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religion_n authority_n church_n scripture_n 4,231 5 6.1426 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06652 The actes of Christe and of Antichriste concernyng bothe their life and doctrine: diligently gathered and now taken out of his workes, by Thomas Becon. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1577 (1577) STC 1711; ESTC S116649 51,783 140

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Christe will all menne to searche the Scriptures and to leane vnto them in all matters of controuersie as faithfull witnesses of the Lordes truthe Antichriste commaundeth that when any question arise aboute matters of Religion menne should haue recourse vnto the Canons and generall Councels but spicially vnto the See of Roome where all doubtfull matters are to bee decided As for the Scripture it hath no more aucthoritie then it pleaseth the Churche that is to faie the Pope and his adherentes to giue vnto it 4 Christe teacheth that all mennes traditions oughte to giue place vnto the woorde of God and that whatsoeuer is decreed of menne although of neuer so greate ancthoritie and wisedome contrary to the woorde of God is vtterly to bee neglected reiected and caste awaie Antichriste teacheth plainely that all suche constitutions and ordinaunces of men as bee decreed and set forthe by the aucthoritie of Counselles and holie Fathers whiche are alwaies gathered together by the instincte and consent of the holy ghost although thei are not nor can not bee grounded on Goddes worde are notwithstādyng good and profitable and menne are bounde vnder paine of deadly synne to obtaine and keepe them For the Churche can not erre 5 Christe teacheth that there is but one onely true liuyng and euerlastyng God whiche alone is to be honoured worship ped and called vpon by whose name also alone we ought to sweare Antichriste also after a certaine sorte confessed also one God with vs and that he is to be honoured and called vpon but not alone For he teacheth that the sainctes in heauen bothe maie and ought to be honoured and called vpō yea and that we maie also sweare by their names 6 Christe in his holie Lawe bothe by Moses the Prophetes and Apostles forbiddeth to make sette forthe or kepe any Image to bee worshipped But aboue all thinges he forbiddeth vs to make any Image of God. Antichrist saieth it is lawfull not onely to haue images and to sette them vp in Temples Chapels Oratories c. but also to worshippe theim to kneele before theim to kisse them to praie before them yea to them to knele before them to set candels before them to decke and trimme them to offer vnto them to sense them to put of our cappes vnto them and at the laste what not Antichriste also diggeth out of the ground the olde rotten bones or reliques of sainctes translateth them encloseth them in Golde keepeth them in precious shrynes and costly Clausures and setteth them forth to the people to be kissed and worshipped Moreouer he is not ashamed contrarie too the manifeste woorde of God to make the Image of the blessed Trinitie He formeth and frameth God the father like an old broken backed man with a white head winckled forehed holow eied slender cheeked sharpe nosed tothlesse wide mouthed hangyng doune lipped crooke chinned graye bearded small necked leane handed and in fine altogether monstrous GOD the Sonne Antichrist setteth forth as a lusty younge younker with his yelow lockes and God the holy Ghost he maketh like a yong lustie White flickeryng Doue But this blasphemous image causeth hee to be set in Churches and in all other places not onely to be considered but also to be worshipped vnto the greate dishonour of god the slaunder of the Christen religion the offence of all good men and vnto the glorie of all Gods ennemies But what dareth not Antichrist doe 7 Christ teacheth that the true worshippers muste worshippe God in spirite and trueth againe that they worship God in vaine whiche honour hym after the traditions of men Antichrist affirmeth that it is lawfull to worship God any maner of waie so it commeth of a good entent good mynde good zeale good deuotion c. For God casteth awaie the good intent of no man Antichrist therefore teacheth vs to worship God with Golde Siluer precious stones sumpteous vestures candels palmes Ashes bread water Salt c. With long patteryng curious singyng pleasaunt pipyng loude ringyng c. With Surplesses Copes Uestimentes Caps Coules c. with Massyng with Pilgrimage goyng with Pardons biyng with Beades saiyng c. And all these thinges he taught to be more precious and acceptable in the sight of GOD than to helpe the poore or to doe any worke of mercie For that is done but to manne the other vnto God. 8 Christ in his sweete Sermon that hee made in the mount saieth that he came to fulfill the Lawe that is to saie to accomplishe whatsoeuer was prefigured of him in the ceremonies of the olde Testament so that by his comming he hath put away and vtterlie abolished all Ceremonies euen as the shadow is remoued by the entrance of the light For as the Apostle saieth The lawe he meaneth the ceremoniall law was nothyng els than a shadow of good thinges to come The good thinges are come and geuen therfore the shadow ceaseth wherby we euidently learne that the Christians are nowe free from suche cloudy lawes darke ceremonies Antichrist teacheth that although the Ceremonies of the olde law be abolished by the commyng of Christ yet that hindreth nothing but that the Church which is the spouse of Christ may appoint what Ceremonies she wil without any offence of her husband Christ whiche delighteth in her and in her doynges as in himselfe yea and that so muche the more bicause among the christians there are many rude grosse and thei must be rudely and grossely handled and brought by little and little vnto perfection thorowe suche Ceremonies and outward obseruaunces whiche Ceremonies and Ordinaunces of Christes spouse the Churche are with no lesse reuerences to bee obserued than if they had beene commaunded of Christe her husbande 9 Christ Iesus in his doctrine teacheth that he alone is our Sauiour our Redeemer our Bishop or Pastour our head our reconciliatour our peacemaker and in fine all our hope and comfort in so muche that whosoeuer beleueth in hym shall not perishe but haue euerlastyng life Antichriste in his doctrine teacheth that saluation and remission of synnes is to bee obtained also at his handes at his Pardons Indulgences yeres of Iubile Masses Coules Pilgrimages c. Againe that he is heade of the vniuersall Churche of Christendome Christes Uicare Peters Successour the higheste Bishop the greatest Priest the moste holie and moste blessed Father to whom aboue all other the keyes of the kyngdom of heauē are committed fo that whatsoeuer he bindeth in yearth is also bounde in heauen and whatsoeuer he looseth in yearth is in like maner loosed in heauen so that whosoeuer cleaueth vnto hym can not perishe but haue life euerlastyng 10 Christe taught vs that whensoeuer wee will desire any thyng of God the Father wee should aske it in his name For no manne commeth to the Father but by hym And in the writynges of the Apostles wee reade that Christe alone is our