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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15104 A godlye and fruitefull sermon against idolatrie vvherein the foolishe distinctions and false interpretations of the seconde commandement, and other scriptures pretended by the Papists, are plainly and fully confuted: preached the .xv. daye of Ianuarie. 1581. in the parrishe church of Eaton Sooken, within the countie of Bedforde, by P.W. minister and preacher in that place. White, Peter, Vicar of Eaton Socon. 1581 (1581) STC 25402; ESTC S106308 12,644 48

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Antedecor so doeth Origine vppon the Romaynes so doeth also Epiphanius the Bishoppe of Cipris who as hee wente towarde Bethell to meete with the Bishoppe of Hierusalem passing by a Village called Anablatha hee entered an Oratorye or house of praier and sayth hee inueni velum dependens in foribus eiusdem Ecclesiae tinctum atque depictum et habens imagenem quasi Christi vel sancti cuiusdam non enim satis memini cuius Jmago fuerit cum hoc vidissem in Ecclesia Christi contra authoritatem Scripturarū hominis pendere imaginem scidi c. I founde a cloth hanging in the enteraunce of the Churche stayned and paynted hauinge the Image as it were of Christe or of some other Saynte I doe not well remember vvhose Image it vvas vvhen I sawe the Image of a manne hang in the Churche of Christe contrarye to the aucthoritye of the Scriptures I cutte it downe c. Thus you also see the Scriptures by Augustine by Origine and Epiphanius applyedde agaynste Christiannes for the hauing of Images yea so farre that by those Scriptures they condemne images matters in religion for Heretikes but now between Jdolum Simulachrum Similitudinem or Jmaginem there is great difference for Idolnus and Simulacrum do euer signify the Idols false Gods of the Gentiles and are not to be applied vnto the images of Christiās this is as skilfull and learned distinction as the rest Tert. de Idol and of like truth Tertullian in his booke against Idolatry deriueth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from his Greeke primitiue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 quod grece formam sonat ab eo per dimunitionem 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 deductum aeque apud nos formulam facit igitur omnis forma vel formula idolum se dici exposcit That in greeke doth signifie a forme or fashion for idole by diminutio is brought and doeth with vs indifferentlye signifie a shape or fashion therefore euery shape or forme requireth the name of Idole Loe here is the difference of Jdolū as a greeke word et Similitudo or Imago a Latin word signifying the self the same thing for Simulacrū a Grammer Boye hauing learned the seconde parte of Grammer can tel you that similitudo commeth from similes that signifieth like so doeth simulacrum come from simulatum that signifieth to liken so simulacrum and similitudo are both one and signifieth a likenesse or Image as imago Loe here is their great learning that so boldlye and rashly talke they know not what thus muche for the thyrde branche They say this Roodelofte is no monument of Idolatrie Tert de Idola● Tertullian telleth vs that monumentum is anye thing that putteth in minde the memory of thinges not present Nowe enter into the consideration of your owne myndes and remember with youre selues whether when you beholde this lofte you at some time or other thinke with youre selues sometime yonder stoode a Crucifixe Mary and Iohn or when your Chyldren doe aske you what this Lofte is or why it standeth there and is more gaye then the residue of the Churche Doe you not aunswere It was the Roodelofte there stoode the Roode Mary and Iohn and when they saye further where is now the Roodes and why is it now taken awaye do you not aunswere They were Idoles and therefore are taken away Thus both the iudgemente of Tertullian yea of all learned men the cogitation of your own mindes the questioning of your young ones the common name whereby it is called teacheth that it is a Monumente of Idolatrie Further the Lawes of this Realme the iudgemente of our most gratious prince whom the Almighty euer preserue to the vtter ouerthrowe of Idolatrie with the practise of her Commissioners giuen vnto diuerse learned menne of this Realme as well in the common Lawes and ciuile Lawes as in Diuinitie teacheth vs that this Roodelofte is a monumente of Idolatrie for euery where in the fyrste yeare of her Gracious reigne they gaue commaundement to ouerthrowe them in euery place as may appeare vnto you by Saint Neots your next neighbour where Doctor Bentā Doctor Neueson and Sergent Fleetwood caused the Roodlofte there to be cut downe by the seates of the quyer leuing no memoryal thereof that their doyng myght be an example vnto the residue of the countrey to do the like Seing therefore that these proofes do so clearelye declare it to bee a monumente of Idolatry whyche in trueth hath and doeth greatlye offende the consciences of the beste sorte and disquieteth the whole number of this congregation Let me say vnto you as Moyses at the red Sea sayde to the Israelits Exod. 14. whē Pharao had hēmed thē in with his armye feare ye not stande still and beholde the great workes of the Lorde ye see the Egiptians now but after this day shall yee-see them no more be not offended quiet your myndes ye nowe see this monumēt that hath so troubled vs but after this in this fourme and fashiō shall ye see it no more the Lord will so deale with vs assure your selues And thus muche for the fourthe branche Now what learning wisedome and gouernmente those men haue that take vpon thē the defence that Images were not by the Papistes brought into the Church to be worshipped That the commaundement doth not forbid the making and hauing of Images in religion but the worship only that there is such difftrence in signification betweene idolum simulachrum imaginem or similitudinem that one maye not bee put for an other and the scriptures reprouing the Idolatrie of the heathen may not be applyed against the images of Christians finallye that this Roodloft is no monument of Idolatrie by these things alredy said you may easily perceiue what learning soeuer your Minister hath trust me they haue no learning wisdome discretion nor gouernment at all lette them therefore deceiue you no more for as in these things so in other thinges belonging to religion shall you fynde them There bee the bookes that they themselues pretended take them who will carry them whether you will and if I haue not dealt simply playnely and truelye then beleeue me no more but if you finde this saying true then quyet your selues receiue the Doctrine and doubte thereof no longer But some will saye this is verye hote and vncharytable so openlye and so sharpelye to reprooue it woulde haue bene more mylde and priuate GOD is my witnesse I wish no mannes fynger to ake but onelye in the feare of God reprooue not the persons but reprooue and conuince the Errors that the mayntayners thereof maye be ashamed of them and leaue them the simple warned to open they re eares to the hearing of anye suche thinges hereafter S. Paule vnto the Galathians wisheth suche as troubled the Congregation to bee cutte off from them Galat. Phil. 3. To the Phillippians he calleth them Dogges that maintained superstition after the receiuing of the gospell To the Corinthians 1. Cor. 15. he will not call them men that at Ephesus impugned his doctrine but cals thē beastes Christ calleth such wolues In the reuelation of Sainte Iohn Apoc. 9. 2. Pet. 2. suche bee called Locustes Saint Peter calleth them beastes without reason which the mild spirite of God compareth the enimies of his truth vnto Nahum 2. Dan. 9.10 Mich. 4. in Nahum Daniel Miche as in other of the Prophets who will reade shall perceiue Christ our Sauiour the mildest of all others calleth them Wolues theeues and murtherers Iohn Basttist calleth thē the broode of adders Mat. 3. Such therfore as mislike of the vpholding and maynteinance of errors in the sighte of God Ioh. 1. that hee by his Ministers doth with all sharpenesse ryse vp agaynste them giuing them greate charge that when the Wolfe assayleth the Sheepeful●● Mat. 10. that then they do earnestly oppose and sette themselues agaynst such Wolues yea euen vnto the losse of their lyues for if they be colde in such assaultes and preferre the benefite of their temporall quietnesse safetie Eze. 34. before the glorye of God the safety of the soules cōmitted vnto their charge they shall lose theirs owne liues in the world to come and the blood of the simple that so peryshe throughe theyr coldenesse will GOD in the rygour of hys Iustyce requyre at theyr hande the LORD therefore graunte vnto the ministers of hys Gospell suche assistaunce of his holy spirite that with all knowledge zeale and boldnesse they may diligentlye set foorth vnto his people the truth of his worde and with all constancy to withstand and conuince the gainesayers thereof to the aduancing of his own glory the euerlasting comfort of his chosen the downfall ruine of Antichrist whome the Lord Iesus with the glorious presence of his spedy comming confound vtterly ouerthrowe vnto whom with God the father the holy Ghost one eternall and euerlasting God be all glory power dominion both nowe and euer FINIS