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religion_n catholic_a church_n faith_n 6,104 5 5.7683 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19216 The humble and vnfained confessio[n] of the belefe of certain poore banished men grounded vpon the holy scriptures of God, and vpo[n] the articles of that vndefiled and onlye vndoubted true Christian faith, which the holy Catholicke (that is to say vniuersal) Churche of Christ professeth. Specially concerning, not only the worde of God, and the ministerye of the same: but also the church and sacramentes therof. Which we send moost humbly vnto the Lordes of Engla[n]d, and al the commons of the same. ... Lorde increase our faith.; Humble and unfained confession of the belefe of certain poore banished men. Ponet, John, 1516?-1556, attributed name. 1554 (1554) STC 5630; ESTC S111154 26,257 72

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duties one towardes another Wherfore beynge fullye perswaded that the eternal God hath appoynted the ministery of his worde to be continued in his churche or congregation and hath geuen giftes vnto mē to edifie it withal aswel bi teachyng of true doctrine and improuīg of false aswel bi planting of godlines and al vertues as by instructyng of the ignoraunt rebukyng of the ●uyll and refourmynge of thinges that be a misse We mynde therfore nowe to confesse what oure beliefe is consernyng the Church of Christ. Of the Churche THough this word church betakē in diuers significatiōs as for a perticuler congregation somtime of the good somtime of the wicked sometime for an assemble of both good and euyll together And other wise vsurped partly for an house of commen resorte and partly for the only state of the Cicargie ye● are we fullye perswaded and do stedfastly beleue that there is but oneonly Apostolicke and holy Catholicke or vniuersal Church and congregation of God which being moued ●aught and gathered together frō among al nations of the whole world by the operation of the holy ghost into the vnitie and truth of the faith and vndefiled Religion of the Apostles Is not onely sanctified clensed and purified in the bloud of our sauior Christ but specialli also endued with vnfained holines of life This Church hath the Lord Iesus builded vpon the sure stedfast and hard stony rocke that is to say vpon him self against whom the gates of hel cannot preuayle Nether hath this Church any other founda●ion thē that which as the prophet sayth Almyghti God the father hath ●ayde alredy which the Apostle declareth to be euen Iesus Christ. This Churche is the house the dwellynge place and congregation of the liuing God the piller and ground that is to say the mayntainer and defendor the ●ure staye and vpholder of the truth This Church is the mistical bodye and beloued Spouse of Christe who is the head and Sauiour therof who also for the entire loue that he beareth therunto not only gaue him selfe for it to sanctifie it clensed it in the foūtaine of water thorow the woorde to make it vnto him selfe a glorious cōgregacion or church without spot or wrinkle or any such thing y t it should be holy and without blame But also after his ascencion when he led captiuitie captiue prouided ritchlye for it aswel with a most bewtiful diuersitye of offices and ministrations as wyth his owne worthy giftes meete conuenient for the same in a moste eccellent order vnitie agreement ▪ to the intent that his said church louinglye ●olowing his truth and in al thynges growyng in hym as an whole bodye coupled and knyt together in euerye ioynt w●erwyth one member ministreth vnto a nother according to the measure of his gift may helpe edify it selfe cōstantly to increase in al godlynes and not to wauer therfrō neyther to be caried with euery winde of doctrine by the wilynes subtelty of men Of this Church are they whom the Apostle calleth Citizens wyth the Saints and of the houshold of God Which being built together vpon the same foundation that the Prophetes and Apostles were builded vpon are made an habitaciō of God in the spirite This Church and Congregaciō is the Cōmunion of Saintes the heauenly felowship and blessed compani of al Gods elect and chosen children that euer were from the beginning of the world be now or shalbe hereafter euen a●l true worshyppers that serue him in the spirit and in the veritye in such holynes righteousnes as is alowed in his ●ight they that vnfainedly feare y t Lord that walke not on styl in the counsaile of the vngodlye that stand not in the way of wycked synners and that remain not among the spiteful scorners but euer delite in the law of the Lorde alway study to obserue and kepe his cōmaundements his rules his ordinaunces hys actes and statutes Of this Churche are the poore in spirite the true penitent the meeke harted the mercifull the pure and cleane minded the peacemakers Here are they that being hongry and thyrsti for righteousnes do suffer persecution for the same and be reuyled troubled and falsly belied of men for the Lordes sake Of this Churche are they whom the Lord calleth the salte and seasoners of the earth the light of the world which so shine before men that they seing theyr good woorkes godly liuing do glorify praise theyr father whyche is in heauen Of thys Church are thei that both obserue the cōmaundements of Christ thē selues and teache others also to do the lyke who vnderstanding the law spiritually accordyng to the Lordes interpretacion declare them selues to be the perfect childrē of God in louing their enemies blessing those that cursse thē ▪ doing good to such as hate thē praying for those that do them wrong and persecute them Of thys Churche are they y t when they do almes let not y e left hand know what the right hande doth seke no vaine glory or to be sene of men And when they pray they enter into the priuye chamber of theyr conscience shutting the dore to them and praying to theyr heauenly father which is in secret And thoughe they babble not much in theyr prayers as the Hethen doo and are assured that theyr heauenly Father dothe knowe what thinges thei haue nede of afore they aske of him Yet being taught of the Lord how vnto whom and what to pray they most obediently folowe his order forgiuing others theyr offēces as they them selues haue forgiuenes and desyre styll to be forgeuen of God These when they fast do it not to be sene of men but of theyr father which seeth in secret Of thys Church are they that gather them selues treasure together not vpon earthe but in heauen wher neither rust nor mothes corrupt wher theues nether breake vp nor steale These dependyng vpon the only prouidence of God though they ▪ abhorring idelnes do faithfully labour and trauaile euery one in their vocation the hādes working the eies looking the mouth speaking the fote going c. yet take they no vnlawfull care or thought for this life but fyrste seke the kingdom of God the righteousnes therof and so enioye at his hand the rich prouision of al necessary thinges with a good conscience Of this Church are thei that geue not that which is holy vnto dogges nether cast their pearles before swyne These aske and haue Seke and fynde knocke and the dore is opened vnto them These doynge vnto others as thei would be done vnto them selues entre in at the streight gate and bi the narrow way which ledeth vnto lyfe Of this Churche are the good trees ▪ that oute of the good treasure of the heart bring furth good fruitfull thinges As thei that beynge ware of false prophetes and herkening onely