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A85090 The false and scandalous remonstrance of the inhumane and bloody rebells of Ireland, delivered to the Earl of St. Albans and Clanrickard, the Earl of Roscomon, Sir Maurice Eustace Knight, and other His Majesties Commissioners at Trim, the 17. of March, 1642. to be presented to His Majesty, by the name of The remonstrance of grievances presented to His Majestie in the behalf of the Catholicks of Ireland. ... Together with an answer thereunto, on behalf of the Protestants of Ireland. Also a true narration of all the passages concerning the petition of the Protestants of Ireland. ... August 27. 1644. It is this day ordered by the Committee of the House of Commons in Parliament concerning Printing, that the books, intituled, An answer presented to His Majestie at Oxford, unto the false and scandalous remonstrance of the inhumane and bloody rebells of Ireland; together with A narration of the proceedings at Oxon, be forthwith printed and published: John White. 1644 (1644) Wing F343; Thomason E255_2; ESTC R210053 139,001 137

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truth First as to their vaunt of 1300 yeares unalterable profession of the now Romish Religion It is most apparent in the learned Treatises of the Lord Archbishop of Armagh and otherwaies that for above 600 yeares within the said time of 1300 yeares the Religion professed by the Clergie and people of Ireland was more agreeable to the true Protestant Religion now by law established and by publique Authoritie maintained in that Kingdom then unto that Roman Catholike Religion as they call it which they doe now professe the free exercise whereof throughout that Kingdome they by their confederacie and oath of Association are to maintain and doe now by force authorize And for most of the time after the said 600 years the Religion professed in that Kingdome was far otherwise then now it is professed and practifed by these Confederates and some of their Ancestors for the Councell of Trent which ended about the yeare 1563. brought Articles of Faith into the Church farre different from the former Catholique faith And this new Religion of Popery is the Romish Religion which they call Catholike and is now professed by them And this is the great Antiquity of these Romanists present profession which they fay they and their Ancestors have so long unalterably professed though that also in so large an extent is utterly untrue for besides what is declared in the Statute lawes in Ireland enacted in the Reigne of King Henry the 8. and Queene Elizabeth expressing the detestation of those Paliaments against the Popes usurped authority in that Kingdome his wresting of Gods holy word and Testament to his worldly and carnall affection and entangling and troubling the jurisdiction and Regall power and much unquieting the people making that unlawfull which by Gods Word is lawfull and many such like expressions in severall Statutes which shewes the genius of the people of Ireland at that time It is cleere that since the Reformation in the latter end of the Reigne of King Henry the 8 in all the time of King Edward the 6. and Queen Elizabeth the Natives of that Kingdome Ancestors to these Confederates howsoever perhaps in mind popishly affected according to the ignorance of those times did generally without scruple resort to the Protestant Ceurches in all places where any Protestant Clergie could reside untill about the 13. yeare of Queene Elizabeth that the Bull of Pius Quintus was sent into Ireland And then began some persons of note to stand at distance But after that they did also generally come to Church both in Townes and Country till about the 30 yeare of Queen Elizabeth that the Spaniards wracked upon that Coast dispersed themselves into the Townes and severall other parts and left generally many evill impressions which caused some more wilfulnesse in Recusancie yet after that most of the Natives of Ireland all the residue of Queen Elizabeths Reigne for then there were few new English and most of the Reigne of King James partly by faire inducements and partly by the weake impulsives of the Statute of 2. Eliz. did still for the most part till of late yeares come to Church which is all that Your Majesties Government and Your Laws there do enjoyn them generally unto not offering to enforce the Conscience with torture death or otherwise as the Romanists doe Neither were they so unalterable in their supposed Catholique profession but that of late yeares severall of them even of noted pregnancie in the Doctrinal part did for a Majoraltie in a City or to save a pension in some times or some other imployment in others forsake their Masse for that season to come to Church Sir Philonty O Neal makes it more plain in his Letters of triumph to his holy Confessor that his purpose was conquest and not defence of Religion his Majesties Prerogative or their Liberties there being none there that offered any offence to either of them and for Liberty in their profession they had little or no restraint Vid. the epistle of Paul Harris Priest to P. Vrban the 8. in his booke intituled Fratres sobrii estoie An 1634. It is as hard to find what numbers of Friars be in Dublin as to count how many frogs therewere in the 2d plague of Egypt for they had by the patience of the Governours their titular Archbishops Bishops Vicar generall and provinciall Consistories Ecclesiasticall Deanes Abbots Priors Moncks Nunnes Iesuites Priests and Friers without number all officers proper to that Hierarchy and free use of Masse aswell in Townes as Country they not so much as in truth doubting or fearing any violent cruelty of the English knowing their nature and disposition as they did so as feare of being massacred for their Catholique Religion was not their motive for taking Armes as they fraudulently pretend It is utterly untrue that ever since the Statute of second Elizabeth the Catholiques of that Kingdome were debarred from places of honour and trust in Church or Common wealth for after that Statute many Noblemen of the old English were made Councellours who were bred in the ignorance of those times though afterwards they came to Church And after that Statute tenne severall Iudges of that Birth and education possessed successively all the prime Places of all the Benches of the Law and likewise all the Inferior Iudges of those Benches were of the same birth and education though afterwards most of them came to Church and the officers in Courts of Iustice and otherwayes were exercised by men of like condition the Malignity of Popery being in those times not discerned to be so perillous as of later times the Spanish Armado in 88 Tyrones Rebellion the Powder Treason this present Insurrection and many other treacherous and mischievous machinations and plots have discovered it to be T is true that about the 29. yeare of the Reigne of Queen Elizabeth upon the death of Sir John Plunket Chiefe Iustice of the Kings Bench Sir Robert Gardner was sent out of England who was the first English Iudge sent into that Kingdome in many yeares before And after upon the death of some of the rest a little before the end of the Raigne of the same Queen three more were sent thither and so from thenceforth as the rest dyed others were sent thither And how the reformation of the Kingdome and Your Majesties services were advanced before the comming of those English Iudges the Stories and Records doe shew And for the Natives of that Kingdome such as would conforme and come to Church were freely admitted to be Counsellors Iudges and Officers as many of them were and yet are Besides for matter of trust many of the Lords and prime Gentry of the old English though reputed Catholiques were throughout that Queenes time made Commanders of men in her Army and very many made chiefe Commanders in severall Counties and of the forces in those Countries All which time that Kingdome was kept almost in continuall garboyle and as well then as ever since her decease the Noblemen
themselves and that not upon particular quarrels or pretended grievances which your Majesty could easily have redressed whatsoever they could bee but upon prepensed resolution and designe to extirpate all the British and Protestants If these bee the Liberties that they fight for doubtlesse they are not justifyable by the Laws of God or Man but utterly inconsistent with the loyalty of Subjects to a Religious Monarch now by the mercy of God granted to that Nation They complaine of persons impeached in Parliament to bee dismissed by the Parliament now sitting This wee conceive to bee a just act they having fully answered their charge and no crime appearing against them And it is upon good reason believed that the same was set on foote against those impeached Judges rather out of dis-affection to the Government and because they were observed carefull Servants to your Majesty then out of any crime that could bee truely objected and proved against them It is confessed that the Parliament since the beginning of that Rebellion have made divers Orders and Declarations for the advancement of your Majesties Service and the Publick good and declaration of the Truth and if there had been any Acts ready which might have been good for the Kingdome they might have beene passed with as much authority as at any other time neither can it appeare that ever the Protestants did or ever offered to passe any Acts prejudiciall to your Majesty or harmefull to the Nation wherein themselves by Gods Providence were incorporated both in habitation alliance and interest Nay rather their ill requited love to the Nation will appeare in that as is before herein set down they freely joyned as well in this Parliament as in the last Parliament and in that held in the Reigne of the blessed King James to repeale all Acts that were offensive or penall to the Nation It is confessed that since the beginning of Hillary Terme 1641. Termes have been kept in Dublin as legally and justly they ought to bee and in the Kings Bench many known Traytors and Rebels have been upon just and full evidence indicted and many outlawed by a legall and due course but no known faithfull Subjects were then indicted nor ever intended to bee neither were any Sheriffes appointed but men of known-credit and subsistence competent for such a trust as now the State of the Kingdome standeth most of the Sheriffes formerly appointed having openly joyned in the conspiracy and action of rebellion against your Majesty your Government and Laws And where these Remonstrants seeme offended that Souldiers are members of the Parliament and have been Jurors on those indictments and some tryals They should have considered that their Rebellion forced many of those men to forsake their Estates and undergoe that honourable profession to stand in your Majesties just quarrell against the Remonstrants and to defend the residue of your Majesties distressed Subjects and the Government and Laws of the Kingdom Those Confederates well knowing that many of those men had and yet have full interests in as good estates as themselves and aswell in point of Interest as other abilities of education are as fit as any of them were to bee partakers of the best trust in the Common-wealth And whereas they say that divers who came in upon protection and publick faith were so tryed for their Lives and Estates It is a most notorious untruth and can onely befit the Remonstrants to averre but can never gaine credit with any that know Ireland or will duly weigh what is here before truely specified And for their Protestation against the Parliament and the Acts of it and of other your Majesties Ministers it can be of no better value And for the Remonstrants desire that your Majesty would bee graciously pleased to call a free Parliament in Ireland in such convenient time as your Majesty in your High Wisdome shall thinke fit and the urgency of the present affaires of that Kingdome doth require and that the said Parliament bee held in an indifferent place summoned by and continued before some Person or Persons of Honour and Fortune of approved faith to your Majesty and acceptable to your people there By this their desire your Majesties Protestant Subjects doe evidently perceive that the Remonstrants thereby intend the dissolving of that Parliament which your Majestie hath now sitting and which hath on weighty reasons been continued thus long and how dangerous this may prove to your Majestie and your Majesties Protestant Subjects they most humbly beseech your Majestie in your High Wisdome to judge First they being Parties criminous will gaine the acquitall of their owne ill done actions and the management of the most weighty affaires of the Common-wealth and wholly exclude your Majesties Protestant Subjects who with all reall fidelity have served your Majesty this present Parliament and they seeme not willing to have any of your Majesties Protestant Subjects amongst them assuring themselves that if any thing shall bee there propounded to the dishonour of God the prejudice of your Majestie or any of your good Subjects there that your Majesties Protestant Subjects will stand in opposition to their intentions The Remonstrants well knowing that by their cruell actions they have either murthered or banished most of your Majesties Freeholders so as no votes are left either in Counties or Corporations for the electing of your Majesties Protestant Subjects by which they intend no other then a Parliament of Roman Catholiques who we doubt not will take care to vindicate themselves And as for those of your Majesties Protestant Subjects that these Remonstrants have left undestroyed by the Sword they now desire to destroy or banish them out of that Kingdome by colour of Justice as may appeare by this following Oath by them generally taken The oath of the Confederate Romane Catholiques of IRELAND c. I A. B. Doe in the presence of Almighty God and all the Angels and Saints in Heaven promise vow sweare and protest to maintaine and defend as farre as I may with my life power and Estate the publike and free exercise of the true and Catholique Romane Religion against all persons that shall oppose the same I further sweare That I will beare Faith and Allegiance to our Soveraigne Lord King CHARLES his Heires and Successors And that I will defend him and them as farre as I may with my life power and estate against all such persons as shall attempt any thing against their Royall Persons Honours and Estates or Dignities And against all such as shall directly or indirectly endeavour to suppresse their Royall Prerogatives or do any act or acts contrary to Regall Government as also the power and priviledges of Parliament the lawfull Rights and Priviledges of the Subject And every person that makes this Vow Oath and Pretestation in whatsoever hee shall doe in the lawfull pursuance of the same And to my Power as farre as I may I will oppose and by all wayes and meanes endeavour to bring to condigne
them to introduce law for the extirpation of Catholique Religion in the three Kingdomes at any time before these Remonstrants openly entred into this actuall Rebellion and bloudy assacination though those Remonstrants draw it in amongst their provocations to take up Armes Neither indeed did those Remonstrants feare any violence or sharpe prosecution from their quiet Neighbours the Protestants in Ireland there having been very great and as now appeares very dangerous patience used towards the Remonstrants aswell by Governours as all Officers and Protestants who would have beene glad to live among them in peace if the Remonstrants could have endured their company Lastly whereas they seeme grieved That the Parliament of England encroached against law and unjustly upon the Priviledges of Parliament in Ireland in sending for and questioning too and in the English Parliament the members of that Parliament They do wel now to expresse sence of it amongst the rest of their pretexts for their wicked acts But when Protestant members of this Parliament against whom that pretended encroachment most extended were sent for they imploring the aid of the Parliament of Ireland to defend them and their priviledges were not holpen therin by the Commons house but were answered by a leading Member of the Cōmons house now a Remonstrant that the House should do well not to take notice thereof least any variance should arise betweene the two Parliaments so unwilling they were to assist the Protestants or maintaine that right which now they so stoutly challenge though a good while afterwards both Houses tooke occasion to write to their Committee in England to sollicite concerning that particular And so little feare had they then of any pernicious purposes in that Parliament against them though they now make mention of that Parliaments unwarrantable invasion since made on your Majesties Rights and Prerogatives as a pretence for their wicked and abominable actions long before that begun In the seventh Article Those Remonstrants doe justly acknowledge your Majesties grace and Princely patience in hearing their grievances 7. Article which would have wrought upon any loyall or dutifull heart to returne love and obedience to so gracious a Soveraigne and at least neighbour-like demeanour towards your Majesties faithfull Subjects the Brittish and Protestants which how they performed their then immediately ensuing acts doe demonstrate But in this Article also they continue their untrue and malicious calumniations against your Majestie in your Governours and Officers who did never give any of them just cause of offence It cannot appeare that the Lords Justices and Counsell did give any untrue Information against them or the Committees of that Parliament neither is it true that any such thing was done for that they know the Counsell of whom the Lords Justices then were gave all the furtherance they could to the going of that Committee Hoping that what your Majestie should be pleased to grant might redound to the common benefit of your people Neither did any Privie Counsellours goe into England of purpose to crosse or give impediment to your Majesties Justice and graces But it is true that the late Lord Dillon afterwards Earle of Roscomon and Sir Adam Loftus your Majesties Vice-Treasurer were about that time sent for by your Majestie upon the motion of your Parliament of England as it seemed to testifie in the cause moved in that Parliament against the Earle of Strafford And if in their attendance there their advice or knowledge concerning any thing there propounded or handled by the Committee were required by your Majestie doubtlesse those Counsellours did faithfully discharge the duty of good servants to your Majestie and true wel-wishers to that Kingdome being both Natives thereof and members of that Parliament Neither did your Majesties Justices and Counsell transmit unto your Majestie or any of the State of England any misconstructions or misrepresentations of the proceedings and actions of that Parliament but rather it may justly be beleeved that those Remonstrants doe worke upon their owne evill imaginations in this as in the former Articles they have presumed to avouch severall knowne untruths Nay the Lords Justices were so farce from any such malevolence to that Parliament or any Members thereof as when they received your Majesties Commission dated the sourth of Ianuary 1640. authorizing them to continue prorogue or determine the Parliamnent as they thought fit They in confidence that the intent of all the Members of the Parliament was for the generall good of the Kingdome and your Majesties service did willingly continue it and gave all countenance and assistance to it which well appeares by a motion made by a noble Peere in the Lords House That the Lords Justices had alwayes chearfully received their requests and Messages and were ready to comply with them desiring it might be entred to the end it might remaine to posteritie It is also conceived that when your Majestie had given direction that all Letters from thence should be kept apart to the end the Committee might have recourse unto them if any such misrepresentations could have appeared to them they would have instanced the same in this Remonstrance and not have offered to your Majestie suppositions for certainties And touching the Parliament of Irelands power of Judicature in matters Capitall there was nothing written from thence concerning that matter untill your Majestie being advertized of the impeachment of the Lord Chancellour and others in the Lords House required the Lords Justices to search and certifie whether any presidents might be found there for such a proceeding Your Majestie then also graciously declaring that as your Majestie intended not to prejudice the Rights of the Lords House so your Majestie did expect that they should nto introduce any new president for that cause Thereupon the Lords Justices having searched and demanded of the two Houses of Parliament if any such presidents they could shew none were produced which the Lords Justices certified backe to your Majesties principall Secretarie as in duty they ought And it is beleeved that those Remonstrants would not now more earnestly presse for that power in Judicature then heretofore was done were it not by the exercise or terrour thereof if their partie could have prevailed to rid themselves of your Majesties English Judges and Officers whom they cannot endure to beare rule amongst them though they clearly saw the Kingdome prospered above any former times under their great labour and travell It is most untrue that your Majesties Protestant officers or subjects did envy the good union betweene the two Houses But the truth is they did labour to cherish and confirme it by their uttermost skill and industry And if your Majesties servants or your Protestant subjects did happen to oppose those Remonstrants in any their undutifull motions and projects either concerning Religion or your Majesties Protestant Clergie or concerning the derogation of your Majesties Prerogatives Rites and authories or malicious practise against your Majesties Officers Those Remonstrants did and now
Councell board which they did and His Majesty being present told them That they were sent over by his Protestant subjects to move him in their behalfe and desired to know in what condition the Protestants were to defend themselves in case a peace should not be concluded which was answered by the Protestant Agents That they humbly conceived they were imployed first to make proofe of the effect of the protestants petition and disprove the scandalous aspersions which the Rebells had cast on His Majesties government and the protestants of Ireland The King said that needed not for to what purpose is it to prove the Sun shines this day when we all see it The Agents said they found not His Majesty satisfyed but that the five severall Counties called the English Pale were forced into Rebellion by his governours To which His Majesty answered That that was but an assertion of the Irish Then the King againe defired to know in what condition the protestants were in to defend themselves in case he should not make a peace with the Irish The said Agents desired some time to make an answer to that Question but His Maiesty answered That he thought they had come prepared to declare the whole condition of that Kingdome And further asked whether they would have Peace or no. To which it was answered by the Agents That peace was the thing they had been bred up in and that they were not against peace so it might stand with His Majesties honour and safety of his protestant subjects in their Religion Lives Liberties and Fortunes Then the Lord Digby told His Majesty That they desired Peace The Duke of Richmond and the Earle of Linsie replied it is true the Agents have expressed that they are not against Peace so that it may be with honour to His Majesty and safety to His Majesties Protestant Subjects of Ireland Then the King said he had rather they should have their Throates cut by Warre then that they should suffer by a Peace of His making And that hee would take a care that the Protestants of Ireland should be preserved His Majesty told the said Agents that they should have a Copy of the Propositions of the Irish and wished them to make an answer to them And the said Agents being wished to withdraw and being sent for in againe His Majesty told them That for the cleering of the matter he must tell them two things the first was That he could not relieve his Protestant subjects in Ireland either with Men Money Armes Ammunition or Victuals And secondly That he could not allow them to joyne with the new Scots or any others that had taken the Covenant with them And on the same day about one of the clocke the Protestant Agents received a copy of the Rebels high and destructive propositions from Secretary Nicholas who wisht them from His Majesty to put in their answers thereunto within two daies On which the Agents desired two daies longer which was granted And on the 13 of May 1644. at the Councell-board the King Prince and Duke of Yorke with many of the Lords there sitting the Protestant Agents presented unto His Majesty their answers to the Rebels propositions both which hereafter follow in haec verba The Propositions of the Roman Catholiques of Ireland humbly presented to His sacred Majestie in pursuance of their Remonstrance of grievances and to be annexed to the said Remonstrance Together with the humble Answer of the Agents for the Protestants of Ireland to the said Propositions made in pursuance of your Majesties directions of the ninth of May 1644. requiring the same 1. Proposition THat all acts made against the Professors of the Roman Catholique Faith whereby any restraint penalty mulct or incapacity may be laid upon any Roman Catholique within the Kingdome of Ireland may be repealed and the said Catholiques to be allowed the freedome of the Roman Catholiqus Religion Answer To the first We say that this hath been the pretence of almost all those who have entered into rebellion in the Kingdome of Ireland at any time since the Reformation of Religion there which was setled by Acts of Parliament above 80 yeeres since and hath wrought good effects ever since for the peace and welfare both of the Church and Kingdome there and of the Church and Kingdome of England and Protestant party throughout all Christendome and so hath been found wholsome and necessary by long experience And the repealing of those Laws will set up Popery againe both in jurisdiction profession and practice as it was before the Reformation and introduce amongst other inconveniences the Supremacy of Rome and take away or much endanger your Majesties supreame and just authority in causes Ecclesiasticall a diminution of honour and power not to be endured the said Acts extending as well to seditious sectaries as to popish recusants so as by the repeale thereof every man may seeme to be left to choose his owne Religion in that Kingdome which must needs beget great confusion and the abounding of the Roman Clergy there hath been one of the greatest occasions of this late rebellion Besides it is humbly desired that your Majesty will be pleased to take into your gracious consideration a clause in the Act of Parliament passed by your Majestis Royall assent in England in the seventeenth yeere of your Reigne touching punishment to be inflicted upon those that shall introduce the authority of the See of Rome in any case whatsoever 2. Proposition That your Majesty will be pleased to call a free Parliament in the said Kingdome to be held and continued as in the Remonstrance is expressed And the Statute of the tenth yeere of King H 7. called Poynings Act and all Acts explaining or enlarging the same be suspended during that Parliament for the speedy settlement of the present affaires and the repeale thereof to be there further considered of Answer Whereas they desire to have a free Parliament called reflecteth by secret and cunning implication upon your Majesties present Parliament in Ireland as if it were not a free Parliament we humbly beseech your Majesty to resent how dangerous it is to make such insinuation or intimation to your people of that Kingdome touching that Parliament wherein severall Acts of Parliament have already past the validity whereof may be endangered if the Parliament should not be approved as a free Parliament and it is a point of so high nature as we humbly conceive it not properly to be discussed but in Parliament and your Majesties said Parliament now sitting is a free Parliament in law holden before a person of honour and fortune in that Kingdome composed of good loyall and well affected subjects to your Majesty who doubtlesse will be ready to comply in all things that shall appeare to be pious and just for the good of the true Protestant religion and for your Majesties service and the good of that Church and State That if this present Parliament should be dissolved it would