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A52316 The project of peace, or, Unity of faith and government, the only expedient to procure peace, both foreign and domestique and to preserve these nations from the danger of popery and arbitrary tyranny by the author of the countermine. Nalson, John, 1638?-1686. 1678 (1678) Wing N113; ESTC R3879 154,518 354

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Imprimatur Hic Liber cui Titulus The Project of Peace c. June 12. 1678. Guill Sill R. P. D. Henr. Episc Lond. à Sac. Dom. THE Project of Peace OR UNITY of FAITH AND GOVERNMENT The only Expedient to Procure PEACE BOTH Foreign and Domestique AND To PRESERVE these NATIONS From the DANGER OF Popery and Arbitrary Tyranny By the Author of the Countermine Is there no Balm in Gilead No Physician there Si penés singulos Jus Arbitrium erit Judicandi nihil certi constitui poterit quin potius vacillabit tota Religio Cal. Inst London Printed for Jonathan Edwin at the Sign of the Three Roses in Ludgate-street 1678. TO THE DISSENTERS FROM THE Church of ENGLAND OF WHAT NAMES or DISTINCTIONS SOEVER AS it is very Possible that nothing will be less Welcome to you than these Papers so contrary both to your Inclinations and what you believe your Interest So it may be nothing is less customary than Dedications of this Nature But since I neither propose to my self the Hopes of any Patrons Beneficence nor can submit to such unmanly Complyances as are usually the Effects of such Hopes and Expectations I have rather chosen to Address my self to you where even the Hope of a Charitable Reception is scarcely to be hoped for as the Reward of my Charity And where the Flattery of Swelling Hyperboles would prove as false and unsuccessful to me as to Millions who have made large promises to themselves of Recompences and Gratifications for that Gentiler way of Begging And of all the World it would be most Pernicious to You who have been too long accustomed to your own and the dangerous Flatteries of your Party There is nothing that is at all times more Welcome to the World than Peace Pacem te poscimus Omnes But most Men would be Conquerors and oblige the World by giving it upon their own Terms And there are but few who will be content to receive it as Christians upon God's Terms and Conditions Here I have endeavoured to Manifest the true Foundations of a solid and a lasting Peace Which are Faith Vnity Government and Obedience to the Laws of God and Men. A Peace capable of rendring the Vniverse Happy and any particular Society of Men prosperous here and Glorious hereafter in the Peaceful Regions of Joy and Immortality I am not ignorant of your Plea of Zeal and Sufferings But must the Church of England be allowed nothing for hers Has not She by your means been forced to drink the very dregs of your Animosity whilest like the Children of Edom in the day of her Calamity You cryed Down with her Psal 137.8 Down with her even to the ground Did you ever suffer such Persecution from Her as She has suffered from you Whose Zeal therefore or Afflictions must intitle them to the Character of the truer Church Would you Establish the Worship of God in Spirit and in Truth So would She only with this Difference that what you would effect by the Rude Method of Force and Violence the Power of the Sword She labours to do by the Power of Perswasion and the Spirit of Meekness as her Treatment of you now She is in Power so far from Retaliation or Revenge does abundantly testifie to the Shame of your former Cruelty and present Obstinacy and endeavours to compass and effect her Ruine Is She therefore Criminal for endeavouring that Lawfully which you would and do and as you perswade the World are bound in Conscience to do Per fas Nefas either Lawfully or Unlawfully it matters not is not the same Obligation of Conscience and far greater and a truer Conscience upon her And if one must be satisfied whose rather Hers which is True and properly Conscience or yours which is only your Private and uncertain Opinion clothed with that Venerable Name Your Way of Establishing this Worship has been notoriously guilty of Rebellion Disorders Confusion and many Evil Works The Civil State of Affairs has been ruin'd and overturn'd Houses have been made Desolate and left without Inhabitant Churches have been robbed defaced abused demolished Holy things set apart and dedicated to the Service of God and so made Holy have been prophaned The Church of England is innocent of any such Crimes The infamous Brand of Rebellion Sedition Tumults Sacriledg or Rapine were never burnt upon her hand She indeavours to prevent this for the Present and the Future by teaching all men their just Duty towards God and towards Man and obliges them to the Performance of it You call this Persecution and Hate her for it This may be Zeal in you but it is not according to the knowledg of God She imposes some Methods and certain Directions in their own Nature confessedly indifferent only in order and with no other Design than for Decency avoiding Confusion and to bring all Christians to maintain the Vnity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace You refuse these Means and therefore the Great End of Christian Religion and Religion it self You prefer your own Way and Means before Hers and by Obstructing Peace pretend that her Impositions are inconducive to those Excellent Ends when as in Truth it is not their want of Efficacious aptness but your want of Will and your traversing them by an obstinate Disobedience that frustrates their desired Effects You quarrel her Commands and call them Traditions of Men and Will-Worship when in reality yours is so And it is perfectly because you are not permitted to have your own Wills in the Worship of God that makes you Accuse Her of what you are most horribly guilty of your selves She appoints nothing but what is agreeable to the Will and Word of God and the Primitive Usage of the Church You term those Determinations Antichristian Popish Superstitious As if God Almighty whose Word and Rules She follows where he does not please your Humour or suit your Interest or Designs were Popishly inclined As if the Scriptures in declaring for Episcopacy were Antichristian As if the best and purest Ages of the Church and the whole Succession of Saints and Martyrs were Superstitious Because many of them Bishops and all of them Worshipping God at least as to the Main according to Her Way and Method Whereas it is you that are Popish while you endeavour to Obtrude upon us your own Infallibility It is you who are Antichristian who ruine the Foundation of all Christianity Faith Government a Catholique Church Obedience Charity and Unity It is you who are Superstitious if 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a needless Fear of any thing in Religion be Superstition whilest you start at an Innocent Rite as if it were a Goblin And for fear of a Ceremony run from the Church as if it were hanted with Evil Spirits And though you strain as if you were afraid of being Choak't at these Gnats yet you can swallow the Camel of plain and barefac't Disobedience That goes smoothly over your Palate being gilded over
of several distinct Churches who are all Members of that Mystical Body he walks among the Candlesticks he holds the Stars in his right hand The Angel of every distinct National Church is to be the mover of the Orb to guide it by the Light of Divine Truth spoken by the Spirit of the Churches the Temporal Power may be Supreme Head of the Church as they are a Society of Christian Men but neither the one nor the other can justly pretend a Power over the Angel of another Church or the Dominions of another Prince for that is the Prerogative of the Son of God who Unites them in his Right hand and who alone can challenge the Title of that Name of King of Kings and Lord of Lords NOR will this Independency of Churches one upon another which is only in point of Jurisdiction and Limits which was anciently practiced and commanded by the Decrees of Councels give the least disturbance to their Charity and Vnion so long as they maintain the same Universal Doctrine of Faith as to the substance and all acknowledge one Catholique Church and themselves Members of it Nay it is observable that this incroachment of the greater Churches upon the less and indeavouring to aggrandize themselves by imposing upon all other Churches a Soveraignty and Dominion never intended for Christian Religion and striving by force to oblige them to use their Rites and Ceremonies in indifferent Circumstantials and not only so but to receive all their Opinions as matters of Faith were the first occasion of the most remarkable Schisms and Divisions and the loss of Peace and Unity and still continue so to this very day Whereas did they all resolve to content themselves with their own Precincts and not indeavour 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and act out of their own Provinces but would permit others to make use of such indifferent Rites as the Governours of the several Churches judge necessary and expedient in their respective Charges and if any Controversies should arise in Point of Doctrine resolve amicably to compose them by hearing what the Spirit saith to the Churches and how the Universal Church has already determined in the same or like Affairs according to the Rule of Scripture would they study more to propagate Peace and Vnity than Dominion and Soveraignty to increase Piety and Purity of Life more than outward agreement of Rites and Ceremonies the ancient Happiness of the Church in her first and Vnambitious Age when the Office of Government was the surest way to Martyrdom would in a great measure be restored to the Members of the Catholique Church and there would be that Vnity which is by God Commanded and by all good Christians not only to be desired but promoted to the uttermost of their Power Were it possible that this true and ancient Temper Modesty and Moderation of Primitive Christianity might obtain in the World the Names of distinction with the occasions of them would be taken away one would not be of Paul another of Apollos another of Cephas one a Romanist another a Calvinist Lutheran Hugonot or a Zuinglian but all would be of Christ but alas what hope so long as the Church of Rome will be Vniversal and will exclude all those who Refuse the tyranique Yoak of both her Declared and Implicit Faith and to be subject to her absolute Dominion not only from the Name of Churches and being Parts of the Church Universal but from the Communion of Saints from all hopes of the Resurrection of the just nay even from her Purgatory too which is very severe if there be such a place as admits of Hope for Sinners after Death and in a word from all possibility of the Life everlasting How disterent is this from the ancient Charity and Doctrine of St. Peter and St. Paul whom they believe the Founders of their Church for they incourage us to hope we may receive the Benefit of the Common Salvation Act. 10.35 for God is no respecter of Persons but in every Nation he that feareth him and worketh Righteousness is accepted of him for with him there are no Distinctions neither Greek nor Jew Col. 3.11 to v. 16. Circumcision nor Vncircumcision Barbarian Scythian Bond nor Free but all are Christs who have put on as the Elect of God holy and beloved bowels of Mercy kindness humbleness of Mind meekness long-suffering forbearance one of another and forgiveness one towards another if there be differences as Christ also forgave us and above all things they who have put on Charity which is the bond of Perfection and whose Hearts are ruled by the Peace of God But in regard that this is to be dispair'd of and may well seem forreign to the Design of these Papers let us come to consider what Influence this ought to have upon us as to Vnity amongst our selves which without Excluding our Neighbours from our Charity though they do us from theirs and Heaven is the principal Intention of this Discourse CHAP. VI. HAVING shewn that the Peace and Vnity of the Catholick Church Militant upon Earth depends in a great Measure upon this Justice in preserving the Common Faith of Christ as the bond of Vnion not only among our selves but with that part of the Church which is now Triumphant in Heaven and in order thereunto in allowing every distinct and National Church their particular Bounds and Jurisdiction free from Incroachments and Invasion permitting them a freedom of Using such Rites and Customs in the Celebration of Divine Worship as the Governors of each respective Church shall judge to be nearest the Rule of Scripture the Constant Usage and Determination of the Catholique Church in the best Ages and of the best Men in all most conducive to the Great End of all Religion by promoting the Happiness of Mankind both here and hereafter before we proceed any further it will be requisite to answer what may and will be certainly objected by all Dissenters FOR if an Independency of Churches of Distinct Nations and Polities so long as they agree in matters of Faith may be permitted a distinct Jurisdiction different Rites and manner of Worship to the increase of Charity Peace and Unity why may not the same be likewise practised by several Churches in the same Nation To which I answer That as Vnity in point of Faith is the Bond of Vnion in the Vniversal Church so Obedience to the Supreme Government of any Nation is that which Vnites them into one Polity and distinguishes them from all other People who do not own that Subjection and Obedience And this Vnion of Obedience is also that which preserves and maintains them as well as Constitutes them a distinct Political Body from all other Nations Herein lies their Strength herein their Security their Safety and Happiness For as I may be Lawfully permitted to disobey the King of Spain or France nay and ought to do it in many Cases for the Interest of my Nation but cannot disobey my
and yet had they not so much as a Rebellious thought of Establishing Religion by force or violence CHAP. VII BY what has been said it appears that the Foundation of all Charity among Christians is built upon Vnity in Faith which is the necessary bond of the Catholique Church which is the Company of all faithful People which are have been or shall be in all Ages and Places of the World and that Vnity in Government as well as Faith is the Bond of Peace and Obedience a Duty therefore which all men owe to their Lawful Superiors as the Necessary Ligature of a National Church which being a Political Society of Religious Men does therefore require a Political Government in Religious as well as Civil affairs THE not well considering of this Difference between a National and the Catholique Church seems to be the chief Ground of the Quarrels among Christians for the Catholique Church being the Spiritual Body of Christ is United in it self and to him by the Spiritual Bond of the Catholique Faith which Faith may be kept Whole and Undefiled though there be great Differences in External Rites and Ceremonies For all Ceremonies are not fit for all Places as for Example Submerging of the person Baptized may do very well in the warm Climates but would be very hazardous in the more Northern Regions of Muscovy Rushia c. Thus we see it was adjudged in that Great Controversie about the Celebration of Easter between the Eastern and the Western Churches For when Anicetus Bishop of Rome and Polycarp Bishop of Smyrna differ'd in their Opinion about it they came to this amicable Determination that each Church should celebrate it according to their own Custom for which they gave this Reason Quia non oportet propter Caeremoniarum dissonantiam rumpere Fidei Consonantiam Ecclesiae Concordiam The Peace and Concord of the Church in the Harmony of Faith ought not to be broken for a disagreement in matters of Ceremony And because this Difference made a great Noise in the Church for many years ●●d in regard it Confirms my Position of Vnity of Faith being the Bond of the Catholick Church and Vnity of Government as well as Faith that of a National Church I will relate the History of it in short as it is Recorded by Eusebius in his Ecclesiastical History Euseb lib. 5. c. 24 25 26. Polycrates Bishop of Ephesus and a great many of the Asian Bishops alledging the Practice and ancient Custom of St. John the beloved Disciple of our Lord who was himself Bishop of Ephesus Polycarp and several others observed Easter upon any day of the Week according to the Custom of the Jews The Christians of the Western Church observed it as we do upon the Sunday being the day of his Resurrection Upon this Victor Bishop of Rome pronounces them Excommunicate and separates from their Communion Irenoeus Bishop in Lions shews Victor his Error and that for Ceremonies and Circumstances the Vnity of the Church ought not to be broken which he manifests by the Diversity of several Churches in observing the time of Fasting before Easter some only one day some two some more to forty and yet for all this says that Excellent Father they were at Vnity one with another and as yet retain it for this Variety of Fasting commendeth the Vnity of Faith and thereupon writing to Victor he acquaints him that Anicetus Pius Hyginus Telesephorus and Xystus his Predecessors though not observing the same Custom with the Bishops of Asia yet nevertheless were at Vnity with them and sent the Eucharist unto the Brethren of other Churches that observed a Contrary Custom shewing him also how Polycarpus did not endeavour to alter the Judgment of Anicetus but told him that he ought to observe the ancient Custom of his Predecessors Upon which for the reason before-mentioned they friendly received the Holy Eucharist together the Symbol of their Vnity in Faith and parted from each other in Peace and all such adds he as held contrary Customs and Observations throughout the Vniversal Church held fast the Bond of Love and Vnity no Church endeavouring to impose upon the Liberty of others in point of Circumstances so long as they all held the Catholique Faith as the only necessary bond of Vnion in the Catholique Church and Vnity of Government as the Bond of Vnion in the several Distinct and National Churches whereof the Universal is composed and which therefore it appears had Originally a Jurisdiction among themselves over which neither Rome nor any other had a Power So that is clear that several National Churches may lawfully differ in External Rites of Government from the Catholique without the danger of Schism But now in a National Church there is a necessity of Vnity and Obedience to the Determinations of those who are the Lawful Governors of it and all Disobedience there is a Schism in regard the Peace of that Church the Order and Charity of it without this must be destroyed and therefore there is a Necessity of this Vnity in point of Government in any National Church Now every Distinct Nation as before was said being a separate Society of men Distinguished from the rest of the World by a different Government and their Obedience to it as well as by their Place of Habitation there is a Necessity that Religion should conduce all it can to the preservation of that Political Frame upon which the Well-being and Happiness of the Society depends For the Civil and Religious concerns are so mutually interwoven that no man can be a Good Citizen who is an ill Christian or an ill Christian who is Bonus Civis a good Publiquewealths-man and these do mutually support one another true Religion Improving this Interest of all Men by making the Civil part of the Polity a Duty of Religion among Christians whereas among Heathen it was only a duty of Interest and Policy For even in this sense we may truly say as our Saviour of himself Matt. 5.17 that Christian Religion came not to destroy the Law but to fulfil it to conform Humane Laws to the Rule of Divine Equity Truth and Justice and for this reason our Lord himself gave that Universal Precept to Render to Caesar his Due which also he confirmed by his Practice paying him Tribute even with a Miracle NOR do we ever find the Primitive Spirit of Christianity opposing any humane Laws or Power unless they were such as directly struck at the Root of Faith and a holy Life such as were the severe Edicts of the Persecuting Emperors to compel them to renounce and Blaspheme Christ to adore the Pagan Gods or to offer Incense to the Statues of the Emperors Nay when they were treated with more than inhumanity they never had recourse to Violence or attempted to justle the Temporal Power out of the Throne or force it to a compliance with their Wills but suffered patiently even when as Tertullian Apologizes for them they were
men who keep up these Principles of Disunion which have such a desperate influence upon the Civil Affairs and endeavour to Ruine the State by setting up Religion and whose restless and unwearied Industry leaves no stone unmoved Nay who will move Heaven and Earth to accomplish their Design This has been observed to be the Genius of Dissenters in former Times and it is to be feared the Humor has not left them Esay 57.20 21. For they are like the troubled Sea which cannot rest but is continually casting up mire and dirt Foaming and Raging and Raving like that unstable and unruly Element to enlarge its floating and turbulent Empire by incroaching upon the Terra Firma the Peaceable Earth and one may but too truly add the Words of the Prophet There is no Peace saith my God to the Wicked Rom. 3.13 14 15 16 17 18. For their Throat is an open Sepulchre with their Tongues they use Deceipt the Poyson of Asps is under their Lips Their mouth is full of Bitterness their feet are swift to shed Blood Destruction and Misery are in their ways And the way of Peace have they not known For their Practices declare it publiquely what ever they pretend either of Innocence or Sanctity That there is no fear of God before their eyes THERE being no Differences as before was observed which do so absolutely Alienate the minds of Men as those about Religion as they are most irreconcilable therefore they are most dangerous not only to the Essence of Religion but to the Civil affairs of State for if we be divided and distracted what matters it how or by what Means The effects of these Dissentions will have the same influence upon the Publique Affairs whether they come from Religion or Ambition Either will ruine us but the former more certainly and with greater Artifice Because more insinuating and plausible in outward appearance For men who have any sense of Religion cannot but look upon it as the great concern of their Lives and the care of their Posterity to whom they desire to transmit it as well as their Estates And though it is in Charity to be hoped that many Dissenters are not aware of this dangerous Rock which lies under Water and that they have no such Ill designs yet they cannot be ignorant from former Expeence that there may be such among them now as have been formerly and that Popular and Ambitious Spirits have made use of their Zeal and Credulity to abuse them and the whole Nation into Misery and Slavery under the pretence of Liberty And that such Men will never want either Shelter or opportunity under those pretences of Religion to embroyl us among our selves or betray us to a Forrein Power so long as this Disunion continues and these Differences are incouraged maintained and daily propagated among us THIS is a season when these things would be seriously Considered by all Dissenters and if it shall appear a real Truth that this Industry in stead of promoting true Religion must promote our Ruine they ought voluntarily to Unite and return to the Obedience of the King and Church For otherways their Actions will confess what their Tongues deny and that this Reformation is in Reality the Subversion of the Government which they intend FOR what is it possible to believe or think of such Persons as with treacherous Joab 2 Sam. 20.29 call us Brethren enquire of our Health and with the right hand salute that with the left they may stab us as he did the incautelous Amasa with our own Sword under the fifth Rib. Can they be esteemed Friends to their Countrey or the Protestant Religion who through their Dissentions discredit the one and disable the other from defending it is this the way to secure us from Arbitrary Government to make the Princes Government perpetually unsafe and uneasy and almost impracticable without it by forcing him for the guard of the Sceptre to wear a Sword and then exclaim against him for doing that which they have necessitated him to do or to leave his Crown and Life and that of his Loyal Subjects to the mercy of the Sword of Rebellion Can it be probable that this should be an Expedient to preserve us from the Roman Religion to furnish them with Arguments against us that we deny the Catholique Faith in the Communion of Saints and to give them this advantage against us to say and truly that we have neither Vnity nor Charity Or can any man in his Wits believe that the best way to Establish Peace among our selves is to maintain perpetual Principles of Quarrels and Contentions Or that we are like to defend our selves from powerful Enemies abroad Enemies by a Hereditary Animosity and Enemies upon the account of Religion by worrying one another at Home No no as soon shall the Plague become an Amulet to preserve us from Contagion as soon shall Impotent men be cured by cutting their Nerves in pieces as soon shall men see clearly by putting out their Eyes and all that ever can be imagined that is not only improbable but utterly impossible come to pass as that this or any other Nation should be happy without Vnity not only in point of the Civil but Ecclesiastical Government or that Mens minds should be easy whilest the Spring of Jealousies is kept open among us and the fountain of Charity is stopt up or that we should be safe from Forrein Enemies when no man can tell who is his Friend at Home NOR in short can it be hoped that Truth and Peace should flourish in our Days when Private Opinion shall be preferred before the Catholique Faith and the practice of the Church in all Ages 1 Tim. 6.4 when Eternal Wranglings about Words and Questions whereof cometh Envy Strife Railings and Evil Surmisings shall be the great Accomplishment of Christian Religion and shall banish all Love and Charity from the minds and lives of Men. What can be the end of these Mischiefs So long as Obstinacy in our private Judgments shall be accounted a more Essential part of Religion than Obedience to Lawful Authority but what the Apostle long since by way of Caution predicted to the Church of the Galatians Gal. 5.13 14 15. Brethren ye have been called unto Liberty only abuse not your Liberty for an occasion to the Flesh but by Love serve one another for all the Law is fulfilled in one Word even in this Thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thy self But if they bite and devour one another take heed that ye be not consumed one of another Which fearful Prophecy so truly verisied and fulfilled upon that and the rest of the Asian Churches God of his infinite Goodness and Mercy avert from us by bestowing upon us this Vnity of the Spirit which is the Bond of Peace and which is certainly the true Spirit of Christian Religion and the only way to obtain that peace of God which passeth all Vnderstanding which will fill the
Soul with peace of Conscience here the World with happiness and all those who follow it with Eternal Joy unspeakable and full of Glory in Heaven CHAP. XII THUS far I have indeavoured to follow Truth by manifesting that Vnity in Faith and Vnity in Government in a National Church are absolutely necessary both to the salvation of Mens Souls and to the Happiness Peace and Security of any People in their Politique Capacities As there can be nothing in the World more desirable so there is nothing that all good Men ought more sincerely to indeavour to promote Blessed are the Peace-makers says the Eternal Prince of Peace for they shall be called the Children of God who is the God of Peace and the Author of the Gospel of Peace Let us therefore in Order to it in the next place see what Expedients have been propounded to restore this Peace to this Church and Nation IT has been already manifested that Vnity in point of Faith is the Bond of the Catholique Vnion among all distinct Churches which are Members of the Catholique or Universal Church but this Faith must Work by Love Gal. 5.6 It has been also shewn that though this Vnity of Faith which works so by Love as that though distinct Nations and Churches disagree about Ceremonies and Circumstances of Religion yet they may all agree in the substance of Faith yet that it is impossible this should be in the same Nation and that therefore Vniformity of Government in the Church is absolutely necessary to maintain Charity and Vnity And though this might be sufficient to shew the Unreasonableness of Tolleration of different Forms of Divine Worship under the same Magistrate yet since there is such a Cry among all Dissenters both Papists and others for Tolleration and Liberty of Conscience as an Expedient both Politique Religious and Necessary let me be permitted freely to speak my impartial sense concerning it THOUGH all Parties whose private Opinion makes them Dissent from the Establisht Government both in Church and State must of necessity be desirous of a Tolleration yet I find the Papists and the Presbyterians are they who appear most solicitous for it and yet of all others they seem least to deserve it For no man ought in reason to demand that for himself which he would not think it lawful to grant to any other if in his Circumstances Now Experience has given us Demonstration of the violent Tempers of both these and there is not a Possibility of doubting but if either the Papist or Presbyter were in Power they would not allow any Tolleration or Indulgence to other Dissenters but the one would Establish the Scepter of the Pope and the other of Christ as they call their New Government with the most unlimited Soveraignty both over the Faith and Actions of All Princes as well as Peasants and since they would compel all People by the utmost Severities and Rigours of Penal Laws to Carry the Yoak which they would Impose upon them what reason can they have to Expect for themselves what they would deny all others for their Practice has made it evident to the lowest Understanding that they who have so little Charity for their Brethren in the Common Christianity as to damn them without remedy to the bottomless Abyss of Hell for dissenting from them in any one point which they have decreed to be De Fide will look upon it as an Effect of Compassion rather than Cruelty to convert them and save their Souls though with the loss of their Lives Liberties and Estates or if that cannot be effected to confound them to Extirpate and destroy them lest they should lead others by their Doctrines or Example to Damnation WHEREAS in truth and reality nothing but Blasphemy Atheism and such Immoralities as are destructive of Humane Society render men obnoxious to Temporal Punishments Insidelity or not believing aright being Crimes or Defects rather of the Understanding fall no further under humane Cognizance or Penal Laws than by their Consequences and Effects they may or do prejudice those Laws and the Common End of Society and therefore they are reserved for the Punishment of a future state and the Church can proceed no further than to Exclude them from her Communion but not out of the Possession of their Lives or Estates which God Almighty as the Common Father of Mankind thinks fit to permit them to Enjoy making his Sun to shine upon the Just and Unjust with an equal influence and benignity BUT since a Papist has undertaken the Common Cause of all Dissenters The Advocate of Conscience Liberty c. and it may be has said as much for them as the subject will bear and more in behalf of his own Party than any other Dissenters can pretend to for themselves Papists having the specious plea of Prescription as the Religion of our Ancestors the ancient Form of Government in the Church and the Ancient Faith had they permitted it to continue so Intire and Undefiled unmixed with their Apochrypha and Tradiditions I will indeavour to answer what is most material in his Discourse in order to discovering the Weakness of his Plea not concerning my self with the sincerity of his Intention which though appearing for all is only Designed for the benefit of his own Party IN the first place therefore I desire that Notice may be taken how he states the Question in the Prooemium of his Book Note saith he by Persecution Imposition and Restraint we only mean the strict requiring to believe this to be true and that to be false c. and upon refusal to Swear or Conform to incur the Penalties Enacted in such Cases but by these Terms we do not mean any Coercive Let or Hindrance into publique Meetings By Liberty of Conscience we understand only a meer Liberty of Mind in believing or disbelieving this or that Doctrine so far as may refer only to religious matters in a private way of Worship which are not destructive to the Nature and Grounds of Christian Faith nor tending to matters of an External Judicature in abetting any Contrivances or disturbance to common Peace or Civility As to the First of these I would gladly be shewn when or where the Government did ever in this sense persecute in any thing which is purely the subject of Faith without relating to Practice or the Consequences of such Faith or where any person for refusing to Believe or Swear or Conform to any thing which did not insluence the Civil Affairs of State was ever punished was ever any man fined imprisoned or banished because he would not swear to believe any Theological Point as of Free Will Merit of Works c. which had no relation to Political Affairs there cannot be one Precedent found in all the Records of all our Courts of Judicature though we can shew many out of that Legend as he calls Bishop Fox's Martyrology who were put to death without any other Crime than that they
for Practice but to the Governors of the Church which all shall be bound to observe for the obtaining Peace and Vnity I have already proved who are those Governors who by the Appointment of the Holy Ghost are to Rule to feed the Flock of Christ to Watch over mens Souls as they that must give an Account to Rebuke Exhort with all long suffering but not with suffering always for if Seducers will persist in subverting houses and vain talking then by proceeding to stopping their Mouths that so they may study to approve themselves unto God Workmen that need not be ashamed rightly dividing the Word of Truth And the Temporal Power of the Civil Magistrate may assist the Spiritual to bring men to Peace Unity and Obedience to these their Guides and Governors by being a Terror to Evil doers and Encouragement to those who do well which is both the Will and the Word of God I know it will be Objected That these Intepreters of Scripture and Judges of Controversies may Err and be deceived Bishops may Err Counsels have Erred and therefore this leaves us still in an Uncertainty since it is possible that we may be misled by them and how shall we be certain they do not Err or we in following them and wherein is it Lawful to refuse to Obey them To this I answer That the Qualificatîon of such a Guide and Interpreter of Scripture as we are to expect is not such a one as cannot Err but such a one as does not Err for had God left us such a Guide besides his own Word and Will there would have been a state of Perfection attainable in this Life and by consequence an Immortality and no necessity of his Divine assistance to keep us by his mighty Power from falling through Faith unto Eternal Salvation such a Guide must have been a God Omniscient Omnipotent and Omnipresent which is as unreasonable to believe as to expect from any or all Mortal Men. And besides it is a vain and frivolous Objection for those who are under any Lawful Government to run into the most dangerous Errors and manifest breach of Gods Command by Schism and Disobedience to the Laws of Men for fear of imaginary danger of future Errors which if they shall really happen we have a plain and easy remedy against them if we know them to be such and that is in our own persons to protest against them and to refuse to Joyn with those that hold them and if we know them not to be so though we be in Error as who lives that does not Err they will do us no injury for it is obstinacy in Error and not bare Error of ignorant frailty that is damnable but we can have no Plea or Excuse to make to God Almighty for our Error of Separation breach of Vnity Peace Order Communion Division from a Church not yet convicted of any manifest Error either in Doctrine or Practice which is the Case between Dissenters and the Church of England And besides every Error in Circumstantials which does not destroy Faith or a good Life is not a sufficient and warrantable Cause for any private Man to throw off all Subjection to his Superiors for if it were there could be no such thing as a Catholique Church or Communion of Saints there being no particular Men or any Society of Men without Sins and by consequence not without Errors both in Doctrine and Practice BUT Secondly The Governours of the Church neither do nor can Err in point of Faith and Doctrine or Discipline and Government so long as they follow the Rule of the Scriptures in Cases plain and clear as before I shewed the Matters of Faith essentially necessary to Salvation are Nor so long as they Judge of such as are dubious according to their Catholiqueness in the Esteem of all Ages of the Church for no Error was ever Universal And though they may be mistaken yet do they not Err if in Interpretation of the more difficult and obscure places of Scripture they indeavour to Expound the meaning of them by others which are more clear and perspicuous following the received sense of them acknowledged so by the Vniversal Church so long as in those Interpretations there can be nothing repugnant to the Common Faith of Christians or prejudicial to Peace Charity and Practical Piety Neither can they Err as to the point of Discipline and the External Polity of the Church if in indifferent things in their own Natures and not Essentially necessary to Salvation they do not impose them as such if they follow the Direction of the General Rules of the Holy Canon that every thing be done with respect to Decency Order Edification for the avoiding Confusion and obtaining Peace Unity and Christian Love according to the Examples of the best Christians in former Ages in the Church and the Canons of such General Counsels as are not found manifestly Guilty of Partiality and Corruption in the long Train of Errors which the Indeavouring to Erect the Primacy into a Supremacy and the Supremacy into a Monarchy has brought into the Roman Church THIRDLY If the Governors of the Church Impose any thing contrary to Scripture Faith or Holy Life then do they forsake the Rule and it is Lawful and Necessary for every good Christian to forsake them for so is St. Paul's Rule 1 Cor. 11.1 Be ye followers of me as I am of God And praises them for observing the Commandments delivered to them by God But if they fall from the Faith as did the Gnosticks the Manichees the Arrians and many others we are not then to be Followers of them but Followers of God as Dear Children But if any Private man or many shall think because in some things which are contrary to their apprehension that therefore the Determinations are against Scripture and therefore their Obedience not due it is a mistake for they must be certain otherwise they are bound to be subject for if they be not certain and from the best Grounds and clear Evidences it is but their Opinion which cannot weigh enough in the Scale of Truth to warrant their Disobedience against the Publique Opinion of their Superiors but that such a Disobedience will be a certain Sin for if any or many mens Private Opininion which is private Interpretation may authorize them to renounce their Obedience to their Superiors there can never be any such thing as subjection in the World nor any Government and by good consequence No Vnion no Catholique Church and then no Faith and in short at last no such thing as Religion OTHERS will Object That hereby I seem to introduce Romish Infallibility and make our Bishops Lords of our Faith and that we had better submit to one Pope who is as free from Error as other Bishops To this I Answer That there is nothing more contrary to Sense or Truth than such an Objection For I do not make nor believe them Infallible but the Rule by
It was with this Ingine that the mistaken Jews gave the first shock to Christian Religion in the Person of our Saviour and though they in reality confirm'd it by fulfilling the Prophecies concerning him in his Araignment Tryal Sufferings and Death yet was that an Effect of the Wise and over-ruling Providence and no part of their Intention their Design was their own Interest the preservation of their Power and the Safety of their State and Nation for when he had done as great a Miracle as it was possible Joh. 1.8.47 in raising Lazarus after he had been dead four days and that Martha told him Lord by this time he stinketh Nay after they themselves did acknowledge not only this but many Miracles to have been done by him yet Powerful Interest not only closed their Eyes against the bright beams of Divinity which broke forth through the Clouds of his Flesh and contemptible Condition against those Gracious Words which proceeded out of that mouth which spoak as never man spoak but hurried them on obstinately blindly and in all appearance maliciously to contrive compass and procure his ignominious Death for then gathered the Chief Priests and the Pharisees a Councel and said What do we for this Man doth many Miracles if we let him thus alone all Men will believe on him and the Romans shall come and take away both our Place and Nation Upon which followed the Politick and beyond his sense Prophetick Determination of Caiaphas Te know nothing at all nor consider that it is Expedient for us it is our great Interest that one man should die and that the whole Nation perish not and from that Day forth they took Counsel together to put him to death And this Resolution grounded upon Interest they pursued with that Animosity and Violence that neither the Innocence nor Miracles of his Life the Justification of Pilate who openly pronounced him innocent and that he found in him no fault at all could prevail for his Release but that rather a Tumult was made and they cried out Away with him Away with him Crucifie him Crucifie him preferring a Thief and a Murderer to the Priviledge of their Custom of having one released at the Feast Nay even Pilate himself perhaps terrified with the dream of his Wife to have nothing to do with that Just man yet contrary to his avowed Judgment as appears in that 't is said he sought to release him yet was hurried down the swift torrent of Tumult and Interest to condemn the Innocent for no sooner had the Jews cried out If thou let this man go thou art no Friend to Caesar for whoso maketh himself a King speaketh against Caesar though he knew the Kingdom of Christ was not of this World and therefore stood not in Competition with Caesar for the Empire Yet when Pilate heard that saying he brought Jesus forth and sate down in the Judgment seat and though not without a scossing Reluctancy What shall I Crucifie your King he gave Sentence upon the Innocent and delivered him unto them to be Crucified in that Action shewing how much he was not a Friend to Caesar's Power but a slave to his own Interest in the Esteem of Caesar by whose favour he possessed the Government of Jary and and that he could rather violate the Laws of Equity and Justice disoblige his dearest Relations and slight the Importunities of his own Conscience than not worship this Idol of his own Interest A most notable Instance of the Power of Interest we have in that giddy Commotion which happen'd at Ephesus upon the account of the Gospel where though the crafty Silversmith made the people believe that all was Gold that glister'd and cunningly insinuated that he was the great Patron of their Ancient Religion which was in Danger to be lost and therefore laid that powerful Motive uppermost upon his Tongue yet Interest was at the bottom both of his Heart and Design For a certain man named Demetrius a Silversmith Acts. 19.24 which made silver shrines Medals bearing the stamp of Diana's Temple for Diana brought no small gain unto the Craftsmen whom he called together with the workmen of like Occupation and said unto them Ye know that by this Craft we have our Wealth This was the main Ground of the Quarrel that of Religion comes in only to give the better Colour to the Mutiny with a colateral Moreover Moreover you see that not alone at Ephesus but almost throughout all Asia this Paul hath perswaded and turned away much People saying that they be no Gods which are made with hands so that not only this our Craft is in danger to be set at nought there it was the shoe pinch't this was the principal Motive of his Discontent and his main argument against Christianity but also that the Temple of the great Goddess Diana should be dispised and her Magnificence should be destroyed whom Asia and all the World worshippeth And of the same stamp where those of whom St. Paul speaks 1 Tim. 6.5 who supposed Gain was Godliness Interest true Religion from whom he commands therefore to withdraw 'T is this Interest which seems to be the great obstacle to the Conversion of the Mahumetans and Pagans to the Faith of Christ and the Truth of the Gospel For though the Vulgar amongst them are by reason of their stupid Ignorance and Custom wrapt up in clouds of darkness and have not a Capacity of Understanding much elevated above that of Brutes yet doubtless those of better Condition even by their conversations with the Christians cannot but have better conceptions of things and however they may varnish over this Obstinacy to their ridiculous Faith and sordid Principles with the pretence of Zeal for the Law of their Great Prophet yet doubtless finding the security of their Absolute and Arbitrary Dominion and Tyranny over their Subjects receives an Establishment from this blind Obedience and powerful Ignorance that Consideration sways them against all the Reason and Arguments in the World NOR will the Reman Religion Escape the danger of this overpoise of Interest 'T is this which has hitherto been the Obstacle to all the Indeavours which have been used or proposed to reform both those grosser Errors which they have introduced into Faith and good Manners and those lesser profitable Follies which have crept into their Church by the back-stairs of Advantage Riches and Esteem For by laying it down as a certain Foundation of Faith and Divine Verity that the Pope is Supreme Head of the Church above the Scriptures above Councels the Infallible Rule and sole Judge of all Controversies they necessarily Captivate all the Laity with the chains of blind Obedience and implicite Faith and that necessary and even Meritorious Ignorance especially of the Scriptures which they commend and incourage together with the easie Exercise of Religion which is made Satisfactory Meritorious and Supererrogating without the Intention or even Understanding of the Mind the Mercinary way of
light of Gospel Truth as they are pleased to call even these Prejudices and Mistakes though to the certain loss of Christian Charity and Vnity the great hazard of Temporal Peace and the ruine of Religion it self as I shall hereafter more fully make appear THIS dangerous Prejudice which does infect the minds of Men as it has its foundation in misunderstanding of things so it receives strength from two things which are almost as difficult to change and alter as the Course of Nature and they are Education and Custom Of the last the Holy Ghost speaks most plainly by the Prophet Jeremy Jer. 13.23 Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the Leopard his spots then may ye do good who are accustomed or as the Hebrew word signifies taught to do evil learn to do well Of the other that of the Heathen Poet may pass for good Divinity having been confirmed to be truth by the Universal Testimony of all Ages Quô semèl est imbuta recens servabit Odorem Testa diu the first seasoning Principles and Prejudices which we receive in our Youth stick closely to us for a long time after The wise Philosopher tells us the Soul of Man is Rasa Tabula like a white sheet of Paper out of which therefore it must be more than Common Art that can so clear take out the first writing as to super-induce a new Copy fair and legible THIS is the true Reason why any person finds it so difficult to quit those Notions of Religion which have been Established in his Mind from his Early Infancy there is a Marvellous Agreement and Natural Kindness to those Opinions which we suck in with our Milk they are like Foster Brothers to whom it has been observed there is as strong an inclination as to the Natural we play and converse with them from our Cradles and as soon as we can go alone we take them by the hand we sleep with them in our bosoms and contract an insensible Friendship with them a pleasing Familiarity which takes off all deformities we love them and we like them and their very blackness is a Beauty as it is with the Affrican Nations to whom even that which we judge deformity appears more lovely than the most delicate Europaean Beauty What can be more impertinent and ridiculous than the Alchoran of that great Impostor Mahumed and yet a natural Turk born to those prejudices of Education and Custom believes him the greatest of the Prophets and the only friend of God And though he have a great veneration for Christ yet would he spit in your face and call you Hog the most disgraceful term they think they can affront a Christian with if you should contradict him or go about to convince him of his Errors by shewing the absurdities and impossibilities of what he calls his Religion WHAT can be more Barbarous and Savage than the Rites of the Pagan Idolaters and yet you may almost as soon remove a Mountain as one of them from what has been the Religion of his Ancestors and his ever since he knew any What can be more unreasonable than some of the Tenets of the Romish Church more ridiculous and antick than some parts of their greatest Solemnities more fabulously extravagant than some of their Legends and most of their Miracles and yet we see how tenacious not only most of the vulgar but even of the learned amongst them are that they will not retrench even the fopperies of their Faith as they call it to advance one step towards an Vnion with the whole Catholique Church of the past and present Ages but on the contrary by the Anathema's of the Convention of Trent have cut off all hope and possibility of such an accord by establishing the very Minutiae Quisquiliae the punctilio's and parings of their Religion as things necessary to be believed in order to salvation WHAT can be more hard and cruel than for those who profess to be of the Reformed Religion to run to the very extremities of ruining themselves by mutual Divisions and so far to weaken themselves and disparage their Religion by intestine Quarrels to open an easy way for Conquest to the Enemies both of our Religion and Countrey for some differences in Circumstances of Divine Worship And yet we see such is the strength of some mens prejudices and the education of others in the late unhappy times of our Misery and Distraction from which we were rescued by so many Miracles that they will rather venture upon the same tempestuous Sea again from whence we have so lately escaped shipwrack nay use all Arts and Arguments to push men headlong from the Shoar into the foaming Main again which they have but just recovered still wet and shivering rather than by a compliance with the modest commands of the wise Pilots their lawful Superiors even in the most indifferent things endeavour to repair the leaky vessel of the Church and State by advancing their peace and happiness by a blessed Vnion The glory of God and the salvation of mens souls which certainly are never to be promoted by variance hatred emulations seditions swellings and tumults are of no force or power in comparison of their Prejudices but they will in obedience to the tyranny of their education and custom persist in these practices fearing neither the Laws of God or men the transgression of which they call Zeal and their disobedience Religion but by their example teach others to do the same and confirm them in it NOR is Custom a less Tyrant over mens minds to the introducing of prejudice than Education For hereby men acquire habits which are a kind of second Nature And by long continuance are so rivetted into our good esteem that they are not to be put off without great difficulty how inconsiderable soever they are this is not more visible in any thing than the use and opinion which several Nations have of their several habits of Apparrel for to a mind unprepossed with custom all habits which are decent convenient and useful appear equal and indifferent yet does a Spaniard abhor the fashion of the French nor does the other use to be behind hand in his requital of the same nature A Turk believes a Turbant and a long vest the most ornamental dress in the World and wishes it as a great curse to his enemy to have the plague of a Christians hat And so it is with other Nations The Indian prefers his adressful nakedness before the cumbersome vestments of the Europaeans the stones in his Lips Nose and Ears he esteems better set than all the Artists in the World can do in Gold All these are purely the effects of a prejudiced Custom which makes People gaze even to rudeness and incivility upon Forreigners when they appear amongst us and with a ridiculous curiosity spy imaginary defects and deformities in the unaccustomed dresses of other Countries Nay even the antiquated fashions of our own though once the high
Natural Prince but to the prejudice of my Countrey and my own because I owe them no Obedience in point of Jurisdiction as I do my own King So I may for the same Reason refuse the Jurisdiction of a Forrein Church but cannot of my own which has a lawful Power over me and to which I owe Obedience because I am a Member of her Polity For every person and all Persons who live in the World must own a Subjection to the Government where they live and because that affords them Protection therefore they are to pay their Obedience both as a Duty of Gratitude the Foundation of Society and the Interest they have to maintain that Government and Power which does protect secure and defend their Lives Liberties and Estates and in effect all the Happiness of Humane Life Now since the Light of Nature Reason and Interest does oblige all men to own this as a necessary Truth and those who have opposed it have ever been esteemed the common Enemies of all Mankind Traitors not only to the Government they have opposed but to the Foundation and Principles of all Society and to the happiness of Mankind in general Therefore it is absolutely necessary in any distinct Society of Men that the Circumstances of Religion for the Substance of Faith is not in the power of any Mortal man to Alter or Establish should be adapted to the attainment of this Common Design of all Government both Civil and Religious the Happiness of the Society But this is impossible to be effected where there are many distinct Churches in the same Society For either the Supreme Authority has Power over them all or over none at all if none at all the Society is ruin'd and he is no longer King nor they own themselves his Subjects who deny his Authority and that they owe him obedience if he has Power over them it must be in Circumstantials of Government Order and the manner of Divine Worship Now either he can command them to perform these all one way and then they are no longer distinct Churches but the same or he cannot lawfully command them nor are they bound to Obey and so he is no longer their King nor they his Subjects then he obliges them by parting with his Soveraignty and they please upon that Condition that he permits them to do what they please to afford him their Subjection So that in effect distinct Churches and Independent upon the Soveraign in the same Nation which is one intire Body Politick are so many Spiritual Electors of Germany who own an Emperor in Name but are absolute in Reality and Soveraigns within their own Territories and Dominions BESIDES there is so near a Connection between all Temporal and Religious Laws the Laws of Men having their Foundation and Stability from the Original Laws of God and being only Lawful so far as they are agreeable to them that it is impossible for the most Nice Curiosity to distinguish the Limits of these two Powers the Temporal and the Spiritual Now if we suppose several distinct Independent Churches in one Nation we must suppose them to have distinct Forms of Government and it will be impossible for the Prince to make any Temporal Law which some of them may not pretend is against their Jurisdiction Let it be to raise Men or Money for the common Defence of all by War it may be an easy Scruple whether the War be Lawful whether that be his Intention whether it be for the Common Benefit and according as these distinct Churches judg it Lawful or Religious Safe or Dangerous so shall he receive their assistance So far and no farther goes their Obedience A too visible Effect of which it is to be seared we have at present when these Churches and their Jurisdiction is not by Law permitted and what might we expect if this Power which they challenge were either Tolerated or by Law Established So that if Obedience be a necessary Duty both Civil and Religious in order to the Happiness of any Society or Nation one Church owning that Subjection and Obedience in point of Government not of Faith is necessarily to be Established in that Society and Nation But I shall discourse more fully upon this Particular hereafter and therefore refer the Reader thither only I desire it may be taken notice of that the Design and Quarrel of all Dissenting Parties however they may pretend only purely Spirituals Conscience and Religion yet ends in the pretence to Soveraignty and Dominion and though it talks only of the Altar yet is level'd at the Throne and that therefore the Church of England which makes not the least pretentions to the prejudice of the Princes Right but by her Doctrine and her Practices teaches Humility Obedience and Submission to the Prince renders her true Sons the best of Subjects as well as the best of Christians and that nothing but Vnity in Government can teach men rightly to Honour the King as Vnity in Faith teaches them truly to fear God and be true Members of the Holy Catholique Church BUT secondly It will be Objected That by this Position of the Necessity of Vnity in Government and Uniformity of Worship in Rites and Ceremonies in a National Church Men will be obliged to submit to those things which are against their Consciences FOR answer to this at large I refer them to a small Treatise Intitled The true Liberty and Dominion of Conscience where they may see how they impose upon themselves and others by obtruding upon them Private Opinion or perswasion for Conscience for unless they be certain by Divine Revelation of clear Scripture or consequence of Scripture which will not admit of a Doubt that the things imposed are Unlawful Conscience is not concerned in them and it is only their Opinion which ought to submit to Publique Peace and Government which are clear and evident Commands of God If the things commanded are Unlawful shew us the Prohibition If they be not Unlawful they may be imposed for any man may by Authority be lawfully commanded to do what is Lawful for the obtaining Peace and Happiness to himself and all others of the same Society Nay he is bound in Conscience to do it BUT for a further satisfaction and a short Answer I desire it may be considered that every submission to the Judgment and practice of another who is of a different Opinion is not an Error if the thing be indifferent about which we disagree and that I may without offending my Conscience do what I am commanded though in my private Judgment I do not approve of it if by doing of it I promote Peace and shew my Obedience For where the Question is whether by not doing this I shall obey my own Judgment which doubts whether I may do it Lawfully or disobey that Power which commands me to do it which I cannot deny but has a Lawful power to command me The Resolution is easy for I am not by my
Laws of God and Man just as they suit his Interest and his Inclination to make the Scriptures a Nose of Wax and the King and Church meer Heads of Wood and since the reason of Obedience is because we think it truth which is Commanded and that they who Command are better able to Judge for us than we our selves as being by God appointed over us for that Design should they be mistaken in what they Command yet the Judge of all the Earth who cannot do wrong would be so far from punishing that he would reward such Obedience because done according to his Command Nor shall the other for Commanding because they did it with a good Design provided when it does appear to them to be of ill consequence they cease to impose it any longer which is the true reason why many things in the service of God have been altered and abolished upon several Occasions THIRDLY It will be objected That by this Rule all the Gallicane German and other Protestant Churches who live under a Government which owns and Commands the Romish Discipline and Church will hereby be made Schismaticks to those several National Churches of which they are Members and that hereby a necessity is laid upon us to return to the Obedience of the Church of Rome for if those Churches may dissent from their National Churches and yet hold the true Faith why may not we why should their Disobedience be Lawful and ours Damnable To this I answer First That the Difference between those Churches and the National Church in which they are does not consist in Matters of Circumstance or Ceremony but in Matters of Faith and though I will neither undertake the Defence of those Churches either in Doctrine or Discipline yet I suppose they separate from the Roman Communion upon the account of the Impositions of that Church in Points of Faith such as are the Popes Supremacy never owned in France even by the Catholiques the Doctrines of Infallibility the real Presence by Transubstantiation Merit of Works and Supererogation Invocation of Saints Purgatory Adoration of Images c. and the Roman Church who imposes these as Articles of Faith is her self Schismatical if not Heretical from the Catholique Apolique Church of all Ages and therefore to depart from her where she departs from Truth is no more Heresie or Schism than it would be to depart from the Law of Moses or the Jewish Communion in Circumcision c. or of Mahomet if those were imposed as Matters of Faith by that or any other Church for the Apostles Rule holds good to the End of the World for all Christians in Matters of Faith and Manners Be ye followers of me as I am of Christ 1 Cor. 11.1 And would the Romish Church Impose no more upon Christians as necessary to Salvation than is contained in those three famous Creeds of the Apostles Nice and St. Athanasius and what is clearly contained in Scripture which have ever been the Standards of the Catholique Faith I think every good Christian over whom they may challenge a Lawful Jurisdiction ought to joyn with them in Communion of Government and even those over whom they can rightly challenge none ought yet to agree with them in the Communion of Faith Nay should they command many Ceremonies in the Service of God more than they do yet those who live in the Jurisdiction of that Church ought to submit to them for the maintaining of Unity Peace and Charity and I doubt not but the Foreign Protestants at least in Charity I hope so if there were no other matters of Difference between them would easily be perswaded to submit to all the Points of Government Ceremony and much more I remember what a Famous French Minister said to this Purpose when he was told that some of the English Nonconformists refused Communion with the Church of England because they were Enjoyned to wear the Surplice and other Vestments I wish says he that the King of France would command me to perform my Function in a Fools Coat so little did he think the outside and dress of Religion to be of the Essence of it and so necessary did he judge Obedience as well as true Faith to the Peace Unity and Happiness of the Church BUT Secondly Many of those Protestants have Licence and Tolleration given them to Celebrate the Worship and Service of God according to their own Way and by that Dispensation they are free from the guilt of Disobedience to the Civil Magistrate and for the Obedience they owe to the Church of Rome I presume they are willing to give it with all their hearts if Rome Exacted no more in matters of Faith than God Almighty requires as necessary to Salvation BUT the Case is clearly different betwixt our Dissenters and the Foreign Protestants for our Differences are or at least are pretended to be about matters of Polity and the Manner of performance of the Offices of Religion and let the Nonconformists prove us but Guilty of destroying one Article of Faith or imposing any thing to be believed or done contrary to the Scriptures and let them dissent from us in Gods Name and till they can do that their Separation will be a horrid Schism and their Nonconformity a manifest Disobedience to the Laws of God and Men. And should the Foreign Churches refuse the Communion of the Church of Rome and disobey the Princes whose Subjects they are commanding them if there were no greater Differences than Matters of Ceremony and Circumstance I doubt not but their Separation and Disobedience would deserve the same Character BUT supposing the Supreme Power of those Countries should absolutely prohibit the Protestants the exercise of their Religion I think they ought to obey and fall to the Old Arms of the Primitive Christians Prayers and Tears and not to the new Methods of Manaces making Parties and endeavouring by force of Arms to obtain that from Authority by Violence and Compulsion which they cannot by Perswasion A Practice shameful to the Protestant Cause and for any thing I can see if they Judg of all by the Example of our Dissenters more likely to perswade all Princes to Extirpate them out of their Dominions for Seditious Schismaticks and Dangerous Rebells than to Tollerate them as Innocent and Religious Christians THIS was the Custom of the Ancient Christians who Conquered more by the Cross than the Persecutors by all their Cruelty who overcame by Suffering and not by Rebelling A remarkable Instance of which we have in the Army of Julian the Apostate who were obedient to him as their Temporal Soveraign so long as he liv'd but after he had jested out his impious Soul with a Vicistî Galilaee and that Jovinianus was chosen Emperor which he refused as being a Christian and thinking the whole Army Pagans they all cried out Et nos sumus Christiani We are all of us also Christians Here were men in Arms a Powerful Number of Veterane and Victorious Legions
keep those Differences alive and are the constant food and nourishment which does not only support but increase and augment them till they grow at last beyond all hopes and possibility of Composure Would all persons indeavour heartily to take the Beam out of their own Eyes they would see clearly to remove the Moats out of their Brothers and would hereby advance a large step towards Reconciliation by coming to a good Understanding and a clear discovery of what it is they differ about Controversies being many times in mere Words rather than in Substance and are rather the Effects of prejudice and misunderstanding one anothers meaning than in the things themselves about which we seem to disagree for Prejudice is an ill Opinion of Persons or Things arising from a false judgment which we entertain concerning them which makes them appear to us of monstrous and deformed Shapes and Colours it is a certain Jaundice of the Mind which stains every thing with the disagreable appearances with which not the things themselves but the Conceptions we have of them are vitiated and our Judgment by that misinformation deceived and abused for when the Mind comes to be infected with prejudice it renders those things ill and unlawful which to a mind cleared from those obstructions and gross humors of the Vnderstanding appear as in reality they are in themselves Innocent Good Lawful and many times expedient and necessary or however at the worst in their own Natures simply indifferent THIS is the Common Lot of all those things in Divine Worship which are not of the Essence but Circumstantials of Religion which are the things that raise the greatest Dissentions and Differences amongst Christians It is at once the occasion of Wonder and of Pity to see Christians who all agree in the Main Eph. 4.5 That there is one Lord one Faith one Baptism one God the Father of whom are all things 1 Cor. 8.6 and we in him and one Lord Jesus Christ by whom are all things and we by him who all consent in one common End and Design which is Eternal Happiness in Heaven and one hope of this Common Salvation that yet they should disagree and fall out by and about the Way that leads to those Blessed Regions of Light and Immortality When Joseph the Type of our blessed Jesus had given his Brethren changes of Rayment and Provision for their Journey in order to bring them out of the Land of Famine to the Country of Goshen it was not an unnecessary Command which he laid upon them Gen. 45.24 See that ye fall not out by the Way Should they now have fallen out into Disputes and Differences about their Apparel because it was not all of a Size Colour or Fashion or whether they should travel the same way back again and not seek another would not the one have been as ridiculous a dispute as the other dangerous and yet this very Folly there are too many Guilty of who leaving the old Road of Charity because their Brethren will not comply with them in their Novel Dresses of Religion seek out a new Road to Heaven which the foot of Saint or Martyr never trod before Thus shall you see some People start at the very word Ceremony as if it would convey the Plague into their Ears and Damnation into their Souls and yet they themselves can perform no Religious Office of bodily Worship without it and if St. Paul be to be credited God expects we should offer our bodies a living Sacrifice Rom. 12.3 holy and acceptable unto God which is our reasonable service A Ceremony is nothing more than a Solemn way or manner of performing Religious Duties which word some derive â Carendo quia Religio non potest Exerceri Caeremonijs carens because no Religion can be performed without some Ceremonies though others it may be more aptly â Charitate from that Charity which the agreement of People in one way and manner of Worship does naturally produce among them or it may be from the old Latin word Caerus which is the same with Sanctus holy for which reason the Latins call their Holy-days Caeremoniosi Dies and it is no more but a Rite or Custom appropriated to holy Vses Some there are who to render it Odious derive it from the Heathen Goddess Ceres how like Scholars or rather School-boys let the Learned Judge But supposing it were true is it a good Argument the Heathens had Ceremonies therefore the Christians must have none By the same reason the Heathens Worshipped false Gods therefore Christians must not Worship the True for all Worship is Ceremony BUT when once this prejudice is fixed to the Word it is no more but fixing the Word to what People dislike and it presently looks black and ugly and becomes a Mormo a Bugbear to their thoughts and like Children they start and Cry out at the shadow which they make themselves but if they can add the word Popish that it is a Popish Ceremony then it is Impious Vnlawful Superstitious and Damnable and all that can be said to render it Execrable and Abominable when as in truth all that Papists do is not Popery nor Abominable and Unlawful but however by the strength of this prejudice those things which are truly Primitive are made Popish kneeling at the receiving the holy Eucharist bowing at the Name of Jesus and the whole Book of the Liturgy though for the generality express words of Scripture are made Ceremonies and Popish and then how innocent soever if a Tumult can but be made Away with them Crucifie them whereas sober people ought to Consider that there is a Necessity of some Solemn Ways Rites Modes and Methods of Expressing our Devotion and Worship and since these Modes or Ways are Ceremonies and some Ceremonies are not only Lawful but Necessary why not these which have been approved in all Ages of the Church ever since the times of Apostolical Purity rather than any new ones of Private Invention in opposition to Publique Authority which thinks fit to Continue Establish and Command these to be Used in the Church I am not ignorant that here is a strong suspicion of Malice as well as Mistake and it is much to be doubted that there is a Combination of Interest as well as Prejudice in some of the Principal Fomenters of Division who appear so transported against all Ceremonies and that though they know better things yet they mightily indeavour to maintain these Prejudices in the Minds of the Easy Multitude who hang their Faith upon the Oracles of their Lips and in this are absolute Papists believing with an implicit Faith the Infallible Decrees of the Heads of their Church for upon this Depend the Benevolences which their Followers do so freely bestow upon them for this Industrious Flattery that these Prejudices are Marks and Signs of their Christian Liberty and being Escaped from the Yoak of Antichristian Tyranny and Egyptian Darkness into the glorious
he knows more and better what he ought to do than he who has Power to Command him This is the knowledg which St. Paul says puffeth up but Charity edifieth 1 Cor. 8.1 2. And therefore he subjoyns If any man think he knoweth any thing he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know that is if his knowledg occasions a breach of Charity he does not yet know himself or his Duty to God and Man This is so clear a Case with those of the Separation who break both Charity and Unity by their Disobedience that they must shut the clearest beams of Truth out of their Souls if they do not discover it SECONDLY An obstinate adherence to any private Opinion whereby the Peace of the Church is destroyed especially in things no ways in themselves Essentially necessary to Salvation must of necessity proceed from Pride for why should any person prefer his private Judgment before the Determination of his Superiors before that of the Catholick Church in all Ages but because he thinks himself wiser and more able to discern what is for the Publick Good than all that were before him or that are above him though hereby Solomon will tell him from the Spirit of God that he only purchases the Character of a Fool Prov. 12.15 The way of a Fool is right in his own eyes but he that hearkeneth unto Counsel is wise And therefore the Prophet pronounceth a Woe against such Woe unto those that are wise in their own eyes and prudent in their own sight Esa 5.21 Which must be meant of private persons for the Wisdom of Superiors is not so much their own as the Wisdom of all former Ages and for this Reason St. Paul commands Rom. 12.16 Be of the same mind mind not high things prompted by Pride or Ambition but condescend to men of low Estate much more to those of high be not wise in your own conceit And for Encouragement to this kind of Private Wisdom once more hear Wisdom it self speak by the wise man Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit Prov. 26.12 there is more hope of a Fool than of him And it is impossible to give any other Reason why men should not submit to Truth and their Superiors when they may be sensible to a demonstration from Reason Scripture and Experience that their private Opinions are unlawful because dangerous contrary to Charity and Gods Command but because they think such a Submission a Retractation or Compliance with Authority would be a lessening of them as to that Opinion for Wisdom and Sanctity which others attribute to them and that dangerous Flatterer Pride perswades them they are Masters of THIRDLY To indeavour to strengthen themselves by making a Party to secure them in their Disobedience and Obstinacy is the certain and unseparable Symptom of Ambition as well as Pride for if I dislike any thing I may do so to my self but to perswade others to it must have respect to a further Design and declares that I intend not only to own my Disobedience but to justifie and maintain it by Power The best Men in the World may Err privately but it is to be suspected they are the worst who make their Errors Publique to draw Disciples after them by Disobedience a man Equals himself to his Superiors for it is a plain denying their Authority over him by Obstinacy he shews his intention to stand his Ground and make good his Incroachment upon their Power and by his making of a Party he does as it were make secret Levies and inrols a Militia to defend himself from the Power of his Superiors and looks as if he meant to struggle with them not only for Precedence but Dominion I wish these were only Suppositions and that we could not from woful Experience say they are but too true but it was this very way that lately laid the Crown as well as the Mitre in the Dust too lately to give us the least reason to doubt that the same Methods may do it again if not in time prevented either by the vigilance of Authority or by reducing the disorderly and disobedient to the Wisdom of the Just and by informing their Understandings to oblige them voluntarily to abandon those Men and Principles whose Practices will infallibly lead them to these Conclusions or oblige Authority by the utmost Severities of Laws to prevent the Danger and Ruine of the whole Frame of Government both in Church and State AND as Pride and Ambition are but too visible amongst the Principles of Dissention amongst us and the principal Obstacles of our Peace and Vnity so are they no less Obstructions to a Reconciliation with the Roman Church for it is the Ambition of Supremacy over all other Churches and over all Temporal Powers and even over our Faith it self the incommunicable Prerogative of our blessed Jesus Heb. 12.2 the Author and Finisher of our Faith which has render'd all Reunion with them not only dangerous but impossible unless we will resolve by believing as that Church believes to disbelieve not only our Sense and Reason but Scripture and all Antiquity and not only those but God himself who has given us them to assist us in our Faith IT is the Ambition of the Clergy which obliges them to keep the Laity in Ignorance so blind that they are not permitted to inquire or doubt And for the Clergy as before was observed in the point of Interest they are constantly fed with the nourishment of Ambitious Thoughts hopes of Dignities and Promotions The meanest Priest or Recluse may come to be head of his House Superior and after General of his Order a Prior or Abbot and it may be a Bishop the Bishop may advance the Mitre to the Honour of a Cardinals Hat and the Red Hat may turn to the Triple Mitre and all this by being a Zealous Maintainer of the Usurped Power of that Church justifying her Incroachments upon the Crowns of Princes and the Mitres of all other Bishops Primates Metropolitans and Patriarchs owning her Monopoly of the Word Catholique avowing her Canonical and Decreed Errors for Rules of Faith and Manners and divulging her fictitious Collusions for real Miracles though to the hazard of rendring the true ones of Christ and his Apostles suspected upon which the sole confirmation of our Religion depends These are the Stairs by which men ascend to the Papal Dignity which now out-flies the Imperial Eagle as well as the smaller Royal Birds of Majesty Et Caput inter Nubila condit for to oppose any of these is a certain way to be prefer'd to the Torments of the Inquisition to be branded with Heresie and Apostacy and to Expire in Flames and Torments So that I hope by this time it is evident how pernioiously powerful the Principles of Interest and Prejudice Custom and Education Pride and Ambition are in the Minds of Men to hinder them from Embracing Truth and her Beautiful Children Peace and
Vnity To these I might add Envy the Canker of the Mind the daughter of Discontent and constant Enemy of Peace Covetousness the Root of all Evil. Envy being the shadow of Honour and real Worth and Sacrilegious Covetousness the Ravenous Harpie that preys upon the small Patrimony of the Church which usually is the great perswasive to prophane and Rapacious Natures to treat her as the Atheistical Dionysius did his Apollo who rob'd him of his golden Robe alledging it was too cold for his Godship in Winter and too heavy in Summer but because these Fall in with Interest and Ambition I will not under different Names repeat the same things over again to nauseat the Judicious and tire the indifferent Reader with reiterated Tautologies CHAP. V. HAVING thus shewn what it is that impedes our Happiness and which therefore must of necessity be removed from the Minds of Men before there can be any Possibility of their Embracing Truth Unity and Charity in the next place we come to manifest the necessity of Vnion the only Expedient which can procure the Common Happiness of Mankind Now to make this appear we must look into the Main End and Design of all Religion here in this Mortal State of Life in order to that future Condition of a Glorious Immortality and that we may the better apprehend what that is we must consider the Commands and Precepts of Religion and at what they aim And because all the Rules of our Holy Profession direct us to it we must believe that God Almighty gave us those Precepts Rules and Directions to promote our own and the Common Happiness of all Mankind even here in this present State of Life to render our short Journey through the troublesom Stage of Time more pleasant and easy till we arrive at the unchangeable Happiness of Eternity This Easiness of Mind this real Happiness of Life is only to be obtain'd by following the precepts of Justice Temperance Sobriety Prudence and the other Noble and God-like Vertues which Religion teaches for the substance of Happiness does not consist in any thing without us though there are good Circumstances but in the Innocency of Mind and purity of Life Nil Conscire sibi nullà pallefcere culpâ in our being good and doing good which is the great Employment for which we came into the World So that there is a necessity of Religion in the World in order to the happy posture of humane affairs which all Mankind desire for themselves with unlimited wishes but are too narrow in their indeavors to promote it in Common unto others That this was the Wise and good Design of the great Creator is most apparent in that even in those obscure Ages of Barbarism and Ignorance Act. 14.16 17. at which the Apostles says God was pleased to wink yet he left not himself without a Witness When in times past he suffered all men to walk in their own ways they were not without some Religion which taught them their Duty in some Measure though imperfect both to the Gods for they supposed many and also to Men. THAT must of Necessity therefore be the truest Religion and most agreeable to the Will of God which approaches nearest to this Great Design and would certainly accomplish the End for which all Religion was intended And therefore the truth of any Religion must be measured according to the Proportion which it holds to promoting Peace Unity and Charity the only ways to obtain happiness in this World as well as Faith whereby we hope to obtain the happiness of a future state And what Religion soever separates these Good Works from Faith is so far vain and destroys that Faith it seems to profess for Faith without Works is dead If therefore any Religion ruines Peace Unity and Charity we must judg it so far false and erroneous let it make never so many Boasts of holding the true Faith of Christ Of all the Religions which ever were in the World the Christian Doctrine may justly challenge the Preheminence as conducting men if they would be managed by it the nearest way to Happiness both Temporal and Eternal and among all the variety of Opinions in the Christian Religion that must therefore of necessity be the best and truest which does most powerfully promote innocency of Life purity of Mind Unity and universal Peace not by external force and violence but by the same Methods which God Almighty made use of to plant and propagate it in the World which was not by Tumults Seditions or Disobedience to the Civil Magistrate but by meekness humility Charity and a Conversation unblameable Which were the Weapons by which the Primitive Christians were taught to put to silence the ignorance of folish Men The Church indeed had a power but it was purely Spiritual and those spiritual Arms were the most powerful to the pulling down and dismantling the strong holds of Sin and therefore even while the Temporal Powers of the Earth did all they could to suppress them yet mightily did the Word of God grow and increase not by opposing Rebelling or imposing Laws upon their Soveraigns but by submitting and suffering demonstrating upon all occasions their Innocence and that they were free from any ill designs upon the Civil Government of the World or the Temporal concerns of Mankind BUT because all and every Profession of Christian Religion every Church would have us beleive this of them and that therefore every one Challenges the name of the true Church of Christ here lies the Difficulty and the niceness of the Point Which is the best and truest And because all desire the Glorious Title therefore they quarrel about it who it is that is the Spouse of Christ Whereas one would Modestly believe that to be without Spot and Wrinkle is not to be appropriated to any particular Church in which there must be Tares and Chaff as well as Wheat but to the Holy Catholick Church I do not mean of Rome for She is but one Member that glorious Company of true Believers the General Assembly of the Church which have been and shall be in all Ages of the World and out of all Nations united unto Christ their Head A Church may be a true and a visible Church of Christ and yet have many Errors and so long as they keep the foundation of Faith though they may build Hay and Stubble upon that Foundation yet I do not see how they can be denyed that Name Thus we see St. Paul writes to the Church of God which is at Corinth 1 Cor. 1.2 to them that are Sanctified in Christ Jesus called to be Saints And yet in that very Epistle he Complains of great Errors and Disorders among them Cap. 11. and an Abuse of the very Sacrament of the Lords Supper and so to the Church of the Galatians and yet he tartly calls them foolish Galatians and tells them they were bewitched into this Disobedience against the Truth and that he was
grown so numerous that if they should by a Common consent have deserted the Empire they would have left Desolation behind them THIS being therefore granted That our Obedience to the Laws of the Polity or Nation wherein we live so long as they command nothing contrary to the Divine Law is a part of our Christian Religion as may be easily made appear from Reason Scripture and the Practice of the best and purest Ages of Primitive Christianity even in such Constitutions as concern the Government of the Church as well as the Temporal Affairs of State which was done with great happiness to both in the Reigns of Constantine the Great and many other Christian Emperors I will therefore proceed upon this Position to shew that in Order to the happy Condition both of Civil and Religious Affairs there is an absolute Necessity of Vnity and Vniformity of Government Ecclesiastical in a National Church THIS Necessity is grounded both in the Prudence of the Lawful Policy and Religious Wisdom I will begin with the Religious Necessity WE must therefore consider the Essence the Nature the Design and the Intention of the Gospel in that part of it which differences it from all other Religions both Pagan Jewish and Mahumetan for the Intention of that must be our Great Design if we will be true Followers of Christ and not in Words profess we own him but in Actions deny him and his Royal Priesthood over us NOW the very Essence of Christian Religion consists in Love or Charity this is the New Commandment and the fulfilling of the Old and herein it is that Christianity differs from and Excells all other Religions The Heathens knew no more of this than their Interest obliged them to and therefore all those of Different Nations Manners or Religions were esteemed Barbarians and Enemies and accordingly treated and had not God Almighty permitted the Regiment of the World to be Absolute and Tyrannical this want of Charity one to another would certainly have thrown them into perpetual Civil Wars and Confusion amongst themselves there being then no Rein upon Ambitious Spirits but Fear of the Arbitrary Power and Will of their Princes which was the Supreme Law by which they Rul'd their Subjects And even the Law of Moses according to the corrupt gloss of the Scribes and Pharisees said Thou shalt love thy Neighbour and hate thine Enemy Matt. 5.43 and according to the letter of it Exacted Life for Life Eye for Eye Tooth for Tooth But when the Eternal Son of the Blessed came into the World both to Redeem it and Renew it to Exalt men who were sunk into a Degeneracy below the Beasts that Perish and to make them partakers of the Divine Nature he teaches another Doctrine very harsh to Flesh and Blood but such as would in reality make them resemble God their Heavenly Father He teaches them to Love their Enemies to Bless them that Curse us to do good to them that hate us to Pray for them that despightfully Vse us and Persecute us by which Methods we shall come to be the true Children of the true God whose Glorious Sun riseth upon the Evil and the Good Matt. 5.44 45. and whose fruitful Showers fall upon the Just and the Vnjust This Love he makes the Foundation of Religion which he was to introduce into the World proceeding from the infinite Love of God to Mankind from the God of Love and therefore he tells us that the whole Law is comprised in these two Commandments Matt. 22.37 38 39 40. to Love God and our Neighbour And therefore he does so often repeat that which he calls the New Commandment Joh. 13.34 35. A new Commandment I give unto you That ye Love one another as I have Loved you that ye also Love one another by this shall all men know that you are my Disciples if ye have Love one for another And what he taught he also confirmed by his Example In that he died for us when we were Enemies NOW the Command being Vniversal to all those who are the Disciples of Christ they who hate another because they differ or dissent from them in some things which Christ having left indifferent has therefore left to the Wisdom of those with whom he intrusted the Government of the Church to determine as they shall Judge most conducive to this great Design of Charity cannot be the true Disciples of Christ 1 Joh. 4.40 for If any man say I love God and hate his Brother he is a Lyar. And therefore the holy Apostles and particularly the beloved Disciple St. John lays such weight upon this Duty and so frequently commands it that his three Epistles are scarce any thing else but a repetition of that Command and the reasons for it which brings into mind what I have somewhere read of that Apostle that in his extreme old age residing at Ephesus and governing the Churches of the lesser Asia when he was not able to perform the Offices of the Church yet he would be carried in his chair to the Assembly of Christians where he would several times repeat this Sentence My little Children love one another and being demanded the reason of this short but Excellent Sermon he made answer to this Effect because It did comprise the sum of all Religion and that Charity would cover a multitude of other faults And therefore St. Paul doubts not to give it the preheminence above the two other principal Graces 1 Cor. 13.13 Now says he abideth Faith Hope and Charity but the greatest of these is Charity For when Hope shall be compleated by possession and Faith changed into Fruition then shall Charity be most triumphant as being the Life of Heaven and the pleasing imployment of a glorious Eternity And certainly it is this love unseigned both towards God and towards our Brethren that is so of the Essence of Religion that without both these it is but a meer Impostor for no person can truely fear God who does not smcerely love him and no man loves God sincerely who does not love his Brother also 1 Tim. 5.1 For the End of the Commandment is Charity out of a pure heart and of a good Conscience and Faith Vnfeined NOW taking this for a Foundation which no good Christian can deny I proceed to shew that it is absolutely impossible to maintain this Charity without Vnity both of Faith and Government in a National Church and to make it evident I should need no stronger Argument than what the holy Apostle St. Paul subjoyns in the words following those of his last repeated From which says he some having swerved have turned aside to vain Jangling Here is the source of all the Churches Miseries this vain jangling has ever been the occasion of all those Dissentions and Divisions those mischievous Quarrels which have not confined themselves to Words but have proceeded to the Outrages of Blows and Blood it is want of Charity and that
than their Charity and whose Zeal was much too heavy for their Judgment either not considering or not caring what must be the necessary consequences of these sparks of Dissention set their Lungs to work as well as their Wits to blow them up into a Flame pretending to the Vnwary that that Fire which was indeed of their own kindling was the only Gospel Light and that which by its future Effects has proved it self a Portentous Comet was the Day star from on high which was sent to visit them to lead them to Eternal Light under the Glorious Sun of Righteousness Had it burnt like the kind and wondrous lambent flame in Moses his bush without consuming it we might have been induced to believe that God was in the Fire But alas it was too ravenous to permit us to continue in that belief and the World has found by dear Experience that it was of the Extraction of that Fire St. James describes unto us Jam. 3.6.8 Behold says he how great a matter a little Fire kindleth and the Tongue is a Fire a World of Iniquity it sets on fire the whole Course of Nature and it is set on fire of Hell being an untamable little Animal an unruly Evil full of deadly Poison Especially when therewith we bless God even the Father and curse Men who are made after the similitude of God HOWEVER to justifie their Division and Dislike they did indeavour with might and main to pull down Babylon as they call'd not only Rome but the Reformation that being the odious name of whatever displeases them because it was not model'd according to that Platform which they therefore fancied because it was of their own devising Discourses full of Gall and Wormwood instead of Meekness and Humility flew like lightning from their Pens as well as Invectives and bitter Reproaches from their Mouths And to make some shew that they were not without Reason a new Frame of Church Government wholy unpresidented and never before practiced was minted at Geneva This glistering Medal as the coursest Medals will do when they come first off the Mint shone with such a dazeling lustre in the Eyes of those who Coïn'd it as the silver shrines of Diana did in the Opinion of Demetrius and presently I will not say positively for the same Reasons it gain'd as many and as tumultuous Worshippers who like the wild Ephesians cri'd up this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Thunderbolt newly dropt from the Clouds with as much Ernestness and as little Reason Where some crïed one thing Acts 19.32 and some another for the Assembly was confused as it always happens where any thing is managed by Tumult and Passion and the greater part knew not wherefore they were come together but some there were who did and they who did not yet were made believe they were as good as the best Yet was not even this Glorious and thorough Reformation though new run and cast so pure and perfect from all the dross of Superstition and Corruption but that some of quicker sight and sounder Judgment among themselves espied some Babylonish rust upon it and straight they began after the Example of Presbytery to make use of their Christian Liberty and to separate likewise the Pure from the Vile THUS was the Unfortunate Ichabod of Presbytery born amongst us with the Death of his Mother and the Dismal overthrow of the Holy Church 1 Sam. 4. The Glory departed from our Israel the Ark was lost and there was a great slaughter among the People Then arose whole swarms of Sects or rather Insects in Religion with guilded Wings but Scorpions Tayls painted Bodies but still poisonous Stings and as if Beelzebub the God of Flies and Ekron had been let loose among us nothing was heard but the confused buzzing of these differing Opinions who all pretended to gather Honey for the Hive but were in truth Sacrilegious Robbers agreeing in nothing but their mutual hatred and common design against the Church of England whose utter Extirpation was the mark of their United Conspiracy in order afterwards every one to Establish themselves not only upon hers but the Ruine of their differing Confederates THESE have been and I wish I could say they were not at present the sad natural and necessary Effects of breaking the Unity of Government in the outward Administration of the Service of God which crumbles a glorious Church into the Epicurean Atoms of Faction and Confusion till at last there remains little of it besides the Name and most certainly they who have once shaken hands with this Vnity must of necessity in a short time take their leave of Charity for these are the Twins of true Religion which live and dye together and when these are gone the tongues of Men and Angels the Faith of Miracles and the flaming Zeal of Martyrs are but sounding Brass and tinkling Cymbals they may make a little jingling noise of Religion but it is to be feared the louder they are the more Empty of the soul and substance of true Piety and Christianity So that those who do believe that Charity is so of the Essence of Religion as good Works are of Faith without which the one is as dead and vain as the other will easily be convinced both by Reason and Experience of the absolute Necessity that there is of Vnity in Point of Government to preserve that Charity alive since without this Vnity of Government to determine and give a Period to the Differences of several Opinions which shall be obtruded as Matters of Faith all Religion presently degenerates into vain and endless Disputes these produce Divisions Factions and Parties those run immediately into separation of Communion that leads men headlong to Animosities and Hatred and Hatred always ends in Confusion and every evil Work as St. James has well inform'd us Jam. 3.17 For says he the Wisdom which is from above is peaceable as well as pure full of Mercy and good Fruits and the fruit of Righteousness is sown in Peace of them that make Peace and all other Wisdom which banishes Charity with a pretence of Establishing Piety is Sensual Carnal Devilish Excellent recommendations of Reformation carried on without Nay against this Charity and Unity in the Goverment of a National Church CHAP. VIII THUS we see that Unity in Point of Government as well as Faith is absolutely necessary in a National Church to preserve it in Peace and Charity and that is in plain Terms to render it truly Christian and a part of the Catholique Church which we all profess to believe as an Article of our Faith We shall see in the next place how necessary this Vnity in point of Government is to maintain Christian Discipline in the World and how without it that great Power of the Keys which Christ gave to his Apostles and their Successors for the Government of his Church becomes impracticable and of no Use or Authority for suppressing Vice or Encouraging true Piety
Disobedience to any one Command of God For St. James assures us that the keeping of the whole Law will not countervail the wilful breach of one Point but that whoever does so is guilty of all and he adds the Reason Jam. 2.10 11. For he that said Do not commit Adultery said also Do not Kill And he that said do not Kill said also Let every Soul be subject to the Higher Powers Now to infer with him If thou commit no Adultery If thou do not Kill yet if thou art not subject to the Higher Powers thou art become a Trangressor of the Law a Sinner before God For sin is the transgression of Gods Law and therefore as St. John tells us 1 Joh. 3.15 No Murderer has Eternal life abiding in him So neither has any who does not submit to the Higher POWERS any Eternal Life abiding in him because they are both Transgressors of the Holy Law and Commandment of God THUS far I think all Men Good and Bad will go along with me but the pinch of the Question is How far this Obedience is due and what are the Limits of the Authority of Superiors Whether the Civil or Ecclesiastical Magistrate ought to be Obeyed in all their Commands which concern Religion or the Worship of God To this I Answer by distinguishing according to the Old and True Maxim of Logicians Qui bené distinguit bené docet The commands therefore of Superiors are either concerning Faith and Manners or Government and Order As to matters of Faith neither the onenor the other havethe least power to alter abrogate impose or diminish the least Tittle or Iota of it For Faith being of Divine Revelation and the Law by which God Almighty will have us guided in what concerns himself is like him Immutable and Unchangeable and is only subject to his Authority who is the Author and the Finisher of our Faith Now the true Faith is what is contained in Scripture either in direct Words or plain Consequence This all Christian Kings Princes and Governors are bound to maintain and ought to be its Defenders but not to Invade or Usurp a Dominion over it And should they make any Law to the prejudice of this Faith no man ought to obey them for here the Rule holds good That we are to obey God rather than Men but neither will this Authorize any Persons who are Subjects to those Powers to Rebel against them or Oppose them more than by endeavouring with Meekness and Charity to maintain that Faith Nay should they impose Penalties upon such as were disobedient to their Laws in matters of Faith 't is the Glory of Christian Religion to teach men to suffer patiently but not to seek Revenge or to endeavour to free themselves or the Faith from danger by flying to unlawful Arms which would be like Vzzah's Folly for which he was Smitten to lay our hands upon the Ark when the Oxen stumble and shake it and to suppose that God either would not or could not take any care to defend that Faith which he himself had planted in the World THIS was the Case of the Apostles Act. 4..3 The Chief Priest and Counsel commanded them not to speak at all in the Name of Jesus had they been so minded they might have raised a Tumult for the Captain and Officers who went to apprehend them brought them without Violence because they went without resisting fearing as much as their Guards lest the inraged People should rescue them by stoning the Officers And when the High Priest charges them with Disobedience to his Commands St. Peter tells them it was a matter of Faith what they had seen and heard and were commanded by the Son of God to Preach whom they ought to obey rather than Men. This was the Case of the Primitive Christians under the Heathen and persecuting Emperors Did the Emperor command them to his Wars they went willingly Fought gallantly sometimes purchast Victories with their Prayers as well as Sword Did he exact Tribute from them they paid it freely Command to renounce Christ or to Blaspheme him or to offer but a single grain of Incence to the Idols or Emperors Statue though to save their Lives they refused presently Did he take away their Estates for their Disobedience to his Edicts they suffer'd patiently Did he expose them to Racks Tortures Wild beasts and Flames they went to them joyfully indured them miraculously and so obtain'd the Glorious Crown of Martyrdom All this while not a hand lift up against the Lords Anointed their Soveraign unless to Heaven to pray to God for his Pardon and Conversion not a Tongue moves against his Government to call it Tyrannical Unlawful or Antichristian though in reality it was such Not a Pen is sharpned against him or his Ministers of State no invectives or Exhortations to Rebellion to depose or Murder him and indeed nothing farther than to Apologize for their Innocence and to manifest that they were his most obedient Subjects and free from all the Calumnies of being Seditious Disturbers of the Government or Peace of the Empire THE same may be said of Good Manners as of Faith for Justice Temperance Innocence and Purity being Commands of God no Earthly power can either dispence with them or lawfully command the contrary Vices or if they do they may nay ought to be disobey'd BUT Secondly The Commands of our Superiors may concern Order and Government and herein they ought Universally to be obey'd as well in Ecclesiastical as Civil Laws and Commands provided they do not herein manifestly or by consequence Oppose Faith or Good Manners and that for these Reasons FIRST Because Order is absolutely Necessary as well in the Church as in the State and is Positively commanded by God Let every thing be done Decently and in Order 1 Cor. 14.40 and that for a most solid and weighty Reason For God is not the Author of Confusion but of Peace Vers 33. as in all the Churches of the Saints Confusion is absolutely unlawful God disowns it Peace is absolutely Necessary in all Churches of Saints without Order there can be no Peace nor indeed any thing but Confusion without Governors to appoint and determine Differences arising about Modes and Matters of Decency there can be no Peace because Differences must be endless and without Submission to these Governors and their final Determinations both in Church and State they are no longer Rulers and Governours but the Order which God has appointed in the World to procure Peace and Happiness is utterly Subverted and Overthrown For Government and Obedience do mutually suppose each other and as Logicians say Pater est filii Pater a Father is therefore a Father because he has a Child so a Governor a King a Magistrate in Church or State is therefore such because he has People subject and obedient to him and as all the Power of Governors is limited to those things which are left undetermined by Gods Positive
of Less Extent are to be regulated were intended as a defence and Protection to all providing one injure not another and that Common Peace and Safety be secured No other Subsequent inferiour Law can therefore debar any peaceable Christian that answers the Necessities of Church and State Civil Spiritual and Political in equal Justice and in Foro Conscientiae from this Priviledge Originally due to all And this he fortifies with the Confession of a Presbyterian Divine without a Name who never saw any Argument yet that could clearly Evince why any sort of Men who would profess a peaceable subjection unto the Civil Government might not in all their Civil Rights be protected by it Does not this oblige every Government to an easie Credulity to its own Ruine For the greatest of its Enemies will profess this Subjection till they have power to effect their Ends and by this Rule there is no care to be taken of Mens Principles or Practices if they can but speak Fair and profess they mean no hurt to the Government no matter for what may happen afterward the Governours may sleep securely till their throats are cut by these harmless Professors BUT taking this for a Maxim granted I proceed upon his own Words That no Tolleration of different Religion is to be permitted and that first from the Apostle St. Pauls Rule pag. 49. Hast thou Faith have it to thy self And seeing that Vniversal Vnity among Christians is not to be attained such a Tolleration of things tollerable is not only Lawful but necessary where a Latitude or Liberty is left in such things as are not clearly and positively laid down in Scripture in things of private Practice Which is just giving that Liberty which no man can take away every man being at liberty to believe and do so so long as he keeps it to himself and that it is Tollerable Faith by being to himself and his practice is truly private But why then does the Church of Rome Command us to believe Supremacy Purgatory Transubstantiation c. which are not clearly nor positively laid downin Scripture is this Good Just and Equal dealing with us BUT Secondly I Argue from his own Reason because nothing is more clear than that this Tolleration must of necessity destroy that Original Fundamental Law of Protection due to all from the Government which will not be able to Protect it self since it must Embroyl the Government and indanger its Ruine that being the very thing for which Tolleration is so earnestly desired For a Wise Government pag. 50 51. may tollerate at least in a private way with the Old bounty of giving what they cannot help different Opinions when otherwise the Publique may be intangled or indangered or rather because the Conscience cannot be compelled or Faith forced and more especially if they be such Religions as do not overthrow the Foundations of Truth nor such as disturb or impugn the Government Establisht or if the Professors thereof be such as are not Factious or pertinacious but Honest Simple Tractable Obedient to Superiors having no other End in holding their Opinions in Religion than Gods Glory or satisfaction of their own Conscience and withall are willing to submit to better Judgments when they are convinced to be Erroneous Pag. 52. For we ought to have a Latitude of Charity for those who Dissent if they be not Impostors or turbulent Incendiaries And who are there that will own themselves to be such It looks like Oliver Remonstrating or a Declaration of 41. and by this Rule all Sects Heresies and Rebels if they may be their own Compurgator● must be Tollerated too since they will Profess all that is here desired for Tolleration but by clear Consequence if notwithstanding these Professions they do intangle and indanger the Government then they are not be Tollerated but the Tolleration of all Sects though Charitably supposing them not Hereticks does not only destroy some one Fundamental of Religion but Religion in the Main by making it Morally impossible for any Man to know where he shall find a true Religion and plainly introduces Mahometanism that a Man may be saved in any and will confirm the Atheist and Libertine in their Opinions that there is no such thing more than in Mens melancholy Humors And it is impossible but the Professors of different Religions will be Factious and Disobedient to Superiors as daily Experience assures us and to Tollerate them is to give them leave to be so and to hold their Opinions for the subversion of Government and not satisfaction of Conscience as some who called themselvs Papists as well as other Dissenters have done in former times and for ought we know Design the same again and therefore I conclude with the Advocate p. 55. That where every one has Liberty to hold what he pleases which by this profession cannot be denied him so soon as he believes his Party strong enough to grapple with Authority he will Publish and Preach what he holds confined to no Rule or Order but contemning Law will Rule as a Transcendent and as he quotes the most incomparable Hooker lib. 3. cap. 107. Let them tell us of Obeying the Laws of God as long as they please we dare not believe them who break the Laws of those appointed by God to Rule over them For it is a Distinction without a Difference to seperate and divide the Laws of God from the Laws of Men and unless we observe both we Obey neither pag. 56. In these Cases says our Advocate Christian Governors are not to regard such Pleas for private Liberty as overthrow Publique Order and Peace Nor to regard those Clamours against them and the Laws as Persecuting when they do but oppose and restrain such perillous Exorbitancies as strike at the Foundation of Christianity and open a gap to Atheism Profaneness and Blasphemy here the Magistrate must interpose his Coercive Power for remedy Nor are they in this infringers of the Peoples Liberty but preservers of freedom not Oppressors of others Consciences but dischargers of their own by prohibiting men to vent their raw undigested Fancies to others to start Principles distructive to Government subverting Order violating Laws breaking Oaths and contemning Authority publiquely acting according to private Perswasion not regarding common Order or publique Peace but by a Seditious and Factious Liberty broaching their Opinions to others And there is a great deal of Reason why the Magistrate should use this Power to crush the Cockatrice in the Egg For pag. 58. if the publique Power shall suffer arrogant Ignorance excess of Passion perverseness of Will to come to its full Rudeness and Extent which it can do no way so readily as by Tolleration Tumultuary Numbers and Brutish Power will soon make good private Presumptions and cover the most Impudent Lusts Passions and Ambitions of Men with the Pleas and Outcrys of Christian Liberty And those who hold forth Notions and Conceptions of Reformation or wholly changing Religion and Goverment
from the Advocates own Words that none can justly plead for a Tolleration whose Devilish Principles and furious Practices tend to the Subversion of Government which both by what has been said and by Experience the surest Demonstration in the World both Papists and other Dissenters especially Presbyterians have been proved guilty of Let us now see how he manages the Cause of his own Party for whose sake this Project of a Tolleration was principally intended as is plain by his comparing Luther Calvin Buchanan c. with Mariana Suarez and Bellarmine Whose Doctrines are at least as he says as Dangerous to Monarchy and therefore unfit to be Tollerated the one or the other LET us therefore examine the Plea of Innocency which he descends to defend in particular And as their manner always is pag. 70. he tells us That the Roman Catholique Religion was the first Christian Religion planted in our Countrey from whom we had our very Christianity Suppose it were yet Quantum mutatus ab illo The present Roman Catholique Religion is not the same which they planted But with his good leave his Assertion is contrary Pol. Virgil. Hist Angl. l. 2. not only to great Probability but to the consent of Historians for Polydore Virgil tells us Test is est Gildas Britannos jam inde ab initio arti Evangelii Christianam accepisse Religionem That our Ancestors received the Christian Faith according to the Testimony of Guildas in the very beginning of the Gospel Baronius thinks St. Peter was here Theodoret Bar. An. 58. n. 51. Theod. de curand Graec. affect l. 9. Niceph l. 2. cap. 40. Baron An. 36. n. 5. Bede lib. 1. cap. 25 26. lib. 2. cap. 2. Saint Paul Nicephorus Simon Zelotes Some Joseph of Arimathea and even when Austin the Monk came from Gregory to Convert us as they say to the Christian Faith he found a Church among us as Beda testifies Bertha a Christian Queen and at Bangor a Monastery or rather a Colledg of many hundreds who upon the Question Whether they should admit of Austin put it upon this Issue Si sit humilis admittat●●● But finding him proud and Imperious they rejected him which they durst never have done had they believed even the bare Primacy of his Master or that they were owing for their Faith and Conversion to the Roman Church I will not enter into a long dispute about Merits Pardons Purgatory Adoration of Images or Transubstantiation which were but actum agere only methinks the Apothecaries Argument deserves to be put upon the File who being pressed to believe the Doctrine of Transubstantiation told the Zealous Agressor pleasantly but truly Sir I will make a Wafer and set a mark upon it that it may not be changed you shall send it to the Pope let him Consecrate it and I will venture you a 100 l. you dare not take it Oh says the other but I dare and would well reply'd the Apothecary then I will venture a 1000 l. that you shall be dead before next Morning which if it were really transubstantiated were impossible that the poison of the Body should be the food of the Soul and Christ be made a Murderer which demonstrative Conclusion so little expected puts the Romanist a little out of Conceit with his Doctrine and struck him as dumb as the other would have done dead for all the Transubstantiation there are very gross Stories and Slanders abroad if some in the Romish Church have ●●●tried the Experiment and have received their Death by what was given them as the Body of Christ and the Bread of Life BUT I will observe his Method p. 166. He tells us confidently That there makes for them all that may or can be of any Christian man required Literal Text of Holy Scripture approved Tradition General Councels Ancient Fathers Ecclesiastical Histories Christian Laws Conversion of Nations Divine Miracles Heavenly Visions Vnity Vniversality Antiquity Succession all Monuments all Substance all Accidents of Christianity Here is not a word of Proof and therefore I may take the same Liberty in contradicting it if I please But to answer this There makes against them Literal Text of Holy Scripture ●usanus Ep. 2. ad Bohem. of that Scripture which a Cardinal says is a Nose of Wax of that Scripture which the Pope has Power to inlarge at his pleasure as the Trent Councel has done making the Apochrypha Canonical Of that Scripture which speaks not a single word for the Popes Supremacy Transubstantiation Purgatory Masses for the Dead Invocation of Saints Vows of single Life c. but in a thousand places against them and therefore they are obliged to fly for refuge to their Approved Traditions and set them in the Throne above the Scriptures whose mouths must be stopped by the vulgar Latin and the Vulgar confined from reading them and even these approved Traditions are most of them such as the Universal Church never knew never acknowledged Conc. Trid. Sess 4. Dec. 1. which yet must be received with the same Reverence and Affection as the Scriptures for as Baronius affirms Bar. Ann. 53. Num. 11. Traditio Scripturarum Fundamentum and the Traditions of Men are made the Foundation of Scripture and of Faith And the Canon Law of Pope Gregory XIII Dist 40. Si Papa in Ann. Margin goes higher yet and sets the Pope above them all For men rather desire to know the ancient Institution of Christian Religion from the Popes mouth than from the holy Scripture And yet all of their own Church do not approve these Approved Traditions for Basil says Basil Reg. contract p. 502. It is necessary and agreable to Reason that all men learn what is their Duty out of Scripture 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 both for the fulfilling all Godliness and lest they should be accustomed to Humane Traditions Iren. l. 3. c. 2. And Irenaeus tells us it was the Custom of Hereticks to call in Tradition to their assistance against Scripture alledging that those Truths as they called them which they held were not delivered by Writing but by word of Mouth AGAINST his General Counsels we oppose the first four and have offered a thousand times to put the Issue upon their Verdict Against Ecclesiastical Histories Ancient Fathers Christian Laws we oppose the frequent Forgeries of all these detected even by themselves and the Index Expurgatorius which Castrates all the Fathers that they may be fit Eunuchs for the Papal Seraglio the Vatican by being disabled to propagate truth For Conversion of Nations we refer them to the Acts of the Apostles for the first Age and for these last to Acosta the Jesuite and Bartholomeus Casas a Bishop in the Indies Acost de Ind. salut procurand their Conversion was such that the miserable People chose to go to Hell with their Ancestors rather than to Heaven with such Christians and if their Relations are true gives occasion to the Romanists to blush rather than boast
of such Conversions as were Confusions and Consumptions of those Populous Nations To Divine Miracles we oppose all those false Fictions absurd and ridiculous Fables and Legends of their Saints the detection of which has not only now discredited their Religion but given occasion to men of Atheistical Principles to think it is all but as a Pope said Fabula Christi and to call in question the true Miracles of our Saviour and that Faith which was confirmed by them Such as are the Stories of Tursellin in his Lady of Lauretto Benedict's Miracles of the Blessed Virgin and the greatest Miracle of them all Lipsius a man so learned so rational to dote in his old Age in his Romance of the Virgo Hallensis Vives Bristow Canus Canus lac l. 11. cap. 6. complain too truly of them That hereby no man is able to put a difference between the Miracles of Christ and his Apostles and those of these Mens forging And since the one have been often proved False why may not the other be suspected too especially being at so great a distance and pull but down this Foundation and all Religion becomes a meer Gullery and Imposture To his Universality I would gladly know if Historically and Literally Jerusalem was not the Mother of us all Luke 24.42 and that according to the Scriptures Repentance and Remission of Sins should be preached unto all Nations beginning at Jerusalem as happened out Acts the second to all the known Nations of the World assembled either for Curiosity or Religion at the Passover And why may not Antioch where the Disciples were first called Christians pretend to Antiquity and Universality as well as Rome since Christianity it self there first received its Baptism and she may well be termed the Godmother of Rome her self who had then neither received the Name nor Faith of Christ Are not the Grecian Armenian Ethiopian Christians as well as the Roman Members of the Catholique Church and yet they own not the Pope either as to Primacy or Supremacy and thousands of them know not whether there be such a man in the World It is hard to damn them all with a breath and as hard for Rome to challenge this Universality where she is scarcely known and I am sure not owned THE same may be said to his Antiquity and even Errot can scarcely be called the younger Brother of Truth and is so much a Twin with it as from its very Birth to have had its hand upon the others heel in order to supplant it Is it therefore true because it is Ancient Was not Simon Magus the Founder of the Gnosticks as ancient as St. Peter and the other Apostles were not Phygellus and Hermogenes Hymeneus and Phyletus and Alexander 2 Tim. 1.15 2 Tim. 2.17 those Christian Saducees who denìed the Resurrection and overthrew the Faith of some as ancient as St. Paul Was not Diotrephes in probability the Parent of the Aerian Heresy who to Exalt himself prated with such malicious words endeavouring to degrade an Apostle contemporary with St. John Joh. 3.9 10. if Antiquity will make men Catholique these have a fairer Plea than Rome who in probability received their Errors before she did her Faith FOR Succession we refer him to Baronius in his Annals if he likes not Genebrard Baron Ann. 985. N. 1. or Sigonius who will inform him of a Catalogue of Popes and their several Characters Simonists Boniface 8. Boyes Benedict 13. John 13. Sergius the 3. and a many more about 50. who as he says Deserved not to be put into the Catalogue of Popes but as he affirms of Boniface who murdered Benedict the 6. and John the 15. were fitter company for Sylla and Cataline And these being all Monuments and all the substance of their Religion it will not be worth our while to Examine all the Accidents of Christianity as the Advocate phrases it I come therefore to his particular Vindication of them from the Calumnies which he says are objected against them and first to their refusing the Oath of Supremacy For if any Oath be lawful among Christians it is a vain Cavil which he makes against this for my own particular I could heartily wish that all Oaths could be made more perspicuous and less frequent but there being an absolute impossibility of the one and necessity of the other we must submit to Humane Frailty For no Oath can be so fromed or worded but it will be liable to the same Exceptions by reason of the ambiguity of all words and the variety of mens apprehensions and understandings And by this Rule no man shall be obliged to take any Oath But when any person takes such Oaths he swears to the declared intention of the Government which requires him to swear for their Security and those under their Care And this is designed only as a mark of Distinction between the Peaceable Friends and the Enemies whose contrivances and intentions are hereby either obviated or discovered and it being easy to be understood and what all men know by the light of Nature Reason and Scripture they who will not Swear to be Obedient to the Government in Veritate Judicio Justitia let the manner of Expressing this be what it will cannot be reputed other than Enemies Nor is the Controversie of Supremacy contained in the word Heretical a speculative point as he would perswade us but a Practical not whether the Pope has any Authority to Excommunicate but whether he has any Authority here to Exercise a Jurisdiction to the prejudice of the Established Government and since he seems to confess that he has not why should any Christian deny to give the Government all the Assurances that can be desired and if such an Authority in the Pope be not grounded upon the Scripture or the Practice of the Catholique Church and no older than the Nos Sanctorum of Pope Hildebrand and therefore Impious and Heretical as being an Usurpation upon the Temporalities of all Princes may not any person except he designs against the Government lawfully swear that he disowns both the Principle and the Practice And since the Clause of the Oath of Supremacy is explicated to intend only Civil and Kingly Government and Authority in Cases Ecclesiastical pag. 184. May not any man swear in Truth Judgment and Equity if it be true it ought to be the Judgment of every good Christian and it is a great measure of Justice and Equity that he should declare himself and call God to witness since as before was said men swear to the true intention and meaning of the Imposers of the Oath and not to any other sence which the words will bear But the plain truth why they refuse is because they do believe the contrary and it is but reasonable since they do that by this Mark of Distinction the Government should know who are Friends to it and who Enemies who by this Principle would Subvert and Overthrow it And if a Man
Lawfulness of the Popes Power of Excommunicating and deposing Kings and Murdering them too Such as those of Sanders Allen Cresswels Philopator Simanca Rossoeus a Book Canonized by the Pope in Consistory FOR the Bloody days of Queen Mary I will allow her as good and mil'd a Princess as he pleases but I cannot think so well of Winchester and London two of her Bishops by whose Fiery Zeal so many though the Advoate say pag. 238 but a very few went to the Stake in Smithfield and other places for denying the Sacrament of the Altar and that they could not believe it Which was not only for Religion but a pure Theological point the Modus of which the Doctors of the Romish Church neither are or ever will be agreed upon and it is a little harder measure to dye for such a Point than to swear to such a one as he dare avow and verily believes c. I might say much more and take notice of many other passages in his Book but I must not be prolix only the Calumny as he calls it which is reassumed by Dr. Stillingfleet and Dr. Tillotson pag. 257. that there are Jesuites among our Dissenters troubles him much but that it is not without Ground I have heard and I presume so has he from Authentique hands of one Father Brown a Jesuite who boasted on his Death-bed at Ingeston Briggs in Scotland that he had Preached as down-right Popery in the Field Conventicles as ever he had Preached at Rome it self And truly by the Conformity of their Principles and Actious one with another one can scarcely tell whether the Jesuits are Presbyteriz'd or the Presbyters Jesuited they are so very like BY this time I hope it is not to be doubted by any who have not wholly devoted themselves with a blind Zeal and Obedience as well as Implicite Faith to the Roman Religion but that however innocent the Generality of Catholiques may be how Loyal soever and full of Allegiance yet the Principles of their Religion are not so Nor are they obliged to their Doctors for it but to the Native Generosity of their Countrey to the Honour of their Families and it may be more than all to the Doctrine of the Church of England in this Point which by conversing so frequently with they cannot be ignorant of or not apprehend the horrid Usurpations of the Roman Keys upon the the Temporal Sword Crowns and Sceptres of Princes And the Dangers that must necessarily follow from thence Nor shall they need to fear either Punishment or Persecution but for the Practices of these Boutfeus and Incendiaries of the World And whether such a Religion as openly teaches and Avows an Interest contrary and above that of the Prince and which Authorizes those who profess it to raise Seditions Tumults and Rebellions and it may be has funished other Dissenters of Contrary Opinions in other Points with Principles and Arguments Destructive of the Peace Happiness and Quiet of the Publique and of the Government it self deserves a Tolleration Let all impartial men be Judges CHAP. XIV FROM what has been said it is Evident not only that Tolleration of different ways of Worship under the same National Government is utterly impolitique and dangerous to the Foundation of Government and the End of Society but destructive of Christian Charity and the Irreconcilable Enemy of Peace and Vnity being the Spring of Endless and Eternal Quarrels Divisions Schisms Separations if not Heresies and the direct road to wild Enthusiasm Heathenish Ignorance Superstitious Will-worship Licentious Impiety and at last down right Atheism Let us therefore in the Spirit of Meekness and Christian Compassion try whether there be no way to cement these breaches among us by reuniting the minds of Men so far as is necessary for Christians to be Vnanimous For it is morally impossible there should be among all Mankind and absolute Vnion in their Judgments mens Minds will differ as long and as much or more than their Faces do and from this impossibility I argue to the Unnecessariness of such an Vnity But as several Palates do naturally receive several impressions of Gratefulness to different Dishes even to contradiction so that What is one Mans Meat is another Mans Poison what is the delight of one is the Aversion of another and yet all agree in the Common Necessary and Native Principle of Eating So may several Men believe several distinct nay and it may be contrary Opinions in Theological Questions and yet agree in the Common Principles of Christianity allowed by All Faith and Charity so as to continue in Peace Unity and Godly Love And that this is not impossible we see by daily Experience and that there are in every Society of Christian Men some who maintain one Opinion some who maintain and believe another yet notwithstanding they retain Communion one with another From whence proceed those Volumes of Polemical Theology with which not the Schools but the whole World is fill'd I wish I might not say afflicted but from mens differing in Opinion And if I may be permitted to speak freely Possibly the Entertaining the Philosophy of the Schools into too great Authority in Divinity has not contributed the least to the Decay of Religion and the declining of Charity for the Endless Distinctions of Schoolmen have minc'd and crumbled Religion into a Chaos of Epicurean Atoms which perpetually justle one another with a restless Motion and whilst each strives to be entertain'd as a Matter of Faith they run men into greater perplexities and Confusions and whilst they improve in the Theory they too commonly decrease in the Practice spending that time in Curiosity which ought to be devoted to Charity and Action I do not speak this to disparage Humane Learning or the Use of Philosophy but as we say of Fire and Water They are good Servants but ill Masters so we may say of that It is a good Attendant of Divinity while it continues an humble Companion but a dangerous Mistress of our Faith I set as great a value upon these Accomplishments as they can justly challenge but I wish they had kept their proper Sphere and Distance from us and that these feeble Lights of Humane Knowledge had not come to stand in competition with the Sunbeams of Divine Revelation which ought always to be esteemed the glorious Lamp of Christian Religion I know without the helps of Humane Learning it is impossible except by Miracle to to Read or Understand the Holy Oracles which were committed to the Custody of those Languages of Greek and Hebrew I know it is impossible without their assistance to search the Registers of former days or to be acquainted with the Doctrine Practice and Customes of the Ancient Catholique Primitive Church a deficiency in which kind of Learning in our Clergy especially who do but too commonly make all their Applications to Popular Oratory rather than Church History has been the occasion of many mistakes in men otherwise learned and
that we through Patience and Comfort of the Scriptures might have hope So were the Scriptures of the New Testament given us a new Rule and a Royal Law of Liberty that we might not Glory in Men 1 Gor. 3.21 22. c. 4.1.6 neither in Paul nor Cephas But that we might esteem them Stewards of the Mysteries of God And not to think of them above what is Written Which place if throughly considered teaches us not to prefer any Man or Men above the Scripture THIS will appear further if we consider the Nature of a Rule for a Rule is the constant certain infallible unchangeable measure according to which I judg of any thing whether it be true or false And if I can but suppose what is offer'd me for a Rule to be false or if I know it is or may be false it can be no Rule because it leaves me in an Uncertainty whether I am Right or Wrong But the Scripture cannot be supposed to be false for admitting that supposition they are no longer Scriptures or the Word of God for every word of God is true Men have been are and will be Fallible Traditions are dubious and uncertain but the Word of God is tried to the uttermost and coming from the Infallible Author of all Truth is the Touchstone of the Truth of Men and their Doctrines and by that we examine by that we judg of mens Faith and actions Isa 8.20 If they speak not according to the Law and the Testimony it is because there is neither Light nor Truth in them THE Mistake seems to be in Confounding the Difference between a Rule and a Guide and they who would advance the Authority of the Church above the Scripture set the Judg above the Law and Confound him with it The Church is indeed the Guide which instructs us but if her Instructions are not according to her Rule of Scripture when we hope for Bread she gives us a Stone and instead of a Fish a Scorpion Mortal Poyson for wholesome Nourishment To Illustrate this Suppose I desire to learn the Mathematicks I therefore apply my self to a Person skilful in that Incomparable Science and intreat him to direct me He shews me Euclid's Elements as the Foundation of Mathematical Knowledg and therefore reads and explains it to me Pray now who is the Rule the Master or the Book Certainly all men who have not forfeited their Reason will say the Book is the Rule the Man the Guide and if he give me any thing for a Demonstration contrary to the Principles therein contained I know by them that he is mistaken because he he has not instructed me according to the Rule The case is the same only the Infallibility of the Scriptures is more certain being founded upon the Infallibility of God They are the Rule the Governors of the Church the Guides appointed by God for that purpose to them therefore men resort for Instruction but if they teach either what is their own or other mens contrary to the Rule they are false Guides and why so But because they give a false Rule betraying that high Trust by God reposed in them to be Eyes to the Blind and Feet to the Lame to conduct them to Eternal Bliss by the Directions of that Rule of which St. Paul says Gal. 6.16 As many as walk according to this Rule Peace be on them and Mercy and upon the Israel of God AND even they who contend so earnestly against the Scriptures being the Rule of Faith and Life ought to shew some other End and Design of the Scriptures and a better Rule and not Confute themselves and all their Assertions and Arguments by making this the Rule of Believing whilst they bring Arguments out of it against it self which they would have therefore believed because they are Scripture plainly confessing it to be the Ultimate Rule and that nothing can properly be matter of Faith but what is agreeable to it Which has made the Romish Doctors sweat and toyl so vehemently to Extort Confessions from the Scripture Tert. de Praescript adv Heretic as Tertullian says Caedem Scripturarum faciunt ad materiam suam even Murdering it almost to make it speak to their purpose And since they could not prevail with it to Depose against the Truth they have put it into the Inquisition Imprisoning it in the Vulgar Latin lest if it should get abroad and speak Truth as it would do in despight of all Opposition it would proclaim their Injustice and Violence to the meanest Capacities of the Vulgar among them who would hereby come to detect the Pious Frauds and profitable Follies which are imposed upon them as matter of Faith THE ancient Church believed the Scriptures the Rule of Faith and therefore took care to have them Translated into Syrian Chrys Hom. 1. in Joh. Aegyptian Ethiopian Persian and other innumerable Languages as St. Chrysostom testifies and Theodoret says Theod. de Cur. Graec. affect lib. 5. the Bible was Translated into all Languages used in the World Greek Latin Persian Indian Armenian Scythian Sarmatian And this seems one if not the principal Reason why the Holy Ghost did Miraculously descend in Cloven Tongues upon the Apostles inabling them to speak in several Languages for the Parthians Medes Elamites Dwellers in Mesopotamia Judea Cappadocia Pontus Asia Phrygia Pamphylia in Lybia and Cyrene Crete and Arabia heard them speak the wonderful Works of God If they might have used the Compendious way of Instructing them to believe as the Church believes and had made themselves The rule of Faith and like the Priests of Memphis delivered their Hieroglyphical Faith from one to another there would have been no need of all this or of their Pains who afterwards were so diligent to Translate the Scriptures into all Languages to instruct all Nations and to let them see there was no Cheat or Juggle in Religion by exposing it to the view of the severest Criticks CHAP. XV. I Suppose there are no Dissenters among us except those of the Roman Communion but will willingly accord the Scriptures to be the Rule of Faith and Manners And though there may be differences between us and them in some Material points of Doctrine yet the Apple of Strife is about the Government of the Church Some contending for a Parity and Equality as the Presbyterians others for an Absolute Independency of any the least Congregation of Men calling themselves a Church Others for a Democratick Anarchy as the Anabaptists and Quakers and several other Enthusiasts But all point blank against Episcopacy though hitherto they have not been able to satisfie the World for what Offence As for the Independency of Churches I shall only say in short that it opens the way to endless Separations and innumerable Errors and Hesies no man having power to Judg of them besides themselves And slies so far from the Popery of Hierarchy that it runs into a worse Extream and makes every Pastor Supreme