie of some equiuocations at their examinations had beene sent into England had not the Archduke Albertus sent his letters in his behalfe as afterward I heard it reported for his deliuerie How after many sicknesses in Rome where I continued three yeares I was made Priest intending no other end then to employ my whole life and labours in connerting soules to the Church or Rome which I was constantly perswaded then was the true Church of God and therfore I thought I could take no course of life vpon me more gratefull to God more profitable to others or more meritorious for mine own soule then this was thus disposed and resolued how I with my fellowes kissing the Powes feete and receiuing his benediction vpon our selues and vpon our beads crosses and meddalles with power to giue the English pardon to others here for the annulling of temporall paines due to sin in this life or the next and for freeing soules out of purgatorie we were sent into England How since I haue spent my time for the most part heere in England about nine yeares in the practise of this function Where my labours in that kinde were not vnprofitable nor ill esteemed of by those of the Romane profession in the which no danger of lawes affrighted me no imprisonments made me saint no crosses quailed my courage Now when I reflect vpon all these occurrences of my life with diuers others I cannot but magnifie the wisedome of Almightie God and highly exalt his diuine prouidence and therefore the nearer that I approach vnto the consideration of the occasions and motiues which God hath vsed to worke my conuersion in this Realme to the true ancient Apostolike and Catholike faith giuing me knowledge and experience of many nouelties and erroneous doctrines diameterly opposite to the doctrines of Christ his Apostles and the ancient Catholike faith 5 Since my comming into this Realme Priest Reading of Protestant bookes the first occasion of doubts I obserued no one thing to be more necessarie for the ende I aymed at then the studie of controuersies whereunto next vnto the Scriptures for exhortation and cases of conscience for the better directing of soules I chiefely applied my selfe in the studie whereof I found it behooueful nt to neglect the reading of such Protestant writers as fell into my hands thinking I should thereby be the better able to confute all obiections when occasion of conference with any should be giuen which thing being yearely prohibited by the censure of Bulla coenae which is once euerie yeare with many execrations and curses published in Rome I obtained leaue of my Superior to read them with condition not to study them Master George Blackwell but to confute them which distinction seemed strange vnto me as though I could confute them and not study them yet with this condition I promised to read them amongst which the first that came into my hand was Master Perkins reformed Catholike deliuered me by a kinsman of mine who told me of a Cousen of his that promised to be a Romane Catholike if he could see that booke well answered and confuted Next to this I met with Master Robert Abbots booke in Latine of Anti-Christ giuen to a friend of mine by a worshipfull Knight of this Realme who highly praised it and much esteemed thereof After that I lighted vpon Master Doctor Bucklies confutation of Master Thomas Wrightes articles After that I met with the booke of proceedings against the Pouder-Traytors containing in it that most eloquent and learned Oration of the Earle of North-hampton Then came to my hands his Maiesties Apologie for the oath of Allegiance with his premonition to
many others which I haue before in the ninth Chapter shewed not to be ancient and consequently hereticall because they are new and aftercome into the Church 7 Againe The corrupt and rotten fruits of Romish doctrine when I considered further the second way to iudge of false prophets by the Church of Rome as Stapleton teacheth by the proper fruits of their doctrine I found also by this way the fruits of Romane teachers to be most corrupt and rotten issuing forth of their doctrine for what proceedeth from their dogmaticall teaching the lawfulnesse of the Stewes tolleration but too vnrefrained a licence and liberty of sinning to all that are loosely affected What greater incentiue to sin can there be for lasciuious persons then assurance of place and persons where conueniencie and consent may assuredly bee expected Or what greater occasion to yong persons prodigally to spend their temporall substance and ruine their soules then grant of such open passage to si● What can more encourage poore minds to be dishonest then permission to get themselues liuings by dishonestie As also what can more demonstrate the Popes couetousnes and insatiable auarice then the permission of such offenders paying yearely tribute vnto him for the free exercise of all filthie abominations Againe what proceedeth from the prohibition of Priests marriage but infinite and almost innumerable sinnes against nature as bestialitie Sodomie vnnaturall euacuations Incest adulterie fornication sacriledges and a thousand other abominations which abound in the present Church of Rome whilest that lawfull wedlocke and honorable bed which Saint Paul calleth vndefiled may not be permitted nor commended without imputation of incontinencie sacrilege and filthy pollution which is truely the doctrine of Diuells as Saint Paul termeth it I omit to speake how many virgins haue beene defloured how many matrons dishonoured how many monastcries peruerted how many good husbands wronged how many widdowes abused how many wilfull abortments how many slaughters of children and other foule abominations committed by vnmarried Priests therefore though chastitie and single life are both highly commendable and profitable to him that hath the gift to liue so yet the restraint thereof hath more disgraced the Church of God then almost any one point whatsoeuer making euen sacred things to appeare to the world deformed and full of such blemishes as wil neuer be taken away I haue obserued further also that the doctrine of pardons for the release of temporall paines due to finnes either in this life or in Purgatory annexed vnto graines meddals crosses rings and the like paltry things which is a doctrine most currant in the Church of Rome doth serue for the root offpring of much couetousnes and auarice of much losse of time vnprofitably of simony in selling Masses which are counted sacred things for money of neglecting to pray for the liuing while so many dirges masses funerals trentals and Aniuersaries are said for the dead without fruit or profit nay how farre did Pope Gregorie Lipeloo in vita Greg. Mag. stiled the Great proceed in the vanitie of this doctrine whilest he praied not for deceased Christians only but for a damned Pagan who as it is fabulously writtē in his life and hath passed currant these many hundred years deliuered the soule of Traian the Emperour out of hell fire by his praiers which hath hitherto beene obtruded vnto the Christian world for an especial fauor shewed by God vnto that Pope which shall neuer be shewed vnto any other Be not these goodly illusions of the world most abominable abuses of religion growne vp in the Church of Rome enameled with zealous and charitable pretences whilest such tales must set forth this Popes worth and be beleeued and the holy Scriptures teaching no remission after this life must not be of any credit at all I haue noted many euil branches to rise out also frō another root of their doctrine which cōfisteth in teaching men to pray to Saints how much Gods glory thereby is takē from him is apparent to any man of experience trauel who hath seen obserued how much the outward solemnities of Saints daies do excell the solemnities of Sundaies which are the feasts of the Son of God that hath obserued many more Churches dedicated to thē then to God himself that hath noted the ordinary common praier of lay-men to be called our Ladies office whilest they haue none at all made in honor of the holy Trinity or of the Father or the Son only a short one they haue in honor of the holy ghost another of the crosse yet not free from superstition idolatry whilst they pray Officium sanctae crucis ad Mat. By the signe of the cresse to be deliuered from their enemies whilest they attribute the victory Christ got vpon the crosse to the crosse it self saying O victory of the crosse and admirable signe cause vs to hold our triumph in the heauenly court Againe Antipho By a tree we were made bond-mē by the holy crosse we are set free The fruit of the tree seduced vs the Sonne of God redeemed vs. And againe O blessed crosse c. sweet wood sweet nailes c. Antipho ad noc Againe O venerable crosse which hast brought saluation to wretches by what praise shall I extoll thee for that thou hast prepared vnto vs thy heauenly life Againe speaking to Christ By thy holy crosse thou hast redeemed the world c. Al which in my iudgement seemed very derogatory to Gods glory as tēding to a diuine worship of the creature for the Son of God And thus in their excessiue deuotions to Saints and creatures they haue little feeling or vnderstanding of the true loue and deuotion they should feele and shew to their Creator 8 When moreouer I consider how the Church of Rome freeth the Clergie from true obedience to temporall Princes Other instāces of the corrupt fruits of Romish doctrine by their immunity it pretēdeth they enioy euen by Gods law and great priuiledges freeing frō ciuil courts gouernment I find here an open gap made to al busie heads tumultuous spirits to say thinke do what they list against the sacred authority of Kings and Princes confirmed by God himselfe But withal when I adde the doctrine now so much taught in the Church of Rome by her false prophets viz. that the Pope hath power and ecclesiasticall authoritie from God for the good of the Church to depose Emperours Kings and Princes from their regal dignities kingdomes in the execution whereof the Pope himselfe as the head of Christianity wil be the chiefe iudge commander in his owne cause I find al the wals defences of security for Kings shaken to the ground and doores let open to the wicked intentions designmēts of factious spirits to plot against Kings and to subuert kingdomes with liberty of conscience free from all scruple or remorse Hence and from no other spring ariseth so much contempt in the