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A13159 A briefe replie to a certaine odious and slanderous libel, lately published by a seditious Iesuite, calling himselfe N.D. in defence both of publike enemies, and disloyall subiects, and entitled A temperate wardword, to Sir Francis Hastings turbulent Watchword wherein not only the honest, and religious intention, and zeale of that good knight is defended, but also the cause of true catholike religion, and the iustice of her Maiesties proceedings against popish malcontents and traitors, from diuers malitious imputations and slanders cleered, and our aduersaries glorious declamation answered, and refuted by O.E. defendant in the challenge, and encounters of N.D. Hereunto is also added a certaine new challenge made to N.D. in fiue encounters, concerning the fundamentall pointes of his former whole discourse: together with a briefe refutation of a certaine caluminous relation of the conference of Monsieur Plessis and Monsieur d'Eureux before the French king ... Sutcliffe, Matthew, 1550?-1629. 1600 (1600) STC 23453; ESTC S117866 358,520 534

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e Matth. 28. gaue them in charge To teach what he had commaunded them The f Gal. 1. apostle pronounceth him Accursed that should teach otherwise then the Galatians had receiued By the law of Moses the Sanedrin or chiefe tribunal in Hierusalem had soueraigne authority in iudgement yet might not those iudges pronounce sentence g Deut. 17. But according to the law of God The which doth argue that popish religion is built vpon groundes most absurd and contrarie to religion Finally some do stand much vpon ancient fathers and councelles and the first churches practise and haue not doubted to attribute much vnto them But now finding by experience that these do not much make for them and that the fathers themselues do wholy relie vpon the scriptures they flie wholie to the authority of the pope and to the late church of Rome and perceiue that vnlesse they may sit iudges in their owne cause the same cannot stand But héerein it may plainly appeare that they are no catholikes For ancient catholikes attributed most to scriptures and vsed the testimony of fathers and of the ancient church to declare the true sence and meaning of scriptures But a S●ss 4. conci● Tr●d these admit no sence But that of holy church as they call it which is nothing but the priuate fancy of so●e foolish pope Fourthly as in the foundations of Christian religion so likewise in diuers points of faith the papists do plainly declare themselues to bée no catholikes For first in the obiect of faith they mainly differ true catholikes beléeue in God onely Faith saith the b Rom. 10. apostle is by hearing and hearing by the worde of God c De diuin nomin c. 7. Dionyse saith That faith hath for his obiect the most pure and alwaies being truth that is God And euery Christian rehearsing his faith confesseth That he beleeueth in God the father the sonne and the holy ghost and in no creature But the papists beléeue in angels and in saints and call vpon them For as the d Rom. 10. apostle saith How shall they call on him on whom they haue not beleeued To them also they make confession of their sinnes and from them they looke for helpe and all things necessary as may bée shewed by infinite particulars Further they beléeue the determinations of the pope to be true and trust in him as in the rocke of the church e In opusc contra error Graecor Thomas Aquinas saith that it is a matter of faith to beleeue the determination of the pope Ad fidem pertinet saith he inhaerere determinationi pontificis summi in his quae sunt fidei imò in his quae spectant ad bonos more 's And this is also the opinion of f Summa Siluest in verb. fides Siluester Prierius They beléeue also whatsoeuer is taught by the church of Rome Ad fidem pertinent omnia quae sunt in doctrina ecclesiae saith g Ibidem Siluester Prierius and hée gathereth the same out of h 2.2 q. 5. art 3. Thomas Aquinas and that is their common opinion holding the traditions of the church in equal estimation with the worde of God all which can neuer bée prooued to haue béene beléeued by true catholikes For neither can it bée shewed that in publike liturgies they haue called on saints and on angels as the church of Rome teacheth or confessed their sinnes to them or beléeued in the pope or church of Rome Againe true catholikes beléeue that Christ Iesus was true man and had a body like to ours in height bredth thicknesse and that he filled the place where hée was as do our bodies We must beleeue saith a De essentia diuinitatis Augustine that the sonne of God according to his deitie is inuisible incorporeall and incircumscriptible but according to his humane nature that he is visible corporeall and locall b Contra Eutych lib. 4. c. 4. Vigilius saith That Christ is contained in a place according to his humane nature and that this is the catholike faith Illud corpus saith c Dialog 2. Theodoret habet priorem formā figuram circumscriptionē vt semel dicam corporis substantiam So likewise saith d Ad Thrasimund li. 2. c. 5. Fulgentius Siverū est corpus Christi loco potest vtique contineri But the papists do assigne him a body inuisible impalpable and such a one as is incircum scriptible and without the dimensions of height bredth depth A bodie that may be conteined in infinite places at once yet not continued to it selfe as is the nature of Continua quantitas Finally a mans whole body that is without all qualities of a body may be contained in euery little part of a consecrate hoste increasing and diminishing at the priestes pleasure Further euery catholike Christian beléeueth that our Sauiour Christes true body is ascended into heauen and there remaineth e Ioan. 16. Hée tolde his disciples before his passion That he must leaue the worlde and go to the father And in another place f Iohn 12. That they should not alwaies haue him with thē In the first of the Acts we learne That hee is taken vp from vs into heauen And the apostle S. g Act. 3. Peter doth plainely declare That the heauens must conteine him vntill the time that all things be restored And this also the fathers plainely teach vs According to his diuine nature saith h In Matth. tractat 33. Origen he is not absent frō vs but he is absent according to the dispensatiō of his body which he tooke i Lib. 10. super Luc. 24. S. Ambrose saith That neither on the earth nor in the earth nor after the flesh we ought to seeke Christ if we will finde him Saint Augustine saith k Tractat. 50. in Ioan. Hee hath caried his bodie into heauen although he hath not withdawne his maiestie from the worlde l Homil. 21. in euangel Gregory the first doth plainly affirme That Christ is not heere by the presence of his flesh The flesh of Christ saith Vigilius writing against Eutyches lib. 4. c. 4. when it was in earth surely was not in heauen and now because it is in heauen certainly it is not in earth Neither did euer any ancient father teach otherwise But the papists do teach that Christes true body and flesh is both in heauen and earth and vpon euery altar at one time and that hee is touched and receiued not of men onely but also of mise and dogs and other beasts which to true catholikes séemeth not onely absurd but also abominable All true catholikes firmely beléeue that th●●r sinnes are forgiuen them for Christ his sake and that they shall atteine eternall life according to these two articles of the créed which euery one professeth saying Credo remissionem peccatorum vitam aeternam God he Hath promised and sworne as the a Heb. 6.
not with armes and to iustifie first our accusation against Romish religion then against the pope the Spaniard the Iesuites Cardinall Allen the recusantes and all enemies traytors and malcontentes whatsoeuer And forasmuch as vnder colour of religion our aduersary would slily defend all attemptes and practises against this state I haue with my answere vnto this Noddy conioyned a breife discourse and in certaine new encounters drawing him foorth into a new combat prooued that popish religion whereon he so much standeth as if it were catholike and the old religion of Christs church Is neither catholike nor ancient nor true religion and finally that neither the church of Rome is the true church of Christ nor the popes agents and adherents that haue beene executed for traytors true subiectes or martyrs Which treatise if it profit not obstinate papists yet shall it greatly strengthen the hands of good subiects and of all men well affected and stay others that they be not easily carried either into opinions sauoring of heresie or else tending to disloyalty and treachery I shall not neede to tell you what manner of man this N.D. is against whome we deale He declareth himselfe so plainely that I cannot more euidently prooue him either a malicious enemy or a disloyall traytor then he doth himselfe For what greater signe of an enemy then to pleade the cause of publike enemies and to enuy that any commendation should be giuen or any blessing happen to this state What more plaine conuiction of his trecherous intentions then that he extolleth the prayses of traytors and is very sory that forreine enemies and wicked rebells haue not preuailed against vs It is an old saying that eagles loue eagles and beares well sort with beares 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as saith Theocritus There cannot be deuised any thing more malicious then the pope and Spaniard to the English nation neither can any speake more spitefully of his country of this state and of religion then this rinegued English and Hispaniolized fugitiue And doe wee maruell if they be friendes and ioyne together Onely this is much to be maruelled that any sober minded papist should allow such a proctor to speake for him or that this Noddy would be so presumptuous as to present his fooleries to the councell or so foolish to thinke that such notorious enemies and traytors can grace the cause of papists or procure them fauour whom his patronage maketh much more suspect then before This we may boldly conclude that whatsoeuer such enemies perswade or offer that it cannot be for the good of our state It is an old b Sophocles in A●ace mastig saying 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The gifts of enemies tend not to our good The Greekes as is said in time past would present Minerua of Troy with a horse but in the bellie there lurked treason So this Sinon N. D. if such a Noddie may be compared to Sinon would perswade vs to receiue the horse-religion of papistes and horse-friendship of Spaniards But if he should preuaile then might we say of him as the olde man in c Plautus in Pseudolo Plautus said of Pseudolus Superauit dolum Troianum atque vicit Pseudolus But I hope I haue discouered all the trecherie of this Sinon or Pseudolus or false traitor or whatsoeuer his malice deserueth to be called It may be some will mislike that I should so roughly handle our countrie papistes and their religion But they must consider what rebellions haue beene raised ar● what practises haue beene attempted against her Maiestie this state and all true Christians by this faction I doe not meddle with olde men that are abused with ancient errours and liue quietly but with factious papistes and such as aide them and receiue them and either haue correspondence with forreine enemies or receiue their agents Now what termes can be too bitter against these that seeke to bring in strangers to oppresse all honest men to ruinate their countrie to murder their prince and all that shall adhere to her As for the religion of papists whereby I vnderstand all those corruptions which vnder the popes authoritie they haue brought into the church of God and which the church of England refuseth it is nothing but a packe of nouelties superstitious vanities and heresies as we both haue and alwaies shall be readie to maintaine either against Parsons or the cardinall Iesuite Bellarmine or the proudest of that sect and faction This religion of poperie therefore being not that seede which Christ did sowe in his field the church but the cockle and weedes sowne and set by the malitious man while the gouernours of the church were asleepe what termes could I vse more gentle then I haue done This I may boldly say that I haue not followed the aduersaries veine in scurrilous scoffing nor his vanitie in ruffianlike bragging nor his sharpnesse in plaine rayling But why should I goe about to excuse my selfe before the faultes be prooued Percase it is no fault to write as I haue done And were it a fault yet I trust thou wilt beare with my weakenesse seeing as the d Iacob 3. apostle saith All of vs offend in many things This I speake in the presence of God that my intention was not to wrong any but onely to lay downe the truth plainly that we may knowe not onely who be friends who be traitors but also who they be that contend for religion and iustice and who not Reade with indifferencie and weigh my allegations and compare diligently my defence with the Noddies challenge and then vse thy libertie in iudgement and respect not me but the cause and the proofes CHAP. I. That God by meanes of her Maiesties gouernment hath bestowed many benefits vpon the realme of England as well in establishing true religion as otherwise and that our aduersarie in his first encounter sheweth himselfe both shamelesse in denying it and vngratefull in refusing and not acknowledging the same ALbeit the malice of papists is great in defacing her Maiesties actions and slandering her gouernment yet who so listeth to consider the same with indifferencie cannot choose but acknowledge her to bée an excellent and singular woman to bée parangoned with the famous women of ancient time if not preferred before them Osorius albeit for his religion opposite to her yet could not choose but highly commend her both for her manly constancy mature wisedome and singular modestie Quid admirabilius a In prafat ante lib. 3. de religione saith he quàm in foemina virilem constantiam in virgine senilem prudentiam in summa opum affluentia summam modestiae laudem eminere Hée praiseth also her witte her learning and her clemencie Es singulari ingenio praedita b Ibidem saith he magnarum artium disciplinis erudita laudibus mansuetudinis lenitatis quae cum istius formae venustate consentiunt excellis nec eas laudes quae ex
of papists and telleth what monuments of learning they haue left behinde them and what vniuersities they haue built All which maketh nothing to the purpose For albeit there bée many learned men among them yet their common people may be very vnlearned and ignorant notwithstanding which is that whereabout we contend Againe if their learning be so great the greater shall bée their condemnation which in the knowledge of Christ Iesus are so ignorant themselues and suffer also the people to liue in ignorance Lastly albeit we will not deny them to be learned yet we doubt not but to match them with men of our profession and if we compare them with the ancient fathers they will be ouermatched But whatsoeuer their learning is good it were for them if they would vse it not to their owne but to Gods glory Likewise they teach That lay men may not meddle with matters of religion that is that Princes haue no power to reforme the church nor to make ecclesiasticall lawes And our aduersary confesseth That onely priests haue authority to define and determine matters of religion What reason then hath hée to quarrell with sir Francis Hastings séeing in effect he confesseth as much as hée laieth to his charge Forsooth saith he Because these words To meddle with matters of religion may haue a double sence But what if they might receiue a treble sence if the papists doe so remooue lay men from gouerment in ecclesiasticall causes that they néede not to care how God is serued then are they not wronged by him For hée doth not meane care in their owne behalfe but in respect of others And therefore his example of ministers wiues is very impertinent Neither hath hee reason to condemne lawfull mariage when he and his consorts wallow in all filthinesse to condemne I say the apostles doctrine which alloweth a bishop To be the husband of one wife when hée teacheth the doctrine of diuels that forbiddeth to marrie Finally Parsons the Iesuite hath no reason to condemne priests wiues when his true father as they say was a parson of a parish his mother also had béene more honest if shee had béene maried to the parson his father These iestes therefore if hée looke no better to his businesse may prooue him to bée irregular and vncapable of priesthood But what is that may hée say when a bastard maketh as good a Iesuite as hée that is well borne Where wée say that the papists stande more on externall complements and ceremonies then inwarde faith and other vertues onely requiring an outward profession and outward obseruations of going to masse to shrift and such like hee is much displeased with the matter and saith That his aduersary hath neither eies nor witte And yet this is the doctrine of the Romish church Vt aliquis absolutè dici possit pars verae ecclesiae saith a Lib. de ecclesia c. 3. Bellar. non putamus requiri vllam internam virtutem sed tantùm externam professionem fidei sacramentorum communionem quae sensu ipso percipitur And albeit he shoulde not so say yet it is apparent that those are accompted good Cacolickes that liue in obedience to the pope and obserue his lawes whatsoeuer they are otherwise Nay of late time they haue canonized murtherers traitors and rebels as for example Iames Clement that murthred Henry the thirde of France diuers of the rebels that rose with the Earles of Northumberland and Westmerland in the north and such trecherous priests as came from the pope to betraie their countrey to strangers In times past also Thomas Becket was canonized for a saint albeit he was a traitor to his prince and countrey stirring vp forreine enimies against them moouing the pope to depriue his prince of his crowne running to professed enimies and consulting with them to the hurt of his prince causing the land to be enterdited and giuen as a spoile to forreine enimies which neither Iohn Baptist nor the holie fathers Athanasius Ambrose Hilary or Chrysostome either did or allowed to bée done And therefore as these examples fit not Thomas Beckets cause so Thomas Beckets example doth fitly shewe how loose men and disobedient subiects are enterteined by the pope and made saints in heauen albeit they deserue not to liue on earth Lipomanus and Surius and others I know tell many goodly tales of this saint but wée must remember that all the grounde they haue is their lying Legend and percase the popes sentence grounded vpon hearesaie Sir Francis saith further that Albeit the pope and his clergie commanded blasphemies and disloialties yet blind papists were made beleeue that the pope must be obeied vpon paine of damnation And his meaning is most true For although popes command matters impious against God and disloiall against princes yet their friers and flatterers do cōmend them for glorious merits woorthie of celestiall glorie Iames Clement the Dominican frier that murdred king Henry the third of France is estéemed a martyr of the popish synagogue Pope a The oration of Sixtus quint. la fulminante Sixtus quintus in the consistory of Cardinals commended this detestable act as A worke of God a miracle a rare exploit of Gods prouidence and compareth it to The most excellent mysteries of Christ his incarnation and resurrection Cardinall Como in his letter to Parry that went about to murder her Maiestie calleth the worke Meritorious Sanders doth greatly commend the rebels of the north that vpon the popes commandement went about to depriue their liege Souereigne of her crowne and kingdome And what hath either Parsons the Iesuite or this personate Noddy be hée what hée will to obiect against vs in this point Hée saith it is a shamelesse slander to say The pope commandeth either blasphemies against God or disloialties against princes And for the rest hée telleth vs That obedience to the pope is a commendation to catolike religion But the first is prooued by his decretales legends missals portuisses and other rituall bookes full of blasphemies The second is manifest by their practise There hath no such treason almost béene wrought against princes of late time but the same hath procéeded from the pope and béen managed by Iesuits and other friers and priests All the rebellions in England against Henrie the eight Edward the sixt Elizabeth now reigning had no other cause nor originall The late league or rather late rebellion of France against Henry the third and Henrie the fourth was made by the pope and enflamed by the vermine of friers his agents The Iesuites professe obedience to the pope as to Christ Boniface the eight maketh subiection to the pope to be a matter of saluation a De eccles milit c. 2. Bellarmine maketh it an essentiall part of a Cacolike or true member of the popes church And such trust haue papists in his iudgements concerning matters of faith that they thinke hée cannot be deceiued Nay if hée once either command or determine
consort of malicious traytors and an abbettor and nourisher of men euill affected in their malcontentment Nay albeit his colour were better cast yet were his pleading vnsufficient seeing true religion cannot stande with rebellion or disloyaltie nor may true catholikes be suffered to oppugne their prince and countrey to practise trecherie against the state and to nourish malcontent humours among subiects But if it appeere that the Romanistes are not the true church and that their religion is neither catholike nor ancient nor true then must it needes be granted that N. D. and his consorts are not onely malicious traytors but also impious heretikes It is also very plaine that all his wrangling encounters are built vpon fancies and supposals without grounde and foundation and are no better then malicious inuectiues degorged against good men and idle pretenses to colour the practises of enimies traytors and heretikes For euery traytor can pretend that he is a true patriot and Catiline and his consorts and all rebels vse to set a glosse of common good vpon their priuate wicked deseignements and treasons All societies also of heretikes will take vpon them as true Christians as saith a Lib. 4. institut cap. vlt. Lactantius and suppose themselues to be the catholike church Tertullian saith b Lib. 4. contr Marcion That as waspes make honycombes so the Marcionites pretend to make churches albeit indeed they were no true churches Nouatian like apes that counterfeit men saith c Epist 73. Cyprian woulde challenge to himselfe the authoritie and truth of the church albeit he be not of the church but a rebell and enimie set vp against the church Which fitteth our aduersary very well who if he had his yellow ierkin were a very ape or an apish Iebusite entitling himselfe and his companions with the name of the church But if he had beene a foxe as well as an ape and had but had a foxes wiles he would haue made b●tter proofe of his maine groundes which not being 〈◊〉 is a maine maime of his whole cause Now to the intent that thou maiest perceiue that all his building is either without foundation or vpon a marrish ground that will beare no such great worke I haue thought good for thy satisfaction to challenge him once more into the fielde and to make triall of his manhood in fiue new encounters which do much concerne his cause and credite For as before I haue shewed him and his consorts to be perfect traytors and Recusants and malcontent papists to be verie sorie and defectiue subiects so nowe God willing I purpose to shew first That papists are no true catholikes secondly That their religion as it differeth from that which we professe is a packe of nouelties thirdly That it is patched vp of many old heresies fourthly That the Romish church is not the true church and lastly that N. D. his consorts whether they were Iesuites or priests or their adhaerentes that haue beene executed to death according to the lawes of England are to be esteemed traytors and not martyrs And this in defence of her Maiesties iustice or rather clemencie For if she woulde do them iustice then woulde not she suffer them to liue as subiects that will not directly acknowledge her to be their Queene and lawfull souereigne especially where the pope saith contrarie If she did her-selfe right she woulde not tolerate a faction notoriously opposite to her gouernment If she did iustice she woulde not suffer such to enioy wealth and honors life that adhere to forreine enimies that seeke the destruction of the common-wealth the dishonour of this state the ruine and bloud of all that stande well affected to religion and the state And that Parsons and the priests that come out of Spaine and are sworne to maintaine the Infantaes title and are reconciled or adhering to the pope are all culpable of these treasons it is so cleered by the former discourse and by the last chapter of this that I thinke it may be felt of blinde men and not onelie discerned by those that haue eies to looke into the state The rest maketh for defence of our religion which no m●n can reprooue but such as haue drunke deepe of the cup of the purple harlot spoken of Apocalyp 17. and are sworne slaues to the pope and professed enimies not onely of religion and the state but also of their owne good in this worlde and of their eternall saluation in the worlde to come Beware therefore my good countryman for so I must account thee vntill I see thee declare thy selfe open friend to popish traytors and enimie to thy counrrey that harkening to the Sirens songs of Iebusites and priestes enimies to gods true religion not onely to their prince countrey thou be not swallowed vp in the gulfe of their heresies and treasons They lead thee not to the rocke Christ Iesus vpon which the church is built but to the a Bellar. praefat in lib. de pontif Rom. rocke the pope and the bankes of his sandie inuentions vpon which thou must needs wracke thy selfe if thou shun them not quickly True religion is grounded vpon Christs word reuealed to vs in the holy canonicall Scriptures all which we professe according to the rule of the true catholike church And for this truth we doubt not to giue our liues so assured we are of our profession where as thou as long as thou continuest a papist hast no warrant but the popes worde which to say no woorse is ignorant of true religion and apostolike faith and subiect to many errors and infirmities Read therefore indifferently and iudge syncerely and vprightly and the God of truth guide thee into the way of iustice and truth CHAP. I. That papists are no true Catholikes FRuitelesse it is and almost endlesse to contend much about names and titles but especially in causes of religion For as a In Apolog. Iustin Martyr saith b 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 true religion Consisteth in good workes rather then good termes and the c Ad Tit. 3. apostle exhorteth Titus and all true teachers to auoide contentions and quarrels about words of the lawe Yet forasmuch as manie simple people are abused by false teachers taking vpon them glorious names and titles and looke onely vpon the shéepes clothing that is outward and not on the wooluish nature of priestes and friers that is inward I thought it not amisse to shew what this name Catholike importeth and to whom the same truely belongeth and how dangerous it is to trust euery one that taketh to himselfe the name of a Catholike The Iewes d Ioan. 8. called themselues The children of Abraham and bragged much of the e Hierem. 7. Temple of God and of f Rom. 2. the lawe But the apostle teacheth vs that not euerie one that in name and outward shew was a Iew deserued so to be estéemed and taken g Epist 83. Leo speaking to certaine monkes saith Ecclesiae
saith d Lib. 2. paert 1. Occham est dogma falsum fidei contrarium orthodoxae e Apud Matth. Paris in Hen. 3. Robert Grosthed saith That heresie is an opinion chosen of humane vnderstanding contrary to Scripture and either openly taught or defended f Apud Dionys Carth. in 3. sent dist 31. Durande signifieth That heresie is onely an opinion contrary to canonicall Scripture Opinio ista g Aen. Sylu. de gest concil Basil lib. 1. saith he non est haeretica quia non est contra canonicam scripturam The h councell of Basill doth determine him to bée an heretike That doth reiect the catholike faith deduced out of canonicall scriptures and prooued by fathers Séeing then the papists haue caused a great diuision from the apostlike and ancient church and haue taught other doctrine contrarie to that of Christ Iesus and haue corrupted the verie déepest mysteries of Christian religion and haue digressed from apostolicall rules and taught doctrine contrary to Christian faith to the catholike church of former times and finally to canonicall scriptures as may appéere by their groundes of faith by their legends and decretals by their Tridentine doctrine concerning the Gospell and the lawe by their idolatrous masse by their worshipping of saints nay of stockes and stones ragges and rotten bones by their rebellion against princes and their allowance of the gouernment of the pope there is no question to bée made but that papists are cleerely heretikes CHAP. IIII. That the church of Rome is not the true church of Christ NOw if the pope and his faction the papists bée heretikes then doth it necessarily follow thereof that they are not the true church For the true church kéepeth the faith sounde and intire But these a 1. Tim. 1. Haue made shipwracke of faith Heretikes are gone out from vs bicause they are not of vs as saint b 1. Iohn 2. Iohn saith Those of the true church are of the houshold of faith and the apostles heires But heretikes are strangers as c De praescrip aduers haeret Tertullian saith and maintaine doctrine contrary to the apostles Heretikes as d In dialog contr Lucifer Hierome saith Are not the church of Christ but the synagogue of antichrist Againe if the church of Rome haue altered and innouated Christes religion then can it not bée the true church for That e 1. Tim. 6. doth faithfully keepe the faith committed to her in deposte and auoideth all prophane nouelties shée f Ibidem kéepeth Gods commandements without addition or blemish Catholica ecclesia sedula cauta depositorum apud se dogmatū custos nihil in ijs vnquam permutat nihil minuit nihil addit as saith g Contra haeres c. 32. Vincentius Lirinensis Contrariwise h Ibidem c. 36. Heretikes not content with the ancient rule of faith are daily seeking out nouelties and are desirous to adde to change to take away Further if the faith of the church of Rome bée not catholike and generall and that which our Sauiour commanded his apostles to teach all nations then is not that the true church For as wée beléeue the church to bée catholike so we beléeue that the faith thereof is catholike and vniuersall We may not follow the pope of Rome nor the bishop of Ierusalem or Alexandria but the catholike church and that wée shall do if wée embrace that faith which the whole church throughout the worlde confesseth Sequemur vniuersitatem saith i Aduers haeres c. 3. Vincentius Lirinensis si hanc vnam fidem veram esse fateamur quam tota per orbem terrarū confitetur ecclesia If any haue a singular faith beside that which alwaies and in all places hath béene taught by the apostles and their true successors wée are not to harken to them No a Deut. 13. Although a Prophet or great learned man rise vp among vs yet are wée not to listen to him This may bée sufficient to teach vs that the synagogue of Rome is not that church whereto wée are to resort and adioine our selues But forsomuch as heretikes as apes imitate men so counterfeit to bée the true church as b Epist ad Iubatan Cyprian telleth vs and euery societie and company of heretikes do thinke themselues to bée christians and beare themselues bolde on the name of the catholike church as c Lib. 4. instit c. 30. Lactantius writeth and considering that the church of Rome hath long abused the worlde with the maske of the true church I thought it very requisite in this chapter briefly to set downe such arguments as may cléerely demonstrate what shée is and so much the rather for that many simple soules haue héeretofore béene seduced and perswaded that Rome is the citie of God and that chaste spouse of Christ which loueth and serueth none but him If our aduersary will needes call the same the catholike church yet let him first peruse and answere our arguments as they are héere laide downe in order First then we both confesse that the church of Christ is built vpon Christ Iesus No man saith the d 1. Cor. 3. apostle can lay any other foundation beside that which already is layd which is Christ Iesus He is e Isai 28. that Corner stone that is e Isai 28. placed in the foundation of Sion He is that f Matth. 16. Rocke vpon which the church is built Super hanc petram quam confessus es saith saint g Ser. 13. de verb. Dom. Augustine super hanc petram quam cognouisti dicens tu es Christus filius dei aedificabo ecclesiam meam id est super meipsum filium dei viui aedificabo ecclesiam meam Other fathers h Ambros in c. 9. Luc. Cyrill lib. 4. de Trinit that say the church is built either vpon The confession or faith of Peter or else vpon Peter himselfe do vnderstand indirectlie Christ Iesus whome he confessed and on whome he beléeued and on whome Peter was built But the church of Rome is built vpon the pope and vpon the papacy Est Petri fedes saith i In praefat in lib. de pontif Rom. Bellarmine lapis probatus angularis pretiosus in fundamento fundatus He k Lib. 2. de pontif Rom. c. 3. saith also That the pope is the foundation of the building of the church and goeth about to prooue it by certeine words of Hierome who neuer thought any such matter a Sanders his rocke of the church Sanders doth endeuour to prooue That the popes are the immooueable rocke of the church b Contr. Sa●eel●● Turrian because Christ saith Aedificabo ecclesiam meam non aedifico ecclesiā meam concludeth that the popes of future times are vnderstood and this is the common opinion of all papists How then can that be the true church that is built vpon a diuers foundation and either neglecting or not greatly caring for Christ Iesus the
ascended but that we are to seeke his body here on earth and to touch him with our mouthes and téeth But saint b Lib. 10. in c. 24. Luc. Ambrose saith That we touch not Christ with corporall handling but by faith and are not to seeke him on the earth nor after the flesh if we will find him c De resur carn Tertullian saith That his body is in the pallace of heauen The papistes also beléeue that there is one Christ in heauen visible and palpable and another in the sacrament inuisible and vnpalpable They d Concil Trid. s●ss teach that we are iustified by the workes of the law and that faith is nothing but a preparation to iustification They teach men to doubt and distrust of their saluation and after iustification send them to be tormented in purgatory they cannot tell how long but diuers thousandes of yéeres if their indulgences and bulles concerning the same conteine truth They beléeue that there be certaine veniall sins whose wages and reward is not death and that eternall life is no frée gift but the wages of mens good workes and merites The institution of Christ both in baptisme and in the Lordes supper they haue violated adding many other thinges beside water in baptisme and turning the communion in the Lordes supper into a priuate action and taking the cup from all the communicantes saue the priest that saith masse In the worship of God they haue deuised infinite matters which God neuer required at their handes Nay something they haue instituted in the worship of God contrary to his commaundement as the worshipping of God in grauen images contrary to his commaundement concerning images and the calling vpon angels and saintes contrary to the commaundement Thou shalt haue no other Gods but me Finally they haue in liew of Christ established Antichrist with a gard of Cardinalles and an army of priestes and certeine swarmes of vermine called monkes and friers to the dissipation of Christs body and the subuersion of the faith 16. The true church neuer made publike confession of their sinnes to the virgin Mary to the archangell Michaell to saint Iohn Baptist or to the apostles Peter and Paul and to all the saintes Saint Augustines confessions are comprized in diuers bookes yet hath he none of this fashion In the ancient liturgies albeit they haue passed through the handes of falsaryes yet can no such precedent be found But they in their dayly liturgies a In breuiario officio beata Mariae teach men to say in this sort Confite or deo omnipotenti beatae Mariae semper virgini beato Ioanni Baptistae sanctis apostolis Petro Paulo beato N. omnibus sanctis vobis fratres 17. Christs true church hath no sacraments but such as Christ hath instituted as may appeare by Iustines apology by that booke of sacraments that passeth vnder the name of Ambrose by Dionysius his description of ecclesiasticall mysteries and all ancient liturgies of the Christian church saue such as are falsified But the popish synagogue haue made euangelicall sacraments of matrimony order and penance Of which the first two were instituted in the old testament and the third is an act alwaies vsed in the church of God but neuer accounted a sacrament as wanting both certaine signes and sacramentall institution and forme They haue also made sacraments of confirmation and extreme vnction and giuen them both signes and formes that were neuer knowne in the ancient church of Christ 18. The true church neuer shunned to receiue the cup as well as the Lordes body in the sacrament b Serm. 4. de quadrages Leo saith they were Manichées That receiuing the sacraments tooke the body of Christ but in any wise shunned to drinke the blood of our redemption and he calleth this act Sacrilegious c De consecrat dist 2. c. comperimus Gelasius also saith That it is plaine sacriledge to part the one and the same mystery and to receiue a portion of the sanctified body and to absteine from the cup of the sacred blood But now the synagogue of Rome doth count this ministration of Sacraments in one kinde to bee good religion and streightly commandeth all saue the priest to abstaine from the cup. 19. The ancient catholike d Apost can 9. concil Antioch c. 2. church did excommunicate such As entred the church and heard the Scriptures read and staide not out praiers nor receiued the holy communion And the Romanists themselues vnder the name of Calixtus haue e C. peracta de consecrat dist 2. published this decrée That all shoulde bee excommunicate that woulde not communicate And that this was the order of the christian church that all that were present at the oblation shoulde communicate it appéereth both by Iustines second apologie and by Dionysius the Areopagites description of these ecclesiasticall rites and ceremonies But the church of Rome after consecration sendeth all away for the most part without communion and thinketh it not necessarie 20. The auncient catholike church had but one sacrifice one altar one priest The priest and sacrifice was Christ Iesus once offred for the sinnes of all the altar was the crosse of Christ Christ saith a De demonstr euang l. 1. c. 10. Euse●i●s offered a most excellent sacrifice for the ●aluation of vs all and gaue vs a memoriall or sacrament thereof insteade of a sacrifice Saint b In c. 10. epist. ad Hebr. Ambrose saith That our sacrifice is but a samplar of that which our Sauiour offered on the crosse Saint c Contr. Faust. lib. 20. c. 21. Augustine saith That the flesh and blood of this sacrifice was yeelded in very truth when Christ was put to death and that after his ascension it is nowe solemnized by the sacrament of remembrance of that sacrifice d Eccles Hierarch c. 3. Dionysius calleth it A figuratiue sacrifice That which is offred and consecrated by the priest is called a sacrifice and oblation because it is a memoriall and representation of the true sacrifice and holy oblation made on the altar of the crosse as saith e Sentent 4. dist 12. Peter Lombard and so their glosses f Dist 2. de consecrat c. semel c. in Christo. c. iteratur confesse that this sacrifice is but a memoriall or sacrament or representation of Christ his passion and sacrifice g Epist 25. plebi vniuersae Cyprian denieth that wée can institute a new altar or new priesthood Aliud altare constitui aut sacerdotium nouum fieri praeter vnum altare vnum sacerdotium non potest But the papists haue forged of late time a new externall sacrifice propitiatorie for quicke and dead and deuised a new altar of stone and instituted a newe priesthood not to celebrate a memoriall of Christes death and passion but to offer indéede Christ himselfe in a true sacrifice after a grosse and carnall sort 21. The true catholike
f Iames 4. saith hée that is able to saue and to destroy But in the church of Rome the pope beareth himselfe as a soueraigne monarke and hée taketh on him power to bind and loose in heauen earth and purgatorie And his agents say That his lawes binde in conscience and that hée hath power to saue and destroy The Romish church is gouerned by his lawes and acknowledgeth him to bée the supreme iudge of controuersies 29. The true church of Christ contenteth herselfe with the religion first taught by the apostles For as g Lib. 4. contr Marcion Tertullian saith Id verius quod prius id prius quod ab apostolis And as h Aduers haeres c. 26. Vincentius Lirinens●● saith it is the propertie of heretikes Not to content themselues with the ancient rule of faith but to seeke nouelties from day to day and to desire to adde to change to take away But the church of Rome doth not content herselfe with the doctrine of the apostles nor with the ancient rule of faith but is still adding changing taking away as may appéere by the popes decretals 30. The true church is dispersed euery where For our Sauiour f commanded his apostles To teach all nations i Matth. 28. And wée beléeue not a particular church but The catholike church that is the societie of Christians of all times and places but the Romish church neither conteineth the Gréekes nor Africans nor men of Asia that haue for many ages béene diuided frō that church Nor doth it reach to the people before Christ but onely a Bellar. de eccles milit c. 2. conteineth such as liue in obedience to the pope How then can the church of Rome bee the catholike church Shall the church of that citie bée as great as the church of the whole worlde 31. The true church of Christ conteineth neither lyons nor tygres nor woolues but consisteth onely of shéepe and lambes Nay it maketh milde Christians of sauage and wilde atheistes and miscreantes and as Paule of a fierce persecutor by christianity was made a constant professor so the mildenesse of this our christian mother the church changeth mens cruell natures They shall not hurt nor kill saith b Isai 11. God by his prophet in all my holy mountain The wolf shall dwel with the lambe and the Pard shall ly with the Kid. c De incarnat verbi Athanasius saith that nothing but Christes faith caused barbarous nations to become peaceable Quis coegit barbaros gentesque alias in suis sedibus saith he immanitatem deponere pacifica meditari nisi Christi fides crucis signaculum d Lib. 2. contr Parmen Optatus speaking of catholikes Which of vs saith he hath persequuted any man Can you shew or prooue that any of you hath beene persequuted by vs But the church of Rome hath of late yéeres and yet doth murder infinite numbers of men that would not adhere to her Romish faith Their e Extr. de haeret per tot lawes are bloody and cruell their executions are more cruell In the time of Charles the emperor the fift of that name it is found in f Meteran de Belgicis tumultibus record That aboue fiftie thousand persons were by sentence of iudges executed to death for the profession of their faith in the low countries In France as their owne stories report at one g Anno 1572. time thrée score thousand Christians without order of law were most shamefully massacred Circiter sexaginta hominum millia saith h Lib. 23. p. 508. Natalis Comes speaking of the massacre varijs in locis per illud tempus trucidata fuisse dicta sunt in Gallia And so extraordinary was the furie of papists that they spared neither age sexe nor qualitie Vel puberes vel impuberes saith i Ibid. p. 507. he trucidati sunt neque vllius sexus vel aetatis vel dignitatis habita est ratio Neither may wée thinke that they haue shewed lesse crueltie against Christians in Spaine Italie Germany England and other nations The Romish church hath died her garments in the blood of saints and the prelates haue shewed themselues leaders to the people in these barbarous executions Well therefore may that bée applied to them which a Lib. 2. con Parmen Optatus spoke of the cruell Donatistes Lacerati sunt viri tractatae sunt matronae infantes necati abacti partus ecce vestra ecclesia episcopis ducibus cruentis morsibus pasta est Men haue béene tormented women haue béene abused infants haue béene murdred women forced to loose their children behold your church is fedde with crueltie and your prelates haue béene captaines to the vulgar sort in their cruell executions 32. The catholike church neuer shewed more fauour to the Iewes and Infidels then to Christians that disliked the bishops of Rome The Christian emperors b L. hac valitura Cod. de Iudaeis Caelieolis excluded the Iewes from all gouernment and authoritie in the common-wealth and c Ibidem restreined their insolencies with diuers sharpe lawes The like course they d Cod. de Paganis sacrif templ tooke also with Pagans and Infidels shutting their temples and forbidding their sacrifices and Idolatries But the Romish synagogue doth indure the impieties of Iewes in the midst of Rome albeit they denie and blaspheme Christ Iesus tormenting and killing christians that shall but once offer to speake against the pope Likewise e Onuphr in Alexandro 6. Alexander the sixt receiued Turkes and Maranes into Rome being erpelled out of Spaine and the popes are content that their subiects shall trade with Turkes albeit they cannot endure any christian that shall mislike the popes authoritie 33. The true church of God neuer sought by forging and falsifying of mens writings and by lying and slandering to aduance Christes religion For truth is strong enough of it selfe and néedeth not to bée supported with falshood f Prouerb 12. and a Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord. False witnesses and slanderers in ancient time were so farre from beeing estéemed in the church that they were b excluded out of the church g Concil Agath c. 27. Concil El●bert c. 73. 74. But the church of Rome perceiuing that she cannot otherwise preuaile goeth to worke by plaine forging and falsifying leauing nothing sound that once passeth her fingers h Canones apostolor constiutione● Somewhat she commendeth vnder the name of the a apostles and many thinges vnder the name of ancient fathers There is no ancient father but she hath ascribed vnto him many children which were neuer begotten by him as the workes of Cyprian Origen Athanasius Hierome Augustine Chrysostome Gregory and others do plainely testifie For who séeth not how many vnlearned and vnsound treatises are dayly published vnder the names of ancient fathers Nay the Romanistes are much offended with Erasmus and other learned mens censures that haue gone about
as seeke her destruction and the desolation of this countrey for our selues that professe true religion and abhorre Romish idolatry superstition and heresie With Sir Francis you haue no reason to be offended if you be as you pretend a friend to her maiestie and the countrey Hee speaketh against the Spaniard and why should he not the Spanish king without all iust cause professing himselfe our enimie He weigheth little the popes authoritie And hath he not reason the pope in his tyrannie shewing himselfe not onely to be our enimie but also the enimie of Christian religion of Christs church He toucheth also the practises and treasons of g Gifford Worthington c. priestes and h Parsons o● Delman H●it Walpooi● c. Iesuites and their adherents but not without iust cause seeing they haue shewed themselues not catholikes as you terme them for catholikes neuer held either any such religion as theirs is nor sought by violence to murder lawfull Princes and ruinate their natiue countrey but dangerous traytors and most malicious i Testified by Sixtus Q●intus declaratorie sentence against the Queene enimies of their countrey Likewise he commendeth her Maiesties clemencie and you haue no cause to dislike the same least percase it may please God to turne her hart through your vngratefulnesse and hatefull practises from her entended course of clemencie which is not well fitting for your sharpe humors into a course of iustice which your treacherous and most wicked practises doe drawe vpon you This is his course against enimies this is his dealing with his soueraigne He neither iniustly chargeth his enimies nor doth he basely or seruilely flatter his friends and superiors But admit your aduersarie had not vsed either that moderation in his stile or sinceritie in his dealing which might passe the iust censure of seuere iudges yet no man hath lesse cause to finde fault with these courses then your selfe and your consorts For in railing and calumniation no man may compare with you It is not one only biting libell and iniurious pamphlet which you haue set out but very many and diuers I will deale plainly with you for that I am well acquainted with your stile and know your lewde packing and practising and can conuince you if you haue your steele vizor on and shame not to denie so plaine matters I say then that you Robert Parsons falsly abusing the name of Iesus to ouerthowe the truth of Iesus haue published first certaine chartels against your friends in Oxford secondly one famous or rather infamous libell against the Earle of k Leicesters cōmon-wealth Leicester thirdly another single l Entitled a confutation of pretended feares libell against the late Lord Treasurer fourthly another infamous m The words by no loyall subiect may be spoken libel against her Maiestie against all her chiefe counsellers vnder the name of Andreas Philopater Neither can you excuse your selfe that n A Iesuite residing in the court of Spaine and Parsons disciple and Agent Creswell was the man that made the Latine which you cannot doe when as you either made it first in English or else gaue him all his argument Fiftly you holpe Allen in his libell against the Queene and state anno 1588. and published diuers copies Sixtly you set out Dolmans treacherous discourse to shew your selfe not onely a libeller but a notorious traitor and sworne enemie to your countrie Albeit o The discouery of a countersect conference one of your friends doth only terme it a chartell or libell This wardword shal make vp the seuenth libell and the patched relation of the conference betwixt M. Plessis and Eureux sent vs lately from Rome the eight Beside these you haue published diuers base and paltrie pamphlets not woorthie to be mentioned and these be the flowers or rather furies of your writings and the fruites of your inuecti●e veine Neuer did any vse more lying forging false dealing scornfull gibing odious bragging then your selfe in all your writings Your owne p The priestes banded in England against the Iesuites friends accuse you of Machiuilian and Turkish practises and well doe your writings and doings deserue these titles The like also may be verified of Sanders Rishton Ribadineira Allen that hungrie cardinall other your friends Tisiphone and the furies of hell spoke with their toongs wrote with their pennes and wrought in their malicious harts It is your selfe therefore and your treacherous consorts vpon whom all the reproofes wherewith you load your aduersarie do light fitly and lye heauily And that you shall perceiue by this discourse ensuing Wherein if I reforme your error in many things whereof before you were ignorant you are to thanke me If you fee the hostile dealings of your friends the pope and Spaniard declared and auowed and your owne and your consorts treasons and a great masse of your hidden villenies discouered take it grieuously you may thank your selfe that gaue the occasion If any Papist finde himselfe agrieued with my plainenesse let him impute the fault to you also that first began to stir these coales and to the mysteries of popish religion that contain such deepe matters of rebellion and treason and not to me that being thus prouoked haue so plainely reuealed them Because vpon small aduantages you haue made great triumphes and called your aduersary forth to answere you as it were in eight encounters vanting and facing as if you were to play your maisters prises I haue taken vpon me to ioyne with you vpon your owne ground and to try with you at your owne weapons hoping to prooue you ignorant both of state matters wherein you pretend to know such secrets and also of sound diuinitie and other learning of which your friends and your selfe make such vants For matters concerning Sir Francis Hastings his owne person I refer you to his owne answere that may sufficiently satisfie you For the rest I thought it not amisse to discourse with you more at large And because you goe about to carie away matters with faire pretenses as if you papists the popes children were the only catholikes and did professe the ancient faith of the catholike church and as if all others were heretikes and wrong beleeuers I doe also vpon your lend glosses draw you out into fiue new encounters wherein if you ward not the better it shall be prooued First that you are no catholikes nor hold the catholike faith secondly that your religion is a new deuise and not the auncient religion of Christs church Thirdly that you are heretikes Fourthly that the Romish Church is the harlot of Babylon and not the true church of Christ And lastly that your consorts haue beene executed for treason most iustly and not for religion Which being prooued I trust your selfe will confesse that wee haue iust cause to maintaine that religion that we professe and to withstand antichrist the Spaniard and all their adherents that goe about both by force and treason to
and adhere to her enemies yet doe they enioy their landes and goodes and countrie and in effect their libertie and are onely subiect to pecuniarie punishments which either they escape not being endited through fauour or by sleightes auoyding the enditement or by conueyance of their landes frustrating the lawe or compounding for their punishment Compare her Maiesties actions with the cruell proceedings of papists and you shall soone see an exceeding great difference She This is proo●d in the end ●f our newe ●allenge executeth none for meere matter of religion vnlesse vnder colour of religion they be taken practising for her enemies authoritie and against her state and person they spare none She spareth notorious teachers of popish heresies and inflicteth only pecuniarie mulctes vpon malcontent recusants that plainly disallow her gouernment g The massacre of France and Flanders witnes this they kill man woman and childe that shall professe true religion She onely defendeth her selfe against those that are sent to perturbe the peace of her gouernment they by tormentes and rackes seeke out peacible persons and execute them to death most cruelly She proceedeth according to law these contrarie to all lawes h Hist. Natalis Comit. massacre men women and children whom they suspect to be contrarie to themselues in opinion Which clemencie of her Maiestie if it had either beene well accepted of forreine nations abroad or else had mollified the harts of disloyall papists at home all men would haue well liked and magnified But seeing this extraordinarie fauour or rather remissenesse of lawes and iustice towards them hath caused diuers rebellions both in England and Ireland and made them bold to attempt against her Maiesties life and gouernment and giuen some of them courage to conspire with forreine enemies and hardened the harts of our enemies against vs and weakened the hands of such as otherwise would haue beene forward inough to attempt against them and finally dissolued the sinewes of gouernment in suffering malcontents to practise and not maintaining the present state and executing lawes against offenders many doe thinke that against such persons that are so euill disposed and so firmly linked to forreine enemies good iustice is most necessarie and that it is farre more profitable and expedient to execute lawes then to pardon such offenders For while such vipers are suffered to gnawe the entrailes of their mother and yet are not punished and malcontents suffered to degorge their poyson against religion lawes gouernment magistrates ministers of the church and all honest men it is no maruell though the number of disloyall subiects encrease and though well affected and honest men withdrawe themselues and rest discouraged Now of late they i A● appeareth by the multiplicitie of their libels diuersly mentioned in this treatise haue taken to themselues a presumptuous and audacious libertie not onely to speake their pleasure of her Maiestie and her lawes and good friends but also to aduance the cause of the publike enemies of the state Edward Rishton a Seminarie priest was no sooner by her Maiesties fauour k He set out Sanders booke De schismate and augmented it with infinite lies and reproches deliuered out of prison and from the danger of death which he had well deserued but he published against her and her Maiesties noble father and brother a most odious and railing libell deuoide of all truth and honestie and for more credit to it set it out vnder Nicholas Sanders his name and authoritie after his death This course was also taken by Nicholas Harpesfield who enioying libertie to doe what him listed abused his libertie to raile on his prince and countrie These are the men that goe about to make their nation and this gouernment infamous and odious to all posteritie And thus we giue life and libertie to those that seeke nothing more then to depriue vs of life and good name Nay they are lately growne so insolent that they dare not onely taxe and raile at religion and gouernment but also reuell at all those that once beginne to open their mouth in defence of the truth of her Maiestie of iustice and of their countrie and not onely that but also presume to offer their paltrie pamphlets to the view and consideration of the Lordes of her Maiesties counsell which are the chiefe maintainers of religion and iustice And that this is most true we neede no further proofe then a certaine treatise entituled a Wardeword and written in outward shew against Sir Francis Hastings but in very truth against religion and this gouernment This good Knight of a right zealous minde toward religion and a loyall and louing affection towardes her Maiestie and the state giueth the word to his countreymen and stirreth vp such as sleepe in too much securitie to consider the malice of the Pope the preparations of the Spanyards and the trecherie of Spaniolized papistes that either at home or abroade entertaine intelligence with them and seeing forreine enemies seeke by force to take the crowne from her Maiestie and to subuert the state and to plant not onely false religion but also an absolute tyrannie in this land he exhorteth all loyall subiects and true English willingly to aduenture their liues and to spend their goodes in defence of their religion prince and countrie He aduiseth also all true Christians diligently to watch and to beware of the trecherous practises of priestes Iesuites rinegued English and their consortes as meaning nothing else but the subuersion of religion and state In all which discourse what one sentence can be noted vnwoorthie either a true Christian or a loyall subiect or a woorthie knight Is it not lawfull to oppose himselfe against publike enemies and traitors and to shew his affection toward his prince and countrie Sure this our counterfeit N.D. whose name Parsons the Iesuite doth borrow as he doth the name of Dolman otherwhere is very much offended that either our knight should open his mouth in defence of the state or offer himselfe readie to resist the publike enemies thereof Nay further he aduanceth the Pope and Spaniard and maintaineth the cause of knowne traitors and raileth at all that dare speake any thing against them Wherein I neede not note vnto you either his notorious follie that shewing himselfe a professed enemie of his prince and countrie yet thinketh to obtaine fauour for his clientes the papistes at the princes handes or their boldnes that vaunt of this champion when no man can like him but must needes shew a dislike of his prince and countrie and bewray himselfe to be an enemie to the state But I doe the rather report vnto you the summe of this mans pleading that you may the better vnderstand the boldnesse and impudencie of this generation and how through our owne remissenesse wee haue suffered them to grow to this height of insolencie He appealeth to the Lordes of her Maiesties counsell and I hope they will censure such a rayling libeller
among themselues Nay the contention betwéene Caluin and Luther is not so great but that popish doctors haue greater As for our selues all of vs professe the doctrine of Christ Iesus according to that rule that was established by common consent of the church of England from which if any digresse he is no more to be accounted of our societie then the papists that are of the popes retinue Lastly where he calleth our religion Parliament religion hée speaketh like himselfe that is falsely and slanderously For albeit the same be receiued by authoritie of the prince and state yet is it Christs religion and not the princes The a L●unctos Cod. de summ Trin. sid Cath. emperors Gratian Valentinian and Theodosius decréed That all people of their gouernment should hold the doctrine of Peter the apostle taught by Damasus bishop of Rome and Peter bishop of Alexandria and that they should beleeue one God three persons and yet I hope this Noddie will not call the faith of the Trinitie An imperiall faith And thus much in answere of his obiection of parliamēt faith and of supposed diuisions amongst vs. But if hée had considered how that all the authoritie of their Romish faith as it differeth from ours standeth vpon the authoritie of late popes and of the late conuenticle of Trent and that both the grounds and positions of it are either nouelties or old condemned heresies and was in Quéene Maries times established more by parliament then by authoritie of the apostles and how many and diuers sectes they haue among their monkes and friers and b About the matter of the sacrament of the Lords supper they haue not so few as 200. diuers opinions diuers opinions among their schoolemen and how their late writers dissent both from fathers and schoolemen and among themselues I thinke hée woulde haue spared either to haue obiected vnto vs our dissensions or to haue talked of the authoritie of our religion To discredite the report of spirituall blessings bestowed on vs he a P. 5.6 saith further That before this change we beleeued the catholike faith of Christendome deliuered by the vniuersal church grounded vpon that rocke that cannot faile now beleeue onely either other mens opiniōs or our owne fancies which choice is properly called heresie and héere hée thinketh to haue argued like a great doctor But first as his doctrine is strange so his stile is new and fantasticall For although hée sweate hard in séeking yet shall hee not finde that any one doctor saith That the vniuersall church doth deliuer to euerie priuate man the catholike faith for as schoolemen might teach him Actiones sunt suppositorum and it is not the whole kind but some one or other that doth this or that action Secondly most vntrue it is That either poperie is the catholike faith of Christendome or that the apostles or their catholike successors taught those errors of poperie which wee condemne Thirdly he doth vs wrong where he saith That our doctrine is diuers from the catholike faith of Christendome For whatsoeuer Christ or his apostles taught or is deliuered in the confessions of faith or créedes generally receiued of Christs Catholike church that wée beléeue and receiue refusing no point of catholike doctrine and all priuate fancies opinions heresies whether of popes or other heretikes and false teachers we renounce condemne and anathematize Héereof it followeth that the doctrine and faith of the church of England is most catholike and certaine being grounded vpon the apostles and prophets Christ Iesus being the corner stone which is a firme rocke against which the gates of hell cannot preuaile Grounded it is I say vpon the writings of the apostles and prophets endited by Gods holie spirite and thereunto not onely Councels and fathers but also the aduersaries themselues for the most part giue testimonie But the blinde papists haue deuised and receiued both new grounds of their religion and new doctrine which standeth onely vpon the authoritie of this pope and that pope whose fancie and opinion is all the certeintie they haue This is that rocke or rather banke of sand whereon the miserable papists faith is built For what the pope determineth that they hold to be the determination of the vniuersal church vpon his credite they receiue the scriptures Nay without his determination a Stapletonde author eccles they denie the scriptures to be authenticall b Princip doct lib. 9. c. 12. Stapleton teacheth that the church that is the pope at all times hath power to approue and taxe and consigne the bookes of holy scriptures In another place he c Ibidem lib. 11. c. 4. holdeth that vniuersall tradition is the most certaine interpreter of scriptures Generallie they hold that the pope is supreme iudge in all controuersies of faith and manners and that he is the iudge that cannot erre Hereof that followeth which this noddie obiecteth to vs That the faith of papists is built vpon the popes fancie and opinion which altering from time to time the faith of the Romish church is variable like the moone and vnstable as the sea Trusting to the popes determination from the Angelickes they haue receiued the worship of angels from the Collyridians the worship of the holy virgin Marie from the Carpocratians and Simon Magus and their disciples the worship of images from the Manichées and other heretikes prohibition of meates and dislike of mariage of priests and from other heretikes other damnable opinions So that their faith is not the catholike faith of Christendome but méere heresie grounded vpon the fancie and opinion of most wicked and vnlearned popes But d P. 6. saith this Noddie Why should you beleeue more your owne opinions then Caluin concerning the Queenes supremacie Luther concerning the reall presence and Beza in the church gouernment I answere first that these mens priuate opinions concerne not fundamentall points of faith And therefore that they are not to bée brought foorth for instance in this cause where we talke of the foundations reasons of Christian faith Secondly I deny that Caluin did deny the Quéenes supremacie in ecclesiasticall matters as we hold it For neither did he subiect princes to popes or priests in matter of their royall gouernment nor did hee denie princes power to establish ecclesiasticall lawes nor to command for Gods truth or to prouide for the setting foorth of true religion or redressing of disorders in churches or priests which are the principall points of supreme gouernment of princes in their realmes and dominions Neither do I thinke that any ancient father of the church did euer denie this power to princes Sure I am that many haue allowed it The reason why Caluin did once mislike the title of king Henry the eight was because hée was perswaded that hee had challenged all that power which the pope arrogateth to himselfe as head of the church wherein after that he was better informed he changed his stile and
doth but lightly touch the continued malice of the popish faction against her Maiestie euer since her first comming to the crowne and that rather to warne the carelesse subiect to take héede of such an enimie and to point at such pernicious traytors then to hurt such as haue béene and yet are abused by the craft and practise of others and are not themselues actors nor factious nor malicious to their countrey To hurt quiet men albeit abused by false colour of old religion it was no part of his purpose But séeing this simple Noddie hath no more reason but to bare and touch that wounde which béeing séene and touched must néedes gréeue many and shame all the faction of papists that haue shame to heare their owne and their consorts most abominable practises discouered I am content to méete him in this encounter and examine whether it bée true or no that is commonly reported concerning the practises of papists against her Maiestie and this state If any mislike this course let him deale with the Noddie that drew mée into it For mine owne part I was vnwilling to quarrell with them but séeing they will néedes stande vpon termes and challenge others I coulde not choose but answere Neuer any thing in this Realme did more displease the papistes then the match betwixt king Henry the eight and her Maiesties mother the Lady Anne Bollenne for thereby not onely the popes authority to dispence in causes of Matrimony but also to iudge in causes of princes was called in question Further they beganne to feare least the king that was a prince of heroicall courage would haue taken occasion vpon this abuse offered him to haue looked into the whole cause of religion Here began the hatred against her Maiestie which this faction hath borne her euer since and which by many attempts against her parents and her selfe they haue declared Clement the seuenth albeit he had receiued many fauours from king Henry and had promised otherwise yet whether wonne by perswasions of Charles the fift then béeing emperor or else mooued with the interest that himselfe had in it declared the kinges mariage to be voide and the issue of that mariage vnlawfull The which sentence was giuen Anno 1533. some little tyme before she came into the world So that it is no maruell if now they hate her which not onely in her parents but also in her lawful right was persecuted before she came into the world Not long after Paul the third did furiously thunder out a sentence of excommunication against Henry the eight depriuing him of his kingdome and againe declaring the mariage with the Lady Anne Bollen to be void and her children to be illegitimate With that fury did he prosecute that innocent lady and her children sparing nothing which might serue to worke both their destructions And when he could do nothing of himselfe he neuer ceased by Winchester and other his agents to pursue the cause vntill such time as they had caused an act of Parliament to bée made against both the mother and the daughter and brought the innocent Ladie her mother to her end and which is more gréeuous they loaded her with many slanders and reproches not onely in her triall but also in an act of parliament How vniustly God best knoweth and the king himselfe acknowledged with great griefe at his death as a Cosmograph lib. 16. Theuet a writer no way partiall hath testified Plusieurs gentils-hommes anglois saith hée speaking of king Henry the eightes death m'ont asseurè qu'il eut belle repentance des offenses par luy commises estant a l'article de la mort et entre lez autres choses de l'iniure et crime commise contre la dicte roine Anne de Boulan faulsement vaincue et accusee de ce qu'on luy imposoit It suffised not the enimie to take away an innocent ladies life but they tooke away also her honour and good name by diuers imputations which God the most iust iudge knoweth and I trust one day will more plainly declare Afterward it pleased God to put in the kings minde to reuerse the act that debarred her Maiestie of her right which hée did by his last will This so néerely touched the papists that as it shoulde séeme they haue abolished it thereby endeuoring to take away all monuments and records whereby her right might bée prooued This rancor of theirs did especially shew it selfe against her during the raigne of Quéene Mary For although her beautie vertue good carriage and many excellent parts wherewith God had endued her might haue mooued any to loue her yet in these men these excellencies and especially her religion wrought contrary effects For doubting least Quéene Mary hauing no issue should leaue the kingdome to her and fearing that shée woulde asswage their pride and tyrannie against Gods saints and abolish their superstitious abuses and hereticall doctrine they sought by all meanes to cut her off from the crowne The pope hée coulde not suffer his sentences and decretals to bée reuersed his adherents coulde endure no reformation of religion to bée established Gardiner charged her as an abbettor to Wyat and said shée had intelligence with him And this our aduersarie doth also signifie by his Mysticall bracelet and other darke surmises As if it were likely that a poore yoong maiden destitute of friends and meanes and in the handes of her enimies could helpe them any thing or that Wyat would communicate a counsell of such danger to her that percase might vtter it and no way coulde helpe him Howsoeuer it was he practised with diuers to accuse the innocent Lady and percase if God had not holpen her had effected his purpose That she held Quéene Mary and the state in suspence and care our aduersary denyeth not What then more probable then that they should séeke to disburthen themselues of that care and iealousie There are diuers that testifie that they had diuers consultations against her Doctor Storie shewed plainly That the papists committed a great error in that cutting of the boughs they had not strooken at the roote When either for shame or else because they could finde no probable cause against her they could not spill the innocent Ladies bloud it is certaine that they fayned Quéene Mary to be with childe to the intent that some supposed childe might be found to succéede Quéene Mary and to preuent the Ladie Elizabethes right All this notwithstanding it pleased God many of her enimies being taken away that shée shoulde possesse the crowne at what time a man woulde haue thought they woulde haue ceased to pursue her against whom they coulde not preuaile Yet euen then did they also shew their malice and first they caused the Quéene of Scots to claime the crowne to beare the armes of England Then by the way of Scotland the French began to threaten and to inuade her countrey and had procéeded further but that her Maiesties forces did shut them vp
to enter into disloial practises or else to allow their tyrannicall and vniust pretenses And therefore all this talke about the popes furious excommunications and other acts of hostilitie is méerely impertinent where the encounter and contention is about the practises of papists that shoulde shewe themselues subiects Fourthly the pope had no reason to complaine that popish prelates for adhering to him were restreined For no state may suffer such to enioy their libertie as adhere to forreine enimies Nor do the popes suffer their Cardinals or friers to adhere to others whom they accompt their enimies Fiftlie what had the pope to do withall albeit the Quéene for causes did forbid her subiects to depart the countrey Hath the prince no interest in his subiect but he may forsake him at pleasure The pope will not I thinke giue his people that libertie And if he will not giue that to his owne subiects what reason hath he to require it in other princes subiects Lastly the pope séeing his authoritie refuted in disputations he should rather in schooles and pulpits haue taught the truth then with armes in open fielde sought to ouerthrow the truth and the state both togither If hée were prooued to bée antichrist by scriptures he shoulde by like course haue answered The apostles neuer sought to establish their authoritie by force of armes nor by violence to plant religion The pope therefore doing contrary sheweth himselfe to be antichrist and Mahomets rather then the apostles successor The leasings contained in this allegation are likewise diuers and shamelesse To say that the Quéene began with the pope is not onely false but also a most vaine and ridiculous conceite For it is well knowne and testified by record that he did persecute her in the person of her parents when she was yet in the wombe when she was newly borne and sithence continually whereas her Maiestie onely medled with her owne kingdome without respect to the pope which hath no more power ouer her Maiestie or other christian princes then the great Turke For both their authorities are alike forced and vsurped Secondly it is a shamelesse vntruth to say That the body of religion that had endured here aboue a thousand yeeres should now be changed by vs. Let the Noddy or because he is but a silly diuine and taketh vp all at the second and third hand let the proudest of that side shew if they canne that we haue altered any one article of the christian faith or abolished one iot of the apostles doctrine As for the priuate masse without communion and the communion vnder one kind and the doctrine of transubstantiation adoration of the sacrament worship of angels saintes images and rotten bones and rags and other heresies and nouelties which the papists haue more then we they are not onely beside but also contrary to Christ and his apostles doctrine and the faith of christes church as our teachers haue heretofore shewed and we shall be able sufficiently to iustifie in any frée and lawfull councell and méeting against the stoutest champions of the popes side Thirdly eyther must he bring proofe of a promise made to the pope that no alteration should be made in religion by her Maiestie or else he will rest conuicted of another grosse lie As for the woluish prelates it is not greatly materiall what they promised For in king Henry the eight his dayes they promised to maintaine the kings royall authority against the pope Wherein Gardiner Bonner and Tonstall were principall agents yet did they respect their honest faith and true promise no more then if they had sayd nothing The fourth lie made here is That statutes were made against the pope with the most spitefull and opprobrious words that malice could deuise For those statutes which he meaneth were made rather for restoring the princes right vsurped by the pope contrary to law and reason then directly against the pope Againe albeit some tearmes vsed in the statutes séeme sharpe yet come they short of the popes desert To accuse the whole state of malice and spite for inueighing against the pope this fellow had no reason were he not a professed enemy of his country and a slaue to the pope and Spanyard and other publike enemies of this state The fift lie is That the whole body of England was forced to sweare against the pope For not any one man so farre is he short of the whole land was forced to sweare against the pope albeit he was neuer so worthy to be abiured and detested Onely those that desire either dignities in church and schooles or publike offices in the common wealth are commaunded to take the oathe for the mainteinance of the Quéens regall authority And if they list not yet may they liue priuate albeit they take not the oath Nay the oath is not tendred to them The sixt lie is That all the popish prelates and clergie were depriued of liuings and libertie and committed to prisons and there continued to their dying day His owne conscience if he haue any conscience can conuince him of it And infinite witnesses testifie and diuers records prooue the contrary For diuers of the popish clergie fled-ouer sea as Cutbert Scot Goldwel Maurice elect of Bangor and diuers others Some changed copy and reteined their liuings Diuers died before they were depriued as Hopton of Norwich Christophorson of Chichester White of Winchester and many more Of the rest some were neuer in prison as Oglethorp Poole others were restreined to their own houses as Heath of York Bane of Lichfeld Thurlby and Watson remained in the archbishops house at Lambith Bourne and Troublefeld deliuered out of the Tower died at their friends houses Such is the clemencie of her Maiestie and the mildenesse of our religion The 7. lie is that papists that Did not flie the land nor were imprisoned were forced to participate our sacraments Which this impious cōpanion calleth New deuised sacrament bread and saith It was anathematized by the Lutherans the first founders as hée writeth of our religion A lie composed of diuers vntruths For first wée enforce none to our religion Nay there is no penall statute against those that receiue not the Sacraments the more pittie Secondly hée cannot shew where the churches of Germany haue either anathematized or condemned our cōmunion Lastly wée do affirme and offer to prooue against the whole rable of Iesuits and friers that the sacraments of our church which this scornfull wretch so impiously reiecteth are most consonant to Christ his institution and the practise of the apostolike and catholike church But the blasphemous masse the halfe communion the idolatrous worship of the bread of the altar the abolishing of bread out of the sacrament the popish priesthoode the popish sacraments neither can they bée prooued nor will they be so defended but that the doctrine of papists and their practise will alwaies appéere to bée contrarie to Christ his institution and the doctrine of the catholike church
sparing their holy God of the altar Deteriores sunt Iuda saith Christ in Saint a Onus ecclesiae c. 23. Brigits reuelations qui pro solis denarijsme vendidit illi autem pro omni mercimonio She speaketh of priests that trucke and barter masses for all manner of commodities yea to whoores for a nights lodging With the Angelicks they worship angels with the Staurolatrians they worship the crosse crucifixe giuing to the same diuine worship With the Collyridians they worship the virgin Marie With the Manichees they bring in halfe communions or communion in one kinde With the Carpocratians and Simonians and heathen idolaters they fall downe and offer incense and worship dumbe images With the Pelagians they beléeue merits and iustification by workes And almost out of euery heresie haue taken a peece as hath béene lately they say iustified against Giffords treatise intituled Caluinoturcismus Well therefore may it be saide that popish doctrine is full of poison and vnaduised was our aduersarie to charge vs with heresie or to mention any such matter séeing the blame must needes redounde vpon himselfe and vpon his consorts of the Romish synagogue Secondly he telleth vs That ecclesiasticall supremacy ouer all Christian nations is proper and essentiall to the popes office and that to his apostolicall authority is annexed the office of preaching But that should more properly and substantially haue béene prooued This beeing graunted doth shew that the pope doth faile in his apostolicall or rather apostaticall office For if preaching and féeding Christes flocke belong to the popes office why doth he not preach Why doth he not féede Nay why doth he famish Christes flocke by murdering all true preachers that come within his danger He answereth that The pope is obliged to preach by himselfe or by others But Saint Peter a farre greater apostle and greater man in apostolicall gouernment then the pope preached by himselfe and put not ouer his charge as the pope doth to Iesuites and Friers that preach more heresie and sedition then true doctrine The old bishops of Rome also which were honester men then these late popes put not ouer their charge but preached themselues and in their owne person executed all bishoplie functions Yea and saint Paule telleth vs that the office of a bishop is a good worke and not as the popish bishops make it a naked bare title To conclude this is also the iudgement of a In 1. Tim. 3. Ambrose Chrysostome Theodoret and all that write on the third of the first to Timothie from whence our authoritie is drawne He procéedeth notwithstanding further and professeth openly That when the pope leaueth his supremacy and embraceth that religion that is preached in England he ceaseth to be pope Which I do in part also confesse to be most true For antichrist shall in the church of God exalt himselfe and clayme not onely supreme but also diuine power He shall also defend manifold heresies and abhorre all true doctrine that may concerne his supreme title And if he should not so do he should not shew himselfe to be antichrist Herein therefore the Iesuites and he may be conioyned and march together hand in hand For all of them haue shut their eies and hardened their hartes against Christes true doctrine although it be to their shame in this life among all godly Christians and if they repent not shall be to their euerlasting confusion in the life to come Yet this hard faced Sycophant sticketh not to glory in his shame and to reioice that the pope and his children the Iesuites are matched togither At the length our aduersarie hauing highly extolled the father of heretikes and traitors the pope he descendeth to discourse of the popes darlinges begotten by him now in his declining state and decrepit age the Iesuites and saith They haue many enimies A matter true and by vs confessed and by them well deserued being a sect new vpstart and openly professing obedience to antichrist and enmitie to Apostolike and true catholike religion a societie conspiring mischiefe against al such as they hate practising diuision in priuate houses sedition and trouble in common-wealthes treason against godly princes and leauing the markes of their abominations and wicked actions behinde them wheresoeuer they come A generation stirred vp by Sathan to disturbe the peace of Christendome and to scourge all those that are not thankefull for the reformation of Gods church nor studious in sea●ching the truth nor zealous in rooting out of heresies and planting true religion What maruell then if they haue many enimies among those especially that beare good mindes either to true religion or to the state where they liue As for the example of Christian religion and of the first Christians and Christes disciples the holy apostles which were euery where spoken against and persecuted which the discourser our party pretendeth and alleageth to iustifie the generall opposition of al sorts of men against the Iesuits it fitteth his purpose nothing The example likewise of godly men that are often put to their trials is excéedingly euil applied to this sect of vngodly fellowes most absurdly doth he compare these Antijesuites to Christ Iesus that was as it were a marke set vp to be contradicted and was hated and persecuted of those that were of most eminent authoritie among his nation borrowing as it shoulde séeme a péece of some olde declamation vttered in the college of Iesuites or else where in praise of this sect and thrusting it in héere His defence I say is absurd and his comparisons most odious First Christ Iesus that I may beginne with him that is the beginning and fountaine of all spirituall graces and whom these Antijesuites do seeme in some things to counterfait and yet in most things oppugne came from God and did teach no doctrine but which he had receiued from his father humane traditions and pharisaicall boasting of workes of the law he disallowed and condemned These Antijesuites that I say no worse of them come from the pope and teach his decretalles and doctrine grounding themselues vpon mens traditions and vainely bragging of their owne merits and workes Christ Iesus loued his owne and was beloued of his owne These vsurpers of the name of Iesus loue none but thēselues and were charged by their owne friends and were accused of heresie schisme and many grieuous crimes as witnesseth Ribadineira that wrote the legend of his father Ignatius Our sauiour ●or determining controuersies and finding out the truth sent vs to the law and the prophets these destroyers of soules send vs to the pope and his tribunall and most vaine decretalles Iesus Christ though Lord of heauen and earth taught obedience to Caesar and earthly princes these fellowes albeit neither lordes nor princes yet teach disobedience to princes and dissolue the bond of obedience that tyeth subiectes to their superiors Christ Iesus was the true shepheard and sought the saluation of his flocke and albeit iniuriously apprehended and
a carnall fellow and a méere politicke Hée kept certaine women and his bastardes in his time bore no small swaie in Rome One of them made loue to a mans wife of the house of Glorieri Of whom receiuing some indignitie he brought the Glorieri into hatred with his father Who picking a quarrell to them fined Caesar Glorieri him that set his hand to the sentence of excommunication against the Quéene 100000. ducates and another Glorieri that was clarke of the popes checker chamber he put out of his office and solde it for diuers thousands of duckats So you sée much money made of a baudie matter and you woulde woonder whether all this money went and I beléeue hardly coulde you gesse it I will therefore assure you that all this money went to the Iesuites and was most of it imploied in the building of their colledge at Rome O holie societie and thrise holy colledge erected for the most part by baudrie and maintained as pope Sixtus said by vsurie This may serue for a taste to shew that the best founders that Iesuites haue are carnall and sensuall men that rather then they will frie in purgatorie will giue the Iesuites most of that they haue The second fault of this enumeration is this that it is defectiue For not so many atheistes carnall worldlings and heretickes as christian and catholicke princes zelous and godly bishops and pastors and honest and religious Christians do detest and abhor this wicked generation Princes for the hazard that they haue incurred of their liues and states haue eyther expulsed them and banished them their countries as the French king the Transyluanian and those that professe true religion or had them in iealousie as the king of Poland and diuers papisticall princes Godly Christians haue reason to suspect them and detest them for their abominable doctrine and treacherous and murderous practises Fathers feare them in regard of their children whom they inueigle and steale away The Venetians dissolued a colledge in Padua where gentlemens sonnes were wont to be brought vp for that the Iesuites taking vpon them to teach there corrupted their youth with their vnnaturall lasciuiousnes and restrained them from teaching others then such as were of their own society Husbandes haue them in iealousie for their wiues wiues for their husbands For it is no rare matter for these subuerters of all humanity to draw wiues from husbandes and husbandes from wiues yea sometimes through too much familiarity with women they spoile the men A certaine Magnifico in Venice perceiuing his wiues iewels to be wanting in the end learned that the Iesuites had gotten them To conclude this point I thinke the Iesuites will not deny but that the Carmelites and Franciscanes and Dominicans and othe orders of fryers are as honest men as themselues yet all these do inwardly hate them At Vienna they thrust out the Carmelites at Mentz the Dominicans at Trier and Bransberg the Franciscās out of their houses which maketh these orders to hate them In Bauier the priests béeing brought to pouerty and shame by the Iesuites haue no reason to loue them And thus we sée that many honest men do eyther suspect or hate the Iesuites and some also which they themselues cannot take iust exception against Let vs therefore now consider whether the causes that haue mooued and occasioned this hatred against the Iesuites be iust or no. The discourser saith They are had in hatred and emulation eyther for their rule and profession or for their learning and doctrine or for their life and conuersation But first the parts of this diuision are imperfect next the same conteineth diuers vntruthes and more are added in the declaration of it Lastly the whole defence parted in this diuision is not sufficient to iustifie the course and actions of the Iesuites the imperfection may be prooued by diuers particulars For they are not onely hated for these thrée causes but for diuers others As namely for that they do many things both contrary to their owne rule and contrary to the rule of Gods law and Christian religion They professe obedience but they practise sedition and rebellion Claudius Matthew a Iesuite and king Henry the third of France his confessor was the most principall author and agent in the league of papists against him and the peace established a litle before Parsons and Campian were sent into England to make a faction for the papistes which appeared in this that they procured a faculty to suspend the bull of Pius as farre as it concerned papists no further then Rebus sic stantibus These fellowes are the principall agents and stirrers of the rebellion in Ireland Iames Gordon Creichton and Hayes Iesuites laide a plot not onely for a rebellion in Scotland but for an inuasion in England Neither hath any warre or tumult béene raysed of late in any part of Christendome wherein the Iesuites haue not borne a principall part They professe chastitie and the law of God forbiddeth all vncleannes but how these obserue this profession and law I report me to their owne consciences to the Iesuites of Rome and Padua and to their practise in allowing and now and then frequenting bordelles They talke much of voluntary pouerty and Christ saith all should be left for his sake But these good fellowes leaue Christ for the wealth and ease they find in the order of Iesuites They dwell in costly pallaces their dyet apparrell is more dainty and braue then ordinary The furniture of their houses and churches is gorgious and princely Their armes are placed aboue the armes of princes most couetously they scratch and scrape from the orphane widow and poore and put out their mony to interest their rule and outward profession is to gaine soules but their practise is to kill soules They promise to teach without reward but if a great man will giue them a million they take all Nay they pretend to begge for banished English but take most themselues and by all practises séeke to enrich themselues by bribes and rewardes They professe religion and the name of Iesus but they are the slaues of the pope and oppugne the faith of Iesus preferring the decretals before scriptures in certainty and make a scoffe at religion In Venice they painted the virgine Mary like a Lady in the city whome they loued as a Vita Pij Quinti Pius Quintus cast an Agnus dei into the riuer so these vse the same practise in their coniurations Nay they administer the sacrament to those that go about to murder princes as Walpoole did to Squire First then they are hated for dooing against Gods law and their owne written rules Secondly for their ignorance in true religion Thirdly for that they peruert others by their leud perswasions and euill example Fourthly for that they peruert youth and teach them euill manners Fiftly for that they are not ashamed to defend any old condemned heresie or grosse new error holden by the pope Lastly
scorneth al husbandry and honest trauaile So strange is their doctrine that they woulde alter not onely Christes religion but also rules of state and houshold Where sir Francis telleth vs That he knoweth by experience what hurt womens perswasions haue done in hardening their husbands harts in matters of religion and saith That the night crowes perswasion preuaileth much Hée gibeth at the terme of Night crowes and chargeth the knight with Playing the part either of Iudas to betray Recusants or of Pilate to condemne them or afflict them But first there is great oddes betwixt the recusants that haue nothing either of Christ or of good christians but the bare name Christ Iesus our sauior Hée refused not to come into the temple though abused nor sought to betray his nation into the hands of high priests and forreine enimies These refuse to come to Gods church and are the high priests of Romes seruants and many of them haue too great affection to forreine enimies Secondlie euill do our Iustices deserue these reprochfull termes of Iudas and Pilate for dealing against euill affected subiects a Iustices and other her Maiesties officers stirred vp to do their duties against priestes and recusants by the reproches of the aduersarie and woorse affected Christians and may learne to execute the lawes more exactly séeing for their remissenesse they are called carpet knights and for dooing nothing railed at as if they were as euill as Iudas or Pilate In the meane while wée giue this Noddy to vnderstand that his consorts may much better bée termed Pilates that murder Christ in his members and condemne infinite innocent Christians and therefore in the end they are to looke for the end of Pilate The Recusants likewise may rightly bée resembled to Iudas that woulde so willingly betraie their masters brethren and their owne friendes and countrimen And it is no new thing for sacrificing priests that continually betray kill or immolate Christ as they say to be called Iudasses b 4. Brig 133. onus eccles c. 23. Bridget saith they are woorse then Iudas Corpus meum saith Christ in Brigits prophesies speaking of priests amarius crucifigunt quam Iudaei And againe Maledicti sacerdotes ad me simulatoriè accedunt quafi proditores Thirdly most true it is that simple men are often misledde by the subtile perswasions of péeuish women And therefore may they wel be resembled to black night crowes that are still croking in their husbands eares and entising them both to opinions and workes of darknesse Beside this these nightcrowes are too familiar oftentimes with night walking priests Iesuites that teach them new fashions of shrift and draw them into euill opinions and dangerous practises In Venice they encroched so farre vpon the womens fauour that their husbands forbad them to come any more néere the Iesuites Like fauour haue the Iesuites obtained at the handes of the goodwiues of Milan By meanes of the wiues of Friburge the Iesuites attempted to set dissension betwixt the Cantons of Suizzerland We may not therefore thinke it strange if trecherous priestes worke their feates by the meanes of women Where it is saide that by the leud perswasions of Recusant women many fall away our aduersarie asketh Whether they fall to enormitie of sinne or wickednesse of life As if the Recusants were such saints that they coulde not fall to sinne or wickednesse Certes the common opinion is otherwise For commonly Recusants make lechery and ribaldrie to bée no great sinne And their women make it more nice to go to Gods church then to go to strangers beds It is well knowne that papists allow of bordels and a C. at si clerici De iudi ijs account adulterie and fornication small faults and easilie they dispence with them Heerein England the priests corrupted the Gailors daughter of Wisbich and another priest ranne away with one of Bellamies maides Nay there is a priest in England that confessed how hee shriued fewe women but hee lay with them And yet the simple Recusants neither feele their owne shame nor prouide remedie against these priests of Baal Beside that Recusants are often drawne into strange and disloial practises as appeereth by the examples of Arden Someruil Babington Tichborne and many others But to omit filthinesse of life and trecherie it is fall great inough that simple men oft by leud perswasions fall into the errors and heresies of poperie so many and so gréeuous that popery as it conteineth nouelties aboue the doctrine which wee professe is nothing but a packe of heresies as wee shall particularly shewe héereafter But saith the discourser They are catholikes and haue a scruple to go to the Protestants churches because they thinke their religion is naught And thereupon hée concludeth That religion and conscience is cause of their refusall and not euill will or rebellion But the poore idiots are much abused where they are perswaded that either their owne religion is catholike or that ours is not catholike This is a common song which the popish priests sing in their eares but the note is iarring and the dittie can neuer bée prooued Catholike religion was that which the apostles taught generally throughout the worlde and that is the religion which wée professe in our Créede and finde written in holy scriptures All which we holde and refuse all doctrine contrarie to the same But the papists in their schoolemens commentaries and popish decretals and wicked missals and portuises and such like bookes of Romish deuotion haue brought in not onely a faith diuers from the apostolike and catholike faith but also contrarie to the same Much therefore do we pittie the blindnesse of Recusants that not onely shut their eies against the light and condemne that for heresie which indéede is truely catholike but also embrace falshood and heresies for true religion worshipping angels saints and the virgine Marie yea stockes rotten bones and rags in stead of one true God and embracing antichrist in stead of Christ And all this they do building themselues and their religion either vpon lying legends or popish decretals or vncertaine customes neuer vsed in the catholike church So that heerein there is neither one scrpule of true religion nor any dramme of conscience but onelie blindnesse and wilfulnesse of which afterward ensueth vnnaturall vnkindnesse towards their prince and countrie and wicked practises hurtfull to themselues their déerest friends and countrimen Neither can it excuse them That they are so perswaded in their conscience For all conscience ought to bée grounded on right reason and not vpon this or that fancy Therefore the a Thomas aq 1. p. q. 79. art 12. Siluest in verb. conscientia schoolemen say Quod conscientia est actus synteresis But this synteresis is nothing but a facultie of the minde wherein are principles naturally knowne preserued Saint b Lib. 2. de lib. arb c. 10. Augustine saith Quod in naturali iudicatorio adsunt quaedam regulae
Peter descended to the pope of Rome Fourthly the aduersaries themselues cannot prooue this succession by any such infallible and certaine deduction as is pretended Wherefore vnlesse this Noddy can shew first that the pope hath succéeded Peter in the generall charge of apostolicall gouernment and teaching throughout the worlde and secondly that the pope is a true bishop pastor and successor of Peter and thirdly that neither the bishops of Antioch nor Caesarea nor Ioppe nor Lydda where Peter taught nor any saue the bishops of Rome succéeded in Peters seate and fourthly that the popes authoritie in giuing lawes in censures exactions dispensations iudgements was generally allowed and neuer contradicted and finally that he still holdeth the apostolike doctrine and faith intirely and admitteth no heresies nor false opinions in religion vnlesse I say he prooue all this he is at the end of his reckoning for the popes authoritie and sheweth himselfe to bée but a vaine babler and a foolish challenger that euen in the midst of danger conueieth himselfe out of the steccato And I do much woonder that all true Christians do not suspect this manner of procéeding and detest the pride and vanitie of this discourser that leaueth his miserable disciples more perplexed then before For he teacheth that vpon paine of damnation they must subiect themselues to the popes authoritie and yet when it commeth to the iumpe he is neither able to iustifie the popes authoritie in making and dissoluing lawes nor in ordering bishops throughout the worlde nor in iudging of controuersies nor authorizing the scriptures nor in dispensing in cases reserued nor in deposing princes nor in raising warres and handling both the swords and such like matters Nay he is not able to prooue that he is Peters true successour or a lawfull bishop He teacheth subiects to rebell and setteth princes to murder Christians and blinde papists blindely obey and yet no warrant can the popes proctor bring to iustifie the popes strange desseines and dooings Onely he endeuoureth in the last end of his pleading for the pope to shew That this land ought especially to respect the sea of Rome for beeing twise conuerted from paganisme to Christian religion and that first by Eleutherius then by Gregory the first which were both bishops of Rome And here he triumpeth and thinking that he hath satisfied his reader with an exquisite and delicate dish at the ending of his papall banquet he taketh away the table and biddeth all his guests Proface and à dieu But if his readers be not more wary while they thinke to be fed with holesome meat they are like to be gulled which googeons This gull certes in this his catastrophe séemeth to haue no other purpose For first it is a méere fable to say that this land was conuerted from paganisme either by the one or by the other of these two For Christianity was in England long before Eleutherius time and stories say he did onely and that by his deputies christen king Lucius And when Augustine the monke came to the Saxons the Britons long before that were Christians Secondly neither did Eleutherius nor Gregory preach the faith here nor giue much aide to the conuersion of the people of this land Onely Eleutherius sent Eluanus and Meduinus two Britons otherwise called Fugatius and Damianus to king Lucius and Gregory sent Austin the monke hither But the Saxons were conuerted by certaine Britons and French that could speake the Saxon language and not by Austin that could do nothing but hould the crosse like a crosier-clerke whiles others preached Thirdly albeit this land had béene conuerted by Eleutherius and Gregory yet this is but a personall fauour rather making vs beholding to those two then to those that succéeded them To prooue that we owe any obedience to the sea of Rome for that cause this argument is all too weake For the church of Rome was first conuerted by those that came from Ierusalem yet doth not Rome yéelde any obedience to the bishops of Ierusalem Nay they haue forgotten Saint Paul whome we are assured preached at Rome and do all depend of Peter Likewise the Phrysons and Germanes were conuerted by Saxons out of England yet do they not subiect themselues to the church of England Fourthly the late popes of Rome haue béene alwayes beholding to the kings and people of this country One king gaue the tribute of peter pence others gaue them great priuiledges and authority by which meanes they drew out infinite treasure out of England Bonner a In praefat in lib. de ver obed saith that the reuenues of the pope out of England were equall to the kings reuenues In requitall whereof the popes haue b Matth. Paris sent to our princes either glasses or feathers or rotten bones or paper lead and such like toies Adrian the fourth gaue to our princes a title to Ireland which he had no power to giue Innocent the fourth to king Henry the thirdes sonne gaue a bare title to the kingdome of Naples which cost infinite treasure in the end prooued a méere mockerie Other popes haue shewed thēselues alwaies opposite to the English nation to the kings of this realme No sooner had the pope intelligence that William of Normandie was purposed to come with a puissant armie to conquer this lande which coulde not be done without great waste wracke and slaughter but hée c Matth. Paris caused his standard and ensignes to bée halowed and blessed So much did it please him to heare of an inuasion of our countrey and so holy a thing did warre and waste of this kingdome séeme vnto him Another pope did vpholde Thomas Becket and his rebellious consorts against king Henry the second fauored his professed enimies and in the end forced him to a most shamefull penance d Matth. Paris in Ioanne Innocent the thirde thundred out his excommunications against king Iohn and stirred vp forreine enimies against him Neither did he euer cease to pursue him vntill such time as he had made both the king himselfe and as much as in him lay all his people tributarie to forreiners At which when the Nobilitie and people of England repined the furious pope in great choler e Ibidem sent out his interdictions excommunications and curses against them and neuer ceased to pursue them as long as he had meanes to hurt them In the warres which the kings of England made in France for the obteining of their right in that kingdome the popes crossed them by all meanes possible and declared themselues vtter enimies to our nation being glad of any calamitie that hapned to vs and sorrowfull for our good successe But neuer did anie declare more malice against any of our kinges then Paule the third against king Henry the eight the Quéenes most noble father as appéereth by his most execrable a D. Sanders de sch●sm lib. 1. bull which he published against him For therein hée doth not onely curse
Dei cum idolis God was much offended with the bishop of Pergamus for winking at false teachers and their leud doctrine Habeo saith g Apocalyps 2. hée aduersus te pauca quia habes illic tenentes doctrinam Balaam qui docebat Balac mittere scandalum coram filijs Israel edere fornicari Ita habes tu tenentes doctrinam Nicolaitarum And shall wée endure the Balamiticall priestes of antichristes synagogue and more damnable heretikes then the Nicoloitans The h Apolalyps 2. bishop also of the church of Thyatira was sharpely reprooued for permitting one that pretended to bée a prophet to teach and seduce gods seruants Habeo saith hée aduersus te pauca quia permittis mulierem Iezabel quae se dicit prophetem docere seducere seruos meos fornicari manducare de idolothytis The prophet Dauid woulde not suffer any strange worship of God within his kingdome neither coulde hée endure so much as once to mention the names of idolaters Their offrings of blood saith he z Psal 16. I wil not offer nor make mētiō of their names within my lips That was likewise the zeale of godly emperors Omnes vetitae legibus diuinis imperialibus constitutionibus haereses perpetuò quiescant say the a L. omnes Cod. de haereticis Emperors Gratianus Valentinianus and Theodosius Nowe to suffer contrarie religions was euer condemned Salomon greatlie offended in suffring his wiues to erect idolatrie yet were they his wiues And when the Israelites serued God and Baal Elias greatly reprooued them How long b 1. Reg. 18. saith hée halt you on both sides If God be God follow him if Baal bee god follow him Nay it is punishable in matters of religion to winke at idolaters as appéereth by the example of Salomon before rehearsed and of those kings that did not cut downe groues and destroy hill altars He that serueth God saith c Lib. 5. ep 30. Ambrose must bring no dissimulation no conniuence but faithfull zeale and deuotion he must giue no consent to the worship of idols and other prophane ceremonies for God will not be deceiued which searcheth all things euen the secrets of mens harts Now besides these reasons that make against all false worshippers and abused Christians there are speciall lawes against teachers of heresies such as the Iesuites and other friers and priests are d Deut. 13. God cōmandeth False prophets that would turne vs away to worship other gods to be slaine God e Apocal. 16. he powreth out his wrath against those That haue receiued antichristes marke or worship his image Helias caused Baals priestes to be slaine f L. Cuncti Cod. de haeret Manich. Arcadius and Honorius tooke away all churches from heretikes least they shoulde teach or do the exercises of their false religion in them Such as haue béene zealous in remoouing all monuments of idolatrie and aduancing Gods true worship haue receiued manifold blessings at gods hands and are well reported of in holy Scriptures and their memoriall and name is blessed Such were Hezekiah Iosiah Iosaphat and others mentioned in holy Scriptures Constantine Theodosius Martian and other famous princes in the church of God mentioned in Ecclesiasticall histories Contrariwise not onely open idolaters but such as shewed themselues colde in promoting Gods seruice haue béene punished by God and accounted infamous among godly men The g 4. Reg. 17. Samaritanes were content to serue God but they woulde worship idols too Fuerunt gentes timentes dominum sed nihilominus idolis suis seruientes Therefore were they hatefull to gods Church a Nicet Choniat lib. hist 7. Manuel Comnenus remooued out of the church certaine tables conteining both the articles of Christian faith and certaine anathematismes of Turkish impieties and Mahomets false gods and substituted in their places other tables and articles of doctrine not so directly contrarie to Turcisme and this he did for feare to offend the Saracens But his fact neither pleased God nor men Neither did he satisfie those whom hée sought to please Let all those therefore that séeke to mingle contrary religions or feare to maintaine true faith diligently looke to the examples of the b 4. Reg. 17. Samaritanes and of c Nicet Choniat lib. 7. Manuel Comnenus This course would be dangerous to her Maiesty and the state Now the pope béeing publikely hence excluded hath not those meanes to worke her Maiestie displeasure as he hath to worke against princes in countries of his obedience and should haue héere if popery might be tolerated And this to be true Sixtus Quintus in his bull published against her Maiesty anno 1588. and translated by Cardinall Allen doth himselfe in plaine wordes testify Not hauing saith he in these parts the ordinary meanes which by the assistance of Christian princes we haue in other countries to remedy disorders and keepe the people in obedience for that Henry the eight late king of England did of late yeeres reuolt from the sea apostolike Likewise it appeareth by the d Vita di Pio 5. Girol Catena example of the pope Pius the fiftes Nuntio Vincentio Lauro who not daring to passe into Scotland to practise but staying at Paris was depriued of meanes to effect his wicked purpose Likewise the Iesuites and priests not daring now publikely to shew themselues nor to deale with all persons publikely and without danger loose many opportunities to set forward the popes cause The recusantes also though they come not to the church yet hauing no liberty to conuerse with Iesuites nor to learne their seditious doctrine kéepe themselues in better termes then otherwise they would do if it were lawfull for them to professe their religion openly But admit once Iesuites and seminary priestes to reenter into the land or to liue among vs the pope first will haue more opportunitie and meanes to worke his purposes Neither is it likely that he will euer desist from prosequuting her Maiesty hauing by so many sentences disabled her excommunicated her and deposed her Secondly the Iesuites and priests would haue better meanes both to peruert the simple and to worke their treasons against the prince and her most loyall subiects And if they do much hurt now when they are restreined because they are suffered to liue in prisons what would they do if such woolues were let loose amongst Christes lambes That they will alwaies be ready to execute the popes commaundements against her Maiestie there is no question séeing they holde it damnation not to obey him Thirdly the Recusants hauing such teachers what woulde they not do when Hall coulde perswade Somerfield and Ballard Babington and so many gentlemen desperately to aduenture to kill the Quéene How dangerous this may bée to good subiects we may consider if wée do but looke into their wooluish practises in France and Flanders and other where Did not the papists of Orleans being admitted thither according to the edict after the
vniuersall church Saint c Lib. 4. de Symbol c. 10. Augustine saith that Euery congregation that is gathered in one corner is a concubine and not the spouse of Christ How then canne the papistes be catholikes that are gathered out of the society of the vniuersall church into the communion of the church of Rome Writing to Vincentius the Donatist he d Epist 48. concludeth that the Donatistes and Rogatians were not the catholike church for that they tooke their names of others then of the christian church Thirdly the faith of catholikes is e Ephes 2. built Vpon the foundation of the apostles and prophets Iesus Christ beeing the chiefe corner stone And this foundation is no where to be found but in the writings of the apostles and prophets which shew vnto vs the doctrine of Christ Iesus The apostle saint f Rom. 10. Paul doth teach vs That faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God Which we may not séeke in decretales nor legendes but in the most holy scriptures endited by the holy ghost And so the fathers teach vs. g Lib. 3. aduers haeres c. 1. Irenaeus doth say that the apostles First preached and afterward deliuered the gospell in Scriptures that they might be a foundation and piller of our faith Per apostolos euangelium peruenit ad nos saith he Quod quidem tunc praeconiauerunt postea verò per Dei voluntatem in scripturis tradiderunt fundamentum columnam fidei nostrae futurum Athanasius in Synopsi doth call The canonicall Scriptures the anchor and staie of our faith Hée woulde not haue any thing spoken or heard of christians in matters of faith and religion beside the holy Scriptures Si diuersa à scripturis fabulari vultis h De incarr ●t verb. saith he cur nobiscum concertatis qui nec loqui nec andire sustine●●s quod extraneum sit ab illis The church saith a Homil. 6. in Matthaeum Chrys●stome is Hierusalem whose foundations are placed vpon the mountaines of the Scriptures Hierome calleth the Scriptures the limites or bounds of the catholike church Non est egressa de fin●l us suis saith b In Mich. ●● he id est de Scriptu●● fanc●● Finallie the c ●rir Aquin. 2. 2 q. 1. art ● papists thēselues confesse that the obiect or grounde of faith is The f●●st truth or God himselfe And we doubt not but that al certaine knowledge of God is to bee found in his written word which therefore is called the rule of our faith But the papists speake euill of scriptures and either will not haue them to be the proper foundation of our faith or sorge to themselues diuers other foundations whereupon they builde their church and their faith in the d In c. 3. epist 2. ad Corinth annotations vpon the Rhemish testament they call them A killing letter as if God had deliuered his will in writing to the end to kill the Readers They write e Annot. Rh. in c. 5. Ioan. also That they are hard to be vnderstood and would bring them in disgrace by f Ibid. in c. 4. Matth. saying That the diuell and heretickes alleadge scriptures Some call them A nose of waxe without any certeine sence as the Iesuites of Collen in their censure others call them Inken diuinity and account them no better then Matter of strife and contention Generally they g Censur Colon f. esteeme the canon of scripture to be a rule vnperfect and a maymed and lame péece of doctrine and condemne the reeding of scriptures As pernitious and hurtfull Stapleton h In praefat ante relect princip doct plainely denieth the scriptures to be the foundation of religion Aliud hodie saith he Christianae religionis fundamentum habemus and afterward Ab ipsis literis euangelicis apostolicis aliud The same man speaking of diuers principles and groundes of Christian religion i In analysi ante r●lect p incip doct doth leaue the scriptures quite out of the reckoning Others also make small reckoning of scriptures but where they canne by forced interpretations draw them to their purpose and such as deny not the scriptures to be a foundation of religion do notwithstanding adioyne diuers other foundations to the scriptures and build their faith vpon them as well as vpon the Scriptures Vnto the canon of the scriptures of the ould testament consisting of two and twentie books l they adde first the bookes of Tobias Iudith Wisedome Ecclesiasticus k Synod Trideni●s●ss 4. and the story of the Machabees and secondly certaine additions found in the latine translation ouer and aboue the originall bookes and this contrary to the iudgement of most ancient and catholike fathers Neither is it materiall that saint a Lib. 2. doct Christ c. 8. Augustine and a certaine councell of Carthage and two or thrée more following them do number these bookes among canonicall Scriptures For they by Canonicall vnderstande such bookes as by order of the church were read publikely and commonly bound togither and were rather a rule for manners then for faith Legi voluerunt in ecclesijs saith b In exposit Symbol Ruffin non tamen proferri ad authoritatem fidei ex his confirmandam The same is also the iudgement of c In Synopsi Athanasius d In prolog galeato Hierome e De ponder mensur Epiphanius and of the most sound and ancient fathers of the church And if wée shoulde otherwise interpret the wordes of those that reckon these bookes among canonicall Scriptures wée should also put the 3. and 4. of Esdras among the bookes canonicall For they are also by saint Augustine and f Sixtus Senensis biblioth sanct lib. 1. others after a sort iudged canonicall and Athanasius in Synopsi doth attribute no lesse authoritie to the thirde booke of Esdras then to the bookes of Tobias Iudith Wisedome Ecclesiasticus and the Machabees The Gréekes also place the thirde booke of Esdras first although the assemblie at Trent excluded the thirde and fourth booke of Esdras out of the canon and Sixtus quintus in his new edition of the Latine Bible hath excluded them out of their ancient place They adde also vnwritten traditions to the Scriptures and builde their faith equally on them two giuing vnto them both equall authoritie Libros veteris noui testamenti saith g Sess 4. the assemblie at Trent nec non traditiones ipsas c. pari pietatis affectu ac reuerentia suscipit ac veneratur synodus ista h Lib. 3. de verbo dei Bellarmine accounteth of these traditions as of the most certaine worde of God and calleth them The worde of God not written i De fid Symb. q. 22. op Catech. Canisius woulde haue vs to beléeue these traditions Most firmely as reuealed by the holy Ghost The which is not onely derogatory to the sufficiencie of Scriptures but also vtterly ouerthroweth the
certaintie of faith For if traditions bée not certainly knowne of the aduersaries and if diuers ancient traditions be now growne out of vse how can the faith that is built on traditions be certaine Further the ancient fathers do not onely testifie the Scriptures to bée sufficient but also condemne vnwritten and vncertaine traditions Electa sunt quae scriberentur saith Saint a Tractat. 49. in Ioan. Augustine quae saluti credentium sufficere vide bantur b Aduer gentes Athanasius saith That the holy and diuine Scriptures are sufficient to instruct vs in al truth And diuers others testifie the same What saith c Regul 80. Basill is the propertie of a faithfull man Forsooth to beleeue with certaine fulnesse of minde whatsoeuer is conteined in Scripture and neither to reiect any part thereof nor to adde any newe thing vnto them Saint d Lib. de parad c. 12. Ambrose saith Wee may no more adde to Gods commandements then take from them And although the fathers talke ofttimes in commendation of traditions yet either they meane such things as are now conteined in Scriptures and from them to bée deriued and deduced by firme conclusions or else such matters as concerne order and decencie and yet do they not account of these as of diuine precepts Si aut in euangelio praecipitur aut in apostolorum epistolis saith e In Epist. ad Pompe●um Cyprian aut in actibus continetur obseruetur diuina haec sancta traditio Whereby it appéereth that other traditions which were not written were not had in like reuence and that the faith of papists that resteth on these vncertainties is most vncertaine Further the papists do builde their faith vpon most fabul●us martyrologies and lying legendes For vpon these narrations doth stande the holinesse of those saints whom they canonize and worship In these legends wee read of the moouing yea and speaking of stockes stones of restoring not onely dead men but also dead beastes to life of apparitions of Christ of the blessed virgine and of saints and infinite more miracles and prophecies then are conteined in holie Scriptures All which notwithstanding any absurditie ensuing our masters of Romish traditions must néedes receiue if they beléeue either traditions to bée the worde of God or else giue credence to f C. Sancta dist 15. Gelasius for hée saith That the histories of martyrs and their suffrings are to be receiued Gesta sanctorum martyrum saith Gelasius recipimus Let it therefore bée considered whether this faith can bée catholike that is builte vpon such fabulous vanities which not onely the strangenesse maketh suspected of vs but also euen of papists themselues g Ibid. Gelasius condemneth the legend of George of Cyricus and Iulitta of Abgarus of the inuention of the crosse and of Saint Iohn Baptistes head a Contra donat Constant Laurentius Valla laugheth at the follie of these legendes b Canto 29. Dante calleth them fooleries and vaine fables c In his historie to Clement the 7. Machiauel saith That these new myracles are repugnant to old christian religion The Germaines among other gréeuances account the vanitie of these fabulous legendes They do also take themselues bound to beléeue the doctrine of the church of Rome For this to d In praefat analys ante relect princip doctrin Thomas Stapleton séemeth a very firme foundation of his popish faith And as he suppose●h the voyce and testimony of this church is most certaine and infallible This sure we find by experience that they e C. ad abolendam de haereticis condemne for heretickes and most cruellie murder all that dissent from the church of Rome in matter of sacraments Nay they do ground their religion vpon the popes decretalles Decretales epistolae saith f C. Sancta dist 15. Gelasius quas beatissimi papae diuersis temporibus ab vrbe Romana pro diuersorum patrum consultatione dederunt venerabiliter recipiendae sunt The popes they honor as their supreme iudges and say they cannot erre Vnto them they haue recourse in all difficulties as vnto a rocke immooueable Stapleton doth g Princip doctrin lib. 6. teach That the pope is the principall subiect of ecclesiasticall authority and is not ashamed to write that his authority is the foundation of religion In hac docentis hominis authoritate saith h In praefat ante rel●ct princip doct● he in qua deum loquentem audimus religionis nostrae cognoscendae fundamentum necessariò poni cernimus O noble religion that is founded vpon so firme and holy a foundation as is the popes holy authority But sure catholike it cannot be For neither the ancient church in times past nor the easterne and Africane churches did euer acknowledge any such foundation Neither do they account the popes authority onely to be the foundation of their faith but also for Christ the corner stone substitute the pope and make him the rocke of the church and of their faith For at his handes they receiue the scriptures and all the principles and pointes of their faith and account his determination more certaine then the letter of Scriptures Bellarmine calleth the pope The foundation and corner stone of the church i In praes ante lib. de Pontif. Rom. and commonly by the rocke Matth. 16. they vnderstand not Peter onely but the popes of Rome which they imagine to be his successors Matters strange new absurd and most contrary to catholike faith To the vulgar latin translation they giue more authority then to the originall bookes of the ould testament in Hebrew and of the new testament in Greeke For that translation they make authenticall and do not giue like authority to the originall bookes That translation they will not haue any to reiect but the originall bookes themselues calumniate and reiect Which course is neither catholike nor reasonable Saint a In epist ad S●niam Fretel ad Damasum Hierome saith That in the old testament in matters of doubt concerning the translation we must haue recourse to the Hebrew as to the fountein in the new to the Greeke Ad exemplaria Hebraea Graeca à latinis recurratur b Lib. 2. de doctr Christ c. 10. saith Augustin Hilary writing vpon the 118. psalme conf●sseth That the latin translation cannot sati●fie the reader They holde also The doctrine and determination of priestes and Iesuites and others sent by the pope to be no lesse the foundation of Christian religion then Christ and his doctrine For so doth c In praef ante relect princip doctr Stapleton in expresse termes determine and generally they d C. ad abolendam de haeret condemne such for heretickes As the prelates and bishops do adiudge to be such Which is nothing else but to make the determination of popish prelates the foundation of the popish church But Christ sending foorth his disciples to preach commaunded them to teach all nations and withall
exeuntes quia ipsi sunt scurriles leues volatiles rodentes sacras literas virides paganicae philosophiae sequaces quasi equi currentes sic illi in vanam disputationem 22. True catholikes haue alwaies shewed themselues obedient to their princes and performed their othes of allegiance They neither sought to murder them nor to depriue them of their crownes Dauid albeit he was gréeuously and vniustly persecuted by Saule yet did he not lay his hands vpon his prince albeit God had taken away the kingdome from Saul and giuen it to him The Israelites rebelled not against their kinges although they were wicked But papistes rebell against princes and neglect all promises and othes made to them as oft as the pope shall excommunicate them Nay the pope and his adherents excommunicate lawfull princes and pronounce sentence of deposition against them their associates make warres vpon them popish subiects are encouraged to rebell and are promised great rewardes and eternall blessednesse if they can kill the Lordes annointed as hath béene sufficiently alreadie declared by diuers examples In the rules or a Apud Ioseph Vestan de oscul ped pontif dictates of Gregorie the seuenth the twelft is That the pope hath power to depose the emperor The eight That hee may lawfully vse the ensignes of the emperour The 27. That hee hath power to absolue subiectes from their alleageance And this diuers late popes haue attempted and practised The which as it sheweth them to bée no catholikes so it prooueth them to be woorse then Turkes and Infidels which alwaies haue had a reuerend regard of their princes and superiors 23. True catholikes beléeued onely to haue remission of sinnes from Christ Iesus and neither trusted in indulgences nor Iubilies nor in pilgrimages to Rome or to other places But the Romanists without the popes pardons thinke themselues in no securitie and presuming of his fauour commit murthers and marie incestuously and do many outrages and villanies 24. True catholikes embrace all that doctrine which our Sauiour Christ commanded his apostles to preach to all nations throughout the worlde and refuse to heare those that preach otherwise and teach another kinde of doctrine But the papists haue not onely embraced diuers nouelties of which Christes apostles knew nothing but false heresi●s contrary to the doctrine of Christ and his apostles Which for that it is a principall argument to conuince them to bée no catholikes shall particularly God willing be demonstrated in the two chapters following Héeretofore wee haue shewed them to bée no catholikes for that their doctrine was neither generally taught nor receiued of al true catholikes now they shall bée prooued to bée no catholikes for that diuers points of their religion are either new deuises and fantasies not taught by the apostles nor receiued of the apostolicall and catholike church or else olde heresies condemned for such by the catholike church of ancient time CHAP. II. That diuers positions and principles of popish religion are meere nouelties and new deuises vnknowne to the most ancient and true catholike church of Christ IT may percase séeme strange especially to such papists as are but yoonglings and nouices in the Iesuites schoole that the religion of popes which is commonly called The olde religion shoulde now bée charged with noueltie and condemned by testimony of antiquitie Yet if wee please not onely to consider these later ages but also to looke backe to the apostles times and the ages next succeeding we shall assuredly finde by enumeration of many particulars that popish religion as it differeth from the religion now generally receiued and professed in the church of England is a new vpstart religion and full of nouelties and late receiued fancies For in religion that is onely to bée accounted ancient that is deriued from Christ and from his apostles Antiquitas mea saith a In epist. ad Philadelph Ignatius Christus est That is Christ is the originall from whence wée fetch our antiquitie b Lib. 4. contr Marcion Tertullian saith that the religion taught by the apostles is most ancient and from the beginning and most true Id vertus quod prius saith hée id prius quod ab initio id ab initio quod ab apostolis Saint c Epist 65. ad Pammach Ocean Hierome reiecteth all for newe that was not taught by the apostles Cur profers in medium saith hée quod Petrus Paulus edere noluerunt d Contra haeres c. 25. Vincentius Lirinensis calleth him a true catholike That doth onely beleeue and holde whatsoeuer the ancient catholike church did vniuersally beleeue Qui quicquid vniuersaliter antiquitùs ecclesiam catholicam tenuisse cognouerit id solum sibi tenendum credendumque decernit But the ancient church is not this late Romish church within this fiue or sixe hundred yeeres but the apostolike and primitiue church Now whatsoeuer commeth from late popes albeit the same hath had some hundreds of yéeres cōtinuance yet is the same new and no part of the ancient catholike religion for that it hath no beginning from Christ nor from the apostles nor was vniuersally receiued of the most ancient church of Christ That corruption I say of poperie is new which the church of England refuseth as appéereth by diuers particular points First the very chéefe groundes and principles of popish religion and the lawes whereby they stande haue no greater antiquitie then from Iohn the 22. Clement the fift Boniface the eight Gregorie the ninth or to go to the highest from Hildebrand otherwise called Gregory the seuenth for from him doth a Bullarium hée that made a collection of all the popes buls and lawes fetch their first originall Before that it may be diuers bishops and popes wrote decretall epistles but vntill this time they had no force of law Nay before this time all histories do teach vs that the church was gouerned partly by the lawes of Emperors and partly by the canons of councels Now that the decretals of the popes being receiued and authorized for lawes are the foundation of popish religion it is apparent For therein all the nouelties of the Romish church are confirmed and established And b In praefat ante relect princip doctr Stapleton doth in plaine termes affirme so much In hac docentis hominis authoritate saith hée in qua deum loquentem audimus religionis nostrae cognoscendae fundamentum necessariò poni credimus And generally all papists confesse that the pope is the souereigne iudge in matters of religion Whereupon it followeth that his determinations and decretals are the chéefe groundes of popish religion Secondly the apocryphall Scriptures of Toby Iudith Wisdome Ecclesiasticus the two bookes of the Machabees and the additions extant in the Latine translation and not in the original bookes which are as second grounds of popery were not declared of equall authoritie with other canonicall scriptures before the councell of Trent At that time also was the Latin vulgar translation made
Gregory the first albeit he would not haue images of saintes broken downe yet condemned the worship of them and Epiphanius vtterly misliked the vsing them and setting them vp in churches which sheweth the antiquitie or rather noueltie of imagery or to say better idolatry in churches The second Nicene councell celebrated about the 774 yéere of our Lord and the fathers there were the first that went about to establish the worship of images but that idolatrous synode was oppugned by the councell of Francford and of long time after could not generally be receiued 54. In times past Christians were wont reuerently to entombe holy Martyrs and to call vpon God at their monuments But now the miserable papistes of late time haue begun to dig them out of their graues and to kisse rotten bones and ragges and to worship them and to pray to the martyrs nay to worship those that are no martyrs And euery day as there is no end of mans curiositie they make more saints and institute more pilgrimages and masses in their honor Of late time they haue begun to frequent the Lady of Loreto of Monserrat of lames of Compostella and infinite other such like saintes and places 55. By a late decrée of the councell of Florence about the yéere of our Lord 1434. The pope was declared to be head of the vniuersall church and Christes true vicar and Peters successor in the gouernment of the vniuersall church which declareth the noueltie of the papacie 56. That the pope was aboue the councell was decréed in our fathers time by Leo the tenth in the Councell of Laterane Which sheweth that till then it was commonly holden that the gouernment of the vniuersall church was aristocraticall and not monarchicall and that the councell was reputed supreme iudge of controuersies of faith and all ecclesiasticall matters and not the pope 57. In ancient time the pope neither was borne vppon mens shoulders nor had his féete kissed of great princes nor wore the crosse in his slippers to shew that hée treadeth down religion with his féete Nor had hée a triple crowne on his head nor was hée garded with bandes of soldiers nor attended on by princes and cardinals nor had he swarmes of friers and monkes to defend all his pretenses and claimes Quod solius papae pedes principes de osculentur wée read first in Gregorie the seuenth his dictates the rest we find in later records of the popes ceremonies 58. It is not long since that the pope hath vsurped power ouer generall councels and taken vpon him sole power to call them dissolue them and confirme their actes For in ancient time the councell iudged the pope as appéereth by diuers councels of Rome and by the late councell of Pisa where Alexander the fift was chosen pope and by the councell of Constance where thrée popes were deposed and by the councell of Basilea that deposed Eugenius the fourth 59. Of late time the pope hath taken on him power to make lawes to binde the whole church and to place and displace bishops and prelats at his pleasure Lately also hath hée begun to beare himselfe as supreme doctor and iudge in matters of religion in hearing of appeales out of all prouinces and in excommunicating of princes and emperors throughout the worlde 60. Vntill Boniface the 9. his time he was not Lord of Rome nor did hée beare himselfe as a temporall prince for that is testified by Theodorie of Niem and diuers other writers of histories 61. Gregorie the seuenth was the first that tooke on him to depose emperors as appeareth by his dictates and by his bloody warres Before his time it was a rare matter to sée a pope intermeddle with warres or gouernement of kingdoms After the time of Gregory these that pretend to be Peters successors prooued the onely firebrandes of all the warres and troubles in christendome 62. Before Innocent the third his time it was neuer adiudged a matter capital to thinke otherwise of religion or the sacraments of the church then the pope of Rome beléeued and taught He first persequuted Christians with all extremities and now it is the popes common practise to kill all religious Christians that shall contradict his vsurpations 63. In ancient time the popes were confirmed by emperors and neuer durst pretend a right to depose princes Now they deny any to be emperor but such as is sacred by the pope and do take to themselues power to depose princes and to cause subiectes to rebell against them 64. The first Christians albeit not tyed to emperors by oath yet neuer rebelled against wicked emperors But now the pope causeth Christians to breake their othes and they are made to beléeue that it is meritorious to rebell against princes excommunicate by the pope and to murder them Neither may we thinke it was want of meanes that made them to be obedient For a Ad Scapulam Tertullian saith that where they were the strōger yet they neuer tooke on them to fight against their princes 65. The first Christians serued God in spirite and truth and were knowne by their modestie and vertue But the religion of papists consisteth all in eating red herrings and fish in fasting knocking knéeling greasing shauing crossing ringing and outward ceremonies At Rome and in Spaine Italy are common bordels and bankes of vsurie and such dissolution that the very heathens might not compare with them Swearing whooring killing are small faultes among them so they meddle not with the popes authoritie and religion Finally for that it is not possible to rehearse all particulars I say and by Gods grace shall prooue that the whole religion of papists which wée reiect is nothing but a packe of nouelties and heresies and the corruption of true catholike and Christian religion Wherefore as in this chapter we haue noted their nouelties so in the chapter ensuing wée purpose to make good our challenge concerning their heresies which being performed I hope it will largely appéere that they are no catholikes CHAP. III. That the papists do publikely professe and teach diuers erronious points of doctrine by the ancient catholike church condemned for heresies AS in deceitfull language so in erronious iudgement the Iesuites and Romish priestes are not vnlike to the women called a Philostrat in Apollonio Horat. carm Lib. 1. Lamiae For as the flattring Lamiae by their externall shewes and faire wordes deceiued and spoiled many yoong men so these flattering and fawning fauorites of the whoore of Babylon abuse many simple youthes with their faire glosses and allure them to like the errors and heresies of poperie to their vtter ruine and destruction And as the Lamiae were verie quicke sighted when they came abroad and pierced farre into other mens matters yet were altogether blinde at home and ignorant in their owne affaires so these good fellowes although they are alwaies prying into other mens matters and pretend that they can looke through mill-stones yet are they altogither
Lib. calam 3. Mantuan Templa sacerdotes altaria sacra coronae Ignis thura preces caelum est venale deusque They do also sell Christ and therefore by Brigit are pronounced to be worse then Iudas Deteriores sunt Iuda saith a Brig 132. onus eccles c. 23. Christ in Brigittes reuelations qui pro solis denarijs me vendidit illi autem pro omni mercimonio The pope he b Taxa poenitent selleth pardons and Iubleies making most gaine of foulest sins Of the schollers of Simon Magus the friers haue learned to worship the images of their founders For as they c August de baeres c. 1. worshipped the images of Simon and Helena so do the papists worship the images of Francis and Dominike and Clare and Brigit and other founders of the diuers sectes of monkes and friers The d Iren. aduers haeres li. 1. c. 23. Basilidians were reputed heretikes For that they worshipped images and vsed enchantements and superstitious adiurations How then can the papistes excuse themselues that worship images and fill euery corner of their churches full of them and coniure and enchant water candels hearbes flowers and such like making exorcistes and coniurers a holy order and that order a sacrament of the church Carpocrates e Irenaus lib. 1. aduers haeres c. 24. vsed to worship images and Marcellina one of his followers as saint f Augustin de haeres c. 7. Augustine saith adored the images of Iesu and Paul and burnt incense vnto them If then this were heresie in thē why should it not be heresie in papists to worship the image of Iesu with diuine worship and to burne incense not onely before that image but also before the images of other saintes The g Iren. lib. 1. aduers haeres c. 23. Epiph. haeres 24. Carpocratians and Basilidians Did conceale and hide the mysteries of their religion least holy things should be cast to dogs So likewise the papistes kéepe the mysteries of their religion secret and will not haue lay men to dispute of them They reade scriptures and prayers in toongues vnknowne and say the words of consecration and diuers other prayers secretly that the people heare not and al this as they stick not to say Least holy things should be cast to dogs For no better do heretickes estéeme of Christians then of dogs The Marcosians did h Iren. lib. 1. c. 18. baptise in an vnknowne language and annoint those whom they baptised with chrisme or Opobalsamum They annoint also their dead and giue them extreme vnction l Ibid. c. 9. Epiph. haeres 34. Marcus their founder went about to make his followers beléeue That he did transubstantiate wine into bloud in the sacrament a Ibidem They accounted themselues perfect but as b Ibidem c. 15. Irenaeus saith Perfectus nemo nisi qui maxima mendacia apud eos fructificauerit Finally they c Ibidem c. 17. Epiphan haeris 34. alleage A multitude of apocryphall scriptures which themselues haue forged All which heresies the papistes haue translated into their religion For they also baptize in a language not vnderstood of the people and vse greasing and annointing in baptisme and confirmation They do also annoint men when they lye a dying and beléeue that the wine in the Lords cup is transubstantiate into blood Their orders of religion do account themselues to be in state of perfection but the most perfect of them which are employed by the pope in defence of the popish faction and religion do fructifie in telling of greatest lyes Finally for proofe of their traditions and doctrine they forge diuers writings and write new deuised legendes and now lately for a cardinals hat haue they hired one Caesar Baronius to corrupt the historie of the church with innumerable fables and lyes The Nazarites were condemned for heretickes first for that they d Angustin de haeres c. 9. Epiph. de haeres Nazaraeor 29. mingled Iudaicall ceremonies with the doctrine of Christianity and secondly for that they boasted much of their reuelations and miracles The like sentence is therefore to be pronounced against the papistes which e In missali Rom in fine consecrate euery yéere A paschall lambe and obserue the Iewish Iubiley and Iewish feastes and haue translated the ceremonies of the leuiticall priesthood into their synagogue and bragge much of their reuelations and miracles and f Bellar. de not eccles make them a marke of the church The g Augustin de haeres c. 16. Epiph. haeres 36. Heracleonites did annoint their followers departing out of this life and gaue them their extreme vnction Likewise they did say prayers ouer the dead For which they are numbred among heretikes So it séemeth that the papists haue borrowed their extreme vnction their dirges and masses for the dead from heretikes The followers of Helzai as h Haeres 19. ante Christ Epiphanius reporteth and the Osseni likewise Sweare by salt and bread and other creatures and worship the spittle reliques of two of their saints This i Ibidem Helzai did also teach his disciples to pray in a toong not vnderstood by them Nemo quaerat interpretationem saith hée sed solum haec dicat and then hée addeth a praier in a strange toong These heresies the papists also embrace For they sweare commonly by creatures yea by bread and salt and by saints as the Helzaites did They kéepe the ashes excrements and reliques of their saints and worship them Finally they pray in vnknowne toongs and say it is not materiall albeit a man vnderstand not what hée praieth a Damascen de haeres Marcion gaue women power to baptize and albeit he had corrupted a maiden yet did hée much extoll virginitie à Marcione saith b Haeres 42. Epiphanius virginitas praedicatur Hée also stood much vpon fasting c Lib. 1. c. 30. aduers haeres Irenaeus saith that he and Saturninus began to teach abstinence from liuing creatures Hée did also d Epiph. haeres 42. teach that By Christes descending into hell diuers mens soules were thence deliuered and e Tertul. aduers Marcion separated marriages for religion Of which heresies the papists do sauour very strongly For they do also f C. adijcimus 16. q. 1. c. mulier de consecrat dist 4. authorize women to baptize and extoll virginitie and fasting highly and yet obserue neither Their monkes shoulde abstaine from flesh They separate mariages vpon pretence of religion and teach that the fathers were deliuered by Christs descension into hell out of that place which they call Limbum Patrum The Messalians beléeued that baptisme was onely auaileable to cut away former sinnes So likewise the papists beléeue that baptisme doth purge sinnes past and that sinnes committed after baptisme are to bée done away by penance Against them both g Diuinor decret c. de baptismo Theodoret teacheth That baptisme is the
contrary in diuers maine points to the doctrine of the apostles Seuenthly they do neither retaine vnion with Christ Iesus nor with the ancient Church nor among themselues Eightly their decretaline doctrine is neither sound nor holy nor hath any efficacie in it nor hath other fountain then the popes fancie Ninthly their legendary miracles and prophecies whereupon a great part of the credit of the Romish faith dependeth are nothing but lies and forgerie and those ofttimes very ridiculous Tenthly their strange nouelties and heresies haue béene by many both olde late writers reproued and condemned Lastly as the authours of it haue liued vnhappily and died miserably for the most part so those that haue gone about to restore true religion and to roote out Romish idolatrie and heresie haue for this onely cause felt Gods great fauour towardes them both in their liues and ends 44 The Church of Rome is also conuicted not to be the true Church by the confession of a Relect. doct princip cont 1. q. 5. Stapleton For if the true Church began at Hierusalem and is vniuersally dispersed and hath continued in all ages and hath a true succession of bishops from the apostles and disagreeth not about matters of faith nor dissenteth from the head of the church and which hath planted christian religion preserued the same throughout the world and hath kept the apostolike forme of gouernment and preuailed against all heresies and temptations keeping the rule of faith sound and intire and which also sheweth the true way of saluation and keepeth the scriptures sound and pure frō corruption and finally which holdeth the decrees of all generall councels as blundering Stapleton not only confesseth but after his most odious and tedious fashion with multitude of words goeth about to proue then is not the church of Rome that now is the true church of christ Iesus For to say that the church of Rome began at Hierusalem is as absurd as to say that Rome is Hierusalem or to affirm that Rome now is like to old Rome Our aduersarie should do vs great fauour to shew that the glorie and fulnesse of power that the pope challengeth together with his cardinals dumbe bishops masse-priests idle monks lying fryars and all the popes decretals and ceremonies are come from Hierusalem He may doe also well to proue that the latter scholasticall and decretaline doctrine was vniuersally receiued throughout the world either in the apostles times or in the times of the ancient Fathers of the Church The rocke of succession vpon which they build so huge conclusions we haue shewed to be nothing but a banke of sand We haue shewed also that their doctrine is not only diuers but contrarie to the doctrine of Christ the head of the Church and of his apostles And how great contentions haue béene in the Romish church not onely the schismes and warres betwixt popes and princes but also the differences about all points of religion which is apparant both in the disputes of schoolmen and also in the writings of Bellarmine and his consorts do declare That the Romanists haue corrupted the faith not onely with nouelties but also with diuers heresies and haue changed both the ancient forme of apostolike gouernement and also the principles and grounds of faith established both by Fathers and councels and by the apostles themselues and haue yéelded to heresies and béene ouercome of the gates of hell I thinke no man can doubt that readeth this discourse and compareth the late procéedings of the Romish church to the rule deliuered vnto vs by Christ Iesus 45 Finally the testimony of a In his motiues Bristow doth vtterly ouerthrow the Church of Rome and declareth it not to be the true church For he commendeth that for the true church that is catholike and apostolike and which abhorreth all nouelties and heresies and idolatrie and whose doctrine is confirmed by scriptures most certaine traditions councels fathers and practise of the ancient church and which teacheth the narrow way and maketh subiects obedient and hath infallible iudges and is sure to continue But the Romish church is neither catholike nor apostolike neither doth it abhorre either heresie or idolatrie nor shun profane nouelties The doctrine of that church hath neither ground of scripture ancient councels nor fathers neither can the Romish doctors bring any certaine proofe of their traditions It teacheth a broad way and maketh rebellious subiects In iudgemēt it hath no other certaintie then the popes determination Finally already that tower of Babel which is built so high doth begin to totter and as we trust cānot long stand Further he saith that euerie church that is risen after the first planting of religion and gone out of the catholike church and from the apostolike doctrine and is not the communion of saintes nor euer visible and lastly that is not the teacher of all diuine truth and the vndoubted mother of Christs children is not the true church of Christ But the Church of Rome as it is now visible in the pope and cardinals and officers of the popes chamber in popish prelates sacrificing priests monkes friers and nunnes and their officers and adherents rose out of the earth long after the apostles times and went out of the catholike apostolike church and hath for the popes quarrell opposed it selfe against Christ and his true doctrine The same is also departed from the ancient faith and is no more to bée tearmed Christs Church which is a communion of saints linked together in the profession of Christs true faith but rather the combination of antichrist and the synagogue of Satan Such a church as is now to be séene at Rome and in the prouinces adhering to it was not visible many ages after Christ neither was any such church for a long time extant in the world neither when the same began to shew her selfe in great ruffe did she either teach all truth or refuse all heresie false doctrine or beare or bring forth children to Christ but to antichrist And therfore we may safely conclude that the Romish church of these times is the synagogue of Satan and not the true church of Christ Iesus The nature and propertie of the true and vnspotted spouse of Christ the inseparable qualities of true faith and such as truly professe the same and finally the confession and doctrine of the aduersaries themselues when they speake of the true church and true faith and true professours and matters incident vnto them in generall do declare it to be so CHAP. V. That no papists haue beene executed in England since her Maiesties comming to the crowne for meere matter of religion but for their treasons or other capitall offences HItherto wée haue spoken in the defence of our religion and Christian profession It resteth therefore nowe séeing our aduersary doth not onely calumniate our religion but our lawes also and gouernment that wée speake somwhat in defence of iustice especially so farre foorth as it
now there is but one faith as there is but one baptisme and one God as the c Ephes 4. apostle teacheth vs. And this is the faith which the apostles and prophets haue taught and which wée in the church of England do professe Remember I say that true faith is Christes faith and apostolike faith It is not the popes faith nor his determinations nor vncertaine traditions It hath no other foundation but the doctrine of Christ and his apostles and holy prophets Beware therefore of the pretended cacolike Romish faith that hath no grounde but in the popes determinations nor support but lies fraude and violence If the doctrine and traditions of popish priests come not from Christ Iesus which is the foundation of our religion but is drawne out of vncertaine legendes and resteth on the popes determination remember what the apostle teacheth in this point If any man saith a Galat. 1. hée preach vnto you otherwise then that you haue receiued let him bee accursed Beléeue not euery spirite For many deceiuers are gone out into the worlde If any bring any doctrine not deduced out of holy Scripture suspect him and examine him and thou shalt finde him faultie And aboue all thinges beware of new doctrines For wée haue but one faith which hath his originall from Christ the fountaine of truth life Profanas vocum nouitates saith the b 1. Tim. 6. apostle deuita And if wée may not vse new termes or words in matters of faith then may we not receiue any newe articles of religion It is the part of true catholikes to adhere to holy fathers and to auoide nouelties as saith c Aduers haeres c. 36. Vincentius Lirinensis Nowe what fathers more holy then the prophets and apostles that are the fathers of fathers and the foundation of the church If the doctrine of poperie be for the most part a packe of old and newe heresies as hath bin shewed thée why shouldst thou bée abused by false teachers Why shouldst thou bée desirous as distempered stomackes are to feed vpon vnholesome doctrine Graues sunt haereticorum morsus saith Saint d In Euangel Luc. lib. 7. c. 10. Ambrose qui ipsis grauiores rapaciores bestijs nullum abaritiae finem impietatísque nouerunt They looke faire vpon thée but bite déepely They promise true religion and catholike faith but teach heresies and damnable opinions They come vnto thée with shéepes clothing and pretend sauing of soules but inwardly they are rauening woolues and séeke to destroie both thy body soule They giue thée honie but it is deliuered thée vpon a swordes point that when thou thinkest to licke honie thy hart may bée pearced with a sharpe pointed sword If the synagogue of Romanistes bée not the true church why takest thou delight to heare her teachers or to embrace her erronious doctrine Why doest thou not come out of Babylon Wilt thou remaine in her confusion and be partaker of her plagues Why shouldest thou go vp to Bethauen or delight in the congregation of wicked idolaters e Hoseae 4. Go not vp I say to Bethauen f 1. Cor. 10. flie Idolatrie g Apocal. 18. Come out of Babylon It is not I onely but Christ Iesus that calleth thée out of this confusion If thou wilt not heare him nor know him bée assured hée will not knowe thée nor heare thée It is not the pope that can saue thée nor his decretals that can warrant thee Leaue therefore the synagogue of satan and resort to Gods true church Forsake antichrist and adhere to Christ Quisquis saith Saint h Epist 152. Augustine ab ecclesia catholica abfuerit quantumuis laudabiliter se viuere existimet hoc solo scelere quòd à Christi vnitate disiunctus est non habebit vitam sed ira Dei manet super eum As without Noes arke in time past all flesh was drowned so there is no safetie out of Christes church And bée not lightly deceiued with the name of the church For antichrist as the i 2. Thes 2. apostle telleth vs shall sit in Christes church And with his followers as Saint Augustine teacheth vs shall bée accounted to bée the true church viz. by such as are abused The synagogue of satan in time past did take on them the name of Iewes and falshood is often set out with a faire lustre and shew of truth All Christians haue an interest in true religion Why then shoulde any suffer the damnable doctrine of poperie that is so full of heresies and erronious opinions Why shoulde any suffer the Scriptures to bée taken from the people of God so that they shall no more bée suffered to read them and in lieu thereof receiue the popes determinations and the synagogues of Romes traditions Can any true Christian indure the abominable idole of the masse where the bread and cup is adored for God or the idolatrous worship of Romish Babylon Those that honour God those hée will honour and such as are luke-warme and care not what religion they haue those God will cast out of his mouth as a lothsome race of atheistes and wicked men If religion mooue not euerie man yet if hée remember the slauerie of popish gouernment and how preiudiciall it is to princes to the nobilitie to the commons and all sortes of people hée will not much bée enamored of it The magistrate may not suffer either his authoritie to bée disputed of or doubted of or denied And yet the Iesuites and priestes and their adherents are suffred to teach and to do all this as appéereth by their answeres to the sixe Interrogatories by their cases of conscience and by their doctrine and actions Nay most boldly albeit secretly they practise against the life and state of her Maiestie as many particulars do shewe Happie are they that they haue encountred with such a prince and yet let them beware they abuse not her clemencie too farre For no state can stande where such contumacious and rebellious mates liue in open contempt of authoritie and lawes It behooueth also all them that carrie the sworde to looke that not onely Christ his shéepe bée defended from woolues but also that the state bée defended and maintained against professed traytors and rebels that lurke in all corners They haue not a sworde committed to them for naught But to the ende they may defende the quiet and peaceable subiect and roote out the wicked rebellious traytor Treason and notorious cōtumacie against lawes cannot long be endured in any common-wealth Neither can magistrates in this case bée too watchfull God hath detected many secret conspiracies and attempts against her Maiestie and the state yet let vs not presume too farre vpon his goodnesse The way to settle peace to confirme the state to preuent all such trecherous attempts is to stop the head of rebellion and treason and to roote out all seditious priestes and Iebusites from whence all our troubles for this 43. yéeres
haue wholy and almost soly procéeded If wée looke not to them assuredly they will not spare vs. All true Englishmen are to defende their countrey their wiues and children from forreine enimies which these vnnaturall rinegate Iebusites and priestes haue sought to bring vpon vs as the practises of Allen Parsons Englefield and others do declare and some priestes more honester then the rest confesse and séeme to mislike But séeing they like the popes authoritie and doctrine they do but dissemble when they séeme to mislike that which followeth necessarily of it as a conclusion vpon premisses All that possesse landes or goods haue reason to looke that they bée not diuided as spoiles either by publike enimies or seditious and mutinous mal-contents Let them therefore haue an eie to those whose comming is to maintaine an opposite faction and whose end is to execute the popes bull and to ouerthrow the gouernment which bringeth with it diuision spoile and confusion The reuerend Bishops and clergie especially are to oppose themselues not onely against their doctrine which through some mens securitie and the diligence and watchfulnesse of the enimie beginneth to take more roote and in more places then in times past but also against their trecherous practises The ouerthrow of religion and their death aboue all others is resolued as appéereth by the testimony of a certaine k In a treatise of causes why he did not submit himselfe to the Iesuites priest speaking of the determinations of the rebels and enimies anno 1588 if God had not crossed their deseignes He sheweth also that a certaine special note is made by one of their adherentes of all abbey landes and church liuings and in whose handes they are which is the spoile that our Iesuites gape and thirst after It is also a dangerous matter for lawyers when matters come to be diuided by force and not ordred by law and would quite ouerthrow all their practise It behooueth therefore the honorable Iudges and learned lawyers diligently to looke to these fellowes procéedings to prouide that matters be not brought from the barre in Westminster hall to a triall in open fielde from pleading of lawes to violence and blowes Neither haue you papists that fauour your holy father whom you know not and blindly condemne true religion which you vnderstand not cause to trust your Iesuits priests too farre For they for truth deliuer you heresie and superstition for religion and if you take not better héede will engage you so farre in practise and treason that you shall not bée able to winde out of their labyrinthes plots Their perswasions are like Pontike honie of which l Natural hist lib. 21. Pliny speaketh which albeit it be faire in shew yet by reason it is gathered vpon noysome vnholsome herbes flowers prooueth ranke poison So these false teachers with a smooth countenance do giue you verie swéete and hony words and make you beléeue that the Spaniardes are your swéete friendes and that it will bée honie moone with you if once you may get vp your masses your roodes your images your beades holy water and other trash But beware that your hony be not mixed with gall and poyson and that it prooue not Pontike or rather pontificall and papall hony and remember that I haue tolde you that to séeke by forreine force or domesticall sedition or practise against the prince or state to bring in your intended deuises is a matter of high treason and a matter most dangerous to your selues your houses associates and followers If then you will not giue ouer your ouerthwart course for the loue that euery natural Englishman beareth to his Prince and countrey nor for the inward detestation that euerie man ought to haue of treason and disturbation of lawes and gouernment yet may the danger that hangeth ouer your owne heads as well as ours mooue you to consider better of matters before you runne headlong into those attempts into which the popes agents would drawe you If you be taken packing the state standing as it doth you know you stand in bad termes And if you should prooue so strong that lawe cannot be executed against you yet may you not suppose to runne away with the spoyle without contradiction You must imagine that other mens swords will cut as well as yours and that the sway of authoritie and countenance of the magistrate commaunding for truth and iustice will alwaies be able to daunt the pride of rebels or malcontents The effects of ciuill dissension are alwaies lamentable to both sides and neuer hath rebellion yet had good successe Of your selues you may not thinke to preuaile being the weaker and worst side and if you bring in strangers first you shall make your selues odious to your owne nation next you shall be made the first spoyle both to friends and foes and in the ende must submit your selfe to those that obtaine the victorie and receiue that at the hands of others which now you possesse quietly by the benefit of her Maiesties gouernment Content your selfe therefore if you be wise with the fauour you enioy and intricate not your selues with those that séeke to trouble the peace of this state and to make you the instruments of their wicked and trecherous intentions Finally this generation of rebellious malcontents that séeke by forrein force to establish their authoritie and Romish religion ought generally to be hated of all true christians and true harted patriots and subiects Of Christians for their factious courses against religion contrarie to the practise of all truely religious and catholike Christians For neither did Christ establish his doctrine by force nor did Christians euer vse force or seeke to take crownes from Princes Of all true patriots for that they seeke to destroy their countrey and to giue it as a spoyle to the Spaniards as the practises of Allen and Pa●sons and all their consorts doe declare Of all true subiects for that they seeke to depriue vs of so gracious a Princesse and to subiect the crowne to the pope that is a most wicked and cruell tyrant and the publike enimie of our religion and this state Parsons will percase denie this to be true and great reason he hath so to doe but we haue conuicted him and all his consorts and all the schollers of the trayterous seminaries combined with him and with the pope and Spaniard of so many treasons as no wordes nor protestations nor oathes will cleere them I doubt not therefore but the magistrate will muzzell the mouthes of these wolues and prouide that these traytors that are continually working mischiefe to the state be not any longer let loose to doe hurt It behooueth also all true Christians and loyall subiects to open their eies that they be not taken sléeping In time past men did not imagine that Allen Parsons Campian Holt Englefield and other Iebusites and priestes and their consorts and adherents had any other intention then to plant their popish and
falsified and that himselfe found so many more as might double the foresaide number and doth offer to prooue them one by one to anie friend of master Foxes and so falling to multiplication he saith that if 60. be multiplied by a thousand and more according to the number of leaues of the booke there will fall out the number of 30000. falshoods and that master Foxes booke will exceede Iohn Sleidans in number of lyes But all this amounteth to nothing but vaine words When he commeth to his tryall he shall finde that neither the scholler nor the Rector is able to conuince master Foxe of falshood Which also may appéere by view of those leaues which he quoteth For therein master Foxe scarce quoteth any allegations but onely briefely noteth certaine absurd opinions held by papistes in which when Parsons shall come forth and speake de tracta persona he shall finde that master Foxe hath said truely and that those absurdities which he noteth follow indeed of popish doctrine If then those leaues where our aduersarie supposeth most falshood will be iustified against the calumniations of the rector of the English seminarie of traytors and all his disciples I beléeue his reckonings and accounts of falshoodes wi●l fall short at the time of the audit and that there will be twise so many found in Caesar Baronius and infinit more in the lying legends the stinke whereof is odious to al men of sound iudgement He taketh also exception against master Foxes calender as if he meant to canonize all there mentioned and chargeth him with other trickes and shifts But the calender was onely placed there to note the day of euerie mans triall and suffring and so far was he from shifting tricking that no man coulde deale more plainely as shall bee iustified against this Bragadoccio and his consorts come he foorth when he dare Nay the trickings and delusions of the whore of Babylon together with her bloodie cruelties which master Foxe hath layde open to the world shall yet be made more manifest if once they begin to quarrell Likewise we will bring forth so many lyes out of papisticall writers as shall make our aduersaries wearie of this argument Of Sleidan I néede not say much séeing he hath answered sufficiently for himselfe and ouerturned the cart loaded with lyes by his accusers against him Against master D. Fulke our accuser obiecteth nothing so that by rules of law this accuser is to be condemned of calumniation and D. Fulke to be discharged from further molestation And thus much may serue to shew the vanitie of our aduersaries crackes and bragges of the great mischiefe he meaneth to vs in conuincing vs as he hopeth of falsification For what should many words néede to answere so vaine a babler that albeit he accuse many and layeth to their charge a most heinous crime yet neither noteth nor prooueth any one point against them Beside that noting certaine places in master Foxe most ridiculously he would haue vs to answere before he obiect any thing or shew the points of falshood Which is a more abiurd course then that of Eureux against M. Plessis who of many places noted some and laide downe his reasons But this relator hath not his arguments yet framed So busie hée is about plotting some mischieuous deuise or treason CHAP. V. A briefe examination of the relators calumnious and vaine narration THe foundation of our answere béeing thus layd and the maine point of the aduersaries accusation concerning falsifications being cleared made firme against him I thought it not amisse to ioyne with him yet more closely and to examine the particulars of his narration For albeit the iustice of our cause and the vaine brags false dealing ridiculous cauillations of papists may sufficiently be discouered by that which already hath béene answered yet shal the same more exactly be prooued and discerned if we doe but lightly touch euery point of his pamphlet in order as it lyeth and as our lying aduersary hath couched it in his letters from Rome In the beginning of his aduertisements he yéeldeth two reasons that moued him to send the report of the conference passed in Fraunce so farre as from Rome into England The first was for that euery man vnderstood not the French tongue and few durst translate and diuulge such matters in English The second is that men might vnderstand the manner of the combate and true issue thereof and such things as passed therein from authenticall parties But these pretended reasons séeme to be full of ridiculous vanitie and voide of reason For albeit euerie man vnderstood not French yet might he either learne of others or himselfe reade the treatises published in English concerning that matter some time before the comming of this relation Againe it is a very ridiculous point to think that French matters are better vnderstood at Rome then in France or that we are like to haue better intelligence from Rome that as Petrarch called her is Fucina d'inganni e schola d'errori that is a forge of lyes and trecherous frauds and a schoole of errors and heresies and falshood then out of the place where these matters were executed which are héere reported Finally nothing can be deuised more absurd then to account Iames Peron his letters in his owne cause or the Popes Nuntioes letters in a matter that so néere touched the Pope to be authenticall or of any credit It is a common rule that no man is a sufficient witnesse in his owne cause And iust exceptions may be taken to al partial witnesses Wherefore to write frō Rome into England of French matters was a trick of foolerie to send the parties letters for authenticall testimonies was a ridiculous absurditie No it was no part of the relators intention either to haue truth knowne or authenticall narrations diuulged but rather with vaine reports lies sent from Rome that is now become a mistresse of lies to crosse and blemish truth and those that professe the same For which cause I haue also thought conuenient to entertaine the relator with this answer which I doubt not but Blackwel the archpresbyter or archtraitor and Walley the prouinciall of Iebusites in this countrey will send him a Fol. 2. 3. Afterward he goeth about to declare the qualities of the actors in this conference But it néeded not greatly For wée know the men farre better then he and that as the Lord of Plessis is a man of great worth and learning so Eureux is an apostate from religion and a vainglorious man He wrote once a booke of the insufficiency of the scriptures by which his learning was sufficientlie tryed and his ambitious humours discouered If he would write a litle thrée halfe peny pamphlet of the sufficiencie of the popes decretals he should highly deserue the popes fauor As for the relator he séemeth not well to know either of the parties where he saith that M. Plessis did write more cunningly and coue●tly then
The kings iudgement in matters of religion is not allowed by the aduersaries themselues The glorious challenger in his letters to Rome compareth his king to Hunnericus an Arian heretike and a persecutor of the church And saith that as Eugenius bishop of Carthage would not dispute with the Arians without making the bishop of Rome acquainted albeit required by Hunnericus king of Vandals so he would do nothing without the cōsent of the bishop of Rome before the French king In other points neither his letters nor the popes Nuntioes letters nor that other good fellowes letters deserue any credit To conclude all this great stirre which Parsons maketh about nothing doth shew the great pouertie of the aduersaries cause that as men wracked at sea are glad to lay hold vpon euerie broken planke to saue their liues CHAP. VI. The notorious vanitie of the relators obseruations vpon the former narration is detected AFter our relator had trussed vp his fardle of fooleries to make the same more vendible he garnisheth his packet with certaine painted glosses which hee termeth obseruations And to make his eloquence séeme more admirable hée doth excorticate certaine Latin words according to his Romish fashion reflecting as he saith what occurred to his contemplation Which reflections occurrents obseruations and contemplations to do him pleasure we are content particularly to consider and sée whether he were not in a sounde sléepe when he thought himselfe to be in a profound contemplation And first verie wisely he obserueth Gods prouidence in conseruation continuation of the olde catholike faith deliuered first at the ascension of our Sauiour vnto his visible Church as he saith But if he speake of Christs faith then this obseruation cōcerneth him nothing For that faith hath alwaies continued and shall continue notwithstanding the opposition of the Iebusites and Cananites and all their adherents and néedeth neither their letters disputes nor practises to preserue it If he speake of the Romish faith as it is no question but hée doth then wée must tell him that wée denie that that faith is either the catholike faith or was deliuered at the time of Christ his ascension or in many ages after to any Church or procéeded euer from the apostles We doe therefore here obserue that hée is but a bad obseruer that marketh no better what was deliuered by Christ and his apostles Againe wée obserue that it is a strange fashion of spéech to say that the faith began to bée deliuered first at Christ his ascension For then it followeth that not onely the apostles before that time but also the patriarkes and prophets shoulde either be deuoide of faith and saued without faith which is impious to say or that they had faith before it first began It is also a strange doctrine to saie that the apostles at the ascension of Christ deliuered the faith to the visible church For that church is not now visible neither was that church that is now visible then Naie to saie that the whole catholike church is visible is an assertion repugnant as well to reason as to Christian faith Hée obserueth also That though new fantasies and deuises of particular men haue sprong vp with fresh and glistering titles that in the end God bringeth the same to confusion All which wée hope will prooue true in the glorious ruffle of the Iebusites and Romish synagogue For albeit these wicked Cananites will bée termed Iesuites and do pretend perfection in themselues and reformation in others yet their glorie beginneth to fade and their trecherous and Machiauelian practises begin to bée discouered not onely by vs but by their owne consorts The synagogue of Rome also and the kingdome of antichrist albeit it hath long triumphed troden the truth vnder foote yet beginneth to decay and is now oppugned of many and in the end shall bée ouerthrowne It resteth onely that they looke for aeternum opprobrium of which himselfe speaketh Finally the golden idole of the masse is now in most places abolished and where it remaineth is not valued at thrée-halfepence This obseruation therefore maketh much against the obseruer and against vs nothing and is verie farre wide from the matter of this conference out of which these obseruations shoulde be drawne The third point that hée obserueth is That the shame and confusion of heretikes and heresies consisteth principally in 4. points as holy fathers do note viz. First in diuision among themselues secondly in contradiction of sectaries thirdly in atheisme and coldnesse of religion fourthly in open lying and falsifications of authors to serue their purpose But hée leaueth out the very principall cause of the confusion of heretikes And that is partly for that they séeke their owne glorie and not the truth partly for that forsaking the direction of holy Scriptures they follow lying legendes and fables false traditions vaine opinions and determinations of popes and humane fansies Neither is hée so well versed in fathers that hée can tell what they say These 4. points certes which he alleageth the fathers do not say alwaies to bée proper to heretikes For neither are all heretikes diuided into partes nor do all seeme colde in religion some pretending superfluous and superstitious zeale neither haue all heretikes vsed open falsification and lying When hée commeth to exhibite the fathers which hée pretendeth I beléeue he will be driuen to falsifie them or else they will not serue his purpose But were it granted that these qualities are incident to heretikes yet doth the same make little for the aduersaries aduantage who are diuided into diuers sectes and religions and infinite diuers opinions and are not onely atheistes but also the grossest liers and falsificators of authors that euer were heard of in any recorde or historie With their atheisme also they ioine superstition and idolatrie and defende their matters not onely with falshoode and fraude but also with fine force and crueltie As for those of our cōmunion they cannot iustly be charged either with contradiction or diuision or impiety or falsificatiō either by Parsons or by his two friends Rescius and William Reynoldes as hath béene shewed in a treatise called Turcopapismus wherin the spite of those two dogs that haue long barked against religion and belched out al the slanders they could deuise is encountred and their bookes intitled Caluinoturcismus and de Atheismis and Phalarismis refuted and beaten backe vpon the papistes that in Turkish and tyrannicall crueltie and contempt of all religion surpasse all others If the machiauelian Iebusite Parsons dare oppose himselfe and will say no let him answere that bóoke If hee will not answere let him cease to bragge of bookes beaten to dust and refuted to the shame of him and his consorts In this place this may bée sufficient for auoiding this relators slāderous imputatiō that those two railing companions obiect other mens faults to vs and charge vs with priuate mens actes and opinions which neither the church nor we particularly allow and therefore
for that they peruert scriptures and corrupt the fathers and other auncient writers both adding and taking away and altering the text Which power Gregory the thirtéenth in a bull bearing date Anno 1575. séemeth to haue giuen vnto them That this diuision containeth diuers vntruthes it will appeare by these arguments Where he saith They are hated for their rule which notwithstanding is the same in substance with other religions and a way to perfection there are thrée apparent vntruthes First true Christians rather abhorre them for their vnruli●es then for their rule and other sectes albeit they loue their rule yet hate the men for their leud conditions and their friendes in regard of their rule that agréeth so well with the popes humor do loue them Secondly this rule is diuers from Christes rule which is the onely true and direct rule of religion It varieth also in infinite pointes from the rules both of monkes and begging friers Neither canne this be denyed For if it were the same yea euen in substance what should we néede this new rule hauing Christes rule Beside what meane the Iesuites to adde a fourth vowe and so many strange constitutions and lawes If the profession of Iesuites be the same that the ancient eremites or monkes professed why do they tie themselues with such othes and practise in matters of state and thrust themselues into the prease of people which the first monkes did not Thirdly it is most absurd to affirme or thinke that Ignatius Loyola could deuise a more perfect rule then Christ Iesus or that Christ deuised not a perfect rule but that we should néede Ignatius a lame soldiers and blind guides helpe The Iesuites therefore are hated not so much for their rule as for other iust causes And no more doth the commendation of ancient monkes belong to them then the prases of the ancient people of Israell to the obstinate Iewes that crucified Christ or of the old Romaynes to the scumme of the world that doth now inhabite Rome It is also most vntrue that they are hated for their learning for not their learning but the abuse of their learning which is wholy employed to maintaine heresies doth make honest men to suspect them and abhorre them Would they teach the catholicke faith as this man pretendeth they do they should be beloued and embraced But he must know that their doctrine of the popes power and supremacy of the sacraments of the Romish church of purgatorie and infinite other points is not catholike Much therefore is hée deceiued that thinketh wée account the name of a Iesuite to bée a crime for both master Topcliffe whom hée bringeth in to witnesse this point and many others can tell that their treasons practises and lewdnesse haue made them odious and not the name of Iesuites onely Lastly the defence of this discourser is very vnsufficient For it is not inough to say that they haue a rule and learning and liue orderly but they must haue their office and calling allowed by Christ Iesus if they meane to take vpon them the office of pastors teachers and gouernors in Christes church Wherefore eyther let them shew themselues to haue a lawfull calling or let them not thinke much to be thrust out as intruders We do not finde either in the epistle to the Ep●esians chap. 4. or the first Epist to the Corinthians chap. 12. any such extrauagant friers Neither in ancient writers is any precedent of their Loyolian profession to be found Nay we do not read that Christ commaunded any to forsweare mariage or to giue away their goods to idle vagabondes or to obey the rules of Ignatius but rather the contrarie Further it is not sufficient in termes to praise the doctrine and manners of Iesuites vnlesse this discourser were able to iustifie the same by the rule of Christes doctrine and example of Christ and his apostles and the holy fathers of the church But that will be very hard for him to do Christ neuer taught that princes were to bee deposed by the apostles or their successors or that it was lawfull to kill excommunicate persons These teach that it is lawfull for the pope to depose princes and that it is lawfull for the subiects to rebell against such as the pope shall excommunicate and to kill them Benedict Palmio a Parries voluntary confession and Annibal Codret two famous Iesuites did not onely teach William Parry that it was lawfull to kill the Quéene of England but also that it was an act very meritorious Varade a Iesuite of Lion in confession did absolue Peter Barriere that went about to murder the French king now reigning and did assure him that it was a most noble and Christian act for which he shoulde obteine celestiall glorie as the saide Peter being executed at Melun for the saide attempt confessed who likewise affirmed that another Iesuite whose name he knew not did concurre with Varade in the same opinion In Paris the Iesuites not onely resolued that it was lawfull to kill king Henry the third but also by their perswasions did induce Iames Clement to effect the same Richard Williams Edmund Yorke Patricke Ocollen Iohn Sauage and diuers others that haue béene at seuerall times executed for attempting to kill the Queene confessed that they were perswaded to it by Holt and other Iesuites and were also made beléeue that it was a most meritorious act Lately one Edmund Squire confessed that hée was induced to empoison the Quéene by Walpoole an English Iesuite in Spaine Peter Panne confessed before his execution at Leiden that hée was hired to kill the Count Morice the terror of the papists and a great protector of the oppressed in the Low countries Neither is it to bee doubted but that this is the common resolution and iudgement of all Iesuites For if it be lawfull for subiects to rebell against their princes vpon the popes warrant and commandement as they holde then is it also lawfull to kill them and murder them For armes are not taken vp for other end then to force and kill all that resist Secondly it is not likely that so many woulde concurre in this perswasion if they did not like it Thirdly they woulde not teach it openly as did Comolet in the last siege of Paris saying That there wanted an Ahud meaning there wanted one to kill the king Fourthly they woulde not otherwise in their colledges dispute resolue that it was lawfull to kill princes excōmunicate by the pope And this is prooued first by the confession of one Chastel a scholler of the Iesuites that wounded Henry the 4. of France purposed to haue killed him And secondly by the writings of one Ghineard a Iesuit of the colledge of Clermont in Paris a In the register of the court of Parliam of Paris Chastell being demanded Whether this question viz. whether it was not lawfull to kill the king was not ordinarily talked of and disputed among Iesuites answered that hee hath oftentimes