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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68595 A briefe and piththie summe of the Christian faith made in forme of a confession, vvith a confutation of all such superstitious errours, as are contrary therevnto. Made by Theodore de Beza. Translated out of Frenche by R.F.; Confessio Christianae fidei. English Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.; Fills, Robert, fl. 1562. 1565 (1565) STC 2007; ESTC S101755 149,544 418

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as himselfe hath vsed with all those which haue wyllinglye done their duetie as Salomon Ezechias Iosias other faithful Kinges and Emperours 33 Howe far they are bounde to obey the magistrate AS there is no faythfull man exempt from the obedience whiche be oweth to Iesus Christe reigning in his Church be it king prince or subiect so ther is none from the greatest to the least which oweth not voluntarie obedyence to his Magistrate as ordayned of God Yea although the Magistrate were a tirant except in one point onelye that is to saye if he commaunde to doo things which were against Gods woorde For in this case as the Apostles said we must rather obey God then mā for otherwise we extol mē aboue God It is not then rebellion to disobey Princes when they woulde cause vs to doo that which God forbyddeth or to defend● or forbyd that which God commaūdeth But in this poynt● there must bee suche a meane kepte that they doo not passe or excéede their vocation For the Apostles obeyed not to those which for bad and defended them to preach Iesus Christe as also they tooke to them no weapon or armour which appertayned not to them Also we must note that there is difference betweene doing wrong to another and to suffer wrong done to vs. Nowe for the firste it is forbydden vs ▪ neuer to doo wrong But especially commaunded vs to suffer the iniuryes done to vs for the honour of GOD as much as maye or can bee done wythout preiudice or against our vocation as we reade that Iesus Christe although hee were free neuerthelesse payed trybute wyllynglye It is then a manyfest and false slaunder to saye that the doctrine which we teach and vse bringeth men to bee sedicious and disobedient to kinges and superious But cleane contrarie the Gospell establisheth their power But this is impudently done of those which haue notoriously exempted themselues from the subiection of Princes which do vnderstand no otherwise by the lyberties of the Church then that which they haue vsurped vpon Princes against all right both diuine humaine and yet haue no shame to burdē vs with that wherin they them selues be notory●●slie culpable and offenders Of the last Iudgement The. vi poynt 1. VVhat it is that we do beleeue and hope of the last iudgement FInally we beléeue according to the worde of God that in the tyme ordayned of God the which tyme the verie Angels know not ▪ Iesus Christe seeing the number of his elected accomplished and fulfylled shall come from heauen corporallie with his diuine maiestie this olde worlde beeing consumed by fire And then shall appeare before him all mankynde whiche were from the begynning of the worlde and all those whiche were deade before shall bee vnyted and ioygned with the same body from whiche the soule was seperated and those which shall be lyuing at the howre of his comming ▪ shalbe chaunged in one momente chaunged saye concerninge the corruptible quallitie of their bodyes and then the Lorde shall Iudge the one and the other accordinge to hys woorde and those whiche belieued as shall appeare by the fruites of theyr faith shall hee made partakers of the kingdome of GOD not onelye in theyr soule the whiche euen before and after the fyrste death hath beene in the Ioye of hys Lorde GOD but also in theyr bodyes the whiche shall bee vncloathed from all imperfections and infyrmities and agayne cloathed with incorruption and glorious immortalytie For to behold that which neuer eye coulde sée nor hart coulde thinke and in briefe to receyue fullye the fruite of theyr fayth and hope by the onelye goodnesse of God in Iesus Christe And on the contrary the wicked condempned and vanquished by the testimony of their owne conscience shal be made immortall eternallye to suffer the payne prepared for the Diuell and hys Angels ¶ A briefe comparison betwene the doctrine of the Papistes and this of the holy catholike Church The. vii poynt 1 The Papistes worshippeth a false God which is neyther righteous nor mercifull WHo so euer knoweth what the Popyshe Relygion is and consydereth well this here aboue wrytten shall easelye knowe whether it be with good right and iust occasion that we be separated from them and ioyned vs to this Churche of God according to his woorde And moreouer they shall fynde those men to abuse them selues verye muche which thinke that our dyfference onelye lyeth in certayne lyght abuses concerning the maners of lyfe But so it is that the principall dyfference is concernynge the substaunce of the doctryne wherein consysteth our saluation the which I wyl sh●we plainly by the way Although the matter requyreth well a Treatyse wholy by it selfe ▪ for to be dylated as it requireth ▪ I saye then that the blacke is not more contrarye to the whyte ▪ then the Relygion of the Papistes is to this Religion of the Churche of God And to declare the same I wyll not staye nor grounde mee vppon the fylthie stynking lyfe of those of their owne Church from the least to the greatest But I wyll come directlie to their doctrine And when there shall bee none other thinge to declare and shewe that theyr Relygion is proceeded from the Prince of darknesse but this one that they wyll not ha●e the woorde of God to bee vsed and vnderstande of all people and also that they Iuggell foorthe all their mysteries in an vnknowen tongue to the moste parte of the people yea to themselues namelye that vttereth them This shoulde bee a suffycyente testymonye of my sayinge to all menne of an vpryght iudgement but we wyll go further with them Fyrste concerning GOD I saye ▪ that where as they doo set foorth the meryts of any creature to pacifie his wrath they spoyle and robbe him of his perfyte righteousnesse the which by this meanes can not bée perfyte if hee take for payment eyther all or part of that which maye procéede from a sinner Although I denye not but the good lyfe of a faythfull person is acceptable to God but not to obtaine saluation and eternall lyfe by this tytle Item they robbe and spoyle hym in so dooynge of hys perfyte mercie For consider if we can satisfie to GOD in any part or péece it followeth that he doeth not quitte or forgeue vs all but the rest which remayned Wherefore I conclude that in steade of the true God who is perfitely ryghteous and perfitely mercifull in Iesus Christe onely as wée haue declared they worshippe a dreame and fantasie of their own bead to whom they haue geuen the name and tytle of God 2 If the doctrine of the Papistes bee true it foloweth that Iesus Christe is not verie man ITem concernyng Iesus Christe by whome only we haue saluation whether wee consider his person or that we regard his office of mediator I saye that in steade of the true Iesus
body formed of y e substance of y e virgin Mary daughter of Dauid by the vertue of the holye Ghost was by this meanes conceyued and borne of the same virgin Marye deliuerance both after and before her deliuerance al this was done for the accomplishment of our reconciliation 24. The summe of the accomplishement of oure saluation in Iesus christ HE therfore came down on earth for to drawe vs vp to heauen He hath borne the paine dewe to our sins clearly to discharge vs euen from the beginninge of his conception vnto his resurrectiō He hath fulfilled perfectly al righteousnes for to couer our vnrighteousnesse he hath declared to vs all y e wyl of God his father both by workes and also by words to the end to shew vs the trew way of saluation In fine for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whole ful satisfaction for our sinnes which he toke vpon him he was bound to vnbind vs condempned for to delyuer vs he suffred great and infinite shame for to deliuer vs from all confusion he was nailed on the crosse for to fasten thereon our sinnes he died and sustained y e curse and malediction which was dew to vs for to apease the wrath of god for euer by his onlye oblations made hee was buried to approue verify his death and to vanquishe deathe euen to the house thereof that is to say euen to the graue wherin he felt no corruption for to declare that euen in dying he had ouercome vanquished death He was raised againe in tripūhe as a conquerer to y e end that al our corruption being dead buried we should be renued into a new spirituall euerlasting life that therby the first death should be no more to vs a punishmēt dew for sinne as it were an entraunce into the second death but cōtrariwise a finishing and ende of y ● death of our corruption and an entrance into eternal life Finally he being raised afterward was conuersaunt here on earth by the space of fortie daies to confirm and approue his resurrectiō He ascended visible verily into heauen where he is set on the right hande of god his father and hath taken possession m of his eternal kingdom for vs and for our behoue for whose sake also he is y e only mediatour n and aduocate o gouerning his church by his holy spirite vntil the nōber of y e elected of god his father be accomplished and fulfylled 25. Hovve Iesus christ beinge ascended into heuen is neuertheles here on earth vvith his flocke WE vnderstande that glory hathe brought immortality to y e body of Iesus Christ but hath not taken away the nature of his body therfore concerninge his humayne nature hee hathe taken it from vs into heauen where he shal dwell vntil the time he shall come to iudge the quyck and the dead but concerning his dyuinitye and the workinge of the holye spirite he is with his elect and shalbe vntyll the ende of the world ▪ as Christ hath sayde the poore shall yee haue alwayes with you but me shal ye not haue And also as the Angelles sayd to the Apostles after his ascension Iesus which is lyft vp from you into heauen shal come agayn euē as ye haue seene him ascend into heauen as S. Peter sayd to the Iewes that heauens must hold him vntil the restoring of al thinges Whervpon saint Augustin said well agreeing with the scripture that we ought to take heede that we do not so confirme the diuinity that we deny the verity of the body and not to make this conclusion that those things which are in god be euerye where as God is euery where 29. There can be no other nevve religion then this IN this mistery of our redemption which mans reason cānot attaine god is declared to be very god y ● is to saye perfectlye righteous and perfetly merciful First perfectly righteous in y ● hee hath punished al our sins very sharply in his persō who made himself a satisfaction pledge to wit in Iesus Christ moreouer doeth not receiue vs nor allow vs as his childrē except we be couered clothed with the innocencie holines perfect rightousnes of Iesus Christ On the other part he declareth himself to be perfectly mercifull in y ● he finding in vs nothing but cause and matter of damnation yet would that his sonne should take our nature in whom he foūd a remedy to appease his iustice whom also he doth cōmunicat to vs freely with all his treasures to y e end that we may be partakers of eternal life by his only goodnes and mercy so that by faith we lay hold on Iesus Christ as shalbe shewed hereafter But contrariwise al religion whiche dothe appose or sette againste the wrath of God anye other thing then the only innocency righteousnes satisfaction of Iesus Christe apprehended by fayth spoyled god of his perfecte righteousnes and mercy and consequently ought to be holden for false and deceitful as shalbe declared in the seuenth poynte Of the holy ghost The fourth point The firste article of the person of the holye Ghoste VVE beléeue in the holy ghoste whyche is the coeternall and consubstanciall power of the father and the Sonne in whom he is resident from whom proceedeth being one God with them and neuertheles distynct in person 2. Of the effectes properlie considered in the holie ghost THe infynit force vertue of him is declared in the creation and preseruation of all creatures frō the beginning of the world and principally shalbe considered by vs in this present Treatise according to y ● effects which he bringeth forth in the chyldrē of God in bringing with him his grace to make them feele the efficacie and vertue thereof and briefe to bring thē from degrée to degrée to the right ende mark whervnto they be predestined before the foundation of the world 3. The holie ghost maketh vs partakers of Iesus Christ by faith onelie THe holye ghost then is the same by whome the Father doeth put kéepe his electe in possession of Iesus Christ his sonne consequently of all the graces which bee necessarye to their saluation But first it behoued y ● the same holy spirit make vs capable and méete to receyue the same Iesus Christe the which he doth in creating within vs by his méere diuyne goodnes and mercye that whyche we call Fayth the onely instrument to take holde of Iesus Christ when he is offered to vs and the onlye vessell to receyue him 4. vvhat meanes the holie ghost vseth to create and maintaine faith in vs. HE vseth two ordinarie meanes neuertheles without cōmunicating his vertue to them but working by them for to create in vs thys instrument of fayth and also to mayntayne and confirme it more and more That is to saye by