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A00609 A notable sermon made within S. Paules church in Lo[n]don in the presence of certen of the kinges and Quenes moost honorable priuie cou[n]sell at the celebration of the exequies of the right excellent and famous princesse, lady Ione, Quene of Spayne, Sicilie [and] Nauarre. [et]c. the xviij. of Iune, Anno. 1555. By maister Iohn Feckenam, deane of the sayd churche of Paules. Set furth at the request of some in auctoritie whose request could not be denayed. Feckenham, John de, 1518?-1585. 1555 (1555) STC 10744; ESTC S112443 14,673 63

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of christes churche hauing the flocke of Christ commytted to their great cure and charge They must make their prouision for these foure laste thinges by a circūspect fedinge of Christes flock with good and holsome doctrine by a diligent serche of their partes to be made for the loste shepe whiche haue perished in the late plague of errours and Heresies by a wise bringing of them backe againe into the folde and vnitie of Christes church by a merciful binding and knitting of the woundes of the soore cut and mangled shepe by a charitable nourishinge and confortinge of the weake sicke feble among them hauynge in their brestes towarde their flockes the very zeale of a good pastour and sheperde whose zeale is suche as Christ witnesseth ꝙ anima suādet pro ouibus suis that he will Iohn x. not sticke to giue his life for his shepe like as our sauiour christ hath geuen vs example alreadie and as Moyses desired deleri de libro vitae to be blotted Exod. 32. out of the boke of life and saint Paule Anathema esse a Christo Roma ix pro fratribus to be accursed frō Christe for his brethren And their prouision for these foure last thinges being on this wise layd for circumspectly made God shall graunt them all and sende vnto them a quiet blessed death and a most confortable and mercyfull iudgement deliuering them frō the horrible paynes of hel and restoring them to the eternall blisse and ioyes of heauen All the rest of Shepe of the flocke of Christe Christes familie or housholde whiche are not shepardes but shepe of his folde and pasture You must here begin and make your prouision for these iiij last thynges First by a diligent gyuing eare and harkening to the voices of your sheperdes by a circumspecte and wyse refusall of all counterfeit and straunge voyces When the true shepe of Christe non sequuntur alienum Ioan. x. sed fugiunt ab illo quia non noue runt voces alienorū do not folow a straunge shepard but flee frō him for they know not the voyces of straungers Neither will they be deceyued by the straunge voyces of the Aryans Aryans in deniyng the deitie of our Sauioure Christe nor by the straunge voices of the Nestorians Nestorius Eutices and Eutichianes in deneiynge of Christes humanitie nor by the straunge voyces of the Manichees in their deniall of Manes the fre choise of man nor yet by the straunge voices of the Pelagianes Pelagius attributing to muche to the free will of man When the trewe shepe of Christe will not be deceyued by the barreyn voyce of Eunomius the Eunomius Solifidiane nor by the monstruous voyce of Beringarius Beringarius in hys denyall of Christes verye Reall and bodelye presence in the mooste blessed Sacramente of the altare nor yet by the euill skreakinge and moste straunge voyces of Martyn Luther Bucer Peter Martyr Luther Martyn Bucer Peter Martyr Corolastadius Zwynglius Oecolāpadius Zwinglius Oecolampadius other the very palebreakers of the vnitie of christes church the breders of al scismes cōtentions in the same the blasphemers of christes sacramētes the subuerters of all good orders and constitutions the reuiuers of olde cankered and rustie heresies and now by thē newe furbished and set forth to the shew and therfore their bokes iustly condemned here in this realme by a late proclamatiō set forth by the kinge and Quenes maiesties Wherunto I do exhorte you to be obedient to bringe in your bokes of heresies according to the purport therof forasmuche as the trewe shepe of Christe will geue no eare vnto their mooste monstrous and straunge voyces when these al other like voices which do diswade from the antiquitie vnitie and vniuersalitie of Christes church must nedes be most monstrous and straunge voyces Therfore O ye Londoners and inhabitauntes of this cytie Londoners Ceasse youre greate foly I besech you be you no longer sicut gens absque consilio sine prudentia as people withoute good counsell and all foresight what wil ensue folowe hereafter Vtinam saperetis intelligeretis ac nouissima prouideretis Woulde God you woulde be wise perceiue and vnderstāde make prouision for these iiij laste thinges by eschewyng of all straunge voices and herkeninge vnto the voyces of your sheperdes by a dyligente callinge of youre selues into some better remembraunce consideryng how longe time they haue spent in calling vpon you with how much patiēce your slouthfull retourne from your wicked errours and herisies hathe bene borne withall at the handes of God at the handes of our most noble king and oure moste mercifull lady and Quene and also at the handes of your Bishoppes and preachers among you Wheras you beynge persons seduced with many straunge voices of these deceitfull Mayremaides do dailie recōpence this their most mercifull tolleration and gentilenes with most cursed and wycked speakynges blasphemyng God and reysing vp false lyes and rumors agaynste oure mooste gratious kynge and Quene In so much that I for my part at this time occupiynge this place of verye greate zeale and loue whyche I haue euer borne vnto you am forsed thus muche to saye vnto you that excepte you geue better eare to the voyces of youre shepardes excepte ye shortlye retourne frome youre wycked heresyes into the vnitie of Christes churche agayne and excepte you become wyse and vnderstande and shortlye amende thys youre smale regarde and mooste euill prouision makynge for these foure last thinges Doutles your euill beleuynge and corrupte lyuynge shall brynge you vnto a miserable and lamentable deathe and endynge and to receaue therefore at the handes of God a strayte and mooste vpryghte iudgement to your great losse of eternall ioye and blisse euerlastynge and to the wynninge of the perpetuall tormentes paynes of hell Ye gentlemē and noble men whiche in lyuynge here in thys Gentlemen and noble men worlde be very politike and ful of all maner of worldlie prouisions Vtinam saperetis intelligeretis ac nouissima prouideretis Woulde God you woulde be wise and vnderstande make prouision for these foure laste thynges that you maye finishe the race course of this shorte life with a quiet death and fynallye to receaue at the handes of God a mercifull iudgement into ioye and blysse and not to susteyne the tormentes of hell The maner of this your prouision makinge muste be by the maintenaunce of Goddes glorie and honoure by youre vprighte ministration of Iustice by the authoritie committed vnto you of God to defende the catholike fayth and religion of God hys churche and moste blessed sacramentes and all the ministers of the same seruinge God in theyr byshopriches Cathedral churches houses of religion vniuersities colleges or elles where When otherwise doubtles your prouision made for these foure last thinges shall be all to shorte and after a wronge sorte O ye therfore that
are sicut gens absque consilio et fine prudentia as people voide of counsell wisedō and all forsight vtinam saperetis Would God you would be wise and vnderstande whether this your prouision by you and your aduyse and counsell made here as for an example in this Cathedral church of Paules where of the nūbre of lviij or lx priestes be nowe left by your prouision but onely twelue priestes called Peticanones here daylie to serue God in the Queere whether this your pretēced sekyng of Goddes glorie and honoure in all your doyng may be called a prouysion or rather a subtraction or plaine diminution of the same O ye that are wandrynge here in thys worlde sicut gens absque consilio et siue prudentia as people without counsell and voyde of wisedom and all forsyghte Is this a prouisiō for the vpholding of Christes catholike faith and religion here in this reaulme by nighte and daye prayer by readynge preachinge and teachyng by liberall almes geuinge and releiuynge of the poore membres of Christe to ouerthrowe monasteries colleges hospitalles to spoile bishopriches and their Cathedral churches so craftely to crāpe fleese the vniuersities by a couetous exchaungynge of theyr landes Is this your prouision O gens absque consilio sine prudentia O ye people voyde of coūsel vnderstādyng foresight Vtinā saperetis O woulde God you wold once becōe wise to perceyue vnderstande that excepte ye shortlie repent and do penaūce here in season for your greate wyckednes here to confesse and acknowledge the same here to make satisfactiō to restore againe doubtles your prouision for these iiij last thinges will be verye slender and ryght noughte worthe When otherwise you shall be sure here to finishe your liues with a lamentable and most miserable death and finally receiue at the handes of God a fearfull and terrible iudgemēt to the losse of perpetuall ioye and blysse and to the winninge of the euerlasting paynes and tormentes of hell And here a litle further somwhat more generally to speake touching the prouision making for these foure laste thinges after suche sorte and as the Apostle Paule hath already prescribed vnto vs in his Epistle to the Ephesians the .v. and .vi. chaptres as first Suche among vs as be maryed and haue wiues Maried mē let them prouide by a godly loue vnto their wyues like as Saint Paule teacheth saying Viri diligite Ephes v ▪ vxores vestras sicut christus dilexit sponsam suam ecclesiam et semetipsum tradidit pro ea Ye husbandes saieth sainct Paule loue your wyues like as Christe loued his spouse the church and gaue him selfe for her Ye married Maried women women and wyues you muste make youre prouision by your due obeysaunce vnto your husbandes The Apostle Paule willing the same saieth Mulieres Ephes v. viris suis subditae sint sicut domino quoniam vircaput est mulieris sicut christus caput est ecclesiae Sicut igitur ecclesia subiecta est christo ita mulieres virissuis in omnibus Ye women fayeth he be you subiecte vnto youre husbandes as vnto the Lorde For the husbande is the head of the woman as Christe is the head of the churche Therfore like as the church is subiect vnto christ so let women be to their husbādes in all thinges Suche as be fathers and haue children you Fathers must prouide by a godlie vertuous education of your childrē Et vos patres saith sainct Paule Ephesi vi nolite ad iracūdiam prouocare filios vestros Sed educate illos in disciplina et correctione domini And ye O fathers saith he prouoke not your childrē to anger but bringe them vp in the discipline and correctiō of our lord And ye children ye must make Children your prouision by rēdryng your dewe obedience vnto youre parentes and by honourynge and reuerencing of them For so S. Paule teacheth you sayinge Filij Ephes vi obedite parētibus vestris in domino Hoc enim iustū est Honora patrē tuum et matrem tuā vt bene sit tibi et sis longaeuus super terrā O ye children saith the apostle obey your parentes in our lord for that is right Honour thy father thy mother that thou maiest prosper lyue long vpon the earth And al ye that be maisters haue Maisters seruaūtes you must prouide by a dyscrete gouernaūce of youre seruaūtes remittētes minas not by ouermuche threatenyng thē scientes ꝙ et illorū et vester dominus est in coelis et ꝙ personarū acceptio nō est apud deū Knowing that both their maister yours is in heuē that there is no respect of persons with god And seruaūtes Seruaūtes must make their prouision by doyng their faithful seruice obedience vnto their lordes maisters Serui obedite dominis vestris cū timore et tremore in simplicitate cordis vestri sicut christo non ad oculum seruientes quasi hominibꝰ placētes sed vt serui christi facientes voluntatē dei exanimo O ye seruauntes saieth Paule obey your maisters with feare trembling in the singlenes of your hart as it were vnto Christ not doyng seruice vnto the eye as they do whiche go about to please men but as the seruauntes of Christ doyng the wyll of God euen from the verye harte So that all kynde of men for the time of their abode here in this worlde muste here make their prouision for these foure last thinges whether they be maried or vnmaried wife or syngle woman parentes or children maisters or seruauntes superiours or inferiours magistrates bearīg rule or subiectes being ruled whether they be of the clergy or of the laitie Euery man must here prouide by a circumspecte and diligēt walke in their vocations for the loue fauoure and frendship of God by obseruation of his commaundementes Christ himselfe witnessynge the same and sayinge Si praecepta mea seruauerits manebitis Iohn xv in dilectione mea If you wyll kepe my preceptes you shall abide in my loue and haue my fauoure and frendshippe Whose loue and frendshippe at the last houre of deathe shall stande vs in better stede then all the riches and lordshyppes of the worlde When at that houre thoughe all thy frendes kinnesfolkes acquaintaunce shoulde come with millions of golde or yet by force of armes they maye not at that dreadful grisely and last houre do thee anye helpe or comforte When other helpe refuge or succoure at that tyme thou shalt haue none but onely at the handes of God Let vs therfore in all the meane space of this present life so dread and feare God so imbrace and loue him and so honoure and worshippe hym that we at the laste houre maye haue his fauoure frēdship Et si deus pro nobis quis Roma viij contra nos And yf god be on our side who cā be against vs And then we shall be sure to haue at the finishing and knitting vp of this life a verie quiet and a ioyful death to receaue at the handes of God a very merciful and moste confortable iudgemente therby to auoyde and escape the tormentes of Hell and to inherite the ioyes of heauen To the whiche he bring vs all that hath so derelie bought it for vs by the effusion of hys most precious blood To whō with God the father the holy ghoste be al praise ▪ honor glory for now and euermore Amen Imprinted at London by Robert Caly within the precinct of the 〈◊〉 dissolued house of the Gr●ye Fr●●rs nowe conuerted to an hospital called Christes hospitall ▪ The .xx. day of August M.D.L.V.