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A00545 A supplication of the Family of Loue (said to be presented into the Kings royall hands, knowen to be dispersed among his loyall subiectes) for grace and fauour Examined, and found to be derogatorie in an hie degree, vnto the glorie of God, the honour of our King, and the religion in this realme both soundly professed & firmly established. 1606 (1606) STC 10683; ESTC S114625 37,251 68

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ye in like manner without Christ and against Christ although yee make great boast of him committe whoredome and deale nor walke not according to the doctrine or requiring of Christ If others thinke hardly and speake badly of these Familistes which are strangers vnto them and none of their societie and his Maiestie tearmeth them a vile Sect let them maruell noe more seeing H. N. the oldest Father of that Familie and priuie to all their actions and dealinges taketh them I meane many euen Almost all of them to bee but an whorish company making the voluptuousnesse of the flesh their freedome or summum bonum neither let them blame others hence forward as iniurious to their good manners For H. N. hath taught vs what they are The Familie of Loue. OR if wee doe varie or swarue from the now established Religion in this Land either in Seruices Ceremonies Sermons or Sacraments The Examination Here would I know what they meane by varying or swaruing from the now established religion in this Land If by varying they vnderstand any outward publique dissenting from the religiō established The Familistes Temporizers or from the Seruices Ceremonies Sacraments and exercises of the same by absenting from the Church or not frequenting and repairing vnto the sacred and approued assemblies then surely can they not he said to varie from our religiō and exercises at all For they neither altogether with the Brownistes nor in any Ceremoniall considerations with the halfe Brownists the Puritanes refuse to communicate with vs in the Seruices Ceremonies and other exercises of our Religion and so they doe or wil doe liued they at Rome as H. N. hath taught and willed them (a) Patterne of the pres Temps The Seruices or Ceremonies shall not saue any one saith H. N. without the good nature of Iesus Christ and of his seruice of Loue nor yet condemne any one in that good nature of IESVS CHRIST nor in the seruice of Loue (b) 3. Refrein §. 6. Hence it is that they neither accuse nor blame any folke for their religion whether the Ministers of the Popish Church or in any other Protestant and reformed Church which minister or vse the Ceremonial Seruices (c) Ibid. §. 2. prouided that they hold them still and suffer the Familists to be quiet and encrease neither striue they at all wheresoeuer they reside nor varie with any one about Religion (d) Patern● of the pres Temps But this doth not extenuate their fault but aggrauate their offence for that they are pliable and conformable to all religions Seruices and times for their owne ease and aduantage and to shunne persecution and trouble which they will not suffer come of religion what will But if by varying from the now established religion in this Land c. they meane howe in their iudgement they condemne and doe not approue the religion Seruices Ceremonies and Sacraments ratified by the hie and lawfull authoritie of this Church as wherein The Familists most capitall enemies vnto sound Christian religion without the Seruice of their Loue or ministrie of H. N. his doctrine God is not delighted and whereby Christians please not the diuine Maiesty one whit but rather irritate and offend him then surely they doe more varie from the religion Seruices Ceremonies and Sacraments of the Church of England than doth any Brownist or Puritane or other aduersarie of the Church of England whatsoeuer For howsoeuer they showe themselues obedient and externally conformable by repairing vnto our Churches frequenting of Sermons vsing the Sacramentes and the like yet in their hearts and minde both present and absent either as childish they deride or as impious they condemne them all Witnesse H. N who speaking of vs and whosoeuer else bee not of his Familie whom they imagine to soiorne in the land of ignorance They build saith hee in scoffing and odious manner They build diuerse common houses which they name Gods houses And they occupie there manie-manner of foolishnesse or taken on Seruices which they name Religions or Gods seruices to waue or hold forth some thing before the ignorant people to a stay of the consent arising out of their spotted consciences whereby their might set their foolish consciences at peace (e) H.N. Spiritland c. 5. §. 1. Which our meetinges and Seruices elsewhere hee calleth false Exercises or vsages (f) H.N. 1. exhort c. 16. §. 2. which heare a goodly shewe wherewith many ignorant people that knowe not any difference betweene the true and the false light become seduced and deceiued And in another place Therefore cannot the Man whilest that he is not yet wholly Godded in one spirit of the godly Being with God occupie or vse any manner of Freedome that is falser wickeder absurder seducinger arroganter nor horribler against God his vpright Seruice nor yet daungerfuller nor distructionabler to the children of men than this Namely that any man should become so arrogant and free or vnbound of Hart that he out of an appeased Conscience or contented Hart shold dare to teach or set forth any thing through the imagination of the knowledge whether he then haue taken on the same Out of the learnednesse of the Scriptures or out of his good thinking wisedome as a Word or Commaundement of the Lord or yet to iustitute any Seruices Out of the letre of the Scripture accordinge to his good thinkinge and so to plucke or make subiect the hearts of men to destruction thereunder So H. N. (g) Ibid. §. 14. And further No man saith H. N. (h) Ibid. 16. can rightly according to the truth of the holy Scriptures nor according to the spirituall vnderstanding of the godly wisedome deale-in or vse the true Gods seruices nor the seruices of the holy word it becommeth not like wise that any man saith H. N. should take-in hand to busie himselfe thereabout but onlie the illuminated Elders in the godlie wisedome which walke in the House of Loue c. are cuē so Godded with God or incorporated to God in all Loue. With whom also God in one Being and power of his holy spirit is hominified or become Man And then obserue the execrable spirit of these men Therfore it is assuredly all false and lies seducing and deceitfull what the vngodded or vnilluminated Men out of the imagination or riches of their knowledge and out of their learnednesse of the Scriptures bring-forth institute preach and teach They preach indeede the Letter and the Imagination of their knowledge but not the word of the liuing God All this hath H. N their prophet (i) Ibid. §. 17.18 which well may shew that the bodies of his Familistes may be in our Churches and at Seruice Sermons and Sacramēts but their harts doe loath whatsoeuer they doe either see or heare though it be neuer so firmely grounded apparantly deriued frō Gods written word if the same either proceede not neither be vttered by the deified
loue raised-up the gracious word according to his promises and elected H.N. thereto for to minister the same c. (c) H. N Prouerbs c. 1. §. 6. And in this Prouerbs againe Through which gracious word and N.N. God reuealed sayth he the appearing of the comming of Christ and the newe day of his righteous iudgement as also the flowing foorth of his holy Spirit of loue to the awaking and raising vp of all his holy-ones out of sleepe to their glorious Lordliness with Iesus Christ and to an euerlasting fast-standing Kingdome of the godly Maiestie vpon earth according to his promises (d) Ibid. §. 17. And afterward Thus hath God declared with H.N. the eight thorough-breaking of his true light vpō the earth wherein the Lord the God of heauen restered the former Kingdome with his garnishing together with all that which God hath spoken from the beginning of the World through the mouth of his holy Prophets c. (e) Ibid. §. 18. In his exhortation God hath illuminated him he saith with his light for to illuminate or giue light to them that dwell yet in darknesse vpon the earth (f) 1. Exhor c. 19 §. 8. And finally in his first Epistle All people are called and friendly bidden through H. N. to the repentance for their sinne c. Not alone with his calling but also with all the Scriptures heauenly Testimonies and spirituall voyces of the Eternall Truth which are gone forth from the holy spirit of loue and brought to light through H. N. (g) 1. Epist or Cri. v●●ce c. 1. § 1. And why all this but to the ende that as himselfe aduiseth the young ones in the Family should not distrust nor suspect any manner of euill or vnwisedome by him nor yet in any wise perswade themselues that the Exercises Documents and instructions which are taught or set forth before them by him the Father of the Family of Loue or oldest elder are too childish or too vnwise for the to follow after (h) 1. Exhort c. 13. §. 11. But the childe of God must alwaies haue in remembrance that many false Prophets are gone into the world and therfore is not to belieue whatsoeuer is affirmed but trie the spirits whether they are of God Because men receiue not the loue of the truth that they may be saued God will send them strong delusion that they shall belieue lies that they may be dāned which belieued not the truth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnesse (i) 2. Thes 2. V. 10.11 The more H. N. boasteth of himself that he is illuminated from aboue the lesse is he to be credited the more to be suspected Let him proue his preparation his election vocation and generall Apostleship from Gods word which he shall neuer doe or let him be accursed yet a because he arrogateth to himselfe the diuine nature and most heretically and blasphemously auoucheth that whatsoeuer the Prophets haue foretold are fulfilled in him and the like and all this to the end that his idle reuelations cloaked vnder his Loue-seruice may the more slily enter into the mindes of wel willing and good meaning people hold him and all that hold with and applaud him and his fanaticall speculations euermore accursed The Family of Loue. O Out of which Seruice or writings we be taught all dutiful obedience * Vntrue towards God and Magistrates The seruice of Loue. and to liue a godly and honest life and to loue God aboue all things and our neighbours as our selues agreeing therein with all the holy Scriptures as wee vnderstand them The Examination ALL this tendeth to the raising vp of credit to H. N. his writings which sheweth of what spirit these men are In their Courtly deuise inscribed vnto the last Earle of Lecester they let not to say that were all the books of H. N. rightly considered of with indifferencie so should they be found Assistants in all to the Religion established in the Church of England and no hinderers Here I take which they grant that the holy Scriptures teach all these things next that the religion established in the Church of England is sound and euery way good and true But that the Seruice of Loue the writings of H. N. truly indeed so teach as they would beare his Maiestie in hand I cannot thinke for diuers reasons 1. They hold That neither before nor without their most holy Seruice of Loue c. the true light hath not been set forth ministred nor taught that there shal likewise no other light nor cleerenes that can be true appeare nor yet come hereafter but the light of loue (a) H. N. 1. ●r doct c. 16. §. 10 which is the new doctrine deuised by H. N. that we so condemne 2. They teach that it is assuredly al false lies seducing deceitful that the vngodly or vnilluminated Men out of the imaginatiō or riches of their own knowledge out of their learnednesse of the Scriptures bring forth institute and teach (b) Ibid. §. 17. Then is not H. N. his doctrine Seruice of Loue groūded vpon the written word of God but vpon I know not what visions Anabaptisticall reuelations and therefore to be held most execrable Thirdly they say There is nothing more needfull to the man at the first where-to enter into life then that he humble himself vnder the obedience of loue meaning the instructions of H. N. so become taught in the Seruice of Loue for to vnlearne againe al what he hath taken on and learned to himselfe (c) Spir. land c. 56 §. 7. which counsayle of vnlearning is rife and euery where as it were the first thing deliuered to the Nouices in the Loues seruice (d) H. N. exhort c. 13. §. 9. Cri. voice c. 1. §. 7. which manifesteth their religion to be newe and singular when the doctrine in our Churches taught and embraced must all be vnlearned and abhominable and corrupt for the entertaining of theirs which they vaunt to be celestiall Fourthly because they may not talke of their secrets either yet vtter their mysteries opēly or nakedly in the hearing of their young children disciples (e) H. N. Prouerbs c. 22. §. 15. that is as H. N. sayth til they haue attained the age of 30 yeares and are come to their manly age and haue beardes (f) Ibid. c. 21. §. 1. They might and would talke of their secrets might their exercises and mysteries abide the hearing of godly modest persons as Gods holy word and our doctrine deriued from the sacred Scriptures will Last of al because the Seruice of Loue and books of H. N. so and none otherwise make to the aduancement of godlinesse and furtherance of virtue then they vnderstand the Scriptures And indeed the make od interpretations of Gods word turning light into darkenesse truth into falsehood histories into allegories and sound religion into fancies of men But as others
vnderstand them they tend to the supplanting of true religion and ouerthrowe of Gods house which is the Church of God for the erecting of a newe Family whereof they take their name The Family of Loue. AGainst which auctor and his books wee neuer yet heard nor knew any law established in this realm by our late gracious Souereigne but that we mought read thē without offence whose writings wee suppose vnder your Highnesse correction your Maiestie hath yet neuer seen or perused heard of by any indifferent nor true information The Examination IT Is well knowne there be lawes canons and iniunctions against erroneous and infectious books and that Proclamations houe come out expresly against H. N. and his scandalous inuentions When there be lawes against Sect-masters and Heritickes bee there no lawes shall we thinke against H. N. and his bookes Scarse had I proceeded thus farre in this examination but vpon searche I founde a paper which many yeares hath lyen by mee in my priuate studie conteining a forme of abiuration offered by the Lords of the late Queene ELIZABETHS most honorable priuie Counsayle vnto certaine persons suspected to fauour the vile Heresies of H. N. which forme vvas this Whosoeuer teacheth that the dead which are fallen asleepe in the Lord An abiuration tendred vnto the Familistes the tenth of October An. 1580 by ten of the Lords of Q. Elizabeths priuy Counsel rise vp in this day of his iudgement and appeare vnto vs in godly glorie which shal henceforth liue in vs euerlastingly with Christ and raigne vpon the earth is a detestable Hereticke But H. N. teacheth so Euang. c. 37. Sect. 9. Therefore H. N. is a detestable Heretike Whosoeuer teacheth that to be born of the Virgin Marie out of the seede of Dauid after the flesh is to be expounded of the pure doctrine out of the seede of Loue is a detestable Hereticke But H. N. teacheth so Document sent c. 3. Sect. 5. Therefore H. N. is a detestable Hereticke Whosoeuer teacheth that Iesus Christ is come againe vnto vs according to his promise to the ende that they all which loue God and his righteousnesse and Christ and his perfect Being might presently enter into the true Rest which God hath prepared from the beginning for his his elect and inherit the euerlasting life is a detestable Hereticke But H. N teacheth so Euang. c. 1. Sect. 1. Therefore H. N. is a detestable Hereticke Nauing examined these reasons with the bookes of H. N. wee doe finde that in truth hee holdeth these heresies and we thinke in our hearts and of our owne knowledge affirme that H. N. is in these heresies a detestable Hereticke Promising faithfully before God and your Honors neuer hereafter to haue any dealing with his bookes and doctrine nor to go-about to bring any to the loue liking or reading of them And that we now speake is the true meaning of our hearts as wee looke for mercie at his hands which searcheth the heart Would her Maiesties Councell minister this Abiuration vnto these Familistes euen of her owen Familie had they noe law nor authoritie so to doe Or would the saide Courtiers as before their Honors they did abiure these Heresies if both the said heresies had not been contained in the bookes of H. N. and themselues by Lawe compellable either to abiure or abide the punishment due for obstinate Heretickes And was there Lawe then viz. Anno. 1580. for in that yeare and so long agoe was this donne and is there noe Lawe now Haue they not heard nor knowen of these things by lawfull authoritie performed which were both heard andmade knowen both in Court and Coūtrie the parties some of them and the cheifest yet liuing and in Court which so abiured their Children in right auncient place about his Maiesty before whome they abiured But haue they not heard nor knowen as they pretend of any Lawe established in this Realme against H. N. and his bookes by our late gratious Soueraigne Then pray wee vnto God that they may both heare and knowe some lawe to bee established against them by our nowe raigning and gratious Soueraigne the King The rest of this section that his Highnesse as they feare not to say neuer yet hath seene or perused the writings of H. N. nor somuch as heard of them by any indifferent or true information are words derogatorie in an high degree to his Maiesties honour because both his Highnesse hath affirmed vpon his knowledge the Familistes to be a vile sect of Anabaptistes yeelding inuincible reasons of his certaine knowledge which are aboue specified and they say his Maiestie neuer yet sawe nor perused nor so much as heard of H. N. his writinges by any indifferent and true information in the which the points wherewith hee chargeth them are most truely contained The Familie of Loue. FOr the saide H. N. in all his doctrine and writings being as we are crediblie enformed as much matter in volum if they were all compiled together as the whole Bible containeth doth * Vntrue neither take part with nor write against any particular partie or companie whatsoeuer as naming them by their names nor yet prayse or dispraise any of themy by name * Vntrue Hee magnifieth the Church of Rome The Examination THis vain boasting of the bulke of H. N. his writings is verie vsuall among the Familistes About thirtie yeares agoe mine eares heard his disciples much bragge of the multitude of H. N. his bookes as if his greate paines in writing were argument stronge enough to induce men to the liking of his opinions Which if it beeso then haue the Papistes a stronge reason that the trueth is with them on their side the monkes and Friars of whose Religion hauing bestowed infinite paines in writinge and composing of bookes Then haue wee whose doctrine and religion deriued and drawen from Gods word as Scripture learning the Familistes labour to supplant the truth and not the Familistes to whom for multitude of writinges they are not comparable some one of vs as Caluin hauing written so much as noe one man eitherin these or our Fathers daies hath done the like (a) Beza in vit Cal. Musculus and Luther and Erasmus and euerie of these hath written more then any man can read in many score of yeares (b) Bodin in method hist c. 5. which Erasmus composed so many Epistles and Letters as gathered together would neere loade two Cartes or Wagons (c) Eras catal Luc●b And therefore equall many Bibles in bulke and bignesse And could not the heretickes in all ages say as much for their founders as the Familistes here doe of H.N. viz. that their bookes were many and themselues as studious and painefull in writing of discourses for the propagating of their inuentions as euer the true and faithful seruants of God were or bee for the implanting of the truth Manes that Arch-hereticke and great grand Father to H. N. his errors was the Father of sundrie
Marestie viz. that the writings of H. N. or seruice of Loue further true religion and godlinesse are most false and vttered either by some ignorants which know not what the Seruice of Loue meaneth or of policie to bleare his Highnesse eyes that hee should not perceaue the daunger of this pretended Loue Seruice Obserue next their opinion of this their Seruice of Loue as that it is the true safe-making Gods seruice besides which there is not any God seruice more neither in heauen nor yet in earth and that whoso haue not this seruice or withdraw themselues therefrom haue no liuing God and hence coniecture what their thoughts be not onely of the Seruice of the Church of England and all other Christian Churches but of the doctrine also in them professed with all professors of Christianitie ignorant and Aduersaries to H. N. and his newe Seruice Besides it is not to be neglected that the doctrine in the Seruice of Loue deliuered by H. N. in these places is called The newe day The day of the generall Resurrection The day of iudgement of the second comming of Christ of the restoring of all things of the fulfilling of all that which God hath spoken from the beginning of the world through the mouth of his holy Prophets and the Euangelists of his Christ All which plainly demonstrate H. N. his doctrine touching the generall resurrection the day of iudgement the second comming of Christ euerlasting life and finally the accomplishing of GODS promises made vnto the Patriarches Prophets and Church from euerlasting encluded in the writings of H.N. and so in the Seruice of Loue to be most hereticall and damnable This considered impudent and shamelesse are these Familistes that woulde beare the most religious Prince in hand that the writings of H. N. and Seruice of Loue make for the aduancement of godlinesse and honestie when rightly examined it ouerthroweth the very groundes and principles of true Religion without which there can bee no sounde practise of honestie and iustice among men The Family of Loue. TO the end that all people when they heare or read his writinges and doe thereby perceaue their sinnes The end of his writings and estranging from GOD and Christ mought endeuour them to bring forth the due fruictes of Repentance which is reformation and newenesse of life according as all the holy Scriptures doe likewise require the same of euerie one and that they mought in that sort become saued through Iesus CHRIST the onely Sauiour of all the world The Examination HEere reade wee the ende indeede of H. N. his wrightings Against the end of H. N. his wrightings viz. to inuite all men vnto repentance and newenesse of life and yet deserueth hee no praise at all as the Familistes woulde make his Highnesse belieue hee dooth for this exhortation of his For what meaneth hee by Repentance but that all men not yet of his Family should forsake or abiure the Religion which they haue beene brought vp in and vnlearne againe whatsoeuer they haue taken on and learned to themselues out of the Scriptures in the Christian assemblies where GODS word is read preached and hearde VVhat by newenesse of life But that wee become young ones in the Family or house of Loue VVhat by saluation but the state of a Familist which is all pure or of an Elder in the louely being All people sayth H. N. are called and friendly bidden through H. N. to the repentance for their sinnes and to the house of the loue of Iesus Christ the Rest of all the Saints or children of God (a) H.N. Cri voice c. 1. §. 1. Let euery one leaue now his owne word doctrine and taken on knowledge and also the word the doctrine and knowledge of al vnsent Preachers and good-thinking wise where-through yee are seduced c. and come now all to this same Sanctuarie of GOD (b) Ibid. c. 2. §. 5. meaning the house of Loue called before the Rest of all the Saints or children of God Come also now all which through your ignorant knowledge or misunderstanding haue withdrawen your selues sayth H. N. from this same stoole of grace and louely house of the Loue of Iesu Christ and from our Communalty taken occasion of offence at our littlenesse or simplenes at the godly Testimonies of our sayings and euen so made vp your selues as Resisters against vs and our good doctrine and exercises or orders separated your selues from vs and growen to be bitter minded or displeased toward vs together with all yee that haue mistrusted vs also not belieued the holy word of the eternall truth which we through Gods grace administer vnder the obedience of the Loue but doubted therof c. and repent you of your sinnes to your sanctification and to the health of your soules (c) Ibid. §. 7. On the other side saith H. N. All those which loue rather the darknes that the Light cleaue more vnto the world and the worldly thinges than vnto the gracious Worde in the Seruice of Loue heare belieue and followe rather their good thinking than the Testimonies of the holy Spirit of Loue which are set forth and offered vnto them by the Elders in the holy Communaltie of Loue out of the heauenly truth and euen so waxe offended thereat or hold them backe therefrom and resist the Seruice of Loue Those shall all if they turne them not to the Seruice of the Loue nor repent them of their sinnes become broken in pieces and iustly beare their blame or be punished with the euerlasting destruction and bide captiued for euer and euer with the death and mortalitie (d) H. N. Exhort c. 14. §. 10. Vnto this Repentance doth H. N. exhort This is the opinion which H. N. had and his disciples and schollers haue of themselues and their fauorers they are all forsooth in the state of saluation and cannot perish but they who neither bee Familistes nor wel-willers to their doctrine exercises and orders are all vnder the curse of God like eternally to bee damned vnlesse they alter their mindes and renounce their faith and religion thoughe grounded vppon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles because with H. N. the Diuell is their Father (e) Spirit Land pres §. 9. and they are the children of wrath a cursed people coheires of the euerlasting fire (f) Ibid. §. 10. and shall bee cast into the bottom-lesse pit into the fire of Hell (g) H. N. Prouerbs c. 5. §. 15. Then which conclusions nothing is more Hereticall and accursed and this was it among other thinges why his Maiestie tearmed these Familistes Puritanes and a most vile Secte viz. euen because they deeme all the world besides themselues to bee but abhomination in the sight of God Their H. N. speaketh much of Iesus Christ in his bookes but in no one place that I coulde yet meete withall dooth hee acknowledge Christ to bee eyther true GOD or very man at least not
GOD and man in one person but commonly with him hee is an allegoricall CHRIST meant either by the Sabbaoth day which the Lord commaunded to be alwayes had in remembrance (h) H. N. Enang cap. 13. §. 2. 2 Document-sent c. 3. §. 4. or by the Seruice or doctrine of H. N. which also is CHRIST after the flesh (i) Exhort c. 14. §. 1. as hee vnderstandeth the Scriptures or by the vertuous qualities and Being in godly men (k) Enang c. 13. §. 16. 1. Exhort c. 1 §. 24.25 ca. 20. §. 5. or by the oldest Elder in the Familie which sometimes was H. N. and is now one man now another (l) Euang. c. 31. §. 12.14.16 An obedient and godly life is Christ Iesus saith the Exile (m) Patterne of pres Temps And so are men saued by the doctrine of this Familie either by their owne workes or vertues or by their Oldest Elders or by the doctrine of H N or Seruice of Loue or by the holie Rest but neuer by our Christ acknowledged in the Church of England Thus haue yee the ende of H. N. his writinges suitable certes vnto his method and doctrine for which he is so renowned but to their small comfort and credit among the Familistes The Familie of Loue. NOtwithstanding deare Soueraigne yet hath the said Author and his doctrine a lone time and stillis The Families complaint most shamefully and falsely slandered by our foresaide aduersaries both in this Land and in diuers others as to be replenished with all manner of damnable errors and filthie libertie of the flesh The Examination AFter a long and lothsome narration they come now to a new complaint and that still on the behalfe of their H. N. and his disciples It is not yet an hundred yeares since the said author was borne nor 60. yeares since his doctrine came first to light and was broched nor 50. yeares yet since it arriued in this realme a blessed thing had it beene for many a Christian soule had either H. N. neuer breathed or his doctrine neuer beene hatched But how many yeares soeuer haue passed since his opinions and mysteries came to light if hitherto they bee all knowen through the goodnesse of God yet there is not one of al the Churches Protestant and reformed that fauoureth but all bid open and vtter defiance to H. N. his bookes and errors H. N. himselfe in his life time much complained that all degrees in all Lands abhorred his writings (a) H.N. 1. refrein §. 4. In this Land both H.N. and his lothsome which he calleth Louely Familie of Loue haue beene displaied once confuted often resisted alwayes but shamefully and falsely slandered either by forraine or home-writers it was neuer that hetherto I could heare and so must I thinke till I see the extant writings against them conuicted of vntruthes and disproued as slanderous That H.N. his bookes are replenished with damnable errors it will be iustified and hath alreadie in this examination and else where beene manifested The Familie of Loue. AND wee his wel-willers and fauourers in the vpright drift of his doctrine as aforesaid haue also been by them complained on and accused vnto our late gracious Soueraigne the Magistrates of this Land both long time past and nowe lately againe as to bee a people so infected and stained with all manner of detestable wickednesse and errors that are not worthie to liue vpon the earth but yet would neuer present any of his bookes vnto his Maiestie to peruse nor yet set them forth in any indifferent or true manner to the viewe of the world least their malitious and slanderous reportes and accusations against the same and vs should thereby haue beene reuealed and disproued to their great shame The Examniation NOw complaine they of iniuries offered to themselues The verie drift of H.N. is to thwart or discredit rather whatsoeuer is taught in the Church of England and else-where from the letter of the holy Scriptures and to bring in another Gospell viz. after H. N. Such as are the wil-willers and fauourers of H.N. in the said his drift as the Familists here confesse themselues to be not only deserue to bee complained vppon and accused vnto authoritie but to bee accursed of God and man if they persist in their wicked course as a people infected with most detestable wickednesse and errors and the verie plague and bane of sound religion And those men which haue acquainted authoritie with their errors and impieties haue done good seruice therin and their bounden duties both vnto God his Church and the State Whether any of H. H. his bookes haue beene presented vnto our late most gratious Soueraigne of aie blessed memorie I cannot say but I surely coniecture that shee could not be ignorant of the contents of his writinges when the Lords of her Counsaile as afore hath beene declared censured some of her house-hold seruants for abbetting H. N. and his detestable heresies They which againe doe say that their aduersaries would neuer present any of H. N. his bookes vnto her Maiestie to peruse say more then they can affirme yea which is palpably vntrue For who abhorreth H. N. his bookes or H.N. rather for his hereticall blasphemies but euer were desirous that his said errors contained in his books might in his said bookes be read of her Maiestie that by her authoritie the better they and al such as fauour those bookes containing such errors might condignely be censured When these Familistes dare tell his Maiestie that their aduersaries would neuer present H. N. his bookes nor any of them vnto her Highnesse it appeareth they herein saying true that she had alwayes about her some Familistes or fauourers of that Sect who alwaies related or bare tidinges what was donne or intended against them It is wished that his nowe Maiesties Court were purged from such well willers and fauourers of H. N. in the maine drift of his hellish hereticall doctrine where-with her Maiesties was but too-much replenished How H. N. his bookes by their aduersaries haue beene set-forth the worlde may iudge 26. yeares haue they beene extant a sufficient time for the Familie both to iustifie their H. N. and to discouer the malice slanderous reports of their accusers if there were iust cause Hitherto haue the Familistes beene silent and yet are both confident in their wicked courses not ashamed to expresse so much before his most-Christian and royall Maiestie The Familie of Loue. THrough which their most-odious false complaints against vs the Magistrates did then A new and odious narration and also haue now lately cast diuers of vs into prison to our great hinderance and discredite but yet haue neuer proued against vs by sufficient and true testimonie any one of their many foule accusations as the records in such cases and the magistrates that haue dealt therein can testific but are so vtterly voide of due and lawfull proofe thereof that they
doubt that our King IAMES may of al be the first is their heartie desire end of their instant perition Hence they humbly beseech his Maiestie to peruse the bookes of their H. N himselfe with an vnpartiall eye as the principall meanes to make him a Familist and a Maister of that household of Loue especially within his owne Realmes and Dominions which he vouchsafing to do they promise by their best endeuour to procure his Maiesty so many of H. N. his bookes as they can and of such their illuminats as they can heare of euer inward with H. N. his doctrine well exercised in his works and perfect in his tongue words phrases and all out of Germany Which is a bold offer of theirs and the more audacious and gracelesse because they confesse here his Ma. to be Scripture-learned we know him among Christian Princes the chiefest Patrone of all men studious and conuersant in the Scriptures of God which kind of men of all others these Familistes cannot brook which Scriptures and Scripture-learned men are most opposite euer haue beene to H. N. his doctrine and his doctrine Seruice of Loue or secrets contrarie nothing more vnto the sayd Scriptures and such learned men For sayth H. N. as hath afore beene alleadged and is neuer by mee mentioned but in detestation of the speech It is assuredly all false and lyes seducing and deceitfull that the vngodded or vnilluminated Men out of the imagination or riches of their owne knowledge and of their learnednesse of the Scriptures bring foorth institute preach and teach Besides what a mockery is it to beare his Highnesse in hand that H. N. his workes and wrightings rightly and with an vnpartiall eye considered are nothing dissonant from the Scriptures of God knowing vnlesse they credit him not herein their oldest Elder and chiefest Illuminate H. N. vtterly as false and lyes seducing and deceitfull to condemne whatsoeuer is grounded vpon the same Scriptures of God The Family of Loue. ANd so vpon such your Highnesse godly aduised consultation and censure thereupon finding the same workes hereticall or sedicious and not agreeable to Gods holy word and testimonies of all the Scriptures to leaue them to take them as your Maiesties lawes shall therin appoint vs hauing no intent nor meaning to contend or resist there-against howsoever it be but dutifully to obey thereunto according to the counsell of the Scriptures and also of the sayd Authors workes The Examination VPon his Maiesties censuring of H. N. his doctrine and vvrightinges they promise obedience vnto his lawes and proceedinges which is conscionably they doe performe then shall they shewe themselues to bee honest and good men But the doctrine of dissimulation and temporizing is so often dispersed and rise in H. N. his wrightinges and the sayde workes of H. N. in all this their supplication so magnified and euen in this their verie petition so expresly acknowledged to proceede euen out of the great grace and loue of God and Christ extended towardes all Kings Princes Rulers and people vpon the vniuersall earth to their saluation c. as it is to be feared that what obedience soeuer they pretēd outwardly to his Maiesties lawes iniunctions constitutions their heart yet dissenteth from his and all Religions else in the world differing from theirs to which notwithstanding for quietnesse sake they will not sticke perhaps outwardly to conforme themselues wheresoeuer they reside in Great Britanie and Ireland to the Kings profession in Spaine at Rome or elsewhere to the Romane superstition and idolatry (a) Pattern of the pres Tēps in externall matters alwayes following the stronger part reseruing their hearts vnto their H. N. and his Seruice of Loue as many Papistes doe vnto the Pope according to the iniunction in like cases where they are too weake Da mihi cor Fili sufficit For our Familistes are Free men and can walke in all freedome among all people (b) H. N. Spir. Land c. 41. § 6. VVhat the religion is which his Maiestie dooth professe and will resolutely as Gods holy and onely truth protect is well knowne to his Highnesse Subiectes yea to the whole World (c) Proclam at Wilt. 27. Octob At Westm 22. Feb. 5. March At the parliam 19. March 163. A Religion grounded vpon the Scriptures aduersant to all humane inuentions and spirituall or diabolicall reuelations and visions whatsoeuer Now put-case his Maiestie will not vouchsafe as good hope is he will not from his most serious weightie affaires of his kingdome to steale opportunitie to suruaie the wrightings of H. N. yea will neither reade them himselfe nor yet like Constantine the great (d) Tripart hist lib. 2. c. 15. suffer his well meaning Subiectes of weake capacities to reade yea nor to deteine such wrightings by them as are opposite contrary or differing from the religion by himselfe professed by Lawe established and which truly embraced will bring men to saluation will not our Family giue ouer their Loue Seruice to serue God as the King and his lawfull subiectes do according to Gods word Their wordes before that they neuer heard nor knew any lawe established in this Realme against H. N. and his bookes and their secret and parlour meetings and administration of their H. N. his Seruices euen from the beginning almost of that blessed Queenes raigne ELIZABETH of fresh and honorable remembrance doth plainly intimate how it is neither the Kings owne writings Proclamations Actes Statutes Ecclesiasticall Canons and Constitutions nor whatsoeuer else hee decreeth for the ratification of one and the same Religion and condemnation of all others contrarie or crossing the same in his Realmes and Dominions that they regarde or will yielde vnto vntill his Highnesse with good discretion hath read and vpon sound aduise disallowed and censured as hereticall seditious or dissonant from Gods holy word the workes and writings of their H. N. For vpon such his Highnesse godly aduised graue consultation and Censures they promise to yielde and leaue the workes bookes and wrightings of their doctor H.N. but not afore The Family of Loue. ANd our further humble sute vnto your Highnesse is Their second Petition that of your gracious fauour and clemencie you will grant and giue order vnto your Maiesties Officers in that behalf that all of vs your faithfull louing Subiects which are now in prison in any part of this your Realme for the same cause may be released vpon such bayle or bonde as we are able to giue and that neither we nor any of that company behauing our selues orderly and obediently vnder your Highnesse Lawes may be any further persecuted or troubled therein vntill such time as your Maiestie and such godly learned and indifferent men of your clergie as your Highnesse shall appoint thereto shall haue aduisedly consuited and determined of the matter whereby that we may not be vtterly wasted by the great charge of imprisonment persecution and