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A09432 A godly and learned exposition of Christs Sermon in the Mount: preached in Cambridge by that reuerend and iudicious diuine M. William Perkins. Published at the request of his exequutors by Th. Pierson preacher of Gods word. Whereunto is adioyned a twofold table: one, of speciall points here handled; the other, of choise places of Scripture here quoted Perkins, William, 1558-1602. 1608 (1608) STC 19722; ESTC S113661 587,505 584

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bookes Diuine Ecclesiasticall and Humane Diuine bookes are the bookes of God penned by the Prophets and Apostles and they are all the word of God for whether we regard the matter of them or the manner of reuealing them they are all from God the Prophets and Apostles were onely Gods hands and instruments in penning them the holy Ghost gaue the matter the order and the very words from whence it must needs follow that they are of al-sufficient authoritie of themselues Ecclesiasticall bookes are bookes of diuine matters penned by learned men in the Church and they are either generall bookes or particular Generall bookes Ecclesiasticall I call those which were either made or confirmed by the whole Church as the Creedes of the Apostles the Nicene and of Athanasius and the foure first generall Councels and these haue Catholike allowance yet not absolute authoritie but depending on Scripture Particular bookes Ecclesiasticall I call the Catechismes and Confessions of particular Churches made by them or by particular members thereof which haue not authoritie of themselues but from the Scripture or from generall consent Now both these kindes of bookes may bee called Gods word so farre forth as they agree with Scripture and yet they are also the word of men because they were penned by men and haue both order and style from men and in this regard that they were partly mens workes they are not authenticall of themselues but depend vpon the authoritie of Scripture Humane bookes are bookes penned by men either of the Church or out of the Church concerning humane things as bookes of naturall Philosophie of Policie and other Artes and these are not the bookes of God but of men alone hauing both matter and style from men many of them containe excellent truthes in their kind yet gathered onely from experience and common reason but they haue not in them that truth which is truth according to godlinesse seruing to builde vp and to binde the conscience vnlesse it bee in one case to stoppe the mouthes of Atheists and Epicures and to conuince their consciences And thus by conference of all bookes wee see that Scripture alone is authenticall in it selfe and no bookes beside Uses 1. This teacheth vs that ministers in the dispensing of Gods word should content themselues with the testimony of Scripture alone for the end of the ministerie is to worke and confirme faith and to settle and build vp the conscience in the truth of religion and matters concerning saluation which no other word can doe saue onely the word of God in Scripture that hath sufficient authoritie in it selfe from which conscience cannot appeale and for which cause our Sauiour Christ the true Prophet of the Church contents himselfe with the testimony of the Law and Prophets alone and after him his Apostles did the like See this notably confirmed by Paul who in his preaching to the Iewes professeth himselfe to haue said none other thing then that whic● the Prophets and Moses said should come Other writings haue the●● good vse in their time and place but not in the publike ministerie for authoritie and testimonie from Scripture is authenticall This the Scripture saith therefore it is so but authority from Councels and Father ●is sophistrie as Austin saith so therefore it is so this is no good reason for it implies that all that Austin said is true which indeede is false ●ee beeing as all men are subiect to errour 2. Use. This also sheweth that wee cannot beleeue vnwritten traditions thoug● they be called Apostolicall The Church of Rome intend to decei●e vs when they would beare vs in hand that halfe of those things t●●t are to be beleeued are not written in Scripture but receiued by tr●dition but these traditions we cannot beleeue by a diuine faith hovsoeuer by a common humane faith we may for they are contained in t●e bookes of Councels and Fathers which were worthie men yet subiect to errour 3. Vse Th●● also sheweth that we must submit our selues with feare and trembling to the word of God for it hath absolute authoritie to iudge vs and to con●ince our conselence in all matters of faith manners that pertaine to saluation IV. Point Wh●●eas Christ alleadgeth Moses and the Prophets to confirme his minist●●ie it may be demanded whether there be any difference for authoriti● between Christ and the Prophets for he that alleadgeth another m●●s authoritie seemes to be inferiour thereto I answer if we cōpare C●rist the Prophets we must distinguish between their doctrine th●ir persons The doctrine of Moses of the Prophets is equall to th● doctrine of Christ 2. waies First in certaintie of truth for it is as vnd●ubtedly true as if Christ himselfe had taught the same Secondly in e●ficacie authoritie for the power of binding conscience for the doct●in of the Prophets binds conscience as fully truly as if Christ himse●fe had spoken it And yet the person of Christ is aboue the person of Moses of all the Prophets for he is the Sonne of God both God ●an they were men he is the author of truth they only the instrumēts pen-mē therof frō hence it coms that Christs doctrine doth more bind vs to obedience then the doctrine of the Prophets because the person deliuering it is of more authority excellēcy and for this cause Christ alleadges Moses and the Prophets not for that his word is inferiour to theirs but that in regard of our obedience he might increase the authoritie of Moses and the Prophets because a greater measure of obedience is required to Christs word in regard of the dignitie of his person And this shewes that we now are more bound to obedience vnder the Gospel then the people vere vnder the law for we haue Christs doctrine which in regard of ●is person is of more authoritie then Moses and the Prophets see the point plainely laid downe by the Author to the Hebrewes in the irst Chapter he saith God in times past spake to hi● Church by his Propets but in these last dayes he hath spoken to vs by his sonne and in the second chapter verse 1. he laies downe the vse of this that now we haue Christ for our teacher namely that therefore we ought more aboundanly to giue heede to the things that we haue heard least at any time we le them slip c. shewing that our disobedience now shall be more seue●ly punished V. Point Ignorant people abuse this text to persvade themselue s that preaching is needlesse because no man can say moe then this doe as ye would be done to for this is the summe of the law a●d the Prophets But we wust know that this is not the summe of all tht the Prophets say but onely touching the matter of iustice and equi●e and indeede that we may attaine to saluation more is needfull for ve must not only know Gods word in generall but in particular
and matters of faith necessarie to saluation is so plaine that it may be vnderstood of the simplest ●ls Christ would neuer haue sent the Iewes to the Scriptures for the certen knowledge of the M●ssias Which notably discouers the fraudulent dealing of the Romish teachers who in matters of controuersie in religion send vs for resolution to the Church calling it the stay and pillar whereto we must leane in all doubts of doctrines The church I graunt is to be reuerenced but yet we must not build our faith vpon the doctrine of men Our Sauiour Christ sent the Iewes vnto the Scriptures and hereby the Bereans tried Pauls doctrine and are commended And indeede though men be neuer so vnlearned yet if they come in humilitie to search the Scripture and in obedience vnto God praying for knowledge they may be able by Gods word to discerne of false teachers vers 21. Not euery one that saith vnto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdome of heauen but he that doth my fathers will which is in heauen From this verse to the 24. is conteined another portion of Christs sermon beeing the seauenth part of this chapter wherein he intreateth of the state of those that professe his holy name in his Church here on earth And his maine scope drift herein is to shew that men must not content themselues to professe religion outwardly but there-with they must ioyne true godlines and sincere obedience This point is as wayghtie and of as great importance as any of the former respecting the maine point of m●ns saluation and it conteineth two parts A maine conclusion in this verse And a proofe and explanation of one part thereof ver 22. 23. The conclusion it selfe hath two parts 1. that some men professing the name of Christ shall not be saued which part is afterward explaned and confirmed the 2. part is this that some professors of religion shal be saued which is not onely propounded but the parties also are plainely described The first part is a most fearfull sentence against many that liue in the Church that notwithstanding their profession of the name of Christ yet they shall neuer be saued And this is most true beeing spoken by him that hath the power of life and of death who is also the God of truth that cannot lie saying Not euery one that saith Lord Lord that is that professeth God to be his God shall enter into the kingdome of heauen There be two kinde of professors in the Church of God that shall neuer be saued the first are grosse hypocrites which professe Christ with their mouth and yet in heart and life they renounce him of this sort is first the common Atheist who onely for fea●e of the magistrates lawes professeth religion secondly the Epicure that is such a one who beares Christs name for fashions sake and yet his bellie and pleasure is his God thirdly the worldling who spends the strength of bodie and mind and all he hath on the world for earthly things Now none of all these if they thus liue and die can be saued The second sort are more close hypocrites which professe the name of Christ in some truth and haue in them some good gifts of God by reason whereof both before men and in their owne conceite they are reputed members of the Church and yet for all this they are indeed but hypocrites which shall neuer be saued And that we may somewhat discerne of them I will note the gifts which they may haue whereby they may come to professe Christ truly they may be reduced to fiue heads The first is the spirit of bondage to feare Rom. 8. 15. This is a certaine gift of God whereby a man doth discerne the right meaning and iudiciall vse of the law in himselfe concerning sinne and the punishment thereof for though a man by nature know something of the law yet he knowes not all nor the right vse thereof now by reason of this knowledge he sees himselfe in bondage and in regarde thereof doeth feare from whence may proceede many good things as griefe for sinne confession and humiliation for the same and praier for pardon Thus wicked Pharaoh confessed the righteousnesse of God and that he and his people had sinned Exod. 9. 27. And so did Ahab at the heauie message of God by Eliah 1. King 2. 27. he rent his clothes and put sackecloath vpon him and fasted and lay in sacke-cloath So Iudas when he sawe that Christ was condemned he repented of his fact beeing g●ieued for it and ashamed to looke any man in the face and also confessed the same before God and men Matth. 27. 3 4. A second gift which a close hypocrite may haue is faith as had Simon Magus for he beleeued and was baptized Act. 8. 13. neither was it a false and dissembling faith altogether but in some sort a true though not a sauing faith for he beleeued and yet was in the gall of bitternesse So Ioh. 2. 23. it is saide certaine beleeued in Christ but he durst not commit himselfe vnto them And that we be not deceiued herein we must know that this faith of an hypocrite hath in it three things knowledge of the truth approbation thereof with assent vnto it and a kinde of perswasion that Christ is his redeemer Of the second degree of this faith we haue example 2. Pet. 2. 18. where some are said to be beguiled with wantonnesse through fleshly lusts who had cleane escaped from them that be wrapt in ●rror that is in idolatrie And of the third degree we haue example in the same chap. vers 1. where some false prophets are said to denie Christ that bought them because for a time they professed themselues to be redeemed and were also perswaded in a generall sort that he had bought them yet herein they failed that they did not truly apprehend the merit of Christ and applie it effectually vnto themselues The third gift of a close hypocrite is a taste of Gods fauour Hebr. 6. 6. it is saide of some that fall quite away That they were inlightned by Gods spirit and had a taste of the good word of God and of the powers of the world to come though they were neuer ●ed nor filled therewith The fourth gift is good affections good I say not in them but in their kinde and so farre forth as we can iudge they haue ioy in the good things of God Luk. 8. 13. They that are on the stones are they which when they haue heard receiue the word with ioy They haue zeale for Gods glorie as had Iehu 2. king 11. 15. and yet he departed not from the sinnes of his forefathers v. 32. Thirdly they haue reuerence to Gods Ministers as Herod to Iohn Baptist Mark 6. 20. Herod knowing Iohn to be a iust and holy man feared and reuerenced him The fifth gift is an outward reformation of life the stonie ground
sinnefull conception al which our Sauiour Christ was free from for at the very time when hee bare our sinnes hee was in himselfe more holy then all men and all Angels Fourthly it is said that if Christs righteousnesse bee made ours then wee are made Sauiours Answer It followeth not for Christs merits and righteousnesse are conuaied and applied vnto men not as they are in Christs person in whom they are sufficient to saue ten thousand worlds but as they serue to saue and iustifie that particular person onely to whom they are imputed so that this remaines an vndoubted truth that that righteousnesse which brings saluation is Christs righteousnesse onely Here some may say How is Christs righteousnesse made ours and wee assured of it Answ. It is made ours by sauing faith which the holy Ghost creates in the heart and soule as an hand whereby wee may laie hold on Christ and applie his righteousnesse vnto our selues as hee is offered vnto vs in the promises of the Gospel Some obiect that if Christs righteousnesse be made ours by our beleeuing it to bee ours then if a man beleeue his neighbours house to be his it is his also and so for any other thing Answer There is not the like reason in these things for it is a meere fancie and imagination for a man to beleeue his neighbours house to be his hauing no ground for it besides his owne conceit but when a man beleeueth Christs righteousnesse to be his he hath Gods commandement and promise for his warrant and assurance that it shall be imputed vnto him and withall that faith so grounded maketh Christs righteousnesse as truely his as any thing a man hath is his owne beeing giuen him of another Now this sauing faith laying hold on Christs righteousnesse for mans iustification is neuer seuered from sanctification by the spirit with the fruits thereof whereby the old man beeing mortified and the new man in Christ renued according to his image in knowledge righteousnesse and true holinesse the whole person is turned vnto God and made carefull to please him both in thought word and deede and hereby doe wee receiue assurance of our iustification for true sanctification is the earnest of the spirit of adoption in our hearts whereby we are sealed vnto the day of our redemption Doth that righteousnesse whereby we must be iustified and saued in the day of our Lord come from Christ onely and not from our selues then we see what iust cause we haue to humble our selues and to acknowledge our great vnrighteousnesse and want of all goodnesse in our selues and when wee can doe this vnfainedly wee haue gone one steppe in the way to true happinesse Secondly we also must hereby learne to esteeme all things as drosse and dongue with the Apostle in respect of Christ Iesus and his righteousnesse for he it is that brings vs to heauen and therefore wee must honour him aboue all and value his righteousnesse as that most pretious iewel which when a man hath found hee will sell all that he hath to get and keepe it Matth. 13. 46. Thirdly we must hunger and thirst after Christ and his righteousnesse for it is the fountaine of all blessednes and without it we are most miserable yea though wee had all the world beside yet without it wee loose our saluation Now what will it profit a man to winne all the world if he loose his soule Fourthly seeing Christs righteousnesse is made ours by faith we made assured of it by sanctification of heart and life wee must labour for true faith whereby our hearts may bee inwardly renued we must not content our selues with an outward holinesse for that will neuer bring a man to heauen but our endeauour must be for inward holinesse whereby we shal be preferred with God aboue all the Pharises in the world and get assurance of eternall happinesse And this faith wee must shewe forth in all holy exercises as when we heare the word wee must lend the inward eare of the heart with the bodily eare and when we fall downe to praier we must bowe the knees of our hearts and in fasting from meate wee must abstaine from sinne yea in all things wee must be carefull to serue God in spirit and truth for which cause wee must pray with Dauid Lord renue a right spirit within me that so feeling Christ to liue in vs by grace wee may bee assured that Christs righteousnesse shall bring vs vnto glorie Verse 21. Ye haue heard that it was said of olde Thou shalt not kill for whosoeuer killeth shall be culpable of iudgement Our Sauiour Christ hauing laid downe his Preface doth here begin his interpretation of the Law beeing indeed the onely true doctour of his Church and herein especially hee doth meddle with the second Table beginning first of all with the sixt Commandement touching Murther In the handling whereof hee obserueth this order First hee setteth downe the false interpretation of this law by the Scribes and Pharises in this verse Secondly hee sheweth the true meaning of it v. 22. And lastly hee propoundeth rules of concord and agreement betweene those that be at variance verses 23 24 25 26. For the first The Exposition Ye haue heard that is you Iewes which now heare mee whether Scribes Pharises or others you haue heard that it hath beene said of old that is by your auncient Teachers the old Scribes and Pharises who haue expounded this law vnto you and that this phrase must be vnderstood of the ancient Iewish Teachers may plainely appeare because in the next verse hee opposeth his owne teaching thereunto and would haue these his hearers that before had learned a false interpretation of this law from their old Teachers now to learne of him the true exposition thereof The Law is this Thou shalt not kill The exposition of the ancient Iewish Teachers was this for whosoeuer killeth shall be culpable of iudgement that is whosoeuer laieth violent handes on another to take away his life for they knew no other murther neither did they extend this commandement to forbid any sin but actual murther shall be culpable of iudgement that is shall be held guiltie of murther both in the courts of men and also before the iudgement seate of God where hee shall receiue the deserued punishment thereof This was the interpretation of the Iewes Here first obserue that Antiquitie is no infallible marke of true doctrine for this exposition of this commandement was ancient received from ancient Teachers and yet Christ the doctour of truth reiecteth it as false and corrupt and therefore the argument which the Papists vse for the stablishing of their religion drawn from Antiquitie is of no effect Secondly by these words of Christ ye haue heard it hath beene said of olde wee may easily gather after what manner the Scribes and Pharises expounded the law namely they left the Scriptures and followed
the same place with vs for so is the Samaritane saide to be neighbour to the man that fell among theeues because he found him lying in the way where he traueiled and had compassion on him Now the Iewish teachers leaue the generall signification of the word which expressed the true meaning of the holy Ghost and take the speciall signification and so restraine this law of loue to friends onely Whereby we see how necessarie it is that the tongues wherein the Scriptures were penned should be well knowne and vnderstood for the mistaking of the signification of a word by the Iewish teachers caused a manifest errour to be taught among them for truth And this maketh greatly for the honour of the Schooles of learning where the studies of the Tongues is professed And herein also an other thing may be noted in the Iewish teachers that in the time of Christ they were ignorant in their owne tongue and therefore no maruell though at this day they knowe not the proprieties thereof seeing their Common-wealth is decaied and they dispersed among all people Their second fault is a false collection and consequent that because a man must loue his friend therefore he must hate his enemie this is against the rules of Arte for vnlesse the contraries be equall a consequent will not thence follow in this sort Here then obserue the necessitie of the studie of humane Artes and among the rest especially of the Arte of Logicke whereby we may discerne betweene true and false collections Againe here obserue an infallible note of a false teacher to wit to temper the word of God to mens naturall affections and so to expound it as they may both stand together The Iewes were a people that loued their friends entirely and hated their enemies bitterly now answearably doe their Teachers expound this law whereby they ouerturne both the law of God and the saluation of the people Thirdly marke here the fruit of corrupt doctrine namely to corrupt good manners The Iewes were a people that did much bragge of their Ancestours and priuiledges and in regard of themselues contemned all forraine Nations yea they hated them and therefore they were ●o●e in contention with Peter for going to Cornelius a Gentile Act. 11. 2. now this their malice proceeded partly from nature and partly from the false doctrine of their Teachers which was that they might hate their enemies The like may appeare in many practises of Poperie to this day for when that Superstition was aloft the people were taught a distinction of times and places in regard of holinesse the fruit of which doctrine stickes fast in the hearts of many vnto this day for they thinke Churches and Chappell 's to be more holy then other places and therefore some will neuer pray but when they come into some-such place And doe they not make great difference of daies and times all which are fruits of Poperie In regard whereof we see it is necessarie that the puritie of Religion in faith and manners should be strongly maintained by the syncere ministerie of the word for many disorders in mens liues come from the vnsound handling of the Scriptures Whereby we may see Gods vnspeakeable mercie and goodnesse towards vs in vouchsafing vs an holy Ministerie wherein the puritie of doctrine is and hath beene long and may be still through Gods mercie maintained and published This ought to mooue vs to all thankefulnesse vnto God and to endeauour to shew the fruit of this true Religion in all holinesse and pietie both of heart and life towards God and man vers 44. But I say vnto you Loue your enemies blesse them that curse you doe good to them that hate you and pray for them which hurt you and persecute you Here our Sauiour Christ propounds his Answer vnto the former false doctrine of the Iewish Teachers for the hating of an enemie Wherein first he laies downe a generall Rule containing the summe of his whole answer saying Loue your enemies then he expounds that Rule in the same v. and after prooueth it v. 45 46. Of these in order For the first Loue your enemies In this Rule two things must be knowne I. what is an enemie II. what it is to loue our enemie both these are euident in the words following wherein Christ expounds this rule Blesse them that curse you c. An enemie then is any one that of hatred doth wrong vnto his neighbour either in word by cursing or euill speaking or deede by striking and persecuting him But what is it to loue our enemie Loue properly is an affection of the heart whereby one is well pleased with an other But here more generally loue comprehendeth these two things first to be louingly affected in heart towards an enemie secondly to vse an enemie louingly in speech and action so it is taken 1 Ioh. 3. 18. Loue not in word and tongue onely but in deed and truth And Rom. 10. 1● Loue is the fulfilling of the Law For the first loue in the heart comprehendeth all good affections that one man beareth to another a● mercie compassion meekenesse and desire to doe vnto them what good we can as it is more plainely expressed Luk. 6. 36. Bee ye therefore mercifull as your heauenly father is mercifull And for the second that kinde vsage which loue expresseth in word and deede is here set out vnto vs in three branches First blesse them that curse you where is commaunded all good speech both vnto our enemie and of our enemie The second Do good to them that hate you where is prescribed all louing vsage in action by affoarding them helpe reliefe and comfort any way we can The third Praie for them that persecute you that is for their good estate in this life so farre forth as it serueth for Gods glorie and for their conuersion and saluation in the world to come See the euidence of these things in examples for the affection of the heart take Christs example who so loued his enemies that he was contented to shed his owne hearts blood for them and to suffer the pangs of hell vpon the crosse for their saluation For loue in courteous speech see Dauid's practise towards Saul his professed enemie for though Dauid had him in his hands and might haue killed him sundrie times nay though he was prouoked thereunto by his seruants yet hee spared him and with all tearmes of reuerence towards Saul appeased his seruants calling Saul his master and the Lords annointed Thus louingly also in speech did Paul behaue himselfe to Fest●s Agrippa though they were heathen men and his enemies For doing good in action to an enemie read Exod. 2● 4 5. If thou meete thine enemies Oxe or his Asse going astraie thou shalt bring him to him againe and if thou seest thine enemies Asse lying vnder his burden wilt thou cease to helpe him thou shalt helpe him vp againe with it and Prou.
the written word to be right Scripture and the ground of that which is in the heart for the word written carries a most certen sense beeing both text and glosse whereas their inward Scripture varieth as men doe vnlesse it be grounded on the written word II. Use. The certentie of Scripture must teach vs to beleeue Gods word and not to feare to rest our selues vpon it The Author of Scripture by his prouidence preserues his owne word so as all the men in earth for substance cannot corrupt the same and therefore whatsoeuer it saith we neede not doubt but it is the will of God III. Point From this reason we may also gather the Authoritie of Canonicall Scripture for we must doe as we would be done to because the law and the Prophets say so and hence it followes that the law and Prophets haue an high soueraigne and absolute authoritie This authoritie of Scripture stands in two things I. in power to giue iudgement II. in the all-sufficiencie thereof in and of it selfe and both these are noted here by our Sauiour Christ in this reason For the first the power of giuing iudgement is that whereby Scripture doth fully and absolutely determine of all things needfull to saluation concerning faith and maners and for this cause the laws of God are oft in Scripture called iudgements There be diuers iudgements ascribed to sundrie sorts of persons in Scripture First it giues a iudgement to euery priuate man The spirituall man discerneth or iudgeth all things and Saint Iohn biddes the beleeuers in the Church p●●●●● the spirits that is trie by iudgement the doctrines deliuered Secondly the Scripture giues iudgement to publike persons as to Pastors Ministers and to the gouernours of the Church Let two or three propheci● and the rest iudge 1. Cor. 14. 29. and the spirit of the Prophets is subiect to the Prophets v. 32. Thirdly Iudgement is ascribed to the Prophets Apostles in Scripture Act. 15. 28. It seemed good to the holy Ghost and to vs and this is an high Iudgement which befals not any priuate man or any ordinarie minister or general Councel ordinarily but is peculiat to extraordinarie Prophets that were the pen-men of holy Scripture And these three kindes of Iudgements must be distinguished the two first kinds are inferiour ministeriall kinds of Iudgement depending on an higher and more soueraigne Iudgement for priuate men and ordinarie ministers and Councels giue Iudgement yet not of themselues but by their rule which is the word of God and this Iudgement is nothing else but a ministerie pronouncing and declaring the meaning of the will of God reuealed in his word But besides this there is a soueraigne kind of Iudgement you c●safed to the Prophets and Apostles determining absolutely in matters of faith conscience what is to be done what is not and this is the Iudgement of God himselfe whereupon the Apostles might say It seem●th good to the holy Ghost and to vs Act. 15. 28. And that this their Iudgement is absolute appeares by Scripture He that heareth you heareth me saith Christ to his Apostles he that ref●s●th you refuseth me Luk. 10. 16 and Paul deliuering the Gospel of Christ to the Galatians bids them hold him accursed that teacheth thē otherwise Gal 1. 7. and the promise of sending the spirit of truth Ioh. 16. 13. was directly intended to the Apostles and onely in them fully accomplished For our better conceiuing hereof wee haue a resemblance of this soueraigne iudgement in the common wealth the high Court of Parliament giues iudgement of matters in law and so doe Lawyer● and Iudges in common Courts but yet there is great differen●e betweene these two the court of Paliament makes the lawe and determines absolutely in ciuill matters without controlement what must be done and what not but the Lawyers make not the law but pronounce the meaning of the law vnto men Now the Scriptures the Prophets and Apostles they are like to the cour● of Parliament in giuing iudgement priuate men and ordinarie ministers giue iudgement like vnto the Lawyers which is not absolute but ministeriall depending on an higher iudgement Vses 1. If the Prophets Apostles haue soueraigne power to giue absolute iudgement in matters of faith and manners then we must here learne to make choice of a right Iudge for vnto one must wee appeale in matters of faith and conscience and this right Iudge is Gods word which wee must sticke vnto and to none other The commandement is plaine for matters of difficultie that concerne the conscience Isay 8. 20. To the law and to the testimonio and our Sauiour Christ referres vs to Scripture for all matters that concerne saluation Ioh. 5. 39. Search the Scripture If you would know what is true in religion what is erroneous what is equitie in any matter of conscience wee must haue recourse to Scripture It will be said Scripture is an vnfit Iudge it cannot speake I answer It speakes sufficiently to determine of all matters of faith and conscience wee see in common experience a man may resolue his friend in matters of doubt as well by letter as by word of mouth why then may not the word of God sent from heauen vnto his Church resolue mens consciences in all matters of doubt for faith and manners And indeed let any man come in humilitie seriously search the Scripture and he shall finde resolution therein for any matter of conscience whatsoeuer Vse 2. By this authoritie of Scripture in giuing soueraigne iudgement we are taught to take heed of an incompetent Iudge which men for many hundred years haue set vp in their hearts to relie vnto in matters of faith and conscience and that is to put the Church in roome of the word for soueraigne iudgemēt The Church of Rome teacheth that the Church must iudge of the Scripture yea without Scripture giue soueraigne determination in matters of conscience as hauing more authoritie then Scripture because it giues authoritie thereunto but this is the ground of Atheisme and heresie and the path way to Popery the true Church of God must haue the honour of Christs spouse but yet the authoritie of soueraigne iudgement must not bee giuen to her but onely to the word of God himselfe The second part of the authoritie of Scripture is that euery part of Canonicall Scripture is Authenticall that is of sufficient authoritie of it selfe though it bee not confirmed by any other testimonie for Scripture is the word of God and the testimonie of Scripture is the testimonie of God himselfe then which none can be greater as Saint Iohn saith If wee receiue the testimonie of men the testimonie of God i● greater 1. Ioh. 5. 9. For the better conceiuing of this point conferre all the bookes that are or euer were together and thereby it will appeare that the Scripture is of it selfe Authenticall There be three sorts of
This I note because they beginne to be in disgrace with many and corrupt Popish writers are farre better accounted of Thirdly if any among vs doubt of any point in religion let him doe these two things for his resolution which are the ordinarie meanes to know the truth First let him search the holy Scriptures diligently not by priuate studie onely but by conference with the godly Secondly let him in true humilitie of heart pray vnto God for the illumination of his spirit whereby he may in minde rightly conceiue of the truth embrace it by faith in his heart and honour it by obedience in his life thus doing constantly and in sinceritie he shall be sure to be preserued from errour both finall and fundamentall and in due time shall know the truth for the promise is Aske and ye shall haue seeke and ye shall finde verse 12. and Saint Iames saith If any man lacke wisedome necessarie for his saluation let him aske of God vsing withall other lawfull meanes to come thereby and it shall bee giuen vnto him Hereto may be added this good help for satisfaction in this case of doubting namely to haue recourse to the generall confessions of reformed Churches which may be had in that notable booke The Harmonie of Confessions for although priuate men may erre as also particular Churches not onely seuerally but ioyntly in some things in this world yet the generall consent of reformed Churches may be a good direction to the knowledge of the truth and a good perswasion to constancie therein Fourthly we must keepe a good conscience if we would preserue the truth and puritie of religion for faith and good conscience goe alwaies together whereupon Saint Paul perswading Timothie to this dutie bids him haue faith and a good conscience which some haue put away as concerning faith haue made shipwracke 1. Tim. 1. 19. where a good conscience is resembled to a shippe which saileth ouer the sea of this world beeing laden with faith that is with true religion and other spirituall graces needefull to saluation Now if the shippe of our conscience be crazie and vnsound then is our faith and saluation in great danger and therefore wee must endeauour in all things to haue a cleare conscience both towards God and towards men IU Instruct. This commandement of our Sauiour Christ to beware of false Prophets doth barre the Church of God and euery member thereof from conuersing with false Prophets after they bee conuicted to be such It was Eues fault to admit conference with the deuill in the serpent and all of vs feele the smart thereof at this day It was Pauls counsell to the Romans to marke them diligently which caused diuision and offences among them contrarie to the doctrine which they had learned and to auoyde them and Saint Iohn plainely forbids this societie with them 2. Epist. verse 10. Receiue not him to thine house neither bidde him God speed that comes to teach you and brings not this doctrine yea though we saith Paul or an Angel from heauen teach you otherwise then that which we haue preached vnto you hold him accursed Galat. 1. 8. In the histories of the Church it is recorded that S. Iohn would not wash himselfe in the same bath wherein Cerinthus an heretike was washing himselfe nor abide vnder the same roofe but leaped out and perswaded others so to doe And indeede by Eues example we may see the danger of conference with false Prophets for the same euill spirit speakes in them Now this shewes first that the practise of many students is dangerous and against this commandement who take delight in popish Cōmentaries and postils ascribing to them more learning and Iudgement then can be sound in those writers that were the restorers of true religion vnto vs hence it is that they labour more in them then in the Scripture it selfe or in other sound writers thereupon But if there bee any false Prophet at this day it is the Papist and their writings are dangerous to be read of those that are not well grounded in the truth for by reading we haue a kind of familiaritie with them and indeede many sucke out of them at vnawares much venim in waighty points of doctrine and religion We ought rather to doe with them as the beleeuers of Ephesus did with their bookes of curious Arts namely bring them out and burne them then take such delight in them albeit this must be graunted it is both lawfull and necessarie for the defence of the truth that men of sound iudgement and piety doe labour in them Secondly hence also it may appeare that it cannot bee but a great hindrance to true religion that hereticall bookes may be publikely sold to any one that will buie them without due consideration whether the partie haue gifts to discerne of truth from falshood in the Popish Church they are more carefull they permit not a man to read an heretikes booke as they call vs Protestants without leaue and that vnder a great penaltie which is seuerely inflicted vpon offenders that way V. Instruct. This commandement also shewes that it is not lawfull to graunt to any man or to any people the libertie of their owne conscience in the matters of religion permitting them to professe what religion they will for how should false Prophets be auoided when euery man may freely professe what he will in religion All gouernours therfore must follow the practise of good king Iosias who assembled all Iuda and caused all his people to heare the word of the Lord and to stand to that religion which the booke of God made knowne vnto them 2. Chro. 34. 32. V. Doctr. Wee haue from this commaundement an answer to the false charge of the Church of Rome who accuse vs of schisme and apostacie because we separate from their Church But we must know that the schisme apostacie is there where the cause of departing is which indeede is not in vs who doe no more herein but obey this commaundement of Christ the cause is in them who are become false prophets whom we must auoyd Here yet two questions may bee demaunded I. Whether a false Prophet may be put to death seeing Christ bids onely to beware of them Answ. Christ here speakes to his Apostles and to other of his auditors that were priuate men whose dutie raught no further but yet the truth is that a false Prophet beeing iudicially conuicted is to bee put to death the word of God elsewhere is plaine Leuit. 24. 14. there is both a commandement and a practise Euery blasphemer must die This wicked Iesabel knew wel who vnder pretence of blasphemie caused Naboth to be put to death and hereupon the Iewes sought to put Christ to death Yea Nabuchadnezzar an heathen king hauing but a taste of this that the God of Israel was the true God made this lawe that whosoeuer blasphemed
though wee cannot see the shaddow of the sunne mooue yet wee may perceiue that it doth moo●e Now by their fruits it is cleare they bee corrupt for they reuerse the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles both in the Commandements of the Law and in the Articles of faith First they disanull the first commaundement by making to themselues other Gods beside the true God for they pray vnto Saints and therein acknowledge a diuine propriety in them and also giue vnto them the honour due to God alone and so set vp vnto themselues the creature in the roome of the creator The second they reuerse by worshipping God himselfe and dead men in images Christ himselfe in the crucifixe yea in a peece of bread wherein they match the grossest idolatry a●ong the heathen and the best learned among them teach that the Rood the Crosse and Cruci●ixe are to bee worshipped with the same worship wherwith Christ himselfe is worshipped In the 6. Command touching murther they cōdemne the killing one of another but yet if a priest come from the Pope kill a Protestant Prince the Lords annointed King or Queene that is not onely no sinne but a ●●●t notable rare and memorable works Against the 7. commandement they maintaine the vow of single life necessarie in their religious orders whereby as also by their stues they cause all filthinesse 〈◊〉 natiō to abound among them And for the tenth commandement they say that concupiscence after baptisme is no sinne properly In the Articles of faith they ouerturne those that concerne Christ making him no Sauiour but a diuine instrument whereby we saue our selues for they ●ake mens good workes 〈◊〉 by Gods grace after th● first instification truly and properly m●ritorious and fully worthy of euerlasting life And his offices they haue parted from him his kingly and propheticall offices betweene him and the Pope and his Priesthood between him and euery popish priest as wee haue shewed before so that by these fruits we plainly see their apostacie which is enough though we know not when and by whom it came 2. Vse Here also we haue to answer such among our selues as renounce our Church as beeing no true Church of Christ because say they we want true ministers and so haue not a right ministerie among vs. But hence we answer that we haue the true Church of God and our ministers be the true ministers of God for proofe hereof our ministers haue the outward calling of the Church of England they say indeede our calling is nought because they haue power from God to call in whose hands it is But to omit that question for this time sufficient approbation of our ministery may be had from the fruits of our ministers as they are ministers for to leaue the fruits of their liues as sufficient meanes to iudge them by our ministers teach through Gods blessing the true and wholesome doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles and are alloued and called hereto by the gouernours of the Church and accepted of their people whose obedience to the faith is the seale of their ministery and this is sufficient to confirme the calling of our ministers if it had not Christ would not haue said Ye shal know them by their fruits 3. Use. Whereas Christ saith Ye shall know them speaking to all his hearers he takes it for graunted that euery beleeuer may bee able to iudge of false Prophets and therefore euery one in the Church of God ought to labour for so much knowledge whereby hee may bee able to knowe a Teacher by his fruits and doctrine This then sheweth that euery one ought to know the summe of true religion comprised in the Articles of faith and in the commandements of the Law both for their true meaning and right and profitable vse vnto themselues which thing I note because I know many deceiue themselues herein thinking that God will excuse them for their want of knowledge because they are not booke-learned But let vs consider wee haue euery one this care to be able to iudge of meates which concerne our bodies which be wholesome and which not should wee not then haue much more care of our soules to be able to discerne of doctrines in religion which be either the poison or saluation of our soules 4. Vse Whereas wholesome doctrine out of Scripture is a note of a true Prophet it teacheth vs that we may lawfully vse the ministery of those men whose liues and conuersations be euill and offensiue if so be their doctrine bee sound and good The Disciples of our Sauiour Christ must not doe according to the waies of the Scribes and Pharisies but yet they must hear● them when they sit in Moses chaire that is when they teach Moses doctrine And Paul is glad when Christ is truly preached though it be not in sinceritie of affection but of enuie When the Disciples saw a man that was not called by any speciall calling to follow Christ as themselues were and cast out deuills in the name of Christ they thought it intolerable and therefore forbad him but Christ said Forbid him not for he that is not against vs is with vs And the like may be saide of them that preach wholesome doctrine though their liues be still offensiue for in doctrine they be with Christ and so farre-forth must be approoued Againe consider that the vertue and efficacie of the word and Sacraments administred by men is not from the minister but from God a letter is not the worse because it is brought by an vnhonest or vnfaithfull carier Neither doth the euill conscience of the minister defile the good conscience of the honest hearer and worthie receiuer This must be remembred because many take offence at the life of the minister so as they will not heare his doctrine if his conuersation be scandalous V. In that a Prophet is to be knowne by his fruits and the maine fruit of a true Prophet stands in the good handling of Gods word for the edification and saluation of his hearers hence the children of the Prophets and those that are set a part for the ministerie of the word are taught that they must make this the maine and principall ende of all their studies to be able to bring forth the fruits of a true Prophet that is to interpret ●●ight the word of God and thence to gather out wholesome doctrines and vses for the edification of Gods people And for the inforcing of this dutie let vs consider first that it is Gods commandement so to doe 1. Cor. 14. 1. Seeke for spirituall gifts but specially to prophesie Againe the greatest skill of a Prophet stands in the true expounding and right diuiding of Scripture so as it may become food for mens soules 2. Tim. 2. 15. Show thy selfe a workeman that needeth not to be ashamed in diuiding the word of truth aright And lastly this true fruit
apparell checked 386. b Professors of religion that shall be saued 515. b. professors that shal not be saued 512. c. the true wisdome of professors 537. m. the folly of some professors 541 Prophet how God calleth Prophets and teachers 501. m. notes of a true Prophet ib. b. 502. c. what makes a false prophet 491. c. societie with false prophets must be auoided 495. m. why god suffereth false prophets 497. b. dāger of false prophets ib. m. the●r pretences 497. c. fruits notes of false prophets 520. m. 503. punishment of false prophets 510. m. 79. m. of discouering a false prophet 500. m. what it is to prophesie 521. m Prosperity a fruit of Gods kingdom 274. m Prouidence of God rightly conceiued of 164. m. 165. m. particular prouidence prooued 169. b. 379. m. preseruing prouidence 207. b. how to rest on Gods prouidence 379. m. a rule for prouision of worldly things 344. m. mans spirituall prouidence 358 Publicans described 201. b Purgatory confuted 105. b. 476. m Pure in heart 30. how it is gotten 31. Q QVarelling a note of a badde man 91. m R RAca 91. m Raine a common blessing of God 208. m. ●nseasonable raine is Gods punishment 209. c. of astrologicall predictions of raine ibid. m. sorcerers cannot cause raine 209. m Reconciliation to God 108. c. of brotherly Reconciliation 110. m. 301. b Reregeneration signes of it 402. m Religion how to know true religion 430. e. and a truth in religion 494. m. it must not be tempered to mens humors 175. b. naturall mens behauiour in religion 334. b. 337. b Remission of sinne goeth with repentance 299. m Repentance the grounds of it 516. e. the nature of it ibid. the practise of it 300. m. motiues thereto 76. b. 534. m Repetition in Scriptures implie importance 118. e Reprobation how we maintaine it 133. m. God is not cruell to his creatures therein 526. m. Reproba●es neuer haue true faith 530. e Reproofe of the manner of reproouing 429. b Restorers of true religion ought to be reuerenced 4●4 b. of their calling to preach the truth 501 Restraint of our nature by Gods word 484 c. Reuenge twofold 176. m. desire of reuenge must be auoided 301. b priuate reuenge vnlawfull 176. e reasons against it 177. e. kinds of priuate reuenge ib. b. lawfull reuenge handled 179. m. when reuenge may be sought by the magistrate 180. m Reuiling forbidden 95. e. it is a kind of pe●sequution 43. e Reward whether it implie merit 45. m. 221. m Riches a great lord 368. e. when rich men forsake God 370. b. how the rich may continue their wealth 400. e Right to earthly things two-fold 18. m Righteousnes true and sauing 86. m. mans naturall conceit thereof 85. m gods righteousnes notes Christs obedience 395. b. how it is made ours ib. ● Rome no true part of Chr. Church 81. m. 168. m. separation from Rome no scisme 496. m Rules of expounding the law 93. ● 110. e S SAbbath of the change of it 74. e. how trades men may sel thereon 193. e Sacrifice what the giuing thereof signified 103. e Sadduces 84. e Salt three properties therof resembling the ministerie 47. m Salutation must be friendly 212. m Sanctification of the creature 291. b. sanctification goeth with iustification 87. e. a comfort against doubting thereof ●1 m Sathans policies against Gods children 310. m. his malice against the Church 492. m. he is limited in tempting 308. m. how to resist him 312. e Schooles of the Prophets approoued 5. 200 Scismatikes differ from false Prophets 492 Scripture excelleth all other books 11. b. the certentie of Scripture handled 466 467 468. authoritie of Scripture handled 469. how it giues iudgement ibid. 470. how some take offence at Scripture 127. m. popish distinction of Scripture into inward and outward 469. m Scribes what they were 84. m. Sects among the Iewes 84. e Securitie in sinne 295. m. 423. m. carnal securitie cōdemned 488. e. their excuses remooued 489 Selling how made a worke of mercie 187. m See God the secret seer 228. b Senses what senses must be the instruments of mercie 16. m. how to ground our senses 119. b Separation from our Church vnlawfull 552. b Seruice preparation to Gods seruice 104. m. what it is to serue God 367. m. the error of the ignorant herein 368. m Silence in hearing Gods word 548 Sinnes differ in degree 422. m. sinne goeth not alone 224. b. it raigneth not in Gods child 371. m. maine sinnes in all men naturally 425. e. most secret sins knowne to Christ. 533. e. purpose of sinning must be auoided 534. e. how to perceiue the grieuousnes of our sinnes 426. e. how to reforme our sinne in our selues 425. m Slacknes in the better sort reprooued 490. e Speaking of others how to behaue our selues 403. m Spirits whether we may goe into places haunted by euill spirits 315. e Stewes falsly grounded on lawes of toleration 142. m Students in diuinitie their dutie 537. b. studie of Scripture should be diligent 77. b Successe how to leaue it to Gods blessing 375. m Suffer how they that suffer deseruedly may be blessed 43. b. suffering wrong examples 180. e. 182. e. it is the state of a Christian to suffer 185. b Suits in law how lawful 36. b. common suits in law vnlawful 108. m. 183. m Sunne the benefit of it 208. b Superiours their dutie 537. b. a note of euill superiours 184. e Suspition of suspecting euill of others 414. b Swearing how farre forth forbidden diuers opinions 155. b. ordinarie swearing forbidden ib. e 171. m. pretences for swearing answered 156. m. times cases wherein an oath is lawfull 157. m. the right maner of lawfull swearing 158. m. swearing by faith troath c. vnlawfull 161. m T TEacher properties of a badde teacher 175. e. 200. b Temporall blessings how they must be sought 399. m. how rightly vsed 292. their dependance on Gods kingdome 400. e Temptation kinds thereof 303. m. degrees therein 304. b. it is the state of Gods children 302. m. whether euery temptation come from Satan 171. e. how God leades into temptation 305. m. helps against temptation 306. e Testament how to know the bookes of the old testament 72. e. 463. in new testament is diuine scripture 464. e Thankesgiuing should be frequent with Gods children 266. m. 319 Toleration of false religion vnlawfull 469. b Tongue abuses thereof 95. m Traditions vnwritten 473. m Treasure heauenly what it is 347. 348. how we lay it vp 347. m. 349 Trees how some become euill 508 Trust in God a notable ground thereof 318. e Turcisme a false religion 481. b Tyrant priuate men may not kill a tyrant 182. m V VAnitie of the creatures 346 Ueniall sinnes what they are with Papists 93. b. how the father 's called some sinnes veniall 42● Uniuersall grace confuted 244. m. 246. m. 392. m. 459. e. 482. e Vnmerciful men their number and miserie 25 m
whereof ought to stirre vp all careles persons to returne from their euill waies to striue to come into this strait way and to walke therein vnto the ende And yet to enduce them further to this dutie I will seeke to take from them those excuses which they make to themselues First they say God is mercifull and therefore they will relie thereon and take no further care for their soules Answ. God indeede is mercifull but his mercie is onely found of them that striue to enter in at the straite gate as for those that walke in the broad way it belongs not to them Deutr. 29. 19 20. And if the righteous scarsely be saued where shall the vngodly appeare 1. Pet. 4. 18. Secondly they say at least in heart that it is the easiest matter in the world to come by life euerlasting if they can call on God when they are dying all is well and therefore they will not lende their outward ●ares to heare nor apply their minds to conceiue and learne that which they may doe by nature and if they doe come to the congregation yet it is for custome or for feare of punishment not for conscience But these men deceiue themselues they consider not what Peter saith that the righteous shall hardly be saued and what S. Luke addeth to this exhortation of Christ that many shall seeke to enter into the doore of life and shal not be able because they neglected the time of grace and vsed not good meanes in due season Thirdly they make this common obiectiō that either they are elect or reprobate if they be elect then let them liue as they list they shall be saued but if God haue eternally reiected them though they liue neuer so religiously yet they shall bee condemned and many deceiue themselues with this reason But they must know that they iudge amisse of Gods decree and the wickednesse of this reason may appeare by the like God hath decreed the certaine tea●●e of euery mans life in this world as well as his future estate after this life Now if any man hereupon should reason thus If God haue decreed that I shall liue longer then I shall surely liue if hee haue decreed that I shall liue no longer then I shall surely die for Gods decree must stand and therefore I will neither eate nor drinke nor sleepe nor vse meanes to preserue my life if any should thus doe vpon this ground would not all men iudge him to be a murtherer of himselfe And surely he is no lesse a murtherer of his soule that vpon Gods predestination will take occasion of libertie to liue as he list for Gods decree of the ende includes the ordinarie meanes that bring thereto Againe they are to know that there is a double will of God his reuealed will made knowne in his word and his secret or vnreuealed wil whereby he hath determined with himselfe what shall be the eternall estate of euery person which is not knowne to vs ordinarily but by the euent The reuealed will of God must bee the rule of our obedience and according to it must we frame square our liues but his secret will we must honour and reuerence not making any rules from it whereby to frame our liues Now these persons they leaue the written word and betake themselues to his vnreuealed will and out of it will make rules how they will liue but herein they sinne greatly in framing to themselues new rules leauing his word whereby they should order and guide their liues Thirdly I answer that this reason hath in it a plaine falshood for they that are predestinate to life are chosen to liue a godly life in faith repentance and obedience that they might be like to the image of his sonne Rom. 8. 29. And indeede it is impossible that he which liues in wickednesse all his life long and so dies should bee saued as also that he which liues a godly life vnto the end should be condemned for God hath decreed the meanes as wel as the ende II. Vse This charge of Christ for striuing to enter in at the straite doore correcteth also a second sort of men which are of the better sort for commonly the best men are too carelesse in regard of this dutie of striuing and it may be said of vs as Christ said of the Church of Laodicea Reuel 3. 15. we are neither hot nor cold we striue not to goe one before another in holy duties worldly cares and pleasures doe dull vs and make vs faint in this dutie of striuing But wee must take heede of securitie and reuiue our obedience to this commaundement making this our principall care to come to life eternall and all worldly care must come vnder this for consider the fearefull iudgement that hangs ouer such as are slacke in this dutie it is destruction as well as to those that are prophane because thou art neither hot nor cold I will spue thee out of my mouth for seeing that God continues his Gospel vnto vs wee ought answerably to increase in knowledge in faith in all obediece Dauid professeth that his heart brake in sunder for the desire that hee had to Gods iudgements alway Psal. 119. 20. We commonly spend our wit and strength about worldly affaires in matter of commoditie and delight but Dauids practise ought to be a patterne vnto vs for our chiefest strife must be to attaine eternall life Verse 15. Beware of false Prophets which come to you in sheeps cloathing but inwardly they are rauening wolues From this verse to the twentieth is contained the sixt part of this Chapter and the eleuenth part of Christs sermon concerning the discerning and auoyding of false Prophets And it hath an excellent dependance on the former point of exhortation for hauing giuen commandement to walke in the straite way now like a carefull guide hee forewarnes vs of the principall impediments in this way which be false Prophets and Seducers who are like theeues and Pyrats to hinder vs in this way Touching them three things are here set downe by Christ First a commandement to beware of them secondly the danger that comes by them they come in sheeps cloathing but inwardly they are rauening wolues and thirdly the meanes whereby to iudge and discerne of them from the 16. verse to the 20. For the commandement Beware of false Prophets that is of false Teachers In a false Teacher two things are required First hee must maintaine some errour that ouerturnes true faith and religion for euery erroneous opinion which a man holds will not make him a false Prophet but only a fundamentall errours Secondly besides the holding of some damnable errour in his owne heart a false Prophet must also be a seducer such a one as labours to make a faction withdrawing men from true religion and from true faith and perswading them both in priuate and publikely to receiue his errour And that both these are
required to make a false Prophet the Scripture is plaine There shall bee false Teachers among you saith Saint Peter which priuily shall bring in damnable heresies 2. Pet. 2. 1. There is the first propertie and for the second that they must be seducers Christ himselfe teacheth vs Matth. 24. 24. There shall come false Christs and false Prophets and shall sh●we great signes and wonders so as if it were possible they should deceiue the very elect And of both these properties ioyntly S. Paul speaketh Rom. 16. 17. I beseech you brethren marke them diligently which cause diuision and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye haue receiued and auoyde them for they that are such serue not the Lord but their owne bellies with faire speech and sl●ttering deceiue the hearts of the simple So then Christs meaning in this commandement is this You shall bee troubled with many false Prophets which shall bring in damnable doctrines among you and withall labour to seduce you from the truth and therefore take heed of them And these two notes wee must marke in a false Teacher to distinguish him from a schismatike and from an hypocrite for euery false Teacher is a schismatike but euery schismatike is not a false Teacher If wee would haue examples of false Teachers behold the Iesuites and Romish Priests for they come among vs and bring false doctrine with intent to deceiue and seduce our people Such likewise are the Familie of loue and such were the Arrians in time past that denied the godhead of Christ as for others that hold priuate errours not rasing the foundation neither seeking to seduce others they may be hypocrites schismatikes and bad Christians but they are not false Prophets Thus much for the meaning of the commandement The Uses 1. By this caueat Christ would teach vs that the deuill shewes his exceeding great malice against Gods Church and people in these last times of the world he subornes false Teachers to bring in dānable doctrine and mooues them to seduce men from true religion This thing Christ did plainely foretell Matth. 24. 24. and Saint Paul chargeth the Elders of Ephesus to take heed vnto themselues to their flockes for I know saith he that after my departing shall grieuous wolues enter in among you not sparing the flocke Moreouer of your owne selues shall men arise speaking peruerse things to drawe Disciples after them And Saint Peter foretels of the like as we heard before 2. Pet. 2. 1. The truth hereof is verefied by experience for in the first foure hundred yeares after Christ which were the prime and chiefest times of the Church there arose fourescore and eight seuerall kinds of false Prophets which seduced men from the faith and true religion and preuailed greatly And no doubt in the end of the world Satan wil now shew his malice as great against the Church as hee did then and therefore Christ bids take heed of them And for this cause when we see men that professe religion fall away to heresie and be corrupted seeking also to seduce others we must not much maruell at it or be thereby discouraged but rather watch more carefully for the deuill will stirre vp false Prophets daiely to deceiue the Church of God II. Instruction From this commandement wee may also see that we are feeble full of weakenesse in the faith so as a little thing will easily make vs forsake our faith and true religion if this were not so what should we neede this exhortation who was more couragious and forward in profession then Peter and yet the voice of a sillie damsell made him denie his master and to forsweare his faith and religion The Galatians receiued the Gospel so gladly from Paul at the first that hee professesseth they would haue pluckt out their own eies to haue done him good and yet when he writ vnto them hee wonders they were so soone fallen to another Gospel receiuing the doctrine of iustification by works Yea this sheweth that we haue itching eares whereby we will readily and willingly receiue wholesome doctrine for a time but soone after desire new doctrine againe like vnto the Iewes who for a while delighted in the light of Iohns ministerie Ioh. 5. 35. and to the old Israelites who liked Manna at the first but after a while were wearie of it and complained that their soule dried away whereupon they lusted after the flesh-pots of Egypt againe So wee at the first did willingly receiue the Gospel of Christ but now many waxe wearie with it and beginne to like of Popish doctrine preferring their corrupt writers before those that haue beene the restorers of true religion vnto vs. III. Instruct. We must labour to maintaine faith and good conscience and not suffer our selues to be drawne there-from by Gods mercie we haue had the Gospel of truth among vs a long time and doe still enioy it for which we haue great cause to praise the name of God and in this regard we must labour to bee constant in holding it yea to liue and die with it This is the principal point which Christ here aimes at and therefore we must carefully learne it and for this purpose let vs remember these particular directions which follow First that God hauing restored vnto vs true religion doth require we should loue it as the chiefest treasure that euer this kingdome enioyed Wicked Ahab could not abide Elias and Michaiah Gods true Prophets but hated them for which cause God left him to himselfe and suffered him to be seduced by foure hundred false Prophets of Baal and thereby brought him to destruction And the Apostle speaking of the kingdom of Antichrist saith that God therein giues men vp to strong illusions that they should beleeue lies because they haue not loued the truth 1. Thes. 2. 10. 11. Now this loue we must shewe by our obedience in duties of pietie to God and in the exercise of iustice and mercy towards our brethren else God will translate his Gospel from vs and giue it to a nation that wil bring forth the fruits thereof A second rule to be obserued for the maintaining of true religion is this that ministers especially and those that intend that calling should highly esteeme and reuerently account of those men and their writings which by Gods mercie haue beene the meanes to restore vnto vs pure religion for though they were men subiect to error and in some things might slippe yet they were the worthy instruments of Gods mercy for the planting of his Gospel among vs which since their time hath beene sealed with the blood of many Martyrs in England Germanie and else-where in which regard though we must onely depend on the pure word of God for certaintie of truth yet we are to giue much vnto them and be followers of them for the substance of religion wherein they doe most soundly consent in one truth