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A02635 A reioindre to M. Iewels replie against the sacrifice of the Masse. In which the doctrine of the answere to the .xvij. article of his Chalenge is defended, and further proued, and al that his replie conteineth against the sacrifice, is clearely confuted, and disproued. By Thomas Harding Doctor of Diuinitie. Harding, Thomas, 1516-1572. 1567 (1567) STC 12761; ESTC S115168 401,516 660

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the people Your selfe also now doutlesse do see it Yet for your worldly estimations sake hauing made suche an Arrogant Chalenge you may not seeme to see it At least what so euer you see you wil not confesse your errrour Thus in ouersight to boast of sight in darkenes to crake of light VVho playeth Thraso his parte the Chalenger or Defender in weakenesse to speake of strength in maters for whiche of your side no learning can be shewed to chalenge al men aliue this is the parte of Thraso But in this Article of the Sacrifice for which we haue so manifest Scripture so many Doctours so many Councels so common and so long continued custome and faith of the Churche for proufe thereof to auouche stoare of testimonies it is not the parte of Thraso it is the confidence of him that knoweth● how sufficiently the Catholike Religion may be defended against heretiks This serueth not to fray the simple as you say it serueth to cal backe the presumptuous rashnes of a newe Gospeller to animate right beleeuers and to stay the simple As for the wise whether they wil more condemne of folie me for shewing iust confidence in defence of the truthe or you for making suche a proude Chalenge against the truth I leaue it to their secrete iudgementes Bring vs but one plaine sentence of any Scripture auncient Doctor or Councel making clearely for you that a Priest hath not auctoritie and therefore may not offer vp Christe in the Euchariste as I haue brought many for proufe of the contrary and I wil be contente the name of Thraso be not returned vpon you If ye haue none to bring as sure I am ye haue not for your Thrafonical Chalenge that name wil become you better then me that how so euer you wrangle promise no more then I performe That the Reader go not farre for one suche sentence among many of our parte let the very laste alleged out of S. Chrysostome be considered In whiche he saith plainely Ch●ysost in 1. Cor. H●st 24. that Christe commaunded him selfe to be offered Whiche can not be referred to the Sacrifice of the Crosse. For if he had commaunded the Iewes to Crucifie him they had not bene gilty of his Death Neither permitteth the circumstance of the place any other to be vnderstanded then the Sacrifice of the Aulter in whiche Christe him selfe according to his commaundement Doo ye this in my remembrance is as I haue now proued really offered If in defence of your side you can not shew vs so muche as one sentence of like clearenes you must beare with wise men if they thinke the great sturre you haue made with your Chalenge to be great folie And likewise must you beare with your Aduersaries if they reporte you haue more shew of wordes then substance of mater To conclude go plainely to worke M. Iewel The handling of these maters requireth honestie sinceritie fidelitie truth conscience and the feare of God Set vs forth the light of true thinges if ye haue any leaue the darke clowdes of youy Phrases and Figures Conclude your Doctrine with some firme Argumentes confirme it with good and sufficient authorities Be ashamed of your loose and childish Argumentes by whiche in manner alwaies you inferre the denial of one truth by the affirmation of an other truth Let the world see that you allege your testimonies truly iointly and wholly that you falsifie them not by your diuisions taking one peece here and an other peece there by nipping of by adding vnto by hewing mangling and when you doo least by wrong and wrested vnderstanding Otherwise if you shal continue to set maters of Faith vpon vncertaine Phrases and Figures and Tropical speaches to confounde one truth with an other to corrupte to patche together to mangle and by other waies to falsifie as hitherto you haue done be the cotations of your Bookes Margent neuer so thicke be the number of your vnlearned and partial Fauourers neuer so great the wise the godly the learned shal iudge you as they finde you to be but a Maister of Phrases a confounder of Truthes a patcher a mangler a shifter a Falsifier THE TABLE A ABra by M. Iewel reported to be S. Hilaries daughter 172. b This worde Al in Scripture oft-times admitteth exception of many 168. a. b. Amalricus his carkasse digged vp and burnt in Paris 187. a. Anathema pronounced against the dead 186. b. Antitypon excludeth not the veritie of the Mysteries 80. b. Antitypon howe it is taken in S. Clement 81. a. The terme Antitypon maketh not for the Sacramentaries 81. b. Antitypon what it signifieth properly 82. b Apostles made Priestes by Christ at the last Supper 87. a. b. in sequent The Apostles made vowe to forsake al thinges 171. b. The Apostles forsoke the companie of their wiues Ibidem Application of Christes Death no strange Doctrine 219. a. Application of this Sacrifice prooued 114. b. 121. a. 162. a. b. 219. a. Aulters vsed of the Christians 9. a. b. 99. a. Aulter 61. a. 130. a. 225. b. 230. a. Aulter visible and external 60. b. 130. a. 143. a. 229. a. b. Aulters material 99. a. 229. a. sequent External Aulter argueth external Sacrifice 229. a. Authoritie geuen to Priests to offer vp the dreadful Sacrifice 88. a. 128. a. B. Baptisme 9. b. Baptisme doth not only signifie but also exhibit wasshing of sinnes 83. b. Beza 17. a. Beza defendeth it to be lawful to put Heretiques to death 179. a. The Bible corrupted by the Protestantes 167. a. b. Bishoply duetie 246. a. Blouddy and vnbloudy referred to one subiecte 226. a Burning of Heretiques Dead carcasses no newe thing .186 b. sequent C. CAluine defendeth it lawful to put Heretiques to Death 197. a The Canon of the Masse defended against M. Iewels scoffes 123. b. 254. b. 257. a. The prayer of the holy Canō found in S. Ambrose 258. a. Ceremonies of the Iewes changed 9. a. sequent Ceremonies of the Christians 59. a. The Chalenger playeth Thraso his parte 261. b. How we see Christe suffering by Charitie 200. b. Christe truly and in in deede offered 35. a. Christ offered vp his body at his last Supper 45. a. 48. a. Christ sacrificed him selfe at his Supper 67. b. 79. b. sequent Christe gaue his body and shed his bloud at the Supper affirmed by certaine Fathers 73. a. Christe sacrificeth and is sacrificed by the meanes or mediation of Priestes 86. a. 127. a. Christe dieth againe in this Mysterie and how 161. b. 162. a. Christ at the Supper both Priest and Lambe 73. b. Christ commaunded him selfe to be offered 79. b. 106. b. 259. b. Christe appeareth before the Father in heauen with his wounded body 117. a. 118. a. The Rocke was Christe and how 1●7 a. Christes being in the Sacrifice and in reading of the Storie of the Gospel is different 199. a. Christe offred the true bread and the true wine at his Supper 48. a. 204. a.
and to confirme that most manifest truth by this other Sacrifice which you and they of your side denie By what one woorde can you gather that to haue bene myne intent If it were not as most certainely it was not for what neede was there to bring any proufe for the Sacrifice of Christe vpon the Crosse why bestow you so many wordes to prooue your beleefe touching that Sacrifice I said not that ye robbed the Churche of the Sacrifice done vpon the Crosse For of that being now paste how can ye robbe the Churche But of the body and bloude of Christe as it is daily offered at the Aulter in remembrance of his Death and Passion of the Presence of the body and bloud and of the Sacrifice of the same in mysterie which the Churche from the Apostles time hitherto hath euer celebrated you robbe the Churche and of that spake I expressely as my wordes be plaine and thereof your selfe could not be ignorant Whether the Sacramentaries rob the Churche of her greatest treasure But how doo you auoide the crime of spoiling the Churche of her greatest treasure Bicause forsooth ye know and teach that Christe suffered death for vs vpon the Crosse. As though the Heretikes haue not alwaies acknowledged and confessed the same Arius confessed Christe was God and the Sonne of God yet he robbed him of his equalitie of Godhed of his coeternitie and of his consubstantialitie with God his Father In like sorte although ye beleue neuer so constantly and preach neuer so ernestly that Christe shed his bloude and died for vs vpon the Crosse yet shal ye be accompted to robbe the Chruche of her chiefe treasure onlesse ye leaue vnto her the real flesh and bloude of Christe by oblation and participation whereof the effect of the Sacrifice made vpon the Crosse is transferred vnto vs. Cyprian de coena Domini Origen in Lucam Hom. 38. Concilium Nicenum Concilium Ephesin Ye shal defraude her touching foode Alimonia immortalitatis portione vitae aeternae of the foode of immortalitie and of the portion of life euerlasting as S. Cyprian saith Pane vitae epulo incorrupto of the bread of life of the banket that is incorruptible as Origen writeth Of the Pledges of our Resurrection as the Nicen Councel determineth Of the flesh verely geuing life and proper to the Worde it selfe as the Councel of Ephesus declareth to be shorte of the meate of Angels as S. Ambros testifieth Ye shal rob her touching the Sacrifice Diony Ecclesia Hi●rarch c. 3. Augu. lib. 9. Confess cap. 12. Concil Nicen. Hostia salutari of the healthful Hoste as S. Dionyse calleth it of the permanent and alwaies continuing burnt offering as S. Cyprian esteemeth it of the Sacrifice of our Raunsome as S. Augustine termeth it Finally of the Lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the worlde as the Councel of Nice teacheth What iudge you They that violently take from the Churche of Christe these thinges seme they not to rob her of the gratest treasure she hath though they preach that Christe died vpon the Crosse for vs neuer so busily Doo they not leaue her without a Sacrifice and therefore without a Religion according vnto S. Cyprians mynde Doo not they take the next way to abolishe that which faith and cōtrition presupposed is the chiefest meane to apply vnto vs the benefite of Christes death by abolishing the daily Sacrifice S. Gregorie saith Gregor Hom. 37. Dialog 4. cap. 58. Quoties ei hostiam suae passionis offerimus toties nobi● ad absolutionem nostram ipsius passionem reparamus As often as we offer vnto him the Sacrifice of his passion so ofte doo we repaire and renew vnto our selfe his passion to our absolution Al this notwithstanding touching the Oblation of Christes body you saye that ye beleue and confesse as much as the Holy Ghoste hath opened in the Scriptures That Christ offered vp his body at his last Supper But how vntruly this is spoken who vnderstandeth not For the holy Ghost hath opened in the Gospel that Christe made an Oblation of his body and bloude at his last Supper which you M. Iewel and your felowes wil not beleue That Christe made such a Sacrifice and that the same is reueled in the Gospel if you wil not beleue the Catholike Church that is to be beleued before any one man August in Psalm 33. Concio 1. yet may it please you to beleue S. Augustine with these woordes recording the same Erat vt nostis Sacrificium Iudaeorum anteà secundùm ordinem Aaron in victimis pecorum hoc in mysterio Nondum enim erat sacrificium corporis sanguinis quod fideles nôrunt qui Euangelium legerunt quod sacrificium nunc diffusum est toto orbe terrarum The sacrifice of the Iewes was as ye knowe before after the order of Aaron in Sacrifices of brute beastes and that in mysterie For the Sacrifice of the body and bloude of Christe which the faithful and they that haue read the Gospel do know was not as yet The which Sacrifice is now dispersed abroade in the whole worlde The Sacrifice of Christe auouched in the Gospel in the iudgement of S. Augustine Now marke good Reader S. Augustine saith that the faithful and so many as haue perused the Gospel doo knowe the Sacrifice of the body and bloud of Christe What shal we say then Is not that Sacrifice opened by the holy Ghoste in the Scriptures And least any man should mystake him and thinke him to speake of the Sacrifice of Christes body and bloud made vpō the Crosse on the mounte of Caluarie without the gates of Ierusalem he declareth his meaning Sacrifice spred ouer the worlde and nameth plainely the Sacrifice which is now spred and made thorough out the whole worlde Which Sacrifice of Christes body and bloude can be none other but that which the Church hath ben accustomed to offer vp to God in the Masse vnder the visible formes of bread and wine in remembrance of Christes Passion Resurrection Ascension and other his great benefites Cauil not M. Iewel vpon wordes commonly vsed by the Churche for a more certaine explication and the better to repel the wrangling obiections of the Sacramentarie Heretikes sithens the tyme of Berēgarius The Sacrifice that we defende is which S. Augustine confesseth the Sacrifice of the body and bloude of Christe which succeded the Sacrifices of the Iewes that were of brute beastes which al Christian people and the faithful that read the newe Testamente doo acknowledge and confesse which is nowe frequented and celebrated in al partes of the worlde where so euer the voice of the Gospel hath bene sounded and receiued Touching the stoare of auctorities that may be alleged for good witnesse of this Sacrifice though your sprite stirreth you to scoffe at it how great it is and of what number they are vnto the learned it is not vnknowen And suche witnesses
from Christes folde the Churche and like a lost shepe to straggle alone and to wander from the saued flocke Our Lorde yet turne his harte and kepe him from the wolues and roaring Lion that neuer ceaseth going about 1. Pet. 5. and seking whom he may deuour Iewel Verify yf this Latine vvorde Dare be Sacrificare and Geuinge be Sacrificinge then vvhere as S. Paule ●aithe If thine enimie be thirstie Geue him drinke Roman 15 And vvhere as Iudas saithe VVhat wil ye Geue me Matt. 26. Matt. 25. and I wil deliuer him vnto you And vvhere as the foolish Virgins saie Geue vs parte of your Oile c. In euerie of these and suche other like places by this Nevve Diuinitie M. Harding vvil be hable to finde a Sacrifice Harding Forth you go rather ieasting and scoffing then prouing ought or disprouing If Dare be Sacrificare and geuing be sacrificing say you then where so euer in the Scriptures the worde Dare which signifieth to geue is found there must be concluded a Sacrifice And so sacrifice must be done vnto Iudas bicause he said Quid vultis mihi dare Matt. 26. What wil ye geue me and I wil deliuer him vnto you M. Ievvel fondly argueth frō the special to the general affirmatiuely The sadnesse of this mater M. Iewel beareth not wel your lightnesse Praised be God that his enemies wittes finde so litle weight of reason or learning in impugning his truth You knowe that I make not geuing to be sacrificing nor that Dare should alwaies signifie sacrificare Which if it be not presupposed your Argument is peeuish For what if Datur in the wordes of Christes Institution of the Sacrament for thereto onely my saying is restrained do founde to some learned men as much as offertur specially in that place where the addition of these two woordes pro vobis for you is withal to be considered wil it thereof folowe that euery where els Dare be sacrificare and that geuing be sacrificing in general By this your Logique it wil folow that bicause this worde calix is taken sometimes for passion and tribulation as where Christ said Matt. 26. transeat à me calix iste let this cuppe passe from me Luc. 22. and likewise in other places wher it is written of Christe being at his last supper accipiens Calicem gratias egit Iohn 18. He tooke the Cuppe and gaue thankes it must be interpreted Christ tooke his passion and gaue thankes whereby it is concluded that he suffered his passion at his supper in the euening and not on the morow onlesse it be said that he suffered his passion twise By this it is made cleare how fondly you reason How be it I iudge if you were wel examined your selfe would not denie but that Dare Dare vsed for offerre may signifie offerre where the circumstance of the place reporteth Christe to geue his body or him self for vs or for our synnes specially when being spoken of Christe it is put with this Proposition pro. This if you deny S. Paule shal conuince you writing to the Galathians Galat. 1. Gratia vobis pax a Deo Patre nostro Domino Iesu Christo qui dedit semet ipsum pro peccatis nostris vt eriperet nos de praesenti seculo nequam Grace and peace be to you from God our Father and our Lorde Iesus Christe who gaue him selfe for our sinnes to deliuer vs from this present wicked world Now if dare be offerre in this place why may it not signifie the same in the wordes of the Sacraments institution where Christ also gaue his body and bloude not only vnto vs to be a foode which no man denieth but also for vs to be a Sacrifice which our newe Gospellers denie and I now haue proued Iewel Yet saith he Certaine menne of excellent knowledge haue thus expounded it It seemeth very strange that these so notable men of excellent knovvledge should haue no names Perhappes he meaneth Tapper of Louaine or Gropper of Colaine of vvhom he hath borovved the vvhole substance vvelneare of al this Article Hovv be it the demaunde vvas of the Ancient Doctours of the Churche not of any of these or other suche petite Fathers Harding I said not as you reporte me that certaine men of excellent knowledge haue thus expounded it but that to some such men Datur here soundeth nolesse then offertur specially in cōsideration of the addition pro vobis And therein I said truly And though I named them not yet was there no cause why you should make so strāge a mater of it as though worthy men had no names Bicause some of them be yet liuing I thought it better not to name them If I had meāt Tapper of Louaine Tapper Gropper as I did not or Gropper of Coulen I had meant men in dede wel knowen and cōmended vnto the worlde both for excellent learning and singul●r vertue How so euer it please you in contempt to cal them petite Fathers These or others like them if I folow and helpe my selfe in this or any other question with their or with any other mennes knowledge what skilleth that so that I mainteine nothinge but the truth If you thought to abase myne estimation with the report of helping my selfe with other mennes labours you are deceiued the thing is lawful and commendable Neither ought that to grieue me being obiected by you who as it is wel knowen haue taken the parcels of the false wares pack● together in your Replie out of other mennes shoppes I meane the Lutherans and Caluinistes of our age who haue impugned the Catholike Religion fithens Luther beganne to write against the Churche Iewel But Christe saieth in the Present Tense This is my Bodie That is Geuen not in the Future Tense That shal be Geuen And likevvise This is my Bloude That Presently is shead not in the Future Tense That shal be Shead Therefore Christ sacrificed his Body and shead his bloude presently at the Supper Here M. Harding is driuen to control the olde Common Translation of the nevv testament not only that beareth the name of S. Hierome and hath ben euermore generally receiued in the Churche and is allovved by the Councel of Tridente but also that is stil vsed and continued in his ovvne Masse Booke Chryso in 1. Corin. 1● Origen in Matthaeū tract 35. I graunte In the Greeke it is vvriten Datur Is Geuen not Dabitur shal be Geuen But here the Present Tense according to the Common Phrase of the Scriptures is vsed for the Future Chrysostome readeth it thus Dabitur shal be Geuē not Datur Is geuen Origen likevvise readeth not Effunditur Is Shead but Effundetur Shal be Shead And in this sorte Chrysostom also expoundeth it Effundetur pro multis Hoc dicens ostendit quòd Passio eius Mysterium Salutis humanae per quod etiam Discipulos consolatur Shalbe shead for many Thus saying he sheweth that his
external Sacrifice of the Churche For the spiritual Sacrifices of our hartes exclude not the real Sacrifice of the body and bloude of Christe and the pure Aulters of our hartes may wel and do wel stande with the material Aulters of Christian Churches whereon the vnbloudy Sacrifice of Christes body and bloude are offered Hereof then and of that is before in this Diuision by you said the sclendernesse of your Argumentes doth soone appeare For thus you reason The Sacrifices of Prayers The best Argumēts that M. Ievv maketh against the Sacrifice Praises thankes geuing and other the like deuotions are of the Fathers called vnbloudy Ergo the Sacrifice of the body and bloude of Christe now offered by Priestes of the newe Testament is not called the vnbloudy Sacrifice Item By reporte of the auncient Bishop Leontius alleged in the seconde Nicen Councel Christen people in manner knowe not what an Aulter of Idolatrous Paynimes and what their Sacrifice is Ergo they knowe not what the Aulters of our Churches now nor what the dreadful Sacrifice of the body and bloude of Christe is Item The Fathers speake muche of the spiritual Aulters of our harte and of mere spiritual sacrifices Ergo they denie that there be any material Aulters and that thereon the real and external Sacrifice of Christes body and bloude is offered Logique is good cheape where these Argumentes be allowed But he that lacketh a Recorder may yet pype with an oten reede If Logique can not handsomly be applyed to mainteine M. Iewels glorious Chalenge yet Rhetorique wil do good seruice And yet in Rhetorique it selfe these Argumentes be but childish As wel might one proue there is none other heauen besides our hartes bicause S. Augustine saith August de Tempore Serm. 44 in a Sermon Corda fide lium coelum sunt The hartes of the faithful be heauen Ergo heauen that is said to be out of this worlde is but a tale As wel one might say Christe is not the Sonne of God bicause he is the sonne of man And in a mater of lesse weight as wel and by like Logique one shrewde boy might say to an other Iacke I wil proue thou hast no nose Thou hast great lolling eares Ergo thou hast no nose Of such Argumentes we haue great stoare in M. Iewels writinges and in manner none other For which cause to any graue and learned man he semeth rather worthy of contempte then of Answer Who so euer cōsidereth not the number of his wordes but the weight of his sentences not the multitude of his patched and peeced allegations but the force of the mater by the same auouched shal iudge no lesse God be thanked that heresie hath so weake a defence The .15 Diuision The Ansvver S. Augustin hath many euidēt sayinges touching this matter in his workes One shal suffice for al which is in a litle treatise he made contra Iudaeos vttered in these wordes Cap. ● Aperite oculos tandem aliquando videte ab Oriente sole vsque ad Occidentem non in vno loco vt vobis fuit constitutum sed in omni loco offerri Sacrificium Christianorum non cuilibet Deo sed ei qui ista praedixit Deo Israël Open your eies at last you Iewes and see that from the rising of the Sunne to the setting not in one place as it was appoincted to you but in euery place the Sacrifice of the Christian people is offered not to euery God but to him Malach. 1. that prophecied of these thinges before the God of Israel And euen so with that protestation which S. Augustine made to the Iewes I ende this tedious matter consistinge in manner altogeather in allegations to M. Iewel Open your eies at last M. Iewel and see how al the holy and learned Fathers that haue preached the Faithe of Christe from the rising of the Sunne to the setting haue taught this Doctrine by worde and writing lefte to the posteritie that they which vnder Christe doo vse the office of a Priest after the order of Melchisedek haue not only Authoritie but also expresse commaundement to offer vp Christe vnto his Father The proufe of which Doctrine although it depende of the weight of one place yet I haue thought good to fortifie it with some number that it may the better appeare to be a moste vndoubted Truthe not moued greatly with the blame of tediousnes where no thankes are sought but onely the defence of the Catholike Religion is intended Iewel S. Augustine as in these vvordes he neither toucheth nor signifieth this nevv manner of offeringe vp Christe vnto his Father so in sundrie other places he openeth his ovvne meaninge plainely and fully touchinge the same In his Treatie against the Ievves he vvriteth thus Sacerdotium Aaron iam nullum est in aliquo templo August ad uersus Iudaeos c. 1 At Christi Sacerdotium aeternum perseuerat in coelo The Blouddy Priesthode of Aaron is nowe in no Temple to be founde But the Priesthoode of Christe Continueth stil not vpon any Earthely Aultar But in Heauen Cont. Aduers legis proph lib. 1. ca. 1. Againe The Priest offereth vp the Sacrifice of Praise not after the Order of Aaron but after the order of Melchisedek Eius Sacrificij similitudinem celebrandam in suae Passionis Memoriam commendauit illud quod Melchisedek obtulit Deo iam per totum orbem terrarum videmus offerri Christ hath leafte vnto vs a likenes or Token of that Sacrifice in Remēbrancè of his Passion August in lib. 80. quast qu. 61. And the same that Melchisedek offered vnto God wee see is nowe offered throughout the whole VVorlde Holocausti eius Imaginem ad Memoriam Passionis suae in Ecclesia celebrandam dedit Christ hath geuen vs to celebrate in his Churche In eadem quaestione an Image or Token of that Sacrifice for the Remembrance of his Passion Huius Sacrificij Caro Sanguis ante Aduentum Christi per victimas similitudinum promittebatur Augustin cōt Faust li. 20. c. 21 De Cons. dis 2. Sacrificium August de Ciuit. Dei li. 10. c. 5. In Passione Christi per ipsam veritatem reddebatur Post Ascensionem Christi per Sacramentum Memoriae celebratur The Fleashe and Bloude of this Sacrifice before the Cumminge of Christe was promifed by Sacrifices of Resemblance The same was perfourmed in deede in the time of Christes Passion But after Christes Ascension it is frequented by a Sacramente of Remembrance Sacrificium hoc Visibile Inuisibilis Sacrificij Sacramentum id est Sacrum Signum est This Visible Sacrifice is a Sacramente Naziā in Apologet. that is to saie a Token or Signe of the Sacrifice Inuisible Quod Appellamus Sacrificium Signum est Repraesentatio Sacrificij The thinge that wee calle a Sacrifice is a Signe and Representation of a Sacrifice Thus many vvaies S. Augustine him selfe teacheth vs vvhat he meante by this vvorde Sacrifice An Oblation