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A04459 An apologie or answere in defence of the Churche of Englande with a briefe and plaine declaration of the true religion professed and vsed in the same.; Apologia Ecclesiae Anglicanae. English Jewel, John, 1522-1571.; Bacon, Anne Cooke, Lady, 1528?-1610.; Parker, Matthew, 1504-1575. 1564 (1564) STC 14591; ESTC S101072 92,781 278

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to Gratianus y e Emperour Let the scripture sayeth he bee asked the question let the Apostles be asked let y e Prophets be asked let Christ be asked For at that time made the Catholik Fathers and Bysshops no doubt but that our Religion mighte be proued out of y e holy scriptures Neither were they euer so hardy to take any for an he●itike whose errour they coulde not euidently apparently reproue by the selfe same scripturs And we verely to make aunswere on this wise as S. Paul did According to this way which they cal heresie we do worship God and the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ do allowe all thinges which haue ben written either in y e Law or in the Prophet● or in y e Apostles workes Wherefore yf we be heretikes and they as they woulde faine be called bee Catholikes why do they not as they see the fathers which were Catholike men haue alwaies don why do they not conuince and maister vs by the diuine scriptures ▪ why do they not call vs agayn to be tryed by them why do they not lay before vs howe wee haue gon away frō Christ from the Prophets from the Apostels and from the holy fathers why stick they to do it why are they afraide of it It is Gods cause whye are they doubtful to commit it to y e trial of gods worde yf wee be heretkes which referre all our controuersies vnto the holy scriptures report vs to y e selfe same words which wee knowe were sealed by God him self and in comparison of them set little by all other thinges whatsoeuer may be deuised by men howe shall wee say to these folke I pray you what māner of men be they howe is it meete to call them which feare the iudgement of the holy scriptures that is to say y e iudgement of God hym self and do preferre before them theyr owne Dreames and full colde Inuentions and to maintaine their owne traditions haue defaced and corrupted now these many hundred yeares the ordinances of Christe and of the Apostles Men say that Sophocles the tragicall Poet when in his oulde dayes he was by his own sonnes accused before the Iudges for a dotinge and sottishe man as one that fondelye wasted hys owne substaunce and seemed to neede a Gouernour to see vnto him to thintent he might cleere him selfe of the faulte he came into the place of Iudgemente and when he had rehearsed before them his Tragedye called Oedipus Coloneus which he had written at the verye tyme of his accusation maruelous exactly and conningly did of him selfe aske the Iudges whether they thought any sottish or doting man could do the like peece of worke In like manner bycause these men take vs to be mad and appeache vs for heretikes as men which haue nothing to do neyther with CHRIST nor with the Churche of GOD wee haue iudged yt shoulde be to good purpose and not vnprofitable yt wee doe openlye and frankely set furth our faith wherein we stande and shew al that confidence which wee haue in CHRISTE IHESV to the intent al men may se what is oure iudgement of euery pa●te of Christian religion and may resolue w t them selues whether y e faith which they shall see cōfirmed by the words of Christ by the writinges of the Apostles by the testimonies of the catholique Fathers and by the exaumples of many ages be but a certain rage of furious and mad men and a compicacie of heretikes This therefore is oure Beli●ffe WE BELEEVE that there is one certaine nature and diuine power whiche wee call GOD and that the same is diuided into three equall persons into y e Father into the Sonn and into the holy Ghoste and that they all be of owne power of one Maiestie of one eternitie of one Godhed and of one substāce And although these three persons be so diuided that neither the Father is the sonne nor the sonn is the holy Ghost or the Father yet neuertheles wee beleeue y e there is but one very God And that the same one God hath created heauē and earth and al thinges contained vnder heauen Wee beleeue that IESVS Christe y e onely Sonne of the eternall Father as long before it was determined before all beginninges when the fullnes of tyme was com did take of that blessed pure Virgin bothe ●●eshe all the nature of man that he might declare to the world the secret hid will of his father which will had ben laide vp from before all ages and generaciōs And that he might full finishe in his humaine bodie the misterie of our redēption might fasten to the crosse our sinnes and also that handwritinge which was made against● vs. We beleue that ●or our sake he dyed and was buried descen●y● into hel● the third day by the power of his Godhed retorned to ●yfe a●d rose again and that y e fourtyth day after his resurrectiō ▪ whiles his Disciples behelde and loked vppon him he ascendid into heauen to fulfill all thinges and did place in maiestie and glory the selfe same body wherwith he was borne wherin he liued on earth wherein he was ●ested at where in he had suffred most painful torments cruell kinde of death wherein he rose againe and wherein be ascendid to the right hand of the Father aboue all rule aboue all power all force all Dominiō and aboue euery name which is named not onely in this worlde but also in the world to com And that there he now sitteth and shall syt till all thinges be full perfetted And althoughe the Maiestie and Godhed of Christ be euery wheare habundauntly dispersed yet wee beleeue y e his body as S. Augustine sa●eth must needes be still in one place that Christ hath geuen maiesty vnto his bodye but yet hath not takē away from it y e nature of a body and that wee must not so affirme Christ to be God that wee deny hym to be man and as the Martyr Vigilius sayth that Christ hath left vs as touching his humaine nature but hath not left vs as touchinge his diuine nature And that the same Christ though he bee absent from vs concerning his māhood yet is euer present with vs concerning his Godhed From that place also wee beleeue that Christ shall com againe to execute that general iudgemēt aswel of them whom he shall then synde aliue in the bodye as of them that be already dead Wee beleeue that the holy Ghoste who is the third person in the holie Trinitie is very God not made not ●reat not begotten but proceding from both the Father and the Sonne by a certain meane vnknowen vnto men vnspeakable and that it is his propretie to mollifie and soften y e hardnes of mans heart when he is once receiued thereunto eyther by y e holsom preaching of the Gospell or by any other way that he dothe geue men light and guide them vnto the
cryed The temple of the Lorde The temple of the lorde or as the Phariseis and Scribes dyd whiche craked they were Abrahams children Thus with a gay and iolie shewe deceiue they the simple and seke to choke vs with the very name of the church Muche like as yf a theefe when he hath gotten into an other mans house and by violence eyther hath thrust out or slayne the owner should afterwarde assigne the same house to hym selfe casting furthe of possession the right inheritour Or y● Antichrist after he hath once entred into the Temple of God should afterward saye This house is myne own Christ hath nothinge to do withall ▪ For these menne nowe after they have left nothyng remaining in y e churche of God y t hath any liknes of this Church yet will they seeme the Patrones and the valiaunte maynteners of the Churche very like as Grachus amongest the Romaynes stoode in defence of the treasury not withstanding with his prodigalitie and fond expences he had vtterlye wasted the whole stocke of the treasurie And yet was there neuer any thing so wicked or so far out of reason but lightelye yt might be couered defended by the name of the church For the waspes also make honyecombes as well as Bees wicked men haue companyes lyke to the Churche of God yet for all that they be not streight w●y the people of God which ar called y e people of God neither be they al Israelits of many as ar com of Israell y e father The Arrians notwitstanding thei were heretiques yet bragged they that they alone were Catholiques calling all the test now Ambrosiās now Athanasiās now Iohannites And Nestorius as saith Theodorete for all he was an Heretique yet couered he hym selfe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to weete with a certaine cloke and colour of the true right faith Ebion though he agreed in opinion with y e Samaritanes yet as saith Epiphanius he would be called a Christian. The Mahomytes at this day for all y e al histories make plaine mention and themselues also cannot denye but they toke their first begynning of Agar the bonde woman yet for the very name and stockes sake chuse they rather to be caled Saracenes as though they came of Sara the free woman and Abrahams wyfe So likewise the false Prophetes of all ages whiche stode vp against the Prophetes of God whiche resisted E●ayas Ieremye Christ and the Appostles at no tyme craked of any thing somuche as they dyd of the name of the Churche And for no nother cause did they so fearcely vexe them and cal thē Ronneawayes and Apostatas then for that they forsoke their fellowshipp and kepte no thordinaunces of the Elders wherfore yf we would folow the iudgementes of those men only who then gouerned the Churche and would respecte nothing els neyther God nor his word yt muste nedes bee confessed that the Apostles were rightlie and by iust lawe condemned of thē to death bycause they fell from the Byshops and preistes that is you must thīke from the Catholique Churche and bycause they made many new alterations in Religion contrarie to the Byshops and Preistes willes yea and for all their spurninge so ernestlye against it wherfore like as it is written that Hercules in olde time was forced in striving w t Antaeus that huge giaunt to ●y●te him quite vp from the earth that was his Mother ●re he could conqueere him euen so must our Aduersaries be heaued from their Mother that is from this vaine colour shadow of y e church wherewith they so disguise and defende themselues otherwyse they cannot be brought to yelde vnto the word of God And therefore saith Ieremye the Prophete Make not suche ●reat boaste that the Temple of the Lorde is with you this is but a vaine confidence for these are lyes The Aungell also saith in the Apocalyps They say theybe Iewes but they be y e Synagoge of Sathan And Christ sayd to the Pharisies when they vaunted them selfe of the kynred bloud of Abraham Ye are of your father the Devel for you resemble not your father Abraham ▪ asmuche to saye ye are not the men ye woulde so faine be called ye 〈◊〉 the people with vaine titles and abuse the name of the Churche to the ouerthrowing of the Churche So that these mens parte had ben first to haue clearely and truely proued that the Romishe churche is the true and right instructed Churche of God that the same as they do order it at this day dothe agre with y e primatiue church of Christ of the Apostles and of the holye Fathers whiche we doubt not but was in dede y e true catholique Church For our partes yf we could haue iudged ignoraunce errour superstition Idolatrie mennes Inuentions and the same cōmōlie disagreinge with y e holy Scriptures eyther pleased God or to be sufficient for thobtainige euerlastyng saluation or yf we could assertaine our selues that the worde of God was written but for a time only and afterwarde againe ought to be abrogated and put awaye or els that the sayinges and commaundementes of God ought to be subiecte to mans will that whatsoeuer God sayeth and commaundeth except the Byshopp of Rome willeth and commaundeth the same it must be taken as void an vnspoken Yf we coulde haue brought our selues to beleue these thinges we graunt there had ben no cause at all why wee should haue lefte these mennes cōpanie As touching that we haue now den to departe from that Churche whose errours were proued made manifest to y e world which Church also had alredy euidētly departed from Gods worde yet not to departe somuche from it selfe as from therrours therof not to do this disorderlye or wickedly but quietlie and sobrelye we haue don nothing herein against the doctrine eyther of Christ or of his Apostles For neyther is the Church of God suche as it may not be dusked w t some spot or asketh not sometime reparation els what nedith there so many assembles and Councelles without the which as saith Egidius the Christian saith is not hable to stand For loke saith he howe often Councelles are discontinued so often is the Church destitute of Christ. Or yf there be no peryle that harme maye come to the church what nede is there to reteyne to no purpose y e names of Byshops as is now commenlye vsed amonge them For yf there be no shepe that may strey whye be they called shepardes yf there be no Citie that may be betraied why be they called watchemen yf there be nothing that may ronne to ruyne why be thei called Pillers Anone after the first creation of the worlde the churche of God began to spreade abrode and the same was instructed wyth the heauenly word whiche God hym selfe pronounced with his owne mouth It was also furnished with diuine ceremonies It was taught by y e spirit of God by the Patriarches and
loke for none other and forasmuche as it was to be offered but once wee commaund it not to be renewed againe And bicause it was full perfite in all points and partes wee doe not ordaine in place thereof anye continuall succession of offeringes Besides though wee saye we haue no meede at all by oure owne woorkes and deedes but apoint all the meane of oure saluation to be in Christe alone yet say we not that for this cause men ought to liue looslie and dissolutely nor that it is ynough for a Christian to be Baptized onely and to belieue as though there were nothing els required at his hande for true faith is liuely and can in no wise be idell Thus therefore ●ea●he wee the people that God hath called vs not to folowe ry●t and wantonnes but as Paul saithe vnto good woorkes to walke in them That God hath plucked vs oute from the power of darkenes to serue the liuinge God to cutte away all the remnauntes of sinne and to worke oure saluation in feare and tremblinge that it may apere how that y e Spirit of sāctification is in oure bodies and that Christ himselfe doth dwell in our heartes To conclude we beleue that this our selfe same flesh wherin we liue although it dye and come to dust yet at the last day it shall retourne againe to lyfe by the meanes of Christes spirite which dweleth in vs and that then verely whatsoeuer we suffer heere in the meane whyle for his sake Christ wil wipe from of our eies all teares lamentation that we through him shall enioy euerlasting life and shall for euer be with him in glory So be it Beholde these are the horrible heresies for the which a good parte of the world is at this day condemned by the Byshop of Rome and yet were neuer hearde to pleade their cause He should haue commenced his sute rather against Christe against the Apostles and against the holy fathers For these thinges did not only procede from them but were also apointed by them except perhaps these menne will say as I thinke they will in deede that Christe hath not instituted the holy Communion to be diuided amongest the faithfull Or that Christes apostles and the auncient fathers haue saide Priuate masses in euery corner of the Temples nowe tenne now twenty togithers in one day Or that Christ and hys Apostls bannished all the common people from the Sacrament of his bloud or that the thing whiche them selues do at this day euery wheare and do it so as they condemne him for an heritike whiche dothe otherwise ys not called of Gelasius their owne doctour plaine sacriledge or 〈◊〉 these be not y e very words of Ambrose Augustine Gelasius Theodorete Chrysostome Origene The bread and wine in the Sacramentes remaine still the same they were before The thing which is seene vpon the holye table is breade there ceaseth not to be still the substaunce of breade and nature of wyne the substance and nature of bread are not changed the selfe same breade as touchinge the materiall substaunce go●th into the bellie and is cast out into the pryuei Or that Christe the Apostles and holy fathers prayed not in that tongue whiche the people might vnderstande Or that Christe hath not performed all thinges by that one offering which he once offered or that the same Sacrifice was imperfect and so now we haue neede of an other All these thinges must they of ne●cessitie say onlesse perchance thei had rather lay thus that all lawe and right is locked vp in the treasurie of the Popes breaste and that as once one of his southinge pages and clawbackes did not sticke to say the Pope is able to dispence against the Apostles against a councell against y e Canōs rules of y e Apostls and y t he is not bound to stand neither to y e examples nor to the ordinūaces nor to y e lawes of Christ. We for our parts haue learned these thinges of Christe of the Apostles of the deuout fathers and dooe sincerely and with good faith teache the people of God the same Whiche thinge is the onely cause whye wee at this daye ar called heretikes of the chiefe prelates no doubt of Religiō O immortal God hath Christ him selfe then y e Apostles so many Fathers al at once gon a stray were then Origene Ambrose Augustin Chrysostome Gelasius Theodoret forsakers of the catholique faith was so notable a consent of so manye auncient Byshoppes and learned menne nothing els but a conspiracye of heretiques Or is that nowe condemned in vs whiche was then commended in them Or is the thyng nowe by alteration onely of mens affection sodenly becōme shismatique whiche in them was compted catholique Or shall that whiche in times past was true nowe by and by bycause it liketh not these men be iudged false Let them then bring furth another Gospell and let them shew the causes why these thinges which so long haue openly ben obserued and well alowed in the Churche of God ought nowe in thend be called in againe Wee knowe well ynoughe that the same worde whiche was opened by Christ spred abrode by the Apostles is sufficient both our saluacion and al trueth to vp holde mayntein and also to confounde all maner of heresie By that Wo●d only do we condemne all sortes of the olde heretiques whom these men say we haue called out of hell againe ▪ As for the Arrians the Eutychians the Marcionites y e Ebionites the Valentinians the Carpocratians the Tatians the Nouatians and shortelie all them which haue had a wicked opinion eyther of God the Father or of Christ or of the holy Ghoste or of any other poinct of Christian Religion ▪ for somuche as they be confuted by the Gospell of Christ we plainly pronun●● them for detestable and cast awaye personnes and defye them euen vnto the dyuell Neyther do wee leaue them so but we also seuerely and straitely hold them in by lawful and politick punishemētes yf they fortune to breake out any wher● and bewraye themselues In deede we graunt that certain new and very straunge sectes as the Anabaptistes Libertines Meneniās Zuenkfeldians haue ben stirring in the worlde euersence the Gospel did first spring But the worlde seeth now right wel thankes be giuen to our God that wee neyther haue bredd nor taught nor kept vp these Monstres In good fellowship I pray the whosoeuer thou be read our bokes they are to be sould in euery place● What hath there euer ben written by any of our cōpany which might plainely beare with the madnes of any of those heretiques Nay I saye vnto you there is no countrie at this daye so free from their pestilent infections as they be wherein the gospel is freely and cōmonly taught So that yf they wey the very matter w t earnest and vpright aduisement this thing is a great argumēt y t this same is the very truth
betweene themselues excepte it be peraduentur as in times past the Pharisies and Saducees or as Herod and Pylate did accorde against Christ. They were best therfore to go and sette peace at home rather amonge theeir owne selues Of a truthe vnitie and concorde dothe best become Religion yet is not vnitie the sure and certaine marke whereby to knowe the Church of God For there was the greatest consente that might bee amongest them that worshipped the Golden calfe and among them whiche with one voice ioyntly cryed against our Sauiour Iesu Christe Crucifie him Nother bicause the Corinthians were vnquieted with priuate dissensions or bicause Paule did square with Peter or Barnabas with Paule or bicause the Christians vpon the very beginning of the Gospell were at mutuall discorde touchinge some one matter may we therefore thinke there was no church of God amongest them ▪ And as for those personnes whom they vpon spite cal Zwinglians and Lutherians in very deede they of bothe sydes be Christians good friendes brethern They vary not betwixt thēselues vpon the principles and foundacions of oure religiō nor as touching God nor Christ nor the holy Ghoste nor of the meanes to iustification nor yet euerlasting life but vpon one onely question whiche is neither weightie nor great neither mistrust we or make doubte at all but they will shortely be agreed And if there bee any of them whiche haue other opinion than is meete we doubt not but or it bee longe they will put apart all affections and names of parties and that God wil reueale it vnto them so that by better considering searching out of the matter as once it cam to passe in the Councel of Calcedone al causes seedes of dissension shall bee throughly pluct vp by the roote and be buried and quite forgotten for euer whiche God graunt But this is the moste greuous and heuye case that they call vs wicked and ungodly men and say we haue throwne away all care of religion Though this ought not to trouble vs muche whiles thei themselues y t thus haue charged vs knowe ful well how spitefull and false a sayinge it is for Iustine the martyr is a witnes how that all Christians were called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Godlesse assone as the Gospell firste beganne to bee published and the name of Christe to be openly declared And when Polycarpus stood to be iudged the people stirred vp the President to sleye and murder all them whiche professed the Gospell with these wordes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That is to saye Ridde out of the waye these wicked and Godles creatures And this was not bicause it was true that the Christians were Godlesse but bicause they woulde not worship stones and stockes whiche were then honored as God The whole worlde seeth plainelye ynough already what we and ours haue endured at these mens handes for religion and our onely Goddes cause They haue thrown vs into prison into water into fyer ha●● embrued themselues in oure bloude no● bycause wee were eyther adulterers or robbers or murtherers but only for tha● we confessed the Gospell of Iesu Christ and put oure confidence in the liuinge God And for that wee complained to iustly and truely Lorde thou knowest that they did breake the lawe of God for their owne moste vaine traditions And that our Aduersaries were the very foes to the Gsopel and ennemies to Christes crosse who so wittingly and willingly did obstinately dispise Gods commaundementes Wherefore when these menne sawe they could not rightly finde faulte with oure doctrine they woulde needes picke a quarel and inuey raile against our manners surmisinge how that we do condemne all well doinges how wee sette open the doore to all licenciousnes and iust and lead away the people from all loue of vertue And in very deede the lyfe of all men euen of the deuoutest and moste Christian bothe is and euermore hath been suche as one maye alwayes had some lacke euen in the very best and purest conuersation And such ys the 〈◊〉 of all creatures vnto euell and the readines of al men to suspect that the thinges whiche neither haue been done nor once ment to be done yet maye bee easely bothe heard and credited for true And like as a small spotte is soone spyed in the neatest and whytest garment euen so the least staine of dishonestie is easelye founde out in the purest sincerest lyfe Neither take we all them whyche haue at this day imbraced the doctrine of the Gospell to be Angels and to liue clerely without anye mote or wrinkle nor yet thinke we these men either so blind that yf any thing may be noted in vs they ar not able to perceaue y e same euen through the least ereuie nor so friendly that they will construe ought to the best nor yet so honest of nature nor curteous that they will looke backe vpon themselues and wey our fashions by their owne Yf so be we list to search this matter from the bottome we knowe in the very Apostle times there were Christians throughe whome the name of the Lord was blasphemed and euell spoken of amonge the Gentiles Constantius the Emperour● be waileth as it is writē in Sos●menus how that many waxed worse after the● had fallen to the religion of Christe And Cyprian in a lamentable Oration setteth out the corrupt maners in his time ▪ The holsome discipline saith he whiche the Apostles left vnto vs hathe idlenesse and long rest now vtterly marred euery one studied to encrease his liuelyhode and cleane forgettinge either what they had done before whiles they were vnder the Apostles or what they ought continually to doe hauing receaued the fayth they earnestly laboured to make greate their owne welth w t an vnsatiable desire of couetousnes There is no devout religion saithe hee in Preestes no sounde faith in ministers no charitie shewed in good workes no forme of Godlinesse in their conditions men are become effeminate and womens bewty is counterfeited And before his daies said Tertullian O how wreatched be we which are called Christians at this time For wee liue as Heathens vnder the name of Christe And without reciting of manye mo wryters Gregory Nazianzene speaketh this of the pitifull state of his owne time We saith he are in hatred amōg y e Heathen for our own vyces sake we are also becomme nowe a wonder not alone to Aungels and menne but euen to all the vngodlye In this case was the Churche of Godd when the Gospell firste beganne to shyne and when the fury of Tyrauntes was not as yet cooled nor the sword taken of from the Christians neckes Surelie it is no new thinge that menne bee butte menne althoughe they bee called by the name of Christians But will these menne I praye you thinke nothing at all of the selues whiles they accuse vs so maliciously whiles they haue leasure to beholde so farre of and see both what is done in
and vtterly made awaye the hil aultres and Groues wherby he saw Goddes honoure hindered and the people holden backe with a priuate superstition from the ordinarie Tēple whiche was at Ierusalem wherto they should by ordre haue resorted yearely from euery part of the Realme Kynge Iosias w t great diligence put the Preists and Byshops in myde of their duety Kyng Iohas bridled the Ryot and arrogancie of the preistes Iehu put to death the wicked Prophetes And to rehearse no more exampls out of the old law let vs rather cōsider since the birthe of Christ howe the Churche hath ben gouerned in the Gospels time The Christian Emperours in old time appoincted the Councelles of the Bysshops Constantine called the Councell at Nice Theodotius the first called the Councell at Constātinople Theodotius the second the councel at Ephesus Martian the Councell at Chalcedone and when Rufine the heretike had alleadged for authoritie a Councell whiche as hee thought shoulde make for him Hieroin his aduerrsarie to confute him Tell vs quod hee what Emperour commaunded that Councell to be called The same Hierome againe in his Epitaphe vpon Paula maketh mention of the Emperours letters whiche gaue commaundement to call the Bysshoppes of Italie and Grecia to Rome to a Councel Continuallye for the space of fiue hundreth yeares Themperoure alone appointed thecclesiasticall assemblies and called the Councelles of the Bysshops togither We nowe therefore maruail the more at the vnreasonable dealinge of the Bysshoppe of Rome who knowinge what was the Emperoures right when the Churche was well ordered knowinge also that it is nowe a common right to all princes for so muche as Kinges are now fully possessed in the seuerall partes of the whole Empire dothe so without consideration assigne that office alone to himselfe and taketh it sufficient in summoning a general Councel to make a man that is prince of the whole world no otherwise partaker thereof then hee woulde make his owne seruaunte And although the modestie and mildenes of the Emperour Ferdinando be so greate that hee canne beare this wronge bycause peraduenture hee vnderstandeth not well the Popes packinge yet ought not the Pope of his holines to offer him that wronge nor to claime as his owne an other mans right But hereto some will replye the Emperour in deede called Councelles at that tyme ye speake of bycause the Bysshop of Rome was not yet growen so greate as hee is nowe but yet the Emperour didde not then sitte togeather with the Bysshoppes in Councell or once bare any stroke with his authoritie in their consultation I aunswere nay that it is not so for as witnesseth Theodorete Themperour Constantine sate not only together with them in the Councell at Nice butte gaue also aduice to the Bysshoppes howe it was best to trye out the matter by the Apostles and Prophettes writinges as apeereth by these his own woordes In disputation saithe hee of matters of diuinitie wee haue sette before vs to followe the doctrine of the holye Ghoste For the Euangelistes and the Apostles woorkes and the Prophettes sayinges shewe vs sufficientlye what opinion wee ought to haue of the will of God The Emperour Theodotius as sayeth Socrates didde not onely sitte amongest the Byshoppes but also ordered the whole arguinge of the cause and tare in peeces the Heritiques bookes and allowed for good the iudgemente of the Catholiques In the Coūcell at Chalridone a Ciuile magistrate condemned for heretikes by the sentence of hys owne mouthe the Bysshoppes Dioseorus Iuuenall and Thalasius and gaue iudgement to put them down from that promotion in the Curche In the third Councell at Constantinople Constantine a ciuile Magistrate dyd not only sit amongest the Byshops but dyd also subscribe with them For saith he we haue both read and subscribed In the second Councell called Arausicanum the Princes Embassadours being noble menne borne not only spake their minde touching Religion but set to their handes also aswel as the Byshops For thus is it writen in the later end of that Coūcel Petrus Marcellinus Felix and Liberius being most noble menne and the famous Lieutenauntes and Capitaines of Fraunce also Peeres of the Realm haue giuen their consent and set to their handes Further Syagrius Opilio Pantagattus Deodatus Cariattho and Marcellus menne of very great honour haue subscribed Yf it be so then that Lieutenauntes chyefe Capitaines and Peeres haue had authoritie to subscribe in Councell haue not Emperours and kinges the like authoritie Truely there hadde been no neede to handle so plaine a matter as this is with so many wordes and so at length if wee hadde not to doe with those menne who for a desire they haue to striue and to winne the mastery vse of course to deny all thinges be thei neuer so cleere yea the very same which they presentlye see and beholde with their owne eyes The Emperour Iustinian made a law to correct the behauiour of y e Cleargie and to cutt shorte the insolencie of the priestes And albeit hee were a Christian and a Catholique prince yet putte hee downe from their Papall Throne twooe Popes Syluerius and Vigilius not withstandinge they were Peters successours and Christes vicars Lette vs see then suche men as haue authoritie ouer the Bysshoppes suche menne as receaue from God commaundementes concerning Religion suche as brynge home againe the Arke of God make holy hymnes ouer see the preistes builde the Temple make Orations touching diuine seruice clense the Temples destroye the hil Aultres burne the Idolles groues teache the preistes their dewtie write them out Preceptes how they should lyue kill the wicked Prophetes displace the high Preistes call togyther the Councelles of Byshops sit togither wich the Byshoppes instructing them what they ought to doe condemne and punysh an Hereticall Byshop be made acquaynted with matters of Religion whiche subscribe and giue sentence and do al these things not by an other mans Commissiō but in their own name and that both vprightly and godly Shall we say it perteineth not to suche men to haue to do with Religion or shall wee saye a Christian Magistrate whyche dealith amongest others in these maters doth either naughtelie or presumpteouslye or wickedlye The moste aunciente and Christian Emperoures and kinges that euer were didde busy themselus with these matters and yet were they neuer for this cause noted eyther of wickednesse or of presumption And what is hee that canne finde oute either more catholique princes or more notable exaumples Wherefore yf it were lawfull for them to dooe thus beinge but Ciuile Magistrates and hauinge the chiefe rule of common weales what offence haue oure Princes at thys daye made whiche maye not haue leaue to dooe the lyke beinge in the like degree Or what especiall gifte of learninge or of iudgemente or of holynes haue these menne nowe that contrarye to the custome of all the aunciente and Catholique Bysshoppes who vsed to conferre with princes and peeres concerning religiō