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A13630 The triall of truth Containing a plaine and short discovery of the chiefest pointes of the doctrine of the great Antichrist, and of his adherentes the false teachers and heretikes of these last times. Terry, John, 1555?-1625. 1600 (1600) STC 23913; ESTC S101270 292,240 350

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thē which said they were Apostles finding thē liars So likewise our Saviour Christ the wisdome of God in whome were hid al the treasures of knowledge willeth his auditors to search the scriptures Ioh. 5. 39. so to try by thē whether he taught any other doctrine thē was cōtained in these sacred bookes for in them saith he ye thinke to haue life they are my deponēts witnesses Neither doth he desire any better lurers to giue evidēce cōcerning the truth of his doctrine And S. Hierome foretelleth of the faithfull of these last daies that they shall not suffer In Nah. c. 3. thēselues any longer to be kept in ignorance by their blind guides but shal ascend vp to the moūtaines of the Apostles Prophets that by the cleere light of their infallible doctrine they may be directed in the right way to their eternall salvation Wherefore as many of vs as desire to be saued by cōming 1. Tim. 2. 4. to the knowledge of the truth let vs follow the commandemēt of Christ and his Apostles the example of the noble Bereās of the faithful of these last time let vs ascēd vp to the mountaine of the Apostles Prophets take them to be our guids in all our ghostly spirituall affaires let vs by their Canonicall writings especially by the foūdatiōs of faith in thē cōtained as by a most certaine sure rule try the doctrine of al mē angels of al particular Churches whatsoever be they Frēch Duch Spanish or Italian I hat law that will not be tried is worthely suspected that doctrine which flieth the light is the doctrine of darknes For truth seeketh not corners it would not be covered vnder a bushel but set on a cādlestick she would not haue her face masked lest she should passe vnknown she would appeare with opē coūtenāce that so she might be iustified of all her childrē For thy furtherāce herein good Christiā●eader in this short treatise the which if it giue but occasiō to some other to hādle the same matter in māner more suffi●ient I neede not accoūt my labour to be lost I haue laide purple to purple that it might the better be discerned as also the cloth of the cōtrary colour that is I haue ioined to the Articles of our Christian Creede the points of our Christian faith agreeable therevnto as also such erronious and heretical positions which are repugnāt contrary to the same The which thing being so behouefull and necessary it had bin convenient that some one of great giftes had been emploied therin neither could his learning eloquence haue beene more advanced then in being handmaides in so profitable a service But now it pleaseth the Lorde to send this present vnto thee by the hands of a simple servitour and in a rude and vnpolished speech as in an earthen platter or wodden dish that so the meate may rellish for the meates sake it selfe not for the fairenes or goodlines of the dish But first thou must purge and free thy taste frō the corrupt humors of partiality and of al obstinate wilful resolutiōs neither must thou presume to appointe of thy selfe what shal be sweet what sowre but suffer the Lord himselfe only to be thy taster therein and so thou maiest also in thy course both taste and see how gracious the Lord is and at the length attaine to the blessednes of al such as place their whole hope and confidence in him The Lord for his mercies sake disperse more more the grosse misles of al spirituall blindnes and darknes and open thine heart as hee did the heart of Lidia giue thee vnderstanding in all things Act. 16. 14. graunting vnto thee the spirit of truth to leade thee into al truth for his owne glory and thine vnspeakeable comfort and ioy Thine in the Lord JOHN TERRY The principall vses of this Treatise FIrst here the Reader may behold the pointes of faith with the errours repugnant therevnto referred to the Articles of our Christian faith and to the residue of the maine grounds and principles of our Catholike profession Secondly in this collation he may perceiue both the particular pointes of faith to be a light for the better vnderstanding of these grounds of faith also the groundes of faith to giue greater strength for the confirmation of the particular pointes of faith and for the confutation of the erroures that are contrary thereto Thirdly whereas the people for the most part cannot read the holy scriptures nor so well vnderstand and keepe in memorie the sentences takē out of the Apostles Prophets as they can these groūds of our Christiā professiō by reason of the more familiar vse of the same therefore the particular pointes of faith being made open and knowen vnto them the more easily by this collatiō they may the sooner hereby be brought to the knowledge of the truth and also confirmed and established in the same Fourthly wheras the most venemous Doctrine of Antichrist is the more A preservatiue for the simple against the polloned doctrine of the Romish Antichrist being offered vnto them in a cup of gold that is vnder the name the of Catholike faith read●ly received for that it is delivered in a cuppe of gold that is vnder the name of the Catholike faith even the simple vnlearned may receiue by this collation a most soveraigne preseruatiue against the same For it is an vndoubted trueth agreed vpon of both sides that these groūdes of faith are Catholike and Apostolike therefore that all such doctrines as are not agreable thereto but are contrary to the same are neither Catholike nor yet Apostolike How then may even a simple man say to such as would seduce him to the Popish religion vnder the pretēce of recōciliatiō to the Catholike faith cā that doctrine be Catholike which teacheth it to be sufficient to beleeue in grosse as the Church beleeueth wheras the scope end of my Catholike Creede is that I not only know vnderstād but also be able to make a distinct cōfession of the very hardest pointes of the Christian faith Secōdly he may say how can that doctrine be Catholike which teacheth me to doubt of particular faith whereas the Catholike Creede teacheth every faithfull Christian constantly to professe without wavering I BELEEVE Thirdly be may aa●e how can your Romish doctrine be Catholike which teacheth me to beleeue in the Church in the Saintes wheras my catholike Creede teacheth me to beleeue the Church and not in the Church but only in God Lastly to omitte the rest whereas my Catholike Creede teacheth me that Christ only suffred died for my sinnes that he is my only Redeemer Saviour how can your Romish doctrine be Catholike which teacheth that the Saintes also suffered and died for me and that their sufferings being applied vnto me by the Popes Pardons are both SATISFACTORY for
thēselues for that their erroures are in them reproved and adding also vnto them their vnwritten verities and their wilworshippes of their owne devising IN doubts cōtroversies of Christian religiō the spirit of God sendeth vs neither to the Bishop of Rome neither to any other Bishop or Bishops nor yet to Councels nor to any inter pretou●s to rest our faith vpon their resolutions but rather willeth vs to try the spirites whether they bee of God or no and no further 1. Ioh. 4. 1. Aug cont ●rescon l 2. cap 31. to beleeue them then they bring warrant for their doctrine out of the holy Canonicall scripture For not vvithout cause as Austine saith was the ecclesiasticali Canon ordained with most holesome vigilancy vnto the which certaine bookes of the prophets and Apostles doe appertaine vvhome in no case vvee dare to iudge and by vvhome vvee may freely iudge of the other vvritinges of beleeuers and infidels For shoulde not a people enquire of their GOD To the lavve Isa 8 19 o● Opta l. 5. ad Par●… saith Esay and to the testimonie In earth saith Optatus there can bee no iudgment of this matter vvee must seek● for a iudge from heaven but vvhy knocke vvee at heaven vvhen vvee haue his vvill here in the Gospell Then the Pope by the iudgement of Optatus is no competent iudge nor any other Bishoppe or Bishoppes here on earth for that either they bee ignorant in the cause or else partiall or giuen to sides but only GOD himselfe in his Canonicall scriptures And verely for such as vvill not admitte of GOD to be their iudge where shall vve finde a competent iudge Surely our Saviour Christ when controversie vvas betweene him and the Pharisees cōcerning the truth of his doctrine appealeth not to any interpreter but to the iudgment and sentence of God in the scriptures Search Ioh. 5. 39. the scriptures saith he for in them yee thinke to haue life and they are they vvhich testifie of mee Let the divine scripture saith Basile be asked Bas in ep ●a Eust concerning these thinges and let the decision of truth proceede altogeather from it I beseech you saith Chrysostome let vs set aside what seemeth Chrys hom 13. in 1. Ep. ad Cor. to him or to him and let vs seeke for all these thinges out of the scriptures The writinges saith Constantine of the Evangelistes and Apostles and the oracles of the auncient prophets do instruct vs plainely what Trip. hist l. 2. Cap. 5. we ought to vnderstande and beleeue of Gods pleasure And therefore all contention set apart let vs seeke the solution of these thinges that be propounded out of the scripiures of God When yee shall see saith the autor Op. imper● in Math. hom 49. of the imperfect worke vpon Matthew wicked heresie which is the army of Antichrist standing in the holy places of the church then they that are in Iury let them fly to the mountaines that is they which are in christianity let them betake themselues to the scriptures And a litle after Why doth hee commande all christians to betake themselues then to the scriptures Because since the time that heresies haue possessed the churches there can be no proofe of sound christianity nor any other refuge of Christians that vvoulde knowe the true faith but the divine scriptures And againe The LORDE knovving that in the last daies there vvould bee such a confusion of thinges did therefore command that the christians then liuing being desirous to holde the sinceritie of the true faith should retire to nothing but to the scriptures For otherwise saith he if they rest on any thinge else they shall stumble and perish and not come to knowe the true church but shall fall into the abomination of desolation vvhich standeth in the holy places of the church And so verely hath this prophesie beene fulfilled in all the members of the church of Rome who are now fallen into the abominatiō of desolation stāding in the holy places of the church embracing Antichrist in steede of Christ for that they refused to to be directed onely by the divine scriptures which are onely able to stay vs vpright and to preserue vs from all errours heresies 2. Tim. 3. 15. and from all the power of the kingdome of darkenes As on the other side the sincere embracers of the Gospell of Christ haue hereby beene preserued from the snares of Antichrist in that according to the prophesie of S. Ierome they haue fled to the mountaines of the scriptures haue made them their place of refuge Hi●…onymus in Nahum Cap. 3. Before saith he the coming of the Messias c. the people shal be ra●sed vp and shall prophesie vvho before vnder their masters vvere lulled asleepe and they shall goe to the mountaines of the scriptures and shall finde there Moses and Iosuah the sonne of Nun the moūtaines the prophetes the mountaines the Apostles and Evangelistes and when any slieth to these mountaines and is occupied in the read●ng of the same albeit hee finde none to teach him yet his care shall bee approved ●hr that hee did flie vnto the mountaines Contrarily as Chrysostome Op. imp in Matt. hom 44. Luc. 11. 52. saith Hareticall Priestes shutte vp the gates of truth taking away with the Pharesies the key of knowledge for they are assured if truth bee once knovven their church vvill soone be forsaken and themselues throwen downe from their priestly dignity In evangelio regni ca. 23. 33. Scriptura rij to be esteemed no better of then other men Henry Nicholas master of the family of Loue glorieth in the name of Vnlearned in a scoffe termeth the learned in the scriptures scripture-vvise or scripture-men warning his scholers to be ware of such whereas he and his like should soone haue beene descried in former ages Lucifugae scripturarū Tert. de resur and noted in their faces with a blacke coale if it had once appeared that they shunned the light of the sacred scripture For it is not the conference of the scriptures that is the path-vvaie to haeresie but the ignorance of those holie vvritinges Yee err ●aith our Saviour the teacher of truth to the seduced Sadduces not knovving the scriptures out of vvhome there most sufficiently Mat. 22. 29. Chry. hom 3 de Lazaro he confuteth their heresie So Chrysostome the ignorance of the scripture hath bredde haeresies and hath brought in a corrupt life and hath turned all vpside dovvne And therefore they are impudent and shamles haeretikes vvho vvhen they are reproved out of the scriptures sette themselues as Irenaeus saith to Iren. l. 3. cap. 2. reproue the scriptures as if they vvere not right and that they are vttered ambiguously and that the truth cannot be learned out of them by such as knovve not tradition For if GOD be faithfull Bas in asce● serm de fi●e in all his vvorkes as Basill saith then it
the Lords saints who the ●po 18 24. merciful spouse of Christ that crieth to God for the pardon of her most grievous and cruel persecutors ●ct 7. 60. Opposit 8. The sting of conscience which some haue felt which were either persecutors or revolters from the gospell of Christ is a manifest demonstration of the impregnable povver of the gospell of Christ vvhich cannot be vanquished and of the light thereof which cannot bee put out THe extraordinary iudgments of God and especially the See Actes and Monume●ts vol. 2. fol. 1902. gnawing vvorme that hath beene felt not only in the guilty consciences of some of the great persecutors of the gospel of Christ but also of some that haue beene revolters from the same for some worldly carnall and earthly respectes both in the Primitiue church and in these later ages also doth manifestly cōvince that this doctrine of the gospell proceedeth from the Rom. 2. 16. 2 King 10. 10 Math 5 18. iudge of all flesh and shal condemne all the condemners thereof yea that in the ende it shall force themselues to pronounce the sentence of iust condemnation against their owne soules VVhereas no such examples may truely be found among those which either by their authority haue restrained or by the ●ight of the truth haue beene reclaimed from their popish heresies Opposit 9. True religion teacheth the faithfull to devote themselues to the worshippe of one true all sufficient God and not to giue religious worshippe to any creature THe worshippe of God is called Religion for that it doth relige Aug. de vera rel ca. 54. Idem de cōs●n Evang. li. 1. cap. 18. and binde vs to one GOD. And therefore the Roma●es vvho receaued into their Panthcon the Gods of all the nations vvhom they subdued to their Empire hauing subdued the Ievves refused their GOD beeing the true and onely God for that they vnderstoode that hee vvoulde bee vvorshipped alone or not at all VVhat religion then is that which doeth not teach to worshippe God alone but to worshippe with religious worshippe saintes and angels also yee their dead and senselesse images Verily S. Austine avoucheth ●…g Ep. 44. that no dead person is worshipped of Catholike christians Wherfore the Romish religion is not catholike nay it is not to be counted religion at al for that it doth not binde vs to one God onely but willeth vs to giue religious worshippe to dead creatures also Opposit 10. The true worshippe and service of God is not clogged with a number of outward ceremonies and bodily observations but consisteth in a pure and sincere spirite Neither is it bettered more by one place then by another THe houre cometh saith our Saviour Christ and now is when 〈◊〉 4. 23. yee shall neither in this mountaine nor at Hierusalē worship the father but the true worshippers shall worshippe him in spirite and truth for the father requireth such to worshippe him God is a spirite they that worsh●ppe him must worshippe him in spirite and truth And therefore when the church beganne to decline from the spirituall worshippe and service of God and to corrupte the same with a multitude of ceremonies it was no small greife to the godly that then liued as it it may appeare by the complainte that Saint Austine made to Ianuarius For bodily exercise even when it is ● Tim. 4. 8. best vsed profiteth litle it is godlines that is profitable to all thinges hath the promises both of this life and of the life to come And as the same Apostle testifieth the kingdome of God consisteth not in meate ●om 14. 17 drinke nor in any outward or bodily observation but in righteousnes peace and ioy in the holy Ghost and he that in these thinges serveth Christ is acceptable to God and approved of men Nowe ●…on vox 〈◊〉 votum ●…acra aurū●…n requi●…nt ●…gnei sacer●…tes au●…i calices this principall kinde of seruing of Christ in spirit and truth which is most acceptable to God and most approved of all good men is willed to stand aside by the church of Rome for she will haue her most goodly and solemne service of God and that vpon her greatest feastes to consist in all manner of melodious musike in singing quavering and orgaine playing in glistring copes and sumptuous vestimentes in creeping to the crosse and kissing the pax and in bowing and bending to dumbe images in long praiers mumbled vp without vnderstanding in a strang tongue nūbred vpon beades in wearing this attire and that attire in going bare-foote in sack-cloath and woll-ward in abstaining from these and these kinde of meates and in an infinite number of the like bodily exercises Wherein shee playeth like some wanton children and lustfull women which feede so long vpon earth or ashes or some other like trash vntill their stomakes loath all māner of good and holesome nourishmentes But these are nought also but false appetites and vnnaturall lustes tending in the one to the corruptiō of their bodies and in the other to the destruction of their soules Moreover whereas our Saviour Christ hath in plaine wordes avouched that the true worshippers of God shall not worshippe at Ierusalem the church of Rome that she may either shewe her selfe to be contrarie to Christ or else her children not to be the true worshippers of God sendeth thē on pilgrimage to Ierusalem there to worshippe esteeming that to be a chiefe pointe of high devotion yea shee hath caused not onely great treasures but also much christian bloode to haue beene wasted for the recovery of that country out of the infidels hands calling it still the holy lande albeit the Lorde long since hath reiected and defied it and hath as it were spit in the very face of it and hath polluted it with his extraordinary plagues because of that cursed peoples extraordinary sinnes And seeing that the name of a Iewe hath long since beene a name of reproach and detestation euen an abhorred and an accursed name why is not the name of Iurie also to be had in the like curse execration Surely the Lord himselfe as the Evangelists doe testifie hath had it Math. 24. 15 Luc. 21. 20. in extreame detestation and set therein the abomination of desolation that is as S. Luke expoundeth the same a fierce army making vtter desolation which testifi●d that the Lorde had vtterly abhorred it and had made the most dreadful destruction thereof to be a witnesse of the same And therefore it is the duety of Monkes as Bernard saith to goe on pilgrimage not towardes the earthly but the heavenly Ierusalem and that not with their feete but with Bern. Ep. 319. their affections For with pure sanctified affectiōs we draw ●igh to God and to the holy and heavenly Ierusalem Opposit 11. The faithfull are in heavines through manifolde tribulations if neede require vvhich is when either God himselfe afflicteth them