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religion_n authority_n church_n scripture_n 4,231 5 6.1426 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10089 Times anotomie [sic]. Containing: the poore mans plaint, Brittons trouble, and her triumph. The Popes pride, Romes treasons, and her destruction: affirming, that Gog, and Magog, both shall perish, the Church of Christ shall flourish, Iudeas race shall be restored, and the manner how this mightie worke shall be accomplished. Made by Robert Pricket, a souldier: and dedicated to all the lords of his Maiesties most honourable priuie Councell. Pricket, Robert. 1606 (1606) STC 20342; ESTC S115240 33,232 64

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time They ar mustering now of Sathans regiment Their plot is lay'd hope feeds their vild intent When time shall be into combustion thrown And falsehoods nurse to hostile actions growne Wars thunder then when it sha●●●●●l shake the world People shal be into amasement whorld A sca●●●●●let horce shal stomble and fall downe And after him a triple hallowed crowne The beast whose legges of claye and Irone wrought Must be vnto a feareful ruine brought Because Gods t●●●●●uth for to defile he sought He and his sea shall wast and come to noug●●●●●t 〈◊〉 seat doeth shake and reele I see him ●●●●●alling The wounded monster on the earth lies scravvling He gapes for breath strangled himselfe he choakes About his eares his painted Pallace smoakes Downe tumble must that triple crowned whore Once fal●●●●●e her fall not any shall deplore But those that would her spotted garments weare Whose foreheads doe the marke of Dagon beare The Champions all which would the best maintaine Shall at his feete by conquering swords be slaine Gog ouerthrowne Mag●●●●●g shall thinke to come With fire and sworde through glorious Christendome From E●●●●●phrates and Tygris then shal ●●●●●ise A strength that will our tyrants tyrannise Arabians Gul●●●●●e to Percias Gulfe shall flow From whence a high reard softly floud shall grow Whose Sea like waues from thence to Fes shall roule Downe tumbling all that would their force controule R●●●●●uenge and death to war●●●●●es alarums leades The Eagles last continued monstrous heads The mountaine VVol●●●●●es frō Christian bounds cald hence Christians then by force shall driue them thence And Christendome whilst God her peace doth shield Shall striue aright in her Gods house to build That she may teach the nations thus to say Her Christ is God we will his lawes obay Our Bishops then the truth shall ratifie In order chiefe not in authoritie And that Religion shall stand most beloued Whose rule is best by Scriptures truth approoued And for a Iudge a Church finde out we can That knew the truth before the Pope began Then shall the Church be built on Peters faith And that beleeue which holy Scripture saith Then shall Gods Church her strength and glory see When Christ alone her corner stone shall be Aboue Gods word shall then be raisde no head By Christ their Sheapheard shall his flock be lead Such Vnion shall the Northren Prince contriue As Christians shall no more with Christians striue Then Christendome shall all her power bestow By force to worke the Pagans ouerthrow All Christian Princes will themselues protect As shall the Northren Prince their course direct And now me thinkes I see a glorious sight A Christian Armie shining wondrous bright Marching in warres 〈◊〉 fit for fight In the defence of their Redeemers ●●●●●ight The Northren Emperour doth the red crosse beare To who●●●●●e command the armie craues to swea●●●●●e With 〈◊〉 bloud their warlike weapons staines 〈◊〉 fields and faire Hungarian plaines Whilst 〈◊〉 Ismael and the cursed seed Doe striue to make each others breast to bleed Working that worke for which they were compoūded That each by other may be with warre consounded The t●●●●●mperour of the North that Prince of fame Brings Christendome into her wonted frame And all that did vnto that Empire bend At last shall back vnto that state descend Empires and Kingdomes shall at once recoile And bend their strength to worke their spoilers spoile Those lockt vp Deuils in wildest Mountaines bred Whom Christian hands from thence deliueted To whom at first the Sarazens gaue pay By whom at last themselues destroyed were they By all that strength which hath their wrong indur'd Shall be at last their rac'd out name procur'd Sara and Ketura shall a conquest winne Of whom there is a mightie power vnseene And then once more in pompe of Empire swels Those that are calde Religious 〈◊〉 Before they doe the sacred truth retaine Mongst them is 〈◊〉 and Elias slame From forth the North a Lyons voyce shall rore And make them then the murthered dead deplore The doctrine which they taught once calde to minde Shall Heathens teach the way heauens path to finde Old Magog then new built his name shall loose And for his God the God of Gods shall choose The Northren Empire shall to him disclose That Truth gainst which he did himselfe oppose The Persians shall the Christians kindly greet When both their Armies shall with conquest meet Mount Harmons dew that sweetly then distils From off the tops of faire Arabian hils Shall fall on them of Abrahams line the race Though yet vnseene by faith the seeds of grace Then hungrie Dogges no more a stray shall wander Iudeas race shall finde the Bridegromes chamber Time takes in hand to worke this wonder great A Northren blast must coole the Sothern heate For of the Princes that shall worke this thing The worthiest power from forth the North shall spring A Potent Prince a strong and powerfull King His famous deeds through all the world shall ring It is establisht and his Throne shall stand Whose force shall take a wondrous worke in hand In his blest Li●●●●●e triumphant glory goes With glorious Race of conquering Emperours This is the winde and Lion of the wood From whom a most Emperiall strength shall bud And to the Eagle in wrathes fiers fury speake And al his winges and Feathers pe●●●●●cemeale breake The Heathens he at iudgments bar shall set And make them know the power gainst which they fre●●●●● He shall the land from Paganisme deliuer And wash heauens flock in faith's saluations riuer He shall the earth with heauenly grace refresh And vnto her heauens lawes with truth expresse The foes whereof he shall with force destroy And turne earths bondage into freedomes ioye Set free her hope shall waite on that saluation whose mercies iudgment layed her first foundation This Royall line the whole continuance summes Of all the yeares vntill great Shil●●●●● comes God shortly will the businesse vndertake For which he doeth the Northen Empier make Vpon his head stands an Emperiall Crowne Whose Monarchy shall throw Romes Empire dovvne Fooles though they brag their cloud of earths elus●●●●●on Both must and shall come to a rac't confusion And that eare long time doeth a course beginne Whereby consum'd shall be worlds sinke of sinne This happen shall and when these signes appeare Know then the day of iudgment draweth neere Be I excusd and not condempn'd of men No deuill-borne Merline doth direct my pen. Vnto an end time doth each creature driue From holy writ do I these words deriue This rotten age pointing at worlds decay But well obseru'd doth wondrous things bewray Both heauen and earth mankind so loades with sinne They pray heauens God he would their rest beginne And set them in that state wherein they stood When God made all and said all things were good Of time to come what meanes my pen to write Whom present time holdes in such base despight In spight of time and times