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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10190 Lord bishops, none of the Lords bishops. Or A short discourse, wherin is proved that prelaticall jurisdiction, is not of divine institution, but forbidden by Christ himselfe, as heathenish, and branded by his apostles for antichristian wherin also sundry notable passages of the Arch-Prelate of Canterbury in his late booke, intituled, A relation of a conference, &c. are by the way met withall. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1640 (1640) STC 20467; ESTC S115311 76,101 90

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Church-Government of those Bishops of old as our moderne Prelates themselves are unlike them in manner of life for these are persecuters of the Gospel those were persecuted and suffered Martyrdome for Christ Thus it is false that he saith that the Church-Government now in England was in us● in the Primitive Church For to instance in one thing In those ancient Times Excommunication was not used for every trifle nor done in a blind Court nor denounced by a dumb Priest But enough of this Fourthly whereas he saith And yet the Seperatist condemnes her for Antichristianisme in her Discipline First as for the Seperatist as he calls him I thinke the Prelate with this his Book and other his Prelaticall practises hath made more Separatists from his Prelaticall Church of England then ever any that hath sit in the Chaire of Canterbury ever since his Predecessor Augustine first sate in it Nor doe I see how any Christian living in England can with a safe Conscience have communion with that Church which professeth as the Prelate doth in her Name to be one and the Same Church with Rome of one and the Same Faith and Religion Yea were it no more but that the Church of England professeth to be a Hierarchicall or Prelaticall Church which in that very respect is no true Church of Christ it were argument and cause sufficient to Seperate from her And that because Secondly he that is a true Seperatist from her for the former respects may justly condemne her for Antichristianisme in her Discipline For first She exerciseth She professeth no other Discipline but that which Antichrist the Pope and the whole Antichristian Romish Church exerciseth and professeth and that in all points Cap a pied from top to toe And this her Discipline is Antichristian as being of Antichrist and so against Christ and exercised in the maintenance of Antichrist For instance The Prelaticall Church of England hath lately found out a Discipline to censure punish imprison fine excommunicate degrade deprive and all these together him that shall dare to deny the Pope and Prelates to be jure divino Dr. Bastwicke did thus and so the High-Commission served him as aforesaid What Discipline then in the world can be more Antichirstian or more forcible to drive Christians from having any more communion with that Church which exercising such an Antichristian Discipline how can She shift off the just condemnation of Antichristianisme which they shall cast upon her Againe Secondly the whole Discipline of the Church of England as it is the Discipline which Antichrist and his Church exerciseth and therfore Antichristian So it is that which hath no footing but is expresly forbidden in the word of God as Antichristian and Tyrannicall For the Church of Englands Discipline stands most upon the imposition of sundry Ceremonies of humane invention and Antichristian observation which She presseth upon all mens Consciences and for default of Conformity layes grievous Censures upon them as Excommunication and the like Now all such Ceremonies so imposed both Christ himselfe condemneth * In vaine they worship me teaching for Doctrines the Commandements of men and the Apostle also throughout that whole Chapter of the Epistle to the Collossians doth charge Christians not to put their necks under any such yoake as whereby they are deprived of the benefit of Christs death and beguiled of their reward and spoyled of their Christian liberty and the like Againe the Prelates in imposing their Ceremonies are Antichristian because in so doing they usurpe Christs throne and therein fitting doe exercise a Tyranny over mens Consciences intolerable to be borne which if men will not yeeld unto they doe in as much as in them lyeth make them Anathemaes shut them out of the Church by Excommunication c. And lastly their Excommunication not onely in regard of the matter and cause for which it is namely because men will not renounce Christs service to take the Tyrannicall yoake of Antichrists Ceremonies upon the shoulders of their Consciences but for the very manner of it as it is used in the Church of England is a Discipline Antichristian as being against that form of Excommunication which is prescribed in the word of God and was practised in the Apostolicall Churches It was Christs rule Tell it to the Church that is to the Congregation and if the Offender will not heare the Congregation he is Excommunicate by and out of the Congregation And the Apostles rule is for such Offenders as deserve Excommunication * I verily saith he as absent in body but present in Spirit have judged already as though I were present concerning him that hath so done this deed In the Name of our Lord Iesus Christ when ye are gathered together and my Spirit with the power of our Lord Iesus Christ to deliver such a one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh that the Spirit may be saved in the day of our Lord Iesus Christ Whence I note that Excommunication is a Solemne businesse not to be inflicted for every trifling matter much lesse as the Pharisees did who excommunicated all those that confessed Christ nor to be done in a blind Court and by a single soled Priest nor the Offender to be released for the payment of his fees or by way of committing or the like all which are practised in the Discipline of the Church of England But Excommunication must not be but for a great offence nor done but by the whole Congregation nor released but upon the publique repentance confession and promise of reformation before the said Congregation where the offence was given and by whom the penalty is taken off Therfore the Discipline of the Church of England in this case is wholly Antichristian Lastly forasmuch as Prelates doe necessarily draw after them a Traine of Ceremonies as a Chaine of so many links wherwith they captivate ensnare and enslave the Consciences of men as their Motto is No Ceremonie no Bishop for they goe inseperably together like Tobie and his Dogge and the Church of England in her Discipline and Church-Service is wholly captivated by the Masters of such Ceremonies the Prelates and some Ceremonies are such as even doe deny the Lord that bought them as namely Altars and their Service and all the Ceremonies imposed upon the Conscience deny Christ to be the onely King of his Church all these taken together what between the Prelates and between their Ceremonies the Church of England and her Discipline is become Antichristian and therfore no marvail if for this cause good Christians that have knowledge and make Conscience doe Seperate from communion with any such Church CHAP. V. Wherein some other Passages of the Prelate are taken tripping though he would run away with it That his Hierarchie is Jure Divino HE saith * For the Calling and Authority of Bishops over the inferiour Clergie that was a thing of known use and benefit for preservation of unity and Peace in the Church And so
against Christ and so are all our Prelates as shall yet further appeare And this is truly and properly the Mystery of Iniquity In which respect the Turke and other profest Enemies of Christ and Christian Religion cannot come within the compasse of this Mystery of Iniquity and so cannot be full Antichrists because they doe gumme kephale openly without any vaile professe this Iniquity of being Adversaries to Christ And for the further application of this Mysterie of Iniquity to the Prelates we come to the third Proposition That What is spoken of the great Antichrist himselfe is spoken of all Prelates as members of the same Head or as so many inferiour antichrists though in themselves great enough Let us therefore see the properties of Antichrist here described by the Apostle First he is called That man of Sinne And this is Antichrist in two respects 1. in respect of himselfe as being carnall proud covetous ambitious voluptuous and a most malicious hater and most cruel persecuter of the Saints and Servants of Christ a proper Sinne of Antichrist● These Sinnes and Lusts are the proper Sinnes of a Prelate and common to every Prelate and especially those of the latter Stamp since Antichrist mounted aloft now for above 600. yeares yea a 1000. yeares from Boniface 3. Secondly Antichrist is that man of Sin in respect of others as being a prime instrument of causing others to Sin as by giving Indulgence Dispensation and Liberty to men to Sin and by suppressing the means whereby they should be kept from Sin The Pope is notorious for this And our Prelates come not farre behind him For they allow profane sports on the Lords day by which the 4th Commandement is broken and that to Servants and Ch●ldren so as their Parents and Masters may not restraine them which is a manifest breach of the Fift Commandement so as by this means many other Commandements are broken in committing many Sinnes Thus they both * breake the greatest Commandements and teach men so Againe instead of suppessing of sports they restraine and Suppresse the Preaching of Gods word whereby men should be kept from Sinne and learne to live soberly righteously and godly in this present world denying all ungodlinesse and worldly lusts Thus Antichrist is that man of Sinne Secondly Antichrist is called the Son of Perdition For as he is that man of Sinne so by consequence he is that Son of Perdition and that in both the foresaid respects as of Sinning so of Perishing for as he both Sins himselfe and causes others to Sin so he both perisheth himselfe and causeth others to perish as 2 Thess. 2. 10. And this is proper to the Pope in the first place whose necessity of perishing is such that himselfe confesseth an impossibility of amendment As is noted of Adrian 6. who said * That the condition of Popes was miserable seeing it was evident that they could not doe good though they desired and indeavoured it never so much And Pope ‡ Marcell flapping his hand on the Table said It was impossible that any one Sitting in that Chaire could be Saved And his own Decretalls say That if the Pope carry with him millions of Soules to be tormented with the great Devil no man may reprove him So incorrigible he is And this is according to Christs saying § That it is easier for a Camel to goe through the ●ye of a needle then for a Rich man to goe into the Kingdome of heaven And are Prelates in any better condition Is there any more hope of them then of the Pope that ever they can or will repent If they will repen● indeed that they may not be the Sons of perdition either in themselves or also in others they must get them out of the Chaire of Pestilence they must in one word abandon their Prelacie and Prelaticall practises Will they doe this and so cease both to Sinne themselves and to cause others ●o Sin This were happy for them And this were the onely way to free them from being the Sons of Perdition namely by ceaseing to be those men of Sin But if Chrysostome said of Prelates in his dayes that he wondred if any of them could be saved then what would he have said of the Prelates in our dayes Thirdly Antichrist is called o `antikeímenos that Adversary But still under a pretext of being a friend as before is noted Thus Antichrist is the grand Adversary ●a'ntikeímenos opposit or set against But against whom Against Christ against his word against his Ministers against his people even all true professors of the Gospell against all true Religion Such is the Pope and such are the Prelates as their practises doe plainly prove and openly proclaime them to be And Fourthly here is added by a Copulative kaì u`prairomenos and He that exalts himselfe as our English renders it Over whom Over all that is called God or that is worshiped Epìpantà Over all or against all as some Translation hath it that is called God For the Preposition e'pì may signifie both But for Against we have a'ntikeímenos opposite and so this we may take for lifting himselfe up over all that is called God or that is worshiped which we may understand two wayes either over all Religion as before we noted or over all Policy and Civill Government over Kings and Princes and Magistrates who are * called Gods and over the Emperour himselfe who is called s●bastos which is venerable or worshipfull and the honour of Caesar which is called sèbasma as in the Text over which this Antichrist exalts himselfe Now that this is verified of the Pope it needs no proofe as being as cleare as the Sun at noone day and which Impudencie it selfe hath not the face to deny But now for our Prelates how is this verified of them For they would seem to be friends to Kings and Princes insomuch as they are by Princes themselves openly proclaimed to be a holy Order most Christian in it selfe most peaceable in Civil States and most consonant to Minarchie or the like For answere whereunto First if the Pope their Sire be such an Adversary and so exalted how can the Prelates be excused seeing they are of the same Spirit as the members actuated by the Head Secondly if Prelates be as their ordinary practises doe shew Adversaries and opposits to Christ and to his word aswell as the Pope is as before is noted how can their Hierarchie be said to be either most Christian in itselfe or most peaceable to Civil States or most consonant to Monarchie Can such an Hierarchie be most Christian which is most Antichristian Or can it be peaceable for a Civil State that professeth Christianity yea and the true Religion to uphold and maintaine such as are most notorious Adversaries to Christ and to the Gospel Or can that be most Copsonant to a Monarchy professing to be under Christ the onely Monarch on whom all others depend and to be governed by good
First Protest against the Hierarchy as an Antichristian Tyranny over the Soules Bodies and Estates of all the Kings Subjects and therefore ought to be rooted out and not suffered in any Christian Church or Common Weale Secondly and consequently Protest against all Altars Images and such like Popish Idolatrous Reliques utterly unlawfull to be erected in any true Christian Church Thirdly Protest against all humane Rites and Ceremonies whatsoever imposed upon mens Consciences in the worship of God as being all of them Antichristian bringing into bondage mens Soules which Christ hath redeemed with his precious blood who is the onely Lord of the Conscience and the onely Law-giver to his Church for all matters of Faith and of the worship of God Fourthly Protest against all such generall Taxes layd upon the Subjects as whereby both their ancient Liberties and the fundamentall Laws of the Kingdome are overthrowne and so vindicate the Honour both of the King and of this noble Kingdome that it may not be recorded to Posterity for a State of Tyranny and Slavery Fiftly and consequently Protest against all those wicked Iudges which have in such wise declared their opinions for intollerable Taxes expresly contrary to the Laws and Liberties of the Kingdome as thereby they have given occasion for the betraying of all and the bringing of the whole Land under perpetuall Slavery Sixtly Protest against that Prelaticall Declaration set forth in the Kings Name before the 39 Articles wherein those Articles of the Dostrines of Grace are made voyd and so all preaching of them suppressed Seventhly Protest against that Booke for Sports on the Lords dayes as whereby both the fourth Commandement and the fifth are most desperately overthrown as also against all those Bookes that have been set forth for the maintaining of such profanation as whereby God is greatly dishonoured and his wrath provoked even to the Spewing out of such a Nation out of his mouth Eightly Protest against all that Prelaticall Tyranny in oppressing the preaching of Gods Word on the Lords dayes in the after-noone and other dayes in the week and their Antichristian persecuting and putting out of all godly and painfull Ministers such as will not conform to their lawlesse Ordinances Ninthly Protest against that most terrible and odious shedding of the innocont blood of those 3 forementioned now perpetuall Exiles and Closse Prisoners even their very Wives most lawlesly detained from them with a●● their other severe punishments one of them being a Minister who in discharge of his duty first preached in his own Church and then published his Sermons in Print against the Prelates notorious practises and Popish Innovations for which he underwent punishments so great so many as no Age● no Christian State can parallell so as their blood doth incessantly cry against this whole Land as guilty thereof though shed onely by the Prelates instigation as aforesaid untill it be purged Tenthly Protest against that accursed Booke Relation of a Conference c. published in Print and Dedicated to the King by the now Prelate of Canterbury wherein he belyes and so blasphemes God Christ the Holy Ghost the holy Scriptures the Church of England in saying it is one and the Same with that of Rome of the same Faith and Religion with that Whore of Babylon and many such like impious assertions the whole Booke professedly tending to reconcile England and Rome and so to bring the whole Land backe againe to Popery Eleventhly If this great and Warlike preparation be by the Prelates Diabolicall Instigation as by no other it can be except by the Pope and his Iesuiter and his Nuncio's Negotiation have also a hand in it to goe against the Scots and if the cause shal be found to be no other but that they have abandoned and Remaunded to Rome all their Prelates as the grand Enemies of Christ and his Kingdome and of the peaceable and prosperous estate of the Realme and consequently of the Kings Crown and Dignity and that they stand for the maintenance of their just Laws and Liberties the continuance whereof is the Kings honour and the establishment of his throne If I say no other cause can justly be alledged and yet they shal be invaded as Rebells Protest against all ayd and assistance of such an Invasion as being against the Law of God of Nature and of Nations and as being a Warre directly against Jesus Christ in the maintenance of Antichrist and his Antichristian Hierarchy and so such as must needs recoyle and that in divine fury upon England it selfe which having burned her neighbours house exposeth her owne to the flames Yea for England to Invade Scotland for no other cause in truth then before mentioned namely for their maintaining of the true Faith and Religion of Christ and their just Lawes and Liberties which all true Christians and Civil States ought to lay down their very lives for as the light of Nature taught the very Heathen Pugnare pro Aris ac focis and that Grecian could say A'iresomai teleutan mallon è a'neleutheros sun I choose rather to dye a Free-man then to live a Slave And the Monarchicall estate governed by good Laws was ever preferred and opposed to Tyranny were to renounce and give up her own ancient Liberties and to betray and persecute and destroy the true Faith and Religion of Christ and so set up and professe the Infidelity and Idolatry of Antichrist and so with him and his cursed Crue to goe into perdition The Primitive Christians under Julian the Apostata served him in the Warres against his Enemies but when he Commanded them to goe against Christians who refused to worship or offer Incense to his Idols they cast down their Weapons acknowledging the Emperour of heaven And when Saul * commanded his Servants to fall upon the Lords Priests none of them would doe it And I read of a Secretary to an Empresse who being commanded by her to draw an Edict againg the Christians he still found delayes but at length she growing instant upon him for it so as he could no longer delay it he tooke off his Military girdle the Ensigne of his service and cast it at her feet and so discharged himselfe from her Court Thus if you make and leave these Christian zealous and just Protestations among the Recods of Parliament in case it shal be by the malice and inchantments of the Prelates unhappily dissolved before you can produce them into a full Act and establish them for a Law though otherwise ye cannot effect a reall Reformation of all the mischiefes and maladies which the Prelates in speciall have filled the Land withall yet forasmuch as you have thus publickly both for your own persons and as the Body representative of the whole State of the Land solemnly protested against all these things there is no question to be made but that God in his mercy and favour will accept of your will for the deed it selfe and will still preserve both you and your