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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A61457 An account of the growth of deism in England Stephens, William, d. 1718. 1696 (1696) Wing S5459; ESTC R19943 19,063 34

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soever he should always be willing to hear a good Minister Preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to him and exhort him to the sincere Practice of it That he was ready to contribute his share to the Maintenance of such Ministers and to join with that Church-of England Congregation near to which he liv'd in publick Worship but yet he could not condemn the Worship of other Congregations nor exclude himself from joyning with them as occasion should serve him So that as to Church-membership he could be a Member of any Church which would own him upon the terms of Faith and Practice contained in the Book he mentioned concerning the Reasonableness of the Christian Religion c. But still he conceiv'd that Church-Communion in holy Offices was designed only to raise his Devotion towards God not towards the Clergy which made him admire the unparallell'd Impudence of the Roman Priesthood who measure the Religion of all Christians by their Devotion to the See of Rome i. e. indeed to themselves and he doubted whether any Church were sufficiently Reformed from Popery which made any Doctrines of Faith necessary to Salvation that were not declared so in the Gospels and where the Clergy would always distinguish between Church and State and give the Precedency to themselves But yet he would join with any Church as far as it promoted the Honour of God and separate from it wherein on pretence of Religion he saw ●●at it aimed at a By-end of its own Here I urged him again to joyn to our Church which had no other design but God's Glory To this he said that he should be glad that the Church of England would own him though he could not be of their Party He would willingly pass as a Church-man for his Credit-sake for said he though a Man doth ever so firmly believe Jesus Christ to be the Messiah whom God had of old promised and in due time sent to give us a perfect Rule of Life in order to make us truly religious here and ever happy hereafter and though a Man should shew forth his Faith by an agreeable course of Life in doing Justice loving Mercy and an humble walking with God yet if he were not owned as a Member of some Church he would by all Churches be accounted if not an Atheist yet a Sceptic a Man of no settled Principle but own who has his Religion to choose For if you look over the State of Religion as it standeth in Christendom there is no Church whatsoever which will accept you as a Member of its Communion but upon some particular terms of Belief or Practice which Christ never appointed and it may be such as an honest and a wise Christian cannot consent to I am not more able to give up my Reason to the Church of England than to give up my Senses to the Church of Rome it looks like a Trick in all Churches to take away the use of Mens Reason that they may render us Vassals and Slaves to all their Dictates and Commands But what greater slavery than to force on Men a Belief of such things as necessary to Salvation of which 't is not possible to form any Idea Though I am satisfied there is no such thing as a change of Bread into the Flesh of Christ yet I can form an Idea that such a thing may be that the same Power which changed Earth into a Man may change Bread into Flesh But I can frame to my self no Idea of what your Church Teacheth in the Sacrament that the Body and Blood of Christ are verily and indeed taken and received of the faithful And when I ask how can this be understood by a Protestant who believeth that there is no other Body but that of Bread I am told that the Church meaneth it in a Spiritual Sense Now I have try'd and find it impossible for me to form to my self an Idea of a Body verily and indeed in a Spiritual Sense And therefore I must say 't is an unwise and a hard Thing for any Church to impose absurd or unintelligible Notions especially such Speculations which tend to make no body the better as necessary to Salvation for Wise Men and such who will take Courage to examine what they Believe will not submit to such an Usurpation and weak Men are kept all their Life long in Fears and Doubts of their Eternal State as being always uncertain whether they firmly believe such Doctrines or no. Besides this said he your Church will require me to believe other Absurdities as bad as these as that Kings and Bishops have a Divine Right to that Power which they exercise over us whereas with my own Eyes I saw our Great and Gracious King accept the Crown of England as the Gift of the People And I see as plainly that Bishops are an Order of Men of their own not of Christ's making I was told that our Bishops Order was founded in that of the 12 Apostles and the Presbyters Order in the 70 Disciples Upon this I resolved to see if the 12 and the 70 were different Orders or no and read over the 10th Chap. of Matthew the 3d and 6th of Mark and the 9th of Luke in which places the Power which Christ gave to the 12 is set forth which amounteth to this viz. a Charge to Preach the Gospel a Power to work Miracles in casting out Devils healing the Sick c. And I also read in the 10th Chapter of Luke that the 70 were sent forth for the same Reason and with the same express Power as were the 12 viz. To preach the Gospel heal the Sick and cast out Devils vers 2.9.17 And he telleth the 70 at the 16th Verse That he who heareth them heareth him and he who despiseth them despiseth him as he had said to the 12 in Matthew 10.40 Indeed they were only added to the number of the 12 Because as 't is said there the Harvest was great and the Labourers few i. e. because Multitudes followed Christ and were disposed to become Christians therefore he encreased the number of his Apostles or Teaching Disciples I can find no Footsteps of any Jurisdiction given to the 12 over the 70 or indeed over any body else and in the 18th Chapter of Matthew where Christ speaketh of binding and loosing 't is manifest from the first Verse that his discourse was made to his Disciples So in the 20th of John the Holy-Ghost and Power of remitting and retaining Sins was given to the Disciples which met together after Christ's death vers 19. in which meeting there might be some of the 70 as well as some of the 12 'T is certain the 70 received the Holy-Ghost and if Baptism be a Key of Admission into the Church they had it If binding or loosing be declaring wherein we are bound in duty and wherein we may use our liberty if remitting and retaining Sins be declaring what Iniquity God will forgive and what he will not the 70 shared
to shew 'em any kindness And this they submit to as being Self-conscious that the Jacobites have a Right to reproach them so that they are willing to appease the anger of their old Friends by their best Services Now the Jacobites having always an innate Hatred to the Whigs as they now stile all those who think themselves obliged to own the King for their rightful Sovereign and being willing to keep up their old Master's Right to the Crown to which the Whigs are irreconcileable Enemies easily prevail upon these de factos to oppress those other sort of Men which is an Office they are as willing to undertake as the Jacobites can be to put it upon ' em Thus it cometh to pass that according as an open professed Enemy to the Government shall dictate a Church-man shall strenuously exert that Power the King has given him to discourage and oppress his Dutiful and Loyal Subjects I will only said a certain Person make a Supposition to shew you how this may be suppose the King should bestow a Bishoprick upon a de facto Doctor and this Doctor should there find his old Acquaintance Dr. H. and being a Stranger in his Diocese should be willing to instruct himself in the Characters of Men from the good D. would it not fall out so that the Clergy of that Diocese must be used well or ill as the most open and notorious Enemy the Government hath shall design And was it not possible that the E. of N. might oblige his old Friends in the same manner Thus though King James be at last excluded his Subjects reign in his stead And whether an Oath of Abjuration laid upon the Jacobites Proxy-men will put an end to this Corruption Time must tell us 5. But to return to the Reasons or Prejudices I may rather call 'em which occasion Deism It hath been observed to me that where the Notion of a Church hath been carried on with the highest Tide there even natural Religion is at the lowest Ebb as in Italy of old and lately in France where gross Immoralities and Atheism are at the greatest height And though in our Reformation we discarded some Idolatrous and Superstitious Doctrines and Practices which were grown scandalous among the People yet still Christ was made to serve that turn which his Holy Vicar can no longer do viz. Support an Holy Order of Men in as haughty Insolences in as proud ambitious and malicious Designs as those which King Henry though a Son of the Church and his Times could not bear Now in answer to this I bid these Deists only read the Bible and see if the Spirit of that Book be not as good as their Thoughts can reach to or let 'em read the Character of the Christian Religion given by Sir Matthew Hale in the first of his Three Letters concerning Religion where he saith It teacheth and tuters the Soul to a high Reverence and Veneration of Almighty God a sincere and upright Walking as in the Presence of the invisible all-seeing God It makes a Man truly love to Honour to Obey him and therefore careful to know what his Will is It renders the Heart highly thankful to him both as his Creator Redeemer and Benefactor It makes a Man entirely to depend upon to seek to him for Guidance and Direction and Protection to submit to his Will with all Patience and Resignation of Soul It gives the Law not only to his Words and Actions but to his very Thoughts and Purposes It bringeth a Man to such a Deportment both of External and Internal Sobriety as may be decent in the Presence of God and his holy Angels It crusheth and casts down all Pride and Haughtiness both in a Man's Heart and Carriage and gives him an humble frame of Soul and Life both in the sight of God and Men It regulates and governs the Passions of the Mind and brings them into due moderation and frame It gives a Man a right estimate of this present World and sets the Heart and Hopes above it so that he never loves it more than it deserves It makes the Wealth and Glory of this World high Places and great Preferments but of a low and little value to him so that he is neither covetous nor ambitious nor over-sollicitous concerning the advantages of it It brings a Man to that frame that Righteousness Justice Honesty and Fidelity is as 't were part of his Nature he can sooner dye than commit or purpose that which is unjust dishonest or unworthy a good Man It makes him value the love of God and Peace of Conscience above all the Wealth and Honours in the World and be very vigilant to keep it inviolably Though he be under a due Apprehension of the Love of God yet it keeps him humble and watchful and free from all Presumption so that he dares not under a vain Confidence of the Indulgence of God commit or purpose the least injury to man He performs all his Duties to God in Sincerity Integrity and Constancy and while he lives on Earth his Conversation his Hopes his Treasure and the Flower of his Expectation is in Heaven and he entirely endeavours to walk suitably to such a Hope In Sum it restores the Image of God unto the Soul in Righteousness and true Holiness I prevail'd upon one of my Friends a Deist to read those three Letters because therein the Substance of the Christian Religion is distinguish'd from the Circumstantials and Appendages for want of which distinction being well understood Deism has arose as that great Man in the fore-cited Letter hath observed When Men says he see so much Religion placed by Professors of Christianity in these things which every intelligent Man values but as Forms or Inventions or Modes or Artifices and yet as great weight laid upon them as great fervour and animosity us'd for or against them as almost for any Points of Christian Religion They are apt presently to censure and throw off all Religion and reckon all of the same make Thus that Upright Judge whose three Letters my Friend having read did well approve of 'em acknowledging that with great Exactness he had distinguished between Religion and Priest-craft And he added If you will shew me Sir any Christian Church where that distinction is observed I will become a Member of it I recommended the Church of England he presently told me that he had read the 39 Articles and observed that 3 of them were wholly design'd to uphold the Power of the Clergy over the People And then he bad me only compare the Design which has been and still is carrying on under the Name of the Church of England with the Design of the Christian Religion as 't is described by Sir Matthew Hale and I should find the one in all its parts a Contradiction to the other 'T is plain said he the Clergy do not allow of Sir Matthew's Notions nor will they suffer us to take any thing for
AN ACCOUNT OF THE GROWTH OF DEISM IN ENGLAND LONDON Printed for the Author MDCXCVI AN ACCOUNT OF THE GROWTH OF DEISM SIR 'T IS now three Years since you and I had a serious Discourse concerning the rise and progress of Deism which is an Opinion of late Years crept into England tho not so widely spread here as in other parts of Europe I well remember we were both agreed that there was no shadow of Reason why any one should suspect the Gospels of Forgery since the matter contain'd in them hath not the least savour of any worldly Interest or indirect Design but all the Lines of them do only center in the highest Improvement Humane Nature is capable of So that in conformity every Man may take great comfort in himself and all Mankind live well with one another Besides the Preachers of this excellent Doctrine had at first all the Discouragements which an irreligious and idolatrous Age could give them as is confessed by their Enemies insomuch that nothing but their own personal full Conviction of the Truths they professed could engage them to Preach 'em and the intrinsick Goodness of the Law of Christ was sufficient to gain mens hearts after Miracles had born down their Prejudices and gain'd their serious Attention In fine you and I could see no reason to doubt of the Truth of any matter of Fact contain'd in the Gospels which relate the miraculous Birth Life Death Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ but what would oblige us to deny the truth of all History whatsoever And from these Considerations laid together we concluded that the Doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ was undoubtedly sent to us by God This still made it appear more strange to us both how DEISM which is a denial of all reveal'd Religion should creep in upon us where the Scriptures are made so publick and where so many Learned Treaties are written which so strongly assert their Authority to be Divine I confess I was as desirous to know upon what Grounds Men rejected the Gospel as you your self were and therefore I willingly undertook the Task you laid on me viz. To collect and put together those Motives whereby some had been induced to lay aside all Revelation For which Performance I was the fitter because it doth not require any Learning and strength of Wit but only Observation and Inquiry which I might easily make because of the numerous Acquaintance I have contracted in Town where you know I spend the Winter and in the Country where I bestow my Summer Visits But all I shall do in this matter is barely to give you a Relation of those Prejudices and as I think false Reasonings which have drawn some of my Acquaintance from Revelation to DEISM 1. Now first I have observed that some who pretend themselves Deists are Men of loose and sensual Lives and I make no wonder that they dislike the Christian Doctrine of Self-denial and the severe threatnings against wilful Sinners You may be sure they will not alledge this Reason But having read Spinosa and Hobbes and been taught to laugh at the story of Baalam's Ass and Sampson's Locks they proceed to ridicule the reality of all Miracle and Revelation I have conversed with several of this Temper but could never get any of 'em serious enough to debate the reality of Revelation But a witty Jest and t'other Glass puts an end to all further Consideration These are meer Sceptics and practical Atheists rather than real Deists 2. But there are others who although they have not a due regard to Revelation are Men of Sobriety and Probity who with great freedom have let me into their Thoughts whereby I can very clearly and fully as I think at least discern the rise and progress of this their Opinion which is this 1. In the time of King Charles the First which confineth my longest acquaintance with Men 't was usual for Gentlemen to send their Sons abroad into Italy Spain France Germany c. to accomplish themselves by Travel But lest they should be prevail'd upon to change their Religion care was taken that their Tutor or Governour who travelled with 'em should shew them the Idolatry and Superstition of the Roman Religion and also let 'em in to see that Popery in all its Branches was only a device of the Priesthood to carry on a particular Interest of their own to encrease their Wealth Honours and Power over the Lay-people to exalt the Head of their Order above all the Crowned Heads in the World and equal one whole Order of their Clergy viz. the Cardinals to the Princes of Christendom Nay since all People were obliged to make their Confessions to and receive their Absolution from the Priest the meanest of which Order could create a God for the People's Worship 't is plain that their Religion was calculated for the Profit Power and Honour of the whole Order of the Priesthood in this World whatsoever advantages they might find by it in the other Now the Young Gentleman being throughly convinced of this Holy Cheat returneth to Old England where he meets with very zealous Contests about Religion as was pretended between the Church of England headed by Arch-Bishop Laud on the one part and the Presbyterian Kirk on the other and having carefully read the Debate as it appeared in the Prints on both sides with those very Eyes which he had so lately cleared up in Italy or France he could not forbear to see that both these Protestant Parties under the pretence of Religion were only grasping at Power and that the Controversy at bottom was not who 's Religion was best but only what Sect of the Clergy should make the best Market of the meer Lay-men And as this Young Gentleman had before resolved with himself not to become a Property to the Popish Priesthood no longer now will he be such to the Protestant Clergy of any Denomination since both pursue the same Ends. He perceiveth that our Protestant High-Priests do all of them rival the Sovereign Power the Bishop's House like that of the King must be called his Palace he must still keep up his claim to the Miter and Crosier to vie with the Crown and Scepter and as the Stile of the King's Courts is Anno Regni nostri i. e. In the Year of our Reign So that of the Bishop's Court is Anno Consecrationis nostrae i. e. In the Year of our Consecration the Year of the King's Reign being unknown in the Bishop's Court The King speaking to the People doth usually call 'em his Loving Subjects the Bishop doth not make himself so familiar but stileth the People of his Diocese barely his Subjects Jurisdictioni nostrae subditos The King is Inthroned and the Arch-Bishop Inthronized both derive their Power from a Divine Right but the Bishop is the higher Power because by the Principles of Episcopacy he can Excommunicate the King i. e. forbid him the very Conversation of his Subjects and
Religion that is distinguished from their particular Interest To what end have so many Perfecutions and Penal Laws been set a foot by the Clergy in Christendom was it to bring Men to any one Point of that full Description of Christian Religion which you cited from Sir Matthew Hale or only to bring them to that short Article of their Clergy Religion i. e. to submit to their Power Did not the Honourable Sir R. H. lately write a Treatise wherein with great Learning and accurate Judgment he distinguished betwixt Religion and Priest-craft and was he not treated for it with a true Priestly Insolence and Malice in the Pulpit at White-hall by A. one of their Majesties Chaplains and represented as a Scorner and an Atheist because he scorns to submit to any Religion but what is of Christ's Institution Suppose a Man should govern himself by the Law of Christ and go no further is there any Christian Church which would own such an one for a Member If you will be a Son of the Church of England you must hold Kings and Bishops to be jure divino the Apostolical Doctrine of Passive Obedience you must not be indifferent to their Ceremonies though declar'd but indifferent things and the Reason is because you must have a profound Respect for the Power of the Bishops by which these Ceremonies were ordain'd And besides this you must shew a perfect Abhorrence of all who do not submit to the Spiritual Royalties of their Diocesan Bishops for your Churchmanship will not appear by any Mark so well as by the Hatred you bear to all Dissenters in Conjunction with a deep aversion to all the ancient Rights and just Liberties of your Native Country In fine said he when your Clergy Preach the Law of Christ without turning it to any By-end or false Interest you shall meet me at Church You know the Clergy love Precedency of the Laity Let them turn Christians first and I can follow 6. I have known some who have alledged as a Reason why they have forsaken the Christian Faith the impossibility of Believing Many Doctrines say these are made necessary to Salvation which 't is impossible to believe because they are in their nature Absurdities I replied That these things were Mysteries and so above our Understanding But he asked me to what end could an unintelligible Doctrine be revealed not to instruct but to puzzle and amuse What can be the effect of an unintelligible Mystery upon our Minds but only Amusement That which is only above Reason must be above a rational Belief and must I be Saved by an irrational Belief If a Proposition be inconsistent with it self I cannot but believe it to be false 'T was once to serve a Turn against the Papists your Church held all Doctrines necessary to save Souls were plainly revealed in Scripture How could you say plainly revealed unless you understood the Revelation Besides I cannot think that the belief of any unprofitable Doctrines i. e. such as admit of no Application to Moral Duties can be a saving Faith so much as in part nor can I imagine that Faith tends to save a Soul because what we believe is only True for so the belief of Euclids Elements might have a saving Effect upon Souls but because our Belief is Good it has a practical Effect and tends to make us better Men. Besides you all agree the Belief of your Trinity is absolutely necessary to Salvation and yet widely differ in what we must believe concerning it whether three Minds or Modes or Properties or internal Relations or Oeconomies or Manifestations or external Denominations or else no more than a Holy Three or Three Somewhats or otherwise only one of these Three to be God in the highest Sense and each of the other two to be a God without Self-subsistence and Independence I am confident if I should be perswaded that an Explanation of the Trinity were necessary to save my Soul and see the Learned so widely differing and hotly disputing what it is I must believe concerning it I should certainly run mad through despair of finding out the Truth But since these Doctors cannot agree which Party of 'em shall captivate my Belief in Obedience to his Faith I will reserve it to be the Hand-maid of Truth whenever she appears she shall command it 7. I remember one Gentleman objected to the Christian Faith that it made Men insolent quarrelsom and ill-natur'd From whence I concluded as I told him that he had never read over the Gospels truly he could not say that he had read 'em carefully but yet that in reading the History of what had passed in Christendom he observed that most of the Quarrels in which this part of the World had been engaged arose from Contentions among the Christian Priesthood Church-History is chiefly a Relation of Church-mens Wrangles and D. Cave in a late Book of his had denominated every Century from some eminent Quarrel which arose among the Clergy But besides this what was the Holy War what all the holy Massacres and Croisados which filled Europe with Blood but the Inventions of Holy Church And what is holy Inquisition but a perpetual Series of Murthers carry'd on in barbarous Forms of Law against the common Sense of Mankind Does History account for any Barbarities so great as those committed by the Popes Any Cruelties so savage as those of the Holy Inquisition Any Murthers so solemn and religiously brutal as the Acts of Faith Any Pragmaticalness so insufferable as that of the Jesuits is not their Humanity extinguished by their Christian Religion such is their Malice that no Man can eat Bread where they have to do unless he submit his Faith to their guidance witness the present French Persecution Nor can any Sovereign Prince keep his Word or Oath though he had only sworn to maintain those Laws by which he Reigns as King any longer than this Spiritual Fatherhood will give him leave as Lewis XIV of France and James II. of England do witness Let these Inhumanities be considered as supported and carried on by the name of Catholick Church and if the Devils believe you may as decently say Church of Hell as Church of Rome And as Devotion continu'd our Deist to holy Church is the center upon which all things turn on the other side the Water so is it the same thing here Do not our Priesthood of England make as high Pretences to dispose of all Offices and Trusts in the Kingdom to those of their own Faction as those of Rome Have they not long since got their Bill of Exclusion to be passed into a Law whereby no Man can enjoy a Place of Profit or Trust in the State but whom they qualify at their Altars where Men were capacitated to be Bumbails keep Gaming-houses and sell Ale What was it but the Insolence of the Priesthood that brought about Father Laud's and Father Peter's Revolutions Besides said he do you not observe what a keen Edge
Christian Faith puts upon the ill-nature of Divines when they are disputing about matters of Religion 'T is common for Philosophers Lawyers Physicians c. to differ about matters which concern their Professions and write one against another But you will find some Temper and Decorum observed in their Writings But let the Controversy be about any Branch of Christian Faith and then see the Odium Theologorum the Malice of Divines in the late Writings of two of your Church Doctors against each other at least this shews that Christian Faith doth not improve the Temper of such Men who are of mean Birth and narrow Education And I cannot but observe that your Protestant Malice is under a worse Management than the Popish they only thirst for the Blood of Protestants but you are for sucking one anothers Blood as when for the Service of King Charles the II. who was Head of your Church and his Popish Brother the Blood of the best Protestants in England and some of them of your own Church was to be spilt the Court Blood-suckers viz. Attorney general and Judges besides Juries and Evidence were all of 'em chosen Men out of your own Church and the Posse of the Clergy was raised to hold their Heads to the Block by Preaching the Doctrine of Passive Obedience But in requital it must be confessed that your Clergy require the King to do their Persecuting Journey-work with the same Insolence as the Popish Priesthood use For must not the Sovereign Monarch of England Scotland France and Ireland by his Authority Royal execute the Decrees and Anathema's of the Arch-deacons and Bishops Chancellors by Imprisoning his loyal and useful Subjects for not conforming to their Ceremonies If a King will submit to this Drudgery he shall have the vox Cleri of his side and be as great as Noise and fulsom Flattery can make him but in the mean time is really King but of one Moiety of his People whilst the danger which the other half apprehend from the Secular Arm directed by Spiritual Power of Necessity weaneth their Hearts from the Government Thus Charles the II. who for two Years after his Return reigned in the Hearts of all his People was by the Act of Uniformity reduced to be King of the Church-party and at last whilst the Popish and Protestant Priesthood zealously contended whose Property he should be like the Truth among Controversial Divines he was lost in the Scuffle He instanced in likewise the late King James who said he had it in his power to be universally beloved and obey'd beyond any King of England this Age has produced His Right to the Crown was owned by all his Wilfulness had passed upon the Church of England Party for Magnanimous Resolution which struck such an Awe upon them that they were coming to a Temper and would have consented to a Toleration of Protestant Dissenters and Roman Catholicks too provided their Maintenance might be continued to them Thus the Heart of all England had been set upon the King but the Popish Priesthood would be content with nothing less than delivering the whole Nation to Satan and their King must execute the dreadful Anathema though 't was manifest that he must thereby lessen himself to the size of one of the 7 Kings of Kent for he could be Sovereign of no more than the Two hundredth part of the People For King Charles in numbering the People had found that the Proportion between Papist and Protestant was as 1 to 200 whereas had his own Priesthood been so favourable to him as to have excused him from executing that Satanical Power which by a Right purely Divine was vested in Sacred Majesty his Reign might have been happy and his Memory precious What an unhappy Effect had the Spirit of Father Laud upon King Charles the First And what hath brought Lewis the XIV to the present Diminution of his Glory but that haughty Insolence and unnatural Cruelty in Persecuting his own Subjects which Father la Chaise has inspired him with What Figure will this Grand Monarch make in Story His Name will pollute the Annals of this Age and his cowardly Conquests be the Scorn of Posterity Now from all that he had said he concluded that for Luck-sake as well as to preserve his good Nature he would be cautious of being at least a zealous Christian 8. 'T was not long since I met one of my old Acquaintance who told me that he had lately cast off these Prejudices he had conceived against the Christian Faith by the Assistance of a Book called The Five Letters of Inspiration By the last of those Letters he was convinced of the reality of reveal'd Religion from the Intrinsick value and Excellency thereof and he was fully confirmed in his Judgment by a late Book called The Reasonableness of Christianity as delivered in the Scripture Upon this he had read over the Old-Testament once and the New several times with great attention of Mind Indeed he always thought the Moral part of the Bible very good but then he also thought that by the strength of his own Reason he could have written as good a Moral himself But by the last of these Books he was convinced that he was indebted to Revelation more than he thought of and considering how long the Ceremonial Law had obtain'd among the Jews and what a profound respect they paid to the Scribes Pharisees and Spiritual Guides and Rulers he plainly saw that there was need enough of Miracle to bear down their Prejudices to make 'em leave their Ceremonies and listen to that excellent Moral which Christ gave 'em nay he was convinced that no Miracles were strong enough to prevail over the Priest or a Priest-ridden People to become Proselytes to the Doctrine of universal Love and Charity for said he if a Teacher should now be sent from Heaven with this Message that all the Protestant Parties in England should be reconciled and live well with one another making nothing necessary to their religious Communion but what Christ had appointed and such Circumstances as Time and Place and what in the nature of the thing was needful and if this Teacher's Mission were confirm'd by Miracle it would have as he thought no better effect upon our several Sects of Clergy and those who are bigotted to their Parties than it had upon the Pharisees and their Disciples of old Having heard him speak so sharply against the Clergy after his old way I could not but tell him that I perceived he was but almost a Christian for he who loveth the Institution of Christ cannot but respect those who are the Ministers thereof at least I hoped that he would pay a respect to the Clergy of the Church of England which was the best Reformed Church in the World and therefore I expected that he was already a Member of our Church He reply'd that he should always be ready to pay his respect to every good Man of what Order or Degree